jo™ a Duke University Libraries Regulations to Conf Pam 12mo #174 al p Treasury Department C. S. A. Richmond, March 9, 1864. The following regulations are hereby established in regard to the funds in the hands of disbursing officers : 1. Checks drawn by disbursing officers on the Treasury, or on any depository, previous to the first of April 1864, will be paid in treasury notes of the present issues only, at the amount promised on the face of the notes, whether the checks be presented for payment before or after said date. 2. All moneys belonging to the government in the hands or at the credit of disbursing officers, on the first day of April 1864, may be turned into the Treasury to the credit of the respective appropriations to which they belong ; to be afterwards drawn for by new requisitions, which will be payable in the new issue of treasury notes. But checks of disbursing officers, which may be drawn at any time against the balances which may be at their credit on the first day of April, will be paid in the old issues of notes, at the amount promised on their face. C G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Treasury. Quartermaster General's Office, Richmond, March 9, 1864. 1. In order to carry out the above instructions, the post quartermaster at each post where there is no C. S. depository, will receive from all other quartermasters at the post all public moneys in their hands, except bills below the denomination of ten dollars, and will deposit the same in the nearest C. S. depository on the 25th of March 1864. 2. Where there is a depository at the post each quartermaster will turn in direct to the depository his public funds. 3. Chief quartermasters of armies, or of any detached bodies of troops will designate an officer to receive public funds as above, from officers- serving with their respective commands, and will turn them in, as hereto- fore directed. 4. Each quartermaster will report to this office the amount of money turned in by himself, with an affidavit that the funds thus deposited are all public funds, and are the entire amount due by him to the Confederate tates, and the receiving quartermasters will send in similar consolidated ports. A. R. LAWTON, Quartermaster General. * peunulife* P H 8.5