#23 (e Duke University Libraries Circular for 18 Conf Pam 12mo #236 CIRCULAR FOR 1864.— No. 3. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) MiLLEDGEVILLE, AugUSt 22, 1S64. > Whereas, under the 7;34th and 735th Sections of the Code, it is made the duty of the Comptroller General to examine and add together the Digests of Taxable property of the State, returned by the various Receivers of Tax Returns of the State to the Comptroller General's Office ; and by Act assented to December 12, 1863, the Governor and Comptroller General are further authorized and requir- ed "in assessing the tax for the ensuing year, to assess and have collected such per cent, as sliall be sufficient to raise an amount of money, added to the other resources of the State, to support the Government for the political year 1SG4 ; in-ovided that the amount raised shall not exceed one per cent upon the value of the taxable property of the State, estimated in Confederate Treasury Notes." In obedience to the requirements of the Code, the Comptroller General has footed up and added together the Digests; and, further to carry out the requirements of the Act of the 12th of December, 1S()3. it is ORDERED, That the rate of taxation shall be ONE DOLLAR ON THE ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS on the property returned, and double that amount on the default property, that being the per cent, necessary to raise the amount required by the Act of December 12, 18()3, upon the Digests, as returned. JOSEPH E. BROWN, Governor. PETERSON THWEATT, Comptroller General. COMPTROLLER GENERAL'S OFFICE, > MiLLEDGEVILLE, Aug. 23, 1864. > To the Tax Collector of County. Sir:— You will proceed to collect the Tax of your county in accordance with the above order. In relation to the default property, I deem it proper to 8»7 ttjftt tU« 2 Receiver was ordered to assess a double value on the same, in the column bf "value aftor deducting SJOO." Where the Receiver has thus disclmrged his doty, of course you will only collect a single tax on his double ussessiyent. "Where he has not assessed a double value, of course you must collect a double tax. And now, having given you the above order and instruct tion, and as I intend, while in office, Xo follow the luwclofcly in all the duties of my office, I deem it proper at this time to refer you to the LAIXT ZZV RSLATIorr TO SETTLZIMZ1NT8 AT THE TREASURY ADTD THIS OmCZl. By the 790th Section of the Code, you are required to have your Insolvent Lists here anil pay all taxes in the Treasury and make yonr final settlement at this office by the 20th December next. To enable yo;i thus to make your settlement, the Grand Jurors, or Inferior Courts, are authorized and recjuired to act upon anl allow you an insolvent list, if you have one, by the ICth December. The Grand Jury can allow one while it is in session for Court, or a majority of the In- ferior Court can allow one, at am/ time, either at its regu- lar meeting or iti racation. In the event you Jail to icrt i/our insolvent Iht to make your settlement on the LHltli December, you are then required to pay all the money into the State Treasury, cxaiu the Receiver's Cummissiuns. In lieu of the money for the Receiver's Commissions, you are re- quired to produce the Receiver's certificate from the Comp- troller, for his CoiiKnissions, rcrciptcd in. fidl. And at any time thereafter you may obtain your Insolvent List, and send it to this office, if it is made out in due form, and al- lowed here, the amount due you will re immediately refunded, by your authorizing some one to receipt to the Governor for you. If you should authorize me to receipt to the Governor for you, you must direct how the money must be sent to you. In case you fail to make full payments at the Treasnry and make your final settlement at this office as the law directs, it is made my duty to issue execution against you and your securities for the nmount due, with 20 per cent, per annum interest. 8 ■ -^ » 11VSOI.VKNT lilSTS. ""•'' In place of the 72nd Section of the Code, the Leffisla- '^^ ture re-enacted the following : "Sec. II. Be, it. further rnactcdt That the Collector in ev- ery county shall, on oath, be obliged to lay before the Grand Jury or Inferior Court of each county a list of such insolvents as ma}' be in said county, who shall allow or disallow the same. Sec. III. lie it jurlJier aiacfcd, Tiiat the Inferior Courts of the several Counties of this State or the Grand Juries thereof, may, at any time before the fifteenth day of De- cember, of each year, allow the Tax Collectors their in- solvent lists, and said insolvent lists can be allowed or dis- allowed, either upon the list of names furnished by the Collector, on oath, as above required, or on Ji. fas. with the proper entries thereon. Sec. IV. Be it further enacted, That the Grand Juries or Inferior Courts, in making out said lists, be required to state how much is alUnved the Collector on account sf the State tax and how much is allowed on the corintytax. S(»c. v. Be it further enacted, That when the Collector shall have his insolvent list credited, it shall be the duty of the Inferior Court or Grniul Juries to retain a copy of such list and direct the Collector to issue executions for the same, and place them in the hands of some Constable of the county for collection, who siiall be entitled to the same fees as he is entitled to for other executions, and two and one-half per centum, and the balance shall be paid by the Constable to the Clerk of the Inferior Court, whose duty it shall be to transmit the same to the Treasury." FOKM OF AN INSOLVENT LIST. GEORGIA, • County. '^ We, the Grand Jurors chosen and sworn for said county for Term (oy, We, the Jus- tices of the Inferior Court for County, this day assen)bled,) \ipon an examination of the insolvent hst presented to. us by Tax Collector for said county for the year do hereby allow the said Collector dollars and cents, as his in- solvent list, on account of the State tax and dol- lars and cents, as his insolvent list on account of the county tax. This insolvent list should be certified to, under seal, by the Clerk of the Superior Court, if allowed by a Grand Jury, or the Clerk of the Inferior Court, if alloH-ed by the Inferior Court. 4 ERROHM l.> niOFHTn. , The Codo authorizes the Governor and Comptroller Gen- eral to correct all errors in Digests, and to refund any mo- ney improperly paid into the State Treasury in conse- quence of said errors. But the Governor and Comptroller General must have stitisf'ac/cn, a-idnnr that mistakes have been made before they will act in these cases. Before examining into these errors, the Governor and Comptroller General ret/uirc that the Grand Jury or Infe- rior Court of your county, (who can rcadilij get all tli« facts, and give you and, others a yOT O.'V TIIK DldiKMT. Your duty as to this class of Tax Payers is thus defined in the SOSth section of the Code. You are recjuired : "To search out and ascertain as far as possible, all polls, professions, free persons of color, and all taxal)le property not returned to tlie Receiver or not found on his digests. To enter all such defaults in a book kcj)t for that pur- pose, to assess and collect thereon a double tax and pay the same over to the Comptroller General and County Treas- urer respectively, after deducting doubh; commissions, and to deposit said book with the Comptroller General, and a copy with the Clerk of the Inferior (Jourt, before the day of final settlement." By Act of the Legislature of 18(i2, so nnuli of the above as allows you ihmhlr cninmissi.o/is for these Defaulters was repealed, and you will now only get single roniinissions on the same. The 2nd Section of the same Act prescribes the following additional duty and penalty in relation to the game niatter, viz : •'Sec. II. Beit furthr enacted. That on or before the •15th da}'^ of December in each and every year, the Tax Re- ceivers and Collectors shall make out, under oath, their re- turns of property not on the first, or Receiver's digest, as provided for under the first Section of the Act of the 11th day of December, 1S5S, and forward the same on the 20th day of December in each and every year, or such other day as may be designated by law as a day of final settle- ment by Tax Collectors; and if up to the 15th day of December, said officers have not been able to find any pro- perty in the county, omitted on the first or Receiver's di- gest, the}'* shall swear that they have not been able to find any of said property, and send their affidavits to the Comptroller -Ceneral's office ; and any Tax Receiver and Collector who shall have collected money from tax-payers not on the first, or Receiver's digest, and who shall tail or refuse to mhke his returns, and pay said money into the Treasury by the 20th day of December in each and every year, or at such tii^e as may be designated by law for the final settlement by Tax Collectors, said officers shall be deemed and held in default, and shall be liable to a penal- ty or tax of five hundred dollars; said penalty or tax, in addition to the amount of money belonging to the State, retained by said Collectors, to be collected by an execu- tion against said defaulting Receiver and Collector, and his securities, to be issued upon information, by the Comp- troller General; one half of the five hundred dollars to go to the informer who will produce to the Comptroller Gen- eral any receipt of the Collector, or other paper showing that the Collector has such money in his hands, belonging to the State ; Provided, that so much of this section as re- lates to rewarding informers shall not go into effect until after jthe first day of April next. So you will discover by the above that you must said to this office an affidavit in relation to these Defaulters, on the 20th December, whether you have found any of titcm or not. If you don't do this, you are liable to be informed upon, and be fined $500, besides being made to pay the amount collected, if any. 1IIE ITIANNER OF TAXING VRF Al'LTERS. By an Act assented to Dec. 7, 1SG3, defaulters are to be hereafter taxed as follows: An Act to amend the seven hundred and eighty-sixth secimi of the Code of Geotgia^ relative to taxing d 7\) (he Tax Collectors of the Stdtc of' Gcorg'ni : Gentlemkn: — The time for collection of State taxes beiii'^ near at hand, in accordance with law and iisage I give you herewith a statement of the funds whicii will be received at the Treasury in settlement of your accounts, and a caution as to others to which T earnestly request your strict attention. The only funds to be received, are : Georo-ia Treasury Notes and Change liills of all issues, lionds and coupons of the State of Georgia, DUE, Confotlerate Treasury Not«s of the new issue tuily. Current Bank Notes and specie, Chanire Bills of the Western & Atlantic Rail Road, Central llank Notes of the State of Georgiu. Checks of solvent Banks or Agencies on any Bank in Au- gusta, Athens, Columbus, Macon or Savannah, and Atlanta, when (inlet is restored and business resumed at that place, and certificates of deposite from the Banks of either of the cities named, will be received in order to facilitate the remittance of your funds, 6m/ i/i 710 cose u-'ili the ehrchs of jniid/c iiKViridiinls Ijr Uihrn. All e\pense>< of remhtaurcs by Express must be prepaid or they uill not be taken from the oflire. KespertfuUv, »S:c., JOHN JONES, Treasurer. Hollinger Corp. pH8.5