#/?;?; DTTDtDbT7E5 :'l ! Me 7 ^. n-i. iiow little tliey knew. How Rebels would fight, under Red, White and Blue. Huzzah ! Huzzah ! If you want to hear Greely and Yankeedom rear, Just mention the Mason and Slidell affair ; Yes, when they first got theuj, they made great alo. But now they curse Kngland, and Red, AVhite and Blue. iluzzah! Huzzah I &c. They'll never subdue us, as you all will sec, While we've Davis, Bra< g Beauregard, Johnson, andLee; Magruder, Stonewall, anu others as true, We'll stand by our colors of Red, White and Blue. Iluzzah ! Iluzzah ! (fee. If 1^ ifL'. % The sweetest^ the happiest place upon earth. Is Dixie, sweet Dixie, the land of my birth ; I love her, I adore her, and I'll to her prove trufe, And stand by our colors of Red, White and Blue. i.^> w CHORUS. Iluzzah ! Iluzzah! we're a nation that's true And we'll stand by our colors of Red, White and Blue, ^>i^ ^\y» ^V^J^ Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5