D03209777Z [No. 25.] TREASUPY DEPARTMENT, C. S. A. ^ Richmond, May 27, 1864. ) REGULATIONS edahlished for the disposed at private sale of the six per cent, non-taxable Bonds of the Confederate Statts, authorized by the Qth section of th€*Act of February 17, 1864. 1. Agents appoiiiteJ to effect private sales of Ponds will be governed, as to rates, by instructions which will, from time to time, be ("nrnished. 2. The Agents will be allowed, "as compensation, a com- mission of one-quarter of one per cent on the first two !nil- lions of dollars, one-eighth of one per cent on the next eight millions, and one-sixteenth of one per cent, on any amount of sales effected by them, respectively, over ten millions of dollars. Tluy shall deposite the money for said Bonds, in the nearest Pay Depository, specifying the amount received for principal, and the amount for premium, and accompany it with a statement of the Bonds required ; if registered Bonds are required, the names of the parties in whose favor they are to be issued shall be reported. 3. Tf.f Treasurer, Assistant Treasurers and Depositaries will make requisitifjus on the Register of the Tieasury, who will furnish the said officers with the required Bonds, and charge them therewith ; said bonds will be delivered to the parties entitled, on the order of the Agents, — such orders, when endorsed or receipted and forwarded to the First Au- ditor, shall relieve the Treasury officer from the charge on the Register 8 Books. C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Treasury. I P^J^3 pepmalif!^* pH8.5