Government War Advertising
of the Division of Advertising
'■>^, :,
Government War Advertising
of the Division of Advertising
This copy is inscribed
ivhose patriotic contribution ()f space or services
has helped to win the war
through advertising"
Table of Contents
Donations of Spaci'
1 Donations of Service
« Method of Work
U. S. Shipping Board
Treasury Department
Third Liberty Loan, (i
"Keep Your Liljerty Horn
Fourth Liberty Loan, !)
War Saviiifi's Stamps,
American Red Cross
Second War Fund, 10
Red Cross Christmas Roh Call, 14
Committee on Pulilic Information
War Department
Department of Agriculture
(Ivertising, (1
Council of National Defense
Department of Labor
Fuel Administration
Replacement Engineers
11, 14
I'niteil War AVork Campaign
tion 14
The Future
War Service Committees
War Advertising Committees of Clubs
Affiliated with the Associated Adver-
tising Clubs of tiie World
Advertising Agencies and Writers
Advertisers Who Have Contributed
Monthlies of General Circulation
AVeeklies and Semi-monthlies of
(ieneral Circulation
Farm Papers
Technical Trade a nil
Miscellaneous Publications
House Organs
College Papers
Outdoor and Poster Advertising
Street Car Advertising
Ejoecutive Order— January 20, 1918
"I hereby create, under the jurisdiction of the
Committee on Pubhc Information, heretofore
estabhshed by Executive order of April 14,
1917, a Division of Advertising for the purpose
of receiving and directing through the proper
channels the generous offers of the Advertising
forces of the Nation to support the effort of
the Government to inform public opinion
properly and adecjuately. "
WooDKow Wilson
C():s[:\riTTi:K ox public information
George Creel, Cliainnun
^ ,^ ,^ national offices
The Secretary of State
_, „ --, 8 Jackson Place
Ihe Secretary of War ,,r , • t-. ^
Washington, D. C.
Ihe Secretary of the Navy
William II. Johns, Chairuiaii
Thomas Cusack
AY. (\ D'Arcv
executive offices
O. C. Ilani ^r ^ ,., rn
.Metropontan lower
IK'iIk'iI S. Iloiislon .T A' 1
New lork
WiUiani 11. Johns
L. B. Jones
Jesse H . Neal <■' ' '^ « ^ ^' ' »•• • ^ • Ho pk
Executive Senrtur;/
of the Division of Advertising
Committee on Public Information
New York. November 27tli, 1918.
Honorable GEORGE CREEL, Chairman,
Committee on Public Information,
Wa.sliington, D. C.
established as part of your committee by
the Executive order of the President . January
'20, 1918, addresses to you this final account-
ing of its work. To understand this labor —
what were its opportunities, its limitations,
and its accomplishments — it is necessary to
begin with the President's order of January-
'20th, which reads as follows:
EXECUTIVE ORDER— January 20, 1918.
"I hereby create, under the jurisdiction
of the Committee on Public Information,
heretofore established by Executive
order of April 14, 1917, a Division of
Advertising for the purpose of receiving
and directing through the proper channels
the generous offers of the Advertising
forces of the Nation to support the effort
of the Government to inform public
opinion properly and adequately."
WooDROw Wilson.
The two fundamental words in the order, in-
dicating the Division's duties, were "direct"
and "offers." In other words, the Division's
functions have been limited to the administer-
ing of donations. The material given by a
generous, patriotic citizenry has been tremen-
dous in quantity and quality, so that we have
not lacked the wherewithal to work.
The services the Division has been able to
render, we believe, have been two-sided. On
the one hand, the Government departments
needing advertising help have been enabled
to find space, counsel, copy and complete
advertising service in one place; on the other
hand, the advertising forces themselves, have
been protected by the Division from im-
proper demands upon them as well as from
duplication of legitimate demands.
Both sides have been benefited also, we
trust, by the fact that through the Division
of Advertising a sane and proper conception
of the place of advertising in accomplishing
governmental purposes has been made avail-
able to those who had previously lacked the
ojiportunity of investigating the subject. In
other words, besides doing its daily work for
winning the war, the members of the Division
of Advertising have been able to bring the
American public and the advertising world
together in better understanding.
In taking up the details of our work, we
consider it our first and most important duty
to acknowledge the Government's debt of
gratitude to the generous donors of advertis-
ing space and service which have made
possible the work hereafter described. No
mere recital, either in terms of agate lines or
of dollars, can give an adequate picture of
the value of these gifts to the common cause
of winning the war, now so happily achieved.
Something of the spirit which characterized
[ 1
I 111' offers would li;i\c to Ix- jiddcd. ;iiul soiiie-
lliiiif;. too, of lilt' iiiiiiu'iisiiriil)li' results ac-
i-om|)lislie(l l)y tlu'so donations in hringing
forcihly to our millions of citi/.ons llu' iicces-
sar\' messages of tiic hour.
Inade(|uate as I hey are. Ii()\\('\'er, llie lists
of contrihutions of sjiaee and serviee whioli
Iiave ai)|)eared in our ])revions reports are
hereby made a ])art of this final re])(Ml and
the only practical aeeounl which can be taken
of the generosity of patriotic pnhlisliers. ad-
vertisers, advertising agents, artists. c()j)y-
writers and prinlers who cilJicr ])ui'cliasr(l
sonu'tliing with money and gaxc it or else
gave freely of their source of re\eiiue. which
is the e(jiiivalent of nn)ney.
Donations of Space
E.KAMiNArioN of the list of donations will
show that about SOD publishers of
monthly and weekly ])eriodicals gave sjjace,
worth $15!),'-275.()4 per month for the duration
of the wai' and this was being increased
montlil\- when the armistice suddenly ter-
minatetl lIu' arrangement. On an annual
basis this would have meant $1.91 1,:507.8'-2,
i)ut as the contributions were "for the dura-
tion of the war," the total would have been
far in excess of that hgure had it been needetl.
These included monlhl,\- and weekly maga-
zine.s, business press, agricultural ])apers, thea-
tre ])rograins in all the leading cities, and
miscellaneous ])ublications. In aildition, ad-
vertisers of merchandise purchased in various
nationally circulated i)eriodicals $:54(),})S1 .'-21
worth of s])ace and turned [his s|)ace o\<'r to
the Division of Advertising to use for Govern-
ment i)ur])oses. These were definite purchases
for 1!)18, but indications had already been
gi\cii lli;il i-enewals would follow in 1!)!!). .Vlso
d to in the filling of rush oi-dcrs.
The Division of Pictorial Publicity of the
Committee on Public Information, though a
sister division and doing most of its work in-
(le])endently of our division, holds a high
place among the factors which nuule the work
of the Division of Advertising effective. To
tlie artists" organization we looked largely
for the illustration of the periodical adver-
tisements as well as for such posters as were
furnished through our division. The gifted
l)cucils and brushes of America's foremost
artists were enthusiastically ofl'ered us and as
gratefully used. The organization created by
Messrs. Charles Dana Gibson, E. De Sales
Casey and H. Devitt Welsh, was so effective
and so conveniently located that co-operation
between the two divisions was practical and
void of lost motion.
A notable gear in the Government's
national advertising machine was the window
display feature. This was made possible by
the intelligent co-operation of the Inter-
national Association of Display Men. This
organization appointed a National War Serv-
ice Committee on Window Displays, the
chairman of which, Mr. C. J. Potter, took a
desk in the New York offices of the Division
of Advertising and not only turned over to
the Division the entire window display re-
sources of the Association in 600 cities, but
directed the entire work of creating patriotic
window displays throughout the country so
that, timed to tlie minute, they supi^lemented
our campaigns in the periodicals. The window
display committee was instrumental in the
l)uilding of 00,000 reported displays on
various Government subjects, and probably
hundreds more vmreported.
Among the organizations co-operating with
the Division by the appointment of war serv-
ice connnittees were the following depart-
ments of the Associated Advertising Chilis of
the World represented in the National Ad-
vertising Commission:
Ai;ricuUnral l'ul)lishers' Association
American Association of Advertising Afients
American Association of American Direc-
tory Publishers
Associated Business Pajiers, Inc.
Association of National Advertisers
Church Advertising Dei)artnK>iit
Community Advertising Department
'I'lie Daily Newspaper Department
Direct Mail Advertising Association
Financial Advertisers' Association
Gra{)hic Arts Association
National Association of Advertising Sj)ec-
ialty Manufacturers
National Association of Employing Litho-
National Association of Theatre Program
Outdoor Advertising Association
Periodical Publishers' Association
Religious Press Department
Screen Advertisers' Association
Three organizations outside the National Ad-
vertising Commission did similar work. These
were the Association of Employing Printers,
Association of College Publications, and the
Technical Publicity Association.
The 164 local Advertising Clubs of the
Associated Advertising Clubs of the World
also appointed service committees and accom-
plished valuable results in giving the Division
desirable contact for local Supplemental work.
On account of special grasp of the situation
and eft'ective co-operation, special acknow-
ledgment should be made of the work of the
war service committees of the Association of
National Advertisers, American Association of
Advertising Agents, Agricultural Publishers'
A.ssociation. Associated Business Papers, Col-
lege Publications, Direct Mail Advertising As-
sociation, Graphic Arts Association, National
Association of Theatre Program Publishers,
Periodical Publishers' Association, Technical
Publicity Associat ion and the Six Point League .
Also the pati'iotic and generous work of the
Association of P>mploying Printers of New
York City should be especially noted. They
responded to every call for type composition
free of charge.
No account of the services of tlie Division
great contribution of Harold A. Lebair.
Serving on a Volunteer basis, he was llie
virtual production nmiuiger and gave ])rac-
tically all his time to directing the nuiltitud-
inous details of the vast campaigns whicli the
would he complete without a tribute to the Division contluctetl.
Method of Work
itself as forming, with its co-oi)erators, the
Advertising Agents Association and the Divi-
sion of Pictorial Pul)licity, a great service
advertising agency and organized accordingly.
Meeting with its clients, representatives of
the various Government Departments, either
in its New York offices in the Metropolitan
Tower, or in Washington, counsel was given
as to the best method of attacking the client's
problem .
The Directors tlien planned the campaign,
designated one agency or two, as the case
denuinded, to write the coijv, luul it illustrated
by artists chosen by the Division of Pictorial
Publicity, secured approval from the Gov-
ernmental client, carefully selected the proper
publications to carry the jjarticular message
in hand, and sent out the plates.
Publishers who donated space have fre-
quently commented favorabl^• upon the serv-
ice given in this way by the Division, ("om-
ments of Government clients will be given in
their i)roper place.
In carrying out this work tlie following staff
was cmi>loyetl:
Charles Haken
George W. Collins
Marion Fisher
Georgette Hallock
Marie E. IlasseJman
Clarence A. Hope
Ida F. Morio
Louise W. Myers
Alice Lillian Seixas
It is a pleasure to bear witness to the unusual
efficiency of this staff and to the spirit of
patriotic service which has marked its work.
In particular we must tell you of the in-
telligent and effective management of the
office by Clarence A. Hope, the Ex'ecutive
Secretary. His organizing and directing
ability made possible the performance of a
vast amount of detail with speed and ac-
curacy. And every member of the staff has
co-oi>erate(l with him in a manner that has
won our highest appreciation.
Get on the Job, Men!
The Government is enrollin}^ a reserve of
250,000 skilled workers for the Shipyards.
If you can handle a tool expertly-your
name is wanted. Come — enroll today in
the United States Shipyard Volunteers.
If selected, you will get good wages.
You will have a steady job — at work
for which your special experience has
fitted you.
The Government is spending mill-
ions to provide good houses for you.
You will be a War Worker.
Wear a Badge of Honor and have a
Certificate — showing your readiness to
do work just as vital, just as necessary
as the man who goes in the trenches.
Enroll today— then stick to your job—
you will be called later, when needed.
Do your bit — build a ship.
Go to the Nearest Enrollment A^ent of the
Public Service Reserve
of the Department of Labor
If there ii no Enrollment Agent near you, mail the coupon
/ |( : EDWARD N. HUl
m I'i- : ^- •'*• Shipping Board
HURLEY, Chairman
■d, Washin 'rr. • •
.. . ,1 1 • 1 . 1 11 1 ni. ^ ' announced that the Third Lil)ertv Loan
tising, the desired two hundred and hity . . . ■
., II- 1 1 i woiud open for subscription April fi. 1018,
thousand sliipvard volunteers. ' . '. '
T^ ^, . ■ ., .• f ii commemorating the anniversary of our Conn-
ie or this purpose the co-operation oi the , . ' . . .
. . ^ , T> • T> I t''^' s entrance in the war. The Division of
Associated nusinoss Tapers was secured. ...
,, i- 1 1 1 i 1 It- Advertising immediately assigned such sxym-v
Some hve hiiiulred trade and business i)apers . " '. .
, p .1 - 4 - .- 1 1 to Liberty Loan advertising as could appear
are members or this Association ami a plan . . ? .
, , ^ ^, I 1- 1 1 during the period of subscription,
was worked out tiirough whicli a very large ^ •
, J. j^i 1111 Copy and schedules were submitted and
number oi these papers gave i)age and double-
,., . , 1 i- 1 1 .- . .1 1 approved by the authorities at Washington,
page editorials and articles relating to the need . . \ . .
, , . II. Its distribution summarized follows:
for shijjyard volunteers.
These editorials and news articles con- In.^rrtions Circulation Annimil
tained couijons of enrollment, and they were General Maga-
followed by the insertion of 400,000 adver- ^'"^« ^^-^ 8,.S81,8^>5 $^^>.()!)l.l(i
..." - I , 1 -1 X Farm Papers (i7 6,814,782 23,849.51
tising inserts printed on both sides on post- rp. ■ i ai-
^ ' ' trade and xMisc.
card stock, reproducing a postage-free post- Publications... ;3;5 511,480 2.;!4(i.()()
card requesting volunteers to fill in, sign and House Organs. . . 4 36,000 170.00
mail to Mr. Edward N. Hurley. Outdoor Display. 2 3„500.00
In support of the same object the need for Newspapers 16 163,012 762.50
Shipyard Volunteers-space in publications College Papers.. . ^2 65,200 874.50
donated to the winning of the war was assigned Totals 177 15,972,299 $53,593.67
by this Division to the Shipping Board. A
summary of this space with its value follows: xt is to he noted that publications with
Insertions Circulation A mount national circulations go to press several weeks
General Magazines* 36 7,759,084 $16,085.40 to two months in advance of publication.
Trade and Misc. Owing to the late announcement as to the
Publications 44 434,152 3,631.34 ^j^^^ ^f ^]^^ X]ji,.,l J^iherty Loan Sul)scri])tion,
Totals 80 8,193,236 $19,716.74 a comparatively .small percentage of .si)ace on
our schedules could be used for that cam-
On March 1st we received a letter from ]Mr. paign.
Hurley from which we quote in ])ar( : —
"I take this opportunity of compliment- "Keep Your Liberty Bond"
ing you upon your excellent work and I jidvertisiuff
believe that the appearance of this ad-
vertising will result in our securing the 'l^'i^' Treasury l)ci)arlnuMit also re(|ucslc(l llie
large number of men needed to com- Division of Adyertising to put out in tiic
plete the .shipbuilding program. Please interest of the (loyernmeut and of the public
express my ai)])rccialion to all those who a cani])aign of caul ion and advice against
have c<)ntril)iited their time and efforts .selling Liberty Bonds indiscriminately. The
to tliis exccllcnl pulilicity c.iinpaign. iiniK)rtancc of this (;niii)aign was ni)piireiU .
Edward N. Hurley, C7iairma//." and the Dixision of Advertising prepared
'"CuMieral Miiwiziiirs" in the suniniiirizcd sclit'ihlU's tliniuKlioiil llii~ rciioit N li> Ik- iimiI .i> rcli-M in;; to Mimtlilii.'>^. Si'iiiiMolitlilio.s miiiI
Weeklies. inehlililiK Theatre Programs in the leading; cities.
iiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiliiimiliiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiliiiiifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiira^ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixigniiMiiliaiiiHniiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMi inimniii niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii n ■■iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Will You Invest Your Money Let Germany Take it
With Uncle Sam Now? ^^ away From You Later?
► E practical. Look squarely at the facts. We will either invest our money with Uncle
Sam now, at good interest rates, to help him win this war, or we will give it up later
to pay Germany's war cost — and as much more as Germany chooses to collect. Invest in
Third Liberty Loan
This space contributed to the Winning of the War by
Ihmngh llie riit'isinn nf AdveriMng. V. S. (loverinment CommUfpp on Puhlic hifcrmntion.
I Am Public Opinion
All men fear me!
I declare that Uncle Sam shall not go
to his knees to beg you to buy iiis
bonds. That is no position for a fight-
ing man. But if you have the money
to buy. and do not buy, I will make
this No Man's Land for you!
I will judge yovi not by an allegiance
expressed in mere words.
1 will judge you not by your mad
cheers as our boys march away to
whatever fate may liave in store for
I will judge you not by the warmth of
the tears you shed over the lists of the
dead and the injured that come to us
from time to time.
1 will judge you not by your uncovered
head and solemn mien as our maimed
in battle return to oiu- shores for lov-
ing care.
But. as wise as 1 am just, I will judge
you by the material aid you give to
the fighting men who are facing death
that you may live and move and have
your being in a world made safe.
I warn you — don't talk })atriotism over
here, unless your money is talking vic-
tory Over There.
I nm PuhUr Opinion!
As I judge, (ill men stand or fall!
Buy U. S. Gov't Bonds Fourth Liberty Loan
ContributeJ through Division ot
I'nitcd States Gov't Conini. on Public
This .sftitf*^ nnit rihntfd Jiir the Whinitit^ of flip War hy
copy which was chily approved and assigned.
Siinunary of sfhcihdc follows:
Insertions Circulation Amount
General Maga-
zines 4!) I'i.OOG.OOo $"25,796.20
Farm Papers ... . 92 i:J,367,50G 30,977.89
Trade and Misc.
Publications... 2;5(i 1,907,202 l.'J, 161.80
House Organs. . . 48 768,950 2,497.50
Newspapers 6 239,500 4.34.00
College Papers... 3 10,500 75.00
Totals 434 28,359,753 $72,942.45
Fourth Liberty Loan
In co-operation with tlie Treasury Depart-
ment officials, copy was prepared by us, suJ)-
niitted and apjn-oved. This copy appeared
during the period of the Loan, September 28th
lo October 19th.
This was the largest single campaign carried
out for any (lovernment war need by the
Division of Advertising.
The summarized schedule follows:
Insertions Circulation Amount
General Maga-
zines 167 46,082,728 $134,552.29
Farm Papers.. 153 13,277,729 35,300.95
Trade & Misc.
Publications. 586 5,945,450 .35,999.41
House Organs. 105 793,550 5,530.00
House Organs
(posters).... 226 2,467,775 16,950.00
Newspapers... 76 980,.363 3,254.70
College Papers. Ill 352,250 3,691.48
Totals... 1424 69,899,845 $235,338.83
It should be noted that this does not cover
entirely the work of the Division of Adver-
tising in the interest of the Fourth Liberty
Loan, since much that we were able to accom-
plish cannot be so concretely stated.
For example, through the work of the
National War Service Committee on Window
Displays in 500 cities in 40,000 leading stores
a most valuable but incalcidable service was
rendered the Fourth Liberty Loan through
the display of Liberty Loan posters. Also
through another co-operating committee —
the National War Service Conunittee on
Direct Mail and House Organs — who were
furnished by the Division of Advertising
with photographs of Liberty Loan i)osters
and the po,sters themselves for the use of
House organs published throughout the
coimtry. This service aggregated a circula-
tion of over four millions in over 200 im-
portant house organs . Many of these house
organs at their own expense republished
posters in full colors on front or back covers
and many others would have done this had
time permitted.
The following letters have been received
from L. B. Franklin, Director of the Loan,
and Mr. Frank R. Wilson, Director of Pub-
Sept. 12
"I wish to thank you for your letter of
Se])t. 11th advising me to the effect that
total advertising .space has been assigned
of a value of over $200,000. This is a
.splendid contribution to the Loan. I
want to take this opportunity of ex-
pressing to you my appreciation for the
splendid co-operation we have had from
your division.
Yoiu-s sincerely,
L. B. Franklin,
Sept. 16th
"Please accept my thanks for your ex-
cellent co-operation. The figures showing
the total value of this space which has
been turned to the credit of the Liberty
I>oan are imposing. I am sure this pub-
licity will be an important contribution
to the success of the campaign. Again
thanking you, I am,
Sincerely yours,
Frank R. Wilson,
Director of Publicity.''
War Savings Stamps
ADVERTISING sjiacc and services have been
i- given regularly to sell WarSavingsStamps,
this being a continuous campaign. We were,
however, notified late in May of President
Wilson's appointment of June "28111 as Na-
tional War Savings Stamp Day, and were
informed that on or before that day all Ameri-
cans would be expected to pledge their savings
in as great a degree as possible, the effort being
to obtain pledges for the entire two billion
dollars called for this year.
This was short notice, but we were able to
assign a considerable amount of space in me-
diums of national circulation, general weeklies,
trade journals and farm papers i)ul)lished ])ri()r
to June '•28tli.
We were also invited to co-operate with
the Treasury officials in providing newspaper
advertising copy to be sent all over the
country. This cop.^' was hurriedly prepared
and sent out advertising the purpose of War
Savings Day. We also sent to a large list of
l)ublications electrotypes of a coupon to be
filled in, signetl and sent to local postoffices.
This was given very large circulation.
Mr. H. E. Benedict, Executive Secretary
of the National War Savings Committee,
wrote on Jime 7th.
We quote in part as follows:
"I want to tell you how grateful our
Connnittee is for the help you have given
us. It would have lieen j^ractically im-
possible for us to have turned out the
advertising for our June '28th cami)aigii
without the assistance of your Committee
and, of course, we could have done noth-
ing in getting space in national publica-
The summarized report follows:
General Maga-
Farm Papers.
Trade & Misc.
House Organs
Outdoor Dis-
Newspapers. .
College Papers
Book Jackets.
Theatre Cur-
Totals .
$255, 8-23. "29
American Red Cross
Second War Fund
MK. George S. Fowler and Mr. Clarence
D. Newall, in charge of publicity for
this drive, conferred with us early in January
last. We were asked to su])])ly the copy, the
illustrations and the space for the national
advertising for the $100, 000 ,000 Red Cross
War Drive. In connection witli the Red
Cross campaign there was i)rc])ared under our
direction — the idea, the drawing and tlie copy
for that notable adverti.sement "The (ircalcsl
Mother in the World" \\lii( li ajjpeared in
newspapers, nuigazines and posters with
greater repetition and force than any other
advertisement foi- an_\- |)liase of (io\ernment
endeavor since the war began. This idea and
illustration is at the present time being used
continuously as a Red Cross symbol. A
summary of space scheduled in the campaign
Insertions Circulation
General Maga-
zines l!23 44, "285, 515
Farm Pa])ers. . . 109 i;i,106,618
Trade and Misc.
Publications. .
House Organs . .
Outdoor Displaj'
Newspapers. . . .
College Papers. .
"2,484, 7(>7
J mount
33, 945. 4-2
Totals 540 60,6-29,914 .1(177,403.46
.Mr. II. V. Davison, Chairman of the Red
Cross War Council, wrote to the Di\ision
under date of June 3rd as follows:
Save the
"/ got the sweetest hat today. And, my dear, of course,
I didn't really need it, hut — "
'What if it is only a few blocks? Here, taxi!"
"I know I'd feel a lot better if I ate less, but I simphi
must have a big order of — "
Over there in the Picardy mud, pock-marked with
significant craters and "plum-caked" with unspeakable
things that once were men, our soldiers can't hear all
that some of us are saying. Good that they can't, isn't
it? It wouldn't make it any easier to stand firm against
those blood-crazed, grey hordes who come on wave
after wave because they believe their Kaiser is "God's
anointed shepherd of the Gennan people."
It isn't that we Americans are a selfish people. We
have simply been thoughtless.
Money is needed to win this war — let's pive it. So far,
we have been asked only to lend — to lend at a good round
4% interest. Turn your THOUGHTLESS dollars into
War Savings Stamps.
Cantrihuttd through Division of AJmlising United Stales Cov't, Comm. on Public information
This space conlribukd for the Winning of the War by
The Greatest Mother m tdeWMD
Stretching forth her hands to all in need;
to Jew or Gentile, black or white; know-
ing no favorite, yet favoring all.
Ready and eager to comfort at a time
when comfort is most needed. Helping the
little home that's crushed beneath an iron
hand by showing mercy in a healthy, hu'
man way; rebuilding it, in fact, with stone
on stone; replenishing empty bins and
empty cupboards; bringing warmth to
hearts and hearths too long neglected.
Seeing all things with a mother's
1 sixth sense that's blind to jeal'
ousy and meanness; seeing men
in their true light, as naughty children —
snatching, biting, bitter — but with a hid'
den side that's quickest touched by mercy.
Reaching out her hands across the sea to
No Man's Land; to cheer with warmer
comforts thousands who must stand and
wait in stenched and crawUng holes and
water'soaked entrenchments where cold
and wet bite deeper, so they- write, than
Boche steel or lead.
She's warming thousands, feeding thou'
sands, healmg thousands from her
store; the Greatest Mother in the
World— the RED CROSS.
Every Dollar of a Red Cross War Fund goes to War Relief
This space Contribiucd for the Winning o/ the War f);y
ihnmiih Dit'isiori of Aiiivrtisin«, Uniteti Sta(ci Goicnimt-nt Commiltci' on Public Infnrmaliim
\Make this a Tied Cross Christmas
AME;RICA'S second war-time Christmas is almost here. Our
- thoughts, our interests, our hearts are not in the trivial things
now— they are with the boys in France and our war-tried Allies.
Their thoughts, their interests, their hopes behind the American Red Cross — that there
are in the Red Cross and the knowledge that is full membership in every American home,
it is ever present and ready to lend them No other word we can send will give them
aid most needed. Let our Christmas message greater encouragement, or fortitude for that
to those loved ones be that we stand solidly which must be accomplished.
All you need is a heart and a dollar
Red Cross Christmas Roll Call, December 16-23
Contributed throufih Division nf Advertising
United States Gov't Comm. on Public Inforniati*
This space contributed for the Wijming of the War by
"On behalf of tlio AiiuM-iciui Rt'd Cross
and all of us bore at Heaclii>h,r of
.1 mount
(ieneral Maga-
63, "294, 57!)
Farm Papers . . .
Trade and ^lisc.
"2.966. (Hi)
House Organs. .
Newspapers. . . .
College Papers..
(ieneral Maga-
zines (special)
Under date of November 13tli, General E. L
Miinson wrote us as follows:
"The ^Morale Branch wishes to extend its
lliuTiks and appreciation of the efforts of
the Division in furthering the mainten-
ance of high morale through advertising,
and of the enthusia.stic co-operation of
the ctjunnittee in the matter of preparing
and placing advertisements.
E. L. Munson,
Brigadier-General, General Staff,
Chief, Morale B rati eh r
War Department
Selective Draft Day
Se{)teniber 12th
THE services of the Division of Advertising
were ijlaceil at the disposal of the Provosl
Marshal General in detaining registration on
September 12th of thirteen million men. IS
to 4.5 years of age. 'Phe "Advertising Service
Bulletin" and the "Selective Service Regis-
ter," folders containing advertisements, were
prepared by the Division of Advertising
through the co-operation of its committees.
The Advertising liulletin fm-nished news-
papers and advertisers with officially aj)-
proved cojiy in both editorial and advertising
form ready to run. This material was ex-
tensively used throughout the coimtry })y
new.spapers and by advertisers in their local
advertising. The Selective Service Register
contained officially signed messages as to the
duty of registration from President Wilson,
Secretary Baker, General Growder, Secretary
Daniels and General Mairli, and was pub-
lished to help 1.3,000,000 men to know how.
w hrii and wliere to ivgister. It contained
poster of notification of registration and ex-
plicit directions of how to answer ipiestions
on registration card. .\lso instructions for
registrars. Special mailings of these ]nd)-
lications were produced and distributed
tlu-ough the Division of Distribution lo the
extent of some twenty millions (d cojiies,
including 18,000 new.spapers, 11,000 national
advertisers and agencies, 10,000 Chambers of
Commerce and their members, 30,000 nmnn-
facturers' associations, 22.000 labor unions,
10,000 public lil)raries, .'52,000 bunks, 58,000
general .stores, 3,500 Y. M. C. A. branches,
10.000 mend)ers of the Council of National
Defense, 1,000 Advertising Clubs, 5(5,000
postoffices, 55,000 railroad station agents,
5.000 draft boards, 100.000 Red or-
ganizations, 12.000 manufacturers" agents.
Also there was a special mailing card sent
out to a of 43,000 R. E. D. routes.
Also there was ])lanned a street car cam-
paign which ran throughout the coimtry.
including space in the "Subway Sun" and
"p]levated Express" in all cars of the Inter-
borough Rapid Transit Company of New York
City. A poster and painted sign campaign was
also |)lanned ami displayed tliroughout the
Througii the services of the National ^^ar
Ser\ice Committee on Window Dis])lays ap-
l>r()xiniately 37,000 ])()sters oi- notices to
register were (lis])layed in tiie windows of
])rominent stores in over six hundrt'd cities.
A full i>agc atlvertisemcnt of the Selective
Registration Day ai)peared in publications of
general circulation, including leading farm
))iiblications, practically all of the trade and
techm'cal journals. In all. hundreds of jiages
To Employers and Important Executives—
^ #ol)entment ^toclamation
The Army Needs Your In-
fluence in an Emergency —
This is a man-to-nian appeal for you to help
iheCjovernment fjrasp a y:reatopportunity,and
for you to discharge a gra\e responsibility.
The Allied program to speed up the war
and quickly bring about the final overthrow
of the German Armies calls for an immediate
mustering of America's final contribution of
man- power. We must raise our army to
5,000,000 men at once!
Nearly 3,000,000 of the needed 5,000,000
are already under arms— but Class 1 of the
Draft will be exhausted by October 1. To
go into the deferred classifications and take
men essential to industries, and men with de-
pendent families, is unwise.
A new Class 1 must be created at once. Laws
are being framed calling upon men within
certain ages to register (the War Department's
recommendation is for 18 to 21 and 32 to 45
years as the age limits), and the President will
appoint a Registration Day early in September.
Thirteen million men must register in a
single day. Later these men will be classified.
Industries will not lose men who are absolutely
essential to them, and families will not lose
their ■ bread-winners. But every man must
You are a center of influence
As an employer or an important executive
you are a center of influence, and the Gov-
ernment needs your active co-operation in
putting through this gigantic task without
confusion or delay. Thirteen million men
must be told of the law
between now and Regis-
tration Day (watch news-
papers for date); and they
must understand the why
of it, and just ichere and
hoiu they are to register.
For these details ask your
Local Board, or your city or county clerk.
You can reach the men in your employ
more effectively than they can be reached
from the outside. We earnestly urge, there-
fore, that you make definite plans, in the in-
terest of a speedy VICTORY, and in the
interest of your own business, to see that all
of your men are properly informed, so thai
they can be promptly and correctly registered
when the day comes.
Ei'ery man bcttveen the ages to he ifiecifieil
in the President' s Proclamation must register.
How you can help
Start at once to get in touch with your
men. Bring to their attention the need for
the registration and the facts about it. Get
111 touch with your Local Registration officials
and co-operate whh them.
Here are a few suggestions :
Arrange for talks to your men; place inspira-
tional and informative bulletins on bulletin-boards;
establish Selective Service Information Bureaus; in-
close slips in your men's pay envelopes.
Arrange for definite hours when the men in the
different departments or sub-divisions of your busi-
ness shall be allowed time to go and register. Post
full lists of the men in your employ between tiie
specified ages, the men to check off their names
after they have registered.
Many other ideas, applicable to your own busi-
ness, will doubtless occur to you.
This is an emergency such as this country has
never faced before, and the (iovernment must de-
pend upon you to bring all of your influence and
inspiration and ingenuity to bear out this problem,
that this crisis in the war may be met in a way
that shall avoid hardship to the businesses and
families of the Nation.
A^^yixcJ :
Watch the newspapers for the date and further details
Protect the World's Rations
By Destroying Rats
E^' ERY year rals destroy as much food as 5,000,-
000 American acres produce — enough lo feed
the starving Reigians, Armenians, and Poles
— enough to feed lens of thousands of our soldiers
and civilians at home and abroad.
Rals nnnually destroy •'?200,000,000 \vorth of property, mainly
foodstuffs. This is considerably increased by the damage
tliey do in weakening structures and causing fires. And it's
all needless waste.
Much of this destruction occurs in elevators and mills. It
can be eliminated. Do your part by making your basements,
foundations, and every part of your buildings rat-proof.
\\'rilo the U. S. Department of Agriculture for detailed infor-
mation and instructions for destroying rats and keeping liuiid-
ings free of the most dangerous and destructive animal in
the world. Organize relentless war on rats and protect the
world's rations.
Kill Every Rat
Contributed thrnugh
L">ivision of
in llie iutorest of this iiii])()rt;mt nolico ii])-
pearetl in space from our .scht'chiles.
The resnlt of these campaigns, the anioinit
of space in whicli they appeared, the display
of posters speak for tlieniselves better than
any collection of figiu'es can do, as it is im-
possible for such material to be pnt concretely
and in detail. The space which the Division
of Advertising directly assigned is summarized
as follows:
Insertions Circulation Amount
General Maga-
zines i;5 1,139,684 $8,335.00
Farm Papers 9!) 8,411,814 ■25,898.9:5
Trade and Misc.
Publications... 487 3,681,607 '-28,361.44
Newspapers 1 5,000 50.00
Totals 600 13,'238,105 $62,645.37
Under date of September 18th Provost ^lar-
shal General Crowder wrote, from which we
quote as follows:
"Now (hat the rush of registration prep-
aration has abah'd, I take the first avail-
able moment to express to you and your
division my gratitude for your hearty co-
operation in the of .securing publicity
for the Registration Day.
Over and above the fine organization
of the Committee's .staflf as a whole, what
has impressed me particularly in your
division is the thoroughness with which
you have organized the patriotic assist-
ance of private citizens in contributing
to the public service rendered by the com-
mittee. It is genuinely American in its
method, — this voluntary union of in-
dividual citizens to accomplish these
results which in some Continental coun-
tries are left to the vast army of Gov-
ernment officials.
Yours faithfully,
E. H. Crowder,
Provost Marshal General."
THIS campaign was retpiested by the Com- Mr. Harold Hraddock, Director, from which
mission on Training Camp Activities and we quote as follows:
to it space was assigned, summarized schedule
of which follows: "We were delighted when the newspapers
and magazines l>egan to carrv page upon
Inseriions Circulation Amount page of advertisements from the 'Smile-
General Magazmes 54 l,9-20,96() $8,674.00 \ i ^- • j i
" ,,,,,»..> .1-1 o,. age Advertiser, and when we were m-
!< arm Papers 1 90,000 204.80 „ i ,i , ,• , , ^
Trade and Misc. ^""''''"''^ ^'^'^^ ^'"' '''''' «"'-^' ^'^^^ ^''^ '^^ep
Publications .... 16 243,525 860.00 '" -^'O"'' ProS'i-'-ii" of co-operation with this Organs. ... 31 157,000 1,187.50 Comnihssion, we comprehended that the
work of the Division of Advertising
Totals 102 2,41 1 ,491 $10,985.30 already had resulted in co-operation from
])ublishers and advertisers such as had
A letter dated July 8tli was received from never been known before."
Department of Agriculture
THK Division of Acht'rtising co-opcratt-d
with tliree oampaigns for the Department
of Agricnltiire. First, the Ignited States AYai'
Garden Army to enlist the chikh'en in gar-
dening — second, a message from Secretary
Houston to the patriots on the farms, its
appeal to them being to grow more wheat.
The third formed a campaign for the ex-
termination of rats to cut down the destruc-
tion of grain and other crops.
The schedules following will indicate that
important camjiaigns were run in the interest
of these war needs.
fiiscrliiiiis (' ircuUiiion Aiiniiiiil
(iciieral M aya-
ziiies !) 4„>()(),'21S !i5!),!)!)4.()()
Farm Papers. .. . U."> 1(),7"»1 ,74.) :?7,601 .'■2:5
I'rade and Misc.
Puhlications.. . Hi lOO.tOd 8'-2;5.()()
House Organs. . . "2 10, 000 100.00
Totals 172 15,332,363 $48,518.23
lender date of October 18tli Mr. Clarence
Ousley wrote as follows:
"Your Division has been of great service
to us in a number of our campaigns. '
Council of National Defense
SPACE was assigned at the request of, and in
the interest of the Council of National
Defense. The advertisement which appeari'd
was signed by Anna Howard Shaw, H. P.
Davison, W. C. Gorgas, and Dr. Franklin
Martin. The sum of the advertisement was to
obtain enrollment of "25,000 student nurses
in the Student Nurse Reserve. The summary
Insertions Cirriilalion Atnoinit
(leiioral Maga-
zines ,'52 16,02.5,07,) $45, .")()! .20
Mr. Grosvenor H. Clark.son, Secretary of
the Council, wrote under date of August
"You have rendered us a very definite
serviceandweareallgreatly appreciative."
Department of Labor
U. S. Employment Serv ice
Co-opER.\Ti()N was requested and given in
the work of .systemizing the labor situa-
tion in its bearings on war work. Advertise-
ments were ])repared and rim in assigned
space. Also there was prepared under the
direction of ihe Division of Advertising a 10
page newspaper size catalog of advertisements
to be sent over the country- to newspapers and
advertisers with llic oljjcct of procuring tlicii-
insertion in ncwspajjcrs. 'I'he Division of
.Advertising scheduled space from its lists for
this purpose, summary of which follows:
20 1
( 'irenldtion
. 1 iiiiiiint
(ieiieral Maga-
Farm Papers. . .
Trade and Misc.
Publications.. .
House Organs. . .
College Pa]>ers.
Mr. J. B. Densi
General of
the 17. S. Employment
Service, vnuler date of
August 1st wrote:
The Right Men in the Right Jobs
Will Win The War
THE true American wants to work
v\here he will help win the war.
He «ants to fit in, America needs the
Right Men in the Right Jobs. On
when this comes about
can maximum produc-
tion be obtained to sup-
port our arri-.ies at the
The needs of all war
mdustries can be antici-
pated and met bj- the
Government if employ-
ers and laborers will avai
themselves solely of the
nation-wide machinery
which is at hand. The
length of the War de-
pends directly on our
Country's ability to sup-
ply all War Industry
with the best workers the
country can produce the moment they
are needed.
The U. S. Employment Ser\ ice is
the official bureau of the Federal
Government in charge of the distri-
bution of labor. The President has
declared that it is the official agency
for recruiting and distributing unskilled
labor for "ar work.
■Tlifrerort. I «a1ri.,ii
II tniploycr> cnsigti''! >i> »:
, manner riccpl Ihrouitli lli
ciittil iRcncy [ilic U. S Emiiloi
iicnt Service! 1 urge Ijhor In t.
>l ellicirncy .t l^r .(.nnl^Fiv
rjlion o( a free people *
It has over 500 branches through-
out the nation, and 20,000 U. S. Public
Service Reserve enrollment agents. Ask
the local post office or newspaper for
name and address of the
nearest representative, or
write to the U S. Em-
ployment Service, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Those employers in
war work who seek to get
labor through their own
or ' private recruiting
agencies are interfering
with the Government's
machinery and prefer-
ring their interests to
those of the nation. Only
through strict compliance
with the Government's
program can the constant, rest-
less shifting of labor frotii one
war job to another, with the
consequent diminution in pro-
duction and efficiency, be prevented.
Above all, the Government urges every man
engaged in war work to stick to his job until the
Government recommends that he change. Any
man not engaged in war work should put him-
self at the disposal of the nation by register-
ing with the Public Service Reserve. This
is a tremendously important duty I The war
worker ranks with the fighter in the trenches.
He will help beat the Hun.
"I can siiy at this time that it is one of
the finest plans we have ever seen and we
appreciate more than I can tell you the
service yoiu' committee has extended to
Under date of October 14lh, we were informed
that a partial checking reported 10,83^2 se])-
arate advertisements having appeared in lliis
Fuel Administration
REQUESTS for space and service were made
' by the United States Fuel Administra-
tion, inasmuch as, under war conditions,
there was very great need for coal conserva-
tion on the part of the public. The following
is a summarized schedule of space assigned:
In.'ieriions Circulatiun Aiiionnt
General Maga-
zines 17 9,436,04^2 $^>'-2,008.00
Trade and Misc.
Publications. . 5 29,886 .SI.).',")
House Organs. . . 1 800,000 50.00
Totals 2,S 10,265,928 $22,973.75
Replacement Engineers
Ax ADVERTISEMENT was ruu to obtain cn-
-i*- listments in two ]>ublications with a cir-
culation of o()(),{)U0 and a value of $800.00.
United War Work Campaign
THIS CAMPAIGN was a merger, at President
Wilson's request, of seven war work ac-
tivities . They consisted of the Y . j\I . C . A . ,
Y. W. C. A., American Library Association,
National Catholic War Council, Jewish Wel-
fare Board, War Camp Comnumity Service
and the Salvation Army.
These allied interests conducted a drive
for $170,500,000 during the week of Novem-
ber 11th to 18th. Practically all of the space
on the schedules of the Division of Advertising
following the Liberty Loan and appearing
prior to November loth was assigned to this
important work.
In this canii)aign the National War
Service Commit tec on Window Displays
co-operated and through them the seven allied
organizations had individual ])ostcrs effec-
tively disi)laycd in 00,000 windows in 600
cities. The following is a suminary of space
a.ssigned to this drive:
Inseriiona I 'ire illation
A mount
General Maga-
zmes 171 40,637,.S53 $110,997.18
Farm Papers. . .
Trade and Misc
House Organs . .
Newspapers . . . .
College Papers..
U)(! 10.92:5,049
Totals 803 57,213,310 $171,829.1!!
A letter from Mr. George W. Perkins has been
received, from which we quote as follows:
"On behalf of the United War Work Com-
uiitlce, I wish to express to you our \-ery
deep ap])reciation of the assistance which
you gave us as Chairman of theDixision
of .Vdvertising of the Committee oti Public
Information. I am sure that the adver-
tising space which we secured through
your efforts contributed very nuiterially
to the success of the Campaign."
Mr. Bruce Barton, Chjiinnan of Publicity of
tlie United War Work Campaign wroU' tinder
date of ()ctol)er 18tli:
"We all of us feel a big debt of gratitude
to the committee and to the publishers
who have co-operated in it for putting
behind the soliciting effort this si)lcndiort both of
the legislature and ailministrative branches
of the Government.
In closing this report the Directors wish
to express to you ijersonally our appreciation
of your unfailing support and co-operation in
all that we have tried to do, and through you
we wish to tell the President how nuich we
have enjoyed the opi)ortimity he gave us to
help toward the great day of final victory.
Respectfully submitted.
Out of the Mouth of Hell
our boys come, nerve-racked, tense, exhausted by their sleepless vig-il and
harassed with tragic memories.
Rest they will have, but rest is not re-creation. Mind must relax as well
as body. They must forget awhile, must turn their thoughts into their
normal course before facing anew the horrors of the first-line trenches.
Courage they have always, but we can put fresh heart into them; we
can restore the high spirits of youth and send them singing into the fray
They Are Fighting for You — Show Your Appreciation
When yon y"i\'c iheni arms, you give thcni
only the iiistruinents of your own defense ;
•when you give for the wounded, you give
only in common humanity; but when you
give to the Y. ]M. C. A., you are extending
to the boys the \\arm hand of gratitude, the
last token of your appreciation of what they
are doing for you. You are doing this by
showing your interest in their -welfare.
The Y. j\I. C. A. furnishes to the boys,
not only in its own "huts" — which are often
close to the firing line — but in the trenches.
the material and intangible comforts which
mean much to morale. It furnishes free en-
tertainment back of the lines. It supplies
free writing paper and reading matter. It
conducts all post exchanges, selling general
merchandise without prolit. It has charge
of and eucourages athletics, and conducts a
"khaki college" for liberal education. Its
religious work is non-sectarian and tion-
]5ropagandist. It keeps ali\'e in the boys
"over there" the life and tlie spirit of "over
.Sii'i'/i allii'il iicllrilics. all endorsed by the C'o'c'cniinciil, arc coiuhincd in
the United War Cainl^ai'^}i. zcilh the luiil'^ets distributed as follows:
v. M. C. A., $10().(KJU,00;J.- )'. f/'. C. A.. $15,000,000.- Xational Catholic
ll'ar Couiiei! {iiielitding the zeork of the K}ii«lits of Columbus and
sf'eeial war activities for ZLonien), $30,000,000.- Jeze-ish H' el fare Board.
$3,500,000; American Librurv Association. $.^.500.0(X).- ll'ar Cani/^ Cmn-
niunitv Scr-Acc. $15,000,000.- Salvation Army. S,l.,^00,n()0.
Contributed through Division tif Advertising
United Sfales Gov't Crmatii>n
T/iii ipace coiitribulc'd for the Winning of thi War hy
Tlie following war service committees, pub-
lishers, advertisers, advertising men, artists and
printers have, in co-operation with the Divi-
sion of Advertising, contributed their services
or their space to the work of winning the war :
War Service Committees
Agricultural Publishers Association
Frank B. White, Chicago, 111., Chairman
American Association of Advertising Agents
New York, N. Y.
Paul E. Faust, Chicago, 111., Chairman
Collin Armstrong, New York, X. Y., Vice-
Association of American Directory Publishers
Theodore F. Smith, St. Paul, Minn. r/;(n>maH
Associated Business Papers
Arthur J. Baldwin, New York, N . Y . , <^ 'hair-
Association of College Publications
Hugh C. Ward, Cambridge, Mass., Chairman
Association of Employing Printers
(i.FREDERiuK Kalkhoff, NewYork, r/(oi>ma«
.\ssociation of National Advertisers
E. S. Babcox, Akron, ()., Chairman
Associated Retail Advertisers
Horace F. Ryan, Indianapolis, Chairman
Church Advertising Department
J. Clyde Oswald, New York, K .Y., Chairman
Community .\dvertising Department
C. F. Hatfield, St. Louis, ^lo.. Chairman
Daily Newspaper Department
J. D. Barnum, Syracuse, N. W, Chairman
Financial Advertisers Association
II. E. RoBBixs, New York, S. Y ., Chairman
(iraphic Arts Association
John R. Demarest, New Haven, Chairman
National Association of Advertising Specialty
Carroll H. Sudler, Philadelphia, Chairman
National Association of Employing Lithographers
Joseph Deutch, Chicago, 111., Chairman
National Association of Theater Program
Ralph Trier, New York, N. Y., Chairman
National War Service Committee on Window
C. J. Potter, New York, N. Y ., Chairman
National W'ar Service Committee on Direct Mail
and House Organs
Robert E. Ramsay, Jamestown, N . Y., Chair-
Outdoor Advertising Association,
George L. Johnson, Chicago, 111., Chairman
Periodical Publishers Association,
J. Mitchel Thorsen, New York, Chairman
Religious Press Department
Edward R. Graham, New York, Chairman
Screen Adverti.sers Association
Harry Levey, New York, N. Y., Chairman
Six Point League
J. P. McKinney, New York, N. Y., Chairman
Technical Publicity Association
W. H. E.\sTON, New York, N. Y., Chairman
War Advertising Committees
of Clubs Affiliated with the
Associated Advertising Clubs of the World
Adrian, Mich., Adrian Advertising ("lub.
James W. Sweet, Chairman
Albert Lea, Minn., Advertising Cinl) of AllxM-t
Lea, L. S. Whitcomb, Chairman
.VUentown. Pa., Advertising ("lul) of AUentown
Royal W. Wkiler, Chairman
Atlanta, (ia., The Advertising Cliil) of Atlanta
H. F. Ulmer, Chairman
Anrora, 111.. .Vurora Admen's Clnb
Edward J. Waegner, Chairman
l?ellingliaai,\Vash., Bellinghani AdvertisingC'hih
Joseph Andehson, Chairman
Hinglianiton, X. Y., Advertisers & Merehants"
Association, Benjamin T. Ash, Chairman
nioomington. 111., Advertising f"lul> of Blooni-
ingtou, Louis O. Eddy, Chairman
Boise, Idaho, Boise Advertising Club
W. E. Graham, Chairman
Boston, Mass., Pilgrim Publicity Association
William F. Rogers, Chairman
Burlington, Iowa, Burlington Advertising Club
J. C. MiNTON, Chairman
Butte, Mont., Advertising Club of Butte
E. A. Brow.n, Chairman
Canton, 0., Adcraft Club of Canton
O. W. Renkert, Chairman
Chicago, 111., Advertising Association of Chicago
Wilbur D. Nesbit, Chairman
Chicago, 111., Women's Advertising Chit) of Chi-
cago, Miss A(iXEs Pilney', Chairman
Cincinnati, Ohio, The Advertisers' Clui) of
Cincinnati, Rex Mulfohd, Jr., Chairman
Cleveland, ()., Cleveland Advertising Clul)
F. M. Bou(;hton, Chairman
Clinton, Iowa, Clinton Admen's Club
H. H. HoBART, Chairman
Clinton, S. C, Clinton Advertising Club
W. P. Jacobs, Chairman
Colorado Sjjrings, Colo., The Advertising Cliili
of Colorado Springs, (i. 1^. IlATllAWVi,
Columbus, ()., The .Vdvertising Club of the
Columbus Chamber of Commerce
Don K. Martin, Chairman
Corsicana, Texas, Texas Advertising Club al
Large, Lowry ^L\RT1N, Chairman
Dallas, Texas, Dallas Advertising l,eague
W. R. Patterson, Chairman
Danville, 111., Advertising Club of Danville
Fred F. J.\.mesox, Chairman
Denver, Colo., The Advertising Club Bureau of
the Denver Civic and Commercial Association
Cecil Conner, Chairmati
Des Moines, Iowa, Advertising Club of Des
Moines, T. W. LeQuatte, Chairman
Detroit, Mich., Adcraft Club of Detroit
David A. Brown, Chairman
Duliith, Minn., Dulutli Advertising Club
A. F. Ferguson, Chairman
Emporia, Kans., Advertising Club of Enqjoria
A. M. Wead, Chairman
Fargo, N. Dak , Town Criers' Club
N. D. Block, Jr., Chairman
Fayetteville, Ark., .Advertising Club of Fayette-
ville, W. J. Hamilton, Chairman
Ft. Smith, .Vrk., Ft. Smith Advertising Club
Roy V. Ross, Chairman
Ft. Worth, Texas, Advertising Men's Club
WiLLiA.M Mo.N'.NiG, Jr., Chairman
Hartford, Conn., Charter Oak Ad Club
F. G. Macomber, Chairman
Havana, Cuba, Advertising Club of Cuba
C. W. M.\ssAGUEH, Chairman
Houston, Texas, Advertising As.sociation of
Houston, J. B. Westover, Chairman
Indianapolis, Ind., The Advertising Club of
Indianajjolis, Paul Richey, Chairman
Joliet, 111., The Advertising Club of Joliel
J. C. Clyne, Chairman
Kalamazoo, Mich., Kalamazoo .Vdvertising
League, (iuY Wilson, Chairman
Keokuk, Iowa, Advertising Club of Keokuk
George Bauer, Chairman, Wis., Advertising Club of LaCrosse
Harry Watkins, Chairman
Eeavenworlh, Kans., Leavenworth Advertising
Clul), Harrison Putney, r//«(r;Ha»
Los Angeles, Cal.,.VdvertisingClub of Los .\ngeles
Harold Janss, Chairman
The Women's Advertising Club of Los .Vngeles
Frances Holmes, Chairman
Louisville, Ky., .Vdvertising Club of ],ouisville
W. C. Hell.mann, Chairman
Marietta, ()., Advertising Club of M arid la
R. M. TussiNG, Chairman
Marion, ()., Advert isiiifi' Cluh of Marion
R. T. Lewis, Chairman
Minneapolis, Minn., Advertisiiif; Forum
John H. >riTtiiKLL, Chairman
Minot, N. Dak., Minot Town Criers" Clul)
W. F. Jones, Chairman
Miineie, Ind., .VdvertisiTi^' Clul) of Minieie
F'h.v.vk McXmchtox, Chairman
Nashville, Tenn., Nashville Advertisers' Clul)
J. B. RuuAKDsoN, (liainnan
Neosho, Mo., The Advertising Cluh of Neosho
A. C. McGiNTY, Chairman
Newark, N. J., Newark Advertisiiii;- Cluh
T. L. Davies, Jh., Chairman
New Orleans, La., New Orleans Advertising
Cluh, IIen'ky (inoFFMAN, Chairman
Newton, Iowa, Newton .Vdvertising Men's Cluh
C. P. Hunter, Chairman
New York, N. Y., The Advertising Cluh
of New York, Harry Tipper, Chairman
Norfolk, ^"a., Advertising Cluh of Norfolk
C. J. M.vins, Chairman
Oakland, Cal., Oakland .Vdvertising Cluh
George A. Cummings, Chairman
Omaha, Neb., Advertising-Selling League of
Omaha, Chas. L. Sykks, Chairman
Philadelphia, Pa., Poor Riehard Cluh
Gilbert E. Gable, Chairman
Philadeli)hia, Pa., The Philadelphia Cluh of Ad-
vertising Women, Mrs. 15. 1'lummer,C/((( //■»(«»
Pittsburgh, Pa., Pittsburgh Advertising Club
Joseph Vigneau, Chairman
Portland, Ore., Portland Advertising did)
W. S. KiRKPATRicK. Chairman
Redwing, Minn., Redwing Advertising Cluh
S. M. Lado, Chairman
Richmond, \i\., Richmond Advertisers' Cluh
Dr. ^^'. S. Ca.mi'hell, Chairman
Roswell, N. M., Roswell Advertising Club
Claude Simpson, Chairman
San Diego, Cal., Advertising Cluh of San Diego
H. B. Drake, Chairman
Sacramento, Cal., Sacramento Advertising Cluh
II. J. Tregg.\llas, Chairman
San Francisco, Cal., San Francisco .Vdvertising
Club, II. \V. Nelle, Chairman
Scranton, Pa., Advertising Club of Scranton
G. W. Deitz, Chairman
Springfield, Mass., Publicity Chd) of S])ringfield
J. A. Priest, Chairman
South Bend, Ind., .\d-Sell League
N. S. Gingrich, Chairman
Sjxikane, Wash., Spokane Advertising Club
F.H.Lloyd, Chairman
St. Paul, Minn., The St. Paul Advertising Club
John Bryant, Chairman
St. Louis, Mo., Advertising Club of St. Louis
W. S. Donaldson, Chairman
Syracuse, N.Y., Syracuse .Vtlvertising Men's Club
W.vLTKR B. Cherry, Chairman
Tacoma, Wash., Publicity, Advertising and Con-
vention Bureau of the Tacoma Commercial
Cluh, F. H. SwEETLAND, Chairman
Tulsa, Oklahoma, Advertising Club of Tulsa,
F^RANK Greer, Chairman
Toledo, O., The Toledo Advertising Club
Charles F. Dowd, Chairman
Washington, la.. The Advertising Club of
Washington, J. H. Warren, Chairman
Wichita, Kans.
JuLiiis Lucht, Chairman
Worcester, Mass., Advertising Club of Worcester
W. P. Frye, Chairman
Advertising Agencies and Writers
Collin Armstrong, Inc., New York, N. Y.
George Batten Company, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Benson, Campbell & Slaten, Chicago, 111.
Bcrrien-Durstine, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Blackman-Ross Company, New York, N. ^^
Calkins & Holden, New York, N. Y.
Charles Advertising Service, New York, N. Y.
D'Arcy Advertising Company, St. Louis, ]Mo.
George L. Dyer Company. New York, N. Y.
F>win & Wasey Company, Chicago, 111.
The Erickson Company, New York, N. Y.
Federal Advertising Agency, Inc., New York.
Miss M. P. Flack, New York, N. Y.
Fuller & Smith, Cleveland, Ohio
M. P. Gould Company, New York, N. Y.
(lundlach Advertising Company, Chicago, 111.
Hanff-Metzger, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Hawley Advertising Company, Inc., New York.
Husband & Thomas Company, Chicago, 111.
C. Ironmonger Advertising Agency, New York.
H. E. Lesan Advertising Agency, New York.
H. K. McCann Company, New York, N. Y.
McLain-Hadden-Simpers Company, Phila., Pa.
Maclay & Mullally, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Mallory, Mitchell & F'aust, Chicago, 111.
Massengale Advertising Agency, Atlanta, Ga.
John O. Powers Company, New York, N. Y.
Frank Presbrey Company, New York, N. Y.
William H. Rankin Company, Chicago, 111.
J()se])li Richards Company, Inc., New York.
RuthraufV iS; Ryan, New York, N. Y.
Frank Seaman, Inc., New York. N. Y.
Mrs. M. T. Snell. New York, N. Y.
Sherman & Bryan, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Street & Finney, Inc., New York, N. Y.
J. Walter Thompson Comi)any, Now^'ork. N. Y
Turner Adv. Com])any, Chicago, 111.
(iarnet Warren, Ridgewood, N. J.
Edwin Bird Wilson. Inc. New York, N. Y.
W. Murray Allison,
CD. Bachelor,
George Bellows,
R. M. Brinkerhoff,
Arthur William Brown,
F. D. Casey,
Dean Corn well,
R. M. Crosby,
Fred R. Cruger,
E. C. Du Souchet,
Ruth Eastman,
Arthur E. Edrop,
Louis B. Fancher
C. B. Falls,
Harrison Fisher,
Clyde Forsythe,
C. D. Gibson,
Howard Giles,
Gordon Grant,
Ray Greeideaf,
Will Hammel,
J. K. Hare,
Frank Hazell,
Lejaren a Hiller,
John Newton Howitt,
A. G.Hull.
W. B. King,
HoUis, L. I.
Boston, Mass.
New York, N. Y.
New York, X. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Leonia , N . J .
Boston, ]\[ass.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New Rochelle, N. Y.
New York. N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N . Y.
C. W. Love,
C. J. McCarthy,
John T. McCutcheon,
John R. Neill,
H. F. Nonnamaker,
Alfred F. Orr,
Arthur Palmer,
N.J. Pousette-Dart,
Clarence Rowe,
Tony Sarg,
Benjamin Sherbow,
H. II. Sherman,
Harold Sichel,
Jessie Willcox Smith,
Walter Stocklin,
F. Strothmann,
Rudolph Tandler,
Raymond Thayer,
Adolpli Treidler,
Walter Van Asdale,
H. Devitt Welsh,
W. M. Westervelt,
Walter Whitehead,
E. B. Winslow,
C. H. Wright,
George Wright,
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Chicago, 111.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New- York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Philadelphia, Pa.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Philadelphia. Pa.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
New York, N. Y.
Westport, Conn.
Berkeley Press, New
Martin B. Brown Prinliiiu & Bind!
Burr I'rinting House, New
Carey Printing Co., New
Dancey-Davis Press, New
De La Mare Printing Co., New
Eaton & (icttinger. New
Eilert Printing Co., New
Federal Printing Co., New
Cliark's Francis Press, New
Gotham Press, Now
I. H. (loldmann Co., New
William (irccn. New
Hamilton Press, New
KalkhoH' Co., New
ng Co
X Y. A. H. Kellogg Co., New York, N. V.
Ivk'bold Press. New York, N. Y.
X. Y. Lecouver Press Co.. New York, N. Y.
X. Y. McConnell Press, New York, N. ^'.
X. Y. McCoiuu'll Printing Co.. Now ^'ork, X. ^'.
N. 'S'. Mari'hbanks Press, Xew York, N. Y.
X. Y. Nation Press, New York, N. Y.
X. Y C. J. O'Brien, Xew York, N. Y.
N. Y. Oswald Publishing Co., Xew York, X. Y.
N. Y. Publishers Printing Co., New York, X. Y.
X. \. John C. Rankin Co., New York, N. \.
X. Y. William E. Hndge, Xew York. X. Y.
X. Y. Schilling Press, New ^'()rk. X. \.
X. Y. Stirling Press, New York, N. Y.
X. 'S'. 'rcchnical Press. New York, N. Y,
X. ^'. Wynkoop-ilallcnhcck Crawford Co., Xew York.
Advertisers Who Have Contributed
Ajax ^raiifacluring Coinpany, Cleveland, Ohio
.v. Allan & Son, Harrison, N. J.
American Car & Foundry Co., New ^'ork, X. Y.
American Greenhouse Mfg. Co., Pana, 111.
American Surety Company, New York, N. Y.
American Telei)hone & Telegra])!! Co., New York
Association of Ice Cream Siip])ly Men, New York
Atlanta Utility Works, East Point, C.a.
Autocar Company, Ardmore, Pa.
B. M. Baruch, Washington, D. C.
Bateman Manufacturing Co., New York, N. Y.
George Batten Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Bausch & Lomb Optical Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Bayer Company, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Bennett, Hollander & Lewis, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bird & Son, East AValpole, ^lass.
Borden Company, Warren, Ohio
Bowersock Mill & Power Co., Lawrence, Kans.
C. Bruno & Son, Inc., New York, N. Y.
Brunswick Refrigerating Co., New Brunswick,
William Buedingen & Son, New York, N. Y'.
B. Y. D. Company, New York, N. Y.
Casket Manufacturers Association, Cincinnati.
Central Garage & Electric Supply Co., Hagers-
town. Md.
Central Oil & Gas Stove Co., Gardner, Mass.
Charles Advertising Service, New York, N. Y.
Cleveland Twist Drill Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Columbia Steel Shafting Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Combustion Engineering Corporation, New York
Converse Rubber Shoe (^o.. New York, N. Y.
Crane & Breed Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
Cutler-Hammer Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
Davey Tree Expert Co., Kent, Ohio
Davis Watkins Dairymen's Manufacturing Co.
Chicago, 111.
Diamond Crystal Salt Co., St. Clair, Mich.
Diamond Expansion Bolt Co., New York, N . Y.
Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, N. Y.
Eaton, Crane & Pike Co., New York, N. Y.
Edison Lamp Works of the General Electric Co.,
Harrison, N . J.
N. K. Fairbanks Co., Chicago, 111.
Fellows Gear Shaper Co., Springfield, Ohio
Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio
George Frost Co., Boston, ^lass.
General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y.
Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio
W. R. Grace & Co., New York, N. Y.
Greenfield Tap and Die Corporation, New York
Hart, Shaffner & Marx, Chicago, 111.
Haynes Automobile Co., Kokomo, Ind.
Heine & Co., New York, N. Y.
H. J. TIcinz Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hercules Powder Co., Wilmington, Del.
S. M. Hexter Co., Cleveland, Ohio
Hill Pumj) Yalve Co., Chicago, 111.
Iliude & Daucli Paper Co., Sandusky, Ohio
A. S. Hinds. Portland, Me.
Homestead Yalve ^Ifg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Hotel Majestic, New York, N. Y.
Howlett & Hockmeyer, New York, N. Y.
Hughes Tool Co., Houston, Tex.
Hyatt Roller Bearing Co., New York, N . Y.
Imperial Underwear Company, Picjua, Ohio
Indian Refining Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Ingersoli Rand Co., New York. N. Y.
R. M. Krause, New York, N. Y.
Morton W. Lee, New York, N. Y.
Long. Landreth, Schneider Co., New Brunswick,
New Jersey
Lowe Donald & Co., New York, N. Y.
Lymansville Co., New York, N. Y.
McGraw Tire and Rubber Co., E. Palestine, O.
Magnolia Petroleum Co.. Dallas. Texas
^Majestic Coal Co.. Inc., New York. N. Y.
J. B. Mast Co.. New York, N. Y.
Mellins Food Comi>any, Boston. ^lass.
Metal & Thermit Corporation, New York, N . Y.
Model Brassiere Co., New York, N. Y.
Moller & Schumann Co., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Conipagnie Morana, New York, N. Y.
A. L. Mordecai & Son, New York, N. Y.
National Lamp AVorks. Cleveland. Ohio
National Lead Company. New York, N. Y.
New York Talking Machine Co., New York, N.Y.
Northwestern Steel and Iron Works. Eau Claire,
Oakley Chemical Co., New York, N. Y.
Orange Julep Co., New York, N. Y.
Pacific Tank & Pipe Co., San Francisco, Cai.
Papec Machine Co., Shortsville. N. Y.
ParkersburgRig & Reel Co., Parkersburg, W.Va .
People's Savings Association, Toledo, Ohio
Petroleum Iron Works Co. of Ohio. Sharon, Pa.
Pittsburgh Shafting Co., Detroit, Mich.
John O. Powers Co., New York, N. Y.
Prudential Ins. Co. of America, Newark, N. J.
Reilly Peabody Fuel Co.. Pittsburgh, Pa.
Roberts Cushman & Co.. New York. N. Y.
Robbins & Myers Co., Springfield, Ohio
Rock Falls Manufacturing Co.. Sterling. 111.
W. S.'s Sons Co., Tuscaloosa, Ala.
Royal Manufacturing Co.. Rahway, N. J.
Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Chicago, 111.
Seinsheimer Paper Co., Cincinnati, Ohio
S'J ] G0\ ERNMEN r W
Shepard Electric Crane & Hoist Co., Montour
Falls, N. Y.
D. E. Sicher & Co.. New York, X. Y.
S. K. F. Ball Hearing Co., Hartford, Cohti.
L. C. Smith & Brc, Sj'racuse, X. Y.
Stacey Brothers Gas Construction Co., Cin-
cinnati. Ohio
Standard Oil Cloth Co., Xcw York. N. ^■
Stanley Manufacturing Co., Dayton, Ohio.
Star Ruhher Co., Akron. Ohio
Stein Bloch Co., Rochester, X. Y.
Steere Engineering Co., Detroit, Mich.
Edwin B. Stiiiipson, Brooklyn, X. Y.
.Junius H. Stone, Xew York, X. Y.
Stromberg (^arlson Telephone Manufacturing
Co., Rochester, X. "N'.
Swift & Co., Chicago, 111.
Synfleur Scientific Laboratories , ]Monticello , X . ^' .
Taylor Instrument Com])anies, Rochester, X. Y.
Texas Co., Houston, Texas
Todd Protectograph Co., Rochester, \. ^■.
United Shoe Machinery Cor])., Bost(ui, Mass.
S. D. Warren Co., Boston, Mass.
L. E. Waterman Co., Xew York, X. "\'.
Westinghouse Air Brake Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Whitaker-(ilessner Company, Wheeling, W. Va.
Whitlock Cordage Co., Xew York, X. Y.
Whitman & Barnes ^Tfg. Co., Akron, Ohio
L. I. Wightman, X'ew York, X'. Y.
Willys-Overland, Inc., Toledo, Ohio
^V. S. Wilson Corporation, Xew York, X. ^'.
AVinter & Beifus, Chicago, 111.
A. H. Wirz, Inc., Chester, Pa.
William Wrigley, Jr., Co., Chicago, 111.
Wymaii Gordon Co., Worcester, Mass.
Yawinan & Erbe Manufacturing Co., Rochester,
Xew York
York Manufacturing Co., York, Pa.
Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., Youngstown, O.
Monthlies of General Circulation
Ainslee's, Xew York, X. Y.
All Outdoors, X'ew York, X'. Y.
American Boy, Detroit, Mich.
.Vmerican Magazine, X'ew York, X'. Y.
The American Woman, Augusta, IVIe.
American Shooter, New York, X. Y.
Asia, Xew York, X. Y.
Association Men, Xew York, X. Y.
Atlantic Monthly, Boston, Mass.
Baseball, Xew York, X. Y.
Black Cat, Salem, Mass.
Boys' Life, New York, X. Y.
Boys' Magazine. New York, X'^. Y. & Comment, Rochester, X^. Y.
Canadian Boy, St. John, Xcw Brujiswick
Century. Xcw York. X. \.
Citizen, Xiagara Falls, X. ^'.
Club Woman's Magazine, Cincinnati, Ohio
Cosmoi)olitan, X'ew York, X'^. Y.
Country Life in America, Garden City, X'. Y-
Current Opinion, New York, N. Y.
Delineator, X'ew York, X'. Y.
Designer, Xew York, X. Y.
Die Deutsche Hausfrau, Milwa\ikcc, Wis.
Dramatist, Easton, Pa.
Elite Styles, Xew York, N. Y.
Everybody's, New York, X. Y.
Field & Stream, Xew York. X. "S".
Film Fun, Xew York, X. Y.
Forecast, New York, X'. Y.
Garden Magazine, Garden City, X'. Y.
(linger, Dululh, Minn.
Ciolfers' Magazine, Chicago, 111.
tiood Housekeeping, X'ew York, X'. Y.
Grizzly Bear Magazine, Los Angeles. Cal.
Guide to X'ature, Sound Beach. Conn.
Haarlemite, Xew York, X. Y.
Harper's Magazine, X'ew York, X'. Y.
Health Culture, Xew York, X''. Y.
Hollands, Dallas, Texas
Hounds & Hunting, Decatur, 111.
Household Guest. Chicago, 111.
II Carroccio, Xew York, N. Y.
Illustrated Review, Atascadero, Cal.
Joe. Chai)i)les X'at'l X^ews Letter, Boston, Mass.
John Martin's Book, X'ew York, N. Y.
Journal of the Outdoor Life, X^ew York, X. \'.
Ju\cnilc Instructor, Salt Lake City. I'tah
Keiths Magazine, Minneapolis, ^linn.
Keramic Studio, Syracuse, X'^. Y.
Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia. Pa.
Le Bon Ton, X'ew York, X. Y.
Little Folks, Salem, Mass.
Lyceum ^Magazine. Chicago, III.
McClure's, Xew York, X. \.
Mallott's Magazine, BostoTi, Mass.
^Liy Manton Fashion Sheet, Brooklyn. X. ^'.
Mctro])olitau, X'ew ^'ork, X. Y.
^Michigan Sportsman, Detroit, Mich.
Missouri Wonuin, St. Louis, Mo.
Modern Priscilla, Boston, Mass.
Mother's Magazine, Xew York, X. Y.
Motion Picture Classic. Brooklyn, \. ^'.
Motion Picture ^Magazine, Brooklyn, X. V.
Mr. Foster's Travel ^lagaziiie, New York, N .Y.
Munsey's, New York, N. Y.
My Message, St. Cloud, Minn.
National rieo>>ra])liic', Washington, 1). ('.
National IMaga/.ine, Hoston, Mass.
National Sportsman, Boston. Mass.
Nature Study Review, Itliaea, N. 'S'.
Needlecraft, Augusta, Me.
New France, New York, N. \.
New West Magazine, Salt Lake City, Utah
North American Review, New York, N. Y.
Outers Book, Chicago, 111.
Outing, New York, N. Y.
Parents' Magazine, New ^'ork, N. Y.
Patriotism Magazine, Springfield, Mass.
Peoples' Home Journal, New York, N. Y.
Peoples' Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Peoples' Popular Monthly, Des Moines, Iowa
Periscope, New York, N. Y.
Photoplay, Chicago, 111.
Pictorial Review, New York, N. Y.
Picture Play, New York, N. Y.
Poet Lore, Boston, Mass.
Proofs, New Aurora, N. Y.
Public, New York, N. Y.
Puerto Rico Ilustrado, San Jiian, P. K.
Railroad Man's ^Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Red Book, Chicago, 111.
Red Cross Magazine, (larden City, N. Y.
Review of Reviews, New York, N. Y.
St. Nicholas, New York, N. Y.
Scribner's, New York, N. Y.
Sentinel, Mitchell, S. D.
Smart Set, New York, N . Y.
Smith's, New York, N. Y.
Snap]>y Stories, New York, N. Y.
Southern Woman's Magazine, Nashville, Tenn.
Star Needlework Journal, New York, N. Y.
Sun.set, San Francisco, Cal.
System, Chicago, 111.
Today's Housewife, New York, N. Y.
'I'hrifty Hou.sekeeping Magazine, Detroit, Micli.
Touchstone, New York, N. Y.
Truth Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Uncle Sam's Boy, Cincinnati, Ohio
Vanity Fair, New York, N. Y.
Wohelo, New York, N. Y.
Woman's Home Companion, New York, N. Y.
Woman's Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Woman's National Magazine, Washington, I).C.
Woman's World, Chicago, 111.
World Court Magazine. New York, N. Y.
World's Work, C.arden City. N. Y.
Worth While, Long Beach, Cal.
Zukunft, New York, N. Y.
Weeklies and Semi-monthlies of
General Circulation
All Story, New York, N. Y.
Amerikos Lietuvis, Worcester, Mass.
Argosy, New York. N. Y.
Boys' World, Elgin, 111.
Brooklyn Life, New York, N. Y.
Bulletin, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Bridgeford News, Rochester, N. Y.
Chat, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Christian Herald, New York, N. Y.
Cleveland Topics, Cleveland. Ohio
Club Fellow & Washington Mirror, New York
Collier's Weekly, New York, N. Y.
Crier, New York, N. Y.
Detective Story, New York, N. Y.
Dial, New York, N. Y.
Dongo, Detroit, ^Nlich.
Fatat Boston, Boston, Mass.
Forbes Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Girls' Companion, Elgin, 111.
Independent, New York, N. Y.
Issue, Jackson, Miss.
Judge, New York, N. Y.
Kvety Americke, Omaha, Neb.
La Follette's Weekly, Madison, Wis.
Leslie's, New York, N. Y.
Milford Topics, Milford, Conn.
National Tribune, Washington, D. C.
New Republic, New York, N. Y.
News Letter, Detroit, Mich.
Outlook, New York, N. Y.
Pathfinder, Washington, D. C.
Police Gazette, New York, N. Y.
Polish News, New Britain, Conn.
Popular Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Republic, Boston, Mass.
Rider & Driver, New York, N. Y.
Saturday Globe, Utica, N. Y.
Saturday Evening Post, Philadel]jhia,
Scientific American. New York, N. Y.
Sigaretta, Philadelphia, Pa.
Slovenian Anicric-in Koledar, New York. N . Y.
Sotek, Chicago, 111.
Spur, New York. N. Y.
Theatre Programs in the following Cities:
Boston, Mass.
Chicago, 111.
Cleveland, Ohio
Detroit, Mich.
Kansas City, Mo.
Los Angeles, Cal.
New York, X. ^ .
Pittsburgh, I'a.
San Francisco, Cal.
Survey, New York, N. Y.
Top Notch, New York, N. Y.
Town & Country, New York, X
Variety, New York, N. Y.
Vogue, New York, N. Y.
Woman's Weekly, Chicago, 111.
Young Folks, Philadelphia, Pa.
Young People'.s Weekly, Elgin, 111.
Youths' Companion, Boston, Mass
Omaha, Xeh.
Farm Papers
Agriculturist Digest, Xew York, X. Y.
Agriculturist Student, Columbus, Ohio
Albany Co. Farm Bureau Xews, Albany, X. ^ .
American Agriculturist, Xew York, X. ^ .
American Bee Journal. Hamilton, 111.
American Breeder, Kansas City, Mo.
American Farming, Chicago, 111.
American Hereford Journal, Kansas City, Mo.
American Poultry Advocate, Syracuse, X. Y.
American Poultry Journal, Chicago, 111.
.Vmerican Sheep Breeder, Chicago, 111.
American S(iual) Journal, Warrenton, Mo.
Ancona World, Franklinville, X. Y.
Arkansas Farmer & Homestead, Little Rock,
Better Fruit, Portland, Ore.
Breeders' Gazette, Chicago, 111.
California Cultivator, Los Angeles, Cal.
California Fruit Xews, San Francisco, Cal.
California Home & Farmer, San Francisco, Cal.
Camijbell's Scientific Farmer, Billings, Mont.
Carolina Farmer & Stockman, Columbia, S. C.
Carolina Fruit & Trucker, Wilmington, X. C.
Chester White Journal, Rochester, Ind.
Corn Bell Farmer, Waterloo, Iowa
Country Gentleman, Philadelphia, Pa.
]')akota Farmer, Aberdeen, S. D.
Date Palm, Indio, Cal.
Decorah Posten, Decorah, Iowa
Der Deutsche Farmer, St. Paul, Minn.
Deutsche Amcrikanischer Farmer, Lincoln, Xcb.
Domestic Beekeeper, Northstar, Mich.
Drover's Telegram, Kansas City, Mo.
Duroc Mullclin, Chicago, 111.
Everybody's Poultry Magazine, Hanover, Pa.
Farm & Dairy Profit, Salem, Ohio
Farm Finder ^Llgazine, Xew York, X. Y.
Farm & Fireside, Springfield, Ohio
Farm & Home (E. Ed.), Springfield, Mass.
Farm & Home (W. Ed.), Chicago, 111.
Farm & Ranch, Dallas, Texas
Farmer, St. Paul, Minn.
Farmer & Breeder, Sioux City, Iowa
Farmer & Stockman, Kansas City, Mo.
Farmers' Dispatch, St. Paul, ]Minn.
Farmers' Equity Xews, Alexandria, Minn.
Farmers' Fireside Bulletin, Arlington, Texas
Farmer's Home Journal, Louisville, Ky.
Farmers' >rail & Breeze, Topeka, Kan.
Farmers' Success. Red Bank, X. J.
Farmers' Wife, St. Paul, Minn.
Farm Life, Sjicncer, Ind.
Farm Xews, Dallas, Texas
Farm Stock & Home, Minneapolis, Minn.
Farm Tractor, Kansas City, Mo.
Field & Farm, Denver, Colo.
Field Illustrated, N'ew York, X. Y.
Florida Farmer & Stockman, Jacksonville, Flu.
Florida (irowcr, Tam])a, Fla.
Fort Worth Daily Live Stock Reporter, North
Fort Worth, Texas
Fruit Belt, Grand Rapids, Mich.
P'ruitman's Guide, New York, N. Y.
Gardener's Chronicle, ^fadison, X. J.
Gefleugel Zuechter, Hamburg, Wis.
Gleaner, Detroit, Mich.
Gleaning in Bee Culture, Medina, Ohio
Globe Democrat, St. Louis, ^lo.
Great Southwest Farmer, Phoenix. .Vriz.
Green's American Fruit Grower, Chicago, 111.
Guernsey Breeders' Journal, Peterboro, X. II.
Hancock Co. Farm Bureau News, Ellsworth, Mc.
Haus & liauernfreund, Milwaukee, Wis.
Hoard's Dairyman, Ft. Atkinson, Wis.
Ilolland.sche Farmer, (irand Rapids, Mich.
Holstein-Friesian Register, Brattleboro, Vt.
HolsteinT<'riesian World., X. Y.
Home & Farm, Louisville, Ky.
Horticulture, Boston, Mass.
Hospotlar, Omaha, Xeb.
Ri:r()R'r ok IIIK division of AI)^KRTISING
Idaho FaniKT, I5i)ist', Idaho
Illinois Fariiier, Quiiu-y, 111.
Indiana Farmers' Guide, Hunlington, Inil.
Inland Farmer, Louisville, Ky,
International Plymouth Rock Journal, Union
City, Mich.
Iowa Farmer, Des Moines, la.
Iowa Homestead, Des Moines, la.
Iowa State Poultry Journal, Grimes, la.
Jersey Bulletin, Indianapolis, Ind.
Jewish Farmer, New York, N. Y.
Journal, Atlanta, Ga.
Journal of Agriculture, St. Louis, Mo.
Kansas City Weekly Journal, Kansas City, Mo.
Kansas City Weekly Star, Kansas City, Mo.
Kansas Farmer, Topeka, Kans.
Kentucky Farming, Louisville, Ky.
Kimball's Dairy F'armer, Waterloo, la.
Leghorn World, Waverly, la.
Live Stock Report, Chicago, 111.
Long Island Agriculturist, Riverhead.L. I., N.Y.
The ]Maine Farmer, Augusta, Me.
Manchester LTnion Leader, Manchester, N. H.
Market Growers' Journal, Louisville, Ky.
Maryland Farmer, Baltimore, Md.
Michigan Business Farming, Mt . Clemens, Mich.
Michigan Farmer, Detroit, Mich.
Minnesota Farm Review, St. Paul, Minn.
Missouri & Kansas Farmer, Kansas City, ]\Io.
Missouri Farmer, Columbia, Mo.
^lissouri Ruralist, St. Louis, Mo.
Missouri Valley Farmer, Topeka, Kans.
Modern Farming, New Orleans, La.
Montana Farmer, Great Falls, Mont.
National Alfalfa Journal, Chicago, 111.
National F'armer, W'inona, Minn.
National Farmer & Stock (irower, St. Louis, Mo.
National Grange Monthly, Springfield, Mass.
National Stockman & Farmer, Pittsburgh, Pa.
National Wool Grower, Salt Lake City, Utah
Nebraska Farmer, Lincoln, Neb.
Nebraska Farm Journal, Omaha, Neb.
Nebraska Ruralist, Lincoln, Neb.
Nebraska State Grange Journal, Kearney, Neb.
New England Homestead, Springfield, Mass.
New York State F'ruit Grower, Medina, N. Y.
Non Partisan Leader, Fargo, N. D.
N. W. Farmstead, Minneapolis, Minn.
Northwest Pacific Farmer, Portland, Ore.
N. W. Stockman & Farmer, Helena, Mont.
Ohio Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio
Oklahoma Farmer, Oklahoma City, Okla.
Oklahoma Farmer-Stockman, Okla. City, Okla.
Oklahoma Live Stock News, OklahomaCity, Okla .
O. K. Poultry Journal, Mounds, Okla.
Orange Judd Farmer, Chicago, 111.
Orchard &; Farm, Los .Vngeles, Cal.
Oregon Farmer, Portland, Ore.
Oregonian, Portland, Ore.
Organized Farmer, Wausau, Wis.
Ozark Countryman, Springfield, Mo.
Pacific Homestead, Salem, Ore.
Pacific Poultryman, Seattle, Wash.
Pacific Rural Press, San Francisco, Cal.
Pelto Ja Koti, Suj)erior, Wis.
Pennsylvania Farmer, Philadelphia, Pa.
PetalumaW'eekly Poultry Journal, Petaluma, Cal.
Pet Stock Journal, Lamoni, la.
Poland China Journal, Kansas City, Mo.
Poultry Culture, Kansas City, ^lo.
Poultry Herald, St. Paul, Minn.
Poultry Item, Sellersville, Pa.
Poultry Success, Springfield, Ohio
Power Farming, St. Joseph, Mich.
Practical Farmer, Philadelphia, Pa.
Prairie Farmer, Chicago, 111.
Progressive Farmer, Birmingham, Ala.
Record Stockman, Denver, Colo.
Reliable Poultry Journal, Quincy, 111.
Republic, St. Louis, ]\Io.
Rhode Island Red Journal, Waverly, la.
Rice Journal, (Vowley, La.
Rocky Mountain Husbandman, Great Falls, Mon .
Rural New Yorker, New York, N.Y.
Rural Spirit, Portland, Ore.
Rural Weekly, St. Paul, Minn.
Rural Weekly, Omaha, Neb.
Rural W^orld, Los Angeles, Cal.
Safe Farming, Dubuque, la.
Seed World, Chicago, 111.
Southern Agriculturist, Nashville. Tenn.
Southern Cultivator, Atlanta, Ga.
Southern Fruit Grower, Chattanooga, 'l\'nn.
Southern Planter, Richmond, \'a.
Southern Ruralist, Atlanta, Ga.
Southland Farmer, La Porte, Texas
Southwest Stockman-Farmer, Phoenix, Ariz.
Successful Farming, Des Moines, la.
Swine Breeders' Journal, Indianapolis, Ind.
System on the Farm, Chicago, 111.
Tri- Weekly Constitution, Atlanta, (ia.
Trumbull Rural Associate, Youngstown, Ohio
Utah Farmer, Lehi, L'tah
Wallace's F'armer, Des Moines, la.
Washington Farmer, Spokane, Wash.
Western F'armer, Portland, Ore.
Western Farm Life, Denver, Colo.
Western Poultry Journal, Cedar Rapids, la.
Wisconsin Agriculturist, Racine, Wis.
Wisconsin Farmer, Madison, Wis.
Wisconsin Horticulturist, Madison, Wis.
Technical, Trade and Miscellaneous
Abels Photographic Weekly, Cleveland, Ohio
Accessory & Garage Journal, Pawtucket, R. I.
Advance Styles, New York, N. Y.
Advertising and Selling, New York, N. Y.
Advertising Club News, New York, N. Y.
Advertising News, New York, N. Y.
Aerial Age, New York, N. Y.
Agrimotor, Chicago, 111.
Alaska & Northwest Mining Journal, Seattle,
Amaranth, Detroit, ]\Iich.
Amateur Photographers Weekly, Cleveland, Ohio
American, York, Pa.
American Architect, New York, N. Y.
American Artisan & Hardware Record, Chicago.
American Automobile Digest, Cincinnati, Ohio
American Bankers'Association, New York, N. Y.
American Bankruptcy Reports, Albany, N. Y.
American Beagle, Youngstown, Ohio
American Blacksmith Auto & Tractor Shop,
Buffalo, N. Y.
American Bottler, New York, N. Y.
American Brewer, New York, N. Y.
American Builder, Chicago, 111.
American Cabinet Maker & Upholsterer, New
York, N. Y.
American Carpet & Upholstery Journal, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
American Chauffeur, Cincinnati, Ohio
American Cheese Maker, Grand Rapids, ^lich.
American Church Sunday School Magazine,
Philadelphia, Pa.
American Cloak & Suit Review, New York, N.Y.
American Coal Journal, Chicago, 111.
American Contractor, New York, N. Y.
American Co-operative Journal, Chicago, 111.
American Co-operative ^lanager, Chicago, 111.
American Cutler, New York, N. Y.
American Drop Forger, Pittsburgh, Pa.
American Druggist & Pharmaceutical Record,
New York, N. Y.
American Elevator & Grain Trade, Chicago, III.
American Exporter, New York, N. Y.
American Federationist, Washington, D. C.
American Fertilizer, Philadelphia, l*a.
American Food Journal, Chicago, 111.
American Forestry, Washington, D. C.
American Funeral Director, Grand Rapids,
American Furniture Manufacturer, Chicago, 111.
36 1
American Garage & Auto Dealer, Chicago, 111.
American Gas Engineering Journal, New York.
American Gentleman, New York, N. Y.
American Globe, Los Angeles, Cal.
American Grocer, New York, N. Y.
American Hardware Journal, New York, N. Y.
American Hatter, New York, N. Y.
American Industries, New York, N. Y.
American Jeweler, Chicago, 111.
American Jewish Chronicle, New York, N. Y.
American Journal of Botany, Brooklyn, N. Y.
American Journal of Orthopedic Surgery , Boston .
American Journal of Pharmacy , Philadelphia , Pa .
American Journal of Sociologjs Chicago, 111.
American Journal of Surgery, New York, N. Y.
American Journal of Syphilis, St. Louis, Mo.
American Journal of ^'eterinary [Medicine,
Chicago, 111.
American Laundry Journal, Troy, N. Y.
American Lawyers' Quarterly, Cleveland, Ohio
American Legal News, Detroit, Mich.
American Lumberman, Chicago, 111.
American Machine & Tool Record, Cincinnati.
American Machinist, New York, N. Y.
American ^lagazine of Art, AVashington, D. C.
American Man, Cambridge, Ohio
American Metal Market, New York, N. Y.
American ^Tiller, Chicago, 111.
American Milliner, New York, N. Y.
American Paint & Oil Dealer, St. Louis, Mo.
American Paint Journal, St. Louis, Mo.
American Perfumer, New York, N. Y.
American Philatelist, Federalsburg, Md.
American Photography, Boston, Mass.
American Physical Education Review, Spring-
field, Mass.
American Pressman, Pressmen's Home, Tenn.
American Printer, New York, N. Y.
American Review of Shoes & Leather, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
American Roofer, Chicago, 111.
American-Scandinavian Review, New York, N.Y.
American School Board Journal, ^lilwaukee. Wis.
American Shoeniaking, Boston, ]\Iass.
American Silk Journal, New York, N. Y.
American Stationer & Office Outfitter, New York
American Stone Trade, Chicago, 111.
.American Tailor & Cutter, New York, N. Y.
.Vmerican Thresherman & Farm Power,
Madison, Wis.
Aiiioritaii Wool & Cotton Reporter, Boston.
American Workman, Wasliinfi'ton, D. C
Ancient Order of I'uited Workman Journal,
Muscatine, la.
Ancient Order of United Workman, Farjio, X. D.
Anthracite Labor News, Shenandoah, Pa.
Apothecary, Boston, Mass.
Apparel Criterion, Seattle, Wash.
Ajjparel Gazette, Chicago, 111.
Ai)])arel Cazette, Los Angeles, Cal.
Archives of Pediatrics, Xew ^'ork, N. Y.
Architect & Engineer of California, San Fran-
cisco, Cal.
Architects Buyers Reference (Quarterly, New
York, N. Y.
Architectural Foruui, New York, N. Y.
Architectural Record, New York, N. Y.
Architectural Review, Boston, ^Nlass.
Architecture, New York, N. Y.
Architecture & Building, New York, N. Y.
The Armorer, Springfield, ^Liss.
Arts & Archaeology, Washington, 1). C.
Arts & Decoration, New York, N. Y.
Associated Advertising, Indianapolis, Lid.
Astorian Sanomat, Astoria, Ore.
Astrophysical Journal, Chicago, 111.
Automobile Blue Book, New ^'ork, N. Y.
Automobile Builder, Cleveland, Ohio
Automobile Dealer & Repairer, New York, N. Y.
Automobile Journal, Pawtucket, R. I.
Auto Trade Journal, Philadel])hia, Pa.
Automobile Topics, New York, N. Y.
Automotive Industries, New York, N. Y.
Auto Review, St. Louis, ]Mo.
Autumn Leaves, Lamonia, la.
Aviation & Aeronautical Engineering, New York
Bakers & Confectioners' Review, Los Angeles.
Bakers' Helper, Chicago, 111.
Bakers' Review, New York, N. Y.
Bakers' Weekly, New York, N. Y.
Baltimore Afro-American Ledger, Baltimore.
Baltimore Trade Unionist, Baltimore, Md.
Bankers' Monthly, Chicago, 111.
Banker & Tradesman, Boston, Mass.
Baptist Banner, Parkersbnrg, W. Ya.
Baptist Standard, Dallas, Texas
Barrel & Box, Chicago, 111.
Bee Hive, Norwalk, Ohio
Bellman, Minneapolis, Minn.
Better Roads & Streets, Dayton, Ohio
Biblical Recorder, Raleigh, N. C.
Biblical World, Chicago, 111.
Biltmorean, Albany, N. Y.
Black Diamond, Chicago, 111.
Blast Furnace & Steel Plant, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Boiler ]Maker, New York, N. Y.
Boilermakers & Slii|) l?Milders' Journal, Kansas
City, Kans.
Book of Baby Mine, Chicago, 111.
Book.seller, Newsdealer & Stationer, New "S'ork
Boot & Shoe Recorder, Boston, Mass.
Boston Commercial, Boston, Mass.
Boston Ilairenik, Boston, Mass.
Boston Medicals Surgical Journal, Boston, Mass.
Botanical (iazette, Chicago, 111.
Box Maker, Worcester, Mass.
Brass World, New York, N. Y.
Brewer & Maltster, Chicago, 111.
Brewers' Journal, New York, N. Y.
Brick & Clay Record, Chicago, 111.
Brick Building, Bo.ston, Mass.
Bricklayer, Mason & Plasterer, Indianai)olis.
Brooms, Brushes & Handles, ^Milwaukee, Wis.
Brotherhood, Philadelphia, Pa.
BuflFalo Unista, Buffalo, N. Y.
Builder, Anomosa, la.
Building & Engineering News, San Francisco.
Building Review, New Orleans, La.
Bulletin of National Association of Retail
Clothiers, Des Moines, la.
Bulletin of Pharmacy, Detroit, ]\Iich.
Bulletin of Photogra])hy, Philadelphia, Pa.
Bulletin of the Royal Arcanum, Boston, Mass.
Business Bulletin, ISIinot, N. D.
Business Digest, New York, N. Y.
Business Educator, Columbus, Ohio
Business ^lagazine, Knoxville, Tenn.
Business Philosopher, Chicago, 111.
Butchers' Advocate, New York, N. Y.
Butchers & Packers' Gazette, St. Louis, Mo.
Butter, Cheese & Egg Journal, Milwaukee, Wis.
California Citrograph, Los Angeles, Cal.
California Eclectic ^ledical Journal, Los Angeles
California Tourist & Hotel Reporter,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Camera, Philadelphia, Pa.
Camera Craft, San Francisco, Cal.
Candy & Ice Cream, Chicago, 111.
Canner, Chicago, 111.
Canning Trade, Baltimore, ^Id.
Carpet & Upholstery Trade Review, New York
Carriage Dealers' Journal, Troy, N. Y.
Casualty Review Insurance, Chicago, III.
Caterer & Hotel Proprietors' Gazette, New York.
Catholic Knights of America Journal, Cincin-
nati, Ohio
Catholic Knights and Ladies of America Journal,
Chicago, Illinois
Catholic Mutual Benefit Ass'n, Buffalo, N. Y.
Catholic Relief & Beneficiary Association Bul-
letin, Buffalo, N. Y.
Catholic Churchmaii, New Orleans, La.
Calholic Register, Denver, Colo.
Catholic Temperance Advocate, Danhury.Conn.
Catholic World, New York, N. Y.
Cement & Engineering News, Chicago, 111.
Central Banker, Omaha, Neb.
Central Station, New York, N. Y.
Chamber of Commerce Journal of Maine, Port-
land, Me.
Chamber of Commerce Record, McKeesport, Pa.
Chariot, Crawfordsville, Ind.
Chef & Steward, Chicago, 111.
Chemical & INIetallurgical Engineering, New
York, N. Y.
Chicago Reyven, Chicago, 111.
Chicago Dziennick Chicagoski, Chicago, 111.
Chicago Jeffersonian , diicago, 111.
Chicago Predmeseske Listy, Chicago, 111.
Chicago Svornost, Chicago, 111.
Chicago Telegraf, Chicago, 111.
Chilton .\utomobile Directory, Philadeli)hia, Pa.
Chilton Tractor Journal, Philadelphia, Pa.
Christian Endeavor World, Boston, Mass.
Christian Intelligencer, New York, N. Y.
Christian Nation, New York, N. Y.
Christian Observer, Louisville, Ky.
Christian Standard, Cincinnati, Ohio
Christian Union Herald, Excelsior Springs, Mo.
Christian Union Herald, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Christian Work, New York, N. Y.
Christian Worker, Des Moines, la.
Christmas Book, Cedar Falls, la.
Church Bulletin, New York, N. Y.
Churchman, New York, N. Y.
Cigar & Tobacco Journal, Minneapolis, ]Sliuii.
Civil Service Age, Seattle, Wash.
Civil Service Chronicle, New 'S'ork, N. Y.
Clay Worker, Indianapolis, Ind.
Cleaners & Dyers' Review, Cincinnati, Ohio
Cleaning & Dyeing World, Chicago, 111.
Cleveland Gazette, Cleveland, Ohio
Clinton Democrat, Clinton, N. J.
Clothier & Furnisher, New York, N. Y.
Coal Age, New York, N. Y.
Coal Association Message, Reading, Pa.
Coal Dealer, Minnea])olis, Minn.
Coal Industry, Pittsburgh, i'a.
Coal Trade Bulletin, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Coal Trade Journal, New York, N. ^' .
Colorado School Journal, Denver, Colo.
Colorado Tourist & Hotel Reporter, Denver.
Columbian & Western, Chicago, 111.
Commercial America, Philadelphia, Pa.
Commercial Bulletin, Los Angeles, Cal.
Commercial Car Journal, Philadelphia, Pa.
Commercial Fertilizer, Atlanta, Ga.
Commercial News, Sioux Falls, S. D.
Commercial Telegraphers Journal, Chicago, 111.
Coming Styles, New York, N. Y.
Compressed Air Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Concordia, Chicago, 111.
Concrete, Detroit, Mich.
Concrete Age, Atlanta, Ga.
Concrete Products, Chicago, 111.
Confectioners' Gazette, New York, N. Y.
Confectioners' Journal, Philadelphia, Pa.
Confectioners' Review, Cincinnati, Ohio
Confederate Veteran, Nashville, Tenn.
Construction, New York, N. Y.
(^ontinent, Chicago, 111.
Cordage Trade Journal, New York, N. Y.
Cornell Veterinarian, Ithaca, N. Y.
Cornish Chronicle, AVaverly, la.
Court of Honor, Springfield, 111.
Crescent, St. Paul, Minn.
Current Quarterlies, Chicago, 111.
Corset & Underwear Review, New York, N. Y.
Cotton, Atlanta, Ga.
Cotton & Cotton Oil News, Dallas, Texas
Cotton Seed Oil .Magazine, Atlanta, Ga.
Cracker Baker, New York, N. Y.
Creamery & Milk Plant Monthly, Chicago, III.
Creamery Journal, Waterloo, la.
Creightou Chronicle, Omaha, Neb.
Crockery & Glass Journal, New York, N. Y.
Cuba Review, New York, N. Y.
Daily Iron Trade & Metal Market Report,
Cleveland, Ohio
Daily Metal Re])orter, New York, N. Y.
Daily Mill Stock Reporter, New York, N. Y.
Darby Progress, Darby, Pa.
DeKalb Tribune, DeKalb, Mo.
Decorative Furnisher, New York, N. Y.
Degree of Honor of Iowa, Cedar Rapids, la.
Degree of Honor Review, St. Paul, Minn.
Delicatessan, New York, N. Y.
Dental Digest, New York, N. Y.
Dental Items of Interest, New York, N. Y.
Dental Outlook, New York, N. Y.
Dental Summary, Toledo, Ohio
Denver Nazione, Denver, Colo.
Detroit Directories, Detroit, Mich.
Detroit Speaker, Detroit, Mich.
Dixie Guard's Journal, Goin, Teiui.
Dixie Miller, Atlanta, Ga.
Dixie Wood Worker, Atlanta, (ia.
Doings in (irain. Milwaukee, Wis.
Domestic Engineering, Chicago, 111.
Dover Index, Dover, Del.
Dress Essentials, New York, N. Y.
[ 39
l)ni<; and ( 'lii'iiiical Markets, New York, X. 'N'.
Druggist Circular, Xow York, X. Y.
Oriig Trade Weekly, Xow ^Ork, X. ^'.
Druids IVragazine, San Fraueisoo, Cal.
l^ry (loods & Apparel, Xew York, X. Y.
Dry (ioods Economist, Xew York, N . Y.
Dry (ioods (niide. New Y'ork, X. Y.
Drygoodsnian, St. Louis, Mo.
Dry Goods Reporter, Chicago, 111.
Dunellen ^Veekly Call, Dunellen, X. J.
Dun's Review, ^s'ew York, X. Y.
Eastern Dealer, Philadelphia, I'a.
Eastern Underwriter, New York, N. Y.
Educational Administration and Sujiervision,
Haltiuiore, ^Id.
Educational Foundations, Xew ^'ork, X. Y.
Egg Reporter, Waterloo, la.
Egyptian, Philadelphia, Pa.
Electrical Age, Xew Y'ork, X. Y^.
Electrical Experimeter, Xew York, X. Y^.
Electrical Merchandising, New York, N. Y.
Electrical Record, New Y'ork, N. Y.
Electrical Review, Chicago, 111.
Electrical Worker, Springfield, 111.
Electrical World. New York, X. Y'.
Electrical City Magazine, Chicago, 111.
Electricity & Engineering, Chicago, 111.
Electrical Journal, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Electric Railway Journal, Xew York, N. Y.
Electric Traction, Chicago, 111.
Electric Yehicles, Chicago, 111.
Elementary School Journal, Chicago, 111.
Elevator Constructor, Philadelphia, Pa.
El Paso Labor Advocate, El Paso, Texas
Embalmers' Monthly, Chicago, 111.
Engineering & Cement World, Chicago, 111.
Engineering & Contracting, Chicago, 111.
Engineering & INIining Journal, New Y'ork, N. Y .
Engineering Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Engineering News Record, New Y'ork, N. Y.
Etiuipment ^lerchandise, Scranton, Pa.
Kvangelical Endeavor, Ilarrisburg, Pa.
Exhibitors' Herald, Chicago, 111.
Exhibitors' Program Co., Pittsburgh, I'a.
Export liulletin, Philadelphia, Pa.
Exporters & Importers' Journal, New York.
Expositor, Cleveland, Ohio
Factory, Chicago, 111.
Farm Implement News, Chicago, 111.
Farm Implements, Alinneapolis, Minn.
Farm ^[achinery and F^arm Power, St. Louis.
Fashionable Woman, New York, N. Y.
Fayette Journal, Fayette ville, W. Ya.
Federal Reporter, New Y'ork, N. Y.
Fibre & Fabric, Boston, Mass.
Field & Show Dog, Youngstown, Ohio
Financial Review, Xew York, X. 'S'.
Florists' Review, Chicago, 111.
Flour & FVod, Milwaukee, Wis.
Flour & Grain World, Seattle, Wash.
Flour, Hay, Grain & Feed, New ^'ork, X. Y.
Fordowner, ^Milwaukee, Wis.
Frat, Chicago, 111.
FVaternal Henefit League Record, Xew Haven.
Fraternal Brotherhood Journal, Los Angeles.
Fraternal Index, Detroit, ^[ich.
Fraternal Leader, Oak Park, 111.
Free AVill Baptist Messenger, Baxter, Tenn.
Friend & Guide, Xeenah, Wis.
Fruit Trade Journal, Xew York, N. Y.
Funnel, Xew Y'ork, N. Y.
Furniture Dealer, ^Tinneapolis, INIinn.
Furniture Index, Jamestown, X. Y.
Furniture Journal, Chicago, 111.
Furniture Mfr. & Artisan, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Furniture ^Merchants Trade Journal, Des Moines,
Furniture Trade Review, Xew York, N. Y.
Furniture Worker, Cincinnati, Ohio
Furniture World, New York, N. Y'.
Fur Trade Review, New York, X. Y.
Garment Review, Chicago, 111.
Gas Age, New Y'ork, N. Y.
Gas Energy, Xew York, N. Y'.
Gas Engine, Cincinnati, Ohio
Gas Industry, BuflFalo, N. Y.
Gas Power, St. Jose])h, INIich.
Gas Record, Chicago, 111.
Gas Review, Madison, Wis.
Geyers Stationer, New Y'ork, N. Y'.
Gideons, Chicago, 111.
Glovers Review, Glovers ville, N. Y.
Goldsmith & Silversmith, New Haven, Conn.
Golden Cross Journal, Boston, Mass.
Good Furniture, Grand Rapids, Mich.
Grain Dealers' Journal, Chicago, 111.
Grand Rapids Furniture Record, (iraiid Rapids,
(iranite Marlile & Bronze, Boston, Mass.
(irant City, Worth County Tribune, Grant City,
Graphic Arts, Boston, Mass.
Greenville Heights Advocate, Jersey City, N.J.
Gregg Writer, New York, N. Y.
Grit Grin, Perrysburg, N. Y'.
Grocers' IVIagazine, Boston, Mass.
Gulf Marine Register, New Orleans, La.
Haberdasher, New York, N. Y.
Halletsville, Nory Domov% Halletsville, Texas
Hardware & Furni.shing Goods, Atlanta,
Hardware Age, New York, N. Y.
Hardware Dealers' Magazine, New York, N.Y.
Hardwood Record, Chicago, 111.
Hardware Review, New York, N. Y.
Hardware Trade, St. Paul, Minn.
Hardware World, San Francisco, Cal.
Harness, New York, N. Y.
Harness Dealer, Des Moines, la.
Harness Gazette, Rome, N. Y.
Harness Herald, St. Louis, ]Mo.
Harness World, Cincinnati, Ohio
Hay Trade Journal, Canajoharie, N. Y.
Heating & Ventilating Magazine, New York.
Hebrew Standard, New York, N. Y.
Herald of the AVell Country, Alburjuerque,
New ^lexico
Hide & Leather, Chicago, 111.
Hilo O Facho, Hilo, Hawaii
Hispano America, San Francisco, Cal.
Hitchcock's ^Machine Tool List, Chicago, 111.
Home Advocate, Phihidelphia, Pa.
Homestead Amerikansky Russky Viestnik,
Homestead, Pa.
Horse Show Catalog, Rochester, N. Y.
Horse Show Prize List, Rochester, N. Y.
Horse World, Buffalo, N.Y.
Hotel Bulletin, Chicago, 111.
Hotel Gazette, New York, N. Y.
Hotel Monthly, Chicago, 111.
Hotel Review, New York, N. Y.
Hotel World, Chicago, 111.
House Furnishing Review, New York, N. Y.
Household Guest, Atlanta, Ga.
Hub, New York, N . Y.
Hunter Trader Trapper, Columbus, Ohio
Ice & Refrigeration, Chicago, 111.
Ice Cream Review, ^Milwaukee, Wis.
Ice Cream Trade Journal, New York, N. Y.
Illinois Red ]Man, Bloomington, 111.
Illinois Trumpet Call, Chicago, 111.
Illustrated Milliner, New York, N. Y.
Illustrated World, Chicago, 111.
Implement Age, Springfield, Ohio
Imi)lement & Tractor Trade Journal, Kansas
City, Mo.
Implement Hardware Bullcliu, Abilene, Kansas
Importers Guide, New 'S'ork, N. Y.
Improvement Bulletin, Minneajiolis, Minn.
Independent Advertising, New York, N. Y.
India Rubber World, New York, N. Y.
Indie;! I or National Journal of Insurance, Detroit,
Industrial Arts Magazine, Milwaukee, Wis.
IiKJuslrial Managein(Mit , New York, N. Y.
Industrial Record, Dallas, Tex.
Inland Printer, Chicago, 111.
Inland Storekeeper, New York, N. Y.
Insurance Press, New York, N. Y.
Intercollegiate Statesman, Chicago, 111.
International Brotherhood of Bookbinders, In-
diatiapolis, Ind.
International Confectioner, New York, N. Y.
International Journal of Orthodontia, St. Louis.
International Military Digest, New York, N. Y.
International Railway Journal, Philadelphia, Pa.
International Sheriff, St. Paul, Minn.
International Studio, New York, N. Y.
Interstate Grocer, St. Louis, Mo.
Iron Age, New York, N. Y.
Iron Trade Review, Cleveland, Ohio
Iron Tradesman, Atlanta, Ga.
Jamestown Vart Land, Jamestown, N. Y.
Jewelers' Circular, New York, N. Y.
Jewish Criterion, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Jewish Si)ectator, Memphis, Tenn.
Jolly Elk, St. Paul, Minn.
Journal of Abnormal Psychology, Boston, Mass.
Journal of Accountancy, New York, N. Y.
Journal Anier. Med. Ass'n., Chicago, 111.
Journal of the Amer. Soc. of Mechanical Engi-
neers, New York, N. Y.
Journal of Education, Madison, Wis.
Journal Laboratory & Clinical Medicine, St.
Louis, Mo.
Journal of ^Medical Society of New Jersey, Ar-
lington, N. J.
Journal of National Dental Association,
Chicago, 111.
Journal of Pharmacology, Baltimore, Md.
Journal of Political Economy, Chicago, 111.
Journal of the Society of Automotive Engineers,
New York, N. Y.
Journal of Western Society of Engineers,
Chicago, 111.
Jovian, St. Louis, IVIo.
Kansas City Free Mason, Kansas City, Mo.
Kansas Municipalities, Lawrence, Kan.
Kansas Pythian, Kansas City, Kan.
Kansas Workman, Newton, Kan.
Katholischer Jagendfreund, Evanston, 111.
Kennel Adxocate, Sierra ^ladre, Cal.
Kentucky Sunday School Reporter, Louisville.
Keystone Magazine of Optometry, Phila., Pa.
Kindergarten Primary ^lagazine, ^Nfanistee,
Knights of the (iolden Eagle, Philadelphia, Pa.
Lace & ICmbroidery Review, N(>w '\'ork, N. ^'.
Ladies' Review, Port Huron, Mich.
Lady Maccaboe, Port Huron, Mich.
La Porte .Vrgus Bulletin. La I'orlc. Ind.
Laundrvman's Guide, Atlanta, (Ja.
[ 41
Lawyer & Banker, New Orleans, La.
Leallier Manufacturer, IJoston, ALxss.
L. I. A. C. iNlotorist, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Liberty Magazine Quarterly, Washington, D.C.
Life & Labor, (liicago. 111.
Life Insurance Courant, Oak Park, 111.
Lincoln Free Press, Lincoln, Neb.
Live Wires, Fargo, N. D.
Lodge Record, Watcrtown, N. Y.
Log Book, Bayside Yacht Club, Bayside, N. Y.
Log of the Circuninavigators' Club,
Burlington, N.J.
Louisiana Planter, New Orleans, La.
Loyal American, Chicago, 111.
Lumber, St. Louis, Mo.
Lumber Jack, Seattle, Wash.
Lumberman, St. Louis, Mo.
Lumberman's Review, New York, N. Y.
Lumber Trade Journal, New Orleans, La.
Lumber AVorld Review, Chicago, 111.
Machinery, New York, N. Y.
Majority, Wheeling, Vi . Va.
Mantel Tile & Grate Monthly, Utica, N. Y.
Manual Training ^lagazine, Peoria, 111.
Manufacturer, Salem, Ore.
Manufacturers' News, Chicago, 111.
Manufacturers' Record, Baltimore, Md.
Manufacturing Clothier, New York, N. Y.
Manufacturing Jeweler, Providence, R. I.
Marine Engineering, New York, N. Y.
Marine Industrial Investment Digest, New York
Marine News, New York, N. Y.
Maryland Historical Magazine, Baltimore, Md.
Masonic Bulletin, Cleveland, Ohio
Master Mason, Kansas City, Mo.
Medical Herald, Kansas City, Mo.
Men's Wear, New York, N. Y.
Mercantile Adjuster, St. Louis, Mo.
^Icrchants' and ^Manufacturers' Journal, Balti-
more, Md.
Merchant Plumber & Fitter, New York, N. Y.
Merchant & ^lanufacturer, Nashville, Tenn.
Merchants' Index, Denver, Colo.
Merchants' Journal, Topeka, Kan.
Merchants' Journal & Commerce, Richmond, Va.
Merchants' National Drug Journal, Des ^Moines,
Merchants' National Hardware Journal, Des
Moines, Iowa
Merchants' Trade Index, New Orleans, La.
^Merchants' Trade Journal, Des Moines, Iowa
Mercurio, New Orleans, La.
Messenger, Oshkosh, Wis.
Metal Industry, New York, N. Y.
Metal Record & Electroplater, Bridgeport, Conn.
Metal Worker, Plumber &Steamfitter, New York
Meyer Brothers Druggist, St. Louis, Mo.
Michigan Christian Advocate, Detroit, ]Mich.
Michigan Investor, Detroit, Mich.
Michigan Manufacturer & Financial Record,
Detroit, Mich.
^lid-Continent Banker, St. Louis, Mo.
Milk Trade Journal, Waterloo, Iowa
Millers' Review, Philadelphia, Pa.
Mill Furnisher, Chicago, 111.
IMilliner, Chicago, 111.
^Milling & Grain News, St. Louis, Mo.
Mill News, Charlotte, N. C.
Mill Supplies, Chicago, 111.
Milwaukee Wochenblatt, Milwaukee, Wis.
Milwaukee Nowiny Polski, ^Milwaukee, Wis.
Mining Age, New York, N. Y.
Mining & Oil Bulletin, Los Angeles, Cal.
Mining & Scientific Press, San Francisco, Cal.
Mining Congress Journal, AVashington, D.C.
Missionary Magazine, Washington, D.C.
Mississippi Sunday School Herald, Jackson, Miss.
Mississippi Valley Lumberman, Minneapolis.
Mississippi Valley Medical Journal, Louisville.
Mixer & Server, Cincinnati, Ohio
Modern Building Magazine, Detroit, Mich.
Modern Hospital, Chicago, 111.
Modern Methods, Detroit, :Mich.
Modern Miller, Chicago, 111.
Modern Painter, Chicago, 111.
Modern Philology, Chicago, 111.
Monumental News, Chicago, 111.
Moose Journal, Philadelphia, Pa.
Moravian, Nazareth, Pa.
Motion Picture News, New York, N. Y.
Motography, Chicago, 111.
Motor, New York, N. Y.
Motor Age, Chicago, 111.
Motorboat, New York, N. Y.
Motor Boating, New York, N. Y.
Motor Cycle & Bicycle Illustrated, New York.
Motor Cycling & Bicycling, Chicago, 111.
Motordom, Albany, N. Y.
Motorist, Omaha, Neb.
Motor Life, New York, N. Y.
Motor Record, New York, N. Y.
Motor Truck, Pawtucket, R. I.
Motor World, New York, N. Y.
Moving Picture World, New York, N. Y.
Municipal and County Engineering, Chicago, 111.
Municipal Journal, New York, N. Y.
Musical Times, Chicago, 111.
Music Blue Book, New York, N. Y.
Music Trade Indicator, Chicago, 111.
Music Trade Review, New York, N. Y.
Music Trades, New York, N. Y.
Mutual Magazine, Philadelpliia, Pa.
National American, Kansas City, Mo.
National Architect, Philadeliihia, Pa.
National Baker, Philadelphia, Pa.
National Banker, Chicago, 111.
National Bottlers' Gazette, New ^'(lrk, N. Y.
National Builder, Chicago, 111.
National Cleaner & Dyer, Chicago. 111.
National Drug Clerk, Chicago, 111.
National Druggist, New York, N. Y.
National Economist, Des Moines, Iowa
National Engineer, Chicago, 111.
National Class Budget, Pitt.shurgh, Pa.
National Grocer, Chicago, 111.
National (irocers' Bulletin, St. Paul, Minn.
National Harness Review, Chicago, 111.
National Hay Press, Winchester, hid.
National Jeweler, Chicago, 111.
National Laundry Journal, Chicago, 111.
National Lithographer, New York, N. Y.
National Marine, New York, N. Y.
National Office Journal, Chicago, 111.
National Petroleum News, Cleveland, Ohio
National Police Journal, New York, N. Y.
National Printer-Journalist, Chicago, 111.
National Protective Legion, Waverly, N. Y.
National Provisioner, New York, N. Y.
National Real Estate Journal, Indianapolis.
National Union Booster, Chicago, 111.
Natural Gas & Gasoline Journal, Buffalo, N. Y.
Nautical Gazette, New York, N. Y.
Newark Trihuna del New Jersey, Newark, N.J.
New Britain Przevvodnik Xatolicke,
New Britain, Conn.
Newhurgh Register, Newhurgh, Ind.
New England Craftsman, Boston, Mass.
New England Grocer and Tradesman, Boston.
New England Hardware News, Boston, Mass.
New England Labor Digest, Providence, R. I.
News from Headquarters, Independent Order of
Red Men. Chicago, 111.
New South Baker, .Vtlanta, (.hx.
Newspa])erdoni, New York, N. Y.
News Record, New York, N. Y.
New York .Vtlantis, New York, N. Y.
New York Desteaptate Romane, New \'ork.
N. Y. LuMd)er Trade Journal, New York. N. Y.
New York Rohotuik Polski, New York, \. \.
Ninth ("oast News, New York, N. Y.
North American Wine & Sjjirit Journal, Boston
Northwestern Confectioner, Milwaukee, Wis.
Northwestern Druggist, St. Paul, Minn.
Northwestern Jeweler, Albert Lea, Minn.
Notions & Fancy Goods, New York, N. \'.
Notion & Novelty Review, New York, N. Y.
Notion Trade Topics, New York, N. Y.
Northwestern Miller, Minneapolis. Minn.
Novelty News. Chicago. 111.
Norristown Times. Norristown, Pa.
Nugent's Bulletin, New York, N. Y.
Office Appliances, Chicago, 111.
Official Railwav E(iuij)ment Register, New
York, N. Y. '
Official Register of Iowa Pharmaceutical Ass'n.,
Algona, Iowa
Ohio Architect Engineer and Builder, Cleveland,
Ohio Law Bulletin, Norwalk, Ohio
Oil Age, Los Angeles, Cal.
Oil & Journal, Tulsa, Okla.
Oildom, New York, N. Y.
Oil, Paint & Drug Reporter, New \'ork. N. Y.
Oil Press. Kansas City, Mo.
The Oil Trade Journal, New York, X. Y.
Oil Weekly, Houston, Tex.
Oklahoma Retail Merchant, Oklahoma City.
Oklahoma School Herald, Oklahoma City, Okla.
OklahomaSundaySchool Worker, Oklahoma ( "ity
Omaha Trade Exhibit, Omaha, Neb.
Open Exhaust, La Crosse, Wis.
Opera House Reporter, Des Moines, Iowa
Ojjerative Miller. Chicago. 111.
Optical Journal & Review of Optometry, New
York, N. Y.
Optimist. Mt. Vernon. Ohio
Optometrist & Optician, Rochester, N. Y.
Order of Mutual Protection Journal, Chicago.
Oregon Retailers Journal. Portland, Ore.
Oregon Teachers Monthly, Salem, Ore.
Our Animals, San Francisco, Cal.
Outlook of Missions. Philadelphia, Pa.
Pacific Builder & Engineer, Seattle, Wash.
Pacific Coast Gazette, San Francisco, Cal.
Pacific Coast Hotel & Apartment Record. Los
Angeles, Cal.
Pacific Coast Hotel (iazette, San Francisco.
Pacific Coast Journal of Nursing. San Fran-
cisco. ( "al.
Pacific Coast Merchant, San Francisco. Cal.
Pacific Fisherman, Seattle, Wash.
Pacific Motorboat, Seattle, Wash.
Pacific Printer, San Francisco, Cal.
Packages, Milwaukee, Wis.
Packer, Kansas City, Mo.
Paint, Chicago. 111.
Paint & Varnish Record, Washington, 1). C.
Painters' Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Paint, Oil & Drug Review. Chicago, 111.
Paper, New York, N. Y.
Pai)er Box Maker, New York. N. Y.
Paper Dealer. Chicago, 111.
Paper :\Iill .^ Wool Ptili) News, New York, N.V.
Paper Tnule, Chicago, 111.
Paper Trade Journal, New York, N. \ .
Park & Cemetery, Chicago, 111.
Peanut Promoter, Houston, Tex.
Pelham Souvenirs, Pelham, N. Y.
Pennsylvania Lumberman, Scranton, Pa.
Petroleum, Chicago, 111.
Petroleum Age, Chicago, 111.
Pharmaceutical Era, Xew York, N. "\ .
Philadelphia Chamhcr of Commerce News Bulle-
tin, Philadelphia, Pa.
Philadeijjhia Gazeta Ludowa, Philadelphia. Pa.
Philadelphia Protestant Federation, Phila.. Pa.
Photo Craft :Magazine, Ann Arbor, ^Nlich.
Photo Era, Boston, Mass.
Photographic Journal of America, New York.
Photo Miniature, New York, N. Y.
Photo Play World, Philadelphia, Pa.
Pioneer Western Lumberman, San Francisco.
Plainfield Record, Plainfield, N. J.
Playthings, New York, N. Y\
Piano Journal, New York, N. Y.
Plumbers Trade Journal, New Y^ork, N. Y.
Plumbing & Heating Magazine, Phila. Pa.
Pocket List of Railroad Ofticials, New York.
R. L. Polk Directory, Sioux City, Iowa.
R. L. Polk Directory, New York, N. Y.
Portland Directory, Portland, Me.
Portland Grocers & ^Merchants. Portland, Ore.
Posselts Textile Journal, Philadelphia, Pa.
Poster, Chicago, 111.
Potato Magazine, Minneapolis, Minn.
Pottery, Glass & Brass Salesman, New "SOrk.
Power, Montour Falls, N. Y'.
Power Farming Dealer, St. Joseph, iSIich.
Power Plant Engineering, Chicago, 111.
Power Wagon, Chicago, 111.
Premium Buyer, New York, N. Y'.
Presto, Chicago, 111.
Price Current, Wichita, Kan.
Price Current & Grain Reports. Chicago, 111.
Printing, New York, N. Y.
Printing Art, Cambridge, ]\[ass.
Produce Bulletin, New York, N. Y.
Produce News, New York, N. Y.
Produce Review and American Creamery, New
York, N.Y.
Progressive Merchant, Dallas, Tex.
Protected Home Circle Gazette, Sharon. Pa.
Public Schools, Denver, Colo.
Public Service, Chicago, 111.
Public Utilities Reports, Rochester, N. Y.
Publishers Weekly, New York, N. Y.
Pullman Porters' Review, Chicago, 111.
Purchasing Agent, New York, N. \ .
Puritan, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pythian Record. .Kbcrdeen, Wash.
llailroad Herald, Atlanta, (ia.
Railway Age, New ^'ork, N. V.
Railway Electrical Engineer, New York. N. ^ .
Railway Journal, Chicago, 111.
Railway Maintenance Engineer, New York.
Railway Mechanical Engineer, New York, X . Y.
Railway Review, Chicago, 111.
Railway Signal Engineer, New York, N. "\ .
Railway World, Philadelphia, Pa.
Reading Labor Advocate. Reading, Pa.
Real EstateRecord & Builders" Guide, New York.
Record of Christian Work, Philadelphia, Pa.
Refrigeration, Atlanta, Ga.
Refrigerating World, New York. N. Y.
Reporter. Chicago. 111.
Retail Baker, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Retail (^oalman, Chicago. 111.
Retail Druggist, Detroit, Mich.
Retail Lumberman, Kansas City, Mo.
Retail Tobacconist, Long Island City, N. Y.
Richmond Item, Richmond, Ind.
Rinaldis Official Guide of Tampa & South Flor-
ida, Tampa, Fla.
Road Maker, Moline, 111.
Rock Products, Chicago, 111.
Royal Highlander, Lincoln, Neb.
Royers Financial Record, Seattle, Wash.
Roysters Almanac, Norfolk, Va.
Rubber Age & Tire News, New York, N.Y.
Rudder, New York, N.Y.
Rural Delivery Record, York, Pa.
Safety Engineering, New York, N. Y.
St. Joseph Service Bureau Bulletin, St. Joseph,
St. Louis Commercial News & Labor Gazette,
St. Louis, Mo.
St. Louis Furniture News, St. Louis, Mo.
Sales Management, Chicago, 111.
Sample Case, Columbus, Ohio
San Antonio Inquirer, San .Vntonio, Tex.
Sanative Medicine Quarterly. Nyack. N. Y.
San Francisco La Voce de Popolo, San Franci.sco
San Marcos Times, San Marcos, Tex.
Santa Fe Magazine. Chicago, 111.
Sartorial Art Journal, New York, N. Y .
School Arts Magazine, Cleveland, Ohio
School Education, ^Nlinneapohs, ^linn.
School Index, Cincinnati, Ohio
School Review, Chicago, 111.
Seamen's Journal, San Francisco, Cal.
Sewing ^Machine Times, New York, N.Y.
Shears, Lafayette, Ind.
Sheet jMetal, New York, N. Y.
Shepard's Citations, New York, N. \ .
Shoe and Leather Facts, Philadelphia, I'a.
Shoe and Leather Reporter, Boston, ^lass.
Shoe Findings, Chicago, 111.
Shoe Repairer & Dealer, Boston, ^lass.
Shoe Repair Shop, St. Louis, Mo.
Shoe Retailer, Boston, ]\lass.
Shreveport Royal Banner, Shrevei)ort, La.
Signs of the Times, Cincinnati, Ohio
Silent Partner, New York, N. Y.
Silk, New York, N. Y.
Simmons Spice Mill, New York, N. Y.
Sioux Falls Journal, Sioux Falls, S. D.
Soap Gazette and Perfumer, New York, N. Y.
Soda Dispenser, Atlanta, Ga.
Soda Fountain, New York, N. Y.
Soft Drink Journal, Chicago, 111.
South American, New York, N. Y.
Southern Architect & Builders News, Atlanta.
Southern Banker, Atlanta, Ga.
Southern Carbonator & Bottler, Atlanta, Ga.
Southern Christian Advocate, Anderson, S. C.
Southern Christian Recorder, Nashville, Tenn.
Southern Clinic, Richmond, Ya.
Southern Engineer, Atlanta, Ga.
Southern Grain & Flour Journal, Kansas City.
Southern Lumberman, Nashville, Tenn.
Southern Medical Journal, Birmingham, Ala.
Southern Pharmaceutical Journal, Dallas, Tex.
Southern School Work, Alexandria, La.
Southern Textile Bulletin, Charlotte, N. C .
Southern Tobacco Journal, Winston Salem, N. C.
Southwestern Grain & Flour Journal, Wichita,
Southwestern Retailer & jNIfr., Dallas, Tex.
Sovereign Visitor, Omaha, Neb.
Spatula, Boston, Mass.
Spirit of Missions, New York, N. Y.
Spokesman, Cincinnati, Ohio
Sporting Goods Dealer, St. Louis, Mo.
Sporting Goods Sales Journal, New York, N. Y.
Standard, Boston, Mass.
Starchroom Laundry Journal, Cincinnati, Ohio
State Federationist, New York, N. Y.
State Guard News, New Haven, Conn.
Steam, New York, N. Y.
Steam Shovel & Dredge, Chicago, III.
Steel & Garnett, Philadcl])hia, Pa.
Steel & Metal Digest, New York, N. Y.
Stone, New York, N. Y.
Street Railway Bulletin, Boston, Mass.
Successful Banking, Beiilou ILirbor, Midi.
Suffolk Herald. Suffolk, Va.
Sugar, New York, N. Y.
Sunnysidc, New York, N. Y.
Sunshine Bulletin, New York, N. Y.
Superintendent & Foreman, Boston, Mass.
Swedish American Trade Journal, New York.
Sweets, Atlanta, Ga.
Talking Machine Journal, New York, N. Y.
Talking ^Nhichinc World, New York, N. Y.
Taylor Nasinec, Taylor, Texas
Tea & Coffee Trade Journal, New York, N. Y.
Telegraph & Telephone Age, New York, N. Y.
Telephone Engineer, Chicago, 111.
Telephone News, Philadelphia. Pa.
Telephony, Chicago, 111.
Temperance Cause, Boston, Mass.
Texas Medical Journal, Austin, Texas
Texas Municipalities, Austin, Texas.
Texas Odd Fellow, Dallas, Texas
Textile American, Boston, ]Mass.
Textile Colorist, Philadelphia, Pa.
Textile ^Manufacturer, Charlotte, N. C.
Textile Review, Boston, Mass.
Textiles, Boston, Mass.
Textile Worker, New York, N. Y.
Textile World Journal, New York, N. Y.
Therapeutic Gazette, Detroit, Mich.
Tiffin Daily Tribune, Tiffin, Ohio
Timberman, Portland, Ore.
Tobacco Leaf, New York, N. Y.
Tobacco News, Philadelphia, Pa.
Tobacco Worker, Louisville, Ky.
Tobacco World, Philadelphia, Pa.
Toledo Anieryka Echo, Toledo, Ohio
Tomo, Honolulu, Hawaii
Toys and Novelties, Chicago, 111.
Tractor and Gas Engine Review, ^ladison. Wis.
Tractor & Trailer, New York, N. Y.
Trade Outlook, Louisville, Ky.
Tradesman, Omaha, Neb.
Traffic Bulletin, Chicago, 111.
Traffic World, Chicago, 111.
Transfer & Storage, New York, N. Y.
T. P. A. j\Ligazine, St. Louis, Mo.
Travelers Railway Guide, New York, N. Y.
Trunks, Leather Goods and LTmbrellas, Phila-
delphia, Pa.
Trust Companies Magazine, New York, N. Y.
Twin City Commercial Bulletin, St. Paul, ^linn.
Typograi)hical Journal, Indiana{)olis, Ind.
Typewriter Topics, New York, N. Y.
Union Labor .Vdvocate, Chicago, 111.
Union Labor Bulletin, Newark, N. J.
Union Postal Emiiloye, Washington, D. C.
Union Reporter, Pittsbiu'gh, Pa.
Linited Forester, Chicago, 111.
United Presbyterian, Pittsburgh, Pa.
United States Su]jremc ( 'ourl .\dvance Oi)inions,
Rochester, N. Y.
United Stales Trade Reporter, Cincinnati, Ohio
U.S. Tobacco Journal, New York, N. Y.
Fiiiversal Engineer, New York, X. Y.
N'ehicle Journal, Dallas, Texas
Vehicle Monthly, Philadeli)hia, I'a.
Veneers, Indianajxilis, Ind.
Vermont ^Medicine, Rutland, \ t.
Violin World, New York, N. Y.
Walden Stationer and Printer, New York, N. Y.
Walther League Messenger, Milwaukee, AVis.
War Cry, New York, N. Y.
Warm Air Heating & Sheet ^Tetal Journal,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Waste Trade Journal, New York, N. Y.
Watts Official Railway Guide, Atlanta, Ga.
West Coast Lumberman, Seattle, Wash.
Western Builder, Milwaukee, Wis.
Western Christian Advocate, Cincinnati, Ohio
Western Confectioner, Seattle, Washington.
Western Contractor, Kansas City, Mo.
Western Druggist, Chicago, 111.
Western Drug Record, Kansas City, ]Mo.
Western Engineering, San Francisco, Cal.
Western Funiilurc Review, Portland, Ore.
Western Hotels and Travel, San Francisco, Cal.
Western ^ledical Review, Omaha, Neb.
Western Medical Times, Reno, Nev.
Western Motor, Seattle, Wash.
Western Motor and Garage, Seattle, Wash.
Western Tobacco Journal, Cincinnati, Ohio
Western Trade Journal, Chicago, 111.
Wilton Star, Wilton, Conn.
Wireless .\ge, New York, N. Y.
Wisconsin Motorist, Milwaukee, Wis.
Women's Wear, New York, N. Y.
Woodman Journal, Dallas, Texas
Wood Turning, Milwaukee, Wis.
Woodworker, Indianapolis, Ind.
Wood Working ^fachinery List, Chicago, 111.
Wright Directories, Milwaukee, Wis.
Yachting, New York, N. Y^
Yankton Press & Dakotan, Yankton, S. D.
Year Book, Camden, N. J.
Y. M. II. A. Bulletin, New York, N. Y.
House Organs
Addressographer, Addressograph Company,
Chicago, 111.
Alabama Monthly, Frank Cronk, Denver, Colo.
Alpha Aids, Alpha-Portland Cement Company,
Easton, Pa.
Aluminum Bulletin, Aluminum Co. of America,
Massena, N. Y.
Aluminum Cooking House Organ, Aluminum
Cooking Utensil Co., New Kensington, Pa.
.\luminuni Cooking Utensil Weekly Bulletin,
Aluminum Cooking LUensil Co., New Kensing-
ton, Pa.
American Sugar Bulletin, American Sugar
Refining Co., New York, N. Y.
Anderson Shoe Co. House Organ, Baltimore, Md.
Arrow, City Athletic Club, New York, N. Y.
Arrow, Pierce Arrow Motor Car Co., Buffalo,
New York.
Atlantic Connecting Rod, Atlantic Refining Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Baltimore & Ohio Employes Magazine, Balti-
more, Md.
Birmingham, Ala., Chamber of Commerce House
Organ, Birmingham, Ala.
Boston Blue Bulletin, Hill Clarke & Co., Inc.,
Boston, Mass.
Brownings Magazine, Browning King Co., New
York, N. Y.
Budget, ^Maryland Casualty Co., Baltimore, ]\Id.
Building Service, Builder's & Trader's Exchange,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
Bulletin, Jack Wolf, San Quentin, Cal.
Bulletin of Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs,
Chicago, 111.
Bulletin of Wholesale Coal Trade Association,
New York, N. Y.
Bulletin of Womans Club, Evanston, 111.
B. V. Dealer, B. V. D. Company, New York.
Carter Times, Carter White Lead Co., Chicago,
Chameleon, The Sherwin-Williams Co., Cleve-
land, Ohio
Cherry Circle, Chicago Athletic Association,
Chicago, 111.
Cherry Circle, J. G. Cherry Co., Cedar Rapids,
Chicago Bonding & Insurance Co. House Organ,
Chicago, 111.
Chicago Paper Co. House Organ, Chicago, HI.
Cleveland, Chamber of Industry,
Cleveland, Ohio
Colgate Clock, Colgate & Company, Jersey City,
N. J.
Columbian Crew, C\)lunibian Rope Co., .\ul)urn.
New York.
Commercial Journal, Marshalltown Club, Mar-
shalltown, la.
Comstock Electrifier, L. K. Comstock Co.,
New York, N. Y.
Concrete Builder, Portland Cement Association,
Chicago 111.
Coiisolidatoil Dental Manufactiiriiii; ("o. House
Organ, New York, X. Y.
Contacl, Westingliouse Eleelric \- Maiiiiractiir-
\nji Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa.
Crown, Crown Cork & Seal Co., Baltimore, Md.
Crown Topics, Crown Cork & Seal Co., Haiti-
more, Md.
Demonstration, L. C. Smith & l?ros., Syracuse,
Xew York.
Dewey Doing.s. Dewey Portland Cement Co.,
Kansas City, Mo.
D. C. House Organ, Diamond Crystal Salt Co.,
St. Clair, Mich.
DuPont ^lagazine, E. I. DuPont de Xemours
& Co., Wilmington, Del.
Dutch Bov Painter, Xatioual Lead Co., Xew
York, n'. Y.
Edi.son Round Tal)le, Commonwealth Edison
Co., Chicago, 111.
Edison Sales Builder, Edison Lamp \\'orks of
tiie (leneral Electric Co., Harrison, N. J.
Electric Bulletin, Boston Last Co., Boston,
Express Messenger, American Railway Express
Co., Xew York, X. Y.
Field Notes, Northwestern Mutual Life Insur-
ance Co., Milwaukee, Wis.
For Instance, McClure's Magazine, Xew York.
Fruit Dispatch, Fruit Dispatch Co., Xew York.
Fulton Facts, Frank Cronk, Denver, Colo.
Furrow, Deere & Co., Moline, 111.
Gas Defense, Gas Defense Plant, Long Island
City, X. Y.
G. E. Advertiser, General Electric Company,
Schenectady, X. Y.
Cood Fixtures, W. B. McLean Manufacturing
Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
(!rai)hite, Joseph Dixon Crucible Co.. Jersey
City, X. J.
Gray & Dudley Catalog, (iray & Dudley Co.,
Xashville, Tenn.
Hackle Pin, Columbian Rope Co.. .Vuburn, X.Y.
Hartford .Vgent, Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,
Hartford, Conn.
Haverslicks Monthly, Frank Cronk, Denver,
Ilaynes J'ioneer, llaynes .\.utomoi)ilc Co.,
Kokomo, Ind.
Headlight, American Locomotive Co., Xew
York, X. Y.
House of Hubbell House Organs. House of
Hubbell, Cleveland, Ohio
Hymans (inide, I'rank Cronk, Denver. Colo.
Industrial Banker, iTiduslrial Loan & (Inaranty
Co., Chicago, 111.
In Trench & Turret, .Vrmstrong Cork Co.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Joplin Magazine, Frank Cronk, I)en\cr, Colo.
L. I. W. Xews, Lancaster Iron Works. Lan-
caster, I'a.
Lightning, J. .\. Fay & l^gan Co., Cincinnati,
Long Island Breeze, Fulton Motor Truck Co.,
Farmingdale, X. Y.
Lubrication, Texas Company, Hoiiston. Texas
^lagnet, Frank Cronk, Denver, Colo.
Mohawk Tire Bulletin, Mohawk Tire & Rubber
Co., Akron, Ohio
Moos Trade Tips, J. B. Moos Company,
Cincinnati, Ohio
Morse Dry Dock Dial, Morse Dry Dock &
Repair Co., Brooklyn, X. Y.
Mortar, Watervliet Arsenal, Watervliet, X. Y.
Murphy Chair Co., House Organ, Detroit, ^lich.
N'aco Xews, Xatioual Malleable Castings Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio
Xatioual Association of Bedding Manufacturers
House Organ, Chicago, 111.
National Dental .\ssociation House Organ,
Chicago, 111.
Xatioual News, National Refining Co., Cleve-
land, Ohio
National Paper Products Co. House Organ,
San Francisco, Cal.
Xational Service ^lagazine, Xational Service
Life Society, Rochester, X. Y.
Xatural Ice Bulletin, Xatural Ice Association of
America, Xew York, X. Y.
Xebraska Manufacturer, Xebraska Manufac-
turers Association, Lincoln, Xeb.
Xeponset Review, Bird & Son, East Walpole,
Xew Era Man, New Era ^lanufactiu-ing Co.,
New York, X. Y.
Xo-Vary Yim, Xo-Vary Products Co., Minne-
ai)olis, Minn.
Oldsmobile Pacemaker, Oldsmobile Co., Lansing,
Optimist, Eli Bridge Co., Roodhouse, 111.
Old Patriots Herahl, Stehli Silks Cori)oration,
Lancaster, Pa.
Pacific Coast Shipbuilding Co. House Organ,
San Francisco, ( 'al .
Partners, Baker-Nawler Co., Benton Ilarlior,
Pen Prophet. L. E. Waterman Co., New York,
X. Y.
Pierce .Vrrow Salesman, Pierce Arrow Motor
Car Co., Buffalo, X. Y.
Pointers, Schuh Drug Co., Cairo, 111.
Protection, Maryland Casualty (^o., Baltimore,
Punch, LeRoy Sargent & Co., Inc., Xew York,
X. Y.
Purple Ribbon, South Bend Watc'h Co., South
l$end, Ind.
Quality Talks. Cram- & Hrcod MamilacUiriiig
Co., ('iiiciiiiiali, Oliio
Ui-pairs & Now Tarts, Aiulcrsoii Machiiu' &
Foundry Co., Anderson, S. ('.
Rock Island Magazine, Rock Island Railroad,
Chieago, 111.
Royal Tiger, Royal Tailors, New York, N. Y.
Sales Book ^Manufacturers Association House
Organ, (^hicago. 111.
Safety Hints, Wliitaker-Glessner Co., AVheeling,
W." Va.
Sales Letter, Westinghouse Electric & Manu-
facturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Scovill Manufacturing Co. House Organ, Water-
bury, Conn.
Searchlight, Si)erry Gyroscope Co., Brooklyn.
N. Y.
S. C. Bulletin, Stromberg-Carlson Telephone
Manufacturing Co., Rochester, N. Y.
Seaco Way, Seamans & Cobb Co., Boston, Mass.
Shenandoah Valley National Bank House Organ,
Winchester, Va.
Shield, Levey Printing Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
Shur-on Chronicle, E. Kirstein Sons Company,
Rochester, N . Y.
Simonds House Organ, Simonds Manufacturing
Co., Fitchburg, Mass.
Southwest Photo, C. Weich.sel Co., Dallas, Texas
Sperry & Hutchinson House Organ, New York.
Standard Cog, Standard .Vccidciil Insurance Co.,
Detroit, Mich.
Steel Fihngs, Art ^Metal Construction Co.,
Jamestown, N. Y.
Stewart Monogram, Stewart Manufacturing Co.,
Waterloo, la.
Tailor Talk, Marks & Brown, Chicago, 111.
Texaco Star, Texas Company, Houston, Texas
Thrift Topics, First National Bank, Farrell, Pa.
Two Bits, Hibbard, Spencer, Bartlett & Co.,
Chicago, 111.
V. S. L., United States Light & Heat Corpora-
tion, Niagara Falls, N. Y.
Walk-Over Shoe Prints, Walk-Over Shoe Co.,
Campello, ^lass.
Warners Monthly Advertising Program, Warner
Brothers Co., New York, N. Y.
Weaver Piano Co. House Organ, York, Pa.
Western Electric News, Western Electric Co.,
New York, N. Y.
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.
Stock Sheet, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Westinghouse Electric News, Westinghouse Elec-
tric & Manufacturing Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wood Construction, Ohio Association of Retail
Lumber Dealers, Xenia, Ohio
Wright-Martin Aircraftings, Wright-Martin Air-
craft Corporation, New Brunswick, N. J.
College Papers
.Vlumni News, New York I'niversity, New York,
N. Y.
Amherst Graduates Quarterly , Springfield, Mass .
Bowdoin Orient Weekly, Bowdoin College,
Brunswick, ^le.
Brown & White, Lehigh University, South
Bethlehem, Pa.
Brown Herald, Brown Univ., Providence, R.I.
Caduceus of Kappa Sigma, Cincinnati, Ohio
Calvin College Chimes, Calvin College, Grand
Rapids, Mich.
The Campus, City College of New York., N. Y.
Colby Echo, Colby College, Waterville, Me.
Columbia Spectator, Columbia University, New
York, N. Y.
Cornell Daily Sun, Cornell University, Ithaca,
N. Y. ■
Cornell Widow, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.
Daily Cardinal, University of Wisconsin, Madi-
son, Wis.
Daily Illini, University of Illinois, Champaign,
Daily Maroon, University of Chicago, Chicago,
Daily Nebraskan. University of Nebraska, Lin-
coln, Neb.
Daily Orange, Syracuse University, Syracuse,
n". Y.
Darthmouth Inc. Darthnu)uth College, Hanover,
N. H.
Delta Upsilon Quarterly, New York, N.Y.
Gargoyle, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Georgetown College Journal, Georgetown Col-
lege, Washington, D. C.
Harvard Crimson, Harvard University, Cam-
bridge, Mass.
Harvard Lampoon, Harvard University, Cam-
bridge, Mass.
High School Life, Chicago, 111.
Hill School News, Hill School, Pottstown, Pa.
Indian Leader, Haskell Institute, Lawrence,
Indian School Journal, Indian School, Chilocco,
Indiana Student, I'niversity of Indiana, Bloom-
ington, Ind.
Johns Hopkins News Letter, Jolins Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Md.
Journal of College Alumnae, Ithaca, N. Y.
Lawrentian, Lawrence College, Ap])leton, ^^'is.
Maine Cam])ns, University of ]\Lune,()rono, Me.
Mary Baldwin Miscellany, Mary Baldwin Semin-
ary, Stanton, Va.
Alichigan Agricultural College Record. Micliigan
Agricultural College, East Lansing, ^lich.
Michigan Technic, L^niversity of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, Mich.
Minnesota Daily, LTniversity of ^linnesota,
Minneapolis, IMinn.
Mt. Holyoke Monthly, Mt. Holyoke (^ollege.
So. Hadley, Mass.
!Mt. Holyoke News, Mt. Holyoke College, So.
Hadley, Mass.
Native American, LTnited States Indian Train-
ing School, Phoenix, Ariz.
Ohio Wesleyan Transcri|)t, Ohio ^^esleyan
University, Delaware, O.
Oracle, Henderson Brown College, .Vrkadelphia,
Orange Peel, Syracuse LTniversity , Syracuse . X . Y .
Pelican, T'^niversity of (California, Berkeley, Cal.
Princeton Alumni Weekly, Princeton University,
Princeton, N.J.
Prospect, Manual Training Higli Scliool, Brook-
lyn, N. Y.
Red and Blue, University of Pcnnsvlvania.
Philadelphia, Pa.
Reserve Weekly, Western Reserve I'niversity,
Cleveland, Ohio
Silver and (iold, I'niversity of Colorado,
Boulder, Colo.
South Dakota State College Alumnus, Brook-
ings, S. Dak.
Smith Weekly, Smith College, Northampton,
Stanford Illustrated Review, Leland Stanford
University, Stanford, Cal.
Student Life. Washington ^'niversit^■, St. Louis,
Syracusan, Syracuse Lhiiversity, Syracuse, N. Y.
The Tech, Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
nology, Cambridge, Mass.
Tiger, (^lemson College, Clemson, S. C.
University Weekly, University of Arkansas,
Fayetteville, Ark.
Vassar Miscellany Monthly, Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, N. Y.
Vermont Cynic, University of Vermont, Bur-
lington, ^'t.
Watch Tower, Rock Island High School, Rock
Lsland, 111.
Wellesley College News, Wellesley, Mass.
Yale Record, Yale U^niversity, New Haven,
Outdoor and Poster Advertising
Thomas Cusack Co., Chicago, III.
O. J. Gude Co., New York, N. Y.
Poster Ad\ertisinij
Chicago, 111.
Street Car Advertising
Broadway, Subway and Home Borough Adver-
tising Co., Inc., New York, N. Y.
Eastern Advertising Co., Boston, Mass.
Interl)orough Ra])id Transit Co., New York.
New York City Car Advertising Co., New York.
Public Service Corporation, Newark, N. J.
9UO.U8 U. S. Committee on Public \
U n3g Information
C. 3
Government war advertising.
American Association of Advertising Agencies
New York. New York