mm 18 III ni uuttiit i in 11 ■I ■ ■ % I ICXB©^ tXN32& tt PUBLISHER Street. 1 DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY i MESMERISM; HISTORY, PHENOMENA, AND PRACTICE REPORTS OF CASES DEVELOPED IN SCOTLAND. " It is a very obvious principle, although often forgotten in the pride of prejudice and of controversy, that what has been seen by one pair of human eyes, is of force to countervail all that has been reasoned or guessed at by a thousand human under- standings."— Da. Chalmers. " While an unbounded credulity is the part of a weak mind, which never thinks nor reasons at all, an unlimited scepticism is the part of a contracted mind, which reasons upon imperfect data, or makes its own knowledge and extent of observation the stand- ard and test of probability." -Abbrcrombib on the Intellectual Powers. EDINBURGH: FRASER AND CO., 15, WATERLOO PLACE. W. S. ORR AND CO. LONDON. W. CURRY, JUN., AND COMPANY, DUBLIN. MDCCCXLIII. KDINBURGH : PRINTED BY T. CONSTABLE, PRTNTER TO HER MAJESTY. /3 4- PREFACE. Men have differed, and will probably continue to differ, regarding the theories which have been based upon the curious phenomena known under the name of Mesmerism ; but as to the reality of the more im- portant of the phenomena themselves — more espe- cially those witnessed in the alleviation of human suffering — few impartial inquirers can long remain in doubt. The following pages have not been written with the view of supporting any theory, new or old, ex- planatory of Mesmerism, but principally for the pur- pose of contributing to the stock of facts which have from time to time been laid before the public. The original intention of the writer was, merely to bring together, in a connected form, the reports of certain cases, which had attracted a consider- able degree of attention. It afterwards occurred to him, that a brief glance at the past history of Mesmerism, with some account of what had recently been accomplished in various parts of the country, accompanied by descriptions of the processes in use among the most experienced Mesmerisers, so IV PREFACE. as to form a sort of manual of the science, might be acceptable to a numerous body of readers. A work of this kind, in a cheap and portable form, is so evi- dently a desideratum, that he trusts no apology for its appearance is necessary. The work has been divided into nine chapters. The first contains a brief sketch of the past history of Mesmerism. In the second, some account is given of the theories which have been entertained by various writers on Mesmerism. The third is devoted to the Mesmeric phenomena and states. The application of Mesmerism to Medical Science is treated of in a po- pular form in the fourth chapter ; and reports are given, from authoritative sources, of numerous cases in which this agency has been useful in surgical operations, and in the cure of disease. The fifth chapter, the longest in the volume, is occupied with reports of cases which have recently occurred in Scotland. Of two of these, some slight notices have already appeared, but they are now reported in a much more complete form. Dr. Mitchell's journal of the most important of the cases — that of Isabella D can scarcely fail to be perused with interest. In the sixth chapter, copious directions are given, from the works of the most eminent writers, as to the different methods of producing Mesmeric sleep, in- cluding what Mr. Braid has termed Hypnotic or Nervous Sleep. The topic of the seventh chapter might have been included with the other Mesmeric phenomena in a previous part of the volume, but as the phenomena, classed under what is denominated Phreno-Mesmerism, continue to be the subject of PREFACE. V much controversy, it has been thought better to discuss them separately. The highly curious and interesting Mesmeric experiments on the Brute Creation, by Dr. Wilson, physician to the Middlesex Hospital, are detailed at some length in the eighth chapter. In the ninth, the work is brought to a close, with a few general remarks. Such is a slight outline of the contents of the succeed- ing pages, in which Mesmerisers of the old, as well as of the more modern schools, have, as much as pos- sible, been permitted to speak in their own language. The subject is as yet too little understood in all its bearings, even by the best informed, to authorise dogmatic and decisive assertion ; and although there is much in the works of the older authors, which runs counter to the ideas of some of more recent date, it has not been considered necessary, on that account, to exclude the opinions of either from these pages. To all a free field has been given, and the writer is desirous of being understood as giving a place to opinions which have been pro- mulgated by men, who, while they have certain points of agreement, yet differ on certain others, and not as himself adopting in toto the doctrines of any particular school. He does not hesitate to avow his belief in the ordinary phenomena of Mesmerism as described in this volume, and in the works' of many authors who have written on the subject. With re- gard to other phenomena, such as those occurring in the case of Isabella H , he does not venture to offer an opinion. He will merely say, respecting this case, that it has been fairly stated, and that the gentlemen whose evidence is given are incapable of VI PREFACE. committing to paper what they do not believe to be strictly true. He may further add, that the narra- tive of the curious incident, at page 134, was seen and marked by him with his initials in May 1843, and he has since been shown the original of the letter received in the succeeding July, from the reverend gentleman on the other side of the Atlantic. In avowing a belief in Mesmerism, the writer is well aware that few laurels are to be won. The Rev. Mr. Townshend has aptly remarked, — " All the circumstances which are unfavourable to Mesmerism end in one fatal word, — contempt. Every thing tends to raise a laugh at its expense ; and against a laugh who shall have the courage to contend? This is the last possible degradation. Men love the mysterious and the proscribed, but they shrink from the ridiculous. They can bear to be thought wicked, but not to be deemed fools ; they will endure to be hated, but not to be despised. Now, Mesmerism has become not merely a persecuted, but a ridiculous faith. There is no pomp of circum- stance about it to uphold the proselyte who is called upon to defend it to the death. The glory of martyr- dom for its sake, is done away. There is no dig- nity in suffering in such a cause." The love of truth, however, and the desire for its diffusion, will induce men to brave even the penal- ties of such a position as Mr. Townshend has des- cribed. With the late Richard Chenevix, the writer is prepared to exclaim, u To me (and before many years the opinion must be universal) the most extra- ordinary event in the whole history of human science is, that Mesmerism ever could be doubted." And, PREFACE. with the Rev. Mr. Townshend, he would say to the student who is on the threshold of the inquiry, " Lay aside all prejudice connected either with the origin, name, or injudicious exposition of Mesmerism, and try the subject, wholly and impartially, upon its own merits. Unalarmed by the apparent strangeness and incongruity of the phenomena to be investigated, we should call to mind how frequently ' appearances of external nature, puzzling at first sight, and seem- ingly irreconcileable with one another, have all been solved and harmonised by a reference to some one pervading principle,' and should thus be led to sur- mise that the irregularity and variations of the Mes- meric world may be found, upon mature observation, less inexplicable than a careless spectator could ima- gine. Even should this hope be long deferred, we are not, on that account, to deny the reality of well- attested facts. Are these things so ? is the one great question which we have to ask ; and to separate this from all its accidental accompaniments is the first step towards its satisfactory solution." Having truth for a guide, and caring nothing for the sneers of the ignorant or the prejudiced, let the inquirer proceed boldly on his path, and whatever men may say of him, his reward will not be wanting. Let him de- clare, in the sturdy language of Luther, u I am for tearing off every mask, for managing nothing, for extenuating nothing, for shutting the eyes to nothing, that truth may be transparent and unadulterated, and may have a free course." With the foregoing explanations, the writer com- mits this little volume to the hands of the public. There is too little in it of what can properly be Vlll PREFACE, termed authorship to warrant him in inscribing his name on the title-page, — but being neither ashamed of his opinions, nor anxious for concealment, he gives it in this place. "William Lang. ] , Claremont Street, Royal Crescent, Glasgow, August, 1843. CONTENTS. PREFACE. CHAPTER I.— Historical Sketch, .... 1 Mesmerism Ancient in its Origin — Van Helmont and William Maxwell — Cures of Levret, Valentine Great- rakes, Dr. Streper, and Gassner — Mesmer, his birth, Studies medicine at Vienna, his appearance in Paris, Negotiation for the purchase of his Secret — French Commission of 1784 — Report by Jussieu — the Marquis de Puysegur — Death of Mesmer — Spread of Mesmer- ism on the Continent of Europe — Its Introduction into Britain by Mr. Chenevix — Works of Mr. Colqu- houn — Baron Dupotet — Dr. Elliotson — The Rev. Chauncy Hare Townshend — Mr. Braid — M. La Fontaine's visit to Scotland, and its consequences — Spread of Mesmerism in Scotland. CHAPTER II.— Theories of Mesmer and Others, . 11 Mesmer's Theory — Opinion of Mr. Colquhoun — French Commissioners of 1784 — Opinions of Cuvier, Gall, La Place, Dr. Elliotson, Rev. Mr. Townshend, and Mr. Braid — Phenomena true, whatever Theory may ultimately be adopted. CHAPTER III.— Mesmeric Phenomena and States, 19 Conclusions of the Second French Commission — Mes- meric States according to Kluge — Mr. Dove's Classifi- cation — Somnambulism, or Sleep- waking — Extracts from the Chevalier Ramsay, and from Wordsworth — Clairvoyance — Opinions of Mr. Townshend and Dr. Elliotson — Remarks upon the latter by Mr. Dove and Mr. Colquhoun — Anecdote of Colonel Gurwood — Mesmerism ought not to be rejected as a whole, even although Clairvoyance should be set aside. X CONTEXTS. PAGE CHAPTER IV.— Application of Mesmerism to Medical Science, 37 Treatment of Galileo, Harvey, Sydenham, Ambrose Pare, Paracelsus, Groenvelt, Lady Mary Wortley Mon- tague and Innoculation, Jenner and Vaccination, the Newtonian Philosophy, &c. — Sir Walter Scott's and Dr. TVollaston's Opinions regarding Gas Light — Re- ception of Percussion and Auscultation, of Prussic Acid, Quinine, and other remedies — Mesmerism not worse treated than other Sciences like it founded on Truth — Resolution of the Council of University Col- lege, London — Mr. Colquhoun's ideas of certain Mem- bers of the Medical profession — Opinions expressed by certain of them, and their mode of proceeding — Cases in which Mesmerism has been employed — M. Jules Cloquet — The Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society — Mr. Gardiner of Portsmouth — Mr. Prideaux of Southampton — Mr. Carstairs of Sheffield — Dr. Engle- due of Southsea — Dr. Charlton, Royal Marines — Dr. Elliotson — Dr. Simpson of York — Mr. Chandler of Rotherhithe — Mr. Braid — Dr. Elliotson and theOkeys — The Examiner's Opinion of the Members of the Me- dical Faculty — Sir Humphrey Davy — Dugald Stewart — Future Conduct of the Medical Profession. CHAPTER V.— Cases. Isabella D , 65 First case to which Mesmerism was applied in Scotland as a curative agent — Dr. Mitchell's introductory nar- rative — Journal — Descriptions given by other gentle- men who visited Patient — Stoppage of the Mesmeric treatment, and renewed illness of Patient — Narrative of illness, resumption of Mesmeric treatment, and re- sults of a Sleep of ten days — Dismissal of Patient's Father from his situation, and certificate granted by his former employers — Patient continues well. Isabella H , 1 13 Introduction — Continuation of a former Narrative — Account given by an English gentleman — Description of a place of business — Testimony of a fourth witness — The investigation continued by same gentleman — Singular statement regarding the Rev. Mr. Letter from the Rev. gentleman in reply to his Cor- respondent — Account given by another gentleman — Mr. Robert Chambers's statement. Mary M , 140 Catherine M , 145 Agnes G , 150 CONTENTS. XI PAGE Walter B , 154 JanetS , 157 A Mesmeriser Mesmerised, 159 CHAPTER VI. Mesmeric Processes, . . .161 Mesmer's Method — School of the Chevalier Barbarin — School of the Marquis de Puysegur — Description in Zoo-Magnetic Journal — Deleuze's Instructions — Dr. Caldwell's Method — Rev. La Roy Sunderland's pro- cesses — Rev. Mr. Townshend's Mode of Proceeding — Description by Professor Agassis — A Mesmeric Pile — Mr. Gardiner of Roche Court's Method — Mr. Braid's Mode of Hypnotising — His Manner of awakening Pa- tients — Dr. Elliotson's Method — His Opinion as to In- jury from too frequent Mesmerising — Mesmerism not operative only upon the Feeble — Opinions of Mr. Townshend, Dr. Caldwell, and Mr. Braid, as to the extent of Susceptibility in Man — Mesmerism ought not to be practised by the Ignorant or the Unwary. CHAPTER VII. Phreno-Mesmerism, . . .182 Believed to have been discovered about the same time in the United States and in England — Rev. La Roy Sun- derland-— Mr. Spencer Hall — Dr.Engledue r s Address — Proceedings of Messrs. Mansfield and Gardiner — Case of a young lady — Experiments performed by Mr. At- kinson, Mr. Brookes, Mr. Prideaux, Captain Valiant, and Dr. Elliotson — Mr. Spencer Hall's Lectures — Dr. Elliotson's Account of two youthful Patients — Case described in Dr. Binn's Anatomy of Sleep — Experi- ments at Dr. Elliotson's House in May 1843 — Cases related by Mr. Braid, Mrs. Colonel , Miss S., a Methodist Lady, Miss R. — Opinion of Mr. Vandenhoff, the Tragedian — Case described by Mr. James Simp- son — Reference to Case of Agnes G Case of a Boy — Truth of the Manifestations proved, explain them as we may — Opinions of Dr. Elliotson and Mr. Colquhoun — Results of mentally expressed wish in the Case of Catherine M Erroneous Manifestations may be produced — Mr. Braid's Theory regarding the Phreno-Mesmeric manifestations — Subsequent Com- munication from Mr. Braid — Extract from Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History — Mr. Braid's directions for operating — Inquiries in progress will solve the dif- ficulties which surround Phreno-Mesmerism. CHAPTER VIII. Trials of Mesmerism on the Brute Creation, 215 General allusions of the Rev. Mr. Townshend, Mr. Braid, and others — Anecdote of the Duke of Marl- XI 1 CONTENTS. PAGE borough — Statement of Mr. Borrow — Experiments performed by Dr. Wilson on Cats of various ages, a Terrier, a Drake, three Ducks ; on Fish, viz., Roach, Dace, Gudgeons, and Loach ; a large Scotch Terrier, Bantam Cock and Hen, She-Goat, two Terriers, Din- mont and Dandie, Chinese Gander, a common Goose, a large Newfoundland Dog, three Macaws, a Stable Cat, two Pigs, a Calf, a Waggoner's Dog, a Horse, a Male and Female Elephant, and a Lioness. CHAPTER IX. Concluding Remarks, . . .233 The Rev. Hugh M'Neile's denunciation of Mesmerism — Clerical and Medical alliance — Extracts from Bailey and Jobard — Satanic Agency the Clerical bugbear — Medical Tactics of a different description— Extracts from Sir Gilbert Blane and Dr. Chalmers — Mesmer- ism of all others the Science of Facts — Remark of Mr. Chenevix — Opinion of La Place — Facts not the less true because explanation is wanting — Phenomena of Clairvoyance — Phreno-Mesmerism — Harder to dis- believe than to believe upon the evidence adduced — Obstacles raised by injudicious supporters of Mesmer- ism — Observations of the Rev. Mr. Townshend — Ob- jections answered — Non-professional practisers of Mes- merism — Opinion of Dr. Ziermann — Difficulties still to be surmounted — Opinion of Fourcroy — Mesmerism, like other truths, will ultimately have its day of tri- umph. ERRATUM. Page 43. line 13, for « Art of Love," rend « All for Love." MESMERISM. CHAPTER I. HISTORICAL SKETCH. Mesmerism, or Animal Magnetism, or, to speak with stricter accuracy, the peculiar agency to which both of these names are occasionally applied, seems to have been more or less known in those bygone ages of the world, whose records or traditions have come down to our time. Animal Magnetism was the name given to this agency by Mesmer, to whom the merit of reviving, and making it known in modern times, belongs; but as the adoption of a doubtful theory is thereby, in appearance at least, implied, the less objectionable term of Mesmerism has latterly been employed. Our glance at its past history will be very brief. Without attempting to trace back to more remote periods those curious phenomena which we now class under the general name of Mesmerism, it may be mentioned, that early in the seventeenth century, Van Helmont, a celebrated continental physician, exhibited a knowledge of the subject in his writings ; and, in the year 1679, our countryman, William Maxwell, laid down propositions very similar to A 2 MESMERISM. those which, at an after period, were brought for- ward by Mesmer. Mr. Colquhoun states, in his learned work on Ani- mal Magnetism,* that about the middle of the seven- teenth century, there appeared in England a certain gardener of the name of Levret, an Irish gentleman, Valentine Greatrakes, and a Dr. Streper, who pro- fessed to cure various diseases by stroking with the hand. The cures performed in this manner by Greatrakes are authenticated by the Lord Bishop of Derry, and many other highly respectable indivi- duals. The Royal Society accounted for them by the supposition, that there existed " a sanative con- tagion in Mr. Greatrakes' body, which had an anti- pathy to some particular diseases, and not to others." At a still later period, Gassner, a Catholic minister, a native of Suabia, having taken up a notion that many diseases arose from demoniacal possession, and could be cured by exorcism, performed a number of astonishing cures, especially among patients affected with spasmodic and epileptic complaints. Many other instances of a like character might be adduced, exhibiting traces of this curious agency; but we come, without farther preface, to the individual who, in modern times, was the reviver of the science to which his name has been given. Frederick Anthony Mesmer was born in Switzer- land on the 23d of May 1734. He studied medi- cine at Vienna, where he obtained the degree of doc- tor, and settled as a physician. A marriage with a lady of fortune soon afterwards raised him above some of the cares which attach to the young medical practitioner. From an early age, Mesmer is said to have mani- fested a love of the marvellous ; and, in the year * Isis Revelata : An Inquiry into the Origin, Progress, and Pre- sent State of Animal Magnetism. By J. G. Colquhoun, Esq., Advocate, F.R.S.E. Edinburgh. 1836. HISTORICAL SKETCH. 3 1766, he published a dissertation, On the Influence of the Planets upon the Human Body. He assumed, that the influence operated by electricity ; but find- ing that agent inadequate to the solution of all the phenomena, he afterwards abandoned it for magnet- ism. In 1773, upon the suggestion of Maximilian Hell, professor of astronomy at Vienna, he resorted to the use of the magnet, which he applied in the cure of various diseases. Ultimately he discovered that the magnetic rods employed by him were power- less, and that the healing power, whatever it might be, was resident in himself. The rods were accord- ingly abandoned, the effects being produced by cer- tain passes. Mesmer now began to assume a mysterious de- meanour, and, in no small degree through his own folly, so great a prejudice was created against him, that in 1777 he departed from Vienna, and early in the following year made his appearance in Paris. There, besides making a convert of Dr. D'Eslon, he performed many remarkable cures in the class of distinguished persons, and his fame accordingly spread with great rapidity throughout the gay cir- cles of that city. The members of the medical pro- fession, however, set themselves in resolute opposi- tion to Mesmer, and for a time he retired to Spa, but afterwards, upon the persuasion of his friends, returned to Paris. A negotiation was attempted for the purchase of Mesmer s secret by the French Government ; but this having failed, the sale was carried on to private individuals at the rate of one hundred louis a head. It was a condition of each sale that secrecy should be maintained; but this was broken through, and the knowledge of the facts propagated by Mesmer was soon widely diffused, with the disadvantage of having many corruptions grafted upon them accord- ing to the fancies of various individuals. The prac- 4 MESMERISM. tice of Mesmer savoured in itself sufficiently of quackery, and some of his disciples seem to have followed it up in a still more foolish manner. In 1784, the French Government issued a royal mandate to the medical faculty of Paris, requiring them to investigate the facts and the pretensions of the new doctrine. The bulk of the members of this famous commission had prejudged the question, and like too many of the medical men of our own time, were resolved that they would not be convinced. The name of the celebrated Franklin is attached to the Report that was issued, although it should not have been there, as he is said to have been indisposed at the time, and to have given little attention to what took place. It would serve little purpose at this time of day to expose the inconsistencies of this Report, and those who feel any curiosity on the sub- ject will receive ample satisfaction by referring to the pages of Mr. Colquhoun. There was one commissioner who refused to con- cur in the Report adopted by his brethren. Jussieu, a physician of the highest eminence, who devoted great attention to the investigation, published a special report of his own, presenting an entirely dif- ferent view, and conveying an infinitely more fa- vourable impression of the subject. The blow struck by the French Commissioners did not entirely answer the expected purpose. The question still continued to excite a high degree of interest in that country, but the breaking out of the Revolution, and the wars which followed that event, turned the public attention in other directions. The Marquis de Puysegur, one of the most intel- ligent of Mesmer s disciples, to whom the science is under deep obligations, was the first to describe the state of somnambulism. The Marquis, both at Paris and on his estate in the country, devoted himself with the utmost zeal to the propagation of the science; HISTORICAL SKETCH. and the system, as improved by him, was introduced into Germany in 1787, through the instrumentality of the celebrated physiognomist Lavater. Journals devoted to animal magnetism were established in France and Germany ; and in those countries, as well as in Switzerland, the magnetic treatment has pre- vailed, more or less, for the last fifty years. Meanwhile, Mesmer had retired to his native country, Switzerland, and his death took place on the 5th of March, 1815, at Meersburg, on the Lake of Constance. His last years were devoted to the practice of the magnetic treatment, for the benefit of the poor ; and he exhibited his own belief in its effi- cacy as a remedy, by submitting to the treatment in his last illness, and is said to have experienced from it great relief. Many men of the highest eminence on the Con- tinent of Europe, despite the din of war around them, devoted a considerable degree of attention to Mes- merism, and in progress of time it began to be heard of in the works of the great German physiologists, Sprengel, Reil, Authenrieth, and others — names as well known on the Continent as those of Harvey or Hunter in Britain. In 1817, the practice of Mes- merism was by law ordered to be confined to the medical profession in the Prussian dominions ; and in 1818 the Academy of Sciences at Berlin offered a prize of 3340 francs for the best treatise on Mesmer- ism. In Denmark, and even in Russia, about the same period, the subject was brought under inves- tigation, and in the latter country a committee, ap- pointed by the Emperor, declared it to be a most im- portant agent. These things could not go on without challenging investigation in France, from whence the first report of a commission had emanated, and, accord- ingly, in the year 1826, a new commission of inquiry was appointed by the Royal Academy of Medicine of Paris. Various obstructions were thrown in the 6 MESMERISM. path of the Commission, but at length, in 1831, the Report came forth, acknowledging to the full extent the truth of Mesmerism, and adducing a vast body of evidence in its behalf. In Great Britain little was known of Mesmerism down to this period. The unfavourable report of the first French Commission was supposed to settle the question, and the unhappy wars which ensued de- prived us, to a great extent, during many years, of the means of intercourse with the Continent. In 1828 and 1829, the late Mr. Richard Chenevix, a gentleman of large fortune and a Fellow of the Royal Society, exhibited experiments to many of the most eminent scientific men in England; but he was scarcely listened to, and, with the exception of Dr. Elliotson, no one seems to have cared for his labours. Mr. Chenevix published a series of papers, entitled " On Mesmerism, improperly denominated Animal Magnetism," in The London Medical and Physical Journal for 1829, and he was preparing a larger work for the press, but, unfortunately for the in- terests of science, he was called away by death in 1830. In 1833, Mr. Colquhoun published a translation of the French Report of 1831, with a copious in- troductory preface. The manner in which his at- tention happened to be first called to the subject is not a little instructive. A medical friend of Mr. Colquhoun's, of high standing in Edinburgh, aware of that gentleman's extensive acquaintance with con- tinental languages, was in the practice of sending him, from time to time, various French and German publications. Struck with the fact that these were al- most all on animal magnetism, Mr. Colquhoun asked his friend one day why he kept sending him works on that particular subject. " Because I wish you to take it up," was the reply. " Surely," said Mr. Colquhoun in return, "it lies much more in your way, as a HISTORICAL SKETCH. 7 medical professor, to do so ; — this is a question for the physician and surgeon." The strange rejoinder was, " There is Dot a medical man in Britain who will dare to take up this subject." Whatever may be thought of the pusillanimity of the medical profes- sion, we cannot regret that circumstances should thus have led to the services of Mr. Colquhoun being secured in making Mesmerism known in this coun- try. In 1836, Mr. Colquhoun published his Isis Revelata in two volumes, a work which exhibits a large extent of learning and research ; and the trans- lation of the Report of the French Commissioners may be consulted in the appendix to the second volume. The author was regarded by the bulk of men as an idle dreamer, or, at best, as a literary man amusing himself with a speculative subject ; and little progress was made in opposition to the almost universal prejudice that was abroad. In 1837, Baron Dupotet, who had practised Mes- merism in France, came over to this country ; but his efforts were disregarded, until Dr. Elliotson took him by the hand. As has been already mentioned, Dr. Elliotson had witnessed the experiments of Mr. Chenevix, and was glad of an opportunity of renew- ing his acquaintance with the subject. The re- sults were of the most successful description, many cures of a highly singular nature having been accom- plished. The jealousy, however, of the medical pro- fession was roused, and it was resolved that Mes- merism should, if possible, be put down. In conse- quence of insults, to which it was impossible to submit, Dr. Elliotson resigned, in 1839, his profes- sorship in University College, London; and he ceased, at the same time, to be physician to the hospital. Had he not been a man of great independence of mind, he might have been compelled to succumb to the cabal raised against him. Not only did he sa- crifice the emoluments derived from the hospital and 8 MESMERISM. the professorship, but his practice as a physician was, at least for a time, seriously injured. His large private fortune, however, happily enabled him to bid defiance to the efforts of his opponents with less inconvenience than might otherwise have been the case ; and he continued his inquiries into Mesmerism despite the frowns of his brethren of the profession. The success which has attended Mesmerism as a curative agent in the hands of Dr. Elliotson, Mr. Braid, and others, will be alluded to in its proper place in a succeeding chapter. In 1840, the Rev. Chauncy Hare Townshend, published his Facts in Mesmerism.* Many cases of a highly curious and instructive description are recorded in Mr. Townshend's volume, which forms a valuable contribution to the study of Mesmerism. In 1841, M. La Fontaine, a French Mesmeriser, came over to this country, and by his visit paved the way for much of the success that has since attended the subject in the hands of others. While in Manchester, towards the close of 1841, it so happened, that some of the conversaziones of M. La Fontaine were attended by Mr. Braid, a highly respectable medical practitioner of that town. Attracted by what he saw, the subject was taken up with the utmost zeal by Mr. Braid, and the fruits of his labours are to be found in the work entitled Neurypnology.\ Mr. Braid attempted to bring the question forward at the meeting of the British Asso- ciation, held in Manchester in 1842 ; but let it never be forgotten, that his offer to read a paper, and to * Facts in Mesmerism, with Reasons for a Dispassionate Inquiry into it. By the Rev. Chauncy Hare Townshend, A.M., late of Trinity Hall, Cambridge. London : Longman & Co. 1840. *f< Neurypnology ; or the Rationale of the Nervous Sleep, considered in Relation with Animal Magnetism. Illustrated by numerous cases of its successful application in the relief and cure of disease. By James Braid, M.R.C.S.E., CM. W.S., &c. Lon- don : John Churchill. 1843. HISTORICAL SKETCH. if produce as many of the patients as possible, whose cases were referred to in proof of the curative agency employed, was contemptuously declined by the com- mittee of the medical section ! Mr. Braid, we are glad to say, undaunted by this unworthy treatment on the part of his medical brethren, still continues to persevere in the Mesmeric, or, as he terms it, the hypnotic method of cure. We have already alluded to the works published by Mr. Colquhoun ; but the practical investigation of Mesmerism may, we believe, be said to have been first introduced into Scotland about the year 1839, by Mr. Dove, the same gentleman whose lectures, at a later period, assisted greatly in directing attention to the subject. Mr. Dove's experiments performed at that time were witnessed by Sir William Hamil- ton, and by Dr. Simpson,* Professor of Midwifery in the University of Edinburgh, — both of whom, it may be incidentally mentioned, are believers in Mesmer- ism, — as well as by others of scientific note. Soon afterwards Mr. Dove left Edinburgh, to enter upon a literary engagement in Glasgow ; and the prosecu- tion of the inquiry was abandoned by him for a time. In the autumn of 1842, M. La Fontaine visited Scotland, and although his audiences were not nume- rous, and a considerable amount of rude opposition was offered to him, there were nevertheless some who profited by what the lecturer presented to their obser- vation. The phenomena of Mesmerism were then witnessed for the first time by the editor of this little volume, and by Dr. James B. Mitchell, a member of * Dr. Simpson is the author of the sceptical article on Animal Magnetism in the last edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, an article which we have often heard referred to as conclusive against the pretensions of Mesmerism. At the time the article was written, Dr. Simpson knew nothing practically of Mesmer- ism ; and although committed so prominently against it, he has had the candour to confess, that formerly he was in error. 1 MESMERISM. the medical profession, at that time resident in Glas- gow. In order that he might follow up the investi- gation, Dr. Mitchell procured an introduction to Mr. Dove, as stated in another part of the work in the account of the case of Isabella D . This case was, so far as we are aware, the first of any import- ance which occurred in Scotland. Some articles re- garding it, and other cases which succeeded, were published in the Glasgow Argus in the early part of 1 843, and attracted a large share of attention. In this manner the first impetus was given to Mesmer- ism in Scotland. Lecturers speedily sprung up, and went forth in every direction ; and there is now no community of the slightest importance in the north, which does not contain a numerous body of believers in the truths of Mesmerism. Indeed, the members of the medical profession are the only individuals who may still be said to stand aloof as a class; but as the connection between Mesmerism and the healing art is discussed in a separate chapter, we will now bring this brief retrospect to a close. II CHAPTER II. THEORIES OF MESMER, AND OTHERS. Various theories have been from time to time promulgated in explanation of the extraordinary phenomena of Mesmerism. It was assumed by Mes- nier that there was a reciprocal influence continually subsisting between the heavenly bodies, the earth, and animated nature, through the medium of a cer- tain very subtile fluid pervading the whole universe, and capable of receiving, propagating, and communi- cating every impulse of motion. " The properties of matter, and of organised bodies," says Mesmer, " de- pend upon this operative principle. The animal body experiences the alternative effects of this agent, which, by insinuating itself into the substance of the nerves, affects them immediately. The human body exhibits properties analogous to those of the magnet, such as polarity and inclination. The property of the animal body, which renders it susceptible of this influence, occasioned its denomination of Animal Magnetism." Mr. Colquhoun, after remarking that the profound and interesting researches of those eminent physiolo- gists, Reil, Authenreith, and Humboldt, have gone far, not only to demonstrate the existence of a ner- vous circulation, but even to render probable the ex- ternal expansion of this circulating fluid, goes on to say, — "Were we, then, to admit the existence of this nervous fluid, of its sensible atmosphere, and its analogy in other respects to electricity, it does not seem to be a very violent or unphilosophical hypo- 12 MESMERISM. thesis to presume that, in certain circumstances, and under certain conditions, it may be capable of being directed outwards, by the volition of one individual, with such energy as to produce a peculiar effect upon the organization of another. This hypothesis, too, appears to be supported by the fact, that individuals possessing sound health and great nervous energy, operate, in general, most effectually in the magnetic treatment ,* and that weak and diseased persons are most susceptible of the magnetic influence, and ma- nifest the most extraordinary phenomena. Almost all the practitioners of Animal Magnetism, indeed, seem to agree in this, that the magnetic treatment operates principally, if not entirely, upon the nerv- ous system, and particularly upon those nerves which are situated in the abdominal region." The decision of the French Commissioners of 1784, which is generally supposed to have been utterly hostile to Mesmerism, was in reality principally directed against Mesmer's theory of a fluid. The facts, or at least a numerous portion of them, were admitted, the theory being the main point of attack. The Commissioners tell us — we follow the transla- tion in Mr. Townshend's work — " That which we have learned, or at least that which has been proved to us, in a clear and satisfac- tory manner, by our inquiry into the phenomena of Mesmerism, is, that man can act upon man at all times, and almost at will, by striking his imagina- tion ; that signs and gestures the most simple may produce the most powerful effects ; that the action of man upon the imagination may be reduced to an art, and conducted after a certain method, when exercised upon patients who have faith in the proceedings." The French Commissioners explained the whole phenomena by attributing them to the power of imagination. The celebrated Cuvier, who fully admits the truth of Mesmerism, writes on this point, THEORIES OF MESMER, AND OTHERS. 13 as quoted by Dr. Elliotson in his Human Physio- logy,*— " We must confess that it is very difficult, in the experiments which have for their object the action which the nervous system of two different indivi- duals can exercise one upon another, to distinguish the effect of the imagination of the individual upon whom the experiment is tried, from the physical result pro- duced by the person who acts for him. The effects., however, on persons ignorant of the agency, and upon individuals whom the operation itself has de- prived of consciousness, and those which animals present, do not permit us to doubt that the proxi- mity of two animated bodies in certain positions, combined with certain movements, have a real effect, independently of all participation of the fancy. It appears also clearly, that these effects arise from some nervous communication which is established between their nervous systems." In allusion to an investigation into Mesmerism made by the well-known Gall, Dr. Elliotson re- marks : " It being, however, impossible to deny such facts of Mesmerism as occur in some nervous diseases, are they to be ascribed to mere imagination — an excite- ment of the feelings by the gesticulations and proxi- mity of the manipulator, or to the operation of an unknown power ? Gall admits this power, and even does not reject the hypothesis of its connection with a fluid. ' How often in intoxication, hysterical, and hypochondriacal attacks, convulsions, fever, and in- sanity, under violent emotions, after long fasting, through the effect of such poisons as opium, hemlock, belladonna, are we not, in some measure, transferred into perfectly different beings — for instance, into * Humav Physiology. Bv John Elliotson, M.D., Cantab., F.R.S. Fifth Edition. London : Longman & Co. 1840. 1 4 MESMERISM. poets, actors, &c.' — ' Just as in dreaming, the thoughts frequently have more delicacy, and the sensations are more acute, and we can hear and answer ; just as, in ordinary somnambulism, we can rise, walk, see with our eyes open, touch with the hands, &c. ; so we allow that similar phenomena may take place in artificial somnambulism, and even in a higher degree.' c We acknowledge a fluid which has an especial affinity with the nervous system, which can emanate from an individual, pass into another, and accumulate, in virtue of particular affinities, more in certain parts than in others.' ' We admit the ex- istence of a fluid, the subtraction of which lessens, and the accumulation augments, the power of the nerves ; which places one part of the nervous system in repose, and heightens the activity of another, which, therefore, may produce an artificial somnam- bulism.' " A rigid mathematician, La Place, observes, that " of all the instruments which we can employ, in order to enable us to discover the imperceptible agents of nature, the nerves are the most sensible, especially when their sensibility is exalted by parti- cular causes. It is by means of them that we have discovered the slight electricity which is developed by the contact of two heterogeneous metals. The singular phenomena which result from the external sensibility of the nerves in particular individuals have given birth to various opinions relative to the existence of a new agent, which has been denomi- nated animal magnetism, to the action of the com- mon magnetism, to the influence of the sun and moon in some nervous affections ; and, lastly, to the impressions which may be experienced from the proximity of the metals, or of a running water. It is natural to suppose that the action of these causes is very feeble, and that it may be easily disturbed by accidental circumstances ; but because, in some THEORIES OP MESMER, AND OTHERS. 15 cases, it has not been manifested at all, we are not to conclude it has no existence. We are so far from being acquainted with all the agents of nature, and their different modes of action, that it would be quite unphilosophical to deny the existence of the pheno- mena, merely because they are inexplicable in the present state of our knowledge." Dr. Elliotson gives his own opinion in these words : — " I have no hesitation in declaring my conviction that the facts of Mesmerism which I admit, because they are not contrary to established morbid pheno- mena, result from a specific power. Even they are sometimes unreal and feigned, and, when real, are sometimes the result of emotion — of imagination, to use common language ; but, that they may be real and independent of all imagination, I have seen quite sufficient to convince me." And, after giving the particulars of some cases, he thus proceeds : — " These are the phenomena which I have wit- nessed. To ascribe them to emotion and fancy, to suppose collusion and deception, would be absurd. They must be ascribed to a peculiar power; to a power acting, I have no doubt, constantly in all living things, vegetable and animal, but shown in a peculiar manner by the processes of Mesmerism." These sentences appear in the second part of the " Human Physiology," published in 1837, and Dr. Elliotson adds in the concluding part in 1 840 : — " I have now for three years carefully and dispas- sionately investigated the subject by experiments performed almost every day upon a variety of per- sons ; and I not only repeat my firm conviction of the truth of Mesmerism, but of the truth of many points in it upon which I formerly gave no opinion, because I had not then witnessed them, and was de- termined to remain neutral upon every point on which I myself did not witness facts. 16 MESMERISM. " The production of the peculiar coma by Mes- merism, independently of all mental impressions, is a truth now admitted by a very large number of the best informed, acutest, and least credulous men in England." The Rev. Chauncy Hare Townshend, in his " Facts on Mesmerism," affirms " that, productive of the effects called Mesmeric, there is an action of matter as distinct and specific as that of light, heat, electri- city, or any other of the imponderable agents, as they are called; — that, when the Mesmeriser influences his j>atient, he does this by a medium, either known already in another guise, or altogether new to our experience." A theory of a different description has been ad- vanced by Mr. Braid, in his ci Neurypnology." While attending as a sceptic in Mesmerism the con- versaziones of M. La Fontaine, Mr. Braid's attention was arrested by the inability of a patient to open his eyelids. He says — '-' In two days afterwards, I developed my views to my friend Captain Brown, as I had also previously done to four other friends ; and in his presence, and that of my family, and another friend, the same evening, I instituted a series of experiments to prove the correctness of my theory, namely, that the con- tinued fixed stare, by paralyzing nervous centres in the eyes and their appendages,* and destroying the equilibrium of the nervous system, thus produced the phenomenon referred to. The experiments were va- ried, so as to convince all present that they fully bore out the correctness of my theoretical views. " My first object was to prove that the inability of the patient to open his eyes was caused by para- lyzing the levator muscles of the eyelids, through * By this expression I mean the state of exhaustion which fol- lows too long continued or too intense action of any organ or function. — Note at page 16 of Braid's " Neurypnology." THEORIES OF MESMER, AND OTHERS. 17 their continued action during the protracted fixed stare, and thus rendering it physically impossible for him to open them. With the view of proving this, I requested Mr. Walker, a young gentleman present, to sit down, and maintain a fixed stare at the top of a wine bottle, placed so much above him as to produce a considerable strain on the eyes and eyelids, to enable him to maintain a steady view of the object. In three minutes his eyelids closed, a gush of tears ran down his cheeks, his head drooped, his face was slightly convulsed, he gave a groan, and instantly fell into profound sleep, the respira- tion becoming slow, deep, and sibilant, the right hand and arm being agitated by slight convulsive movements. " This experiment not only proved what I ex- pected, but also, by calling my attention to the spas- modic state of the muscles of the face and arm, the peculiar state of the respiration, and the condition of the mind as evinced on rousing the patient, tended to prove to my mind I bad got a key to the solution of Mesmerism." Mr. Braid goes on to detail experiments upon Mrs. Braid, and some of his servants, and then pro- ceeds : — " I now stated that I considered the experiments fully proved my theory; and expressed my entire conviction that the phenomena of Mesmerism were to be accounted for on the principle of a derange- ment of the state of the cerebro-spinal centres, and of the circulatory, and respiratory, and muscular systems, induced, as I have explained, by a fixed stare, absolute repose of body, fixed attention, and suppressed respiration, concomitant with that fixity of attention. That the whole depended on the physi- cal and psychical condition of the patient, arising from the causes referred to, and not at all on the volition or passes of the operator, throwing out a magnetic B 1 8 MESMERISM. fluid, or exciting into activity some mystical univer- sal fluid or medium." Such are the opinions entertained by some of the most eminent writers on Mesmerism, and as we are almost daily receiving fresh knowledge on the sub- ject, there need be no hurry in building up a theory. The phenomena of Mesmerism are in themselves true, whatever theory may ultimately be adopted, and probably inquirers would for the present be most use- fully employed in scrutinizing and recording facts, and leave the rest to time. 1.9 CHAPTER III. MESMERIC PHENOMENA AND STATES, The Mesmeric phenomena are so varied — as much so indeed as there are varieties in human beings — that they can only be alluded to here in very general terms. The conclusions appended to the Report of the second French Commission afford a tolerably correct idea of many of the more important of these phenomena, and we therefore proceed to lay them before our readers, adopting the translation of Mr. Colquhoun. " CONCLUSIONS. " The conclusions of the report are the result of the observations of which it is composed. " 1 . The contact of the thumbs or of the hands ; — frictions, or certain gestures which are made at a small distance from the body, and are called passes, are the means employed to place ourselves in mag- netic connection, or, in other words, to transmit the magnetic influence to the patient. " 2. The means which are external and visible are not always necessary, since, on many occasions, the will, the fixed look, have been found sufficient to produce the magnetic phenomena, even without the knowledge of the patient. " 3. Magnetism has taken effect upon persons of different sexes and ages. " 4. The time required for transmitting the mag- netic influence with effect has varied from half an hour to a minute. " 5. In general magnetism does not act upon per- sons in a sound state of health. 20 MESMERISM. " 6. Neither does it act upon all sick persons. " 7. Sometimes, during the process of magnetising, there are manifested insignificant and evanescent effects, which cannot be attributed to magnetism alone ; such as a slight degree of oppression, of heat or of cold, and some other nervous phenomena, which can be explained without the intervention of a par- ticular agent, upon the principle of hope or of fear, prejudice, and the novelty of the treatment, the ennui produced by the monotony of the gestures, the silence and repose in which the experiments are made ; finally, by the imagination, which has so much in- fluence on some minds and on certain organisations. "8. A certain number of the effects observed ap- peared to us to depend upon magnetism alone, and were never produced without its application. These are well established physiological and therapeutic phenomena. " 9. The real effects produced by magnetism are very various. It agitates some, and soothes others. Most commonly, it occasions a momentary accelera- tion of the respiration and of the circulation, fugitive fibrillary convulsive motions, resembling electric shocks, a numbness in a greater or less degree, heavi- ness, somnolency, and in a small number of cases that which the magnetisers call somnambulism. " 10. The existence of an uniform character, to enable us to recognise, in e\rery case, the reality of the state of somnambulism, has not been established. "11. However, we may conclude with certainty that this state exists, when it gives rise to the deve- lopment of new faculties, which have been designated by the names of clairvoyance ; intuition ; internal prevision ; or when it produces great changes in the physical economy, such as insensibility, a sudden and considerable of strength, and when these effects cannot be referred to any other cause. " J 2. As among the effects attributed to somnam- MESMERIC PHENOMENA AND STATES. 21 bulism there are some which may be feigned. Som- nambulism itself may be feigned, and furnish to quackery the means of deception. " Thus, in the observation of these phenomena, which do not present themselves again but as insu- lated facts, it is only by means of the most attentive scrutiny, the most rigid precautions, and numerous and varied experiments, that we can escape illusion. " 13. Sleep, produced with more or less prompti- tude, is a real, but not a constant effect of magnetism. " 14. We hold it as demonstrated, that it has been produced in circumstances in which the persons magnetised could not see, or were ignorant of the means employed to occasion it. "15. When a person has once been made to fall into the magnetic sleep, it is not always necessary to have recourse to contact, in order to magnetise him anew. The look of the magnetiser, his volition alone, possess the same influence. He can not only act upon the magnetised person, but even place him in a complete state of somnambulism, and bring him out of it without his knowledge, out of his sight, at a certain distance, and with doors intervening. " 1 6. In general, changes, more or less remark- able, are produced upon the perception, and other mental faculties, of those individuals who fall into somnambulism, in consequence of magnetism. " a. Some persons, amidst the noise of a confused conversation, hear only the voice of their magnetiser. Several answer precisely the questions he puts to them, or which are addressed to them by those indi- viduals with whom they have been placed in mag- netic connection ; others carry on conversation with all the persons around them. " Nevertheless, it is seldom that they hear what is passing around them. During the greater part of the time, they are completely strangers to the exter- nal and unexpected noise which is made close to 22 MESMERISM. their ears, such as the sound of copper vessels struck briskly near them, the fall of a piece of furniture, &c. " b. The eyes are closed, the eyelids yield with difficulty to the efforts which are made to open them. This operation, which is not without pain, shows the ball of the eye convulsed, and carried upwards, and sometimes towards the lower part of the orbit. " c. Sometimes the power of smelling appears to be annihilated. They may be made to inhale muriatic acid, or ammonia, without feeling any inconvenience, nay, without perceiving it. The contrary takes place in certain cases, and they retain the sense of smelling. " d. The greater number of the somnambulists whom we have seen, were completely insensible. We might tickle their feet, their nostrils, and the angle of the eyes, with a feather — we might pinch their skin, so as to leave a mark, prick them with pins under the nails, &c, without producing any pain, without even their perceiving it. Finally, we saw one who was insensible to one of the most pain- ful operations in surgery, and who did not manifest the slightest emotion in her countenance, her pulse, or her respiration. " 17- Magnetism is as intense, and as speedily felt, at a distance of six feet, as of six inches ; and the phenomena developed are the same in both cases. " 18. The action at a distance does not appear capable of being exerted with success, excepting upon individuals who have been already magnetised. " 19. We only saw one person who fell into som- nambulism upon being magnetised for the first time. Sometimes somnambulism was not manifested until the eighth or tenth sitting. " 20. We have invariably seen the ordinary sleep, which is the repose of the organs of sense, of the in- tellectual faculties, and the voluntary motions, pre- cede and terminate the state of somnambulism. MESMERIC PHENOMENA AND STATES. 23 "21. While in the state of somnambulism, the patients whom we have observed, retained the use of the faculties which they possessed when awake. Even their memory appeared to be more faithful, and more extensive, because they remembered every thing that passed at the time, and every time they were placed in the state of somnambulism. "22. Upon awaking, they said they had totally forgotten the circumstances which took place during the somnambulism, and never recollected them. For this fact we can have no other authority than their own declarations. " 23. The muscular powers of somnambulists are sometimes benumbed and paralysed. At other times, their motions are constrained, and the somnambulists walk or totter about like drunken men, sometimes avoiding, and sometimes not avoiding, the obstacles which may happen to be in their way. There are some somnambulists who preserve entire the power of motion ; there are even some who display more strength and agility than in their waking state. " 24. We have seen two somnambulists who dis- tinguished, with their eyes closed, the objects which were placed before them ; they mentioned the colour and the value of cards, without touching them ; they read words traced with the hand, as also some lines of books opened at random. This phenomenon took place even when the eyelids were kept exactly closed with the fingers. " 25. In two somnambulists we found the faculty of foreseeing the acts of the organism more or less remote, more or less complicated. One of them an- nounced repeatedly, several months previously, the day, the hour, the minute of the access, and of the return of epileptic fits. The other announced the period of his cure. Their previsions were realized with remarkable exactness. They appeared to us to apply only to acts or injuries of their organism. 24 MESMERISM. " 26. We found only a single somnambulist who pointed out the symptoms of the diseases of three persons with whom she was placed in magnetic con- nection. We had, however, made experiments upon a considerable number. " 27. In order to establish, with any degree of exactness, the connection between magnetism and therapeutics, it would be necessary to have observed its effects upon a great number of individuals, and to have made experiments every day, for a long time, upon the same patients. As this did not take place with us, your committee could only mention what they perceived in too small a number of cases to en- able them to pronounce any judgment. " 28. Some of the magnetised patients felt no benefit from the treatment; others experienced a more or less decided relief, — viz., one, the suspension of habitual pains ; another, the return of his strength ; a third, the retardation for several months of his epileptic fits ; and a fourth, the complete cure of a serious paralysis of long standing. " 29. Considered as a cause of certain physiologi- cal phenomena, or as a therapeutic remedy, magnet- ism ought to be allowed a place within the circle of the medical sciences ; and, consequently, physicians only should practise it, or superintend its use, as is the case in the northern countries. " 30. Your committee have not been able to verify — because they had no opportunity of doing so — other faculties which the magnetisers had an- nounced as existing in somnambulists ; but they have communicated in their report facts of sufficient importance to entitle them to think, that the Acade- my ought to encourage the investigations into the subject of animal magnetism, as a very curious branch of psychology and natural history." The report, of which the above form merely the conclusions, was signed by Bourdois de la Motte, MESMERIC PHENOMENA AND STATES. 2i> President ; Fouquier, Gueneau de Mussy, Guersent, Husson, Itard, J. J. Leroux, Marc, Thillaye. Attempts have been made by many writers to classify the states into which patients may pass while in the Mesmeric sleep ; but none of these clas- sifications has ever met with general approbation. The phases of the Mesmeric sleep vary in different individuals, and even in the same individuals at dif- ferent times. The transition from one state into another is sometimes almost imperceptible. The boundaries between the different states are not easily ascertained; and the states themselves occasionally present some minute divergences, and are variously complicated. Hence the extreme difficulty of any exact classification. Mr. Colquhoun, in his Isis Revelata, has given the scheme of Kluge, which is divided into six classes ; and the following is the abstract, in a slightly altered form : — First degree, which has been denominated that of waking, presents no very remarkable phenomena. The intellect and the senses still retain their usual powers and susceptibilities. Second degree. — Half sleep, or the imperfect crisis. Most of the senses still remain in a state of activity, — that of vision only being impaired, — the eye with- drawing itself gradually from the power of the will. Third degree. — The magnetic sleep. In this de- gree the whole of the organs, through the medium of which our correspondence with the external world is carried on, (the senses,) refuse to perform their re- spective functions, and the patient is placed in that unconscious state of existence which is called the Mesmeric sleep. Fourth degree. — Perfect Crisis, or Simple Som- nambulism. The patient in this degree awakes, as it were, within himself, and his consciousness returns. He is in a state which can neither be properly called sleeping nor waking, but which appears to be some- 26 MESMERISM. thing between the two. He is placed in the very peculiar relation towards the external world, which will be better understood after a perusal of the cases in a subsequent part of the work. Fifth degree. — Lucidity, or Lucid Vision. In this degree, which in France has been denominated Clairvoyance, and in Germany Hellsehen, the pa- tient is placed in what is called the state of self- intuition. When in this situation he is said to ob- tain a clear knowledge of his own internal mental and bodily state — is enabled to calculate, with ac- curacy, the phenomena of disease which will natu- rally and inevitably occur, and to determine what are their most appropriate and effectual remedies. He is also said to possess the same faculty of internal inspection with regard to other persons who have been placed in Mesmeric connection {en rapport) with him. Sixth degree. — Universal Lucidity. In this de- gree, the lucid vision which the patient possessed in the former degree becomes greatly increased, and extends to objects whether near or at a distance. This exalted state of the faculties is said to be of comparatively very rare occurrence. Another classification has been adopted by Mr. Dove, and was explained by that gentleman in his lectures on Mesmerism. In this series of states, the patient rises from the lowest, that of contemplative abstraction, until he at length reaches the highest, which has been termed devotional ecstasy. The fol- lowing is Mr. Dove's classification : — 9. Devotional Ecstasy. 8. Lucid Vigil. 7. Lucid Reverie. 6. Lucid Dreaming. 5. Oblivious Sleep. 4. Ordinary Dreaming. 3. Ordinary Reverie. MESMERIC PHENOMENA AND STATES. 27 2. Ordinary Vigil. 1. Contemplative Abstraction. Mr. Dove remarked upon the above classification in the following terms in his lectures. " Thus, as observed by Mr. Townshend, Mesmeric sleep-waking has its shades and gradations, varying from consciousness fully retained to its faintest twilight, or utter extinction ; and thus, also, as re marked by Mr. Colquhoun and others, ' no patient can reach the higher degrees of magnetism without having previously passed, however rapidly, through the lower/ " I have most carefully observed, and, as far as possible, distinguished, the various mental states, ar- ranged in their natural order, as they must be passed through, one after the other, in all cases of entrance- ment. But it must not be thought that it is those states only here called lucid that occur in the pro- cess of Mesmerisation. Many, very many, never reach so far as the state of lucid reverie, or even sleep at all. A vast majority, indeed, will be found not farther advanced than simply to a state of surface sleep, occupying continuously such a position in this natural order as that between ordinary vigilance and ordinary reverie, or that of reverie, or continuous and involuntary absence of mind itself — a mere shade, as it were, being taken off the power and state of ordinary waking. Such a state every one of us must pass through or cross, however rapidly, on his daily way from vigilance to sleep, and on his daily return from sleep to vigilance ; and all the difference between this state, in such circumstances, and in those of Mesmerisation, is, that in the latter case, and in consequence of the Mesmeric operation, it is steady and continuous for a time in spite of the will, while otherwise it is momentary and fleeting — the mind and body rather crossing its place than exist- ing in it. 28 MESMERISM. " But there is a preliminary stage to even these in Mesmeric operations — a stage in which some pa- tients linger for a longer or shorter time — a state of fixed abstraction, whether momentary or by conti- nuance — a state in which the vigilant power of at- tention is roused to a deeper pitch of intensity than usual, even though the eyelids be closed and the body passive — a sort of ultra- vigilant contemplative state — in short, described by those who have expe- rienced it as comparable to the drawing or bending of a bow before the arrow has been shot to the mark. And this, I have been assured by others, as well as by my own personal experience, is the state in which the reactive power of transfiguration is acquired. On pointing out this state to Sir William Hamilton, in Edinburgh, he was much struck with it, and re- marked to me that it reminded him very much of the primary effect of opium in producing a state of rapt and fixed concentrative abstraction, afterwards fol- lowed by the reactive flow of brilliant radiative ima- gination, so characteristic of the mental labours of the opium eater ; a remark perhaps induced by his personal observation of its effects on Mr. De Quincy, the celebrated English opium-eater, with whose own opinion, moreover, I am well aware it coincides. " It is in the state of ordinary vigilance almost alone, or in states approximating to it, that there is sensibility in the flesh to pain. In some of the states evolved or arrested in the Mesmeric operation, there- fore, where the individual, of course, is not in ordi- nary vigilance, there is no such sensibility except through the body of another, who must be in ordi- nary vigilance, and who thus, therefore, actually stands to the Mesmeric or entranced patient in the place of that very self-conscious concentrative power of ordinary vigilance, which, in himself, is plunged in oblivion, or absorbed in the radiative spirit of the trance. It is by the same species of simple " indue- MESMERIC PHENOMENA AND STATES. 29 tion," if we may so call it, that the entranced or ra- diative, in favourable or rare circumstances, appre- ciates tastes, sounds, smells, and even colours, through such co-operation with the concentrative in another, in ordinary vigilance, as really exists between the concentrative and radiative in each of us, whether in ordinary vigilance or not." Other classifications have been formed ; but it is unnecessary to enter upon these, sufficient having been given to indicate the general ideas which are entertained by Mesmerisers. The state of somnambulism, or of sleep-waking, as it has been more appropriately named, is one of natural occurrence in man ; but we need not occupy space with the host of cases of that description which might be brought forward. Regarding this state, Mr. Townshend remarks : — "That the state of Mesmeric sleep-waking is a rise in man's nature, no one who has been conversant with it can doubt. " Separated from the usual action of the senses, the mind appears to gain juster notions, to have quite a new sense of spiritual things, and to be lifted nearer to the fountain of all good and of all truth. The great indication of this elevated state of feeling is a horror of falsehood, which I have found common to all sleep-wakers. Sincerity is their especial charac- teristics ; they cannot feign or flatter ; they seem to be taken out of common life, with all its heartless forms and plausible conventions." These remarks, although referred by Mr. Town- shend to the state of sleep-waking, seem more espe- cially applicable to that of clairvoyance. In the Chevalier Ramsay's Philosophical Principles, a work written in the early part of the last century, we find some curious glimpses of the truths which Mesmerism seems destined to unfold. Let the reader, for ex- ample, compare the passage just quoted from the 30 MESMERISM. Rev. Mr. Townshend with the following from the work of the Chevalier Ramsay : — " God established that beautiful order of nature* by which our mortal bodies are subjected to sleep, so that the most part of men pass a third part of their time in a state of inaction, which suspends the augmentation and manifestation of moral evil in the bad, the sentiment of physical evil in the good, and repairs in all the forces of the body exhausted by labour. In a paradisiacal state, sleep, according to the primitive fathers, was voluntary and holy. It was a mystical, spiritual repose before God, wherein the mind, elevated by contemplation, retired into its intellectual nature, suspended for a time all com- merce with sensible objects, and exerted the noblest functions of its angelical part. Sleep was not then, as now, a short interval of phrensy, wherein imagi- nation is filled with all sort of incongruous ideas ; nor, as in some, a total insensibility, where the supe- rior faculties remain in a kind of lethargy as well as the senses."* The poet Wordsworth, too, seems to have pictured a similar state in the following lines : — " That serene and blessed mood In which the affections gently lead us on, Until the breath of this corporeal frame, And even the motion of our human blood Almost suspended, we are laid asleep In body, and become a living soul : While, with an eye made quiet by the power Of harmony, and the deep power of joy, We see into the life of things." The state of clairvoyance presents phenomena which, as described by Mesmerisers, are of so won- derful a nature that we need not feel surprised at the wide spread scepticism on the subject. Treviranus, the famous botanist, said, in reply to the questioning * Ramsay's Philosophical Principles, vol. i., p. 372. Glasgow : Printed and sold by Robert Foulis. 1748. MESMERIC PHENOMENA AND STATES. 31 of Coleridge, " I have seen what I am certain I would not have believed on your telling ; and, in all reason, therefore, I can neither expect nor wish that you should believe on miner So extravagant, in- deed, do many of the accounts on record appear, that it would, we are convinced, tend materially, at least for a time, to the advancement of Mesmerism as a practical and beneficial science, were it possible that they could be forgotten. Believing, however, that this is impracticable, we have not considered it pro- per to suppress, in our record of cases, some extra- ordinary details regarding this state. The Rev. Mr. Townshend, in approaching this branch of the subject, seems to have fully appreciated the difficulties with which it is surrounded, and thus expresses himself : — " The Mesmeriser witnesses the wonder, but does not feel it in himself; the sleep-waker, who is the subject of it, seems incapable of analysing his new sensations while they last, still more of remembering them when they are over. The state of Mesmerism is to him as death. He cannot, when he awakes, reveal the mysteries of that great deep. His Mes- meric feelings are to him as though they had never been ; and less favoured, in this respect, even than they who have beheld him in his unusual condition, he is forced to take his own actions upon trust, and to exercise his own faith, while he draws so largely upon the realising faculty in others. " It is manifest, then, that we cannot believe in the clairvoyance of sleep- wakers, in the same man- ner that we believe and know that we ourselves see with our eyes. It is a fact which transcends our present understanding. " To what end, then, it may be asked, should I state phenomena which will be believed by few, and perfectly comprehended by none? Because many things that are mysteries, are, nevertheless, profitable 32 MESMERISM. subjects of contemplation. Whatever is beyond our actual state of being is confessedly out of the pale of empirical knowledge ; yet shall we, on that account, banish the higher developments of nature from our thoughts, or even from our own scientific examina- tion ? Were all our ideas confined to that which we certainly know, the domain of our intellect would be limited indeed. Besides, by careful study, we may always extend, though we cannot complete, our appre- hension of things above us ; and, by discovering their analogy to things already known, bring them at least nearer to our experience. Clearly, then, where there is so much room for progress it is our duty to advance, remembering that the point where we should abandon enterprise has not yet been decided." Dr. Elliotson, one of the most sceptical among the Mesmerisers of this country, seems at length inclined to admit, that such a state does really exist. In his Human Physiology he records not only his failures in obtaining a practical knowledge of clair- voyance, but also the success of Mr. Wood, of whom Dr. Elliotson says, that he " can place the same reliance upon his honour, as upon the coolness and force of his judgment." Mr. Wood's case, which is described at length in Dr. Elliotson's work, was seen at Antwerp in the presence of the Rev. Mr. Town- shend, who acted as the Mesmeriser. Dr. Elliotson, however, has never had a case of clairvoyance in his own experience ; and his opinion, as given to a gen- tleman who some time ago visited him in London, was to the effect, that while there is every reason to believe that such a condition does exist, yet that the patient in these cases appears to be so much infected with a disposition to deceive, that, as yet, it is exceedingly difficult to say when, or upon what occa- sions, their statements are to be relied on. In a recent communication, in remarking upon this state- ment of Dr. Elliotson's, Mr. Dove says, — MESMERIC PHENOMENA AND STATES. 33 " Dr. Elliotsou, while he candidly confesses that it has not occurred in his own experience, admits, that e there is every reason to believe that such a state as that of clairvoyance does exist.' Cases of excursive imagination, reverie, or dreaming, how- ever, appear to be familiar to him ; and in respect to such cases, it must be — since he has admittedly not seen clairvoyance itself — that the remark in question has been made, that ' the patient in these cases appears to be so much infected with a disposi- tion to deceive, that as yet it is exceedingly difficult to say when, or upon what occasion, their statements are to be relied on.' No reliance at all, in fact, ought to be placed on statements made by patients in such states, which cannot, with any propriety, be confounded with the state of clairvoyance, though frequently alternating with it, even in the best of cases, just as the dreaming state of the mind of an infant frequently alternates with its state of vigi- lance ; but it does appear to me to be scarcely fair to say, that the patient, even in such states of reverie, delirium, or dreaming, is infected with a disposition to deceive. On being tried, certainly, he will find no difficulty in imagining himself possessed of, and will accordingly make unhesitating pretension to, all the rarer faculties of clairvoyance; but the only deception here is self-deception on his own part, and on the part of those who listen to, or believe for a moment in the existence of such faculties in such states. Nevertheless, besides this spirit of strong delusion, I believe, that in certain states of reverie or delirium there does exist either a deliberate dispo- sition to deceive, or an instinctive manifestation of cunning, and a peculiar desire to astonish us with lying wonders, reminding one of the spirit of decep- tion so vividly manifested in the insane ; but such a disposition is certainly not characteristic of the lucid c 34 MESMERISM. or ecstatic vigil, in which, on the contrary, we have a manifestation of the very spirit of truth itself. " One general source of perplexity and erroneous inference in regard to the Mesmeric phenomena, I conceive to be the fact, that states, in themselves peculiarly different, and manifesting totally distinct symptoms, are often confounded together under the heterogeneous title of l - the Mesmeric state/ Such a title I find attached to a recent publication by Dr. Elliotson himself; and I fear we have the same source of erroneous inference manifested in the opi- nion which he has given in connection with the very remark which has called forth the present explana- tion, namely, that ' there can be no doubt that a similarity of symptoms attends every case, wherever it may appear.' So far from this being the case, though a few of the symptoms are manifested in common, it must have been seen, amongst nearly 100 cases in all, which I have of late, from first to last, brought under public notice in the city of Glas- gow, that some patients manifest peculiar symptoms, which do not appear at all in others. Mesmerisers, in general, moreover, are in the habit of classifying the various states in the natural order of their occur- rence, as totally distinct states." Mr. Colquhoun, in a letter, with which we were lately favoured, says, in allusion to the same topic — " The state of clairvoyance is exceedingly rare, and when developed by the magnetic processes, ap- pears to depend very much upon the particular tem- perament of the operator, and the constitutional pre- disposition of the patient. The best, and most inte- resting cases of the clairvoyant state, are those which have occurred naturally, that is, without the employ- ment of any artificial means. Of these, one of the most remarkable, and the most authentic, is that reported by the Baron de Strombeck, published in Germany in 1813, and subsequently translated into MESMERIC PHENOMENA AND STATES. 35 French. In England, the inferior magnetic states are frequently mistaken for the higher clairvoyance. which is a source of much error and scepticism. " The alleged propensity to deception in somnam- bulists has been remarked by almost all the elemen- tary writers, especially in the case of females, and it has been generally attributed to their vanity and love of display. I suspect it is owing, in a great measure, to the importunity or mismanagement of the operator, or of those en rapport with the patient. I believe it has never been known to occur in the highest state of clairvoyance, in which the faculties appear to be quite spiritualised. We cannot, how- ever, be too cautious in putting questions to somnam- bulists, or taxing their powers too much, as they may themselves be deceived, and deceive others, without intending it. The thoughts and wishes of the opera- tor also have great influence over his somnambulist. In all cases, we ought to endeavour to discriminate as accurately as possible the precise state in which the patient may happen to be, in order to ascertain what he is capable of doing with certainty." An anecdote is related of Colonel Gurwood, the editor of " the Duke of Wellington's Despatches," in the substantial accuracy of which the utmost reliance may be placed. The Colonel, when in Paris some- time ago, was induced to visit a somnambulist boy, with whom he had repeated conversations. Although the boy had never left France, he gave the most minute description of Colonel Gurwood's house, rooms, closets, and their contents, in London, and also of the Colonel's room in the Tower of London. The anecdote has, we understand, been narrated on the authority of Colonel Gurwood himself, and it- may the more implicitly be relied upon from the fact of the Colonel being not only a man of the strictest truth, but of great soberness of character. The statements of a similar nature in succeeding pages, 36 MESMERISM. have all been made by individuals in whose veracity the most implicit reliance may be placed. To those, however, who reject clairvoyance as be- longing to the region of the impossible, we would say, do not, therefore, reject Mesmerism as a whole. It may be, that sanguine or credulous persons have occasionally placed an undue reliance upon the state- ments of sleepwakers, but it does not therefore fol- low that mankind should be deprived of the benefits which Mesmerism is capable of affording. The most experienced Mesmerisers tell us, that the state of clairvoyance is of rare occurrence, and comparatively few consequently can be witnesses of the wonders it is alleged to unfold. It is different in regard to the other states ; and it would be folly to reject the bene- fits within our reach, because of the supposed extra- vagances of some of the believers in Mesmerism. In the worst view of the matter, clairvoyance is a harmless illusion ; and, leaving it for a time, let us turn to the consideration of Mesmerism as a reme- dial agent, destined, we believe, to ameliorate, in an important degree, many of the ills which flesh is heir to. 37 CHAPTER IV. APPLICATION OF MESMERISM TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. " Plagiarist ! liar ! impostor ! heretic !" were among the expressions of malignant hatred lavished upon Galileo, in 1609, as we learn from the record of the life of that eminent philosopher. The Pro- fessor of Philosophy at Padua refused to look through Galileo's telescope to see whether the satellites of Jupiter really existed, and he demonstrated to his own satisfaction that the facts could not be facts. In writing to Kepler regarding this, Galileo says, — " 0, my dear Kepler, how I wish that we could have one hearty laugh together. Here, at Padua, is the principal professor of philosophy, whom I have repeatedly and urgently requested to look at the moon and planets through my glass, which he per- tinaciously refuses to do. Why are you not here ? "What shouts of laughter we should have at this glorious folly ! and to hear the philosopher of Pisa labouring before the Grand Duke with logical argu- ments, as if with magical incantations, to draw the new planets out of the sky." The immediate reward which our illustrious coun- tryman Harvey received, upon promulgating the doctrine of the circulation of the blood, was general ridicule and abuse, and a great diminution of his practice ;' and we are told by Hume, that no physi- cian in Europe, who, at the time had reached forty years of age, ever to the end of his life, adopted the doctrine of the circulation of the blood. 38 MESMERISM. Sydenham, another eminent physician, whose im- provements form an era in the history of medicine, was by many of his contemporaries called a quack and a murderer. The author of Fallacies of the Faculty* writes as follows : — " AVhen a limb is amputated, the surgeons, to pre- vent their patient bleeding to death, as you all well know, tie the arteries. In the time of Francis the First, they followed another fashion ; then, and for- merly, they were in the habit of stanching the blood by the application of boiling pitch to the surface of the stump. Ambrose Pare, principal surgeon to that king, introduced the ligature as a substitute; he first tied the arteries. Mark the reward of Ambrose Pare : he was hooted and howled down by the faculty of physic, who ridiculed the idea of hanging human life upon a thread, when boiling pitch had stood the test of centuries. In vain he pleaded the agony of the old application ; in vain he showed the success of the ligature. Corporations, colleges, or coteries of whatsoever kind, seldom forgive merit in an adversary ; they continued to persecute him with the most remorseless rancour ; luckily, he had a spirit to despise, and a master to protect him against all the efforts of their malice. What physician now- a-days would dispute the value of antimony as a me- dicine ? Yet, when first introduced, its employment was voted a crime. But was there no reason ? Yes, it was introduced by Paracelsus, — Paracelsus, the arch-enemy of the established practice. At the in- stigation of the college, the French parliament ac- cordingly passed an act making it penal to prescribe it. To the Jesuits of Peru, Protestant England owes the invaluable bark ; how did Protestant Eng- * Fallacies of the Faculty. By Samuel Dickson, M.D., late a Medical Officer on the Staff. London : Simpkin, Marshall, &Ca. 1843. APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. 39 land first receive this gift of the Jesuits ? Being a Popish remedy, they at once rejected the drug as the invention of the father of all papists — the Devil. In 1693, Dr. Groenvelt discovered the curative power of cantharides in dropsy ; what an excellent thing for Dr. Groenvelt ! Excellent, indeed ! for no sooner did his cures begin to make a noise than he was at once committed to Newgate, by warrant of the President of the College of Physicians, for pre- scribing cantharides internally. Blush, most sapient College of Physicians ! — your actual president, Sir Henry Halford, is a humble imitator of the ruined Groenvelt !" Lady Mary Wortley Montague, while abroad with her husband in Turkey, had become acquainted with the practice of inoculation for small-pox, and on returning to England in 1718, she attempted to in- troduce it into this country. With indomitable cou- rage she tried the experiment upon her own children, and was in consequence represented as an unnatural mother, who cared nothing for her offspring. Lord "Wharncliffe, in his life of Lady Mary, tells us that " the faculty all rose in arms, to a man, foretelling failure, and the most disastrous consequences ; the clergy descanted from their pulpits on the impiety of thus seeking to take events out of the hands of Providence, and the common people were taught to hoot at her. We now read in grave medical bio- graphy that the discovery was instantly hailed, and the method adopted by the principal members of that profession. Very likely they left this recorded ; for whenever an invention or a project (and the same may be said of persons) has made its way so well by itself as to establish a certain reputation, most people are sure to find out that they always patronised it from the beginning, and a happy gift of forgetfulness en- ables many to believe their own assertion. But what said Lady Mary of the actual fact and actual 40 MESMERISM. time ? Why, that the four great physicians deputed by Government to watch the progress of her daugh- ter s inoculation, betrayed not only such incredulity as to its success, but such an unwillingness to have it succeed, such an evident spirit of rancour and ma- lignity, that she never cared to leave the child alone with them, lest it should, in some secret way, suffer from their interference." At a later period, when Jenner was endeavouring to introduce the process of vaccination, he was assailed with the utmost ridicule by the members of the learned profession of medicine. Certain members of the clerical body discovered vaccination to be anti- christ, and the pulpit was the vehicle for fulminations against it, in the same manner as at a previous pe- riod against the inoculation of small-pox. Dr. Chalmers, in speaking of the first reception of the Newtonian philosophy, says, " Authority scowled upon it, and taste was disgusted by it, and fashion was ashamed of it." For more than thirty years after the publication of Newton's dis- coveries, says Professor Playfair, the Cartesian sys- tem kept its ground, and actually the Newtonian philosophy first entered the University of Cam- bridge under the protection of the Cartesian, by a stratagem of Dr. Samuel Clark, who quietly ex- plained the views of Newton, without any appear- ance of argument or controversy, in the form of notes to a new translation which he published of the French Cartesian work, long established as the text- book by the tutors of the university.* When the proposal was made for the introduction of gas light, Sir Walter Scott ridiculed the idea, and in a letter to a friend, sneered at the folly of those who were actually talking of sending light through the streets in pipes. Sir Walter, however, had too * See Note to Elliotson's Human Physiology. APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. 41 much good sense to deny the existence of the light when it was actually produced ; and, besides becom- ing the chairman of a gas company in Edinburgh, he took advantage of its illuminating power at his residence at Abbotsford. Wollaston, the well-known man of science, is said to have declared of a similar proposal, that they " might as well attempt to light London with a slice from the moon." Not many years have elapsed since Dr. Lardner, at one of the meetings of the British Association, at- tempted to demonstrate the impracticability of cross- ing the Atlantic by means of steam. The fallacy of the doctor's reasoning was soon after made sufficiently evident. Dr. Elliotson states, in his Human Physiology, that when Laennec first published his great work, he procured a stethoscope, and investigated his state- ments. " For a length of time," he goes on to say, " I found some at St. Thomas's treat percussion and auscultation with ridicule, some with absolute indig- nation, and others, for years, treated it with silent contempt, who all, I am happy to say, now practice both. I was, therefore, in the habit of studying them in the wards alone, and at hours when I ex- pected to be unobserved. When I at length advo- cated and taught them in the school, one of my col- leagues, I heard, pronounced it nonsense, or worse, in his lecture ; and, at the College of Physicians, I heard a senior fellow, in a Croonian lecture, de- nounce the folly of carrying a piece of wood, (some called the stethoscope inutile lignum?) into sick chambers, and making observations, to the destruc- tion of all philosophical and dignified views, such as became men whose minds have been enlarged by the education which Oxford and Cambridge afford. When another fellow of the College was asked his opinion of auscultation in the wards of his hospital, he at once, as I was informed by the gentleman 42 MESMERISM. who asked the question, condemned it as nonsense, and when told that ' Elliotson assured his friends that he had a high opinion of it, and made his diagnosis of affections of the chest with infinitely more accu- racy by its means,' he replied — ' Oh ! it's just the thing for Elliotson to rave about !' Yet good sense and truth have prevailed. This physician is now addressed as one who had the candour to examine auscultation at an early period, when others despised it, and who materially assisted to spread its adop- tion." The same eminent medical authority states, that, for years after he published his work on Prussic Acid in 1820, very few persons would employ it ; and he was not only ill spoken of for recommending what was useless, but, till very lately, condemned for using dangerous poisons. In 1824, the formula for Prussic Acid was withdrawn from the new edition of the Pharmacopeia, then in course of preparation ; u yet," adds Dr. Elliotson, " it is now employed universally and daily by good practitioners of all ranks." Similar statements regarding Quinine, and other remedies now in good repute in this country, appear in the work to which we have already re- ferred. The opposition of the medical profession has been as virulently directed against Mesmerism as it was formerly against other modes of cure now in daily use, and, of course, scarcely any of the medical periodicals will admit articles in favour of the ob- noxious science. To such a height was the fury of these learned and impartial men carried by the re- ports of the cures performed by Dr. Elliotson, that the council of University College, London, on the 27th of December 1838, came to the following reso- lution : — Resolved, w That the Hospital Committee be in- structed to take such steps as they shall deem most APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. 43 advisable, to prevent the practice of Mesmerism or Animal Magnetism in future within the hospital." We have thus the melancholy fact demonstrated, that many of the greatest discoveries ever made were received at the outset with ridicule and contempt. We could conceive an ignorant mob acting in this manner, but that men, with any pretensions to science, should thus demean themselves, is most humiliating to human nature. Yet truly may we say with Dryden — " Books have spoil'd them, For learn'd men are cowards by profession." Art of Love-. Mesmerism has been scarcely worse treated than other sciences, and, having its foundation in truth, will as certainly one day be taken under the protec- tion of the medical profession in Great Britain, as the Newtonian Philosophy was, after an interval of thirty years, admitted into the University of Cam- bridge. We have heard various theories started by way of accounting for this unwillingness on the part of medical men, even to inquire into the subject of Mesmerism. In an appeal, addressed to them in 3 838, by Mr. Colquhoun, his ideas are thus given, — " It appears," says Mr. Colquhoun, u that there are some persons, even of note, members of learned incorporations, fellows of royal, and other privileged societies, professors in ancient universities, &c, to whom, at a certain period of life, the prospect of an accession of real knowledge, instead of being agree- able and satisfactory, is, on the contrary, rather un- pleasant, painful, and humiliating. Every man who then ventures to present them with novel facts or ideas, or in any way attempts to rectify or extead their notions of things, is regarded by them as an invader, — a robber, — an enemy to what they have been accustomed to conceive to be their vested rights 44 MESMERISM. in literature and science. Goethe, the celebrated German poet, is reported to have said, upon some particular occasion, that when, from time to time, a man arises, who is fortunate enough to discover one of the grand secrets of Nature, ten others immediately start up, who industriously and strenuously endea- vour to conceal it again from view. It is so — was — and probably ever shall be. The conflict between light and darkness appears to be interminable. The race of the obscurantists in politics, in science, and in literature, promises to survive to the end of time. To use the language of a favourite old author, they are exceedingly ' angry with every one that hath out-grown his cherry-stones and rattles, speak evil at a venture of things they know not, and like mas- tiffs, are fiercer for being kept dark.'" One medical practitioner of the class so well de- scribed by Mr. Colquhoun, has been heard to declare that it was sinful to inquire into Mesmerism, and therefore he would have nothing to do with it. Another has stated that he preferred the authority of the eminent men who had written against it even to the evidence of his own senses, and there was conse- quently no occasion for him to witness any experiments in Mesmerism. While a third says that he cannot see how medical men should be more called upon than other people to look into the matter, and therefore he will do nothing. Articles from Encyclopaedias and antiquated medical reviews have been diligently raked up, and put in circulation, for the purpose of disproving Mesmerism. The facts to be seen on every side were studiously neglected, and authority was appealed to in order to prove that they could not be facts. The doctors refused to look through Galileo's telescope, and because certain things were written in their books, they declined to examine the great book of nature for themselves. The old practitioners are resolutely opposed to innovation, and the more youth- APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. 45 fill, afraid of the frowns of their seniors, follow ser- vilely in their footsteps. It has been widely stated that Dr. Elliotson lost a large portion of his practice in consequence of his adoption of Mesmerism, and so medical men shut their eyes lest a similar fate should be theirs. Let them take care, however, that they do not keep them shut too long. Although the doc- tors may be in the enjoyment of an antimesmeric nap, the rest of mankind are tolerably wide awake ; and if matters proceed for a short time at the present rate, they will soon be the only individuals who, as a class, refuse to recognise the truths which Mes- merism unfolds. In a non-medical work many details cannot be expected of the vast variety of cases in which Mes- merism may be beneficially applied ; and intelligent physicians and surgeons who may be desirous of fol- lowing up the subject, will, of course, examine the original authorities for themselves. A slight retro- spect, therefore, of what has been accomplished is all that seems necessary here. The case of the lady whose breast was amputated for cancer, while in the Mesmeric sleep, by M. Jules Cloquet, is recorded in the report of the second French Commission, and has been frequently re- published in this country. Attempts have of late been made to call the truth of the narrative in ques- tion, but they have merely brought disgrace upon the journals which gave currency to the unfounded statements. An analogous case, reported by the Doctors Hamard and Oudet, was noticed about the year 1837, in the Journal de Medecine et de Chi- rurgie. On the 22d of November, 1842, the Royal Medi- cal and Chirurgical Society of London were presented with an " account of a case of successful amputa- tion of the thigh, during the Mesmeric state, without the knowledge of the patient," in the District Hos- 4<> MESMERISM. pital of Wellow, Nottinghamshire. The Mesmeriser was W. Topham, Esq. Barrister of the Middle Tem- ple :" the operator, W. Squire Ward, Esq., surgeon of Wellow Hall. The patient was a labourer, six feet high, and forty-two years of age, named James Wombell. The details appeared in many of the journals at the time, and it is therefore unnecessary to repeat them. Those who are desirous of further information may consult a pamphlet by Dr. Elliotson, entitled " Numerous Cases of Surgical Operations, without Pain, in the Mesmeric State." * The com- ments of Dr. Elliotson upon the discussion which took place after the reading of the paper, and upon the resolution of the Society at a subsequent meet- ing, not to leave a trace in their records that this fact had been presented to them, are, no doubt, se- vere, but seem amply justified by the conduct of the members. Mr. Gardiner of Portsmouth, in a communication to the Hampshire Telegraph, dated the 9 th of De- cember 1841, gives the case of a young lady who had a couple of teeth extracted while in the Mes- meric sleep. He says, " Mr. Martin (a dentist of the town) seized the tooth (a molar or jaw tooth) with the forceps, — purposely prolonged the wrench, (as agreed upon by Dr. Engledue, prior to his visit, in order to test thoroughly the insensibility of the patient,) and drew forth the tooth. Not a pang or symptom of suffering! In a short time I restored the patient to her natural state, in the usual manner. Upon being told that the tooth had been extracted, she exclaimed, ' Did I feel it ! ' — a singular greeting to a dentist's ears ! Mr. Martin then proceeded to examine her mouth, and suggested the removal of * Numerous Cases of Surgical Operations, wit/iout Pain, in the Mesmeric State. By John Elliotson, M.D., Cantab., F.R.S. London : H. Balliere. 1843. APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. 4? another tooth. The patient laughingly consented, and sat again. In one minute and a half I again entranced her, and she became, of course, insensible as before. The tooth being in an advanced stage of decay, was crushed under the instrument, and the remnants were, with much trouble, extracted. Dur- ing the whole of this trying operation not a groan or complaint escaped the patient." Mr. Prideaux, a surgeon of Southampton, in a letter addressed to Dr. Elliotson, describes the case of a patient who had a great number of decayed teeth and stumps, from which she suffered severely, but who still could not summon resolution to undergo their extraction. "While in the Mesmeric sleep, and at various sittings, Mr. Prideaux extracted, in all, from the mouth of this patient, eleven teeth and eleven stumps, the last being removed preparatory to her being supplied with a set of artificial teeth. During the sitting at which two of the most trouble- some teeth were extracted, Mr. Prideaux says, " The patient sat with the hands quietly folded in the lap — the countenance was placid and serene, and the whole attitude that of repose." The other sittings were attended with equally satisfactory results. Mr. Prideaux mentions several other cases, and he states, regarding one of these, — " A fifth patient, on whom I have operated during the Mesmeric state, is a young lady who required to have several of her mo- lares separated with a file, on account of the com- mencement of decay, and one stopped. I found her a most troublesome and restless patient, in her natural state, shrinking when the cavity of her tooth was touched, and complaining greatly of the unplea- santness of the sensation of filing. I succeeded in entrancing her at the first trial, in about five minutes, and, in this state, she allowed me to operate for two hours with the most passive indifference, assuring me she felt nothing, except a slight sensation of heat, 48 MESMERISM. when the file was used rapidly and continuously for sometime together." Mr. Carstairs of Sheffield, besides extracting teeth, in the " case of a lad about twelve years of age, opened a large abscess behind the ear, inserted a dossil of lint, and dressed the wound, without the patient being sensible of pain." With like success, he has " cut a large wart from the back of a female's hand," and, in another case, inserted a seton, without the slightest pain. Dr. Engledue of Southsea, gives the following case in a letter to Dr. Elliotson, dated December 1st, 1842:— " Miss K., aet. 17, had suffered for two years from a variety of symptoms, the result of spinal irri- tation. The right knee was slightly contracted from the commencement of her illness, but, for twelve months preceding the operation, the contraction was so complete, that it was quite impossible to separate the heel from the back part of the thigh. " For nearly three months she was regularly mes- merised by Mr. Gardiner ; all the symptoms were very much relieved, and some altogether removed, by this treatment. The knee-joint, however, con- tinued firmly contracted. I shall not now enter into a description of the reasons which prompted me to perform the operation of division of the tendons at the back of the knee-joint ; my only object is to report that the operation was performed during the mesmeric trance, and without any manifestation of feeling. Some hours after the operation, the patient was demesmerised ; there was no expression of astonishment, and no remark made, till some spots of blood on the sheet of the bed attracted her atten- tion. The proceedings were then explained to her, and the effect can be more easily imagined than de- scribed." Dr. Charlton, assistant-surgeon, Royal Marines, APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. 49 in a statement, dated, Melville Hospital, Chatham, June 9th, 1842, wherein he says that he had pre- viously disbelieved Mesmerism, gives the case of Mrs. Gregory, nurserywoman to Mrs. Valiant, the lady of Captain Valiant, 40th Regiment. The pa- tient, Dr. Charlton states, who had been " for a long time suffering from decayed teeth, which caused much constitutional irritation, applied to me early in May, complaining of headach, and pain in the upper jaw of the most excruciating kind. On examina- tion, the gums were found ulcerated, the alveolar processes carious on the right side, and presenting numerous spicula of bone projecting through the gums, which were exquisitely painful on the slightest pressure with the finger. Filing off the spicula of bone was advised, and consented to. The perform- ance of the operation having been proposed while she was under the influence of Mesmeric sleep, was undertaken on the 25 th of May in the presence of Sir Thomas Wiltshire and Captain Valiant of this garrison. Sleep was speedily induced by Sir Thomas, and she was pronounced in a fit state to bear the operation in half an hour. "An incision was made on either side of the alveolar processes extending from the incisor to the molar teeth, dividing the gums, which were turned back so as to expose the diseased bone. The spicula, being considered the principal source of annoyance, were filed off smooth with the jaw, the gums ap- proximated, and creosote applied to the carious points. The filing occupied fully five minutes. The patient, however, to my great astonishment, evinced not the slightest feeling from the operation, and con- tinued undisturbed in the enjoyment of profound sleep for one hour, at the expiration of which time she was awaked by Sir Thomas, appearing as if aroused from a dream. Some minutes elapsed before perfect consciousness became restored, when she ex- 50 MESMERISM. pressed herself incredulous that any operation had been performed on her jaw, being quite free from all pain." Dr. Elliotson himself, in the course of the work already mentioned, which we would recommend to the medical profession, as giving particulars that cannot be entered into here, mentions the case of a patient whom he found labouring under a very severe form of St. Vitus's dance of nine years duration. Dr. Marshall Hall prescribed " mustard cataplasms to the spine, cupping on the back of the neck every fifth day, and mercury to such an extent that not one sound tooth is left in the patient's head." He treated the case for three months, and wished to continue his plan for a ticelvemonth. The friends, however, interfered, and Sir Benjamin Brodie was consulted, " who condemned the treatment in the most unquali- fied manner, declined to prescribe medicines, or to see the patient again, and stated that nothing more could be done than to endeavour, by every means, to strengthen the debilitated frame. Dr. Hall, how- ever, wrote a letter, still in the possession of the family, maintaining his opinion, and treating Sir Benjamim Brodie's opinion most contemptuously." On being consulted, Dr. Elliotson advised that, " as Mesmerism had been begun, it should be continued rather than the case be abandoned ; though I en- treated them not to be disappointed, if no good resulted." And he adds, " For the last four months, Mesmerism has been daily persevered with ; and the gradual but steady improvement in the strength, the sleep, and looks of the patient, and the decline of the disease, astonishes every one. Now that Dr. Hall has learned the improvement by Mesmerism, he says that he all along (while cupping every five days, and giving mercury freely, and proposing to do all this for twelve months !) suspected, and is now (Mesmerism having done great good) perfectly APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. Ol certain that the case was feigned! I should like to observe his countenance when he says so." In the Zoist* for July 1843, Dr. Elliotson gives reports of cures of the same complaint in the practice of Dr. Simpson of York, Mr. Prideaux of South- ampton, and also in his own. The case of Master Linnell of Northampton, nine years of age, had baffled a great number of medical men, when at length application was made to Dr. Elliotson. " On January 4th, 1843," says the Doctor, " he was brought in a coach to me, and obliged to be carried into the house. Supported by his mother, he walked with great difficulty from my dining-room into my library. u His debility was such, that he could not stand a moment unsupported ; his head hung on one side ; his tongue out of his mouth, which constantly slob- bered ; his look was quite fatuitous ; he could not articulate, making only inarticulate noises, and these with extreme difficulty : even yes and no were said in the strangest manner, so as hardly to be under- stood. He often fell into a passion at not being able to articulate ; he ground his teeth and sighed greatly, continually blew bubbles of saliva from his mouth, and moved his tongue. The movements of the disease had lessened, so as not to be in proportion to his extreme muscular debility. He could use neither hand for any purpose, and scarcely ever raised the right. He was low-spirited and fretful, and often cried almost without cause. "His tongue was clean and moist, his appetite good, and his bowels in the most healthy condition ; his pulse was 74. " He cried sadly at being brought to me, thinking that I should give him loads of physic to swallow, and blister him, as others had done. * The Zoist ; a Journal of Cerebral Physiology and Mesmerism. Published quarterly. London : H. Balliere. 52 MESMERISM. " I Mesmerised him by vertical passes before his face for half an hour. He sat well supported in an easy chair, his head on his breast ; but he sat so quietly in comparison icith his usual state, that his mother noticed it. He was Mesmerised daily for the same time in the same way." Dr. Elliotson proceeds to narrate the progress of the cure until the 1 5th of February, when the patient was Mesmerised for the last time — and thus con- cludes, — " Nothing could be more decisive of the power of Mesmerism than this case. The disease was getting worse and worse at the time I began. An effect was visible in a few days ; the benefit steadily in- creased — and from being a slobbering, idiot-looking child, his head hanging on one side, unable to speak or stand unsupported, in three weeks he could stand easily, and walk five miles. Not a particle of medi- cine was given after the first day. ' f The true gratitude of the boy and his mother was delightful. But my medical reward was, that the surgeon who attended him, and whose very name I had never before heard of, gave way to such bad feeling as publicly to attack me, by reiterating a silly and ignorant string of sentences from a very dull and feeble medical periodical called the Provincial Jour- nal, but took care to omit all mention of the case which led to his hostility." The cases of Dr. Simpson and Mr. Prideaux, upon which we cannot enter, were of an equally satisfac- tory description. In cases of insanity, Mesmerism has been fre- quently applied with highly successful results. The following is from Dr. Elliotson's Human Physio- logy :— m " I witnessed a remarkable cure of violent perio- dical insanity by Mesmerism. A young man had every evening, for two or three weeks, been attacked APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. o3 with the most violent insanity, which lasted many hours. Several straps were required across his bed, and, in addition to these, three persons to restrain him. His howlings always alarmed the neighbour- hood. After a time, he had a stage of whistling, and an uniform series of changes was always gone through before the sleep came on in which the fit always ended. Strong dozes of strong medicines, and various means, had completely failed. I was called in, and saw him during his paroxysm. I Mesmerised him for three quarters of an hour in vain, and he made many attempts to bite me. I requested Mr. Chandler of E-otherhithe to Mesmer- ise him the following and every night before the fit began. This gentleman was so obliging as to accede to my request, and perfectly cured his patient, who at first laughed at such a mode of treatment, and declared that he had experienced nothing, though, on the first night that Mr. Chandler Mesmerised him, the fit was entirely prevented ; and in a few nights the Mesmeric process presently brought on sleep, from which he quickly awoke into the fit, and the fit became shorter and shorter, and milder and milder. By Mesmerising him still, after the com- mencement of the fit, sleep again came on, from which he was awakened, by transverse passes, into his healthy state. By inducing the Mesmeric sleep, the fit could be brought on at pleasure in the day, and as it was more inconvenient in the evening, Mr. Chandler always brought it on early in the after- noon, and by Mesmerising him always in the fit, this was put an end- to sooner and sooner, till at length it was arrested instantly, and then ceased to return. The cure was effected in a very short time. At the end of a year, through a fall, the disease re- turned, but was cured by Mesmerism very quickly." The details of this case, and of several others, in which Mesmerism was beneficially applied in the 54 MESMERISM. cure of insanity, were at an after period transmitted by Dr. Elliotson to the Zoist, where they may be consulted by those who feel desirous of pursuing the inquiry farther. The work of Mr. Braid, entitled Neurypnology, contains accounts of a great number of highly inter- esting cases. The phenomena induced by his mode of producing sleep, and that of the Mesmerisers, Mr. Braid, for a considerable time, conceived to be iden- tical, and he still believes " the condition of the ner- vous system induced by both modes to be at least analogous ;* but he has latterly been led to think that the agencies are distinct, because the Mesmerisers assert that they can produce certain effects which he has never been able to accomplish by his mode. Perhaps, therefore, medical gentlemen who had formed a determined resolution to have nothing to do with Mesmerism, may be tempted to bestow a few minutes' consideration upon the merits of Neu- rypnology. They will meet in Mr. Baird's volume with none of the ugly words which used to form such stumbling-blocks in their path. The name of Mesmerism is rejected, but then they have Hypnot- ism, which means nervous sleep. Instead of to Mes- merise, they have to Hypnotise, which means to induce nervous sleep; and instead of Mesmerised, they have got Hypnotised, meaning one who has been put into the state of nervous sleep. These changes will, we hope, please our medical friends, and induce them to turn a favourable eye to the cases which Mr. Braid has laid before them. Hypnotism has been applied by Mr. Braid to numerous diseases, and seemingly with great success. He has tested its efficacy in cases where the senses of hearing, sight, and smell were affected. In tic- doloureux, spine complaints, paralysis, rheumatism, both chronic and acute, nervous headach, epilepsy, and several other diseases, he has also found it highly APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. 55 beneficial. Several cases of spasmodic affection are referred to as affording "strong grounds to hope that tetanus, hydrophobia, and other analogous affec- tions, may be arrested and cured by this agency." While Mr. Braid's treatise was passing through the press, the above predication was happily realised in respect to the former " intractable and generally fatal disease." We extract the following account of the case from the preface to the work : — " Master J. B., thirteen years of age, was suddenly attacked with chilliness and pain all over his body, on the evening of 30th of last March. I was called to attend him the following day, when I considered he had got a febrile attack from cold, and prescribed accordingly. Next day, however, it had assumed a very different aspect. I now found I had got a severe case of opisthotonos to deal with. The head and pelvis were rigidly drawn back, the body form- ing an arch, and the greatest force could not succeed in straightening it, or bringing the head forward. Whilst the spasm never relaxed entirely, it frequently became much aggravated, when the head was so much drawn back as to seriously impede respiration. The legs were also sometimes flexed spasmodically. The effect of the spasm in obstructing the respira- tion, and hurrying the circulation, was very great, and seemed to place the patient in great jeopardy. The pulse was never less than 150, but during the paroxysm was considerably increased. It was evi- dent I had got a most formidable case to contend with, and that no time ought to be lost. I there- fore determined to try the power of hypnotism, well knowing how generally such cases end fatally under ordinary treatment. He was quite sensible, and the only difficulty in getting him to comply with my instructions arose from the recurrence of the severe spasmodic attacks. In a very few minutes, however, I succeeded in reducing the spasm, so that 56 MESMERISM. his head could be carried forward to the perpendicu- lar, his breathing was relieved, his pulse consider- ably diminished, and I left him in a state of compa- rative comfort. In about two and a half hours after I visited him again, accompanied by my friend Dr. Cochrane. The spasms had recurred, but by no means with the same violence. Dr. Cochrane had no difficulty in recognising the disease ; but did not believe any means could save such a case. He had never seen a patient hypnotised till that afternoon, and watched my experiment with much interest and attention. He seemed much and agreeably surprised by the extraordinary influence which an agency so apparently simple exerted over such a case. The pupil was speedily dilated, as if under the influence of belladonna ; the muscular spasm relaxed, and in a few minutes he was calmly asleep. Having ordered three calomel powders to be given at intervals, we left him comfortably asleep. Next day, there was still spasm of the muscles, but by no means so severe. Whilst I determined to follow up the hypnotic treat- ment, which had been so far successful, I considered it would be highly imprudent to trust wholly to that in the treatment of such a case. As I consider such cases are generally attended with inflammation of the medulla oblongata, and upper part of the spinal cord, I bled him, and ordered the calomel to be continued. The same plan was persevered in, hyp- notising him occasionally for some days, administer- ing calomel till the gums were slightly affected, cold lotion to the head, and the antiphlogistic regimen, till I considered all risk of inflammatory action past, when he was treated more generously, and I am gratified to say he is now quite well." In conclusion, Mr. Braid remarks, — " I feel quite confident that without the aid of hypnotism, this patient would have died. I sincerely wish it may prove equally successful in other cases of the kind, APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. D / and also that hitherto fatal disease hydrophobia.* My anxiety to see it fairly tried in the latter disease induces me to offer my gratuitous services in any case of that disease occurring within a few hours' journey of Manchester." One of the cases of spasmodic affections — that of Miss Collins of Newark — which led Mr. Braid to think that his mode of treatment might prove suc- cessful in the case just quoted, is thus recorded by the father of the patient. 1,4 My daughter, sixteen years of age, had been afflicted for six months with a rigid contraction of the muscles on the left side of the Deck to so great a degree, that it would have been impossible to insert an ordinary card between the ear and shoulders, so close was their contact ; and consequently she was rapidly becoming malformed. She had had the best advice to be procured in the country, and I had taken her to London with a written statement of the treatment previously employed, and had the opinion of Sir Benjamin Brodie, who approved of what had been done, but gave no hope of speedy relief. " In consequence of seeing a report of a lecture given on the subject by Mr. Braid, surgeon, St. Peter's Square, Manchester, and a letter written to that gentleman by Mr. Mayo of London, I went with her, by the advice of Dr. Chawner, who, indeed, accompanied us, and placed her under the care of Mr. Braid, on Thursday evening, the 24th March last, (1842.) In less than a minute after that gentle- man began to fix her attention she was in a Mes- * We learn from the Zoist, that in 1837, a case of hydrophobia having occurred at Paddington, Mr. W ood offered his services, and although the disease was too far advanced for Mesmerism to have any chance of curing it, the boy being within twelve hours of his death, the effects were nevertheless satisfactory. This, taken in connection with the statements of Mr. Braid,' will, we trust, lead to further trials being made when this dreadful disease .58 MESMERISM. meric (neurohypnotic) slumber, and in another mi- nute was partially cataleptic. Mr. Braid, then, with- out awaking her, and consequently without giving her any pain, placed her head upright, which I firmly believe could not, by any possibility, have been done five minutes before, without disruption of the muscles, or the infliction of some serious injury ; and, I am thankful to say, it not only continues straight, but she has the perfect control over the muscles of the neck. A nervous motion of the head, to which she had been subject after her return from Manchester, has entirely ceased, and she is at present in excellent health. It is necessary to remark, that at Dr. Chawner's recommendation she was frequently watched while asleep, but not the slightest relaxation was observed in the contracted muscles. " Many respectable persons can bear testimony to the statements here made. (Signed) " James Collins. " Newark, llth May, 1842." Mr. Braid himself gives the following explanation of the manner in which he treated this case. " After the eyes had been closed, and the limbs extended for about two minutes, I placed my left hand on the right side of her neck, and my right hand on the left side of her head, and, by gentle means, gave a new direction to the sensorial and muscular power, and was thus enabled, by art, rather than mechanical force, in less than half a minute, to incline the head from the left to the right of the mesial plane. The muscular contraction being thus excited on the right side of the neck, in muscles which had been inactive for six months previously, was the surest and most natural mode of withdrawing the power from their antagonists, and reducing the spasm of the contracted muscles on the left side. After allowing the patient to remain two minutes APPLICATION OF MEDICAL SCIENCE. 59 supporting her head, now inclined towards the right by her own muscular efforts, to give them power on the principle already explained, I aroused her in my usual way by a clap of my hands." And Mr. Braid subsequently adds : — " After the lapse of a year, Mr. Collins was so kind as write to inform me his daughter continued in perfect health, with complete control over the muscles of the neck." Mr. Braid gives reports of cases, amounting to be- tween sixty and seventy, in the various branches of disease which we have enumerated, and which we hope his medical brethren will have the candour to receive, in the manner they merit, as coming from an intelligent member of their own profession. It is really time that the disgraceful, and, in some in- stances, unprincipled, opposition offered by medical men to Mesmerism should cease. What, for example, is to be said regarding such conduct as the following : M I consider it necessary," says Mr. Braid, in his preface, " to explain that my reason for having in- serted some cases attested by the patients, and others, is, that most unwarrantable interferences have been resorted to by several medical men, in order to mis- represent some of them. In one instance, in order to obtain an attested erroneous document, the case was read to the patient, and others present, the VERY REVERSE OF WHAT WAS WRITTEN. However extraordinary such conduct may appear, the fact of its occurrence was publicly proved and borne testi- mony to by the patient and other parties present on the occasion when the document was obtained" Surely it is for the honour of the profession that such atrocious proceedings should be universally scouted, and that the vilest of calumnies should no longer be propagated in order to damage the hated name of Mesmerism. It was but the other day that a medical practi- 60 MESMERISM. lioner in Glasgow stated not only that the Okeys', the well-known patients of Dr. Elliotson, were im- postors, but that the Doctor had publicly confessed it to be so at a medical society in London. Listen to what Dr. Elliotson states on this head in his Nu- merous Cases, published in 1843. " The cases of both sisters were genuine through- out, similar but very differently modified, and it was ignorance only which led any one to doubt them, and it was heartless cruelty to slander two perfectly vir- tuous and afflicted female children, who had been carefully brought up, and had lived only with their parents, and afterwards in a respectable family, till they were seized with epilepsy. * * * The display of disreputable unacquaintance with this kind of case, and the composition of vulgar tirades by so many professional men pretending to medical know- ledge, was precisely the conduct which we witness in the streets when a deranged or imbecile person is pursued and hooted by boys and rabble, as though he were master of his own condition and conduct, and not the subject of an affliction profoundly interesting to the philosopher and to the man who can feel for others. Every thing stated or ever printed to their disadvantage was an absolute falsehood ; I repeat these words emphatically, an absolute falsehood" He adds, a little further on, — u To accuse patients of imposition is very easy. But it is a very vulgar, as well as cruel, habit, founded on ignorance, presumption, and heartlessness. We should never prefer such an accusation on light grounds; and, to be assured of the grounds, we should be well acquainted with the subject. He who is ig- norant of a subject is surely not justified in giving an opinion ; and yet medical men, and others, be- cause they are ignorant of the phenomena of the more wonderful and uncommon diseases of the nervous system, and of Mesmerism, preposterously pronounce APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. 61 the subjects of them imposters, and those, who know the truth, to be fools, or rogues, or in league with the devil. It was the same cause which made the people pronounce Democritus mad, when he looked for the source of insanity in the brain ; to pronounce Roger Bacon a sorcerer, who knew physical facts of which they were ignorant ; to ascribe epilepsy, St. Vitus's dance, and numerous other diseases, to demo- niacal possession ; to ascribe the phenomena of elec- trical and galvanic apparatus to the agency of spirits, as the savage supposed there must be a spirit inside the watch." An able literary and political journal, the Ex- aminer, in remarking upon the conduct of the me- dical profession on this question, says, — " If, as we apprehend to be the case, the existence, of certain phenomena, undoubtedly of great interest and probably of great importance in a physiological view, is pretty generally admitted to be the result of recent experiments, it is high time to cease calling names, and begin rational discussion. The treat- ment to which Dr. Elliotson has been exposed from the time these questions were started, the members of a liberal calling should surely have reserved for the interested quack, or the vain pretender. There had been as little of either in the career of this dis- tinguished physician, as in that of the foremost mem- ber of the profession he had so long assisted and adorned. Policy and worldly considerations apart — no man had better claims to be respectfully lis- tened to. His admitted learning, his foregone re- cognised discoveries in medicine, his unimpeached veracity and high character, as they qualified him for that course which only the few are at any time fit to take, should have saved him from those vulgar imputations which the many are at all times prone to indulge." It is surely time that the word of an intelligent 62 MESMERISM. physician or surgeon — of a man whom the world would believe, without hesitation, on any ordinary topic — should be at once received when he unfolds truths of grave import to society. It is surely time to abandon implicit confidence in certain dogmas to be found in books, and to walk abroad and behold " the visible and living world." " Nothing," says Sir Humphrey Davy, " has so much checked the progress of philosophy, as the confidence of teachers in delivering dogmas as truths, which it would be presumptuous to question. It was this spirit which, for more than ten centuries, made the crude physics of Aristotle the natural phi- losophy of the whole of Europe. It was this spirit which produced the imprisonment of the elder Bacon, and the recantation of Galileo. It is this spirit, not- withstanding the example of the second Bacon, assisted by his reproof, his genius, and his influence, which has, even in later times, attached men to imaginary systems, — to mere abstracted combina- tions of words, rather than to the visible and living world ; and which has often induced them to delight more in brilliant dreams, than in beautiful and grand What says the eminent philosopher, Dugald Stewart, of those phenomena from which the bulk of medical men turn aside in disdain ? " Among all the phenomena, however," says Dugald Stewart, " to which the subject of imitation has led our attention, none are, perhaps, so wonder- ful, as those which have been recently brought to light, in consequence of the philosophical inquiries occasioned by the medical pretentions of Mesmer and his associates. That these pretensions involved much of ignorance, or of imposture, or of both, in their authors, has, I think, been fully demonstrated in the very able report of the French academicians ; but does it follow from this, that the facts witnessed APPLICATION TO MEDICAL SCIENCE. C3 and authenticated by those academicians should share in the disgrace incurred by the empirics who dis- guised or misrepresented them ? For my own part, it appears to me, that the general conclusions esta- blished by Mesmer's practice, with respect to the physical effects of the principle of imitation, and of the faculty of imagination, (more particularly in cases where they co-operated together,) are incomparably more curious, than if he had actually demonstrated the existence of his boasted fluid. Nor can I see any good reason why a physician, who admits the efficacy of the moral agents employed by Mesmer, should, in the exercise of his profession, scruple to copy whatever processes are necessary for subjecting them to his command, any more than that he should hesitate about employing a new physical agent, such as electricity or galvanism. The arguments to the contrary, alleged by the commissioners, only show, that the influence of imagination and of imitation is susceptible of a great abuse in ignorant or in wicked hands ; and may not the same thing be said of all the most valuable remedies we possess ? Nay, are not the mischievous consequences which have actu- ally been occasioned by the pretenders to animal magnetism, the strongest of all encouragements to attempt such an examination of the principles upon which the effects really depend, as may give to scientific practitioners the management of agents so peculiarly efficacious and overbearing?"* Facts, which were thus spoken of by Dugald Stewart, and which have engaged the attention of such minds as those of La Place, Cuvier, Treviranus, Sprengel, Agassiz, Coleridge, Shelley, Chenevix, Elliotson, Mayo, and Sir William Hamilton, cannot certainly be unworthy the investigation of the mem- bers of a literary and learned profession. In the * Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind. London, 1827. Vol. iii., pp. 221, 222. 64 MESMERISM. words of Hufeland, the celebrated German physi- cian, when writing upon this subject, — " We stand before the dawning of a new day for science and humanity, — a new discovery, surpassing any that has been hitherto made, which promises to afford us a key to some of the most recondite secrets of nature, and thus to open up to our view a new world." Since these words were penned, something has been done to introduce this science into Great Britain. In defiance of frowns and persecution, Dr. Elliotson has practised Mesmerism, and he has latterly been joined by some men who esteem it an honour to suf- fer in so holy a cause. The reports of cases which they have published, and the work of Mr. Braid, to which we have already referred, will surely at length arrest the attention of even the most obdurate. A leading difficulty we know to be, that many have expressed strong opinions in opposition, and now have not the manliness to confess they have seen evidence of those opinions having been erroneous. Where is the shame of men acknowledging they know more this year than last ? The medical pro- fession are a stubborn and stiff-necked generation ; but accumulated facts will compel them to yield and move onward. The sooner they do so, the better for their own credit, as well as for the welfare of those who repose confidence in their opinions. Whatever may be their decision, the ultimate triumph of the great truths of Mesmerism is secure. 65 CHAPTER V. CASES. ISABELLA D- This case, the first, we believe, to which Mes- merism was regularly applied in Scotland as a cura- tive agent, has been already slightly alluded to in the brief historical sketch in the first chapter. The physician, under whose advice the Mesmeric treat- ment was applied, was Dr. James B. Mitchell, at that time a resident in Glasgow, — Mr. Dove being the Mesmeriser. It was Dr. Mitchell's intention to have prepared a narrative of the case for the press; but he some- what suddenly departed on a tour to the East, with the task only in part completed. He had, however, kept a regular journal during the pro- gress of the Mesmeric treatment ; and the previous history of the case had been obtained by him from the relations of the patient. These documents were, immediately before his departure, handed over by Dr. Mitchell to the editor of the present volume, with permission to lay them before the public in whatever form he considered most suitable. The introduction is given precisely in the words of Dr. Mitchell; but the editor has taken the liberty of considerably abridging the journal, more especially in the latter portion, leaving out the notice of cer- tain matters, only appropriate in a strictly medical work. Other particulars have been added, after the 66 MESMERISM. close of the journal, by gentlemen who had occa- sional opportunities of visiting the patient. We commence with Dr. Mitchell's introductory narrative : — " Having had my attention called to the subject of Mesmerism by the appearance of M. La Fontaine in Glasgow, I was anxious to ascertain, from actual observation, the real nature of the phenomena said to be produced by certain manipulations. After looking about for some time for a fit patient, I at length heard of one that promised to be very sus- ceptible, according to the experience of most Mes- merisers. This was a young woman subject to con- vulsive fits, of a very anomalous nature, which had long withstood all the ordinary plans of treatment. On hearing of this case, I caused the Mesmeric treatment to be proposed to the friends of the patient as a probable means of cure, and with some little persuasion, (as they had never even heard of such a thing,) they were induced to consent to give it a trial. " When I made up my mind to prosecute the in- quiry into the merits of Mesmerism, I had been so fortunate as to have procured an introduction to Mr. J. E. Dove, a gentleman whom I knew to have had a great deal of experience in the practice of Mes- merism ; and on getting permission to put it to the test in the above case, he was so kind as offer to give me all the assistance in his power, and accord- ingly was prevailed on to become the operator him- self during the necessary term of treatment. "The 11th of January (1843) was fixed on for the first visit. Accompanied, then, by Mr. Dove and Mr. , a medical student, who had lately had the management of the case, I proceeded, on the evening of that day, to the residence of the patient, at D works, near Glasgow, of which her father was at the time foreman, and there, for CASES. t)7 the first time, had an opportunity of seeing her. The patient was equally a stranger to Mr. Dove, " We found her to be a young woman of 28 years of age, of a lively disposition, pale in the complexion, and of a nervo-lymphatic constitution ; but, at the same time, stout and fleshy in the frame. Her gait was strongly indicative of pain when she began to move about ; she stooped a little forward, and appeared to have a habit of keeping one of her hands firmly pressed on her side, as if for the relief of some uneasi- ness felt in the part. There was a marked unsteadi- ness of the head when addressing any one, and she exhibited a considerable degree of nervousness on our first entrance. " We had not been long in the room when she was attacked with one of her fits. It announced itself by a sort of yawn ; her eyes were shut, and the head was slightly thrown back. The arms then began to twist about, and in a few seconds afterwards they became quite stiff, and being forcibly extended by the side, they there remained in a permanent state of rigidity, into which, by this time, the whole body had likewise passed. The fit went off in the course of two or three minutes, with a yawn similar to that which had ushered it in. " During its continuance, she was apparently quite unconscious ; and on recovering, she said she had no recollection of any thing that had passed from the accession of the paroxysm. While under its influence, she was insensible to ordinary stimuli ; aud her friends declared, that they had never suc- ceeded in rousing her out of a fit. She complained of fixed pain in the left side, and in the shoulder of the same side, which, she said, was sometimes subject to very marked aggravations, invariably ac- companied by an increase of the severity of the fits. Her bowels have been long habitually costive, and the catamenia have always been more or less irregu- 68 MESMERISM. lar. The pulse was 130 on her recovery from the paroxysm. " We learned from the patient's friends, that she has been subject to the fits we just witnessed for about twelve months, and that for several years pre- vious she had been liable to almost daily seizures of a somewhat similar nature, in which the whole body, but especially the upper extremities, were violently convulsed, without, however, passing into the state of rigidity which characterizes the fits that have occurred latterly. These twisting fits (as the pa- tient's friends call them) were much more violent to appearance than the rigid ones, and not unfre- quently when under their power it was found impos- sible, even with the united strength of two or three individuals, to keep her down on a bed to prevent her hurting herself. " The fits she now labours under, although not so distressing to look at, render her quite as useless as did these more violent paroxysms ; and as they have been increasing very much of late in frequency, the poor girl has become a very great burden on her friends, as she has to be constantly watched for fear of being seized unawares, — the only premonitory symptom of the fits being the deep-drawn sigh, already mentioned as preceding the fit we saw. A short time previous to our visit, the paroxysms had been so frequent, as to extend to the almost incredi- ble number of from sixty to seventy fits in one day, and at present they are not much less frequent. The patient has not been out of the house for about a twelvemonth, and even in the house, she can hardly be trusted to do the easiest household work. " We gathered from the family the following par- ticulars of the past history of the case : — " In the year 1 824, when patient was about nine years of age, she injured her left foot by a fall, and by the advice of an acquaintance it was kept con- CASES. 69 stantly moistened with vinegar for some considerable time, which, unfortunately caused the skin to give way. By a proper change of dressing the sore soon healed up, but the foot ever afterwards continued painful on being used, and at present requires the use of a soft shoe made on purpose. About a year after this accident, she was suddenly seized with acute pain of side and spasm, for which she was bled by Dr. Craig of the High Street, and ordered some common medicines, and, in a day or two, recovered her ordinary health. She remained well for four years after this, when she went to give some assist- ance to a friend in keeping her house, at which time she was again attacked with pain of side. Dr. Buchanan of Gorbals saw her on this occasion ; he bled her, and applied some leeches to her side, and she again recovered. When seventeen years of age, she went to work in the warehouse of a Mr. Auld, a manufacturer, and while there she received a severe blow on the left side, by which she was consequently laid up once more with the former symptoms, accom- panied, however, now by a most acute pain in left shoulder, and an extreme degree of sensibility in the skin of back, and both shoulders. The merest touch of the skin on these parts caused the most excruciat- ing pain ; and so very sensitive did the external sur- face become, that the approximation of any object to her body, even at the distance of half a foot, although she was not otherwise aware of it, made her start as if actually struck. Dr. Craig, who was called in, bled her, applied leeches, and used various other remedial measures, but with little relief of the symptoms. Dr. Watson was sent for : he ordered her blisters to the side and shoulder, with considerable advantage for the time. Shortly afterwards, however, she be- came much worse, when the bleeding and blistering was again resorted to by Dr. Thomson of Bridge ton, but with no decided good effect. She could go about, 70 MESMERISM. but was still suffering under her old symptoms. In this state she paid a visit to Dr. Thomson for the purpose of consulting him, and while in his shop she was suddenly seized with a sort of fainting fit, and had to be taken home in a coach, and remained in a state of complete unconsciousness during the entire night. Dr. Craig was sent for; she was bled at the arm by him, and gradually came round ; but he had to remain in attendance for a considerable time afterwards. Patient now continued to be subject to attacks of pain of side and shoulder, which, from time to time, became seriously aggravated, but always again, at intervals, abated. In one of these attacks, which took place when patient was about twenty years of age, she consulted Dr. Samuel Clarke, who prescribed for her various internal and external re- medies, during a considerable period of time, but with little or no permanent improvement. Not long after Dr. Clarke's treatment was given up, the symp- toms becoming much aggravated, Dr. Hannay was consulted, but he found the case so inveterate, and so little under the influence of remedial measures, that he very soon gave up attendance. At this period her chief symptoms were pain of side and shoulder, extreme sensibility of the skin, habitual constipation, irregular and insufficient menstruation, and, at intervals, seizure of a sort of faint, during which she entirely lost her consciousness for several hours at a time. It was now recommended her to try the public dispensary, at that time open for pa- tients in Gordon Street. There Mr. Alan Burns prescribed cupping, a liniment to be rubbed on the back, and a tonic mixture to be taken three times a-day. On returning home from the dispensary she was attacked with one of the fainting fits, during the continuance of which she had involuntary twitches and tremours of the arms. Dr. Craig again saw her, and once more bled her, but with no advantage. She CASES. 71 remained, till about three years before our visit, much in the same condition, sometimes worse and some- times better, dozed from time to time, and occasion- ally bled, when one of her brothers died. This made a strong impression on her, and caused a return of all her worst symptoms, together with repeated at- tacks of the fainting fits ; on this occasion she was again bled at the arm. The faintings now became more frequent, and continued so, with occasional re- missions, for a twelvemonth. Rather less than two years previous to our first visit, she went to assist in D House, and while there, employed at heavy work, was suddenly seized with most violent head- ach, with increased pain of shoulder and sensitive- ness of skin. These symptoms were soon followed by a severe attack of the fainting fits, which then became even more frequent than formerly. Patient was visited both by Dr. Clarke and Dr. Craig. They ordered her head to be shaved, and her back to be rubbed with strong brine. From this time she has been always more or less subject to attacks of acute headach. Towards the close of the year 1841 the fainting fits began to be uniformly accompanied by tremulous motions of the upper extremities, which gradually passed into twisting movements, and ulti- mately settled down into regular convulsive pa- roxysms. In December of that year, Dr. H. Rainy was consulted for the fits. He prescribed various sorts of pills and mixtures during two months that patient continued under his care, but with no appa- rent advantage ; for, at the time she was in the habit of going to consult him, the attacks became both more frequent and more severe, and at last obliged her to confine herself to the house, after which her mother continued to report her state to the doctor, and to conduct the treatment according to his orders. Patient now had so many as three or four attacks of fits in the course of a week, and these of so violent 1 2 MESMERISM. a character, that it sometimes required several per- sons to prevent her injuring herself while in the con- vulsions. Dr. Crawford of Calton took the manage- ment of the case. A large blister was applied along the whole course of the spine, and appeared to afford considerable relief to the pain of shoulder, and by the use of blisters, the pain of the side was made to change its position ; but these were but temporary- effects. Bleeding and blistering were continued at intervals, the head was kept shaved, and a great variety of tonics prescribed up to the time of our visit ; but during that period the paroxysms only changed from bad to worse. In August 1842, while labour- ing under a very severe attack, it was recommended to try a warm bath. This was accordingly done, but she had hardly got into the bath when she was seized with fits of a most violent description, differ- ing in character from any she had before. In these fits the convulsive twisting of the body only lasted a very few seconds, and then passed into most complete rigidity, in which state patient would sometimes re- main for several hours, although usually the fit did not last above a quarter of an hour. These paroxysms gradually became much more frequent and numerous, and have continued up to the time of our visit. Shortly prior to this they amounted to the incredible number of from sixty to seventy fits in the course of a day. As the state of rigidity became more fully developed, the morbid sensibility of the skin disap- peared, and has never since returned. The pain in side and shoulder has continued as formerly, up to our visit; and although during one fortnight she was quite free of fits the pain never left her." So much for the past history of the case. We now proceed with Dr. Mitchell's journal, commencing with the first visit, on January 11, 1843. — We had not been long with our patient, before she was seized with one of the CASES. i 3 fits. It came on with a yawn, followed by slight convulsive movements of the muscles of the face, im- mediately succeeded by extension of the extremities, and fixed rigidity of the whole muscular system. This state continued for two or three minutes, with, at intervals, some spasmodic action of the arms, and then passed off with another yawn. Having waited about a quarter of an hour after her recovery, Mr. Dove being seated in a chair opposite patient, com- menced making the usual passes with both hands, held at about two inches from the body, beginning at the head, and continuing them along the trunk and arms. He had hardly made half a dozen passes, when the patient was seized with another fit, and the operation was continued during the fit without any apparent effect at the time. This paroxysm was in every respect similar to the former one, up to the yawn with which the fits generally terminated, when, instead of recovering immediately the use of her senses, her muscles began gradually to relax, and from the state of general rigidity, she passed into one exactly resembling ordinary sleep, excepting that occasionally there were a few convulsive twit- ches in both arms. The same sort of manipulation was Dext applied to the right arm, with a view to quiet the twitching, and repeatedly after three or four passes, the desired effect was produced. We tried the same kind of passes upwards along the arm, and, we thought, with better effect. In order to ascer- tain if she was sensible to sound, her name was called loudly in her ear ; but she gave no sign of hearing. On repeating the call in a louder tone, she all at once awoke with a start, as from a deep sleep. On being asked if she had any feeling different from common, she said that she had a curious sensation in her right arm : she farther said, that she heard us speak to her just before awaking ; but felt unable to 74 MESMERISM. give an answer. The mother of the patient stated, that in the fits it is impossible to make her hear. A few minutes afterwards, while talking together on the result of this trial, the patient went off again of her own accord into the state of sleep she had just awoke from. At first there was no rigidity of the muscles ; but after a little while, a fit appeared to come on, for the left arm became stiff, then the head, and in immediate succession the legs and trunk : the right arm alone remained disengaged, and in as per- fect a state of relaxation as before the accession of the fit ; for a very short time only it got rigid down to the wrist, but soon recovered its mobility. The attack terminated with a sort of gurgling sound in the throat. During the fit, the manipulation was continued from time to time both to body and arms : it was now left off. A very severe attack soon followed, with consider- able convulsive action of the arms and trunk, going the length of opisthotonos. This shortly subsided into complete rigidity. The right arm alone again con- tinued unaffected : it remained perfectly supple, and capable of performing voluntary motion, as was shown by the patient putting her right hand to her mouth. Without any passes having been made since the accession of the paroxysm, it appeared to be pass- ing off into the state of sleep, when severe hysterical coughing came on, and continued without intermis- sion, till some Mesmeric passes were made, when it ceased, and was succeeded by a state of quietness, interrupted only occasionally by a single cough, and accompanied with rather audible breathing. The manipulation discontinued, another paroxysm of coughing took place, which roused her out of the fit. Passes recommenced, and a state of quietude again produced, with occasional coughing and yawning. "While in this state, cough appeared to be twice ar- CASES. 75 rested, by the hands of the operator being held steadily on the shoulders of the patient ; but this was as often tried without effect. In a few minutes she returned to the natural state, but the cough continued, and a remarkable want of power in the tongue was experienced. Her mother states, that patient has had no cough since the commencement of the fits. January 12. — Pulse 130, feeble. Since yesterday has had several fits, but none of great severity. In none of them has the right arm become rigid, like the rest of the body ; and she could, in one of them, distinguish the voice when spoken to. At three minutes past seven, the patient being seated as before, in an arm chair, in front of the ope- rator, Mr. Dove commenced by taking hold of both hands of patient, at the same time desiring her to look him steadily in the face. In one minute sleep was induced. She was perfectly quiescent, no rigi- dity, breathing rather deep, pulse 130. While in this state some passes were made along both arms, in a downward direction, without contact, without any perceptible effect. At twenty-two minutes past seven some convulsive movements took place ; the legs became rigid, but both arms remained relaxed, as had happened with the right one on the preced- ing evening. At twenty-seven minutes past seven patient commenced throwing her arms about, and shortly afterwards convulsive twisting of the whole body took place, accompanied by distressing hyste- rical cough, which lasted for two or three minutes, when she again relapsed into the quiescent sleep. She was now asked to make a motion with her right hand if she heard us speak, and immediately she gave a sign. "When asked if she could not speak she shook her head, opened her mouth when told to do so, and nodded when asked if she was comfortable. At thirty-two minutes past seven a few convulsive movements appeared, but terminated in two minutes, 76 MESMERISM. with slight cough, whereupon she awoke. On awak- ing, patient declared that she could not tell whether she had been asleep or awake, as she never before had been in the same state. The Mesmeric operation was again repeated, at twelve minutes to eight, by holding the hands, as in the former trial, and in half a minute patient was asleep. An attempt was made to cause the rigidity to reappear in right arm, as formerly when in the fit, by making passes along the arm, with the hand of the operator in contact. After a few passes, the arm was forcibly extended, and became perfectly rigid. On some passes being made in an upward direction along the same arm, without contact, we found that it would retain any position in which it was placed, in fact, that it had become cataleptic. The forearm, placed in a semi-bent position, remained there without support. The hand was then raised so as to point upwards, and it retained that position ; the forefinger was made to point, while the rest of the hand remained clenched. A few downward passes, without contact, having been made, catalepsy disap- peared; being repeated, with contact, rigidity was produced ; relaxation followed a few upward passes ; rigidity reproduced by downward passes without contact, which passed off into relaxation by a repe- tition of upward passes. On the upward passes being continued the cataleptic state was again in- duced. At ten minutes past eight there occurred slow stretching of the arms, like that of a person just awakened from an extemporary nap, and legs be- came stiff, but patient soon fell again into her former state of quiet sleep, without becoming rigid, and even without a yawn. The operator now directed transverse passes, with- out contact, to the head, and slight cough came on, but patient did not awake. Some upward passes made along the whole body, after which a slight de- CASES. 77 gree of catalepsy was discerned. Transverse passes to the head proceeded with, and the thumb of opera- tor carried along the eye-brows from within out- wards, (constituting, in fact, passes with contact,) when patient awoke with a slight cough. On recovering, she said that her sensations during the sleep had been very agreeable. January 13. — At seven and a half minutes past seven operator commenced by contact of the hands, as on the preceding evening. In two minutes, patient's head fell back in sleep, and she was in a state of perfect tranquillity, excepting that there was observable a slight tremulous motion of the eye- lidsi Loud noises, such as calling aloud close to the ear, clapping the hands, &c, appear to be unheard, but the lowest whisper at the ear causes patient to start. At twenty-five minutes to eight a fit was ushered in by a few convulsive movements of the body. In this attack, which was not strong, both arms were exempt from the general rigidity. She had some cough as it was leaving her. In the Mes- meric sleep some degree of catalepsy was observed in both arms. Downward passes, with contact, were made along right arm, and rigidity followed; up- ward passes, with contact, appeared to increase the rigidity. Downward passes, without contact, brought about relaxation. At five minutes to eight, trans- verse passes, without contact, followed by three or four rubs along the eye-brows, were directed to patient's head, when she instantly awoke. At two minutes past eight went gently off in a fit. Head, as well as arms, remained in a state of relaxation, and legs less stiff than hitherto. Fit lasted two minutes. Patient says, that formerly, when she came out of a fit her limbs felt stiff and uneasy, but this time she has not any of these sensations. At seven minutes past eight patient was again put 78 MESMERISM. to sleep as before. While in the sleep she started on being called in a gentle whisper. Another fit came on in which the legs and trunk only were affected with stiffness. During the fit, upward passes, without contact, directed to the legs and trunk, had the effect of producing convulsive twitches in the legs, lessening in some degree their rigidity. At nineteen minutes to nine patient was awakened as before. On coming out of the sleep she complained of great pain of right side ; she was, therefore, again thrown into the sleep, which was very placid. Some con- vulsive action of the body ushered in another fit, in which there was increased rigidity of the legs and arms. About five months ago, before the fits were so fully developed, patient says she had pain in the right side, which has since shifted to the left, where it has remained till now. January 14. — Fits milder, shorter, and less frequent since yesterday ; some pain in right side. Shortly after we arrived, patient had a fit, in which the arms, head, and neck were free, but the legs and trunk still engaged. On coming out of it, there was observable a tremulous motion of the arms and head, but none of the legs ; yawning as formerly. This fit did not last long. On recovering, the Mesmeric manipulation was resumed, and she fell asleep at twenty-seven minutes past seven, two minutes after the commencement of the operation. Arms catalep- tic, and some tendency to that state exhibited in the legs. At twenty-five minutes to eight another fit came on. During its continuance there took place a tremulous motion all over the body. The legs still remained stiff; the arms were cataleptic ; and there was no sign of sensibility to the voice, either in a loud tone or whisper. The fit terminated in three minutes. The legs and body were manipulated down- ward, without contact. Some passes were made along right arm, downwards, with contact, and ri- CASES. 7.9 gidity was the consequence ; some, with contact upwards were made, and relaxation followed. In the cataleptic state, passes conducted downwards, with contact, produced rigidity, and upwards, laxity, after a few passes; a few more upwards brought back the pliant catalepsy. At three minutes past eight there was a very imperfect fit. On again be- coming tranquil, right arm was manipulated down- wards, with contact, and tense rigidity brought on, continued and pliant catalepsy produced, persevered in and rigidity followed, by the same process taken away, again produced, and once more made to dis- appear, each succeeding alternation requiring less ma- nipulation, till one or two passes were sufficient to make the one state pass into the other. The right leg was now manipulated in the same manner, and the same phenomena were exhibited. A fit came on while the leg was in the state of rigidity, and both it and the left leg were rigid during the paroxysm, but no other part of the body except the trunk. By a few passes, with contact along eyebrows, the fit was removed. The left leg, in its turn, was put through the same process with the same result, the number of passes requisite to change the one state into the other gradually diminishing from seven to two. At twenty minutes past eight a fit occurred, during which the right leg remained disengaged. In two minutes it passed off, and left leg and body re- gained their mobility. Had another slight attack, with a little coughing. In this fit manipulations applied to the left leg produced no alteration on its rigidity. Passes, with contact made down back, pro- duced intense rigidity of the whole body; passes conti- nued, brought on relaxation ; repeated, rigidity caused again, and persevered in, relaxation re-established. On being awakened, patient declares, that she has no recollection of anything since she last fell asleep. January 1G. — Fits much milder, and not more 80 MESMERISM. frequent since the 14th. The only rigidity that oc- curs now is a little in left leg. The character of the paroxysm lately altered to what it used to he in the early progress of the complaint ; the limbs are now seized with a general tremour, instead of rigidity. Considerable pain in back. Set asleep by the process formerly employed at five minutes to seven ; manipulation without contact continued for ten minutes after accession of sleep. Is cataleptic in the sleep, rigidity and relaxation alternating, under the influence of precisely the same passes. Readily answers questions addressed to her in a whisper. A bit of twine, about four yards long, was stretched between patient and an adjoining room ; one end of it was applied to her ear, while the person holding the other extremity in the next room whispered as inaudibly as possible, at the ex- treme end, " Lift your right hand/' and immediately ^ the order was obeyed, although to us in the room beside patient the command was quite unheard. This experiment was repeated several times, and always successfully, when the order given was sim- ple. A string fifteen yards long was then then pro- cured, and one of us, B— , taking the end of it, carried it outside the house, and down a considerable flight of steps to the back court, — the outer door, as well as that of the room, being closed. Applying his mouth to the end of the cord, B whispered in succession the three following orders, which had been agreed on by writing, — " Put your hand to ./^ your head," " Clap your hands," " Lift your left hand." Patient made an attempt to execute the first order ; but failed in raising the hand the length of her head ; it appeared as if there had been some- thing opposing its passing beyond the breast. The second order was executed correctly, but with a very slow measured motion ; and the third was perfectly obeyed. They were all repeated again and again. CASES. 81 When the end of the cord was removed from her ear, while the orders were being given at the other extremity, patient remained quite motionless, giving no sign whatever of hearing. Being still cataleptic, her hand was raised ; and while it was in that posi- tion, she was told to raise it, as if it still lay on her knee. She replied that she was unable. She was asked, if she knew that her hand was raised ; and she answered, that she did not feel it raised. On being told to put down her hand, she did so, and said she was conscious of it being put down. During these experiments, we repeatedly clapped our hands loudly at her ear, without detecting the slightest appearance of sensibility : she only answered when spoken to sotto voce. There was a single candle in the room, which gave a good deal of light ; but on patient being asked if she saw any one, she said that it was too dark. Declared that she could not open her eyes. Pupils in a state of contraction. The candle was removed to another room, and the door shut. She now said that she saw us distinctly, and described accurately those present, and any change of posture they chose to take. There was but a glimmering of light in the apartment from a lowered fire, not enough, how- ever, to allow me to distinguish the objects she described. I felt her eyes, and they were shut. She was quite as accurate in her descriptions when I held my hands firmly over her eyes. The extreme sensibility displayed by patient to the most inaudible whisper, suggested the idea to us, that she might possibly be made to respond to a mere mental order. We all in turn tried her with similar simple orders, such as had been given with the cord, — " Move your right arm," " Touch your shoulder with your left hand," &c. &c, but only expressed mentally, not articulated ; and each of us, in turn, found his wishes complied with. We dis- J 82 MESMERISM. covered that the effect was more certain when all but the person wishing the experiment retired to some distance from the patient. It appeared as if the minds of those present exercised some influence on hers, which, to a certain extent, counteracted the operation. She was asked if Mesmerism was doing her any- good, and she replied, that it was the best thing for her ; that she thought she would be well in a short time; and that she did not require any medicine, except a few common pills. When the patient was taken out of the sleep, she expressed the same confidence in Mesmerism, saying, at the same time, that she felt greatly relieved by the sleep, which had lasted about two hours. Dur- ing this time she had six fits, none of them at all severe. The only remaining rigidity occurs in left leg ; the other limbs, during the fits, are affected by spasmodic tremors. The left leg was neglected to be manipulated, for the purpose of relieving it during the paroxysm. January 18. — Patient was operated on yesterday as usual by Mr. Dove ; but I was unable to be pre- sent. Continues much in the same state. On being put asleep in the usual way, it was found, that besides being cataleptic, (as she has always been these two or three last days when in the Mesmeric state,) patient displayed a singular kind of obedience to the Mesmeric influence. When one of us held his hand a little way above that of patient, the latter was attracted by it, and could be made to follow either up or down, without being in contact. This phenomenon appeared so analogous to catalepsy, that we were inclined to believe it merely a superior development of that state. In the catalepsy we noticed, that when the patient's arm was made to assume different positions, the motion by which this was effected did not appear to be communicated CASES. 83 from the hand in contact with it, but seemed to be the result of the volition of the patient herself, acted upon in some way by the person experimenting : in other words, that the movements of the arms of the patient in the cataleptic state are not caused by the communication of motion in a mechanical way, but are dependent on some other influence, appa- rently of the same nature as that exercised by the hand when held at some distance from that of patient, as in the experiment I have just detailed. When the candle is in the room, patient says that she cannot see distinctly : on its being removed, sees better. She was told to get up, and fetch her work, when she immediately rose, went into another apart- ment, opened a small drawer, took out a stocking that she had been engaged knitting, returned to the room, and sat down to work. She stuck the wire into her waist-band, arranged the ball of worsted, and commenced operations, as if in her usual waking state, although her eyes were shut the whole time. There was no more light in the room than came from the fire, by which we could with difficulty observe how she was getting on. She continued knitting with great rapidity, now and then letting down a stitch ; but always taking it up with the utmost faci- lity. Her head was bent over her work, as. if for the purpose of using her eyes in the operation ; but on our interposing a thick quarto volume, opened in the middle, with both halves spread out, she, neverthe- less, carried on the knitting with the same facility as before, taking up a stitch when she happened to let one down, and producing just as perfect work as in her ordinary state of vigilance. The stocking is what is termed rig and fur, which, of all kinds of knitting, is that requiring the greatest degree of attention. Having wrought for about a quarter of an hour, on being desired to lay past her work, she again got up, went to the other apartment, put the 84 MESMERISM. stocking carefully back into its proper place in the drawer, and returned to lier seat. Re-seated, with an open book before her, she says that it looks quite black : can make out the lines, but cannot distinguish any of the letters. Could tell when the back of the book was turned towards her, instead of the printed side. The room being made dark by the removal of the candle, and her eyes, as usual, being shut, she can distinguish all the persons present ; but could not perceive them if any one stood in front between her and them. When asked if her eyes are not shut, she replied, " How could I see, if my eyes were shut." On Mr. Dove's fingers being placed on her closed eyes she seemed puzzled, and said that she could not tell how she saw. She knew when Mr. Dove left the room, but could not distinguish him after he had left. When we inquired where he was, she said, " He is in the kitchen ;" but, on being further desired to try if she could see what he was doing, she ridiculed the idea, as if she thought that we were making game of her, and asked, " How can I see through the wall ?" Patient having complained lately of pain in the back of the head, passes, without contact, were di- rected to that part. After being taken out of the sleep she had several fits of rather a more severe character than any experienced for several days past. January 19. — Patient passed a very bad night, headach continuing extremely violent. As had been agreed on last night, Mr. Dove visited her to- day at twelve o'clock, and threw her into the Mes- meric sleep, in which she remained till his afternoon visit at half-past six. On arriving at seven o'clock, I found her sitting in her ordinary state of vigilance, cheerful, and entirely relieved of headach, and all other pain. She had remained tranquil while in the CASES. 85 Mesmeric sleep, with the exception of a few fits which passed off mildly. Seeing the good effects produced by the long sleep, we determined to Mesmerise her on leaving, and allow her to remain all night in that state. After going to bed, patient was accordingly put into the Mesmeric sleep, and left in it for the night. January 20. — Patient was visited by Mr. Dove this morning about nine o'clock, and found exactly in the position in which we left her on the previous evening. She was roused up and left awake till the evening visit. On going out in the evening I found that the day had passed without a single fit ; she appeared cheer- ful, and said she was much better. When she had been once more set asleep, we pro- ceeded to rouse her into the state of Mesmeric vigi- lance by calling her by her name, and asking a few simple questions. She soon became very lively; the expression of her face was particularly pleasing, and her manner and tone of voice frank and natural. After we had gone on conversing with her for some time on matters of no importance, she appeared tired of such work, and at last said, she was Dot going to sit this way doing nothing. We inquired if she would take a seam ; she said she would, rose up, went to the next apartment, and soon returned with a frill that she had been engaged on during the day. She commenced sewing; and, so far as we could judge, did her work with more facility the darker we made the room. We then advised her to give over sew- ing for a little, which she did ; and on the candle being again brought into the room, we examined what she had done, and found it as neat as the part she had sewed while awake. She now said, " I want to go out." " But it is dark," I said. " No," she replied, " it is light ;" and rising from the chair, she asked for her bonnet and insisted on going out. 86 MESMERISM. With some difficulty we got her persuaded to remain. When she was again seated, I lifted the candle and brought it near to her face ; she started and said, " Oh ! what is that ? What a terrible darkness !" " What is it like V one of us asked. " It is like a big black thing," she replied, with an air of discom- fort. The candle was taken away, and the faint light of the fire completely intercepted, after which a looking-glass was presented to her, and she was asked what she saw. She replied, she saw a glass, and could distinguish her face in it. We had just light enough to make out that she had commenced to arrange her hair, which had become a little disordered; this finished, she tied her cap. When asked if she perceived that her eyes were shut, she answered, " No; I could not see if my eyes were shut;" but, on looking more carefully into the glass she ex- claimed, with an air of great surprise, " Yes ! I see they are shut !" This appeared quite unaccountable to her, but she did not ask us how it was, and would immediately have forgot all about it, but we put the question to her, " How can you see your own eyes shut V to which her reply was, " I don't know, but I see a clear light on everything." The experiment of whispering at the end of the cord was repeated with a view of ascertaining whe- ther she could perceive sound as well with the cord in contact with the epigastrium as when held at the ear, and the result was that she did not appear to be at all influenced by the whisper when the string was applied to the region of the stomach. On the other hand, however, a whisper, directed to the epigas- trium seemed to be more distinctly heard than when addressed to the ear. The great quantity of clothes worn by patient perhaps interfered with the success of the first of these experiments. She manifested to-night the usual response to mental orders; an effect being invariably produced by the conception CASES. 87 of the command, although not always the one de- sired. The whole body was extremely sensible to the approach of the hand; without being touched, she could be made to rise from her seat, and by the ap- proximation of a hand to her foot, the latter could be attracted and made to follow, as was the case with her hands on former occasions. When two or more hands were presented at the same time on different sides to a hand of the patient's, the latter fluttered about between them, as if uncertain where to fix, being apparently equally attracted by all. As this was continued, the motions of patient's hand became quicker, and the sense appeared to acquire additional acuteness. There was sometimes exhibited a sort of repulsion from one of the hands, although not always the same one. She was awakened about nine o'clock. While in the Mesmeric sleep patient had one or two short fits with slight rigidity of left side. At the time patient was in one of these, a stranger who was present, without consideration, passed his hand two or three times down along left leg, with con- tact, when all at once the whole body was thrown into the state of rigidity. She was relieved from this state by Mr. Dove making a few passes. After being awakened there occurred two fits, in which there was almost no rigidity, but instead very forci- ble twisting and stretching of the body and limbs, which we were told had been the case in some of the earliest fits. Patient left in bed in the Mesmeric sleep. January 21. — Patient awakened at nine morning by Mr. Dove ; still much refreshed ; but has had seve- ral slight fits during the night. In the evening, on being put to sleep, and room darkened as much as possible, she declared herself now " in the light." A card being put into her hand, she at once, and with- 88 MESMERISM. out hesitation, described it as of a red colour, with a small picture or engraving in the centre, and some words above and below, all right ; but she failed to read the words. Again, when there was light in the room, a card of the same size and thickness was put into her hand, with the intimation that we wished her now to read the words on it, but she at once, and decidedly, declared it to be another card — a white one, with a picture on it, but no words, — also quite right. Left patient in the Mesmeric sleep till morning. January 22. — Patient awakened by Mr. Dove, as before. Three or four fits to-day, as yesterday, but of a mild character, and not of the rigid kind, but like those she first had. Patient again Mesmerised, and left asleep, in the evening. January 23. — Patient awakened in the morning and again Mesmerised in the evening. She very soon attained her ordinary degree of Mesmeric luci- dity. Says that she feels remarkably comfortable in the Mesmeric state, which she describes as being quite different from her common state of vigilance. Room being darkened, and bandage placed on pa- tient's eyes, Mr. Dove took my note-book and held it before her, with his ring behind. She was asked what she saw, and she replied, " I see a shining thing." — " Look and tell me what it is T — " It is your ring," was the reply of the patient. The candle was again brought into the room, but it was kept at a distance, and there was still very little light. She said that she saw my watch when I held it close to her forehead, but could not tell the hour on it till after two or three trials. Her per- ception appeared to be strongest when it was held on the forehead, and not on the part of the head covered with hair. CASES. 89 Patient is insensible to pricking or pinching ; but she is able to perceive any motion communicated to her body, as, for instance, when her arm is moved. Two basins of water being brought into the room, and patient's hand being dipt into them in turn, she described the one, at a temperature of 115, as " very cold, — freezing," and the one at the tempe- rature of the atmosphere, as " nice and warm." The bandage being still retained, Mr. Dove sat down opposite patient, put a bit of ginger root into his mouth, and after chewing it a little, took hold of her hands. He had no sooner done this than she ap- peared to be tasting something, and answered, in re- ply to a question, that she had ginger in her mouth. This experiment was repeated, and varied with sugar, with salt, and with pepper, and each of these sub- stances was correctly tasted through the operator. Left asleep in bed to-night as usual. Only one fit to-day, which occurred just as she got into bed. We have observed, that regularly every night she takes a fit on that occasion. January 25. — Awakened in the morning, and again put to sleep at night. January 26. — Patient has had no fit since yester- day, and feels her health much improved. Com- plains of slight headach. Mr. Dove being unwell to-night, did not Mesmerise patient on leaving, many Mesmerisers being of opinion that an important in- fluence is exercised by the state of the operator's body. January 28. — Patient passed a miserable night on the 26th ; but having been Mesmerised, as usual, on the 27th, when I was unable to be present, is now much recruited. Bowels, which formerly were very irregular, have gradually become regular, without the use of any medicine, except a few pills now and then, which she has been long in the habit of taking, but which she now requires no longer. 90 MESMERISM. January 29. — On leaving patient in the Mesmeric sleep last night, Mr. Dove had the bed made up in such a way as to allow her to repose in a sitting po- sition, and we find to-day that she has passed a much better night. Mesmerism continued in the usual way, patient being regularly awakened in the morn- ing and put to sleep at night. January 30. — An excellent night, and no fit. Some of the former experiments were tried this evening with occasional failures. Mr. Dove having a hold of the patient's hand, took a pinch of snuff; she began to cough as if there was something chok- ing her, and at last made an effort to sneeze, calling out, at the same time, with an expression of disgust, " You 're putting snuff in my nose. I hate snuff." A similar experiment was tried with ammonia. January 31. — Patient continues to do well. February 1. — Patient has had no fits to-day, but complains of some degree of pain of back. February 2. — Complains of headach and pain of back. To-night patient could scarcely be got be- yond the state of lucid dreaming, which generally precedes that of lucid vigilance, and is a state in which she often mistakes recollection of former im- pressions for impressions of the moment; conse- quently, her answers are any thing but satisfactory. February 4. — Yesterday morning, (3d February,) when awakened at the accustomed time, patient had quite recovered her comfortable feelings. Last night she had no fit on going to bed. Slight headach, with some pain of side. To-night patient was more than ordinarily clair- voyant. The experiments on her sensations, and her sympathy with the operator, were tried with uniform success. Towards the end of the sitting, on the light being withdrawn, she became very lucid, and on her attention being directed to her own body, she said CASES. 91 she saw into it distinctly. Asked if she saw her heart. Replied that she did, and described it as small at the bottom and large at the top, with a di- vision in it which she felt some difficulty in describ- ing. Asked if she saw her brain. Said, with an air of surprise, " 0, yes, I see it !" — " What like is it ?" — " I see two pieces, and then another piece be- hind." She then described " a thing going down from it in four pieces," and strings like a chain all down her back. Said she saw a sore on her side, and another on her shoulder; that the former had been much larger, but was now healing, that it had already healed twice as much as its present size, which she described as bigger than a pennypiece. She added, that this sore would be soon well, as it was rapidly contracting. With an expression of pain, she told us, that all the blisters which she put on had but done her harm, and that, if she had been Mesmerised six years ago, she would now have been quite well. In her ordinary state of waking, we found that patient had not the slightest notion of even the simplest facts in anatomy. February 5. — Patient improving rapidly. In experimenting to-night on the production of rigidity in the limbs while in the state of pliant catalepsy, we found that it could be brought on by passes without contact in any limb, although placed in the most awkward and difficult position. As on some former occasions, we ascertained that the intro- duction of any foreign body into the hand, such as a key, produces intense rigidity, and farther, we ob- served to-night that this effect only takes place to a very limited extent, or not at all when the foreign body was previously handled and breathed on by operator. Pursuing this subject farther, we took four tea-cups, filled them with cold water, and one of them having been Mesmerised (breathed upon) by Mr. Dove, we presented them to patient, and dipped 92 MESMERISM. her hand successively in the four cups, without any- particular order, when she immediately recognised the one that had been Mesmerised, and on coming to it, so soon as her fingers touched the water, she gave an involuntary start, like that produced by an electric shock. This was repeated several times, the order of the cups being varied, with precisely the same result. By accident we found that patient exhibited ex- treme sensibility to impressions made on the opera- tor while he was in contact with her, and a far- ther investigation discovered that the sympathy established between them was so complete, that on his hair being pulled, his ear pinched, or any part pricked with a pin, she immediately started, com- plaining of being ill-used. "We had another ex- ample of this sympathy in the effect produced on patient by the operator throwing his arms out, the movement made by him being instantly imitated by her, although not always perfectly, yet in such a way as to show an evident desire to perform the same motion. The number of motions, for instance, always corresponded. This experiment was success- ful even when the operator went into the adjoining apartment out of the line of patient's vision. It was very apparent to-night that patient's per- ception of sound was much more acute at the hand than at the ear or any other part : the lowest whisper, which made no impression whatever on the ear, un- less when breathed into it, was readily heard when addressed with the mouth close to the hand. The room having been darkened, she again de- scribed her body in much the same way as on the previous evening. She said that it had the appear- ance of crystal with red streams running through it downwards, and darker streams returning upwards ; that she saw the lungs " working," and had still a distinct view of the sore places in her body. CASES. 93 "With regard to her views of light and shadow, she says that all present, excepting herself and Mr. Dove, are in the shadow. Patient had no fit to-night on going into bed. February 6th. — Awakened in morning, and Mes- merised in the evening as before. The sympathy between operator and patient appeared very strong at the commencement of this evening. When he sat down opposite to her, and, no contact being main- tained, performed the act of swallowing, the muscles of her neck and throat were immediately put into action and deglutition imitated. On operator nodd- ing his head, patient replied by an imitative nod. When he raised his hands, she did so likewise. After a repetition of former experiments, we again tried if she could perceive tastes through Mr. Dove as before ; but apparently on account of the fatigue occasioned by the exertions she had made, she failed to distinguish them correctly. This has occurred several times ; and on asking patient the cause of it, she says it is a mistake, arising from inattention, by which she confuses the recollection of former impres- sions with those actually made at the time. In fact, it would appear that this takes place in a sort of dream- ing state between sleep and lucid vigilance, which comes on when the patient has been exerting herself in the Mesmeric state, and requires repose ; or it may posssibly occur from some derangement of her health. What proves this to be the case, and that the mis- takes are not of the nature of failures among a num- ber of fortunate guesses, is, that when fatigued, and inclined to fell asleep, it is with difficulty she can be roused to answer at all correctly, while, when she is lucid, and free from the desire to sleep, her replies are uniformly correct. After an interval, patient was once more requested to examine her body, and described the sore on her side as almost well. She said that the sore on the 94 MESMERISM. shoulder would get worse, and that, in consequence, she would have two dreadful paroxysms of fits before her complete recovery. That the first of these would come on upon Thursday morning, (the 9th February,) and continue all day ; that on Friday she would be a great deal better, and on Saturday would appear quite well; but that on Sunday (the 12th) she would have the severest paroxysm she had yet experienced, after which there would be no return of the fits. She recommended that she should be kept in the trance from Wednesday night till Friday morning, and from Saturday night till Monday morning. We conclude our extracts from Dr. Mitchell's Journal with the following statement of the result of the above prediction. The fits came on exactly as patient had predicted, — the latter, moreover, beginning at the precise hour (seven o'clock) on Sunday morning, previously fore- told. The last fit of this dreadful and unintermitted paroxysm took place, as she also foretold, about four o'clock afternoon, since which period not the slightest symptom of a return has been experienced. It may be interesting to compare the accounts in Dr. Mitchell's Journal with those given by other gentlemen who had opportunities of witnessing the phenomena evolved in this case. One gentleman who visited Isabella D. about the end of February described as follows some of the occurrences of the evening : — • " On entering the apartment, Isabella D. was al- ready in the state of trance, but was awakened (by the operator rubbing her forehead with both his hands) in order that we might see and converse with her in her usual state. She was again thrown into the sleep by the operator holding her hands, and CASES. 05 looking stedfastly in her face for about a minute, when a deep drawn sigh announced that the change was effected. Her head sunk back upon a pillow placed for its reception, while the expression of the face and the position of the whole body, became all at once highly characteristic of the most perfect re- pose. The eyes remained slightly open as in som- nambulism, but this is said to be only the case when the patient is Mesmerised more than once at a sit- ting. A few passes down the head and face closed the eyes, and in this condition a hand or limb placed in any position, however awkward in her usual condition, remained unmoved, which state was de- scribed as that of pliant catalepsy. A few passes down any particular limb produced rigid catalepsy, in which the muscles appeared distended by some powerful nervous influence. On inquiry, we were informed that her pulse, which, in her ordinary state, beats quickly, falls usually about twenty beats while in this condition. Her eyes were now bandaged, and a loud noise having been unexpectedly made by striking two books together, showed that she was insensible to external influence of such a nature. At the same time, a cord, about fifteen yards long, having been fastened to her right hand, and carried to an adjoining apartment, and from thence down a stair to the court below, the doors being all shut, served as a means of communication between the patient and one of the medical gentlemen. Orders or com- mands, written by spectators in the apartment on a slip of paper, and handed to the latter, were whis- pered by him upon his end of the cord, and promptly replied to by her in the performance of the com- mands. Conversations held with her, by means of the operator whispering upon the back or palm of her hand, elicited the facts that she was possessed of a double consciousness, answering to a different name from that given in her usual condition, describing 96 MESMERISM. her situation as one of great mental quietude and happiness, and looking upon herself as a totally dif- ferent individual from what she really is.* The operator continuing to hold her hands, one of the spectators slipped behind him and pulled his hair, upon which the patient called out, that some one pulled her hair; when he was pinched, she com- plained of being pinched in the same place, although she was in her own person quite insensible to pain. When the operator held her hands, and imitated the motion of swallowing, the muscles of her throat and mouth assumed the appearance of the same action. The effect of such experiments impressed upon our minds the fact of a community of sensation. " The room was now completely darkened, and the fire covered up with a large board, the inter- stices being filled up with cloths, to prevent a single ray of light. In this state she was asked to describe the appearance of the room, and the position of the different parties present, which she did very minutely ; and one gentleman present described his sensation as almost overpowering, when, in a whisper, (with her eyes still bandaged,) she described the altered position in which he placed himself to test her powers. " It appears that this power of clairvoyance is greater in proportion to the absence of light. " The experiments, of which only the leading'ones can be here detailed, were of such a nature, and so conducted, as to leave us no alternative, unless we were inclined to doubt the evidence of our senses, but to believe that the science is entitled at the least to a proper share of attention. Experiments were also tried to show that it might be possible to lead the patient to visit in imagination, and to describe places and persons whom she had not previously seen * Her Mesmeric name is Martha, her baptismal name Isabella. CASES. 97 or conversed with, for instance, houses, streets, and even the interior of public buildings, which, we were assured by the father, mother, and brother of the patient, she was in her usual state utterly ignorant of." Another visit, early in the month of March, was thus described by a gentleman, who was also present on the evening above alluded to. " Upon entering the house on this occasion, the patient was in her natural state, and we were there- fore enabled to converse with her for some time be- fore she was thrown into the Mesmeric sleep. She described her health as continuing to improve daily, and she had on that day been able, for the first time during the last twelve months, to take a walk of some length out of doors. The operator having proceeded to throw the patient into the Mesmeric trance, this was effected in about a minute and a half. He next proposed to awaken her, in order to show the rapi- dity with which she might be thrown into sleep after having been once Mesmerised. This was accom- plished by rubbing the thumbs upon the forehead, immediately above the eyes, and the patient was again able to enter into conversation in her usual state. In half a minute she was once more put asleep, and, after a second awakening, the effect was almost instantaneous, the sleep having been produced in less than a quarter of a minute. A deep drawn sigh invariably announced that the patient had pass- ed into the trance, and a similar sign, with an in- stantaneous cessation of the cataleptic state, attended her awakening. This cessation of the catalepsy was especially remarkable when the arm had been pre- viously extended. " A bandage of the most perfect description was now placed upon the eyes of the patient. The ope- rator being seated in a chair in front of the patient, and holding her hands in his, a small quantity of G 98 MESMERISM. tartaric acid was put by one of the gentlemen pre- sent into the operator's mouth. By a whisper on the hand the patient was asked whether she had any thing in her mouth ? Yes. What was it ? Could not tell, but it had a nasty taste. Being pressed to describe the taste, said it was a nasty saltish sort of taste, but was not salt. Some common salt was then administered, and in reply to questions similarly put she said that she had salt in her mouth. Was it the same kind of salt she had a little ago? No, the other was a sour kind of salt, but this was real salt. With a like accuracy she replied, upon a little sugar being soon after applied. At a subsequent period, when some other experiments were in progress, one of the gentlemen observed that the operator had put into his mouth a portion of an oaten cake which was lying on a table in the room, and it occurred to him to have the question put, — Have you any thing in your mouth now ? The immediate response from the patient was, — Yes, a piece of cake. A little sugar was added by the same gentleman, and the reply then was, that she was eating cake and sugar. The operator's hands were also pricked with a pin, which immediately called forth an expression of dissatisfac- tion from the patient, who said that she felt pain in the same place. Similar experiments were made on the head, neck, and shoulders, with a like result. During the whole of this time the patient was kept closely bandaged, and, although repeated attempts were made, it seemed plain that she was insensible to pain in her own person. " In the Mesmeric state, the patient describes light as darkness, and darkness as light. Thus, a candle wafted rapidly across the face was described by her as a f terrible darkness like black stones,' from which she exhibited great anxiety to escape. On the other hand, she could distinguish outward objects only in total darkness, and in such circumstances she declared CASES. 99 that there was a brilliant light centered in her body. The loudest noise made in the apartment, no matter how near, or how unexpectedly produced, failed to excite the slightest attention ; but a gentle whisper upon her hand, or at the ear of the operator while grasping it, was immediately replied to. As has been already stated, she is quite insensible to pain in her own person, but when any individual grasped her hand, upon whom experiments such as those already mentioned were performed, she immedi- ately displayed the most acute sensibility to pain, or other disagreeable sensations. In short, many of the sensations common to man in his ordinary state seemed to be reversed or inverted during the con- tinuance of the Mesmeric vigil. " It has been stated that it is possible to lead the patient to visit in imagination, and to describe places and persons she had not previously seen or conversed with. What degree of reality may be connected with this, the operator confessed that he was unable to say ; but that, at all events, if partaking only of the character of a dream, it was exceedingly curious. Perfect reliance could not, it was evident, be placed in the statements made by the patient while on an excursion of this description, as she evinced a dispo- sition to move about from place to place with a rapidity which it was impossible to follow, thus ne- cessarily creating confusion in the minds of the list- ners. The manner in which these dreamy excursions are performed is as follows : — The operator, sitting by the side of the patient, whispers the question upon her hand whether she knows a certain place. On this occasion it was a house in the west end of the city, that she had before visited in the same manner, which was indicated, and the reply was, that she knew the spot. She was told to go there, and accordingly, in a few minutes, said that she had arrived at the door. She was requested not to enter, but to proceed 100 MESMERISM. farther along the same street, and turn up the next street she came to. In this manner she was, in ima- gination, led to a particular residence, the external appearance of which she accurately described, and into which she was requested to enter. Arrived with- in the portal, she found her way into one of the rooms, in which she stated that four gentlemen were sitting. One of these she described as an elderly gentleman with white or grey hair, and after some farther questions declared that he had a bodily pecu- liarity of a somewhat striking description. At first she stated that she had never seen the gentleman before, but on being asked to look at him more care- fully, said that he had been at her father's house about three weeks previously with a well-known phy- sician in town, whom she named. When at her father's, the gentleman, she said, had on a blue cloak ; but she could not recall his name. Strange to say, the house to which the patient was led was that of a gentleman who had visited her with the physician referred to — the statement regarding the bodily pe- culiarity was also strictly accurate, although the de- fect is so well concealed as to be unnoticed by a merely casual observer. The coincidence was cer- tainly curious, and the phenomena connected with these imaginary excursions seem altogether calculated to repay investigation. To dogmatise upon them, in our present imperfect knowledge of the science with which they are connected, would lead to no use- ful result ; and perhaps the best thing that inquirers can do is to confine themselves to an investigation of facts, without, in the meantime, making any attempt at explanation." A third visit, about the middle of the month of March, at which there was also present another clairvoyante, Isabella H , of whom some account will be subsequently given, was described as follows, by a highly intelligent gentleman, who was that CASES. 101 evening a witness of Mesmeric experiments for the first time. " Both the girls entered the room at the same moment. The one who had been subject to fits of a cataleptic nature was first operated on. She was placed on a chair, at the back of which was a low chest of drawers, and on this was a pillow imme- diately behind her head. On a chair immediately opposite, and very close to the patient, sat the ope- rator. He began by taking hold of her hands, which he held firmly for a few seconds, at the same time looking steadfastly in her face. The patient's eyes began to wink, as if drowsiness were coming on irresistibly. She uttered a deep sigh, her eyes closed, and her head fell back on the pillow prepared for it. This did not occupy more than a minute from the time the passes were begun. A bandage, consisting of a white cotton handkerchief, and over it a dark India silk handkerchief, was then tied firmly and completely over the eyes, so that it was utterly im- possible that she could see any thing whatever, even if she had not been under the Mesmeric influence. The operator, by a few passes near the left arm, produced in it a state of rigidity and tension, which rendered it difficult to move the arm or the fingers of the hand. A few more passes reduced this rigid- ity, and the arm and hand became pliant as before. He then placed the ends of the fingers of his right hand within about two inches of the patient's hand. Immediately the fingers of her hand vibrated, slightly at first, and inclined towards the operator's : then, as he continued to move his hand nearer, and again draw it away, which he did frequently and rapidly, — never, however, allowing his hand to come actu- ally in contact with her's, — the patient's fingers and hand became more agitated ; the hand rose from her knee, and followed the operator's hand, which was withdrawn and raised as if irresistibly attracted. 102 MESMERISM. He now applied his left hand to the back of the patient's, with the same motion as before, keeping always at the distance of from two to three inches. This drew her hand back again, and the vibratory inclination was now downwards. Again this was counteracted by the operator's right hand being brought to bear on the front of the patient's fingers, which were then attracted upwards, — her hand con- tinuing to move up and down, or from side to side, according to the position of the operator's hands. " The power of the eye on the hand of the patient was still more extraordinary. The operator fixed his eye intently on the hand, which was at the time resting on the patient's knee, and distant about a foot and a half from the operator's face. The fin- gers began to vibrate as before, the hand was raised, and, as the operator withdrew his face, the patient's hand followed in the same direction, until he removed to a greater distance, and suddenly drew back his head. At this time the operator had turned to answer a question of mine, and his back was towards the patient. One of the gentlemen who accompanied me was sitting at the right side of the patient, and distant from her about three feet; and at this moment he fixed his eyes intently on the patient's hand, which the operator had placed again on her knee in a state of perfect repose : the hand turned towards the gentleman, and the fingers moved and vibrated upwards towards his face, which was bent down, and steadily fixed about two or three feet from the hand, and six or eight inches perhaps above it. " The operator next asked if we had any sub- stance, of a decided or pungent taste, that we could put into his mouth ? I had a few strong ginger lozenges in my pocket ; I placed one of them in his mouth, while he was holding the patient's hands in his. He then asked her, in a low voice, what she CASES. 103 had in her mouth ? Her lips moved, as if in the act of tasting, and she replied, without hesitation, e< It is ginger." I then took the operators seat, silently putting into my own mouth a quantity of common salt, from a salt-dish on the table. I took firm hold of the patient's hands, and she was again asked what she had in her mouth. Her lips moved again, as in the act of tasting, and she hesitated. I had, up till this time, kept the salt on my tongue, without any action or suction, so that it was not dissolved, or, at all events, had never touched the palate. The ope- rator told me to swallow the substance which I had in my mouth. This I accordingly did, and she im- mediately said, " It is salt." Several of the other visiters tried other substances, — sugar, water, ginger again, — and she never failed to state, with perfect correctness, what the substance was. One of the gentlemen who accompanied me was sitting opposite the patient, holding her hands in his, and when we pulled his hair, or pinched his arm, or pricked his hand with a needle, she shrunk at every one of these operations, — told distinctly, and without a moment's hesitation, whether her hair was pulled, her arm pinched, or her hand "jagged with pins," as she called it. The singular part of this experiment is, that while she feels most acutely any thing that may be done to a person holding her hands at the time, , she is totally unconscious and insensible in her own person. Her own hands were pricked with a needle, and a few hairs were pulled by the roots from her head, without the slightest shrinking or symptom of sensation. On being then told to walk into the kit- chen, which was an adjoining room, she immediately rose and went away." We omit, for the present, any detailed notice of Isabella H , and proceed to give the concluding portion of the narrative. " At this time, the other patient, (Isabella D ,) 1 04 MESMERISM. who was still under the Mesmeric influence, was brought into the room, when a most extraordinary scene was presented. It may be interesting, how- ever, to observe, in the first place, that the two indi- viduals alluded to are said to be still almost entire strangers, and quite indifferent to each other, in their ordinary state, — having only seen each other three or four times, and, indeed, having been placed in the trance together only twice before ; while the circum- stance of their ever meeting at all, arose merely from the fact of the second having been lately Mesmerised for the first time by a gentleman who had, on a pre- vious occasion, witnessed the singular phenomena developed in the first case, and who, having at a former period attempted some experiments in Mes- merism, was desirous of renewing his acquaintance with the subject. In his very first attempt with this patient, it so happened, that he was not a little astonished and disconcerted to find himself, all of a sudden, in the presence of a clairvoyants of, at least, as extraordinary a description as the one he had pre- viously seen. The first operator, on entering the kitchen, in order to lead his patient to the curious interview now to be described, and, on desiring her to go with him to see her ' sister,' as she called her, was told that it was unnecessary, as she had already been in close converse with her, and did not require to do so, if we would only let her sister alone, and not tease her with questions. He found her with her hands locked into each other in a very peculiar manner, and quite rigid, yet quickly and frequently changed into other curious postures, — sometimes across the breast, sometimes clasped together, &c. ; and he could not persuade her to rise, until he assured her we would go on teasing her e sister ' till she came into her presence herself. Instantly she rose and walked, with convulsive rapidity, or rather ran, into the adjoining apartment. The two then CASES. 1 05 hastily embraced each other with apparent rapture, folded their arms round each other, and clung to- gether with a rigid and tenacious grasp, that would have caused pain to any one in a natural state. I endeavoured to lift the hand of one of them from the shoulder of the other, and with all my force could hardly move it. The attraction seemed irresistible and mutual. The impression left on my mind, when I attempted to separate them, was, that it was a violence to both. We remained about a quarter of an hour after this meeting, during which time their hold of each other never relaxed. The operator told us, that it was with the greatest difficulty that the two could be separated ; and that nothing but strong persuasion, and the promise that they should be allowed soon to meet again, induced them to part. " The above is a very imperfect sketch of what took place in the course of a series of experiments, which lasted upwards of three hours. I went to the house where these were conducted with a strong feeling, that there must be collusion betwixt the operators and the patients ; but this, at all events, I am fully convinced, there was not, and could not be. I offer no opinion on the extraordinary phenomena presented in both the cases which I have endeavoured to describe. If these phenomena be not referable to any known principles of medical or psycological science, they are sufficiently interesting and curious to render them worthy of fuller and more candid investigation than they have yet received." It may be mentioned, that it was at a previous meeting, similar to the above, of which no formal record has been preserved, that the patients gave themselves new names. In their ordinary condition, it so happens that they are both named Isabella ; but on being separated from each other on the evening referred to, they stated, that the one was to be called Martha, and the other Mary, and from that period 106 MESMERISM. onwards they have recognised no other names while in the Mesmeric trance. This peculiar attraction towards each other of individuals in the higher Mes- meric states, we have frequently witnessed in other cases. They usually describe themselves as brothers and sisters, and if brought into the same room, will immediately, although blindfolded, evince a know- ledge of each other s presence, and will converse only with each other. Meanwhile, Isabella D , or Martha, to adopt her Mesmeric name, continued daily to improve, and there had been no return of the fits. About the period of the visit last narrated, one of the principal partners in the establishment of which her father was foreman, returned from England, where he had been absent for some time ; and, upon learning what had been going on in the family of John D , threatened that he would dismiss the latter from his situation, unless the visits of Dr. Mitchell and Mr. Dove were instantly discontinued. An appeal was made to this individual, setting forth the benefit which the patient had derived from the treatment ; and, what- ever he might think of Mesmerism, the cruelty of putting a stop to what had evidently been productive of so large an amount of good in her case. He was also asked to become a witness of the Mesmeric phe- nomena, and to judge of their reality for himself. He did not avail himself of this offer, but renewed the threat of dismissal ; and, unwilling to do any- thing that might prove injurious to the poor man and his family, Dr. Mitchell and Mr. Dove suspended their visits to the house of John D . The interruption of the Mesmeric treatment, and the agitation produced in the mind of the patient by this conduct on the part of her father s employer, led to an exceedingly serious illness, although happily unaccompanied by any return of the fits. It became then, a question with John D whether he was to CASES. 107 lose his daughter or his situation, and we need scarce- ly say that his mind was speedily made up to sacri- fice the latter. Dr. Mitchell's journal of this illness is also before us, but as a tolerably complete narra- tive was drawn up at the time by the editor of this volume, (who was afforded an opportunity of seeing the patient awake from her ten days' sleep,) and re- vised by Dr. Mitchell and Mr. Dove, it is given in- stead of the daily record from the journal. The following narrative was written about the 10th of April 1843:— " Isabella D has now been entirely free from fits for two months, though previously they had been, in general, of daily occurrence, some of the paroxysms extending to the almost incredible number of sixty to seventy fits a day, the patient, indeed, being often literally out of one fit into another during all that time. Some weeks ago, an interruption of the Mes- meric treatment took place, and the mind of the patient was at the same time agitated by circum- stances of an annoying and vexatious description. On the evening of Thursday, the 30th of March, she complained of severe headach, giddiness, and a feel- ing of blindness, arising from the check which the re-establishment of functions deeply affecting the ge- neral health had thus received. Having been taught by Mr. Dove to throw herself into the Mesmeric sleep by a method similar to that lately pursued by Mr. Braid of Manchester, but previously practised by Mr. Dove in Edinburgh, she was recommended by her parents to endeavour to do so on this occa- sion, though, from the distressed state of her mind, she had before temporarily lost the power. In this particular instance, however, she again happily suc- ceeded, and a visit from Mr. Dove having been obtained at a later period of the evening, he con- versed with her in the trance, and found that medi- cal aid was instantly necessary. This was accord- 1 08 MESMERISM. ingly procured, and a considerable quantity of blood was taken from the patient while in the trance. "When in the state of what has been termed sleep- waking, or somnambulism, the patient always talks of herself as of another person. In the Mesmeric state she calls herself Martha, and she talks of Isa- bella (her real name) as of a totally different indivi- dual. When asked about the complaints with which Isabella was troubled, she described them with what seemed to be the greatest accuracy, and indicated the most suitable remedies. After the bleeding she fainted away, but, strange to say, Martha was, nevertheless, still able to talk, and, with the pallid hue of death in her countenance, deliberately, and with the utmost coolness and self-possession, directed the proceedings of the attendants, and correctly told the time at which the state of syncope was to cease ! A bottle of smelling salts was afterwards applied to the patient's nostrils, but without the slightest effect; and no benefit was derived from such a source till the medical attendant applied the salts to the nostrils of the operator, while he held her hands in his, when, on his powerfully and even painfully inhaling them himself, the usual effect upon the patient was imme- diately produced. " Martha was asked, ' whether Isabella ought still to be kept asleep V Answer, c Yes/ ' How long would she remain asleep, without being re-Mesmer- ised V ' Until the succeeding forenoon.' On Friday it was resolved that she should still be kept in the state of trance, and, without bringing her back to her natural condition, she was re-Mesmerised, when she said that Isabella would now remain asleep for a period of twenty-four hours. On Saturday the same process was repeated, and on Sunday she was allowed to awake to her natural state for about twenty mi- nutes, when she voluntarily returned into the trance. " I should mention, that on Friday evening a doze CASES. 109 of salts and senna had been ordered by the physi- cian, but an ignorant or careless apothecary had mixed up some calomel with the doze. The effects were seen on Sunday evening upon the mouth, which got worse during several ensuing days. The Mes- merising was now repeated once in the twenty-four hours for a week, without any further awakening of the patient to her natural state. After some days a gradual improvement took place — the headaches, &c. were nearly gone, and even the mouth, which had become very sore, began at length to improve. Martha was consulted from day to day as to whether Isabella should be awakened, but she continued for some time to recommend a continuance of the sleep. At length, after the interval of more than a week, she stated, on Saturday the 8th instant, that Isabella might be allow- ed to awake on the following day at twelve o'clock. The operator asked, whether she could not undertake to keep her asleep till one o'clock ; this she agreed to try to do. It may be here mentioned, that, during the ten days the patient remained in the Mesmeric sleep, she reclined for the most part in bed, but at all times, night or day, freely answered any ques- tions put to her when whispered upon the hand. The state of the mouth prevented her usual food from being given to her, but she partook sparingly of whatever was offered, it being principally adminis- tered in a liquid state. Occasionally she altered her position in bed, arranged the bed-clothes properly whenever it was necessary, and sometimes even rose of her own accord. Throughout the whole time she continued insensible to external sounds, unless through the medium of a whisper upon the hand, the eyes also remaining shut. " Shortly after 1 1 o'clock on the forenoon of Sun- day the 9th April, the day fixed for awakening, ac- companied by Dr. Mitchell, I entered the room of the patient, where we were scon joined by Mr. Dove. 110 MESMERISM. The invalid was lying on a bed, so arranged that the head and the upper part of the body were much more elevated than is usual when persons are in sleep. The eyes were closed, the face pale, but the expres- sion of the countenance could not be called unpleas- ing. I was desirous of ascertaining from her while in the Mesmeric state, whether she had a correct idea of the lapse of time, and I soon learned that she was well aware how long Isabella had been asleep — that this was Sunday — and that the hour was then half-past eleven o'clock. A bottle of smelling-salts held at the nostril of Mr. Dove caused her immediately to move, and she described the sensation accurately. As the hour appointed by herself for awakening ap- proached, the individuals present ceased from con- versing with the patient, and sat down at some dis- tance from her in the apartment. At about ten minutes past one, according to the time by our watches, she began to move, stretched out her arms slowly, heaved one very deep sigh, and, having rubbed her eyes for a minute or two, looked round, and recognised the persons present. I should state, that as the patient went to sleep on a Thursday, when awakened on the previous Sunday she believed it to be Friday, and after her renewed sleep of a week, she now conceived that another day had elapsed, and that this was Saturday. Upon being asked how she felt, the answer was — ( Much better than yesterday/ ' Was the headach, &c, gone ? ' 4 Yes, quite.' ' Was she well otherwise ?' ' Yes, except that her mouth was a little sore.' It was then explained to her how this had happened ; but as she was unacquainted with the operation of calomel, she could not comprehend how the mouth could have become sore in one night. Her father, who had just come home from church, now entered the room, and she immediately inquired what he was doing there with his Sunday clothes on. A gentleman present, CASES; 111 for the purpose of trying her, said, ' This is the Saturday of the preachings you know, Isabella, and your father will be going to church.' Qlt may be as well to explain, that this was the Sunday on which the half-yearly administration of the Lord's Supper is celebrated ; that in Scotland this is preceded by what is termed a Fast-day, which in Glasgow is always the Thursday before the Sacramental Sunday, and that on the previous Saturday there is also ser- mon in the churches.] She answered that it could not be the Saturday of the preachings, because the Fast-day was not till next Thursday. ' Well, well/ said another gentleman, ' since you must know the truth, this is Sunday.' ' And have I been asleep for two whole days ? ' was her exclamation ; and it was with some difficulty she could be convinced that even this was true. Some farther conversation en- sued, when it was deemed right to enlighten her as to the fact that she had not only been asleep two days, but had completed almost ten whole days in that state. ' Isabella,' said one of the gentlemen present, ' what would you say to this being the Sacrament Sunday?' 'You 're joking with me, now/ was her answer ; ' I know quite well that the preachings are not till next Sunday ; next Thursday is the Fast-day.' It was some time before convic- tion came ; but when she was assured by her mother, and others around her, that it was really so, it would be no easy matter to describe the feeling of surprise which her countenance exhibited. " The effects of the ten days' sleep have been of the most beneficial character to the patient. The Mesmeric treatment for the general re-establishment of her health is now proceeding without interruption, and, as already noticed, two months have elapsed since she had the slightest symptom of a fit. There is, therefore, every seeming probability that an indi- vidual who, for twelve or fourteen years, was a con- 112 MESMERISM. firmed invalid, and who, during five years of that time, was subject to this dreadful disease, will, by a skilful perseverance in the present treatment, become in time a useful member of society. Whatever may be the general character of Mesmerism, it is vain to deny that the curative process has, in this instance, been thus far successful. People may dispute as long as they choose about names, some arguing for the existence of a magnetic fluid, and others declar- ing the results to be merely the effect of imagina- tion ; but whether the one or the other, is of little consequence compared to the fact, that by means such as have been described, and which are applicable to a numerous class of diseases, the sick may be re- stored to convalescence." The above was written in April, and after the lapse of months, the patient has had no return of the fits. Her father, however, has been made the suf- ferer. The threat of the employer was carried out ; and because John D permitted his daughter, whose case had for years baffled the skill of many of the leading members of the Glasgow Faculty, to be treated in the only manner that seemed likely to save her life, he was dismissed from an employment which he had held, with credit to himself, for the long period of twenty-six years ! That there was no other cause of complaint against John D is evi- dent from the following certificate of character which was given soon after the dismissal took place. "Glasgow, 25th April 1843. " We hereby certify, that John D has been in our employment since June 183 7, as a cooper, till December 1834, since which time he has acted as foreman of our work here to within the last three weeks, and during the whole of that time we found him uniformly attentive, sober, and honest. (Signed) "G M & Co." CASES. 1 1 3 Mesmerism, therefore, has not been without its martyrs even during the short time it has been prac- tically known in Scotland. "We trust, however, that conduct such as we have described will meet with few imitators. ISABELLA H- This case has already been slightly alluded to in the account of the preceding one ; but, unlike her Mesmeric sister Martha, Mary, a young woman of probably twenty-five years of age, was in the enjoy- ment of perfect health. Some of the phenomena now to be described are of an even more extraordi- nary nature than those previously laid before the reader. As regards community of sensation between the operator and patient, and other experiments of that nature, they have been so often tested that there cannot be the slightest doubt of their truth, and we would only be disposed to hesitate when the power is claimed on behalf of clairvoyants of being able to see and describe what is going on in other places, possibly at a distance of many miles. Wonderful, however, as these statements are, we have not thought it right to withhold them. They have been all made by men of character and probity, who are themselves fully convinced of the truth of what they have written ; and, without farther introduction, we com- mence with the evening on which the Mesmeric inter- view already described took place. " The other subject of the experiments of this evening was a remarkably pretty, interesting-looking young woman, who had remained in the room the whole time that the above experiments were in pro- gress. She was thrown into the Mesmeric sleep or state in about two minutes, by a different operator. H 114 MESMERISM. Her face became pale, and the features severe in expression — more markedly so, I thought, through- out, than in the other case. The room was com- pletely darkened, in order that the clairvoyance might be more distinctly impressed on her. In reply to queries put in a low voice, she answered also in a low but distinct voice, ' that she was in a state of perfect happiness and quiet, walking in light — that her own body was filled with light — that all around her was light,' &c. She answered a vast number of questions in regard to the houses of different indivi- duals, and the personal appearance of individuals ; some of these with most extraordinary precision. She was desired to describe the parlour of one of the friends who accompanied me. She replied imme- diately, that it was ' a square compact room, with some pictures on the walls ; some large, some small, and pretty far apart ; a high case at one side, like a bookcase, with glass doors ; the light hung from the roof; a lady was sitting at a table in the room knitting or sewing.' ' "Was there only one lady in the room?' 'Only one.' 'And in the house?' ' In another apartment, which seemed a kitchen, there was another lady speaking to a servant-girl.' ' Were there any animals in the house ?' ' Yes, a cat was near the lady in the kitchen.' This was an exact account of my friend's parlour and domestic esta- blishment. She was desired to go to my house, and upstairs to the front room, then to describe the room. ' It was a pretty room — not the ordinary shape — not with four sides — and there was a kind of cut in.' She drew the plan of the room on the palm of her hand with her fore-finger ; ' it is this shape,' — CASES. J 15 which it is. She was asked to go to Mr. J. B.'s house in St. Mungo Street, Barony Glebe. She went at once. ' It is round the corner, up stairs.' ' How many stairs up V ' As high as you can go ; the top of the land.' This last query was put by my friend, who had told Mr. J. B. in the forenoon where he was going that night. Mr. J. B. said to him, half in jest, ' Take her to my house in St. Mungo Street, as I shall be at home all night/ The situation of the house was described with perfect correctness." The following account was drawn up by a gentle- man from England, who was on a visit to a friend in Glasgow about the end of March 1843, and had two or three opportunities afforded him of seeing Isa- bella H . " Learning, soon after my arrival in Glasgow, that a gentleman with whom I was acquainted was going to see a person Mesmerised, I requested and obtained permission to accompany him. I was an- xious to do so, as I had read some of the works on Mesmerism, and the statements of the friends of this science appeared to me so preposterous, that I had become exceedingly incredulous on the subject. We accordingly went to the place at the appointed time, there being no one present, excepting my friend, who knew any thing about me. I will not enter into a detail of what occurred that evening, and will only remark, that what are called the physical experi- ments were eminently successful. The patient was afterwards requested to go to my house, and describe its external appearance and position ; also to go into it, and to describe the furniture of one of the rooms, which was, in some degree, peculiar. The descrip- tion she gave was very nearly correct. What I saw and heard that evening compelled me to alter my opinion, and to acknowledge that Mesmerism was real and not simulated. 116 MESMERISM. " I was, however, very desirous of seeing more of the phenomena, and willingly took advantage of another opportunity of doing so. On this occasion, there were eight gentlemen present. The patient was Mesmerised in what I understand to be the usual way, and her eyes were bandaged so as to satisfy all present, that it was impossible she could see. The operator was, by a sign, desired to go into another apartment, and to wish her to come to him, which she did, first coming into the middle of the room ; he was then requested to seat himself on the opposite side of the room, and wish her to come to him. She did so, stopping a little beside two gentle- men in crossing over. " Mr. C sat down before her, took hold of her hands, and put something in his mouth known only to himself ; she described it as being hot and very disagreeable, her face, at the same time assuming the expression of a person taking disagreeable medicine ; she began to be sick, and was nearly vomiting. It was the end of a cigar, and the gentleman said if he had kept it much longer in his mouth, he would have been sick himself. Mr. B sat down, took a snuff silently while he grasped her hands ; it imme- diately caused her to sneeze several times, and so naturally as to satisfy us all that she actually felt the sensation which snuff produces on persons unac- customed to it. Ammonia was applied to her nose without producing any effect ; it was then placed to the nose of the gentleman who had hold of her hand, who was desired to choose his own time for inhaling, — the moment he did so, she pulled away her hands, said it was not right to do so, and that they had put something to her brain. Mr. C also tried taking snuff, and it produced the same results as before. Asafcetida was inhaled by a gentleman, and she described it as being very bad and disagree- able. CASES. 1 1 7 " The light was flashed across her face ; she said a great darkness had come upon her. " These gentlemen tried in turn to wish her to raise one of her hands, and they all said she had done so, and the precise hand they had wished. She was pricked with a pin without manifesting any feeling ; but on the same being done to the gentleman in con- tact with her, she pulled away her hands, and rubbed them on the part corresponding to that which the pin had been applied ; his hair was also pulled, and she put her hand to her head in a similar way. u Mr. A then requested her to go to his house, which she did with no other clue, and described it very accurately, giving an exact account of his wife, and some other members of his household, and what they were doing, so as completely to satisfy Mr. A of her power of clairvoyance ; he said when he left us, that he would not be able to sleep all night after what he had heard and seen. " The other gentlemen being engaged in conversa- tion, I went up to the patient, and giving her my hand, tried her powers in wishing her to grasp it or to let it go, and endeavoured, by varying the wishes, to puzzle her if she did it on a plan, as some have said ; but she was invariably right. " The above is a very short and imperfect sketch of the transactions of the evening, which, to my mind, were very satisfactory." The following account was given by another gen- tleman of Mary's powers of describing places at a distance which she had never seen : — " The patient was requested to go to a place of business in town, with all the internal arrangements of which I was perfectly familiar. She replied, ' I do not know it.' The Mesmeriser said, ' It is in Street, go and find it out.' Almost imme- diately she indicated that she had discovered the place, and was desired to go in, and describe what she 1 1 8 MESMERISM. saw. Her description did not accord with the state of the premises ; but, strangely enough, I heard suf- ficient to convince me that she had entered, not the place desired, but a bank situated next door. She was in the teller's room, and explained the position of the long desk, and railings adjoining, with great accuracy. Having been frequently in this bank, I recognised at once the description she gave of it. She seemed puzzled when asked to tell the use of the railings, but at length said, ' I think they must be for the salvation of the bank/ The word 'bank' had not been previously made use of either by the Mesmeriser or myself. She was now told, ' You have gone into the wrong place ; go and seek the one you were first desired to find out,' — the place being at the same time named to her. She then in- dicated that she had found it, and was asked where she was. ' At the door.' c What kind of a door is it V i It is just like an other door.' ' Well, go in.' ' It is locked and fastened.' ' How is it fastened ?' ' There is a long dark thing across it, and a thing like that' (doubling her fist.) Now, I was aware that the door in question was fastened outside with a long iron-bar and a padlock, the door itself being locked besides. She was then told to open the door and go in, which she accordingly said she had done. ' What do you see?' 'I see a railing before me.' ' How does the railing go V ' It goes up that way,' (making a motion with her hand upwards — all right.) ( What is the railing attached to ?' 'I cannot say what it is ;' but, on being more particularly ques- tioned, she said it was a stair — again right. She was then desired to pass the railing, and proceed through a large apartment to the door of a smaller apartment leading from it. This room she was asked to enter. ' What do you see V ' I see a very neat, nice place.' ' What do you find in it V l There is a nice desk — a low desk' — (correct.) 4 Is the desk cases. 1 1 y open or shut V i It is open' — (also correct, the desk having that night been left open.) ' Is there any- thing on the walls ?' ' They are very pretty* — (the walls are neatly papered.) ' But do you see anything on the walls V i I see a number of things around them.' ' Are they pictures V ' No/ ' What are they V { I cannot tell ; one of them has a thing pic- tured all round it.' I may here state, that round the walls were several printed placards, and that one of them had a very broad ornamental border round the margin. 'Is there a carpet on the floor?' ' Yes/ — (correct.) ' Are there any seats in the room V ' Yes, there are, one, two, three, and another seat.' This question was repeated several times, and the same answer received. In point of fact there were only three seats in the room, and what she uniformly represented as i another seat' could not be ascer- tained, unless she meant the window-sill, which is not unlike a seat after all. The patient was next desired to state if there was anything upon the desk, when she said there was a curious dark thing, which she could not describe. Being asked if it was like an ink -stand, she replied, ' it might ;' (in reality an ink-stand stood upon the desk, but it was one of a very curious construction, and even a waking visiter might be excused for not being able accurately to de- scribe it.) On being farther questioned, she said there was a bit of paper on the desk — (correct.) She was then asked to go into a dark closet, used partly as a lumber-room and partly as a receptacle for a certain description of goods, the latter being placed above each other in large packages. When asked what sort of a room this was, she said, ' It is a curious-looking place, not like the last/ ' What kind of a place is it V 'I think it is a place for put- ting past things in/ ' What do you see in it V ' I see things laid, and laid, and laid,' — making a mo- tion with her hand to indicate that the articles were 1 20 MESMERISM. laid one aoove another.) This struck me as a very accurate description of the packages already referred to. e What more do you see V ' I see a number of things lying about/ ' Describe them more particu- larly/ e I see a place where a number of other things are laid, and laid, and laid/ — (making the same mo- tion with her hand as before.) ' What kind of a place is that V 4 It has one, two, three, four, five wards, I think/ e Does it look like a press V c Yes, it is a press ; and it has folding -doors.' This was an accurate description of a press in the closet, contain- ing a quantity of paper, laid in the way described by the patient. The patient was now requested to go to another room on the premises, the door of which she said was shut — (correct.) Having entered, she said there was a large thing in it resembling a table more than a desk, — (correct) — that there were many things on it she could not describe accurately, fthe table had lying on it a number of small papers in a loose and irregular manner.] She said there was at the foot of the table a large square thing, very thick on the one side, and narrow at the other, £this was an accurate description of a portable writing-desk which lay on the table, and also of its position.] ' Are there any seats in the room V e Yes/ ' How many V ' One, two, and another seat/ There were, in fact, two chairs in the room, but what was meant by ' another seat' could not be ascertained, unless, as in the case of the other room, the window- sill was again taken for a seat. She then stated that there was a seat just below the portable desk referred to, in which she was also correct. In this room there is one window only for light, but an opening pane of glass is fixed in a partition, for the purpose of com- municating, when necessary, with an adjoining room. Being asked if there were any windows in the room, she replied, ' One,' and on being asked to look more darticularly, she said, ■ There is one window, and a CASES. 121 contracted looking thing, that is a window, and is not a window.' fc If it is not a window, what is it ?' ' It is a contracted thing ; not a window, and yet like a window.' ' Is it like a pane of glass ?' After a little hesitation, she said, ' Yes, it is a pane of glass.' She was then asked if there was a carpet on the floor, and correctly answered, ' No.' Being asked to de- scribe what she saw on the floor, she spoke of a number of articles too trifling to be of any conse- quence in the investigation; but on being told to look well, and see if there was any thing of a strik- ing nature, she replied, ' A part of the floor is marked off.' ' Well, what is it V After a moment's hesitation, she drew back with an expression of fear, and said, in evident discomposure, ' It is a horrible looking place — it's a dungeon.' ' A dungeon ! — is there a door upon it ?' ' Yes.' e "Well, lift it up.' After a pause, ' Have you lifted it ?' ' Yes.' ' What do you see ?' ' A horrible looking place — it's like a dungeon.' ' Have you looked down V 4 Yes.' ' Is there any light in it ?' ' No — its not a nice place.' ' How did you lift the door ?' ' There is a thing upon it which men in the world would lift it by.' 4 What kind of a thing is that ?' ' I can't tell/ ' Is it wood or iron?' ' It must be iron, for it is very hard.' This description was perfectly accurate in every particular. In the room there is a trap-door on the floor, used for lowering articles to the sunk flat, and the appearance below is not unlike that of a dungeon — the door is lifted by a small iron ring, which she described as ' the thing men in the world would lift it by,' as if to indicate that she re- quired no such facility in doing it. The peep into 4 the dungeon,' evidently caused her considerable annoyance. " The patient was then requested to look through the pane of glass referred to and state what she saw, when she correctly described the room adjoining and some part of its contents. Having been asked to go 122 MESMERISM. in, she did so ; and among other things, mentioned with great distinctness, a standing screen, which stretched across part of the floor. This she called ' drapery,' but very accurately described that it was standing, not hanging, and the position it occupied in the room. " The above I vouch to be, in almost every particu- lar, a correct description of the premises. In one or two trifling matters there were some inaccuracies, but these I believe to have arisen more from the manner in which the questions were put than from mistake on her part. It may be proper to state that she never was in the place in her life, and that the position of things was described by her which no person on earth, except one, knew any thing about." We have now to adduce the testimony of a fourth witness, who thus describes what fell under his ob- servation : — " Besides the operator, there were four strangers present, including myself. Before commencing I had some conversation with the patient. She is a young woman of apparently three-and-twenty, and, as far as I could judge, in perfect health. I referred to a previous meeting, and enquired if, on being awakened, she had any recollection of what had pass- ed. She said ' No / and added, that she never re- collected any thing of what passed in the Mesmeric state. The operator having proceeded to throw her into the state of trance, this was effected in little more than a minute. Her eyes gradually closed, and a sort of sigh, or, more properly speaking, a long-drawn breath, announced that she was asleep. The states of pliant and rigid catalepsy were now exhibited, and here I observed that the same passes which produced the rigid state, if continued too long, brought the arm or leg back again to pliancy. I then assisted to cover the eyes of the patient with a bandage of the most complete description, and satis- CASES. 1 23 lied myself that, from the use of her eyes at least, she could derive no possible assistance in any of the proceedings which were to follow. While the ope- rator was engaged with the other gentlemen in another part of the room, and I was left standing alone near the patient, I looked earnestly upon her right hand — then resting on her knee — and inwardly (without even a motion of the lips) expressed a wish that it should rise towards me. It did gradually rise, and was extended in the direction in which I stood. Another of the gentlemen present, afterwards, at my desire, or rather on my making a sign to him to that effect, tried the same experiment on the left hand, and with the same result. " I had arranged in the forenoon with one of the gentlemen present, that, at a time to be indicated by myself, and without notice to the operator, he should leave the room and go through a passage, and into another room, and that, at the expiry of three mi- nutes, he should wish the patient to come to him. I had been told that, on several previous occasions, a person had gone out of the room, and at once ex- pressed a wish that she should follow, and that she had immediately done so. But I thought it possible that she might so follow because she heard the person go out. To test the experiment properly, therefore, I arranged, as I have stated, that the gentleman who went out should not conceive his wish till the expiry of the time I have mentioned. When the three mi- nutes had expired, I looked towards the patient, and observed that she still kept her seat ; but she was sitting forward, in an attitude of attention, as if listening, and she continued thus for nearly three minutes longer. Thinking that the experiment had failed, I said to the operator that he had better speak to her. He accordingly approached her, and, taking her hand, inquired if she wanted any thing. She said, ' What is it you wish me to do V 4 Nothing,' 124 MESMERISM. he answered ; ' I did not wish any thing.' But he had misunderstood her question. It was evident, from what followed, that she was asking for directions from him as to what she ought to do. He then said to her, ' Do you hear any thing ?' ' Yes ; she replied, ' a voice calls me.' ' Well, then, go,' said the operator. She paused on this, and then said, 4 Always asking something improper.' She now rose from her seat, however, and came into the middle of the room ; but the light from the fire, into which this movement had brought her, seemed to confuse her, and, after some hesitation, she said to the operator, ' I cannot find the way — put me on the way.' On this he led her to the door, and set her face towards the darkness. As soon as this was done, she went on with confidence and without hesi- tation, walked through the dark passage, went straight into the room in which the gentleman was, and proceeded to the particular corner in which he was standing. " The following experiments in regard to taste were then made : — Some pounded alum being put into the operator's mouth, she hesitated, and said, she had got something in her own mouth of a taste like an orange. I tasted the alum myself, and it seemed to have lost somewhat of its strength ; and another gentleman present was of the -same opinion. Another gentleman now took her hand, and I put in his mouth a cayenne lozenge. She described it as ' a thing like a lozenge — hot and sweet.' This des- cription was strictly accurate. I then put an acidu- lated drop into my own mouth, and took hold of her hand. She called this ' something round — a confec- tion or sweetie.' But upon another gentleman put- ting some common salt in his mouth, and taking her hand, she said she had something ' wersh and watery' in her mouth. She was now tried with tea, and said she tasted ' something like aloes — something which CASES. 125 drew the mouth together/ It was strong tea, and of course astringent ; but the taste she described may partly perhaps have been produced by some combin- ation of the alum (which she had previously tasted) with the tea ; for I observed, from several experi- ments, that in some cases she did not immediately perceive what was in the mouth of the operator — that, on the contrary, she did not seem to taste it till some time afterwards. A piece of sugar was next put into the operators mouth, and she said she had got something sweet. One of the gentlemen present then put some bitter aloes into his own mouth, and after he had it sometime there, he took hold of the patient's hands : ' What have you got now ? ' was asked. ■ It is bad/ she said,' it is strange stuff ; ' and after an interval, during which her mouth was moving as if tasting something unpleasant, she added, 4 It is awful bad.' Indeed, she got so evidently dis- tressed and annoyed at the taste, that the operator asked her if she would have some water. She eagerly said she would, and some was procured in a glass. A curious scene now followed. She took it into her hands, paused a moment, and then returned it to him. ' Well, what is it ?' he asked. ' You have not blessed it,' she said. He took it from her, held it a few seconds, and then returned it, saying, ' Well — there.' She raised it towards her mouth, but again stopped, and said, l It is strange that you will not do as you ought,' and then a second time gave it back un- tasted. I did not know what she meant by having the water ' blessed ;' but, in order still farther to pursue the experiment, I motioned to the operator to give it a third time to her without doing any thing to it. He did so, and she now said, in a kind of plaintive voice, ' Must I take it this way V The operator was now about to comply with her wish, but, at my de- sire, he asked, ' Can you not take it so.' To which she answered, in a slow solemn tone, ' It is not meet 126 MESMERISM. that I should/ The operator now took the glass, and having breathed into it, returned it to her. On this she drank from it eagerly. As she still complained of the taste of the aloes, however, the operator asked us if we had any thing pleasant to the taste, on which I took her hand, and put into my own mouth some acid drops, which I broke and swallowed. She re- marked that ' that was pleasant — that the taste was better now/ " This was the last of those experiments which may be said to fall under Mr. Townshend's descrip- tion of ' facts connected with the senses, or which illustrate the close affinity between the Mesmeriser and his patient — indicative of some medium of com- munication existing between them/ What followed was an experiment of a different class — one, namely, to test that extraordinary faculty, ascribed to Mes- meric patients, of being able to describe places at a distance, which they never could have seen, and to tell what is going on at the moment in any given lo- cality. I had agreed in the forenoon, with one of the gentlemen present, that the patient should be asked to describe the internal arrangement of the house of a third party. In three rooms of it there were articles of furniture so uncommon as to exclude the possibility of a description being given of them by guess — and one of the rooms had, by previous ar- rangement with the proprietor, been prepared that evening in a particular way. I may mention, that, while conversing with the girl, before she was put asleep, I endeavoured to make her understand the locality of the house in question Cbut without telling her whose house it was,) so as to make sure that she would get to it, in the Mesmeric state — but she did not know the place, and apparently could not follow the description which I endeavoured to give her. I need not go through the account which she gave of it in her sleep-waking state. Suffice to say, that CASES. 127 she found it out and described it with accuracy — in- cluding a minute description of the state of that room which had been purposely arranged in a par- ticular manner. In nothing did she go wrong, ex- cept in describing the proprietor as being in one room, when he was in another. It was altogether wonderful. I offer uo opinion on the matter ; but of this I am satisfied, that trick or collusion there was none, and could be none. The introduction of this experiment, by the way, was very curious and striking. The following conversation took place : — (Operator,) ' Will you go to a particular place which I wish V (Patient,) ' If I am permitted.' ' Oh ! but you are permitted, — I allow you to go/ f But you will recollect you are not my master in all things/ c Who is your master V { My master is here.' ' Who is he V She answered slowly and solemnly, * It is Christ/ After a short pause, during which I experienced a feeling of awe, which was participated in, I am sure, by the others present, she added, ' I will go now ;' and then she went on to give the description. One part of this was so strik- ing, as to deserve special notice. Among other fur- niture in one of the rooms, she was attracted by, and described what she called a picture ; it was of a peculiar shape, she said, which she described. The description was most accurate ; but the article in question is not a picture, but a mirror of a very peculiar kind. Having described the shape, frame, &c, she was asked, ' Well, but what is it a picture of?' She could not tell; she said, 'It was dim/ 1 Well, but you must go near and look at it, and see what it is/ She apparently did so, for she imme- diately fell into a state of violent agitation. ' What is it V the operator asked. ' Oh ! she said, it is a woman, and she is mad ! her head is tied up with cloths. She is mad ; oh ! can she not be cured !' It was evidently her own figure — with the bandage 128 MESMERISM. about her eyes — which she saw reflected in the mir- ror ! At this time she was in a state of great agita- tion ; I felt her hands and arms, and they were shak- ing violently, as with great terror, and she moaned like a person in distress. ' What is the woman doing V was then asked. ' Oh !' she said, ' she is looking through these cloths.' 4 Do you know who it is V ' Oh, no !' and she moaned again, and con- tinued to tremble greatly. The operator seemed now afraid that it was too much for her, and told her to come away from the picture, (for still she did not discover it was a mirror;) but she would not leave it for some time — always reverting to c the woman,' and that t she was mad/ At last, after the operator had repeatedly desired her to leave it, she said, that she c had drawn away her head/ " I may add, that after I left, one of my friends remained, and obtained from the patient a descrip- tion of two other houses, — his own, and that of one of his friends, in both of which she was strictly accurate." The writer of the foregoing was so much interested in the subject, that he continued the investigation, and at a subsequent period recorded the result as follows : — " I have been recently induced to avail myself of some additional opportunities of testing this very wonderful science, and of observing more minutely some of its more peculiar phenomena. I shall now state some additional facts which have fallen under my notice, because, whatever conclusion may be ultimately come to, it is proper that parties, having opportunities of observation, should contribute the results towards the collection of facts which it is essential should yet be formed before anything like a satisfactory theory can be announced. " One curious subject of inquiry is this, — In what manner does the -patient receive impressions of CASES. ] 29 objects at a distance ? for that this power is possessed, I do not entertain the least doubt. Is it by means of impressions conveyed from, the object to the mind or brain ? — in the way, for example, as the impres- sions of distant objects are communicated to us by means of the eye. Or is the patient brought into more immediate connection with the object in some other manner ? I cannot find a satisfactory solution of this in any of the experiments yet made. You will recollect the singularly correct description which the girl, Mary, gave of a mirror of a peculiar con- struction, which she called a picture. She described it, in fact, as one would do who was actually looking at it. But when asked to go near and tell what it was a picture of, she discovered the reflection of her- self in it, and described a woman, with her head and eyes bound about with cloths, — to her evident terror and surprise. Now, the question is, How did she come thus to see her own figure ? for bodily she was not in that room, but in another place more than a mile distant. I have not myself tested this matter farther, but a friend, in whose report I have perfect confidence, did so a few nights ago. She described a mirror in my friend's house, which, as before, she called a picture, and also mentioned the same appear- ance of a woman standing before it. My friend then put his hand over her head in a position as if holding something; and on her being asked what else she saw, she said that she saw in the picture a person pouring something on the woman's head. He then changed the motion of his hand, and she described the altered position. Now, the singularity of all this consists, not in the girl seeing my friend's hand over her head, but in her observing it in the mirror. " Another very curious phenomenon is the power of describing not only the occurrences of the present moment, but those which took place previously, and at a time when the patient could not have been in i 1 30 MESMERISM. the Mesmeric state. An instance of this fell under my observation lately, as to which there could be no mistake. She was asked to go to the house of a particular individual, and into a particular room, and to describe what she saw. She said she saw a bed — that there was a gentleman in it, and that he was ill, and suffering great pain. ' Where V ' In his leg and foot.' B Which V ' His left ; and he is rest- ing all his weight on the right, so as to give the other ease.' She added, that the gentleman was at the moment wishing most earnestly for a particular medicine to give him ease. This and other state- ments were accurate in the minutest particulars. But what I allude to particularly was this. She was asked if the gentleman was ailing in any other way, and she described a particular affection, (diffe- rent altogether from the other complaint,) stating that it had begun to affect him many years ago. She then told where it had first come on, and how, and, she added, that after a particular event, which she indicated, and which occurred many years ago, it had become worse. All this was strictly correct. I may add, that she prescribed for both complaints, and that the prescriptions, though peculiar, were cer- tainly consistent with common sense. Another in- stance of the knowledge of past events occurred a few nights previously, when I was not present. She told of a particular lady, (of whom she had no pre- vious knowledge,) not only how many children she had alive, but how many were dead, and whether they were boys or girls. I could add various other instances of this kind. " One of the phenomena, which has been very fre- quently observed, is, that the patient describes light as darkness, and vice versa, and that much light is very unfavourable to her clairvoyance. She com- plains in such cases of great darkness, and that she cannot see objects distinctly. This refers more to CASES. 131 the light in which the objects sought to be described are, than to the place where the patient is. This I observed particularly a few nights ago, when I took occasion to ask a description of a place at a consider- able distance. At the time I put the questions, not only was the room in which we were quite dark, but it was dark outside, being eleven o'clock at night; yet she said there was so much darkness (light, of course) at the place I had directed her to, that she saw very indistinctly. This I was surprised at, until I recollected the difference of time. Upon this, I inquired what o'clock it was at that place, and she answered six o'clock. On referring to the map, I found that the difference of longitude was 75° west, which gives exactly five hours, so that eleven o'clock in Glasgow was equal to six o'clock there, — just as she had stated. I may add, that she could not tell where the place was, or the name of it. She had merely been asked to find a particular per- son, without being told in what country he was, or whether he was away from Glasgow at all. She said she saw him, and that he was far, far away ; but the place she could not tell. The time which she gave, however, (and it is singular that, in time, she is always accurate,) proved that she was at the right place, — if, indeed, the description which she gave of the gentleman's person and age, and other circumstances, rendered any such proof necessary. " In connection with this peculiarity of calling light darkness, and darkness light, I may mention, that she seems to make the same difference be- tween cold and heat. One evening, a cup of tea, pretty hot, was given to her when in the Mesmeric- sleep. She drank part of it, and in answer to a question, said it was cold — very cold. The operator then took the cup from her, and drank the remainder himself, — still holding her hand. She went through all the motions of swallowing, and, when he had 132 MESMERISM. finished, said, ' It is all done now, — that is warm and nice.' And, by the way, an interesting circum- stance occurred on her taking this cup of tea. "When she first got it into her hand, she returned it to the operator, saying, ' It was not right — he had not blessed it.' The operator, on this, appeared to me to breathe on it, — as you will recollect he did on the glass of water mentioned in my former notes. But this did not seem to satisfy her. She said he had not done it right, and that it had passed over the cup. He was accordingly about to ' do it right,' when one of the party suggested that a clergyman present should pronounce a proper blessing upon it, such as is done before meat. This was done. The clergyman took her hand in one of his, and the cup in the other, and pronounced over it a short impres- sive blessing, adding a prayer, that we might be directed aright in the subject which we were met to investigate. Mary inclined her head, and listened to this with marked attention. She then said, ' That is good — that is right — these are good words,' and, after a pause, she added, ' I have not heard so much good before.' The operator asked if she meant since these Mesmeric experiments commenced ? She said, 4 Yes/ and repeated, ' I have not heard so many good words since I came among you,' and thereupon she drank the tea. " On this occasion she gave a correct descrip- tion of this same clergyman's* manse, which is some thirty miles distant. She described its exterior ap- pearance, the number of the rooms, the furniture and arrangement of each, the number and appearance of his family, the situation, shape, and interior of his church, and various other particulars, all with great accuracy. Among other articles in a press or ward- robe in the manse, she discovered some ' little things for going under the chin/ (his bands) but she could not name them. Being asked what he did with them, CASES. ] 33 she said that he put them on when he went to speak to the dead. s What do you mean by that V was asked. e How can he speak to the dead ?' c Oh,' she said, ' to the dead in sin — the dead in sin.' * And do they attend to him ?' c Ah, no — not all — not all.' After minutely describing the Study, with the ar- rangement and appearance of the books, &c, she added, of her own accord, * He must be a good man — he sets this place apart — he sets it apart for good.' The only thing in which she was wrong was, in de- scribing the family as being in a particular room, when, at the time, they were in another part of the house. " But the power of correct description is not al- ways possessed by the patient. Immediately after- wards she was desired to describe a house in Edin- burgh, and then one in the country, both belonging to a gentleman present, and although in both she de- scribed some things with accuracy, yet there was throughout much confusion in her answers, and some of her descriptions were either incorrect or not intel- ligible. The gentleman in question observed, that it was sufficient to astonish, not to convince him. How the clairvoyance should not be equal on all occasions, is one of those phenomena which yet remains to be accounted for. A natural cause to which to ascribe it, would be, that as the evening in this instance was far advanced, she might be fatigued, or the sleep might have ceased to be so deep as before. But I observed the very reverse on a former occasion, when, during the first part of the evening, her answers were very unsatisfactory, but after she had been some hours in the sleep, and it had become very late, she attained a very high degree of clairvoyance, and gave the most correct answers to the questions put to her. We are yet in the infancy of the inquiry, and it is only by careful observation, and the accumulation of facts, that a true theory can be formed." 134 MESMERISM. We have subsequently received an additional communication from the same gentleman, which we give in his own words. " In my former statement I mentioned that I had made certain inquiries at Mary regarding a friend abroad, and that her answers had satisfied me that she had found the place of his residence, though it was not named to her, and that her descriptions must, in certain particulars, have been correct. I transmitted a detailed account to my friend of all that passed on that occasion, and I have since re- ceived his answer — the course of post being about five weeks. The result is, that in some prominent particulars she was correct, while in a great many minute circumstances she was in error. This, there- fore, cannot be taken as a decisive case. " But about a fortnight subsequent to the first in- terview I had another opportunity of meeting the same girl, and, among other questions, I again asked her about my friend abroad. The account of this interview I likewise transmitted to him, and I have just received his reply. I shall give you, verbatim, the memorandum of the interview as I wrote it down at the time, and shall then subjoin my friend's answer. My memorandum is as follows : — " Tuesday Evening, 9th May, 1843. " ' Do you see the Rev. Mr. now — the per- son you saw some nights ago V ' No ; he is far away.' ' Look for him. You know his house. Go into it. Do you see him now V e No ; he is nM there' ' Where is he T ' He is visiting a person who is sick' w Do you see him V ' Yes.' ' What is he doing V ' He is speaking to that man. He is giving him medicines, and telling him what he ought to take.' 4 Is the man in bed V ' Yes.' ' How old is he V ' Thirty-Jive' e What kind of house is he in V c It is made of sticks — sticks.' ' Is that house CASES. ] 35 far from Mr. 's V * Not very far ; he can walk to it.' ' Now, go back to Mr. 's house. Who do you see in it V ( I see two females. I see also another woman.' * Any one else ?' ' There are two wee things' ' Do you mean children ?' • Yes.' * Whose are they ?' ' Is not one of them his ?' Which V ' The eldest one.' l . Is there some one carrying it ?' 4 No ; it is standing.' f Why do you think it is his ?' ' Because it is like him here.' — [[Putting her hand to her mouth and chin.] — ' Is it a boy or a girl V i It is perhaps a boy ; but it is dark. I cannot see well. It may not.' l Is the other child his also V ' It does not seem so. It is not like him.' ' What o'clock is it there V ' It is now ten minutes past sice'* " My friend's answer is in these terms : — " S , 19^ June, 1843. " So far as I can remember, (and I think I re- member correctly,) I was, on the afternoon of the 9th of May, from home, visiting a person who was sick, (since dead.) He lived about four miles from this, in a log-house, or, as the girl says, a house 4 made of sticks.' In addition to religious instruc- tion and consolation, / was giving particular direc- tions about some medicines which the doctor told me he should take. This, by the way, is a thing I very seldom do, as I don't like the responsibility of pre- scribing. The man was in bed; and his age, I think, was about thirty-Jive. u In my house, on that day, there were two ladies, Mrs. S — — and her sister Mrs. R . There were also two servants, but one of them was, in all proba- bility, out. The ' two wee things' correspond with * u At this time it was one or two minutes past eleven, p.m. in Glasgow, which, according to the difference of longitude, gives exactly the time at the place of the Rev. Mr. 's residence." 136 MESMERISM. my little E and Mrs. S 's little boy, about two years and a half old. A stranger, I dare say, would say that the boy was more like me than E , as his features are more full and prominent. I think it was between four and six that on that day I was visiting the sick man." u It will be recollected that it was after the descrip- tion given of Mr. 's visit to the sick man, and after she had given the account of his own house, that Mary stated the time to be ten minutes past six ; and as this, though related above in few words, occupied a considerable time in describing (consider- ably more than half an hour,) her statement of time is quite consistent with the fact that Mr. visited the sick man c between four and six/ In all other respects you will observe that the coincidence is very remarkable, and, to my mind, excludes the idea of its being the result of mere guessing on the girl's part." The following statement is from the pen of a gen- tleman who has had numerous opportunities of see- ing the Mesmeric phenomena : — " I have been very frequently present when Isa- bella H was Mesmerised, and am thoroughly satisfied of the truth, not only of the physical pheno- mena, but also of those of clairvoyance. " I have seen the patient taken by the hand by another, and articles having different tastes, whether sour, sweet, bitter, salt, pungent and hot, or other- wise, put in the mouth of the latter, and the taste distinctly told by the former, when blindfolded, and a handkerchief, besides, suspended and held by others between the parties. " In regard to clairvoyance, I have asked questions under circumstances in which the patient could by no means have access to information so as to give a power to answer by any ordinary method, and have often received answers that were of such a nature as to satisfy me that the objects described must have CASES. 137 been seen to be so described. I have had paintings on a particular wall of a room described most mi- nutely, and articles of furniture, where they were en- tirely different from those in general use. I have known persons described in an adjoining room, and what they were engaged in — all in accordance with the facts. Also articles placed in rooms locked up, with a view to proving the truth of clairvoyance per- fectly described, more especially when the apartment was darkened. " I will only give the result of one meeting which took place at the house of a respected friend, well known in Glasgow. A gentleman present, recently arrived from one of the presidencies in the East In- dies, had his house in the capital city described in such a manner, as completely satisfied him that the patient was correct in her statements. His manager, his domestics, his dogs, the machine for lifting water, which he had no recollection of till described by its appearance, and the creaking noise it made when in motion, being of the nature of a Persian wheel. This gentleman said that the description she gave of the house, and which was most remarkably minute and lengthened, could not apply to any other house in the city, it being so different from the usual style of houses there. A gentleman from the same locality, who left Bombay within the last two months, and to whom I afterwards related the circumstance, confirmed in the most ample manner the first mentioned gentleman's corroboration of the account by the clairvoyant, as to the remarkably unique style of the house. " The first mentioned gentleman's family, who now reside at Highgate, near London, were described so minutely, together with the other inmates of the house, as left the gentleman no room to doubt the accuracy of the description. 44 I allude to these occurrences as being the most recent that have come under my observation, although 1 38 MESMERISM. I have been present when even more remarkable and startling descriptions were given." Mr. Robert Chambers, in one of the Numbers for July 1843, of the well-known Edinburgh Journal, has given the following details of some occurrences during a visit which Mary paid to Edinburgh. " A friend of ours, a German, a man of letters and extensive information, not previously a believer in Mesmerism, asked her to accompany him to his father's house on the banks of the river near Stettin ; she did so, and described the country, the house, and every- thing in it, with the greatest correctness. Another friend, a lady, requested the patient to accompany her to her father's house in a secluded part of East Lothian ; she did so, described it minutely, as well as its environs, and stated that in the parlour she saw an elderly lady rubbing her ankle on a footstool, the part being sore (the lady's mother really had a sore ankle ;) even to the number of sacks in the barn, and the way in which these were arranged, the descrip- tion was found to be strictly correct. A third person, who for several years has used an uninhabited house, for the purpose of keeping some spare furniture, re- quested her to go to it with him. This house, it may be remarked, has been scarcely entered by any but himself for the last four or five years. She, without prompting or leading questions of any kind, described the room in which his writing-table is placed, its two book-cases, one at each side of the room, the table itself, and a wooden chair with a cut-down back, all with the greatest correctness. In another case, a neighbouring room had been arranged peculiarly, and among other singular objects placed in it was a skele- ton, which was seated on a chair, with a sheet round it, and a cap upon its head. She said she saw some one sitting in the room ; his head was smooth and cold; he had no feeling. A gentleman of literary and sci- entific attainments had her brought to his house, where '\ CASES. 139 he had previously made some peculiar arrangements for the purpose of testing the reality of her powers. She was asked to say what was in a closed box placed before her. She gave a vague description of some- thing which proved to be a book with its back up- permost. c I then,' says he, c called her attention to the thing next it, which she described as little and round ; and she spoke of a string being attached to it, and a bit of lead. Resting a little, I asked her to look at the thing again, and to examine it closely. She then began to move her forefinger backwards and forwards, and spoke of wheels. The article was a pocket pedometer, with a string and small white-me- tal hook attached, and, of course, a pendulum con- nected with wheels in the inside.' This experimenter had also placed a number of articles in the shelved recesses at the bottom of his book-case. Having di- rected her attention to these, she described with cor- rectness a model of a ventilating apparatus and a hat- box in one recess, also some articles in the lowest shelf of another. He had placed, in the upper shelf of that recess, a plaster mask of one of his sons, and to this he directed her attention. She spoke of a thing with a lion's face. Surely, thought he, that cannot be the face of my son. Then she adverted to another beast, and to a thing like what the Queen wears on her head. His lady, standing by, observed that she was evidently describing the royal arms. It was held to be a failure ; but > in the evening, mak- ing particular investigation into the subject, it oc- curred to him to unpack a small patent coffee-mill, which he had bought some months before, but ne- glected, and which lay on the bottom shelf of the recess. On the side of that mill was a small brass tablet, affixed by the maker to denote his patent, and which contained the royal arms. On the supposition that she had not followed him from the lower to the A 140 MESMERISM. upper shelf, the description might be presumed to be correct." With this we conclude the account of this highly singular case. We have contented ourselves with adducing the testimony of witnesses, far above the breath of suspicion, and leave our readers to judge of what has been stated for themselves. MARY M- In this case, Mr. Gardner of Glasgow acted as the Mesmeriser, and the details are given on his autho- rity. The patient was seen by various parties dur- ing the progress of the cure, who can bear testimony to the general accuracy of the statements. Mary M is about twenty-two years of age, and had for five years been under treatment for dis- eased spine. She had also been subject to nervous attacks, although they never assumed a serious form until about the commencement of the year 1842. Soon after this, she was also seized with typhus fever, and, on recovering felt in worse health than before, suffering especially from a cold got at the time of the fever, which affected one of her legs, and in damp weather particularly it became swelled and almost powerless. The digestive organs became much impaired, in consequence of the treatment she had to undergo for the spine ; and to such an extent was this the case, that the medical men who attended her were of opinion that she was in a most precari- ous condition. In this way she continued to become worse gradually, and her condition was aggravated by an attack of St. Vitus' Dance, which seemed likely to prove highly injurious to her constitution ; CASES. 141 her speech faltered so much at times that it became difficult to understand what she said, and her face twitched most immoderately. It was while reduced to this state, that Mesmerism was proposed as a remedy. The first time she was Mesmerised was on the 20th of March 1843; after the lapse of seven minutes she fell asleep, and slept for six minutes. On the second occasion she was asleep in three minutes, and slept for thirty minutes. The next time she slept for an hour ; and so on in- creasing regularly for a week, at the expiry of which she slept twelve hours without intermission. After being Mesmerised six times her speech was restored, and the twitchings on the face vanished. During the first week she had twelve fits. Her back, from which she had suffered so much, began to improve. Some symptoms of clairvoyance began to show them- selves. During the second week she had eight fits, but not so severe as the former ones, and her health otherwise continued to improve, as did also her lucid- ity as a clairvoyant. During the third week she had four fits, which were gradually assuming a milder character. She now began to examine her internal structure, and when the room was rendered perfectly dark, and her eyes bandaged, she described it with great apparent accuracy. She also foretold when the fits would come on, and their degree of severity, with the utmost precision. One of her prescriptions for herself was, that she should be kept for two weeks, twenty out of the twenty-four hours of each day in the Mesmeric sleep. In the fourth week she predicted that she would have two very bad fits, which were to be the last. They came on at the period indicated, and there has been since no return of the malady. The swelling and pain in the leg were, after some time, entirely removed, and she is now seldom troubled with dyspepsy. Many experiments were performed in this case 1 42 MESMERISM. similar to those described in that of Isabella D . The Mesmeriser has frequently thrown her asleep when in another room, and the patient not aware of what he was doing. The power of the operator's volition was shown by her rising and performing any simple order, although only mentally expressed. Her hands could thus be made to rise at will, and fall in the same manner. She was never very lucid while in the sleep ; her descriptions of places being meagre. Several of the phrenological organs were manifested upon being touched ; and that of alimen- tiveness in a somewhat curious manner. It has been mentioned that she was troubled with her stomach ; and all that was necessary to restore it to the proper tone, was to excite this organ while she was in the Mesmeric sleep. A similar result was produced by means of metals applied to the organ, without the aid of the Mesmeriser. The application of metals had also the effect of producing rigidity, and of again taking it away. Thus, gold applied to the hand rendered it rigid, and this was instantly removed by the application of silver. Silver, again, in its turn, would produce rigidity, and gold take it away, and so on with other metals. By placing a piece of gold in the lips, a fixity similar to that of lock-jaw has been produced. The patient has been awakened in this state, when no power she could exert could open the mouth ; but instantly, upon another metal being applied, the fixity was gone. The first time she heard music played while in the Mesmeric sleep, she pointed to the organ of tune as the place affected. At a Mesmeric interview with Isabella D , such as has been already described, Elizabeth was fixed upon as her name, although her real name is Mary. In the sleep, Elizabeth can be induced to influence Mary to perform certain acts at some future time. Thus the continuance of the Mesmeric treatment for a time, being considered advisable, and the operator CASES. 143 finding it inconvenient to visit his patient daily, had recourse to the system of making Elizabeth do the work for him. Mary being asleep, and Elizabeth awake, on a given evening, for example, the latter was told to allow Mary to sleep till six o'clock on the follow- ing morning ; to put her to sleep again at ten o'clock evening, and to keep her in that state until six o'clock on the succeeding morning. Unless Mary was informed when awake, she was ignorant of any arrangements entered into by Elizabeth ; and it has happened that she has fallen asleep at the appointed hour, quite unprepared, in some other apartment than the one she usually slept in. When this occurred, however, she was under no difficulty, as, although sound asleep, she could walk with the utmost preci- sion to her room and go to bed. In a similar way, any arrangement made during sleep will be kept when she is awake. She will awake quite unaware of what she is to perform ; but, somehow, when the hour comes, she feels impelled, in an undescribable manner, to perform what Elizabeth has undertaken. She will call at a particular place which she had never previously visited, and which had been de- scribed to her in the sleep, and deliver a message, or ask some question ; at a particular hour of the day, she will take up her Bible and turn at once to a cer- tain chapter without at the moment knowing why ; she will pull a certain flower in the garden, although a great favourite ; and so on in similar cases. The only proviso is, that the engagement be of a strictly moral and correct description. Elizabeth would at once spurn the idea of inducing Mary to tell a lie.* * The utmost caution is necessary in experiments of this de- scription, as if from any unforeseen cause the patient is prevented from carrying out the arrangement, through the absence, we shall suppose, of the individual to whom a message is to be de- livered, the consequences might be serious. Any risk of that kind ought especially to be avoided, if the patient is at the time under treatment for any ailment. 144 MESMERISM. We may add to the above the following details by a gentleman who saw the case while the cure was in progress. " Mary M has been Mesmerised during only the three weeks past ; but, as she is of a highly ner- vous temperament, the progress made has been greater than it would have been under ordinary circumstances. The physical phenomena of catalepsy, &c, are pre- cisely similar to those seen in other cases, so that no description is necessary. The faculty of clairvoy- ance is developed only in so far as the apartment and spectators are concerned. It appears that this patient is exceedingly fond of music, and a gentle- man present having sung a plaintive air to her in a low tone of voice, she evinced her gratification by slightly moving her head and hands in proper time ; and, upon being asked at the conclusion, in what part of her system she experienced greatest satisfaction, she pointed with his fore-finger to the exact situation of the organ of tune ! The same gentleman was asked to sing a different air, mentally ; in the course of which she exhibited extreme attention, bending her body forward, and evincing a wish to rise from her seat. On being asked the reason, she stated she felt a strong desire to go forward, the cause of which she could not analyse. I have no doubt that such a feeling was produced by my calling to her mentally, — which I did during the time the song was sung — in order to test the effects said to be produced by strong volition. " The operator next placed his finger on the organ of Veneration, and after some seconds, during which she was examined as to her thoughts, she stated that she was thinking of her Sunday class, and was wish- ing much to be able to rejoin it. Several other ex- periments were made upon various organs, with re- sults not so satisfactory, in consequence, it was said, of their imperfect development. CASES. 145 " It was proposed now to awake her ; immediately before doing so, her pulse was counted, and was found to be 54 ; on beiug counted again, immediate- ly after she was awakened in the usual way, it was 63; an interval of only a minute or two elapsing between the periods. It was said, in one case, to have varied as much as 30 beats after one operation. On perceiving strangers in the room, she expressed considerable anxiety to the Mesmeriser, lest she had been divulging any secrets — the whole occurrences being to her a perfect blank." We conclude with the gratifying statement that, after a long interval, and down to the period of this work going to press, the patient has had no return of the fits. CATHERINE M- In this case the patient's brother was the Mes- meriser, and we will allow him to describe it in his own manner. As in that just narrated, the patient was frequently seen during the progress of the cure by many parties who can give a similar testimony to the accuracy of the statements. The narrative is as follows : — My sister having had a severe attack of hyste- rics, with nervous convulsions, I was induced to try the effect of Mesmerism, having learned that nervous individuals were very susceptible of that influence, and that it was very beneficial in such cases. I was the more anxious to try it, as I was aware that a friend had been successfully practising it for some months in similar cases. Never having seen the operation performed, I was at a loss how to begin, but having been informed that by the operator put- 146 MESMERISM. ting his hands upon the subject's head, and breathing gently upon it, the sleep could be produced, my first attempt was made in that manner ; and, although not very satisfactory, still the effect was sufficient to in- duce me to persevere. For the first ten minutes there was no apparent change, but at the end of that time her eyelids began to close, her head fell gently back, and in five mi- nutes more she was asleep, which continued for about three or four minutes only, when she awoke of her- self. She felt, however, so very drowsy, that she was obliged to go to bed, where she slept for several hours, being the first refreshing sleep she had enjoyed since her nervous attack a few weeks before. My second attempt was made after an interval of a few days, and in the same manner I produced the same effects, only the sleep took place five mi- nutes sooner than before, and continued for upwards of ten minutes, when she awoke of herself, and feel- ing even more drowsy than formerly, went to bed, and slept for nearly a whole day. These attempts were made in the forenoon of each day , in the presence ofseveral friends. Previous to operating again, I saw my friend putting his brother to sleep, and was so much astonished at the effects produced, that I resolved to proceed with my sis- ter's case. In the third attempt, instead of put- ting my hands on her head, I sat in a chair before her, and holding her by the hands, gazed steadfastly in her face. I had not done so for more than three minutes, when her eyelids began to close, and she was sound asleep. Profiting by what I had seen, and desirous of ascertaining if she could hear through the usual organs, I spoke at the full pitch of my voice at her ear, but got no indication of hearing, and made such noises as must have awoke her had she heard them. I then tried if she could hear by speaking upon the hand, and after several attempts, CASES. 1 4? obtained a faint murmur — which indicated, at all events, that she heard through that medium. I next tried to produce the rigid state, and for that purpose made a few passes over one of her arms, but without touching it. Before I had made half a dozen passes, her arm became as rigid as stone. Leaving it in that state, I put the other one in the same con- dition, and then both legs, in which position she re- mained until released. The next time she was put asleep was by my friend on the evening of the day of the last experi- ment. He bandaged her eyes, and speaking to her upon the hand, after considerable perseverance, got her to answer distinctly the questions which he put. From this time she was regularly Mesmerised, at least once every day. "When put asleep, her eyes bandaged, and the room properly darkened, she could plainly see every object in it, described where each person was sitting, or if they changed their position. Being anxious to ascer- tain if she exhibited community of sensation with the operator, I took a saltcellar in my hand ; but no sooner had I touched the outside of it than she im- mediately shuddered, and complained bitterly of salt being put into her mouth. The same phenomena took place when sugar was put into my hand, or any other substance, of a strongly-marked taste. The general mode of producing these phenomena is by the operator putting the substance into his own mouth while holding the patient by the hands ; but so sensitive was she to impressions made through me, that whatever I took in my hand while standing in any part of the room, and not at all in contact with her, was immediately perceived. By this means, I made her imagine that she wa^ drinking water, &c, or tasting sugar, salt, bread, or any other substance. These experiments extended over a period of several weeks from the time of her 148 MESMERISM. first sleep. Her health began rapidly to improve, her spirits revived, the nervous symptoms gradually abated, and she seemed to be enjoying a state of great comfort when compared with her former un- happy one. While under the Mesmeric influence, with her eyes bandaged, she has employed herself at needle- work for a considerable part of an afternoon, and has been astonished, when awakened, to find the work farther advanced than it was when she went to sleep, and at the same time more correctly than if it had been done in her waking state. One even- ing, while on a visit in a part of the town at a con- siderable distance from her own residence, she was Jaken so unwell, that her friends found it would be impossible for her to walk home. I Mesmerised her in the usual manner, and while asleep she walked home, and when awakened was much surprised to find herself in her own house. Metals have a very powerful effect wheD brought in contact with her ; for instance, she can be attracted through any part of the house by the operator holding a piece of gold near to her head, and if the head be slightly touched by it, a convulsive shudder is the conse- quence, with the expression of extreme pain. She always describes a bright yellow flash of light, and a feeling of great pain when so touched. Iron has a very disagreeable and similar effect as gold. She has correctly described the ailments with which any person ' may be afflicted who is brought in contact with her, and has told the cause and symptoms of the disease, and how it affected them. A gentleman, who had been absent from Glasgow for six months, happened to call upon me, and she being put asleep, he took hold of her hands, and asked as to his health. She answered, that he had injured it by living upon vegetable diet for some time previous ; also, that he had a pain under the right breast, caused CASES. 149 by severe cold ; all of which was just as she described. A little boy, (also a Mesmeric patient,) who is in a very delicate state of health, and whom she had never seen before, was brought to her, and both were put asleep; when brought in contact, they clung to each other with the greatest avidity; in fact, it was found impossible to separate them with- out awakening the boy, and exciting her organs of cautiousness and conscientiousness. While clasped in each others arms, she seems to feel all his sensa- tions, and to enter into his mind, as she accurately described his disposition and habits, what food he was fondest of taking, and what agreed with him best. Every thing that she said in reference to this boy was corroborated by his mother and brothers, who were standing by at the time, and were asto- nished to hear it all so accurately described. I have latterly several times put her asleep with- out her knowledge or consent, by stealing behind her chair, while sewing, and making a few passes over the back of the head. Once or twice I have put her asleep by merely willing that it should take place, without expressing my will either by word or . action. Another powerful proof of the will over cer- n! tain individuals, while in the sleep, is the fact of any i person being able to cause her to come to them by silently willing it. This she will do while blindfolded ; and although a dozen persons be in the room she has invariably gone to the individual willing her, and describes, at such times, that she feels something ir- resistibly drawing her forward, and cannot stay back by any effort of her own. I can also awake her at any time by merely willing it, without any contact whatever. These are examples of the phenomena which have been exhibited in this case, and the patient continues in the enjoyment of good health. 150 MESMERISM. AGNES G . The narrative of this case has been furnished by the gentleman who acted as the Mesmeriser on the occasion. " Happening recently to be spending a couple of days at the house of Sir , Baronet, in the county of , the subject of Mesmerism chanced to be- come the topic of conversation. Sir inquired if I had seen any thing of it. I mentioned I had seen a good deal in private, on which he expressed himself very anxious to witness a seance. I engaged to write to him when T could obtain one in Glasgow, but proposed, at the same time, that we might, in the meantime, try something ourselves. This excited some little surprise. In a few minutes I was seated in another room, with a very interesting young woman, Agnes G , an attendant of Mrs. , then on a visit to Sir , her father, the lady, at my request, accompanying us. I had been asked if I could show the connection between Mesmerism and Phrenology, and this, I said, I should attempt to do. " Within three minutes I succeeded in inducing the Mesmeric sleep, which Mrs. , sitting behind me to the one side, immediately perceived, and quietly rose. I signaled to her to let the party come in from the other room. On their entering I placed a finger on the top of the young woman's head, rather forward, viz. on the organ of 4 veneration/ She instantly raised her face, (her eyes being shut,) as if looking upward, and clasping her hands, sunk down on her knees in an attitude of prayer. She remained in this position for a minute or so, while I continued to hold my finger on the organ. On with- drawing it she let down her hands and head. She CASES. ! a 1 was then reseated. I next applied a finger of one hand to the organ of ' tune/ on the one side of the forehead, and a finger of the other hand to the other side : she immediately commenced singing a com- monplace air, I think the ' Flowers of the Forest/ After a minute or two I touched the organs of ' tune' with the thumb and a finger of one hand. During the alteration she stopped singing for an instant; but resumed the air on my again touching the or- gans. I then applied the thumb and a finger of the other hand to the organs of ' mirthfulness/ situated above t tune,' on the external angles of the forehead. The instant I did so she ceased to sing the first air, and immediately commenced ' Ilory O'More.' After a minute or two spent in singing this air, I took off my hand from ' mirthfulness,' and on applying a finger of that hand to ' veneration' (the other hand all the while on \ tune') she instantly again made a pause for a second or two, and then commenced, and for a few minutes continued to sing one of the common psalm tunes. I then (without knowing any thing of the young woman's relations, one of whom, as I afterwards learned, a brother, a soldier in a Re- giment of the line, has been some years in India,) applied a finger of each hand to the organs of ' coin- bativeness.' She instantly sprang to the floor, and lifting her hands clenched, and placing herself in a rather masculine attitude, at same time raising her voice, said, ' Tom, my dear brother, I will fight along with you, Tom,' repeating these, and expres- sions of similar tendency, several times, always in- creasing in vehemence. At last, getting very pug- nacious, as a sort of climax to the whole, and strik- ing her right hand clenched on the palm of her left, she exclaimed, with great energy and devotedness, ' I say, Tom, my dear brother Tom, I say I will fight for you, my dear brother/ laying a great em- phasis on the word 'for.' We felt rather astounded, 1 52 MESMERISM. not to say alarmed, at her belligerent propensity, especially as the manifestations appeared to increase, notwithstanding that from her motions as a figurante it may easily be supposed I had it not in my power, had I wished it, to continue to hold my hand on the excited organ. With a view to allay the symptoms I then placed my hand over the top of the head ge- rally, viz. on the higher sentiments, embracing ' hope,' ' veneration/ ' ideality,' and { love of justice/ when a scene ensued I shall never forget. The effect of this was instantly to excite feelings of the highest order connected with matters that I do not feel myself at liberty to commit to paper, but ex- ceedingly honourable to the heart and feelings of the young woman. She shed tears, and uttered a soliloquy in language classically beautiful, and with an intona- tion and pathos, and accompanied with a manner that would have done honour to many of the followers of the tragic muse. She was, however, so excited, that I conceived it necessary to restore her to her natural state, or, as the wits have it, to ' blow her out/ which was accomplished, not without a little difficulty, by gently rubbing her eyes and breathing on her fore- head. Not the least remarkable part of the whole scene was the change then produced. When she was put into the trance, she was sitting with only the lady mentioned and myself, — I had her hands in mine, crossed, and we were looking each other in the face. When she came out of the trance she found herself seated on a sofa, with several persons around her, some seated by her. She looked astonished, seeming to feel abashed, and from the pale, elevated, sublime, and dignified tragic figure, shrunk at once into the blushing unsophisticated coy girl. She crouched in a timid manner, and ran towards the door of the room, at the further corner, where a number of the servants of the house had collected to see her in the trance. But before reaching it she CASES. 153 recovered her self-possession sufficiently to join in a hearty laugh with the other servants. " I may just add, that I had never seen nor heard of the young woman before that day, nor had I spoken to her previously to her sitting down to be Mesmerised. By some omission, she had been merely told that a gentleman at table was willing to ex- amine her phrenological developments, if she would submit to it, to which she agreed. But she declared to me afterwards that she had not so much as heard of Mesmerism. This accounted for a circumstance that appeared a little singular to me when it occurred. On taking her by the hands, and looking her in the eye, she burst out into a laugh, which caused me to tell her we had not sat down for that purpose, and at this remark she appeared to feel considerably. She mentioned that her father, who is dead, was a soldier, and that her mother is an Englishwoman ; this latter circumstance accounted in some measure for her style of speaking, which is very different from that of the working classes in Scotland. Upon the whole., it was a very interesting scene, and com- pletely confirmed some gentlemen present in the truth of both Phrenology and Mesmerism. One gentleman, well known in the county of , and advanced in years, gratuitously stated to me, that from what I had mentioned previously he looked upon me as- having been deluded, but now he frankly owned that he was a complete convert, and that any person seeing a similar exhibition must disbelieve his own senses if he did not accord his belief. Sir declared he had seen so much that he was perfectly satisfied, and required no farther proof." 1.54 MESMERISM. WALTER B- In this case the patient is a boy of eleven years of age, delicate in constitution, and of a quiet inactive disposition. The Mesnieriser is a brother of the pa- tient, and was induced to try the experiments under the idea that the latter was likely to prove suscep- tible. On the first attempt being made, the operator seated himself in front of W. B , took hold of his hands, gazed steadfastly in his eyes, and wished ar- dently that he might be put asleep; in the course of ten minutes a nervous twittering was observable in the eyes, with a tendency to gaze upwards ; at the end of fifteen minutes the twittering had ceased, and the eyeballs were so much turned up that the pupil was scarcely visible, the eyelids began to close, and in two minutes more the patient was asleep. W.B 'shands were now pricked, but he betrayed not the slightest symptom of pain or uneasiness, al- though it was severe enough to draw blood. Pinch- ing and tickling were tried with the same result, no sensation or consciousness being perceptible, with the exception of a quiet smile upon the patient's lips. At this stage of the experiments, the door of the room in which the patient was seated, was shut violently, when he slowly opened his eyes, rubbed his eyebrows, and awoke. At the next Mesmerisation which occurred, about ten days after the first, W. B was put asleep in a much shorter period, not more than five minutes, and seemed to be in a much more profound repose than on the former occasion. He was found to be cataleptic ; his limbs remained for an indefinite length of time in whatever position they were placed ; and CASES. ] 55 a few passes made down the leg from the body made it perfectly rigid. He was awakened when in the rigid state, and seemed not a little astonished at his inability to move either hand or foot ; a few more passes were made down the parts affected, when he returned to his wonted freedom of action. No at- tempt had yet been made to question the patient while asleep, but on being awakened he was interro- gated as to whether he recollected anything. His answer was, " I remember closing my eyes, but am entirely ignorant as to whether anything occurred during my sleep." On the next occasion on which W. B was put asleep, he spoke distinctly when questioned. Amongst other questions, he was asked, " Are you happy ?" he replied, " Yes, very happy." Being asked if he wished to be awakened, he answered quickly, " Oh, no." Again, how long did he think he would remain in the state he was if left alone ? he replied at once, and with great firmness, " Twenty -five minutes," and, strange to say, he awoke of his own accord at the time specified. It may be stated, that on this oc- casion the patient's eyes were securely bandaged, for the double purpose of shading his eyes from the light of which he complained as being painful, and also of testing his clairvoyant powers. After awakening as above stated, he was again thrown into the Mes- meric sleep, and on being questioned, replied, "lam sounder asleep than I have ever yet been." On being asked his name, he gave in answer one totally differ- ent from his actual one, and one which, when awake, he is not aware of ever having heard ; he answers at once to his assumed name, while to his ordinary one he is perfectly indifferent, and asserts that he knows no one of that name. During this and other occasions, many curious phenomena have been elucidated. It was found that whilst blindfolded, W. B could recognise and * 156 MESMERISM. name every individual with whom he was acquainted, but to strangers he showed much dislike, and on be- ing touched by them slight convulsions were caused ; this result has also been produced by touching him with gold. It was found that he was insensible to pain produced on his own person, butjshowed remark- able sensibility to any pain, smell, or taste, felt by the operator. Music exerted a peculiar and power- ful charm on the patient ; if it chanced to be a slow and plaintive melody, he sat entranced, and seemed evidently annoyed at the slightest interruption or disturbance ; if the melody was changed, and a quick lively strain substituted, the patient's deportment changed likewise, the dreamy listlessness vanished, every feeling seemed to be awakened, and every nerve braced ; he kept time by beating with his foot, and if the music grew livelier and more exciting, he rose and rushed to it, seized upon the instrument, and actually produced harmony on that which, whilst awake, he could not even handle properly. While in the sleep, and with his eyes closely bandaged, he has frequently read pages of books with the utmost accuracy, and in a better style than he could do in his ordinary waking state. After having been Mesmerised several times, W. B was directed to gaze steadfastly at a fixed object, and endeavour to put himself asleep. In less than five minutes he was over, and presented the same appearance as when put asleep by his brother ; similar experiments were tried in this state, and found as successful as formerly. It was afterwards found, that, if previous to going to sleep, W. B fixed to awaken at a certain time, at the moment specified, without once failing he roused up. To test this ex- periment fairly, he was usually left to sleep without interruption. Awakening at a specified moment may not seem at first sight very surprising ; it must be borne in mind, however, that during the sleep the CASES. 157 patient's eyes were securely bandaged, so that it was impossible he could judge of the lapse of time from any external influence. With W. B the will or volition of the opera- tor have a most powerful influence. It was agreed between the operator and a spectator, that on a sig- nal from the latter, the operator should go to a par- ticular part of the room, and wish the patient to come to him, but that ere he reached him, the wish was to be reversed, and the patient go back to his seat. The signal was given, and TV. B , after the lapse of a minute, rose slowly and proceeded in the direction of the operator; the wish was now reversed, when he turned back to his seat, seemingly much disap- pointed. Another instance may be cited of the effect of the will — the operator took hold of the patient's hand, and wished him to awaken, in less than a mi- nute he was wide awake. It is stated above, that rigidity of the limbs was produced the second time TV. B was set asleep ; it is now found that the limbs can be made rigid whilst he is in his ordinary state, and not only can they be made rigid by others, but he can himself by a few passes of the one hand make his other arm per- fectly rigid. His arm was pinched and pricked se- verely whilst in this state, without his knowledge, and consequently without pain. jaxet s- The following case is interesting, as showing the successful use of Mesmerism in mitigating suffering during the performance of an operation attended with some degree of pain. The patient is a girl about twenty years of a^e, 158 MESMERISM. in good health. About ten days previous to the experiment about to be related, being made, she had scalded the upper part of her foot so severely, as to prevent her from walking, except with great pain. During the last day or two, she had suffered very acutely when the wound was dressed, which ren- dered it impracticable to get the scald so thoroughly cleansed as was necessary. It was suggested, that the case was one in which Mesmerism might be tried with advantage. The operator commenced by holding the patient's hands, and afterwards breathed on her forehead. Nearly 45 minutes elapsed before the patient was fairly asleep. On being spoken to in the sleep- waking state, into which she had at once gone, she replied quite distinctly ; said, she believed she was asleep ; that she was quite happy ; that her foot was not sore ; and that neither of them were scalded or burned. She was then asked if she could walk ; she answered, yes, rose, and walked steadily across the room, apparently without pain, or any unusual motion. The dressing of the foot was now determined on, and the patient was placed on a low chair, with her foot raised upon a stool. The operator endeavoured, by making a few passes, to throw her still deeper into the sleep, which seemed to have the effect, as she was, to all appearance, perfectly insensible to pain inflicted by pinching, pricking, &c. He also placed his hands on the patient's head, and breathed gently on the forehead. The bandages were then removed, and the raw unhealthy looking wound was washed with no very gentle hand, as the person so employed seemed to think it incumbent on her to make the patient flinch if possible. No such effect was produced however; the same placid look re- mained upon the features during the whole operation, and on its completion, the patient answered, that she CASES. 159 had felt no pain, and that she knew of nothing having been done to her foot. She was now awak- ened, merely by the operators wish, and was per- fectly unconscious of having undergone the operation of dressing. So sceptical was she of it having been done, that nothing would satisfy her, but that the upper bandage should be taken off, that she might see whether or not the under bandage had been re- newed. On convincing herself of the truth of the statement, she exclaimed, " Oh ! but I am a happy woman !" The patient was Mesmerised regularly after this, previous to her foot being dressed, until it had got so much better that the pain was trifling. A MESMERISER MESMERISED. In this case, the individual attempted to be ope- rated upon was tall and powerful in person, and a disbeliever in Mesmerism. The Mesmeriser was the reverse. The tables, it will be seen, were turned, — the sceptic putting the Mesmeriser to sleep. The following statement was drawn up at the time by the gentleman, who thus became a Mesmeriser al- most in spite of himself. " Last night I submitted to be Mesmerised by a young gentleman. You know that I had no faith in Mesmerism, and was determined to put it to the test. With this feeling I sat down to be operated upon. We had not sat more than three minutes, when I saw the operator's countenance beginning to change; his eyes grew dim and glazed, and large drops of water rolled down his cheeks. He then asked me if I ' felt in any way affected.' I replied, that * I did not in the least.' He then said, ' I am 160 MESMERISM. going.' In about a minute longer his eyeballs stood fast, his eyelids fell and became fixed, and he sat like a statue. I then rose, and said, This is revers- ing the order of things, — it was like the maniac put- ing his guide into an asylum. I fanned his face for a short time, and breathed heavily on his forehead. I then asked him how he felt; but he could not speak. I touched the organ of language, and asked him if he felt comfortable ; he said, Y-e-s, he felt very well. I put several other questions to him, to which he gave placid, witty, or vicious answers, according to the organ touched at the time. I got handed to me privately a teaspoon full of sugar, which I put into my mouth, and holding him by the hand, he then commenced to smack his lips, when I asked him what he had got into his mouth ; he said, Su-sugar. I next put a teaspoonful of salt into my mouth, when he shuddered convulsively, and seemed to be in great distress, so much so, that I became alarmed at his condition. Perspiration, however, broke on him. In one minute his head became as wet as if it had been dipt in water, and he then got quiet. I allowed him to sleep for some time, sooth- ing him by breathing heavily on his forehead, and touching the organ of benevolence. He became placid. Soon afterwards I took him out of the sleep, but he felt rather unwell for a short time. I felt happy, however, at seeing him once more on his feet, as the matter was new to me." We might have increased greatly our record of cases ; but the foregoing will afford a tolerably fair general idea of the manner in which Mesmerism has hitherto been applied in Scotland. We trust a short time only will elapse, until it has been made more universally useful as a curative agent. 161 CHAPTER VI. MESMERIC PROCESSES. Mesmer was in the practice of seating his patients around a kind of covered vessel filled with water, iron, glass, &c, denominated the baquet. The mag- netic virtue was supposed to be communicated to the patients by branches of iron from the baquet, by a cord which was passed around their bodies, and by the union of their fingers. The patients were, besides, magnetised directly by means of a finger, or a bar of iron, guided before the face, above or behind the head, and over the surface of the parts affected. They were also operated upon by touching, rubbing, and pressure with the hand. In this manner, what have been termed crises were brought on, which were supposed to operate beneficially in the ailments with which the patients were afflicted. The school of the Chevalier Barbarin admitted no other agents than faith and volition, and hence its followers obtained the designation of the Spiri- tualists. A third school was established under the direction of the Marquis de Puysegur, at Strasburg, under the name of the Societe Harmonique d#s amis reunis. The chambres de crise, Mr. Colquhoun informs us, " were entirely banished from this excellent institu- tion; and the whole magnetic treatment was con- ducted in a manner the best calculated to insure the repose and comfort of the patients. The manipula- tions, when employed, were extremely gentle ; and the hands, instead of being brought into contact with L ] 62 MESMERISM. the patient, were frequently kept at some distance from him." Many of the writers on this subject insist strongly upon the necessity of Mesmerisers possessing a strong constitution, and upon their being in sound health at the time of operating, as otherwise very injurious consequences may result to the patient. The processes in use among Mesmerisers are ex- ceedingly various. It is not in every case consi- dered necessary to produce sleep, and the means employed are varied according to the effect sought to be obtained. The following methods are recom- mended by a writer in the Zoo-Magnetic Journal * as the most simple and the most effectual : — u Let the operator take hold of the hands of the patient, as if he were merely going to feel his pulses. At this stage he may look steadily in the patient's face, and put any questions he pleases to him relative to his complaints, the seat of pain, &c. After a minute or two, let him place one hand on the crown of the patient's head, and the other on his breast or stomach. Thereafter, let him place the palm of each hand upon the patient's shoulders, with the thumbs inclining into the armpits ; and having continued for a few seconds in this position, let him then draw the palms of his hands, with the fingers pointing rather inwards, along the arms of the patient gently downwards to the elbows, and from thence to the hands, which may be again held for a few seconds. The operator should then raise his hands upwards towards the head of the patient, the palms being car- ried outwards; then, with the palms resting upon the sides of the patient's head, a few passes may be made with the thumbs from the inner angles of the eyes down the sides of the nose; and the hands should afterwards be drawn downwards from the * No. I. April 1839. Edinburgh : Adam and Charles Black. MESMERIC PROCESSES. \G3 shoulders along the whole body towards the feet of the patient. These passes may be repeated as often as the operator deems necessary ; afterwards the operation of fanning — a term easily understood — may be employed, especially if it be thought requi- site to produce sleep, which has not followed upon the previous manipulations. We must not omit to observe, however, that the effects of Animal Mag- netism have been frequently produced without em- ploying any such manipulations as those we have described above ; and that the mode of treatment must be regulated, in all cases, by the judgment of the operator, according to the degree of susceptibility manifested by the patient. " The passes may be performed either with or without contact. In the former case, the contact, in general, ought to be very slight. But the opera- tor must perform the whole business with earnestness, and with a serious desire of removing the morbid symptoms. The apartment ought to be kept as quiet as possible, so that neither the operator nor the patient may have his attention distracted during the treatment. * * * * * " Sleep is a very common effect of the magnetic manipulations, the first, indeed, by which the influ- ence of the agent is made apparent to ordinary observers. Somnambulism is much more rare. The higher states — including the phenomena of clairvoy- ance, or lucid vision — occur in comparatively few cases. It is a mistake, however, to imagine that the production of any of these states is absolutely and essentially necessary, in every instance, to the efficacy of Animal Magnetism as a remedial process. Hun- dreds of cases have been successfully treated without the production of sleep — thousands without the in- tervention of somnambulism." Deleuze, an eminent French Mesmeriser, enters 164 MESMERISM. into very minute details on this subject in his " Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism." * The following is an extract from his work : — " Cause your patient to sit down in the easiest position possible, and place yourself before him, on a seat a little more elevated, so that his knees may be between yours, and your feet by the side of his. Demand of him, in the first place, that he give him- self up entirely ; that he think of nothing ; that he do not trouble himself by examining the effects which he experiences ; that he banishes all fear, and indulge hope ; and that he be not disquieted or dis- couraged if the action of the Magnetism produces in him temporary pains. " After you have brought yourself to a state of self-collectedness, take his thumbs between your two fingers, so that the inside of your thumbs may touch the inside of his. Remain in this situation five minutes, or until you perceive there is an equal de- gree of heat • between your thumbs and his ; that being done, you will withdraw your hands, remov- ing them to the right and left, and waving them so that the interior surface be turned outwards, and raise them to his head ; then place them upon his shoulders, leaving them there about a minute ,* you will then draw them along the arm to the extremity of the fingers, touching lightly. You will repeat this pass five or six times, always turning your hands and sweeping them off a little before re-ascending ; you will then place your hands upon the head, hold them there a moment, and bring them down before the face, at the distance of one or two inches, as far as the pit of the stomach ; there you will let them remain about two minutes, passing the thumb along the pit of the stomach, and the other fingers down * " Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism." By J. P. F- Deleuze. London. 1843. MESMERIC PROCESSES. 165 the sides ; then descend slowly along the body as far as the knees, or farther, and, if you can conveniently, as far as the ends of the feet. You may repeat the same processes during the greater part of the sitting. You may sometimes draw nearer to the patient so as to place your hands behind his shoulders, descending slowly along the spine, thence to the hips, and along the thighs as far as the knees, or to the feet. After the first passes you may dispense with putting your hands upon the head, and make the succeeding passes along the arms, beginning at the shoulder ; or along the body commencing at the stomach. 44 When you wish to put an end to the sitting take care to draw towards the extremity of the hands, and towards the extremity of the feet, prolonging your passes beyond these extremities, and shaking your fingers each time. Finally, make several passes transversely before the face, and also before the breast, at the distance of three or four inches ; these passes are made by presenting the two hands to- gether, and briskly drawing them from each other, as if to carry off" the superabundance of fluid with which the patient may be charged. You see that it is essential to magnetise, always descending from the head to the extremities, and never mounting from the extremities to the head. It is on this account that we turn the hands obliquely when they are raised again from the feet to the head. The descend- ing passes are magnetic ; that is, they are accom- panied with the intention of magnetising. The as- cending movements are not. Many magnetisers shake their fingers slightly after each pass. This method, which is never injurious, is, in certain cases, advantageous, and for this reason it is good to get the habit of doing it. " Although you may have, at the close of the sit- ting, taken care to spread the fluid over all the sur- face of the body, it is proper, in finishing, to make 166 MESMERISM. several passes along the legs from the knees to the end of the feet. These passes free the head. To make them more conveniently, place yourself on your knees in front of the person whom you are magnetising. " I think it proper to distinguish the passes that are made without touching, from those which are made with the touch, not only with the ends of the fingers, but with all the extent of the hand, employ- ing, at the same time, a slight pressure. I give to these last the name of magnetic frictions. They are often made use of to act better upon the arms, the legs, and the back, along the vertebral column. " This manner of magnetising by longitudinal passes, directing the fluid from the head to the ex- tremities, without fixing upon any part in preference to others, is called magnetising by the long pass* (magnetiser a grands courans.) It is more or less proper in all cases, and it is requisite to employ it in the first sitting, when there is no special reason for using any other. The fluid is thus distributed into all the organs, and it accumulates naturally in those which have need of it. Beside the passes made at a short distance, others are made, just before finishing, at the distance of two or three feet. They generally produce a calm, refreshing, and pleasurable sensa- tion. " There is one more process by which it is very advantageous to terminate the sitting. It consists in placing oneself by the side of the patient, as he stands up, and, at the distance of a foot, making, with both hands, one before the body and the other behind, seven or eight passes, commencing above the head and descending to the floor, along which the hands are spread apart. This process frees the head, re- establishes the equilibrium, and imparts strength. ***** "Sometimes it is necessary to magnetise at the MESMERIC PROCESSES. I (>? distance of several feet. Magnetism at a distance Lb more soothing, and some nervous persons cannot bear any other. " In making the passes, it is unnecessary to em - ploy any greater muscular force than what is re- quired to lift the hand and prevent it from falling. The movements should be easy, and not too rapid. A pass from the head to the feet may take about half a minute. The fingers ought to be a little sepa- rated from each other, and slightly bent, so that the ends of the fingers be directed towards the person magnetised." Dr. Caldwell, in his work entitled " Facts in Mesmerism, and Thoughts on its Causes and Uses" gives the following description of the mode of pro- ducing Mesmeric sleep. " Let the parties be seated close to each other, face to face, the Mesmeriser occupying the higher seat, and the Mesmerisee so accommodated as to sit at ease and in comfort, provision being made for the support of the head, in case sleep be induced. " Having requested the Mesmerisee to dismiss, as far as practicable, all agitating and impressive feel- ings, thoughts, and emotions, and be as tranquil as possible in mind as well as in body, the Mesmeriser gently grasps his hands, applying palm to palm and thumb to thumb, for the purpose of equalizing and identifying their temperature and condition. " Continuing this for about a minute, the Mes- meriser lets go his grasp, and, removing his hands, and raising them just above the head of the Mes- merisee, brings them gently down along each side of the head, very softly brushing it, and places them on his shoulders. Let the hands rest here about another minute ; the Mesmeriser all this time looking steadily and intensely in his subject's face, and forcibly willing that he shall fall asleep. The hands are then to be moved from the shoulders along the arms, with LOS MESMERISM. a very light pressure, until they reach the hands of the Mesmerisee, which are to be again grasped for four or five seconds, as before. t 6 - After a few repetitions of these movements, the operator may begin his more regular passes. These he makes by raising his hands near to the face or top of the head of his subject, and bringing them down with a gentle sweep along the neck and breast (touching those parts not being necessary,) to the ends of the subject's fingers, turning his palms out- wards, and widening the distance of his hands from each other as they descend. The ends of the opera- tor's fingers may be also advantageously applied at times to the pit of the patient's stomach, and held there for a short time. " In making their passes, some operators draw their hands not only along the whole extent of the upper extremities of the patient, but also down the lower extremities to the knees. This, however, I have not found necessary, perhaps not even useful, having been able to effect my purpose without it. The passes may be continued from twelve or fifteen to thirty minutes, according to circumstances. And during the subsequent experiments, while the patient is asleep, they may be occasionally renewed, to hold the sleep sufficiently profound. " Such is the usual form of the Mesmeric process, the operator continuing to will during the whole time of it, the production of the phenomena at which he aims. Under the hands of some Mesmerisers the process is much simpler, the foregoing being of a formal and rather complex kind." The Rev. La Roy Sunderland, another American writer, gives various directions in his journal, entitled The Magnet. He says, — " The following methods will be found equally successful, and far better than the old process of staring persons in the face. MESMERIC PROCESSES. 169 " The attempt should not be made under circum- stances when you or your patient will be liable to be interrupted or disturbed. Every thing should be adjusted beforehand, so that you may be perfectly quiet during the sitting, that nothing may occur in any way to attract the attention of the subject. " 1. Let the patient be comfortably seated, and di- rected to fix his mind on the certainty of the antici- pated results of the experiment. His head should be reclined in an easy position, so that the eyes may be considerably elevated, and kept immoveable/ fixed upon one spot for thirty minutes or more. While he is sitting in this position the operator may, if he wishes, hold one of his hands while standing or sit- ting by his side ; or he may give the patient a piece of steel, or any other substance not disagreeable to him, to hold in his hand. The more firmly he keeps his eyes elevated and fixed in one position, and the greater the certainty with which he anticipates the sleep or the cure to be effected, the better. " When sleep ensues, the operator should pass his hands gently from the top of the head down the sides of the face, over the arms and hands, and especially over any part that is affected with disease, as directed below. 4w 2. Another method. "When the patient is seated as above described, and where he may recline his head if he wishes to do so, the operator may stand by his side, and place one hand over the whole of the frontal region, and the other directly over the front and top part of the head. Or thus, — stand directly behind the patient, and put one of your fingers of each hand on the space of the head, directly back of the centre of the organ marked by Gall as caution, or you may cover these two points with the thumb and finger of one hand, and with the other hand press upon the whole of the forehead, or place one finger over the space between individuality and 170 MESMERISM. eventuality. If the subject be susceptible, this pro- cess scarcely ever fails of producing sleep. And when you perceive he is quite composed, and more or less subdued, you may raise your hands and carry them from his, outward in a circle, to the top of the head, and, with the fingers gently extended, pass your hands slowly down the sides of the face, over the shoulders, and down the arms, over the inside of the hands, and then carry them off from him in a circle, outwards, up to the head again. " If your subject should become convulsed, do not be alarmed ; keep calm, and indulge no unkind or impure feeling, if you would not involve yourself and him in difficulty. " To wake your patient up, place one hand directly over the back part of the head, covering from the or- gans of philoprogenitiveness down over the cerebel- lum, and then place your two fingers of the other hand directly on the organs appropriated to causa- lity ; or pass your hands quickly up and over the frontal region, as if you wished to brush away some- thing collected there. And to relieve the arms when affected by this process, the operator should pass his hand quickly upward over them. " But it often happens that persons succeed in putting others to sleep, and they find it impossible to wake them again. What shall be done in such cases ? Answer — learn to be more careful how you meddle with an agency of which you know so little. We have known serious results to follow the operations of persons when the motive has been mere curiosity. " But in cases of difficulty do not be alarmed; let the patient alone. If left entirely to himself, the influence will in time disappear. " 3. We usually commence, when operating for any local disease, in the way above stated, and after- wards apply the hand to the diseased part, or to the corresponding sympathetic organs. For relieving MESMERIC PROCESSES. 171 headach, when the pain seems to be located in the frontal region, let the patient lean his head back, so as to rest it firmly in your hand, your hand being suf- ficiently low to cover the cerebellum. With your other hand, make the passes down and over the fore- head and temples. If the pain is located in the back part of the head, cover with your hand the front part, and make the passes over the occipital region. " To relieve the toothach pass your hand gently over the face and the part affected. " These operations must, of course, be continued from ten minutes to half an hour, or longer, and re- peated from time to time as the case may require. " Bear in mind, that all persons are not alike sus- ceptible; and the same directions for the relief of one may not always apply to the case of another afflicted in the same way. The great law of sympathy is the same in all, but it is not alike accessible to. all." The Rev. Mr. Townshend gives no formal direc- tions for producing the Mesmeric sleep, but we should infer that the method he employs is much less com- plicated than some others. In the Appendix to Facts in Mesmerism, the celebrated Professor Agas- sis gives a description of the sensations which he felt on being Mesmerised, and we gather from it the mode of proceeding adopted by Mr. Townshend. Professor Agassis says : — " About ten Mr. Towns- hend commenced operating on me. While we sat opposite to one another, he, in the first place, only took hold of my hands and looked at me fixedly. I was firmly resolved to arrive at a knowledge of the truth, whatever it might be ; and therefore the mo- ment I saw him endeavouring to exert an action upon me, I silently addressed the Author of all things, be- seeching him to give me power to resist the influence, and to be conscientious in regard to myself as well as in regard to the facts. * * * * .* After at 172 MESMERISM. least a quarter of an hour, I felt a sensation of a cur- rent through all my limbs, and from that moment my eyelids grew heavy. I then saw Mr. Townshend extend his hands before my eyes, as if he were about to plunge his fingers into them ; and then make dif- ferent circular movements around my eyes, which caused my eyelids to become still heavier. I had the idea that he was endeavouring to make me close my eyes ; and yet it was not as if some one had threa- tened my eyes, and in the waking state, I had closed them to prevent him ; it was an irresistible heaviness of the lids which compelled me to shut them ; and by degrees I found that I had no longer the power of keep- ing them open, but did not the less retain my consci- ousness of what was going on around me ; so that I heard M. Desor speak to Mr. Townshend, understood what they said, and heard what questions they asked me, just as if I had been awake, but I had not the power of answering. * * * * Mr. Townshend then repeated some frictions, which increased my sleep ; yet I was always conscious of what was pass- ing around me. He then asked me if I wished to become lucid, at the same time continuing, as I felt, the frictions from the face to the arms. I then ex- perienced an indescribable sensation of delight, and for an instant saw before me rays of dazzling light, which instantly disappeared. * * * Mr. Towns- hend then woke me with some rapid transverse move- ments from the middle of the face outwards, which instantly caused my eyes to open, and at the same time I got up, saying to him, ' I thank you.' It was a quarter past eleven. He then told me, and M. Desor repeated the same thing, that the only fact which had satisfied them that I was in a state of Mesmeric sleep, was the facility with which my head followed all the movements of his hand, although he did not touch me, and the pleasure which I appeared to feel at the moment when after several repetitions MESMERIC PROCESSES. 1?3 of friction, he thus moved my head at pleasure in all directions. " The above description is doubly interesting, as coming from one who occupies so high a position in the scientific world as M. Agassis. A method of Mesmerising a number of individuals at the same time is thus described by Mr. Towns- hend. " I have sometimes formed what may be called a Mesmeric pile, by seating five or six persons together in a line, or half circle, holding each other's hands : I have then Mesmerised the first in the rank, who has passed on the influence to the second, who has again transmitted it to the third, and so on, by each pressing the hand held by each, at regular periods of time. Under this treatment I have invariably found that the Mesmeric influence was most powerfully de- monstrated in the person who was farthest from my- self ; that is, in the person who received the original impulse through the greatest number of intervening transmitters. The shades of gradation were also in these experiments justly preserved ; the first person scarcely experiencing any sensation, the second feel- ing a more decided influence, and so on in progres- sion, till the last was thrown into the complete Mes- meric state." Sir G. S. Mackenzie has published in the Phreno- hgical Journal* an account of the method of Mes- merising, practised by Mr. Gardiner of Roche Court, who, Sir George states, was the first to observe the extraordinary effects of exciting the organs of the mental faculties of patients in the magnetic trance. The directions given to Mesmerisers by Mr. Gardi- ner, are the following : — "Dismiss all preconceptions from your mind; check the tendency we all of us have to prejudge * Edinburgh : Maclach^n, Stewart & Co. 174 MESMERISM. and pre-theorise ; banish all hypothesis, and advance to your subject as an experimentalist. Say nothing to any body ; select for your trials a person of rather a sedate character, and not too young. Shut your- self and the patient into a quiet room, with no spec- tators, and let him or her sit in an easy posture, with support for the head. Dismiss from your thoughts all idea of the necessity of mode or fashion, or particular passes. Concentrate your faculties, and be not distracted by any thing. Let your voli- tion be earnest, and first try the power of your eye, aided, if you like, by taking the hand. Let the pa- tient look at you, and do you steadily regard him or her visually and mentally with a fixed and deter- mined and definite purpose, and it is more than pro- bable, that, ere the lapse of many minutes, you will feel and see the establishment of your power. If not, try the points of your fingers directed to the eyes, putting them as close as possible, without touching the lashes or the hair. Should no effect ensue in half an hour, I would advise you to desist, and try another patient. If effects be produced within that time, go on until you see that they do not increase, and then demagnetise by transverse passes, and blowing on the face and head upwards from the neck, or other means, and try the same pa- tient again the succeeding day, and go on till you produce all the higher phenomena. This is what I recommend, for no magnetiser ought to dogmatise. No two cases are alike, and some patients are readily affected by one process and not by any other, while some will yield almost instantaneously to a certain magnetiser, who have withstood the efforts of many others, although the same process be used by them all. If you wish specially to entrance or influence a particular person, place him or her at the extre- mity of a chain of persons holding each other by the hand, and do you proceed to magnetise the person at MESMERIC PROCESSES. 175 the other extremity of the chain. Tough must that person be who can withstand this. The greater the number of persons forming the chain the better." Mr. Braid's mode of hypnotising, to use his own term, is thus described by him in Neurypnology : " Take any bright object (I generally use my lancet case) between the thumb and fore and middle fingers of the left hand ; hold it from about eight to fifteen inches from the eyes, at such position above the forehead as may be necessary to produce the greatest possible strain upon the eyes and eyelids, and enable the patient to maintain a steady fixed stare at the object.* The patient must be made to understand that he is to keep the eyes steadily fixed on the object, and the mind rivetted on the idea of that one object. It will be observed, that, owing to the consensual adjustment of the eyes, the pupils will be at first contracted ; they will shortly begin to dilate, aad after they have done so to a considerable extent, and have assumed a wavy motion, if the fore and middle fingers of the right hand, extended and a little separated, are carried from the object towards the eyes, most probably the eyelids will close invo- luntarily, with a vibratory motion. If this is not the case, or the patient allows the eye-balls to move, desire him to begin anew, giving him to understand that he is to allow the eyelids to close when the fin- gers are again carried towards the eyes, but that the * Mr. Braid states, in a note, that at an early period of his in- vestigations, he caused the patients to look at a cork bound on the forehead. This, he says, was a very efficient plan with those who had the power of converging the eyes so as to keep them both steadily directed on the object, but he soon found that many could not do so. We are reminded, by Mr. Braid's method of proceed- ing, of a passage in Mr. Douglas of Cavers' Errors regarding Re- ligion. In his chapter on Mysticism, Mr. Douglas says, — " The Hindoo sage, by meditating on the identity of all things with the Self-existent, and by performing the no less earnestly enjoined duties of stopping his breathing, and fixing his intent gaze upon the tip of his nose, is freed from all the evils of finite existence, and absorbed into the Divine essence." ] 76 MESMERISM. eye-balls must be kept fixed in the same position, and the mind rivetted to the one idea of the object held above the eyes. It will generally be found, that the eyelids close with a vibratory motion, or become spasmodically closed. After ten or fifteen seconds have elapsed, by gently elevating the arms and legs, it will be found that the patient has a disposition to retain them in the situation in which they have been placed, if he is intensely affected. If this is not the case, in a soft tone of voice desire him to retain the limbs in the extended position, and thus the pulse will speedily become greatly accelerated, and the limbs, in process of time, will become quite rigid and involuntarily fixed. It will also be found, that all the organs of special sense, excepting sight, including heat and cold, and muscular motion or resistance, and certain mental faculties, are at first prodigiously exalted, such as happens with regard to the primary effects of opium, wine, and spirits. After a certain point, however, this exaltation of function is followed by a state of depression far greater than the torpor of natural sleep.* From the state of the most pro- found torpor of the organs of special sense and tonic rigidity of the muscles, they may, at this state, in- * I wish to direct especial attention to this circumstance, as, from overlooking the fact of the first stage of this artificial hyp- notism heing one of excitement, with the possession of consciousness and docility, many imagine they are not affected, whilst the acce- leration of pulse, peculiar expression of countenance, and other characteristic symptoms, prove the existence of the condition, beyond the possibility of a doubt, to alt who understand the subject. I consider it very imprudent to carry it to the ulterior stage, or that of torpor, at'a^r^ trial. Moreover, there is great difference in the susceptibility to the Neurohypnotic impression, some ar- riving at the state of rigidity and insensibility in a few minutes, whilst others may readily pass into the primary stage, but can scarcely be brought into 'the ulterior, or rigid and torpid state. It is also most important to note, that many instances of remark- able and permanent cures have occurred, where it has never been carried beyond the state of consciousness. — Note at p. 20 of Neurypnology. MESMERIC PROCESSES. IT? stantly be restored to the opposite condition of ex- treme mobility and exalted sensibility, by directing a current of air against the organ or organs we wish to excite to action, or the muscles we wish to render limber, and which had been in the cataleptiform state. By mere repose, the senses will speedily merge into the original condition again. " At first I required the patients to look at an object until the eyelids closed of themselves, involun- tarily. I found, however, that in many cases this was followed by pain in the globes of the eyes, and slight inflammation of the conjunctival membrane. In order to avoid this, I now close the eyelids, when the impression on the pupil, already referred to, has taken place. * * * " As the experiment succeeds with the blind, I consider it not so much the optic, as the sentient, motor, and sympathetic nerves, and the mind, through which the impression is made. " A patient may be hypnotised by keeping the eyes fixed in any direction. It occurs most slowly and feebly when the eyes are directed straight for- ward, and most rapidly and intensely when they can be maintained in the position of a double internal and upward squint." Mr. Braid thus describes his manner of awakening his patients, and the caution which he adds should not be overlooked : — " Whenever I observe the breathing very much oppressed, the face gently flushed, the rigidity exces- sive, or the action of the heart very quick and tumul- tuous, I instantly arouse the patient, which I have always readily and speedily succeeded in doing by a clap of the hands, or abrupt shock on the arm or leg, by striking them sharply with the flat hand, — pres- sure and friction over the eyelids, and by a current M 178 MESMERISM. of air wafted against the face. I have never failed by these means to restore my patients very speedily. " I feel convinced hypnotism is not only a valu- able, but also a perfectly safe remedy for many com- plaints, if judiciously used ; still it ought not to be trifled with by ignorant persons for the mere sake of gratifying idle curiosity. In all cases of apoplectic tendency, or where there is aneurism, or serious organic disease of the heart, it ought not to be re- sorted to, excepting with the precaution, that it may be in the mode calculated to depress the force and frequency of the heart's action." Dr. Elliotson s method of producing the Mesmeric sleep is exceedingly simple, being usually accom- plished by simply pointing two fingers to the eyes of the patient. He is opposed to the opinion, that the will of the operator has any effect in putting the patient to sleep. In a recent communication with which we were favoured, in reply to questions regarding the probability of injury to the health of a patient, from being too frequently Mesmerised, Dr. Elliotson says, — " When mere sleep is produced, I have never seen harm from the most frequent Mes- merising ; but when there is any activity in the sleep, the process may easily be repeated often enough to cause mischievous excitement. Flushing, headach, giddiness, and even a little delirium, may result. Whenever any of these threaten, the process should be slackened, whatever the benefit that has re- sulted." It is unnecessary to enter into farther details regarding the various processes adopted by different Mesmerisers. Those which have simplicity and an absence of mystery to recommend them, will, we are certain, meet with the highest degree of approval in Britain. It has been a common error to suppose that Mes- MESMERIC PROCESSES. 179 merism is only operative upon those who are feeble in body. Let us listen to what Mr. Townshend says on this point, — " Mesmerism is one of nature's great resources in the cure of maladies ; and it is not, therefore, won- derful, if some of its most striking effects should have been developed rather in the ailing and the delicate, than in the healthy and robust. Hence the world, always ready to build up error on truth, has connected it, in idea, with weakness of mind, as well as of body, and has classed it amongst those idle imaginings which beset the fanciful invalid. But what is the fact ? Mesmerism does, indeed, act more peculiarly on the nervous system, and, on that account, affects, in an especial manner, persons whose nervous system is finely organized. But we must not confound sensitiveness with imbecility. The universal temperament of genius gives the lie to such an error ; and it would be plainly ridiculous to say, that the timid and susceptible author of an elegy in a country churchyard, or Rousseau, or Pascal, who were both nervous, even to hypochondriacism, were weak in intellect, because they were strong in sensi- bility. Besides, before we identify Mesmerism with weakness of any kind, it should be shown, that none but the feeble are susceptible of its influence. Now, as far as my experience goes, I can affirm, that not only does a certain degree of intelligence appear requisite for the favourable manifestation of the Mes- meric phenomena, but that persons in perfect health have frequently exhibited them. It may also be asserted, that fear and nervous agitation are wholly incompatible with their genuine development. These may, indeed, accompany a spurious sort of Mesmeric affection, but are wholly distinct from the powers with which they co-exist, and to which they are invariably hurtful. They are the corruptions of the true faith, and not the faith itself. In fine, sensibi- 180 MESMERISM. lity, and not weakness, is the real condition on which Mesmerism depends." In the space of less than two years, Mr. Town- shend succeeded in inducing the Mesmeric sleep in twenty-three individuals, and in eight instances he failed. Of the twenty-three, six only were women, and one only a decided invalid. They were, more- over, not cases selected by Mr. Townshend as likely subjects for Mesmerism, but came to him acciden- tally. Dr. Caldwell gives it as his opinion, that a large majority of mankind are susceptible of the Mesmeric influence, the proportion, so far as his experience goes, being similar to that of Mr. Townshend. One able Mesmeriser had assured him, that he had suc- ceeded in fourteen, out of fifteen trials. Mr. Braid states, that at one of his public lectures in Manchester, fourteen male adults, in good health, all strangers to him, stood up at once, and ten of them were successfully operated upon. At Roch- dale he succeeded with twenty strangers in one night. At a private conversazione to the medical profession in London, on the 1st of March 1842, eighteen adults, most of them strangers to him, sat down at once, and in ten minutes sixteen of them were decidedly hypnotised. On another occasion, Mr. Braid took thirty-two children into a room, none of whom had either seen or heard of hypnotism or Mesmerism : in ten or twelve minutes the whole thirty-two were hypnotised, and maintained their arms extended. These facts are sufficient to show, that a large majority of the human race are susceptible of this influence, whatever its nature may be ; and if, as we have reason to believe, human suffering may, through its instrumentality, be materially alleviated, we have abundant reason to thank the men who, defying per- secution, have stood nobly forward in support of the MESMERIC PROCESSES. 181 truth. We would, at the same time, join with pre* ceding writers in deprecating the practice of Mes- merism by the ignorant or the unwary. But for the supercilious and unpardonable neglect of the medical faculty, its administration would, long ago, have been entrusted entirely to their hands as an important branch of the healing art ; and they will yet be compelled to adopt that, at which the vast majority of them have hitherto sneered. The people have already obtained more knowledge on the subject than is possessed by the members of a profession, which is, by courtesy, denominated learned ; and popular Mesmerism, or Hypnotism, or whatever other name may ultimately be adopted, — names being an affair of comparatively little consequence, — will, ere long, put the wisdom of the medical faculty to the blush. 182 CHAPTER VII. PHRENO -MESMERISM . Phreno-Mesmerism, or phreno-magnetism, or, adopting Mr. Braid's language, phreno-hypnotism, was, we believe, discovered nearly about the same time in the United States of America and in England. The Rev. La Roy Sunderland is understood to have been the individual who first, on the other side of the Atlantic, proclaimed the banns of the union between Mesmerism and Phrenology. In this coun- try, the able and ingenious Mr. Spencer Hall of Sheffield, while he states, that he applied magnetism as a test of phrenological truth before seeing the account of Mr. Sunderland's discoveries, yet ex- presses his obligations to that gentleman for informa- tion as to the existence of certain organs, beyond those laid down in the ordinary busts and charts. Dr. Engledue states, in his address delivered to the Phrenological Association in London, on the 20th of June 1842, — * " The discovery of the magnetic excitation of cerebration, as far as I am aware, was made in this country by my two friends, Messrs. Mansfield and Gardiner. These two gentlemen communicated their experiments to me, and I immediately attempted to excite the cerebral organs of one of my patients, who had been regularly magnetised by me for some time, for the cure of disease. Exactly the same results were obtained. " On the 7th October 1841, Mr. Gardiner, during * London : H. Bailliere. 1842. PHRENO-MESMERISM. 183 the magnetic trance of his patient, played a few notes on a small musical instrument ; the patient kept time by a lateral motion of the head. He then sounded the instrument, without attending to har- mony ; the patient shuddered, and appeared to be distressed. He interrogated her as to the cause of this distress ; she replied she was in pain ; and when asked where, she placed a finger of each hand on the organ of tune, on the same side. I shall not soon forget the enthusiasm of my friend when he com- municated this result to me. An apple falling from a tree suggested to Newton the laws by which count- less worlds hold their unvarying course ; and the muscular distortion of a human countenance suggested thoughts which will assist in unfolding the greatest problem in cerebral physiology. After this expe- riment, Mr. Mansfield returned to Cambridge, where he became acquainted with a gentleman, eighteen years of age, exceedingly susceptible of the magnetic influence. The first intimation he had of the fact that the magnetiser could excite a cerebral organ was on the 18th of December, 1841. This patient mani- fested impaired sense of time. He said, for instance, that he had been in a room half an hour when he had been in the room more than two hours, and, on another occasion, two hours and a half. He would refer to events that had taken place more than half an hour before, as if a few minutes only had elapsed. Mr. Mansfield breathed on the organ of time, and then asked his patient the same question, when he named the exact period. " On another occasion he was eating his dinner, and became exceedingly facetious, his conversation flowing in a strain of ludicrousness absolutely irre- sistible. Mr. M. touched the organ of wit, with the intention of arresting his flow of humour ; instantly his countenance assumed a grave appearance, and though his conversation continued, the humorous vi- 1S4< MESMERISM. vacity and drollery entirely disappeared. After a few minutes Mr. M. blew upon the organ, and im- mediately the comic strain was again indulged in. The organ of alinientiveness was paralysed in the same manner, and again excited; also the organ of firmness. On the 25th of December, Mr. M. accompanied Mr. Gardiner on a visit to his patient. This was the first opportunity, Mr. Gardiner had been enabled to commence his expe- riments, and to enter into details, and I am only stating what I know to be true, when I assert that it is owing to his great exertions, his untiring pa- tience, his ceaseless enthusiasm, and his constant anxiety to promulgate truth, that I am enabled to detail to you the leading facts of this extraordinary discovery." Dr. Engledue then proceeds to detail the particu- lars of the case of a young lady, which had occurred in his own practice, and as it was one of the earliest in which these manifestations were produced, it may be interesting to extract it in this place. " The case which I am about to relate is that of a young lady, sixteen years of age, who had been confined to her bed eighteen months. She was mag- netised for some time, and, during the trance, mani- fested a number of extraordinary phenomena ; but I shall confine my relation to the experiments on cere- bration. " The patient having been placed in the trance, was allowed to remain quiet for a short time. I then simply applied my finger to the organ to be ex- cited, and willed that it should become so. The ex- citation, in the majority of cases, was instantaneous. u Thus, the finger applied to imitation produced the most splendid mimicry it is possible to conceive. The words and gestures of friends were copied in the most exact manner. Anecdotes which had been forgotten by all the members of the family were re- PHRENO-MESMERISM. 185 peated in a way that brought the circumstances in- stantaneously to their recollection, notwithstanding many years had elapsed. On one occasion, the ma- nifestation of the faculty was permitted to continue for half an hour, and was then stopped by a wave of the hand over the organ, without contact. The finger on wit produced immoderate laughter, checked by a wave of the hand, and reproduced by a touch of the finger. The finger on colour caused the pa- tient to see a variety of colours, which, she said, were coloured worsteds. The finger on size caused her to say she saw ' heaps of skeins.' When asked the supposed weight of the quantity she replied she did not know. The finger on the organ of weight caused her immediately to exclaim ' hundreds of pounds/ " Self-esteem, firmness, veneration, benevolence, philoprogenitiveness, caution, &c. &c, were all ex- cited with corresponding results. The natural lan- guage of each faculty was most beautiful, and the patient, in the natural state, could not manifest the function in any similar degree. u The organs remained active even after the pa- tient had resumed her natural state. This was so marked, that the attendants have frequently re- quested me not to demagnetise the organ of benevo- lence, because, when this was allowed to continue active, she was so much more kind and affectionate. " Dr. Engledue added, that Mr. Atkinson, Mr. Brookes, Mr. Prideaux, Captain Valiant, and Dr. Elliotson, had all performed experiments, and ob- tained similar results. The lectures of Mr. Spencer Hall contributed ma- terially to attract public attention to the subject, and the same gentleman, early in 1 843, estabtished a pe- riodical,* for the purpose of recording the facts con- nected with it. * The Phreno- Magnet. Edited by Spencer T. Hall. Lon- don : R. Tyas. 186 MESMERISM. At the meeting of the Phrenological Association in 1 842, Dr. Elliotson seemed to think that the evidence fell short of proving the trnth of Mesmeric Phreno- logy ; but in a letter dated the 1st of September 1 842, addressed to Dr. Engledue, and appended to that gentleman's address, he states that his conviction of the possibility of Mesmerising distinct cerebral organs is complete. He then proceeds to give the following account of two of his patients. " I have had for some months under my care, for dreadful fits of many years standing, which are yield- ing satisfactorily to Mesmerism, two charming youth- ful patients, of excellent cerebral development, and carefully brought up, of high intelligence, and of high moral character — beautifully illustrating the power of good training upon a well developed brain. No poet or moralist could desire finer specimens of all that is delightful in the youthful mind. They have not known each other. They both exhibit exquisite Mesmeric phenomena. Are thrown into a profound coma, which no impression on the senses will dispel, and which soon becomes sleep-waking; their limbs may then be stiffened at pleasure, and endowed with enormous force, which, although not yielding to me- chanical -violence, gives way to contact, or to the breath, or to movements of the operator's hand, with- out contact, in the direction opposite to that of the limb's position ; the various muscles of the face may be made to twitch as if with electricity, and the eyes be opened, or the body be drawn by movements of the fingers and hands held at a short distance ; the position of each finger of the operator's hand will be minutely imitated, though the eyes be closed, and the experiment be made out of the patient's sphere of vision. Though showing all the signs of sleep in the breathing, the falling of the head, the aspect, and the exquisite positions, they may be roused to talk, but never recognise the person nor the place. Their PHRENO-MESMERISM. 187 dream, if so it may be called, is perfectly rational ; but the real place, and person addressing, and even the time, are invariably fancied otherwise than is the fact. " I know to a certainty that both are totally igno- rant of phrenology. Without any previous inten- tion, I one day tried to Mesmerise some of the cere- bral organs in the young lady. On placing the point of a finger on the right organ of attachment, she strongly squeezed my fingers of the other hand, placed in her right hand, and fancied I was her fa- vourite sister ; on removing it to the organ of self- esteem, she let go my fingers which were in her right hand, repelled my hand, mistook me for a person she disliked, and talked in the haughtiest manner. On replacing the point of my finger on attachment, she squeezed my fingers of the other hand again, and spoke affectionately. I removed the point of my finger to destructiveness, and she let go my fingers again, repelled my hand, mistook me for some one she disliked, and fell into a passion. The finger upon benevolence silenced her instantly ; and made her amiable, though not attached. I thus could alter her mood, and her conception of my person at pleasure, and play upon her head as upon a piano. " On repeating these experiments, I soon found that the same results ensued, though not so rapidly, by merely pointing the finger near the organs ; and this was the more satisfactory in demonstrating the facts to others ; and indeed it has been quite satis- factory to every one, for not only were the eyes closed, but stopped up by a handful of handkerchiefs, held firmly upon each eye, and the experiments were made on organs so situated, that had her eyes been open, I defy her to know to what organ I was point- ing. These experiments I have repeated twenty times. But a fact still more wonderful is this : The state of the organ of one side gives evidence of itself 188 MESMERISM. on only half of the system. For instance, if I place my fingers in her right hand, and Mesmerise attach- ment in the right side, she squeezes them and mis- takes me for a dear friend ; if I then Mesmerise self- esteem, on the left side, she still speaks to me kindly, and squeezes my fingers with her right as much as ever. But if I place my fingers in her left hand, she re- pels them, and speaks scornfully to me, mistaking me for some one whom she dislikes. If I take hold of both her hands with one of mine, I can at pleasure make her repel both, by pointing over each organ of self- esteem or destructiveness : squeeze both by pointing over each organ of attachment; or repel one and squeeze the other, right or left, accordingly as I point over the organ of self-esteem or destructiveness on the one side, and that of attachment on the other, at the same time. These simultaneous, and especially the opposite influences on the two sides, are the most astonishing and beautiful experiments that all physi- ology affords ; and the sight of them enraptures every person. They are the more satisfactory, because there is no necessity for me to operate ; — any person, even a sceptic in both phrenology and Mesmerism, may point to and Mesmerise her respective cerebral organs himself, if standing behind her. Under the opposite states of the two sides of the brain, she will address the person supposed on the one side or the other, and speak affectionately, proudly, or angrily, as attachment on the one hand, or self-esteem or de- structiveness on the other, is Mesmerised. The ex- pression, the tone, to say nothing of the words or the action of her hands, are exquisitely and rapidly in character. In the youth, the organs at present can be excited by contact only of the point of the finger, or by breathing over them. Attachment, self-esteem, destructiveness, music, and colour, I have excited in him, and the effects came very slow- ly, and continue long. PHRENO-MESMERISM. 189 " It is very interesting to see the first degree, and the working up of the feelings. When self-esteem be- gins slowly, they think others are proud, and then become haughty themselves ; when destructiveness begins slowly, they think others wish to quarrel, and then they quarrel — or they begin to find fault with the fancied person, who is beloved in the waking state, and then mistake him for one disliked in the waking state." Dr. Binns, in his Anatomy of Sleep, gives the fol- lowing account of the phrenological manifestations in the case of a female domestic in the employment of Captain and Mrs. Valiant, the same individual, we believe, who is referred to in Dr. Charlton's let- ter in a previous chapter : — " The patient being placed in a chair, Dr. Elliot- son commenced the experiment by directing his hand in a horizontal position, to the precordia, or perhaps the epigastrium. In a few moments, convulsive twitchings of the hands began to appear ; she seemed distressed ; the eyelids winked convulsively, and shortly after she fell asleep. This may be considered as the first stage of the phenomena. The second was that of intense fear, or horror of being left alone, whenever Dr. Elliotson withdrew his hand from hers, or ceased to touch any part of her body. This feel- ing was, on all occasions, instantly arrested by simple contact, even by the doctor s foot being applied to hers. A series of the most interesting and extraor- dinary phenomena then developed themselves. The doctor applied the index finger of the right hand upon the organ of veneration, and asked her several questions, to all of which she replied with an expres- sive humility of feature, and in a submissive tone of voice, that were absolute studies. No artist has more skilfully depicted, or actor imitated, so perfect an expression of this sentiment. But if this was wonderful, the extraordinary transition to proud dis- 1 90 MESMERISM. dain, and even to aristocratic hauteur, was astound- ing. She elevated her head, threw back her shoul- ders, rose slowly and majestically from her chair, and stood upright before the doctor on his placing his hand on the organ of self-esteem. He said, f Why do you rise from your seat ? Do you think yourself an empress V ' No/ she replied, with a disdainful toss of the head, 4 but I think myself as good.' The finger was rapidly passed to the organ of veneration, and immediately the countenance re- laxed, the body sunk back in its seat, the proud ex- pression of self-esteem lapsed away, and the humble and servile attendant stood confessed. ' Do you think yourself an empress now?' said the doctor. ' O ! lauk, sir ! what should make you think so ? I an empress ! ' — but the expression, the tone, the em- phasis, were such as beggar description." A number of other similar phenomena were elicited, the experiment being conducted in the presence of Captain and Mrs. Valiant; and the relator adds, that the patient was never Mesmerised phrenologi- cally before the preceding Sunday ; had never heard of phrenology ; is an ignorant country woman ; and was Mesmerised by Captain Valiant, who had never until that day attempted the process. The " crown- ing fact," as it is termed, with reference to the opera- tion performed upon the jaw of the patient, has been already given in a preceding chapter. A gentleman, who, through the kind invitation of Dr. Elliotson, was enabled to witness some experi- ments of this description about the end of May 1843, has given the following account of what fell under his observation : — " At the hour appointed, there assembled in Dr. Elliotson's drawing-room a party whom it would be exceedingly difficult to match, for intelligence and beauty, out of the metropolis ; for, besides that por- tion of the sterner sex to whom such an exhibition PHREXO-MESMERISM. 191 might be supposed to have its attractions, there were present c stores of ladies, whose bright eyes rained influence ;' and it argues much for the interest which this subject creates amongst all classes, that a disser- tation upon it should have the effect of drawing to- gether however small a portion of the female aristo- cracy of England, who have, at this season, so many powerful objects of attraction of a more congenial nature ; and it argues still more for the worth and intellect of the fair ones of the British Court, that they should endeavour, by a personal inspection, to satisfy themselves of the reality of that condition, which, when once established, bids fair to open up to us new views of the natural history of mankind. " The first patient introduced was a young girl, who has been operated upon hitherto in spite of her- self. She had all along been inclined to treat the subject with ridicule, and, after having been pre- vailed upon to submit, has since formed one of the best illustrations of its reality. " It took a considerable time to effect the trans- formation in this instance, in consequence of her ex- treme state of excitement. The change was at last effected, and, by dint of continued and repeated trials, she was prevailed on to speak. Dr. Elliot- son stood beside her chair, and sustained a conver- sation with her for a considerable period, while an- other gentleman stood behind her chair, and pointed at (not touched) the various phrenological develop- ments. The changes in her looks, temper, and re- plies were very apparent, and such as to satisfy any one, since it was impossible that she could form the slightest idea of the effects intended to be produced, even admitting that these results were produced by trickery, which they evidently were not. " The chair on which she reclined was wheeled into, a corner, and she was left to awaken at her leisure. The attitudes into which she threw herself 192 MESMERISM. while in the course of awakening were very beauti- ful, and might have afforded models to the painter or sculptor. When awoke, she shook hands with, and described her sensations to, several of the ladies present. " The next case was that of an elderly female, who, it was stated, had been cured by Baron Du- potet of epilepsy, of many years' standing. It is now several years since the cure was effected, and no return of the complaint has yet occurred. The holding of Dr. Elliotsons fingers to her eyes was at- tended with an immediate convulsive movement all over the system ; in a very few seconds she fell back in a state of intense rigidity, which could be re- moved by breathing upon any particular limb. In whatever position, however, the limb was placed, it almost instantly assumed the rigid state, exactly resembling the sudden setting of stucco in a mould. Several of the ladies went forward to examine for themselves, and each expressed their opinion, that it would be impossible for the most expert impostor to imitate such a condition. The pointing to the vari- ous organs was now tried, and was attended with even more striking manifestations than in the former case. In short, whoever could believe that these re- sults were the effects of imposture, must have been possessed of even a greater amount of credulity than others who humbly believed what they saw, and trusted to time and patient investigation for an elu- cidation of the mystery. " The position which Dr. Elliotson holds as a man of science, places him far above being benefited by any mere casual notice of his labours ; and it is in- deed gratifying to reflect, that although the illiberal and bigoted of his own profession have attempted to impair his means of usefulness, there are many others who, while they have been benefited by him, have had the gratitude to acknowledge his services. PIIREKO-MESMERISM. 193 On a side-table in the same room in which this meeting was held, there stands, amongst many other articles of taste and vertu, a massive piece of gold plate, bearing this inscription : — 4 From Wm. Chas. Macready to John Elliotson, M.D. in grateful recol- lection of benefits which can never be forgotten or repaid;' and it agrees with our own knowledge, that, from various more humble sources, acknow- ledgments of less intrinsic, but equal moral value, have stamped him as a man of humanity. " To him who has laboured so assiduously to mitigate the pains of suffering human nature, may be addressed the words of the American poet, Wil- cox — " c The good begun by thee shall onward flow In many a wider stream, and onward grow : The seed that in these few and fleeting hours, Thy hands unwearied and unsparing sow, Shall deck thy grave with amaranthine flowers, And yield thee fruits divine in Heaven's immortal bowers.' " Mr. Braid's first attempts to produce the Phreno- Mesmeric phenomena, were made at Liverpool in the month of April 1 842, but without success. In Decem- ber of the same year, after reading a report of Mr. Spen- cer Hall's lectures, he again made an attempt, and pro- duced several manifestations on the very first patient. A large number of cases, of a highly interesting cha- racter, are given in Mr. Braid's volume, but we can only refer briefly to a few of them. That of Mrs. Col. , which is thus narrated, is important, on account of the high respectability of all the parties. " Mrs. Col. submitted to be operated upon by me, in presence of her husband; as also the Major, the Captain and Surgeon of the regiment, a high dignitary of the Church, and who is also an eminently scientific gentleman; Mr. Gardom, sur- geon, and other professional gentlemen ; Mr. Aspinal Turner, and a number of others, both ladies and 1 94 MESMERISM. gentlemen. In about three minutes after she was asleep, I placed two fingers over the point named Veneration ; instantly the aspect of her countenance changed ; in a little, she slowly, and solemnly, and majestically arose from her chair, advanced towards the table in the middle of the room, and softly sank on her knees, and exhibited such a picture of devout adoration as can never be forgotten by any who had the gratification to witness it. She was tested with a number of other faculties, when the corresponding manifestations were equally striking and character- istic. When awakened, this lady was quite uncon- scious of all which had happened." Some parties, who were excellent critics, having expressed a wish to see some one operated on for the first time, Mr. Braid offered to do so on any of three young ladies whom they had introduced to him that afternoon, and whom he had not known previously. He goes on to say — " Miss S. sat down an entire sceptic, but in a few minutes she was not only most decidedly hypnotised, but also one of the most beautiful and decided ex- amples which could possibly have been met with of the phrenological sway during hypnotism, simply by stimulating the nerves of the scalp and face. The moment ' veneration ' was touched, her features as- sumed the peculiar expression of that feeling ; the hands were clasped ; she sank on her knees in the at- titude of the most devout adoration. Combined with ' hope,' the features were illuminated, and beamed with a feeling of ecstacy, the hands being unclasped and moved about in the utmost delight ; and when ' ideality' was added, the ecstacy was so extreme as scarcely to be supportable. On changing the point of contact to ' firmness/ she instantly arose, and stood with an attitude of defiance ; ' self-esteem' — flounced about with the utmost self-importance ; the ' love of approbation' was painted to the greatest perfection ; PHRENO-MESMERISM 195 ' imitation' imitated accurately every thing done, or spoken in any language ; ' friendship and adhesive- ness' — clasped hold of me ; and by stimulating ' com- bativeness' on the opposite side of the head, along with the other, she struck out with the arm of the side on which f combativeness' had been touched, but held me fast, as if to protect me, with the other. Under ' benevolence/ she seemed much affected, and distributed her property to the imaginary distressed objects her fancy had painted ; under 4 acquisitive- ness' she stole, and under ' conscientiousness' she re- stored ; ' tune' — the desire for music, and sang beau- tifully ; a waltz being played, she danced with a grace and elegance surpassing all which any of us ever wit- nessed. c Eventuality ' was also most remarkable ; the desire to eat, to smell, was also excited ; also form, figures, colours, &c. ; philoprogenitiveness — admirable. All this was done at first trial, with an entire stranger ; and the lady's immediate friends, as well as others present, can bear testimony that there was not the slightest prompting either by one or other ; and when awakened, she was quite uncon- scious of all which had happened. This lady has been twice operated on since, when all these manifesta- tions, and many others, were exhibited in the most perfect manner, as can be certified by Sir Thomas Ar- buthnot, Major Wilbraham, Colonel Wemyss, the Rev. Mr. P., and another high dignitary of the Church, and the patient's family and friends ; and that when under ' number ' she wrote down a sum, and under ' constructiveness and ideality,' she drew a very good sketch of a cottage, putting in doors and windows correctly. * * * * " At a conversazione a few days after, in the pre- sence of Lady S., Sir Thomas Arbuthnot, Colonel Ar- buthnot, Major Wilbraham, John Frederick Foster, Esq., Chairman of the Quarter Sessions, D. Maude, 196 MESMERISM. Esq., stipendiary magistrate, and many others, both gentlemen and ladies, after exhibiting the phenomena on those who had been previously tested, there was a wish expressed to see some one operated on for the first time. I offered to try any one present, and a lady at length consented, whom I never saw before that day, nor since. She exhibited all the usual phe- nomena very decidedly. Under ' acquisitiveness,' she stole two handkerchiefs from ladies, and a ring from Mr. Foster's finger. After several manifestations had been exhibited, the moment I touched ' conscientious- ness' she seemed distressed, and set off and searched out the proper parties to whom to restore the respec- tive articles. They had changed places, but she found them out, and gave back the handkerchiefs to their owners, and also put the ring on the very finger of Mr. Foster, from which she had taken it. She was a strict Methodist, who had never danced in her life, and who, if awake, would have considered it a sin to dance. However, under the excitement of suitable music, she cut a very good figure at waltzing. When awakened, she remembered nothing of all which had happened." We shall give another case from Mr. Braid, in which the patient remembered afterwards what had taken place while she was in the trance. " Miss R., a young lady of 22 years of age, very well-educated, and intelligent, wished to be tried, be- cause she was decidedly sceptical. It so happened, that every manifestation tried, came out beautifully and prominently, although, when aroused, she admit- ted she remembered everything she had done, and added, that she had resisted to the utmost of her power doing anything, but felt irresistible impulses come over her to act in the way she did, as I touch- ed certain points, but why it was she could not tell. Declared it was not from any association with what ought to be the case, as she was ignorant of the or- PHRENO-MESMERISM. 197 gans, but added, that she first felt a drawing in the muscles of the face, and then the breathing became affected, and with this, the peculiar impulse followed. On another occasion, with the eyes bandaged, she had a pencil put in her right hand, when a number of or- gans were excited, but she showed no evidence of any desire to use the pencil till c constructiveness and idea- lity* were excited. The moment this was done, how- ever, she scrambled till she got some paper, and be- gan drawing, and made a very tolerable profile. When • acquisitiveness' was excited, she stole a ring off Mr. Foster's finger, who, while I was exciting va- rious manifestations, left the room. The moment I touched ' conscientiousness,' she set off in search of Mr. Foster, walked round the room the very way he went, then left that room, crossed the lobby into the front parlour, and having made a gyration in this room, she came out and went into a back-parlour, where she found Mr. Foster, and put the ring on the very finger from whence she took it. She evidently traced him through the air by smell, as she followed the exact track he had taken ; for he had first gone into the front parlour. Had it been by clairvoy- ance, she of course ought to have gone to him direct, and by the shortest way. Such facts are almost past belief, but here they are as they happened ; and there could not have been more competent individuals than those present to detect any mistake or deception, namely, Mr. Foster, Mr. Brandt, and Mr. Lloyd, bar- risters ; Mr. Langton, Mr. Bagshaw, Mr. Schwabe, and many others, both gentlemen and ladies." Mr. Braid states that Mr. Vandenhoff, the eminent tragedian, was present on one occasion, and after witnessing some experiments similar to the above, made the following observation : — " If this is acting, it is the most perfect acting I have ever seen. In acting, we aim at being natural, but there is general- ly some point in which we fail ; but here I see na- ] 98 MESMERISM. ture's language in every point." Mr. Vandenhoff two days afterwards addressed a letter to Mr. Braid, of which the following is an extract : — " I thank you for your kind invitation to witness a repetition of those experiments which so much delighted me on Saturday last, and with the result of which I was no less gra- tified than astonished. Never have I seen nature ma- nifesting herself more distinctly — never so beautiful- ly as in the course of the exhibition on that evening. I believe you know I was a decided sceptic in the Mesmeric influence — and I was something more in relation to its phrenological sway — of which the ma- nifestations, while under its mysterious influence, by the two young ladies of my own immediate acquain- tance, who had not, who could not have had, any knowledge of the subject prior to their experience on that evening, have perfectly convinced me by their truthfulness." Mr. James Simpson, a member of the Scottish bar, and well known for his philanthropic efforts in the cause of education, has given an account in the Phre- nological Journal, of the case of a young lady, the daughter of a gentleman holding a high public situa- tion in Edinburgh. Mr. Simpson says, — u One evening last week, a lady, the wife of a gen- tleman holding a high public situation in Edinburgh, paid my family a visit, accompanied by three of her daughters, and a young lady from England, then her visitor. As the young people had through their mo- ther expressed a wish to have a trial made of their susceptibility of the Mesmeric influence, Mr. Craig was invited to meet them. To him they were all perfect strangers. One of the young ladies, after some persuasion — for when the moment came the as- pirants were rather timid — sat down for the opera- tion. Her age is about fifteen — temperament nervo- lymphatic — expression composed, mild, good-na- tured, sincere, and grave — manner quiet, remark- PHRENO-MESMERISM. 190 ably gentle, and modest. She was a subject from whom we did not look for lively manifestations of either intellect or feeling. Her family bore witness that she knew Phrenology only by name, had given it no attention, and knew nothing of the position of the organs, or of their manifestions in words, expres- sion, gesture, or demeanour. I need not say that all tutoring by Mr. Craig, collusion with him, or bribery by him, was out of the question. Her father, whom I saw two days afterwards, assured me that she could not have imagined, much less acted, the things now to be described. It was a case (to use a law phrase) omni exceptione major. After one or two interruptions, which lengthened the process, she was consigned to sleep in about ten minutes, and during the whole subsequent experiments her eyes remained closely shut. She evinced the Mesmeric attraction to the operator, and was unwilling to lose hold of his hand. The cerebral organs to be excited were chosen by myself, and communicated to Mr. Craig. The first was Benevolence, which, when touched, was ma- nifested in a very kindly and gentle smile, but with- out words or action. Self-esteem was next tried. The countenance assumed an expression of calm self- complacency. She stood up and hurriedly undid one of two very large and thick tails in which her hair was plaited, threw it over her arm, and displayed it, holding it out to view with a graceful, almost theatrical air. Her face, as she did so, expressed the extreme of self-approbation. To get her to talk, Mr. Craig touched the eyes so as to excite Language, and asked her what she was doing. She answered, ' Showing my hair, to be sure.' ' Are you proud of your hair?' c Yes, I am.' c Oh ! it is very ordinary hair.' The answer to this was a most dogmatic pout of the un- der lip, and a silent turn away in scorn. Love of approbation was then touched, still allowing self-es- teem to act, to observe their joint action — for they 200 MESMERISM. generally act together in life. The effect was marked by all present — the haughty air of pride gave way to the more pliant expression of vanity ; the other tail was rapidly undone, that the contributions of appro- bation might be the greater ; and the entire chevelure was held up on both sides, and parted becomingly on the face, which smiled with something of a coquettish air, quite different from the self-conceited look which had just been exhibited. The expression and atti- tude were so pleasing, that one of her own sisters re- marked, what we all concurred in, ' She is beautiful !' a proof how much the expression of feeling is a con- stituent of beauty. Her sister mentioning in a whis- per that she was remarkably fond of children, Philo- progenitiveness was signified to Mr. Craig. It ap- peared to me, that instead of touching that organ in its centre, he touched its two sides, and trespassed on adhesiveness ; and this suspicion was verified by the manifestation, for her attraction to Mr. Craig was not merely Mesmeric — it became inconveniently adhe- sive, and the graspings of the hand more and more energetic. When he disengaged himself and moved away, she followed him round the room, expressing a great uneasiness at the separation, and even mount- ing upon an ottoman after him — her expression con- veying suffering and anxiety, which subsided into a happy tranquillity whenever he sat down beside her. Wishing to see the effect of raising Combativeness, that again was touched ; instantly she writhed or fid- getted in a way so like pain, that her mother begged she might be awakened. She beat down the opera- tor's hands from her head, rose and again followed him round the room, and in passing me, treated me with a smart back-handed blow on the breast. This striking proof of her being in a state violently op- posed to her ordinary timid, modest, and respectful character, will be explained in the sequel. " Her Mesmeriser now told her that it was odd PIIRENO-MESMERISM. 201 and particular to go about with her hair streaming ; she with still greater rapidity than she had taken it down, sat down on the carpet and plaited up both tails with perfect correctness, tying them each with a piece of ribbon, and rejecting a piece given her as not her own; and we observed that she held one elbow firm on Mr. Craig's knee as he sat beside her, to prevent him escaping during the performance of her toilet. " At her mother's earnest request, the young lady was now awakened, and simply by the operator blow- ing upon her head for a minute or two. As is almost invariably the case, she was unwilling to be com- pletely wakened, and laying her head on the high back of the chair, entreated that she might be allowed to sleep on. As, however, her bed at home was deemed the fitter place for this indulgence, she was completely roused, and exhibited considerable embar- rassment. " What the family reported to me next day is not the least singular part of this interesting case. Hers, it seems, was one of the rare instances where there is only partial oblivion, afterwards, of the state during the Mesmeric sleep. She told them that she had an occasional consciousness, as she described it, of where she was, and then saw those who were about her. She said she did not know how it came, but she was filled with a high and proud feeling of her own merit, importance, and beauty, and of contempt for all present except her Mesmeriser. She further thought that she was the object of envy, especially to one of my daughters, whom she named. She was quite convinced, she said, that I had ' thumped' her on the head, and longed to fly at me and beat me in return. This, Mr. Craig said, must have arisen from my having differed from him as to the spot he touched, touching another myself immediately before he excited combativeness. Her eyes were closely shut 202 MESMERISM. when she passed me, and gave me a blow, and I was the only one so distinguished. She, almost imme- diately after waking, complained to her sisters of my rudeness to her, and went home, and to bed, nay, rose next morning, unpersuaded and unpersuadable that the charge was a hallucination of her Mesmeric state. She yielded at last to the concurring assur- ance of her mother and sisters, and their visitor, so far as to pardon me, which is the more generous, as her own impression, as the best witness, is still against me, and that the blow she dealt to me at the time was very well bestowed. She described her state as one of a degree of happiness quite unwonted, in which she had neither power nor wish to resist her delighted feelings, and the return to realities as ex- tremely depressing and dull — a state in which she continued the whole of the next day. The family, however, to her great regret, would not permit a re- petition of the Mesmerisation." The case of Agnes G , in Chapter V., reported by a friend, in whose veracity we have the most im- plicit reliance, is a highly satisfactory proof of the reality of manifestations of this description. Another gentleman, also of the utmost integrity, who knew nothing of Phrenology or Mesmerism, save by name, had the curiosity to try to induce the Mesmeric sleep in a boy of about twelve years of age. He was successful at the very first attempt, and no support having been prepared, the boy s head fell back in sleep. In order to raise the head up, and get it placed in a more comfortable position, the operator chanced to place his hands behind the ears, when, to his great surprise, the sleeping, and usually quiet boy, sprung at him in a fighting attitude, and he had some difficulty in getting quit of the grasp with which he was seized. The gentleman had no idea of the cause of this manifestation, until, on calling in the assistance of a friend acquainted with PHRENO-MESMERISM. 203 phrenology, and explaining to him what had taken place, it turned out that he had unwittingly put his hands upon the organ of combativeness. The same manifestation was again produced, as well as many others, into the details of which we will not enter. The anecdote is chiefly interesting from the fact of operator and patient being alike ignorant of phre- nology. We might go on to multiply cases of a similar nature from books, as well as from the private expe- rience of Mesmerisers, but we have adduced what we conceive to be a body of evidence amply sufficient to prove that the manifestations of Phreno-Mesmer- ism are real and not feigned. The high character of Dr. Elliotson, and others, by whom experiments have been performed, as well as the position in so- ciety of many of the individuals operated upon, puts the idea of trick or collusion utterly out of the ques- tion. The truth of the manifestations we hold as completely proved, explain them in whatever man- ner we may. Dr. Elliotson, and others, who believe in both Mesmerism and Phrenology, maintain that the ma- nifestations are so many proofs of the truth of Phre- nology ; while Mr. Colquhoun, who rejects Phreno- logy, accounts for them by the supposition that they are produced by the will of the operator ; that the latter, in putting his hand upon a particular organ, naturally looks for a certain result, and that it is produced accordingly, through the community of feel- ing existing between him and the patient. In his letter appended to Dr. Engledue's address already referred to, Dr. Elliotson says, in reference to the question here started, — " If it should be urged, that these experiments prove nothing for phrenology, because the excite- ment of certain ideas in the brain of the patient re- sulted from the mere will of the operator, and not 204 MESMERISM. from his manipulations over particular cerebral or- gans, the answer is easy. The will of the operator certainly must be influential in producing Mesmeric sleep, if it is true that patients may be Mesmerised to sleep when the Mesmeriser is far away from them ; and I presume it is. But this can be only one source of power. I have made experiments in Mes- merism daily, except the two months when I travel in every year, for five years, carefully, with no other desire than that of truth, and in the utmost variety of cases, and have never once discovered the influence of my will. I have never produced any effect by merely willing. I have never seen reason to believe (and I have made innumerable comparative experi- ments upon the point) that I have heightened the effect of my processes by exerting the strongest will, or lessened them by thinking intentionally of other things, and endeavouring to bestow no more atten- tion upon what I was about than was just necessary to carry on the process. So far from willing, I have at first had no idea of what would be the effect of ray processes,— one set of phenomena have come un- expectedly in one case, and one in another, without my being able to explain the diversity of effect: nay, the same process, conducted with the same ob- ject^ turns out to produce opposite results in different cases. For instance, I can powerfully excite the in- dividual cerebral organs in the young gentleman by breathing over them ; but when I breathe over those of the young lady, desiring and expecting the same effects, no excitement is produced ; on the contrary, if they are already excited, they at once become inactive. The same effect requires different processes in diffe- rent persons ; point to the epigastrium of some per- sons, and will with all your might, and no result comes, but point to their eyes, and they drop asleep ; make passes, or point at the back of the head, and will with all your might, and either no effect will en- PHRENO-MESMERISM. 205 sue, or sleep will not take place before far longer time has elapsed than if you operate before the face ; you may make passes in vain with all your might before the face of some persons, who drop senseless pre- sently if you merely point ; and hence is apparent the error of those who gratuitously assert, that the processes merely heighten the will of the operator. As to the influence of the operator's will in exciting the cerebral organs, the effect ensues as well in my female patient, though the manipulator be a sceptic, and may therefore be presumed not to wish the proper result to ensue, and though I stand aside and do not know what organ he has in view : I have never excited them by the mere will : I have ex- cited them with my fingers just as well when think- ing of other matters with my friends, and momen- tarily forgetting what I was about : I have always failed, however much I willed, when I have directed the finger to another organ than that which I willed to excite intentionally, or have accidentally mis- directed my finger : I was taken quite by surprise when I found that I Mesmerised an organ, self- esteem, for instance, in the half only to which my finger happened to be pointed." We are unable to agree entirely either with Mr. Colquhoun or Dr. Elliotson. The will of the opera- tor we conceive to be totally insufficient to account for the varied manifestations of Phreno-Mesmerism. The individual placing his hand upon the organs may be an utter sceptic in phrenology, or he may be ig- norant of their position, and therefore not aware of the effect about to be produced, and yet the manifes- tation may be correctly produced. On the other hand, we think Dr. Elliotson mistaken in placing so little reliance on the power of the operator's will. That his own experience is faithfully related, there cannot be a doubt, but it has been different with many others. We have seen many curious results flow from the 206 MESMERISM. mentally expressed wish of the operator, some of which have been recorded in the cases in this volume. In that of Catherine M , on one occasion when her brother had excited the organ of love of appro- bation, she began to decorate her person, took down her hair, and commenced to comb it. The manifes- tation stopped the instant the finger was removed. We quietly requested him, without again going near the patient, to proceed to a distant part of the room, and there to wish that the manifestation should be resumed. On his doing so, she commenced at the part she broke off, went on with the duties of the toilet, and did not stop until he again came near her. He was then requested also in such a manner that the patient could not be aware of what was about to be done, to put his fingers upon Conscientiousness, but firmly to will the manifestation of Acquisitive- ness. It appeared to some present, that there was a conflict going on for a time in the mind of the pa- tient, but the practical result of the experiment was, that she picked her brother's pockets. He then ceased to wish, keeping his fingers still unmoved upon Con- scientiousness, when she threw away the articles of which she had possessed herself, and exhibited strong marks of shame at having been detected in an im- proper act. We do not bring forward these facts for the purpose of disproving the organology of phreno- logy, but merely to show that the will of the opera- tor—his wish unexpressed in ordinary language — has a powerful effect upon the minds of certain patients. Again, patients have been led into erroneous ma- nifestations, through conversations carried on by those around them. Thus, an operator and patient, alike ignorant of phrenology, being selected for the purpose of testing the truth of that science, results such as the following were induced : A gentleman present under- took to guide the operator, and stating aloud that he intended that Veneration should be touched, directed PHRENO-MESMERISM. 207 the hand of the operator to the organ of Acquisitive- ness. The manifestation was that of Veneration. In the same manner, the patient picked pockets on Ve- neration being touched, and the manifestation was in- variably that talked of by the gentleman who direct- ed, and not that of the organ which the operator touched. We have seen patients who danced when- ever a particular part of the leg was touched ; dis- covered smells upon the hand of the operator being applied to the nose ; and spectators might almost have been led to fancy that there were organs in every cor- ner of the face. In these cases, we should suppose that there must have been some sort of previous teaching, and that the patient, associating the idea of a particular manifestation with being touched in a particular spot, thus came to repeat it. We must re - collect, that the memory of sleep-walkers is much more acute than in their ordinary state, and that the most trifling occurrence is recalled by them with the greatest accuracy. These hints are thrown out principally for the pur- pose of inducing caution. In the hands of some ope- rators, organs are multiplying at a wonderfully rapid rate, such as it is difficult to follow ; and inquirers would do well to proceed with the utmost care in the investigation. We neither admit nor reject Mesme- rism as a proof of the truth of phrenology. We cer- tainly incline to the opinion that the connection be- tween the two doctrines will ultimately be esta- blished ; but, meanwhile, we should like to see the question submitted to the test of further careful ex- periment. Mr. Braid has unfolded a theory in Neurypnology which will be best understood by quoting his own language. u It must be obvious to all," he says, * that every variety of passion and emotion can be excited in the mind by music ; but how does this arise ? Simply 208 MESMERISM. by the different effects produced by the varied de- grees of velocity, force, quality, and combinations of the oscillations of the air acting on the auditory nerves ; these again communicated to the brain ; and this, acting on the mind and body, creating corres- ponding mental and bodily manifestations. Every one must have observed the remarkable effects evinced by these means on the physiognomy, and the more critically observant must have noticed, that in susceptible individuals there is also a very marked change in the state of the respiration and general posture of the body. They must also have experienced, in themselves and others, how prone we are to assume a sympathetic condition, both of mind and body, from those with whom we associate, or during a temporary interview. These physical changes seem to result from a mental influence im- parted through the eyes and ears, and then reflected from within, through the respiratory, facial, and spinal nerves, on the external form and features. Now, such being the case, is there any great improbability that, by calling the muscles of expression into action during the hypnotic state, by titillating certain nerves, that the impression of the feeling with which such external manifestation is generally associated, should be reflected on the brain, and excite in the mind the particular passion or emotion. I think it is highly probable this is the true cause of the phreno- logical manifestations during the hypnotic condition ; and as it is the peculiar feature of this condition that the whole energies of the soul should be concentrated on the emotion excited, the manifestation, of course, becomes very decided. I presume, the different points pressed on, through the stimulus given to various fasciculi of nerves, call into action certain combinations of muscles of expression in the face and general frame, and also influence the organs of respiration, and thus the mind is influenced, indi- PHRENO-MESMERISM. 209 rectly, through the organs of common sensation and the sympathetic, as sneezing is excited in some by too strong a light irritating the optic nerves. Two patients, who are highly intelligent, and remain par- tially conscious, and who acknowledge they did all in their power to resist the influence excited by manipulating the head, state that the first feeling was a drawing of the muscles of the face and affec- tion of the breathing, which was followed by an irre- sistible impulse to act as they did, but why they could not tell. " In this view of the subject, it would resolve it- self into the laws of sympathy ; and the question then is, Where are the external or superficial points of the sympathies located ? Experience must decide this ; and in the peculiar condition induced by hyp- notism, according to my own experience, this can be more readily and certainly determined than in the normal state. These points having been ascer- tained, we can then determine how and where to act, according to our particular object, and it can be of no real importance where the cerebral points or special organs may be posited. " As to the real locations of the sympathetic points, by stimulating which we produce peculiar manifes- tations, they appear to me not to be quite accurately the same on all heads, but, on the whole, pretty near the centres of the organs as mapped out on heads generally approved by phrenologists; and I have had decided proof that there is some relation subsists between the size and function, as in general there is more energy displayed when there is large development, and the negative when it is defective. Thus a patient with large combativeness or destruc- tiveness, when excited during hypnotism, will dis- play great violence and disposition to attack others, whereas, where they are defective they will shrink, 210 MESMERISM. and express a fear that some one is quarrelling, or angry with them. " If the solution of the cause of these remarkable phenomena now given should not be deemed correct, the only other which occurs to my mind as at all satisfactory is this, that the different fasciculi of sen- tient nerves excite directly the corresponding points of the brain, and these again the physical manifesta- tions. We know by what musical combinations and movements we can excite the different passions ; we know also that this arises from some peculiar im- pression communicated to the brain through the portio mollis of the seventh pair of nerves ; and whether this is conveyed to it as a single organ only, or as a combination of organs, it is clear that, as the origin of the seventh is more remote from the brain than the origin of the fifth, there must, conse- quently, be at least as great difficulty in accounting for such results being excited through the different branches of the seventh as through those of t\v& fifth pair." And, at a subsequent page, Mr. Braid adds, — " We all know, that during common sleep, a per- son unconsciously changes from an uncomfortable position to one which is agreeable. This is a sort of instinctive action ; and, as already explained, I think it highly probable that by thus calling into action muscles which are naturally so exerted in manifest- ing any given emotion or propensity, they may, by reflection, thereby rouse that portion of the brain, the activity of which usually excites the motion. In this case, there would be a sort of inversion of the ordinary sequence, what is naturally the consequence becoming the cause of cerebral and mental excitation. The following hypothesis will illustrate my meaning. It is easy to imagine that putting a pen or pencil into the hand might excite in the mind the idea of PHRENO-MESMERISM. 211 writing or drawing, or that stimulating the gastroc- nemius, which raises us on our toes, might naturally enough suggest to the mind the idea of dancing, without any other suggestion to that effect than what arises from the attitude and activity of the muscles, naturally and necessarily brought into play whilst exercising such functions. However, I would very much doubt the probability of stimulating the muscles of the leg exciting the idea of writing, or that placing a pen or pencil in the hand would ex- cite the idea of dancing, without previous concert and arrangement to that effect. It is upon the same principle, as I imagine, that, during the dreamy state of hypnotism, by stimulating the sterno-mastoid muscle, which causes an inclination of the head, the idea of friendship and shaking of hands is excited in the mind, and when the trapizus is excited at same time, the greater lateral inclination of the head mani- fests still greater attachment or ' adhesiveness/ Phi- loprogenitiveness, by calling into action the recti and occipito frontalis muscles, gives the rocking motion, and hence the idea of nursing, &c. ; pressure on the vortex, by calling into action all the muscles requi- site to sustain the body in the erect position, excites the idea of unyielding firmness; veneration and benevolence, from giving the tendency to stoop and suppress the breathing, thus create the corresponding feelings. By exciting the muscles of mastication into action, the idea of eating and drinking is roused, and the same may arise from pressing between the chin and underlip, which first excites a flow of saliva, and this again the motion of the tongue and jaws, with an inclination to swallow. In like manner, gently pressing the tip of the nose, by exciting in- spiration, creates the desire for something to smell at ; if the point of contact is the cheek, under the orbits, over the exit of the m/ra-orbital branch of 212 MESMERISM. the fifth pair, the breathing becomes suppressed, and depressing emotions are excited ; whereas above the orbit, so as to stimulate the supra-oihit&\ branch of the fifth pair, generally the reverse manifestations are evinced." In a communication which we have received from Mr. Braid since the publication of his treatise, he says, — " My theory of the cause of the primary im- pression and association, which is adduced as pro- bable in the work, I have now clearly proved to be the true solution, and these remarkable manifesta- tions neither prove nor disprove the doctrine of sepa- rate organs in the brain." Both Dr. Elliotson and Mr. Braid quote a passage from Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History^ which, as it has a remarkable bearing upon the point under discussion, we transfer to this place. " I can conceive," says Smellie, " a superior being so thoroughly acquainted with the human frame, so perfectly skilled in the connection and mutual de- pendence which subsists between our intellect and our sensitive organs, as to be able, by titillating in various modes and directions, particular combinations of nerves, or particular branches of any single nerve, to excite in the mind what ideas he may think pro- per. I can likewise conceive the possibility of sug- gesting any particular idea, or species of ideas, by affecting the nerves in the same manner as those ideas affect them by any other cause." The superior being alluded to by Smellie is not needed, and man can now play upon his fellow-man as upon a nicely-tuned instrument, bringing forth whatever manifestations his fingers may direct. It has been mentioned that at the outset, Mr. Braid was unsuccessful in producing the Phrenologi- cal manifestions, and many persons we are aware fail in the same manner, and probably from similar causes. PHRENO-MESMERISM. 2 1 3 The following directions for operating are given in Neurypnology. " Put the patient into the hypnotic condition in the usual way, extend his arms for a minute or two, then replace them gently on his lap, and allow him to re- main perfectly quiet for a few minutes. Let the points of one or two fingers be now placed on the central point of any of his best developed organs, and press it very gently ; if no change of countenance or bodily movement is evinced, use gentle friction, and then in a soft voice ask what he is thinking of, what he would like, or wish to do, or what he sees, as the function of the organ may indicate ; and repeat the questions and the pressure, or contact, or friction, over the organ till an answer is elicited. If very stolid, gentle pressure on the eyeballs may be neces- sary to induce him to speak. If the skin is too sen- sitive, he may awake, in which case try again, wait- ing a little longer ; if too stolid, try again, beginning the manipulations sooner. " The operations should be tried again and again with the same patient, varying the time of beginning the manipulations, as it is impossible to tell, a priori, the exact moment they should be commenced ; and many of the best cases have only succeeded partially, or not at all, at a first or second trial. When this point has been hit upon, however, there will be little difficulty in getting out additional manifestations, and this will be still more evident at each succeeding trial. " Whispering or talking should be carefully avoid- ed by all present, so as to leave nature to manifest herself in her own way, influenced only by the sti- mulus conveyed through the nerves of touch excit- ing to automatic muscular action." Mr. Braid has promised, in the work to which we are indebted for these extracts, to proceed with the investigation of this curious subject. Dr. Elliotson 214 MESMERISM. is, we know, also engaged in making experiments, the results of which will no doubt be one day made public. The labours of the various lecturers who have visited different parts of the country, have been useful in stirring up inquiry. Occasionally harm has been done by a vulgar or rash experimentalist pro- mising more than it was in his power at all times to perform ; but, on the whole, good has been accom- plished by the appeal to the public. While we cor- dially concur in the opinion that experiments in Mes- merism are best suited for the select circle in pri- vacy, there are, nevertheless, many which may be satisfactorily demonstrated before a larger audience ; and since, with a few honourable exceptions, the men whose especial duty it was to inquire into Mesmerism have shrunk back from the task, we are not sorry that the means have been afforded to the public of judging in the question for themselves. The in- quiries now in progress cannot fail to lead to a solu- tion of the difficulties which still surround Phreno- Mesmerism. 215 CHAPTER VIII. TRIALS OF MESMERISM ON THE BRUTE CREATION. The Rev. Mr. Townshend, Mr. Braid, and other writers, allude in general terms to the fact of Mesme- rism having been tried on the brute creation. Dr. Elliotson is reported to have stated at a meet- ing of the London Phrenological Society, that the Duke of Marlborough had informed him that while at the Marquis of Elys seat in Ireland, and strolling out in the morning, he came upon a very ferocious dog, chained in a farm-yard. The Duke durst not approach, but standing at a respectable distance Mes- merised him, and going up, actually embraced the sleeping animal. Mr. Borrow, in his fascinating work, " The Bible in Spain," relates that he averted in an analo- gous manner the attack of a large dog which flew at him. The only regular series of experiments on brutes, of which, so far as we are aware, any account has been given to the world, were those performed by Dr. Wilson, physician to the Middlesex Hospital. As Dr. Wilson's work* is but little known among general readers, we trust it is unnecessary to make any apology for drawing pretty largely upon its pages. Dr. Wilson states, that having applied Mes- merism with the most beneficial effects upon several * Trials of Animal Magnetism on the Brute Creation. By John Wilson, Physician to the Middlesex Hospital. London : Sher- wood, Gilbert, and Piper. 1839. 216 MESMERISM. of his patients, he nevertheless felt himself restrained from proceeding further, and was induced by various considerations to institute some experiments, with the view of ascertaining what effects could be produced by it upon the brute creation. He goes on to say — " My first experiments on animals were made on cats, but as they were more or less connected with the cases of my patients which I have not entered upon here, I may briefly notice that many experi- ments were made on four cats and kittens, at inter- vals, from the 16th May to the 3d October 1838, and each of them was put to sleep at the first trial ; and ultimately I was able to put first one and then an- other to sleep, and at the end to leave three sleeping together, being as many as could ordinarily be brought together at once. " One of these, a torn, the first of them that was magnetised, and on which that operation had been most frequently repeated, became easily and strongly influenced by them, so that he has been pulled about, lifted up by the nape of the neck, and the ears tick- led with a pen, during which he would remain mo- tionless, and the cat was then said to be in a state of catalepsy ; sometimes when lifted up by the head or tail, the eyes might partially open without the limbs moving, and when dropped down, the eyes again closed, and he continued to sleep, without making any effort to move from the place where he had been dropped. " My other experiments at the following places were not carried to the same extent, as I was gene- rally satisfied to cease the operations as soon as sleep came on." Dr. Wilson's work is in the form of a journal, from which we proceed to extract as follows : — " September 26, 1838.— White Will, a torn cat, age about a year. Kitty, a female cat, tortoise- TRIALS ON THE BRUTE CREATION. 21? shell, eight months. Fuzzy, a female cat, French, two months. Vick, a female terrier, six months. " Made the passes on Kitty and Fuzzy, on my lap, both for the first time, and both were put to sleep in about a quarter of an hour. " September 28. — Magnetised Fuzzy and Vick on the hearth-rug. Both were put to sleep in five mi- nutes, and both slept for an hour and a half; being the first trial on Yick and the second on Fuzzy. After- wards White Will was magnetised on the rug; in about ten minutes or more he was put to sleep, and Vick coming in the way and annoying White Will, I directed the passes towards her at the same time that I was acting on White Will, and again, after becoming very irritable, and biting the fender, she was put to sleep. Both awoke on some one coming into the room. " September^. (Evening.) — Vick and Fuzzy being both very animated, and playing together, biting and scratching each other, I began making the passes on both at the same time, for about ten minutes, when Fuzzy became drowsy, but Vick became more rest- less than ever, and was obliged to be held down with one hand, while I operated on her with the other. In ten minutes more Vick fell asleep, Fuzzy having been put to sleep much sooner, and was then in a state of torpor. Both continued to sleep for an hour and a half, though, at intervals, both were lifted up by their necks, but as soon as they were dropped down, they instantly fell asleep again without moving from the place. On one occasion, both having been lifted up and simultaneously laid down near each other, they made an effort to arouse them- selves, and on approaching each other and attempt- ing to begin to play together, in a second, and before they could reach each other, both rolled upon their sides and relapsed into sleep. The dog lay generally 2 1 8 MESMERISM. with its fore and hind-legs stretched out, and at times its legs were slightly convulsed. u While these two were sleeping, Kitty was brought in, when I magnetised her on my lap in a quarter of an hour ; and when placed on the rug she slept for about an hour afterwards, though at one time a walk- ing-stick fell across her back, and lay there, when she only looked about, moved not, and immediately fell asleep again. " Vick, on awaking, stretched herself, bit the fen- der and poker, became quite lively again, and would not allow the kitten to sleep, when the latter stole off elsewhere. During the evening Yick was again twice magnetised and put to sleep. " The same morning I made passes on a drake and three ducks. They were difficult of approach at first, but they soon became quiet, and allowed them- selves to be acted on in a mass, with my hands quite close to their heads ; at other times they became very restless, struggled, and bit each other's necks, and tried to escape, as it were, from the passes ; the wings of all, but those of the drake in particular, made convulsive twitchings as the hand moved over them. One or two became apparently drowsy, eyes half closed, and sat down two or three times. One or two yawned at different times. The time occupied was about half an hour, when I was obliged to go away. " September 30. (Morning.) — Made passes on the four ducks, and, for the first half hour, similar effects were produced as yesterday ; but when acted on for a longer time they all became very agitated, but par- ticularly the drake. They made their necks pliant and tortuous in an extraordinary way, and rubbed and bit themselves over all the various parts of their bodies, each directing its bill to its own body, and seeming to be very irritable. The rapidity of the TRIALS ON THE BRUTE CREATION. 219 motion of their heads and necks, and the way they bit or pecked themselves were very different from the quiet manner of ducks picking and cleaning themselves. " Afterwards, at two or three different times, for about an hour at a time, the ducks had passes made upon them, with somewhat similar results. " About a month after the last passes were made one of the ducks died; and a fortnight after that the drake died. The cause of their deaths was not known. They did not die suddenly, but were said to have pined away gradually. " Afterwards, Vick and White Will were magne- tised and left sleeping. "• October 19. — Had a dozen fish, roach, dace, gudgeons, and loach, from one to three ounces in weight, caught in the Thames this morning. Passes being made on them when in a large tub of water, they soon came to the top of the water, put their noses out, and allowed me to touch their heads, stroke them down the backs, and pop their heads under the water, when they came to the top again immediately, and, instead of seeming afraid of the motion of my hand, they appeared more desirous of getting near to it than avoiding it. " Next, White Will and Kitty were soon put to sleep ; but Vick and Fuzzy, both of which had gene- rally before been very soon affected, resisted the passes for about an hour, but as they were all at large, the latter were not constantly acted on, as they came near to me and went further from me at their pleasure. Vick and Fuzzy were then put together, under a guaze dish-cover, and very soon they were both put to sleep together by the passes. " October 20. — On going near the fish they were shy, and darted to the bottom. On passes being made, some of them soon came to the top, and swam about as before, with their noses out of the water. 220 MESMERISM. When towards the last, I directed the passes to one alone, and stroked its back; then I put my finger against its mouth, with its nose out, and body in- clined at an angle of forty-five degrees with the sur- face of the water, when it followed my finger, as it described a circle, round and round, for at least a dozen times ; then I left it to act on another ; but as long as we watched the former, for five or six mi- nutes, it remained almost fixed to the same place, and retained its same position as to inclination. I acted similarly on the other. This one did not fol- low my finger describing circles. Then I put my finger to one side of its head, and it allowed me to turn it round in circles, its body describing a cone, its head the base, and its tail the apex. u After this, William, a lad of about seventeen, tried the passes in my presence, on a large Scotch, wiry-haired, black-mouthed terrier dog, Mungo, about a year old, and always kept chained in the day. The dog soon began to yawn, rise on his hind- legs, and place his fore-feet against the door, stretch- ing himself, and went several times into the kennel. At the end of a quarter of an hour, as it was getting dark, and we could not notice what other effect might follow, he was unchained, and brought into the kitchen, where there were two cats, and Yick playing about and attracting his notice, and keeping him from sleeping. When William had continued the passes for about three quarters of an hour more, Mungo lay down at full length in a sound sleep. Before being put to sleep he yawned thirty times. Many of the yawns were very wide and long con- tinued. After he awoke he was put to sleep again, two or three more times. When sleeping he moaned like what is called dreaming. " While William was magnetising Mungo, I made passes on Vick, Fuzzy, and White Will, when they came within reach of being operated on ; Will went TRIALS ON THE BRUTE CREATION. 22 | to sleep sitting on his hind-legs, but not at his length ; and Vick and Fuzzy again resisted my ef- forts, in a great measure, while they continued at large and kept moving about ; but when Vick and Fuzzy were put together under a large parrot's cage, without a bottom, then both were soon put to sleep, and they lay across each other with their heads down, and continued sleeping soundly till I moved the cage away from them to put White Will under it, for I could not affect Will again. If I followed him up into a corner, he would not remain there, nor could I hold him down, and make the passes over him ; neither could I hold him on my lap, as he struggled so forcibly ; but when he was put under the cage, he became furious, and struck his paw and leg, as far as the shoulder, out of the cage, at dif- ferent times, like a leopard, directly at my feet and legs, whether they were on the ground, steadying the cage, or placed on the top for the same purpose. He walked and leaped about, making dashes through the cage between the wires, and a loud noise. This fu- rious stage continued for a quarter of an hour, while I was continuing the passes over him with one hand, and holding in the other an iron footman on the top of the cage to press it firmly down, when his tones became suppliant, and soon after he lay at full length sound asleep. The time of his passing from the furi- ous to the plaintive state, and then into the sound sleep, was but a few minutes. " October 24. — William, in my absence, put the three cats and Tick together under the cage, at nine o'clock this morning. They were all kept under the cage for about half an hour, to try if they would now go to sleep without being magnetised, but none went to sleep. They quarrelled, and scratched one another, and dragged the cage along with them. As soon as it was raised a little at the end of the half hour, they 222 MESMERISM. all rushed out different ways. The maids were pre- sent. " In the evening after I had gone away, William put Mungo under the cage. During the passes, Mungo yawned twice, fell asleep in half an hour, and conti- nued sleeping for an hour. u October 25. — William, in my absence, put the three cats and Vick all under the cage together, at twelve o'clock in the day. They continued there quarrelling, fighting, and dragging the cage about for forty minutes, when he began the passes, and in two or three minutes they were all put to sleep, and slept for half an hour. " October 29. — Put a Bantam cock with a Bantam hen under the cage, near to a she-goat, eighteen months old, when William and I both made passes together, and separately, for more than half an hour before the goat was put to sleep, and then only slightly. The cock at first chuckled, and made much noise ; then he became quiet, and remained so ; some- times sat down and closed his eyes ; but towards the end he stood upright for a considerable time like a statue, and neither moved head nor foot ; and when the cage was taken away, he moved not in the least, allowed me to touch and pull his comb and gills, and to stroke him down without making the least move- ment of his feet, head, or neck. As night was coming on, he was brought in, and placed before the kitchen- fire, where there were dogs near to him, and the same teasing means were repeated with like results, when he began to evince sensation and motion by degrees, and finally aroused up, and clawed my hands. The hen was somewhat similarly affected, but in a much less marked manner. It will be observed that it was about their roosting time. " The following experiments were made at another station : — TRIALS ON THE BRUTE CREATION. 223 " October 27, 1838, {night.) — Made passes over Dinmont, a long, wiry-haired terrier : he went to sleep in twenty minutes. While I was acting on him, another terrier, Dandie, of the same description, came near to me, and I acted upon him at the same time, by occasionally making passes over both. Dandie be- came very stupid and motionless, when they were both taken away. " October 28. — This morning at eight, the servants asked what was the matter with Dandie, as he seemed to be so stupid and different from his usual manner. As he was then close by me, I made the passes over him : in two or three minutes he began trembling, which increased as I continued the passes, and which tremblings I could stop or renew at plea- sure, by stopping or renewing the passes : in a quarter of an hour he went to sleep. Dinmont then came near to me, when I began the passes on him : he soon began trembling, as I moved my hand over his body and fore-legs ; and, when stretched out, I began to act on him with both hands together ; and he followed my motions for three yards, dragging both his hind-legs at full length. Afterwards he became stupid and motionless, when they were both aroused by disturbances, which had been going on, in a less degree, during the whole time. Dandie yawned seven times during the operation. " At twelve o'clock, made passes at a distance on a wild, fierce, Chinese gander, and a common goose and they gradually allowed me to approach them though they were at large in the farm-yard; and when the gander let me come up to him to make the passes close along his head and neck, his neck quivered obedient to the passes, which quiverings I stopped and renewed at pleasure. I could touch and stroke his head and neck as I wished : he remained a quarter of an hour erect, with his head raised in the air, and never, during that time, once moved a 224 MESMERISM. foot. He frequently gaped during the whole time, as well as the goose ; and, when he seemed most suscep- tible, kept continually uttering a sort of plaintive noise as the passes were made. " The goose made no noise. At last I directed the passes from the head of the gander to the head of the goose, and then the goose's neck quivered : it lay down several times, held its head down, and put it under some wood, while I continued the passes down its neck. I did not notice its eyes being closed. The gander never lay down. " November 4. (Morning, ten o'clock.) — Smut, a very large, fine, black, savage Newfoundland dog, about five years old, constantly kept chained up during the day time. When he was nearly at the length of his chain, I began the passes towards him, and he soon began yawning and stretching himself, got fidgetty, and moved about; but as I dared not go within the range of his chain, I continued acting upon him when I could approach him as near as one, two, or three yards : his hind-legs and thighs began to tremble as the passes were made in front of his head : he continued restless, and whined in a low plaintive tone as he moved about, yawning at inter- vals : towards the last he lay down three different times; and once, when his eyes were heavy and half-closed, his head and neck trembled as the passes were made at a yard's distance in front of his face : then he moved towards the centre of his range, and lay down, but I dared not follow him, though he showed nothing but docility towards me during the operation, which continued for nearly an hour, during which he yawned thirty-three times, and stretched himself several times. " November 10. — Placed three macaws, each being on his own perch on the lawn, near to each other, and made passes on all of them at the same time : they were very noisy at first, but very soon Mac TRIALS ON THE BRUTE CREATION. . 225 and Laura trembled all over, and continued to tremble more or less as the passes were made : Carl was never quiet : all the time he was either moving or making a noise. "November 11. (Morning, ten o'clock.) — Toby, a wild, fierce, stable cat, while moving about from place to place, I followed, and made passes towards it, both while in rest and motion : when not moving, it kept licking itself almost constantly for a quarter of an hour : then it ceased licking, and fell asleep almost immediately after, and continued sleeping for three hours, and at last it was removed and fell asleep again. The operation was made in the midst of noise and bustle." The following experiments were made at a third station. The notes, at the time of trying to affect two pigs of a large breed, were drawn up, Dr. Wilson states, by a spectator : — " July 21, 1838. — The pigs were about nine months old, healthy, fat, and very lively. The sty in which they were confined consisted of two parts — a small oblong court uncovered, and an inner sty, roofed, and partly boarded in front. They were magnetised across the outer court into the enclosed sty, at the door of which they presented their heads; about half an hour after, they began to sweat about the ears and neck, and to utter a peculiar shrill plain- tive squeak. After being operated upon for about an hour, one of them lay down ; and the other, though standing, suffered the operator to enter the inner sty, and magnetise them quite close, without their being disturbed. u July 22. — The pigs were again magnetised : they were driven out of the inner cell ; and the door of it being closed, so as to keep them in the outer court, the process commenced. The effect was re- markably decided. The passes were made both from the tail to the snout, and the contrary, but the re- p 226 , MESMERISM. suit was the same. The sweat exuded from the ears, neck, and in patches all over the body; and the other excretions were also as much affected. The animals became very quiet, and one was much affected; and, at each pass, spasmodic convulsions of the ear, snout, and whole body, were strongly de- veloped. The sweat increased as the process con- tinued, and the convulsions also ; and, after a trial of about one hour and three quarters, the entrance to the inner sty was opened, and they both imme- diately entered it, and one lay down, and fell imme- diately into a state of sleep. The stupified quiet- ness with which they allowed the magnetiser to operate upon them in the court, when closely hud- dled up into a corner, was a remarkable contrast to their usual habits. "December 25. — Made passes on a calf, two months old, in a loose box. In a quarter of an hour it lay down, then got up again ; as I continued acting on its head, it three consecutive times touched my shoe with its nose ; but the instant it did so, it suddenly sprang back on all fours to the extent of the loose box, as if it had received a shock. In another half hour, it lay down twice more ; after which it became very irritable, and licked itself violently in various parts ; then it would lick me, and take hold of my dress, without suddenly withdrawing itself, as it did at first when it touched my shoe; then it would hold up its head, as I raised my hand, and lick it ; and, lastly, it rubbed its head so forcibly against my legs, that I could stand there no longer, and re- tired. " During the operation, it seemed most irritable when I held my hand near the nape of its neck, when it shook its head violently, or would throw it up, and put out its tongue, as if licking the air. Its breath- ing was deep and lengthened, almost snoring at one time. The time of operation, an hour and a half. TRIALS ON THE BRUTE CREATION. 227 " December 27. — On walking along the road I came up with a heavily laden waggon, to the end of which a rough wiry-haired dog was chained, and barking at passing objects. As I came nearer to him, I began moving my hand ; at first he went forward un- der the waggon, shortly he began to lag behind at length of his chain, droop his head, and yawned twice ; whole time, three or four minutes. When as the waggoner kept looking behind at times, to see what might be going on, and as I could not attempt to explain to him what I was after, should he have asked me, I dropped behind the waggon and ceased the passes, but the dog kept frequently turning its head round to look after me, pulling by his chain ; and when I was about ten yards behind, he kept his eyes more fixedly on me, and resisted with all his might the progress of the waggon, by pulling in an opposite direction with his feet set out before him, and hanging by his collar as he was forcibly dragged on by the waggon ; afterwards, as I passed the waggon, he came as near to me as the chain would allow ; he neither whined nor barked once. " December 29. — Tried a horse, in a loose box, for two hours. Very shortly he let me remain as near to him as I liked, and kept his head almost steady as I made the passes. At the end of an hour he yawned six times in quick succession, then began to shake his head and neck, to lick his hind-leg, and to move fur- ther from me. For a very short time the eyes were half closed, and head drooped ; afterwards he returned into the same state that he was in during the first hour." The following experiments were made in the Zoo - logical Gardens, Surrey, on two Ceylon elephants, male and female, Rajah and Hadgee, each about ten years old, and both kept together in the same stall. " March 13, 1839. — Began the passes along the head and trunk (proboscis) of the female elephant. 228 MESMERISM. Hadgee, as she stood; in about five minutes she curved her trunk, previous to raising her head, to strike me with the trunk ; which the keeper noticing, warned me of what she was preparing to do, so that afterwards I kept at a distance where she could not hit me with her trunk, though several times she at- tempted to do so, by raising her head and lashing out her trunk at the same time. Twice she turned her back on me, but I continued the passes. Once she struck her hind-leg out towards me ; she also yawned several times : the striking her trunk out, with the design of hitting a stranger, was unusual with her. Time of operation, a quarter of an hour, when, stran- gers coming in, it was discontinued. " Then I went to see the other wild beasts fed, but found that they had already begun feeding. As I stopped before a lioness, lying down tearing a half devoured joint, which she held between her paws, and growling at me, I began making passes towards her head ; she very soon, almost immediately ceased eating, grasped the joint between her jaws, and ceased growling ; her eyes began to twinkle, and soon closed at times, for short intervals; when some strangers came up, and asked me how it was that I seemed to affect the lioness. I gave them an evasive reply, in hopes of their going away, and ceased the passes, but held my hands out a little towards her, as she conti- nued in the same position ; but her eyes were much less closed than when I made the passes. After these visitors went, I renewed the passes ; when other visitors came, and again I ceased, and held my hands out steadily before me ; she then got up and walked about, and then lay down again. As the company remained standing there, I ceased all trials and retired, as the lioness began to tear the joint, after having retained it full twenty minutes in her mouth, without once relaxing hold of it. " March \ 4. — Tried Hadgee again ; only once or TRIALS ON THE BRUTE CREATION. 229 twice she attempted to strike me with her trunk, yawned only as many times, and allowed me to make the passes frequently along the head and trunk, when, as my hands passed over her eyes, they often twinkled, and sometimes closed; then she changed first one leg and then another to rest on, as if fatigued, and which she usually does before going to sleep ; and another sign the keeper noticed was the manner of curling up the extremity of her trunk, indicative of sleep. When I seemed to be affecting her the most she would frequently move from me as far as she could get, turn her back on me while I continued the passes, and she would lift up first one leg and then another, stretch and sometimes kick them out. The keeper thought she might probably have gone to sleep if she had been alone ; but when she seemed most disposed to do so, the other elephant Rajah kept teasing her. Time of operation, three quarters of an hour ; during which, with the intention of augment- ing the power of the passes, I took hold of one hand of the keeper, and with my other hand made the passes. She did not seem to express her displeasure towards me by trying to strike me with her trunk as she did yesterday ; but she repeatedly, while I had hold of one of the keeper's hands, took hold of his other hand with her trunk, and drew him from me towards herself. " March 16. — Hadgee retired as soon as the passes were made towards her ; and as often as they were renewed, she again retreated ; so that, finding I had no chance of affecting her in a more marked manner, I abandoned her, and began, for the first time, making passes on the male elephant, Rajah, in the same en- closure, and he seemed also to have a dislike to the passes ; but he would not retire from them, and kept all the time of the operation, an hour, frequently throwing his trunk out at me, and thus keeping me at a distance from him. Towards the last, he lashed 230 MESMERISM. it out more frequently and forcibly, but never retired the whole time. Yet, as soon as Hadgee came for- ward, a few passes made her retire almost imme- diately. So that each showed its dislike in a diffe- rent way and in a manner different from either of their usual habits. "March 17. — After making passes on Rajah for five minutes, while his head continued moving up and down, as is his general habit when awake, at the end of that time he rested his head against a pillar, his trunk hung down straight, quite relaxed, and mo- tionless, eyes closed, and he slept for another five minutes ; he snored both towards the beginning and towards the end of this sleep, when he was teased by Hadgee, and awoke. " As I renewed the passes on Rajah, when both of their heads were near to each other, I noticed that Hadgee was becoming drowsy ; then I began making passes alternately on each of them. In about a quarter of an hour more Rajah rested his head against the side of the stall, relaxed his trunk, and again slept for four or five minutes, when he was awoke by Hadgee teasing him, knocking her head against the side of the stall, and making much noise. " To-day they showed no dislike to me. They both took hold of my clothes and pulled me about, and I went into their stall. I felt the aura twice to- day, but only in a very slight degree each time, when Rajah was going off to sleep. This is the first time that I have felt the aura* since I be- * We understand the aura to be referred to by Dr. Wilson in a previous part of his work, when, after describing some passes made over a spaniel, by a friend, he says, — " Soon after, or about the end of the passes, the operator felt a tingling sensation creeping up the arm which he used, as far as the shoulder, accompanied with drowsiness, and pain in the back of the neck. At night, on going to bed, he experienced great restlessness, with occasional twitchings of the arms and legs, and a burning sensation in the eyes ; next day he suffered much from violent pain in the head, uneasiness, and distension TRIALS ON THE BRUTE CREATION. 231 gan with the elephants, and it was much feebler than what I have felt when similarly affecting a man. It is only now and then, in cold winter days, that they doze or sleep, standing, and only then when no one is near them. " March 18. — Hadgee became drowsy very soon, and continued so almost the whole time afterwards ; she was docile, but retired from the passes always when she appeared becoming the most affected by them. Towards the last twenty minutes she kept almost constantly moviDg in a restless and fidgetty way, by changing her position, or by moving about in a more than usual heavy, sluggish manner, so that it was only at intervals that I could act on her ; at last, I went into the stall, and pursued her with the passes as she moved about, and sometimes, when she retired into a corner, and I continued the passes, she would turn her back on me. She yawned thrice, wide and long. Though the time was about an hour and a half she never went to sleep, but she seemed at different times very near to it, and was all along drowsy. At times, when visitors came in, the ope- ration was suspended. " During the operation I occasionally made passes on one or both, as they suited my convenience, for when I could not act on Hadgee, which I was seldom able to do, though I was more desirous of affecting her to-day, I could generally act on Rajah, for he seldom moved from the front. He was drowsy, and sometimes irritable, alternately, and struck me with his trunk several times ; never slept, yawned once, and at the end became more playful, the keeper said, than he had been for a long time before. " No further trials were made on the elephants and other wild beasts, from my unwillingness to carry of the abdomen. Sensations nearly similar were felt by the ope- rator about a fortnight before this time, when he was casually within the influence of my passes at station A." 232 MESMERISM. the experiments beyond a certain point ; for I had no means of judging what the consequences might be, should such animals as the elephants, and other beasts, after repetitions of Magnetism, get into the irritable stage, or should they, after being put to sleep, pass into the state of somnambulism or de- lirium." It is in these words that Dr. Wilson concludes the record of his experiments, experiments which were evidently made with the utmost care, and with a strong desire to attain a knowledge of the truth. What objections sceptics may have to offer to facts thus ascertained, it is scarcely for us to anticipate. Pos- sibly it may be alleged that the imaginations of the various animals were operated upon in some peculiar way by Dr. Wilson, or that he has been in collusion with them for the purpose of deception, as was said to be the case with the labouring man James Womb- well, who allowed his leg to be cut off simply to please certain Mesmerisers, pretending to be asleep, when he was, in truth, all the time wide awake! Should the subject ever come under discussion at the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of Lon- don, we may be prepared to hear of some equally profound explanations being brought forward, and the members will, of course, conclude by voting that the notice of such terrible facts ought to be expunged from their minutes ! 233 CHAPTER IX. CONCLUDING REMARKS. u I have seen nothing of it, nor do I think it right to tempt God by going to see it ! " exclaims the Rev. Hugh M'Neile, in his pulpit denunciation of Mes- merism. The minister of St. Jude's Church, Liver- pool, does not call in question the reality of the Mesmeric phenomena, but ascribing their origin to Satanic agency, he will not tempt God by becoming an eye-witness ! The pulpit, we know, was brought to the aid of the medical faculty when small-pox innoculation was sought to be preached down, and when Jenner, at a later period promulgated his discovery, certain en- lightened members of the clerical body declared vacci- nation to be Anti-Christ. A similar combination of medical and clerical bigotry is now, it would seem, to be directed against Mesmerism, and it is, if possible, to be annihilated by the sneers of one of the so-called learned profes- sions, and the fulminations from the pulpit of another. " There are few things," says Bailey, " more dis- gusting to an enlightened mind, than to see a num- ber of men — a mob — whether learned or illiterate, who have never scrutinized the foundation of their opinions, assailing with contumely an individual who, after the labour of research and reflection, has adopted different sentiments from theirs, and pluming themselves on the notion of superior ' knowledge,' 234 MESMERISM. because their understandings have been tenacious of prejudice." And Jobard, a French writer, remarks, — " Galileo, Newton, Salomon de Caus, Volta, Ful- ton, Winser, Arkwright, Gall, and all who have pre- sented themselves with a truth in their hand at the door of this great bedlam, called the world, have been received with stones or hisses." Satanic agency is the bugbear raised by the Rev. Hugh M'Neile against Mesmerism ; but his medical allies have other means of solving the difficulty. Their pride of learning has been piqued because they are unable to explain certain facts of which they have heard, and so they boldly rush to the conclu- sion that the facts are not facts. They read in their books that a commission of the Medical Faculty of Paris had condemned what is now called Mesmerism; and forgetting that a commission of the same body had likewise, after a similar investigation, rejected as a fallacy Harvey's discovery of the circulation of the blood, and without deigning to examine the living evi- dence to be seen on every side, they donounce those who maintain an opposite opinion as either dupes or impostors. Their mode of proceeding is quaintly described in the following words of an ingenious author : — " Whilst the unlearned were all busied in getting down to the bottom of the well, where truth keeps her little court, were the learned, in their way, as busy in pumping her up through the conduits of dialectic induction ; — they concerned themselves not With FACTS THEY REASONED." The late Sir Gilbert Blane has admirably said, — "It seems extremely unphilosophical to deny the reality or possibility of any thing in nature, from our supposed knowledge of the means and causes she employs, particularly in a branch of science so obscure as the animal economy. Could we, therefore, prove the point as a matter of fact, it would be vain to controvert it upon arguments derived from our fan- CONCLUDING REMARKS. 235 cied acquaintance with nature's modes of operation." And Dr. Chalmers has pithily remarked, in the words inscribed on our title-page, that " it is a very- obvious principle, although often forgotten in the pride of prejudice and of controversy, that what has been seen by one pair of human eyes, is of force to countervail all that has been reasoned or guessed at by a thousand human understandings." Mesmerism is, of all others, the science of facts. As Mr. Chenevix has well observed, " In the whole domain of human arguments, no art or science rests upon experiments more numerous, more positive, or more easily ascertained." And the illustrious philo- sopher La Place was frequently in the habit of re- marking to Mr. Chenevix that "the testimony in favour of the truth of Mesmerism, coming with such uniformity from enlightened men of many nations, who had no interest to deceive, and possessed no possible means of collusion, was such that, applying to it his own principles and formulas respecting human evidence, he could not withhold his assent to what was so strongly supported." In the preceding pages, there are many facts re- corded, which are not the less true, because we are as yet unable to give an adequate explanation of the cause. The chapter showing the application of Mes- merism to medical science, contains a body of evi- dence gathered from a variety of sources, which can scarcely be perused by any intelligent mind free from prejudice, without leaving a decided impression as to the importance of this agency. Similar proofs of its efficacy might have been adduced from the conti- nent of Europe, the British Colonies, and the United States of America. In the chapter devoted to cases recently developed in Scotland, the uses of Mesmer- ism are also seen, although in a less extensive range of diseases. The reason has already been stated, why the more 236 MESMERISM. extraordinary of the phenomena, as evolved more especially in the case of Isabella H , have re- ceived a place with the others. They cannot be entirely withdrawn from public observation, and the more prominently, therefore, they are brought for- ward the better. If based on delusion, let them be exposed ; if on truth, let them go forth in the hope that the mystery will one day be cleared up. Some individuals will, no doubt, turn aside from an in- quiry with which such seeming absurdities are con- nected, and others will be afforded a pretext to raise the empty laugh of ignorance. This cannot be helped. Mesmerism is true, whatever may be the ultimate decision of mankind regarding the higher states of clairvoyance ; and if we put the latter aside, no intelligent mind, anxious only after truth, can long remain in doubt. Mesmerism is not to be rejected as a whole ; its benefits as a branch of the healing art are not to be thrown to the winds, even although it should finally appear that certain persons have allowed too wide a range to their imaginations. "We neither admit nor reject the phenomena of the higher states of clairvoyance ; but viewing them as a curious topic of enquiry in connection with Mesmer- ism, we have produced the evidence in the form it has reached our hands. The higher states of clairvoyance are said by ex- perienced Mesmerisers to be of rare occurrence, but it is otherwise with the phenomena to which the name of Phreno-Mesmerism has been given. Re- garding the latter, almost every one may readily judge for himself; and when we consider the ease with which the phenomena may be produced, it is absolutely ludicrous to witness the amount of scepti- cism which still exists. Let any one peruse the record of cases in preceding pages, and then calmly ask, is it possible that so many persons could all of a sudden have sprung up in various parts of the country, bent CONCLUDING REMARKS. 23? only upon deceiving their fellows ; that such men as Dr. Elliotson, Mr. Braid, Mr. Simpson, and many others, have lent themselves as parties to the decep- tion ; and that individuals of character and standing in society, who have submitted to the Mesmeric in- fluence, should also have become participators in the wretched fraud ? It appears much harder to disbe- lieve than to believe, upon such ample evidence as has been adduced. The truth of the so-called Phreno-Mesmeric manifestations has been proved beyond the reach of reasonable cavil ; but whether Phrenology is also thereby proved, is a different question, which may form a fair topic for future dis- cussion. The injudicious supporters of Mesmerism are not a little to blame for a certain amount of the sceptic- ism which has been generated. Some of the lec- turers who have inundated the country possessed little knowledge of the subject they professed to teach ; their experiments have too frequently been conducted in a careless or blundering manner, and thus, instead of producing converts, their labours have been of an opposite tendency. The Rev. Mr. Townshend, in speaking of one of his patients, re- marks, — " I found that the sensibility of the sleep-waker might be exhausted by a multiplicity of experiments, or their too rapid repetition. Sometimes, after hav- ing named many objects correctly, he would begin to make mistakes, and evidently to guess instead of to perceive. At other moments, he would push im- patiently away from him the cards, books, &c, that were presented to him, and exclaim, ' Maintenant je ne puis plus/ Again, when allowed to remain quiet for a while he would recover his clairvoyance, in the same manner that the nervous energy of persons in the normal state, when impaired through over-ex- 238 MESMERISM. citement, returns to its pristine functions after an interval of repose." And a little farther on, Mr. Townshend proceeds : " Many failures, which have stamped Mesmerism as an imposition, may be attributed, I am convinced, to the action of disturbing causes, or the absence of those circumstances which are requisite to ensure suc- cess. That this has not been acknowledged on all hands is, perhaps, as much the fault of Mesmerisers themselves, as of their opponents. The former, proud of the faculties of their patients, do not like to admit that these faculties are variable and liable to a num- ber of restrictions. They, therefore, fail to forewarn those whom they invite to witness their proceedings, that the whole exhibition may chance to be a failure, and that the clairvoyant of to-day may be nothing remarkable to-morrow. What is the consequence of this mistaken disingenuousness ? Even they, who, if duly advertised of the true state of things, would be the first to acquiesce in the necessities of the case, are revolted by finding a discrepancy between the per- formance and the promise — the fact and their expec- tation of the fact. Mesmerisers, then, cannot be too careful in stating all the drawbacks to their success ; and, at the same time, every person should, in all fairness, concede to Mesmeric experiments the same privilege which is accorded to all others, namely, a precognition of those causes which may render them difficult or impossible to be repeated. At present, it may be safely asserted, that never was any subject capable of physical experiment, submitted to such un- just requisitions as that of Mesmerism. It has been expected to give the same results at all times, and under all circumstances. The truth, however, is, that Mesmeric sleep-waking does not only present different degrees in different persons, but in the same. The patient may at one time be Mesmerised, but not to CONCLUDING REMARKS. 239 clairvoyance ; at another, he may display the most admirable faculties of the Mesmeric state." These observations are peculiarly worthy of the attention of Mesmerisers, and also of those, who, in a spirit of candour, are desirous of investigating the subject. Besides such objections as those brought forward by the Rev. Hugh M'Neile, it has been urged against Mesmerism that it is dangerous, and may be turned to improper purposes. The same objection will ap- ply to many of the most potent remedies we possess in the hands of an unprincipled physician ; but are we to reject entirely the means of cure because these may be used for evil ends. The poison by which life is taken away, is sometimes the most powerful resto- rative that can be applied. Dr. Ziermann observes, in reference to certain extravagances and abuses — u The blame is not imputable to magnetism, but to the ignorance and imprudence of those, 4 who, with- out medical knowledge, or without a sufficient ac- quaintance with the new method, attempted the cure of diseases by its means ; and a great part of the abuses and mischiefs of all kinds, which must neces- sarily have arisen from this cause, as well as from the illusions under which enthusiasts, and others enter- taining false and exaggerated views, plied this occu- pation, is to be ascribed to those, who, although best qualified by their attainments to direct this important business, stood altogether aloof. As soon as the in- telligent physician avails himself of this method of cure, as soon as it is wrested out of the hands of the unprofessional, there is as little danger to be appre- hended from it, as from the poisons and surgical in- struments which we are in the daily practice of em- ploying." The only excuse for the interference of the non- professional practisers of Mesmerism, is the conduct 240 MESMERISM. of the majority of the medical faculty. Mankind are not to be deprived of the blessings of a potent remedy because the professors of the healing art choose to re- main wilfully blind to the truth. That there are still difficulties to be surmounted before the truths of Mesmerism are universally ac- knowledged, we do not attempt to conceal. The na- ture of these has been excellently described by Fourcroy, the celebrated chemist, in the following passage : — " The cold inactivity of some ; the affected indifference of others ; the contempt expressed by one person ; the irritated self-love, and the languid at- tachment of another for the doctrine of his ances- tors ; the dread of novelty, and prejudices of every kind ; all the mean passions which, gliding into so- ciety, and playing their parts in civil life, are also to be met with in the sciences ; the sarcasms and epi- grams with which they arm conversation ; — all these retard for a short time, perhaps for some years, the progress of new ideas ; but truth ultimately over- comes every obstacle. Neither the clamours of envy, nor the resistance of prejudice, nor the opposition of ignorance, can terrify it. It is the rock against which the impotent waves of human passion are broken. When the vivid light of truth strikes those minds that are properly adapted to feel its influence, it soon inspires them with a sufficient degree of force to make them proclaim it with confidence, and to establish its rights on a solid foundation." Mesmerism, like other truths which were first doubted, then decried, and finally adopted, will ulti- mately have its day of triumph. THE END. I [ CALL NUMBER 1* L271M Vol. Date (for periodical) n~„.. m. 1