^ t^f>T SK Bill.] V HOUSE OF'\REPBESfeNTA'nVES, January 9, I8fi4.— -Read first and second tifB^. aod Vcferrerl, to thf> OootitQittee of the Whole and orderod to ho prmi [By Mr. Joxr,«i. from the Coramittee of Ways and Means.] A. BILL To be entitled "An act to make additional appropriations for the ?up- port of the Government of the Confederate States of America, for the fiscal year ending Jane 30, 1864. 1 Skction 1 . The Congress of the Confedfrnfe States of America 2 do enact y That the following sums be, and the same are hereby, .1 appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise 1 Hppropriated, for the ;?upport of the Government, in addition to .') appropriations heretofore made, for the fiscal year ending on the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and sixty - 7 four : 1 Legislative. — For compensation and mileage of members and J delegates of the House of Representatives, t^vo hundred thousand ' ;j dollars, ($200,000.) 4 For compensation of oflScers and others employed in the service 5 of the House of Representatives, five thousand six hundred and 6 twenty.five dollars, (^5,635.) 7 For contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, forty 8 thousand dollars, ($40,000.) 9 For compensation and mileage of members of the Senate, forty- 10 seven thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars, ( IT.vSSO.) 1 1 For compensation of officers and clerks of the Senate, eight 12 thousand dollars, ($8,000.) 13 For incidental a^l contingent expenses of the Senate, seven 14 thousand dollars, ($7,000.) 1 Executive. — For compensation of the President of the Confed- 2 erate States, twelve thousand five hundred dollars, ($12,500.) 3 For compensation of the Vice-President of the Confederate 4 States, three thousand dollars, ($3,000.) 5 For compensation of the private secretary and messenger of 6 the President of the Confederate States, one thousand three 7 hundred and fifty dollars, ($1,350.) 8 For compensation of the private secretary of the Vice-Prosi- 9 dent of the Confederate States, five hundred dollars, ($500.) 10 For the contingent and telegraphic expenses of the Executive 11 Department, fifteen thousand dollars, ($15,000.) 1 Treasury Department. — For compensation of the Secretary of 2 the Treasury, Assistant Secretary, Comptroller. Auditors, 3 Treasurer and Register, and clerks, messengers, watchmen and II 4 laborers, in the Treasury Department, three hundred and ninety 5 thousand two hundred dollars, ($390,200.) 3 f ^^^• G For the incidental and contingent expenses of the Treasu rr i^i3z> 7 Department, thirty-seven tbouc^and four hundred dollars. 8 ($a7,4UU.) For the payment of interest on the public debt, twenty million 10 dollars, (^'30,000,00^^.") 11 For engraving and printing treasury notes, bonds and certifi- \t catcB for fctocks, and for paper for the same, eight hundred thou- 13 Baud dollars, (^SOO,0ie=, aua cuiuuiibsary property, fift^'-seven million njne hundred 3 and eighty-eight thousand dollars, ($57,988,000.) 1 Ordnance Department. — For the ordnance service in all its 2 branches, t\ve:Uy-three million dollars, ($23,000,000.) 3 For the nitre and mining service, nine million five hundred 4 thousand dollars, ($9,500,000.) 1 Engineer Department. — For engineer service, ten million dol- 2 lars, ($10,000,000.) 1 Medical Department. — For pay of physicians employed by con- 2 tract, two hundred thousand dollars, ($200,1)00.) 3 For pay of nui'ses and cooks not enlisted or volunteerd, three 4 hundred and fifty thousand dollars, (S35ii,UU0.) 5 For pay of hospital laundresse:*, one hundred and fifty tliou- 6 sand dollars, (§150,000.) 7 For the purchase uf medical and hospital supplies, fifteen mil- 8 lion four hundred and twenty thousand dollars, ($ I o, 420,000.) n For the establishment and support of military hospitals, two 10 hundred and fifty thousand dollars, ($250,000.) I 1 For the pay of hospital stewards, one hundred thousand dol- 12 lars, (§100,000.) 12 For the pay of matrons, assistant matrons and ward matrons, 13 three hundred and fifty thousand dollars, ($350,000.) 1 Navy Departmcni. — For compensation of the Secretary of the 2 Navy, clerks and messenger m his office, fourteen thousand six 3 hundred and fifty dollars, ($14,650.) 4 For incidental and contingent expenses of the Navy Depart- 5 ment, fifteen thousand dollars, ($15,000.) (J For pay of the navy, one million four hundred and sixty-three 7 thousand one hundred and eighty-eight dollars and twelve cents, 8 ($1,463,188 12.) 9 For provisions and clothing in the Paymaster's Department, 10 one million five hundred and thirty-one thousand seven hundred I I and fifty dollars, ($ 1 ,53 1 ,750.) 12 For the construction of iron-clad vessels in the Confederate 1/5 States, three million dollars, ($3,000,000.) 14 For ordnance and ordnance stores, one million eight hundred 15 and fifty thousand dollars, ($1,850,000.) IG For repairs of vessels, three hundred thousand dollars, 17 (8300,000.) ♦ 18 For the equipment and stores of vessels, five hundred thousand 10 dollars, ($500,000.) 20 For the construction of snb-marine batteries, one hundred 21 thousand dollars, ($100,000.) 22 For fuel for steamers, navy yards, and stations, five hundred 23 thousand dollars. ($500,000.) 24 For contingent enumerated, eight hundred thousand dollars, 25 ($800,000.) 20 For medical supplies and surgeon's necessaries, six hundred 27 and fifty thousand dollars, ($650,000.} 28 For the support of the marine corps, four hundred thousand 29 three hundred and fifty-seven dollars, ($400,357.) 30 For the construction of four steam cruisers of the class of the 31 ♦* Alabama " and "Florida" in the Confederate States, two 32 million five hundred thousand dollars, ($2,500,000.) 1 State Departvient. — For compensation of the Secretary of State, 2 clerks, messenger, and laborer, seven thousand and nine dollars 3 and fifty cents, ($7,009 50.) 8 t For the purchase of diplomntic book!*, three thousand dollars, .1 (S3,iH»(i.) a For porapenafition of conunissionors ;ind secretaries, twcntv- 7 nine thonsiind four hundred dollars' ($29.1Mt>.) 8 For compensation of cnminercial agents, five thousand n dollars. C?^.•'i. 0(1(1 ) 111 For the nccc'^iries and exigencies under laws already passed, I I or which may be passed, or may hereafter arise, and unforeseen 12 emerfi;encies. subject to the rer(uisition, and under the control of 13 the President, five hundred thousand dollars. (S500,()()0.) 1 Department of Jvstirc. — For compensation of Attorney Gene- i ral, Assistant Attorney General, clerics nnl messengers, four 3 thousand three hundred and twenty-four dollars and eighty-nine I cents, ($4,324 89.) 5 For the incidental and contingent expenses of the Department (i of Justice, fifteen hundred dollars. ($1,500.) 7 For compensation of Superintendent of Public Printing, clerk 8 and messenger, three thousand seven hundred and