fo/rru Ji noo *m special uraers, Conf Pam 12mo #773 ^•=1^0553750 Adjutant and Inspector Gknrrai.'s Office, | Ric/imond, March 'lltfi, J 865. \ SPECIAL ORDERS, No. 72. [EXTRACT.] I. The followinsf schedules of prices for articles named therein, adoped by commissioners appointed pursuant to law, for the State of Yirtrinia, are puljli«^hed for the information of all concerned : and the special attention of officers and agents of the ^ovcrnmont is directed thereto. Richmond, Va., March 22, 1865. Hon. John C. Brckienridge : Sir : — As Cono^ress has repealed portions of former impress ment laws relating to Schedules of Prices, and conQned their operation to the productions of thof-e "detailed or exempted" l)y the government, we have thought it advisable to cite the late acts of Congress on llie subject, for the information of tiie public and as a guide to all impressment officers. Therefore, we invite particular attention to the annexed extracts from recent acts of Congress. As our schedules were designed for the State, the Commis- sioners endeavored, in arranging prices, to base them upon what appeared to be a fiiir averagk, tokinji all the markets of Virginia into considor.ntion. The varied and conflicting interests snvolved rendered the task imposed upon the Commis- sioners not only difiicult to accomplish, V)ut made it impossible for them to please all parties. Acting under laws of Congress, whatever may be our opinions as to their policy, we have and will endeavor fairly to observe them ,/ln Met io amend the Lmn in relotion to Impressments. The Congress of the Confederate States of Amerira do en- act, That it shall not be lawful to impress any sheep, milch cows, brood mares, stallions, jacks, bulls, breeding hogs, or other stock kept or necessary for raising sheep, hogs, horses, mules, or cattle. Src. 2. That the term " just conipnnHation " lor property impressed or taken for public use, whenever the same occurs in any of the acts relating to impressments, is hereby declared to mean the usual market price of such property at the time and place of impressment. Sec. 3*. That so much of the fifth section of the act to regu- late impressments, approved March twenty-sixth, eic^hteen hun- dred and sixty-three, as authorizes tlie Boards of Commis- sioners appointed by the President and governors of the re- spective States, to fix in advance upon the prices to be paid for property impressed or taken for public use, and to agree upon and publish schedules of prices for property so impressed, is hereby repealed; Providedjwwcver, That nothing herein con- tained sliall be construed as prohibiting said Commissioners from fixing upon and pul)li8hing schedules of prices to be paid by tho government or by the families of soldiers, to persons holding exemptions or details upon conditions which bind such persons to sell to the government or to the fatnilica of soldiers at prices fixed by said Commissioners. Sec. 4. That in all cases of appeals to tho Hoards of Com- missioners, appointed by tlic President and the governors of the respective States, from the appraisments of impressed pro- perty made by local appraisers, it shall l>c the duty of said Commissioners to hear the proofs adduced by the parties as to the usual market price of the property at the time and place of impressment, and to assess the same according to tlie testi- mony submitted in the particular case. On such appeals the Commissioners shall receive and consider sucli legal oral testi- mony as may be olTcred, and also afTidavits or depositions of conapetent witnesses, taken before and cortincd by any Jus- tice of the Peace or Judge or Clerk of any Court of llecord. Witnesses examined before such IJoard may be sworn by either of the Commissioners. Where the appeal is taken by the im- pressing officer, and the same is not brought to a hearing, and a final award in the case made by the ('ommissiouers within ninety days after the date of the original appraisment, such appeal shall be considered as abandoned, and sliall not be af- terwards heard; and the original appraisment shall be treated as final and conclusive. Approved March 18, 1865. A true copy : JAMES M. MATTHEWS, Law Clerk. An Act to amend An act entitled ^^An act to regulate impress- ments,^^ approved March twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, as amended by the act approved February sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do en- act, That the act entitled "An act to regulate impressments," approved March twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and sixty- three, as amended by the act approved February sixteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, be so amended that in all cases where property shall be impressed for the use of the army, it shall not be necessary to pay the price at the time of impressment, when the parties from whom such property is impressed glial 1 refuse to receive therefor certificates of indeb- tedness, issued un-icr authority of the act entitled "An act to reduce the currency and to authorize a new issue of notes and bonds," approved February l7th, 18G4-, but the same shall be paid as soon as practicable thereafter. Approved March 18, 1865. A true copy : JAMES M. MATTHEWS, Law Clerk. SCHEDUl.E A, ARTICLES. j i gUAI.ITV . ] DKSCRIPTIOS. 1 Wlilte or red. | gCANTITV. PAICB. 1 Wheat, Prime, Per bus. of tlo lbs., $ 25 00 'i Flonr, (!ood Fine, I'er bbl. of 1% " 128 00 " Superfine, _ ! .1 I. I. f. 125 00 " •' P.xt. S'prliHt , l'i6 00 »• " Family, H v€ li U 128 00 3 Corn, Prjrae, White or yellow. Per bus. of 56 '♦ 20 00 4 Corn in«al, ODiid, k Brown, " Pound, 5 00 4;> Molasses, t( New Orleans, " Gallon, 15 00 f)0 Rice, <» " Pound, 1 00 M Collee, >( Rio, "~ 4( U 10 00 m Tea, " Trade, C( 14 15 00 f(3 Vinegar, '< Manufactured, " Gallon, 2 00 .'\4 IMg Iron, '« No. 1 quality. " Ton, 400 00 .V) " '' " No. 2 " 41 44 364 00 r.r, " " »' No. ;5 " 4( <4 828 00 57 blooiu Iron, (( 4« 44 760 00 58 S.nlth'8 Iron, Ooo.l, Round plate. t bar " Per ton, 1,100 00 69 Kailioad Iron, S«irvietable, 44 44 450 00 tiO Leather, Good, Harn«88, *' Pound, 8 00 CI " " Sole, (1 44 7 00 63 " (( Upper, (( (( y 00 5 Schedule A.— (Continued.) AilTlC'LKS. QUALITY. G«od, DKSCRIPTION. QUANTITY. pnicE. 63 Beef cattle, Gross weight, " 100 lbs. $ r,0 00 64 " Superior, It Ik (. «. 60 00 65 " First rate. oz per yard, Per yard. 00 on Pro rata as to 71 Anny woolen cloth, greater or less, Width or weight, _ 72 Flannels, l^, '• 6 oz per yard, Per yard. 14 00 Ti Cotton shirting \, !'. 4>; y'ds to the lb 3"^ " " 2 50 3 00 76 " sheetings, 4-1^ '• 3 ■• 11 .i 3 50 76 " osnaburgs, ,*4, •• 6 cz jier yard, ;l 3 5(> 77 •' " ^, " S oz i)er yard. .. >i 3 SO 7S " tent cloths, 10 oz to the yard, 4. 4 00 71> On the above ciiu mcrated cotton cl 9ths, pro rata as to greater or less width or w'ght SI" Army shoes, Good, — Per pair, 25 00 ^1 Shoe thread. " " pouud, '' pair, 6 00 82 AVool socks, men's, " _ 6 CO b3 Corntop fodder. >' _^ baled, 8i Corntop fodder. !; — •• 100 lbs., 3 00 unbaled, i~~ 1 00 7 00 S6 AVheat chaff, baled, u 86 " '' unbrd, t. a 6 00 15 00 S7 tSorghum molasses, First quality, _ Per gallon, Per head, 8S Pasturage for sheep. Good, Interior, 1 00 89 do do Superior, do (4 <.l 1 25 90 do do First rate. do U l( 1 50 91 Apple Brandy, Good, Per gallon, Ih 00 92 Peach Brandy, " — 15 00 ScHEDUi.E }>.—Hire of Labor, Teams, Wagons and Drivers, IS Baliag- long forage Shelling and bagging coru, sftcka lurnished by (iovern- ment Hauling H auliD< grain Hire of two-horse team, wagon and driver, rations fur- nished by owner Hire »«f same, r:itionR lurnished hy the Government, Hire of four-horse team, wa;.'on and driver, rations fur nished by owner, Hire of same, rntioiis furni bed by the Government, Hire of six-horse team, wagou and driver, rations fur nished by own.r Hire of same, rations furniahfd by the Government, lliic of laborer, rations furnished by th<» owner Hire of same, rations furnished by the novernraent, Hire of simie, rations and cloihing furnished by owner,. Hire of same, rations fnrri«ht>d by the GoTernmeut,. . . Hire ol teHuu^ters, rations rurnished by Government,... Hire of laborer, clothiiu-: and rations fun, islied and taxes paid by (Government -- Hire of ox carts, team and driver, rations furnished by owner Hire of same, rations furnished by Government QWASTITT AND TIMK. PRICK. rer 100 pounds, $ 1 00 « 56 «' " cwt. per mile, " bush." " 5(1 •_'0 1^ " day, 30 «(• 15 00 C( ,( 5« 00 25 (10 ii 1. " month, 70 00 ;i5 00 S (to 4 00 1 185 00 1 100 00 i 100 00 " year, 500 00 " day, 80 00 15 Oti REVISION OF THE SCHEDULES FOR PEBRUARY AND MARCH LAST. Since tlic ado|>tioii of our schedules for the months of Feb- ruary aiid March last, the financial bills passed by Congress, taxing the currency, had seriously impaired the value of the old issues of Confederate Treasury notes. At this juncture large numbers of horses and mules were impressed and paid for in a currency which v-v^as in a few days thereafter to be taxed thirty-three and one-third per cent. The Board of State CommisBioners having adjourned, and one of its members being out of the State, it could not be con- vened in time to review our schedule of prices. Under this state of facts, we have re-examined and re-arranged our tariff of prices, so far as we have been advised of recent impress- ments, proposing in this mode to remedy 2ii\y diminution of valuation which may have occurred fi-om the action of Con- gress, upon tliC currency. Therefore v/c assess the average value of artillery or wagon horses or mules, impressed since the passage of the currency l)ill of iTth February last, at $600. This award will entitle each pefson to receive a higher com- pensation accordingly as each horse or mule recently impress- ed may be considered as being a first, second or third class artil- lery or wagon horse or mule, whether the parties appeal to our Board or not ; and the impressing agents and oflicers should forthwith call on all those poraons of whom they have impressed liorRcs or mules, and propose a settlement upon the foregoing basis. But, allowing to each person only such pri- ces as first, second or third class artillery or wagon horses or mules may have been estimated at, by the local or county appraisers, assuming our average appraisement of $600 as a fair medium valuation. This, then, would allow a maximum price of $^00 and a minimum price of $400, making $000 the average price— th as allowing more for first class horses or mules and proportionately less for the inferior, as they may fall below the grade of first class. The county appraisements will be the guide in making these settlements, but within the limits of our'maximum price of $800 and our minimum price of $400. This plan w^ould perhaT)s be more satisfactory to the people. For whatever price tJiO county af»|>raisers agcecd upon should be deemed fair, within the range of onr minimum price of $400 and our maximum price of $800. Payment of wliatever amount awarded to bo made in new issue of Tie isury notes. The impressing officers, in those instances where there are no arbitrators or local appraisements for Ijorses or mules im- pressed, should, in all sucli cases, themselves re-estimate the value of horses or mules thus impressed, and allow in each case such additional compensation as would, within the limits of our schrdule rates, appear just and })roper. But if, after this re-valuation and settlement, any person should not be sat- isfied, the party could then appeal to our Board and have the case re-cousidercd. All appeals and communications for the Board of Commis- sioners should be addressed, postpaid, to W. D. K. Whitakee, Secretary of the Board, Box 995, Richmond P. O., Va. The next meeting of the Board will be held on the 2d day of May next, in the city of Richmond. (Signed) E. W. HUBARD, ROBT. GIBBONEY, Ccm'rs for Virginia: By command of the Secretary of War. JOHN WITHERS, A. A. G. Hollinger Corp, pH8.5