un it5o/ Miiiiia v olina, exce})< ministers of the gospel, shall be enrolled in 7 the militia of this State, by the Captain or commanding 5 officer of the infantry comi)any within whose districts such t) ])orsons shall reside : and the said officer shall notify lU such free white males and apprentices of their enrol- 1 1 ments by a non-commissioned officer of his company, and 12 by whom said notice shall be proved. Sec. 2. Be it fnrthcr ordained. That whenever a vacancy 2 shall occur in the office of Major General, the field offi- I) cersandstaifof the Division shall, by a plurality of the writ- 4 ten votes, elect some person to fill the same ; and whenever 6 a vacancy shall occur in the office of Brigadier General, 2 State Conventio1s\ [June, () the same sliall be iiUecT by the field and staff officers of 7 the Brigade, under the .same rules and regulations here- 8 in prescribed for the election of a Major General ; and '.) the Governor shall commission said officers, when elect- 10 ed, according to tliis act. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That whenever there shall 2 be a vacancy in any company of the commissioned offi- 3 cers to command the said company, and upon an election 4 having been ordered in said company, there shall be a 5 failure to elect a Captain and other commissioned officers () for the company, from either the failure of any candidate *7 for said office or from the neglect or refusal of the com- 8 pany to elect, and where there are no suitable persons in 9 said company who are willing to accept commissions in 10 the company, after being elected or appointed to the 11 same, it shall be the duty of the Colonel or other com- 12 manding officer in the Eegiment to which said com- 13 pany is attached, or if there is no commander of said 14 regiment, then it sliall be the duty of tlie Brigadier 15 General in whose brigade said regiment belongs, with- 16 in thirty days after said election shall have been ordered IT by him, and the neglect or refusal of said company to 18 elect company officers, either from the want of a candi- 19 date or for any other cause, and he is hereby authorized 20 and required to appoint some fit and suitable person to 21 supply said vacancies in said company, for the space of 22 two years from the date of said appointment, whose duty 23 it shall be to accept said appointment, and to act as Cap- 24 tain or other commissioned officer in said Company for two 25 years from the date thereof, who shall be commissioned and 20 have all the powersand authorities, and be liableto all the 27 penalties as Captains and other commissioned compa- 28 ny officers now have and are liable for bylaw; and if 29 any person so appointed shall neglect or refuse to accept 30 said appointment, or shall fail to receive said commission 31 when tendered to hini;, and qualify as said officer within 1361.] State Convention. ;',2 tlic space of thirty days from the time of his appoiiilmeiit 33 and commission tendered, he shall forfeit and pay the 34 sum of fifty dollars, if appointed to the olTice of Captain. 35 and twenty-five dollars if appointed to any other place as 36 commissioned officer in the company, for such neglect or 37 refusal, whicli penalty shall be recovered hy warrant Le- 38 fore any justice of the peace, in the name of the .State, hy 39 the ofiicer nniking the appointment, one-tiftli to the use 40 of the officer suing, and tlie otiier four-tifths to the use 41 of the State ; and it shall he the duty of the said com- 42 manding oMicer of the regiment, or in ease there is none, 43 then it shalUhe 1 ho duty of the Brigadier (ieneral in 44 whose regiment said company belongs, within thirty 45 days thereafter to make new appointments c.f other per- 46 sons in said company, liable to do military duty, to said 47 offices; and so on, under like penalties, until suitable of- 48 fleers can be found who shall accept said offices ; Provi- 49 dcd, that no ])erson who is a member of any organized 50 volunteer or Are company in this State shall be compell- 51 ed to serve whilst he is a member of said company ; Fro- 52 vidcd, further, that any person appointed as above shall 53 not be comi)elled to ee governed by 4 the rules and iegulations that are now prescribed for the 5 government oi' tlie army of the Confederate States ; and • ) the cor|)s shall be drilled according to Hardee's Tactics, 7 and such otlier tactics as shall be prescribed by the Com- 8 mander-in-chiel', and a copy of such tactics shall be fur- 9 nished to each commissioned otiicer in said corps. ?Sec. 25. Be it. fur ill PT orddinexl, That the time that 2 such volunteer corps sliall be liable to the call of the ;> Commander-in-chief shall bo ten years ; and they shall 4 be exempt, after the expiration of ten years, from active 5 military duty, unless in case of invasion or insurrec- <» tion ; and such corps, when called into active service, 7 shall serve during the time for whicili they have volun- 8 teered, unless sooner disbanded by law. Sec. 26. Be it /urtlwr ordained, That the same pay and 2 rations now allowed by the army regulations to the com- 3 missioned and non-commissioned officers, privates and 4 musicians of the army of the Confederate States, shall be 5 allowed to the volunteer corps and militia, or any part 6 of them, when ordered by the Grovernor into active service. Sec. 27. Be it further ordained, That the Governor shall 2 have the power, once in each year, to call together the o officers of brigades and divisions for the purpose of drill, 4 and shall continue said drill not exceeding six days in 6 each year. Sec. 28. Be it further ordained, That the uniform for 2 the volunteer corps and for the officers of the volunteer 3 corps and militia, shall be cadet gray, manufactured m 4 North Carolina ; Provided, That the military officers now 5 uniformed, shall not be compelled to change the same 6 until called into actual service ; and the difterent corps 7 and ranks shall be distinguished as the same corps and 8 ranks are now distinguished in the service of the Confed- 186L] State Convention-. 11 9 erate States ; an themselves with the full complement of men, shall be 4 received by the Governor, and they may retain the uni- 5 form which the cora))any have adopted, until called into Pi actual service. Sec. 30. Be if furfher ordained, That the Governor 2 shall have the power to hold, or cause to be held, a court- ly martial each year, in tlie city of Raleigh, to try delin- 4 <[uent o-eneral officers of militia, and field oflicers of the o volunteer cori)s. such court to consist of not more than 6 five nor less tlian three otYicers, and tlu^ ox])enses of said 7 court shall he paid by the State. Sec. '51. Be it further ordained, That the Governor shall 2 have the power to collect and repair the arms of the State, 3 and shall l)e authorized to draw on the Treasurer of tb.e 4 State for the expenses of the said collection and repairing, and such arms as cannot he repaired to advantage, he shall t3 have power to sell. Sec. 32. Be it further ordained, That the clerks of the 2 county courts in the State, shall return to the comptroller 3 the sums of money paid for exemption from military duty 4 under tliis act. Sec. 33. Be it further ordained. That the Adjutant Gcn- 2 eral be elected by joint ballot of both liouses of the General 3 Assembly, and sha.ll keep a roster of the militia of the State, 4 containing dates of commissions, rank, the corps, division^, f) brigades and regiments, and the places of residence of offi- G cers, which roster shall be corrected every year. He shall T enter into a book kept for that purpose, a local description 8 of the regimental brigade and division districts ; the books 9 to be furnished by the State and belong to the office. He 12 State CoNVENTIo^^ [June, 10 shall adopt a seal of office, and all copies of records and papers 11 in his office duly certified under such seal, shall be evidence in all 12 causes as if the original were produced. He shall cause the 13 military laws of the State to be printed from time to time, 14 and distributed to the commissioned field officers of the State ; 15 he shall prepare and distribute at the expense of the State, 16 proper blank books, forms and notices ; he shall prepare 17 general regulations prescribing the duties of the different 18 military departments, which, when approved by the Com- 19 mander-iu-cluef, shall be obeyed and respected. He shall 20 report to the Legislature, through the Commander-in-chief, 21 the strength and condition of the militai-y of the State, of 22 the public arms, equipments, ordnance, books, and militar}'" 2y stores ; and he shall render a statement of all that may be 24 necessary to keep up an ample supply of every article that 25 may be i-equlred in the public service ; he shall execute all 26 orders of the Commander-in-chief, and keep a record there- 27 of; he shall attend reviews with the Commander-in-chief, 28 and as quartermaster-general, he shall give a bond in the sum 29 of five thousand dollars for the faithful discharge of his du- 80 ties, with two good securities, to be approved by the com- 31 mander-in-chief ; he shall receive a salary of eighteen hun- 82 dred dollars per annum, in full payment for services render- 33 ed as adjutant general, acting quartermaster-general, in- 34 spector-general, and keeper of public stores and munitions 35 of war. He shall attend all encampments, and while the 36 troops are under arms, he shall inspect their arms, ammuni- 37 tion and accoutrements, superintend the exercises and en- 38 force the discipline and tactics required by law. He shall, 39 in time of war, have the command and rank of brigadier- 40 general ; he shall cause suit to be brought in the name of 41 the State of North Carolina, and he is hereby empowered 42 so to do in any court in this State, or before any justice of 43 the peace, when the amount sued for is within the jurisdic- 44 tion of justice of the peace by the laws of this State, for 45 any penalty incurred or any fine imposed by reason of the 1861,] Stated Convention. 13 46 military laws of the State. He shall hold his ofiice for the 47 space of two years, unless the same is made vacant by res- 48 ignation or promotion ; and should the office become vacant 49 by rea.son of death, resignation, refusal to accept, or othev- 50 wise, during the recess of the I^egislature, then the Gover- 51 nor may fill said office by appointment until the next meet- 52 ing of the General Assembly. Sec. 84. Be it further ordained, That it shall be the duty 2 of the commandant of each regiment, within thirty days af- 3 ter the or