Women Inventors to Whom Patents have been Granted by the United States Government, 1790 to July 1, 1888 WOMEN INVENTORS TO WHOM PATENTS HAVE BEEN GRANTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. 1790 TO JULY 1, 1888. COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS. WASHINGTON: . A GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1888 . I WOMEN INVENTORS TO WHOM PATENTS HAVE BEEN GRANTED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 1790 TO JULY 1, 1888. COMriEED UNDER TIIE DIRECTION OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PATENTS. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1888 . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Duke University Libraries https://archive.org/details/womeninventorsto12unit 1,075 1,197 1,670 1,940 2, 630 3,254 3, 995 4,915 5,019 5, 86* 5, 95( 6, 194 6, 375 6, 423 7,041 7, 175 7, 027 8, 030 9, 758 9, 959 15, 937 It!, 518 10, 002 10, 084 10, 942 17,241 18, 729 19, 024 21,620 20, 524 20,741 22, 443 25, 384 25,582 > (a WOMEN INVENTORS. Name and Address. Title of Invention. Date. Mary Kies Mary Brush Sophia Usher Julia Plantou Lucy Burnap Diana H. Tuttle Catharine Elliot Phoebe Collier Elizabeth H. Buckley Henrietta Cooper Elizabeth Oram Emma Stienhauer Luna Bishop Elizabeth Bartlette Harriet Cook Ethel H. Porter Margaret Gerrish Phebe Atwell, assignor to Levi Ward Eliza Ann B. Judkins Sarah Hammond Marie F. C. D. Corbanx, Francis G. Spils- bury, and Alexander S. Byrue, of Eng- land. Elizabeth Adams Maria P. Dibble Nancy M. Johnson Sarah P. Mather Mrs. Frances Carter Madeline Tassie Caroline C. Nichols Mary Ann B. Cook Tilly and Warren Flint Mary Ann Woodward Agdalena S. Goodman, Duval County, Fla.. Ann F. Stiles Mary W. O’Meara Louisa Balis Celia R. P. Wood, (now Celia R. P. Foster).. Marie Louise Eoueout Lettie A. Smith Abbey S. Smith, Rochester, N. Y Elisa Alexander, New York, N. Y .... Julia M. Milligan, New Albany. Iml . Rhoda Davis, Brooldiaven, N. Y Straw weaving with silk or thread Corset Cream of tartar, carbouated liquid Stove, foot Hats, weaving grass Spinning-wheel heads, accelerating Moccasins, manufacturing Wheel-fellies, sawing Shovel, sheet- iron Straw, leghorn, whitening Globe for teaching geography Cook-stove Bellows Balsam lavender Calash balloon for ladies Straw cutting and fodder Asclepias syriaca, manufacturing external fibers. Fur, extracting, from skins and manufac- turing it in yarn. Shedding Fire-place Improvement in tho mode of applying dis- temper colors having albumen or gela- tine for their vehicle, so as to render the samo more durable, and preserving the same when not wanted for immedi- ate use. Corset Bandage Ice-cream freezer Submarine telescope and lamp Bandage Shirt Making artificial flowers Sad-iron Weighing-scale Rocking-chair fan attachment Improvement in broom-brushes Picture-exhibitor Bandage Corset-stay Work-stand Furnace grate-bar Butter-worker Scale for instrumental music Improved attachment to sewing-machines. Abdominal supporter Improved elastic cap for sealing cans and May 5, 1809 July 21, 1815 Sept. 11, 1819 N«v. 4,1822 Feb. 10,1823 May 17,1824 Jan. £ 0, 1825 May 20, 1826 Feb. 28, 1828 Nov. 12, 1828 Jan. 12,1831 Feb. 3, 1831 Dec. 22,1831 Jan. 29,1833 Feb. 20,1833 Mar. 14, 1834 Mar. 27, 1834 Apr. 30, 1834 Feb. 2, 1839 June 25, 1839 July 10, 1840 Jan. 21,1841 May 20,1842 Sept. 9, 1843 Apr. 10, 1845 Jan. 1,1847 Mar. 13, 1847 Oct. 17,1848 Dec. 5, 1848 Mar. 20, 1849 Apr. 24,1849 May 8, 1849 Jan. 22,1850 Mar. 12, 1850 Sept. 10, 1850 Apr. 8, 1851 May 31,1853 Aug. 23, 1853 Oct. 21,1856 Feb. 3, 1857 Feb. 10,1857 Feb. 24, 1857 Marion J. Wellman, New York,N. Y Helen C. Traphagen, New York, N. Y Elizabeth Bellinger, Mohawk, N. Y Almira M. Cole, Windham, Me Emma T. Porter, Washington, D. C Livonia Whitney, Toledo, Ohio Susan E. Taylor, East Cambridge, Mass. .. . Anno S. McLean, Williamsburg, N. Y ...... Rosanna Carpenter, Medford, Mass Jane Phillips, New York, N. Y bottles. Baby-jumper I Lady’s skirt I Improvement in composition fuel Mounting fluid lenses I Clothes-frame Door-lock Fountain-pen Corset Improvement in extracts of fruits Mull Mar. 31, 1857 May 5, 1857 Dec. 1 , 1857 Mar. 10, 1858 Sept. 28, 1858 June 8,1858 June 29, 1858 Dec. 28,1858 Sept. 13, 1859 Sept. 27, 1859 3 4 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. 26, 005 •26. :i J7 ‘26, 408 •27, 005 •27,521 ‘28, -265 28, 31*2 29. 528 31, 199 31,843 31,953 32, 367 34,407 34. 667 35, 026 35, 039 35, 138 35, 289 35, 683 35, 706 35, 759 35, 930 36, 125 36, 272 36, 388 36. 856 37,697 37, 851 37, 925 38, 010 38, 639 39, 103 39, 377 39, 438 39. 460 39. 461 39, 607 39,701 39. 856 39, 908 39, 909 39.910 39.911 39, 964 40, 157 40, 577 40, 642 40, 643 40. 668 40, 785 40, 877 41, 167 41,274 41.528 41,618 41,757 41,987 41,989 42, 157 42,958 43,087 43, 088 43, 126 | Name and Address. Mrs. C. Alilen, Cassada^a, N. Y Frances J. La Forme, Boston, Mass Elizabeth Bellinger, Mohawk, X. V Henrietta G. Batty, Springfield, Mass Sarah D. Carmau, Middletown, N. Y Eunice N. Foote, Saratoga Springs, N. Y . .. Lydia W. Stiles. Brooklyn, Ohio Elizabeth 51. Smith, Burlington, N. J Sarah Jane Wheeler, New Britain, Conn. .. Martha Willis, Rochester, N. Y Caroline H. Carnes, New York. N. Y Thipena 1\ Horn brook' Wheeling, Va llauuah D. Conrad, Dayton, Ohio Ellen B. Boyce, Green Point, N. Y Lucinda Humphrey, Tipton, Iowa Susan D. Pinkham, Fond du Lac, Wis Mary P. Carpenter, Buffalo, N. Y Sarah A. Baldwin, Waterbary, Conn Isabella J. H. Howard, San Francisco, Cal. Mary Jane Pulte, Cincinnati, Ohio Henrietta C. Ingersoll, Bangor, Me Lavinia H. Foy, Worcester, Mass Elizabeth Higgins, Boston, Mass., assignor to Henry Iliggius. Adeline J. Brooks, Philadelphia, Pa Sarah A. Baldwin, Waterbtny, Conn Sarah E. Paysou, Peterborough, N. 11 Caroline Learned, Columbus, Ohio Clarissa Britain, St. Joseph, Mich Abbey S. Smith, Lockport, N. Y Henrietta H. Adams, New York, N. Y Ellen F. Putnam, New York, N. Y Abby H. Price, New York, N. Y., assignor to the Magic Ruffle Co., same place. Rosanna Carpenter, Roxbury, Mass Marion J. Wellman, New York, N. Y Clarissa Britain, St. Joseph, Mich Laura M. Bronson, New York, N. Y Sarah Mossman, Cleveland, Ohio Abby H. Price, New York, N. Y., assignor to the Magic Ruffle Co., same place. Anna C. Wilhelm, Philadelphia, Pa Lavinia H. Foy, Worcester, Mass Lavinia H. Foy, Worcester, Mass Lavinia H. Foy, Worcester, Mass Lavinia H. Foy, Worcester, Mass Miua Sebille, New York, N. Y Clarissa Britain, St. Joseph, Mich Rebecca Sherwood, Fort Edward, N. Y. .. . Mary C. Ross, New York, N. Y Mary C. Ross, New York, N. Y Louisa E. Anderson, St. Louis, Mo Marion J. Wellman and J. J. Greenougb, New York, N. Y. Emma C. Wooster, New York, N. Y Mary Jane Montgomery, New York, N. Y_. Clarissa Britain, St. Joseph, Mich Agatha Month-art, MildmayPark, and Wm. Tent, Bircbin Lane, county, Middlesex, London, England. LydiaS. Hall, Washington, D. C Rosanna Carpenter, Portsmouth, N. H Lavinia H. Foy, Worcester, Mass Eliza Jane Hall, S in Francisco, Cal Elizabeth F. Bedford and Sidney S. Bed- ford, Johnstown, N. Y. Mary Jane Montgomery, New York, N. Y.. Clarissa Britain, St. Joseph, Mich Clarissa Britain, St. Joseph, Mich Anna M. Murphy, New York. N. Y Title of Invention. Apparatus for ironing clothes Nursing-bottle Composition for kindling fires Egg-cup Invalid-chair Shoe-sole Butter-worker Improvement in reaping and mowing ma- chines. Curry-comb Bandage Reel Bee-hive Improvement in setting and threading needles m sewing-machines. Washing-machine Skirt-protector Lamp Ironing and fluting machine Combination of sofa and bathing tub Improvement in abdominal supporters Improved composition for cleaning gloves . Improved broom Improvement in corset skirt-supporters Dress-protector Corset Door-plate and card-receiver Improvement in vapor-batli Improved nitrated mercurial ointment Floor-warmer Improved mechanism for starting sewing- machines. Improvement in hair-crimpers Improvement in stocking-supporters Improvement in ruffles Improved case for packing bottles Improvement in lamp or gas shades Improvement in ambulances Fastening for studs or buttons Improvement in military caps Improvement in machine-made ruffles Burner for coal-oil lamps Improvement in corsets Improvement in corsets Improvement in corset skirt-supporters Improvement in corset skirt-suppoiters Improvement in corsets Improvement in boilers Improvement in reducing hemp, flax, &c., to fibrous condition. Improved compound for liniment Improved composition for salve Improved rheumatic liniment Improvement in chimneys and shades fir lamps and other lights. Improvement in ruffles Improved war-vessel, the parts applyimg to other structures for defense. Improved lantern dinner-pail Improved means for attaching hooks to furniture. Improvement in vessels for cooking by steam. Improved raisin-stoner Improvement in corset skirt-supporters Improved furnace for smelting ores Lady’s leggin Improvement in locomotive-wheels Improvement in vegetable-boilers Improved disli-drainer Improvement in ietter-eilvelopes Date. Nov. 8,1859 Nov. 29, 1859 Dec. 13,1859 Feb. 14, 1860 Mar. 20, 1860 May 15, I860 May 15, i860 Aug. 7, 1860 Jan. 22,1861 Mar. 26, 1861 Apr. 9, 1851 May 21, 1861 Feb. 18, 1862 Mar. 1-h 1862 Apr. 22,1862 Apr. 22, 1862 May 6, 1862 May 20, 1862 ,J line 24, 1862 .1 une‘24, 1862 July 1,1862 July 22, 1862 Aug. 5,1862 Aug. 26, 1862 Sept. 9, 1862 Nov. 4, 1862 Feb. 17, 1863 Mar. 10, 1863 Mar. 17, 1863 Mar. 24, 1863 May 19, 1863 June 30, 1863 Aug. 4,1863 Aug. 4,1863 Ang. 11,1863 Aug. 11, 1863 Aug. 25,1863 Aug. 25, 1863 Sept. 8,1863 Sept, 15, 1863 Sept. 15, 1863 |epf;.15, 1863 Sept. 15, 1863 Sept, 15, 1863 Oct. 6, 1863 Nov. 10, 1863 Nov. 17, 1863 Nov. 17, 1863 Nov. 17, 1863 Dec. 1, 1863 Dec. 8, 1863 Jan. 5, 1864 Jan. 19,1864 Feb. 9, 1864 Feb. 16,1864 Mar. 1,1864 Mar. 22,1861 Mar. 22,1864 Apr. 5, 1864 May 31,1864 June 14, 1864 June 14, 1864 June 14, 1864 WOMEN INVENTORS. 5 No. 43, 321 43, 613 43, 847 43, 866 43, 937 44, 039 44,393 45, 193 45, 296 45, 303 45, 440 46, 247 46, 270 46, 494 46, 957 47, 134 47,831 47,856 48, 867 50, 674 50, 906 51,047 51, 054 51, 159 52, 072 52, 136 52, 468 52, 822 52, 918 53, 021 53, 060 53, 633 54,018 54, 094 54, 116 54, 323 54, 408 54,580 54, 773 54,785 54,804 54,964 54,993 55, 150 55, 160 55, 252 55, 898 56, 072 56,210 56, 383 56, 421 56, 643 56, 773 56, *30 50, 875 1 07,309 Name and Address. Eleanor M. Marshall, Hillsdale, N. Y Zera Waters, Bloomington, 111 Julia E. Gould, Jamestown, N. Y Mary Ann Ragsdale, Grass Valley, Cal Florence Veerkamp and Francis Leopold, Philadelphia, Pa. Evelyn Beecher, of Plymouth, assignor to Iioadley, Beecher & Co., Waterbury, Conn. Clarissa Britain, St. Joseph, Mich Harriet H. Thompson, Washington, D. C-. Laviuia H. Foy, Worcester, Mass., assignor to James H. Foy, same place Clara A. Bartelett, Ferndale, Cal Rebecca Sherwood, Fort Edward, N. Y.... Angelina J. Knox, Boston, Mass Lucretia E. Sallee, Decatur, 111 Mary Pike, Cornish, N. H Joanna B. Tribble, Middleborough, Mass.. Sarah E. Saul, New York, N. Y Sarah J. A. Hussey, Cornwall, N. Y Clarissa Preston, Detroit, Mich Emma Hill, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor to Thomas Dolan, same place. Kate E. Ashley, Williamsburg, N. Y Martha P. Codman, Boston, Mass Delia E. Holden, Cleveland, Ohio Margaret Hillings, Indianapolis, Iud Huldali Eckert, Lodi, Wis Nancy Patton, Coles County, 111 Mary P. Carpenter, Buffalo, N. Y Kathrin Thoman, Cleveland, Ohio Heuiietta II. Cole, New York, N. Y Mary J. West, Watertown, N. Y Sarah A. McGill, Cincinnati, Ohio Emma A. Tyler, Buffalo, N. Y Susan Knox and W. D. Corrister, New York, N. Y. Ad aline A. Rockwell, Now York, N. Y Sarah J. Baker, Chicago, III Sarah E. Cook, Philadelphia, Pa Laviuia H. Foy, Worcester, Mass Helen M. Remington, Springfield, Mass Mary Jane Montgomery, New York, N. Y.. Helen M. Remington, Springfield, Mass Permelia E. Sheffield, Pontiac, Mich Jane Maria Wilkinson, Urbaua, 111 Sarah E. Saul, New York, N. Y Anua M. Bardwell, Amherst, Mass., assignor to C. D. Clapp and H. J. Bardwell, same place. Eliza H. Newcomb, New York, N. Y Margaret Richardson, Norristown, Pa Ellen Dexter, Quincy, 111 Anna E. Parrott, Norfolk, Va Lucinda MarmadnUe, Shelby villc, Mo Cathrine A. Griswold, Willimantic, Conn.. Catharine Dittenhafer, Canton. Ohio Mary E. Hurley, Baltimore, Md Florence L. Veerkamp and Charles F. Leo- pold, Philadelphia, Pa. Ariadna B. Mercier, Providence, R. I Mary A. Taylor, Cincinnati, Ohio Clara A. Bartlett, Oakland, Cal Laviuia H. Foy, Worcester, Mass Title of Invention'. Improvement in mammiform breast-pro- tectors. Improvement in ladies’ skirt-lifters Improved liniment Improved medicine for cure of scarlatina, sore throat, ress. Antoinette Vidal, Paris, France Louisa L. Jackson, Richmond, Ind Minnie E. Lloyd, New York, N. Y Emily W. Myers, Lincoln, 111 Margaret Armstrong, West Alexander, Pa. Susan C. Currie, New York, N. Y Nancy A. Downer, Canandaigua, assignor to herself and David C. Chace, Clayton, Mich. Maggie E. Frentz, New Albany, Ind Caroline Garciu and U. Adam, Colmar, France. Amelia S. Bird, Buffalo, N. Y., assignor to herself and Peter Peugeot, same place.. . Mary H. Eamsaur, Liucolnton, N. C Susan C. Currie, New York, N. Y Hannah F. Chase, Boston, Mass Marcia Adkins, Oswego, N. Y Anna P. Rogers, Quincy, 111 Marie T. Smith, New York, N. Y Mary E. Capen, Aurora, III Alicia Lynch and Mary L. Moffat, Brook- lyn, N. l r . Anna E. Baldwin, Newark, N. J Anna E. Baldwin, Newark, N. J Anna Hancock, New York, N. Y Abigail W. Viles, Elkhorn, Wis Sarah E. Strickland and Darwin E. Cros- by, South Vineland, N. J.; said Sarah E. Strickland assigns her right to said Darwin E. Crosby. Harriet S. Maltby, Cincinnati, Ohio Mary A. S. Mullin, Osgood, Ind Clarissa Preston, Wheeling, W. Va Hannah G. Suplee, San Francisco, Cal Augusta N. Thompson, Holyoke, Mass Louise F. Shaw, New York, N. Y Maggie Clyde, Brady Post-office, Pa Hannah Luchs, Washington, D. C Marie Gether, St. Louis, Mo Catherine Bruner, Marshall, Mo Mary A. Sheaffer, Elizabethtown, Pa MaryDewey, New Albany, Ind Elizabeth M. Stigale, Philadelphia, Pa Angelina Madison, Cincinnati, Ohio Mary J. Hanson, Mauston, Wis MaryG. Porter, Charlestown, Mass Mary W. Welty, New York, N. Y Mary J. McColl, Chicago, 111 Helen Ekin Starrett, Lawrence, Kans Catherine E. Howard, San Gabriel, Cal Elizabeth A. Burns, Meadow Lake, Cal Mary Jane McColl, Chicago, 111 Miranda Fort, Talbotton, Ga Mary Hobson, Williamsburg, Mo Augusta M. Rodgers, Brooklyn, N. Y Anna M. Smith, Pittsburg, Pa Mollie Williams, Camden, Ohio Annie J. Hall, San Francisco, Cal Mary D. Brine, Chicago. Ill Julia W. D. Patten, Washington, D. C Linda Spigelmyer, Hartleton, Pa Karolina Fries, West Zanesville, Ohio Caroline Parks, Milan, Ohio Annie Vogel, New York, N. Y., and Fannie Kerbs, Georgetown, D. C. Title of Invention. Improved porous porcelain for use in filtering, &c. Guide for measuring the person and cutting- out ladies’ dresses. Fruit-drier Composition for production of wax flowers, fruit, &c. Cooking-stove Pocket-book Process for reducing the size of plaster molds. Corset-clasp Mechanism for driving sewing-machines. .. Improvement in steam and other whistles . Medical compound Medicine-spoon and bottle-stopper com- bined. Vegetable-masher Hair-curling apparatus Guide for sewing-machines Improvement in corset-fastenings Stove attachment Improvement in slate-frames Improvement in mi lk- separators Improvement in milk-coolers Improvement in sewing-machines Improved chair, table, and stand combined Improved clothes-drier Improved pastry-roller Rack for sugar, cream, salt, &c Oven Sewing-machine needle Improved blacking-brush Imitation hair for ladies’ head-dresses Improvement in umbrellas Fluting-machiue Hand-guide for pianos Preserving eggs and other articles Process for manufacturing cheese Soap-holding attachment for sewing-ma- chines. Rail for ornamental fences Charcoal cooking-furnace Medical compound Lady’s safety-belt Shield for sewing-machines Machine for cutting wax for artificial flowers. Improved fastening for overshoes Improvement in the manufacture of arti- ficial flowers. Improvement in desulphurizing ores Improved compound for the manufacture of wax flowers. Improvement in plows Improved dish-washer Improved canopy for bedsteads Improved washing-machine Improvement in devices for measuring, laying out, and forming corsets. Improvement in pencil-holders Improvement in portable swings Improved extension traveling-bags Improvement in children’s body braces and supporters. Improved compound for cleaning silk Improvement in swifts and reels Improvement in hair-curling pins Date. May 18,1869 May 25,1869 May 8, 1869 June 1,1869 June 1, 1869 June 8,1869 June 8,1869 June 8,1869 June 15, 1869 June 22, 1869 July 6,1869 July 6,1869 July 20, 1869 July 27, 1869 July 27, 1869 Aug. 10, 1869 Aug. 3, 1869 Aug. 10, 1869 Aug. 10, 1869 Aug. 10, 1869 Aug. 10, 1869 Aug. 17, 1869 Aug. 24,1869 Aug. 31, 1869 Aug. 31, 1869 Sept. 7,1869 Sept. 14, 1869 Oct. 26,1869 Oct. 26,1869 Nov. 16, 1869 Nov. 16,1869 Nov. 23, 1869 Nov. 30, 1869 Dec. 7, 1869 Dec. 14, 1869 Dec. 14,1869 Dec. 15,1869 Jan. 18, 1870 Feb. 1, 1870 Feb. 1,1870 Feb. 15,1870 Feb. 22,1870 Mar. 1, 1870 Mar. 8, 1870 Mar. 8, 1870 Mar. 15,1870 Mar. 22, 1870 Mar. 22, 1870 Mar. 29, 1870 Mar. 29, 1870 Apr. 5, 1870 Apr. 5, 1870 Apr. 12,1870 Apr. 12,1870 Apr. 26, 1870 Apr. 26,1870 Apr. 26, 1870 WOMEN INVENTORS. 9 No. Name and Address. 10 - 2, 398 102, 534 102, 590 102, 8G8 102, 958 102,989 103, 412 103,432 103,501 104, 385 104,919 105, 108 105, 190 105,234 105,253 105, 301 105, 405 105, 442 105, 520 . 105, 742 105, 779 105, 885 100, 840 100. 885 Adaline I). Hibbs, Trenton, N. J Jane E. Gilman, Hartford, Conn Emily S. Potter and Betsey R. Potter, Bos- ton, Mass. Amanda M. Eosbrtigb, Panora, Iowa Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y 108. 284 108. 285 108, 280 108, 352 108,498 108, 893 109,224 109,237 109.410 1 10, 097 110,310 110,340 110.410 110,072 110,825 110,996 111, 195 111,332 111,429 111,782 112,010 112,024 112,352 1 12, 032 112,748 112,920 Pliilancy D. Tifft, Eagleville, Ohio Lucretia Battles, Gloucester, Mass Mary Disstou, Philadelphia, Pa Mary F. Potts, Ottumwa, Iowa Margaret White, Saratoga Springs, N. Y . Julia W. D. Patten, Washington, D. C... Lucy J. Buttrill, Jackson, Ga Mary E. Grigsby, Put.naniville, Ind Emma Norman, New Orleans, La Augusta M. Eodgers, Brooklyn, N. Y Eliza Dexter Murfey, New York, N. Y Luna J. Aderhold, Wedowee, Ala Harriet Godfrey Emery and Margaret Cate Fuller, Boston, Mass. Eebecca J. Walker, Goshen, Ohio Sophia S. Tapper, Churchville, N. Y.. Emma Clark, Buffalo, N. Y Virginia L. Baker, Eichmond, Va Ann Augusta Marsh, Frankfort, Mich. Augusta M. Stiger, Brooklyn, N. Y 100,943 Jennie L. Lake, Brooklyn, N. Y. 107,015 Eliza D. Dodge, Worcester, Mass. 107,479 Jane E. Gilman, Hartford, Conn. Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y. Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y. Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y Augusta Gest, Brooklyn. N. Y Harriet S. Maltby, Cincinnati, Ohio Eliza Jane Donavan, Indianapolis, Ind., assignor to herself and W. T. Gibson, same place. Margatet E. Knight, Boston, Mass Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y., as- signor to the Manhattan Packing Manu- facturing Company, same place. Alice M. Hughes, Hudson City, N. J Fannie Wetmore, Chicago, 111 Mary P. R. Tilton, Trenton, N. J Jane Carter, Towanda, Pa Margaret White, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Lucy Sawyer Nonr.se, Templeton, Mass... Sarah J. Clark, Eichmond, Ind Caroline Parks, Milan, Ohio Eebecca Gilkinson, New York, N. Y Harriet A. Faruam, South Bend, Ind. Mary Ann Bougkton, Norwalk, Conn Sarah A. Sexton, New York, N. Y Mary P. Carpenter, San Francisco, Cal... Sarah C. Ewing, Indianapolis, Ind Carrie Jessup, New Haven, Conn Sarah Amanda Eeybert, Plainfield, N. J. Elizabeth Mary Stigale, Philadelphia, P Martha Huddleston, Jackson, Twin 113,348 Augusta M. Rodgers, Brooklyn, N. Y.. 113,448 Mary Florence Potts, Ottumwa, Iowa. 7220 2 Title of Invention. Date. Improvement in stationary furniture Improvement in work-holders Heating and ventilating attachment for stoves and fire-places. Improvement in bleaching straw goods Improved material for packing journals and bearings. Improvement in warp-stands for looms Improvement in parasols Improved wall-paper protector Improved sad-iron Improved ironing-table and bureau Improved straw berry-huller Improved medical compound •. Improved fruit-straining apparatus Fire-place grate Improved folding-chair Improvement in material for packings and bearings. Improvement in lioes Improvement in collars Improvement in mode of protecting fruit- trees from enreulio, &c. Improved dish-washing machine Culinary vessel Improvement in bedsteads and cots Improved medical compound Improvement in combined stocking-sup- porters and skeleton waists. Improvement in sewing-machines Improved cooking-table Improvement in combined dress-bureaus and bath-tubs. Improvement in impregnating fibrous ma- terials for packing, &c. Improvement in saturating fibrous mate- rials with powdered substances for bear- ings and packings. Improvement in materials for packings and bearings. Improvement in fire-alarm thermometers.. Improvement in egg and cake beaters Improvement in bee-hives Improvement in paper-feeding machines... Improvement in the mode of preventing the heating of axles or journals. Improvement in diapers. Improvement in patierns for measuring and laying out garments. Improvement in pads for corsets Improvement in safety cases for fruit-jars . Improvement in ironing-table bureaus Improvement in Hour-sifters Improvement in washing-machines Improvement in tree-protectors Improvement in medical compounds for the cure of rheumatism. Improvement in fly-catchers Improvement in the modes of forming the air-chamber in dental plates. Improvement in sewing-machine seats. ... Improvement in sewing-maebiue feeding mechanisms. Improvement in patterns for applying measurement ami laying out garments. Improvement in culinary vessels Improvement in bair-touics Improvement in floral brackets Improvement in medical compounds or salves. | Improvement in railroad-car heaters | Improvement in sad-irons Apr. 20, 1870 May 3, 1870 May 3, 1870 May 10, 1870 May 10, 1870 May 10, 1870 | May 24,1870 j May 24,1870 May 24, 1870 J line 14, 1870 J line 28, 1870 July 12, 1870 July 12, 1870 July 12, 1870 July 12, 1870 July 12, 1870 July 19, 1870 July 19, 1870 July 19, 1870 July 20, 1870 July 20, 1870 Aug. 2, 1870 Aug. 30, 1870 Aug. 30, 1870 Aug. 30, 1870 ) Sept 0, 1870 Sept 20, 1870 Oct. 11, 1870 Oct. 11, 1870 Oct. 11,1870 Oct. 18, 1870 Oct. 18, 1870 Nov. 1, 1870 Nov. 15, 1870 Nov. 15, 1870 Nov. 22, 1~70 Dec. 13, 1870 Dec. 20, 1870 Dec. 20, 1870 Dec. 20, 1870 Jan. 3, 1871 Jan. 10, 1871 Jan. 17,1871 Jan. 24,1871 Jan. 31 1871 Jan. 31, 1871 Feb. 14, 1871 Feb. 21, 1871 Feb. 21, 1871 Mar. 7, 1871 Mar. 14, 1871 Mar. 14,1871 Mar. 21,1871 Apr. 4, 1871 1 Apr. 4, 1871 10 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. 113,683 113, M2 114,004 114,157 114, 265 114,366 114. 428 114, 462 114,605 114,818 115. 109 115, 322 115,407 115, 656 115,935 116, 502 116, 585 116,786 116, 842 116, 863 117, 065 117.124 117, 344 ■"117. 558 117,568 117,728 117.967 118,281 118,671 "118,939 118,940 119. 109 119, 230 1 19, 583 -119, 766 119, 790 119,873 119,991 120, 233 120, 717 120, 808 120, 679 120, 886 120. 967 120, 995 121, 205 121,210 121, 293 121,336 121, 370 121.804 121. 805 Xam r. and Address. Title of Invention. Sopliia II. Mercer, Washington, D. C Mary Ann Houghton, Bridgeport, Conn Marion Green, Coldwater, Mich Carrie E. Laman, Painted Post, N. Y Celia P. Clark, Lock Haven, Pa AdaliueL. Thompson, Hudson City, N. J. .. Selena C. Ewing, Hill’s Ferry, Cal Jessie H. Murray, Kirkwood, N. Y Augusta M. Eodgers, Brooklyn, N. Y Esther Hoare, Dedham, Mass Mary A. II. Sanrman, Philadelphia, Pa Harriet A. Humphrey, Milwaukee, Wis.. .. Ann E. Wright, Hamlin, N. Y Hannah G. Supleo and John H. Mooney, San Francisco, Cal. Martha J. Coston, Washington, D. C Sarah E. Saul, Brooklyn, N. Y Catlirine A. Griswold, Willimautic, Conn . . Julie Desmarques Young, San Francisco, Cal. Margarett E. Knight, Boston, Mass Marie Eulalie Perrin, Montreal, Canada... Margaret N. George, Evansville, Ind Mary A. Thornton, Perryshurg, Ohio Eleanor C. Sproul, Green Point, N. Y Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y Harriet C. Eobertsou, East Saginaw, Mich Aurelia W. Beauiau, Boston, Mass Mary Emma Baylis, Eedditch, England, assignor to Henrv Baylis, New York City. Elmina C. Eyding,' Tally, N. Y Mary E. Antrim, Philadelphia, Pa Mary A. Holland, Passaic, N. J Mary A. Holland, Passaic, N. J Mary A. Bates and Joseph W. Bates, St. Paul, Minn. Mary A. Hayward, Brooklyn. N. Y Eebecca De Batin, Chicago, 111 Katharine E. Holmes, Cambridgeport, Mass. Augusta M. Eodgers, Brooklyn, N. Y Martha J. Miller, Bloomington, 111 Elizabeth O’Connor, Philadelphia, Pa Emilie A. Beardsley, Binghamton, N. Y Margaret P. Colvin, Battle Creek, Mich... Sappliira Young, Elmira, N. Y Amanda M. Irwin, Brooklyn, N. Y Mary E. Lewis, Mansfield, Ohio Caroline L. Hamlin, New York, N. Y. Mary M. J. O’Sullivan, New Haven, Conn . Elizabeth Angelina Shewell, Boston, Mass. Linda Spigelmyer, Easton, Pa Sarah O. Mattcson, Chicago, 111 Sarah M. Clark, Beaver Darn, Wis Maria C. Hubbard, Troy, N. Y Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y Improvement in extensible shelving Improvement in cooking-stoves Improvement, in implements for slitting and joining rags for carpets. Improvement in lubricating railway-jour- nals. Improvement in needle-sharpening attach- ments for sewing-machim s. Improvement in children’s bibs Improvement in division-plates for cook- ing-stoves. Improvement in washers and wringers combined. Improvement in couveyeisof smoke and cinders for locomotives. Improvement in babies’ traveling and toilet chairs. Improvement in laundry-boxes Improvement in casters for stove-legs, &c. Improvement in remedies for worms Improvement iu sewing-machines Improvement in pyrotechnic niglit-siguals. Improvement in seesaws Improvement in corsets Improvement in toilet- pastes Improvement iu paper-bag machines Improvement in medical compounds for treating diseases of the lungs, chest, &c. Improvement in medicines for cure of hog and chicken cholera. Improvement in photographers’ refriger- ators. Improvement in braid-guiding attach- ments for sewing-machines. Improvement iu bearings and packings ... Improvement in dish-washing machines. .. Improvement in shoulder-braces Improvement in paper wrappers for needles. Improvejneut iu truss-hoops Attachment for sewing-machines Improvement in burglar-alarms. Improvement iu burglar-alarms for win- dows. Improvement iu wash-boilers Improvement iu electric and vapor chairs - Improvement in corsets Improvement in railway-car safety appa- ratus. Improvement in conveyers of smoke and cinders for locomotives. Improvement in combined tables, bureaus, cupboards, and sinks. Improvement in bee-hives Improvement in combined heaters and stands for table purposes. Improvement iu washing-machines Improvement in skirt-supporting corsets.. Improvement in medical compounds or pile-ointments. Improvement in dish-washers Improvement in corsets Improvement in dinner-plato covers Improvement, in medical compounds for the cure of cutaneous diseases. Ipi pro vein en tin combined corsets and skirt- supporters. Improvement in attachments for sewing- machines. Improvement in cake-stirrers Improvement in wash-boilers Improvement in journal-bearings Improvement, in materials for packings and bearings. Date. Apr. 11,1871 Apr. 18, 1871 Apr. 25,1871 Apr. 25,1871 May 2, 1871 May 2,1871 May 2, 1871 May 2,1871 May 9, 1871 May 16,1871 May 23,1871 May 30, 1871 May 30, 1871 June 6,1871 June 13, 1871 June 27, 1871 July 4,1871 July 4,1871 July 11,1871 July 11, 1871 July 18, 1871 July 18,1871 July 25,1871 Aug. 1,1871 Aug. 1,1871 Aug. 8, 1871 Aug. 15,1871 Aug. 22,1871 Sept. 5,1871 Sept, 12, 1871 Sept, 12, D71 Sept. 19, 1871 Sept. 26, 1871 Oct. 3, 1871 Oct. 10, 1871 Oct, 10,1871 Oct, 10,1871 Oct, 17,1871 Oct, 24,1871 Nov. 7, 1871 Nov. 7, 1871 Nov. 14, 1871 Nov. 14,1871 Nov. 14, 1871 Nov. 14, 1871 Nov. 21, 1871 Nov. 21,1871 Nov. 28, 1871 Nov. 28, 1871 Nov. 28, 1871 Dec. 12, 1871 Dec. 12,1871 WOMEN INVENTORS. 11 No. Name and Address. Title of Invention. Date. 121,806 122, 081 122,152 122, 242 122, 200 122,621 122,631 122, 001 123, 220 123, 277 123, 287 123, 289 123, 326 123, 434 123,619 123, 094 123, 712 124, 018 124, 079 124,234 124, 260 124, 398 124, 840 124,891 124,951 125, 066 125, 445 120, 122 120, 234 120, 512 126, 001 126, 723 126, 825 120, 827 120, 914 126, 999 127, 405 127, 939 128,125 128, 109 128, 255 128,412 128, 739 128, 701 12*, 784 128, 813 128, 881 128, 997 129, 034 129, 399 Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y Mary J. C. Vanorstraiul, Pekin, 111 Mellissa E. Bulkley, Providence, R. I Harriet A. Farnarn, South Bend, Iud Eliza J. Lake, Washington, D. C Louisa Masters, Jackson, Miss Irene Miller, Cortlandville, N. Y Helen L. Macker, Boston, Mass Henrietta J. Bendall, Jarratt’s Depot, Va.. Sophia L. Mercer, Washington, D. C Emily M. Norton, Bridgeport, Conn Susan M. Palmer, Greene, N. Y Mary Georgiana Briggs, Boston, Mass Catharine Woodruff, Antioch, Cal Miranda R. S. Davis, Kansas City, assignor of one-fourth of her right to James P. Howe, Macon, Mo. Elizabeth W. Hall, New York, N. Y Helen L. Macker, Boston, Mass Harriott Z. Sill, Pittsburg, Pa., assignor to herself and Atlee V. Coale, same place. Martha Parry, Rochester, N. Y Eliza A. Turnbull, Springfield, Ohio Mary Fitch, Washington, D. C Isabella Waller, Cleveland, Ohio Eliza D. Murfey, New York, N. Y Harriet G. Emery and Margaret C. Fuller, Boston, Mass., assignors to H. Godfrey Emery, same place. Lydia M. Gould, Chicago, 111 Sally Maria McNett, Topeka, Kans., as- signor of one-half of her right toThomas F. Parrish, Washington, D. C., and J. A. Johnston, Topeka, Kans. Sophrouia V. Dodge, De Soto, Iowa Betsey Ann Worden, Scranton, Pa Augusta M. Rodgers, Brooklyn, N. Y Emilie A. Beardsley, Binghamton, N. Y., assignor of one-half of her right toEdwiu M. Haynes, same place. Louise Wilbur, Watertown, N. Y Ethel L. Lyon, Steamburg, N. Y Sarah A. Millwee, Greenwood, S. C Elizabeth II. Muldaur, Dover, Del Claudia B. Turnbull, Baltimore, Md Kate S. Todd, Yankton, Dak Mary J. Butler, Cooperstown, N. Y Jane Mary Innes and Marshall Turley, Council Bluffs, Iowa. Emma L. Courtney, Philadelphia, Pa Elizabeth Phillips, Peoria, 111 Elizabeth P. Smith, Chicago, 111 Harriet H. May, Birmingham. Conn Sara Malian, Cleveland, Ohio Sarah E. Siegel, New York. N. Y Lizzie E. Brady, Gatesville, N. C., assignor to herself, John Brady, and Annesia Langstun, same place. Charlotte B. Pollock, Norwich, Conn Elizabeth B. Hull, Clifton, III Elizabeth Atkins, Monroe, La Mary Melville and John S. Kidd, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mary Dewey, New Albany, Iud Improvement in packings or bearings for journals, &c. Improvement in corsets and skirt-sup- porters combined. Improvement in supporting-husks for cor- set-fastenings. Improvement in bee-hives Improvement in methods of cutting cloth . Improvement in medical compounds or salves. Improvement in stove-platforms Improvement in alloys to imitate silver, &c. Improvement in compound salves or plas- ters for the cure ol cancers. Improvement in needle-threaders Improvement in step-ladders Improvement in churns Improvement in abdominal supporters ... Improvement in dish-washing machines.. Improvement in hooks and eyes Improvement in memorial crosses Improvementin amalgams for coating har- ness-trimmings, , 1872 Feb. 6, 1872 Feb. 13, 1872 Feb. 13,1872 Feb. 13, 1872 Feb. 27, 1872 Feb. 27, 1872 Mar. 5, 1872 Mar. 5, 1872 Mar. 5, 1872 Mar. 19, 1872 Mar. 20, 1872 Mar. 20, 1872 Mar. 20, 1872 Apr. 9, 1872 Apr. 23, 1872 Apr. 30, 1872 May 7, 1*72 May 14, 1872 May 14, 1872 May 14,1872 14, 1872 21, 1872 May 21, 1872 .J une 4, 1872 June 11, 1872 June 18, 1872 June 18, 1872 June 25, 1872 June 25, 1872 July 9, 1872 July 9, 1*72 July 9, 1872 July 9. 1872 July 9, 1872 July 10, 1872 July 10, 1872 July 10, 1872 12 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. Name and Address. 129,603 Julia A. SUreckeugaust, Chillicollie, Ohio . . 129.667 Charlotte A. Johnson, Philadelphia, Pa ... 129, 7 0~ Mary Cora Bland, Chicago, 111 129.739 Dinah J. Loeweustein, New Orleans, La... 129,765 Arabella Siis, Edge water, N. Y 129, 9L9 Margaret H. Bergen, Brooklyn, N. Y 130,691 Martha E. Binford, Jackson, Tenn 130, 761 Charlotte H. Sterling, Gambier, Ohio 130. SOI Lavinia H. Foy, New Haven, Conn 130,814 Helen L. Maelcer, Boston, Mass 131,048 Carrie Brightman, Crittenden County, Ky. 131, 069 Maria L. Shade, Fair Grove, Mo 131,324 Kate C. Barton, Philadelphia, Pa. 131,443 Augusta Hoover, Bethlehem, and William A. Nichols, Zionsville, Iud. 131,698 Sophia L. Mercer, Washington, D. C 131.739 Mary P. Carpenter, New York, N. Y 131,789 Isabella C. Scliramiu, DesMoines, Iowa 131,816 Felice Fabrici, New York, N. Y 131,874 Elvira C. Hale, Steamburg, N. Y -132, 080 Elizabeth Hooper, Diamond Springs, Cal. . . 132,083 Eliza D. Hunt, New York, N, Y 132,101 Sarah Perry, New York, N. Y 132,233 Sarah M. Barnes, Lafayette, Va 132,350 Mary G. Briggs, Boston, Mass 132,727 Mary McGeviran, New York, N. Y 132,767 Alice W. McClnre, Richmond, Ind 132,865 Anne T. Sinclaire, New York, N. Y 132,987 Martha A. Sanderson, Fremont, Mich 133.197 Elizabeth W. Briggs, Brooklyn, N. Y 133,205 Mary M. Crutchfield, Fayette Corner, Tenn. 133,209 Sarah A. Dake, Eureka, Wis 133,213 Anna B. Dorman, Cape Girardeau, Mo 133,237 Helen L. Marker, Boston, and George W. Marston, Cambridge, Mass 133, 445 Sarah B. Hertwig, Cincinnati, Ohio 133,616 Eliza T. Watkins and William Aldrich, Gardner, Mass.; said Aldrich assignor to said Eliza T. Watkins. Anna M. Bardwell, Amherst, Mass Elizabeth A. Dodge, Washington, D. C Elizabeth Balinforth, Danbury, Conn Hannah J. Gale, Haverhill. Mass Helen G. Covel, Brooklyn, N. Y Anna Scbloesser, Des Moines, Iowa Sarah Ruth, Philadelphia, Pa Marion J. Wellman, New York, N. Y Catherine W. Shiveley, Peru, Ind Sara Mahan, Cleveland, Ohio Ellen B. A. Mitcheson, Philadelphia, Pa. .. Mary II. Alexander, Newark, N. ,J AuneC. Wilhelm, Philadelphia, Pa Ann Maria Hariis, Columbus, Ga Isabella C. Draper, New York, N. Y Ella G. Haller, Carlisle, Pa Mary W. Tarbell and Joseph H. P. Inslee, Jersey City, N. J. Eliza H. Alexander, New York, N. Y Eliza H. Alexander, New York, N. Y Mary A. Brown, Chicago, 111 _ . Rosa Roescher and Nicolai Petersen, Mem- phis, Tenn. Lydia Stewart, San Francisco, Cal Eliza L. Moore, San Francisco, Cal Hannah B. Mountain, New York, 17. Y Elizabeth N. Bradley, Bridgeport, Conn ... Catharine E. Ware, San Francisco, Cal Jessie L. Morrison and Tristram H. Fletcher, North Hollis, Me. Title of Invention. Improvement in systems of lay ingout gar- ments. Improvement in screens for wash-stands, &c„ Improvement in compounds for pol siting metals, glass, Ac. Improvement in the manufacture of ferti- lizers from night-soil. Improvement in eyeglasses Improvement in skirt-elevators Washing-machine Dish-washer Cuff Alloy or bell-metal Medical compound for treatment of dyspep- sia. Mi lk -vessel Sewing-machine Quilting attachment for sewing-machines . Improvement in traveling cribs Sewing-machine Boiler attachment forcookiug and washing. Improvement in head-rests Milk-vat Compound for destroying bedbugs Coal-stove Guide for hemmers Medical compound or anti-dyspeptic bit- ters. Spring-seat for furniture or cars Stair-cover Churn-dasher Improvement in letter-boxes Washing-fluid Ink and preparation for indelible mark- ing. Pan for poaching eggs Improvement in corsets Medical compound for diarrhea, &e Improvement in alloys for hardening iron. Funnel for canning fruit Frame for weaving chair-seats Carriage-curtain fastening Ice-pitcher Portable balcony Culinary steamer Batli-room Wash-boiler attachment Sunshade for horses Lamp-burner Bleachiug-safe. Lap-board Mustache-spoon Wood pavement Button for garments Stove-grate Fruit-fork Fruit-jar Crib attachment for bedsteads Braider for sewing-machines Braiding attachment for sewing-machines Attachment for sewing-machine tables — Mosquito-net frame Medicated towel Accouchement-couch Life-preserving mattress Wall or window washer Process for removing paper from walls — ilcythe-stonc hold 133, 693 133, 837 133, 962 134, 046 134,258 134, 318 134,564 134,718 134,941 135, 040 135, 1 11 135, 460 135, 739 135, 909 135,975 136,240 136, 280 136, 354 136, 355 13d. 41" 136 456 136, 4£6 -136,663 136, 749 137, 340 137, 396 137,560 Date. July 16, 1872 July 23,1872 J illy 23, 1872 July 23, 1872 July 23,1872 July 30,1872 Aug. 20, 1872 Aug. 20, 1872 Aug. 27, 1-72 Aug. 27, 1872 Sept. 3, 1872 Sept. 3,1872 Sept. 17, 1872 Sept. 17, 1872 Sept. 24, 1872 Oct. 1,1872 Oct. 1,1872 Oct. 1, 1872 Oct. 1,1872 Oct. 8, 1872 Oct. 8, 1872 Oct. 8, 1872 Oct. 15,1872 Oct. 22,1872 Nov. 5, 1872 Nov. 5.1872 Nov. 5,1872 Nov. 11,1872 Nov. 19,1872 Nov. 19, 1872 Nov. 19, 1872 Nov. 19, 1872 Nov. 19,1872 Nov. 20, 1872 Dec. 3, 1872 Dec. 10,1872 Dec. 10,1872 Dec. 17,1872 Dec. 17,1872 Dec. 24, 1872 Dec. 24, 1872 Jan. 7,1873 dan. 7, 1873 .bin. 14, 1873 Jan. 21,1873 .Jan. 21,1873 Feb. 4,1873 Feb. 11, 1873 Feb. 18, 1873 Feb. 18,1873 Feb. 25,1873 Feb. 25, 1873 Mar. 4,1873 Mar. 4, 1873 Mar. 4,1873 Mar. 4,1873 Mar. 4,1873 Mar. 11,1873 Mar. 11, 1875 Apr. 1,1873 Apr. 1,1873 Apr. 8, 1873 WOMEN INVENTORS. 13 No. Name and Address. Title oe Invention. Date. 137,047 137, 724 137,824 137,907 137,907 13b, 324 138, 400 138,728 138, 995 139,237 139, 252 139,283 139, 341 139, 580 139, 581 139,077 140, 120 1 10,211 110, 227 140,233 140, 253 140,331 140,417 140,508 140,511 140, 546 140, 585 140, 722 140,778 140,910 140,932 140,972 140, 983 141,015 141,024 141,217 141,235 141,322 141,331 141,031 141,790 141,849 141,854 141,987 142,118 142.002 142, 700 142,704 143.002 143. 003 143,093 143, 102 143,301 143, 451 143, 540 143, 027 143,081 143,959 144, 177 Ellen D. Anderson, Frederick, Md Mary Russell, Union Bridge, Md Mary P. Carpenter, New York, N. Y Lavinia H.Foy, New Haven, Conn Elizabeth P. Smith, Chicago, 111 Evelyn F. French, New York, N. Y Elberta Johnson, McLean County, 111 Lida A. Tarring, Washington, D. C Ellen '1'. Crain, Kansas City, Mo Adelia C. Covell, New York, N. Y Susan Latterly, Chicago, 111 Ellen B. Viets, Boston, Mass Lida Tarring, Washington, D. C Amanda T. Jones, Clinton, Wis Amanda T. Jones and Le Roy C. Cooley, New York, N. Y. Harriet Judson and Emily S. Judson, Brooklyn, N. Y. Anna Field, Springfield, Mass Florence McCarthy, Chicago, 111 Margaret J. Stubbings, Youngstown, Ohio. Eliza II. Alexander, New York, N. Y Mary Jones De Leon. Baltimore, Md Martha E. Wilsou and Albert J. Perry, Galesburg, 111. ; said Perry assignor to said Wilson. Louisa C. Huff, Louina, Ala., assignor of one-half her right to James J. Huff. Amanda T. Jones, Clinton, Wis Mary E. Lewis, Mansfield, Ohio Isabella C. Schramm, Des Moines, Iowa Mary M. Merrill, Boston, Mass Elizabeth H. Muldaur, Dover, Del Eliza J. Harding, St. Louis, Mo EllaG. Haller, Carlisle, Pa Emma Marwedel, Washington, D. C Claudia B. Turnbull, Washington, D. C... Mary A. Williams and John T. Williams, Chicago, 111. Caroline Rosenthal, Philadelphia, Pa Fannie II. Willis, Boston, Mass Maria L. Ghirardini, Providence, R. I Mary Jane Pitrat, Gallipolis, Ohio, as- signor of three-fourths her right to Nel- son S. Angell, James Hannan, and Daniel Williams, same place. Clarinda P. Chapman, Alton, Iowa Savilla H. Crump, Reading, Pa Elizabeth R. Cogswell, New York, N. 1' Hannah P. Joy, South Berwick Junction, Me. Mary Blauvelt, Ithaca, N. Y Julia S. Colby, New York, N. Y Helen A. Blanchard, Boston, Mass Eva K. Rand, Boston, Mass Emma J. Whitman. Oakland, Cal Adele Elsie Pirsch-Baudvin, Paris, France. Marie Boupart, Fordham, N. Y Olivia P. Flynt, Boston, Mass Mary A. Clifford, Boston, Mass Maria Procope, Stockholm, Sweden Margaret J. Stubbings, Youngstown, Ohio Julia C. Livermore, Boston, Mass Barbara Jones, State Line Cit € v, Ind Jane Eliza Starnes, Worthington, Ind Mary H. Huntington, Watertown, N. Y ... Eliza E. Emery, Boston, Mass Ruth T. Brown, Newport, Ivy Carrie W. Williams, New York, N. Y Shutter-fastening Corset Button Reversible cuff Dress-pattern Binding for sewing-machine covers Auxiliary table Book-rest for desks Improvement in hair-curling Device for teaching drawing Dish-pan Pantaloon-tree Book-rest Improvement in fruit-jars Improvement in preserving fruit, vegeta- bles, &c. Improvement in ladies’ dresses Apr. 8, 1873 Apr. 8, 1873 Apr. 15,1873 Apr. 15,1873 Apr. 15, 1873 Apr. 29, 1873 Apr. 59, 1873 May 6,1873 May 20, 1873 May 27, 1873 May 27, 1873 May 27,1873 May 27, 1873 June 3,1873 June 3,1873 June 10, 1873 Improvement in medical compounds or lo- Juno 24, 1873 lions for the skin. Improvement in cuff-buttons Juue24,1873 Improvement in combined scissors and tape- June 24, 1873 lines. Improvement in attachments for sowing Juue24, 1873 machines. Improvement in cooking apparatus I June 24, 1873 Improvement in fluting and plaiting ma- I June24, 1873 chines. Improvement in protect, ing-masks for bee- keepers. Improvement in fruit-jars Improvement in fruit-packers Improvement in wash-boiler attachments.. Improvement in abdominal supporters Improvement in alphabet-blocks Improvement in abdominal supporters ! Improvement in fruit-jars Improvement in apparatus for cleaning knives, forks, &c. Improvement in street-car awnings Improvement in needle-threaders for sew- ing-machines. July 1,1873 July 1,1873 July 1, lb73 July 1,1873 July 8, 1873 July 8,1873 July 15,1873 July 15,1873 July 15,1873 July 15,1873 July 15,1873 Improvement in reels for clothes-lines July 22,1873 Improvement in shawl-straps I July 22, 1873 Improvement in rails for street-railways.. . July 29, 1873 Improvement in thread-cutters I July 29,1873 Improvement in wash-boiler attachments.. Improvement in corpse-coolers Improvement in life preserving garments.. Improvement in knitting-holders July 29, 1873 July 29, 1873 Aug. 12, 1873 Aug. 12, 1873 Improvement in dress-makers’ marking and cutting gages. Improvement in panniers Improvement in sewing-machines Improvement in stocking-supporters Improvement in kettle and pan scrapers... Improvement in alloys to resemble silver. .. Improvement in bustles Improvement in ladies’ tinder-vests ..] Improvement in broom-hangers Improvement in adjustable tongues for organ-reeds. Improvement in coffee-pots . | Improvement in skirt-protectors Improvement in sad-irons Improvement in attachments to chimneys or flu- s. Improvement in cosmetic-bottles Improvement in gages for marking cloth for cutting. Improvement in buckets Improvement in caps for scissors-points Aug. 19, 1873 Aug. 19, 1873 Aug. 19, 1873 Aug. 20, 1873 Sept. 9, 1873 Sept. 16, 1873 Sept. 10, 1873 Sept. 23, 1873 Sept. 23, 1873 Sept. 23, 1873 Sept. 23, 1873 Sept. 30, 1873 Oct. 7, 1873 Oct. 7, 1873 Oct. 14,1873 Oct. 14,1873 Oct. 28.1873 Oct. 28, 1873 14 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. 144. 197 144,373 144,444 144,044 144, 972 145, 000 145, 329 145, 491 145, 623 145, 653 145. 910 145.911 145. 912 146, 123 146, 142 146, 175 146,518 146, 534 146, 566 146, 351 146, 879 146, 883 147, 259 147,275 147. :;.' , 147, 526 147,662 147,683 147, 790 148, 139 148, 477 148, 580 148, 632 148,706 148, 803 149,034 149, 040 149, 230 149, 458 149, 692 149,911 150, 003 150,315 150, 446 150, 510 150, 777 151,090 151, 149 151,205 151,464 151,598 151, 902 151,995 Name and Address. Letitia Ferris, San Francisco, Cal Izaimali F. Walker, Central Falls, R. I Elsie J. Combs, Prattsburg, assignor of one-half lier right to l.evi O. Dunning, Penn Van, N. Y. Ellen 13. Yiets, Boston, Mass Eliza Ann Foulke, Paris, 111 Emma Hough, Brooklyn, N. Y Sarah Bussel, Shamokin, Pa Sarah J. Dibble, Lockport, N. Y Jane Ann Bryant, Pottsville, Pa Cornelia Hitchcock, Mi 11 dale, Conn., as- signor to herself and William J. Clark, same place. Seinele Short, Cincinnati, Ohio Semole Short, Cincinnati, Ohio Semele Short, Cincinnati, Ohio Elizabeth M. Forrester, Salem, Mass Anna F,. Ncitz, New York. N. Y Olivia P. Flynt, Boston, Mass Harriet A. Emery, Washington, D. C Eveline Hungerford, San Francisco, Cal .. Mary A. Barnes, Olympia, Wash. Ter Minerva A. Widger, De Kalb, assignor of one-half her right to David F. Barclay and Marcus Mallory, Elgin, 111. Jane Culver, Adrian, Mich Harriett B. Devlan, Jersey City, N. J Ann Harrison, East Hampton, Conn Mary S. Lamed, Chicago, 111. Harriet D. Ambler, I rooklyn, N. Y., as- signor to Augustine W. Daby, New York City. Elizabeth Stowell, New York, N. Y Minnie B. Lloyd, New York, N. Y Mary L. Perry, Boston, Mass Anna Price, Marysville, assignor of one- lialf her right to Isaac N. Price, Troy, Ohio. Philinpiua Prass and Louis Prass, New York, N. Y. Mary E. Marcy, New Haven, Conn Sally R. Stevens, Cleveland. Ohio Elizabeth Ann Tompkins, Sing Sing, N. Y. Susan T. Inesly, New York, N. Y Ellen B. Yiets, Boston, Mass Ella N. Gaillard, San Francisco, Cal Annie L. Hobart, Lowell, Mass Fredricka M. McDonald, Indianapolis, Ind . Mary T. Fitch, Lockport, N. Y Catherine Tardy, Paterson, N. J Margaret H. Bergen, Brooklyn, N. Y Mary Dewey, Chicago, 111 Anna Frike, Fowler, 111 Eliza A. Vanderbeek, Plainfield, N. .1 Sarah H. Bancroft and Sarah W. Tucker, Media, Pa, Elizabeth E. Norton, Bridgeport, Conn Laura M. Chapman, Friendship, N. Y Carrie Aurelia Muuroe, Salt Lake City, Utah Ter. Mary Dewey, Chicago, 111 Emilie A. Beardsley, Canaseraga, N. Y De Etta Judson, Detroit, Mich Sinia F. Morse, Oshkosh, Wis Mariette H. McGuire, Washington, D, C .. Title or Invention. Improvement in glove-fasteners Improvement in the manufacture of dolls.. Improvement in polishing compounds Improvement in steaming and drying ap- paratus for shaping pantaloons. Improvement in clothes-tongs Improvement in machines for “heading” hair. Improvement in meat-holders Improvement in portable stoves Improvement in devices for removing snow from railways. Improvement in coffee-urns Improvement in clothes-maugles Improvement in washing-machines Improvement in dry-frames for lace cur- tains, &c. Improvement in combined duster-handles and window-operators. Improvement in cooking apparatus Improvement in undershirts Improvement in sofa-bedsteads Improvement in medical compounds or liniments. Improvement, in boiler washing-machines. Improvement in preparing rennet for making cheese, &c. Improvement in combined lung-protectors and under- vests. < Improvement in packings for railroad journal-boxes. Improvement in sleigh-bells Improvement in abdominal supporters Improvement in children’s carriages Improvement in bosom-pads Improvement in grain and malt driers Improvement in combined sofas and bed- steads. Improvement in gridirons Improvement in medical compounds or hair- restoratives. Improvement in cosmetic compounds Improvement in shelves for griddles, &c... Improvement in food for birds Improvement in sad-iron stands Improvement in apparatus for shaping pantaloons. Improvement in needles Improvement in corset-husk protectors Improvement in skirt-protectors Improvement in magazine cooking-stoves. Improvement in baby exercisiug-corsets- .. Improvement in dress-elevators Improvement in quilting attachments for sewing-machines. Improvement in wash-boards Improvement in medical compounds Improvement in hatliing-chairs Improvement in skirt-elevators Improvement in lap-tables Improvement in vapor-baths Improvement in dress-elevators Improvement in kettle-covers Improvement in sad-iron holders - Improvement in shoulder-braces — Improvement in ffovver-stauds Date. Nov. 4, 1873 Nov. 4, 1873 Nov. 11, 1873 Nov. 18, 1873 Nov. 25, 1873 Dec. 2, 1873 Dec. 9, 1873 Dec. 16, 1873 Dec. 16,1873- Dec. 16,1873 Dee. 23,1873 Dec. 23,1873 Dec. 23,1873 Jan. 6, 1874 Jan. 6,1874 Jan. 6, 1874 Jan. 20, 1874 Jan. 20, 1874 Jan. 20, 1874 Jan. 27,1874 Jan. 27,1874 Jan. 27,1874 Feb. 10,1874 Feb. 10.1874 Feb. 10,1874 Feb. 17,1874 Feb. 17,1874 Feb. 17, 1874 Feb. 24,1874 Mar. 3,1874 Mar. 10, 1874 Mar. 17, 1874 Mar. 17, 1874 Mar. 17, 1874 Mar. 24, 1874 Mar. 31,1874 Blar. 31, 1874 Mar. 31, 1874 Apr. 7, 1874 Apr. 14, 1874 Apr. 21,1874 Apr. 21,1874 Apr. 28,1874 May 5, 1874 May 5, 1874 May 12,1874 May 1!), 1874 May 19,1874 May 26, 1874 June 2,1874 June 2,1874 June 9,lh74 June 16, 1874 WOMEN INVENTORS, 15 No. 152, 300 152, 357 152, 570 152. 721 153, 053 153, 080 153, 679 153, 705 153, 957 154, 052 154, 123 154,150 154,425 154,709 154,736 154, 781 155.055 155,196 155, 287 loo, 534 155, 823 155.898 155. 968 156.018 156.019 156, 086 156, 218 156,258 156, 278 156, 382 156, 470 156, 535 156, 702 156. 721 156, 900 156. 968 157, 323 157, 329 157, 445 157.513 157, 516 157,981 157, 988 158, 054 158. 056 158, 099 158, 104 158, 132 158, 260 158, 533 158, 555 158,581 158, 841 159, 090 159, 254 159, 539 159, 549 159,817 159, 839 160, 129 160. 176 160, 246 160, 500 160,519 160, 564 Name and Address. Title of Invention. Mary A. Scott, Patoka, Ind Julia 13. French, Boston, Mass MaryL. Melville and JohnS. Kidd, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Helen A. Blanchard, Boston, Mass Mattie M. Cruuimer, Galena, 111 Lucinda Hattes, Marseilles, 111 Mary B. Lott, Syracuse, N. Y Clara T. Crane and Wellsly W. Craue, Auburn, N. Y. Betsey C. Hobson, Portland, Me Eliza Maria Jones, Brockville, Canada Sarah J. Chadwick, Bradford, assignor to Lucy S. Nash, Boston, Mass. Charlotte H. Parlimau, Palmyra, N. Y Celestia A. Stevenson, Olathe, Ivans Mary Nicholsou, Western Port, Md Eliza P. Welch, Groton, Vt Mary Barnes, Truckee, Cal Anna Wheeler, Brown ville, Nebr Linda H. McNair, Oakland, Cal Mary F. Carpenter, Northfield, Minn Helen Marie MacDonald, Lowell, Mass Sarah W. Blake, Waterbury, Conn Mrs. Emily Stewart, New York, N. Y Theresa Owens, New York, N. Y., assignor to Lord & Taylor, same place. Olivia P. Flyut, Boston, Mass Olivia P. Flyut, Boston, Mass Amanda M. Heuville, Chelsea, Mass Sarah Haight, Leavenworth, Ivans Augusta M. Rodgers, Brooklyn, N. Y Clara P. Clark, Wakefield, Mass Charlotte L. Slade, New York, N. Y Emma E. O. Warner, Denver, Colo Mary A. Chapin, New York, N. Y Elizabeth G. Harley, Haddonfield, N. J Zillah K. Young, Philadelphia, Pa Ellen B. Viots, Boston, Mass Adelaide Baker, Hoboken, N. J Isabel Gray, Harrisonburg, Va Lidurauia Hetfield, Detroit, Mich Cathrine A. Griswold, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Irene E. Harland, Brooklyn, N. Y Eva Hcineman, Boston, Mass Lucy Emma Andrews, San Francisco, Cal.. Emily K. Dearbaugh and John Dearbaugh, Huntington, Ind. Sarah L. Faucett, New York, N. Y Matilda Fletcher, Des Moines, Iowa Mattie A. It. Lowd, Boston, Mass Melissa A. Marney, Troy, N. Y Augusta Schuster, Brattleborough, Yt Maria Dunham, BoyerTownship, Crawford County, Iowa. Mary Louise Shattuck, Now York, N. Y Mary A. E. Whituer, Philadelphia, Pa Ellen E. Fitz, St. John, New Brunswick.. . Mary E. Hildreth, Mount Pleasant, Iowa.. Angcline P. Grabhaui, Mineral Point, Wis.. Evelyn F. French, New York, N. Y [ Susanna E. Burns, East port, Me. i Ethel O. Harvey, Lubec, Me J Harriet Gray, Marquette, Mich Nancy A. Porter, Warren, Ohio Angeline Underwood, Carrollton, 111 Jane Ann Fox, Stamford, N. Y Ellen B. Viets, Boston, Mass Emma C. Wooster, New York, N. Y Elizabeth Hawks, Troy, X. Y ) Josephine Binuey, Boston, Mass Improvement in cooking apparatus Improvement in bedsteads Improvement in center-pieces and covers for cooking-stoves. Improvement in sewing-machines Improvement in cabinets for ladies’ use Improvement in medical compounds Improvement iu baby-chairs Improvement iu car- axle boxes Improvement in medical compounds for bilious diseases. Improvement in tuck-creasing devices Improvement iu butter-knives Improvement in trunk-lid stays Improvement in heaters for flat-irons Improvement iu combined beer and water coolers. Improvement iu piuking-irous Improvement iu artificial flowers Improvement in heating-stoves. Improvement iu compound implements Improvement in dress-pattern charts Improvement iu dress-protectors Improvement iu piano pedal attachments.. Improvement iu dress-elevators Improvement in inlays for sandal boots and shoes. Improvement in dress-protectors Improvement iu skirts Improvement in dress-charts Improvement in metallic spring shoe-laces.. Improvement iu evaporating attachments to heaters. Improvement in corsets Improvement in doll-clothes patterns Improvement in baking-pans Improvement iu street-lamps Improvement in darning-lasts Improvement iu button-fastenings Improvement iu pantaloon-formers Improvement in oyster-salvers Improvement iu modes of attaching but- tons to shoes and gaiters. Improvement in medical compounds or liniments. Improvement in skirt-supporters Improvement iu pins for button- fasteners.. Improvement in bread-knives Improvement in safety-pins Improvement in ironing-tables and press- boards. Improvement in scissors for use with sew- ing-machines. Improvement -in portable trunks Improvement iu tooth-brushes Improvement in starch polishes for linen.. Improvement iu life-preservers Improvement iu neck-yoke aud pole at- tachments. Improvement in ticket-clasps Improvement in stereoscopes Improvement in globes Improvement in sad-iron holders. Improvement in quilting-frame clamps Improvement in hand-rests Improvement in corsets Improvement in clevises Improvement iu tea-kettles Improvement in slate-frames Improvement in land-pulverizers Improvement in dish-drainers Improvement in coat-shapers Improvement in housemaids’ pails Improvement in air-chambers for stoves ... Improvement in picture-holders. j Date. June 23, 1874 ■T uue 23, 1874 Juno 3 ', 1874 July 7, 1874 July 14, 1874 July 14, 1874 Aug. 4, 1874 Aug. 4, ls74 Aug. 11,1874 Aug. 11,1874 Aug. 18, 1874 Aug. 18, 1874 Aug. 25, 1874 Sept 1,1874 Sept 1,1874 Sept 8, 1874 Sept 15, 1874 Sept 22, 1874 Sept 22, 1874 Sept 29, 1874 Oct. 13, 1874 Oct. 13, 1874 Oct. 13, 1874 Oct. 20, 1874 Oct. 20, 1874 Oct. 20, 1874 Oct. 27, 1874 Oct. 27, 1874 Oct. 27, 1874 Oct. 27, 1874 [Nov. 3, 1874 Nov. 3, 1874 Nov. 10, 1874 Nov. 10, 1874 Nov. 17, 1674 Nov. 17, 1874 Doc. 1, 1874 Doc. 1,1874 Dec. 8, 1874 1 >oc. 8, 1874 Dec. 8, 1874 Dec. 22, 1874 Dec. 22, 1874 Dec. 22, 1874 Dec. 22, 1874 Dec. 22, 1874 Dec. 22. 1874 Dec. 22, 1874 Dec. 29, 1874 Jan. 5, 1875 Jan. 5, 1875 Jan. 12, 1875 Jan. 19, 1875 Jan. 26, 1875 Feb. 2, 1875 Feb. 9, 1875 Feb. 9, 1875 Feb. 16, 1875 Feb. 16, 1875 Feb. 23, 1875 Feb. 23, 1875 Feb. 23, 1 875 Mar. 2, 1875 Mar. 9, 1875 Mar. 9, 1875 16 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. 161,018 161,019 161,1-23 161,350 161.471 161.472 161,612 162,019 162, 977 163, 043 163,417 163,433 163,617 163, K09 163, 652 163, 958 163, 963 164, 122 164,208 164, 290 164,341 164, 408 164, 530 164, 639 164,674 164,905 164,971 165, 305 165, 378 165, 842 165, 921 165, 955 165, 970 166, 038 166, 120 166, 190 166, 297 166, 892 167, 106 167, 162 167, 215 167, 436 167, 492 167, 563 167,586 167, 602 167, 683 167,732 167, 7^2 168, 089 168, 133 168,388 168, 402 168,821 168, 848 169,145 169, 515 169 643 Name and Address. Title of Invention. Harriet G. Emery, Boston, Mass Harriet G. Emery, Boston, Mass Improvement in abdominal corsets Improvement in met hods of manufacturing corsets. Della Howland and James W. Howland, New Haven, Conn. Susette Orth, Pittsburg, Pa Helen A. Blanchard, Bostou, Mass Helen A. Blaucliard, Bostou, Mass Elizabeth Hawks, Troy, N. Y Helen A. Blanchard, Boston, Mass Ellen B. Yiets, Bostou, Mass Susan Bidwell, James Bidwell, and Arthur Bidwell, London, England. Martha E. Slocum, Hornellsville, N. Y Josephine N. Ames, New York, N. Y Ellen B. Yiets and Charles B. Shaw, Bos- tou, Mass. Mary E. Robinson, Jackson, Miss Mary Emily Barfoot and William S. Den- man, El Paso, 111. Auna M. Zimmer, Elkhart, lud Harriet G. Emery, Bostou, Mass. Mary A. Alvord, Ne w York, N. Y Ella Portington, Factory ville, N. Y Julia B. French, Boston, Mass Selina Thompson, Pecatonica, 111 Caroline Westcott, Chicago, III Emily R. Daken, Coldwater, Mich Carrie W. Chamberlain, Denver, Colo Jen nett Cooper, San Francisco, Cal Clara P. Clark, Wakefield, Mass Julia P. Clement, Williamston, S. C Emma B. Carver, Philadelphia, Pa Sarah Slater, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor to herself, Henry W. Gray, and Moses Smiley, same place. Elizabeth Leetch, Detroit, Mich Olivia H. Dunn, Boston, Mass Helen M. Rowley, Van Wert, Ohio Corinne Young, New York.N. Y Henrietta G. Stepp, Somerville, Mass. Ann Malin, Darby, Pa Susan Taylor Converse, Woburn, Mass Fannie I.. Pickett, Florence, Ala Mary F. Ratlihun, Owego, N. Y.. Cornelia O. Line, Indianapolis, Ind Elizabeth J. French, Philadelphia, Pa Improvement in folding tables Improvement in artificial flowers Improvement in sewing machines Improvement in sewing-machines Improvement in summer-stoves Improvement in elastic seams for garments. Improvement in apparatus for shaping- pantaloons. Improvement in tooth-brushes Improvement in plant-protectors Improvement, in corsets Improvement in apparatus for shaping pantaloons. Improvement in starch lubricants Improvement in lid-holding attachments to stove-pipes. Improvement in wood-grinders for paper- pulp. Improvement in corsets. Improvement in spout attachments for dumping-carts. Improvement in vegetable-dishes Improvement in bedsteads Improvement in portable stoves Improvement in chemises Improvement in coffee-steeper.s Improvement in combined cradles and bed- steads. Improvement in medical compounds Improvement in skirt-supporters Improvement in hens’ nests Improvement in convertible lunch-baskets and tables. Improvement in compounds for welding, hardening, and tempering steel. Improvement in bosom-forms Improvement in sleeve-protectors Improvement in masks for medical pur- noses. Improvement in ribbon-runners Improvement in lap-boards Improvement in frying-pans Improvement in under-clothing for women. Improvement in shirt-bosoms Improvement in lamp-stoves Improvement in culinary vessels Improvement in electro- therapeutic appli- ances. Maria Bradley, New York, N. Y Susan Taylor Converse, Woburn, Mass Helen A. Blanchard, Boston, Mass., as- signor to John Bigelow, trustee, same place. Louisa Keisker, Sallie Polle, and Frederick W. Polle, Port Gibson, Miss. Elizabeth W. Stiles, Philadelphia, Pa Marion Brinkerhoff, Mansfield, Ohio Maranda R. Nickerson and Nathan M. Tripp, South Wareham, Mass. Helen A. Blanchard, Boston, Mass Louisa A. Parker, Norwalk, Ohio Lydia A. Fristoe, Denver, Colo Maria Bradley, New York, N. Y Maria Gardner, New York, N. Y Celine Laumonier, New York, N. Y Ellen White, Joliet, 111 Elizabeth F. Shaw, Brooklyn, N. Y Dorinda F. Burns, New York, N. Y Ella C. Bragg, Lynn, Mass Mary Ann Johnson, Washington, D. C .. Improvement in rubber drawers for invalids. Improvement in under-garments Improvement in methods of uniting knit goods, &c. Improvement in the art of knitting stock- ings and other articles. Improvement in reading and writing desks. Improvement in soot-arresters for chimneys. Improvement in baby-walkers Improvement in elastic goriugs for shoes.. Improvement in sewing-machine castersl. Improvement in baking- pans Improvement in portable lunch-heaters Improvement in hair-crimping pins Improvement in combined traveling-bags and chairs. Improvement in portable fire-places Improvement in dress-protectors for sewing- machines. Improvement in bird-cages Improvement in armpit-shields Improvement in clotbes-wriugers Date. Mar. 23, 1875 Mar. 23, 1875 Mar. 23, 1875 Mar. 30, 1875 Mar. 30, 1875 Mar. 30, 1875 Apr. 6, 1875 Apr. 13, 1875 May 4, 1875 May 11,1875 May 18,1875 May 18, 1875 May 25, 1875 May 25, 1875 June 1,1875 June 1,1875 June 1,1875 June 8,1875 June 8,1875 June 8, 1875 June 8.1875 June 15, 1875 .June 15, 1875 June 22, 1875 June 22, 1875 June 29, 1875 June 29, 1875 July 6,1875 July 6,1875 July 20, 1875 July 27, 1875 July 27,1875 July 27,1875 J uly 27, 1875 July 27, 1875 Aug. 3, 1875 Aug. 3, 1875 Aug. 17,1875 Aug. 24, 1875 Aug. 31,1875 Aug. 31, 1875 Sept. 7, 1875 Sept. 7, 1875 Sept. 7, 1875 Sept. 7, 1875 Sept. 14, 1875 Sept. 14, 1875 ' Sept. 14,1875 Sept, 14, 1H75 Sept. 28, 1875 Sept. 28, 1875 Oct. 5, 1875 Oct. 5,1875 Oct, 11,1875 Oct. 19,1.875 Oct. 26, 1875 Nov. 2, 1875 Nov. 9,1875 WOMEN INVENTORS. 17 No. 109, 048 109, 779 109, 898 169, 949 170, 172 170, 244 170, 410 170, 497 170, 789 170,929 170,951 171,012 171,428 171,407 171,585 171,058 171,748 171,774 171,919 171,907 172,072 172. 207 172,313 171,372 172, 449 172, 797 172.818 172.819 172,901 172, 900 172, 969 173, 323 173,611 173, 074 173, 698 173, 099 173, 700 173, 701 173, 702 173, 799 174,099 174, 355 174,442 174,481 174, 035 174,764 174, 848 174,939 175. 208 175,224 175, 257 175, 339 175. 513 175, 878 176, 088 176,219 170, 330 176, 499 170, 754 Name and Address. Helen L. Macker, Boston, Mass Phebe D. Damon, Fayetteville, N. Y Anna French, Bangor, Me Sarab W. Brown and Jerome B. Brown, Willoughby, Ohio. Elizabeth S. Hunt, Cleveland, Ohio Mary A. Duke and William J. Duke, Booue- ville, Miss. Harriet Ruth Tracy, New York, N. Y Annie R. Smith, Geddes, assignor of one- half her right to Alvali Sweetland, Mem- phis, N. Y. Sofie Victor, New York, N. Y Maria E. Whiteside, Polo, III Emma Hough, Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y. Catbriue A. Griswold, New York,N. Y Lillian Roosevelt, Hempstead, Tex I Lydia P. Bonuey, Chicago, 111., assignor to Agues Ryan, same place. I Lydia H. Sheppard, Philadelphia, Pa | Johanna Gerlitz, Philadelphia, Pa. Elizabeth Turner, Rochester, N. Y Mary P. Carpenter, New York, N. Y Mary A. Clifford, Boston, Mass Eliza M. Arnold, Houston, Tex J Pliosbe G. Baker, South Yarmouth, Mass . .. Lihbie F. Thorue, New York, N. Y ( Eliza Herzberger, Washington, D. C { Julia D. Banfield, Boston, Mass Auness R. Kinyon, Downer’s Grove, 111.... i Selina Thompson, Pecatonica, III I Mary Jane MeColl, Allendale, N. J Mary Jane MeColl, Allendale, N. J Mary C. Vauorstrand, St. Louis, Mo Elizabeth Sloan, New York, and Alfred G. Caner, Tottenville, N. Y. Harriet M. Chapman, Philadelphia, Pa Sarah R. Mencher, Normal, 111 Olivia P. Flynt, Boston, Mass Mary F. Sallade, Philadelphia, Pa Elizabeth S. Weldon, New York, N. Y Elizabeth S. Weldon, New York, N. Y Elizabeth S. Weldon, New York, N. Y Elizabeth S. Weldon, New York, N. Y Elizabeth S. Weldon, New York, N. Y Sarah Lawton, San Francisco, Cal Cornelia J. Wilber, Buffalo, N. Y Margaret N. Cross, San Francisco, Cal Ellen Rohrer, Monmouth, Oregon Clara P. Clark, Wakefield, Mass j Margaret C. Moulton, Independence, Mo. .. I Helen A. Blanchard, Boston, Mass Eliza I. Phelps, Salem, Mass Sarah E. Hurst and Francis T. Bolton, Terre Hauto, Ind. Catharine L. Tresize, Springfield, 111 j Annie V. Whittier and Calista Andrews, Oberlin, Ohio. Kate Robison, Washington, D. C Marilla H. Curtis, Toledo, Ohio Fanny J. Shinn, Sheridan, III Harriett A. Rowe, Boston, Mass I Anna B. Stapler, Wilmington, Del Ella J. Crosby, Sabnla, Iowa Hannah A. Negus, Wintersot, Iowa Annie Wilson, New York, N. Y j Elizabeth E. Mefford and Susan Peebles, Adrian, Mich. '220 3 Title of Invention. Date. Improvement in alloys for bell-metal ,. Improvement in vegetable-steamers Improvement in floral ornaments for tomb- stones. Improvement in ointments Improvement in fruit-jars - Improvement in shirt-fronts Improvement in sewing-machine tables Improvement in hair switches Improvement in window -shutters Improvement in dish washers Improvement in liair-headiug machines Improvement in abdominal corsets Improvement in sewing-machine thread- guards. Improvement in under garments Improvement in picture-exhibitors Improvement in bitters Improvement in abdominal corsets Improvement in machines for sewing straw braid. Improvement in shirt-bosoms Improvement in umbrella-supporters Improvement in skirt elevators and adjust- ers. Improvement in adjustable bodkins Improvement in ash-sifters Improvement in corset attachments Improvement, in hair-restorative composi- tions. Improvement in portable stoves Improvement in processes of ornamenting surfaces. Improvement in tools for veining wax leaves. Improvement in corsets Improvement in plaiting attachments to sewing-machines. Improvement in corsets Improvement in combined corsets and skirt- supporters. Improvement in bust-supporters Improvement in plaiting-machines Improvement in breast pads Improvement in skirt supporters Improvement in panniers or bustles Improvement in panniers or bustles Improvement in bustles or panniers Improvement in fish-scalers Improvement in dress-shields Improvement in cleansing compounds Improvement in remedies for diseases of the throat and lungs. Improvement in suspender-fastenings Improvement in lasts Improvement in welted and covered seams. Improvement in slate-covers Improvement in fire-proof chimneys Improvement in trunks Improvement in corsets Improvement in fans Improvement in coftfee-pots Improvement in steam-cookers Improvement in folding tables and devices for holding work. Improvement in copy-holders Improvement in hair-heading machines Improvement in ironing-tables Improvement in corsets Improvement in processes of preserving fruit. Nov. 9, 1875 Nov. 9. 1875 Nov. 10, 1875 Nov. 10, 1875 Nov. 23, 1875 Nov. 23, 1875 Nov. 23, 1875 Nov. 30, 1875 Dec. 7, 1875 Dec. 7, 1875 Dec. 14, 1875 Dec. 14, 1875 Dec. 21, 1875 Dec. 28, 1875 Dec. 28, 1875 4, 1870 4, 1870 Jan. Jan. 4, 1870 11, D76 11, 1870 Jan. 11,1870 Jan. 11,1876 18, 1870 Jan. 18, 1870 Jan. 18, 1870 Jan. 25, 1876 Feb. 1, 1870 Feb. 1, 1876 Feb. 1, 1*76 Feb. 1,1870 Fob. 1, 1870 Feb. 8, 1876 Feb. 15, 1870 Fob. 15, 1876 Feb. 15, 1870 Feb. 15, 1870 Feb. 15, 1870 Feb. 15, 1870 Fob. 15, 1870 Feb. 22, 1870 Fob. 29, 1870 Mar. 7, 1876 Mar. 7, 1870 Mar. 7, 1870 Mar. 14, 1870 Mar. 14, 1870 Mar. 14, 1870 Mar. 21, 1870 Mar. 21,1870 21. 1870 Mar. 28. 1870 Mar. 28, 1876 Mar. 28, 1870 Apr. 11,1876 Apr. 1 1 , 1876 Apr. 18, 1870 Apr. 18, 1870 Apr. 25, 1870 May 2. 1870 18 WOMEN INVENTOliS. No. no, 802 176, '95 177,019 177,084 177,043 177,700 , 177,700 177,780 177. 892 177, 939 17S, 093 178, 135 178, 234 178, 230 178, 333 178, 379 178, 789 178, 975 179. 329 179, 503 179, 653 179,703 179,730 179, 745 179, 792 180, 021 180, 139 180, 174 180, 286 180, 337 180, 349 180, 387 180,013 180, 963 181,034 181,068 181, 088 181, 208 181.330 181,353 181, 377 181, 039 181, 663 181,718 181,741 181,847 182, 016 182, 069 182, 096 182, 119 182, 343 182, 485 182, 521 182, 526 Name and Address. Title of Invention. Mary E. Garnliam and Fernando 11. Hub- bard, Carthage, N. l. C’yrene Smith, New York, N. Y Louise Schmitt, New Orleans, La . . Georgian a L. Townsend, Philadelphia, Pa. Mary P. Jackson, Rennet Square, and Sarah P. Ball, Frankford, Philadelphia, Pa. EllaN. Gaillard, New York, N. Y Mary Ann Stephen, Minneapolis, Minn Clara Yeomans, Clinton, Iowa Charlotte L. Slade, New York, N. Y Susan M. Hibbard, Geneva Lake, Wis., assignor to Catharine Nichols, Emelino C. Webster, and Francis S. Eastman, Chicago, 111. Elizabeth Wiggins, Brooklyn, N. Y Julia Foster, Philadelphia, Pa Sarah M. Clark, Milwaukee, Wis Sallie E. Crutchfield, Lexington, Ivy., as- signor to Ralph Georgi, same place. Harriet A. Schandevyl, East Saugus, Mass . Eliza F. Penley, Brooklyn, N. Y Harriet II. May, Birmingham, Conn Elizabeth W. Stiles, Philadelphia, Pa Diana S. Mathews, Adrian, Mich Lydia K. Ballou, Watervliet, and George G. Lee, Paw Paw, Mich. Mary A. Goodwin, Port Chester, N. Y Mary S. Jordan, Bristol, N. IJ Clara A. Rogers, New Orleans, La Enpkemia Vale Blake, Brooklyn, N. Y Rosa Heilmann, New York, N. Y Mrs. John M. Goldsmith, Great Mills, Md .. Louisa C. Light, Lebanon, Pa., assignor to Louis S. Light, same pdace. Lottie W. Timmens, Fayetteville, N. Y Emily E. Tassey, McKeesport, Pa Laura E. Haack, St. Louts, Mo Louisa Kebm, Urbana, 111 Julia E. Snapp, Georgetown, 111 Emma C. McCutchins, Washington, D. C. .. Mary Louise 'Braver, Detroit, Mich Mary A. Bryant, Freeport, Me Ellen J. Ham, New York, N. Y Adile Matthiessen, Cornwall-on-the-Hud- son, N. Y. Emily Rochow, Brooklyn, N. Y Cathrine A. Griswold, New r York, N. Y Sarah Lindsley, Collins, N. Y Helen C. Traphagen, New York, N. Y., as- signor to Annie Traphagen, same place. .. Emma B. Carver, Philadelphia, Pa Julia Foster, Philadelphia, Pa Susanna L. Robinson and Franklin A. Pow- ell, Pontiac, 111. Alwilda Swallow, Shelbyville, 111 Annis Hurd, Waterloo, Iowa Jennie M. Boyce, Belvidere, 111 Anna Newton, Jersey City Heights, and Henry Guyer, Newark, N. J. Kate C. Barton, Philadelphia, Pa Elizabeth S. Hunt, Cleveland, Ohio Mary G. Barbour, Portland, Me Sarah E. Saul, Brooklyn, N. Y Mary E. Garnham, Carthage, N. Y Mary L. Mansfield, Salem, Mass Improvement in milk coolers or warmers.. Improvement in abdominal supporters Improvement in corsets Improvement in devices for operating sew- ing-machines. Improvement iu self-heating smoothing- irons. Improvement in musical tops Improvements in camp-kits Improvement in attaching uterine and other supporters. Improvement iu drawing-slates Improvement in feather dusters Improvement in scissors-gagcs Improvement in bed-dusting racks Improvement in mirror- adjusters Improvement in ironing-stands Improvement in combined skirt-supporters and corsets. Improvement in artificial flowers Improvement in corsets Improvement in temporary binders for paper-files. Improvement in combined portmanteaus and shawl-straps. Improvements mosquito uetsand canopies. Improvement in hot-air registers Improvement in hooks for web- drawing. .. Improvement in scissors and shears Improvement in satchels Improvement in washing-machines Improvement iu cooking appaiatus Improvement in culinary steamers Improvement iu snap-looks Improvement in apparatus for raising sunken vessels. Improvement in automatic fans Improvement in combined scoops and sieves. Improvement in spinning attachments for sewing-machines. Improvement in doll-supporters Improvement in churn-dashers Improvement in ironing-boards Improvement in bustles Improvement in folding chairs Improvement in centrifugal sugar-machines Improvement in corsets - Improvement iu washing-machines Improvement in window-scaffolds Improvement in folding flower balconies and stands. Improvement in bill-files Improvement in flat-iron heaters Improvement iu bustles Improvement in hair-puffing pins Improvement in plaiting machines Improvement in ironing-tables Improvement in sewing-machines Improvement in preserving packages for fruits, &c. Improvement in plate-lifters Improvement in metallic casings for lead pipes. Improvement in hair-curling irons Improvement in clasps for corsets i 1 ) A TK . May 2,1876 May 2, 1876 May o, 1870 May 9, 1876 May 23,1876 May 23,1876 May 23, 1870 May 23, 1876 May 23, 1876 May 30, 1876 May 30,1876 May 30, 1876 June 6,1876 June 6,1876 June 6,1876 June 6,1876 .1 une 13, 1876 June 20, 1876 June 27, 1876 July 4,1876 July 11,1876, J uly 1 1, 1876 July 1 1, 1876 July 11, 1876 J uly 11, 1876 July 18,1876 July 25, 1876 July 25, 1876 July 25, 1876 July 25, 1876 July 25, 1876 July 25, 1876 Aug. 1, 1876 Aug. 8, 1876 Aug. 15, 1876 Aug. 15, 1876 Aug. 15, 1876 Aug. 15,1876 Aug. 22, 1876 Aug. 22, 1876 Aug. 22, 1876 Aug. 29, 1876 Aug. 29, 1876 Aug. 29, 1876 Aug. 29, 1876 Sept.. 5, 1876 Sept. 12, 1876 Sept. 12, 1876 Sept. 12, 1876 Sept. 12, 1876 Sept. 19, 1876 Sept. 19, 1876 Sept. 26, 1876 Sept. 26, 1876 WOMEN INV ENTOIJS. 19 No. 182,572 182,631) 182. 712 182, 773 183,813 183, 434 183, 536 183, 600 183,603 163, 743 183, 790 183, 923 184, 153 181,423 184,918 184, 959 184,996 185, 040 185, 150 185, 181 185, 246 185, 595 185, 655 185, 707 185, 739 165,741 185,818 186,141 186,148 186,258 186,604 186,717 186, 901 186,917 187, 016 187, 095 187, 158 187, 198 187,358 187,495 187, 587 187,594 187,657 187, 764 167,810 188, 1 'i' 188, 199 188, 228 188, 323 188, 383. 188, 426 188, 475 188, 660 188,619 188,896 189,340 189, 574 *89,602 189, 609 169, 617 Name and Address. Julia Foster, Philadelphia, Pa Lizzie J. Boyd, Coatesville, Pa Fanuey C. Batcheller, Boston, Mass Lydie F. Renshaw, Cohasset, Mass Marie E. Ronat, Rochelle, 111 Amanda L. Waggoner and John S. Wag- goner, Bridgeport, N. J. Mary J. Christie, Brooklyn, N. Y Sarah B. Stearns, Duluth, Minn Anna Maria Suydam, Waterloo, N. Y Julia A. Bates, New York, N.Y Emily J. Cutter, Malden, Mass Nancy J. Hanchette, Chicago, 111 Ella Moody Holton, Jackson, Mich Rosa Piepenbring, Cincinnati, Ohio Rebecca Siddall, Washington, D. C Mary Duff, Benton, 111 Emily E. Tasscy, Pittsburg, Pa Hannah Milsom, Buffalo, N. Y Elizabeth S. Weldon, New York, N. Y Elizabeth W. P. Keeney, San Francisco, Cal. Annie Lodor, Trenton, N. J Elizabeth E. Van VJeck, Chicago, 111 Anarella A. Winsor, Boston, Mass Angeliue Underwood, Carrollton, 111 Sarah F. Follette, Boston, Mass Maria L. Ghirardini, Pawtucket, R. I Laura E. Montgomery Burr, Lansing, Mich . JutlieD. Lipscomb, Andrews, Va Emma Miller, Randolph, N. Y., assignor of one half her right to A. Alonzo Miller, same place. Christina Lascell, Newark, N. J Mary Nolan, St. Louis, Mo Evelyn L. Edwards, Vineland, N. J Amelia Washburne and Eli C. Townsend, New York, N. Y. Emma Sivelly Reed, Scranton, Pa Elizabeth B. Johnston, Germantown, Ky.. Caroline S. Brooks, Helena, Ark Florence Marmot, Cincinnati, Ohio Mary E. Thompson, Chicago, 111 Cadi a C. Curtis, San Francisco, Cal Isabella J. Van Skelline, Brooklyn, N. Y... Lucy J. Bixby, Binghamton, N. Y Rebecca Sarah Brusic, Sonora, Cal Charlotte A. McGee, Jackson, Mich Alice C. Townsend, Buffalo, N. Y Sarah F. Follette, Boston, Mass Susannah P. Burton, San Francisco, Cal .1 Elizabeth W. Smith, Philadelphia, Pa., as- signor to Daniel Sutter, same place, and Arthur Miller, Moorestown, Pa. Margaret II. Bergen, Brooklyn, N. Y Louisa A. Weed, Brooklyn, N. Y ElizaS. Leslie, Saxonville, Mass Louisa F. Sleeper, Philadelphia, Pa., as- signor of one-half her l ight to Charles B. Ritter, same place. Rosa Martin, Portland, Oregon Mary Nolan, St. Louis, Mo S. Jennie Renner, Petersburg, Pa Margaret Harrison, Rock Island, 111 Hannah G. Crawford, Peabody, Kaos M. Augusta Regua and Eleanor Dunn, New York, N. Y. Samantha J. Bugli, St. Joseph, Mo Susan T. Converse, Woburn, Mass Christine Fisher, Salisbury, N. C Titi.e of Invention. Improvement in needle-threading devices . Improvement in plaiting-machiues Improvement in corsets Improvement in sectional steam-generators Improvement in plows Improvement in station-indicators Improvement in ash-sifters Improvement in carpet-cleaners Improvement in garden-rakes Improvements in corsets and pads Improvement in fluting apparatus Improvement in abdominal supporters Improvement in abdominal supporters Improvement in corsets Improvement in hand-protectors for broom- handles. Improvement in hemmers for sewing-ma- chines. Improvement in siphon propeller-pumps.. . Improvement in ozone-machines Improvement in panniers .. Improvement in traveling-satchels Improvement in portable stoves Improvement in combined abdominal and breast supporters. Improvement, in children’s carriages Improvement in spring-pillows Improvement in underwaists Improvement in chimneys Improvement in sketching -albums Improvement in remedies for fevers Improvement in cooking apparatus Improvement in abdominal corsets Improvement in building-blocks Improvement in dough-kneading machines Improvement in egg-poaching utensils Improvement in corsets Improvement in devices for killing mos- quitoes. Improvement in the methods of producing lubricated molds in plaster. Improvement in elevators and conveyers for coke-crushers. Improvement in head-dresses Improvement in under-garments Improvement in wrappers for bonbons Improvement in pattern-charts for cutting garments. Improvement in churns Improvement in corsets Improvement in butter-dishes Improvement in underwaists Improvement in awniDgsfor bird-cages Improvement in book carriers and holders . Improvement in catches for corset-clasps, &c. Improvement in ear-rings Improvement in vegetable-mashers Improvement in detaching horses Improvement in stoves for heating sad- irons. Improvement in art ificial-stouo com positions Improvement in apple colors and quarterers. Improvement in dress-charts Improvement in extensions for sewing-ina- chino tables. Improvement in copy-books Improvement in sad-irons Improvement in under-garments Improvement in table-easels Date. Sept. 26, 1876 Sept. 26, 1876 Oct. 3, 1876 Oct. 3, 1876 Oct. 10, 1876 Oct, 17,1876 Oct. 24,1876 Oct, 24,1876 Oct. 24, 1876 Oct, 31,1876 Oct. 31,1876 Oct, 31,1876 Nov. 7, 1876" Nov. 14,1876 Nov. 28, 1876 Dec. 5, 1876 Dec. 5, 1876 Dec. 5, 1876 Dec. 5, 1876 Dec. 12,1876 Dec. 12, 1876 Dec. 19,1876 Dec. 26,1676 Dec. 26, 1876 Dec. 26, 1876 Dec. 26, 1876 Jan. 2,1877 Jan. 9, 1877 Jan. 9, 1877 Jan. 16,1877 Jan. 23,1877 Jan. 30,1877 Jan. 30, 1877 Jan. 30, 1877 Feb. 6, 1877 Feb. 6, 1877 Feb. 6, 1877 Feb. 6, 1877 Feb. 13, 1877 Feb. 20, 1877 Feb. 20, 1877 Feb. 20,1877 Feb. 20,1877 Feb. 27,1877 Feb. 27,1877 Mar. 6, 1877 Mar. 6,1877 Mar. 13, 1877 Mar. 13,1877 Mar. 13, 1877 Mar. 13, 1877 Mar. 20, 1«77 Mar. 20, 1877 Mar. 27, 1877 Mar. 27, 1877 Apr. 10, 1877 Apr. 17, 1877 Apr. 17, 1877 Apr. 17, 1877 Apr. 17, D77 20 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. Name and Address. 189,672 Elizabeth S. Weldon, New York, N. Y 189. 740 Hannah E. Israel, Stockton, Cal 1 89. >97 Amalie Mev, Buffalo, N. Y 189,964 Isabella Wallace and Cassius L. Stevens, Pittsburg, Pa. 190, 032 Maggie M. Hardman, Kansas City, Mo 190, 117 Jennie Bondeman, Kalamazoo, Mich 190, 734 Eliza Brough, Greenville, Mich 190,745 MavvB. Crowninsliield, Washington, D. C. 191,050 Catherine Hastings, Oswego, N. Y 191, 092 Sophie E. Bachmann, New York, N. Y 191, 175 Sarah R. Raffel, Hartford, Conn 191, 519 Catharine L. Darby, Fort Motte, S. C 191,556 Nancy J. Todd and Robert L. Todd, Sham- rock, Mo. 191,742 Katie A. Wvnne, East, Boston, Mass 191, 787 Eliza L. Whitou, West Stafford, Conn 192, 074 Amalie A. Lehnei t, Philadelphia, Pa 192, 098 Maggie Toohev, Syracuse, N. Y 192, 201 Isabella J. Van SlLelline, Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y. 192, 807 Cordelia E. Yvelin, New York, N. Y 192, 957 Kate Buscall, Charles F. Buscall, and Will- iam Walgrain, New York, N. Y. 193, 216 Heleu A. Blanchard, Boston, Mass., as- signor to John Bigelow, trustee, same place. 193, 249 Julia J. Hoffman, Garnett, Kans 193,471 Thoursa D. Baldwin. Albion, Mich Mary A. Shelbv, Moscow, Ky 193,621 193, 663 Florence Kroeber, Hoboken, N. J 193, 674 Charlotte L. Slade, New York, N. Y 194, 030 Mary E. Clark, Wakefield, Mass 194, 069 Louisa Bonesteel, Rochester, N. Y 194,074 Ella C. Cooke, Washington, D. C. 194, 264 Eva B. Reid, New York, N. Y 194, 392 Josephine Williams, Columbia City, Ind. _ . 194, 537 Mary E. Sinnott, Bakersfield, Vt 194,571 Louisa L. Beaudetre and Agide J. Beau- dette, Fond du Lac. Wis. 00 !>• 05 Catherine I. Palmer, Chicago. Ill 194,871 Mary C. Hiester, Philadelphia, Pa 194,927 Margaret Petrie, Vallejo, Cal., assignor of one-half her right to Augustus E. New- comb, same place. 195,019 Eleanor W. Jones, Cleveland, Ohio 195,024 Anuabella G. Knox, New York, N. Y 195, 146 Mary Jane MeColl, Allendale, assignor to Sophia Meyenherg, Paterson, N. J. 195, 255 Maria Bradley, New Y 7 ork, (Morrisania P. Q.,)N. Y. 195, 462 Elizabeth W. Stiles, Philadelphia, Pa 195, 488 Ellen Crebs, Huntsville, assignor to Will- iam E. Miller, Carlisle, Pa. 195, 531 Mary Catharine Peden, Caverna, Ky 195, 678 Martha M. Walk, Philadelphia, Pa 195, 807 Julia De Quindre, Detroit, Mich 195, 850 Sarah A. Shepherd, Washington, D. C 195, 983 Mary S-. Chase, Boston, Mass Elizabeth Holt, Pittsburg, Pa 196,119 196,264 Sarah L. Stuart, Greenfield, Ind 196, 396 Mary A. Sprague, Canfield, Ohio 196, 453 Alice .J. Hoffman, Richmond, Iml 196, 454 Helen Victoria Holmes, Chicago, 111 196,615 Julia Wnerfel, Sheboygan, Wis 196, 729 Mary E. Wallace, Newport, Ky 196, 743 Sarah Cooper, Morrisonville, Pa Titlk of Invention. Improvement in corsets Improvement in washing-list indicators ... Improvement in stove-leg casters Improvement in folding chairs Improvement in corsets Improvement in hook-supports Improvement in reciprocating churns Improvement in darning-lasts Improvement in fruit-jars Improvement in toy skating-rinks Improvement in traveling-hags Improvement in sealing devicesfor bottles, jars, &c. Improvement in chicken-coops Improvement in finger-guards Improvement in stove-polish Improvement in pans for roasting and bak- ing meats. Improvement in plaiting-machines Improvement in processes of dyeing tissue and bonbon papers. Improvement in wash-basins Improvement in school-desks Improvement in crochet attachments for sewing-machines. Improvement in dish-washers Improvement in car-couplings Improvement in stoves Improvement in calendar-clock dials Improvement in dolls’ hats Improvement in corsets Improvement in glove-fasteners Improvement in shields and dampers for fire-place grates. Improvement in processes of restoring crape, laces, &c. Improvement in dyeing and coloring feath- ers, laces, and other fabrics. Improvement in cloth-cutting machines... Improvement in kettle-covers Improvement in folding aud adjustable scaffolds for windows. Improvement in knee-protectors Improvement in mosquito-bars Improvement in dougli-mixcrs Improvement iu fire-escapes Improvement in the processes of making artificial moss for ornamenting picture- frames, &c. Improvement iu portable lunch-lie iters Improvement in inkstands Improvement iu fly-nets for horses Improvement in medicinal compounds improvement in sleeve and cuff retainers.. Improvement in trunks Improvement in matt resses Improvement in night-lamps Improvement in packings for piston-rods, &c. Improvement in churns Improvement in milk-pail stools Improvement in baking-pans Improvement in compounds for rendering photographic paper translucent. Improvement in dress-pattern charts Improvement in button-hole sewing-ma- chines. Improvement m apple quartering aud cor- ing machines. Date. Apr. 17,1877 Apr. 17,1877 Apr. 24,1877 Apr. 24, 1877 Apr. 24,1877 May 1,1877 May 15,1877 May 15,1877 May 22, 1877 May 22, 1-77 May 22,1877 June 5,1877 June 5,1877 June 5,1877 J uno 12, 1877 June 19, 1877 June 19, 1877 June 19, 1877 July 3,1877 July 10,1877 July 17, 1877 July 17, 1877 July 24, 1.-77 July 31, 1877 July 31, 1877 July 31, 1877 Aug. 4, 1877 Aug. 14, 1877 Aug. 14, 1877 Aug. 14,1877 Aug. 21,1877 Aug. 28, 1877 Aug. 28, 1877 Aug. 28, 1877 Sept. 4, 1877 Sept. 4,1877 Sept. 11, 1877 Sept. 11, 1877 Sept. 11,1877 Sept. 18, 1877 Sept. 25, 1877 Sept. 25, 1877 Sept. 25, 1877 Sept. 25, 1877 Oct. 2, 1877 Oct. 2, 1877 Oct. 9, 1877 Oct. 16,1877 Oct. 16, 1877 Oct. 23,1877 Oct. 23,1877 Oct. 23,1877 Oct. 30,1877 Oct. 30,1877 Nov. 6,1877 WOMEN INVENTORS; 21 No. 19a, 845 197,370 197,463 197, 480 197, 587 197,588 197,991 198, 038 198, 181 198, 2 7 198,348 198, 4:53 198, 505 198,017 198,712 198, 798 198,937 198, 954 199, 535 199, 684 199, 693 199, 704 199, 780 199, 881 200, 142 200, 234 200, 268 200, 331 200, 384 200,441 200, 487 200, 504 200, 506 200, 891 201,005 201,010 201,168 201, 177 201, 455 201,712 202, 115 202, 141 202, 209 202, 398 202, 438 202, 669 202, 792 202, 919 203, 091 203, 145 203, 214 203, 400 203, 727 203, 899 20 1, 120 204, 196 204,260 204,338 204, 500 204, 759 204,846 204, 920 205, 004 Name and Address. Eliza Ann Yance, Gallipolis, Ohio Ella M. Holder, Lynn, Mass Lavinia H. Foy, Now Haven, Conn Elizabeth \V. Letts and Jeremiah S. Letts, Ripon, Wis. Julia 1). Banliehl, Boston, Mass Julia D. Ban field, Boston, Mass Eliza Brough, Greenville, Mich Eleuora A. Norton, Now Bedford, Mass Laura B. Barker, Springfield, Mass Cornelia E. Beaumont, Cleveland, Ohio . IlarietM. Chapman, Philadelphia, Pa Miriam Snlzbachcr and Cordelia E. Yvelin, New York, N. Y. Clara L. Bradley, San Francisco, Cal Laura Z. Hitchcock, Kansas City, Mo Ellen F. Towers, Boston, Mass Fanny Elkins and Ida Elkins, Brooklyn, N. Y. Laura Jane Gott, La Grange, Ohio Emma E. Orcndorff, Delavan, 111 Susan Ue Lamater Granger, Ann Arbor, Mich. Cinthia Jane Beattie, Pueblo, Colo Margaret P. Colvin, Battle Creek, Mich . .. Emma S. Hampton, Detroit, Mich Clara L. Bradley, San Francisco, Cal Louisa A. Weed, Brooklyn, N. Y Rosalie W. Mackall, Washington, 1). C Ursula L. Webster, New Haven, Conn Sarah A. Elliott, Oxford, N. C Amanda Owen, Williamsport, Pa Lavinia H. Foy, New Haven, Conn. Anna Dormitzer, New York, N. Y Emily A. Stears, Brooklyn, N. Y Harriet .T. Buell, New York, N. Y Emma Carter, Folsom City, Cal Josephine Bliss, Primghar, Iowa Laviua Grube, Liberty Mills, Iiul Mary Hawkins and Henry Hawkins, Se- dalia, Mo. Elizabeth Delong, Stone Church, Pa Catharine A. Griswold, New York, N. Y - Cornelia A. Sheldon, Amity, N. Y Catharine Smith, Utica, N. Y Catharine R. Mott, New York, N. Y Henrietta Bowie, Houma, La Anna M. Woodhull, Freehold, N. .1 Julia 1). Ban field, Boston, Mass Emily A. Hill, Princeton, Ind Elizabeth Shane and Joseph Shane, Peca- tonica, and George W. Hooker, Seward, 111. Margaret P. Colvin. Battle Creek, Mich . . . Maria E. Beasley, Philadelphia, Pa Mary J. Taylor, Brooklyn, N. Y Ella G. Haller, Philadelphia, Pa Florence II. Stumpf, St. Joseph, Mo Julia D. Ban field, Boston, Mass Atuelie Hackelberg, New York, N. Y Gertrude A. Dunn, Chicago, 111 Julia F. Wingate, Boston, Mass Elida M. Capen, Charlton Depot, Mass Margaret Sudderick, Buffalo, N. Y Kittle E. Keeler, Apulia, N. Y Carrie A. Munro, Salt Lake City, Utah Ter. Emilie G. Rowe, New York, N. Y Gracie S. Roberts, Brooklyn, N. Y Anna T. Snyder, Connersville, Ind Jane B. Smith, Worcester, Mass Title ok Invention. Improvement in tuckers Improvement in piano pedal attachments. Improvement in corsets Improvement in dish-cleaning machines. .. Improvement in stocking-supporters Improvement in corsets Improvement in churns Improvement in rack attachments for pianos, organs, &c. Improvement in attachments for casters — Improvement in life-boats Improvement in corsets Improvement in water-closets. Improvement in undersuits Improvement in skirt and hose suspenders. Improvement in coverings for monumental tombstones. Improvement in automatic fans Improvement in car-coupling pins Improvement in apple-corers Improvement in sewing-machine chairs .. Improvement in ointments Improvement in clothes-pounders Improvement in dish-washers Improvement in underwear Improvement in paper pillow-shams Improvement in perforating-machines Improvement in adjustable patterns for garments. Improvement in reels Improvement in medical compounds Improvement in corsets Improvement in window-cleaning chairs . Improvement in household presses for fruits, &c. Improvement in pillows Improvement in bee-feeding devices Improvement in kitchen-tables Improvement in clamps for attaching mop heads and wringers to pails. Improvement in medical compounds Improvement in steam and fume boxes Improvement in garment-supporters Improvement in fire-escapes Improvement in water-cans. Improvement in fire-escapes Improvement in medical compounds Improvement in sandals Improvement in bosom-forms Improvement in ironing-tables Improvement in fluting devices Improvement in clothes-pounders Improvement in foot- warmers Improvement in envelopes - Improvement in suit-light ing lamps Improvement in tluting-irons Improvement in corset-busks Improvement in packing cases or boxes for bottles. Improvement in paper boxes Improvement in dress-makers’ squares. ... Improvement in index-tags for books I luprovement in hand-guides for piano- fortes Improvement in sad-iron stands Improvement in vapor-baths Improvement in sad-iron polishers Improvement in case-hardening iron Improvement in caloric-safes Improvement in devices for greasing bak- ing-dishes. Date. Nov. 6,1877 Nov. 20, 1877 Nov. 27, 1877 Nov. 27, 1877 Nov. 27, 1877 Nov. 27, 1877 Dec. 11, 1877 Dee. 11,1877 Dec. 18, 1877 1 tec. 18, 1877 Doc. 18,1-77 Dec. 18, 1877 Dec. 25, 1877 Dec. 25, 1877 Dec. 25, 1877 Jan. 1, 1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Jan. 8, 1878 Jan. 22, 1878 Jan. 29, 1878 Jan. 29,1878 Jan. 29, 1878 Jan. 29, 1878 Jan. 29, 1858 Feb. 12, 1*78 Feb. 12, 1878 Feb. 12, 1878 Feb. 12, 1878 Feb. 19, 1878 Feb. 19, 1878 Feb. 19, 1878 Feb. 19,1878 Fob. 19,1878 Mar. 5, 1878 Mar. 5, 1878 Mar. 5,1878 Mar. 12, 1878 Mar. 12, 1«78 Mar. 19, 1878 Mar. 26, 1878 Apr. 9, 1878 Apr. 9, 1878 Apr. 9,1878 Apr. 16,1878 Apr. 16, 1878 Apr. 23, 1878 Apr. 23,1878 Apr. 30, 1878 Apr. 30, 1878 Apr. 30, 1878 Apr. 30, 1878 May 7, 1878 May 14,1878 May 21,1878 May 21, 1878 May 28, 1878 May 28,1878 May 28,1878 Line 4, 878 June 11, 1878 J une 1 1, 1878 Juno 18, 1878 June 18, 1878 22 No. 205, :ui 205,448 205,457 ! 205,519 205, v-0:> 205,807 ; 206,358 I 206,616 206, 628 206,727 206, 881 206, 935 206, 936 207, 035 207, 083 207, 127 207, 368 208, 031 208, 035 208, 392 208, 577 208, 729 208, 807 209, 121 209, 307 209,413 209, 519 209, 666 210, 117 210, 154 210,810 211,054 211,131 211,203 2L1, 246 211,426 211,552 211,574 211, 759 212,343 212, 423 212, 461 212,520 212,677 212,900 213,094 213, 255 213, 360 213, 580 213, 588 213, 059 WOMEN INVENTORS. Name and Address. Mary M. Sreuber, Philadelphia, Pa Isabella J. Van Skclline, Brooklyn, E. 1)., X. V. Julia Woodruff, Detroit,, Mich Mary P. Ayers, San Francisco, Cal Amelia Moy, Buffalo, N. Y Susan M. II. Pennington, Evansville, Iiul Clementine B. Robbins, South Abington, Mass. Virginia M. Ring, New Orleans, La Louisa B. Simpson, Lawrence, Ivans Ellen D. W. Hatch, Rolla, Mo Bertha Kaufmann, Philadelphia, Pa., as- signor of one-third of her right, to Leo- pold J. Speer, same jdace. Anna Donuitzer, Now York, N. Y Anna Dormitzcr, Now York, N. Y Clara P. Hoffman and Nicholas Meyers, Buffalo, N. Y.; said Meyers assignor to said Hoffman. Fannie C. Tennyson, Tyler, Tex M. Addie Maybee, Syracuse, N. Y., assignor of oue-lialf her right to William Dult'us, samo place. Jennia Powers, Brooklyn, N. Y Marion Slioles, Broekport,, and Charles H. Morse, Rochester, N. Y. MaryN. Roberts, Indianapolis, Iud Magdalene Holden, Philadelphia, Pa Bettie Elliott, Guutersvillo, Ala Mary C. Smith Flanigan, Cleveland, Ohio, assignor of one-third her right to John W. Eastermau, same place. Charlotte Gillard, San Francisco, Cal Amelia A. Heaton, Binghamton, N. Y Abbie G. Trickey, Manchester, N. H Henriette Moses, New York, N. Y Sarah T. Sands, New York, N. Y Susan H. Deeou, Centreville, Ohio Sarah A. Haydock, Ostrander, Ohio Hattie J. Schmid, Olney, 111 Almira Selby, Baltimore, Md Irene L. Rogers, Springlield, Mass Esther Jane Bruce, New York, N. Y Althea F. Whitney, Cleveland, Ohio Alice W. McClure, St. Louis, Mo Josephine 1 >. Rogers, New York, N. Y Margaret L. Brisbane, New York, N. Y Clara P. Hoffman and Nicholas Meyers, Buffalo, N. Y. ; said Meyers assignor to said Hoffmau. Mary J. McCullough, Lawrence, Ivans Catharine A. Adams, Milford, Conn Anna C. Baldwin, Newark, N. J Sarah A. Haydock, Ostrander, Ohio J: M. Smith, Fishkill Landing, N. Y Marion J. Wellman, New York, N. Y Nannie Connoran and James Connoran, Hillsdale, Iowa. Charlotta H. Carlson, Lee, England Louisa B. Simpson, Lawrence, Ivans Mary P. R. Tilton, Philadelphia, Pa Minnie Lindbeiin, New York, N. Y Anna L. Palmer, Chariton, Iowa Hannah E. Israel, BaDtas, Cal Title ok Invention. Improvement in dolls Improvement in wrappers for bonbons Improvement in fruit-jar holders Improvement in tile-guards Improvement in driers Improvement in processes of coloring pho- tographs. Improvement in underwaists Improvement in automatic water cut-offs.. Improvement in apparatus for destroying vegetation on railroads. Improvement in canceling-stamps Improvement in wash-boards Inprovement in window-cleaning step- chairs. Improvement in w'ndow-oleaning step- chairs. Improvement in blind-stitch sewing-ma- chines. Improvement in tiower-baskots Improvement in plaiting-machines Improvement in medical compounds Improvement in blacking-boxes Improvement in sad-iron holders , Improvement in pocket-spittoons Improvement in quilting-frames Improvement in tire-eseapes Improvement in children’s table-trays Improvement in clothes-Sriers Improvement ill alphabet-blocks Improvement in sleeve elevators Improvement in apparatus for lifting and carrying invalids. Improvement in fruit-jar protectors Improvement in car-couplings Improvement in egg-poachers Improvement in stockings Improvement in processes of skeletonizing leaves. Improvement in change counters Improvement iu dish-washers Improvement in churn-dashers Improvement in cloaks Improvement in dishes for refrigerating and preserving food. Improvement in liemmers for blind-stitch sewing-machines. Improvement in tea and coffee pots Improvement in kitchen-cabinets Improvement iu cow-milkers Improvement in car-couplings Improvement in corset-steels Improvement in movable breastworks or shields. Improvement iu clothes-pounders Improvement in corsets Improvement in apparatus for destroying vegetation on railroads. Improvement in ventilated pillows, mat- tresses, &c. Improvement in tobacco-bags Improvement in combined aspirators, con- cealed uterine cauterizers, and vaginal syrin ges. Improvement in parasols Date. June 25, 1878 Juno 25, 1878 June 25, 1878 July 2,1878 July 9, 1878 July 9,1878 July 23,1878 July 30,1878 July 30,1878 Aug. 6,1878 Aug. 13, 1878 Aug. 13, 1878 Aug. 13, 1878 Aug. 13, 1878 Aug. 13, 1878 Aug. 20, 1878 Aug. 27, 1878 Sept. 17, 1878 Sept. 17, 1878 Sept. 24, 1878 Oct. 1 , 1878 Oct. 8, 1878 Oct, 8, 1878 Oct. 22, 1878 Oct. 22, 1878 Oct, 29.1878 Oct. 29,1878 Nov. 5,1878 Nov. 19,1878 Nov. 19,1878 Deo. 10, 1878 Dec. 17,1878 Jan. 7, 1879 Jan. 7, 1879 Jan. 7, l>-79 Jan. 14, 1879 Jan. 21,1879 Jan. 21,1879 Jan. 28,1879 Feb. 18,1879 Feb. 18,1879 Feb. 18, 1879 Feb. 18,1879 Mar. 4, 1879 Mar. 4,1879 Mar. 11,1879 Mar. 11, 1879 Mar. 18,1879 Mar. 25, 1879 Mar. 25, 1879 Mar. 25, 1879 WOMEN IN VENT v US. 23 No. 213,706 214,084 214, 142 214, 174 214.247 214,266 214,271 214.326 214,426 214,782 214,998 215,096 215.248 215,310 215, 628 215, 725 215,815 216, 001 216,223 216, 336 216, 498 216.634 216. 635 216,717 217,348 217,371 217,434 217,679 217,682 217,721 217,768 218, 047 218,201 218.327 218,430 218,606 218, 827 218,915 219,011 219,234 219,796 219,820 220,016 220, 063 220, 233 220, 245 220,341 220, 477 220, 606 220,630 220, 675 220, 697 220, 925 221,051 221, 111 221,346 Name and Address. Pliebe K. Stice and William H. King, Swan Creek, 111. Maria E. Beasley, Philadelphia, Pa Harriet G. Hosmer, Koine, Italy Emma E. Morse, Charlestown, Mass Lavinia H. Foy, New Haven, Conn Charlotte A. Von Cort and Sarah A. Shep- herd, Washington, D. C. Anna Ziindorff, New York, N. Y Sybilla K. Troelicht, Chicago, 111 Maria E. B. Miller, Omaha, Nehr Adelaide E. Mann, Lawrence, Mass Mary A. Frost, Bartlesville, Ohio Maria Chapman, Dubois, 111., assignor to herself and Annie Getcliell, Boston, Mass. Lizzie K. Shipman, New York, N. Y Margaret E. Adams, South Bend, Ind Katharine L. Jewell, New York, N. Y., as- signor to Daniel A. Loriug, same place. Annie F. Craig, Washington, D. C Ellen Maria Ford, Port Richmond, N. Y... Lucinda Warren, Providence, R. I Caroline Schwenkel, New York, N. Y Elizabeth F. McCartney, Omaha, Nehr Fanney C. Batcheller, Boston, Mass Angeline Underwood, Carrollton, 111 Hannah C. Warner, Woodbury, N. ,1 Sophia H. Baker, Wilmington, 111 Mary Ann Day, Brooklyn, N. Y Regina Harrison, Columbus, Miss Amanda E. 'Purvey , Fredericktown, Ohio .. Martha Byrkit, Knightstown, Ind Lydia S. Dewing, Natick, Mass Julia D. Bantield, Boston, Mass Harriet E. Bonham, St. Joseph. Mo Pamelia Millar, Kenton, Ohio Charlotte A. Von Cort, Washington, D. C. .. Julia C. Smith, Ashton, III Augusta M. Day, Boston, Mass Amelia U. Waterman, Troy, assignor of one-half her right to Mitchell Dessert, Green Island, N. Y. Emma S. Orne, Cambridgeport, Mass Amelia Bagliu, Brooklyn, N. Y Eugenia C. Page, New York, N. Y Anna Dormitzer, New York, N. Y Evelyn Beecher, New Haven, Conn Ciieilie Kohl, Jersey City Heights, N. J Mary A. Dennis, Newark, N. .)., assignor of one-half of her right to William 11. liar rison, same place. A dido Engstrom, Paris, France Pauline II. Gontard, Cort6bert, Switzer- land. Martha Lee, Rochester, N. Y Elizabeth W. M. Cameron, Brooklyn, N. Y. Paulina M. L. TIerse, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Josephine S. Goye, Boston, Mass Annie McFarlane, San Bernardino, Cal Mary E. Smith and George B. Fay, Brook- lyn, N. Y., assignors to said Smith and Catharine R. Fay, same place. Rosa E. Brookes, Chicago, III Margaret E. Knight, Springfield, Mass., assignor to the Eastern Paper Bag Com- pany. Rosa H. Goldsmith, Charleston, S. C Margaret E. Skerritt, Albany, N. Y Rosa O’Donnell, San Francisco, Cal Title of Invention. Improvement in invalid-bedsteads Improvement in roasting and baking pans. Improvement in processes of making arti- ficial marble. Improvement in folding chairs Improvement in corsets. Improvement in sewing-machine treadles. . Improvement in combined tables, sinks, &c. Improvement in head-mufflers Improvement in machines for tilling and corking bottles Improvement in wash-boilers Improvement in corpse-coolers Improvement in lefining copper Improvement in bill-files Improvement in dre-s makers’ charts Improvement in preserving oysters Improvement in pictures — Improvement in boxes and covers for tiling decorated porcelain. Improvement in dish-washers Improvement in artificial flowers Improvement in thimbles Improvement in ear holders. Improvement in spring-beds Improvement in coolers for butter- workers. Improvement in food-steamers Improvement in abdominal corsets Improvement in watering-dippers Improvement in milk-coolers Improvement in combined lap tables, work- boxes, and work-stands. Improvement in wardrobes Improvement in corsets Improvement in ear-muffs Improvement in chicken-coops Improvement in sewing-machine treadles.. Improvement in boiler washing-machines . Improvement in garment stiffeners Improvement in collars Improvement in heaters for curling-irons .. j Improvement in hats and other head- cov- erings. Improvement in braces Improvement in window-cleaning chairs . Improvement in till-alarms . Improvement in diaper covers Improvement in refuse-strainers for kitchen- sinks. Improvement in buckles Improvement in stem-winding watches ... Improvement in provision-safes Improvement in napkins and analogous ar- ticles. Improvement in cockle-separators. Improvement, in doll-supporters Improvement in dumping-wagons Improvement in adjustable pillow-sham holders Improvement, in dress-buttons Improvement in paper-bag machines Improvement in bale-ties i Improvement in car-steps j Improvement in attachments for invalid- J beds. Date. Mar. 25, 1879 Apr. 8, 1879 Apr. 8, 1879 Apr. 8,1879 Apr. 15,1879 Apr. 15,1879 Apr. 15,1879 Apr. 15,1879 Apr. 15, t879 Apr. 29, 1379 May 6, 1879 May 6, 1879 May 13,1879 May 13,1879 May 20,1879 May 27,1879 May 27,1879 May 27, 1879 June 3,1879 June 10, 1879 .1 one 1 7, 1879 .1 line 17, 1879 June 17, 1879 J nne 24, 1879 .July 8,1879 July 8,1879 July 8,1879 J uly 22, 1879 July 22, 1879 July 22, 1879 July 22, 1879 July 29, 1879 Ang. 5,1879 Aug. 5, 1879 Aug. 12, 1879 Aug. 12, 1879 Aug. 26, 1879 Aug. 26, 1879 Aug. 26, 1879 Sept. 2, 1879 Sept, 23, 1879 Sept. 23, 1879 Sept. 30, 1879 Sept. 30, 1879 Oct, 7, 1879 Oct, 7, 1879 Oct. 7, 1879 Oct, 14,1879 Oct. 14,1879 Oct, 14,1879 Oct. 14,1879 Oct. 21,1879 Oct, 28,1879 Oct, 28,1879 Oct, 28,1879 Nov. 4, 1879 24 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. 221,587 ; 221,648 221,880 ; 221,947 221,949 i 222,026 I 222, 262 222! 628 I 222,741 222, 879 223, 330 223, 378 223, 527 223, 534 223,543 223,621 224, 117 224,201 1 224,272 224,748 224, 818 225,211 225, 302 225, 765 225, 839 225,979 226,264 226, 793 226, 803 226, 877 226, 976 227,167 227,235 227,480 | 227, 978 228, 026 228,141 228, 202 228, 232 228,2:18 228,414 228, 612 228, 865 228, 924 229, 016 229, 088 229, 225 229, 244 229, 483 229. 833 229. 834 229, 944 229, 946 230, 026 230, 199 230, 432 230, 560 230,641 Xamk and Address. Title of Invention. Date. Atuanda I?. Manwarring, Detroit, Mich.... Emma J. Wood, Do Ruyter, N. Y Mary E. Walton, New York, N. Y Margaret F. Sullivan, Chicago, 111 Alice J. Whitney, Chicago, III., assignor to D. C. Whitney, same place. Mary J. Dexter, Milwaukee, Wis Sarah A. Felt, Philadelphia, Pa Mary A. C. Holmes, Newport, R. I Elvira A. Russell, Minneapolis, Minn Gertrude A. Duuu, Chicago, 111 Sarah E. Finley and Gideon C. Finley, Petersburg, Twin. Emma J. Osborne, Easley, S. C Eleanor A. McMann, Cleveland, Ohio Addie M. Pont, Warwick, N. Y., assignor to James II. Holly and Elihu B. Taylor, same place. Martha E. Riley, Harrisburg, Oregon Ella S. Williams, Mount Morris, N. Y Sarah A. Ulmer, Portland, Me M. Addie Maybee, Syracuse, N. Y., assignor of one halfof herrightto William Duffus, same place. Harriet J. Buell, New York, N. Y Johanna Yoos, New York, N. Y., assignor to herself and Abraham Kanfmann, same place. Susan H. Decou, Centreville, Ohio Sarah A. Cuningham, New York, N. Y Elizabeth J. Riley, Indianapolis, Ind Netta G. Rood, Chicago, 111., assignor of one-half of her right to L. M. Sanford, Des Moines, Iowa. Amanda T. Jones, Clinton, Wis Mary Goldman, Toledo, Ohio Maria E. Beasley, Philadelphia, Pa Bertha Schleifcr, Neiv York, N. Y' Florence H. Stumpf, St. Joseph, Mo Mary Fletcher Pierce, Boston, Mass Emily A. Clark, Alexandria, Nebr Mary A. C. Holmes, Newport, R. I Elizabeth Ford, Pellville, Ky Lucinda A. Bucknam, Needham, Mass Kate D. Hughes, Washington, D. C Mari Berger, New York, N. Y Felice Tocci, New York, N. Y., assignor to Henry Herrmann, same place. Florence Kroeber, New York, N. Y Marie A. Vosburgh, Kalamazoo, Mich Catherine A. Williamson, St. Louis, Mo ... Mary A. Steers, Kalamazoo, Mich Elizabeth Dark, Davis Collins, and George W. Nelson, Quitman, Mo. Eliza A. Case, Williametown, N. Y Emma J. Osborne, Anderson Court-House, Improvement in adjustable head-rests Improvement in corsets Improvement in locomotivo and other chimney® Improvement in slates Improvement in fish boners and scalers Nov. 11,1879 Nov. 11, 1H79 Ndv. 18, 1879 Nov. 25, 1879 Nov. 25, 1879 Improvement in portable bath-closets Improvement in sleeve- adjusters Improvement in machines lor channeling and pricking soles. Improvement in pressing-irons Improvement in paper dishes and buckets. Bee-bucket Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. 25. 1879 2, 1879 16. 1879 16. 1879 23. 1879 6, 1880 Baggage attachment for vehicles. ... Guard for sleeping-car berths Loom for weaving tubular fabrics. .. .Tan. Jan. Jan. 6, 1880 13, 1880 13, 1880 Dress-inaker’s chart Dress-protector Egg-beater Plaiting-inachine. . . Jan. 13,1880 Jan. 13,1880 Feb. 3,1880 Feb. 3, 1880 Combined folding chair and pillow-rest... Feb. 10, 1880 Shawl-strap Feb. 17,1880 Window-frame Abdominal corset Dust-pan Wardrobe-bed Feb. 24, 1880 Mar. 9,1880 Mar. 9, 1880 Mar. 23, 1880 Oil-burner Wash for the hair Life-raft Hook and eye fastener Fluting-iron Dustpan Washing-machine Mechanism forchanneliug and pricking the soles of boots and shoes. Brush for greasing griddles Method of preparing absorbent cotton. Window-button securer Liniment Book-case Mar. 23, 1880 Mar. 30,1880 Apr. (i, 1880 Apr. 20,1880 Apr. 20,1880 Apr. 27,1880 Apr. 27, 1880 May 4, 1880 May 4, 1880 May 11,1880 May 25, 1880 May 25, 1880 May 25, 1880 Alarm-clock Danger-signal Shoulder-brace Pillow-sham holder Combined harrow, marker, and cultivator. Juno 1,1880 J uno 1, 18*0 June 1 , 1H80 June 1,1880 Juno H, 1880 Fruit-jar lifter June 15, 1880 Baggage attachment for vehicles Juno 15, 1880 S.C. Marion L. II. Smith, Wiscasset, Me Mary E. Brace, New York, N. Y Sarah G. Young, Hartford, Conn Evelyn F. French, New York,N. Y Celia A. Smith and John Nall, Glenwood, Kans. Eleanor A. McMann, Cleveland, Ohio Eleanor A. McMann, Cleveland, Ohio Christina Beggs, Allegheny, Pa Mary W. Blacker, Brentwood, N. Y Lydia I. Lanphere, Waterloo, Iowa Harriet A. Sawyer, St. Louis, Mo Chestina A. Palmer, Piermont, N. II Mary Ann Mall alien, Aurora. Ill Cremora F. McCarty and Wrn. McCarty, Boston, assignois of four-fifths of their right to Francis Am ory, Beverly, and S. Snow, Cambridge, Mass. Art of illustrating hooks Pattern-chart for use in cutting dresses Sofa-bed Artist’s hoard Skirt-supporter June 22, 1880 June 22, 1880 June 22, 18*0 Juno 29, 1880 June 29, 1880 Safe-guard for sleeping-berths. Guard for sleeping-car berths Car-seat Strap for Baby-chairs Shutter- worker Dish-heater Easel for decorating pottery Method of repairing hoots and shoes Flat-iron July 13, 1880 J illy 13, 1880 J illy 13, 1880 July 13, 1880 July 13,1*80 July 20,1880 •July 27, 1880 July 27,1880 Aug. 3,1880 WOMEN INVENTORS 25 No. 230, 723 230, <~94 231, 025 231,120 231, 141 231,270 231, 329 231.487 231,632 231,975 232, 107 232, 127 232, 162 232, 246 232, 403 232, 697 232,701 232, 820 232, 934 232, 948 233,011 233,217 233, 340 233, 401 233, 574 233, 758 233, 865 234,265 234,348 234, 384 234,781 234, 785 234,808 234, 821 234,909 235, 092 235, 1 12 235, 153 235, 340 235, 403 235, 487 236,019 236, 164 236,213 236, 522 236, 686 236,718 236, 896 237, 082 237, 154 237, 422 237,485 237, 503 237,791 237, 858 237. 948 237. 949 238, 104 238, 221 238, 443 238, 477 238, 564 238, 606 238, 807 239, 113 Name and Address. Title oe Invention. Emily E. Tassey, McKeesport, Pa Edith A. Pope, Boston, Mass Harriet A. Farnain, St. Paul, Minn., as- signor of one-half of her right to Homer 0. Elh r, same place. Orphana Taylor, Caledonia, Ohio Frances E. Avery, Metuchen, N. J Alice Casand, Kokomo, Ind Minnie lvelck, Boston, Mass Jane Henry and James It. Smith, Chicago, Siphon propeller-pump Painter’s palette Cooking and heating apparatus Medical compound for ague Oven grate or shelf Curtain-fixture Hand-telephone support ... Urinal for invalids III. Date. Aug. 3,1880 Aug. Id, 1880 Aug. 10, 1880 Aug. 10, 1880 Aug. 17, 1880 Aug. 17, 1880 Aug. 17, 1880 Aug. 24, 1880 Sarah E. Thecker, Georgetown, D. C Johanna Voos, New York, N. Y., assignor to herself and Abraham Kaufmann, same place. Hannah H. Bowker, Boston, Mass Rebecca M. Hicks, Minneapolis, Minn Hattie I). Wilson, New York, N. Y Maria Duenckel, St. Louis, Mo Lizzie Herrick, Iowa City, Iowa Martha J. Dorsett, Prince George’s County, Md. Elizabeth Gallaher, Bradford, Pa Josephine M. Hicks, Boston, Mass Sarah N. Burridge, Somerville, Mass Fanny Deruham, Cincinnati, Ohio Helen 1). Partridge, Brooklyn, N. Y Marion F. Derby, Jersey City, N. J Joanna Fithian, Kniglitstovvn, Ind Ellene A. Bailey, St. Charles, Mo Kate M. Strong and John Jay Strong, Tal- ladega, Ala. Felice Tocci, New York, N. Y Alma C. Macallist.er, Brookline, Mass Evelyn F. French and Milton C. Jeffers, New York, N. Y. Emily A. Tefft, East Otto, N. Y Medora D. Barringer, Silver Creek, Mich . . . Martha A. lliff, Cincinnati, Ohio Julia A. King, Sherman, Tex Mary A. Reaves, Shelling, Cal Mary A. Taylor, New York, N. Y Mary Dewey, Chicago, 111 Alma C. Macallister, Brookline, Mass Corinno Young, New York, N. Y Sarah E. Jordan, Arha, Ind Clara P. Clark, Wakefield, Mass Mary 11. Baldwin, Hamlin, Tex Ann Eliza Arnold, Providence, R. I Mary M. Graham, Lynn, Mass Ellen B. Kendall, Cincinnati, Ohio Caroline Clement, Penhook, Va Elizabeth Wilson, Shelby ville, Ind Cremora F. McCarty, Boston, assignor of three-fifths to Francis Amory, Beverly, Mass. Boot and shoo . Package-holder Aug. 24, 1886 Sept. 7, 18«0 Unhitching device for stable-stalls Sewing-machine receptacle and extension- table leaf. Combined stay and sliouldor-brace Nursing-dress Doll-support Fruit-drier Sept. 14, 1880 Sept. 14, 1880 Sept. 14, 1880 Sept. 14, 1880 Sept.. 21, 1880 Sept. 28, 1880 Steam-cooker Cistern-spout and trap therefor Hood Sewer Foot-bath Process for preserving fruits and other ar- Sept.28, 1880 Oct. 5, 1880 Oct. 5, 1880 Oct. 5, 1880 Oct. 5, 1880 Oct. 12, 1880 tables, &c., from tides. Dish-drainer Boot Device for protecting crawling insects. Fire-escape Oil-stove Sound-deadening attachment for railway- cars. Electrical therapeutical appliance Thread-cutter Guide for pen-holders Cough-medicine Compound for catarrh Sleeve-pattern Dress-shield Sad-iron heater Corset Kitchen-cabinet Underwaist Shirt-ironirur board Fumigating compound Dress-protector Ice- shaver Tension device for sewing-machines Hair-crimper Wick-raiser for lamps Oct, Oct, Oct, Oct, Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. Nov. 1 )ec. 1 )ec. 1 )cc. 1 )cc. 1 )ec. Dec. I )ec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 19, 1880 19, 18S0 19, 1880 19. 1880 2, 1880 9, 1880 9. 1880 16, 1880 23, 1880 23, 1880 23, 1880 23. 1880 30. 1880 7. 1880 7. 1880 7, 1881) ! 1 . 1880 14. 1880 1 I. 1"" 28, 1880 4. 1881 4,1881 11.1881 18, 1881 Emma J. Rawlings, St. Louis, Mo Minna Knapp, San Francisco, Cal Isabella Ilillen, Cincinnati, Ohio Mary E. Armstrong, Baltimore, Md Mary E. Walton, New York, N. Y Mary E. Clark, Wakefield, Mass Sarah A. Drewry, New York, N. Y Elizabeth Weyl, Vallouia, Pa Nancy J. Graham, Jackson, Ohio Fanny C. Batcheller, Boston, Mass Fanny C. Batcheller, Boston, Mass Caroline C. Frost, New York, N. Y Lizzie Farquharson, Chicago, III Marie Schulze, Berlin, Prussia, Germany. Laura M. Adams, New York, N. Y Sarah W. Brown, Hudson, N. Y Alice Pass, New York, N. Y Katharine Phillips, Salem, Mass Mary G. Price St. Louis. Mo 220 - 4 Shoulder- brace Jan. 18, 1881 Music-chart Jan. 25, 1881 Stirrup Dust-brush Feb. 1,1881 LFcI> 8 1881 Corset Corset Ironing-table Plaiting-machine Device for restoring facial symmetry Finger compress Adjustable leg lor furniture Process of painting on velvet in-oil-colors.. Bdt-councction Syringe Feb. 8] 1881 Feb. 8, 1881 Feb. 15,1881 Feb. 15.1881 Feb. 22, 1881 Feb. 22,1881 Feb. 22, 1881 Mar. 1, 1881 Mar. 1,1881 Can protector and lifter Mar. 8,1881 Muff Picture-hanger Tuck-marker for sewing-machines Mar. 22, 1881 26 WOMEN INVENTORS, No. 239, 391 239, :;;i- 631 239, 7-2-2 239, 7G4 239, 943 240, 015 240, 066 240, 137 240, 208 241,218 241, 547 241,589 241,631 241,873 241,883 211,990 242,240 242, 276 242, 324 242, 479 242,542 242,696 ! 242,796 242 832 242’ 947 243, 027 243,155 243. 203 243, 573 243, 693 243, 754 243,818 1 243,876 243,906 I 244, 065 244, 103 244, 115 244, 180 244.203 244 415 244, 529 244,540 244,561 244,816 244, 898 245, 050 245, 271 245,361 245, 430 2 15, 753 245, 830 245, 881 245, 927 246,151 216,271 246, 345 246. 573 Name and Addeess. Florence Kroeber, New York, N. Y Jennie E. Fierce, Lewiston, Mo Louise Witticli, Baltimore, Mil Lydia J. Cadwell, Chicago, 111 Mary I. Goldsmith, The Plains, Va., as- signor to herself and John M. Goldsmith, same place. Sarah A. Urewry, New York, N. Y Mildred E. Ewell, Winchester, Va Alice B. Wood, Beaver Dam, Wis Auu E. Isham, West Troy, N. Y Minnie Power, Conneantville, Pa Charlotte C. Howell, Konl’s Station, Ind. . Florella L. Kinsman, Magog, Quebec, Can- ada. Imogene E. Banker, Brooklyn, assignor to herself and Henry Pun chard, New York, N. Y. Title ok Invention. Regulating attachment for pendulum-balls Process of preparing absorbent cotton - Foot-rest, Process of and ap,| aratns for desiccating substances. Combined plant-setter and fertilizer-dis- tributer. Abdominal supporter Dough-kneadei Corn-popper Candy-package Wrist and hand support, for key-board in- struments. Washing-machine Car-lieater Corset Date. Mar. 29, 1881 Mar. 29, 18*1 Apr. 5,1881 Apr. 5, 1881 Apr. 5, 1881 Apr. 12,1881 Apr. 12,1881 Apr. 12,1881 Apr. 12, 1881 Apr. 19, 1881 May 10,1881 May 17,1881 May 17, 1881 Margaret S. Duffy, Hyattsville, Md Fclicic C. Marston, New York, N. Y Susan A. Richardson, Springfield, Mass Ida E. Jolly and George W. Jolly, Pa- raiso Springs, Cal. Angeline P. Wickersham, Philadelphia, Pa. Barbara C. Copeland, Columbiana, Ohio. .. Mary A. C. Holmes, Newport, R. I Mary F. Sallade, New York, N. Y Ellen K. Kinker, Corvallis, Oregon Lucie Robinson, Oswego, N. Y Do Lana Slieplie, Boston, Mass Ada Maurice, Baltimore, Md. Mary A. Loos, Philadelphia, Pa Emeline A. Winans, New York, N. Y Emilie Polil, Baltimore, Md Rebecca S. Brown, Greenville, III Lizzie I. Jones, Texarkana, Ark Dicie Croan, River View, K.y Mary Beer, Philadelphia, Pa Christiana V. Turner, Nicola Valley, Brit- ish Columbia. Catharine Fink and Henry Fink, Balti- more, Md. Jennie E. Hoyt, Milford, Wis. Felicie F. N. Marais, New York, N. Y Alice J. Winslow, Kalamazoo, Mich Emma L. Dietz and Mary A. Dietz, Oak- land, Cal. Amanda E. Campbell, Boulder, Colo Anna Dormitzer, New York, N. Y Loriuda E. Adams, Cleveland, Ohio Cbristena Beggs, Allegheny City, 1’a Margaret A. Brass, Juniata, Nebr Josephine Did, St. Louis, Mo Mary A. Maxwell, Boston, Mass Sarah A. Hoskins, Bangor, Me Maria E. Beasley, Philadelphia, Pa Maggie Bighaut, Pontotoc County, Miss... Elizabeth Eavestaff, 36 Upper Beikdcy street, Port man Square, County of Mid- dlesex, England. Mary R. Barhydf, Burlington, Iowa Caroline Sprague, Wyandotte, Kaus ! Eliza IIowsou, Philadelphia, Pa Helen M. Snyder, Pine Bluff, Ark Emma Allen, Freeport, 111 Culinary vessel Combined collar and tie Abdominal supporter . . Animal-trap May 17, 1881 May 24,1881 May 24, 1881 May 24,1881 Pattern-marker Toaster Channeling hoot, and shoe soles Plaiting-machino Dress-chart P|p tern-chart and square for measuring and drafting dresses. Curtain-fixture Fire-escape Floor oil-cloth Tucking and plaiting scale for sewing-ma- chines. Corset Abdominal supporter Portable bath-tub Compound for chicken-cholera Composition for cleaning and disinfecting feathers. Corset Oil for dressing leather May 31, 1881 May 31,1881 May 31,1881 June 7,1881 June 7,1881 June 7,1881 June 14, 1881 June 14, 1881 June 14, 1881 June 14, 1881 June 21, H 51 J line 21, 1581 J uno 28, 1881 July 5, 188 L July 5,1881 July 5,1881 July 5,1881 Food-steamer Fruit-press Thread holder and cutter Dust-pan July 5,1851 July 12,1881 July 12, 1881 July 12,1881 Steam cooking apparatus Window-cleaning chair Egg-poacher Limb-support for car-seats Dish-washer Abdominal supporter Embroidery-frame Lunch-box Barrel-hoop-dri ving machine Washing-machine Stretcher for garments July 12, 1881 July 12,1881 July 19, 1881 J illy 19,1881 July 19,1881 July 19, 1881 July 26, 1881 July 26, 1881 Aug. 2,1881 Ang. 9, 1881 Aug. 9, 1881 Attachment for pants Sleeve-protector Corset - Water-painting upon ferrotype and other pictures. Magnifying-glass support for retouching- Ang. 9,1881 Aug. 16, 1881 Aug. 16, 1881 Aug. 16, 1881 Aug. 23, 1881 Anna >L Knoop, New York, N. Y Elizabeth C. Zum wait, Port Orford, Ore- frames. Crochet hat, cap, Arc Aug. 23, 1881 Stove- mat for coffee pots and other utensils. Aug. 23, 1881 gon. Mary F. Sallade, New York, N. Y Emma R. Turner, Watseka, III Plait.ing-machine Dress-protector Aug. 30,1881 Ang. 30, 1881 WOMEN INVENTORS. 27 No. 246. 771 246. 772 247,241 247, 387 247, 494 247, 606 247,720 247, y; r. 248,216 248, 712 248,727 248, 894 249, 074 249, 459 249, 465 249, 564 249, 957 250, 120 250, 256 250, 439 250, 669 250, 910 250, 967 250, 998 251,010 251 , 254 251, 327 251,431 251,507 251,963 252, 691 252, 925 252, 935 252, 992 253, 483 253, 767 253, 989 254, 074 254,181 254,442 254,854 254, 867 254,898 255, 742 256, 654 256,689 256, 694 256, 860 256, 951 257, 226 257,293 257, 363 257, 381 257, 483 257, 513 257, 630 257, 774 257,784 Name and Address. Title of Invention. Hannah Hey, Philadelphia, Pa Z.bina M. Hibbard, St. Louis, Mich. Amanda M. Douglas, Newark, N. J v Mary A. McMastcr, Antioch, Cal v Annie Getchell, Boston, Mass Eliza A. Brown, Breedsville, Mich., as-v signor of one-half to Sarah E. Wejbnrn, same place. Caroline Weisser, Los Angeles, Cal \ Helen M. Snyder, Pine Bluff, Ark Amelia D. Polsgrove, Catawissa, Pa. Margaret P. Colvin, Battle Creek, Mich <: Lydia A. Ford, Kansas City, Ivans Celestia 1). Stitt, Titusville, Pa Emma L. Miller, Washington, D. C., as- signor of one-half to William II. Roliror, same place. Latitia P. Cottle, Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. Elizabeth Ferguson, Westminster, Ontario, Canada. Catharine A. Williamson, St. Louis, Mo Elizabeth J. Holcombe, Syracuse, N. Y. .. Nancy P. Wilkerson, Terre Haute, Ind Mary A. Kaler, New York, N. Y Sarah E. Hervey, Taunton, Mass Mary T. Lotz, Loveland, Ohio Nannie C. Green, Brooklyn, N. Y Lisetta Presser, Philadelphia, Pa Hannah G. Snplee, Philadelphia, Pa Virginia .1. Watts, Baltimore, Mil Eugenia H. Leeour, New York, N. Y Virginia J. Watts, Baltimore, Md Ellen C. Glinning, Philadelphia, Pa Caroline F. Bartlett, Boston, Mass May A. Start, Cherokee, Iowa Elizabeth Morey, New York, N. Y Sarah E. Browning, Worcester, Mass Mary E. Field, New Haven, Conn Helieu A. Blanchard, Philadelphia, Pa Fannie C. Mott, Catskill, assignor to Fred- erick S. Gwyer, New York, N. Y. Charlotte Rupert, Fort Wayne, Ind , Anna M. Dennison, Chicago, 111 Kate Walker, Indianapolis, Ind Maria Webster, Farmington, Mich Annie K. Pentz, Clearfield, Pa Mary Jeffries Whaley, Lincoln, Nebr Amelia L. Graham, Emilio C. Rausch, and John A. Graham, Red Wing, Minn. Sallic J. Anderson, Bartlett, Tenu Eliza J. Whitlow, Mexico, Mo Anna Donnitzer, New York, N. Y Vermin- trap Station indicator Mosquito-net frame Fruit-drier attachment for stoves Hardening copper Pillow-sham holder Hair-tonic Preparing, painting, and mounting photo- graphic pictures. Flower-crock Clotlies-pounder Medical compound for ague Adjustable table and book-support Pamphlet-cover roller Spoon and ladle Knife-cleaner Corset-stay Vaginal irrigator and urinal Cattle-car Crimping-iron cabinet Pneumatic dress-form Button-hole cutter Skirt-adjuster Means for attaching artificial hair to the head Pattern and lining for garments Artificial marble Combined pin and clasp Ornamenting artificial marble Abdominal supporter Adjustable support for persons during dress-fitting. Chart for drafting ladies’ and children’s garments. Combined electric lamp and" generator Hat-holder Corset Sewing-machine needle Shirt Gas-stove •. Clothes-strainer Dress cutting and lifting mold Hand-carriage Stock-car Covering the slot of cable roads Combined register and ottoman Disli-washing machine Washing-machine Combined window-cleaning chair and fire- Emtna C. Hollely, Brooklyn, N. Y Elizabeth B. Hull, Clinton, 111 Netta G. Rood, Evanston, assignor of one- half to Charles F. Ward, Chicago, 111. Maria E. Beasley, Philadelphia, Pa., as- signor of one-lialf to William Robert Thompson, same place. Mary S. Kjellstrom, New York, N. Y Phoebe S. Cory and Mary E. Moore, West- field, N. J. Maggie A. Moran, Fort Wayne, Ind., as- signor to herself and Frederick Rogers, same place. Lucy A. Whitney, rhelps, N. Y. , and Ed- ward F. Preston, Bismarck, Mich. AnnieS. Evans, Kingston, Ontario, Canada Phebo S. Paine, Boston, Mass Adeline D. T. Whitney, Milton, Mass Rachel P. Smith, Chicago, 111 Mary Swartz, Greenville, Ohio escape. Combined marking and cutting ins! rumen t . Bed-bottom Portable summer-house Machine for driving hoops upon casks Combined step-ladder and window-scaffold. Slate-cleaner Car-coupling Compound for removing stains Invalid-bedstead Preparation for clearing coffee Alphabet-blocks Washing-machine i Hair-crimper Date. Sept. 6,1881 Sept, (i, 1881 Sept. 20, 1881 Sept. 20, 1881 Sept. 27, 1881 Sept. 27, 1881 Sept. 27, 1881 Oct. 4, 1881 Oct. 11,1881 Oct. 25 , 1881 Oct. 25,1881 Nov. 1,1881 Nov. 1,1881 Nov. 15, 1881 Nov. 15, 1881 i Nov. 15, 1881 Nov. 22, 1881 Nov. 29, 1881 Nov. 29, 1881 Dec. 6, 1881 Dec. 13, 1881 Dec. 13,1881 Dec. 13,1881 Dec. 13, 1881 Dec. 13, 1881 Dec. 20,1881 Dec. 20,1881 Dec. 27,1881 Dec. 27, 1881 Jan. 3, 1882 Jan. 24,1882 Jan. 31, 1«82 Jan. 31,1882 Jan. 31,1882 Feb. 7, 1882 Feb. 1 1, 1882 Feb. 21,1882 Feb. 21,1882 Feb. 28, 1882 Feb. 28, 1882 Mar. 14, 1882 Mar. 14,1882 Mar. 14,1882 Mar. 28, 1882 Apr. 18, 1882 j Apr. 18, 1882 Apr. 18, 1882 L.Vpr. 25,1882 Apr. 25, 1882 May 2,1882 May 2, 18a2 May 2, 1882 May 2, 1882 May 9, 1882 May 9, 1882 May 9, 1882 May 9, 1882 j May 9, 1882 ♦ 28 No. 25 8, 004 258, 191 258,310 258, 518 2,'-, 689 258, 9:57 258, 996 259, 105 259, 5:57 259, 484 259, 939 260, 304 260, 922 261, 574 261,740 261 , 833 262,083 263,081 263, 351 264,427 1 264,935 265. 164 265, 690 265, 741 265, 893 266, 008 266, 105 266, 54 4 266,614 266, 661 267,049 267, 196 267, 202 267, 242 267, 323 267, 520 267,730 267, 812 268, 036 268,149 268, 573 268, 852 269, 006 269,601 269, 610 269, 870 269, 880 270, 046 270, 222 270, 443 270, 745 270, 923 270, 933 271,037 271,146 271,765 272, 030 272, 103 272, 138 272, 290 WOMEN INVENTORS. Namk and Address. Title of Invention. Date. Maria E. Beasley and S. Lloyd Wiegand, Machine for pasting shoe-uppers May 16, 1882 Philadelphia. Pa.; said Wiegand assignor to said Beasley. Maria E. Beasley, Philadelphia, Pa y Lire- raft May 16,1882 Adelaide E. Mann, Lawrence, Mass v Corset-busk May 23,1882 Mary E. Winter, Galesburg, and Cushman Adding-machine May 23, 1882 IV. Crary, Chicago, 111.; said Clary as- signor to said Winter. Ida it. Augell, Delplios, Ohio Mary A. Martin, Springfield, Mass \ Mary E. Cory, Richmond, Ind \ Ellen L. Demorest, New York, N. Y Anna M. D. Smith, Gloucester Court-House, Va. Flat-iron heater S.-am for wire-cloth for paper-manufacture. Automatic floor for elevator-shafts Frame or support for mosquito-netting... May 30, 1882 Juue 6, 1882 June (>,1882 Juno 6, 1882 June 13, 1882 Mary R. Chavore, Covington, Mo Mary Y. Stetson and William Bedell, New York, N. Y. Helen M. McDonald, Boston, Mass Clara Appleton, Bristol, Pa Anna L. Willsey, Chicago, 111., assignor of one-half toG. L. Chapin, same place ... Elizabeth L. Maruchean, San Antonio, Tex': Maggie J. Connors, New York, N. Y Elizabeth P. Miller, Fairliaven, assignor to Thomas M. Denham and Edward Den- ham, New Bedford, Mass. Clotilde H. Wendell and Nancy D. Taylor, Atchison, Ivans. AnnaS. Phillips, Springfield, Ohio v, Catherine Aim Adams, Milford. Conn . .. .s- Elien L. Demon st, New York, N. Y y Julia C. Smith, Ashton, HI v. Charlotte A. McGee, Jackson, Mich \ .Jane A. Bidwell, Plain City, Ohio v AuuaM. Town, St. John, Ivans ..._ Julia D. Banfield, Boston, Mass \ Sarah A. Cunningham, New York, N. Y . .v Anna L. Smith, Edmore, Mich Elizabeth N. Douglas, Washington, D. C - . . . Harriet R. Tracy, New York, N. Y., as- signor to Stephen II. Oliu, same place . .. Elizabeth A. Wilson, Belvidere, 111 Louise J. Purdy, St. Louis, Mo •Sarah E. Hervey, Taunton, Mass Annie M. H. Moss, Monroe, Conn Myra Burlingham, Oradell, N. J Emma E. Hale, Philadelphia, Pa Winifred C. Utley, Milwaukee, Wis Celia J. B. Whitehead and Emory J. White- head, Bloomfield, N. J. Sarah A. McCaffery and Catherine M. Leonard, Boston, Mass. Mary E. Tillinghast, West Orange, N. J . . Mary J. C. Throop, Portland, Me Eliza J. Barlow, Gowen, Mich., assignor to Nathan P. Barlow and Henry Watson, same place. Serena M. Carnes, New York, N, Y Annie H. Sinclair, Philadelphia, Pa Maria A. Wilson, Grayson, Cal Anna McKevit, Chicago, III Emma ,J. Rawlings, St. Louis, Mo i Inna P. Fobes, Syracuse, N. Y Ella C. Hurlbut, New York, N. Y Theophila F. Kraemer, New York, N. Y Eliza R. Cogswell, New York, N. Y Emma Allen, Freeport, 111 Mary B. Chandler, Concord, N. II Jennie M. Clark, Manchester, N. H * Sarah B. Stearns, Duluth, Minn., assignor to herself and Mary Brandenburg, Trem- pealeau, Wis. Viola J. Angir, Spencer, Towa Maria L. Cobb, Natick, Mass Harriet It. Tracy, New York, N. Y Mary G. Holder, New York, N. Y Cremora F. McCarty, Boston, Mass Flour-sifter ' Flesh-brushing apparatus Boot or shoe Stocking Water-filter Plaque and picture hanger Shirt Shirt Tag-fastener Combined yard-stick and bias-rule Corset husk and clasp Puff for head-dresses Compound culinary tool Corset Carpet-stretcher Purse Corset Muff Ruffling attachment for sewing-machines Bathing-stocking Stove Self-shaking sifter for sand Pattern-tracer Dress-waist protector Dust-pan Ironing-board Stocking- knee protector Paper-perforating machine Book-holder Rocking-chair -• Needle-woven tapestry Curtain-holder Culinary utensil Sad-iron holder Drawing-hoard Combined sewing implement... Button-fastener Pillow-sham support Invalid-bed Corset Cover for upright pianos ^Life-preserver Retouching-machine Instrument for drafting patterns Garment-protector Yentilating-screen lor windows Album for photographs, &c Oil-can Fire-escape Ointment Heating and cooking apparatus June 13, 1882 June 20, 1882 June 27, 1882 July 11,1882 July 25, 1882 July 25, 1882 Aug. 1,1882 Aug. 1,1882 Aug. 22, 1882 Aug. 29, 1882 Sept. 19, 1882 Sept. 26, 1882 Sept, 26, 18*2 Oct, 10,1882 Oct, 10,1882 Oct, 10,1882 Oct. 17,1882 Oct. 17,1882 Oct, 24,1882 Oct. 31,1882 Oct, 31,1882 Nov. 7,1882 Nov. 7, 1882 Nov. 7, 1882 Nov. 7, 1882 Nov. 14,1882 Nov. 14,1882 Nov. 21, 1882 Nov. 21, 1882 Nov. 28, 1882 Nov. 28, 1882 Dec. 5,1882 Dec. 12,1882 Dec. 12,1882 Dec. 26, 1882 Dec, 26 1882 Jan. 2, 18*3 Jan. 2, 1883 Jan. 2, 1883 Jan. 9,1883 Jan. 9,1883 Jan. 16,1883 Jan. 23,1883 Jan. 23, 1883 Jan. 23,1883 Jan, 23,1883 Feb. 6, 1883 Feb. 13,1883 Feb. 13,1883 Feb. 13,1883 Feb, 13,1883 WOMEN INVENTOKS. 29 No. 272, 335 272, 5fc5 172, 736 272, 759 272, 882 272, 968 273, 111 273, 160 273,296 273, 453 273. 629 273, 694 273,901 273, 957 274,268 274, 629 274,934 274, 984 275,012 275, 070 275, 189 275, 932 276.032 276, 082 276, 178 276, 306 276, 344 276, 377 276, 397 276, 389 276,510 276,612 276, 770 276,871 277, 143 277, 165 277,263 277,304 277. 520 277, 523 277, 665 277, 924 278, 043 278, 055 278, 129 278,514 278,530 278,727 278, 747 279, 042 279, 276 279, 643 279, 852 279, 888 279, 990 280. 032 280, 360 280, 522 280,651 280, 750 281,056 Name and Address. Mary J. Schucb, Cincinnati, Ohio Mario G. Do Barbeyrac and Hyacinthe Roussan, Paris, France. Anna McKevit, Chicago, 111 > Emma A. Paul, Madison, Wis Susan A. Hurley, Washington, D. C .. Anna McKevit, Chicago, 111 Sally M. Levy, Milwaukee, Wis y Mary B. Ross, New York, N. Y > M. Addic Maybee, Syracuse, N. Y Mary J. Bridges, Wimberly Mill, Tex., as- signor to herself and Martha E. Gunn, same place. Emily A. Stears, Brooklyn, N. Y Julia A. Kneehmd, Salem, Mass Anna Sherman, Alameda, Cal Jane A. Clother, Cumberland, Wis Rebecca A. Campbell, Quincy, Mass Mary A. Merrill, San Francisco, Cal Anna M . Graves, Newark, N. J Mary E. Smith, Sontbbury, Conn Carina B. Banning, Boston, Mass., assignor by mesne assignments to herself and Robert A. Murray, same place. Ida R. Opdyke, Plainfield, N. J Mary J. Gilder, Beloit, Wis Jennie M. Moore, White Sulphur Springs, W. Va. Docia C. Hamilton, New York, N. Y Lamp-extinguisher Rectifying alcohol and other crude spirits . Button and button-fastener Desk-top Pulley and attachment for window-shade rollers. Separable button Knit foundation for mittens and gloves and method of making the same. Art- of mantua-making /Plaiting-machine Combined clothes-washer and churn Bertha Schmitt, Brooklyn, N. Y Window-guard Clementina J. M. Hayna, St. Louis, Mo Mary E. Thompson, New York, N. Y Helen A. Blanchard, Philadelphia, Pa Caroline Ferguson, St. Louis, Mo Jennie H. Hayward, Sidney, Me Annie L. Gorham, Boston, Mass SaraL. V reeland, Hackensack, N. J . Hattie May Lindent-hal, Sewickley, Pa. % Gertrude Campbell, Chicago, 111 ....* Sallio 1*. Park, Washington, D. C Emma J. Lewis, San Francisco, Cal Jane A. Shattuck, Utica, N. Y : LorimlaGallaher, Wheeling, W. Va . Maria A. Maeder, Chelsea, Mass Josephine V. Smith, Hornellsville, N. Y Florence L. Veerkamp, Charles F. Leopold, and William Darker, Philadelphia, Pa. Mollis E. Bingaman, New York, N. Y V Sophia Pelkey, Fan Claire, Wis Sarah R. Raffle, Baltimore, Mil. Mary E. Smith, Somerville, Mass Dora G. Griffin, Grand Rapids, Mich Title of Invention. Culinary vessel Lady’s head-wear protector .... Steam-cooker Hair-crimper Milk-pail Sketcher’s easel Glass-lined metal can Lamp-supporting bracket for sewing-ma- chines. Dust-pan Child’s crib Cleaning compound Brush Dress- maker’s measure . Air- feeding grate-bar Hair head-dress or wave Spool-case Clothes-basket Corset Ornamentation of ceramics Egg-shelf Montlily-prot-ector Bathing attachment for bird-cages Carpet- fastener Hair-ton ie Hoop-skirt Spoon-rest Fluting and ironing machine Braiding-machine Date, Feb. 13,1883 Feb. 20,1883 Feb. 20,1883 Feb. 20,1883 Feb. 27,1883 Feb. 27, 1883 Feb. 27, 1883 Feb. 27,1883 Mar. 6, 18*3 Mar. 6, 1883 Mar. 6, 1883 Mar. 6, 18,-3 Mar. 13, 1883 Mar. 1-', 1883 Mar. 20, 1883 Mar. 27, 1—3 Apr. 3, 1883 Apr. 3, 1883 Apr. 3, 1883 Apr. 3,1883 Apr. 3, 1883 Apr. 17, 1883 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May May May May May May 17, 1883 17. 1883 21. 1883 24. 1883 24, 1883 24, 1883 24, 1*83 24, 1883 24, 1883 1, 1883 1. 1883 1, 1883 8, I "3 8. 1883 1833 8. 1883 15. 1883 15, 1883 Julia Darracb, Newark, N. J Lorinda Gallalier, Wheeling, W. Va Caroline W. Morrison, Boston, Mass., as signor to Frank E. Aldrich, same place. Helen A. Russell, Brooklyn, N. Y Gs Kate L. Tarbox, New York, N. Y n Ei Lucretia V. Pierce, St. Louis, Mo Catharina Gilberts, San Francisco, Cal. Soplironia Atkins, River Falls, Wis.. Method of producing transferable embroid- May 15,1883 ery-patterns. Medicine-spoon anil vial holder Corset-protector Mattress Device for exposing hair to the action of heated vapors. Bouquet-holder I May 29,1883 Fruit-jar May 29, 1883 Circular cloak ; June 5, 1883 May 22, 1883 May 22,1883 May 22, 1883 May 22,1883 Marie Streisguth and Emma Sclinitzler, Philadelphia, Pa. Nellie S. S towel], New York, N. Y Anna M. Green, Denver, Colo Fannie Dickinson, Chicago, 111 Clara A. Sclileier, Brooklyn, N. Y . . ... June 5,1883 ... June 5,1883 ... June 12, 1883 .. . ! June 19, 1883 .. s Cordage to be used for halo bands or ties.. June 19, 1383 I uue 19, 18*3 ime-counter mbroidery vj- Combined stove, table, and cabinet. Miucing-knife Ban de lore toy Hair-front Metallic eyelet- fastening Bed-pan Stocking-protector for drawers . June 26, 1333 | June 26, 1883 July 3, 1883 Emily V. D.' Miller, Vicksburg, Miss }>■ Hand cotton-picker Sally M. Levy, Milwaukee, Wis \ Alice L. B. Griswold, Philadelphia, Pa. Knit fabric and the art of constructing the same. Adj ustable pattern for garments July July July 3, 1883 3, 1883 3, 1883 July 10, 1883 30 ATOM EX INVEXTORS. No. 281,152 281, 17-* 2-1, 225 281,453 281,659 281,683 282, 201 282. 391 282, 474 262, G4G 282, G48 282, GG1 282, 708 282, 738 283,071 283. 189 283, 386 283, 616 284,314 284,341 284,487 264,511 284, 573 284,625 264, 671 284, 881 285,012 285, 056 285, 475 285, 650 285. 735 286. 222 286, 107 286, 555 286, 562 286, 891 287, 044 287, 0 0 287, 187 267, 224 287, 425 287, 635 287, 731 287, 848 288, 020 288, 060 288, 458 288, 503 288, 802 288, 803 289, 102 289, 536 289, 584 290, 134 290, 249 290, 365 290, 431 290, 481 290, 485 290, 787 291,237 291,284 291.335 291.336 291.337 291.338 291,406 j Name and Address. Title of Invention. Date. Lni'lla E. Smith, Brooklyn, assignor to 1 George P. Farmer, New York, N. A'., and Joel Jenkins, of Montclair, N. J. Eliza R. Cogswell, New A’ork, N. Y Eliza II. Alexander, New York, N. A’ ... . Elizabeth (/havers, Siddon, Mich Charlotte M. A. Barry, Boston, Mass ^ Margaret S. Gibson, Philadelphia, Pa Louise Lange, Now York, N. Y Margret Smith, Little Rock, Ark .y Charlotte A. Van Cort, New A’ork, N. A r . . .. Margaret E. Knight and Harriet M. Mc- Farland, Ashland, Mass. Carrie S. Lanmii, Meadville, Pa Henrietta S. Orttlopp and John C. Kloberg, New York, N. Y. ; said Kloberg as- signor to said Orttlopp. llohlah A. Dearborn, Austin, Minn Katherine A. Liviugood, Womelsdorf, Pa — Mary A Byrne. New York, N. Y Amy Bardeen, Blackstone, Mass GertrudeN. Fletcher, Indianapolis, Ind ... Rebecca lvershn u', Ansonia, Ohio Eliza P. Lucas, Starkville, Miss Hattie E. Thorpe, French Creek, AV. Va ... Hattie Rogers, Polo, 111 Julia Stern, Brooklyn, N. Y Louise J. Purdy, St. Louis, Mo i Eliza German, Fannin County, Tex Emma T. Reed, Victoria, Tex Amanda Morrison, Wilmington, N. C .. .. Juliaette W. B. Carpenter, Medford, Mass. .. Carrie S. Murphy, Dayton, Ohio Ella M. Freeley, New York, N. Y Augusta Netzner, New York, N. Y Addie Davis, Rutland, Vt Mary V. Quinn, Faribault, Minn Ida Elkins, Brooklyn, N. Y Emmeline W. Philbrook, Boston, Mass Caroline M. Strong, Springfield, Mass Charlotte E. Abbot, Portland, Me Elba J. Moore, Briinfield, 111 Eliza M. C. Anderson, New York, N. Y ... Sarah I>. Stanton, New York, N. A r Anna Brockway, Kigali's Crossing, N. Y ... Seleta C. Dowdell, La Salle, Tex Alice A. Curtis, Byron Centre, Mich May S. Schaeffer, Chicago, 111 Christine F. Muller, Cologne, Germany Marion Coddington, Rahway, N. J Stella A. Jackson, New York, N. A' Lizzie H. Law, Providence, R. I Elizabeth Sheets, Casstown, Ohio Mary E. Higgins, Cadillac, Mich Mary E. Higgins, Cadillac, Mich Magdalene Holden, Philadelphia, Pa Josephine M. Holmes, Sioux City, Iowa ... Emily F. Vance, Gallipolis, Ohio Sophia Steelman, Somers Point, N. J., assignor of one-balf to William A. Bar- ritt, same place. Carrie J. Loomis, Joliet, 111 Margret Smith, Little Rock, Ark Marion R. Jaboenf, New York, N. Y Belle Miriam Sahlein, San Francisco, Cal .. Katharina Seifert, Cincinnati, Ohio 11a Newbre Moore, Battle Creek, Mich .. .8 Margret Smith, New A'ork, N. Y Elmina Brady, Portlandville, N. Y Catharine A. Griswold, New York, N. Y. . Catharine A. Griswold, New A'ork, N. A r . . . Catharine A. Griswold, New York, N. Y. .-. Catharine A. Griswold, New York, N. Y. ... Hannah E. Scales, Newton, Mass Safety-pin July 10,1883 Life-preserver Braiding attachment for sewing-machines. Sewing-machine shuttle Corset Apparatus for toasting bread and broiling meats. Catamenial sack Muff Apparatusforcooling and ventilating buihl- ings. Skirt-protector July 10, 1883 July 17, 1883 July 17,1883 July 24, 1883 July 24, 1883 July 31 , 1883 July 31, 1883 July 31, 1883 Aug. 7,1883 Lubricating-oil . . Imitation feather Aug. 7,1883 Aug. 7, 1883 Combined ironing and cutting table Egg-beater Toilet-case Grain-elevator Library-table Spring-pillow Salve Hair-holder Vegetable- grater Poke-bonnet Pattern-tracer Churn Nursery-chair Mai ket-trnck Halter Flexible urinal Artificial Russian leather Suspender-end Manufacture of tufted rugs Butt.on-pin Apparatus for killing mosquitoes Ventilating-screen for windows Combined bustle and hip-pad Folding table Device for holding material to he sewed.. . Green-corn cutler Brush-handle Fruit bleacher Pan-cover Baking-dish cover Pattern for cutting dress-patterns Window-ventilator Waist, drawers, and stocking supporter ... Picture mount Safety-pocket Fruit-drier Underwaist Underwaist Flowerpot Sad-iron holder Folding cot Washing-machine Aug. 7,1883 Aug. 7, 1883 Aug. 14, 1883 Aug. 14, 1883 Aug. 21,1883 Aug. 21, 1883 ’Sept. 4,1883 Sept. 4, 1883 Sept. 4,1883 Sept. 4,1883 Sept. 4,1883 Sept. 11, 1883 Sept. 11, 1883 Sept. 11,1883 Sept. 18, 1883 . Sept. 18, 1883 Sept. 25, 1883 Sept. 25, 1883 Sept. 25, 1883 Oct. 9, 1883 Oct. 9, 1883 Oct. 9, 1883 Oct. 9, 1883 Oct. 16,1883 Oct. 23,1883 Oct. 23,1883 Oct. 23,1883 Oct. 23,1883 Oct. 30,1883 Oct. 30,1883 Oct. 30.1883 Nov. 6, 1883 Nov. 6,1883 Nov. 6, 1883 Nov. 13, 1883 Nov. 13, 1883 Nov. 20, 1883 Nov. 20, 1883 Nov. 27,1883 Dec. 4, 1883 Dec. 4,1883 Dec. 11,1883 Shoe Hat and bonnet supporter Window-cleaning guard Box-cover attachment Degranulating- machine Mitten Paper-file Composition of matter for molding fruits, fancy-topped tables, birds, &c. Corset Corset Corset- clasp Corset Plastering compound Dec. 18,1883 Dec. 18,1883 Dec. 18,1883 Dec. 18,1883 Dec. 18,1883 Dee. 25,1883 Jan. 1,1884 Jan. 1, 1884 Jan. 1,1884 Jan. 1,1884 Jan. 1,1864 Jan. 1,1884 Jan. 1, 1884 WOMEN INVENTORS. 31 No. Name and Address. Title ok Invention. Date. 291, 415 Mary J. Spencer, Brooklyn, N. Y . Jan. 1 13*4 291. 447 Nellie .T. Wheeler, West Winfield, N. Y yfhirse 291, r>r>i Harriet A. 'Braver, Toledo, Ohio .. Jan. 8, 1884 291, 751 Nettie A. Lain, Carneiro, Kans Medical compound 291,835 Emma Walsh and Louis Beroud, Elizabeth. Elevator Jan. 8, 1884 N. .1.; said Walsh assignor of one-half her right to Henry Ahrens, same place. 292, 31(1 Ida C. Hinuner, New York, N. Y Electric, battery Jan. 22, 1884 293, 003 Elisabeth S. Garrett, Downey v i I le, hid Flood- fence Feb. 5, 1884 293, 2(52 Elizabeth E. McCartney, Omaha, Ne.br Sewing-thimble Feb. 12, 1884 293, 320 Isabella S. Graves, Fishkill-on-the-IIudson, Insecticide Feb. 12,1884 293, 387 Ella Whaples, Jackson, Midi., assignor of /Attachment for dresses Feb. 12.1884 one-half to Lewis Shannon, same place. 293, 428 Anna Dormitzer, New York, N. Y Window-cleaning chair Feb. 12.1884 293, 443 Anna M. Fortier and Shadrach M. A. For- Stainp-caiicelor Feb. 12, 1884 tier, San Francisco, Cal. / 293, 475 Julia A. King, Chicago, 111 /Leggin Feb. 12 , 1884 293, (548 Hannah Zepliy rone Gibson, Oberl in, Ohio. . Egg-beater Feb. 19,1884 293, 722 Elizabeth M. Downing, Grant City, Fa...j Dress-protector Feb. 19,1884 293, 840 Eliza II. Alexander, New York, N. Y Apparat ns for and met bod of embroidering Fob. 111. 1884 294, 102 Aniline White, London, Ohio Feb. 26, 1—4 294 j 196 Serena M. Carnes, New York, N. A' Sad-iron bolder Feb. 26, 1 —4 294, 507 Sophia Rosenthal, Baltimore, Md /Under-garment Mar. 4, 1881 294, 554 Frances G. Whelan, I'hiladclnhia, Fa. nook-and-eye fastening Mar. 4 , 18 -t 4 294, 849 Lydia .1. Cailwell, Chicago, El Method of and apparatus lor desiecatiug Mar. 11,1884 eggs, &,c. 294,882 Mary E. Jones, S. Paul, Minn Bed-spring (ire-escape Mar. 11, 1884 295, 021 Frida Kunz, Donanesehingeu, Germany. .. Process of and apparatus for preparing Mar. 11,1884 6 her for the manufacture of brushes and brooms. 295, 048 Marie E. Patterson, St. Louis, Mo Tuning-peg for musical instruments Mar. 11,1884 295, 452 lleleu Maria Snyder, Fine Bln If, Ark > «'Shoo-lace fastener Mar. 18, 18s4 295, 586 Eugenia Ross, New York, N. Y * Hand-protecting attachment for umbrellas Mar. 25, 1884 and canes. 295, 612 ElleneA. Bailey, St- Charles, Mo -SKoo-hut ton needle Mar. 25, 1884 296, 002 Elizabeth G. Harley, Philadelphia, Pa Safety attachment Apr. 1, 1884 296,012 Abbie Amelia Jackson, New York, N. Y Game-board, dice-box, &r, Apr. 1. 1884 296, 104 Nannetto Amin, Brooklyn, N. Y Catamenial sack Apr. 1.1884 296, 230 Emma Seligman and Henry Seligman, Mechanical telephone Apr. 1,1884 Irvington, N. Y. 296, 452 Annie E. Rhoads, Bara boo, AY is Washing compound Apr. 8, 1884 29(5, 557 Johanna llaegeu. New York, N. Y v Tlat or bonnet Apr. 8, 1—4 296, 609 Lvdia Eraeline Fatten, Smith Centre, Kans. Milk-catcher for nursing-women Apr. 8. 1884 296, 882 Sallie M. Seiliel and Henry J. Seibel, Jr., Apr. 15,1884 Philadelphia, Fa. 297, 054 Elizabeth Bateson, Detroit, Mich Ash-sifter Apr. 15,1884 297, 119 Julia E. Drakeley, Madison, AYis IV <1 -pan Apr. 22, 1884 297, 268 Ada II. Kepley, Effingham, 111 ' Apr. 22. 1884 297, 355 Marie Demme, Miihlliausoii, Germany Thiiuble Apr. 22, 18.-4 297, 555 Harriet E. Baker, Springfield, Mass Scrubbing-brush Apr. 29,1881 297,881 Josetiue Vetter, Mount Vernon, N. Y Crocheting-fork Apr. 29,1884 298, 670 Eunice Lodeski Crosbv, Plvinouth, Wis... 'Cloth measuring auil cutting machine May 13, 18*1 298, 746 Mary E. Guirey, San Francisco, Cal Figure, map, auil chart for educational May 20, 1884 299, 494 purposes. 299, 934 Johanna Miiller, Philadelphia, Fa - Shoo ... June 3,18-4 300, 075 Amanda M. Hicks, Clinton, and Alonzo Heating and ventilating device for build- June 10 18-4 Dishman, Paducah, Ky. mgs. 300, 193 Maria E. Beasley, Philadelphia, Fa., and Barrel-making machine June 10, 1884 Emil M. Hiigentobler, New York, N. Y.; said 1 lugentobler assignor tosaid Beasley 300, 194 Maria E. Beasley. Philadelphia, Fa., and Barrel-stave-sliaping machine June 10, 1—4 Emil M. Hiigentobler, New Aork.N. A.; said Hiigentobler assignor to said Bras- 301,110 ley. July 1.1384 Inly I 301 , 4.>1 301, 477 Helen M Barley, Brooklyn, N. A Invalid-bed July 8,1-84 301,485 Laura De Maesener. New Aork, N. A’ Embroidered ornament July 8, 1--4 30 U 704 Edith C. Ferrin, Bath, Me Kitchen implement July 8,18-4 301,804 Marie Cbevreniont. Washington, I>. C -J Sash- fastener July 8,1 — t 301 818 Marv A. Ihrig, Spriuglield, Ohio. . lee shoe or creeper July 8,1 --4 301,849 ElleneA. Bailey, St. Charles. Mo Corset -protector July 15,1884 302, 048 Lucy Jane S toe kloy. Corona, Teuu -Dust-cap July 15,1884 32 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. 302, 174 302, 515 302, 526 302, 675 302. 901 302, 91(5 302,992 303, 022 303. 087 303, 549 303,(501 303, 857 304, 111 304, 057 304, 759 304.702 304,900 304,905 305, 009 305, 321 305,471 305, 497 305, 507 305, 582 305, 838 305, 985 300, 030 300, 104 300, 100 300, 188 300.484 300, 092 306, 737 300. 902 300, 940 307, 157 307, 251 307,687 307, 885 308, 004 308, 459 162 308, 879 309,334 309, 004 309, 700 310,020 310,171 310, 180 310, 450 310, 507 310,641 310, 703 310,792 311, 199 311,283 311,040 311,662 311,095 311,924 318, 056 312. 131 312. 132 312, 196 312, 355 312, 402 312, 799 Name and Address. Sophia M. Tracy, Dead wood, Dak. Tor Felice Molini, San Francisco, Cal Eliza M. C. Anderson. New York, N. Y Helen C. Wilber. Fayette, Mich Anna Ingvarda Feune, Chicago, 111 v Phebe K. Laiuliorn, West Liberty, Iowa . .. Agues Louisa Franklin, Frankfort, Ky...> Eugenia Kilborn, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Minna Wezel, Brooklyn, X. Y Helen M. Sujder, Pine Bluff, Ark Victoria A. Burr, Washington, D. C Stella A. Jackson, New York, N. Y Annie T. Laube, Huron, Dak. Ter Eva Huffman Lynch, Rome, N. Y Mary E. Shaffer, New York, N. Y Sarah H. Stewart, Concord, N. II Helen A. Blanchard, Boston, Mass Sue E. Smitlier and William M. Smither, Keene, Ky. Frida Kuuz, Douaueschingeu, Germany . . Mary McMullin, 127 Strand, County of Middlesex, England. Emmeline W. Philbrook, Boston, Mass.... Eliza M. C. Anderson, New York, N. Y Lydia A. Blood, Chicago, III. Jane Finnegan, Litchfield, 111 Bridget Murphy, St. Louis, Mo Mary M. Wagner, Baltimore, Md Emma G. Nunn, Yassar, Mich Nancy J. Langley, Boston, Mass Maria L. Mathews, Newark, N. J Harriet W. Strong, Oakland, Cal Leila C. Harrison, New Haven, Conn Margaret E. Knight, Ashland, Mass Marie Gamier, Paris, France Emeliue H. Conover, Washington, D. C.. Anna L. Olsen, Brooklyn, N. Y Emma J. Woodruff, Chicago, III Charlotte P. Allender, Cuba, N. Y Harriet W. R. Strong, Oakland, Cal Margaret H. Wallace, Sedalia, Mo Emily A. Stears, Brooklyn, N. Y Mary Bidwell, Springfield, Ohio Alice B. Bromwell, Washington, D. C Mary L. Cummings, Somerville, Mass Kate C. Clark, New York, N. Y Mary Couplin, Thornburg, Iowa Susan T. Bnrkhead, New Berne, N. C Clara O. Bilinski, Diamond Lake, 111 Martha J. Beers, Boston, Mass Agnes M. Brundage, Brooklyn, N. Y Phoebe S. Marks, 131 Cornwall Residences, Regents Park, St. Marylebone, County of Middlesex, England. Matilda C. Guilin and Andrew J. Guffin, Rush vi lie, Ind. Laura A. Beatty, Galesburg, 111 Henrietta L. Mehrer, New Rochelle, N. Y. Margaret Clii lcoat, Auburn, Ind Sarah A. Moulton, Grand Rapids, Mich. . Margaret E. Boyd, Carthage, III Amy L. Burlingame, Willett, N. Y Margaret E. Knight, Ashland, Mass Mary R. Walpole, Mayfield, Ky Marie E. Shay, Fordham, assignor to Mary A. Seitz, New York, N. Y. Caroline H. Winter, St. Paul, Minn Marie M. Lamontague, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Marie M. Lamontague, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Cornelia T. Freeman, Elizabeth, N. J Lonella Johnston, Columbus, Ohio Matilda F. Strathy, London, Ontario, Can- ada. Lvdia A. Blood, Chicago, 111 V? Title of Invention. Medical compound Pea-shelling machino Maize-grater Salve Shirt Fly-screen-door attachment Cuff-retainer Egg-beater Millinery ornament Shoe-lace fastener Glove-fastening Plaque Double baking-pan Air-cooling apparatus Non-inductive electric cable Clieckrei n-hook Pencil-sharpener Trace attachment Apparatus for preparing fiber for the man- ufacture of brushes and brooms. Electric brush Weather-strip 21am ping device Tug for harness Fire-escape Grate appliance Combined bureau and bedstead Heat-indicator for ovens Gridiron Fruit-press Device for raising and lowering windows. Hitching device Clasp .. Leather-dressing machine Thread-spool Respirator Compound for preserving flowers, &c Crib Hook and eve Cooking-vessel Culinary vessel Hand-protector Blotting thimble or pad Skirt-protector Corset Milk-can elevator Corset Clothes sprinkler Bathing-garment Sled. Draftsman’s dividing-instrument Washing-machine Shawl-strap Folding wardrobe and chiffonier Combined ironing-table and clothes-holder Meat-tenderer Foot-warmer Napkin pin or holder Spit Wash-boiler Machine for rolling axles, spindles, and other metal articles. Shoe - Cough-remedy Guide-setter for sewing-machines Combined toilet-case and satchel - ... Carpet-fastener Tug for harness. Date. July 15, 1884 July 22, 1884 July 29, 1884 July 29, 1884 Aug. 5, 1884 Aug. 5, 1884 Aug. 5, 1884 Aug. 5, 1881 Aug. 5, 1884 Aug. 12, 1884 Aug. 12, 1884 Aug. 19, 1884 Yng. 20, 1884 Sept. 2, 1881 Sept. 9, 1884 9, 1884 Sept. 9, 1884 Sept. 9, 1884 Sept. 9, 1884 Sept. 16, 1884 Sept. 23,1881 Sept. 23,1884 Sept. 23, 1884 Sept. 23, 1884 Sept. 30, 1884 Sept. 30, 1884 Sept. 30, 1884 Oet. 7, 1884 Oct. 7, 1884 Oct. 7, 1884 Oct. 14, 1884 Oct. 14, 1884 Oct. 21,1884 Oct. 21, 1884 ( >ct. 21, 1884 Oct. 28, 1884 Oct. 28,1884 Nov. 4, 1884 Nov. 11, 1884 Nov. 11, 1884 Nov. 25, 1884 Nov. 25, 1884 Dec. 9, 1884 Doc. 10, 1884 Dec. 23, 1884 1 )ec. 23, 1884 Dec. 30, 1884 0, 1885 Jan. 0, 1885 Jan. 0, 18'5 0, 1885 Jan. 13, 1885 Jan. 13, 1885 Jan. 13, 1885 27, 1885 27, 1885 Feb. 3, 1885 Feb. 3, 1885 Feb. 3, 1885 Fob. 10, 1885 Feb. 10, 1885 Feb. 10, 1885 Feb. 10, 1885 Feb. 10, 1885 Feb. 17, 1885 Feb. 17, 1885 Fob. 24, 1885 WOMEN INVENTORS. 33 No. 312, 988 313, 129 313, 139 313, 320 313, 328 313,516 313,626 313,642 314, 093 315,080 315, 293 315,323 315, 377 315, 382 315, 768 316, 324 316,414 316,556 316, 623 316, 928 317.332 317.333 317,424 317, 433 317,451 317. 507 317. 508 317,511 317. 830 317, 939 317, 998 318,038 318, 272 318,523 318, 536 318, 538 318. 575 318, 681 318,716 318, 776 319, 097 319, 477 320, 118 320, 171 320, 173 320,213 320, 266 320, 529 320, 557 320, 689 320, 691 320, 830 320, 964 321,234 321,504 321.576 321,649 321,733 321.831 321,964 321, 986 Name and Address. Mary R. Ewing, Pataskala, assignor of one half to Sarah J. McCord, Ports- mouth, Ohio. Mary A. Tipney, Janesville, Wis Mary C. Walling, Brenham, Tex Laura M. Goodale, Marshalltown, Iowa, assignor to herself and Peter Gordon, same place. Annie W. Harris, Philadelphia, Pa Fanny W. Paul, New York, N. Y Harriet A. Sawyer, St. Louis, Mo Jeanette I). Baldwin, Moore’s Hill, Ind Sarah A. H. Williamson, Carson City, Nev. Susau L. Sinclair, Allegheny, Pa Mary A. Ihrig, Springfield, Ohio V Florence Ohr, Normal, 111 Frances M. Austen, Dickinson, N. Y . Sarah C. Blaine, Chattanooga, Tenu Phebe C. Goodwin, Boston, Mass. — Charlotte C. Barnwell, Beaufort, S. C Emma J. Swartout, Danbury, Conn.. Betsey A. Maxey, Knoxville, 111 Mary P. C. Hooper, New York, N. Y . Ann A. Wysong, Baltimore, Md Ann M. Freeman, Kansas City, Mo ... Julia B. French, Boston, Mass Nellie S. Stowell, New York, N. Y „ --Sharpening- tool Needle Eliza C. Atwood, Geneva, N. Y Mamie F. Frey, Indianapolis, lud Elizabeth Cheshire and Edward Cheshire, Cincinnati, Ohio. Elizabeth Cheshire and Edward Cheshire, Cincinnati, Ohio. Anna B. Clarke, Chicago, 111., assignor tov^Mitt A. G. Jennings & Sons, Brooklyn, N. Y. Emilio Merle and Apollonie Merle, Paris, v France. Caroline D. Halfpenny, Bloomshurg, Pa Mary J. Holt, San Francisco, Cal Annie E. Sawyer, Charlestown, Mass Carrie F. Marsh, Detroit, Mich., assignor of one-half to Alida Pitman, same place. Mary E. Tisdale, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Blanca Blenker, New York, N. Y Maggie Boyd, Riverside, Cal Carlotta Myers and Carl E. Myers, Mo. hawk, NY. Charlotte M. A. Barry, Boston, Mass .’ /Waist Mary France, Cleveland, Ohio Adjustable fire-box. Mary McWaters, Bethel, Conn * ^Corset attachment Anna Kendall, St. Louis, Mo y/ /■ vets, ivc. Charlotte A. Gandil, Brooklyn, N. Y V Lady’s skirt-protector Riding-saddle --vj' Pocket Pie and cake rack Seal-lock Basket ... Broiler or Myra L. Eckles, Nortktield, Minn. Lilly F. Roberts, Kentucky Town, Tex Lydia A. Rowe and David S. Rowe, Spring- field, Ohio. Eliza Bloom, New York, N. Y Emma L. Maesel, New York,N. Y . Mary G. Barbour, Bradford, Mass. . Clara E. Hosmer, Auburn, N. Y. . . . Ollie T. Raney, Melissa, Tex Fannie C. Rawlings, St. Louis, Mo Mary E. Woodward, Parker, Dak. Te Lydia Smith Purinton, Westborough, Mary B. Martin, New York, N. Y. ... Lydia N. Jackson, New York, N. Y... Adaline Brock, Dunellen, N. J Louisa J. Shelley, Keokuk, Iowa. Sally M. Levy, Milwaukee, Wis Bettie Adella Malone and Alexander Ma- lone, Franklin, assignors of three-fourths to John B. Montague and James T. Booker, Simpson County, Ky. Carrie G. Griffin, Manhattan, Kans Sophronie T. Lewis, Watertown, N. Y ^Dress-chart '220 5 Title of Invention. Hammock . Device for preserving fruits, &c Cotton-picker Cover for cooking kettles and utensils Bolt for dooi’s or shutters Device for inducing sleep Hand-easel Back for piano-stools Stove Method of filling the recesses in the tread of car- wheels. Screw adapted for ice-creepers Piano-stool Boiler for heating fruit in jars Bolster -spring Multiple measuring utensil Folding bath-stand Machine for sewing hat-tips Car-coupling Grated shovel Ironing-board and table Dress-cutting rule Combined wash and bath tub Dust-pan . Button-book holder for shoes. Book-sewing machine Adjustable model or dummy for dress- makers’ use. Trellis Meat and provision safe Skirt-protector Adjustable clothing-stiffener Egg-boiler and caster Bustle Combined storm-shield and overdress. Guiding apparatus for balloons Soap for restoring color to plushes, vel- vets, &c. toaster. Plaiting apparatus. Cabinet gasoline-stove Folding crib lass.'j/Corset Process of staining paper, &c Sewer-gas excluder Guard for bedsteads Knitting-machine Churn-dasher Date. Feb. 24, 1885 Mar. 3, 1885 Mar. 3, 1885 Mar. 3, 1885 Mar. 3, 1885 Mar. 10, 1885 Mar. 10, 1885 Mar. 10, 1885 Mar. 17,1885 Apr. 7, 1885 A pr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May May May 7, 1885 7, 1885 7, 1885 7. 1885 I I, 18'5 21, 1885 21. 1885 28. 1885 28. 1885 28, 1885 5. IKS5 5. 1885 5, 1885 5, 1885 5,1885 12. 1885 May 12,1885 May 12,1885 May 12, 1885 May 12,1885 May 19,1885 May 19,1885 May 19,1885 May 26,1885 May 26, 1885 May 26, 1885 May 26, 1885 May 26,1885 May 26,1885 May 26, 1885 June 2,1885 June 9,1885 June 16, 1885 June 16, 1885 June 16, 1885 Combined door-check aud buffer June June June June .June J une June June Juno July July July July July 16, 1885 16. 1885 23. 1885 23, 1885 23, 1885 23, 1885 23. 1885 30. 1885 30. 1885 7. 1885 7. 1885 7, 1885 7, 1885 7, 1885 July 14,1885 July 14, 1885 34 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. Name and Address. Title of Invention. Date. 070 Jennie S. Rutan. Philaileli>liia. Pa Window-cleaner July 14,1885 July 14,1885 July 14,1885 July 21,1885 322, 177 iso Isabella A. Lvon, Boston. Mass jCover for pots 322, 407 Josephine M. St. Claire. Cedar Rapids, Iowa ^Corset 322, 532 Eliza A. Everett and Richard 11. Everett, Vestal Centre, N. V. Cooking utensil July 21, 1885 322, 57S Victoria I. 11. Bnudsen, London, England. Apparatus for affixing stamps July 21,1885 322, 598 Margaret Hart, New York, N.Y., assignorof Syringe July 21, 1885 one-half to Charles T. Moore, same place. 322, 721 Alice A. Hodges and George W. Hodges, N Baltimore, Md. Brake for children’s carriages J illy 21, 1885 323, 003 Mary M. Wernm and John H. Wernm, Toledo, Ohio, assignors by mesne assign- ments to Mary M. Werum, same place. Mary A. Arrowsmith, Freehold, N. J Abdominal supporter July 28,1885 323, 288 Fire-escape July 28, 1885 323. 420 Caroline M. llills, Chicago. Ill Paint-pot Aug. 4, 1885 Aug. 4,1885 323,700 Charlotte A. McGee, Jackson, Midi., as- signor to the Coronet Corset Co., same place. Corset 323, 7«1 Mary M. Burchfield, Kingston, 111 Steam fruit-drier Aug. 4,1885 Aug. 4, 1885 323! >07 Luciuda Fuller and Harriet Fuller, Detroit, Mich., assignors of one-fourth to Harriet L. Fraer, same place. Window-sash 323, 001 Eliza B. Wilcox and Albert Wilcox, Maple Rapids, Mich. Device for hanging wall-paper Aug. 11,1885 324, 070 324, 308 Nancy E. Burch, Carthage, Mo Flower-stand .... Aug. 11,1885 Aug. 18, 1885 Carrie J. McDiarmid and Donald G. Mc- Diarmid, South Bend, Ind. Head-rest 324,472 Martha Jacobsen, Lyons, Iowa Adjustable pattern for drafting garments.. Aug. 18, 1885 324, S00 Mary B. Martin, New York, N. Y Process of decorating paper and other ma- terials with oil colors. Aug. 25, 1885 325, 004 Jean Marie Escorbia and Marguerite Louise Stephanie Escorbia, St. Etieuue, Loire, France. Bottle-stopper Aug. 25, 1885 325, 168 Minnie B. Tate, Johnstown. Ill Aug. 25, 1885 Aug. 25, 1885 Sept. 1,1885 Sept. 8, 1885 Sept. 8, 1885 325 ! 216 Mary E. Northen, Lanier, Tex 325, 400 Susan M. Hendrick, New York, N. Y.. System and device for measuring garments. 325, 697 Julia Reinhardt, St. Louis, Mo. Waist lining 325! 853 Margaret Milne, Brooklyn, N. Y ''■'Bouquet-fastening 325, 801 Emilie Pohl, Baltimore, Md Stiffener for bits ties Sept. 8, 1885 Sept. 8,1885 Sept. 8,1885 Sept. 15, 1>85 Sept, 22, 1885 Sept. 22, 1885 3,25, 808 Elizabeth A. Seely, Bloomfield, Ind Kettle-holder 325, 877 320, 455 Ida C. Reed, Oakland City, Cal 326, 553 Marv J. Elvnu, Cleveland, Ohio Under waist for children 326, 565 Rebecca J. Jacobus, Oakland, Cal Absorbent cowl for the chimneys of hydro- carbon-burners. 326, 639 Jennie D. Gidlev, New York, N. Y Under-garment Sept. 22, 1885 326, 838 Caroline Boyce, New York, N. Y Book cover or protector Sept. 22, 1885 326,071 Pocket for wearing-apparel Sept. 29, 1885 Oct, 6, 1885 327, 505 Mary A. Roonev, De Smet, Dak. Ter Combined trunk and bed 327, 036 Process of treating butter Oct, 6, 18>5 Oct, 6, 1885 Oct, 13,1885 327! 673 328! 073 Polly A. Zclie, Dundee, N. Y., and Albert Smith, Middleville, Mich. Composition for graining wood 328, 256 328, 354 Hattie Scott, Detroit Mich Slate-pencil sharpener Oct, 13,1885 Oct, 13,1885 Emily A. Stears, Brooklyn, N. Y Wash-basin or similar vessel 328, 506 Ruth Moffitt, Wheatland, 111 Carpet-stretcher Oct, 20,1885 328, 026 Flower- frame Oct, 27,1885 Oct, 27,1885 Oct. 27,1885 Oct. 27,1885 32!»! 042 320! 055 320, 131 Elastic button-hole attachment for garments Handle for package carriers Carrie C. Boyd, Fruitport, Mich 329,417 Lilly B. Tubbs, Philadelphia, Pa Cut-off for hydraulic and other engines Oct. 27,1685 330, 003 Charlotte Augusta Davenport, (remarried,) now Charlotte Augusta Bacon, Charl- ton Depot, Mass. Detachable spoilt foi milk-pails Nov. 10, 1885 330, 548 Sarah Vincent Beal, Ann Arbor, Mich Bed-pan Nov. 17,1885 33,0, 018 Mary Hansorn, Brooklyn, N. Y Combined ironing board and table Nov. 17, 1885 Nov. 17, 1885 330 ! 626 Sarah Sewell, Mark Centre, Ohio Combined washing-machine and teeter or seesaw. 330, 807 Harriet A. Ilnlburd, Perryshurg, Ohio Mary Jane Reilly and Hugh Reilly. Brook- lyn, N. Y. Elizabeth Hull, New York, N. Y Scrap-book Nov. 24, 1885 331,004 Toy Nov. 24, 1885 331,062 Folding soap-dish Nov. 24,1885 331,308 Mary J. Liggett, Wooster, Ohio Bed-cover fasteuer Dec. 1 , 1885 331,480 •Jennie Rathbun Fuller, Toledo, Ohio Fi re escape Dec. 1,1885 Dec. 8, 1885 331,768 Marv E. Clark, Fairville, N. Y Fruit-drier 332, 031 Clara Abell, Geddes, N. Y Hat and bonnet fastener Dec. 8, 1885 WOMEN INVENTORS. 35 No. 332, 202 332, 749 332, 850 333, 007 333, 082 333, 098 333, 262 333, 517 333, 540 333, 004 333, 684 333,711 333, 742 333, 825 333, 960 334,230 334, 359 334, 373 334, 486 334, 034 334, 674 335, 031 335, 130 335, 215 335, 237 335, 283 336, 077 336, 219 336, 413 336,917 337, 016 337. 030 337, 153 337, 185 337,280 337,349 337, 490 337, 569 337,617 338,101 338,2/9 338, 449 338,641 338,651 338,790 338, 836 339. 031 339, 232 339,313 339, 463 339, 521 339, 830 339, 933 340, 027 340, 133 340, 170 340, 485 Name and Address. Mary M. Jones, Menomonee, Wis - ... Elide L. Prall and Arvilla Williams, Wellington, Kaus. Mary C. Walling, Washington, D. C Eliza M. Greer, Stockton, G'al .''■'Corset. Folding Kate E. Nichols and E. V. Whitney, Leo- minster, Mass. Mary C. Atkinson, Baltimore, Md Sarah A. Shepherd, Washington, D. C Mary Agnes Greeley, Ottumwa, Iowa Sarah A. Parke, Bay City, Mich Elizabeth A. Craig, Arlington, Kans Amanda Ellen Shearer, Humphreys, as- signor of one-half to I. R. M. Beeson, Milan, Mo. Elizabeth M. Young, Dansville, N. Y Ella N. Gaillard, New York, N. Y Lydia J. Cadvi ell, Chicago, 111 Pauline Morgenroth and Tiune Levison, Brooklyn, N. Y. Annie M. Jetfers, Chicago, 111 — ~ * 7 ~ i Kate Dunham, Holloway, Mich Corset Mary E. Grow, Washington, D. C Lena Strong and Alphouso B. Smith, San Francisco, Cal. Mary H. Berry and Frank H. Butler, San Francisco, Cal. Sarah C. Neal, New York, N. Y Cornelia Johnson, Cleveland, Ohio Mary P. C. Hooper, New York, N. Y Anna Dormitzer, New York, N. Y Emmeline W. Pliilbrook, Boston, Mass Catherine M. Hamilton, Decatur, 111 Mattie J. Baker, San Jos6, Cal Anna Dormitzer, New York, N. Y Ornameutal step-ladder. ■r-\ 7 Corset Ida Karp, New York, assignor to he self and Max Rubin, Brooklyn, N. Y. Christina J. Haley, New York, N. Y A Stocking-supporter Julia Penley, Bangor, Me v Dress-chart .. Matilda Stocker, New York, N. Y >, Pattern-lining Adelaide M. Hayward, Boston, Mass Jaue Mikel, Gillum, 111 Title of Invention. chair Stamping-machine Folding and adjustable window-bracket shelf. Individual holder or rest for table-service articles. Milk-skimmer Sewing-machine treadle Candlestick Saw-tooth-swaging device Feed-trough Gem-type iixer Hand plaiting attachment Electric illuminating apparatus Drier Flour-sifter , Fire-escape. Pin Fruit-picker. Ointment ... Bath or bathing apparatus Apparatus for assisting roller- skaters Device for numbering houses Window-cleaning chair Clothes-hook Convertible chair Ironing-table Soap-dish Combined squeezer and strainer. Ella Nagle, New York, N. Y., assignor to'. Underwaist or strengthening-corset for Louis Fellheimer, same place. Emma L.Pridham, Philadelphia, Pa .. Harriette A. Gray, Brooklyn, N. Y children. Wash-board Composition to be added to starch to im- prove its quality. Bouquet-holder Street-car Head-dress Attachment for bake-ovens Kitchen utensil Attachment for pants Mount for pictures and photographs. Sleeve and glove protector Kitchen-cabinet Marietta Flint, New York, N. Y Catharine A. Williamson and Bndd M. Rawlings, St. Louis, Mo. Mary A. Patou, Paris, Ky Louisa B. Liuthicum, Helena, Ark Ida A. Teller, Unadilla, N. Y Henrietta J. Lyon, Newark, N. J Elizabeth Talcott and Richard H. L. Tal- cott, Boston, Mass. Martha W. Slack, Sandwich, 111 Edda A. Fisher and William N. Fisher, Xenia, Ind. Lottie W. Timmons, Syracuse, N. Y v BuckIe for supporters Noll ie- S. Stowell, New York, N. Y Transferable letter for signs Charlotte A. McGee, Jackson, Mich L-Corset-waist. Mario V. Piron, Brussels, Belgium, assignor-)- Waterprooiin to Carlos Delattre, Lille, France. Julia B. Berry, New York, N. Y >-[ Manufacture of fabric for hats,&c Eliza B. Wilcox and Albert J. Wilcox, Ma- Combined pitchfork and rake pie Rapids, Mich. Carlotta F. Roddey, New York, N. Y., as- Abacus for slates signor to Augustus T. Gurlitz, same place. Harriet B. Allen, St. Louis, Mo Pan for washing dishes Mary A. Lucey, Boston, Mass j/i Shirt-form Rachel S. Thompson, Hamilton, Ohio Caster _ Alberta Maiy Frances Caspar, Loudon, Method of imitating stained glass England, assignor of one-half to Eugene [ Pearle, New York, N. Y. Ella Mary Freeley, New York, N, Y..,,...| Vulcanized rubber and textile fabric and preservation of fabrics. Date. Dec. 8, 1885 Dec. 22, 1885 Dec. 22, 1885 Dec. 22, 1885 Dec. 22, 1885 Dee. 29, 1885 1 >ec. 29, 1885 Jan. 5,1886 Jan. 5,1886 Jan. 5,1886 Jan. 5, 1886 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 5, 1886 5, 1886 5, 1886 5, 1886 12, 1886 12, 1886 12, 1886 19, 1886 Jan. 19,1886 Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 19. 1886 26, 1886 2, 1886 2, 1886 2, 1886 2, 1 886 16,. 1886 16. 1886 16, 1886 2 , 1 886 2, 1886 2, 1886 2, 1886 2, 1886 2, 1886 Mar. 2,1886 Mar. 9,1886 Mar. 9, 1S86 Mar. 9,1886 Mar. 16, 1886 Mar. 23, 1886 Mar. 23, 1886 Mar. 23, 1886 Mar. 23, 1886 Mar. 30, 1886 Mar. 30, 1886 Mar. 30, 1886 Apr. 6, 1886 Apr. 6, 18^6 Apr. 6, 1886 Apr. 6, 1886 Apr. 13, 1886 Apr. 13, 1886 Apr. 13,1886 Apr. 20, 1886 Apr. 20, 1886 Apr. 20, 1886 Apr. 20,1886 340, 501 36 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. 340, 044 340, 870 341, 175 341, D4 341,300 341,721 341,754 341,832 342, 182 342. 225 342. 226 342, 294 342, 431 342, 503 342, 773 342, 040 342,989 343, 104 343,630 343,688 343,698 344,294 344, 331 344,509 344, 901 345, 029 345, 248 345, 258 345,291 345, 307 345, 396 345, 470 345. 483 345, 509 345, 520 345, 553 345,709 345, 900 345, 970 346, 227 340, 437 340, 442 346, 530 346,740 346, 701 346, 812 340, -92 346, 914 340, 982 347, 123 347, 308 347, .358 347, 470 347, 581 347, 757 347, 88- 347, 930 348, 082 347, 157 Name and Address. Annie Walt .her and Mathias Supple, Fomlv du Lac, Wis. Marie Ginoris, New York, N. Y Hannah V. Shaw, Lawrenceburg, Ind Susan Jane Thiers, New York, N. Y Elizabeth Wood, Evansville, Iud Maria E. Beasley, Philadelphia, Pa Sophia G. Kenyon, Joliet, 111 Aunali E. Bussell, Nashua, N. H Rebecca T. Chew, Girard, Ohio Gracie S. Roberts, Rockville Centre, N. Y. .. Gracie S. Roberts, Rockville Ceutre, N. Y.. Alice Fox and Irving W. Fox, I lion, N. Y. .. Anna Doriuitzer, New York, N. Y Emma Billette De Villeroclie and Arthur Chateland, Coucarnean, France. Ellene A. Bailey, St. Charles, Mo Esther R. Spencer, Rochester, N. Y.,v assignor of three-fourths to Joseph C. Wilson and Hobart F. Atkinson, both of same place. Phebe Rosalie Addoms, Brooklyn, N. Y Frances E. Eller, Fairmont, Nebr Artificial fruit Dnst-pan Hat-mirror Draft-regulator Steam-generator Educational blocks Rein-holder Safety button-fastener Sewer-pipe Sewer-pipe Abdominal supporter Paint and brush bucket Manufacture of metal cans and boxes. Needle Lacing-bearin': Florence A. Ellery, Taunton, Mass... Susan E. Barney, New York, N. Y Martha E. Brown, Erie, Pa Ella Walling Washington, D. C Mary E. Swa.m, Danville, 111 Minnie Dobson. New York, N. Y Susan O. Grover, Granville, Ohio Elizabeth J. Cole, Milwaukee, Wis., as- signor to Harold G. Underwood, same place. Lizzie McKeogb, Pittsburg, Pa Florida M. Rodes, Fayetteville, assignor to Nannie M. Lassiter, Manchester, Tenn . Sophia M. Fein, Cincinnati, Ohio Lavenia D. Jones, Lafayette, Ind Ivaty Runietsch, San Francisco, Cal .. Isabella Youart, Troy, Ohio Mary Elizabeth Cole, Letts, Iowa Lizzie Hopkiusou, Frankfort, Iud - Maria R. McClint.ock, Abbyville, Ya Ellen D. Starr, Chittenango, N. Y Edith A. Marsh, New Albany, Ind Amelia A. Fearn, Philadelphia, Pa - Jenny M. Haskell, Greenwich, N. Y Katharina Seifert, Cincinnati, Ohio Annie E. Geissinger, Allegheny, Pa., as- signor of one-half to George B Geissin- ger, same place. Emma A. Pyle, New Orleans, La., as- signor to Hugh K. Anderson, Nashville, Tenn. Luisa Cappiani, New York, N. Y Ellen Dillon, Sioux City, Iowa Fanny K. Marsh and Mary Margerum, Bloomsburg, Pa. Ella N. Gail lard, New York, N. Y Marie D. Bullock, Philadelphia, Pa Mary Adelia Henderson, Clinton, Mo Hannah M. Bortree, Madison, Wis Emma G. Nunn, Vassar, Mich Clara K. Waring, Middletown, assignor to Jenyns C. Battersby, New York, N. Y. Elizabeth Laufer, Cincinnati, Ohio Mary S. Durell and Annie L. Gebhard, Schoharie, N. Y. CelindaA. Dodge, Kinniekinnick, Wis .... Mary Bradford Crowninshield, Washing- ton, D. C. Caroline S. Pusey, Philadelphia, Pa Therese R. Fischer, Baltimore, Md Catherine A. Williamson, St. Louis, Mo.. . Carrie J. Everson, Chicago, 111 ; Title of Invention. Garment-fastenin': Ventilator Combined blackboard and perforated desk- top. Garment-supporter Napkin-ring Water-proof overgarment Fire-place or stove fender Album Banjo-frame Coffin attachment Frame for making rugs Foot-pad for machine-treadles. Grate-cover Door-mat Steam cooking utensil Key-hole guard Pastry-board Sash-fastener Combined embroidery-frame, easel, work- table, and desk. Coin-holder Appliance for setting writing-copies Life-preserving corset Dress-protector Machine for degranulating cheese-curd . Step-ladder Corset-fastenin'; Sheet-music case. Flat-iron heater . Dust-pan Musical watch Game Coffee-pot Combined corset and garment-supporter. Adjustable handle lor dusters Portable folding wardrobe Sewing-machine table Steam-radiator attachment Milk-strainer . Darning-last . Pattern for garments Dress-form Gasoline-stove Process of concentrating ores Date. Apr. 27,1880 Apr. May- May May- May May May May May May May May May 27. 1886 4, 1886 4, 1886 4,1886 11.1886 11, 1886 11,1886 18, 1886 18, 1886 18, 1886 18, 1886 25, 1886 25, 1886 June 1,1886 June 1,1886 June 1,1886 June 8, 188o J une June June June June June July July 15, 1886 15, 188i) 15. 1886 22. 1886 22, 1886 29,1886 6, 1886 6, 1886 July 6,1886 July 6,1886 July 13,1886 July 13,1886 July 13,1886 July' 13,1886 July 13,1886 July 13,1886 July 13,1886 July 13,1886 July 20,1886 July 20,. 1886 July 20, lr-86 July 27, 1886 July 27, 1886 July 27, 1886 Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug. Aug 3, 1886 3, 1886 3, 1886 3, 1886 10, 1886 10, 1886 10, 1886 10,1886 10, 1886 17, 1886 17, 1886 17, 1886 17. 1886 24. 1886 24, 1886 24, 1886 24, 1886 WOMEN INVENTORS. 37 No. 348, 188 348, 3-21 34 -<,373 318,748 348, 923 319, 030 319, 118 349, 149 349, 263 349, 313 3 19, 657 349, 875 349, 935 350, 177 350, 246 350, 252 350, 477 350, 622 350, 090 350, 700 350, 757 350, 800 350,911 3.0, 960 351,027 351,207 351,240 351, 899 351,932 351, 949 352, 022 352, 188 352, 247 352, 294 352, 380 352, 463 352, 488 352, 719 352, 836 352, 850 352. 891 352, 994 353, 010 353,017 353, 004 353, 133 353, 237 353, 327 353, 401 353,563 353, 575 353, 095 353, 801 353, 954 354, 032 354, 050 354, 002 354,000 354 ,083 Name and Address. Mary J. Cole, Grand Rapids, Midi . Julia B. French, Boston, Mass Trunk Tub or tank for toilet, laundry, and refrig- erating. purposes. Combined work table and basket Composition for medicating bed-quilts Vapor-bath Candl stick Attachment for cooking-stoves .v Dress-shield Sad-iron V Water-proof cloak Attachment for pants Infant’s toilet-table China-firing apparatus Electric winding device for clocks Uterine supporter Hair-crimper Sarah E. Ball, Brooklyn, N. Y Clara M. Kimball, Milwaukee, Wis Carrie Aurelia Munro, Olive Branch, Ohio. Mary A. Greeley, Ottumwa, Iowa Adile C. Philippi, New Orleans, La Henrietta Einstein, Philadelphia. Pa Martha S. Stieglitz, New York, N. Y .. . Sarah A. Mendel, Chicago, 111 Henrietta J. Lyon, Newark, N. J Hannah Crocker, Plainfield, N. .1 Susan S. Frackelton, Milwaukee, Wis ... Ida C. Hemmer and William F. Weisger- ber, New York, N. Y., assignors, by direct and mesne assignments, to the Standard Electric Clock Company, same place. Martha F. Haynes, Athol Centre, Mass Dina Jordan and Rudolph Jordan, New York, N. Y. Estclla Case, New York, N. Y Rubber soumLdeadener and packin Clara Frank, New York, N. Y., assignor to \/ Cuff-holder herself and Emil Gutman, same place. Rebecca McKee, New York, N. Y Mary Sutherland, Diamond, Mo Ella Maratta, Pittsburg, Pa Sarah J. Byers, Lafayette, Ind Frances J. Coburn and Ellen M. Dean, Denver, Colo. Mary H. Barnes, Binghamton, N. Y Elisabeth C. Gefoert, Brooklyn, N. Y Eliza Ellis Scott, Hamilton, Ontario, Can- ada. Annie E. Adair, Sulphur Springs, Tex Julia A. Callahan, Brooklyn, N. Y Dora Mitchell, Ottumwa, Iowa Lillian Whitefield, Reading, Mass Title of Invention. •band. Insecticide Composition for tanning Coal- vault grating Ash-pan Composition of matter to be used for jour- nal boxes. Sad-iron cleaner Tracing-wheel Katie A. Williams, Providence, R. I Mary A. L. Iliue and Orrin S. Reed, Chi- cago, 111. Sarah L. Hunter, Little Rock, Ark... Addio Bond, New York, N. Y Anna E. Bailey, Chicago, 111 Laura James Gott, La Grange, Ohio . . Mary Ruggles, Saratoga Springs, N. Y Harriet W. R. Strong, Oakland, Cal. . Susaune Oldberg, Washington, D. C. Maria E. Beasley, Philadelphia, Pa . Flower-pot. . .• Cuff-retainer Ironing-table Opera-cliair Picture-hanger Compound for transferring designs to sur- faces from perforated patterns. Hair-curling device Bottle- wrapper Portable warming apparatus Fire-escape Cooking attachment for heating-stoves Window-sash holder Rubber boot Process of making barrels Florence M. Reynolds, Pinacate, assignor* ''Adjustable skirt holder and rack of one-half to Josie Humble, Los Angeles, Cal. Priscilla C. Johnson, Indianapolis, Ind Lydia J. Cadwell, Chicago, 111 Lydia J. Cadwell, Chicago, III Anna Suffer, Cowden, 111 Margaret Hammond, Port Madison, Wash. Ter. Emma J. Swart wont, New York, N. Y Sarah N. Randolph, Baltimore, Md . Sarah E. Cheesmau, Snow Shoe, Pa. Louisa Kaliski, Buffalo, N. Y Annie M. Morrison, New York, N. Y . Rebecca McKee, New York,N. Y — Sarah J. Hull, Stella, Nebr M. Jennie McCarthy, Cambridgeport, as- signor to the Standard Rubber Com- pany, Boston, Mass. Margaret W. Ator, Bloomington, III Reesetta S. Goodman and Henry M. Good- man, Louisville, Ky. Rosa Joel and Henry Joel, Jersey Citv, N. J. Malvina Nash Hemenway, Mexico, N. Y . . . Augeline II. Campbell, Philadelphia, Pa . . Portable wardrobe Drier Method of drying distillers’ slops... Button-hole marker Patient’s elevator and perambulator Match and cigarette box ..\- Catch for breastpins Clothes-boiler Supporting- baud for aprons Cement for use in manufacturing stained glass. Rein-muff Gossamer cloak Letter-box bell Draw-box Washing-machine Dust-pan Soap-receptacle Corset Date. Aug. 31, 1886 Aug. 31, 1886 _ Aug. 31, 1886 Sept. 7, 1886 Sept. 7, 1886 S-'pt. 14, 1886 Sept. 1 l. 1886 Sept. 14, 1886 Sept. 14, 1886 Sept. 21, 1886 Sept. 21. 1886 Sept. 28, 1886 Sept. 28, 1886 Oct. 5, 1886 Oct. 5, 1886 Oct. 5, 1886 Oct, 12, 1886 Oct. 12, 1886 Oct. 12, 1886 Oct. 12, 1886 Oct. 12, 1886 Oct, 12, 1886 Oct. 19, 1886 Oct. 19, 1886 Oct. 19, 1886 Oct, 19, 1886 Oct, 19, 1886 Nov. 2, 1886 Nov. 2, 1886 Nov. 2, 1886 Nov. 2, 1886 Nov. 9,1686 Nov. 9, 1886 Nov. 9, D86 Nov. 9, 1886 Nov. 9, 1386 Nov. 9, 1886 Nov. 16, 1886 Nov. 16, 18.-45 Nov. 16, 1886 Nov. 16, 1886 Nov. 23, 1886 Nov. 23, 1886 Nov. 23, 1886 Nov. 23, 1886 Nov. 23, 1866 Nov. 23, 1886 Nov. 30, 1886 Nov. 30, 1886 Nov. 30, 1886 Nov. 30, 1886 Dec. 7, 1886 Dec. 7,1886 Dec. 7, 1886 Dec. 7, 1886 Dec. 7, 1886 Dec. 7, 1886 Dec. 21, 1886 Dec. 21, 1886 WOMEN INVENTORS. oo Ob No. 354,764 354, 895 354,934 354.960 354,979 354, 995 355, 061 355, 139 355, 160 355, ‘256 355. 282 355, 349 355, 368 355, 369 355, 417 355, 527 355, 533 355, 552 355, 583 '355, 663 355, 709 355, 796 356, 187 356, 327 356, 348 356, 397 356, 497 356. 602 356, 679 356, 881 357, 088 357, 135 357, 200 357, 354 357, 373 357, 381 357,611 357, 747 357 , 7 62 357,791 357, 895 358, 049 358, 068 358, 098 358,115 358, 197 358 198 358. 348 358. 349 358, 406 358, 569 358, 914 359, 046 359, 090 359, 288 359, 330 359, 366 359, 783 359, 784 3 JO, 197 3 JO, 224 360, 281 360, 313 360, 564 360, 726 Name and Address. Catharine E. Bell, West Point, Miss Sarah Emory Gleason, Tacoma, Wash. Ter. Frances V. Raymond, Buffalo, N. Y Glennie A. Williams, Kansas City, Mo Sarah M. Hardeubergh, Le Fever Falls, N. Y. Mary A. Wheeler, Rochester, N. Y Sabina W. Cook, Dayton, Wash. Ter Josephine G. Cochran, Shelby ville, 111 Elizabeth Gartland, Philadelphia, Pa Lizzie Decker, Sandusky County, Ohio *. Margaret A. Sutton, Arlington, Md .. Catharine Schulte, Port Huron, Mich Maria E. Allen, Brooklyn, N. Y . .4 Chart tor drafting garments Alloy Washing-machine ish-wasbiug machine SCh ''Pants Plant-protector Fire-escape Diaper Julia D. Baufiekl, Boston, Mass Garment-supporter Mary ,J. Spencer, Brooklyn, N. Y Frances Pickett Hervey, Brenliam, Tex... Annie Elizabeth Irwin, Memphis, Term ... Clara Roza Padro, Springfield, Mass Emily Brooke, Brooklyn, N. Y Jerusha M. Besse Price, Hiawatha, Kans . Rachel S. Packson, Emporia, Kans Jennie M. Stewart, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, assignor of one-half to Henry F. The- bault, Cook County, 111. Fanny B. Shannon, Denver, Colo Sarah A. Perry, Ripley, Ohio Martha C. Buck, Ogden, Mich Eliza Ann Terry, Menomonee, Wis Johanna Patten, Crown Point, Ind Elsey B. Russell, Bardslowu, Ky Stella C. Brown, Battle Creek, Mich Jeannette P. Murdock, and George J. Murdock, New York, N. Y. Ellen E. McGrath, Brooklyn, N. Y Mnrgureite A. Sutton, Arlington, and Annav O. Wood, Frederick, Md. Mary Etta Cowles, Hopkirk Agency, Iowa,, Louisa Winterboff, Hammersmith, London, County of Middlesex, England. Ellen Cushing, San Francisco, Cal Lizzie Tally Gulick, Corsicana, Tex Nelly P. Levalley, Milwaukee, Wis Ella Elizabeth West and Jacob Souders West, New York, N. Y., assignor of one- third to Benjamin F. Yates, same place.. Mary V. Coleman, Atlanta, Ga Annie Shanfey, New York, N. Y Maggie Bard ill, Groton, Dak. Ter Minnie Briuton McCastline, Geddes, N. Y .. Sarah A. Parke, Bay City, Mich Elizabeth Wilson, Kokomo, Ind Effie A. Gilbert, Chicago, 111 Elisabeth Guion, New York, N. Y Elisabeth Guion, New York, N. Y Catharine A. Griswold, New York, N. Y . Catharine A. Griswold, New York, N. Y . .xj Corset Bridget O’Connor, Bridgeport, Conn ^ •'Shirt Effie L. Prall, Wellington, Kans Anna Alplanalb, Chicago, III ... Gertrude H. Wood worth, Algona, Iowa Maggie E. Minnick, Galveston, Tex Alary F. Sallade, New York, N. Y Scholar’s companion Cooking utensil Kitchen-cabinet Remedy for corns, bunions, &c Method of fitting garments Baby charmer, protector, and dental cutter Speculum Pot-cover Device for teaching fractions Pencil-drawer for school-desks Wire dust- whip Corset Combined suspensory-bandage and truss .. ■ i^Gate > Combined sleeve-holder and finger-guard.. Sad-iron Henrietta Smadbeck, New York, N. Y S ''Sleeve- protector Catherine Sisson, Garnett, Kans E. Adelle Hapgood, Randolph, N. Y L. Adelle Hapgood, Randolph, N. Y Alary E. Birnbanm, Santa Barbara, Cal .. Alariana T. Jones, Bcsto", Mass Alarie Danos, New Iberia, La Helen L. Bowman and George Rix Lewis, Lamoille, 111. Mary E. Cory, Richmond, Ind Alice Randall and Purdy M. Randall Milwaukee, Wis., assignors, by mesne assignments, to William Meys f , Walter A. Holbrook, and Richard Klau, all of same place. Title of Invention. Heater for beds. . . . Baby- walker Beating and mixing Dough-raiser Carriage-seat machine . Child’s cradle Safety-skirt .. Hat-protector Method of decorating Programme alarm-clock ... Blind-stop Drive- chain Clasp Method of cutting and fitting garments Device for renovating garments Wash-boiler Carpet-fastener Saw-tooth-swaging machine Dnst-deflector ■VBustle Medicine-spoon Dress-maker’s fitting-chair Corset . JVI :• Bi otor for churns ... ustle Foot-rest for stoves . Washing-fluid Atomizer Garment-supporter Apparatus for preserving eggs Apparatus for preserving eggs Stove Garment-supporter Cultivator Pencil-sharpener . Sleeve- ' Bustle -protector , Date. Dec. 21,1886 Dec. 28, 1886 Dec. 28,1886 Dec. 28,1886 Dec. 28,1886 Dec. 28,1886 Dec. 28,1886" Dec. 28,1886 Dec. 28,1886 Dec. 28,1886 Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 28, 1886 4, 1887 4, 1887 4, 1887 4, 1887 4, 1887 4, 1887 4, 1887 4,1887 4, 1887 1 1 , 1887 Jan. 11,1887 J an . J an . Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 18. 1887 18,18-7 18. 18ft7 18, 1*87 25. 1887 25, 1887 25. 1887 1,1887 1,1887 1. 1887 8. 1887 8, 1887 8, 1887 8, 1887 15. 1887 15, 1887 Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 15, 1S87 15, 1887 15. 1887 22. 1887 22, 1887 22, 1887 22, 1887 22, 1887 22, 1887 22, 1887 22, 1887 22. 1887 1. 1887 8. 1887 8, 1887 8, 1887 15. 1887 15, 1887 15. 1887 22. 1887 22. 1887 29. 1887 29, 1887 29, 1887 29, 1887 Apr. 5,1887 Apr. 5, 1887 WOMEN INVENTORS, 39 No. 300,735 360, 764 360, 004 361.079 361.080 361.081 361,212 361,314 361,41-2 361,494 361, 535 361,537 361, 756 36-2, 051 36-2, 171 36-2, 365 362, 374 362, 593 362.691 362. 692 362, 705 362, 939 363, 045 363, 237 363, 527 363, 736 363, 812 303, 929 364,057 304,075 364,078 364,218 304, 323 364,412 364,415 364,602 364,604 364,612 364, 792 364, 820 364, 853 364,928 365, 450 365, 452 365,471 365, 546 365, 805 365, ("il4 365, 915 366, 256 366, 359 366, 623 366, 024 366, 730 367, 448 367, 646 Name and Address. Josephine B. Scliroeder and Mathias J. Hinden, Cleveland, Ohio ; said lliudeu assignor to said Scliroeder. Amanda De Voe, Brooklyn, N. Y Elizabeth Barnston Parnell, Sydney, New South Wales. Caroline S. Pusey, Philadelphia, Pa V Caroline S. Posey, Philadelphia, Pa. Caroline S. Pusey, Philadelphia, Pa. Anna Dorniitzer, New York, N. Y Sarah A. Munson, Joliet, 111 ^-'Bustle Invalid-chair Process of treating certain descriptions of auriferous and argentiferous materials, &c. Art of manufacturing hosiery and other garments. i'Sock, glove, &c 'Art of uniting fabrics by sewing Ornamental step-ladder Sarah A. Harryman, Sedalia, Mo Mary Dewey, Chicago, 111 V Sarah J. Merrick, San Antonio, Tex Annie M. Morrison, New York, N. Y ^ Mary Fuchs, Camden, N. J , Phebe R. Aildoms, Brooklyn, N. Y Minnie B. McCastliue, Syracuse, N. Y Marie Danos, New Iberia, La Ella N. Gail lard, New York, N. Y., as- signor to Ernest Marx, same place. Sallie A. Wells, Annapolis, Md Ruth E. Wilson, Brooklyn, N. Y Cornelia C. Wood, Sibley, Iowa Laura A. Beatty, Galesburg, 111 Addie G. Conway, Kansas City, Mo Charlotte C. Canuom, London, Ontario, Canada. Eunice Hood, Bradford, Pa., assignor of- one-lialf to Jacob C. Cupler, same place. Harriet B. Mavis, Burlington, Kans Emma II. Eve, Lockhart, Tex Sarah A. Drewrv, New York, N. Y Emma Whitmore, Philadelphia, Pa., as- signor to Aaron Jones’ Sons, same place. Esther R. Spencer. Rochester, N. Y., as- signor to the Self-Adjusting Corset Com- pany, same place. Catherine A. Williamson, St. Louis, Mo.. . Amelia V. Andrews, Philadelphia, Pa Eliza A. Copeland, Garden Valley, Tex... Amelia A. Waterhouse, San Francisco, Cal. Mary A. Hendricks, Charleston, S. C Mary P. Carpenter Hooper, New York, N.Y Mary Purvis, Plainview, Minn Combined skirt and protector Kate Ryan, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ada M. Throckmorton, Chillicothe, Ohio. Evelyn Beecher, New Haven, Conn Maria J. Hodgkin, Jerseyville, 111 Belle Dorsey Pennington, Evansville, Ind Sarah M. Hoyt, Chicago, 111 Fannie St. Clair, New York, N. Y Annie Walther and Mattes Supple, Fond \|' Garment- fastener, du Lac, Wis. Martha B. Hancock, Syracuse, N. Y. Susan L. Sinclair, Allegheny, Pa Cleopatra K. Farrington, Everett, Mass .. Susan A. Henning, Chicago, 111 Elizabeth Fowble, St. Paul, Minn Aurie Valon Robinson, Fort Ann, N. Y. Sarah M. Warren, Brooklyn, N. Y., as- signor to Lewis Schiele «fc Company, New York, N. Y. Anna B. Floyd, Boston, Mass., assignor by mesne assignments to Frederic C. Floyd, same place. Kathrine Frekker, Chicago, 111., assignor of one-half to Peter Hanson, same place. Rebecca E. Johnson, Brooklyn, N. Y Doll Sarah J. Schack, Chicago, 111 ij Stocking-supporter Clara Lewenberg, New York, N. Y., as--. Armpit dress-shield signor of one-half to Frederick Rawitser, Washington, D. C. Title of Invention. Circular-knitting machine Foot-warmer for stoves Corset, and dress protector Pen or pencil holder Supporting-band for aprons Trimming for hilts Ventilator Carpet-fastener Cotton-scraper Combined needle and cord and mode of uniting the same. Thimble Illuminated floral piece Bunk for railway-cars Heating attachment for lamp-chimneys Toaster or broiler for gasoline-stoves Dish-drainer Apparatus for cutting Ironing-board Artificial fruit, foliage, and leaves Abdominal supporter Method of constructing rosettes. .. Lacing-bearing Seat for bicycles Bed-pan Bale-tie Reversible broiler or toaster Folding invalid-chair Netting canopy for beds, &c Rinsing and drying device for dishes and other articles of table use. Filling attachment for hot-water bags Broiler Rotary cutter Bustle or pannier Portable awning . . Raving-block V Combi ills. Wheel attachment for sloig Car- wheel Abdominal supporter Bedclothes-holder Culinary apparatus Catamenial sack Corset Water-proof bonnet or hat. Window-reflector . Date Apr. 5, 1887 Apr. 5, 1887 Apr. 12,1887 Apr. 12,1887 Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. Apr. May May May May 12, 1887 12, 1887 12. 1887 19. 1887 19, 1887 19, 1887 19, 1887 19. 1887 - 26. 1887 3, 1887 3, 1887 3, 1887 3, 1887 May 10, 1887 May 10,1887 May 10,1887 May 10,1887 May 17,1887 May 17,1887 May 17,1887 May 24,1887 May 24, 1887 May 31 , 1887 May 31,1887 May 31,1887 May 31,1887 May 31, 1887 June 7,1887 7, 1887 7, 1887 7, 1887 7, 1887 •J UIU June June June J line J uue J une June June June June June 7, 1887 7. 1887 14, 1887 14, 1887 14, 1887 14. 1887 28. 1887 28, 1887 June 28, 1887 J une 28, 1887 July 5, 1887 July 5,1887 July 5,1887 July 12,1887 July 12,1887 July 12, 1887 July 12, 1887 July 19, 1887 Aug. 2,1887 Aug. 2, 1887 40 WOMEN" INVENTORS. No. 307, 747 367, 868 368, 000 368, 206 368, 285 368, 582 368, 677 368, 750 368, 816 368, 980 369, 000 369, 035 369, 112 OOo . 253 369, 285 369, 365 369, 380 369, 448 369, 455 369; 535 370, 035 370, 161 370, 275 370, 375 370, 459 370, 561 370, 893 — 370, 976 ,» ( 1 , 222 371, 270 371, 328 371. 338 371, 401 371, 402 371. 468 371, 511 371, 550 371,714 371,905 371,938 •371,981 372, 109 372. 123 372, 192 372,212 372, 288 372, 526 372, 601 372, 648 372, 922 373, 054 3 373. 123 373. 124 373. 276 373, 297 373, 384 373, 424 373, 448 374, 172 374.277 374, 378 374, 909 375, 239 Name and Ad in; ess. Belle Epperly, Lama, Mo., assignor of one-N third to Mary W. Tucker. Sarah IV. Trabue, Girard, 111 . lltilda Payne, Mount Vernon, Ohio ^ Mary Laureta Hardy, Eureka Springs, Ark. Eliza Jane Harding, Denver, Colo Emma .1. Gooch, Washington, D. C Mary A. Maxwell, Boston, Mass Addie Bond, New York, N. Y., assignor t<\ Joel Jenkins, same place. Anna Connelly, Philadelphia, Pa Mary Sophia Snow, Sacramento, Cal Katie VV. Eubank, Rutherford, Cal Annie M. Showman, Newark, Ohio Mary Jury, Salem, Oregon Amelia H. Lindsay, Pittsburg, Pa Clementina J. M. llayna, St. Louis, Mo . Mollie L. Ramey, Hot Springs, Ark Sarah H. Weltner, Wellsville, Mo Clementina J. M. Hayna, St. Louis, Mo May Leaman, San Jos6, Cal Grace H. Lasswell, Normal, III Anna E. Barber, Brodhead, Wis Julia Reinhardt, New York, N. Y Alice E. Mendenhall, Visalia, Ivy Estella Case, New York, N. Y Elizabeth Faaseu, New Orleans, La Kate Scanlon, New York, N. Y Mary E. Royce, Toledo, Ohio Celia C. Schoeller, Pittsburg, Pa Anna M. Shirk, Anderson, lud Catharine Maxwell, Philadelphia, Pa.. .. Mariana T. Jones, Boston, Mass Fannie L. Matson, San Josd, Cal Annie M. Williamson, St. Louis, Mo Catherine A. Williamson, St. Louis, Mo .. Mary A. McMaster, Antioch, Cal _ Martha E. Lunn, Elgin, 111 >. Emma T. L. Clark, London, County of Mid- dlesex, England. Sarah G. Smith, Cleveland, Ohio Maude W. Tooker, New York, N. Y Julia M. Hinsdill, Grand Rapids, Mich Lucinda N. Seutcr, Red Bluff, Cal Ann M. Beldeu, Bloomington, 111 Phebe E. Cox, Readington, N. J Nevada F. Ardery, New Cumberland, lud - Veranda A. Calkins and Charles W. Faatz, Scranton, Pa. Hannah C. Bailey, Utica, N. Y Louis; D. Fein, Cincinuati, Ohio Estella Case, New York, N. Y Mary L. W. Adams, Nashotah, Wis Alice O. McCord, Colfax, Wash. Ter Eleanor N. Cunningham, Toledo, Ohio Dorcas F. McHenry, Exchange, Pa.. Addie M. Brock, North Plainfield, N. J Iona E. Brown, Mount Holly, assignor to M.M. Maguire and E. A. Maguire, Rut- land, Vt. Julia A. Downey, Oberlin, Ohio Louise F. Marshall, New York, N. Y Hattie S. Works, Brooklyn, N. Y Maude C. Murray, Bardstown, Ky Sarah L. Feathers, Prairie City, Iowa Lucie Bryarly, Clarksville, Tenu ; Elizabeth W. Smith, Atlanta, Ga., assignor by mesne assignments to Frank Bogardus, trustee, New York, N. Y. Harriet W. R. Strong, Los Angeles, Cal.. .. Helen L. Smith, (married, now Helen L. Hopper,) Hutchinson, Kans. Rebecca S. Pollard, Chicago, 111 Mary E. Wheeler, New York, N. Y., assignor to R. M. and T, S. Bassett, Birming- ham, Conn. Title oe Invention. Corset Baling-press Bustle Mosquito-netting attachment Dopurator 'Napkin-supporter Easel Cuff- retainer Fire-escape Umbrella or parasol Combined trunk and bureau V Combined hair curler and crimper Pie-holder .'/Rotary engine Furnace Stove Curtain-fixture Steam-boiler Bustle Skirt and stocking protector Fruit-preserver Skirt-lining Skimming device for milk-cans Bust-form Sunshade-handle Poultice-pan Tension device for finger-bands Alterative remedy >/Garment-fastener ./Ice- sandal Cuff-holder Frame for reading and number cards Corset Seat Carpet-weaver Corset 1 Process of hardening and preserving plas- ter-of-paris casts and molds and making them impervious to water, &c. Fuel-box Bustle Mattress Washing-machine Magazine-stove Dish-washing machine Bustle Device for sealing jars Attachment for beds for invalids Fire-escape Combined shoulder-brace and back-support. Griddle-greaser Automatic stem-pessary Shoe Heater Fence-rail Baking-tin Toaster Wig or similar article Frame for signs Holder for bed-covers Compound for bleaching potatoes, &c Dress-shield Child’s crib Dam and reservoir construction Apparatus for preparing canned food. Educational appliance Dress-shield Date. Aug. 2,1887 Aug. 9,1887 Aug. 9, 1887 Aug. 16, 1887 Aug. 16, 1887 Aug. 23, 1887 Aug. 23, 1887 Aug. 23, 1887 Aug. 23, 1887 Aug. 30, 1887 Aug. 30, 1887 Aug. 30, 1887 Aug. 30, 1887 Aug. 30, 1887 Aug. 30, 1887 Sept. 6,1887 Sept. 6, 1887 Sent. 6,1887 Sept. 6,1887 Sept. 6, 1887 Sept. 20, 1887 Sept. 20, 1887 Sept. 20, 1887 Sept. 27, 1887 Sept, 27, 1887 Sept, 27, 1887 Oct. 4, 1887 Oct. 4, 1887 Oct, 11,1887 Oct. 11,1887 Oct, 11,1887 Oct. 11, 1887 Oct. 11,1887 Oct. 11,1887 Oct. 11,1887 Oct, 11,1887 Oct. 18,1887 Oct, 18,1887 Oct. 18,1887 Oct, 25,1887 Oct, 25. 1887 Oct. 25,1887 Oct, 25,1887 Oct. 25, 1887 Oct. 25,1887 Nov. 1,1887 Nov. 1,1887 Nov. 1.1887 Nov. 8,1887 Nov. 8, 1887 Nov. 15, 1887 Nov. 15, 1887 Nov. 13, 1887 Nov. 15, 1887 Nov. 15, 1887 Nov. 15, 1887 Nov. 15, 1887 Nov. 15, 1887 Nov. 22, P-87 Dec. 6,1887 Dec. 6, 1887 Dec. 6, 1887 Dec. 13, 1887 Dec. 20,1887 Dec. 20,1887 WOMEN INVENTORS, 41 No. 375, 475 375, 563 375, 584 375, 706 375, 859 375, 972 375, 990 376, 497 376, 654 376, 688 376, 924 377, 145 377, 306 377, 339 377, 444 377, 512 377, 663 377, 797 377,979 378, 182 378, 220 378,271 378, 455 378, 508 378, 518 379, 236 379, 384 379, 500 380, 056 380, 063 380, 079 380, 125 380, 159 380,215 380, 226 380, 364 380, 478 380, 491 380, 551 380, 593 380, 973 380, 976 Name and Address. 381, 140 381, 154 381,288 381 . 32 1 381.368 381,643 381, 057 381,721 381,824 382, 020 382, 059 382, 065 382, 378 382, 113 382. 493 382, 628 V Clas Clasp Curtain-ring Baling-press Medical compound. Sarah E. Cattell, Mattoon, 111 Marian Nixson, Windsor, England Sarah W. Trabue, Girard, 111 Louise B. Hoppel, Lyons, N. Y., assignor of one-half to William Ketterer, same place. Julia B. Wood, Manchester, N. II Josephine S. Wilson, San Josd, Cal \ 'Dress-chart Maria P. De Jonge, Brussels, Belgium v) < .'onset Ada L. Winn, Hillsborough, Ark .v Button-fastener Kate D. Hughes, Washington, D. C y Sash-fastener Sarah W. Trabue, Girard, 111 Emma Thompson, Brooklyn, N. Y ^/'Corset Annie Caller, Albany, N. Y Nettie Illoway, Cincinnati, Ohio. Veronica Ulke, Washington, D. C « / Waist- garment Liniment Rntl Emma D. Watrous, Freetown, N. Y Annie Bunn, Birdsborough, Pa Sephora L. Bettes, Washington, D. C Lucy C. Bolton, Peoria, 111 Ann E. Banks, Bland Court-House, Va. Anna Storck, Cincinnati, Ohio Elizabeth D. Staples, West New Brighton, and H. E. Ashcraft, Goshen, N. Y., assign- ors to said Elizabeth I). Staples. Sarah Waterman, Milwaukee, Wis Carrie Morse, San Francisco, Cal Margaret M. Joslyn, Grand Meadow, Minn Pheba Parmenter, Lamar, Mo., assignor of one-half to A. M. Stearns, same place. Minnie B. McCastline, Syracuse, N. Y Carpet-fa Ilorota Simon and Fajwel Fels,. Phila 5 * Dress-chi delphia, Pa. Martha E. Austin, New Orleans, La Selma A. Schoefer, Brooklyn, N. Y r' 1 Abby M. Terry, Brooklyn, N. Y Mary Biggin, Bradway, County of Derby, England, assignor to S. H. Morley, Howard Morley, Charles Morley, Wil- liam Donne, John Thomas, Frederick Goodyear, and Thomas Hill, all of Lon- don, England. Annie Lewis, Galveston, Tex 1 Clasp Belle West, Winfield, and Wealthy .1. Allen, Arkansas City, Ivans. Mary E. Moore, New York, N. Y Anna M. E. Stewart and Theron S. Stew- art, Toledo, Ohio. Susan E. Surles, Cbipley, Ga Kate M. DufFey, Astoria, Oregon Amelia Kahn, St. Joseph, Mo Emma S. Colt, Kansas City, Mo Elisabeth D’Escalonue and Pierre L. Qna- rante, Paris, France. Kate P. Beaird, Tyler, Tex Title of Invention. Date. Draft-hook for vehicles Baling-press. Surgical splint Paint-cup Trellis-support Chair Ruling attachment for blackboards. Varnish for finishing wood Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. 27, 1887 27, 1887 27, 1887 27, 1887 Button and fastener Hospital transfer-bed Adjustable stove-cover Ad justable crib-bedstead Soot-collector for gasoline-stoves ... Combined corset and bustle -fastener chart Salve 'movable corset- fasten in <. leeve-stay Glove Combined step-ladder and ironing-board Ear-battery for the deaf Churn-dasher Folding liat-box Bed-pan Eyeglasses 1 )ust-pan Composition for preserving wood, &c J an . Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. Mar. 3, 1888 3, 1888 3. 1888 17, 1888 17, 1888 17. 1888 24. 1888 31. 1888 31, 1888 31 . 1888 7. 1888 7, 1888 7, 1888 14. 1888 14. 1888 21, 1888 21. 1888 21, 1888 28, 1888 28, 1888 28, 1888 13, 1888 13, 1888 13. 1888 97. 1888 27. 1888 27,1888 Hand propelling device for sewing-ma- chines. Barrel-making machine MariaE. Beasley, George Rehftiss, J. George Relifuss, and Martin O. Rebfuss, Phila- delphia, Pa., assignors to the American Barrel and Stave Company, Camden, N. J. Harriet A. Jewell, Cleveland, Ohio Julia McAfferty, Chicago, 111 Emily A. Stears, Brooklyu, N. Y Annie L. Boone, San Francisco, Cal Clementina J. M. Hayna, St. Louis, Mo Louisa Reinhardt, Louisville, Ky Sarah E. Toucey, New York, N. Y Harriet liandol, Pottersburg, Ivans Sal lie E. Bowersock, Baltimore, Md. Eunice A. Trim, Malone, Ter. N. Mex Lena Smith, New York, N. Y Bustle Mary J. Watson, Sacramento, Cal .v Street and station indicator Charlotte O’Day, Denver, Colo., assignors' Bustle to Charlotte Abair, same place. Louise M. Dyer, Yazoo City, Miss Almira A. Smith, Hadley, Mass Emma D. Watrous, Freetown Corners, N. Y. 7220 G 'Bustle Photograph-holder Trap Gaslight shield and reflector Steam-boiler Washing-machine Grape-seed extractor Provision-safe Bread, cake, or cheese box Canteen Combined slate and ruler Canopy attachment for chairs, &c ^Dtfderwaist Mar. 27, 1888 Mar. 27, 1888 Mar. 27, 1888 Mar. 27, 1888 Apr. 3, 1888 Apr. 3, 1888 Apr. 3, 1888 Apr. 3, 1888 Apr. 3, 1888 Apr. 10, 1888 Apr. 10, 1888 Apr. 17, 1888 A fir. 17, 1888 Apr. 17, 1888 Apr. 17. 1888 Apr. 17, 1888 Apr. 24, 1888 Apr. 24, 1888 Apr. 24, 1888 Apr. 24, 1888 May 1, 1888 May 1,1888 1. 1-8- May 8, 1888 8, 1888 May 8, 1888 May 8,1888 42 WOMEN INVENTORS. No. 382,814 382 , 9>7 383 , 421 383 . 84 .') 383 , - 7 1 384,293 384, 361 384,475 384, 517 384,674 385, 069 385, 158 Name and Address. Title of Invention. Baby-juniper Safety-car Mary P. Jones, Miueral City, Tex „ „ Amelia Kahn, St. Joseph, Mo. Eyeglasses Alice White, Detroit, Mich., assignor of' Bustle one-lialfto Richard S. Mallary, same place. Ellen E. L. Woodward, Chicago, assignorof one-half to Frederick S. Woodward, Tur- ner, 111. Anna L. Dey, New York, N. Y Cora S. Snedden, Braddock, Pa Mary J. Hamlin, Bartramville, Ohio Augusta Schultze, New York, N. Y Mary S. Gage, St. Louis, Mo 1 Stove Buffet for housekeeping Tidy-fastener Clamp for fruit-cans... Eyeglasses Mary F. Bishop, Bridgeport, Conn . E. Jennie H. Richardson. Detroit, Mich Anna M. Woodhull, Freehold, N. J Means for operating egg-beaters Device for sprinkling lawns Safety-seal for checks Date. \ May 15,1888 May 15, 1888 May 22, 1888 May 29, 1888 June 5,1888 June 12, 1888 .June 12, 1888 June 12, 1888 June 12, 1888 June 19, 1888 June 26, 1888 June 26, 1888 L p 36 ■ 1 + 1 ° /Co f try 'J- °fo . /O O , o^r /+ *!<, \Y OM E N IJM VENTOES. 43 Reissuk No. Name and Address. Title of Invention. Date. 493 Julia M. Milligan, New Albany, Ind Thomas R. Hartell and John Letchworth, Philadelphia, Pa., assignees by mesne as- signments of Rlioda Davis. Improved abdominal supporter Sept. 15, 1857 1,432 Improved elastic cap for sealing cans and bottles. Mar. 17, 1863 1,872 Sarah A. Moody, New York, N. Y Improvement in hoop-skirts Feb. 14, 1865 2, 165 Sarah A. Moody, New York, N. Y Improvement in abdominal supporters Jan. 30, 1866 2, 053 Lavinia H. Foy and James 11. Foy, Boston, Mass., assignees by mesne assignments of Lavinia H. Foy. Improvement in corset skirt-supporters... June 18, 1867 2, 654 Lavinia H. Foy and James H. Foy, Boston, Mass., assignees by mesne assignments of Lavinia 11. Foy. Improvement iii corset skirt-supporters. .. .June 18, 1867 2, 659 Helen M. Remington, Springfield, Mass.... Improved mincing-knife Jane 25, 1-67 2, 886 Victoria A. Osborn and Charles L. Alexan- der, Washington, D. C. Improvement in book-covor protectors Mar. 3, 1868 3, 4 36 William E. Marston, Troy, N. Y., assiguec of Elizabeth Hawks. Improvement in heating-stoves May 11,1869 3,491 Anna Weissenborn, New York, N. Y Improvement in tuck-creasing attach- ments for sewing-machines. June 8,1869 3, 585 Elizabeth Hawks, Troy, N. Y Improvement in auxiliary air chambers for stoves, heaters, and furnaces. Aug. 3,1869 3,938 Susan R. Knox, Now York, N. Y Improvement in lluting-macliines Apr. 26,1870 4,029 Edwin J. Ilowlett, PI iladelphia, Pa., as- signee of himself and Susan Kirk. Improvement in tools for manufacturing paper bags. June 14, 1870 4,031 Louise F. Shaw, New York, N. Y Imitation hair for ladies’ head-dresses June 14, 1870 4,227 Ariadna B. Mercier, Provideuce, R. I Improvement in clothes-washers Jan. 3, 1871 4,349 Henrietta H. Cole, New York, N. Y Improvement in tinting-machines Apr. 25,1871 4,427 Cathrine Allsop Griswold, Willimantic, Conn. Improvement in skirt-supporting corsets June 20, 1871 4, 573 Anna E. Baldw'-’, Newark, N. J Improvement in milk-coolers Oct. 3, 1871 4, 748 Helen Ekiu Starrett, Lawrence, Kane Improvement in fastenings for overshoes.. Feb. 6, 1872 4,831 Lavinia H. Foy, New Haven, Conn., as- signor by mesne assignments to herself and James H. Foy. Improvement in skirt-supporting corsets. Mar. 26, 1872 4,891 Harriet G. Emery and Margaret C. Fuller, Boston, Mass., assignors to Harriet G. Emery. Improvement in children’s corsets May 7, 1872 4,916 Harriet Godfrey Emery and Margaret Cato Fuller, Boston, Mass. Improvement in collars May 28, 1872 5, 102 Mary Florence Potts, Ottumwa, Iowa, assignor of one-lialf interest to Isaac P. Chalfant. Improvement in sad-irons Oct. 15,1872 5, 246 Mary L. Melville and John S. Kidd, Brook- lyn, N. Y. Improvement in culinary pots 5,248 Lucy S. Nourse, Barre, Mass., assignor to H. A. Hildreth and W. J. Johnson. Improvement in flour-sifters Jan. 21,1873 5,416 5,847 Harriet H. Mav, Birmingham, Conn May 20, 1873 Apr. 28, 1874 Martha M. Caslnnan, Boston, Mass., as- signor to Olivia P. Flynt. Improvement in creeping-robes for infants 5, 876 Cornelia Hitchcock, Milldale, Conn., as- signor to herself and William J. Clark, same place. Improvement in coffee-urns May 19,1874 6,448 6, 614 Lavinia II. Foy, New Haven, Conn Louisa H. Heermance and Charles W. 1 l<*vr- mancc, New York, N. Y. Improvement in strainersand funnels com- bined. Aug. 24, 1875 7,576 Harriet A. Farnam, South Bend, Ind Improvement in fly-traps Mar. 27, 1877 7, 603 Ellen B. Viets, Boston, Mass Improvement in steaming and dning ap- paratus for shaping pantaloons. Apr. 10, 1877 7, 866 Sarah N. Rennie, Binghamton, N. Y., as- signor of one-half interest to William J. Rennie, same place. Improvement in dust-pans Aug. 28, 1877 7. 869 Luna Drew, Irving, Wis Improvement in bakers for heating-stoves. Sept. 4,1877 7, 895 Catharine A. Griswold, New York, N. Y ... Improvement in corsets Sept. 25, 1877 8, 069 Clara L. Bradley, San Francisco, Cal Improvement in combination undersuits. Feb. 5, 1878 8, 338 Hannah Luehs, Washington, D. C., as- signor to Daniel E. Paris, West Troy, N. Y. Susan Taylor Conveise, Woburn, Mass .. Mary Florence Potts, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor by mesne assignments to the Enterprise Manufacturing Company of Pennsylvania and the American Ma chine Company, both of Philadelphia, Pa. Improvement in fluting-machiucs July 16, 1878 8,435 Improvement in under-clothing Sept . 24. l^TS 8, <>25 Improvement in sad-irons Oct. 7, 1879 8, 972 Amelia Bagliu, Brooklyn, N. Y Improvement in hats and other liead-covcr- Nov. 18, 1879 9, 003 Josephine S. Goye, Boston, Mass lugs. Improvement in doll-supporters Dec. 23, 1879 44 WOMEN INVENTORS. Reissue No. Name and Address. Title of Invention. Date. 9, 020 Mary Florence Potts, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor by mesne assignments to the Enterprise Manufacturing Company and the American Machine Company, both of same place. Sad-iron 9,202 Margaret E. Knight, Springfield, Mass., assignor by mesne assignments to the Eastern Paper Bag Company, Hartford, Conn. Paper-bag machine May 18,1880 9, 263 Margaret E. Skerritf, Albany, N. Y Car-step June 22, 1880 Dec. 7,1880 9, 496 Charlotte A. McGee, Jackson, Mich Corset 9, 557 Ellen E. Fitz, St. John, New Brunswick, Canada. Mounting and attachment for terrestrial globes. Feb. 8,' 1881 9, 736 M. Augusta Requa and Eleanor Dunn, New York, N. Y. ; said Dunn assignor by mesne assignments to said Requa. Copy-book May 31,1881 9, 757 Isabella J. Van Skelline, Brooklyn, N.Y . Wrapper for bonbons June 14, 1881 9,820 Mary Brooks and James Ball, Zanesville, Ohio; said Mary Brooks administratrix of Hugh Brooks, deceased. Smoke-stack for locomotives July 26,1881 9, 939 Isabella J. Van Skelline, Brooklyn, N. Y . . . Processof dyeing tissue and bonbon papers. Nov. 22, 1881 9, 971 Emmeline W. Plnlbrook, Boston, Mass Underwaist Dec. 13, 1881 9, 976 Hannah Milson, Buffalo, N. Y Ozone-machine Dec. 20,1881 Nov. 21, 1882 Feb. 26, 1884 to! 245 Amalia Mayer, New Y r ork, N. Y Ornamenting fur and other goods.. . 10,450 Theophila F. Kraemer, New York, N.Y ... Mary P. C. Hooper, n6e Mary P. Carpenter, New York, N. Y., assignor by mesne as- signments to the Carpenter Straw Sew- ing Machine Company. Cover for unright pianos 10, 600 Machine for sewing straw braid May 26, 1885 10,935 Catharine A. Griswold, New York, N. Y Corset June 5, 18 a 8 10, 939 Catharine A. Griswold, New York, N. Y Corset June 19, 1888 C -t7Zfre89t7oa seuejqn A4!Sj0Ajun 0 >|nQ