Cffyt i Duke University Libraries (Letter of Atto Conf Pam #376 >'j^ MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. To the Senate and Hou^e of Represejilativcs : 1 herewith transmit lor your consideration a comiBuriication from the Secrctar}' of the Treasury, phowing the additional amount ne- cessary to be appropriated to meet the estimated expenses of the Department of Justice, for the half year ending June 30, 1865. jp:fferson da vis. LKTI HR OF SEC^RETARY OF TREASURY. TaKASURV Department, / Decembor 10, 18(M. f To the President : Siu: 1 have tlie lioiKtr to ruclo^o herewith, to be subDiittcd to Oongres?, estimates (in duplicate) of addiiional appropriations re- • juired for the Bureau of Public Printing, for the half year ending" .lune 30, 1865. 1 am. respectfully, your obedient servant, G. A. TRENHOLM, Secretary of the Treasury. LETTER OF ATTORNEY GENERAL. COKFEDEKATE STATES OF AMERICA, ) Department of Judice, / Richmond', Dec 9, IS 64. ) Hon. G. A. 1'renholm, Secretary of the Treasury : Sir: 1 have the honor to siilmiit the followinsi additional c>ti- mates Ibr the Bureau of the Superintendent of Public Frintinnr, from tl)e Ist day of January, 1865, t"v the 30th day of June. ISOri, inclusive : For printing for the several Executive Departments. J-^'jO.UOIJ For purchase of paper for the several Executive Depart- ments and CoDj2;re3?, 100,000 For purchase of paper for Digest of Lavr? of the Confed- erate States, 2.5,000 For composition, presswork, ifec, on same, 5,000 $380,000 Very respectfully, your obedient servant, (Signed) GEO. DAVIS, Attornev General. ESTIMATES OF ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS, nuder the control of tlie Department of Justice, rcfjnircfl for llio half 3'car ending r>