G*! .. 1861- Duke University Libraries Recruits take n Conf Pam #532 UIT9 ■■■■■■■■■an § I leave to-asi^^ht for our Iie4j;iment. Tliej arc leremptory aiicl adsi^it ofnodelay» II by s^ood for- une yoiir eoiiiriide§ mnr ih the field, before yoii oin, should iiii:ke the ii?iimeof your company evei lonorable, yo'^3 ^.vatl owly be iliQ more eager to join hem. I regret tisat I eaiiBiot tiike you with me, ut I have not the time to equip you. I jiiL^im your?^i'lves in readiness to go at a moment*^ notice, close up your private business and make the best possible arrangements for your families Be guarded against any floating rumors and be- lieve nothing you may see unless my name shalji be attached. You will be sent for very soon. Warch Srd 1862. Capt 4Ki ind Inf. jr. C. S. T. p€Rmali|:^« pH8.5