r. ' 0931 crtf 'ami r&8 *-*©* Duke University Libraries D03210429L 2© or 25 good able bodied men wanted to fill up th anks of a company in tli 5th Regiment now in cam]] it Raleigh. $100 bounty.-- his is your last opportunity J I V GO Nli MEN, f o go into a good company, in No. 1 Regiment and save he bounty as a Volunteer.— he Conscription bill has »assed both houses of the Con- federate Congress and you ill soon be called to go--* ounty or no Bounty. Ap ly without delay. I J. A. LINDSAY, g P. S. I expect to leave for the camp at Raleigh ~!jst instant *»fc p '-." ■ I pH 8.5