\^s ALMANAC A.ND O^ MEMORANDA k FOR 1864. lanrfjburfl. Fa: (&V *^J JOHNSON &SCHAFFTER. C3>J-- rlfv't) J George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS ! MEMORANDA ■d FOR 1864. fLsncf)burg, 17a: f&°*' JOHNSON & SCHAFFTER, *T> Eclipses for the year 1864. Flr«t— Of the Sun, May the 6th. at 7h. 4m. afternoon, invisible. Second.— Of thr Sun. October 30th. at 10h lira, in the morning, invisible. Common Notes for the year 1864. Chronological Q/clcs. 29 10 March 2 12 October 2 11 Do. 6 11 5 12 Do. 10 10 " 9 13 Do. H 9 " 13 14 Do. 17 8 17 15 Do. 21 7 " 23 November 14 16 Do. 24 6 15 Do. 27 5 19 14 Do. 31 4 " 23 13 April 4 3 " 26 12 Do. 7 2 " 29 11 Do. 11 1 December 2 10 June 17 1 5 9 Do. 22 2 " T 8 Do. 27 3 " 9 '..'. 7 July 2 4 " 11 6 Do. 7 5 " 13 5 Do. 14 6 " 16 4 August 7 5 " 18 3 Do. 14 4 •< 20 2 Do. 19 3 " 22 1 Do. 23 2 Do. 27 1 We have introduced this table in its most simple di ess. It should thus be engraven upon every well-constru< ited family Sun-Dial. - WEATHER TABLE. Herschel's "Weather Table, For foretelling the Weather, throughout all the tunc- carh year , forever. This Table and the accompanying remarks are the re- sult of many yens' actual observation, the whole being constructed on a due consideration ■ t lie sun and moon, in their several positions respecting the earth, and will, by Bimple inspection. show li- ver what kind of weather will most probably follow the entrance of the moon into any of its quarters, nnd that so near the truth as to tm Beldom or never found to fail. If the new moon. It qr., full moon or| In Summer In winter. last qr. happens [ Bet. midnight A 1. Pair Frost unless w. fc-w. 2 and 4 morning.... Cold — showers.. Snow and stormy. 4 and 6 " -Rain Rain. 6 and 8 " Wind and rain.. Stormv. [snow if a 8 and 10 " 'Changeable Cold rain if wind W., 10 and 12 " iFreq't showers Cold and high wind. 12 and 2 afternoon Very rainy snow or rain. 2 and 4 Changeable .. .. Fair and mild, 4 and 6 Fair Fair. |N. or N. e. 6 and 8 Fair ifwindK.w Pair and frosty if w'd Sand 10 Rainy if S.-S.W.. Rain or snow 10 and rhidnieht.... Fair Fair and frosty, fs. w. Observations. — 1. The nearer the time of the moon's change, first quarter, full and last qflarter are to midnight the fairer will be the weather during the n 2. The space for this calculation occupies from ten at • II two next morning. nearer to midday pr noon, the phases of the moon happens, the more foul or wet weather may be ex- pected during the next s< ven days. 4. The space for.this calculation occupies from ten in the forenjoon to two in the afternoon. Th< tions refer principally to the summer, though they effect spring and autumn nearly in the same ratio. .'.. The moon's change, first quarter, full and last quar- ter, happening during six of the afternoon hours, i. t. artoten,maj be followed by fair weather; but this is i noted in me ■ 6. Though the weather, from a variety of irregular causes, is more uncertain in the latter part of autumn, the Whole of wintei ;inning of spring, yet in •i the above observations will apply to tho ilso. 7. To prog rrectly, especially in tho where lie wind is 7( t should be Within four cardinal Ol th(.' leavens are correctly p January, 1864. ifter. Moon's Phases. d. h. m. Last Quarter 1 10 0: New Moon 9 -2 32 morn. First Quarter 15 11 28 alter. Full Moon -^3 4 36 after. Last Quarter 31 1 43 after. i * Remarkable Days. Sun Rises. Sun Sets. Moon Rises. H. M. H. If. H. M. 1 fr Mm in perigee 7 1»» 4 44 morn 2 L'ouj. moon with Sat .. 10 .. 44 14 8 E Moon 23 days old .. 15 1 12 , mo Venus i ises 8 40 morn.. .. 15 .. 45 2 12 ini- British dis. Rich'd 178J .. 15 3 14 6 tial fri Epiphany Luna runs low .. 14 .. U .. 18 .. 12 .. 40 .. 4b .. 47 4 17 3 18 8 Battle IS. O. 1815 14 Florida & Mississippi 1 Led, 1861 / .. 48 sets lu K .. 12 .. 48 6 55 11 iiif Alabai I, '61 ... .. 11 .. 49 8 8 12 tue Modi . N .. 11 .. 10 'J 22 we Moon on the equator .. 50 10 28 11 thu Moon five days old .. 9 .. 51 11 32 15 fri Mrius south 10 -31 .. 51 morn If Bat Battle ironton, '02 .. 8 36 IT Franklin born, 1706 ■ .. 5o 1 36 IS 1110 John Tyler died '62 6 .. 54 2 36 tue G-eorgia seceded '01 .. 6 .. 54 3 30 - thu Sun enters Aquarius .- Moon twelve days old... .. 5 .. 4 4 24 5 12 .) • fri Day's increase 30 min... .. 57 5 47 _ sat \\ m. Pitt died 1806 .. 3 .. 57 rises "1 mo tSeptuagesima .. 2 1 .. 58 .. 5S 6 12 Moon's lat. 5° ( J / south.. 7 8 2i tue Day ten hours long .. 5 8 3 ~'i we Saturn rises 10 52 6 59 .. 1 8 58 2b thu Moon nineteen c .. 58 9 55 fri Conj. Moon with Baturn .. 57 .. 8 10 54 Charles I beheaded 1048 .. 50 • 11 54 31 K, iSexagesima .. 00 .. 5 morn •^Mississippi search Warrano is the polite name for a fine tooth comb in the army. February, 1864, Moon's Phases. & h. m. New Moon 7 be after. First Quarter 14 1 Full Moon 21 11 . r >4 muni. Remarkable Days. ess \ 1 mo Conj. moon with J up.... 2 Lue! Moon 24 days old 3 we j Luna runs low 4 thu Provisional Congress 5fri j C. Sf met 18G1 6jsat j Venus rises 4 29 morn.. 7|E j Quinquagesima 8 mo Kail of Roanoke Isl. '02 9 tue Federals at Florence It" we Ash Wednesday lljthu Saturn rises 9 52. 1- lri Days increase I h. 10 m. 13 sat Battle Fort Donelson '62 14 E St. Valentine's Day 16|mo Sirius south 8 42...'. lhtueSur. Fort Donelson, '62. 17 we Luna runs high 18 thu Moon ten days old 19 lri Battle Mill Spring, '62.. 20 sat Moon in Apogee 21 E Moon's lat. 5 90 south.. 22 mo I Jeff, Davis inaug. '62». 23 tue Battle Biiena Vista, '49. 24 we Day 11 h, 2 in. long 26 thu Day's. increase 1 40 2'> t'ri Conj. moon with Satui'ii sat Moon 19 days old B Third Sunday in Lent... Suu mo Saturn rises 11 47.. Sun Moon ji a 6 7 I 1- 1 II :, 126 M. 65 IS •".7 2on 2X 7 Last Quarter 28 10 51 morn. 4 after. 53 after. 1 alter. E B urn tue we thu fri sat E m< tue we thu fri sat E mo tue we thu Vi sat E tno tue we thu 29 iV i Remarkable Days. All Fool's Day Moon in Perigree Low Sunday Gen. Harrison died '41. Saturn south 11 58 Battle Sliilob*, '02 Venus rises 4 28 Island No. 10 sur. »62.*. Lord Bacon died 1626... Luna runs high, Moon five days old Bom. Fort Sumter '61.... Day 12 56 long Embargo repealed '14... Moon's hit. 5 7 south Moon in Apogee 3d Sunday after Easter.. Virginia admitted '01... Bait, massacre, '01 Sun enters Venus Moon fifteen days old.;. Battle Camden 1781 S. Car. ratified consti- ") tution O. S. '01 / Va. rat. constitution '61 Day's increase 4 hours... Fed. troops at N. O. '02. Wolfe killed, 1759, Moon in perigrete Washington inaug 1789 Sun Rises Sun Sets. KSjp- Among the Romans the gift of a ring was a badge of liberation from .slavery. Married people can best ex- plain whether it is so amongst the moderns. May, 1864. Moon's Phases. d. h. New Moon 5 7 Quarter 13 1 Full M(.on 21 8 Last Quarter 28 5 25 morn. m. 4 after. 17 after. 2 morn. ] E L'lno 8 tue 4 we thu fri sat E mo tue we thu i:;ivi sat E mo tue we thu fri sat B mo tue we thu fri 81 tue Remarkable Days. Sun Sun Rises. It. M Sets. H. M Rogation Sunday 5 1 8 6 47 Bat. Chancellorsville ) on the 2d and 3d, '63 / .. 12 .. 48 .. 11 .. 4« Saturn south 10 6 .. 10 ■•■ Bonaparte died '21 9 .. 51 Battle Jamestown '62 ... .. 8 .. 52 Gen. Worth died '49 7 Battle McDowell '62 6 .. 54 Blockade Va. begun '61.. .. •'■ .. 5" General T. J. Jackson i died '63 f .. 4 .. 5fj .. 8 .. 57 Day's Increase 4 82 .. 2 .. 5P 1 .. 5S Day fourteen hours long .. 7 C Whit Sundav 4 59 .. 1 Moon ten days old 2 Revolu in Venice, 1767.. .. 57 .. a Matamoras taken, '46 ... .. 57 .. 3 Venus rises 4 6 morn... .. 56 .. 4 Sun enters Gemini .. 56 .. 56 5 Moon lifteen days old... a Trinitv Sunday Battle Front R03 .. 54 .. 6 .. 53 7 Victoria born, '19 7 Moon nineteen days old .. 52 .. e Moon's lat. 5 6 north .. 51 .. ? Moon in Perigee .. 51 c N. Carolina admitted '61 .. 50 .. 1C Pres. Davis arrived in 1 Richmond, '61 . .. 40 .. 11 .. 49 .. 11 Battle Seven Pines, '62.. .. 48 .. 12 Had Adam been modern, there would have been a hired girl in Paradise to look out for little Abel and ' raise Gain.' in Jnne, 1864. Moon's Phases. d. h. New Moon 4 fi First Quarter V2 6 Full Moon 19 5 Last Quarter 36 is morn. 2.8 morn. 33 after. 4u after. - 1 we 2thu 3 fn 4 sat 6 E 6 mo 7 tue 8 we Bthu lOfri 11 sat 12 B 13 mo 14 tue 1 5 we lOthu 17 M 18aat 19 E 2(> mo 21 tue 22 we 23thu 24fri 2") rfat 26 E Remarkable Days. Battle S,-ven Pines, '62.. 4 4* Day's iiMTejtse 5 2 47 Jeff. Davis horn 1808 47 Luna runs high 40 2d Sunday after Trinity.. 40 Patrick Henry died 17i>0 •• 4<"> W. B Mumfordhung'f.2.. 45 And. Jackson died '45 44 Battle Port Kepublic '02.. 44 Battle Bethel '01 44 Moon seven days old 4i 3d ISunday after Trinity.. 4 Conj Moon with Jupit'r.. 4b Venus rises 4 5 morn 48 James K. Polk died 'Vx .. 4:, Conj. Moon with Saturn .. 42 Battle Bunker Uill 177-").. 42 Battle Waterloo '15 42 4th Sunday after Trinity .. 42 Queen Victoria crowned .. 4 - J Summer Solstice | .. 4l! Longest day ...* ) .. 42 Moon's lat. 5 7 north 42 St. John Baptist 42 Moon on the equator 42 Battle near Eichmond, .. 42 from 20th to 30th, '62L 4;; Madison died '-'JO 43 Henry Clay died % 52 4 Montezuma died 152U 43 Sun Ki>es. Sun « The curious man goes about to gratify his curios- ity-hut he will probably never travel far enough to find anything more curious than himself. July, 1864. Moon's Phases. d. h. New Moon 3 6 First Quarter 11 S Full Moon 10 1 Last Quarter 26 11 67 after. 59 aftVr. 20 morn. 22 morn. Remarkable Dats. 1 fri 2 sat 8 E 4 mo 5 tue 6 we 7 thu 8 fri 9 sat 10 £ 1 1 in. lMie 18 we 14 thu 15 fsi 16 sat 17 K 18 mo 19 tue 20 we 21 thu 22 fri 2:: sat •1\ E 25 mo 26 tue 28:thu 29 fri 31 E Battle Malvern Hill. '62 Tennessee admitted '61.. Conj. Moon with Venus. Independence 1776,... Jefferson and Adams died. 1826 Monroe died. 1831 Burke died, 1 797 i Z. Taylor died, "50 Columbus horn. 1447... John Q. Adams born '61 Moon seven days old Vega south 11 Conj. Moon with Jupiter Jupiter stationary..., Altair south 11 68.., 8th Sunday after Trinity Battle Bull Hun, '61, Conj. Sun with Venus... Moon's hit. 5 9 north. Battle Manassas. '61 .. Sun enters Leo Moon eighteen days old.. •• 9th Sunday after 'Btinity •• Bat. Lunday's Lane, 'II.. Day 14 h. i> m long Saturn sets 10 5, Jupiter sets 11 36 Luna runs high Wm. Penn died. 171 loth Sunday aft. Trinity .. Sun Rises. Sun 8ets. K. 43 4! 41 4! 4-. 45 45 46 46 47 47 4^ 4 s 4'.' 50 50 51 52 b-2 53 54 56 56 .. 57.. 67L I!.. 1 6 59 13= I ' - not consist in possessing honors, but in deserving them. 12 August, 1861 Moon's Phases. New Moon 8 First Quarter 10 Full M<-on 17 Last Quarter 24 i. m. 9 14 morn. 7 44 morn. 8 34 morn. 4 58 morn. s * T3 — 1 mo 2 tue o •> we 4 thu 5 fri 6 -at 7 E 8 mo 9 tue Id we 11 thu 12 ffi 13 sat 14 E 15 mo 16 tue 17 we is thu 19 Iri 20 sat 21 E 22 mo 28 tue 24 W" 26 thu 26 fri 27 sat 28 E 29 mo 80 tue 31 we J Remarkablk Days. Moon's lat. 5 degs. S Conj. moon with Yenus Vega South, 9 31 Moon in -Apogee, Moon on the Equator,... Day 18h 40m long, onj moon with Saturn G Moon six days old Battle Cedar Run, '62... Conj. moon Jupiter, Lyons defeat, '61, Luna runs low, Days decrease lh 4m,... 12th Sund. after Trinity .Napoleon born '69, Moon's lat. b° 9' north .. Moon fifteen days old Moon in Apogee, Moon on the Equator, ... Saturn sets 8h. 45m loth Sunday aft. Trinity Bat. Catlett's Station, 62 Day's decrease lh. 24m. Jupiter sets '.Hi 57m Luna runs highffc Day 13h 4m long Moon twenty-five d old Battle near Manassas on the 28th and 29th 1862. Second bat. Manassas '62 Moon in Apogee, Sun Rises. Sun Moon Sets. I >l. B. 2 6 ;;.. 4.. 5.. 61.. 7 .. 8.. K).. 11.. 12.. 18.. 14.. ] 5 .. 16,. 17.. is.. 19.. 20. , 21 .. 22.. 23 .. 24 .. 25.. 27.. 28 .. 29.. 30.. 31.. 32 .. 83 .. >&g = *A grave Fact.— Shuffle the cards as you will, spades are sure to win. September, 1864. Moon's Phases. d. h. New % oon 1 1 Quarter 8 7 Full Mo«>n :> 4 Lust Quarter -2 6 New Moon 30 is in. 5 morn. 6 mora. 16 after. 16 after. 4") after. s i *3 TZ 1 thu 2 t'ri 3 sat 4 E r» mo 6 tue 7 we 8 thu 9 tri 10 jat i! E 12 trio 13 tue J! we 15 thu 16 fri IT sat 1 E IS mo 20 tue 21 we 22 thu if;; t'ri 2-1 sat 25 E 26 U10 27 tue I' we 29 thu fri Kf.markaiile Days. Conj. Moon with Venus Altair south 8 55 Day 12 48 long Conj. Moon with Saturn First Congress met 177 : Lafayette horn 1 7 o 7 Moon six days old Luna runs low Battle Eutaw 1781 Battle Lake Erie '13 Battle Brandy wine 1777 Fom'al south 11 '61 Moon's lat. 5 5 north .M<»>n in Perigee Cap. Harper's Ferry '62 Moon fifteen days old... Battle Sharpsburg '62... 17th Sunday aft. Trinity Altair south 7 5o Venus sets 6 4-1 Luna runs high Moon 21 days old Autumnal Equinox... > Equal day and night.. / 18th Sunday aft. Trinity Vfoon's lat. 5 7 south Day's decrease 2 4b' Moon in A; igee ;.... St. Michael ..'." Altair south 7 17 Ris Sun Sets. M. H :;i 6 35 .. 36.. ■^ .. 39 .. 40L 4-1 1- 42L 44- 45:. 46.. ■17 48 49 50 51 53 54 55 56 58 59 o 1 3 4 5 7 8 9 «^- Men wounded by the explosion of bombshells are wounded mortarly. 11 October, 1S64, Moon's Phases. d. h. First Quarter 8 5 Full tooori , 5 l Last Quarter 9 New boon so 10 m. 43 morn. i."> mufti. U4 morn, ii morn £ £ 'w l .sat 2 ill 3 mo 4 tue .'> we b thu j ti-i b sat L) E lu mo ll Lue 12 we 13 thu i-± fri 16 sat ib E 1 1 mo 18 tue 19 we 20 thu 2! tri 22 sat 25 E 24 mo 25 UK' 21, we 27 thu 28 in 29 sat 30 i£ 31 mo ESHABKABLI DATS. Conj. Moon with Saturn 1st Kailroad U. tf., 'oU.. Arc-turns south 8 32 Conj. .Moon with Jupiter Moon 4 days old Luna runs low Venus sets 40 Battle Perryville, '02 ... 20th Sunday al't. Trinity Moon's lat. 5 7 north Jupiter sets 7 80 Moon in Perigee Battle Queenstown, '12.. VVm. Pynn born, 1044.. Day's decrease '■> 30 21st Sundav aft. fri nit v Day 11 2 long Luna runs high Cornwallis surren 1781.. America discov. 1492... Battle Trafalga, '05...... Fomal south < s 59 ;... Moon enters Virgo Dan. Webster died, '62.. Moon 24 days old Moon in Apogee Day 10 40 long Saints Simon and Jude.. Conj. Mood with Saturn John Adams horn, 17^5 Day 10 30 Ion- Sun Rises Sua Politeness pays about as well as almost anything else that uosts us little. Think of it. November, 1S64. Moon's Phases. d. h. First (Quarter 6 2 Full Moon 13 Last Quarter 21 3 ISew Mood ^y 1 m. 58 after. 16 after. 30 morn. 01 morn. 15 c ■ z_ — j tue 2 we 3 thu 4 t'ri 5 sat i K 7 mo B tile •j we Id thu 11 fri 12 ?at l;; hi 14 mo 16 tue 16 we thu in aat ii Ulo tue we tliu fri 2b sat 29 tue 30 wo Remarkable Jjays. Conj. Moon with Venn? Luna runs low Moon tour days old Day 1U h 22 m long Moon's lat. 5 deg. north Battle Tippecanoe, j1... Venus sets b 42 Moon in Perigree Moon on the equator Moon eleven days old... Jupiter sets o ob Day's decrease 4 30 Meteoric showers of I '33 and '37 J Luna runs high lea destroyed '73 Moon eighteen days old.! « *a south 12 3 Moon's lat, 5 9 south -loth Sunday al'L^lrinity Day 9 oO long..^ft Sun enters Ma/s.... Moon 24 days old Z. Taylor born '84 Conj. Moon with Saturn Fomal Bouth b 42 Advent Sirius rises 9 23 Luna runs low St. Andrew bun Rises Sun sets. 14 ti Vj CM. 11 Sets. 46' 7 3a 8 38 9 44 LU 5; morn •) 3 1 12 i 22 3 33 4 38 5 41 rises b' 12 7 2 7 59 58 5b 6 9 10 48 11 42 morn 30 1 32 L 28 j 24 I 17 : 12 b 8 sets b 20 Insult not another tor his want of a talent you possess: he may have others, which you want. Praise your friends ; and let your friends praise you. lfi December, 1864. Moon's Phases. d. h. First Quarter 6 1 4s mom. Full Moon 13 i 47 mora. fcnarter 20 10 67 after. N. w oon 28 4 4 after. E * Remarkable Days. Sun Sun — T3 Rises. S. K. n. m. II . M. 1 thu Conj. Moon with Venus 7 12 2 fri Days decrease live hour* .. 12 .. -1 2 3 sat Moon'.- lat. S ( . ( north.... .. 13 .. 47 .i 38 4 E 2d Sunday in Advent... .. 13 .. 47 li) 50 5 mo Moon six days old .. 14 .. 4i. morn 6 fine Moon in Perigee .. 1! .. 1 1 7 WP. 7*s south 10 43 .. 15 •• 4;> I 11 8 t.hn Venus sots 7 7 .. lfi .. 4>> 2 16 9 fri Moon ten days old .. 15 .. 45 '. 20 LO sat Saturn rises 3 7 morn... .. 16 .. 44 4 22 11 E 3d Sunday in Advent... .. 16 .. 44 5 22 VI mo Luna runs high .. 16 .. 44 i 23 13 tue Bat. Fredericksburg, '02 .. 17 .. 43 rises M we Washington died, 17'i'.».. .. 17 .. 43 6 37 15 thu Aldeba south 10 56 .. 17 .. 4:: 7 35 16 fri Moon's lat. 5 9 south .. 17 .. 43 8 28 J7 -;it Moon eighteen days old .. 18 .. 4- 9 24 IS E 1th Sunday in Advent... . i' s •• 42 10 20 19 mo Capella south 11 18 .. 1< S ■• 42 U 15 20 Luc 7*s south (i 46.. .^jk Winter SolsticejRT.... "1 Bhortestxlay 9 2 ! | .. is - 42 morn 21 we .. 18 .. 42 9 22 thu J s. .. 42 1 3 23 fri Conj. M oon with Saturn .. 18 .. 42 1 55 24 Moon 25 days old .. 18 .. 42 2 49 -". R Christinas Day 18 .. 42 3 4G 26 DdO Mason and Slidell relca. .. 18 .. 42 4 43 27 tue St. John Evangelist .. 17 .. 43 .') 39 "s Wfl Venus sets 7 58 .. 17 .. 4;; fi 37 29 thu Aldeba south 9 50 .. ]7 .. A\) sets 30 fri Moon's hit. 5 8 north .. 1/ .. 4$ 7 11 31 Bat Jupiter rises 9 31 morn.. L 17 .. 43 It is astonishing how keen even stupid people discovering imaginary affronts. GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS. 17 Confederate States Government. LOCATED AT RICHMOND, VA. The Executive. Salary. Hon JEFF. DAVIS, of Mississippi. President $26,000 Hon. A. H. STEPHENS, of Ga., Vice-President 6,000 The Cabinet. J. P. BENJAMIN, of La., Secretary of State 6,000 C. G. MEMMINGER, of S. C, Secretary of Treasury.. 6,000 JAS A. SEDDON, of Va., Secretary tof War 6,000 S. R. MALLORY, of Fla., Secretory of the Navy 6,000 THOS. H. WATTS, of Ala., Attorney General 6,000 JNO. H. REAGAN, of Texas, Postmaster General 6,000 Heads of Bureaus. Rufus R. Rhodes, of Miss., Commissioner of Patents. G. E. W. Nelson, Superintendent of Public Printing. „Gen. Sam. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General. Col. Jno. S. Preston, Chief of Bureau of Conscription. Brig.-Gen. A. R. Latvton, Quartermaster General. L. B. Northop, Commissary General. S. P. Moore, Surgeon General. E. W.Johns, Medical Purveyor. Army. Generals, Samuel Cooper. R. E. Lee. Jos. Johnston. G. T. Beauregard. Braxton Brago. Lieutenant Generals, James Longstreet. Leonidas Polk. H. I. Hardee. E. Kirbt Smith. Geo. H. Holmes. R. S. Evtell. J. C. Pemberton. J. C. Breckinridge. A. P. Hill. Navy. Admiral, Franklin Buchanvn. Captains, L. Rousseau. French Forrest. V. M. Randolph. G. M. Hollins. D. N. Ingraham. S. Barron. J. Tatnall. W. F. Lynch. J. L. Sterrett. R. SIMMS. Captains for the liar, 8. S. Lm. W. C. Whittlb. SECOND CONGRESS. SECOND (WEISS OF CONFEDERATE STATES. First Session opens Friday, Feb. 19, lsc-i. SENATE--26 Members. VIRGINIA, RM T Hunter A A Caperton N. CAROLINA, W T Dortch Vacant 8. CAKOUXA, R W Barnwell Jamea L l>rr ALABAMA, Ro Jam. son H W Walker FLORIDA, •i.<- M Baker L A Maxwell -iippi, A G Brown •j W c Watson GEORGIA, LOUISIANA, H V Johnston Ed Sparrow IS 11 Hill T J Bemmes Tennessee— L C Haynes, G A Henry TEXAS, LT WigMl W S Ul dham ARKANSAS, B W John. son C B Mitchall KKNXUCKT, H C Burnett Vacant M1SJOORI, R L V Peyton Vacant House of .Representatives-- 107 Members. 1 iryinia, RL Montague, Robert H Whitfield, Win C Wiekham, Thomas S Gholson, William U Rives, Thomas 8 Bocock, John broode, Jr, D C Dejarnette, David Funsten, F W Al lloiliday, Joim B Baldwin, Waller R Staples, Fayette McMullen, Samuel Miller, Robert Johnston, Charles W Russell. North Curoliini. W H JN' Smith, R li Bridgets, J T Leach, Thomas C Fuller, Josian turner, J A Gilmer. S il Christian, J G Ramsay, B 8 Gaither, G \\ Logan. (Jcurijia, Julian Hartridge, Wm E Smith, .Mark Jl Blanford, Clif- ford Anderson, John T Shewmake, John il Echols, Jas M Snntn, G N Lester, H P Bell, Warren Atkin. Alabama, T J Foster, Wm R Smith, W RW Cobb, M 11 Cruhi- shank, F S Lyons, W P Chilton, David Clopton, J L Pugh, L S Dickinson. Mississippi, ^ John A Orr, W D I! ' ler, Israel Welsh, Jl C Chambers, O R Singleton, L Barksdaje, J 1' Lamkin. Florida, J B Dankins, It B Hilton. Texas. J A Wilcox, C C Herbert, A M Branch, Frank Sexton, J B Baylor, SH Morgan. Tennessee* Jos A Heiskell, W<3 &wan, \ S Colver, John P Murray, Ld A Keeble, B S Foote. Jas MoColium, ThoB Meuees, J D C Atkins, John V Wright, David M Currin. OFFICERS KILLED, Ac. 19 General Officers Killed on both sides during the War. Confederti General A B Johnson, Lieut-General T .' Jackson. Brigadier-Gi Garnett, Barnard E Bee, now. F K Zollickoffer, Ben McCulloch, James Melntoah, A 11 Bradden, r W Ashby, Robert Batton, B Griffith, C 8 Winder, Samuel Garland, L O'B Bran B Anderson, J T Hughes, Henry Little, Maxey Gregg, T K R Cobb. J E Rains, Roger Hanson, F F Paxton, E D Traoy, L Tilghman, Martin E Green, Wm D Pender, R B Garnett, J Barksdale, Paul J Semnies, J J Pettigrew, A E . B H Helm, P Smith. Federal '&, Major General Phillip Kearney, Isa -.Jesse L Reno, J K T Mansfield, Israel B Richardson, Hiram U Berry. A W Whipple, John F Reynolds. Brigadier-Generals Nath'l Lyon, F W Lander, W II L Wallace, Thes Williams, 11 Borneo, Geo W fayli P Rodman. PA Hackleman, Jas 8 Jackson, W K TerriU, Bayard, C F Jackson, Joshua W Sill, E N Kirk, Edm'd Kirby, Geo Boomer, Stephen 11 \\ eed, E J Farns- wortli, S K Zook. George (J Strong, W H J.; The Confederate Forces. We roughly estimate the number now in the field and rapidly forming for the field, as follows: Confederate army, proper From conscription up to 40 v State levies under late call..." 6 Volunteer exempts Si Total forces 5 15,000 The white males in the Confi . between 18 and 46, liable to conscription, exclusive of Maryland. Missouri. Kentucky and Deleware is i, 115,1 i of I s and 45, now called for, there are in the re- maining Southern States over 900,000 men. exclu Deducting 300,000 sick and disabled from this number, and we still 1 men in and preparing for the field. The slaves of the South will sup- ply us with food, if every man capable of bearing arms should be called to the field. An estimate of the number of volunteer troops raised e of the Confederate States previous to the en- forcement of the Conscript act: Alabama 65,000 South Carolina 43,000 Georgia 49,000 Maryland Florida - 17,000 Tennessee ippi 71,000 Louisiana Texas 4s,uou North Carolina 37,OoO yirginia 82,0O0| -PS RETURNS, &c. Population of the Confederate States. Statks. Free. Slaves. Total. Virginia L, North Carolina 879,968 South Carolina 308,166 G-< orgia 616,836 Florida 81,888 Alabama Mississippi Louisiana Arkansas 331,5 I" Texas 415,999 'l enness#e Kentucky 920,077 Missouri 1,185,590 498,826 328,377 407,186 435,473 479,607 184,956 •JsT.Ll- 1 224.490 I i. -....!;• 1,593,190 1,004,342 1,082,797 1.1 16,640 1,301,209 Total 9,646 Table of Interest at Six per Cent. Principal. 'One mo One Yr. ( >ne dollar Two dollarsV Three dollars Four dollars Five dollars Six dollars Seven dollars Eight dollars..- Nine dollars...? Ten dollars Twenty dollars Thirty' dollars Forty dollars Fiftj dollars Sixty dollars Seventy dollars Eighty dollars Ninety dollars One hundred dollars. c. u. n. ;. i) u o 1 1 2 o 3 00 ■6 5 U 111 u 1 16 1 20 2 25 3 30 35 45 5U 0. M. 6 n 12 is I) 24 80 ii 42 it 48 54 u 00 •JO BO 4U tin ti GO 40 00 The interest of any sum in dollars for six days, is the same stun in mills: viz, of $100, loo mills or ten cents; of etc. Money at compound interest will double itself in ii yi iths and 22 day.-. I It is us obliging in company, especially of superiors, to ( listen attentively, as to talk entertainingly. RATES OF POSTAGE, &c. Rates of Postage. On Letters. Single letter?, not exceeding a half ounce in weight, to any part of the Coufeden shall be 10 cents. An additi oal single rate for each additional half ounce or less. Drop letters 2 cents each. In the foregoing cases the postage to he prepaid by stamps or stamped envelopes. Advertised letters - cents each. ■ On Newspapers. One cent shall be charged on each newspaper not ex- ceeding three ounces in weight, and for each additional ounce one-half cent additional. Periodicals published oftener than semi-monthly shall be charged as newspapers. Regular subscribers to newspapers shall pay their post- age quarterly in advance. On Periodicals. Periodicals published oftener than semi-monthly shall be charged as newspapers. Periodicals published monthly, not exceeding 2\^ oz. in weight, -b. cents per quarter, ami for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. 2b, cents additional per quarter. louble the above n monthly or quarterly, 2 cents an ounce. On Transient Printed M Every other newspaper, pamphlet, periodical and ma- gazine, each circular not sealed, hand Dill and engraving, not exceeding 3 ounces, in weight, 2 cents for any dis- tance: 2 cents additional for p.: less beyond the first three ounces. In all cases the postage to be prepaid by stamps or stamped envelopes. List of Governors of States. Thomas II Watts, Alabama: II Flanagan. Ai\ Moore, Louisiana; Charles Clarkj i; Zebulon B Vance, North Ca- rolina; Miljedge L Bonham, South Carolina; 1- Harris, Tennessee ; Pendleton Murray Texas; William Smith. Virginia; John Milton, Flor . ynolds, : Richard Hawes, Kentucky. Seeix<; a Snuff Box walk.— As Pat Hogan set enjoying Qubial bliss upon the banks of a Boutheri turtle emerging from the stream. ne exclaimed solemnly, •• that iver 1 should come to America to see a sdM'-box walk :* : MISCELLANY. The Old and New Testament Dissected. Old Testament. New. Total. Books 39 27 Chapters 260 1189 Verses 23.214 7,959 81,173 Words 592,493 181,253 773,692 Letters 2,728,100 16,480 The Apocrapha has 188 chapters, 6,081 verves, 126,190 words. The middle chapter and the leaf in the Bible is the 117th Psalm: the middle verse is the 8th of the 18th Psalm : the middle line is the second book oi Chronicles, ipter, 16th verse. The word and occurs in the Old Testamenl 85,543; the name word occurs in the New Tes- tament 10,684 times. The word* Jehovah occurs 6, Old Testament.— The middle book ofthaOld Testament is Proverbs; the middle chapter is the 29th of Job; tlic middle verse is the 2d book of Chronicles, 20th chapter, 23d verso ; the leas! verse is the 1st book of Chronicles, 1st chapter and 1st verse. New Testament. — The middle hook is Thesalonis the middle chapter is between the 13th and 14th of the Romans; the middle verse is the 17th of the 17th chap- ter of *. glnbps and dials wptp first invented hy Anaxi- mander.Tn the sixth conturv before Christ. They wpfp fir«t brought into England by Bartholomew Columbus in 1489. Comedy and Tragedy were first exhibited at Athens, M3 bo. Plays were first anted at Rome. 239 n c. Paper was invented in China 170 rc c. The Calendar was reformed hy Julius Caesar. 45 BO. Insurance on ships and merchandise first made in a t> 43. Manufacture of silk brought ftoiu India into Europe. 551 A D. Pens first made of quills, a r> 636. Stone buildings and glass introduced into England, a n 674. The figures of Arithmetic brought into Europe by the Saracens. A r> 901. Paper of cotton rags invented towards the close of the tenth oentury. Paper made of linen in 1300. The degree of doctor first conferred in Europe, at Ro- logna. in 1130: in England in 12f». Astronomy and Geometry brbnght into England, 1230. Linen first made in England, 1263. Spectacles invented, 12 . 1S«>4. ■ 44 %«**<>> VrAM J Thursday, 4th /r- U^Ufb™- Saturday, *th. February 1864. Sunday, ~,th. Monday, Wi. Tuesday, 9th. Wednesday, 10th. Thursday, Uth. Friday, 12th. February, 3S6I. Saturday, l.'VA. Sunday, l-ith. Monday, Uth. Tuesday, 16th. Wednesday, 17th, Thursday, ISth. February, isf?i. Friday, VMh. Saturday, 20th. Sunday, 21st. Monday, 22nd. Tuesday, 23rrf . Wednesday, 2ith. Febri!>. y. L864. Thursday. 25th. Friday, OAth. Saturday, 27th. Sunday, 2sth. Monday, 29th. March, 1Sth. tg, Uh. Wednetday, 9th. Thursday, loth. Friday, Uth. Saturday, 12th. Mnrch, 1804. Sunday, V.'.th. Monday, Wth. Tuesday, loth. Wednesday, Wth. Thursday, nth. Friday, 18th. 2H arch. 1864. Saturday, l'.n/,. Sunday. 20th, Monday, -Uf. Tuesday, 1'Ld. Wednesday, 23d. Thursday, 'Uth. Mnreb, ISHI. Prida\ Saturday, 28th. Sunday, 27 th. Monday, 28th. Tuesday, 29th. Wednesday, ZOlh. 3Inrch. 1S64. 41 Thursday, Slat • April, 1804. Friday, 1st. Saturday, 2nd. Sunday, 3rd. April, 1864, Monday, 4/A. Tuesday, bth. Wednesday, Gth. Thursday, 1th. Friday, ith. Saturday. 9th. April. 1864. Sunday, 10M. Monday. Uth. Tuesday, Uth. Wednesday, 13th. Thursday, Uth. Friday, 15th. a April, 1S(U. Saturda Sunday, 17 th. Monday, \%th. Tuesday, \9th. Wednesday^ 20th. Thursday, '21.- April. 1864. Frida Saturday, 23rd. Sunday, 24th. Monday, VbtMt Tuesday, 2&th, Wednesday, -11th. April. L8«4, Thurad ■, Friday, 2Qth. Saturday, 30th. 31 !v. 1SHJ. Sunday, 1st. • .'/, 2nd. Tuesday, 3rd. ; Wednesday, ith. Thursday, bth. Friday, Uh. 31 ay, 1864. Saturday, 1th. Sunday, 9th. Monday, 9th. Tuesday, 10th. Wednesday, 11th. Thursday, 12th. 3Iay, 1S64. Friday, VMh. Saturday, Uth. Sunday, lbth. * 1 Monday, lUh. Tuesday, nth. Wednesday, ISM. o .'J, ly,7j. Friday, 20l!h Saturday, 2lst. Sunday, 22d. Monday, 23rf. Tuesday, 2ith. Miry, lh«4. Wednsad > Thuriday. 26th. Friday, 21th. Saturday, 2&th, Sunday, 29th. Monday, Zoth. .Hay, 1864. 7\iesday, V.st. June, 1864. Wednesday, 1st. Tkursday, 2d. Friday, 3d. J ii no, IStil. 53 Saturday, ■1th. Sunday, 5th. » Monday, 6th. Tuesday, 1th. Wednesday, Bth. • Thursday, iUh. - .In no JS61. Friday, 10th. Saturday, llth. Sunday, 12th. Monday, ISth. Tuesday, \tth. Wednesday, lbth. Jane. I - 55 :th. Wednesday, Uh. Jane. I£t»4. l'Uui adny, "itfl Friday, Sth. Saturday, Qth. Sunday, W(h. Monday, Uth. Tuesday, Ulh. July, I 164. Thursday, 14//,.. Friday, \bth. Saturday, lUh. Sunday, 17 th. Monday, 18 th. July 1^6 4. i Wednesday. Wh. Thursday. 2\s(. Friday, 224. S"( unlay. 23d. Sunday, '2ith. J.llv. !S(Jl. Tuesday, 20th. Wednesday, '21th. Thursday, '2S(h. Friday, &ttu Saturday, 30M. Julv 1864. Slut August, 1864. "/. 1st. lay, 2d. Wednesday. 3d. *■ A ii « ii st. IStJl. Tkuruday, 4r/.. Friday, bth. Saturday, Gth. Sunday, 1th. Monday, 8 th • Jucsday, Uh. AngBSl 1864. Wednesday, Wth. Thursday, l\th. Friday. 12th. Saturday, 13th. Sunday, liih.' Monday, lbth. Anirnht. 1S64. Tuesday. }i!h. Wednesday, 17th. Thursday,\8th. Friday, \Mh. Saturday, '20th. Sunday, 21sf. • 1864. Tumi'v Wedneadt Thursday, 2b(h. Friday, 26 0ih Friday, Utfu Saturday, lbth. Sunday, 16th. Monday, 11th. Tuesday, \Uh. October, 1 864. Wediu^day, Vj/h. Thursday, 20th. Friday, 2f«£. Saturday, 23d. Sunday. 23d Mondny, 'Ufh. October Tuesday, '2lth. Wednesday, Z&Lh. Tliursday, 21th. Friday, 2Sth- Saturday, 29/A Sunday, 50th. • Monday, olnt. November, 1S64. Tuesday, 1st Wednesday, 2d. ;g * November- !><:». Friday, ith. Saturday, bth. Sunday, Qth. Monday, 1th. Tuesday, Sth. 9th. November , 1864. Thursday, \(Uh. Friday, 11th. Saturday, 12th. Sundaij, ISth. Monday, Uth. Tuesday ,loth. "n<>\ « ml er, Wain, Thursday, 17 fi Friday, ISth. Saturday 191K Sunday, 20th. Monday, 2l$t. November, I 86 I. Wednesday, 23rd. Thursday, 2lth. Friday, 2bth. Saturday, 2Qth, Sunday, 27th. November, LS64. MoiuUiy. 2-rh Tuesday, 29th. Wednesday, HOth. December. 1S61. Thursdkiy. \t>t. Friday, 'Id. Saturday, 3rd. Sunday, ilh. Monday, bih.. Tuesday- MA. December* JM>4. wtday, 7th. Thursday, 8th. Friday 9th. Saturday, lQth. Su7tday, llth. Monday, 12jA, December. lN(ii. . lay i.un. Wednesday, 14th. Thursday, Iblh. Friday, ISlh. Saturday, 17 th. _, I5£/U December, Monday, 19th. Tuesday, 20th. Wednesday, 21. St. Thursday, 22d. friday. 'lid. Saturday. 2\tlu December 1>tH. ,. 2btK. Monday Hftth. nj,r,tk: i* \ V ay, 20th. \ \ Thursday, -20th. Friday, 30th. Pl'CM-tll'MT. t ^<>fo Saturday, Mst. *tcm-<~ *?*? i%6 *? ~ " n Memornndn. • llrnioraniln. 3Ir:ii»raii«!;i, ."'Trmoruiuln . JbHNSON & SCHAFFTER, Practical |aB and ftrnamrtftet § mitt$ f Republican Building, No. 61 Market Street, Lynchburg, Virginia. WITH THE AID OF Three Power Presses And a largo assortment of n>»w Tr-pe & Frinfino, Materials of att „i H b«, We are preporc^ to eieeute all kinds of JOB PRINTING ffitfc Beatness, Cheapness and Dispatch. He keep on band at all times a largo assortment of Flat Cap, Foolscap and Letter Paper, the attention of our friends. tThe Lynchburg Republican Published Daily and Try Weekly. E/. H- GLASS & CO., Editors and Proprietors. ». 6. 1'KKRY, Local and A ens Editor. Daily paper three months *g oo i>o. one month 2 oo Tn-w-ckly papei three months .'..' i . Adwtisemj d m the daily at the rate of one ! When i is. rt, dollar ;UuJ , square; wceklj two do jr.s p< A T R ] I ' ->- the Republican offers unv- ■ t! : ; r;; ; ; nl: "" cm being oari: 111,1 ' !,ss than any other paper in the State, while its ' JilSSS^SSiSS^ dai,y ap * ,ear ln ! oth lh * d ->