QlM ffl^lllfan i> Tfrrrv I Duke University Libraries To the ladies! Conl Pam q#62 \. Blankets! ll i .Will I In our extremity we call upon the IjiidieN ! I Our brave Soldiers are suffering for BLANKETS, ■Thousands at the call of their country, and in the hour of | ler need, are rushing to the field. They have no blanket; to protect them. Who will not spare the soldier a hi a nket i Patriotism and humanity demands some sacrifices of alL ■The State cannot meet the necessities of our troops. Thei Hasten to the relief of your husbands, sons and brothers! I I will pay a good price for blan< Lets. Bring in immediately all wov\ can to I JAMES SLOAN, Jl Q. M La*r*JBC peRirulife* P H 8.5