Duke University Libraries A bill to amend Conf Pam #246 [Housa OP Rrpresewtatives, No. 349.] HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, January 23, 1865.— Btad first and second- times, referred to Committee on Military Aflfairp and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Blandford. A. BILL To amend An Act to organize forces to serve during the war. 1 The Congress of the Confederati States of America d§ tnact, 1 That all male white peraoni, citizens of, or domiciled in the 5 Confederate States, between the ages of eighteen and forty-ive 4 years, except as hereinafter exempted, are hereby declared to be i liable to service in the provisional array of the Confederate 6 States, during the war ; and all conscriptioms of persons here- 7 after made to serve in said army shall be of persons between 6 said ages. 1 Sec. 2. Any soldier in said army or in the reserve corps, 2 over the age of forty-five years, shall, upon his proper applica- 3 tion made, be entitled to receive hii discharge from such ser- 4 vice, with transportation at the public expense , to his place of 5 residence. 1 Sec. 3. Members of Congress, and of the several State Legis- 2 latures. and all judicial aad other officers whose offices are cre- 3 ated by the Constitution of the Confederate States, or by the 4 constitution of either of the States; also, such other offieerB as 5 the Presidest of the Confederate States, or the proper avthori- 2 6 ties of the several States, ebaU declare to be necessary for the 7 proper sdminiptration of their respective governments, are 8 hcrebj declared not liable to conscription. 1 Sec 4. Hereafter it shall not be lawful to detail tor other ser- 2 vice, any person fit for duty in the field, who is subject to mili- 3 tary service under the provisions of this Act; and all such per- 4 sons heretofore detailed shall be, with as little delay as practi- 5 cable, returned to their respective commands. Provided, That 6 nothing herein contained shall he construed so as to prohibit the 7 President from detailing a limited number or scientific persons, 8 skilled artizans and mechanics, whose services may be necessa- 9 Tj for tho production of arms, munitions of war, and other ma- 10 terials for the use of the armies of the Confederate States. 1 Sjec> 5> Hereafter it shall not be lawful to conscript any person 2 under this or any existing law, until the President shall have 3 first made his requisition upon the Governor of the State where 4 such person shall reside, for the quota of men required to b« 5 furnished by such State for service in the army of the Confed- 6 erate States, and the Governor shall have failed to comply with 7 such requisition. The Governors of the States, in filling requi- 8 sitions by the Prreident for troops, are hereby authorii^ed to in - 9 dude in, ancl make part of the quotas required to be furnished 1© by ikmr respective States, soldiers of the army of the €onfeder- ir ate States, who, at the date of th© passage of this Act, were de- 12 sertern or absent without leave from tlieir commaads, and may 13 ors^anize th3 troops so furnished into companies, battalions and 14 regiments. Prnvided, That the rank and numbers of the offi- 15 cers, and the complement of men in each organization so form- 16 ed, shall be the same as is required in similar organizations in 17 the army of the Confederate States. pH8.5