- cX cart's Survey of the High Roads /' A' o M L O N T O Han tf to// ( o /// 1 , Ware, nagrhol , Sishobs Slortfbrd, Oa&ingham, Chipping Ongar, ( tie///tsff>/ y/ , Tl tndsor, G/Y/{/r.rr//r/, Jfe// denh ead, hoeti<\rter, High Jtyro/tt/jf, Maidsion e, ^l///e/stie///t , > Tiinbridge Well*, fi \ ickm. aftswo rtti , East Grinsled, Tring, ittyegate, SLlt/>a„.r, Dorking*, JVelnyn , Guildford, Hertford, ilickmond , On a Scale of one Inch to a Mile; WHEREIN Every GENTLEMAN'S SEAT, situate on. or see// from the r ll O JLJb\ (however distant) are laid down, with theJVante of the Eofsefor/ to which is added The Number of INNS on each feparate Route ; -d. Z S O , The different TU1GSTIKE GATES \shewing T/tr Connection which one trust ha* with another. Loudon : Printed for J.Caiy.JZngrayer v> Map selhr, die corner of^irundel Street, Strand. 0332C General ,,,t " «.!._ Jc.r^yMi Hi i ii il i hi i fTm^Trpiwi'TOTn'fTOTnwrm'iT 7^1 EXPLAJS ATI ON. ^ Ctiien X- (lose Roails with Houses on D.° •- '-^c^'^I ' Rivers £ Mils «irW #5 ^ Heaths k Commons ... ...r '..-. jf information uhich will give pleasure to his peregiinations; pleased with the numberle/s Villas which so often attract his attention das enquiry is natiiralti directed to whom do they belong, to e.ipfain uhich, has been aprindpal object of the present publica- tion. by laying doini all dwse houses like! to attract attention with die name of die pofsgQor, uhich are situate on. or uithui sight of the Road ',/ houeier distant I to which the eye is di- rected when in particular situations, bv a line drawn from the .pot from whence it is seen, and which the proprietor /hitters himself 'will be allowed a novel as well as useful improvement . The Uonpike Gates also,- a subject so often complained or tram the mchdhfy as well as imposition of the Toll-gatherers , are here regulated by distinctly marking the connec- tion of the bust uhich one Gate has with another, wlierdn/ the traveller is iidbrmed of dwse winch are separate, and dwse uhich are connected and in receipt of an others ticket, ultidi d u presumed H ill be die means of /mien ting unpleasant altercation . The public Inns on each route are tikewise noticed uith a view to utility, as it audiles apart/ to form a meeting with certainty , caul gives them a choice of pursuing their plea - ! sures to a greater extent duxn they odieruise would do. With the soict attention paid to the object of this publication , in marking the Gentlemens ! Secas,e.rf)utinuiy the trusts of the different turnpike Gates, adding the number of Inns to each separate route, uith other occwruig matters which will be found on the face id the work, the proprietor hopes d will prove of that utility to those who may dean it worthy of their pur- chase to be hoiwivd with their attention . B it K E N T ^F ORD Kelt -inircrrn Lodge \\ XMrBridg-ejy JELUZtato Star &.' Gartf* ' . Gunntrrfatry» ****"ebUnma& .WA'in,/- "■■''"ipki'i « A/. r Bedtbrd ■ a • !___-& Lord Jieat/nieTd^ a i .'>Ma •}l-1ri,i.rtroiti) Turnliam*/ Green .- &JI rs Sai'aae .Itlloiiyte » MTJo/msont f£k,UT/iM*rr AEBrynotdr* j 2 -" 7 " T,v>tbrd MKBishop-^j a^l/CtoAr Driforn Lady Bat te\ Hammersmith ■' id/' 1 ' 'icMoiise '/'/' Z.W7/,>//at,d a//' >//rt//d Ifcitft jTt^fficarrrori MTTUt yXkMBOL .'in ^a aJUTBayltj M'Bratuc, ad- 0> '§. //.7/v /■>/ lurnpi&e Cat?*® Ticks t reed at . OuaffAetri • Great V \ C-ar r . ' | ' irhitrHpr.c* Turnpike fat£ Parrw/t/iJfyde ,C£ /'ark ticket. <\ Kensuiorton \y^=^ JFBa.rteraf j. ' Kensington M'"t e;, "?/t "- ' " ^ Bi>^>u^LaneTunipily fa&Wjfeanfen. Fare irit/iJiyd. Y5£pvmi*pn Bar J ark ticket . I \ Ken si no- (out rr iv- ■ r • , ^W''i\ t }f r 'T.ei'a/i SKGeolfanvh a fi JM /*? 'iiutfiteTarkCorn ! r ^->, Gore Zta& ME ^t# ( »* 1 Knigntsbridoel ^ A r .^i iteFarkTurnp tree.' riiroA'eii. * \ iae (knemlllan .^£egc,n lOXDOX to HAMPTON COCBT OIRTJ /. a : a s ilil Hammersmith Kings Arms Tnniham Green 1'ackHorse Ken-Bridge Star \- Garter Brentford JG/uj's Arms, Castle TlircePk/eons Twickenham George, White Hart Hampton C Kings Amur Hampton Court , Palace fivm Kjiiia-i-ten ml % f^ e C Hampton Court %%*» JF'Booardn \fcVrAr//tyas7S LordXcrffi.' Arnh Teddine/ton Teddingrton t * Common MTDarir--—^ *i\&Birhop ofDurham ^.iCBenru Jf r Gos?iri'jmwbar\ M r nelt>orfElUj^n.W r LtnveUvn Col.P,eJie/t&S^r r J//e,i ' LaayPawJeUA Jr ^.^ MTFuzmaztrict a ^, Twickenham JPIJli, '" r .\vyifuddy Duke ot'Moutn VTColt Counteu ci 'CaitA/i'H' I &.\Fliarier/ ( y,± k f 3~^r MTBarS^ -JS^BUENTFOKD SionEULBo. •Duke ofAfarlboro' Published b\ i.CmxyJa$ S.'jjgo . RiMieked In J.CaxxJuhi^ijtfo. Hibtehetf h\ J.C'arv . Juh 1 vijffo. Published in J.CcarvJh£ r' r L;oo OrairbrdPark C rajiroroj JOTido-e Jb:M MTadfy HO U 2$ ' S £iO W r odqkinson HOU^VsLOW" I HGUXS10W to WINDSOR INFIELD Binricld 1 Common fondd Vftag xHounds io^ii^^^^doe -til Capt?£oui/ei- v\$Halv Green l-^J^W, j?/™* \SdnliBrtdof „-» -^Maid Green MWOtumu Wiiiktieldi [' Bll/Zoperdi IfTdshtrood Ditton Green Lw^v /Broom COLNj fcBROOK n MT&Sidhvan Hdrtlnn fcSr.Buehemnon **?£>** Qj4M The Magpies i '«SipsonGreen l'\o W Earl of . . £rr/i Hnjhn a\ 14 Prince otWakfj M'.'Bonvroftm lj \otu'n()hin3oani q S. Mlfmith® GantienHouse S' WfHodq& Wotting IBM Kensington Kens in & Tump. (t.i>ii,o'ii Jtav.mattT tit, (i A KD E "J 3ays water & Ticket rivet flu- Aeiumipton hrm-cl. iir/ip. G.pats nith 3(i\.tu-atcr ticket Gravel Fit s (bl . Lowlhtr MTDawson Q.jrrO(,,Uh;v Swain SouthalTk r.rf>ritLic injt Hybe >Tide General Plan fif>um eicriiy atcir.Claaaet |water S*GeorgesRo» mp*" /.v. at L angler Broom ZordBeauaaiicArm.c Tetsworth Water Dolphin Slough Crohn SaltHill Windmill MaidenlieadBridg-e Orkncw imti'.En(f.fArms t Maidenhead •fto* ^mHillillH Ostcrln Tark, Aifc'iliilrf J Han Ealinp - BeU Public Houses MTqvnc MGitrmll E alino- C oinmon Duke of^irqyle MTBern, WSevtt tC^MFlaskctt , ^-tuATBell nr^*MMeu,r (iv.Tfalline) ton %A Timer ■ Vtiyr&mha/n &MJIe>od MfiTiitrnore^&^iffl; Ynprs&Flcux 'Stubbs JTBrightJiemming iMDy-fon, — ^M^Dclamainc . Jun '. JTVZr, JfTar.ronsQ arvinr-~ Fublisheti by ,T.Cai-v.///A 1 :''ijpo Oxford Arms PublkifouA UBTtaffef Comuui /h'i/i l.itmion travel thi* Komi 16 'LoudH'a/tr (iirriniits t/cuii/ to London 4/111 1 / lln'.. Road reqon/j ZBurke COXSFIE1D ^onTark Aiyfru Gennrds <>. F/iMishai byJ.Caxy Jul\ 1 *]/!>"■ 19 20 Car ()reen ill Oic/dcueo, 'llL I pirnr/] Public House r Montaffu IflWOsh Kilharn Gt ticket rccd t (, Edtfware (-cite Earl of Macdejfidd BdsaeBa T\ burn Turnpike I'tiddinotvn Pats witkEdt/u circEi ' ticket Art gift reUvtuWl^ • 3af.tr/Crl I *"\ Vide General Ran EdmtareBoadSiira ticket real- nit raddiiiflton OON X,qisdo:n toTKisr*; /V'V.V Chalibuut S!Peter Amersuarn The Grey Hound Griffin - Irown Si, an Ein/is . ittti.t ********* M^Drianniorut Mllrlgan WTcthd M Sands Jl'Ctckclton *Pip<*rs Green ^j/ »Edgware M^HaiThngfa ! ^■^ffEdi/uare (rate i Brass with Kilhiun ticket Old Welch Snip Cow\\Green Published /> i • J.C arv Jith 1 ^tjgt > 21 22 lanfllcyBujy- Baron Hoth 7 MlLetton^ll 7 /J28M « Tf North Church I'lihli.sluil /?\ ■ J.Cexy Juiyi '''w JFublishcd l>\ J.C xryJu/i ±'. r n<>o . 20 Cnm nPubhcHoiue\ \ cuh Spencer S^Stephens, fmiih r Sabui TheHilt TarniSous Wa&rdale Giitelf^t 'aterdale Seperate trust t% J%BlackBo\ JhtbTic House A? jSbm-eSbo, Crown TubticHou\rt\ tedium Gar stones l'ut'Us/nUl:\ XC^ryJ/iAj.JZ"" «8 f/ "- r„. &}CRousc ♦jilLENDON ^/i eUhihlicllo. TMFders Jl. totmcih^ LtM (ormtrll M r lioiid\ £ ^Mmalhius V.rolrs Filicides m FlncM Millie, i CapfEUes 3fc ^//'/'//■in/ A //< '////< /r /'//A iWf'. RiiUMushFubacHo. {'.Roberts Qude I'uNirtLA^vU^ CamWbod Fjjzroy Farm ZjHzfSi mllutmptc >n %j£LaKcastar Li inl ManstiehP^ HAMP STEAD HAMPSTE continued to Ladvl M'.'/h'iirics Jint anh / fl bj fiy&is It ; // avS .#•" Man /'///>//l Duke of Chando .a' .ute ^liitlir.sKii f'U'J'/eod \ 7/ i Mr Lloyd Caen Wood L o/TfMtnu/ii Id ld:rosFar,n&t^'f' g £ Lc>n> Jouthamptxm^ M tJ^I||fH( J ATE Upper Ho//owjy\\ theRacc^ BbBawavk\ MHodarOn V 'BffllirttiU i MTTorhf , Gmm Piib. House HoUoway Gate \ \ _. Sidaukrs pass with A. ' Johns \ LA///// a \, orlsliiu/ton liati ackethstross J^p- /'aradisc Rose Is/irii/tori WprkHoust Ljjfhice *Yide General Han SSJofms Street Gqfei ticket real at Islington Kri & Islington iiiu/ton tnilc pal's wifr YS.Tohns Mr. Irate ticket Ax: Jshiujto Citll Roott tnlh vty seperate trust 1 iONBOH to STAlJBANS Published tyJ.C arx.Jtilv t st i7,()< • ■ 3« """IIWIHIIIII Sl f L ondon C olxiey George Swan Golden Lion , tiliiti Zii'ii S* Albans Ang el George,, Woolpack, Witi Hart Bull Fublisln ■d /.' > J.Carv. ■ ////> i "1700 ■ Li tth Heath MTibrraRt Litti, Htnth (nite%* yr Sqterate trust* t & \, „ OhetisA^ w MTSimA f Col J km JeOiker.>Zocif/r fl 'HadlevfiJ^ !? ^t^ 4 -i&***nr n nufliton r 4 WHIPPING BARNET K iilPFCVO BAli^ET to^VELMTS 1 Ziidv S r Joh/i t& Mdjbans Z-***" HATFIELD RtvfMHmte Published, /'iJ.Carv,/«A j ' r jy.or . 33 34- NVormle 5^£j/.'7r/,/M TurnforcM XBaRtWeoA VhdlsHautl-ul.llo. Stret J £lF Cooper Turners Crof sbro ok S treet MTatiial^z Tlieobalds- jr.(hhat J-Hul CeafiJcHorsej 'jjbttcMo, % hishunl&orth Gate iWaltliam Crofs » ,_, iffme.Vfyrot'mllif>H \\EiifieldWasli S.Capt'Watts ftjbhtktd /n J.Cary JutyiH&o . 35 36 «iflff| Tottenham Enfield Highway J'iK//i Same t Vulture WlriteHart Edmonton .tngd Golden. Kings Head faith am Crofs i, +Swcau Jtose&Crbwn Broxboiirn Bull Hoddesdon Bull Bladclion Hertford Bell Half Moon Falcon ^Ifurefark MTDoiley \M r Trulj 'Tiirnford tSeadhib.Ho millbury Ijwsrs "Ware Bull- Samcms Head m ijSSLWARE ODPESDON Bublis/ied fy -J. C:\rv. full i* 17,00 38 [ POTTERS BAHtoWAJRS ] -# Clapton Ga&epafi >, it'i I'ambrulpeHtiitfi or .fftoreilrt'chjinr ticket WDivbxS ■ . aj Reform. Schi\^^ nbridgeflaith (hite paJsw*Sw7redztch3d *Yide General Plan iJJwmliU-hlliir % StamttntBUltrn,r J3z 1 A miih-fi Bar %ra Sadais) irwrt \fiJIaitim Cute \l£miamX*Bar ^&»'\ \n*Preston Hi«"haiu Km ?-■ 3 IFRobiii, ■ ,1\\ s 3F(ookt JITStam ft bt >drimiMifi%i*4.6 ^ M' (Tl " , Clavbwx MTHatch irujtton SimlcWhaMiaiu Public Ho n.u Bull kHorsc Shoe hiblicHc ThoTTlU'OO Common 40 L&BK&Sr 'JlV////- Ki Isaac ^J/'Bm,,/ -Eppirw (rate scperatttrus** **W^£TM-43L WCliLV ^ldenHfll bJFForbcs liibh'shed b\ J.l'arv./wA j fjjgc 41 42 T/ior/ev /fall M r .Uos,:/ev r^Tuvn-nlH.i/l i fMTScvper SjnOlln'ook _SpeBbrook. Gate \\ ticket th ex thro \ \Fahners Water G.'JEdetfa/I JFifoeehu s swbkd >( ;eworth/ fij]? (dp'Tiu 'in/is, >n sy f ff Pishtobury *V r Mlis Darrmffton Wioute JF'trmr Harlou Bur\ M7 Barnes ' Mark Hall KBurqoym ffuhertffall iFUnij'tiii Harlow Hush\ Cqrfimon Sun \-Tf7ia7eoone\f FuMirHousA \ \ aJsoM Stratford papM-dhMili JffKihuit/tt»tl M'tuttarlz 1 ' BmavttsAlmsf) e Houses & ft J hjileErid niiktiJIlutraup^'Jujra^xlAr-, r *„ at ""/// t Mil r End Great ** tint End Gate 'ticket real at Stratford ti'Rumtord (hites dlgxdok to chipping o>ga& 1 I. ^ VS 'S. Hackuey XaijsMiai ' Mermaid Horse & Groom ■ Snare si nook Spread Eatjle Wooduml Geonjt Castle ' Mart io' Forest WEtcc Stati Buck ' EppnujJ'lae, Haip Globe. Code Hailov George, Green Man S \w\-\ >ri< luewortk Bed WhiteLion Bisliop Stortf'oiil Swan A7/U/.I Head 4 Feathers, (name . BedHart Tlll'lislntt /»( A.C.lVY./llA t'. J'liO . n Jl until. >/'jLiil/u'au * _ . » A/7i v di'JXJlalL J.nih Clivc XtiwsUnk Hull i EartW aldeorave * Hare Stn***" ffon M 'M'I\tn& Published by] .Cary Jufylfijgo. 45 46 WanstmdHousc a SirJTLomj B. t : '0& T . IttnUc Post TheJtituig Sun Public Souse '/>< ^W, Green Uf* M Strafford SSI ArSTRATFOIU) [STUATFOliB to CHEI.MSyoiO> Leytimstoue SeaJJixm (hum Green Man Wo o df \ >r (1 Brulo- e WhiteHart B Clii«-wefl Sings Head Hon^MTPetre WuleJIo. Rl Mfflenyons, SunuhecJIou.. Published by J.CaxjJidj i o ilMJ I ftiiuuh f it ;u titer "\ S?loiintncvsinu* i f Street * t -^S'>7„l,mr Sh&ifidd . . trees thro Width. Rivenholl ix M:itliMtie\ \ 1 Sheiiftdil Tliorndonhill Mr L„k I'etre BRENTWOOD? f Rii:' 1 !!? Smith rtH)k fl ' «t M'lhim Bovls mfalfo fl M War%\ Plan WMerrv ^Ihujnams M!y'c< Wi- ll i I CHELMSFORD Jf^l FMoiilshaJii JtoulshumJLid L£arsi jWeuirurtcn fra SAmtJ'tBarsx' IOM)Oy to ROCHESTER >. 7.1 nibrd Am/el Sid Lion Chadwell IVMteHurt. Hun (Hounds Romford .')<«// JJolphm KHart Lock kB ell ,, Brook Street V Fleece Brentwood /$//' Spraid Eaplc JTmMtn Bell Crown Clielnistbrd Saracens Mead, RBo\ Jhll Ship., ui Memory tr £.Ji T James CommoTi^ Charlton* f Commoti- jiLate SVGreq ? J'age FnhlicSou. JILl/t(/trsttm\ M r Hollidu\ Gre em vie Park ( %sen pocfllas iliitcD.t iflfontuj ri, sMTScott -<&r tWBunvwj • % oJU'JuJk/na/i DEPTTOBB JTw Ovj-s G-ati pass u ith Gremltan & JlTOtoditr FitbUshrd by J.C'arv./w/i 1 vljgo. J/ots Cray MTJorduiu "bZordSvdncv AddingtonPlac^ imkirtliniy "Wrothar_ WrvthcM GatejMsUkjr^fg wtthl/prthCrtn- tiUxtf-jf*^ JfrothmiJiBi// fforsci- Grootn] -Public House Aj/io.t DoirnT Hm Rlbhskedhyi.Q.sryJufyifljffo. FuhhshecL h\ ZCvarrJuJ[yzfieigo. Wifflefni LordBavtu. Halstedriu PublicHousey£ n n Tiirnp. £ati*S rr ' iitsJioltom •eperare trust \\ sepera Riffished by J-Cary J JfJfiUingtori Riblishiil h J.C 'arv Juh 1 "1700. IMS Croydon Snp.t-irtns Greyhound Gods tone Green HhdeJIait East Grinsted Dorset -inns ^'^EAST GRIXSTED East (rrinstetl Common "28M r >li SmrHihEo. Felhiidqe 'JZTiebn JCr>e>d^* WeLY'CecdeodcBr. Chapel food Jfew Chapel Greeiii \^^~% t %hm) r B /incite^ \ffeath J: ^BhieJndior Gatcpa/s in'tb £tu£^Jniticrt'*5~ e,, 'i ,lfftcn crKainmotcn Fid. He. ; '£** ^Gate tieket " CoaehkHorscs lieJToust 66 J/iiebam Green \ t 9XJ- JITLunffdakJ\ LoAverj tMitehani MWaM ^fIClhnd Jftirsh JfC, ^ > JfrSnu/hJ-f aJfJbjs/ ^ itheTiliMt Shear' iter; P* X I ST-Bvb'ffimter linBrwiney ilfTEsdadt flJIT.fhrimpton 4XUpa BalW* - 2nfrttendo( i CtTf' *LtwL BcnOFfmerulvfi V5& 3>iCJ>mt x i>~ \ JtrSam'Smitii IF'OKx ri n tjnr l -hrtai i -- i . „ j- MTRThcmtm mi ftablrx ■-£& •£•_ ^fe HTJ.Thrrntcn* /*-->' if ?»;, i. JFMocir r->^ I'outJi Zambeth Common Jdalroons^, t-^~ tfursayfjzu frvm We.n r £r v/ Kenning ton [Common ^Chelsea ^College aaan gton Crate ticket reed at Yivingten. Camberu /// VauxhaR ySkm Smarten xBluc^tnchor Gates: [ J fXEwrsGTOx Butts IJTEWISrGTO:!* to KYXCxATE 3 Publish, d b\ .T.C aiy Juh -i "i?f/o- 6.Z. Bans teds 6H ! M>\ue/ 3 .) 22 1 Tiuufia ■ lublu-JloiUi * e l.iulv Ilaincli/r 4 £ J A > 7' // A j M, tfom lornhill 1> <> «^ AT .V /:////, f ^fiitts'/i MB. Gate ticket wuavnJupm SaLpndor, one (rater MTFrench v£FW(hrter IfittJuitn G're&w /Mmtcliaxu i ff icacA- ]T|TTTrm /.\.\ 'S (T.iphani Rough Mihliam If Hart A't'mjs Head Sutlou \ Greyhound, Cock Byegate WhitzHart Syr an East Granted , Dorset .Jrms ()<>nri ^etBMi RYEGATE U'llakluud ii qnaimLtiiic Gate pa** /// Sutton Hill Go lirfri' i.M'.Hich' 1 J,iidbrook\ Taihrort/i (rate pass with >.'.- . fuftvn fft'/t Gate ticket f- f ' Baiistecu f\ I. , m f r I o mm art'; . tn'tyute ,- / id * f fiiblis/itd In .7 .Can- . lulv i fij/>< >■ /'///'//s//i (/ fy J.C a vy./u/\ i ■'/-1 "'^ f " m.oton Octet be ^EWESTgI 5^ ^^r^L *Tidf General Han 1 Sllintil\ Toll ■jl'irais Gate jJu/igsMeru-li Gate / . fttrh&ETU 'Bar s.T SJVaiinatpn Gate 62Iar.'/\ bate LONDON to GUIXDFOBB xw.y "Wandsworth SprencUEqfflt HamptonWick WMit Hart Kingston uri/hn Esher ': _^//' TlTittcZion Jiiinch of (?mpes Cobhani Street Geome. Tllu'/t Lion 'Bipley Geome hntfc Horse (rinldfbrd WhiteHart lhmn . . j RobwEood&nte V Tic/imondTarfr' -<4L± A.'AJt .. ^ Cfa/uioil"- Cvmmv y >, M'.Frickcll ■Tc/h SaSori^S, /•nhlirHoff^^ X rrz s t r. j: i '-- ftMicfio. 3 o c mts t u H £ -l t a MT&md Cohhum Street GateJidu c&Liphook tht fo^al 'OakFlM'cHoh tJif.Vu f >P,M,cIf< M \ Cap Published by J.CaTv.////i i fijpo. Pubtisked />i .!( in . .Inl\ jfjyoo. l\thlished b\ J.Carv. Tulvi 157go . 3LT '•< vJ