Duke University Libraries Proclamation of Conf Pam 12mo #587 ffo. 68. PROCLAMATION OF PEACE. J.T RiV. .1. L. DAGG, D. I). In less tlian two years, war has inflicted on our country, before prosperons and happy, evils so many, and so great, that the heart sickens in contemplating them. Millions of property ha\e been (fonsumed, and millions of del t have been accumulated, to Oppress unboru generations.. Extensive re- gions of our territory have Wen ravaged and desolated, and the inhabitants have been driven into exile, or subjected to tyranny and iftsulf. Many thousands of our citizens have perished in battle, or by dieea*# originating from the hard- ships of military service ; firiA other thousands have been so maimed and enfeebled, as to be unfitted for-. the duties and on joyments of life. The land Is filled with widows and orphans; and mourning, lamentation and woe, have spread through all its extent.' Oh! for a return < f peace ! When will the calamity "be past? If some envoy from European power would lift up his voice, and in the name of humanity protest against the wrongs which we suffer, what relief would it afford ! And if our enemy, whether yielding to necessity, or a sense of justice, should authorize a proclamation of peace to go through the land, how would our hearts leap for joy ! But gloom, anxiety, and terror still prevail. Where shall we look for help ? Ye men of piety, who, like Israel of old.* have power with God, why do you not besiege the throue ot grace, and give the Almighty no rest until he interposes m our behalf? Ye tell ub that he is merciful, and hears pray- er, and that he governs the universe, having all hearts in his „ band. If ten righteous men could have saved Sodom, why do not ye ^ save our land ? Why has not some angel been sent to drive back our invading foe, and to fly through the midst .'f heaven with a proclamation of peace? Have ye ceased to pray, or has God forgotten to be gracious ? Alas! No relief appears from this quarter. Although men of piety have prayed, and incessant, fervent, importunate pe- titions have gone forth from thousands of hearts, yet the aw- ful Sovereign still holds in his hands the two divisions of our once happy union, and dashes them against each other like two vessels of the potter, breaking them into shivers. Is God our enemy ? Does he muster the hosts for the battle ? And is he unwilling to bo at peace with us? Shall we charge him with cruelty, or entertain a momentary doubt that the judge, of all the cart*, will do right? God reigns, and justice and judgment are the habitation of his throne, though clouds and darkness are round about him. Our feeble minds fail to penetrate his designs, and comprehend his ways. But onc«thing is clear* that when his judgments are abroad in the earth, the inhabitants of the world should learn righteousness. We are assured that if a man's ways please the Lord, he niaketh even his enemies to be at peace with him : and the present awful outpouring of divine judg- ments, ought to bring our iniquities before our face, and pros- trate us before God in deep humility and sincere penitence. If it has this effect, t^ very evils which we suffer may become our richest blessings^ But who is he that dares charge God with cruelty, or com- plain because he does not put an end to our troubles? It. cannot be justly alledged that he delights to torture men with the miseries of war. He is pleased to be called (t the God. of peace ;" and he sent his Son, " the Prince of Peace," into our world on an errand of peace and mercy ; and at his entrance, a multitude of the heavenly host, in a song of joy proclaimed, '^G lory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men/' When this messenger of peace was about to leave the world, be said to his dieciples, ." Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you :" and then gave himself a sacrifice, that he might effect our reconciliation with God. Raving risen from the dead, he asc.ended bis throne on high, and sent his proclamation, " the gospel of peace," through the world. His heralds hi 1 the j >yft»l aews, and it is our privilege to welcome them with the exclamation, 14 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet <-i him thai bringethgood tidings, that re blishi in ibh r.: that briugeth good tidings of good, that publish eth salvation; that paith unto Zion, thy God reigneth.' 'through nil the clangor of arms and uproar of battle, this proclamation of peace sounds in our ears. Why, then is it that the war still rages, and that men still imbrue their hands in each other's blood ? Heaven, where God has fixed his throne, is a realm of peace and love: and the great Sovereign has formed the gracious design of extending his peaceful reign over this wretched world which we inhabit: hut men oppose this gracious design. In heaven God is the centre uf all attraction and tnc source from which all derive bliss ; fan on earth men make themselves their own centre, and selfishly gather to themselves all the enjoyments which they can grasp. Jn this selfishness the wars originate in which men oppose and destroy One another. "Were men's hearts right towards GocJ, wars would cease, and the peace and bliss ot heaven would come down to dwell on earth; and God would reign unopposed below, as he does in his high and holy place. Because men oppose God's gracious design to extend trie empire of peace and love, he permits their evil passions to manifest their malignity, in bloody wars and cruel oppressions. That men are at war with one another is terrible; but that they are at war with God is more terrible. Because they fight against him, he leaves them to fight against one another, that they may see the evil of their ways, and turn away from their wickedness. Let us, then, even amidst the roar of cannon and tumult of battle, listen to God's pro- clamation of peace; and if men will not put an end to the cruel war whioh they wage against us, let us take hold of God's «ovenant, and be at peace with him. His peace the world caunot give, cannot take away, cannot prevent, cannot disturb. We need not wait for. it until the war is over, and its calamities past. We may find it on the wearisome march, or in the very presence of the ruthless foe; and we may enjoy it in the camp and in the field, in perils and in suffering, in triumph or in defeat. Far better would it -be to bo crushed beneath the heel of our enemies, with the'peace of God in our hearts, than to triurhph over them, and be at war with God. Such is the delightful effect of the gospel, that it enables me£ to rejoice even in tribulation. Every one can conceive what joy would thrill the hearts of all who dwell throughout the land, if peace we/e proclaimed, and the assurance giyen that, wc have nothing more to fear from the foes that assail us on earth. But far gi eater joy ought we to derive from the gospel proclamation which gives assurance of peace w r ith heaven. " Blessed is the peophf that know the joyful sound : they shall walk. Lord, iu the light of thy countenance. " All ye who read this little tract, listen \o the news with exulting joy. Lay down your arms; cease your war against God ; accept the grace which he freely bestows, and the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Jesus, lover of my soul ! Let me to thy bosom fly. While the billows near me roll, While the tempest still is nigh; Hide me, O my Saviour hide, Till the storm of life is past; Safe into the haven guide,* O receive my soul at last ! Hollinger Corp. pH8.5