GR litJU Otrrrj- Duke University Libraries Communication f Conf Pam #349 DTTDE3m3V HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, May 31, 1864.— Referred to the Committee of Ways and Means and ordered to be printed. [By the Chair.] message: of the president. RicHMOifo, Va., May so, 1864. To the Svncie and Huuse of Representatives : I herewith transmit, for your consideration, a communication from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an estimate of an additional Fum required for the support of the Government. JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION FROM SEgRETARY OF THE TREASURY. Treasury Department, C. S. A., Richmond, May 25, 1864. To the President : Sir : I have the honor to hand you herewith, estimate of appropria- tion asked fowin pursuance of report of 2Uth instant, from this- De- partment, for the purchase of cotton, for the purpose of procuring the means of paying, in coin, the interest on certificates of indebtedness, and would respectfully request that you communicate the same to Congress. Yery respectfully, your Obedient servant, C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Treasury. 'ESTIMATE OF APPROPRIATION asked for in pursuance of Re^ port ff Secretary of Treasury of May 2(», 1864 .* Amount to be applied to the purchase of cotton, for the purpose of procuring the means of paying, in coin, the interest on certificates of indebtedness, ten millions of dollars, $10,000,000 C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Tieasury, Treasury Department, 3/07/ 25, 1.S64. #3^ p6PmaliP6« pH8.5