>» Duke university Lioraries /' C Annual report o ^'P'/s y ^ ^^J" Conf Pam #721 J ^Vy^i- *ru ANNUAL REPORT OF JARED 1 WHITAKER, f OF GEORff \, i FOR THE FISCAL YEAR, ENDINC OCTOBER I.5th,18G3. BOUGHTON, NISBET, BARNES & MOORE, State Printirs. MlLLEDOEVir.LE, GA , 18G:!. COMMISSARY GENERAL'S OFFICE, > Atlanta, Ga., November 26th, 1S63. > To Henry C. JVaijnc, Adjutant and Inspector General: GENERAL--I have the honor to transmit herewith, in du- plicate, copies of my "Hnancial" and "property report" ; the former embracing the receipts and disbursements of money in defraying the expenses of the Commissary Depart- ment of this State from the 21st day of October, 1862, to the l-5th day of October, 1SG3, both days inclusive ; and the latter embracing a statement of the purchases and is- sues made of Commissary stores from the Ist November, 1S62, to the 1st November, 1SG3. In transmitting these reports, I beg leave to state, that my financial report has ^jK^en for some time withheld, in or- der to transmit with it the property report of this office, which could not be made untif the reports of the several Commissaries, up to the 1st instant had been received, and these, in many instances, having been, from unavoidable cir- cumstances, delayed in their receipt here, I hav^ not been able, until now, to consolidate and transmit the property report to you. You will perceive from my financial report, marked A, that I have received the past year, from the State treasury on warrants, $325,000.00, and from officers, for balances, $30,232.04. These, with the balance left in my hands on the 20th October, 1S62, as per my report of the first fiscal year of file in your office, to-wit, $39,371.21, show the ag- gregate amount of my liabilities for monies received, to be $394,603.25, while the aggregate disbursements have been $315,554.91, for all of which the proper vouchers are in this office ; leaving in my hands a balance of $79,048.34 afc the close of the last fiscal year ; the actual amount expen- ded m the procurement of supplies, the past year, being $2S'j,322.87. In the procurement of supplies for the State, during the past year, my directions to the purchasing Commissaries, Capt. William Watkins, and Capt. A. 0. Bacon, were to^;;^r- cha^e them at the lowest cash prices possible, and to avoid impre«srijent8 ; in the pursuance of which directions, not- withstanding the (lifTicultiesthey had to encounter, it grati- fies me to be able to stjute, that they were .more successful in obtaining them, than, from their scarcity, might have been anticipated, and at mucli lower rates, than, from the reports of "current prices," the same supplies were com- manding in the market. And here, permit me to state, that during the two years I have had charge of this oflice, I have not been forced to the necessity of resorting either to a seizure or impressment in order to procure supplies needed for the State or her troops. In my "proi)erty report" marked B', you will find em- braced u statement ol the various supplies purciiased and issued during the past year. From these supplies the "Bridge Guard" were subsisted from the 1st November, 1S62, until the two regiments, composing the "State line" were orG:;inized. Tliese two recrinients, together with a portion of the "State Ouard" and other troops in the Con- federate service, have also been subsisted upon these stores, to what extent is clearly set forth in the abstract B. The issues to the "State Guard" and other troops in the Confed- erate service, were made by your order to the issuing Com- missaries while you were in command of the State forces at Kingston. The total receipts of supplies during the past year, were as follows : fresh beef 01, 78-5 Ib^ and 4 oz. ; dried beef J. 5,853 lbs ; bacon, 2-3<,2-20 lbs ; il^ir L',1S3 bbls, and IS lbs ; wheat 123 bushels; meal 249,8!J4 lbs; peas 203 bushels and 30 lbs ; rice 03,-523 lbs ; rye 789 lbs ; cofiee 3,901 lbs ; sugar 17,034 lbs; vindgar 412 gallons; candles 5,993 lbs; soap 12,511 lbs and s oz ; salt Ao*2 bushels and 17 quarts; molasses 2,480 gallons; lard 8,075 lbs ; corn 12,001 bush- els and 28 lbs. The total issues were as follows : fresh beef 01,785 lbs and 4 oz; dried beef 0,443 lbs; bacon 201,029 lbs; Hour 1,200 bbls and 28 lbs; wheat 123 bushels ; meal 227,495 lbs ; peas 43 bushels and 18 lbs ;, rice 33,109 lbs ; rye 789 lbs ; cofl'ee 2,133 lbs and 10 oz ; sugar 8,044 lbs and 4 oz ; vinegar 380 gallons ; candles 2,700. lbs and 13 oz ; soap 7,885 lbs and 7 oz ; salt 405 bushels and 4 quarts ; molasses 1,223 gallons and 3 quarts; lard 7,817 lbs ; corn 4,073 bushels ;ind 30 lbs. The supplies on hand as you will also perceive Irom the Abstract on the 1st nistant, consist of 9,110 lbs dried beef; 57,191 lbs bacon ; i)22 barrels and 180 lbs Hour ; 22,399 lbs meal; 210 bushels and J2 lbs peas; 30,354 lbs rice ; 1,827 lbs and 6 oz collee ; 8,389 lbs and 12 oz sugar; 32 gallons vinegar ; 3,2s() lbs and 3 oz candles ; 4,020 lbs and I oz soap ; 27 bushels 13 quarts salt ; 1,202 gallons and 1 quart molasses ; 228 lbs lard ; and 7,387 bushels and 54 lbs corn. .Kvery eflbrt is now being made by Captain William Wat- kins, and Captain Arthur P. Wright, the purchasing Com- missaries of this department, to procure supplies for the current year. The success that has hitherto attended the State officers, is a guaranty, that, although there are many more obstacles now in the way of procuring the supplies needed, than at any previous period of the war, they will be successful in their efibrts to procure them. I can- not too highly compliment the purchasing and issuing Com- missaries for their energy and economy, and for the service they have rendered the State, in securing and issuing sup- plies, and my acknowledgments are due to Captain A. B. Forsyth, the Military Storekeeper at Atlanta, for the faith- ful manner in which he has preserved the public stores and otherwise discharged the responsible duties of his office. In reference to this department, 1 beg leave to say a few words before closing this report. In addition to the duties of my office, proper, as Commissary General of the State, I have been charged by his Excellency, the Governor, with the extra labor and responsibility of receiving and issuing to soldiers' families the salt from the Virginia Salt Works, contracted for by the State with Messrs Temple & Co. Con- sequently there are two separate and distinct records kept in this office ; the one embracing a record of all business matters pertaining to the Commissary General's department, proper, and the other to all matters connected with the re- ceipts and issues of salt. I have, therefore, made to you, and transmith herewith, a separate and distinct report on the salt received and issued by this oliice, which embraces many important facts, not the least of which is the evidence it presents of the great relief its issiuiiice has been to the families of those who have been and are, still in the military service of the country. It affords me much pleasure, in conclusion, to state that I am under many obligations to ]\Iessrs. G. C. Norton, Young Garrett, John Stephens, and Sherwood S. Campbell, for the prompt and very efficient manner in which thev have discharged their duties as Clerks in this office. Kespectfull V submitted, JARED L.WHITAKER, Commissary General. <■) A. ABSTRACT s/iouiufT f he amount of money received and disburs- ed bif mc Hi Commissartj Goicral of the iStofc of Georgia in dc- fi'fiijing the cTjtcnscs of the Commissary Deport mcnt from the 21st day if October, 1SG2, to the loth day if October, 1SG3, both days inclnswe : Reckipts. To balance on hand the i!Oth Octo- tober 1^0:i, - $39,371.21 To ain't rcc'tJ from State Treasury per AVarrants, 32o, 000.00 To ani't received from ofliccrs for balances, 30,232.04 S394,G03.25 Dl.SnUIJSKMKNTS. By amount transferred to officers to purchase supplies, $300,l(>5.2r5 By am't disl)urse(l by nic as Com- missary General in settlement for supplies, 7,.')21.77 By amount disbursed fc»r salaries, . 5,100.00 By amount disbursed for contin- gent expenses, 2,104.89 To balance on hand iOth October 1802, s 39,371.21 To am't received fioni . State Treasury, 32'),000.00 $310,554.91 79,048.34 364,371.21 B}' balance on hand IStli day of October 1863, 79,04^.34 Actual am't expended to 15th Oct. 1SG3, '$285,322.87 I M I o ^1 O O t. 'S -^ K ^.^ %> w^ o »^ Ci s «? • S 00 S5 T-l s c3 '^ 2 -< «<5 .«o Co r-t "^3 s O < «o s p Ounces. — lO Pounds. •^*' • — 1 C. J< Pounds. /§ IS Pounds, o-^' 1 IQ „■ Pounds. .»' Bushels. 1^ I I 00 I C{ -51 Bushels. i^H '3 Pounds. --2- s-;;- * 26,647 481 495 1 74 ,.338 11,686 100 13,749 Cl" c o Poands. con 1 -^ 1 O O -I o«s — . C-. s js Barrels. 28C. 1875 21 1- J- --;: o iM =. c. o s ?< - Ounces. 1 oo « 1 1 CO Pounds. cjc5 o oo" o CI 22,413 91 30 130,881 5,505 27,692 4,030 1,232 9,154 5 J--" t. CO Pounds. a 11,781 4,072 CO CO o_ CO • « — ij fl ■^Pi n 3 o V . 3 9 T^ fl C 5 «,? ^ o e ^3 3 .<" t3 c< O Hollinger Corp. pH8.5