Duke University Libraries Message of the Conf Pam #298 DTTD2S7flfl5 HOUSE OF REPRESENT*AfeTEB! May 31, 1864.— Referred to Committee of Ways and Means, and ordered to he printed. [By the Chair. MFSSAPxE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., May 30, 1864. To the Senate and Home of Representatives : I herewith transmit, for your consideration, communications from the proper officers, submitting estimates of the amounts required to carry out the provisions of the act, approved May 13, 1364, author- izing additional compensation to certain officers and employees in the civil and legislative departments of the Government. JEFFERSON DAVIS. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. C. S. A., Executive Department, HENT, ) Richmond, Va., May 30, 1864. \ His Excellency, The President : Sir : I have the honor to forward, for transmission to Congress, the following estimates of the additional sums required to pay the aala- ries of your private secretary and messenger, from May 16th to De- cember 31, 1864, inclusive, under the act approved May 13, 1864, authorizing additional compensation to certain civil employees of the Government : Additional sum required to pay the salaries of the President's pri- vate secretary and messenger, from May 16, to December 31, 1864 inclusive, $1,252 75 Very respectfully, your obedient servant, BURTON N. HARRISON, Disbursing Agent. HOUSE OV REPRESENTATIVES. House of Representatives, Clerk's Office, ) Richmond, May — , 1864. I Hon. C. G. Memminger, Secretary of the Treasury : Sir : I. have the honor to submit the following additional estimate for an appropriation required by the House of Representatives : Increased compensation of officers of the House of Representatives, authorized by the " act to continue in force, and amend the provis- ions of an act, approved January, 30, 1864, increasing the com- pensation of certain officers and employees in the> civil and legisla- tive departments, at Richmond," approved May 13, 1864, viz : From May 15, to June 30, 1864, $1,125 00 For six months, ending December 31, 1864, 5,700 00 Total, $6,825 00 Very respectfully, A. R. LAMAR, Glerk and Disbursing Officer, H. R. STATE DEPARTMENT. Department of State, Richmond, May 24, 1864. To the Pm.siDENT : ■ Sir : I have the honor herewith to transmit, in triplicate, estimate for an appropiation required by this Department to carry into eft'ect the act of Congress approved May 13, 1864, entitled " An act to continue in force, and amend the provisions of an act approved Jan- uary 311, 1864, increasing the compensation of certain officers and employees 4n the civil and legislative departments at Richmond. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, J. P. BENJAMIN, Secretary of State, ESTIMATE for an appropriation required by the Department of State, to carry into effect an act of Congress, approved May 13, 1864, entitled ^^An act to continue in force, and amend the provisions of an act ap- proved January 30, 18G4, increasing the compensation of certain oncers and employees in the civil and legislative departments at Richmond.''^ For chief clerk, three clerks and one messenger, $4,081 00 J. P. BENJAMIN"; Secretary of State. " ;4 > ^ T'^\ TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Treasury Department, C. S. A., ' Richmond, May 23, 1864. To the President : Sir : I have the honor to transmit herewith an estimate of the amount required for the increased compensation of the officers, clerks and employees of this Department under recent act of Congress ex- tending the increase of pay to certain officers and employees of the Executive Departments, from the 15th May to 31st. December 18U4, inclusive. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, <\ G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Treasury. ADDITIONAL APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE for the Treasury Department and Its several bureaus, in pursuance of recent act of Con- gress extending the increase of pay to certain officers and employees of the Executive Departments. Sec. from the i5fh May. 1864, to ]st January, 1865 ; For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury, Assistant Secre- tary, Comptroller, Auditors, Treasurer, and Register, and clerks, messengers, watchmen and Inbnrers in the Treasury Depart- meftt. ' ^ $605,702 15 Six hundred and five thousand seven hundred and two dollars and fifteen cents. Respectfully submitted, JOHN M. STROTHER. May 23, 1864. Disbursing Clerk, Treasury Department. To Hon. C. (t. Memmixger, SKcretary of Treasury. WAR DEPARTMENT. Confederatp States of America, ^ War Department^ \ Richmond, Va, May 18, 1864, S To THE President of the Confederate States : Sir : I haver the honor to transmit herewith an estimate of the amount required for the compensation of the officers, clerks and em- ployeea of this Department, under the act of Congress just approved, extending the increase of pay to certain officers and employees of the Executive Departments, from the 15th instant, to If^t of January, 1865. . • Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JAMES A. SEDDOK, '- Secretary of War. ADDITIONAL APPROXIMATE ESTIMATE for the War De- partnunt and its several bureaus, in pursuance of the act of Congress just passed, extending the increase of pay to certain officers and em- ployees of the Executive Departments, &fc.,from the \5th instant, to 1st January, 1865 ; For compensation of the Secretary of War, Assistant Secretary, chief of bureau, clerks, messengers, and other employees, $258,000 00 Respectfully submitted, ALFRED CHAPMAN, May 18, 1864. Disbursing Clerk, War Department. To the Hon. James A. Seddon, Secretary of War. POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Post-Office Department, ) Richmond, May 20, 1864. S To THE President : Sir : I have the honor to submit the following estimates of the suhis required for the increased compensation of the chiefs of bureaus, clerks, watchmen, messengers, and laborers of the Post-Office De- partment, from the 16th of May to 31st December, 1864, under "An act to continue in force and amend the provisions of an act approved January 30th, 1864, increasing the compensation of certain officers and employees in the civil and legislative departments at Richmond,'' approved 13th May, 1864, to wit: For three chiefs of bureaus, at $1,500 per annum. For one chief clerk, at $1,250 per annum, For one topographer, at $1,250 per annum, For three principal clerks, at $1,500 per annum, For one disbursing clerk, at $1,500 per annum, For forty-one clerks, at $1,500 per annum, For one watchman, at $750 per annum. For two messengers, at $750 per annum, For one messenger, at $600 per annum, For three laborers, at $2 25 der diem, For ten clerks in the branch of the Post-Office Depart- ment, west of the Mississippi, at $1,500 per annum. Making, s 2,818 68 782 96 783 96 2,818 68 939 56 38,521 96 469 78 939 56 375 82 1,552 50 9,395 60 % 59,398 06 The estimate for the increased pay of the clerks in the branch of the Post-Office Department west of the Mississippi river, is made pursuant to the provisions of the third section of the **Act to author- ize the appointment of an agent of the Post-Office Department, and such clerks as may be necessary to carry on the postal service west of the Mississippi river," approved FMiruary 10th, 1864, which pro- vides that their compensation shall not exceed that of the other clerks of a similar grade employed in the Post-Office Department ; the date of this act being subsequent to the 30th January 1864, the date of the act securing the incr«ased compensation to the clerks and others in this city, I have the honor to be, very respectfully. Your obedient servant, JOHN 11. REAGAN, Postmaster General. NAVY DEPARTMENNT. * ESTIMATE of the amount required for con}pensation of the clerics in the office of the Sectetary of the Navy, under ''Act to increase their pay,'' approved January SOth, 1864, from the iQth of May to the Slst of December, 1864, inclusive. For compensation of the Secretary of the Navy, clerks and messen- ger in his office, eight thousand six hundred and twenty-one dol- lars and three cents, $8,621 03 This estimates was submitted to Congress with the estimates of the. Navy Department at the beginning of the present session. • S. R. MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy. Navy Department, May 30, 1864. pH8.5