DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY L’OCCULTISWIE, par Robert Ama¬ dou (Julliard). M. Robert Amadou a pris feu an contact d’Hermes Trismegisle, de Pij- thagore, d’Avicenne, d’A'.bert le Grand, cic Paracelse, de Jacob Jloehme, d'Eli- phas Levi... On tui devait deja an essai stir Saint Martin et le Martinisme, et. it prepare une Anthologie litteraire de l’occultismc avec M. Robert Ranters. C'est done tin special iste, si Von peut appeter specialite une science — un art — tranchons le mot : une philosophic, qui (analoqit)uement) rontient tout. L’auteur commence par cette defini¬ tion : L’occultisme est 1’ensemble des doctrines ct dcs pratiques fondee.s sur la theorie scion laqueiie tout objet ap- partient a un ensemble unique et pos¬ sible avec tout autre element de cct ensemble des rapports nccessaires, in- tcntionnels, non temporels et non spa- tiaux. Puis nous parcourons, on plutot sur- I volons avec lui, l'immense pugs donI un patient defrichement lui a vermis sa \ si/nthese initiate: Doctrines, Pratiques, Religions. Les notes bibliographiques sont abondantes et fort bien failes. Un excellent ouvrage inilialique, qui mettra en appetit les esprils qne tour- mente une. curiosite a la mode, py . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Duke University Libraries https://archive.org/details/occultsciences01wait THE OCCULT SCIENCES. f . o i THE OCCULT SCIENCES 1 ' ' A COMPENDIUM OF TRANSCENDENTAL DOCTRINE AND EXPERIMENT EMBRACING AN ACCOUNT OF MAGICAL PRACTICES; OF SECRET SCIENCES IN CONNECTION WITH MAGIC; OF THE PROFESSORS OF MAGICAL ARTS ; AND OF MODERN SPIRITUALISM, MESMERISM AND THEOSOPHY BY ARTHUR EDWARD WAITE LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Ltd. [SUCCESSORS TO GEORGE REDWAT] 1891 I 33 ^ / fS'O PREFACE. ^J^HE subject of occultism, by which we mean those sciences, called transcendental and magical, a knowledge of which has been transmitted and accumu¬ lated in secret, or is contained in books that have an inner or secret meaning, has been very fully dealt with during recent years by various students of eminence. But the works of these well-equipped investigators are, in most instances, unsuited to an elementary reader, and they are all somewhat expensive. It has remained for the results of their studies to be condensed into a port- aide volume, which shall conduct the inquirer into the vestibule of each branch of “ the occult sciences,” and place within his reach the proper means of prosecuting his researches further in any desired direction. It is such an unpretending but useful task which we have set ourselves to perform in the present volume, which em¬ braces, as we would claim, in a compressed and digested form, the whole scope of occult knowledge, expressed in the language of a learner. We have sought as far as possible to distinguish between theory and practice, between facts which it is possible to ascertain and explanations over which views may diverge. We have checked our individual judg- VI PREFACE. ments and modified our individual opinions not only by the best authorities in the literature of the several subjects treated, but by the collaboration of many living writers who are specialists in distinct branches of esoteric science. In this respect the book may be accepted as the result of a collective endeavour rather than of an unaided effort, and it will be received with an increased confidence on this ground. CONTENTS. PAGE Introduction ...... 1 PART I. MAGICAL PRACTICES. Magic : Definitions ..... 9 White Magic : The Evocation of Angels . . 17 White Magic : The Evocation of the Spirits of the Elements ...... 35 Black Magic : The Evocation of Demons . . 51 Necromancy : The Evocation of the Souls of the Dead ....... 71 PART II. SECRET SCIENCES IN CONNECTION WITH MAGIC. Alchemy ....... 83 The Elixir of Life ..... 95 Crystallomancy . . . . . .103 The Composition of Talismans .... 109 Divination ...... 121 The Divining Rod . . . . .151 Astrology . . . . . .163 Kabbalism ...... 181 CONTENTS. viii PART III. PROFESSORS OF MAGICAL ART. The Mystics ..... The Rosiceucians .... The Freemasons ..... PART IV. MODERN PHENOMENA. Mesmerism .... Modern Spiritualism Theosophy .... PAGE 189 199 213 227 247 269 INTRODUCTION. T MIE claims of Hermetic philosophy to the considera¬ tion of serious thinkers in the nineteenth century are not to be confounded with those merely of an exalted intellectual system, or of a sublime and legitimate j 'o bt cu-,-v aspiration. These may, indeed, be urged in behalf of it with the force of unadulterated truthfulness, but not as the principal point. What the philosophy which is indis¬ criminately called transcendental, Hermetic, Rosicrucian, j mystical, and esoteric or occult, submits in its revived form to the scrutator of life and her problems as a suffic¬ ing and rational cause for its resuscitation, and as an ade- r quate ground for its recognition, is tersely this :—That it[ ] comprises an actual, positive, and realisable knowledge) concerning the worlds which we denominate invisible, because they transcend the imperfect and rudimentary faculties of a partially developed humanity, and con¬ cerning the latent potentialities which constitute, by the fact of their latency, what is termed the interior man.. In more strictly philosophical language, the Hermetic science is a method of transcending the phenomenal world, and attaining to the reality which is behind phenomena. At a time when many leaders of thought j have substantially abandoned all belief in the existence of intelligence outside of the visible universe, it is almost superfluous to say that the mere claim of the mystics has an irresistible magnetic attraction for those who are conscious that deep down in the heart of every man there exists the hunger after the supernatural. “= The mode of transcending the phenomenal world, as taught by the mystics, consists, and to some extent exclusively, of a form of intellectual ascension or develop¬ ment, which is equivalent to a conscious application of selective evolutionary laws by man himself to man. 2 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. ' ' Those latent faculties Avhich are identified as Psychic Force pass, under this training, into objective life ; they become the instruments of communication with the un¬ seen world, and the modes of subsistence which are therein. In other words, the conscious evolution of the individual has germinated a new sense by which he is enabled to appreciate what is inappreciable by the grosser senses. The powers of the interior man, and the possibility of communication with the unseen, are the subject of his¬ torical magic, which is filled with thaumaturgic accounts of experiments with these forces, and of the results of this communication. Whether these alleged occurrences are to be accepted as substantiated facts is not the question on which the enlightened mystic desires to insist. The evidence which supports them may be, and is, important; it may be, and is, overwhelming ; but it is not upon the wonders of the Past only that the Hermetic claim is sought to be established, or demands recognition, in the Present. AVhatever be the evidential value for the success of the psychic experiments conducted by the in¬ vestigators of old, they may at least be said to constitute j a sufficient ground for a new series of scientific inquiries on the part of those persons who are devoting their in¬ telligence and their energy to the solution of the grand mysteries of existence. Otherwise, the transcendental philosophy would be simply the revival of an archaic faith, and would be wholly unadapted to the necessities of to-day. It should be remembered, however, when speaking of scientific inquiry, that the reference is not confined to the professed scientists of the period, but ’ to all who are capable of exact observation, and can appreciate the momentous character of the issues in¬ volved. The standpoint indeed is this : the successful experi¬ ments of the past are capable of repetition in the present, and it is open to those who doubt it to be convinced by individual experience. In one of his most mystical utterances, Christ is recorded to have said that there are those who are eunuchs from their mother’s womb, and that there are those who become eunuchs in the interests of INTRODUCTION. 3 the Kingdom of God : so also there are natural magicians'! and magicians who are the product of art, yet, generally speaking, the magician, unlike the poet, is not born but made, for the same potentialities abide in the whole of humanity, and they can be ultimately developed in all. What is wanted, therefore, is not merely persons possessed of the gifts of clairvoyance, or even of lucidity, of pro¬ phetic foresight, or of the qualities called mediumistic, but those who by the nature of their aspirations, andj / by the help of a favourable environment, are able to apply the arcane laws of evolution to their own in- 1 ; terior selves. But there is another and an indis¬ pensable condition, namely, the power to distinguish between Hermetic truth and the shameless frauds which havcTencompassed it from time immemorial. At pre¬ sent, the intellectual world is substantially divided into those who reject esoteric doctrine and practice as un- mixedly fraudulent, and those whose credulity identifies its worst impostures and most puerile perversions with its highest forms of truth. ^Transcendentalism is concerned with the development and application of certain power¬ ful forces resident in the interior man, and as these forces have been developed and applied in various directions, from many motives, and with a multiplicity of ends in view,'historical mysticism is very diverse in its character, is often puerile, superstitious, dangerous, malevolent, and obscene, and from its very nature has been always peculiarly liable to the counterfeits of charlatans. Certain sections of modern mystics have expressed somewhat too freely their indignation against the Christian churches for the abuses and corruptions which they have generated during the undermining process of the ages. Now, the history of no doctrine and of no re¬ ligion can compare in its abuses and corruptions with that of Magic; for every species of abomination, of “ un¬ natural love and more unnatural hate ” have been fostered under the tenebrous wings of the goetic part of mysticism. There, as in other matters, the height of aspiration finds its exact counterpoise in the abysses of spiritual degra¬ dation. It is the custom with many to shield occultism from the responsibility of these dishonourable histories 4 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. by means of transliteral interpretations, just as it is the custom among the more credulous section of spiritualists to cloak every phase of fraud among “mediums” by accrediting the “ spirit world ” with the impostures of many of those who pose as the avenues of communication between the seen and the unseen. In the current periodical literature of our newest and most elaborated mysticism may be found attempts to erect Cagliostro, the Sicilian mesmerist, into an adept of divine magic, on the plea that a person accepting the notorious facts of his life and character as historical truth, would be adopting a shallow and puerile view. Even the most obvious and direct contradictions which are to be found in the French mystics have been qualified and excused by a separation of the conflicting statements into different planes of thought. In the same manner, at a number of private stances where the non-professional avenues of communi¬ cation refused all remuneration, and where, as a con¬ sequence, the essential element of fraud might be safely deemed wanting, the most incessant and clumsy impos¬ ture has been explained by the hypothesis that the unbuyable “avenues” were completely entranced and unconscious, that they were utilised in this manner by the “ holy spirit world ” in order to economise psychic force, and “form-manifestations” were being witnessed. But nevertheless the transcendental philosophy is the one hope of an age which is sick unto death of its own unprofitable speculations. It asks no faith; it offers a] positive knowledge. But it is well that we should recognise the existence and proximity of its darker side! It is well also for all who approach the subject, and desire to preserve the even balance of an unbiassed and well-regulated mind, to discount much of the gorgeous claim put forward by modern mystics concerning the antique masters. Hierophants who are supposed by their admirers to have achieved all heights, ought surely to have enjoyed an immunity from the “ cosmogonical ” ignorance of their age, whereas their writings reveal them as by no means advanced students of physical science. lose who are believed to have stood on the threshold c jifkDeity might have enunciated theological views o f a INTRODUCTION. 5 broader character; nevertheless, we find that in most questions of religion they appear to have adhered to the doctrines which were current at their particular epochs. These facts suggest limitations which will, we fear, be conclusive proof to a large number of thinkers that the achievements of adepts in the past are of a somewhat imaginary nature. However, a comparison of their claims with the known facts of modei'n psychology will establish the general truth of their statements; and the higher and unexplored possi¬ bilities which to-day are indicated by psychic science, and which are known to advanced experimentalists, will be found, on comparison, to be precisely in the direction of the more exalted claims of the mystics. But in spite of the attainments of some brilliant exceptions, there is little reason to suppose that the turba philosophorum, as a whole, did much more than extend our actual psychic experiments—mesmeric, hypnotic, and spiritual—for a marked but a measurable distance beyond ourselves, and that the grand altitudes of occultism, of which we write and dream, were the Promised Land of their own aspira¬ tions, and not attained in their lives.* This being the case, it is better for the present to con¬ fine our attention in the main to the repeatable experi¬ ments of the mystics. To serious students it is possibly permissible, with excessive discrimination and caution, to extend the circle of investigation to some of the branches of Black Magic (such as the control of evil spirits), knowledge and not gain being the only end in view. The alleged dangers in connection with magical practices are insignificant in comparison with the ends which are to be achieved, and the existing secret brother- * There is, however, an alternative view which it is only just to cite. It is advanced that the hierophants of the past were forced of necessity to speak the cosmological language of their day. When transcendental doctrine was rendered in the language of the current philosophy, the mystic could not seem much above the errors of the day. Otherwise, his over-science would have been additionally incomprehensible. On the transcendental plane, he probably knew all, but in physical science he may have been limited by the know¬ ledge of the period. In either case, the translation of the secret wisdom for the public use could only be accomplished by writing down theologically as well as philosophically to the public level. 6 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. hoods, more especially Masonry, which is founded on esoteric doctrine, could be utilised by the mystics in subservience to these ends. The common presumptions established by modern science against the spiritual nature of man and the existence of spiritual intelligences outside the visible universe, are based on a sharp distinction between the substances respectively denominated material and spiritual, which offers a singular instance of the verbal tyrannies to which we subject our minds. No more abundant source of intellectual misconception and blunder can well be adduced than is comprised in the two words SPIRIT and matter. Believers and sceptics alike have exhausted the methods of philosophy in their attempt to establish the two conceptions at antipodean poles of thought. It is now universally admitted that we are exclusively limited to an acquaintance with the appearances of this world which we term material; of matter in its ultimate nature we know nothing whatever. No scientific analysis can throw light upon its eternally inscrutable problem. It is also admitted that, in the intellectual order, man realises that he is a conscious being by a reflex and not a direct act, and the ultimate nature of the ego is a book permanently sealed. Once more, we are familiar alone with certain modes of manifestation; ever the reality escapes us. It is therefore impossible rationally to estab¬ lish fundamental distinctions between substances about which we are fundamentally ignorant, and as, for all practical purposes, mind is identical with the vague con¬ cept which we denominate spirit, we may enunciate the following axiom with complete truth :— The distinction between matter and spirit is philosophically futile and frivo¬ lous. A direct consequence follows; those who affirm the existence of matter and deny spirit may be uncon¬ sciously contradicting themselves. Though identified in the common darkness which involves them, it is philo¬ sophically impossible, of course, to affirm their substantial identity; therefore reservation of judgment is the only prudent course. This reservation must be, moreover, extended in another and important direction. See¬ ing that the phenomena called thaumaturgic, magical INTRODUCTION. 7 and spiritual may be simply uninvestigated modes of manifestation in one force infinitely differentiated in the universe, it is unreasonable to deny their possibility on d priori grounds, for the possible modes of manifestation in an ultimately unknown substance cannot be theoreti¬ cally limited. As a fact, we are unconsciously landed in pure Spinozism, for it is one of the tenets of this grand and singular thinker that matter and mind are but two finite manifestations of one infinite substance, which may be capable of an infinite number of other finite manifes¬ tations of which Ave can and do knoAv nothing. It is outside the present order of inquiry, but these considera¬ tions lead us to touch briefly on a still more important subject. The existence of a creative mind exterior to the visible universe, and standing in relation thereto as its almighty author and architect, has been debated for long ages without the possibility having occurred to dialecticians on either side that the efficient cause of matter and mind may be something so totally transcend¬ ing them both, and equally in nature and substance, that it cannot be identified with either. If the panthe¬ istic identification of deity with the titanic forces of the Cosmos be a narrow and inadequate solution of the mystery of God, the anthropomorphic identification with mind is liable to the same objection. If there be any philosophic accuracy in this method of reasoning, it folloAvs that by virtue of our absolute and irretrievable ignorance concerning the fundamentals of matter and mind, mere specidations on the problems of life, on the possibility of intellectual subsistence devoid of a physical organism — in other Avoids, on the existence of disembodied humanities, and of hierarchies of spiritual beings above or beloAV humanity—can never ultimate in any solid knoAvledge; they Avill ever be speculations only, devoid of conviction and satisfaction. It folloAvs, also, that there is no possible refuge from permanent agnosticism except by a formal act of faith in some system of alleged revelation, or by experimental re¬ searches, if possible, into the nature and poAvers of the mind. But faith is no longer what it was in the days of St Paul, “ the substance of things hoped for, the 8 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. evidence of things not seen; ” it is not a source of scientific conviction; it is aspiration formulated as creed ; and by its nature it is unable to provide a true intellectual certainty. It is at this point that the transcendental philosophy appears, and in the name of a thousand histories, and of ten thousand times ten thousand traditions and legends, declares it is possible to know by experimental researchi that disembodied humanities can and do subsist, that there are hierarchies of intelligence above and below humanity, that in this life, and with this environment, the potentialities of the interior man may be so developed as to put him in communication with forms of intellec¬ tual subsistence which transcend his normal mode; that the positive knowledge which is the result of such research can be attained now as it was attained in the past, and that a scientific solution of the problems of life is actually within the limits of every earnest man. Such are the claims of the Hermetic philosophy, and such is the scie ntific basis of mysticism. On these claims the spiritual futureTof the world may be reason¬ ably considered to depend. On this basis, if on any, must the religion of the future be built, if by religion) we are to understand the establishment of a vital and 1 vivifying correspondence between that which is highest/ in man and that which is supreme in the universe. The choice lies between agnosticism and the science of the mystics. If mysticism be a true science, grand and illimitable is the prospect which awaits the psychic man. If it be grounded in superstition and imposture, even from agnosticism itself we may devise a chilly consola¬ tion, for so insoluble is the mystery of the universe that no aspiration can be extinguished as wholly impossible of fulfilment; even in the insoluble mystery there is room for a forlorn hope. PART I. DEFINITIONS. E VERY branch of the occult or secret sciences may be included under the word Magic, with the sole exception of astrology, which, important and interesting as it is, can hardly be termed a branch of arcane wisdom, as it depends solely on abstruse astro nomical calculations, and on the appreciation of the value of those influences which are supposed to be diffused by the planets and the starry heavens over the lives of nations and individuals. But the doctrines concerning’ the nature and power of angels, ghosts, and spirits; the methods of evoking and controlling the shades of the dead, elementary spirits, and demons ; the composition of talis¬ mans ; the manufacture of gold by alchemy; all forms of divination, including clairvoyance in the crystal, and all the mysterious calculations which make up kabbalistic science, are all parts of magic. It is necessary to make'' this statement at the outset to prevent misconception, because in an elementary hand-book it would be clearly a source of confusion to include subjects so apparently distinct under a single generic title; and we have there¬ fore determined to make a few introductory remarks upon magic viewed as a whole, and then to treat each of its branches under special titles which will be readily intel¬ ligible to those who are seeking for the first time an acquaintance with the mysteries of the esoteric sciences. The popular significance attached to the term magic diverges widely from the interpretations which are offered by its students. By the term magic, according 10 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. to the common opinion, there is generally implied one of two things—either that it is the art of producing effects by the operation of causes which are apparently inadequate to their production, and are therefore in apparent defiance of the known order of nature; or that it is the art of evoking spirits,* and of forcing them to perform the bidding of the operator. The second alter¬ native may be practically resolved into the first, for the invocation of invisible intelligences is inseparably con¬ nected in the minds of the vulgar with a certain hocus- pocus of preposterous rites and formulae, including the utterance of barbarous and, to them, meaningless words, which certainly appear to be inadequate to produce so stupendous an effect as a direct manifestation from a hidden side of Nature. Now, to establish communica¬ tion with worlds which are normally beyond our reach is undoubtedly included in the great claims of the magus; and the art of evoking spirits, taken in its true and its highest sense, is the head and crown of Magic; but it is not in fact a violation of immutable natural laws, and the causes which are set in operation by its qualified initiates are really adequate to the effects which are produced, wonderful and incredible as they may appear. The popular conception of Magic, even when it is not identified with the trickeries of imposture and the pranks of the mountebank, is entirely absurd and gross, v “ Magic, or, more accurately, Magism,” says Christian * Four classes of the intelligences called “spirits” are recog¬ nised by the science of the magi. There are the_Angels who are the offspring of primeval creation, made and not begotten ; there are the Devils, or Demons, the angelical hierarchies who fell from their first estate! There are the Elementary Spirits, who inhabit the four elements of ancient physical science, and are divided into Jiylplis, Undines, Gnomes, and Salamanders—intelli¬ gences who reproductT'their species after the manner of man¬ kind. Finally, there are the Souls of departed men and women whose actual locality in the unseen world is variously described. Angels are invoked in the higher branches of white magic, and Demons in the operations of the black art ; Elementary Spirits are the classes most easily commanded, and they are the “ familiars ” of the middle ages. The Souls of the Dead were conjured commonly for the revelation of mundane secrets, occasionally for the disclosure of future events, but most frequently in the interests of bereaved affection. PEFINITIONS. 11 in his Ilisiuire de la Magie, “ if anyone would condescend to return to its antique origin, could be no longer con¬ founded with the superstitions which calumniate its memory. Its name is derived to us from the Greek words Magos, a Magician, and Mageia, Magic, which are merely permutations of the terms Mog, Megh, Magh, which in Pehlvi and in Zend, both languages of the eld¬ est East, signify ‘priest,’ ‘ wise,’ and ‘excellent.’ It was ) thence also that, in a period anterior to historic Greece, there originated the Chaldsean name Maghdim, which is equivalent to ‘ supreme wisdom,’ or sacred philosophy. Thus, mere etymology indicates that Magic was the!"" synthesis of those sciences once possessed by the Magi or philosophers of India, of Persia, of Chaldsea, and of Egypt, who were the priests of nature, the patriarchs of knowledge, and the founders of those vast civilisations whose ruins still maintain, 'without tottering, the burden of sixty centuries.” Ennemoser, in his “ History of Magic ” (as translated J by Howitt), says : “ Among the Parsees, the Medes, and the Egyptians, a higher knowledge of nature was under¬ stood by the term Magic, with which religion, and par¬ ticularly astronomy, were associated. The initiated and their disciples were called Magicians—that is, the Wise —which was also the case among the Greeks. . . . Plato understood by Wisdom nothing less than a worship of the Divinity, and Apuleius says that Magus means, in the Persian language, a priest. . . . India, Persia, Chal¬ dea, and Egypt, were the cradles of the oldest Magic. Zoroaster, Ostanes, the Brahmins, the Chaldean sages, and the Egyptian priests, were the primitive possessors of its secrets. The priestly and sacrificial functions, the healing of the sick, and the preservation of the Secret Wisdom, were the objects of their life. They were either princes themselves, or surrounded princes as their counsellors. Justice, truth, and the power of self-sacrifice, were the great qualities with which each one of these must be endowed; and the neglect of any one of these virtues was punished in the most cruel manner.” A theosophical writer who is said to belong to the most 12 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. advanced school, Dr Franz Hartmann, who is said to he a practical as well as theoretical student, who also lays claim to the successful performance of recondite alchemical ex¬ periments by the application of spiritual forces to material things, and who, therefore, should at any rate be com¬ petent to provide us with a tolerable definition of his art, has the following assertion at the beginning of one of his books :—“ Whatever misinterpretation ancient or modern ignorance may have given to the word Magic, its only true signific ance is The Highe st Science , or tWisdom, based upon knowledge and practical experience. '” This definition reads an absolute value into a term which it does not historically possess, for though Magic be undoubtedly derived from a word which signifies Wisdom, it is Wisdom as conceived by the Magi to which it is alone equivalent, and so far as philosophy is concerned, magian Wisdom either may or may not be identical with the ^absolute and eternal Wisdom. Magic, says Eliphas Levi, is “the traditional science \ of the secrets of Nature which has come down to us from the Magi,” a definition devoid of nonsense, and narrowly escaping perfection, the limitation of the source of esoteric knowledge to the Persian hierarchs being, we y_think, its sole defect. By these definitions it is plain that Magic is not merely the art of invoking spirits, and that it is not merely con¬ cerned with establishing a communication with other forms of intelligent subsistence in the innumerable spheres of the transcendental. If such invocation be possible, if such communication can be truly established, it is evidently by the intervention of certain occult forces resident in the communicating individual, man. Now, it is reasonable to 1 suppose that the same forces can be applied in other directions, and the synthesis of the methods and processes by which these forces are utilized in the several fields of experiment, combined with a further synthesis of methods and processes by which the latent potentialities of a variety of physical substances are developed into mani¬ fest activity, constitutes Magic in the full, perfect, and comprehensive sense of that much abused term. The maltreatment and odium of centuries has elimin- DEFINITIONS. 13 ated from the word Magic its original and sublime significance. Once, in the dead language of starry Chaldea, the solemn sanctuary, the cradle, if not the birthplace, of the sciences called transcendental, it was the equivalent of supreme wisdom ; once its professors were the priests, the wise, the excellent: but the science is confounded with the impostures which have encom¬ passed its history, and the initiates are identified with the rabble of rogues and charlatans. So it would almost seem as if the term Magic had become a word whose accepted meaning is a libel on the science which it signifies, and a slur on the memory of its grand masters. Fortunately, however, it is not the only term by which that science is described ; esoteric wisdom, occult know¬ ledge, the transcendental philosophy and practice are inter-convertible terms which all signify Magic, and are used indiscriminately throughout this volume, less to avoid tautology than to minimise the depreciatory effect of a now debased word by connecting it with the equivalents of its first and true significance. We have already explained in the Introduction to this work what we conceive to be the objects of the pre- sent revival of mysticism, and the exact nature of its claims on the consideration of the nineteenth century. The origin and destiny of Man are the absorbing and vital problems which, in the present age, demand more urgently than ever a complete and satisfactory solution. Such a solution is offered, it is claimed, by Magic. Latent energies, undeveloped faculties, generally un¬ known possibilities, are affirmed by that science to be actually resident in man. By their effectual evolution it is said that the horizon of his energies and his per¬ ceptions can be so enlarged as to extend over a new range of existence. It is demonstrated that his physical" envelope is not his real self, that he can transcend it without destroying, while he can establish a direct con¬ nection with numberless forms of intelligence who are dissevered from their perishable bodies, and with others J of every rank who have never been joined with flesh. The desire of the long ages is promised a complete fulfilment in this sublime programme of an abandoned knowledge. 14 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. The psychological experiments of the past masters of mysticism are alleged to have brought them into com¬ munication with various classes of intelligences, such as angels, elementary spirits, demons, and the disembodied souls of men. The fundamental principle of this com¬ munication was in the exercise of a certain occult force resident in the Magus and strenuously exerted for the establishment of such a correspondence between two planes of Nature as would effect his desired end. This exertion was termed the evocation, conjuration, or call¬ ing of the spirit, but that which in reality was raised was the energy of the inner man; tremendously developed and exalted by combined will and aspiration, this energy germinated by sheer force a new intellectual faculty of sensible psychological perception, and enabled the pre¬ pared mystic to see into a new world, and communicate with its several populations. To assist and to stimulate this energy into the most powerful possible operation, artificial means were almost invariably used. The ordin¬ ary faculties and senses were worked upon, and fre¬ quently the narrow line which intervenes between ex¬ altation and frenzy was overstepped in the temerity of the process. The appeal to the senses by a gorgeous and overwhelming ritual, which has been attended with grand success in the hierarchic religions of Christianity, was made also by the hierarchic magic of the past. The synthesis of these methods and processes was callecj- 1 Ceremonial Magic, which in effect was a tremendous forc- ' ing-house of the latent faculties of man’s spiritual nature.\[ Undoubtedly the end was occasionally accomplished by I violent and unnatural means, for intellectual exaltation jean be achieved by laudanum and haschisch as much as by divine grace applied to the soul; but the ethical value of the end cannot be impeached by the use of dis¬ creditable methods, though the operator may be per¬ sonally discredited and permanently maimed thereby. The gospel according to the mystics has, it will be seen, its darker side. As the known forces of modern material science can be used to preserve or destroy, so can the arcane potencies developed by magic be directed to a good or an evil end. In the suggestive language of DEFINITIONS. 15 the alchemists, coals may be turned into gold, but also it is possible to convert the precious metal into coal. We can rise into communion with the exalted under¬ standing of the angels; we can sink into correspondence with the psychic deformities of the devils; we can com¬ pose the Universal Medicine and the arcane poison of the second death. There is white and there is black magic. The lawful application of the arcane forces which are known to esoteric science constitutes Whi te Magic; the lawless ' and vicious application of the same forces is the Black or infernal Art. The seat of the law abides in the intention and will of the operator. That which is well meaTrfETmust eventu¬ ally woTlTwell. Actions must be appraised by their in¬ ten tion and not their effect alone, as the significanctrof words is extended, contracted, or changed by a reference to their philological origin. Black Magic has two pre¬ ponderating elements—the diabolical, and the supersti¬ tious or absurd. The use of the term diabolical is not to be interpreted in an absolutely theological sense. The contrast obtained by the epithets white and black may be considered to countenance their use, but such emblematical language has frequently been misapplied. Then we have red magic, which is characterized as the cream of the secret sciences and other fanciful designations. As this book is by no means intended for an advanced student, but is exclusively addressed to the postulant in the pronaos of the mystical temple, as its information is therefore elementary, although practical, the supreme altitudes of magical science (where the adept passes into ) the saint, where communication with spiritual intelli-/ gences is transcended, and a union is said to be estab-\' lished with the fontal source of souls, with the divine, universal life) are not described herein, and the way of attainment in this transcendental branch is not delineated. Here it is sufficient to observe that the mystics con¬ tinually refer to the existence of an absolute and universal science which is not beyond possession by 16 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. Unite man. This divine knowledge is intimately associ¬ ated with a divine power which may be either developed in man, or with which he may be energised from without. As it is impossible to conclusively determine that such heights have ever been truly scaled, the modern mystic will be unwise to insist on their existence, though he may feel personally assured of the fact. For merely historical references to Magic among the Arabs, the Romans, the Chinese, the Early Christians, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Israelites, the Germans, the Laplanders, and the Orientals, the reader is referred -to Ennemoser’s work, translated by Howitt and pub¬ lished under the title of “ The. History of Magic.” There is also a learned work, translated in 1877 from the French of Lenormant, and called “Chaldean Magic,” in whicli are translated some curious incantations in the ^ cuneiform character. Del Rio’s Disquisitionum Magicarum, la voulme of 1100 pages, published in 1657, is an early authority, and contains a chapter on Fascination. An antiquarian work called “Narratives of Sorcery and Magic from the most Authentic Sources,” was published by Thomas Wright, F.S.A., in 1851. Francis Barrett’s s “ The Magus,” an expensively illustrated work printed in 1801, is the work of one who styled himself a “ pro¬ fessor ” of occult science. In France the writings of v' Eliphas L6vi—especially his Histoire de la Magic, and his Dogme et Rituel de la Haute Magic — are justly esteemed. Pererius in 1598, Tiedemann in 1787, Frey tag in 1710, Christophorus in 1711, have all written tracts on the subject of Magic, which are sometimes met with. WHITE MAGIC. THE EVOCATION OF ANGELS. of intelligence known to the _ ' like their general of matter and mind, the messengers of n T HE highest orders Christian mystics, am conceptions of the Cosmos from their Jewish.-initiators, were ___ w _ Scrip tural tradition, who are called in the Greek aiuj dos, and in the Hebrew malaJc. The ambassadorial officeRas - long been eliminated from our conception of these beings, who, in a condition of ecstatic adorati on and in undiver¬ sified permanence of beatitude, seem to have survived their raison d’etre. According to the Rabbinical com¬ mentary on Genesis, written by Rabbi Jacob, the angels have no fre e w ill, “for they, being of a pure under¬ standing, and having an inclination to good only, cannot be otherwise than good; ” and this is an actual doctrine of the Latin church. Practically, however, the angels of Catholic history and legend, in spite of their consum¬ mate perfection, would appear to rejoice in the plenary possession of that freedom which an abstract theology denies them. They respond to invocations, they perform miracles, they garner the prayers of the faithful, they overwat ch h uman beings, and they engage everla stingly in a spiritual warfare with the emissaries of perdition and darkness. This practical aspect of orthodox angelology corre¬ sponds to that of western mag ic, both being undoubtedly derived from the ancient faith of Israel, which in turn was indebted for the elements of its pneumatic hypo- theses to Egypk Babylon, and Chaldea, whence the (Tocffine of the Incommunicable "Name, with the powers nd virtues thereof, was derived by Rabbinica l theoso- phists. The latter evolved out of its diverse combina- IS THE OCCULT SCIENCES. tions a complex hierarchy of intelligence, analogous to the Alexandrian system of successive emanations, differ¬ entiated by a downward egression out of the one and eternal substance. The Incommunica ble Name came to be considered a fountain of arcane power, and, by an easy and natural transition, it was at length regarded as the source of life. The letters which composed it were deemed^especially prolific in the creations of intelligence, illumination, and harmony. A measur e of their power was extended to the entire Hebrew alphabet, which was endowed with an abstruse mystical significance. It is necessary to explain this point in order to understand the angelical doctrines of the Jewish Magi. Each of the alphabetical symbols represented a vital and creative principle resi-| dent in the intelligible world. Just as out of the letters of an ordinary alphabet is evolved the vocabulary of a great language, so from the arcane potencies which were signified by the Hebrew signs, the variations of an in¬ finite existence were divinely elaborated. Now, the sup¬ position of an exact correspondence^ between the arcane ** potencies in question 'and the signs by which they were re¬ presented, as well as between the inexhaustible vitalities ofthe Cosmos and the language developed from the signs, constituted the magical character ofjt he Jewish tongue. In an interesting and valuahlemanuscript, entitled, | “ The Cabalistic Science, or the Art to Know the Good Genies,” there is the following explanation of the mysteries which are contained in the Hebrew alphabet. By the sequence of symbols extending from Aleph to Jod was symbolised the Angelical World, or the hierarchy of sovereign intelligences directlyMerived from the first Eternal Light, and attributed to Jod in first and superior correspondence. By the sequence from Caf to-T-sad were represented the several orders of angels who inhabit the visible, or astronomical and astrological worlds, mystic¬ ally attributed to Jalrpeach individual sphere being under the special safeguard of a particular presiding intelligence. The sequence from T sad to Th au is in arcane correspondence with the elementary world, which is attributed by philosophers to Jaho in the paramount WHITE MAGIC. 19 order. The destinies of humanity are dispensed in the elementary sphere, and its angelic intelligences preside over animated Nature. Orthodox Christian theosophy enu merates nine choir s of angelical beings which differ from each other Tn order and in degree of glory, but are all of the same nature. In the mystical writings attributed to the apostolic Areopagite, an account of these hierarchies is given in an extended form, and it is undoubtedly to this trans- cendentalist that theology is indebted for the angelical doctrines subsequently developed by S. Thomas. Now the advanced mystic who borrowed the name of Dionysius was indebted in turn to the Kabbalists for his pneumatic hypotheses, as will be seen in the follow¬ ing tabulation of the attributes of the Divine Names, and of the intelligences in correspondence with each of the Hebrew letters. I. The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet is called Aleph ; it is in correspondence with Eheieh, the fontal name of God, which is interpreted as Divine Essence. Its seat is in the world called E nsopb , which signifies Infinity, and its attribute is Keter, the Crow n. It rules over the Angels called by the Hebrews Haioth-h a- I vodes ch, or The Living Creatures of Holiness, who are otherwise named S eraphim , and constitute the first and supreme choir. II. The second letter is Bgi^and the Divine name which corresponds to it is B aciiour . or eledus juvenis. It is the sign of the Ophanim, who are the Angels of the second order, and the Cherubi m of exoteric theology. By their ministry, .Ighovah unfolded and cleared the prim ordial cha os. The attribute of Bachour is Hocmah, / or Divi ne Wis dom. III. The third letter is Qjiime l. It corresponds to the name Gadol, which sigmfiesGrand or Great, and is assigned to the Angels of the third order whom the Hebrews called Aralvm. t he mighty and strong. These are the Thrones of the Kabbalists, and the third choir. By their ministry Tetragrammaton Elohim establishes and maintains the form of the Fluidic Matter. Its attribute is Binah, or Intelligence. 20 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. IV. The fourth letter is Daleth . It represents the name Dagoul, which is equivalent to Insignis, and it corresponds to the Angels of the Hasmalim, or Angels of the fourth order, who are the D ominions of current theology. By their ministry were elaborated the di¬ verse forms of matter, and especially the human body. Hesed is the attribute of El, and it signifies Mercy and Gogdness. Y. The fifth letter is He. which typifies the name Nadouh, significant of the m ajesty of G od, and corres¬ ponding to the fifth angelicaVTnerarcEy, which is the choir of might-and power, and its Intelligences are called Powers. By their ministry the elements were evolved by~Tfi ohim-G ibor, whose numeration is Pachad, which signifieYT^JAH^-JlMigineixt, and whose attribute is Gfiburali, which signifies Strength and Power. VI. The sixth letter is Yau. whence is developed the name V ezio. cum splen dore; it stands for the Angels of the sixth order, the Malakim, or Virtues, by whose ministry E loalu Vaudahat produces the metals and other substances which belong to the mineral kingdom. His attribute is Tiphereth, which signifies Beauty and Splendour. VII. The seventh letter is Eailb which originates the name ^ akat , equivalent to punts mundus. It corres¬ ponds to the Angels of the seveiiffTorder, the Kabbal- istic Children—oflElohim, who are the Principalities of orthod ox fa ith. By their ministry the vegetable king¬ dom was produced by Tetragrammaton-Sabaoth, whose attribute is.-Nezah, which, interpreted, is Triumph and Justice. VIII. The eighth letter is called Chet h. It designates the name Ghartt>_ which is equivalent to misericors. It correspondTtoThe Angels of The ei ghth choir, the Bene- Elohim, or Sons of God, who are fdentical with the archangelical host. By their ministry the animal creation was developed by Elohim- Saba oth, whose attribute is Hod, which is Praise. IX. The ninth letter is Teth. It corresponds to Tahor, or the Mundus purus, and to the Cherubim or ninth choir of Angels, who preside at the birth of man WHITE MAGIC. 21 and inspire him with the light which is needed to direct him" to eternal life. By their ministry are Gu ardia n Angels devoted to the whole of humanity by SsKaday and Elhai , whose attribute is the Foundation, or Jesod. X. The tenth letter is jod, w hich gives pow r er to the name Jah, which is equivalent to iJeu s. It designates the tenth numeration of the Hebrews—A donay-M elech, or the God-King, whose attributes are th e Kingd om, the Temple,'andrThe Empire. Its influences extend to the Issim—strong, happjq and blessed Men, located in the sphere of the spirit. By their ministry, intelligence, in¬ dustry, and the knowledge of divine things descend as an influx to embodied humanity. The AngelicaT World is completed with the tenth letter, but the rest of the Hebrew alphabet corresponds to^ individual princes of intelligence, governors of in’nu- merableTTosts, and severally enacting an important part in the economy of the mystical universe. Mettat ron is in correspondence with (Jaf, the eleventh letter fEy his ministry, the sensible world receives deific virtues. He belongs to the first Heav en of the_ Astronomic World. There is also the final Caf, which corresponds to the Intelligences of the second order, who govern the Heaven of the fixe d stars, and especially the zodiacal signs. Their supreme chief is Kaziel . La.med_L. the twelfth letter, corresponds to the Intelligences of the third Heaven, who preside in the sphere of Saturn. Their lord is Schebtai el. whose attribute is theTfidden God. _Mem. which is the thirteenth letter, corresponds to the fourth Heaven, or sphere of Jupit er. The sove¬ reign Intelligence who governs this planet is called Tsadkiel . There is also the final Mem, which is analo¬ gous to’the fifth Heaven, or sphere of Mars, with C a.mn.e l for its supreme Intelligence. He is the strength and fire of God, and presides over many princes, is the (fourteenth letter, and corresponds to the sixth Heaven, Vvhichis that of the Sun. Now, the first sovereign Intelligence which governs the grand luminary is the splendid and mitrhtv Raphael, t he House, of God. Nun in its aspect as a final corresponds to the sphere of Venus, which is also the seventh Heaven, and has 22 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. Hamel for its sovereign lord, who is the love, justice, and grace of God. Samech, the fifteenth letter, corre¬ sponds to the eighth. Heaven, which is that of the star Mercury, and is governed by Michael. The sixteenth letter is Gin, which is analogous~~to the ninth Heaven, the sphere of the Moon, governed by the messenger- intelligence Gabriel. The Astrologic and Astronomic worlds finish with this letter, and the succeeding sequence of arcane correspondences is concerned with the Ele¬ mentary Plane. Thus Ph6, the seventeenth letter of the Hebrew alpha¬ bet, has reference to the first of the mystical elements, which is held to be Fire, and its sovereign Intelligence is Seraphim. Phis final corresponds to the Air, which is the abode of the Sylphs, whose lord is Cherubim. TsadA the eighteenth letter, has reference to Water, which is the abode of the Nvjnphs. Now the Queen of the Nymphs is Tharsis. *Koph is the nineteenth letter; it is in correspondence witlTEarth, which is the sphere of the Gnomes, having ^rie] for its presiding Intelligence. f£esh, which is the twentieth letter, applies to the Anin 1 ajKingdom, including Man ; Schin corresponds to all vegetable substances, and Tam the last symbol of the Hebrew alphabet, refers to the world_of minerals.* Besides the celestial hosts, which are enumerated in the above tabulation, the mystical calculus of the Hebrews establishes the existence of other angelical sequences, as, for example, the angels who encompass the Great White Throne, and whose names are entirely extracted from three mysterious verses in the fourteenth chapter of Exodus. Such elaborations of a multitude of titles, by means of Kabbalistic computations, and their endowment with corresponding powers and formal periods of influence, were prized by rabbinical writers as con¬ taining the keys of the government of the universe. It is hardly on their own merits that we have included these speculations in a practical handbook of occultism, although they are almost venerated by a certain section * In this list, by some mischance, the rulers of the Air and of the Earth have become confused ; for Cherubim is usually referred to the latter element, and Ariel to the former. WHITE MAGIC. 23 of modern mystics. But they are vitally important as establishing the exact nature of Ivabbalistic conceptions concerning those worlds of invisible intelligences, whose outer fringes are contiguous to our own horizon, of which they had glimpses as we have, but of which they had little real knowledge, and could formulate no adequate hypothesis. The inadequacy of their speculation is em¬ barrassing to believers in the infallibility of the Hebrew mystics, but it offers no obstacle to those who are investi¬ gating the actual scope of ancient knowledge concerning the facts of psychology, and can distinguish the land¬ marks of true experimental progress amidst a wilderness of distraught speculations. __ The rites to be used in the conjuration of the more ex¬ alted intelligences are found in the “_ Key of Solomon. ” an excellent edition of which has been issued by MrJHathers. Intelligences of this nature are generically denominated angels, but they often partake of the character of supe¬ rior elementary spirits, and this is undoubtedly the case with most of those who are supposed to be controlled by the imprecations and threats of the Magus. An anonymous German work published at Frankfort in 1G86, and entitled Theosoj Ma Pne uma tica, appears to comprise in a comparatTvelysmall space the most satis¬ factory formulae for the invocation of the supremo angels. A translation in manuscript, made by D r J. M. Bi eder, having recently come into our hands, we have made itThe foundation of the citations which follow. Students will perceive that it is somewhat similar to the treatise by A rbate l on “ Magic.” The classifications and names of the angels, as they exist in this curious work, are not in correspondence with those which have been already given, but as it is acknowledged by the mystics that the true names — which is equivalent to saying, the real and ultimate natures—of all unseen beings are in¬ accessible to human research, importance should not be ascribed to any of the variations. Titular distinctions in matters of magical practice have little but literary utility. Once in the presence of an angel, it is said, the soul has no need of speech, much less of the ordinary methods of social address. 24 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. The magical treatise in question has the common dis¬ ability of all works of its age and class; its aspirations its intentions, and its practical value as a ritual must be sedulously separated from its crude philosophical setting. Whatever the spiritual knowledge attained by the Magus of old, it was seemingly insufficient to raise him above the intellectual limitations of his time, and it must ever be remembered that the modern scheme of mystical criticism which seeks to account for such obvious philo¬ sophical inadequacies as exist in the ancient mystics by assuming that, in spite of superior attainments, they condescended for concealed reasons to countenance current opinions, scientific or religious, is without any actual warrant in known fact. In “ Pneuma tic Magic,” the names of the angels are classified under thcTtitle of Olympian, or Celestial spirits, who abide in the firmament and the supre me constella¬ tions : “ it is their function to acknowledge the Fata and to administer the .inferior destinies. Each Olympic spirit accomplishes and teaches whatsoever is portended by the star in which he is insphered. Yet can he do nothing of his own power, nor without a special command from God. “ There are Seven-Stewards of Heaven by whom God is pleased to administrate the world. To wit: —Ara- tiiron, Bethor, Phaleg, Ooh, Hagith, Ophiel, Piiul. They are thus called in the Olympian language, and each of them has a numerous army and grand chivalry of the firmament. Arathron commands over 49 visible regions. Bethor Phaleg Och Hagith Ophiel Piiul “ The Olympic Regions are in all one hundred and ninety-six, over which the Seven Stewards extend their policy. The mysteries of these regions and of the firma¬ ments are explained in the sublime science of transcen- WHITE MAGIC. 25 dental astrology, and the means of establishing com¬ munication with the powers and principalities therein. “ Arath ron appears on a Saturday at the first hour, and gives a true answer for his regiomTand their inhabitants. So also with all the others, each at his own day and hour, and each presiding over a space of four hundr ed and nine ty y ears. The functions of Jlethox began in the fiftieth year before_the birth of Christ, and were extended' till the year of Chris£_430. Phaglo reigned till A.D. Q2Ch; Och till the year 1^410; Hagith will govern till A.D. lWO. The others shall follow irTsucces- sion. These intelligences are the stewards of all the elements, energising the firmament, and, with their armies, depending from each other in a regular hier¬ archy. “The names of the minor Olympian spirits are inter¬ preted in divers ways, but those alone are powerful which they themselves give, which are adapted to the end for which they have been summoned. Generically, they are called Astra, and their power is seldom pro¬ longed beyond one hundred and forty years. “ The heavens and their inhabitants come voluntarily to man and often serve against even the will of man, but how much more if we implore their ministry. That evil and troublesome spirits also approach men is accom¬ plished by the cunning of the devil, at times by con¬ juration or attraction, and frequently as a penalty for sins ; therefore, shall he who would abide in familiarity with celestial intelligences take pains to avoid every serious sin ; he shall diligently pray for the protection of God to vanquish the impediments and schemes of Diabolus, and God will ordain that the devil himself shall work to the direct profit of the Theosophist. “ Subject to Divine Providence, some spirits have power over pestilence and famine, some are destroyers of cities, like those of Sodom and Gomorrah, some arc rulers over kingdoms, some guardians of provinces, some of a single person. The spirits are the ministers of the Avord of God, of the Church and its members, or they serve creatures in material things, sometimes to the salvation of soul and body, or, again, to the ruin of 2G THE OCCULT SCIENCES. both. But nothing, good or bad, is done without know¬ ledge, order, and administration.” Aratbron is the celestial spirit o f Satur n; he can operate natural things prepared by astrologic al-influences; he may change everything into stone, whether animals or plants ; but they will preserve their exterior appear¬ ance. He changes treasures into coals and coals into treasures. He gives familiar spirits with definite power. He teaches alchemy, magic, and natural philosophy. He joins men to gnomes and earth spirits. He renders people invisible. He governs fertility and conception ; he teaches - the discovery of lead, its manipulation, and its change into gold. He teaches the art of curing the smaller animals of their diseases, such-as goats, poultry, &c. He gives intelligence of prisoners and- of sick people, despatches ministering spirits, who serve after his own manner, enlarges the understanding, gives ex¬ cellent advice on all elevating subjects, and is most exact in his calculations. He must be invoked on a Saturday, at the first hour of sunset in the increasing moon. Bethor administers the influence of Jupiter; he who carfobtain his assistance may rise to the highest dignities ; he dispenses treasures, subjects the spirits of the air to the Magus, ancTgfves a true answer. These intelligences carry all things, even precious stones, with marvellous medicines, "from one place to another. The spirit of Jupiter gives other ministering spirits of the firmament : he can extend life to se ven hundred years, God willing. He has subject to him forty-two kings, thirty-five princes, twenty-eight dukes, one-and-twenty counsellors, fourteen servants, seven messengers, and two thousand nine hundred legions of spirits; he instructs judges in the administration of eqqaljustice to the poor as well as to the rich; he inspires hisMagus with the love of justice, gives him true vision-haunted dxeams, andTassists in*the attainment of venerable functions and dignities. He gives understanding to the old, even to fools and idiots, strengthens the weak memory, beautifies men under his influence, endows them with eloquence before princes and the great of this world, and makes them gentle, WHITE MAGIC. 27 courteous, and noble; he gives a number of serving- spirits for various purposes; and he appoints ministering spirits to teach the manufacture of gold from tin. This princely angel is Good Fortune ipsa persond; he dispenses a profusion of gifts, especially of a spiritual kind; his ministers can bring the object of your desires even from India and other lands of the Orient; they teach distilla¬ tion from various herbs and roots, and the preparation all kinds of physics and spices. This spirit must be adjured on Monday in Pentecost at the first hour of sunrise. Phaley is the master of matters which are ascribed to MarS, but he is also a prince of peace; whosoever re¬ ceives his signum is exalted to supreme dignities. He teaches military science and medicine; how to judge and govern well, to find, extract, and manipulate iron, and how to manufacture gold. He must be called on a Tuesday at the first hour of sunrise, between seven and eight in the morning, and between two and three in the afternoon, during the in¬ creasing moon. Qch is a sovereign over things belonging to the sun ; he can extend life to six hundred years, insuring con¬ stant health and wisdom; he sends the most excellent angels, teaches a perfect medical science, can change anything into the purest gold, gives a purse in which gold grows, prepares the precious metal in the mountains during a long period, by alchemy in a briefer space, and by magic in a single moment. Whosoever receives his sign the kings of the earth must venerate as a divine being. He commands thirty-six thousand five hundred and thirty-six legions of spirits; he alone administers all things ; all intelligences serve him. He and his subjects seldom exalt anyone till they have attained middle age, neither can they impart the highest rank, but their advice is excellent in several matters, especially in medicine, including the cure of wounds caused by the bite of a snake, scorpion, or spider. The spirit of Sol must be invoked on a Sunday mornin g at su nrise. Hagith administrates in Venereal concerns. He makes 28 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. beautiful the being to whom he gives his sign, and en¬ dows him with physical grace. He changes copper into gold instantaneously, gives spirits full of faithful service, has four thousand legions of angels, with kings occasion¬ ally established over them—one over every thousand. He teaches the knowledge of herbs, plants, roots, and spices; he instructs in the arcana of health, skill, and beauty; he is the most rapid of all spirits ; he gives good counsellors, embroiderers, sempstresses in silk — the latter all neat and skilful.” He must lie invoked in the increasing moon, on a F riday, at the first hour of sunrise or sunset. Opiuel administers mercurial exceed one hundred thousand. He angels willingly, teaches all arts, and to whomsoever he gives his sign he imparts the power of instan¬ taneously extracting the philosophical stone out of mercu ry. From him you may learn astrology, the learned-professions, mining, alchemy, statuary, painting, the removal of mountains into the sea, the erection of bridges, the preparation of magic mirrors and other instruments, excellence in letter writing, editing, and penmanship ; also, elocution, jurisprudence, and inter¬ pretation of Holy Writ, judgment, and skill in all subtle arts. He must be adjured on a Wednesday, at the first hour/ things. His legions He gives good counsel, right of sunrise, and during the increasing moon. Phul administers all things belonging to the moon. Hcfcan change all metals into silver, heal dropsy, give Undines serving man in visible, corporeal shapes, and can lengthen life to three hundred years. You may obtain from him an angel, who is a phy sician, a philosopher, an artist, and a naturalist or transcendentalism He gives physic for the eyes, and remedies against vertigo, epilepsy and strabism, or presbitism. He grants also a good sight and reliable information on many subjects, including things future which are of a personal character. He is called on a Monday, at the first hour of sunrise, in the increasing moon. The ritual informs us that each of the Seven Celestial Stewards can operate after a number of methods, either WHITE MAGIC. 29 according to the common course of nature, or by the more arcane exercise of will-power, and that each can accom¬ plish in a very brief period what, without his interfer¬ ence, would require much time and preparation. Each of these intelligences must be invoked between seven and eight in the forenoon, or between two and three in the afternoon, on any day of the week, but solely in the hours which he governs, the moon being on the increase. An acquaintance with the names and offices of these spirits is by no means sufficient to enter into a state of correspondence with their exalted intelligence, and many preparations for the successful evocation of angels are described by the authority I have cited, of which some are methodically enumerated after the following fashion :— I. The Talmid (otherwise the Magus, in his earlier grade of initiation) shall ponder day and night on the method of attaining a true knowledge of God, not only by the Word which has been manifested from the beginning of the world, but also from the laws of the Cosmos, and the admirable practical secrets which may be learned from the study of the visible and invisible creatures of God. II. The Magus shall learn to know himself, to distinguish between his mortal and immortal parts, and the spheres to which they severally belong. III. By his immortal nature he shall study to love God, to adore and to fear him in spirit and in truth. But he must also in his mortal body endeavour to be useful to his neighbours, and glorify his maker. These are the highest commandments of Magic, by which you shall obtain the veritable Pneumatology through Divine Truth and Wisdom, and you shall be served by angelical crea¬ tures not only in secret, but publicly, and face to face. 30 THE OCCULT SCIENCES IV. As every one is destined from his mother’s womb to a certain commerce of life, the disciple should pause to consider whether he is born to Magic, and to what branch. By noting the measure oT success in the dif¬ ferent sections of operation, he may soon ascertain the second point. V. An intending Magus shall be disc reet an d faithful; he shall never reveal what he has been told by a spirit. Daniel was commanded to set a seal on several matters; Paul was forbidden to reveal what he beheld in his ecstasy. The importance of this ordination cannot be exaggerated. VI. Say very frequently with David :—Take not thy Holy Spirit of strength away from me. Lead me not into temptation. VII. Accustom yourself to the evocation of spirits. You cannot gather grapes from thorns, nor figs from thistles. Prove all things and hold fast that which is good. Avoid all that is contrary to the will of God. VIII. Avoid all superstition, which consists in the attribu¬ tion of divine power toYhings which are without divinity, and in the acceptation of divine service without a com¬ mand from God. The illusions, aLxliabolical magic, which arrogates to the prince of darkness the adoration due to God, are included under this name. IX. Avoid the deceitful imitations _o_f the devil, who, by the perversion of the theurgic powers concealed in the Word of God, becomes a fraudulent imitator of things which belong to God. WHITE MAGIC. 31 When these conditions have been fulfilled, and the operator proceeds to the practice, he should devote a special prefatory period to profound contemplation on the serious and sacred business which he has voluntarily taken in hand, and must labour to present himself before his Supreme Teacher with a pure heart, an undefiled mouth, and innocent hands : “ he must bathe his body and purge it from all uncleanness, wear newly washed garments, confess his sins, and abstain from wine, as well as all unchastity ” for the space of three days. He should also give alms to the poor, and when the eve of operation has at length arrived, he must dine moderately at noon, and sup on bread and water. Then on the following day, he must seek a retired and uncontamin¬ ated spot, where, free from observation, he can recite the prescribed invocations, e.g. : Prayer. Holy, Holy Father! Increase my faith and confirm me that I may believe stedfastly in Thy willingness to vouchsafe me that which I am now asking through Jesus Christ Thy Son. Amen. And further:— Almighty, Everlasting, Merciful God, who didst create all things to thine own honour and praise, and to the benefit of mankind, I pray Thee to send me the spirit Och— o f the race of the suns—in a visible form to teach me that which I would ask him, namely to give me a plain and brief instruction in the preparation of the angelic water, for the cure of all external and internal diseases in seven days.* That he may direct one of his spirits to visit me all the days of my life, giving true answers, and instructing me in all questions ( * Obiter nota: tlie angelic water in all seven metals in 6 pliilos : regenerated elixir and metalla potabilia mixed together. Ut si plumbum rcqcucratum est elixir plusquam in metsset respicemus Saturnam ct Aratliron ct Signn cjus cl liqucfactuvi est aqua fixa reliqua. And all metals solved, also discover their nature, so that also 6 and all other metals can be changed into gold in an instant —and gold which is good, right, and resisting all proofs. 32 THE OCCULT SCIENCE. and iii all matters on which I require information. Give me a docile heart to understand and remember^ also to apply my knowledge to Thy glory and the benefit of man. 0 Lord, take not Thy Holy Spirit from me, con¬ firm me in divine joy. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Holy, Holy Father, I pray Thee, do not abandon me to the spirit of untruth, as Thou didst give him power over Achab, but preserve me in thine own truth. In all things Thy will be done. Through Jesus Christ. A men. When the spiritual exaltation of the Magus has been accomplished by these and other prayers (varied of course to suit the purpose intended), and by various ceremonial practices, the spirit is, in magical language, compelled to appear. That is to say, the operator has passed into a condition when it would be as impossible for a spirit to remain invisible to him as for an ordinary mortal to conceal himself from our common sight, without an intervening shelter, in the blaze of a noon¬ day sun. When the angel has arrived, continues the Ritual, briefly make known what you wish, write down his answer ; do not ask more than three questions ; preserve what you learn in your memory, and consider it as sacred. As soon as your answer has been obtained, say to the angel:—“ Since thou didst come peacefully, thanks be to God the Lord, in whose name thou art commissioned, return now in peace unto thy rank and sphere, and come again when I invoke thee according to the order and functions which the Almighty has vouchsafed thee. Amen.” Thus we see that the magician of old who had any desire unfulfilled, by his knowledge of the different spiritual potencies and their respective functions, was able, by evoking that one whose powers corresponded to his own desire, to obtain whatever he sought. Whether such evocations are now practised, and if so to what WHITE MAGIC. 33 extent, it is impossible here to say, for probably the modern magician who attained such knowledge would have attained it only after such a novitiate as would render him unable or unwilling to disclose the facts. In¬ deed, it is the general opinion of modern occultists that the initiated mystic never disclosed anything except to his brother adepts, and that what has transpired in these matters has been through persons who failed in the process, but had advanced as far as a certain point. The theological literature of angelology is exceedingly extensive, and one of its most important developments j is that of St Thomas of Aquinas, who is called the angelical doctor. In general literature, perhaps the most curious work is Heywood’s “ Hierarchy of the ’ Blessed Angels,” which is a storehouse of curious re¬ search. Other works are “ De apparitionibus omnis generis I, \ Spirituum,” by the Jesuit, Peter Thyraeus, date 1 GOO , “ Pne uma talogia ; or, a Discourse of Angels, their Nature and Office or Ministry,” anonymous, 1701; but a methodical history of angelology has not yet been written. C WHITE MAGIC. THE EVOCATION OF THE SPIRITS OF THE ELEMENTS. T O the old magical doctrine of the Spirits of the Elements we owe some of the most graceful and enchanting fictions in literature. It supplied Pope with the supernatural machinery for his inimitable “ Rape of the Lock,” while an old Latin treatise of Paracelsus suggested the groundwork of “ Undine,” one of the most dainty and delicate of all German fairy tales. Oriental romance is also replete with the opera¬ tive wonders of these and kindred beings, for the Peris, Jinn, and Afreets of Arabian imaginative writers are substantially identical with Western conceptions con¬ cerning Elementary Spirits. The possible existence of such intelligences has been seriously debated even by the scientific writers of this epoch. In the “Unseen Universe” a chapter is filled with speculations as to the association of delicate cosmical processes in this visible universe with the operations of unseen intelligences residing within it. O O V The belief in the connection of personal agents -with the more startling natural phenomena is admitted to have been extensively prevalent during the middle ages, when imagination peopled the “ four elements ” with intelligences, normally unseen, “ some of them friendly to man, some of them his deadly enemies. They are powerful and conscious of their power, but at the same time profoundly and mournfully aware that they are without a soul. Their life depends upon the continu¬ ance of some natural object, and hence for them there is no immortality. Sometimes, however, an elementary spirit procures a soul by means of a loving union with one of the human race. At other times, the reverse 36 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. happens, and the soul of the mortal is lost, who, leaving the haunts of men, associates with those soulless, but often amiable and affectionate beings.” On the other hand, there are writers who, also at this day, believe, or profess to believe, that “ the planets of our system may be directed in their ‘ continualspeaking changes ’ by their several crowds of governing spirits ”— that “ spirits are everywhere the directors of matter ”— that “ there exist upon the earth reasonable creatures other than man, having like him a body and soul, being born and dying like him ”—that these are “ the forces of the wind, the fire, and the flood,”—that, in fact, what¬ ever superstition generated in the past, whatever im¬ agination has endowed with a habitation and a name, has an invisible but certain existence. The doctrine of planetary intelligences has been countenanced as hypo¬ thetically admissible even by Mr W. S. Lilly, who is one of the most cultured and thoughtful of later philosophical writers. The idea of living forces existing in the elements is" not merely of mediaeval, or even of Gnostic, origination, 1 for this belief was cherished in the earliest ages of the world’s history. As a proof of this we may instance two very ancient Accadian or early Assyrian Incantations, addressed to the Elements of Fire and of Water. The originals were translated by Mr Ernest Budge, the Egyptologist, and published in “ The Records of the Past.” The 108th chapter of the Ancient Egyptian “Ritual of the Dead,” the “ Per-M-Hru,” is called “ the Chapter of Knowing the Spirits of the West.” Several of the chapters which immediately follow are devoted to the knowledge of the Spirits of various denominations, the Spirits of the East, the Spirits of Tu, the Spirits of An,&c. Thus we see that the most ancient nations believed in the existence of certain living forces of Nature, whose chiefs they named and invoked ; and we shall find the same ideas prevalent in both the Scandinavian and the Indian mythology. The discriminating disciple of mysticism, however, while admitting the complete possibility of the existence WHITE MAGIC. 37 of intelligences both inferior and superior to humanity, will do well to remember that some of the elaborate hypotheses concerning them are devoid of scientific value, being structures equally clumsy and inadequate which have been based upon partial experiment. The most popular presentation of the doctrine of Elementary Spirits is found in a little book entitled the “ .Comte de Gabalis,” a work of the Abbe de Villars, pub¬ lished at the close of the last century. It possesses the merit—which is rare in a popular handbook—of being quite representative and accurate so far as it goes, and albeit so doubtful in its character as to have frequently passed for a satire, it is an excellent tract for citation within its individual lines. It is sufficient for our purpose to state—what is very generally known—that the four official elements have from time immemorial been supposed to swarm with a var iety of. on the w hole, sub-human intelligences, who are formally grouped into four hroarRspecies.—The air is inhabited by the amiable race of .Sylphs, the sea by the delightful and beautiful Undines, the earth by the industrious race of swarthy Gnomes, and the fire by the exalted and glorious nation of Salamanders, who arg. supreme in the elementary hierarchy. There is a close analogy in the natures of all these intelligences with the more lofty constitution of certain angelical choirs, for in the “ Compendious Apology for the Society called Rosicrucian,” written by Robert Fludd, it is stated that the Seraphim, Virtues, and Powers are of a fiery char¬ acter, the Cherubim are terrestrial, the Thrones and Archangels are aquatic, while the Dominations and Principalities are aerial. “ When you shall be lifted among the children of the philosophers,” says the ‘ Comte de Gabalis,’ “when your eyes shall have been fortified with the use of the most sacred medicine, you will immediately discover that the elements are inhabited by singularly perfect beings, of whose knowledge the sin of Adam hath deprived his most wretched posterity. Yon immense space which inter¬ venes between earth and heaven hath far more noble in¬ habitants than birds or gnats ; those vast seas have in- 38 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. numerable other guests than the whales and the dolphins ; the profundities of the earth are not for the moles alone, and the more noble element of fire was not created to remain void and useless. The air is full of an innumerable multitude of people of human fo rm, somewhat fierce in their aspect, but in dcali ty^Tru ctabfdTgreat lovers of science, excessively subtle, officious to the sages, and only hostile to the foolish and ignorant. Their wives and daughters are beauties of a masculine character, much after the manner of the Amazons. The seas and rivers are inhabited as well as the air, and the beings who fill them were denominated Nymphs or Undines by the antique doctors of wisdom. They beget but few males, but the women are abundant, they are ex¬ ceedingly beautiful, and the daughters of men cannot compare with them. The earth is populated to a short distance of its centre with gnomes, people of a low j stature, the guardians of buried treasure, of mines, and I of precious stones. They are ingenious, amicable to humanity, and commanded with facility. They supply the Children of the Sages with the money which they need, and desire no other wages for their labours but the glory of the service. The Gnomides, their wives, are diminutive but exceptionally pretty, and very quaint in attire. As to the .Salamanders, the igneous inhabit¬ ants of the fiery region, they serve the philosophers, but are not anxious to court their company, ancTtneir wives and daughters are rarely visible. The wives of the Salamanders are more beautiful than any of the rest, for their element is purer, and you will be more charmed with the beauty of their minds than even with their physical perfections. Yet you cannot but pity these hapless creatures when I tell you that their souls are mortal, and that they have no hopes of enjoying that Eternal Being whom they know and religiously adore. Composed of the purest parts of the elements which they inhabit, and having no contrary qualities, they subsist, it is true, for many ages, yet what is time in comparison with ever¬ lasting ? They must eventually return to the abyss of nothing. So much does this thought afflict them that it is frequently hard to console them. But God, whose WHITE MAGIC. 39 mercy is infinite, revealed to our fathers, the philo¬ sophers, a remedy for this evil. They learned that in the same manner that man by the alliance which he hath contracted with God has been made partaker of divinity, so may the Sylphs, Gnomes, Undines, and Salamanders, by an alliance with man be made partakers of immortal¬ ity, and of the bliss to which we aspire, when one of them is so happy as to be married to a sage, while Elementaries of the masculine kind can attain the same glorious end by effecting a union with the daughters of the human race. “ The Salamanders are composed of the most subtle parts of the sphere of fire, conglobated and organised by the universal fire, so called because it is the principle of all the motions of Nature. In the same manner, the Sylphs are composed of the purest atoms of air, Nymphs of the most ethereal particles of water, and Gnomes of the most refined earth. The primeval Adam was in correspondence with these perfect creatures, because being composed of the finest matters of the four ele ments, he contained in himself the physical perfectior of each of these four races, and was therefore theii natural king. But when sin had precipitated him among the excrements of the four elements, this har¬ mony was shattered, he became gross and impure, and\ no longer bore any proportion with these so pure and) subtile substances.” Though not definitely stated in the “ Comte de Gabalis,” it is obvious that the end of a magical communicatioiy with Elementary Spirits is to restore our Edenic correl spondence between man and the harmonial world of\ spirits, which in effect would be a restoration of the celestial condition of primordial humanity. Now the traditions of abonepnaT perfection and aureoline splen¬ dour may be possibly untrue for the past but they are certainly prophetic for the future ; they are the ultimate stag e of evolution forecast a t remote periods, and while taking form as reminiscences of a vanished glory, they are also a dim foreshadowing of a glory which is still to come. A recipe for the transfiguration of the Magus in the 40 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. direction of Salamandrine perfection is vouchsafed in the “ Comte de Gabalis ; it is completely unintelligible in its literal sense, while the unserious nature of the entire work will not reasonably warrant the supposition that it contains an arcane meaning, though it may be admitted that its wording is suggestive from the mysti¬ cal standpoint. The recipe is as follows :—If you would recover the empire over the Salamanders, purify and exalt the natural fire that is within you. Nothing is required for this purpose but the concentration of the Fire of the World by means of concave mirrors in a globe of glass. In that globe is formed a Solary Powder, which being of itself purified from the mixture of other elements, and being prepared according to be¬ comes in a very short time a sovereign process for the exaltation of the Fire that is within you, and will trans¬ mute you into an igneous nature. It is clear that a great part of the secret and mystery is in the nature of the mirrors and in the nature of the vessel of glass, and those who devote themselves to the unravelling of this Gordian Knot should direct their especial attention to these points, which, if allegory may be credibly assumed, should not be very far to seek. We are assured by the Abb6 de Yillars that by the use of this recipe the inhabitants of the Sphere of Fire will become our inferiors, and ravished to behold our mutual harmony restored, they will have the same love and friendship for us that they entertain for their own kind. Amidst the rich imagination of these fantastic reveries, the student will do well to remember that the experi¬ ments of the old magicians brought them into communica¬ tion with many classes of extra-mundane intelligence, and that they elaborated many hypotheses to account for them. But it must be further recollected that among Ele¬ mental Spirits themselves there exist many classes and natures in each category. For instance; in the case of the Fire-Spirits there are those which are friendly, hostile, and neutral as regards men; there are those which are compounded of a purer essence, partaking of the nature WHITE MAGIC. 41 of the lower angels without being exactly of their genus; there are those which are violent and cruel, approximat¬ ing to a demoniac nature, and whose tendency is to stir up wrath, hatred, and envy. Then there are those again which are pure living Spirits of Flame, operating in all things of a fiery nature, and directing the currents of that element. Besides all these there are those which more resemble the Spirits of fairy-lore, and which may, perhaps, be best described as a species of igneous man¬ kind having a more physical organisation than certain of the other classes. Yet, again, there are certain whose natures form a link between the Spiritual World and the Vegetable Kingdom; others again control the fiery nature in the Mineral World; and others are Volcanic in nature and operation, whence they were called by certain of the mediaeval writers “ ^Etneans.” But even these classes are but few in comparison with the enormous number of subdivisions in each Element alone. And, besides this, it must be remembered that there are all the millions upon millions of Elemental Spirits of the Planets, of-tho-Zodiac, and of the Fixed Stars; so that the mind is bewildered in the endeavour to trace out fully all the classes even under one Element. Then in each Element there are Spirits partaking of all forms,j mixed and simple, of the Animal Kingdom, every formj of bird, beast, fish, reptile, and insect, sometimes in the simple form, but more often compounded with each other and with Man :— e.g., a frequent form of certain Fire- Spirits is a compound of a Man, a Lion, and a Serpent. Some of the most repulsive of the Elemental forms, how¬ ever, are the various compounds of huge insect or crus¬ tacean forms with either human or animal heads. Such are veritable nightmares, and Darwin’s “ missing link ” seems to be easily discoverable on the Elemental plane. The snakes, dogs, and insects, seen by some sufferers from “ delirium tremens,'” are—according to a modern occultist —simply forms taken by some of the lowest Elementals who have been attracted to the drink-sodden atmosphere of the habitual drunkard, following the same law by which vultures and jackals are drawn to rotting and putrefying carrion. Yet, nevertheless, it would be just 42 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. as incorrect to call even the lowest and worst of the Elenientals “ devils,” as to say that a Scorpion or an Adder was really a fiend. Another and more difficult matter to grasp, regarding the Elemental Spirits, is that they partake only of the nature of one Element respectively, and that in that Element they can live, breathe, and move; but that another Element, and especially one opposite in nature, is to them a bar and obstacle. Though the evocation of Elementary Spirits was an important part of theurgic practice during the middle ages, we are unacquainted with any ritual which expounds the method of communicating “with - these intelligences in any complete way. A considerable section of so-called angelical magic was in reality devoted to the control of the Spirits of the Air, who are the Sylphs of Paracel sian mythology, and it is frequently hard to distinguish be¬ tween the angels and the ‘ elementaries ’ of old writers on account of this uniform confusion. Much of the Black Magic of the past was also undoubtedly concerned with the lower hierarchies of Nature Spirits, and just as the “Comte de Gabalis” identifies the gracious creations of the classic Pantheon-—its Astartes, Dianas, and Egerias with the beautiful tribe of Nymphs—so did the devils of the Sabbath, by a variety of characters and qualities, approach the lowest of the elementals, and had actually but little that was in common with the thunderstruck angels of orthodox Christian theology. A method for the interrogation and government of elementary intelligences is given in the initiations of Eliphas Levi; but the source of its extraction is un¬ named, and it is of a very fragmentary nature. It is, however, the most available of its kind, and, with a few supplementary recipes, may be sufficient for practical purposes. To dominate the Elementary Spirits, and become thus the king of The occult elements, it is necessary, says the last of the French initiates, to experience the four trials o f antiqu e initia tion ; a nd, as these initiations exist no longer, they must be supplied by'analogous processes; WHITE MAGIC. 43 as, for instance, by exposing oneself with courage in a burning house, by crossing a precipice on a plank or the trunk of a tree; by ascending a perpendicular mountain in a storm; and by vigorously plunging through a cas¬ cade or dangerous whirlpool. He who is afraid of the water will never reign over the Undines ; he who shrinks from the flames will never command Salamanders; let him who is subject to vertigo leave the Sylphs in peace, and forbear from irritating the Gnomes, for inferior spirits will obey no power which has not asserted its supremacy in their own individual element. When courage and indomitable energy have acquired this incon testab le power, the Logos of will-force must be imposed on the elements by particular consecrations of air, fire, earth, and water, this being the indispens¬ able beginning of all magical operations. The air js_ exorcised by the sufflation of the four cardinal points, the recitation of the Prayer of the Sylphs and the following formula :-V-The Spirit of God moved upon the water, and breathed into the nostrils of man the breath of life. Be Michael my leader and be Sabtabiel my servant, in the name and by the virtue of light. Be the power of the word in my breath, and I will govern the spirits of this creature of Air, and by the will of my soul, I will restrain the steeds of the sun, and by the thought of my mind, and by the apple of my right eye. I exorcise thee, 0 creature of Air, by the Pentagrammaton, and in the name Tetragrammaton, wherein are steadfast will and well directed faith. Amen. Sela. So be it* -iLatcr is exorcised by the laying on of hands, by breathing, and by speech, mixing consecrated salt with a little of the ash which is left in the incense pan. The aspergillus is made of branches of vervain, periwinkle, sage, mint, ash, and basil, tied by a thread taken from a virgin’s distaff, with a handle of hazelwood which has never borne fruit, and on which the characters of the seven spirits must be graved with the magic awl. The salt and ashes of the incense must be separately conse¬ crated. The Prayer of the Undines should follow. Fire is exorcised by casting salt, incense, white resin, 44 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. camphor, and sulphur therein, and by thrice pronounc¬ ing the three names of the Genii of fire —Michael, king of the sun and of the lightning; Samael, king of volcanoes; and Anael, king of the Astral Light; then by reciting the prayer of the Salamanders. The earth is exorcised by the sprinkling of water, by breathing, and by fire, with the perfumes proper to each day, and the prayer of the Gnomes. It must be borne in mind that the special kingdom of the Gnomes is at the north, that of the Salamanders at thejsouth, that of The S ylphs at the east, and that of the Undines at the west. They influence the four tempera¬ ments of man, that is to say, the Gnomes influence the melancholic, Salamanders the sanguine, Undines the phlegmatic, and Sylphs thejbilious; Their signs are—- the hieroglyphs of the Bull for the Gnomes, who are commanded with the magic sword ; of the Lion for the Salamanders, who are commanded with thtTforked rod, or magic trident; of the-Ea gle f or the Sylphs, who are ruled by the noly pentacles; and, finally, of Aquarius for the Undinesuwhoare evoked by the cup of libations. Their respective sovereigns are Gob for the Gnomes, Djin for the Salamanders, Paralda for the Sylphs, and Necksa for the Undines. Like so much of occult nomenclature, these names are of a generic and arbitrary kind, and appear to be devoid of real importance; in the present instance, they are borrowed from folk-lore. It must be remembered that the words “Elemental” and “ Elementary ” are not exactly convertible terms ; as the lattefTs'frequently used by “ theosophists ” to denote the astral remains, or “shell,” of a deceased person who has led a gross and evil life on earth, and whose vanishing personality remains for some time in the earth atmosphere, seeking to annoy the living. When an elementary spirit torments, or, at any rate, troubles, the inhabitants of this world, continues Eliphas Levi, it must be adjured by air, water, fire, and earth, by breathing, sprinkling, the burning of perfumes, and by tracing on the ground the Star of Solomon and the sacred Pentagram. These figures should be absolutely WHITE MAGIC. 45 correct, and drawn either with the ash of consecrated fire, or with a reed soaked in various colours, mixed with pulverised loadstone. Then, holding the pentacle of Solomon in the hand, and taking up by turns the sword, rod, and cup, the Conjuration of the Four should be repeated. This Conjuration should be preceded and terminated with the sign of the cross, made after the Kabbalistic manner. Raising the hand to the forehead, the Magus should say : “ Thine is,” then, bringing it to the breast, “ the kingdom;” transferring it to the left shoulder, “justice finally, to the right shoulder, “ and mercy then, joining both hands, “ through the generating ages.” To conquer and subjugate the elementary spirits, we must never be gui lty of the faults which are their charac-n teristics. "Never will a capricious and changeable mind be able to rule the Sylphs. Never will a soft, cold, and ' fickle disposition be qualified to govern the Undines ; anger irritates the Salamanders, and gross covetousness makes those whom it enslaves the sport and plaything of the Gnomes. But we must be prompt and active, like the Sylphs; pliant and observant as the Undines; energetic and strong like the Salamanders ; laborious and patient, like the Gnomes: in a word, we must overcome them in their strength without ever being overcome by j their weakness. — Mediaeval magic abounds with the histories of familiar spirits attached to the persons of magicians, and frequently performing their comiffands without any apparent re¬ ward, and without exacting from their mortal master any of the spiritual sacrifices which are usually supposed to be required from dealers with the infernal world. The evidential value of these histories has been weakened with time, but they are absolutely paralleled in the wonders of modern Spiritualism, and there is a mass of contemporary testimony in affirmation of a domestic ministry of unseen intelligences, who in their characters and performances are substantially identical with the familiar spirits of the past. The ritual for the evocation of familiars is therefore not to be identified with infernal 46 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. magic; current psychology would regard it as a com¬ munion with the souls of the dead, an opinion which is wholly in conflict with the consensus of mystical author¬ ity, and from the standpoint of historic magic, it seems safe on the whole to include it as a part of elemental practice. The following antique ceremonial for the control of familiars may he therefore recorded here. Fix, in the first place, upon a spot proper for thy purpose, which must be either a subterranean vault, hung round with black, and lighted by a magical torch; or else in the centre of some thick wood or desert, or upon some extensive, unfrequented plain; or amidst the ruins of ancient castles, abbeys, monasteries, &c., or amongst the rocks on the sea-shore; in some private detached churchyard, or any other solemn, melancholy place, between the hours of twelve and one in the night, either when the moon shines very bright, or else when the elements are disturbed with storms of thunder, lightning, wind, and rain; for in these places, times, and seasons, it is contended that spirits can with less difficulty manifest themselves to mortal eyes, and continue visible with the least pain in this elemental world. When the proper time and place are fixed on, a magic circle is to be formed, within which the master and his associates, to the number of three all told, are carefully to retire. The dimensions of the circle are as follows. A piece of ground is usually chosen nine feet square, at the full extent of which parallel lines are drawn one within another, having sundry crosses and tria- angles described between them, close to which is formed the first or outer circle; then, about half a foot within the same, a second circle is described ; and within that another square correspondent to the first, the centre of which is the seal or spot where the master and associates are to be placed. The vacancies formed by the various lines and angles of the figure are filled up with all the holy names of God. The reasons assigned by magicians and others for the institution and use of circles is, that so much ground being blessed and consecrated by such holy words arid WHITE MAGIC. 47 \ 1 ceremonies as they make use of in forming it, hath a secret force to expel all evil spirits from the bounds thereof; andTbefrig sprinkled with pure, sanctified water, the ground is purified from all uncleanness. Moreover, the holy names of God being written over every part of it, its force becomes so powerful that no evil spirit, if such should appear, hath ability to break through it, or to get at the magician and his companions, by reason of the antipathy in nature they bear to these sacred names. And the reason given for the triangle is, that if a spirit be not easily brought to speak the truth, he may be con¬ jured by the Exorcist to enter the same, where, by virtue of the names of the Essence and Divinity of God, he can speak nothing but what is true and right. The circle therefore is the principal fort and shield of the magician, from which he is not, at the peril of his life, to depart till he has completely dismissed the spirit. The usual form of consecrating the circle is as follows : —I, who am the servant of the Highest, do, by the virtue of his Holy Name Immanuel, sanctify unto my¬ self the circumference of nine feet about me, from the east, Glavrab; from the west, -Garron ; from the north, Cabon; from the south, Berith; which ground I take for my proper defence from all malignant spirits, that they may have no power over my soul or body, nor come beyond these limitations, but that, being summoned, each spirit may answer truly, without dar¬ ing to transgress their bounds. The proper attire, or pontifical, of a magician is an ephod made of fine white linen, over that a priestly robe of black bombazine, reaching to the ground, with the two seals of the earth, drawn correctly upon virgin parchment, and affixed to the breast of his outer vest¬ ment. Round his waist is tied a broad consecrated girdle, with the names Ya, Ya, Aie, Aiae, Elibra ►J* Elohim Sadai *£■ Pah Adonai tuo robore ^ cinctus sum Upon his shoes must be written Tetra- grammaton, with crosses round about; upon his head he must wear a high-crown hat of sable silk; and in his hands must be a Bible, printed or written in pure Hebrew. When all these things are prepared, when the 48 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. circle is drawn, the ground consecrated, and the Exorcist securely placed within the circle, he proceeds to call up or conjure the spirit by his proper name. The forms of conjuration most commonly appear in the first instance under a ferocious and frightful guise, which is evidence that, whatever their nature, they are not of a kind to be trusted, but if the intention of the Magus be consciously divested of the desire to communicate with the abyss, an infernal spirit would not usually, on the magical hypothesis, be able to disguise himself as an elementary or a mere familiar. All submundane spirits are variable and inclined to deceit, but when properly subjected are said to be frequent and officious ; they more or less require certain conciliatory offerings, such as fumiga¬ tions, odours, incense, and other ingredients; the bloody sacrifices which are occasionally enjoined are rites of a detestable nature, and should never be attempted. The Exorcist, in all cases, must be greatly upon his guard, and when he has completed the exorcism, and made such inquiries as he wished to obtain from the spirit, he must carefully discharge him by some form like the following:— “ Because thou hast diligently answered my demands, and been ready to come at my first call, I do here license thee to depart unto thy proper place, without injury or danger to man or beast; depart, I say, and be ever ready at my call, being duly exorcised and conj ured by sacred rites and magic; I charge thee to withdraw with quiet and peace ; and peace be continued betwixt me and thee, in the name,” &c. The magician must remain within the boundary of the circle until all signs of the spirit’s presence have passed away. Then he may venture to withdraw, repeating the Lord’s prayer; after which, concludes this ritual, he may take up the various utensils, and, having destroyed all traces of the circle, may return in safety to his proper home. According to an authority “ The pre¬ valence of the black colour in the requisites for the above ceremony shows that the elementals communicated with would be of the nature of the Earth, and of Saturn ; WHITE MAGIC. 49 and consequently that they might show themselves in¬ clined to he obnoxious to the Evocator.” As there is no complete ritual for the evocation of ele¬ mentary spirits, so there is no formal treatise devoted to the doctrine itself, with the sole exception of the Comte de Gabalis. The basis of this belief is in folk-lore, and it is there that the most information will be gathered; but Burton’s “ Anatomy of Melancholy,” and Heywood’s “Hierarchy of the Blessed Angels,” may be both in¬ cidentally consulted. D BLACK MAGIC. THE EVOCATION OF DEMONS. A N exceedingly large proportion of mystical pneui matology was concerned with the devildom or orthodox Christian theologians, and, the discreet reticence of modern mystics notwithstanding, it is better to face this fact. Much that passed current in the west as White ( i.e. permissible) Magic was only a disguised goeticism, and many of the resplendent angels invoked with divine rites reveal their cloven hoofs. It is not too much to say that a large majority of past psycho¬ logical experiments were conducted to establish com¬ munication with demons, and that for unlawful purposes. The popular conceptions concerning the diabolical spheres, which have been all accredited by magic, may have been gross exaggerations of fact concerning rudi¬ mentary and perverse intelligences, but the wilful viciousness of the communicants is substantially un¬ touched thereby. It is universally recognised by all the Christian mystics and magical hierophants, that the demons are | fallen angels ; and they are in substantial agreement with orthodox theology as to the nature and cause of their fall. Some fix it before the creation of the physical world, some on the second day of the creation. Their conceptions on the subject are quite as inadequate as anything that is offered by theology. It would be interesting to trace the demonological hypothesis from its extreme Oriental origin to its gruesome mediaeval elaborations, to establish by philological and historical facts the true nature of the fontal conception of demons, and to distinguish between the demon of Socrates and the fiend of the Black Sabbath, but the inquiry is beyond 52 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. our scope. It is sufficient to state that the word “ demon ” \did not anciently imply, of necessity, a spirit of evil nature, and that the Doctrine of Devils passed over with the rest of a doubtful inh eritance from the Jewish to the Christian systems, and the classification of the angelical hierarchies was counterbalanced by a classifica¬ tion of the masters and hosts of the great abyss. Agrippa affirms that the lost angels are equal in number to those who retained their first estate, and that they are also divided into nine formal hierarchies. Wierus, who was his disciple, has furnished a tabu : lated statement of the whole Satanic monarchy, with the names and the surnames of seventy-two princes and a myriad of smaller devils. It appears from this tabulation that the throne of Infernus has passed from the possession of the genuine and aboriginal serpent, Satan, and that Beelzebub reigns in his place, the entire disposition being made after the following manner:— Princes and Grand Dignitaries. Beelzebub, supreme chief of the Infernal Court and Empire, and Founder of the Order of the Fly. Satan, Leader of the Opposition. Eubonymus, Prince of Death, Grand Cross of the Order of the Fly. Moloch, Lord of the Land of Tears, Grand Cross of the Order. Pluto, Lord of Fire. Leonard, Grand Master of the Sabbath, Knight of the Fly. Baalberith, Master of Alliances. Proserpine, Arch-she-fiend, sovereign princess of the perverse spirits. Ministers. Adramaleck, Lord High Chancellor, Grand Cross of the Order of the Fly. Astaroth, Lord High Treasurer. Nergal, Chief of the Secret Police. Baal, Commander-in-Chief of the infernal armies, Grand Cross of the Order of the Fly. Leviathan, Lord High Admiral, Knight of the Fly. BLACK MAGIC. 53 Ambassadors. Belphegor, Ambassador in France. Mammon, Ambassador in England. Belial, Ambassador in Turkey. Rimmon, Ambassador in Russia. Thamuz, Ambassador in Spain. Hutgin, Ambassador in Italy. Martinet, Ambassador in Switzerland. Judge. Lucifer, Lord Chief Justice. Alastor, Commissioner of Public Works. Royal Household. Verdelet, Master of Ceremonies. Succor-Benoth, Chief of the Eunuchs. Chamos, Grand Chamberlain, Knight of the Fly. Melchom, Paymaster. Misroch, Chief Steward. Behemoth, Dagon, Mullin, First Valet-de-Chambre. Masters of the Revels. Kobal, Stage Manager. Asmodeus, Superintendent of Playhouses. Nybbas, Antichrist, Juggler and Necromancer. In a perfectly phenomenal work, a record of personal experiences in all species of deviltry, written in the first quarter of the present century by Alexis-Vincent Charles Berbiguier de Terre-Neuve du Thym, and quaintly entitled “ Les Farfad ets; or, all Demons are not of the Other World,” the author'-affirms-thaEthaCourt of- Hell had human emissaries and representatives in a number of great cities, and even enumerates persons, apparently his actual contemporaries, who occupied posts in the viceroyalty of eternal perdition. Amidst the superstition, the stupidity, the malice, and 54 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. perversity of goetic experiments, we may recognise the ex¬ istence of one central truth ,jwk.iclLi^of great importance in rational mysticism ,TEe existence of ajctassTof intelli¬ gences in the extra-mundane spheres, whose natures are gross, formless, and undeveloped, or have been developed alorrg-the~lines-of that intense-spiritual malice which is commonly identified with the essential nature of devils. The hypotheses and the formal tabulations of the grand¬ masters of mediaeval demonology — of Agrippa and Wierus, of Bodin, Delancre, and Delrio—have little value except from the archaeological standpoint, and as otherwise unheard-of curiosities ; that is to say, they have nothing in themselves to recommend them, and as doc¬ trinal extensions of alleged facts, they cannot be con¬ sistently resuscitated along with revived mysticism, which is concerned with the facts alone, and not with fantastic explanations. It may be concluded from the tenour of the foregoing remarks that the holy horror of Black Magic which is entertained by the modern apostles of mysticism is in the main well-founded; but, nevertheless, much non¬ sense has been written on the subject of the darker side of the transcendental art, and many exaggerated notions have been propagated concerning the infernal branch of mystic practice. Sometimes these exaggera¬ tions take the form of distinct, and, it would seem, of wilful perversions. Eliphas L6vi is the prophet of modern 1 mysticism, one of the most finished mystics of all the Christian centuries, though probably no person who has entered into “that great magic chain which began with Hermes or Enoch, and will only end with the world,” had ultimately not only a less belief, but a more profound disdain for all pneumatic theorems. Indeed he has considerably blackened the Black Art by sensational pseudo citations which do not exist in the works from which he proposes to quote.* * It is suggested that Eliphas Levi, as one who was acquainted with the real and awful dangers of black magic, was determined to confuse and mislead the ill-intentioned dabbler by all possible methods, including false quotations. BLACK MAGIC. 55 The “ Grimorium Verum ” and the “ Grand Grimoire ” divide with the “ Grimoire of Pope Honorius ” the doubtful honour of being the official text-books of mediaeval black magic. Their contents are reprehen¬ sible enough, and there is no need to intensify their motive by vitiated selections, and by interpreting the recipes which they contain in an unwarranted sense. The most noticeable feature of the Grimoires, and of the science which they represent, is their utter futility, the immense expenditure of elaborate liturgic and ritual¬ istic energy for the smallest possible result. Black magic offers to its possessor absolutely no power with which the permissible branches of Magic are unable, by their claim, to endow him, and it is for the most part little more than an ignorant, stupid, and grossly superstitious perversion of the “ white ” art. Why should it be necessary to call up the devils of hell, to invoke every intelligence of the abyss, from Bel and the Dragon to Astaroth and Lucifer, merely to obtain possession of a hidden treasure 1 Now, the concealed money bags of dead misers represent the utmost altitude of the ambition of average black magi¬ cians. Why should the wizard barter both body and soul, and bind himself, with bloody parchments, to the infernal hierarchy simply to acquire the material riches which the less nocuous sister art pretends to dispense generously through the harmless and uncovetous hands of Gnomes and Nature Spirits 'l * It would appear that in mediaeval times the doctrine of Nature Spirits, partly derived from the classical mythology of Rome, partly from the aboriginal reli¬ gions of the Teutons, and partly from the Arabian lore which at an early period penetrated into Europe, became confused with the orthodox doctrine con¬ cerning the lost angels. More correctly, the indis¬ criminate condemnation of all branches of magic by victorious Christianity resulted in the identification of the elementary intelligences with the minor hordes of devils, and this grotesque classification was accepted by * A distinction should, however, be made between the mere sorcerer and the veritable Black Magician. The latter was ambitious of far different possessions than the miser’s money bags. 56 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. the black magicians, who expected to obtain their desires with greater facility from the fiends than from other classes of invisible beings. This opinion was completely accredited by the theology of the period, for the uni¬ versal diffusion of devildom, the practical omnipotence of Satan, and his extreme readiness to distribute the kingdoms of the earth, with all their pomps and vanities, to those who would fall down and adore him, were doctrines untiringly taught by the Latin church. The orthodox views concerning demonology have lapsed into deserved discredit; the system of infernal magic erected on their foundation has sunk with them into irretrievable oblivion; rudimentary, retrogressive, and malevolent intelligences may indeed exist among the peoples of the illimitable world invisible, and with these it may be possible to communicate, but not on the lines, not with the alleged results, and not with the involved penalties of the black rituals. Were it otherwise, their reproduction at the present day, when all classes of mystical experiment are obtaining a certain credence, and exciting curiosity not unmixed with reverence, would be little short of criminal. But, unlike the beliefs and the practices connected with lawful magic, they be¬ long to an order of ideas which has utterly passed away ; they are the dead branch of the living tree of occultism, and it is only their archaic interest, and the high place to which they are entitled among the curiosities of effete superstition, that warrant their consideration in any comprehensive statement of the whole scope of esoteric science. Many of the practices taught in the “ Grimoiresare, however, comparatively harmless ; on the other hand, many of the experiments contained in legitimate rituals border closely on Black Magic—those which are concerned with bloody sacrifices, a survival of Judaism and of Hellenic theurgy, being specially open to objection. The garbage, trickery, and rubbish of the “Grimoires” is the most noticeable feature which concerns them. Filthy physical processes for the recovery of female purity, re¬ volting recipes for procuring invisibility by devouring the boiled bones of dead black cats, directions for the BLACK MAGIC. 57 composition of aphrodisiacal potions, and other refuse from the gutters of superstition, combine with grotesque and commonly impossible formulae for the evocation of “ the grand Lucifuge,” and written compacts for the sale of the souls of men for small premiums to the tenants of perdition. It is impossible to interpret the “ Grimoires ” in any serious manner; diabolical practices are invariably pre¬ faced by long and solemn prayers which insist on the purity of the magician’s intention, and on his fixed resolve to belong irrevocably to God. The most sacred rites of the church are practised as required prelimi¬ naries, and the authors are apparently guiltless of any conscious profanation in the matter. When the supreme moment of evocation at length arrives, when the masses have been said, when the long fasts have finished, when the celebrant has divested himself of all impure desires, and has preserved his body from all sexual defilement for a prescribed time, when at length he determines to invoke the devil, it is generally evident that he intends to trick the fiends; he possesses the words which master them ; he can torture them with his magic wand ; he can bully them into compliance with his demands ; he treats them uniformly as fools. When he sells them his sold, he deceives them by an obvious play upon words; and the devil departs contented, while his evoker chuckles at his hoax, and completes his grotesque performance by a determination to devote himself to good deeds, to distri¬ bute the buried treasures he has unearthed by the fiend’s help among the poor of Christ, while his familiar is put oft’ with a paltry coin on the first day of the month. Such is Infernal Magic ! Such is the art or science on which some modern mystics expend their anathemas ! Should there be anyone sufficiently imbecile to de¬ sire to revive this truly awful art, it will be well to remind him that it can only be put in practice by a believer in the Catholic church.* The belief in that system must be at once real and strong, and it is an absolutely vital condition. “ The evokers of the devil * That is to say, a complete materialist, believing only in the evidence of the senses, could not succeed, and a true Catholic would not try. 58 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. •must before all things belong to a religion which believes ' in a devil who is the rival of God ; ” and as all ceremonial, more especially from the magical standpoint, is ineffectual apart from faith, those who undertake to make use of rites borrowed from the Roman church, and to invoke divine names which are the property of that church, must themselves have embraced it, and that in all sin¬ cerity. When this condition has been fulfilled, which is certainly a difficult feat for the mystic of modern times, the postulant in the carnal synagogue of black magic will have to legislate as best he may for compliance with the substantially impossible directions which will be presently cited. Black Magic in its esoteric aspect is a barbarous per¬ version of legitimate mystic science. The conditions of success in infernal evocations have been defined by L6vi jas follows :—1. Invincible obstinacy. 2. A conscience at /once hardened by crime and most subject to remorse and (terror. 3. Affected or natural ignorance. 4. Blind faith in eveiything incredible. 5. A completely false notion of God. Stripped of its grotesque and inhuman ceremonial, m,nd considered simply in its intention and result, the diabolising of the human soul is at once its condition and end. AYhen the frightful transformation is completed, the abandoned operator receives, even by the terms of his science, absolutely no return. Every practical power, as we have before stated, which Black Magic can at the utmost offer to its initiates is guaranteed with tenfold additional capacity, on ten times stronger authority, and in an infinitely simpler way, by the branch which is denominated Divine. “ To be a Christian is hard,” said the impressed but vacillating pagan, and the heights of mystical sanctity are also laborious in the ascent, but the apex of adeptship is far more easily attained by the humanity which is called thereto, than is the diabolical condition which the Black Magic that is behind Black Magic requires of its professors. The true nature of the pseudo-science of the “ Grirn- oires ” having been thus defined, we may proceed to a brief consideration of their archaic curiosities. BLACK MAGIC. 59 Abstinence from every species of impurity must be ob¬ served for the space of an entire quarter of the moon ; a pledge must be given to the “ grand Adonay,” who is the master of allspirits, that the number of daily collations shall not exceed two, and that they shall be prefaced by prayer during the whole of the term prescribed. The operator, moreover, must disrobe as seldom, and sleep as little, as possible, but he must meditate continually on his undertaking, and centre all his hopes in the infinite goodness of the divine Adonay. The “ Grimoires ” are so full of deceptions and mystifications that it is frequently difficult to pronounce with any certainty upon their real meaning, but it would appear to be God whom they desig¬ nate under his name Adonay, and not some master-fiend who is invested with the title of Deity. The invocation of Lucifer must be distinguished from his worship, which we have not found in the rituals of black magic. According to the “ Grand Grimoire,” the materials required for evocation are a stone made of red enamel, and called ematille, which, it is said, can be purchased from a druggist; a virgin kid, which must be crowned with vervain and decapitated on the third day of the moon; and a forked branch of a wild hazel which has never borne fruit, and which must be cut on the day of evocation, when the sun is just rising. A piece of wood must be fashioned to a size corresponding with one end of the fork of the genuine rod, and must be taken to a locksmith that he may hoop the two little branches with the steel blade with which the victim was slain, taking care that the ends are slightly pointed when they are fitted to the wood. The whole being executed after this manner, the Magus may return home and adjust the before-mentioned hoop with his own hands to the genuine rod. Subsequently, he must ' obtain a piece of loadstone to magnetise the two points, at which time he must pronounce the following words :— “ By the grand Adonay, Eloim, Ariel, and Jehovah, I bid thee be united to, and I bid thee attract all sub- i stances which I shall require through the might of sub¬ lime Adonay, Eloim, Ariel, and Jehovam. I com- 60 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. mand thee, by the antagonism of fire and water, to separate all substances as they were separated on the day of the world’s creation. Amen.” When these matters have been accomplished, the operator may be convinced that in the “ Blasting Rod ” (which is the name given to the instrument) he is in possession of a most priceless treasure. The place of evocation must be a forlorn and isolated spot, and the time night. Thither he must transport the rod, the skin of the kid, the stone called ematille, two vervain crowns, together with two candlesticks and as many candles of virgin wax, made by a virgin girl, and duly blessed. He must take also a new steel and two new flints, with sufficient tinder to kindle a fire, like¬ wise the half of a bottle of brandy, some consecrated incense and camphor, and four nails from the coffin of a dead child. The grea t Kabbalistic circle must be formed with strips of the kid’s skin, made fast to the ground by means of the four nails. Then, with the stone called ematille, a triangle must be traced within the circle, be¬ ginning at the eastern point. In the centre of this figure the operator must take up his place; he must deposit the two candlesticks and the two vervain crowns on the right and left of the triangle. The candles should then be lighted, and a brazier, which must be in front of the operator, must be heaped up with charcoal of willow- wood, and kindled with the help of a small quantity of the brandy and a part of the camphor, the rest being- reserved for the periodical renewal of the fire in propor¬ tion to the length of the business. Many conjurations are given in the rituals, and these are to be used in succession till the apparition of the spirit is obtained. The most powerful, as it is also apparently the most senseless, may be cited as a speci¬ men of the whole. Grand Conjuration. (Extracted from the veritable Clavicle.) “I adjure thee, O Spirit! by the power, of the great Adonay, to appear instanter, and by Eloim, by Ariel, by BLACK MAGIC. 61 Jehovam, by Agla, Tagla, Mathon, Oarios, Almouzin, Arios, Membrot, Yarios, Pythona, Magots, Salphae, I Gabots, Salamandra, Tabots, Gnomus, Terra, Coelis, Godens, Aqua, Gingua, Janna, Etitnamus, Zariatnatmit, &c., A. . E. . A. . J. . A. . T. . M. . 0.. A. . A. . M. . V. . P. . M. . S. . C. . S. . T. . G. . T. . C. . G. . A. . G. . J. . F. . Z. . &c.” The manifestation of the spirit is guaranteed after a second repetition of these sublime words, when the oper¬ ator may demand what he requires, and enforce it by the terrors of the Blasting Rod, which tortures all Internals when it is plunged into the consecrated flame. The demon is generally ordered to discover the nearest buried treasure, which is done on the condition that the secret is kept inviolate, that the Magus is charitable to the poor, and that he receives a gold or silver coin on the first day of every month. If the operator was deterred by the extreme difficulty of complying with the ceremonial requirements of Black Magic, but not dismayed by the character of its pro¬ ceedings, his masters in infernal knowledge could provide him with a simpler ritual at an increased personal expense. He was free to compound with perdition for a slightly less elaborate performance, if he would enter into a com¬ pact with the fiend whom he chose to evoke, and dispose of his soul in eternity for certain defined favours, invari¬ ably of a paltry character, which hell would guarantee him in time. The particulars of this process were con¬ tained in the “ Sanctum Regnum,” or the “ True Method of making Pacts with all Spirits whatsoever.” Of the fiends who are open to this kind of negotia¬ tion with humanity, the first is the great Lucifuge’ RuFOCALE, Prime Minister infernal. He has the power with which Lucifer has invested him over all the wealth and treasures of the world. The second is the grand Satanachia, General-in-Chief j he has the power of subjecting all women and girls to his wishes, and to do with them as he wills. Agaliaeett, another Commander, has the faculty oA discovering the most arcane secrets in all the courts and council chambers of the world. He also unveils the most 62 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. sublime iliysteries. He commands the Second Legion of Spirits, and has under him Buer, Gusoyen, and Botis, &c. Fleurety, Lieutenant-General, has the power to per¬ form any labour during the night; moreover, he can cause hailstones in any required place. He controls a very large army of spirits, and has Bathim, Pursan, and Abigar, &c., &c., as his subordinates. Sargatanet, Brigadier-Major, has the power to make any person invisible, to transport him to any distant place, to open all locks, to reveal whatsoever is taking place in private houses, to give instruction in all the rogueries of the shepherds. He commands several brigades of spirits, and has Lamy, Valefar, and Faraii, &c., for his immediate inferiors. Nebiros, Field-Marshal and Inspector-General, has the power to do evil to whomsoever he will. He discovers the Hand of Glory; he reveals all the virtues of metals, minerals, vegetables, and animals both pure and impure. He also possesses the art of predicting things to come, being one of the greatest necromancers in all the infernal hierarchies ; he goes to and fro everywhere and inspects all the hordes of perdition. His immediate sub¬ ordinates are Ayperos, Nuberus, and Glasyalabolas , &c., &c. “When you have determined to make a Pact with one of the Governing Intelligences,” says the “ Sanctum Regnum,” “ you must begin on the previous evening by cutting with a new and unused knife, a Rod of Wild Hazel, which has never borne fruit, and is rigorously similar to the Blasting Rod. This must be done pre¬ cisely at the moment when the sun appears upon our horizon. The same being accomplished, arm yourself with the stone called Ematille, and two blessed candles. Then proceed to select for the coming operation a place where you will be wholly undisturbed. You may even make the Pact in some isolated room, or in some remains of an old and ruinous Castle, for know that the Spirit has power to transport the Treasure to any required place. This having been arranged, describe a Triangle with the Stone called Ematille. Set the two blessed candles in a parallel position on either side of the Tri¬ angle of Pacts; inscribe the holy name of Jesus below, BLACK MAGIC. 63 so that no spirits can injure you after any manner. You may now take up your position in the middle of the Triangle, holding the Mysterious Rod, together with the Grand Conjuration of the Spirit, the Clavicle, the Requisition you mean to make, and the Discharge of the Spirit.” When all these conditions have been fulfilled, the Magus proceeds to the prayers and adjurations, which are closed with the ensuing— Grand Conjuration of Spirits. Emperor Lucifer, Master of all the Revolted Spirits, I entreat thee to favour me in the adjuration which I address to thy mighty minister, Lucifuge’ Rofocale, being desirous to make a Pact with him. I beg thee also, 0 Prince Beelzebuth, to protect me in my under¬ taking ! O Count Astarot! be propitious to me, and grant that to-night the great Lucifuge’ may appear to me under a human form, and free from evil smell, and that he may accord me, in virtue of the Pact into which I propose to enter, all the riches that I need. Oh! grand Lucifuge’, I pray thee to quit thy dwelling, wheresoever it may be, and come hither to speak with me; otherwise will I compel thee by the power of the strong living God, of His beloved Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Obey promptly, or thou shaft be eternally tormented by the power of the potent words in the Grand Clavicle of Solomon, wherewith he was accustomed to compel the rebellious Spirits to accept his compact. Therefore, straightway aj>pear, or I will persistently torture thee by the virtue of these grand words in the Clavicle— Aglon Tetragram , vaycheon stimulamaton ezphares retragrammaton olyoram irion esytion cxistion aryona onera brasym moym messias soter Emanuel Sabaotli Adonay te adoro, et te invoco. Amen, yj Like that of the ordinary evocation, the most general object of a pact was the possession of a buried treasure, or the gratification of some unlawful desire. The con¬ dition laid down by the spirit was the possession of the soul and body of the operator at the end of twenty years. The agreement, which was to be signed with 64 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. the blood of the operator, would, however, invariably involve some play upon words, which was designed to impose upon the apparition, as, for instance :—“ I pro¬ mise the Grand Lucifuge to recompense him in twenty years for all the treasures with which he may endow me,” which seemed generally to satisfy the fiend without imperilling the magician in any irrevocable manner. In the “ Grimorium Yerum” the infernal hierarchy is described at greater length than in the “Grand Grimoire,” and Lucifer, Beelzebuth, and Ashtaroth are said to reign respectively, the first over Europe and Asia, the second over Africa, and the third over America, apparently with equal power. Most modern apologists for Black Magic would be sur¬ prised to find what a ridiculous concatenation of errors Black Magic was reduced to in the Middle Ages; but such an apologist would aver that anciently it was not so, and that Black Magic in its true acceptation repre¬ sents the prostitution of the Divine Magic to produce material and evil results ; and that too often the desire of worldly aggrandisement and the gratification of revenge had led aside the mediaeval student from the higher paths. The solemn and ceremonial invocation of curses upon another person undoubtedly formed an important part of ancient goetic art. An instance in the life of Marcus Crassus by Plutarch, may be here quoted. It occurred when Crassus was leaving Rome to march against the Parthians, notwithstanding the fact that they were allies of Rome at the time. “ Ateius, one of the tribunes, advanced to meet Crassus. In the first place, by the authority of his office, he commanded him to stop, and protested against his enterprise. Then he ordered one of his officers to seize him, but the other tribunes interposing, the officer let Crassus go. Ateius now ran before to the gate, and placed there a censer with fire on it. At the approach of Crassus, he sprinkled incense upon it, offered libations, and uttered the most horrid imprecations, invoking at the same time certain dreadful and strange gods. The Romans say, these mysterious and ancient imprecations have such power, that the BLACK MAGIC. 65 object of them never escapes their effect; nay, they add, that the person who uses them is sure to be un¬ happy, so that they are seldom used, and never but upon a great occasion. Ateius was much blamed for his rash zeal. It was for his country’s sake that he was an ad¬ versary to Crassus, and yet it was his country he had laid under that dreadful curse.” The evil issue of Crassus’ expedition is well known. His army was almost com¬ pletely destroyed, and both himself and his son were slain by the Parthians. The following goetic invocation of Typhon Seth, the Egyptian Evil Deity, is taken from the Leyden Papyrus (No. 65, col. xv.). It is Gneco-Egyptian, and is of value not only as representing an antique ceremonial for in¬ voking a curse upon a person, but also as showing the great importance attached to the correct knowledge of certain names. This is corroborated again and again in the Egyptian “ Ritual of the Dead,” and seems to prove that such an idea is no mere mediaeval superstition. It is furthermore especially to be noted that the magical names are not Egyptian. Some have thought them to have been adopted from Hebrew or Chaldee. “ I invoke thee who art in the empty wind, terrible, invisible, all potent God of Gods, bringer of destruction and bringer of desolation, thou who hatest a well-estab¬ lished race, seeing that thou hast been cast out from Egypt and from her lands. Thou hast been named the breaker in pieces of all things, and the unconquered one. I invoke thee, O Typhdn Seth, I perform thy magical rites, seeing that I invoke thee through thy veritable name, in virtue of which thou canst not refuse to hear : — JoERBETII, JOPAKERBETH, JOBOLCHOSETH, JoPATATIINAX, JOSORO, JONEBOUTOSOUALETII, AkTIOPHI, ErESCHIGAL, Nebopoualeth, Aberamenthoou, Lerthexanax. Ethreluotii, Nemareba, Aemina ; come unto me in thy complete form, and go forward, and overthrow such a man or such a woman by cold and by heat. For he or she hath wronged me, and by him or by her hath the blood of Phyon (or of generation 1 or of Typhon ?) been poured forth. Therefore perform I these rites.” Such are the words ! E 66 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. Regarding the importance attached to the genuine name of the power invoked, see Porphyry’s Epist. Ad Anebonem, and the answer of Iamblichus to Porphyry. Hebrew names were supposed to have great effect; but if translated into Greek or Latin they lost their power. We may close these examples with the translation of a very ancient Accadian hymn to avert the attack of the Seven Evil Spirits. “ Seven are they, seven are they ! In the channel of the deep, seven are they ! In the radiance of heaven seven are they ! In the channel of the deep in a palace grew they up. Female they are not, male they are not; In the midst of the deep are their paths. Wife they have not, son they have not, Order and Mercy know they not. Prayer and supplication hear they not. The cavern in the mountain they enter. Unto Hea they are hostile; The throne-bearers of Gods are they. Disturbing the lily in the torrents are they set. Baleful are they, baleful are they ! Seven are they, seven are they, seven twice again are they. Spirit of the Heaven, remember it! Spirit of the Earth, remember it! ” Although this is hardly an incantation of Black Magic, we may insert it here as showing the Accadian ideas of the evil forces. The mystical doctrine concerning spiritual essences, and the practice of ceremonial magic to establish com¬ munication with invisible beings, having been adequately considered, we are entitled to proceed to certain general conclusions. The rejection of much of the 'magical hypothesis of the Spirit World is the first course which enlightened reason seems to require of the modern student. The divine character of the Hebrew alphabet, for instance, will be accepted by few persons at the pre¬ sent day. The supposed correspondence of its ciphers BLACK MAGIC. 67 with the divine creative forces which combined for the production of the innumerable hierarchies of intelli¬ gence, as the letters of an alphabet combine for the production of an indefinitely extensible language, is, however, an important article in the creed of the Kab- balist; as is also the anagrammatical extraction of the names and offices of angels from scriptural verses arbitrarily selected. There is little in the mystical doctrine concerning demonology to distinguish it in philosophical importance from the demonology of the Christian church. The hypothesis of elementary spirits is extremely suggestive, and is an interesting contribution to folk-lore, but its classifications are by no means scientific in character. The eschatological doctrine derived by magic from Jewish Kabbalism is undoubt¬ edly of value as a hypothesis, though there is little to confirm it in the discoveries of modern psychology. But when point after point of the salient doctrines of magic is eliminated in this manner, the student may reasonably inquire whether the mystical basis and temple have not both melted into air. Criticism which “ pumps out with a ruthless ingenuity, atom by atom,” must inevitably leave us “ vacuity.” It should, how¬ ever, be remembered that the secret which the mystics possessed was the opening of the inner eye for percep¬ tion into the world called spiritual. Prophecies will become void, tongues will cease, but love, it is affirmed, will not fail. In like manner, doctrines once of author¬ ity, hypotheses once held adequate, are outgrown in the progress of the mind and in the extension of the intel¬ lectual horizon, but the facts which they seem to have been invented to explain cannot be made obsolete by time, and truths which can be verified by experiment are not left behind in evolution. Now, the exjieriments which were the foundation of magical doctrine and magical hypothesis are facts which are not to be evapo¬ rated by the severity of critical analysis; they are the synthesis of the experiments of the ages, and they can be verified by those who desire it. The lucidity of the mystics exhibited, what there is, naturally, good reason to believe, namely, the existence 68 TIIE OCCULT SCIENCES. of innumerable hierarchies of being, which, according to the fashion of the time, were duly classified and arranged, as has been already shown. In actual performance, the magician of the past was in advance of existing psycho¬ logical experiment ; but the new mysticism, while enlarging the circle of experiment, and seeding to surpass the Magi in the extent of its practical research, endeavours in addition to make actual in its disciples that ideal life which the Magi conceived : and it should also, in proportion to its progress, do its best to establish the foundations of a rational hypothesis of the unseen. The ceremonial part of magic, with its direfully potent formulae and its excess of grotesque ritual observance, was accredited in the past with an absolute value. It will be seen that an inherent virtue was supposed to reside in certain words and acts—a prin¬ ciple which is at the basis of all superstitious obser¬ vance. Now, the actual and demonstrable value of ceremonial magic is of two kinds. It produced an exaltation in the operator which developed the latent faculties of his interior being; and the atmospheric con¬ ditions required for success in all classes of mystical experiments were produced by its perfumes and incense. As human imagination is ever open to the same classes of impressions, and as modern psychology is equally dependent for success on atmospheric and other condi¬ tions, Ceremonial Magic should be as potent in its effect to-day as at any period of antiquity. The Hemmeron of Torquemada; the Tableau de Tincon- stance cles demons, by Delancre; the Pseudomonarchia Dcvmonorurn of Wierus; and the Disquisitiones Magicce of Delrio, are the most orthodox and exhaustive sources of knowledge on demonological doctrines and science. There is a complete cycle of mediaeval Latin literature devoted to the processes for the exorcism of evil spirits. As the intervention of devils has ever been the popular explanation of all extranatural phenomena, so in all lan¬ guages extranatural literature has been largely demono¬ logical in character. In English there are innumerable books, which cover all branches of sorcery and witch- BLACK MAGIC. 69 craft. One of the most notable is Scot’s “ Discovery of Witchcraft,” date 1651, with which, in the opposed in¬ terest, may be compared Glanvill’s Sadducismus Trium- pliatus, belonging to the same period, and Cotton Mather’s “Wonders of the Invisible World.” In 1859, a “Philo¬ sophy of Witchcraft ” was attempted by J. Mitchell. The “ Letters on Demonology ” addressed to J. G. Lockhart by the author of “ Waverley,” will not be con¬ fused with the “ Discovery.” There is also a “ History of Witchcraft; ” and many sermons, treatises, and dis¬ plays of corporeal leagues between devils and witches, have contributed to the right understanding and illu¬ mination of the general subject. Kichard Baxter’s “Certainty of the World of Spirits fully evinced,” 1691, is a representative work of its kind. For the practical part, or the method of communicating with demons, the Giimorium Verum and the Grand Grimoire, are said to be entirely sufficient. NECROMANCY. THE EVOCATION OF THE SOULS OF THE DEAD. W E have seen in the section devoted to angelology, that after the nine choirs of celestial intelli¬ gences in the pneumatic enumeration of the Kabbalists, there is the order offbeat i fied—humai i souls, who exercise a beneficent and energising influence on the incarnate race of man. "their chief is said to be Moses, and by their natures they are in opposition to tinTsouls of the wicked, who are under the tyranny of Nahema, 4he demon of impurity. Such a classification is, to all appearance, very arbitrary and inadequate; the formal distinction between good arid bad is not sub¬ stantiated by present psychological experiments. But this and other doctrinal teachings of the old mystics do not belong to that portion of esoteric wisdom which it is alone rational to revive. The student should^ always carefully separate the ascertainable facts of the science from the theoretical structure which overlays/ them. The differentiation of the soul of man into a multiplicity of separable parts (even the time-honoured and reasonable distinction between the soul and the spirit) must be properly referred to the domain of specu¬ lation to which it properly belongs. As regards the subject of this chapter, a central, fundamental, and vital fact is this — that piafitinaljiaagic in its investigations of extra-mundane worlds has come into communication with “ those whom the living call dead,” and that the ritual of such communication has been bequeathed by magicians to posterity. Many speculations concerning Necromancy are reason able, many hypotheses are probable, others are neither probable nor reasonable. Yet some writers appear to sup- THE OCCULT SCIENCES. 72 pose that if we accept the fact recorded by the mystics we are bound to accept the solution which they offer. On the other hand, it is not unreasonably urged that the men who have most investigated the psychological world have most right to an opinion about it. They have, indeed, every right to an opinion, and their opinions must have a claim on our respect, but we need not consider them final. We hold that in magic there is no authority but that of the pioneer who has preceded. Now, the pioneer may be a beacon in the darkness, but he is not a guide infallible. The mystics have penetrated far beyond ourselves into the infinite realms of the soul, but they may not have gauged the infinite, and thus we are by no means committed to any of their absolute doctrines.* Generally speaking, the pneumatic dogmas of the middle ages were based on thelines-of orthodox pneu- matology; as we have seen, they adm itted, the distinc- | tion. betwee n pure and falle n angels and reproduced their spiritual histories point by point. The h ierarchy of elementary.-spirits is foreign t o Christ ian theology, and theology denounced Them as demons; the psychological history'of the humairindividual in its past-mortal condi¬ tion is, on the other hand, substantially identical in both systems, and the higher the position of the mystic the nearer he gravitates in his opinions to the accredited ' teachings of the great religion of the day. Once more, an important point in that branch of tran¬ scendental science which has reference to the souls of 1 humanity consists in the possibility of establishing that ! the soul surv ives death and preserv es its intelligence and its individual being in another order of subsistence, by the cordriyancg7oT~a nacto aI^nd^conscious communication with departed men and women. The hypotheses which have been founded on this fact are excessively numerous and are sometimes suggestive and beautiful. They all have analogies with each other as well as with the Christian scheme. "“When estimated at their true worth, they will deserve and repay study, * The counter-view has been well enunciated by an esteemed collaborateitr as follows:—“The value of psychological authority can only be gauged by equal experimental knowledge.” NECROMANCY. 73 and are rich in reflected lights. One of the explanatory hypotheses derived from the Kabbalah which most recom¬ mends itself to esoteric students at the present day is concerned with the existence of a fluid ic e nvelope of the spirit, which corresponds to St Paul's conception of a spiritual organism, and is termed the astral body. An exceedingly lucid exposition of this hypothesis and of the soul’s eternal progress has been given us by Eliphas Levi, and it fairly represents the archaic doctrine of the Hebraistic mystics. In its most extended scope, this hypothesis affirms the exist ence jria single substance diffused through all space, out ofAvhich the entire Cosmos, with all its sentient populations, was originally developed, and into which at the r close of the grand and extreme cycle it will all ulti¬ mately be resolved. It is the Great Telesma of Hermes Trism egist us, an ambient and all-penetrating substance, tne~first matter of aboriginal creation, the created Light of Genesis. The polarisation of this substance about a centre produces living beings, and in man it forms the Astral Body, or Plastic -Mediator. The spirit, or per¬ manent" principle of the individual, which the hypothesis apparently distinguishes from the cosmic substance, and refers to a divine origin, departs at the moment of death clothed in the astral form, which in The case of a virtuous - person evaporates like a pure incense, but which enchains the vicious intelligence. The ministry of mystical doctrine to the spiritual aspirations of man has a definite value of its own. The ascent of the ladder of being, the revolutions and incarna¬ tions of the soul, are delightful poetical conceptions which give nourishment to the loftier energies of imagination. The legendary romances of the soul deserve to be incor¬ porated in a volume devoted to the subject of pneumatic speculations; they are not confined to mysticism ; they exist among all peoples both savage and civilised ; they throw great light upon comparative mythology; but it must ever be remembered that ordinary psychological theories are as much in the field of speculation as are the North American traditions of Travels into the Land of Souls. 74 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. | The ceremonial evocation of the departed is usually termed Necromancy. This word, however, by its deriva¬ tion means the art of discerning future events through communications established with the dead ; it is divina¬ tion by the tenants of the tomb. The science of the mystics has enlarged the original significance, while popular superstition has perverted it. Necromancy by the interpretation of the mystics is the evocation of the souls of departed humanity, for whatsoever end it is undertaken; as it is understood by the vulgar, it is synonymous with “ Black ” Magic, with obscene rites, and dark, abhorrent practices. Professed mystics, how¬ ever, have occasionally authorised the second view, which is only excusable by ignorance. Eliphas Levi, after hav¬ ing personally disturbed the eternal rest of Apollonius by a deliberate ceremonial evocation, indiscriminately de¬ nounced the whole art of Necrorpancy as the “ blackest of the sciences of the abyss,” when ^endeavouring to identify modem Spiritism with the infernal devices of sorcery. As a fact, the evocation of the souls of the departed is one of the most importantj)xan.&hes-ofpractical mys¬ ticism ; it is one^'of the test experiments by which the mystic gospel may be said To~stand or' fall. If it bel possible, after following for a certefiTprescribed period a certain method of life, calculated to exalt the intellectual faculties, to quicken spiritual perceptions, and to ger¬ minate what may be called a new sense in man; if it be possible to enter into actual and undeceived communica¬ tion with beings who have departed from this our plane of subsistence; if we can see them as they were; if we can, to some extent, know them as they are ; and if, at the time, we are in conscious possession of our common senses, then the mystic gospel must be thertruth .itself. ^ There are important questions connected with legiti¬ mate Necromancy which cannot be discussed here. If the pathological fact be admitted, there is the problem of identity to deal with; to establish the truth of evoca¬ tions is not to explain all spiritual mysteries. In an elementary text-book, we conceive it is sufficient to indi¬ cate by what means the mystics pretend to place their NECROMANCY. 75 disciples in communication with the invisible planes of subsistence. In the evocation of the souls of the dead, one form of procedure is, at any rate, comparatively simple, and a synthetic account, based, it is affirmed, on an ancient arcane theory, has been given by a French writer in a recent work on the secret sciences. “ Prompted by a sentiment of profound tenderness,” says P. Christian, “it occasionally happens that a be¬ reaved person will dedicate to perpetual mourning the room where a beloved being has expired. Like a holy place, the chamber is shut and sealed, to be re¬ visited alone on the anniversaries of the joys that are dead and of the separation which is final for earth. “ The soul, notwithstanding, can be occasionally at¬ tracted by the worship of the heart; though unseen, it assists at the sacrifice of loving tears, and if it be the hour of dusk, if the departed intelligence be called on by an exalted act of faith and affection, made in the name of the Almighty, the brilliancy of its immortal essence may break forth in splendour for a moment in the midst of that restful twilight wherein nature rests after the setting of the sun. “ The_affection which unites us from beyond the tomb to lamented individuals must be entirely pure in its character. They are exclusively to be considered as the transfigured tenants of a more elevated sphere, who in their new form of subsistence implore the Eternal and Almighty Being to make us worthy of one day attaining to their ownbeatitude; The examination of conscience is another and as indispensable condition. If we have wronged our neighbours, the injury must be repaired; if we have enemies, we must pardon them from the very depth of our hearts; if we have neglected the soul- exalting duty of ado ratio n and prayer to God, we must cultivate regularity in worship, in accordance with the rites which we havAreceived from our ancestors; pre¬ liminaries which are the best evidence that the evocation of the dead is not sorcery, and that it is not an unholy compact with the malicious spirits in the abysses of the world invisible. It is by these preparations alone that 76 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. it is possible to enter the avenues of the unseen universe [without danger to life and reason. “ The place chosen for the evocation is not an unimport¬ ant point. The most auspicious is undoubtedly that room which contains the last traces of the lamented person. If it be impossible to fulfil this condition, we must go ini search of some isolated rural retreat which corresponds in orientation and aspect, as well as measurement, -with the mortuary chamber. “ The window must be blocked with boards of olive- wood, hermetically joined, so that no exterior light may penetrate. The ceiling, the four inferior walls, and the floor, must be draped with tapestry of emerald-green silk, which the operator must himself secure with copper nails, invoking no assistance from strange hands, because, from this moment, he alone may enter into this spot set apart from all, the arcane Oratory of the Magus. The furniture which belonged to the deceased, his favourite possessions and trinkets, the things on which his final glance may be supposed to have rested-—all these must be assiduously collected and arranged in the order which they occupied at the time of his death. If none of these souvenirs can be obtained, a faithful likeness of the departed being must at least be procured,“It must be full length, and must be depicted in the dress and colours which he wore during the last period of his life. This portrait must be set up on the eastern wall by means of copper fasteners, must be covered with a veil of white silk, and must be surmounted with a crown of those flowers which were most loved by the deceased. “ Before this portrait there must be erected an altar of white marble, supported by four columns which must terminate in bulls’ feet. A five-pointed star must be emblazoned on the slab of the altar, and must be com¬ posed of pure copper plates. The place in the centre of the star, between the plates, must be large enough to receive the pedestal of a cup-shaped copper chafing-dish, containing dessicated fragments of laurel wood and alder. By the side of the chafing-dish must be placed a censer full of incense. The skin of a white and spotless ram must be stretched beneath the altar, and on it must NECROMANCY. 77 be emblazoned another pentagram drawn with parallel lines of azure blue, golden yellow, emerald green, and purple red. “ A copper tripod must be erected in the middle of the Oratory ; it must be perfectly triangular in form, it must be surmounted by another and similar chafing-dish, which must likewise contain a quantity of dried olive wood. “ A high candelabrum of copper must be placed by the wall on the southern side, and must contain a single taper of purest white wax, which must alone illuminate the mystery of evocation. “ The white colour of the altar, of the ram’s skin, and of the veil, is consecrated to Gabriel, the planetary arch¬ angel of the moon, and the Genius of mysteries; the green of the copper and the tapestries is dedicated to the Genius of Venus. “ The altar and tripod must both be encompassed by a magnetized iron chain, and by three garlands composed of the foliage and blossoms of the myrtle, the olive, and the rose. “Finally, facing the portrait, and on the eastern side, there must be a canopy, also draped with emerald silk, and supported by two triangular columns of olive wood, [dated with the purest copper. On the North and South sides, between each of these columns and the wall, the tapestry must fall in long folds to the ground, forming a kind of tabernacle; which must be open on the eastern side. At the foot of each column there must be a sphinx of white marble, with a cavity in the top of the head to receive spices for burning. It is beneath this canopy that the apparition will manifest, and it should be re- ntcmbered that the Magus must turn to the East for prayer, and to the West for evocation. “ Before entering this little sanctuary, devoted to the religion of remembrance, the operator must be clothed in aYestmenTof azure, fastened by clasps of copper, enriched with a single emerald. He must wear upon his head a tiara surrounded by a floriated circle of twelve emeralds, and a crown of violets. On his breast must be the talis¬ man of Venus depending from a ribbon of azure silk. On the annular finger of his left hand must be a copper ring 78 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. containing a turquoise. His feet must be covered with shoes of azure silk, and he must be provided with a fan of swan’s feathers to dissipate, if needful, the smoke of the perfumes. “The Oratory and all its objects must be consecrated on a Friday, during the hours which are set apart to the Genius of Venus. This consecration is performed by burning violets and roses in a fire of olive wood. A shaft must be provided in the Oratory for the passage of the smoke, but care must be taken to prevent the admission of light through this channel. “ When these preparations are finished, the operator must impose on himself a retre at of one-and- twenty days, beginning on the anniversary of the death of the beloved being. During this period he must refrain from confer¬ ring on any one the least of those marks of affection which he was accustomed to bestow on the departed ; he must be absolutely chaste, alike in deed and thought; he must take daily but one repast, consisting of bread, wine, roots, and fruits. These three conditions are indispensable to success in evocation, and their accomplishment requires complete isolation. “Every day, shortly before midnight, the Magus must assume his consecrated dress. On the stroke of the mystic hour, he must enter the Oratory, bearing a lighted candle in his right hand, and in the other an hour-glass. The candle must be fixed in the candelabra, and the hour¬ glass on the altar to register the flight of time. The operator must then proceed to replenish the garland and the floral crown. Then he shall unveil the portrait, and erect and immovable in front of the altar, being thus with his face to the East, he shall softly go over in his mind the cherished recollections he possesses of the beloved and departed being. “ When the upper reservoir of the hour-glass is empty, the time of contemplation will be over. By the flame of the taper the operator must then kindle the laurel wood and alder in the chafing-dish which stands on the altar; then, taking a pinch of incense from the censer, let him cast it thrice upon the fire, repeating the following words :—Glory be to the Father of life universal in the NECROMANCY. 79 splendour of the infinite altitude, and peace in the twilight of the immeasurable depths to all Spirits of good will ! “ Then he shall cover the portrait, and taking up his candle in his hand, shall depart from the Oratory, walking backward at a slow pace as far as the threshold. The same ceremony must be fulfilled at the same hour during every day of the retreat, and at each visit the crown which is above the portrait, and the garlands of the altar and tripod, must be carefully renewed. The withered leaves and flowers must be burnt each evening in a room adjoining the Oratory. “ When the twenty-first day has arrived, the Magus must do his best to have no communication with any one, but if this be impossible, he must not be the first to speak, and he must postpone all business till the morrow. On the stroke of noon, he must arrange a small circular table in the Oratory, and cover it with a new napkin of un¬ blemished whiteness. It must be garnished with two copper chalices, an entire loaf, and a crystal flagon of the purest wine. The bread must be broken and not cut, and the wine emptied in equal proportions into the two cups. Half of this mystic communion, which must be his sole nourishment on this supreme day, shall be offered by the operator to the dead, and by the light of the one taper he must eat his own share, standing before the veiled portrait. Then he shall retire as before, walking backward as far as the threshold, and leaving the ghost’s share of the bread and wine upon the table. “ When the solemn hour of the evening has at length arrived, the Magus shall carry into the Oratory some well-dried cypress wood, which he shall set alight on the altar and the tripod. Three pinches of incense must be cast on the altar flame in honour of the Supreme Potency which manifests itself by Ever Active Intelligence and by Absolute Wisdom. When the wood of the two chafing dishes has been reduced to embers, he must renew the triple offering of incense on the altar, and must cast some seven times on the fire in the tripod; at each evaporation of the consecrated perfume he must repeat the previous doxology, and then turning to the East, he must call upon God by the prayers of that religion 80 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. which was professed by the person whom he desires to evoke. “ When the prayers are over he must reverse his posi¬ tion, and with his face to the AVest, must enkindle the chafing-dishes on the head of each sphinx, and when the cypress is fully ablaze he must heap over it well-dried violets and roses. Then let him extinguish the candle which illuminates the Oratory, and falling on his knees before the canopy, between the two columns, let him ment¬ ally address the beloved person with a plenitude of faith and affection. Let him solemnly entreat it to appear, and renew this interior adjuration seven times, under the auspices of the seven providential Genii, en¬ deavouring during the whole of the time to exalt his soul above the natural weakness of humanity. “Finally, the operator, with closed eyes, and with hands covering his face, must call the invoked person in a loud but gentle voice, pronouncing three times all the names which he bore. “ Some moments after the third appeal, he must extend his arms in the form of a cross, and lifting up his eyes, he will behold the beloved being, in a recognisable manner, in front of him. That is to say, he will perceive that ethereal substance separated from the perishable terrestrial body, the fluidic envelope of the soul, w hich Kabbalistic initiates have termed the Perispirit. This substance preserves the human form but is emancipated from human infirmities, and is energised by the special characteristics whereby the imperishable individuality of our essence is manifested. Evoked and evoker can then' inter-communicate intelligibly by a mutual and mysterious thought-transmission. “ The departed soul will give counsel to the operator ; it will occasionally rev eal secrets which may be beneficial to those whom it loved on earth, but it will answer no ques¬ tion which has reference to the desires of the flesh ; it will discover no buried treasures, nor will it unveil the secrets of a third person; it is silent on the mysteries of the superior existence to which it has now attained. In certain cases, it will, however, decla re itself eit her happy or in punishment. If it be the latter,” it will ask for the prayers of the Magus, or for some religious observance, NECROMANCY. 81 which he must unfailingly fulfil. Lastly, it will indicate the time when the evocation may be renewed. “ When it has disappeared, the operator must turn to the East, rekindle the tire on the altar, and make a final offering of incense. Then he must detach the crown and the garlands, take up his candle, and retire with his face to the West till he is out of the Oratory. His last duty is to burn the final remains of the flowers and leaves. Their ashes, united to those which have been collected during the time of retreat, must be mixed with myrtle seed, and secretly buried in a field at a depth which will secure it from disturbance by the ploughshare.” The conditions of necromantic evocation, it will be seen, are somewhat elaborate; they are devised for the legiti¬ mate exaltation of jthe intellectual faculties, and for the direction of theTorce of will; but there is nothing which endangers the reason or beclouds the brain, and they may be fulfilled by any person who has a little money at command for the purchase of the requisite instru¬ ments, and has occasionally the privilege of possessing his soul in solitude. The theurgic doctrine has made provision in the event of a failure; it recommends the renewal of the experiment, with additional precautions, on the next anniversary, and affirms that the third time will never be barren of result, unless the operator be oppressed by an inveterate vice which has become to him as a second nature. It must be clear from the above ceremonial that there is nothing repellent to the most cultivated spiritual sense in the rites of lawful necromancy. It is otherwise, however, with the evocations of the infernal art, with the unhallowed necromantjp practices of Black Magic, which violate the sanctity of the sepulchre, and endeavour to establish a vicious communion with the souls of evil men. The rituals of infernal evocations are the outcome of certain psychological doctrines which prevailed during the middle ages, and are to some extent remnants of a very remote antiquity. Persons who died by their own hands, or who perished by a violent death, being sepa¬ rated from their bodies in advance of the natural time, F THE OCCULT SCIENCES. 82 were supposed to be more or less bound to the place where the catastrophe happened, till the “ radical * moisture” of their corpse was entirely consumed. Such earth-bound souls were easily attracted and abused by the sorcerers and black magicians, and many repellent and objectionable recipes for their evocation are extant. The skeleton or corpse was fumigated with mixtures of blood, milk, eggs, and other substances, and the deceased person was invoked with the usual ad¬ jurations of Black Magic, and generally for an evil purpose. These and other abuses led the Romans to the classification of Necromancy with treason, secret poisoning, and other crimes. In a Graeco-Egyptian papyrus in the British Museum, there is a curious necromantic process described for making a magical ring to bind a person in any manner desired. This ring, the papyrus goes on to say, is to be taken to the grave of a person untimely dead, and to be there buried four fingers deep in the ground, with the words, “ 0 departed spirit, whosoever thou art, I deliver to thee such an one, that he may not do such a thing. Then having covered it up, depart. And you will do it best iu the waning of the moon.” The bibliography of Necromancy is coextensive with the literature of the supernatural. For the ritual, it is un¬ necessary to go further than the directions which we have given. For the practice of black necromancy, the student is referred to the last division of Ebenezer Sibly’s “ Occult Sciences.” In general literature, some information may be found in Howitt’s “ History of the Supernatural;” in the “Universal History of Appari¬ tions,” date 1770; and in Jung Stilling’s “Theory of Pneumatology,” translated in 1884. There is also some curious matter to be found in Dr F. G. Lee’s “ Glimpses of the Supernatural.” The recent publication, by the Authorities of the British Museum, of a facsimile of the Papyrus of Ani (“ The Book of the Dead ”), a manu¬ script which scholars refer to a period fourteen centuries before Christ, will enable modern students to ascertain the nature of this celebrated work, which was intended for the use and the protection of the dead in the world beyond the grave. PART II. - 0 - ALCHEM Y. A LCHEMY is known, and misknown, to all the world as the supposed science of transmuting the metals which the ignorance of a benighted epoch denominated base into the resplendent perfections j of gold and silver. Outside the circle of Hermetic students, the possibility of such a conversion is gener¬ ally derided at the present day, and if any one, by an accident, alights upon the evidence which exists for its actuality in the entombed scientific literature of the far past, he is embari’assed by its extent and solidity, but can hardly be shaken in his prejudice. We intend in the present essay to define i n a pos itive manner the exact theory of metallic transmutation which was professed by the alchemists, to state the ulterior possibilities which may be developed from that theory, and to expose the connection which subsists between this branch of Hermetic art and the branch that r - is known as Magic. As we are forced to embody in the briefest possible compass the largest available amount of compressed information, we must solicit from our readers a certain rational confidence in those statements that a * narrow space forbids us to verify. The philosophical writings which, in the fourth century. were produced under the name of Hermes Tnsm egistus. y were the source of alchemical inspiration duringThe sub¬ sequent Christian centuries. The first distinct and undoubted reference to alchemy is posterior to the cir¬ culation of these books, as mysterious in matter, and as important in mystical history, as they are doubtful « J 84 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. and suspicious in their origin. The reference in question is contained in a manuscript treatise by Zosimus the Pomo- polite, which is preserved in the library at the Louvre. The first of the practical alchemists—Geber, the Arabian ' physician—is usually referred to the eighth century of our era. By his writings it would appear that the art was already matured, and he appeals to the authority of a line of anterior adepts and to a literature of apparent antiquity from which he extensively drew. From the eighth to the sixt eenth century the doctrines and prac- § tices of alchemy continued to be propagated in the West, and, with Germany as its centre, it diffused a great light of mysticism till the eve of the French Revolution. The avowed object of physical alchemy was such an investigation of natural secrets as would elicit a practical method for the conversion of certain substances, generally metallic, into gold and silver. This was accomplished, in the main, by means of an elixir, which, in harmony with a theory to which much Hermetic importance has been sometimes attached, could be applied to the body of the alchemist after a certain occult adaptation as f well as to a metallic body, and with a strictly analogical result. In the mineral kingdom the completed j)ro- cess was termed tra nsmutati on; in its application to humanity it was known as the conversion or trans¬ figuration of the individual by means of alchemy. / The resultin' ThAfirst place, was gold, or if the process was arrested at a certain stage, silver was the product instead. In the second case, a complete renewal of all the vital forces and the development of the physical capacities to an exceptionally advanced degree, trans¬ ferred the successful magus to an advanced stage of evolution, and endowed him with powers ‘ and capacities which coidd be put in operation both in a material and -spiritual direction. While the uninitiated students of the Hermetic mystery exhausted theirj'evenues and squandered their entire lives, ransacking every kingdom of nature, and experimenting with every conceivable subject from Q ordure to egg shells, so as at length to accomplish the extraction of the fundamental matter of the elixir, the adepts, who appear to have received the secret by oral ALCHEMY. 85 transmission, pursued their experiments in accordance with an arcane theory which Avas a precious inheritance from the past. The philosophers who were participants ' of the theory could operate with.ease, and ensure success. For them it was thejwork of a child or a woman. The student who was outside the select circle' of the hiero¬ phants was, however, in the hands of God, and the divine science of the Hermetists might be communicated 0 % by one of those inexplicable flashes of unprefaced intui¬ tion which the God-encompassed minds of the philo¬ sophers, who rejected the fortuitous and believed in an imminent Providence, interpreted as direct revelation. « _ A perfect master of science might also initiate a stranger 'after proper tests and progressive study. The Hermetic theory was at once philosophical and practical. Its philosophical section is, for the most part, exposed in the literature of alchemy; its practical portion is preserved in symbolic language and in pictorial symbols q n which are capable of such diverse interpretations that their true meaning seems invariably to escape the student. ' By the terms of the philosophical theory, it is evident that the adepts regarded the animal creation as so many sue- j cessive steps through which Nature laboriously ascended 4 to the creation of her most perfect achievement, Man; and ( in every stage of production, Man was the end in view. O That which the human individual was to the rest of the ' \ animal kingdoms, gold'was to the world of minerals, ( and it was therefore affirmed, in the allegorical language > of alchemy, that Nature always intended to produce gold; the existence of the inferior metals was due to arre sted de velopment at various stages of operation. Less crudely put, through the successive steps of the whole mineral kingdom Nature worked up towards gold. The foundation of the precious metal is thus to be found in its inferiors, as there is also a certain common nature between man and the animals which are below him. It was the object of alchemy to take up the work of Nature where it had been arrested by circumstances, to develop the latent perfections in l ead, mercury, and antimony, and in a thousand other subjects, and to produce on the lines of her observed operations the metallic perfection which was her aim. 86 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. Possibly there is little in this hypothesis to recom¬ mend it to those who are acquainted with the facts of modern science, yet the evidence which exists for the per¬ formance of transmutations in the past is abundant and good of its kind. If the composite character of metals can be tolerated as a possibility, and the drift of scientific experiment is, we believe, in this direction, then it is con¬ ceivable that the life-long labours of so many generations of adepts, may have occasionally resulted in discovering the constituent elements of gold and in the actual com¬ position of the metal. That success, if it were in reality achieved, was occasionally wholly fortuitous, is made evident by the fact that the operator was sometimes unable to repeat the experiment which had realised his absorbing ambition. The crudity of the explana¬ tory hypothesis does not much undermine the evidence; there are many undoubted facts in modern physics which, even at this day, are very inadequately explained. The philosophical theory of alchemy, which we have thus briefly exhibited, deserves more extended considera¬ tion ; and as the belief in the transmutation of metals has by no means passed away ; ji s the study of...practical - alchemy is said to be actually reviving, with the general resurrection of mysticism; as Figuier admits that the romantic conversion is possible and may even be ultimately performed ; and as, so late as the middle of this century, Dr Christopher Girtanner, who has been described as an eminent professor of Gottingen, actually affirmed in the Annales de Chimia that it was destined to be generally known and practised, that every chemist and artist would be able to manufacture gold, that kitchen utensils by the close of the present age would be made of the precious metals ; it seems desirable to provide the reader with a comprehensive account of the principles which, on the authority of the alchemists themselves, were involved in the art of transmutation. The substance of the ensuing pages is derived from the masonic alchemy of Baron Tschoudi, which is based on the authority of Paracelsus; wherever it seems obscure or imperfect, we have endeavoured to supplement it with side lights from the writings of other adepts. ALCHEMY. 87 The first study of an alchemical philosopher is research into the operations of Nature, whose end is GocIIasTIe also is her sole beginning. Now, Nature is divisible philo¬ sophically into four chief regions, the dry, the moist, the warm, and the cold, which are the four elementary quali¬ ties whence all that is must be derived. Nature is differ¬ entiated into male and female. She is compared to mercury. She is never visible, though she acts visibly, being a volatile essence which performs its office in bodies, and is informed by the universal spirit. She represents the divine breath, the central fire, which is termed by the philosophers the sulphur of matter, and is identical with that mercury of the sages which manifests itself by the gentle heat of Nature. The investigators of Nature should be, like herself, simple, truthful, patient, and persevering. What they desire to perform should be in accordance with her, whom they should follow in every point. In seeking to achieve something more excellent than she has performed in a particular subject, they should consider by what it is ameliorated, which is invariably by its like; for example, if you would develop the intrinsic virtue of a metal beyond the natural point, you must grasj) the metallic nature itself, and know how to distinguish between the male and female in Nature. The searcher must know how to obtain the seed of metals, which is their elixir or superior quintessence, the most finished and perfect decoction and digestion of the thing itself. This seed, or germ, is produced by the four elements through the will of the Supreme Being and the Imagination of Nature. The true and primeval matter of metals is of double essence, being an aerial warmth and moisture and a dry heat. But the student must beware how he interprets these terms in their literal sense. There are many circles within the circle of alchemical philosophy. For example, the air of the philosophers is said to be a water coagulated by fire, which produces a universal dissolvent, and even by the centre of the earth, where the elements are supposed to deposit their metallic seed, the philo¬ sophers appear to have referred in an arcane manner to 88 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. a mysterious storehouse of chaotic forces. But the allegory and the intentional confusion are by no means at an end here. The disciple of Hermetic art is required to direct his attention to what is termed by the French adepts the point de la nature, and this he should not seek in the vulgar petals which are absolutely dead, while those which are known to ti e hierophants are absolutely living and possessed of a vital spirit. Now, the living gold of the philosophers is explained by another author¬ ity to be that “fixed grain” which animates the mercury of the sages; but as the sophic sulp hur, or Red Magisterium, is also a vivific golcl,~thc confusion of alchemical nomenclature is to the uninitiated" of an exceed i ngly em 1 tarra ssing kind. Metals were supposed to be engendered in the bowels of the earth after the following manner. When the circulation of the philosophical elements has deposited the seed , it is returned towards the surface in a sublim¬ ated state. The seed of every metal is originally one, in which the possibility of their conversion is founded; they are differentiated by local influences acting within the centre. Before all other study it is affirmed to be absolutely needful that an amateur should understand the formation of metals in the bowels of the earth. Without this, and the faithful imitation of Nature, he will never achieve anything successful. Nature com¬ poses all metals of mercury : which, however, is a living and feminine principle, and not the substance which under that name is known to ordinary chemistry; and of sulphur, which is a living jnale. In a matrix of sali ne w ater, these substances are combined in a vapor¬ ous ^condition, and a species of vitriol results, which by the circulation of the elements is again converted into vapour, is combined with sulphur, is transformed into a glutinous mass, and after other complicated processes, which it would be perfectly idle to enumerate, a metal is evolved, that is pure or impure according to the local¬ ity of its production. These explanations, it will be seen, offer no instruc¬ tions for the discovery of the all-important seed. It is evident throughout that the described processes refer to ALCHEMY. 89 the laboratory practices of the adepts, and not to cosmic evolution. Simplified and pruned as it is in this brief presentation, it will appear to the ordinary scientific reader as a raving chaos of unintelligible extrava¬ gance, out of which it would seem impossible to de¬ velop any form or harmony, could even a key be pro¬ vided to the exact meaning of every figure of speech. When it must be added that the most illustrious adepts were accustomed in addition to allegorical language, insoluble cryptograms, and symbols which admitted innumerable interpretations, to fill their pages with false recipes, useless fictions, and numberless errors, so as still further to disguise from the ignorant the truth which they pretended to reveal, it is evident that the recovery of the practical process for metallic transmuta¬ tion is a hopeles and insane quest; for when no reliance can be placed upon any statement, while everywhere deception abounds, progress of any kind is impossible. That alchemical typology is nonsense and a hoax from beginning to end cannot, however, be affirmed by any person who has acquaintance with the facts of the case. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, when the spread of Hermetic ideas and the increasing facilities of printing made alchemy a remunerative speculation for the bookseller, a literature which largely consisted of unadulterated imposture appears to have sprung into existence; but in anterior centuries, there was no such inducement to dishonesty. The writings of the alchem¬ ists remained in the obscurity of manuscript, and it is absurd to suppose that a laborious terminology was in¬ vented, and innumerable books were written, to gratify a purposeless passion for unprofitable and aimless de¬ ception. It is more probable that a conventional lan¬ guage was devised to enable the participators in a common pursuit to communicate without difficulty upon matters which it was dangerous to refer to in any open and comprehensible manner. At the same time it must be admitted that the entire problem is almost inscrutable, and it is difficult to propound any theory that can be tolerated concerning it. It may be stated, by way of a conclusion to this por- 90 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. tion of the subject, that the alchemists were accustomed to distinguish three kinds of gold—astral gold, whose centre is in the sun, and, like light, is communicated in its rays to all inferior beings; elementary gold, the most pure and fixed part of the elements and of all substances which are composed of them, so that all the sublunary beings of the three kingdoms of Nature contain in their centre a precious grain of this elementary gold; lastly, there is vulgar gold, the most beautiful of known metals, and perfect and unchangeable in itself. When from the natural principles of alchemy the adepts proceed to an account of the actual process, they are less barbarous in their methods and less contradictory in their statements. The operations described have the character of serious experiments, and might be repro¬ duced if the materials which are required could be obtained. The profound study of Hermetic allegory has indicated to a few minds an unexpected solution which is exceed¬ ingly suggestive and curious. We have seen that the mys¬ tics regarded the successive steps of creation as all leading up to man ; and, though the analogy may have nothing to recommend it, the occult doctrine of correspondence led them to regard the evolution of minerals as proceed¬ ing after a parallel method. More recently, we have seen that every mundane substance, animate or other¬ wise, possesses in the centre of its nature a spark of elementary gold. It is evident, therefore, that, on the one hand, the gold of the philosophers is not a metal; that, on the other hand, man is a being who possesses within himself the seeds of a perfection which he has never realised, and that he therefore corresponds to those metals which the Hermetic theory supposes to be capable of development. It has been consequently advanced, that the conversion of lead into gold was only the assumed object of alchemy, and that it was in reality in search of a process for developi ng the lat ent possibilities in the subject, Man; that the quest was pursued with success ; that iFIed to magnificent results in the physical and spiritual orders, and to an acquaintance with facts ALCHEMY. 91 and forces which it was unwise indiscriminately to divulge, and which resulted in the invention of a typolo¬ gical literature that was intelligible to the initiated alone. Without in any way pretending to assert that this hypo¬ thesis reduces the literary chaos of the philosophers into a regular order, it may be affirmed that it materially elucidates their writings, and that it is wonderful how contradictions, absurdities, and difficulties seem to dis¬ solve wherever it is applied. At the same time, it is equally and abundantly evident that those alchemists with whose lives we are in any way acquainted, were, in the overwhelming majority of cases, indisputably physical chemists in search of a physical secret, and ambitious of material wealth. * It may be said that as actions speak louder than words, the new interpretation, however plausible, is pro¬ bably fallacious, yet outside the illumination which it casts on a large section of alchemical literature, there are other considerations in its favour which cannot be lightly set aside. There is, in the first place, this fundamental and really important fact, that those Hermetic books of Alexandrian Platonism, theurgy, and Egyptian tradition, attributed to Trismegistus, which were the ultimate, ever quoted, and infallible authority of all the western alchemists, appear absolutely devoid of any assignable connection with metallic transmutation; they are devoted to tra nscendental cosmology and a system of spiritual philosophy. If the alchemists were workers in metals, why did they appeal to Hermes 1 It is insufficient to ‘ reply that they were of opinion that the Alexandrian symbolist was delineating the processes of their metallic science in an arcane fashion. There is nothing to support the assertion, for the Golden Treatise of Hermes Trisme¬ gistus, which alone is concerned with physical transmu¬ tation, is a composition of the fifteenth century, long after the establishment of alchemical doctrines in the West, , long after Hermes had been appealed to as an authority, and in all probability a product of the opinion in question, so the fact remains that there is nothing in early Hermetic literature to give colour to such an interpretation. In the second place, it is fairly certain that the b & X % 92 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. mystics who were confessedly devoted to the development of-psychic potentialities in man made use of the same symbols, of similar allegories, and of methods rigorously akin to those of the alchemists. Lastly, the mystics as well as the alchemists appeal to the authority of Hermes. These, in a brief compass, are the most important facts of the case, and in the face of so much conflicting- evidence it is exceedingly difficult to arrive at a tenable and moderate conclusion which shall bring both of these views into a harmonious and consistent relationship. We must begin by conceding that from facts which are ob¬ vious in the lives of the alchemists, and from facts in the history of chemistry, these early investigators of Nature were in search of metallic transmutation, and that in the course of their experiments they admittedly made dis¬ coveries in physics which laid the foundations of the existing science of chemistry. We must suppose that the literature of alchemy was devoted—as it claims to be devoted—to veiled instruction in the physical processes of mineral conversion. In this case, we are forced to regard what may be termed the spiritual gleams that we discover in Western Hermetics as simply lights which are diffused by a theory which is too broad for the prac¬ tice. The metallic work is the threshold of a larger achievement, and the lustre of that more consummate opus permeates the material veils of the metallic theory with oblique and confusing rays. If we turn to the writings of the mystics, to Hermes, Trithemius, Sweden¬ borg, Vaughan, Bohme, and the other innumerable lights which diffuse their psychic splendour on the golden ladder of the transcendental, we shall find that we have entered the field of the larger hypothesis, the grander hope, the superb, if unfinished, achievement. These men wrought upon the subject Man; his were the potencies which they endeavoured, though perhaps imperfectly, to develop and extend; his transmutation from material to spiritual consciousness, from lower to higher life, from humanity to superhumanity, was the conversion which ~thesg~had in view ; his regenerated perfection was the end towards which they strived. The opening of his interior facidties till he was enabled to form a corre- S \ I ALCHEMY. 93 spondence with superior intelligent subsistences, and might in the end be enabled to create an intellectual union with the Sumrm totius Perfedionis, was the divine dream of the mystics. This they endeavoured, this they aspired, to accomplish by virtue of a theory of develop¬ ment which Hermes applied in explanation of the ma¬ terial cosmos, which they deemed of equal application to humanity as minutum mundum, the cosmos within the cosmos, the small world within the great world, and in¬ tellectually the centre of this; by the alchemists it was also appropriated because they believed that the develop¬ ment of a particle of matter must proceed on the same line and according to the same basis as that of the grand totality. With such an interpretation we can understand the appeal to Hermes on the part of physical and spiritual mystics alike, the identity of symbols, and the parallel in allegory between the two schools of thought. At this point we must pause ; it would be quite out of place in an elementary treatise to attempt any delineation of mystical methods in the development of the interior Sol and of its complement, the interior Luna. We believe ourselves to have established the points which we under¬ took at the beginning to demonstrate. We have shown that the ordinary notions concerning the Hermetic mys¬ tery and alchemy are inadequate to the scope of the sub¬ ject ; we have endeavoured to explain the conceptions which are at the base of the theory of transmutation, to indicate the possibilities which the mystics beheld behind it, and to expose, as was promised, the connection which subsists between this branch of transcendental experi¬ ment and that which is known as magic, for magic from the mystical standpoint was the modification of man by alchemy, or the spiritual side of magnum opus. Books on the subject of alchemy in the English lan¬ guage are rare and expensive. The following are recom¬ mended : — “ A Suggestive Enquiry into the Hermetic Mystery;”* “Remarks on Alchemy and the Alchemists,” * Of all modern works this is most important to the student. Issued in 1850, it was suppressed almost on the day of publication, authoress and advisers considering that it was too suggestive to be circulated with prudence. 94 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. Boston, 1857 ; “ Lives of the Alchemistical Philosophers, with a Selection of the most celebrated Treatises on the Theory and Practice of the Hermetic Art,” 1815. There exist, also, English translations of works by Geber, Paracelsus, Van Helmont, Helvetius, George Starkey, Eugenius Philalethes (Thomas Vaughan), Basil Valentine, Roger Bacon, Sendivogius, and Pseudo- Hermes. A considerable insight into the life and work of a physical alchemist in the middle ages may be obtained in a very pleasant manner by the perusal of “ A Professor of Alchemy,” which is an account of the history and adventures of Denis Zachaire, the celebrated French alchemist. THE ELIXIR OF LIFE. T UST as the aims of the alchemists have been inter¬ preted in a romantic spiritual sense, so has that other department of thaumaturgic physics, intimately con¬ nected with alchemy—alchemy, indeed, under another aspect—Avhich is concerned with the conversion, recon¬ struction, and complete transmutation of the present body of man. The entire transcendentalism of the West seems to have been emphatically based on the lapse of humanity from a primordial condition of grace, strength, perfection, beauty, and physical immortality, and the divine dream of its professors was to re-establish the harmony which once existed between man and his fontal source, so as to retrieve the individual at any rate from the miserable ruin of the race, and to restore him to his original con¬ dition. This, indeed, was unmistakably their patent and avowed object. A certain method of life and a certain medical regimen were the means by which it was deemed possible to secure this resplendent rehabilitation. To achieve immortality by a medicine which had the quality of renovati ng w asted tissues, of eliminating the germs of disease, and arresting the progress of decay, was a grand upward step, a substantial realisation of the dream ; the possibility was uniyersally admitted, the process was hoped for, longed for, toiled for, often died for; some claimed to have accomplished it, many pretended to possess the secret, a few, ravished out of sober reason by search, expectation, and desire, genuinely believed them¬ selves to have attained to the grand way, the true path, and may have been encouraged in their sublime self-decep¬ tion by the actual discovery of powerful healing secrets which are unknown to modern science. It is at any rate moderately certain that the Elixir of Life, the Universal Medicine, and the renewal of youth are conceptions which 96 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. were understood by the mystics in a literal sense, and no modern interpretation must be accepted which does outrage thereto. But it also becomes evident by the study of the great transcendentalists that the double aspect of alchemy must be extended to the life-elixir; it was actual, it was physical, it was truly sought, there was neither pretence, nor allegory, nor subterfuge about it; but it included also another side, a larger scope, a deeper search, a higher meaning.* Eliphas Levi, ever open to the most adverse criticism, but to whom we must always recur for quotation, says : “ To imprison a soul for ever in a mummified human body, such would be the horrible solution of pre¬ tended immortality in the same body and on the same earth.” That may be true enough, but impossible, un¬ worthy, gross though it may be, it was still sought by transcendental science in the West; only the apostles of transcendental science would have cried out against the perverted presentation of their cherished idea; they would have said that their great elixir renews vitality, that it gives immortality to youth and not to a mummy. When we turn from these higher considerations to the renewal of physical youth, which the mystics desired to achieve, we are brought into the presence of much that appears barbarous, absurd, and belonging to the awk¬ ward, clumsy, and stumbling infancy of medical science. The entire subject of the life-elixir, the grand palin¬ genesis, the universal medecine, and the perfect way of youth-renewal, has been exhaustively discussed in an excessively curious book published at Paris in 1716, and entitled : An History of those Persons who have lived, more than a century, and of those who have Renewed their Youth, * The following mystical commentary lias been ottered on this point. 11 The arcane understanding of the Elixir of Life is in the alchemical Solve et Coagula, >vhen spirit is turned into matter, and vice versa. When a man knows his own spirit, he cannot die, that is, lose consciousness in the flesh. He can put ott' his taber¬ nacle if he will, and if he have allowed it to become feeble. He then disappears. If he has kept up the physical correspondence perfectly, lie can pass to another country, appearing to die in a given place. But to do so, he must have friends with knowledge.” THK KLIXIE OF LIFE. 97 with the Secret of Rejuvenescence, drawn out hj Arnold de Villenieuve, by M. de Longuevillc-Harcourt. The fifteenth chapter discusses the possibility of renewal, with the quaint illustrations that follow. “To renew youth is to enter once more into that felicitous season which imparts to the human frame the pleasures and strength of the morning. Here it is to no purpose that we should speak of that problem so much discussed by the Wise, whether the art can be carried to such a pitch of excellence that old age should itself be made young. We know that Paracelsus has vaunted the metamorphic resources of his Mercury of Life which not merely rejuvenates men but converts metals into gold ; he who promised unto others the years of the sybils, or at least the 300 winters of Nestor, himself perished at the age of thirty-seven. Let us turn rather to Nature, so admirable in her achievements, and deem her not capable alone of destroying what she has pro¬ duced at the moment she has begotten them. Is it possible that she will refuse unto man, for whom all was created, what she accords to the stags, the eagles, and the serpents, who do annually cast aside the mourn¬ ful concomitants of senility, and do assume the most brilliant, the most gracious amenities of the most joyous youth ? Art, it is true, has not as yet arrived at that apex of perfection wherefrom it can renew our youth; but that which was unachieved in the past may be ac¬ complished in the future, a prodigy which may be more confidently expected from the fact that in isolated cases it has actually already taken place, as the facts of history make evident. By observing and following the manner in which nature performs such wonders, we may as¬ suredly hope to execute this desirable transformation, and the first condition is an amiable temperament, such as that which was possessed by Moses, of whom it is written that for one hundred and twenty years his sight never failed him. “ The stag, eagle, and sparrow-hawk renew their youth. Aldrovandus has written on the rejuvenescence of the eagle. Among the birds of the air, we are told by Pliny that the raven and the phoenix live, each of G 98 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. them, six hundred years. No one denies that the stag is renewed by feeding on vipers and serpents, while the apes of Caucasus, whose diet is pepper, prove a sovereign remedy for the lion, who grows young by devouring their flesh. Those who have written of the elephant maintain that his normal life is extended through three centuries, while the horse, which alone in creation participates in the natures of man, of the lion, of the ox, the sheep, the mule, the stag, the wolf, the fox, the serpent, and the hare, from each deriving three of its qualities, has oc¬ casionally survived with undiminished vigour the lapse of a hundred years. The serpent, who is instrumental in the rejuvenescence of the stag, himself renews his youth at the shedding of his scales, from all which con¬ siderations, it follows that it is not beyond belief that a like prodigy may be found in the superior order of the same productions whence man has been himself derived, for man is assuredly not in a worse condition than the beasts whom he rules.” From these considerations the writer passes to an account of those persons, male and female, who are supposed to have renewed their youth. Unfortunately, the evidence is chiefly confined to the mythic periods of antiquity. Eson, the father of Jason, was enveloped by Medea in a quantity of warm herbs and aromatics, saturated with certain liquids which extracted the po¬ tent juices of these plants and recovered the youth of the patient. A fountain is mentioned by Herodotus which restored strength to the aged. The spring of Lucaga in America is accredited by Peter Chieza with the same marvellous property. A similar fountain is located in an island of the Greek Archipelago, according to And rams Baccius, and another in the neighbourhood of Argos was called the Fountain of Canathus. Torque- mada and Peter the Martyr, Aulus Gellius and Pliny, Lovrichius, and William Postel are cited in support of the actuality of renewal, and when the historic evidence has been at length exhausted, M. de Longueville- Harcourt supplies, what is promised in his title, the “arcanum” of Arnold de Villeneuve for the operation of the grand work of renewal. THE ELIXIR OF LIFE. 99 “ This marvellous process for the rehabilitation of Nature,” says the author already cited, “ is not to be found in the folio edition of the illustrious Arnold de Villeneuve ; it is preserved in an ancient Latin manu¬ script, which came into the hands of a certain M. dm Poirier, chief physician of the general hospital at Tours, who lent it to the Abbb de Vallemont, of Pomaine,” by whom it was communicated to the author, M. de Longue- ville-Harcourt. The rejuvenating process of Arnold de Villeneuve is supplemented by a recipe for the Universal Medicine, which is generally identified with the Elixir, but appears to be of lesser virtue. This special elabora¬ tion is the achievement of M. de Comiers, who had a doctrine that diet and sweating were certain remedies for everything. It was claimed to be the universal medicine in a liquid form, and was guaranteed to set free or preserve the partaker from every disease. The dose was from five to six drops in wine or broth, accord¬ ing to the nature of the illness.” According to Bernard Trevisan, a distinguished French adept, the reduction of the “ philo sop hical stone ” into mercurial water results in the alchemical elixir of life, which is the Hermetic aurum potadUer 'Its potent virtues Pare ecpial to the cure of every variety of disease and jit prolongs life beyond the ordinary limits. When the perfect elixir has been elaborated to the Red, it is said to transmute copper, lead, iron, and all metals into a purer gold than that which is found in the mines, while the same elixir elaborated to the White produces an excellent quality of wholly unalloyed silver. Several formal recipes for the composition of the Universal Medicine are given in alchemical literature. That in Albertus Parvus requires eight pounds of sugar of mercury as its foundation. Those who partake night and morning of one dose will find their life pro¬ longed, their health insured; while gout, sciatica, vertigo, and every internal complaint will be entirely and speedily eradicated. At the solemn moment of death, the illustrious Bene¬ dictine, Trithemius, who is counted among the greatest of the Christian and Catholic hierophants, formulated a 100 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. recipe which he is said to have affirmed would preserve a good stomach, a strong mind, and a tenacious memory, together with perfect sight and hearing, for all who ' made use of it. As it is concerned with available ' materials, it deserves to be given in full:— Pulvis Medicinalis valde celebralus Tritheviii. Calami Aromatici, Gentianse, Cinimi, Sileris Montani, Anisi, Carvi, Ameos, Sem. Petroselini, Spicse Nardi, Coralli Rub, Unionum sive perlarum non perforatorum, Zingiberis Albi, Amari Dulcis, Folionun Senae, Tartari Adusti, Macis, Cubebarum, Cariopliyllorum, ) 15 gram. 625 rnillig. of each. / j 156 gram. 250 rnillig. j- 19 gram. 331 rnillig. of each. j | 7 gram. 331 rnillig. of each. 27 gram. 344 rnillig. Fiat pulvis. Dose.—5 gram. 859 rnillig., taken night and morning in wine or brodium, during the whole of the first month ; during the second month, in the morning only ; during the third month, thrice in the week, and so continue through life. Occasionally the miraculous recipe was formulated in the terms of the alchemists. The true method of compos¬ ing the divine medicine is thus imparted by Eugenius Philalethes :—“ Ten parts of coelestiall slime ; separate the male from the female, and each afterwards from its own earth, physically, mark you, and with no violence. [Conjoin after separation in due, harmonic, vitall pro- THE ELIXIR OF LIFE. 101 portion; and, straightway, the Soul descending from ( the pyroplastic sphere, shall restore, by a mirific embrace, its dead and deserted body. Proceed according to the ' Volcanico magical theory, till they are exalted into the Fifth Metaphysical Rota. This is that world-renowned medicine, whereof so many have scribbled, which, not¬ withstanding, so few have known.” In the “ Doctrine and Ritual of Transcendental Magic,” Eliphas Levi informs his students that he has come into possession of Cagliostro’s great secret of re¬ juvenescence, but his reasons for withholding it from publication will be readily understood. If it be necessary to pose as the protector of dangerous knowledge, one should at least do so consistently, but with true French fickleness, and without a word of warning, much less of explanation or defence of his change of front, he supplies the recipe in his next book, and makes evident by its nature the pure charlatancy of his previous scruples, which are wholly in character with the transcendental devices which abound in his earlier work. By means of this preposterous regimen, which is too complicated to admit of reproduction in this place, the impostor, who was not all an impostor, pretended to have extended his life over a period of several centuries; and on the authority of L6vi, we learn that the apostles of the marvellous are convinced that the great "Copt is "now located in America, where he is the supreme and invisible pontiff' of the grand chaos of the spirit rappers. Aristeus, the philosophical alchemist, is supposed to have delivered to his disciples what he terms the golden key of the Grand Work, which will render all metals diaphanous, and man himself immortal. The process appears to consist in the esoteric treatment of air, but whether of the ordinary atmosphere, or of something more concealed and recondite, we have no means of judging. It is congealed and distilled till it develops a divine sparkle, and subsecjiicntly becomes liquified. It is then subjected to heat, and is reinforced by another atmosphere. After these and other treatments, the elixir or solar marvel of all the sages, should reward the alchemical worker. 102 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. An arcanum may be possibly contained in this truly philosophical explanation, but the explanation is itself an arcanum, and an exceeding great and monumental mystery. It is the concentrated centre of the incompre¬ hensible. But the principles thus bequeathed to the elected children of Aristeus have been the subject of reflection, we are informed, among skilful artists of the magnum opus. The result of their pondering is the luminous conclusion that he shall not truly work in vain who composeth a medley with the veritable balm of mercury, which, treated after the methods of alchemical confection and united with the elixir of their master, will perform every possible wonder that can be expected from so supreme an achievement. However this may be, it is certain that on the lines of the Hermetists no practical performance can be so much as attempted in the physical order, for want of the necessary materials. No investigation, however assiduous, can possibly elucidate secrets that have never been re¬ vealed, and a long and exhaustive study leaves the whole subject exactly where it was found by the tyro, in a chaos of cloud and darkness. It is exceedingly probable that some of the minor recipes which will be found in Hermetic books may contain medical secrets which are unknown to modern science, and may be recovered by carefnl experiment. Among so vast a mass of material—mystic therapeutics, mystic chemistry, mystic herbalism—there may well be something of value; but it will not be Raymond Lully’s great Elixir, nor the true Metallic Medicine. These, if they ever existed, would appear to be beyond recovery. The literature of the Universal Medicine, as distinct from the literature of alchemy, is not extensive. The work which we have already cited is perhaps the most complete of its kind; but one which is excessively curious, and should not be overlooked by the curious, is. Salmon’s Polygraphia , which has much information upon the Grand Elixir of the philosophers. Some of our information will be found in Les Admirables Secrets cVAlbert le Grand-, and there are annotations on potable gold in the “ Infernal Dictionary,” and in Migne’s encyclopaedic Diciionnaire des Sciences Occultes. CRYSTALLOMANCY. T HOUGH properly belonging to divinatio n^ an ele¬ mentary branch of occultism, the Science of the Crystal is sufficiently serious in character and sufficiently important in result to demand a separate treatment. It was found in the past that the fixed contemplation of a transparent and radiating object dazzled and troubled the eyes, and ultimately produced in a number of subjects the condition which we denominate hypnotic. The artificial production of the hypnotic state was thus obtained in an innumerable variety of ways, but by none more successfully than the intervention of such substances as mirrors, crystals, and precious stones like the beryl. The mirror was more largely made use of iu ceremonial evocations ; the crystal, on the other hand, was deemed the most perfect~~rrtstrument for eliciting supernatural revelations in visions. It was practised in two manners, each of them preceded by a formal ron socratio ji^ pr chargin g of the potent stone. Those who were personally devoid of The faculty of clairvoyant lucidity could operate by the intervention of a virgin girl or boy, born in lawful wedlock, the physical purity and spiritual innocence, which in children more closely than in others approaches the ideal of unfallen humanity, being intimately connected with success in the practice of all lawful magic, and the preponderance of intuitive over rational perception during the first period of youth being another and distinct advantage. The imagination of the subject was impressed by the recitation of the charge, and perhaps was still further exalted by the use of a slight cerem onial. He might be draped, for example, in a mantle of violet silk and crowned with a garland of lilies. Incense would be burnt in his presences, or penetrating and delicious per- 104 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. fumes, such as that of syringa and magnolia, might be diffused around; his hands, feet, and forehead might bo anointed with chrism, and an aromatic draught might be given him. When these preparations were over, he was placed in a subdued light in front of the magic crystal and his eyes were fixed upon its surface. Gradually, to a suitable subject, a mist would gather in the depths of the globe; the interior faculties of the mind would ex¬ pand like a flower, the exterior senses would be at least partially suspended, except to the voice of the operator, with whom he was in magnetic rapport, the crystal itself would vanish from the sight of the entranced being, the mist would melt or part, and he would be ravished by the apparition of a radiant being, the abiding spirit of- the stone, or of some other vision which he was influenced to behold by the words or the will of the Magus. This form of divination is undoubtedly one of the most innocent, pleasing, and successful methods of minor magical practice, and it is one which can be reproduced by an operator at the present day with considerable facility. The time crystal has been accredited with magnetic properties which assist the development of the interior sight, but it is indispensable for success that they should be of considerable size, and in shape either a perfect sphere or an egg; a good specimen is therefore expensive, but excellent imitations in glass may be easily procured, which are said to be utilised by occult students with genuine results, and can be purchased at the cost of a few shillings. The favourite medium in the past was the pale water-green beryl; a clouded crystal was preferred by some operators, and every variety of precious stone has, on occasion, been pressed into service. Testimony to the complete reliability of many recorded results obtained by the crystal is to be found in abund¬ ance ; things taking place at a distance having been beheld by the seer in his trance and afterwards verified in detail. By virtue of what law such occurrences are possible is beyond the scope of our present investigation; we are concerned with the facts alone; explanations may be ingenious and plausible, and many have indeed been CRYSTALLOMANCY. 105 devised, but at the present stage of psychological experi¬ ment hypothesis seems decidedly premature. Crystallomancy in its second and more advanced form was practised without the intervention of a medium, when the Magus believedMumself to possess the required faculty of clairvoyaneer— In modern times, the rules for obtaining a vision have been exceedingly simplified. A practical student of the subject has reduced them to the following points : — “ Keep the crystal clean. Don’t be too liberal in allow¬ ing strangers to handle it, except you are going to look for them, when they ought to hold it in their hands for a few minutes. Hold the crystal between fingers and thumb, or on a table, if fiat at the end. If the crystal appears hazy or dull, it is a true sign that you will see ; the crystal will subsequently clear, and the forms manifest. If it be required to see events which are taking place at a distance, say, in Australia, look lengthwise through the crystal, when, if you can see at all, you are likely to accomplish your object.” But there are rituals contained in old manuscripts and books of magic which insist upon a far more elaborate ceremonial. “ Those who desire to establish communication with good spirits in the crystal,” says one of these older authorities, “ must lead a rel igious life, and keep them¬ selves unspotted froth the world. The operator must make himself clean and pure, using frequent ablutions and prayers for at least three days before he attempts the practice, and the moon must be increasing. If he choose, he may have one or two Muse and discreet per¬ sons as companions and assistants, but he and they must equally conform to the methods and rules of art. The operator must be firm, strong in faith, great in con¬ fidence, and he must be careful that no portion of the ceremonies be omitted if he desire to achieve success, for on the exactitude with which the entire ritual is per¬ formed depends the accomplishment of his design. The in- vocant may perform the practice at any time of the year, provided the two luminaries are in a fortunate aspect, in conjunction with fortunate planets; when the sun is in 106 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. his greatest northern declination is said to be the best time.” In order to prosecute his work, the operator must have a small room in a retired part of the house, such as an attic, or a low kitchen; It must be clean and neat, but with no sumptuous ornaments to distract his attention. The floor must be well scoured and quite level, so as to receive the lines of the several circles and characters which are to be traced thereon. The room must be free from intruders, from the hurry of business, and it should be locked when not in use. Every preparation belong¬ ing to the art must be made during the moon’s increase. The operator must be provided with a small table, covered with a white linen cloth; a chair should be placed in the room, and the materials required for a fire, which will be necessary to enkindle the perfume proper to that planet which may govern the hour of practice. A torch, two wax candles, placed in gilded or brass candlesticks, highly polished and engraven, must be likewise provided, together with a pair of compasses, and several minor accessories, such as twine, a knife, a pair of scissors, &c, The magic sword must be made of pure steel; it must be supplemented by a wand of hazel wood, of a year’s growth and a yard in length, graven with appropriate sacred characters. Every in¬ strument, large or small, must be entirely new, and must be consecrated previous to use. The most important adjunct of the practice is the crystal, which must be about four inches in diameter, or, at least, the size of a large orange. It must be properly ground and polished, so as to be free from specks or spots; it should be enclosed in a frame of ivory, ebony, or boxwood, also highly polished. Sacred names must be written round about it, in raised letters of gold; the pedestal to which the frame is fixed may be of any suit able wood, properly polished. The crystal, like the other instruments, must be consecrated before being- used, and should be kept in a new box or drawer, under lock and key. The names to be engraved on the frame are, at the North, Tetragrammaton; at the East, Emanuel ; at the South, Agla ; and at the West, Adonay. The CRYSTALLOMANCY. 107 pedestal which supports the frame should bear the mystical name Saday, while on the pedestals of the two candles, Elohim and Elohe, must be respectively embossed. In consecrating all the instruments and other acces¬ sories of the art, the invocant must repeat the forms'of consecration while imposing his hands upon the different articles, and his face must be turned to the East. The consecrations being ended, he may then arrange the table with the crystal thereon, together with a candle¬ stick containing a wax candle on each side of the circle, which should be seven feet in diameter, and must en¬ close a mystic square, whose angles at the apex point must, in each case, impinge on the circumference. Both figures must be appropriately inscribed with sacred names and mystical characters and symbols. When the operator enters the circle with his companions, if any, it must be the day and hour of Mercury, the moon increas- ' ing, and the operations must be prefaced by an earnest invocation of Vassago, who is the genius of the crystal. If the conjurations be often repeated, if the operator be patient and constant in his perseverance, and not dis¬ heartened or dismayed by reason of any tedium or delay, the spirit, it is affirmed by the ritual, will at last appear, when he must be bound with the Bond of Spirits, after which ho may be conversed with freely. “That this is a true experiment, and that the spirit hath been obliged to the fellowship and service of a magic artist heretofore, is very certain,” says the same authority; “ but as all aerial spirits are very powerful, it will be well for the operator not to quit the limits of the circle till a few minutes after the apparition has been formally licensed to depart.” It seems clear that the intelligences which manifest to the Magus through the graceful medium of the crystal are members of an elementary hierarchy, and it will be discerned by the intelligent reader that the force which controls them is t he will of the operator, rendered magnetic by the discipline of the ritual, and dilated as well as directed by the elaborate, if grotesque, cere¬ monial. He will probably conclude that the so-called divine names, which are frequently barbarous perver¬ sions of dead tongues, or are simply chaotic, are 108 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. impotent symbols in themselves till they are vivified by the intelligent and measured desperation of the ^operator, and that the whole modus operandi is calcu¬ lated to work upon the interior faculties of the man, and ! not upon the fears of the spirit. If the will and the imagination of the operator be sufficiently strong, and at the same time sufficiently governed to dispense with ritual formalities, an effect may be produced without them. Paracelsus, relying upon the force of the con¬ cealed rnagnes in the arcane man, denounces the cere¬ monial of magic with the violence of the mediaeval hierophant. At the same time, if the rites be observed at all, they must be observed in toto, for the smallest deflection will react on the will of the operator, and, as Eliphas Lbvi indicates, it will produce apprehension and embarrassment which may stultify the whole process. Among the many persons who in recent years have conducted experiments with the crystal, one of the most successful was the late Frederick Hockley, who devoted his life to the collection and transcription of works on the secret sciences, and who was also a practical student of several branches of magic. He was not himself a seer in the ordinary sense of the term, and his dealings with the spirits of the crystal were conducted by the media¬ tion of clairvoyantes. When his extraordinary library was dispersed, a long series of communications obtained - through the crystal, and extending to several volumes, written in his own hand, was a centre of interest to the collectors of occult manuscripts. The success which was obtained by Mr Hockley in this as in other departments of magic art, had considerable evidential value, as it was achieved by a private gentleman who never posed as a mystic, who pursued his experiments in secret for his personal satisfaction only, who never published the re¬ sults of his researches, and was neither seeking notoriety nor pecuniary gain. THE COMPOSITION OF TALISMANS. rpHE English Platonist, Joseph Glanvil, author of\ I Sadducismus Triumphatus, a formidable discovery of) witchcraft, of a “Key to the Grand Mysteries in Relation to Sin and Evil,” and of other tracts and treatises, was an important mystic of his period, but he is now known only by one anecdote and one pregnant sentence. The anecdote is that of the Scholar Gipsy, who renounced his Oxford studies to lead a nomadic life and to discover an arcanum possessed by the Bohemians, whereby they could strangely influence the will of others. Which of us is unacquainted with the imperishable beauty of Matthew Arnold’s elegy founded on this anecdote? As transcendentalists, we should be grateful to the sweet singer who has indirectly perpetuated the memory of the dead mystic. But Glanvil is immortalised also by a sentence which Poe disentombed, and has placed as the central idea of one of his wildest narratives. “ And the Will therein lieth, which dieth not. AVho knoweth the mysteries of the Will, with its vigour? For God is but a great Will pervading all things by nature of its intentness. Man doth not yield himself to the angels nor to death utterly, save only through the weakness of his feeble will.” The anecdote and sentence are both taken from the “ Vanity of Dogmatizing,” a title which may be respectfully recommended to the attention of many persons at the present day. This single sentence, is, in effect, the sum of ma gic, for the s eat of the power of the s oul is said to be in the \VrtI~of—the man, | , which is the great magicaTagent, the instrument in the 11 development of all interior faculties, the life of conscious act, and the sole informing principle of mystic rites and ceremonies. As the will of a strong man can influence a weaker no THE OCCULT SCIENCES. mind, as it can bid the magnetic patient sleep, and the clairvoyant see, so it was believed in the past that it could endue an inert substance with an occult force transferred from the inmost individuality of the operator by a grand mental projection ; and this was Talismanic Magic. The principle was debased by the unintelligence and superstition of the past ; the virtue was divorced from its connection with the operating mind, and was referred to the methods, and to the substance of the talisman, or to the blind observation of times and seasons. The life of the belief departed, and the vivid realisation of the absolute power of man over all things animate and inanimate was replaced by a slavish venera¬ tion of occult forces which exercised a fatal and undis¬ cerning tyranny over men and the magus. At its best, talismanic magic seems to rank as one of the curiosities of esoteric science which are chiefly archaeo¬ logical in interest. We may recognise the principle which it involves as a reasonable part of mysticism. This prin¬ ciple is concerned with the communication of human mag¬ netism to inert objects, which in an inferior kingdom of nature is paralleled by the transference of a similar and equally mysterious virtue from the loadstone to iron. Beyond this, and beyond the part which is played by the talisman in the ceremonies of evocation, it is a branch of mysticism which has little to warrant its revival at the present day. It encourages intellectual weakness, and directs the attention of the student to the frivolities j of transcendental art. The talisman has been tersely j defined as an astrological character engraven upon a sympathetic stone in correspondence with the constella¬ tion or star which was represented by the character in question. Its name is derived from a Greek word which j signifies a symbol, image, or figure. It is a sign which 1 stands as the nominal equivalent of a force or influence. The emblem must be engraved upon the substance of the talisman by an operator who is at any rate philo¬ sophically acquainted with the nature of the influence which it signifies, who can concentrate his entire atten¬ tion and his undivided will upon the work, while his mental powers are isolated from all sources of distraction THE COMPOSITION OF TALISMANS. Ill and all thoughts which are unconnected with the matter in hand. Tne doctrines and practice of talismanic magic, as it flourished amidst the Christianity of the West, are derived from the Kabbalah, which in turn was indebted to Chaldea, Egypt, and "Babylon ; for if the talisman be less old than religion, it is as old as superstition and as wide in the sphere of its influence. The seal .Solomon is the most famous of all talis¬ mans, and nothing was believed to be impossible for those who possessed it, as it had power over all spirits, which is equivalent to saying that it represented a strong psychic force. The five-pqhited_star of the microcosm, which is the Star of Bethlehem, the star of the Magi, and the mystic sign of humanity, as the doub le tria ngle of Solomon was the symbol of the universe, the macro¬ cosm, or the great world—man being minutum viundum —this emblem was of equal repute and, in the human sphere, of even greater power than the seal of the mythic monarch of transcendental Judaism. With the single point, or horn, in the ascendant, it represented White Magic ; reversed, it was the emblem of sorcery, witch¬ craft, and the grotesque extravagances of the “ Sabbath.” Occasionally, talismanic influence has been accredited with a broader range. Five varieties are enumerated by Elihu Rich :—1. The astrological, having the char¬ acters of The heavenly signs or constellations. This branch was developed by Paracelsus, who refers talis¬ manic virtue to the seven genii of the seven planets. 2. The magical, engraved with symbolical figures, and the names of unknown angels. The mystical designs which are found upon Gnostic gems may be referred to this branch. 3. The mixed, engraven with celestial signs and barbaric words. 4. The sigilla planetarum, composed of Hebrew numeral letters, or their equiva¬ lents in Roman and Arabic ciphers. 5. Hebrew names and characters. This classification is, however, exceed¬ ingly arbitrary. The majority of talismans are suffi¬ ciently composite in design to embrace all of these varieties. Within the historical period, they were all formed under appropriate planetary influences, and to 112 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. this, if no further, extent, were of distinctly astronomical character. A more accurate distinction, though one originating in superstition, may be based on the differ¬ ence between artificial talismans composed by the science of the Magus and substances which were accredited with a natural talismanic virtue, as in the case of precious stones. The vjxtues which were attached to the talisman were usually 7 of a pract ical characte r, and an important position was assigned them in the mysteries of the healing^art. As in modern mesmeric therapeutics, the health-giving power of the physician is supposed to be transmitted to a patient at a distance by means of a magnetised water, or other suitable medium, so it would appear that the power of the magus had entered into the talismaipby the penetrating force of will, and could exercise a similar influence over a sick person when it had been composed for a healing purpose. But the talisman would be more potent than the magnetic water of the unilluminated mesmerist. The science of the Magus enabled him to combine with the force of his own will and intelligence the most favourable influences of the whole sidereal world. The genius of the predominating planet of the moment—which, in other words, was the specific influence and destiny which it was astrologically supposed to radiate—entered into the act of composi¬ tion ; the talismarpwas-informecl by his genial and bene¬ volent potency^ whic h was superior to that of the Magus (whose ^participation was practically forgotten from the moment that the composition was over), and the con¬ secrated object became the talisman of that planet under which it was made and consecrated. The alleged value of planetary influences will be appreciated in a sub¬ sequent portion of this book; here it is sufficient to observe that the belief in intervention on the part of the astral world largely assisted talismanic healing by its effect on imagination, which by its natural therapeutics can accomplish what is impossible to medicine, and is the chief agent in all so-called miraculous cures — magnetic, magic, talismanic. The Doctrine of Talismans supposes that the influence THE COMPOSITION OF TALISMANS. 113 of the Seven Planets which were known to the astronomy of the ancients, is never more strong and conspicuous than Avhen it acts through the intervention of the Seven Metals of alchemy, which are each in correspondence with one of these celestial bodies. The metals, which are to be severally referred to each of the several planets, are said to have been ascertained by the sublime pene¬ tration of the Kabbalists. However this may be, it is certain that, from the magical standpoint, gold was the metal of the Sun, and of the first day in the week; silver of the moon, and of Monday ; iron of Mars, and of Tuesday ; quicksilver of Mercury, and of Wednesday; pewter of •Jupiter, and of Thursday ; copper, or brass, of Venus, and of Friday ; and lead of Saturn, and of Saturday. From Christian’s Histoire de la Magic, from the curiosities of the “ Little Albert,” and similar autho¬ rities, we may gather an intelligible notion of the most important astral talismans. It should, however, be re¬ marked that, as in other ceremonial matters, there is litthy ummimity on this subject among writers on magic. A variety of pentacles are attributed to each of the planets in the so-called “ Keys of Solomon ” which differ altogether from those which are described by Paracelsus, while, among modern authors, Eliphas Levi has developed a system of his own. y I. The Talisman of the Sun must be composed of a pure and fine gold, fashioned into a circulay^plate, and well polished on either side. A serpentine circle, en¬ closed by a pentagram must be engraved on the obverse side with a diamond-pointed graving tool. The reverse must bear a human head in the centre of the six-pointed star of Solomon, which shall itself be surrounded with the name of the solar intelligence Pi-Rhe, written in the characters of the Magi. This talisman is supposed to insure to its bearer the goodwill (^influential persons. It is a preservative against deathTby heart disease, syn¬ cope, aneurism, and epidemic complaints. It must be composed on a Sunday during the passage of the moon through the first ten degrees of Leo, and when that 114 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. luminary is in a favourable aspect with Saturn and the Sun. The consecration consists in the exposure of the talisman to the smoke of a perfume composed of cinnamon, incense, saffron, and red sandal, burnt with laurelwood, and twigs of dessicated heliotrope, in a new chafing-dish, which must be ground into powder and buried in an isolated spot, after the operation is finished. The talisman must be afterwards encased in a satchel of bright yellow silk, which must be fastened on the breast by an interlaced ribbon of the same material, tied in the form of a cross. In all cases the ceremony should be preceded by the conjuration of the Four, to which the reader has already been referred. The form of con¬ secration, accompanied by sprinkling with holy water, may be rendered in the following manner :—- In the name of Elohim, and by the spirit of the living- waters, be thou unto me as a sign of light and a seal of will. Presenting it to the smoke of the perfumes :—By the brazen serpent before which fell the serpents of fire, be thou unto me as a sign of light and a seal of will. Breathing seven times upon the talisman: —By the firma¬ ment and the spirit of the voice, be thou unto me as a sign of light and a seal of will. Lastly, when placing some grains of purified earth or salt upon the pentacle: —In the name of the salt of the earth and by virtue of the life eternal, be thou unto me as a sign of light and a seal of will. II. The Talisman of the Moon should be composed of a circular and well-polished plate of the purest silver, being of the dimensions of an ordinary medal. The image of a crescent, enclosed in a pentagram, should be graven on the obverse side. On the reverse side, a chalice must be encircled by the duadic seal of Solomon, encompassed by the letters of the lunar genius Pi-Job. This talisman is considered a protection to t raveller s, and to sojourners in strange lands. It preserves from death by drowning, by epilepsy, by dropsy, by apoplexy, and madness. The danger of a violent end which is THE COMPOSITION OF TALISMANS. 115 predicted by Saturnian aspects in horoscopes of nativity, may be removed by its means. It should be composed on a Monday, when the moon is passing through the first ten degrees of Capricornus or Virgo, and is also well aspected with Saturn. Its consecration consists in ex¬ posure to a perfume composed of white sandal, camphor, aloes, amber, and pulverised seed of cucumber, burnt with dessicated stalks of mugwort, moonwort, and ranunculus, in a new earthen chafing-dish, which must be reduced, after the operation, into powder, and buried in a deserted spot. The talisman must be sewn up in a satchel of white silk, and fixed on the breast by a ribbon of the same colour, interlaced and tied in the form of a cross. III. The Talisman of Mars must be composed of a well-polished circular plate of the finest iron, and of the dimensions of an ordinary medal. The symbol of a sword in the centre of a pentagram must be engraved on'the dlbverse side! Ariion’s~head surrounded by a six-pointed star must appear on the reverse face, with the letters of the name Erotosi, the planetary genius of Mars, above the outer angles. This talisman passes as a preservative against all combinations of enemies. It av erts the chance of death in brawls and battles, in epidemics and fevers, and by corroding ulcers. It also neutralizes the peril of a violent end as a punishment for crime when it is foretold in the horoscope of nativity. This talisman must lie composed on a Tuesday, during I the passage of the moon through the ten first degrees of Aries or Sagittarius, and when, moreover, it is favour¬ ably aspected with Saturn and Mars. The consecration consists in its exposure to the smoke of a perfume com posed of dried absinth and rue, burnt in an earthen vessel which has never been previously used, and which must be broken into powder, and buried in a secluded place, when the operation is completed. Finally, the talisman must be sewn up in a satchel of red silk, and fastened on the breast with ribbons of the same material, folded and knotted in the form of a cross. 116 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. IV. The Talisman of Mercury must be formed of a circular plate of fixed quicksilver, or according to another account, of an amalgam of silver, mercury, and pewter, of the dimensions of an ordinary medal, well- polished on both sides. A winged caduceus, having two serpents twining about it, must be engraved in the centre of a pentagram on the obverse side. The other must bear a dog’s head within the star of Solomon, the latter being surrounded with the name of the planetary genius, Pi-Hermes, written in the alphabet of the Magi. This talisman must be composed on a Wednesday, when the moon is passing through the ten first degrees of Gemini or Scorpio, and is well aspected with Saturn and Mercury. The consecration consists in its exposure to the smoke of a perfume composed of benzoin, macis, and storax, burnt with the dried stalks of the lily, the narcissus, fumitory, and marjolane, placed in a clay chafing-dish which has never been devoted to any other purpose, and which must, after the completion of the task, be reduced to powder and buried in an undisturbed place. The talisman of Mercury is judged to be a defence in all species of commerce and business industry. Buried under the ground in a house of commerce, it will draw customers and prosperity. It preserves all who wear it from epile psy a nd madness. It averts death by murder and poison ; It is a safeguard against the schemes of treason; and it procures prophetic dreams when it is worn on the head during sle~ej5i It" is fastened on the breast by a ribbon of purple silk folded and tied in the form of a cross, and the talisman is itself enclosed in a satchel of the same material. V. The Talisman of Jupiter must be formed of a circular plate of the purest English pewt er, having the dimensions of an ordinary medal, and being highly polished on either side. The image of a f our-poi nted crown in the centre of a pentagram must be engraved on the obverse side. On the other must be the head of an eagle in the centre of the six-pointed star of Solomon, which must be surrounded by the name of the planetary genius Pl-Zkous, written in the arcane alphabet. THE COMPOSITION OF TALISMANS. 117 This talisman must be composed on a Thursday, during the passage of the moon through the first ten degrees of Libra, and when it is also in a favourable aspect with Saturn and Jupiter. The consecration consists in its exposure to the smoke of a perfume composed of incense, ambergris, balm, grain of Paradise, saffron, and macis, which is the second coat of the nutmeg. These must be burnt with wood of the oak, poplar, fig tree, and pomegranate, and placed in a new earthen dish, which must be ground into powder, and buried in a quiet spot, at the end of the ceremony. The talisman must be wrapped in a satchel of sky-blue silk, suspended on the breast by a ribbon of the same material, folded and fastened in the form of a cross. The talisman of Jupiter is held to attract to the wearer the benevolence and sympathy of every one. It averts anxieties, favours honourable enterprises, and augments well-being in proportion to social condition. It is a pro¬ tection against unforeseen accidents, and the perils of a violent death when iff is threatened by Saturn in the horoscope of nativity. It also preserves from death by affections of the liver, by inflammation of the lungs, and by that cruel affection of the spinal marrow, which is termed tabes dorsalis in medicine. VI. The Talisman of Venus must be formed of a circular plate of purified and well-polished copper. It must be of the ordinary dimensions of a medal, perfectly polished on both its sides. It must bear on the obverse face the letter G inscribed in the alphabet of the Magi, and enclosed in a pentagram. A dove must be engraved on the reverse, in the centre of the six-pointed star, which must be surrounded by the letters which compose the name of the planetary Genius Su uoth. This talis¬ man must be composed on a Friday, during the passage of the moon through the first ten degrees of Taurus or Virgo, and when that luminary is well aspected with Saturn and Venus. Its consecration consists in its ex¬ posure to the smoke of a perfume composed of violets and roses, burnt with olive wood in a new earthen chafing-dish, which must be ground into powder at the 118 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. end of the operation and buried in a solitary spot. The talisman must, finally, be sewn up in a satchel of green or rose-coloured silk, which must be fastened on the breast by a band of the same material, folded and tied in the form of a cross. The talisman of Venus is accredited with extraordinary power in cementing the bonds of love and harmony between husbands and wives. It averts from those who wear it the spite and machinations of hatred. It pre¬ serves women from the terrible and fatal diseases which are known as ca ncer . It averts from both men and women all danger of death, to which they may be acci¬ dentally or purposely exposed. It counterbalances the unfortunate presages which may appear in the horoscope of nativity. Its last and most singular quality is its power to change the animosity of air enemy into a love and devotion which will be proof against every tempta¬ tion, and it rests on the sole condition that such a person should be persuaded to partake of a liquid in which the talisman has been dipped. VII. The Talisman of Saturn must be composed of a circular plate of refined and purified lead, being of the dimensions of an ordinary medal, elaborately polished. On the obverse side must be engraven with the diamond- pointed tool which is requisite in all these talismanic operations, the image of a sickle enclosed in a pentagram. The reverse side must bear a bull’s head, enclosed in the star of Solomon, and surrounded by the mysterious letters which compose, in the alphabet of the Magi, the name of the planetary Genius Rempha. The person who is intended to wear this talisman must engrave it himself, without witnesses, and without taking any one into his confidence. This talisman must be composed on a Saturday when the moon is passing through the first ten degrees of Taurus or Capricorn, and is favourably aspected with Saturn. It must be consecrated by exposure to the smoke of a perfume composed of alum, assa-foetida, cam- monee, and sulphur, which must be burnt with cypress, the wood of the ash tree, and sprays of black helle- THE COMPOSITION OF TALISMANS. 119 bore, in a new earthen chafing-dish, which must be reduced into powder at the end of the performance, and buried in a deserted place. The talisman must, finally, be sewn up in a satchel of black silk and fastened on the breast with a ribbon of the same material, folded and tied in the form of a cross. The talisman of Saturn was affirmed to be a safeguard against death by apoplexy and cancer, decay in the bones, consumption, dropsy, paralysis, and decline ; it was also a preservative against the possibility of being entombed in a trance, against the danger of violent death by secret crime, poison, or ambush. If the head of the army in war-time were to bury the talisman of Saturn in a place which it was feared might fall into the hands of the enemy, the limit assigned by the presence of the talisman could not be overstepped by the opposing host, which would speedily withdraw in discouragement, or in the face of a determined assault. The names of the presiding planetary intelligences which are given in the foregoing pages purport to be Egyptian in origin. In the Teraphim, which were the ! talismans of mediaeval Kabbalistic rabbis, these names were replaced by Michael, Gabriel, Samael, Raphael, Zachariel, Anael, and Oriphiel. Talismanie theories and practice are almost exclusively confined to the operations of White Magic ; but we learn, on the authority of Christian, that the seven celestial talismans had also their infernal complement; there was the white and the black talisman. It was possible for the perverted Magus to infuse into the material of the metals the poison of his vitiated will, and to combine it Avith the diabolical influence of the seven demons Avho corresponded in eternal opposition to the seven planetary angels. To the angel of Saturn was opposed the demon Nabam ; to that of Jupiter, the demon Acham ; to the \angel of Mars, the demon Nambroth; to the Genius of , Venus, the demon Lilith or Naemah; to that of I Mercury, the demon Astaroth or Tharthae ; to the angel I of the Moon, the demon Satan. The talisman Avas always an accessory of considerable 120 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. importance, and was invariably an indispensable adjunct, in all classes of evocation, but occasionally in the ancient rituals it figures as the chief condition of the practice. This is especiall}^ the case with the talisman called Almadel, which is described in the earliest work on magic that is known to have been printed in English. By the intervention of this instrument, Solomon, the father of Jewish mysticism—in the sense that from the altitudes of theurgic experiment to the lowest science of the abyss, all kabbalistic arts are gratuitously fathered upon him— is affirmed to have attained his great and sublime wisdom from the chief angels that govern the four altitudes of the world, “ for you must observe,” says this curious ritual, “ that there are in the world four altitudes, which represent the four corners of the world —East, West, North, and South, these being twelve times subdivided, three to every part.” The angels of each of these altitudes have their particular virtues and powers. The mysteries of talismanic magic have exercised the erudition of most writers on the practical branches of mysticism. Paracelsus is the prince of authorities; but there is a fund of information in the “ Occult Philo¬ sophy ” of Cornelius Agrippa. “ The Magus,” by Francis Barrett, is an accessible book which summarises the anterior literature. Secrets Merveilleux de la Magie Naturelle et Cabalistique du Petit Albert contains also talismanic secrets. DIVINATION. T HE circle of each of the physical sciences is sur¬ rounded with a fringe of light, easy, and pleasing experiments which in themselves are exceedingly trivial, but are as so many thresholds of the deep things of knowledge, and are to be valued for that which they lead to, and not for what they are. The profund¬ ities of esoteric science have also their light, fantastic borderland where the tyro may amuse himself, and where the vacuous interest of the modern dame de socidti, who describes herself as “ very occult,” finds sufficient nourishment to sustain a shallow and sentimental interest in the mysteries of psychic force. Such are the methods of divination which abound in old books, and in the folk-lore of all European peoples. They are preliminary and trivial experiments with the powers of the interior man ; if the conditions which are indispensable to the manifestation of these powers in any of their phases are fulfilled, they are successful, they excite wonder, and nourish credulity ; if the ignorance and stupidity of the operator, or the inanity of a particular method, should render a result abortive, the entire science is condemned. Yet physics, as much as jrsychology, though each in their own way, depend for success on conditions. The friction of silk and sealing-wax may produce an elementary phenomenon of magnetism, but the friction of cloth and clay will be barren of any such result, and without any blame to magnetics. It should be definitely laid down at the beginning that all forms of divination are simply met hods of exercising < the intu itive f aculties; thcy arc calculated to produce! that temporary suspension of the outer senses which is known as the hypnotic condition. In some varieties the phenomena of complete trance are elicited in a suitable 122 TIIE OCCULT SCIENCES subject. On the other hand, the several forms of carto¬ mancy are simply designed to awaken a dormant quality of psychic perception. Those which are exclusively con¬ cerned with the performance of a barren rite, and pro¬ duce no impression on the interior nature, are either worthless impostures, or foolish, superstitious practices. Considerable futility is mixed up with divination; it is essentially trivial in character; in itself it can be pro¬ ductive of no valuable results ; the student of discrimina¬ tion and sense will not squander his time and his powers on the little marvels of magic art; he will win entrance into the larger field of achievement. The word divination is occasionally used in a broad philosophical sense which places a different complexion upon it. Its significance is extended till it includes the sublime dream of astrology, spiritual visions, and the gift of inspired prophecy. According to the vulgar meaning of the term, to divine is to conjecture what we do not know, says LAvi, but its true significance is ineffable in its sublimi ty. To divine (divinare) is to exercise divinity. To be a divin er in all the force of the term is therefore to be divine, and something still more mysterious. In a popular and elementary work, we have judged it advisable to make use of the word divination in the popular and narrower sense. The art in itself is anterior to any historical period, and is therefore supposed to have descended from primitive tradition. “ That in the first ages of earth,” says the Eev. Henry Thompson, “ some means of communication between God and man, with which we are now un¬ acquainted, existed, appears from the history of Cain and Abel; and the same circumstance instructs us that these means were connected with sacrifice, an extensive source of divination in later ages. After the degeneracy of mankind had banished 'those real tokens of the divine interest with which they had been originally favoured, they no less endeavoured to obtain counsel and information by the same external observances; but, finding them no longer efficient, they invented a multi¬ tude of superstitious ceremonies, which, in the progress of religious corruption, and beneath the influence of idolatry, DIVINATION. 123 became the hydra Divination.” Evolutionists who are also mystics, and mystics who are men of reason, will discountenance definite opinions on the origin of religious beliefs and practices of the pre-historic period. It is sufficient for our purpose to know that divination flourished in Egypt, Chaldea, and Assyria, among the Babylonians and Ethiopians, and that in the most distant regions of the globe we find a striking similarity, descending even to details, among its practised methods. Upwards of one hundred recorded forms of divination are known to the magic of the West. Those which are in use in the East, and among barbarous nations, are pro¬ bably innumerable. In selecting the following varieties for the information and use of the student, it is just to observe that they are gleaned from several sources, from Latin, French, and English writers, and are re¬ produced with but slight adaptation in the words of the originals. JEromancy. This is the art which, sometimes under an alternative appellation, Meteoromancy, is concerned with the pre¬ diction _of_things to come by the observation of atmos¬ pheric variations and the different phenomena of the air, particularly those of thunder, lightning, and fiery meteors. It is by virtue of this divination that the apparition of a comet has been supposed to portend the death of a great man. In his vast work upon magic, Francois de la Torre-Blanca, w ho follows Psel lua, affirms that the veritable aeromantic art is the prediction of the future by the evocation of spectres in the air, or the pictorial representation of things to come, by the aid of demons, in a cloud, as in a magic lantern. On this supposition it would be simply a branch of ceremonial magic; on the other, it may be supposed that the observation of tremendous atmospheric pheno¬ mena, of sunset pageantries, auroral lights, of peaceful midnight splendours, of stars and storms and lightning, the merely prolonged contemplation of “ the magical, measureless distance,” would profoundly excite the imaginations of sensitive persons, and transform the 124 TI1K OCCULT SCIENCES. dome of the empyrean into a veritable “ glass of vision.” “It is the same with star-groups as with points in geo- mancy, " says Eliphas Levi, “and with the card-medleys of modern fortune-telling. They are all pretexts for self- magnetization, and mere instruments to fix and deter¬ mine natural intuition. The imagination is exalted by a long contemplation of the sky, and then the stars respond to our thoughts accordingly as the soul is dis¬ turbed or serene, the stars scintillate with menaces, or sparkle with hope. Heaven is thus the mirror of the human soul, and when we think that we are reading the stars, it is in ourselves we read.” Alectromancy. From the standpoint of magical folk-lore, the cock is a bird of much interest and many virtues. It is endowed with the remarkable power of putting to flight the infernal hosts, and as according to Peter Delancre in his Tableau de Vinconstance des Demons, the devil, who is the lion of hell, will vanish the moment that he hears the voice of this dom estic fowl, it is popularly su pposed that- tdm—naturaLJiQn . w ho is the king of beasts, can be subdued and put to flight thereby. The entire fantas- magoria of the Black Sabbath disapp ears when the cock cro ws, and to prevent him from soundingTiis' clarion during the night-hours, and routing the whole assembly, the sorcerer, instructed by the devil, anointed his head with olive oil, and twined a collar of vine leaves about his neck. But while his voice was i nimical to the mid¬ night mysteries of the wizard world, his flesh was supposed to be possessed of valuable virtues in sorcery, and, in particular, an ancient and venerable method of div inatio n was practised by the instrumentality of this bird of the gods and of /Esculapius. The modus operandi is as follows. A circle must be traced on the ground in a spot which shall be free from observation, and it must be divided into twenty-four equal spaces, which shall be inscribed with the letters of the alphabet, rejecting J and U, which are usually represented in ancient writings by their correspondents, I and V. A grain of wheat DIVINATION. 125 or barley must be placed over every letter, beginning with A, and during this operation the depositor must repeat the verse “ Ecce enim veritatem tuam,” &c. The most favourable time for the divinatory performance is when the sun or moon is in Aries or Leo. Set in the centre of the circle the cock, who is the chief agent in the occult rite. The bird should be wholly white, and, according to some authorities, he should be deprived of his claws, which he should, moreover, be forced to swallow, together with a little scroll of lambskin parch¬ ment, inscribed with Hebrew characters. Then the diviner, while his grasp is still upon the cock, should repeat, “ 0 Deus Creator omnium, qui firmamentum pulchri- tudine stellarum formasli, constituens eas in signa et tempora, infunde. virtutem tuam operibus nostris, ut per opus in eis consequamur effectum.” Subsequently, in the act of plac¬ ing the bird within the circle, he must repeat these two verses from the Psalms, “ Domine dilexi decorem dom&s tuae et locum habitationis tuae. Domine Deus virtuturn, converte nos, ostcnde faciem. suam, et salvi erimus.” All that remains for the operator, after these preliminaries, is to note very carefully from what letters the bird picks up the grains, which should be invariably replaced by others till his meal is over. From the assemblage of letters thus obtained, the ingenuity of the anagrammatist can generally extract an oracle which will give information on the desired subject. It will be seen that this form of divination is wholly fortuitous; instead of appealing to the interior faculties of a clairvoyant subject, it makes use of an indiscriminating instrument, and, as such, the entire rite is a rank and unmixed superstition. Aleuromancy. This divinatory method was practised by depositing small strips--of writing, rolled into balls, in a heap of flour. The whole was well mixed, and the inquirers, who should be several in number, received each an equal share. Subsequently each of them unrolled the strips that had fallen to his lot, and extracted from the assem¬ blage of words and phrases the information of which he 126 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. was in search. Diviners have foreborne to inform us what should be written on the scrolls, and the method, on the whole, is worthless, and less curious, than that which is concerned with the cock. Alphitomancy. This form of divination is sometimes considered of importance and is accredited with great antiquity, but it is superstitious and worthless from the transcendental standpoint. When several persons were accused or sus¬ pected of a certain crime, and when it was desired to discover the true culprit, each of them was forced to swallow a morseJjjjLhar-d bread. Those who could do so without difficulty were dismissed without a stain upon their character. Those who were nearly choked in the act were held to be guilty. When the test could be success¬ fully passed by all, it may be concluded that the esoteric detectives went further afield for the criminal. The pellet of bread was denominated the corsned, or morsel of execration, and it has originated the common vindica¬ tion, “If I deceive you, may my next mouthful of food choke me.” The practical method was as follows :—Pure barley flour, unmixed with leaven, was kneaded with salt and milk, baked in the ashes in a covering of greasy paper, and finally rubbed over with vervain leaves. The composition became exceedingly hard, and as incipient strangulation in swallowing an unmasticated lump could only be averted by a miracle, many guilty persons were naturally discovered by its means. In the neighbour¬ hood of Lavinium, there is said to have been a sacred wood where a variety of this idiotic p rocess was practised as a test of virginity. A dragon, otherwise a serpent, was kept in captivity by the priests of the place, and, on certain occasions, young females were commissioned to feed him. Their eyes were bandaged, they were led into the grotto, bearing cakes of honey and barley flour, and those whose contributions were refused, by the dis¬ criminating reptile, were supposed to have contracted dishonour. DIVINATION. 127 Amniomancy. Divination was practised by the Greeks with the caul of a new-born child. The superstition was exceedingly simple and excessively silly, being simply an inspection of the colour which the membrane chanced to exhibit. A fortunate future was predicted for the possessor of a ruddy-tinted caul, and sinister omens were drawn from the presence of a livid hue. Anthropomancy. From gross superstition divination occasionally passed to foul and revolting practices. Auguries were drawn from the examination of the entrails of disembowelled men and women; under the name of anthropomancy this rite is one of considerable antiquity. It is men¬ tioned in Herodotus, who informs us that Menelaus, when detained in Egypt by contrary winds, sacrificed the native children to his barbarous curiosity, and sought in¬ formation on his destiny from the signs in their stomachs. The nature of the signs, and the manner of their inter¬ pretation, have, fortunately, not been recorded. Similar but unaccredited stories are narrated of Juli an, the -apostate, who, in his necromantic operations and noc¬ turnal sacrifices, is said to have immolated many children in order to consult their intestines. When in his last expedition, he tarried at Carra, in Mesopotamia, he is affirmed to have retired, with some accomplices, into the Temple of the Moon, and, when their impious occupa¬ tions were over, they left it locked and sealed with a guard round about it to keep away all comers till their return. Julian died, however, in the war, and when the temple was opened, in the reign of the Emperor Jovien, a woman was found hanging by her hair, her hands out¬ stretched, her stomach cut open, and the liver torn out. But the memory of the Emperor Julian has been calum¬ niated by partisans, and the reports of his enemies should be received with uncommon caution. 128 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. Arithmomancy. The mystical properties of numbers were developed by Pythagoras and Plato, and the science of esoteric mathematics passed fronTthe Greeks to the Kabbalists, who transmitted it to the western mystics, Louis Claude de St Martin being one of the last and most distinguished of its initiates. The powers, and virtues, and mysteries, which were attributed by the ancients to numbers are similar to those which have been already described as the properties of the occult alphabet of the Hebrews. “ In estimating these doctrines,” says Elihu Rich, “it must be remembered that all movement, proportion, time, and, in a word, all idea of quantity and harmony, may be re¬ presented by numbers: hence, whatever may be attri¬ buted to the latter, may also be expressed by numbers, as the signs of occult virtues and laws. It is known to philosophers that the movements of nature are rhyth¬ mical ; physicians have observed this in the periodicity of diseases; and the appointment of the seventh day as a Sabbath, has added a religious obligation to this law of nature. The three, the ten, and the twelve are also numbers of well-known import, and one is the most divine of all, as expressing the unity of God, and the comprehension of all things in perfect harmony. The use of numbers in divination has assumed many curious forms. It may suffice to mention here the Gematria, or first division of the Cabbala, which teaches how to cast up the letters of particular words as numerals, and to form conclusions from the proportion between the sum of one text and the sum of another. This method converts the Bible into a book written solely by num bers, and some curious results are obtained, probably as near the truth as the rabbinical astrology. Some curious pro¬ perties of perfect, amicable, and other numbers have been elucidated by the English Platonist, Thomas Taylor, in his * Theoretic Arithmetic.’ The most valu¬ able remains of antiquity connected with this subject are contained in the ‘Chaldean Oracles of^Zoroaster.’” In was the custom of the Greeks to examine the number and value of the letters in the names of two DIVINATION. 129 combatants, and the predominant number, it was held, would be victorious in conflict. By virtue of this science certain diviners predicted that Hector would be over¬ come by Achilles. The Chaldeans divided their alphabet into three parts, which they attributed to the seven planets, and extracted their omens accordingly. It is evident that such calculations must produce totally opposite results in different languages, and unless nation¬ ality enters as a determining element into destiny, it is difficult to look upon these numerical arts as anything but ingenious curiosities. Astragalomancy This was a form of divination with a pair of ordinary d ice, which might be cast together or singly. If it be de¬ sired to obtain information on any subject by this method, including the mysteries of the future, the question must be written upon paper which had been passed through the smoke of a fire of juniper wood. The writing must be placed face downward on the table, and the dice must then be thrown. The result of each cast must be converted into its literal equivalent, and carefully noted. If both the dice are used, the process must be continued till the numbers from 2 to 12 have been all obtained, when the intuition of the operator must be concentrated on the as¬ semblage of letters. 1 f the order in which they are evolved should result in an intelligible message, he will have cause to be gratified. If no sense can be extracted he must seek in another rite for the required revelation. The alpha¬ betical equivalent of the numbers has been thus given:- I = A; 2 = E ; 3 = IorY; 4 = 0; 5 = U; 6 = B; 7 = C, K, or Q ; 8 = 1) or T ; 9 = F, S, X, or Z ; 10 = G or J ; II = L, M, or N ; 12 = R. As most of the numbers may signify any of three letters, the calculation will be some¬ what embarrassing. The letter H is omitted as it is as unnecessary to successful divination as to the speech of the cockney. The laws of destiny are independent of those of orthography, says one sententious writer. Whatever may be thought of the mystic notary art, it is unlikely that common numerical divination, more especially when l 130 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. restricted to the spots on the cubes of the gambler, will provide the student with any reliable result. Axinomancy. This method was employed for the discovery of hidden treasures and the detection of criminals. In the first case the method is of a singularly fatuous kind. A round agate must be carefully balanced on the edge of a red-hot hatchet. If the balance be preserved for a certain time there is no treasure in the neighbourhood. If it fall, remark the direction in which the ball will roll, and per¬ form the operation in all three times. If the direction taken by the agate be the same in each case, it will not be vain to dig ; should it vary, it will be well to conduct your experiments in another place. The second method would be discreditable to the intelligence of the Sandwich Islanders. To detect a thief or other criminal the blade of the hatchet must be buried perpendicularly in the earth, with the handle protruding in a perpendicular position. The rest of the performance consists in a circular dance around the hatchet till the soil is torn up, and the hatchet falls flat on the ground. The direction assumed by the handle will indicate that quarter of the physical cosmos in which search should be made for the criminal. It will be well for the operator to remember that he has before him the magical, measureless distance ; that he has eternity, if need be, for the quest, and that as Macdonald, the poet, remarks, “There is plenty of room for meeting in the universe.” Belomancy. Under this name, divination with arrows was long practised in ancient military expeditions. A number of darts were selected, favourable and unfavourable answers to the given question were written indiscriminately upon them ; they were then shuffled after the manner of cards, and one of them drawn at random. The reply which chance thus provided was considered the voice of destiny and the will of the gods. The operation is supposed to DIVINATION. 131 have been practised so far back as the time of the Chaldeans. It is a point to be noticed that the more ancient the method, the more gross is the superstition which it involves, a fact that may be commended to the consideration of some over-zealous believers in the wis¬ dom of the far past. There was another method of Belomantic divination, which consisted in casting certain arrows into the air, and the course of the inquirer, whether an individual or an armed host, was directed by the inclination of the weapons. Bibliomancy. Occasionally the forms of divination exceeded the bounds of superstition, and passed into the region of frantic madness. There was a short way with sorcerers which was probably the most potent discoverer of witch¬ craft which any ingenuity could devise. A large Bible was deposited on one side of a pair of weighing scales. The person suspected of magical practices was set on the opposite side. If he outweighed the Bible he was innocent; in the other case, he was held guilty. In the days of this mystical weighing and measuring, the scales may be truly said to have fallen from the eyes of a bewizarded generation, and to have revealed “ sorcery and enchantment everywhere.” Bibliomancy, however, included a more harmless prac¬ tice, and one of an exceedingly simple character. This was the opening of the Bible with a golden pin, and drawing an omen from the first passage which pre¬ sented itself. Books like the Scriptures, the “ Follow- ingof Christ,” and similar works, abound in suggestive and pertinent passages which all men may apply to them¬ selves, and the method was consequently much in vogue, St Augustine denounces the practice in tem¬ poral affairs, but declares that he had recourse to it in all cases of spiritual difficulty. The appeal to chance is, however, essentially superstitious. 132 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. Capnomancy. This was a method of divination by smoke, and frequently, it may be judged, must have endecTin that whence it first originated. The concentration of an impressionable mind upon fantastic wreaths of vapour might, however, produce a hypnotic condition as success¬ fully as another method. The shapes which imagination gave to the ascending fumes were interpreted in an oracular manner, and omens were drawn from the direction in which they passed off, the latter being wholly superstitious. Two methods were followed. In the one, seeds of jasmin, or poppy, were cast on burning coals, and the form of the fumes examined; in the other, the smoke was inhaled by the operator, and was supposed to impart a prophetic gift. A powerful effect would undoubtedly be produced by the smoke of strong narcotics, but the visions which originate in poppy heads afe not to be counted among the infallibilities of magian art. Ceroscopy. Divination with wax has long been replaced by divination in tea leaves and coffee grouts, but it has the advantage of superior antiquity over these methods, and is further removed from the commonplace. Wax of the purest quality was melted in a brazen vase and stirred into a liquid of uniform consistence. It was then poured into another vase filled with cold water, but slowly, and in such a manner that it congealed in tiny discs upon the aqueous surface. A variety of figures were thus presented to the eye of the seer, and inter¬ preted according to the impulse of his intuitive powers. This is an exceedingly harmless practice, which might be productive of clairvoyant results in a suitable subject. Cleidomancy. The key which shuts and opens is a favourite symbol with all mystics, and is founded on a natural analogy, which has a quality that is rare in analogies, being perfect in its own way. The suggestiveness of the symbol reacted on the material instrument, and divina- DIVINATION. 133 tion by means of a key was long practised after various manners. Each method, it is said, should be practised when the sun or moon is in Virgo. One is for the dis¬ covery of the name of a suspected person, or in any case where a name is required. The latter should be written on a key, the key should be tied to a Bible, and both should be suspended from the ring finger of a young virgin, who must repeat in an undertone the words, “ Exurge Domine, adjuva nos et redime nos propter nomen sanctum tuum.” The operator meanwhile must repeat the supposed or suspected name with a few sentences of appropriate prayer. If any oscillation of a marked character is visible in the book and key, it may be con¬ cluded that the name has been correctly divined, and proceedings may be taken accordingly. On the other hand, if they remain stationary, it is certain that the inquiry has been pursued upon a wrong track. Occa¬ sionally more elaborate forms of prayer are used, such as litanies and the seven penitential psalms, when the guilty person was accustomed to develop a miraculous impression of the mystic key upon his body ; he was also liable to be deprived of one of his eyes, a possibility which gave rise to the proverb, “ Ex oculo quogue excusso hodie fur cognoscitur.” The second method was a solemn superposing of the key upon a certain page of a book. When the Bible wasfusecT for this purpose, it was opened jat the fiftieth Psalm.* The volume was then closed with the key inside, and tightly secured with a cord, which was, if possible, a woman’s garter, but in such a manner that the ring of the key protruded. The book was then suspended from a nail in the wall, or from the finger of the inquirer, when it was positively certain that it would perform as complete a revolution, as the nature of the case would permit, at the name of the person who had committed that deed which was the subject of occult in¬ vestigation. By a third, but less common method, two persons suspended the volume between them, holding the ring of the key by their two forefingers. Cleidomancy is said to be still performed in Russia * Even at the present day, divination with the Bible is said to be in general use among the uneducated classes of the dissenting persuasion. 134 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. for the discovery of hidden treasures, the index finger of the right hand being placed in the ring of the key, and the names of likely places are repeated over it in turn. A variety of these entertaining but fatuous practices Avas divination by means of a sieve')suspended from a thread, or by shears Avhich wereKung from the finger. The choice of instruments might be varied indefinitely, and the use of a consecrated pulley Avould be probably a useful improvement, Avhich may be commended to the modern magician. If divinatory rites, hoAvever super¬ stitious and grotesque, are possessed of the potency ascribed to them in the remote ages of faith, Ave may confidently look forAvard to the time AA r hen they AAnli be utilised in our Courts of Justice, Avhen the godless skill of the common detective shall have perished Avith the reign of reason, and the unbounded resources of magic Avill enable an illuminated humanity to prove and disprove anything. Then may the enemies of the initiates look fonvard to an eAdl time. Sacred and beautiful science of the Magi, last Avord to humanity, first and final revelation, harmony of the Avhole uni¬ verse, universal synthesis, science of Barrett and of Solomon, “ Dies venit dies tua, In qua refiorent omnia ! ” Dactylomancy. Who is not aAvare of the virtues of the.p'ing in magic 1 Equally poAverful for binding and loosing, it is more im¬ portant than the ring in expousals. Of a truth, says Chispa, there is more in marriage than the Avedding ring, but there is nothing that is greater, Avorthier, or more Avondrous, than is the great, Avorthy, Avondrous, and altogether mystical ring of the occult art. The ring of Fastrada, the ring of Gyges, the ring of Solomon, they are better than the bells of Fairyland, better than the cap of Fortunatus. The chain of Mesmer Avas a magnetic ring; the seance circle is a living, palpitating, universal ring of humanity; the magic circle is truly a ring also. Ye Avho Avould unearth treasures, secure the magic ring! DIVINATION. 135 Ye who would be adepts of the “divine science,” learn its many-sided mysteries! Ye who would fascinate woman, wear it invisibly on your persons, and invisibly shall you enter into the penetralia of woman’s affec¬ tion, and be sure she will then entertain you as an un¬ seen god ! Ye who would divine truly, divine only by the ring ! Compose it under a benign constellation, enchase it with mystic characters, suspend it by a thread or a hair over a tumbler, and it will oscillate with the celerity of a pendulum, and once for YKS and twice for NO, just as you choose to determine, it will respond to your questions with delicious, musical vibrations awakened in the sides of the glass. Inscribe on the edge of a circu¬ lar table the symbols of the alphabet, and the intelligent instrument, passing over certain letters, will compose you a definite answer, and reveal you the mysteries you are in search of, with the precision of the spirit-rapper’s table. It is well to perform the operation with religious observances ; the diviner should be clothed in white linen, his head shaven; he should bear in his hand a branch of vervain, a beneficent plant provided by Nature to drive away evil spirits; and the ring should be con¬ secrated solemnly with adjurations and vows. The power is indefinitely increased by the due constellation of the rings under the influence of the planetary genii. The ring of Saturn should be of lead, enchased with onyx or garnet, which should be engraved with a stone writhen about by a serpent. The ring of Jupiter should be of brass, enchased with a topaz, sapphire, or amethyst, engraven with the image of an eagle holding a pentagram in his beak. The ring of Mars should be of iron, en¬ chased with ruby, red jasper, or hematite, engraven with the symbol of a serpent devouring the point of a sword. The ring of the Sun should be of gold, enchased with hyacinthus or chrysolite, engraven with a crowned and lion-headed serpent. The ring of Venus should be of copper, enchased with an emerald, engraven with the Indian lingam. The ring of Mercury should be com¬ posed of an alloy of brass, lead, and fixed quicksilver, enchased with cornelian or alectorine, engraved with the symbol of the caducous, which is a sceptre interlaced 136 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. by two serpents. The ring of the Moon should be of silver, enchased with crystal or moonstone, and engraven with the image of a sphere intersected by two crescents. The use of constellated rings involves a more elaborate ceremonial. The day and time of constellation regulates the use of the rings. Should it take place on a Tuesday that of Mars should be selected, and the inquiry con¬ ducted during the first, eighth, fifteenth, or twenty-second hours, which are consecrated to the Genius of that planet. The circular table already mentioned, must be engraven with the signs of the Zodiac, and of the seven planets. A number of discs of the metal proper to the period, and having the symbols of three alphabets, should be cast indiscriminately on the table, a prayer should be ad¬ dressed to the Genius, the ring should be suspended by a thread above the table, and the priest, or the pythoness, should set fire to the thread with a torch consecrated to Hecate, the goddess of enchantment. The ring will then fall upon the table, and the letters over which it rolls, and those by which it pauses, must be carefully noted. This operation should be repeated seven times, and then the intuition of the diviner must collect the sense of the oracles from the assemblage of letters contained. Now, the faculty of intuition, which is possessed to an extra ordinary degree by persons of certain temperaments, can be, doubtless, as successfully exercised on a fortuitous heap of letters as on the grouts of coffee, and herein is the extent of the value which inheres in divination with rings. Gastromancy. This is a method of divination which induces clair¬ voyance in suitable subjects, and might lead--to-very interesting results. Several circular glass vessels filled with clear water are pl aced bet ween a numbeFof lighted candles. The intelligences^of the spiritual world are invoked in an undertone, and a virgin boy or girl is then introduced, and is directed to concentrate their gaze on the surface of the vessels, when the answer of the oracle be¬ comes visible to the magnetised faculties in fantastic figures produced by refraction of the light within the vessels. DIVINATION. 137 There is another gastromantic method, which is more in correspondence with the significance that belongs to the term—divination from the belly, which was either the exercise of ventriloquism or the result of some form of possession. Hydromancy. The art of divination by water is simply a branch of clairvoyance, which has been successfully practised in all ages and nations, though, as the demonologist Delrio truly remarks, nulla fcucundior imposturis. Several varie¬ ties are distinguished by authorities on this interesting subject:— 1. When at the conclusion of invocations and other magical ceremonies, the names of persons or other in¬ formation required are seen written upside down in the water. 2. When a ring is suspended by a thread above a glass of water, and when vision begins after the sides of the vessel have been smote a certain number of times during the course of oscillation. 3. AVhen three small pebbles are successively, and at short intervals, cast into clear and tranquil water, and when the circles which form on the surface, and the intersections which they happen to make, are interpreted as omens. 4. AVhen the innumerable movements and agitations of the waves of the sea are attentively examined and clairvoyant con¬ clusions are drawn. 5. AA r hen an interpretation is placed upon the colour of water, and upon the figures which are seen therein. The traditions of the ancients invested certain streams and springs with special qualifications for this form of hydromancy. 7. AA r hen water was poured into a glass or crystal basin and a little oil added which' was supposed to increase the visionary power of the seer. 8. AVhen the twists and turns, together with the noises, made by rivers and torrents when they plunged into gulfs or seethed in Avhirlpools, were interpreted as fatidic utterances. This method was much in vogue among the primitive germanic peoples. There are also some minor species of hydromantic divination of a more distinctly superstitious character. One which is native to Italy was used for tho discovery of thefts. 13S THE OCCULT SCIENCES. The names of suspected persons were written upon pebbles and cast into water. That of the guilty person remained ineffaceable. Another device consisted in idling a glass or cup with water and pronouncing mystic words above it. On certain occasions the water was supposed to bubble and pour over the brim, but under what circum¬ stances we are unable to state. Lastly, the ancient Ger¬ mans are supposed to have made use of a barbarous and stupid perversion of hydromantic art. When they doubted the fidelity of their wives and desired to ascertain if a new-born child were lawfully or otherwise begotten, they cast it into water. If the infant floated, the mother was held to be stainless, if it sank, the child was accounted illegitimate. “ Hydromancy,” says Elihu Rich, “ is, in principle, the same thing as divination by the crystal or mirror, and in ancient times a natural basin of Lock kept con¬ stantly full by a running stream, was a favourite medium. The double meaning of the word reflection ought here to be considered, and how, gazing down into clear water, the mind is disposed to self-retirement and to contempla¬ tion, deeply tinctured with melancholy. Rocky pools and gloomy lakes figure in all stories of witchcraft— witness the Craic-pol-nain in the Highland woods of Laynchork; the Devil’s Glen in the county of Wicklow, Ireland; the Swedish Blokula; the witch mountains of Italy ; and the Babiagora, between Hungary and Poland. Similar resorts in the glens of Germany were marked, as Tacitus mentions, by salt springs ; for this again there was an additional good reason, which would carry us far from the present subject to explain. ‘ “ It was really only another form of divination by the gloomy water pool that attracted so much public atten¬ tion, . . . when Mr Lane, in his work on ‘Modern Egypt,’ testified to its success as practised in Egypt and Hindostan. That gentleman having resolved to witness the performance of this species of sorcery, the magician commenced his operations by writing forms of invocation to his familiar spirits on six slips of paper; a chafing- dish with some live charcoal in it was then procured, and a boy summoned who had not yet reached the age of DIVINATION. 139 puberty. Mr Lane inquired who were the persons that could see in the fluid mirror, and was told that they were a boy not arrived at puberty, a virgin, a black female slave, and a pregnant woman. To prevent any collusion between the sorcerer and the boy, Mr Lane sent his servant to take the first boy he met. When all was prepared, the sorcerer threw some incense and one of the strips of paper into the chafing-dish ; he then took hold of the boy’s right hand, and drew a square with some mystical marks on the palm; in the centre of the square he poured a little ink, which formed the magic mirror, and desired the boy to look steadily into it with¬ out raising his head. In this mirror the boy declared that he saw, successively, a man sweeping, seven men with flags, an army pitching its tents, and the various officers of state attending on the Sultan.” The rest must be told by Mr Lane himself. “ The sorcerer now ad¬ dressed himself to me, and asked me if I wished the boy to see any person who was absent or dead. I named Lord Nelson, of whom the boy had evidently never heard; for it was with much difficulty that he pro¬ nounced the name after several trials. The magician desired the boy to say to the Sultan, * My master salutes thee, and desires thee to bring Lord Nelson ; bring him before my eyes that I may see him speedily.’ The boy then said so, and almost immediately added, ‘ A mes¬ senger has gone and brought back a man dressed in a black (or rather, a dark blue) suit of European clothes; the man has lost his left arm.’ He then paused for a moment or two, and looking more intently and closely into the ink, said : ‘ No, he has not lost his left arm, but it is placed to his breast.’ This correction made his distinction more striking than it had been without it; since Lord Nelson generally had his empty sleeve attached to the breast of his coat; but it was the right arm that he had lost. Without saying that I suspected the boy had made a mistake, I asked the magician whether the objects appeared in the ink as if actually before the eyes, or as if in a glass, which makes the right appear left. He answered that they appeared as in a mirror. This rendered the boy’s description faultless. 140 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. Though completely puzzled, I was somewhat disappointed with the magician’s performances, for they fell short of what he had accomplished, in many instances, in presence of certain of my friends and countrymen. On one of these occasions, an Englishman present ridiculed the per¬ formance, and said that nothing would satisfy him but a correct description of the appearance of his own father, of whom he was sure no one of the company had any knowledge. The boy, accordingly, having called by name for the person alluded to, described a man in a Frank dress, with his hand placed on his head, wearing spectacles, and with one foot on the ground and the other raised behind him, as if he were stepping down from a seat. The description was exactly true in every respect; the peculiar position of the hand was occasioned by an almost constant headache, and that of the foot, or leg, by a stiff knee, caused by a fall from a horse in hunting. On another occasion, Shakespeare was de¬ scribed with the most minute exactness, both as to person and dress; and I might add several other cases in which the same magician has excited astonishment in the sober minds of several Englishmen of my acquaintance.” “ It may be worth adding,” says Elihu Rich, “ that in a case of hydromancy known to the writer, the boy could see better without the medium than with it, though he could also see reflected images in a vessel of water. This fact may be admitted to prove that such images are reflected to the eye of the seer from his own mind and brain ; how the brain becomes thus enchanted, or the eye disposed for vision, is another question; cer¬ tainly there is no proof that the recollected image in the mind of the inquirer is transferred to the seer, evidence can be shown to the contrary.” Lithomancy. Few particulars are forthcoming concerning the method of divination by stones. It was performed by striking a number offpebbles together, and concluding from the nature of the sound emitted the will of the DIVINATION. 141 supreme gods. The interrogation of a magnet which had been washed in spring water was supposed to evoke from that substance an intelligible response in the feeble tones of a small child. The amethyst is also possessed of lythomantic properties ; the events in the womb of the future are supposed to be laid bare in dreams to those who are in the habit of wearing this stone upon their persons. A mystic variety of the ophite stone is men¬ tioned in the so-called Orphic hymns under the name of “ the true and vocal sideritis.” Its appearance is rough and hard, it is heavy and of a black colour, and it is all writhened with wrinkled veins. It was given by Apollo to Helenus, who, for the space of ten days, abstained from the nuptial couch, from the bath, and from animal food. “ Then washing this intelligent stone in a living fountain, he cherished it as a babe in soft clothing; and having propitiated it as a god, he at length gave it breath by his hymn of mighty virtue. Having lighted lamps in his own purified house, he fondled the divine stone in his hands, bearing it about as a mother bears her infant; and you, says the oracu¬ lar writer, if you would hear the voices of the gods, in like manner, provoke a similar miracle, for when you have sedulously wiped and dandled the stone in your arms, on a sudden it will utter the cry of a new-born child seeking milk from the breast of its nurse. Beware, however, of fear, for if you drop the stone upon the ground, you will raise the anger of the immortals. Ask boldly of things future, and it will reply. Place it near your eyes when it has been washed, look steadily at it, and you will perceive it divinely breathing. Thus it was that Helenus, confiding in this fearful stone, learned that his country would be overthrown by the Atridae.” The possession of a similar treasure is ascribed to a physician, named Eusebius, who obtained it by an im¬ pressive intervention of celestial phenomena. “ One night, actuated by an unaccountable impulse, be wan¬ dered out from the city Emesa to the summit of a mountain dignified by a temple of Minerva. There, as he sate down fatigued by his walk, he saw a globe of fire falling from the sky and a lion standing by it. The 142 THE OCCTLT SCIENCES. lion disappeared, the fire was extinguished, and Eusebius ran and picked up a bsetulum. He asked it to what god it appertained, and it readily answered, to Gennseus, a deity worshipped by the Heliopolitae, under the form of a lion in the temple of Jupiter. During this night Eusebius said he travelled not less than 210 stadia, more than 2G miles. He never became perfectly master of the bsetulum, but was obliged very humbly to solicit its responses. It was of a handsome, globular shape, white, a palm in diameter, though sometimes it appeared more, sometimes less ; occasionally, also, it was ot‘ purple colour. Characters were to be read on it, impressed in the colour called tingaribinus. Its answer seemed as if proceeding from a shrill pipe, and Eusebius himself in¬ terpreted the sounds.” While some authorities consider the animating spirit of this mysterious stone to be divine, others refer it to an elementary influence. It is said to have been frequently found on Mount Libanus, and a parallel has been established between it and the black stone Elagabalus, as well as the monument anointed by Jacob at Bethel. Pyromancy. The purest, most powerful, and most exalted elemen¬ tary intelligences were those who inhabited the fire; sacred and consecrated flame was the most perfect method of mystic purgation; a'bright and clear fire was not less effective in driving off evil spirits than in scaring wild beasts from the hunter’s camp at night. Lights have been used in all religious ceremonials from time immemorial; it would be strange, indeed, if it were wholly unconnected with the mysteries of divinatory art. Pyromancy, however, is comparatively obscure as' it is also essentially superstitious. Some handfuls of powdered resin were cast into a fire ; and if a bright flame leaped up, a good omen was drawn from it; a slow and smoky combustion prognosticated misfortune. When a victim was burned, the future was occasionally predicted by observing the colour of the flame. Occa¬ sionally, also a sick person would be set in front of a large fire, when if the shadow cast by the body was straight DIVINATION. 143 and at right angles to the furnace, his speedy cure might be confidently expected ; if it fell upon the ground at an oblique angle, it was a certain sign of death. The observation of lighted torches was also practised in antiquity. Three torches were arranged in a triangle, all of them being composed of fine wax. The vacillation of the flame from right to left foretold approaching migrations; the manoeuvres of secret enemies were signified by a spiral curl; a fitful rising and falling pre¬ saged dangerous vicissitudes. A preponderating brilli¬ ance in a single torch was the sign of unforeseen fortune ; sparkling and crackling were considered a warning to be prudent and a menace of reverses and treachery. The formation of an extremely brilliant point at the extrem¬ ity of a wick announced a permanently increasing- success ; the sudden extinction of one or more of the torches was considered especially disastrous for the subjects of consultation as well as for the consulter himself. Myomancy. When Halton II., surnamed Bonose, the usurper of the im-hiopisconal seat of Mayence, refused, about the year 1074, to give food to the poor during a famine, and persisted so far in his sin that he is accredited with burning a house full of importunate bread-seekers, lie is said to have been visited by a heavy judgment of heaven. He fell sick in a castle which was situated on a small island in the Rhine where he was devoured by a bmlti- tude of rats. A similar fate is traditionally recorded of a Polish king. Common domestic vermin besides being the ministers of Divine retribution are otherwise of a certain importance in supernatural history. It is a good omen to encounter an albino rat, as it is also a sign of destruction when these intelligent animals bodily desert a ship. Mice, on the other hand, are of evil augur y, and the harm ony of suspicious circumstances during the consultation of an oracle would be permanently upset by their cry. Out of these superstitions divina¬ tion by rats and mice apparently originated, but the actual nature of the operation has not come down to us. THE OCCULT SCIENCES. ^44 \ \ Onomancy. The evolution of Shakesperian criticism has been elaborated to such a degree that his writings are some¬ times regarded by persons of adequately advanced vision as a complete course of initiation into the mysteries of occult philosophy, and into the general history of the soul. This is one of the profundities of hypothesis which in a well-regulated world would, of course, have been true, but it is extravagance within the limits of space of three dimensions. A verita ble Kabbalistic Magus would never have penned ‘ that proverbial question, “ What’s in a name 1 ” It is a doctrine inherent in all Kabbalistic Magic that nothing happens fortuitously, that the name which is inherited by a child is inherited in virtue of eternal law, and that even his prenominal desig¬ nation, though apparently arbitrary, ancPdepending on parental taste and whim, or upon other considerations, is not a product of chance, but must also be referred to the workings of an arcane principle. Thence it is a step to affirm that the name is in itself the expression of a destiny to come, or that the events of futurity can be discerned in the letters of a name, and thus Onomancy ciiVsbs, w’lfidu is 'rue art oi divination 'by names, and was in high favour throughout the Pagan world. The ad¬ herents of the Pythagorean philosophy were accustomed to maintain that the talents, activities, and good fortune of men were in conformity with their destiny, their genius, and their name. The esoteric significance of the title Hippolytus proclaimed that its bearer would be torn in pieces by horses; it was equally pre¬ determined that Agamemnon would for years be encamped without the walls of Troy, and that Priam would be ransomed from slavery. It matters not that there was more than one Hippolytus and that they were by no means identical in destinies. The patro¬ nymic had also its influence, and a second prenominal designation would act also on the life of its bearer. Now, the science of onomantic divination had two leading rules. An even number of vowels in a man’s'name sig¬ nified something amiss in the left side; an uneven number indicated a similar imperfection on the right. DIVINATION. 145 The causation of course is not clear ; but God is all knowing. It was no less emphatically certain that a name with the majority of letters would give advantage over a rival whose progenitors had less copiously supplied him with alphabetic resources. It was not by sword or buckler that Achilles triumphed over Hector ; it was by the superior length of his name ; the mischances of modern warfare, and competition of every species, may be definitely referred to the neglect of this wisdom of the ancients. Happy is the modern bookmaker who falls across this volume, metaphorically or otherwise, and is constrained by his genius to glance at this page. A permanent fortune will be secured him in the pos¬ session of the mystic tips. It will be scarcely less suit¬ able to ladies in a choice between two suitors, as the only sure guide to fortune in the lottery of the marriage market. Old times are changed, old manners gone, but there is no reason to suppose that the virtue has departed from a divination which was successfully practised in the past. What is more excellent than the authority of Cselius Rhodigunis ? Has he not informed us that Theodotus the Goth practised peculiar and original Onomancy on the recommendation of a Jew, who was doubtless a king-initiate ? “ The divine advised the Prince, who was on the eve of a war with Rome, to shut up thirty hogs in three different styes, having pre¬ viously given some of them Roman and others Gothic names. On an appointed day, when the styes were opened, all the Romans were found alive, but with half their bristles fallen off; on the other hand, all the Goths were dead ; and from this prognostic the Onomantist forbode that the Gothic army would be utterly destroyed by the Romans, who, at the same time, would lose half their own force.” * It appears on the authority of the French archaeologist, Count de Gebelin, that this method of divination was found susceptible of unheard of developments by the “ divine ” Cagliostro, who foretold to masonic illumines in solemn conclave, the most important events of the French revolution by the names, birthplaces, and other natal circumstances, of the chief participators therein. Indo- K 146 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. pendent of esoteric philosophy, the ingenuities of the modern intellect have extracted from the names and titles of modern celebrities sentences apposite to their destinies or characters by the art of the anagram. Onychomancy. Divination by the na ils o f the fingers would appear to be a trivial invention, but for some unexplained reason it has been dignified by the title of the observation of the angel Uriel. “ Upon the nails of the right hand of an unpolluted boy or a young virgin, or the palm of the hand, is put some oil of olives, or, what is better, oil of walnuts mingled with tallow or blacking.” Tallow was occasionally the sole ingredient and wax was sometimes a substitute. The nails, when they had been thus anointed, were turned towards the sun and resolutely considered by the seer. The ends of the inquiry determined the time of observation. The search after money or articles buried in the earth must be pursued with the face towards the East, and was thus of matutinal character, as the full blaze of sunlight must invariably fall upon the prepared nails of the medium. The occult investigation of crimes, and con¬ sultations prompted by affection, were pursued with the face to the South, which also served for murder, while the West was for robbery. It was requisite that the child should repeat the seventy-two verses of the Psalms, which the HebrewKabbalists collected for theUrimm and Thum- mim; and which are preserved in a treatise entitled De Verbo Mirifico, and in Reuchlin’s Rabbinical collection. “ In each of these verses occurs the venerable name of four letters, and the three-lettered name of the seventy-two angels, which are referred to the inquisitive name Schema- liamphores which was hidden in the folds of the lining of the tippet of the high priest.” The hypnotic condition may be produced in such a variety of ways that even the anointed nail should not be too rigorously excluded from the category of possible instruments. There is, however, an eternal fitness which forbids the anti-climax whether in act or speech, and it has definitely relegated such methods to the limbus land of bathos. DIVINATION. 147 OOMANCY. The domestic egg is redeemed from irretrievable commonplace by its symbolic value, its suggestion of hidden possibilities, and of a world in miniature. Divin¬ ation by eggs may be therefore permitted to pass, if only by reason of its quaintness. The ancients were wont to discern in the exterior shape and in the interior construc¬ tion of the egg the most impenetrable arcana of futurity, an art which is supposed to have originated with the divine Orpheus. If a pregnant woman should be anxious to ascertain the sex of her future child, she must carry an egg in her bosom at the proper tempera¬ ture. When under the influence of the natural warmth, a chick is at length brought forth, its sex will deter¬ mine the infant as either male or female. Divination, however, has of late been more usually practised with the whites of eggs, and this method was in favour with the celebrated Mademoiselle Lenormand. “ Take a glass of water, break a fresh egg slowly into it, and from the figures assumed by the white let the presages of the future be collected by the intuitive skill of the seer.” This is by no means a modern method; it is referred to in the following terms by a Grimoire of comparative antiquity. “ The operation of the egg is to ascertain what will befall some person who is then present in the company. An egg of a black pullet must be broken and the germ extracted therefrom. A large glass, very clear and clean, must stand ready, being filled with pure water. Therein must the germ be placed, and subsequently the vessel must be exposed to the mid-day sun of summer, with many prayers and conjurations, the water also being much stirred with the finger to circulate the said germ. When this has been done sufficiently, it is allowed to rest still for an instant, and is gazed at without touch¬ ing. Something relating to the inquirer and the object of divinatory research will then be visible in the water.” In addition to the methods of divination which we have enumerated above, there are many of a minor character, and many which are confined to certain localities and 148 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. more properly belong to folk lore. A brief reference to a few of the former class will complete this exhaustive notice. Gyromancy was a kind of divination practised by pel'amBulating a circle inscribed with the alphabet. When fatigue \VUs~succeeded by giddiness and giddiness by utter collapse, when the operator dropped to the ground, the letter upon which he fell was the first in the response of this oracle. If after an appropriate pause, he was sufficiently recovered to recommence, he might, in the same manner, obtain a second letter, and so on till he evolved an intelligible sentence, or till death or mad¬ ness intervened. This is an interesting instance of mystic practice which may be commended to modern agility in advanced thaumaturgics and to the far behind followers of the eastern howling dervish. Hll’POMANCY was a Celtic divination by the neighing of white horses, set apart for the purpose, and fed at the public expense in consecrated forests where the trees were their sole shelter. They were made to tramp behind a sacred chariot, the priest and king followed and observed their every movement, drawing auguries therefrom with an absolute and unfailing confidence founded on the con¬ viction that the animals participated in the great arcanum of the gods. The Saxons also drew omens from the movements of a sacred horse fed and housed in a temple whence it was driven before war was declared against an enemy. If it stepped forward right hoof first, that was a favourable augury ; in the other case, they renounced their enterprise. ICHTHYOMANCY, like all divinations of incredible grossness, is of venerable antiquity, and may be commended to the Wisdom Religion, and the apologists of a spoliated past. It was performed by the inspection of the entrails of fish. An Apollonian foun¬ tain of prophetic fish was preserved at Mirea and was consulted by the grand Apuleius, who was initiated by Ceres into the many folded mysteries of the rose. Kephalonomancy is an interesting practice involving diverse ceremonies with the boiled head of a donkey. The ass is a sacred, prophetic, divinatory, mystic, and essentially divine animal. By reason of its auricular elongations, it is kindred to Baphomet and to universal •N DIVINATION. 149 Pan. This is a very interesting, innocuous, and credit¬ able operation which Delrio refers to the mediaeval Jews. But it seems to have been practised by the ancients, who deposited the head upon some live coals, recited super¬ stitious prayers, pronounced the names of suspected persons about whom they desired information,and listened for a cracking and convulsive movement of the jaws of the decapitated beast. The name which was pronounced at this crucial moment by the intelligent operator was that of the guilty person. Lampodomancy was a form of divination by observing the shape, colour, and various movements assumed by the flame of a lamp. The art of divination by pearls was denomimitred Margarito mangy. The precious stone was set by a fire and covered with a glass vessel. The inquiry was conducted for the recovery of stolen goods ; it consisted in the repetition of the names of suspected persons, repeated in a loud voice. When that of the guilty party was pronounced by the speaker, the pearl was supposed to leap up to the top of the glass, which it occasionally shivered with its force. This is another entertaining and simple device which can easily be tested by the possessor of the stone in question, and in the event of its success, would be a good instance of divining power, and the production of wonderful effects without causes. By means of a simple ceremonial, Parthenomancy guaranteed to ascertain the presence or absence of virginity. The girth of the girl’s neck was measured with a thread, and on the repetition of this operation, after a reasonable period, an unfavour¬ able conclusion was drawn from an increase in its size. SciAMANGY was performed by the evocation of the shades of the dead. It differed from necromancy and psycliomancy as it was neither the soul nor body of the deceased person which responded to the appeal of the Magus, but a kind of mysterious simulacrum, most prob¬ ably an astral shell. Sl’ODANOMANCY has a definite advantage over most forms of divination as the devil is occasionally supposed to interfere personally in its be¬ half. “ It is performed,” says Grand Orient, “ by scatter¬ ing ashes thickly in some place exposed to the air, and writing therein with the end of the finger any question 150 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. about which information is needed. The inscribed ashes are then left for the night, and on the follow¬ ing morning the letters that remain legible are made use of as oracles, for which purpose they may be placed in their natural order, when if they form an intelligible word, it may be considered to contain the mystic sense of the oracle and an answer to the question proposed. Otherwise the insight of the contriver must be used to extract an appropriate answer from the assemblage of letters arranged after any fashion.” Innumerable and beautiful alike are the varieties of divinatory mysticisms. By Sycomancy the leaves of the fig-tree are transformed into suggestive oracles. Interrogatory remarks upon any (subject about which information is desired are in¬ scribed thereon. If the leaves wither quickly, that is an evil sign; if they preserve their freshness for a consider¬ able period, the sign is fortunate. Last in the long list but first in importance is the Kabbalistic Theomancy of the Jews, a research into the inner mysteries of Divine Majesty and into the resources of sacred names. Those who are in possession of this tremendous science have broken the seals of futurity, may command nature, and control both angels and devils. They have also the Key of miracles. A considerable amount of information on subjects connected with Theomancy has been embodied in the first section of the present book. We have treated the methods of divination at such length, that it will be almost superfluous to make refer¬ ence to sources where more extensive information will be found. Les Devins, ou Commentaire des Principales Sortes de Devinations, by Gasper Peucer, date 1584, is a quarto of nearly 700 pages, and may be considered to exhaust the subject. Works in the English language are few and unimportant. THE DIVINING ROD. T HOUGH essentially a method of divination, and naturally, as such, to be included in the section which bears that name, the interest which has so long been attracted by the magnetic wand, its extra¬ ordinary history, and the very large number of witnesses who have testified to its genuine potency, demand its separate treatment as in the case of the magic crystal. Our readers have already become acquainted with the mystic properties of the rod in necromantic and in black magic. But the ordinary divining rod, which is known by reputation to everybody, which is still made use of in remote country places, is an instrument of natural magic and not of pneumatic art. This is substantially equivalent to saying that if its curious properties are really established fact, they are unappreciated phenomena of ordinary science and belong, like the loadstone, to the domain of magnetism. They have, however, been variously explained, for the subject has been seriously treated in large volumes and has originated a literature of its own; sometimes the mystery was solved by help of a “ corpuscular hypothesis ” and sometimes by that of sub-surface electricity. But the agency of the devil was of course the grand explanation, the ubiquitous court of infernus being the supreme fact of the age. The divining rod was and is a forked branch of the wild hazel, the beech, or the apple-tree. It answers best if it be a shoot of one year’s growth, and, on the whole, it is safer, to minimise variations in results under condi¬ tions that appear to be identical, to cut the rod with some solemnity. The directions which are given in the “ Great Grimoire ” and in the “ Red Dragon ” are similar to those which have been detailed for the verendum of black magic. The wild hazel is recommended, the branch to 152 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. bo seized in the left hand and severed with three blows of a knife held in the opposite hand. This must be performed at the moment of sunrise, and the following recitation should be made :—“ I gather thee in the name of Eloim, Mutrathon, Adonay, and Semiphoras, that by their power thou mayest possess the virtues of the rod of Moses and Jacob for the discovery of all that I desire to know.” The experiments should be invariably accom¬ panied by a short aspiration, the rod being held lightly in both hands by the two ends which form the fork :— “ I command thee in the name of Eloim, Mutrathon, Adonay, and Semiphoras to make known to me ”—here name the special object of your experiment. As a rule, the rod is made use of independently of magical ceremonies, independently of prayers or for¬ mulae, as a natural curiosity which produces singular practical results. In this case, the power of turning it is a gift which, like mediumship, belongs to exceptional persons, and to those, it would seem, alone. The opera¬ tion is simple in the extreme; it consists in holding in each hand one of the upper ends of the rod and walking leisurely over the ground. When you approach the object of your quest, the rod turns of itself in the hand, and the indication is held to be infallible. The instrument, as will be seen later on, was originally used for the purposes of direct divination, for obtaining an omen or pressage, for discovering a thief, or unearthing a buried treasure. In Europe, and especially in England, these applications of its powers became exploded upon the discovery that numerous as they may have been in a number of directions, not even excepting alchemy, the divining rod had a wider range of sympathy with the old world element of water than with any other ma¬ terial substance, or with any human delinquent, whether robber or witch, and henceforth it was generally utilised for the indication of subterranean springs. The testi¬ mony already referred to has Reference exclusively to this aspect of its occult virtues. The discovery in question is ascribed to Jacques Aymar, who obtained notoriety at Lyons in 1672, by the performance of a variety of wonders which included THE DIVINING ROD. 153 the detection of assassins, of sorcery, of thieves, of wells underground, and of obliterated boundaries. It is curious to read in a book of the seventeenth century that the sensitive who was master of the rod was invariably sub¬ ject to the same species of facial contortions, of violent nervous quivering, and of pulse elevated to fever point, which are characteristic of thought-readers and mediums at the present day. It is noticeable also, murders being common in those days of comparative violence, that whenever the psychological bloodhound was conducted by his rod or otherwise to the scene of a murder, he always experienced a painful sensation of the heart, accompanied by oppression and occasionally by sickness. Previously to the celebrity of Aymar, this instrument of divination, as apart from its use in the practice of magical evocation, was devoid of any special celebrity. His prodigies brought him to the notice of the Prince de Conde, but his operations when he was under the patron¬ age of this nobleman at Paris were of an equivocal kind, and he is alleged to have acknowledged that he was an impostor, that the rod had no potency of its own, and that he had recourse to the device of divining for the reasons which most commonly influence the needy rogue in his exploits of trickery. These exceedingly likely admissions notwithstanding, the fame of the divining rod increased, and its professors multiplied. Boys and women became proficient in this by way of detective skill. Books which were ponderous in its praise and were fortified into folios by big bundles of true and cir¬ cumstantial relations; books in exposure of the shallow and charlatanic pretence ; books that explained it by purely natural considerations; books that insisted on its miraculous character ; books that ascribed it to the devil —an entire literature arose. An avocation which had originated in folk-lore became fashionable for a moment, for a century, and it returned whence it came, to the peasantry who have created folk-lore, and among whom it has been real and has lived. The divining rod, on an impartial survey of its history, would appear to have been used, as was naturally most probable, in both good and bad faith, and in each case 154 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. indifferently much the same results were obtained, for trickery is rigorously imitative, and in the production of bogus effects is seldom designed to surpass the original and genuine model. Apart altogether from mysticism, independently of magic and mediumship, the divining rod is capable of explanation by facts in animal magnet¬ ism which are now generally admitted. Psychometry, which is a part of clairvoyance as clairvoyance is a higher part of mesmerism, has many authenticated results, and offers some analogies with the wonders of the filbert wand. What the disc is to the eye in hypnotism, the rod was to the hand in rhabdomancy. The mineral applied to the forehead of the sensitive awakes an in¬ stinct, or an inner sense of sight, or some other potential faculty, into transient life, and the subject sees—sees, it is averred, the past history of the object almost from the dawn of evolution. Now, there is a correspondence, it would seem, between the eye of sense and the eye of mind, but the activity of the mind’s eye can be some¬ times developed by sensations from the sense of touch, and the discoveries accredited to the divining rod are often a form of clairvoyance in which the operator at the right moment sees what he is required to discover, the instrument being merely a pretext for the development of interior vision, acting much “after the-manner of the crystal where the eye is concerned, and producing some hypnotic or abnormal condition. Though one quality of wood may be said to be better than another, the rod itself can possess no occult virtue. The effect, whatever it may be, acts possibly through the rod, but it is the individual who is affected, as is evident from his nervous excitement. Experiments with the divining wand have undoubtedly an element of interest and in one sense a practical utility, but they belong to the curiosities of the secret sciences, and have no value, from the standpoi nt of true mystic¬ ism. An earnest inquirer,Wvho, in the language of mystical allegory, is in search of Diana Unveiled and of the Way of the Light should abstain from the trivialities of the practice ; he is seeking his soul; let him surrender the quest after little marvels to the wonder-stricken THE DIVINING ROD. 155 weaklings who follow in the train of the mystics, and are content with milk for babes. The element of interest to which we have just referred, as distinguished, for the moment, from its practical utility, is the fact that the search after water is still pursued after this old method of magic. It is one of the few survivals of the antiquated faith in the sympathy and antipathy of things, and though the citation of cases is, generally speaking, beyond the scope of the present work, the two following testimonies to the persistence and the success of this divinatory method in the dawn of the twentieth century will show that in even the byways of mystic art there is occasionally a real and recoverable power and truth. The accounts in each case are drawn from the newspapers which commemorated the occur¬ rence within a short period of its date. “ The question as to the magical or the ‘ scientific ’ value of the ‘ divining rod,’ ” says the Manchester Examiner of February 17, 1886, “has just been re¬ opened by the success which has attended its use at the Flclton Wagon Works of the Midland Railway Com¬ pany in reference to the discovery of a permanent supply of water. The required diurnal volume of water was about five hundred or six hundred gallons, and the well on the premises only yielded half that quantity. It was necessary, therefore, to supplement the supply either by the sinking of other wells or by the construction of an expensive system of piping from Peterburgh. The former plan was preferred, and two new wells were sunk to no purpose. The services of a gentleman of the dis¬ trict, who bore the reputation of being skilled in the art of discovering water by means of the ‘ divining rod,’ were then called in. This wizard or expert employed for his purpose a forked hazel twig, holding one prong of the fork in each hand, the point being directed to the sky. After walking about the premises for some time, the point of the fork suddenly began to bend down, purely, as the best evidence goes, of its own accord, and to turn towards the earth. The wielder of the wand declared that in the spot indicated there would be found a plentiful supply of water. The same phenomenon was 156 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. repeated at another spot, where the twig snapped from the violence of its spontaneous and sympathetic motion, and the same confident assertions were made with refer¬ ence to the presence of water—assertions which the results obtained, by actually sinking wells, amply justi¬ fied, the quantity of water to be obtained being appar¬ ently inexhaustible. Other persons essayed to use the wand, but it rebelled against the usurpation of its owner’s functions, and remained contumacious and irre¬ sponsive.” In the same year a correspondent of Farm and Home gave the following account of experiments conducted, under his direction, on one of the largest estates of Yorkshire:— “ We are obliged here to provide a supply of water for a large colliery population, and although we have made large reservoirs we are deficient in gathering ground, the coal pits having taken away the supply in most directions. The past season having been dry, my employer was advised by several other gentlemen— members of Parliament, magistrates, and others—to employ the man with the ‘ divining rod ’ to prospect the ground about the reservoirs, and if possible find a better and more permanent supply of water in order to ensure the filling of them in dry seasons, it being suggested that if the man could find water in August, after all the other wells and springs had gone nearly dry, the supply was likely to be a good one. “ With that object, ‘ John Mullins, Waterspring Dis¬ coverer by means of the Divining Eod, Colerne, Chip¬ penham, Wilts,’ as his card sets forth, was sent for, and arrived here about ten o’clock at night. I found him to be a plain, working mason, who has been employed most of his life on the same gentleman’s estate. There was no pretence of quackery or jugglery about him in any sense. He comes for a moderate fee and his expenses, and he undertakes ‘ to find ’ water if it be in the ground; the best guarantee for his sincerity is that he contracts to sink and build the wells himself on the spot where he says the water exists. “ To make a long story short, I took him in hand THE DIVINING ROD. 157 early next morning, starting him at one end of a long walk with a fresh, hard twig, cut by myself. I asked him to find water anywhere within the next hundred yards. I followed behind him, he stepping steadily forward, partly bent, with the twig held in both hands, the twig being of a shape, with the point held down¬ wards. When he got about two-thirds of the way, it turned up; he made a mark on the ground, proceeded to the end of his journey, then came back again, the twig turning up again violently at exactly the same spot, directly over an old buried well I had covered in with flags and earth deeply, and made a walk over, some fifteen years ago. We were afterwards joined by my employer, the Vicar, our engineer, and the superinten¬ dent of our waterworks, and prospected the estate over in one direction, Mullins finding water in several places, but no very strong springs. We dug the day after at some of the places, and found water; and when he left, the only water running into the reservoir was from a spring he found not far from it. In one place a pit about ten feet deep was hollowed out, breaking through a rocky pan, and the water rose about eight feet in the hole during the night. “ The best proof of the man’s gifts, however, was the fact that he set out correctly every running drain or pipe under the ground that he was put to, by simply going over the surface with his twig by himself. The Vicar, an avowed sceptic, took the man into his flower garden, the rest of the party remaining outside, and asked him to make two or three casts with his twig across his lawn and through his shrubs, which he did, pegging the water out as he proceeded ; and it was after¬ wards found that he had set a main running drain out correctly from the first peg to the last, the whereabouts of which no one knew but the Vicar himself, and of which there were no signs whatever above ground. The Vicar turned to the man and said, ‘ I give in ; you have beaten me.’ I was myself as disbelieving as any one, but interested and open to conviction. I had much con¬ versation with the man afterwards, during the two days he was here, and was greatly amused by some of his 158 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. tales about certain clever and scientific sceptics he had met with. ... I have given a plain statement of facts, and offer no opinion on the subject. The man was tested when here, and in the fairest manner, he being perfectly willing to satisfy us as far as he possibly could. On several occasions the Vicar held one end of the forked twig, and I the other end, the man’s hands hold¬ ing each limb firmly between our hands and the bottom of the We took care that the ends of the two limbs did not move ; but the point of the twisted up irre¬ sistibly till the bark wrinkled and creaked, and some¬ times till it broke. The movement of the twig is rapid ; it hangs down till it comes over water, when it whirls round like lightning.” It should be added to these narratives that modern Spiritualism has discovered a new application of the Divining Rod, which is made use of as a means of com¬ munication on the part of the invisible intelligence. It is placed in the hands of the medium, or of a sitter at a stance, and is held over the letters of the alphabet arranged in a circle or line. After preliminary sway- ings, it is said to indicate a variety of letters with con¬ siderable rapidity, leaping from point to point, and by this simple process the wisdom of the World Beyond is conveyed to the interrogators of the wand in intelligible words and sentences. While in magic the rod was used chiefly either for the control of visible spirits worked by the power of certain words and ceremonies which formulated the will of the magician, or else for the discovery of hidden springs of water, it should not be forgotten that it was used for the piu’poses of direct divination. So far back as the time of Hosea, we know that the people sought counsel of their stocks, and that their staves declared unto them. In the days of Grecian augury it was the custom to erect two staves, over which mystic verses and incanta¬ tions were pronounced in an undertone, till the staves, influenced by the daimons, were suddenly cast to the ground. The direction of the fall regulated the nature of the augury. The- rods of the Hebrews were peeled on one side, and an omen was drawn from the manner THE DIVINING ROD. 159 iii which they fell. In the days of the witch fever it was devoted to a more serious, and, at the same time, more abhorrent purpose. It had long been made use of in the discovery of fugitive thieves ; it was supposed to have virtues for the detection of secret spell-makers and casters of the evil eye ; then it developed a more unerring and awful power, for it was affirmed that the Y-shaped rod obtained from a shrub now called the witch-hazel, would infallibly turn in the direction in which a witch was to be found. Believing in the truth of the adage that a thief should be set to catch a thief if you wish to track him, they made use of what the ignorance of the time would have denominated witchcraft to expose the witches. On being led into the presence of a company of women, the professional witch-hunter would balance his rod, and the direction in which its forked portion might chance to turn, or might be secretly made to turn, indicated the guilty person, who was persecuted, or who perished accordingly. The actual nature of the connection between the rod and the water which it indicates has not been made clear by the numerous writers who have devoted their attention to the subject, and have given us the result of their researches. Whether it is impossible to utilise it for the discovery of precious stones and precious metals has not been discussed by theorists, nor has it been attempted in experiment. But though the mystic rod may be influenced by nothing that is denser than water, though the attention of the alchemists was concentrated on the creation of gold and silver in a manner so com¬ pletely exclusive that they had no leisure to elaborate a process for their discovery in the natural form in mines, the byways of magical art have not deserted the needy seeker. This notice may be fitly concluded by putting him in possession of an exceedingly curious method for the detection of concealed treasures, which is so far connected with the subject now under notice, that it involves the use of a vervain rod, or branch. “ When by natural indications, or by those which are considered supernatural, as, for instance, by a revelation made in a dream, you have reason to believe that a 160 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. treasure has been deposited in a certain place, you must begin your operations by burning over it the perfume proper to the day on which you have determined to dig. Next, you must plant with your right hand a branch of green laurel, and with your left a .branch of vervain, and between these two branches you must begin turning the soil. When the foss has attained the level of your own stature, the branches must be twined into a chaplet and placed around your hat, with a talisman above it which must be composed of a circular plate of refined pewter, made in the day and hour of Jupiter, during a propi¬ tious celestial aspect.” On the obverse side must be engraven the figure of a Fortuna poised with one foot upon a small sphere and moving with both hands above her head a long veil which conceals with its floating drapery the central portion of her otherwise unclothed form. Out of a cloud at her left an arm is thrust which bears in its hand a heart, and has the following inscrip¬ tion about it— Eriam ferana— words to which we are unable to ascribe any certain sig¬ nificance or origin, but they may belong to the unknown tongue. On the reverse side two portentous expressions must be written in characters whose size shall be indica¬ tive of their importance, OMOUSIN ALBOMATATOS. If several persons should assist in the operation of delving, each must be in possession of this talisman, and must wear the garland that has been described. Should the work occupy more than a day, the perfume proper to each day must be invariably burned. These precautions are required to avert the malice of the Gnomes, who are the guardians of treasures, and well qualified to give assistance in your enterprises. Paracelsus remarks in his “ Treatise on Occult Philo¬ sophy,” that in order to obtain reliable indications of hidden wealth and treasure, careful attention should be THE DIVINING ROD. 161 bestowed on those places where spectres and phantoms are addicted to appearing in the still hours of the night; particularly on Fridays and Saturdays. “ Where wander¬ ing fires are visible, where tumults and strange brawling are heard, or any kindred manifestations, it may be reasonably conjectured that in such places there is a concealed treasure. “But a prudent man will not rest satisfied at this point; he will take precautions to prevent being deceived by the reports of strangers, by the deceptions of mendicants, and by the chimeric visions in which weak and silly women engage many serious persons. The search should be undertaken on the evidence of trustworthy persons alone, and the operator will do well to conduct it with¬ out assistance, and to make his abode for the time in the immediate neighbourhood of the place. “ Those who would devote themselves to search after a treasure supposed to be concealed in a certain place, should examine the nature of the place, comparing its present situation with the accounts which may be dis¬ coverable concerning it in old histories. Now, there are two kinds of hidden treasures. The first is the gold and silver which is found in the penetralia of the earth by the virtue of the stars in combination with particular qualities resident in the ground itself. The second is gold or silver which has been coined into money, or wrought by the ai t of the goldsmith, and has been after¬ wards buried to preserve it in times of war or pestilence, or for any reason whatsoever. This second species of treasure is most commonly met with among the debris of mansions and castles, and in the vicinity of old churches and chapels; it is perfectly unheeded by the Gnomes, unless those who have buried it invoked their protection by means of perfumes and talismans adapted to the purpose. “ The magical search after hidden treasures should not be undertaken by persons ■who are subject to fear, for, to fascinate the imagination of the seeker, it is a common device on the part of the earth spirits to evoke hideous visions and appearances. If subterranean noises should increase as the work advances, repeat the per- L 162 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. fumes, and recite in a loud voice the mystic prayer of the Salamanders, which will prevent the spirits from decamping, treasure and all, as their attention will be concentrated on the mysterious words. Their abstrac¬ tion will be a good opportunity for redoubling your own efforts. “ It has occasionally happened that the Gnomes have transmitted the precious metals into filthy or worthless substances, and thus have deceived those who were unacquainted with their trickeries. But the sage and prudent delver when he finds in the bowels of the earth some matters which are foreign to the place, and could not have come there in any natural manner, will care¬ fully collect them, and will subject them to the test of a fire of laurel wood, fern, and vervain; the charm will be broken by this means, and the metals will revert to their original nature. One of the most common indications of these fantastic changes is the apparent deposition of vile and sordid substances in vessels of baked clay, hewn stone, or brass—substances which cannot, it would seem, be subjected to the trickeries of Gnomide transmutation.” The testimony to the virtue of the Divining Rod is scattered through many works which are but partially devoted to the subject, and much information will be found up and down the mazes of periodical literature, treasuries of folk-lore, etc. For all ordinary purposes, it will be sufficient to consult “ Jacob’s Rod,” a curious work on the art of finding springs, mines, and minerals by means of the hazel rod. It is a translation, by Thomas Welton, of a rare French book published in 1693 . ASTROLOGY. O NE of the most ingenious and plausible defences of the science of astrology has been made by Eliphas Levi, in a passage sufficiently brief to admit of quotation^' Nothing is indifferent in Nature ; a pebble more or less upon a road may crush or profoundly alter the fortunes of the greatest men and even of the greatest em¬ pires ; much more then the position of a particular star can¬ not be indifferent to the destinies of the child who is being born, and who enters by the fact of his birth into the universal harmony of the sidereal world. The stars are bound together by attractions which balance them and cause them to perform their revolutions with regularity in space, the network of light extends from sphere to sphere, and there is no point on any planet to which one of these indestructible threads is not attached. The precise place and moment of birth should therefore be calculated by the true astrological adept; then, after an exact computation of the starry influences, it remains for him to reckon the chances of condition, that is, the op¬ portunities or obstacles which the child must one day meet with in his state of life, in his relatives, in the dis¬ position he inherits, and, consequently, in his natural aptitude for the fulfilment of his destinies. Human liberty and enterprise must also be taken into account, should the child come to be truly a man and to extricate himself by a bold will from blind influences and from the chain of fatality. It will be seen that we do not allow too much to astrology, but what we leave it is incon¬ testable, it is the scientific and magical calculus of probabilities.” It may be at once admitted that there is nothing indifferent in Nature ; it may be admitted that a stone upon a road may modify the destiny of any person, and, 164 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. indirectly, of any people; it may also, and not less, be allowed that the aspect of the starry; universe at the moment of birth, the other considerationslfeing granted, cannot be indiflferentnto the child; all this is suggestive ; all this is, at any rate, practically reasonable ; but while the stone upon the road, in the event of its producing an effect upon the person who is passing, will produce an effect that can be calculated, the influence of the stars on a nativity is one that by ordinary methods cannot be appreciated, and is appreciated by astrology in a completely eyv[nncal manner, so far as can be judged from the standpoint of an outside impartiality, and it is at any rate quite certain that the calculus of_$ xobab ilitics which is described in the paragraph above is impossible to carry through, and has never been attempted by astrology. In discussing the claims of this, the least occult of the secret sciences, which is, notwithstanding, so venerable by its antiquity, so majestic in its associations, and so sublime in its general theory and object, one would like to be as lenient as possible, and to find a way to believ¬ ing what every one must wish should be true—that day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night showeth knowledge, while it is possible to translate the magical language of the stars into intelligible prophecies of the unfulfilled. The distant music of the spheres has found an interpreter, the splendid pageantry of “worlds revolv¬ ing unceasingly ” assumes a new significance; through all the depths and heights of the “magical, measureless distance,” we behold intelligence everywhere ; the planets are prophets, the stars are seers, mind rules the universe ; one dreams of Chaldean lore, of the clear sight and the patient study of the wise workers of old. Astrology, it is clear, if we have regard to the eternal fitness, ought to be a true instrument of knowledge. But those who are mystics must remember that astro¬ logy, though it passes for a secret science, is scarcel y a branch of mysticism. If it be capable of producing really genuine^restrlts, it must be considered to some extent as standing alone among the sciences called magical, because while it cannot be classified as unimportant, its best results ASTROLOGY. 165 can contribute nothing to the science of the soul. However sure in its results to him, it should be no more than a' collateral study, and if he set it entirely aside, it will per¬ haps be the better for his success in spiritual researches, Astrology proceeds upon methods which are said to be the result of many ages of accumulated experiment. The aspect of a certain planet at the moment of birth is supposed to have a definite effect upon the life of the “native,” because it has been observed in the past that it actually has that effect, and it is thus that the science has been built up. Its assumptions are therefore of a strictly a posteriori kind ; it asks no faith of the student, and each person is open to test its value by experiment of his own, after which he may reasonably appraise it. It is useless therefore to condemn astrology till it has been honestly weighed and found wanting. It is impossible in an elementary handbook to provide our readers with the means of examining the truth of astrological claims. If they wish to pursue the subject, they must have re- , course to the voluminous authorities which exist. They i must study Placidus de Titus and Junctin dc Florence, V; ' Ptolemy, Lilly, and Partridge. The writers who, under the names of “ Raphael ” and V “ Zadkiel ” issue “ text books ” and “ guides ” to the science, now divide between them what honour 'or profit is to be derived from the teaching of Astrology in the England of our own day. Miss Rosa Baughan has, in a recent book, made Astrology the basis of another > ■ “occult” science, viz., that qf Palmistry. ~A. voiding the responsibility of deciding between the rival systems of Placidus and Ptolemy of Horary and Genethliacal Astrology, we proceed to give a summarised version of the theory on which all systems of Astrology must rest. At the moment of the birth of a child whose horo¬ scope it is required to ascertain, or on the day of a given occurrence whose results are required to be traced, the astronomical astrolabe must be consulted to determine the constellations and planets which arc then governing in heaven, so as to define the results which must follow from their virtues, qualities, and functions. If three 166 THIS OCCULT SCIENCES. signs of the same nature are found in the sky, as, for instance, the Ram, the Lion, and the Archer, these three form the trine, a spect, because they divide the empyrean into three parts, and are separated one from the other by three other constellations. Such an aspect is good and favourable. When those who divide the sky by six meet in the hour of the operation, as the Ram with the Twins, the Bull with the Crab, the sextile aspect is formed, which is of a middle q uality. When those which divide the sphere i nto four, a s the Ram with the Crab, the Bull with the Lion, the Twins with the Virgin, meet in the hour of operation, they form the quartil e aspec t, which is distinctly a b ad on e. When thoseAvhich Belong to the opposite parts of the sky, as the Ram with the Balance, the Bull with the Scorpion, the Twins and the Archer, &c., are found similarly placed, the contrary aspect is formed, which is wicked and malevolent. Thoj others are in conjunction when two planets are united in the same sign and in the same house ; they are in opposm' tion when they are situated at two opposite points. Each sign of the Zodiac occupies a place which is called the Ce les tiaUpuse or the Hous e of the Sun, and the twelve houses consequently divide the Zodiac into twelve parts ; each house occupies thirty d egree s, and each was represented by the astrologers of old by numerical symbols within a square or circular figure twelve times divided. The first hous e is that o£ Aries, which is called the Ori ent A ngle in the language of star-gazers. This is the house of life, because those who are born under its dominion' enjoy considerable length of years. The second house is that of Tamus, which is called the In¬ ferior Gate. It is the house of wealth, and of the way to fortune. The third house is that oFGemini, and it is called the Abode of the Brethren. It is~TEehouse of inheritance and of solid patrimony. The fourth house is that of Cancer, which is called the Foundation of. Ilea veil, the EarthVWngle, and the Abode of Parents. It is the house of treasure, and of the emoluments of patrimony. The fifth house is that of Leo, and it is the abode of children ; it is that also of legacies and donations. The ASTROLOGY. 167 -sixth house is the house of Virgo : it is called the Love of Mars ; it is the house of- sadn ess, dis ease , and reverses. The seventh is that of Libra , which is called the Western Angle; it is the hou&e-'oTWnarriage and bridals. The eighth house is that of pcorpig, which is called the Superior Door; it is the abode of terror, alarms, and death. The qinth house is that of ^gittaxius; it is called the Love of the Sun; and piety, religion, travels, and philosophy are contained therein. The tenth house is that of Ca pricornus, which is called the Centre of Heaven, and crowns, dignities, and responsible offices are referred to it. The eleventh house is identified with A quarius . which is called the Love of Jove; it is the house of friends, benefactions, and fortune. The twelfth house is that of Pisces , which is called the Love of Saturn. It is the most baleful and fatal of all; it is the house of poisonings, of wretchedness, of envy, of evil temper, and of violent death. The Ihumand the Scorpio n are the houses affected by Mars; the Pull and the balance are referred to Venus; tluTTwins and the Virgin to Mercury; the Archer and Fishes to Jupiter; the Goat and. Water-bearer to Saturn ; the Lion to the Sun ; and the Crab to the Moon. The position of the planets in respect of the constella¬ tions must be carefully marked, and as the rapid re¬ volution of the earth causes changes every moment in the disposition of the stars, so the actual instant of nativity should be ascertained from the midwife, if an accurate horoscope is to be insured. When Mars is in agreement with Aries at the moment of birth, it gives longevity, courage and pride ; if it be in agreement with Taurus, riches and courage result. Broadly, the in¬ fluence of Mars augments t hat of the constellation with which it agrees, addi ng s trength and value. Saturn, who .inflicts penalties, miseries, and disease, augments the evil and stultifies the good influences ; Venus, on the contrafj'TTncrcases those whiclfare good w'hile it weakens the power of those which are evil. Mercury^augments or e nfeebles influ ences according to the nature of its conjunctions. In agreement with Pisces, its good effect is diminished ; with Capricornus it is extended. The 168 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. Moon adds melanch oly to fortunate constellations, and sadness or insanity to others. Jupiter, giving honours and riches, increases all favourable influences and almost destroys bad ones. The.Sun in the ascendant gives the favour of princ es, and its'effect upon influences is akin to that of Jupiter; in the descendant it foreshadows reverses. Gemini, Libra, and Virgo give beauty in a superlative degree; Scorpio, Capricornus, and Pisces give beauty in a middle degree; the others more or less of ugliness. Virgo, Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini endow the native with a pleasant and melodious voice; Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces give one that is ordinary or disagree¬ able, while the others are devoid of influence in this ( respect. If the planets and constellations are found in | the East at the time of the horoscope, their influence will be experienced at the opening of the life or the enterprise; if they are seen in the zenith the effect will be postponed till the middle, and till the latter end ifl they appear in the West. These general notions may be supplemented by an account of the properties of the seven planets, com- \jj piled by Elihu Rich, from a number of ancient authori¬ ties. Saturn is cold and dry, melancholy, earthy, ! malevolent, solitary, and when “ ill-governed ” produces the most malignant qualities; the Buddhists represent him as crowned, and of a black colour. Astrologers consider him as the “greater infortune.” Jupiter, the “ greater fortune,” is the author of tempera nce, m odesty, solrriety, and justice ; he rules the lungs and blood, and the last monthrin gestation; he is represented of a golden colour, riding upon a lion. The colours under him are sea- green, blue, and purple. Mars, the “lesser infortune,” is choleric and fierce, author of quarrels, dissensions, strife, war, and battle ; his colours are red and white ; he is depicted riding on a peacock, with a crown on his head; fierce animals, bloodTcotoured stones, &c., are under his influence, and he is the cause of all fevers. The Moon is feminine, neither fortunate nor unfortunate in herself, but having an influence in accordance with the aspect of other planets ; her metal is silver ; her colours white, pale green, and pale yellow; when well dignified ASTROLOGY. 169 she gives a timorous, imaginative, engaging disposition, and a fondness for change and travelling. She is re¬ presented crowned, and riding on an elephant. Venu s, the “ smaller fortune ” is the author of jnirfch and con¬ viviality, the queen of pleasure and the mistress of refinement; her colours are white and light blue ; the Buddhists depict her crowned, riding upon a bull; when ill-governed, she disposes to lewdness and profli¬ gacy. Mercury is the author of the most pointed wit, ingenuity, and invention ; when well dignified he pro¬ duces a subtle imagination and retentive memory ; otherwise his tendency is to all kinds of charlatany, empty boasting, and tale bearing. His metal is quick¬ silver, his angel is Raphael, and his colours are black and azure. He rides on a buffalo and is painted dark blue. He is masculine or feminine according to his conjunction with other planets. The Sun, if well dig¬ nified, is always equal to one of the fortunes; in some respects, his influence is equal to that of Jupiter, but magnanimity is his predominant characteristic. The diamond, the ruby, the carbuncle, pure gold, and all yellow metals are under him; he is represented riding on a horse. In addition to the direct influence which is exercised by the celestial universe on the destinies and dispositions (of men, there is an influence ofanjndirect nature on life and fortune through the control which is assigned to the ! planets and the stars of the twelve constellations over the r several members of the human body. The head, which is the seat of intelligence, is assigned to the providence of the jun, which is the root and source of the influences diffused from the entire planetary system; the Moon governs the right arm ; Venus has dominion over the left; J upite r presides over the stomach ; the energies of the sexual organs are directed by the powerful spirit of the ruddy-coloured Mars ; M ercury dominates the right foot, which is said to - Be - the seat of speed; the left is assigned to Saturn. In the astrology of the twelve con- I stellations, Aj'ies governs the head, Taurus the neck, ' Gemini the arms and shoulders, Cancer the heart and breast, Leo the stomach, Virgo the womb, Libra the 170 T1IE OCCULT SCIENCES. loins and back ; Scorpio the generative members, Sagit¬ tarius the thighs, Capricornus the knees, Aquarius the legs, Pisces the feet. The pneumatic hypotheses of angelology have assigned to the ministers of Heaven the government of empires and cities, but the science of the stars has discovered that the responsibility of the spiritual hierarchs is shared by the great constellations, and it has been decided by German adepts in the mysteries of celestial influences that Frankfort is ruled by the Ram, Wurtzburg by the Bull, Nuremberg by the Twins, which should therefore be the sign of the Rosicrucian Fraternity ; Magdeburg by the Crab, Ulm by the Lion, Heidelberg by the Virgin, Vienna by the Balance (which to-day has a certain pro¬ priety as it is there that the peace of Europe is held in an oscillating equipoise) ; Munich by the Scorpion, Stutgart by the Archer, Augsburg by the Goat, Ingol- stadt by the Water-bearer, and Ratisbonne by the Fishes. An authority more venerable than German astrologers, the mythical messenger, Hermes, has placed the seven openings in the head of-humanity under the special directions of the seven planets, and has referred Saturn and Jupite r to t hg ears, Mars and Venus to the nostrils, the Sun and Moon to_the_eyes, and Mercury to the mouth. Leon the Israelite, in his Kabbalistic “ Philo¬ sophy of Love,” explains that the sun and moon are appropriately referred to the eyes, as those luminaries are the eyes of the superior world ; while Mercury, the messenger, the revealer, the veritable Hermes, the Lord of the Logos, has a natural providence over speech. _ The enumeration is by no means exhausted. Saturn has power over life, over changes, buildings, and the circle of the sciences; Jupiter over honour, ambition, wealth, and cleanly habits; Mars over war, prisons, marriages, and animosities ; the Sun over hopes, happi¬ ness, emolument, inheritances; Venus, over friendship and love ; Mercury over diseases, losses, debts, commerce, and the fountains of fear which exist in the soul of man ; the Moon over sores and wounds, over dreams and thefts. Such is the division laid down in Albertus Magnus, to wit, in the “ Admirable Secrets ” which, ASTROLOGY. 171 though their antiquity is great in their original black- letter form, are undoubtedly falsely ascribed. The planets have also a presidence over the seven days of the week, a fact which is too commonly known to needT more than a passing reference; but as the emblems which astrology has ascribed to the planets with which it was acquainted are continually recurring in Hermetic science, and especially in physical alchemy, it will be as well to reproduce them here for the benefit of initial inquirers. Saturn, fj Venus, oric and Ionic orders of architecture were the creations of their skill and experience. They returned to instruct the mother country, and the world is indebted to the Dionysian artificers for the noblest of the classical styles. The Dionysim were an association of scientific men who possessed the exclusive privilege of erecting temples, theatres, and other public buildings in Asia Minor. They existed under the same appellation in Syria, Persia, and India. They supplied Ionia and the surrounding countries as far as the Hellespont with theatrical appa¬ ratus by contract, and erected the magnificent temple at Icos to Bacchus, the founder of their Order. The members of this association, which was intimately con¬ nected with the Dionysian mysteries, were distinguished from the uninitiated by the science which they possessed, and by appropriate words and signs devised for purposes • of recognition. Like Freemasons, they were divided into lodges, which were distinguished by different ' appellations. They occasionally held convivial meetings in houses erected and consecrated for this purpose, and each separate association was under the direction of a master and president, or wardens. They held a general meeting once a year, which was solemnized with great pomp and festivity, and at which the brethren partook of a splendid entertainment provided by the master, after sacrifices had been offered to the gods. They used particular utensils in their ceremonial observances, some of which are exactly similar to those which are still employed by the Fraternity of Freemasons, and the more opulent artists were bound to provide for the necessities THE OCCULT SCIENCES. 220 of poorer brethren. The very monuments which were reared by these Masons to the memory of their masters and wardens remain to the present day in the Turkish burying grounds at Siverhisson and Eraki. The inscrip¬ tions they bear give expression in strong terms to the gratitude of the Fraternity for the distinguished exertions of their departed superiors in behalf of the Order, for their generosity and benevolence to individual members, and for their private virtues, as well as for their conduct in public. If it be possible to prove the identity of any two societies, says Mr Cross, an earnest American Mason, from the coincidence of their external" forms, we are authorized to conclude that the Fraternity of Ionian I architects and the Fraternity of Freemasons are exactly | the same. Now, it is maintained by the same writer that the Dionysiae existed in Judea, while, on the authority of Josephus, the architectural style which they created was used at the erection of the Temple. “ The vicinity of Jerusalem to Egypt, the connection of Solomon with the royal family of that land, the progress of the Egyptians in architectural science, their attachment to mysteries and hieroglyphical symbols, and their probable employ¬ ment by the King of Israel, are together a considerable argument for the Syrian plantation of masonry in ancient times.” It will be seen that the writers whom we have cited are by no means content with referring the origin of Masonry to either the Mysteries or Solomon. Depths beyond depths, heights above heights, vistas behind vistas, were discerned by their capacious intelligence till the prospect was lost in the nebulous splendours of a primeval revela¬ tion, indefinite, yet dimly sensed. These reasoners are on the whole more acute than the circumscribed visionaries who are content to refer Freemasonry to one mythico- historical source, and as the analogical value is fairly well balanced in either case, they are equally pertinent for citation. Those who in the mystic sects of Judea at the dawn of the Christian age are delighted to trace the supposed presence of the typical trowel and compass, and especially to identify Masons with Essenian mystics, THE FREEMASONS. 221 find it possible to arrange their hypothesis in harmony with both of the preceding views. Once it is allowed that the Dionysite abode in Judea, and edified the Temple projected by the wisest of men, it is desirable to know what became of them in subsequent ages, and fortunately it can be shown, to the complete satisfaction of the theorists, that there did exist an association of men in Palestine who had striking similarities to the Free¬ masons, and that they were called the Essenes. When a candidate was proposed for admission to this society, the strictest scrutiny was made into his character. Had his life been hitherto exemplary, did he seem capable of curbing his passions and regulating his conduct according to the austere maxims of the Order, he was presented, at the expiration of his novitiate, with a white garment as the emblem of the regularity of his conduct and the purity of his heart. A solemn oath was then adminis¬ tered to him, that lie would never divulge the mysteries of his Order, that he would make no innovations on its doctrine, and that he would continue in that honouratile course of piety upon which he had already entered. Like Freemasons, the Essenes instructed their young members in the knowledge which they derived from their ancestors ; they admitted no women into their Society; they had special methods of recognition, strongly resembling Masonic devices; they had colleges of retire¬ ment, where they resorted to practise their rites, and settle the affairs of the society. After the performance of these duties they assembled in a large hall, where an entertainment was provided by the President or Master of the Cottage, who allotted a certain quantity of provi¬ sions to every individual. All distinctions of rank were abolished, and if preference was ever given it was to piety, liberality, and virtue. Treasurers were appointed in evei’y town to supply the wants of indigent strangers. The Essenes pretended to higher degrees of piety and knowledge than the uninitiated vulgar, and albeit in this respect their pretensions were great, they were never questioned by their enemies. Though austerity of manner was one of the chief characteristics of the initiated Essenians, they frequently assembled in con- 222 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. vivial parties. “These remarkable coincidences between the chief features of the Masonic and Essenian Fraterni¬ ties, can be accounted for only by referring them to the same origin.” If we pass to a later period, one of the most in- . teresting hypotheses is that which endeavours to establish a connection between Masonry and Chivalry. It asserts that the mysteries of the Fraternity were preserved and transmitted by the Orders of knighthood, and especially by the Knights Templars. Both, it is argued, were ceremonial institutions, both were sym¬ bolical, the objects were in each case identical, pro¬ motion took place by degrees, and different Orders were in both cases distinguished by different appellations. In regard to the Templars, it is advanced that almost all the secret associations of the ancients either originated or flourished in or about Syria. \ “ It was here that the Dionysian artists and the Essenes arose. From this country also came several members of that trading asso¬ ciation of masons which appeared in Europe during the dark ages, and we are assured that notwithstanding the unfavourable condition of that province, there exists at this day on Mount Libanus one of these Syriac fraterni¬ ties.* As the Order of the Templars, therefore, was originally formed in Syria, and existed there for a con¬ siderable time, it would Ire no improbable supposition that they received their knowledge from the lodges in that quarter. But we are fortunately in this case not left to conjecture, for we are expressly informed by a foreign author, who ivas well f acquainted with the cus¬ toms and history of Syria, that the Knights Templars were actually members of the Syriac Fraternities.” On the other hand, Fliphas Levi supposes that this, the most mysterious of the Orders of chivalry, was a i branch of Johannite mystics who were bent on rebuilding the Temple, and that, at the suppression of the society, 'Jacques de Molay, the last grand master, founded, on the night before his execution, * the first three lodges of Masonry to perpetuate, under another name and in a * “ Antliologia Hibernioa,” 1794, pp. 279-86. I Alder —De Drusis Montis Libani, Roma, 1786. THE FREEMASONS. 223 still more disguised form, the secrets and designs of the Templars. The diversity of all these views is a sufficient index of the uncertainty which involves their subject, and it justifies the statement already made that the genesis of Craft Masonry is historically untraceable, a fact which, however, in itself is not an undeniable proof of immense antiquity. The “ Encyclopedia Britannica” accounts for the correspondences with the great secret institutions of the far past by the doctrine of psychical identity, “ one of the most important results of anthropological science.” It considers the mediaeval building corporations to be the true historical precursors of Freemasonry, a view \ which has simplicity to recommend it, which does vio¬ lence to no probability, while it fairly covers the facts. These corporations were originally grouped around the monasteries, and in the twelfth century the authority last cited affirms that “there are distinct traces of a general association acknowledging one set of craft laws, one set of secret signs and ceremonies, and, to a certain extent, one central authority at Strasbourg. Albertus Magnus is supposed to have introduced many of the Jewish and Arabian symbols which were appropriated by the craft,” while the initiation ceremonial is said to have been copied from a Benedictine consecration. The architectural erudition and lodge-organization were im¬ ported from Germany into England, Avhere the authentic documents of operative Masonry extend back to the year 926 A.D. About two centuries later, the principles of the craft were imported into Scotland, and there they are said to have been continued long after they had be¬ come extinct in continental kingdoms. “ In this manner, Scotland became the centre from which these principles again issued to illuminate not only the nations on the continent, but every civilised portion of the woi’ld.” It is impossible here to attempt even a brief sketch of the progress of Craft Masonry in Great Britain. It is sufficient to state that in spite of its secret organization, its use of symbols, and its patronage by the great, who were occasionally invested with high ornamental dignities, it was exclusively of a practical 224 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. nature, and its secrets were trade secrets. The first signs of its transformation are found towards the close of the seventeenth century, when the celebrated alchemist Elias Ashmole was, for some unexplained reason, ac¬ cepted as an ordinary member of the great trade guild. Under his influence, and also, it is said, under that of Lord Wortley Montagu, it rapidly developed into a {purely symbolic institution, the operative craft di¬ sappeared, and its ostensible objects became purely of la moral and intellectual kind. Under this aspect it spread rapidly, and about a century later took root in France, where it diffused a great light, and attracted universal attention at a period of social upheaval and restless research after every species of novelty. It is there and in Germany that symbolical Free-I masonry became largely and almost inseparably identified with magic, alchemy, and the rest of the secret sciences. It is there that its ranks were recruited from the members \of the mystic sects of the Martinists ; it is there that the (so-called adept Cagliostro established his Egyptian grades and revived the wisdom of the Magi; it is there that Baron Tschoudy instructed masonic apprentices in the arcane doctrine of practical alchemy ; it is there that the Masonic grade of Rose-Cross was developed from the typology of the Rosicrucians; it is there that the /mysterious Misraim Rite was imported from the coast of the Adriatic, bearing Chaldaic statutes, distributing i ' symbolic and mystic degrees, conferring alchemical titles, J and possessing veiled masters; it is there that the masonic children of the Primeval Light pretended to ac¬ complish the work of human reconstruction; it is there that the mysterious Count de St Germain “ scoured the Masonic Lodges, commercing in immortality, and re¬ counting his experiences in previous centuries; ” it is there that the charitable and interesting Loge de la Bienfaisance shone at Lyons with a pure light of advanced mysticism ; it is there that the doctrine of the Fraternity was adorned by the magnetic discoveries of the Austrian doctor Anton Mesmer ; it is there, and in Berlin, that the allegories of the Order were interpreted in a transcen¬ dental sense. It was under the shadow of Masonic pro- THE FREEMASONS. 225 tection that “ Rosicrucians and theosophists performed innumerable prodigies,” that Schopfer evoked the dead, and a Swedenborgian propaganda began. During the whole of the eighteenth century, the European history of magic and Hermeticism is coincident with that of Free¬ masonry, facts which sufficiently substantiate the state¬ ment which opened this article, that symbolic Masonry originated in mysticism, and was to a large extent promulgated by magicians and alchemists. No history of Freemasonry in its connection with Mysticism has been yet attempted, and as Freemasonry, independently of Mysticism, is without direct interest to the occult student, we shall omit the bibliographical paragraph with which most of our articles have con¬ cluded, and shall refer him to the forthcoming work— “The Esoteric History of Freemasonry” — of which we have made mention above—as a methodical account of the Order in its connection with transcendental science. P PART IY. - 0 - MESMERISM. T HE student who has followed us thus far in our account of the methods and processes of the mystics, will he aware that the wonders of old magic were accomplished in most cases by a certain susp ension of thej senses, and by a powerful artificinPexaltaTion of the interior faculties. An elaborate, if uncouth, ceremonial! surrounded the operator for the time being with a species of new environment. Prayers, fasts, ablutions,' watchings, and weird incantations, combined for the ; elevation of his intellectual nature into another plane of existence. The process at times may have missed its proper end, and the Magus may have been plunged into a chaps of hallucination. At others he emerged with cleansed and clarified perceptions into a higher “ magnetic ” atmosphere, and created for himself a brief correspondence with the transcendent intelligences in superior forms of subsistence. Clairvoyant, clair- audient, clairsentient, he invoked spirits, and they made answer to his will because he was “ within their plane.” Now, this extranatural condition, produced by the formulae of practical magic, was also attained, and ap¬ parently in an advanced degree, by the conte mpl ation and absorption of the p ure ly interior mystics, whcTTn - solitude and isolation entered into the thought-world, and inquired within themselves for that instrument of correspondence which was to unite their better nature with the higher law and higher intelligence of the uni¬ verse. In the monasteries of the Latin church, the saintly men of Christendom appear to have achieved 228 THE OCCULT SCIENCES. the highest altitudes of the spirit which are possible to embodied man, by the process of introspection. This process, however, is particular to no age and to no religion. It was practised in the extreme Orient many centimes before the first words of the Christian Evangel resounded through barbaric Europe; and it is un¬ doubtedly a higher branch of that singular condition, which after so much unbelief and misconception has at length been recognised by modern science under the name of h ypnotism . The hypnotic state is, however, but one out of many series of phenomena which have long been familiar to professors and students of that unexplored region of pathology which has been termed mesmerism and animal magnetism. Magic is older than history; it is older than the Records of the Past; it is older than the Book of the Dead, and the hieroglyphic literature of primeval Egypt; and whether in Egypt or Chaldea, or in those highlands beyond the Himalayas which are the supposed cradle of the Aryan race, wherever magic flourished, it has ever been intimately associated with rites and observances calculated to produce in the operator either one or more of the magnetic states. Mesmerism, therefore, to make use of the older term, and of one which commemorates an illustrious, if not wholly high-minded discoverer, was known to the ancients, while the trances and ecstasies, whicR are Included among its most frequent phenomena, are coincident with the entire history of mystical re- ligiouS'bxperience, and constitute, in fact, that state of interior repose which, according to the Platonic philo¬ sophy, is the“"source of inspired visions, and wherein “ the light of eternity . . ., the light revealed to Zoro¬ aster, and all the sages of the East,” is manifested to the mind’s eye. It will also be obvious, even to the least thoughtful reader, that the trajrce_ artificially in¬ i' duced by the ceremonies of magic, by the vigils of the saints, by the contemplation of the quietists, by the passes of the disciples of Mesmer, and by the hypnotic disc of the modern pathologists of France, is essentially ] connected with the natural trance of cataleptic patients. Now, the history of cataleptic affections has an antiquity MESMERISM. 229 which is so generally accepted, as to be practically beyond dispute. The power of the hand, the power of the word, and the power of the human eye, take rank among the most conspicuous subjects of ancient symbolism. In a remarkable representation of a mummy case, preserved in the priceless folios of the illustrious Abbe Montfau