An/ 4313 Duke University Libraries To all Maryland Conf Pam 12mo #319 &«H073ia5- TO ALL MARYLANDERS IN THE OOKT3F , 3S5I>E3H.^LT353 STATES. After a long and painful imprisonment by the Lincoln Government, and en during every form of persecution at the hands of our enemies, I succeeded at last in making my escape to Canada, and by a tedious journey have reached the South, in order to unite my fortune wtth hers, and to combat with you for the de- liverance of our beloved and down-trodden State of Maryland. On coming among you, I find too plainly evident a fact already kuown and lamented by our friends at home — instead of being arrayed in one compact and regular organiza- tion, you have by accident rather than design been distributed into the various regiments and brigades which make up the Southern army. It thus results that your numbers are greatly underrated by the public, and the State does not receive the credit for the devotion to the South, which you acd I well know, inspires a large majority of her people. But there are other bad consequences of this distribution — not only do you lose all the moial force in battle derived from the esprit du corps and from a just State pride, but our young men, coming here to join our standard, are unable to find readily their friends, or a common rallying point. Lastly, whatever of endurance or valor you may exhibit in battle, enures to the reputation of some other State than that for whose deliverance you would so gladly sacrifice your lives. I have presented these views to President Davis, and with that genuine appreciation of our State which he has ever exhibited, he has determined upon a plan by which it is put in your own power to correct these evils, and, by uniting yourselves together, to se- cure the fame to which you may be justly entitled, and to hold out a rallying standard, around which all true Marylanders may form. The President autho- rizes me to Fsay that he has directed a camp to be formed at Staunton, Va., to be known as " Camp Maryland," to the Command of which Major General Elzej has been assigned, and a camp near Hanover Junction, to be called "Camp Howard," to the command of which Colonel Bradley T. Johnson has been assigned. These camps will be for the reception of all Marylanders, whether in the army or not, including those already existing, organized as a Maryland force, who may repair to it in order to unite themselves with the regular military organization. The President will issue orders to all commanding officers, directing that, upon a writ- ten application of Marylanders now serving in their respective cammands, ac- cording to the subjoined regulations, they shall be permitted to leave at once for the camp, and be furnished with transportation for the purpose. On reaching there they will be duly Cared for, and permitted to organize them- selves into companies and regiments, with the privilege of selecting their own officers, as usually exercised by volunteer organizations. The general officers to command brigades and divisions will be chosen by the President, with reference as well to State pride as to the interests of the service. I call upon you, then, one and all, whether now in military service or civil life, to come forward at once, and repair to the flag of our own beloved State, op- pressed though she has been for years, her worthiest citizens languishing ya dun- geons, or exiles from her soil ; her fair daughters insulted by ruffians and mourn- ing in tears the fate of their country. We well know that there is yet for Mary- land a future, and a hope. I appeal to you by !all the wrongs heaped upon our people, by the noble blood poured out in the battles of the war, by the memo- ries of your ancestors, to rally as a band of brothers, and unite in a common ef- fort for'the rescue of our State from the hands of the spoiler and the despot. GEORGE P. KANE. Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, Richmond, March 23, 1854. GENERAL ORDERS, ) No. 38. J I. The second and third paragraphs of Genera! Orders, No. S, Adjutant and Inspector General's office, series of 1862, are hereby revoked. II. With a view to facilitate the organization of citizens of Maryland into companies, squadrons, battalions and regiments, in accordance with the act to authorize and provide for the organization of the Maryland Line, published in paragraph I, General Orders No S, above referred to, a camp will be established at Staunton, Virginia, to he cplled Camp Maryland, and a camp near Hanover Junction, to be called O^rnp Howard. III. The troops now under the command of Col. Bradley T. Johnson will, for the present, occupy Camp Howard; and all other Maryland companies, squadrons and battalions will, upon their written application, be detached by commandii.g generals from their present commands, and ordered to proceed, lor the purpose of being organized into regiments, either to Camp Maryland or to Camp Howard as they may elect. IV. All persons now in service in other than Maryland companies, who are, or were, at the commencement of the war, native or adopted citizens of Maryland, and who desire to join companies from their own State, will, upon their applica- tion in writing, with reliable evidence of their citizenship, addressed and sent di- rectly to the commandant of Camp Maryland or to the commandant of Carap Howard, be transferred to the Maryland Line, and, at their option, will either be assigned to Maryland companies now existing; or, provided the number. be suf- ficient, organized into new companies, with the privilege of electing company officers. And persons now in service in Maryland companies, who are citizens of other States, will, upon their request in writing, accompanied by proper evidence of their citizenship, be transferred by commanding generals to any company from their own State, in the army to which they belong. V. Upon receipt of orders from this office, making transfers in accordance with the preceding paragraph, commanding generals are directed to forward the men so transferred to* the camp designated, in charge of commissioned officers: and they will furnish every possible facility for the prompt movement of compa- nies, squadrons and battalions, as directed in the third paragraph of this order. VI. All native or adopted citizens of Maryland, who are not now in the Confed- erate service, will, upon application to either of the commandants herein men- tioned, within the next sixty days, be enlisted into the Maryland Line, and, at their option, assignpd to existing Maryland companies, Of organized into the new companies herein before provided for. VII. Major-General Elzey is relieved from the command of the Department of Richmond, and assigned to the command of the Maryland Line. He will, for the present, take immediate command of Camp Maryland. Col. Bradley T. Jobnsox will assume command of Camp Howard. They will at once proceed to carry out the puopose of these orders. By order, S. COOPER, Adjutant and Inspector General, The undersigned, a in company regiment, *, brigade, division, corps, army of having been a citizen of Maryland at the commencement of the war, applies for a transfer to the Maryland Line, company regiment, under General Orders Xo. 38, Adjutant and Inspector General's office, 1S64. I desire to be transferred to Camp Maryland, Major General Elzey, Staunton, or Camp Howard, Colonel Bradley T. Johnson, Hanover Junction. Appended is j roof of citizenship : On this day of 18G4, before the suTjscriber, a commis- sioned officer. regiment, brigade, personally appeared and made oath in due form of law, that he knows that was a citizen of Maryland at the commencement of the war. All applications to be transferred to Camp Maryland will for the present, be addressed to Major-General Arnold Elzey. Richmond, Virginia. 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