IZ nD Duke University Libraries A bill to be en Conf Pam l2mo #27 1^051537$ [House Bill, No. .] HOUSE, September 4, 1862. — Read first and second times, and referred to Military Committee. September 22. — Reported back with amendment, placed upon the Calendar and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. Collier, of Virginia.] A. BILL To be entitled An Act Authorizing and Regulating Substitutes- 1 Section 1. The Congress of the Confederate States of 2 America do enact, That all persons not liable for, but 3 capable of. performing military duty, may be received as 4 substitutes for those who are liable and not mustered •") into the military service, under the following regulations, t'» to-wit : 7 First. Whenever a substitute so authorized is received 8 into the service shall desert, the captain of the company 9 from which such desertion is made shall compel the 10 attendance of the principal for military service. 1 1 Second. If such principal so attending shall present 12 another substitute, who shall be in all respects fit and 2 13 proper, such substitute shall be received upon the same 14 conditions as the first: Provided, however, That in no 15 case shall more than two substitutes he permitted. 1 Sf.c. 2. Whenever the substitute in any case shall 2 become liable to military Bervice, his principal shall be 3 made liable to and perform all military duty, and be 4 compelled into such service as might be required of his 5 substitute. 1 Sec. 3. When a party has been regularly mustered 2 into the service and desires to put in a substitute, such 3 substitution may be permitted under such regulations as 4 may be prescribed by the Secretary of War. 1 Sec. 4. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized to 2 prescribe regulations concerning discharges from service ?> as herein provided. "?■**. J± BILL To be entitled An Act to regulate the Reception of Substi- tutes in the Army. 1 Th. Congress of the Corifederatt States of America wo '1 enact, That all persons for whom substitutes over thirty- :) live years o\' age have been received into the military 4 service of the Confederate States, shall continue exempt : 5 Provided, That the principal shall be held liable to said 6 service upon the desertion of the substitute ; and where 7 persons have employed substitutes under eighteen years 8 of age, they shall become liable on the arrival of the !) substitute at that age. and hereafter no substitutes shall 10 be received under eighteen years of age. Hollinger Corp. P H8.5