[Senate Bill, N(). 20.] SP^NATE. — May 13, 1S64 — Read first und second tiiuos, and ve- ierred to Qommittee on Commerce. May 17, 1S64 — Reported with ilri amendment, and bill and amendment ordered to be printed. \T ■ <^r 1 • A BILL To cHahlish a Bureau of Foreign?. Suppli- Section I . The Congress of' the Conjcdcrate iStates of Amerini ■J do enact, Tiiat for thepurpose of exporting cofton and other })r. - . duce to supply, by imports, the military and other necessities o( r the Government dtiring the continuance of the war with thv "> United States, an iinlmendent bureau of the War Department be '.' established, to bo eiiiuled the bureau of foreign supplies. Sec. 2. That the said bureau shall be charged with (• r.\\i] m"'' 1i»'vmI>\- -i;Mi-f.-r>>'d to tli'- said bureau. 2 Sec. 4. That the chief of this bureau shall, under the Secre- •^ tary of War, have full power to purchase and contract for such .i vessels and steamers, to be owned wholly or in part by the Go- 4 vernnient, as may be necessary for the discharge of 4;he duties •" imposed upon the bureau, and to obtain the general objects of its (' establishment as set forth in the first section of this .act. Skc. '5. That all permits or licenses for the exportation of *J cotton or other domestic produce on private account that may b<' :', authorized by the act of Congress entitled " An act to impose : ivgulations upon the foreign commerce of the Confederate States • ■') and to provide for the public defence" shall be issued from this H bureau under such regulations as may be prescribed in the said 7 act, or under any authority granted therein to the President, the ji Secretary of War or other department, and under such conditions M as may be effectual to secure the fulfilment of the objects of the U» present a^t: Provided, That nothing in the present act shall b»- 1 1 construed to affect tlie export of any cotton or other produce '•J under the control of the Treasury or other Department, to secure ]:'> any of the bonds or obligations of the Confederate States. Sec. G. That the said bureau shall devote to the wants of the •J several departments of the Government sncli proportion ol liic ;j exporting and importing facilities at ^ts command, as may, from 4 time to time, be fixed by the President. Sec. 7. That the said bureau shall consist of one Colonel, on. L' Lieutenant Colonel, two Majors, and two Captains, with the pay 8 and allowances of officers of artillery of the same gradt.-s, wn 4. may he appointed from civil life, and of such agents as may b*- 5 necessary, whose compensation shall bo fixed by the Secretary o! (i Waj-. Sec! S. That the chief of said bureau may appoint suitable 2 purchasing agents of known integrity and business capacity, whr^ 8 shall be charged with the purchase of cotton and other produce, 4 and the transportation of the same to points for shipment under o regulations to be prescribed by the chief of said bureau, under 6 the approval of the President and Secretary of War. Each of 7 said agents shall, before entering upon his duties, give b(»nd, with ^ good and sufficient security, to be approved by the chief of said 9 bureau, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty, and 10 shall also take and subscribe an oath before some officer authorize*] 1 1 by law to administer the same, that he will not directly or indi- 12 rectly be engaged in the purchase or sale, on private account, for 13 himself, or any other person, of any cotton or other produce ap- 14 pertaining to his said agency, while so employed as agent of the 1-5 Government. m Se6. 9. That any officer or agent, connected with said bureau, 2 who shall be guilty of buying or selling, directly or indirectly. 'i on private account, for himself or any other person, any cotton 4 or other produce, of which said bureau is charged with the pur- chase, shall, upon conviction before any court of the Confederate (i States, having jurisdiction, be fined by the court in a sum not 4 7 exceeding dollars, anPl be imprisoned for a terui iM^i !,•-- •^ than n»r more than year;;. Skc 10. That there sliall be established an agency ot said 2 bureau, and auxiliajy thereto, fur the States west of the Missis- 3 sippi river., the officers of which ehall consist of one lieutenani 4 colonel, two niajor.s, and two captains, with the pay and allow- o ances of officers" of artillery of the same grades, and who may be appointed from civil life, and of such agents as may be 7 necessary, whose compensation shall be fixed by the Secretary 8 of War. Said agency shall establish its office at such place in !> the States v.est of the Mississippi as may be selected by the 10 chief officer thereof; and shall be charged with the purchase and 11 exportation of cotton and other produce, and the importation ot VJ munitions of war and other supplies for the army of the trans- it Mississippi department, and' such other supplies a^may be needed 14 by the Government, or any of its departments in said military ]-5 department. Sec. 11. Such agency and the chief oMicer thereof, shall pos- 2 sess like power and duties for the States west of the Mississippi a river, as are conferred by this act upon saM bureau and the chiei ■i officer thereof, but subordinate and subject to said bureau. Sec. 12. That the purchasing agents west of the Mississippi 2 river shall take the oath and give bond as provided in the eighth 3 section of this act ; and the officers and agents shall be subject 4 to the penalties prescribed by the ninth section, if found guilty 5 of the offence therein specified. 5 ^^'^ Sec. 13. Tiiat the said agency shall have power to establish « •2 such interior depots for the receipt of cotton and other produce. 3 intended for exportation into or through Mexico, as may be 4 deemed necessary and proper, and may also prescribe rules and -3 regulations for granting permits to individuals to transport cotton > or other produce to said depots, as well as sea-ports, and may 7 impose such terms and conditions, beneficial to the Government. 5 as a consideration tor such permits, as may be deemed just and 9 proper. Sec. 14. That the business of the Cotton Bureau established •J under a special order of Lieutenant General E.. Kirby Smith, 3 commanding the trans-Mississippi department, be, and the sann^ 4 is hereby transferred to the said agency of said bureau west ot •> the Mississippi river, and the operations and transactions of sai'l bureau, esfablished as aforesaid, not inconsistent with the pro- 7 visions of this act, are hereby ratified and confirmed. AMENDMENT ♦ Proposed bij (he Commitlce on Commerce to the Bill {S. 20), (o establisJ' a Bureau of Foreign Sujjplies. Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert : " That for tlie purpose of exporting cotton and other produce •J to supply, by imports, the military and other necessities of the •{ government during tiie continuance of the war %ith the United . 1 States, an independent Bureau of the War Department be estab- •> lished, to be entitled the Bureau of Foreign Supplies. 6 I Sec. 2. That the said bureau shall be charged with the })ur- •j chase of cotton and other produce for export, and with the sale :i oi' the same, and with all the duties and expenditures connected 4 with the purchase and import of munitions of war and such other -) supplies as may be required by the several departments of thi' (i government. f Sec. 3. That all steamers now owned by any of the depart- •J ments of tlie government, and used to supply their necessities ■i from abroad, may be continued in that use, but shall be turned 4 over to the Navy Department, to be officered, manned, equipped -') and sailed; under direction of the Secretary of the Navy. Sec. 4. That the chief of this bureau shall, under the Secre- 2 tary of War, have full power to purchase and contract for such 4 vessels and steamers, to be owned wholly or in part by the govern- 4 ment, a,s may be necessary for the discharge of the duties imposed -> upon the bureau, and to obtain the general objects of its estab- «) lishment, as set forth in the first section of this act : Provided, 7 That in the puraiase of such vessels the chief of said bureau 5 shall be guided by an officer of the navy, and that all vessels in *.i which the government has a controlling interest, may be delivered 1 1) to tiie . Secretary of the Navy, to be officered, manned, equipped 1 I and sailed under his direction. Sec. G. That all permits or licenses for the exportation of cot- •2 ton or other domestic produce on private account that may be au- 3 thoriz(^ by the act of Congress entitled " an act tp impose regula- ^ 7 • 4 tions upon the foreign commerce of the Confederate States, and •5 to provide for the public defence," shall be issued from this (i bureau, under such regulations asmay be prescribed in the said 7 act, or under any authority granted therein to the President, the 5 Secretary of Wai' or other department, and under such'conditions '■) as may be effectual to secure the fulfilment of the objects of the. JO present act : Provided, That nothing in the present act shall be 11 construed to affect the export of any cottdn or other product' 12 under the control of the treasury or other department, to secure 1 -i any of the bonds or obligations of the Confederate States. Sec. 6. That the said bureau shall cause to be paid into the- 2 Treasury all moneys that may accrue I'rom the sales of cotton and o other produce that may be disposed of under its authority, and 4 that the proceeds shall be apportioned among the several Depart- •5 ments, under instructions of the President, and be drawn' for as *"> in other cases.of appropriations. Sec. 7. That the said bureau shall consist of one Colonel and 2 one Lieutenant Colonel, with the pay and ailovvances of officers of artillery, who inay be appointed from civil life, and shall be 1 men of commercial experience and capacity, and such inferior o officers as may be assigned to that duty, with such agents and () clerks as maybe deemed necessary by the President, whose coni- 7 pensation shall be fixed l)y the Secretary of War. ^ Sec. S. That the chief of said bufcau may appoint suitable 2 purchasing agents of known integrity and busines^capacity, who- 8 fj shall be charged with the purchase of cotton and other produce, 4 and the transportation of the same to points for shipment, undfr 5 regulations to be prescribed by the chief of said bureau, under f) the approval of the President and Secretary of War. Each of 7 said agents shall, before entering upon bis duties, give bond, wiph • S good a'lid sufficient security, to be approved by the chief of said 9 bureau, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duty ; and J shall also take and subscribe an oath before some officer authorized 1 1 by law to .administer the same, that he will not directly or indi- I'J rectly be engaged in the purchase or sale, on private account, tor 13 himself, or any other person, of any «ot1^n or other produce 14 appertaining to his said agency, while so employed as agent of the 15 government. Sec. 9. That any officer or agent, connected with said bureau, 2 who shall be guilty of buying or selling, directly or indirectly, on 3 private account, fur himself or any other person, any cotton or 4 other produce, of which said bureau is charged with the pur- 5 chase, shall, upon conviction before any court of the Confederate 6 States having jurisdiction, be fined by the court in a sum not ex- 7 ceeding dollars, and be imprisoned for a term n^t less S than rior more than " years. Sec. 10. That there shall be established an agency of said •J bureau, and auxiliary thereto, for the States west of the Missis- 3 sippi river, the officers *of which shall consist of one lieutenant 4 colonel of artillery, who may be appointed from civil life, and ^ 9 •5 shall be a man of commercial experience and capacity, and such 6 inferior officers as may be assigned to that duty, with such agents 7 as may be deemed necessary by the President, whose compensa- S tion shall be fixed by the Secn^tary of War. Said agency shall 9 establish its office at such placo in the States west of the Missis- 10 sippi as may be selected by the chief officer thereof; and shall be 11 charged with the purchase and exportation of cotton and other 12' produce, and the importation of munitions of war and other sup- 13 plies for the army of the Trans-Mississippi department, and such 14 other supplies as may be needed by the governmeni, or any of its 15 departments in said military department. Sec. 11. Such agency and the chief officer thereof, shall pos- 2 sess like power and duties for the States west of the Mississippi 3 river, as are conferred by this act upon said bureau and the chief 4 officer thereof, but subordinate and subject to said bureau. Sec. 12. That the purchasing agents west of the Mississippi 2 river shall take the oath and give bond as provided in the eighth 3 section of this act; and the officers and agents shall be subject to 4 the penalties prescribed by the ninth section, if found guilty of 5 the offence therein specified. Sec. ]3. That the said agency shall have power to establish 2 such interior depots for the receipt of cotton and other produce, 3 intended for exportation into or through Mexico, as may be 4 deemed necessary and proper, and may also prescribe rules and 5 regulations for granting permits to individuals to transport cotton 2 10 6 or other produce to said depot:., as well aa seaports ; and may 7 impose such terms and conditions, beneJicial to the government, 6 as a consideration for such permits, as may be deemed just and 9 proper. Sec. 1-1. That the business of the Cotton Bureau established . 2 under a special order of Lieutenant General E. Kirby Smith, com- 3 manding the Trans-'Mississippi department, be, and the same is 4 hereby, transferred to the said agency of said bureau west of the d Mississippi river, and the operations and transactions of said bu- tt reau, established as aforesaid, not inconsistent with the provisions 7 of this act, are hereby ratified and confirmed."