plftny I D03209618T #556 TO TAX COLLECTORS AND DEPOSITARIES. AMENDED REGULATIONS IN REGARD TO RECEIVING i PER CENT. CERTIFICATES FOR BONDS, IN PAYMENT OF TAXES OF OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS ABSENT IN THE MILITARY SERVICE. C. S. TREASURY AGENCY, T. M. D., ) Marshall, Tbxas, January 1, 1865. ) I. Taxes doc by OflScers ov Soldiers absent fiom home in the Mili- tary service, whicli are by law payable in Certificates for 4 Per Cent. Bonds, may be paid by any holder of such Certificates, upon aflSdavit being made by the wife of, or by any other person acting for, such soldier or officer, that they are unable to pay^uch taxes without a sale of prop- erty. Upon such affidavit being made and filed with them, Tax Collec- tors will receive such Certificates for Bonds in payment, upon an assign- ment being made by the holder, stating in substance that it was made in payment of the taxes due by an absent officer or soldier This assignment should be authenticated in the manner usual in other cases. Depositaries will receive from Tax Collectors such 4 Per Cent. Certificates, so assigned, upon Deposit. 2. Certificates for 4 Per Cent. Bonds, issued by Depositaries in other States, are by cxisiing Laws and Regulations, receivable in pay- ment of taxes in any State where the taxes are due and p.ayable ; but Certificates for Exchange of Idsucd, are receivable in payment of taxes, only in the State where issued. P . W . GRAY, Agent Treasury, T. M. D. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5