CONGKESSIONAL DIRECTORY. ALABAMA. Thomas J. Foste*at Mrs. Spence's on Main street, three door? above 5th. • Wm. R. Smith. W. R. W. Cobb. M. II. Cruikshank, rooms at Mrs. Ratcliflf's on Leigh street, be- tween .^th and 6tli. F. S. Lyon, James Alfred Jones', Gth street, between Main and Franklin. David Clopton, rooms at Wellington Goddin's, Gth street between Leigh and Marshall. ■ James L. Pugh, rooms at Mrs. Clark's, Franklin street, between Adams and Jefferson. J. S. Dickinson, Powhatan House, room No. 28. Wm. P. Chilton, rooms at Dr. Gwathmey'a, Ross and Governor streets. ARKANSAS. Felix I. Batson. R. K Garland. A. H. Garland, rooms at Mrs. Finley's, 3d street, between Grace and Franklin. Thomas B. Ilanly, rooms on 4th street, between Main and Frank- lin, south side at Captain Gay's. FLORIDA. St. George Rogers, Ballard House, room No. 9. • R. B. Hilton, rooms at Mr. Mallory's, last door on 10th street, beyond Leigh, on the right. GEORGIA. Julian Hartridge, Mrs. Clark's on Franklin street, between Adams and Jefferson, Wm. E. Smith, Mrs. Samuels', opposite Linwood Ilouse: Mark II. Blandford, Mrs. Samuel's, opposite Linwood House. Clifford Anderson, Mr. Childs' on 5th street, between Clay aqcj Leigh. 2 T. T. Shewmake, Mr. Cliilds' on 5th street, between Clay and Leigh. J. H. Echols, Mrs, Duval's, rear Ballard House. James M. Smith, Mrs. Samuels', opposite Linwood House. George J^\ Lester, Mrs. Jeter's. H. P. Bell, Mrs. Jetefs Warren Akin, Mrs. DuvaTsj rear Ballfrd House. KENTUCKY. Wills B. Machen, Lindsay's, Grace street, between 7th and 8th. George W. Triplett, Mrs. Motley's, Franklm street, between 3d and 4th. Henry E. Read, Mrs. McDowell's, corner 5th and Marshall street. George W. Ewing. James S. Chrisman. T. L. Burnett, room No. 89, Spotswood Hotel, H. W. Bruce, Charles H. Barksdale's, 2d street, between Main and Franklin, H. Marshall, south-side Main street, over iNIaury & Co.; 175. E. M. Bruce, room No. 83, Spotswood Hotel. J. W. Moore, Mrs. Trueheart's, corner Main and 2d streets. B. F. Bradley, Franklin street, 2d door from 2d and Jackson streets. John M. Elliott, LOUISIANA. Charles J. Viller^', i^t Charles A. Gwatkin's, corner of 11th and Broad streets. Charles M, Conrad, at Miss Temple's, on corner of Main and Adams streets. D, F, Kenner. L. J. Dupre, at J. P. Benjamin's, Main street, between Foushee and Adams. B, L. Hodge. John Perkins, Jr., corner of Franklin and Adams streets. MISSISSIPPI. J. A, Orr, Mr. Stevenson's, 7th street near Leigh. Wm. D. Holder. Israel Welsh, Mrs. Reins', corner 2d and Main streets. Henry C. Chambers, Mrs. Clark's, Franklin street, between Adams and Jefferson. 0. R. Singleton. E. Barksdale, 188 Broad street, over store of Wigand. , J. T. Lamkin, Captain Gay's, south-side 4th, street, between Main and Franklin. s NORTH CAROLINA. W. N. H. Smith, Mr. McDonald's corner Clay and otli streets. R. R. Bridgers. J. T. Leacii, first tenement on Franklin street, west of Capitol. T. C. Fuller, John Fisher's, Gary street, between 1st and 2d. Josiah Turner, No. 41 Ballard llouse. John A* Gilmer, Gjaptain Norfleet's, one door east of Universalist Church, Mayo street. J. M Leach, Mrs. Lee's, Franklin street, between 8th and 9th. J. G. Ramsay, Mrs. Lee's, Franklin street, between 8th and flth. B. S. Gaither, Balhud House, No. 76. G. ^y.. Logan, Mrs. Carrington's, Franklin street, first tenement west Capitol. SOUTH CAROLINA. James H. AVithorspoon, Ballard House, No. 43. Wm. P. Miles, 6th street, between Main and Franklin, second door from Arlington House. L. M Ayer. Wm. D. Simpson, Ballard House, No. 42. James Farrow, K. M. Stevenson's, 7th street, north of Leigh. W. W. Boyce, Wellington Goddin's, 6th street. TENNESSEE. . . Joseph B. Heiskell, iNIisses Farrar, corner Broad and 4th streets. Wm. G. Swan, Misses Farrar, corner Broad and 4th streets. A. S. Colyar, Mrs. Gamble's, on 7th street, between Clay and Leigh. John r. Murray, Spotswood Hotel, No. 88. H. S. Foote, corner Main and 1st streets. E. A. Keeble, Ballard House, No. 37. James McCallum, Ballard House. Thomas Menees, Miss Watkins', on Leigh street, between 6th and 7th. J. D. C. Atkins, Mrs. Gamble's, on 7th street, between Clay and Leigh. John V. Wright. TEXAS. C. C. Herbert. A. M. Branch, Mrs. Motley's, south side Franklin street, between 3d and 4th, above Robinson's drug store. . F. B. Sexton, Mrs. Motley's, south side Franklin, between 3d and 4th streets, above Robinson's drug store. A. R. Baylor. S. H. Morgan. 4 VIRGINIA. Robert L. Montague, Mr. George A. Hundley's, 5th street, between Clay and Lei2;h. li. H, Whitfield, on Grace street, between Sth and 9th, at Mrs Jeter's. W. C. Wickham. T. S Gholson, east side of Sth street, between Grace and' Franklin. Thomas S. Bocock. John Goode, Jr., Mrs. Southali's, corner Grace and 7th streets. W. C. Rives, Mr. J. B. Macmurdo, next door St. Paul's Church. ■ D. C. DeJarnette, Mrs. Southali's, corner Grace and 7th str.eets. David Funsteu, Mr. R. Reins, corner 2d and Main streets., F. W. M. Ilollida}', Mrs. Price's^, corner 5th and Clay streets. John B. Baldwin, Mr. John C. Stanard's, Grace stoeet, between Jefterson and Madison. VV. R..- Staples, Mr. Samuel Smith's, south end Leigh street. Fajottc McMullin, -ith street north side of Broad, at Mr. Griffin's, below Lei.<4h. Samuel A. Miller, at Mrs. Reeve's, corner of 9th and Leigh. Robert Johnston, at Colonel McRea's, north east corner 1 0th and Leigh streets. Charles W. Russell, Mrs. Brent's, west side 5th street, between Grace and Franklin ARIZONA. M. H. Mc Willie, north-side Broad street, between 5th and 6th, over Wigand's store. CHEROKEE NATION. " « E. C. Boudinot, at Colonel Moore's, corner 5i.h md Gary streets. ' CHOCTAW NATION. R. M. Jones. ' • Thomas S. Bocock, Speaker, Spotswood Hotel.