nCHiVt: \ TTOTJSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, December 18, 1863.~Reaa first and Focond times, referred to the Coimriitteo on Quartermaster and Ccmniissary Departments, and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Clapp.] A. BILL To bo entitled An Act to amend An Act entitled " An Act to pre- vent fraud in the Quartermaster's and Commissary's Departments, and the obtaining under false pretense transportation for private property," approved May 1st, 1863. 1 Sfxtion 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of America do 2 enact. That in each military department or district there shall bo S appointed by the President, as soon as practica.ble, after the 4 passage of this act, such number of persons as he may deem 5 necessary, who are over the age of forty-five years, or unable to 6 perform duty in the field, as Inspectors of Quartermaster's and Com- 7 missaries' accounts, v,hose duty it shall be to ascertain by such 8 means as may be necessary whether the several Assistant Quarter 9 masters and Commissaries, whether stationed at posts or accompa 10 Dying the troops in the field, within the district or limits assigned 2 11 to such inspectors of accounts, respectively, hare duly executed 12 and delivered official bonds, as required by law, the amount and 13 adequacy of the bond in each case, and the sufficiency of the 14 security thereto ; to examine carefully and as often as once in 1,5 every two months, if practicable, the books, accounts, and 16 vouchers of each quartermaster and commissary, ascertain his 17 manner of purchasing, distributing, preserving or transporting 18 such Government property and supplies as may come to his 19 hands, the character and extent of his official transactions and 20 the number and age of the agents or subordinates in his employ ; 21 and to inquire diligently into all violations of the act of which 22 this is an amendment, a copy of which, and also of this act, 23 shall be procured by each of said inspectors before entering upon 24 the duties of his office ; and in all cases of doubt or suspicion 25 the said inspectors shall obtain such proof or information 26 as is practicable of the supposed offence, and shall preserve 27 a memorandum thereof in writing, including the names and loca- 28 tion of witnesses, and shall at least as often as once in every 29 month report in writing, the result of their investigations 30 to the Quartermaster or Commissary General as the matter 31 reported may pertain to the department of one or the other, 32 which reports shall be preserved among the files of the depart- 33 ment to which they are transmitted. 1 Sec. 2. The office of Inspector of Quartermasters' and Com- 3 2 misBaries' accounts hereby created shall continue so long as the 3 President may deem it conducive to the public interests to make 4 appointments for the same and the person filling said office shall 5 receive a compensation of dollar?! per day and ten cents 6 per milf, Avlipu travelling in the discharge of hi? official business, 7 ond when inspecting the accounts of quartermasters and commis- 8 saries with the tro;ips, he shall also be entitled to draw 9 rations for himself and forage for his horse, where a horse is r.> necessary for the performance of his duties, and his account, 1 1 when stated for monthly periods and supported by affidavit shall, 12 upon the certificate or order of the Quartermaster General, be 13 paid by any quartermaster to whom it may be presented within 14 the district or limit? of such inspector; but before entering upon 15 the duties of his office he shall take and subscribe an oath in It) writing, to be filed in the department of the Quartermaster 17 General, for the faithful performance thereof, and any derelic- 18 tion of duty, shall be cause of immediate removal and of for- 19 feiturc of all compensation accruing and unpaid at the time of 20 such removal.