f&J7U Duke University Libraries Annual commence Conf Pam 12mo #469 D B HQ47E2h* ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT I OF THE «X QIoIUqc of Charleston,? TUESDAY, MARCH 29th, 1864. (DlBBSm ©IF BX a IRQ IS IE 8. Prayer By the Rev. F. A. Mood. MUSIC. Salutatory Addresses By B. G. Shaffer, excused. MUSIC. Oration, by B. G. Shaffer. .Subject, "Our Moral Con- dition." MUSIC. Oration, by Julius J. Petit (of Senior Class). . .Sub- ject, " Life a Drama." MUSIC. Oration, by James I. Grace (of Senior Class) . . .Sub- ject, " Progressive Improvement.' 7 MUSIC. Oration, by John F. Ficken, Jr Subject, "The Philosophy of History." MUSIC. DEGREES CONFERRED. Valedictory Addresses By John F. Ficken, Jr. MUSIC. PRESIDENT' S VALEDICTORY. $ MUSIC. & BENEDICTION. ©SS**£§-r- : — : ■ ■S 3 HggS# #¥63 Hollinger Corp. pH8.5