DUKE UNiVL. Letters to the Secretary of State on the Subject of Pauperism. [First publiahed in the Columbia Republican, in the fall of 1853.] (No. 1.) 7b tht Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State elects of the State of JVew York. A great ehauge has occurred in the political affairs of the State, which, from its magnitude, might well cause amazement, had it not been frequently paralleled in previous portions of its history. This, sir, is a great State, rich in natural resources, and abound- ing in every element of prosperity and wealth. Its inhabitants feel this instinctively, and they desire that their rulers and higher officers should so direct their affairs as to develope this latent affluence in the highest degree. Again and again have they been seduced by high sounding professions of zeal for the public wel- fare to elevate different political parties to power, in the hope that they would seriously devote themselves to preparing and perfecting measures which should increase the guarantees of in- dividual freedom, and swell the measure of public prosperity. You know, sir, how often they have been disappointed in these anticipations. You, who understand the history of our State so well, are aware how few have been the measures, comprehensive in their scope, noble in their aim, and beneficial in their results, which have been devised by our statesmen. Their time and their talents have too frequently been devoted to the perpetua- tion of their own power, to increasing their own emoluments, and to the distribution of the public patronage to their own friends and political adherents. Is it wonderful that the people, thus betrayed and insulted^ should oscillate frequently in political affairs? Is it not natural [Senate, No. 72.] 5 66 [Senate that they should be indignant when their interests are neglected, and their wishes are contemptuously opposed by their public ser- vants ? The present State government assumed the management of affairs with the loudest professions of integrity, and of zeal for the public service, but no single pledge has been redeemed, no single promise has been fulfilled. The management of our ca- nals was never so expensive, and never so inefficient. Our State Prisons have deteriorated in discipline, security and revenue. The finances of the State are seriously dilapidated, and, in a word, all the functions of government are badly performed. The people, knowing these things, have decreed that our party should have another trial. You have been borne into power by a mighty wave of public indignation, swelled up by the selfish- ness, the incompetency, and the profligacy of our adversaries. If you dedicate all your admitted powers and energies with singleness — if you resolutely exclude those miserable harpies who infest the perlieus of the capital and the public offices, in hopes of plunder from your councils — " if ail the ends you aim at are your country's" — you may rest assured of along lease of power, and a long career of honorable effort If on the contrary, you confine yourself to mere party aims, forgetful of the lofty objects of public importance which solicit your attention, your public career will be a short one. The refluent wave, which will bear you back to the depths ot obscurity will be far mightier than that which elevated you to power. I trust and believe, sir, that your own good heart will dictate to you, more powerfully than even the exigencies of party neces- sity, or the demands of personal ambition, to aim at the inaugu- ration of a new era in politics, and give us a glimpse of that " good time" which we have been told so long is " coming That our code of procedure will be completed with wisdom and judgment, and its crudities and anomalies thoroughly purged away : That our canals will be finished speedily and economically as they w^ould be if they were controlled by sagacious and experienced individuals for their own benefit : That our system of criminal law will be revised and made to conform more nearly to the re- quirements of enlightened political science : That energetic mea- No. 72.] 67 sures will be adopted for the accumulation and diffusion of agri- cultural knowledge : That our State prisons will be purged of all under keepers, guards and other officials, whose characters are more debased than those of the prisoners over whom they are placed : That pauperism in all its relations be thoroughly inves- tigated : That such of our existing laws as are found to be useless or injurious will be altered or repealed, and that such new pro- visions as may be required will be promptly inserted in the sta- tute book. This is a sweeping programme, sir, but the state of things amongst us, and, if I am not egregiously mistaken, the will of the people J imperiously require that these reforms should be accomp- lished. I am aware that you cannot accomplish them alone, the Consti- tution confers no legislative power on you. But you can do much if you cannot do all. As a member of the Canal Board you can do much to stem the tide of corruption which infests that depart- ment; as an ex- officio Regent of the University, you may effect great things for the increase and diffusion of agricultural know- ledge, and as charged by existing laws to report annually on crime and pauperism, you will be enabled to present these questions to the Legislature in a manner which will readily ensure the assent of that body. i Truly yours, FRANKLIN. ( No. 2. ) To Elias W. Leavejsworth, Secretary of State electj of the State of JSCew-York: In my last letter I called your attention to several reforms which I believe to be imperatively demanded by the people of this State. It is not my intention in this series of letters to dis- cuss all these questions, although at some future time I may feel called upon to do so. At present I shall limit myself to an ex- amination of the subject of pauperis?a and the suggestions of such amendments and alterations as I think ought to be made in our .existing laws for the care and support of the poor. 68 [Senat*: It is a broad and comprehensive subject, sir! It is not to be mastered in a moment, or disposed of in a day. If you would fathom its breadth and depth, you must wade through masses of facts and statistics which would cause a mere fancy statesman to stand aghast. You must look with your own eyes on the masses of the poor in our larger cities— you must behold the filth, the disease, the nakedness, the squalor, the mental and moral cor- ruption aggregated there. You must learn for yourself, the size of the army of children who are growing up amongst us with the seeds of disease in their bodies, and the still fouler leprosy of guilt festering deeply in their souls. I know these sights are appalling; that it is no holiday task to survey them, yet I hope you will not shrink from the undertaking, because it will enable you to use your oflicial station far more effectually for the amelioration of these evils than if the source of your knowledge was only heresay. You will recollect the saying of the man to the woman of Sama- ria : " Now we believe, not because of thy saying, for we have heard him ourselves.^^ These Samaritans were like other human beings, and knowledge acquired through the medium of their own senses was far more operative on their actions than that which they obtained through the testimony of others. If however, you are unable from the want of time or opportu- nity to enter upon an original and personal investigation of this great question, let me entreat you to give a careful and heedful attention to the facts and suggestions which it is my purpose to lay before you. There may be little enough of talent in these letters, but I assure you that I have not been niggardly of time in acquiring the information that I shall lay before you, and I think I may say, you may safely rely upon the accuracy of every state- ment I may make. Perhaps you will ask me why I do not seek some other channel through which this reform may be accomplished. I will answer this question before I enter directly on the subject of pauperism. The only other ways that occur to me are, 1st, to enter the Legis- lature myself, or 2d, to interest the members of the Legislature by personal solicitation, or 3d, to awake public attention through public meetings called for the purpose, or 4th, by frequent publi- No. 72.] 69 lications in newspapers published in different sections of the State. I am cfuite too humble an individual ever to be thought of for a seat in the Legislature, and this settles the first mode of proce- dure. For the second you well know that members of the Legis- lature are divisible into two classes: Those who are incompetent to understand these questions, and those who are competent. No one knows better than yourself that the first of these classes is greatly in the majority in these latter days. The class of compe- tent legislators may in their turn be subdivided into two, viz: Those who will trouble themselves with no questions which will not enure to their own personal advantage, or redound to their own personal glory. I could expect no help from this class 3 nothing they could do in this way would help tliem to a reelection or elevate them to a higher office, or put money in their purses. The other class consists of workers who are already overburdened with labor. You were of this class when you were in the Assem- bly. You will recollect what a long string of acts for the county of Onondaga and the city of Syracuse, and the inhabitants thereof you procured the passage of, and in order to procure votes for those bills you were obliged to do the legislative work of those mem- bers who were no more able to do it for themselves than the desks they dozed over. You would hardly have thanked me if I had urged you to undertake the management of a bill which would require the undivided attention of several able members to insure its. passage. It would require a popular orator of name and fame, to draw together numerous audiences, before whom these statements could be made with a hope to interest them to activity in the work of Poor Law Reform. But I am eo popular orator nor could I se- cure the services of such, hence T should only fail if I attempted this mode of procedure. It I were to abuse the whig party roundly, and rake up all their sins of omission and commission, I should expect my letters would receive the most extensive publicity thro' the democratic press. Or if I performed a similar kind office for the democrats no doubt the whig press would not prevent my charges from being sustained^ but as I only recite — The fibort and simple aunal? of the Poor, " 70 [Senate I do not suppose either whigs or democrats will trouble them- selves with what I write. I liave therefore no resource but to ap- peal to you. FRANKLIN. ( No. 3. ) To Elias W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State elect, of the State of JYew- York ; You may ask me why I do not address these letters privately through the post-office, rather than through the medium of the press. My answer is that I have tried this method before, and found it quite useless. One of your predecessors acknowledged the receipt of my letters, and politely expressed his intention to examine the whole matter with care, after which he would devise a remedy for the evils complained of. This was the last of it ; he probably never thought of the matter again, after writing the let- ter of acknowledgment. Some of his friends wanted places as lock-tenders or collectors on the canals, or they desired to secure some fat contract. Negotiations for these would pay in the solid currency of votes, both in conventions and at the polls ; labors for the poor would only leave as a reward the consciousness of doing good. How could he be expected to work for such poor pay] Another predecessor received my letters, but did not conde- scend to notice them in any way. This was better, because he broke no promise ; but it convinced me that I must take another method if I would secure the co operation of those in power. I have chosen this method, therefore, that the people may be aware that the great evils of pauperism have been brought distinctly to your notice. I really believe, sir, that you will esteem it a plea- sure, as well as a duty, to exert all the influence of your official t station in favor of poor law reform; but if I am unfortunately mistaken in this, I wish to deprive you of the excuse for negli- gence or indifference, that your attention has never been called to the subject, and that you were not aware how bad our condition really was. No. 72.] 71 If you prove, as I trust you will, efficient in remedying the evils of our poor laws, I am not without hopes that the publication of these letters will, in some degree, assist your laudable endeavors, by awakening and informing the public mind j so that you may find public opinion in your favor when you shall be pleased to bring the subject to the attention of the Legislature. These, sir, are my reasons for addressing you through the press, and having now written all that I designed to say by way of pre- face, I proceed at once to the main subject of these letters: First — Pauperism is rabidly increasing in the State of JS'^ew- Vork ! You will scarcely believe that this proposition is true, if you travel on any of our great thoroughfares — the Central, the Erie, or the Northern railroads, lake Erie, Ontario, or Champlain, and, above all, on the Hudson river — your eyes are greeted and glad- dened with evidences of wealth, " which far outshine the wealth of Ormus or of Lud." Splendid mansions are rising in every direc- tion, the grounds are richly embellished, villages are formed on the corn-fields of yesterday, and the village of yesterday is the city of to-day. You see no paupers — all are genteelly diessed^ our shipping has doubled, and the stream of California gold flows in upon us with a tide that knows no ebb. Looking complacently at all these signs of almost fabulous prosperity, you will not believe that the plague-spot of pauperism is within us, eating into our very vitals, and spreading, day by day, with fearful rapidity. Yet nothing is more true. You will very soon be inducted into the Secretary's Office in the State Hall. Seated in the comfortable arm chair provided for your accommodation, you may reach, with- out risins: from it, the records which will demonstrate the truth of the assertion, beyond reach of all controversy or cavil. These records show that, in the year 1831, the total number of persons relieved and supported at the public cost in the State of New- York, was 15,564 ; in the year 1841, the number was 61,203 ; in 1851, the number was 125,473; and, in 1852, it amounted to 151,399. j Senate These facts speak for themselves, and speak loudly, too ; but you will not understand their full significance without contem- plating them from different points of view, and in relation with different objects. Niagara is one and indivisible — it never chan- ges ; yet he who looks at it solely from Goat Island, carries away with him a widely different idea of its appearance from him who has seen It only from Table Rock. Let us try to avoid all one- sided views, and endeavor to comprehend these startling facts in their totality. The numerical increase of paupers during the ten years between 1831 and 1841, was 463639; or, in other words, pauperism had increased 293 per cent., or in still other words, there were nearly four paupers in 1841 where there was only one in 1831. The numerical increase ot paupers from 1841 to 1851, was 64,270, or 105 per cent. There were two paupers in 1851 where there was only one in 1841. If we compare the number of persons relieved and supported in 1851, directly with those re- lieved and supported in 1831, we shall see that during that period of twenty years, the numerical increase was 109,909. The in- crease per cent was 706 ; or, rather, more thaa eight paupers in 1851 for one in 1831. The population of the State in 1831 was l,918,6085|in 1841, it was 2,428,921 ; in 1851, it was 3,097,394. The numerical in- crease of the population for the ten years between 1831 and 1841 was 510,313. The increase per cent was 26 ; or there were 1-26 persons in 1841, for 1 in 1831. The numerical increase of the population for the ten years between 1841 and 1851 was 668,473. The increase per cent 27 ; or there were 1-27 persons in 1851, for 1 in 1841. If we compare the population of 1851 directly with the popu- lation of 1831, we find during that period of twenty years the nu- merical increase is 1,178,786. The increase per cent is 61 5 or, there were 1-61 persons in 1851 for 1 in 1831. 1 leave you to consider these astounding revelations of the offi- cial records during the ensuing week, and remain Yours truly, FRANKLIN. No. 72.J ( No. 4. ) To the Hon. Elias W. Leaven woktu, Secretary of State^ elect of the State of Mew- York: I showed you in my last letter, that while the population of the State increased only 61 per cent during the twenty years between 1831 and 1851 , pauperism increased 706 per cent during the same period. This gives us a pretty clear idea of the rapidity with which pauperism is spreading amongst us, yet as our notions can- not be too precise or comprehensive, let us give the kaleidoscope another turn, and see if the same glass beads will not give us another image. Since the population of the State in 1831 was 1,918,608, and the number of persons relieved or supported during that year was 15,564, it follows that for every pauper in that year there were 123 non-paupers; or we may say that the burthen of supporting each pauper in the State was divided among 123 individuals. In 1841 the burthen was so far increased that there were only 39 persons to support each pauper, and in 1851 every 24 persons in the State were compelled to support one pauper. I think, sir, we have gained something by this turn of the kaleidoscope. It seems to me that you, and I, and the public in general, will get a more vivid idea of the insidious activity of this social malady from this point of view than irom any other- Keep the fact carefully in your memory, sir, that in 1831 there was one pauper to every one hundred and twenty- three inhabitants, while in 1«51 there was one pauper to every twenty four inhabi- tants. Have you considered, that if pauperism increases as rapid- ly during the next twenty years as it has during the last twenty, there will be in 1871 one to evevyfive inhabitants'? If you have not, let me intreat you by all that is christian, all that is patriotic, and all that is philanthropic in you, to ponder it thoroughly now. Apply the most approved principles of political arithmetic to the solution of the problem, and tell us, if such should be the condi- tion of things in 1871, what effect will it have on the condition of the country 1 If one person in every five is a pauper, will uni- versal suffrage be safe ! Will not the concentration of wealth 74 ^ [Senate which such a condition of things will produce lead naturally and necessarily to the establishment of an order of JS^Ulityl If an order of Nobility is established will they rest long without an Emperor or a King ? If I read the Roman history rightly, the spirit of liberty declined as pauperism increased. Wealth, there, was more unequally divided ; the rich became richer, and the poor poorer. The poor Roman was too happy to enrol himself among the retinue of the wealtJiy patrician, for then bread would be given him, and his water would be sure. But then, the main- tenance of the Republic became impossible, and the establishment of the Empire was an inevitable necessity. You, sir are a states- man, and can better answer these questions than I can ; yet it does seem to my poor understanding, that if like causes produce like effects, something like the sequence of events which occurred in Rome, will follow here. While your hand is in will you be kind enough to solve a few more problems growing out of the same subject. What will be the efl'ect of this increase of pauperism on our common schools ? W' hen wealth is confined to the very topmost branches of the na- tional tree, while the roots and the trunk are steeped in poverty, and the inferior branches are contented with the most meagre gleanings of the vintage, will the wealthy contribute to the sup- port of schools for the poor? Will they not deem them more fit- ting tools without education than with it ? How will our churches be affected ? Will not many a graceful spire which now rises lieavenward crumble into decay ? What influence will it exer- -cise on internal improvements ? Can a nation of lazaroni con- struct railroads and dig canals ? What will become of our com- merce ? Do paupers build ships or fill them 1 Let Spain and Portugal and Naples answer. You will perceive, sir, that I have only calleti your attention to such aspects of the question as a mere statesman would take. I am not afraid, however, that you will forget there is a christian, and a philanthropic side, which are of equal, if not superior inter- est. The individual pain and suffering and privation caused by poverty cannot be forgotten by any one possessed of the ordinary feelings of humanity ; nor can the most painful tendency of ex- No- 72.] 75 treme poverty to alienate the affections from God and fasten them on merely sensual enjoyment, be overlooked by those who have learned the value of the soul, and delight in the extension of the Redeemer's Kingdom. • Although I am, I trust, in some degree sensible of the deep im- portance of these topics, yet I do not wish to dwell upon them. At present, I only seek to procure such reforms as it is in the power of statesmen to secure, and I know how intolerant they are, of any appeals to the feelings or the passions. It is only through the practical and tho tangible that they can be moved, acd know- ing this I shall seek for no other instruments. Yours truly, FRANKLIN. (No. 5.) To EnAs W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State electy of the State of JVew- York : I have already drawn from official sources an aggregate of pau- perism, which has probably awakened equally your astonishment and sympathy, but you are far from having the whole case before you. The number of persons relieved and supported in this State by private societies and individuals, are not numbered by tens, nor hundreds, but by thousands. Almost all the different religious denomications contribute more or less to the' support of their own members. With the Society of Friends this is a fundamental principle — none of their members are permitted to accept a charity from the public. Then there are the inmates of the numerous orphan asylums, the beneficiaries of the fi'ee masons, and other fraternal associations, and lastly those who are under the care of societies, which, under the various names of Dorcas, Relief, Assistance, &c., societies, dispense assist- ance to a very large number of persons in all our large, and in many of our smaller cities and villages. It is impossible to estimate with any approximation to accuracy the number of persons relieved or supported through these agen- 76 [Senate cieSj but if you desire to avail yourself of all the light attainable on the subject, there can be no doubt Mr. R. M. Haitleyj of New- York, will gladly furnish you with all the reports of the New- York Association for improving the condition of the poor," of which he is secretary, and those of the " New-York Female As- sistance Society," to which he has ready access. When you have studied their reports, together with those of the societies which are required by law to jfile their reports in the office of the Secretary of State, you will probably be prepared to admit, that the persons relieved or supported by private charity are very nearly equal to those supported at the expense of the Dublic. It not unfrequently happens that the same persons receive partial relief Irom public officers, and the agents of private as- sociations; after making due allowance for such contingencies, it will be safe to assume that one person out of every sixteen in the State of New-York, requires and receives assistance from public or private bounty. You may now suppose that you have got to the bottom of the matter, that at length you have taken the gauge and mensuration of all the poverty in the State. Be patient, my dear sir, you must grope deeper before you come to the bottom of the mystery ot poverty. All that we have done heretofore has been to ascertain the number of those who receive assistance; we have yet to enquire how many there are who need assistance, but never receive it. I cannot state th number of this class, but I know from per- sonal investigations, that it is very large. They may be said to exist, rath(ir than live; they procure money enough by picking up rags, bones, or old iron in the streets, or still worse, by petty pilfering, to keep their breath in their bodies, but are utter strangers to any of the decencies or comforts of life. In the city of Liverpool there are over 40,000 persons living in cellars. We have no statistics, that I am aware of, for the city of New- York, but there is no doubt that the number of persons residing in cellars is much greater than in Liverpool. I cannot give you a better idea of the miserable condition of the residents of these places, than by transcribing No. 72.] 77 the following description from Dr. Griscom's «^ Lecture on the sanitary condition of the poor." He says, after describing the residences of the poor above ground, " But the most offensive of all places for residence, are the cellars. It is almost impossible? when contemplating the circumstances and condition of the poor beings who inhabit these places, to maintain the proper degree of calmness, requisite for a thorough inspection, and the exercise of a sound judgment respecting them. You must descend to them; you must feel the blast of foul air as it meets your face on opening the door; you must grope in the dark, or hesitate until your eye becomes accustomed to the gloomy place, to enable you to find your way through the entry, over a broken floor, the boards of which are protected from your tread by a half inch of hard dirt; you must inhale the suffocating vapor of the sitting and sleeping rooms; and in the dark damp recess, endeavor to find the inmates by the sound of their voices, or chance to see their figures moving between you and the flickering blaze of a shaving burning on the hearth, or the misty light of a window coated with dust and fes- tooned with cobwebs. Or if in search of an invalid, take care that you do not fall ful? length upon the bed with her, by stumb- ling against the bundle of rags and straw, by that name, lying on N the floor under a window, if window there is; all this and much more, beyond the reach of my pen, must be felt and seen, ere you can appreciate in its full force the mournful and disgusting condition in which many of our fellow citizens pass their lives." I have abundant materials on hand to illustrate the condition of the un- assisted poor, but I will forbear, and will close this letter with asking you if I have not fully proved the assertion, that "pauper- ism is rapidly and dangerously increasing in the State of New- York." Yours truly, FRANKLIN. ( IS'o. 6. ) To the Hon. Eli as W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State: 11. The Expenses of Pauperism have greatly increased. This second proposition would seem naturally to follow from the first that we have been endeavoring to establish, viz: that 78 [Senate pauperism itself has greatly increased. Those who are willing to admit the first, will need little proof to admit the second. Nevertheless, it will make our way clear, and help us to arrive at some conclusions, to enter into some of the details of that in- creased expenditure. The total cost incurred by the tax payers of this State, during the year 1831, for the support or relief of paupers, was $245,433.21; for the year 1841 it was $538,709.44; and for the year 1851 it was $857,866.91; for the year 1852 it was $991,866.28. I have stated in my third letter that the population of the State in 1831 w^as 1,918,608. In 1841 it was 2,428,921, and in 1851 it was 3,097,394. You will excuse me, sir, for this repetition, but you will please remember that these letters are intended for the public as well as for yourself, and that many will desire to know something of the objects on which their taxes are expended, who have not your facilities for consulting the statistics of the State. , From these statements it appears that the increased annual ex- pense at the end of the ten years which* expired in 1841, was $293,276.23, or 119 per cent. The increase at the close of the next period of ten years ending in 1851, was $319,157.47, or 59 per cent. If we compare the direct dilference in the cost of pauperism in 1831 and 1851, we find that it is J612,373.70, or 249 per cent, while, as we have seen in the third letter, the popu- lation had only increased 61 per cent. I think, sir, this result is one which we should not have ex- pected from any a pWcwi reasoning; the country was far richer in 1851 than it was in 1831. The cost of the main articles of do- mestic consumption was less; the demand for labor was more various and more abundant, and it was better paid. Judging from these facts, we might suppose that pauperism would diminish rather than increase, and that the burdens of the tax payer would grow lighter rather than heavier; but the inexorable logic of facts completely overthrows such an inference, when we find that while in 1831 pauperism levied a tax of 12 cents and 7 mills on each person in the State, in 1851 it swelled to 27 cents and 7 mills on each person. No. 72.] 70 la view of these facts, it becomes unspeakably important to in- quire how this great amount of pauperism, and its resulting taxa- tion, may be dimiaishecl or totally abolished. In order to an.-wer this inquiry satisfactorily we must ascertain, 1st. The causes of this remarkable increase of pauperism, and 2d. The abuses of the administration of the funds raised for the relief and support of the poor. 1. The causes of this remarkable increase of pauperism. First — Strange as it may appear, one of the most prolific causes of this increase is the extraordinary increase of knowledge, and its application to the ordinary objects and purposes of life. New discoveries are daily made in the mechanical and the chemical arts, which supercede mere brute force — mere muscular and un- intelligent exertion. Steam, wind and water, have almost in- finitely augmented the sources of physical power, and have driven those laborers who have nothing but the strength ot their bodies to sell, almost out of the market. Allow me to call your atten- tion to one or two illustrations of this remark. It is within the memory of those now living, when there was no such thing as a steam engine known. A large proportion of the work now per- formed by steam engines was then performed by men. It would take 40,000 men to draw up as many coals through the shaft of a mine, as a single engine of the size of that on board of the steam- boat Isaac Newton. Now, if a single steam engine will dispense with so many men, what must be the number of those who have lust a market for their labor by the combined action of all the engines now in operation. It is not very long since all the grain raised in this State was threshed out with flails. It requires no intellect whatever to per- form this labor; any one, not a perfect idiot, can stand and pound upon the floor of a barn. This employment was usually relied on by laborers for their winter's employment. Now there is scarcely a farmer to be found who threshes with a flail. Thresh- ing machines are everywhere used, and have completely cut off this source of winter employment. I will not extend these illus- trations; but I hope, sir, that you will not stop v;here I do.. ^0 [Senate Spend some time in thinking of the various ways in which mere unintelligent labor has been superseded within the circle of your own experience by new discoveries in the arts, and you will see how much significance there is in this view of the case. I do not assert, nor do I believe that the actual amount of labor, or rather employment, is diminished by labor saving machines. Such machines must be constructed and attended by intelligent men; the labor they require is that of the brain, rather than of the muscles. Unfortunately, there is a very large class who have no intelligence, and who are incapable of doing anything where knowledge or ingenuity is required. It is this class who are cut off from labor by the new inventions in the arts. Yours truly, FRANKLIN. (No. 7.) To the Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State electj of the State of JS^ew York : Second— The next cause for the increase of pauperism amongst us to which I wish to advert is the increase of our foreign popu- lation. The increase of the burthen which is cast upon the tax- payers is really most extraordinary, if not alarming, as will ap- pear from the following table taken from the records of the de- partment of State of the State of New York : 1846, , Whole No. relieved or supported. 74,800 98,423 Of these were Foreign era. 8,015 8,678 Per cent of Foreigners. 10.7 8.8 25,752 22.4 125,473 38,507 30.7 ......... 151,399 37,694 24.9 I have reason to believe that in the return from the superin- tendents of the county poor the number of foreign paupers is very much underrated. Many of those who are naturalized are returned as natives, and the children of foreigners are also in many cases set down as natives. According to the United States No. 72.] 81 census for 1850, foreigne)^ constituted 26. 6 per cent of all the paupers in the country. 7hird — The increase of intemperance is linother source of pau- perism. The returns from the different poor houses in this State in relation to this subject are perfectly frightful. In 18 IG intem- perance conveyed 6,685 persons to the poor house. In 1847, '8,566 persons. In 1849, 15,712 persons. The increase of pau- perism consequent on intemperance between 1846 and 1847 was 27 percent., and from 1846 to 1849 it was 134 per cent. ! In the year 1851, 13,189 cases of pauperism were caused by intemper- ance, and in 1852, 18.350 arose from the vsame source. These facts you will recollect apply exclusively to our own State. That you may be assured that the very remarkable relation in- dicated above between pauperism and intemperance is not acci- dental or confined to the State of New- York, I give you facts from other States which confirm this relation in the most ample manner, I have before me a report by a committee of the Le- gislature of Connecticut made in 1852 on the condition of pau- perism in that State. Answers to their interrogatories more or less complete were received from 133 towns — from 15 towns no reports were received. In these towns 3,680 persons were par- tially or wholly supported during the preceding year. In 130 towns- 972 persons, receiving partial or entire support, were re- duced to poverty through intemperance. The committee say : This number is not intended to include any part of that class who may have been reduced to their unfortunate condition through the cause of intemperance, either directly or indirectly, hut only such as are theoiselves habitually intemperate."—- The New-York reports show that the proportion between the number of persons reduced to pauperism in consequence of the intemperance of their husbands, fathers, or other care-takers, is as 2 of the former to 1 of tlie latter. If the sume ratio obtains in Connecticut 1,458 or 39 per cent, of the whole num' er owed their poverty directly or indirectly to intemperance. From the poor-law returns of the State of Massachusetts for 1850 we learn that the number of persons relieved or supported was 25,981, of which number 14,074 or 5C per cent, became pau- [Senate, Nq. 72.] 6 89 [Senate pers through inteiriperance. In 1852, out of 37,624 relieved or supported, 16,853 or 61 per cent, were reduced to poverty in consequence of intemperance, I regret thiit I am unable to lay before you any further reliable statistics calculated to cast light upon this very interesting sub- ject of investigation, but there can scarcely be a doubt on your mind that intemperance Is really one of the most fertile causes of pauperism in existence. I have visited a great many alms houses in various States of the Union, and have made very minute and careful inquiries in relation to intemperance, and from all that I have seen and heard its influence is decidedly underrated in the olScial returns, especially in our own State. The causes of pauperism are not given in from one-half to one-third of the cases, and those W'here the causes are given they are not the result of careful examination on the part of the keeper, but merely the record of the pauper's own story. These statements, therefore, so far as tliey go only show how many of the paupers acknowledged themselves to have become so through intemper- ance. Those who are accustomed to visit our poor-houses know that many who become inmates through the grossest intemper- ance will stoutly deny that they were drunkards, Fourth—The next cause of the increase of pauperism is the in- creasing prevalence of licentiousness. I am provided with ample details and proofs of this assertion, but they would be better adapted to a private than a public letter. I embrace this among the enumeration here, because I believe that legislation may do much for the suppression of vice, and I cannot consistently with my sense of duty, conceal from the public eye any of the causes of pauperism which it is in the power of public servants to di- minish or totally suppress. I trust, sir, you will not deem it im- proper for me to state that within the last four weeks I have been solicited to purchase books by itinerant venders who frequent our steamboats and railroad cars. When J have refused to pur- chase the seller has, in five different instances, turned up the corner of a leaf and exhibited an obscene picture as an induce- ment to buy, with an assurance that there w^as " ntore of the same sort in the volume.'' Judging from the frequency with No. 72.] 93 which theso wretched volames liavo been offered to me I should Inlei" that they were freqiieiitly sold, and exercised, of course, a most pernicious ialluenco on the immunity. Fifth — Gambling is a very common source of poverty, espe- cially lottery gambling. The laws are certainly very stringent against it, but they are quite inefficient. Dealers certainly do not advertise them, nor openly exhibit their signs, nevertheless im- mense numbers are sold, and chiefly to the laboring poor. I could tell you many a heart-rending story of families reduced to beg- gary and disgrace through the pernicious habit of lottery gam- kling, Sixth—The condition of the poor in our large cities inevitably tends to in<}rease pauperism. The children of the poor in our large cities are born and reared in filthy cellars, crowded and ill-ventilated apartments — fed on ill-cooked and indigestible food.— the sexes mingled indiscrimi- nately, without access to any sources of instruction or amuse- ment. They grow up with every physiological and moral cause in vigorous operation which is calculated to repress the desire and ability to procure a decent living. You can scarcely conceive, sir, living as you do in your elegant mansion at Syracuse, sur- rounded by every comfort and every luxury which art can con- trive and wealth can purchase — I say, sir, you can hardly con- ceive of the miserable condition in which these poor creatures live. There is hardly a pig-sty in the county of Onondaga that is not preferable as a habitation to those inhabited by thousands of poor persons in the cities of this State. I have no wish to lay bare the revolting scenes of misery and degradation that I have witnessed in my visits to these dwellings, yet you will perhaps allow me to give one case as a sample which at this moment oc- curs to me. It was at the Old Brewery, so celebrated in the an- nals of the Five Points in the city of New-York, a place which^ thanks to the Christian and self-denying labors of the Rev. L. M. Pease, has been purged of its pollution, but which at the time I speak of was a most terrible libel upon the Christianity and civi- lization of the city of New- York. I think there were dghty-six families crowded into that old rookery. It might stand as a live- 84 ly symbol of tlio abomi nation of desolation. All the rooms with- out exception were as dirty as filth could make them; in all the stench was intolerable, and all were alive with vermin. In one of thfj apartments there were four families, each occupying a separate corner, and each having a right to a certain defined space of neutral ground around the fire-place. In one corner lay a woman in the last stages of fever ; she was entirely naked. She was provided with neither bed nor straw, but lay on carpenter's shavings. Her husband could neither provide any of the arti- cles which were required for either decency or comfort, but be- fore I left he had contrived to get some gin for her, the real blue ruin," and poured it down her throat. In another corner was a family where there were half a dozen children. One of them came in with a bag slung over his shoulder, which he at once emptied on the floor, (which, by the way, was covered with at least half an inch of dirt.) The bag contained bones with a lit- tle meat adhering to them, yet the children seized upon them as though they were the most delicious morsels, and gnawed them as ravenously as though they had been a pack of wolves. I asked one of these hopeful children if he knew there was a God? He scratched his head with a very doubtful expression, but at length he replied that he did. I then asked him what he knew about God. All his hesitation of manner had vanished now, and he answered with great promptness, "Well, he damns folks, sir!" It was evident that all he knew of Deity was from thosfe who pro- faned his name. It is almost impossible, sir, for a child brought up in this way to rise in the world, or become anything else but a pauper. They are almost invariably tainted with scrofula which unfits them for labor, and their brutal ignorance equally unfits them for other avocations. Nor do they care much for any other position. All sentiments of ambition are eiTectuaily crushed within them, and they are contented to live as they were born, and die as they have lived, without hope or expectation of improvement. Every one of these children grows up to be fathers of another generation of paupers, and in this way pauperism rapidly increases by natural propagation. Were there no other causes, this alone would cause No. 72.] 85 pauperism to increase faster than the population. I do not giye these details to awalien ernoLions oi pity — this in no part of my plan. I only wish to detail plain sober facls with which I think yourself and the people should be familiar. I should not have drawn the veil from the scenos of wretchedness, did I not think it was necessary to reveal them in order that you might perceive the necessity of tiiose plans of remedial legislation wiiich it is my intention to propose in subsequent letters. Yours, truly, ( No. 8. ) To the Hon. Elias W. Leavenv/orth, Secretary cf State elect of the State of JYew-York: Seventh, — Another cause of the increase of pauperism arises from the neglect of the proper oihcers to give a suitable education to tiie children born and brought up in our poor-houses. The number of children under 16 years in the poor-houses of the State was, in No. inotructed Time of Mule?!. Fer/ia>lc3. (iariiig the year. iastrncticB. ... 1,120 1,755 2,875 2,639 8 months, 1850,..,.. . ... 1,275 1,960 3,235 2,635 7J do 1851, ... , 1,152 1,976 3,128 2,819 Sh do 1852,.... 1,155 1,992 3,147 3,147 8 do The returns look fair enough on their face,'With respect to in- struction; it would seem tiiat the children in these establish- ments erjoy better educational privileges than the children of farmers in most of the rural districts of the State. I have ascertained, however, from pei-sonal investigation, that there is no reality in all this, as yon may also ascertain, if you will trike the trouble to examine for yourself. I really don't know what meaning the county superintendents of the poor attach to the word i?(^aca^207i; I know they sometAcnes use words in a sense not warranted by any Dictionary that ever I consulted. But if they mean anything which elevates the mind — anything which 86' [Senate ministers to the moral feelings or the intellectual powers — any- thing which will help to get a living, or to discharge intelligently the duties incident to citizenship — there is no such thing given to the youth in our county houses. I have visited many of th.e poor-houses myself, and have obtained authentic information by correspondence, from many others, and from all this I think I am warranted in saying that out of the 3,000 children slieltered in them, only a very small fraction, a mere drop in the bucket, ob- tain an education that will be of the slightest use to them in getting a living, or in making useful members of society. In many cases the teacher is a pauper, generally an old drunkard, whose temper is soured and whose intellect is debased, and who spends the school hours in tormenting, rather than in teaching his pupils. In many of these schools there is no book except the Testament to be found, no slates, pens or paper. In some coun- ties not a dollar has been expended in text books or stationery since the county system has been adopted. Under such circum- stances the n\me of school is a mere farce. There are between five and six hundred children bound out -every year from the poor-houses under the authority of the super- iiiitendents of the poor. There is always a stipulation in the indentures for a certain amount of education fur each child, or, raore properly, that the child should have a certain number of months', schooling during each year of its apprenticeship. It is of course impossible for a private person like myself to acquire accurate information in re- lation to the fidelity with which this stipulation is fulfilled. What I could do I have done. I have made personal inquiries of the superintendents of many counties, and have sought informa- tion extensively by correspondence. I do not recollect more than two or three who had ever made a single inquiry on the subject, or who knew whether the children so bound out ^re sent to No. bound out. In the year 1848, 306 601 818 972 873 do 1849, do 1850, do 1851, do 1852, No. 72.] m school or not, and in these few cases there was no pretence that the inquiries had been systematic or thorough. I have tound many children bound out by the superintendents who never re- ceived one liour's education during tlieir apprenticeship, and who, at the age of twenty- one, were cast loose on the w^orld no better than the heathen. How can children brought up in this way be expected to become anythhig else than criminals or pau- pers, and the fathers and mothers of criminals and paupers'? They have no ambition to acquire property, and if they had, they have no means to acquire it. They cannot enter into trade, because in order to do this with any success they must be able to read, write and cypher, and this they cannot do. We have shown before that the mere laborer, who has nothing but bodily strength to sell in the market, cannot save anything from his wages, his pay is too small, and his employment too precarious to permit it, and every year adds to this precariousness. A single seed of Canada thistle planted in a field will bear a full sized plant, which, in its turn will bear seeds from which new plants will spring, and thus a field, once fertile, will become filled with these noxious plants. Just so with the 3,000 children in our poor-houses, and with the 600 who are annually bound out. Each one of these is a seed of pauperism, which will bear plants that will again bear seed, and in time will overrun the State with a burden of pauper- ism and crime, which it will be utterly unable to bear. This is a cause of the increase of pauperism, which is plain and taDgible, and which can be understood by every one; I therefore commend it to your most serious consideration. (No. 9. ) To the Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State elect of the State of Jfew- York ; Eighth. — The increasing prevalence of insanity is a fruitful cause of the increase of pauperism. The number of pauper luna- tics in this State for the last five years, is given in the following table : LuEatios. Idiota. 1848, 698 319 1849, 1,036 297 V 1850, 1,121 297 1851,.., 1,103 230 1852, 1,522 461 aft [Senate I do not know that it is"p well to go through the Rensselaer county Poor-house, and yoii will then understand better than I can tell you how much is lost to the tax-payers of the State in consequence of the malconstroe* tion of the poor-houses. , There are other things to be thought of in building a house be- sides mere convenience. Durability, warming and ventilating are questions which very much alfect the economy of the institu- tion. There is much of sham building to be seen in the State, but in none is there so much unmitigated sham as in the countj houses. It would appear that the sole object of the contriveis was to get anything in the shape of a building, at the least pos^— 100 [Senate ble cost, without knowing or caring whetlier it was fit for the purpose intended or not. These miserable shells take twice as much fuel to warm them as they would if they were thoroughly builtj and every year they require appropriations for repairs, which form a large percentage on the original cost ; they are thus very expensive, and never answer the purpose. Very few of the poor-houses are furnished with scientific and economical apparatus for warming. Usually the old stoves are retained, which consume enormous quantities of fuel, roasting those in their immediate neighborhood, while those at a little distance are freezing. Much fuel is wanted, and nobody is comfortable. In the year 1851 an improved mode of heating and ventilating by steam was introduced into the Philadelphia almshouse; there was a saving of 30 per cent in fuel the first year ; 30 per cent on the fuel consumed in the poor-house of this State would amount to no inconsiderable sum, and would be a great relief to tax-pay- ers. As for ventilation, the thing is not thought of, as you will be assured most feelingly if you visit them. The dormitories early in the morning are dreadfully nauseous; I have often been surprised when I have smelled them, that they are not visited by the most malignant forms of pestilence. I have spoken of the saving of fuel by the new plan of heating in the Philadelphia almshouse ; I ought to add that ventilation of the most perfect kind is effected by the apparatus as well as heating. The air is now as sweet at midnight in the dormitories and hospitals as it is at mid-day. If you will support the poor with economy, convenient and well planned buildings must be erected. They must be strong and durable, and the most scientific plans for warming and ven- tilating must be introduced. But it must be understood by boards of supervisors that these things will cost money ; nothing should be spent in decoration, but they should not hesitate to appropri- ate a sum which shall be amvle to secure these objects, and a very different class of men from those who generally fill t'ne ojSice of county superintendents of the poor must be elected or the appro- priation will be pretty sure to be wasted. Very truly yours, FRANKLIN. No. 72.] 101 (No. 14.) To the Hon. Eli as W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State of the State of Kew'York: Third — Great loss arises from our ignorance of the true laws of diet, and the most economical methods of preparing and cooking food. These letters have already been extended to a much greater length than I expected when I began to write them, and I am greatly oppressed with a fear that you will grow weary of the de- tails embraced in them, and refuse to bestow on them any further attention, but I must beg you to have patience yet a little longer. The interests of vast numbers of paupers and tax payers are involved in the questions discussed^ and I feel so fully satis- fied that the measures of reform which I shall have the honor to propose for your consideration will be productive of great benefit to both these classes, that I am exceedingly anxious to put you in full possession of ail the evils which that plan is calculated to remedy. Unless vou have paid more attention to questions connected with food and diet than most men. you will be surprised at the subject of this letter. You will no doubt think that the cheapest mode of feeding the poor and the best modes of cooking their food is as well settled as the laws of gravitation. This is far from being the case. On the contrary, the whole subject lies in as deep, though I trust not in as hopeless, obscurity as the discovery of the longitude or the quadrature of the circle. I have con- sulted every authority I have had accei^s to — written, printed and verbal—- but I have never yet met with any decisive experiment on the relative nutritive values of beef, pork and mutton, in any book or manuscript whatever. Supposing such questions could not have been overlooked at the army and navy departments, I made personal application to the gentlemen presiding over them, but was told that they knew of no experiments whatever; and, in fact, until I made the inquiry, they had never given a single thought to the subject. The question to be settled is simply this : Suppose 100 lbs. of pork will keep a certain number of men a given length of time in good health and in full strength. Will 102 [Senate 100 lbs. of beef or 100 lbs. of mutton keep the same^number of men for the same length of time in equal health and strength? If there are differences, it is of great importance to ascertain the •exact numerical expression of such difference, as it is only in this way that we can make our purchases in the most economical manner. For example, if we ascertain that 120 lbs. of beef and 140 lbs. of mutton are required to keep the game number of men for the same length of time as 100 lbs. of pork, we have a clear rule to guide our purchases. They will be equally cheap if the price of pork is $10, beef $8.33, and mutton $7.13, per 100 lbs. If either of these kinds of meat rises or falls abos^e or below the price named, the price of the others remaining stationery, it is cheaper or dearer than the others in proportion to the amount of the rise and fall. Thus, if pork falls to $8 there is a saving of $2 per 100 lbs. in purchasing this meat in preference to the others. There is the widest possible disagreement among men who have liad the best practical opportunities for forming a judgment on this question. I have conversed with more than an hundred wardens of prisons and keepers of alms-houses, and I have scarcely found two who agreed in their opinions. Some think there is no difference between them; others think pork is by far the most mutritive; others give the preference to beef; and others again to mutton. I have been told by some that 100 lbs. of pork would go as far as 150 lbs. of beef; while others have been quite as sure that 100 lbs. of beef are equivalent to 120 lbs. of pork; and others declare that 100 lbs. of beef are equivalent to 200 lbs. of mutton. Then again, sir, we do not know whether paupers may not be kept as well on a diet wholly vegetable. There are many pauper establishments in Europe where no animal food whatever is allowed. In Ireland there are not a dozen poor-houses where meat is given from one year's end to the other. If this would answer in our climate, the expenses of the poor-houses might be •diminished 50 per cent at once. We cannot tell whether meat is :most nutritive boiled, or roasted, or hashed, or made into soup. I ' will give you the result of an experiment made to ascertain the ^relative value of boiled and roasted potatoes, which will cast r more light on the importance of these inquiries than anything I • oouid say. No. 72.] 103 The inspector of prisons in Scotland caused 40 men to be se- lected, as nearly equal to each other in size, health and strength, as possible. They were divided into two classes, 20 men in each. The dinner of one class consisted of 3 lbs. oi! roasted potatoes, and the dinner of the other consisted of 3 lbs. of boiled potatoes. The diet was the same in all other respects in both cases. At the end of the experiment, after two months' trial, it was found that all the prisoners on the boiled potato diet were in good health, and had gained on an average 4 lbs. each. One prisoner, only, had lost weight, amounting to 5 lbs 2 oz.; the greatest gain was 9 lbs. 4 oz. On the roasted potato diet the men were in good health, but there had been an average loss of 1^ lbs. weight. The great- est loss was 10 lbs. You perceive, sir, how important these ques- tions are to the tax payers of the State. There are about 10,000 paupers in our poor-houses, nearly 2,000 prisoners in the State prisons, and over 1 ,000 persons in our penitentiaries, making an aggregate of 13,000 persons who are fed at the expense of the State. Hence, if, in consequence of increased knowledge of the relative value of different kinds of food, and the most economical method of cooking, we could save a shilling a week, the annual saving would be over $85,000. It is, I think, clearly the duty of the State to institute experiments in our poor-houses and prisons. By so doing, it would not only effect a saving for itself, but its conclusions would be a great assistance to the poorer classes, and enable them to save a great deal by knowing what is really cheapest. (No. 15. ) To the Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State of the State of JVew- York: Fourth. — No systematic action is had for making the labor of paupers profitable. This difficulty is felt throughout the United States, as will be seen by the following statement. Most of the figures I have taken from the books of the several institutions, and the remainder from authentic public documents. They refer to the year 1851. 10 i [Senate Arerage annual earniDge cf pau- Alms Hoaae. pers, 1850. Philadelphia, $171 Boston, 4 73 Suffolk county. Mass, J 145 Essex county, " • . . . » 4 53 Middlesex, ^< , , , 3 70 Wooster, ' « 6 20 Hampshire, " 3 20 Hampden, <• 2 90 Franklin, « 7 90 Berkshire, " 88 Norfolk, « 5 09 Bristol, « 4 35 Plymouth, « 4 46 Baltimore city, Maryland,. . , , • 10 18 Providence, Rhode Island, 16 37 Average of all the alms houses in New-York State,, . 3 15 You perceive that the average annual earnings of each pauper in all the poor houses in the State of New-York was only $3.15, while the average annual earnings of each pauper in the Provi- dence alms house was $16.37. If our paupers had been as judi- ciously managed as were the Providence paupers, one hundred and eighteen thousand nine hundred and eighty dollars would have been saved to the tax payers of the State. At the time whe» Ais account of the average earnings of the Providence paupers pers was taken, there was 136 in the house, of these 14 were insane 4 were too old for labor, 20 were sick and infirm, and 41 w^ere chil- dren, making a total of 84 non -workers, and 52 workers, or 61 per ct. of the first and 39 per ct. of the second. In 1852, 132,399 per- sons were relieved and supporti?d in this State. The returns only enable us to judge of the working abilities of 12659 93; of these 599 were idiots, 238 were insane, 311 w^ere blind; 1,888 were lame, 15,535 were sick, 636 were decrepid, 2,699 too old to work 13,203 children, 45,463 whose condition is not given. If we sup- pose half of these whose condition is not given are able to work, we have 67,353 who are able to work, and 59,640 who are unable to work, or 53 per cent able to work and 47 per cent unable to No. 72.] 105 work. You see, therefore, that while we have 14 per cent more able bodied workers than thej have in Providence, their average earnings are very nearly five times greater than ours ! These facts tell their own story. In Providence the rule is that every one able to work must work. If they have no profitable employ- ment for them they set them at something which is not profitable, at all events they must be kept employed. During my last visit I saw a party of men carrying wood from one corner of the yard to another and piling it there, when it was all removed it was brought back again and piled in the old place; a rigid adherence to this rule relieves Providence of all lazy drones, such as infest our poor houses to a great degree. They are the last ones to honor Providence with their presence, or if they do go there for a few days, they speedily bid it an atfectionate adieu. Yet there is no poor house in the United States where the paupers are as luxuriously fed and as comfortably clothed as at Providence, with the exception of Newport, in the same State, and Philadelphia. The poor law commissioners have established it as an inflexible rule throughout England, Wales and Ireland, that no relief what- ever shall be given to any able bodied pauper without they per- form a given task of work. The benefit of this rule both to the pauper and the rate payer is established in these reports by the strongest facts and arguments; J will not make quotations, but I hope you will not fail to study these reports with care, I believe you will find them all in the room over the law library in the capitol at Albany, but if any are missing I shall be happy to sup- ply you with them from my own library on your application to »k. the editor of this paper. The reason of our ill success in making pauper labor remune- rative is plain enough, we have never tried to make it profitable. Some men have a special faculty for making men labor profitably, others have no such faculty, if we would have a reform in this respect, we must begin by selecting men to manage the poor houses who have this special faculty; he should receive a suffi- cient remuneration for his services, and feel secure that every change in politics should not dispossess him from his position. Then he could devote himself to the task with vigor and with 106 [Senate hope, and we should soon see a change which would gladden the heart of the tax payer and the philanthropist. I have great con- fidence that our alms houses would then become very nearly self- supporting institutions. As the result of careful inquiry, I am of opinion that horticultural and agricultural labor are better adapt- ed for children than any other. For winter employment some trades easily learned may be followed. For children; knitting socks and mittens for the younger, and the making of children's shoes for the older, are employments as well adapted to their ca- pacities, and are as profitable as any that I have found. The boys at the Reform School, Boston, learn to make these shoes rea- dily in a fortnight, and they readily turn off ten pairs in a day. Seating cane chairs, making umbrella structures, covering trunks are also well adapted for children. For adults I recommend mat making from the husks of corn, straw hat making, spinning, knit- ting, stone breaking for McAdamised roads, and pounding bones for manure. Some of them discover an astonishing aptitude for cutting and carving; these might be profitably employed in mak- ing from bones, islet prickers, tooth picks, and similar articles, while others might cut childrens' toys out of wood, make pill boxes, match boxes, horse and fish nets, and other similar articles. In short sir, there is no want of profitable employment, nothing is wanted but the yight kind of men to set them about it, and to keep them, at it. Truly yours, FRANKLIN. (No. 16.) To the Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State of the State of Mew York. Fifth — The children in the schools of our alms houses are very ill-instructed.- I have already sppken of this matter while considering the causes of the increase of pauperism, which I have already proved to exist, but I cannot pass over it without an allusion while discussing the abuses which exist in the management of our county poor houses. I beg to refer you to the statements No. 72.] 107 made in my ninth letter, and that you will re-peruse them care- fully. When you have done so I think you will not accuse me of speaking at randon when I pronounce our system, or rather no system of pauper education a disgrace to the State, and a still greater disgrace to those who are entrusted with its management. This subject has a double claim to your attention. It comes with- in your care as Superintendent of Common Schools as well as Se- cretary of State, and I shall therefore feel greatly disappointed if you do not adopt early and vigorous measures for its improve- ment. Sixth— The hospital department of our poor houses is, in gene- ral, shamefully managed. The general plan is for the superintendents to contract with some country doctor to attend the poor house for a small compen- sation, and one of his students generally does the work, in which e tries divers experiments, no doubt highly conducive to his own progress in science, but of more questionable advantage to the health and comfort of the patients. The amount paid for medi- cine and medical attendance last year was $13,275.20, being an average of $255 for each county, and includes not only the ex- pense of the poor house hospital, but the medical attendance and medicine for the out-door poor. After this statement of niggard- liness in dealing with physicians, you will be the less surprised when I assure you that 30 per cent. — nearly one-third of the in- mates of our poor-houses — die annually. The exact statement for the year 1852 is as follows :— Average number in all the poor- houses of this State during the year, 11,603. The number of deaths was 2,967, or nearly 26 per cent. As a point of compari- son with other institutions, let me assure you that the mortality of all the hospitals in the city of Paris is only 10 per cent on an average of 10 years. And the percentage, be it carefully remem- bered, is founded wholly on sick persons coming into them, while the percentage on our alms houses abov^e given is founded on the sick and well together. If the calculation was based on the same principles as in the Paris hospitals the average would be at least 40 per cent. In other wordi the chances of mortality are four times greater in our poor-houses than in the Paris hospi- 108 I Senate tals. This, Mr. Secretary, is a burning shame and a withering disgrace. It would confer immortal glory on you if you should succeed in wiping it out. There are scarcely any of the poor houses provided with surgical instruments, or even the most com- mon hospital apparatus, such as injection syringes, bed pans, sto- mach pumps, &c. In some cases the physician lives three or four miles from the poor-house, and in case of severe wounds the pa- tient might die before the doctor got there and had collected the necessary instruments and apparatus. Seventh — There is no classification in our poor-houses. The poor of all classes and colors, all ages and habits, partake of a common fare, a common table, and a common dormitory. The poor widow who has occupied a respectable position in so- ciety, and who has been accustomed to the decencies and ameni- ties of polished, intelligent and christian society, but in conse- quence of pecuniary misfortunes in her declining years, is com- pelled to resort to the poor house, finds herself seated at the table with a negro wench on one side of her and a filthy prostitute on the other. She sleeps in the same room with the degraded and the outcast, and is compelled the whole day to associate on equal terras, and to listen to the obscene and disgusting languarge of creatures who are utterly revolting to her feelings. Such a wo- man undergoes a daily martyrdom. To call such relief a public charity is a misnomer and a satire. It would be more charitable (were It not contrary to the divine law) to shut them in a close room in which several pans of charcoal were burning. The fare and the accommodations which prove so revolting to this class is a perfect luxury to another. Many of the inmates never lived so well in their lives, and never enjoyed half the conveniences and luxuries that are afforded them in the poor houses of New- York. Paupers ought to be elassiiied, and the several classes kept strictly separate. No tax-payer would object to the comfor- table support of the unfortunate a ad virtuous poor, while all would protest against offering inducements to the lazy, idle and vicious to throng our poor houses by giving them comforts supe- rior to what they have ever enjoyed before. No. 72.] 109 Eighth — I have already alluded to the insane poor. I have only to add that tlie treatment of this class in some of our poor houses is well calculated to call forth all the indignant eloquence of Miss Dix. I cannot extend these letters by describiog scenes of horror among the insane in our county poor houses, that I my- self have witnessed. But I may remark that it is not more than six years since in the poor house of Columbia county, the insane slept in a cellar where the green mould covered the walls. Their beds were rougli boxes of filthy straw, and they were not allowed bed-clothing lest they should tear it. Things are better now, but in all our poor-houses, the besom of reform finds wide scope for its actiun. (No. 17.) To the Hon. Elias W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State of the State of Jfew- York : My letters have swelled to such an unexpected length that I dare not trespass on your patience and the patience of my readers with any farther detailed statements of the abuses existing in the * administration of our poor laws. I therefore waive any further exposition of these abuses, and proceed to explain the course that I deem most proper to adopt, in order to provide a remedy for them. Before doing so, however, I deem it advisable to call your at- tention to a few general principles which are proper to be con- sidered, and which will cast much light upon our pathway. I have somewhere seen a classification of paupers in the follow- ing terms : " The Godly poor, the devilish poor, and the poor devils." I do not admire its irreverence and its flippancy; but it must nevertheless be confessed, that it gives a more graphic idea of the actual classes existing among the poor in fewer words than any form of expression I have ever met with. It does not include all who receive relief from the public purse, but it does the great mass. It is the general rule, but like all other general rules, it pre-supposes exceptions. There is but one feeling in the community in relation to the Godly poor. Professing christians look on them as a legacy of 110 [Senate their crucified and risen Lord, and rejoice to testify their sense of gratitude and love to him for the inestimable benefits which he has conferred upon them by his sulfering and death, by contribut- ing of their substance to the necessities of those who are their fellow heirs of the same faith, and fellow partakers in the same precious promises. Nor is this feeling confined to professing christians alone. Those who are most careless of the claims of religion, and those who are even most hostile to the christian faith, concur in their willingness and even desire, that this class should be comfortably provided for, that their temporal necessities should be liberally supplied, and that their feelings should be spared every unnecessary wound. Their uncomplaining meek- ness, their reverend demeanor, and their deep and affectionate gratitude for kindness rendered to them, overcome the most sel- fish hearts with pnty, and dispose the most mercenary to contri- bute to the alleviation of their sufferings. Were there no other classes among the poor of the land, there would be no necessity for governmental interference, or for any provisions for compul- sory relief. The christian and philanthropic feelings of the com- munity would lead to an abundant supply of all their wants. The " devilish poor" form a most unlovable class. A portion of them are most disgusting hypocrites 3 they have words of godli- ness on their lips, but malice and all evil in their heart. They lie, cheat, and swindle at every opportunity. They are lazy, in- temperate, and vicious. There is no strong anxiety on the part of the community to pamper the appetites of the " devilish poor," nor no anxious solicitude about the softness of their beds, or the fineness of their linen. It must be confessed that such anxiety and solicitude, if it existed, were misplaced. Such as these de- serve no sympathy or extra care; if it were extended to them, it would offer a premium to idleness, and discourage those who are industriously supporting their families by dint of slightly recom- pensed toil. But we must be just, even to the " devilish poor." They are generally the offspring of idle and dissolute parents — they were never trained to habits of order, industry, or thrift — they never saw the interior of a church or school — never listened to the voice of kindness or affection — nor never witnessed self- denial or struggling against temptation in any of their associates. No. 72.] Ill How can they be expected to be better than tliey are when we remember the disastrous influences to which they have been ex- posed from infancy 1 The "poor devils" are not generally disliked; they are good natured, careless, and amusing. They lish and shoot; are always on hand on all occasions when a crowd assembles; they are knowing men at horse-races, are the most delighted spectators at general trainings, are the most noisy of patriots at elections, are far more faithful in their attendance at bar-rooms than at church, are far more familiar with cards and dominoes than with their bibles. When they go to the poor house, few begrudge them * their support; most tax-payers feel a sort of pleasure and com- placency that such a place is provided for them where they may whistle and sing, and tinally sink into their graves without suf- fering the pangs of hunger and want. Yet this class, in general, deserves less pity than the " devilish poor." They have mostly been better educated, and entered upon life better fitted to grap- ple with its " infinite toil and endeavor." They have never de- liberately dedicated themselves to idleness. Their choice be- tween industry and shiftlessuess has been more deliberate. I have noticed these three classes for the purpose of calling your attention to an attribute common to them all. It is a want of something, which the masses speak of as " having no faculty." Many of them are willing to work, but have not brains enough to make their work remunerative. Like Mr. Macawber, they are always waiting for " something to " tm-n up." They have no forethought, hence what they have to sell is sold in the cheapest market and what they buy is always purchased in the dearest. Yours truly, FRANKLIN. ( No. 18. ) To the Hon, Eli^^s W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State of the State of J^eW'York: III. I now proceed to speak of some of the measures, which in my opinion would tend to diminish the evils complained of. First. — We have seen that the most of the evils complained of have arisen either (a) from a want of proper powers conferred on 112 [Senate poor law officers, (6) from mal-admiuistration of those powers, (c) from ignorance of the true principles on which their powers should be exercised, and which ignorance arises, not from negligence on their part, but from neglect of the State to investigate and ascer- tain the facts necessary to be known, (d) from the want of an intelligent central supervision, (c) from the want of a uniform and reliable system of accounts, (/) by frequent changes of officers, by which the whole body of poor law officers are continually learning their busin^ess, and as soon as it is learned, they are dis- charged and others taken as apprentices. What we want then is, to frame a body of poor law, whicli shall obviate these and all other difficulties, and introduce such other positive improvements as shall provide for the comfortable maintenance of the virtuous and unfortunate poor — for the employment of the idle, and lazy, and shiftless poor — for the rapid and efficient cure of the sick and disabled poor— for the education and industrious training of poor children, and for aiding and encouraging industry among the poor, who are not as yet the subjects of public charity. In other words, we wish the Government to imitate the dealings of Divine Provi- dence, and act as its agent in relation to the poor of the land. — To accomplish this purpose a uniform, coherent, and intelligible system must be devised. It must be a whole — complete in all its parts—each member working in entire harmony with all the others, to produce a definite and foreseen result. No patching of our present poor laws will answer this purpose. You must per- ceive we must begin at the beginning, and with a comprehensive and intelligent grasp of all the details of the question, enact a complete code which shall accomplish the desired result. For this purpose my first recommendation is, that the Legislature shall appoint a commission of three persons, whose duty it diall be to visit all the poor houses in the State, carefully examine the con- dition of each, the number and condition of the paupers, the food and diet given them, the condition of the insane, the education of the children, the mode of keeping accounts, and in short all the details of their management. They shall also investigate, as far as they may be able, the causes of pauperism, and the best mode of repressing it. They should also be required to visit and examine some of the best institutions for the relief of the poor in the large No. 72.] 113 cities of the northern States, and make a diligent examination of the poor laws of all the States. In addition to this they should procure from the consuls of the United States, through the Secre- tary of the U. S., such information in relation to the poor laws of the places where they reside, and the, operation of such laws in diminishing pauperism, as it may be in their power to furnish. After procuring this information they should then proceed to prepare a code of poor laws for this State, which should be best adapted in their judgment to accomplish the end in view. If the expense of three commissioners should be objected to, I should be perfectly willing to confine it to one, provided that one was John C Spencer. I know of no other single man in the State who I consider fully competent to perform the task in a manner per- fectly satisfactory. Second — In case such a commission is appointed, I would re- commend for their consideration the election of a central poor board, to be composed of a State Superintendent of the poor, to be elected by the county superintendents of the poor — this officer in conjunction with the Secretary of State and the State Engineer to form the poor law board. All rules and regulations adopted by the county superintendents for the government of the county poor houses, should be submitted to them for examination and ap- proval. This board should devise a uniform system of keeping the accounts of poor houses, and have power to change them from time to time. They should also prescribe the form of the annual reports of the county superintendents. No county should here- after build a county house, or make any repairs beyond dollaf s, without obtaining the approval of the central board of the plan for such building or repairs. The board should acquaint themselves with the best plans for building such houses, and should be required to furnish plans on application of the county superintendents. (No. 19.) To Elias W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State elect, of the State of Jfew- York : This Central Board, the organization of which I recommended in my last letter, should provide for a regular and thorough sys- [Senate, No. 72.] 8 114 [Senate tern of experiments, to ascertain the best and most economical methods of feeding the poor ; this will include the relative and absolute values of different articles of diet, with respect to econo- my and healthful ness. The State Superintendent of the Poor should visit every poor house annually, and audit the accounts of the keeper and county superintendent. From this latter provi- sion I anticipate the most marked and valuable results. Third. — Six persons should be elected as county superintend- ents ot (he poor. The office of poor master should be abolished, and their duties devolved on the supervisors. The county su- perintendent should be invested with all the authority that the poor masters now possess. We have seen that many of the abuses now existing have their origin in the bad selection of men to fill the station of county superintendents, and that this mal-selection IS caused almost inevitably by the manner of their selection. Unless this is changed, we cannot hope for improvement. I have already discussed the evils of party sele<;tion for this office, in my 13th letter, and shall add no more in this connection, other than to ask you to refresh your recollection by a re-perusal of that let- ter. I propose that, in the first instance, each elector shall ballot for three persons to fill the office of county superintendents of the Poor, and that the six persons having the greatest number of votes shall be declared elected ; these six persons to divide them- selves into three classts, by lot, immediately after election; the first class to hold office for two years, the second for four, and the third for six. Thereafter, at the end of every second year, two persons to be chosen as above (only each elector will vote for one person, and the two having the greatest number of votes, to be elected, and to hold their office for six years.) Tnis plan is not inconsistent with existing analogies. The Governors of the Alms House in the city of New- York are now so elected, and the In- spectors of elections are also chosen in the same way. The alms- house department in New- York has worked admirably under this system ; a great saving in expense has accrued to the city, the prisoners and paupers are vastly better managed, discipline is maintained efficiently and without severity, and all the desirable objects of the establishment are now nearly accomplished. The constant changes in the heads of departments which formerly No. 72.] 115 took place at every fluctuation of politics, prevented any interest being taken by the respective wardens, superintendents, and keepers, in the good management of their departments. It was the prevalent idea that as soon as they qualiJBied themselves for their offices, and got their affairs in good order, some one would step in and reap all the advantages of their labors. They therefore took no pains about the matter, enjoyed their salaries and perqui- sites, (which were the most precious morsels in the whole affair,) and left the public interests committed to their care to take care of themselves, or go without care. There is nothing of this kind now ; parties may fluctuate as they will, but no efficient and faith- ful officer is turned out of his place on account of his politics. Hence, under the intelligent supervision of the Ten Governors, each man labors to perfect the details of his department, in full confidence that he will receive full credit for all the improvements he may introduce, and all the efficiency he may manifest. They now have a motive to discharge their duties faithfully, and this motive is in general strong enough to secure their fidelity. Another part of the New -York system is well worthy to be in- corporated into the proposed general code. The Ten Governors only appoint the superintendents and clerks of the departments. The superintendents appoint all subordinate officers, and thus are enabled to secure their prompt obedience and faithful co-opera- tion. If anything goes wrong, the Governors look for redress solely to the superintendent, who is responsible for everything to them, as the inferior officers are responsible to him. This plan works exceedingly well in practice, and I would not hesitate for a moment to incorporate a provision into the proposed law, that every keeper of a county poor house should have the selection of all inferior employees required for the management of the institution. If commissioners are appointed by the State for a revision of the poor laws, I would strongly recommend to them a very minute study of the system pursued in the New- York Alms House department. Yours truly, FRANKLIN. 116 I Sei^ate (No. 20.) To the Hon. Eli as W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State of the State of JVew- Yoi'k: I must not forget to mention that my testimony to the excel- lence of the Ten Governors system refers to what it has been rather than to what it now is. There is nothing even now very reprehensible, but still there are evidences of deterioration from its unequalled excellence which I would wish to guard against in a general system for the State. They expend between $600,000 and 1700,000 annually, and the aggregate amount of salaries paid to persons in their employment is between $60,000 and $70,000. This expenditure and patronage is attractive to many men who have not the proper qualifications for office, and hence they seek to obtain nominations from their respective parties, rather for the reputation it gives and the influence it confers than from an honest desire to labor for the advancement of the benevolent objects confided to the board. Experience shows that the class of men best adapted for these offices are men of W'ealth, who have retired from busi- ness. Their wealth places them above all desire to make money out of the office, either directly or indirectly. They have ac- quired in business a competent knowledge of human nature, they understand accounts, and are not easily mystified by false or er- roneous entries, and have reached an age when the violence of passion is stilled, and the reason and judgment are still in the meridian of their vigor. It is believed that there are enough of such men in every county of the State who would take a pride and a pleasure in discharging the duties of the office without any other remuneration than the payment of their actual travelling expenses. The amount paid to superintendents for their services in 1852 was $40,583. It is believed that $4,000 would pay all the necessary travelling expenses; there would therefore be saved about $36,000 annually. In order to secure the services of first rate men, I would nar- row the constituency by providing that no one should vote for superintendents who did not pay $1 or 2 to the supervisors of the town for the benefit of the poor— the supervisors to keep an ac- curate list of such payments and furnish copies thereof to the in- No. 72.] 117 spectors of election. No one would contribute in this way who did not feel a real interest in the poor, and by so doing would furnish a substantial guarantee that he would carefully select those who were best fitted- for the station. You will probably think, sir, that this proposition is shockingly un-democratic Per- haps it is, but it will certainly prove very efficacious. Should it prove so, I, for one, shall be very willing to excuse its anti-demo- cratic tendencies. I would confer on these superintendents all the powers of the present superintendents except as herein otherwise provided, and also all the powers of the present poor- masters. They should meet once a month at the poor-house, as a board, and one of them should visit it for the purpose of inspec- tion twice in each week. At such visits he should see every pauper and every room, and write a summary account of his visit in a book to be kept for the purpose, noting every infraction of the rules, and any other impropriety which he may notice, and also all such orders as he may give for their correction, and sign such entry with his name and the date of his visit. This plan will secure thorough inspection, and what is almost equally im- portant, it will preserve the evidence of it. Fourth — A workhouse should be established in almost every county in the State. There may be some counties where this would be unnecessary, but the necessity in each county could be judged of by the codltiers during their visit to such county. The workhouse may be connected with the almshouse; if desirable it may be under the same roof, or it may be a separate establish- ment, located in a different town. Generally the poor-house should be located near the geographical centre of travel in the county, but a workhouse should evidently be located where the greatest amount of profitable employment can be obtained. Where these two conditions are united in any location there the two establishments may be united in one, and managed by the same oHicers. All sick, aged, decrepid persons, and all idio-s and lunatics, should be lodged in the almshouse proper. All other persons requiring aid should be sent to the workhouse, and compelled to labor ^t some profitable employment, if such could be procured ; but whether profitable or unprofitable, they should be compelled to labor to the utmost of their ability. 118 [Senate ( No. 21. ) The plan of making labor systematically compulsory on all paupers not of the class excepted in my last letter, may strike many humane persons as novo], and what is worse, as cruel. If I know my own heart I would revolt as quickly from any thing like unkludness and inhumanity towards the poorer classes as any living being, but I am persuaded from a most careful exam- ination of the operation of this principle at home and abroad, and from a knowledge of the habits and dispositions of the poor, that this measure is imperatively called for by the highest sanctions of humanity. It is a medicine, and like all other medicines it is nauseous to the taste but in the highest degree salutary in its ope- ration. This principle, in connexion with some others which I shall soon have the honor of laying before you, is in my opinion the only means of averting the terribly rapid rates of increase of pauperism which I have demonstrated to exist in my 3d, 4th and 5th letters. In connection with this subject, I must beg you to re-peruse the 8th, 11th and 12th letters of this series. I am sen- sible that I have not done full justice to these subjects, a large stock of facts and observations in relation to them are yet un- touched, because I desired to keep these letters within reasonable limits, but I think from what has already been said, that from the suggestions which will naturally arise in your mind in re- flecting on it, you will be convinced that a measure of this kind, in connection with some improvement in our existing laws in re- lation to vagrancy and mendicity, are absoluttly called for by the exigency of the times. Fifth. It should be compulsory on the superintendents to send all paupers to the State Lunatic Asylum for two years if not sooner cured, as soon as they manifest unequivocal indications of insanity. This would be consistent with sound principles of economy. Hun- dreds v^f insane paupers are now taken care of at the public ex- pense during their whole lives, who might have now been earn- ing their own living and adding to the wealth of the community, if they had enjoyed an opportunity cf being cured while their disease was ciu'able. It appears from authentic statistics that 40 No. 72.] 119 per cent of all the patients received into the asylums are dis- charged cured. But of recent cases about 70 per cent are dis- charged cured. This large premium on early admissions demon- strates the economy and the necessity of the proposed law. It not unfrequently happens among the ignorant and especially among the Irish poor, that the removal of their insane friends to an asy- lum is strenuously resisted. In such cases if the superintendents are unable to accomplish the removal by persuasion they should be empowered to remove them forcibly, unless the parties enter into a bond with sufficient sureties to indemnify the county against all cost or charge on account of the insane person. For further details on this subject I refer you to my 10th letter. Sixth. The superintendents of the county poor should be charged with the oversight and assistance of the out-door poor, which may be afforded in various ways. They should be made a corporation for the purposes of this act and be authorised to sue and be sued, in the name of their chairman. They should be authorised and required to establish pauper savings banks in every county in which sums as small as twenty-five cents should be received on deposit, and interest allowed as soon as the deposite amounted to one dollar, say 2 per cent on $1,00 ; 3 per cent on all sums be- tween $1 ,00 and 3,00; 4 per cent on sums between $3,00 and $5,00 ; and 5 per cent on all sums over $5,00. This increased scale of in- terest in proportion to the amount of the deposite will be a pow- erful stimulus to efforts for accumulation. When a poor person has once accumulated five dollars and he knows that sum is con- stantly increasing without effort on his part a great object has been effected. You can have no idea how much the existence of pauperism depends on want of forecast^ unless you have mingled much among the poor, seen their habits, and listened to their ha- bitual conversation. They literally "take no thought for the morrow." If they have enough to support them a week, they will recklessly spend it all on the pleasures of to-day without caring or thinking where the provision for to-morrow is to come from, and those who live in luxury during summer when their earnings are ample, suffer all the privations of penury during the winter, when they might have lived comfortably during the entire year 120 I Senate if they had exercised the j^lightest prudence or economy. They think there is a sort of mora] impossibility, for them to get ahead in the workl, and that there is a sort of fatality that keeps them poor, they therefore are determined to get all the good they can out of their earnings while they have them, without troubling themselves about the future. I believe sir that the establishment of saving banks as proposed, will do more to break up this feel- ing, than any other measure that can be adopted. Yours truly, FRANKLIN. (No. 22.) To the Han. Eli as W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State of the State of JSTeW' York. Seventh — With a view to the assistance and encouragement of the poor, and to cultivate a disposition to economise and to pro- vide for the future, the superintendents should be required to purchase large quantities of fuel and salt meat at such times as they are at minimum prices, and dispose of those articles at prime cost during the winter. This measure should be conducted with great prudence lest the regular trader should be injuriously in- terfered with, or the poor should themselves attempt to make a profit, but I am confident rules can be framed which will avoid all abuses if the right men are chosen for superintendents. Eighth — I have already remarked that a certain class of the poor are very willing to work if they could obtain it, but they have no faculty for procuring it ; they seem to be utterly incapa- ble of setting themselves to work. There would be little diffi- culty in making eflectual provisions for this want of the poor, if the town clerks of each town were required to keep a register in which the name of every person wanting work should be enrolled, and the kind of work he or she was able to do. This book sh >uld be at all times open for the inspection of persons wanting to em- ploy hands. Every Monday morning a transcript of such regis- ter should be forwarded to the office of the county clerk, who should be required to enter them all in a book to be provided by No. 72. 1 121 him for the purpose. Thus, any employer, by going to the county clerk's office, could see at a glance the residence and qua- lifications of every laborer in the county. At a small expense a very great benefit would be conferred on both the employers and the laborers. This system of registry to be under the inspec- tion and direction of the county superintendent of the poor. J{inth — There are many voluntary organizations in each county for the benefit of the poor — there are Dorcas societies, soup so- cieties, orphan societies, &c. It should be the duty of superin- tendents to put themselves in communication with these associa- tions, and by advice, assistance and co-operation, endeavor to in- crease the sphere of their usefulness. It is believed that much good might be thus effected by procuring more unity of effort on the part of those citizens who esteem it their pleasure and their duty to minister to the wants of the poor. The superintendents from their central position would be better informed of the points where labor and assistance was most needed, and would there- fore be enabled to direct every kind of talent which might bo voluntarily offered to the sphere of its most useful employment. TeTz^^— Efficient rules should be adopted to guard against abuses in the apprenticeship of pauper children. Full enquiries should be made as to the character of the proposed master, and the answer shoald be made a matter of record. The parents or friends of the apprentice should be cited to attend, and their ob- jections, if any, should be recorded and carefully weighed. The master should not be allowed to remove the apprentice from the town where he was originally bound without the consent in writ- ing of the superintendents. The indentures should fully declare the duties of the master and provide for a proper amount of schooling and the provision of the necessary school books. A list of pauper apprentices in each town should be furnished on on the 1st day of October in each year to the town superinten- tendent of common schools of such town, by the superintendents of the poor. It should be the duty of the town superintendents annually to make a special report to the State superintendent of common schools, as to the manner in which the stipulations with regard to education in the indentures have been complied 122 [Senate with. This plan would, I think, effectually obviate the difficul- ties stated in my ninth letter, and would greatly tend to elevate the character of the State and the condition of the poor. Eleventh — The schools in our county houses should be made district schools. No teacher should be emplo3^ed who has not re- ceived a full certificate from the town superintendent, and such schools should be allowed to participate in the public money, so far, at least, as to receive its distributive share of library money. The superintendents should be required to furnish them with sui- table seats, desks, books, stationery and apparatus. If these provisions are carried out in good faith a burning disgrace will be removed from the character of our State, and I am confident it will dry up a very considerable tributary to the broad stream of pauperism. ( No. 23. ) Twelfth — The superintendents should be required to classify the poor according to their previous standing in life, their moral character and personal habits, so that the virtuous, respectable, and unfortunate poor should not be brought into revolting con- tact with the degraded and vicious outcasts of society. This class should be better fed and more comfortably accommodated than the other. Thirteenth — In Maryland the superintendents are required to open ail account with each pauper, debiting them with food and clothing, and crediting them with the value of their services ; until the account is made to balance, the superintendent may forcibly detain them in the poor house. It would be well to con- sider whether such a provision would not be useful here. I am not prepared to recommend it unequivocally, but I think the idea worthy of full consideration. Fvurteenth—ThQ custody of the prisoners in the county jail should be taken from the sheriff and transferred, together with the appointment of the jailor and the police of the jail, to the county superintendents of the poor. I wiil not now trouble you No. 72.] 123 with the reasons for this change, because the statement of them would swell these letters too much. I am prepared, however, to state them at length, if you or the codifiers should desire them. Fifteenth — The superintendents should be the board of health for the county, and as such they should be required to watch over the public health, to remove nuisances, to prevent the spread of contagious diseases and to pi-ovide a general and gratuitous plan for universal vaccination. Finally — You will observe that the proposed plan embraces provisions : For an efficient central inspection of the allairs of the poor. For an improvement in the science of pauper management. For securing a higher class of officers in the counties. For elevating the character and assisting the out-door poor. For the education of pauper children. For uniting legal and voluntary aid to poor persons. For an improved mode of apprenticeship. For making the poor industrious, and diminishing the expenses of their support in work-housec. For making more comfortable provisions for the virtuous and unfortunate, and a better discipline for the idle and vicious. Such as it is, all the provisions of the plan are now before you. If I have succeeded in convincing you that real evils exist which may be cured by legislative interference, I sincerely hope you will use your great and acknowledged influence with the Legisla- lature to induce them to appoint a commission to effect a thorough revision of the poor laws. Should such a commission be ap- pointed, it will afford me great pleasure to supply them with many details which have been omitted in these letters for the sake of brevity. I am prepared, should the commissioners desire it, to give them a plan for the organization of work-house?, embracing the persons 124 [Senate to be received into it, the time they should be kept in it, the em- ployment to be pul-sued, the rules for its discipline, the plan for its erection, and all other necessary details tor its management, and also the facts and observations on which the plan is founded. My work is now finished, and cordially commending the views which are presented in it to your serious and candid considera- tion, I remain truly yours, FRANKLIN. SiippkmeRiary Letter (o the Secretary of State. To Hon. Eli AS W. Leavenworth, Secretary of State of the State o/* J^ew- York: I cannot doubt that you have read the account of the horrid scenes that have recently occurred at the BujB[*alo Poor House. Within twenty-tour hours, fifteen insane and seven sane persons in that establishment, passed out of time into eternity. They were not slaughtered by the knife, by the axe, or the revolver, but they were not the less really nor the less wickedly slaughter- ed, by famine, by tilth, and by cruel neglect. Have you not felt a sense of shame, of sorrow, of unutterable loathing, that such things should occur amid the boasted civilization of the nineteenth century, here in the very midst of us, in the western metropolis of the Empire State ] Have you not remembered the declaration of our Lord: "The poor ye have always with you V Have you experienced no dread of a visible manifestation of His wrath, who hath said, "He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker ; '* and " For the oppression of the poor and the sighing of the needy, now Vv^ill I arise, saith the Lord.'' With me, you have desired to strike off the shackles of the slave; like me, you have mourned over those detestable cruelties incident to slavery, which have recently been made patent to the whole world, through the agency of " Uncle Tom," and have ar- gued that such cruelty cou](ronly exist in an atmosphere of slav- ery. We have tried to show the evil of slavery by its reflex in- fluence, in debasing the moral feelings of the masters. Are you not fearful that when this afiair reaches the South the slavehold- No. 72.] 125 ers will give us back a taste of our own argument, and tell us that there is a wider scope for the exercise of their philanthropy at the north, than there i& for ours among the slaves of the south. You cannot say, sir, you were not forewarned of the sad state of our poor houses. It is true that in my letters last winter I did not seek to excite your indignation against the administrators, nor your sympathies for the sufferings of the poor ; but you will find, on reference to the sixteenth letter, that the existence of such abuses is clearly indicated, and I now add that I had the Buf- falo poor house in my mind while writing it, and there are many others in the State that stand equally in need of reform. Had you presented the facts contained in my letters of last winter to the Legislature, under your official sanction, (there are none which you might not easily verify,) and recommended a visitation of our poor houses by commissioners authorised to send for per- sons and papers, there cannot be a shadow of doubt that it would have received the sanction of that body. Such a visitation would have prevented the horrid atrocities that have been enacted at Buffalo, and at other places which have not yet been brought to light. You would have been the honored instrument of saving much human life, and much disgrace to our State, aud procured a fund of valuable information, on which the ensuing Legislature might act, for the suppression of these and still greater evils for the future. Depend upon it, sir, something must be done soon to cure the multifold evils of our poor laws. Were the people in- formed of half the wastefulness, the brutality, and the neglect, which flows from them, they would rise en masse and insist on their abrogation, I did hope, sir, that you would have taken the lead in this great work ; and although, from past neglect, these hopes are diminished, I can still hardly bring myself to believe that you will finally quit oflice without one effort to confer honor on yourself, and advantage on the State, by ameliorating what Samuel Young once said were emphatically the " Poor Laws of our statute book. Yours truly, FRANKLIN. ft 15962