i M M A P. LTIN LANGUAGE UwdL C + » ( ?J <£ ■ on SOUTHERN BOOK EXCH/^f RALEIGH, N. C DEALERS IN . tD A^D RARE BOOKS, £t ' * I DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure %gom ERRATA. The following arc some of the most imporatant errata in the Ety. {■mology and Syntax : the teacher will do well to correct at once* Page 134, Rem. 1, for bove in read bovem. " . Ex. " movebitur tt *movebuntur . l An it "{ edis or ee, edit or est; i*tu editis or estis. « (< iv-eroris n iv-ero, -eris, §<:. 148 " §83,2 tt § 84, 2; 152 •" §85,2 tt f 86, 2. 168, Examp. ; « §129 tt ' § 129, Rem. 6. 1 7 'J, se ipse ; ** §84, b • tt §•85, b. 173, §144, Rem. 1, ducire tt ducere. " R. xvi; «"« Dative to a Dative of. tt it tt gnundine tt gerundive. 175,Grermanis; " §141 a \ 142. " mihi, " xiv a xvi. 180, annos, " •§ 152 . tt § 153. 191, Rem. 1, " morire , it moriri. • 192,§178, Rem. 1; epistota it epistola. 194, capiendi ; *' § 177 it §176. 195 ; must love; " ? 178, Rem. 2 1 178, Rem. 1. 203, " § 189, Exc \ 180, Ex.' (c). 206, as he all? gcd ■as they alleged. 207, Rem. 4 ; " imperus a imperitus. 216,11. ft, b; " oceuluftur ' , o.ccultetur. . the reference, •§ 183. . , follow vivamus'. the running bead s ould ■■ ro Obliqfa ; and tiiet title should i" • A GRAMMAR OP THE LATIN LANGUAGE: FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS, WITH EXERCISES AND VOCABULARIES: £ By Wm. BINGHAM, A. M., OP THE BINGHAM SCHOOL. ^ GREENSBORO, N. C: PUBLISHED BY STERLING, CAMPBELL t ALBRIGHT- Richmond, Va., W. Hauqrave White. 18 6 3.. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1862, by By WILLIAM BINGHAM, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Confed- erate States, for the District of Pamlico, North Carolina. i * -,&!■, ,)w - IS. • is I G -2 PREFACE. In preparing the accompanying work it has been the aim of the author to supply what he has felt in his own experience to be a great desideratum, — a practical first book in Latin, suited to the capacity of beginners, and yet full enough for a book of reference throughout a course of preparation for college. Free use has been made of the 'works of the best German, English, and American authors, and no pains have been spared to produce a book adapted to the wants of our Southern youth. The almost insuper- able difficulties in the way of publication render it impos- sible to present the work in the most desirable style of binding and typography ; but the author is assured that such defects as result from the terrible struggle through which our nation is passing, will be readily overlooked. It will be observed that the paradigms have been sylla- bicated with reference to the English method of prouncia tion ; but the teacher can without difficulty use either the Roman or Continental method. Madvig'e system of gender in the third declension has been adopted as the most philosophical and the shortest, all the rules and exceptions occupying but two pages ; and IT • PREFACE. though teachers will find it inconvenient to have old asso- ciations broken up, the author is convinced that a fair trial will satisfy all that this system is the best. The exercises have been taken, for the most part from ' classical authors, and are so arranged as to constitute a continual review of what precedes. Those teachers who prefer the synthetic methpd of instruction to the exclusion of the analytic, can omit the exercises, as the work is com- plete without them. Many facts of the language, which the pupil will readily find out for himself, have been omitted ; also a number which properly pertain to the subject of Latin prase com- position, on which subject the author proposes to prepare a work for the use of schools. The work, imperfect as the author is conscious that it is, is commended to the teachers of the Confederate States as an auxiliary, however feeble, in establishing Southern lit- erary and intellectual independence. Oaks, N. C, May 10th, 1863. LATIN GRAMMAR. § 1. Latin Grammar is the science of the Latin lan- guage. It treats of the words of the language, and the laws by which they are combined into sentences. It is divided into Etymology and Syntax. ETYMOLOGY. § 2. Etymology treats, 1. Of the letters which make up words, and their pronunciation ; 2. Of the changes which words undergo ; 3. Of their derivation. LETTERS. , § 3. A letter is a mark used to represent a sound of the human voice. In the Latin alphabet there are twenty-five letters. They arc A,a; B,b ; C,c ; D,d ; E,e ; F,f; G,g; H,h ; I,i. J,j; K,k; L,l; M,m ; N,n ; 0,0; P,p ; Q,q ; E,r ; S,s ; T,t; U,u; V,V; X,x ; Y,y ; Z,z. Remark. I and J vrere originally the same letter ; bo also U and V. K, Y, and Z are used only in words derived from the Greek. H is a breathing, PRONUNCIATION. §4 — 8 § 4. Letters are divided into vowels and consanants. The vowels are. a, e, i, o, u, y. f four are liquids, 1, m. n, r ; f three are c sounds, c, g, q, — ; Of the consonants, -J four are p sounds, p, b, f, v ; j two are t sounds, t, d ; [ two are double consonants, x, z. DIPHTHONGS. § 5. A diphthong is the union of two vowels in one sound. The diphthongs are ae, oe, (often written together, se 5 03) ai, au, ei, eu, oi. PRONUNCIATION. § 6. Continental method. Short a, as in hat. Long 0, as in »<*, Long a, as in father. u, as in do. Short c, as in met. & and the antepenult. QUANTITY, ACCENT. 2 9. Rule. 1. All diphthongs are long. Rule 2. A vowel before another vowel is short. Rule 3. A vowel before two consonants or a double consonant is long by position. Rule 4. Dissyllables are accented on the penult ; as d*-\is. Rule 5. Polysyllables are accented (a) on the penult if the penult is long ; as le-o-nis. (b) on the antepenult if the penult is short ; as rfom-i-nus. EXPLANATION OF MARKS. I 10. The marks of punctuation are the comma (,), used to mark the shortest pauses ; the semicolon (;), used to mark a pause twice as long as the comma ; the colon (:), used to mark a pause three times as long as the comma ; the period (.), used to mark the longest pause ; the interrogation point (?), which shows that a question is asked ; and the exclamation point (!), used to mark expressions of •surprise, grief, &c. Penultimate vowels, when long, will be itali- cized. DIVISION OP WORDS. § 11. I. Words are divided according to their forma- tion into 1. Primitive ; i. e. not derived from otjier words ; as, man, king. • 8 nouns. §12, 13 2. Derivative; i. e. derived from other words; as, manly, kingdom, .3. Simple ; i. e. not made up of other words ; as> man. 4. Compound; i. e. made up of other words: as, mankind. II. Words are divided according to their meaning into eight classes called part? of speech : viz. the Noun, Ad- jective, Pronoun, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunc- tion, Interjection. NOUNS. § 12. 1. A noun is the name of a thing;* as, man, eity. 2. A common noun is the name of any one of a class of things ; as, man, city. 3. A proper noun is the name of an individual thing ; as, Coesar, Rome. 4. An abstract noun is the name of a quality, action, being, or mode of action or being ; as, goodness, run- ning. 5. A collective noun is one which in the singular der notes more than one ; as, multitude. g Gender, Number, Case, Person. § 13. 1. To nouns belong gender, number, case, and person. 2. Natural gender denotes the distinction of sex. * A thing is whatever one can think of (res, — re<*)- §14,15 GENDER, NUMBER, CASE. 3. Grammatical gender is that which is determined, not by sex, but bj declension and termination. Rule 1. Names of male beings, and of most rivers, windsj months, mountains, and nations, are masculine. Rule 9. Names of female beings, cities, countries, trees, plants, islands, ships*, and gems, are feminine. Rule 8. Nouns which are neither masculine nor femi- nine, are neuter. Rule 4. .Some nouns are either masculine or feminine. These, if they are names of Hying beings, are said to be e/ the common gender ; if of things without life, of the doubt- ful gender. §14. Number is the variation of form whioh shows whether one thing is meant, or more than one. The singular number is the form which denotes one thing ; as, stell-a, a star : the plural is the form which denotes more than one ; as, 8tell-ce, stars. § 15. Case is the variation of form which shows the relation of the noun to other words. Latin nouns hare six cases : viz. (a) The nominative, whieh answers the question who ? or what ? and gives the simple name of the thing spoken of ; (b) The genitive, which marks those relations expressed in English by of, or the possesj^ve case ; as, umbra, ' the shade, {ofwliat?) sylvse, of the forest; (c) The dative, which denotes that to or for which, or with reference to which, any thing is, or is done ; (d) The accusative, which is the object of a transitive verb, or of eertain prepositions ; (e) The vocative, which is used when a person is ad- dressed : 10 FIRST DECLENSION. §16 18 s — . : _ , (f) The ablative, which marks those relations expressed in English by from, with, in, by. § 16. Person means the character which a noun 04' pronoun has, according as it represents the speaker, the person spoken to, or the thing spoken of. A noun or pronoun representing the speaker is of the first person ; as, /, Darius, make a decree. Here "/," and " Darius'* are of the 1st person. A noun or pronoun representing the person spoken to is of the second person; as, Do you hear me, Robert? Here "you " and " Robert " are of the 2nd person. Remark. — Things without life are sometimes addressed and are tfeen said to be personified, or treated as persons. A noun 01 pronoun representing the thing spoken of Ts of the third person ; as, John runs, icater freezes. Here "John" and "water" are of the 3rd person. INFLECTION. § 17. The changes which words undergo to express their different relations is called inflection. The inflection of nouns is called declension ; that of verbs, conjugation. There are five declensions in Latin, distinguished by the endings of the genitive singular. . THE FIRST DECLENSION. § 18. Latin nouns which have 03 in the genitive singu- lar are of the first declension. The terminations are, Nom. and Voc. a Gen. as Dat. X Ace. am Abl. a §19 EXERCISE. 11 Sing. Plur. ♦ arum is as is- By adding these terminations to tke stem mens — , which means a table, we have the following PARADIGM. Singular. Plural. N»m. wews-a, a talk. mens-sc, tables. Gen. menS'SC of a table. wms-arum, of tables. Dat. mens-dd, t* or for a table, mens-is, to or for tables. Ace. rnens-tLm,a table. mens-as, tables, Voc. mens~a, table ! mens-se, O tables ! Abl. mens-a, with, from, in, mens-is, with, from, in, by, a table. by, tables. Remark. — The Latin has no article; therefore rhensa may be ren- Uertd a table, or the table, according to the connection. Rule, Latin nouns of this declensien are feminine. Exc. 1. Names and appellations of men, as Galba, nemta. Exc. 2. Names of rivers. Exc. 3. Hadria, the Adriatic sea, is masc. ; and dama. a fallow deer, and talpa, a mole, are common. Note. — Dca, a goddess; equa, a mare; fiUa, a daughter ; and mulct, a she-mule, hare sometimes abut in the dative and ablative plural. For Greek nouns of 1st Dec, see appendix I. EXERCISE. 1. % § 19. Like mensa decline 4he following noum, and com- mit to memory their meanings. Aquila, eagle. Epistola. letter. Aqua, water. Nauta, ($ 18, Exc.l.) tailor. Columba, dove. 'Insula, itland. 12 EXERCISES. §20 Corona, crown Luna, moon. Ara, altar, Medicma, medicine. Agricola, (g 18, Exc. 1.) farmar. Poeta, (g 18, Exc. 1.) poet. Ala, wing. Regr'na, queen. Ancilla, maid- servant. Fuga, flight. Injuria, injury. Pluma, feather. Belga. {I 18, Exo, 1.) a Belgian, Filia, daughter. Translate into English. Columbae. Coronarum. Aris. Reginam. Filiabus. Injuriis. Belgarum. Fuga. Alis. Ancillaes Ancillis. Injuriarum. Columbis. Translate into Latin. Of water. For the farmer. Of the maid servants. To the farmers. By wings. Of feathers. To sailors. The letter. By the letters. In the island. Of islands. Of the moon. > EXERCISE. 2. § 20. Rule. The genitive is used to limit the meaning of nouns, and also ©f some adjectives, verbs, and adverbs. Thus pluma means a feather, any feather ; but when tho genitive columba is added, the application of pluma is limited, or confined to the* dove; columbai pluma means a dove's feather, and no other sort. Rule of position. The emphatic word, whether limiting or limited, stands first. Thu8,^/£a regi'nae, the daughter (not the eon) »f the quoen ; reginse filia, the queen's (not fche king's) daughter. Translate into English. Columbae plwma. Columbarum plwmae. Columbae alis. Filia agricolro. Agricola) filia. Agricolarum filiabus. Reg- inarumeoronse. Coronae reginarum. Nautae epistola. In- juria po«tae. Insula Belgarum. Fuga ancillae. Ancilla- rum fuga. §21 SUBJECT AND PREDICATE. 13 Translate into Latin. [Emphatic words are in italics.] In the island of the Belgians. For the altars of the Belgians. A sailor's letter. The Queen's letter. By the flight of the farmer. The flight of the farmer's doves. The injury of the queen's maid-ser- Tants. daughters of the queen's maid-servants! The water of the island. EXERCISE. 3. Subject and Predicate. Partial conjugation of verbs. §21. LA sentence is a thought expressed in words ; as, snow melts. 1. Every sentence consists of (a) A Predicate ; i. e. that which is declared ; (b) A subject ; i. e. that of which the declaration is made. In the sentence "snow melts,'* the predicate is •' melts," because "melts ; ' is what i3,declared or asserted about ** snow ;" the subject is " wow," because it is the thing about which the declaration is made — what melts ? snow. 2. The Predicate is a verb alone, (as melts in the a- bove example,) or the verb to be with a noun, adjective, or participle ; as, snow is cold. 3. The subject is a noun, or some word or phrase used as a noun, and may be known by asking the question who ? or what f with the predicate ; as, John runs. ( Who runs ? John.) To play is pleasant. ( What is pleasant ? To play.) 4. The subject and predicate may stand alone, or each may have other words limiting its moaning ; as> boys rwto ; some boys run fast. 14 VERB — MOOD. §21 II. A verb is a- word which declares, or affirms some- thing. 1. Verbs have (a) Moods, or different forms which express different kinds of affirmation. (b) Tenses, or different forms to show the time when the thing declared takes place. (c) Voices, or different forms which show whether the subject acts, (as, John strikes,) or is acted upon, (as, John is struck.) (d) Persons and Numbers, or different forms whicl correspond to the person and number of the subject. 2. These various forms are distinguished from one another by certain endings ; and the adding of these endings to the stem is called conjugation. MOODS. . III. 1. The Infinitive mood expresses the action of the verb simply, without reference to any subject ; as, am-are, to love. ■ 2. The Indicative mood declares a fact, or asks a question ; as, amat, he loves ; amat-ne ? Does he love ? TENSES. IV. 1. The Present tense expresses incomplete action in present time ; as, amo, I love, I am loving, 2. The Imperfect tense expresses incomplete action in past time ; as, amabam, I was loving. 3. The Future tense expresses incomplete action in future time ; as, amabo, I will love, I mil be lomng. §t2 CONJUGATIONS. 15 CONJUGATIONS. V. 1. There are four Conjugations, distinguished from one another by the termination of the Infinitive Present Active. The Infinitive Present Active of the first Con- jugation ends in-are. Rule. To find the stem of a verb, strike off the In- finitive ending. 'ACTIVE TERMINATIONS. INFINITIVE, rt-re. INDICATIVE. Present. Imperfect. Singular. Future. 1st Person a-bam a-bo 2nd u as a-bas a-bis 3rd €< at a-bat Plural. " a-bit 1st St a-mus ' a-Ja-nius ai-i-mus 2nd tt ct-tis a-6a-tis ao-i-tis 3rd (( ant a-bant ar-bunt By adding these terminations to the stem am of amare, to love, we have the following: * PARTIAL PARADIGM. infinitive present, a-ma-re, to love. * INDICATIVE mood. „ Present. Sing, a-mo,* I love, or am loving, a-mas, thou lovest, or art hving, a-raat, he lovtt, or is loving, Plur. ama-mus, we love, or are loving, %-ma-tu, y« or you love, or are lotxnj, a-mant, they love, or are loving. * Accented ijll*blea ar« italicized abore, whether long or short. 16, EXERCISE. §21 Imperfect. Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur. a-ma-bam, a-ma-bas, a-wa-bat, am-a-ia-mus, &m-&~ba-tis, a-wta-bant, a-ma-bo, a-raa-bis, a-ma-bit, a-rnab -i-mus, a.-mab-i-t\8, a-wm-bunt, I was loving, thou wast loving, he was loving, we were loving, ye or you were loving, they were loving. Future. 1 shall love, <> thou wilt love, he will love, we shall love, ye or you will love, they will love. Form in the same manner these tenses of vol-are, salt-are, cant-are, delect-arc, par-are, to fly, to dance, to sing, to delight, to prepare, laud-are, voc-are, occup-are, arm- are, tcdific-are, to praise, to call, . to seize, to arm, to build. EXERCISE. 4. 1. A Transitive verb is one which requires an object to complete the sense ; as, poeta reginam lawdat, the poet praises the queen. 2. An Instransitive verb is one which does not re- quire an object to complete the sense ; as, aquila volat, the eagle flies. # '* 8. Rule of Syntax. The subject of a finite verb is in the Nominative., . * 4. Rule of Syntax. The direct object of a transitive verb is in the accusative. {Reginam above is the direct ob- ject of laudat ; i. e. the thing to which the praising is di- rected.) §21 ANLYSIS OF WORDS. 17 5. Rule of Syntax. The verb agrees with its subject in number and person. , 6. Rule of Position. The snbject usually stands a* the beginning of the sentence. 7. Rule of Position. The direct object precedes the verb. 8. To analyze a sentence is to separate it into its parts and show their relation to aach other. 9. To analyze a word is to tell its properties, and its re- lation to other words. Poeta regmam iaudat, the poet praises the queen. ANALYSIS OF THE SENTENCE. The predicate of this sentence is Iaudat, because it is that which is declared or asserted about the poet. The subject is poeta, because it is that of which the prais- ing is declared. (Who praises ? The poet.) The predicate is limited by reginam, the direct object, (i. e. the thing to which the praising is directed.) ANALYSIS OF THE WORDS. Poeta is a common noun, masculine, lsfl (decl.), — here decline it, — found in the nominative singular, subject of audat. Rule, The subject of a finite verb is in the nomi- native. (Here let the teacher ask, " Why called a noun Why a common noun ? Why masc. ? Why of tke 1st decl.? Why accented on the penult ? &c.") Reginam is a common noun, feminine, 1st. (here deelinc it,) found in the accusative singular, object of Iaudat. Rule, The object of a transitive verb is in the accusative. Laudat is a verb, transitive, 1st (conj.), found in the In- dicative-Present active, 3rd person singular, (here inflect the tense,) agreeing with poeta as its subject. Rule, The 2 18 ANALYSIS OF WORDS. §22, 23 ■ verb agrees with its subject in number and person. (Here let the teacher ask, " Why called a verb ] Why transi- tive 1 Why of 1st coiij. ? Why indicative 1 &c.) Translate into English and analyze. § 22,'NA.gricola poetam am'at^ Aquila volabat. Ancil- lae meclianam parabunt. Belgae aras aedificabant. Nauta? insulam occupabunt. Corona re^?'nam delectabit. Agri- cola filiam vocabat. Translate into Latin. The maid-servants are preparing the table. The queen was calling the farmer's daughter. The poets will praise the queen. The sailor's daughter will sing. The farmers are building an altar. The moon delights the poet. We love the queen. < You were calling the maid-servants. § 23. \ EXERCISE 5. Vocabulary. uoibra,®, shadow. puella,w, girl. obBcur-are to obscure. » copise, arum, forces. t kingdoms. Rem. 1. Names of frees, plants, &c., are fern, by the general rule. Alvus, belly ; carbasus, linen; colus, distaff : humus, ground; and vannus, fan, are fern. Virus, juice, and pelagus, sea, are neuter. Vulgus, common people, is neuter — rarely masculine. Rem. 2. In proper names in ius, with filius, %on, and genius, guar- dian spirit, the vocative ending e is absorbed ; as, Tullius, voc. Tulli. Mcus has mi in the voc. Deus, god, has Z>«t/s in the vOc» and in the plural N. and V. Dii ; G. Deorum; Dat. and Abl. Diis, Deis, Dis ; Ace. Deos. Rem. 3. The ending orum of the Gen. pi. is sometimes contracted into urn. Rem. 4. Neuter nouns of all declensions have the nominative, ac- cusative, and vocative alike, and these cases in the plural end al- ways in a. § 25. EXERCISE 6. Vocabulary, ilominMi i*a*ter (of a family,) ■, t s f ambassador, dommtis,!, j tord> legatus,i, \ Heutenant servus,i, slave. vicus,i, village. nuntius.i, messenger. hortus,i, garden. Tnllius,i, TuUy. lupus,i, wolf. Craesus,i, Crassus. • Germanus,i, a German. captiYuSji, captive. re-voc-are, to recall, call bad-; Helvetiu8,i, a Helvetian. re- means back. Gallus,i, a Gaul. con-Toc-are, to call together ; nec-are, to kill, murder. con- means together. ulul-are, to Junol. rog-are, to ask for, entreat. auxilinm,i, aid. VI •! - ' Translate into English and analyze. JiUpi iilulant. Dominus servos amat. Regince filios aniant. Crassus nuntios Gallorum convocabit. Tullius agricolae hortum occupabat. Crassus vicos Helvetiorum §26 SECOND DECLENSION. 21 oceupabit. Galli Germanorum legatos ntcabunt. Ger- mani captivoa necant. Helvetii legatos revocant. Belga) insularum ineolas necabant. Tullius servum vocat. I Translate into Latin. Tullv's slaves love their* master. The master calls to- gether his* slaves. The slaves of Crassus will call the queen's maid-servants. The inhabitants of the island are killing the captives. We will call together the sons of Crassus. Tully's sou loves the sailor's daughter.. The am- bassadors of the HerVetians praise the queen. He will call together the farmer's sons. The messengers ask for aid. The Belgians will ask for aid. STEMS "IN er. § 26. Nouns whose stems end in er, drop the endings us and e of the nom. and voc. ; as gener, not generus. Most of them likewise drop the e of the stem in the ob- lique cases (all but nom. and voc. ;) as ager, Gen. agri. PARAI ■ )IGM • ■• Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural. A son-in-law. A field. N. Ge ner, gen-Q-r'i, N. A gcr, a gri. G. gen e ri, gen e ro rum, G. agri, a gro rum D. gen e ro, gen e ris, D. a gro, a gris. Ac. gen e rum, gen e roa, Ac. a grum, a gros, V. gen er, gen e ri, V. a ger, a gri. Ab gen e ro, gen e ris. Ab. a gro, a gris. Rem. 1. The following nouns retain e of the stem in all the cas«s adulter, adulterer ; gener, son^in-laxo ; Liber, Bacchus; liberi, chil dren ; puer, boy; sooer, father-in-law : vesper, evening ; and com- pounds oijer and ger ,• also the nationalnames Iher and Celiibrr. * See I 23, 3. 22 SECOND DECLENSION — DATIVE. §27, 28 Rem. 2. The solitary nown vir> man, is. declined like gener. vir ; G. viri, &c. For Greek nouns of the 2nd Dec, see appendix II. N. §27. EXERCISE 7. - Vocabulary. puer,i, boy. Tir,i. man. socer,i, father -i,n-law. g«ncr,i, son-in-law. magister,i, master (of a echool.) *ger,i, field. Hb«ri, ovnm, children. eqnup,i, horse. infren-«re, to hridle. lani-are, to tear in pieces bellum.i, war. folium,i, leaf. ovum.i, egg. aper,i, wild boar. Traulate into English and analyze, Agricola equum filiae infrcnat. Apri gen«rum re^tnse laniobunt. Folia silvzc ancillam recuse delectant.- Magis- ter pueros convocabat. Pueri magistrum amant. Tullii filia eocerum ainabit. Germani (Jallorum agros occupa- bant. Columbarum ova liberos delectant. Yiri equos in- fire'riabunt. Bellum Germernos delectant. Socer generum amat. Servus domini equum infrenat. Nauta liberos amat. Translate into Latin. The poet's children love the queen. Crasaus praises the •field's of the Helvetians. The Germans love war. The woIvog will tear in pieces the farmer's children. "Wild boars love tke shade of the forest. The master will call back the boys. Tully's horse loves (bis) master. Tbe far- mer's slaves are bridling the horses. EXERCISE 8. § 28. The Dative Case. 1. The Dative expresses that to or for which, or with reference to % which any thing is^ or is done. 2. Rule of Syntax. The remote object of a verb is in SECOND DECLENSION — DATIVE. 23 the Dative ; as, servus domino medicinam parat, the servant prepares medicine for his master. Rem. The remote object of a verb is the thing towards which its action tends without necessarily reaching it. Thus in the above ex- ample the action expressed by paiat is exerted directly upon the medicine, — medicinam, and the point to which it tends is the master, — domino, — though it does not necessarily reach that point, since it is not implied that the master receives or uses the medicine prepared for him. 3 Huh of Position. The remote object precedes the di- rect. Vocabulary. Uber,l, bonk. iHonetr-are, to show. via,se, way. niact-are, to sacrifice. laurus.i, bull. dare, to give, (the only verb of the In agnr.K,i, lamb. conj. having a Bbort in the pres.) hedus,i, kid. Translate into English and analyze. Magister puero libruni dat. Puella Crasso viam mon- strabat. Agricola diis aram sedific«bit. Galli diis tauros mactant. Servi regiusa haedum parant. Lupi agnoa lani- abunt. Agricolae filius puellne ovum dat. Galli Germanis insidias parabunt. Crassus copiis Gallorum insidias parat. Rer/ma agricolae equum dat. Galli nautis insulam mon- strant. Kegmae ancilla Gallis Gtermanorum insidias mori- strat. Translate into Latin. The queen's father-in-law will give (to) the poet a field. The queen of the Helvetians is preparing snares for Tully' forces. The inhabitants of the* island were sacrificing a lamb to the gods. The master is preparing a book for the boys. The slaves are preparing a way for their master. The master gives (to) his slave a kid. The slave gives (to) the farmer's son a dove's egg. 24 SECOND DECLENSION — ABLATIVE. §29 EXERCISE 9. §29. The Ablative Case. 1. Rule of Syntax. The Ablative expresses the cause, manner, means, and instrument ; as, Caecus avaritia, Blinded by avarice. Hoc modo fecit, He did it in this manner. Aquila alii volat, The eagle flies with his wings. Captivum gladio necat, He kills the captive with a sword. 2. Rule of Syntax . itp Ablative, (usually with the preposition in,) expresses the place where. 3. Rule of Position. Expressions of cause, manner, means, instrument, time, and place, precede the predicate. Expressions of manner, means, and instrument, are placed after the direct object, while those of cause, time, and place usually precede it. Vocabulary. in, in ; (preposition with abl.) Marcus,i, Mar J:. terra.ge, the earth, ground, ar-are, to plow. tuba,se, trumpet. vex-are, to annoy, trouble. signum,i, signal, sign. vulner-are, to wound. venenum,i, poison. culter,tri, knife. gladiue.i, sword. amlul-are, to wall: Translate into English and analyze. Marci filius Gallis signum tuba dat. (The predicate is here limited by Gallis, the remote object ; signum, the direct object; and tuba, the ablatio e of the instrument.) Agricola terram equis arat. CapU'vus Tulliuin cultro vulnerabit. Poeta in silvis ambulat. Marcus Helvetios injuriis vexc/- bat. Nauta retinae generum gladio necabit.* Grernmni capU'vos gladiis necant.* Aquihe alis volant. Retina filio regnum dat. Ancilla regitias Crassuni veneno neca- * Necare means to murder, usually with poison, hunger, &c. ; but somrtimcs also with a weapon. :30 THIRD 'DECLENSION. 25 bit. Umbram silvrc amamus. Dominus servos tuba con- vocat. Reginae socer filium Tullii injuriis vexat. Translate into Latin, The farmer's sons will plow the fields with horses. Tho girls are dancing in the forest. The poet was walking in the garden. The slaves of Tullj are preparing snares for the ambassadors of the Helvetians in the forest. The in- habitants of the islands will kill the ambassadors with their swords. The Germans were annoying the Grauls with in- juries. Doves fly with their wings. The farmer will give the sailor's daughter a lamb. Wolves are howling in tke forest. THIRD DECLENSION OF NOUNS. § 30. Nouns whose genitive ending is is are of the third declension. CASE ENDINGS. Singular. Plural. Masc. and fern. Neut. Masc. and fern. Neut. N. a, (generally). e. {sometimes.) . es. a, (i;i). G. is. is. um, (ium). urn, (ium). D- i- i. ibus. ibus. Ac. em, (sometimes im). Like nom. es. a, (ia). V. Like nom. Like nam. es. a, (ia). Ab. e, {sometimes i). (e, sometimes i). ibun. ibus. Nouns of the third declension are divided into six classes, viz. : — I. Nouns which add s to the stem in the nominative with- out any vowel change. (Fein mines). As, urh-s, urbs. II. Nouns which insert a connecting vowel (e or i) before adding s. (Fcminines). As, rup-c-s, rupes. III. Nouns which change the stem-vowel i into e before adding s. As, stem milit, milet-s, miles. (Masculines.) 26 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS I. §31 IT. Nouns which add « to the stem. (Neuters'). As, mar-e, mare. V. Nouns which present the unchanged stem in the nom- inative without adding s. (Masculines, except nouns in al, ar, ur, which are neuter). As, consul. VI. Nouns which change the stem in the nominative without adding s. As, stem virgin, — Nom. virgo. N. B. A c-sound with s makes x. As, legs, lex ; arc-s, arx. D or t before s is dropped. As, fonts, fons. § 31. CLASS I. The nominative is formed by add- ing 8 to the stem without changing the stem-vowel. PARADIGMS. 1 Singular. j N. A V. G. Ac. Abl. City. i Urb-s, w-bie, ur-bi, ur-bem, ur-be, Lau Lex, (leg Ze-gis, Ze-gi, fr.-gem, te-ge, ■8,) Praise. Lans, (land-s) Zau-dis, Zau-di, Zau-deio, Zau-de, Art. Arg, (art-s,) a?--ti«, ar-ti, ar-teta, ar-te, Citadel. Arx. (arc-s,) ur-cis, a?*-ci, ar-ce-m, ar-ce - 1 j Plural. N. C.) to, towards. rudeiiM, rudont-in, rtyi' •X, (prep, -with abl.),ou< o/. }>»'P. ]>ed-i«, /oo*. •quit-Ore, 1" rule on fiortcback. ralx. ralc-in, I 28 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS II. §33 hiem-are, to winter, spend the winter. grex, greg-i«, Jlncl-. aerv-are, to preserve, protect. lapis, lapid-is, stone. Tiol-are, to dishonor, break, (a law, <£c.) Gallia,ac, Gall. habit-are, to divell, live. Gerraania.se, Germany. mand-are, to intrust. antenna,te, saiUyard. destt'iwzre, to fasten. malus,i, mast. * rex, reg-is. Icing. pilum,i, dart. plebs, pleb-is, common people. libertas, libertat-is, liberty. ferrum,i, iron, the sword. nobilitas, nobilitat-is, nobility. cliene, client-is client. Orgetorix, Orgotorig-is, Orgetdrix. Translate into English and analyze. 'Orgetorix leges Helvetiorum violabat. Plebs liberta- teni ferro servabit. Nautse antennas ad malos rudentibus destmant. Puer calceni servi lapide vulnerat. Crassus ex urbe ad vicum equitat. Oopia? Germaaoruni in Gallia hiem«bunt. . Galli in Gallia habitant. Hex nobilittfti urbem mandat. Crassi Alius clientes ex agris in urbem convooat. Lupi dentibus agnos laniant. Galli Crassum pilis neccc- buntf Germani, G&llos bellis vexaat. Translate into Latin. Tbe boys are riding from the village to the city. The farmer's sobs live in the forest. The doves will fly out of the fields into the forest. The king was calling together the common people out of the village into the city. The king will give the kingdom to his son. Crassus will break the laws of Gaul. The king's son will preserve the liberties of the common people. The boys are wounding the king's messengers with stones. The inhabitants of Germany will winter in the island of the Belgians. Horses walk with (their) feet. A flock of doves is flying out of the forest. The sailor will fasten the yard to the mast with ropes. The king was slaying the nobility with the sword. NOUNS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. § 33. CLASS II. The nominative inserts a connect- ing vowel ie or i,) before adding s to the stem. [Femi- nines.) §33 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS II. 29 Singular. Rup e s r rock, N. and V. Ru pes. Gen. ru pig. Pat. ru pi. Ace. ru pern. Abl. ru pe. Plural. N., A. and V. ru pes. Gen. ru pi um. Dat. and Abl. jit pi bus. Vail i s, valley. Val lis. val lis. i>aZ li. val lera. vaZ le. t'aZ les. val li um. vaZ li bus Rem. ,1. The following nouns have t'm in the accusative. (a) Names of places, rivers, and gods in is .- these sometimes also have in in the ace, Sraldis has in and im ; Liris has tm, in, and em .- and Liger has Ligtrim. (b) Amussis, o mason'' s rule. Ravis, hoarseness. Buris, a plough tail. Sec7*ris, an axe. Cannabis, hemp. Sinapis, mustard. Cucumis, (gen. is), a cucumber. Sitis. thirst. Mephitis, foul (air. Tussis, a cough. Pelvis, a basin. Vis, strength. Rem. 2. The following have im, and sometimes em : Febris, a fever. Puppis, the stern. Restis, a rope. Turris, a tower. Bern, 3. The following hare em, and rarely im : Bipennis, a battle-axe. Messis, a harvest. Proes«pis, a stall. Clavis, a key. N avis, a ship. Sementis, a sowing. Strigilis, a flesh-brush. Rem. 4. Nouns which have im in the accusative, with names of months in er and is, have i in the ablative ; as, vis, vim, vi ; rfprilis, Jlprili. But Bcetis, cannabis, and sinapis have e or i. Rem. 5. Nouns which have em or im in the accusative have e or i in the ablative ; as, turris, turrt or turri. But restis has e only. Rem. 6. The following, though th«y have only em in the accusative, have c or i in the ablative, but most of them have oftener c than i : a* i tin 30 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS II. §S4 Ami: is, Anguis, Avis, Bills, Civis, Classis, Collis, Convallis, Corbis, Finis, Fiistis, Canalis, Ignis, Mugilis, Orbis, Ovis, Postis, Sordes, Unguis, Vectis. Rem. 7. Names of towns, when denoting the place where, have % in the ablative ; as, Carthagini, at Carthage. Rem. 8. Nouns of this class (adding s with connecting vowel e or i,) have turn in the genitive plural. Exc. Canis, dog ; juvenis, young man ; foiis, door ; mu- g\\\s, mullet; proles, offspring; strues, pile; vates, proph- et, have um ; also generally apis, tee ; strigilis, flesh-brush; volucris, bird; sometimes, mensis and coedes, __ Rule of Gender. Nouns of this class are feminine. Exc. 1. Palumbes, vates, vepres, are masculine or femi- nine. Exc. 2. The following in is are masculine or feminine : Auinis, river. Anguis, snake,. Callis, path. Canalis, pipe. Canis, dog. Clunis, haunch. Corbis, basket. Finis, end. Funis, rope. Scrobis, ditch. Tigris, tiger. Torquia>,cAai«. Fines, boundaries, is always masculine. Exc. 3. The following are masculine : Axis, axle. Aqualis, water<*pot. Caulis, stalk. Cassis, net. Collis, hill. Crinis, hair. Ensis, sword, Fascis, bundle. Follis, bellows. Fustis, club. Ignis, fire. Manes, pi., shades. Mensis, month. Mugilis, mullet. Grbis, cirtle. Panis, bread. 11. Piscis, fish. Postis, post. Sentis, brier. Sodalis, companion. Torris, firebrand. Unguis, nail. Vectis, lever. Vermis, worm. EXERCISE § 34. 1\ Conjunctions connect words which are in the same construction. As, Cce&ar et Brutus, Csesar and Bru- tus ; gladiis pilisque, with swords and darts. N. B. Et connects things which are separate and distinct, and of §34 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS II. 31 — equal importance ; que (always written at the end of a word,) con- nects one thing closely to another as an appendage, the two making one complete idea. Thus the "swords and darts" above constitute together offensive armor. 2. If the subject consists of more than one thing, the verb must be plural. Hence Rule of Syntax. A collective noun may have a plural verb ; as, plehs clamutit, the people shout. * Vocabulary. iguiSjif?, fire. port-arc, to carry. forhrid-are, to dread. rigil-aro, to watch. festi'n-are, to hasten. import-are, to import. confirm-are, to cstabli$!t . vast-are, to lay waste. nidific-are, to build a nest. lev-are, to relieve. vallis.is, a valley. pare, part-is, apart. Athena), arum, Athen-. pax, pac-is, peace. host-is, (| 13. Rule 4.) enemy. cum, with (prep, with abl.) in, in, cm. (jprep. with abl.) eiv-is, citizen. av-is, bird. ov-is. sheep. class-is, Jleet. coll-is, hill. per, through, (prep, with ace.) Grecia,a\ Greece. litera,n?, a letter (of the alphabet.) Cecrops, Cecrop-is, Cecrops. Cadmus. i, Cadmus. amicitia,a?, friendship. Translate into English and analyze. Cadmus in G-reciam literas importat. Aves in silvis nidi* ficant. Aqua sitim levat. Fons in valle poet-am delectat. Helvetii agros Germanoruni ferro ign/que vastabunt. Galli cum Germanis pacem et amicitiam confirmant. Crassus ex agro in urbem festinat. Plebs in urbe nobilitatem necant. Crassus copias gladiis pilisque armabat. Cives Cecropi claves urbis dant. Lupi oves et hjedos laniant. Crassus in colle turirem iedificat. Galli naves et copias German- - orum formidant. Crassus partem plebis cultris lapidibus- qne armabit. Columboe per silvam volant. Cecrops Ath- enas aRdificabit. Canes et lupi oves laniant. R«x et regi- na in horto ambulant. Cives in urbe vigilant. Translate into Latin. ^. Crassus will lay waste the fields of the Belgians with tire 32 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS III. §35,36 and sword (ferro igniquc). The liability dread the fleet of Tullius. The nobility will preserve the liberty of the citi- zens with the sword. The maid-servant is preparing a mullet for her master. The queen will walk in the garden with her daughters. The farmer's sons will carry sheep and kids to the city. The nobility will arm their slaves with stones and knivesl The farmer's son will show (to) the ambassadors of the Belgians the way through the for- est. Tullius will take possession of the hill. Medicine will relieve fevers. THIRD DECLENSION OF NOUNS. § 35. CLASS III. The stem-vowel is changed (i into e) before adding s to fprm the nominative. Singular. Miles (milet-s), soldier. Princeps (prinecp-s), chief. prin ceps, prin ci pis, prin ci pi, prin ci pern, prin ci pe, Plural. pnn ci pes, prm ci pum, prin cip i bus. Rule of Gender. Nouns which change the stem-vowel, (i into c,) before adding * to form the nominative are mas- ouline. ., Exc. 1. Merges,, fem. (mergitis,) a sheaf. Exc- 2. Masc. or fem. Adeps, adipis, grease; forceps, foicipis^ pincers. . EXERCISE 12. § 36. 1 . A noun limiting another, and denoting the same person or thing, is said to bfc in apposition with it. N. an' ;1V. mi les, G. mil i tis, D. mil i ti, Ace. mil i tern, Abl. mil i te, *y< N., A . and V. mil i tes, G." mil i turn, D. am i Abl. mil tV i-bus, §36 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS III. 33 2. Rule of Syntax. Nouns in apposition agree in case ; as, Jugurtha rex, Jugurtha the king. Rem. A noun in apposition -with two or more nouns is put in the plural; as, Jugurtha et Bocchus, reges, Jugurtha and Bocrhus, kings. Vocabulary. sec-arc, to cut. hospos, hospit-ig, guest . postul-are, to demand. obses, obsid-is, hostage. . viol- are neuter. Exception. Sal, salt, is masculine or neuter in the singular, but always masculine in the plural, (.tales.) Fuj, thief; furfur, brat; salar, trout : turtur, dove ; vultur, vulture, are masculine. ♦ 38 i THIRD DECLENSION— CLASS VI. §40, 41 § 40. EXERCISE 15. Vocabulary. jumentum.i. worl-horzc, least of burden. furfur.is, bran. jubar,is, sunshine. (ioore, to dedicate . vultur.is, (masc.) vulture. .- concit-erre, to arouse, urge on. tompluin,i, temple. rapt-are, to snatch away, carry off. uiarinor.is, marble. stimulus,!, goad. tetnplum de marmore, a temple of mar- fug-are, to put to fight, ble. tempestas, tempestat-is, tempex;. Translate into English and analyze. Crassus diis templum de* marmore dicabit. Vultures agnos et haados raptant. Juba'r nautas delectat. Agricola jumenta stimulo concitat. Cecrops, rex (xrecia), equum calcaribus concitat. Regzna in insula aram de marmore redificat. Agricola jumentis furfurem dat. Velites Cassaris hostium sagittarios funditoresque fugabunt* Tempestates maris classem hostium profligabunt. Translate into Latin. * The boys love the master. Csesar will lay waste the fields of the Gauls with fire and sword. 1 Tully will rout the forces of the enemy by sea and land. Tully 's foot- soldiers occupy the hill. Farmers plough their fields with work-horses. Eagles and vultures build nests in the locks. Cesar's skirmishers will, search out the by-paths through the forests. Jugurtha^ king of Numidia, was sterming his brother's towns. Sailors dread tempests. Horsemen urge on their horses with spurs. NOUNS OF THE THIRD, DECLENSION. # ♦ § 41. CLASS VI. Nouns which present the stem changed in the nominative. §41 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS VI. 39 a I. MASCULINE FORMS. n of stem dropped. Singular. Speech, (m.) N. G. D. Ac. V. Ab. ser mo, ser mo nis, ser mo ni, ser tno nem. ser mo, ser mo ne, r of stem changed into s. Dust, (m.) Flower, (ni.) pul vis, pul ver is, pul ver i, />u^ ver em, pul vis, jt>«£ ver e, flural. Speechs. flos. flor is. flor i. j?or em. flos. flor e. Flowers. ser mo ues, ser mo num, ser mon i bus, ser mo nes, ser ?TC0 nes, ser mon i bus. />mZ ver es, pal ver um, pul ver i bus, /w£ ver es, pul ver es, pul ver 1 bus. /or es. Jlor um. /or i bus. flor es. j/Zor es. flor i bus. N. G. D. Ac. • ' V. • Ab. Rem. 1. Most Latin nouns drop final n of the stem in the nomina- tive. Sanguis (sanguin,) and pollis (pollin,) change n into s. Rem. 2. Final r of the stem is often changed into s ; as, mos,' mor-is. Rule of Gender. Nouns which drop n of the stem in the nominative are masculine. Exc. Abstracts in io (mostly formed by adding io to the supine stem of verbs,) are feminine. Bubo is masc. and fern. Rule of Gender. Nouns which change er ©f the stem into '•% r into s, are masculine. Exc. Os, mouth, is neuter. Cinis i? masculine or feminine in the singular ; cineres, ashes of the dead, is always masculine. Pulvis, dust, is very rarely feminine. EXEfcCISE 16. Vocabulary. mos, mor-is, manner, custom. conturio, on-is centurion. leo, on-is, lion. mont-ia, '??>!. Exc. 1.) mountain. . on-is, robber. ;iirata,nr\ pirate. • >n-iK, Onto. llio, on-is, (f.) rebellion. Varro, on-is,' Yarro. "n-is, (f.) speech, oration. tiTiciM- t». to najf. concit-are, to exc itc, raise. apud, (prep, with ac.) among, (of persons among whom anything is done.) apud Helvetica, among (he Helvetians apud Cat<>i:em, with, at the houtd of. Cicero, on-is, Cicero. orator, or-is, orator. coen-aro. to sup. more regis, after the manner of a king. 40 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS VI. - §42 )__ , : _: ^_ Translate into English and analyze. , # Caesar, more regis, obsides ab Helvetiis postulat. Cen- turio tures (§33. Rem. 2) aedificat. i Yarro consul in silvis more latronis habitat. Orgetorix apud Helvetios rebellio- n*eni concitabit. Cicero, orator, plebem oratione delectat. Orati© Catonis nobilitatem delectat. Pars nobilitatis apud regem coenant. Leones in montibus et silvis habitant. Latrones in silva filium reginae trucidabant. Kex latrones piratasque trucidabit. Regis filiae apud agricolam coenant. Nobilitas rebellionem r : -<} plebem fornudant. Cecrops nobilitatem concitat. IS'iiutse pirotas forimdant. Translate into Latin. The conversation (sermo) of the poet delights the queen. A lion will tear in pieces the children of Cadmus. The daughter of Cecrops giv*es flowers to her father-in-law. The common people are breaking the laws of the city. Marcus, the brother of Marius, was building a tower upon a hill. Crassus will sup at the house of Cicero. Caesar dreads a rebel- lion among the Gauls. Caesar demands hostages of (from) the Germans. The Gauls,' after the manner of the Ger- mans, burn pirates with fire. Kings slay robbers and pirates. Part of the nobility dread Cato. The poet loves Cato's daughter. NOUNS OP THE THIRD DECLENSION. § 42. CLASS VI. Nouns which present the stem changed in the nominative. II. FEMININE FORMS. Virgo, a virgin; fern.; (stem virgin.) Singular. Plural. N. vir go, fir gi lies, G. vir gi nis, vir gi num, . D. vir gi ni, . vir gin i bus, Ac. vir gi nem, vir gi nes. V. vir go, vir gi nes, Ab. vir gi ne, vir gin i bus. §43 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS" VI. 41 Rule of Gender. Nouns which change la of the stem into o, are feminine. Exc. Ordo, cardo. and turbo are masculine. Nemo, homo, aud viurc/o are masculine or feminine. Rem. Caro, flesh, has camis. &c, contracted for carmit t and has in vi in the genitive plural. EXERCISE 17. §43. Rule of Position. Adverbs usually stand imme* diately before the words they limit. Rule of Position. A genitive limiting the object* of a preposition usually stands between the preposition and its case ; as, in Csesaris liorto. Rule of Syntax. Adverbs limit verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. . Vocabulary. ■ multitude), in-is, multitude. disput-are, to discuss, debate, dispute. turbo, turbiu-ia, whirl-wind. tiirb-«re, to confuse, disorder. ' ort'go, origin-ia, origin. per-turb-ar«.v to throw into great confu- ovdo, ordin-is, rani:. *ion, confound. consiietudo, in-is, custom, habit. do, [prep, with abl.] concerning. magaitudo, in-is, greatness. pericuhim,i, danger. immortal itas, at-is, immortality. animus,!; soul, mind. ' noil, [adverb,] not. ex conauetudine, according to tuti Translate into English and analyze. Oratio Caesaris multitudinem delectat. Equites Crassi multitudinem hostium fugabunt. Cato de animi origine ciim Cicerone disputat. Magnitwdo periculi censuiom per- turbat. Equites copias hostium turbabunt. Rex ex con- suetudine in Crassi horto ambulabat. Cicero de animi im- mortalitate disput«bat. Pedites ordines non servabant. NautD.* piratas et turbines formidant. Rex captivos non nccabit. Lucius ex agricolse agro in vicuna festmat. Con- sul multitudinem hostium non form/'dat. .Vclitos in Hel- vetiorum agris proclium redinte°rabunt. 42 THIRD DECLENSION — CLASS VI. §44 Translate into Latin. The Gauls sacrifice virgins to the gods. The poet, ac- cording to custom, was walking in Tully's field. The King of the Belgians is sacrificing bulls and sheep in the Queen's garden. The Gauls do not debate concerning the origin of the soul. The Helvetians will not burn Orgetorix with fire. Caesar will not arm the skirmishers with javelins (pilis.) Caesar rides into the city after the manner of a King. ' Tully, according to custom, demands hostages from the Belgians. The soldiers will confuse the ranks of the enemy. Caesar does not dread the whirlwind. NOUNS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. § 44. CLASS VI. Nouns which present the stem changed in the nominative. III. NEUTER FORMS. Carmen, a verse; -neut. Singular. Plural. N. car men, car mi na, G. car mi nis, car mi nura, I). car mi ui ; car min i bus, Ac. car men, car mi na, V. car men, car mi na, Ab. car mi ne, car min i bus. Opus, a work ; neut. Singula r. Plu ra I. N. o pus, G. op e ris. D. op e ri, Ac. o pus, V. o pus, Ab. op e re, op e ra, .'op c rum o per i bus, op e ra, op e ra, o per i bus. §44 THIBD DICLEFSOIC— CLASS VII. 43 * Caput, a head ; neut. Singular. Plural. N. ' ca put, cap it a, * G. cap i tis, cajt? i turn, D. cap i t\, ca pit i bus, .Ac. ca put, cap i ta, V. ca put, ca;? i ta, Ab. oo/> i te, ca^ni i bus. RuU of Gender. Nouns which change in of the stem into en; or into ur; er> or, ur into r^, &c, are neuter. Exc. Pccten, pectin-is, comb; lepus, lcpor-is,' hare; and mus, mur-is, mouse, are masculine. Tellus, tellur-is, earth, is feminine. Rem. Occiput has a in abl. sing., and r«« has e and t. EXERCISE 18. Vocabulary. rotmr, roboris, strength. munus, muncr-is, #'/*■• corpus, corpor-i?, fcorfy. lepxis, lcpor-is, /iare. jus, jur-ip. justice, law, [generally tin- fcedus, feeder-is, treaty. written law, as opposed to lex, writ- onus, oner-is, burden. ten law.] flumen, flumin-is, river. mus, mur'-iB, mo«jf. tran-are, to swim across. port-are, to carry. Tiberis;is, [masc] the Tiber. aat«ra,», nature. nemus, nemons, grove. tard-are, to hinder. Translate into English and analyze. Dominus robur servi laudat. Regma ancillis munera dabit. Belgse fcedus non yiolabunt. Lepores et mures in agris habitant. Serri regmae in oppidum onera 'portant, Carmina poetae imperatorenl delectant. y Crassus Tiberim? (§ 83, Rem. 1) tranobit. Robur corporis multitudincm delectat. Robur animi Catonem delectat. Equites flumen tranant. Cicero de jure legibusque disputat. Poeta CaBiari carmina dicabit. Magnitudo operis consulem non tardabit. Puellse in Csesaris nemore saltant. Cicero de animi 6t corporis nata/ra disputat. , THIRD DECLENSION— IRREGULAR NOUNS. §45 Translate into Latin. The poet was walking with the king in Caesar's garden. The boys and girls are dancing in Tully's grove. The sold- iers of Orgetorix will swim across the river. Whirlwinds will dash in pieces the fleet of the enemy. The commander praises the valor of the soldiers. The consul is building ships and boats in the dock-yards of Gaul. The enemy violate the treaty. The nature of the work hinders the forces of the enemy. Davus and Balbu*, Tully's slaves, will carry burdens into the city. IRREGULAR NOUNS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION. § 45. Vis, , strtr ygth, fern. Singular. Sin gular Plural. N. Ju pi ter, N. vis, vi res, G. 1). Jo vis, Jo vi, G. « D. vis, vir 1 um, vir i bus, Ac. Jo veto, Ac. vim, ' vi res, V. Ju pi ter, V. vis, vi res, Ab. Jo ve. Ab. vi. vir i bus. Iter, a journey ; neut. Singular. Plural. N. i ter, i tin e ra, G. i tin e ris, i tin e rum, D. i tin e ri. it i ner i bus, Ac. -i ter, i tin e ra. V. i ter, i tin e ra, Ab. i tin e re, i't i ner i bus. Jus-juran dum, oath j neut. N. jus ju ran dum, ju ra ju ran da, G. D. Ac. ju ris ju ran di, ju ri ju ran do, jus ju ran duia. ■ ju ra ju ran da, V. jus ju ran dum, ju ra ju Van da. Ab. ju re ju ran do, §45 THIRD DECLENSION — IRREGULAR NOUNS. 45 Materfamilias, mother of a family. Singular. N. ma ter fa mil i as, G. ma tris fa mil i as, D. ma tri fa mil i as, Ac. ma trem fa mil i as, V. ma ter fa mil i as, Afl ma tre fa mil i as, &c. Supellex, furniture ; fern. Jecur, liver ; neut. N. su j9e-£ lex. G. supel /s,fut. ccenabo, I shall sup; future-perf. coenav-ero, / shall have supped. ENDINGS. INDICATIVE MOOD. FRESEXT-PERF. FAST-PERF. FUTURE-PERF. Singular. lest j»ers. i, v e ram e ro. 2nd " * is ti, e ras, e ris. , 3rd " it, eirat, erit. Plural. 1st " imus. e ra inns, rr i mua. 2nd ¥ is tis. c ra tis, er i tia. * 3rd " e runt or t re e rant. • rint. By adding tkcse endings to the perfect stem, am-av-, of ainare we obtain the following : ♦Aectnted *yll*bles ar« italicized. 4 50 TENSES FOR COMPLETED ACTION. §47 PARTIAL PARADIGM. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present-Perfect, loved, or have loved. Sing, a ma vi, / have loved, am a vis ti, thou hast loved, a ma fit, he has loved ; Plur. a mav i mus, toe have loved, am a vis tis, ye have loved, am a ve runt or re, they have loved. Past-Perfect, had. Sing, "a mav e ram, 1 had loved, a mav e ras, thou hadat loved, a mav e rat, he had loved ; Plur. a mav e ra mus", ice had loved, a mav e ra tis, ^e ^ad! loved, a mav e rant, they had loved. Future-Perfect, shail, or will have. Sing. & mav e to, J shall have loved, a mav e ris, thou wilt have loved, a mav e rit, Ae wiVJ have loved ; Plur. am a ver i mus, t«c shall have loved, am a ver i tis, 3/e wn7£ have loved, a mav e rint, they will have loved. Bern. 1 .. A few verbs of the first conjugation form the perfect stem by adding it to the present stem ; as, nec-at, he kills ; nec-u-it, he has killed ; — or by . lengthening the present stem ; &s,juv-at, (u short) he helps ; juv-it, (w long) he has helped. Rem. 2. The supincsUm is generally formed in the 1st conjugation by adding -at to the present-stem ; as, amo, am-aUum. Tke ending of the supine is -um. Noti. The pupil should hereafter give the principal parts, in analyzing verbs. Where the perfect and supine stems vary from the usual formation, they will be given iu the vocabularies. §47 TENSES FOR COMPLETED ACTION. 5l EXERCISE 20. Vocabulary. Daro [per/, stem ded-, tup. stein dat-,] to give. Nec-arc,Tnocav- or necu-, necat-, rareiy nect-,] to liU* Seo-are, (seen-, Beet-,] to cut. Lav-are, [lav-, lavat, Iant-, lot-,] to wash, bathz. The other verbs used, thus far, form the perfect supine stems reguarly. Translate into English and analyze^ Germani in fluminibus lavant. Rex filio regauiEt dbdit, Princeps capttvos veneno neeavit. Milites caespiles. gladiis seouerunt. Orgetorix leges Helvetiorum vidlavifc.. Sel- yetii iter per provinciam per viin tentaveruufc. Principes Galloruni Csesari obsides dederant. Caesar cum; Gallis foedus jurejurando confirmaverat. Lupi ©t leones^ incizdas insulae voraverunt. Jugurtha more regis a Romania obsides postulaverat. Servi equos infrenaverint. Crassi oopise in Gallorum agris hiemaverant. Latrones tramites per silitam exploraverunt. Equites Caesaris bostium funditores fugav- erant, et in vicum festinabant. Marius numerum obsid;«m duplicovit. Magister puero librum dedit. ♦ Translate into Latin. Cicero disputed concerning tbe origin of the soul. The consul had routed the forces of the enemy bj land and sea. The brother of Cicero the orator, called together the com- mon people. Balbus, Tully's slave, brought burdens into the city. The queen had walked in the farmer** garden. The king's son had given (to) his sister a neoklace. The boys loved the master's ehildrea. The ambassadors of the j92duans had asked aid. The nobility dreaded a rebellion among the common people. Caesar hastened into Gaul The Gauls prepared snares for Crassus, 52 FOURTH DECLENSION, §48 ' FOURTH DECLENSION OF NOUNS. § 48. Nouns -whose genitive ending is us (long,) are of the fourth declension. The nominative endings are us and u. Rem. 1. These nouns were originally of the third declension, the termination us of the genitive being contracted from uis. Masculine Endings. Neuter Endings. Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural. N. and V. us, us, u, ua. G. us, uutn, us, . - uum. D. ui, ibus, (ubus,) u, ibus, (ubusi) Ac. urn, us, u, ua. Ab. u, ibus, (ubus,) u, PARADIGM. ibus, (ubus.) Fructus, fruit, mas. Cornu, a horn, neut. Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural. N. fruc tus, 'fruc tus. N. cor nu, cor nu a. G. /rue tus, fruc tu.um. G. cor nus, cor nu um. D. fruc, tu i, fruc ti bus. D. cor nu, cor ni bus. Ac. fruc turn, /rwc tus Ac. cornu, cornu a. V. fruc tus, /rue tus. V. cor nu, cor nu a. Ab. fruc tu, fruc ti bus. Ab. cor nu, cor ni bus. iJem. 2. Some nouns of this declension have likewise the inflection of the second declension, especially in the genitive singular ; as, stnatus, senati. Rem. 3. A contracted form of the dative in u sometimes occurs. Rem. 4. The following nouns have ubus in the dative and ablative plural : — Acus, a needle. < Artus, a Joint. Partus, a birth. Specus, a den. Arcus, a bow. Lacus, a lake. Pecu, a flock. Tribus, a tribe. Genu, a knee ; portus, a harbor ; tonitrus, thunder ; and veru, a spit, have ibus or ubus. Rem. 5. Domus, a house, is thus declined : §48 FOURTH DECLENSION. * 53 Singular. Plural. N. do mus r do mus. G. do mus, or do rni. dom u urn, or do mo rum . D. dom u i, or do mo. dom i bus. Ac. do mum, do mus, or Jo mos. V. do mus, do mus. Ab do mo, cfom i bus. Domus in the genitive singular generally means of a house ,• r/omi a£ Aome, The ablative domu is found. Domorum and domos are tbe most common forms of the gen. and ace. plural. Rule of Gender. Nouns of the tourth declension in us are masou- line ; those in u, neuter. Exc. 1. The following are feminine: Acus, needle. Idus, Ides. Manus, hand. Tribus, tiibe. Domus, house, Ficus, *fuj. Porticus, gallery. Exc. 8. Penus, storehouse, is masculine or feminine. Secus, sex, is neuter. Specus, den. is masculine, rarely femiuine or neutef . • EXERCISE 21.. Vocabulary. fluctus, us, wave. expect-are, to avmtt. arbor, or-is, [fern.] tree. cre-are, to create. homo, in-is, mart. exercitus, us, army. Lemaiinu3,i, Lcmannus. acjventus, us, arrival. Rhonus,i, Shine. Translate into English and analyze. Agricola in'penum m'ergites portaverat. Deus fructus arborum creavit. Poeta in domo ambulat. Agricola do- niuni aidificat. ^Deus tauris cornua dedit. Deus he-mini- bus animos dedit. Agricola in doinum fructus terra) portat. Venator arcum sagittasque parat. Nauta) fluetus non form- rdant. Caesar a lacu Lemanno ad flumen Rhenum festina? yit. Ciaesar adventuni legatorum expectaverat. Impera- toris adveatus exercitum delectat. Leones in specubus habitant. \i. Translate into Latin. Tbe soldiers bathed in the lake. The consul will hasten 54 FIFTH DECLENSION. §49 with the army to Lake Lemannus. The master will build houses for his slaves in the field. Marcus gave (to) his son Lucius a bow and arrows. The boys awaited their father's arrival. The waves will dash in pieces the enemy's ships. The sailors fastened the yards to the masts with ropes. Lions do not dread the horns of bulls. The chief of the Germans lives in a cave. A hunter wounded the consul's son-in-law in the King's forest. ♦FIFTH DECLENSION OF NOUNS. § 49. Nouns which have ei in the genitive from es of the nominative are of the fifth declension. They are all feminine except dies b day, (masc. or fern, in the sin- gular, and always masc. in the plural,) and mei-idies, midday, (masc). ENDINGS. Singular. Plural. ■ N. and V. es, es. G. ei, • mim. D. ei, cbus. Ac. em, es. Ab. • e, ebus. PARADIGM Res, a thing. Dies,Q day. Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural. N. res, res. N. di es, di es, G. re i, re, rum. G. di e i, di e rum, D. re i, rebus. D. di e i, di e bus, Ac. rem, res. Ac. di em, di es, V. res, res. V. di es, di es, Ab , re, re bus. Ab. di e, di c bus. Rem. 1. Dies, day, is feminine only when it denotes a fixed day. Rem. 2. The genitive and dative singular sometimes end in e or i, instead of ex. Rem. 3. There are only about eighty nouns of this declension, §49 FIFTH DECLENSION. 55 ~1 : ' " ' and of these only two. ves and dies, are complete in the plural. Acics. effigies, eluvics, fades, glacies, progenies, series, species, spes, want the genitive, dative, and ablative plural, and the rest want the plural al- together. Rem. 4. All nouns of this declension end in ies, except four — fides, faith; res, a thing ; spes, hope; and plebes, the common people; — and all nouns in ies are of this declension, except abies, aries, paries quies, and requies, which are of the third declension. EXERCISE 22. Benqrtas, us, senate, [$ 48. Rem. 2.] currus, us, chariot. plebes, ei, common people. fides, ei, faith, promise. tribuntiHji, tribune. spes, ei, hope. .-icies, ei, edge, point, victoria, te, victory. also line of batik. progenies, ei, offspring. parens, cnt-is, parent. effigies, ei, likeness, image. fades, ei, face. praada, ee, booty. vul t us, us, countenance, scelus, er-is, crime. solus, salut-is. safety, health. dictator, or-is, dictator. nox, noct-is, night. Translate into English and analyze, Senatus dictatori salwtem urbis mandaverat. Animal ia progeniem amant. Leones facieni vultumque honiinis forn- idant. Spes praed» latrones ad scelera concitat. Lucius, tribwnus plebis, centuriones convocavit. Marcus filium acie gladii vulneravit. - Spes yietoriae exercitum delectavit. Jugurtha, rex Numidiae, fldein non servayit. Tribwni 11b- •crtrttcm plebei servaverunt. Cracsus eonsql m teaiflo effi giem Jovis collocavit. Helvetii exercitum Cassii consulis fugavere. Parentes progeniem amant. Regzna poetae cur- rum equosque dedit. Turbines classem bostium profliga- vcrd Translate into Latin. Caosar put his army into winter-quarters. The dictator \vi]l slay robbers and pirates. Crassus the tribune. will not violate his promise. The hope of victory and booty urges the chiefs to {etc!) war. The queen's daughter will set-up 56 IRREGULAR NOUNS. §50,51 __ . . ^ (collocare) an image of Jupiter in the Ring's garden. The queen aclorned the image of. Jupiter with silver and gold. The boy wounded his brother's foot with the point of a knife. The senate committed to the tribunes the liberty of the common people. Gfod created day and night. The waves of the sea dashed in pieces the ships of the enemy The poet's children loved their parents. \ 50 Te^p' Mica, (fern.), the state. Singular. Plural. N. V. res pub li ca, N. V. res pub li ca?, G. D. re i pub li ca;, G. re rum pub li ca rum, Ac. rempub li cam, . D. Ab. re bus pub li cie, Ab. re pub li ca. . Ac. res pub li caa. IRREGULAR NOUNS. § 51. Irregular nouns are either variable or defective. 1. VARIABLE NOUNS Nouns which vary in gender are called heterogeneous; those which vary in declension are called heteroclites. 1. Heterogeneous nouns. (a.) Masculine in the singular, and neuter in the plural; as, Avernus, a hill in Campania. Pangceus, a promontory in Thrace, Dindymus, a hill in Phryyia. Tcenarus, a promontory in Laronia. Ismarus, a hill in Thrace., Tartarus, hell. Meena'us, a hill in Arcadia. Taygetus, a hill in Laconia. (b-) Masculine in the singular, masculine and neuter in the plu- ral ; as, jocus, a jest, plural joci and joca ■• locus, a place, plural loci, passages in books, topics, places ; loca, places ; sibihis, a hissing, plural, sibila, rarely sibili. (c.) Feminine in the singular, neuter in. the plural; as, carbasus, a sail,' plural cctrbasa ) Pergamus, the citadel of Troy, plura! Per- yama. (d.) Neuter in the singular, masculine in the plural ; as, Aryos Argos, a city, in Greece plural Aryi ; JElysivni, the Elysian fields, plural Elysii; ccelum, heaven, plural cceli. §51 DEFECTIVE NOUNS. - 57 Note 1. — Argos, in the singular, is used only in the Norm and Ace. (e.) Neuter in the singular, masculine and neuter in the plural ; as, frenum, a bridle, plural freni and frcna ; rastrum, a rake, plural rastri and rostra. (f.) Neuter in the singular, feminine in the plural ; as, balneum, a bath, plural balnea', seldom bain A ■ epulum, a banquet, plural epulce. (g.) Feminine Or neuter in the singular and feminine in the plural; as, delicto, or delictum, plural delicicc. * 2. Hcterocltbes. (a.) Second and third declension in the singular, and third in the plural; as, jugerum, an acre ; gen. jugeri, or jvgeris ; abl. jugere or jugero ; plur.,'nom. and ace. jxgera ; gen. jugerum ; abl. jugeris and jugeribus, from the obsolete jugus or juger. (b.) Third declension in the singular, and second in the plural. II. DEFECTIVE NOUNS. Defective nouns want some of their cases. The follow- ing list contains most nouns defective in case. Those occurring but once in Latin authors are marked with the asterisk. "*Abactus, ttcc. pi. ; a driving a- Astu, nam., ace; a city. way. A*tus, nom.; astu, abl.; craft; — Accitu, abl.; a calling for. as^tus, ace. pi. Admissu, abl..; admission. Cricoethes, nom., ace; anevilcus- Admonita, abl; admonition. torn; — cacoethe, nom. pi. ; -e iEs, not used in gen. pi. and -es, ace. pi. AtTatu, abl. ; an addressing ,— pi. Codite, abl.\ pi. entire, inhabitant affatus, -ibus. of heaven. Algus; nom. ; algum, ace.; algu, *Commutatuin, arc ; an alteration, or o, abl.; cold, Compedis, gen. ; compede, abl. ; Ambage, abl. ; a winding stair; a fetter; — pi. compedes, -ium, pi. entire. -ibus. ^Amissum, ace; a loss. Concessu, abl.; permission. Aplustre, nom. and arc; the flag Condiscipulatu, abl. ; companion- of a ship; — pi. aplustria, or ship at school. aplustra. Cratim. or -em, ace; -e, abl. : a Arbitrator, n&m. ; -urn, ace; -u< hurdle;— pi. crates, -ium, ibus abl.; judgment. Cetos, ace; a whale ; — ccte, nam. Aicc.Sbitu, abl.; a sending for. and ace. pi. 58 DEFECTIVE NOUNS. §51 Ohaos, nam., ace ; chao, abl. • chaos. Cassera, ace. : casse, abl. : a net ; pi. entire. Circumspectus, nom.; -urn; -u ; a looking around. & .Coactu, abl. • constraint. Daps, nom.; scarcely used: dapis, gen. $c. ; a feast. *Datu, abl. ; a giving. Derisui, dat. ; -um, ace ) -n, abl. ; ridicule. Despicatui, dat.: contempt. Dica, nom. '• dicam, ace. ; a legal process ; — dicas, ace; pi. Dicis, gen. ; as, dicis gratia, for form's sake. Ditionis, gen. ; -i, dat.; -ent, ace. ; -e, abl. ; power. Diu, abl.; in the day time. Divisui, dat.; a dividing. Ebur, ivory ; — not used in the plural. *Efflagitatu, abl. ; importunity *Ejectus, nom. ; a throwing out. Epos, nom. and ace. ; an epic poem. Ergo, abl. (or adv.); for the sake. Eseedas, ace. pi.; war chariots. Evectus, nom.; a carrying out. Ftex, dregs, wants gen. pi. Fnr^e, abl'.; hunger. Far, corn, not used in the gen., dat. and abl. pi. Fas, nom.; ace; right. Fauce. all. ; the throat ; — pi. entire. ' Fax, a torch, "wants gen. pi. Eel, gall, wants gen. pi. Feminis, gen. ; -i, dat. ; -e. abl. ; the thigh ; — pi. fetnina, -ibus. Flictu, abl.; a striking. I'oria, nom. and gen.; -em, ace.) -e, abl.; a door ; — pi. entire. Fors, nom.; -tis, gen.; -tem, ace: -te, abl. ; chance. *Frustratui, abl.; a deceiving. Fv\ix, fruit, nom.; scarcely used ; — frugis, gen., etc. Fulgetras, ace. pi.; lightning. Gausape, nom., ace., abl.; a rough garment ; — gausapa, dec. pi. Glos, nom.; a husband '« sister . Grates, acc.pl.; — gratibus, abl.; thanks. Hebdomadam, ace; a week. Hiems, winter, not us«d in gen., dat. and abl. pi. Hippomanes, nom. and ace. *Hir, nom.; the palm of the hand. . Hortatu, abl.; an exhorting ;— pi. hortatibus. Impetis, gen.; -e, abl. ; a shock ; — pi. impetibus. Incitas, or -a, ace. pi. ; as, ad in- citas redactors, reduced to a strait. *Inconsultu, abl.; without adricc. *Indultu, abl.; indulgence. Inferice, nom. pi. ; -as, ace. ; -is, abl.: sacrifices to the dead. Infitias, ace. pi.; <* denial; as, ire infitias, to deny. Ingratiis, abl.pl., (used adverbi- ally); against one's will. Interdiu, abl. (or -adv.); in the day time. *Invitatu, abl.; an invitation. Irrisui, dat.; -urn, ace; -u, abl.; derision. Injussu, abl. ; without command. Inquies, nom.; restlessness. Instar, nom., ace; a liksness. Jovis, nom., rarely used ; — pi. Joves. Jugeris, gen.; -e, abl. ; an acre; — pi. jugera, -urn, -ibus. Jussu, abl.; command. Labes, a spot, wants gen. pi. Lucu, abl.; day -light. *Ludificatui, dat.; a mockery. §51 DEFECTIVE NOUNS. 59 Lux, light, "wants gen. pi. Mandatu, abl.; a command. Mane, nom., ace; mane or rarely -i, abl.: the morning. Mel, honey, not used in gen., dat. and abl. pi. Melo's, now., ace. ; melo, dat. ; melody; — mele, nom,. a'ce. pi. Metus, fear, not used in gen., dat. and abl pi. Missu, abl.; a sending; — pi. miss- us, -ibus. Monitu, abl. ; admonition ; — pi. monitus Natu, abl.; by birth. Nauci, gen., with non ; as, homo non nauci, a man of no account. Nefas, nom., ace; wickedness. Nemo, nobody, wants the voc. and the pi ; gen. & abl. rarely used. Nepenthes, nom., ace; an herb. Nex, death, wants the roc; — neces, nom., ace. ph. Nihil, or nihilum, nom. and ace. ; -\,gen.; -o, abl.: nothing. Noctu, abl.; by night. Nuptui, dat.; -um, ace; -u, abl.; marriage. Obex, nom. ; -icem, ace. ; -ice or -jice,' abl; a bolt ; — pi. obices, -jicibus. Objectum, ace; -u, abl.; un inter- position : — pi. objectus. Obtentui, dat.; -um, ace; -u, abl.; a pretext- Opis, gen.; openyacc; ope, abl.) help ? — pi. entire. Oppositu, abl. ; an opposing ; — pi. oppositus, ace Opus, nom., ace ; need. Os, the mouth, wants the gen, pi. Panaces, nom.; -is, gen.; -e, abl. ; an herb. Pax, peace, wants gen. pi. Peccatu, abl.; a fault. Pecudis, gen.; -i, dal.; -em, ace : -e, abl.; — pi. entire. Pelage, ace. pi. of pelagus ; the sia. Permissu, abl. ; -um, ace. ; per- mission. Piscatus, nom. ; -i, gen. ; -um, ace; -u, abl.; a fishing. Pix, pitch ; pices, ace. pi, Pondo, abl.; in weight. Prcci, dat. ; -em, ace; -e, aSt. ; prayer ; — pi. entire. Procer, nom.; -em, ace; a peer; — pi. entire. Promptu, abl.; readiness. Pus, wants gen., dat. and abl. pi. Relatum, ace; — u, a*bl; a recital. Repetundarum, gen. pi.; -is, abl.; money taken by extortion. Rogat.u, abl.; a request. Ros, dew, wants gen. pi. Rus, the country, wants gen., dat. and abl. pi. Satias, i.om. ; -atem, ace. ; ate, abl. ; satiety. Secus, nom., ace; sex. Situs, nom.; -um, ace ; -u, abl. ; situation ; — situs, nom. and uec. pi. Situs, nom.; -us, gen.; -um, ace.; -u. abl.; rust; — sitns arc. pi. ^ol, the sun, wants gen. pi Sordis, gen.; -em, ace; -e and -i, abl.; filth; — pi. sordes, -ium. Suboles, offspring, wants gen. pi. Spontii, gen. ; -e, abl. ; of one's own accord. Suppetiap, nom. pi. ; -as, ace. ; supplies. Tabum, nom. : -i, gen. ; -o, aid. j cotrupt matter. Tempo, worn., ace. voc.pl; av<;ii in Thessaly. Tus, wants gen., dat. and abl 60 VERBS OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION. §52 Venui and -b, dat.; um, ace, -o, Vespera, nom. ; -am, ace. ; -a, abl.; sale. abl.; the evening. Veprein, ace; -e, abl.; a brier;— Virus, nom. ; -i, gen. ; -up, ace. : pi. entire. ' -o, abl.: poison. Verberis, gen.; -e, abl.; a stripe; Vis, gen. and dat. rare; strength : — pi. verbcra, -um, -ibus. pi. vires, -ium, etc. See $ 4 5. Vesper, nom.; -um, ace; -e , -i, Vigcus, nom.; -eris, gen.; -ere, or -o, abl.; the evening. abl. ; an internal organ ; pi. Vicis, gen. ; -i, dat. ; -em, ace. ; viscera, etc. -e, abl. ; change ; — pi. entire, Vocatti, abl.; a calling; — vocatus. except gen. ace. pi. VERBS OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION. § 52. 1. All verbs that have ere (penult long) in the In- finitive-Present are of the second conjugation. 2. The perfect-stem in verbs of this conjugation is usu- ally formed by adding u, and the supine-stem by adding it, to the present-stem; as, mon-eo, I advise; monu4, I have advised, supine mon-it-um. (Perfect and supine stems which are otherwise .formed will be given in the vocabu- laries.) ENDINGS OF ,THE INDICATIVE ACTIVE. ON THE PRESENT-STEM. Singular. Plural. 1st Pers. 2nd.. 3rd. 1st Pers 2nd.- 3rd. Present. eo, es, et, c mus, e tis, ent. Imperfect, e bam, e bas, e bat, e ba mus, e ba tis, e bant. Future. e bo, e bis, e bit, . eb i mus, eb i tis, e bunt. ON THE "PERFECT-STEM. Singular. Plural. 1st Pers. 2nd. 3rd. 1st Pers. ' 2nd.. 3rd. Present-perf. i, is ti, it,, i mus, is tis, c runt or c re Pa3t-perf. e ram, e ras, e rat, e ra musi e ra tis, e rant. Future-perf. ero, eris, e rit, er i mus, «• i tis, e rint. ;53 VERBS OF THE SECOND CONJUGATION. 61 PARTIAL PARADIGM. Sing. PlUi Present. I advise, mo neo, tno'nes, mo net, mo ne raus, mo ne tis, mo nent. ON THE PRESENT-STEM. Imperfect. 7" was advising. S. mo ne bam, mo ne bas, mo ne bat, P. mon e ba mus, mon e ba tis, mo ne bant. Future. / shall or trill advise 'S. mo nc bo, mo ne bis, P. mo ne bit, mo «e6 i mus, mo neb i tis, mo ne bunt. ON THE PERFECT-STEM. Present-perfect! . I advised, or have advised. S. mon u i, mon u is ti, mon u it ; P. mo Tiw i mus, mon u is tis, Past-perfect. I had advised. S. mo mi* e ram, mo nu e ras, mo nu e rat ; P. mon uera mus, mon uera tis, mon u e runt or c re. mo nu e rant. § 53. EXERCISE 23. Vocabulary. Future-perfect. I shall have advised. S. mo nu e ro, mo nu e ris, mo nu e rit , P. mon u er i mus, mon u er i tis, mo nu e rint. nab-«re, to ftarc, hold. Prieb-ere, (for prae-hab-e re,) to offer, furnish. Lat-ere, to lie hid, (no sup.) Terr-ere, to frighten. Per-terr-cre, to frighten thoroughly, to terrify. Tim-«r«, to fear, (no sup.) Impetus, in, attack. Mov-cre, (mor — ,mot-,)to move. Man-ero, (mans — ,mans-,)~to remain. Mord-ere, (momerd — ,mors-,) to bite, champ Tond-«re, (totond — ,ton8-,) to shear. Vid-«re, (vid — ,vts-,) to see. Castra, orum, pi. camp. Frumentum,i, corn. Frenum,i, (g 61. I. 1. e.) bit. Legio, legion-is, (f.), legion. Translate into English and analyze. « Plebs nobilitattm timu^runt (§ 34, 2, Rule.) Puertau- rum cornibus habebat. Impetus equitum hostes terret. Puer librum in manu babet. Agricolse ores totonderant. Canig ancillam mordebit. Rex Germanorum castra move- rat. Plebs in regis borto reginam vidit. Leones in ipecu- bus, (5 48, R. 4,) latent. Magnitude periculi servos per- terrebit. Nautsc fluctus turbinesque non timent. Extrci- 62 ADJECTIVES— CLASS I. §54,55 tus Crassi in hibernis mansit. Galli Cassaris exercitui frumentum praebebunt. Equi frena momordcre. Hostes iinpetum equitum timebant. Marius consul castra ad col- lem moverat. Translate into Latin. The chief of the Eduans feared the cruelty of the Hel- vetians. The attack of the cavalry thoroughly frightened the enemy's archers and slingers. The skirmishers lay hid in the forest. The works of Cicero the orator delight the poet. The farmers had not sheared their sheep. The horses were champing their bits. The King and Queen remained in the temple. The Helvetians had moved their camp from the hill to the river. The Grauls furnished corn to Caesar's army. ADJECTIVES. §54. 1. An adjective is a word which qualifies or limits the meaning of a noun. 2. Adjectives are declined like nouns ; they are ei- ther of the first and second declension, or of the third only. CLASS L ADJECTIVES OF THE FIRST AND SECOND DECLENSION. §55. Adjectives of this class have their masculine and neuter endings of the second declension, their femi- nine endings of the first. ' PARADIGM. Bon-us, bon-a, bon-um, good. Singular. M. F. N. bon us, bon a, bon nm, bon i, bon », bon i, . bon o, bon as, bon o,> bon am, bon am, bon nm, bon e, bon a, bon um, bon o, bon a, bon o. §56 CLASS I — ADJECTIVES. 63 Plural. bon i, bon sb, £>o/i a, bon o rum. bon a rum, bon o rum, bon is, bon is, Jew is, bon 08, 6ora as, bon a, bon i, 6on se, oora a, bon is, bon is, ion is. Rem. 1. Participles and pronouns in us aro declined like bo?ius. Rem. 2. Adjectives whose stems end in cr generally drop the end- ings us in the nominative, and e in the vocative ; aud most of them drop e of the stem in inflection ; as, puloher, pulchra, pulchrum, beautiful; pulchr-i, pulohr-ce, pulchr-i, &c. Rem. 3. The, following retain e of the stem : Asper; rough ; exter, foreign ; gibber, crook-backed ; lacer, torn ; liber,/re«; miser, wretched-, prosper, prosperous ; and compounds of fer and ger ; as, corniger, horned. Rem. 4. Alter, the other of two, .has altera, alterum ; and dexter, right, has sometimes dextera, dexterum. Satur, full, has satura, saturum. $ 56. Six adjectives in us, and three in er, have their genitive sin- gular in ius, and their dative in i, in all the genders : Alius, another. Totus, whole. Alter, -tera, -terum, the othtr. Nullus, no one. Ullus, any. Uter, -tra, -trum, which of the tiro. Solus, alone. Unus, one. Neuter, -tra, -trum, neither. To these may be added the other oompounds of uter, — namely, uterque, each of two ; utercumque, uterlibet, and ulervis, which of the two you please ; gen. utriusque. etc. — also, alteruter, one of two ; gen. alterutrius, and sometimes alterius vtriu's; dat. alterutri. So alteruterque, aud unusquisque. Nullus, solus, totus, ullus, and unus are thus declined : Singular. Masc. Fern. Neut. N. u nus, u na, u num, G. u ni us, u ni us, u ni us, D u ni, , u ni, v ni, Ae. u num, u num. u num, V. u ne, u na, v num, Ab. u no. u na. m no. Tbe plural is regular, like that of bonus. ■ 64 ADJECTIVES — CLASS .1 §5' Rem. 1. Alius has aliud in the nominative and accusative singu- lar neuter, and in the genitive alius contracted 1 for aliius. Ron. 2. Some of these adjectives occasionally form their genitive and dative regularly. § 57. x EXERCISE 24. Vocabulary. Alt-us, a, um, high, deep. Bemgn-us, a, am. kind. Long-us, a, um, long. Fid-us, a, um, faithful. Lat-us, a, um, broad. Iniprob-us, a, um, wicked. Magn ; us, a, um, great, large. Imqus, a, um, unjust: Mult-us, a, 6m, inuch, many. Judex, judic-is, jud^re. Dens-us, a, um, thick. Thrax, Thracis, Thracian. 1. Rule of Position. The adjective, unlesi emphatic, follows the noun which it limits ; as, puer bonus, a good boy. 2. Rule of Syntax. Adjective words agree with the nouns to which they refer in gender, number, and case ; as, Puer bonus, A good boy. J'u.eU.&.pulchra, A beautiful girl. Flumen latum, A bread river. Translate into English and analyze. Rex Thracum in colle turres altas sedificat. Filius im- probus patrem lapide vulneraverat. Silvae densse nuncios regmae terruerunt. Ven«tor canes fidos amat. Improbi homines faciem vultumque.judicis timent. Plebes iniquum judicem formidat. Nubes densao lunam obscuraverant. JEquites hostium flumen latum tranabunt. Agricolas filii bobus magnis agros aravere. Caesar multa oppida expugnavit. • Puer cultrum longum in manu habuit. Pueri boni parentes amant. Magister be- nignus bonis pueris libros dedit. » , Translate into Latin. The consul slew many robbers. The kind mother gives §58 ADJECTIVES — CLASS I. 65 food to her children. The wicked consul killed the tribunes of the people. The chief of the Thracians lay hid in the King's grove. The shepherd armed his sons with lopg knives. The enemy's skirmishers swam across a broad riv- er. The faithful servants defended their master with knives and stones. The attack of the enemy did not frighten the general. The great commander slew many captives. The hunter saw many wolves in the forest. Wicked men do not fear the countenance of an unjust jadge. The kind master, according to custom, was advising the boys. EXERCISE 25. § 58. I. Ride of Position. When a noun is limited by an adjective and a genitive, the adjective is generally put first, as, Jidus Tullii servus, Tulhj s faithful slave. 2. Ride of Position An adjective limiting the object of a preposition is often put before the preposition ; as, magno in proelio, in a great battle. o. Rule of Syntax. With words expressing a part, the genitive is used to denote the whole ; as, unus militum, one of the soldiers; mutti equitum, many of the horsemen. Remark. This is usually called the partitive genitive. The partitive word, if an adjective, agrees in gender with the word denoting the whole. Unus militam is equivalent to unus miles militam. . Translate into English and analyze. Magnac hostium copiac in silva latu/runt. Magna pars nobilitatis apud Crassum coenabant. Cives multi magna in urbe habitant. Consul in hostium castris multos mili- tes vidit. Pastor oves multosque agnorum totonderat. Ibi- perutor magnus uno in prcelio copias hostium fugavit. Alter fratrum magnum ad oppidum festinat. Una Romanorum 66 ADJECTIVES — CLASS II. §59 s , » , , legio totum hostium exercitum perterruit. Neutra ancil- larum canes timet. Gerjnoni in proelio nullum ordinem servant. Rex Thracum nullam reipublica3 (§ 50) legem vio- laverat. Una in urbe homines multi habitant. Impetus hostium nullius legienis ordmes turbavit. Translate into Latin. The Thracians will furnish corn to the consul's great ar- my. One of the skirmishers saw the enemy's horsemen in the dense forest. The shepherd's faithful dog defended the sheep from (a) the wolves. The general, after the manner of a king, demanded a great number of hostages. The whole army dreaded the cruelty of the general. The inhabitants of the whole village feared the farmer's big bull. Caesar feared no danger. A great multitude of foot- men hastened to the camp. ADJECTIVES. § 59. Class II. Adjectives having two endings in the nominative. Third Declension, Adjectives of the second class have is in the mascu- line and feminine, and e in the neuter, and are of the third declension. Paradigm. Brev-is, short. Singular. Plural. M. & F. N. M. &F. N. N. V. brev is, brev e, brev es, brev ia, G. brev is, brev is, brev ium, brev ium, D. brev i, brev 1 , brev ibus, brev ibus, Ac. . brev em, brev e, brev es, brev ia, Ab. brev i, brev i, brev ibus, brev ibus. Rem. 1. Comparatives may be considered of this class. Rem. 2. Adjectives which have e in the nominative neuter, have i in the ablative singular; ium in gen. pi. ; and ia in nom. ace. voc. pi. neut. Comparatives have um and a. §60 ADJECTIVES — CLASS II. 67 Rem. 3. The following have also er in the nominative Singular masculine ; as, acer ot acris, acris, acre. acer, sharp. celeber, famous. Silvester, woody. alacer, cheerful. equester, of a horse. terrestcr, of the earth. campester, of the paluster, marshy. volucev, winged. * plain. ■ pedester, on foot. salwber, wholesome,, celer, swift. puter, rotten. R>m. 4. Voluccr has um in the genitive plural. §60. EXEKCISE 26. Vocabulary. * Fort-is, e, brave. Adventus, us, arrival. Agil-is, e, active. Fatig-are, to weary. Crudel-is, e, cruel. Civitai, civitat-is, state.. Grav-is, e, heavy, sevtPe. Locus,i, [g 51, 1, 1, (b)] place-* Omn-is, e, all, every. Leria, e, light, tlight. Nobil-is, e, noble. Piger, g»a, gnim, lazy. Rem. The adjective is often used as a noun, the noun •with which it agrees being omitted ; as, boni, the good ; bona, good things, property. Masculine adjectives thus used express persons ; neuter adjective, things. m Translate into English and analyze. Imperator fortis centuriones omnes convocavit. Magister bonus omnes pueros monuerat. Servi agiles taurum corn- ibus habebant. On era gravia magnos agricolae boves fati'- gant. Materfamilias liberis strvisque omnibus cibum salw- brem dabit. . Puer manum cultro secuit. Pedestres Car- thaginiensium copiaj equites fortes fugaveratit. Bella longa multas civitates ferro ignique vastavere. Princeps noDifis apud regem coenaverat. Deus omnia creavit. Boni gravia bella fornndant. Latrones improbi multos cives trucidaverunt. Velites agiles multos silvarum tramites ex plorabunt. Canis fidus per totam noctem vigilat. Equites palustria loca timent. Translate into Latin, The cruel chief has slain all the captives with the sword. 68 ADJECTIVES— CLASS III. §61 All the citizens dreaded the great cruelty of the wicked king. Lazy slaves love short days and' light work. One of the swift horsemen is hastening to (ad) the camp of Cassar. The active sailors were fastening the yards to the masts with long ropes. The arrival of*the brave consul thoroughly frightened all the chiefs of the Gauls. Lazy boys do not love their books. Csesar's army laid waste many states of Graul. The farmer's lazy son loves the shade of the thick trees. The brave general fears no danger. Caesar put all the legions into winter-quarters. ADJECTIVES. , § 61. Class III. Adjectives of the Third Declension. One Ending, 1. Adjectives of this class have but one ending' for all genders in the nominative. PARADIGMS. felix, happy.- Singular. Plural. M. &F N. M. & F. . N. N. fe lix, fe lix, p fe lie es, ia. G. fe lie is, is. . fe lie ium, iurn, D. fe lie i. i, fe lie ibus, ibus, Ac. fe lie em, fe lix, w j fe lie es, ia, V. fe lix, fe lix, fe lie es, ia, Ab. fe lice orl. e or i. ■ fe lie ibus, ibu^ PRUDENS, prudent. , Singular. M. &F. Neut er. N. pru dens, pru dens, G. pru dent is, pru dent is, D. pru dent i, pru dent i, Ac. pru dent em. • pru den;, V. pru den.s, pru dens, Ab. pru dent e or i, pru dente or i ;' &c. ADJECTIVES — CLASS III. G9 2.. Present participles are declined like prudens. When used as participles they have c rather than i in the. ablative singular ; but when used as adjectives they have * rather than c. Comparative- ateo have oftener e than i. 3. Adjectives of one termination have either e or i in the ab- lative. Exc. 1. The following adjectives of one termination have only c in the ablative: # Eicorpor, bipes, coslebs, compos, deses, discolor, hospes, impos, impwbes, juvenis, locuples, pauper, princeps, pubcr or pubes, senex. sospes, superstes, tricorpor, tricuspis, and tripes. Exc. 'J. The following adjoctives of one termination have only e in the ablative : Aueeps, concors, discors, hebes, immemor, iners, ingens, inops, memor, par, prrccepg, recens, repens, vigil, and most adjectives in x, especially those in plez. Rem. 1. Inerte. recente, and precipe sometimes occur. Rem. 2. Pra'sens, when used of things, makes the ablative in t; when used of persons, it has c. 4. The neuter of the nomiuative and accusative plural ends in e'a, and the genitive plural of all genders in iuvi; but vctus, old, and uber, fertile, have a, and um. Exc. 1. Those adjective that have only e in the ablative singular, have um in the genitive plural. * Exc. 2. Compounds of facio and capio, and of such nouns as make um in their genitive plural, with celer, compar, cicur, dives, memor, immemor, prcapes, supple?, and vigil, make their genitive plural in um. Exc. 3. Bis, locuples, sons, and insons have either um or ium : and other adjectives have sometimes um instead of ium in the poets and later prose writers. § 62 EXERCISE 27. Vocabulary. Dives, divit-i.-., rich. . Ineens, ent is, huge. Ferax, ac-is, fertile. Augvre. (aux-.-nict -.)(., inoreas . swell, Inndcens, ent-is, innocent. ' Ferox,'ferooifl, warlike, ft, £aup«r, pauperis, poor. Atrox, atroo-is, terYi^t'. yueli Vetts, veter-Is, ancient; pi. *6teres, the Recons. ent-is, r ancients. Civtlis/e, civil. 70 NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. §63 Translate into English and analyze. Imbres recentes flumina omnia auxerunt. Yir bonus pauperibus cibum dabit. Pastor prudens oves agnosqu^e a lupis defensabit^". Orgetorix, princeps Helvetiorum, co- pias auxerat. Veteres Jovi tauros ingentes mactabant. Agricolae prudentes in penum mergites omnes portant. Cae- sar fortes centuriones laudabat. Marius, Romanorum iniperator, feraces Numidiae agros ferro ignique vastavit. Princeps crudelis innocentem plebem trucidavit.' Bella civilia nobilitatem et eives divites perterruerant, Princi- pes feroces atrocia bella amant. Rex ferox nobilitatem "ad bellum magnum et atrox concitavit. Translate into Latin. No prudent (man) will give his sheep to the wolves. The happy mother loves her children. The innocent do not fear the face and countenance of a judge. The consul will preserve the ancient laws of the commonwealth. The pru- dent shepherds had sheared their sheep. A terrible lion tore in pieces all the inhabitants of the village. The ene- my's soldiers had laid waste the whole city with fire and sword. The rich dread civil wars. The recent rains have swelled the gi;eat river. The poor (man) does not fear the robber. NUMERAL ADJECTIVES. §63. 1. Adjectives expressing number are called numerals, and are divided into three classes, viz. : (a.) Cardinals, which answer the. question " How many V* as, unus, one ; duo, two : (b.) Ordinals, which express order or rank ; as, pri- mus, first; secundus, second: §63 NUMERALS. 71 (c.) Distributives, which answer the question, " Hoio many to each?" — u How many apiece?" as, singuli, one to each, one at a time, one apiece ; bini, two apiece. 2. To these may be added numeral adverbs, which answer the question " How many times ?" as, semel, once ; bis, twice. CARDINAL. Ordinal. DISTRIBUTIVE. ADVERBIAL. One, two, $c. First, second, fyc. One by ont , §c. Once, twice, §c 1 Umi8 - . Primus Singuli Semel 2 Duo Secundus Bini Bis 3 Tres Tcrtius Terni Ter 4 Quatuor Quartus Quaterni Quater 5 Quinquc Quint us Quini • Quinquics 6 Sex SextuB Feni • Sexies 7 Septem Septimus • Septani Septies 8 Octo Octavos Octoni Octiee 9 Novcin Nonus Nov^ni Novies 10 Decom Decimus Dcni Decies 11 Undccim Undecimus Undeni Undecies 12 Duodecim Duodecimns Duod«ni Duodecies IS Tredecim Tortius- ") Terni- Tredecies 14 Quatuordecim Quartus- | Quaterni- Quatuordcciv sa 15 Quindceim Quintus- J Quini- Quindecies 16 Sexdecim Sextus- V decimus Seni- ■ deni Sedecies • 17 Septendecim Septimus- j Septeni- Decies & septies IS Octodecim Octavus- 1 Octoni- Duotievicies 19 Novendeciru Nonus- J Noveni- I Undevicies 'JO Viginti Vicesimus Yiceni Vicies 30 Tringinta * Tricesimus Triccni Tricies 40 Quadraginta Qxiadragesimus Quadragen Quadragies 50 Quinquaginta Quinquagesimus Quinquagc ai Quinqnagie8 60 Sexaginta Sexageiimus Sexageni Sexagies 70 Septuaginta Suptuagcniniud Sepluageni Se^luagies. 80 Octoginta Octogesimus Octogeni Octogies 90 Nonaginta Nonagesimus Nonageni Nonagies 160 Centum Centesimus Centeni Centies 200 Ducenti Ducentesinius Ducenteni Ducenties 300 Trecenti Trecentesimus Trecenteni Trecenties 400 Quadrmgenti QuadringentGsimus Quadringei jteni Quadringenties 500 Quingenti Quingentesimus Quingenter li Quingenties 600 Sexccnti Sexcentesimus Sexeenteni Sexcenties 700 Septingenti Septiugentesimus Septingent «ni Septingenties R0e Octingenti Octingentesimus Octingente ni Octingentie:* 990 Noningenti Nongentesimus N"ongenten i Nongentie* 1000 Millc Millesimus Milkni Milies Rem. 1. The first three cardinal numbers are declined. From four to a hundred they are indeclinable ; those de- noting hundreds are declined like the plural of bonus. 73 NUMERALS. A % 64 Rem. 2. For the declension of unus. See § 56. Tres is declined like the plural of brevis. § 64. Duo is thus declined : — Plural. 31. y F. K N. du o, du 33, du o, a. du o rum, du a rum, du o rum, , 3). du o bus, du a bus, du o bus, Ac. <&6 OS, or c7« o, ffai as, C?M 0, V. die o, 1 1 it to« du o, Ab. du o bus. du « bus. du o bus. Rem. 1. Duorum,duarum, are often contracted into duurn, especi- ally in compounds, as, duumvir, and when joined with milliuin. — Ambo, both, is declined like duo. The cardinal numbers, except unus and wz7Ze, are used in the plural only. Rem. 2. The plural of turns is used with nouns which have -no singular, or whose singular has a different sense from the plural ; as, unce nuptice, one marriage ; una castra, one camp. It is used also with nouns denoting several things considered as one whole j una vestimenta, one suit of clothes. So, also, when it takes the sig- niflcation of '« alone " or "the same;'' as, uni JJbil, the Ubiaus alone ; tints moribus vivcre, — with the same manners. 3. (a.) Thirteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, are often expressed by two numbers, the greater of which usually pre- cedes, united by et ; thus, decern ct tres, decern et novem, or, omitting et, decern novem. Octodecim has no good authority. See infra, 4. (6.) From twenty to a hundred, the smaller number with ct is pat first, or the greater without et ; as, unus ct viginti, or viginti v Above one hundred, the greater precedes, with or without et ; as, centum et turns, or centum unus y trecentf sexuginta sex, or irecenii c. scxaginta sex. 'Et is never twice used, but the poets sometimes tako. ac,atque, or que, instead of et. 4. For eighteen, twenty eight, &c, duodeviginti, duodetn'j. (Jtco-from-ttventg, two-frorn-thirty, §c.) are more commonly used ; and for nineteen, twenty nine. &c. ; undeviginti undeiriginta. Sf6. (one-from- §G5 NUMERALS. twenty, one-from-thirty, &c.) Neither tin [tmut) .nor duo are de- clined in these combinations. 5.- (a.) Thousands are generally expressed by prefixing the small- er cardinal numbers to millia ,• as, decern millia, ten thousand : centu millia, two hundred thousand. As there is in Latin no unit above mille,(p, thousand,) the higher units of modern numeration are expressed by prefixing the humeral adverbs to the combinations centena millia ; as, decics centena millia, a million; .ratlin centena. millia, ten millions. In such combinations ccntena millia is some- times omitted ; as, dccic.a, scil, centena millia. (b.) The poets sometimes mako use of numeral adv»rbs in express- ing smaller nil tubers ; &*, bix scr for duodeevmy bis centum for du- cent;, etc. G. Millc is used either as a substantive or as an adjective. (a.) When taken subtantively, it is indeclinable in the singular uuinber, and, in the plural, has millia, millium, millibus, etc ; as, mille hominum, a thousand men; duo* millia hominum, two thousaud men, etc. When mille is a substantive, the things numbered are put in' the genitive, as in the preceding examples, unless a declined nu- meral comes between ; as, habuit tria millia trecento^ ntitiies. [b.) As an adjective, faille is plural only, and indeclinable ; m tile homines, a thousand men ; cum bis mille homivibns, with two thousand men. H \ 65. i. In the ordinals, instead or primus, j>rior is used, if only tyo are spoken of. Alter is often used for secundes. 2. (a.) From thirteenth to Nineteenth, the smaller number is usu- .ally put first without el ; as, tei'tius deriving, but sometimes the greater with or without ct ; as s et tertins. or decimus t< > (b.), Twenty-first, thirty-first, etc,, are often expressed by um /nus, units et trieesimi's, etc., one 'and twentieth, etc.; and twenty- second, i tc., b} r duo, or alter it vicfsinius. etc., in which duo is not changed. In the other compound 1 numbers, the larger precedes with- out et, or the smaller with ct ; as, vircsimus quartus, or qi ■ uias. {c}) $pr eighteenth, etc., to ia'iy-eighl, and for niiiytecuib, etc., to fifty-ninth, the stibtr active forms, duodevicesimus, etc., ac 'nus, etc.. are often used. \ 74 AELATIVEAND ACCUSATIVE OF TIME. §66 3. In the distributives, eighteen, thirty-eight, forty eight, and nineteen and twenty-nine, are often expressed by the subtractives, duodcviceni, etc., undcviceni, etc. 4. (a.) Distributives are sometimes used by the poets for cardinal numbers : as, bina spicula, two darts. Virg. So likewise in prose, with nouns that want the singular ; as, binos nuptice, two weddings. (6.) The singular of some distributives is used in the sense of multiplicatives ; as, binm, two-fold. So ternus, quinus, septenus. 5. In the numeral adverbs, for the intermediate numbers 21, 22, etc., the larger number also may be put first, either with or without et; and for twenty-eight times'and thirty-nine times, duodetricies and widequadragies are found. EXERCISE 28. §66. 1. Rule of Syntax. The point of time at which any thing occurs is expressed by the ablative. As, tertia hora, at the third hour. (Ablative of Time.) 2. Rule of Syntax. Duration of time, and extent of space, are expressed.by the accusative, sometimes by the ablative. As, tres horas mansit, he remained three hours ; fossa duos pedes lata, a ditch two feet wide. 3. Rule of Position. Designations of time usually pre- cede the predicate. Vocabulary. Fossa, a?, ditch. Passus, us, pace. Hora, act, hour. Con-tin -«re, (tinu-, tent-,) to keep, hold in, Mensis, is, (g 33. Exc. 3.) month. restrain. Dies, ei, day. Sus-tin-ere, (tinu-, tent-,) to sustain, bear. Ann us,, i, year. Tempus, or-is, time. Una ex parte, on one side. No.stcr, a, urn, our. Hienis, hiem-is, winter. JEsws, a*stat-is, summer. Translate into English and analyze. ' Servi fidi ho'ras multas vigilaverant. Nullus agrieola prudens oves hieme toadebit. Co3sar,Romanorum inipera- i r, tres legiones in hibernis* collocavit. Consul multos * In kibemis refers to the resting of trcops in winter-quarters ; in hiberna, to the motion of going there. §67 ESSE, TO BE. 75 annos in urbe habitaverat. Mons ftltns una ex parte Hel- vetios continuit. Equites nostri hostium impetuni duas horas sustinummt. Pastor prudens oves omnes estate to- tondit. Legatus fortis decern dies Csesaris adventum ex- pectabat. Imperator tertio die castra movit. Princeps atrox multos menses civitatem perterrebat Consul fortis nullo anni tempore adventnm bostium timuit. Rex latro- nes omnes brevi tempore trucidavit. Crassus tria niillia passuum equitavit. Consul mille passus castra movit. Translate into Latin. The great rains had kept our soldiers in the camp many months. In one summer Csesar laid waste many States of Gaul with fire and sword. For many years (ace.,) the Ro- mans routed all their enemies by sea and land. Cjesar moved his camp ten thousand paces from the city. The soldiers of the tenth legion had carried heavy burdens for many hours (ace.) Our skirmishers sustained the attack of the Germans three hours. Lake Lemannus held-in the Helvetians on one side. The farmer had a ditch tkree feet wide in his field. The farmer will have in his fields five ditches, each three feet (temos) vide. The- master gave (to) the boys four books apiece. A ditch twelve feet wide and six feet deep had hindered the attack of the enemy many days. EXERCISE 29. § 67. 1. PARTIAL PARADIGM OP ESSE, to be. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. of 1 - su,n ' ^««»i «i mus, we arc, (1. sum, I am, 2. es, thou art, 3. est, he is • es Us, ye or you arc, sunt, they arc. 76 PREDICATE NOMINATIVE. §67 Imperfect. 1. e ram, I was, e ra mus, we were, 2. e ras, thou toast, e ra tis, ye or yow. were, 3. i? rat, Ae teas ■ e rant, ^<>y were. Future. s7ia//, or «m'o\ 1. e ro, I shall be, cr i mus, we shall be, 2. c ris, if Aou wtW be. er i tis, ye or you will be, * 8. e rit, Ae wn7J be ; e runt, iAey «?z7Z be. ^Present-perfect, have been, or was. 1. /m i, I have'been, fu i mus, ice have been, ::. fu w ti, £/tow Aasi 6ec^, fu is tis, ye eave been, r >. /« it, helms been, fu e runt or re, 7Aey Aave Aec?2. Past-perfect. 1. fu e ram, T had been, fu e r« mus, ive had been, 2. fu e ras, thou hadsl been. f u e ra tis, ye had been, 3. /u e rat, he had been j /w e rant, £Aey Aad 6ee». Future -perfect. sAa// or e0j£# Aave. 1. fu e ro, I shall have been, fu er i mus, we shall have been, •2. fu e ris, thou ivilt have been, fu er i tis, ye will have been, Z. fue rit, Ae wn7Z have been ; . /« e rint, they will have been. 2. A noun or adjective may limit the predicate as well as the subject ; thus we may say Cicero orator, Cicer,o the orator ; and Cicero orator fuit, Cicero was an orator ; ager ferax, a fertile field, and ager ferax est, the field is fertile. PREDICATE NOMIXATTVE. 3. Rule of Syntax. A noun in the predicate denoting the same thing as the subject, agrees with it in case, and is called the predicate nominative ; as, Cicero orator fuit, Cicero was an orator. * Rem. 1. If the subject consists of more than one thing, the pr cate nominative is plural. Mem. 2. Adjectives in the predicate agree with the subject. See g 57, 2. * The aorist-perfeci is translated. I was. thou wast, he was. we were. &c. \ £67 EXERCISE. 77 EXERCISE 29. Vocabulary. Ditcher, a, nm, untouched, unhurt, Yulnus, vulner-ie, wound. fresh. Vita, se, fife. Humanus, a, urn, human. V< lox, veloc-is, sivift. Incertus, a, nm, uncertain. Csecus, a, um, mind. Verue, a, um, true, Mendocium,i, lie. Turpi*, e, base. Cornlger, n, um, horned. Ingens, out-is, A l'rtechuus, a, um, distinguished. Duplex, duflic-is', double. Acies, ei, linenfbaldr. Triplex, triplic-ia, triple. Kenuuciatio, cm-is, report. Translate into English and analyze. Non omnia animalia cornigera sunt. Aquilarum alee magna) sunt. Non amines homines sapientes sunt. Res humgpra incertao sunt. / Vita hominum incerta est. Onus cquorum caucus fuit. Cassaris milites veloces fortes- que fiKTunt. Cassar fuit imperator magnus. Marius dux fuit Romanorum. Regis films rex erit. Renuneiatio leg- atoruni vera fuit. Aper ingens in silva habitat. Impera- tor in prcclio integer fuit. Vulnera militum gravia sunt. Consul annos rnultos caccus fuerat. Caesaris acies triplex fuit. Omnes decirnao legionis milites integris viribus (§ 45) proolium redintegraverant. Mendacia turpia sunt. Cicero fuit orator praccl«rus. Improborum (§ 60 Rem,) vita onus est grave. Gallorum acies duplex est. * Translate into Latin. The farmer's oxen are large. Many bulls are horned. All generals are not wise. The inhabitants of the villages dread the huge lion. Cicero was a wise consul and a great man. The wounds of the brave soldiers were severe. Ma- ny of the swift horsemen were unhurt. Davus, Caesar's slave, has been blind many years. Our soldiers in a triple line renew the battle. All human things are uncertain. The shade of the dense forest will frighten the king's swift messenger. COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. §68,69 ■ COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. § 68. 1. The change which adjectives undergo to ex- press different degrees of quality is called comparison. 2. Grammarians generally give three degrees of oom- parison, the positive, comparative and superlative. 3. The simple form of the adjective is usually called the positive ; as, altus, high. 4. The comparative represents the quality as existing in one of two things or sets of things, in a higher de- gree than in the other ; as, mons arbore altiof e'st, a mountain is higher than a tree. 5. The superlative represents the quality as existing in one of several things, or sets of things, in a higher degree than in any of the rest ; as, trium montium altis- simus, the highest of the three mountains. Rem. 1. When two qualities of the same thing are com- pared, the comparative is used ; as, Aristides justi6r quam sapientior fuit, Aristides was more just than wise. Rem. 2. The comparative may often be translated by too or rather with the positive, especially when one of the things compared is omitted ; as, rex clementior est, the king U too merciful. Rem. 3. The superlative often expresses a high degree of a quality ; as, mons altissimusy a very high mountain. FORMATION OF COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE. §69. 1. The comparative is formed by adding ior 9 and the superlative by adding issimus (to the stem of the adjec- tive ; as, alt-us, high, alt-ior, higher, alt-issimw, highest. 2. Superlatives are of the first and second declensions. §70 COMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES. 19 _J m ; Comparatives are of the third declension, and are thus d© clined : Singular. Plural. M. & F. N. Mi & F. N. ». dur ior, dur ius, dur ior es, dur ior a, G, dur ior is, dur ior is, dur ior um, dur ior rum, D. dur ior i, dur ior i, dur ior ibus, dur ior ibus, Ac. dur ior em. dur ius, dur ior es, dur ior a, V. dur ior, dur ius, dur ior es, dur ior a, Ab. dur ior e or i. dur ior e or i. dur ior ibus. dur ior ibus. EXERCISE 30. § 70. 1. That with which anything is compared is con- nected by the conjunction quam, than, in the same case, ©r in the nominative, subject of est, fu.it, fyc, understood . as, fortiorem vidi neminem quam Marium, / have seen no braver man than Marius ; or fortiorem vidi neminem quam Mariut (est,) / have seen no braver man than Marius is. 2. Quam is sometimes omitted ; then Rule of Syntax. The ablative is used with the compar- ative degree, when quam is omitted, to express that with which something is compared ; as, nions est arbore altior, a mountain is higher than a tree. Vocabulary. Sanctus, a, um, sacred ; (of a man, pure.) Nihil, (indeclinable,) nothing. Damn, a, um, hard. Rogio, on-is, region. Nemo, nerain-is, no man. Gens, gent-is, race, nation. Translate into English and analyze. Prudentiorem vidi neminem quam Marium, Roman- orum ducem. Lupi sunt canibus ferociores. Nulla regio est Gallia feracior. Nihil est jurejur-ando (§ 45) sanctius. Equus est bove velocior. Germani fuerunt Gallis feroci- ores. Nullum bellum est bellociviliatrocius.\ Nemo Roman- orum sanctior fuit quam Cato. Consul gentem ferociorem plurimum, J mnch, more, most. plus, Nequam, nequior, nequissimus, ivorthless, etc. Frugi, frugalior, frugalissimus frugal, etc. Plus, more, is thus declined : — Singular. Plural. iV. M& F. • N. N. G. D. Ac. V. Ab. plus, plu ris,. " ■> plus. N. plu res, plu ra, rarely plu ri a, Q. plu ri um, plu ri um, D. plu, ri bus, plu ri bus, Ac. plu fes, plu ra, V. ■ — , plu re, (obs.) ' Ab. plu ri bus, plu ri bus. So, but in the plural number only, complures, a great many. §T3,7i DEFECTIVE COMPARISON. 83 EXERCISE 82. §73. The partitire genitive is frequently used with neu- ter adjectives, such as multum, plus, minimum, plurimum, &c. ; as, multum auri f much gold. Translate into English and analyze. Principes Gallorum Csesaris exercitui plurimum frumen- ti prsebuerunt. Cives in domibus multum auri habent. Minimum virtfctis est in judice inzquo. Agricolse plus frumenti habent quam auri.\ Iter per Alpes difficillimum est. Magister optimos puerorum laudabit. Caesar maxi- mus fuit imperatorum Romanorum. Multum cibi coniedo- nem delectat. RegVnse filia est pulcherrima. Agricoloo boves pigerrimi sunt. Pastor minimos agnorum non to-* tondit. Translate into Latin. The great whirlwinds will clash in pieces very many of the ships. The poet's daughter is the most beautiful of all the girls. The greatest city in Italy is Rome. The soldiers will bring much corn into the city. The commander will remain in the camp the whole winter. The consults soldiers demanded gold from the citizens. The citizens gave (to) the consul's soldiers i*iore (of) wounds than (of) gold. The general called together the greatest of the chiefs. Caesar was a greater general than Crassus. DEFECTIVE COMPARISON. § 74. 1. Seven adjectives want the positive : Citerlor, citimus, nearer. Prior, primus, former. .' Deterior, deterrimus, worse. Proper, proximus, nearer. Interior, intimus, inner. Ulterior, ultimus, further. Ociftr, ocissimus, swifter. 84- THIRD & FOURTH CONJUGATIONS. §75 2. Eight want the terminational comparative : Consultus, consultissirnus, skillful. Par, parissimus, (very Intlutus, inclutissimus, renowned. rare), equal. InvictuS; invictissimus, invincible. Persuosus, persuasis- Invrtus, invitissimus, unwilling. simum (neuter) per- Meritus, meritissimus, (very rare), suaded. deserving. Sacer, eacerrimus, sa- cred. o. The following want the terminational superlative ; Adolescens, adolescentior, young. Proclivis, procliv^or, doping. Agrestis, agrestior, rustic. Pronus, pronior, bending dolvn. Alacer, alacrior, active. Protervus, protervior, violent. Ater, atrior, black. Propinquus, propinquior, near. Ceecus, ciecior, blind. Salutaris, salutarior, salutary. Deses, desidior, inactive. Sati<, sufficient; satius, preferable. Diuturnus, diuturnior, lasting. Satur, saturior, full. Infim'tus, infinitior, unlimited. Senex, senior, old. Ingens, ingentior, great. Silvestris, silvestrior, woo'dy. Jejunus, jejunior, fasting, Sinister, sinisterior, left. Juvenis, junior, young. Supinus, supinior, lying on the Licens, licentior, unrestrained. back. Longinquus, longinquior, distant. Surdus, surdior, deaf. Opt'mus, opimior, rich. Teres, teretior, round. Rem. 1. Tke superlative of juvenis and adolescens is applied by minimus natu, youngest ; and that of sencx by maximus natu, oldest. The comparatives of minor naiu and major natu sometimes also occur. 4. Many adjectives form the comparative and superlative by pre- fixing magis, more, and maxime, most ; as, pius, magis pius, maxime pius ; pious, more pious, most pious. This is especially the case with adjectives in bundus, imus, inus, orus, wus, and us with a vowel before it. THIRD AND FOURTH CONJUGATION OF VERBS. § 75. Verbs of the third conjugation hare ere (short) in the infinitive present ; those of the fourth conjuga- tion, ire. 75 THIRD k FOURTH CONJUGATIONS. 2. 'INDICATIVE ENDINGS ; THIKD CONJUGATION. SlNGULAB. 1 Plural. Persons, Persons. 1. 2. Present, -o, -is, Imperfect, -e-bam, -e-bas. Future. -am, . -cs, 3. 1. * 2. 3. -it, -i-mus, -i-tis, ' -unt. -«-bat, -e*-4a-mus, -e-ia-tis, -«-bant -et, -6-mus, -fi-tis, -ent. 8. FOURTH CONJUGATION. • Singular. Persons. 1. o Present, Imperfect, Future, -io, -i-obam. -i-am, -is, -i-c bos. -i-es, Plural. Persons. -it, -i- e-as, e-a, v ■ Ab. e-o, «-a,. e-o. i-ia or c-is, i-is or c-is, i-is or e-is 3. Jstic, (sometimes written isthic,) and illic are com- pounded of iste hie, and t7/e &ie, and are more emphatic than iste and ille. N. m tic, is ttcc, is toe, or is tuc, N. — Ac. is tunc, u tanc, is toe, or w tuc, Ac. — Ab. is toe, is tac, is toe. 7/7ic is declined in the same manner. is tie, is tiec, 4. The suffix item is annexed to w, forming icfcm, "the same," whieh is thus declined : .*! DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUN8. §83 . Singular. M. F. N. N. i dem, e a dem, i dem, G. ejus dem, e/?. ip si, ip si, ip si, ip sis, ip sis, tp sis, Ac. ip sum, ip sam, ip sum, ip 80S, ip sas, ip sa, V. ip se, ip sa, ip sum, ip si, ip B8E, Eft, Ab. ip 80, ip sa, ip 80. ip sis, ip sis, ip sis. EXERCISE 38. §86. 1. Rule of Syntax. The infinitive mood is often used as a neuter noun in the nominative or accusative, and may be the subject of a verb ; as, Gratum est tecum am- bulare, It is pleasant to walk with you. 2. -Rule of Syntax. . The infinitive is used as a comple- ment (filling up,) with certain verbs and adjectives express- ing an incomplete idea. Complementary Infinitive. Parat bellum gererc. He is preparing to wage war. 1 98 INTENSIVE PRONOUN. §86 Vocabulary. Pr*dic-are, to tell, to boast Vine-ire, (vinx-, viuct-] to bind. Instru-ere, (instrux-, instruct-) to draw Vinculum, i, chain. up. Vinc-ere, [yi'c-, vict-] toconqw. Constitu-ere, [constitu-, constitut-] to de- Ferreus, a, um, of iron^ron. termine. Iracundia,»se, hasty temper. D« se ipso, about one's self. Orbis [§33] terrarum, the world, {the fctfr- Iater, [prep, with ace.,] between, among. clt of the countries.) . Inter se, among themselves, with one an- Alexander, -dii, Alexander. ot/ur. Macedonia, », Macedonia. Sua, [pi. neut.,) his [owix]lhings, his [own] Semper, (adv.) always. property. Facinus, facinor-is, deed, crime. A6cend-ere, [ascend-, ascens-J to ascend. Translate into English and analyze. JSgo ipse totam noctem vigil.avi. Rex ipse exercitum tri- plici acie instruxerat. Nonne regina ipsa in hae donio dor- nnvit ? Decinia ipsa legio magnitudinem perieuli tiinebat. Tu-ne te ipse laudabis ? Me ipsum non laudabo. Poeta se ipse laudabat. Turpe est de se ipso praedicare. Pater ipse et filius suus de agri finibus contendunt. Alexander niagnus, rex Macedonia?, orbem terrarum vincere parave- rat. Alexander se ipsum non rexit. Imperator magnus suam iracundiam,non regit. Dimcilliinuni (§66, §67, 3,) est montem altum ascendere. Facinus est civem Romanum vincire. Sapiens semper se ipse regit. Helvetii sua om- nia portabant. Translate into Latin. Our king has determined to conquer the whole world. Your king is a boy. The common people have bound our king with chains. These soldiers are always boasting about themselves. It is not very difficult to ascend a hill. Noth- ing is more difficult than to rule a hasty temper. Have you read the works of Cicero, the distinguished orator 1 Will a father and a son contend with one another about an eagle's wing? They will not contend. Am I myself praising myself ? Has not this fellow (§83, 2,) always §87 RELATIVE PRONOUNS. 99 praised himself? It is a gjeat crime to kill (one's) father. The wicked judge is preparing to bind Roman citizens. The common people will bind the judge himself. The greatness of this work will hinder Caesar himself. The general has determined to put three legions into winter quarters. RELATIVE PRONOUNS. §87. 1. The pronoun qui, quae, quod, (who, which,) is called relative, because it refers to some word or phrase going before, called the antecedent. Singular. - Plural. M. F. % M. F. N. N. qui, quae, quod, qui quse, quae, G. cu jus, cujus, • cujus, quo rum qua rum, quorum, ©• cui, cui, cui, qui bus, qui bup, qui bus, Ac. quern, quam, quod, quos, quas, qua), V. . A. t quo, qua, quo qui bus, qui bus, qui bus. Rem. Qui is sometimes used in the ablative in all genders. 2. From qui are derived quicumque or quicunque and quisquis, tohoever, whosoever. Quicumque is declined like qui ; quisquis is thus declined : N. quis quis, quis quis, quid quid, N. qui qui, Ac. qnem quem, <7i«VJ-quid, D. qui bus qui bus, Ab. quo quo, qua qua, quo quo. EXERCISE 39; 1. Sentences are either principal or dependent. A principal sentence makes complete sense when standing alone ; a dependent sentence does not make complete sense alone, but must be connected with another sentence. 2. A sentence introduced by a relative pronoun is called a dependent relative sentence. 100 RELATIVE PRONOUNS'. §87 3. Rule of Syntax. The relative pronoun agrees with its antecedent in gender, number, and person ; but its case depends upon the construction of the relative sentence. As, E^o qui scribo, / who write. Vos qui scribitis, You who write. Patella quatri vidi, The girl whom / taw. (Here quam is sing., fern., 3rd person, because puella is the same* but accusative, because it is the object of the transitive verb vidi.) 4. Rule of Position. The preposition dim is annexed to the ablative plural of the relative qui, and sometimes also to the ablative singular ; as, quibuscum. 5. Rule of Position. The relative generally stands at the beginning of the relative sentence, after the antece- dent, and as near the latter as possible ; but for the sake of emphasis the relative sentence is often placed first. 6. In general expressions the forms of is are often used merely as the antecedent of a relative clause ; as, Is stultus est qui de se ipso prxdicat. lie is foolish who boasts ©f himself. Is is emphatic when it stands at the beginning of the principal sentence. 7. When the antecedent is indefinite, it is often omitted altogether ; as, Qui tertiam partem incolunt Gadi appellan- tur. (Those) who inhabit the third part are called Gauls. (Compare the English, " Who steal my purse, steals trash," i. e. any one who, &c.) Vocabulary. Incol-ere, [incolu-, incult-] to inhabit. Continenter, [adv.] continually. Divid-ere, [dirt*-, divis-] to separate, to Trans, [prep, with ace..] across, divide. Translate into English and analyze. Omnis Gallise sunt partes tres, quarum unam incolunt §88 , INTERROGATIVE "TRONOUNS. 101 Belgas. Trans Rhenum incolunt Germani, quibuscum Belgac continentur bellum gerunt. Flurnen Rhenus, qui agrum Helvetium a Germanis dividit, latissimus est atque altissimus. Jura, qui una ex parte, Helvetios continet, mens est altissimus. Csesar legiones duas, qua3 in Gallia hiemabant, ex hibernis eduxit. Puelke pulchrse, quas in horto vidisti, filiai sunt Ciceronis. Recentes imbres, qui fluinina omnia auxerunt, cpus nostrum tardabunt. Puer eui magister librum dedit, optknus est pusr^rum. Agri- cola cujus canis ancillam terruit, in urbem venit. Helvetii cos qui leges reipublicse violant igni cremant. Qui sua omnia secum portat non sapiens est. ' Qui sese non regit, est-ne is vir magnus ? Translate into Latin. Caisar will hasten into the province with three legions which he has levied in Gaul. The centurion has divided his field into three parts, one of which he will give to his son. Have you, showed to your father the letter which the queen wrote with her own hand 1 The general had placed in winter-quarters the legions which he had levied in the province. The great river which we saw is the Rhine. Will not the general slay the robber who lives in the for- est ? Is not he (is) a fool who holds (tenere) a fierce bull by the horns ? The fields through which we were walking are very fertile. (He) who boasts about himself is a fool, (He) who conquers himself is a brave man. INTERROGATIVE PRONOUKS. § 88. 1. Interrogative pronouns arc used in asking questions. Thty arc » n!!;! \'Mo? Uluii? $ u ! \ Which? What ? Quisnam ) ■ Quinam J 102 INTERROGATIVE PRONOUNS. , §88 Rem. 1. Qui and quinam are declined like the relative qvi. They are almost always adjectives. Rem. 1. Quis and quisnam are usually substantives, but sometimes adjectives. Quid is always a substantive. Quisnam is stronger than quis )— Who then ? Who , pray ? 2. Quis is thus declined : Singular. Plural. M. F. N. M. F. N. quod or quid, qui, quae., qure, cu jus, • quo rum, qua rum, love. CONJUGATION. § 99. 1. There are four conjugations, distinguished from each other by the ending of the infinitive present active. # The infinitive present active of the 1st conj. ends in a-re. it a u a a a 2nd " " " e-re. a a a a a a 4^ a u a fa* Exception. Dare } to give, has, art (a short.) S100 VERBS — ESSE. Ill 2. Every verb-form consists of two parts, the stem and ending. 3. The present-stem, or general-stem, is found in every part of the verb, and may always be obtained by striking off the ending of the infinitive-present active or passive. 4. Besides this general stem, there is also a perfect stem, on which the perfect tenses in the active voice are formed ; and a supine-stem, on which the supines, the future active participle, and perfect passive participle, are formed. 5. The perfect-stem is formed for the most part In the first conj. by adding «av (long) to the present-stem. " " second " " " -zi " " " " " third " ." " -5 M " " " " fourth M "" " -iv (long) " " " For other modes of formation see Appendix. 6. The supine-stem is generally formed In the first conj. by adding -at (long) to the present-stem. " " second " " " -it (short) " " " " " third " " • iC -t " M " " " fourth * « " -it (long) " " " For other modes of formation see Appendix VII. ESSE, to be. §100. PRINCIPAL PARTS. Pres. Indie. Pres. Inf. Per/. Indie. Put. Part .Sum, es-se, INDICATIVE i'u-i, MOOD. fu-tu-rub. Present Tense. SINGULAR. PLURAL. ^J C 1. Bum 2 \ 2. es, i a 1 3. est, , I am, thou art he is , su mus, we are, , es tis, ye arc, sunt, they are. 112 VERBS, §100 1 . c ram, 1 was, 2. c ras, thou wast, 3. e rat, he was : 1. e ro, / sAuZ/ be, '2. e ris, *Aou wilt be, 3\ e rit, ae will be ; Imperfect. c ra mus, we icerc, e ra tis, yc were, e rant, tfAct/ urrf. Future, shall, or un7/. cr i mus, tre 5Aa/Z 6e, cr i tisj ye will be, e runt, they xcill be. Present-Perfect, have been, or teas. \. fu\, I have been, 2. fu is ti, thou hast been, 3, /wit, Ac Aas 6ccn ; fu i mus, tre have been, fu w tis, ye have been, fu c runt or re, 2Aey A«vc been. Past-Perfect. 1. fu e ram, / Acd 6cm, 2. fu e ras, Mow Aadsi been, 3. /u e rat, Ac Aar/ &cen; fu e ra mug, wc AacZ jew, fu e ra tis, ye had been, fu e rant, they had been. Future-Peffect. shall, or will have. 1. /« e ro, i" aAaZZ Aat>e been, 2. /w c ris, f/jow wilt have been, 3. fu e rit, he will have been ; fu er i mus, we shall have been. fu er i tis, yd willjiave been,, fu e rint, they will have been. 1. sim, I may be, 2. sis, 2Aou mays/ be, 3. sit, Ac may 6e ; SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Preient. may. ► «i mus, we may be, si tis, ye may be, sint, they may be. Imperfect, 'might, would, or should. es se mus, we would be, es se tis, yc would be, es sent, *Aey would be. 1. m sem, I would be, 2. e* ses, f Aou wouldst be, 3. es set, Ac would be ; Perfeot. 1. /w e rim, / may have been. fu cr i mus, we may have been, 2. fu e rig, /Aou mayst have been, fu cr i tig, ye may have been, 3. fu e rit, Ae may have been / /it e rint, ZAcy may Aai'c. §101 CONJUGATION OF VERBS — ENDINGS. 113 Past-perfect, might, would, or should have. 1. fu is sem, I would have been, fu is se mus, we would have been, 2. fu is ses, thou wouldst have been, fu is se tis, ye would have been. 3. fa is set, he would have been ; fu is sent, they would have been. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Pres. 1. es, be thou, este,bege t Fut. 2. es to, thou shalt be, es to te, ye shall be, ' 3. es to, let him be; sun to, let them be. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present, es se, to be. Perfect, fu is se, to have been. Future, fu tu rus, (a, um) es se, or fo re, to be about to be. PARTICIPLE. fu tu rus, a, um, about to be. § 101. CONJUGATION OF VERBS.— ENDINGS. The following table exhibits the endings of the active and passive voices in all the conjugations : Bern. 1. On the present-stem are formed all the. moods of the present, imperfect, and future tenses, (except the infinitive future, active and passive,) the gerund, present active participle, and future passive participle. Rem. 2. On the perfect-stem are formed all the perfect- tenses in the active voice. Rem. 3. On the supine stem are formed the supines; the future active, and perfect passive participles ; the infinitive future, active and passive ; and all the perfect tenses in the passive voice. These latter are compounded of the perfect passive* participle and the verb esse. 8 £ b £ (J S *• a a 3 • • »• t« t" « ~ s i; ■ C u = a a 2 z5, • — *" 3 S *»*»■** tj .Tils « s .3 £ « • .2 e! © © "= c 2 S ^ i—i E* H JS -3 00 U K t—t OS Q "PU ---* « *c H W «.S eu .... & K r-JcSCO^ h«M« £ rH-oieon; g & I— I W S ,*j*j*j"S Bflflg 3a*J"S >-♦ ^ -wrt mi || si » ilti o cq ,2 «-^ •»- +* g ; flutist Illl 1-slS -s§«-2 h-3 05 00 ^ddl M *" oo* j~ •« PSS5 P3.-T .2^-°=" ^ o §2§s aaa§ sa§§ Sa = s M H O < to es • S -JT Tl Ti TT v3 «S eS eS ^j -e?©.® *S © ej „g -« S 00 Wjfir feffl e v © — "* ei 2 ej © © ci « rH o8.".2 . • s^a^a"! •» . Illl cm, earn am, lain •nfuoQ H«i»^ i-5 c-i »j ** i-J CM* M Tji a a a a aaa'a *3> © • © S I! -' .M ; ; 3 ; a a a s § 8 2 j» k b |< b a 3 J* 3 w - i* — u >$ © © •« 03 ^ .2 »T £££ £ ^3 V © •«* i-J !N M >*. S g C C © © © © t* t- "^ ^ .zT.ss"-— ™r aaas -2 2 2! S -r o 3 .— £ ° £ ° T ^ tT t""" © © © © - — " l- « \) « •- iaas >— " 0? e«i •«#< ft O En < ft 0^ C v« »jn)7\«f a a a a ee © — • ~ • 2* ©{Tot •jwttsuyr >. . _ OOP*' a 4> 5 — © © © O *- — «-.*- O © Q O ■ti ■« *» *» <3 ft >■ >— < 02 «5 ft 1 8 W *M © « 1 — £ w ■ o ■ 9 o i > O -n w '- > (-H B Eh 1 -< CJ s * © j_- 5 © 9 '■ u r. .9 M © 3 a A a „ s fc. v. v d © o © i ft O O > H ►— < H O -5 ft o ft Ill's Cm «j s 2 c s a ••« © © .- -9.- «-. © © 95 9=r © O 3 ? a"§s •C ™ 2 2 S'Jl !C ©ft 33 S 03 .2 EH 116 FIRST CONJUGATION. §102 s § 102. FIRST CONJUGATION. ACTIVE VOICE. PRINCIPAL PARTS. Ind. Pres. , Inf. Prcs. Ind. Per/. Supine. A mo, a ma re, a ma vi, a ma turn, INDIOATIVE MOOD. Present. love, do love, am loving. Sing, a mo, a mas, a miat, / love, thou lovest, he loves ; a ma mus, a ma tis, a mant, we love, ye love, tliey love. ; Imperfect, icas loving, loved, did hvc. ■ Sing, a ma bam, a ma bas, a ma bat, Plur. am a ba mus, am & ba tis, a ma bant, I ivas loving, thou wast loving, he was loving; we were loving, ye were loving, they were loving. Future, shall, or will. Sing, a ma bo, a ma bis, a ma bit, PJwr. a mab i mus, a mab i tis, a ma bunt, I shall love, thou wilt love, he will love ; we shall love, ye will love, they xvill love. Present -Perfect, loved, or Aat'e loved. Sing, a ma vi, am a t>w ti, a ma vit, PZwr. a www i mus, am a vis tis, am a ve runt or re, J have loved, thou hast loved, he has loved ; we have loved, ye have loved f they have loved. §102 FIRST CONJUGATION. 11: i % Past-Perfect, had. Sing, a mav e ram, a mav e ras, a mav e rat, Plur. a mav o ra mus, a mav e ra tis, a mav e rant, J had loved, thou hadst loved, . . he had loved : we had loved, ye had loved, they had loved. 1 Future-Perfect. shall, or 20 ill have. Sing, a mav e ro, a mav e ris, a mav e rit, Plur. am a ver i mus, am a ver i tis, a 7?j«v e rint, I shall have loved, thon wilt have loved, he will have loved ; we shall have loved, ye will have loved, they will have loved. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present! may. Sing, a mem, a mes, a met, , Plnr. a me mus, a me tis, a ment, I may love, thou mayst love, , he may love ■ we may love, ye may love, they may love. » Imperfect, might, could, would, or should. Smg. a ma rem, a ma res, a ma refc, Plur. am a re mus, am a re tis, a ma rent, I would love, thou wouldst love, he would love ; we would love, ye would love, they would love. Present-Perfect. may, or can have. Sing, a mav e rim, a mav e ris, a mau e rit, Plur. am a ver i mus, am a ver i tis, a mav e rint, I may have loved, thou mayst have loved, he may have loved; we may have, loved, ye way have loved, they may have loved. 118 FIRST CONJUGATION. §102 Past-Perfect, might, could, would, or should have Sing, am a vis sem, am a vis ses, am a vis set, Plur. am a vis se mus, am a vis se tis, am a vis sen., 1 would have loved, thou wouldst have loved, he would have loved ; we would have loved, ye would have loved, they would have loved. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Pres. Sing, a ma, Plur. a ma te, Fut. Sing, a ma to, a ma to, Plur. am & to te, a man to, love thou • love ye, thou shalt love, he shall love ; ye shall love, they shall love. INFINITIVE MOOD. Present, a ma re, Perfeci. am a vis se, Future. am a tu rus, (a, um) es se, Fut. per/, am a tu rus fu is se, to love. to have loved. to be about to love. to have been about to lovt. PARTICIPLES. Present, a mans, Future, am a tu rus, a um, loving, abont to love. GERUND. G. a man di, D. a man do, Ac. a man dum, Ab. a man c?o, o/ loving, for loving, loving, by loving. SUPINE. a ma turn, a ma tu, to love. to love, to be loved. no3 FIRST CONJUGATION 119 § 103. PASSIVE VOICE. PRINCIPAL PARTS. Indie. Pres. Infin. Per/. P e ,f. Pari. A mor, a ma ri, a ma tus. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present, am. Sing, a mor, a ma ris or re, a ma tur,. Plur. a ma mur, a mam i- ni, a man tur, / ti, au di tus est or fu it ; P. au di ti s?( mus or fu i mus, au o7 ti es tis or fu is tis, au eft ti snnt, fti c runt or re. Past- Perfect. / had been heard. au di tus e ram or f u e ram, au di tus e ras or fu e ras, au di tus c rat or fu e rat ; au di ti e m mus or fu e ra mus, au di ti e ra tis or fu e ra tis, au di ti c rant or fu e rant. Future-Perfect. / shall have heard. S. au div e ro, au div e ris, au div erit ; P. au di ver i mus, ' au di ver i tis, au div e rint. / shall have been heard. . S. au di tus e ro or fu e ro, au, <# tus e ris or fu e ris, au rfi tus c rit or /w e rit ; P. au di ti er i mus or fu er i mus, au di ti er i Us or fu er i tis, au di ti e runtfor fu e rint, SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD. Present. / may or can hear. S. a« di am, au di as, aw di at ; P. au di a mus, a.u di a tis, au di ant. I may or can 6* heard. S. an di ar, au di a ris or re, au di a tur ; P. au di a mur, au di am i ni, au di an tur. 130 FOURTH CONJUGATION. §106 ACTIVE. Imperfect. PASSIVE. might, could, would, or should hear. S. au di rem, au di res, au di ret ; P. au di re mus, au di re tis, au di rent. I might, could, would, or should be heard". S. au di rer, au di re ris or re, . . au di re tur ; P. au di re mur, au di rem i ni, au di ren tur. Present-Perfect. I may have heard. S.- au div e rim, au div e ris, au dw e rit ; P. au di ver i mus, au di ver i tis, au dw e rint. / may have been heard. S. au di tus sim or fu e rim, au di tus sis or /« e ris, au di tus sit or fu e rit ; P. au di ti si mus or fa er i mus, au d% ti si tis or fu fir i tis, au di ti sint or fu e rint. Past-Perfect. I might, could ,would, or •should have heard. S. au o£ ero, pot eris. 7><;c c lit. pot erinius, -mtis, -erunt. Pcrf. poiu i, -isti, -it, potu imus, &c. potw erim, -oris, -orit, &c. Past Perf. potu cram, eras, crat. putu isscin, -issee, isset, &c. potu eramuB. «fec. INFINITIVE. Fut. Terf. potu ero, -eris, -erit, potu enmus, indulge Xe — quidem, [the word which it limits Noc-ere, [nocn- nocit-] intr., tn hurl. always placed between,] not even. Pra-cipuc [pracipurus,] especially. Andac-ter. [andax,] boldly. Cred-ere, [crcdid- credit.] intr., to belt Gener-atim, [genus,] by tribes. Procurr ere, [-cucurr- & -cur r-, curs-] to Kepente, [repent.] suddenly. run forward. Translate into English and analyze, Nostri totum diem fortiter pugnaverant. Hostes repen- te celeriterque procurre'runt. 'Qui bene vivit (§87.7,) be- atc vivit. Omnia fere animalia gregatim currunt. Im- perator paulatini exercitum in unum locum conduc^bat. •Nostri facile hostium phalangem perfregerunt. Filium decet patri suo parere. Galli cum jGrerm«nis sscpe contcn- debant. Ne Csesar quidem hanc civitatem vincere .potest. Milites ad muros oppidi audacter accesserunt. * Turn Ger- mani copias suae generatim constitucrunt. Caesar huic legioni precipue indulserat. Quis nostrum (§58.3,) isti (§83.2,) credit? Num (§80.3,) bonum delectat aliis no- cere 1 Translate into Latin. To live well is to live happily. Wicked men always in- jure (yiocerc) themselves. Our men ran forward suddenly and swiftly, and easily routed the enemy's footmen. The cavalry of tjie Thracians came up boldly to the very (ipse) gates of the city. I will not believe even the consul nim- self. The prudent general was unwilling to lead his army through the by-paths of the forest. This boy can easily . swim across a very deep river. The enemy will not attempt to break through our line-of-battle. §119-20 COMPARISON OF ADVERBS — PREPOSITIONS. 149 # COMPARISON OF ADVERBS. § 119. Adverbs derived from adjectives are generally compared like their primitives. The comparative is like the neuter comparative of the adjective ; the superlative is formed from the superlative of the adjective by chang- ing us into e ; as, facile, faiilius. faciUime ; celcritcr. lerius, cclerrimr. Rem. 1. The superlative of the adverb sometimes ends in y. cum. with. pra . before, in cnmpar, lbs, J de, down from, after, con- with. ■ . hut for. cerning. pro, before, for, instead <• clam, without the l.ncuil- e, ) / / cine, v:\tliout. edge of to. • 3. Four prepositions are followed by tbe accusative, when motion to a place is implied ; -the ablative, when rest in a place is implied : in, in, on ; into, upon. super, over, above. sub, under, near. subter, under, beneath. Rem. 1. Clani is sometimes followed by the accusative. Be/n. 2. Tenus is placed after its case ; and cum is annexed to the ablative of the substantive personal and relative pronouns. Rem. 3. -4 and e are used only before consonants; ab and ex, be- fore vowels and consonants. The pupil will learn the various other meanings of the prepositions from obsceva- • tion. § : 21. EXERCISE 49/ *Bone. [adv.l, tcrjt. Neque, (conj.) and — not, neither. - ♦Male, [adv.], badly, unfortunately. Fug-ere, (-io, fwg-, fugit-,) to fee. •Partun, [ah. I. little. Comme-are, to go back and forth. *Magifl^ [adv.], more. - Dasistere, (destit-, destlt-,) to ceape, *Longe, I 'adv.j, far. Ab-esse, '(gill, 11,) to be away, t; ■ *Prope, [adv.j, near. tant. Plac-ere Cpl i n> placftO to please. Cnltni. -us, civilization. Displicere, [plicu-, plicit-.j to displease) Uumanitan, -tat-iu, -is, refinement. Dnbitatio. -ori-is, doubt. Oonjlc-ere, [-io, conjee-. contact-,] to hurl. UUus, a. urn. [g 66,] any. * Telum, i, a dart. Consilium, i, wisdom, prudence. Translate into English and analyze. Omnium qui iu Gallia habitant, fortissimi sunt Belgre. A cultu atque humanitate provincial longissime absunt. Ad eos mercatores minime «cpe commeant. Non minus .fortes fucrunt Galli quaui lionumi. Horas (§ 153) sex acriter utrimque pugnrrtura erat (§ 114, 5), neque hostes * Bee-fill §122 PREPOSITIONS IN COMPOSITION. 151 nostrorum impetum diutius sustinere potummt. Equites Ariovisti- propius accesserunt, ac lapides tela-que in nostro's conjeccrunt. Ariovistus magis consilio quam virtwte Eduos vicit. Translate into Latin. Without any doubt virtue is a more excellent *thing (jpraestantiljs) than gold. This song displeases me (dative, § 118, 1) more than that (one) pleases me. The Belgians were farther away than the JEduans from the civilization and refinement of the Roman province. Through the whole night the enemy did not cease to flee. The boys came up nearer, and boldly hurled stones and darts upon the fierce wild boar. Which of us can fight without arms ? Orge- torix was far the noblest and richest (man) among (apud) the Helvetians. « PREPOSITIONS IN COMPOSITION. § 122. Most prepositions are used as prefixes, in com- position with other words. The following are called in- separable prepositions, because they are never found a lone : anili. or aiab, (ambo) around, abc re, di, or dis, asunder. se, apart, aside. con,* together. _ ve, not. EXERCISE 50. Hand, [miv,], not. Qeperally used with Jub-ere, [jue8-,Jus8->] to order, «!▼< •...■n-)'r<'. i f-vrii-. -yent-J too i mong themselves, without on-dux-, - Difficile est. tantam. causaM el ddigentia consequi, et memoria complc6ti, etoratione cxpromere et voce etc virions sustin^ . Rem. 4. Nerque or nrc, and not, compounded of ne ai*(\-que, when repeated, is translated neither — nor. Et non is used instead when only one word, and not a whole sentence, is to be negatived ; as potior et non molestc fcro. Et, non is frequently used also when et ^precedes. Nee non, neque non, the two negatives destroying each other, is equivalent to et ; but is used, in classical prose, only to connect sentences, and the two words are separated. Rem. '). Etiam (ct-jam), also, even, has a wider meaning than quoque, and adds a new circumstance, while qvoqiie is used when a thing of a similar kind is added. Rem. 6. The copulative conjunctions are frequently omitted in animated discourse. Copias suas in proximum collem subducit, etciem instruit. This omission is called asyndeton (not-tied-together.) » 2. Disjunctive, which connect things that are to be con- sidered separately, {cither, or) ; they are aut, ve/, ve, si«w, seu, and the interrogative particle an, Rem. 7. Avt, either, or, extt Q essential difference in thii and ordinarily implies that one thing excludes another ;• as, aut i aut mortuus est, he is cither living or dead. Aut and ve serve to con- tiuuu a negation, where in ihiglisu we use nor ; a*, Vcrrcs. non l X ailt ]'ir:. i( : hat. i. 8. Vel, on the ether hand. (nl;in to vdic,) indicates a di ence of expression merely, and ia used where either cf two or 'more 154 CONJUNCTIONS. S12S things may be taken indifferently. Conjunctio tectorum oppidum vel urbs appellator* — a town,or city (whichever you please.) Vol im- perative, vel milite me utimini, When one of the alternatives is omit- • ted, vel often has the sense of even. Volo ut oppcriare sex dies mode. Vel sex menses opperibor, "I wish you to wait six days only." — " T will wait even six months," i. e. six days or six months, if you choose. Ve is merely vel apocopated. Rem. 9. Sive, sen, or if \ whether, or, is strictly either conditional |0r interrogative, and when used as a simple disjunctive always im- plies a doubt, at least in the earlier writers. Thus. Cassar, B. G. Sive casu, sive deorum immortalium providentia. Sive timore perterrit'i, sive spe saluiis inducti ; ("perhaps by one, perhaps by the other, — I do not know by which.") 3. Adversative, which express opposition of thought, {but) ; they are sed, autem, verum 9 vero, at and its com-^ pounds, tamen and its compounds, and ceterum. Rem. 10. Sed denotes strong and direct opposition. Vera dice, sed nequidquam, quoniam non vis credere. Non bestia, sed homo. Rem. 11. Autem adds something that is different, without setting aside what precedes ; (on the contrary, however, on the other hand, but.) Gyges a nullc videbatur ; ipse autem omnia videbat. Fre- quently it simply marks a transition, or adds a more important cir- cumstance, (moreover, furthermore). Rem. i'2. V crura, {as to the truth, in fact, but,) is nearly the same in meaning as sed. It is strengthened by cnim, vero, enimvero ; (but indeed, but in fact, but assuredly.) Rem. 13. Vero, (in truth, assuredly, but, however,) does not express as strong oppo^ion as verum, just as autem is weaker than sed. Ubi per exploratores Cccsar certior f actus est tres jam copiarum partes HelvcUus idflumtn transduxissc, qua-lain xnxo partem ciira Jlumen jlr* arim reliquam esse. — - ; That the fourth part, however, &c." Rem. 14. At does not, like sed, alter or set aside what 'precedes, li t expresses a contrast, often a strong one. Brcvis a natura nobis vita data est, at memoria bine rcdditce vita' scmpilerna. It frequently follows si'm the sense of at least: etsi non sapientissimm at amScis- §]23 CONJUNCTIONS. 155 simus. It frequently introduces fin objection, and enim is then often added to assign a reason for the objection; "at sumus," in- quiunt, " civitatis principes." Rem. 15. Atqui admits what precedes, but opposes something else to it. Magnum narras, viz crcdibile : atqui sic habet ,-r-" yet such is the fact." It is used in hypothetical syllogysms, when a thing is assumed which had before been left undecided. Quodsi virlutes sunt pares inter se,pari etiam vitia esse necesse est : atqui pares esse virtue** facile potest perspici. Rem. 16. Ceterum, literally, " ap to the rest," is frequently used in the sense of sed . 4. Causal, which express a cause or reason (for, because); they are, nam, namque, enim, etent'm, quia, quod, quo- niam, qirippe, qua in, quando, quando-quidem, siquidem. Rem. 17. Nam, namque, enim, and ctenim, "for." are rather cor- roborative or confirmatory than causal conjunctions ; i. e. they ad- duce a proof rather than state a cause. ' Nam sho^s the grounds of a preceding . assertion : so also cnim, except that the assertion must frequently be supplied by the mind. Enim is eriginally only a corroborative adverb, truly, certainly, to- be-sure, indeed. In namque aud etcnim, que and et repeat the pre- ceding assertion, while nam and enim introduce the proof. Rem. 18. Quod (ace. sing. neut. of qui) means originally with re- flect to what, in what respect, in that ; ana hence its causal ineaniug, in as much as, because. Quod omnis Gallia ad scptentrionem vcrgit, matures kunt hicmes. It is very often preceded by propterea, hoc, oh hanc causam, and similar causal expressions. Rem. 19. Quod is very often used merely . to connect a sentence with that which precedes, and may be translated " and" or 4i I especially with si,%isi, &c ' In such cases.it is a relative pronoun, accusative of limitation, ($ 15"). ) Quod si ceteris contumelies obliritci Quod si furore et amentia impulsus helium intulisset. Rem. 20. Qttia (ace. pi. neut. of qui) has the same origin as quod, but i-^ purely causal (because,) and never has the sense of that, or in thuC. like quod. When contrasted with quod, it expresses a real mo- 15G -• • CONJUNCTIONS. 5123 tive of reason, while quod expresses merely on alleged or pretended reason : (non quod K scd quia.) Rem. 21. Quoniam, (quum — jam,) inlroduqes a well-known, rea- son, since then, since as everybody knoics. Rem. 22. Quippe is originally a corroborative adverb, (indeed,) and hence derives its causal meaning. It is frequently united with relative words to express a subjective reason. Rem. 23. In quum, quando, quandoquidem, the causal idea is de- rived from that of timo ; (compare the English since) Siquidcm is conditional originally, (though the antepenult has become short.) Antiquissimum e doctis genus est. poet 'arum, siquidcm (if indeed, as every one admits, — since,) Ilomerus full et Hesiodus ante Rotuam conditam. 5. Conclusive, which express a conclusion or inference, (therefore) ; they are, ergo, eo, ideo, idcirco, igitur, ita- que, proinde, propter ea, and the relative words quaproj)- ter, quart, quamobrem, quoeirca, iinde. Ron. 24. Ergo and igkur express a logical consequence, (there- fore.) while iiaquc expresses a natural consequence, (and so.) Ergo andfp are causal ablatives,and all the other conclusives may be con- sidered adverbial expressions of cause or result, limiting the predi- * cate. 6. Final, which express purpose or result, — end, (that, 'in order that) ; they are, at, ne, quo, quin, quominus, neve, neu, 7. Conditional, which express a condition {if, unless) ; they are, si, sin, nisL or ni, dum, modo,' dummodo. 8. Concessive, which express something granted (al- though) ; the y are, &tsi, <^?anquam, tametsi, tar.ienstsi, etiamsi, licet, quamvis, quantumvU, quamJibet ; ut and quum, in the sense of although. S124,— '25 INTERJECTIONS — SYNTAX. 157 9. Temporal, expressing time, (when, as soon as, after, be- fore) ; they are, quum, ut, uhi, pbstqiiam, postcaquam, anieqiiam, pHusquam, quando, Simula c, simiil, dum, donee, quoad. 10. Comparative, expressing comparison {than, as) ; they arc,*/?m?w, sicut, velut, prout, tanquam, quasi, utsi, acsi, with ac and atquc, in the sense of as or than. Rem 25. The following conjunctions stand always at the begin- ning of a sentence, viz.: ct, etenim. ac, at, atquc, atqui, ncquc, nee, aut, vel, sivc, shi, scd, nam, verum, and the relatives quart, quocirca, quamoorcm. * Rem. 26. E?iim, autcm, and vcro arc placed after the first word, , or the second, if the first two belong together; rarely after three or more words. Rem. 27. T.ie other conjunctions usually stand at the beginning, unless some word or expression is especially emphatic, and is there- fore placed first in the sentence. INTERJECTIONS. § 124. Interjections are used to express strong or sudden emotion ; as, Vx nobis J W«e to us! SYNTAX. § 125. 1. Syntax treats of the construction of sen- tences. '.. A sentence is a thought expressed in words ; as, snow melts. 3. Every sentence consists of (a.) A predicate ; i. e. that which is declared; (b.) A subject ; i. e. that of which the declaration is made. 4. The predicate is a verb alone, (as melts, in the above 158 SYNTAX — AGREMENT. §126 ,— *. '■ 1 , , — ! :, example,) or the verb esse, to be, with a noun, adjective, or participle ; as, nix gclida cst y snow is cold. 5. The subject is a noun, or some word or phrase used as a noun, and may'be known by asking the question who ? or what ? with the predicate ; as, John runs. ( Who runs ? John.) To play is pleasant. ( Wh,at is pleasant? To play.) 6. The subject and predicate may stand alone, or r each may have words or sentences limiting its meaning. , Thus, Prima luce, qaum mons a Tito Labieno teneretur, idem Considius qui cum exploratoribus prsemissus erat, equo ad- misso, ad Csesaren\ accurrit. At daylight, when the moun- tain was held by Titus Labienus, the same Considius who had been sent foricard with the scouts, runs to Cxsar with his horse at full speed. Here the leading thought is Co7isidtus accurrit, Considius runs. The subject is limited by the adjective idem, and the adjective sentence, qvi — prsemissus erat. The predicate is limited by prima luce, designating the point of time when Considius ran ; by quum mons teneretur, farther spec- ifying the time or circumstances of the running ; by equo admisso, participial sentence, expressing the manner of the running,: — an adverbial limitation ; and by ad Csesa- re'm, the point to which the running was directed. 7. A sentence consisting of a single subject, and a single predicate, is commonly called a simple sentence ; and one which consists of two or more simple sentences combined* is commonly called a compound sentence. AGREEMENT. § 126. RULE I. The verb agrees witn its subject in number and person. Rem. 1. (1.) If the subject consists, of more than one, the verb is §126 AGREEMENT. 159 plural; fis m Furor iraque mentem praecipitant., Fury and rage hurry ou my mind. Hence, • (a.) A collective noun may have a plural verb. (b.) A noun connected to an ablative with cum often has a plural verb; as, Socchus cum peditibus postremam aciem invadunt, Bocchus aud the footmen attack the rear. (c. A plural verb is sometimes used with utcrque and quisque. (2.) But the verb often agrees with the nearest nominative, espe- cially when the nouns denote things without life ; as, Mens, enim. ct ratio, et consilium in senibus est, For mind, and skill, and wisdom are in old men.. (3.) If the nominatives are of different persons, the verb takes the first person rather than the secend, and the second rather than the third ; as, Si tu ct Tullia valelis, ego ct Ci^ro valcmus, If you and Tullia are well, Cicero and I are well. APPOSITION. §■ 127. A noun limiting another, and denoting the same person or thing, is said to be in apposition with it. RULE II. !Nouns in apposition agree in case ; as, Jugurtlia refy Jugurtha the king. Rem, I. A noun in apposition often expresses character, purpose, time, cause, &c. ; as, Cicero praetor legem Maniliajm suasit, consul , conjurationem, Catalince oppressit ; Cicero, when praitor (or, as prce- tor) advocated the Manilian law, when consul, &c Rem. 2. The personal pronoun is often omitted before a noua in apposition with it; as, Consul dixi, I, the consul, have said. Rem. 3. A noun in apposition with two or more nouns is put in the plural; as, Jugurtha et Rocchus, rcges, Jugurtha and Bocchus, kings. " Rem. -L The ablative is used in apposition with the name of a- town iu the genitive; (see Rule XXXI. Exc.) as, Corinthi, Acham urbe, at Corinth, city of Achaia. Rem. 5. A noun n5ay be in apposition with a sentence ; as, Cogi- let orator em institui, — rem arduam ; Let him reflect that an orator is training, — a difficult thing. 160 AGREEMENT. £128 Rem. 6. Expressions denoting the parts are often placid in ap- position vrith a nonn denoting the whole, — Partitive apposition, — as, OnerdHfB, pars maxima ad A-lgimurum, — alioe adversus urbcm ipsam* dclatce sunt. ; the transports -were carried, the greatest part to JEgim- urum, — others, opposite the city itself. Quisque in partitive apposi- tion with a noun is in the nominative ; as. Ofultis sibi quisque ;',be limited both by a subjective and objectire genitive; 83, ?C Avidus laudis, Desirous of praise. Here alsq belong participial adjectives in ns ; arrums pccir,> (b.) Verbs of remembering, reminding and forgetting : recorder, memini, reminiscor* obliviscor, moneo, and its compounds ; as, » Memini /■ neficii tui [=*=menipr sum, &c] In int npber y ur kindn- Te o^ci'j moneo [=me.a.>rjr.i fao'.o,] / remind you of yo irdaty. g remembered or forgottcu is ateo put in the accusative. 166 the cases, genitive; §136 (c.) Verbs expressing pity, &c. — miser eor, miser* and the impersonals miser et, pmnitet, pudet, pi-get, tcedet. As. Miseresco inf dictum, I pity the unfortunate. Pocnitet me pe.cca.ii, I repent of my sin-. Rem. 1. With these impersonals the person feeling is expressed by the accusative. Rem. 2. The cause or object of the feeling may be expressed by an infinitive or a sentence ; ns. pocnitet me peccaviste or quod pec I repent of having sinned. (d.) Verbs of plenty or want (sometimes); as, Eget [=egens est] argenti, He is in need of silver. (e.) The impersonals refert and interest ; as, Reipublicce interest, R is of importance to the state. Rem.. 3. Instead of the genitive of the personal pronouns, the forms mca, iua, sua, nostra, vestra, [abl. sing, fern.] are used with refert and interest ; as, Non taa interest, It is not your business. Rem. 4. The thing with reference to which anything is important may be expressed by the ace. with ad; the degree of importanot, by the genitives magni,parvi, &c, [see Rule XI,] or by an adverb . while the subject may be an infinitive, a neuter pronoun, or a noun- clause. As, Hoc ad laudem civitatis magni interest, This is of gred important* to the glory of the state. Rem. 5. Smilis and its compounds, especially with the names of living beings, take a genitive, [see $ 142, Rem. 3 ] As, Smilis patrii, Like his father. § 136. RULE X. Genitive of Crime. With verbs of accusing, condemning, acquitting, &c.,.thc genitive ex- presses the crime or offence charged. As, Servum furti accusal, He aocuses the slave of theft. §137,138 THE CASES. GENITIYE. 167 Rem. 1. With some of these verbs the ablative with or without de. is used to express the crime; as, aliquam de ri ncrusare^ to accuse o*e of violence. Rem. 2. With damno and condemno the penalty is expressed bj flhc genitive, but oftener by the ablative, especially when it con- sists of money or land ; as, damnatur capitis, or capite, he i9 con- demned to death. Tertia parte agri damnaiur, lie is fined a third of his land. § 137. RULE XI. Genitive of Price. The genitive is used to express the price or value of a thing indefin- itely; as, Magni ocstimabat pecuniam, He esteemed money highly. In this naftnnej arc us °d the genitive of .adjectives, and tke genitives as$is,jiocci } &c. ; also -pensi and hujus. Rem. X To this rule may be referred the expression czqui or Loni facio or consulo, I take in good part, I am satisfied with. Rem. '2. With astimo, and verbs of buying and selling, the abla- tives maffno, perrrmgno, plurimo, parvo, mmimo, and nihilo, are often usee/. For the genitive of place, see \ 166. Exc. . For the genitive with opus and usus, nee $ 160. Rem. 1. § 138. EXERCISE 51. Vocabulary. . a. urn, (£5(5), only, alovf. "turn, i, sin, fault. Phil tsophus, i. philosopher. Ultimns, a, nm, ^,74, 1), last. Imj erium, i. potOt r. command. Casus, us. ah Ar.v, arc-is, citadel. . o. sweet. Decorus. a. uin.o hnorable. Patrfa, ;>', c>unh\ . Turbidus, a, um, muddy, troubled. Amicitia, m, friendship. Oxoa, i, Oxus. (river.) ■ Prudentia, ae, prudence. Hannibal, -bal-is, Hannil i i ilium, i. /. ih-i-il . toritaa, -tat-)*, auih»r\ Arlole^cn", -cent-is, young num.. Corrij-ere, (rex-, rect-) to correct. A-raitt-ere, (mi's-, mis*) to lose. Agcr«, (rtg-, act-) to lead, to drite^oi time, Mor,iri, mortuug, (£109), to die. {Inf. i 'ri, part. Jut. act. naoriturus. ' Sin-ore. (st'v-, sit-) to place.. Viv-ero, (vix--, Tict-) to live. » Appell-aro, to call. Perauc-ere, (-dnx-, eJpfl i Influ-ere, (-flux-, -flux-) to A •■> int . Carcur, carciT-i*. prison. Tulliifiium. i. Tulli '■in, Oi dungeon b Kir W) Re-ver-ere, rever-it«*. I Spectob-us, a, nm. (spect-aro), appro. Fort it ado, -in-i j . courage. Ki.ii' . ri. faith, pro <.-'■• 168 THE CASES. NOMINATIVE — GENITIVE. §137,138 EXAMPLES. Stulti est, * It is characteristic of a fool. Adolescentis est, . It is the duty of a young man. Meuin est, It is my duty. Tua ipsms [R. Ill, rem. 7] causa, For your own sake. Cujusvis honiiois est, It is every man's duty. Nocte quam ultimam (£129), egit, On the last night which he spent. Translate into English and analyze. Solms (R. Ill, rem. 7), raeum peccatum corrigi non pot- est. Philosophus, nocfc ^tiiiiri ultimam (§129, rem. 6), in terris egit, ann'cos onines convocavit. Helvetii oppidum quod optimum habeoant amiserant. Catonis pater et ma- ter mortui §128, rem. 1, (1), ) sunt. Regna, im- peria ; honores, divitise, in Dei manibus sita sunt. Filius Alexandri cum matre in arcem missi (§126, rem. 1; (1) b*) erant. Dulc'e et decorum est pro patria mori. Amicitia Uonum (§128, rem. 6,) est. Ad flumen Oxum perventum eet (§11'4, 5,) qui (§129, rem. 4) turbidus semper est. Ad locum in carcere quod (§129, rem. 5)' Tullianum vocatur perventum est. Animal qui (§129, rem. 5) homo vocatur, sine legibus beatus esse non potest. Cingetorix, qui a sen- atu rex atque amicus appellatus erat, sunnase auctoritatis §132. rem. 1,) apud # Gallos fuit. Hannibalis odium er- ga Remanos $131, rem. 3) atrocissimum fuit. Caesar a lacu Lemanno ad flumen Rhenum, fossam quindecim pedum (§182, R. VI) perduxit. Adolescentis est parentes suos amare ac revereri. Cujusvis bominis est virum spectata fortitudinis reve'reri. Stulti est ^le se ipso predicare. Kon meum est nuncios ad consulem mittere. Domini est pigros servos castig^fe. Translate into Latin. Your father corrects your faults for your own .sake. On §187,138 THE CASES. GENITIVE. 169 the last day which the consul spent in the winter-quarters, he called together the centurions of the seventh legion. It is the general's duty to. conquer the enemies of the repub- lic. On the next (poster 6) day they reached (it was conie to) the river Rhone, which flows into our sea. Rome, which is the capital (head) of Italy, was taken by the Gauls. Is not a friend a good thing ? Fabius was a man of the greatest prudence. A general of the greatest valor does not always lead his array to victory. It is the duty of children to respect their parents, and of parents, to love their own children and correct their (corurri) faults. EXERCISE f)2. Vocabulary. Arams, a, nm, covetous. Avidus, a, uin. eager, desirous. Ferax, (ferac-is,") productive. Amsms, (amant-is,)/wtf. Bxpers, (expert-is,) destitute. Tmparitus, a. um, ignorant. Meinor. (inoinor-is,) mindful. Inimemor. (or-is.) unmindful. lnsnctu.s. a, am, unaccustomed. Impotens. (-etrfr-is;) inlaid? to control. Proposition}, i, jnerjfOM.^ Cofascitis, a. um. conscious. Veritas, [4at-is,J trut,).. Tantus-aefn, a-dem, un-dwni,,^. ,' soiliucJi. Proditio, [-oii-is,J ireccherj. igestas, ftai -is,J poverty. Cupid itas, [-tatis.J desire, lust. OmYium. i. duty. Kloccus, i. lock of wool, [something of small valtn ■•] Miser-set, [miseru-] it piles. Poenit-et, [poenitu-] it repent*. l'ud-et, [pud a]- it s/tumes. Pig-et, [pigu-it, i>r j)i;-itniu est,} it lr6u- bles. disgusts. Tsed-et. [teeduit, teeswrn est, and pertte- sinn est,] it wearies. Vend-ere, [vnidid- vondit,] to sell. , Em-ero. [rv.\- eftapt-] to 1>U>J. Mon-cre. [monu- inouit-] to warn. Ad-inon-ri c. to rnnintt. Menrini [%11?>. R&pi.,l, 1, 3,1 I remember. ItrfiTt. [vo-tniit.j it conci rns, ' is the bu- siness of. • , tnter-est, [fuit.] it. U of importance.^ AcctMMtre, to Accuse Ab-so/v-ero, [-solr-'-solttM to aa Condom n-are, to condemn. iBstiirt-are, to esteem, value. r ac-ero, [fto- fact-J to viake, to value. Obiiviec-i, [obhtns,] to forget. Oppriofcere, [-press- -pro.-*-] to suppress. EXAMPLES. | a.] Patieus luburem, luring labor. — Participle. [b-] PfttieftS labori.', Capable of enduring labor. — Participial, [a.] Tlit participle eppro$te$ a single action at the time, spoken of. [!>.] The' participial expr§sse$ capability at ang time. J 70 THE CASES. GENITIVE. §187,188 Jliseret me tui, Ipify you. . [It pities mc of y Me \ egis misf ruit, / pitied the king. Pcenitet puerum stultitice. The boy repeats of his folly. Pudet me sccleris, / am ashamed of my wickedness. Piget te vitce, You. are disgusted with life. Capitis or rei capitalis &C- ensare, To accuse of a capital crime. Capitis, orcapite, condemnare. To condemn to death. Flocci non facit, He cares not a straw — « rush, &c. Mea refert, It. is my business. Quanti hoc faci6? How much dp you value this? Translate into English and analyze. In hoc oratore plus eloquentise (§ 134, Rem. 1) est quam fortitudinis. Regis frater avidus est gloriae,* patiens la- borisy*. sed impotGns irse,* yeri'tatis* expers, reruni* ini- pen'tus, atque multorum sceleruni* conscius. QuantiTI quisque se ipse (§ 84', [b.] ) facit, tantiTT fit ab amicis. Mercatores con tanti-deniTT vendunt, quanti.1T emerunt. Fures veritateru non flocciH faciunt. Boniomnes virtutem magniTT sestiniant. QuantilT istos equos eniisti ? Hu»« latronem sceleris| sui neque pudet, neque poenitet. Me ciTitatis morunit tasdet pigetque. Civis qui rei capitali* (§136) accusatus est, tertia parte (§ 136, Rem. 2) agri condemnatus est. Pu'eros stultitise pcenitcbit. Catik'na alium {one man) egestatisff, alium [another) cifpidita- tis'i"| admonebat. Tua ipsius caus« te officii nioneo. Ci- ceronis (§135, Rule IX. [c] ) magoi (§ 135, Rem. 3) in- terest conjurationem Catihnac opprimere. Non mea seel regis refert fures latronesque -pumre. Translate into Latin. The general is desirous of money, but more desirous of ise. The farmer's fields are very productive of corn *$I35, Rule IX. [a.] Tf S 137, Rule XT. f ? 135, Rule IX, [a] ft 3 135, Rule IX, [b.] §140,141 • t TFIE DATIVE. 17i The consul is fond of war and tenacious (tenax) of hjs pur- pose, but ignorant of business (rerum) and destitute of truth. Lucius remembers a kindness and (neque) &oes%w, r forget an injury. The soldiers who were accused of treach- ery, have been condemned to death. Those who (§ 129, Rem. 4 2) are unaccustomed to navigation* fear the sea. The king cares not a straw for the laws of the state. It is of great importance to us to lead the army into the enemy^s country (fines.) For how m-uch did you sell your horse? For the same {tantideni) for which (for hoiv much) I bought (him.) Do you remember the speech of the excellent ora- tor 1 The scouts had not warned the general of the dan- ger. The tribune has been acquitted of treachery. Do you pity me ? THE DATIVE. § 240. The dative expresses that to or for which', or with reference to tvhich, anything is, or is done. ' § 141. RULE XII. Dative of Remote Object. The remote object of a verb is in the dative ; as, Serrus domino mtdicinam par at. The slave prepares medicine for his master. The remote object of a verb is the thing towards which its action fends, without necessarily reaching it. Note. — This dative is used with most verbs, especially with verbs compounded with ad, ante, con,, in, inter, eb y post, pne, pro, sub, super. Rem. 1. Transitive Tcrbs hare ;■!. -llfT-' object in the accusftj t'lTO. * Rule Xl.»[a.] 172 THE DATIVE. 142,143" § l$2i RULE XML Dative of Advantage or Disad- vantage. The darive expresses the person or thing for whose advantage or disadvantage anything is, or is done. As, . Servus domino fidus, A servant faithful to his master. Note. — This dative is used with adjectives expressing goodness, usefulness, fitness, &c. ; also with verbs meaning to favor, please, trust, obey, threaten,' bd angry, and their contraries. -These verbs are equivalent to esse with an ad- jective ; as, Irasci inimicis,=iratus esse inimicis, to be an- gry ivith oiie's enemies. Rem. 1. The verbs /wvo, delect o, Icedo, off 'endo, are transitive, and have a direct object in the accusative. Fido and confidp are often followed by the ablative. Rem. 2. Many adjectives take a» accusative with a preposition, instead of a dative ; as, servvs in domianm. fidelis ; locus ad iusidias aptus. Rem; 3. The dative expresses the person or thing to, or with reference to which, anything is clear, equal, like, un- like, near. Dative of Reference. 'Rem. 4. Propior and proximus, like prope,- are sometimes followed by the accusative. §143. RULE XIV. Dative of Possession. The da- tive is used with esse to express the person who has, or possesses something, the thing possessed being the sub- ject. As, Est raihi liber, [a book is to me.] I have a book. Rem. 1. The possessor is expressed by the dative when the idea of possession is chiefly roff^rtj to ; as, Caisari domus est, Caesar has a house; — by the genitive, when the possessor, or thing possessed, is ref- erred to, r&ther than the fact of possession ; as, Usee domus Cozsark est, ilia Giceronis, This house is Cccsar's, that one is Cicero's. 144,146 THE DATIVE. 173 § 144. RULE XV. Dative of Purpose or End. The dative is used with esse, and verbs of giving, coming, sending, imputing, and some others, to express the pur- pose of the action ; as, TT ., . . f These tilings arc for a care to me, liar, frith i cur a; sunt, ■{ T , ?. l7 . - (or 7 have these things for- a care. JS^f" These verbs may have a personal object in the da- tive, and, if transitive, a direct object in the accusative* As, College venit auxilio, Ha came for an aid to his col- league, (i. e. to his colleague's assistance.) Mihi librum dono dedit, He gave me the book for a gift. • Rem. 1. The verbs most commonly using a double da- tive are, esse, fieri, dare, ducire, habere, mtycrc, relinqucrc, tribuere, vei\ire, vertere. Hem. 2. The purpose may be expressed by a predicate nominative, •r an apposition, [see 127, Rem. l] ; as, Mihi come* Lucius est, £ have Lucius for a companion. Coronam Jovi donum mittunt, They send a crou-n to Jupiter, as a present. ® § 145. RULE XVI. Dative to the Agent. With the gerundine in dus the dative expresses the agent or doer ; as, Adhibcnda est nobis diligentia, Diligence mum be used by us. Rem. 1. The poets sometimes use this dative with any «f the passive forms ; as, nequc ccrnitur alii, nor is he seen by any ene. Raw. 2. Instead of the dative, the ablative with a or ab is some- times, though rarely, used with the gerundine. § 146. Dativus Ethicus. The dative of the personal pronouns is used sometimes to express strong feeling, and can scarcely be rendered into English ; as, An ille mihi liber cui mulier imperat ? Is he free whom a wo- man rules ? 174 THE DATIVE. §147,148 Rem. 1. Here may be noticed the use of the participles volens, cupuns. &c, -with a dative, in imitation of the Greek: a?, Ncque plcbi militia volenti {esse'] putabatur, Neither was the war thought to b« agreeable to the common people ; [literally, to the common peopl* wishing it.] a. § 147. The dative is sometimes used almost like a geni- t& r e, but always with the idea of advantage, disadvantage, or reference. As, Cui corpus porrigitur, (compare the English) His body is stretched out for him. §148. EXERCISE 53. Vocabulary. 1 1.) Similis, c, like. Proxiinus, a, um, neared, fiectf. ■ Aptus, a, tan, Jit, suitable. ASqutis, a, um, just. Blandus, a, um, flattering. Vtilis, e, tise.ful: Cams, a, um, dear. Ingratus, a, um, disagreeable. Facilis, e, easy. Per-faeilis, e, very easy. Noxius, a, um, hurtful. Iguotua, a, um, unknown. Inipedimentum. i, hindrance. Dedecus -or-is, disgrace. Usus, us, use, advantage. Impietas, tat-is, undutifulncss'. Nuniantmus, i, Numantian. and Vehcraenter, [adv.] extremely. Commodum, i, convenience. Fav-ere, [fav-, faut-,] to favor. Stare, [etet-, 6tat-,] to stand. Parcere, [pepere- and pars-, parcit- para-,] io spare. Inquam, [§ 113, 4] I say. [Used only a£# ter one or mere words of a quotation. Prod-ess e, fprofu-] to do good. Prsefieere, [-fee-, -feet-,] to put ovei: Circum-dare, [ded-, dat-,] to give around) to surround. Circum-fundere, [fud-, fas-*] to pour a- round. to surround. Male-di'cere, [dix-, diet-,] to be abusive. Praetor-ire [-iv-or-^-, -it-,] to pass by. Jnnocentia, se, innocenee, integrity. EXAMPLES. [2.] Audiens dicto, Obedient, {attentive to the word.] Mihi magne est dolori, It is {for] a great grief to me. Hibernis Labienum prsefecit, He put Labienus over the winter -quarters. Regibus manus sunt longse. Kings have long arms (hands.) Dii omnibus colendi sunt, The gods ought to be worshipped by all. Urbem inuro abl. «ircumdare, ") „, * y * .. ... „ '„t; TT , . T . . , y To surround the city icith a wait. U rbi raurum circumdarc, J * f Terras mari [abl] circumfandcre, ") m ,_„„ . ,.,, 1r ,„i ' •,* .-.- m ./j jN l J . /.j > To surround the lann wun sea. Terns (dat.) mare cir«umfundere, j Aptus insidiis, or ad insidias, Suitable for ambush. Similis pat ris, Like his father, (in character.) &imili» patri, Like /us father, (outwardly.) §147,148 the dative. 17v> Translate into English and analyze. Helvetii proximi Germrmis (§ 141, Rem. 3) ineolunt, ^uibuscum continenter bellum gerunt. Loca proxima (§142, Rem. 4) Carthaginem Numidia appellator (§ 130, Rem. 1.) In loco insidiis (R. XIII.) apto, duas legiones colloer/vit. Nonne lupus est cani similis? Ferrum hominibus (11. XIII.) utilius est quam aurum. Jugurtha nostris vehem enter oarus, Numantmis maximo terrori (ft. XI.) fuit. CiuYis facile est anncis suis (R. XIII.)*.favfre. Yentus noxium (§ 128, Rem. 6) est arboribus. Jjegatus cohortes duas cas- tris (R. XII.) prsesidis (R. XV.) reh'quit, milites impera- tori (R. XIII.) audientes dicto non erunt. Milites non niulieribus, non infantibus (R. XIII.) pepercerunt. Neinini licet sui commodi causa alteri (R. XIII.) no cere. Caesar legionibus, quas in nrovincia conscripserat, Labienum prae- fc mihi (R. XIV.) praetcreunda non sunt. Hasdus in domus tecto stans, lupo practcreunti maleaixit. Cui lupus, "Non til," inquit, il sed locus mihi (§ 142) maledicit." Translate into Latin. The number of the enemy was unknown to the general. The undutifulness of children is a great grief to (their) parents. The thick woods were a very great advantage (XVI.) to our skirmishers. It is sweet and honorable to do good to the" commonwealth. Children are not always like their parents. It was very easy for our men to cross * Tho letters refer to the rule of Syntax ; the Arabic figures, to die remark*'. 176 THE. ACCUSATIVE. • §lt9,15U the river. The consul's speech was very disagreeable to the Gauls. The snares of the enemy have been (for) a very great hindrance to our cavalry. God ought to be -worship- ped by all men. The causes of this rebellion ought not to be passed over by me. It is the greatest disgrace (XV.) to a soldier to leave his place in battle. The Roman people gave to the king for a gift the fields which he had conquered. Nature had surrounded the town with a broad and deep river. It is lawful for no man to lead an army Against his country. Be kind and just to all, but flattering to none. THE ACCUSATIVE. § 149. The accusative case marks the direct object ,of an action, i. e. the thing actually reached by the action ; also the limit of space or time which an action or motion reaches. § 150. RULE XVII. The direct object of a transi- tive verb is in the accusative. Rem. 1. An intransitive verb, though it does not require an object to complete its meaning, may be limited by accusative of similar, or kindred signification. (&Qg.iate •Accusative.) As, currere cursum, to run a race; riverei'.: am, to live a life. , Rem. 2. When the cognate noun is obsolete, a noun, or noun-sentence, equivalent to it in meaning, may be used. {Equivalent Accusative.) As, proficissi magnum iter, to go a great journey. Rem. 3. The cognate or equivalent noun is often omit- ted, and in its stead a neuter adjective is used, limiting the cogaate notion understood. {Elliptical Accusative.) As, §151,152 • THE ACCUSATIVE. 177 multumj . kino '>/ Rome. Serv-ire, to be a slave, to serve. Mercurius. i, Mrcury. Trans-duc-ere, [dux-, duct-) to lead over. Inventor, -or-is, inventor. Trans-jic-ere, (jec-, ject-]fo throw over, to Antigonus, i, Antic/onus. ship over. lluotidie, daily. ' Red-ire, (gill, 9,) (redi-, redit-)fo return, Jucundus, a, um, delightful. Dis-ced-ere, (cepy-, cess-) to depart. Servitus, -tut-is, slavery. Pon-ere, (posu-, posit-) to place. Regulus. i. Sequ-i, (secut-us,) to folloio. .Juventus, -tut-i-<, ycuth. Per-gequ-i, to follow persevcringly, to pur- Musica, re, r,xu I sue. # Gramuiatica, «e, grammar. Doc-ere, (docu-, doct-) to teach. Pid08, ium. (frm.) strings, a lute. E-doc-erc, to teach thoroughly. Socrates, i8, Socr Nasc-i, natus, to be. born. Timid us, a, um, cowardly. Illic-ere, (illex-, illert-) to allure, to, decfiy. QertQS, a, um, certain. Rodd-oje, (reddid-,reddit-) to rtndcr. Stadium, i, zeal, desire, pi. study. Sol.ere, eolitus. to be accustomed. Vastitas. tat-in, devastation. Proficisci, profectuB, to set out, to go. Arl>itr-ari, to think, deem. - Posc-ere, (poposc- — .) to ask for, demand. 1 S0 THE ACCUSATIVE. §157 EXAMPLES. Iter omnn celat, He conceals his journey from all. Regern patent po?cunt, They ask the Icing for peace. Unius diei iter, One day's journey. Annos (§152) quindecim natus, Fifteen years old. {Born fifteen years.) A. vita discedere, To depart from Life, to die. A millibus passuurn du- -1 rr .. , , , . .. „ obus caetra posuit, } He P liched h" ™™P two miles of. >Iillia pasuum duo (ace.) ] or, rnillibuE passuum j-ab urbe, tico miles from the city. duobus (abl.)„ ' J ."Me fidibus docuit, He taught me to play on the lyre, (with the strings. Abl. of instrument,) Cresarem eertiorem (§151, b) faciunt, They infomn Caisar, {make more certain Translate into English and analyze, Urbeni, ex Antiochi patris (§127, Rule,) nomine Antio- chtam (R. XVIII, b) vocavit. Ancum Martium populus regeni (R. XVIII, b) creavit. Veteres Romani Mercuri- um omnium invenUrem (R. XVIII, b) artium habebant. Antigonus iter exercitus omnes celat. Quotidie Caesar JEduos frumentum flagitabat. Num timidus vitam jucun- dam (§150, Rem. 1) vivere potest] Qui (§129, Rem. 2) auri servus est, turpissimam servitutem (§150, Rem. 1) servit. Ariovistus maxima's Germanorum copias Rhenum . (§152, Rem. 2) transjecerat, neque multorum dierum (§132, Rule) iter (R. XX) a Caesaris castris abfuit. Quis regeni fidibus docuit 1 Alexander mensem (R. XX) unum, annos (R. XX) tres et triginta (§63) natus, a vita disces- sit. Jam vicessimum (§63) annum (R. XX) Italias vas- titatem paVimur. Regulus Carthaginem (R. XXI) rediit. Consul in Africam profectus, Carthaginem venit. Consul ab oppido, millia (R. XX). passuum (§134) duo castra posuerat. Catilma -juventwtem quam illexerat mala faei- nora (XVIII, a) edoccbat. Socrates totius mundi se in- §158,159 VOCATIVE — ABLATIVE. 18 1 colam (XVIII)' et civem arbitrabatur. Exploratores de hostium adveutu consulem certiorem faciunt. Juvenes (§33, Rem. 8, Exc ) Romcmi Athenas [(XXI) studiorum causa proficisci solebant. Translate into Latin. Labienus followed Caesar into Gaul ; Marius returned Home. Our cavalry pursued the enemy ten miles. Caesar set out from the winter-quarters to Rome. The place and time often render cowards brave. Lust makes (renders) in en bl^nd. Which of the teachers (masters'} taught the boys grammar and music? My brother taught me to play on the lute. The general led all his forces across the bridge in one night. My brother is twenty years old. Caesar asked the senate for an army. The robbers demand- ed money from Caius. Are you going to Rome 1 for-the- sake-of Study 1 Ciesar was distant ten days' journey from the camp of Ariovistus. It-is-characteristic of a good gen- eral to throw his forces over a river quickly. A boy twelve years old used to inform the enemy of the approach of our forces. The Germans will pitch their camp ten niiles off. VOCATIVE. 158.' The name of the person addressed is put in the Vocative. ABLATIVE. § 159. RULE XXIV. Ablative of Cause, Manner, -leans, Instrument. The ablative expresses the cause, manner, means, and, instrument ; as. Coccus avaritia, Blinded by avarice. Hoc modd fecit, He did it in this manner. Aquila alis volat, The eagle flies witli his Tfij Captivum gladio occidit. He kills the captive witli a sword. 182 ABLATIVE. §160 Rein. 1. The causal ablative is used mostly with intransitive and passive verbs, and with adjectives. Rem. %. The cauBe, especially with transitive verbs, is often ex- pressed by ob or propter, with the accusative. Kern. 3. Akin to the causal ablative is the ablative of source with participles expressing origin ; as, uatus dea, bottx of a goddess. Rem. i. The manner is expressed by the ablative of words mean- ing manner, — modus, mos, ratio, ritus : — or by the ablative of other words with cum; as, cum voluptate te audio. When an adjective is added to the noun, cum is usually omitted ; as, requo animo calami- tales ferre, to bear calamities with patience. Rem. 5. When the means or instrument is a person, £>«. 1. The price or value, if indefinitely stated, is expressed by the genitive. See § 137. Rein. 2. To this rule may be referred the ablative with digitus, indignus, &c. § 163. RULE XXVIII. Ablative of Separation.— That from which anything is freed, removed or separated, is expressed by the ablative ; as, Patriam hostibus liberavit, lie freed his country from enemies. Rem. 1. A preposition, (ab, de, ex,) is often used with this ablative. Rem 2. The preposition is rarely used with names of towns de- noting the place from which motion proceeds, or with the ablatives domo, humOy rurc and ruri. Roma discessit. Domo ezire, to go out from home. Rem; 8. Verbs of taking aicay have sometimes, instead of an ab- lative, a dative of advantage or disadvantage ; as, Nee mihi te eri- picnt, Nor &.hall they take you from me. § 164. RULE XXIX. 'Ablative of Quality. The ablative limited by an adjective, is used to express the quality of a thing ; as, Serpens ingenli magnitudine, A serpent of huge size. m. 1. This ablative may form part of the predicate, like an ad- : as, Agcsilaus statura/e/eV humili, Jgcsilaus was of low stature. Rem. 2. A genitive may supply the place of the adjective ; as. 184 ABLATIVE. §165,166 : . • : , i. ■ Est bos cervi figura, There. is uti ox of the shape of a stag; (a stag- shaped ox.) § 165. RULE XXX. Ablative of Comparison. The ablative is used with the comparative degree when quam is omitted, to express that "with which something is com- pared ; as, Mom est arbore altior, A mountain is higher than a tree. Bern. 1. The complement nf n comparative may be connected by the conjunction quam, eitbci ; .i rite Mime case, or in the nominative, subject of est, fuit, &c, understood. As, Fortiorem vidi tiffininem quam, Marium or quam, Marius (est.) Rem. 2. When the thing compared is the subject* the ablative is generally used ; as, saxum auro durius est ; also when the thing com- pared is the object, the ablative, especially of pronouns, is used ; as, Hoc nihil gratius facere poies. • But with a comparative in an;' other case than the nominative or accusative, the ablative is very mrely used. Quam is used with all cases. Rem. 3. The complement of a comparative is often, omitted alto- gether, and the eomparative is then translated by too > or rather with the positive. Equites paulo longius processeranl, The hor$erne?i> had advanced a little too far. * Rem. 4. Plus, minus, and amplius are often prefixed to expressions of number, magnitude, &c, without effect upon the construction » as, J\ r on amplius horas sex mansit, He staid not more than six hour?. These words may be considered adverbs, pr indeclinable nouns. Longius, and the adjectives major and minor are sometimes used in the same way ; thus, puer annorum decern, a boy of ten years ; puer minor annorum decern, a boy o/less than ten years. §1-66. HULE^XXL Ablative of Place Where. The ablative, usually with the preposition in, expresses the place where ; as, . Castris, or in castris manrit t He remained in the camp. Alexander Babylone mortuus est, Alexander dieti at Babylon. §167,168 ABLATIVE. 185 He lives at Rome. He died at Miletus. fl^The preposition is rarely used with names of towns. Exc. The name of a town denoting the place where, if of the first "br second declension and singular number, is in the genitive ; a«, Habitat Romas, Miltfti mo'rtuus est, Rem. 1. The genitives domi, humi, militia:, and belli, also ex press the place where ; as, domi militiccque. at home and in service The genitive of names of islands and countries is sometimes use tbe same way. \ 1(57. RULE XXXII. Mlaive of Time When. Tfce point of time at which anything occurs is expressed by the ablative ; as, Tertia.hora, At the third hour. Rem. 1. The limit of time within which anything is done, is ex- pressed by the ablative. . See $ 153, note. Rem. 2 The time before or after an event is expressed, (a.) by ante or post with a numeral ; (b.) by antequam or postquam ; (c.) tHc time after an event, by tke relative or quum. (a.) After ton years, Ton roar* after. 'post ifecem annos, decern post annos, post decCmum annum, decimuvi post an decern annis pod, decern post annis. Tvn years after post decern a d. pttt annos, postdedmuman d. post annum 1 .Oil UiUB.IIM'l !■. fJVfl li il II a III. he lind come. ) decern annis post, ) venerai d.post annis, ■ '/. pOSt anna. I qvain When ante or post stands last an accusative specifying the event is often added, imo anno ante conjurationem. (c.) Octo diebus quikua occisus est, Eight days after he was kille '. Quatridiio quo 169. RULE XXXIV. Ablative with prepositions. Twelve prepositions are followed by the ablative. See §120. For the ablative of duration of time and extent of space, 6ee §163. For the ablative absolute, see §186. & 170. EXERCISE 55. Vocabulary. FretuB, a, am, trusting. CoufYd-ere, [confrsus,] to trust. Concordia, ae, agreement. Cresc-ere, [crev-, cret-] to grow. Discordia, a^, disagreement. Dilab-i, [dilapsus,] to fall to pieces. Pterumque, (adv.) for the most part. Iuter-ire, [gill, 9]interi-, intorit-, to perish. ^raror, or-is, griif. Loqu-i, [loewtus,] to speak. Incredibilifi, e, incredible. »Ut-i, [usus,] to use. Morsus, v.g, biting. Fru-i, [fructus,] to enjoy. Anxius, a, nm, anxious. Vesc-i,[ ,] to feed upon, to Xatus. bb, birth. Confic-ere, [-io, fee-, feet-,] to finish. Secundus, a, urn, favorable. Tut-ari, to protect. Tumultus, us, tumult. In-dw-cre, [dux-, duct-,] to lead on. Cadaver, -er-is, ($38, Ex. 2.) corps-*. lmpl-ere, [-plev , -plet-,) lo fill. Sensus, us, feeling, sense. spoli-are, to rob, deprive. Talentum, i, talent. Nad-ore, to strip.- A*, a.Tsis, [u^.] a farthing, a small coin Prokib-ere, to keep off, to anevent. Religio, -on-is, religion. Expell-ere. (expul-, expuls-,) to drive out. Invudere, [-vas-, vas-] to attack. Inter-dic-ere, (dix-, diet-,") to forbid. Nept«n\iB, i, Neptune, [God of the sea.] "Mut-are, io change, to exchattge. EXAMPLES. ?*o ruocrore, On account of grief. A preventing cause. Major natu, Greater by birth, oidcr x elder. lie, (abl. of res.) In fact. Diax nobis (XIII) opus est, A leader is ?iecc$sary for us. Duce nobis (XIV) opus est, We have need of a leader. Maturato (part. ptrf. pass.) opus est, There is need of haste. Cives agris (§16(3) spoliare, fo deprive the citizens of their land. Equus mihi (§.142, Rem. 3) The horse cost me a talent. (Stood to me at talento stetit, a talent. Denis in diem assibus (§i62).For or at ten farthings a day. Asse (§16*2) carurn, Dear at an as. Aqua ($163) aliquem inter- dicere, To cut one off from water. Al eui(§14l or §142) aquam iaterdicere^ To forbid water to one. Aiicui (§142) aqua et igni 1 63) interdicere. To cut one off from fire and water, io banish. §170 ABLATIVE. 187 Translate into English and analyze. Hostes numero (R. XXIV, Rem..\) freti in nostros im- petum fecere. Dux hostium natznra (xxiv, Rem. 1) loci eonfidebat. Decima: legion i Caisar maxime eonfidebat. Con.cordia (xxiv) res parvne crescunt ; discordia maxima) dilabuntur. Multi oppidanorum fame et siti intericrunt. Numidse pleruraque lacte et carne (§159, Rem. 6) vescun- tur. Hannibal victoria (§159, Rem. 6) frui quam uti maluit. Catilina, cupiditatc regni inductus, conjura- tionein fecit. Sapientis (§138) est aequo animo dolorem ferre. Cornibus (xxiv). tauri, apri dentibus, mors,u leones se tutantur. Pater tuus nomine (§16 J) magis quam im- peyio (§161) rex fuit. jb'ratrum maximus natu fuit Orge- torix. Milites urbem tumultu (xxv) implebunt. Nept-u- nus ventis (xxv) secundis^vela implevit. Auctoritate tua (xxv) nobis (xiv) opus est. QuAitum argenti tibi (xiii) opus est ? Quanti (xi) iste equus tibi stetit ? Talento, (xxvii). Ha3c victoria nobis multo sanguine stetit. Denis (§63) in diem assibus anima et corpus militis eestimantur. Quod (§129, Rem. 2) non opus est asse carum est. Invi- tes cives Eomani uxores liberosque militum agris (§163) expellebant. Regulus Carthagine (§163, profectus, Ro- mam (xxi) pervenit. Sacerdotes Balbo (xiii)' aqua (xxviii) et igni interdixerant. Consul Roma (xxviii) discessit. Translate into Latin. •• The Britons live mostly on milk and flesh. The gene- ral, trusting in the nature of the place, kept his forces in camp. Very many poor- (men) have died of hunger and -thirst. I cann'ot speak for {on account of) grief. The townsmen besought Cgpsar with many tears. Orgetorix. richest and most noMe of the Helvetians, led 6n by the- ]§S ABLATIVE. ^171 desire of reigning (rcgiti). made a conspiracy of the no- bility. The soldiers finished the journey with incredible swiftness. Cicero wrote all his speeches with the greatest care- and diligence. . The Belgians attacked the camp with great shouting. It is the duty (vii.) of a young man to respeet his elders. Bocchus was king in name, but not in fact. The sailors had loaded the ships with gold. Thou hast deprived the citizens of (their) land ; thou hast stripped the temples of (their) silver and gold; thou hast filled the city with blood and corpses ; for these things (ob has res) I cut thee off fretn water and fire. We have need of haste. How much gold have we need of? This base fellow will exchange faith and religion for money. Lycurgus forbade the use of gold to his people. The iEduans were not able to keep off the Helvetians from their country. § 171. EXERCISE 56. Vocabulary. StatMJ'a, SB, stature, height. (Of a mail.) Dic-ere, [dix-, diet-.] to say, to call. Iljirailis. e, (g72, 2.) low. ■ Duc-ere, [dux-, duct-,] to lead, to diem. Kxiguua, a, urn, small, short. Cu'p-ere, -io, [cupi'v-, cwpt't-,] to i Poteatas, (tat-is,) power. Doctus, a, uni, learned. Perpetuus, a, uni, continual. Amplus, a, uni, large, much. Tyrannus, I, king, desjiot. Dimidium, i, half. QatiUBi (gen&V'ifi,) rac&f, family . Iufim'tua, a, um, b&undkss. Spelunca, re, cave. Altltwdo, -in-is, depth, height. Pravus. a, um, depraved, Ex.-^t-ere, [-stit-, -stit-.] to stand old. , shape, figure. • ■ Paulus, a, um, little. [Usually in neut.] Inferior, (£72, 4.) lower, of less value, i7i- Detlagr : cire, to bum down, to be &nfru ferior. Diana, ec, Diana. Posterior, (§72, 4.) later, of less account. Epheslua. a, um, JEphesian. Pracipuus, a, am, tspeciul. Punicus, a, um, Carthagenian. Varro, on-is, Varro. Scipio, -ou-ia, Scipio. llibernia, ;". // Africanns. a', um, African. [J surname. Antequam, jconjj before. • of Scipio. f'ost'juniii. [bonj.j after. Britannia, a u , Britain. EXAMPLES. Prcelium atroeius quam pro nu- ") A battle more fierce than in pro- mero puguantium, ' >■ portion to the numbers of com'ba- ) tants ; or than foould have been ex - Qao ($1158^, longior dies, eo $168) peeled from (yc. nox brerior, The longer the day, the ehorlerthc night. §171 ABLATIVE. . ISO Translate into English. •Agcsilaus statwra (§164, Rem. 1) fuit humili, corpora exiguo. Qui (§130, Rem. 2) potestate (§164, Bern. 1) est perpetua, tyrannus (§130, 2) habetur et dicitur. Lucius Oatih'na, nobili genere (§159, Rem. 3) uatus, fuit magna vi (§164, Rem. 1) et (both) animi et corporis, sod ingenio malo pravoque. .. Est bos cervi (§104, Rem. 2) fig^ra,cujus a media (§128, Hem. 8) f rente ununi cornu exsistit. Sa- pientis (§133) est liumana omnia virtute (XXX) inferiora ducere. Bello Punico (XXXII) quo (XXX) nullum ma- jus Rom<»i gessfre, Scipio Africanus praocipuam gloriam tulit. Hccc verba sunt varronis, quam fuit Claudius doc- tioris (§127). Eo die non amplius (§165, Rem. 4) tria millia hominu mocci'si sunt (§128, Rem. 3). Gallorum copioo non longius millia (§158) passuum octo abcastris aberant. Tribus annis (§167, Rem. 2, (a), ) post bellum civile pop- ulus SypUacem regem creavit. Homines quo' (XXXIII) plura habent, eo (XXXIII) cupiunt ampliora. Varro An- tioch?a3 (XXXI, Exc.) vixit. Cicero studiorum causa multos annos Athenis habitavit. Qua nocte natus est Alex- ander, eadem templum Dianse Ephesiae deflagravit. • Translate into Latin. It is the duty of a general to deem his own safety of less account than the common safety. Near the city is a cave of boundless depth. This soldier is of low stature and lame in his feet. I have seen no more beautiful (woman) than Tullia. On that day Cfesar advanced (proecdere) not more than six miles. The burden was too heavy for his strength. More men were killed than would have hren ex-- pected from the number of combatants. Three days after Caesar reached the camp, ambassadors were sent by the J 90 PASSIVE CONSTRUCTION — INFINITIVE. §17~ ; 17o Germans The consul was blind for many, years before (antcquam) you were born. The king of the Thracians dwelt many years at Rome. Ireland is less by half than Britain. Cicero was much more eloquent than Crassus. The farther the enemy retreated, the more swiftly did our men pursue. Our horsemen pursued the enemy ti little too far. THE PASSIVE CONSTRUCTION, For change from active to pas#ive construction see \ 108. § 172. RULE XXXV. Verbs which in the ^ctive take another case in addition to the object-accusative, iu the pas- sive retain that other case ; as, » Liber puero datMr, A book is given to the b,oy. Arbores foliis nudantur, The trees are stripped of leaves. Rem. 1. A second accusative in the active, (except with verbs of teaching and some verbs of asking,) becomes a predicate nominative in the passive. Urbem vocavit Romam ; Urbs Roma vomtur. Bern. 2. As intransitive verbs have no direct object in the active, they are not used personally in the passive, except with a cognate nominative. (Cursus curritur.) When they are used impersonally, the remote object is of course retained.' Mihi a teperst^adetur, I am persuaded by you. SYNTAX OF THE INDEFINITE VERB. The finite verb consists of the indicative,subjunctive, and imperative moods ; the indefinite verb, of the infinitive, participles, gerund, and supine. INFINITIVE. § 17.3. RULE XXXVI. The infinitive is often used as a . neuter noun in the nominative or accusative, and may be the subject ef a verb ; as, Gratum est tecum ambolare, It is pleasant to walk with you. §174,177 INFINITIVE— GERUND & GERUNDIVE. 101 , § 174. RULE XXXVII. Complementary Infinitive. — The infinitive is used as a complement {filling vp) with cer- tain verbs and adjectives expressing an incomplete idea; as, Parat helium gerere, lie is preparing to wage war. Rem. 1. The infinitive with adjectives is rare in prose, the gerund being generally used. Cupidus moriendi, rather than cupidus rrn Rem. ->. A purpose is not expressed in Latin prose by the infini- tive Thus, '/ came to see, must be translated ve?ii ui vidercm, not vc^ii vidcfe, though this construction is sometimes used by the poets. Rem. 3. An infinitive expressing an incomplete idea ($130, 3) has the same case after it as before it, if both nouns refer to the same thing ; as, volo esse rex. Nemini medio esse licet. Mihi esse poette dii non concesscre, The gods have not permitted me to be a poet. Pu- del vie victum discedere, I am ashamed to comet)fF conquered. Rem. 4. The accusative with the infinitive (§188) is sometime - used with licet, and the predicate noun must then be in the accusas tive ; as, nimini (se) medium esse licet. § 175. RULE XXXYIII. Historical Infinitive. In animated narration the infinitive is often used like a past indicative ; as, Consul in Africam festinare, The cohsul hastened to Africa. For the accusative witn the infinitive, see $188. , For the construction of participles, see $185. GERUND, & GERUNDIVE or PARTICIPLE in JO US. § 176. RULE XXXIX. The gerund is a verbal noun in the oblique cases, (the nominative being supplied by the infinitive,). and is construed with the same cases as the verb from which it is derived. Studium patrem videndi, The desire of seeing my father. Parcendo victis, By sparing tlic conquered. § 177. RULE XL. Instead of a transitive gerund the gerundive is frequently used ; the object-noun being put 192 'GERUND & GERUNDIVE. $178 into the case of the gerund, and the gerundive agreeing with it in gender, number, and case ; as, Consilium ecribendi epistolam, 1 mi 7 . ., ... , . Ctnnlium epistola scribend*, \ The dm S n 0l wrifcm S a 1 . etler ' Rem. 1. A transitive gerund with an object accusative is not used iu the dative or accusative, but the gerundive is used instead ; as, Charta uiilis fat scribendis epistolis, or ad scribendas epistolas ; (not scribendo epistolas). So also when the gerund would be the object of a preposition the gerundive is used instead ; as, In victore laud- ando, (not victorem), In praising the conqueror. Rem. 2. The gerund is preferred when the object is a neuter ad- jective or pronoun; as, Studium aliquid faeiendi, The desire of do- ing something. Rem. 3. The genitive singular of the gerund is sometimes used instead of the genitiv"e plural of the gerundive, with a noun in the genitive plural ; Facultas agrorum latronibus suis condonandi, The opportunity of presenting our fields to his ruffians. So also in the expression, sui purpandi causa, for the purpose of excusing them- selves ; though sui may better be regarded the gen sing, neuter of the possessive, like nostri and vesiri. Rem. 4. The verbs utor, fruor, fungor, potior, and sometimes rne- ' deor, use the gerundive like transitive verbs. • § 178. RULE XLL. The neuter gerundive is used im- personally with the tenses of esse, to express the necessity or duty of doing an action ; as, Scribendum est mihi, I must write, (/i must be written by me.) , Rem. 1. The object of the action is sometimes expressed ; as, nobis ratione uteudum est, We must use reason. But with transitive verbs the personal constrution is almost always used ; as, Epistota mthi scribenda est, I must write a letter. (This use of the gerundive is sometimes e-alled the second Peri- phrastic Oonjugation.) Rem. 2. The agent is expressed by the dative (§ 145), rarely by the ablative with a or ab. 5 J 79,180 SUPINE. 198 SUPINE. , . § 179. RULE XLII. (a.) The supine in um (ace.) is used with verbs of motion' to express, the purpose of the motion, and is construed with the same cases as its verb ; as, Veuio te rogatum, / come to ask you. (b.) The supine in u is used with adjectives as an abla- tive of limitation (§ 161). As, Facile factu, Easy to be done, (with respect to the doing.) §180 EXERCISE 57. Vocabulary. Spatium, i,-opportunity, time. Defessus, a, um, wearied. Negligcns, (-#nt-is.) cardies. Cur-are, to attend to. Arar, or Araris, is. (§33, licm. 1.) The . Saone, a river of Gaul. I'noil-ari, to plunder, Frumont-ari, to forage. Uoncste, (adv.) honorably. Ilcrminius. i. Uerminius. fertttam, i, javelin. Kloquentia, x, cloquenec.- MagQaoimll, a, um, magnanimous. Hi as, -tat-ia, age, life. .^atis, (noun, adj., or adv.,) enough. Conserv-are, to save, preserve. Purg-are, to cleanse, excuse. Siinul, (adv.) at the sa-nie time. Propon-ere, (posti-, po°it-,) to set up. Cupidus, a, um, desirous. Vexillum, i, flag, standard. Ag-ere, (eg-, act-,) to do. Ex-ccd-ere, (cess-, cess-,) to go out, retire, De-lig-ere, (leg-, lect-,) to choose. Di-rip-ere, (ripu-, rept-,) to pillage. Adhib-ere, to apply, to use. lle-scind-ere. (scid-, sciss-,) to ad down. Disc-ere, (didic-, ,) tolearn. Quer-r, questus, to complain of. Ke-pct-ere, (petiv-, petit-,) to ask bade. Per-cut-ere, (-io, cuss-, cuss-,) to strike, kill. Hort-ari, to exhort. Pro-fug-erc, [-io, fwg-, fugit-,] lo flee. Pro-puls-are, to repel. Collig-cre, [leg-, lect-,] to collect. Oogit-are, to think. Dc-sil-ire, [silu-, suit ,] to leap down. Arcess-ere, [-iv-, -it-.] to send for. EXAMPLES. Ncque,^-aeque, Neither, — nor. Spatiutn excedendi, Time for retiring. Consilium capere, To form a design. 1'ontem in flumine faciendum > To have a bridge built over a river, (,« curare, J attend to the building a bridge, &c.) .»*«*£) f**"**M \ I must set out, J have io set out . est (§ 1/8,) / Mihi proficiscendum erat, / had to set out. Oir?ari (g 145) omnia agenda, Ccesar had to do all things. . Sui (| 177, Mem. 3) purgandi \ For the purpose of excusing himself, causa, j herself, themselves. 13 194 GERUND, GERUNDIVE, SUPINE. §180 A purpose may be expressed, [a.] After verbs of giving, &c, dy, a predicate gerundive ; fb.] By ad with the accusative of a gerund or gerundive ; [a] After a noun, by the dative of a gerundive ; [d.] By causa, gratia, with the genitive ; [e.] By the supine after verbs of motion ; as, [a.] Urbs militibus difipienda \ The city teas given to the soldiers to data est, j be plundered. [b.] Ad eas res conficiendas, For 'finishing, to finish, these things. Tel Me regein hello gerendo creavisti, I „ ., _ ' & rj t -«i x „. j- • t- r for the purpose of car- la. I ivle regem belli gerendi causa creavisti, ( r ,/ J L J ° * * ) vying on the war. [e.] Legati res repditum veniunt, Ambassadors come to seek redress. Translate into Englisli. Gerinanis neque consilii habendi (§177) neque arma ca- piendi (§177) spatium datum est. Magna pars equitatus praedandi frumentandique (§176) causa trans Rhenum mis- sa erat. Ad eas res conficiendas Orgetorix deligitur. Om- nes homines plura habendi (§135, a) cupidi sunt. Multi in equis parandis (§177) adhibent? curam, sed in amicis de- ligendis (§177) negligentes sunt. Caesar in Arari pontem faciendum (§177) curavit. Caesar pontem quern in Rheno faciendum euraverat, rescidit. Hominis mens discendo alitur et cogitando. Breve tempus aet«tis satis longum est ad bene honesteque vivendum. Herminius inter spoliandum corpus (§177) hostis verwto percussus est. . Loquendi elo- quentia augetur legendis (§177) oratoribus et poetis. Prin- cipes civitatis, sui conservandi causa, Roma (§163) profu- gerunt. Fortes et magnanimi* sunt habendi non qui (§129, 2) faciunt, sed qui propulsant injuriam. Illo ipso die mihi (§145) proficiscendum erat. * Militibus de navibus erat desilienduin. Mendaci a nullo creditur (§172, Rem. 2). Mihi a te noceri non potest (§172, Rem. 2). * Predicate nominative after sunt habcntli. §181 SYNTAX OF SENTENCES. 195 Translate into Latin. The verb esse is often omitted with participles. The Gauls had formed the design of attacking the town. Time for retiring from (out of) the fight was not given to the wearied. The hope of plundering had recalled the far- mers from their fields. The general gave the city to his {soldiers to be plundered. Tho chiefs of the. State came to Caesar for the purpose of excusing themselves. The king's daughters had fled from home (XXVIII) for the purpose of saving themselves. The Gauls send ambassadors to Koine to complain-of (supine) injuries, and to seek redress. A short life is long enough to accomplish all these things. Cassar had to do all things at one time ; the flag had. to be set up, the soldiers recalled from the work; (those) who had advanced a little too far, sent for ; the line had to be drawn up ; the soldiers exhorted ; the signal given. The soldiers- had at the same time Both to leap-down from the ships, and to fight with the enemy. We learn by teaching. We live by eating. The Helvetians were "desirous of carrying on war. We must lead the army over the river. We must respect our elders, favor our friends, obey the laws. We mutt love (§178, Bern. 2) our parents and icorship God. The enemy's ships cannot be hurt (§172, Rem. 2) by our sailors. SYNTAX OF SENTENCES. § 181. 1. Sentences are either principal or dependent. A principal sentence makes complete sense when, stand- ing alone ; a dependent sentence does not make com- plete sense when alone, but must be connected with an- other sentence. 196 SYNTAX OF SENTENCES. §181 _ 2. Dependent or subordinate sentences are of ten kinds, viz. :' [1] Participial sentences, ,'1. e. those whose predicate Is a participle. [2] Infinitive sentences, i. e. those whose predicate is an infinitive. [3] Causal sentences, intfoduced by the causal conjunctions quod. quia, &c. [4] Final sentences, introduced by a final conjunction. [5] Conditional sentences, introduced by a conditional conjunction. [6] Concessive sentences, introduced by a concessive conjunction. [7] Comparative sentences, introduced by a comparative conjunction. [8] Temporal sentences, introduced by a temporal conjunction. [9] Relative sentences, introduced by a relative pronoun. [10] Interrogative sentences, introduced by an interrogative word. 3. Every dependent sentence is either a noun, adjec- tive, or adverb, limiting either the subject or predicate of the principal sentence on which it depends (hangs * down). 4. Sentences of the same rank, whether principal or dependent, may be connected by conjunctions, and are then said to be coordinate with each other. Coordina- tion is of five kinds, viz. : [1] Copulative, e. g. His father has abandoned him, and his friends have deserted him. [2] Disjunctive ; e. g. Either his father has abandoned him, or his friends have deserted him. [3] Adversative; e. g. His father has abandoned him. but his friends will not. [4] Causal; [introduced by nam, namque, enim, etenim,'] e. g. His friends will desert him, for his father has abandoned him. [5] Conclusive ; e. g. His father has abandoned him, therefore his friends will desert him. §182,184 THE MOODS. 197 THE MOODS. §182. RULE XLIII. The indicative is used botli in principal and dependent sentences when a fact is stated. • , §183. RULE XLIV. The subjunctive is used when a thing is stated, not as a fact, but simply as conceived in the mind ; [a] In a softened assertion.; as, Hoc confirmavcrim. I think I can assert this. ' [b] * In a question implying doubt, or expecting a negative an- swer; as, Quid faciamus ! What shall we do ! (c) To express a supposed case ; as, Forsitan aliquis dixerit, Per- haps some one will say. (d) To express a command or prohibition ; as, Ne hoc feceris, Do not do this. « Rein. The subjunctive is always used to express a command or exhortation in the first person, the imperative having no first person: as, eamus, let us go. % TENSES. §184. The tenses are either primary or historical. Primary, ' Historical, PRESENT. Amat, He loves. f IMPERFECT ■I Aniabafc, FUTURES. Amabit, He will love. PAST PERFECT. Amaverat, (. He was loving. He had loved PRES. PERFECT. j Amovit, t * | He has loved. AORIST PERFECT. { Amavit, He loved. RULE XLV. /Succession of Tenses. If there be a primary tense in the principal sentence, there must be a primary in the dependent sentence? if there be an his- 198 PARTICIPIAL SENTENCES. " §185 ' torical tense in the principal, there must be an histori- cal in the dependent. PRINCIPAL. DEPENDENT. Venio ut videam, / come, that I may see. Venis.ni ut videam, / will come, that I may see. Veni ut videam, I have come that I may see. Venicbani ut vidcrem, / was coming that I might see, Vciii ut viderem, / came that I might see. , PARTICIPIAL SENTENCES. §185. 1. The participle is used to abridge discourse, and may stand in the place of a causal, final, condition- al, concessive, relative, or temporal sentence, or a prin- cipal sentence connected by et with what follows. 2. (a) The participle may agree with the subject or object of the principal sentence, {participial conjunctive construction); as, Aristides patria pulsus Labedcemo- nem ficgit, Aristides when driven from Ids country fled to Sparta: — (b) Or, it may stand with a noun 01* pro- noun in the ablative, without grammatical connection with any word in the principal sentence ; as, His rebus constitwtis consul discessit, These things being deter- mined upon, the consul departed. [Ablative Absolute.) 3. Here may be noted some peculiarities in .the use of the partici- ples, (a.) The participle in rus is used with the verb esse to represent the agent as about to perform, or intending to perform an action. Locuturus.fuit, He was on the poi^t of speaking. (This is sometime- called tLe First Periphrastic Conjugation. (b.) The participle in rijs, especially with verbs of motion, is some- times used to express a purpose. Ad Jovem Ammoncm pergit consul- turus de origine sua, lie goes to Jupiter Ammdn to consult about his origin. ?186,185 PARTICIPIAL SENTENCES. 19$ (c.) The perfect passive participle is often used like a verbal noun in -ioor -us ; as, Ab urbe condita, From the building of the city.. Post prcelium factum, After the fighting of the battle. § 186. RULE XLVL (Ablative Absolute). A noun and participle whose case depends upon no other word, are put in the ablative called absolute, to express the time, cause, Condition, or circumstances of an action. Pythagoras, Tarquinio reg- ) Pythagoras came to Italy in the reign of nante, in Ttaliam venit. j Tarquin, (Tarquin reigning). Rem. 1. Two nouns, or a noun and adjective, arc often used in the Ablative absolute without a participle. Nat.vra duce, Under the guidance of nature, (nature being guide.) Manlio cousule, In the consulship of Manlius, (Manlius being consul.) Rem. 2. This construction is used only when the subject of the participial sentence is different from that of the principal sentence. (A few instances of this construction with a personal pronoun are exceptions, j § 187. EXEHCISE 58. Vocabulary. , Rejjentinugj a, am, sudden. Arrip-erc, [-io, ri'im-. rert-,] to snatch up. Tsmpestas, -trn-is. /.' Nancisc-i,, [nactus,| to obtain. Ulterior, [£74, 1} farther. Progred-i, [lor, progressus,] to go forward. Dyonysiu8, i. Dyohjj&ius, Cohort-ari, to encourage, exhort. STracM883, ortvm, Syracuse , a city of- Sicily. Cond-ere, [condid-, condit-]£o build, found. l'ullitit.Uio, on-is, promise. Coni-mitt-ere, [mis-, miss-,] to commence. Krr-are, to err, to wander. Del-ere, [iletav-, clelet-,] Jto destroy. De-sper-dro, to <• d-i, [-tor, aggressus,] to go to, attack. Atheniensis, is, an Athenian. Ver-eri, [veritug}] to fear. Messala, a«, Messala. A- that '/ had -that I would ivrite. Dixenat, lie had said y was writing. J written. ) ^ epiato] mi Borlbi, ") op. iwiptam eMe, | ep. acriptum i"ri, :. &c., Vthat the letter is be- ythat .the Mter ha I ing written.* ) been written. J be written, \ epiatolam soribi, ~) cp. scriptami esae, ~) ep. acriptum iri, [b] Dixit, he said, that the letter was >that the letter had > thai the lettei j being written. \ been written. ) would be written. Hones, after a primary tense (a) the iufirritive is translated like Jhe indicative of the same tense, i. e. an inf. present, like an indica- A ' iubtful . which, b< ■ tfted u] on (he language 202 INFINITIVE SENTENCES. §188— '89 tive present, kc. ; after an historical tense (b) the inf. prefect, is translated like the indicative imperfect ; the inf. perfect, like the in dlcative past perfect ; the inf. future like the suojunctive imperfect. (should or would) ; and the inf. future-perfect (fuisse scripturum), like the subjunctive past perfect (shouldhave, would have). Rem. 2 The accusative with the inf. fut. passive is properly the object of Ihe lupine, the inf. pres. passive iri being used imperson- ally ; dicit epistolam scriptinn iri, he says that it is gone to write the letter ; i. e. that some one is going to write it, and hence, that it will be written.' . ' Rem. 3. An infinitive sentence is always a nouit- sentence, the object of a verb of saying . or thinking, the subject of an impersonal verl), or in apposition with another noun. §189. EXERCISE 59. » Vocabulary. Negare, to deny. Constat, con-sfitit, it is evident). Jugum, i, yoke. Aiiiinad-Yert-ere, [vert-, vers-,] to perceive. Bi&nnium, i, two years. . Nosc-ex-e, [nov-, not-] to find out, to know Victor, or-is, conqueror. Conjic-ere, [-io, jeo, ject-,] to hurl. Prod-itor. or-is, traitor. Poliic-eri, pollicitus, to promise. Cog-ere, fcoeg-, coact-,] to compel. Sper-are, to hope. Res farniliaris, property. Renunti-are, to bring back word. Farniliaris, e, pertaining to the family. JPell-ere, [pepul-, puis-,] tobcat, di Compar-are, to acquire. Min «ri, to threaten. . Facultas. tc'.t-is, means, ojyportunity. Cor. firm-are, to declare, assert, Larg-iri, to bribe. . Kedd-ere. [reddid-, reddit-,] to give ua< Neglig-ere, [neglex-, neglect-,] to neglect. return. > ConBid-ere, [secU, sees-,] to encamp. " Opprim-ere, (oppress-, oppress-,) to, oppress. EXAMPLES 4 ? " Sub montc, Jit the foot of the mountain. (a.) Ceesari nunciatur, Word is brought, it is announced, to Caesar. (b.) Rex se negotium confeeturum polli- ") The king promises to finish cctur, - j the business (c.) Latrones se regem occisuros esse \ The robbers threatened to slay minabantur, j the king. fd.) Imperator se regem futurum ) -,, , . . , . . 7 . ' K . B J > The general hoped to be king. sperabat, . J . -.; Memoria ($ 16G) tenere, To remember. ... x n , ) Citsar says that he cannot, (denies that M6 (r.) (,sesar nesat se posse, y v v ' c i can. J §188— '89 INFINITIVE SENTENCES. 203 f x m . . • . } Ii is base for a king to lie, (that a (g.) Turpe est regem menttn, } ^ ^ } (h.) Constat inter ©nines,' All are aware, {it is evident among all.) ,. ., ,.4 .■ " i ,, } It is said that Juvuriha is king. (i.) Dicitur Jugurthani regem esse, y JZ , 6 , k .. v* 7 v ; ° ° 'j (Impersonal construction.) T • ., ,. ., ).Juqurtha is said to be king. (Personal Jugurt >.a dicitur rex esse. > l ' . I .. * ^ \ ft ' 3 construction.) Translate into English. Exploratores dicunt oppidum ab hostibus tencri. Cams /rat rem suuni magno in pcriculo esse auimadvertit. Gcesari (§ 141) notum est Dumnorigem Helvetiis (§142) /avere. Keginae nuDciabo te cenisse. Galba ab exploratoribus cer- tior factus est Gallon omnes discessisse. Caesarr nuntiatum est Gallos propius accedere ac lapides ^claque in nostros conjicere. Nuncius pellicetur sc ncgotium ex sententia con- fecturum esse. Principes seperabant sc totius Galliao (§159, note) -potin posse. Equites renuntiaverunt oppidum ex- pugnatum esse. Cassar memoria tenebat Luciiim Cassjum consulem occisum (esse), exercitumque ejus ab Helvetiis pid- sum et-sub jugum missum esse. Caesar negvmt se Helvetiis iter per ^rovinciam dare posse. Ad eas res coniiciendas (§ 177) Helvetii bierinium sibi (§ 142) satis esse duxerunt. iEqurn est victor cm parcere victia (§ 142). Non sine causa dictum est divitlas alas habere. Constat, inter omnes nem- i'nem sine virtwtej beatum (§ 174, Rem. 3) esse posse. Translate into Latin. The cruel chief threatened to slay (§ 189, Exc.) the wo- men and children. Ariovistus declared that he would not return the hostages. Caesar said that he was not leading the army against his country. This base traitor will say that he has ??e>£ announced our plans to the enemy. Who can aBsert that he has never violated the laws* of God ? Punmenx asserted that he was about to seize the kingdom. 204 CAUSAL SENTENCES. §13'9-'9Q All were award that the robbers had slain the merchant. It is not just for a rich man to oppress the poor. It is said that in Africa men eat human flesh. The Belgians are said to be the bravest of all the Gauls. Word had been brought to Caesar that the enemy had moved his camp, and had en- , camped at the foot of the mountain. Ctesar had said (dicere) that he would not neglect the injuries of the ^Eduans. The chief thought that he would compel the 'nobility by force. The consul hopes by these things to increase (§ 189, Ex. d) his property, and to acquire means for (aaV) bribing. CAUSAL SENTENCES. § 190. Dependent causal sentences are introduced by all the causal conjunctions except nam, namque, enim, denim, which introduce principal sentences. RULE XL VIII. The subjunctive is used in. causal sentences when a statement is made, not as a fact, but as the assertion or opinion of some one else ; as, Socrates .accusatus est quod ") Socrates xvas brought to trial, because (as corrumperet juventutem. / men said) he corrupted the youth. Rem. 1. A verb of saying or thinkiyg is sometimes ex- pressed, and the subjunctive still' retained by a species of attraction. What would have been the predicate of the causal sentence becomes the accusative with the infinitive. Jraf/us est Caius quod diceret leges esse violatas, instead of iratus est Gains quod leges essent violatse, Caius was angry, hecawe (as he alleged) the laws had been violated. Rem. 2. Dependent causal sentences are nouns, usually limiting 1%e predicate like a causal ablative. The causal conjunctions quod, quia, &c, are relative words. $191 CAJJBMi Sentences. 205 §191. EXERCISE 60. Vocabulary. Liacus, i, Liscus. Graviter, securely. Ai-.-us-iU'o, to censure, accuse, td cult to account. Quod, (conj.) because. Tam, (adv.) so. NecesBavina, a, nm, tuoestwy, critical. Propinquns, a, am, near,. Suldrv-are, to rclicrc. Karudos, am, f/> Hdradians. Quia, bei-ause. (expressing a motive.) Quooiam, (quum — jam,) ttnee. because, (ax every body knotn.) Unde, (rel. adv.) whence^ from which. Presens, ont-is, present. Tnrus-mr. to blame, find fault with. Popukari, to fcy waste, tmped-ftre, to hinder. Iteligio, on-in, religion, a oomj. Baperstitio, 90-is, superstition. Introdwc-vro. [dux-, duct-.] to introduce. Concilium, i, council. Comimp-erc, [rup-, rupt-.] to corrupt. Kr-pn-liond-ore, [prebend-, prohens-,] ^o rebuke. Vac-are, to &e unoccupied. Partim, [adv. g31, jRem. 2] partly. ('\>nsul-c;v. [suln-, suit-,] to Consult. l'nctcr niodiuu, unduly, beyond measurt . Jact-are, to discuss, to tow abotlt. Ratio, on-is, fifan, rrason. EXAMPLES. Res ita se liabet, This is the case, (the thing thus has itself.) Multis presentibus (| ISO,) In the presence of many. Ciritati consalcrc, To consult for, look to, the stale. Translate into Englkli. Cresar, principibus convoc«tis, Divitiacum et Liscum graviter accusat quod tam necessario tempore (§167), tam propinquis hostibus (§186, Rem. 1), ab iis non sublevctur ; multo (§168) etiam gravius, quod ab iis sit destitutes queritur. JEdui legatos miserunt questum (XLII, [a] ) quod Har?tdes agros eorum popularcntur. Socrates nccatus est, non quod juventritem corrumperct et novas supersti- tioHes i?itroduceret, sed quia Athenienses de sceleribus rcprc- hendebat. Id ea ratione Caesar fecit ; quod nolebat enm locum \mde (§ 129, Rem. 10) Helvctii discesserant. vacare (§ 188). Dumnorix se in Gallia relinqui (§ 188) volebat, partim quod insuetus navigandi (IX, [a] ) mare timerct, partim quod religionibus impedirctur. Caesar, concilio con- vocato, centuriones omnium ordinum [§ 132] vehementer incusavit quod de rebus minime ad cos pertincntibus sen- 206 FINAL SENTENCES. s 192- 93 tentiam dixlssent. Quoniam civitati [§ 142] consulere non possum, niihi consulam. Quoniam res ita se habet, in urbem redeamus [§ 134, Rem~]. Translate into Latin. ' Cresar cut down the bridge which he had had built [see §180, examples] over the Rhine, because he was unwilling for the Germans to follow him into Gaul. Was not. Aristides banished from his country, because [as men thought] he was unduly just 2 The .ZEduans complained that [because'] Ari- ovistus had [as he alleged] led a great army of Germans a- cross the Rhine. Csesar, because he was unwilling [a fact] for these things to be discussed in the presence of the am- bassadors, quickly dismissed the council. The consul said that since he could not consult for the state, he would look to his own safety. You desire to slay me, not because [as you allege] I have violated the laws of the commonwealth, but because I hav/e rebuked you severely for your crimes. The shepherd blamed his son strongly, because he had neg- lected to shear the sheep. Since this is the case, let us set -out. Liscus said that since such' was the case, he would speak a few things. FINAL SENTENCES. §192. Final sentences express a purpose or result, (the end to which an action tends,) and are introduced by the final conjunctions ut, ne, quo, quin, quominus. §193. RULE XLIX. The predicate of a* final sen- tence is in the subjunctive ; as, Vcni ut videam, / have come to see. Note. — As a purpose has reference to the future, and is n«t a fact, but something conceived in the mind, it ehould obvi-usly be ex- §192— '93 FINAL SENTENCES. 20' pressed by the subjunctive. A result is a purpose accomplished, and was regarded by the Latins, not so much iu the character of a fact, as of what was intended to follow, or would naturally be expected to follow, in the circumstances, and is therefore indeterminate ; hence the use of the subjunctive. Rem. 1. Ut or uti expresses either a purpose or a result. Vcni ut -videam, I have come to see, (that I may see.) E6 impetu milites icrunt \\t\ The soldiers woitivith such violence that • ' hostes se fugee mandcrrent, / the enemy took to' flight. Rem. 2. [a.] Ne always expresses a purpose, [that — not* lest.'] Te obscero ne hoc facias, '/ beseech you not to do this. A negative result must be expressed by ut — non. [b.] With verbs of fearing ne is translated that, and ut, that — not, the final sentence being constructed with refer- ence to the contrary purpose or hope implied in the verb of fearing. Timeo ne inoriatur, 1 am afraid that he will die. [It is my purpose that he shall not.'] Timeo ut moriatur, / am afraid that he will not die. [It is my purpose that he aha 11.]* • Ne — noa is sometimes used for emphasis, especially after a negative ;' as, Non vereor ne tua virtus opinioni hominum non respondeat, I am not afraid that your valor will not answer the expectation of men. Rem. 3. Quo, that, is generally used in preference to ipt-,)to instruct, en- join upon. E-dtc-cre, [dix-, diet-.] to issue CM edict. In-stitu-ere, (stitu-, stftirt-,) to instrw , teach . In-cend-ere, (cend-, eens-,) to set onfri. Ex-ur-ere, (uss-. ust-,) to burn up. Tn-nasc-i, innatus, to be born in, to sjk up. Tirn-ere, (timu-,) to far. [as a cowan/.'} Metu-ere, [raetu-,] to fear, to be appn h>y<- sive. Veivri, to feel awe of. to fear. [As tin *re never, and metuciv rarely has a si- ( pine-stem, the tenses formed from that stem, are supplied by veivri in either sens/ . \ Coqu-eiv, [cox-, coct-,] to cook. EXAMPLES. Th&t — no, that. — not dny, That no one. That no one at all, That — never, That nothing, Tanta vis probitatis est ut earn ") vel in hoste diligamus, J Negative Purpose. Nequis, (£S9, Rem. 2) Nequis, Ne quisquam, Nc unquam, Ne quid, Negative Result. Ut nullus. Ut nemo. Ut nemo omnium. Ut nunquam. Ut nihil. So great js the power of honesty, thtt we love it even in an enemy. §194 FINAL SENTENCES. 209 N. B. In final sentences expressing a result, the subjunctive is trans- lated like tiie indicative of the same tense. Operamdare, To take care. , Preeccptum est, Instructions were given. Edictum est, An edict was issued. Pater filio pra^cepit nc unquam \ The father instructed his son^ever mentiretur, j to lie. % Dominus servo iiupcravit ut e- ") The master commanded the servant to quum infrenaret, j bridle the horse. Dominus servo imperuvit nc e- ^ The master ordered the servant not to cfuum infrenaret, j bridle the horse. * Translate into English. Id mifti sic erit gratum ut gratius esse nihil possit. Ea non MA te instituerem scripsi. Csesar castella commvnit, quo facilius Helvetios prohibere possit. Oppidani multis cum lacrymis imperatorem obsecrobant nc oppidum incenderet. Praeceptum erat Labieno ne proelium committeret. Esse [§ 111, 8] oportet ut vivamus, non vivere at edamus. In eo itinere Orgetorix persuasit Castico [§ \4\,note] ut r.eg- num in civitate sua occuparct ; itemque Dumnorigi JEd,uo, fratri [§ 127] Divatiaci, ut idem conarctur persurtsit. Rau- roeis persuasum erat nti, oppidis suis vicisque exustis [§ 186], una cum Helvetiis proficiscereniur. Consul edixit ne quisquam in castris coctum eibum venderet. Tantus subito timor omnem exercitum occupavit ut omnium animos perturbaret. Hac oratione habita [§ 186], tanta commuta- tio facta est ut summa alacritas et cupiditas belli gerendi ' {§ 177] innata esset. Legem brevem esse oportet quo faci- lius ab imperitis teneatur. Consul militibus iinpercnrit nc quern civein intcrficerent. Csesar veritus ne quis motus in G-allia Jieret, Labimum in continente reh'quit. Milites- me- tuunt ne mortiferum sit yulnus Scipionis. Timeo at hostes ad urbem perveniant. Caesar milites cohortatus est at suae pristinac virtwtis mgmoriam retinerent, neu perturbarentur U 210 • FINAL SENTENCES. - §194-'95 aiiimo [§ 161.] Opera dabatur ne quod iis [§ 143] collo- quium inter se, neve communcatio esset. Translate into Latin. She enemy ran forward so swiftly that t\m.Q was not given to ©ur men for throwing their darts. So great a p*anie took possession of the citizens that no man was able to take up arms. An edict has been issued that no one leave the town. Instructions* had been given to the horsemen not to pursue the enemy too far. Wise men eaf to live, but fools and gluttons live to eat. I advise you, my son, never 'to believe a liar. Balbus is such a liar [so lying'] that he is never be- lieved [it is never believed to him.'] 1 fear that some one has announced our plans to the enemy. Ariovistus demanded that they should, confer on horseback, and not bring more [amplius] than ten horsemen apiece to the conference. The Belgians fearing [having feared] that if all Gaul were sub- dued [abl. abs.] the army of the Romans would be led a- gainst [ad] them, collected great forces. The citizens feared that the auxiliaries would not reach the city. Caesar com- manded [imperare] the soldiers to run forward swiftly, and not give the enemy time for collecting themselves. Ari- ovistus said that he feared that snares were prepared for him. It has been said that brave men do not fear death. Tho consul thought that Catiline had formed the design of setting the city on fire. An edict was issued that no bread [nothing of bread] nor any [quis] other cooked food should be introduced into the camp. § 195. exercise 62. — (Quin, quominus.) 'Vocabulary, Flere, (flev-, flet-,) to weep. Ob-st-are, (stit-, »tit-,) to stand in the way Dubins, a, urn, doubtful, of, to hinder. (Iutr). §195 ' FINAL SENTENCES] 211 Compcll-crre, to call, address. Im-pecWre, to prevent, to tangle the feet . Dnbit-are, to doubt. ■ (l'r.) , Oircum-ven-i'rc, (ven-, vent-.yto surround. Dc-terr-n-o,, to frighteto off, to deter. Conjunctio, on-is, friendship, intimacy. Praeter-mitt-erc, (nit's-, miss-,) toleave un- Axoc-are % to call away, separate. done. Invostig-are, to investigate. Ad-spic-erc, -io, [spex-, spect-,] to look at. Oimon, on-is, Cimon. Im-pon-cre, [posu-, posit-,] to post, to plac Custos, custo.d-i8, guard. Fru-i, fructua, lo enjoy. Itaque, (conj.) and so, therefore. " Parmenio, on-is, Parmenio. Haud mnltum, (§153) not much, not far. Medicus, i, physician. Bib-ere, [bib-, bibit-,] to drink. Mcdicamcntuni, i, dose of medicine, EXAMPLES, ") It cannot be that he is not going Fieri non potest quin venlurus sit, Vto come, {bu~t that he is going to ) come) ; lie is certainly going tu come. Nunquam adspexit quin fratriczdam compellarct, She never saw him vrithout calling him a fratricide. Milites retincre non possum quiti currant, I cannot restrain the sol- diers from running. Facere or mihi I non possum quin fleam,- I cannot help weeping. Non est dubium ^ quin deus mun- 1 There is no doubt \ that God Negari non potest J- dum regat, V If cannot be denied I rules the Quis dubitat J • J Who doubts . J world. Jfter the above expressions quin must be translated that. * Nihil proetenm'si quin ad te veniam, I have left nothing undone to comg to you. Nihil Caio obstat quominus veniat, \ Notntng hinders Caius from Nihil obstat quominus Caius veniat, J coming. Per me stat quominus venias, * It is my fault that you do not come. Quid te imjiedivit quominus venires ? What prevented you from coming ! Minimum (§153) abfuit quin caderet, He was very near falling. Translate into English. Non dubium est quin virtus sutnmum sit bonum. BaK bum nunquam adspexit quin proditoreni compellarct, Fieri non potest quin alii a nobis dissentiant. Non dubitavit Adherbal quin Jugurtha eum interficere conaretur. Quis dubitare potest quin multo (§168) turpius sit fallere quaitj falli? (xermani retineri non potuerunt quin in nostros teL*v conjicerent." Per Considium stetit quominus Cassar Helve- 212 FINAL SENTENCES. §195 tios circumveniret. Orgetorix non diibitat quin brevi tem- pore totius Gallise regnum oceupatwrus sit. Altiti/do.flum- inis hostes deterrebat quominus transzre condrentur. Nihil prscterimsit Cicero quin Pompeium a Csesaris conjunctione avocaret. Nihil tarn difficile est quhi quserendo investigari possit. Cimon nunquam in liortis custodem imposuit, lie quis impediretur quominus fructibus (§159, Rem, 6) fruere* tur. Parmenio audiverat venerium a Philippi medico regi (§141) parari ; itaque epistola scripta (§186) euni deter- rere voluit quominus medicamentum biberet quod medicus dare constituerat. Translate into Latin, It cannot be denied that Csssar was (a man) of the great- est courage. Who can doubt that our men are able to sus- tain the attack of the enemy (for) many months X The gen- eral icill certainly relieve us in a few days. It cannot be denied that your son was born many years (§167, Rem, 2) v after the building (§185, 3, c) of the city. I never con- verse with you without becoming wiser. What iiinders us from persuading Ma^us not to storm the town 1 It was not Cicero's fault thatPompey was not separated from intimacy with (of) Caesar. The army wasfciot far from being beaten and sent under the yoke. The soldiers could not be re- strained/rom running forward with a great shout. Orge- torix was not far from getting possession of the government of all G-aul. There is no man but knows that all things are ruled by Grod. The queen could not help weeping. CONDITIONAL SENTENCES §196. Express a condition, and are introduced by the conditional conjunctions, si, if ; nisi or ni, unless, if — aot ; sin, but if ; dum, modo, dummodo, prodded. §197 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. - 213 The principal sentence, -or complement of the condi- tion, is called the conclusion. § 197. RULE L. (a.) If the condition is represented as a fact, the indicative is used bath in the condition and conclusion. . ,. . '. .• ... ) If you speak the truth, (of which I have at vera diois, leges vioiavi, l - J , \, x T , „ , ', v j \., 7 ' r « '4. no doubt,) 1 have broken the laws. (b.) If the condition is represented as possible, or like- ly to be realized, the subjunctive present or perfect is used in the condition,. and the indicative, (generally fut- ure,) in the conclusion. {Indeterminate Condition.) Si pecuniam kabeat, dabit, If he has the money, he will give it. ~\ If he will give (shall have given) me Si mihi pecuniam dedcrit, ibo, j- the money, I will go. (The money J must be given before I go.) (c.) If the non-existence of the condition is implied, the subjunctive is us^d both in the condition and con- clusion, the imperfect for present or future time, the past-perfect for past time. ") If he had money (now,) he would give it. Si pecuniam haberet, daret, > If he should h-x\e money, (at any future J time) hi would give it. , , . . 7 ,. ) If h" had had money, lie would have Si pecuniam habuisseL dedisset, \ •* /t> ± J- \ r '5 given it. (Past time.) Rem. 1. On the same principle the subjunctive-present or present- perfect is used to express a possible wish, the imperf. or past-perf. , lo express a vain wish. Jvivat ! "j may live! viveret ! that my son X were living! •vixisset ! J had Uv ■ The condition i.s sometimes (a.) implied in some otker expression; as, sine cibo ncino vivere'posset, Xq one ivould be abh Jive without food; or (b.) altogether suppressed, in which ca.-rC the 214 » CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. . §197-j98 indicative imperfect is frequently used ; as, Satius erat mori quam 7/ientiri, It would be better (if necessary) to die than to lie. Rem. 8. When the non-existence of the condition is implied, .the indicative (especially the imperfects decebat, oportebat, debebam, pot- cram, and cram with a gerundive or adjective,) are sometimes used in the eonclusion; as, JSi victoria dubia esset fa-men omnes bonos reipubli. ca subvenire decebat, If the victory were doubtful, yet all good men ought to come to the assistance of the State. ™ Rem. 4. The use of the imperfect or past-perfect in a conditional sentence does not necessarily imply the non-existence of the condi- tion, as they are often used simply because the leading verb is : past, 1 and not because the character of the condition requires their use. See §184. Rem. 5. In a conditional sentence the subjunctire is usually trans- lated like the indicative. " ' Rem. 6. Conditional sentences are adverbs. § 198. EXERCISE 63. Vocabulary-. Minu-ere, [niinu-, mhittt-,] lo- make less, Utinam, [interj.] that! I wish that, to weaken. Con-ven-ire, [yen-, vent-,] to agree. Kxerc-ere, to exercise. ■ Stipendium, i, tribute, tax. »ubig-ere, [eg-, act-,] to subjugate. Pend-ere, [pepend-, i>ens-,~]toweigJi,to pay . Lacess-ere, [iv-, it-,] to provoke. Quotannis, [adv.] yearly. Injuria lacess-ere, to j>rovoke by injury, m In-cit-ore, to arouse. \ to injure. Perpetuus, a, um, unending. jDol-ere, to grieve. Re-spond-cre, [spond , spons-] to answer. Pneceptum, i, precept. Cav-ere, [cav-, caut-,] to avoid. Inimicitia, as, enmity. Invit-are, to invite. Adhuc, [adv.] still, yet. Vera dicere, to speak truth, [true, things]. Mature, [adv.) soon. Subvenire alicu^fo come to one's assistance. (a) Si hoc feceris, te amobo, If you do (shall have done) this, I will love you. (The doing must be accomplished before the loving.') (a) If the condition must be fulfilled before the conclu- sion can follow, the Latins use a .perfect tense 5 where in English we use a present. ,§198 CONDITIONAL SENTENCES. 215 Translate into English. Memoria minuitur n isi earn exereeas. Si Helvetii flumen transi're conentur, Caesar eos prohibebit. ' Caesar iEduis . bellum intulissct nisi obsides misis&ent. Alexander, si diu- tius vixissetftotum orbem terraruin subegisset. Utinam pater meus vivat! Utinam rex vlveret ! Caesar ab Ariovisto post- nlavit ne quam multitudinem honiinum in Galliam trans- duccret,neve JEduos injuria (§159) lacesseret, neveh'is sociis- <^ue eoruin bellum infenet ; "Si id ita feceris," inquit, "mihi (§143) populoque Romano perpetua amicitia te.pum crit." Ad base Ariovistus respondit; "iEduis injuria (§159) bellum non inferam, si in eo quod coftvenerunt maneant, stipendiumque quotannis pendant." Nisi te satis incitatum esse confidcrem, plura scriberem. Sine ferro (§197, Rem. 2, [c] ) fieri non posset (it would be impossible) ut agri col- erentur. Imperatore interfecto (§197, Rem. 2) fieri non potest quin exercitus pellatur. Si vis me fiere, . primum dolendum est (§178) ipsi tibi (§145). Translate into Latin. If you speak the truth, Cato has done (to) you a great in- jury. If this is the case (§191, Ex.), I will set out imme- diately to Rome. No man can be happy, unless his life is ruled by the precepts of virtue. If Caesar had been able to avoid these enmities, he would be still living. If I knew, I /could say. If you live well, you will die happily. / wish 0ou had come a little (§168) sooner. Ariovistus would not, have led his army across the Rhine unless he had been in- cited by the Sequanians. It would be impossible to believe this report i/we did not know that the messenger always speaks the truth. If I had knoicn your danger, P would, r come to your assistance. If I go to Rome, I will send 216 CONCESSIVE SENTENCES. §199-200 * you the money which you demand. If the Helvetians had endeavored to cross the river, Cjesar would hove prevented them. Ariovistus would not be waging war on ihe iE&uans if they had paid the tribute. Without an army it wovld be impossible to wage war. CONCESSIVE SENTENCES § 199. Express something granted or yielded, and are introduced by the conceive conjunctions etsi, quan- quam, tametsi, licet, quamvis, etiamsi, $c, with the gen- eral meaning although. § 200. RULE LI. (a) If the thing granted is rep- resented as a fact, the indicative is used, generally with quanquam, etsi, or tametsi ; as Komani, quanquam fessi erant, 1 The Romans, though they iv ere weary, t, J ma\ tamen in&tructi proccdunt, J* yet march in order of battle. (b) A concession merely for argument's sake, or where the non-existence of the thing granted is implied, (a mere conception)? is expressed by the subjunctive, usually with quamvis or licet, sometimes with etiamsi or etsi; as, Mendacium, quarnvis occuluftur, \A falsehood, though it be conceal- iamen turpe est, < j ed, is nevertheless base. Rem. 1. The complement of a concessive sentence is a-n adversa- tive sentence introduced by tamen. f Rem. 2. Quanqit am is properly the ace. sing. fem. of quisquis; (rem being understood) ; thus (a) In repect to whatever thing the Ro- mans tcere weary, . am, bitter, In-cip-crc, [-io. cp-. cept-V] to begin. Phocion, on-is ; Phocion. In-cid-ere, [incid-, incas-.] to fail vpon. Perpetao, continually. Con-sperg-ere. [spers-, spurs-.] to sprinkle. Epaminondas, re, Epiminorvlas, [App. I.J Pree-st-are, [stit-, stit- and suit-,] to be su~ Obsidio. on-is. siege, perior. Pavor. or-is, fright. At-ting-ere, [-tig-, tact-,] io touch, reach. So focipere, to recover one, self. De-sist-orej [stit-, stit-,] to leave off. Exspect-arc duin, to wait for anything Bell-are, to war. to happen. Claud-ere, [clans-, clans-,] to shut up. Periculum facer c, to make a trial. Ex-pon-ere, [posu-, posit-,] to set forth, cx- Fulguratio, on-is, lightning. plain. Sonus, i, sound. Prre-mitt-ere, [mis-, miss-,] to send, before. Rusticus, a, um, rustic. De-fervesc-ere, [fert .] to subside. Sncssionos, nm, Susssians. Inter-c«d-ere, [cess-, cess-,] to come between, Boeotii, orum, Boeotians. " » to intervene. Dementia, re, madneas. • Deliber-are, to deliberate. «• De-flu-ere, [deflux-, deflux-,] ioflmu away. Translate into English. 1. Quum, when, since, although, whereas. Caesar quum id nunciatum csset, maturavit ab urbe profi- cisci. Quod (§129, Rem. 9) cum animadvertisset Caesar, scaphas longarum navium militibus (XXV) qompleri jussit. Britanni Commium Atrebo-tcm, quum ad eos Caisaris man- data de ferret, comprehenderant, et in vincula conjecerant. Quum rosam viderat, turn incipere (§188) ver arbitrab«tur. acerbam mihi memoriam (XXIII) temporis illius et loci, quum hie in me incidity quum complexus est, conspersitque lacrymis, nee loqui pra) mcerore potuit ! Phocion fuit per- petuo pauper, quum ditissimus esse posset. Homines, quum multis rebus (XXVI) infirniiores sint, hac re (§161) maxi- 222 TEMPORAL SENTENCES. §208 me bestiis (§142) praestant, quod loqui possunt. iEdui, quum se suaque ab Helvetiis defendere non possint, legatos ad Caesarem mittunt rogatum (XLII) auxilium. Quum vita sine aimcis metus (IX, [a] ) plena sit, ratio ipsa menet amicitias comparare. Quae cum ita sint, ad urbem proficisc- o.mur (§183, Rem.) 2. Postquam, antequam, priusquam. Ea postquam Romae audita sunt, timor ornnes inyasit. Decern post diebus (§167, Hem. 1 & 2) quam Caesar in Ital- iani pervenit, legiones duae erant conscriptae. (R. LV, [a] ) Ante decimum diem (§167, Rem. 2) quam vita (§163) discessit, liberos omnes convocavit, Haec omnia ante facta sunt quam Verres Italiam -attig it. Epaminondas non prius bellare destitit quam Lacedaemonem obsidione (§159) clausit. (b) OivQsprius se dediderunt quam aries murum attigisset* Antequam de republica dicam, expcmani breviter consilium iieum. Caesar priusquam hostes se ex pavore et fuga reci- perent, in fines Suessionum exercitum duxit. Ad haec cog- nescenda priusquam periculum facerct, Caium praemittit. Ante videnius fulgurationem quam sonum audiamus. 3. Dum, donee, quoad. Dum haec geruntur, Caesari nunciatum est hostes propius a.ccedere.^ Lueius, quoad potuit, pontem defendit. Epami- nondas, quum animadverteret mortiferum se vulnus accep- isse, ferrum in corpore continuit quoad renuntiatum est vicisse (§188) Bceotios. Irati rogandi sunt* ut vim differant, dum defervescat ira. Caesar, ut spatium interce- ded posset dum milites convenient, legatis respondit diem se ad deliberandum sumptwrum. Dum vivimus (§183, Rem.) vivamus. Caesar summae dementiae (vii) esse judic«bat, ex- * Ought to be requested. §209-' 10 RELATIVE SENTENCES. 223 Spectare dum hostium copia) aitgcrentur. Rusticus ex-- spectat dvm dcftuat amnis. RELATIVE SENTENCES §209. Are introduced by a relative word. (For con- struction of relatives see §129.) The predicate of a relative sentence is of course in the indicative when a, fact is stated- The subjunctive is used in three cases. §210. RULE LVI. The subjunctive is. used in rela- tive sentences ; (a) expressing purpose, result, or cause (qui=ut or quod with demonstrative). As, Legatos miserunt qui (=ut ii) ") They sent ambassadors to sue for peace. ' pacem peterent, J [Purpose ) » r . . , » ■'. ") I am not such a one as to do this. (Re- Non is sum qui hoc faciam, V , * x Male fecit Hannibal qui*) Hannibal did wrong in wintering (because Capua hiemarit, / he wintered) at Capua. {Cause.) (b) In indefinite general expressions, both affirmative and negative. Sunt, qui dicant, There are some ivho say. Nemo est orator qui se Demosthenis ~\ No one is an orator who is unwill- similem esse no lit, j ing to be like Demosthenes. (c) To express the words or opinions of some one else, and'not of fhe authSr, Nunicatum est equites qui 1 Word was brought that the horsemen who prsemissi essent revertisse, / had been sent forword had returned. Rem. 1. The subjunctive with qui expresses a purpose with ref- erence to the object of the sentence, a purpose with reference the subject Being expressed by ut. (See $193, §180, Example.) Thus* qui pacem peterent means, that they, (the ambassadors,) might seek peace. Qui may be used with the passive construction ; Lcgati misti sunt qui pacem peterent ; where the object in the active becomes sub- ject in the passive. 224 RELATIVE SENTENCES. §210 Rem. 2. Qutppc, uijpote, and ut are frequently joined with qui cx- i ressing a cause. The indicative is frequently used with quippe qui. Rem. 3. The subjunctive is used in indefinite goneral expressions* introduced by any relative word, whether adjectival or adverbial. Ubi res posceret casiellum communivit, Wherever circumstances requir- ed, he built a fort. Such relative sentences express a condition, — thus, If circumstances anywhere required, &c. But the indicative is fre- quently used ; as, Quamcunque in partem nosiri impclv.m feccrant< hostcs loco cedere cogebantur. Rem. 4. The poets and some prose writers use the indicative with sunt qui, crant qui, &c. The indicative will of course be used when a definite subject is introduced. Sunt f eras, qure domari nowpossunt, Thej'e arc wild beasts which cannot be tamed. (A fact.) But the sub- junctive is used even then, if a particular fact is not stated ; as, sunt fcrce quce domari non possint, — >— such that they cannot be' tamed (if one should make the attempt.) Rem. 5. A relative sentence is an adjective, -limiting the antecedent. Puer qui legit, the reading boy. But as an adjective often agrees with a noun while limiting a verb, so an adjective sentence frequently limits the predicate, ex- pressing the purpose (like a dative of purpose, — §144), or the cause (like -an ablative of cause, — §159.) See exam- ples., LVI, a. § 211. EXERCISE 66. Vocabulary. Divtnus, a, um. pertaining to the Gods. Ad-ven-tre, (v«n-, vent-,) to arrive. Quo, (adv. for old ace. quon.) whither. Prre-esse, (ll-,)intr-. to preside over. » liud'is, e, uncivilized. Di-lig-erc, (lex-, lect-,) to choose, to love. Coui-mitt-ere, (mi's-, miss-,) to commit. Vid-«ri, vi'sus, (pass, o/vidcre,) to seem. Argwtus, a, um, sagacious. Cens-erc, (censu-, cens-,) to be of opinion. Fortunatus, a, um, fortunate. Jte-per-i're, (reper-, report-, toftna. Prjeco, on-is, herald, crier. In-sil-tre, (silu-, ,) to leap upon. Pecc-are, to do wrong, to sin. Ite-vell-ere, (veil-, vuls-,) to tear off. Completes, a, and ia, very many, quite Pra>pon-ere, (posu-, posit-,) to prefer. a number. Una, (parte understood, (§166,) together. Phalanx, phalang-is, (Gr. ace. phalanga, Fall-ere, (fefell-, fals-,) to deceive. pi. phalangas,) phalanx. Occid-cre, (cid-, cas-.) to fall, to die. Hom«rus, i, Homer. Druidcs, um, Druids. % Adulatio, on-is, flattery. Fama, se, fame, report. Fortwna, oe, fortune. Praeditus, a, um, endowed. Natus, (part, of nascor,) a son. Esuriens, ent-is,.(part. of esurire,) hungry. Aut, — aut, either.— or. Quain, (relative adv.) as. §211 RELATIVE SENTENCES. 225 EXAMPLES. (a). Dignus e$t qui ametur (LVI, \ He is worthy of being loved (that a ), J he be loved.) su\ tj „ „„.,„„• „^ if,,-") H« is fit to have the business en - (o). Idoneus est cm res mandeiur CLVI », ) ( t^wsted. to him (Mart w« busings {■*..*' ) he entrusted). (c). Doctior stim quam qui a te, VI am too learned t« be taught by docear (LVI, a ), f you, — (*Aan that I be taught.) (d). Quod sciam (LVI, b), As far as I know. Quod meminerim, As far as I remember. (e). Legatus, ut imperatum erat, "| 2%e lieutenant, as had been order- fiumen transiit, / ed, crossed the river. (Here ut is a relative pronaun, subject of imperatum erat, the ante- cedent being contained mflumen transiit.) (f). Nemo est qui putet (LVI, b), There is no one who thinks. Nemo est quin putet (§193), There is no one who 4©es not think. (g). An quisquam est ? I ft there ^ one? ( stron g er * han Translate into English. 1. Purpose, LVI, a. — Britanni Druides habent, qui re*- bus (§141, iVbJe) divinis prsesint. JEdui legatos Romam (§154) rniscrunt qui auxilium a senatu (§151, Bern. 1) pe- terent % Legati missi erant qui nunciarent oppidum expug- natuni esse (§188). G-alli locum non habebant quo se reci- perent. Caesar equitatum prsemisit qui (§129, Rem. 7) hostium itinera explorarent. 2. Result, LVI, a. — Nemo tarn rudis est ad quern fama sapientiae tuae non pervenerit. Socrates dignus erat qui ab omnibus diligeretur. Caius non satis idoneus visus est cui tantum negotium mandarctur. £Jon sumus ii quibus nihil verum esse (§174) videatur. Non is sum qui tantum scelus committam. Major sum quam cui (§142) possit fortuna noeere. Argutior f'uit Jugurtha quam Qui Mecipsae verbis falleretur. *3. Cause, LVI, a. — fortunate adolescens, qui tu« 15 226 RELATIVE SENTENCES. §211 » virtwtis 4 Homerum praeconem (§151, b) inveneris ! Pecea- visse (§174) mihi videor qui a te discesserim. Omnes laud- abant fortunas meas, qui (§129, Rem. 7) natuni tali ingenio (§160) prasditum haberem. 4. LVI, b.^— Sunt qui censeant una animum et corpus oc- cidere (§188). Reperti sunt compares qui in phalangas insilirent, et scuta manibus revdlerent. Nihil est quod homines tarn miseros (§151, b) faciat quam impietas et scelus. An quisquam est qui libertati servitwteni prseponat? Nemo est quin Balbum stultum (§151, b) existimet. 5. LVI, c. — Ariovistu's dixit se obsides quos ab iEduis haberetnxm reddiiwrum (§188). Caesar negavit se Helvetiis quod postularent dare (§174) posse. Translate into Latin. The Britons sent ambassadors to say (LVI, a) that they would return the prisoners whom they had taken (LVI, c). No one of the soldiers, as far as J know, has left his post. This boy has never, as far as I recollect, deceived me. Is Caius (a) suitable (person) to commit your daughter to ? Kings are not too wise to be conquered by flattery, nor too sagacious to be deceived. Some say (there are who say,) -that the consul is both (et) a liar and a thief. Some thought that the enemy would not besiege the city. Is there any one who doubts that (§193, i?em. 4) God rules the world ? Is there any one who thinks that a robber will return the booty which he has taken ? The townsmen will send the noblest of the state to sue for (ask) peace. The general is worthy of being loved by all the soldiers. The lieutenant, as was ordered, sent forward the cavalry to sustain the at- tack of the enemy till the footmen should arrive (§207). §212— ^13— '14— '15 INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES. . 227 INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES §212. Are introduced by an interrogative vrot& T and contain a question. 1. A direct question is asked by means of a principal sentence ; as, Quis venit? Who comes ? 2. An indirect question contains the substance of a direct question, without giving the exact words, and the sentence by which it is asked is always dependent; as, Janitor interrogavit quisveniret, The porter asked who came. 3. Questions, both direct and indirect, are asked by means of in- terrogative pronouns ($88), and the particles ne, nonne, num (§81; - r and double questions, by utrttm — an, whether — or. In an indirect question ne means whether, if ;. nonue, if not ; num, whether^ if. §213. RULE LVII. The subjunctive is used in a di- rect question implying doubt ; as, Quo fugiam / Whither shall 1 fiy ? §214. RULE LVIII. The subjunctive is always used in indirect questions ; as, Ncscio quis veniat, I do not know who is coming. Rem. I. The older writers sometimes use the indicative • in indi- rect questions. Rem. 2. The first part of a double question is often omitted. Cuj'um jfeats est hoc? an Melibcei ? — Is it ajiothcr person's, or is it Meli- boeus's ? Rem. 3. Dependent interrogative sentences ar« nouns. §215. EXERCISE 67. Vocabulary. <$uo ? whither ? Abd-ere, (abdid-, abdit-,) to run for. con- Permultum, (adv.) very much. cedlmtnt. Coneultum, i, a thing determined ; abl. Sit-ire, to be thirsty. on purpose. Interrog-are, to ask. IncertuH, a, uni, uncertain. ■ Appollo, ixi-is, Appollo. Yitreus, a, urn, of glass. Ab Ap. petere, to inquire of Appollo. Concavus, a, urn, hollow. Infans, ant-ia, infant. Manw concova, the hollow of the hand. Irasc-i, iratus, to be angry wiflt. TJnde ? whence ? Providttotia, 83, providence. 228 INTEROGATIVE SENTENCES. S215 Curt lohyf • . Af-ferre, (attul-, allaN.) to bring forward . Deoreura, (adv.) down-hilL Causam afferre, to explain. Delphi, oram, Delphi, (a city of Greece.) Prscstantia, ee, excellence. Patina, a?, disk. Catmus or urn, i, bowl. Mort'ni, orum, the Morini. ■ Fictilis, e, earthen. Casus, us, chance. EAXMPLES. Quid [$155] interest? ~'What difference does it make?'" Nihil [$155] refert or interest, It makes no difference. Ubi gentium [{134] ? j Wherein tfo world ? [In what place {Somebody or other [I don't know wlro] shouted. [A fact. Neccio-quis-=*= aliquis, but stronger.] Translate into English. Quisnam in horto ambulat ? Nes«io quis in horto ambu- leti Puer dicere non potuit quo latrones sese abdidissent. Ssepe non utile est scire quid futwrum sit. Qualis sit ani- mus, ipse animus nescit. Permultum interest utrum casu an consnlto Jiat injuria. Caii nepos-ne es, an filius ? In- certum est Caii nepos-ne sim, an filius. Si sitis (L, a) nihil interest utrum aquam bibas an vmum, nee refert utrum sit aureum poeulum, an vitreum, an manus concava. Nonne canis lupo (§142, Rem. 3) similis est ? Puer patrem interrogavit nonne canes lupis similes essent. Puer inter- rogans est utrum pluris (§137) patrem an matrem faceret. Numquis (§89) infantibus (§142) irascitur 1 Interrogat Caius num quis infantibus irascatur. Quo itis, pueri ? In kortum? ArioTisto (§142, Rem. 3) mirum visum est quid in ejus Gallia Caesari (§143) negotii (§134) esset. Mcntiri (§173) honestum-ne sit factu (XLII, b) an turpe, nemo dub- itat. Unde legati venissent rex nunquam repenre potuit. An quisquam dubitat cas?^-ne an dei providentia mundus -regatur? Dum in his locis Caesar navium parandarum (§177) causa morabatur, ex magna parte Morinorum ad eum legati venerunt, qui causas afferrent (LVI, a) cur civi- tas populo Romano bellum intulisset. Neseio quis in horto atnbulabat. 'Jranslate into Latin. Does any man doubt concerniDg the excellence of virtue? $2 15-' 16-' \1 tNtERHOCJATlVE SENTENCES'. 229 The poet asks whether any one doubts concerning the excel- lence of virtue. Can you explain, my son, why water al- ways flows down Hill 2 The king sent messengers to Del- phi (§154) to inquire (AVI, a) of Appollo ichetherhe should give his daughter in marriage to Clodius or G-laucus. What difference does it make to a hungry man wMther he eats his food out of a golden dish or an earthen bowl ? It makes no difference to the dead whether the king is a wise man or a fool. It is uncertain whether the girl thinks more of (§13T) her father or mother. It is uncertain whether Bal- bus values life or honor most (j)litris). It seems wonder- ful to me what business either you or your father has (§143) in my garden. Did Caius kill his brother by chance, or on purpose ? Iliave not been able to find *out whether the injury was done by chance or on purpose. No one knows- where in the world Grlaucus is wandering. §216. In narrating the words or opinions *f another the writer may give, either (a). The exa£t words of the speaker ; as, Csesar dixit, i: Veni, vidi, vici," desar said, "I came, I saw, I con- quered," (0 ratio recta, or Direct discourse;), or (b). The substance of what the speaker said, but not the exact words ; as, Csesar dixit se venisse, vidisse, vieisse, dvsar said thd.t he had come, seen, conquered. (Oratio ohttqua, or Indirect discourse.) §217. RU,LE LIX. Principal sentences in the oratio recta, are expressed in the oratio obliqua by the accusa- tive with the infinitive ; and dependent sentences in the oratio recta, take the subjunctive in the oratio ohli L Oralis recta. Oratio oblv. Ariovistus dixit, " Obsidcs cfuos Ariovistua dixit n ol quos Eduie habeo no:\ r$dd.am," ab JEtluis habere! con redditurunk 230 INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES. §217-' 18 Rem. 1, An imperative in the oratio recta, becomes a subjunctive in the oratio obliqua, a verb of commanding or exhorting being un- derstood. Rem. 2. The reason for the use of the subjunctive referred to a- bove (Rule LIX) is obvious, as the writer is making the statement, not es a fact upon his own authority, but as the opinion or assertion of some one else. Rem. 8. The accusative with the infinitive is sometimes used in v relative sentences in the oratio obliqua, the relative being equivalent to et with a demonstrative, and the sentence being therefore depend- ent only in form. The same construction occurs occasionally in oth- er dependent sentences. Rem. 4. The indicative is occasionally used in dependent sen- tences in oratio' obliqua. Rem. 5. Questions in which the indicative is used in direct dis- course, are generally expressed in oblique discourse by the accusa- tive with the infinitive, if the subject is of the first or third person ; by the subjunctive, if the subject is of the second person. Si vetcris contumelies oblivisci vellet. num etiam recentium injuria- rummemoriam deponere posse ■? (Si — vcllcm, num — possum?) An quicquam superbius esse f (An quicquam superbius est ?) Quid tandem verercntur, aui cur de sua virtute desperarent ? (Quid vereminj, aut cur desperatis ?) If the subjunctive is used in direct, discourse ($183), it is of course retained in oblique. ' » § 218. EXERCISE 68. Vocabulary. Super-arc, to overcome. ' Stipendiarius, a, um, tributary. , Invictus, a, um, invincible. Con-gred-i, (-ior, gress9us,) to meet, iofigld. Sub-u-e,(glll,9,-8ubi-, avbit-.) to go under. Propterea quod, for the reason that, be- Suspic-ari, to suspect. cause. Opulentus, a, um, powerful. Cog-nosc-cre, (nov-, mt-,) to ascertain. Plus (adv.) posse, to be more powerful. Intellig-ere, (lex-, lect-,) to find out, know. gee §150, Hem. 3. Accid-ere, (accid-, — ,) to happen. Translate into English. Arjovistus respondit, 'iEduos, quoniam belli fortimam §218 INTERROGATIVE SENTENCES. 231 tentassenty* et armis superati essent, stipendiaries (§130, 2) esse factos : neminem secum sine sua pernicie contendisse : cum^Cassar vellet, congrederetur (§217, Rem. 1) : intellec- twrum (§188) quid invicti Gerrnani, qui inter annos qua- tuordecim tectum non subiisseitt, virt^te (facere) possent (§214). Diviatiacus dixit 'pejus (§128, Rem. 5) viotoribus Sequanis quam iEduis victis accidisse(§J88), propter ea quod Ariovistus in eorum finibus consedisset, tertiamque partem agri Scquani, qui esset optimus totius Gallise (§134), occup- avisset.' Consul pollicitus est ' se, postquam. rex finem lo- quendi/ccissci', legatos audit?/rum esse.' Imperator re- spondit ( se, etsi nondum principum consilia cognovisset, tamen conjurationem fierif suspicari.' Philosophus re- gpondit ( negari (§174) non posse quin homines mortales essent (§193). r Rex dixit, l qui (§129, Rem. 2) opulentior esset, etiamsi injuriam acciperet (§200), tamen, quia plus posset , facere (§174) videri.' Translate into Latin. . Cassar said (negavit) that he could not give the Helvetii a way through the province, because he feared that (§193, 2, b) they would do injury to his allies. The scouts an- nounced to Csesar that the cavalry which he had sent for- ward had been routed by tke enemy ; that the skirmishers had not been able to cross the river ; that the forces which the Germans had collected' would arrive in three days. Word was brought that the footmen, the flight of the hoi-se- men having J>een seen, had retreated to the mountain. (Change the examples in the Latin exerise from oratio obliqua to oratio recta.) * For tentavisscni. f Depends on se stijpicari. 232 appendix ' §219 • APPENDIX I. GREEK NOUNS OF THE FIRST DECLENSION. §219. 1. Nouns of this' declension transferred from the Greek end in e (fern.) ; as and es, (masc.) PARADIGM. i\ r . Pe nel pe, N. /I ne as, N. An chi ses, G. Pe nel o pes. G. - . . nC iC, G. An chi sae, D. Pe nel o pse, D. M ne 89, D. An chi see, Ac. Pe nel o pen, Ac. iE ne am, or an, Ac. An chi sen, V. Pe nel o pe, V. M ne a, V. An chi se, or a, Ab. Pe nel o pe. Ab. iE ne a. Ab. An chi se, or a. 2. Nouns in a transferred from the Greek sometimes have an in the accusative. 3. Those Greek iouus which Imve a plural are declined in that number like mens<%. 4. The gen. plural of patronymics in es, and of some compound? in gena, and cola, has um instead of arum. APPENDIX II. GREEK NOUNS OE THE SECOND DECLENSION. §220. \. Greek nouns of the second declension end in os (masc. and fern.), and on (neut.), commonly change^ in Latin into us and um. PARADIGM. i Barbiton, a lyre. Singular. Singular. Plural. N. De los, An dro ge os, K. ba.r hi ton,* bar bi ta, G. £>eli, An dro gc o, or i, G. bar bi ti, bar bi ton, D. Delo, An dro ge o, D. bar bi to, bar bi tis, Ac. De Ion. An dro ge o, or on, Ac. bar bi ton, bar bi ta, V. De le, ' An dro ge os, vt bar bi ton, bar bi ta, Ab. Dc lo. An dro ge o. Ab. bar bi to. bar, bi tis. §221 APPENDIX III-IV. 233 2. The plural of Greek nouns in 'os is declined like the plural of dominus, except that the}' sometimes have -on instead of -orum in the genitive. 3. Greek proper names in cus are declined like dominus, except that they have the vocative in eu. They sometimes retain the Greek forms in the other cases, viz. : gen. cos, dat. ci (contracted ei), ace. id, and are of the third declension. 4. Pelage is found as the ace. pi. of pelagics. APPENDIX * III. GREEK NOUNS OF THE THIRD- DECLENSION. §221. The following table exhibits the principal foritis of G-reek nouns of the third declension : — S. PL S. P, Nom. •G*n. Dat. Lampas, !-[- a f s ' I L d i 1 1 - a( J im ' \\ I t-ados, j ] au1 ' j \-ada, J |-*s, f -ades, ^ \ -adas, j f -oem, 1 I -oa, J -ades,; -adum, f -ades, "> ■adibus,| | . adas, j" |-ados, Abl. -jvde. -adibus. Ileros -oes, jChelys, IPopsis, -ois. •OUDl, f -yis, I I -yos, [ f -is, t -ios,- \ -eos, -01, -oibus i \-Jh f -is, -ei,-i i Achilles, ' \ -eos, {Orpheus. ! -eos, JAer, -cris. Dido, I -us, ;■ f -oes, ( -oas, f -ym, I -yn, f-im, \ -in, C -em, j- -oes. } I ; -ei, ■ '-eri, •ea, -en, j ■ea, •era, o, -oe. -oibus. -ye or y •i. -es, e,j-e or -i. -eu, ' Jseeg^t'.- er, (i-ere. -o, o. APPENDIX IV. DERIVATION OF NOUNS, ADJKCTIVES ; AND VERBS. jcooo i w ^ other nouns, «. 1. JSouns are ) ,. ... ' i > . 1 r s adiectives, (lerivcd lrom y J , (^ verbs, Denominatives ; Abstracts ; Verbals. 234 appendix iv. , §222 DENOMINATIVE NOUNS. 1. The ending ium added to the stem of a noun denotes office or condition, and sometimes a collection or assemblage; as, collegium, (colleg-a), the office of colleague, an assemblage of colleagues, a col- lege. 3. The ending (mbndtQn added to a noun-stem denotes condition, and derivatively, several other relations; As," matr-imonium, mother- hood, the married state; patr-imonium, fatherhood, then derivative- ly, that which results from bemg a father, what a father gives a son, ivhai a son inherits, a patrimony. 4. The ending -etwn added to the stem of names of plants, denotes a place where they grow in abundance ; as, laur-etum, a laurel grove: querc-etum, an oak grove. * 5. The diminutive endings, lus, la, him, ulus, (a, um,) olus, (a, urn,) sometimes cuius, unculus, uleus, denote a small specimen of the prim- itive. Libtllus, (liber.) a little book; filiolus, (films,) a little son. 6. Patronymics are personal names derived from the name of one's father or other ancestor." They end in ides (penult short, fem. is) ; ides (penult long, fem. eis) ; ias, iades (fem. as) ; and some feminities in ine or ione. As, Tyndar-ides, a son of Tyndarus • Tyndar-is, a daughter of Tyndar- us. Ner-edes, a 3on of Nereus ; Ner-eis, a daughter of Nereus. . 7. Amplificatives are personal names given on account of the great size of some part of the body. They arc formed by adding o to noun-stems; as, copit-o. big- head ; naso, big-nose. ABSTRACT NOUNS. 8. Adjectival abstracts are formed by adding to adjective stems the cndings]las, Has, clas ; tus, ilus, itudo ; ia % itiu, ilies: e do, and imonia. VERBAL NOUNS. 9. The name of. an action or condition is expressed (a) By adding.or to the present-stem (generally of intransitive r«ib8); mozr- or, grief ; splend-or, brightness. (b) By adding ium to the present or supine-stem ; as, gaud-ium, joy; ezit-wm, destruction. §222 /• . , appendix iv. , ' 235 (c) By adding io or us to the supine -stem ; as, hct-io, a reading ; cant-us, a singing. (d) Sometimes by adding da, inwnia, imonium, to the present-stem, or ura to the supine-stem ; as, qucr-da, complaining, a complaint. 10. Ura added to the supine-stem usually denotes the result of an action ; as, pid-um, the result of painting, npicture. 11. The doer of an action is expressed by or, (fern, rix), added to the supine-stem ; as, vict-6r t vict-riz, a conqueror. Some nouns in tor are formed from other nouns, though an intermediate verb i •; al- ways supposed to exist; as, via, viare, vi at- or ; gladl-us, gladx Desiderativts, expressing strong desire. They are of the fourth conjugation, and are formed by adding urio to the supine-^tem of the primitive ; as, es-urio, (edo,) I desire to eat, I am hungry. They are few in number. (d) Diminutives, which express trifling action. They are formed by adding Mo to the present or supine stem ; as, conscrib-illo, I scribble. (e) Intetisives, which express earnest action. They are of the third conjugation, and are formed by adding esso, or isso, to the stem of the primitive ; as, fac-esso, I do with all my might. Note. Many verbs of the above classes have only the meaning of tho primitive. ANALYSIS OF TENSE FORMATION. §223.. 1. Every verb-form consists of two parts, the stem an d the ending. The ending consists of the personal- signs 238 APPENDIX IV. §223 (for the most # part pronominal roots of the different per- sons ; the connecting vowel; and, in some tenses, the tense- sign. Though for the sake of convenience we call the rad- icals am-, mon-, and aud- the present-stems of the verbs amare, monere, and audire, the stems are in fact ama-, Tnone-, and audi- ; verbs .of 1st, 2nd,and the 4th conjugations may, thorefore, be termed pure or vowel verbs,' while only those of the 3rd conjugation have consonant stems. Thus, in the form ama-ba-tis, {ama-eba-i-tis,) ama- means love; cba-, the tense-sign, marks incomplete action in past time, (the e being absorbed by a of the stem,) and means did ; i, the connecting vowel, or mood-sign, is absorbed by the a preceding, while tis, the personal sign, means ye or you. The whole, if literally rendered, means hve-did-ye, or ac- cording to the English idiom, ye love-did, ye love-d. 2. The following tables show the personalj mood, and tense-signs, which, uniting with the verb stem, produce the various verb forms. (a) PERSONAL ENDINGS. Singular. Plural. Pe l. Act' . Pat 1. m, 3 2. 8, Ind. Perf. sti. O O. t, 1. miis, 2. tis, Ind. perf. stis. 3. nt. ris, re, tur,|| mur, | mini, , | ntur, No cb. The personal sign m is the radical of the Greek, Latin, and Engl h me; *mus is the pluralized form : s, frequently interchanged with , is the radical of tu, (Greek su, English th-ou,) and tit is the- sanii form pluralized, the t being resumed : t, of the third person, (plui 7it,) has a demonstrative force, and is found as a prefix in tan- tus, talis, &c. ; and as a suffix in id, (English i-t,) is-te, &c. The. sign of the passive is r, and enters into all the passive end- ings except mini, which is wholly unlike the rest, and is generally §223 APPENDIX IV. 239 considered a participial ending (Greek menci,) estis beinjr under- stood ; — ama-rtlini estis. The personal signs for the Imperative are, to' (pi. tote,) to, (pi. nto,) Pass., re or tor, (pi. mini,) tor, (pi. v.ior.) (b) MOOD SIGNS. Persons. I 1. 1 2. 1 3. « 1. 1 2. 1 3. [ ( All but Prcs.-Perlect, anil Ind : rativo J Fut ' 3rd and 4th C0 "J- ina.cative. < prc8 _ pprf I Fut., 3rd and 4th conj. o, 1 J J > h U a, | i, 1 . h h 1 »» I: i> J, u. | era u. f Pies., 2nd, 3rd, and 4th conj. a u- * • ~ ) Pi'es., 1st conj. Subjunctive j prealperf ^Imperf. and Past-Perf. a, i> a, h \ «i 1 a, - «> i, i, a. c if. Imperative. -1 e, | e, I i, 1 u. Inf. Active e, pass. i. i Note. The mood-signs ofs the Indie, are short (except i and eru of the pres.-perf.) ; those of tho Imper. are short; those of the SuVj. long (except i of the pres.-perf, which is long or short.) ( c) TENSE SIGNS. •" Pres. | Imperf. l Fut. i Pi^s.-Perf. I Past-Pert. |Fut.-Perf Indicative. none, j eb», j'.'b. 1st & 2nd conj. | none, 'e, 3rd & 4th conj. 1 era, er. Subjunctive. none, 1 er, 1 1 er, 1 iss, I Infinitive. ! er, 1 1 1 188, i 1 Note. The sign of completed action must not be confounded with the tense signs. It is In the 1st conj. v, sometimes passing into u, — sec-u-i; " " 2nd " v, generally passing into u, — mon-u.i ; " " 3rd " generally s, sometimes u. « (< 4 tu a ^ v Before it the final letter of the stem is lengthened ; as, ania-vi, fle-vi, audt-vi. The reduplication is sometimes used, as in Greek, to indicate completed action ; as, mo-mord-i, po-posc-i, ve-ven-r, (contr # vm-i,) mo-mov-i, (contr. mov-i). Such perfects as pav-i, (pasco,) quicv-i, (quie-sc-o,) sprcv-i, (sper-n-o for spre-?i*o,) are regularly formed on vowel-stems, strengthened by the addition of sc, (Apr). IV. 30, b,) and n. 240 APPENDIX IV. §^ 3. Where two voxels come together, the, former usually absorbs the latter, the two short syllables making one long one. It must b* borne in mind, however, that no vowel in Latin can be long before m. t, or r, except in certain monosyllables. The mood-sigtf and the personal-sign m, never stand together, but one or the other is dropped ; as, amao(ni), amaba(o)m, — amo, amabam. 4. In the following table the stem, sign-sign mood-sign, and per- sonal»sign, are exhibited. PARTS ON THE PRESENT-STEM. Full Form. reg-o (m) reg-i-s, &c, reg-u-nt res Contracted Form. reg-o reg-is &c, reg-unt reg-eba-(o) m reg-ebam reg eba i s, &c, reg cbas reg cba u nt reg cbant reg earn reg e i s, &c , reg e u ut reg am reg es reg ent reg a m reg am reg a s, &c. reg as reg a mus, &c, reg amus Full Form, ama-o (m) ama-i-s &c, ama-u-nt Contracted Form, am-o am-as am-ant ama-eba-(o) m ama eba i s &c, ama cba i t ama eb (m) ama eb i s, &c, ama eb u nt ama e m ama e s &e, ama e mus am-abam am abas am abat am abo am abis am abunt am em am es am em js reg er e m reg er c s reg erem reg eres, &c, reg e reg e reg i to reg ito reg i te regite reg i tote, &c., reg itote, &c, ama er e in ama er e s ama e ama i to ama i te ama i tote, &C, reg er e reg ere - . ama er e PARTS ON THE PERFECT-STEM. am a rem am arcs &0 am a am a to am ate am ctote am are Full Form. Contracted Form. Full Form. Contracted Form. regs i rex i regs i sti rex isti regs i mus, &c. rex imus, &c, amav 1 amav i sti amav i mus amav 1 amav isti amav imus &C i$?3 APPENDIX \ . 241 Full Form. Contracted Form,. • Full Form. Contracted Form, regs era [oj m rex W regs era i », &C vox ev,-/y, regs er o [m] rex ero regs er i 8, «o. rei cris, &c- amav era [o] m amav eram i i ^, &c, ainav eras, &c. amav er o [m] amav ero amav er i s, &c. arnav eri?, &a regs er i in vex eriin regs er i s, v ; :c rex oris, &c. arnav er 1 m amav erim nrnav er i s, &c. amav eris, &c. regs iSs e m rex iseem ' regg iss e s. &.O. rex isses, &©. uinav iss e ra nmuv issem amav iss r?grcdi-mino. The older §224-25 PECULIARITIES OF TENSE FORMATION. 248 writers sometimes use the active ending of the imperative in depo- nent verbs ; as' arbitrato, instead of arbitrator. TENSES FORMED ON THE PERFECT-STEM. b. The letter v of the perfect stem is frequently elided and the first vowel of the ending is absorbed, when followed in the. first con- jugation by 9, in the other conjugations by s or r ; as ama-\y\-ixt\ amasti ; Jlc~[v~\~tram, fleram. When t precedes v, there is usually n© • contraction. This is especially the case in compounds of eo; as re- dii, peril, subii §c. 6. When the perfect-stem ends in s, the syllables is, its, iinme- diately following it, are sometimes omitted; as evasti, cvassv/n, cvastis, for evas-isti, cvas-isscm, evas-islis. 7. An ancient future-perfect in so soinetim.es occurs, from which subjunctive forms in sem and si?n, are formed ,• as recepso, reccpsim. Sometimes this future is formed on the present-stem ; as, habe&sol The forms ausim, faxim and fazo, are retained by the classic wri ters. COMPOUND VERBS. S Compound verbs generally form their perfect and supine sten, like the simple verbs from which they are derived. Sometimcs,how- ever, there is a change of the stem vowel; aa hqb-so, pro-hilj-eo • fac- io, con-Jic-io ; xcind-o, de-s'cenrt-o. A reduplication in the perfect is omitted in compound verbs ; as, ccctUo, ce-cid-i ; oc^cid-o, oc-cid-i ; but the compounds of do, sto, disco,- nnd^osco, and some of those of curro, retain it. APPENPIX VII. THE VARIOUS FORMATIONS OF THE PERFECT AND 'SUPINE STEMS. s22~>. First Conjugation. 1. The perfect and supine stems are formed, in the first conjugation by adding respectively av and at to the pres- ent stem ; or, to speak more correctly, by adding v and / to the crude form .of the verb; as, ama- 9 amav-, amat-. 2. But . 244 APPENDIX VJT. §225-'26 (a) The characteristic vowel a is elided in the- peri tenses of a few verbis, (?.' passing into u after a consonant,) and in such eases is usually changed into i in the supint ; as, crepo, crcjp-u-i, cfep-i-ium. (b) The perfect stem is formed by reduplicating the initial consonant with e; ,as d-are, ded-i. (c) Some verbs seem originally to have reduplicated: but 'the reduplication ha.? been dropped, the two first sylla-' hies blending into one, a#d the short stem -vowel becoming long; as lav-o, lav-i, foi la-la-vi 8. The following list, contains the verbs % whieh vary from the usual mode of "formation. f>epo, crepare, -crepui, eropituni,; to creak. Iricrcpcf, -avi, or ui, -atum or -»ituiu. Discropo, -ui, — . Itecrepo, are, — , — . Cubo, cubui, cubitum, io lie down. Incubo has rarely -avi. Some dimico, -avi rarely -ui, -atum. eraico, -.iii, -atuui. Neco, necavi rarely necui, nec- atusa rarely nectum, to, kill. Piico, plicavi & plicui, plicatura & piicitum, to fold.' of the compounds insert m, and! a,pplico, complico, explico, impli- are of the 3d conjugation. co, in the same way. The other Domo, domui, domitum, to tame, i compounds have -a\\) atum. Do, dare, dedi, datum, to give.) Foto, -avi, potum and potatum, Compounds with monosyllabic to drink. prepositions are of the od conju- Seco, secui, sectum and secatum, gation. to cut. So also prseseco, reseco. Fried, fricui, frictum or fricatum, The other 'compounds have only to rub. i sectum. confrieo, coni'ricavi, oonfrica- tum. .rvivo, jiivi, jamm, juvaturas, to help. Lavo, [arc, § ere,] lavi, lotum, lautum. a/io" lavatum, laraturue, io wash. Mico, micui, , to quiver. Sono, sonui, sonitum, sonaturus, to sound. Coasono, exsono, in- sono, prcesono, sono, avi, . ■ui. Ke- Sto,"steti [for sesti,.] statmn, to .itand. Tono, tonui, — •-, to thunder. Attono, -ui, -irtim. Veto, vetui. vetitum, lo forbid. §226. SECOND -CONJUGATION. I, The perfect stem is. formed, in *hc second conjugation t §226 • ' SECOND CONJUGATION. 24$ by adding v to the crude form of the verb., as in the first conjugation; as, fle-o 9 flr (b) But in most verbs ijhe characteristic • is elided, v passing into w; and, as in the first conjugation, the char- acteristic is changed into i in the'supine ; as, mone-o, mbnut i. monit-urn. (c)'In man}' Verbs e is elided, and s, instead of v, added, h such consonant changes as euphony may require; as, arde-o') ar-s-i for ard-si ; au'gc-o, avx-i for « off. compounds with are oj • arsi, arsum, the fourth a 246 APPENDIX VJI. #27 .nult of excitns {5 common, and that of concitus is rarely long. Connireo, conm'vi, cr connixi, , to shut the eyes. Densco, densetuin, to be dense • Doce*o, docui, doctum, to teach. F&veo, favi, faufcuni, to favor. ■ •Fcrveo, ferbui, or fervo fervi. to boil. Fleo, fievi, fletum, to tveep. Foveo, fovi, fotum, to warm. Fulgeo, fulsi. (antcclassical and poetic, fulgo. falsi,) to flas{i. Gaudeo, gavisus, to rejoice. ■ Heereo, hseafi, hoe sunt, to slide. Ob- la rereo^-^re, , ;. so also snbb'cereo., Indalgeo,:indulsi, indultum. to in- dulge. • Jubeo, jussi, jussum, to o/der. ; Lucco, luxi,— ■ — '■, .to shine. Pollu ceo,-luxi,-luctum. Lugco, luxi, luctumj to mourn. Maneo, mansi, mansum, to slay. Misceo,mis.cui. mis turn or mixtu.m, misturus, to mix. Mordeo,' tnotnordi. morsnm. to bite: Mcveo, movi, motum, to move. ■Mul6eo, mulsi, mulsum, rarely , mulctum. to stroke. Mulgeo, rnul?i rarely mulsi. mnl- siim, or mulctum, to milk. Emul- gco,-ere,~ — , emulsum. §227. To these may be added the following impersonal and deponent' verbs of 2n$ conjugation. Neo, nevi, netum, to spin. Paveo, pavi; , to fear. Pendeo, pependi. , to hang*— imDendeOj-tfre. Pleo(obsolete), plevi, j>\etum.toJttl. Pr&ndao,pranr]i.pransum, to break* fast. » Ride'o, r*si,.rjsupi, to laugh. Sedeo, sedi, sessnm, to sit ; prse- sidco, prsesedi, — — . Soleo, splitus, rarely solui, to he. accustomed. Sorheo. sorbui, , to suck up. — resorbe6,-ere, ; abso'rb'eo, absorbui, rarely absorpsi, uii- s.orptum. ' . Spondeo, spop'ondi, spqnsum, to pledge. Stn'deo, stndi, to creak. Suadeo, sac/si, suasum, to ddvise- Tcneo, teuui, tentum, lo hold : pertineo, pertinuL . Tergeo or tergo, tersi, tersiim, to wipe. Turgeo, tursi, -, to swell. Toncleo, toton'di, tonsuni, to shear. Torqueo. torsi, tortum, to twist. Torreo, tjarrui, tostum, to roast. Urgco or urgueo*,ursi, , to press. Video, v«li, visum," to see. Voveo^. vovi, votum, to v . Vieo, , viefcum, to plait. Decet, decuit, it becomes. Libe't, libuit or libitum est, %t phases. 'Licet, licuit or licitum est, it is al- lowed. 1 Liquet, liquit or licuit, it is clear. Misoret, miseruit, less frequently rniserttur, miseritWB or miser- tarn est, it /. Oportet, oportuit, it behooves. Piget, piguit or pigitum est. grieves. Pcenitet, poenituit, it repents Pudet, puduit or puditum est. shame&i §228.230 THIRD CONJUGATION. 247 "' ot, /tiMiser'eor, misirftus or misertus, usts. to pity. ■r, fassos, to confess, diffi- [Reor, ratus, to think. reoivm,— — ..''■ ;Tueoi\ tuitus or tutus, (the latter or, , to t\ passive/) to behold, to gkze at. §228. The following have the perfect-stem in *?<, but want the supine. Aceo, to be sour • camleo, to be white ; Ociudo, to be hoary ;* egeo, to emineo, to rise tip; floreo, to flower*) horreo, to bristle; lateo, ioHeJi : 'l; muceo, to be mouldy ; nigreo, to be black ; oleo, to smell; palleo, to be pale: pateo, to be ope?i; sileo, • to be silent ; strideo, to creak ; s.tadeo, (studivi onqe,) to tte eager) stupeo, to be. stunned; timeOs to fear. % 229. The following have neither perfect nor supine :■, though 'from some of them perfect tenses are formed h an inceptive force. .-Egreo, to be sick; albeo,./o be white; areo, to be dry : avep, toeovet; ealleo, to be hard ; calveo, to be bald ; ceveo, to fawn ; clareo, to be bright ; clueo, to be famous ; flacceo, to droop ; flaveo, to be yellow ;■ foeteo, to. stink} i'rigeo, to be cold : frondeo, to bear leaves ; hebeo, to he'dull ;. humeo, to be moist ; lactco, to suck ; langueo, to be faini " lent^o, io be slow : liveo, to be livid; rnaeeo, to be lean; mcereo, % lo grieve; ,niteo, to shine; oleo, to smell; polleo, to be powerful ; puteo io stink ; vem'deo, to glittery rigeo, to be stiff ; rubeo, to be >v/ , scateo. to gash out ; seneo, to be old; surdeo, to be filthy ; sploudeo, int; squalco, to befoul; sueo, to be tvont ; tepeo, to be warm ; o, to be stiff ;.tx\mco, to sit ell ; vegeo, to arouse; vigeo, to jloui- «. : • vireo, to be green; \i\co,4o be mo) VARIOUS FORMATIONS OF THE PERFECT AND STPJNE STEMS. THIRD CONJUGATION. § 230. I. The perfect atom is formed in the third conju- .n. (a) By adding g, to the present-stem, which in this con- 248 appendix §230 » jugation is the crude forift of the a orb. As, carp-o, carps-i. (b) By adding 'v to Die crude form of the verb, whi has been strengthened by adding n or sc,asin Greek. These are all originally vowel verbs. As, cresc-g } crev-i ; pa-sc-o, pav-i ; no-sc-o, nov-i \ .-.. .1.-0 '. .■■iv-i ; spcr-n-o. sprev i (by metathesis for sperv/.'j (c) By adding u (the form which -the perfect -sign v &£r sumes after a consonant.) As, al-o, alu-i. (d) By adding* ti I t stem ; as, arpdss-o, ar* cessiv i. (e) By reduplicating the initial consonant; as,- cu-curr-i. (f) By lengthening the present-stem, with or without vowel ehange ; as, cm-o, em-i ") ag-o,.Cg-i. (g) In a member of verb**, (especially vowel verbs in u 9 y the perfect-stem is like the present stem;' as, aeu-o, acu-L 2. The supine-stem is usually formed in the third conju- gation by adding ^.frequently by adding s, to the present * stem. •-. The following list co'ntaii of the verbs of this conjugation; Acuo, acui, acutuui, id sharpen. ; ntpine-stem. See A} A'.ro, cgi, actum, id set in motion .| VI, 8. aaibigo,-ere, , -4 — . dego, | Ccedo, cccrli, CKxum, to cut. The degi satago,-ere.- , . ' i compounds change M into i : as, Alo. altti, altum and alitum, to\ Dcctdo, occidi, occ<' : ee * nourish. . App, VI, 8. Ango, anxi, — — , to choke. . - iCando, to cause id ^i ■ Arguo, ai'gui, argwtuin, to convict. \ accendo, incend \ Arcesso, (pass trior i,}'- a (-cendl.-censum.) arcessitum, to send for. jCano, cieini*, catitum, to s Batuo, toatui, , to beat. prsecino, -cinui, -centum ; couci- Bibo, bibi, bibitum, to drink. po, cinui, — - ; 'so occin'o. a< Cftdo, cecidi, Cfi3um, to fall. r,c-i no, -ere, -, — — < ; so also, i-nci, J cido.decido, exoido.and succidoJ no, inter^j §230 THIRD CONJUGATION. Capons ;->,-•?' N-i, /tarn, to i Capio, p«pi, captum, to take, so antec&pio. The other compound,*, 'change a of ih item into i, and of ',pio,-cepi,-ccpt--.im. po, c.ivrbi. c,v, ptu -'nek ■ ■ 16, ante-, prue-, re/; cello, -ere, , — sum ; percello, pereuli, pereul- ui til. : no, crcvi. .. oinxi, i Lnctuo . go, , . to elm udo, clausi, clausuft), to sh Olaudd, . clauCum, to limp. Clepo, q] ely ctepi, to i Colo, colui, cultum, to cvh. Occulo, ocJcului, oceuitum. Com . Com ; Gobi tuii, toco Co quo, coxi, coctum, Cresoo, ci i turn, to ai lo, -ere, — , — , to Excwdo, excttdi, es .Cupio, -tvi, :' ' . ■ ro, oucurri, car.- i coucurro, Buccurro, drop the red ' n. 7%'c compevr, as, aecurr. curvi, accursunl.- -e"0. — ,-, — ; . .s/ 1 fi "; 8. Co&do, condidi, < i ' •''■ 7 . absc.ondo, -condidi c<* i»//;c r compound I. /o s Divide, dit/.-d, divisuftj, /c ■ — . d'e gin p turn. Gruo, (obs.) -grui. Ico. ici, return, to fee', deglwbo, congruo, mgruo, to strike. relinquo, and dolmquo, *li •dictum. Lw&o-, Iwsi, Wtsurn, h piety. y Luo, lui, luiturus, to atone, al -lui, iytuni. So diluo and eluo. j-Manclo, ma r u!i. marisuiri,' to chew. M,ergo, mors?, mersutn, to dip. Metuo, metui, rnettttum (rare), k fear. Mingo, minxi, mictum, to m '•:r. Minuo, tmqui, min^tum, to lest Mitto, m/.-i, imiseuni, to send. Mo-lo, inolui, molitum, io grind. Mungo, .(ofes.) enaungo, ernunxi, em unc turn, io wipe the nose. jNectd, nexui&:nexi,nexum,fo ; annecto, -r.exui, nexum. ' necto and connecto. tig© or -guo, ninxi, — — , to . , Iinbuo. irhbui, imbutum, to imbue. iNoseo, novi. liotum, io know, ag- Incesso, incessm or incessi, , nbsco arid co'gnDSco.^ave-ittitaai. to attack* dignosco and prre -noscb I Tnd'uo, indui, indwtum, io put on. \ only the present-stem. Jaci.o, jeci, jactum, to throio. cen-]Nubo, nupsi, nuptum. to veil.- jieio, -jcei, -jecturri : so the other\$>uo, to nod. abnuo,-nui,-mntun:, imds. itiinj'; annuo, -riui,rii{tum': Jungo, junxi, junctum, to ■!■■ ■ Iunu>>,-;!u.i,-:nutum ; renuo,-nui. -tvi, -num. to pr-ovok) . '.Lacio,.(obs.) aUicio, allexi, ali&c-iQlo, ottrf, — — , to smell turn, lo allure. So illicib, , illi-jParid'pY; , passum or pansui cio; but eliciq. elieui & elexi.j spread, dlspando,,- , disfp i elicitum. . lsasi, lajsud, to hurt. Larnbo, 1 tnbitum, to lick. o, Lsgi, I •'. So the] ■ i ■■. ok, re, i and trans : the < change si- into X. Diligo, .'negligo, have -.lexi, • », linxij Unctu'm, to lick. ruatvi, rudftum, to bray. oppedo, , . relic, pcpuli, pnlsum, to d Pernio, pependi, peqsum.fo weigh. Pet.o. peUvi, pel stum, to ' Pingo, pinii, pictum, Pinso. piiii-i antfpfnsui, pin.si' pinsum, and pi stum, to poui Plango; plaBxi, plamrtum. to I Plaudo, plausi, plausum, to < civcumplriudo, — — ', • The other cov.\ change au into o Plecto, plexi, and plcsui, plcr.um, to U Pluo, plni, or pluvi, . to rain. Poao, posui, positum, to pi Porricio, pcrreci." porTectum, ?o]Sero, — , sertum, to entwine: Rumpo, rttpi, ruptum, tp < Ruo, rni, rutum, rniturus, to fail. corruo, eorrui, — ; so irruo. Sapio, sapm, and sapii, — , t ■esipfo, — , — ; so des : - ' 'Scrtbo, scabi, — , to scratch. Scalpo, ecalpsi/ scaTptum, to~'en* gr ■ '■;■ ^allo. — , salSum, t ScandOj scifcndi, seansum,/'-' cl\ do, scidi, [andeni ' tdi,) f?cissum, to cut. to order. II o, scripsi seriptum; to write Sculpo, sctilpsi, seulptutn, locafvi. ■ him, to sow. sacr : ; Posco. popo^ci, — , to demand. „ , } -di, sura, to seize. Prendo, j : . pressum, /-• ve : serui. po, steFpsi, serptum, to creqp. SU'do, stdi, (' deo,) to settle. Sin<5, Hvl, tfitum, to j ■' Promo, prompsi, proropttfm, {• titi, statwn, to ■"top. mTfa pounds w> ^crr,.. brine/ out P: ; ollo, psjilli, — , to play on a . string rd initfWtlt Pumgo, pupugi, puridtum,/ The compounds with con-, dih , tx-,and inter-, ha\ \ unc- turn, repongo, — , — . Quroro, [hoc .Yi. qusesitum,/ Quatio, sum,*^o shake. Th-e compounds' change qua as, cob cut io. sum. luirtirm. to n ":C. in. rapui, rhptwm, /. Regn, l'fvi. roty Ui Solvp^olvijSofMtura, to loose. I, sparaum, to sc&tter. "Spe^cio, spexS, spectrum, toiobjc ; ' us i compound ;no, spiYvi,spiTtutn, to desp . sp.ui, sputum, to spit, res- puo. respui, — . StatuoJ statui, stattetum, to place. Sterno, strAvi, stratum, to strew. Sternuo, 'sternui, — . to sneeze. Stertd, etertjii, — , to%nore. — . — , to put out. Ti.i co, 'rive stiii xi,;-'iinctum. ui, — Jo make a m StrtdD. stridi, to cr :- 1 .ND1N VII §231 bind. turn, /o 6m7c2 r . (J SUC& amptura, to \ . i -ui, Stttutt), ifo •• . suo, — , c !ia, fo cover. ■ rmOj — , -- : pi, t< ... , -to, I turn. , 2nd ;rsi, », tnvi, tiituro, {syncopated hi, teritam, to nxb. .a;,. J tinxi, line t urn, r'o m tuli (ancichili ■ tol —, i6r.ai$e. sup tuli gW sub- latum y>wra suffero. supply the ct and s ms of tollo ffil^ Eustollc. . 7 7/ .? compo ?r • Traho, traxi, tractum, to di Trefioo,' tremui, — , to tremble. Tribue, Jtribui, (ribtttum, to atlrib- uh. Trado, trusi. tr^sum, to thruat. 'Tundo, tutudi, tunsum & tw'suca, to beat. The compounds havr tt*sumj but contunsum, detun- im, ««c? retunsuru 9 occur. Ungg (or -guo), ,uuxi, uncttim. to - Uro, ussi, ustum. to 6wra. s), — ■ to go. sytr rvado, — , — . The other <: pounds Lave vasi, vasum. Yebo, vexi, vecturo, to carry. Velio, ypIU & vulsi, vul&um, to drag. So aveilo, divello, evello; intervellp, -vulsi, -vulsum. Th" oU lunds have volli only. Yefgo, yersi, — , to in, Ycrro, "vcrri, versum, to sweep. Ver*o, vtrti, versum, toiurn. , vici, dictum, to con^ Viso, vm, visum, to visit. Vivo, vixi, victiirus, to live •Volvo, volvi, volutum, to roll. Ypmp, vomui, vp&itum, to vom INCEPTIVE Y^KBS. ew inceptive verbs hate a supine-stem. these take '.' from the simple verb; the perfect-st : when used, is also adopted from the simple verb., In many inceptiv ' ally those derived from nouns and adjec- s, the h ■. . . • ■ « in -eb is not used ; as, gra ve, from stfo, acui, <'£> ic sto&r. *ui, -alitum. TEgrc . to grow $\ Albcscp, — , to grc . . , Alfisco, — , to grov:. cpalespa, -..l- Ardeaco, arsi, to lake fire. Aresco, — . to grow dry. exaresco ; -and-; so inaresc-p, pefaresco. S23l TH1RI.1 VOyJtKlATTOX. An^csco, - -. to begin 'o ore/-. Calescb, — , ie arm. Calv* co, . lo lie hid. delitfl titui. ..(0 soft. CancLsbo, bahdu ne^eo, lb liquid. — , to y^y- '■'' gnoio i Clar'escb, claimi. esoo, — , to grow muddy. €o&dorm&COs M.-icesco, — ,. ") ■ , 7??/. Macresco, mncrui, J ^ Oonticeseo, -tioui, . madai; £'.> grow wet . 'rebresco, crebui & ercbrui, tyjMafcesco, — , -to. pine away. "Crwdesco, orwdai, to b Ditcscb, -— , to grow rich. Oulccscq, dulcui, to grqw tsweet. Dwresco', dtwtli; tpgrc EviTesLCO, evtlui, to grow vile. Matureseo maturui, to ripen. JMiseresco, — , to pity. jMitescw, — , Id grow mild.- jMollesco, — , to grow 4tfl. i, - — , to gi tesoo, obinutui. . I3xtim6sco,extimtti, tdfeai . o, nigrui, to-grow ul> Fatisco, — , to gape. ls\, ■■■■■■. nitui, to groie bright. Flacccsco, flaccui, to • , nbtui, to become known. Fervesco, ferbui, to boil ObbruteseoJ - -. to becomr. bri Flpresco, flarui, to begin lojlovri --•, to fall asleep. Fracesco, fracui, to grow r.c Obfmtflesco, obsurdul, to gr;>v escQ, frixi, to ow cold. Fyo*ndcsco, frqiidui. t.r OccaUesc . - illut^o grow, hard. Fruticesco, — , to beg: i • 'Olesco, (rarely ;/W.) abolesco-,ab- olevi. actolb&co; adolevi, adu'- G el a sco, — , lo freeze. Gemisco, — . to begin to sigh. Gcmmasco, — , to begin iohutf. 1 1 emmesoo, — , to become a gem. Generasco, — , to be produced. Grande sco, — , to grow large. Gravesco, — , to grow hearty. ^ Hcerescoi — , ^o adhere.. H'eb: sco, ■*-, to growduil. Hprresco, horrui, to grow rough. Elumesco, • — , to grow moist. Igncsco, — , to become inflamed. Indolesco.-dplui, to be grieved. [nsolesco, — , to be haughty. Integrasco, — , to grov: fresh. Juvcnesco, — . to grov: young. Languescojangui.i'o grow languid. Lapidet-:co, — . to become stone. Latesco, — , to grow broad. tniu, to grow up. exolesco, -r,b- vi, -olgtum, to grow obsolete. St obsoleseo ; inolesc. ■ .lrvj , olitum. Pallesco, pallui, to grow pale. jPfttesco, patui, to be. opened. iPavosco, — ■, to grow fearful. iPertimesco, -timui, to fear greatly . 'Pinguesco, — , to grow fat. |Pubesco,pubui/o grow to maturity Puerasco, — , to become a bog. Putesco, putui ) . , ,, L, _ ' 1 v to become rotten. jPutf-esco, — , J ;Raresco, — , to become thin. ; Resipisoo, -sipivi, -sipii,««(/-sipni, to come to oneself. iRigeSCO, rigui, to grow cold. : Rubesdo, rubui, to grow red. !54 API ENDIX VII. §232,233 to begin to swell. S^oee'co, ■ — • '° bjscomc s invjTabesco, tabui, $p ■ away. sanescPj -sflOijd. Teueresco. & -:isco, — , to gr(>

i° perceive. iTepesco. tepui. to grow warm. Siccesco — ? to become dry. Torpescp, tprpui, to groic torpid. SiiescPj . 'to grow silent . TremiscP, — : , to grow tremulous. Solidesco, — : to grow solid. iTumesco, tuurai 1 Sordekc^ eordui, to grow filthy. Turgesco, — , j Splendesco, spkaidui. to grow Uye'sco, — , to grow moist. bright. Valesco, — ,to grow strotfg. Spume«co, N — , io begin I, foam. Y Utor, wsus, to use. RTH CONJUGATION. (b) The characteristic vowel is dropped in some verbs, aiid then v basses iftto u : as, sali-o, sal-it-i. (c) By : .dropping the characteristic and adding s ; as, sepio, seps-i. (d) By dropping the characteristic and lengthening the stem-vowel ; as, •vem-o. vm-i. 2. The supine-stein is formed by adding /. In many verba v of the perfect stem is elided. 3. The following list contains those verbs which form the perfect-stem according to the three. Inst methods men- tioned above. Amic)o,-ui or -xi,amictCim,to clothe. ! pa)io is of the third cor. but its compounds arc 'of the fourth", j as, aperio, aperui, apertum ; so opperio. [Reperio, reperi, repertum . coniperio, rarely deponent. Balbutio, — , — , to s ammer. Oao^utio, — , — , to be blind. Cambio, campsi, 1b>fxchang#. Demcntio, — , — , to be mad. Effutio, — , effutttum, to prate Eoj'vi.itum, to go. The compounds almost always elide v of the per- fect-stem, redii, &b. anteoo, -i\\ or -ii, — . conhac i. — , — so also posteo. Farcin, farsi, faitum and farctum. to pack. The compounds change a into e ; as, refercio, -lersi, -fer^um ; but con- and ef- farcio and fprcio, — , fartnm and fer-l turn. Ferio, — , — , to strike. Ferocio, -ivi and -ii. to be fierce. Fulcio fulsi, fultum. to prop, ful- s?'tus occurs. Gnnnio, — , — , to bar/;. Glocio, — , — , to cluck. Grandio, — , — , to make great. Ilaurio, hausi, rarely haurii, hau- suin rmrely liausitum, liausus, hausurus, hauWtus, haurtturus. Ilinnio, — , — , to veiyh. Ineptio, — , — , to trifle. Piurio, to itch. to Queo, (like eo,) qm'vi, quitum, be able, Ilaucio, — , rnrusum, *t.o be hoarse. Ilugio, — , — , to roar. SasVio, gEervii, -iium, to rage. Sagio, — , — , to perceive keenly. Salio, salui or -ii, saltum, to leap ; as- & de silio, -ui, sultum: pro- & irans-silio, -ui, -m, ii; ab- in-, sub-silio, -ii, -ui; dis-, ex-, re-silio, -ui; circum- ty prre silio, > • Salio, — , tah'tura, to salt. Sancio, sanxi, sanctum & Baact- tum, to ratify. Sancierat occurs. Sarcio, sarci, sartum to patch. Sarrio, -ivi, -ui, ^i'tum, to hoe. Scaturio, — , — . to gush out,. Seutio, sensi, sensum, to feel. Sepelio, -ivi & ii, rarely sepdi, sc- pultum, rarely -itum, io bury. S& thirsty. Tussio, — , — -, to cough. ;.!, lb come. i<5, ii, Vtuvu, to fnmv/ate. Yincio, vinxi, v hie '.-urn, to b- DEPONENT VERBS OF THE FOURTH CONJUGATION* MettoF, mejisus; and jnetituK, <■' por, o,j).pejtu§. drift opper/tus, to ■measure.. \ wait for. Ordior, orsus. to in 'Uotior, potitus, to obtain: •tus, oriturus, to ri.\ Maitius, 31 '■'■■ QuinU'lis. ■>': •• November. (30 " Aprt'lip, 30 " Sextilis, 31 ''• December. 31 3. In early times the year began in March, htnee -the names, Quintilis, Sextilis, September, ftc. Quintzlis and. 8ext*lis, were afterwards changed to Julius and .Augustus in honor of the first two Caesars. 4. The day of the month was reckoned from three points, Kalends, Nones, and Ides, which fell respectively on the fint, fifth, and thirteenth of each month ; except March, May, July, and October, whea the Nones fell on the seventh, and the Ides on the fifteenth. §286 • APPENDIX- IX — PROSODY. 25? 5. Any given date was reckoned, not backward from the first day of the moitth as with us, but forward to the next Kalends, Nones, or Ides, inclusive. Thus the 2nd of March was called the " sixth before the Nones of March ;" sextux {ante) Nonas Mdrtias, or ante diem sextwn Nonas Martias ; the 16th of March was called the "17th before the Kalends of April," septimus decimus {ante) Kalendas Ajpriles, or xnte diem septirnum decimum Kalendas Apr iles. The 2nd of June was called quartus Nonas Juntas, or ante diem yuartum Nonas Junius, &c. 6. In leap year February had 29 days, the 24th (stxtm Kal. Ala*-.) being doubled and called bisextus Kal. Mar. — Hence leap year was called bisexlilis. 7. Therefore, to reduce the Roman" calendar to our own, (a). For a. date before the Nones or Ides,' subtract the number of days from the day of the month on which the None-s or Ides fell, and add one to the remainder.* Thus, a. d. Fill, ldus Maias, (15—8) + 1=8 ; May 8th. (b). For a.date before the Kalends, subtract the num- ber of days from the number of days in the month, and add two to the remainder. Tkus, 'a. d. XVII, Kal. Jun. : (31 — 17) +.2 = 16; May 16th. « '8. To reduce our calendar to the Roman, the proces will be reversed. 9. The week of seven days (Jiebdomas,) was not used a Rome till after the introduction of Christianity. APPENDIX IX.— PROSODY.* §236. Prosody is tl^3 science of versification. * Proaodj belonga rather to poetry than to grammar. In the following appendix tbo only metres discussed arc hexameter and pentameter, these being the only ones •he pupil is likely to encounter in the course of preparation for college. Tho rules bi' quantity are for the most part derived from the full and laborious work of Dr A tulrewB. 17 ' 258 appendix jx. §237,24* QUANTITY. 1. The quantity of a syllable is the r# lative time oocu- pied in pronouncing it, a long syllable requiring twice as much time as a short one. 2. A vowel is long by nature, as dwco ; or hj' position, as resiiti. A syllable that is sometimes long and sometimes short is said to be common. §237. RULE I. m A vowel before another vbwel is short. So also when h comes between two vowels, it being only a breathing. Exc. 1. Fio has i long except before cr ; and sometimes even then ; as fe'unt, fmm. - . Exc. 2. E between two i's is long in tbe genitive* and dative of the 5th deelension ; as, faciei. Exc. 3. A is long in the penult of old genitives in ai ; as, aulai. Exc. 4. A § E are long in the endings aius, eius, cia. Exc. 5. /is common in genitives in ius, but in alterius it is almost ^Ways short. Exc. 6. The first vowel of chcu is long ; that of Diana, ie, and o7ie, is common. §238. RULE II. Dipthongs are long. Exc. 1. Prce, in composition, is short before a vowel. Exc. 2P A dipthong at the end of a word is sometimes made short when the next word begias with a vo-svel. § 239. RULE III. Contracted syllables are long. (For an exception see §223, 3.) §240. RULE. IV. A vowel before two consonants, a double consonant, or the letter j, is long by position. Note. A vowel, other than i, really combines with, / to form a dipthong. Rem. 1. The vowel is long by position when one or both the eon- sonants are in the same word with it ; but when both stand at the beginning of the following word, the vowel is common. §241,242 prosody. 259 Rem. 2. A short vowel at the end of a v, r ord before an initial double consonant or j in the next word, is not lengthened. Rem. 3s The law of position is frequently disregarded by the Gomio poets. * Exc. 1. /is short before y in' the compounds .of jugum ; as, biju- 9*1' . "V " t Exc. 2. A vowel naturally short, before a raute and liquid, is common. Rem. 4. A vowel is made long by position in compound words where Jhe former part ends with a mute, and the latter part begins with a liquid ; as, abluo. Rem. 5. A short vowel at the end of a word, before a mute and liquid in the next word, is rarely lengthened, except in the arsis of a foot. Rem. 6. In Latin words only I and r following a mute lengtken a preceding short vowel. §241. RULE V. Derivatives retain the quantity of their primitives. . » Exc. 1. Frequentatives from verbs of the 1st conjugation change a long into i short; clamat-um, clamit-o. Exc, 2. (a). Some derivatives lengthen a short vowel ; such as de- ni from decern ; persona from sono ; hwmanus from homo ; secius from secus ; laterna from lateo ; s«des from sedeo ; Ktera from lino ; tugula from tego ; susp/cio/m/i suspicor. (b) Some shorten a long vowel ; as, dicax from dico, dux (ducis) from duzo, fides from fido, labo /rom. labor, lurcerna /row lwceo, mo- lestus from moles, nato/rom natum, noto from notum, odium from odi, quasillus from quolus, sagax//*o??i sagio, sopor from sopio, vadum from vado, voco from voc-is. * § 242. RULE VI. Words introduced from the Grreek,or other languages, retain their original quantity ; so also Latin stems have the same quantity as the cognate Greek ones ; as, Danns, ( Greek Damos) ; vfcus ( Greek oikoa, di- gammated.) 260 appendix IX. §243,244 §243. RULE VII. Compound words retain the quan- tity of their components. Exc. 1. Agnitus and coguitus from notus ; dejero & pejero from jwro ; hodie from hoc die ; nihil from hilum ; compounds in dicus from d/co ; innuba, pronuba, subuuba, from nwbo, (but connubium has u common;) imbecillus from bacillum ; ambitum from Hum; hM i is short in ambitus and ambitio. * Exc. 2. Pro is short in procella, procul, proj 'anus, -prof ari, profes- ius, proficiscor, profiteor, prof ugio,. profundus, pronepos, proncptis, and protervus. It is common \\\ procuro, prof undo, propago, propello, and pyopino. The Greek pro is always short. Rem. 1 . The inseparable prepositions (lis and re are short • di, se, and ve, are long". Rem. 2. A ending the former part of a compound word * is long ; the other vowels short. Exc. 1. E \b long in sc for sex or semi, and common in some com- pounds of facio. Exc. 2. lis long when the first part of a compound is declined, or may be separated without altering the sense ; as, qm'dam, agn'cultw- ; ra ; also in the former part of compounds of dies (btduuin, mert'dies, &c.,) in ibique, utrob/que, and ibidem; and in idem when masculine. Exc. 3. is long in compounds of coniro, intra, retro, quando, (except quandoquidem,) and in alioqui. INCREMENTS. §244. 1. A noun is said to increase when in any of its oases it has more syllables than in the nominative singular. Ji. plural increment is one which belongs to the endings @f the plural number, while a singular inerement always^be- longs to the stem. 2. If a word has but one increment, it is the penult; if. two, the antepenult is called the first increment, and the penult the second ; if three, the syllable before the antep«- §245 * prosody. i 261 iiult is called the first, the antepenult, the secsnd, and tin * * penult the third ; as, 1 12' < ■ 1 : 2 3 sermo, ser-mon-is, ser-nion-i-bus, it-in-er-i-bus. SINGULAR INCREMENTS. §245. RULE VIII. Increments of the third declension in a and care long ; in e. i, and «, are short. Rem. 1. There are uo singular increments in the second declen- sion, stems in r merely dropping the nominative ending. Those of the first, fourth, and fifth, belong to $237. A. Exc. 1. Masculines in al and ar (except Car and Nar,) with anas, rr.as, vas, (vadis,) baccar, hepar.jubar, lar, nectar, par, fax, and sal. increase short. Exc: 2. Nouns in s preceded by a consonant increase short in a and o ; as, daps, dapis ; scrobs, scr.obis. 0. Exc. 3. in the increment of neuters is short ; but os (oris) and neuter comparatives have o'long. The iucrement of adoria common. Exc. 4. Arbor, memor, hos y compos, impos, lepus, and prcecox in- crease short. B. ' Exc. 5. Nouns in en, enis, (except Hymen,') with Anio and Nerio, increase long ; also hceres, locuples, mansues, merces, quies, Ibcr, ver. alec or alex, lex, rex, vcrvex, plebs and seps. I. Exc. t>. Nouns and adjectives in ix increase long ; but calix, cox* ntdix, filix, fornix, larix,nix, pix, salix,&nd$trix, increase short. Exc. 7. Dis, glis, 2w, vis\ DTesis, Quiris, Samnis, tmdvibex, increase lone. u. :C. S. Nouns in us (gen. uris ndis, uti-;,) with fur, Jrux, lufc, Pol- lux, increase long; but intcrcus, Ligus, and p ecus, mere ase short. Rkm. :2. Increments in y belong to Greek Nouns. 262 * appendix ix. §246,248 PLURAL INCREMENTS. § 246. RULE IX. Plural increments in a,, e, and o, are. ' long, i and»w are short. t INCREMENT OF VERES. §247. 1. A verb is said to increase when any of its forms has more syllables than the second person- singular of the indicative present active. 2. The number of the increment is reckoned as in nouns ; (§244, 2,) as, 1 12 12 3 12 3 4. audis, aud-i-tis, aud-i-e-bas, aud-i-e-ba-tis, aud-i-e-bam-i-n:. §248. RULE X. In the increment of verbs a, e, and p, are long, * and u, short. A. Exc. 1. The first increment of do is short. E. Exc. 2. E before r is short in the first increment of the present and imperfect of the third conjugation, and in the second increment in heris 4* here. Exc. 3. E is short before ram, rim, § re, and the persons formed from them. I. Exc. 4. I is long before v or * in the perfect-stem. Exc. 5. / is long in the supine-stem of gaudto, arcesso, divido, Ja- cesso, lacesso, peto, qucero, recenseo f § obliviscor. Exc. 6. I is long in the 6rst increment of th,e fourth conjugation,- except imus of the perfect; also in st'mus, satis, velnnus, veluis, no- h'to, nolite, nolitote. Exc. 7. 1 is common in ris, rimus. rids, of the indicative future perfect and subjunctive perfect, u. Exc. 8. U is loDg in the supine stem and future participle active. # §249.250 trosody. 263 4 » — PENULTS. §249. RULE XL Monosyllabic present and perfect stems are long (§225, 2, c 5 ) ; as mevi, motuin (perhaps syncopated from movitum). Exc. (a.) Seven perfect-stems ar§ -shor,t; lih^i, ued-i, ful-i (from findoy, scid~i, stet-i. stit-i, tul-j. Note., A reduplication is always short: hence the short stems of i tin, dedi, steti, (for sesti), and stiti (for sisti). (b.) Ten supine-stems are short: cit^um, dat-um, 'it-urn, lit-w", quit-urn, rat-urn, rut-urn, sal-um, sit-um, stat-um. So also the obsolete fulum whence futurus. §250. RULE XII. (a.) Words in abrum, acrum, a- irum, ubrum, osus, alum, iium, utum, udas, arU <$• clus, lengthen the pennlt. Exc. Oelus, gelum and scclus ; defrutmn, pulpitum, petoritum, '.utum, + (b.) Words in ca, do, ga, go, ma, tus, le, hs, Us, na, :u, m, nis, dex, dix, mex, mix*, lex, and rex, lengthen the pennlt. Exc. Brassica, dica, fulica, mantica, pedica, pertica, scutica, turti* ca, vomica; cado, divido, cdo (to cat), solido, spado, trcjpido ; caliga, toga, plaga, fuga, ego, Vujo ; anima, lacrirna, victima ; catus, tdtus (-eris,) metu's, vegetus, anhclitus, digitus, graluitus, halitus, servitus, spiritus, notus, quo tus, arbutus, putus, indutus ; male; verbals in ilia and bilis : adjectives in atilis ) dapsilis, gracilis, humilis, parilis, sivu- ■is, sterilis, mugilis, sirigilis ; sine, canis, c'mis, juvenis, buccina, jlsci- na, femina, fuscina, lamina, pugi?ia, patina, sarcina,^ cpino:, nv.wh,ji\ •.lex, silez, rumex. (c.) A, c, o, u, before mus, mum, nus, nam, are long. Exc. Glomus, humus, postumus, nanus; anus (an old woman), fnmua, cccanus, paws, tenus, Venus, onus, boun;-, ?on>:s, laganuih, • (d.) Words in ates, itls, otis, ata, eta, ota, uta, lengthen the penult ; except sills, potis, nota, rota., (e.) A 'penultimate vo^Vel before v is long. 264 appendix ix. §251,25^ Exc. Avis, brevis, gravis, Jevis, ovis ; juvo, lavo, ovo ; av.u's, emus, favus } 'novus, favor, pavor, novem. § 251. RULE XVIII. (a.) Words in aais, icus, idus, ilus, imus ; ba, bo, pa, po ; etas, itas, and ita ; shorten, the penult. . Exc. Dacus, meracus, opacus ; amicus, apn'cus, ficus, mench'cu?, pfcus, posticus, pudious, spicus, umbik'cus ; Idus, fiSus, infidus, ni- dus,; as^lus, bunus, limus, pptmus, patn'mus, matn'mus, quadrimus- tnmus, and the superlative /•.'-!« and primus ; .gleba, bubo, gtubo, \i~ bo, mtbo, senbo, rt'pa, &uy.., ^wpv*, pwpa, ^copa, r«po*, 'pitmt'a. (b.) Diminutives and polysyllables in iilm, with verbs in ino, inor, shorten the penult. Exc. Festino, sagmo, prop/no, opmor, and compounds of clmo. § 252. RULE X«IV. Words in inus, except adjectives expressing time or material, lengthen the penult. Exc. But matutrnus, repeutmus, and vespertmus lengthen the pe- nult, and the following shorten it: accimus, asinus.'dominw, facimns. sinus, terminus, geminus, circinus, minus. § 253. .RULE XY. Before final ro, rpr, a and e are short ; t*he other vowels, long. Exc. Pero, spero, foro, soror, voro, furo. §254. RULE XVI. Before final rus,.ra, rum, e is short ; . the other vowels, long. Exc. Austerus', galerus, plerus, procerus, serus, severus, vertfS, statera ; barbams, mn-us, pirns, sc&r/us, spams, torus, Kara, morn, pn- rum, supparum. §255. RULE XVII. Adverbs in tin lengthen the pe- nult; those in iter and itus shorten it. But statim, (imme- diately,) is short. • ' . • Bbm. 1. Many .apparent exceptions to the foregoing rules are cov- ered by §241, §242, §243. The masculine only of adjectival ter- §250,259 prosody. 26.^ minations is given, the quantity of the feminine and neuter being of courc that of the masculine. Rem. 2. Patronymics, (Greek,) in adts and ides shorten the penult, while those in ais, ets, ois, lengthen it. Nouns in epa form patrony- mics in ales. ANTEPENULTS. § 25G. RULE XYIII. The connecting vowels i, o, and v, are short ; a is long ; as, vinokntua, jrattdulentits, all- mentum, atrrnnentnm. §257. RULE 'XIX. A vowel before nca, nco, nla, mo,. hiu8, n'ann, is long. Exc. Oqstdfflea, linen, maiu'o, mineo, monco. ien,eo, ignom' inia vanity, lanio, venio, and words in ci/iinm. « * FINAL SYLLABLES. i 'MONOSYLLABLES. §258. RULE XX. (a.) Monosyllables ending in a vowel are long. (b ) Monosyllabic nouns ending in a consonant are long ■ all' other monosyllables ending in a consonant are short. Exc. 1. Cor, f el, md, pol, vir, 6s, (ossis,) vas, (vadis,) are short. Exc. 2. En, non, civ/s, plus, cur, ptf.r, are long. So also monosyl- lables in c, except nee (short.) and hie and hoc (common ) Exc. 3. Monosyllabic plural cases and verb forms in as, cs,.and is, are Ions; ; but es from sian is short. POLYSYLLABLES. A final. § 259.' RULE XXI. 4. final, in words declined, is short, I long in words undeclined. :c. 1. A final is long in the ablative singular of the first declen- . and in the vocative singular of Greek nouns in "* and es. 0. 2. A final is short in cia t ita, quia, and p'.'''t, when used ad- 266 appendix ix. , §260,265 verbially ; sometimes also in contra and numerals in ginta. In postca it is common. E final. 260. RULE' XXTI. E final is shot* in words of two or more syllables. Exc. 1. E final is long in the first and fifth declensions. Exc. 2. Final e in the imperative active, second person singular of the Second conjugation is a contraction ; but it is sometimes short in cave, vale, vide. ,-'.., Exc. 3. Final e is long in fere, ferine, ohe, and in adverbs derived from adjectives of the second declension ; but it is short in bene, male, in/erne, and supeme. 1 final. ■ §261. RULE XXIII. J final is long. Exc. /final is common in piihi,. tibi, sibi, ibi, ubi, nasi, quasi, and cu.i when a dissyllable. O final. 262. RULE XXIV. '0 final, in words of more thai: one syllable, is common. Exc. 1. final is long in the dative and ablative, and in the local adverbs quo, eo,eodcm, §rc..; also in omnino and io. Exc. 2 O final is short in-ciio, illico,profecto, and inodo, and gen- erally in ego and homo. - U final. $263. RULE XXV. U final is long. 2),L,N, R, T, final' § 264. RULE XXVI. A. vowel before d, l,n, r, I, final is short. Bxc. #18 long in lien, Iter, and Ccltibfr. Q. final. § 265. RULE XXVII. A vowel before c final is Jong : but c in iJon.cc is short. §266,268 ' prosody.- • 267 ■• As, Us, (h, final. §266. RULE XXVIII. As,cs, and os, final are lev-. Exc. 1 . As is short in anas. Exc. 2. Es is pliort in nouns of -the third declension, elaBS .." (2 35) ; and in petW. # Exc. 3. Os is short in compos, impos, and cs (ossis). Is, Us, Ys 9 final. •» §267. RULE XXIX.. /•■, J7«, and Fs; final are sfcj • Ex. 1. is and us are long in plural cases, and in the nominative of nounshaving a long stern vowel ; as, muse's, fructws, fellt/s, San Exc. 2. Contracted 'final syllables in us and it are of course loug, as, aiidzs/or audUis, fvuclus for fructu-is. Exc. 3. Ris in the indicative future perfect and subjunctive per- fect is common. Rxmabk. The last syllable of a verse < except the ahapsettic fifld Ionic a minore). may be long or short. VERSIFICATION. §268. 1. \ foot is a combination of two or mote sylla- bles. A compound foot consists of two simple feet united. The 'only feet which we have occasion now to mention, are the Spondee, consisting of two long syllables,. as nobis; and the Dactyl, consisting o" a long syllable and two short ones ; as, Pttnicus. » 2. Metre is the arrangement of syllables and feet into verses. In dactylic metre the fundamental foot is a dactyl. 3. A verse is a number of feet arranged in a certain or- der, and constituting a line of poetry. Two verses are called a distich, half verse, a hemistich. 4. Storming is dividing a verse into the feet of which it is composed, or reading it metrically. 5. The figures of prosody are (a.) Synalapha, or the elision of a final vowel or c'iph- 268 • • APPENDIX IX. thong in scanning, when the next word -begins with a vowel. Thus, si.omnes is read s'ornnes ; Mi inter seHWinter se, &c. Rem. 1. 0, heu, ah, j>roh, vce, and vah, are not elided. Other long vowels and diphthongs sometimes stand unelided, and if so, they are generally short in the thesis of a foot. . t (fe.) Ecthlipsis, or the elision of a final m with the pre- ceding vowel, when the next word begins with a vowel-. As, Monstr(ww) horrend(w7») inform(e) ingens cui lumen ademptum. Final s was sometimes elided in the same way by the earlier poets. Rem. 2. M final, when unelided, is short before a vowel. (c.) Synseresis, or the contraction of two separate vowels into one syllable ; as, delude, fluviorum, tenuis, pronounced dine-de, Jluv-yorum, ten-ivis. ' ( d.) Dixresis, or the separation of one syllable into two ; as, silua for silua; su-adent for sua dent: (e.) Systole, or the shortening of a syllable, naturally or by position long • as, - Obstupui, stettrunt comic ; vox faucibus haesi-t. (f.) Diastole, .or lengthening a 'syllable naturally short. (g.) Synapheia, or such a connection between the last syllable of one verse and the first of the next, that the former is made long by position, or cut off by synalocpha or ecthlipsk;. 6. Rhythm is the alternate elevation (arsis) or depres-, sion (thesis') of the voice in pronouncing the syllables of a verge. The terms arsis and thesis arc also applied to the part of the foot on which this elevation or depression takes place. The arsis of a foot is on the long syllable. 7. The caesura of the verse is such a division of the line, §209,270 ..• prosody. 269 by the ending of a word, as afferds a convenient and har- monius pause. • ' §26^'. 1. An hexameter or heroic verse consists of six feet, the last of which is a spondee, and the fifth a, dactyl ; but the fifth foot is sometimes a spondee, and then the verse is called spondaic. ■ . • Lwdere | quicvel- | l«ra || eala; | mo per | im'sit a-j grest/. lirg.E 1,10. 7n nova j fert ani- | mus \\ mit- | tatas | dtcero | forma?. Ov. 31. 1, 1. Cam 70 _ i — VOCABULARY. AGNUS agnus, i, lamb ANGUSTUS. jangustus, a, um, narroiv. ago, -ore, eg°, act-, to lead, drive, anima, fe, breath, life. agricola. ce, farmer frla, se, t«'«y. alacer or cris, e, cheerful; whence ulacritas, tatis, eagerness, prompt- ness. Alexander, dri, .Alexander, king of Macedonia. alienus, a, um, belonging to anoth- er, foreign. H.iiquando, at some time. animadverto, -ere, vert-., vers-, to turn the mind to, to perceive. animal, alis (§39), animal. animus, i, mind, soul. annus, <~\ year. anser, " >is, goose. ante/($120, 1), before. antequam,- (often separated, temp, conj.), before. aatea, aforetime, before. ' antenna, se, saibyard. Antigonus, i, Antigonus. Antiochza, se, Antioch, a city of Syria. Antiochus, i, Antiochus. aliquantus, a, .um, someudtat great, considerable — aliquantnm agri, a considerable piece of ground. aliqui?, qua, quod or quid, some, any, some one, §89. alius, a, ud, (§56, Rem. 1), anoth- janxius, a, um. anxious, uneasy. ':r {of many.) iaper, pri, wild boar. Allobrox, brog-is, an AllobrogianA^erio, r*re, aperu-, apevt-, to a.1^. -ere, alu •. ulit- & alt-, to sup-\ open. po--t. I Apollo, inis, Apollo; ab Apoline Alpes, ium, the Alps petere, to inquire of Apollo. appello, -are, &ct, to call. alter, a, um. (§56), another (of two), second. altitado, inis, height, depth. altus, a, um, high, deep. . amans, ant is, fond. ambulo, -are, &c, to walk. ' amens, entis. mad. amicitia, ae, friendship ; from amicus, i, friend, appetens, entis, eager for. ap propinquo, -are, &c, to ap- proach. aptus, a, um, fit, suitable. apud, with, among ; of persons, at. the house of, in the works of. aqua, re, water. aquila, ae, eagle. a-mitto, -ere, mis-, miss-, to loveAavo,, ae, altar. timnis, is, (§33, Rem. 0, Exc. 2), jArar or Araris, is, the Seiorw, a river. river, of Gaul. ftUio, -are. &c, to love. aratrum, i, pldw. amor, oris, love. amplector, ( i, plexus), to embrace. amplus, a, um, large arnpAe,; am- plius, more. an, (intorrog, diejunc, conj.), or. ancilla, ae, maid-servant. ancora, ae, anchor. Ancu3 Martius, 4th king of Rome. arbitror, -ari, -atus, to think, sup- pose. arbor,, oris, (§38, Exc. 1), tree. arcesso, -ere, -iv-, -it-, to call, bring. arcus,ws, bo.iv; §48, Rem. 4. argentutn, i, silver. tirgwtus, a, um, sagacious. VOCABULARY. 27: ARIES. I CANTUS. aries, -etis, ram, battering ram. B. Ariovistus, i, a German king. Aristides, is, an Athenian, sur- ^Babylon, enis, Babylon. named the Just from his integ- rity. nrma, ovum, arms. urmo, are, &c., to arm. aro, are, &c, to ploio. :tr-ripio, ere, ripu-. rept-. to seize, snatch up. ars, art-is, skill, art. arx, arc-is, citadel. a4, assis, a pound of copper, (about 16 & 2 third cents of our money); in general, a thing of small value. ascendo, ere, cend-, cens-, to as- cend. asinus, i, ass. asper, a, urn, rough. aspicio, ere, spex-, spect-, to 5e- hold, sc*. Athena), arum, Athens. Atheniensis, is, Athenian. atque or ac, (cop. conj.), and. :i(rox, oeis, savage, cruel, fierce. auctoritas, tatis, authority, influ- ence. audax, acis, bold, daring. audeo, ere, ausus, to dare. audiens, (participial adj.), hear- ing, attentive ; audien? dicto, at- tentive to orders, obedient. audio, ire, fyc, to hear. augeo, ere ? »ux-, auct-, to increase, swell. • „ aureus, a, um, golden. From aurum, i, gold. aut, or; aut — ant, either — or. auxilium, i, aid, help. avarus. a, um, greedy, covetous. ;;vidus, a, um, desirous, eager. avis, is, bird; $33, Rem. 6. a-voco, are, ^c, to call away, separate. Balbus, i, Balbus, {stammerer). barbarus, a, um, foreign, barbarous beatus, a, um, happy. Belga, te. a Belgian. hello, are. &a, to war. bellum, i, war. beueficium, i, benefit. bene, (melius, optime), ivell. benignus, », um, kind. bibo, ere, bib-, bibit-, to drink.* Bibrax, actis, a toivn in' Gaul. biduum, i, ttvo days' time. biennium, i, two years' time. biparh'to, in two divisions. blandus, a, um, flattering. Boeotii, ovum,' the Boeotians. bonus, a um, good. bos, bovis, ox or cow. brevis, e, short. breviter, (adv.), shortly. Britannia, vs, Britain. Britaunus, i, a Briton. cadaver, eris, corpse. Cadmus, i, Cadmus. cado, ere, cccid-, cas-, to fall. csecus, a, um, blind. csedo, ere, cecid-, eoes-, to cut, kill.' Csesar, aris, Goesar. ccespes, itis, turf. Caius, i, Caius. calamitas, tatis, misfortune. calcar, «rfs, spur. From calx, calc-is, heel. campeeter, level; from campus, i, plain. canis, is, dog. canto, «re, &c, to sinq. cantus, us, singing. 18 274 VOCABULARY. CAPAX. capax, acis, capable of receiving. roomy, large. capio, ere, cep-, capt-, to take. capitalis, e, of the head, capital. oaptivus, i, prisoner, captive. caput, capitis, head. career, eris, prison. carmen, inis, song, poem. caro, enmis, flesh. carpo, ere, carps-, carpt-, to pluck. Carthago, inis, Carthage. Carthaginiensis, is, Carihagenian. cawus, a, urn, dear. Cassius, i, Cassius. castellum, i, Uwer, fort. Casticus, i Casticus. cash'go, are, &c%, to chastise. castra, ©rum, camp. c#sus, ws, a falling, chance. catena, ae, chain, fetter. CatiU'na, ae ; Catiline. cattnus or um, i, bowl, dish. Cato, onis, Cato. causa, ee, reason, cause; abL, for the sake of, always placed after the limiting word, cayea, ere, cav-, csiut->, to beware. cedo, ere, cess-, cess-, to yield. celer, o? is, e, swift. Hence celeritas, tatis, swiftness. celo, are, &c, to conceal. censeo, ere, eensu-, cens-, to be of opinion, to think censor, oris, censor, a Roman magistrate centum, hundred; \ 63 to to OOLLOQTTOR. Cicero, onin, Cicero. cingo, ere, einx-, cinct-, to gird. cinis, eris, ashes. circiter, about. circum, around. circum- do, are, ded-., dat, to put around, to surround. circumfundo, ere, fud-, fws-, pour around, to surround. circum- venio, ire, yen-., rent- surround. cis, eitra, on this side of. ciyilis, of citizens, civil, cixis, is, citizen. civitas, tatis, state. clamo, are, §c, to shout. clamor, oris, shouting. clarus, a, um, famous, renowned. classis, is, fleet. Claudius, i, Claudius. Clodius, i, Clodius. •» claudo, ere, claus-, claus-, to shut. clavis, is, key. dementia, is, mildness. cllens, eiatis, client, dependant. ccelum, i, heaven. cceno, are, $*a, to dine, sup. ccepi, ($ 113, Kern. 1,) I begin. cogito, are, &c, to think, reflect. cognomen, inis, surname. cognosce, ere, noy-, cognit-,to/?>w? out, learn. cogo, ere, coeg-, coact-, to collect, bring together, compel. cohors, hortis, cohort. cohortor, -ari, -atus, to encouragi eenturio, onis, centurion, captain of collega, se, colleague. a hundred men. colligo, ere, leg-, leet~, to assemble, oertamen, inis, contest, strife. gather, collect. cervus, i, stag. collis, is, hill. cetera, um (nom. sing, m.not used) the rest (of a thing.) charta, se, paper. c ibus, i, food. colloco, are, &c, to put. station, place, set up. colloquium, conversation, conference. colloquor, loewtus, to cenvtrn. VOCABULARY. 275 COLO. eolo, ere, colu-, cult-, to cultivate; of the gods, to worship. . oolor, oris, color. . ■columba, oe, dove. com-edo, ouis, glutton. eotn-es, itis, companion. commeinoro, are. &c, to relate. com-meo, are, to come and go. com-ruissuiri,!, (part o/com-niitto,) a thing done, crime. coni-jnitto, to bring or send together, to commence (battle.) Comniius, i, Coihmius. commodum, i, convenience. com-moveo,. ere, mov-, mot-, to move, disturb, disquiet. com- munis, o, common. comparo, are, $c, to bring together, acquire. , oom-peUo, ere, rml-, puis-, to drive together. compello, are, to call, address. cdm-perio, tre, per-, pert-, to' find out, a&^ertain. corn-plector, i, plexus, to embrace. oom-pleo, ere, pier-, plet , to fill. com-plwrcs, ium, ($72, 5,) a great many. com-pos, otis, having control of. eonatus, us, attempt. con cavug, a, um, hollow; manus Goncara, the hollow of the hand. oon-cedo, ere> cess-, cess-, to yield. con-cilium, i, council. con-cito, are, &e., to rouse, excite, urge on, raise. con-cordia, as, agreement, concord. con-curro, ere, curr-, ours-, to run together. con^cursu8, us, running together. con-cutia, ere,cuas-, cuss-,to shake violently. con-demno, «re, Ac, to condemn. CONSUL. con-do, ere, did-, dit-, to found; build. • con-dweo, ere, dux-, ducU, to bring or lead together. con ficio, ere, fee-, feet-, to finish. con fido, ere, ftsus, to trust. con firmo, are,.&c-, to assert, cstal- lish. con ftteor, eri, fessus, to confess. con gredior, i, gressus, to meet with; in a friendly or hostile sense, con jicio, ere, jec-, ject-, te> throw, hurl. con junctio, oms, union, friendship, intimacy. conjungo, ere, jursx-, junct-, to unite. con jwro, are, &c. ,to swear together conspire. con juratio, onis, conspiracy. cen jux, jug is, husband or wife. conor, -ari, -atus,to attempt. conscius, a, uui, conscious. co'n scr»bo, to levy, enroll. con sector, -ari, -atus, to pursue eagerly and overtake. con sequer, i, secutus, to pursue t attain. con servo, are, &c, to preserve, save. con sido, ere, sed, sess-, to encamp, settle. con silium. i, counsel, advice. con spergo, ere, spcrs-, spers-, to sprinkle* con stanter, firmly, persistently. con stat, constitit, it i* evident. con stituo, ere, stitu-, stitut-, to determine, put, fix. con suesco, ere, su«t-, suet-, to ac- custom. con suetudo, inis, cusUm. jjonsul, is, consul. 276 VOCABULARY,] CONSULO. •onsulo, ere, sulu-, suit, to take counsel, rcflef, consult onsultum, i, (part.) a thing re- flected on ; abl. on purpose. ■y)ix sumo, ere, smnpt;, sumpt-, to consume. safe temno, ere, tempt-, tempt-, to ■ despise. on fiendo, ere, tend-, teut-, to strive, contend, hasten. coo tinens, entis, (part, pres.), holding together continent. -■on tinenter y (adv.j, continually. con tineo,, ere, tinu-, tent-; to hold on all sides, keep in. contra, against. oon traho, ere, trax-, traet-, to draw together. coo venio, ire, ven-, vent-, to come together, asssemble. copia, ?e r abundance ; pi. forces. coquo, ere, cox-, coct-, to cook. tforinthus, i, Corinth. corftiger, a, urn, horned. cornu, ms, horn. corona, se, crown. corpus, oris, body. cor rigo, ere, rex«, rect-, to set straight, correct. i. or rumpo, ere, rwp-, rupt-, to de- stroy, corrupt. eras, (adv.), to-morrow, creber, a, um, frequent. crebro, (adv.), frequently. credo, ere, did-, dit-, to believe. cr.emo, are, &c, to burn. creo, are, &c-, to create, make. cresco, ere, crev-, cret-, to grow. cn'nis, is, hair. cruciatus, ws, torture. crudelis, e, cruel. cubiculum, i, bedchamber. cubile, is, couch. cuius, a, um, ichosef DEPLUO. culpa, as, fault. culter, i, knife. cum, with. cupiclitas, tatis, longing, lust. cupidus, a, um, desirous, eager. cupio, ere, ?'v-, it-, to desire. cur, why ? cwra, ae, care. cwro, are, &o., to care for, attend to « curro, ere, cucurr-, curs-, to run. currus, ws, chariot. cursus, us, running, course. custos, odis, keeper, guardian, sen" tinel. D. damno, are, &c, to condemn. Davus, i, Davus. debeo, ere, &c, to owe, ought, de C€clo, ere, cess-, cess-, to de- part. docem, ten; % 63. de clevis, e, sloping downward. decoro, are, &c, to adorn. decorus, a, um, becoming. decus, oris, honor, dignity. de decus, oris, disgrace. de ditio, onis, surrender. de do, ere, dedid-, dedit-, to sur- render. de fendo, ere, fend-, feus-, to de- fend. de fenso, are, &c, to defend dili- gently. de fero, ferre, tul-, lat-, to bring or carry ( from one place or -per- son to another.) de fervesce, ere, ferv- & ferbu-, to boil down, subside. jdefessus, a, um, weary. de-flagre, are, &c, to burn down. ide fluo, ere. flux-, flux-, to flow 1 doum or away. "VOCABULARY. * 277 DEJICIO. dejicio, ere, jec-, ject-, to throiv down. delecto, are, &'c, to delight. deleo, ere, ev-, et-, to destroy. d« libero, are, Sic . to deliberate. de ligo, ere, leg-, lect-, to choose. de lictum," i, fault, crime. • Delphi, orum, Delphi, a town of Greece, dementia, ac, madness. de monsflto, are, §c, to .?/;o/r. deni, ten at a time ■ $63. ilens, dentis, tooth. densus, a, urn, thick, dense. PUCENTI. dignus, a, um, worthy. di labor, i, lapsus, to fall to pieces. di ligo, ere, lex-, lect-, to love. di niidium, i, half. di mitto, ere, mis-, miss-, to tend out.' * Dionysius, i, Dionysius. • di ripio, ere, ripu-, rept-, to tear asunder, plunder, pillage. dia cedo, ere, cess-, cess-, to de- part. discipulus, i, pupil, learner. disco, ere, didic-, to learn. . dis cordia, ae, disagreement. dennntio. are, &a, to announce, dis pono, ere, posu-, posit-, t threaten deorsum, (adr.) down-hill. de pono, ere, posu~, it-, to lay aside. de silio, ire, siltf-, suit-, to leap do iv n. , de sisto, ere, stft-, stit-, to cease. de spero, are, &c, to despair. destino, are, &c, to fasten. do stituo, ere, stitu», stitwt-, to desert. de stringo, ere, tstrinx-, strict-, to draw. de super, (adv.) from above. de terreo, ere, &c, to scare off, de- ter. Jcus, i, ($24, Rem. 2,) a god. de voro, are, &c, to gulp down. • dexter, tera, terura, or tra, trum, on the right, right. Diana ; ae, Diana, dico, are, &c, to dedicate. dico, er«, dix , diet-, to say. dictator, oris, dictator. dies, e\, day. dif fero,- ferre, dis-tul-, di«lat-, to put off, defer. dif fieilis, e, difficult. ..dif ftdp, ere, fisus, to distrust. arrange. dis puto, are, &c, to diicuss, dis- pute. dis sentio, ire, sens-, sens-, to differ in opinion, dissent. dis similis, e, unlike. diu, utius, utisfcsime, [adr. J long. dtves, itis, rich. •divido, ere, Tia-, vis-, to divide. divmus, a, um, divine. Divitiacus, i, an JEduan chief. divitire, arum, riches. do, dare, ded-, dat-, to give. doceo, ere, docu-, doci-, to leach. doctus, a um, learned. doleo, ere, &c, to grieve. dolor, oris, pain, grief. domina, ae, mistress. dominus, i, master. domup, ($ 48, Rem. 5,) house. donee, until; temp. conj. dohum, i, gift. dormio, ire, &c., to sleep. dormito, are, &c, to fall atleep. Druides, um, the Druids. dubitatio, onis, doubt. dubito, are, &c, to doubt. dubius, a, um, doubtful. duceuti, ae, a, (£G3,) two hundred. 278 VOCABULARY. DUCO. duco, ere, dux-, duct-, to lead, deem, consider, regard. dulcis, e, sweet. .. dum, while, as long as, until. Dumnorix, igis, brother of Divitia- cus. • duo, ae, o, two. duplex, icis, double. duplico, are, &c, to double. dwrus, a, um, hard. E. E or ex, out of,from,in consequence of, after. e d^co, ere, dix-, diet-, to issue an edict. edo, ere, ed-, cs-, Q 114,) to eat. e doceo, ere, docu-, doct , to teach thoroughly, educate. e dweo, ere, dux-, duct-, to lead out* effigies, ex. image, likeness. egens, entis, needy. egeo, ere, egu-, to need. egestas, tatis. poverty. ego, a 78), 1. egregius, a, um, remarkable. e jicio, ere, jec-, ject-, to cast out.. clegarrs, antis, luxurious, elegant. eloquens, entis, eloquent. eloquentia, re, eloquence. emo, ere, em-, empt-. to buy. emolumentum, i, advantage. Epaminondas, 02, (App. 1), the great Theban general. Ephesus, i, a city of Asia Minor. Ephesius, a, um, Ephesian. episvola, se, letter, epistle. eques, itis, horseman. equester, or tris, e, of a horse. equito, are, &c, to be a horseman % to ride on horseback. equitatus, vs,' cavalry. . PATEOR. equus, i, hcrse. e ripio, ere, ripu-, rept-, to retcue. erro, are, &'c, to err. error, oris, error. esuriens, entis, hungry. et, and. . etiam, also. ex cedo, ere, cess-, cess-, to retire. exemplum, i, example. ex eo, ire. exi-, exit-, to go out. exerceo, ere, &c, to exercise, exercitus, us, army. exiguus, a, um, slight, small. existimo, are, &c, to judge, think. exitium, i, destruction. ex pello, ere, pul-, puis-, to drive out. ex-ploro, are, &c, to search out. ex plorator, oris, scout. ex pono, ere, posu~, posit-, to ex- plain. ex pugno, are, &c, to storm. ex sisto, ere, stit-, stit-, to stand out- en speeto, are, &c, to await, look for. ex wro, ere, u?s-, ust-, to burn up. facies, ei, form., face. facile, easily; from facilis, e, easy. facinns, oris, deed, crime: from facio, ere, fee-, fact-, to do, make. esteem, value. facultas, tatis. means, power. fallo, ere, fefell-, fals-, to deceive. fama, ae, fame, reputation. fames, is, hunger, famine. familia, ae, family. fjimiliaris e, pertaining to the f am ily ; res fam. . property. fateor, eri, fassus, to confess. VOCABULARY. 279 FATIGO. . fattgo, are, &c, to weary. faveo, ere, fav-, faut-, to favor. febris, is,. /ever. femina, ae, woman. lemur, "oris & inis, thigh. ferax, acis, fertile. fere, [adv.] almost. fero, ferre. tuli, latum, to bear, carry. ferox, ocis, fierce fcrreus, a, urn, made of iron. ferrum, i, iron. . fcrus, a, uxi, wild, savage. fessus, a, um, wearied. festmo, are, &c., to hasten. fides, ei, faith, promise. fides, ium, strings, a lute, lyre. ftdus, a, um, faithful. figure, ae, figure, shape. filia, ae, daughter. films, i, son. fingo, ere, finx-, Act-, to matte, feign. finis, is, end, limit, boundary. finitimus, a, um, neighboring. firmus, a, um, strong, firm. fiagito, are, &c., to demand, [ear- nestly.] flatus, us, blast. flecto, ere, flex-, flex-, to bend. fleo, Acre, flcv-.,- flet-, to weep. fl«tus, us, iceepmg. floccus, a lock of wool, [anything of small value.'] flos, floris, flower. iluctus, its, wave. flwrnen, inis, river. fluo, ere, flux--, flux*-, to flow. foedus, eris, league, treaty. folium, i, lea,f, fons, fontis, fountain. forma, ae, form, sh&pc. formido, are, &c, to drend. fortisj e, brave. GREX. fortitwdo, inis, fortitude, firmness. fortzma, ae, fortune. fossa, ae, diteh. frater, tris, brother. fratrictda, aa, fratricide. fraus, fraudis, deceit. frenum, i, pi. i $ a, bit, bridlr. fretus, a, um, trusting. frons, frontis, forehead. fructus, ws, fruit. frwmentor, ari, &c, to forage. frumentum, i, corn, grain. fruor, i, fructus, fruitus, to enjoy. frustra, (adv.), in vain. fuga, si, flight. fugio, ere, fwg-, fugit-, to flee. fugo, are, &c., to put to flight, rout. * fulguratio, onis, lightning. fur, fwris, thief. G. Gallia) to, Gaul.' Gallus, i, a Gaul. £allina,'EB, hen. gaudeo, ere. gavisus, to rejoic gener, i, son-in-law. gens, gentis, race, family. genus, eris, hind, race. Germania, sc, Germany. Germanus, i, a German. gero, ere, gess-, gest-, to vxtr.e, carry. gladius, i, sword. Glaucus, i, Glaucus. gloria, aa, glory. Graecia, eg, Greeee.' Grsecus, i, a Greek. grammatica, ae, grammar. gratus, a, um, acceptable, pleasant gravis, e, heavy, severe. graviter, heavily, severely. gregatim, in- flocks, herds. grex, gregis, %oek, herd. 280 VOCABULARY. H. habeo, ere, &c, to have, hold. habito, to have frequently, dwell. hoedus, i, kid. hgereo, ere, hses, hies, to stick. t Hannibal, alis, Hannibal. Harttdes, urn, Harudians. liasta, se, spear. hand, not. HeWetius, i, a- Helvetian. Hercules, is, Hercules. Herminius, i, Herminius. , herus, i, master. Hibernia, se, Ireland. hifeerna, (castra), vnnter-quar^rs. hie, hsec, hoc, this. hiemo, are, &c., to winter. hiems, i£, winter. • hodie, to-day- Homerus, i, Homer. homo, inis, man. ' honeste, honorably. honestus, honorable. honor, oris, honor. hora, se, how. horreum, i, granary. hortor, ari, &c, to encourage. hortus, i, garden. hospes, itis, guest. hostis, is, enemy. hunianus, a, um, human. • humanitas, tatis, refinement. humerus, i, shoulder. humilis, e, low. humus, i, ground. i. ibi, there. idem, eadem, idem, same. idoneus, a, um, fit. suitable. igharus, a, um, ignorant. ignis, is, fire. ignosco, ere, nov-, not-, to forgive. INCOLUMIS. ille, », ud, that, the former, he. illicio, ere, lex-, lect-, to decoy. imber, bris, rain, shower. imitor, ari, &c,, to imitate. immanis, e,' immense, huge? immemor, oris, uitmindful. immorralis, is, e, immortal. immortalitas, tatis, immortality. impatiens, entis, not able or wil- ling to bear, impatient. impedimentum, i, hindrance. impedio, ire, &c., to hinder. impello ere, pul-, puis-, to drive on. imperator, oris, general, emperor. imper©, are, &c., to order. iuiperitus, a, um, ignorant, un- skilled. imperium, i, command, governmo'. impetro, are, &c, to obtain. impetus, us, attack. , impietas, tatis, undutifulncss. impiger, a, um, active. , impleo, ere, plev-, plet-, to fill. impono, ere. posu-, posit-, to put upon. importo, are, &c., to bring in, im- port. impotens, entis, unable to restrain. improbus, a, um, wicked. imprwdens, entis, imprudent. imws, a, um, see inferus. in, (with ace.), into, upon; (with ;ibh), in, among. incendium, a burning, conflagration incendo, ere, cend-, eeas-, to on fire ; to burn up. incertus, a, um, uncertain. incido, ere. incid-, cq;s-, t&htppcii, incito. are, &c, to set in motion, arouse, excite incola, ee, inhabitant. incolo, ere, colu-. cult-, to i?ihabi% dwell, live. incolumis, e, unhurt, safe. VOCABULARY. 281 INCONDITUS. iuconditus, a, um, rude; uncouth. incrcdibilis, e, incredible. . hiCMSO, ar.e, &c. , to blame, censure, find fault with, accuse. indignus, a, um, unworthy. in-dwco, ere, dux-; duct-, to lead on. . indulgeo,- ere, duls-, dulN, to in- dulge. inftins, antis, infant. infer o, ferrc, intul-, illat-, to bring upon, wage upon, inflict. inriru'tus, a, um, boundless. in-fiuo* ere, flux-, flux-, to flow into. iufreno, are, &c..'to bridle. ingenium, i, intellect, natural dis- position. ingens, entis, hvge. ingratus, a, um, disagreeable, un- grateful. iniim'cus, i, enemy.' iniruicitia, ce, enmity. im'quus, a, um, unjust. initium, i, beginning. injuria, x, injury. in nascor, i, n«tus, to spring up. innocens, entis, innocent. innocentia, oe, innocence, parity. inopia, 03, tvant, scarcity. inquam, (g 113,) I say, (used only after^one or more words of a quo tation.) insidiae, crum, ambush, snares. in sili" ire, sili-& silu-, to leap upon. instigo, are, Sec, to stir up. in stituo, ere, stitu-, stitut-, to ar- range, instruct. In striio, ere, strux-, struct, to*e^ in order, draw up, build. in su^tus, a, um, unaccustomed. insula, se, island. integer, gra, grum, sound, unhurt. JACTO. intelligo, ere, lex-, lect-, to under- stand. inter, between, among, in the midst of; inter se, with or against one another, inter spoliandum, in the act of despoiling, inter dico, ere, dix-, diet-, to for- bid. interdum v sometimes. intereo, j're, interi-, interit-, to perish, interficio, ere, fee-, feet-, to kiV . interus, a um, inward. intersum, esse, fui, Xotetf impor- tance, to be between. nihil interest, it makes no difference. introduce, ere, dux-, duct-, to in- troduce. inrado, ere, fas , vas-, to attack. invade. in yenio, ire, ren-, vent-, to come upon, find, invent. in Tenter, oris, inventor. in vestjgo, are, &c, to search out. in victus, a um, invincible. inTidia, oe, envy. invito, are, to invite. irm'tus, a, um, unicillinj. ipse, a, um, self. ira, ae, anger. iracundia, ae, hasty temper. irascor, i, to be ar*gry. iratus, a, um, angry. iste, a, ud, that [of yours.) ita, thus, so. Italia, ae, Italy. item, likewise. ijer, itineris, journey, march, w- J. jacio, ere, jec-, jact-, to throw. jacto, are, &e., to threw about, cits';. 282 VOCABULARY. JAM. jam, now, already. jecur, (g 45,) tht liver. •% jubar, aris, sunshine. jubeo, ere, juss-, juss-, to order. jucundus, a, urn, delightful. judex, ids, judge. jwguna. i, a yoke. Two spears set upright with a third laid across the top were called jugum. Jugurtha, se, king of Numidia. jumentum, i, beast of burden, work- horse or ox. Jupiter, Jovis, Jupiter. Jwra, se, Jura, a mountain. .jus, jwris, law, right; (usually un- written lavs, as opposed to lex, statute law). jusjurandum, ($ 45), oath. Justus, a, um, just. juvenis, is, young man. juYentus, t^Jis. youth. jurat, abat, &c, it pleases. L. Labienus, i, a lieutenant of Casar, labor, oris, labor. lac, laetip, milk. lacesso, ere, iv-, it-, to provoke. injuria lacessere, to injure. lacrima, a?, tear. lacus, ms, lake. laetus, joyful. lanio, are, &c. to tear to pieces. lapis, idis, stone. • largior, iri, t'tus, to bribe. lateo, ere, latu-, to lie hid. latitwdo, inis, breadth. Ifctro, onis, robber latus, a, um, wide, broad. latus, eris, side, flank. lawdo, are, to praise. laus. laudis, praise, glory. MAGN ANIMUS. lavo, are, lav-, lot*, laet-, layat-, to bathe. legatio, onis, embassy. legatus, i, ambassador, lieutenanr. legio, onis, legion. lego, ere, kg-, lect-, to read. leo, onis, lion. lepus, oris, hare. levis, e, light, slight. levo, are, to lighten, relieve. h'ber, a, um, free. liber, bri, book. liberi, orum, children, libero, are, &c, to free. libertas, tatis, liberty. licet, licuit, it is allowed, permit- ted, right, lawful. lignum, i, wood. lingua, ae, tongue, language. linter, tris, boat. " * Liscus, i, an JEduan chief. litera, ae, a letter (of the alphabet). h'tus, oris, shore. locus, i, pi i $■ a, place. locuples, etis, rich. longitwdo, inis, length. longus, a, um, long. loquor, i, loewtus, to speak. lwdus, i, game, play. lwiuen, inis, light. Iwna, ae, moon. lupus, i, wolf. % lux, lwcis, light. ■ M. • ' Macedonia, ae, Macedonia. macto, are, &c, to sacrifice* moeror, oris, grief, prae maerore, for griej, (a preventing cause.) magis, maxime, more, most. magister, i, master (of a school, $c.) rnngnaniaaus, a, um, grcat-sotded, magnanimsus. VOCABULARY. 2s: MAGNITUDO. magnitwdo, inis, greatness. raagnus, a, um, (major, maxirnus,) great. maled/co, ere, dix-, diet-, to be abusive, revile, curse. malo, malle, malui, to prefer. malum, i, apple. mains, i, mast of a ship. mala?, a, urn, (pejor, pessimus,) bad, wicked, evil. mandatum, i, a thing entrusted, command. mando, are, &c , to entrust. maneo, era, mans-, mans-, to re- main. manug, us, hand. Marcus, i, Mark. mare, is, sea. maritimus, bordering on the sea. Marius, i, Marius. marmor, oris, marble. mater, tris, mother. maturo, are, -&C, to hasten. matwrus, a, um, ripe. mature, (adv.) quickly, soon. medicamentum, i, drug, dose. medicina, ae, medicine. medicos, i, physician. medius, a, um, middle. melior, us, better. ruemini, (§11 3), I remember. mem or, oris, mindful. "memoria, ae, memory, recollection mendricium, i. falsehood, lie. mendax, aci.s, false, lying. mens, mentis, mind. mensa, ae, table. mensis, is, month. mentior, tri, itus, to lie. mercator, oris, merchant. Mercurius, i, Mercury. raeritus, a, um, deserving. merges, itis, sheaf. meridie?, ci, mid-day. MULTITUDO. Mess«la, ae, Messala. Metior, tri, mensus, to measure. meto, ©re, messu-, mess,-, to reap. metuo, ere, metu-, rarely mefwt-, to fear, be apprehensive. metus, us, apprehension, fear. meus, a, um, my, mine. ou'les, itis, soldier. milittfris, e, military. mille, ($64, G,) thousand. minor, ari, atus, to threaten. mmuo, ere, minu-, minut-, to make less, weaken. im'ror, ari, atus, to wonder. im'rus, a, um, wonderful. miser, a, um, wretched. misereo, ere, u-, to pity, (generally used impersonally; \ 135, c.) mitto, ere, mis-, miss-, to send. modus, i, manner, measure, limu : praeter modum, beyond measure, unduly. moenia, ium, &c, walls. mollis, e, soft. moneo, ere, &., to advise, remind. montle, is, necklace. mons, mont-is, mountain. monstro, are, &c, to show. mordeo, eve, raomord-, m«r6-, to champ, bite. morier, i, & tri^ mortuus, moriiu- rus, to die. mortuus, a, um, dead. moror, ari, atus, to delay. mors, mortis, death. morsus, tts, biting. mortalis, e, mortal. mos, moris, manner, custom. motus, us, moving, insurrection. moveo, ere, mov-, mot-, to move. mulier, eris, woman. multus, (plus, plurimus.) much, many. multitwdo, inis, multitude. 23-4 VOCABULARY. MUNDUS. mundus, i, world, laimio, ire, &c, to fortify. murus, i, widl. raus, muris, mouse. musa, ae, muse, x&uio, are, &c, to change. N. nactus, participle from nanciscor. nam, for, (conj.) nam que, for, indeed. nanciscor, i, nactus, to get. narro, are, $g., to tell, relate. nascor, i, flatus, to be born. natwra, ae, nature. n:/tus,us, birth. nauta, ae, sailor. navale, is, dock-yard. navigo, are, &c, to sail. naris, is, ship. ne, (final .conj.) that, not. lest. nee, (conj.) neither, nor and not. necessarius, a, um, critical, neces- sary. neco, are, &c, to murder, kill. negligens, entis, negligent; part, adj. • . negligo, ere, lex-, lect-, to neglect. uego, are, &c, to deny. negotium, i. business. nemo, inis, no man, no one. nemus, oris, grove. nepos, otis, grandson. Neptunus, i, Neptune, God of the sea. , neque, and not, neither, nor. nescio, ire, &c, not to know. neuter,, a, um, neither [of two.) n," to prefer. praesens, cntis, present. praesidium, i, garrison. praestans, antis, excellent, distin- guished. prae sto, are, stit-, stit.-, to excel. prae sum, esse, fui, to be over. praeter, past, besides, beyond. praeter eo, ire, iv-, it-, to pass by. praetor mitto, mis-, miss-, to 'let slip. praetor, oris, praelor, chief. pravus, a, um, crooked, depraved, premo, ere, press-, press-, to press. postea, afterwards. posterns, posterior, postremis oripretium, i, price, value postumus, coming after: oomp., primus, a, um, first. of less account, inferior, postquam, (temp, conj.), after, postulo, are, &c, to demand, potens, entis, powerful, potentia, ae, power, ability, potestas, atis, power, right, potior, iri,&c, to get possession of, acquire, prae, before, in comparison with, for: prae maerore, for grief.' praebeo,' ere, &c, to furnish. prae ceptum, i, precept ; from princeps ipis, chief. p*ior, primus, former, sooner. priusquam, before. pristinus, a, um, former. privatus, a, um, private. pro, for, before. pro cedo, ere, cess., cess., to go forward, procul, at a distance, pro curro, ere, cucurr- & cuvr-. curs-, to run forward, proditor, #ris, traitor.* 288 VOCABULARY. PR(ELIUM. prcelitim, i, battle. ^ pro'fectio, onis, departure. pro ficiscor, i, fectus, to set out. pro fii'go, are, &c., to dash in pieces. pro fugio, ere, fug-, fugit-, to flee, run away, escape. prog«nies, e\, offspring. progredior, i, gressus, to go forth or forward. pro hibeo, ere, &c, to prevent, keep off. promptus, a, urn, ready, quick. propero, are, &c, to hasten. propinquus, a, um, near. propior, proximus, nearer, next. pro pono, ere, posu-, posit-, to set up. propositum, L purpose. propter, on account of*. propterea, on this account. pro pulso, are, &c, to repel. pro sequor, i, seewtus, to pursue. pro sum, prodesse, profui,to bene- fit, to do good. proVidentia, ae, foresight, provi- dence. provincia, ae, .province.' prudens, entis, prudent. prudentia, ae, prudence. publicus, a, una, public pudet, puduit, it shames. pudor, oris, shame, modestj'. puella, ae, girl. ■ puer, i, boy. pugna, ae, fight. \\ pngno, are, &c , to fight. pulcher, a, um, beautiful. pulchritwdo, inis, beauty. pulvis, eris, dust. Funicus, a, um, Carthagenian. panio, ire, &c. to punish. purgo, cive, &c. to cleanse, excuse puto, are, to* think. quaclraginta, ($ 63), forty. quaero, ere, quassiv-, quaesit-, to seek, ask. qualis. of Yrhat kind, as. quam, than, as. quamquam, although, quamvis^owever much, although, quantus. a, um, how great, as. tantus — quantus, as great — as. quatuor, ($63) four, queror, i, questus, to complain, qui, quae, quod, who, which. quicumque, whoever, quidam, $89. quidem, indeed, quin, but that, that, but. quindecim, ($63), fifteen* quingenti, ae, a, ($63), five Imn-r dred. quippe, surely, since. - .' quis, $89 ; quis ? $88. quisnam, $88. quispiam, ~) quisquam, I $89. quisque, J quisquis, $87, 2. quivis, quilibet, |sy. jquo, whither, quo-ad, to what point, as long as, until. jqudd, because. '• i quo-minus, $193, Rem. 5. quoniam, since, because, quoque, also, jquot, how many, as. jquotannis, yearly, jquotidie, daily. iquUm, when, since, although. R. ramus, i, branch, bough.' rapena, ae, plunder, pillage VOCABULARY. 289 RAPIO. rapio, ore, rapu-. rapt-, to snatch, seize, carry off ratio, onis, plan, reasoning,cause. Rauraci, orntr*, a tribe of Gauls, rebellio, onis. rebellion. reecns, entis, recent. rceeptus, us, retreat, recipio, cey>., cent-, to take back, regam, recover, ne recipere, to retreat, to recover oneself. rectus, a, urn, straight, right. recupero, are, &c, to recover. reewso, are, to object % repudiate. red do. ere, did-,dit-,to give back, render, make. red eo, t're, redi-,redit-, to return. rcdigo, crc, eg-, act-, to. reduce. red integro, are, &c, to renew. reditus, us, return. re duco, ere, dux-, duct-, to lead back. re fero, ferre, tul-, lat-, to with- draw. re fert, retulit, it concerns. reficio, ere, fee-, feet-, to repair. regtna, », queen. regio, onis, region, tract. regnum, i, kingdom. rego, ere, rex-, rect-, to rule. roligio, onis, vow, religion. re linquo ere,ltqui,lictum,to leave. reliquus, a, urn, the rest. re nuncio, are, &c , to carry back word. naor, reri, ratus, to suppose repens, entis, sudden. repente, suddenly. reperio, tre, reper-, repert-, to find out. repeto, ere, it.-, -tt, to seek buck.. repudio, are, &a, to refuse. res, rei, thing v© scindo, ere, scid-, sciss-, to cut down. SCAPHA. re sisto, ere, strt-, to resist. ro spondeo, ere, f>pond-, spone-. to answer. rete, is, net re vello, ere, veil-, vuls-, to tear off. re vereor, eri, &c, to reverence. re voeo, are, to recall.- rex. regis, king. Rhenus.i,the Rhine. Rhodanus, i, the Rhone. robui'j oris, heart of oak, strength. rogo, are, &c., to ask. • Roma, se, Rome. Romanus, a,*um, Roman. rosa, a>, rose. ruber, a, um, red. rudens, enti«, rope, cable. rudis, e, rude, uucivllized, rurapo, ere, rwp», rupt-, to break. rupe9, is, rock. rursus, again. rus, ruris, country. rusticus, a, um, living in the coun- try, rustic. S. Sabmi, orum, Sabines. sacer, a, um, sacred. . sacerdos, otis priest. seepe, often 8jevus, a, um, savage, tierce. sagitta, so, arrow. salar, aris, trout. salto, are, &c\, to dance. salttber, bris, bre, wholesome. salus, utis, safety, health. tianotus, a; um, sacred, pute. sanguis, inis, blood. sanus, sound, healthy ■ sapiens, entis, wise. sapientia, », wisdom. [ciently. satis, enough, sufficient, sufli- saucius, a, um, wounded. saxum, i, rock. scapha, se, boat, skiff. 19 S90 VOCABUIaARY. SCELUS . ocelus, eris, crime, wickedness. scio. t're, &c, to know. Scipio, onis, Scipio. [write ^crt'bo, ere, scrips-, script-, to scriptor, oris, writer. -jicwtum, i, shield. ee ct-.. sit-, to put, permit. sinus, us, gulf, t ay. sitio, ire, «vi, to be thirsty, sitis. is, thirst, socer, i, father -inlaw. socius, i; companion, soleo, ere, solitus, to be used, wont. solus, a, uin,only. alone, solvo. ere ; solv-, solwt-, to loose. somnus, i, sleep, sonus, i, sound. soror, oris, sister', spatium, i, room, space, time. specus,, us, den, cave, grotte. spero, are, &c, to hope, spes, ei, hope. spolio, are, to spoil, rob, plunder, statuo, ere, statu-, statwt-, to place, put, determine, statwra, 39, stature, size, height. Stella, se, star. stimulus, i, goad. Ktipendium, i, tax, tribute, strenuus, a, um, nimble, active, studeo, ere, to attend to, be eager for. studium, zeal, desire; 'pi- studies, stultus, a, nm, foolish, stultitia, S3, folly, suadep, ere, suas-, suae-, to advise, suheo, *re, ii. itum, to go under, subigo, ere, eg , act-, to subdoc. subituSj a, um, sudden, sub levo, are, &e., to relieve. subsidium, reserve, support,help. sub venio, are, ven-,vent-, to eome to one's assistance, heip. sui, g 78. suus, a, um, $ 80. sum, esse, fui, to be. sumo, ere, sumps-, sumpt-> to take supeilex, lectilis, furniture, superbia, w, pride. superbus. a. um t proud. VOCABULARY. 291 SUPERO. supero, are, &o , to overcome. supers titio, enis, superstition. surgo, ere, r-.urrex , surrect-, to rise; [dertake. sus cipio, ere, ecp-. ccpt-, to. un- suspicor, ari, &c, to suspect. sustineo, em, tinu-, tent, to sus- tain. • T. taceo, ere, &e., to he siteui. taedet, nit, it wearies, disgust?. talentura, i, talent. talis, e, such. tain, so. tamen, nevertheless. tametsi, although. tandem, at. length. » tangp, ere, tetig^, tact-, to touch. tantus, a, urn, so much, so great. tantus-dem, adem, undem, just a? miich. tardo are,, &c., to delay^ retard. tardus, a, nm, slow. Turquin'ms, i, Tarquii*, tauru ■', i, bull tectum, i, roof. tcllus. wris, earth, % - telum, i, dart. temerc, rashly. tempestas, tali*, time, weather, (good or bad), tempos*. templum, i. temple. tempiis. oris, timo. tenax, acis, tenacious. teneo, ere, tenu ,tent-, to hold tento, arc, &c, to attempt. tenuis, e, slender. tergum, i, back. terminus, i, end, limit. terra, hj, earth, ground. feerreo, rre, &c , to frighten. terror, oris, terror, fright tertius, a, um, (§63), ihuV, testis, is, tvituesfl. SURBIDUS. Thebsc, arum. Thebes. Thrax, flcis, Thracian. thronus, i, throne. Tiberis, id, the Tiber, timeo, ere, timu-, to fear. timidus, a, um, cowardly. timor, oris, fear, panic, tolero, aro, &c, to endure, tondeo, ere, totond-, tons-, , te tonitrus us, thunder. [shear, tot, so many, totus, a, u.n, whole, tra do, ere, did-, dit-, to delrror over, hand down, trajiciq, ere, jec-, ject-, to ship trames, itis. by-path, [ever. tra no, arc, &c. to swim across, trans, across, beyond, trans dweo, ere, dux-, duct-, to lead over, trans eo, ire, transi , transit-, U go across, pass over, paso away, transjicio, set traj. tre.3. tria, f§63), three, trihwrius, i, tribune, tribus, us, tribe. tribuo, ere,ui,Mtum,to give,assiga. triduum, i, three days' time, triennium, i, three year*' time, tripartita, in three divisions, triplex, icis, triple, tristis, c, bad. trucido, are, &c, to slay, butcher, tuba, jb, trumpet, tueor, eri, tuitus j- Iwtus.to protect. Tullias,i, Tully. Tullianiim, i, a prison at Rome: built by king Servius Tullius. turn, then. tunaultus, us, tumult, uproar, tumulus, i, mound. • * tunc, then, turba, as, crowd, turbidus, a, um, disordered ,mu < , ini*, whirlwind, [fusion. ten i , e, base. tv ]-, is, tower. tutor, «ri, &c, to defend, protect. tutus, a, urn, safe, r.uus, a, una, $ 80. ryranuus. i, tyrant. ' '. ' U. '.: ubi, where, when, uhtque, ©very where-. ulciscor, i, ultus, to avenge, ullvis, a, um, ins, any. ulnlo, , life. ; viriura, J, vice. tilreus, a, ura, made of glass. vivo. 'crc, vix-.vict-, to live. vitas, a. ura, alive. vis, Hcavcely. %oco. arc, to call. v.jio, vello volui, to will. •\olo, ovq, &c . to fly. .», voir , vofct-, to roll. VULTUS. voluptas, trttis, pleasure: voro, arc, &o., to devour, voveo, eve, vov-, vot , to vow j vox. voeis, voice. valgus, i, common people. vulnero, arc, &c, to wound, vulnue, cvis, wound, vultur, uris, vulture. vuUusJ us, countenanoe. ENGLISH-LATIN" VOCABULARY. -«*i>- A. 4bilily, potestas. «hU, {to be), possum, I / rid. ftbuhdo ' eoout, 01 re iter, «ie. *.bov>\ h'upt :■, supra. mhteni. ai Bens; tp be alt , abc^sc. tbusc. abut , (uu amiss ; ) mated • • re, (speak mnits. ) if.cess a d i i u > . # ■ mpli.fk confi io' Jfyir the ac of . ' m i : - 1. CO. Mccusioniei [to.be), nolro. tic'qutre, comptro. * vo. 0.rr«sx, :r. ii" efoiive, a ills. # . 7 .t :| iu. ulao, etiaiu, quoque. an' ■ ■ \(il hough, licet, quaai\; .Jam. etsi, &o. 29- V«»OABUIiARY. AMBASSADOR. . *mbas»odor. It-gtftus afrnbttssy. legMtio. ambush. insMire. among, (of thing*,) inter; (of per- s r,s ) .'ipnd. . ancient, vetus, ant : quus anger, ira angry, iracundus. , to b fi . irascot*. i BODY. avoid, vito. ■•>. await, exspec'o B. t>ark. terguip. b'uK mains. barbarian, b^rbara?.. base, turpis- battle, proelium. he, esse. ' \ \hear. f'ero, t''t*rn. heat, (defeat) ppl'o, vinco. animal, animal. annoy, vexp. . , another, (of two,) aher ; (0/ many.) beautiful, pub-bpr. gnxwer, responded, [jilius beauty pu'rhritqd'o.* any, $ 89 because, quo I, quia. quota. apiece, pxpre^sed' by distributive become, ?o it heroine!*, d< cet. nnmevft-ls $ 63, 1, app r oach. Rg^velior, aecedo Archer, Sagittarius. arise, orior ar«i, (v. 1 arrao. 'irm.?. arm a around, ci'-urn. arrival, ndventus. . arrow, sagitta. art, ara #s, (w»-«#).operani duiv.. a* many — as. tot — quot. between in'e-r sue/? — a*, talis — qnalis hen-are. eareo % yustasmueh— <«#, tunfusd ?'// magnum, km plus. ascend, nscendo /v'??'/. trncio 8>>r/A, natns. ns. before one* s birth. ascertain. eogn< sec 'ashamed, (to he), pudct, |135, c. 4M&. rogo, pe^o, iftterrogo. asleep, (to fall), do'rmito. assault, oppugtro. assert, confirrao. atiixtance, Auxilium to eomc id one's assistance, sub^enio. atrocious, at vox. a' tack, (n ), ininetus. attaek, (v ), oppugno* nggredior. attempt, tcuto, collar. authority, auctovitas. ante* M quem natam. bi e. rn<>rde<>. h'fing, morons hi, imp, ri-prehendo, incco. Iffyvd. cserus. blood, sanguis. &"«7*-.ap>r. huast. prsjediro boat scvplia linter. bedy, c-rpng nobody, perno, nul- lu8. anybody $89. VOCABULARY. 29S BOLDLY. boldly, audnoiter. book, liher. born, (fo be)^nrtsvov both, umbo {both together}, nterq'iv {both separately) On bothy-idc*. utrimquc; by boi h parlies, Ah u tri»que. bound/try. finis. bow, arc us. boy, pr.er. brave, fortis. bravely f'urtit^r. • hr>>ud p^D'S. break through. p'>rfr ; n£». break {a law), violo. bribe, (v. ), lurgiof. bribe (n). targrti ». pecaftia. bridle infrciio. Winy, fVr > ; bring ward, nuntio j bring buck word, rrnuntio. Britain, Kritt-.t nia. . Briton Br'tannus. broad, litus br thrr'. frdtar Aw?7tf reiific /re. &.«// taunts. bo.nl en. onu<. £>;>•« nc .ndft; px?/ro. &Mr« down, be burnt down d Hugo bu*in"xs nrgo'r.im, t<-w, (jgj ) Aj'/ s< d. Yqru-ui, vt-ro. 6«^ oiao by far, Ic calanv' f y. calamit-as ■COUNTKY. cavalry, equitaiu-. certain, c<-r'us: a. c. ens, quidara. chain, vin ulura chanre, ca-\x>, f»»rs characteristic, (it. is c. of u poor man, pauperis est.) chariot, eurrus chief princeps, children, lihcri. choose, deligo. c'liz'-n, civ is. rily. ur'hs. c.ivl. cv.lis. civilization cultu«,hum»aitas. cloud nuhes. collect, colligo, comparo. come venio. command, juheo. inipcro. commit {to umj one,) mando. common, communis c. people,plebt, c immpnwealth, iv.spub ica. companion, comes, >ociu«. rompel. c go. complain,, queror. , . • • , conceal, celo. condemn, con levnno. Confess. COufi too f. conquer, vine*. conscious, com-cius. (•■ nsph e, conjui o racy eonjuratio. U c mi sui consult, consul o. f contend, coite mIo, certo. c infest, cert/rme • 'call, vocare , - - toy ether. csnTo- convenience, C'lnmoduui. <»are ; ■ — buck revoc&re. camp, can$s, dimitto displease, displiceo. dixpute di>pu?to distant, (to he, i abjure distinguished, prsestanfyprseclarus. ditch, fossa. divide diyido. do, facio dog canis. double, duplex, to double duplico. drub 4 , dubitatio. to doubt, dubito-. duubtful, dubiusi. u:>ve columba dawn- hill, deorsura, drink hi ho. dust, pt.lvis. da y. officium, munus. ft is the- king s duly, my duty, §iS3. dw&ll, babito, incdo." E. eagle, »qi:j1a earth terra tellus. , ear hen. tictilis em-y lacilis : easily, facile, very easy pert'acilis. lent, wio. ve-eii.~. •H,mity, inimiciti^. enough, Batis. *rr, erro. especially, pvtccipac. special, pncoipuus. establish, conSrmo, canstitno. esteem, rostimo. Mfeft e tiara ; wo/ even^ ae quidcm ftlMry omnis. BpU mains, (noun,) malum i client, prsastans -irate, concito, exeir.o, insttgp. ^s^st'. purge e&rcise exefcei face, t>.cie^. faithful, fidm. jfa/l, cado ,rume< fama. famous, elarus. /ar. ( dt\), longs... farmer, agricola. /at her, pater. .fault, culpa, delictum, peecatum; if ?> ™y fault, pot' me sut. ,. ? ««;<;r, f iveo. #ar, timer, raii.us. to fear, tiva:<>. Sea- her plum;*. [metuo, ve . fertile, ferax. fiver, febtis. few. pauci. $eid. ngcr. I/tyi i 63-. toA/, (» ), pugno; (».), £uga&» jfettre, tigura. fti, ccmipie/a, imp' yfw, inTfttio, reperio. linsh, conficio. 0ri igaiw 'later* .flattering* hlandus. i/fee£ clas»in. [ffegA en. \flnck. grex. /iW, fluu ; — *'«/•, inrluo. flower florf. tfy, volo. fallow, aequor. fond, amaus, cupidu*. /'W cit.us. fool, foolish, stultus. /b//?/, stultitia. /bo£, pes ; moate. for, (co»y ). nam, eniiu, &oi i/br these things, ob has ritifg com n» tin io. yfirtitude. tequus animus, fortitado. \firtunc, fortunn. //«tr. §68. I/Ves, (aJj), liber; (i/.), )i; \frt3ii mteg< p. I friend, amicus. I friendship, ;i! ' g>eat. raagnus. green, viridis- Greece. Grcscia. grief, dolor, imeror. gro\ nd. terra, humus. grow, rrcsco. guard proesddiutn. gvest. bospes. guide dux. gulp down, devoro. H. half dimidium. hand, in an US. happy, Meatus. ! ari.or. porttis. hat' en, propero, festsno, m: hatred, odium have, habeo, esse with dath 1 head, rapnt, Hear, audio. rt, cor. heavy, gravis; heavily, gra her I, calx. height Ttliir-i/dp. ?{*.'??, a uxitiu.ua. hide abdo, I /i/oA, <us< INSOL8NCE. . A iZ/ t col Us. kinder, iaipedio. obsto. hindrance, imp> d.montuw. A,o/ f y., teneo, hab'.o, — in, contineo* home, dooms. hope, *pc-: ; to hope, epcroj //or«. cornu. /torse, equus. horseman, etjues. hostage, onst-'K. A'.»Mr. hora.' house. d'^muK. human, human os. ka<;j'n\ fa in 0-3 i>,>ngry r-ur : OT!S'. hauler, venator. hurt, conjicio hart, noceo hurtful, noxius. L i. ego. '/ el ■ ■ ignorant, ignuus, iagcius. image, effigu-s irmtate imit<>r. immortal, immortal's. immortality imomrtalitaa. •inpatient. impatie-ns. implore. o^scero. impt rt; imp'Tto. ! s (it is. ) fieri non p< I est in capable of restraining, iuipoteas. Vfcaro. increase, aug^o, crescp. • indulge, indui^eo infant, infill-!. inferior', of less account, in ferior. Uafnte, intinitus, ynflirt inf(.'rr». Titer ftf/orm. certi&i en face re. i«faY,.incol« e .i,oasty/b'dant K incblt. jencaw/;. c:: noct<„ injuria, las esse. a»c< or ge, . injuria lend, tii.is. insoUmtia-. VOCABULARY. 290 JNST1GATK. instigate, insito, hi8tig>. instruct, inBtituo, piaecipio. kvrodiice, introduce iriitutt', mando. invade.. invade tor inventor. invincible, inv ctus. invite, invito fro?*, ferrum. J. . Joitrnf'/, iter. joyful, leetos, jucuidu*. judge, judex. iuxt, Justus, sequn^: K . ^cr'vo ; ifr^p in, con t into : keep hey, -/'nvifli, \. n jf* probibeo fctdl, hoeduft. occj'do, tructdi , i *co. aignuf. king. rex. lewffdbm. regnuM. /."«.;/>. culter. [nescio feiou\ hosco, Bcira;, not o know L. labor, lnhor. lamb, agnus. Ian<7t4agg,*Hngna> {a/M?, t» V:">, ;:gor. ^c/j'. wltimus. ?crw lex jus.. foa<£ duc.o ; lead on. adduro indu co: to lead over trm-duco •, to lead again*:, ftddtfCO Itaf folium. *V irn M>co. mimed, doctus. hare relitiquo, Itgiiin. legio. length I fc#*. mi a* [(<*p/*£/«). ep'' /e//Vr (0/ //(« alphabet,) litera : /' !•_'/ c irip«r»bo. liberty, libert:u\ MISERABLE. lie (Auf), laieO. fo /»>, merit' or. /?> \ falsehood), unendacium. /mr, '*nendax. Wfe, vfta, anima. ityH (« orator, oratfn'. oration, oratu h. origin, ovi&o. ought, oporwt, gerundive with esse, our, noster. out of, e. ex. overcome, aupsro, vineo. overtake, consequor. ox, bos. 1'. pace. p;-»83liS. * pain d'lor. pains, opera. panic, tnnor. paper, chart a. purem parens. parracide, parractda. part p itA. partly, partina. jpase aw ty, transed, [pass by, praetereo. pa ienUy, sequo anitna. piay penjio. peace, p tx. j pieben people populus ; commo p . pieba, ps.cetvc, intclligo, aniniadvtjfto. perish, pereo. . - VOCABULARY. 3u1 PERSUADE. persuade, persuadeo. philosopher, philosophus.' pirate, pirata. ,■ pity, noisereor, miseret, 2 lS-">. , place, loene. pleasant, gratus. .please, p'aceo. pleasure, toluptft?. />Zou\ aro. to plunder, pnfedor, diripio.. plunder, pried a. ^or/. po(?ta. point, aeies. poison, ven«inm. poor, pauper. />o*\ loci-. poverty, paupertas, ege«fca*. pojper. pote^tasj vis. powerful, pot ens, prefer, praepono, prepare, paro.' present, preaeng. preserve servo, consevvo. preven 4 , impedio, obsto, detevreo jjrice. pret'iutn. pride, superbia. priest, -ncerdos. prison, caroer. prisoner, capttvuK. privo e, privatUS. promise, polliceor. proiec . to tori. proud. superbus. providence. providenti*. prov nre. pi'ovincia. provoke, laccesso. prudent, prwdens. public publicus. puntsh. puoio. purpose, propoaitum ; on p., con- pursue, pereequor. put, pobo ; — l/i/. reject, repudio. rejoiee, gaude,.o. relieve, levo. religion, religio. remain, maneo. remember, memini, raemoita teu'eo. remind, moneo, Rdmoneo. render, reddo. renew, rodintegro. repair, reficio. repent, poenitet, |13. r i. reply, reopoudeo. report, renuntiatio. rtprove, reprehendo: resolve, stntuo. rest, rdiquus. %\28, Mjm, 8. retard, turdo.- retire, excedo, se recipen*. retreat, recipio. return, redeo, reddo. reverence, revefeor. reward, prcDOMuna Rhine, Rhenua. Rhone, Rhodann*. rich, dives. 302 VOCABULARY. RICHES. STIR UP riches, diriti*. sheaf merges. ride, equito. sheep, ovirt. river, flwtuen, amiii*. shear, tondeo. road, via, iter. shepherd, pastor. robber, pnedo. shield, scatum". rock, rur>r>s, saxum. ship, navis. * rope, rudens. shore, litus. rose, rcsa. short, brevis. ■rough, &sper. shortness, brevitag. sout x fugo, prothgo. shout, clamor; to ■ <■ . ^.clamo. rule, rego: show, monstro. run, curro ; — forward, prc«urro. side, latus, parp. * 3- signal, sigpum. sacred, sneer, sanctus. silver, argentuiu. sacrifice, raacto. sin, peccatum. safe, tfc'tue. since, quum, quoniam. safety, salus. > sing, canto. sagacious, argutas. * sister, soror. sail, v<;lum. to nail, navig». sit, sedeo. sailor, nauta. six, § 68. sake., causa. size, magnitude. same, idem. slave servus savage, atrox, ferus. slavery, servitus. save, servo. sUy, truej'do, eGcidc. sny, dwo, inqaam. sleep, dormio. ' . sr.ou'i, exploratoi*. slinger, funditor. ssa, mar* 1 . siat, sedtle. slow, tardus, piger.- small, parvus, exiguus. second, secundus. snatch up, arripio. see, video. soldier, mtles. seek, peto, quserw. some, aliquis, qnidam. &«. setm, videor. ' son, filius seize, occupo, rapio, arripi\ soon, mature. sell, vendo. soul, animus. senate, senatus. space, spatium. stnd, mitto ; ■ — forward,fx amntto. spare, parco. separate, divido, secerno, speik, loquor. serpent, serpans. speech, oratio. 4trve, servio. spur, calcar. set, pono ; set tip, oolloco, propoao. stag, cervus. seven, $63. stand, sto ; — out, «x$ist«. severe, gravis. state, civitafr. shade, umbra. May, maueo. sharp, acer, aewttra. ttir up, excito, eoacito. VOCABULAKY. 30>; STONE. t lapis. • itorni, tcnnpestas. ttrength, robot, vis. strike, percutio. firraus, va'iduH. ttudy stadia, pi. subdue, p#co. su 'Jugate? subigo. ♦ buc/i talis. sudden, subitus, reppntinu?. sue ft>r, peto. sufficiently, satis. suitable, aptus. idoneu-'. sunmier, cestas. sun, sol. sunset, solis occasuf. svp, coeno/ superstition, superstitio. support, eustineo. suppose^ arbitror, opmor, cxistimo. tup press, opprimo. [deaitio. surrender, trado, dedo ; surrender, surround, circumdo, circumftfndo. inspect, biispicor. sustain, sustineo. sweet. dulcis. swell, augeo. swift, celer, velbx. swiftly celeriier. swftness, celeritaa. swim across, trcmo. sword, gladius; the sword, fomim. T. table, mensa. / take, swmo, capio. talk, loquor, colloqu^r. (each, doceo. tear, lacrinia. tear to pieces, lanio. tempest, tempestas. temper 1 {hasty,) iracutidi:*. ten, J(>3. t4nacious, tenax. terrible, atrox, terribilis. UNL'EUTAKI- terrify, pc'tcrrco. than, quam. i hen, turn. thick, densus. thief, fur. * . thing, res. think, reor, cogjlo, existiuio,puto. thirst, sitis. to thirst, 4; it\o. thirty, §63. though. \ 200. thousand, raillo. threaten, minor, through, per. [transjieio. throw, jftcio, jwi«to ; throw across, thrust through, trans (i go. thunder, tonitru. till, dum, donee, quoad time, tempus together, unn, cot: •. tooth, dens. top, juramus, (nions, &c. ) torture, crucial us. towards, ad, adversus, tower, turris. fo«'f»,-oppidum. traitor, prcditor. transport, transport'*. treaty, fcedus. tree, arbor. tribute, stipendiom. true, varus, truth, veritns. trumpet, tuba. . trust, confide . turn, verto. twenty, two, $c, $ 6:' U. utiable,\Tapotena,to bs — -,non poset. unaccustomed, insu 304 VOCABULARY. UNDULY. unduly, prseter modurn. undutifuln ess, 5 inpiet a«. unhurt, integer. unjust, in/quus. . unlike, dissimilis. until, dum, donee, quod. unwilling, inVuus^/o be — ■, nolo. urge on, coiicito, i-ncit^. use, t/sus. useful, u til is. V. vacant, (to be), vaco. i»aZor, -virtus, fortitude. ».'i£ilo. water; aqua. wave, lluetus. wag. via, iter. weak, infirmus. weary, fessus, defeseu*. weep, lacrimo, fleo. weight, pondusr nell, neiie ; to be — vale<». vhat ?■ quid? quis? ,*what. quod. when, quum. H'henee, unde. YOUTH. where, ubi. • whether, mirb, utrura, an. which? quis? utcr, (of two') whi e, albus. whither, quo. who f qui ? quis ? whole, totus. why 9 cur.? quarc?* * wieked, i m p ro b u s . wide, latus. wife, uxor, conjux. wind, ventus. wine, vtnum.. wing, ala. winter, hiems. winter quarter?,, hiberoa. wisdom, snpientin. \u-ise, sapiens. \wish, volo. \with, cum \without, Bine. [witness, testis. \woman, mulier. wonder, mtro r. [wonderful, nurue. itvood, silva. \word, verbium * bring,— Hfttohtio \work, opus. [world, m"wndu8, ovhis lev? arm?:. tvorse, worst pejor, pv-ssimus. worship, celo. tcorthy, dignus. wound, yulnus ; ttiPwouttdjVtilDerQ wretched, mi?er. icrite, scrtbo. writer, scriptor. wrong, (to do,) pecoo, male facta Y. year, annus, yearly, qaotann->. yesterday, heri. yet. tarn en. yield, c^do, concede. , yoke, jugum. your, tuus, vester. lyoung, juvenis. youth, juvenilis. • sm "5 jf School fiookf 5^5^11 KJX^ i'i.xr.