D03212071G DOC. No. XLL ^^ REPORT OP THE SELECT COMMITTEE OK INDIGENT SOLDIERS' FAMILIES IN ENEMY'S LINES, JIO Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2010 witin funding from Dul > c © o ^;zj •-5>T> © S 4) » « S ^ P ? S * S © ii 4i i; © 3 3 OJ S^ ^ ,-^ 02 i-j i-» S ft. S E H _ t- - •:; is ;© != ;b !5 ^ is !© '.i !i !h ^ ;s !© 'yi'a ^= S*"t: be a tjs"a Sjj"; .S 5 -t: o .t; o .i: o .i= o .i; o .i: o e« © "5o"a ■^6 « -2 iS S ► >■ O > O >► O ooacor^kO^iftOiOOiicico ^e» MinQOODcoc5ioaoot>.o-H(r»o t^oi M 00 CO M i^ (Tj o tr^ — ' lo — 1 ai — « --^ (r» ^ « - -I . l>. ■* CO 'O ;2s g b fl ^ CO 13 ^ fl Ph be 2 -^ H w « ^- ^ ^ ^ «H-^ S i-j "-i K P5 5 c "r -« ro ©^CQ-3<1 © be _ , • a • ai •-. C JV, a h* o 0>-: Wcotc "2 °, «n3 a S ; ^ a ^ COOoOh WQMaJ •5 fe ss 2 O o § 8 03 ; o o o o o o to fee Q d" b -« -«< -© a W W P5 02 © x> bo a g Fi s fesS © fe ^ a -11 ^ a n M r3 © ,c4 m n PQ u •3 a* (8 •C iT © © 1- a> . - O a 'O C o n Doc. No. 41. in lO ^ _Q ^ * o u SSoo COM £S ^JJ -w -.- 00 00 1^; t^ -5 -2 .-wca « «(N: -^ -^ XI ^ _- c « o e * aj » 3j 3 3 !•■ oi <.•< «o :: c t£ ^j * !§ !^ is !« o .!= o .t: o V « c9 as fS "3 "^ '3 '^ '5 '^ '5 '^ '5 '^ 'S "3 i- .2 .1-' .S .*' .2 .a; .2 QJ .;; .a; .5 .:.' P "tx)'"n '.fee's 'fei' a '^'a '^"S '^'"5 -2 • - O •- O •- O .!= O •- O .- O T3 « « _s "3 TS ■— "O 'P 'T3 'e ''S "3 "3 '" 'C 'PTS .2 ji; .n .^ .2 .oi .2 .ij .- .» .s ^o .s ^ be p &c"2 be "2 bCc fee's ?^ a ^B .2 o •- o .2 o .2 c -2 o .3 o -a c - M -N i^ r» ® M t^ TS< o S C* C' CO i^ •£ o -js o o o X) o S g «^ r> 31 o» x> — ' X — I ;c ci in CO 9 r^ 1-1 r^ j^ o» in g a t>^ => -r -*^* * ■g o ■■:: V o ^ w .^ be * 8o o o o so o o KM 3 ^^ . . ja Heed •TS ^ T! a^l '-jd^-j u o p * « s O 2-2 5 oocori'Coc; 00000 = 00 ooooocoo 6P . II 02 a 66 ^ be a ^ w W 02 fcJ3 03 00 K t> s ^ U3 ^ iJ H 1-5 ►^ r/-i »^j< P^ S S^ .a (• :s 02 « <-> <1 u ^ «a ^ cd ja a ^ >» o . •-5 1-5 s s ;^ a S a -s ;z;OPHPHfL4KKKsj Doc. No. 41. 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P 0) > 5 (=13 « a 0. ^ 03 * V > "^ a T) '^ .V !=L .'~i > Doc. No. 41. r It will be observed, from the date of the appointment of a large number of said agents, that they could not have had an opportunity of executing their tiusts, both from the want of time and the situation of the country. The agents, so far as known to us, are^all gentlemen of capacity and iutegiity. and not subject to military duty, and residents of the county for which they were appointed. The sureties all justified as to their solvency to indemnify the commonwealth. We can- not furnish their residence, as it was not required to be stated iu t!ie bond ; yet in many instances it is given. We have been exact in not permitting any amount to he }>aid uuless the bonds had been given. By a regulation we adopted, it was prescribed that agents might receive the whole amount apportioned to their re.«jiective counties, up n executing bonds with a penalty sufficient to cover the amount. Where the penalty of tiic bonds di^ not cover the amount apportioned, we prescribed that there should not be in the agent;'* hands, at any one time, an amount greater than the penalty. ^^ Many of the agents have reported to the board the manner in which they have executed tlieir trusts, furnishing the names of the families, the number, and the amounts paid t^ each — all of w hich can be furnished if desired. We have not as yet required a settlement by the agents, because of the fact that it has been impossible for them to expend the monej;, and the law authorized them to hold it until it could be distributed. By order of the board. H. W. THOMAS, Prc». as The committee, under the resolution of Mr. McKinuey, beg leave to submit the foregoing containing atlditional information upon the subject referred to them. , RESOLUTION. Resolved, that the special committee for the relief of indigent families within the lines of the enemy, ascertaiti and report whether the commissioners who were appointed to distribute the fund appropriated by the act of February ^Oth, 1864, have complied with the law, in taking bond and security from all the county agents appointed by them; whether the agents are residents of the counties for' which they are appointed, aud over forty-five years of age, Cr exempt from military duty, aud what regulations, if any, have been made to prevent fraud, and secure a faithful and equitable distribution of the fund in the sevi-ral coiuilies 'and among the families of each county; and that they further ascertain and report the names and residences of the sureties to each of the bonds executed by the agents for the several counties; the penalty of each bond; the amount paid to each agent; whether money has been placed in the hands of any agent who has not executed bund with suffi» cient sureties ; and if so, how much ; when the money was paid to each agent, and what portion, not yet distributed, remains in his hands. Doc. No. 41. RESPONSE. In response to Mr. McKinuey's resolution, that the committee ascertain whether the commissioners have complied with the act passed February 20th, 1864, for the relief of soldiers' families, in taking bond and security from all the county agents appointed by them ; whether the agents are residents of the county for which they are appointed, and OTer 45 years of age, or exempt from military duty — The commissioners have required an exact and strict compliance with the law. They have required the agents in every instance to be residents of the county, although they may be temporarily sojourning out of the limits of the county because of the presence of the snemy. "We have in no instance appointed any person as agent who was subject to mili- tary duty, except in cases where officers now in the service have been appointed, because of the impossibility of getting any other agent ; and in those instances there could be no pretext for exemption on account of their agency. We have required bond and security in every instance — their solvency to be justified. We have adopted a series of regulations to prevent fraud and secure a faithful compliance by the agents, a copy of which is herewith forwarded. The agents have in every case, where unknown to the commissioners, been appointed upon the recommendation of the members of the legislature representing the counties in which the money was to be expended. We have a file of the bonds, and we have paid no money unless the bonds with soretj were executed. We have had returns from several of the agents. In many instances, however, it has been impossible, owing to the movements of the enemy, to communicate with them. Seve- ral agents have been recently appointed, and have not had time to execute the trust. AUDITOR'S OFFICE, Feb. 23, 1865. Gen. Thomas S. Haymond has this day handed me three thousand four hundred and twenty dollars of confederate notes, and fourteen hundred and seventy-two dollars in bank B»te8, received by him for soldiers' families of Marion county, to be handed over to his •ttocessor. J. M. BENNETT, AudUor, HoUinger Corp. pH8.5