Duke University Libraries Epitaph on the Conf Pam #619 EPITAPH ON THE femtife fcml! CEASFJO fo exist at tlie lioiir of 12 M. oil Wednet-d ly^the third of DecembiM' In the Year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-two ? THE TERRIBLE QUINTUMVIRATE Usurper of the Sovereignty of the State of SOUTH CAROLINA, who after an Existence of One Hundred ami Forty-five days, during which they endeavored to trample upon all the RIGHTS DEAR TO A FREE PEOPLE, Havinj; declared ISIarlial Law over thi' CITY OF CHARLESTON on the eve of a petition fmm (he j)p.ople to their Keprepentaiives to re-assemhie the C O N V E N r I O N They endeavored to suppress the FREEDOM OF SPEECH & DROWN DISCUSSION ! The private property of citizens was seized — all offices distribufeQ among their kin and fiiends — solemn Acts of the General Assembly were altered or repealed — the settled Law of the Land abrogated — • the Ccnsli'.ution of the State overturned — the Public Fund squandered. And Filially 'J'hey quarreled um»ng themselves! When The Constitutional Legislature of the State rising in itii Dignity and Power, they, the proper custodians of her honor, by a vote of O© Yeas and only O voting in mercy, blotted out its Existence, on the day. and in the year above written ! MAY An incensed and justly outraged people grant peace to their unsightly ashes, and may their FATE, illustrating the old saying *^ Vaulting Hmbition oft overleaps kself," be a heeded WARNING "'To all who approach irreverently THE SACRED ARK of the PEOPLE'S RIGHTS! ^^Bic Semifer TyranU,*' pH8.5