r Ouke University Libraries An act to perpe Conf Pam qilf4 V' o.ni^iuc-'. AN A( T To Perpetuate Testimony in cases of Slaves abducted or harbored by the Enemy, and of other property seized, wasted or destroyed by them. No. 270. SiccTliiN 1. Till- Ciwgie.ts of ihi: Cnnfcdcralc Slttlcs ni' Amniat ,\ ners. altornev or represen- talive a duly certified copy tliereol, wliene\'er ihe same sliall be demiiudiil. Sec. -!. And li<: ii furl her cnailal, That whenever any properly, oilier ihan slaves, real or personal, belonging to any cili/en of tbe Confederate States, iw -mw inludiitant thereof, shall be seized, wasted or destroyed by the enemy, during the existing w;ir, or by any |ierMiii oi- persons acting under the antbority, or color of .■iiithority of the I'nited Slates government, or engaged in ilie militarvor naval .service thereof, tbe mode of taking and preserving proof thereof shall coiifbrm in all resp( cts to tli.-it jirescrib. d in the above section, and have like elli'ct. Sec. tJ. And hi ti furdicr nmclrd, That the ])ro\isiou-< of ibis act sliall not be i-onsirueil as iniplyiiig that the Confederate States are in any way liable tf»'iiiake conipens.ition for any ol ihe jtroperty to wlii<'li it refers. Approveo Ausiust .10, ISlil. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Dul