Duke University Libraries A bill to be en Conf Pam 12mo #28 D B nQ572b3 *§<> HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Sept. 2U 1862. Read first and second times, and ordered to be printed. A. BILL To be entitled An Act to exempt certain persons from- miKta* ry duty, and to repeal An Act entitled " An Act to exempt certain persons from enrolment for service in the army of the Confederate States/' approved twenty-first April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two. 1 Section 1 . The Congress of the Confederate States of 2 America do enact, That all persons who shall be held -3 unfit for military service by reason of bodily or mental 4 incapacity, or imbecility, under rules to be prescribed by •5 the Secretary of War ; the Vice President of the Confed- 6 erate States ; the officers, judicial and executive of the 7 Confederate and State governments, except Postmasters 8 not nominated by the President and confirmed by the 9 Senate, and assistants and clerks in any other Postoffice 10 than the General Postoffice, and except such State officers ] 1 as the several States may have declared by law to be lisu 12 ble to militia duty, or may hereafter be excepted by the 13 several States : the members of both Houses of the Con- 14 gress of the Confederate States and of the Legislatures 15 of the several States and their respective officers ; all 1 G clerks in the offices of the Confederate and State govern- 17 ments allowed by law ; all pilots and persons engaged in 18 the merchant marine service ; the president, superinten- ' 19 dents, conductors, treasurer, chief clerk, engineers, man. 20 agers, station agents, section masters, two expert track 21 hands to each section of eight miles, and mechanics in 22 the active service and employment of railroad companies, 23 not to embrace laborers, porters, and messengers ; the 24 president, general superintendent, and operators of tele- 25 graph companies, the local superintendent and operators 26 of said companies, not to exceed four in number at any 27 locality but that of the seat of government of the Con- 28 federate States ; the president, superintendents, captains, 29 engineers, chief clerk, and mechanics of all companies 30 engaged in river and canal navigation, and all captains of 31 boats and engineers therein employed ; all foremen, 32 pressmen and journeymen printers employed in printing 33 newspapers having at least five hundred bona fide sub- 34 scribers, the public printer, and those employed to per- 35 form the public printing for the Confederate and State 36 Governments ; every minister of religion authorized to 37 preach according to the rules of his sect, and in the reg- 38 ular discharge of ministerial duties, and all persons who 39 have been and now are members of the Society of 40 Friends, and the Association of Dunkers in regular mem- 41 bership in their respective denominations ; all physicians 42 who now are, and for the last five years have been, in 43 the actual practice of their profession ; all shoe-makers, 44 tanners, harness-makers, saddlers, blacksmiths, wagon- 45 makers, millers, and their engineers, mill-wrights skilled 46 and actually employed at their regular vocation in the 47 said trades, whilst so actually employed : Provided, Said 48 persons shall make oath in writing that they are so skilled 49 and actually employed at the time at their regular voca- 50 tion in one of the above trades, which affidavit shall only 51 be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated ; all 52 superintendents of public hospitals, lunatic asylums, and 53 the regular nurses and attendants therein, and the teach- 54 ers employed in the institutions for the deaf, dumb and 55 blind ; in each apothecary store now established and 56 doing business, one apothecary in good standing who is 57 a practical apothecary ; superintendents and operators in 4 58 wool and cotton factories who may be exempted by the 59 Secretary of War ; all presidents and teachers of col- 60 leges, academies and schools who have been regularly 61 engaged as such for two years previous to the passage of 62 this Act, and theological seminaries ; all artisans, me- 63 chanics and employees in the establishments of the gov- 64 eminent for the manufacture of arms, ordnance, ordnance 65 stores, and other munitions of war, who may be certified 66 by the officer in charge thereof as necessary for such 67 establishments ; also all artisans, mechanics and employees 68 in the establishments of such persons as are, or may be, 69 engaged under contracts with the Government in furnish- 70 ing arms, ordnance, ordnance stores, and other munitions 71 of war : Provided, That the Chief of the Ordnance Bu- v 72 reau, or some ordnance officer authorized by him for the 73 purpose, shall approve of the number of the operatives 74 required in such establishments ; all persons employed in 75 the manufacture of arms or ordnance of any kind, by the 76 several States, or by contractors to furnish the same to 77 the several State Governments, whom the Governor or 78 Secretary of State thereof may certify to be necessary to 79 the same ; all persons engaged in the construction of 80 ships, gun-boats, engines, sails, or other articles necessary 5 81 to the public defence, under the direction of the Seere- 82 tary of the Navy ; all superintendents, managers, me- 83 chanics and miners employed in the production and 84 manufacture of salt to the extent of twenty bushels per Sb day, and of lead and iron, and all persons engaged in 86 burning coke for remelting and manufacture of iron, 87 regular miners in coal mines, and all colliers engaged in SS making charcoal for making pig and bar iron, not to em- 89 brace laborers, messengers, wagoners and servants un- 00 less employed at works conducted under the authority 1 and by the officers or agents of a State ; and one person, 92 either as owner or overseer, on each plantation on which 93 one white person is required to be kept by the laws and 94 ordinances of any State, and on which there is no white 95 male adult not liable to do military service ; and such- 96 other persons as the President shall be satisfied, on 97 account of justice, equity or necessity, ought to be ex- 98 emptcd, are hereby exempted from military service in 99 the armies of the Confederate States : Provided, That 100 such numbers of the militia of any State as have been 101 called out and mustered into the service of said State by 102 the Executive thereof, employed and necessary to repel 103 any actual invasion of said State, shall also be exempted : 6 104 Provided, That whenever such invasion shall have been 105 repelled or otherwise shall have ceased to exist, the ex- 106 emption hereby declared shall expire : Provided further, 107 That the exemptions hereinabove enumerated and granted 108 hereby shall only continue whilst the persons exempted 109 are actually engaged in their respective pursuits or occu- 110 pations. 1 Sec. 2 Be it further enacted, That the act entitled 2 "An Act to exempt certain persons from enrolment for 3 service in the armies of the Confederate States," approved 4 the twenty-first of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, 5 is hereby repealed. 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