HtBti. ABC:i It^fi •^ • . V 'flt^J*oSs HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, December Id, 1863.— Read first and second time, referred to Judiciary Committee, and ordered to be printed. [By Mr. FooTK.] ^ BILL To be «ntitk- Cnn'grefis of the Confederate States of Aiatrka di) 2 mart. That ail trndin^; or commercial intercourse with the enemy, ;J or with citizens of the United States beyond the territorial 4 limits of said Confederate States, in goods, wares, or merchan- 5 disc of any description whatever, except for the use of the Gov- G ernment iselt, shall be illegal ; and all persons oftending against 7 this act shall shall be subject to criminal prosecution, and, if 8 convicted, shall be fined in the amount of one thousand dollars, 9 and imprisoned for the space of three months.