Duke University Libraries Circular Headqu Conf Pam #306 Shreveport, La., Aug. 3d, 1863. ^OIROTJL A.R. In consequence of the great scarcity of intrenching tools and other Engineer property in the Dept. of the Trans-Miss., Depots for the col- lection and repairs of shovels, picks, axes, carpenters' toolS; etc. Avill be established in the different districts, and all Engineer Officers, Agents, etc., having fn their possession such property, not in use, are hereby directed to have it removed to the Depots and turned over to the officer in charge, without delay. A return by the Senior Engineer officer of each district, will be made to these Headquarters, of all property now on hand. Stating its con- dition and the poiut at which it is being used. The following Depots for the collection of intrenching tools, etc., will be established. For the District of Texas, New Mexico and Ari- zona, Houston and San Antonio. For the District of Western Louisiana, Shreveport and Grand Ecore. For the District of Arkansas, Fulton and Van Buren. Requisitions for intrenching tools, etc., will be made by the Senior Engineer officer of the District in which they may be required, upon the oSicevin charge of the Depots, and invoices and receipts given and taken ior all property issued. H. T. DOUGLAS, Maj. Eng. & Chf. Eng., Dept. Trans-Miss. ArproTcd by command of Lt. Gen'l. E. Kircy Smith. \I. W riiATT, A. A. Gen'l. Headqujlkters, District of Arkansas, ] Little Rock, Aug. 17, 1863. [ Official: J. W. Lewis, A. A. Gen'l. ^ pH8.5