RULES AND REGULATIONS TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS J LI \ ./ J L ±1 J 11 lt\7k^rL 1 1 11 JJ. ADOVTET) BY THK xMEDICAL SOCIETY OF 1 SOUTH OAROLTXA. ANT) THE TRUSTEES OF ROPER HOSPTTAU. 1 CHARLESTON : STE AM POWER PRESSES OF EVANS & C O G S W E L I, . 3 Broad and 103 East Bay StrePfs. 1861. riMM. PERKINS LIBRARY Uuke University Kare Dooks RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE TRUSTEES AND OFFICERS ROPER HOSPITAL. ADOPTED BY THE MEDICAL SOCIETY OF SOUTH CAROLINA, AND THE TRUSTEES OF ROPER HOSPITAL. CHARLESTON . HTKAM-l'OWKR PRESSKS OF EVANS & COGSWELL No. 3 Broad and 103 East Bay Streets. 1861. *» I TRUSTEES. JOHN P. CIIAZAIj, M. D., President Medical Society of South Carolina, ex officio, Chairman 1. M. CAMPBELL, M. J)., Chairman pro tern. E. HOPLBECK, M. D. WILLIAM T. WRAGG, M. J). JAMES P. JERVEY, M. D. JOHN L. DAWSON, M. D. THOMAS G. PRIOLEAU, M. D. HENRY W. He SAUSSURE, M. D. FRANCIS T. MILES, M. D. WILLIAM T. WRAGG, M. D., Secretary and Treasurer. PRINCIPAL OFFICERS. J. FORD PRIOLEAU, M. D Physician. WILLIAM C. HORLBECK, M. D Surgeon. HENRY WINTHROP, M. D Con.'iulting Physician. Prof. E. GEDDINGS, :M. D Consulting Surgeon. ARTHUR FAIRLEY Steward. MYRA R. FAIRLEY Matron. ORDER OF BUSINESS, 1. Minutes 'Read. 2. Reports of Committees. 3. Resolutions. 4. Miscellaneoi"s Business. COPY OF WILL OF LATE THOS. KOPEK. T, Thomas Roper, of the City of Charleston, in the State of South Carolina, mindful of th«» uncertainty of life, and absolute certainty of death, do, whilst of disposing mind and memory, declare this, my last will and testament, hereby giving, devising, and bequeathing to my only ofl- spring, Kobert William lloper, his heirs, and assigns forever, each and every part and parcel of my estate, real and personal, whatsoever and wheresoever, with the exceptions following: I bequeath fifteen hundred dollars of the five per cent, stock of this State to the Second Independent or Congregational Church in Charleston, usually denominated the Unitarian Church; being a congregation of Christ- ians, who, unrestrained by Ecclesiastical or other authority, and unshackled by any speculative creed, worship one Supreme being and " Him only," nevertheless attach, as a condition to the bequest, that neither the said fifteen hundred dollars, or any part thereof shall be expended, transferred, or otherwise appropriated until the first day of January, 18isarily limited, do as far as the .space there afforded would admit, jKjiiit out numerous errors in the vernacular version of the Bible now in general use. Item. Should my son die without i.ssue, or leaving posthumous issue such issue die under age without lawful issue, I give ami devise to the Charles- ton ]\Iedical Society all my landed estate on East Bay and Queen street, consisting of the several lots and houses thereon, now known by tlie follow- ing numbers, viz: on East !}ay by the nund)ers, 157, l.")I), Ifil and l<;.'5,and on Queen street by the numbers 2, 4 and t the order in which they are to stand, so that the two first on the list shall go out of oHice at the anniversary meeting of tho Medical Sor-i^fy. ii> U'lC, ilio iw" n.'xt ;ii thai of l^fiT. and so on. Art. 2. Slated nuetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held at the Hospital at least once a fortnight. AiiT. 3. The Trustees shall, at the first meeting of their organization, or as soon thereafter as practicable, and after the present j'car, annually, at their first meeting after the anniver- sary meeting of the Medical Society', elect a Steward, Matron and Treasurer, and at the first meeting of the Boai'd subsecpient to the fifteentli (loth) of i\Iarch, elect two Doctors of Medicine, members of the Medical Society, or advanced Students of Medi- cine, as in their judgment "vvill best subserve the intei-ests of the Hosj)ital as House Physicians. Art. 4. They shall establish such rules for the regulation of the house and wards as they may from time to time sec fit. Art. 5. A Committee of two Trustees, to be called the "Visit- ing Committee," shall be appointed in rotation at each meeting* of the Trustees, to serve until the next meeting, whose duty it shall be generally to supervise the affairs of the Hospital, to admit and discharge all patients except those hereinafter men- tioned, and to examine and vou£'h the Steward's petty cash accounts. For these purposes they shall attend at the Hospital on Mf)nday, Wednesday and Saturday of each week, at twelve o'clock, M., or any other hour specified by the Board. They shall see that regular minutes of all admissions and discharges of patients are ke])t by the Sleward, and shall record, in a book for that pur})0se, all orders given by them foi- th'- cxptMidinirt' of money. Art. (). No PliNsician ^iiall acl a> I'liL-Mn- Mtnm:; inv it-iiii for which he may bo elected to servo the Hospital in a profes- sional capacity. Art. 7. The Trustees shall have all the powers now enjoyed •by the present lioard, in relation to the management of th(# property and funds of the Hospital and of the lioper bequest. 11 The}^ shall also receive and expeml for the support of the Hos- pital, all monies derived from rents, interests, dividends, etc., and all appropriations which may be made by the City Council, or other body, for that purpose. They shall also receive and invest all legacies, donations, etc., which may from time to time be given to this charity. Art. 8. They shall, as they sec fit, make such additions or alterations to these rules as the}' may deem necessary or expe- dient: such alterations or additions to be submitted to the Society for approval and ratification. Art. 9. They shall annually submit to the Medical Society, at its anniversary meeting, and nlso to the Legislatui-e of the State at its session, a full and comprehensive statement of the affairs of the Hospital, and of the state of the fund. SECTION III. OF THE CONSULTING PHYSICIANS. Art. 1. There shall be elected at the same time, and in the same manner as the Attending Physicians, two Consulting Physicians, one for the Medical, the other for the Surgical wards. The}' must be Doctors of Medicine of at least ten years standing, and members of the Medical Society. Art. 2. They shall, whenever oflficially called on by the Attending Physicians, consult and advise with them on such diflScult or serious cases in the Hospital as the latter may re- quest. SECTION IV. OF THE attending PHYSICIANS. Art. 1. The Medical Society shall, on the organization of the Hospital, and after the present year, annually, at the meeting of the first of Mandi, elect from among its members, two Doctors of Medicine — one to have charge of the Medical, the other of the Surgical wards, to be called the Attending Physicians, and who shall enter upon the duties of their office on the first dayf* of April. The}' may be re-elected so often as the Society see lit. Art. 2. They shall visit the Hospital at least once a day, in 4|he forenoon, examine and prescrijlDe for all patients, and have the exclusive and entire medical direction of all those admitted 12 into the Hospital, except tlie surirical cases belonginsr to the Medical College, and admitted It}- agreement into the ward of the colored patients, during tiie session of the Medical College. Akt. 3. On the occurrence of extraordinary cases, the}- may call in the ( 'onsultinLC PIi\>i(ian nr Siii-ucon .•i'^ i In- cm-c im-i\- 1.i>, to consult with. AuT. 4. No iinpoi-tanl surgical oiteration .>hall l)e pcrlDniKd without previous consultation, and llio Trustees must be noti- fied by the Steward of the time of tiie pr()])Osed j)erformance of such operation, except whei-e, IVoin llir extreme urgency oi the case, this is impracticable. Art. 5. They shall report to the " Visiting Committee" any impropriety or neglect which they may observe in the Ilospi-. tal. For gross neglect of duty they may dismiss a nurse, and shall report the same to the Visiting Committee at its next meeting. Art. 6. The}' shall each keep a book in wliieli the syni])- toms, diagnosis, daily ])iogress and treatment, and in case of death, where practicable and desirable, the post-mortem exam- ination of each case are to be recorded, as hereinafter pro- vided (Section V, Art. 4). and they shall, at the end of each quarter, make a recapilulalion of the same, to be laid belore the Trustees, and by them before the Medical Society and the City Council. Jiesolved by the Board : (^fuarter days shall be deemed to fall on the first day of February, May, August and November. Akt. 7. They shall each, at least once a week, Irom the lirst of November to the first of March, deliver, in the Amphitheatre of the Hospital, a Clinical Ijccture, on such interesting medical or surgical cases as may be at the lime, or ma}' recently have been in the wards of the Hospital Art. ersofl whu is afloeted with an incurable disease shall be admitted on the cliarity of tlie Hospital ; but may be admitted on paying such a rate of board as may be fixed by the Trustees. No per.son having a contagious disease shall be admitted into tlie Hospital. Art. G. Patients are to be discharged as soon as they are cured; and all charity patients whose cases, after three months treatment, shall be deemed incurable by the attending Phj-si- cian, shall be discharged, unless permitted to remain by a special vote of the Trustees. SECTION VIII. OF TlIK ADMISSION OF STUDKNTS OF MEDICINE. Art. 1. vStudents of Medicine shall be admitted to the wards of the Hospital during the visits of the attending Ph3^sician8, and to the Clinical Lectures and Surgical Operations, on the payment of five dollars for tickets of six months, or ten dollars for tickets of one year, which must be shown to the gate-keeper to entitle them to admission. Tickets to run six months or one year, respectively, from date. Students holding tickets shall be admitted into the wards only at (he times above specified. HXJT.ES FOR THK GOVERNMENT OF THE HOSPITAL, ADOPTED BY THE TRUSTEES- »ECTI()X I. CONCERNING TIIK TRUSTEES. Art. 1. When any five members have met, they sluvU forth- with proceed to business. Art. 2. No member shall be allowed to speak more than twice on any question under debate, unless to explain or with the permission of the Trustees. Art. 8. Each member, when speaking, shall address the chairman by the title of "Mr. Chairman," standing and uncov- ered. When the chairman desires to be heard on any subject under discussion, the members shall keep their seats while he is speaking. Art. 4. If two or more members rise to speak at the same time, the chairman shall determine who was first up. . Art. 5. All matters of order shall be decided by the chair- man, except when any member glial! appeal to the Trustees. Art. (). P]ach member, when si)eaking, shall adhere to the question under discussion. When a member rises to speak to order, tiic member interrupted shall give over the debate, until the question of order is first determined. Art. 7. When a motion is made and seconded, it shall be reduced to writing, also all reports, and delivered to the cliair- man. 9 18 Art. S. Wlien a motion of adjournment is made and seconded, there shall be no debate, nor any question taken up, until the Board have decided thereon j and no motion of adjournnient shall be renewed in less than a (|iiartc'r of an hour ;iftoi- llie preceding has been reject cl Art. 0. Whenever the yeas and nays shall be called for by any two niembers, they shall be entered on the journals; but an individual member may cntrr his protest on any decision of the Trustees. AuT. 10. If the Tj'usti'L's bo not formed within fifteen min- utes after the hour appointed, no member shall bo compelled to remain longer. Art. 12. The' different committees shall be appointed by the Chairnian ; exctjit when specially required by the Trustees that they be elected. Art. 13. The Trustees ♦^hall meet once a fortnight, on Friday, at four o'clock, from the first of October to the first of April, and at five o'clofk. from tlio first of %\y»vil to tlic first of Octo- ber. Art. 14. — The Chairman shall have power to call an extra meeting, when he deems it neci'ssary or when reciuirod In' three members of the Board. Art. 15. The Trustees will annually elect tlie following offi- cers : 1. A Steward and Matron. 2. Two House Physicians. 3. A Cell Keeper, at a salary of S2 10 per annum. 4. A Chairman pro tem. 5. A Secretary and Treasurer, at a salary of S400 per annum. 6. A ])erson to supply Meats, Grist, Milk, Bread and "Fuel. 7. A Book and Door-keeper, at a salar}'^ of $300 per annum. '8. A Gardener, at a salary of $150 per annum. Art. 16. The Treasurer is authorized to pay the salaries of the otiicers quarterly when due — they being properly vouched. SECTION II. CONCERNINO 'COM MlTTKi:S. Art. 1-. A Committee on Finance — Who shall audit and report on all accounts — which accounts shall be regularly entered. They shall likewise direct all investments of the funds of the 19 Institution, and the Treasurer shall in no instance invest any of the funds in his liands but in the manner prescribed by them. They shall not let out any of the premises belonging to the fund without taking personal securitj' for the same. Art. 2. .1 Committee of Purvryunce and Supervision. — To pur- chase all supplies for the Institution, as shall not otherwise be obtained by contract, and rendcM' a quarterly exhibit of their expenditures. They shall, moreover, see that the Steward and Matron do their duty in I'elation to the supplies of fuel, bread, meat, groceries, and other articles of necessity or consumption, and conform to each and every of the several rules and regu- lations which ai-e, or may be prescribed for their government. Art. 3. A Committee on Retrtnehments. — To examine the state of the Institution whenever the Hoard slwU require, and to re- port whether any retrenchments, and to what amount, may be made in the expenditures of the Institution. Art. 4. A Committee on Lunacy. — To examine all persons sent to this Institution as Lunatics, or who may at any time be charged as such, and report the result of such examination, and the proceedings thereon, to the Board. Art. 5. .1 Committee on Repairs. — To examine, from time to time, the condition of the house, cells and out-buildings, and report to the Board such repairs as they deem necessary, and also supervise the execution of such measures as may be adapt- ed to remedy' the same. Art. 6. A Committee on Furniture.— ^o make a semi-annual report of all the furniture of the house, kitchen and cells, Avith the beds, bedding, etc., and report such additions to the same as ma}^ be needed for the Institution, and purchase the same. Art. 7. A GommiUec on the Library. — To enter in a book pro- vided for the purpose the names of all books in the Library, entering therein as soon as received all new books obtained by purchase or donation ; to superintend also the general arrange- ment of the Libraiy and Books, and see that the latter are not removed without a written permit from one of the mem- bers. They shall also examine semi-annually, and from time to time, as they deem propei", the Case Books of the House Physicians, for the purpose of ascertaining if they are properly And fully written up. 20 SECTION III. * rONCKRNINO TllK STEWARK AND THK MATROX. Art. 1. The Steward sluill kocit a register of all persons admitted into the IIosj)ital, spocilying: first, the time of adinis- si(»n ; second, their names; third, ages; fourth, plaee of nativ- ity; filth, time and place of settlement or last abode; sixth, trades and ooeiipations ; seventh, hy whose order sent to the Ilospital ; eighth, time of death oi- dismission; ninth, ntnnlx'v of days from admission to death or discharge. Art. 2. He shall keep a registry of all tickets sold to stu- dents with the date of sale, an s:ii(l Minutes. Art. 4. He shall keep, in a sjiccial book, a correct inventory of all the linen, beddings, tables, chairs, bedsteads and other household and kitchen furniture belonging to the house, show- ing the (piantity and condition of them respective!}- ; and he shall add to and alter the said inventory as new articles are ])r()cured, or any of the old worn out. and he shall renew the same inventory oiico in every three months, and lay the book containing it before every meeting of the Trustees. And the said articles shall be examined or counted semi-annually by the ('ommittee on Furniture; antl also at such other limes as the Trustees may think proper. Art. 5. Ho shall make a daily memorandum of the quantity of bread, meat, groceries, fuel, and other articles furnished under contract, or otherwise procured for the Hospital, whicii niomortindum he shall exhibit to the Trustees, or any of them, when the quarterly aceoimts are examined, ami at any odier tinio when required. Art. 6. He shall report to the Trustees, quarterly, the quan- tity of groceries consumed in the ll(ts]»ital dui-ing the (|naj'ter preceding such report. 21 Art. 7. He shall suporinteiul all within the Hospital and the out-buildings, and other premises attached to it; and shall take care that the rules of the Hospital, and the orders of the Trustees be duly observed; and that the clothing, bedding and other articles furnishej.1 be not wasted, destroyed or sold, and shall, without delay, re])ort to the Trustees or the Visiting Committee, every person who shall waste, destroy or sell any such articles. Art. 8. At each meeting of the Trustees, he shall report to them in writing the number of patients admitted into the Hos- pital since the next preceding meeting, the number discharged, as recovered or relieved, the number and names of those who have died, specifying the cause of death, and also the number of officers, nurses, etc., in the Hospital. He shall also notify the Board of all patients remaining in the Hospital over the time specified in the plan of organization. He shall also take charge of and pay over to the Treasurer all monej' or effects of value found on the persons of patients dying in the Hospital, specify- ing the same in his next regular report. He shall also report to the Board all sums of money received and paid by him on account of the Hospital; from whom, or to whom received or paid ; for what, and the dates of the respective receipts and payments. He shall also Report all matters relating to the affairs of the Hospital, or occurring therein, worth}- of the con- sideration of the Trustees. Art. 9. He shall cause, at the first ringing of the city bell, all lights and fires in the Hospital and premises to be carefully extinguished, every evening (except such as it may be abso- lutely- necessary to keep), which he shall put under proper care. Art. 10. He shall see that the door and gates of the Hospital and premises are at all times well secured; and the Porter shall neither admit nor let out any inmate without the permission of a Trustee or Visiting Committee, or of one of the Attending or House Physicians. Art. 11. He shall carefully attend to the security and man- agement of insane persons lodgdl in the Maniac cells, for which purpose he shall have a Cell Keeper as his assistant, to be appointed by the Trustees, and shall also have a right to take to his aid any of the sub-officers of the Hospital, whose duty it !>hall lie t(» execute Iiis orders in seiiirinir and atioiuHng to tlie iii.saiie, ami keejiiiiij the eells in frinnl oriler. Anr. 12. ITe shall take care that the ijarden bo duly culti- vated, and constantly jirovided with such seasonable vegeta- bles and lii-rbs as are suitable for ibc kit«'hen and the useof'thc sick. Airr. 1;!. lie shall be retjuired (o ivfnse admission into the lIosj)ital to Coroners, or Maifistratis acting as Coroners, for the purpose of holding imjuests on the bodies of jicrsons d^Mng in the Hospital, saving where such officer affirms that there exists in his own mind susj)icion of guilt or negligence, or when he may have been exjiressly sent lor; or no certificate of the cause of death has been given by tlic A( tending oi- House Physicians. Art. 14. The Matron shall take care that the rooms bo pro]>erIy swept, and the beds made every day; that the win- dows lie froqucnth' opened for airing the Hospital, under direc- tion of the Physicians, and that the Hospital and windows be washed as often as shall be deemed necessary, or ordered bj' the Visiting Committee; thai the bed-clothes bo shifted, and the bods be kej»t clean from vermin ; and that all foul linen be waslied in due time, and with ])roper care. She shall bo s|)o- ciall}- charged with the su])erintendttneo and care of the females in the Hospital, and shall observe that the nurses and others, emjdoj'ed under her direction, behave with becoming attention and humanit}- to the sick, and discharge their several duties with diligence and fidelity; for which services, and others which may be i-equircd, the Trustees oi* Visiting Committee shall select such poi'sons from among the inmates of the Hos- pital as they may deem fit and sufficient to assist the Matron. When any ])crson dies in the Hospital, the Matron shall im- mediately take chai'ge of bis oi" her clothes, cause them to be washed, and if necessary, amended, and deliver them to the Master, who shall dej)osi( them in a jilaco of safety, and givi' an account thereof to the Trustees. Art. IT). She shall be required to make a report, in I'onnec- tion with the Steward's bi-weekl}' report, in which a detailed statement shall be made of the articles taken out tor washing, the condition in which they are returned; also, of all break- age of crockei-y. and all loss by weai- and tear of Hospital furniture. 23 Art. 16. The Stewai-d and Matron shall, generally, perform all such duties, and execute all such orders, relative to their respective offices, as are herein prescribed, or may be pi'escribed to them by the Trustees. SECTIOK IV. CONCERXING ADMISSION INTO HOSPITAL, AND DISCIIAUGE THEREFROM. Art. 1. All persons, upon their admission, shall be examined by the House Physician, to ascertain whether the}' are free from (bul distempers, and otherwise clean, and then disposed of as the Attending Phj'sician may direct; and such as have any contagious disorder or are unclean, shall be kept apart from others until the}^ are cured and cleansed. Art. 2. No inmate of the Hospital shall be discharged there- from but by order of the Trustees, or of the Visiting Commit- tee, or the Attending Phj-sicians; and any person who shall have brought in any furniture or clothing, shall be permitted, when discharged, to take awa}-^ the same, unless the Trustees shall order otherwise. SECTION V. CONCERNING DIET. Art. 1. The Trustees, with the Physicians, shall regulate the diet of the Hospital, from time to time, as they may deem fit, and give dii'ections, in writing, to the Steward, relative thereto, which he shall pursue until he receives other directions. Art. 2. In case of omission on the part of the Attendinar Physicians, to order articles nccessaiy for the well-being of patients, the House Physicians shall be authorized to order them, and the Steward is hereby required to furnish the same: Provided, that the House Physicians give a written order for the same — the order to be confirmed by the Attending Physi- cian at his next subsequent visit. Art. o. The Matron shall take care that the food and drink be properl}' and seasonably cooked and prepared, and properly distributed; and also that the table linen, dishes, 2Dlates, cook- ing utensils, etc., be clean and in decent order. Art. 4. All the inmates of the Hospital, who are able to attend at meals, shall, upon due notice being given, meet at the time and place appointed for the same, and mess together, according to the order settled by the Steward, under the direc- 24 tion of the Trustees. Suoh as shall not so attend any meal, with- out a sufficient reason for nonattendanec. shall lose that meal. Art. .'). The Sic-wanl here8cribc. Uid of Sulj-O^^cers—Iiu.ster for Wee/:. Sunday — Beef with rice and seasonable garden vegetables. Monday — Beef and potatoes, Tuesday — Muiton and iiolatoes. i Wednesday — Corned beef and cabbage. Thursday — Mutton with rice anil vegetables, as on Sunday. Friday — Codfish and potatoes. Saturday — Pork and beans. At the rate of 11 lbs. meat, 2^ gills of rice, 8^ gills of pota- toes, and i pint beans for each indivitlual. 4 oz. tea. 12 oz? cof- fee, 1 lb. sugar, lU oz. butter, per week, for each individual. Ordinnnj Diet for Patients. Diet, Xo. 1 — Tea and bread, morning and evening; I ]tint of gruel or of arrowroot, four times a day. Diet, No. 2 — Hominy and milk for lireakfast; i j)int soup at 12, M. and 4, v. m.; tea and bread in evening. Diet, No. 3 — A mutton-chop or beefsteak in addition to No. 2. Diet, No. 4 — ll^use fare: hominy and molasses tor breakfast, with tea and bread; 1 quart of soup, % lb. beef or mutton, with potatoes or beans; pudding twice a week for dinner; tea and bread in the evening. It is at the discretion of the Physicians of the Hospital to order, in addition to any one of them, or in lieu of any article in either, whatever they may think necessar}- for any particu- lar case. SECTION VI. CONCERNING THE CONDUCT OF THE INMATES OF THE HOSPITAL. Art. 1. All inmates of the Hospital shall behave respectfully toward those set over them, and civilly tOAvard each other; bo so- 25 ber and orderly in their deportment ; keep themselves properly washed and combed; change their linen, and attend generally to the decent appearance and preservation of their clothes. Art. 2. No inmate of the Hospital shall wilfully deface or injure auy part of the Hospital or premises; or disturb the Hospital by clamor or noise; or quarrel or fight with, strike, or use foul or abusive language toward another; or behave dis- respectfully to any of those having authority in the Hospital; or bring into the hospital or drink any intoxicating liquor; or steal, or use profane or indecent language, or be guilty of lying or lewdness, or any other immoral conduct; or be unrul}' or perverse, or disobey the reasonable commands of the Steward or Matron : any inmate so offending shall he liable to confine- ment in the cells for one or more days, at the discretion of the Physician in whose ward the ott'ence occurs; and the Steward shall write in a book the names of all disorderly patients, and the offence for Avhich they are noted. Art. 8. No inmate of the Hospital shall directh' or indirect- ly beg for money, or any other thing, of any person visiting the Hospital. Art. 4. No one confined in the cells shall be visited b}- any person iinless with the consent of the Visiting Committee, or one of the Trustees, or of the Physician attending the Medical wai'ds, or the House Physician in charge thereof. Art. 0. No inmate of the Hospital shall go out of the prem- ises without Avritten permission from one of the Trustees, or of the Attemling or House Physiciiin, specifying when and hoAV long he or she ma}' be absent. If any one, gf>ing out by per- mission, shall be guilty of misconduct while abroad, or shall return intoxicated, or shall not return at the appointed time, or shall bring liquor into the Hos])ital, the name of such person shall be reported. If the Porter shall suspect one going out of improperly carrying away anything, or an}- one coming in of bringing intoxicating liquors or stolen property into the Hos- pital, he shall forthwith stop such persons, and give notice thereof to the Steward. No inmate of the Hospital shall be permitted to be absent from it after sunset, under the penalty of being discharged. Art. 6. If any inmate of the Hospital shall elope therefrom, such person shall not be received back unless upon application to the Trustees at a regular meeting. RULES AND KHGULATIONS FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PHYSICIANS.. Rule 1. Jl ^iliall he their duty, when a patient lias recovered, anil been discharged from the Hospital, to enter the name of such person in a hook to he kept lor the purpose in the ottiee of the Steward, which book shall be open for the inspection and information of the Trustees and Visiting Committee. ]{ULE '1. Thej' shall not absent themselves troni their duties in the Hospital without permission of the Visiting Committee, and leaving Pliysicians to ivpresent them, to be approved of by the Committee. If the period of expected absence from the Hospital exceeds two weeks, they must apph* to the Board of Trustees in writing for permission to absent themselves, stating the j)eriod during which they may be absent, and the Physician who will assume their duties during their absence; such substi- tute must be entirely acceptable to the Board. In no case shall their absence from their duties exceed one month, without the unanimous consent of the Board. Rlle 8. It shall be their duty on every Monday to renew their orders in writing (in a book to be kept for the purpose) for exti'a diet, spirituous liquors, etc., and all such orders not renewed shall be discontinued; l)ut they may countermand any order, within the week, tliat they think ])roj)ei-. Rule 4. It shall be their duty to enforce the regulations for the government of the Nurses and Patients, and shall punish refractory and disorderl}- patients in any wa}' they may tliink proper, not contrary to the general regulations of the Hospital ; and when the}' shall impose any punishment, the}- sliall give a written order to the Steward to carry the same into effect, who shall be bound to obey the same, and malve a report thereof to the Visiting Committee. Rule 5. The patients in this Institution siiall not, be attended b}' any other Physicians than the regular Physicians of the In- stitution, or such as shall attend for them during their absence from the city, or from sickness. Rule G. The Physicians of this Institution shall not be en- titled to remuneration from any individual for attendance on any person or persons admit tcfl into the Hospital. Rule 7. Whenever the Physicians shall require for the imme- diate use of their patients an}' articles of clothing or bedding, they shall give a written order to the Steward, who shall fur- nish the same; but if not in immediate want of the said articles, tlie Steward shall make tlie requisitions of the Physicians known to the Committee 5f Purveyance, who shall furnish the same, or give an order for their proeurement. Hulk 8. The Physician shall have the power to remove a maniac from one cell to another. Frovided, that under no cir- cumstances shall they remove a maniac of one sex to an}' cell in the department allotted to the othqr sex. * lliJLE 0. It shall be the dutj' of the Physicians to see that all their ordcr^ arc regularly carried into etfect by the Nurses of the Hospital and Maniac department; that the patients are well treated, their medicine regnlarl}^ given, and their diet regularly furnished, and the cells be kept clean and comfortable. KuLE 10. It shall be the duty of the Physicians to rcportto the Board, quarterly-, the nun^ber of persons who have been admitted into the Hospital and ^faniac department for treat- ment, and the result of the eases; and shall keep a book, in which the}^ shall enter their names, their diseases, the number recovered and dischai-ged from the said departments, and the number who have died. * EuLE 11. The visiting hours of the Physician of the Institu- tion shall be within the hours of 8, a. m., and 10, a. m. KuLE 12. The Physician in charge of the Surgical and Obste- trical wards shall have authority to make such rules on the subject of admitting students of medicine into the l3nng-in wards as h^may deem most appropriate. IluLE 18. Neither of the House Physicians shall be absent from the Hospital for more than one week witiiout the consent and permission of the Board of Trustees. RULES AND PvE(;ULAT10NS FOR Tlft^ GOVERNMENT O? THE PATIENTS IN THE HOSPITAL. Rule 1. Every patient, on entering the Hospital, shall be washed, shifted and put to bed clean. Rule 2. No dirty clothing shall be carried into the wards, but be delivered to the Master. Rule o. All the patients, on the Physician's entei'ing the wards, shall retire to their beds, and remain there until he leaves the Hospital. Hi LE 4. No smoking, loud talking, boisterous conduct, crowd- 28 ing around the stove, spitting on or (Icfacing the stove or floors, shall be anowed. IJi i-K o. No sjMritiKMis liquovs. nor articles of diet, drink, medicine, or anything else whatever, shall he brought into the Hospital, excej)! by special permission of the Physieiati. JiLLi: (J. No patient shall be permitted to leave the Hospital, without a written order from the IMiysician. JUl-K 7. All convalescents shall diet with the iiimau-.- <>! ihe Hos])ital, at the usual hours,*uiiless otherwise Ordered by the Physician. \{v\.K >'•. No patient shall carry victuals to hi- Im.I; hm the Nurses shall attend them with nourishment. JiULK 0. No victuals of any Uind shall be used i>y Lhc [)a- tionts ex<-opt the diet of the Hospital. Hi;lk Id. All lights to be \nil out in the wards at eight o'clock in winter, and nine in summer, except such as are actu- ally necessaiy. Ill i,K 11. Any patient having been discharged from the ]Ios- pital for imj)ropor conduct, and jigain obtaining admission. shall be placed in the cells. i)UTlP]S AND POWERS OF THE 8TEWA1H) IN RELA- TION TO THE HOSPITAL AND MANIAC DEPART- MENTS. « RvLY. 1. It shall be the duty of the Steward, during the ab- sence of the Physician, to see that the Nurses perform their dutj^ as prespribed by their regulations, that the patients are well attended, and that no riot or disorderly conduct be alloweil in the wards. liuiiK 2. That in case of non))erformance of the duty of the Nurses, or disorderly' coiuluct, it shall be his dut}' immediately to suspen1' the X^urses to attend the Phj'sieiaMs whenever they visit the wards, and ij;ive eveiy in- formation of" the state and conduct of the patients durinj; Ids absence; and the Physician of the ]los}(ital shall attend all such cases except the Surgical, which shall he turned over to the Surgeon. Rule 2. It shall he lluir duty to rcj)ort to the Physician in charge (or in. hia absence to the Steward), any disorderly con- duct of the patients during his absence. Rui.K 3. Jt shall be their duty to follow strictly the orders of the Pliysician in charge, in ailministering medicine, nourish- ment, or any othcr'orders lie shall give. • Rule 4. It shall be tlu'ir duty to attend to the comfort ot the patients, to treat- them kindly, particularly those confined to their beds, and see that all tilth and nuisance are removed from their beds as soon as possible. Rule 5. It shall be the duty of the Cell-keeper and Nurses in the Hospital ;ind ]\[aniac departmeni, to keep the wards in clean and decent order, and gee that the bedding and persons of patients are kept clean. Rule 0. It shall be the duty of the ("ell-kecper and Nurse ot' the Maniac department to attend all j)ersons placed in that department, whether maniac or not, so long as tlfry remain there. Rule 7. Il shall be the duty of the Cell-keeper an