i% m •*W ^ il ,♦ V y rf! && . r ^tSi**** 1 ** V w •i * #w J M ! / >Sf B IS iw W^ *%2 1 '4 R^j^-^ DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Treasure 7(gom .w v. rulf ■ff adv . bSSiHlk.il , , V ^ % M . O . -• $7i '■^.^ 2 *T ^ V- & '# . *•- '."" vM. ' ;; ' ' ''"' .:. k ** »*V^ i V liV , : "S \^> ft* #** . v. -;-~ > *.. â J>6 il T Her Grace thé Dutchess of ORM ADAM, Contrary to the Cuftom of Au^ thors, in this Age, who confider only Intereft, and are not aflia- med to dedicate their Writings to fuch, whofe Vices render them as remarkable as their Titles; I was determin'd to prefent The DoBrine of Morality to a Perfon, whofe Vertiies, as well as Quality, might awe the Vitious : One, whom I could not be thought to flat- ter, even when I moft commended, nor blufli to praife. In your Grace I have found this Perfon; You, Madam, have every Virtue that our Sex can glory in ; a Mind Noble as your Birth, Charming as your Per- fon ; a Temper fo Sweet and Humble, that you gain the Love» as well as the Refpe& of all that have the Honour to converfe with, or approach you : In all Conditions of Life, as a Wife, Parent, Miftrefs, and Friend, you, Madam, have Ihown yourfelf a perfeét a 2 Chriftten, DE D ICATIÔN, Chriftian, and done Honour to the Noble Family from whence you are defcended ; even your Enemies (for fuch uncommon Vertue muft have fome ) have not once dared to attack your fpotlefs Charader : had you not been born to be fo, your Merit alone would have made you worthy to be a Princefs. Tis for thefe Reafons, above all others, that I love and ho- nour you; and am glad of this Opportunity to tell the World how much I refpeâ you : Neither can I omit to mention the particular Favour your Grace did me, in prefenting my Memorial to her late Ma- jefly, whofe immortal Name will be ever dear to all that knew her ; which engages me flill more to love you. The Book I here lay at your Feet, was Compo- sed by a Great Man, for the Inflrudion of a Young Monarch, whofe Fame has fince fpread itfelfover the World; and prefented to a Queen, who was one of the moft Fortunate and Prudent that ever fill cl a Throne : It was put into Englijh by the young Gen- tleman whofe Name is to it, with Defign to perfuade our Young Nobility into the Love of thofe Vertues it teaches ; which he, by his Example, though very young, flrove to recommend to all his Acquaintance, in that Univerfity of which he was a Member : by his Death it became mine. I prefume to addrefs your Grace, to take this Orphan into your Protection. Pardon my Prefumption, Madam, and do me the Ho- nour to believe me, when I profefs, That no Perfoq more fincerely Admires and Loves your Grace, than Your Grace's Moft Obedient Humble Servant, Penelope Aubin. Dum dubitat quo te cœlator munere ionet , Te, ratus est ecelo aiqimu esse nihil , M Advertif ement tv the READ E R. N the following Preface you will find the true Sentiments of him who writ it, whom it has pleafed Divine Providence to de- prive the World of, before this Book could pafs the Prefs: I am confident that all the Generous Part of Mankind will treat it with Indulgence, and pardon any Errors, fince he wrote it in a lan- guifliing Sicknefs, and has not lived to look into, and reform any little Overfights in it. I hope, that as his Memory is dear to all who knew him, fo this will perpetuate his Name to Pofterity ; and that, tho he did not live to fee his Five and Twentieth Year ended, yet this his Ingenious Work will live till Time fhall ceafe, and will fully anfwer his Excellent Defign in Publifhing it. Penelope Aubin. (vii) The Tranflator's Preface. N an Age, when Men Jeem almoft entirely abandon a to Vice and Fouy, it will, doubtlefs y of fear fir ange, to fee a Toung Man jlep fcrth with the Air of a Stoick, and Jpeak to the World in the Style of Plato and Zeno, and court the Attention of the gayeft Part of Man- kind with grave Dijcourfes of Death and Ver- tue ; when Religion herjelf is become the Object of their Scorn, and is Jo much difguifed, even among thofe who profefs to honour her, that Jhe appears drejjed in Majquerade. A good Moralifi oft makes a good Chrifiian ; and jtnce the Holy Writings are Jo little under flood or reverenced, perhaps Philojovhy, which directed the wijer Heathens to Jearch after Truth, may prevail with Men to follow Reajon, Jubmit to Divine Revelation, and reform the World. The French Author, whoje Work I here prejent to you, was, doubtlejs, of this Opinion; and therefore made Choice of the Stoicks Morals to re- form his own Nation. Zeno Jeems now to have quitted France, to vifit us in a manner uncommon. He comes from a Nation whoje Fafhions we love and follow : be fides, we are fond of Novelties ; and our Practice muft convince all Men, that his Morals are altogether new to us ; which makes me hope they will be acceptable. Both he and I expecl to be the Objetf of the Critic ks Malice, and the vitious Mans Scorn; but if the Vertuous and the Learned bid us welcome, we are happy above our Expectations. b z Th* viii The Tranflator's PREFACE. The fir ft Thing 1 learn d was, That Imufi die; Religion and Phi lof op hy J found to be the only Things that could render that Thought agreeable, and not dreadful to me. 1 am not vain enough to imagine that 1 fhatl get Honour by [this Tranflation : but I am in hopes that I may do good, and that I may, by this Work, fhow how much I love and honour Vertue. I have been obliged (many of the Difcourfes of this Book at the begin- ning being very intricate, and little diverting) fometimes to turn and add to many of the Sentences, yet without altering the Deftgn of Monfieur Gomberville, who feems to have adapted the Senfe and Eloquence of each Difcourfe to the Time of Life it treats of; Jo that when he comes to jpeak of Bufinefs, Solitude, and Death, he. generally fhines mo ft. This I men- tion^ to avoid Cenfure from thofe who perfectly under /land the French. Thomas Manington Gibbs, am The French PREFACE, and Tranflation. X oc- which had in a fhort time acquired him a trine ; çj que la nouveauté d'une chofe fi great number of Followers) he caufed to dificile, luy eut acquis un grand nombre be built that fumptuous Gallery, of which de feïïateurs, il fit baftir cette fuperbe moft of the Antients have made mention, Galerie, dont tous les Anciens ont parlé as _ one of the greateft Ornaments of the comme d'un des plus grans ornemens de la City of Athens. It was not the Richnefs of Ville d 'Athènes. Ce ne fut toutefois n'y the Materials, or the Beauty of the Struc- la Richeffe de la Matière, n'y la Beauté ture, that made this Edifice pafs for one de la Structure, qui firent p offer cet Edi- °f the Wonders of Greece. The Out- fice pour line des mervilles de la Greece, fide was indeed magnificent ; but that was Ee 'Dehors véritablement eftoit magnifique, nothing in compaifon of the Rarities with Mais e'efioit peu de chofe à comparaifon which the Infide was embellifhed. The des Raretez dont le dedans eftoit enrichy. .Stairs which led to it were Porphyry and On-wontoit par un grand degré de for- Marble, to which join'd the Gallery, where phyreffr de Marbre, dans tine Galerie, the moft eminent Painters of that Age had où les plus fcavant Peintres du terns a- employed the utmoft both of their Fancy voient epuifè leur Imagination, (j fait and Judgment. The arched Roof, adorned leurs derniers efforts. La voûte cojtipre- wirh Pieces of Painting, contained all that noit en huiû grans tableaux, tout ce que the moft pure Religion of that Time taught la Religion la plus épurée de ce fiecle-là, of the Nature of the Divine Being. On each . enfeignoit de la Nature des T>ieux. T>e fide were placed fifty large Pictures, wherein chaque cofté, Von voyoit cent autres grans were fhewn all the fevere Morals of theSto- tableaux, ok comme da?is des Cartes, icks. It was in this Place that Zeno changed eftoit renfermée toute la fevere Morale des the Nature of Man, and, of a miferable Crea- Stoiques. C 'eftoit là, que Zenon changeait tu re, fubjed to tremble and faint at every la Mature de l'Homme ; & que d'un mife- Change of Fortune, compofed Heroes, capa- rablc jouet du terns & de la Fortune ; // ble to difpute Glory' and Happinefs even wirh compofoit un Héros capable de difputer Jupiter himfelf. This facred Place was for avec Jupiter même, de la Gloire & de la a long time held in the fame Repute amongft Félicité. Ce lieu fainfl fut lo7ig-têms re- Men, as the Temples of the Gods. But gardé par les Hommes, avec le même re- the Brutality of the Terfians, and the Am fpeÛ qu'ils ont de conftume d'avoir pour bkion of the Romans, (who glory 'd ii in les ' com- PREFACE. les Temples mêmes des 'Dieux. Mais la ^Brutalité des Terfes (y P Ambition des Romains, f ai fans gloire de commettre des Sacrileges ; & de fouler aux pieds les chofes les plus fainfles, après avoir ren- verfé les Autels de la Grèce, mirent par terre la demeure facrèe de la Vertue dif- ficile ; je veux dire la fuperbc (j facrèe Galerie de Zenon. Quelques curieux fe jetterent au travers de la Flamme (y du Fer pour en fauver quelques tableaux. Mais le l'élus a felon fa coufiume, achevé ce que le Fer (y le Feu avoient commencé ; (y les Autheurs mêmes qui nous ont appris que cette fçavante Galerie s'apelloit la Variée, ne nous 07it laiffè rien de particu- lier 'de ce qui ejioit reprefentè dans les tableaux dont elle efioit embellie. Or comme il arrive prefque en toutes les cho- fes du monde, que le Têms fait revivre après de grandes Revolutions, celles qu'il avoitfait périr, il efi advenu par que. que bien-heureufe advanture, qu'un Voyageur fcavant (y curieux, a rencontré des lames de bronze gravées; (y avec beaucoup de raifon il a cru que c'eftoient les deffeins des Tableaux ou Zenon avoit et allé toute la 'Pompe çy toute la Hattteur de fon Ame. Çuoy qu'il en fait, ce curieux efi louable d'avoir renouvelle la mémoire d'une Galerie jfi 'délectable (y ft necejfaire; & voulant en imiter le premier Auteur, non feulement il Va fait belle, mais il l'a fait publique. File efi ouverte à tous ceux que l 'Amour de la Vertu appelle à la connoijfancc de fes myfteres. Puifque vous avez cette belle envie, & que vous m'avez choifi pour vôtre guide, Je vous promets l 'entrée de £e lieu fainÛ- JLe voila, qui comme fe?i- fible à vôtre honnefie curiojité, fe prepare à vous bien recevoir. Entrons y tous en- semble. Mais pour en tirer le Profit que nous en efperons, entrons y tous entiers ; (y ne laijfons point nos efprits parmy les voluptez (y les mollejfes, pendant que nous yeux feront attachez fur fes Tableaux, ou elles font cofidammes, comme les plus mor- telles E?memies de la veritable Félicité. XI committing Sacrilege, and trod under foot the moft facred things) after having thrown down the Altars of Greece, rafed to the Earth this facred Dwelling, whereunto Virtue feem'd to have made herlaft Re- treat : And thus was destroyed this fumptu- ous and invaluable Gallery. Some curious Perfons indeed threw themfelves into the Flames, even amidft the Swords of their mercilefs Enemies, and faved a Part of thofe admirable Pieces. But Time (as is cuftomary ) finifhed what the Fire and Sword began ; and even the Authors . themfelves, who have informed us of this lovely Gallery (which was called nOiKi'AH stoa) have left us no particular account of what was reprefented in the incomparable Pictures with which it was adorned. But, as it ofc happens in the Affairs of this mu- table World, fome unforefeen Revolution revives what was in a manner before deftroy- ed ; it chanced luckily, that a curious and learned Traveller met with fome Copper Plates, which, with good reafon he conclu- ded, by the Defigns contained in them, were taken from thofe admirable Pictures, in which Zeno had fhewed all the Majefty and Greatnefs of his Soul. Whether he is in the right or not, he deferves at leaft Commendation, for having revived the Memory of this ufeful Gallery : And, wil- ling to imitate the firft Founder, he has here in a manner more durable and uni- verfal, re-edify'd this beauteous Structure, and again opened its long negle&ed Doors, to invite Mankind to enter, and partake of its immortal Pleafures. Here, generous Strangers, come, and be undeceived ; learn to defpife the trifling Pleafures, that allure the unwary Part of you, and become He- roes and Demi-Gods. You who poffefs no Crowns, may here attain to be fuch,as merit to have greater, and more lafting Honours. Hither then I invite all thofe who are inclined to love and honour Ver- nie, to whom fhe will make known her facred Myfteries : and if you, my Reader, have this happy noble Curiofity, and will make choice of me for your Guide, I pro- mife you an Entrance into this facred Place. Behold it here, and open to receive you 1 Let us go in entire ; and, that we may not lofe the Advantages we hope for, let us free our Souls from all evil Inclina- tions, and, whilft our Eyes are entertained with the charming Delights that Vertue offers to us, fuffer not our Minds to ligh and languifh after the common Satisferons which delude Mankind, though in reality, they are the mortal Enemies of our Re- pofe and Happinefs, THE " ■ A Table of the Contents of the Two BOOKS, N. The Firft BOOK. Cuts. i 2 3 4 5 6 ATTIRE begins, Education fini flies Man, • Education out-does Nature, Education can do all Things, Vertue prefuppofes the Purity of the Soul, To fly Vice, is to jollow Vertue, To be Vertuous, you mufl be ABive, He that never begins Thing, By running we arrive at the Goal, Vertue flies all Extremes, 9 In flying one Vice, the Imprudent fall into another, 10 Nature regulates our Defies, 1 1 To hate Vice , we mufl firfl know how to diflinguifli it, 12 The Study of Vertue is the chief End of Man, 13 In all Conditions we may be vertuous, The Covetous fear all Things , yet feem infenfl- hie of all Things, 53 Avarice is infatiate, 54. The covetous Man is his own Tormentor 5 j One Blindnefs is attended with another, 56 The Covetous dye as they live, 57 The Malice of the covetous Man furvives even after he is dead, Riches are a Blejflng to good Men, will never accompli/!) any The Good Man is beloved by all the World, 8- The End of the Firft Book. 58 59 60 The Second BOOK. *4 The Cure of the Soul , is more vecejfary than that of J? the Body, 15 INVERT Man ought to follow his Genius, Love Vertue for herfelf alone, 16 The Fool always complains of his Condition, God alone has no fuperior, 17 Tremble before the Throne of the Living God, 18 Impiety is the Caufe of all Calamities, 19 The Wicked puniflj one another, 20 Man was born to love, 21 By Loving, we become per fed:, 22 It is necejfary that we jhould love, to be beloved, 23 For every Failing we fini a Pretence, He that lives well, makes a fortunate Voyage, Learning is thegreatefl Bleffing Man can acquire, Idlenefs is the Mother of Vice, Whofoever loves Vertue, defpifes all other Things, The IVife alone are free, The Wife are immoveable, The good Man isfafe in all Places, 24 A good Confcience is invincible, 2 5 % He that lives well, conceals not his Actions, 26 J&rtue never fails to meet with its Reward, The Love of the^People, is the Strength of a King- He that fuffers much, gains much, dom, True FrieftdJInp is diflnterefled, + A true Friend, fees not his Frienjfs Faults, RefpeB your Friend, but take Care of yourJelf, Silence is the Life of Friend flnp, • '*** T Envy is the Death of Friendflnp, He that enjoys the Necejfaries of Life ,' has\ftothing The Mind mufl fometimes be unbent, more to wifl) for, "• 30 * The wife Man is not always grave, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 14 27 jffemal Honours are the Fruits of elaborate Stu- 28 dies, 15 29- Vertue renders us immortal, 16 17 18 Temperance is the Sovereign Good, 3 1 Mirth is a Part of Wifdom, 'Je that is Happy in his own Opinion , is really The wife Man laughs in Seafon, A Country Life is preferable to all others, A retired Life is the befl, The Exceffes of the Body are the Death of Soul, The Price of fenfual Pleafures is Repentance, There is no Crime without its Puniflment, Vice is a perpetual Slavery, The Vicious fill go on from one Crime to ano- Nothing paffes away more fwiftly than Life, ther, 39 Every Thing perijlies with Time, He only is Rich, who defpifes Riches, 40 The Fear of Death is tbejufl Puniflment of the Am- 32 33 34 the 35 36 37 38 19 20 Vertue is the ObjeB of Envy, 2 I Envy yields to Death alone. 2 2 Vertue triumphs over all her Enemies, 25 AH Things change , to the End that all Things may continue, All Ages have had their particular Vices, We ought to make ufe of Time, Regret not the Timepafl, bitious, 41 Fear is the confiant Companion of Greatnefs, 42 Fear accompanies the Wicked every where, 43 Poverty is rather a Bleffing than a Misfortune, 44 Poverty is no Hindrance to Vertue, 45 All yield to the Daemon of Riches, 46 jT/Therfites were rich, bed be taken for Achil- les, . 47 An inordinate Deflre of Riches is inconfflent with Ho- vefly, 48 Money corrupts all Mm, 49 Fortune cannot give Defert, $0 The Love' of Riches is an endlefs Pain, 5 1 Covctoufnefs is a great Misfortune, S 2 24 2? 26 27 28 29 3o 3* 32 3? 34 3? True Philofophy is to learn to die, Old Age has its Pleafures, Seek not to inform thy felf of what's to come, Death is unavoidable, Live without fearing to die, The Aged ought to think of nothing but dying, There is no Precaution can beufedto prevent Death, 36 Death deprives us of all Earthly Things, 37 Death makes all Men equals, 38 Nothing isfo certain as Death, 39 The Road to Death, is common to all Mtn . 40 Death is inexorable, .41 Man is nothing but a little Dujf, 42 Death is the End of all Things, \ 43 B The Doctrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Firft Picture. La Nature commence, la Nourriture achevé. ^Jis%.OSTRE Peintre Philofopke jette en ce Ta- N % bleau les fondement de fa doiïrhe ; & vous ^t^M, *y*" s i P ar . manière de dire , remis dans le berceau, vous donne un t nouveau fentimevt Nature begins, Education fîniftes Man, ,$«&&%!. H E Philofopher and Painter have com* J T ï prized in this Picture, the Fundamen- J §, tals of that Doctrine, which they are noW beginning to teach. They feem Join fins, des connoiffarces qui font purement intelhBueUeS) Animals have much the Advantage ; and Man i« ilprefie des corps à des chofes qui v^ en ont point % &rë prefente avec beaucoup a" art , cette piiiffance favorable & féconde que Von appelle Nature, Jl luy fait tenir' comme par Id main, Vinclinatiov vértnenfe qu'elle nain donne en mus donnant la vie ; & la prefente à cette fouveraine dijpevfattke.des Mavrs , par les foins de qui cette inclination doit ejlre foigneufement cultivée the moft Helplefs and Unfortunate of all Créa* tures. Yet, they intend, not by convincing us of this unpleafant Truth, to deject us, but, on the contrary, to raife in our Souls a noble Ambition j dewing as to confider , that' this beauteous and de- licate Form , which requires fo much Care , is raced within with a Soul folar furpaifing all other La voyez-vous- cette Nymphe , fi pleine de pudeur & fi Beings," that it needs only Education , to be like fimplement habillée, ' Elle' fait à h fagejfe- une -bien that Divine One , which made all Things. Thus rSifue, mais èîërf lettable decUratiàn de fin impttif- they encourage us to the Pturfuit of Studies noble fame ; & luy confejfe qiiil luy manque beaucoup de arid Mafculine ; and to defpife all Things unwor- chofes pour la perfection de fes ouvrages. Elle la fol- thy the Dignity of our Original, For this - Rea- licite aujfi d i he/-cirfa charité envers uftfukt qui en ejl fon they give Bodies to Things purely intellectual { bien digne ; & de luy fournir cette nourriture foli de Ù and, with much Art , represent to our Imaginati* fortifiante, q«e toute bonne mers quelle ejl , elle tféft one, that favourable and fruitful Power, known to pas capable de, iuj dmmêf. La Deétfe des Arts & dit Us by the Name of Nature , holding by the Hand, Sciences, comme . elle tout* tfnereufe, fe laiffe toucltfr in the Form of a Youth, that admirable Gift Un* aux premier»* foUisitationi de /<». Nature, Elle fe derftandins $ which is given to us all (tho' not in haijfe poUr relever de tSrre , eêtts tendre production iê a like Perfection) at the Moment of our Forma* fon amie ; & luy promet it in Avoir tout le foin quill» tion ; and which renders us capable of thegreateft a coufiumè Ravoir ieceUk q^ui luy ïm fient la conduite Improvements. She prefents him to Pallas, the ie leur vie. Confiderez , je vous prie i combien ingB- fbvereign Difpofer of Wifdom , by whofe tender fiieufement nôtre Peintre a figuré eette inclination, vèr- Care alofle, he muft be govern'd and inftructed. tueufe avec laquelle nous nmjfons. Son vifage p*Jle t ÎSehold this Nymph , whofe Face is full Of Mode- fes mains jointes, fon aUion fuppliante, fon babit dé* fty, her Habit artiefsf a.nd plain. She makes to étiré, &-fes armes inutiles^ font autant de teftttmn» de Wifdom an eloquent but laudable Declaration of fa foible fe, dejbn ignorance f & de fa crainte. La her own Inability : Gonfeihng , that tho 1 foe had Sagejfe qui xontmjl bien que eette tnnoeente infortunée new form'd ana brought into the World this fair •ft encore plus fêhle J& [plus impvijfanteqtt'tllè ne p* Creature, yet there Were ftill wanting many roifi, luy rafjeure Vefprit , luy échauffe le cœvr f luy Things to perfed her Work. She then earneftly infpire la force, luy apprend Vufage des armes que fit intreats her to eiercife her Charity upon an Ob* inere luy a données j & luypromyt de ne la point abdn- êtmner, quelle ne Fait rendue viSorieufe des MonfirlS, qui de toutes parts s'affembteni pVufiatembattfe. je il «y recueille risn. Leave not the whole to Nature's Care alone, ■ Each muft to her Endeavours add to» WW, \ Or no Succefc wOlall hà Laboors Cwt .,„, . The fertil'ft Land muft be improved and tilld; For he that never fows, will never reap his Field. The The Doftrine o/Moralitï; or, The Explanation of the Second Picture. La Nourriture furmonte la Nature. Education out- does Nature* «^ r €« «f « B Elf View. OICT m grand exemple de l'empire ab- folù avec lequel la Sage (je règne far la A a- f ture. Nojlre Philofophe muet nous le fi- UttLSJ&l gVre avec t01lt ce q& fan Art a de beau -, & pour nous le rendre plus fenjible, il re- nouvelle ce fpeiïacle inftruSif qui fut autrefois repre- fettté fur le plus fameux Tfjeatre de la Grèce. Voyez- vous cet homme Ji plein de Majejlé , qui tient lire table de brome où font gravées des Loix qui ne font gueres ~°~ Liwcm mais, iawnv:a ti oit Laws > moins dures que lemetail mefme ; Ceft ce grand Lycur- engraved that were no lefs durable , than the Me gusquipar une politique plus qu'humaine, compofa d'une tal it felf : It is the great Lycnrgus, who by a Po- Republique toute perdue de debauches & de luxe , une licy more than human, compofed of a Republick ylEHQLD here a convincing Inftance TJ3 of that abfolute Power, with which ~ ' Wifdom governs Nature. Our mute ^ Philofopher has in this Picture ufed the utrneft of his Art, and fet forth to our . that inftrudtive Scene, which was long lince acted on the moll famousTheatre of all Greece. Ob- ferve'this Perfon of a Majeftick Mien,holdingin his Hands a Table of Brafs, in which thofe Laws were focieté de Héros & de Philofophes. ' Cet excellent Per- fonnae eft encore aux premiers jours defon adminiftra- tiott ; & les Lacedemoniens apprennent encore les pre- miers rudiments de cette haute vertu dont il veut les rendre capables. Avjji les traitte-t'il comme de nou- veaux efcholiers, & pourparler aivfi, comme des Cate r ..~,»„*. 3» r- f„„.„-,. m,:i~r—i.:- at_„ n...i *. • loft in Luxury and Eafe , a Society of Heroes and Philofophers. This excellent Perfon was at that Time in the firft Days of his Adminiftration j and the Laced&monians were learning the firft Rudi- ments of that exalted Vertue , of which he would render them ProfeiTors. He therefore treats them v ~« », w r .m. K ^t r r „j. ,» vm „.* »- y*«- —""-x «icii .± luicjiois. ne tnereiore treats them cumenes de Jajevere Philofophe. Aon feulement il like young Students, or Catechumens of his fevere leur enfeigne que la Nature ne fait que Vexterieur de Philofophy ; endeavouring not only to convince Vhomme, & que V education ejlant véritablement celle them, -that Nature makes the exterior Part of Man qui luy donne fame, la cognoijfance, & la vie , achevé alone, and that Education gives him Life Senfe ce que la Nature a commencé ; mais il veut aujfi leur and Condudt , and fo is the Finifher of what Na! faire comprendre que TinftruEtion pent reformer les de- ture only begins ; but likewife fhews them that fordres de la naiffance, & forcer imperieufement les Education can reform what fhe has left impèrfedt mouvements & les inclinations quelle donne. Pour le and abfolutely govern and command thofe Incli- leur faire avouer à eux mefmes, & les convaincre par nations which would undo us, if they were not re- leursproprecogvoiffar.ee, il fait laf cher devant eux un ftrainU To oblige them to acknowledge this Mâtin qu'il avoit drejfé pour la chajfedu lièvre ; & un Truth by their own Experience, he caufes to be Levron dont il avoit corrompit lagenerofté naturelle, loofed a Maftiff, who had been taught to courfe en le tenant enfermé dans me cuijine. L'un & Vau- the Hare ; and a Greyhound, whofe natural Gene-' tre voyant leurproyey courent avec la mefme impetuo- rofity had been viciated by being never ufed to fié. Voila le Mâtin après un lièvre qui paroijl, & le the Game ; then a Hare was fet in View and at leurier après lafouppequ on luy jette. Vous remarquez the fame Inftant a Difh of Meat and Broth The] lien aux pojlures & aux admirations dont le Peintre Dogs run with equal Fury, but different Ways • anime fes figures, quel eft le fentiment de toute cette The Maftiff, contrary to his Nature after the multitude eftonnée. Il me femble mefme, tant le Pein- Hare- the Greyhound to the Meat 'You may tre me trompe agreeablement, que j'entends parler Li- eafily conjedture by the various looks and Ge- curgus, & que s adrejfant a ce peuple : Seigneurs La- ftures of the admiring Speftators, artfully andl cedemomens, ( leur dit-il) vous voyez de vos propres lively delineated by our Painter, what were thel yeux la confirmation des veritez que je vous ay foment Sentiments of this aftonifh'd Multitude So ingeni- annoncees.^ Ces deux chiens font d'une nature toute ouflyarethe Figures done, that methinks I even I contraire ace qu ils viennent de faire. Cependant par hear Lycurgus thus addreiïing himfelf to the Peo-I la necefite de cette obeïjfance aveugle, que la nourriture pie : Noble Lacedemonians , fays he , you behold! exige des naturels les plus rebelles & les phsindompta- here with your own Eyes, the Confirmation of I blés, ils ont efte forcez d oublier leurs propres pajions, that Truth, which I have fo often declared to you f pourfereveftir de celles qui leur font direBement oppo- Thefe Two Dogs are of Natures quite different Jees. tela ejtant, jugez vous mefmes combien la Nour- from what they have adted ; yet ( by the Power! nture eft pmf ante ■ & ce quelle doit obtenir fur des of that entire Obedience, which Education brin J Animaux raifonnables,^ puis qu elle caufe de fi grands the moft ftubborn and rebellious Tempers to ) thevl changemens en ceux qui ne lefontpas. have been obliged even to renounce the Inclinati- a- xu r* . d. • xt ,-„ ons they were fornfd to follow, and to do what iîl diredlly oppofite to their Natures. If Brutes are capable of fuch Improvements, that a Maftiff may b taught to hunt-, judge your felves what mighty Things a Rational Creature affifted by a generouJ Education, may attain to ; and what an unbounded Power Reafon ought to have over us ' Aj^sZjt'vj:.**/ Educatio Mores facit. Virgil Adeo à teneris ajfuefcere multum eft. Georg. 2. Ovid. — Nihil ajfuetudine majus : guod male fers, cjfuefce, feres bene : multa vetuflas Lemt. Education makes Manners. The Mind for Vertue foon prepare j In Youth let that be all your Care. Habits by Time ftill ftronger prove ; By Cuftom 'tis we hate or love. Ev'n tort'ring Pains, andpreffing Woe, Painful when firft their Stings we know, By Time and Cuftom lighter grow. &« A View of H u m an Li v e. 5 Quiconque a des enfans au vice abandonnez, N'a point d'excufes legitimes : Car fous quelque afeendant que ces vwnjlres forent nez, Sa feule nonchalance a caufé tous leurs crimes. He that has Children funk and loft in 111, No juft Defence or wife Excufe can make : Tho'at their Birth fome fatal Stars combin'd, His Negligence with their bad Influence join'd. In Youth we may coned the vicious Will, Which then can lofe the Black, and Fair Impref- L fions take. C Expli- The Dofîrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Third Picture. •MS ''Ai La Nourriture peu tout. ^IHllllB- E Ventre vous ayant fait voir un grava s§ exemple de lapuijfance de V education, & ■L '0 combien foigneufement il faut que dés l'en- _..„._ jsp" fance vous [oyons retirez du commerce des «?%?<& «sow V ices, & net oyez de toutes les Jouilleurts, que nous apportons du ventre de nojlre mere, nous re- présente cette excellente InJIitution, & les follicitudes dont elle doit ejlre accompagnée par une comparai/on qu'il emprunte du judicieux Horace. Il compare nos efprits aux vafes , qui retiennent prefque toufours Yodeur , foit bonne, fait mauvaife, des pre?nieres li- queurs dont ils ont ejlé remplis. Mais d'autant qu'il a deffein de rendre nos yeux les premiers juges de fes pen- fées, il nous fgure une menagerie, dans laquelle plu- feurs femmes font occupées à nettoyer les vaijfeaux dont elles fe fervent pour conferver leurs plus chères li- queurs. Regardez cette jeune file qui verfe de Veau dedans une vaifféïle de terre encore quelle vayt jamais fervy. Elle vous enfeigne que c'ejl ainfx qu'il faut net- toyer vos âmes du mauvais goujl quelles peuvent avoir receu ou de la corruption du fang, ou de celle de la nour- riture. Le Pebttre fait luy mefme l'explication de fa fgure par un tableau quil a indûftrieufement placé con- tre la muraille de cette mefme menagerie. Nous y voy- ons plufeurs enfavs qui fous la conduitte G? la verge d'un maiftre J'age & fcavant, reçoivent peu a peu, comme une terre toute veuve ; les gouttes de cette ro- fée fpirituelle & féconde, qui fait germer dans les efprits, les femences des vertus & des J'ciences. ''Si, «.«!) F 'Xt «s M O Education can do all Things. CêlilàlfUR Painter having fhew'd us a great m H Example of the Power of Education, ggj proceeds next to inform us how necef- ^J-f îàry it is to take Care in our Infancy, i*»*®» that we are kept irom having any Commerce with Vice ; and perfectly to cleanfe our Minds from any Imperfections, which Child- hood or Nature incline us to. He therefore repre- fents the due Care and Sollicitude , with which this Duty is to be perform'd , by a Companion which he borrows from the' judicious Horace. He refembles our Minds to an earthen Veifel , which always retains the Scent ( whether Good or Bad) of that /Liquor with which it is firft fill'd. He here fhews to you a Room, in which lèverai Ser- vants are employ 'd to fèafon Vefïèls with Water, before they venture to put in more precious Li- quors. Obfèrve that young Damfèl, who is Warn- ing one to make it clean, and fit for Ufe. By this fhe informs you, that 'tis after this Manner we ought to purify our Souls from whatfoever evil Habits they may have contracted, either from the Corruption of our Difpofition or Education. The Painter has given the Moral of this Figure by a fmall Pi&ure, which he has induftrioufly placed againft the Wall of this Room. There you lèe Children , fitting in the Prefence of a wife and learned Mafter, lift'ning to whom, they receive by gentle Portions ( like the thirfty Earth water'd with Cœleftial Dew ) the refrefhing Showers of Inftru&ion , from whence the Seeds of Wifdom* and Vertue fpring up in their Souls. Vis Institutions. Hor.lib. i. Qiiofemel^ eft ivibuta recens, fervabh odor em Epift. 2. Te fa din. The Force of Education. Cafks long the Tafte, they firft receiv'd, retain, And ftrong Impreflions, made in Youth, remain. Succe A ffitw of H u m a n Li f e. Succe avec le laiiï ce -noble fentimevt, Whilft young, thefe Godlike Principles embrace, Que V amour des vertus donne aux Ames bien nées, That Heav'n beftows on Souls of noble Race : Nos cœurs- font des vai /féaux qui gardent conjlammevt With fragrant Verrues early fill the Mind, ^ Les premieres odeurs que Von leur a données. Which then is du&ile, and to Good inclin'd. The 8 The Doiïrine of M o r a l i t y ; or, The Explanation of the Fourth Piéture. La Vertu prefuppofê la pureté de l'amei Venue prefuppofes the Purity of the Soul. ^^j|#^ L L Men have not been fo happy as s^uJîÊ2 t ^g, t0 b e we \i educated, or not couti- ls "^ *§& nue ^ to ^ ve ^° P ure ty> as tne y we *e aCU-^-rifefr at firft tanp-ht. For this Caufè our ^|^ US les hommes ou if 'ont pas ejlé bien ^àjL.Jt* *gfe__ in fruits, ou n'ont pas toujours confervé 1 ' " "' * as A m yfâ&t at fi 1 ^ tau g nt - pwï$ Painter fèts forth this fécond Simile, to teach his Pupils with what Preparation they ought to approach Vertue. He counfels them to purify their Souls from all the Stains andBlemifhes they have contracted in the Company of Vice, and by a voluntary renouncing of depraved Na- ture, determine their Wills always to do Noble and Good A&ions. To give more Force and E- nergy to his Precepts, he here reprefents to us, the Heads of a Family who are gone into their Cellars, to fee . themfelves whether the Veffels , with which they are fill'd , are well cleans'd, and of good Scent, before the precious Wines are pour'd into 'em, with which the Family muft be fiipport- ed, till Heaven's Bounty furnifhes , with the next Seafon, a new Store. Confider thefe wife CEcono- mifts * they admonifh you that it is but in vain, that Heaven lhow'rs down its Graces on us with Profufion -, fmce they are too often render'd ufe- lefs to us , by the Impurity of our Minds, which are unworthy to receive them. This reverend old Man, who fèems appointed Judge of the Goodnefs of the Veflèls, fpeaks loudly to all Fathers by his Adions ( more intelligibly than the Words ) not to commit the Care of their Children but to Per- fons, whofe long Experience and confummate Vertue renders them fuch, as thofè young Souls may be charm'd to admire and imitate ; that all the WeaknefTes we bring into the World with us, may thus be reform'd, and that Innocence reftored to us, which our firft Parents deprived us of by their Difobedience. sffl cjï?. injtruits, ou n ont pas toujiours conjerve |«3 T ç5J| la pureté de leur premiere injlitution. %^/^iCSf ǧ C'ejl pourquoy nofire Peintre éjlalh cette 3^>g3$3&ig35pg féconde comparai/on pour apprendre à fes Efcoliers avec quelle preparation il faut s 3 approcher de la Vertu. Il le confeillè de purifier leurs âmes des foiiilkîtres qu'elles ont contraBées dans la compagnie des vices , & par une abnegation voluntaire des privi- leges de la rature corrompue, déterminer leur volonté à jaire toujîours de bonnes aBions. Pour donner plus d'évidence & plus deforce à fes fentimens, il nous re- prefer.te plufeurs bons mefnagers qui font defeendus dans leur Cave, pour cognoijlre eux mefmes fi les vaif- feaitx dont elle efi pleine, n'ont rien qui puiffe gajler ce qu'ils veulejit mettre dedaiis. Confiderez bien ces fa- ges Qeconomes. Ils vous diront que c'efi bien vaine- ment que le Ciel vous envoyé fes graces avec profufion, puis qu'elles font ordinairement gafiees par l'impureté des vai (féaux où elles font receuès. Ce bon vieillard quifemble avoir efié confiitué juge de la qualité des va- fes qu'on veut emplir, parle hautement à tous les pères, çtfjeur enjoint par fon aBion bien mieux qu'il ne fe- roit par beaucoup de paroles, de ne commettre ïinfiru- Bion de leurs énfans qu'à des perfonnes qui par leur longue experience & par leur probité confommée, peu- vent rendre à ces jennes âmes, cette innocence origi- naire que le premier péché leur ofla long temps aupara- vant quelles fu (fient formées. Animus purgandtjs. Hor.Isb.i.SwcwH»j efi nifivas, qvodeumque infundis, acefeit. Epift. 2. Lib. 3 . Od. 24. Eradenda Cupidinis Frwifwtt elementa : & teners, nimis Mentes afperioribus Formanda Jludiis. PrjRIFY THE MlND. Tho' pure the Wine, in vain you toil, The Veffel fower'd, the whole will fpoil. Sin muft be rooted out with Care, And folid Vertues planted there : The very Seeds muft be difplac'd, And our too foft enfeebl'd Mind, To Eafè and Luxury incline!, Muft be with manly Vertues grae'd. val. Max. Oim renwwiatur vitiis , fintirn adfeifcitur virtus ; The Moment we bid adieu to our Vices, we ad Lib.p.d. ram egrefus vitiorum, virtutis operatvr ingrefum, quire Vertue: For the ceafing to be Vicir^ makes us become Virtuous, Reformons A View of Human %.i i e. 9 Reformons nojlre vie ; efpurotis vos pevfées, Affin que les vertus fe plaifent doits vos cœurs. Ces ejfetices du Ciel comme d? autres liqueurs I Vrennent le gouj du vafe où Von les a verfées. ' From Vice, and ev'ry Error, free your Mind, That Virtue there a pleafing Seat may find : This glorious Being, tho' it's Make's divine,* $he Body oft' afFefts, as tainted Calks the Wine. D Jhe IO The Doiïrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Fifth Picture. Fuir le Vice, c'eft fuivre la Vertu. sé&âis&i>OUS venons d'aprendre combien nous ^Sa6ÔôSg|. f omwes -foibles , combien nous fommes - * ^ Ht* i m F ar f aits * Êf combien facilement nous *S§jgj3ggflgg;§» nous laijfons emporter à let corruption de «gs^R^Bs^fM^ yoflre nature. Mais aujji nous avons vu qu'il ne nous efipas impojfible de furmonter les infirmi- té*, de nofire miffance ; & que fi nous avons ajfez de cœur pour nous fortifier contre nofire propre foible jfe, Tious parviendrons infailliblement au fommet de cette montagne fi pénible, mais fi defirable , d'où la vertu nous porte dans le Ciel. Voyons maintenant par quel chemin & par. quelles difficulté?, nous y devons arriver. Si nous confiderons bien ce tableau, nous y découvrirons lefecret le plus important dont nous ayons befoinpour commencer ce fameux voyage ; & nous y apprendrons 91071 feulement à tirer avantage de nofire mifere, mais aujji à remporter par des retraites magnanimes, & far des firatagêmes glorieux , une viBoireque tout no- fire courage nefçavroit nous faire obtenir. Remarquez bien cette trouppe audacieufe, infolente, & téméraire, qui en mefme temps nous cajolle & nous menace. Elle Je promet d'autant plus aifement de nous vaincre qu'elle efil bien ajfeurée que les armes qu'elle porte , font de ces armes enchantées qui ne fçauroient fi peu nous toucher qu'elles ne nous mettent hors de deffence. Vous voyez auj/i que cette prudente ConduBrice que la nature nous à donnée, ne nous permet pas d'attendre de fi dangereux ennemis. Elle commande à nofire jeune & audacieufe inclination de fe contenter d'avoir vu la countenance de fes cruels adverfaires - ? & de peur qu'ils ne V engagent au combat, elle la fait marcher à grands pas, & luy declare que par une fuitte judicieufe elle obtiendra des couronnes qu elle ne doit pas efperer d'une longue & opi- viafire réfifiance. Cette douce & difciplinable efcho- liere fe conforme d'abord aux fentimens de fa Mai- firejfe. Elle marche à fon cofié de peur d'efire fur- prife ; & mefprifant également les reproches artifici- eufes & les frauduleufes foïlicitations dont fes ennemis ejfayent d'empefeher fa retraitte, elle defiruit par un regard dédaigneux, tous leurs charmes & toute leur fuijfance ; & leur retranche pour jamais l efpoir de la mettre ou nombre de leurs efclaves. To fly Vice, is to follow Vertuè. ^^l«fe«^sE have now learn'd how Frail and imperfect we are , and how eafîly carried away by the Corruption of TOfjASSiîfi* our Nature. But we have not yet «Ji^affpï^is^ fèen, that it is not impoffible for us to furmount the Infirmities of our Birth ; and that if we have but Courage enough to refift our own Weakneffes , we fhall infallibly reach to the Top of that vaft and delegable Mountain, from whence Vertue will bear us up to Heaven. Behold, my Friends^ by what Ways , and through what Diffi- culties we muft pafs to arrive there ! Confider well this Piflure, and you will difcover the moft im- portant Secret which we ftand in need of, to begin this glorious Journey with ; and we fhall not only learn to draw vaft Advantages , ( even from our own "Weakneffes ) but alfo to.gain by magnani- mous Retreats, and laudable Stratagems , a Vi- ctory, which all our Hopes or Couragecould not have any other Way obtain'd. Obfèrve well this audacious Troop, infolent and dauntlefs -, who at the fame Inftant cajole and threaten us. ' They promifè themfelves an eafy Conqueft, becaufe the Arms they bear are of that bewitching Nature, that if they but touch , they render us defencelefs. You fee next the prudent Guide that Nature has given us to, the wife Pallas, who permits us not to approach near to thefe dangerous Enemies. She commands her youthful Pupil, who burns to en- gage them, to content himfèlf with having, this once, fèen the Faces of thefe his cruel Adverfaries j and fearing to let him attack them , obliges him to retire with Speed , declaring , That by this ju^ dicious Flight he fliould gain Crowns and Laurels, which he could not fo much as hope for, from a long and refolute Refiftance. This fweet and in- genious Scholar, conforms himfelf to his wife Mi- ftrefss Will •, walks by her Side, for fear of being furprized-, and equally defpifes , both the flinging Scoffs and fraudulent Intreaties, with which his fubtle Enemies endeavour to hinder his Retreat î With a difdainful Look he defies their Charms and Power, and for ever cuts off all their Hopes of making him one of that unhappy Number, who are the Slaves of Vice and Victims to Folly. VlTIUM FUGERE VlRTUS EST. Hor.Wb.i. Virtus efi, vithun fugere : & fapientia prima, Epift. i. Stultitia caruijfe. To fly "Vice is Virtt;e. Vice to avoid, is to be good and wife ; And he has Wifdom that from Folly flies. Cicero. Si fummopere fapientia petenda efi } fummopere fiultitia If Wifdom is to be defired above all Things, then fugienda & vitanda efi. t Folly, above all Things, is to be fled from and avoided, Si A View e/HuMAN Life. St tu veux triompher du vice @iii combat jour & nu'iB pour te vaincre le cœur, Fuy, mais comme le Parthe ; & pour eftre vainqueur , Uje tantoji deforce, & tantoji d'artifice. Would you o'er Vice a Viftor be, Tour aftive, dangerous Enemy ^ Fly, like the Varthian, fly away : With matchlefs Speed he turns his Horfe, To kill behind with double Force. Ufe Force and Artifice to gain the Day. The 12 The Doctrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Sixth Picture. La Vertu prefupofe l'A&ion. •§•&«&& A fagejfe ayant htftruit au Tableau precedent J £ i mftre jeune inclination , s eft refolnè de l& Q ri ~ K Jk> quitter quelque temps , pour cognoiftre ce ****r* quelle ejl capable d'entreprendre toute feule. ! Mais à peine cette audacieufefe voit elle abandonnée du puijfant fecours de fa Conductrice, que le courage luy manque. Le moindre de fes efinemis Veftonne. Elle tremble. Elle fiât. Elle fe cache ;& croyant faire beaucoup defe dérober à la violence du monftre qui la povrfnit, elle senfevelit toute vive dans Vobfcurité, où cette peinture la reprefente. Admirez, comme moy, Vinduftrie dont nojlre Peintre s' eft fervy pour nous fi- gurer cette inclination vertueufe, mas tremblante, mais oyfive , mais épouvantée. Son vifage eft bouffy. Sa teftc eft pefante. Ses yeux tout ouverts qu'ils font, ve peuvent diftivguer les objeBs. Ses armes luy tombent prefque des mains ; & bref faute d'aBion elle paroift fi débile & fi -mal animée, qua peine fe peut elle fou- ftenir fur fon fiege. Le Peintre auroit bien voulu vous dire que cette Uche qui appréhende toutes chofes, ufurpe avec injuftice, le nom & la refemblance de la vertu ; mais J cachant que fa foibleJfe& fa crainte ne doivent exercer fur elle qu une courte tyrannie, il luy laijfe les marques & le nom de la vertu, & les luy lai [Je avec beaucoup d'adrejfe. Car il la place de telle forte qu'il 71 y a qu'une très eftroitte feparation entre elle & la Taineantife mefme , affin que par la comparaifon de ïune & de Vautre , les moins clairs-voyans connoijfent quelles ne font prefque point différentes. En effet nous ny remarquons rien de dijfemblable, finon que la premiere qui ne ft pas encore tout à fait léthargique, fe foujiient un peu fur le re^e de fes forces -, & Vautre qui eft enfevelie toute entière dans fon ordure , & dans fon infenfibilitè , femble dire par fon fileiice criminel, quelle fe réjouit en fon malheur , & que cell avec vo- lupté quelle renonce a cette vie toute glorieufe, & toU' te divine que nos âmes reçoivent de VaBion. To be Vertuous, you mujl be AÛivè. >ISDOM, having in the foregoing Pi* . dure fufficiently inftruded her Pupil in î-.^^j, his Duty and Danger , is refolved to j.^pw^g» leave him to himfelf for fome Time, to try what he is capable of doing when alone. But no fooner does this Unfortunate fee himlèlf aban- don'd by his powerful Condudrefs, but his Cou- rage fails him. The leaft of his Enemies alarms him : He trembles, he flies, he hides himfelf, and thinks he has done much to efcape from the Fury of the Monfters that purfue him. He even buries himfelf alive in Obfcurity, in which State our Painter here reprefents him. Admire with me the Induftry with which he has drawn him ; trem- bling, Idle, Affrighted : His Countenance difbr- der'd $ his Head declining ; his Eyes , tho 1 open, not able to diftinguifh the Difference of Objeds. His Spear and Sword are ready to fall from his Hands ; In fine, whilft he is thus unadive, he ap- pears to be only a Pretender to Vertue, ufurping the Name, but not daring to ad up to it's Chara- der. From whence our Painter concludes, that when we ceafe to be adive to defend againfl Vice, we are Apoftates to Vertue. He has therefore placed Sloth fo near him , that by comparing the one with the other , the leaft Difcerning may be convinced, that the Difference is very fmall be- tween 'em. It is true, our Pupil has his Head yet a little fupported on his Lance, and will foon awake out of his Lethargy : Whereas the other is entirely buried in his own Ordure ; loft in Infèn- fibility, and feems by his criminal' Silence to re- joice in his Mifery, and to renounce with Plea- fure that glorious Life, which the Soul enjoys by an adive Vertue. Virtus in Actione consistit. HorJJib.4. Taullnm fepidts. diftat inerti& od - 9- Celata virtus. Claudian. Major & utilior faBo covjunBa potenti Vile latens virtus. Qitid enim fubmerfa tenebris Proderit? obfcuro veluti fine remige puppis, Vel lyra qua, reticet, vel qui non tenditur arcus. Virtue consists in Action. Virtue from Sloth, if hid from Fame, Would differ only in the Name. Virtue that bafely flies the welcome Light, In Shades and Darknefs hid, conceal'd from Sight, Ufelefs as Lyre untouched, or Bow unbent, Or Ship unmann'd, cannot be innocent. ;/ A Viivj of Hv ma ,v Like. '3 Il faut agir hceffamment Et tenir V Ame en exercice , m Carpar V ABion feulement ha vertu diffère du vice. Let us each fleeting Hour employ, Our Souls rtiuft be by A&îon ftWn i Let Pains and Labours be our Joy, Thus Vice from a&ive Vertue's known. E The *+ The 'Dofîrim of Moral i t y ; or, The Explanation of the Seventh Piflure. Oui ne j commence jamais, ne fcavroit rien achever, OSTRE inclination eft enfin fortie de fes jy % ténèbres & de fa folitude. Mais elle eft iossî>P& ^' ien en prive du chemin qu'elle doit prendre ** w^sPe p our w j~ e p as égarer. Elle trouve d'abord de grands obftacles ; & ces grands obftacles Vont d'abord arreftée. C'eft ce que le Peintre nous reprejente en ce tableau. Le dejfein eft tiré de lapenfée d'Horace, qui pour exprimerla naturelle fayneantife de quelques efprits grojfiers , . impute à un pauvre homme des champs , une Jhpiditè qui n'eft pas vray-femblable. . Nous voyons par fon artaufli bien que par celuy du Poète Stoïque, unPay- fan que la vecejjité ayant chaff é de che% luy pour gaigner fon pain à lafueur defon corps, rencontre un fleuve en fon cHenijn. Mais au lieu de le pajfer à nage ou à gué, il le confidere attentivement t appuyé 'fur fa bêche-, & bien que la faim le foUicite, il eft neantmoins fi timide qtt'il attend povr achever fon voyage , ou que le fleuve remon- te vers fafourcé, ou qu'il cejfe de couler. Mais fi fa brutalité neftoit aveugle^ l'exemple de fon voifin luy donnerait le courage & l'adreffe de vaincre cette diffi- culté. Car jugeant qu'il ne peut fans bazarder quelque chofe venir à bout de cet empefchement, il quitte hardi- ment le rivage, & traverfe Veau malgré toute fon impe- tuofité. ■ Le Peintre aujjt pour faire voir , quefecom- nàncemènt emporte avec foy fa recompense, a peint ce viefme homme dans un lointain , attelant fes bœufs à fa charuë, pour nous apprendre que les premiers diffciàtez eft ant fur montées, les autres fe vainquent facilement ; & nous mènent comme par la main à cet agréable repos qui ne fe peut acquérir que par m honneftetravail. He that never begins, will never accomplift: any thing. |«&e&s|,UR Pupil is at length come forth from O I. Shades and Solitude, but milch in doubt *Wï!*s!8» w ^ at ^ a y to ta ^- e » t ^ iat ^ e ma y err no * more. He is apprehenfive of great Dangers, flops, looks on every Side , and knows not what to refolve upon. It is this State of Mind that our Painter expofes in this Piece , the De- fign of which is taken from the witty Horace : Who, to defcribe the natural Slothfulnefs of fome bale Minds, charges a Country Clown with a Stu- pidity, almoft exceeding Belief. The Poet and Painter join their Art in this Story. Behold this Peafant , whom Necefiity has driven from his Home, to go and earn his Bread by the Sweat his Brows. He meets with a River in his Way, that he is obliged to pals over, either by Swim- ming or Fording ^ inftead of which , he ftands Leaning on his Staff, attentive, cpnfidering the Danger : And tho' Hunger ftrongly fbllicits him to venture^ yet he is fo foolifh as to wait in Ex- pectation of its ceafing to flow. Vain Hope ! the Example of his wifer Neighbour might undeceive and excite him to take Courage, and boldly con- quer this Difficulty. For he, tho' he knew that he could not, without fome Hazard, gain his End, yet bravely leaps into the Flood, and in fpite of its impetuous Waves , crofîès over. And to ihew you how this Adfion is rewarded, our Painter has at fome Diftance, reprefented the fame Perfon, chearfully plowing a Fertile Field. Thus the firft Difficulties being overcome, all others yield, and gently lead us to that Repofe of Mind and Body, which is not to be attain'd , but by Induflry and Labour. InCIPIENDUM ALIQ.UANBO. Hor.lib.i. Dhnidiuw facli qui c&ph habet ; fapere aude. Epift. 2. Jixipe; qv.i retté vivendi prorogat horam, Rufticus exfpeBat dum defluat amvis, at Hie Labitur, & labetur, in omne volubilis avutx. Aufon. Ivcipe. Dimiahtmfaïlf eft c&pife : fittperfit Dimidium : rurfum hoc incipe, '& efficies. . He has half finifh'd, who fome Good intends. Begin ; the Aftive always gain their Ends. . Not like the filly Ruftick, ftupid feem, Who idly fears to crofi the rapid Stream : Expedts the River would grow dry in vain -, And dreads to venture to the diftant Plain. ♦ ...... • ..7 T »,., •-. Begin forthwith, the Deed's half done, If you the Work have once begun. To finifh what remains, begin anew, And all is finilh'd, what you had to do. I Cours /i View /Hiimah Life. »5 Cours après lés travaux où h venu f appelle -i Surmonte consomment toute difficulté. Sjnianàun caur généreux adore une beauté, Jbjl-'û quelque- tourment qiïil ne fouffre povr elle ? Virtue's Commands with Chearfulnefs'obey, Bravely furrnount what e're obftruâs. vour way 5 No Pain or Toil a Lover would refufè To ferve the Beauty whoih his Soul purfues. ' Expia. i6 The Dofîrine o/Morality; or, The Explanation of the Eighth Pi&ure. m l En courant on arrive au But. ES diffcnltez que mus avons craintes font I enfin heureufement furmontées. Nous *^ Wcy dans la carrière. Nous commençons È^$>^3 à courir, .mais ce 7i'efi pas fans rencontrer *"** * f** ie nouveaux obfiacles. Nous fommes tous reprefentez en ce tableau , fous la figure de ce Coureur. Vous voyez comme il ejbattaqué de divers Emiemis. D'uncofié V Amour & le Dieu des defiauches difputent avec luy la viBoire, tantofi par la force de leurs follici- tations, & tantofi par la puijfance de leurs voluptez. Mais ce f age nourri Jf on de Pallas évitant par la fuitte, les agréables furprifes de ces dangereux adverfaires ; & fe defrobant à leurs traits aujji bien qttà leurs charmes, femble nous dire que cefi principalement contre desper- ffcuteurs fi doux & fi aymables, qu'il faut fe fervir des infirvBions qu'il a receuës de fa fage ConduBrice ; que la fuitte efi bien plus honorable dans de fembhbles com- bats, que la refifiance ; & que le hazard quon y court, ne fiant que pour celuy qui veut difputer la viBoire, il Çfi mefme dangereux de la remporter. De Vautre cofié il femble que toutes les injury du Ciel ayent confpiré pour la- défaite de nofire jeune Héros. Le froid, h chaud, le vent, la pluye, la graijle, le foleil, enfin tous les obfiacles qui peuvent empef cher ou retarder fa courfe, femblent se fire mis d'accord pour le forcer defe ren- dre. Mais luy qui tefmoigne que fa fuitte efi mie preuve de la grandeur defon courage, refifie fortement à tant de d'ennemis -, & s' animant de defpit & de co- lère, deffie toutes leurs puijfances , marche plein de refo- lution & d'efperance -, & s'ajfeure de cueillir bien tofi le fruiB de tant de travaux qu'il a foufferts , & la recompenfe de tous le perils qu'il a courus. By Running ive arrive at the Goat. ^Tfôl^^- ^ ears are k a PP^y formounted) p^r hf^ behold us in the Courfe. We are fe! O #> out , and on the Way ; but yet muft , expeâ to meet with new Difficulties. '* We are all reprefented in this Picture, under the Figure of the Youth before you : See how he is on all Sides befet with Enemies. On the one, enchanting Love -, and the feducing God of Wine, difpute the Vidory with him : Now by their artful and infinuating Intreatiès, and anon by all the united Power of their Charms. But Pallas s wife Pupil avoids by Flight the alluring Calls and Stratagems of thefe dangerous Adver- faries, and efcapes from them : Inftru&ing us, that the beft Way to conquer fuchTemptations, is not to Men to, but turn our Backs upon them. On the other Side, it feems as if all Nature had confpir'd to defeat our young Hero. The North Wind, the Mid-day Sun , Rain , Hail, Snow and Thunda aflail him ; and in fine all Things that can detei or incommode him , fèem to unite to. force him to yield. But he remains Deaf and Dauntlefi, re- doubles his Speed, and proceeds on his Way refb- lute , full of Hope, defpifing foft Pleafurês ant Iharp Pains-, being certain to receive at the Enc of the Race, as a glorious Recompence of all hi Labours, fuch Honours and Rewards, as a Nobis Mind prefers to Empires. & * & o a -s o ô < **i tttï iirm i:fiff riTHinriTT TiTlYT n rr?T n rrn rTrrrrff * , ' Llll I '^-'PIIH '^ JJJ . Iizng j S-L!-J- rT '7 Ti^ JTJ7TI TZ^rL £LZl£- .TILT* TTTTiT \\ IJTI J ], pnpTffl ^ '"-' ' ' ! J 'Jw_ ' T " ' : ! j jj j : ' jj ' 1 . 3 1 zt ' r-v. ii 7T~"T ~i ^j~rr~ p f w ■. ffn fi bill' tt m i 'j p m y ^» u »^. K^S W& SSZt Î^ÏE Î&&55&. 33=ît ÏSC 335S7 330P 5^ %ssa fœï 3^3 ^KfS CURKITE UT COMPREHENDATIS. Horat. de SU}" fiudet optatam curfu contingere metam, Art. Poet. Multa tulit, fecitque puer : fudavit & alfit : Abfiinuit Verier e & vino. Qui Pythia cant at Tibieen, didicit prias, extimuitquç magifirum. Ovid. Ii. 2. Dum vb'es annique finuift, tolerate labores At »rte. Nam uniet tacito eurvafeiieBa pede. Run, th#t ye may obtain. The Youth relblv'd to win the noble Prize, Oft breaths himfelf, and every Sinew tries -, Both Heat and Cold endures, his Strength to find j; Nor dares indulge with Wine or Womankind. He that in Mufick's Art is famous grown, Has labour'd long, and long a Matter known. Labour endure, whil'ft Youth and Vigour laft i Age gently on us fteals, the Hours fly fall. F*j A View of Human Like. 17 Fuy de la volupté les appas criminels ; Souffre les feux du Sud, & les glaces de VOurfe 5 Si tu vieux acquérir les trefors éternels, g>ue les Dieux t'ont promis pour le prix de ta courfe. From the delufîve Charms of Pleafure fly : Nor parching Heat, or freezing Cold regard 5 Eternal Glories are thy Toils Reward - y The Gods have promifed Immortality. F The i8 The Doctrine of M o r a l i t y ; or, j. he Explanation of the Ninth Piéiun La Vertu fuit les excez. Virtue flies aU Extremes. f$^Er^%UIS^UE nous avovs appris que la ttp ÔW vertu vefi qu'aclion , il faut necejfaire- f^3 -P £jgl mevt rompre avec elle , ou fe rejoudre ^Sk/fGDt^ii & neplusj'ouffrir l'oijiveté. Le travail %^s^4w* : 't^ doit ejire nofire repos ; & nous r.e pou- vons que dans nos Ju'éurs, trouver nope refraichijj'e- inent. Avjfy fommes nous evtrez dar,s la carrière avec cette refoluiion. Mais nous n'avons pas confideré quelle ejl fon efietiduë, & quels font fes limits. Ceft dequoy le Peintre a dejfein de nous injlruire en ce Tableau. Il jWJis y reprefente la vertu au milieu d'un cercle , & par confequent renfermée dans la circonferar.ee de cette fi- gure. Il nous la monjirefous le vijage de la libéralité, è? la fait par oijlre pleine de majefié ; confiante ; iné- branlable ; ne regardant vy à droit ny à gauche ; & vous tefmoigr.ant par fon a'àion , que les deux femmes qui font à fes cofiez, font égallement fes ennemies. La plus jeune fe peint , fe deguife, & fe pare pour ejjayer d'ejblouïr les yeux -, & fe faire prendre pour ce quelle n efi pas. Mas la vertu qui ne peut efire trompée, luy reproche aujfy bien qu'à Vautre , fes déreiglemens & fesfeureurs ; & les aceufe toutes deux, d'avoir rompu cette celé fie me fur e avec laquelle elles font obligées de travailler à la difiribution de leurs biens. Ces brutales s'offencevt de la feverité de fes reprehenfwns ; & par ■une ridicule ofientatiov, veullent je faire pajfer Vune & Vautre pour la mefme vertu. La vielle comme la plus opiniafire & laplus folle , luyfoufiient que la mefnre dont elle fait tant de cas, luy efi abfohtment inutile ; pource que n'ayant nulle intention de donner , elle n'a nul befoin à"un infiniment,- qui ve fert qu'à ceux, qui veulent partager avec les autres, les biens qu'ils pojfe- àent. <$hiant à la prodigalité, elle fait une bien haute declaration qu'elle va que faire de ce que fon ennemie luy prefente ; pour ce qu'elle ejl naturellement fi magna- nime, quelle ve conte vy ve mefnre. Mais vous luy pouvons reprocher avecjujlkê , qu'au lieu d'efire natu- rellement magnanime, elle efi par la corruption de fa nature, ir.capable de magnanimité : puis qu'elle ne fait fes profitions que par le feul defiant de ne pouvoir gar- der ce qu'elle trouve en fa poffejfion ; & que bien qu'elle enrichife indifféremment ceux qui le méritent, & ve le méritent pas ; elle n'oblige neantmoins ny les uns ny les autres. *30 JgKKS ë $.83 A VIN G now learn'd that Virtue confifts in Attion , we muff neceffa- rily break with her , or refolve to be no longer idle. Labour ought to be to us Repofe -, for we can only in our Sweats find Refrefhment. Are we then en- tered the Lifts thus refolvM, and have we well con- fider'd what are the Bounds and Limits to which Virtue is confined ? This is what our Painter de- figns to inform us of in this Pifture : He here fets Virtue before us in the Midft of a Circle ; and by Confequence contain'd within the Compafs of this Figure. She appears under the Form of Libera- lity 5 full of Majefty, confiant, immoveable, not inclining either to the Right Hand, or the Left ; manitefting to us by her Pofture, that the Two Perfons which are by her, are equally her Enemies. The youngeft of thole Women paints her Face, and adorns her B r .dy ; endeavouring to blind our Eyes with the falfe Luftre of her Outfide, with Defign to make her felf be taken for what {he is not. But Virtue, who cannot be impofed on, re- proaches hçr, as well as the other, with Hypocrify and Sin : Accufing both, with having broken that Divine Rule, by which they are obliged to diftri- bute the Treafures committed to them. Thefè Monfters, ftung with their own Guilt, and the Se- verity of her Reprehenfions, ridiculoufly endea- vour to pafs for the fame Virtue with her felf. The oldeft, being mod opiniated and obftinate, maintains, that the Rule which fhe mentions, and fo highly commends, is altogether ufelefs -, for as fhe has no Defign to part with any Thing, fhe needs no Directions to divide with others what fhe délires to continue the fole Pofleffor of her felf. Prodigality , on the other Hand , declares aloud, that fhe has nothing to do with what her Adver- , fary pleads, fince 'tis her generous Nature, neither ,:to Number or Meafure what fhe beftows. r But Virtue replies , Away , you are alike criminal : You, Avarice, in not beftowing what Divine Pro- vidence has committed to your Charge, on the Needy and Deferving. You , Prodigality, in not difcerning where a-right to confer your Favours j unable to keep any Thing $ you throw away with lavifh Hands amongft the Crowd every Thing ; and ftriving to oblige All, you oblige None, but wafte what Heaven gave you to difpofe of, where Wifdom fhould direâ. W.iv^M/.JL J^Ll J*^**Ll.»^LjL.l*/U.JJ/VjL.i4/Wj*LLjJ^ In medio consistit Virtus. Virtue consists in a mean. Hnr. lib. 1. Virtus ell medium vitiorum in utrumque reduftum. Epift. 18. J s Lib. 1. Efi modus in rebus, funt certi ienique fines, Satyr, i. ®j m v \ tr( i citrdque ?iequh conjifiere reclum. True Virtue in the Center ftands alone, And Vice at Diftance kept will ftill be known. Within fix'd Bounds all Virtue is compriz'd And all without is only Vice difguis'd. Lan A View «/"Human Life. 19 Lavs les extrémité* toujours Vhcmme s égare, L 'Avare & le Prodigue ont le mejme défaut. Marche comme tu dois. Jamais le fol Icare Ne fut tombé Ji bas, s"il rieujl volé Ji haut. Still to Extremities Men blindly fîjr 5 The Prodigal and Niggard are the fame. Afpiring Icarus fbar'd too high, So fell, and gave the Seas a Name. Thr 20 The Doctrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Tenth Picture. En Fuyant un Vice, l'imprudent tombe en l'autre. By flying one Vice, the Imprudent fall into another. §mMWOSTRE fage ConduBrice nous vient ^«6 SIS d'enfeigner ce que la vertu vous oblige d'en- f|j N sp treprendre. Maintenant elle nous mon- m a» lire ce que la plus part des hommes ont ac- s» ?i? «Pwa» coujlume de faire -, & pour nous donner de la honte de nos propres aftions, elle expofe à 710s yeux Veflat infâme où noflre joiblejfe nous réduit. Conjï- derez bien cette folle qui fe jette au col d'wie autre folle, cefl noflre Ame qui paroijl prefque toujïours, incer- taine, flottante, infenjée -, 6? qui ne fçachant à quoy s 'attacher, fe porte tantofl à une extrémité , & tantofl à une autre. Cefl à dire qu'elle efl ordinairement où dans ïexcez ou dans le défaut. Mas par ce que le vice nousefl odieux, toutes les fois qu'il n'emprunte rien de la vertu,ilar rive f cuvant que nous nous laifjonstrompsra Vap- parevce du bien •, &par confequent que nous nous jettons du coflédelaprodigalitépourcequellenousfemblemagnanime; yluflojl que de celuy de l'avarice, à caufe queflant toute hideufe & toute déchirée, e he fait horreur à quiconque v'apa perdu le fentiment de la noblejfe de fon eflre. Toittejois puis qu'il efl confiant que la vertu efl égalle- mevt ennemie des extrêmes, concevons de bonne heure cette importante vérité, que le crime efl toujïours crime , & bien que le temps, le lieu, ou quelque autre circon- Jfarce y mettent de la diflferance, il efl vray neantmoins qu'ils n'en changent point la Nature. fiaaaf.ir^ wife Si* form'd o m ©5» ''Xi «m «bis *!?ïi.-?!?%?3»'' a» Tutrefs has now fully in- us what "Virtue obliges us to undertake -, and likewife fhewn us what the greater! Part of Mankind are accuftomd to do. And to make us blufh at our own Afitions, {he again fets before our Eyes the fhameful State to which our Weaknefles reduce us. Confider well this Idiot, who throws her felf upon the Neck of Prodigality. It is our Soul which appears almoft continually floating, inconftant, and changing -, not knowing where to fix, but is ftill carry'd from one Extream to ano- ther : For Example ; Vice is generally hateful to us, when it borrows nothing of Virtue -, but it often happens, that we are deceived by it , under the fpecious Refemblance of a Good. And for this Caufe we throw our felves on the Side of Pro- digality ; becaufç it appears to us fomething more noble than Avarice ; who is indeed fo hideous and deform'd, that fhe muft be hateful to every Soul that has not loft all Senfe of the Dignity of its Nature. Neverthelefs , believe me , it is a con- fiant Truth, that Virtue is equally an Enemy to both Extremes : And know , that whatfoever is not Virtue her felf, is Vice ; and that Vice under every Shape is ftill the fame , changing not its Nature with its Form. In vitium sjeve ducit culpje fuga. One Extream often begets another. ' Hor.Iib. 1". ^ )tm wtortftdti vitia, in contraria cur runt. Satyr. 2. Lib. 2. Satyr. 2Ï Si te aliopravum detorferis. Namfruflra vitium vitaverh illud, Fools in the Moment they one Vice decry, Swift to its Oppofite miftaken fly. 'Tis but in vain, that they avoid one Vice, "Who blindly do another patronize. Vans A View of Human Life. at Eviter tout excez, tiefl pas chofe fdcille. Si Tun nous femble laid, Vautre nousparoijl bectti, Ainjifait Vignorant qui conduit un vaijfeau, S'il évite Caribde, il Je jette dans Seylle. 'Tis difficult all Kinds of Vice to fhun; Tho' one we hate, we to another run. Thus by a Pilot, who knows not the Coaft, "\ The Veflèl fteer'd from ScylWs on Cbaribdis loft. The 22 The Doctrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Eleventh Picture. : La Nature regie nos Defirs. «(^'«^^^I eft vray. Toutes chofes ont' leurs Jïp^^lll» bornes, & la vertu s'en, prefcrit elle yM I '1 §|f» mefme. C'eft pourquoy vous ne pouvons %%&W5$i& avec juftice, vous difpenfir d'une fi *%s>£K%vs%iisiga d 0UC e $ ft aymable contrainte. Mais ne pajfons pas aujji d'une extrémité à Vautre. Ne craignons; pas éternellement 5 & ne vous dévorons pas Vefprit defcrupûles renaijfans, & de defiances pepetu- elles. Il eft très certain que beaucoup de chofes font permifes au Sage ; & que la vature comme la Lieute- nante Gêner aile de cette providence, qui a tout fait avec poids, vombre, & mefure, luy a gravé dans le cœur, unejoyfecrette, S? me règle cachée , avec lef- quclles il luy eft impojjible défaillir. _ Cette vérité vous eft def couverte en ce Tableau. Il juftifie la Nature, des accufations que les âmes dereiglées inventent tous les jours contre l'innocence, défis intentions. Les mechans la nomment inique, inhumaine, infenfée, & Vaccufent d'avoir donné a fis creatures, mille monvemens, quelle condamne prefque aitjfi toft qu'elle les leur a données. Mais cette calomnie eft aujji groftiere qu'il eft aifé de la confondre. Car ces brutaux fi figurent que nos payons font incapables de recevoir un bon ufage ; & qu'il ne faut jamais lesfuivre, ov qu'il faut fi refoudre de s'a- bandonner à leur fureur. S'il nous eft permis, difent ils, d'afpireraux ricbejfes, il vous eft aujji permis de fouler aux pieds la Juftice & l'humanité , puis qu'en les confiât ant, il eft impojjible de les aquerir 5 & ft l'ambi- tion n eft pas un crime, ce n'en eft pas un aujji, de pouf- fer le poignard dans le fiin de fa patrie, & faire paf- ferfov chariot fur le ventre de fin père. Mais fis gens là ignorent, que h Nature a donné a nospajjîons, aujji bien qu'à la Mer, des rivages & des limittes ; & qu'il Tie tient qu'à nous d'y conferver le calme, & d'en chaf- fer ces vents impétueux, qui fi fouvent y excitent d'hor- ribles tempe ftes, & qui prefque tou fours y font faire de fi étranges naufrages. Nature regulates our 'Défîtes, .|«£ïe&ie&55£s T is moft certain , that all Things J||^sZ&&g|, j iave t ^ e j r B ounc i s and Limits -, and ^1 al* that Virtue her felfprefcribes them. e'lteeSSfral* Therefore we cannot , with good %^s*F*pz& Reafon, difpenfe with our felves from being fubject to this fweet Reftraint , which needs not fill us with Fear and endlefs Scruples, for many Things are permitted to the Wife : And Nature, the Vice-Roy of Providence, that has made all Things by Weight and Meafure, has en- graven in our Hearts a fecret Law, a hidden Rule, which if we follow, it is impollible for us to err. This Truth is difcover'd to uà in this Piclure. Wherein Nature is juftify'd from the Calumnies continually invented to blaft the Innocence of her Defigns by the wicked, who lay to her Charge, that fhe has given them PalTions and Inclinations, which at the fame Inftant Ihe condemns in them : And that they are born Slaves and VafTals to them, from the Moment that fhe gives them Being. Ea- €y it is to confound them. Fools, to perfnade themlèlves that thefe Inclinations cannot be turn'd to their Advantage, and are not much rather their VafTals and Creatures. If it is permitted us, fays one, to afpire to great Riches without a Crime, it muft be necefïàrily permitted us to lay afide Ju- ftice and Humanity ; fince it is hardly poilible to confiait either, and purfue that Aim. And if Am- bition be in fome Cafes not criminal -, doubtlefs it is not fo, to put fitch to the Sword, or at leaft to ruin all, who oppofe us. But they forget, that Nature abhors all fuch Actions ; that fhe has fèt Bounds and Limits to our Defires, as well as to Seas and Rivers : And that when we do Things cruel or unjuft, we become our own Tormentors, acf contrary to our Natures, and are the Authors of our own Deftrudtion. Natura Moderatrix optima. Hor.Iib. 1. Nonne Cupidivibus ftatuit vatura modum quern Satyr. 2. jgyid latvrafibi, quid fit dolitura vegatum, GQarere plus prodeft, & inane abfiindere foldo ? Lib. 2. Non in caro niiore voluptas Satyr. 2. Summa , fed in teipfo eft. Nature is the kest Mistress. But Nature's Laws, all needful Things do grant ; Great are the Gifts fhe gives ; nor can we want The Things deny'd -, fo fmall, fo few If we diftinguifh falfe from true : Nor Things forbid, for Things allow' d pur-i [fue. 'Tis not the Scent of coftly Meat, That makes you like a Glutton eat : The Fault is in your felf, you'll find, 'Caufè you are to Excels inclin'd. Les A View 0/ Human Life. Les loix qui règlent nos plaijîrs Ne font point des loix inhumaines. La Nature & le Ciel ne bornent nos defrs, ^iie de peur d'acroijtre nos peines. The Laws that regulate our Pleafures are Neither inhuman, nor indeed fevere. Nature and Heaven , Man's wild Defires reftrain, But only to prevent th' Increafe of Pain. The 24. The Doctrine vfi Morality; or, The Explanation of the Twelfth Piclure. Pour hayr le Vice il le faut connoiftre. •g I fermées. enceintes L le faut avouer à la honte générale des hommes : Nous fommes tous des violateurs & des facrileges. A toute occajion nous ar- rachons les bornes ou 710s pajjtons font ren- Nous profanons la fainteté de ces divines t & fuivons l'exemple pernicieux de ce jeune inconfier é, qui au mefpris de Jon frère, renverfa les premiers murs de la premiereViUe du monde. La J age CoviuBrice de nojlre vertu naijfante, luyfait remarquer ce défaut prefque univerfel 5 & '_ de peur quelle ne s'y laijfe tomber, luy montre combien horribles font les demons, auj quels nos parlons font changées , toutes les fois que nous leur permettons de se fendre au de la de leurs véritables limites. A cet objet cette noble & ge- verevfe inclination entre en une magnanime cholere ; & pleine d'une-averjïon héroïque, oze appelle/- fes ennemis au combat. Mais fa celé fte Gouvernante fatisfaitè de ce premier mouvement , tempère une hardiejfe quipour- roit ejlre malheureufe -, & ne luy donnant pas la liber- té d'en venir aux mains avec ces vieux & expérimentez adverf aires, luy commande feulement de conjiderer com- bien ils font fers, combien ils font hardis, & combien ils font redoutables, afin que de bonne heure elle pre- pare toute fa force, & put fort art, pour fe bien def- fendref jamais elle en eji attaquée. Admirez mainte- nant avec moy combien ingenieufement le peintre vous reprefente un fi beau fpe&acle. Vous diriez à voir la Sage ffe fervant elle mefme de bouclier à J "on Echoliere, que tout ainfy qu'une divine & piaffante Encbantereffe, elle la r enfermée dans mi cercle inviolable aux demons qui l'environnent ; & que les luy monfrant les uns après les autres , fans qu'elle en puijfe ejlre ojfencée 5 elle Vaccoufume à la veuë de ces fpe&res, & par un bien heureux prodige, luyfait tirer de la communication mefme des vices, V Amour qu'il faut avoir pour la vertu. To bate Vice , ive mnjî firft "know hûtfi to dijlingiiift it. ^sfee^i|, T is to be confefs'd, to the Shame of ♦I I s. Mankind , that we are all, in fome «gqaBssyra^ Meafure, facrilegious "Violators of the - * fe ' Laws of Nature. On the leaft Occafîon we break the Bounds that fhould reftrain our Paf- fions, and acf in Contempt of that Reafon, which God has furniih'd us withal to govern our Inclina- tions ; following the Example of that rafh Youth, who deriding his Brother , ftain'd with his Blood the Foundation of thofè Walls, which have fince been rais'd to a City, Miftrefs of all others. Vir- tue is here reprefented with her amazed Pupil, holding her by the Arm, whilft fhe caufes him to obferve, what dreadful Monfters we become , fo oft as we permit our head-ftrong Paflions to pais the Limits of Moderation. Behold our excellent Painter here fhews a further Proof of his Art. Here is what Ihould be juft Anger, turn'd to Rage^ Emulation to Envy ; Defire to Luft ; Decency to Pride ; Ambition to Madnefs and Fury -, Retire- ment to Stupidity and Sloth. Our Pupil fir'd with a juft Indignation renounces them all , belèeching WifHom to be his Shield and Defence againft thefe dreadful Enemies of his Repolè. She guards him in the divine Circle of her Arms from thofe In- chanters ; fo that he can look upon the Specfres Unmoved, and by her miraculous Power makes him draw from the Knowledge of Vice, the Love he has for Virtue. Discipline Animus attentus. ... Invidus, iracundus, iners, vinofus, amator t Epift. I. ' Nemo adeo ferus eft, qui non mitefcere poffit, Si modo cultur&patientem commodet aurcm. Pallas fapientis Dea , reBam VirtutU viam demon- llrat. A Mind attentive to Discipline. The envious, angry, flothful, drunken Soul, The wild, the am'ours may his Will controul -, If to wile Precepts he an Ear will lend, Read Nature's Laws , and Wifdom make his [Friend. Pallas j the Goddefs of Wifdom , fhows us the true and dire& Way to Happinefs. Plm A l/kvj of Human Life.' 2 Plus le vice ejl horrible, & plus il a Sffi «sa I doubt not, convinced jf| that all Men are equally obliged to re* w If pair to the School of Virtue ; and that Pg ;cg! ™JK il: is absolutely neceffary for us to be *;?«£? «;?*i?a»< well inform'd, and to ufe the utmoft Diligence at our Entrance there, to know what our Duty is , that we may acquit our felves hand- fomely in all that Virtue requires of us. Behold, fhe is here come in Perfon to inftrucf you : Firft, and above all Things, fhe enjoins that we go forth from her Prefence,. Wifèr and Better than we en- tered into it ; a Thing almoft impoffible for any of us to fail in. For who can be fb flupid as to converfe with Virtue, and not ceafè to be Vici- ous ? She would next free us from an Error, with which great Part of the World are infected, by convincing us, that we were till now only fenfible of our fmalleft Infirmities, and have labour'd to cure thofe Indifpofitions that were leaft worthy our Notice, negle&ing thofe Which Were moft dange- rous. All the Perfons reprefented in this Picfure are Evidences of this Truth which fhe produces, to oblige us to fign with Blufhes our own Condem- nation. Behold here an unfortunate Wretch, (yet of the Number of thofe, whom the World ftiles happy J who having his Soul ulcerated, and his Heart devoured by the Vultures his Crimes have created there ; his Reafon and Paffions in a conti- nual War, yet refufes the healing and wholfome Medicines, which Time and Wifdom offer him. He even proceeds to affront thofe who generoufly prevent his Wifhes, and vouchfafe to vifit him un- intreated ; knowing that he muft perifh without their Aid. He fends them away with the ungrate- ful Compliment of, If I want your AJfiftance I fhall not fail to fend for you. But the Moment he feels a fmall Diforder in his Eye, he impatiently cries out for help from the Oculift. This flight Inflammation wholly ruins his Repofe, and makes him forget and neglecl: to take Pleafure in all he poffeffes, (tho' gotten with the utmoft Pains and Injuftice.) He believes all Happinefs confifts in the Cure of his Eye. The Operator ufes his ut- moft Skill to gain the vaft Reward he offers -, and psomifes him Eafe and Sight, which no doubt but he may poilibly perform. But alas ! the Light of his Reafbn is yet blinded : It is from a nobler Art than Surgery he muft hope a Cure. The Divine Artift Wifdom muft give him Sight and Health : The Infirmities of our Souls only fhe can cure, and render us worthy to be called that noble Crea- ture Man. Hor.lib.i. j|«« l&dunt cculos fefiinas demere : ft quid Epift. 2. Efi animum , differs curandi tempus in annum. Why if your Eyes offended are, Do you look out for Help with Care ; And if your Mind is lick, the Cure defer ? A\ A View o/Human Life. 3 1 As tu dans Y un des yeux quelque tache mipevfombre, Tu veux que VOculiJle en arrejle le cours. Toname cepandant foufre des maux fans nombre, Et tu la vois périr fans hy donner fecovrs. îf in your Eye there fhoitîd a Speck appear, Wou à you iiot feek for Help, and Blindnels fear ? Yet numerous Ills your fickly Soul opprefs, And you regardlefs feek lor no Redrefs. The 3? The Docïrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Sixteenth Piclure. Aime la Vertu, pour l'amour d eUe-mefme. ^Ç^^^^O US ve pouvons plus ignorer que la ver- |p J Û| tu n eft pas vertu , fi elle vagit, ft elle iâî N SI ve combat, & fi malgré le grand nom- l§GDGSt^ bre des ennemis dont elle eft attaquée, %.r$.ï$3$u%.r$.3%%. elle tie demeure viftorieufe. Voyons maintenait de quelle forte elle doit agir ; & par quel mouvement elle fe doit porter aux entreprises les pliis difficiles. Le peintre nous h fait voir dans un éloigne' ment, qui refufe en laperfonne Sun defes adorateurs, les Couronnes qui îuy font offertes. Elle nous protefte par ce magnanime refus, quelle trouve fon prix en elle mefme ; & quelle fer oit tovfiours tres-fatisfaite de fa fortune, quand il n'y auroit n'y tef'moins pour voir f es allions, ny Hérauts pour les publier , ny gloire pour en eftre la recompenfe. Mais la Peintre ne s eft pas con- tenté de nous monftrer cette beauté toute nue, pour nous la rendre encore plus aymable , & nous embrazer plus piiijfamment du delîr de fa poffeffton, il luy oppofe tout ce qu'il y à de difforme, & de hayjfabk dans ces âmes laches & mercenaires, qui ne feroient jamais du party des gens de bien, s il y avoit de lafeureté dans céluy des mechans. Çonf.derés cette treuppe d'hypocrites de tonte condition, & de tout aage. Vous croiriez à leurs geftes, qu'ils font nés ennemis irreconcilable s de l'inju- ft ice, & de I inter eft. Cependant ils engloutirent des yeux, ces vafes d'or, & ces facs d'argent , qu'on leur prefente exprez pour les tanter ; & bien qu'il feignent de les avoir en horreur, ils font totitefois intérieure- ment dévorez du deftr de les pojfeder. Mais nous n'a* vonspas befoin de deviner qui leur fait faire cette vio- lence fur euxmefmes. Nous voyons le f rain qui les ar- refte. Ceft cette Dee(fe boiteufe qui les fuit. Cette implacable Nemefis, qui chargée de tous les inftrumens inventez pour punir les crimes, les chaff e a grands coups de foiiet ; & les contraint de retirer leurs mains, des chofes ou ils ont def-ja mis tout leur cœur. Love Virtue, for her felf dora. |g*^*ME can be nô longer ignorant, that ^LjAi. Jg^ Virtue would ceafe to be, if fhe was not active to refift, defy, and be ever victorious over all the Enemies that attack her. Behold then thé Manner hoW fhe behaves her felf in the liioft diffi- cult Enterprizes. The Painter has here fhewn her to us at fome Diflance, under the Form of one of her Followers, who is refufing the Diadems and Honours that are ofter'd him. In this magnant mous Action fhe declares to us, that fhe finds her Reward in her felf ; and that fhe is always fàtif- fy'd With her Condition , even when fhe has no Witnefs of her Actions, nor Heralds to publifh, nor Honours to recompence them. But the Pain- ter, not content to fhew us this Beauty ? thus un* adorn'd and limply clad, proceeds likewife to con- vince us that fhe is no lefs lovely and charming, even in Rags and Obfcurity. To induce us alfo to Love and Defire her , he fets near her alt that is deform'd and hateful in thofè bale and mercenary Souls, who never fide with the Virtuous and Ho- neft, if there is any Safety in the Company of the Wicked. Confider this Troop of Hypocrites of all Ages and Conditions. You would believe by their Geftures, that they are born the irreconcila- ble Enemies of Injuftice and Intereft ; but, alas ! they devour with their Eyes thofe VefTels of Gold and Bags of Silver, which are fèt there on purpofe to tempt them ; and tho' they feign to have fuch Thoughts in Deteftation , yet are they in Reality racked with an impatient Defire to pofïèfs them. But we need not give our fèlves much Trouble to divine what obliges them to do this Violence to their Inclinations. You may fee what reftrains them : It is the lame Goddefs that purfues them, ' the implacable Nemefis ; who , loaden with her torturing Inftruments of Juftice, drives them be- ; fore her, and lafhes them on with Scorpions ; con- ftraining them to withold their Hands from thofè Things, on which they have already fet their Hearts. .. nt, t Oderuvt peccare boni virtutis amore, Epift. 16. J" nihil admittes in te jormidine pans,. Sitfpesfallendi : mifcebts facra prof ants. For VirtueVSake the Good all Crimes deteft ; 'But you for fear of Punifhment forbear. Confcience you think is only a mere jeft -, Let Laws permit, and yon no Crimes would fear I ^ Si A Viens) o'i H u m a S L i r e. M St de pevr dufuplice, & non de peur du crime, Tu fabftiens des t refors à ta garde commis ; Ta jujfice apparente eft indigne îeftime, he larcin nef pas fait, mais le crime eft coi If you for Fear of Punifliment alone abftain To tonch the Treafures to your Keeping left ; All your Pretence to Virtue is but' vain, You're guilty of the Sin, tho 1 not the Theft. K The 3+ Tie Doiïrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Seventeenth Picture; Dieu feul n'a point de Maiflire. % PRENEZ qu'il ejl un Dieu, Ames am- S. bitieufes & brutales; & ne vous figurez e, phis que la Religion foit le partage du peuple. « 77-....- r egnez, il ejl vray. Tr ""' -"»rrhm Vous Vous marchez I A \ fur la tejfe des hommes, il ejl vray -, & pour adjoufier Voprolre à la cruauté, vous violés les premier s, lesloix que vous leur avez impofées. Leurs biens, leur hon m veur, leur repos, leur innocence, & leur vie font les jouets de vojlre fureur. Vous profanez les chofes Sa- crées. Vous renverfez les Autels. Vous pillez les Temples -, & cejl dans les lieux les plus Saints que vous commettez vos allions les plus abominables. Dieu les voit. Dieu les foufre. Dieu y paroijl infenfible. Je X avoue. Mais attendez encore un peu, Efprits orgueil- leux, & vous fevtirez qu'il ejl le Dieujallotix, quil ejl le Dieu vengeur, quil ejl le Dieu vifitant Yiniquité des Peres fur toute leur pojlerité. Non non, nefuivezpds le confeil que monjujfe couroux vous donne. Il ejl digne de vous, mais il n ejl pas digne de la Philofophie. Pevfés pluflojl à craindre les jugements que vous avez toufiours mcprifez Regardez cette éternité malheureufe qui doit châtier vos crimes ; & fi ce nejl V amour qùau moins la crainte vous donne de Vhorreur de vous mefme ; & vous porte à la penitence. Vojlre falut ne fera pas defefperé, fi vous changés de vie, fi vous efies touchés de la calamité de vofire prochain ; & fi vous recognoijfez une puijfance bien plus haute, & bien plus legitime, que celle que V excès de vojlre ambition vous a follement perfvadée. Venez voir, & ejludiés le bon Roy que cette peinture vous donne pour exemple. Il ejl environné de f es peuples. Il rendjujlice à la Veufue & à V Orphelin. Il arrache le foible de Toprejjion du fort ; & prend en main la caufe dupavure contre les perfecutions du riche. Mais voyons qui font les Minifires & les Confeillers qu'il covfulte. Il levé les yeux au Ciel. Il contemple cette Jujlice fupreme qui ejl la reigle & Vidée de toutes les autres ; & declare hautement quil na pour objet que V execution de fes volontez. Cette declaration ne Iny ejl pas infruftueufe. Elle attire du Ciel, les bene- dictions & les graces fur ce Roy, véritablement digne d'ejtre Roy -, & Vefieve autant au dejfus des autres Princes, quejfefiivement il sabaiffe devant le Maijlre des Princes. God alone has no Superior. 3«&j«&i|, N O "W that there Is a God, great and K 8, ambitious Tyrants, whom his Providence - has raifed on high -, and think not that Religion is the Bufinels of common Peo- ple only. You rule, 'tis true , you fill Thrones, before which they tremble and bow. There you command like Gods -, adding to Injuftice, Cruelty and Oppreffion, and violate the Laws you have impofèd on others. The Lives, Honours, For- tunes and Happinefi of your Subjedts you difpofe of in Sport and Merriment : You prophane the moft fàcred Things ; throw down Altars , pillage Temples ; and even in Places confecrated to the Almighty , commit A£tions the moft impious and deteftable. God fees, God fuffers, Gcd takes no Notice as yet, I confefe. But ftay a little, you miftaken Souls, and you will be convinced that God is a jealous God , artd will vifit the Sins you commit, upon you and your Pofterity. You fmile ; well ! go on ; follow not my Counfel ; perhaps it proceeds from a peevifh Humour in me. "You think it becomes you to adt thus : But 'tis my Duty to reprehend : My Miftrefs Wifdom commands me to do fo.Yet look back, repent,and ra- ther fear his Juftice whom you have defpifed. Look towards that unhappy Eternity, which is prepared to recompence your Crimes -, and if not for Love, yet at leaft for Fear , view your felves with Hor- ror -, and before it is too late repent. Your Salva- tion is not yet to be defpair'd of, if you amend your Lives -, become touched with the Calamities of your Neighbour, and acknowledge that Power which your blind Ambition has made you till noW forget. Draw near and take notice of this good King here reprefented for your Imitation. He is furrounded with his Subjedts, ren'dring Juftice to the Widow and Fatherlefs : He frees the feeble from the Oppreflbr ; and takes the Caufe of the Poor into his Hands, againft the Perfecutions of the Rich. Behold who are the Minifters and Counfèllors that he confults. He lifts up his Eyes to Heaven, and contemplates the fupreme Juftice, who is the Rule and Perfection of all Things ; de- claring, that he délires nothing but to fulfil his Pleafure. This Piety goes not unrewarded ; Hea- ven fhowers down Bleifings and Favours on him ; and raifès him as far above all other Kings, as he bends his Heart, with the greateft Humiliation and Submiflion, to adore the King of Kings. Hor. lib. 2. R e £ um timendorvm in proprios greges, •Od. 1 . Reges in ipfos imperium ejl Jovis, Clari Giganteo triumpho, CuvBa fitpe/cilio mémentos. Tho' potent Kings do Laws to Nations give, And trembling Subjedts in Subjedtion live» Yet even they by Jove are made ; He the ftrong Giants did or'ethrow, And with his Nod rules all below. He fmiles at Man that's Duft and Shade, And will by Monarchs be obey'd. Mot* A View «/Human Life. % Mortels, il ejl m Bien. Vous en efts T Image, Aymex. le comme tels, & rêverez Jes loix. Lafoy qui de vos cœurs exige cet homage, L'exige également, des Berges & des Roys. Mortals, there is a God ; his Laws revere 3 Love him as fach, fince you his Image are. The Law tiiat this requires, alike does bind Kings, Peafants, Swains, and all Mankind. The 3 ? : gïîîÇîS8§-§' ter aux attentats ou f impieté attire les <%!%x%K%ss%a mec hants. Autant de fois que tu feras a fez infevfé pour douter s'il eji un Dieu. Autant de jois que tu voudras entreprendre quelque defein au delà de tes forces ; vien con filter cet horrible fpe&acle, & inédite profmidemevt fur le fuccez que le Gel referve aux entreprifes abominables. Tu apprendras bien tojl à humilier ton orgueil ; à reprimer ta témérité j & à connoijlre combien il ejl efpouvantable, de tomber entre les mains de Dieu , quand nos crimes Vont mis en cho- lere. ! que cette fable exprime bien cette vérité. Ceux que nous voyons icy chargez de rochers, & montez jufque au de fus des niées, ef oient les plus grands & les plus redoutables des hommes. Mais quelque extraor- dinaire que fut leur courage aujfi bien que leurpuifance, ils firent toutefois des efforts inutiles ; & tentèrent des chofes criminelles, pour ce qiiils ozerent fe porter con- tre le Ciel. Les Géants ne furent pas ecrafez pour a- voir entrepris au de la de leurs forces, mais pour sefre révoltez contre ceux qui les leur avoient données. «gefegfes&ss&s S oft as your corrupted Inclinations rafflSa%& and depraved Defires tempt you to . V|| A III* Thoughts, which Impiety infpires J^8?ï8S8sllf' m tne Vicious, ( if ever you are fb %s$Ktps*ps%o i n f a tuated as to doubt whether there be a God;), or that you would undertake any Thing above y our Strength and Power , come and confult this horrid Spectacle, and think ferioufly on the Succefs Heaven gives to wicked Enterprizes. Thus will you foon learn to humble your proud Soul ; to bluih at your own Temerity, and trem- ble to think what a dreadful Thing it is to fall in- to the Hands of the Living God, when our Crimes have render'd him angry with us. How well does the Fable here before us explain this Truth ? Thofe whom we behold loaden with Rocks and Moun- tains, climbing up the Hills to fcale the Battle- ments of Heaven, and appearing the moft daring and boldeft of Mankind, (altho' Gyants in Stature and Impiety) fail in their Attempt -, and by the Almighty Thunderer are ftruck down to perifh in their own Foolifhnefs. Yet I defire you would obferve, that thefe Gyants are deftroy'd, not for atrempting Things above their Strength ; but be- caufe they employ'd it againft him that gave it. _ . _ _. _ „ ._ IneCi ïttî**** i^aCf MI-rMTt.v/ i VWE rsgPf oft , « > ^-oTtJvrf teg jrxgi < ~n ''ii' i i-itttt rrnj2 i xgj xiim rzHULLiiii mum j mn ujuii ^jjjjj, ii^j n r^nn E-^jj " ""i 1 "' ' CTd m^ii miTii nyn ixgm xxrri . mut irirr: ruTTT .rrrr < ■ n_q xnm mu] n TTT l\-_ JD:TTTTL U-i-i îJ:rrTT i-n iTnnn tt ^-j; j j^ 1 I tttttt tttttt tth tt I'linniHI mil i tttTTT tT^ti idii t itiii * TTjjll TÎ.i i irr^ TT t,H : . 7r^— . > . m i ■ Yrr^r ^SljïâSXi HUT? ËZXTL T " ' ' *' n i i^xu <0) - '- - " '" "' -' —— ----- -~- - --— .-- . *- — - --r^iÉ " - - - -"- — — - -' * 0» I' i- 5- ir .:+ «* 5> » «S p it ft fi- SV «> © v- JjA id 1 U-lijj ^ .. ^ ...:- Hor.lib. 2. DrfiSa majortim immeritus lues Od . 6. Romane, donee templd rejeceris, jEdeifque labenteis Deorum, & Fœda nigro f.mulacra fumo. virg.d.^E. Difcite Juftitiatn momti, & non temnere Divos. 2 Oh, helplefs Romans ! by the Gods decreed, For your Fore-Fathers horrid Sins to bleed , Unlefs your Piety prevent ; make hafte, New Shrines and Temples build , by them defae'd. Obey the Gods who only made you great : 'Twas they firft raifed,and muft fupportyour State. Let Mortals learn to grow more wife ; Nor Juftice, or the awful Gods defpifè. A View of H u m a N Life. 39 : . . Si h glaive & la fame, ovt les champs defertez \ Les Temples abattus, & les Villes brûlées : Si tu vois au tombeau, tes fils précipitez, Et traifner aux cheveux tes filles defolées : Toy ; par qui tant de loix ont ejlé violées, S'hache que cef le fruit de tes impietex. If Fire and Sword have laid thy Cities wafte « Thy Temples, and thy ftately Towns defac'd s If in thy Sight thy darling Sons are flain, And cruel Vidors do thy Daughters ftain ; Thou art the fatal Caufe : Thy Crimes alone Have reach 'd the Skies, and brought thefe Judg- ements down. The 4o The Dofîrine of Morality; oy\ The Explanation of the Twentieth Pidure, «IS m «SB ««s Les Méchants iè punifîênt l'un l'autre! ^êUMMI OU S les mechansfont punis. La jujïice «| étemelle nen difpenfepas un ; & quand g»! k J bourreaux ont achevé de tourmenter les 3 * coupables, Us font à leur tour, condamner. aux fuplices, pour ce quils ne font pas plus innocens que les autres. Les horreurs de ce Ta- bleau vous annoncent ces veritez. Voyez cette ville em- brafée. Nombrez ces hommes, ces femmes, & f es en- fans ajfajjinez. Contemplez ces gibets & ces roues. Ils ne font pas moins le chafiiment que les effets de nos crimes. La punition fuit le mal comme V ombre fuit le corps. Bien quelle J oit boitteufe, & quelle ne marche pas toufiours aujji vijleque le mefchant, elle le fuit toute- fois fans cejfe 5 & quand elle ejl bien longue à venir, ù'eft une prévue certaine quelle a long-temps médité fur le genre defuplice, dont elle veut punir ces perfecuteurs inhumains qui ont ejlé les injirumens de lajujlice di- vine. The Wicked punifb one another, IptltgtÉL L that are wicked are punîfli'd ; eter- fa fl nal Juftice fpares not one : And when û A o» the Executioners have finiih'd tor- fLe<*»JK renting the Guilty , they themfelves !K--ii?%iy%?S5 are in their Turn condemn'd to the Torture , becaufe they are equally culpable. The Horrors of this Picture denounce this Truth to us. Behold another City in Flames ! What con- fined Heaps of murther'd Men , Women and In- fants ! Confider the Gibbets, Wheels and Scaffolds, which are left the Punifhments , than the Effeds of their Crimes ; for Punifhment ever follows Sin, as the Shadow does the Body. Tho' perhaps Ju- ftice may feem Lame , and follows not fo faft as the Villain offends ; yet fhe furely overtakes him, when he is leaft aware -, and when ftie ftays long behind , 'tis a certain Sign that fhe is meditating fome uncommon Vengeance to manifeft God's Anger on thofè inhuman Perfècutors of others, who having executed the Divine Juftice upon many Of- fenders , ought now in their Turn to feel it theni- felves. . I*iV:1S*T-M».V: IJfiV If.V Itt.VMK.v.rjf.v.i.tt'iV Hor. lib. 5. S &pe Diefpher oi. 3. Negleftus, incejlo aididit integrum : Raro antecedentem fcelefium Deferuit pede pœ?ia claudo. ieneca. Sequitur fuperbos à tergo Bens'. TibuII. Ah mifer, etji quis primo perjuria celai J *j* h ?'• Sera tamen tadtis pasm vent pedibus* Jove fbmetimes angry fèems on all To let his dreadful Thunder fall: Nor does the Good, more than the Villain fpare j But the Lame Goddefs ftill purfues The guilty Souls 5 and Time does chufè To ftrike, and right the Gods who blamelefs are. Divine Vengeance always purfues the Proud. Unhappy Wretch, that thus himfelf deceivesj For tho' his Perjury he well conceals ; Juftice, when he himfelf fècure believes, Does foon o'retake, and gently on him Reals. Tragiques A View of Hv m an L [ v e. 4i Tragiques injlrumens des vangeances celejles, Monfires dont la fureur fe déborde fur tous : Regardez ces bourreaux inhumains comme vous, Bien toji vous fentirez leurs atteintes funejles. You fragick Inftrumenrs ôf Vengeance fèe -, Monfters whom Heaven did in Anger frame, Such as your felves, \vell skill'd in Cruelty -, And from their Hands expe<2 to feel the lame. M The 4* The Doiïrine of M o r a l i t y ; or> The Explanation of the One and Twentieth Picture. L'Homme eft Né pour aymer. ^ -^ ^ f on origins, que de luy rendre Jespre- 4cVr^^p miers beautez ; & h porter à. ce haut ci&Qjgig^iQjg point de perfe&ion , quelle recent lor s que fon Antheur luy commanda de venir efclairer les homines. Vous voyez aujji qu'ils fe tiennent coniepar la main -, & que la Morale chreftienùe m enseigne rien, que la naturelle renous ordonne. L'un & ïautrepre- mieremcnt exigent de nos cœurs , V adoration de Dieii ; & veulent enfuitte, que tous les hommes s'aymentdvec autant de tendre fe, que fî ejfeiïivemént Us eft 'oient fortis d'une mefme nier e. Ce Jl à cette importante & 'neceffaire partie de la vie civile que nous fommes arrivez. Ce Tableau nous présente les devoirs de V amitié ; & nous fait entendre combien doivent efire inviolables & faintes, ces loix qui ont eflê gravées du doigt mefme de la nature, dans le cœur de tous les hommes. Vous voyez aujji comme elles font religieufement obfervêes par les deux amis, dont noflre Peintre nous donne les pourtraits. Ils font tellement conformes, & tellement unis, qu'on pour r oit dire que ce font deux corps qui ne font animez que d'une ame. Ils quittent Fun pour Vautre tout ce qui peut nuire à leur amour. Les honneurs, les ri- che ffes, les délices, nontponit de charmes qui puifent vy les feparer pour long-temps , ny. mefme fit/pendre pour un feul moment -, Vaiïivhé de leur affe&ion. Pourveu qu ils fepojfe dent Vun l'autre , ils croyent pof- feder toutes chofes -, & trouvent dans leur contentement réciproque, une plenitude de félicité que la fortune ny la beauté ne promettent que faucement. Man teas born to -Love. not the Deftroyer of never aim'd at more from its Beginning , but. to reftore ISsP^PtI Morality, to its firft Beauty, and to ^Jîop^ço^ refine and raife it to that high Per- fection, which it receiv'd from God its firft Au- thor, when He commanded it to go and illumi- nate Mankind. You fee that they walk Hand in Hand ; and that Chriftian Morality teaches no- thing but what the Natural ordain'd. ' They both equally oblige all Men, firft, to adore their Crea- tor ; and next,' to love one another as tenderly, as if they were really all Children of the fame Pa- rents, and the Fruit of one Womb. It is to this important and ufeful Time of Life that we are now arriv'd. This Picture reprefents to us the Duties of Friendftiip , and fhews us how facred and inviolable we ought to efteem them, fince her Laws are engsaven in the Hearts of Men, with Nature's own inimitable Fingers. Of this our Painter gives us an admirable Proof in the Two Friends here delineated. They are fo conforma- ble and obliging to each other , fo very much One, that you would conclude they were Two Bodies, actuated but by one Soul. They quit for each other whatever is prejudicial to their Friendftiip ; Honours, Riches and Pleafures have not Charms powerful enough to fèparate them long ; no, nor to fufpend for one fingle Moment the Ardency of their Aftedtion ; if they poflefs but one another, they believe they poflefs all Things , and find that mutual Satisfaction in each others Converfation, which Riches and Beauty promife (but in vain) to thofe who gain the largeft Share of them. It is in the Union of Souls alone, that we can have a Tafte of eternal Felicity. Hor. lib i. Nil ego contiderimjucundo fanus amico. Sat. 5. Virgil. Omnia vincit amor; & nos cedamus amori. Ecdef. iq. "Perde Pecuniam propter amicum. Amico jucimdo ma- gis egemus, qttàm aqua vel igne. Unlefs my Reafon fails, and makes me err, I'll nothing to a pleafant Friend prefer. Love over all Things Vidor reigns, Then yield, and gladly wear his Chains, L'amoiir A View jfHuMAN Life. 43 Vawmtr mhne defes fames, Tous ceux qui font dignes^ du jour. Les hommes qui n ont point d amour, Sont des cor$sqxà vivent fans âmes. Friendfhip and Love a gen'rous Warmth beftow On each, that's worthy Life and Joys to know ; But he, whom no fuch facred Flames înipire, Stranger to friendly BUG, or fond Defee ; On whom no foft endearing Arts can win, 'lis true, a Body has, hut not a Soul within. The 4+ The T)oftrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Two and Twentieth Picture. ( | En aymant on fe rend parfait. ? 炙1!^1j ^ 1^ m ^ es P™ia$ TI TTfrTT t : t > T. \7 pli TI ,lr T yi 'f' J J. .tjtv jrp"n _\s n' f i "Tf* 1 FPU (t sunning rrn n 5 ri 1-T n cj - * œh . . jrrc tli±i- So c urn : uzttj *imh win ■ mn i 3Q0Ç 3J0i-t *>6U i»X 330ÎÎ33&:. SJSit 33=0 KS=& Ï& Ï3=C S® §5^ Ï3&. 3 a jy-r jjxî œv r/5 *5k. itt C=c js g^s r^i fyri r&o \. Hor.Iib.i. Kec tva laudabis ftudia, aut aliéna reprendes : Epi ft. 1 8. Nee, cum vevari volet ille, poemata panges. Gratia f.c fratrum geminorum , Amphionis at que Zethi difjiluit : donee fufpeBafevero Conticuit lyra,fraternis cejjijfe putatur > Moribus Amphion. Sail, in Cacil. Idem veUe atque idem nolle, ea demum frma amicitia eft. If thou do'ft Mufick love, or Poefy, 1 And thy Friend kindly asks thy Company > To Hunt, or Ride, refufe not but comply. J The Harp Amphion, ZetLus fports purfu'd j Zethus to pleafe, Amphion Beafts fubdu'd, And laid his Harp alide to fhow, What to oblige his Friend he'd do. Brothers in all Things grown -, they only {trove To give each other mutual Proofs of Love. The Title of true Friends thofe only claim, Who the {âme Things do love, and hate the fame. Les A View of H u m a n Life. 47 Les amis doivent tour a tour Se tefmoipier leur defferavce. Ceux la 11 ont pas beaucoup d'amour ^uinontgusres de complaifajice. Friends mutually mould ftrive to fhoW How each his Will to pleafè can bend : He nothing can of Friendfhip know, Who won't delight to pleafe his Friend. The 48 The Doctrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Twenty-Fourth Picture. L'amour des Peuples, eft la force des eflats. The Love of the People, is the Strength of a Kingdom. ,§«£r de Ue „ x qu >n m Us rempli ft de lumière ; r§t T ftp? de me/me l 'amitié n'ejt jamais dam une "l*"i5?Sî52S5?si§f* Republique, quelle vy produife la Paix, «^î^SK^M^fs Yvmon, gf la force. No fire Peintre paffant de l'amitié partiuliere à la publique, pbilofopbe ainfi dans ce Tableau \ & pretend de montrer aux pères de familles, anjji bien qu'aux Minières d'Efiat que le nombre de leurs enr.emis vefera jamais capable de les perdre, s'ils n'y contribuent eux mèfmes par leurs fe- crettes mef-intelligences, & par leurs divijions dome- jfiques. Mais ve fe croyant pas affez eloqitant pour prouver cette grande vérité, il emprunte le vifage & l'efprit de Sertorius, afin que par la haute opinion que fa vertu hy adonnée, il luy J oit plus facile de nousper- fuader-, & pour rendre fes perfuafions plus populaires, ilfefert de la familiarité d'un exemple qui peut frapper indifféremment les f ages, & les idiots. Il fait amener devant une armée , deux chevaux, dont l'un paroijt jeune, & vigoureux ; & l'autre vieil, foible, & dé- charné. Il commande à un vieil homme , cajfé de tra- vail, & fraifchement rélevé de maladie, de tirer poil à poil laqueiie du beau cheval ; & à un jeune & robujle Soldat de prendre celle de Vautre cheval, & la luy ar- racher tout à la fois. Le dernier obcït ; & abufant de fa vigueur, entraine le cheval tout entier, luy donne mille fecoujfes , & fe fait mille efforts. Mais autant qu'ils font grands, autant font ils i7nitiles. Cependant le vieillard tout débile, & tout exténué qu'il ejl, ofte les poils du cheval fougeux , les uns après les autres ; & vient aifemeitt à bout de ce qui luy a ejié commandé. Voila, nous dit voftre Pbilofopbe muet par la bouche du fage & vaillant Romain, la reprefentatwn de la vie ci- vile. Tant que Us peuples font bien unis , & bien affe- Siofinez les tins aux antres, ils ve peuvent ejire la proye des étrangers, mais quand les haines & les partialité* leur ont fait autant d'ennemis domefiiques qu'ils font de particuliers, quelques foi blés que foient ceux qui les at- taquent, il leur eft facile d'en ufurper la liberté. •g«£îe£«&M&5 S the Sun beholds no Place that he I Jga9aa|! fills not with his Light, fo Amity is' V|j -A- g|» never in a State where it produces not %Èmfîmig > Peace, Unity and Strength. OurPain- %*$aiipsip^p> ter pacing f rom particular Friendihips to the Publick , philofbphizes alfb in this Picture, with defign to inftruct Fathers of Families, as well as Minifters of State, that the Numbers of their Enemies Abroad are not able to ruin them ; unlefs they, by their inteftine Jars, and domeftick Feuds contribute to their own Deftruftion. But fearing his fingle Eloquence will not prevail to convince you of this Truth, he borrows the Face and Lan- guage of Sertorius ; that by the vaft Reputation Iris Wifiom has gain'd him in the World, we may be the more readily induced to credit what he tells us. He here makes ufe of a popular Example proper for the Comprehension of the Vulgar and Un- learned , in Imitation of that great Man , who caufèd to be brought before the Roman Army Two Horfès ; the one young and vigorous , the other feeble and paft Service : He commands â decre- ed weak old Man, worn out with Years and La- jour, juft rifen from a fick Bed, to pull oft Hair jy Hair the young Horfe's Tail. And then he bids a young robuft Soldier , to take hold of that of the other feeble Horfe , and tear it off all at once. He obeys, and employing his whole Strength draws the Horfe backwards, making a hundred fruitlefs Attempts: For, alas! he might fooner have torn the Beaft in Pieces, than accompliih his Defign whilft he held the Tail entire. On the o- ther Hand , the old Man , not concern'd at the Strength of the young Horfe, diflevering the Hairs, eafily performs what he was commanded. Behold then, fays the wife and valiant Roman, the true Emblem of the Republick ; whilft the People are unanimous and affectionate to one another, they can never become a Prey to Strangers j but when particular Quarrels and Prejudices render them Enemies to each other, any united Force (tho* never fo fmall) of an Invader that attacks, ruins and fubdues them. J iii^iiiiiiiiiiiii^iiiiiiiiiii Hor. ©»zi von profit rerum Concordia ? Epift. i. **- r J Tacit. J5o W j amid, magnum boni Imperii infrumentum. in Ann. Saluft. in Regnum, fi boni eritis, firmum ; fin mali , imbecillum. tell. Jug. ]\~am Concordia parvs, res crefcunt, difcordia maxima dilabuntur. What cannot Concord do ? Faithful good Friends are fit Inftruments to fùpport an Empire. A Kingdom where the Subjects are good Men, is in it felf ftrong -, but where Bad , weak and tottering : For by Concord fmall Things grow great and formidable ; by Difcord great gradually weaken and decay. Arti- A View of Human Life. 49 Artizans hifenfez des difcordes civiles, , Naccujez point le Ciel, de vos calamité*. Vos haines, vos complots, vos partialitez Sont les premiers Tyrans qui defolent vos Villes. You fenfelefs Workers of the publick Ills,' Blame not the jufter Gods if you're undone. Your Plots, your private Feuds, your Country kills j You are its Curfe, and bring its Ruin on. O The 5° The Doiïrine of Morality"; or, The Explanation of the Twenty-Fifth Picture. . La vïaye Amitié eft def-intereflee. ♦|«&e*i|, , /£ vy avait poht de contraires, il n'y atiroit «8 S % $°* vt & com b en me f me tm P s cefferoit Î emulation & -%^ W JjA* XAJL WUr^Au U/Vi fc*VJL.U/W -**^*- -4-i ^"^S"ï«S SS& J 3VÎ î u î îua«F^^ Hor.lib. i. ■ Si cognatos, nitllo natura labor e Satyr, i. (jfotos tibi dat, retinere velis, fervareque amicos 5 Ivjelix operam per das : utfi quis afellum In campum doceat patentent cur r ere frenis. Ovid. 2. Turpe quidem ditfu : fed fi modo verafatemvr, de i J onto. Vitlgus amicitias utilitate probat. Can you e're hope to keep your Friends Efteem, Whilft you are covetous, and fordid feem ? No, no, my Friend, it is an idle Thought, L, ike his, who to the Field his Afs once brought ; Hoping he foon might learn to run the Race, Grow fleet, and with the noble Horfe keep pace. It may be thought a Saying too fèvere, But if one would the very Truth declare ; The Vulgar all their Friendlhips balèly prize By what they gain, and know no other Ties. The A View of H u m'a n Life. u Le profit eft Tobiet âe l'amitié vulgaire. Maïs un cœur grand Êjf noble, ayme fans intereft j Et je croy que l Amour, ejiant Lieu comme il ejl, N'eft ufurier wy msreemire. "lis Intereft only vulgar Frïendfhîps binds,' But Intereft has no Place in noble Minds. Love is a God, and does difdain Allbafe, all fordid Thoughts pf Gain, . W I 5 2 The Doctrine 0/ Morality; or, The Explanation of the Twenty-Sixth Pi&ure. L'amy ne voit point ie deffàut de l'amy. A true Friend fees not his FriencTs Faults] WdMMȧ^ELUT-la cognoijfoit bien la vatvre, ou Sis Sfjf ph'Jioft ta fatalité de Y amour, qui s eft Si C f£ perfuadé que V amour ne pouvoh eflre veri- fy* jjsj* tablement amour, s il neRoit privé de Yw &!«,!,- COTONS"*! - , TIT /l Tl • J> *$*£<>ïiv.z®i* jage des yeiix. JS/oftre Peintre nom len- f eigne en now faifant voir dans ce Tableau, tin Père qui tout infortuné qu'il ejî en fa race, ne laijfe pas, gar un bien doux & bien nece faire aveuglement, de trouver dans les dif graces de fa famille, non feulement dequoyfe confier, mais dequoy rendre graces aux Dieux. Il la voit au travers de ce bandeau trompeur , que T amour luy a mis devant les yeux. Il donne de beaux noms à des chofes difformes. Il corrige par fon affeSion, les manquements de la nature. Il cherhue en la beauté du vif age, dequoy oppofer à la difformité de la taille 5 & rencontre dans une taille bien faite, dequoy recompenfer la laideur du vif age. Ce que ce Père fait pour fes en- fans, Y amy le doit faire pour fon amy ; & croire qu'il viole les loix fondamentales de Y amour, toutes les fois que fon jugement envieux, luy fait remarquer quelque défaut eulaperfonne qu'il ayme. ^pilàlMIE well knew the Nature, or rather Fa-' ^s , s§ tality of Love, who conceived that no JS& H '"- - - • - - - Jp Man could be faid really to love, who |1 _.,;|»' could not in that Refpecl: be truly vm><&W$£ efteem'd to have loft the Ufe of his Eyes, Our Painter, to verify this Truth to us, Ihews us in this Piclure a Father , (who tho' moft unfor- tunate in his Children ) fails not by a wife and ne- cefiary Blindnefs to find in the Misfortunes of his Family fomewhat, not only to confolate him, but even Occafions of praifing God. He looks thro* the Vail with which Love has cover'd his Eyes, and gives foft Names to the Deformities of his Offspring. He amends with Affection what Na- ture has negledted. _ He finds in the Beauty of the Face of One of his Sons, fomewhat to comfort him for the Deformity of his Body ; and in the excellent Shape of another, a Compenfation for the Homelinefs of the Face. What this Father does by his Children, we ought to do by our Friends, being fully perfuaded that we violate all the Laws, andfacred Ties of Love and Friendfhip, whenever our malicious Natures incline us to be fevere, remarking, divulging, or taking Advan- tage of any the leaft Imperfection in the Perfon we pretend to Love and Honour. Hor. lib. Satyr. 3. Ibidem. At, pater ut gnati, fc nos debemus, amid ' Si quod Jit vitium, non fajlidire. Strabonem Appeliat p&tum pater : & pullum, male parvus Si cui flius eft : tit abortivus fuit ohm Sfyphus, hunc varum, dijlortis cruribus -, ilium Falbutit fcaurum, pravis fidtum male talis. Par civs hie vivit ; frugi dicatur; ineptus, EtjaSavtior bicpaido eft : coticinnus am'icis Poftulat ut videatur : at eft truculentior, atqw Phis &qno liber : fmplex, fortifque habeatur. Caldior eft : acres inter numeretnr opinor, H&c res &juvgit, junftos & fervat amicos. vith's nemo fine nafcitttr : optimus ilk eft, fgui ?mnimis urgetur. As Parents Childrens Faults conceal, We Ihould our Friends, but ne're reveal. He that a Son has got, whofe Eyes or Shape Is much deform'd, cries, 'Tis a pretty Ape : Or if like Sifyphus, untimely he Be born a Dwarf, ne're from Difeafes free, He calls him Chick, and loves him tenderly. Is thy Friend covetous and clofe? beware ; Say, he's a thrifty Man ; and ftill take care Not to expofe and blaft his Charaft er. If he is vain, to boaft and brag inclin'd, Say, he's a pleafant Man, and Mirth defignM : If he is rude, morofè, and apt to rave, Say, he's a downright Friend, and very brave. If he be humorous, then applaud his Wit. This I do think a Friend will keep or get. For no Man e're was born from Failings free j He perfect is, in whom the feweft be. Vamour A View of Ho m a n L î f e, 53 L 'amour porte un bandeau, feul pareil àfoy mefme. On ne voit an travers, rien qui nefemble beau. Quiconque veut aymer, doit porter ce bandeau , Et trouver tout parfait en h cbofe quil ayfme. Love wears a Veil, thro' which all Things appear' 7 Bright ashimfelf, for Love makes all Things fair-,> He thai: would Love, this ufeful Veil muft wear. ) So ravifh'd, view the lovely fhe, And all Perfections in her fee, P The 54- The Doftrine cf Morality; or, The Explanation of the Seven and Twentieth Picture. Refpe&e ton amy : Et prend garde a toy. RefpeU your Friend, but take Care of your [elf. .>««, $ E Tableau devroit efire tiré dit lieu ou il v - ,„ » efl, pour efire attaché par tous les carre- tÊj >Ê& f ours ' ^ am % s ®$*" & e tous les Roys ; ©wgfg'TRÏS & en tous les autres lieux ou les hommes 2bm,oJù& 0JJ t coufiume de s : 'afe?nbler. Car de tous les vices dont lafocieté civile efi infeBée, le plus pernicieux & le plus frequent , ejl cehy que le Veintre nous repre- fevte fioics té vîfage malicieux de ces curieux imperti- vents. Cet amour propre qui nous ojle Vufage des yeux toutes les fois que nous avons befoin de les tourner fur vous viefmes ; & qui nous rend des Argus lors que nous avons à traiter avec les autres ; efi Virreconciliable ennemy de la parfaitte amitié. Vous voyez ces trois perfides amis qui penetient jufique dans le fond du cœur de leur amy , pour en arracher le plus fecret defies crimes, ce font des.monfires que la nature a formez en fa choisie ; & qui méritent \\ ['■ r nU ; ; r ■, i j ; j n i . i \ • ; it r I f I TI n r j TT 7 ÇP j 1 ! ! j 1 1 " ' * 1 ' f ' j j 5 j 1 j j tv fTTT t. rnT f j riTî 'yi r: '. \ fJTt T T 5 ( j i Ï r*Trr y; ri 1 1 ÎTVÎ f l i')M>tf *&&&«* &«&»*«» s*©©»»*»***»»»»*»©**»*»*©'?' »& « • « & * «* * » « * * «ir Hor. lib. i . Tnvidus alterius viacrefcit rebus opimis : Epift. 2. Ivvidiâ Siculi non invenere tyranni Tormentnm majus. At their Friends Wealth, the envious frill lament No Tyrant e're could Pains like theirs invent. To which compared, the Rack's no Punifhment nt ; > -A Sil.lib.17> dirum exitiinn ! 6 nihil unquam Crefcere, nee patiens magnas exurgere laudes Invidia. 1 Oh ! horrid Envy, that can't bear to fee That any Thing fhould thrive, or happy be. Varl A View of H u m a N Life. 59 lïmt famer eft mi art hphs beau dé h vie. <|W lepratiqtie biertfeitife renin immortel. Mais pour devenir tel, Ujwû avoir vaincu le monjlre- de {"envie. No Art's more excellent thaïi loving well: And he that well does pra&ife it,ihall be Sure of a glorious Immortality : But he muft firft the Monfter Envy quell. The 6o Thé Doiïrine 'of' 'Morality; 'cr, The Explanation of the Thirtieth Picture. Qui a le necefîàire, n'a rien a fouhaiter. He that enjoys the Vecejfaries of Life, has 7iothing more to xoiflo for. % Element digne de la meilleurs fiecles luy ont ;gk«fos&sfe RULY worthy of the Honour the ^k^gl* beft Ages gave him, was that great C* donnée, qui vous a le premier enfeigné jag «^SSSSSSSl* 9 ue la foufrance faifoit la moitié de la 3iW^>. -• . t .,, , ,., .„. ■ ;». (J1 , .,, : !je . «g^ses^K^K^B ^p,-^ gf ?w , Z'awrre confijloit en Vab- %^^^^o and Temperance the other: Onr il" TIT n 7D_-..j...- •_./!„«. --t — Tr â * ~7„ J- __ —.. — ..3 \Jti i tifn« AJu/infarl -» « *-h£» V/ ■ r»*~ii~» 1 j-\T thin /MViTi-tn *. Man, who firft taught Mankind that Patience makes one half of Virtue, JHnence. Noflre Peintre injlruit en t 'école de ' ce grand Painter educated in the School of this eminent Philofophe, vous ejlale les images, & nous prcpofe les Philofbpher, fhews us by Images and Emblems of emblèmes de cette importante vérité. Il afatisfait aux Things, this important Truth. He has explain'd deux grandes & principales loix de la Nature : cejl à dire qu'il nous a monjlré ce que nous devons à Dieu, & ce que nous devons à nos femblables. Maintenant il v.ous injlruit de ce que vous fommes obligez de nous rendre à nous mefme ; & produit à vos yeux, le vifage fevere, mais magnanime de l'abjlinence. Par la il veut to us the Two chief and principal Laws of Nature, inform'd us what we owe firft to God , and next to our Neighbour -, he now proceeds to inftruct us what we are obliged to do for our felves ; fetting before us the fevere but magnanimous Face of Abftinence, defirous to convince us, that to deny our felves a vous faire cognoijlre qu'il ny a rien qui vous dejlacheji too great Indulgence of our Appetites is the moft puifjamment de la fervitude des vices , que la refinance ready Way to free us from the Tyranny of all Vi- què nous apportons aux charmes, & aux follicitations ces. For the moft powerful Charms with which dont ils ont accoufinmé de vaincre nos âmes par Vintelli- Vice vanquifb.es our Souls, are generally thofe that gence de vos fens. Regardez bien ce Sage, qui mefu- hold Intelligence with our Senfes, and delude thé rant à fa foif, ce qitil faut pour Te feindre, porte un Sight , Tafte , and Touch -, enchant the Under- petit vafe en me petite fontaine ; & y recevant goûte à ftanding by the Ear, and diftill the poifonous Plea- goute la liqueur qu'elle ver fe fans aucun me flange de fa' fures into our Blood, wliilft Wine and coftly Diet ble & de limon , fe dej altère aujji pleinement, que s'il continue the Flame that confiâmes us. Confider avoit bu dans lesfources mefme du Gange & de l'Eu- attentively the Reverend Old Man,who meafuring frate. Maisve dejloumez pas fi vifte les yeux de def- his Thirft by what is only necefiary to quench it fus cette peinture . Vous n'en avez encore vu qu'une carries a little Earthen Pitcher to a fmall Foun- partie. Çonfiderez ce loingtain qui fe perd parmy des tain, and receives Drop by Drop , the lovely Wa- precipices inaccejjibles , & des rochers effroyables ; & ter that diftills from it, unmix'd with Clay and vous y verrez un ennemy de l'abjlinence, emporté par la Drofs ; and departs as well làtisfied as if he had violance d'un torrent-, .qu'il pouvait , s'il eiîjl voulu, fa- drank at the Head-Source of Ganges or Euphrates, cilement éviter. Mais ce pauvre fou , qui dans les ê- But, hold ' turn not away your Eyes from this coles du monde a reçeu cette pervicieufe doiïrive, qu'il Piéture, you have feen but the one half of what it v'y a que les petits efprits qnife contentent d'une petite contains : Behold , a diftant Profpecf of Moun- fortune, s'ejl perfuadé qu'il luyfalloit un fleuve tout en- tains mix'd with Rocks and dreadful Precipices tier pour ejlré délivré de fan alteration. Cejl aujfl where one would believe Men would not dare to pour ce fujet qu'il s'ejl imprudemment engagé dans les go ; there you will fee an Enemy of Temperance, perils ov il Je pert ; & pour ne s'ejlre pas voulu con- born away by a Torrent ; which, if he had pleas'd, tenter du peu qui fufifoit à fa conservation. II are- he might with Eafe have avoided. This -is.one of cherché le trop, qui au lieu de luy ojler lafoif, luy of e thofè Fools, who in the infatuated Crowd had Yefperance & la vie. learn'd that pernicious Maxim , That none but mean Souls are contented with a fmall Fortune ; that nothing lefs than a fuper-abundance of all Things is able to make a Man happy. Thus he thought nothing but a whole entire Flood could fiiffice to quench his Thirft -, and therefore imprudently engages in Difficulties and Dangers in which he perifhes ; and not contented with that little which would have fufficed for his Confervation, feeks that Superfluity , that inftead of only quenching his Thirft, deprives him both of Hopes and Life. Hor.lib. i. Bum exparvo nobis tantundem haurire relinquas, Satyr, i. Cur tua plus laudes cumeris granaria no fris ? Ut, tibi fift opus liquidi non amplius urna, Vel cyatho : & dicas, magno deflumine mallem, Ghiàm ex hoc fonticulo tantundem fumer e. Eo fit, Plenior ut fiquos deleBet copia juflo, Cum ripapnul avidfos fer at Au f dus acer. At qui tantuli eget, quanto ejl opus, is neque limo Turbatam haurit aquam, neque vitam amittit in vndis. 4 I know not why you fhould your Granary prefer Before my little Store, or Flagon to my Jar ; For if a Cup you'd fill, the little Stream hard by, Would better than yon mighty Flood your Want [fupply. Miftaken thofè who Superfluity do prize y And nought but a whole River, or a Seall fuffice To quench their raging Thirft , drown'd in the ra- [ pid Stream, Anfidus rowling, bears away the Banks and Themj Whilft thofè who covet only what's enough, fècure, Tafte all the Sweets of Life, drink all their Water [pure Dan, A View of Human Life. -nous représente l image de cette magnani- me frugalité, dont les crémiers Philofophes ont com- pofé la beatitude du fecle d'or. Admirez avec moy, je vous prie , ce couple bien heureux qui tout mortel qu'il eft, s' eft eflevé par fa propre vertu, à la conditi- on mcfme des Dieux. Il vous tefmoigne par fon aBion qu'il a befoindeftpeu de chofe, que je ve diray rien avec exagération , quand je diray, qu'il a miraculeufement fur monté les veceftitez de la vie ; & par f on abftinence trouvé V art de s'affranchir de la mif érable fervitude, ou la rature purement humaine , a de tout temps efté condamnée. Vous le voyez aufft dans une tranquillité qui ii eft troublée , vy par les maladies de fame, jiy par les dereiglemevs du corps. Il vit fur la terre, de la mefme forte que l'on vit dans le Ciel. Les Faj/iovs n'ozent V approcher ; &' les regar- dant de loin , comme ft elles eftoient devenues elles mefmcs, jaloufes de fa félicité, confeffent a la gloire de tabftiner.ee , que les tempérants font d'une efpece beau- coup plus noble que ve font communément les hommes ; & qu'à mefure que vous nous retranchons, eu le defir, eu l'ufage des biens qui periffent ; vous vous metWis en poffeffion de ceux qmfovt éternels. Temperance is the fovereign Good. IplSlllMj? E T us move gently on , and well con- p fider the Precepts that are fo necelïàry jp for us to remember : The Picture that ■ass . g : 0&:e i? nere °ff ers it: felf t0 our E 7 es , merits %?&.«&*?& no lefs v Attention than the Precedent 5 it reprefents to us in a lively Manner , that mag- nanimous Frugality; in which the Philofophers of former Ages conceived the Felicity of the Golden Age to confift. Admire with me, I beg you, this happy Pair, who, tho' mortal , are by their own Virtue raifed to be almoft equal with the Gods themfelves. They fèem to - witnefs to us by their chearful Countenances, that they are fo far from wanting any Thing the World can give , that I come ffiort of Truth, when I tell you , they have furmounted miraculoufly the Necefilties of this Life : and by a noble Self-denial found the Art of being, in a manner, freed from that miferable Slavery to which human Nature is generally fub- jecf ed by Paffion and Appetite. Behold , they appear in a Tranquillity uninterrupted by Difor- ders of the Mind, or Difèafes of the Body. They live upon Earth, after the fame Manner as they will in Heaven. Vice and Pallion dare not ap- proach them, but ftand gazing afar off, as if even they were become ( not only envions but ) Admi- rers of their Happinefs -, and refufe not to confefs, to the Honour of Abftinence, that temperate Perfons are much nobler , and far- above the reft of the World. Like them, we" by re- fera ining our Paffions and Defires , by contemning Riches and Honours here below , may become Heirs to , and Pofïèfïbrs of Pleafures that will ne- ver End nor Cloy ; and Treafures exceeding all our Wifhes, fiich as Time cannot take from us, but will continue ours to all Eternity. Hor.Iib.4. Viviturparvo bene, empatervum Od. 16. Splendet in menfa tenui falinum, ^ Nee levels fomnos timor, aut cupido Sordidas aufert. Lib. 1. Pauper enim von eft, cui rerum fuppetit ufus. Epift. 12. $ mn tri bene, ft lateri eft, pedibufque tuis, vil Divitiœ poterunt regales addere majus. Lib. 1; Satyr. 3. ■Modo, ft mihi ?nenfa4?'ipcs, & .... — , j.. ...... j„^, .j---, ~, Concha falls puri, & toga, qu& defendere frigus, giiamvis crafta, queat. He's only bleft, who in his humble State Content, his Table graces with no Plate ; But the bright Salt his honeft Father left, By neither Fears nor Cares of Sleep bereft. He that a Competency has, and knows Well how to ufè what bounteous Heav'n beftows, Can't be accounted poor : If thou haft Food And Cloaths for nfe, not rich, but clean and good, What more could Empire give. If you decline At Feafts to eat, and chufè on Herbs to dine, And are content -, you could enjoy no more, If Fate with Mines of Gold increas'd your [ Store. Give me, fays he, to hold my Salt a Shell 5 y A Little Table with Three Legs -, a Cell ; S A Coat that's warm, not fine, and fits me well. \ Tern- A View o/Human Life. «3 Temperance héroïque & fainte, Quiconque le loge eu Jon cœur -, Peittfe vanter qu'il ejl vainqueur Le Vefjierance & de la crainte. Bleft Temperance, Virtue divine, He that does lodge thee in his Breaft, A Conqueror o'er Vice ftiall fliine -, By neither H^iesor Fears opprefs'd. The j 6%. The Doiïrine of Morality; w, The Explanation of the Two and Thirtieth Picture. Qui ayme fa condition, eft heureux. He that is happy in his own Opinion b fo- is real- ^séa^ERSONNE ri ignore la fable de Phitê- «|s&Kifcs|,CARCE any Perfon is ignorant of the .3 P £. mon & de Baucis. Elle ell teinte dans J « fL fabulous Hiftory of Philemon and Baucis. | p I mon & de Baucis. Elle eft peinte „S & toutes les Galeries* Elle Veft dans toutes les * *™ mémoires. Mais peu fçavent l'intention de ces anciens Philofophes qui Vont les premiers inventée. Les commis Mytologiftes fe perfuadent que cejl un pour- trait des recompences de laofpitalité ; & veulent par S % fabulous Hiftory of Philemon and Baucis J î ^ 3 e. The Painters of all Nations have em •%-^K^g- ^oy'd their Art and Pencils to repreient the beloved Story : And the learned Poets have bleft almoft every Language with the pleafing Tale ^ but very few are perfectly acquainted with la grandeur ou font eftevez ces deux pauvres vicllars, the true Meaning and Defign of the ancient Sages, apprendre aux hommes, d'eftre perpétuellement charita- who were the Inventors of it. The common My- bles, & Homier au moins leur bonne volonté, ft la- for- thologifts are of Opinion, that it is a Reprefenta- tune ne leur permet pas de donner advantage. De moy tion of Recompence given to Hofpitality. The je vayplus avant ; & vous declare que la penfée des an- Grandeur to which thefè poor Cottagers are railed dens Théologiens a pour fon obiet en cette agréable at laft, they believe defign'd to induce Mankind in feinte, là recoinandation de Vabftinance, & lafplen- Hopes of Reward, to be generous and charitable dew des couronnes qui luy font ajfurées. Tous les Ho- to Strangers. And if adverfe Fortune permits not fpitaliers n'ont pas touftours des Dieux dans leurs logis, to give largely, yet (at leaft like this Holpitable Mais les tempérants les ont touftours en leur compagnie. Couple ) to give what they are able, Bread and a ghii fnpporte fa mauvaife fortune fans murmure. Ghà kind Welcome, inftead of Dainties. My Opinion rend gmces aux Dieux, des incomoditez de fa condition & de celles de fâ vielle ffe, ©ai s' ab fient mefme des petites chofes que fes foins innocens luy ont acquifes. Ce- luy lafeul attire les Dieux de leur fejour éternel ; & les oblige de fe comuniquer a luy. Ils le vifttent. Ils le refpeBent. Ils reçoivent avecjoye, tout ce qu'il hur- ls, that there is yet fomething.-rnore contain'd in this agreeable Fable. The ancient Hiftorian, doubtlefs, defigii'd in it to recommend to us the noble Virtue of Temperance , by which we are enabled to be bountiful to others , and {hall not fail of immortal Rewards our felves. All Men prefente de fon cœur, aujji bien que de fes mains ; & have not had the Honour of entertaining Cœleftial fajfociavt au partage de leur gloire , ils ne V abandon' Beings ; but the Temperate have the Gods always vent point, qiiils ne Tayent reveftu de ce facerdcce in their Company. He who fupports ill Fortune Royal & perpétuel, par le miniftere duquel découlent without Murmuring -, who can render Thanks to fur la nature humaine, les graces & les privileges de là God even lor Difappointments and Poverty, not condition divine. complaining of the Incommodities of .old Age h and abftains from all Excels even in thofe little Things that his innocent Induftry has acquired, defiring nothing more than Necefïàries lor Life ; it is he only whom the Gods vouchfafe to vifit and converfe withaL For him they quit their Heavenly Maniions -, him they love and honour, and willingly accept whatever he prefents -, and in Return, e're they depart, like God's Reward, create him their High-Prieft, and grace him with an Underftanding fuitable to that great Employ, by which lie becomes a Sharer of the Glory and Wifdom of that Divine Being, by whom he is thus cherifh'd and honour'd. t-~dS=>. »--aï=î «^iL^î I -M^i fstS^ t~iu=i i-vaHJ >-^i t^i^î fW! «=2^ t^^^c fWV «^k^S «=3^? i*i&î i-iiëv t-^i t^eb^ «s^=S r=siS=; t^i&i t^àft* Hor. Od. UK , Xon pofidentetn multa, vccaveris Re iïè beatum, recliùs occupât Nomen bead, qui Deorum Muneribus fapienter uti Duramque callet pauperiem pati, Pejufqve letho fiagitium timet. Non ille pro caris amicis Aut patria , timUusperire. 5 Tis wrong that Men ftiould call him bleft, "Who Lands and Store of Gold has got ; He's only fo, who is poflèfs'd Of Senfe to ufe what is his Lot. Whofe noble Soul his Fortune does excel, And Talent is to manage all Things well. He that can Poverty endure, And Death it felf prefer to Shame : This Man his Country to lècure, Or Friend, lels Fond of Life than Fame, Will bravely in their juft Defence engage, Fight till he dies, and nobly quit the Stage* Le A View of Human Life. 6 5 Le mefprh des grandeurs, de la pompe, & du bruit 5 Contempt of Greatnefi, Noifè, and Show, Et le repos obfeur d'une innocente vie ; Ont ce couple facréjuf qu'au Throne conduit. La gloire^ eft comme l'ombre. Elle fuit qui la fuit ; Et fuit ceux dont elle ejifuivie. The harmlefs, quiet Life they lead, This fàcred Couple crowns below, And makes them great before they're dead. Glory's a Shadow, if purfued it flies, And follows him, that Honour does defpife. S The 66 The Doftrine of Morality; The Explanation of the Thirty-Third Picture. La vie des Champs eft la vie des Héros. A Country Life is preferable to all others. WHzMi ^ ^ venons de cognoijlre combien font r^ rares , & combien font def rabies , ces îSa biens fpirituels que nous recevons de lafru- 7 $|3^jj» galité. Contemplons tout à nojlre ayfe, ceux qui tombent fous les fens, & qui peu- vent eftre, ou vus, ou touchez. Ce font les félicitez de la vie des champs, & les travaux délicieux qui compo- fent la deftinée bien-heureufe de ceux qui loin delà cour &' du grand monde , goufient fur la terre cette profonde tranquillité, qu'à peine les ambitieux fe figu- m w fia "sIT^t "E are R0W î n f° rm, d how excellent and ' "^ defirable the fpiritual Advantages are &! which we fhall gain by a temperate ;3 and frugal Life. Let us now fee what fenfual Satisfactions it brings. If the Senfes of Man can here be gratify 'd, if Retirement fuits beft with Nature, and frefh Air and plain Diet be more agreeable than Noife, Excels and Grandeur ; fee here the Charms of a Country Life. 'Tis this alone will make you blefs'd. The fweet, rent dans le Ciel. Ne vous perfuadez pas que ce labou- the delicious innocent Employments and Pleafures rer fe plaigne du travail, qu'il ejl obligé de partager that there every fweet Seafon brings! Happy the avec f es bœufs. Sa peine luy eft un repos. Sa tâche un Fate of thoiè, who far from Courts and all the diverti jj'ement, & tin jeu ; & à la fin de la journée, numerous Inconveniences that attend them, tafte fon corps ne fe trouve pas plus fatigué que fon efprit. in the cool Shades, that charming Tranquillity of Le Vigneron qui T accompagne, & que poftible vous efti- Soul, and Pleafures which the Ambitious promiiè mez mal 'heureux, pour ce que vous nefies pas tout à fait guéris de I intemperance, ne reçoit pas une moindre fatisfaBion. Il marie les vignes aux ormeaux , & fait cette alliance avec tant de joye, que fi nojlre Peintre avoit le don de faire parler les images , nous entendri- ons cet innocent bien-heureux, rendre graces au Ciel des douceurs de fa condition. En effeiï ceux la font veri- to themfelves (but in vain ) in the Poflèlfion of Empires. Fancy not that the Labourer complains of the Toils he here feems to ihare with his Oxen: Labour is to him delightful ; he applies himlèlf to it as a Diverfion, and at the End of the Day finds his Body and Mind rather refrefh'd than tired. The Husbandman that accompanies him, who tablement heureux qui fe pofedent tous entiers, & qui poffibly you may imagine lefs happy , believe me, defiravt peu, pojfedent tout ce quils défirent ; & non receives not lefs Satisfaction in his Employ than pas ceux que nous voyons dans un lointain, armez defer the Plowman : "With a fecret Joy he joins the & de feu, fe porter comme be fies enragées, à la défini- circling Vine to the young Elms ; and makes this Bion les uns des autres. Alliance with more Eagemefs and Pleafure, than others (lefs wife) conquer Kingdoms. Had our Painter the Art to make his Figures fpeak , we fhould now hear this happy Peafant rendring Thanks to Heaven for the Felicity of his Condition. For know, thofe only are truly happy, who with Innocency enjoy what Heaven bellows -, who defiring but few Things, poffefs all Things they wifh for : And none more curs'd than thofe the diftant Profpe£t fhows us, who arm'd with Fire and Sword, behaving them- felves like enraged Beafts, deftroy one another ; and not contented with the Condition they were born to, ftrive to acquire more unjuftly, and fo meet the wretched Fate they merit. éà&émêf* ■■■■ Hor. lib. i . Meatus ille qui procitl 7iegotiis t Epod. od. Ut prifca gens mortalinm, Paterva rura bobus exercet fuis, Solutus omni fenore : Nee excitatur clajfico miles truci. Nee horret iratum mare,, Forimqne vitat, & fuperba civiuvt Potentiorum limina. Virgil. :. fortunatos nimhim ! fuafibonanôrint Georg. Agricolas, quibus ipfa procul difcordibus artnis Fundit burnt facilejfi viSvmjufiijfima tellus : Happy the Man, and only blefs'd, Who of paternal Lands poffefs'd : From Debts and Buflnefs free, does live, Nor Intereft to the Mifer give. Sees that his Servants plow his Fields and Fences And lives like Man in his firft Innocence. No dreadful Trumpet breaks his Sleep, Nor will he truft the faithlefs Deep. The brawling Bar, and Noife he ever fiies ; Nor fawning courts the Great, or caves to rife. i Oh, happy, happy Swains ! if they but knew Their Blifs, to whom kind Ceres grants A fafe Retreat, and all that Nature wants ; Secur'd where clafhing Arms do ne're purfue. J'avte A View of Human Life. 6 7 Vantt qui voudra les Citez, A City Life let who will chufe, Ou les mortels comme enchantez, And fîay, where Men their Freedom lole. Tiennent pour des grandeurs, leur contraintes ferviUes. Mortals methinks enchanted there appear, Pour moyfayme les champs. Car fy voy des beau- And bafe Conftraint to Liberty prefer. [tez I love the open Fields, where Joys abound, me Von m voit point dans les Villes. ' That can't in bufy Courts and Crowds be found. 4 The 6B The DoHrine sf Moia l it y ; v or, The Explanation of the Four and Thirtieth Pi&ure. La vie cachée eft la meilleure. I» S &% jouteroit pas ce Tableau aux quatre pre- ^SVvO'T^i^ë' cédants. Mais il nous declare qu'en ce- ■$&W^lJdJtJ& j -7 7 '-7 ' v ' r *T~.*> --" ■ V "*' "E- V^-v^f4r>v^K-b-^ / ■»■ XI **ai «• J -(/' i/lli/l Ziyi rum m 4 1 m* *f*ifl44> ru m m ,\ I &§*$£?&ip$$z luy-cy, il achevé ce qu'il n'avoit quef- baitché datta les autres. Il nous a communiqué les a- vantages, & les douceurs que goujlent les tempérants. Il veut maintenant leur apprendre , que pour ejlre par- faitement heureux, ils doivent cognoijlre leur bon-heur ; & le regovjlant , s'il ejl permis déparier ainfi, par la reflexion, & par la mémoire, faire de cet efiude, le principal,- & le plus ajjidu exercice de leur vie. C eft pourquoy il nous peint un parfait Tempérant dans le fond d'une valée obfcvre & folitaire. Par fon aSion arrejiée & méditante , il nous tefmoigne les fpe dilations de fon ame : & femble jwus dire qu'examinant fa vie pa/fée, il tâche de découvrir dans le fond de fon cœur, s'il ne s'ejl point égaré de ce milieu , qu'il s'ejl propofé, comme le terme de fes aBions ; & fi ces mefmes aBions refpordent bien au niveau, par la juftefe duquel il à dejfein de les régler. Four nous autres qui ne fommes pas dans cetîêxamen, portons nos yeux de tous coftez, & voyons foigneufment ce qui fe pajfe au de (fus de luy. Voicy des roches bien haut ejlevez. Mais ils font em- portez par la violance des tonneres. Voicy des tours d'une excejjive hauteur. Mais le tefte fera bien toj} au de fous des fondements. Voicy des Pins qui portent in- folammevt leurs points juj que dans le Ciel. Mais ils font anachez par les racines ; & fervent de but à la cholere des vents. Tous ces fpeBacles fuperbes &fmie- fies, font aùt&vt d' tnfeignemens quela nature nous don- ne, pour nous faire éviter les excez , & pour nous ob- liger à croire qu'une grande ambition eft un grand mal ; & que les intemperances d'efprit ne font pas moins cri- minelles que celles dît corps.. . A retired Life is' the bejl. need only Painter would f ^ not add this Pifture to the Four pre- cedent -, but in this he finifhes what he has only touched on in them. He has communicated to us the Advantages and Satif. fadtions the Temperate enjoy ; but now he informs us, that to be compleatly happy, it is abfolutely ne- cefïàry that we are truly fenfible of our good For- tune ; that we are hourly refle&ing upon the Pro- vidences and Bounty of Heaven , and calling to Mind what Bleifings we have formerly and do at prefent poffefs, whilft others are wretched and mi- îèrable -, and that we mould next turn our Eyes in- ward, and examine what Returns we have made to God. This ought to be the principal Study and Bufïnefs of our Lives. For this Reafon our Pain- ter reprefents a Man of confummate Virtue, fit- ting in the Bottom of a lonely obfcure Valley. Silent he feems, and deeply meditating -, and it is not difficult to guefs the Bufïnefs in which his Soul is employ'd. He is examining his Life pafs'd, and endeavouring to difcover in the moft hidden Re- ceflès of his Soul, whether he has not any ways fwerved from that ftri£t Mediocrity which he has propos'd to keep in all his Acfions ; or whether they are exactly fquared to the Rules of Virtue, which the Plumb-Rule in his Hand reprefents. — For us who are not at prefent fo employ'd, let us lift up our Eyes to fee what is doing on the Moun- tains that cover him. Behold there mighty Rocks rent by irrefiflible Thunder -, likewife Towers of an exceflive Heighth, whofe Roofs are foon levell'd with their Foundations. See next lofty Pines, whofe proud Tops almoft reach'd the Skies, torn up by the Roots. All thefè fatal Sights, are but fo many kind Advertifèments that Nature gives us, to make us avoid all Excefi ; and to convince us, that it is a great Sin to be ambitious or proud ; and that Intemperances of the Mind are no lefs criminal than thofe in which the Body lhares. Hor. lib. 2. Od. io. Aurcam quifquis mediocritatem Diligit, tutus caret obfoleti Sordibus teBi, caret invidenda. Sobrius aula. S&piùs venus agitatur ingens Finns, & celfs. graviore cafu Decidmit tunes, feriuntque fummos ■ Fulmina montes. > . He that the middle State of Life does chufè, The wretched homely Cottage does refufè, And wifhes not for envied Palaces, But in a decent Manfion lives at Eafe. The lofty Pines are torn when Tempefts rife, And Towers deftroy'd whofe Tops approach'd the [Skies. Thunder the highefi: Mountains firft does rend, And mighty Rocks with dreadful Force defcend. ■- ■ ■ • * Cefi A View of Human Life. dp Cejfe de te ronger de foins ambitieux -, Foule aux pieds les grandeurs quen vain tu tepropofes, Vy pauvre-, mais contant. Ceux la font presque Dieux §>ui non befoin d'aucunes chofes. Ceafe to diftratt thy Mind with vexing Care, Contemn the Grandeur that thy Soul admires : Live meanly, but content ; like Gods they are, Who need no more, than juft what Life requires. T The 7° The Doctrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Five and Thirtieth Pichire. Les excez de la Bouche, font la mort de ' lame, r-:- '"-:' •|«&6&ig. S TRS j gavant Defjignatenr emprunte du M 2V %> maVhevr de quelque vertu foible, VinJlruBi- j) è oil qu'il nous veut donner ; & tirant de la <* •»• -r ». p er i e d. m particulier, un adverti jj ement ca- pable d'en f aver beaucoup, nous veut faire cognoifire que nous ne faijonspasfifouvant naufrage par les grandes tempefies qui trompent nofire cofidiiite, que par f igno- rance , avec laquelle nous nous embarquons fur une mer qui nous ejl ïnconu'è. ; Les apparances du calme nous o fient la craint éde V orage, &' comme au commencement elle vous a rendu téméraires, à la fin elle nous rend impui (fans & timides. Le mif érable que vous voyez enfevely tout vi- vant dansfon ordure, ne se fi pas reprefenté en faifant la dejlavche, les inccmmoditez dont elle efifuivie.. Il va jugé du vin que par le .goufi v & n'apenfé ny a la foce ny a: la malignité de fes fumées. Auji la tejle fait à bon droit, la penîtance de fa propre faute ; & pour n'avoir pas donné de bons confeils, foujfre la peine quelle a méritée. Ne laijfez pas d'accorder quelque' chofe à l'infirmité de l'homme. Traitiez cet yvrogne plus doucement qu'il re devroit efire; & le confiderant comme un nouveau foldat, qui pour n'avoir pas fceu bien combattre, ejl demeuré efiendufurle champ de bataille, ■ avouez que s'il fe fyt fervi de fes armes, & dejbn cœur, auffi bien qiié'fon compagnon, il aurait comme luy, triomphé des eni'èmis, qui luy ont fait mordre la poudre. \ Toutes Ces figures ne nous reprefentent autre chofe Jmoji, que là prudence, la fobrieté , & la vigi- lance , doivent efire infeparabïes d'une ame qui veut monter au temple delà vertu. The Excêjfes of the Body are the Death of the Soul. ,gs&«&j|, U R learned Painter borrows from the «| O |* Misfortune of a weak Virtue the In- ^rasîMsi ftrudion he, here gives us ; and at the Expencé ;pf one Fool endeavours to favê many unexperienced Perfons -, defigning to convince us , that we are not fa often fhipwreck'd by great Tempefts that our Prudence could not forefee ; as by ignorantly launching out into a Sea altogether unknown to us. The Appearance of a Calm takes_ from us all Fear of a Storm. Thus at the Beginning we are bold and fearlèfs, and in the End become impotent and helplefs. The con- temptible Wretch, which you here fee deprived of Senfe, did not foréfëe, in committing the Debauch, the Inconveniences with which it was attended. He judged the "Wine good by the Agreeablenefs of itsTafte, and, forgot the Strength and Malignity of its Fumes if immoderately taken/ Hi,s Head with juft Reafon does Penance for. not having counferd him better, and is the greater* Sufferer, as indeed it merits. But in Confideration of the' Frailty of Man's Nature, let us treat this Debau- chee with fome Pity, looking on him as a young unexperienced Soldier, who lor want of knowing how to defend himfelf vigoroufly, is left extended in the Field of Battel ; confefling , that if he had ufed his Arms and Courage , as well as his Com- panions, he had like them triumphed over his Enemies, who have now made him lick the Duff, Let thefè Reflections bring us to noble Refutations -, and lince wè are convinced that Prudence, Sobrie- ty and Vigilance muft be, the. infeparable Compa- nions of thofe , who would afcend to that glorious Templej- where Virtue makes her Residence : Let usxourt- their Friendfhip, refill all Temptations to Vice, and. doubt not but Virtue will reward us amply in the End. • Qiiin corpus onufium Hor. lib Sar. 2. Hefiernis vitiis animum quoque pr&gravat una, Atque affigit humo divins, particulam aura. Alter, ubi diBo citiùs curata fopori Membra de dit , vegetuspr&fcripta ad mumafurgit. Hie tamen ad melius poterit tranfeurrere quondam ; She diemfefium rediens advexerit annus, Seu recreate volet tenuatum corpus ; ubique Accèdent anni, & traiïari moïliùs &tas hnbeeilla volet. Yet what is worfe, Excefs the Senfe impairs, The Body fick, the Soul its Weaknefs fhares. The Stomach over-charg'd, black Fumes arifè ; Our Minds are dull'd, and lofé their Faculties. Not fo with thofe who moderately live, And fparingly do eat, their Bodies give Short Slumbers ; fo refrefh'd and vig'rous wake To follow their Employs : Yet thefe will make On Feftivals, or when Friends come to eat; Or they're inclined to Mirth, a fplendid Treat. Wifely reflect that Age will come, and then You fbinething more will want, than younger. Men. Monfire A View jfHoMAN Life. 7 y Monflre que Ton voit touftours yvre, fourcean dont le ventre ejl le Roy : A tort tu te vantes de vivre ; Ceux qui font m tombew t nyfetitjias tmtquetoy. 4 Mbnfrer of Man, wlioneWatf. fob» fottnd;, Thy Appetite's thy God, thon sat its Slave: Eoaft not thou liv'ft, in vile Excelles drowtfd j Loft to the World, as thofe that fill the Grave. The 72 The Doïïrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Thirty-Sixth Picture. Qui achette les voluptez, açhette un repenter. The Trice of fenfual Pl'eafures, is Repentance. vous expliquer les. enis de ce Tableau. J ifc?* Il faut n efre-pàÀ' tu monde pour ^h *iÊmm$Ê' les pas-cognoi}re-, & pour rfeftre pas ^p^pzgxïgs p er f m dé : quêlebal, le jeu, le v'w,:ë> V amour font les, plus' ordinaires , & les plus délicates liaifons de la converfatim ' civilifée. En -cela les cours:, ne font poiyit difirMès Jesfvitles. -Les bourgeois enche^- riffent fur la galantereè'ies. courtifans. Ils -marchent tous également mx dejbauçhes.; & Vailftefké des anci- ennes meres-de: familles:, sefant aprivflifee par la gal r Jante communication M coquettes, cejl maintenant ejfre du grand monde, que- de voir les files conduites par leurs mères vaines & ridicules, en ces marchez, folèmnels, ou la pudeur &.l'honejleté font prejque aïijji rarement don-, nées, quefoiwant elles font vendues. Mais que cesvo- luptez ne nous corrompent pas àujji bien que. les autres -, fnous ne fomms pas çffëz magnanimes poîir aymer la vertu à caufe d'elle mefîne, au moins foyons prudants -,. & Taymons pourVafnour de nous mefme. Voyons de -quelles incomoditez. les vohtptez font fuiyies. Apprenons ce qui fepafe dans . le cabinet dès- dejbauchez$ & écou- tons ce que difent ces gueux , &ces malades que wofire Veintre à cachez dans le fond de f on Tableau. J en- tends leurs plaintes, je voy leurs larmes, & apprends de leurs propre bouche, que les douleurs , 6f la viandiciié qui eji la plus grande de toutes , font les mterefts épou- vantables, que le temps exige delà jeuneffe perdue, pour les voluptez perniciexifes, que cetufurier. hur a'pre- fées. •• |e&^ss|sssfèp Will not-ftop to explain to you all the ;J jmaSJ^jf, Fouies alld Diforders r'eprefented in I HI* tn is Pi&ure. He muft he a Stranger ^Tw popofch. Tali petulantiâ mulieris atque pecùni& mag- nitudine iBus expavidufque Demojlhenes avertit -, Of difcedens, *k «a'cBfttu, inqilit , [Meiwv Sfayulfi (trmp'i- Fly all Excefs, Excefs deftroys, and we, Ne're fail to pay for it, with Pain and Mifery. Lais a Courtezan of Corinth, by the Beauty and Excellence of her Wit and Perfon, ( which fhe ex- pofed to Sale, and fet a Price upon), gain'd vaft Sums of Money ; being frequently vilïted by ma- ny of the moft noble and wealthiest Men of 'Greece j of which not one was admitted to her Embraces, till he had paid down the Money fhe demanded. To this Woman Demojlhenes came privately, and earneftly intreated her to let him enjoy her : Lais ask'd a Talent of him for the Favour. He much furpriz'd, and indeed confounded at the Infolence of the Woman , and Exhorbitancy of the Sum, turn'd himfelf away , and departing faid , I will not buy Repentance at fo deaf a Rate, as the Ex- pence of Ten Thoufand Drachmas. Mifera- A View î/Human Lise. 73 Bale, ma/que? brelande, yurogne, fais Vatn and Dramatick Poefy ob- . * * lige Poet and Painter ,in one Pifture or Scene to obferve Unity of Aftion, and not to bring Things afted at Diftance of Place and Time at the lame Inftant to "View. But our judicious Painter, deligning in this one Piece toinftrudtus fully of the Beginning and Effect of a wicked Action, has ( willingly difpenfèd with this Rule, and fhewn you together Helen's Rape t and Troy in Flames. Behold here a mix'd Company of Men of all Nations, divided into two mighty Armies fiercely engaged ; the one is form'd of the Accom- plices of the. young Prince of Troy, who aifift him tcmvifh from her Hufband that famous Queen, whofe Beauty was fatal to all the Hero's of that Age. The Ravifhers bear her to the Velïèl that carries her to Troy ; but lift up your Eyes and fee what fucceeds her Arrival there. The Flames that are confuming that noble unfortunate City, will inform you. And give me leave to tell you, the Rape of Helen made the Deftru&ion of Troy inevitable ; and Troy drew on its own Ruin at the Moment it received and protected the luflful Prince Alexander, and the fhamelefs Wife of the too in- dulgent Menelaus. Hor lib Seditione, dolis, fcelere, atque libidine, & ira 3 Epift. a. ' Hiacos intra muros peccatur, & extra. Lib. r. Od. 15. Pajlor cum traheret per fréta navibus Id&is Helenen perfidus hofpitam, Ingrato celeres obruit otio Ventos, ut caveretfera Nereusfata. Mala ducis avi domtivi, giuam multo repetet Gr&cia milite, Conjurata tuas rumpere nuptias t Et regnum Priami vetus. Nothing in Camp, or Town, but "Vice appears j Luft, Rage and Villany no Vizard wears. When wanton Helen crofs'd the Seas and fled, With fàithlefs Paris from her Hufband's Bed, Nereus in Pity ftilFd the angry Seas, Making the raging flormy Winds give o'er, And foaming Billows ceafe to lafh the Shore -, Whic^ the impatient Lovers did difpleafe. î ? r . Tiien fung, Fond ' ^y thou beared with thee Her who'll thy ft o^ and Country's Ruin be. Tht injur'd (Breeks incens'd, fhall all unite To fetch her back -, both Wit and Force employ Thy noble Race, and Father to deftroy ; And even tear her from thy Arms and Sight. i Miferables 4 View ofHuMAN Life. 7* Misérables Troyevs, par les Dieux immolez. A leurs vavgear.ces legitimes : N'accufezplus les Grecs, Ji vous ejles brûlez. Vofire Prhwe impudique, & Vexcez de vos crimes, Ovt allume le feu qui vous a defole%. Oh, wretched Trojans by the Gods deftroy'd, To their juft Vengeance doom'd a Sacrifice ! Blame not the Greeks, the cruel Flames that rife, And burn your City, you'd in vain avoid. Your lhamelefs Prince, and your own Crimes iùf- [fice To've lit th« Fires, and caufèd your Milèries. 4 The 7 5 The 1)oflrine of Morality; w, The Explanation of the Thirty-Eighth Picture, m$à>% j Jù& Vice is a perpetual Slaveryl OU cannot but think well, I believe, of that excellent Method which the &L Romans made ufe of, as Plutarch relates, to deter their Children from Vice, ** which to unexperienced Youth appears very alluring and delightful. He fays, to create iri their young Noblemen an Averfion to drinking, the great Men would fometimes make their Slaves Le Vice eft une Servitude perpétuelle. WO US vous foitvenez bien , comme je croy, ^ de Y excellante méthode , dont fe fiervoyent *Sa ^ es R° ?naim j P 01 ' r détourner leurs enfians '$8jv3 de ce chemin fatal que Y abord artificieux >s de la- volupté, leur figurait plein de délices. Plut arque raconte qu'autant de fois que ces grans hommes voulaient donner à ces jeunes geiis , horreur dé l'yurognerie,ils avoient acouflumé défaire enyurer leurs efclaves, & les leur faifoient voir comme noyez dans drunk, and bring their Sons to fee them ; who could lecume, & dans le vin qu'ils avoyent rendus. JYojis not DQt abhor and fly a Vice that renders a Man avons trop bonne opinion denofire Peintre Jioique, pour f° odious and contemptible.'" Think not our Pain- croire qu'il ayt quitté les galeries de Zenon, pour fe jet- ter m thisPiéhireis changed from a referved Stoick ter fur le fumier de Diogene. Cela nefipasaujji. Mats to , a Debauchee ; or quitted Zend's Gallery to throw il s'efi perfuadé qu'il ne pouvait faillir d'imiter la fa- himfèlf on Diogenes's Muckhill, becaufe he here re- gejfe Romaine -, & que pour imprimer bien avant dans prefents fbmething to raife your Blufhes : He, in lès âmes, Y averfion de ces dejbauches, que l'honnefieté Imitation of the Roman Prudence, to imprint in ne permet pas de nommer, il devoit les repref enter, avec our Souls a true Diflike to Crimes which Modefty toutes les circor, fauces perilleuj r es & ridicules, dont elles permits not almoft to be named, reprefents Luft, font prefque toufiour-s accompagnées. Il j one done icy with all the ridiculous and dangerous Circumftan- la catafrophe d'une comédie Italienne. Le Pantalon ces, with which it is generally attended. See here que tous les de fins comiques condamnent , àlanecefité a Story reprefented in an Italian Comedy ; The old d'ejlre touf ours poltron, & touf-jours cocu ; ayayt efé Man, who is call'd Pantaloon, is a Perfbn whom adverty par fon valet, que quelque Le andre, ou quelque the ill-natur'd Stars had deftin'd to be both a Lelio efi avec fa femme, entre la dague a la viain, pour Coward and a Cuckold. He being inform'd by his immoler fini & l'autre , à la mémoire defon honneur. Servant, that a Gallant is with his Wife, enters Mais Marinette, qui efi faitte au badinage, n'a pas the Chamber with a Dagger in his Hand, threat- manquk d'advertirlesamants de la venue du bon homme, ning to façrifice both her and her Lover, to his Leandre aujji n a fait qu un faut du lit dans un coffre ; Honour and Refentmènt. But Marinet her Maid s efi imaginé que le cocu n aurait pas le nez. affezfin had given Notice to the Lovers of the good Man's pour fe mettre fur fies voyes. La fortune toutefois le coming. Leander makes but one Leap from the trompe, carle vieux puvais a fenty l'odeur de la befie $ & vous le voyez courir à la vangeance, mais en une po- flure plus propre à faire rire, qu'à faire peur. Ifia- belle cependant contrefait la defolée j'fîjf reclame les Dieux auj quels elle ne croit point. Pour le galant bien qn il f Cache que le Pantalon efi une mauvaife lame, il ne laijfe pas de fe repentir de la dangereufe curiofitê, qui Bed to a Cheft -, and there conceaFd , fmiles at his injured Rival's Threats ; imagining, that the old Fox has not his Senfes fharp enough to find him out. But Fortune again deceives him , for the Eyes' of the Jealous are fharp : And Pantaloon difl covering him , flies to execute his Vengeance on him : Vet trembling and irrefolute^ whilft Ifabella. hy a donné Y envie de prendre part aux plaifirs d'autruy ', appears difcoufolate, and implores his Pity-, ex- & par de belles remanffrances conjure le Pantalon, de. claiming againft that God, in whom fhe believes ne point tremper fon glaive dans le fang d'un homme not : Whilft the mifèrable Adulterer, who with plus malheureux que coupable. good Reafon fears to die, fails not to repent of his dangerous Curiofity ; and curfes the vile Paffion that has undone him : Begging with Tears and Sighs, for that Life he is unworthy of O! Spare me, he cries, generous Pantaloon, and dye not your Sword in the Blood of a Man, that is now as wretched as criminal. Pantaloon, moved with Pity, confents to fpare him. And thus he faves his Life with the Lofs of Reputation, and the moft abje£t Submiliions -, to which Practice a brave and honeft Man would prefer even Death it felf. Hor. lib. 2. Ghiid refert, uri virgis, ferrove necarl ? Satyr. 7. y^uBoratiis eas : an turpi claufus in area, Quo te demifit peccati confeia herilis Contrafium, genibus tangas caput ? pallida letfo Defliat mulier : miferamfe confeia clamet. Eftne marito Matrons, peccajttis in ambos jufiapotefias £ Lib. 1. Sjryr. 2. Lib. 2. Satyr. 7. In cormptorem veljufiior ? 2 It matters not, whether with Rods your beat, Kill'd on the Spot, or in the End retreat -, Expos'd, and fore'd with Shame a Life to buy : Or bafèly in fome Coffer trembling lie. Bound Neck and Heels, by the vile Chambermaid, Who does the Secret keep, and is like you, afraid. Whilft the poor guilty Wife with Fear half dead, Shrieks out, and leaps from off the Confcious Bed, And her unhappy Lover now too late Repents, and fighing mourns his Fate. Think you the injured Hufband of the Dame, The wanton She, an equal Right don't claim O'er her and you, to punilh both ; nay, may "7 More juftly you, who did her Heart betray, > And fhamelefs, taught her firft the vicious Way. \ The i jâitëiçw of. H U M A N L l F fr 77 Voleiffun llenjt cherafôii vrây pofefëù/i Monjlre qnitn feu butai iwefament cotifuitte*, Confejfe an trifte objet dit glaive puni jj'eiir, ®m tonplaijir pajjé n'a paint eu de doiweur, §*t ton peril prejbit ne change en amertume. Robber* who bafely fteai'ft what U rnoft dear $ The fair One to another does belong. Slave to a brutilh Flame, now fill'd With Fear At the dread Sight of him Whom thou didft Wrong, Freely confefs that all the Plea fares pafs'd Are into Torments turn'd, and lole their Tafte. X The 78 Tie Doiïrwe ©f MbirXxi tr j w± The Explanation of the Thirty-Ninth Pictured Le desbauché paflè d un Crime a l'autre. |**|j£ Pantalon ^avoit pas dejfein, comme û| V0Us voyez en ce Tableau, de pardonner |jy L (§| l'injure qu'il àvoit receu'è. Mais ayant 4^^««-^£<§J! pour le moins autant de peur que l'adul- ww*$«pw t&re, il luy a donné le temps de fe de- fimbaraffcr de fin coffre, & de gàigner la campagne. Le voila qui fi covle je long de la rue ; & qui fi rit dis menâtes que le Pantalon luy fait fur le feûil de fit porte. Cejl a (fez de cette Comédie. Ne vous diver- ti fins pas d? avantage de ces folies criminelles ; & re- prenant nofre firieux , fiparons le pur de V impur. Voyez vous ce dejbàucbé, qui a par manière de dire , le poignard à la gorge. Peut eflre voUs figurez vous, qu'ejlànt devenu fige par. le péril qu'il a couru, ilfe rë : tire chez luy, avec une firme refolution d'abandonner le vice, & de m courre plus de bâtard, que dans les. oc- cajions d'honneur. Nullement. Mais plus infenfible a fa propre bonté, &^a : JoW propre danger , que le Ljon ou le Tygre nëÇejlM fa cage, & aux fers, dont il ejl efcbappé,-ilpaffe d'une abyfme en Vautre 5 & va cher- cher chez un fécond Pantalon,, une féconde Ifabelle. ■gut* \sâ, Vk^i j/HuMiM Life. 19 3$W efprit impudique efl efclhe au vice, ^ueflmmmeeft maVhevreux, qui fi laiffe emj) Rfgar'tfe çè-pefàn qui fort du- precipice. &neneji'e£cb **,>&Sft«|& qui(h , d o ne p art of our EnemieS) I HI» fince whilft there is yet more in a 5 HBôSSësil* Capacity to hurt us, we are in Dan- «gt^sw^i^^ ger of being yet overcome : Let us then proceed to finifh a Work fo well begun, and gain an entire Victory. I doubt not but you have much profited by the Inftruclions our learned Pain* ter has already given you. And that Luft, Ga- ming, and Drinking are now probably but fb ma- ny Enemies proftrate at our Feet. But Ambition is not yet conquer U The fènfelefs Defîre of Ti- ties, Empires, and mining Gold , yet preys upon our Souls, diforders our Minds, and endeavours to triumph over our Temperance 5 let us arm then, and, if poifible, avoid this fhameful Defeat : Let us deliver our fèlves from a Slavery (b ignomini- ous, that rightly confider'd, a Man would loath it. For Crowns, (unjuftly gain'd,) tho' bright and daz- zling, mark us nr greater Monfters than the reft of Mankind ; and aie but the hated Proofs of illu- ftrious Villany. We need only behold the Piflure before us, to learn all that is neceflary for us to do. See but how this Hero behaves himfelf , amidft the Temptations of Fortune and Charms of Am* bition : He appears habited in the Skin of a Lion and arm'd only with a Club , yet victorious over all that oppofes him. He treads under Foot the Daemon of Riches ; has nobly gain'd the Maftery of all his Paffions : And by his Example fhould methinks infpire all noble Souls, like him, to de* fpifè thofe Things that we cannot gain with Inno- cence, nor keep without Anxiety and Fear. AH Nations revere and offer him Crowns and Em* pires, paying a juft Homage to his Fame, which has reached the remoteft Corners of the Earth ; but he refufès them with more Generality than they are ofîèr'd him ^ and aims at no other Glory than that which Virtue makes him Poflèfïbr of-, teach* ing us, that only he, who condemns Honours and Riches, who would not ftoop to do a bale A&ion for a Kingdom, is worthy to poflefs one. Hor. lib. 2 1 Latius règnes avidum domando Od. a. Spiritnm, qvam fi Libyam remotis Cadibus jungas, tfuterque Pottius berviat uni. Stnec. Rex efi, qui pojuit metvs t Thyert. jjf fi r \ malapeBoris : Quern non ambitio impotens t Ht nunquam fiabilis favor Vulgi pr&cipitis movet. Nor can a lefs than Heaven his Soul fuffice. y Y The 82 The Dofîrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the One and Fortieth Picture. La crainte de la Mort, eft: la punition des The Fear of Death isthe juft Punifihment of 'the ambitieux. • Ambitious. >4» L ■OU S avez trop otiy parler du fameux & J redoutable feftin, qui éft peint en ce Ta- fcïi tSa fà eau * P 01tr me perfaàder que vous en sl^^jiilf f }^ en peine. Néantmoins je ne ïaijfe- ray pas de. vous en entretenir fuccintement, puis qu'eftànt encore extrêmement malades de la mala- die delà cour, il eft nèce faire de vqus donner jonvant des cojitrepoifons, contre vin fi dangereux venin. Mais je vous traitte trop favorablement, de ne vous::cokfi+ derer que comme des . malades ordinaires. Vofire mal eft fur naturel. .' Vofire ame en eft attaquée âuji bien que vofire corps ; & j'oze dire, fans vous offencer, queftant pojfedezpar le demon de l 'ambition , vous éft es dzzes Ene/pimenes hifortunez, que les conjurations ,. ^? les exorcifmes mefinie ne font pas capables de guérir, iMflis vous ne le ferez jamais, fi vous ne Ve fies par la vertu : dè: V exemple que je vous propofe. Vous connoijfez bien cet ancien Tyran de Syracufe , afamineorgueitfeirfje& cruelle. Ne vous arrejlez dene pas a le èànfidêrer -, mais tenez les yeux arreftez, fur Vanibitieux ■ Dàvïôcles, aujji fixement quiljt la veiie attachée a la pointe du fer, qui luypen&fur là tefie. S'il n'efiok efpotivanté comme il eft, faurois bien envie delay demander silfe fouvient des derniers vœux qu'il à faits; ■& s'il goufte bien lefuperbe & délicieux appareil , pour lequel il lès a faits. Mais iln'a nonplus d'dreiUespour nous, qu'il en a pour la mujîque qu'on luy donne. Ceft pourquoy je vous ionfeille de lai fer ce timide, & 'ridicule courti- fan, dans le fupplice qu'il a mérité \ & rire de le voir à la table dim Tyran, aujî gefné , que s'il efioit-à la . torture: Confeffez aujji que Denis efioit un habille homme, qitoy qu'il fufi un mefchânt Prince, puis qu'il avoit mie fi parfaite côgnoijfance defa condition-, & puis qu'il nous confie fe encore aujourd'huy , qu'il a tou- fiours efté plus malheureux, que ceux la mefme qu'il a les plus tourmentez ; & quoy que le monde infenféfe figure, que la condition de bourreau , rt'ejl gueres moins funefte, que celle des miferables qu'il efiend fur des roues. Hor.lib. 3. Od. 1. Diftriiïus enfis cuifuper impia Cervice pendet, non Sicul& dapes Didcem elaborabmtt faporem, Non avium, cytbar&que cantus Somnum reducent. Somma agreftium Lenis virorum non humiles domos Fafiidit ; umbrofamqve ripam, Non Zephyris agitata Tempe. AM apt to think, that being, fldird in .: Hiftory, you are not ignorant of the - * Story of the magnificent Feaft here reprefented. Yet I muft beg leave to entertain you fome Time upon each Particular of it. I am indeed obliged ( being to~ fpeàk of one extreamly infedfed, with Ambition) to arm you with Antidotes to prevent the contagi- ous Difeafè from prejudicing you. .But, alas, I , think tot» jTavourably of you, it maybe : You, like; others, ate already fick, your Souls diforder'd as well as your Bodies ^;fo , you are moft unfor- tunate | for he that is poflèfs'd. with the Damon of AmbitioiTr^fJiay % accounted one of thpfe mifera- J bïë Pèn^hiacks ! whonî even Conjurations and Ex- ;-ùfa'f^|5^i^1py^|^Jti^^lable to deliver. But you will never be recoye-i? â< , if the Virtue of the Exampjè^'haye propoî^ to you fails to cure you. The Maj&fstth hau|hty3îien and; cruel Look is Denis ithe ^bMody Tyranf, who at 'that Time go- verned the ; Kingdom of Syracitfe ; frorri whom turn your Eyes, and: fix them* upoii the, ànibitious Da- mocles, as attentively as his 'are kep| jupon the Point of that threathing Sword, that only faften'd by a HorfëB Hair^ hangs over his Head. If he was not thus terrify'd^L would methinks afk him, What he now thinks ofhis rafli WifiV , and whe- ther Greatnefs is defirabiê:?, How he relifhes the coftly Meats and ricli Robes; for which he (b much figh'd. and pray'd ? But he would dpubt]efs be as deaf to us , as to the Mufick that irï vain endea- vours to divert him. Pity he defèfvèVnot ; let us then defpife his Folly, who though- fïeated on a coftly Throne, and at a Prince's Table , yet is as uneafy as if extended on the Rack. The Tyrant does, I oWn, defèrve Applaufe, who fo ingenuoufly confeffes, that he perfectly knows his own Con- dition ; that he was at all Times more unhap- py, than even thofe Innocents, whom he put to the cruel Tortures, by his guilty Confidence's con- tinually tormenting him. From whence the blind World muft be convinced, that Ambition is the greateft Folly Man can be guilty of : That Inno- cence is preferable to Kingdoms ; and that Ty- rants are more miferable than thofe their Cruelty condemns to Wheels and Gibbets. s p^> t^J^ «Ws i4&s tï&k «ï&=f «^^> «4S^s î^ï (^^•^L^ <%i& t*S& • ù« The wicked Wretch that o'er his guilty Head, Sees the impending Sword of Death in dread, No Relilh finds in the moft coftly Meat ; Mufick Divine, and warbling Birds repeat Harmonious Airs in vain. No Joy he knows. The peaceful God in vain his Eyes would clofe : The fweet, the gentle God, that don't difdain To blefs the humble Cottage, and the Swain, Still loves the fhady Groves, and haunts the Cell, The purling Brooks, where Innocence does dwell : The humble Vale where fragrant South Winds blow, And on the Swains fweet Slumbers does beftow. Voyez A View of H u m A n Life. 8 3 Voyez vous ce Tantale au milieu £es fejlins, Sjhii meurt à tous moment, pour trop aymer la vie. Sachez, ambitieux, qu 'ayant la mej me envie Vous aurez les me/mes dejtins. See you this Tantalus amidft a Feaft, Wrack'd with the Fear of Death, he hourly dies. Thus you ambitious Fools are ftill unblefs'd, And to your own Defires a Sacrifice. The 8, The Dofîrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Forty-Second Picture. La crainte eft: la compagne de la puiflânce. Fear is the confiant Companion of Great?wfs, % would here make w our own J ud Se s > and confound us with a Senfe of our Stupidi- ty, in feeking Repofe where never any Perfon found it. He boldly avers , that Ambition is equally a Crime and a Folly in Men of all Con- ditions. Some imagine, that great Riches are to be defired chiefly for the Eafe and vaft Satisfa- ftr ns they procure to their Pofleflors : Others, that high and eminent Stations gain Refpe£r and fet Men above the bufy Vulgar, fkreen them from Scandal, and fecure them from thofè little fami- liar Damons, who under the borrow'd Names of Fear and Diftruft, deftroy and poifon the Mind. But this Picture refutes all thefe Errors , and is a moft effectual Cure for the Ambitious. Conlider it attentively, behold whole Heaps and Coffers full of that fhining Ore, which all Mankind co- vet } in the Pofleiiion of which, all Men hope to find that Happinefs which all equally délire. A- midft thefe is feated on a Throne, the Mighty Ju- lius C&far, Lord of all the known World, and Vi- ctor over all Nations, loaden with Palms and Lau- rels ; rich with the Spoils' of the Eafi and Wejlern World ; adored and fear'd of Nations, whom Pro- vidence has placed at the fartheft Diftance from Rome : Yet is he inwardly tormented with thofè cruel and irreconcilable Enemies, Fear and Di- ftruft , ( the confiant Attendants of great Men J who ceafe not every Moment to ftab and wound him, with new Doubts and Jealoufies ; and fo ren- der him infenfible of all the Advantages of his Condition. He is a Stranger to the Excellency of Man's Nature, who believes that Things which Chance, or the brutal Voice of the Rabble, may take from him, (fiichas Wealth, Honour, and Fame,) can make him happy. It is in his own Breaft alone where he muft leek Repofe. There he may fix a Throne, and reign abfolute Lord of himfelf, whilft wretched Kings confefs that our Philofopher fpeaks Truth, when he avows, that anxious Cares, Jealoufies and Fears conftantly crowd into their Clofets, break their fofteft Slum- bers, and pall all their Enjoyments : And that a private Man with juft a Competency, and a good Confidence, is infinitely happier than a King. ,- b Non enim gazs, iieque confularis 0d['i6." ' Sommovet liBor miferos tumultus Mentis, & curas laqusata circum TeBa volanteis. Lib. i. Epi ft. 2. Non domus & fundus, non &ris acervits, & ami, JEgroto domini deduxit cqrpore febres, Non animo curas : valeat pojfejfor oportet 7 Si comportâtes rebus bene cogitat uti. It is not Wealth or Power can free, Or drive away the Troubles of the Mind : The Cares that ftill an Entrance find, Where Greatnefs dwells, and Tyranny. Not Palaces, nor Lands, nor Heaps of Ore, Can to their feverifh Lord loft Health reftore, Or cure the tortur'd Mind. He muft be free From Pain, that hopes to tafte Felicity. Ces A View «/Hbman Li f e> 8< Ces gardes aux cafaquesf mités, Dont les Rois font environnez. -, Ne les dejfendent point des creintes, À quoy Dieu les a condamnez. Ceft en vain qu'ils ozent fe pleindre, D'un Arrejifijujle & fi doux. Celny qui fe fait creindre à tous Doit ejlre réduit à tout creindre. Thefe dreadful Guards, with mining Helmets grac'd, "Who round this wretched, mighty Prince are plac'd, Cannot defend him from the racking Fears, The Tyrant feels who Heaven's Anger bears. In vain he murmurs at the God* Decrees ; 'Tis juft that he no Peace of Mind ihould know, Who makes himfelf be fear'd by all below j Nor ever, ever tafte one Moment's Eafè. 2 The 36 The DoSrine of Ma-u.ALiTj; ér, The Explanation of the Forty-Third Picture. Par tout le foucy. nous accompagne. j£TT£ peinture -it eft que l'explication *t?&. d'une penféed^ plus infrutfif, & du C ^§| plus moral des,'} Poètes Latins. Pour nrrr&Ss* nous monftrer qttïl ny \à point de condi-- tion ôuVbomme trouve fon repos, il nous propofe dertahes personnes., dont les unis cherchent leur element dans la licenceidè la guerre ; &les autres dans cettevie oyfive & pareffeufe- qui compofe la féli- cité des matelots; Le Peintre -nous -reprefente après hy des Soldats à pieâ & à chenal, WmezpourTàttaqne, & pour la defence $.& nèmttmoins iî nous les figure tellement frappez de-terreurs paniques, &JipuiJJament combattus d'ennemis invifibles , que bien qu'ils fuyent à toute bride, ils defefperent toutefois de pouvoir échapper- ait fer qui les pourfuit. Les blejfeuresj lafervitude, & la mort ; enfin tout ce qu'on fe figure déplus effroyable, dans une condition extraordinairement malheureufe, fe f refente à leur imagination ; & par le redoublement de leurs craintes, leur fait payer avecufure, lafaujfejoye qu'ils ont gouftée dans Vimpuniié dé leurs crimes. . Ce ri eft pas affez d'avoir vu ces malheureux. Voyons en d'autres, que la folle curiofité de pqjfer d'un monde à Vautre, ou Vinfatiable avidité des riche ff es, ont fait in- confiderem\nt embarquer fur V Ocean. A peiné ont its perdu la terre de veu'è , & découvert les premiers, fignes de la tempéfte qui fe forme , qu'ils fe repentent d'avoir cm leurs mauvais confeillers ; & Je trouvent environ- niez de fouets bien plus cuifans , & d 'apprehen fions bien plus vives, ^que neftoient les incommoditez qui les ont chajfez de leurs maifonsi Tear accompanies the Wicked every where. find Repofe. §êÊr$rÊÊ H IS Piaure is the Explanation of à Sa2«**8WKA Thought of one of the moft judicious and moral of all the Latin Poets. Here you ihall fee, that there is no Con- dition in which a wicked Man can Here are fbrne Perfbns who quit their Countrey in hopes to efcape the Punifhment of their Crimes -, and feek in the licentious Army to find Security and Peace of Mind. Others, whd prefer the. uncertain Seas, and.chufè to be confin'ct to a clofè wooden World, where fudden Drowning or grim Want, are hourly to-be expected-, and greedy Death feems conftantly in View. Next, Soldiers appear, both Cavalry and Foot, arm'd at all Points, fit to attack their Enemies , or defend themfelves. ;'■'. Yet they all appear ftruck with fuch pannick Fears, by the powerful Enemies, who, un- fèen, purfue and wound them , ( the Terrors of a guilty Confcience, that flings them within,) that they fink into the utmoft-Defpair, and think of nothing but Death, Wounds, Slavery, and whate- ver elfe can be imagin'd moft dreadful and terrible in a Condition the moft miferable. This is the Price they pay for all the Satisfactions they en joy 'd in committing thofe Crimes which they now vain- ly repent of. But this is not all: See yet thofè others, whom a foolifh Curiofity of feeing ftrange Lands, or the infatiate Defire of Riches, has made inconfiderately embark upon the Ocean : Scarce have they loft Sight of Land , but they difcover Signs of an approaching Storm -, and begin to bit- terly repent their Folly ; finding themfelves feized with Fears and Apprehenfions far more dreadful and uneafy, than all the Inconveniencies that drove them from their mûre fàfe and peaceful Homes. Hor.lib.2. Scandit &ratas vitiofavaveis Od. 16. Qura : nee turmas equitum relinquit} Ocyor cervis, & agente ni?nbos Ocyor Euro. Lib. 3. — ■ titnor & nana Od. 1. Scanâmit eôdem quo domimis : neque Decedit srata triremi, & Poft equitemfedet at ret cur». - ' . r I * '■ mi ■ 1 l «uxiil - ''" ' s' woi I ' ■ " - r Fears that in Minds depraved are hourly bred, Attend us every where ; into the Vefiel goes, If Voyages we make : And fill'd with Dread The guilty Soldiers hafte to meet their Foes ; Fear ftill purfues, and with the Swift keeps pace 5 More fleet than Does, or than the angry Wind That diifipates the Clouds. It dogs the Mind, And finds us out in the remoteft Place. But anxious Fears and Dread ftill keep Their Souls in Pain, and every where attends. Weary of Land they plow the Deep, But Fear into the Vefièl ftrait afcends. If they take Horfe, black Care is alfo there, Sits clofè behind, and haunts them every where. Jette A View of H ù m a n Li f e. 87 ■:.r ■ -■ ■ ■ , ■ '• fàtte toy damlaCoun Etre dam ks affairs. Monte fur V Ocean. Cows lek deux Hentifyberes* Demeure em f autre ikondel '■ Habite celuycy.- Suy les drtsdèta Paix ; ou V horreur dé la gît Tant que tu vivras fur la terre, Tu ve ceux vivre qn'eti'fûttej, la gîter ni, i ... f Fly to the Court, the brawling Courts frequent $ Ride on the Séas, the diftant Coafts furyéy. In India dwell, or on the Continent} Or War, or peaceful Arts purfîie •. each Day Thou liv'ft on Earth, each Hour will readily fhoW No perfe&Pe'â£e of Mind Is found below. 88 The Doctrine of Morality; or> The Explanation of the Forty-Fourth Picture, La Pauverté eft pluflofl bien que mal. Poverty is rather a Blejfing,than a Misfortune. As£'.(L#:«&fl&s ENTEND S vos murmures fecrtts ; ||«8fiSS&|g. & VO y bien à vos aBions , que vosfenti- $Ê J H^ ™ em ve f mt f a * t0U f'J°" rs d'accord f; HaS^iS'l* avec ^ Philofcpbie. Vous avouez avec ■^S* 5 ^» 8 elle, que la Cour, que les richeffes, & que les conditions eminentes font accompagnées de grandes inquietudes. Mais vous voulez aujji, quelle confejfe, que la pauvreté ejl un grand mal ; & que chagrin pour chagrin, fancy pour foucy, fupplice pour fupplice, l'a- bovdance ejl incomparablement plus fuportable que la mijere. Nojlre Teintre a prévenu vos objections -, & pour vous le tefmcigner, il représente en ce Tableau, toute la rage C toute la tyrannie de la pauvreté. Mais ce n ejl pas de la pauvreté illnjlre , de la pauvreté vo- lontaire, de la pauvreté héroïque. Cette pauvreté bar^ bare & inhumaine qu'il nous peint, ejl une pauvreté po- pulaire, une pauvreté forcée ; enfin une pauvreté lâche, ivfame, & corrompue, qui n'a autre père que le q-'me, vy autre objet que le mal. En effet fi cette enragée ren- contre une ame foible, une ame timide , une ame igno- rante, il faut avouer qu'elle exerce d'efirangesfupplkes fur elle ; & quand une fois, elle s^en ejl rendue mai- Jlrejfe, eUe devient lapins cruelle des furies, & luy tient foujiours devant les yeux fes fouets, & fes ferpents, pour luy imprimer le defefpoir. Si cette mijerable pojjedée rejijle à cette tentatio7t, elle la fait fuccomber fous une autre. Elle luy commande imperieufement de tout faire, £f de toutfouffrir. Elle la cojitraint de fe jetter les yeux fermez , dans les precipices qu'elle luy prefente. Elle efface peu à peu le caraiïere divin, que l'homme porte fur le front. Elle luy arrache les fentiments d'honneur, & de vertu, que la nature luy a gravez dans le cœur & l'ayant détourné de pénible chemin,par lequel on monte aux Temples de ces deux divinitez, elle luy deffend mefme de hauffer les yeux vers la cime de la montagne, ou elles font adorées. 'if^'watftt^ Perceive you fecretly murmur , and ^*~7W your Looks difcover, that your >1 I If» Sentiments do not yet agree with lÊzmmok oui Philofopher's. You own that %*PQpzpi& CourtS) immenfe Riches, and emi- nent Stations are attended with many Cares and great Inquietude ; but you require him likewife to acknowledge, that Poverty is a great Misfortune j and that comparing the Inconveniencies of the* one with the other, Abundance with many Cares is much to be preferr'd to Want with Few. Our Painter allows your Objection, and in this Pi- dure does admirably reprefènt that wretched Con- dition, with all its Circumftances of Mifery, in the Form of a Woman, whole Face is full of Rage, her Eyes hollow , her Body almoft naked clad with nothing but Rags ; her Food only Roots and Pulfè -, in fine , a Creature £o wretched and forlorn, that nothing can better exprefs the Ter- rors of extreme Want and Poverty. But this is not the Poverty he would recommend to you ; It is that heroick, glorious Poverty that is volun- tary ; fuch as is the Choice of thofè great Souls who quit the World, to gain Heaven j who beftow Pofïèlfions on the Poor, and refign Crowns and Ho- nours, to enjoy Repofe and Solitude. The inhu- man barbarous Wretch before you, is a vulgar Po- verty, the Confequence of Idlenefi and Sloth, in- famous and fhameful j which has no Parents' but Vice, nor Caufe but Sin. If this enraged Monfter feizes on mean Souls, fhe certainly exercifes a cruel Tyranny over them, and is the moft inexorable of Furies s, holding continually before their Eyes a Scorpion's Scourge to lafh, fting, and drive them to Defpair. If they refill one Temptation, fhe leaves them not till they fink under another, but imperioufly forces her Slaves to do and fuffer all fhe plea fes -, and often confirai ns the Wretch whom fhe purfues , to throw himfelf blindly into the Precipice fhe leads him to. A Poverty of this Kind effaces iy Time even thofè divine Princi- ples that are imprinted in Man's Soul, and tears from him all Senfè of Honour and Virtue ; and having turn'd him out of the Path which we muft afcend with Difficulty to the Temples of the Gods, forbids him to lift up but even his Eyes to that glorious Place-, where they are worfhipp'd. . Improbis Hor l ; b. 2 Magnum pauperies opprobrium, jubet Od.24.' guidvis &facere, &pati : Virtutifque viam deferit ardusi. If Poverty, the worft of Ills efteem'd, Oblig'd Mankind to do, or fuffer ill j If it a Foe to Virtue always feem'd ; Turn'd us out of her Paths, conftrain'd our Will, It juftly might a dreadful Thing be deem'd. Inpaupertafe nihil mail effe, quifquis modo nondum Every Man, whole Underftanding is not preju- rvetiit in infaniam omnia fubvertentis avariti*, atque diced with deftruclive Avarice, or Luxury, is fen- fible that Poverty is in it felf no 111, Senec. Confol. ad pervertit Helviam. faxuri*, intelligit-i u A View o/Human Life. 8 9 La pauvreté 11 eft pas indifférante ; Zenon â tort de la mettre en ce rang. ^ ar I y° u have nothing left / to reply, yet are not fàtisfied, or wil- ling to abandon all Things for Virtue's Sake. Our Painter here feems to favour you, fhewing to what a fhameful Servitude Men are reduced by a rigo- rous Poverty. And I own this feems a fufficient Reafon to excite us , ardently to covet and endea- vour to obtain the Treafures of this World. But triumph not, I fhall foon undeceive you -, the "Wretch before you is one of -tholè bafe Souls , who has blindly fought for Happinefs in fenliial Plea- fures ; and having confumed by Intemperance the reafonable moderate Fortune Providence had be- ftow'd on him, now wanting Bravery and Senfè to fupport that Poverty which his own ill Conduct has brought him to ; and which Labour and Re- tirement could render not only fupportable but fweet and delightful , chufes vilely to fell himfelf for Bread to an imperious Lord, and proftitute that freeborn Soul, of which Philofophy would have made a Monarch or a- Saint. Heaven who ftill takes Virtue's Part, fails not to punilh this Ene- my of hers ; - his Patron proves his Tyrant and Tormentor, ufing him with the utmoft Contempt and Cruelty. Behold this Pidture is fill'd with Reprefèntations of what he fufters : And it is but juft that he who could not lùpport a Condition neareft to that of the Gods ; who held in Scorn what Philofophers and Heroes glory'd chiefly in, who has fold his Liberty and Repofè only to get rid of a happy Poverty, a glorious Freedom Men can only tafte in Retirement , and an obfcure Cell or Cottage, to attend on Greatriefs -to fawn and be fub- je&ed to another's Will : I fay it is but juft, that fuch a one ïhould live wretched and defpifed, and die unpitied. But now look on the rich Infolent that thus infults him , who is in Reality himfelf no happier than this Wretch ; a revenging Fury, whom the Juftice of Heaven has infeparably join'd to this Criminal, to make him fenfible how de- teftable that Bafenefs of Soul is , which has thus render'd him a Slave to Vice and Gain. uraut^f ^|f , , , ,, 7ffiM/Rs Hor. lib. i. Sic qui pauperiem veritus, potiore metallis Epill. io. JJbertate caret, dominum vehet improbus, atqtie Serviet Aternum, quiaparvo nefciat uti. Mcnand. Paupertatem ferre no» omnis, fed viri fapientis. So he that fearing to be poor, does give Himfelf away, chufîng a Slave to live, Parting with all that's dear, his Liberty, A Vaflal to another's Will fhall be. Shall ftill a Mafter fear, and be ill ufed j Becaufe to live with little he refufed. The feeble Mind Adverfity does fear : The Wife alone Misfortunes nobly bear. Riche A View o/Human Life. Riche infâme, il eft vray : Les eftoiles ingrates 'T'ont fait tyran du pauvre, & Vont mis fous ta loy. Mais s'il eft magnanime, il e/t plus grand que toy : Et tel que fut Cœfar an milieu des pirates, Bien qu'il foit ton efclave, il te commande en Roy. Rich Knave, 'tis true, thy lucky Stars decree The Poor thy Slaves , whilft thou curs'd Wretch | [ art free : But he that has a nobler Soul than thee, Like Gzfar in the Pyrate's Chains ftill brave, Shall even make thee fear, altho' thy Slave* 4 Th« 02 The Doctrine of Morality or The Explanation of the Forty-Sixth Piclure. Tout cede au Demon des richefîès. All yield to the Damon of PJches. : E Tableau devant lequel vous vous aires tez, ejlé mis en fuite du précédant , pour combattre mes raifons, & mes exemples. Auffi me le montrez-vous pour tacher de me convaincre, & me faire changer d'o- pinion. A la vérité cette a ff emblée mefurprend ; & l'idolâtrie qui s'y exerce me met prefque en colère contre H E Picture before which you {lay, feems placed next the Precedent, to difpute againft my Reafons and Ex- amples, and you ieem full of Hopes to convince me that I am in the Wrong -, and that Riches only can make a Man ( whilft on Earth ) happy and refpefted. I muft la vertu que fay tant défendue. Je vois icy un melange confefs I am furprized at this Aflembly -, and the efpouvantable de chofes faints & prophanes. Je voyle- Idolatry here practifed, makes me ready to blaf- demon eflropié des riche fes afis fur le throne, ou doit pheme that Virtue I have To long ador'd : I fee régner la pauvreté héroïque. Mais ce qui viefpouvante here a frightful Mixture of Things facred and pro- leplus, cejl que je voy lafageffe elle mefme, ployé les phane. The defomfd Dsmon of Riches fèated on genoux devant ce monjlre ; & que la Religion detrui- fant fonufage tout fpirituel , employe fes Autels & fon encens à l'adoration des idoles. La renommée , la li- berté , la vobleffe , ïhonveur font du nombre de ces adorateurs. Mais leur lâcheté ne vie met pas en peine. Ce font quatre mercenaires, qui ont coutume de fepro- Jlituerpour un peu d' inter ef ; & qui fe vendent à vil prix , toutes les fois qu'ils rencontrent des acheteurs. <%hii conque a de V argent, trouvera cent Poètes , qui le porteront jufqu à la table des Dieux ; & autant de Ge- nealogijles qui indifféremment le feront def cendre de Priam ou d 'Agamemnon -: des AZacides, ou des Ce- fars. Mais que lafageffe , & la pieté fefoyent abaif- that Throne, where heroick Poverty ought to reign. But what ftartles me more, is, That even Wifdom her felf bows down before the Monfter ; and Piety, falfe to Heaven, employs her Altars and Incenfe to honour the Idol : Fame and Ho- nour are of the Number of its Votaries. But their Bafenefs moves me not -, they are Mercenaries that are accuftom'd to proftitute and fell them- felves to every Purchafer. He that has Wealth fhall not fail to find Poets to rank him with the Gods in Virtue and Renown -, and Genealogifts who will prove him defcended either from Priam or Agamemnon, Hercides or Alexander. But that fées jufqu à Vadoration du vice, cefl un prodige qui Wifdom and Piety fhpuld debafethemfelves fo low peut efre ?nis au nombre de ceux-, dont Vimagination as to worfhip Vice, is a Prodigy far exceeding all trop* audacieufe des Peintres & des Poètes , peuple tous thofè which the too audacious Imagination of the les jours, leur monde fabuleux. Je ne puis toutefois me perfuader, que dans une matière fi ferieufe, nojlre Peintre qui ejl fifage, ait voulu abufer de fa Phïlofo- phie, & fe difpenfer de fon ordinaire feverité. En effet je recognois le fecret de fon ame , dans les linea- ments de fa peinture. Cette vertu qu'il peint a genoux, v.'efl pas la veritable vertu qui! adore. Cefl cette fauffe & pernicieufe vertu qui trompe les fimples, qui méfie les fourbe , & les trompeurs a la focieté des gens de bien ; & qui fe tenant fur les leur es des mefchants, leur ejl un mafquefubtil & charmant , qui les fait toufiours prendre pour ce qu'ils ne font pas. J'en dis autant de Poet has ever devifed ; I can no longer perfuade my felf, that in a Matter fo ferious, our wife Painter would abufe Philofophy , and diveft him- felf of his ufual Severity. And at length I difco- ver the Secret of his Soul in the Lineaments of his Painting. The Wifdom here kneeling is a Cheat, not the Goddefs he adores. It is the dif- fembled Virtue that the Wicked put on to intro- duce themfèlves into the Company of the Good and Virtuous. Virtue that dwells not in the Heart, but on the Tongues of Deceivers ; the moft fubtle and taking Difguife they can put on. Such la pieté, qui l'accompagne. Cefl Vhypocrife qui ejlant, alfo is the Piety that accompanies her. It is Hy pocrify, who you are fenfible is all Impofture and Pride, and covers herfelf with the Mantle of Pie- ty, to abufe and undo the credulous ; and is ever taken for what it is not. See then all thofe that oppofe that Truth which I maintain, are ( tho' in other Shapes difguifed) but the fame Vices I have all along warned you of, and taught you to van- quiih. Be not any more deluded , Virtue will ne- Covfeffez donc ingenuèment, que ce ver bow to Vice ; or great Souls bend for Avarice aucun avantage aux avares ny aux or Ambition. ambitieux, puifque nous ne voyons que des vices cachez, on des vices découverts, s'abaiffer devant l'idole des ri- cheffes. comme vous ft avez, toute impojlure, G? toute ambiti- on, fe couvre perpétuellement du manteau de la pieté, pour abufer les innocens, & leur couper la bourfe. Ce- la ejlant, covime il ejl, ne devez vous pas avoiier, que je iiay point fujet de vie rendre, puis que tous veux dire , ces mefmes m'avez vu ceux qui font arviez contre moy, je contre la vérité que je deffends-, font monjlres , que def a tant de fois vous fouler aux pieds. Tableau ne donne ois. »/» Hor. lib. 2, Satyr. 3. Omnis enhn res, Virtus, fama, decus, divina, hvmanaque pulchris Divitiis parejit : quas qui conjlruxerit, ille Clarus eiit, fortis, jujlus, fapievs etiam, & Rex ; Et quidquid volet. Hoc, veluti virtute palatum, Speravit magna, laudifore. For well he knew that every Thing below, Virtue, and Fame, the Young, the Fair, and all Divine and Human Things muft cringeand bow, And proftrate to the God of Riches fall. He that has mighty Treafures got, with Eafe May Wife, Renown'd, Noble, and Valiant be ; A Lord, a King, nay, thought a Deity : For he with that is every Thing he pleafè. Believing this, he thought immortal Fame 1 He might procure, if that his Tomb proclaim > His mighty Wealth, together with his Name, j Mon- A VklSj of H'BMAN L t V E. n Movfire, it qiif U front eft ceint cTun dtadcfmt, Cor-rm^teur des efprits, jier tyran des Mortels ! Qui geiit te rejijler ? puijijue la vertu mefni4 Oubliant & ({ti' elk eji y t'ejlevc des A*telu Monfter ! whofe Head a Diadem does grace, Thou vile Corrupter of the Mind, i, Fierce, cruel, Tyrant o'er Mankind, Whr. boldly do'ft ufurp bright Virtue's Plare: \Vho can refift thy Charms, fince here we fee, Virtue forget her felf, and worlhip Thee ? fib The 94 The Doftrine of Mo r -a i i T y t or, The Explanation of the Forty-Seventh Picture. Si Terfite eft riche, on le prend pour Achille. JJfTherfites was rich, hed be taken for Achilles. &^*^*&ROIEZ vows que ce Tableau foit une ^U^Lw^» nouvelle refutation des veritezquefay |y C (§| défendues ? Si vous efies de cette opi- =^vT'^t1^É kî "°" ' vom e fl e * extrememevt àbufez h ^ojojoyjsojt^ car au lieu d'en tirer avantage, vous allez voir que les richejfes n'ont jamais eu le privilege de rendre illufires, ceux qui les poffedent, ou pour parler plus régulièrement, ceux qui en font pojfedcz. Je ne veux que vous faire la defcription du principal perfon- r.age de cette 'peinture ; afin que vous demeuriez aac- j 'J, '■ .1*1 ....... r.z •.^i..(r. i :r„. > a fefs'd tc$rÊnzM 0U wil1 now.be fully convinced, that "Wealth never had the Privilege to render thofè truly noble and illu- ftriou's who poffefs'd it ; or to fpeafc more properly, thofe whom it pot That is what Virtue and Bravery can only do. I need only to defcribe to you the principal Perfon in this Picture, to oblige you to agree, that notwithftanding all his ill-gotten Riches, he is un- worthy of the Name of Man. He is in Ferfon cord, que malgré toutes fes richeffes mal-acquifes, cefi deform'd, but in Mind much more refèmbling a un mon fire qui a beaucoup plus de la be fie que de Beaft, and a Sot ; bufy'd in counting over the im- Vhomme -, & qui fans Voffencw nefi quunfot, encore menfè Sums , which griping Ufury and bafe Craft qu'en la pofiure oàilefi, il contrefajfe V homme d'im- have made him mafter of He fèems a Man of portarce , & pa[fe pour tel parmy les flateurs qui Veil- Confèquence, and crouded with Sycophants, who virement. V&tts voyez Venus, les Graces, T Amour, court his Acquaintance for his Monies fake : & V Bloquera , qui par leurs cajoleries , & par leurs He grows vain and impudent j and fancies himfèlf faufjes louanges, perfuadent à ce camus, àcepmais. à to have great Merit. Venus, the Graces, Love ce jinge qui parle, quil n'y a rien de beau ny de grand, and Eloquence unite to cheat and cajole him ; and où, avecjufiice, il nait raifon de prétendre. Mais endeavour to perfuade the contemptible Wretch, vousfçavcz que ce font des fourbes & des ra'illeufes, qui (who lias the Face of a Monkey, and left Manners ont coufiuvie de fe divertir aux defpens des Jots ; & qui than a Peafànt ; and a Soul fordid and incapable pour Je mocquer adroittement de la vanité de celui cy, of one great Action,) that he has Befert and Beau- en feignant de luy prefenter la couronne de la galanterie, ty, and may not fear to gain the Heart and Affè- le coiffent de celle qu'il a méritée. Regardez à fa main ÊtioH of the moft Fair and defèrving Lady what- garicbe, cette trouppe de Matrones hypocrites, d'Efai- ever. Next, diverting themfèlves at the Fool's vains mercenaires , & d 'autres femblables ajfronteurs. Expence, they proceed to offer him Crowns of Ils le traittent de Caton & de Fabrice. Its l 'élèvent Flowers ; call him Bridegroom, and excite him to plus haut que les Cèdres du Liban ; & lefovtfortir d'une tige plus ancienne & plus fameufe , que celle des chefnesde Dodone. Sçavez-vous pourquoy tout cela fe fait ? Cefi pour luy faire prendre pour femme , une be fb, in Hopes to fee him made by a Wife what he defèrves to be. On his Left Hand there ftands a Troop of Women , hackney Poets , and a Lady richly adorn'd -, whofe Face and Perfon are both belle & jeune gallante, qui a be foin de J 'on argent ; pour fet forth with all the Art and Coft imaginable: faire èclatterfes charmes, & enrichir d'bonnejles gens They fàlute him with the Titles of Cato and Fa~ incommodez. Ce Squelette animé, mefurantfon mérite b/icins ; fet him above the Cedars of Lebanon, and à la hauteur de fes facs& de fes coffres , fe croit homme praife his Race as more ancient and famous than de bonne mine & de qualité ; & fourient impertinam- the Oaks of Dodona. But why all this ? And with ment à cette jeune merveille, luy promet, que ponrveu what Defign ? Why, to draw him in to marry the quelle fâche connoifire le bon-heur que fa vertu luy a Jilt, which has need of his Fortune to maintain procuré, il ne luy refuferapas V honneur defon alliance, other Men, who have more Senfè , and no Pohefli- Mais ce qui efi plaifant en cette rencontre, e'efi que ons ; and to purchafè the Ornaments for her Per- VUfurierfe figure quil ny a rien au monde qui le vaille, fon, that mult enhance her Charms^ and keep their & par confequent, quil efi affeuré d'efire tout feulle Affection. This Baboon rating his Worth by his pcjfejfeur de fa femme. Cependant, défia toute la jeu- Bags and Coffers, fancies himfelf defèrving of all fie (Je de la ville fe poudre, fej rife, Je pare, & fait mil- this; and grinning, with Tranfport, tells her, le parties, pour luy affermir fur la tejle , la couronne that fînee fhe is fèniible of her good Fortune, and que Venus luy a fi libéralement donnée. Aujfi, ne fera- chufes him to enjoy her, tho' he had no Thoughts ce pas une petite merveille , silfe trouve unfeuljour de of marrying, yet he will condefcend to accept of difiance, entre fon mariage, & fou infamie. the Honour of her Alliance , and fb contents to efpoufè her. What is moft diverting is, that this old Ufurer believing that nothing is more charming and agreeable than himfelf, fancies that he is con- fequently fuie of being the foie Pofleffor of his Wife -, whereas all the Youth cf the Town are powder- ing, dreiïing, and laying Deflgns to fix on his Head the Coronet Fate has deftin'd him ; and it will be a Wonder if a Day pafles betwixt his Marriage and Difgrace. Hor.lib. i. Scilicet uxorem, cum dote -, fidemque Gf amicos 5 Epift. 6. Et genus, C formant regina Pecunia donat, Ac bene mmmatum decorat Suadela, Venufque. Gold is a Queen, that can all Things beftow } A Wife with mighty Dower, Young and Fair -, True Friends, Nobility , and JBeauty. rare. Venus her felfr, aud Eloquence do fliow Refpect, and court the ugly Ufurer. ! que | ! R «. ^ tj£ View of H UM AN Li f e. 95 I •• ' t ]■' / 5»« *»_/«« d'outrage aux vertus héroïques, Dort Ji fan •) 1) émeut tu te piques •/ Himme fins honneur &fansfoy. Tu flattes lâchement un infâme Tantale $ it le cœur embrazé dime flame brutale, p ■ -.7b fais defoti argent, ton Idole & ton Roy. Heroîçk Virtue you do bafely wrong} And moftunjuftly are her Enemy. Bafe Man, to whom no Honour does belong 5 Meanly thou flattereft one whofe Infamy Is what thy fervile Mind adores, his Gold j The Idol God, for which thy Soul is fold. The 9 6 Tée Doctrine of WJoralitï; or, The Explanation of the Forty-Eighth Piéture^ Le defir des biens eft cortthïrc aux chôfèâ honeftes. <^<^«&«&«y|sO ICT le premier des crimes importants, ^W m '^ÈS' où nous fait tomber l 'aveugle pafjion des. •H ^" W^ riche fes. D'abord qu'un homme en eft I^SW^ëf' poffedé, il perd cette grandeur d'âme •gs^ss^B^K^s ai,ec laquelle il eft né; & fe precipitant de cette haute élévation, dans tout ce qu'il y a de plus bas & de plus infâme en la vie j il renonce publiquement à la vertu, & par confeqvant, à tous les avantages qu'il aveit recevs de la libéralité de la nature. Si vous eftu- diez bien ce Tableau, c'eft ce qu'il pretend de vous en- feigner. Ce jeune courage , qui pouffé par les mouve- ments de grace & de la nature, voidùit marcher fur les pas d'un Alciàe -, & connue luy, monter au Temple de la vertu, eft a peine entré dans un fi pénible fentier, quà febjet des riche ffes que le vice luy prefente , ilfe trou- ble : il s'arrefte : il confulte : il Je repent de fa gene- reufe refolution : il tourne le dos à la vertu ; & ayant abandonné lafehement les armes quelle luy avoit données, fe met avec fes femblables , a faire cas de chofes qui à proprement parler, an lien d'eftre les derniers efforts, & les chef d' œuvres de la rature, comme les avares fe font perfitadcz, n'en font que les excrement & les par- ties honte? fes. An inordinate T>epre of Riches ^ is inconfijlent with Konejly. «S4^sjfcj8^ss£sEE here the firft confîderable Crime ||«9a9j&||. ^hich t he Man who is eager to ob- v|j S HI» tain great Riches, falls into. No "I^WSSSSslI* fooner does he begin to covet Wealth, %v$xfrvpiîp but he lofes that Greatnefs of Soul with which he was boni, and falls into Contempt i not blufhing to do Things the raoft bale and fer- vile : He renounces Virtue , and grows carelefs to improve all the Advantages he has received from Nature or Education. If you consider well this Picture, you will difcover this is what it is defign'd to teach us to avoid. This (once hopeful^ }^oung Man excited by Grace and Reafon , fet out in the Paths of Virtue, as refolved and vigorous as Abi- des ; and like him, purpofed to afcend to Wit dom's glorious Temple : But he was no fooner en* tred on the rugged Way, than Vice meets and offers him vaft Treafures to turn Back again. At the Sight of which he flops, grows thoughtful, trou- bled, unrefolved •, at length he yields, forgets his fïrft noble Befign, turns his back upon Virtue, and having bafely abandon'd the Field, aflbciates with fuch undone Wretches as himlelf , makes no- thing but Money his Care -, Gold and Silver are the Gods he worfhips : Thefe he looks on as the nobleft Work of Nature , and Gift of Heayen : For thefe he waftes his Strength , and wakes all Night. Thus are the Covetous deluded , who will not be convinced, that -this is the leaft valuable Thing Nature produces for Man's Ufè, fince it can fcarce be gain'd with , or kept without much An- xiety and Care ; or will be of any Service to us after Death. ... r Perdidit arma, locum virtvth defemh, qui Lph'.iô 1 .' Semper in augenda feftivat & obnàtur re. Lib. 2. Sac. 3. Lib. i. Satyr. 4. Ximirvm infavns paucis videatur, eo quod Maxima pars hominum mcrbo jallatur eodem. Qvemvis media erue inrba, Aut oh aiaritiam, avt mlfera ambit ione labo/at The Man that ever toils, with Cares opprefs'd ; Anxious his Fortune to increafe, unblefs'd, Bafely deferting Virtue, quits his Poft -, And is to all that's good or noble loft. His Folly is obferv'd by few' with Care -, 'Caufe moft Men feiz'd with the fame Sicknefs are* A m id ft the Crowd make choice of one, you'll find That Avarice^, or Pride, infers each Mind. J&MM4 ■ A View of H U M A N Ll=FE. 97 Homme avare & brutal, pourquoy murmures-t* Contre lafupreme fagejfs ? H n en faut point douter. L 'amour de la ricbejfe, Eli la haine de la vertu. Vile, fordid Wretch, why do you ftill repine, And dare to murmur at the Power Divine ? No longer can we doubt, or need debate ; He that doss Money love, muft Virtue hate. Cc The pS The Doëkive of Mqraiïty ; or, The Explanation of the Forty-Ninth Picture. L'argent corrompe tout. I vous ejies aujfi fenfuetyqite vofire âge & _ ■ ■ v vojfre mine veulent me le perfuader , je 1È? iÊI tie doute point que vous ne. trouviez en ce Wfa&j^â Tableau, un grand fvjet d'aymer les ri- *«*>*^'« c bef es. Le Peintre y fait éclatter tout ce que l'or, a de charmes 5 & la fable qu'il reprefente, efi un grand exemple ou de la force de ce' metal, ou de lafoiblejfe des femmes. La beauté que vous voyez vo- luptuêujëment couchée fur aliiï, e]t cette fameufe Prince fie, que lajaloujie de fon père enferma dans une Tour d'airain ; & fit garder par tout ce qu'il avoit d'hommes vaillans & incorruptibles. Cependant ces demy-Heroi, ces cœurs de lion, ces âmes incapables de lafcheté, qui deffioient les Cieux & les Enfers > & qui demandaient tous les jours , qu'il fe prefentafi une occa- fion où ils peujfent tefmoigner à leur Prince leur valeur & leurfoy , font éblouys au premier éclat de l'or qui brille fur leurs tefies. j &pour le pojfedêr , ils oublient leurs promefies , & abandonnent leur honneur & leurs armes. Toute leur fidélité efi corrompue par ce dan- gereux metail. Ils trahijfent aujji l'attente & la de- fiinêe de leur Prince ; & livrent à la mercy du cor- rupteur , laproye que fans fon or , il avroit vdànement pourfuivie. La fragile Banaé n'a pas plus de, vertu que fes gardes. Elle prend plaifir a voir tomber fur elle des gouges d'une phyefi prëcieufê ; & Vïnnocente quelle efi ,fe découvrant toute pour efire rafraîchie d'une fi doute rofée, ne s'apperqoit pas de la perfidie qu'elle exerce contre foy-mefme. Mais il ne nousfer- viroit de rien de hy donner cet advis. Elle a def-ja re- ceu le prix de fon honneur. Il faut par èmfëquent quelle livre ce qu'elle a vendit,; & que fon artificieux amant qui s%fi coulé dans fon UB avec fon or, entre en pojfejîon de ce qu'il a fi bien achepté. Money corrupts all Men. p&s F you are as fenfual as your Years, and Looks perfuade me , I do not €s e doubt but you will find in this Pi- ]fc3 dure a fair Pretence to love Money. **** The Painter has here fèt forth in its full Luftre,. all the Charms of Gold. And the Fable he here reprefents, is a great Example of the Power of this bewitching Mettle, and of the Frailty of Women. The beautiful Lady that you fee wantonly laid on her Bed, is that famous Prin- cefs , whom her jealous Father had fècured in a Tower of Brafs : To keep which he fet a Guard, compofed of the braveft Men in his Army ; fùch as he believ'd would not be bribed or feduced. Yet thefe Lion-hearted Heroes, thefe noble Souls who boafted themfèlves incapable of bafe Adtions, cal- ling. the Heaven they believed not, . and the Hell they fear'd not, to witnefs their Integrity 9 pre- tending they had long wifhed for an Opportunity like this, in which they might manifeft their Va- lour and Fidelity to their Prince. Thefe very Men dazzled with the firft Appearance cf that glit- tering Cloud, in which Jupiter conceal'd himfelf, abandon their Arms, forget their Charge, open 'the Gates, and tumultuo'ufly ftrive to mare the golden Shower that falls on them. And thus at once they betray their Princefs and their Prince's Fortune ; delivering into the Arms of the amorous God the fair One, whom he had without his Gold purfued in vain. The thoughtlefs Var.ae frail as her Guards, fees with joy the mining Drops of that glorious Rain fall on her Bed, and innocently leaves her lovely Body all expofed , to tempt and re- ceive the tranfported Ravifher, who fteals into her Arms -, and before fhe is aware undoes the harmlefs, innocent Maid. Methinks I would warn her of her Danger, but 'tis, alas! too late -, (lie has ac- cepted the Pfice of her Honour , and muft permit her fubtle Lover, whole Gold covers her Bed, to enter there, and poflefs the Treafure which he has bought at fo great Expè%ce. Hor. lib. 2 . Inclufam Danaen turris aënea Od.'itf. ' Robufi&que fores, & vigilum canvm Trifies excubls, munierant fatis Notturms ab adulteris : Si non Acrifium, virgims abdits Cvfiodem pavidum Jupiter & Venus Rifijfent : fore enim tutum iter, & patens, Qnverfo in pretium Deo. Aurum per medios irefatellhes, Et perrnmpere amatfaxa, potenths IBufulmbwo. When old Acrifins did with pious Care, Within a Tower of Brafs fecure the Fair, The lovely Danae, with a double Guard ; He finely thought he took the wifeft Way, That no bold Lover fhould the Maid betray j Whilft Dogs did watch, and all the Gates were [barr'd. But Jove and Venus did his Care deride : With potent Gold the Gates they open'd wide. They knew the Way to Gold muft open lie. In Liquid Gold the God himfelf convey'd, And in the glorious Shower enjoy'd the Maid ; That forc'd the Gates, and fhut each watchful Eye. - Gold through the ftrongeft Guard and Doors will pafs ; Makes Rocks to melt, and brittle be as Glafs. With greater Force than pointed Lightning flies. 'Tis.Gold that gains all Hearts, and blinds all Eyes. 4 . Beauté A View $f H. v M A n Life. 99 étante qui mets nos cavrs en cend^è^ Et qtti mefme des Dieux, fais tes adorateurs j Vor eji le Roy des Enchanteurs, Ton cœur tout fier qu'il eft, ne fçauroit s'en dépendre. Et s'il trouve des acheteurs , Il na rien qui ve fcit à vendre* Beauty who do*ft au* Hearts -enfante, And even ©f the Gads cmû. Captives make ~ 'Gold is the powerful God, whofè Name Has Charms, all the fair Sex to take j And him thy Heart refills in vain. Believe me, there's nothing on Earth fo rare, But can be bought, if there's a Purchafer.- The ICO The Doctrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the Fiftieth Picture. I La Fortune ne fait point le mérite. ,|e&îtt&v|,Û U R peu que vous foUicitiez ma complai- «i P §» S arice t e ^ e e ft *$& m ft s & a Jf ez f ac ^ e -> jo ^^é, pour prendre vojlre party , contre mes pro- * . presfentimens. Afin donc de vous tefmoi- gner combien je fuis accomodant, je vous confejferay, Ji vous m'en priez, que les richejfes donnent de la mine à un faquin, & font au moins, qu en apparence un fot a quelque chofe d'un honnejle homme. Mais n exigez pas davantage, de ma naturelle facilité. Car Ji j ' allais plus avant, je ferois contraint de me démentir moy-mefme ; & vous expliquant le Tableau devant lequel nousfommes arrejiez , ruiner entièrement les agréables illufons dont ma complaifance vous a flattez. Ne voyez vous pas que la Fortune qui pour faire enrager les gens d'bon- neur, prend plaifir à voir lesfages dans la boue, & les fot s fur la pourpre, na pu toutesfois fi bien defguifer le Singe quelle a couronné , qu'au travers des ornemens & des voiles dont elle Va couvert, il ne paroijfe touf- joitrs ce que la nature Fa fait. Tirez de là cette confe- quence necejfaire, quunfot eji toufours un fot ; & que plus un homme mal-fait efi paré, 6? plus J es difforvvj,- tezfe connoiffent.' Vous me direz que je ne vous tiens pas parole, & quà Ventrée de ce dif cours , je vouspro- mettoisplus de condefcendance. . Il ne tient pas à moy. Mais je ne puis. La force de la raifon m'emporte, & bien que je fois fort amy de vies amis, je le fuis encore plus de] la vérité. Fortune cannot give Defert. rK&>|.ERHAPS you have' hitherto thought p 1 me too fevere ; and therefore as a Pro 4™*™>P °l mj g °^ ^ atur ^ I w ^ , now yield - t0 " * allow with you, that Riches can give even to a vile and fordid Wretch , at leaft an Air of Greatnels ; and that a Knave has often in out- ward Appearance fome Refemhlance of an honeft Man. But I can proceed no further. For in ex- plaining this Picture, I lhall convince you that 'tis all Illuiion ; that the Difference is fo vaft be- tween what is really good and noble ; and what fallèly appears to be fo, that ycu muft be blind if you prefer not Virtue in Rags, before Vice and Folly in Purple and Diamonds. It is true, Fortune, that fickle Goddefs, to try the Patience of great Souls, often takes delight to leave the Wife neg- lected in Obfcurity and Want, and feats the Idiot on the Throne. But 'tis not in her Power to dif- guifè the Monkey (he has crown d fo well, but that through all the gaudy Robes and Ornaments with which {he has endeavour'd to conceal' his Deformi- ties, he ftill appears to be fuch as Nature has made him : Like Men deform'd, who are but mrre re- markably ridiculous, for being finely drefsd : So alfo wicked, vain Men, the mere they are ad- vanced by Fortune in Wealth and Hon ur, the more their Faults and Vices became conipicu' us. Forgive me that I fpeâk thus plainly. I am con- ftrain'd to be thus warm in Truth's Defence, would oblige my Friend, and condefcend to avour his Opinions, tho'not altogether fuited*to the ftriâ Rules of Wifdom ; but where Virtue is concern'd, I love my Friend well, but Truth much better. Hor. lib. i. Katuram expellas furca, tamen vfque recurret, Epjft. 10. g t mala perrumpet furtum fajiigia vittrix. Lampfon. Caca fove hidignos Foras, vt lubet, at tua dona, Simia ve maneat fmia, nonfacie?it. Things againft Nature do, 'tis all in vain j She will with double Force return again. Your evil Habits cure, and Will conftrain. Blind Fortune, raifè the worthlefs as you plealè; Ycu only can beftow fuch Gifts as thefè. Drefi up an Ape, and place him on a Throne, Yet he will ftill, through all Difguifè, be known. Scnec. de jSfonfaniu t eqvum meliorem aurei fr&ni : neque ho- Trappings of Gold the Horfe don't better make ; j vie. beat. . miiJjnp/^JiamioremfortunAornamenta. nor is the Man more excellent, who dees par- -. . . take of Fortune's choiceft Gifts. Mangt A View of Human Life. IQl Mange dejfous un Dais ; dors dedans un Batuflré, Sois Fils de mille Rois, & fetit Fils des Dieux ; Si tu n'as la Vertu qui les mit dans les deux : 7u ne feras qu'un Sot illuftre. Sleep always hi a giît Alcotë, And eat beneath a Canopy, Son of a potent Monarch be, And near ally'd to Mighty Jove : Yet if thofe Vermes wanting are, Which made thy Anceftors be deify *d, Thou wilt a gaudy Sot appear, And be defpis'd in all thy coftly Pride. Dd 101 The DoBrine of MORALITY; or, - The Explanation of the One-and-Fiftieth Picture. L'Amour des Biens eft un Suplice qui ne y/ je Lo . v ' f ^j c hes is an endlefs "Pain, finit point. / la perte de la Vertu n'avait point de fuittes dangereuses, je ne doute pas que la plufpart des Hommes ejlant lâches Ù in- fenjibles comme ils font, nefuffent aifement confolé de fa perte. Mais eftant réduits à la deplorable necejfîté de fouffrir tous les Maux qui ac- compagnent le Crime, au mefme infiant qu'ils ont aban- donné la Vertu; je m'eftonne que leur propre Inter eft ne les oblige pint à faire quelques efforts pour tâcha- de fe la conferver. Ile fi vray, que le Gel a refolu que les Ames bajferfoient toujours mal-heur eufe s. Il faut donc que leur deftin s' accomplice. En voicy deux qui pour s'enrichir, n'ont apprehend- ni les Dangers de la "Terre, ni ceux de la Mer : & qui pour affouvir leur infatia- ble Avidité, ont violé également les Loix divines & humaines. Ne refufez, pas, je vous prie, la grace que je vous demande. Confiderez, avec moy, quels font les Fruitls de tant de Travaux & de tant de Crimes. A la vérité, ces Perfonnes font iliuftres par leurs grands Biens. Leur Ville efi ornée des Palais qu'ils ont fait baflir. Les Plaines les plus vaftes, ne font qu'une partie de leur Domaine. Les Montagnes & les Vallons les reconnoiffent pour Seigneurs. La Mer gémit fous le nombre des Vaijfeaux qu'ils envoy ent d'un Minde à l'autre. Voila des chofes qui paroiffent jcrt éclatantes & fort belles. Mais elles le parroiff ent feulement, & ne le font pas en effet. Ces Riches mij érables, n'ont repos ny nuiEl ny jour. Leurs Veilles font troublées de mille fafcheux Meffages ; & lenr s Sommes de peu de durée, font trarverfé par des Songes & par des Phantofmes efpouvantables. Aujourdhuy ils craignent le desborde- ment d'une riviere ; Demain la grefle leur donne d'a- larme. Le Tonner e ne fçauroit gronder, qu'ils ne trem- blent, non de peur d'en e/b-e frapez,, mais de l'appre- henjion que leurs moiffons n'en foient renverf'es. Au feul nom de Banqueroute ils palijfent ; & fe perfuadent qu'ils n'y a pas un Courtier de Change qui ne foit un Voleur dêguifé. S'ils ofoient reftablir l'Adoration des Idoles, ils fenient de bon cœur des Sacrifices à Neptune & aux Vents, pour en obtenir le falut de leurs Vaif- feaux ; & adjcufians le facrilege à l'ùfure, interejfe- roient, s'il leur eftoit pcjfible, Dieu mefme dans la cvn- fervation de leurs Biens mal acquis. Pouvez.-vous maintenant appeller ces Gens, Grands, Ik'ufires, Heu- reux. Si vous le faites, vous nèfles pas du Sentiment d'un Homme qui a pu donner jaloufie au grand Alex- andre. Vous le voyez, dans fon Tonneau, fans inquie- tude, fans crainte & fins douleur, pour ce qu'il eft fans richeffe. Il fe mocque des fous, qui fe defefperent de Idolatry to Ufury. Nay, if it was poffible, they leurs pertes ; & fe vante d'eftre véritablement grand would even intereft God himfelf in the Conferva- Seigneur, puifqu'il efi au deffus des chofes que le Monde tion of their ill-gotten Treafure, by praying on eflime les plus grandes. this Occafion, tho they do fo on no other. You may yet continue to ftile thefe Men Great, No- ble, and Fortunate ; but if you would be truly Wife, hearken to that wondrous Man, whofe Condition was 1 even envy'd by the Great Alexander. See here Diogenes in his Tub, free from Fears and Cares, boafting that his Poverty is his Happinefs. Fools that you are, fays he, whom Loffes throw into Defpair ! How far am I above you ? I am indeed a mighty Man, who have learn'd to defpife all thofe things which the World moft efteems, and for which you figh and languifh. jfr ) *> i *< ft ft ft ft ^^^ft*fr^-4H |F to beat enmity with Virtue was not attended with very ill Confequences, I fear that the greater part of Man- kind are now fo bafe and fenfelefs, that they would little value or court her Friendfhip. But being certain to fuffer all the Miferies that are the Effects of that Crime, and to be wretched from the moment they forfake her ; I am amazed that the Senfe of their own Intereft does not prevail with Men to make at leaft fome Efforts to preferve her Friendfhip. Cer- tain it is, that Heaven has decreed all mercenary and ignoble Souls fhould be in themfelves mifera- ble. Behold here two Perfons, who to acquire great Riches have defpifed all Dangers of the Seas and Climates ; and to fatisfy that hateful Paflion, broken through all Laws, both Human and Di- vine. Confider, I befeech you, with me, what are the Fruits of all their Pains and Crimes. 'Tis true, thefe Perfons are famous and renown'd for their great Wealth. The City where they dwell, is adorn'd with ftately Houfes and Palaces built at tKeir Coft. The largeft Plains adjoining, are but a part of their Poffeffions : Mountains and flowry Vales acknowledge them their Lords ; the Seas foam under the vaft weighty Ships they fend to every Quarter of the World to trade in hopes to increafe their Store. Thefe things make their Condition to appear very tempting and happy, I allow : but they are in reality quite otherwife ; miferable is their Condition. They know no Peace day or night. When they are awake, fre- quent Alarms of VefTels loft, of midnight Fires, and Debtors going off, diffract their Souls, and pall all their Enjoyments. When fleeping, ftrange Dreams of Hell, of Death, and terrifying Fiends, of Tempefts, and Ghofts of thofe they have un- done, appear ; and thus they ftart, and trembling rife, to be a-new tormented. To-day they fear fome River fhould o'erflow their Lands : to-mor- row r a Shower of Hail alarms them ,• and Thunder cannot rear, but they look pale, not fearing Death fo much, as that their Harveft fhould be fpoil'd. Name but a Bankrupt, and they change Colour, and look upon every Man as a Thief, that would borrow any thing of them. If they dared, they would raife Altars to Neptune and the Winds, in hopes to obtain Safety for their Ships ; and fo add Horat.1.2. Oii. Defiderantem quod fatia efi, neque Tumultuofum follicitat mare, Nee favus ArBuri cadentis Impetus, aut orientis Hozdi : Non verberata grandine vinea, Fundufque mendax, arbore nunc aquas Cubante, nunc tor r ent i a agros Sidera, nunc hiemes iniquas. ^fr^ft^^frj^jfr ft ft ft ft ft ft frft ft ft ft ft ft ^Afoff frft jfrftfon-frfrj fr ft 4 , 4 , 4 , ij u f , , « , jfrj^ jj^jj^jfrfojwjij^fr He that no more than what will Life fuffife Does ask, no Change of Fortune can furprize : Loud Storms and Tempefts he unmov'd can hear. And unconcerned behold the clouded Skies, And gathering Winds in horrid Difcord rife ; Let Nature fhake, his Soul's exempt from Fear. Let dreadful Hail his hopeful Vineyard fpoil, Or Olives parch 'd, fhrink up and yield no Oil ; His Field unfruitful all his Hopes defeat, His Orchards wanting Fruit, appear to mourn The Summer's Drought, and faded look forlorn; Or fudden Froft deftroy, his Life is ftveet. A View of Human Life. 3 Ccnfulte, Ambitieux y ce que tu vois icy ; Et ton Cœur aura fait un excellent Eflude. Le pauvre Vertueux vit fans inquietude, Et le riche Méchant nef. jamais fans foucy. Ambitious Men, obferve what here you fee, A Truth of mighty ufe to all it fhows î The Poor and Vertuous live from Terrors free, The Rich and Wicked never know Repofe. io4 The Dottrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Two-and-Fiftieth Picture. L'Avarice eft un grand Mai. Cocetoufnefs is a great Misfortune. \OMME fi ce n'efioit pas affez, des Craintes ||l*ljg|HE numerous Cares with which the Ava- & des Soins dont les Avares font tourmenté, |||2jfÉ ritious are tormented, are not fufficient toutes les fois qu'ils hasardent leurs Biens, il W^^M to compleat their Punifliment. There le font encore des Demons familiers qui habitent leurs \s a fort of familiar Spirits that continually haunt Cabinets & leurs Coffres ; & qui les tiennent continuelle- their Clofets and Coffers; whofe Names are Dif- ment dans l 'apprebenfion de pe-fdre l'Argent qu'ils ont truft and Doubt, which keep them perpetually on the Rack, under the moll terrible Apprehenfions of lofing thofe Treafures which the vigilant Slaves have fecured under a hundred Locks and Bolts. The miferable Wretches pafs the tedious Hours ment dans F apprebenfion de perdre l'Argent enfermé fous cent Clefs. Ces Miferables paffent d'une Inquietude à l'autre ; & d'une 'Trouble eftranger à un Trouble domeftiqiïe. Les voicy reprefenté, après na- ture en la Perfonne de ce viel Ufurier. Il tient d'une main les Borderaux & les Regifires de l'Argent qu'on of Life in continual Inquietudes, and are as much luy rapporte, avec les Interefts à Cent pour Cent ; & à concern'd from what may happen in their Homes, Vinflant mefme qu'il le reçoit, il efl intérieurement per- as at what the Seas and foreign Shores may pro- ' ''■■'' " T ' ' duce, to undo their Traffick, and deftroy their Fortunes. See here, moft naturally reprefented in the Perfon of this old Ufurer, the Condition of thefe People. He holds in his Hand a Lift of the Sums of Money with the Intereft brought him, fill'd with a fecret Tranfport to obferve how the abominable Intereft of Cent, per Cent, has increafed the damning Store ; and yet at the fame inftant trembles, with the Fear of being robb'd. He looks upon his own Children as Harpys, who wait in continual Expectation of his Death, and long for nothing fo much as to be his Heirs. He even looks upon all their Tendernefs and Services to him, as fo many Snares and Defigns againft his His Servants, whofe long-try 'd Faith has fecutè de la Crainte d'eftre Volé. Il regarde fes propres Enfans comme, autant de Harpies qui veillent pour luy dévorer avec fin Or fin bon-heur imaginaire. Il inter- prette leurs Services & leurs Demonftrations d'Amitié, à des Amorces & des Pièges, où ils ont fait deffein de le prendre. Ses Serviteurs n'ont eflé admis au miniftere défis Trefors, qu âpres qu'ils ont eflé f ouf mis à toutes les efpreuves qu'il a âefiré. Cependant, quoy qu'il fuit affeuré du refpeEl des uns & de la fidélité des au- tres, il pâlit, il tremble, il fi defefpere. Ses Yeux, fes Pieds, fes Mains, & fes Soupçons, fint d'ajfidus mais d'infidèles Efpies, qui errant de Chambre en Chambre, & de Coffre en Offre, luy donnent jour Ù nuitl de fauffes & cruelles Alarmes. Life prevail'd with him to permit them to bring in and manage his Treafures, he's ftill fufpicioûs of: and thohe has all the Réâfon in the world to be affured of his Childrens Affection and their Fidelity, yet he ftill wakes, ftartles, liftens, and fhakes at every Noife. He fteals from one Chamber to another, pries into each Corner of his Coffers, to fee if nothing's loft. Thus Night and Day he languifh.es for thatRepofe, which he never can poffefs, till he becomes wife, and ceafes to fear the Lofs, of all things but Immortal Treafures, which are only worth our Care. c- * -x- st SU £î- 4®. -&- <5- 4£ •&• 4%. # . 4£ J&- 45- 4£ 46. 4£ JÇ. & '&- i^ J^ S S ft Horat.l.3. Crefcentem fequitur cura pecuniam, Od. 16, Juvenal. Sat. 4. Majorumque fames. Interea pleno cum turgit façculus ore, Crefiit amor nummi, quantum ipfa pecunia crefcit, Et minus banc opt at qui non habet. As Riches do increafe, fo does Defire ; Still more we fear their Lofs, and more require. As the Sack fwells with the dear Store, So does the greedy Mifer's Thirft for more ; Whilft he who leaft of Fortune's Bounty (hares, Does leaft defire Wealth, and 's free from Cares. A View of Human Life. Cet Avare aux lèvres déteintes, The Mifer here, with pale and withered Pace, Met fon Bon-heur en fon Argent ; Does in his Money all his Comfort place ,- Cependant le Chagrin luy donne mill' atteintes; Whilft Care to keep it like a Vultur tears Et comme un fier Vautour fes Entrailles rongeant : His Soul within, and endlefs Doubts and Fears II meurt cent fois le jour, de Soupçons & de Craintes. Deftroy his Peace, and wafte his joylefs Yeats. io6 The Do&rine of MORALITY; or> The Explanation of the Fifty-Third Picture. L'Avare craint tout, & ne craint rien. 'EST un grand Mal- heur que d'ejîre éternellement dans la Crainte & dans l'Inquiétude. Mais -pour comble de Mal-heur, & pour le dernier Châti- ment des Crimes de l'Homme avare, il arrive quelque fois qu'il devient infenfible à ce qu'il fouffre ; & que "The Covetous fear all things, yet fcem infenfible of all things. T is a great Misfortune to be per-* petually in fear and dread ; but the laft and greateft Punifhment that Heaven can chaftife a Man withal, is to let him become ftu- pid and infenfible of all he fuffers, fo as to go on in Sin, without a- comme un Homme letargique eft d'autant plus periUeufe- waking to Repentance : This often happens to the ment malade qu'il n'a plus de fentiment de fon mal. L'Homme qui femble fe repofer dans ce Tableau, eft un Couvent able Exemple de ces Punitions divine*. Il a l'Ame & les Yeux tellement attachez, fur fin Argent, & eft fi extraordinairement frapp: 1 de ITnfenfibïliiè de fon Mal, qu'il n'a plus. d'Oreilles pour ouyr, n'y d'Yeux pour voir les horribles Supplices que le Ciel & la Terre luy préparent. Tantoft fon bon Génie luy découvre le Fer fanglant des Voleurs qui le doivent égorger. Tantoft il luy monftre les Chaînes que luy préparent les Corf aires qui font en mer, pour s'enrichir de fes dépouilles. Tan- toft il hy prêfente les Efcueils qui font cachez, fous les ondes ; & tantoft il nffemble tous les Vents, & leur, fait exciter des Tempeftes capables d'effrayer les Monftres mefmes de la Mer. Cependant, ce faux Philofophe de- meure immobile parmy tant de SpeBacles d'Horreur ; & fon Avarice luy promettant une VtEloire générale fur tant de différents Ennemis, il va au travi des Flammes, affouvir l'exécrable Pajfi l va au travers du Fer & Ion qui le dé- vore. cies that freed from what he has Fire and .the Covetous. Like a Man in a Lethargy he grows every day lefs fenfible of his Difeafe, as he grows nearer his End. The Man who appears in this Picture to repofe himfelf, is a terrible Example of the Divine Vengeance. He has his Soul and Eyes fo attached to his Money, that regarding nothing elfe, he has neither Ears to hear, nor Eyes to. fee, the dreadful things that Heaven and Earth have prepared for him. His good" Genius in vain warns him one moment of the bloody Death which the Swords of the watching Thieves prepare for him. Anon he fhows him the ponderous fettering Chains the Pirates have at Sea got ready to bind him withal, in hopes to fhare his Spoils amongft them. Then reminds him to liften to the aflem- bling Winds, who raife Tempefts, terrible enough to affright even the Monfters who inhabit the Seas; whilft the united Waves join their loud Murmurs to augment the Terrors of the aftonifh- ing Scene. Yet this dull Lethargick remains un- moved amidft all thefe horrid Spectacles. He fan- he is feated on his Treafures, he is invulnerable. He would not be poor, tho to be .hefe Dangers. He will endure all things to be rich, and refolves not to part with thus hardly fcraped together, but with his Life ; and will expofe himfelf even to Sword, rather than voluntarily part with what gratifies his brutifh Paflion. Horat.l.i. Sat. i. -Cum te neque fervidus aftus Demoveat lucre, neque hyems, ignis, mare, f err urn, Nil obftet tibi, dum ne fit te ditior alter. Sic feftinanti femper kcupletior obftat : Ut, cum carceribus miffos rapit ungula currus, Inftat equis auriga, fuos vincentibus, ilium Prateritum temnens extremos inter euntem. Inde fit, ut raro qui fe vixijfe beatum Dicat & exaBo contenus tempore vita Cedat, ttti conviva fatur reperire queamus. Whereas neither the Winter's freezing Cold, Or Summer's Heat, or raging Seas with-hold You from Purfuit of Gain ; or Sword, or Fire, Can make you flop, or quell the fierce Defire : All that oppofes you furmount, but why ? ' Becaufe no Man fliall Richer be than I. As in purfuit of Wealth one always finds Still one that richer is, which galls our Minds ; So in the Race, when from the Bar The Chariots ftart, each Driver far From minding thofe he has paft by, Still on the foremoft keeps his Eye, Proud to be always firft, we ne'er look down On thofe whofe State's inferiour to our own : This is the Caufe one rarely finds a Man, Who cries, I own I've happy liv'd, and can Contented be this day to quit the Stage, It is enough, I've liv'd to a good Age ; Chearful takes leave, and Death does fmiling meet, As pleas'd as he that rifes from a Treat. A View of Human Life. Ï07 Ce viel Avare à tous momens Surffre mille divers Tourmens. Jl craint les Elemens, les Demons, & les Hommes Il croit mal-ajfeuré, ce qu'il a dans les mains. Et cependant mij érables Humains ! Voila ce qui nous plaift ; voila ce que nous fommes. This Ùfurer each Moment feels Torments as great as Racks and Wheels ; He fears each Noife, ftarts at the Air, Fancies fome Thief, or Devil's near ; And thinks not what he grafps fecure. See miferable Mortals here Your wretched State, the Pains you muft endure. io8 The DoBrine of MORALITY; or, L'i <%S9^&) X 'iH- m] WS^YKSr The Explanation of the Fpurtand-Fiftieth Picture. L'Avarice eft Iufatiable. Avarice is I/ifatiaie* E trouvez, pas mauvais que notre Pein- tre ait ajouté ces Maledictions à celles qui funt de/ta tombées fur les Avares. Il reprefente ces Miferable's, fcuffrant le plus horrible Suplice dont le jufie Difpenfateur des chofes a de coutume de punir ces Voleurs, que les Loix ci- HINK notf our Painter too fe vere, in adding this Example of another Curfe that attends the Co- vetous. Thofe miferabie Wretches are here reprefented fuffering, the moft cruel Torment with which the juft Judge of all things is ufed viles ont toujours condamnées & toujours laiffé viure im- to pun'dh thefe worft of Villains,who make ad van- punis. C'efi la Faim renaiffante, & V Infatiabilité prodigieufe qui les dévore. Ils ne pouvoient eftre mieux Figures que pay le Portrait d'un Hydropique. Les Dé- bauches & la Gloùtonnie de ce brutal luy ayant gaflé les parties qui fervent à la Fabrique du Sang ; & par -con- sequent à la Confervation de la Santé : il eft juftement tage of the Neceffities of the Unfortunate. They are fuch whom the whole World in general con- demns, and the Laws have left unpunifh'd : but they fuffer a never-dying Hunger and Thirft, an infatiate Defire of More, that devours their Souls. No better Reprefentation could be made of this châtié par les mêmes parties qu'il a injuftement Offen- fad Condition, than by this Pidure of a Man dy- cées. Il fçait que fan Eftomac n'a plus de chaleur qui ing with the Dropfy. This Debauchee has ruined ne foit à demy étouffée; que fm foye n eft plus capable de fes Functions , & que tout ce qu'il prend fe convertit en ferofiteés mortelles. Cependant le malheureux qu'il eft, il eft orulé d'un feu domefii que qui ne peut eftre efteint ; & croit qu' à force de boire il recevra quelque foulagèment. Il boit, donc, & plus il boit <ÙX plus s' 'ac- croît le dejir de boire. Le Corps luy enfle jufque aux extremitez. des pieds & des mains. L'Eau luy regorge prefque par la bouche ; & néanmoins il eft toujours altéré. Il reprend auffi le verre, & boit fa mort, avec l'Eau qui rend fon Mal incurable. . Faites l'Applica- tion de cette Similitude. Conftderez, l'Avare, comme nous avons confideré V Hydropique ; & vous verrez, ou his Health with Exceflive Eating and .Drinkino- and is now juftly punifli'd in the fame kind in which he has offended. He is fenfible that the na- tural Heat of his Stomach is almoft loft, that his Liver is no longer able to perform its Office, and that all the Nourifhment he takes to fupport Life is for want of a good Digeftion immediately con- verted into crude watry Humours, that increafe his Pains, and haften his End. Unhappy Wretch ! he is inwardly confumed with a Fire that Art can- not extinguifh, and hopes for Eafe by abundant Drinking, which makes his Diftemper worfe: The more he drinks, the more his Thirft increafes. qu'ils font Malades d'une femblable Maladie, ou que His Body is.fwoln even to his fingers ends: a s'il y a quelque difference, c'eft que l' Hydropique n'eft pas ft 'cruellement puni de fes Def ordres, que l' Avare I' eft de fes Deréglemens. Car l' Hydropique ne languit que deux ou trois Ans au plus ; & l'Avare eft des trente & quarante Annies continuellement tourmenté des Dou- leurs & des 'Tortures, que fon Infatiabilité renouvelle à toutes les heures du jour & de la nuiB. Flood of Waters fills his Stomach,"ând yet he's ftill dry. He continually puts the Cup to his Mouth, and fwallows Death with the greedy Draught. Make you the Application of this Si- militude, my ingenious Companions. Confider the Avaritious Man with attention, and you will find him ill of the fame Difeafe, or rather wbrfe : For the Dropfy holds not above two or three Years at moft, and then Death puts an end to his Pain ; but the Covetous generally languifh thirty or forty Years, continually tormented with that infatiable Thirft after Wealth, which nothing in the World can fatisfy ; that Anxiety and Care, which drives Sleep from their Eyes, and Peace from their Souls, and renders them the moft contemptible and wretched of all Mankind. &&&&&&&^&£&&&&^&^&Mi^&^&&£&&&^&&&M&& Horat.1.2. Crefcit indulgens fibi dirus hydrops, Od. i. 2Vec fitim pe'llit, nifi caufa morbi Fugerit venis, & aquofus albo Corpore languor. Lib. 5. Od.24. — — Scilicet improba Crefcunt Divitia, tamen Curta nefcio quid femper abeft rei. He that the Dropfy has, no Eafe can gain By drinking oft, but does increafe his Pain ; Indulging it, he ftill augments his Grief: He firft that watry Humeur muft expel, That does his Body wafte, nor can be well Till Drinking's left, and Phyfick gives relief. Altho the Mifer's Riches ftill increafe, He feems not fatisfy 'd, or lives at eafe : Something's ftill wanting to compleat his Store ; Ye Gods, he cries, give me ftill one thing more. A View of Human Life. 109 Retranche le dejîr qui t'agite & te trouble : Borne ta convoitise où finit ton pouvoir. Plus l' Hydropique boit, plus la foif luy redouble . Plus l'Avare a de biens, plus il en veut avoir. Quell that ùntam'd Defire that breaks thy Peace } Wilh not for things beyond thy Rank and Power. The Dropfical, by drinking, does encreafe His fatal Thirft ; the Rich ftill covet more. Ff no The DoBrine of Molality; or, The Explanation of the Five-and-Fiftieth Pi&ure. L'Avare eft fon Bourreau. ft be Covetous Man is his ow/i tor nie titer. L manquoit deux grands maux aux Avares, four efire au comble de leurs miferes. Vbicy le premier, qui efi le plus épouvantable Fléau dont la Jufiice du Ciel a couftume de les châtier. Si je vous demande pour quoy les Hommes prennent tant de peine, pour quoy fi fouvent ils bazardent leur vie, en un mot, pourquoi ils deviennent leurs 'Tyrans, & leurs Bourreaux ; vous me refpondrez, infailliblement, que c'efi pour acquérir par le travail de leur efprit, ou par celuy de leurs mains, les richejfes que la naijfance leur a refufée. Si je pourfuis ma demande, & vous follicite de me dire quelle efi, la fin de tous les travaux que les Hommes, foujfrent pour acquérir des richejfes ; je fuis ajfeuré que vous me répliquerez,, que ces travaux ont pour leur cbjetl, la joye, l'abondance, la bonne chère, & Us autres délices, qui ne nous peuvent efire données que par la pcjfejfion des grands biens. ! que fi vous avez, cette créance, vous efies dans une grande erreur. Tour- nez, les yeux fur cette Peinture, & vous connoiftrez, qu'il n'y a point de gueuferie fi fordide & fi lâche que celle de tous les Riches. Je dis de tous les Riches, pour ce que c'efi une vérité fondamentale, que tous ceux qui font devenus Riches par leur travail, font en mefme temps devenus extrêmement avares. Celuy que vous •voyez, efi un de ces ennemis de luy même. Ce gueux milieu de tous ces biens, meurt de foif & de faim ; au & fi quelquefois il accorde à fon ventre quelques mavais aliments, c'efi avec tant d'épargne & tant d'Avarice, que dans une générale fterilité de toutes chofes, il n'y a point de pauvre honteux qui vit fi miferablement. Ce monftre cependant, trouve des délices incomparables en cette forte de mifere, d'autant que vivant ainfi, il ne voit diminuer n'y les monceaux de bled, n'y le nombre des tonneaux de vin qui l'environnent. HERE are yec wanting two great Mis- fortunes more, to compleat the Miferies of the Avaritious. Behold the firft, one of the moft terrible Chaftifements with which Heaven is ufed to fcourge them. If I fhould now ask yo;i why Men take fo much pains, and fo often hazard their Lives by Sea and Land ; in a word, why they become cruel to themfelves, and fatigue their Bodies : you would doubtlefs anfwer, 'tis to obtain by the Labours of their Hands, and Study of their Brains, that Compe- tency and Fortune which their Birth deny'd them. If I fhould yet proceed to ask you farther, what is the View and Defign with which Men labour thus for Riches, I am affured you would reply, 'tis in hopes to enjoy Plenty, Pleafure, and all the Satisfactions which render Life agreeable and happy ; and which nothing but a large Fortune can furnifh. But believe me, Friends, you are much deceived, if you think thus. Turn cue your Eyes on this Pifture, and you will be con- vinced, that there is no Poverty fo vile and bafe as the covetous Man's. For 'tis a known Truth, that all thofe who have obtain'd great Riches by Ufury and Extortion, have in Age be- come extremely covetous. The Man before you is one of thofe Enemies to himfelf. This rich Beggar even ftarves with Hunger and Thirft amidfl his Stores, and affords not to his craving Stomach Food, either good or fufficient ,• and even that which he does make ufe of, comes with as much Regret and Sparingnefs from him, as if it were a time of Scarcity and Famine ; nor is there on Earth a more wanting or miferable Creature, fancies that Yet this Monfter fancies that he finds incompa- rable Satisfaction in this miferable kind of Life, fince he percieves not his Corn and Wine to decreafe. There confifts his Joy ; his Clothes wear not out, and his Barns are full. Horat.1.2. Silt. 3. Qui Nummos, Aurumque recondit, nefcius uti Compofitis, metuenfque velut contingere facrum ? Si quis ad ingentem frumenti femper acervum PorreBus vigilet cum longo fufle ; neque Wine Audeat efuriens Dominus contingere granum, Ac potius foliis parous vefcatur amaris : Si pofitus intus Chii, veterifque Falerni Mille cadis, nihil eft, ter centum millibus, acre Potet acetum. What differs he from him, who having Store, And Heaps of Gold, does dare no more To touch, or ufe, than if it facred were ? Or he that arm'd with a long Staff, with Care, Should pafs the Nights to guard his Heaps of Wheat, And almoft flarv'd, forbear one Grain to eat, But feeds on bitter Herbs ? His Cellars flor'd with Wine j A thoufand, nay, three thoufand Tuns of Chio fine, Or old Falernian of the beft, fhould chufe Sour Lees to drink, and better fear to ufe ? #. A View of Human Life. hi Non ; il n'eft pas befoin d'inventer un fupplice Pour punir ce brutal de Jon avidité. Il s' eft fait fin bourreau par excez, d'Avarice ; Et Jçait bien fe punir comme il a mérité. No ; there's no need a Torment to invent, This fordid Fool to punifh ; racking Pain He gives himfelf : His Thirft of Gain His Life deftroys, and is his Punifhment. Ill The DoBrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Fifty-Sixth Picture. Un Aveuglement eft fuivy d'un autre. One "Blindïiefs is attended 'with another* I l'Avare eft puni au dedans par la crainte qu'il a d 'ufer de ces richejfes, il ne I' eft pas moins au dehors, par le peu de connoifsance qu'il a de fa bru- talité. Il eft toujours frappé de l'efprit d'aveuglement, & comme cer- tains faux qui fe croyent parfaitement fages, il fe figure d'eftre un Achille & n'eft qu'un terfite. Quelques injuftes & quelques opiniaftres par- tifans des richejfes que vais foyez,, vous ne fçauriez, voir le riche & ridicule Midas, que vous ne demeuriez, d'accord, qu'on peut eftre tout enfemble extrêmement riche & extrêmement fot. Mais ce qu'il y a de pis en cette avanture, ceft qu'à proportion que le fot s'êleve fa fottife s'êleve aufft. Elle monte avec lui fur le 'theatre qu'il s' eft lâty defes trefors; & fe fait mon- trer au doigt, par tous ceux qui font affez, clairs- voyants, pour ne pas confondre une Marotte & une Diadème. Nôtre Peintre veut que vous foyez, de ces illuminez, ', car il vous prefente en ce "tableau la fottife elle-même, qui coiffe bien plaifamment le Dieu des richejfes, du plus ample defes bonnets ridicules ; & lui met entre les mains le fceptre grotefque avec lequel elle commande à la plus grande partie de l'Univers, tour- nez,, je vous prie, les yeux fur ce kintain, que ce Peintre a fi heureufement prattiquè fur la cime d'une montagne. Vous y verrez, un exemple bien fameux de la vérité que je vous annonce, en ce Prince impertinent, qui ayant demandé aux dieux de convertir en Or tout ce qu'il toucheroit ; obtint fi mal-heureufement pour luy, l'accomplijfement de ces vœux, qui l fût incapable de tout autre chofe que de faire de l'Or. Mais en WSSÈ H E Covetous are not only pu- nifhed with Fears, and that un- accountable Terror that forbids them to make ufe of thofe things which they poffefs, but they even grow ftupid and infenflble of their own Folly ; they feem, as it were, ftruck with an incurable Bhndnefs ; and like mod Fools, who think themfelves perfectly "wife. The Mifer fancies himfelf a fécond Achilles, when he is indeed more ridiculous than a te-fitis. Were you one of the moft partial and obftinate Fa- vourers of Riches, yet it would not be poffible for you to look on the ridiculous Figures here be- fore you, without agreeing with me in opinion, that a Man may be at the fame time extremely rich, and extremely foolifh and contemptible. Nay, what is worfe, it is generally ■ feen, that fuch People's Folly does increafe with their For- tunes. The avaritious Man feems to mount a Theatre which he has raifed with ill-got Trea- fures, on which Folly's placed, cajolling him, whilft he" ftands expofed and pointed at by all thofe who have Wifdom enough to diftinguifh a Fool's Cap from a Diadem. Our Painter is de- firous that you fliould be of the Number of thefe illuminated Perfonsj and therefore here repre- fents Folly herfelf employed in decking the God of Riches, on whom fhe puts one of her moft remarkable Ornaments, a Cap, whofe greateft Excellency conflits in a large Pair of Afs's Ears j which well expreffes the Merit of the Wearer. She puts into his Hands a Grotefque Scepter, with which he indeed governs too great a part of the World. Lift up your Eyes now to the Top of yon Mountain, which our Painter has inge- nioufly drawn, you will there fee an Example one of the moft curious of all the Stories that Nature or Antiquity records ; which though it is a Fiâion, has yet an excellent Moral. Midas the King, who is there feated, had fome time before befought the Gods to grant him his Requeft ; which was, That all things he touched might be converted into Gold ; which he unfortunately obtain'd : fo that he was in danger to perifli, his Food being turn'd into that damning Metal. But as a juft Punifhment for his criminal Demand, he fo abfolutely lofes the Ufe of his Reafon, that he finds more Harmony in the Horn-Pipe of Pan, than in the ravifhing Harp of the God of Mufick. punition de fa demande criminelle, il perdit fi abfolu- ment l'Ufage de la raifen.Û 'des fens, qu'il trouva plu d'harmonie au cornet enroilê d'un Monftre, qu~ l lyre mefmedu Dieu delà Mufique. us la Hor. l.i. Epift. 18. Ariftot. Rhet. 2. Itbcrat. Arcopag, Stultitiam patiuntur Opes- v Ort £mfra » istAï^î îsj> TlKurioi;, àfTOK Jhvasîinus aeo;«, ^ Mira' Ttv'jvi ÀKohctna. My Wealth will fupport my Folly. A rich Man's always mad. Madnefs is always the infeparable Companion of Wealth and Power ; and next to her in Favour, is Intemperance. A View of Human Life. ii| Ne te vante jamais n'y d'efprit n'y d'adreffe, four avoir plus vole, que n'ont fait tes ayeux. Midas efioit tout d'Or ; & malgré fa riche fe, Il pajja pour un Afne au jugement des Dieux. Boàft not thy mighty Wit and Parts, Becaufe by Frauds and cunning Arts, Thour't richer than thy Anceftors. Midas, who all things turn'd to Gold, The Gods in no efteem did hold, But crownM him with an Afs's Ears. Gg 114 The Doiïrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Seven-and-Fiftieth Pidure. L'Avare meurt comme il a vefcu. r Tfhe Covetous die as they live. UELQUES melancholiques que "vous foyez,, de vous voir fi éloignez* de vos pre- tentions, il faut néanmoins que vous riez, du plaifant fpeEïacle, que nôtre Poè'fie muette vous a préparé. Approchez, donc, F you was difpofed ever fo much to- Melancholy, or difpleafed to be con- vinced of your Error (if inclined to love Money) yet you muft needs be diverted at the pieafant Sight our du miserable HEl où gift un malade encore plus mife- mute Hiftorian has prepared for you. Draw near rable ; & contemplez, l'avare Opimius, contraint far then to the Bed-fide of a Man more miferable un mal violent d' abandonner la garde de [es Sacs Ù de fes Coffres. Le catherre l'étoufe. La flutlion lui fait perdre l'ufage des fens. Il dort en dépit qu'il en ait, d'un fomme prefque Mortel ; & fon ame qui veille encore un peu, ne lui reprefente autour de lui, que des troupes de voleurs, refolus de s'enrichir de fes depciiilles. Mais ces vifions ne font pas abfolument trompéufes : car fes héritiers acharnez, fur fon argent, comme des Vautours fur une charogne, engloutiffent des yeux & de la penfée, tous les trefors que ce dragon a fi long-temps gardez,. Ils en parlent comme s'il étoit défia mort. Us fe raillent de la peine qu'il a pris à les enrichir ; &■ pour fe mocquer de luy, s'entre-difent qu'afin que fa mort foit conforme à fa vie, il ne faut pas beaucoup depenfer à fes funérailles. Le Médecin cependant, plus charitable que les héritiers, accourt au foulagement du malade. Il vient le remède à la main; & employe than the wretched Place he lies in appears to be. It is the Covetous Opimius, who is conftrain'd, by a violent Difeafe, to abandon the Care of his Baggs and Coffers. A violent DeSuftion almoft ftifles him j he fleeps notwithftanding, render'd ftupid by a Lethargy, which inftead of refreshing him, is the Symptom of approaching Death. His Soul, which is yet awake to torment him, repre fents nothing to his rack'd Imagination, but Troops of 'Thieves, refolved to enrich themfelves with his Spoils. But his Fears are not altogether groundlefs; his Heirs gaping after his Money, like Vulturs on a dead Carcafe, devour with their Eyes the Treafures which this watchful Dragon has fo long kept from them ; look on him as already dead, and proceed to reflect on his Memory, calling to mind the indirect Ways by toute fa fauffe eloquence pour vaincre fon affoupiffement. which he has gain'd thefe Riches : and then con- Comme il voit qu'il n'en peut venir à bout, il tente le dernier & le plus puijfant moyen qu'il a de l'éveiller. Opimius (luy crie t'il) ouvrez, les yeux : On vous vole. Vos héritiers ont rompu vos coffres. • Ils parta- gent voftre argent. Chacun en emporte fa part. Suis- je encore en vie, s'écrie douloureufement l'avare ? Ouy, luy répond le Médecin ; & fi vous ne voulez, faire grand plaifir à vos héritiers, prenez, vifie le feul re- mède, far lequel vous pouvez, rendre la force à la na- ture défaillante. Combien coufte-t'il, demande baffement le mal-hereux avare ? Peu, repart le Médecin. Mais encore combien, adjoufte Opimius? Cinq fols, dit le Médecin. Ha! je fuis mort, s'écrie V avare. Et quoi,n'eft elude with Scoffs, that it is fit his End fhould be anfwerable to his Life ; and that fince he was fo fparing whilft he lived, he ought to have little ex- pended in his Funeral. The Phyfician, the mean while, more charitable than his Heirs, haftes to fuccour this poor Wretch. He brings fome Re- medies in his Hands, aud ufes all the Eloquence he is Mafter of, to awaken him from his Lethar- gy. But finding all in vain, he refolves to try the. laft and moft probable Means to rouze him. Opimius, he cries aloud, open your Eyes, look up, and fee you are robb'dj your Heirs have broke open your Ch efts, and are dividing your Money, ce pas même chef e, que je fois ajf affiné ou par la malignité and each is defign'd to carry off his Share. Alas ! de mon mal, ou par le vol de mes héritiers, ou par la ra- pine des Apoticaires ? A cette belle confederation leMedecin fe meta rireaujfi bien que les her hier s, & laiffe mourir tres- juftement celuy,qui à dire vray, mérite d'eftre ajf affine par lui-même. cries the Mifer, with a faint Voice, am I yet alive ? Yes, anfwers the Doctor ; and if you are not defirous to oblige your Heirs, take this only Remedy immediately, which will revive your Spirits, and help Nature, that is for want of pro- per Medicines, decay *d, and unable to continue your Life without Help. What does it coft ? Opimius replies. A Trifle, fays the Phyfician. But now much, I beg to know ? Five-pence, anfwers the Doctor. O ! I am dead, cries the miferable Mifer : Is it not the fame, whether I am kill'd by my Diftemper, by the Cruelty of my Heirs, or by the Extortion of the Apothecary ? I will not purchafe Life at fuch an Expence. Confounded at this Fool's reply, the Doftor turns away and laughs, no longer condemning his Heirs, and leaves him to die ; who indeed merited no better Fate, fince he was his own Murderer. Horat.1.2. Sat. 3. Pauper Opimius argenti pofiti intus, & auri, Qiti Veientanum feftis portare dielus Camp ana folitus trulla vappamque profeflis, Quondam lethargo grandi eft oppreffus, &c. Opimius poor, amidft his Store, did ufe On Feftivals, poor Wine to drink, and chufe A homely Jug, nor four Lees refufe On working Days, fell in a Lethargy, No Hopes were left of his Recovery : His Heirs o'erjoy'd, ran boldly up and down, And feiz'd his Trunks, believing he was gone. . A View of Human Life. «Ç 1"e voila, pauvre Avare, à la fin de ta Vie ! Implore à ton fecours l'Or qui fut ton envie. Voy s'il te peut tenir tout ce qu'il t'a promis : Mais au fort de ton Mal, le traifire t'abandonne ; Et pour ton defefpoir, le voila qui fe donne, Aux plus grands de tes Ennemis. Art thoti then here ? Poor Mifer, near the End Of thy unhappy Life : call to thy aid thy Friend, Thy Gold, and fee if it will Comfort bring, Or Health reftore. No, *tis a faithlefs thing ; Now in thy great Diftrefs the Traytor flies^ And to diftraâ thee more, before thy Eyes Gives itfelf to thy greateft Enemies. ii6 The DoBrîne ôf MORALITY; of, The Explanation of the Eight-and-Fiitieth Pidhire. La Malice de l'Avare vie après fa ifhe Malice of the Ccvetous Man furzk Mort. even after he is dead. •es OUS me reprochez, par vôtre filence mucqueur, que; mes Inventives ont trouvé leurs bornes ; ' & puifque l'A- vare eft mort, que ]e ne fç aurai s aller au delà. Vous vous trompez, : L'Avare eft méchant jufqu après fa mort ; & vous allez, voir une Peinture, qui toute boufunne quelle eft, ne laijfe pas d'eftre auffi in/lrucîive que les plus ferieufes qui font en cette Galerie. Ce font les FuneraiLes ridicules d'une méchante Vielle, qui uute the Picture before you fa vie avait regardé fes Héritiers avec les Jeux de l'A- varice ; c'eft à dire, avec les Jeux les plus, injuftes & les plus envenimez., que la haine puijfe donner aux vin- dicatifs. Comme elle connût que fon heure eftoit fenn e ; & que la Mort l'alloit donner en proye aux Corbeaux, qui depuis foixante ans attendoient fa charogne, elle O U feern now methinks, Compa- nions, to reproach me by your Ironical Silence, that all my In- vectives are at an end, and that the Àvaritious Wretch being now dead, I have nothing more to charge him or the Vice with. But you are deceived : for the Covetous are wicked and malicious even after Death, as you'll find in which, tho it reprefents a Story very odd and ridiculous, yet is it not lefs inftru&iye than the moft ferious in this Gallery. It contains the uncommon Funeral of a wicked old Woman of Thebes, who had all her Life-long look'd on the Perfon that was to be her Heir with the moft inveterate Hatred and Averfion that can s'avifa d'une malice digne d'elle, afin que même en cef- poffibly be conceived, becaufe he mu ft poflefs what f ant de vivre, elle ne put cejfer d'eftre ce quelle avoit fhe could not carry with her. She finding that toujours efté. EUe ordonna donc par fon Teftament, the fatal Hour approached, and that her wicher'd qu après fa Mon fon corps nu, feroit trempé dans un Carcafe, muft become a Prey, to the Earth (to 'tonneau d'Huile ; & que tout degauftant de cette Li- which indeed fhe was long a Burden) refolves to queur, il feroit par fin Héritier auffi tout nu, porté de do fomething worthy herfelf, that fhe might even fa Maifon jufqu au lieu de fa Sepulture. Il fallut que after Death be feen to be the fame fhe was whilft ce digne Héritier fe mit cette digne charge fur les E fpaules ; & que de peur de perdre la fucceffion, il em- pefchât que cette- coulêvre ne luy échappât des mains Cent fois elle faillit à luy couler d'entre les ferres. ' ; Mais living. In order to this, fhe appoints by her laft Will, that her Body fhould be fiript, and thrown into a Tun of {linking Oil, from thence be taken naked and wet with this unpteafant Liquor, and cet oyfeau de rapine fçavoit trop bien fon meftier, pour borne by her Heir on his naked Back (who was quitter ce qu'il avoit fi ardemment pourfuivy. Il la likewife to be ftript) from her Houfe, to the tient donc, comme vous voyez, fi ferme, qu'en dépit de Grave, which was far diftant ; in hopes to flip toute l'Huile de l'Attique, il ne l' abandonnera point que . from him now fhe was dead, (from whofe Atten- pcur luy e'erafer la tefte en la precipitant dans la foffe, dance and Importunities fhe could never be freed que pour cette raifon il a fait creufer une fois plus qu'à whilft living) which if he fufter'd her to do, he l'ordinaire. was to lofe the Eftate. Her Heir, as refolute as fhe was malicious, fearing to forfeit the Succef- fion, places on his fhoulders the Hateful Load, and gripes the old Snake fo fail:, that tho he was often ready to fink, and in danger to let go his Prey, yet he as oft renews his hold ; and, like a true Bird of Prey, lets not go what he has fo ardently purfued. You may perceive that he holds her fo faft, that all the Oils of Afia cannot unclinch his Hands till he reaches the Grave, into which he throws her with all the Scorn and Fury that file deferved. The Grave being made by his Order of uncommon Depth, he bids the Earth be thrown upon her, and departs, leaving no other Monument but her own detefted Actions to record her Name to Pofterity. Hor. l.z. Sat. 5. -Anus improba "fhebis, Ex teftamento fie eft elata : Cadaver Unclum oleo largo, nudis humeris, tulit hares ; Scilicet elabi fi poffet mortua. Credo Quod nimiùm inftiterat viventi. At Thibes a wicked Woman dy'd, her Heir Was, by a Will fhe made, injoin'd to bear On his bare Back her Body to the Grave Naked, and oil'd, doubtlefs in hopes to have The pleafure to efcape his Hands when dead, Whofe Importunities fhe living fled : For I fuppofe that he with too much Care Did wait and tend, in hopes to be her Heir. A. Viert of Human Life. in L'Avare eft pleine d'Ire & d'Envie ; The Covetous ate fiUM with Spite and Rage ; Le temps qui change tout, n'en change point leforti Time that all things does change, and Age, ' fut méchant toute fa vie, In them no Change can make, wicked alive // I' eft encore après fa mort. And dead, their Malice does furvive. Hh iï8 The DoBrim of MORALITY; of, The Explanation of the Nine-and-Fiftieth Plate. Les RichefTes font Bonnes aux BonSi Riches are a "Blefmg to Good Mem j A g? & des Poifons. ]PRES tant d'exemples des Crimes & • des Mal-heurs, dont les Richejfes font \ accompagnies, nous fommes réduits, me i direz,-vous, à la necefjitêd'effre gueux : toute notre vie, & de regarder les 5 Biens du Monde, comme des Monfires Nullement, mes chers Amis, pourveu que les RicheJJes ne vous poffedent pas ; & ne vous por- tent point aux Injvftices & aux Abominations m fe plongent tous ceux qui font pojfedez, de la pernicieufe envie d'en avoir, il vous e fi permis de les fouhaitter, de les acquérir, d'en ufer. Cette cruelle befle qui règne jufques dans le Sanctuaire, peut rencontrer fon vain- queur. Cette Idole des Richejfes devant qui tant de feu- pies ployent honteufement les genoux, peut perdre fes Tem- ples &fes Autels. Voyez, noftre Sage, qui par les Prin- cipes de fa Philofophie eft le Maiftre abfolu de toutes les chofes. Il change l'abus des Richejfes en une legitime Vf age. Il a comme un autre Jafon, mis feus le joug ce Dragon épouvantable qui garde l'Or > & l'ayant con- traint de changer de Nature, le rend docile à la Voix de la Vertu. Ce 'Tableau expofe ce beau Spectacle à nos Yeux, & nous apprend que pendant que le peuple idolâtre & brutal, reclame la Richeffe comme une Divi- nité, les grands Hemmes la gourmandent, l'enchaifnent } & la traittent comme une ej clave rebelle. and to look FTER fo many fad Examples of the Crimes and Misfortunes which accompany Riches, we muft be now reduced, fay you, to a Ne- ceffity of being poor all our Lives if we will be happy, or innocent, upon all the Good Things of the World as Monfters and Poifons. Not fo, my dear Friends : If Riches are not too greatly efteem'd by you, and your Souls not tainted with that dangerous Defire of more, which plunge Men into all forts of unjuft and abominable Actions, it is permitted you to defire, acquire, and ufe all things both for Ornament and Convenience, fuit- ing your Quality and Eftate. The Golden Idol, who too often feems to reign, even in the Sanctua- ry, is often overcome ; and tho Crouds of Vota- ries are daily feen to pay a fhameful Homage, and to bend before it, yet her Altars and Temples may be overthrown and ruined by the Wife and Good Behold here the Wife Man, who by the Study of Philofophy is become abfolute Matter of him- felf in all things. He converts the Abufe of Riches into a lawful Ufe. He, like another Ja- fon, has put a Yoke on the Neck of that terrible Dragon that guards the Golden Fruit ; and having conftrain'd him to change his Nature, renders him docile and obedient to the Voice of Vertue. This Pi&ure here before us offers this agreeable Truth to our Eyes, and informs us, that whilft the ftu- pid and idolatrous Populace revere Riches as a Deity ; the Wife and truly Great hold her in Chains, and treat her as a vile Slave. s& eafose $S, Iff •$• M.? M &>s & -<& Aft. Hor. lib.i. Epift. io. Hor.llb.i. Epift. 1 6. Imperat aut fervit collecta Pecunia cuique : Tortum digna fequipotius, quàm ducere funem. Quo melior fervo, quo liberior fit Avarus, In triviis fixum cumfe demittit ob ajfem ; Non video. Nam qui cupiet, metuet quoque porro ; Qui metuens vivit, liber mihi non erit unquam. Money muft be our Tyrant, or our Slave ; And fure 'tis beft that we the Power fhould have. How can the wretched Mi fer be More than his Slaves thought free ? Or a much better Man, who if he fpies A Farthing dropt, fhall fnatch it up, and flies When Intereft calls ? He that délires more, Muft fear to want ,• he ftill is poor, 'Caufe not content, his Mind not free : His Slave's a happier Man than he. A Vievj of Human Life i La plus part des Mortels font fi peu genereuXj hi ils flattent lâchement des monftres trop heureux Que leurs biens mal-acquis font l'objet! de l'Envie. Moy qui n'ay point comme eux, le courage abbattu ; 'Je veux toute ma vie Mcprifer la Fortune, & fuivre la Vertu. Mankind are fo degenerate grown, They'll bafely court, and vilely praife The lucky Monfter, Fate does raife ; Sigh, and with Envy on him gaze, Wiftiing his Fortune were their own : My Soul fuch Bafenefè does abhor, I'll Vertue, tho in Rags, adore ; And Vice defpife, tho on a Throne. 120 The DoBrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Sixtieth Picture. The Good Man is beloved by all the World: L'Homme Bien faifant eft aymé de tout le Monde. ! STR E Philofophe muet ne pouvait mieux finir la matière des Richeftes que far le 'Tableau qu'il nous prefente. Apres avoir monftré les ordures Ù les miferes de l'Ava- rice, il avoit a faire paroi/ire avec éclat-, la Vertu qui luy eft oppofée, Je fçay qu'il pouvoit par mains now that he fhould reprefent to us the op un grand nombre de "Tableaux, produire les Beautez. & pofîte Vertue, in its mod advantageous Light. It ||UR mute Philofopher cannot better finiih on the foregoing Subject, than ! by the Picture he here prefents to us. Illllj After having fhewn us the Miferies • •> ! ■ ' and Bafenefs of Covetoufnefs, it re- o les Beatitudes de la Libéralité. Mais n'ayant qu'une place de refte, il y a tres-judicieufement renfermé, tout ce qui eft de plus grand, de plus iliuftre, & déplus merveil- leux en la Vertu qu'il reprefente. En effet, bien que ceux qui s' enrichirent par des voyes innocentes, & qui fe fervent genereufement de leurs Richejfes, ne perdent pas un feul moment de leurs jours ; & ne faffent toute leur vie que des A&ions héroïques ; il n'y a toutefois rien would, I am fenfible, afford matter for many Pic- tures, to fet forth but a part of the Glories and Bleffings that attend Liberality ; but having only this one place left on this fide our Gallery, he has been obliged to comprehend in one Piece all that is moft noble, charming, and wonderful in the Vertue he would commend to us. In fine; altho thofe who inrich and make themfelves great by de ft extraordinaire & de ft émerveiUable que leur fin. Ways laudable and honeft, cannot be faid to lofe lis quittent leurs Biens avec plus de fatisj action qu'ils ne one moment of their Lives, and may without vanity lei ont poffedez,. Ils les difpenfent fans regret & fans fay i that their Days have been all fpent in doing haine ; Û fe font tellement acquis le cœur de leurs He- good and heroick Aftions ; yet there is nothing fo ritiers, que e'eft de là véritablement que partent les extraordinary and furprizing as their End. They larmes qu'ils voyent rêpaUdr'e. Efcoutez,, je vous prie, le Difcours de nôtre Philofophe. fe vous ay fait voir, vous dit-il, la fin épouvantable de l'Avare. Mainte- nant pour vous ne faire perdre la mémoire, puis qu'il leave their Fortunes with more Satisfaction than they poffefs'd them, and difpofe of them without Regret or Hate, They have fo intirely gain'd the Hearts of their Heirs, that none are half fo eft indigne qu'on fe fouvienne de lay, je vous monftre much or really concerned at their departure ; the l'eftat heureux, ou fe trouve l'homme de bien, quand il rend les derniers Devoirs à la Nature. Vous ne Verrez, point autour defon UEl, cette troupe abayante & affamée de Chiens & de Corbeaux qui attendent la proye. fe veux dire, les deteftables Heretiers d'un deteftable Ava- ricieux. De tous ceux qui font dans la chambre de nôtre malade, il n'y en a pas un qui penfe à crochetter fes Cabinets, ny fes Coffres. Perfonne ne fe met en peine, s'il laiffe du bien ou s'il n'en laijfe point. Tous les fiens n'ont autre foin [n'y autre penfée, que de le conferver. Icy les larmes font toutes véritables. Icy les cœurs ne démentent point le vif age. La bouche n eft que V Echo des difcours de l'ame ; & bref, tous ceux qui environ- nent ce Saint Homme, confpirent unanimement à luy pro- longer la vie. Il n'y a point de remèdes qui leur fem- blent chers. Ils croyait que l'Or & les Pierres pre- cieufes ne peuvent mieux eftre employées, qu à la Con- fervation d'une Perfonne encore plus precieufe. Sweetnefs and Generofïty of their Behaviour hav- ing made their Lofs not to be repair'd by the Pof- feffion of what they leave behind, tho ever fo con- fiderable. Hearken, I beg you now, to our Phi- lofopher : I have fhown you, fays he, the refera- ble and unhappy End of the Covetous, to banifh the fad Remembrance of fuch who are indeed not worthy to be thought upon ; I now fhow you the happy Condition in which the good Man finds himfelf, when he is call'd to pay the laft Debt of Nature. You fee none of thofe Vulturs and Ra- vens that gape for their Prey ; I mean the ravenous Heirs of a deteftable Mifer. Of all thofe that are in our Sick-Man's Chamber, there is not one that fo much as thinks of looking into his Coffers cr Cabinets. Nobody is in pain, or concern'd whether he will leave any thing or no behind him ; all that belong to him, think only how to preferve and keep him alive. Here Tears flow without Diflimulation, and each Face fpeaks a true Grief: The Tongue of each Man that fpeaks, agrees with the Sentiments of his Soul ; in fhort, all thofe that are about this Holy Man, are unanimous in defiring to prolong his Life. There is no Remedy that they think too coftly to ufe, in hopes to fave him : They believe that Gold and Diamonds cannot be better employ 'd, than in the Prefervation of a Life that is infinitely more valuable. Hor. l.i. Sat. i. At fi condoluit tentatum frigore corpus, Aut alius cafus leElo te affir.it : habes qui Affideat, fomenta paret, medicum roget, ut te Sufcitet, ac reddat natis, charifque propinquis. But if fome fudden Cold do feize Or you fall fick of fome Difeafe, Tour Friends will croud to your Bed-fide, Reftoratives and Cordials foon be made, And the Phyfician call'd to aid, And nothing coftly be deny'd ; Entreating him to fave your precious Life, And give you back to your dear Friends and Wife. A View of Human Life. 121 Heureux ces Hommes Innocent, Qui vainqueurs abfolus des fens ; Quittent avec flaijîr cette obfcure demeure : Qui partagent leurs biens avec jugement ; Et qui font affeurez. qu'entrant au monument, Leur digne fuccejfeur les regrette & les fleure. Happy thofe Glorious Men, who having gain'd The Maftery o'er Senfe, and liv'd unftain'd, With Pleafure quit this Life, and gladly die ; To part with all their Wealth wîth Joy confent, Affur'd that o'er their honour'd Monument Long time their worthy Heirs,with Grief unfeign'd, Shall weep, and Men revere their Memory. Ii è-i ' k P R E F A C E ENAGEONSnos forces puif- que nous ne fommes qu'à la moi- tié de la carrière ; & par une utile Meditation, comme par un agré- able repos, préparons nous à finir glorieufement nôtre courfe. Nous avons vu tous les tableaux qui en- richifTent le cofté droit de cette fameufe Gallerie ; & je ferois tort à nôtre jufte & vertueufe cu- riofité, fi je doutois que de tous ce que nous fom- mes, il y en eût un feul, qui n'eût aporté à un fi beau fpedacle, les yeux de l'Ame auffi bien que les yeux du Corps. Cela eftant, nous avons tous également remarqué les Vertus & les Vices dont toutes les Conditions font accompagnées. Pour mon particulier, j'ofe croire fans faire le vain, que vous ayant tiré les rideaux dont tant de fça-* vantes Peintures étoient couvertes, j'ai fait voir diftindement aux yeux mêmes les moins clairs- voyans, ce que l'art du Peintre fembloit envier aux connoiflances vulgaires. Il n'y a maintenant plus de Pallions n'y de vices, quelque fard & quelque artifice qui les deguife, qui foient capa- bles d'abufer ou de l'innocence ou de la mavaife veuë de leurs Spedateurs. Leur malice n'eft plus cachée. Leur fard eft remarquable. Chacun peut voir leurs pièges & les éviter. L'Amour y eft reprefenté fi volage, fi cruel, & fi perfide, qu'il n'y aura plus que des infenfez volontaires, qui ferviront de butte à fes traits, & d'aliment à fes flames. L'Ambition qui paroiflbit illuftre, pource quelle paroiflbit genereufe, a perdu les titres pompeux qu'elle avoit injuftement ufurpée. Nous luy avons arraché le mafque & la pourpre qui la rendoient en apparence, la plus noble des Paffions ; & par la connoiflance que nous avons donnée de fa baffefle & de fa vénalité, nous croyons que déformais les âmes bafles & merce- naires feulement, en pourront eftre touchées. La Colère, l'Envie, l'Avarice, l'Orgueil ; bref, tous les crimes y ont efté reprefentez tels qu'ils font. Ils ET us flop a while, and by a lit- tle ufeful RefleSlion, like a fweet Slumber, refrefb our Spirits, and prepare ourfelves bravely to finijh what we have fo well begun ; being now arriv'd half way in our glorious Undertaking. We have feen and ex- amined all the PiBures on the Right Side of this fa- mous Gallery ; and I potild injure you, who have pawn fo much Curiofity and Patience in going thus far with me, if I fiould believe that any one among ft m j having fo beautiful and enchanting a Sight before him, has not receiv'd good Imprejfons in his Soul, ■ as well as diverted his Eyes .- and therefore I think we mit ft all have obferv'd the fevexal Virtues and Vices with which each different State of Life is attended. For my own part, I hope I may without vanity fuppofe, I have been ufeful to you, in having explain d the Mean- ing and Moral of each particular Piece. And where the Vulgar, who gaze only on the Painting, go away uninftrutled, and confequently unimprovd ; you have the Advantage of learning all the beautiful Truths that Philojcphy communicates only to the Learned and Wife. 'There is no longer any Painting or Difguife, with which Vice can conceal herfelj, or deceive you. AH Mankind may here learn to know and avoid the Snares fhe lays for the Innocent and Unwary. 'Loofe Love appears here fo dangerous, fo inconftant and infamous, that none but fuch as are willing to be un- done, or are already lunatick, will nourifi its Flames, or fubmit to its imperious Sway. Ambition, that feems a Paffion mofl noble and generous in Men, is now ftàpp d of that Purple Habit, and Pompous Ti- tles, with which the World has honour' d her; and appears bafe, brutifh, and worthy the Contempt of a truly great Mnd. Rage, Envy, Avarice, and Pride, in fine, all Criminal Paffions being foown in their true Shape, are alike hateful to us ; and our Souls are fili'd with Horror and Aver/ion to them, having re- ceived the Seeds of Vertue : which will in time produce in us Fruits worthy the Cares and Cultivation of Phi- lofophy. I PRÈFAC Ils nous ont auifi fait également horreur & ont jette dans nos âmes, des femences d'Indignation & de haine, qui doivent infailliblement germer en leur faifon ; & produire des Fruits dignes des foins & de la culture de la Philofophie. Mais il eft temps de continuer nôtre promenade ; & retour- nant d'où nous fommes partis, donner a nôtre curiofité, la Satisfaction qu'elle attend de nos yeux & de nos oreilles. Toutefois, avant que de les arrêter fur le premier des tableaux qui nous refte à étudier ; il eft à propos, que je vous donne advis de l'intention de nôtre Peintre Philofophe. Il nous a fait voir jufques ici, toutes les Condi- tions de Ja vie, & nous les a fait voir fans nous y vouloir attacher. A prefent, il nous les offre avec la penfée de nous les faire embraffer, mais il pretend que nous choififfions celles qui font les plus dignes de nous, c'eft à dire, qui font les plus nobles, les plus fpirituelles, & les plus pro- portionnées à la hauteur de nôtre origine. Il ne nous en produira point d'autres dans ce fécond ordre de ces tableaux ; & s'il s'en rencontre quelques-unes qui vous paroiffent honteufes, & mechaniques, fçachez que nôtre nouveau Zenon n'eft pas de vôtre fentiment. Car il croit qu'il n'y a point de métier honteux, quand 1 homme le peut exercer avec innocence ; &c que ceux que vous nommez des Arts nobles 8c libéraux, de- viennent infâmes & mercenaries, toutes les fois que ceux qui les exercent, les exercent avec une intention fervile & corrompue. Cependant, il n'a pas deffein que nous nous arrêtions à ces exer- cifes. Il ne les expofe à nôtre veuë, que comme des yeux & des divertiffemens pour ceux qui font riches j ou comme des aides & des fecours pour ceux qui font mal avec la fortune. En effet, ils font comme autant de rudiments, & comme au- tant de premieres leçons, que la Philofophie nous donne, afin que peu à peu nous puiffions atteindre à la connoiflance de ce grand Art, de ce Meftier divin, de cet exercife continuel des Héros & des Anges, qui eft la pratique de la fouveraine fagefle. Tachons donc de renouveller l'attention de nos yeux (s'il m'eft permis de parler ainfi) & de fuivre pas à pas un fi fidelle conducteur. Nous parvien- drons infailliblement par fa prudence, à la pof- feffion du Trefor que le peuple cherche vaine- ment ; & recevant la Vertue pour la compagne de toute nôtre vie, nous ferons fi heureux, que même à nôtre mort elle ne nous abandonnera pas. lofophy. But it is time for us to continus our JVaUk^ ana- to return to a farther Search after Truth, to fa- tisfy that laudable Curiofity that has brought us thus far ; to feafi our Eyes and Ears in order to enrich our Minds. But before we proceed, let me inform y su of the Intention oj our philofophical Painter : He has hi- therto fijown us only what wejhould avoid in every State of Life, but not any thing that we fhould chufe to follow. He now is going to recommend to us fever al Projetions, and leaves it to our own choice, which to fix on, in hopes we jhall embrace that which is mofi noble, excellent, and fuitable to the Dignity of Man's Nature. And if you here find any Employments that you fancy too mean or mechaniek, be cautious not to condemn his Judgment ; for our Author is of Zeno'f mind, who held this for an ajfured Maxim, That there was no Employment lafe or vile, by which a Man could fupport Life, with Innocence and Honefly ; and that all thofe which the World calls noble and liberal Arts, when taught and pratlifed by Men of vile Lives ana wicked Morals, render' d them more odious, and the Arts contemptible. Tet he recommends not to you me- chaniek things, nor Jhows them but as Diverfions and Amufements for the Rich; or as proper Methods for thofe to whom Fortune has deny'd a paternal EJiate, to provide for, and raife themfelves : to put Men in the way to live, that the anxious Cares for Bread Jhould not dijlurb their Thoughts. Nor can any Con- dition render us unfit to pra&ife that noble charming Art of Studying ourf elves, and Adoring the Almighty ; which is the only thing our Philofopher intends to engage us to. Let us then joyfully follow him to the end, and we Jhall infallibly obtain, by his Advice, the Pojfejjton of that Treafure which the Generality of Men feek for in vain ; and having made Vertue our Companion in all the Actions of our Lives, we '/ball be fo happy as to engage her not to abandon us, even in Death, but to accompany us into the other World. ffî) Kk iz6 The DoBrine of Morality; or, The Explanation of the firft Picture of the Second Book. Chacun doit fuivre fori Inclination. 'UE pouvait choifir nôtre Peintre de plus charmant Ù" de plus aymable, pour nous exciter à la pratique de la vertu, que la belle variété qu'il nous figure en ce ta- bleau ? Certes, je le conjîdere comme une vive image de la glorieufe condition de nos efprits ; & fi j'entends lien fin langage muet, il me dit, que la Nature nous a trop aymez,, pour vouloir que nous vécufions une vie d'efilaves, ou plutofl pour nous avoir animez, d'une ame née à la fiervitude. Ouy, mes amis, nous fommes nez, libres. Nous fommes nez, les arbitres & les artifans de nôtre fortune. Nos in- clinations ne font point contraintes. Elles fe portent librement à ce qui leur paroifi le plus digne d'eftre em- brfijfé ; & avec la même liberté, elles now; ckoififfent nos emplois & nos exercifies. Regardez, ce Peintre qui fie laiffe fi agreablem.ent emporter à fin caprice. Il règne dans fin travail', & ne finit pas heureux comme il efi, fi, au lieu de fion pinceau, on luy mettoit un fieptre à Emollit mores, nee finit effe feros. Or Medicines give, who's no Phyfician bred. To heal the Wounded is the Surgeon's Trade. Staples and Locks the Smith does underftand : Each Artift, what he knows, does take in hand. To have learn 'd well, and perfectly The liberal Arts, the Mind does free From Brutifh PafTions ; Inhumanity Can't harbour in a Soul refin'd, Wifdom will make Men foft and kind. A View of Human Life. 12.7 Veux tu laijfer de toy d'illuftres monuments i Et gagner une place au Temple de la Glorie : Suy les Arts immortels des filles de mémoire ; Et ne force jamais tes nobles fentimens. Would you immortal Honour gain, Or by great Deeds, a Place obtain In Glory's Temple j then the Mufes court,' In Arts Divine, thy Hours employ, not Sport 1 Their Precepts follow, and debafe Not thy Great Soul, nor Noble Race. 128 The DoBrine of MORALITY; r y The Explanation of the Second Plate. Le Sot fe plaint toujours de fa Condition. T!he Fool always complains of his Co?iditiom H N vient de nous enfeigner, que nôtre bonne fortune d'pend de nôtre éle&ion ; c'eft donc à nous a faire un bon choix, puifque c'tft luy jeul qui nous peut rendre heureux. Mais d'autant que c'eft a un pas fi glijfant que les hommes font ordinaire- ment de bien lourdes cheutes, nôtre Philofophe nous en •veut advenir, afin que fi nous venons à tomber, nous n'en accufions que nous mêmes. Cette Peinture nous re- prefente par un plaifant caprice, le peu de jugement que nous apportons au choix de nos exercifes ; & le re- pentir qui comme le mal-heureux compagnon de notre imprudence, marche continuellement fur nos pas. Ce Bœuf pefant & pouffif, qui a quitté le joug pour la bride, & le labour pour la guerre, fe plaint du change- ment de fa condition ; & fe prend au Ciel, de ce qu'ils s'efl laifft mmper au faux éclat, & à la vaine pompe des ornements redoutables que les hommes ont inventez, pour la fervitude des Chevaux. Mais laiffons ce Bœuf dans la punition de fon orgueil; & confeffons que la Nature comme une bonne & charitable Mere, porte également tous les animaux à la recherche de leur beati- tude ; & que s'ils ne s'écartent point du chemin quelle leur montre, ils arriveront infailliblement à la bien- heureufe fin qu'ils défirent. Il efl vray, que les hommes bien plus déraifonnables que les befies mêmes les moins raifonnables, femblent affe&er les occafions de fe dérober à la conduite de la Nature, de rompre les bornes qu'elle leur a prefcriptes ; de fouler aux pieds fes règlements & fes defences; & pour le feul plaifir du changement, s'enuyer de la bonne aujjt bien que la mavaise fortune. ||*!5j££jEING now convinced that our Good- llljyfl F° rtune depends upon our own Election, IraUsÉS it remains that we make a good and wife choice, fince only that can make us happy. And fince Men often make very falfe Steps ir this Affair, our Philofopher gives us warning, that we may have nothing to lay to his Charge, nor any body to accufe but ourfeives, of the Dan- gers we run into. Our Painter reprefents by pleafant Whimfy, the little Judgment Men ufe ir the Choice of their Employments, and the Re- pentance that conftantly accompanies our Imprt dence, and continually follows us. This fat lazj Ox, who has quitted the Yoke for the Bridle, and Tillage for War, bewails his Change of Con- dition, and blames Heaven that permitted him to be deceiv'd with the vain Luftre and Pomp of thofe dreadful Ornaments, which Men invented only to enflave the head-ftrong Horfe. Let us leave this flupid Ox to lament his Pride, and confefs to our own Shame, that Nature is a good and tender Mother, and equally inclines all Crea- tures to fearch for Happinefs : and if they turn not out of the way, fhe fhows them they will infallibly obtain the Fruition of their Defires. But alas! Men, much more unreafonable, than the moft fenfelefs Brutes, feem to court Oppor- tunities to fleal themfelves away from Nature's Conduft, break through the Bounds fhe has pre- ferred them, tread under foot her Laws and In- junctions, and only for the Pleafure of changing, grow weary of Good-Fortune as well as bad. !^»<:^« ^« <^»*g y i^ f <^ y < ^f «^ f ^ y ^j y ^jgj » .- ^» *^! Hor. lib. i Optat ephippia bos piger, optat arare caballus ; ' Cui placet alter ius, fua nimirum eft odio fors. Hor. lib. i Cui non conveniet fua res, ut calceus olim, pi " I0 ' Si pede major erh, fubvertet ; ft minor, wet. The Horfe would plow, the Ox would faddled be $ 5 Tis beft Men do what they know perfeâly. The Man whofe Fortune does not fuit his Mind, Too narrow, or too large, his State will find : Like thofe who Shoes do wear unfit, If wide, he {tumbles ; (trait, they hurt his Feet. -.1 . A View of Human Life. up itious accufons les Animaux Des defirs dérègle dont nous fommes coupables : Mais les Hommes tous f euh ont de fi grands défaut s$ les Beftes n y en font point capables. We do the Animals, as fenïeJefs, blame, Whjlft only we are void of Senfe and Shame': 'Tis Man alone, who Crimes commits, not they § The Beafts Nature implicitly obey. tl I 3° The DoBrine of Morality ; or, The Explanation of the Third Plate. Tous nos Défauts ont leur Prétexte. OICï la confirmation des veritez,, que nos inquietudes ont fait inventer à l'une & à l'autre Poëfie. Nôtre Peintre a crû que la comparaison du bœuf & du cheval ne feroit foffible fas fur nos âmes, toute For every Failing we find a T'retencei EHOLD here, to confirm the pre- cedent Truth, another Fancy of the Poetick Painter's, defign'd to filence all our Murmurs and Inquietudes : Fearing left the Example of Brutes I'impreffion qu'il avoit dejfein d'y laiffer ; c'efi four- might not be of force enough to fhame us into a quoy ilpropofe l'Homme même, en exemple à l'Homme ; perfecl: Submiffion to the Will of Heaven, in being & luy mettant devant les yeux, les changements injuftes contented, in whatever State or Condition, Provi- & defixneftes aufquels il eft fujet, il prétend par fa dence, or our own Choice has placed us ; hé propre confujion, de le guérir d'une fi infâme maladie, here fets Men before us, by whofe Folly we may Le Soldat veut être Matelot. Le Matelot veut êire be made wife, and defpife that Inconftancy which Marchand. Le Marchand veut être Laboureur. Le Laboureur veut être Hoflelier ; c'eft à dire, que toute Condition eft importune à celuy qui n'eft pas fage ; & que quoy qu'il choififfe, ilfe trouve toujours trompe dans fon choix. Il n'en eft pas de même de l'Homme pru- dent. S'il eft ne libre, il fait életlion de fa fortune; & la fçait conduire avec tant d'adrejfe, qu'il ne fen lafte n'y ne s'en repent jamais. Si Dieu l'a fait naître dans les fers,' il fe conforme magnanimement à la bajfejfe de fa Condition ; & fans murmurer contre l'ordre univerfel des chofes, il adoucit par la Philofophie, les amertumes de la fervitude. feems to reign in Man's Nature, who is never fa- tisfy'd or contented, even with the Thing or* State he has himfelf chofen. The Soldier here before us, would fain turn Sailor. The Sailor would ftay at home and trade. The Tradefman wifhes himfelf a Country Swain. The Clown would be an Inn-keeper. In fine, every State of Life is uneafy to him who is not wife ; and though 'tis of his own chufing, the Fool always finds he is miftaken, and defires Change. It is not fo with the prudent Man. If he is born free, he makes choice of his Condition with Judgment, and behaves himfelf fo well in it, that he neither frows weary, or repents, but chearfully makes advantage of his Time, always content, and trufts that rovidence, which he hopes will crown all his Labours with a happy Eternity. If he is born in Chains, the Son of a Slave, he magnanimoufly conforms to his low Condition ; and without murmuring againil Heaven, thanks his Creator that he is at all, and fweetens with Philofophy the Bitternefs of Servitude. M *■* l * ?. & ^ ^ l^' §§* £fe* *§k §K ^s Ê" & c&s. ^ ^ Hor.lib.l. Sat. i. Jlle gravem duro terram qui vertit aratro, Perfidus hie caupo, miles, nautaque per omne Audaces mare qui currunt : hâc mente laborem Sefe ferre, fenes ut in otia tuta recédant ; Aiunt, cum fibi fint congefta cibaria ficut Parvula, nam exemplo eft, magni Formica laboris, Ore trahit quodcumque peteft, atque addit acervo, Quern ftruit, haud ignora, ac non incauta futuri. The Husbandman, that in Earth's Bofom pries ; The Subtle Vintner, and the Man unwife, Who dares to ufe the Seas, and merchandize ; The Soldier, all alike, pretend that they Would not thus fweat and toil, and work each day But with Defign, at laft in Age to reft, And live at Eafe, with Peace and Plenty bleft : Having in Youth a Fortune got, to be Secur'd from Want, and all Adverfity, Like the wife Ants, fay they, who to us give An excellent Example, we will live ; For they, poor little Infeâs, labour more Than any Creature, and lay up a Store Of all that's proper ; each does fomething bear To the dear Heap, and places it with Care Clofe in his Cell, forefeeing Winter near. A View of Human Life. 131 le Nocher pauvre & vieux veut fendre les guereis 5 Le Laboureur les quitte, &fe donne à Neptune; La guerre eft à la fin au Soldat importune ; Le Sot ayme le change. Il court toujours après ; Et changeant de métier t croit changer de fortune. The Sailor now grown poor and old, would fain Dig in the pleafant Fields, and till the Plain ; The Labourer leaves thé Land, and ploughs the^ Main ; The Soldier, weary of the Wars, returns ; The Fool with a Defire of Change ftill burns ; And hopes by changing his Employ to gain Content, and better Fortune to obtain. t$% The Dôtlrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Fourth Pi&ure* Qui vit bien, Voyage heureufement. He that lives well, makes afortunateVoyagè m RRES TO NS nous, s'il veus plaift, à con- jïderer ce païfage ; bien qu'il femble n'avoir pas beaucoup de rapport avec les autres Ta- bleaux de cette G aller ie, il n'en eft pas toutefois le moins utile, n'y le moins inftruElif. Vous me demandez., que fignifie ce pais fauvage ; quels font ces Hommes Jî bizares & ft mal-veftus qui l'habitent ; & fous quel climat on trouve toutes les autres, nouveautés qui vous cnt furpris. Sçachez. que ce Tableau eft la cane d'une partie de ces grandes Peninfules, que l'oyjivité de Co- lombe & l'Ambition d'Efpagne ont efté chercher au de là des bornes de la Nature. Nôtre Peintre nous les E T us flop a little, if you pleafe, and confîder this Landskip, which though it feems not to have much relation to the reft of the Pictures in this Gallery, yet it is not one of the leaft valuable or inftructive. You are, doubtlefs, curious to know what this favage Country is, who thofe Men are that inhabit it, whofe Drefs and Looks fpeak them Strangers to the civilized Parts of the World, more wild and barbarous than the Place they live in. What Climate, fay you, produceth Fruits, Beafts, and Men like thofe we fee here ? Know then, that représente pour corriger nos Inquietudes naturelles ; 0" it is one of thofe Weftern Illands, which by the nous reprocher que nous fommes prefque tous de ces Vanity of Columbus, and Ambition of Spain, was voyageurs ambitieux & ridicules, qui ne trouvant pas dilcovered, where Nature feem'd to have' con* dam le vieux monde, ajfez, d'efpace pour le flux & le ceal'd, and placed it out of the Europeans reach. reflux de leurs àefirs. déréglez., voudraient qu il y en eut Our Painter reprefents it to us, to fhow, firft, autant, que l'un de nos Philofophes s'en eft imaginé, that thefe mean Wretches who dwell here, are Mais ft nous fommes fages, faifons aujourd'huy une ferme Refolution de choijir une condition tranquille & durable ; & pour trouver du repps, de le chercher en nous mêmes, & non dans la diverfité ou des exercifes ou des compagnies. Aujjt bien ne Jçaurions nous faire un plus beau n'y un plus necejfaire voyage, que de de- fcendere fouvent dam- nôtre cœur, étudier ce qui fe pajfe highly content, tho poor ; and living in the mod defolate manner, fleeping on the Earth, and feed- ing on Roots and Flefh, which they mull hunt for with great Toil, and which we fhould abhor to tafte. They covet not to roam abroad, or travel to fee new Worlds, but fear a Stranger's coming to difturb them ; whilft we wifh to be of the dans un fays qui nous eft ft peu connu ; & par de nobhs number of thofe Travellers, who finding not in & fruclcueufes Occupations, confumer le plus agréable- the old World Places enough to gratify their ir-. ment qu'il nous fera poffible, le temps que nous avons regular and unbounded Defïres,wifh there were as à languir hors de nôtre veritable patrie. many as Des-Cartes fancy 'à, to vent their Follies in. But let us be wife, and make this Day a firm Re- folution to fix on fomething to employ us, that may procure us a' tailing Peace of Mind, and fit us for that great Journey we are deftin'd to make into the Regions of Death ; which is not to be found in defiring Diverfities of Climates, or Company. Let us often defcend into ourfelves, and learn what paffes in our own Breaft, a Country we are altogether Strangers to. There let us refolve on things noble and advantageous to ourfelves and others : thus fhall we pafs with Satisfaction, the time we are deftin'd to languifti here, e'er we fhall arrive at our native Country, Heaven. Hor.lib.2. Ode. 1 5. Quid brevi fortes jaculamur avo Multa ? quid terras alio calentes Solemutamus? P atria quis exful Se quoquefugit ? We that fô fhort a time muft live, Why do we Climates change, and wafté Thofe precious Hours that fly too fail, In fearch of diftant Lands, and give Our Souls no Reft ? Ah ! who is he, That flying from his Home, can be From Cares, and from himfelf fet free. Hor.lib.1. Epift.n. Tu, quamcumque Deus tibi fortunaverit horant, Grata fume manu, nee dulcia differ in annum : Ut, quocunque loco fueris, vixiffe libenter Te dicas. Nam ft ratio, & prudentia curas, Non locus effuft latè maris arbiter, aufert : Caelum, non animum mutant, qui trans mare currunt. Blefs then the Goddefs for the Moments fhe Does offer you, and tafte Felicity ; Defer not to enjoy the prefent Day, That you in Death may fmiling fay, In every Place and State I've liv'd content, And chearfully the fhort-liv'd Hours fpent : For if 'tis true (as doubtlefs 'tis) that we By prudent reafoning with ourfelves, can free Ourfelves from Troubles of the Mind, and thofe Who fail the fickle Seas, and feek Repofe, By changing Climates, not the Mind, Sadly deceiv'd themfelves fhall find ; So we fhall but encreafe our Pain, And all our Labour be in vain. A View of Human Life. ï33 Nos inconfiances continues, Nous font errer par l'Univers j Et fous mille climats divers. Voir mille terres inconnues. Mais nous voyageons vainement, Nôtre efprit inquiet mus fait toujours la guêtre. AuQt pour vivre heureufement, . Il ne faut point changer de l'erré, U faut changer de fentiment. M m The inconfiant Humour ftill remains ; We range the World, and, vcnt'rous, try New Climes, and Lands unknown defcry, Yet find we cannot eafe our Pains : In vain we travel, 'tis within our Breaft The Tyrant Paflions live, that break our Reft We need not from our Native Country fly, Reform the Mind, 'tis there the Fault does lie; Suit that but to your State, and you are bleft. 1 34 The Dvttrine of M OR A L I T Y ; or, The Explanation of the Fifth Plate. L'Eftude des Lettres eft la Félicité de Learning is the great eft TJejfing Man can l'Homme* ' acquire. E voy bien, ntss chers amis, à qttoy In. beauté de votre Inclination vous forte. A peine avez, vous jette les yeux fur ce ta- bleau, que vous vous trouvez, ravis- des merveilles qu'il voiu prefente. Que vous efles heureux d'avoir fçeu vous conformer Ji prompt e- ment à la noblejfe de vôtre nature, & par un fi digne choix refpondre à la Majeftî de vos âmes. En effet, il faut qu'un Homme renonce publiquement à la gloire de fon extraction, quand il efl ou Ji mal-heureux, eu fi lâche, que d'embraffer une autre Profejfton que celle des Lettres. Approchez-vous donc de cette Peinture, Ù" confiderez, la Grandeur des biens où. vous efles ap- peliez,, par la genereufe élection que vous avez, faite. Les Faveurs que vous recevez, des beautez, vulgaires, font des Faveurs qui fe perdent en les recevant ; & qui prefque toujours perdent ceux qui les reçoivent. Mais celles que les Mufes vous offrent de fi bonne grace, font des Faveurs durables; font des Faveurs in- nocentes ; font des Faveurs qui vous élèvent en vous ravijfant & qui vous faifant pajfër de la condition des Hommes à celle des Héros, vous font comme au- tant de fouverains Prefervatifs, contre tous les Poifons que la volupté 'vous prefente. SEE with pleafure, my dear Com- panions, a rifingBlufh in your Cheeks, which informs me, that your Souls are fixed with a noble Ambition, that an fight of this Picture your Choice is made, and your Minds ravifhed with the Ap- pearance of the God of Wifdom and the Mufes, who are here come to determine you, in this for- tunate Moment. Happy, thricë happy are you, who have fo readily anfwered to their Call, and conform'd yourfelves to live fuitable to that noble Inclination Heaven gave you, when you received your Being, agreeable to the Dignity of Man's Nature. Alas ! 'tis evident, that the Man who is fo bafe, or infatuated to embrace (unlefs con- flrain'd) any other Profeffion but Learning, does publickly renounce all the Honour due either to the Nobility of his Birth, or Glory of his Ancef- tors. Draw yet nearer to this Picture, and con- fider the Greatnefs of that Good to which you are elected, by the generous Choice you have made. The Bleffings beftow'd on us by Nature, as Beauty of Face, Elegancy of Shape, noble Parents, or great Wealth, are all fubject to Chance, and eafily taken from us ; nay, very often prove But thofe offer'd you by the Mufes, are durable and excellent in them- 1 the Means of our Undoing. felves, which will both make you happy in yourfelf, and procure you Honour from others ; nay, will even render you Heroes, and enable you to vanquifh the Frailties of human Nature : for the God of I Wifdom 's Counfels, and the Doctrines of the Mufes, are fovereign Prefervatives, and Counter-Poifons againft all the Charms, with which Vice tempts us to our Ruin iZ? Hf i& iTr $t jfe. te ' a. %.M>.& © # % •3* Mufis amicus, triftitiam & metas Hor.hb.1. J 3 J Ode 26. Tradam protervis, in Mare Creticum Portare ventis. Friend to the Mufes, to the Winds I give Sorrow and Care ; henceforth I'll happy live : ; Grief to my Breaft fhall now a Stranger be, Ye Winds, go drown 'd them in the Cretan Sea. Ovid. -Carmina latum Sunt opus, & Pacem mentis habere volunt. The Mufes were defign'd to cheer and pleafe ; He that would Verfes write, muft be at eafe. Anxia Mens Hominum, curis confecla dolore Non potis efl cantus pandere Pierios : Carmina proveniunt animo deduEla fereno, Triftia cum latis non bene figna cadunt. When a Man's Soul with Cares oppreft, Or torturing Grief does wound his Breaft, He can't compofe Pyerian Strains, or write Soft charming Verfe ; 'tis Eafe that does excite The charming Mufe : from Minds ferene fprings Poefy ; Sad Conftellations can't with cheerful ones agree. A View of Human Life. *tf Nouveaux & généreux Orphèes, Qui loin de la faveur des Rois, Venez, au Jiknce des bois, Qonfulter les neuf doEles Fées. Vous ignorez, les foins cuifans } Qui dévorent les Courtifans. La trifieffe & la peur, ne vous font point la guerre. Vous efies affranchis des injures du fort ; Et de tous les maux de la terre, Vous n'éprouvez, jamais que celui de la mon. You generous Children of the Gods, who fly The poifon'd Courts, and Smiles of Royalty, To filent Groves, and facred Shades retir'd, Converfing with the Nymphs, by Jove infpir'd ; You of the racking Cares fhall nothing know, That makes the Courtier fad, and clouds his Brow { Sorrow and Fear fllall ne'er your Soul moleft, Nor any Change of Fortune break your Reft ; Of all the Miferies we are fubjeâ to, You nothing elfe, but only Death fhall know- i^6 The Doftrine of MORALITY ; or, The Explanation of the Sixth Plate. La Pareffe eft la Mere des Vices. Qite ce 'Tableau nous fait bien connaître les avantages qu'on tire de l'amour de Pttude, iJ de Taclivitê furnaturelle quelle donne à nos efpiis. La chambre qui nous, y efl figur'e, Je peut proprement nommer, la retraite de la Vertu, l'Elément de la Philofo- phie, li Temple des MuJ es, & le lieu J acre d'où les Pajfîorix. font bannies. Auffi le Phikfophe qu'il nous représenté, comme le Miniftre & le Preftre de ce Tem- ple, n'attend pas que le Soleil i'avertiffe qu'il efl temps de facrificer au Dieu de toutes chofes. Le foin qu'il a de fin devoir, & l'ardeur qui le porte à l'Adoration de la 'fot'meraine Sagéjfe, à laquelle il s'efl confacré, l'éveillent avant que la Lune ait fait les deux tiers de fa èfiurfe. Elle efl encore bien haute fur l'Horifon. Elle illumine de f on éclat blanchi ffant les feneflres de fa chambre ; & le voila cependant debout. Il a luy même éveillé fon valet ; Ô" par une fi jufle Solicitude, il nous- à donné cet advertisement falutaire, que le Pilote n'a pas grand foin de fon Vaijfeau, qui s'en repofe fur la foy d'un mif érable Matelot. Nous voyons auffi les glorieufes Victoires que ce Sage vigilant a remportées par la puijfance de fes veilles & de fes foins. Car les Paffions les plus Fortes, les plus Re- doutables, .& les plus Artificieuf es, comme fi : elles te- naient 'de la nature des Songes : & des Fantômes, fe diffipent avec le Sommeil & les Ténèbres ; & aban- donnent celuy qui veille, pour aller tourmenter ces antes pareffeufes, qui font leur félicité de leur lit ; & tâchent de continuer par un art criminel, ce qu'ils ont inno- cemment commencé par le benefice de la Nature. Idlenefs is the Mother of Vice. O W well, my ingenious Companions^ does this Picture inform us of the vaft Advantages which accrue to Man, from the Love of Learning; which does indeed give even a fupernatural Activity and Life to our Souls ! The Chamber here reprefented, may properly be cail'd the' Re- treat of Vertue, Abode of Philofophy, and Tem- ple of the Mufes, the facred Place from whence all the Paffions are bamfh'd. The Philofopher, who is feated on this Bed, is the High Prieft of this Temple, who waits not till the Rifing-Sun calls upon him to Wake, and offer Sacrifice to the great Creator of all things ; the Regard that he has to his Duty, and the ardent Afteftion and Zeal that excites him thus to adore the fovereign VVifdom (to whom he has confecrated himfelf) is fufficient to wake him, before the Moon has half finifh'd her Cou'rfe : She is not yet arrived at her full Height in the Horizontal, and darting her Silver Beams into his unfhut Windows, when he is up, and calling his lefs watchful Servant, to attend God and him. His laudable Diligence inftructs us, that a wife Pilot leaves Hot the Care of the VefTel to another, but watches himfelf, till he has reach'd the defired Port, to which he is bound. Now let us obferve what glorious Vic- tories he has obtain'd by this vigilant Care, thefe frequent Watchings, and fleeplefs Nights. Be- the ftrongeft Paffions, Luft and Envy, the Hold moft fubtle and aftive Enemies of Man's Repofe, vanifh, and fly from him like Dreams, or Dàrknefs at the; Approach of Day ; and retiring from him, who wakes to read and pray, fly thence to torment thofe wretched Creatures, who delight in Idlenefs, and rife not, till they are tired with too much Eafe ; ;who convert into a Sin, that Reft which Nature defign'd only for our Refreshment. Hor.lib. i, Epift.2. Plaut. 1 ■ Et, ni Pofces ante diem librum cum lumine, fi non Intendes animum fludiis & rebus honeflis, Invidiâ, vel amore vigil torquebere. ■ ■ ' Vigilare decet Hominem Qui vult fua tempore conficere officia : Nam qui dormitat libenter, fine lucro, & cum Malo quiefcit. If e'er the Day appear, you do not rife, A Book and Candle ask ; your Faculties To vertuous Studies bend, your Thoughts employ On things divine ; Love will your Peace deftroy, Or Envy break your Sleeps, and ftill annoy. That Man ought to be moft vigilant, who defires to perform his Duty in due time, and well ; for he that delights in Idlenefs and Sloth, takes his Reft, 'tis true, but vaftly to His Prejudice, reaping no Advantage by it. A View of Human Life. in L'Ame eft une Machine a beaucoup de r efforts j L'oyfivetê les rouille & les rend inutiles ; Travaille incejfamment de l'efprit ou du corps ; Et ta Machine aura fes mouvements faciles. The Soul is âMàchine,which many Springs compofei By too much Idlenefs it rufts, and ufelefs grows : By confiant Exercife thyMi nd andBody ftill improve* And the Machine fliall fwiftly, and in order move; Nd m The Dotlrine &f MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Seventh Picture. Qui ayrne la Vertue, mefjjnfe tout le refte. Whofocvcr lo-ves Vertue % defpifes alt other things. - tuous ; yet by your Countenances I perceive you are defirous to know what is the Value and Splendor of the Crown, which Vertue and Wifdom promife their Votaries. And indeed it is but reafon, that you fliould be gratify 'd, and that after having fo often told you, that the Love of Learning is a fovereign Remedy for all the Difeafes of the Soul, I fbould fliow you the manner in which this marvellous Balm muft be apply'd to our different Wounds. You have feen in the precedent Picture how our Phi- lofopher tramples under foot . the vain Images of that Glory which the Generality of Men have for the Objeft of their moft ferious Actions. You fhall now fee him even giving Laws to all the other Tyrants that gain the Afcendant over Mens Souls, and reigning with défpptick Sway over Vice and Fortune; which the Spoils that grace his Tri- umph plainly fliow. The bending Palm's feem to tender their Branches to make him Chaplets, and the aged Oaks, who have flood thé Shock of Ages, ftand as lively Images of his Rèfolution and Conftancy. He holds his Enemies in Chains; yet Fortune feems not to be wholly fubdued : flie calls her Affociates together, to make another Attempt, in hopes flill to accomplifh her Ends: She appears accompanied with the Dxmons of Ambition, Avarice, and foft Pleafure, with the meagre Spedre, involuntary Poverty, that bafe Poverty which is the Confequence of Riots and Excefs. Thefe all attend their Miftrefs, Fortune, and fet before the Eyes of our Hero, all that is moft hideous and terrible to human Nature, even Slavery, Exile, and Death. Thus they combine to ftiake his Conftancy, whilft he, feated on a Rock, immoveable as the Stone, regards them with Difdain : in vain they ftrive to drive him well fortify 'd, that he cannot be furprized by the Aifaults, tho' ten thoufand more were united with *^ ^m .*^*£&*^ , é&'£&*^*£&'£&*£k?*^*^ , ^&*£&-*&f-*S&- Hor. lib.2 Sat. 7. Laert. Quifnam igitur liber ? fapiens fibique mperiofus : Quern neq; pauperies, neq; mors, neq; vincula terrent ; Refponfare cupidinibus, contemner e honores, Fortis, & in feipfo totus teres, atque rotundus. Externi nequid valeat per lave morari ; In quern manca ruit femper fortuna. Dionyfio recitanti verficulos Olos Sophoclis ; Quifquis tyranni ad teEla fe contulit, Fit fervus illi, liber etfi venerit ; Arifiippus, arrepto pofieriore, refpondit ; Hand fervus ejl, fi liber illuc venerit. Qjtia, inquiebat, vere liber non eft, nifi cujus ani- mum fpe metuque Uberavit Philofophia. Who's then the Man that's free ? the Wife alone ; He that himfélf commands, erects a Throne In his own Breaft, and reigns fole Monarch there ; He that not Poverty or Death does fear ; He who his boiling Paffions can reftrain, Honours defpife, and profer'd Crowns difdain : Who in himfelf alone does all things find Within the Circle of his Thoughts confin'd, Nothing without can wound, or give him pain, And Fortune ftrives to ruin him in vain. As Dicnyfius was rehearfing loud Thefe Lines of Sophocles ; Who e'er he be, That in a Palace goes to dwell, tho' free When entring there, of empty Honour proud, His Liberty does lofe ; and from that Hour Becomes a Slave to a vain Monarch's Power : Arifiippus catching at this laft Line, Reply'd, If he was free when there he came, He's not a Slave but free, and flill the fame ; For no Man's really free, but whom divine Philofophy has freed, whofe Soul difdains To hope, or fear, and ftill unmov'd remains : If with a Soul thus free he enter 'd there, He cannot ceafe to be ftill free as Air. A Vievi of Human Life. 141 Ce n'efi n'y la Faveur des Rois, Ny les Suffrages populaires, Qui peuvent foufmettre à nos lois, Nos fiers & mortels adverf aires, La Venu feule a ce pouvoir ; Elle fait qu'un efclave efi libre dans fes chaînes j Qu'un jufte mal-heureux, rit au milieu des gefnes • Et que même la mort ne le peut emouvir. Oo s Tis not the Favour of the greatefl: Kings* Nor yet the Populace's Voice and Love That can our inward mortal Foes remove, And headftrong Paflions in fubjeftion bring : Vertue alone this Power can give ; 'tis fhe Can make the Slave in fettering Chains live free, The injur'd Wretch fmile on the Rack and Wheel And at the Sight of Death no Terror feel. Iâ± The DoBriné of MORALITY ; or y The Explanation of the Ninth Plate. Le Sage eft Inébranlable. IJJlllfUJl E S Maladies de l'âme, & les autres H maux de la vie, font aux pieds de nôtre. 5§j Philofophe. Il a fait des efclaves de fes "tyrans. Mais te n'efl pas ajjez, pour , la Grandeur de fa Vertu. Il veut efite mis a de, plus difficiles efpreuves ) & ' nous montrer comme il fpait refifter aux injures du Ciel, & aux violences dé ceux qui font les Exécuteurs de fa colère. Nous en avons des exemples en ce tableau. En fa plus haute partie^ nous voyons la confufion que prcduifent la querelle & le conflit des deux plus hauts Elements. Au dejfous, la Terre ébranlée par leur impetuojîté, fe de- Confufion occafioned by the Conflict of two "jar- Tïhe Wife are Immoveahk. H E Difeafes of the Mind, and the Evils of Life are fubdued, and pro- ? ftrate at our Philosopher's feet. He has made Vaflals of his Tyrants ; but this is all too little for fuch a Vertue. He courts more Difficulties, and will yet give ftronger Proofs of his Bravery, and fhow us how he can fupport the Injuries of Chance^ and the Violence of all the Storms Heaven executes its Anger with. Examples of which this Picture In the higheft part we fee the horrid 5' gives us tache de foy-même, renverje ce quelle perte ; & femble fe vouloir enfevelir fous fes propres ruines. Plus bas, pqxoiffent les dérèglements des Pvffions humâmes, qui font encore plus redoutables. Ici, un Roy menace ; & pour fatisfaire ■ à f on Indignation, foit quelle foit jufie, foit quelle ne k foit pas, lance indifféremment la foudre fur la tefie de ceux qui font au deffous de luy. Plus loin, mus .appercevons un grand nombre de monftres î ing Elements below, the Earth trembling with their impetuous Force, rents afunder, and "over- turns all it bares, as if it meant to bury all things in its own Ruins. À further Profpect (hows the Diforders occafioned by human Paffions. Behold a Monarch in Fury, and to vent his Rage, with- out all Confideration of Juftice, falls upon what- ever he meets, exercifing his Cruelty on the Inno- converts de la figure d'Hommes, qui ne refpirants que cent as well as Criminal. Afar off we may perceive le Maffacre & -la Def elation, portent le fer & le feu a great Number of Monitors rather than Men, dans une ville forcée. Mais p army tous ces de f ordres, though in human Shape, breathing nothing but que fait nôtre Philofophe ? '■ // efl affis fur un fiege : Murder and Defolation, and entering with Fire inébranlable. Ses parens & fs amis I'affiegent, & and Sword into a conquered ToWn. Amidft all par la ftupiditt qui efl fi commune aux Hommes, luy thefe Diforders, our Philofopher is feated in his ufual Tranquillity. His Relations and . Friends almoft deafen him with Intreaties, begging him to think of his Safety, to awake him from that Lethargy of Thought, which has, till this pref- fing Moment, made him negligent to provide for his Prefervation, and loudly call upon' Him to think of himfelf and them. But this truly brave Man, the worthy Image of his Maker, appears wholly deaf to their impertinent Clamours. ' Care- lefs of Life, he vouchfafes not once to turn his Eyes to fee who thefe troublefome Babblers are ; but perfifts in an ' unfhaken Conftancy of Mind, being wholly employed and taken up in contemplating himfelf, in nicely furveying the State of his Soul, and levelling the Balance betwixt himfelf and Heaven, and with a profound Submiffiqn waits whatever Providence has determin'd to do with him, committing himfelf entirely to the Care of him who made him. - ; ■ /• , ■' ' crient aux oreilles,, qu'en fin il s'éveille après un fi long affoupiffement ; & 'qu'il commence à penfer a fa con- fervation, & à celle des Jlens. Mais- cet Homme vé- ritablement Homme, fait la four de oreille à ces Cla- meurs impertinentes. -Il ne tourne pas même les yeux pourvoir qui font ces importuns Soliciteurs ; & per- fiftant en fa divine immobilité, s'attache tout entier à la confideration de foy-mème, pefe ferieufement les mouvements de fon ame ; & tenant la Balance égale, attend avec une profonde paix, tout ce que Dieu a re- folu de fa deflinée. I . ^ , &^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^-^^^^&^*& , ûf- , &*êf-*êr Hor.litv Ode i Virgil. 6 iEneid. fuflum & tenacem propofiti virum, Non civium ardor prava jubentium, Non vultus inflantis tyranni 3 Mente quatit folidà, neque Aufter, Dux inquieti turbidus Hadria, Nec fulminantis magna Jovis manus : Si fraBus illalatur orbis, hnpavidum ferlent ruina. Ac fi dura filex aut flet Marpefia cautes. The Juft ftill firm in what he undertakes, His Aim purfues, and at no Danger (hakes ; The raging Multitude with Threats in vain His Steps purfue, and Tyrants can't reftrain Him by their Menaces, nor turn him back ; The boifterousWinds may blow,and Tempefts make The Adriatick Seas to foam ; nay, Jove With dreadful Thunder Earth and Sea remove, Should the Skies fall, unmov'd he'd fiand, Nor (hake, tho 5 Death and Ruin were at hand. The wife Man like to a Marfefian Rock, Or ftubborn Flint, does ftand the rougheft Shock. A Vkw of Human Life. 14? Le Sage grand comme les Dieux, Eft maiftre de fes deftinées : Et de la Fortune, & des deux, Tient les puiffances enchaînées. U règne abfolummt fur la Terre & fur l'Onde ; Il commande aux Tyrans, il commande au trefpas ; Et s'il moyoit périr le Monde, Le Monde periffant, ne l'eftonneroit pas. The wife Man like the happy Deity, Is Matter of himfelf and Deftiny ; Fortune and Nature he with Eafe commands^ And feems to hold them as his Slaves in Bonds ; Reigns o'er the Earth and Seas without controulj Treats Tyrants as his Slaves, nor ftarts his Soul. At the Approach of Death ; nor would he fear To fee the World in Flames, and Judgment near. 144 the Doéîrine of MORALITY; oir, The Explanation of the Tenth Pi&ure. L'Homme de bien eft par tout en feurete» %'fte Good Man is fafe in all TÎacesi, \OUS voulez, fç avoir ce que reprefente cet Homme, qui feul au milieu d'un defert plein de mvnfires, marche auffi tranquille- ment que s'il eftoit dans l'allée de quelque beau jardin ; & qui far une magnani- mité f lus qdheriique, meprife le feaurs qui luy eft offert, & les armes qui lui font miraculeufement envoyées, fe vous le diray Jî vous m'en folicitez, d'avantage. Mais, quel befoin eft-il que je vous dife fon nom ? Vous jugez, bien à la Defer iption que je vous en faits après le Peintre, que c'êft le même Demy-Dieu, que je vous ay montré au dernier 'Tableau. La il eftoit afjis, pour ce qu'il n' eftoit obligé que d'attendre le Peril. Icy il eft debout, four ce que ne voulant fe fervir d autres armes que de celles de la Vertu, il eft obligé de marcher fans crainte au devant des Perils. Il ne fe détourne point de fon chemin, pour y voir des Dragons, des Ti- gres, & mille autres Eeftes furieufes, qui tiennent la gueule ouverte pour l'engloutir. Apprenez, à fon Ex- emple, a fçavoir bien ufer de la vie ; & retenez, comme le plus utile précepte que vous attendez, de nkre agréable étude, que celui là eft à couvert des Outrages delà For- tune, qui s' eft fait un az,ile de la pureté de fa Con- feience, & de la Connoiffance des bonnes chofes. 'OU are, no qUeftion, impatient know who the Perfon here reprefented is ; who alone, and in the midft of a Defert full only of Monfters and wild Beafts, walks as unconcerned as if he were in fome pleafing Grove or Garden, and by a Magnanimity of Soul exceeding Man, difdaiws to make ufe of thofe Arms for his De- fence, which. Fortune feems miraculoufly to have thrown in his way. Sure you by this time guefs who he is. You muft needs be informed by the Defcription I (and the Painter before) gave you, that it' is the fame Demi-God, the Hero whom the precedent Pifture fhow'd you, tho' in a dif- ferent Pofture. He was there fitting, being ob- liged by the nature of the Tryals he was to fuf- fer, to wait the coming of his Enemies: but here he is in fearch of others, and courts Occafions of Glory and Danger. He turns /not out of his way at the fight of Dragons and Tygers, and many other furious Beafts, who feem to open their dreadful Jaws to devour him. Let us by his Example learn to fet a true Eftimate on Life, and retain this Maxim as the moft ufeful Precept that all our Studies can furnifh us with, viz,. That he only is fecured from all the Injuries of For- tune, who makes himfelf an Afylum of the In- tegrity of his own Confcience, and efteems Death as a beloved Friend, that gives him perfect Free- dom. Hor.lib.i. Ode Z2. Integer vita, fcelerifque purus, Non eget Mauri jaculis, nee arcu, Nee venenatis gravida fagittis, Fufce, Pharetra. Sive per Syrtss iter aftuofas, Sive faBurus per inhofpitalem Caucafum, vel qua loca fabulofus Lambit Hydafpes. He who uprightly lives, whofe Breaft Fofters no Crime to break his Reft, Needs not the Bow for his Defence, Or Javelin of the Moor, in Death well skill'd, Or Quivers with empoifon'd Arrows filfdj His only Arms are Innocence : He treads on Syria's burning Sands, Or fails to yet more Savage Lands, Or roams where fam'd Hydafpes flows. A View of Human Life. 14? une Amevrayment héroïque, Trouve far tout, des lieux de feureté i Et vit même en tranquilité, Parmy tous les monftres d'Afrique. Le Sage qui fçait que la vie, N'eft que le chemin de la mort ; Ne craint jamais d'aller au prt, Ou fa naijfance le convie. The Man that's truly brave, does dauntléfs find Himfelf in every Place fecure ; his Mind Serene, he'd carelefs live at eafe Amidft the dreadful Monfters bred In Africk's defart Lands, and Seas, And neither Death, or Hunger dread. The Wife who knows Life is a Road, That furely leads to Death's Abode, fears not to reach the happy Port his Birth Decreed him for, nor mourns to quit the Earth. PP 14-6 The DoBrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation' of the Eleventh Picture. I He that puffers much, gains much* HERE remains but one Victory more for our Hero to gain, to fubject all things to him : our Painter aflures us that he is very certain of this Conqueft, and may- even now begin hisTriumph. He here in one Example prefen^lo qui poffible vous faroijfent des énigmes, après le fens our view that glorious Conqueft which alone re- def quelles, il eft befoin que vôtre efprit fe travaille mains for us to gain over our laft and ftrongeft beaucoup: Nullement; il ri 'eft rien de fi clair n'y de Enemies, Anger and Impatience. Yet methinks fi connu; & fans mentir je fais Confidence de vous I almoft b'ufh to tell you who that wondrous dire qui eft le Verteux qui fouffre fi conftammsnt les Man is, that fo patiently f apports the Injuries Injures & les Outrages d'une méchante Femme. Ne- and Outrages done him by a vile cmrageous antmoins, fuifque toute l'Antiquité nous a propofé cet Woman. "Tis an Example of fuch incomparable Exemple, comme le dernier effort d'une Vertu confom- Meeknefs, that all Antiquity has recommended mée, il n' eft pas à propos que nous Pajfions légèrement it to our Imitation, as the molt extraordinary and Qui fouffre beaucoup, gagne beaucoup. L ne refte plus au Sage qu'un Vic- toire à remporter, pour avoir tout foufinis à fon Empire. Cette Peinture vous fait voir que cette dernière Vic- toire luy eft affeurée, & qu'il doit commencer fon Triomphe. Mais elle vous le fait voir fous certaines figures par deffus. Sçachez, donc, que celuy que vous voyez, au martyre, eft ce Socrate, fi connu par fon propre Mérite, & par les Extravagances de fa Femme. Vous jugez, bien aujft, que de tous ceux dont l'Hiftoire Grecque & Romaine nous ont parlé, il _ n'y avoit que excellent Proof of a confummate Vertue and Wifdom. The Man you behold thus fuftering, is the great Socrates, equally famous for his own admirable Merit, and his Wife's Extravagancies. You cannot but know, that of all thofe whom luy qui fut dignement reprefenter le Perfonnage qu'il the Greeks or Romans have made mention of, there fait dans ce tableau. Confiàerez, comme il fouffre ; con- is but he alone whom this Picture could perfectly fiderez, comme il médite des chofes très-difficiles, &~ referable, cpnfidering how he here is treated, and comme pratiquant ce qu'il médite, il nous enfeigne que how he behaves himfelf. He feems meditating four l'exercife des âmes héroïques, il eft necejfaire qu'il on fublime things, and putting in practice -what y ait de méchantes Femmes, qui comme des Furies do- he has taught others convincing us, that it is meftiques, ayent le foiiet à la main, & les Blafphemes fometimes even neceffary for the moft noble Souls à la bouche, afin que les Sages faffent connoitre jufques to be linked with bad Wives, fuch as prove do- où doit aller la veritable Patience, & combien peut meftick Furies, carrying Scorpion's Stings in their fouffrir la veritable magnanimité. Tongues, Scourges in their Hands, perfect A fps ' 'A and Wafps in their Nature, and wound the Heart to which they creep too near. Thefe afford the happieft Opportunities for the great and elevated Soul to fhowand exercife itfelf upon, to give the World a Proof of its Excellency, and convince us what our Nature is able to bear, and to what a Degree of Wifdom a perfect Patience can arrive. Hor.lib.i. Ode 24. Laert. in vita. Durum, fed levius fit fatientia. Quidquid cortigere eft nefas. IUuftre fatientia exemplar Socrates, ab uxore contu- meliis petitus : Penes te eft, inquit, maledicere '> penes me autemreEîè audire. Eurip. in Altera duorum coHoquentium indigmntt, Protefil, j s q u j f e mn pf 0n it 3 fhs fafit. 'Tis hard, in truth, but Patience can fuftain What can't be remedy 'd, and eafe our Pain. Socrates, that fam'd Example of Patience, being once rated at in moft opprobrious Language- by his infolentWife, faid only, ' Tis in your> 1 power to give bad words, and in mine to bear ' them as becomes me.' When in Gonverfation between two, the one is in a Paflion, he that makes no oppohtion is the wifeft. A View of Human Life, H7 On tient qu'un Homme doit paffer Pour un lâche & pour un infâme ; Quand il endure que fa Femme, Le coiffe d'un pot à pijfer : Socrate cependant ce dotleur authentique. Soutient publiquement que c'efi une vertu : Quant à moy qui toujours ay craint d'eftre battu } Je penfe que la chofe eft fort problématique. We think a Man defèrves to pais Sut for a poor contented Afs, That does endure his noify Wife to grace With a full Chamber-pot his Head and Face j But Socrates, a Do&or of great Fame, Does here maintain, that 'tis a Vertue rare But I, who always fear'd a Coward's Name, And being beat, his Doftrine think fevere. 148 The DoBrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Twelfth Pidture. La bonne Confcience eft invincible. A good Conference is -invinçiule. zftEUX là fe trompent, qui croyent que le Sage affeEle la Reputatk n aitffi bien que les Venus ; & qu'il ne Sabftient des cho- ces injuftes, que four gagner les coeurs, & recevoir les applaudiffements que les mechans mêmes n'ofent rtfufer au mtrite. Pour faire paroitre l'Erreur dé ces gens là, le Peintre nous pro- pofe ici le Triomphe fecret de l'Homme de bien, & la Gloire cachée qu'il reçoit des témoignages de fa Con- fcience. Il ne pouvait nous le faire voir en une Acîkn qui témoignât mieux n'y la Grandeur de fn ame, n'y le mépris qu'il fait ~& des Injures, & des Faveurs de la renommée. Il eft affts fur un fiege fi Jolide & fi bas, qu'il ne peut craindre aucune cheute. Il eft appuyé fur des Livres, c'eft à dire, fur les Armes que la fageffe fournit aux Hommes pour combatre la Fortune. Il eft appuyé contre un mur d'airain, qui n'eft autre que le repos d'efprit, qu'on acquiert par la . haine des Vices, & par la pratique des Vertus. Voyez,, je vous prie, avec combien d'Art & d'Efprit le Peintre notls repre- fente auprès de luy, cette dangereufe vipère, qu'on ap- pelle Renommée. Il, la fait- paraître en une pcfture flatteufe, &: avec un vif age charmant. Elle montre a nôtre Sage, ces Inftruments pernicieux, ces Organes décevants, ces Trompettes infidelles & inter effées, qui tantoft publient nos louanges £7 tant oft nous aceufent de toutes fortes de Crimes. Mais nôtre Phiîofophe qui en connoift l'un & l'autre ufage, & qui les condamne tous deux egailement, Jupplie cette folle qui parle toujours, de choifir une plus noble & plus haute matière à ces harangues, & de fe taire d'une Perfonne qui ne veut eftre connue que de foy-même. En fuite, il luy pro- tefle avec cette franchife, & cette Jtncerite qui luy eft naturelle, qu'il ne travaille n'y pour acquérir de la Gloire, n'y pour éviter la honte ; & que l'Image des crimes qu'elle luy prefente, quelque difforme quelle foit, n'adjoute rien à l averfion que la Nature luy en a don- née. Enfin, pour la chaffer honneflement d'auprès de luy, il luy declare ' que pourveu qu'il puiffe perfeverer dans l'Innocence qu'il s' eft propofée pour la fin de tou- tes fes Avions, il I tient peur indifferent, tout ce que le Monde voudra dire de fa vie. iHOSE Perfons are deceiv'd, who believe the wife Man loves Fame e- qual with Venue, and abftains not from 111, but with a defign to gain the Afteftions of Men, and that Ap- plaufe which even theViticus cannot refufe to Me- rit. To make the Error thefe People are in, appear more vifibly, our Painter propofes in this Piece, to fet before us the fecret Triumph of a good Man, and the hidden Glory that he receives from the Teftimony of his own Confcience. Nor could he have chofen any Pofture that would have better expreffed the Greatnefs of his Soul, or .the Contempt with which he regards either the Injuries, or CareiTes of Fame. He is placed on a Seat of Marble, firong as his Vertue, low as his Wifhes, from whence he can fear no Fall. He is leaning on his Books, to intimate, that thofe are the' beft Arms which W.ifdom can furnifh Man with to fight againft Fortune. He is fup- ported by a Wall of Brafs, to fignify that Peace of Mind he has gained by abhorring Vice, and embracing Vertue. Behold, I beg you, with how much Art and Wit our Painter has repre- fented that dangerous Serpent, called Fame. With a deluding Face and infinuating Mein, fhe careffes in the molt artful and charming manner our Hero. She fhews him thofe pernicious and deceitful Inftruments, which to-day fhe founds in lavifh Praifes of thofe, whom to-morrow fhe proclaims to be the worft of Men. Her merce- nary Voice is bought with Bribes, and Truth file generally is a Stranger to. But our Philofopher, who knows her perfectly, and defpifes all fhe of- fers, modeftly entreats this troublefome Babbler to feek elfewhere, for fome more worthy Theme to bufy her afiive Voice and Tongue withal, and to be filent of a Perfon, who defires to be wholly unknown, to all but himfelf. In fine, he protefts to her with that Franknefs and Sincerity which are natural to him, that he labours not to acquire Praife and Renown, nor yet to avoid Shame and Ignominy : That the frightful Scenes of Mar- tyrdom flie fhews him at a diftance, as the Con- fequences of perfevering in Virtue, can in no meafure diminifh the vaft Efteem he has for her, but are rather Encouragements to him to follow fuch admirable Examples. And to put an end to her further Importunities, he difmiffes her with this Declaration ; That he is refolv'd to continue in that Integrity, which he will make the Rule of all his Actions, and is perfectly indifferent to ail that the World fhall fay, or think of him. Hor.lib.i. Epift. 1. Ovid. Hie murus aheneus efto : Nil confeire fibi, nulla pallefcere culpa. Confia mens ut quique fua eft, ita concipit intra Peclora, pro faElo fpemque metumque fuo. Confcia mens reEli fama mendacia ridet ; Sed nos in vitium credula turba fumus. Would you true Peace, and certain Safety find ? Wifely preferve a pure unfully'd Mind ; A Mind that fpotlefs, blufhes not within At any fecret Crime, or hidden Sin. The Mind unerring, or condemns, or clears, And from her Voice arife our Hopes or Fears : The confeious Soul that's free from guilty Shame, Applauds itfelf, and laughs at lying Fame ; Tho' moft Men Lyes too credulous receive, And eafily the Truth of Calumnies believe. N A View of Human Life. • 149 L'Innocence eft un mur d'airain, Que md effort ne put détruire : Le cœur où l'on la voit reluire. Ayant un peuvoir fowverain, Ne voit rien qui luy puijfe nuire* Thé Innocent urimov'd, from fear fècurë, Can all the fierceft Storms of Fate endure : Like Walls of Brafs their ftronger Vertue ftands, All Nature yielding to her conqu'ring Hands ; Her happy Fav'rites ftill victorious prove, For they ne'er fink, whom Vertue's pleas'd to love* ■Q.q IÇO The Dofîrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Thirteenth Plate. Qui vit bien, ne cache point fa Vie. He that lives well, conceals 7WtJpis Actions. L eft vray la veritable, Sageffe n eft pas Ennemie de la •veritable Gloire. Elk ne s'attache point fi fort à la Ccnnoiffance qu'elle a de foy, qu'elle ne fajfe beaucoup cle cas de la Voix publique. Pour nous le tefmoigner un de ces Adorateurs je présente en ce "Tableau, avec ce qu'il a de plus caché ; & le décou- vrant à la Renommée, luy declare qu'il ne refuje n'y fes recherches, n'y fes cenfures. Vous devez, vous ap- pliquer cette leçon d'Humilité & tout ensemble de Juf- tice ; & apprendre d'un fi grand maift/e, que comme T is a known Truth, that Wifdonï is not an Enemy to true Glory, nor is the good Man fo attached to the Knowledge of himfelf, that he al- together negleds, or elleems not the Voice of the Publick. You fee here for this rea- fon one of Wifdom's Votaries, who fcruples not to reved to Fame his moll fecret Thoughts and Aftions ; declaring to her, that he refufes not to ftand her moft curious Search and Cenfures. You ought indeed to apply this Leflbn of Humility vous ne devez, peint affecter les Applaudijfements & les and Juftice to ycurfelves, and learn from this great Louanges, il n'eft pas aujjî bien feant de vous dérober Miftrefs of Truth, that as on the one hand you les Témoignages, qu'en vôtre Perfcnne, la Vertu a mé- rite de la Reconnoijfance générale du Monde. Exer- cez, la donc pour l'Amour d'elle même ; mais n'imitez, pas ces jaloux & malicieux Animaux, qui portant fur eux des chofes qui nous font fort falutaires, les perdent ou les dévorent, de peur qu'elles ne fervent à la. Guerifon de nos Maladies. Faites voir vos âmes toutes nues. Souffrez, que les Hommes jettent les yeux fur vôtre vie. Permettez, leur de vous confiderer de dans & dehors. En un mot, contentez, les curiofitez, étrangères ; & trouvez, bon que le Peuple eftudie jufqu'à •vos plus fecrets Mouvements, afin qu'au moins vous ought not to court the Crowd to gain Praife and Commendations, fo on the other you ought not to rob Vertue of her Due, by endeavouring to conceal from the World, thofe A&ions which you by her Infpiration perform, and by which fhe may be honour 'd, in your being fo. Be vcr- tuous then, for Vertue 's fake, to make her more adored, and gain her more Difciples; and imi- tate not that malicious Beaft, who ftrives, when purfued, to devour, or lofe what Nature fur- nifh'd him with, for a Medicine to cure our Dif- eafes. Let us expofe naked, and without di& fafftez, ceffer les injufi.es Murmures de tant à' âmes guife, the Integrity of our Souls, and permit the oifives, qui foupçonnent du mal en toutes les chofes, fur World to look into our Lives, to confider us lef quelles il neleur eft pas permis d'exercer leur s jugements, within and without. In a word, let us fatisfy the Curiofity even of Strangers, and think it not amifs, that the moft Vulgar fhould pry into our moft private, or difle<5t our moft trifling Actions ; that we may in the end filence all the unjuft Reports and Scandals, raifed by thofe wretched Crea- tures, who judge every thing to be evil, that is above their Underftanding, or not fubmitted to then» to exercife their Judgment on. *""&*&*& Hor.lib.i Epi ft. 1 6. Lampfon. Senec. 7» reEîè v'vvis, fi curas effe quod audis. For you are happy, if you really are what Met» believe. Vir bonus, Infpice, ait fades, S fama, quod ante The good Man cries, Fame, come and view me well, PeBus, & à tergo, mantica noftra gerit : Into my Wallet look ; behind, before, Quin noftra tibi nulla domi volo claufa feneftra, I'd have no Window,Trunk, no Room, no Door,' Janua nulla tibi, nulla fit area tibi. Deny you Enterance, where I do dwell. Nihil opinionis caufâ, omnia confeientia faciam. I'll do nothing for Opinion's fake, but all things Populo fpeBante fieri credam, quicquid me con- for Confcience. Til imagine, that the whole fcio faciam. World is looking upon me, even when I am* alone, and doing fomething that none fees, or is privy to. AView of Human Life. içï ? Homme de bien à l'efprh toujours net t U prend plaifir de l'expofer en meuè ; Et ne fait rien au Cabinet, Qu'il ne fajfe bien dans la rue. *The good Man's Soul is always clean ; He takes delight his Aftions fhould be feert J And in his, Clofet, he would nothing do, But what he dares expofe to publick View. Vfl The DoBrine of M o RA L I T Y ; or, The Explanation of the Fourteenth Picture; La Vertue a par tout fa Recompenfe* Vernie never fails to meet with its Rewards A IS ce n'eft pas ajfez. que la Vertu foit reconnue. Elle veut quelque cbofe de plus edattant ; & trouve bon qu'on lu) rende les Honneurs quelle mérite. Nôtre Peintre luy fait 'Jus- tice en ce 'Tableau ; & luy accorde ce que fes nobles travaux exigèrent de fa reconmiffance. C'eft pour-quoy, il reprejente un de ces anciens Conquérants, qui entre en Triomphe dans la Ville de Rome, monte fur un Char a Of & d Ivoire^ couronné d'un Laurier que la Vicloire de fes propres mains luy a mis fur la Tefte ; & precede d'un grand T is not enough that Vertue bé known, and reipected ; fhe aims at fomething more, and is con- tent the World fhould render her the Honours that fhe merits. Our Painter has in this Picture done her juftice, and granted what her noble Labours daim from Men, as due Acknow ledgments of her Worth. See here, admirably re- preferred, one of the antient Heroes return 'd from the Field, and entering triumphant into thai once glorious City Rome, mounted on a Chariot Nombre de Soldats, qui portent avec pompe les depciiil'es of Gold and Ivory, crown'd with Laurels, whic des Ennemis vaincus, & les Marques ghrieufes de la Libéralité du Triomphant. Un grand Nombre de Cap- tifs environnent fon Char. Ils marchent felon le Rang qu'ils tenaient en leur premiere Condition. Les Rois y font diftinguez, de leurs SubjeEîs, par la Difference de leurs Chaînes ; & rïen ne leur refle de toute leur Gloire the victorious Labours of his Hands have fixed or his Temples. He is followed by a Multitude of Soldiers, who bear in Pomp the fhining Spoils of the Republick's vanquifh'd Enemies, as the gk rious Teftimonies of the Conqueror's Liberality. A great number of Captives furround his Chariot, paffèe, que le vain eclat de l'Ôr, dont leurs fers font marching according to the Dignity of their Sta compofez,. Le Peuple eft ravy de tant de merveilles qui tions before they were conquer 'd. Kings an luy frappent la Veu'è, & quoy qu'il ne doive eftre que here diftinguifhed from their Subjects only by thei: le Spectateur des Richeffes qui entrent en foule dans fa Ville, il ne laiffe pas neantmoints de les regarder comme fiennes ; & tout impuiffant, tout mij érable, & tout efclave qu'il eft, il fe perfuade que la Vie & la Mort, la Servitude & la Liberté des Nations, font les Ouvra- Fetters ; and nothing remains of their paft Glory, but the vain Splendor of that Gold, of which their Manacles are made. The Populace ravifh'd with the Sight of all thefe Wonders, with which their Eyes are dazled, though they are only Speda- ges de fon Caprice, & l'Execution des confeils qui ont tors of all thefe immenfe Treafures ; yet look up- eftè refolus par la Pluralité de fes fuffrages. • on them as their own, and are as much tranfpor- ted, as if each of them were to be a Sharer in the Spoils ; notwithstanding, in themfelves, they are r the molt wretched and worthlefs Part of Mankind. Thus they grow infolent, fancying themfelves the D:fpofers of the Liberty of Nations, and that this Victory is owing to their Conduct and Courage : forgetting to applaud the glorious Perfori, who is the fole true Caufe of their prefent Joy ; who rates not the Honours done him by their Opinion, but by his own Worth ; and would blufh to appear on this Occafion, had not his own Arm and Sword given him a Right to triumph. Hor.lib.i. Epift. 17. Lucil. Res gerere, & captos oftendere civibus hoftes, . Attingit folium "Jovis, & cœleftia tentât. Vtrtutem voluere Dii fudore pardri : Arduus eft ad earn longufque per ardua tratlus Afper & eft primùm ; fed ubi alta cacumina tanges y Fit facilis qua dura prius fuit inclyta Virtus. To war, and Victor be, is all divine ; -\ 'Tis next in place to Jove himfelf to fhine ; s Tis Cafar's Work, whofe Glory can't decline, J The Gods are pleas'd for to ordain, "\ That Men to Vertue fhould attain > Only by Labour, Toil, and Pain. J The Way to her Abode is long and fteep ; At firft it tedious feerhs her Path to keep : But when we once the Top have reach'd, no more Vertue does irkfome feem, but we adore. A Viem of Human Life. IÇ3 Que tu produits, Vertu, defruiEis délicieux ; Que les Hommes par toy, font différents des Hommes 3 Tu portes tes amants jufq'au de là des deux ; Et faits que tout ce que nous femmes, Nous les nommons nos Sauveurs, Ù" nos Dieux. Rr Vertue, delicious Fruits thou doft produce, And Men true Excellence by thee obtain : Thy Fav'rites mortal Honours do refufe : Up to the Skies thou bear 'ft them, there to reign* Making us own thy Power, and emplore Their Aid, and them as Gods adore* m The Doctrine of MORALITY; of, The Explanation cf the Fifteenth Picture. L'Eternité eft le Fruid de nos Etudesi Eternal Honours are the Fruits of elabo- rate Studies. WiA Vertu n'eft pas fatisfaitte pour nous avoir élevez, fur un Char de "Triomphe.. , Elle fcait que cet Honneur eft trop vain, trop commun, & trop court, pour eftre la Recomptnfe de nos travaux. Il n'eft bon heureux téméraires, qui après avoir ha- vie avec fuccez ; O" combattu quel ayfez. à vaincre, attendent de que pour ces zardè leitr vie avec Juccez ; CT combattu quelques temps des Ennemis ajfez à vaincre, attendent de leur Republique des reconnoijfances frofortionnèes à leurs La- beurs. Mais pour des Héros, qui font toute leur vie, aux mains avec des Adversaires prefque invincible*, comme font ie Vice & l'Ignorance, il eft bien jufte qu'il ait des Honneurs extraordinaires ; & que la Gloire elle- même, le s élevant bien haut au dejfus de laTefte des Conquérants, les porte fur fes propres ai/les d'un bout the defence of the Opprefled and Innocent- Bu: ERTUE is not content with hav- ing fhown us the Hero on a triumphant Chariot ; fhe thinks that (though a great Honour) yet too momentary, common, and vain, to be a full and ample Reward for Wifdom and Labours. It is indeed the higheft Honour that can be dene to happy Generals, who after hazarding their Lives, have fuccefsfuliy efcaped Death ; and expect from the State fome publick Acknowledgments, fuiting the martial Services they have done their Coun- try : wher generally make Glory more their Air than Vertue ; and would rather fpill their Blooc to procure a Title, or a gaudy Tomb, than ir I du monde à . l'autre, Jove makes them each a happy Deity.- j iÇ* The DoBrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Sixteenth Pi&ure, La Vertu nous rend Immortels. Vertue renders usLmucrtah NNONS, je vous prie, à la Sci- ence, ou Jï "vous voulez, à la Vertu, \ar je tiens que c'eft une même chofe, tout la Gloire qu'elle a méritée; & luy rendons tous les témoignages de recennoijfance qu'elle doit jvftement attendre de nos cœurs. Vous avez, veu ce quelle a fait pur nous rendre ï Admiration des autres Hommes. Voyez, maintenant ce quelle entre- prend four nous élever jufqu'à la Condition des Anges. La voicy, qui foulant aux pieds le Monde ; & s' éle- vant au deffus des chofes penffables, s'envole, dans fon jejour natal, & dans ces lieux lien-heureux, où l'Im- mortalité luy prepare une Couronne plus kill ante & plus durable que les eftoilles mêmes. Mais elle n'eft pas^ de ces beautez, qui fe plaifent au changement ; ou qui par un volontaire manquement de mémoire, enferment dans le 'Tombeau de leurs amants, I" Amour que durant leur vie, elles leur avaient tefmoignîe. Celle-cy force les leix de la Necejjité. Elle triomphe du pouvoir de la- Mort comme elle a fait de la Tyrannie des Vices. Elle arrache des mains du Temps, les dépouilles de. fes Ado- rateurs. Elle d'eend dans leurs Sepulchres, & r' ani- mant leurs cendres, elle les r' 'appel e à une féconde vie, d'autant plus durable qu'elle n'eft fujttte n'y aux Perfections de la Fortune, n'y aux f cible ff es du Corps, n'y a cette rigfureufe Loy qui impofe la Necejjité de mourir à quiconque- reçoit le Privilege de vivre. Mais nôtre Peintie, four ne pas donner à la Vertu, des amants qui fvffent indignes d'elle, lésa choifis dans le meilleur fiecle, & parmy des peuples qui fa\f oient une particulière Profefficn de la Suivre & del' Adorer. Il luy fait porter au Ciel, dmx de ces premiers Her es de la Grèce,' qui par une magnanimité digne du titre à'enfans des Dieux, ont paffè d'un bout du monde à Vautre, pour en exterminer les plus cruels Tyrans & les Monftres les plus effroyables, je veux dire l'Ignorance & le Vice ; & qui joignant les Armes aux Lettres, & la Politique à la Morale, ont mérité que la Vertu elle- même, les mit en pojfejfon de la Ghire qu'ils s étaient acquife par deux fi belles & fi difficiles voyes. Thefe Godlike Men joining Arms with Learning, mighty Wicked, gave Freedom to the Innocent ; them in poffeflion of that Glory they had acquired IVE now, I entreat you, to Wif- dom, or Vertue, who are indeed the fame, all the Honouf that fhs merits, and render her the He mage and Acknow ledgments that our Souls ought in gratitude to pay her You have feen what fhe has already done, to render us the Admiration Mankind ; let us now fee farther what fhe mor undertakes, to raife us even to be equal with the Angels. Here fhé appears fpurning the World from her, and fearing above all penfhable things : file flies to her native Land, the Skies, with our Hero, and enters into thefe happy Regions, wher Immortality prepares for her a Crown more bright and durable than the Stars themfelves. She is none of thofe inconfiant Fair-ones, whofe Deligh is Change, or who, through a voluntary Forget fulnefs, bury in the Tombs of their Lovers, the Affedion which, during their Lives, they pre tended to bear 'em. She even forces the Grave to reftore them back to her, and triumphs, over the Power of Death, as well as the Tyranny of Vice j fnatching from the devouring Hands of Time the Spoils of her Votaries. She defcends int their Sepulchres, and re-animates their Afb.es calling them back to a fécond Life, far more de Arable than the former. A Life no more fubjef to the Perfecutions of Fortune, the Infirmities Mortality, exempt from that rigorous Law whic obiiges all who enjoy the Privilege of Life, one to die. Eut our Painter, to inform us who are the Perfons whom Vertue thus loves and honours, has been obliged to fearch into the beft Ages, and amongft that People, who ..made prcfeffion of lov- ing and adoring her above others. She is bearing to Heaven two of the greateft Heroes .of Greece, who, infpired with a generous. Charity, worthy of the Children of the Gods, travell'd through allthe habitable Regions of the World, to free it from Tyrants and Oppreflors of Mankind, and the more dreadful Monixers, Ignorance and Vice. Policy, and Morality, refined the Age, fubdued the and juftly merited, that Vertue herfelf fhould put by fuch difficult and laudable Methods. Hor.lib.j. Ode a. Seneca Oûav. J*, s & #• * m a %> & & & •; Virtus recludens immeritis mori Cœlum, negatâ tentât iter via : Cœtusfque vulgares, & udam Spernit humum fugiente pennâ. Confulere patria, par cere affliclis, fera Cade abftinere, tempus atque ira dare, Orbi quietem, faculo pacem fuo, Hœc fumma virtus, petitur hâc cœlum via. Nunquam Stygias fertur ad umbras Inclyta virtus : vivite fortes, Nee Letheos feva per amneis Vos fata trahent ; fed cum fumma Exiget horas confumpta dies, Iter ad Superos Gloria pandet. *, «. .*. p*. <*. * * e& ^ * -^ -3* ^ S <£ *■ s, & Se S> -3* * •?> aSS,* * #.j| Vertue, who Heaven unbars to thofe Who merit Immortality, Up through the yielding Air fhe goes; From the fcorn'd Earth and Crouds does fly, And flops not, till file's reach'd the Sky. Our Country's Good to make our Care, The Wretched and Opprefs'd to fpare, To curb one's Paffion, free from Murders live, Quiet and Reft to the mad World to give, Peace to reftore, thus good and great to be, Will fureiy give us Immortality. Immortal Vertue never dies ; then fpend Thy Life in noble Deeds, brave to the end ; And Face flian't drag thee to fad Lethe's Shore : When the Day comes that Death exerts his Power, And claims your mortal Part, Glory the Way To you fhall ftlow; from whence fhe fhall convey/ Your Soul to Blifs and everlafting Day. A View of Human Life: La Vertu nous arrache à la Fureur des Parques ; Alcide en la fuivant eft monté dans les deux ; Et fes chers nourrijfons, foit Bergers foit Monarques, Sont mis fans difference à la Table des Dieux, Vertue fhall (hatch us from the Deftinies ; Alcide s following her, has reached the Skies ; Her darling Pupils with the Gods fhe feats, Shepherds and Kings do (hare immortal Treats." Sf IÇS The Doiïrine of MORALITY; or, ■ The Explanation of the Seventeenth Plate. L'Efprit a befoin de repos. T'he Mind muji fometïmes be unbent. i E S Mufes nous ont beaucoup donné. It leur refte toutefois une libéralité à nous faire ; & comme c' efl leur couflume de joindre aux recompenfes publiques & immortelles, des fatisfaElions particulières & fecrettes, elles •veulent que le Philofophe fe délaffe l'efprit, & défende de fes hautes Speculations, pour s'abbaiffer jufques aux jeux & aux divertiffements des Hommes vulgaires. Les voici elles-mêmes, qui pour nous en donner "Exem- ple, prennent le frais dans leur agréable folitude. Le fçavant Dieu qui les conduit, a mis bas fon arc & fes flèches ; t^ endort ces neuf belles fœurs par l'Har- monie & la Douceur de fa Lyre. Ne 'vous figurez, donc pas, que l'eflude nous engage à un travail perpétuel; & que ce foit une gefne qui nous perfecute fans ceffe. Il veut des intermijfions, des reprifes & des diver- tiffemens. Il veut que de temps en temps l'efprit fe delaffe de fes travaux, de peur qu'il ne vienne à fe rompre pour avoir eflé trop tendu. Mais il ne faut pas que ce repos foit une oyfivité vicieufe ; ou un af- foupijfement letargique. Ces doEles Vierges le témoignent affez, par leur aEiion. Car bien quelles paroiffent en- dormies, elles font néanmoins delicieufement touchées du deux chant de leur Conducteur ; & méditent même dans 1cm femmeil, des chofes dignes d'avoir place dans leurs plus nolle s travaux. ;HE Mufes have given us many rich Gifts ; one yet remains for their Li- berality to bellow : and it being their Cuftom to join with publick and im- mortal Rewards, particular and fe- cret Satisfactions, fhe is willing now, that Phi- lofophy fhould unbend the Mind, and defcend ltom elevated Speculations, to partake of the in- nocent Diverfions of other Men. Behold her here in Perfon, condefcending to teach us by her own Example, after what manner we may recreate and entertain our Minds. She is repofïng in the cool Evening's pleafant Shades, tailing the Plea- fures of divine Solitude. The God of Wifdom, her Guide, has laid by his Bow and Quiver, and drawn to grateful Slumbers the nine harmonious Sifters, by the Charms of his inimitable Voice and Lyre. Perfuade not then yourfelves, that Vertue obliges us to labour inceflantly, and in , manner persecutes us by continual Fatigues and knotty Studies. She allows us Hours of Diver- fion and Pleafure ; nay, is defirous, and invites us to give an innocent loofe to our Minds and Fancies, and mix the Agreeable with the Ufeful. But indeed fhe never permits, that we fhould be idle or vitious, drown'd in Sleep, ftupid and un- aftive. Thefe wife Virgins teftify to us by their Poftures, how w 7 e mult take Repofe ; for though they feem .to (lumber, they are not regardlefs of the Voice and ravifhing Songs of their Tutor. They are only meditating on thofe noble things, which they will perform and teach, fo foon as they return to Action and Bufinefs. Hor.lib.2. Ode io. Sperat infeftis, metuit fecundis, Alteram fortem bene praparatum Pectus, informes hiemes reducit 'Jupiter : idem Summovet ; non, ft male nunc, & dim Sic erit, quondam cythara tacentem Sufcitat Mufam, neqv.e femper arcum 'Tendit Apollo. A Mind for all Events prepar'd, Good or Ill-Fortune don't regard : Jove, who the Winter fends, again The Spring reflores, to blefs the Swain, And with frefh. Flowers crowns the Plain. If we unhappy be to-day, next Morn Good-Fortune may with Smiles return ; Apollo fometimes takes his Lyre, The Mufe awakes, doth Mirth infpire, Nor keeps his Bow ftill bent in Ire. \ A Viet» of Human Life. iÇp Un travail continue, nous eft un long fuplice , Le Bal qui dure trop lajfe le plus difpos : Il faut ménager à propos, Le temps qu'on donne a Vexercife, Et telui quon donne au repos. What lafls too long, does painful to us prove ; Diverfions tire even thofe who Pleâfure love t We muft of every fleeting Minute try Good ufe to make : fome to Repofe apply, And fome to Exercife ; but (till take care, That we for Death, our certain Fate, prepare. i6o The DoBrine of M O RA L I T Y ; or, The Explanation of the Eighteenth Pi&ure. Le Sage n'eft pas toujours Sérieux. Tfhe Wife Man is not always Grave. V ppU OU S vous fouvenez, bien qu'un grand Homme de l'Antiquité, faifant une agréable confujion des Virtus & des Vices de Coton, en difoit ce paradoxe ; que ce grand Homme pouvoit rendre- l'yvrognerie honorable, plutoft que d'en pouvoir eftre déshonoré. Je ne diray fas la même chofe de nôtre Sage, mais j'en diray une qui en efl fort approchante.- C'eft que le Philofophe peut quelquefois faire le fol' fans ceffer d' eftre fage. Le Tableau que nous regardons, eft la Confirmation de cette Vérité. Car les troisFigures, dont il eft compofé, font comme trois Figures Hieroglifiques, qui ne fegnifient autre chofe, finon qu'en temps & lieu une parfaitte fageffe peut être Affociée avec une courte folie, fans que cette communi- cation puiffe luy être préjudiciable. Regardez,, je vous prie, comme l'Occafion fe prefente elle-même à la Sa- gejfe ; & luy ameine cette petite enjouée, qui deride les Fronts, échauffe la Froideur de la Melancholie, àelaffe l'efprit travaillé de longues Meditations ; & fçait fi lien fe transformer en la chofe qu'elle ayme, que peu à peu elle devient une autre Vertu. Ne craignons point après une fi folemneUe Vermiffton, de nous rêjouyr lors que l Occajion nous en fera offe-rte* Souvenons-nous que l'Homme eft Homme ; & que ces continuelles conten- tions d efprit, qui nous ejlevent au deffus de la matière, ne font propres qu'a ces Intelligences bien heureufes, qui en font entièrement feparées. OU Cannot furely be ignorant of the Saying of one of the moft fa- mous Men of the Antients; who making an agreeable Mixture of the Vices and Vertues of Cato, fpoke a Paradox, faying, That this Great Man could render even Drunkennefs honourable, much fooner than be dishonoured by it. I will not fay as much of our Sage, but I will venture to advance fomething ve- ry like it ; which is, that a Philofopher may fome- times play the fool, without Prejudice to his Wifdom : the Picture before us explains this Truth. Thefe three Figures are Hieroglyphicks, Signifying, that at a fit time, and in a proper place, a perfect Wifdom may be confiftent with a fhort Folly, without receiving the leaft Injury. See here Opportunity prefents herfelf to the God- defs of Wifdom, bringing to her this little gay Idiot ; who diverts her Melancholy, chears her Spirits, worn with long Meditations and laborious Studies, and converts itfelf into an innocent Joy ; fuch as fhining in her Eyes, becomes a Grace and Ornament to her. Let us not fear then, with her Permiffion, to lay afide the Gravity and Air of Philofophers, to be merry and pleafant, when a convenient Occafion offers itfelf. Let us remem- ber, that Man is. but Man flill, and that inceflant uninterrupted Exercifes of the Mind, in great and fublime things, are not proper for all, but only thofe happy few, whofe Souls are entirely difen- gaged from the World, and whofe continual Con- verfe in Heaven renders all the Satisfactions of Life taftelefs and hateful. &> 3, s> g> a * g, & g> & g, g, g, g, & g, g* g g g g, g> & g> g g & g g g g, & g g g & g »<3? s g g g * 3? w & s <& <*? é -è s? *& #«■ •& «• #«> «■ *• 3? & <$ <% 3? «• <& . 1. Sat. 6. Claudian in Confu- latuMan- lii. -Populus nam fiuhus honores Sape dot indignis, & fama fervit ineptus ; Et fiupet in titulis, & imaginibus. Ipfa quidam Virtus pretium fibi, folaque late Fortuna fecura nitet, nee fafcibus ullis Erigitur, plaufuve petit clarefcere vulgi : Nil dpis externa cupiens, nihil indiga laudis, Divuiis animofa fuis, immotaque cunEiis Cladibus, ex aha mortalia defpicit arce. Vertue, who ne'er was baffled, or difgrae'd, But ftill thofe Honours does poffefs, Whofe Luftre never can grow lefs, Regardlefs of the fickle Croud is plac'd ; From them fhe won't accept a profer'd Throne, Nor yet, to pleafe them, lay her Honours down. A The Populace, you know, accuftom'd are Still to do wrong,- they Honours oft confer On the Unworthy ; blindly led by Fame, The Man's Defcent and Titles they proclaim And think him worthy for his Race and Name. Vertue's her own Reward, and only fhe - Has Fortune at her own Difpofe; divine, She don't with bought, or borrow'd Honours fhine, Or wants the People's Voice, or Aid to be Advanced : confeious of her own Worth, fhe views All that oppofe her Will, and all fubdues ; And, from her bright Abode, with fcorn looks down On all below, bleft in herfelf alone. A View o/HWMAN LIFE. 171 r Amants dé la Vertu, dignes enfans des Dieux , À qui tous les rkêchms ont declare la guerre : Vous ne combattez* fur la 'terre'. Que four triompher dans les deux. Lovers of Vertue, Race Divine, Whom bad Men hate, do not repine At what you fuffer here ; they rage in vain : You combat here, that: you in Heaven may reign.' rjz ne Dottr'we of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Twenty-fourth Plate. All things change, to the end that all things may continue. rellrial. him at began EFORE we arrive at the glorious Scate of BLifs, it is absolutely neceflary,; that a Man fhould ftrip himfelf of all that is ter- He muft quit the Body that was given his Formation, and finifh the Courfe he the Day he entred into the World. For* Rien ne dure afin que tout dure. IAIS avant que d'arriver à ce comble de Gloire & de Félicite; il faut que l'Homme fe dé- pouille de ce qu'il a de terrefire. Il faut qu'il abandonne l'Habillement qu'il a reçeu de la Mortalité ; & qu'il 'accompljfe la Courfe qu'il commença le Jour quil vint au Monde. Ceft pourquoy nôtre Peintre a mis immédiatement après le Triomphe de la Vertu, celuy this caufe our Painter has here, immediately after Vertue's Triumph, placed that of Time and Death, for which the imperfect View we have had of future Happinefs, will, I hope, arm us. He firft fets before us* the different Seafons of the Year, a true Emblem of Man's Life. The Spring firft leads the way, to reprefent our infant State, and our blooming Youth and Beauty. The Sum- mer follows next, which is our Manhood, full of Fire and Vigour. Then comes Autumn, ,loaden with Fruits, and Pieafures of fhort Duration. Next, Winter limping follows, feeble and weak, benumb'd with Frofts, and vainly ftrives to keep pace with thofe who feem to fly before him ; re- \floient partis, les condamne, à des vicifjitudes qui ne prefenting our decrepid Age : whilft the winged Daemon, Timç, who never ftays to reft, flies hovering over their Heads, and drives them on, marks all their Steps, prescribes their Walk, aud makes them feel Viciffitudes, which will not ceafe but with the World; though in fome meafure they change and ceafe every day. This Picture inftructs us, that we muft in Youth begin to fol- low Vertue, and leave no Minute unimprov'd, fince Time inceffantly flies from us, and will bear us through the Stage of Life with a Rapidity more furprizing than that of Lightning ;. and in- fenfibly conducts us to that dreadful Moment, where he will give the fatal Stroke, and we fhalt ceafe to be. Think, my Companions, upon this melancholy Truth, and be not deaf to this timely Advice. Let us endeavour not to lofe, if poffible, even the leaft part of a thing, that is fo uncertain to keep, and which in itfelf is of fo fhort Duration, yet of fo great Importance to us, that upon the Ufe of it depend all our Hopes, all our Happinefs. 'Tis now in our own power to be eternally miferable, or to be made Sharers of that glorious State, which has been fo often and excellently propofed to us, in the foregoing Difcpurfes. du r ïêms & de la Mort. Pour nous le repref enter au naturel, il expofe d'abord à nos yeux ce 'tableau de l'Année-, & par cenfequent celuy de nôtre vie. Le Printemps parcift le premier, comme le plus jeune & le plus beau- L'Efté le fuit, plein de vigueur & de feu. V Autommè marche après, chargé de fes jruicls, & de fes plaifirs de peu de durée. .Finalement, l'Hy- ver parejfeux, foible, languijfant, & accablé de viel- leffe, fait tous fes efforts pour ne fe pas eloigner de ceux qui le precedent*. Le T'êms, comme un petit Demon qui vole jour & nuiB, efi au deffus de la Tejle de ces quatre différents Ajfociez,. Il marque leur courfe; il frefeript leur marche ; & les faifant retourner d'où ils efioient partis, les condamne à des vicifjitudes qui ne finiront qu'avec le Monde, quoy qu'elles finiffent tous lesjours. Cette reprefentation nous enfeigne, qu'il faut commencer des nôtre jeunèffe à fuivre la Vertu, c'ejl à dire, à ménager le T'êms qui vole inceffamment ; & qui nous portant d'un âge à l'autre, avec une viteffe plus Surprenante que celle même des eclairs, nous conduit im- perceptiblement à cet infiant horrible, où fe fait la Diffolution de nous-même. Soyons fenfible à ce grand advertisement ; & eff ayons autant qu'il nous ejl pofftble, de né pas perdre la plus petite partie d'un chofe qui dure fi peu ; & qui nous ejl fi importante, puifque d'elle depend la Ptffeffton de la Gloire qui vient de nous être propofée. Hor.Iib.4. Immortalia ne fperes, monet annus, & almum e 7" Qua rapit hora diern. Frigora mitefeunt Zephyris : Ver proterit AZftas, lnteritura fimul, Pomifer Autumnus fruges effuderit ; & mox Bruma recurrit iners. Virg. 3 Geprg. Optima quaque dies miferis mortalibus avi Prima fugit, fubeunt morbi, trifiifque fenetlus, Et labor, & dura rapit inclementia mortis. The changing Seafons, and the Hours that fly, And ftill fucceeding, wear away the Day, Kindly forewarn us, that we muft decay, Tell us that we are mortal, and muft die. Each Year, the Winter by the Spring we find Succeeded is, and Summer next takes place ; Then fruitful Autumn comes with fmiling Face, Then Winter purling Streams in Ice does bind. The pleafing Years of Life are quickly gone, -\ And helplefs Age, and fwift Decay comes on, S. And then remorfelefs Death o'ertakes us foon. j A View of Human Life. 173 Le Têms qui produit les Saifons, Les tient l'une à l'autre enchaînées ; Et le Soleil marchant far fes douze maifonsj Renouvelle les jours, les mois & les années : Il n'en efl pas ainfi du deflin de nos jours . Quand la Parque en borne le cours. Nous entrons dans des nuifis qui ne font point bornées. Time ftill the different Seafons brings,, And regularly changes things ; The Sun walking his confiant Round, ' Renews the Days, the Months, and Years ; The Fields with fragrant Flowers are crown 'd, And every Tree frefh Bloffoms wears : But with us Mortals 'tis not fo ; When Fate our Lives does end* we go To endlefs Night, and gloomy Shades below. i Yy 174 The Doltrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Twenty-fifth Picture* Tous les Siècles ont eu leurs Vices. AU Ages have had their particular Vices. ICY le Têms à qui nôtre Peintre rendu fa première figure. Il a nous qu'il leur on dirait & qu'Us declare en ce 'tableau, que volant. d'un fiecle à Vautre, il entraine avec Jby tous les Vices & tous les mal-heurs qu'il rencontre dans la rapidité de fa courfe. Les petits Demons qui l'ac- compagnent, font bien aifes du changement propoje ; & à voir leur contenance enjoiie. qu'ils on quelque connoiffance de l' advenir, font affeurez, que plus le Monde vieïïira, & .plus leurs forces renouvelleront.. Mais bien qu'ils ayent commencé de régner des le commencement des fiecles, il efi toute- fois au pouvoir du Vertueux, de leur arracher un Em- pire où ils fe font fi bien établis. Il faut que ce De- my-Dieii pour remporter une fi grande Victoire, faffe reflution de combatre ihceffamment. Car encore que ces Tyranneaux foient fouvent chajfez, de leur "Trône ; ils y remontent prefqu auffi tofi en defpit de leurs Vain- queurs ; & trouvent autant de complices de leur Ufur- patien, & autant de Deffenfeurs, que la Vertu leur peut fufcjter d'ennemis. Soyons du nombre des derniers. Prenons les Armes fous la conduite d'un fi digne Gene- ral. Fcùfons voir au Têms & aux Vices, que nous EHOLD Time here admirably re- prefented, flying from one Age to another. He bears with him all the Vices and Misfortunes he meets with in his way, and Scat- ters them amongft Men as he paf- fes. The little Damions, his Com- panions, feem joyful, and are pleafed to fee the Diforders they occafion in the World. He retains them in his Service, promifing to fhow them greater Revolutions yet. And they are too cer- tain, that though the World grows old and decays, yet they fhall gather Strength, and grow more potent every Agé, whilft that is growing nearer to its end. True it is, that they have reigned too much ever fince the World was inhabited ; but it is as certain, that the Vertuous have been, and are at all times able to take from them that Dominion and Power, in which they believe them- felves fo well eftablifiVd. But the brave Man, who will oppofe them, mull, in order to gain fo glorious a Vidory, firft refolve to refill all, even the leaft Temptations, to Evil. For though thefe Tyrants are often driven down from their Throne, avons ajfez, de cœur pour les combatre tous enfemble ; yet they too frequently regain a footing there, in & que malgré la trahi fin de ceux même qui nous de- ïpight of their Oppofers, and have as manyAc- vr oient eftrê les plus fidelles, comme e fiant une partie complices, and as powerful Friends, to fupporc de nous-mêmes, mus -finirons victorieux du combat où their Ufurpation, as Vertue can raife them Ene- ils nous ont engagez,. mies. Let us be of thé number of the laft. Let us . take up Arms under the Conduit, of this glorious Leader, and convince Time and Vice, that we have Courage enough to combat them all united : and that though we fhould be abandon'd even by thefe whom we have, moll reafon to expeâ: Affiftance from ; though our Pallions, and the ftrong Temptations of Beauty and Ambition lhould try their utmoll to difarm our Souls, and charm our Reafon afleep > yet we are refohred to be both deaf and blind to all but Vertue, and not to quit the Field, till we come off Conquerors to reign for ever. HorJib.: Ode 6. Senec Damnofa quid non imminuit dies ? JEtas parentum pejor avis, tulit Nos nequiores, mox daturos Pngeniem vitiofiorem. What is't that Time don't change ? we are Worfe than our Fathers ; yet they were Worfe than their Anceflors ; and wé Shall leave a worfe Pollerity. Hoc majores noflri quafii funt, hoc nos queriniur, It was the Complaint of our Anceilors, is ours, hoc pofieri noflri querentur, everfos effe mores, reg- and will be our Succeflbrs, That all Morality nare nequitiam, in deterius res humanas & in cm- is loft. ne nefas labi. A View of Human Life. iyç En vain l'objet affreux des tourments éternels^ Fait peur a tout ce que nous fommes : Tant que la Terre aura des Hommes, Le Ciel verra des criminels. The Dread of Death and endlefs Pain Do feem to threat Mankind in vain ; Whilft Men upon the Earth do dwell, There (hall be found fome criminal. *£ V6 The DoBrine of MORALITY; of, The Explanation of the Twenty-Sixth Fi6tur& Il faut s'accommoder au Temps. We ought to make ufe of TÏime. ME É E US NCORE que le Terns fit le per- pétuel ennemy de la Vertu, néant- moins nous ne devons pas toujours le confiderer comme tel. S'il l'en- gage dans de grands Dangers ; & l'expofe à la Fureur de divers Mon- ftres, il eft bon de croire que c'eft autant four la 'Couronner que pur la Perdre. Cela étant, il ne faut pas que nous foyons incejfamment aux mains avec luy ; & que fans ceffe nous' luy difions des Injures. Le Sage peut fort bien s'y accommoder. Il peut fe fervir de luy contre hy-même, & fi l'eft permis de le dire fans Blafpheme, il eft capable d'imiter l'Ef- prit étemel, qui l'ef claire, & tirer le bien du mal même. Pour en venir là, il neft besoin d'autre chofe que de faire une tres-exaBe diftinBion du T'êms & des Vices qui l'accompagnent. Car pburveu que nous ayons l'a- dreffe d'arrefter ce Prothée, nous l'obligerons ayfement, à nous accorder tout .ce que la Vertu veut que nous ex- igions de luy. Nous luy ferons payer avec ufure les droits de notre hofpitalitê, h le forcerons de nous porter en dépit qu'il en ait, dans 1e fe jour éternel, où nous trouverons nôtre confervation & fa ruine. HOUGH Time is in one re^ fpeft an Enemy to us, yet we ought not to look upon him as always fuch ; for if he engages us in great Dangers, and expo- fes us often to the Fury of .fierce Enemies, yet we muft acknow- ledge, it is oftener to crown than to undo us. We muft not therefore be con- tinually at variance with him, and look on him with Prejudice-^ The wife Man knows perfe&ly well how to treat him, fo as to render him ufeful to all his Purpofes, though againft his Will. He, like the divine Wifdom who enlightens the Mind, and brings forth Good out of Evil, (if I may be permitted to make the Comparifon) turns to his advantage thofe very Moments that ruin the greater Part of Mankind. To this end, the wi- feft Way is to make an exaft and nice DiftincYion between Time and the Vices that accompany him. Thus fhall we learn the Art, to ilay this Proteus in our hands, and with eafe oblige him to grant us all that Vertue requires for our Ufe : nay, to make him repay with Ufury, the Enter- tainment we give him ; by forcing him, in return, to carry us into that eternal Abode, where we fhall find our Confervation, and he his Ruin. ^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^M^^^è^É^i'M^^^i!^^^* Hor.lib.3. Ode 29. -Quod adefl, memento Ovid. 6 Faft. Componere aquus, catera fiuminis Ritu feruntur, nunc medio alveo Cum pace dilabentis Etrufcum In mare, nunc lapides adefos, Stirpefque raptas, & perns, & domos Volventis unà, non fine montium Clamore, vicinaque filva, Cum fera diluvies quietos Irritât dmnes. T'empora lahmtur, tacitifque fenefcimus annis. Remember to ufe well the prefent Hour ; For what's to come is not within our power ; 5 Tis all uncertain, as the Sea or Wind, Or Tibre, who now to his Banks confin'd, Falls gently in the Sea, nor beats the Shore : But when by Floods increas'd, his Waters rife, With dreadful Noife he fills the Air and Skies, O'erflows his Banks, Houfes and Rocks o'er- throws, Brings Swift Deftruftion wherefoe'er he goes, And to his Fury all doth facrifice. We antient grow, Time flips away, E'er we are fenfible of our Decay. A View of Human Life. 177 Les Hommes légers & fottans t Perdent toujours leur advantage ; Aujfi n'appartient-il quau Sage, De fçavoir bien prendre fon te^Si Mankind carelefs appear, and thoughtlefs live, Lofing the happy Moments Fate does give ; It to the Wife alone belongs to take Each lucky Hint, and much of Time to make. Zz I7& TheDoBriw of Morality; <#, The Explanation of the Twenty-Seventh Plaie. Ne regette point le Temps paffé. E "vieillard qui nous efl figure dans cette Pein- :L]a| ture, a fait ce que nous venom de dire. Il à 5^$§ 'bien ufé du 'terns ; & l'ayant reçeu four fin hcfte, il en a tiré tout ce dentil à crû avoir befoin. C'efi aujfi de fort bon cœur qu'il le laijfe finir de fa maifin ; pour ce qu'ayant vefeu plufieurs années, & far manière de parler, vieilly tous deux enfemble, ils ont afpris l'un de l'autre, que leur Société ne pouvoit être éternelle ; & que to fi ou tard ils fe verraient réduits à la Necejfité de Je feparer. Cet hofte fage & cour- tois voyant que l'heure de leur feparation eftoit fonnêe, luy a de bonne grace ouvert la Porte de fin logis ; & fans fe pkindre de fin départ, femble luy témoigner, en luy difant à Dieu, le contentement qui luy refte d'a- voir logé un fi docile & fi fidelle amy. Cecy ne fi fi artifiemeni feprefenté, que pour apprendre aux âmes foibles & timides a fe guérir de cette vaine repugnance, qu'elles font paroifire,. toutes les fois que le c Têms leur redemande ce qu'il leur à prefi'e. Certes, il nous efl honteux, d'eftte des depofitaires de mavaife foy ; de nous faire chicaner pour rendre ce que l'on nous a bai'Jé en garde; & vouloir, s'il nous eftoit pojfible, nous enrichir de ce qui n'eft pas à nous. Cependant, c'efi le mauvais procédé de ces infenfez,, qui fe voyant à la fin de leur vie, importunent Dieu & les Hommes, pour obtenir des délais, & différer le Payment d'une Debte à laquelle ils font condamnez.. Regret not for the Tim pafti Reverend Perfori in this Piâure hâS done what we mentioned in our laft. Hé has made a good ufe of Time, and having received him as a Gueft, has gain'd from him all that he had occafion for ; and having in a manner old together, they have mutually learn'd each other, that their Continuance and grown from Friendfhip on Earth could not be eternal, and that fooner or later, they mull be reduced to the fatal Neceffity of being feparated. Our wife. and cour- teous Hoft, feeing that this expeded Hour is come, cheerfully opens the Door to him, and without repining at his Departure, feems to de- clare, by the kind manner of his bidding him farewell, that he is highly pleafed and fatisfy'd, in having been fo fortunate, as to have long lodged fo kind and faithful a Friend. So much Pains would not have been ufed to have thus artfully re- prefented this Matter, but with defign to cure thofe timorous cowardly Souls, who fliake at Death, fhow an idle Fear, and vainly murmur; and repine* whenever Time takes away that Life and Pleafure, which he has lent them. Certainly 'tis a great Shame for us to be fuch ungrateful Creatures, to return with Reludance what is ge- neroufly lent us for a few Years only, and to defire,' if poffible, to enrich ■ ourfelves with what belongs not to us. Yet fuch is the Folly of Mortals, who feeing their End to draw near, vainly importune both God and Man for longer time, and to defer the Payment of a Debt, to the Payment of which they are condemned by the Law of Nature. H0r.lib.3-; Ode if •Tile potens fui t Latufque deget, cui licet in diem Dixijfe, vixi : eras vel atra Nube polum, pater occupait) Vel file puro : non tamen irritum Quodcumque retro efl, efficiet : neque Diffinget, infeBumque reddet Quod fugiens femel bora vexit. He only happy lives, and flill fhall be Lord of himfelf alone, who free From racking Cares, each Evening cries, 1 It is enough, this Day I've fpent, As I could wifh, and am content I've liv'd to-day ; this ftiall fuffice. Let Jove to-morrow Tempefts raife, Or burn the Earth with Phoebus' Rays,' It is not even in his power, The Pleafures paft from me to take, Or call the fleeting Moments back, Or to undo what's done before. ' A View of Human Life. 17* x Sans te plaindre du temps qui coule comme l onde; Vfe bien de celui que tu tiens en ta main ; "Tu n'as qu'un jour à toy. Car peut-efire demain, La mort te forcera d'abandonner le Monde; Ceafe to complain of Time, that fwifr as Air,- Or rolling Waves, doth pafs away ; Ufe well the prefent, ufe this Day, And for Eternity this Day prepare : To-morrow's Rifing-Sun thou may'ft not tee, For Death e'er then from Earth may fummon thee* i So The DoBrine ôf MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Twenty-eighth Plate. 11? É 11 n'eft riea li court que la Vie. OICY le fupptice auquel font con- damnez, ces hoftes indifcrets, qui veu- lent retenir far force, le Terns qui s'en veut aller. Car cet impatient qui ne peut fouffrir de contrainte, voyant la Force qu'on luy fait pour l'areter, fe change en un fier ennemy ; & au lieu qu'il avoit toujours paru agreeable & complaifant, il devient fafcbeux & cruel, & ne donne à fon hofte que de trifles & fane/les marques de fa prefence. Vous voyez,, comme d'abord il exerce une insupportable Ty^ rannie dans les lieux où l'on l'enferme ; £? comme pour conferver la Liberté qu'on luy veut ravir, il retranche à fes Geôliers, toutes les chofes en la compagnie defquelles il avoit trouvé la Vie fi charmante & fi defirable. D'un cofié s'enfuient la Jeuneffe & la Beauté, qui ne fçauroient être fepartes- De l'autre, fe dérobent le Repos & le Sommeil ; & les Amours fe voyons pour- fuivis de ce vieux Tyrant, prennent leur vol droit, vers la Jeuneffe & la Beauté, qui font leurs véritables a- mantes. Que croyez,-vour que deviennent les Hommes, -quand ils fe confiderent depoiiillez, de leurs plus belles parties ; & reveflus de qualitez, fi contraires à leur na- ture, que ce font autant d'Ennemis domeftiques, & de bourreaux qui les tourmentent ? Certes, ils fe repen- tent jour Ô" nuit! d'avoir différé la Fin de leur Vie ; Ù" pour l'avoir trop follement aymée, de s'eflre expofê à des fupplices, qui leur font continuellement fouhaitter cette longue indolance 3 dont la Mort eft accompagnée. Nothing pajfes away more pwiftly thah Life* EHOLD here the Punifhment to which thofe indifferent Hofls are condevnn'd, who would retain Time by force, who will be gone. This Impatient, who endures not Reftraint, feeing the Efforts that are made to flay him, turns to a fierce Enemy ; and inflead of being as hereto- fore, agreeable and complaifant, grows angry and cruel, and gives the Perfon that ufes him thus, af- flicting and dreadful Proof of his Prefence. He in a moment fhowS^imfelf a Tyrant, in every Place where he is confined, .to procure the Liberty they would deprive him of. He ftrait drives from his Goaler all thofe, whofe Company made Life fweet and valuable. On the other hand, he chafes thence Youth and Beauty, who are infeparable. Then he deprives him of Sleep and Streegth. The affrighted Cupids, who fann'd his youthful Fires, purfued by the Tyrant- Time, take their flight after Youth and Beauty, their belt Friends. What think you now of Manj when he confiders himfelf under thefe Circumftances ? ftripp'd of all that made him agreeable to others, or pleating to himfelf? no longer able to pleafe, or be pieas'd, whilft Age and its Infirmity are his domeftick E- nemies and confiant Attendants, the cruel Exe- cutioners who keep him in continual Torment. Believe me, he repents Day and Night, that he befought Heaven to prolong his Days, curfing his own Folly, in coveting to be expofed to the Im- becility and Dotage of old Age, and begs to be releafed, longing to repofe in the cold icy Arms of Death, which can only give him eafe. Hor.lib.a. Ode ii. ■ ■ Nee trépides in ufum Pofcentis avi pauca ; fugit retro Levis juventas, & decor, arida PeUente lafcivos amores Canicie, facilemque fomnum. Non femper idem floribus eft honos Vernis, neque uno Luna rubens nitet Vultu ; quid aternis minorent Confiliis animum fatigas ? Do not yourfelf torment For what this worthlefs Life requires, Which with a little is content : Sweet Youth and Beauty flies away, Age takes their place, all things decay ; Time ruins Sleep and amorous Fires. Spring-Flowers their Beauty quickly lofe, The Moon doth change her Shape we fee j Then why do you yourfelf amufe. Form great Defigns, and break your Reft, Forget you're mortal, live unbleft, Aiming above Mortality. A View of Human Life, i8t ■3'! ■ Pontic d'Ambition & d'Envie; Pauvre mortel paffe une vie, Que la Mort talionne de près. Peu de chofe fuffit au Sage ; Et pour faire un petit voyage, Il ne faut pas de grands âpre fis. Free from Ambition, Ènvy, Strife, Poor Mortals ftrive to pafs that Life", Which cruel Death fo foon may end. Nature a little does fuffice, For a fhort Voyage, he that's wife, Won't Stores provide, and much expend, A a a i8l TheboBnm of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Twenty-ninth Pidture. Tout fe pert avec le Temps. Every thing periJJoes with %i?nè. \E Terns n'a fait que menacer dans les Tableaux que nous avons vus. En celui- cy, il commence à exécuter fes menaces. Comme il voit que l'on ne veut pas le laijfer. partir de bonne grace, ilfaitViolence à fa Prifon ; & brisant tout ce qui l'enchaîne, il tourne fes Armes cruelles & viSiorieufes contre ce qu'il a le mieux aymé. Il fe fait autant de Victimes qu'il y a de belles cbofes dans le Monde. La Force des Héros, l'Eloquence des Orateurs, la Beauté des Dames ont aujjt peu de Charmes pour vaincre cet Ennemi public, qu'en ont les Diadèmes, les Trônes, & les autres Ob- jets de -l'Idolâtrie des petites âmes. Tout ployé fous ce Tyran. Tout cede à fa cruauté. Les trières y font inutiles. La Force n'y peut rien; & comme fi cène luy efioi't pas ajfez. de nous détruire, il adjoute l'info- lence de la mocquerie, à la Fureur, avec laquelle il nous tourmente. Il fait défendre la vieiUeffe à fon fecours fans qu'il en ait befoin ; & nous la prefentant comme celle qui ne nous doit quitter qu'avec la Vie, il nous en parle avec un foufris mocqueur ; & nous jure, que nous nous trouverons fort bien d'une fi fage & fi di- vertijfante compagnie. 1IME did only threaten, in the pre- cedent Piâure, in companion of what he does hère, where he vents all his Fury. Seeing himfelf confined, and that they will not let him go willing- ly, he breaks through all, and tears in pieces all that refill him. He even turns his victorious Arms againft thofe he loved moft, and makes as many Victims- as there are beautiful things in na- ture. The Strength of Heroes, Eloquence of Orators, Beauty and Innocence can find no Charms powerful enough to appeafe him. He profefles himfelf an Enemy to all Mankind. Crown'd Heads, Thrones, Monuments, and all the Croud are awed by, fall before him. He de- ftroys all things at his pleafure. Prayers are in- effectual; and Strength fignifies nothing. It is not enough that he is every day taking lomething from us ,• he infults our Mifery, and laughs at our Decay, faying, Age is a good Companion, that grèy Hairs make us appear venerable : it is a wife Counfellor, he cries, and the Ruins of fine things are beautiful. So paiTes on to do more mifchief. 3B. J5- 6* A >l<& 6 . & Q $k •& •&• ■& ^ ■fô &• "3? ■* & ■$■ M at * % raçsew? •3 Hot. de arte Poet. —Mort alia fafla peribunt, Nedum fermonum fiet honos & gratia vivax. Ovid. 15 Tempus edax rerum, tuque invidiofa vetufias, Met. Facundiam, eloquentiam, gratiarum omne genus & quali let corporis bona confumitis. p At non ingenio qua/itum nomen ab avo Jib. 3. Excidet. Ingenio flat fine morte decas. Vivitur ingenio, catera mortis erunt. The Works of Mortals die ; Why fhould we hope that Words fhould live, And Language fhould all Time furvive ? Envious old Age, and Time, you who devour All mortal things, Beauty, Wit, and Power, And charming Eloquence ; all that you find That's excellent in Body, or in Mind- A Name by Wifdom gain'd, will never die ; Honours thus got, claim Immortality. Wit lives to all Eternity, And all things elfe do die. ' A View of Human Life. 185 Rayon d'un Soleil invifible ; Pomp e de la Nature : Enchantement des yeux ; Beauté qui de l'Amour rend le trait invincible, Il eft way, ton Empire eft grand comme les deux. Mais ne te flatte point du pouvoir de tes charmes : Ne vante point les Feux : Ne vante point les ArmeSj Dont tu defoles l'Univers. lu pajferas un jour par le cifeau des Parques ; Et fi de tes appas il refle quelques marques. Ce ne fera que dans nos vers. Beauty,* bright as the glorious San, Nature's chief Pride, that doth enchant, By whom the World's almoft undone, Thy Empire boundlefs is, we grant : But of thy powerful Charms don't boaft, Though all Mankind thy Victims be, For Death at laft fliall conquer thee ; And all thofe Beauties fhall be loft, Except your Names recorded be 4 In Verfe, that gives Eternity. 1 84 The DoBrine if Morality ; or, The Explanation of the Thirtieth Picture. Philofopher, c'eft apprendre a mourir. "true Thilofophy is to learn to die. • jE £ Sages vulgaires croiront avoir fatisfait au nom de Sage, s'ils confiderent les Revolu- tions des chofes comme nous venons de les con- fiderer ; & s'ils attendent leur dernière heure ^ fans fe donner la peine de la prévoir & de l'efludier. Mais le Stoïque, c'eft à dire le Sage parfait & confommê, fe demande à foy-même où le mené , la vieilleffe ; & comme avec des lunettes d'approche va jufques dans le Ciel, découvrir le Secret de fa Deftinée.. Il fe >' familiar if e de bonne heure avec la Mort. Il fe fouvient, qu'il a mille fois ouy dire au grand Zeiîon, que la Vie du Phi- lofophe, ne doit être qu'une continuelle Meditation de la Mort. Vous le voyez, auffi, qui paroift Jî attentif & fi calme au milieu de tant de Sujets, de "Troubles, & d'Agitations, qu'il ne s'abandonne n'y a l'efperance, n'y à la crainte. Il a l'efprit tout entier occupé à la Contemplation de cette main jufte mais inflexible, qui du haut du Ciel tient les cifeaux dont le fil de notre vie doit être coupé; & pour éviter toute furprife, il y tient les yeux de l'efprit continuellement attachez,, afin de voir quand elle fermera l'inftrument fatal, qui doit le délivrer de lafervitude de la matière. HE Vulgar Wife, think they have done e- noligh, it" they, like us, have considered, that Life is fubjeét to many Changes, and expect Death without thinking further of it, than that it is à thing that muft come; and take no care to provide for a future' State, or medi- tate on what is to be done, to render k lefs ter- rible. But the wife Man confiders daily with himfeif where he is drawing to, arid, as through a Perfpedive, looks into Futurity, and difcovers the Secrets of his Deftiny, by reading his own Soul, which thus becomes familiar, and acquaint- ed with Death, before he approaches. A thou- fand times he calls to mind the great Zeno's Words, That the Life of a Philofopher ought to be no other but one continued Meditation on Death. You fee here a Man who appears fo attentive and calm, àmidft many Objefts of Trouble and Dif- order, that he gives not his Soul up, either to Hope or Fear. His Thoughts are wholly em- ployed in Contemplation of that juft, but inexo- rable Power, who fitting in the Heavens, holds the Sciflars and the Thread of Life. Fearing to be furprized, he holds the Eyes of his Soul. continu- ally fixed there, watches when the fataî Infini- ment of Death fhall cut the Twine, and deliver' him from the Slavery of Mortality- *&*^, * • tf *** i jj.**vW*«jï* »«jp* »^p« »^r J^t -J^t J^, -fig!* i^W#^i»w^i» Hor.lib.1. Inter fpem, curamque, timorés inter & has, Omnem crede diem tibi diluxiffe fupremum : Grata fuperveniet, qua ncn fperabitur hora. Plaut. Rud. Hor.lib.i. Epift. 2. Animus aquus optimum eft arumna condimentum. Tu quamcumque Deus tibi fortunaverit horam, Grata fume manu, nee dulcia differ in annum. Qui cupit aut metuit, juvat ilium fie domus aut res, Ut lippum piEla tabula, fomenta podagrum t Auriculas cythara colleBas forte dolentes. Amidft Hope, Fear, Anger,and Doubt, which wafte Our wretched Lives, believe each Hour your laft ; Thus every day the Gods do add, will be, Caufe unexpected, Welcomer to thee. A Mind fedate, and well refigned, is the beft Re- medy for Sorrow, Care, and Trouble. Thank Fortune for the prefent Hours, defer Not of Life's Joys to tafte, to the next Year. This Houfe, thefe Lands, and all thefe Treafures are To him whofe Soul is fill'd with Hope, or Fear, As Pictures to the Blind, or Salves to eafe The Gout's diftrafting Pain, Or fome harmonious Strain Play'd to deaf Ears, and cure not his Difeafe. A View of Human Life, 18Ç Ce qui tt'efi pas en ta puijfance, Ne doit point troubler ton repos : 7a balances mal à propos t Entre la Crainte & VEfperance. Laijfe faire le Ciel. C'eft ton maiftre & ton Roy ; Et fupporte avec confiance, Ce qu'il a refolu de toy. The thing that is not in thy power Ought not to break thy Peace one Hour \ Thy Hopes and Fears are fond and vain s Leave all to Providence divine, Let thy great Matter's Will be thine, And calmly fuffer Death or Pain, Bbb m The DoBrine of MORALITY ; or, The Explanation of the Thirty-firft Plate. La Vieillefle a fes Plaifirs. Age has its 'Pleafures. OICY done la Vieitteffe que le Terns à Jubtilement introduite- en la compag- nie des Hommes. Les uns s'en defef- perent ; les autres y font infenjibles. Mais le Sage qui fçait que par elle, il doit parvenir à fes plus hautes dig- nités, la reçoit de bonne grace. Il luy laiffe la conduitte de fa famille. Il luy permet d'en chaffer ce qui luy déplaift, & d'y faire venir ce quelle trouvera bon. Vous voyez, auffi la Vieillejfe, qui femble cajoler ce Sage decrepit ; & qui luy remontre avec adrejfe, que déformais il ne doit plus penfer aux plai- firs du Gouft, du TaSi, & de laVeu'è. Elle luy fait aufft chaffer de fa compagnie, ces Demons importuns & voluptueux qui régnent fur nosPajfîons, & l'oblige défaire un éternel divorce avec la Chair & le Sang. Nôtre Sage qui connoifl fon artifice, eft ravy de s'y laiffer prendre j & de renoncer pour janîais à des plaifirs qui font in- dignes de fon âge. Il tourne aufft volontairement la Te fie de l'autre coflè ; & arette fa veue débile fur des leautez,, bien plus capables de lé contenter que celles qu'il a perdues. Au lieu de l'Amour des chofes cor- ruptibles, il s'attache à la pourfuilte des éternelles ; & au lieu de prefter l'oreille aux Solicitations de la Volup- té, il n'écoute plus que la Prudence, que la Moderation & que les autres Vertus, qui peuvent d'une chair ca- duque & d'une matière toute uf'ee, en faire une toute nou- velle & toute immortelle. EE here Old Age, which Time has fubtilly introduced into the Com- pany of Mankind ! One feems de- fpairing at the fight of her, ano- ther grows fiupid and infenfible. But the wife Man,who well knows, that byherhemuft attain Under- ftanding and Honour, receives her With a chearful Countenance, leaves to her the Management of his Family, fuffering her to put from him all that difpleafes her, and to place about him all thofe (he approves of. She, in return, comforts and carefles our feeble Sage, and eloquently demonftrates to him, that henceforward he ought not to think of gratifying his Senfes, or*to pleafe the Touch, the Tafte, and Smell, or feaft his Eyes on Beauty. She drives from him the wanton Damons, that raife and excite our Paffions, and makes him agree to an eternal Divorce with the Pleafures of Flefli and Blood. He wifely fathoms her Defign, and lets her go on with pleafure. He renourices freely thofe things that fuit not his Age, and then turns his Face to the other fide, where he fixes his de- cayed Sight upon Beauties much more capable to pleafe him, than thofe he has parted with. No longer loving things corruptible, he bends his whole Defires to things eternal. Deaf to the Sol- licitations of the World, he hearkens to none but to thofe of Prudence and the other Vermes, who out of a withered Body, worn with Years, and crumbling into Duft, can foon form a new and immortal one. Hor. de arte Poet. Seneca. Multa ferunt ami venientes commoda fecum > Our youthful Years Profit and Pleafures bring, Multa recedentes adimunt. But our declining, every grateful thing Lenior & melior fis accedente fenetta ? The others brought, deprive us of. Turn demunt fana mentis oculus acute cernere incipit, The Eye of the Mind then begins to fee, when ubi corporis'oculus incipit habefcere. the Eyes of the Body begin to decay.. A Viens of HUMAN LIFE. 187 Roy des avantures humaines, Qui fais nos amours G» nos haines ; Terns fous qui le f lus forts font enfin abattus, Que tes bontex, nous font propices ; Quand tu nous ofles les délices, Tu nous fais aymer les Vertus. Lord of Mankind, thou who do'ft movèî Our youthful Souls to Hate or Love, Time, who ; the ftrongeft does o'ercome; When you foft Pleafures from us take* A large amends you feem ro make, *Caufe you place Vertués in their room. i88 The Doiïrine of Morality ; or, The Explanation of the Thirty-fecond Pi&ure. Ne t'informe point de l'advenir. Seek not to inform thy felf of vohat is to come. \ UR un Sage que vous venez, de voir, vous allez, être environnez, d'un grand nombre de Fous. Le Sage a prevû. Ja fin, & en a confideré le Moment avec joye. Voicy des infenfez, qui je de f efferent aufeul nom de la Mort ; & qui pour tenter les Moyens de l'é- viter, s' abandonnent à toutes les Fbibkjjes & à toutes les Super ftitions , que la Fourbe; ie & l'Erreur cm in- troduites dans le Monde. Vous voyez, au lieu le plus eminent de ce "Tableau, un vieux Sacrificateur accom- pagné de fes Officiers, & orne des marques de fa Pre- lature. Il confulte ferieufement les entrailles d'un Bœuf, & pretend de voir dans le ventre d'une be fie, des fe- crets que les EftoiHes même ne nous apprennent que fort cmfufement. Plus loing, efi peinte une de ces Cages fi- er ées, dans le f quelles ■ les Romains tenoient enfermez, les Interprettes demeftiques de leur fortune ; & par un a- veuglement indigne de leur Vertu, cherchoieni dans l'A- vidité ou dans le degoufi d'un poulet, la Refolution des chofes pour lesquelles ils ne fe fiaient pas à leur propre raifon. Plus loing, paroijfent des Chaldeens, des Afiro- logues judiciaires, & d'autres femblables Charlatans ; & pour faire rougir les curieux impertinents de leurs ex- travagances, le Peintre a ingenieufement placé dans un eloignement deux de ces miferabtes Affronteurs, qui fe ■méfient de dire la. bonne avanture aux Femmes U aux Enfans. Tous ces divers vifages ne font représentez, que pour détromper les petits.e] prit s, & leur o fier l'En- vie de fçavoir les chofes futures. |pssa& s? f v 'Isa 1 3j O U have feen one wife Man in the precedent Pi&ure, and now muft be content to be entertained with a great number of Fools. He forefaw his End by Reafon, and is prepared to meet ic with Joy. But thefe, at the Name only of Death, fall into Defpair, and trying all ways, fondly think to avoid it, by giving themfelves up to all the Fol- lies and Superftitions that Error and Deceit have introduced into the World. In the moft remark- able Place of this Pidure, ftands a Heathen Prieft with his Officers, dreffed in his Habit after the manner of the Romans in the times of Paganifm, wifely confulting the Entrails of an Ox, and pre- tending to difcover in the Belly of a Beaft, thofe Secrets which the Stars themfelves can give us but a very imperfed, if any Knowledge of. Next is one of thofe confecrated Cages, in which the Ro- mans kept the domeftick Interpreters of their Good or Ill-fortune. Thus blinded by Cuftom and Prieftcraft, unworthy their other Vertues, they fought from their" Greedinefs, or Want of Ap- petite, of a Dunghill-Fowl to folve their Doubts, and neglected to ufe that Reafon which could have much better direfted them what to have done. Next appear fome counterfeit AZgyptians, Students in Aftrology, and other fuch like Deceivers, who firft confult the Pocket, then the Hand, and fo impofe upon weak Women and Children. Mife-* rable Cheats! who are not more contemptible than thofe that employ them ! The Painter here drives to fhame fuch into more Senfe, in hopes to unde- ceive the Vulgar, and to take from all Men the unlawful Defire of knowing things to come. i& j"& 5j» 0 The Dottrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Thirty-Third Piéture. La Mort eft inevitable. T)eath is unavoidable. 'AVANTURE que Je Peintre nous prefente en ce tableau, n'eft pas moins étrange, quelle eft rare. Elle nous fait voir qu'il y a une notable difference en- tre un Sage & un Sçavant ; & qu'af- fes fouvent toute la Rhétorique & toute la Pc'éfie peuvent être renfermées dans la Tejle d'un Fou. Elle nous apprend auffi, que malgré les Prédirions contraires, l'heure de nôtre Mort dépend d'une Horloge qui ne peut comme Its nôtres, être n'y re- tardées par notre crainte, n'y avancée par nés impa- tiences. Le bon Vieillard tout chauve & tout blanc, que vous voyez, dans une profonde Meditation, eft ce grand Ornement de la Grèce, qui a donné le commencement & les beautez. à la Tragédie. On l'avait menacé qu'il finirait f es jours par la cheute d'une voûte. Pour fe mocquer de cette PrediBion il quitte fa Ville, & choifit pour fa demeure ordinaire, les plus agreeables Solitudes de la Sicile. Mais un jour qu'il èftoit attentif à la Production de quelque excellente Piece, un Aigle qui avait pris une Tortue fur le 'Rivage prochain, & qui s'eftoit élevé bien haut en l'Air, s'arrejla malheureufe- ment au deffus d'un fi precieufe tefte ; & n'ayant pas des yeux d'Aigle en cette occafion, la prit pour une pointe de rocher^ & l'écraza en voulant écrazer la Tortue. HE Accident reprefented in this Pi&ure is no lefs ftrange than lin- gular. Our Painter here fhows us, that there is a vaft difference between a Man that is truly wife, and one who is a great Scholar only, and that very often Rheto- 1 rick and Poefy, Languages, and many Sciences, may be lodged in a Head that wants folid Wifdom He likewife informs us, that notwithftanding Pre- dictions, and all our Caution to prevent Death, the Hour depends upon a Clock that cannot, like others, be put back, or flopped : Our Fears can- not retard, nor our Impatience haften the Stroke. The venerable old Man, whofe Head is almoft bald, and Hair white with Age, who feems pro- foundly meditating, was once the greateft Orna- ment of Greece, and gave a beginning to, and then improv'd ■ the Beauty of Tragedy. He had been warn'd by a Predidion, That he fhould be killed by the Fall of an Arch. To prevent which, he quitted his native City, and chofe for the Place of his Rejidence, the moft agreeable folitary part of Sicily. In a day, fitting in the open Field, at- tentively forming fome excellent Piece, an Eagle that had taken a Tortoife upon the Brink of an adjacent River, which he had borne to a great height in the Air, unfortunately pitched upon his precious Head ; and not having Eagles Eyes on this Occafion, miftook it for the Point of a Rock, and broke his Skull, by endeavouring to break the Shell of the Tortoife. Hor.lib.z. Ode 13. ■Quid quifque vitet, nunquam homini fatis Cautum eft in haras. Navita Bofphorum Panus perhorrefcit : neque ultra Caca timet aliunde fata. Miles Sagittas, & celerem fugam Parthi : catenas Parthus, & Italum Robur : fed improvifa leti. Vis rapuit, rapietque gentes. It is impoffible for Man to be Againft Misfortunes arm'd, or all forefee : The Carthaginian Merchants only fear The Cafpian Seas, nor apprehend That Fate, whofe Ways are hid, can fend Worfe Mifchiefs, and furprize them any where. The Roman Soldiers fear the Parthians Darts, The Swiftnefs of their Flight, andfubtle Arts; The Parthian dreads the Roman Arms and Chains : But Death in every Place is found, And can deftroy without a Wound, Whole Nations kills, and in all Kingdoms reigns* A View of Human Life. ipi Ne crois pas éviter la Mort, Que la loy divine t'apprefie : Car fi ton propre toifl ne t'écrate la Tefie, Le toiB d'un étranger accomplira le Sort. Think not for to avoid that kind of Death, That is by all-wife Heaven's Decree thy Lot ; If thy own Roof upon thy Head falls not, Another fliall fall down, and flop thy Breath,- tpl The Dock-/ m of Morality ; or, The Explanation of the Thirty-fourth Pi&ure. Vivons fans craindre la Mart. Live without fearing to did ET" infenf: que vous ne pouvez, regarder fans |C j;iï rire, eft d'une efpece différente de ceux que vous venez, de voir. Celui-cy ne consulte n'y les Entrailles des Beftes, n'y la Cervele des Devins ; il Je anfulte luy-même, & demande a fon miroir, raifon de fon changement. Il fe voit le Vif age couvert de rides, & Je veut ferfuader que ces rides procèdent de la Malignité de la Glace qui le reprefente. Il luy fou- flient qu'il n'eft pas encore en l'Age de la Difformité ; & que le tèms l'aurait trahy fi ces rides eftoient vérita- bles. Il s'eftoh figuré, le pauvre Homme qu'il eft, qu'ayant toute fa vie lutté contre fes Pajftons, refufê à fes fens toutes les chofes défendues ; & atache fon ef- prit à la pratique des Vertus, il vieilliroit aujfi peu que les Beautez, qu'il avait adorées. Mais voicy la Pieté, qui fe juftifie des plaintes que cet Homme de bien luy fait. Elle luy. declare, qu'elle ne retarde n'y la Vieil- leffe n'y la Mort. Bien au contraire, qu'elle hafte leur venue, afin que plutoft elle donne à ceux qui la fervent, cette jeunejfe perpétuelle qui ne fe. trouve qu'au deffus des deux. Ce faux religieux, n'eft pas fatisfait d'une fi fainEle & fi raifonable Excufe. Il murmure contre le Dieu qu'il a fi fcrupuleufement fervy ; & tefmoig- nant fon Intention mercenaire, & fon Amour propre, femble luy reprocher la Fin de fa vie, comme la plus haute Injuftice qui luy pouvait jamais être faite. Cela nous fait bien canmiftre combien l'Homme eft intereffe. Combien il eft hypocrite ; combien il eft amoureux defoy- même ; . & combien peu il l'eft de cette éternelle beauté, pour qui feule il doit avoir de l'Amour. fenfelefs Idiot, whom you cannot on without fmiling, is of a kind quite different from thofe that we have feen before. He confults neither the Inwards of Brutes, nor Brains of Diviners; but he examines himfelf, and asks the Reafon of his Decay. He fees his Face fill'd with Wrinkles, and would feign believe it the Fault of the Glafs that (hows them. He fancies to himfelf, that he is not yet of an Age to be fo altered, and that Time has injured him. If this Decay be real, he vainly imagines, that having all his Life lived foberly, and fubdued his Paflions, deny 'd himfelf all unlawful Pleafures, and apply'd himfelf to the Practice of Vertue, he fhould decay as little as the Power he had adored. But here Piety vindicates herfelf, in anfwer to this good Man's Complaints, and declares to him, that fhe does not prevent Age, or Death, but on the contrary, often haftens their coming, to the end, that fhe may the fooner give to thofe that ferveher, that eternal Youth and Beauty, which, none enjoy but in Heaven. This counterfeit holy Man, not fatisfy'd with fo divine and excellent a Reafon, murmurs againft that God, whom he has pretended to ferve fofcrupuloufly, manifefting his mercenary Intentions by {o doing. He was pious only through a fear of dying, and now reproaches the Almighty, that in ending his Life, he does him the higheft Injuftice, and is cruel and unkind- This fhows the Nature of Man, how felf-inter- efted» how much a Lover of this Life, and how little fond he is of that eternaf Beauty, which alone fhould take up all his Thoughts, and engrofs all his Affeâions. ****à*^*^*^***l!*ll***ll********â!*è********^â!****^^********* Hor.lib.2. Ode 14. Seneca Epift. 30. Eheu fugaces, Pofthume, Pofthume, Labuntur anni : nee pietas moram Rugis out inftanti fene&a Afferet, indomitaque morti. Mors partus eft malorum, perfugium arumnofs vita. Senefcentes anno*, cum rugis, flores mortis cogita ; mortem fruBum quietis. Mars requies arumna- rum in lutlu atque miferiis eft, & c unci a mor- talium mala diffolvit. Nullum fine exitu iter eft. Alas ! Pofthumus, my dear Friend, The whirling Year does quickly end, And Piety cannot one Moment ftay Approaching Age and fwift Decay, Nor from inevitable Death defend. Death is a fecure Port to fly to from all Mifchan- ces, and the laft Refuge of the Miferable. Wrin- kles in Age, are the Blonoms of Death, and the Fruits are lafting Repofe. Death filences all our Complaints, and puts a Period to all the Sorrows and Misfortunes of Mankind. The longeft Journey has an end. A View of Human Life. i n Tel far un fentiment brutal, Croit donnant tout à la Nature ; Eviter le chemin fatal, Qui nous meine à la Sepulture. Telpenfe dans la Pieté Trouver un lieu de feureté ; Contre les trois fœurs homicides. Us fe trompent egallement. Le trépas devance les rides, Ou les fuit infailliblement. Some, by a fenfelefs Notion led, believe, That they can Life prolong, themfelves deceive, And gratifying every Senfe, to try, To fence off Death, or fubt'ly pafs it by. Others in Prayer place their Security, Hoping the Gods won't let the Pious die- Alike deluded, Death will foon o'ertake, Of Young and Old he does no difference make. Ddd I 194 The DoBrine of MORALITY; of, The Explanation of the Thirty-fifth Plate. Le Vieillard ne doit penfer qu'a mourir. .XfyJgfApuiJ??. tothiîik of nQihjngbiit dying. v#^se*^ m HE Man before you ' truly repre- fents the major part of Mankind. It is an otd Sinner, who from the Age of twenty has made an equal Commerce of his Conference and hitf Money. ; , He is known in all Pla- ces', \\ here Ufury is fuffered. There is not .a Banker that has notfome of his Bills, nor fcarcea Ship in which he has' not a Part; nor Farmer cf the Revenues, that is no^t in his Books ; ôr any Bttlipefs, that a Man of any figure is con- cern ci- in, in -which he is not interested. By thefe illuftrious Ways he is become Mailer of im- hienfe. Riches,' which, makes him pafs with the Vulgar for a Man of Worth. He is how arrived at that unhappy time of Life, in which he cannot make the Ufe he defires of this ili-gotten Store. He neverthe'efs endeavours to prolong his Life, or at • leaft to .perpetuate, his Name, by undertaking things that: will continue long. ' He takes à Wife young; and handfome, when fhe is, alas ! an ufelèfs Trèafure to him.» He, keeps a good Ta- ble, and can digeft no Food hinheffy but Afs's Milk. Makes Feafts each Night, and cannot reft one Hour fol* the Gout and Stone, by which he is kept continually on the Rack, In fine, he thinks to cheat Death; and, in reality, cheats himfelf. He is" worn to nothing but a little wither 5 d Skin and Bone, which perhaps the cold aguifh Vapours of the next Autumn may reduce into their pri- mitive Nothing ; yet ceafes he hot to lay the Foun- his, cannot finifh, and ' bring to Perfection : when ion, to expiate his Crimes, provide his Shrowd and ferioufly 'tis his laft Lodging, -and therefore to pre-* Hor.lib.2. Ode 18. Hor.lib.2. Epift. 2. 'IDIO^ que vous cenfderù!t,.eft le 'Portrait, de.:- la plupart des Hommes. ■C'cft'. 0' vieux: coupable, qui .depuis ■l'âge .de vingt 'ans, à fait -'gaiement - commerce' de'.fa Confhme & de fon 'Argent. il- ejl'.cmnH par- toutes les Places oie Wfure^ft foiferiev fin' y a Banquier qui n'ait de fesrbillêt's. M n'y 'a'Qii&ïfe, où il n'ait part. Il n'y a Pa?tï%xm qui pe fuit; dans f es papier^ jln'y a- avances]' à faire, où fits le : nom d'un valet : -, ilnefohinterefé\].^arfesfluflres-moy^^ il eff.ïparvenû . au comble -des biens qui le fnt.'fn- jufepieni paffer pour Homme d'importance. -: Mdif il eft en meme'tims arrivé, a cet -âgé mal-heUreux où il nç peut . fe ferviràe ces-yjckiffes makaçqutfes. . Il ejfaye néant* moins- de ijtardfr'fa fn pat des éntr'epifes de -longue du- rée, il prendittïé, jmne Femme ; & ,h prend ini{iîlê* ment four-luyy'ui! twit une. bonne table, & ne -vit que de lâ0 : . à'Àriêffe,. if.fl fait " . des Âffemblies toutes les- NuiSsf& laf Goutte Ù 'la Graiefa -le mettent ffiur & Nuiçz a laGefne.' Enfin, il croit tromper la Mort en fe, trempant foy-mlme ; & n'eflànf plils qit'un peu-, de bouë'deffeicbée, que feut être ^Humidité du premier Automne r^fçudra en* fon^xêmier. néant , il ne laiffe pas de commencer des. Palais, que trente vies comme la Sienne ,~ ne fçaureient m'ettfë en. leur-'peyfeclion..: Il de- vroit'iiïeji pluttjï, four. ^Expiation de, fes'Crîmes, faire travailler *à fon "Tombe art -, . '& par la Conflrublion de ce dernhri ligk Xl fes preparer bien firieufement à y entrer 1 :,-. I )') '- - ,: ' ,; v ' , ;\ ' .- *■'■' dations of Buildings, which thirty Lives; fuch as he ought much rather, to think of . making feftitut Grave,, açd, while his Tomb is building, confider pare himfèlf to enter into it. - Days fwiftly drive on Days, and each new Moon Still haftes to end the Courfe fhe has begun; But thou, who haft but one Day more to live, For thy new Buildings Marble doft prepare, Wholly unmindful of thy Sepulchre ; For Thee Earth cannot room fufficient give. The raging Sea thpu would'ft reftrain, And make the watry Shore a Plain ; Upon thy Neighbours bordering Lands doft prey, Driving thy ruin'd Clients thence away. Since the perpetual Ufe of Things to none Is by the Gods allow 'd, but all moves on ; Heirs pufh on Heirs, like rolling Waves, Why do we covet Lands and Slaves ? Why the Calabrian Fields delight With the Lucanian to unite ? What do large Fortunes fignify, Since we are all but born to die ? Pluto can't be by Gold prevail'd upon, But mows down all, not pitying one. [rtidktir dies die, :''ï.^^. ; - - Nevaque pergunt interne Luna. ; ■ Tu fecanda marmora Locus fa ib if. fum funus, & fepulcbri Immemor, firuis domos. Quid, quod ufqv.e proximos Revellis agri terminos ? & ultra Limites clientium Salis avarus ? Sic quia perpetuus nulli datur ufus, & hares Haredem alterius veht unda fupervenit undam : Quid vici profunt, quidve horrea, quidque Calabris Saltibus adjecli Lucani ? fi metit Orcus Grandia cum parvis, non exorabilis aura. A View of Human Life. *5* Que te fert vieil ambitieux^ De voler toutes nos Provinces ; Pour élever en mille lieux Des Palais dignes de nos Princes ? Ignores-tu que les deftins, Apres quelques fâcheux matins, Vont borner le cours de ta vie ? Desja tes plus beaux jours ont efleint leur flambeau. Penfe donc à la Mon. "ton âge t'y convie ; Et fi tu veux bafiir, va baflir un Tombeau. Ambitious Dotârd, why doft thoù Each Province rob, vainly to raife Such Palaces in every Place, As Princes would become, hot you ? Doft thou not know alas ! that Fate Has to thy Life prefix'd a Date ? Thy pleafant Youth and Manhood's pafL, And few Days more will bring thy laft ; Thy Age reminds thee, and thy Glafs is fpent ; If thou wilt build, ereâ thy Monument. I9<5 The DoElrine of Morality ; or, The Explanation of the Thirty-fixth Pi&ure. Il n'y a point de Prévoyance contre la Mort. * l'hère is no Precaution ca?i he ufed to prevent Death. 1 ICT des Hommes qui véritablement pen- fent à la Mort. Mais cela n'empefche ■ fas, que ce ne foient des fous d'une efpece différente des precedents. Comme ce ba- ftiffeur du dernier "tableau, ils croyent que la Mort eft ajfez, complaisante pour ne les pas fâcher, ou affez. difcrete pour ne pas venir ou elîe n'eft pas ap- pellee. L'un n of e penfer à la guerre, pour ce. qu'il croit que c' eft là principalement, 'où, là Mort ne eonfidere n'y le mérite, n'y l'âge. L'autre fe perfuade, que celuy-là eft bien infenfé, qui fe hasarde fur la mer, qui fe fie à la plus infideUe de toutes les chofes ; & qui vit en lieu où il n'eft ftpare delà Mort que par l'epaiffeur d'une ais. Le troifieme, qui cent fois a ouy dire que le vent de l'Automne, & l'Inçonftance de cette Saifon, font autant de Miniftres dont la Mort fe fert pour dé- peupler le Monde,' fe tient clos & couvert dans fa cham- bre. H y entretient par artifice, ce qu'il y a de plus fain dans la Saifon la plus réglée; & fe retranche contre la Mort partout les Aphorifmes de la Médecine. Mais ces robbes fourrées, ces caUottes à longues oreilles, & toute fa Philofophie Galenique, ne retarderont pas d'un jour la prife de cette place, qu'il croit fi bien def- fendre. La Mort trouve paffage au travers de fes dou- bles chaffs, de fes paravents, & de fes fauf es portes i & le tuë aujft bien que ceux qui font tous les jours.ex- pofez, aux perils, de la Mer, ou de la Guerre. as 1ERE are Men that really think of Death j yet that does not hinder them from being Fools, like the Builder in the laft Piâure. They believe Death is to be kept off, and is not fo ill-bred to come uncalled for. The one will not think of going into the Field, becaufe there he imagines Death is raoft bufy, and refpeâs neither Merit or Age. Another is perfuaded, that he is void of Senfe, who trulls himfelf on the Seas, the moll faithlefs of all Elements, who lives in a Place where he is fecured from Death by nothing but a (lender Plank. A third, who has been often told, That the Winds in Autumn, and the incon- ftant unfettled Weather of , that Seafon, are fo many Miniflers Death makes ufe of, to depopulate the World, keeps himfelf clofe wrapped up in his Chamber, ufes nothing but what is certainly known to be moll wholefbme, lives by Rule, and fortifies himfelf againft Death by all the Medi- cines Art can furnifh, to prevent Infection. But all his furr'd Gowns, and Power of Phyfick, re- tard not one Day the ftorming of that Place, he thought to befo well s provided. Death finds a Paffage through his doublé Cafe, his Skreéns and Doors, and kills him as eafily as thofe who' are ex- pofed to the Perils of the Seas, or Dangers of the War. " ^Èy^^âyÊs^f^^f^^^^^^ÊiÊ.^^^iii .4&&&&&&ife#y&&iM&& ôd"& Hor.lib.2. Fruftra cruento Marte carebimus, FraElifque rauci flutlibus Adria, Fruftra per autumnos nocentem Corporibus metuemus Auftrum. -Neqv.e uUa eft Hor.lib.2. Sat. 6. Aut magno aut parvo lethifuga. Hor.lib.3. Ode 2. Seneca in Epift. Mors & fugacem perfequitur virum, Nee parch imbellis juventa Poplitibus, timidoque tergo. 'Yis but in vaip that we the Wars do fhun, And fear to follow Mars, or Dangers run, Refufe the Adriatick Seas to fail, Which with a horrid Noife does foaming beat Againft the Rocks ; in vain the Mid-day Heat Of Autumn dread, and to cold Shades retreat, When fickly South Winds blow,and Plagues prevail. There is no Perfon, fmall or great, But what muft die, and yield to Fate. Death, him that bafely flies, enrag'd, purfues, And to the Coward Quarter does refufe, And furely does o'ertake The Youth that turns his back. Inmtum eft, quo te loco mors expeBat ; itaque tu It is uncertain where, and when we fhall die ; let illam omni loco expeEia. ™ therefore expeS Death at .11 times and in all places. A View of Human Life. Ne tante jamais la Fortune, Vy bien loin den Perils de Mars & de Nef tune : Fuy le ferain des nuits ; & les chaleurs du jour. Tout ce foin t'efi fort inutille. Paris, qui fut un lâche, & ne fit que l'Amour, Eft mort aufji jeune qu'Achille. Tempt not thy Fortuné on thé Seas ; and fat Froni noify Camps and dreadful War retreat s Avoid the Mid-night Air and Noon-day's Heat, In vain, alas ! my Friend, is all your Care. Paris, who love purfu'd, and Mars did fly, Young as the brave Achilles chanc'd to di«v Eee The DoBrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Thiny-fèvènth Pi&ure. La Mort nous despouille de toutes chofes. T>eatb deprive? us of all earthly thi?igs: \A Mort commence à combattre ; & par confe- quent à vaincre. Nous fommes arrivez, à l' accompli]} ement des Prophéties : l'heure fa- tale eft f année. Il faut partir, & aller au lieu, où unejuftice incorruptible rend à chacun felon fes oeuvres. Le galand Homme quevousvoyez, dans ceT'ableau, n'avait jamais médité cette matière. Auffi n'a-til dans l'ame que la ^terreur de fa fin; & devant les yeux, que l'ObjeBs des pertes qu'il va faire. B a de belles mai- fons, une belle Femme, & de beaux Enfans, & vou- drait bien jouir pflufieurs fiecles, des douceurs qu'il trouve en leur pojfejfion. Cependant, lors qu'il y penfe le moins, il fe voit contraint d'abandonner tant de diffé- rentes ricbejfes. Il faut qu'il quitte fes maifons en- chantées, où la Pompe des meubles difpute avec les de- lices des promenoirs. Il regarde avec defefpoir, ces lon- gues alites d'Hypreaux, & ces couverts de Gyprez, & de Phileries, fous lefquvls il fe promettait de trouver d'agréables Hyvers au milieu des Eftes les plus brû- lants ; de confondre l'Obfurité des nuits avec la Lumière des fours, & dans la Rigueur de l'H)ver trouver la Verdure dis plus beaux Printemps. C'eft bien vaine- ment qu'il témoigne le Regret qu'il a de les abandonner. Il a reçeu le Commandement de les laijfer à fes Succejfeurs; H eft obligé de l'exécuter, & . de s'arracher d'entre les bras d'une Femme qui n'eft pijfible-' pas trop fafchêe de pajjer en ceux d'un plus jeune que luy. Les V Armes quelles répand, vous font infailliblement accufer de Ca- lomnie, la Liberté de mes foubçons. Mai: ne foyez, pas fi fort indulgeant aux artifices^ d'un fixe naturellement trompeur. Apres ce que nous avons vu de la Matrone d'Ephefe, il ne nous eft plus permis de croire aux pleurs, aux gemijfemens, n'y aux careffes même des Femmes. EAT H is fet forward to the Field of Bat- tel, and is fure to go off Conqueror. Wé are now arrived at the Accompli filment of what has been fo long foretold; the fatal Hour is^come, the Clock ftrikes, and we muft part, and go to the deftin'd Place, where an incorruptible Judge will render to every Man according to his Works- The gay pleafant Man you fee in this Pi&ure, never thought of this Change : his Soul is filled with Fear, and nothing appears fo dread- ful to his fightj'as the Prcfped of what he is going to part" with. He has fine Houfes, a beautiful Wife, and lovely Children, and would fain enjoy many Years the Pleafures that he finds in poffeff- ing them. Yet now, when he thinks leaft of it, he is conftrain'd to abandon all thefe Treafures. ' He muft leave his enchanting Seats, where the Magnificence of the Furniture can only be equall'd by the Beauty of the Buildings and Gardens. He- looks with defpair on the long Rows of Pines, the Cyprefs Groves, and clofe Walks, where he pro- mifed himfelf a cool Shade, amidft the burning Heats of Summer, where he might, in fome de- gree, fhut out the Light of Day, and tafte thé Pleafures of an . artificial' Night ; and preferve in the Rigours of the coldeft Winter, Trees whofe Verdure might rival the Spring. But 'tis in vain he now reflects, and then laments. He is com- manded to depart, and leave all to his Heirs, fince he muft be torn from the Arms of a beloved Wife* who perhaps is fo little concerned to part with him, that fhe will gladly receive a younger into his Bed. The Tears file fheds will doubtlefs make you con- demn my Sufpicions, and think they are pure Ca- lumnies. But, after what we have heard j of thé Ephefian Matron, we can no more credit theTears* the Sighs, or indeed the Careffes of a Woman. §skk Hor.lib.:. Ode 14. Ovid. 3. Amor. el. 8. Senec. Epift. 16. Linquenda teïïus, & domus, & placens Uxor, ' neque harum, quas colis, arborum, "Te prater invifas cuprejfos, Vila brevem dominum fequetur. Abfumet hares Cacuba dignior, Servata centum claudibus : & mero c /inget pavimentum fuperbo, Pontificum potiore coenis. Scilicet omne facrum mors importuna profanât, Omnibus obfeuras injicit ilia manus. Sapiens ad omnem incurfum munitus eft, non fi pau- pertas, non ft lutlus, non fi ignominia, nonfi mors impetum faciat, pedem referet. Interritus contra iSa ibit & inter ilia. You muft at laft your native Country quit, And from your Houfe and Wife remove' The darling ObjecT: of your Love ; The hated Cyprefs only will be fit, Of all the Trees thy Hand did plant, to go With thee, its fhort-live'd Lord, thy Grave to fhow. Thy lavilh Heir, more free than you to fhow His generous Mind, the Wines fo rare That you lock up with fo much Care, Shall moft profufely fpend ; the Chambers flow With coftly Wines, fuch as deferve at leaft, Ne'er to be drank, but at a Bifhop's Feaft- Things the moft facred, Death don't fpare, All that falls in his hands, alike does fare. A wife Man is arm'd for all Attacks; fhould Po- verty, Difgrace, or extreme Grief, nay, even Death itfelf aflail him, he would not ftart ; but, void of Fear, not only oppofe, but pafs through them all. A View of Human Life. AymaUlefolitudevù j'ay l'âme ravie, Et goufte le bon-heur que les deux m'ont prtmis. Livres qui mttfijJeiL les plaifirs de ma vie ; Et vous rare beauté que j'ay toujours fervie. Malgré deux puijfants ennemis. Un jour viendra que la Mort blefme, M arrachant moy-même a moy-même, M'arrachera du«eut vos objects amoureux; Je pajferay dans l'ombre éternellement noire ; Et perdant la mémoire, Je perdray malgré moy, l'amour que j'ay pour eux. Sweet Solitude, which to my ravifh'd Mind A Tafta of Heaven gives, and Joys refin'd ; Books, bleft Companions of my leifure Hours, 1 And you, fweet Beauty ,whom the mighty Powers' Have granted .me, in whom I'm highly bîèfs'd j Though I'm of you, and all I wifh, pofleft : Yet there fhall come a fad and fatal Day, When from your Arms I fhall be torn away ; When Death your lovely Image fhall deface, And drag me weeping to that dreadful Place, Where gloomy Nighfcj and endlefs Darknefs reign 3 Tj There Love no riiore fhall give me pleafing Pain, > Nor fhall I ever think of you again. j zoo The Doftrine of MORALITY; or 3 The Explanation of thé Thirty : Èighth Picture. fcent. Tieath makes all Men Equals. ]ERHAPS he whom Death /uft now fnatched from the Arms of . his Wife, had been better treated* could he have produced a long Roll of the Nobility of his Anceftors* with great Titles, and prov'd him- felf a Perfon of Quality by De- . N°> not j n tne ] ea ft . f or w herever Death lets his Foot, he is alike audacious, powerful, and relolute. H e jnfolently takes away the Lives of the Miferablg, infults the Humble, ufes Force a- gainft the F ee bi e , and with the fame Arms attacks qui d'un coup de pied enforce la Porte d'une haute Tour, tne Happy, t h e Haughty, and the Strong. Behold dans laquelle un Roy s'eftoit renfermé pour éviter fes at- how he h erS) w j t h one Foot, breaks open the teintes. Mais cette impittyalle contemptrice des Cou-' Door of a ftrong Tower, into which a Monarch ronnes, commande outrageusement à^ ce Prince: de de- is fled, to avoid him. This inexorable Contem- fcendre ;'& pour ce qu'il n'a pas aJfez.toft obey, elle le ner of Dignities, enraged, commands this Prince Précipite du haut de la Tour en bas, afin que par cette to come down to him,which he not doing fo quick La MofÉ nous égale tous. EUT être que celuy que la Mort vi- ent d'arracher d'entre les bas de fa Femme, aurait eflre mieux traittê, s'il eut pu produire contre fes Violen- ces, les vieux Titres de fa Noblejfe, tu les Marques de fa Dignité. Nulle- ment ,• par tout . où paroifi la Mort, elle éfi également audaciev.fe, également puijfante, égale- ment abfolu'è. Si elle cfle infotainment la vie aux mife- rables. Si elle a de l'orgueil contres les Humbles, & de la Force contre les Foibles, elle attaque avec les mêmes Armes, les heureux, les fuperbes, les forts. Lavoicy, cheute, elle l'égale au pauvre Savetier, qui tenait fa , boutique au pied de fes murailles. Je voy fur vos vi- fages, des figues de vôtre etonnement-, & me pejfuade- que vous voudriez, lien ne pas continuer votre prome- nade. Mais il vous faut de benne heure acceuflumer à une chefe, que tôt ou tard vous efies obligez, de foujjrir. Ceux qui nouniffent les Lions, & qui vivent avec eux, les apprivoifent par leur communication.. H en fera de même de la Mort. Si nous nous pouvons familiarifer as he expe&ed, he immediately throws him down from the top of the Tower, and lays him level in the Duft, with the poor Shoemaker, whom he had before juft flain, and left prof- ftrate in his Shop, at the foot of the Tower- Wall. Methinks I fee in your Faces Signs of Aftonifh- ment, and your Looks perfuade me, that you would willingly go no farther in this melancholy Walk. But, my dear Companions, it is abfolute- avec elle; & par l'accoufiumance,nous défaire de l'hor- ly neceflary for us to become well acquainted with, reur que fa deformité nous donne,nous mus la rendrons fi and early accuftom ourfelves to fee a thing that agréable quelle nous fera conçevoirun jufiemepris de lavie. we muft e'er long fuffer. Thofe that feed Lions, and live in the fight of them, make them tame to them, by their frequently feeing and handling them. We may do the fame by Death ,• Cuftotn will leflen the Averfion we have to the Sight of him, and render his terrible Looks agreeable to our Eyes ; nay, we fhall in fine grow fo fenfible of the Excellency of that Change that he will make in us, that we fhall court the Hour, embrace him with Joy, and defpife Life. "âr'ê* Hor.lib.i. Pallida mors aquo pulfat pede pauperum tabemas Ode 4. Regumque turres. Hor.lib.2. Ode 18. aqua tellus Pauperi recluditur Regumque pueris : nee fatelles Ocri Calidum Promethea Revexit auro captus. Hie fuperbum Tantalum atque Tantali Genus coercet : hie levare funBum Pauperem laboribus, Vocatus atque non vocatus audit. With equal Foot impartial Death does dare To knock at every Gate, nor will he fpare The wretched Cottage, or the Palace rare. The Earth does equally afford to all The Dead a Place of Reft ; both Great and Small Her gentle Bofom opens to receive, Nor to a Prince's Bones refpeâ: does give ; Charon ne'er could be bribe'd with fhining Ore, To fet Prometheus on the living Shore. Proud Tantalus, and all his mighty Race, Tho Kings, he there confines in that fad Place ; Whether we wifh for him or no, he's near, And ready to affift the Poor ; does hear Their Cries, and gladly comes to fet them free From Want, and waft them to Felicity. A View of Human Life 201 "Toy de qui la tefte fe couvre, De ce brillant Metail qui fait fuiwe les Rois ; Ne croy pas que la Mort t'exempte de fes loix. Elle frappe aujjifort à la porte du Louvre, Qu'a celle du moindre Bourgeois. Monarch, whofe facrëd Head does lhine With the bright Metal we adore, Which Kings are ferv'd and courted for; Think not thy Wealth, or Race divine, Exempts thee from the common Fate ; Death knocks as boldly at the Palace Gate; As at the humble Cottage of the Poor. Fff 202, The Doffrine of MORALITY; or, The Explanation of the Thirty-ninth Pi&ure. Rien de fi certain que la Mort. \ES Stoi'ques, qui fe plaifent à confiderer la Mort feus toutes fortes de vifages, afin que de quelque façon qu'elfe fe pefente à eux, ils pwjfertt la 'voir fans e'tcnnemerit, ont obligl notre Peintre, de nous la mon-, fîrer fous la figure effnyable que vous -voyez,. Elle efi occupée à difiribuer .les billets,, qui fervent de pajfeport aux âmes qui font détachées de leurs corps, pour entrer Nothing is fo certain as7)e,:-b. HE Stoicks, who much delighted in the Contemplation of Death, in all its Shapes, with defign to prevent their being furpriz'd at any Shape he fhould appear in, to arm us after the fame obliged our Painter to fet him before us in the ghafily Form you fee : He feems bufy in diftributing Tickets, which are a kind of Pailports to the Souls of thofe that are difengaged from. manner. dans les lieux que la Providence divine leur a deftines. Chaque ame reçoit fon pajfe-port ; & fefaifant unpaf- their Bodies, toget them an entrance intp that Place fage au travers des epa'.ffts ténèbres qui l'environne,' of Reft which the divine Wifdom has deftin'd lor gaigne ce pénible Ù deplorable chemin, où l'aveugle marche aujfi droit que lis plus clairs-voyants. Mais à dire la Veriti, ces Imaginations melamhohques & ces fpeElades hvdeux, dont les Peintres A-jfayent d'effrayer nos âmes, & leur, faire concevoir de F 'horreur povr- la them : Each Soul takes one, and making its way 'through the thick Darknefs that fills all the Place, gets into that painful Road, where the Blind and the Ciear-fighted know no difference, and People of all Ranks pafs undi'flinguilh'd, crowding on Mort, ne font, capables de-furprendre que des Enfans ' to crofs the fatal River, whilft Charon {lands ready & des Femmes, lin Homme Sage fie rit de fies mafques & de ces habits de lalet, d-'ni la Peinture couvre la Mort, & luy. donna^i'ttfapenfie, la veritable figure quelle doit avoir, {à confidere 'de la m*me. forte qu'il regarde fon origine. Il voit . qu'il a commencé ; il con- ta receive them in his Boat. Thefe melancholy Fancies and tiifmal Reprefentations:of Death, our Painter fhows, to fortify our Minds againft the Fear of it. Women or Ghildreu may ftart, but the wife Man will fmile, to fee Death thus drefled niofi qu'il doit finir. Ilfçait même, qu'il commença de . out in-Mafquerade, by the Painter's witty Imagi- mourir a I'inftajit même qu'il commença de vivre. Vous avez,les mêmes femimens, pour ce que voUshivez, le même efprit. Achevez,donc de voir ave cplaifir les autres portraits delaMort; &par eux devousdifipofer à fouffrirl 'Original. nation. He- views it with other Eyes than the Vulgar ; he finds it in his own Likenéfs and Per- fon, knows that he had a beginning, and mult have an end ; nay, that he but, began to die* when he -began to live ; and looks on this Skeleton and Ghofts without Amazement or Horror. Ycu cannot but agree, that his Sentiments are right. Let us then proceed to fee with 'pleafure the remaining Pictures on this SubjecT:, and, by contemplating them, learn to fubmit to the Original itfeif. . ■ ' Hor.lib.2. Ode 3. Divefne prifco natus ab Inacho, Nil interefl, an pauper, & infima De gente fub dio moreris, ViElima nil miferantis Orel. • Omnes eodem cogimur .-' omnium Verfatur urna : feriùs ocyùs Sors exitura, & nos in aternum Exilium impofitura cymba. Hor.lib.3. Ode 1. Efi, ut viro vir latiùs erdinet Arbufta fulcis : hie generofior Defcendat in campum petitor : Moribus hie, meliorque fama Contendat : illi turba clientium Sit major. JEqua lege neceffitas Sortitur infignes & imos y Omne capax movet urna nomen. For whether fpfung from Royal Blood, Or from the meaneftof the Crowd, 'Tis all aCafe, - for nought can fave ; The Hand of Fate does ftrike at all, - And thou art furely doam'd to fall A Sacrifice to the impartial Grave. Our Lots are eaft, Fate fhakes the Urn, And each Man's Lot muft take his turn ; Some foon leap out, and fome more late : But (till 'tis fure each Mortal's Lot Will doom his Soul to Charon's Boat, To bear the eternal Banifhment of Fate. One Man does larger Fields poffefs, One ftands more fair for Offices, The drudging Darling of the Croud ; Whilft one his Manners, or nis Friends,. Or his obfequious Train commands, And one in Fame is greater, or in Blood ; Yet equal Death does ftrike at all, The Haughty Great, and Humole Small, She ftnkes with an impartial Hand, Sae fhakes the vaft capacious Urn, And each Man's Lot muft take its turn, Through every Glafs ftie prefles equal Sand. Creech. A View of Human Life. zoj "Toutes les fois qu'il flaift au fort, De nos jours incertains la Courfe eft achevée. Qu 'eft devenu Louis ? Il eft aufft bien mort, Que Pharamond & Meroiiée. Whene'er Fate pleafe, we Mortals die 5 What of Great Lewis is become ? He's dead, and in the filent Tomb As well as Pharamond does. lie. 2.04 The Doff rim of MORALITY ; or, The Explanation of the Fortieth Plate. Le Chemin de h Mort eft commun a tous. 'the. Road to Heath is contmon to all Men. %OSJRE fç avant Deffignateur femble voulir ipuifer toute fon Art, & toute fen Imagination fur la matière de la Mort, tant il fe plaifi à la reprefenter fous diver f es Piftures. Son Po'éie luy a donné la Penf e de ce Puff age fatal, qui fait peur aux plus gram courages, & où les Rois étant obligez, de perdre les droits de leur fouverainneté, défendent jufqu'a à la Condition du moindre de leurs fujets'. Ce luy que vous voyez, entrer dans Barque de Caron, & payer triftement les arrérages de fa mortalité ; efl fuivy d'un nombre infiny d autre? mortels, Riches & Pauvres, Vieux & Jeunes, Dotles & Ignorants, qui par divers chemins fe font rendus à ce rivage ténébreux,, où toutes les Conditions deviennent égales, & toutes les Connoijfances pareilles. Lus, y faroift axtjfi pompeux & auffi riche, que le Fameux Roy de Lydie. Alexandre & Darius, y font également viBorieux, & n'ayant plus de terres &. de mers à par- tager, fe rient réciproquement de leurs Conquefles & de leurs Pertes. Ferdinand & Gv.fiave s'y promeinent en paix, & s'efiant defpoiiilles des fentimens qui les ont fait périr dans leurs querelles, ils voudraient bien re- paffer du cofié de la vie, ou du moins pouvoir apprendre à leurs Succejfeurs, que de toutes les Folies, il n'y en a pas une fi eftrange, que de courir au travers des Fers & des Feux, à la PoffeJJtvn d'une chofe qu'on eft con- traint d'abandonner, avant même qw de l'avoir fof- fedée. UR learned Painter feems as if he would even exert all his Art and Imagination upon this one Subject of Death ; nay, fo pleâfed he is, that he invents more Forms to fhow it in. His poetick Fancy has fur- nifh'd him with this Idea of thac dreadful Paflage to Immortality, that càufes Fear in the braveft Heart, where Kings are bereft of Power, and made equal in Condition with the leaft of their Subjects. For a witnefs of this, obferve him that you fee entering into Charon's Boat^ fad- ly paying his Fare to the dark Shades, attended with an innumerable Crowd of other Mortals, Rich and Poor, Old and Young, Learned and Ignorant, of all Ages and Conditions, who, by divers Paths, are arrived at this gloomy Lake, where all Condi- tions become alike, and Learning avails not. Here Irus appears as glorious as the famed King of Lydia. Alexander and Darius are equally Victors, and having no more Lands nor. Crowns to fight for, laugh together at their own Folly, and no longer glory in their Gonquefts, or bewail their Loffes. The Great Ferdinand and Gufiavus walk together in peace, freed from thofe Paffions that caufed them both to perifh in a fatal Quarrel. They wifh. to return to life again, to inform their Succeffors, that, of all Follies, there is no one great- er or more unaccountable, than for Men to ftrive with Fire and Sword, to poffefs thofe things which they are certain they cannot always keep ; nay, which perhaps they may be forced by Death to abandon, even before they have time once to fay, they pofleffed them. &&&&&iu&&&^&gL&&&^&&ife&^&&&^&&^*^&^^^^ Hor.lib.2. Charontis unda fcilicet omnibus Ode 14. ^-> . r • T Qutcunque terra munere vejamur, Enaviganda, five Reges, Sive inopes erimus coloni. Ovid. p a ta moment omnes, omnes expetlat avarus Portitor, & turba vix fatis una ratis. Tendimns hue omnes, metam proper amus ad unam . Omnia fub leges mors vocat atra fuau Environ'd with the fatal Stream, which we Muft all pafs o'er y the dreadful Lake, Where Fate does no Diftinction make : To thefe dark Realms all Mortals deftin'd be, The Rich, thePoor, the Kings and Slaves fhall there Be us'd alike, Death does no Mortal fpare. Remorfelefs Death grants no delay, The greedy Boat attends, To ferry crowding Souls away, AH fubjeft to Death's fatal Sway, We haften to our Ends. A View of Human Life. 2.0Ç Naijfons ou Bergers ou Monarques, Quand le fort à marqué nôtre dernier moment} Nous tombons indifféremment. Sous la main Janglante des Parques. Nous defçendons aux triftes bords Où commande un nocher Avare ; Et payons le tribuit barbare, Que Pluton exige des morts. Ggg For whether born of Swains, or Kingly Race, Yet, when our Death's decreed, 'tis all a Cafe ; And we, alas ! fhall, undiftinguifh'd, fall Before that bloody Hand, that conquers all : Down to the difmal River we mufi come, Where furly Charon does our Souls command, Taking the Tribute from each trembling Hands Which Pluto claims from all that fill the Tomb, zo6 The Bottrine of MORALITY; of, The Explanation of the Forty-firft Pi&ure. La Mort eft inexorable. Death is inexorable. E commence à me laffermoy-même de ce grand nombre de tableaux, qui ne re- prefentent qu'une même chofe. Notre Peintre toutefois né les a pas faits fans raifon ; & je meiperfuade, que f ca- chant l'Horreur que nous avons du fouvenir de la Mort, il a crû qu'il ne pouvait trop de fois, nous renouveler cette importante vé- rité, qu'il n'y a perfonne exempt de la NeceJJité de mourir. Voyez, vous cet Homme étendit mort fur fon lit, qui ne demande que le cercueil, fi la Pieté, l'Eloquence & la Nobkjfe pouvaient délivrer quelqu'un de lu Ty- rannie de la Mort, il feroit encore dans cette grandeur eclattante, avec laquelle il voulait ébloiiyer les yeux de tout le Monde. Mais f oyons Eloquents ou Barbares ; foyons Empereurs où Bergers ; foyons Jeunes ou Viex, il faut que nous rendions à la Nature ce qu'elle nous a prefié. Il faut retournir d'où nous femmes venus. Il faut abandonner les biens, dont nous avons efté d'une façon ou d'autre, mavais depofitaïres. Il faut fe dé- pouiller de la pourpre, defçetMere de deffus les Fleurs de Lis, devenir Soliciteurs timides, après avoir efté Juger fouverains, & peut-être Juges corrumpus ; & pour comble de douleur, remplir les Tombeaux qui nous atten- dent. S'il fe rencontre quelque difference en nos avan- tures, elle confifte toute en quelque peu de marbre & de bronze, que la Vanité de nos Succeffeurs font mettre en oeuvre, pour publier plus pompeufement l'Infirmité de la Condition des Hommes. BEGIN to be almoft 'tired my- felf, with feeing fo many Pictures creating on one Subjëcl. Out Painter is not ufed to do things, without giving Reafons for fo do- ing : knowing the Horror we are apt to conceive at the thoughts of Death, he has doubtlefs concluded, That he could not too often repeat to Us this important Truth, That all Men muft die. See here, dead, and extended on his Bed, unable to ufe any thing but a Coffin and Shroud, a Man, who, if Elo- quence, or a noble Birth could deliver any one from the Tyranny of Death, had been ftill alive, and fhone in that illuftrious Sphere of; Glory in which Fate had placed him ; and 'ftill fill'd that Throne, where he once fat the Wonder and Terror of Nations. But alas ! it matters not whether we are Eloquent or Illiterate, Kings or Shepherds, Beautiful, or Deformed, we mùft all pay the Debt of Nature, and return to Duft. Wê muft abandon all we poffeffed, and give an ac- count of our Stewardship. We muft be ftripped of our Purple and Gold ; from the fhining Throne and Canopy of State, we muft defcend into the gloomy Vaults, and mix with common Duft. From Sovereigns, we fhall become Suppliants to Death to fpare us, we fhall carry nothing with us but our Works, and leave the Joys of Life for a cold Tomb, that waits our coming. Nor can we be diftinguiflied from the Crowd, but by fome Brafs or Marble Monument, which the Love, or Va- nity of our Succeffors fhall eretft, to publifh to the World, that Man is mortal, and. muft die. ^^^^<^^^«^5^^^4^^^^^<^<^«^*^^-'^«^^^ , ^ , ^^»«^'^ J !^«^.<^^^^l Hor.Hb.4. Ode 7. Catull. in Epigr. Virg. 10 Eneid. Cumfemel occideris, & de te fplendida Minos Fecerit arbitria J Non, Torquate, genus, non te facundia, non te Reftituet pietas. CunEla manus avidas fugient haredis, amico Qua dederis animo. Infernis neque enim tenebris Diana pudicum Libérât Hyppolitum. Soles occidere & redire pojfunt : Nobis cum femel occidit brevis lux, Nox eft perpétua una dormienda. Define fata Deum fieSli fperare precando. Statfua cuique dies ; breve & trreparabile tempus Omnibus eft vita. When once relentlefs Fate does end Your Life, Torquatus, my dear Friend, And Minos has your Sentence read, Not all your Eloquence, or Piety, Nor noble Birth fhall fet you free From Death, and raifë you from the Dead» Have we not feen even Diana ftrive Her chafte Hyppolitus for to revive ? But all in vain. Suns that fet may rife again ; But when once we lofe this Light, 'Twill be with us eternal Night. In vain the cruel Gods you pray, Your End's decreed, Time flies away, Life's fhort, and we on Earth can't ftay. A View of Human Life. «07 Ce fameux Orateur dont le puijfant difcouri Ufurpa fans effort l'Empire de la Grèce ; Manqua d'Eloquence & d'AdreJfe, Quand la Mort vint trancher le Filet de fes jours. Cent Rois pleins de cœur & de gloire , Ont perdu la Clarté des deux ; Et le dévot Louis qui fut fi cher aux Dieux, Ne vit plus qu'en notre mémoire. This famous Ôrator, whofe àrtful Tongue The Grecian Empire gain'd, could not prolong His Life one Day ; he's dead, and now no more Can ufe his Eloquence, or Life reftore. A hundred Kings, worthy eternal Fame, Are dead, the pious Le-mis is the fame ; He, who was Heaven's Darling, even he No longer lives, but in our Memory. :o8 The Dottrine of MORALltY ; or } - The Explanation of the Forty-Second Plate. L'Homme n'eft rien qu'une peu de Boue. Man is nothing but a little c DuJi. 1 l'Ôbfcurité de cette voûte effroyable vous' permet de remarquer ce qui y efl caché, vous n'y verrez, que les vaijfeaux funejles, oh font confervez, les rejles inutiles des Flames & du Têms. Lifez. les tiltres pompeux qui font gravez, en bronzée, au dejfus de ces Urnes d'Agate, de Lapis, ou de Crifial ; ils vous ap- prendront, que les plus grans Monarques de fiecles paf- fez, ne font plus qu'un peu. de terre. Ils cm eflj Cun- querants ; ils ont eflé Maiflres des Nations ; ils ont efié adorez, des Hommes. Cela veut dire, qu ils ne font plus n'y conquérants, n'y creints, n'y aymez,. .Voky dans fe petit vaiffeau de verre, les Cendres de la plus parfaite beauté de fon fiecle. Confîderez. lien en ce ra- courcy, toutes les Graces, toutes les Charmes, toutes les Merveilles pour qui vous foufpirez, ; & vous ferez, vainqueurs de vos vainqueurs. Vous aurez, honte de- vôtre fervitude ; vous romprez, les Chaifnes qui vous mettent ; puifque vous fçavez, bien que les Beautez, t dont vous eftes idolâtres, ne feront pas' exemptes du deftin de leurs femblables. Mais je voy bien que ce fejour vous déplaît ; & que vous nèfles pas refolus de demeurer long-tèms avec les Phantômes & les SpeBres qui l'habitent. Ce doit être toutefois le lieu de vos Meditations & de vos Retraittes. Ce doit être I't'coSe, où vous devez, apprendre ce qu'il y a déplus important en ce monde. Enfin, ce doit être le' Temple, où l'Au- theur de vôtre vie, veut que tous les 'Jours vous luy en facrifiez, quelques moments- 'F the dreadful Obfcurity of this Vault will permit you to fee what it con- tains, you will perceive only fome few fatal Urns, in which are ftill preferv'd the ufelefs Remains (all that thé Flames and Time have yet fpared) of illuftrious Men- Read the pompous Titles which are en- graven on thofe coftly Veflels of Agate, Stone, and Chryftal, and they will inform you, that the great- èft Monarchs of paft Ages were but common Earth, like us. Thofe who were Conquerors and Matters of the World, and oft adored as Gods by Men, confefs by thefe their worth!efs\Afhes, that they now are conquered, and no longer fear'd or lov'd. Behold in that fmall Chryftal" Urn, the Afhes of one of thé mofl perfect Beauties of her time! Confider in this, as in a Mirrour,what thofe Charms, that Beauty, and all thofe wondrous things are, for which you figh and languifh, and which you fo much admire, and then you'll be no longer Slaves to a Pailionfo unreafonable ; nay, you will even blufh at your own Weaknefs, break thofe Chains that hold you, and be convinced, that the Beauty which ycu thus adore, is not exempt from Death and Decay. But this melancholy Place, I fear, is not agreeable to you ; you are hot yet refolv'd to continue long with Ghofts, and Specters that inhabit here. Yet, believe me, Friends, this ought to be the Place where you fhould every day retire, to. meditate. This is thé School where you muft learn what is of the greateft Importance to you. In fine, this is the Temple where the Author of our Beings expefts that you fhould (at leaft once in the Day) facrifice fome Moments to him- & s g. & g, s, ç, ç. a & & * & * ■£ & •& * S> •$ * * * # « •» & *? 3? •£ ' 9> ■£• §> -5 # %> <& » <£ & & & & & Hor.lib.4. Ode 7. Damna quidem celeres réparant calejlia Luna : Nos ubi decidimus, Quo pius Apneas, quo Tullus dives, & Ancus, Pulvis & umbra fumus. Quis fcit, an adjiciant hodierna crafiina fumma Tempora Dî fuperi / Hor.lib.i. Vita fumma brevis fpem nos vetat inchoare longam, *" Jam te premet nox, fabulaque Manés, Et domtts exilis Plutmis. Pindar. Quid autem aliquis, quid autem nuRtif l Umbra fomnium, homo. The Moon her Light renews, and brings Returning Months, and pleafing Springs ; But when we die, we to the Shades muft go, Where Great Apneas, and Rich Tul'us are By Fate confin'd ; Fate that does nothing {pare, Eut makes us Duft, and Shades to dwell below. Ah ! who can tell how long we have to live, Or if the Gods another Day will give. The longeft Life is found fo fhort, that we No great Defigns can form, and hope to fee Brought to effect ; and you, e'er long, Muft to another World be gone ; The waiting Ghofts for you attend, To Pluto's Houfe you muft defcend. Lighter than flying Plumes, or Shades, or Air, Or Dreams, does Man's fhort Life appear. A View of Human Life. 209 Tombeaux de Jafpe & de Porphire, Ttltres d'Or, Vaz.es précieux, Ce que vous offrez, à nos yeux, Nous eft un grand fujet de rire. Ces Cefars & ces Alexandres, Qui font vos plus riches- trefors i Que font-ils qu'un refte des cendres, Que la Flame a fait de leurs corps ? Hhh You Monuments of Brafs and Porphyry, And you, rich Urns, whofe great Antiquity Golden Infcriptions tell, and who they were, Whofe Afhes you contain, which facred are : What you do to our curious Eyes prefent, The Subject ought to be of Merriment- Cafar and Alexander's Duft you keep ; Thefe are the only Treafures you contain, All that of thofe great Monarchs does remain, And it would Folly be for Duft to weep. 2IO The Dottrine of MORALITY ; or, The Explanation of the Forty-Third Picture. La Mort eft la Fin de toutes chofes. Heath is the End of all things. H] UISQUE la Mort eft la Borne de toutes chofes, il eft jufte qu'elle le fob de nos promenades & de nos en- tretiens. Arrettons-nous donc, fuis quelle nous arrette. Ceft elle qui bien plus juftement qu'Hercule, doit graver fur les Colomnes- qui font peintes dans ce Tableau, Qu ePersonne dépasse outre. Vous voyez, aufji que tout demeure-là. Ces Couronnes, ces Tiares, & ces autres marques depuif- fance font mel.es avec les Menottes & les Fouets, qui font le Partage des Efclaves ; & vous enfeignent ; queftant arrivez, à ce point, il fe fait un mélange & une égalité de toutes chofes. Les Qualitez. y font con- fondues. , Let dons de la Nature s y perdent avec ceux de la Fortune. Mais difons pour la Gloire de la Vertu, quelle s'eleve au dejfus de fes bornes fatales, & que comme elle tire fdn origine du Ciel, où la Mort na point d'Empire, elle triomphe aufft de cette infolente ViBo- rieufe, & luy apprend qu'il n'y a que la moindre Partie de l'Homme, qui foitfoufmife à fa tyrannie. INCE Death is the End of all things, it is fit that it fhould end our Walk and Converfation. Let us then ftop here, fince Death here flops us, and fets bounds to our farther Search, and we can be no longer ufeful to each other. He may, with far better reafon than Hercules, engrave upon the Pil- lars reprefented in this Picture, ThatnoPerfonprefume to paf s farther. Behold all things remain on this fide, Crowns and Tiaras, and all thofe other Marks of Power, are mixed with the Whips and Fetters, that are the Portion of Slaves ; to inform you, that being arrived here, all Diftin&ions ceafe ; that the Vulgar and theGreat fleep undiftinguifh- ed in the Duft. The Gifts of Nature are loft with thofe of Fortune ; and, to the Glory of Ver^- tue be it fpoken, that fhe alone has the Prehemi- nence. She foars above thefe fatal Bounds and Limits, and deriving her glorious Original from Heaven, where Death has no power, triumphs o- ver this infolent Viâor, and makes him confefs, that it is only the leaft valuable Part of Man, that is fubje&ed to his Power and Tyranny. Hor.lib.3. n bk omn j s moriar, multaque pars met Ode 30. 2 r. Vifabit Libitinam. _ Sit modus lajfo maris, & viarum, Militiaque. , ' Nil non mortale tenemus, PeSîoris excepts ingeniique bonis. Poft obitum benefaEla manent, aternaque virtus Non metuit, Stygiis ne rapiatur aquis. Poft labor es, artium ftudia, dignitates, opes, fequun- tur flagella, dolores, aliaque mala, vitam fuga- cem exercitantia ; fola Virtus manet fuperftes. All of me fhall not die, My better Part fhall be From Proferpint rfet free. Death ends the worn-out Soldiers Fears, • Gives reft to weary Travellers, And Shipwreck'd Sailors anxious Cares. When Death the fatal Summons gives, We nothing can immortal boaft, But Vertue, which for ever lives, Nor fears t 'approach the Stygian Coaft. Wealth, Arts, and Honours, all are vain, AH fubjed to decay, Short fleeting Life, purfu'd with Pain, And Sorrows, haftes away ; But Vertue only ftands fecure, And fhall (when Time's no more) endure. A View of Human Life. zii S'en eft fait : c £out eft confomm'e. Voicy l'achèvement des chofes. Mort il faut que tu te repofes, Et briz.es pour jamais ton dard envenimé. Mais S ! qu'en un moment ta fortune cft changk i Tu cedes à ton tour à ta fatalité, Et la Nature humaine heureufement vengée, S'eleve par ta Mort à l'Immmalitê. ^Tis finifh'd, all things to ah end are comé; Death, 'tis now time that you fhould find a Tomb: Break now thy poifon'd Dart^ and go to reft; Since all things yield, and have thy Power confeft, Behold the Moment's come, when even you To Fate fhâll yield, and Death a Death fliall knoWj And human Nature in thy Ruin be Rais'd up to Life and Immortality. * N Bt mi #,, V .;■&■**£ r : :'-j ■•■ ^?,^H , ^n. rw ^é ■olS & i 4 .^ •*^C? J v^a. £• / &***** ■"*& CnV ■;•« ^ *Jk-' it ^ ^^ -v %* - «5^ W^^ jjH$v ■:.r*s^^ ■>i * ', ■ JK"« ^ JT > £• ,.' V ... (: f -,M 1. VA( 3CH . Pinef, Br X Ossinfng,, idge Rood tyaw ,Yoi i. #™ '-'*« . -:■-,- ; ,;■. X ^ * '■;> ' ^. •■■ vK' J W gxjs 9? •■ %5* m II ?^*w^l »JS •£%«./ ■ : " . ^ m