Emblemata Hispanica Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from Duke University Libraries https://archive.org/details/emblematahispani01camp Emblemata Hispanica An Annotated Bibliography of Spanish Emblem Literature to the Year 1700 IE DROME © AM PA Duke University Press Durham and London 1990 © 1990 Duke University Press All rights reserved Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper co Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data appear on the last printed page of this book. In Memoriam Daniel Jorrin Pérez 1905-1989 Contents Acknowledgments xi Illustrations xiii Introduction 1 Abbreviations 5 Key to Libraries 9 Major Sources for this Bibliography 17 PRIMARY SOURCES SECTION A. Alciato in Spain. Editions and Commentaries 27 SECTION S. Emblem Books in Spanish. Authors SA. Juan Bafios de Velasco 36 SB. Juan de Borja 36 SC. Sebastian de Covarrubias Orozco 39 SD. Juan Francisco Fernandez de Heredia 40 SE. Francisco de Guzman 41 SF. Juan de Horozco y Covarrubias 43 SG. Nicolas de la Iglesia 46 SH. Sebastian Izquierdo 46 SI. Alonso de Ledesma 48 SJ. Fray Antonio de Lorea 52 SK. Félix de Lucio Espinosa y Malo 52 SL. Andrés Mendo 54 SM. Francisco Antonio de Montalbo 57 SN. Francisco de Monzon 58 SO. Juan Eusebio Nieremberg 58 SP. Alonso Nufiez de Castro 61 SQ. Francisco Nufiez de Cepeda 63 SR. Lorenzo Ortiz 66 SS. Crist6bal Pérez de Herrera 68 vill Contents ST. Antonio Pérez 70 SU. Alonso Remén 71 SV. Pedro Rodriguez de Monforte 71 SW. Juan de Rojas y Ausa 72 SX. Diego de Saavedra Fajardo 73 SY. Hernando de Soto 85 SZ. Francisco de Villava 86 SZz. Lorenzo de Zamora 87 SAa. Francisco de Zarraga 94 SECTION T. Translations into Spanish. Authors TA. David de la Vigne. Tr. Carlos Bundeto 96 TB. Nicolas Caussin. Tr. Francisco de la Torre 97 TC. Adrien Gambart. Tr. Francisco Cubillas 98 TD. Paolo Giovio. Tr. Alfonso de Ulloa Gabriele Simeoni. Tr. Alfonso de Ulloa 99 TE. Hans Holbein. Tr. Francisco Frell6n 101 TF. Herman Hugo. Tr. Pedro de Salas 102 TG. Juan de Solorzano Pereira. Tr. Lorenzo Mateu 104 TH. Otto Vaenius. Tr. Anonymous 105 SECTION F. Emblem Books Written by Spaniards in Other Languages. Authors FA. Benito Arias Montano 107 FB. Pedro de Bivero 114 FC. Alejandro Luzén de Millares 116 FD. Claudio Clemente 117 FE. Juan Eusebio Nieremberg 118 FF. Juan de Pineda 119 FG. Joseph Romaguera 126 FH. Juan de Solorzano Pereira 126 SECTION P. Polyglot Editions Containing Spanish Text. Authors PA. Michael Snyders and Ludovicus van Loeven 131 PB. Hans Holbein 133 PC. Georgette de Montenay 134 PD. Otto Vaenius 135 SECONDARY SOURCES I. Emblem Compendia, Library Inventories, Contemporary Definitions of Emblem, Glossaries, Commentaries, Poetic Treatises and Emblem Theory Not Contained in Emblem Books 139 II. Mythographies, Iconographies, Arts of Painting, Works on Paradoxography, Numismatic Works, Emblematic Topoi, Visual Motifs, Proverbs and Apothegms, Studies on Collectors and Collecting, Works on Antiquarianism, Studies on Word and Image, Works on Natural History, Cultural Studies, Studies in Mythology, and Studies in Art History and Architecture of Importance to Spanish Emblem Literature 143 III. Overviews of Spanish Emblem Literature and Short Mentions of Spanish Emblem Writers Not Included under Studies of Individual Authors 161 IV. Studies About Emblem Books and About Emblem Writers Included in the Primary Sources of this Bibliography 164 V. Emblem Literature: The Emblem and Literature 175 VI. The Emblem and the Arts 180 VII. Studies About Fétes, Funerals, and Royal Entries 184 Appendix X. Bibliographical Ghosts, Untraceable or Lost Emblem Books, and Related Items 193 Appendix Y. Short-Title List of Items Often Included in Emblem Book Bibliographies, Manuscripts, Iconologies, Symbologies, Bestiaries, and Other Miscellaneous Entries Akin to Emblem Books 196 Appendix Z. Short-Title Bibliography to Fétes, Royal Entries, and Funeral Books of the Spanish Golden Age Containing Emblematic Material 205 Index of Copies Examined 219 x Contents Index of Places of Publication 220 Index of Dates of Publication 223 Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers 226 Index of Artists 228 Index of Dedicatees 229 Index of Names 231 Index of Subjects 242 Acknowledgments The summer stipend granted by the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Faculty Research Commitee in 1982 enabled me to spend several months of uninterrupted work laying the basic foun- dation for this project. Further research at the Margaret King Library of the University of Kentucky during 1983-84 was followed by two visits to the Huntington Library and to the Library of the University of California at Los Angeles during the summers of 1984 and 1985, which enabled me to complete most of the research on primary sources. A visit to the Folger Shakespeare Library and to the Library of Congress during the summer of 1986 allowed me to fill many lacunae and to complete the final draft of the manuscript. Throughout this period I availed myself of the resources of the Library of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, and the Library of Vanderbilt University, as well as of the good services of Mrs. Faye Verburg of the Interlibrary Loans Department of the Lubton Library of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. To the staffs of these libraries, I would like to acknowledge their many courtesies over a long period. I am also indebted to Charles Mann of the Van Patee Library of the Pennsylvania State University, to Agnes B. Sherman and Stephen Ferguson of the Princeton University Library, to David Weston of the Glasgow University Library, and to Sandra Sider of the Hispanic Society of America, who provided reproductions and quickly answered many of my queries. Sandra Sider also read the initial draft of the manuscript, contributed many corrections, and offered valuable suggestions. I am also grateful to my colleague David Darst who generously gave of his time during his 1982 sab- batical in Madrid to gather data and to obtain photocopies of items not available to me in the United States. At every stage of this xii Acknowledgments work, my colleague Peter M. Daly was a constant source of friendly advice, and has helped in ways too numerous to list. I wish to thank also the staffs of the Rare Book Rooms and Special Collections of the many college, public, and private libraries who were quick to answer my requests for information, and who supplied me with call numbers for the emblem books described in this bibliography. To the people and institutions listed above I am profoundly in- debted. Illustrations Premie a los benemeritos , que afi florece el Reyno,y fe alientan los Vafallos. G%§ Os dos quicios del gouierno fon premios, y Yea caftigos. Como fe alientan , y florecen las plantas de vn jardin con el riego del algua preces? de la fuente, (1) afi fe animan, y eobran vi- 1 4que ffs om- gor para emprefas generofas los animes , quando reci- petiohisse. aes ‘ a cana fiunt, ben del Principe , como de fuente , el premio de {US frees gignunt,arbo- feruicios. Semejanza,de que vfael Rey Don Alon{o res, frusices , her, »» el Sabio (2) * E otro fi fegun efta razon dixo , que pe Al » debe el Rey facer en fu Reyno ; primeramente fa- Ethymoletae », clendo bien a cada vno, fegun lo mereciefe. Ca efto + Ley 3.tit.x0.p.2 »€S afi como la agua, que face crecer todas las cofas, »» ede fi adelante los buenos, faciendolos bien, ¢ hon- »ta* (3) Alas diuifionesde las aguas comparo Salo- mon e! corazon del Rey,porque {u piedad, y benefi- cencia , qual fuente abundante ha de comunicar riego de 3 Proucrb.t1.1, Emblem 25, from the 1662 edition of Andrés Mendo's Principe perfecto... (SL4). Reproduced by courtesy of The Folger Shakespeare Library. SACRAS, 343 BMPRES AZOXXL IN 4% O es de miintento, trataraqui, fiel an Obifpo es adminiftrador , 0 fenor iia de lasrentas de {us obifpado , fi tiene en ellas verdadero dominio, ofolo Je toca recogerlas, y romando para filo compe- ! Non teneti ex iuftitia ert non €0 apimo affirmaye- tente, repartir entre los pobres lo que reftare: simp, uc ad mninorem cles Por que el fin dela controverfiafe reduce a fi pe- mofinam cos erediderim Sas ata se tol jdad | obligari. Sots de Inffir. cara'contra jufticia, ofolo contra caridad enel ji, 1%, guef.4, art.g. cote confumo de femejantes rentas a fu arbitrio : Si a/c. AUR} Impresa 21, from the 1682 edition of Francisco Nunez de Cepeda's Idea del buen pastor...(SQ1). Reproduced by courtesy of The Folger Shakespeare Library. 4 Wy “a have pe | Toe ———— Ai od Ke El Conde de 2Catalon,que fue Capitan general del Rey Don Hernando tuuo por empre[avnd Romana con efte mo-~ te[acado del EwangeliooOC FAC, ET VIVES, queda mi juirioes demafiado de larga, porque con la Romana fe puedenpefar muchas cofas. 1 morejola Xofiur de Perfi, hermano de XCofiiur de Alegria, porque deshararado el campo Aragonesen E boli; ganoel eftandarte del General, y dixo en Frances,Par ma foy,monennemy nha pas fait ce qu ilha eferit alentour de fon Pefon,pource quln ha pas bien pese fes forfes auecles miennes. Y pues The impresa of Giovanni Tommaso Carafa, Count of Maddaloni, from Alonso de Ulloa's 1561 translation of Paolo Giovio's Dialogo delle imprese (TD2). Reproduced by courtesy of The Folger Shakespeare Library. Ifagogica ad artem Memorixz. 137 SYMBOLUM XIX. FR) Abet omnis amor vim fuam , ait S. AugusW Pf izi. ef flinus , ec potef? vacare amor in anima Re amantis ; quem tamen S. Chryfoftomus s“Per Matth. Ne anime vacantis paffionem definit. Ne- y que idcirco fibi contradicunt : diverfa PS) func hec , non adverfa. Inerti fupinaque )) defidia , ex qua cenfetur oriri , torpet 4 amor circa extranea, fegnis animi quoad illa , fibique indormifcentis ; undé pe- Gus quod occupare defiderat ab omni alié vacuum occupatione & (ollicitudine requirit.Continuum ipfi in otio negotium eft,dum fe& {ua commoda refpicit , dum fibi intendit ; neque invenit $ gras Impresa 19, from the 1665 edition of Alejandro Luzon de Millares' Idea politica veri christiani...(FC2). Reproduced by courtesy of The Folger Shakespeare Library. 54 EMBLEMATA FACIT MVNIFICVM. Auqup.in Sevaper habet vnde det cui plenum eft pectus cha- Fle vitatiog: dem de Ypfa charitas alijs blanda, alijs ferua; nulli inimica, eatechix. radibus, omnibus mater. Hieron. Non memini me legifle mala morte mortuum, qui pee] libenter opera charitatis exercuit. Habet enim mul- tos interceffores, & impoffibile eft multorum preces non exaudiri. Proper. Quid agit donum dilectionis, fi beneuolentiz fol- licitudo non vigilet? E] Amor mas que los clauos Hizo alma mia por vos Maniroto al mifmo Dios. De menfch daer in Godts liefde werckt Mon ame, ieveux quetu donnes Ontbreeckt niet om te moghen gheuen, Selon la loy decharité, De liefde altijdt fijn midlen ftercke, Et ne crains pas, faifant aumofnes En gheeft ghenoech om by te leuen: De tomber oncg en pauureté. In liefde Godts volcomen weeft, Toufiours abonde la perfonne En toont v naeften medelijden, Qui afi faincte volonté, Dient hem met eenen milden gheeft, Et iamais affection bonne Hy fal van armoed’ y beurijden, Nemanqua decommodité. Amoris Emblem “Facit Munificum,” from the 1615 polyglot edition of Otto Vaenius' Amoris Divini Emblemata (PD2). Reproduced by courtesy of The Folger Shakespeare Library. Note the different fonts and typesettings DIVINI AMORIS, 55 for the different languages, typical in seventeenth-century polyglot editions. The Spanish redondillas are attributed to Alonso de Ledesma. Temperandum, prius quam puniendum. EMBLEMA LXXI., En FidicenCitharam promtam modulatur ad aurem, Nec tamen abrumpit , vox licet una cadat. Sts Fidicen Princeps,nec quando diffonat ulla Chorda, ftatim rumpas, [ed modulare prius: Corrige defectus:lapjis concede vici{sim Vi fargants Regni fic cithareduserts. COMMENTARIVS. T S Tadeé vigiles,ac folicites in requirendis,& pu-| 1 > niendis fonubus, Principes effe debere, in €o,quod z precefsit Emblemate,dixcrimus , non tamen ideo 3‘25\ intendimus , cos itain iramaccendere, ut pro pri- SEF misexcefsibus,ac delicis,qua fummam in fe mali- Srey tiamnonhabeant, ad ultima fupplicia profiliant, extremifvé remedijs utantur, ubi admonédo,cor- rigendo,vel temperando,iJlos, qui a virtutis via in aliquo deflectere vifi fuerint,leviori freno,ad meliorem frugem reducere poffunt, Sup.Embl.11. |. Plané enim cum Reges fue Reipublice Medicos effe, fupra a No-| 2 Ee bis, poftalios , traditum 'fit, medicina praceptis obfequi debent, Canonh.inAphor, | (4% ut Petrus Canonherius laté poft Hyppocratem tradit, non nift Polit.r.tom. pag. ]in extremis morbis ad extremaremedia deveniunt , illudque Ovidij ee ad unguem obfervant, ———————— Om- Emblem 71, from Juan de Sol6érzano Pereira's Emblemata Regio-Politica... 1653 (FH1). Reproduced by courtesy of The Folger Shakespeare Library. Introduction This bibliography comprises the production of Spanish emblem literature published from 1540 to 1700. It includes all the editions of Spanish emblem books, the translations into Spanish of foreign emblem books, emblem books written by Spaniards in other languages, as well as polyglot editions of emblem books in which Spanish is one of the featured languages. The bibliography also includes secondary sources arranged in discrete sections, and in some cases secondary literature about the main entries. The bibliography excludes eighteenth-century editions and translations from Spanish into other languages, the subject of an article that I am currently preparing. Although some primary and secondary sources in Spanish-American emblematics have been included, this bibliography does not pretend to be complete in an area where careful research is yet to be done. In most cases I have examined one or several copies of each imprint, either directly or in microfilm or photocopy. Imprints that I have personally examined are always preceded by an asterisk. In only eight cases (SG, SH, SI, SJ, ST, SU, SW, SAa, and PB) the description of the imprint was derived entirely from bibliographical sources and information supplied by colleagues in Spain. The arrangement and numbering system adopted for this bib- liography is, with some modifications, the one created by Professor Daniel Eisenberg in his bibliography of romances of chivalry,! a system distinguished by easy access both from the text and the onomastic index. Items in the “Major Sources for This Bibliography” used throughout the text as citations of authority have been marked “§” and abbreviated by the last name of the author, followed by volume number, or item number. Each item in 2 Introduction a section bears a letter prefix that corresponds to the section: A (Alciato’s editions and translations in Spain), S (emblem books in Spanish), T (translations of foreign emblem books into Spanish), F (emblem books written by Spaniards in languages other than Spanish), and P (polyglot editions that feature a Spanish text). The section letter is followed by a letter(s) and numbers assigned to each author and imprint. In some cases, given the language of the work, an author might be listed in two sections, e.g., Juan Eusebio Nieremberg (SO, FE), who wrote both in Latin and Spanish, or Otto Vaenius (TH, PD), who was translated into Spanish and who has polyglot editions in which Spanish is one of the languages. The emblem books have been listed chronologically under each author, and unless otherwise noted, the editio princeps is always the first entry. Occasionally, when more than one edition has been consulted, an editio optima has also been identified. Whenever possible, and if the imprint is not an exact replica of the preceding edition, a diplomatic description of the title page and the frontispiece or faux-titre has been given. In order to maintain suitable word spacing in justified text, the publisher has added hyphenation to these title pages. The description of the title page is followed by the size of the imprint, number of pages (lower case roman numerals in parentheses, before and after, indicate pages of preliminary materials and end index pages), signatures (number of leaves is given at the end of the gathering, e.g., A-Z8) and number of emblems; text only? refers to the absence of illustrations in the emblem book. The notes following the description of the imprint include dedicatee, if it is not expressed on the title page, name of the artist and/or engraver for the picturae of the emblems, and occasional bibliophile notes. As an aid in identification and cross-referencing, a set of ab- breviated bibliographical entries follows each imprint. Some come from arbitrarily chosen Spanish bibliographies (Antonio, Gallardo, Palau, Salva, Simon-Diaz, etc.), and others from emblem bibliographies (Praz, Landwehr, De Vries) and bibliophile sources (Brunet, Funck, Salloch, etc.). Following these references, a list of libraries and call numbers where the imprint can be found is given. The description of modern editions (nineteenth- and twentieth- century editons that have been reset in modern type), facsimile editions (nineteenth- and twentieth-century exact replicas, photocopies, and editions in microform), and composite editions (editions that attempt to integrate more than one text in the same Introduction 3 edition) are given immediately following the original entry to which they correspond. “Same as above” refers to the original imprint immediately preceding the item in question. The bibliography for secondary sources is arranged in seven sections, with items numbered consecutively. This section focuses solely on works that have an immediate historical, cultural, literary, or iconographical relevance to Spanish emblem studies. Classic studies in the field of iconography, unless they bear a direct relationship to Spanish emblematic topoi (e.g., Panofsky’s Hercules am Scheidewege), as well as general or specialized criticism on other European emblem traditions, have been excluded.3 Section VII of the bibliography for secondary sources is somewhat more inclusive, since little has been done in recent years, Spanish or otherwise, in the way of bibliography of fétes, royal entries, and funerals. After the main text of the bibliography there are three ap- pendixes, X, Y,and Z. Appendix X and Appendix Y are comple- mentary to the primary sources of the bibliography. Appendix Z is a somewhat sketchy compilation that represents the exordium of my long-term project about emblematic structures in Spanish Golden Age celebrations. Most of the items in this appendix have been derived from bibliographical sources, and at this stage the inventory is no more than a useful but incomplete handlist of primary sources. At the conclusion of the bibliography there are eight indexes, including an onomastic index and a subject index for the complete text. In the compilation of this bibliography I have subscribed to a more liberal standard and included items that would not generally be considered emblem books in a strict sense.4 One important reason for this decision is that Spanish Golden Age authors, although aware of the subtle differences between the terms emblema, empresa, jeroglifico, simbolo, cifra, pegma, and enigma, frequently used this nomenclature irrespective of genre, dis- regarding current theoretical considerations while asserting that they too were bona fide emblem writers. Also, since I am dealing with a specialized bibliography, it is useful to list items that have been considered by earlier bibliographers as emblem books, if for no other reason than to disprove or to justify those assertions. Somewhat harder to justify, however, is the inclusion of certain imprints (under SE, SN, SO, ST, TB, FD, etc.) in the main body of the bibliography and the banishment of others to Appendix Y. This 4 Introduction can be partially explained by the editorial criteria. Imprints that outwardly fulfill an emblem format (pictura-subscriptio or inscriptio- pictura-subscriptio), such as those under SE, SG, SN, TE, and PB, were included in the main body of the bibliography. Also included were non-illustrated imprints that might fall under the category of compilations of emblemas, jeroglificos, simbolos, or enigmas, such as those under SK, SO, SP, FD, and FE. These inclusions are, I hope, plausibly explained in a nota bene at the end of the authors’ entries. Items SM and SV, both funeral books with an emblem format, have been rescued from Appendix Z to be included in the main body of the bibliography. Baroque bestiaries, books with emblematic illustrations, iconologies, and manuscripts with emblems were relegated to Appendix Y. Notes 1. Daniel Eisenberg. Castilian Romances of Chivalry in the Sixteenth Century: A Bibliography. Research Bibliographies and Checklists. London: Grant & Cutler, Ltd., 1979. 2. I have adopted the term used by Professor Heckscher in the Princeton Catalog to denote the absence of illustrations. Following Heckscher’s pro- cedure, I have also kept the Latin for “first edition” and “best edition.” Cf. William S. Heckscher and Agnes B. Sherman, with Stephen Ferguson. Emblem Books in the Princeton University Library. A Short-Title Catalog. Princeton: Princeton University Library, 1984. 3. I have omitted these items since they are readily accessible in the Henkel- Schéne bibliography contained in their Emblemata. Handbuch zur Sinnbildkunst des XVI und XVII Jahrhunderts. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzlersche, 1976. For a more recent bibliography on the European emblem, vid. William S. Heckscher et al. A Selective List of Secondary Sources Dealing with Andrea Alciati and His Book of Emblems. Princeton: Princeton University Library, 1985; and William S. Heckscher. The Princeton Alciati Companion: A Glossary of Neo-Latin Words and Phrases Used by Andrea Alciati and the Emblem Book Writers of His Time Including a Bibliography of Secondary Sources Relevant to the Study of Alciati’s Emblems. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1989. 4. In many cases the works contain “emblems” that do not fit the “ideal type” of motto-pictura-subscriptio that characterizes the outward form of the emblem, according to Schéne and Jons. For an elucidation of the theories of Dietrich W. Jons and Albrecht Schéne on the emblem, as well as for some historical background on critical theory, vid. Peter M. Daly. Emblem Theory. Wolfenbiitteler Forschungen. Band 9. Nedeln: KTO Press, 1979. More recent scholarship on the emblem holds a more catholic concept of the emblematic construct, vid. Peter M. Daly. Literature in the Light of the Emblem: Structural Parallels between the Emblem and Literature in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1979; Bernhard F. Scholz. “Emblematisches Abbilden als Notation: Uberlegungen zur Hermeneutik und Semiotik des emblematisches Bildes.” Poetica, 16 (1984), 61-90; and Giancarlo Innocenti. L’Immagine significante. Studio sull’emblematica cinquecentesca. Biblioteca di cultura. Padova: Liviana Editrice, 1981. AFA AHSI Angelicum Arbor BAE BBMP BCom BH BHS BRAE BRAH BMCA BSEAA CHA Gr EEcl ESe FilRo Abbreviations The Art Bulletin Archivo Espanol de Arte Archivo de Filologia Aragonesa Archivium Historicum Societatis Iesu Periodicum Trimestre Pontificae Studiorum Universitatis a Sancto Thoma Aquinate in Urbe Arbor: Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura Biblioteca de Autores Espanoles Boletin de la Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo Boletin de Comediantes Bulletin Hispanique Bulletin of Hispanic Studies Boletin de la Real Academia Espanola Boletin de la Real Academia de la Historia Boletin del Museo e Instituto Camon Aznar Boletin del Seminario de Estudios de Arte y Arqueologia Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos Comparative Literature Estudios Eclesiasticos Estudios Segovianos Filologia Romanza 6 Abbreviations GBA Goya GSLI Helmantica HR JEGP Jwcl KRQ MLN MLQ MLR NRFE NRFH PMLA PQ RABM RCEE RCEH REBi REP RFE RHM RIb RIE REE RF RomN Gazette de Beaux Arts Revista de arte. Publicacién bimes- tral de La Fundacién Lazaro Galdiano Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana Revista de Filologia Clasica de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca Hispanic Review Journal of English and Germanic Philology Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institute Kentucky Review Quarterly Modern Language Notes Modern Language Quarterly Modern Language Review Nueva Revista de Filologia Espanola Nueva Revista de Filologia Hispanica Publications of the Modern Language Association Philological Quarterly Quaderni Ibero-americani Revista de Archivos Bibliotecas y Museos Revista del Centro de Estudios Extremenos Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispanicos Revista de Estudios Biblicos Revista de Estudios Politicos Revista de Filologia Espanola Revista Hispanica Moderna Revista Iberoamericana Revista de Ideas Estéticas Revue de Littérature Comparée Romanische Forschungen Romance Notes RPh RR RyF Thesaurus ZKg Abbreviations 7 Romance Philology Romanic Review Razon y Fe Thesaurus. Boletin del Instituto Caro y Cuervo Zeitschrift fur Kunstgeschichte , hy ran é Chueh gapraieaas oi manent f Key to Libraries The library symbols used throughout this bibliography are those contained in Symbols of American Libraries, 12th edition, Washing- ton, D.C., Library of Congress, 1980. If acronyms were not avail- able for foreign libraries, arbitrary short names, keyed below, were assigned. Whenever possible, the call numbers for emblem holdings are given next to the library symbol. When there is no call number next to a library symbol, there is some evidence that the library has the imprint, but the holding has not been verified. Other abbrevia- tions after the acronyms are as follows: (alph): imprint is cata- logued alphabetically; (uncat): library holds the imprint, but it has not been catalogued; (impf): imperfect copy. For items in North American libraries, since all of the imprints are in rare book collec- tions, the prefixes Rare and/or Spec. Coll. preceding the call num- bers have often been removed. The prefix, however, has been kept if it is the name of a specific collection or library. As Osterreichische National Bibliothek, Vienna AzU University Library, University of Arizona, Tucson B. Lazaro Biblioteca, Museo Lazaro Galdiano, Madrid Barcelona C. Biblioteca Central, Universidad Aut6noma de Barcelona Be Bibliothéque Royale Albert Ier, Brussels BeAnt Bibliothéque de la Ville d’Antwerp Burgos P. Biblioteca Publica Provincial, Burgos 10 Key to Libraries CLU CLU-C CSfU CSmH CU CU-A CU-S Cadiz P. Caceres P. CaBVaU CaOTP CaO Cérdoba P. CtY DFo DGU-W DEG DNLM Escorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles William A. Clark Memorial Library, University of California, Los Angeles Gleeson Library, University of San Francisco Huntington Library, San Marino, California Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley Special Collections, University of California, Davis Special Collections, University of California, San Diego Biblioteca Publica Provincial, Cadiz Biblioteca Publica Provincial, Caceres Library, University of British Colombia, Vancouver Metropolitan Toronto Library Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, University of Toronto Biblioteca Publica Provincial, Cérdoba Beinecke Rare Books and Manuscript Library, Yale University, New Haven Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington, D.C. Woodstock Theological Library, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. Rare Books and Special Collections, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C National Library of Medicine, Bethesda Biblioteca, Monasterio de San Lorenzo Evora FMU FU FrLy FrPBA FrPBN FrMazarin FrIH Ghent U. Granada U. Granada FyL GyHGU GyMLM GyMSB Huesca ICN ICU IEN IU IaU InU It ItFBM Key to Libraries 11 Biblioteca Publica e Arquivo Distrital, Evora Archives and Special Collections, University of Miami Library, University of Florida, Gainesville Bibliotheque Municipale de Lyon Bibliothéque de 1’Arsenal, Paris Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris Bibliotheque Mazarine, Paris Bibliothéque de l'Institut d’études hispaniques de Paris Centrale Bibliotheek, Rijksuniversiteit te Gent Biblioteca de la Universidad de Granada Biblioteca de la Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Filosofia y Letras Bibliothek, Universitat Gottingen Bibliothek Ludwig Maximilians, Universitat Mtinchen Staatsbibliothek, Mtinchen Biblioteca Publica del Estado, Huesca Newberry Library, Chicago Rare Books, Joseph Regenstein Library, University of Chicago Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL Rare Books and Special Collections, University of Illinois, Champaign- Urbana Library, University of Iowa, Iowa City Lilly Library, Indiana University, Bloomington Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Roma Biblioteca Marucelliana di Firenze 12 Key to Libraries ItCaU KAS KyU Leén P. Lisboa Logrono P. Louvain M. Plantin M. MB MH MH-AH MH-L MShM MWelC MWiW-C Madrid A. Madrid A.Hist. MdBJ MdBP Men. Pel.Sant. MiDA Biblioteca della Universita di Cagliari, Sardegna Benedictine College Library, North Campus Library, Atchison, KA Special Collections, Margaret King Library, University of Kentucky, Lexington Biblioteca Provincial de Leén Biblioteca Nacional, Lisboa Biblioteca Publica Provincial, Logrono Centre Général de Documentation, Université Catholique de Louvain Musée Plantin Moretus, Antwerp Rare Books and Manuscripts, Boston Public Library Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge Andover-Harvard Theological Library, Cambridge Special Collections, Harvard Law School Library, Cambridge Williston Memorial Library, Mount Holyoke College South Hadley, MA Margaret Clapp Library, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA Chapin Library, Williams College, Williamstown, MA Biblioteca, Real Academia Espanola, Madrid Biblioteca, Real Academia de la Historia, Madrid Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Enoch Pratt Free Library, George Peabody Branch, Baltimore Biblioteca de Menéndez Pelayo, Santander Detroit Institute of the Arts MiU MnU MoSU MoU Modena Monserrat M. Montpellier M. NIC NN NNC NNH NRU NcD NcDurC NeKU NeLR NhD NjN NjP Key to Libraries 13 Rare Books and Special Collections Library, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Special Collections and Rare Books, Library, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Pius XII Memorial Library, St. Louis University Library, University of Missouri, Columbia Accademia Nazionale di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Modena Biblioteca de la Abadia de Santa Maria de Monserrat, Barcelona Bibliothéque de la ville et du Musée Fabre, Montpellier Rare Books, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY Rare Books and Manuscripts Division, New York Public Library Rare Books and Manuscripts, Butler Library, Columbia University, New York Hispanic Society of America, New York Library, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY William R. Perkins Library, Duke University, Durham, NC North Carolina Central University, Durham Kunsthistorische Instituut, Utrecht Bibliotheek, Rijksuniversiteit te Leiden Rare Books, Darmouth College Library, Hanover, NH Special Collections, Newark Public Library, NJ Princeton University Library, Princeton, NJ 14 Key to Libraries NjR OC OCH OCU ODaU-M OKentU OU Oporto PEL PPiU PSt PU; PV Palma P. Prague U. RPB RPJCB Rouen M. Salamanca U. Special Collections and Archives, Rutgers University Libraries, New Brunswick, NJ Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, OH Hebrew Union College, Jewish Institute of Religion, Cincinnati Special Collections, Library, University of Cincinnati, OH Marian Library, University of Dayton, OH University Libraries, Kent State University, OH Special Collections, University Libraries, Ohio State University, Columbus Biblioteca, Universidade de Porto The Library Company of Philadelphia Library, University of Pittsburgh Special Collections, Pattee Library, Pennsylvania State University, University Park Van Pelt Library, University of Pennsylvania, Philadephia Falvey Memorial Library, Villanova University, PA Biblioteca Publica, Palma de Mallorca Knihovny fakulta Ustava Univerzity Karlovy, Prague Special Collections, John Hay Library, Brown University Library, Providence John Carter Brown Library, Providence Bibliotheque Municipale de Rouen Biblioteca, Universidad de Salamanca Santiago U. Sevilla C. Sevilla U. Silos Ab. Sp SpBaU Sz TNJ Toledo P. TxDaM-P TxU UkGU Uk UkOxU Valencia M. Valladolid U. VatBa ViU WU WaU Zaragoza U. Key to Libraries 15 Biblioteca General de la Universidad de Santiago, Santiago de Compostela Biblioteca Capitular Colombina, Sevilla Biblioteca, Universidad de Sevilla Biblioteca de la Abadia de Santo Domingo de Silos Biblioteca Nacional, Madrid Biblioteca Publica y Universitaria, Universidad de Barcelona Schweizerische Landesbibliothek, Bern Jean and Alexander Heard Library, Vanderbilt University, Nashville Biblioteca Publica Provincial, Toledo Perkins School of Theology Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center, University of Texas, Austin Stirling Maxwell Collection, Glasgow University Library, Glasgow British Library, London Bodleian Library, Oxford University Biblioteca Municipal de Valencia Biblioteca Universitaria, Valladolid Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana University of Virginia, Charlottesville University Libraries, University of Wisconsin, Madison Special Collections, Suzallo Library, University of Washington, Seattle Biblioteca, Universidad de Zaragoza b (ie xoag “ n tH Gaba ln 5 Bakaly inl foie? Al awry Te : weayalee.» adh > “s “he ib wight Sade te » , ‘ ma" f f p oF » OD i ’ iW J if.si ry 5 4 j i ‘ i] ? ~~ he A 4 | ¢ | i f aol hits + | en Ae C a 4 ni Major Sources for this Bibliography (Items marked “§” are cited as references in abbreviated form throughout the bibliography, by last name, volume, and page num- ber, or volume, and item number. Special abbreviations (vid. infra) are used if more than one book by the same author is cited.) Aguilar Pinal, Francisco. Impresos castellanos del Siglo XVI en el British Museum. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1970. §Alcocer y Martinez, Mariano. Catdlogo de las obras impresas en Valladolid 1481-1800. Valladolid: Imp. de la Casa Social Catolica, 1926. §Alenda y Mira de Perceval, Jenaro. Relaciones de solemnidades y fiestas publicas de Espana. Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1903. Vol. 1. §Antonio, Nicolas. Bibliotheca Hispana Nova sive Hispanorum Scriptorum qui ab anno MD. AD MDCLXXXIV Floruere Notitia. Madrid: Joaquin de Ibarra, 1783-1788. 2 vols. Beardsley, Theodore S. Hispano-Classical Translations Printed Between 1482 and 1699. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1970. Black, Hester M. Emblem Books, Device Books, Books of Allegorical Figures, Neo-Hieroglyphic Studies and Féte Books in the Stirling Maxwell Collection. Glasgow University Library. Unpub. type- script of the short-title catalog. Glasgow, s.a. . A Short Title Catalogue of the Emblem Books and Related Works in the Stirling Maxwell Collection of Glasgow University Library (1499-1917). Originally compiled by Hester M. Black. Edited and revised by David Weston. Brookfield: Gower Publishing; Hants: Scolar Press, 1988. 18 Major Sources Bonet Correa, Antonio et al. eds. Bibliografta de arquitectura, inge- nierta y urbanismo en Espana (1498-1880). Madrid: Turner; Vaduz: Topos Verlag, 1980. 2 vols. Bowers, Fredson. Principles of Bibliographical Description. New York: Russell & Russell, 1962. Breidenbach, Heribert. “Der Emblematik Jeremias Drexel S.J. (1581-1638). Mit einer Einfiihrung in die Jesuitenemblematik und einer Bibliographie der Jesuitenemblembiicher.” Diss. University of Illinois, Urbana, 1970. British Museum. Dept. of Printed Books. General Catalogue of Printed Books. London: British Museum, 1959-1966. §Brunet, Jacques Charles. Manuel du livraire et de l’amateur des livres. 5th ed. Paris: Firmin Didot, 1860-1865. 6 vols. Supplement, 1870-1880. 3 vols. Bustamante y Urrutia, José Maria de. Impresos del Siglo XVI. Catdlogos de la Biblioteca Universitaria de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago: El Eco Franciscano, 1946-1948. 2 vols. . Impresos del Siglo XVII. Catdlogos de la Biblioteca Univesitaria de Santiago de Compostela. Santiago: El Eco Franciscano, 1945- 1952. 2 vols. Cean Bermudez, Juan Agustin. Diccionario hist6rico de los mds ilus- tres profesores de las bellas artes en Espana. Madrid: Viuda de Ibarra, 1800. 6 vols. §Cicognara, Conte de. Catalogo ragionato dei libri d’arte e d’antichita posseduti dal Conte Cicognara. Pisa: Niccold Capurro, 1821. Vol. 1. Cockx-Indestege, Elly and Geneviéve Glorieux. Belgica Typographica 1541-1560. Bibliotheca Regia Bruxellensis. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1968. Vol 1. (Also vid. infra. under Glorieux.) §De Backer, Aloys and Augustin De Backer. Ed. Carlos Sommer- vogel. Bibliotheque de la Compagnie de Jésus. Premiére Partie. Bibliographie. Paris: Picard; Bruxelles: Schepens, 1890-1909. 10 vols. §De Vries, Anne G. Christiaan. De Nederlandsche Emblemata. Geschiedenis en Bibliographie tot de 18€eeuw. Amsterdam: Ten Brink & De Vries, 1899. Dimler, G. Richard S.J. The Jesuit Emblem Handbook. (A computer- generated bibliography in preparation.) I would like to thank Professor Dimler (Fordham) for sharing portions of his printout on Spanish Jesuit emblem books. §Duplessis, Georges. Les livres a gravures du XVI siécle. Les em- blémes d’ Alciat. Paris: Librairie de |’ Art, 1884. Major Sources 19 §Escudero y Perosso, Francisco. Tipografia hispalense, anales biblio- graficos de de la ciudad de Sevilla...hasta fines del siglo XVIII. Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1894. Folger Shakespeare Library. Catalogue of Printed Books of the Folger Shakespeare Library. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1970. 28 vols. §Funck, M. Le livre belge a gravures. Guide de l’amateur de livres il- lustrés imprimés en Belgique avant le XVIII siécle. Paris and Brussels: G. Van Oest, 1925. Gabbrielli, Ornella. Catalogo degli antichi fondi spagnoli della Biblioteca Universitaria di Cagliari. Le stampe Secentesche. Pisa: Giardini, 1983. 2 vols. (Also vid. infra under Romero Frias.) §Gallardo, Bartolomé. Ensayo de una biblioteca de libros raros y cu- riosos, formada con los apuntamientos de...Gallardo, coordinados y aumentados por M. R. Zarco del Valle y J. Sancho Rayon. Madrid: Manuel Tello, 1889; rpt. Madrid: Gredos, 1968. 4 vols. §Gallego, Julian. Visién y simbolos de la pintura espanola del Siglo de Oro. Madrid: Catedra, 1984. (Prev. pub. as Vision et symboles dans la peinture espagnole du siécle d’or. Paris: Klinsieck, 1968.) Glorieux, Geneviéve. Belgica Typographica, 1541-1560. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1977-1980. Vol. 2. (Also vid. supra under Cockx- Indestege.) Goldsmith, V. F. A Short Title Catalogue of Spanish and Portuguese Books 1601-1700 in the Library of the British Museum. London: Dawson, 1974. §Gomez de la Cortina, Marqués de Morante, Joaquin. Catalogus Librorum...qui in aedibus suis extant. Madrid: Eusebio Aguado, 1854-1870. 9 vols. §Graesse, Jean George T. Trésor de livres rares et précieux ou nou- veau dictionnaire bibliographique. Berlin: Joseph Altman, 1922. Vol. 1. §Green, Henry. Andrea Alciati and His Books of Emblems. A Biographical and Bibliographical Study. London: Treubner, 1872; rpt. New York: Burt Franklin, s.a. Guittard, Jean Michel. Catalogue du fonds ancien de la bibliothéque de l'Institut d’études hispaniques de Paris. Paris: Klincksiek, 1982. Gutiérrez del Cafio, M. “Ensayo de un catalogo de impresores es- pafioles desde la introduccién de la imprenta hasta fines del siglo XVIII.” RABM, 3 (1899), 662-71; 4 (1900), 77-85; 267-72; 667- 78; 736-39. Harris, Carolyn and Ingrid Luckstead. Introd. Norman K. Farmer. Emblem Books at the Humanities Research Center. Austin: 20 Major Sources Humanities Research Center, 1979. Prev. pub. in The Library Chronicle, University of Texas at Austin, New Series (11), 41-64. Harvard University. Widener Library Shelflist, 41: Spanish History and Literature. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1972. Havre, Gustave van. Les Marques Typographiques de l'Imprimerie Plantinienne. Antwerp: Bureau de I’Edition, 1911. Heckscher, William S. The Princeton Alciati Companion: A Glossary of Neo-Latin Words and Phrases Used by Andrea Alciati and the Emblem Book Writers of His Time Including a Bibliography of Secondary Sources Relevant to the Study of Alciati’s Emblems. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1989. (The bibliography of secondary sources, first published in 1985, has been expanded for this edition.) and Karl-August Wirth. ‘Emblem, Emblembuch.’ In Real- lexikon der deutsche Kunstgeschichte. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1959. Vol. 5, cols. 85-228. and Agnes B. Sherman with the assistance of Stephen Ferguson. Emblem Books in the Princeton University Library. Short- title Catalogue. Princeton: Princeton University Library, 1984; typescript addendum, September 1988. with Stephen Ferguson and Agnes B. Sherman. A Selective List of Secondary Sources Dealing with Andrea Alciati and His Book of Emblems. Princeton: Princeton University Library, 1985. §Henkel, Arthur and Albrecht Schone. Emblemata. Handbuch zur Sinnbildkunst des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts. Erganze Ausgabe. Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1976. (Aside from six partial editions of Spanish emblem books cited in the body of this bibliography, this book contains a voluminous bibliography of primary and sec- ondary sources of emblem materials.) §Heredia, M. Ricardo. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque de M. Ricardo Heredia, Comte de Benahavis. Paris: EM. Paul, L. Huard et Guillemin, 1891-1894. 4 vols. §Hertzberger, Menno. Catalogue 248. Old, Rare & Valuable Books in Many Fields. Amsterdam, s.a. Hispanic Society of America. Catalogue of the Library. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1962. 10 vols. . Supplement to the Catalogue of the Library. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1970. 4 vols. §Hoe, Robert. Catalogue of Books of Emblems in the Library of Robert Hoe. Comp. by Carolyn Shipman. New York: Pvt. ptd., 1908. Major Sources 21 (Hoe’s copy with interleaved ms. annotations and new entries; copy of the Huntington Library; call number 145917.) §Landwehr, John. French, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese Books of Devices and Emblems 1534-1827. Utrecht: Haentjens Dekker & Gumbert, 1975. Abbr. Landwehr 1. §———. Emblem Books in the Low Countries 1554-1949. Utrecht: Haentjens Dekker & Gumbert, 1970. Abbr. Landwehr 2 . §———. German Emblem Books 1531-1888. Utrecht: Haentjens Dekker & Gumbert; Leyden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1972. Abbr. Landwehr 3 §———. Dutch Emblem Books. Utrecht: Haentjens Dekker & Gumbert, 1962. Abbr. Landwehr 4. . Splendid Ceremonies, State Entries, and Royal Funerals in the Low Countries 1515-1791. Nieuwkoop: De Graaf; Leyden: A. W. Sijthoff, 1971. Abbr. Landwehr. §Latassa, Félix de. Bibliotecas antigua y nueva de escritores aragone- ses...aumentadas y refundidas...por M. Gomez Curiel. Zaragoza: Imp. de C. Arino, 1884-1886. 3 vols. §Lathrop C. Harper Inc. Catalogue 231. Books of Interest and Rarity. New York, s.a. . Catalogue 205. Books and Manuscripts in a Variety of Fields. New York, 1972. . Catalogue 210. Illustrated Books from Four Centuries. New York, 1973. . Catalogue 223. Spain, Portugal, Latin America. New York, § § § § 1976. Laurenti, Joseph L. and Alberto Porqueras Mayo. The Spanish Golden Age (1472-1700): A Catalog of Rare Books Held in the Library of the University of Illinois and in Selected North American Libraries. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1979. §Leon Pinelo, Antonio de. Epitome de la biblioteca oriental y occiden- tal, ndutica y geografica...en que se contienen los escritores de las Indias Occidentales especialmente del Peru, Nueva Espana, La Florida, El Dorado... Madrid: Francisco Martinez Abad, 1737. Vol:2: Lyell, James P. R. Early Book Illustration in Spain. Introd. Konrad Haebler. London: Grafton & Co., 1926. Mackler, Jean. Emblem Books in Special Collections Division of Suzallo Library, The University of Washington. Seattle: unpub. typescript, 1976. 22 Major Sources §Madrid. Biblioteca Nacional. Inventario general de manuscritos de la Biblioteca Nacional. Madrid: Direccién General de Archivos y Bibiotecas, 1953. 12 vols. . Catalogo Colectivo de obras impresas en los siglos XVI al XVIII existentes en las bibliotecas espanolas. Edicion provisional. Madrid: Comisaria Nacional de Bibliotecas, 1972. In publication. (This is an attempt to emulate a national union catalog for Spain; the extant volumes so far only cover items for the six- teenth century.) §Maggs, B. D. and E. U. Maggs. Catalogue 495. Books Printed in Spain and Spanish Books Printed in Other Countries. London: Maggs Bros., 1927. Medina, José Toribio. La imprenta en la Puebla de los Angeles (1640- 1821). Santiago de Chile: Cervantes, 1908. §Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino. Biblioteca de traductores espanoles. Ed. Enrique Sanchez Reyes. Vols. 54-57 of the Edicién Nacional. Santander: Aldus, 1952-57. 4 vols. The National Union Catalogue, pre-1956 imprints. London: Mansell, 1968. In publication. Norton, F. J. Printing in Spain 1501-1520. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966. . A Descriptive Catalogue of Printing in Spain and Portugal 1501-1520. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978. §Palau y Dulcet, Antonio. Manual del librero hispanoamericano. Bibliografia general espanola e hispanoamericana desde la inven- cin de la imprenta hasta nuestros tiempos... Barcelona, 1923-1927. 7 vols. 2nd ed. Barcelona: Palau y Dulcet; Oxford: Dolphin Book Company, 1946. In publication. 28 vols. to date. Paris. Bibliotheque Nationale. Catalogue général des livres imprimeés. Paris, 1879. In publication. §Peeters-Fontainas, Jean. Bibliographie des impressions espagnoles des Pays-Bas méridionaux. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1965. 2 vols. Penney, Clara Louise. Books Printed before 1601 in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America. Reissue with additions. New York: Hispanic Society, 1955. . Printed Books 1468-1700 in the Hispanic Society of America. New York: Hispanic Society, 1965. Pennsylvania State University. A Handlist of Emblems, Pennsylvania State University. University Park: Unpub. typescript, 1970; ad- dendum, 1981. Major Sources 23 §Pérez Pastor, Cristobal. Bibliografia madrilena o Descripcién de las obras impresas en Madrid. Siglo XVI. Madrid: Tipografia de la Rev. de Archivos Bibliotecas y Museos, 1907. 3 vols. §Praz, Mario. “A Bibliography of Emblem Books.” In Studies in Seventeenth Century Imagery. 2nd. ed. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1964, pp. 233-576. Romero Frias, Maria. Introd. by Giuseppina Ledda. Catalogo degli antichi fondi spagnoli della biblioteca universitaria di Cagliari. Gli incunabili e le stampe cinquecentesche. Pisa: Giardini, 1983. (Also vid. supra under Gabbrielli.) Rooses, Max. Christophe Plantin. Imprimeur Anversois. Antwerp: Jos. Maes, 1883. Rouzet, Anne. Dictionnaire des Imprimeurs, Libraires et Editeurs des XV€ et XVIE siécles dans les limites géographiques de la Belgique actuelle. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1975. §Salloch, William. Catalogue 240. Emblem Books. Ossining, N.Y. [1967]. § . Catalogue 252. Spain and Portugal. Ossining, N.Y., s.a. §———. Catalogue 255. Emblem Books. Ossining, N.Y., s.a. § . Catalogue 271. Spain and Portugal. Part I. Ossining, N.Y., S.a. § . Catalogue 272. Spain and Portugal. Part II. Ossining, N.Y., S.a. §———. Catalogue 291. Emblem and Allegory. Baroque Book Illustration. Ossining, N.Y., s.a. § . Catalogue 299. Spain and Portugal. Part I. Ossining, N.Y., S.a. § . Catalogue 306. Spain and Portugal. Part II. Ossining, N.Y., S.a. § . Catalogue 350. Ossining, N.Y., s.a. §Salva y Mallén, Pedro. Catdlogo de la Biblioteca de Salva. Valencia: Ferrer de Orga, 1872. 2 vols. §Sayles, Hilary M. J. “Chronological List of Emblem Books.” In Studies in Seventeenth Century Imagery. Part II. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1974, pp. 47-108. §Sears, George Edward. A Collection of the Emblem Books of Andrea Alciati...in the Library of George Edward Sears. New York: Pvt. prtd., 1888. §Selig, Karl L. “Addenda to Praz, Bibliography of Emblem Books.” MLN, 70 (1955), 599-601. 24 Major Sources § . “Notes on Alciato in Spain.” Diss. University of Texas, 1955. Seris, Homero. Nuevo Ensayo de una biblioteca espanola de libros raros y curiosos formado en presencia de los ejemplares de la Biblioteca de The Hispanic Society...y de la Ticknor Collection...de Boston. Tomo I. Fasciculo segundo. Fiestas. New York: Hispanic Society, 1969. Shaaber, M. A. Sixteenth Century Imprints in the Libraries of the University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1976. §Simon-Diaz, José. Bibliografia de la literatura hispdnica. Madrid: C.S.1.C., 1964. In publication. 12 vols. to date. . Impresos del Siglo XVII. Bibliografia selectiva por materias de 3,500 ediciones principes en lengua castellana. Madrid: C.S.L.C., 1972: . Jesuitas de los siglos XVI y XVII: Escritos localizados. Madrid: Fundacion Universitaria Espanola, 1975. and Luciana Calvo Ramos. Siglos de Oro: Indice de Justas Poéticas. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1962. Stegemeier, Henri. “Problems in Emblem Literature.” JEGP, 45 (1946), 26-37. ———. Review of Henkel and Schone. Handbuch zur Sinnbild- kunst... JEGP, 67, (1968) 4, 656-72. (Important bibliographical ad- denda to Henkel and Schéne) . Some University of Illinois Emblem Books: H. Stegemeier’s List. Champaign-Urbana: Unpub. typescript, 1980. (A catalogue of emblem books in the collection of the University of Illinois is being prepared by Thomas McGeary and N. Frederick Nash.) Stirling Maxwell, William. An Essay Towards a Collection of Books Relating to Proverbs, Emblems, Apothegms, Epitaphs and Ana, Being a Catalogue of those at Keir. London: Pvt. prtd., 1860. Taylor, Archer. Renaissance Guides to Books. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1945. Thomas, Henry. Short-title Catalogue of Books Printed in Spain and of Spanish Books Printed Elsewhere in Europe before 1601 now in the British Museum. London: British Museum, 1921. . Spanish Sixteenth Century Printing. London: Ernest Benn, 1926. Toda y Giiell, Eduart. Bibliografia espanyola d'Italia dels origens de la imprempta fins a l’any 1900. Castell de San Miquel d’Escornalbou, 1927-1931. 5 vols. § Major Sources 25 Vander Haeghen, F. et al. Bibliographie des oeuvres d’Erasme. Vol.1 Adagia. Bibliotheca Erasmiana. Gand: Publications de l'Université de Gand, 1897. Vindel, Francisco. Escudos y marcas de impresores y libreros en Espana durante los siglos XV al XIX (1485-1850). Barcelona: Orbis, 1942. §Voet, Leon. A Bibliography of the Works Published by Christophe Plantin at Antwerp and Leiden. Amsterdam: Van Hoeve, 1980. Vol.1. Wagner, Enrique R. Nueva bibliografia mexicana del siglo XVI. Tr. Joaquin Garcia Pimentel and Federico Gémez de Orozco. México: Editorial Polis, 1940. White Knights Library Catalogue containing...an Unique Assemblage of Books of Emblems...sold by auction by Mr. Evans... London: W. Bulmer and Co., 1819. §Whitney, James Lyman. Catalogue of the Spanish Library and of the Portuguese Books Bequeathed by George Ticknor to the Boston Public Library. Boston, 1879. Rpt. Boston: G. K. Hall Company, s.a. Primary Sources Section A. Alciato in Spain. Editions and Commentaries Lyons 1549 *Al1. Alciati, Andrea, Ed., Tr. Bernardino Daza Pinciano. Los Emblemas | De Alciato | Traducidos en rhimas | Espanolas. Afiadidos | de figuras y de nueuos | Emblemas en la terce-| ra parte de la obra.! Dirigidos al Ilustre, S.| Iua, Vazquez de Molina | (Roville’s device: an eagle and a serpent within a cameo pendant) | En Lyon por Guiliel | mo Rovillio 1549 | Con licecia y Privilegio. | 8vo (i) 257 pp. (vi Index ff.) 11 blank ff. Sign. A-Q8; R2(R3, R4blank). 212 em- blems framed by historiated borders with architectural and woodland motifs. Mottoes and epigrams in Spanish. Devices of emblems from the same blocks as the Latin text of Roville. They have been attributed to Bernard Salomon, although no initials are visible. In some copies the initials P.V. are visible in a few plates which has prompted attibutions to Pierre Vingle and to Pierre Vase. Gallardo 2, 1992 Maggs 495, 26 Green 36 Lathrop 223, 4 Landwehr 1, 40 Salva 2, 2044 Palau 1, 6061 CU PA 8450 .A58E67.1549 CSmH_ 111028 UkGU S.M.32; 32A Toledo P. Sz NNH Proverbs NjP (Ex)N7710 .A35.1549 MB D.240b.11 DFo PN6349 .A8.S6 1549 CLU-C *PN635274 .A35S CtY BeineckeJC30.15S MH 52-1163 28 Primary Sources CaOTU B-10.1268 Modena IU (uncat) Sp R-1403 UkGU S.M.32; 32A Lyons 1549 Co-edition *A2. . Same as above. Los emblemas de Alciato... Title page with variant: device: printer’s device, Perseus holding the head of Medusa with motto: EK TIONOY O BIO. En Lyon por Mathias Bonhome 1549. 8vo (i) 256 pp. (iv Index ff. pp.). Sign. A8-Q8 [R®]. 209 complete emblems in full-page borders of architectural motifs. In both the Roville and Bonhome editions the emblems DOCTORVM AGNOMINA, “El prudente sin elocuen- cia” (PRVDENS MAGIS QVAM LOQVAX), “La fuerza de la naturaleza” (NATURA), “Que el arte ayuda a naturaleza” (ARS NATURAM ADIVVANS) are missing. Showing only motto and epigram, with no engrav- ing: “contra los engafiadores,” (p. 162); “contra los rebeldes,” (p. 164); “Los no- bles y generosos,” “Los desalifiados” (p. 174); “Que lo que ha de aver buen fin ha de ser bien comenzado,” (p. 177); “La desigualdad,” (p. 184); “Los colores,” (p. 210); “Los dichos de los siete sabios de Grecia,” (p. 213); “La viciosa deli- cadeza,” “La temeridad,” (p. 229). NjP GA 1549 (Graphic Arts) Uk C.62b.31 NcD D-6 A352E NNH Proverbs Sp R-1.403 FrPBA -8voBL.32976 NcDurC FrPBN Z.39145 CSmH 143729 Men.Pel.Sant.-R-I-A-40 Facsimile editions A3. . Same as above. Los emblemas de Alciato...In Hispanic Culture Series. Microfilm in roll numb. 350. Watertown: General Microfilm Company. A4. . Same as above. Los emblemas de Alciato... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Company AG. No. KO-1476/1. Microfiche. AS. Primary Sources 29 Modern edition Same as above. Los emblemas de Alciato...Lyon: Guil- lielmo Rouille, 1549. Ed. by Mario Soria with introd. by Manuel Montero Vallejo. Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1975. A quasi-fac- simile edition with slightly reduced original borders and en- gravings. Mottoes and epigrams have been given a modern typesetting. The edition also includes Alciato’s Latin epigrams, from the 1608 Minois’ edition (pp. 275-365), and it collates them with Daza’s Spanish text. The editor omits all of Daza’s head- ings to his epigrams (terceto, soneto, semi-ottava, etc.), does not give his procedure for regularizing Daza’s orthography, and omits the last emblem: Soneto a forma de emblema...a la muerte de Doria Marina de Aragon. The introductory bibliography is of little use to the specialist. Najera 1615 *A6. . Ed. and Tr. Diego L6pez. DECLARACION MA-| gistral sobre las Emblemas de! Andres Alciato con todas las Historias, Antigueda-| des, moralidad, y Doctrina tocante a las | buenas costumbres.| Por Diego Lopez, natural de la | Villa de Valencia de la Orden de Alcantara.| Dirigido a Don Diego Hurtado de | Mendoga, Cauallero de la Orden de Santiago, Seftor de la casa del Mendoga, de la Corgana, y sus Villas, Capitan, y Diputado Gene-|! ral de la Prouincia, Ciudad de Victoria, y Hermandades, de | Alaua, por el Rey Nuestro Sefior.| (device: coat of arms of Diego Hurtado de Mendoga) | Con Privilegio | Impresso en la Ciudad de Najera por Iuan de Mongastén, Ano 1615.! A costa del Autor. Véndense en casa dell’impressor. | 4to (vii) 472 pp. (xiv Index). Sign. q8; A8-Nnn8-0004. 210 emblems in filigree borders. Dedicated to Philip III of Spain. Although they were based on the Roville blocks, all of the devices of L6épez’s princeps are drawn in reverse with the exceptions of emblems 40 and 41. Emblem 115 (SENEX PUELLAM AMANS) was printed upside down; the device of emblem 12 was used again for emblem 13; emblems 55 and 57 were printed in the wrong order. The de- vice for emblem 72 (LUXURIA) was substituted for that of emblem 73. The edition does not contain Alciato’s emblem on “Desidia.” Gallardo 3, 27100 Simon-Diaz 12, 2665 Green 142 Salloch 291, 2; 306, 112 30 Primary Sources Landwehr 1, 487 Palau 7, 139923 Praz 405 Salva 2, 2086 SpBaU c.200-5-13 ItFBM 2-C-VII-36 OPorto Santiago U. Sevilla U. 127-31 Uk 11405.f.4 Valladolid U. 9.279 Sevilla C. 47-5-7 MH Typ 660.15.132 TxU 808.88 .Al17e.1615 Escorial 38-IV-56 ICN Wing ZP.640 .M743 PU 769/AI12.2 UkGU S.M.1225 CtY Walpole .722.615Al MB G.405.168 Sp R-14.859 CU PA 8450 .A58E6.1616 NjP (Ex)PN.6349 As .x.A4.1615 Facsimile edition . Same as above. Declaracién Magistral...Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Company AG. No. KO-1482/1. Microfiche. A7. Valencia 1655 . Declaracién | MAGISTRAL | sobre las emblemas de | Andrés Alciato | con todas las historias,| Antiguedades, Moralidad, y Doctrina, tocante | a las buenas costumbres | por Diego Lépez, natural.! De la villa de Valencia, de la Orden de | Alcantara | (Printer’s device: obelisk encircled by motto “PENETRO STANS”) | Antio 1655 | con LICENCIA,| En Valencia, por Gerénimo Villagrasa, en la calle de las Barcas.| A costa de Claudio Macé, Mercader de libros, junto al Cole-| gio del Senor Patriarca. | *A8. Ato (vii) 648 pp. (i.e. 716) (xv Index). Numerous errors in pagination: last page numbered 648 instead of 716, page numbers 386-95 repeated etc. Sign. A-Z8; Aa -(-Yy°)Yy® Zz®. 211 emblems framed in 4 types of filigree borders. Mottoes and epigrams, in Latin, translated in the text of the commentary. Index con- tains separate motto listing. No commentary for emblem 80, p. 329, which ap- pears with the first two lines of the epigram and its Latin motto “DESIDIA.” Editio optima. Gallardo 3, 2710 Praz 405 Green 164 Salva 2, 2086 Primary Sources 31 Landwehr 1, 488 Sim6n-Diaz 12, 2666 Palau 7, 139924 DLC PN6349 .A71655 Sevilla C. 22-5-34 NNH HC:NS4/250 Facsimile edition Ag. . Same as above. Declaracién Magistral Sobre las Emble- mas de Andrés Alciato. (Valencia: Gerénimo Villagrasa, 1655.) Ed. with introd. note by Duncan Moir. Continental Emblem Books, No. 13. Selected and ed. by John Norden. Menston: Scolar Press, 1973. A fascimile reproduced in its original size from a copy in Professor E. M. Wilson’s private collection. Given the flaws of Lopez’s editio princeps, Professor Moir chose Valencia 1670 Re-edition A10. ———.Same as above. Declaracién Magistral...Valencia: Geronimo Villagrasa, 1670. A Costa de Gerdnimo Sanchez, Mercader de libros a la placa de la Seo en fronte (sic) de la puerta de los Apéstoles. 4to 730 pp. total. 211 emblems. Dedicated to the city of Valencia. No author’s name on the title page. Green 167 Landwehr 1, 489 Simon-Diaz 12, 2667 Palau 7, 139925 Salloch 306, 113 Praz 405 CU PA8450 .A58E6.1670 Oporto IU (uncat) Valladolid U. 11.802P Evora PSt (uncat) UkGU S.M. 75 NNH HC:419/3 ItGaW E-A.3733; Sal.2112 Valencia 1684 Re-edition *A11. . DECLARACION | MAGISTRAL | SOBRE LAS EM- BLEMAS | DE ANDRES ALCIATO | CON TODAS LAS 32 Primary Sources HISTORIAS | ANTIGUEDADES MORALIDAD, Y | DOC- TRINA, TOCANTE A LAS | BUENAS COSTUMBRES | DEDICADAS | AL ILUSTRE SENOR DON ANTONIO | Folch de Cordova, Boja, Alagon, Milan, Lanfol de Ro-! mani Marqués de Castelnuovo, del Consejo de su Magestad, en el Supremo de Aragon, y | Mayordomo del Rey N. Sefior | (Printers’ device: Pegasus chained to a tree stump) Ano 1684 | Con licencia. En Valencia. Por Francisco Mestre, Impressor de la | Santa Inquisicion, junto al Molino de la Rovella | A costa de Francisco Duarte, Mercader de Libros.| y vendense en su casa, en la plaza de Villarraza. 4to 716 pp. Sign. A-Z8, A-Yy8, Zz®. 211 emblems. Dedicated to Antonio Folch de Cérdoba, Marqués de Castelnuovo. No author’s name appears on the title page. Green 169 Landwehr 1, 490 Sim6n-Diaz 12, 2668 Palau 7, 139926 Praz 405 MB D.240 B.57 Evora TxU 808.88 .Al17e.1684 UkGU S.M. 76 CtY Beinecke JC 30.17t Huesca Sp 7-12.604 CaOTU B-10 5395 Lisboa Sevilla U. 86-A-352 Valencia M. Ch-700-104 NjP (Ex)PN6349.A4 1684 InU Lilly N7740 .A3 1684 Oporto Latin editions Lyons 1573 TAIZ: . Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas (1523-1601). Ed. Francisci | Sanctii Bro-! censis | In inclyta Sarmati-| censi Academia Rheto-| ricae, Graecaeque | lingua Professoris, | Comment. in And. Alciati | Emblemata,! Nunc denuo multis in locis accuraté recognita | & quam plurimis figuris illustrata. | Cum Indice copiosissimo.| (Printer’s device: eagle on globe and pillar with two serpents with motto: IN VIRTUTE ET FORTUNA) | Lugduni,!| Apud Guliel. Rovillium | M.D.LXXIII| Cum privilegio Regis. | Primary Sources 33 8vo 558 pp. 26 ff. Sign. A-Z8; Aa-Nn8; 004. 211 emblems with borders. The Latin epigrams are followed by a short Latin commentary. No pictura for em- blem 80, “Adversus natura peccantes,” p. 259. The last 14 emblems (arbores) have no borders. Dedicated to Dr. Martin de Azpilcueta. The commentaries of El Brocense together with those of John Thuilius, Claude Mignault, and Lorenzo Pignorio enriched the most extensively annotated of Alciato’s editions: the Padua 1621 edition. Diego Lépez in his Declaracién magistral refers often to El Brocense and el maestro, crediting him in the marginalia as SANCHES or SANCHEZ. Menéndez Pelayo 4, 204 Green 85 Landwehr 1, 679 NeKU UkOxU Douce S.407 Sp R-20.284 UkGU S.M. 47 DFo PN. 6349 .A8.S31573 KyU 246 .A117f Uk 11409.£.36 IU (uncat) NjP (Ex)N7710 .A35. 1573 México 1577 Al3. . OMNIA | DOMINI ANDREA | ALCIATI | (Decora- tion) | EMBLEMATA | IHS | MEXICI | In Colegio Sanctorum Petri & Pauli.| Apud Antonium Ricardum.|! M.D.LXXVII. 4to 41 pp. Sign. A-E8, F. Text only. Published for use in Jesuit schools as a text- book for Latin rhetoric and prosody. Palau 1, 6062 Wagner 71 Heredia 2, 2789 Uk C.63.d.14 Valencia 1654 Al4. . Emblemata... Valencia 1654. 8vo. 211 emblems. A Latin edition cited by Karl L. Selig in “The Spanish Translations of Alciato’s Emblemata.” HR, 70 (1955), p. 359. 34 Primary Sources Valencia 1660 *AIS, . Ed. José Campos. Andreae | ALCIATI | Emblemata | QVAE SINGVLA CONCINNIS INS-| criptionibus, imaginibus, ae caeteris, quae ad or-| natum, & castigationem pertinent, | illustrantur | EDITIO NOVISSIMA, A IOSEPHO | Campos Presbytero, in Academia Valentina. publi-| co Prosodia facul- tatis Professore; copio-| so indice aucta, solertique labore | castigata | (Villagrasa’s device: Pyramidal obelisk in an oval cartouche, framed in a decorative square with the motto PENETRO STANS) | Ano 1660 | VALENTIAE,| Hieronymum Vilagrasa, in vico Scapharum, Exponsis Claudij Macé. | 4to (vi) 282 pp. (ix) Sign.*4, A-S8. Woodcuts for the emblems seem to be the same ones used for the 1655 edition of Diego Lopez. Alciato’s Latin epigrams are followed in some instances by a short Latin commentary. This imprint was unknown to Green, and _ it is not cited in any of the standard bibliogra- phies. The copy in the Hispanic Society of America might be unique. Not in Praz or in Landwehr NNH Proverbs Composite editions Al6.———. Ed. and Tr. by Bernardino Daza. Las emblemas de Alciato en rhimas espanolas. Ed. by Peter M. Daly. Tr. by Lorelei Robins, Simon Cuttler, and Marcelino Amasuno. In Andreas Alciatus. Index Emblematicus. Vol 2. Emblems in Translation. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985. A reduced facsimile of Daza’s text is accompanied by an English translation with flagged key words. The text has been indexed by key words in contextual strings and also has motto, epigram, and subject in- dexes. [Mi Alciato. Emblemas. Ed. with notes by Santiago Sebastian, prol. by Aurora Egido, tr. by Pilar Pedraza. Madrid: Ediciones Akal, 1985. This is not exactly a Spanish edition of Alciatus but rather a scholarly presentation of Alciatus’ text to the Hispanic reading public. Sebastian features the Latin em- blems, includes a masterful translation into Spanish by Pilar Primary Sources 35 Pedraza, and comments on the emblems, referring many times to both Daza’s edition and Diego Lépez’s commentaries. Sebastian’s remarks on the relationship of Spanish literature and art and Alciato’s emblems make this edition indispensable for the study of Alciato in Spain. Section S. Emblem Books in Spanish. Authors Madrid 1670 *SA. Banos de Velasco y Acebedo, Juan (1615-1682). L. ANNEO | SENECA, | ILUSTRADO EN BLASONES | POLITICOS, Y MORALES, | Y | SU IMPVGNADOR IMPVGNADO | DE SI MISMO | AL SERENISSIMO SENOR | EL SENOR D. IVAN DE AUSTRIA | POR DON IVAN BANOS DE VELASCO Y AZEBEDO | (colophon) | CON LICENCIA | EN MADRID | Por Mateo de Espinosa y Arteaga | ANO MDCLXX | Vén- dense en casa de Antonio de la Fuente, Mercader de Libros en- frente de S. Felipe. 4to (xxxiii) 359 pp. (viii) Sign. §-§§§§4; A-Y4, Aa-Yy4; §4. 23 engraved num- bered emblems titled questiones, decorated oval cartouches with mottoes, expli- cationes, and prose text. Frontispiece with portrait of Don Juan de Austria signed P. de Villafranca. Twenty of the emblems are signed Orozco Presbyter (Marcos de Orozco); three (19, 20, 23) are signed Obregon F. (Diego de Obregén). Gallardo 2, 1302 Praz 264 Landwehr 1, 135 Sim6on-Diaz 6, 2665 Palau 2, 23442 TxU 878.S2Y6 Sp 3-71.781 ICN Case W.1025.056 FrPBN_ R.5875 MH SC6.B2273.6701 UkGU S.M. 1245 Granada FyL I-5-8 GyMLM As Santiago U. NjP (Ex)N7710 .B36.1670 Leon P. Prague 1581 SB1. Borja, Juan de (1553-). Engr. t.p. with decorated border EMPRESAS MORALES | A LA | S.C.R.M. DEL | REY DON PHELIPE | NVESTRO SENOR DI- | rigidas, por | DON IVAN DE BORIA DE SV | Consejo y su Embaxador cercala M. | Primary Sources 37 Caesarea del Emperador RV- | DOLPHO | II | Praga por Iorge Ni- | grin 1581 | 4to (ii) 101 ff. (iii). 100 engravings of emblems with Latin mottoes within dif- ferent architectural cartouches, most of them signed with the initials EH (for the Nurnberg engraver Erasmus Henning). Prose commentary in Spanish on facing page. Pages within a double red passe-partout border. When Stirling Maxwell purchased his copy in Madrid in 1853, the editio princeps of Borja was already a very rare item. This imprint was not in Salva’s or in Heredia’s col- lection, and Brunet knew only the 1680 edition. Antonio 1, 663 Praz 281 Landwehr 1, 172 Sim6n-Diaz 6, 5038 Gallardo 2, 1444 Hertzberger 248, 26 Palau 2, 33112 NNH Proverbs Sp R 11.857 (impf) UkGU S.M. 204 Prague U. L II B 39 Uk C.62.d.17 B. Lazaro ItCaU R.II.96 Facsimile edition SB. . Same as above. Empresas morales... In Hispanic Culture Series in roll nums. 75 and 126. Watertown: General Microfilm Co. Modern edition SB3. . Same as above. Empresas morales... In Henkel and Schone, Emblemata. Described on p. CLXXXI. Some of the text of the prose commentary has been shortened and some of the engravings omitted when the motif has been previously illus- trated by an example from another emblem book. Brussels 1680 *SB4. . Ed. Francisco de Borja. EMPRESAS | MORALES, | COMPUESTAS | POR EL EXCELENTISSIMO SENOR, | DON JUAN DE BORJA, | Conde de Mayalde, y de Ficallo, Treze, y Comendador de la Orden de S. Jago, | Embaxador por el Sefior Rey PHELIPE II, a la Corona de Portugal, y | a la Magestad Cesarea, Mayordomo Mayor de la Serenissima 38 Primary Sources Senora Empe-! ratriz MARIA; de los Consejos de Estado, y Guerra del Senor Rey PHE- | LIPE III. Presidente en el Real de Portugal; y Mayordomo Mayor de la | Serenissima Sefiora Reyna Dona MARGARITA. | SACALAS A LUZ | El Doctor Don FRANCISCO DE BORJA su Nieto, Arcediano Mayor de la S. Me- | tropolitana Iglesia de Valencia, y Capellan mayor que fue de su Magestad en su Real | Capilla, y Monasterio de las Reales Descalcas Franciscas de Madrid. | DEDICALAS | A LA S.C.R.M. DEL REY DON CARLOS II_| NVESTRO SENOR | (Engr. Footed fruit bowl) | EN BRVSSELAS, POR FRANCISCO FOPPENS, Mercader de Libros. 1680 | also Engr. frontispiece faux-titre, with four female allegorical figures, signed by R. Collin. 4to (vi) 455 pp. (vii erratas, approbatio, index) Sign. A-Z4, Aa4-Zz4, Aaa*-0oot. 224 emblems with latin mottoes and prose commentaries on facing pages. The same 100 emblems of the 1581 edition with new engravings for nine of the emblems. 124 new emblems have been added in the Segunda Parte, begin- ning on p. 20, by Francisco de Borja, grandson of the author. Presumably some of the emblems in the second part are by Juan de Borja and were found in manuscript form by Francisco de Borja. The book has an index for each part. Editio optima. Landwehr 1, 173; 2, 49 Peeters-Fontainas 1, 143 Gallardo 2, 1445 Praz 282 Palau 2, 33113 Simon-Diaz 6, 5039 IaU *N7740.B58.1680 NcD D-6.B734.EMA CSmH Uk 89.K.23 NNH Proverbs Madrid A. 12-VIII-19 GyMSB 49L. eleg.(m)15 Escorial 18-II-4 Sp R-6.794 UkGU S.M. 205 Madrid A. Hist. 4-2-8-2.429 Facsimile editions DBO: . Same as above. Empresas morales... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Company AG. No. EO-569/ 1. Microfiche. SB6. . Same as above. Empresas morales... Reproduced from the copy at the Madrid National Library. Introd. by Carmen Primary Sources 39 Bravo Villasante. Coleccién Facsimiles num. 7. Madrid: Fundacion Universitaria Espanola, 1981. It contains a useful in- troduction and a short bibliography. Madrid 1610 *SC1. Covarrubias Orozco, Sebastian de (1539-1613). Emblemas Morales | DE DON SEBASTIAN DE | Covarrubias Orozco, Capellan del Rey N.S. Maestrescuela | y Canonigo de Cuenca, Consultor del | santo Oficio | DiRIGIDAS A. DON FRANCISCO GOMEZ DE | Sandoual y Roxas, Duque de Lerma, Margs de Denia, Sumiller de Corps | Cauallerizo mayor del Rey N.S. Comendador mayor de Castilla, | Capitan General de la caualleria de Espana. | (Large ducal coat of arms flanked by two mottoes; on the right: Neque enim micuerunt frustra, and on the left: Attinget a fine usque ad finem) | Con privilegio, en Madrid por Luis Sanchez, aflo 1610. | Colophon at the end: EN MADRID | POR LUIS SANCHEZ: | ANo ile DUG) 4to (vi) 300 ff. (xv Index) Sign. 74-A4, B-Z8, Aa-Bb8, (Cc4) Dd-Pp®, Qq4-Rr8. 300 emblem woodcuts with mottoes in Latin and French, and epigrams in Spanish verse. A prose commentary accompanies every emblem on verso. Every page has historiated borders with architectural motifs. Landwehr 1, 245 Praz 309 Palau 4, 64212 Antonio 2, 279 Pérez Pastor 2, 1008 Brunet 2, 397 IU (uncat) UkGU S.M. 609 NNH PN 6490 .C87 (2) SpyRo7-7/39 NjP (Ex)N7710 .C8 Valladolid U. MiU PN6355 .C87 Uk 637. g. 22 WaU N7740 .C68 FrLy 317969 ICN CaseW1025.253 Salamanca U. 17.140 MH Emb 16.10 Santiago U. OU Film 4-38she Sevilla C. 316-154 NN 9-NAW CSmH 136176 NeKU As Madrid A. Hist. 2-6-3-3.053 FrPBN Dep. des Est. TE.38 40 Primary Sources Modern edition . Same as above. Emblemas morales... In Henkel and Schone, Emblemata. Described on p. CLXXXVI, reproduces woodcuts and epigrams of 298 selected emblems, omits prose commentaries. Oe Facsimile editions SCS: . Same as above. Emblemas morales... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. A.G. No. EO-214/1. Microfiche. SC4. . Same as above. Emblemas morales... Reproduced from the copy at Madrid National Library? Introd. by Carmen Bravo Villasante. Coleccién Facsimiles nim. 3. Madrid: Fundacién Universitaria Espanola, 1978. Useful bibliography. SE5: . Same as above. Emblemas morales... Reproduced from the copy at Glasgow University Library, Stirling Maxwell Collection. Ed. with introd. note by Duncan Moir. Continental Emblem Books, No. 7. Selected and ed. by John Norden. Menston: Scolar Press, 1973. Madrid 1682 *SD. Fernandez de Heredia, Juan F. | TRABAJOS, | Y AFANES | DE | HERCULES | FLORESTA | DE SENTENCIAS, Y EXEMPLOS, | DIRIGIDA | AL REY NVESTRO SENOR | DON CARLOS II, | EN MANO | DEL EXCELENTISSIMO DON IVAN | FRANCISCO DE LA CERDA, DUQVE |! de Medina-Celi, de Segorue, de Cardona, | Alcala, &c. | com- puesta | en la iuuentud | DE DON IVAN FRANCISCO | Fernandez de Heredia, Cavallero del orden | de Alcantara, del Consejo de su Magestad | en el Supremo de Aragén | CON LICENCIA, | EN MADRID: POR Francisco Sanz, Impressor del | Reyno, Afio de MDCLXXxXII. 4to (xx) 512 pp. (iv Index) Sign. q-qq4, qqq2, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Sss4, Ttt2. Full- page woodcut of Hercules, in medieval armor, surrounded by attributes of his tasks, facing page 1. 55 crude woodcuts of emblems with Latin mottoes in ar- chitectural cartouches strikingly similar to those used in Juan de Borja’s Primary Sources 41 Empresas morales editions. Spanish mottoes above woodcuts and prose com- mentary below and ff. Gallardo 2, 2192 Praz 335 Landwehr 1, 292 Salva 2, 1800 Palau 5, 88958 Sim6n-Diaz 10, 841 Antonio 1, 693-94 DFo BL820 .H5 F4cage Sp R-16.919 DLC BL820 .H5 F4 Uk 8407.f.1 MH Typ 660.82.389 UkGU_ S.M.458 MiU BL820 .H5.F4 NNH Mythology PU BL820 .H5.F4 Antwerp 1557 *SE1. Guzman, Francisco de. TRIUMPHOS MO- | rales de Fran- cisco | de Guzman | (Martin Nucio’s colophon: one stork feeding a snake to another stork, in an oval frame with the motto: PIETAS HOMINI TVTISSIMA VIRTUS) | En Anvers, | En casa de Martin Nucio, a la en-| sefia de las dos Cigitienas | M.D.LVII | Con privilegio del Rey. 8vo (ii) 208 ff. numb. on recto (iii Index) Sign. A-Z8, Aa-Cc8, Dd2. 23 full-page emblematic woodcuts to illustrate the “triunfo de la voluntad,” “de la sapien- cia,” etc. Dedicated to Philip II; the King is portrayed in several of the triunfos. Some woodcuts have mottoes incorporated into the pictura. Editio princeps. Peeters-Fontainas 1, 584 Sim6on-Diaz 11, 3636 Palau 6, 111772 Antonio 1, 431 NNH Proverbs FrPBN Rés. Yg. 340 Uk C.63.a.22 Alcala de Henares 1565 SE2. . Triumphos morales...Dirigidos al felicissimo Rey don Phelippe, segundo deste nombre nuestro senor (Arms of Philip II). Alcala de Henares: Andrés de Angulo, 1585. Ato 201 ff. with 23 emblematic illustrations. 42 Primary Sources Gallardo 3, 2444 Antonio 1, 431 Palau 6, 111773 NNH Proverbs Uk 11451.ee.27 Sp R-4-514; R-6.877 As 38.F.8 Sevilla 1575 SES: Salva 1, 659 Simon-Diaz 11, 3637 Brunet 2, 1838 Barcelona C. Res. 759-80 SpBaU 4-3-27-482 Toledo P. 815 Zaragoza U. H-3-65 . Triumphos morales...dirigidos al felicisimo Rey Don Felipe II... Printer’s device: a fire, beginning to burn, with the motto: Paulatim sumet vires. Sevilla: Alonso Escriuano, 1575. 8vo 196 ff. Number of woodcuts reduced to 14. Gallardo 3, 2445 Palau 6, 111773 NNH Proverbs Salamanca U. 33.580 Sevilla 1581 SE4. Salva 1, 660 Sim6n-Diaz 11, 3637 Sp R-1.836; R-5.133 Santiago U. . Triumphos morales...Nuevamente corregidos...Sevilla:An- drea Pescioni. A costa de Luys Torrero, 1581. 8vo (viii) 195 ff. 14 emblematic woodcuts. Gallardo 3, 2447 Palau 6, 111774 FrPBN Yg.3302 Antonio 1, 431 Sp R-12.865;R-31088 SpBaU_ B.6-6-12 As 38.Bb.64 Medina del Campo 1587 SE5.———.Triumphos morales...Nueuamente corregidos... Medina del Campo: Francisco del Canto, a costa de Benito Boyer, 1587. Primary Sources 43 Medina del Campo 1587 SE5.———.Triumphos morales...Nueuamente corregidos... Medina del Campo: Francisco del Canto, a costa de Benito Boyer, 1587. 8vo 195 ff. 14 emblematic woodcuts. Gallardo 3, 2448 Salva 1, 661 Antonio 1, 431 Palau 6, 111775 NNH Proverbs Sp R-2.454; R-11.211 Uk 11450.a.2 Escorial 21-V-15 Sevilla U. 57-20 ITCaU Ross. A.346 Lisbon? 1587 SE6.———.Triumphos morales...Nueuamente corregidos... [Lisboa?] Impreso por Andrés Lobato, 1587. NNH Proverbs Uk C.69.d.14 N.B. Although no justification is necessary to include Guz- man’s work in an emblem bibliography, it should be mentioned that only some of the triunfos could be considered true emblems. Segovia 1589 SF1. Horozco y Covarrubias, Juan de (? - 1608). EMBLEMAS | Morales de Don Ivan | de Horozco y Couarruuias Arcediano de | Cuellar en la santa Yglesia de | Segouia. Dedicadas a la bvena | memoria del Presidente Don Diego de Co-| uarruuias y Leyua su tio | (coat of arms) | En Segouia | Impreso por Juan de la Cuesta | Afnto de. 1589 | (Cuesta’s device: A hooded hawk perched on a gauntlet) | En Segovia, | Impreso por Iuan de la Cuesta | ANO de. MDLXXXIX. | Ato 3 vols. bound in one; (xvi) vol. I, 17-101; II, 1-101; I, 102-202 ff. numb. on recto (xviii) Sign. a- i8-, K-18, n6; A-Z8, Aa- Cc8, Dd4, Ee4,04, Gg2, p3-Hh8. 101 woodcuts of emblems in full-page architectural borders. The mottoes are in Spanish, Italian, Greek, and Latin; some emblems have no motto. The wood- 44 Primary Sources cuts are followed by a Spanish verse epigram and a lengthy prose commen- tary, glossed with its sources. 100 emblems are in books II and III and the dedi- catory emblem is on book I. Book I also contains the most important treatise on Spanish emblem theory in the Spanish sixteenth century. Landwehr 1, 394 Palau 6, 116236 Uk 12305.f.5 OCU R.B PN6355 .H6 MH Typ 560.89.455 B. Lazaro NNH PN6490 .H61 1589 IU (uncat) CaOTU B-11.3940 NN Spencer Coll. Span 1589 Salva 2, 2080 Praz 374 Sp R-14577 FrPBN Rés.Z.921 UkGU 5S.M.Add.208 NeLR Men. Pel. Sant. R-I-A-93 CaOTU B-11.3940 Logrono P. Sevilla C. 65-4-43; 108-4-19 Modern edition SF2. . Same as above. Emblemas morales... In Henkel and Schone, Emblemata. Described on pp. CLXXXIX-X; reproduces woodcuts and epigrams, omits commentary. Segovia 1591 *SES: Re-editions . Same as above. Emblemas morales...En Segovia, Impresso por Ivan de la Cuesta, Affo de 1591. Colophon at the end dates it 1589. Praz 374 Salloch 255, 59 DFo PN.6349 .H8 cage CU N7740 .C6.1591 OU PN 6355 .H6 WU 718308 Landwehr 1, 395 Antonio 1, 711 Sp R-7335; U-679 As 74.0.67 UkGU S.M. 1353 VatBa Primary Sources 45 Sevilla U. 87-45; 196-71 Uk 12305.f.4 NhD PQ6398 .H66E6.1591 Madrid A. Hist. 5-2-7-487 MH Typ560.91.455(2) InU Lilly N7740 Escorial 53-1-28 -H81.M53 1591 Zaragoza 1604 *SF4. . Emblemas | MORALES | DE DON IVAN | DE HOROZCO Y CO- | VARRVVIAS, ARCE | diano de Cuellar en la santa Igle- | sia de Segouia. | DEDICADAS A LA BVENA | memoria del Presidente Don Diego de Couarruuias | y Leyva su tio | (Rodriguez’s device: Phoenix on a mound in flames sur- rounded by the motto “Ex me ipso Renasco” in an architectural cartouche) | CON LICENCIA. | En Caragoca. Por Alonso Rodriguez. | A costa de Ivan de Bonilla mercader de libros. 4to 3 vols bound in one (viii); vol. I, 9-88; II, 1-101; II, 102-201 ff.; all pp. numb. on recto. Sign. A-L8; A-Z8; Aa-EE8. Index: contents of book I (ii); references to canon law on emblems (i); subject index to emblems in books II and III (iii); index to Bible books used in emblem epigrams or commentary (vi); index to sources for emblems other than scriptural (iv); index rerum and nominum (xv). Arrangement like SF1. 101 emblems with different borders; most of the emblems have been redrawn. Each book bears a similar title page. Books I and III are dated 1604; book II is dated 1603. Editio optima. Landwehr 1, 396 Salva 2, 2081 CSmH 42795 DLC PN 6355 .H6 CLU PN 6355 .H785e WaU 704.946 .H785el TNJ S704.945 .H812e MiU PN 6355 .H82 RPB PQ6398 .H5.E5 1603 Sevilla U. 133-42 ItCaU S.G.1.3.12; F.A. 3765; Sal.6123 Palau 6, 116237 Sp R-6.580 UkGU S.M. 1354 Barcelona C. Res.1.421.12 Granada U. A-18-341 Montpellier M. 10053 FrPBA 49-B.L.5067 FrPBN Rés. Z.922 NNH PN6490 .H81 1604 DFo 6349 .H8 1604Cage IU (uncat) CaOTU B-10 2195 46 Primary Sources Fascimile edition SF5.———.Same as above. Emblemas morales... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Company AG. No. EO-638/1. Microfiche from the copy at Leyden Prentenkabinet. N.B. For Latin translation, see Landwehr 1, 397, Praz 374. Burgos 1659 SG. Iglesia, Nicolas de la (1619-1674) Flores | de Miraflores, | Hieroglificos | Sagrados, Verdades | figuradas, sombras ver- daderas del Mys-! terio de la Inmmaculada (sic) Concepcion | de la Virgen, y Madre de Dios | Maria Senora | nuestra | Ofrecelas a la Reyna | de Miraflores, Fr. Nicolas de Lalglesia, | Prior y Professo indigno desta Cartuxa,! y Convisitador de la Prouincia | de Castilla. | con privilegio: | En Burgos, por Diego de Nieua y Murillo | A costa de la Real Cartuxa de Miraflores. Ano de 1629. 4to (xiv) 218 pp. Sign. q4-q7, A-Z8; Aa-Dd8, Ee?. 52 full-page woodcuts within woodcut borders. Antonio 1, 153 Landwehr 1, 142 Praz 435-36 Palau 7, 118009 MH SC6 .1g435.659f UkGU S.M 1357 Santiago U. Leén P. Rome 1665 SH1. Izquierdo, Sebastian (1605-1681). Practica de los Exercicios Espirituales de Nuestro Padre San Ignacio. Por el Padre Sebastian Izquierdo, de la Compania de Jestis. En Roma, por el Varese, 1665. 8vo 120 pp. 12 full-page emblematic plates. Editio princeps. Sim6n-Diaz 12, 1371 Antonio 1, 282 De Backer-Sommervogel Praz, 382 4, 700 Primary Sources 47 Rome 1675 SEZ. . PRACTICA | DE LOS EXERCICIOS | Espirituales de N. Padre | S. Ignacio | Por el P. Sebastian Izquierdo de la | Compania de Jesus | (IHS in cartouche) | En Roma por el Varese, 1675. | Con licencia de los Superiores. | 8vo 120 pp. 12 full-page emblematic plates. De Backer-Sommervogel Sim6n-Diaz 12, 1372 4, 700 Sim6n-Diaz Imp. 370 Sp 3-57.188 MH C437.20.13 Montpellier M. 1701 Sevilla U. 78-190 Montserrat M. D. DGU-W E248.5 .1Z6.1675 XIX.12.1407 Puebla 1685 SH3. . Practica de los Exercicios... Con licencia en la Puebla de Leon por Diego Fernandez...anio de 1685. 12mo plates? De Backer-Sommervogel Simon-Diaz 12, 1373 4,700 México 1690 SH4. . Practica de los Exercicios...Reimpresos a devocion y ex- pensas de el BR D. Antonio de la Vega...en México por los herededos de la viuda de Bernardo Calderon...Ano 1690. 8vo 96 pp. 12 emblematic plates. Valencia 1700 SH5.__. Practica de los Exercicios... con las bulas de los sumos Pontifices...En Valencia por Francisco Mestre afio de 1700. 48 Primary Sources 8vo 158 pp. plates? Modern edition SH6.———. Same as above. Practica de los Exercicios... Reimpresa en México en la Oficina de Donia Maria Fernandez de Jauregui, calle de Santo Domingo, afio de 1808. In 8vo, the 12 full-page engravings of the earlier editions have been recopied for this edition. N.B. Landwehr (1, 412) cites a Latin translation only. For a list of translations, see De Backer-Sommervogel (4, 701-2). Izquierdo’s il- lustrated editions of the Ignatian exercises are a most important source of study for Spanish emblematic devotional poetry. Izquierdo also had a close relationship with Claude Menestrier; the latter designed the frontis for his Pharus Scientiarum (Leyden, 1659). See Menestrier, L’Art des Emblémes (Lyons, 1662), p. 100. Madrid 1600 SI1. Ledesma, Alonso de (1562-1633). Conceptos | Espirituales | de Alonso de | Ledesma, natural de | Segouia | Dirigidos a Nuestra | Sefiora de la Fuenciscla. (vignette of the Virgin)) Con licencia, y Privilegio. | En Madrid, por Andrés Sanchez. | Afio 1600 | A costa de Pedro de la Torre, y véndese en | el patio de Palacio | En Madrid, Aftio 1600. 8vo (xvi) 258 pp. (vi) Sign. 18 998, A - Z8, Aa - Kk8. Text only. Editio princeps. It contains 233 poetic compositions, although smaller number of poems are found in some reprints. Palau (7, 450) cites twenty editions and reprints be- tween 1602 and 1660. Praz cites a Barcelona edition of 1606, illustrated with 59 woodcuts, which he does not consider emblems. In the same edition there are five “Hieroglificos ala muerte de Felipe II” in which the picturae are only de- scribed. Antonio 1, 31 Landwehr 1, 464 Palau 7, 134075 Praz 398 Pérez Pastor 1, 693; 2, 809, Sim6on-Diaz 12, 50-74 835, 872, 1045, 1183 Salva 1, 714-17 Primary Sources 49 Uk 11 450.b.8 Sp R-35, 499 IaU Film 13891 Burgos 1606 S12.——. Segunda parte de los Conceptos Espirituales y Morales, compuesta por Alonso de Ledesma, natural de Segovia. Dirigida a D. Pedro de Castro, Conde de Lemos, Marqués de Sarria, Presidente de Indias. Ano 1606. Con privilegio, en Burgos por Crist6bal Lasso. Véndela Pedro de la Torre en frente de San Felipe. 8vo (xxx) 541 pp. Text only. Editio princeps. Antonio (1, 31) and Palau (7, 134099) cite an edition of Madrid 1606. This edition as well as the Burgos 1606 cited by Gallardo (3, 2662) were never located by Julia Martinez. Palau (7, 449) cites five editions, from 1606 to 1620, for the Segunda parte. This portion of the Conceptos is also a poetry miscellany with some emblematic verses. The Valladolid: Juan de Rueda, 1613 edition is illustrated with 18 woodcuts which are report- edly not emblems. There is a Barcelona: Jaime Cendrat, 1607, with 24 woodcuts and engravings from different sources, such as the iconography of saints, and scenes from the New Testament. Princeton holds the copy [(Ex)PQ6410 .L2C65 1607] from Salva’s library. Praz 399 Not in Landwehr Salva 1, 718-20 Pérez Pastor 2 , 940, 1007 Simon-Diaz 12, 75-80 NNH Poetry Madrid 1612 513. . Tercera | Parte de Concep- | tos Espirituales | con las obras hechas a la Beatificacién del glorioso Patriarca Ignacio | de Loyola, fundador de la Compania de | Iesus, para el Colegio de la Ciu- | dad de Segouia | Dirigido a la misma sagrada, y doctissima Religidn | Compuesta por Alonso de Ledesma, natu- | ral de Segouia. | Ano (woodcut with IHS monogram) 1612 | Con Privilegio | En Madrid, por Iuan de la Cuesta | A costa de Pedro de Lizao, mercader de libros. | 16mo (vii) 198 pp. (xviii). Sign. q8 , A-Z 8, Aa- Dd8. Text only. Editio princeps. Of interest to emblematics are the “Hierogliphicos del Beato P. Ignacio Fundador de la Compaiiia de Iesus.” These are true emblems since the picturae 50 Primary Sources are described, and are given a Latin motto, followed by Spanish redondillas, which are a pun based on the description of the picturae and the motto. Palau (7, 13405) cites also a reprint of Lérida: Luis Monescal, 1612, in 8vo. Praz 399 Not in Landwehr Palau 7, 134105 Pérez Pastor 2, 1184 Sim6n-Diaz 12, 81-83 Uk 011451.e.27 Sp R-16.027 NNH Poetry N.B. The Hispanic Society of America holds, under “Poetry,” samples of all three parts of the Conceptos, none of which is the edi- tio princeps for any of the three parts. Modern editions SI4. . Conceptos espirituales y morales...Ed. Eduardo Julia Martinez. Biblioteca de Antiguos Libros Hispanicos No. 27. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1969. 3 vols. The edition includes all three parts of the Conceptos. For the Primera parte Julia edits the Madrid: Juan de la Cuesta, edition of 1612. The base edition for the Segunda parte is Valladolid: Juan de Rueda, 1613 supplied by the variants of the editions of: Barcelona: Cendrat, 1607; Barcelona: Cormellas, 1607; and Alcala: Juan Gracian, 1620. For the Tercera parte, the base edition is the editio princeps, Madrid: Juan de la Cuesta, 1612 supplied in some part by the Segovia: Juan Menescal, edition of 1612. The third part is followed by two short texts that might have been part of an unfinished Cuarta parte of the Conceptos. SId: . Conceptos espirituales... Ed. Francisco Almagro. Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1978. An arbitrarily chosen sample of Ledesma’s poetry extracted from all three parts of the Conceptos and preceded by a 31-page introduction. Madrid 1611 SI6. . Iuegos de | Noche Buena | moralizados a | la vida de Christo, martyrio de | Santos, y reformacion de | costumbres. | Primary Sources 51 Con vnas Enigmas he- | chas para honesta recreacion. | Compvuestos por Alon- | so de Ledesma natural de Segouia. | Dirigidos a la Serenissi- | ma Vigen Maria Reyna de los An- | geles, y Sefiora Nuestra | Ano 1611 | Con licencia | En Madrid, Por Alonso Martin. | A costa de Alonso Pérez mercader de li- bros. 8vo (vii) 252 pp. (ix). Sign. 78, A- P8; Q4 R4S4; Aa- Kk8. Text only. Editio prin- ceps. The Enigmas follow the Juegos with a new t.p. (Palau 7, 450). There are four more editions to the Juegos (Barcelona, 1611; Zaragoza, 1611; Madrid, 1613; and Madrid, 1621). Palau lists the three editions of the Enigmas sepa- rately, although they often appear bound together with the Juegos with a dif- ferent t.p. Simdn-Diaz (12, 89) cites a separate edition of the Enigmas of Zaragoza, 1611. Praz 399 Landwehr 1, 464 Pérez Pastor 2, 1141, 1234; Sim6n-Diaz 12, 84-89 3, 1747 Palau 7, 134107 NNH Poetry Sp R-31.282 Bl: Men. Pel. Sant. R-V-2-5 Modern edition ———. Juegos de Noches Buenas, a lo divino de Alonso de Ledesma. Ed. Justo de Sancha. In Romancero y Cancionero Sagrados, coleccién de poesias cristianas morales y divinas. BAE. Madrid: Atlas, 1950. Vol. 35, 151-81. In a footnote the edition claims to be one of Barcelona: Cormellas, 1605 (sic) 1611. Madrid 1625 SI8. . Epigramas y hieroglificos a la vida de Christo; festividades de Ntra Sefiora. Excelencias de Santos y Grandezas de Segovia. En Madrid. Por Iuan Goncalez Anto MMCXXV. A costa de Lucas Ramirez, mercader de libros. Véndese en su casa en la calle de Toledo. 8vo (vii) 104 pp. Text only. Editio princeps. Antonio 1, 31 Praz 399 Gallardo 3, 2665 Palau 7, 134119 52 Primary Sources Landwehr 1, 464 Pérez Pastor 3, 2173 NNH Poetry Uk 11450 aaa.27 Madrid 1674 SJ. Lorea, Fray Antonio de (?- ca. 1687). David Pecador y David Penitente. Primera y segunda parte. Empresas morales politico-cris- tianas. Compuestas por el P. presentado F. Antonio de Lorea, Coro- nista General de la Orden de Predicadores. Dada a la estampa por el Lic Bernardo de Lorea Amescua. Madrid: Francisco Sanz, en la Imprenta del Reino, 1674. 4to 517 pp. 30 emblem woodcuts, with mottoes in Latin, followed by a prose commentary in Spanish. Editio princeps. Dedicated to Sor Ana Dorotea de Austria. The book consists of two sections, David pecador with fifteen em- blems, and David penitente (begins on p. 257) with the fifteen remaining em- blems. There is a 1673 edition cited by Praz (405) and Palau (7, 142302) of David penitente only, with no woodcuts. For the only study of this imprint vid. article by Victor Manuel Minguez Cornelles. Vid. also under Lorea in Appendix Y. Sim6n-Diaz 12, 3794 Praz 405 Not in Landwehr Santiago U. Mazzarino 1691 SK1. Lucio Espinosa y Malo, Félix de (1646-91). Ocios | Morales. | Que escriuia | D. Felix De Lucio Espinosa, Y Malo | Cauallero del orden de Calatraua, del Con- | sejo de Su Magestad su Cronista Mayor de los | Reynos de la Corona de Aragon, y de las | Indias, y General de los de Castilla, y Leon, | su Secretario, y de Estado, y Guerra del Rey- | no de Sicilia. | Al Excelmo. Senor, el Sefior | Duque de Vzeda, | Conde de Montaluan, Marques de Velmonte, | y de Menasalbas, Sefor del Estado de Galues, | y Iumela, Tesorero perpetuo de las Rea- | les Casas de Moneda de Madrid, Gen- | tilhombre de la Camera de Su Mage-| stad, Virrey, y Capitan General | del Reyno de Sicilia & C. | Mazzarino. | Con las licencias nece- sarias | Por Juan Vanberge, Flamengo. MDCLXXXxXI. | Primary Sources 53 Ato (iv) 286 pp. Sign. *8; A8-S7. Text only. Editio princeps. Praz 330 Landwehr 1, 276 Palau 5, 82801 Sim6n-Diaz 12, 4197 UkGU S.M. 446 Sp R-6.190 Sevilla U. 86-A-192 Leon P. Re-editions Zaragoza 1693 *SK2. . OCIOS | MORALES | DIVIDIDOS | En Descrip- ciones Symbolicas, | y Declamaciones Heroycas. | QVE ESCRIVIA | Don Felix de Lucio Espinosa y Malo | Cavallero del Orden de Calatrava Del | Consejo de sv Magestad, sv Cronista de | los Reynos de la Corona de Aragon, de | Las Indias, y General de los de Castilla, y Leon, sv Secretario, y de Estado, y | Gverra en el Reino de Sicilia | SEGUNDA IMPRESSION | y se dedica | A LOS ILLUSTRISSIMOS SENORES | DIPVTADOS DEL REYNO DE | ARAGON (typographical decoration) EN ZARAGOCA | Por Manuel Roman, Impressor de la Vniversidad, Ano de 1693. | A costa de Matias de Lezama, Mercader de Libros, y Librero del | Reyno de Aragon, y del Hospital Real, y General de Nuestra | Sefiora de Gracia. 4to (xii Index) 184 pp. Sign. a7-b8; A4-Z4. This second printing dedicated to the Kingdom of Aragon in the persons of the diputados to the Cortes was pub- lished posthumously. Text only. The descripciones are of the type of Valeriano’s descriptions of symbols and objects representing abstract virtues. The declamaciones heroycas could be considered “naked emblems”; they are based on events from ancient and contemporary European history. Praz 330 Not in Landwehr Sim6n-Diaz 12, 4198 MiU .E796 .04.1693 FrPBN Z.6032 WU PQ6171 .A195.E77 Sevilla C. 90-3-8 Priv) Granada U. A-18-257 54 Primary Sources MoU PQ 6390 .E65.1693 TxU 868 .Es650.1693 NhD BL 630 .E76.1693 MH KE 29497 NNH HC: 387/494 Zaragoza 1693? *SK3. . OCIOS | MORALES | DIVIDIDOS | en descrip- ciones symbolicas, | y declamaciones heroycas, | qve escrivia | Don Felix Lvcio Espinosa y Malo. | Cavallero del Orden de Calatrava, del Consejo de | su Magestad, su Cronista de los Reynos de la Coro- | de Aragon, de las Indias, y General de los de Castilla, y Leon, su Secretario de Estado, y Guer- | ra en el Reyno de Sicilia. | TERCERA IMPRESION. | EN QUE SE DEDICA | Al ExCmo Sr.D JOSEPH CLAUDIO DE GUR-| rea, de Aragon, Bermudez de Castro, Bardaxi, Urries, Borja, Moncayo, Osorio de Belasco, Castro Pinos, XI- | menez de Cerdan, | Martinez de Marcilla, & SC. Conde de | Luna, de Castelflorid, Marqués de Canizar, de | Navarrens, y San Felices, & C. | Con licencia: En Zaragoza por Francisco Mo- reno, im- | pressor, vive en la Plaza de la Seo. | Y Se venden en su misma Casa. | 4to (xvi) 184 pp. Text only. Ed. by Vincencio de Vidania. This third reprint is later than that of Manuel Roman above. Praz 330 Landwehr 1, 277 Uk 8405.h.8 FrPBN Z.6033 UkGU S.M. 1316 NjP (Ex) 6336.331 Santiago U. Lyons 1642 SL1. Mendo, Andrés (1608-1684). Principe perfecto y Ministros ajusta- dos. Documentos politicos y morales en emblemas. Leén de Francia: Boissat et Remeus, 1642. 4to. Text only. Editio princeps. Praz 420 Not in Landwehr Primary Sources 55 Salamanca 1657 . Principe perfecto, y ministros aiustados...al Rey Nuestro Sefior...En Salamanca en la emprenta de Diego de Cossio, 1657. SL2. Ato (xii) 351 pp. (i).Text only. Dedicated to Philip IV of Spain. Palau 9, 163589 Landwehr 1, 507n. De Backer-Sommervogel 5, Praz 420 894 NeLR InU Lilly JC393 .C3.M4 Leon P. First illustrated edition Lyons 1661 . Engr. t.p. PRINCIPE | PERFECTO | Y | MINISTROS | AIUSTADOS, | DOCVMENTOS POLITICOS, | Y MORA- LES. | En Emblemas. | Por el R: P. Andres Mendo, de la Compania | de Iesus, Calificador del Consejo de la Inquisicion | Suprema, Lector de Theologia, y de Sagrada | Escritura en Salamanca. | (printer’s device) | ANADIDO DE LAS ESTAMPAS | EN ESTA SEGUNDA IMPRESSION | EN LEON DE FRANCIA |! A COSTA DE HORACIO BOISSAT Y GEORGE REMEVS.!| CLAUDIO BOURGEAT Y MIGUEL LIETARD | Afnto M.DC.LXI. | con privilegio. BLS. Ato (viii), 1-184; 1-56; 156; 1-111 (xxiv Indexes). Sign. +- ++4, A- Z4, a-g4; aa-ge4; aaa- 0004; *-***4-****2_ 80 copperplates of emblems with Latin mottoes fol- lowed by lengthy prose commentaries. Dedicated to Alonso Pérez de Guzman el Bueno, also dedicated by Bourgeat to the Queen of France. Praz 421 Landwehr 1, 507 Palau 9, 163590 UkGU S.M. 1391 Uk 80007.cc.17 NeLR 56 Primary Sources Re-edition Lyons 1662 *SL4. . Engr. t.p. PRINCIPE | PERFECTO | Y | MINIS- TROS | AIVSTADOS, | DOCVMENTOS POLITICOS, | Y MORALES. | En Emblemas. | Por el R.P. Andres Mendo, de la Compania | de Iesus, Calificador del Consejo de la Inquisicion | Suprema, Lector de Theologia, y de Sagrada | Escritura en Salamanca. (Printers’ device: Galleon with flag bearing a crowned shield with three fleurs-de-lys and the motto INGE- NIUM B.R. SVPERAT VIRES. The oval device is surrounded by a decorative rectangular cartouche flanked by: ANADIDO DE LAS ESTAMPAS -EN ESTA SEGUNDA IMPRESSION EN LEON DE FRANCIA) | A costa de | HORACIO BOISSAT Y GEORGE REMEVS. | afio MDCLXII | CON PRIVILEGIO. 4to (Ix, xxvi are of Index) 1-184; 1-56; 156; 1-111 pp. Sign. +4, ++4, + - +4+4 +++4 - ++++2, A-Z4; a-g4, aa-ge4, aaa-ooo4. 80 copperplates of emblems with Latin mottoes and lengthy prose commentary. Dedicated to Alonso Pérez de Guzman el Bueno, Patriarca de las Indias. Editio optima. SIE: Praz 420 Landwehr 1, 507a Palau 9, 163591 Lathrop 231, 135 De Backer-Sommervogel 5, Salloch 255, 70 894 Salva 2, 2107 DFo JC.393 .C3M4 FrPBN E*475; E*1011 DLC JC 393 .C3.M4 UkGU S.M.1391.1 ICN Case B 67.57 Uk 8007. CC. 17 MH-L (alph) ItCaU Sal.8458 NN VHE (Braun) (impf) PSt (uncat) NNH Orders Sz TNJ JC393 .C3.M4 IU (uncat) NjP (EX) N7710 .M46 1662 Facsimile edition . Same as above. Principe perfecto...Zug, Switz.: Interdoc- umentation Company AG. No. E0-1460/1. Microfiche from a copy at Staadt Bibl., Zurich. Primary Sources 57 N.B. Mendo reveals in the Razon de la obra to have been influ- enced by Solorzano Pereira’s Emblemata Centum Regio-Politica whose censura he wrote in 1653. In fact, Principe perfecto is a Spanish abstract of Solérzano Pereira’s Emblemata Centum Regio- Politica without the scholarly annotations. In the dedication to both the 1661 and 1662 editions, dated Salamanca 1659, Mendo refers to his books as a segunda impression that he has reworked and illustrated. Vid. Selig’s article on the relationship of Solérzano Pereira’s work and Mendo’s emblems. For transla- tions of Mendo, vid. Landwehr 1, 508 and 509. Palermo 1689 *SM. Montalbo, Francisco Antonio de. Engr. frontis with full-page illustration of two angels holding the crown arms of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, under which a banderole reads: NOTICIAS FVNEBRES DE LAS REALES EXEQVIAS DE MARIA LVISA DE BORBON REYNA DE LAS ESPANAS, signed Antonino Grano Invenit., followed by an engr. t.p.: NOTICIAS | FVNEBRES | de las magestuosas exequias que hizo la felicissima Ciudad | DE PALERMO | cabegca coronada de Sicilia | EN LA MVERTE | DE MARIA LVYSA | DE BORBON | Nvestra Sefiora | REYNA DE LAS ESPANAS. | De Orden del Excelentisimo sefor | DVQUE DE UZEDA | Virrey, y Capitan General | deste Reyno. | Execvtada por el ilvstre | DON LUIS RIGGIO | PRINCIPE DE CAMPO FLORIDO | del habito de Santiago, Maestro Racional del Real Patrimonio. | Ove escribia el Maestro | FR. FRANCISCO DE MONTALBO | De la Sagrada Religion de San Geronimo. | Doctor Teologo, y Predicador de SV Magestad. | Para Dedicarlas | A la immor- tal Gloria | DE SV EXCELENTISSIMA PROTECCION. | (fleuron) | En Palermo, por Thomas Romolo, Impressor del S. Officio. 1689. | imprimatur Vanni V.G. | imprimatur Ramundetta R.P. | 2° 711 pp. Sign. A-M2; N3, O-Y4, Z2; Aa-Oo2, Pp; B-I2 (I2 blank). 5 folding plates and 20 engravings of imprese representing the attributes of continents, provinces, and viceroyalties. Each full-page impresa with inscriptio is preceded by a page with the description of its location within the Church, and followed by a Latin epigram on a separate page decorated by fleurons and architectural motifs. According to the author’s descriptions, these imprese were placed 58 Primary Sources above landscape paintings that represented each region or province. After the index there is a new t.p. for the funeral oration (in Italian) by Vincenzo Maria Sasseta. Praz 430 Palau 10, 177328 Not in Landwehr ItCaU Sal. 7852/1; Sp R-7-14871 Sal.10343/1 IU (uncat) Lisbon 1563 *SN. Monzon, Francisco de. NORTE DE YDIOTAS.! Compuesto y revisto por! el Doctor Francisco de Mécgon.| A donde se trata vn exercicio muy spirituall y prouechoso.| (large crowned shield in double line frame).| Visto y aprouado por los Deputados.| dela sancta Inquisicion.| Impresso en Lixboa, En casa de Ioannes.|! Blauio de Colonia Ano de. 1563. 8vo (i) 28 pp. Sign. A8-D3. Eight woodcuts precede each one of the declara- ciones. Dedicated to Maria de Silva de Sousa Tavares. The work is a forerun- ner to emblem books in that the woodcuts are carefully integrated and devel- oped in the prose commentary. The misleading title (Pathway for Fools) al- ludes to the belief of the author that true contemplative devotional solace can be achieved by the illiterate by looking at pious images and woodcuts. The work is the second part of Avisos espirituales, written by Monzoén and published at the same time. Both parts are often found bound together. Landwehr 1, 534 Not in Praz Antonio 1, 450 Palau 10, 179988 NNH Religion Sp R-29.763 Madrid 1633 SO1. Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio (1595-1658). Oculta Filosofia de la simpatia y antipatia de las cosas, artificio de la naturaleza y noticia natural del mundo y segunda parte de la Curiosa Filosofia...Madrid, en la imprenta del Reino, 1633. Primary Sources 59 8vo 2 vols. (iv) 216 pp. (xi); (iv) 248 pp. (v) Text only. Editio princeps. De Backer-Sommervogel 5, _—_— Praz 437(dates 1623) 1730 MH-A FrPBN R.12747 LtGawEsSiGwi255 Re-editions Madrid 1638 SO2. . Same as above. Oculta filosofia... Madrid: Imprenta del Reyno, 1638. 8vo (ii) 210 pp. (vi). Text only. Palau 11, 190665 TNJ S046 .N640 Madrid 1643 Z5@3: . CVRIOSA | Y OCULTA | FILOSOFIA | PRIMERA, Y SEGUNDA PARTE | de la marauillas de la naturaleza, exa- mi- | nadas en varias questiones | naturales. | CONTIENEN HISTORIAS MVY | notables. Aueriguanse secretos, y proble- mas de la naturaleza, | con Filosofia nueua. Explicanse lugares dificultosos de Es- | critura. Obra muy vtil, no solo para los curiosos, sino | para doctos Escriturarios, Filo- | sofos, y Medicos. | POR EL PADRE IVAN EUSEBIO | Nieremberg de la Compania de lesus. | TERCERA IMPRESSION, ANADIDA | por el mismo Autor. A DON LORENZO RAMIREZ DE | Prado, del Consejo de su Magestad, &c. | CON PRIVILEGIO. | En Madrid, en la imprenta Real. Ato de M.CD.XXXXIII. | A costa de Iuan Antonio Bonet. Véndese en su casa en la calle de Toledo. 4to 438 pp. Text only. De Backer-Sommervogel 5, Palau 13,19666 1730 60 Primary Sources KyU 133 .N5563 Uk 536.g.23 Santiago U. Barcelona 1645 SO4. . Oculta Filosofia...Dirigido a la Alteza del Principe Henrique de Lorena. En Barcelona por Pedro Lacavalleria, en la Libreria...Ano 1645 Véndense en la misma imprenta. 8vo. Text only. De Backer-Sommervogel 5, Palau 13, 19667 1731 NcU WU Alcala 1649 SO5. . Curiosa y oculta filosofia...Tercera impresién afiadida por el mismo autor...Alcala. Imprenta de Maria Fernandez a costa de Juan Antonio Bonet MDCXXXXIX. 29 (iv) 439 pp. (viii). Text only. De Backer-Sommervogel Palau 13, 19688 5; 731 FrPBN R.3008 ItCaU Sal. 438 Santiago U. Madrid 1651 . Oculta Filosofia...In Obras Filos6ficas...Vol. II. Madrid: Por Domingo Garcia Morras. Afnto M.DC.LI. SO6. Large folio (xi) 456 pp. (xvi). Text only. De Backer-Sommervogel 5, Palau 13, 19596 1754-55 Antonio 1, 688 Primary Sources 61 Re-editions Madrid 1664 SO7. . Same as above. Oculta Filosofia... In Obras Filoséfi- cas...Vol. 3....Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1664. Palau 13, 19597 Uk 479.e.19 Sevilla 1686 *SO8. . Same as above. Oculta filosofia. Woodcut t.p. in red and black framed in double filigree passe-partout. OBRAS FILOSOFICAS | DEL | P. JYVAN EUSEBIO | NIEREMBERG, | De La Compania de Jess. | ETHICAS, POLITICAS, Y FISI- CAS, | Que contienen lo principal de la Filosofia Moral | Ciuil, y Natural, todo conforme a la | piedad Christiana. | TOMO TERCERO. | Corregidas, y enmendadas en esta ultima im- pression. | (device with IHS and a heart with three nails in an oval architectural cartouche) | CON PRIVILEGIO | En Sevilla, Por Lucas Martin de Hermosilla. Ano 1686. | 20 (ii) 385 pp. (xvi). Sign. A-Z8; Aa-ZZ8; Aaa-Ddd8. Vol. III. The Oculta filosofta begins on p. 311. Text only. Palau 13, 19598 Uk481.f.10-12 imp. KyU 208 .N55640 v3. ItCaU Sal. 10411 IU (uncat) N.B. Although the Oculta filosofia is not a true emblem book, it is a treatise on symbols that constitutes an exegesis to many jeroglificos. Vid. also under FE, Nieremberg’s Gnomoglyphica. Madrid 1650 *SP1. Nufiez de Castro, Alonso (1627-?). SENECA | IMPVG- NADO.| DE SENECA,| EN | QVESTIONES.! POLITICAS, Y | MORALES.!| A | DON MIGUEL BAPTISTA DE LANUZA, 62 Primary Sources | CAVALLERO DE LA ORDEN DE SANTIAGO, DEL! CONSEJO DE SV MAGESTAD, Y SV PROTONO-|! TARIO DE LOS REINOS DE LA CORONA.| DE ARAGON | POR DON ALONSO NVNEZ DE CASTRO | CORONISTA GENERAL DE SV MAGESTAD EN ESTOS REYNOS.|! (decoration) CON PRIVILEGIO.| en Madrid: POR PABLO DE VAL. ANO M.DC.L. | A costa de Pedro Coello Mercader de libros. 4to (i) 82 ff. (x). Sign. 14 - 11994; A-X4; *-**4. Text only. The book contains the first twenty questiones that Bafios de Velasco (Cf. SA) refutes in his em- blems. In some of the questiones the emblems are described. Editio princeps. The decorated frontis bears a shortened title in an architectural cartouche with the date 1651, although the tasa and the privilegio are dated 1650. Not in Praz or in Landwehr Antonio 1, 38 Palau 11, 197136 NNH HC:387/3544 TxU 878 .S2Yn CtY Beinecke Ocp10.650N Sp 3-35. 856 FrlH R- C431 Re-edition Madrid 1661 SP2. ———. SENECA | IMPVGNADO | DE SENECA, | EN QVESTIONES | POLITICAS, Y MORALES | ANADIDA CON DIFERENTES | QVESTIONES | POR DON ALONSO NVNEZ DE | Castro, Coronista general de su Magestad | en estos Reynos.| (ornament) | CON PRIVILEGIO | En Madrid: Por Pablo de Val.| Afto M.DC.LXI.| A costa de Antonio de Riero, Mercader de Libros. 8vo (xxviii) 252 pp. (xiii). Text only. This second edition has been enlarged with comments on the last three questiones of Bafios de Velasco’s emblems. Not in Praz or in Landwehr NcD E#234 FrPBN R.5876 Uk 524.h.16. Sp 3-28.938 UkOxU Taylorian 270.f.9 Primary Sources 63 Lyons 1682 *SQ1. Nufiez de Cepeda, Francisco (1616-90) Engr. t.p. | Idea | DE EL BUEN PASTOR.| copiada | POR LOS SS. DOCTORES | Representada en| EMPRESAS SACRAS;|! Con avisos espiri- tuales morales,.| politicos, y economicos para el govierno de un | principe eclesiastico: | DEDICADA | al eminentissim. sefior D. Luis Manuel Cardenal! PORTOCARRERO, | de el titulo de Santa Sabina, | ARCOBISPO DE TOLEDO, | Primado de las Espanas, Gran Canciller de Castilla, Adelantado Maior de | Cacorla, de el Consejo supremo de Estado de su Magestad, &c.| Por el Padre Francisco Nufez de Cepeda | de la Compania de Jestis, | EN LEON | A Costa de Anisson y Posuel | M.DC.LXXXII | Con aprobaciones | (t.p. followed by engr. frontis with St. John the Evangelist, St. Ambrose, St. John Chrysostom, St. Gregory of Nisa, St. Gregory the Great and St. Paul holding an open book representing one of their works in one hand and a quill in the other. The figures are arranged around a pedestal that bears the shortened title on its base, with St. Peter above holding an oval painting of Christ as the Good Shepherd. From Peter’s shoulder hangs a banderole with em IMOLtG eRe IChiE A AD SPASTORE Meyer PI sCOPRUM ANIMARUM VESTRARUM; above his head two cherubs hold a plaque with the Society’s symbol IHS, while another cherub holds a papal tiara and a key. To the right of St. Peter there is an oval impresa of a shepherd’s crook with a coiled snake and the motto ANIMAM SUAM DAT PRO OVIBUS SUIS; to the right of the Apostle another oval impresa depicting an archway with a flock of sheep and the motto QUI INTRAT PER OSTIUM PASTOR EST.) 1682 Claud. [io] Coell.[o] delin. [eante] FRAN. HOUAT sculp. [sit] 4to (xx) 703 pp. Sign. a-04, A-RRrr4. 42 half-page copperplates of imprese with Latin mottoes in elaborate baroque oval frames followed by Spanish text. Only three vignettes are signed (I, II, and XL). Matt. Ogier, Sculp. [sit] Lugd. [uni]. The original drawings are presumably all by Claudio Coello, as is the en- graved frontis. Editio princeps. Palau 11, 197165 Landwehr 1, 541 Praz 437 Antonio 2, 452 De Backer-Sommervogel 5, _— Salloch 255, 74 1843 64 Primary Sources NNH HC: 387/3545 Uk 473.b.17 ItCaU Sal.10947; Sal.5432 Santiago U. FrLy 338.708 CLU N.7740 .N922i FrPBN Z.3643 CSfU Case M.BV150 .N8& PPL Sev. Cepe 9025 .Q AzU BX.1905 .N8& DFo PN6349 .N9.1682a; NN ZIT PN6349 .N9 1682b Valencia 1685 *SQ2. ———. IDEA | DE EL BVEN PASTOR | COPIADA POR LOS SS. DOCTORES | REPRESENTADA EN | EMPRESAS SACRAS, | CON AVISOS ESPIRITVALES, MORALES, | Politicos, y Economicos para el Govierno de un Principe | Eclesiastico | DEDICADA EN ESTA SEGUNDA IMPRE- SION,.! AL | ILLUSTRISIMO, Y EXCELENTISSIMO SENOR| D.F. IVAN THOMAS DE ROCABERTI, | POR LA GRACIA DE DIOS, Y DE LA SANTA | sede Apostolica, ARZOBISPO DE VALENCIA, del Consejo de Su | Magestad, &c.| COMPVESTA | POR EL REVERENDISSIMO PADRE FRANCISCO NUNEZ | de Cepeda, de la Compania de Jesis | AUMENTADA CON VN INDICE MUY COPIOSO | (cross) | EN VALENCIA.| POR VICENTE CABRERA, Afto M.DC.LXXXV.| A costa de Francisco Duart, se vende en su casa, a la Placa de Villafranca. | 4to (xxi) 670 pp. Sign. a-b4, *-"*6, A-H4, I-Z8, Aa-Tt8, Vv, Xx- Zz4, Aaa-Bbb2. 41 imprese; an index rerum and index nominum have been added. Dedicated to Juan Tomas de Rocaberti, Archbishop of Valencia. No frontis. Landwehr 1, 542 Palau 2, 197166 Praz 438 NNH HC: 384/3019 UkGU S.M. 798 NjP N7710 .N86 1685 Primary Sources 65 Re-editions Lyons 1687 SQ3. . Idea de el buen pastor... Tercera impresiodn corregida por su autor de nuevo...aumentadas las empresas primeras y afiadidas diez de nuevo...Leon: Anisson, Posuel y Rigaud, 1687. 4to 831 pp. 52 imprese. Ten new imprese have been added to the original 41. Same engr. frontis as SQ1. Not in Landwehr or Praz De Backer-Sommervogel Palau 2, 197167 5, 1844 CU-A BX 2186 .N8 1687 KAS (alph) CtY Me65 .N922 .Ij4 Santiago U. Lyons 1688 *SQ4. . Idea de el buen pastor...Tercera Impressi6n Corregida por su autor, aumentadas las Empresas primeras, y afiadidas diez de nuevo. En Leon. A costa de Anisson, Posuel, y Rigaud. M.DC.XXXVIII. Con Aprobaciones. 4to (xi) 831 pp. Sign. A-Z4, Aa-Zz4-, Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa4-(d3, 4, f4)Zzzz4, Aaaaa- Ooooo4. 52 imprese including three dedicatory imprese and the one al lector which is signed Matt. Ogier as is empresa XLIX (p. 811). Same engr. frontis as SQ1, dated 1683. The text of the original 40 imprese has been augmented and ten new ones have been added. Editio optima. Landwehr 1, 543 Palau 2, 197168 Praz 498 KyU 253.N9223 Uk .87.k.17 UkGU S.M. 1410 NcD Div. Sch. NNH HC:NS4/967 262.14 .N972I NjP N7710 .N86 1688 66 Primary Sources Facsimile edition SQ5. ———. Same as above. Empresas sacras de Nunez de Cepeda...Ed. with notes, bibliography, and indexes by Rafael Garcia Mahiques; introd. by Santiago Sebastian. Madrid: Ediciones Tuero, 1989. It includes the facsimiles for all the imp- rese but omits the text. This is the second volume in Ediciones Tuero’s Emblematica series. Valencia 1689 SQ6. . Idea de el buen pastor...Valencia: Por Lorenzo Mesnier, a costa de Asencio Duart, 1689. 4to 831 pp. 51 imprese copied from the Lyon edition of 1688. Landwehr 1, 544 Palau 2, 197169 Praz 498 UkGU S.M.798 Sevilla 1677 *SR1. Ortiz, Lorenzo (1632-1698). MEMORIA, | ENTENDI- MIENTO, | Y VOLVNTAD | EMPRESAS, | QVE ENSENAN, Y PERSVADEN SV | BVEN VSO EN LO MORAL, | y en lo Politico | Ofrecelas a | D. IVAN EVSTAQVIO | Vicentelo, y Toledo,| Cavallero de el Abito de Santiago | Hijo Primogenito del Senor D IVAN ANTONIO VICENTELO | Y TOLEDO, | Cavallero del Abito de Santiago, | del Consejo Supremo de Guerra de su Magestad, y de Iunta de Ar-| madas, y Capitan General de la Real Armada de la Guarda de! la Carrera de las Indias | EL HERMANO LORENZO ORTIZ, | de la Compania de Iesus | CON LICENCIA SEVILLA, | Por Juan Francisco de Blas, IMPR. M. ANO 1677.1 t.p. in red and black, framed in a typographical filigree design. 4to (xii) 105. pp. Sign. q4-qq3, A-Z4-, Aa-Bb4, Ff2. Full-page crowned shield after t.p. signed P[edro] de Baeza. Five emblem copperplates in elaborate frames with long prose commentary. Authorship is given for the mottoes of the first four emblems. All pages are framed in a typographical filigree design. Landwehr 1, 556 De Backer-Sommervogel 5, 1964 DLC BF 115.07 MiU BF 115.077 ItCaU Gall.2.4.41; Primary Sources 67 Palau 12, 205680 Praz, 441 UkGU S. M. 810 NNH Proverbs Santiago U. Gall.88.1.109 Lyons 1686 SR2. . VER, OIR, OLER, | Gustar, Tocar; | EMPRESAS, | Que ensenan, y persuaden su | buen Uso, en lo Politico, y en lo Moral; | Que ofrece el hermano | LORENCO ORTIZ, | de la Compania de Jesus, | Al Ilustrisimo y Reverendiss. Sefor | Don Manuel Hernandez | DE SANTA CRUZ, | de el Consejo de su Magestad, | Obispo de la Puebla de los Angeles | (ornate fleur-de-lys) | EN LEON DE FRANCIA, | En la Emprenta de ANISSON, POSUEL Y RIGAUD | A Costa de Francisco Brugieres, y Compania | Afto de M.D.C.LXXXVI. Ato (x) 300 pp. (vi) Sign. a4-c6, A-Z4, Aa-Qq#. Continuation to SR1. Frontis with a full-page episcopal shield. Seven copperplates of emblems in different oval baroque frames with long prose commentary. Authorship is given for the mottoes of all seven emblems. Not in Landwehr or Praz NIC BF.231.077 NNH Proverbs (bound w. SR1) Re-edition Lyons 1687 *SR3. -. VER, OIR, OLER...Al Excelentissimo Sefior | Don Rodrigo Manuel Fernandez Manrique de Lara | Ramirez de Arellano, Mendoza, y Albarado, Conde | de Aguilar, y de Frigiliana, &c Gentilhombre de la | Camara de su Magestad, Capitan General de la.| Armada, y Exercitos de el Mar Oceano, y de sus | Costas de la Andalucia y Presidios de Africa, &c.| (ornate fleur-de-lys) | EN LEON DE FRANCIA | En la 68 Primary Sources Emprenta de ANISSON, POSUEL Y RIGAUD | A Costa de Francisco Brugieres, y Compafiia | Aftlo de MDCLXXXVII. 4to. Same as SR2 except the dedication and the corresponding frontis with dedicatory shield is a count’s coat of arms. Landwehr 1, 557 Praz 441 De Backer-Sommervogel 5, Salva 2, 2115 1964 Sayles 88 NIC BF.231.077 FrPBN Z.36452 NNH Proverbs UkGU S.M.1412 NjP (Ex)N7710.077.1687 DLC BF.231.07 (impf) N.B. The remark “copy in the Hispanic society has date 1686” contained in Praz, Landwehr, and Sayles is inaccurate, since there are two separate Lyons editions for 1686 and 1687. The en- try in NUC for a Cadiz 1687 edition in the Library of Congress is a ghost. The imprint is missing the t.p. and was catalogued under the date 1687, the date of the privilegio. DLC BF.231.07 (impf). Madrid 1598 *SS1. Pérez de Herrera, Cristébal (1558- ?). DISCURSOS DEL | AMPARO DE LOS LE-! gitimos pobres, y reduccion | De los fingidos; y de la fundacion y principio de los | Albergues destos Reynos, y amparo de la | milicia dellos | Por el doctor Christoval Perez | de Herrera, Protomedico por su Magestad de las galeras de | Espafa natural de la ciudad de Salamanca | DIRIGIDOS AL PODEROSISSIMO | Principe de las Espanas, y del Nuevo Mundo, Don | Filipe III. nuestro senor, &c.| (large crowned shield of the Spanish Hapsburgs) Ano 1598 | con privilegio | En Madrid, Por Luis Sanchez. 4to (viii) 180 pp. All nine discursos are really emblems preceded by a woodcut and followed by an epigram and commentary. Emblems on pp. 1, 15, 46, 64, 74, 104, 120, 133, 159. Editio optima. Not in Landwehr or Praz Palau 13, 221110 Salva 2, 2122 Pérez Pastor 1, 592 Brunet 4, 496 Primary Sources 69 DLC HV 343.P4 Uk 521.1.23 Gry NhD HV 434 .P4 Sp R-287626 N.B. The earlier editions of the Discursos (1595, 1596, 1597, 1598) were not complete, and did not contain any of the emblem woodcuts. Cf. Palau 13, 221106-9; pp. cxcvii-ccii in Cavillac’s edi- tion; Antonio 1, 249; and Pérez Pastor 1, 493-94, 518-19, 546, and BgS: Modern edition $82. . Amparo de pobres...Ed. introd. and notes by Michel Cavillac. Clasicos Castellanos. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1975. Facsimiles of all nine emblem woodcuts and an excellent intro- duction and notes. The editor has systematically regularized the orthography of the text respecting the syntax of the period. Madrid 1618 sooo, | FL ROVERBIOS' || MORALES, Y CONSEIOS | CHRISTIANOS, MVY PROVECHO-|! sos para concierto y espejo de la vida, adornados de | lugares y textos de las diuinas y huma-! nas letras | Y ENIGMAS FILOSOFICAS, NATV-| rales y Morales, con sus Comentos | DIVIDIDO EN LOS LIBROS | AL SERENISSIMO PRINCIPE DON FI-! lipe de Austria N.S. en manos de don Fernando de Azevedo, Ar-| co- bispo de Burgos, Presidente del Consejo, para que lo pre-| sente y ponga en las de su Alteza | POR EL DOCTOR CHRISTOVAL PEREZ | de Herrera, Médico del Rey N. S. y del Reyno, Protomédico de sus | galeras de Espana, natural de la ciudad de Salamanca. (crowned shield of the Spanish Hapsburgs) ANO 1618 | CON PRIVILEGIO | En Madrid por Luis Sanchez, im- pressor del Rey N.S. | 4to 224 pp. Thirteen full-page woodcuts of emblems with Latin mottoes and Spanish verse epigrams. Woodcuts are framed in typographical filigree bor- ders. The emblems, with dedicatory poetry on the facing page, precede each subdivision of the enigmas. The enigmas are quintillas whose riddle and moral meaning are explained on the facing page. There are 223 enigmas. Dedicated to Philip III of Spain. Nine of the 13 emblems appeared in the Discursos, most of them with different mottoes and epigrams. 70 Primary Sources Landwehr 1, 576 Antonio 2, 249 Praz 448 Salva 2, 2124 Palau 13, 221124 Uk 12304dd.19 FrPBN Z.3684 RPB PN 6490 .P4.1618" Sp R-31.013 NNH PN 6490 .P43.1618 Santiago U. NhD PQ6419 MH SC5 .P4154.618p .P792.P7 1618 Modern editions . Proverbios morales. Ed. Adolfo de Castro. In Poetas liricos de los siglos XVI y XVII...BAE. 42, II, Madrid: Rivadeneyra, 1857, 241-48. Text only. SS4. S95. . Enigmas...Coleccién Cisneros, 18. Madrid: Atlas, 1943. Text only. (The enigmas are a part of the Proverbios morales.) Paris? 1625 ST. Pérez, Antonio (1583-1672). RETRATO | al vivo del | natural de | La Fortuna | de | Ant. Perez | Fama meliore, quam Fortuna | En Rhodanvsia | A Costa de Ambrosio Trauersario | M.DC.XXV.| Rhodanusia. 8vo (xxii) 511 pp. Sign. a-e4, i8- A-Z8, Aa-Cc8. Five oval imprese with mottoes. The place of publication is apocryphal and the work itself is of doubtful attri- bution. Praz 448 Palau 13, 219067 Landwehr 1, 575 Sp R-8691 UkGU S.M. 853 FrPBN Rés.0o0 553 Primary Sources 71 Madrid 1627 SU. Remon, Alonso (fl. 1561-1632). DISCURSOS | ELOGICOS Y APOLOGETICOS | EMPRESAS Y DIVISAS SOBRE | las triununfantes vida y muerte del glorioso Pa-| triarca San Pedro de Nolasco, primero Padre | de la sagrada religion del Orden de nues-|! tra sefiora de la Merced Redencion | de cautiuos. | AL EXCELENTISIMO SENOR DON | Enrique de Aragon y Cordoua Duque de Segorue y de Car-| dona, Marques de Comares y de Pallas, Conde de Empu-|! rias, y de Prades, Vizconde de Villamar, gran Condestable | de la Corona de Aragon, Alcaide de los Donzeles del Rey | nuestro sefior y de su Consejo de Estado, Seftor de la ciuda-| des de Luzena, y de Solsona, y de las Varonias de Entenza | Arbella, Iuneda, y Oriola, y del valle de Vxo sierra de | Eslida, Paterna, Ven- guacil, y de la Puebla, y de las villas de Espejo, Chillon, Canillas, Arches, | y Corumbela, & | POR EL PADRE MAE- STRO FRAY | Alonso Remon Predicador y Cronista General | de la misma Orden.!| CON PRIVILEGIO, | En Madrid, Por la viuda de Luis Sanchez. | Afto M.D.C. XXVII. Ato (iii) 168 pp. Sign. a4, A-V4, X2. Sixteen emblem plates with Latin epigrams and corresponding Spanish versions, followed by a prose commentary. Not in Praz or in Landwehr Salva 2, 2143 Palau 16, 260846 Sp R-3592 As 42.T.48 Madrid 1666 *SV. Rodriguez de Monforte, Pedro. DESCRIPCION | DE LAS HONRAS | QVE SE HICIERON ALA CATHOLICA | Mag.4 de D. Phelippe quarto Rey de las | Espafias y del nuevo Mundo en el Real | Conuento de la Encarnacion | QVE DE ORDEN | DE LA REYNA NRA SENORA COMO SVPER-| INTENDENTE DELAS REALES OBRAS | DISPVSO | D. BALTHASAR BARROS DE RIBERA | Marques de Malpica Mayordomo y Gentil | hombre de Camara de su Mag.4 que Dios aya | y Gouernador de la guarda Alemana | Y ESCRI- VIO | EL DOCTOR D. PEDRO RODRIGUEZ | de Monforte Capp." de honor de su Mg.4 Calificador | de la suprema exami- 72 Primary Sources nador sinodal deste Arcgobispado | y Cura de S. Iuan de Madrid.! (Colophon dated at the end of the book: Madrid, Francisco Nieto 1666. Followed by frontis: an allegory of fame and sorrow with the portrait of Philip IV signed P. Villafranca. 4to (xi) 440 pp. Sign. §4 -§§§2. 47 copperplates, excluding frontis; 42 of which are full-page emblems with Latin inscriptio, pictura, and Spanish verse sub- scriptio. Except for the frontis, none of the plates is signed. Salva assumes that they are also by Pedro de Villafranca. All of the plates for this imprint have been illustrated in Steven N. Orso’s Art and Death at the Spanish Habsburg Court: The Royal Exequies for Philip IV. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1989. Praz 475 Palau 17, 274588 Salva 2, 2143 Sim6n-Diaz Imp. 13443 Antonio 2, 232 Sp R-4830 Uk 605.e.31; 605e.30 FrLy 314.219 Escorial 38-IV-27 MB D.133.8 Santiago U. Madrid A. Hist. TxU DF.184.R63 13-1-3-764 -b47 1666 Madrid 1677 SW1. Rojas y Ausa, Juan de. Representaciones de la verdad vestida... Madrid: Por Antonio Gonzalez de Reyes, 1677. Ato (xii) 511 pp. (xii). 15 copperplates of emblems. Editio princeps. Not in Praz or Landwehr Palau 17, 275977 Re-edition Madrid 1679 SW2. . REPRESENTACIONES DE | LA VERDAD VESTIDA, MISTICAS, | MORALES, Y ALEGORICAS, SOBRE LAS SIETE | Moradas de Santa Teresa de Iesvs, Gloria del Carmelo, | y Maestra de la Primitiva | Observacion. | CARE- ADAS CON LA NOCHE OBSCVRA DEL B.P.S. | Iuan de la Cruz, primer Carmelita Descalco, manifestando la | conso- nancia, que estas dos celestiales plumas guardaron | al ensefiar 4 las almas el camino del Cielo.| ILVSTRADAS | CON Primary Sources 73 VERSOS SACROS, VARIOS GEROGLIFICOS, | Emblemas, y Empresas, estampadas para mayor inteligencia | de la Doctrina de la Serafica Doctora. | COMPVUESTAS | POR EL M R. PM. Fr. IVAN DE ROJAS Y AVSA, | Comendador que fue dos vezes del Convento de Cuenca, y | Examinador Sinodal de su Obispado: Vna del de Segovia y aora | segunda vez del de Madrid; y Difinidor General por su Provincia | de Castilla, del Real, y Militar Orden de Nuestra Sefiora de | la Merced, Redencion de Cautivos. Natural! de la Villa de Buenache de| Alarcon.!| Y DEDICADAS | AL ILUSTRISSIMO, Y REVERENDISSIMO SENOR D.F. | Iuan Assensio, Obispo antes de Lugo, aora de Auila, del Consejo de | su Magestad, General que fue del | dicho Orden, &c. | SEGUNDA IMPRESSION.| CON QVATRO TABLAS A LO ULTIMO, VNA DELOS | Capitulos, otra de los Versos, y otra de las Cosas notables, y | otra de las obras impressas del Autor.| CON PRIVILEGIO. EN MADRID por Antonio Gongalez de! Reyes, Afio de 1679.| A costa de Gabriel de Leon, Mercader de Libros. Vendese en su casa! en la Puerta del Sol. Ato (xii) 511 pp. (xii). 15 plates of emblems. Engr. frontis. with a castle and a portrait of Sta. Teresa. The emblems with motto, pictura, and prose text, or sometimes with motto, pictura,and epigram, illustrate the description of Santa Teresa’s moradas. Editio optima. Not in Praz or Landwehr Palau 17, 275977b Sp R-33.710 ItCaU Sal.1575 Leon P. Munich 1640 *SX1. Saavedra Fajardo, Diego de (1584-1648). Engr. t.p. Title in- side an archway topped in the center by a crowned orb with a rudder, with the motto HOC OPVS, flanked by suits of armor, shields and other attributes of war. The archway is flanked by equestrian figures of a king on the left (Philip IV), and a knight on the right (the Cardenal Infante). Under the king the motto reads VIRTUTEM EX ME; under the knight EX ME LABOREM ET FORTUNAM. In the center the title reads: IDEA | DE VN PRINCIPE | POLITICO CHRISTIANO | representada en cien 74 Primary Sources Empresas | DEDICADA | AL PRINCIPE DE LA ESPANAS | NVESTRO SENOR | POR | D. DIEGO SAAVEDRA FAJARDO | del Consejo de su Magestad | en el Supremo de las Indias, i | su Embajador extraordinario en | Mantua, i Esguizaros i Residente | en Alemania.| Inside an oval cartouche, topped by a winged Amor, at the bottom: EN MONACO | En la emprenta | de Nicolao Enrico a 1 de Marzo | 1640 | Signed lower left: IOANNES SADELER. 4to (xvi) 711 pp. (v) 101 imprese copperplates with Latin mottoes by Jean Sadeler and prose commentary including the preliminary and the final im- presa; illustration for the second impresa (p. 7) is missing in some copies. Dedicated to Baltasar Carlos Domingo, Prince of Asturias. Impresa 20 (p. 135) and impresa 90 (p. 632), are signed Ioan Sadeler fecit. Editio princeps. Praz 483 Antonio 2, 312 Landwehr 3, 515 Palau 18, 283441 FMU JC160 .S2.1640 NN SEB OU JC160. S2 Uk 714.34 NRU MH Emb 16.40 IaU *JC160 .S2 UkGU S.M.1464 DFo 6349 .S13 1640 Cage FrPBN Z.3638; Z.924 CtY Beinecke Ocg45. NjP (Ex)7510 .796.15 Sa12.1640 Milan 1642 7X: . Similar engr. t.p. as SX1, but executed by a finer hand. There are some modifications in text of the t.p.: IDEA | DE VN PRINCIPE POLITICO | CHRISTIANO|! Rapresentada en cien empresas | DEDICADA | AL PRINCIPE DE LAS ESPANAS | NVESTRO SENOR |! POR | Don Diego de Saauedra Faxardo Caua | llero del Orden de S. Iago, del Consejo de su | Mag.4 en el supremo de las Indias, i su Emba | jador Plenipotenciario en los Treze Canto | nes, en la Dieta Imperial de Ratisbona por el | Circulo, i Casa de Borgona, i en el Con | greso de Munster para la Paz General. Inside the oval cartouche at the bottom: EN MONACO | A 1 de Marzo 1640 | EN MILAN | A 20 de Abril 1642. Under the king and knight the labels have been changed to read: ET PATER AENEAS under Primary Sources 75 the king; ET AVVNCVLVS | EXCITAT HECTOR under the knight. No visible signature. 4to (xx) 753 pp. Sign.*-**4, "4 A-Z4, Aa-Zz*t, Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa-Zzzz4, Aaaaa- Bbbbb4, Ccccc?. 101 imprese with Latin mottoes and Spanish prose commen- tary. Dedicated to Baltasar Carlos Domingo, Prince of Asturias. New but infe- rior engravings based on those of Sadeler. The order has been changed and additions were made to the prose text. Two new imprese have been added (5 and 14); Munich 95 and 96 have been merged into one with a new pictura and motto: Milan 96; Munich 20 and 21 changed text and motto into Milan 22 and 23; Munich 19 was substituted for Milan 21; the picturae for Munich 5, 38, 62 (Milan 6, 40, 72) have been changed; so have the mottoes for Munich 38, 62, 86 and 69 (Milan 40, 72, 87 and 54 respectively). These changes seem to follow a design to group the imprese in seven different categories. In the epilogue of the first edition, Saavedra Fajardo promises to correct the errors and to enlarge the segunda impression with new materials. This edition of Milan is the model for all the subsequent editions of the Empresas politicas. Editio optima. Landwehr 1, 651 Antonio 2, 312 Praz 483 Palau 18, 283442 MdB]J JC160 .S2.1642c Uk 521e.25; 89.e.8 NcD D-7.g1121 MB Reserve 7562.55 UkGU S.M. 1465 PU Lea Lib. S-14.2.23 DFo PN6349 .S131643 TxU 320.1 ‘Sal 21.1643 NNH History ItCaU Sal.4626 Modern editions SX3. ———. Same as above. Idea de un principe... Valencia: Sal- vador Fauli, 1800. 2 vols. SX4. —. Same as above. Idea de un principe... Madrid: Imp. Garcia, 1819. 3 vols. SX5. ———. Same as above. Empresas politicas 0 Idea de un principe... Tesoro de Autores Ilustres, vols. 39-40. Barcelona: Imprenta de J. Oliveres, Editor, 1845. SX6. . Same as above. Empresas politicas...In Obras...together with the works of P. Fernandez de Navarrete. Ed. Rivadeneyra. BAE. Vol. 25, 1853; reprinted in 1861, 1866, 1920, 1926 and 1947. 76 Primary Sources SX7. — . Same as above. Las empresas politicas 0 Idea de un principe...Biblioteca Econémica de Clasicos Castellanos. Paris: Michaud, 1912? 2 vols. SX8. . Same as above. Empresas politicas...In Obras. Recopi- lacién estudio preliminar y prol6go y notas de Angel Gonzalez Palencia. Madrid: Aguilar, 1946. Reproduces the text of Vicente Garcia de Diego’s edition with higher quality illustrations of the imprese. SX9. . Same as above. Idea de un principe....Ed., introd., and notes by Vicente Garcia de Diego. Clasicos Castellanos. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1959. 4 vols. (original printing, Madrid: La Lectura, 1927-30). The standard edition of the Empresas with an excellent introduction and notes. The orthography of the text has been arbitrarily regularized and the illustrations are crude sketches that lack the beauty of the period editions. Volume 4 contains an appendix with a sample of the prose of the Munich’s editio princeps. SX10. . Same as above. Empresas politicas....(Partial edition) Ed., introd., and notes by Manuel Fraga Iribarne. Salamanca: Editorial Anaya, 1972. Reproduces 68 of the empresas, the illus- trations are the same as SX9. XII. . Same as above. Empresas politicas...Ed., introd. by Quintin Aldea Vaquero. Madrid: Editora Nacional, 1976. 2 vols. The orthography of the text has been arbitrarily regularized. The illustrations correspond to the Milan text for the new im- prese and carry the Munich illustrations for the others. Useful introductory material and tables for comparison of the contents of the Munich and the Milan editions. This is in fact a compos- ite edition. Facsimile edition SX12. . Same as above. Empresas politicas... Ed. by the Ayu- ntamiento de Murcia in the Fourth Centenary of Saavedra Fajardo. With introductory essays by Rodrigo Fernandez Carvajal, Francisco Javier Guillamén Alvarez, and Jestis Ma- Primary Sources 77 ria Gonzalez de Zarate. Instituto Alfonso el Sabio: Universidad de Murcia, 1985. Antwerp 1655 *SX13. . Engr. t.p. with the same design as SX1. IDEA | DE VN PRINCIPE POLITICO | CHRISTIANO, | Representada en cien empresas, | DEDICADA | AL PRINCIPE DE LAS ESPANAS | NVESTRO SENOR, | POR | DON DIEGO DE SAAVEDRA FAXARDO | Cavallero del Orden de S. IAGO, | del Consejo de su Magestad en | el Supremo de las Indias, i su | Embajador Plenipotenciario en | los Treze Cantones, en la Dieta | Imperial de Ratisbona, por el | Circulo i Casa de Borgona, i en | el Congreso de Munster para la | Paz General | EN AMBERES, | En casa de IERONYMO | Y | IVAN BAPT. VERDVSSEN, | 1655 |. 4to (x) 791 pp. (i) Sign. *-**4-, **2, A-Z4 Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa-Zzzz4, Aaaaa*-Gggegg3. 102 copperplates of imprese with Latin mottoes by Sadeler within baroque cartouches followed by Spanish prose commentary. T.p. and imprese 22 and 47 are signed by J. Sadeler. The impresa “al lector” is missing. Landwehr 2, 575; 1, 654 Peeters-Fontainas 2, 1152 Praz 483 Palau 18, 283445 Salloch 291, 176 PU 320.1 .Sa11b Uk 8007e. 38 NNH History Louvain NIC JC.160 .S11.1655 CaOTU D-10.2194 MB Reserve 7562.61 FrPBN Z.6639 ICN Case .W1025.76 FrLy DFo PN 6349.S13 CtY Ocg 45.Sa12.640c. 1655 Cage UkGU S.M. 1466; NN Spencer Coll. S.M. Add.q3 Neth 1655 Facsimile edition SX14. . Same as above. Idea de un principe... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Company AG. No. EO-739/1. Microfiche. Erroneously labeled as Valencia 1665. 78 Primary Sources Valencia 1655 SX15. ———. Same as above. Idea de un principe...Valencia: Geronimo Villagrasa, 1655. 4to (xiv) 694 pp. Sign. a8; A-Z8; Aa-Tt 8; Vul0. 102 imprese. Landwehr 2, 653 Palau 18, 283446 CU-A JC160 .S2.1655 UkGU S.M. Add. 232 Valencia 1656 SX16. . Same as above. Idea de un principe....Va enmendada en esta quarta edicidn de todos los yerros que havia en otras. Con licencia en Valencia, en casa de los hered. de Christos Garriz por Bernardo Nogués, junto al molino de nouella Ano 1656. A costa de Mateo Regil, junto al Colegio del senor Patriarca. 8vo (viii) 694 pp. 100 imprese. Not in Landwehr Palau 18, 283447 NN C-10.675 Valencia 1658 SX17. . Idea de un principe...Con licencia, en Valencia, por Gerénimo Villagrasa, en la calle de las Barcas. Ano MDCLVIII. A costa de Mateo Regil, junto al Colegio del Senor Patriarca. Ato (viii) 692 pp. 100 imprese. Not in Landwehr Palau 18, 283448 MiU JC160 .S277.1658 NN SEB AzU JC.160 .S2.1658 CU Primary Sources 79 Amsterdam 1658 SX18. . Idea de un principe...Amstelodami, Apud Joh. Janso- nium Juniorem, 1658. 12mo 983 pp. 101 plates of imprese. Not in Landwehr Palau 18, 283449 Gallardo 4, 3746 PSt T320.1 .S$a12i.1658 Amsterdam 1659 SX19. . Idea de un principe... Amstelodami. Apud Ioh. Iansso- nium Iuniorem, 1659 12mo (xxiv) 831 pp. (ii). 101 plates of imprese. Sign. A-Z12, Aa-Nn!2 (Nn!1 and Nn!2 blank). Landwehr 1, 655 Palau 18, 283451 ICN Case*W.1025.765 FrPBN E.3068 UkGU S.M. 931 Rouen M. N.B. There is also an edition of Amsterdam: Jansonium Jr., 1659 of the same format and size of the above, with a Spanish t.p. and text in Latin, which has often been confused with SX19. Copies at NjP (Ex)JC160 .xS2.1659s and DFo PN6349 .S13 L4 1659. Modern edition SX20. . Same as above. Idea de un principe... In Henkel and Schone, Emblemata. Described on pp. CXCV-VI. Only a short passage from the prose commentary has been reproduced. Some of the engravings have been omitted when the motif has been previously illustrated. 80 Primary Sources Antwerp 1659 SX21. . Idea de un principe...En Amberes en casa de Ieronymo y Iuan Bapt. Verdussen. 1659. 4to. Pagination and signatures like the Antwerp 1655 edition. 102 imprese. Landwehr 1, 655 Palau 18, 283450 Peeters-Fontainas 2, 1153 WaU 704.946 .Sal.2il Rouen M. Mt.M.4619 MH-L (alph) Louvain Valencia 1660 SX22. . Idea de un principe...en Valencia, en casa de los hered. de Christosf. Garriz, por Bernardo Nogués, junto al molino de Rovella, Aito 1660 A Costa de Mateo Regil junto al Colegio del senor Patriarca. 4to (vii) 694 pp. Sign. q8, A-Z8,Aa-Vv8, Xx2. 102 woodcuts of imprese. Landwehr 1, 658 Praz 483 Palau 18, 283452 CtY Walpole.722.660s UkGU S.M. Add.21 Amsterdam 1664 SX23. ——-—. Idea de un principe...Amstelodami, Apud Joh. Janssonium Juniorem, 1664. 12mo (xviii) 983 pp. 101 imprese. Landwehr 1, 657; 2, 577 Palau 18, 283453 NjR X.JC610.S19 Uk 80005.aa.36. CLU-C *JC160 .S212 1664 MH Emb 16.65 MnU Z320.1 Sali Primary Sources 81 Valencia 1664 SX24. ———. Idea de un principe...En Valencia, Juan Lorenzo Cabrera, 1664. Ato (xviii) 683 pp. 101 imprese. Palau 18, 283455 Not in Landwehr Uk 1489.a.20 PU 320.1 .Sa11 Valencia 1665 SX25. . Idea de un principe...Va enmendada en esta tercera impression de todos los hierros que avia en las otras. Valencia, Por Jerénimo Villagrasa, 1665. 4to. 101 imprese. Not in Landwehr Palau 18, 283455 CU-A JC160.S2.1655 Santiago U. Madrid 1666 SX26. . Idea de un principe...dedicadas al senior licenciado don Iuan de Giles Pretel, Abogado Primario, Celebre, y Eruditissimo de los Reales Consejos en esta Corte, Consultor del Santo Oficio, Assessor de la Sacra Assemblea de la Religion de San Juan, y de la Capitania General de la Artilleria de Espafia 1666...Con licencia en Madrid: por Andrés Garcia de la Iglesia y a su costa. Vendese en su Imprenta, en la calle de la Concepcion Gerénima. 4to (viii) 693 pp. (i) Errors in pagination. Sign. §8, A-Z8, Aa-Vv8, xXx2. 101 woodcuts of imprese in cartouches of different design. Landwehr 1, 659 Palau 18, 283456 IU (uncat) UkGU S.M.935 NhD JC160.S2.1666 82 Primary Sources Re-edition Valencia 1675 *SX27. . Idea de un principe...vVa enmendada en esta sexta impressi6n de todos los yerros que avia en las otras, dedicada al Principe de las Espanas Nuestro Senor. (arms of Regil) Valencia por Francisco Ciprés, en la calle de las Barcas, 1675. A costa de Mateo Regil, enfrente de la Diputacion... 4to (xvi) 694 pp. Sign. A-Z4; Aa-Vv4, X4. Errors in pagination. 101 imprese. Landwehr 1, 660 Palau 18, 283458 Salva 2, 2154 NN SEB CSmH 377209 FU 320.1 .S11i.1675 UkGU S.M. 937 CLU JC.160 .S14i.1675 PPiU 1675 .S735.S11 PSt JC160 .S2.1675 Uk 521.e.26. Re-edition Madrid 1675 SX28. . Idea de un principe...En Madrid, En la Imprenta Real. Acosta de Iuan de San Vicente, Mercader de Libros. Vendese en su casa, en frente de San Felipe, 1675. 4to 693 pp. 101 imprese. Landwehr 1, 661 Palau 18, 283459 UkGU S.M. 936 ItCaU S.G.5.4.85 Amsterdam 1684 SX29. . Idea de un principe...Amstelodami, Janssonium, 1684. 8vo 691 pp. 101 imprese. Not in Landwehr or Praz Palau 18, 283461 Primary Sources 83 Re-edition Valencia 1695 *SX30. . Engr. t.p. in red and black. IDEA | DE UN PRIN- CIPE | POLITICO, | Y CHRISTIANO, | REPRESENTADA | EN CIEN EMPRESSAS. | POR | D. DIEGO SAAVEDRA FAXARDO | CAVALLERO DEL ORDEN DE SANTIAGO, | del Consejo de S.M. en el Indias, y su Embaxador | Plenipoten- ciario para la Paz General.| ANO (printer’s device in a rectan- gular frame: lion rampant holding a scroll with the initials P.D.I.) 1695 | EN VALENCIA, por Vicente Cabrera | con las Licencias necessarias. 4to (x) 691 pp. Sign 96, A-Z8, Aa-Vv8, Xx2. 101 imprese. Landwehr 1, 662 MWelIC 868.36 N1 UkGU S.M. 938 FMU JC160 .S2.1695 MWelC 868.36 N1 NN Spencer Coll. NjP (Ex)N7710.S32 1695 Span. 1695 Antwerp 1677-78 Soil: . Idea de un principe...In OBRAS DE DON DIEGO DE SAAVEDRA FAXARDO...[part one]...EN AMBERES. En casa de Juan Bautista Verdussen, impressor y mercader de libros MDCLXXVII. 2° vol. I (vii) 398 pp. (v) in the same folio volume with one other work of Saavedra Fajardo. 101 imprese. Peeters-Fontainas 2, 1146 Palau 18, 283426 M. Plantin M. AzuU JC160 .82 1678 Louvain NNH HC:NS4/192 Facsimile edition $X32. . Same as above. Idea de un principe...Ed. by El Banco Ibérico. Madrid: Taurus, 1967. A bibliophile edition of 300 num- bered copies. 84 Primary Sources Antwerp 1678-81 *SX33. ——-—. Idea de un principe...In OBRAS DE DON DIE- GO...EN DOS TOMOS DIVIDIDAS. EL PRIMERO CON- TIENE IDEA DE UN...EN AMBERES. En casa de JUAN BAUTISTA VERDUSSEN... MDCLXXxXI. 29 vol. I, part I (vi) 398 pp. (iv). 101 imprese. Together with Idea de un principe, vol. I contains another work (La Republica Literaria) of Saavedra Fajardo indi- vidually paginated. Dedicated by Verdussen to Auberto van den Eeden, Bishop of Antwerp. Palau 18, 283427 Louvain NjP (Ex)3176 .885.1678q Be DFo PQ6431.S13.1681 MH Span.5329.3F PV O.PQ6431 .S13.Vol. NNH History FrIH R-D341 N.B. The editions of Saavedra Fajardo’s Empresas politicas in Spanish fall into three recognizable families with a common proto- type, the Milan 1642 edition. In 1655 the first two families emerge. The Verdussen editions of Antwerp that culminate with the set of complete works of Saavedra Fajardo in 1681 constitute one family. The other family is formed by the Valencian editions of Villagrasa, the heirs of Garriz, Ciprés, and Mateo Cabrera. The two Madrid editions, which can be considered as part of a sub-family, are based on the Valencia 1660 edition of Garriz. The third family is represented by the 12mo (pocket editions) of Amsterdam, probably based in the Antwerp 1655 edition of Verdussen. Garriz calls his (Valencia) 1656 edition, since he counts all previ- ous editions, “a corrected fourth edition which emends all the mis- takes contained in the others.” In 1665 Villagrasa calls his edition of Valencia “a corrected third printing which emends all mistakes con- tained in the others.” Francisco Ciprés published in 1675 the last of the carefully produced Valencian editions which he calls, as he counts his own as well as other Valencian editions, a “sixth printing which emends all the mistakes contained in the others.” The two Mateo Cabrera editions (Valencia 1664 and Valencia 1695) are the most crudely produced items of the Valencian family. The Verdussen editions of Antwerp were produced with great care; the Primary Sources 85 one contained in the complete works of Saavedra Fajardo (1678-81) evokes the quality of the printing and the beauty of the engravings found in the Munich edition of 1640. Madrid 1599 *SY1. Soto, Hernando de (1568-?). Woodcut. t.p. depicting open archway flanked by two columns and topped by a shield with a ducal crown with the motto POR SER TAN GRAN SENOR ACRECIENTAN SV. Title on center reads EMBLEMAS, | MORALIZADAS | por HERNANDO DE SOTO, CON | TADOR Y VEEDOR DELA CASA | DE CASTILLA DE SU | MAGESTAD.| Dirigidas a don Francisco Gomez de | Sandoual, Duque de Lerma, Mar-|! ques de Denia.!| CON PRIVILEGIO,!| EN MADRID | Por los herederos de Iuan Imiguez | de Lequerica.| 15.9.9. EN MADRID | En casa del Licencia-| do Varez de Castro,| Afio de M.D. |XC.IX 8vo (xvi) 134 pp. (i) Sign. q-qq8, A-R8, St. 60 emblem woodcuts with Latin mottoes, with Spanish translations, followed by Spanish redondillas and prose commentary. Tercets to the Virgin, pp. 130-135. Emblematic portrait of de Soto at the beginning of the emblem text. Praz 500 Landwehr 1, 695 Pérez-Pastor 1, 658 Palau 22, 320230 NNH PN6490 .S71 1599 NeKU FrPBN Rés. Z.2561 UkGU S.M. 985 CU-S PQ6208.E5. DLC PN6355 .S6 $6.1599a (film) As Modern edition SY2. . Same as above. Emblemas moralizadas... In Henkel and Schone, Emblemata. Described on page CXCVII. Reproduces some of the emblems with verse epigram, omits prose commen- tary. Makes reference to all the emblems when the main motif is indexed. 86 Primary Sources Facsimile edition rede . Same as above. Emblemas moralizadas... Reproduced from the copy at the Madrid National Library? Introd. by Carmen Bravo Villasante. Coleccién Facsimiles, nim. 9. Madrid: Fundacién Universitaria Espanola, 1981. Brief conven- tional bibliography. Baeza 1613 *SZ. Villava, Francisco de. Woodcut t.p.: open archway flanked by columns with the filigreed initials IHS on top. The date is on the bottom in a _ rectangular cartouche. EMPRESAS | ESPIRITUALES | Y MORALES, en que se | finge, que diferen- tes supuestos las traen | al modo estrangero, el pe-| samiento, en q mas pueden senalarse: assi | en virtud, como en vicio, de manera | que pueden servir a la Chris-| tiana piedad.| Por ocasion de la prime-| ra Empresa, que se dirige al supremo Consejo de la santa y general Inquisicion de Espafia, se ha-| ze vn largo discurso apologético, con-| tra la seta de los Agapetas y | Alumbrados.| Compuestas por el Mae-! tro(sic) Iuan Francisco de Villava, Prior de la Villa de Iavalquinto, del | Obispado de Iaen.! con privilegio,| En Baeca, por Fernando Diaz de Montoya | Afio 1613 | 4to. In three parts: (iv) 114 ff. ; 96 ff. ; 198 ff. (xxxiii). Sign. (*4) A-08, p2 F p?, p8, Cc8-Dd?2; Eee8-Fff6; q-qqqq4. 50 half-page woodcuts of emblems with Latin mottoes in baroque architectural borders followed by Spanish verse and a prose commentary in the first part; 49 emblems for the second part. The re- maining pages are an additional prose commentary for emblem 1. Palau 27, 368884 Landwehr 1, 773 Salva 2, 2185 Lathrop 223, 79 NNH Religion Uk 4405 g.13 TxU 868 .V713e FrPBN Z.3637 ICN Case W.1025.9466 ItCaU Sal. 7095 Primary Sources 87 First part Madrid 1594 SZz1. Zamora, Lorenzo de (?-1614). Monarquia mystica de la Iglesia hecha de Geroglificos sacados de humanas y divinas letras... Primera parte. Madrid 1594. Text only. No editions in Praz or Palau 28, 379142 Landwehr. N.B. Antonio (1, 11) cites Madrid 1594, presumably as a first edi- tion. This imprint as well as a Valencia 1604 have not been located. Pérez Pastor (1, 461) cites Antonio. Barcelona 1604 BOZO) . Monarchia | MYSTICA | DE LA YGLESIA, HE-| cha de Hieroglificos, saca-! dos de humanas y diuinas letras. | Compuesta por el P. F. Laurencio de Zamora, natural de Ocafia, mon-|! ge Cisterciense, y Lector de Escritura en el Colegio de nuestro | P.S. Bernardo de Alcala | DIRIGIDA AL INSIGNE Y DEVOTO MO- | nasterio de nuestra Senora de Huerta la Real.| Tratase de la cabeza invisible de la Yglesia, los atributos suyos; el mysterio | de la inefable Trinidad: la visible, y sus perfeciones. | PRIMERA PARTE .| (Printer’s device: phoenix in flames with motto Ex me ipso renascor in baroque cartouche) CON LICENCIA, | Impressa en Barcelona, en casa de Sebastian de Cormellas.!| Ano M.D.C. III] | A Costa de Rafael Vives, Mercader de Libros. 4to (xxiv) 622 pp. Text only. KyU 231 .Z14 Madrid 1604 SZz3. . Monarquia mistica....Primera parte..... En Madrid. Por Luis Sanchez, Afto M.DCIIII A Costa de Bautista Lopez, mer- cader de libros. Ato (xx) 798 pp. (xliv). Sign. ***, ***, A-Z 8, Aa- Zz 8, Aaa- LII8. Text only. 88 Primary Sources Palau 28, 379143 Pérez Pastor 2, 900 Santiago U. Valencia 1604 SZz4. . Monarquia mistica...Primera parte...En Valencia, por Pedro Patricio Mey. Anto M. D. C IIII. A costa de Baltasar Simon, mercader de libros. 4to. Text only. Palau 28, 379145 NNH Poetry Barcelona 1608 SZZO. . Monarquia mistica...Primera parte...Con Licencia. Impresssa en Barcelona. Afio M.D C. VIII. A costa de Iuan Simon, Mercader de libros... Impressa en Barcelona en casa de Gabriel Graells y Giraldo Dotil Afto 1608. 4to. Text only. Palau 28, 379146 Sp Second part Alcala de Henares 1601 SZz6. . Monarchia | Mystica de la | Iglesia, hecha de hiero- gly-| ficos, sacados de humanas y diuinas letras: en que | se trata de la composicion del cuerpo | mistico de la Iglesia. | Compuesta por el P. F. | Lorengo de Zamora, Le-|! ctor de Escriptura en el Colegio de San Bernardo de Alcala. | Dirigida a Dona Victoria Colona | Duquesa de Rioseco, Cédesa de Melgar y Modica &c. | Tratase en esta segunda parte Del Primary Sources 89 conocimiento propio, De la cayda del pri-| mer hombre, De las miserias de la humana naturaleza, y de los | efectos del pecado | Afio (device) 1601 | Con privilegio. | En Alcala. Por Justo Sanchez Crespo, 1601. | Ato (viii) 695 pp. (xxiv). Text only. Palau 28, 379147 Alcala de Henares 1603 SZz7. . Monarchia Mystica...Va corregida y enmendada por el mismo Autor...En Alcala por Iusto Sanchez Crespo. A Costa de Bautista Lopez Mercader de libros...Ano MD C. III Ato (viii) 763 pp. Oxxxiii). Text only. Palau 28, 379148 FrPBN 10577 Zaragoza 1603 5Zz8. . Monarchia Mystica...Segunda parte...Ano (printer’s device) 1603. En Caragoca por Alonso Rodriguez. A costa de Iuan Bonilla, Mercader de libros. 4to 658 pp. Text only. Palau 28, 379149 Barcelona 1608 $Zz9. . Monarchia Mystica... por Laurencio de Camora ...segunda parte...Afio (woodcut of St. Lawrence) 1608...En Barcelona. Afio MCVIII. A costa de Iuan Sim6én mercader de li- bros. En la Emprentas de Gabriel Graells y Giraldo Dotil. Ano 1608. Ato (iv) 658 pp. (xi). Text only. Palau 28, 379150 90 Primary Sources Madrid 1611 *SZz10: . Monarchia Mystica...Va corregida y enmendada ..por el mismo Autor. Dirigida a Donia Victoria Colona, Duquesa de Rioseco...Tratase en esta segunda parte...Ano (device) 1611. Con Privilegio. En Madrid por Iuan de la Cuesta. A costa de Iuan Berrillo, mercader de libros. Ato (vill) 763 pp. (xxiv). Text only. Palau 28, 379151 Pérez Pastor 2, 1161 PEC BL 700:Z3 FrPBN D.10578 MH-AH Third part Madrid 1611 SZZ11; . Tercera parte | de la Monarchia mystica de | la Yglesia, hecha de hieroglificos sacados de humanas y diui-| nas letras .| Tratanse en ella las alabanzas, | y prerrogativas de la Virgen madre y Sefora nuestra; con sus nueue fies- | tas princi- pales, y mas tres symbolos del Rosario Nieues,| Soledad y llanto de la misma Virgen. | Compuesta por el Padre Maestro Fray | Lorenzo de Zamora, Visitador General de la orden de nuestro padre san | Bernardo en la regular obseruancia de estos Reynos de Castilla. | Dirigida a la Serenissima Reyna de los Angeles | cuyas excelencias, y virtudes en este libro se tratan. | Afto (device) 1611. | Con privilegios de Castilla y Aragon | y Portugal | En Madrid Por Iuan de la Cuesta. Vendese en casa de Francisco de Robles, librero del Rey N. S.| 4to (vii) 865 pp. (xliv). Sign. A-Z8, Aa-Zz8, Aaa-lii8, J-4111198. Text only. Palau 28, 379152 Pérez Pastor 2, 1162 Santiago U. Primary Sources 91 Barcelona 1614 $Zz12. . Tercera parte...Monarchia mystica...En Barcelona, Por Gabriel Graells y Esteuan Libreros. A costa de Ioan Simén Mercader de Libros, 1614. Ato. 1 tome in two vols. (xii) 631 pp. Text only. Palau 28, 379153 Madrid 1617 SSZZi9. . Monarquia Mystica...En Madrid, por Luis Sanchez Impressor del Rey nuestro senor. A costa de Alonso Pérez mer- cader de libros. Ano M.DCXVII 2° (vi) 625 pp. (xxvii) of indexes: Tablas de los Santos, Tabla general, Index loco- rum Sacrae Scripturae, Tabla de todas las cosas notables. Text only. Palau 28, 379154 Pérez Pastor 2, 1514 DLC BT 600.Z3 FrPBN D.2804 bis(1) NNH Poetry N.B. According to Palau, the fourth and fifth parts were never published. The sixth part claims to be so in the prologue, but it is in effect the seventh part. The eighth part is termed thus on the title page, and is called the seventh part in the prologue. Seventh part Alcala de Henares 1605 SZz14. ———. Monarquia Mistica de la Iglesia, hecha de Ayeroglificos...Dirigida a...Santa Catalina y Santa Inés. Tratase de las personas eminentes que en la Iglesia ha auido, Apostoles, Martyres, Confessores, y Virgines. Séptima parte Ano (device) 1605. Con Privilegio Impressa en Alcala de Henares, en casa de la Viuda de Iuan Gracian que sea en gloria 1605. Ato (viii) 792 pp. Text only. 92 Primary Sources Palau 28, 379155 Barcelona 1605 $Zz15. . MONAROQVIA | MISTICA | DE LA IGLESIA, | HECHA DE HIEROGLIFICOS, | SACADOS DE HUMANAS Y DIVINAS | letras, en que se trata de la armonia del cuerpo | mistico de la Iglesia.| COMPVESTA POR EL P. F. LORENCO DE | Camora natural de Ocafia, Monge Cisterciense, Lector de Escritura | del Colegio de nuestro Padre San Bernardo | de Alcala.! DIRIGIDA A DOS INCLITAS | Virgines y Martyres Santa Catalina, y Santa Ines.| Tratase de las personas Eminentes | que en la Santa Iglesia a auido, Apostoles, Martyres,| Confessores y Virgines.| SEPTIMA PARTE | ANO (round vignette of the cross with a crown of thorns) 1605 | CON LICENCIA | Impressa en Barcelona, en casa de Sebastian de Cormellas al Call. | Vendense en mesma Emprenta. | 4to. (viii) 346 pp.(Ix). Text only. Palau 28, 379156 MH-AH 702 .Z25m.1605 San Pedro del Real 1608 $Zz16. . Monarchia Mystica...hecha de geroglificos...Séptima parte, Tomo I Afto (device) 1608. Con Priuilegio de Castilla y Aragon. Impreso en la Granja de San Pedro del Real de Huerta. 4to (viii) 702 pp. Text only. Palau 28, 379157 Madrid 1609 SZzl7. . Séptima parte...Monarquia Mystica...Dirigida al inclito Prothomartyr San Esteuan Tomo Segundo Afio (device) 1609...En Madrid Por Iuan de la Cuesta. A costa de Gabriel de Loaysa mercader de libros... Primary Sources 93 Ato (viii) 812 pp. (xlvii). Sign. Y, A-Z 8 Aa-Zz8, Aaa- Eee8. Text only. Palau 28, 379159 Pérez Pastor 2, 1078 FrPBN 10579 Barcelona 1611 $Zz18. . Monarquia Mystica...van afiadidos en esta impression otros tantos Symbolos...Séptima parte, Tomo Primero Ajo (device) 1611...En Barcelona por Hieronymo Margarit, y a su costa. Ato (viii) 678 pp. Text only. Palau 28, 379158 Barcelona 1611 $Zz19. ———. Séptima parte...Monarchia Mystica... Tomo Segundo.... Aflo (device) 1611. Barcelona en la Emprenta de Lorenco Deu, A Costa de Iuan Simon, mercader de libros. 4to. Text only. Palau 28, 379160 ItCaU Sal. 10659 Barcelona 1612 $Zz20. ———. Séptima parte...Monarchia Mystica...Tomo Tercero. Afio (device) 1612 ...En Barcelona, Por Hieronymo Margarit. A costa de Iuan Sim6én, mercader de libros. Ato (vi) 599 pp. Text only. Palau 28, 379161 94 Primary Sources Eighth part Madrid 1616-17 SZzZ21, . Octava parte de la Monarchia Mystica ...Tratase de las armas defensivas y ofensivas, y patrones que dex6 Christo para su Yglesia, A don Iuan Roco Campofrio del Orden de Alcantara, Arcediano de Coria del Consejo de su Magestad, de la santa, y general Inquisicion.Ano (shield of the patron) 1617...En Madrid, Por Iuan de la Cuesta. Vendese en casa de Francisco de Robles, librero del Rey nuestro senor. Page 307 begins: Libro segundo de la Octava Parte de la Monarchia Mystica...Tratase de Exercito de Campana, que formo Dios de la virtudes para defensa suya... Ano (device) 1616. En Madrid, Por Iuan de la Cuesta. Ano MDCXVII. 2° Two tomes in one volume (iv) 307 pp. ; 275 pp. (xxvi). Text only. Palau 28, 379162 Pérez Pastor 2, 1515 FrPBN _ D. 2804 bis(2) N.B. The Monarquia Mistica de la Iglesia is not an emblem book, although its encyclopaedic accumulations of religious symbols and iconographical attributes has earned it a short mention in emblem book compilations. None of the editions of the Monarquia is illus- trated. The only attempt to catalog the confusing set of editions and continuations has been made by Palau (28, pp. 330-33) on whom I have relied very heavily. Variants exist for t.p. of SZz2 and $Zz21. Pérez Pastor (2, 1163) cites an edition in folio for $Zz11. Burgos 1684 SAa. Zarraga, Francisco de. Séneca juez de si mismo, impugnado, de- fendido, y ilustrado. En la causa politica, y moral, que litigan Don Alonso Nunez de Castro, Don Diego Ramirez de Albelda y Don Juan Banos de Velasco y Azevedo. En Burgos, por Juan de Viar. 4to 359 pp. 23 emblem woodcuts in oval cartouches with Latin mottoes and Spanish explicatio. A prose commentary titled sentencia follows each woodcut. Primary Sources 95 These are the same 23 questiones presented by Bafios de Velasco in his emblem book. Vid. also Juan Bafios de Velasco and Alonso Nuijiez de Castro. Not in Landwehr or Praz Sp R-2-7143; 3-692-77 Section T. Translations into Spanish Antwerp? 1700 *TA. Bundeto, Carlos. Ed. Tr.?!| EL | ESPEJO | DE LA | MUER- TE,!| En que se notan los Medios de prepararse | PARA MORIR,| Por consideraciones sobre la Cena, la Passion,| y la Muerte.!| DE! JESU CHRISTO,| Con muy Curiosas Empresas Emblematicas | Explicadas por Don CARLOS BUNDETO, | Clerigo y Licenciado en Theologia | Vivere tota vita discendum est; et quod mage fortasse miraberis, tota vita discendum | est mori. Seneca de breuit. vitae. Cap. VII | (fleuron) | EN AMBERES | En Casa de JORGIO GALLET | Director de la Emprenta | M.DCC.|! Con Aprobacion. T.p. printed in red and black. 4to (i) 110 pp. Sign. A-04. 39 full-page emblematic engravings with facing scriptural mottoes in Spanish and in Latin followed by a prose commentary. Dedicated to Inés de Zufliga y Fonseca, Condesa de Monterrey. The engrav- ings are by Romeyn De Hooghe. Praz assumes the work to be a translation of David de la Vigne’s Spiegel om wel te sterven... Amsterdam: Stigter, 1694. The anonymous Advertencia to the Spanish edition declares the work to be by “a re- ligioso de la orden de S. Francisco”---and explained and annotated by “una persona que no tiene menos espiritu que saber’---presumably Bundeto. Peeters-Fontainas concludes that the Espejo was first published in Spanish be- fore 1673, and later in French, before the Dutch edition ever appeared. He also believes “Amberes” to be a fictitious place of publication for “Amsterdam.” The engravings appeared in some Dutch editions in an ap- pendix written by a M. Chertablon, which has caused the work to be cataloged under his name. The engravings appeared in de la Vigne’s Miroir de la bonne mort in 1674, 1694, and in 1700. The latter under La maniére de se bien preparer a la mort by de Chertablon. Funck states that the work was first published by “a Pére Recollet espagnol” under the title Espejo de la buena muerte. The role of David de la Vigne (de la Vifia) as a possible author of the text remains un- clear, as well as Bundeto’s or de Chertablon’s roles as authors, translators, or editors of this work. Palau 2, 37106 Praz 398 Peeters-Fontainas 1, 166 Brunet 1, 1834 Sim6n-Diaz 6, 5643 (Bundito) Primary Sources 97 M. Plantin M. TxDaM-P (uncat) Be NjP (Ex)BT825.B86 Louvain Sp R-7793 UkGU S.M. Add. q7 Silos Ab. (Chertablon) Madrid 1677 *TB. Caussin, Nicolas (1583-1651), Tr. Francisco de la Torre. SIMBOLOS | SELECTOS | Y | PARABOLAS | HISTORI- CAS,| DEL P. NICOLAS CAVSINO | DE LA COMPANIA DE IESVS.| LIBRO PRIMERO, Y SEGUNDO.| [TOMO XII DE] SVS OBRAS.| TRADVZIDO DE LATIN. Y AVMENTADO CON | varias observaciones, por Don Francisco de la Torre, Cauallero de la Orden de Calatraua.!| QUE LE DEDICA | AL ILVSTRISS. Y REVERENDISS. SENOR D. SABO | Melini, Arcobispo de Cesarea, Nuncio de su Santidad en estos | Reynos de Espafia, y su legado a latere, y Colector General | de la Reuerenda Camara Apostolica. (Oval cartouche with a lion holding an escutcheon with the initials GDL and the motto DE FORTI DULCEDO) Afio 1677 | CON PRIVILEGIO | En Madrid: En la Imprenta REAL. Por Iuan Garcia Infancon.! Acosta de Gabriel de Leon, Mercader de Libros. | Ato (xx) 432 pp. (iv). Text only. The Simbolos selectos constitute the libro I and the libro II, in vol. 12, of Caussin’s complete works. The book is divided into stmbolos which correspond to hieroglyphic-type descriptions of various objects (trees, forests, fountains, etc.), abstract concepts and mythological figures (Fortuna, Eros, Anteros, Amistad, etc.), and symbols and attributes of the pa- gan gods. There are 78 simbolos in part I and 89 simbolos in part II. Not an em- blem book but listed as such in many emblem book collections. Praz 302 Palau 3, 50487 De Backer-Sommervogel 2, | Landwehr 1, 220 905 NhD BL603 .C38 Sp 98 Primary Sources Madrid 1688 *TC. Gambart, Adrien (1600-68). Tr. Francisco Cubillas and Pedro Godoy. | VIDA SIMBOLICA | DEL GLORIOSO | S. FRANCISCO DE SALES, | OBISPO DE GENEVA,| DIVI- DIDA EN DOS PARTES,| Y | ESCRITA EN CINQVENTA | Y DOS EMBLEMAS.| TRADVCIDA DE FRANCES EN | Castellano por el Licenciado Don Francisco Cubillas | Don Yague, Abogado de los Reales Consejos.!| DIRIGIDA | Al Excelentissimo Senor Don Juan Carlos de Joux Uvatevilla y | Nassau, Marqués de Constans, y de Usier,Conde de Bussolin, y de | Corbieres, Baron de Uvatevilla, y de Chateauvillain, Senor de | Foncines, Chargey, Angiray, Prantigny, y de la Casa de Bochi,| Capitan de vna Compania de Hombres de Armas en los Payses Bajos,! Cauallero del Insigne Orden del Toyson de Oro, del Consejo de | Guerra de su Magestad, y su Maestro de Campo | General de los Exercitos de Galicia,| y Navarra | CON PRIVILEGIO | En Madrid: En la Imprenta de Antonio Roman! Ano de 1688.| Acosta de Gabriel Leon, Mercader deLi- bros. Vendese en su casa | en la puerta del sol. 4to (iii) 380 pp. (ix Index). Sign. §8,A-Z8, Aa®. 52 woodcuts of emblems after the Albert Flamen copperplates for the first edition in French, 1664 (Landwehr 1, 308). Each woodcut is preceded by an explanation in Spanish, a detailed description of the pictura, and a Latin motto. After the woodcut there is a verse epigram, and on the facing page begins a prose commentary in Spanish. The emblems are all contained in the Primera parte which ends on page 211. The Aprobacion of Don Jacinto Carrion states that Francisco Cubillas died while working on the translation and that Don Pedro Godoy finished the work. The privilegio to print the translation was issued therefore to Pedro Godoy and dated Madrid 12th of May 1687. Landwehr 1, 309 Salva 2, 2070 Praz 345 Palau 6, 97347 ICN Case W 1025.3222 UkGU S.M. 487 MH C1210.91 NNH 208 .F87¢ KyU 096.1 .G141 ItCaU. Gall.9.5.65 Primary Sources 99 Venice 1558 TD1. Giovio, Paolo (1483-1552). Tr. Alfonso de Ulloa. Didlogo de las empresas militares y amorosas, compuesto en lengua italiana, por el ilustre, y reverendissimo senor Paulo Iovio, obispo de Nucera. En el qual se tracta de las deuisas, armas...nueuamente traduzido en romance castellano por Alonso de Vlloa ...Venecia: G. Giolito de’ Ferraris, 1558. 8vo, 173 pp. It includes Ulloa’s translation of Ludovico Domenichi’s Rag- gionamento at the end. Text only. Dedicated to Francisco de Ulloa and to Francisco de la Torre. This very rare first edition does not contain the transla- tion of Simeoni’s imprese like the following two editions. Editio princeps. Gallardo 4, 4110 Salva 2, 2084 Not in Landwehr, Praz, Palau 7, 125414 or Doglio NNH History Uk 606.b.33 First illustrated edition Lyons 1561 OPS ) Dialogo DE LAS EMPRE-|| SAS MILITARES, Y AMO-| ROSAS, COMPVESTO EN | LENGVA ITALIANA, | Por el illustre, y reverendissi- | mo Senor Paulo Iovio Obispo de Nucera.| EN EL OVAL SE TRACTA DELAS DEVI-| sas, armas, motes, o blasones de linages.!| CON VN RAZONAMIENTO A ESSE PRO-| posito, del magnifico Senor Ludovico Domenequi. Todo | nuevamente traduzido en Romance Castel-| lano, por Alonso de Viloa | ANADIMOS A ESTO LAS EMPRESAS HE-| roicas,y morales, del Senor Gabriel Symeon.| (Roville’s device: An open-winged eagle on an orb surrounded by two snakes, framed in an architectural cartouche with four cherubs holding flowers and floral cornucopias) | EN LEON DE FRANCIA EN CASA | DE GVILLIELMO ROVILLE.| 1561 | CON PRIVILEGIO REAL. Simeoni’s imprese are preceded by their own t.p. Deuisas | O EMBLEMAS | HEROICAS Y MORALES | HECHAS POR EL NOBLE | VARON GABRIEL SYMEON, | AL MVY ILLVSTRE SENOR | El Condestable de Francia. | 100 Primary Sources (Roville’s device: same as above) | EN LEON DE FRANCIA | en casa de Guillielmo Roville.| 1561 | Con privilegio Real | 4to (vi incl. iii Index) 264 pp. Sign. *-**4, a-z4, A-K4. 102 imprese in the text of Giovio (7-160), 35 imprese in the text of Simeoni (221-63), with picturae and mottoes in Latin, Spanish, French, and Italian, followed by prose commen- tary. The Domenichi razonamiento (161-218), is followed by the device of Ulloa (222). Ulloa dedicated his translation to Francisco de la Torre, Spanish Ambassador to Venice. There is also a final dedication (219) to the memory of Francisco de Ulloa, the translator’s father. For Simeoni’s imprese, Ulloa trans- lates the original dedication to the Duke of Montmorency, Connetable de France. In his prologue, “Al Benévolo Lector,” Roville explains that the Spanish translation came to “his hands” from the press of Gabriele Giolito de’Ferrari without the woodcuts (menguada de figuras) which he added for his edition. Ulloa’s Spanish translation of Giovio and Simeoni for both the 1558 and the 1561 editions was based on the 1556 Venice edition of Ferrari, rather than the first edition of Rome (Barre, 1555). Praz 353 Landwehr 1, 343 Palau 7, 125415 DFo PN6349 .G45.D458 Uk 636.g.7. NeLR MH Typ 515.61.427 MWiW-C Italian/Giovio MB D.240b.3 NNH HC:419/21; ItCaU. Ross.D.67 HC:NS4/247 Re-edition Lyons 1562 TDs: . Same as above. Empresas militares y amorosas... Lyons: Rouille, 1562. Landwehr 1, 344 Praz 353 Palau 7, 125416 FrPBN Z.3591; Rés.Z.911 UkGU S.M. 1332 N.B. There is no modern edition of Ulloa’s translation. A most useful and well-annotated edition of Giovio in Italian is that of Primary Sources 101 Maria Luisa Doglio (the basic text is the Rome: Barre, 1555 with the woodcuts of Lyons, 1574.) Roma: Bulzoni Editore, 1978. In facsimile: the Lyons 1574 Italian edition with the Daniel’s English Translation (1585). Ed., introd. notes by Stephen Orgel. New York and London: Garland, 1979; IDC microfiche editions in Italian: Venice, 1556 (EO-267/1); Lyons, 1559 (EO-269/1); and Lyons, 1574 (EO-271/1). Lyons 1543 *TE1. Holbein, Hans, the younger (1497-1543). Tr. Francisco Frell6n Retratos o tablas de | las historias del Testamen-| to Viejo, hechas y dibuxadas por | vn primo y sotil | artifice. | Iuntamente con vna muy breue y clara exposicion y | declara- cion de cada vna dellas en Latin, con las | quotas delos lugares de la sagrada scritura de | donde se tomaron, y la mesma en lengua Castel | lana, para que todos gozen dellas | (Printers device: crab holding a butterfly in its claws, surrounded by a circle with the motto “matura”) | En Leon de Francia,! so el es- cudo de Colonia ano 1543. | 4to 96 ff. Sign. A-N2. Colophon on last page reads: Lugduni Sub scuto Coloniense apud Io. et Franc. Frellonios, fratres 1543. 94 woodcuts; every page is illustrated with an Old Testament scene with scriptural verses above and Spanish verse translation underneath. This is a translation from Holbein’s Historiarum Veteris Instrumenti icones ad vivum expressae... Lugduni: svb scvto Coloniense MDXXXVIIL Excudebant Lugduni Melchior et Gaspar Trechsel fratres, 1538. Not an emblem book in a strict sense, but a forerunner of the emblem book in format. Vid. also polyglot edition under PB. Palau 6, 115602 Uk C.36.d.5 ICN Case *W01 .H7012 FrPBN Rés A.5324; MH Typ 515.43.4554 Rés A.7623 MWiW-C Bible 2:1543 102 Primary Sources Re-edition Lyons 1549 TE2. . Same as above. Retratos o. tablas de las historias del tes- tamento viejo... En Lion de Francia...M.D.XLIX. Palau 6, 115602 Brunet 3, 253 Modern edition GES: . Icones Historiarum veteri testamenti....Latin text with English and Spanish translation. Ed. Henry Green. Manchester: The Holbein Society, 1869. Valladolid 1633 TF1. Hugo, Herman (1588-1629). Tr. by Pedro de Salas (1584-1664). Affectos Divinos con Emblemas Sagradas...por el P. Po de Salas de la Compania de Jests. En Vallid. Por Gre° de Bedoya, 1633. 24mo (xvii) 275 pp. 45 emblems. Antonio (2, 235) mentions the work, but does not cite any editionThis Spanish version of Pia Desideria is attested by Praz (377) who claims to have seen the copy of the first edition in the Vatican li- brary. Editio princeps. Valladolid 1638 TE2. . Affectos divinos con Emblemas sagradas...En Vallad. por Greg. de Bedoya, 1638. 24mo 36 pp. 613 pp. 45 emblems. De Backer-Sommervogel 4, Palau 18, 286141 518 Praz 377 NN Primary Sources 103 Re-edition Valladolid 1658 *TF3. . Woodcut t.p. Broken pediment gateway with ducal crown on top flanked by two figures with mottoes Veritatem castitate and Castitas in Veritat, respectively. A winged archer on the right side of the page (labeled Christo Sponsa, Christ?) has shot three arrows (labeled gemidos, suspiros, deseos) into a female figure on the left side of the page (labeled Anima Sposet, the soul?). The title is centered between two Corinthian columns: AFFECTOS DIVINOS | CON EMBLEMAS SAGRADAS | POR EL PPD SALAS D LA | COMPAN DE | IHS | ALA MVIILLe S. D. IVANA | de Arellano Manrique | Marquesa de Aguila | fuente | En Vallad. por Greg. de Bedoya | 1658. 24mo (xxxvi) 613 pp. Sign. a-e®;A-Z12; Aal2-Cc5. Salas explains in the pro- logue that his is an adaptation, and that he has added to Hugo’s original text. The emblems are not numbered sequentially but divided in sets of 15 to cor- respond to each of the three parts of the work. The papal device for Urban VIII and the dedication, present in Pia desideria, have been omitted as well as the initial emblem: “Domine, ante te.” The copperplates are copies from Boetius a Bolswert originals. The plates used are presumably those by Christopher a Sichem for the 1628 Antwerp edition of Pia Desideria. All of the plates have been inverted. The plates for emblems 4 and 5 (pp 33 and 41) have been used in the wrong order. Hugo’s emblem 38 has been omitted and re- placed by Salas’ own emblem (7, p. 469); the picturae for Hugo’s emblems 17, 19, and 42 (Salas, 182, 210, 538) have been changed. Emblem 19 has been as- signed a new biblical subscriptio. All the plates show, on the lower left, Hugo’s original numbers which correspond to the first edition (1624) in Latin. Before the translation of the emblem text, there is a detailed description of the pic- tura. Praz 377 Palau 18, 286142 Salva 2, 2156 NNH microfilm PU Sp259H 876.ss NjP (Ex)N7710 H8718.1678s N.B. There is no modern edition of Salas’ Affectos. There are facsimiles of some of the Latin editions: Pia Desideria, 1624. Ed., 104 Primary Sources introd. by Hester Black. Continental Emblem Books No. 11. Selected and ed. by John Norden. Menston: Scolar Press, 1971; Pia Desideria, Antwerp, 1632. Ed., introd. by E. Benz. Hildesheim: Olms, 1971 and IDC Microfiche facsimiles: Antwerp, 1624 (EO- 309/1) and Antwerp, 1628 (EO-639/1). Valencia 1658-60 *TG. Solérzano Pereira, Juan de (1575-1655). Tr. by Lorenzo Mateu y Sanz. EMBLEMAS | REGIO-POLITICOS | DE DON IVAN DE SOLORGANO PEREYRA,| Cavallero de la Orden de Santiago,| del Consejo de su Magestad en | el Real de Castilla, y de | Indias.| Distribuidos en Decadas.! DECADA PRIMERA.| TRADVCIDOS POR EL DOTOR | Lorenco Matheu y Sanz, Cavallero de | la Orden de Montesa del Consejo de | su magestad en la Real Chanci-|! lleria de Valencia.! DE ORDEN DEL EXCEL.mo | Sefior D. Luis Guillen de Monca-| da y Aragon, Principe, Duque de | Montalto, y Bivona Cavallero de | la Orden del Tuson, &c Virrey, y | Capitan General del Reino de Valencia, a quien se | dedica.! En Valencia, por Bernardo Nogues | junto al molino de Rovella, 1658. The above t.p. corresponds to the Década primera. The Spanish translation of Solérzano Pereira’s Emblemata centum regio-politica presumably consists of ten volumes of varying size (16mo, 12mo, 24mo) published between 1658 and 1660. Each volume (of no less than 400 pp.) contains ten emblems with epi- grams and their corresponding prose commentary. According to Palau they were all translated by Mateu y Sanz and published in Valencia by Bernardo Nogués, in the following sequence: First and second Décadas: 1658; third, fourth, fifth, and seventh Décadas: 1659; eight, ninth, and tenth Décadas: 1660. With the exception of the first volume, of which I have seen several copies, this edition is very rare. Antonio (2, 5) cites only the first Década. Landwehr (1, 694) erroneously assumes these volumes to be a reissue of the Latin origi- nal. Vid. also FG. Praz 500 Palau 21, 318998 Antonio 2, 5 Uk 12305.a.4 (1st) MB D.22a .46 (7th) RPB FHA.106.1. film (ist) Santiago U. (all vols.) Primary Sources 105 DLC AC-Z Reel 106.1 (1st) IEN 704.946.S689E ItCaU F.A.6337(6th); (1st & 8th) F.A.437; F.A.943 (7th) Brussels 1669 TH1. Vaenius, Otto (1556-1629). Tr. anonymous. THEATRO | MORAL | DE TODA LA | PHILOSOPHIA | De Los | ANTI- GVOS y MODERNOS,! Con El | ENCHIDRIDION | DE EPICTETO, &c.! Obra propia para ensefianza de Reyes y Principes. | (printer’s device) | EN BRUSSELAS,| POR Francisco Foppens, Impressor y Mercader de Libros.| M.D.C.LXIX. 20(xxiv) 207 pp. (i); (viii) 50 pp. (iv). Sign. *6-**4-**, 12, A-CC4-p4, a4,f2,92; A- C4-D2. Coat of arms of the Marquess of Caracena to whom the book was dedi- cated. 103 copperplates of emblems. Full page engraving of Vaenius by his daughter Gertrude van Veen engraved by Paulus Pontius after the title page. This Spanish imprint is not a direct translation of Vaenius’ Quinti Horatii Flacci Emblemata. It might have been made from the 1646 anonymous French translation or from De Gomberville’s Doctrine des moeurs, rather than from the Latin original. Editio princeps. Landwehr 1, 736 Palau 28, 358571 Brunet 5, 1025 Praz 524 CU £N7740 .V33T5.1669 FrPBN Z.506 MH Typ 630.69.432f Santiago U. Brussels 1672 enr2. . THEATRO | MORAL DE LA VIDA | HVMANA, | En cien emblemas; con el | Enchiridion | de EPICTETO, &c.| y la | TABLA DE CEBES,| Philosofo Platonico | (two winged figures with siren bodies around a palm tree with torches, a hooded falcon, and an anchor; the motto reads POST TENEBRAS SPERO LUCEM) | EN BRUSSELAS,| Por Francisco Foppens, Impressor y Mercader de Libros. MDCLXxXII. 2°(xx) 207 pp. 6 x4_xx42 A-74 Aa-Cc4, a-f4, 3; A-C4, D2. 103 copperplates of emblems. Spanish prose commentary facing each plate, followed by Horace’s 106 Primary Sources text and a Spanish verse adaptation. Short verse subscriptio under each plate. Dedicated to the Queen (Regent) of Spain, during the minority of Carlos II, and to the Count of Pefiaranda. The printer in his prologue pretends to have added the text of the engravings from an author “who wanted to remain se- cret.” Palau believes this to be a bogus edition, that pretends to pass for a new one featuring a new title page. The Enchidirion de Epicteto with its own pagina- tion: (iii) 50 pp.; the Tabla de Cebes with its own pagination: (ii) 27 pp. There is one folded illustration, dated 1673, which represents the only new addition to the book. The engravings are attributed to Boel, Galle, and Pieter de Jode. Landwehr 1, 737 Praz 524 Palau 28, 358572 Salloch 240, 99; 255, 99 NIC N.7740 .VI2H.1672 FrPBN Rés.Z.167 NjP (Ex)N7710.V5518 NNH *Proverbs 1672q Brussels 1682 Wels. . Same as above. Tr. Marcelo Diez. Teatro Moral de la vida humana en cien emblemas con el Enchiridion de Epicteto.....Bruselas 1682. 29. Palau is the only source for this entry. I have not been able to locate a copy or to find another citation about this imprint. Palau 28, 358576 Section F. Books Written by Spaniards in Other Languages Antwerp 1575 FA1. Arias Montano, Benito (1527-1598). David, hoc est, virtutis execi- tatissimae probatum Deu spectaculum, ex David pastoris, militis, Regis exuulis ac Prophetae exemplis: Benedicto Aria meditante, Philippo Gallaeo instruente, ad pietatis cultum propositis. Antverpiae C LXXV. Antverpiae ex officina Christophori Plantini, Architypographi Regii MDLXXV. Oblong 4to 100 ff. 48 engravings by Galle. Dedicated to Philip II of Spain. Not in Landwehr 2. Recorded by Menéndez Pelayo in Bibl. Trad. (I, 164), Rekkers (188), and Praz as the editio princeps. Landwehr 3, 42 Gallardo 1, 262 Praz 260 Palau 1, 16475 Sim6n-Diaz 6, 310 Voet 1, 580 Santiago U. Caceres P. M. Plantin M. A1836 Antwerp 1589 BAZ. . Davidis hoc est virtutis... In Poemata in quator tomus dis- tincta...Antverpiae: Christophorus Plantinus, 1589, vol. IV. Text only. Palau 1, 16494 Frankfurt 1597 eBAS: . Engr. t.p. with four oval medallions illustrating scenes in David's life. In a framed square on the center of the page: DAVID,! VIRTUTIS EXERCITA-| tissimae probatum Deu spec- taculum, ex |Davidis, Pastoris, Militis, Ducis, Exsulis | ac Prophetae exemplis | BENEDICTO ARIA MONT | ANO medi- tante ad pietatis cultum | propositis | AEnis laminis orantum a Ioanne Theo | doro, & Ioannes Israele de Bry, fratri | bus ciuib. 108 Primary Sources Francofurtensibus | Quid huic noua editioni a CONRADO | RITTERSHVSIO ex biblioth. M. Ber-| gii procuratae accesserit, prefatio | docebit | Ex. Officina M. Zachariae Paltheni | MDXCVII | Impensis Ioan. Theod. et Io. Israel de Brij. | 4to (ii) 146 pp. Sign. A-S#, T2. 42 emblem plates by Johan and Israel de Bry, after those of Philippe Galle made for the 1575 edition. There are mottoes and short explicatio above, with epigrams under engravings; no borders. Prose commentaries to emblems on verso. Dedicated to Otho Heinrich, Elector of the Palatine on the Rhine. Landwehr 3, 42 Antonio 1, 208 Praz 260 Sim6n-Diaz 6, 310 RPB 1597 .Ar4 Uk 4823.d.5 As FrPBN Rés. A.3626 Sp U-1933 N.B. Palau (1, 16475) cites an edition of Frankfurt: Paltheni, 1589; and Simén-Diaz, one of 1692, s.l. s.a., that I have not been able to locate. Amsterdam 1611 FA4. . David virtutis Exercitatissimae... An edition reported by Praz (260) not listed by Landwehr. Palau 1, 16475 Simon-Diaz 6, 310 Re-edition? Frankfurt 1632 FAS. . Omnium virtutum Christiarum, exemplo Davidis, pastoris militis, ducis, exsulis ac prophetae longe praestantissimi nobis ad- bumbratarum speculum purum ac pellucidum omnibus et singulis pie ac christiane vivere volentibus perutile ac necessarium: Quod etiam figuris aenis per pulchris artificiosis adornatum. Authore B.A.M. Frankfort: Fitzer, 1632. Ato (viii) 146 pp. 42 emblem plates. Primary Sources 109 Landwehr 3, 43 Sim6n-Diaz 6, 310 Praz 260 Palau 1, 16476 FrPBN Rés.A.3627 Antwerp 1573 *FA6. . Engr. t.p. Naked full figures of Adam and Eve flank- ing a bust of God in an aureole of rays, while joining their right hands. Oval cartouche centered between the figures reads: HUMANI GENERIS AMATORI | DEO LIBERALISSIMO | SAC. DIVINA: | NUPTIARUM | CONVENTA ET ACTA | Ad piorum admonitionem | a Phillipo Galleo | AERIS TABUL. | INCISA | Bend. Ar. Mont. accinente | CI I LXxXIII | Antverpiae.| Le traicte & accord. des Nopces spirituelles; gravées en cuiure | par P. Galle; chantées par Benedictus Arias Montanus; | & expliquées en rithme Francoise par P. Heyns. Oblong 4to 50 ff. Sign. A-H4 , D. 50 emblematic plates followed by Latin dis- tichs with French verse translations facing the illustrated pages. The engrav- ings are by Philippe Galle after Jan and Gerard de Groeningue. Bound with FAéa. *FA6a. . Engr. t.p. Full-page illustration of Christ’s face in a round filigree frame set in a rectangular cartouche with geo- metric decorations. In a rectangular reserve at the bottom of the page the title reads: | Christi Jesu vitae admirabiliumque actionum speculum a Phillipo Gallaeo apparatu.! Bened. Ariae Montani singularibus distichis instructum | outside the reserve, on the bottom: Le miroir de la vie et Passion de Jesus Christ gravé en cuivre | par P. Galle. chanté par B. Ariae Mont.| et expliqué en rithme Francoise par P. Heyns. Maistre d’escole en Anvers. | Oblong 4to 28 ff. Sign a4-n3. 28 plates followed by Latin distichs and French verse translations facing illustrated pages. Both parts seem to be separate edi- tions with their own title page and different signatures. In both works there is a short encomium by Montano praising Heyns’ (Hensius) paraphrase of his Latin distichs. The different font and irregular placing of Heyns’ French verses in both works seem to confirm Funck’s observation that this is a sec- 110 Primary Sources ond edition of the same year, the first edition being the plain Latin text with illustrations. Gallardo (1, 262) cites an edition of 1580 with 48 plates that I have not been able to locate. Not in Landwehr or Praz Palau 1, 16477 NN DLC PA8457 .A4D54 1573 Antwerp 1571? *FA7. . Engr. t.p. | REGI SECULOR | IMMORTALI | S. (inscribed on the inside of a stretched ram’s-hide on top of page). Full-page illustration of a three-story dome-vaulted Renaissance-style building with an open-air sacrificial altar and people walking about in courtyard. The page is flanked by two Corinthian columns; the left one topped by a filigree ball with flame and the motto: TAAAQN; the right column topped by a similar ball with an open-winged eagle and the motto: KENQN; the base of the left column bears the legend: PIORUM | ANIMIS | RECREAN | DIS.! The title on the bottom of the page between the two columns: HUMANAE SALUTIS MONUMENTA | B ARIAE MONTANI STUDIO CON | STRUCTA ET DECANTATA | ANTWERP EXPROTOTYPO- GRAPHIA REGIA | The base of the right column reads: CHRISTOPH PLANTINUS D:S-P.F.G. |1571)] 8vo 76 ff. Annotationes in Odas by Plantin, pp. 3-39. Sign. A8-18 (K4), A-B8. 70 emblematic engravings, on biblical subjects, facing the text of Latin odes writ- ten by Montano. The plates are framed by historiated full-page borders with flowers, fruits, reptiles, mammals, birds, and butterflies; t.p. signed P.H. (Pierre Huse?). The mottoes for the plates have been set separately, and often they do not fit the reserve allowed by the decorated borders. The oval portrait of Christ in the preliminary gatherings is looking right. The plates, presum- ably by Jan and Jeronimus Wierix, Abraham de Bruyn, and Pieter Huys after Pieter van den Borcht and Crispyn van den Broeck, show the initials of PB, IHW, ADB, and HIW. E.g.,’The visit to Elizabeth” (E7) is signed PB and ADB, “the Anunciation” (E6) is signed PB and ADB, and the last plate, “In tabulam Iudicij” is signed Petrus Van den -R. Borcht inventor IHW 1570. Landwehr 2, 26 Funck 364 Primary Sources 111 Salloch 240, 2 Palau 1, 16466 (Hoe’s ex-copy) Voet 1, 588 MiDA M. Plantin M. A387 MB G.404.48 FrPBN Rés A 7627 DFo PA8457.A4.H8 Be 1571 (Hoe’s ex-copy) Uk G.125¢:22 DLC PA8457.A4.H8. NN Spencer Coll. 1571 (Rosenwald) 1571 Neth. Antwerp 1581? *FAS. . Engr. t.p. | REGI SECULOR | IMMORTALI | S. (in- scribed on the inside of a stretched ram’s-hide on top of page). Full-page illustration of a three-story dome-vaulted Renais- sance-style building with an open-air sacrificial altar and people walking in a courtyard. The page is flanked by two Corinthian columns; the left one topped by a filigree ball with flame and the motto TAAAQN; the right column topped by a similar ball with an open-winged eagle and the motto KENON. The base of the left column bears the legend: PIORUM | ANIMIS | RECREAN | DIS.|! The title on the bottom of the page between the two columns: HUMANAE SALUTIS MONUMENTA | B ARIAE MONTANI STUDIO CON | STRUCTA ET DECANTA- TA’ | ANTWERPIAE | EX OFFICINA CRISTOPHORI PLANTINI | The base of the right column reads CHRISTOPH PLANTINUS D.S.P.F.C. | 8vo 76 ff. Annotationes in Odas by Plantin pp. 3-39. Sign. A-I8, K; a-b8, c4. 70 emblematic engravings on biblical subjects without borders. The mottoes in Latin distichs are above the plates, there are Latin odes by Montano facing the plates. The plates are by Jan and Jeronimus Wierix, Abraham de Bruyn, and Pieter Huys after Pieter van den Borcht and Crispyn van den Broeck. All of the signed plates bear the initials PB and another set of initials including AdB, HIW, IHW, PH, IW, and Crispin inve. E.g., “The visit to Elizabeth,” (E7) is signed PB and PH; “Naturae innovandae argum” is signed P.B. and IHW 1571; “the Anunciation” is unsigned; the last plate is signed HIW and Petrus van der Borcht invent. 1572. Landwehr 2, 27 Sim6n-Diaz 6, 304 Antonio 1, 209 Salloch 350, 5; 252, 10 112 Primary Sources Be VH 30460LP Sp R-11.308 GyHGU M. Plantin M. R 55.23 Escorial 49-V-46 IU Baldwin 1624 NjP (Ex)2949.129; Toledo P. 4-1.769 also Scheide Lib. KyU 246 .Ar416h DLC PA8457.A4.H8.1571 UkGU S.M. 770 (Morante’s ex-copy) Facsimile editions FAY. . Same as above Humanae Salutis Monumentae... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. No. EO-127/1. Microfiche from a copy in Ikonologisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit, Utrecht; pages handnumbered in ink. Additional microfiches include Ludovico Hillessenio Andernaco’s Sacrarum Antiqui- tatum Monumenta...Antverpiae: Plantini, 1577. Probably this item was bound with Montano’s volume and reproduced as such in the microfiche edition. FA10. . Same as above. Humanae Salutis Munumentae... In Books Printed in the Low Countries Before 1601. Microfilm in roll numb. 45. Watertown: General Microfilm Co. Antwerp 1583? FA11. . Same t.p. as FA8. Humanae Salutis Monumenta... Antwerp. exprototypographia Regia Christoph. Plantinus DiS.E-B.C. lozie 4to 148 ff. Sign. A-X4, Y2. 70 larger plates, completely different from those in FA7 and FA8, designed by Crispin van den Broeck and engraved by Pierre Huys, Abraham de Bruyn, Jean Sadeler, and Jan Wierix. The signed plates bear the names and initials: Crispin, Crispine inventor, PH faciebat, Heylery faciet, IHW, and PB. The plates are followed by Plantinus’ Annotationes in Odas. Voet states that some illustrations had already appeared in Montanus’ Biblia Regia. Praz 257 Not in Landwehr Funck 365 Voet 1, 590 Primary Sources 113 CtY Gr12 .Ar41 H8 M. Plantin M. R54.20 Escorial Sp R-1308 Toledo P. Salamanca U. Uk Be N.B. Variants of the t.p. and the size of the book have created confusion in the cataloguing of this imprint. Funck lists an edition of FA8 in 16mo and one of FA11 with some modifications, such as in- verted plates. I have not been able to locate these books. More re- cently Voet has tried to explain in detail the complicated history of this imprint. I have examined the two copies of DLC in the Rosenwald Collection (FA8, ex-copy of the Marqués de Morante, and FA7), the copy at DFo (FA7, ex-copy of Robert Hoe), as well as the copy at the University of Kentucky (FA8), and I cannot confirm all of Voet’s observations about the signatures and the collation of the plates. Facsimile edition FA12. . Same as above. Humanae Salutis Monumenta...Ed. with introd. and bibliography by el Baron de Hakeldama and Avantos Swan. Coleccion la Torre de la Botica, San Lorenzo de El Escorial: Editorial Swan, 1984. This edition also includes, at the end of the facsimile, the only Spanish translation of the Humanae Salutis, by Benito Felii' de San Pedro. Valencia: Benito Monfort, 1774 (sic) 1784. The Annotationes in Odas have been omitted. Antwerp 1589 FA13. ———. Humanae Salutis Monumenta et Odae variae... In Poemata in quator tomus distincta.... Antverpiae: Christophorus Plantinus, 1589. Vol. 1. 24mo 144 pp. Sign. A-I8. Text only. Simon-Diaz 6, 316 Palau 1, 16494 Be VB 6260A; VH30.461A Sp 2-16.902 FrMazarin 21.576 Toledo P. Cadiz P. Men.Pel.Sant. R-I-B-96; M. Plantin M. A257 R-I-B-97 114 Primary Sources Uk GyHGU FrLy GyMSB Facsimile edition FA14. ———. Same as above. Poemata in Quatuor Tomos Distincta...In Books Printed in the Low Countries before 1601. Microfilm in roll numb. 48. Watertown: General Microfilm Co. Antwerp 1634 *FB1. Bivero S. I., Pedro de (1572-1656). Engr. t.p. Mary in the cen- ter, holding a monstrance in her hands, standing on top of a dragon in a tempestuous sea. At left the dove of the Holy Ghost over a decapitated dragon in a calm sea with the motto CONFREGISTI CAPUT DRACONIS IN AQUIS BABTISMI writ- ten on a descending beam of light. On the right a shipwrecked galleon with the motto POENITENTIAE TABULA 2 POST NAUFRAGIUM written on broken planks that float on choppy waters. On top of the page an oval light labeled: ATTENDE ET AVDI. At bottom center the title is written inside a rocaille reserve: SACRUM | ORATORIUM | PIARUM IMAGINUM | IMMACULATAE MARIAE | ET | ANIMAE CREATAE | AC BAPTISMO, POENITENTIA,| ET EVCHARISTIA INNO- VATAE:| ARS NOVA | BENE VIVENDE ET MORIENDI, | sacris piarum Imaginum Emblematis | figurata et illustrata: | Auctore R. P. Petro Bivero | Matritensi Soc. Iesv Theologo, | Sereniss.Belgij Prin-cipum Concionatore.!| Under engraving: | Antverpiae, Ex Officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti MCDCXXXIV | Cum Privilegiis Caesareo Et Regio. Ato (xii) 769 pp. (x). Sign. 13.4442 A-74 Aa-Zz4 (-Vv) Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa-Zzzz4, Aaaaa-Fffff4. 58 emblems and emblematic engravings. Dedicated to Isabel Clara Eugenia de Austria and Archduke Albert, Regents of the Low Countries. The engravings concerning David had previously been used by van Wolsschaten in Antwerp in 1629 in another publication. The signature of Jan van Mechelen has been removed from these plates in the present edition. The nine engravings portraying Mary, encased in an open-winged dove, are by Ch. de Mallery after van Noort. The Vignettes of Mary had appeared in 1630 in an Aertssens’ publication: Typus praedistinationes. Primary Sources 115 Palau 2, 30028 Landwehr 2, 43 Praz 275 Simon-Diaz 6, 4458 De Backer-Sommervogel 1, _ Brunet 1, 957 1525 Funck 280 SpBaU 380-4-6 UkGU S.M. 1252 Be VB-2087; VB-1994 JaIPIBIN| IDB SZ) Uk 4403.dd.5 IU (uncat) Salamanca U. 27.398 ODaU-M (alph) Facsimile edition FB2. . Same as above. Sacrum Oratorium Piarum.... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Company AG. No. E0-554/1. Microfiche from a copy in Kunsthistorisch Instituut der Rijksuniversiteit, Utrecht. Fiches are mislabeled Sacrum Sanctuarium. Antwerp 1634 *FB3. . Engr. t.p. Patience standing on top of a mountain holding a T square in the right hand with the inscription OPUS PERFECTUM HABET, and a crucifix in the left hand. A lamb(?) on a leash stands next to Patience flanked on the right by an empty cross with skull and crossbones at the foot and the motto Mortis remedium. At left a pole with a coiled serpent that bears the motto Salus Aegris. Patience is being crowned with a wreath held by two cherubs with palm and laurel branches. Above the wreath the word Patientia. In the triangular space of an open compass with the motto Labore et constantia (Plantin’s device) the title reads: SACRUM | SANCTUARIUM | CRUCIS ET PATIENTIAE | CRUCIFIXORUM ET CRUCIFERORUM, | EMBLEMATICIS IMAGINIBUS | LABORANTIVM ET AEGROTANTIVM | ORNATVM:!| ARTIFICES GLORIOSI | NOVAE ARTIS BENE VIVENDI ET MORIENDI | SECUNDUM RATIONEM REGULA ET CIRCINI:! Auctore R.P. Petro Bivero Matritensi Soc. Iesv Theologo,| Serenissimorum Belgij Prinipium Concionatore | Under en- graving: Antverpiae, ex Officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti MDCXXXIV | Cum Privilegiis Caesareo Et Regio. 116 Primary Sources 4to (xii) 674 pp. (vii). Sign. *3-***2, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4, Aaa-Zzz4, Aaaa-Ssss*. 70 emblematic full-page numbered plates, by Collaert and retouched by Mallery, that had been used in Ricci’s Triumphus Iesu Christi (1608); five small in-text emblems. Dedicated to the Infante Fernando de Austria. Lathrop 205, 19; 210, 30 Landwehr 2, 44 Praz 276 Sim6n-Diaz 6, 4459 De Backer-Sommervogel 1, Funck 280 1525 Brunet 1, 957 MnU 272 .B549 FrPBN D.6572 MB G406.50 Madrid A. Hist. 5-5-8; DFo 6349 B5 .S2 1634 2.498 IaU *BR1600 .B5 Uk 486.c.24 ICN Case W.1025.089 Salamanca U. 27.398 NNC B247.9.B54 UkGU S.M. 1253 DLC BR 1600 .B6 Sp 3-53 .769 IU x272 .B545.v.1-3 UkOxU F.2.26 Linc. Brussels 1664 FC1. Luz6én de Millares, Alejandro. Idea Politica Veri Christiani, Sive Ars Oblivionis, Isagogica Ad Artem Memoriae. Authore P. Patre Alexandro Luzon de Millares, Canonico Regulari Viridi Vallis. Vignette of dove signed by P. Clouwet Bruxellis, Typis Francisci Foppens, sub signo S. Spiritus. MDC.LXIV. 2° (xvi) pp. (ii) 647 pp. Sign. *3_s*3 (4) A-Z, Aa-Zz, Aaa-Zzz, A-Qqqq (- Qqqq!). 33 half-page copperplates of emblems with Latin mottoes and text. Dedicated to Francisco de Moura. Editio princeps. Landwehr 2, 422 Praz 407 OC RA230:qL979 UkGU S.M. 1719 Re-edition Brussels 1665 she? . IDEA | POLITICA | VERI CHRISTIANI,! SIVE | ARS OBLIVIONIS,!| ISAGOGICA | Ad Artem Memoriae | Primary Sources 117 Authore | R. Patre Alexandro Luzon de Millares, Canonico Re- | gulari Viridis Vallis.| (Large engraving: Open-winged dove surrounded by rays and cherubs amidst the clouds with the motto Spirat Spiritus vbi vult.) signed. P. Clouwet | BRUXELLIS,| Typis Francisci Foppens, sub signo S. Spiritus | MDCLXV. 29 (xii) 674 pp. (i). Sign. 6448 A-Z8, Aa-Zz8, Aaa-Zzz8, Aaaa8,-Qqqq?. 35 plates of emblems, including two preliminary ones, in baroque frames fol- lowed by prose commentary. Occasional sources for the Latin mottoes are given. Editio optima. Praz 407 Palau 7, 144362 KyU 246 .L9794i Sp 3-48.447 DFo PN6349 .L95 13.1665 PSt (uncat) NjP (Ex)5707 .604q Facsimile edition G3. . Same as above. Idea Veri Christiani... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Company AG. No. EO-679/1. Microfiche. Lyons 1625 *FD1. Clemente Claudio (1596-1642). Engr. t.p. Monument in the shape of a Renaissance style sopraporta. Two caryatid pedestals of Mercury and Athena flank a seated female figure with an open book in one hand; on the other, she holds a scepter, topped by an eye. There is an eagle perched by her side. The pedestals support busts of Philip II and Philip IV. In a square reserve in the center the title reads: MVSEI,! SIVE | BIBLIOTHECAE | tam privatae quam publicae | Extructio, Instructio, | Cura, Vsus. | LIBRIIV.| Accessit accurata descrip- tio Regiae Biblio- | theca S. LAVRENTII ESCVRIALIS:| In su- per Paranesis allegorica ad amorem | literar'um | Opus multi- plici eruditione sacra simul. et huma-! na refertum; praeceptis moralibus et literariis, | architecturae et picturae subiectionibus, inscri-| ptionibus et Emblematis, antiquitatis philolo- | gicae monumenta atque oratoriis schematis | utiliter et amoené tes- selatum. | Auctor P. CLAVDIVS CLEMENS Or-| nacensis in 118 Primary Sources Comitatu Burgundiae é@ Societate | IESV, Regius Professor Eruditionis in Collegio | Imperiali Madritensi. (At the bottom in an Oval reserve) | LYVUGDUNI | SVMPTIBVS IACOBI PROST | M.DC.XXXV. 4to (xxiv) 552 pp. (xii). Sign. *4, 4 A-Z 4; AA-ZZ 4; AAA-BBB4; AAAA4- CCCC3. Dedicated to Philip IV. Text only; emblems are described on pp. 132- 238. Not in Praz Landwehr 1, 229 De Backer-Sommervogel 2, Salloch 252, 65 1226 Sim6n-Diaz 7, 4540 Uk 560.b.20. UkGU S.M. 1298 Sp 2-62.882 FrPBN Q.706 Salamanca U. 30.448 IU (uncat) VatBa MoSU Film 1510.1 CLU CU Z670 .A2054.1635 NN *HD ICU Z670 .C63 MnU Y020 .C591 Facsimile edition FD2. . Same as above. Musei Sive Bibliothecae...Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. No. EO-214/1. Microfiche. N.B. Palau (2, p. 45) erroneously assumed that Claudius Clemens was a pseudonym for Eusebio Nieremberg, when in fact he was a French Jesuit who for many years was a professor at the Estudios Reales in Madrid. Clemente, who also wrote extensively in Spanish, was the creator of a classification scheme for the Library of San Lorenzo del Escorial (Mvsei, 515-36) that modified some of Arias Montano’s original concepts. Lyons 1642 *FE1. Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio (1595-1658). R.P. IOANNIS | EVSEBII.| NIEREMBERGII | E’ SOCIETATE IESUS | STROMATA S.| SCRIPTVRAE | IN QVIBUS ENARRANTVR, EXPLICANTVR, | illustrantur,| cum commentationibus morali- bus Vita & Historia.| Cain.| Nabuchodonosor, Achan, Ammon, Primary Sources 119 leazabel, lonathae. Susannae,| Oniae, Mathathiae, Menelai, Iasonis, Raziae, Assueri, Amanis,!| Mardochaei & Estheris.! His accessere eisdem Auctoris | GNOMOGLYPHICA:| Item SIGALON, siue Sapientia Mythica.!| (Anisson’s device: large square reserve with an ornate fleur-de-lys flanked by two putti.) PeEVGDUN I SUMPE. sHAER: GABR: BOISSAT, (é& LAURENT] | ANISSON.| MDC.XLII | CVM PRIVILEGIO. | 29 (x) 550 pp. (vii). Sign. a-e* (i2), A- Aaa®. Dedicated to Juan Bautista de Laurea, Caballero de Santiago. Text only. The Gnomoglyphica section (423-55) describes 117 emblems, giving the description of the picturae, followed by an epigram, and an occasional prose commentary. Editio princeps. DeBacker-Sommervogel 5, Praz 436 1745 NjP (ExTRAN)5012.679q FrPBN A.1604 WkKea/zdel2 Lyons 1659 REZ. . Gnomoglyphica in Succus Prudentiae, Sacropoliticae, ex Nonnullis...Joan Eusebii Nierembergii...operibus expressus, et per locos communes digestus opera...Lugduni, Sumpt. Claudi Bourgeat et Mich. Lietard, MDC.LIX. 12mo 474 pp. Text only. De Backer-Sommervogel 5, Palau 13, 191076 1726 Antonio 1, 686 FrPBN D.45953 N.B. The Gnomoglyphica is one of two books by Spaniards that Menestrier lists in his Art des Emblémes (1662). Vid. also SO, Nieremberg’s Oculta filosofia. Madrid 1597-1601 FF1. Pineda, Juan de (1557-1637). Commentariorum in Job Libri tre- decim... Adjuncta singulis capitibus sua paraphrasi, quae et lon- 120 Primary Sources giaris Commentarii summam continet, liber primus. Matriti, 1597. 29. Illustrated? 2 vols. Vol. I dedicated to Cardinal Claudio Acquaviva, vol. II to Cardinal Fernando Nifiez de Guevara. Editio princeps. Antonio 2, 760 Pérez Pastor 1, 547 De Backer-Sommervogel 6, _ Palau 13, 226349 796 Sevilla 1598-1602 *FF2. . IOANNIS | DE PINEDA | HISPALENSIS | E’ SOCIETATE IESU | COMMENTARIORUM | IN IOB, TOMVS PRIOR | CONTINES PRIORES COMMENTARIO- RUM libros Sex, Id est | Priora decem & septem capita | (IHS in cartouche with three nails) | HISPALI | In Collegio D. Ermenegildi | SOCIETAS IESU. | Excudebant Ioannes Rene, & Clemmens Hidalgus | Anno 1598. | . COMMENTARIORUM IN IOB LIBRI XIII... HISPALI. Apud Clementen Hidalgum...In Collegio D. Ermenegildi... Anno 1602. 2° two vols. I, (v) 796 pp. (Ixii). Sign *6.*8 4-78 Aa-Zz8, Aaa-Ddd8, EeeS- Nnn®,05. Map of Jerusalem on p. 11. Vol I, (ix) 1151 pp. (xxvii). Three em- blematic illustrations, including a set of vignettes of the life of Job with small imprese under each vignette. According to Francisco Escudero’s Tipografia his- palense (Madrid: Rivadeneyra, 1894, 34-35) the Colegio de San Hermenegildo in Sevilla had its own press in which Juan René and Clemente Hidalgo served as part-time printers. Palau 13, 226350 De Backer-Sommervogel Salloch 272, 306; 306, 189 6, 796 Huesca P. Sp R.29025-6 Toledo P. Burgos P. Cérdoba P. Logrono P. NjP (Annex 4) 5227.721.v.1 Primary Sources 121 Cologne 1600-03 FFS. . IOANNIS | DE PINEDA, SOCI-| ETATIS IESV | COMMENTARIORVM, IN | Iob Libri Tredecim,| ADIVNCTA SINGULIS CA | pitibus sua paraphrasi,| Qvae et longioris commentarii svm-! man continet. (oval medallion, surrounded by six seraphim with the monogram IHS, a heart with three nails, and Christ Immanuel holding a cross in the right hand and an orb with a cross in the left.) The motto reads “DOMINE PROPTER NOMEN TVVM”’ COLONIAE AGRIPPINAE | Apud Antonium Hierat. sub Monocerote.! MDC | Cum gratia et Privilegio. 2° two vols. I (viii) 719 pp. (xceviii); II (xvi) 1208 pp. (iii). 12 small imprese and 12 scenes from the life of Job framing t.p. In volume II there is a full page with two imprese and a dedicatory inscription written on a pyramid. Not in Praz or Landwehr Palau 13, 226351-52 De Backer-Sommervogel 6, Antonio 2, 760 796 MH-AH F452.6. UkOxU P.1.6.7.Th P629coj.1600.v.1 FrPBN A.1790 Venice 1602-04 *FF4. . Commentariorum in Iob, libri tredecim: Quibus, praeter luculentam Hebraici Textus...Editioni commoda concinnato, locupletati. Venetis apud Societatem Venetam, 1602. 2° two vols. Vol. I: (Ixxxviii) 418 pp. (i); Vol-II: (Ixviii) 690 pp. Text only. Engr. of Venice with four imprese on t.p. Not in Praz or Landwehr De Backer-Sommervogel Palau 13, 226354 6, 796-97 Uk 1109.kk.2 OCH RBR-FK-P CSmH 3811724 122 Primary Sources Re-edition Cologne 1604-05 FF5. ——-—. Same as FE3. Commentariorum in Iob... Coloniae Agrippinae, 1604-1605. 2° two vols. Vol I: (viii) 719 pp. (xeviii); Vol. II: (xvi) 1208 pp (xiv). De Backer-Sommervogel 6, Palau 13, 226355 797 Praz 456 FrPBN N.A1791; A.1004(2) Antwerp 1605-09 FF6. ——-—. Commentariorum in Iob....Tomis duobus distincti. Adiuntur sus singulis Capitibus Paraphrasis, Antverpiae, Apud loannem Keerbergium Anno M.D.C.IX. 2° two vols. De Backer-Sommervogel 6, Antonio 2, 760 798 Palau 13, 226356-57 Venice 1608-09 FEZ; . Commentariorum in Iob....tum e Sacra, tum e Prophana Schola annotationes...Praefationibus ad singulos libros; sumariis...Editioni commoda concinnato, locupletati ...Venetiis M.D.C. VIII Apud Societatem Venetam. . Commentariorum... Tomus alter continens posterires Commentariorum Libros VII... Venetis Apud Iacobum Sarzinam MDCIX. 2° two vols. I, 418 pp; II, 690 pp. One full-page emblematic illustration of a pyramid in vol. Il. Dedicated to Cardinal Carlo Madrucci. ItCaU Sal.3293 (v.I) Uk 1109.kk.2 Sal.3294; Sal.11400 (v.II) Primary Sources 123 Antwerp 1612 FF8. . Commentariorum in Iob Libri Tredecim... TOMIS DUOBUS DISTINCTI...(FF3 medallion without motto or ser- aphim) ANTVERPIAE APUD IOANNEM KEERBERGIUM ANNO M.DC.XII Superiorum permissu... 2° two vols. Same as FE2. All imprese have been redrawn and the vignettes on the life of Job have been inverted. It contains the same full-page emblematic design in vol. II (1207) plus two full pages of 12 emblematic vignettes with mottoes after the preface of vol. II. The scenes of the page titled VIR IN TERRA HVS NOMINE IOB contain a different set of scenes from Job’s life than those illustrated on the t.p.; the page titled VIR DOLORUM ET SCIENS INFIRMITATEM has scenes of the life of Christ. T.p. of vol. II (tomus alter) contains a large engraving of two angels kneeling on clouds adoring the monogram IHS, with three nails below, inscribed on rays of light. CtY We.2729 FrPBN A.1004 (v.I) ICU BS1416 .fP63 (2v.1612) Cologne 1613 FF9. . Commentariorum in Iob... Coloniae Agrippinae, Apud Antonium Hierat Anno M.D.CXIII...Editio postrema ad auctore recognita.... 2° two vols. Same as FF3. De Backer-Sommervogel 6, Palau 13, 226359 UM Venice 1619 FF10. . Commentariorum in Iob. Tomus Prior, in VI libros. Ad Illustriss. et Reverendiss. D.D. Carolum Madruccium S.R.E. Cardinalem... Venetiis MDCXIX, Apud Iacobum Sarzinam. In vol. 2: Continens posteriores Commentariorum Libros VII...Venetiis, MDCXIX. Ex Typographia Iacobi Sarzinae. 2° two vols. Vol. I: (xlvi) 418 pp. (i); vol. II: (xxxii) 690 pp. (i). Dedicated to Cardinal Carlo Madrucci. One illustrated page of vignettes. 124 Primary Sources De Backer-Sommervogel 6, _—_‘ Palau 13, 226360 797 Antwerp 1620 FFII. . Commentariorum in Iob...Antwerpiae apud P. et J. Bellerum, 1620. 2° vol. II, 1080 pp. Sign. Yyyy-Zzzz; Aaaaa-Bbbbb. FrPBN A1789 Paris 1620 FF12. . Commentariorum in...Iob... Parisii apud S. Cramoissy, 1620. 2° vol. I., 878 pp. FrPBN 1074 Paris 1620 FF13. . Commentariorum in Iob.... Paris apud M. Sonnium, 1620. 2° vol. I, 218 pp. Sign. a-c. FrPBN 1788 Cologne 1623 FF14. . Commentariorum in Iob...Excudebat Bartholomaeus Buschius sumptibus Antoni Hierati Bibliopolae Coloniens, 1623. 2° vol. II, 1206 pp. Text only. De Backer-Sommervogel 6, Palau 13, 226361 797 Primary Sources 125 Paris 1631 FF15, . IOANNIS | DE PINEDA | HISPALENSIS | E SOCI- ETATE IESV,1 COMMENTARIORVM | IN IOB | Adiuncta singulis Capitibus sua Paraphrasi, quae & longioris Commen- tarii summam continet.| (Baillet’s device: lion rampant, against a mountain, trying to reach the stars, surrounded by the motto AD ASTRA PER ASPERA VIRTUS. The round impresa is sup- ported by sirens and two cherubs holding palms. sign. J. Picart fect.) | PARISIIS | Sumptibus PETRI BAILLET, via Iacobaea, sub Gallo & Leone repente | MDCXXxXI. | 29. Same as FF3, but text only. Palau 13, 226362 ICU BS1416 .fP64 FrPBN A.1792 (2 v. in 1,1631) Paris 1631 FF16. ———. Commentariorum in Iob... (t.p. similar to FF15) Sumptibus Mathurini du Puis, via Jacobea sub signo Coronae MDCXxXxXI. 29. Two vols: I, 473 pp.; II, 782 pp. Text only. De Backer-Sommervogel 6, _—_ Palau 13, 226362 797 Modern edition FP I7. . Commentaria in Librum Iob. Libri Trecedim... Tomis duobus distincti. Naples: Apud Nagar Editorem, 1859. 2 vols. Text only. N.B. Pineda’s Commentary on Job is not an emblem book in the strict sense. It has been catalogued as one because of the cluster of imprese on the life of Job that often appeared on the title page of many editions, and the vignettes on the life of Christ resem- bling imprese that appeared in later editions. Although the com- 126 Primary Sources mentary can be read without the imprese, each engraving with its corresponding impresa constitute the basis for each section of the commentary. There is no modern illustrated edition, although the work was reprinted many times with the imprese engravings throughout the eighteenth century. Barcelona 1681 *FG1. Romaguera, Joseph. ATHENEO | DE GRANDESA | SOBRE | EMINENCIAS CVLTAS | CATALANA FACVNDIA | Ab Emblemas lustrada.| PART.I | CONSAGRALA | AL FENIX | DE BARCELONA | S.OLAGVER | GLORIOS.| Lo D. Ioseph Romaguera.| Offereixla en llengua castellana | ab estil millo- rat de molts equivochs, singular | gala de tan ayros Idioma. | Ab llicencia: En Barcelona en casa de Ioan Iolis | Carrer dels Cotonets, Any 1681. 8vo (vii) 144 pp. Sign. A-I8. 15 emblem woodcuts with Latin mottoes and Catalan epigram with prose commentary following. Landwehr 1, 640 Praz 478 Palau 17, 276542 Lathrop 223, 202 FrPBN Z.59335 DFo PN6349 .R8 A8, UkGU S.M. 922 1681 Cage Re-edition Barcelona 1687 FG2. . Same as above. Atheneo de Grandesa sobre Eminencias Cultas.... Barcelona: Joseph Llopis, 1687. Praz 478 Not in Landwehr NNH HC:398/664 Madrid 1653 FH1. Solorzano Pereira y Paniagua, Juan de. (1575-1655) Engr. t.p. Monument surmounted by four figures. In the center dais Philip Primary Sources 127 IV, holding a sword in his right hand and a scepter in the left, rests his left foot on an orbis mundi held by Neptune. Under the king the motto reads SUBDIDIT OCEANU SCEPTRIS ET MARGINE COELI CLAVSIT OPES; under Neptune, an italic le- gend reads Terra sub Augusto, sub miti est Principe Pontus | Quis neget Imperium cuncta subire suum.? Philip IV is flanked on the right by a naked female Indian labelled AMERICA who holds a bow in her right hand and corn stalks in her left. To the left of the figure sits a parrot (bird of prey?). The king is flanked on the left by a female figure in a suit of armor labeled HISPANIA who holds a sheaf of wheat. To the left of the figure rests a round shield and fasces of spear heads. On the right column of the portico there is a female figure labeled RELIGIO with a dove on her head and a vessel in her right hand with a pelican peck- ing at its breast. In her left hand, she holds a book of Scriptures(?). On the base of the column in a square reserve is an impresa depicting bees flying about a hive with the motto OMNI NOS TIDEM. Next to the left column there is a female figure labeled FIDES, with a cross on her shoulder and a chalice with a Host in her right hand. In a square reserve at the base of this column is an impresa of Hercules fighting the Hydra while he steps on the Nemean lion. The motto reads DOMA OMNIA VIRTUS. In the center opening of the monument the title reads: D. PHILIPPO IV.!| HISPANIARVM ET IN-| diarum, Regi. Opt. Max.! D.D. JOANNES DE SOLORZANO | Pereira ex Equestri Militia Divi Iacobi | et in supremis Castellae, et Indiarum, | Consilijs. Senator.| EMBLEMATA | REGIO POLITICA | IN CENTURIAM VNAM REDACTA, | et laboriosis atque Vtilibus com-! mentarijs illustrata | D. E. C. | Cum Privilegio in Typographia Domin. Garciae Morras | Matriti 1653. At the base and under the titl, there is the crowned shield of the Spanish Habsburgs surrounded by the necklace of the Order of the Golden Fleece, in a scrolled round cartouche. Signed Roberto Cordiere. Short t.p. (faux-titre) follows; in double line frame: D. IOANNIS | DE SOLORZANO PEREIRA | I.V.D.| EX EQUESTRI MILITIA DIVI IACOBI,| ET IN REGIIS SVPREMIS CASTELLAE, ET || INDIARUM CONSILIIS ANTIQVISSIMI, ET |! IAM EMERITI SENATORIS. | EMBLEMATA |! CENTUM, REGIO POLITICA.!| AENEIS LAMINIS AFFABRE | CAELATA, VIVIDISQOVE, ET LIMATIS | carminibus explicita, & singularibus commentarijs | affatim il- 128 Primary Sources lustrata.| QVIBUS, QVICQVID AD | REGVM INSTITUTION- EM, ET RECTAM | Reip. Administrationem conducere, & pertinere | videtur, summo studio differitur.| OPVS VEL IPSA VARIETATE, ET VTILITATE | Rerum. & Materiarum, quas continet, expetendum, & omnium | Facultatem Professoribus summopere | necessarium. | Ctm quadruplici Indice Absolutissimo. Primo uniuscuisque | Emblematis mentem complectente. Altero loca sacra scriptura. Tertid, Leges & Canones, quae citantur, & illustrantur, desig-| nante. Et quartd, copiosissiman rerum omnium, & senten-| tiarum farraginem, qua in toto opere continentur, | ubertim Lectoribus effundente. | 2° (xliv) 844 pp. (Ixxxiii). Sign. §8-§g6- §g§© ; A-Z8; Aa- Zz8 ; Aaa-Fff8 ; Gge6 - Nnn§; Ooo8. Dedicated to Philip IV of Spain; following the t. p. there is a por- trait of Solérzano Pereira. The book contains five sets of indexes, including those for mottoes, emblems, Scriptural quotes, and political sententiae. There are 100 copperplates of emblems framed in baroque cartouches, followed by Latin epigrams and prose commentary in Latin. The pages are framed in a double line passe-partout, outside of which there are marginal glosses. Editio princeps. Antonio 1, 781 Praz 499 Landwehr 1, 693 Palau 21, 318996 Maggs 495, 992 Salloch 299, 171 FMU N7710b .S64.1653x MH Emb 6.53f NNH HC:NS4/211;Mexico Santiago U. DFo PN6349 .S55,1653 NcD D-7.f .S6889E PPL*Sev Solo 5426.f InU Lilly JA79 .S68 ICN Case .W1025.828 MiU Rare PN6349 .S69 IU XQ.321.7 .S047e KyU 929.8 .S047, CU-S Sp.Coll. Hispanic Uk 87.h.14. CSmH 139797 FrPBN 1653 .Z507 UkGU S.M.1832 NN *KB 1653 NjP (Ex)N7710 .S6q. ItCaU F.A. 843 CLU *PN6357 .L3S68, 1653 Facsimile edition FH2: . Same as above. Emblemata Centum Regio Politica. Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. No. EO-759/1. Microfiche. Primary Sources 129 There is also a set labelled “Madrid, 1651” edition (EO-1469/1) which is the same without the t.p. Composite edition FH3. . Emblemas Regio-Politicos. Ed. Jesis Maria Gonzalez de Zarate, introd. by Santiago Sebastian. Madrid: Ediciones Tuero S.A., 1988. This edition prints Solérzano emblems with the Latin epigrams, but omits the Latin prose commentary that follows the emblems in the original edition. The Spanish translations to the epigrams, by Lorenzo Matheu y Sanz (Vid. TG) and edited by Francisco Tejada Vizuete, are provided in the margins. The edition contains a scholarly essay following each emblem and three sets of indexes at the end. Section P. Polyglot Editions Containing a Spanish Text Antwerp 1626 PA1. Snyders, Michael, comp. AMORIS | DIVINI ET | HUMANI | EFFECTUS | VARII | SACRAE SCRIPTURAE | SANCTO- RUMQ, PP.| SENTENTIJS | AC GALLICIS VERSIBUS ILLUSTRATI.!| ANTVERPIAE.| APUD MICHAELEM SNY- DERS | M.D.CXXVI | CUM PRIUILEGIO. 8vo (xviii) 169 ff. (vii). Sign. A-L8. 42 emblems. The engravings are by Gillis van Schoor and Michael Snyders. With text in Latin, French, Spanish, and Flemish. Dedicated to Gerardo de Vilers. Praz (147) states that the first edition was published with verses in Spanish, French, and Dutch. Landwehr claims that the text in Spanish and Flemish was not added until the second edition (a third printing) in 1629. There is a possibility that Praz and Landwehr are re- ferring to two different printings of the Antwerp 1626 edition; one with Latin and French text, and the other with Latin, Spanish, French, and Dutch. Peeters-Fontainas states that the Spanish text is only two verses on the third emblem. More recently Prof. Porteman has explained the complicated history of this imprint, but there is no mention of the existence of a Spanish text for this edition.. Landwehr 1, 687; De Vries 121 2, 618; 4, 4a Praz 254 Funck 267 Peeters-Fontainas 1, 46 Be NIC N.7740.A52 UkGU S.M.921; ICN CaseW1025.03 S.M. Add.13 Facsimile edition PA2. Same as above. Amoris Divinis et Humani Effectus... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. No. EO-541/1. Microfiche. Primary Sources 131 Antwerp 1629 *PA3. Snyders, Michael and Ludovicus van Leuven. Amoris divini et humani antipathia, sive effectus varij, e varijs Sacrae Scripturae locis deprompty emblematis suis jexpressi, SS, PP. Authoritatibus, nec non Gallicis, Hispanicis et Flandricis versibus illustrati. Editio II aucta et recognita.... Les effects divers de l’Amour Divin et Humain richement exprimez par petits Emblemes, tirez des SS Escritures et des SS. Peres, et illustrez par vers Francois, Espagnols et Flamends Antverpiae, Apud Michaelem Snyders An. 1629. Antverpiae Typis Gerardi Wolsschatii, 1629. 8vo (xviii) 167 pp. (vi). Sign. A-L8. 83 copperplates of emblems. Dedicated to Gerardus de Vilers, the Duke of Bavaria, and to Archduke Albert and Isabel Clara Eugenia, Regents of the Low Countries. The Spanish text consists of one tercerilla after each emblem. For details of authorship and history of this im- print, vid. Karel Porteman. “Nieuwe Gegevens over de Drukgeschiedenis, de Bronen en de auteur van de Embleembundel Amoris Divini et Humani Antipathia.” Ons geestelijk erf. 49 (1975), 198-206. BrazaZoo Peeters-Fontainas 1, 47 Landwehr 1, 689; Funck 267 2, 619; 4, 4b De Vries 122 UkOxU NNH Religion IU X875.1Am68.1629 Be DFo PN6349 .A26.1629 Cage Facsimile edition. PA4. . Same as above. Amoris divini et humani antipathia... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. No. EO-542/1. Microfiche. Antwerp 1636 PADS. . Amoris divini et humani antipathia...nec non Gallicis, Hispanicis et Flandricis versibus illustrati. Editio III aucta et recognita... Antverpiae, apud Michaelem Snyders, 1636. Same as PA3 with minor modifications. 132 Primary Sources Landwehr 4, 4c Praz 255 Peeters-Fontainas 1, 48 NcD D-7.12mo0V259AM. M. Plantin M. Antwerp 1648 PA6. ———. Amoris divine et humani antipathia.... Editio III... Antverpiae apud Michaelem Snyders, 1648. De Vries 123 Praz 259 Landwehr 1, 690; Peeters-Fontainas 1, 49 2, 620; 4, 4d Antwerp 1655 PA7. . Amoris Divini et humani antipathia nec non... Editio IIL, aucta et recognita. Antverpiae, Apud Michaelem Snyders, 1655. It seems to be the same edition of 1670 often catalogued by its faux-titre. Peeters-Fontainas 1, 50 NN *KB 1655 Antwerp 1670 *PA8. . Engr. t.p. historiated border with symbols of war (musquets, swords, drums, arrows, pierced heart), a lamb, a dog, a pierced heart on a paten and a globe with a cross. AMORIS | DIVINI ET HUMANI | ANTIPATHIA sive effectus varij, e varijs | sacrae scripturae locis | deprompti Emblematis suis expressi | SS PP Authoritatibus,| nec non Gallicis, Hispanicis et Flandricis | versibus illustrati | Editio III aucta et recognita.| Les effects divers de l’Amour Divin et | Humain richement exprimez par petits | Emblemes tirez des S.S. Escriptures et | des SS Peres et illustrez par vers | Francois, Espagnols et Flamends Antverpiae | Apud Ioanem Galleum An. 1670 | Cum privilegio. with extra t.p. or faux-titre: Theatrum Primary Sources 133 | Amoris | Divini et Humani, | Emblematis | tanquam scenis | expressi | Latinis, Gallicis Hispanicis et Flandri-| cis versibus illustrati | (footed fruit bowl) | Antverpiae | Apud Michaelem Snyders | Anno 1655. (This faux-titre appears in some but not all the copies of the 1670 edition.) 8vo (ii) 38 pp. (viii) 169 pp. (xi) Sign. A8(-A2, A2)C8; A8-L4, M2. 100 copper- plates of emblems with Latin mottoes and French couplets underneath. Text in Spanish on facing pages. De Vries 124 Praz 147-49, 255 Landwehr 1, 691; Peeters-Fontainas 1, 51 2,621; 4,5 ICN Case W.1025.32 UkOxU WU 797008 UkGU S.M. 93; S.M. 93A Facsimile edition PAY. . Same as above Amoris divini et humani antipathia.... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. No. EO-543/1. Microfiche. Salzburg 1694 PA10. . Antipathia Amoris Divini et Humani... Duobus Libris comprehensa, Per Themata et Sententias...Versibus Gallicis et Hispanicis...1694, Sumptibus et Typis Joannis Baptistae Mayr. 8vo 176 pp. 42 copperplates of emblems. Landwehr 1, 118 UkGU S.M. 94 Antwerp 1540 PB. Holbein, Hans (1697-1543). Full page of unframed woodcuts rep- resenting six scenes from the Exodus. Title framed in double line at center. HISTORIARVM | veteris instrumenti Icones ad | viuu expressae, vna cum bre-| ui, sed quoad fieri potuit, di-| lucida aerundem expositione | YMAGINES DE-| las historias del viejo testa-| mento al viuo exprimidas & | representadas, 134 Primary Sources juntamete con | una breue declaracion dellas | quanto pudo ser | ANTVERPIAE | apud Ioan. Steelsium | M.D.X.L.| 4to 48 ff. Sign. A-M4. 92 woodcuts with Old Testament scenes followed by Latin and Spanish text. Vid. also TE. Peeters-Fontainas 1, 602 Palau 6, 115601 As Louvain Frankfurt 1619 *PC1. Montenay, Georgette de (1540-71). Engr. t.p. Title surrounded by Renaissance architectural borders with different sculptures depicting Prudence, Ceres, Piety, Minerva, etc. MONVMENTA | EMBLEMA-| TVM CHRISTIANO-| RVM VIRTVTVM | TVM | Politicarum, tum Occono-| micarum chorum | CENTVRIA VNA | adumbrantia.| RHYTHMIS GALLICIS ELE- | gantissimis primum conscripta, Fi-! guris aenis incisa, & ad instar ALBI | AMICORUM exhibita, 4 | Georgia Montanea | Nobil. Gall.!| Et Nunc Interpretatio | ac Metrica, Latina Hispanica, Italica,| Germanica, Anglica & Belgica,| donata | Cura et impensa | Ioannis-Caroli Unckelli,! Bibliop. Francofurt ad Moenum,! Anno MDCXIX. This polyglot edition is often found with t.p. in different languages. The Spanish t.p. has the same border as the Latin t.p. with the following text: CIEN | EMBLEMOS (sic)! CHRISTIANOS TRA-| cados (sic) | y declarados de diversas | doctrinas provechosas | y pias | POR | La Noble donsella (sic) Georgette | de Montenai | PVBLICA- DOS | Primero en lengua Francesa: mas | aora, por seruicios de ingenios no-! bles afficionados a tales ma-| terias traduzidas en | lengual Latina, Espagnola, Italiana, Ale-| mana, Flamenga, y Inglesa.! Por industria y a cuentas de IUAN | Carlos Vnckel Mercador li-! brero en Francoforte.! ANNO MDCXIxX. 8vo 447 pp. Sign. A-Z8, Aa-Ee8. 100 copperplates of emblems by Pierre Woeriot with Latin mottoes and verse epigrams in Latin, Spanish, Italian, German, French, and English. There is a Spanish verse prologue al lector (23). Portrait of Georgette de Montenay after the prologue. Dedicated to Jeanne d’Albret, Queen of Navarre. The book was intended to be also an album ami- corum; there are blank spaces after each emblem’ for that purpose. Primary Sources 135 Landwehr 1, 532; 3, 445 Praz 432 Palau 10, 178045 Salloch 291, 143 CaBVaU Uk 637.d.10 (impf) IU (uncat) UkGU S.M.775 FrPBN Rés.Z.2557 DFo STC 18044.8 NjP (film) 090.922 reel 1320 Facsimile edition Be? . Same as above. Emblematum Christianorum... with German title page: Stamm Buch Darinnen christlicher Tugen....Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. No. EO- 1354/1. Microfiche. Antwerp 1608 PD1.Vaenius, Otto (1556-1629). AMORUM | EMBLEMATA | FIGVRIS AENIS INCISA!| STVDIO OTTONIS VAENI | BATAVO-LVGDUNENSIS.| Oval device with Cupid attributes and motto: AMOR OMNIA VINCIT | ANTVERPIAE,| Venalia Apud Auctorem.! M. DC.IIX.| Typis Henrici Swingeny. Oblong 8vo (iv) 248 ff. Sign. t-+9 (+4) (: )-(:)3 [(:)4] A-Hh3(H4). 124 oval copper engravings by C. Boel with polyglot text on facing pages. The editio princeps ap- peared with Latin, Dutch, and French text. Copies with Latin, French, and Italian text, and copies with Latin, English, and Italian text, as well as the editio princeps seem to be more common than copies with Latin, Spanish, Italian, and French text. This variant edition is not mentioned by De Vries, and was unknown to Funck, Palau, and Peeters-Fontainas. Landwehr claims that the Spanish epigrams are attributed to Alonso de Ledesma, although this attribu- tion has not been proven; vid. Karel Porteman. “Miscellanea Emblematica.” In Spiegel der Letteren 17, Antwerp, 1975, 167-75. I have been unable to locate a copy with the Spanish text. The above collation and location of copies comes from B. Dethoor’s Licenciaat thesis from Louvain, vid. supra and index. Praz 524 Landwehr 2, 695; 4, 244a De Vries 45 Be II17117 GyHGU 136 Primary Sources N.B. There are two facsimile editions of the editio princeps: Introd. D. Tschizewskij, Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1972 and S. Orgel, Ed., New York: Garland, 1970. Antwerp 1615 *PD2. Vaenius, Otto (1556-1629). AMORIS | DIVINI | EMBLE- MATA | STUDIO ET AERE | OTHONIS VAENI | CONCIN- NATA | An orb pierced by four arrows surrounded by rays and clouds and the motto PERFIGIT ET SUSTINET | ANT- VERPIAE,! Ex officina Martini Nut I et Ioannis Meurs I,| ANNO MDCXV | Cum Gratia et Privilegio. 4to 127 pp. (i). Sign. A-Q*. Latin, Spanish, French, and Flemish verse subscrip- tios. 60 full-page copperplate emblems with mottoes and prose text. Dedicated to Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta de Espafia. The Spanish text consists in terceri- llas attributed to Alonso de Ledesma Engravings are by C. Boel. Landwehr 2, 701; 4, 245a De Vries 70 Praz 526 Peeters-Fontainas 2, 1329 Funck 405 Palau 28, 358570 Brunet 5, 1025 M. Plantin M. R5410 Louvain Be VB7235A Uk 636.g.18 CtY Walpole.722.615v RPB N7740 .V28* DFo PN6349 V4.A4 1615 UkGU S.M.1053; NjP (SAP)NE910. S.M. 1053A N4v5.1615 Facsimile edition PDS. . Same as above. Amoris Divini Emblemata...Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. No. EO-448/1. Microfiche. Primary Sources 137 Re-edition Antwerp 1660 *PD4. . Same as Antwerp 1615. AMORIS DIVINI... ANT- VERPIAE EX OFFICINA PLANTINIANA BALTHASARIS MORETI. M.DC.LX. 4to 127 pp. (i). Sign. A-Q4. Latin, Spanish, Flemish, and French texts. 60 full- page copperplates of emblems. Dedicated to Isabel Clara Eugenia, Infanta de Espafia. Praz 526 De Vries 71 Landwehr 2, 702; 4, 245b Peeters-Fontainas 2, 1330 Salloch 240, 97; 255, 103 Palau 28, 358570 IaU *N7740.V33 1660 FrPBN Z.3548 NIC BV.4515 .V12.1660 M. Plantin M. A806 IU x875.V51lam.1660 Louvain NjN RO.246.V51 MdBJ N7740 .V28.1660c Ghent U. NcD D-7 .V418A WU 797016 BeAnt C2124 DFo 6349 .V4A4 1660(2) MH Typ 630.60.867 NNC Phoenix BP.246.5.v2 CtY Walpole.722 .660v OC RA769.9402 :V418a MnU Z809.18 ICU N7740 .V39 MShM iiY.V519 NjP (Ex)N7710 .V51 (2) CSmH 136195 ICN Case W1025.944 Be VB7235;V121422A1 UkGU S.M. 1494; S.M. 1493; S.M. Add.q12 Facsimile editions PDS. . Same as above. Amoris Divini Emblemata... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. NO. EO-790/1. Micro- fiche. Antwerp 1612 *PD6. . OVINTI | HORATII | FLACCI | EMBLEMATA. | Imaginibus in aes incisi, Notisque, illustrata.| Studio 138 Primary Sources OTHONIS VAENI | Batauolugdunensis.| (copperplate oval cameo portrait of Horace) | ANTVERPIAE,! Prostant apud Philippum Lisaert.| Auctoris aere & cura.! M.DC.XII.| Typis Dauidis Martinij. | 4to (iv) 212 pp. numb. every other page. Sign. A4 only. 103 copperplates of emblems, mottoes in Latin. Text in Latin, Spanish, Italian, French, and Flemish. Spanish attributed to Diego de la Barreda and Luis de Velasco. 103 full-page copperplates of emblems. Dedicated to Archduke Albert, Regent of the Low Countries. Engravings are by C. Boel, C. Galle, and Pieter de Jode after Otto Vaenius. Landwehr 1, 734; 4, 241 De Vries 36 Praz 523 Peeters-Fontainas 2, 1332 Palau 28, 358569 ICN Wing ZP.6465.M36 Ghent U. IU X871H5 .Yv.1612 UkGU S.M. 1497; NjP (Ex)N7740 .Xv3.1612 S.M. Add.q4; Bf75-a.25 PSt N7740 .V3.1612 FrPBN Z.7141; Z.3540 BeAnt H43998 Uk DFo PN6349 .V4 E3 M.Plantin M. A3818 1612Cage(2) Facsimile editions FD7: . Same as above. Quinti Horatii Flacci Emblemata... Zug, Switz.: Interdocumentation Co. AG. No. EO-784/1. Microfiche. PD8. . Same as above. Quinti Horatii Flacci Emblemata... Introd. by Stephen Orgel. New York & London: Garland, 1979. Secondary Sources I. Emblem Compendia, Library Inventories, Contemporary Definitions of Emblem, Glossaries, Commentaries, Poetic Treatises and Emblem Theory Not Contained in Emblem Books Antolin, Guillermo. “La libreria de Felipe II. Datos para su reconstitucion.” BRAH, 90 (1927), 335-426. Arco y Garay, Ricardo del. “Notas inéditas acerca de la famosa biblioteca de Don Vincencio Juan de Lastanosa.” BRAH, 65 (1914), 316-42. Carvallo, Luis Alfonso. Cisne de Apolo (1602). Ed. Alberto Porqueras Mayo. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1958. 2 vols. For em- blematic content, vid. under Roy Tanner. Cascales, Francisco. Cartas filoldgicas (1626). Ed. Justo Garcia Soriano. Clasicos Castellanos. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1964. 3 vols. Discussion of Augustus’ impresa, (III, 206) and of Alciatus’ emblem 49: “In fraudulentos” (II, 18). Chevalier, Maxime. Lectura y lectores en la Espana del siglo XVI y XVII. Madrid: Turner, 1976. Of particular impor- tance is the section entitled “Inventarios de bibliotecas particulares” (31-39). Covarrubias Orozco, Sebastian de. Tesoro de la lengua castellana o espanola (1611). Madrid: Turner, 1984. Defini- tions of emblema (506) also refer the reader to the theoreti- cal part of Juan de Orozco’s emblem book; hieroglifico (686); empresa, emprender, (509). Selig in chapter 6 of Notes on Alciato...(79 ff.) has glossed all the Alciato references in the Tesoro as well as noted the references to Valeriano’s Hieroglyphica. 140 Secondary Sources 7. Diaz Rengifo, Juan. Arte poética espafiola (1592). Madrid: Maria Marti, Viuda, 1727. Definitions and examples on pp. 176-80. Chapter 112: “Del enigma”; ch. 113: “Del hieroglyphico”; ch. 114: “Del emblema”; ch. 115: “De la empresa, insignia, divisas, y symbolo.” 7a. Durand, José. “La biblioteca del Inca.” NRFH, 2 (1948), 174- 85. The inventory of the library of El Inca, Garcilaso de la Vega, one of the most important collections in the New World in the seventeenth century. 8. Gracidn, Baltasar. El Criticén, Primera parte en la primavera de la ninez, y en el estio de la juventud. Su autor Lorenzo Gracidn...(1651); Segunda parte. Juiciosa cortesana philosofia en el otofio...(1653). Modern edition: Ed. Miguel Romera Navarro. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1938-40. 3 vols. . Agudeza y arte de ingenio (1642). Vid. in Alciato’s Studies under Selig for emblematic content, and in Appendix Y for full entry and comment. 10... Granada, Fray Luis de. Introduccién al simbolo de la fe (1592). Chapters 12-22 are a treatise on popular and learned iconography and their relationship to Scriptures. Many of Fray Luis’ descriptions of animal lore are jeroglificos or commonplace topoi used in emblem picturae. 11. L6pez Pinciano, Alonso. Philosophia antigua poética (1596). Ed. Alfredo Carballo Picazo. Madrid: C.S.1.C., 1953. 3 vols. Definitions of emblema, hieroglifico, and empresa (I, 294-301). 12. Maldonado y Fardo, Joseph. Museo o biblioteca del Excmo. Sefior Don Pedro Nunez de Guzman, Marqués de Montealegre. Madrid, 1677. 13. Mal Lara, Juan de. Descripcion de la galera real del Serenisimo Senor Don Juan de Austria (ca. 1566). In Obras...Sevilla: Sociedad de Biblidfilos Andaluces, 1876. . La filosophia vulgar (1568). Ed. Antonio Vilanova. Barcelona: Talleres de Graficas Aymami, 1958. There is a facsimile: New York: Hispanic Society of America, 1930. Many of the refranes in the Filosophia are glossed by one of Alciato’s emblems. For other emblematic items, vid. under Selig in Alciato’s Studies. 15. Mexia, Pero. Silva de varia leccién (1540). Ed. Justo Garcia Soriano. Madrid: Sociedad de Biblidfilos Espafioles, 1933. 14. 16. We 18. 195 20. 21: 22. 23. 24. Emblem Compendia 141 2 vols. Although part two is still in preparation, the edition of the Silva of Antonio Castro, Madrid: Catedra, 1989 is destined to become the standard edition for this work. Mexia’s book is a treasure trove of emblematic topoi for the Spanish Golden Age. Millares Carlo, A. “La Biblioteca de Gonzalo Argote de Molina.” RFE, 10 (1923), 137-52. Palmireno, Juan Lorenzo. Vocabulario del humanista... donde se trata de aves, peces, quadrupedos, con sus vocablos de cacar y pescar...yeruas, metales, monedas, piedras pre- ciosas...y otras cosas que el estudioso en letras humanas ha menester...Hay también un vocabulario de antiguallas para entender a Cicerén, César, y Virgilio. Valencia: Petri 4 Huete, 1569. ———. Segunda parte del vocabulario del humanista ...que trata de las monedas, metales y piedras preciosas... Valencia: Petri 4 Huete, 1569. ———. El estudioso en la aldea...Hay también Paradoxa Grammatica, Catdlogo de historiadores Cathdlicos en todas las lenguas, Catdlogo de Cosmografos, Catdlogo de Medallas, Catalogo de Poetas...Valencia: Juan Mey, 1568. Pineda, Juan de. Didlogos familiares de la agricultura cristiana (1589). BAE, vols. 161-65. Madrid: Atlas, 1964. T. 2, ch. 15: “Fuga y caducidad de las riquezas-Emblema: etimologia y uso” (114-16); t. 4, ch. 15: “Jeroglificos” (456-57), and nu- merous isolated references to Alciato and Valeriano. This Juan de Pineda is not to be confused with Juan de Pineda S.J., author of the Commentary on Job. . Los treinta libros de la monarquia eclesidstica o historia universal del mundo... Barcelona: Margarit, 1620. Robles, Juan de. El culto sevillano (ms. ca. 1650). Sevilla: Sociedad de Biblidfilos Andaluces. Vol. 13, 1883. (It con- tains some original translations of Alciato’s emblems to il- lustrate aspects of poetic composition.) Rodriguez Mofino, Antonio R. La biblioteca de Benito Arias Montano (1548-1598). Badajoz: Imprenta de la Diputacién Provincial, 1929. On pages 6-8, the notes give a list of pub- lished inventories of Spanish libraries from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century. Sanchez Cantén, Francisco Javier. La libreria de Juan de Herrera. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1941. 142 Secondary Sources 25: 26. Pa 28. 20) 30. Bille o2. S186 34. ———. “La librerfa de Velazquez.” In Homenaje ofrecido a Menéndez Pidal. Madrid: Hernando, 1925, pp. 379-406. . “Los libros espanoles que posey6 Velazquez.” Varia Velazquena, I (1960), 640-48. ———. La biblioteca del marqués de Cenete iniciada por el Cardenal Mendoza. Edicién del inventario. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1942. Selig, Karl Ludwig. “La teoria dell’emblema in Ispagna: I testi fondamentali.” Convivium, 23 (1955), 409-21. Discusses both foreign and Spanish sources for emblem theory in Spain. Significant quotes and analysis of the theories of Alonso de Ulloa, Juan de Horozco, Suarez de Figueroa, Gracian, Ruscelli, Tesauro, and others. ———. “Three Spanish Libraries of Emblem Books and Compendia.” In Essays in History and Literature Presented by the Fellows of the Newberry Library to Stanley Pargelis. Ed. Heinz Blum. Chicago: Newberry Library, 1965, 81-90. Presents the contents of three famous lists of emblem books and related items contained in Gracidn’s El Critic6én, in Juan Pérez de Montalban’s Para todos, and in Palomino’s El museo pictorico y escala Optica. . “A Spanish Collection of Emblem Books.” RomN, 1 (1960), 131-32. The inventory of emblem books from the catalogue by Joseph Maldonado of the library of Pedro Nufiez de Guzman, Marqués de Montealegre (Madrid, 1677). ———.The Library of Vincencio Juan de Lastanosa, Patron of Graciadn. Geneva: Droz, 1960. With an introduction. Cross- referencing, contemporary locations for imprints, and a bibliography makes this edition of Lastanosa’s library holdings a model to be imitated in editions of works of this kind. The inventory reveals a number of emblem books, both Spanish and foreign. “’Antonio Palomino y la tradicién emblematica en Espana.” In Actas del Primer Congreso Internacional de Hispanistas. Oxford, 1964, 443-46. Comments on Palomino’s Museo pictorico and its debt to Valeriano. ———. “Pero Mexia’s Silva de varia leccién y Horapollo’s Hieroglyphica, Venezia 1605.” MLN, 72 (1957), 351-57. Sudrez de Figueroa, Cristébal. Plaza universal de todas las ciencias y artes...Madrid: Luis Sanchez, 1615. (“sobre los Emblem Compendia 143 professores de empresas y emblemas” in Discurso IX; “Del arte de escrivir de las cifras, de los geroglificos” in Discurso XXVII). II. Mythographies, Iconographies, Arts of Painting, Works on Paradoxography, Numismatic Works, Emblematic Sip Bs fe 38. 3g), 40. 41. Topoi, Visual Motifs, Proverbs and Apothegms, Studies on Collectors and Collecting, Works on Antiquarianism, Studies on Word and Image, Works on Natural History, Cultural Studies, Studies in Mythology, and Studies in Art History and Architecture of Importance to Spanish Emblem Literature Aguilar, Juan Bautista. Tercera parte del Theatro de los dioses de la gentilidad...ponense dos copiosos indices que comprehen- den todas las tres partes...Valencia: Lorenzo Mesnier, 1688. The first two parts of the Theatro were written by Baltasar de Vitoria. Agustin, Antonio. Didlogos de medallas, inscripciones, y otras antigtiedades. Ex Bibiotheca Ant. Agustini Archiepiscopi Tarraconen. Tarragona: Felipe Mey, 1587. One of the most influential treatises on numismatics for the Spanish Golden Age. Agustin’s miscellany, the Alveolus (MS. Escurialense S-II-18), contains the explanation of many emblematic motifs. Vid. the edition of Candido Flores Selles. Madrid: Fundacion Universitaria Espaftola, 1982. Alamos de Barrientos, Baltasar. Tr. El Tacito espanol ilustrado con aforismos. Madrid: G. L. Sanchez, 1614. Alamos de Barrientos, the most important scholar of Tacitus in the Golden Age, had a hand in the creation of Antonio Pérez’s devices. Angulo, D. “La mitologia y el arte espanol del Renaci- miento.” BRAH, 130 (1952), 63-209. Aranda, Juan de. Lugares comunes de conceptos, dichos y sen- tencias en diversas materias...Sevilla: Juan de Leén, 1595. Arber, A. Herbals. Their Origin and Evolution. A Chapter in the History of Botany. Introd. and notes by W. T. Stearn. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. Arco y Garay, Ricardo del. La erudicién espanola en el siglo XVII y el cronista de Aragon Andrés de Ustarroz. Madrid: 144 42. 43. 44. 44a. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. on 5la. Secondary Sources C.S.1.C., 1950. 2 vols. A classic work about Spanish humanism in the seventeenth century and the circle of Gracian and Lastanosa. —. La erudicién aragonesa en el siglo XVII en torno a Lastanosa. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1934. Armas, Frederick de. “The Hunter and the Twins: Astrologi- cal Imagery in La estrella de Sevilla.” BCom, 32 (1980), 11- 20. ———. “The Saturn Factor: Examples of Astrological Imagery in Lope de Vega’s Works.” In Studies in Honor of Everett Hesse. Eds. José A. Madrigal and William C. McCrary. Lincoln: Society of Spanish and Spanish American Studies, 1981, 63-80. . The Return of Astraea: An Astral Imperial Myth in Calderon. Studies in Romance Languages 33. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1986. Asin Palacios, Miguel. “El simil de los castillos y moradas del alma en la_ mistica islamica y en Santa Teresa.” Al- Andalus, 11 (1946), 263-74. Azcarate, José M. de. “El tema iconografico del salvaje.” AEA, 82 (1948), 81-99. Wild men in late gothic fagades and in chivalric novels of the Spanish Renaissance. Babelon, Jean. “Pintura y poesia en el Siglo de Oro.” Clavilerio, 1, no. 2. (1950), 16-21. Balil, A. “Emblemata.” BSEAA, 40-41 (1975), 67-89. Barghahn, Barbara von. “Philip IV and the ‘Golden House’ of the Buen Retiro: In the Tradition of Caesar.” Diss. New York Institute in the Fine Arts, 1979. ———. Age of Gold, Age of Iron. Renaissance Spain and Symbols of Monarchy. The Imperial Legacy of Charles V and Philip II. Royal Castles, Palace Monasteries, Princely Houses. New York: University Press of America, 1985. A very useful and well annotated book, unfortunately peppered with inaccuracies and plagued by typographical errors. Barnard, Mary E. The Myth of Apollo and Daphne from Ovid to Quevedo: Love, Agon, and the Grotesque. Duke Monographs in Medieval and Renaissance Studies 18. Durham: Duke University Press, 1987. Barocchi, Paola. “Storiografia e collezionismo dal Vasari al Lanzi.” In Storia dell’arte italiana. Milan: Enaudi, 1979, 2:5- 81. 52. Do: 54. oD: 56. Bf 58. Do. 60. 61. 62. 63. Mythographies 145 Barrick, Mac E. “Welcome to the Clothes’: Changing Prov- erb Function in the Spanish Renaissance.” Proverbium, 2 (1985), 1-19. Bataillon, Marcel. Erasmo y Espana. 2nd. ed. Tr. Antonio Alatorre. México: Fondo de Cultura Econémica, 1966. Fundamental not only for the study of Spanish humanism, but also for the history of books (including emblem books) and readership during the Golden Age. Bauer, Helga. Der Index Pictorius Calderéns. Untersuchungen zu seiner Malermetaphorik. Hamburg: De Gruyter & Co., 1969. Beardsley, Theodore S. Hispano Classical Translations Printed between 1482 and 1699. Duquesne Studies Philological Series 12. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press, 1970. Much more than a useful bibliographical manual; it is a de- tailed study that analyzes the editorial history and the con- tent of all classical translations during the Golden Age. Bergman, Emile Louise. Art Inscribed: Essays on Ekphrasis in Spanish Golden Age Poetry. Diss. Johns Hopkins University, 1974. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1979. Bergstrom, Ingvar. Maestros espanoles de bodegones y floreros del siglo XVII. Madrid: Insula, 1970. Bisi, Ana Maria. I] Grifone. Storia di un motivo iconografico nell’antico oriente mediterraneo. Roma: Centro di Studi Semitici, 1965. Boaistuau, Pedro et al. Historias prodigiosas y maravillosas de diversos sucesos acaescidos en el mundo. Escriptos en lengua francesa por Pedro Boaistuau, Claudio Tesserant, Francisco Belleforest...Traduzidas en romance por Andrea Pescioni... Medina del Campo: Francisco del Canto, 1586. Bonet Correa, Antonio. Andalucia Monumental. Arquitectura y Ciudad del Renacimiento y el Barroco. Sevilla: Editoriales Andaluzas Unidas, 1986. ———. “Laminas del Museo Pictérico y escala optica de Palomino.” AEA, 46 (1973), 131-44. Borras, Antonio. “En torno a la indumentaria de los jesuitas espafioles en los siglos XVI y XVII.” AHSI, 36 (1967), 291- 99, Brown, Jonathan. Images and Ideas in Seventeenth-Century Spanish Painting. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978. Of particular interest are: part one, “Theory and Art 146 64. 65. 66. 66a. 67. 68. 69. 70. We Pa Fok 74. Secondary Sources in the Academy of Francisco Pacheco,” and chapter 6, “(Valdés Leal’s] Hieroglyphs of Death and Salvation: The Decoration of the Church of the Hermandad de la Caridad, Seville.” . “La teoria del arte de Pablo de Céspedes.” RIE, 23 (1965), 99-105. and J. H. Elliott. A Palace for A King. The Buen Retiro and the Court of Philip IV. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1980. Bustamante, Jorge de. Tr. Las metamorfoses. s.l., s.a. (1543?). This translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses went through seventeen editions during the Golden Age. Sanchez de Viana’s Anotaciones (vid. infra ), however, seemed to have been the preferred Ovid sourcebook for emblem writers. Other, more available, editions of the period are Antwerp 1551 and Madrid 1654. Cabanas, Pablo. “Icaro o el atrevimiento.” Revista de Lite- ratura, 1, no. 2 (1952), 453-60. Calvesi, Maurizio. II sogno di Polifilo prenestino. Roma: Officina Edizioni, 1983. The most complete study to date of Colonna’s Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Calvo Serraller, Francisco. Teoria de la pintura del Siglo de Oro. Madrid: Catedra, 1981. An anthology of twenty Golden Age texts on the art of painting. Each selection is preceded by a short introduction and bibliography. Cammarata, Joan. Mythological Themes in the Works of Garcilaso de la Vega. Studia Humanitatis. Madrid: Porrta, 1983. A most useful compendium of all the mythological allusions in Garcilaso. Camon Aznar, J. “La iconografia en el arte tridentino.” RIE, 20 (1947), 385-94. ——. “E] estilo trentino.” RIE, 12 (1945), 429-42. Campos, Jerénimo. Sylva de varias questiones naturales y morales...con sus soluciones... Antwerp: P. Bellero, 1575. Carducho, Vicente. Didlogos de la pintura... (1633). Ed. Gregorio Cruzada Villaamil. Madrid: Galiano, 1865. Also Ed. Francisco Calvo Serraller. Madrid: Turner, 1979. Calvo Serraller’s edition glosses all references to emblems in the text. Carmona Fernandez, Fernando. “Narciso: mito y complejo literario.” In Estudios literarios dedicados al profesor Mariano 74a. 7S. 76. Hilfe 78. 79: 80. 81. 82. 83. 83a. 84. Mythographies 147 Baquero Goyanes. Ed. Victorino Polo Garcia. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 1974, 31-47. Carrete Parrondo, Juan. “El Libro de retratos de Pacheco.” Goya, nos. 193-95 (July-Dec 1986), 168-73. Cervera Vera, Luis. Inventario de los bienes de Juan de Herrera. Valencia: Albatros Ediciones, 1977. Useful notes and com- ments about the belongings of an architect and a scholar during the time of Philip II. . Bienes muebles en el palacio ducal de Lerma. Madrid: Castalia, 1967. Checa, Jorge. Gracidn y la imaginacion arquitéctonica: espacio y alegoria de la Edad Media al Barroco. Potomac: Scripta Humanistica, 1985. Checa Cremades, Fernando. Pintura y escultura del Rena- cimiento en Espana 1450-1600. Madrid: Catedra, 1983. ———. Carlos V y la imagen del héroe en el Renacimiento. Madrid: Taurus, 1987. —— and José M. Moran Turina. El arte y los sistemas vi- suales. El barroco. Madrid: Ediciones Istmo, 1982. Some important sections on Spanish emblem topics and their re- lationship to the arts (211-51). Colonna, Francesco. El suero de Polifilo. Ed., tr., and introd. by Pilar Pedraza. Murcia: Comision de cultura del Colegio de Aparejadores y arquitectos técnicos, 1981. The first Spanish translation/edition of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Correas, Gonzalo de. Ortografia kastellana, nueva y perfeta...el Manual de Epikteto, i la Tabla de Kebes, Filosofos, Estoikos ..Traduzidos del Griego en Kastellano, por... Salamanka en kasa de Xazinto Tabernier, 1630. For a listing of all the Golden Age translations of La Tabla de Cebes, vid. index under Pilar Pedraza. Cossio, José Maria de. “Inventario tematico de fabulas con- sideradas en este tratado.” In Las fdbulas mitoldgicas en Espana. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1952, 879-89. . “Sobre la transmision del tema de Hero y Leandro.” TREE 6" 929) 574-7: Coster, Adolphe. “Une description inédite de la demeure de don Vincencio Juan de Lastanosa.” RH, 26 (1912), 566-610. An edition of Madrid BN, MS. 187274 dealing with a de- scription of the objects collected by Lastanosa in his house 148 Secondary Sources 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. oT om: 93; 94. 95; in Huesca. Covarrubias y Leyva, Diego de. Veterum collatio numisma- tum... Salamanca: Andreas a Portonaris, 1562. (Also Valencia, 1775.) Cross, Edmond. “El cuerpo y el ropaje en el Divino Narciso de Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.” BBMP, 39 (1963), 73-94. Curley, Michael J. Tr. Physiologus. Austin and London: University of Texas Press, 1979. The best English transla- tion available. Based primarily on the y-version prepared by Francis Carmody. It contains a good introduction, bibli- ography, illustrations, and excellent notes on the sources for each motif. There is a modern Spanish translation from Carmody’s text: El fisidlogo. Tr. Marino Ayerra Redin and Nilda Guglielmi, introd. Nilda Guglielmi. Buenos Aires: Editorial Universitaria, 1971. Vid. also under 197. Curtius, Ernst R. “Calderén und die Malerei.” RF, 50 (1936), 89-135. . “Calderéns Kunsttheorie und die Artes Liberales.” In Europdische Literatur und lateinisches Mittelalter. Munich: Francke, 1961, 541-51. Delaforce, Angela. “The Collection of Antonio Pérez, Secretary of State to Philip II.” The Burlington Magazine, 124 (Dec. 1982), 742-52. It contains an edition of a ms. in- ventory (Legajo 989, Archivo Histérico de Protocolos, Madrid) of Pérez’s goods dated 1585. The author tries to reconstruct Pérez’s collection as well as the placement of the art objects in La Casilla. Delgado, Feliciano. “El Padre Jer6nimo Nadal y la pintura sevillana del siglo XVII.” AHSI, 28 (1959), 354-63. Demetz, Peter. “The Elm and the Vine: Notes Toward the History of a Marriage Topos.” PMLA, 73 (1958), 521-32. Diaz de Bustamante, J. M. “Onerata Resurgit. Notas a la tradicién simbdélica y emblematica de la palmera.” Helmantica, 31, nos. 94-96 (1980), 27-88. The most complete study in any language about the palm tree as an emblem- atic topos. Egido, Aurora. “Numismiatica y literatura: De los Didlogos de Antonio Agustin al Museo de las medallas de Lastanosa.” In Homenaje a D. Francisco Yndurain. Madrid: Universidad Complutense (in press). . Ed. Pedro Soto de Rojas: Paraiso cerrado para muchos, 96. oT: 97a. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. Mythographies 149 jardines abiertos para pocos con los fragmentos de Adonis. Madrid: Catedra, 1981. Elizalde, I. “El antiguo teatro de los colegios de la Compaiiia de Jesus.” Educadores, 4 (1962), 667-85. Erdman, E. George. “Arboreal Figures in the Golden Age Sonnet.” PMLA, 84 (1969), 587-95. Flores Selles, Candido. Epistolario de Antonio Agustin. Acta Salmaticensia 115. Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 1980. Frier Kaufman, Lynn. The Noble Savage: Satyrs and Satyr Families in Renaissance Art. New York: UMI Research Press, 1984. Fucilla, Joseph. “De morte et amore.” PQ, 14 (1935), 97-104. . “Etapas en el desarrollo del mito de Icaro en el Renacimiento y en el Siglo de Oro.” Hispanéfila, 8 (1960), 1-34. Gallego Barnes, Andrés. Lorenzo Palmireno (1524-1579). Un humanista aragonés en el Studi General de Valencia. Zaragoza: Institucién Fernando el Catélico, 1982. The only full-length work on this important Spanish humanist and emblematist. It contains a complete bibliography of Palmireno’s mss. and printed works. The book is a short- ened version of the author’s dissertation (“Juan Lorenzo Palmireno. Contribution a l'histoire de l’Université de Valencia”) presented to L’Université de Toulouse le Mirail in 1980. Gallego Gallego, Antonio. Historia del grabado en Espana. Madrid: Catedra, 1979. The only comprehensive work on the subject; very useful for the history of book illustration. It gives a lot of information on individual engravers. The chapters dealing with the Renaissance and Baroque peri- ods are found on pp. 13-227. Gallego Morell, Antonio. El mito de Faetén en la literatura es- panola. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1961. Garcia Solalinde, Antonio. “La fecha del Ovide Moralisé.” RFE, 8 (1921), 285-88. Gaylord, Kathleen S. “The Medieval Bestiary in the Golden Age: Allegory and Emblem in Gracian’s El Criticén.” Diss. University of Illinois, 1986. Not about emblem literature; the work deals with allegoresis, morality, and the bestiary tradition. 150 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. Tie (12. 13: 114. 115. Secondary Sources Gerli, E. Michael. “El castillo interior y el arte de la memo- ria.” BH, 86 (1986), 154-63. Gillet, Joseph E. and Edwin B. Williams. “Dido in Spain.” PMLA, 46 (1931), 367-72. Giulian, Anthony A. Martial and the Epigram in Spain in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1930. Graziani, René J. C. “Philip II’s Impresa and Spenser’s Souldan.” JWCI, 27 (1964), 322-24. Groult, Pierre. Los misticos de los Paises Bajos y la literatura espiritual espanola del siglo XVI. Tr. Rodrigo A. Molina. Madrid: Fundacion Universitaria Espanola, 1976. Guillou-Varga, S. Mythes, mythographie et poésie lyrique au siécle d’or espagnol. Lille: Publications de l’atelier de théses de Lille, 1987. 2 vols. Haebler, Konrad. Spanische und portugiesische Bticherzeichen des XV und XVI Jahrhunderts. Strassbourg: Heitz, 1898. Hall, J. B. “The Wheel of Time: Gracidn’s Changing View of History.” BHS, 52 (1975), 371-78. Hatzfeld, Helmut. “Textos teresianos aplicados a la inter- pretacién del Greco.” In Estudios literarios sobre mistica es- pariola. 2nd. ed. Madrid: Gredos, 1968, 243-76. Heiple, Daniel L. Mechanical Imagery in Spanish Golden Age Poetry. Studia Humanitatis. Madrid: Porrtia, 1983. An im- portant study dealing with the depiction of mechanical in- struments in poetic imagery. It comments on these instru- ments, sometimes used as picturae, in Spanish emblems books. 115a. Henninger Jr., S. K. The Cosmographical Glass: Renaissance 116. I17. 118. Diagrams of the Universe. San Marino: Huntington Library, O77. Hesse, Everett W. “Calder6én and Velazquez.” Hispania, 35 (1952), 74-82. Also in Hesse’s Spanish Letters of the Golden Age. Studia Humanitatis. Madrid: Porrtia, 1981, 117-35. Hillach, Ansgar. “Sakramentale Emblematik bei Calderén.” In Emblem und Emblematikrezeption. Vergleichende Studien zur Wirkungsgechichte von 16 bis 20 Jahrhundert. Ed. Sybille Penkert. Darmstadt: Wissenchaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978, 194-206. About allegory and Christian symbols in Calderén’s autos; no emblems or devices are discussed. Hinkle, Douglas P. “Literary and Pictorial Mannerism in the Mythographies 151 Spanish Golden Age: A Question of Definition.” In Proceedings of the 23rd Mountain Interstate Foreign Language Conference. Ed. Charles Nelson. Richmond: Eastern Kentucky University, 1976. 118a. Holbein, Hans. The Dance of Death. A Complete Facsimile of 19: 120. IVAN 122. 123: 124. 1253 126. 127. 128. 29: the Original 1538 Edition of Les simulacres et historiees faces de la mort. Ed., introd. Werner L. Gundersheimer. Rosen- wald Collection Reprint Series. New York: Dover Publica- tions, 1971. Modern Spanish editions: La Danza Macabra de Holbein. Madrid: Erisa, 1980; La Danza de la Muerte, Codice del Escorial. Barcelona: Aidax, 1982. Hornedo, R. M. de. “Arte tridentino.” RIE, 12 (1945), 443-73. . “El arte de Trento.” RyF, (1945), 202-32. Hugo, Herman. Sitio de Breda rendida a las armas del rey don Phelipe IV... Tr. from Latin by Emanuel Sueyro. Antwerp: Plantinus, 1629. Hurtado Torres, Antonio. La astrologia en la literatura del Siglo de Oro. Indice bibliogrdfico. Alicante: Instituto de Estudios Alicantinos, 1984. Jacquiot, Joséphe. “L’Allegorie aux revers de médailles et de jetons du XVe au XVIle siécle.” Cahiers de I’ Association Internationale des Etudes Francaises, 28 (1976), 51-63. Jansen, Hellmut. Die Grunbegriffe des Baltasar Gracidn. Kolner Romanistische Arbeiten 9. Paris: Droz, 1958. Useful index to cross-reference possible emblem topics. Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L. “The Early Beginnings of the Notion of Uomini Famosi and the De Viris Ilustribus in Greco-Roman Literary Tradition.” Artibus et historiae, 6 (1982), 97-115. Kahr, Madlyn. “Titian, the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili’s Woodcuts and Antiquity.” GBA, 67 (1966), 119-27. Kinkead, Duncan T. Juan de Valdés Leal (1622-1690): His Life and Works. Diss. Univ. of Michigan, 1976. New York: Garland, 1978. . “An Important Vanitas by Juan de Valdés Leal.” In Hortus Imaginum. Essays in Western Art. Eds. R. Enggass and M. Stokstad. Humanistic Studies 45. Lawrence: Uni- versity of Kansas, 1974, 155-63. On the Uffizi “Vanitas” which the author dates from the late 1650s. Knipping, John B. Iconography of the Counter Reformation in the Netherlands. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1974. (Translation 152 130. 150. 132. NESE 134. 135. 136. 137. 137a. 138. 139: 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. Secondary Sources of De iconografie van de contra-reformatie in de Nederlanden. Hilversum, 1939-40.) Kubler, George. “Vicente Carducho’s Allegories of Painting.” AB, 42 (1965), 440-41. On the engraving “Ratione et labo- rare non voluntate et otio” at the end of Didlogo I of Pacheco’s Didlogos de la pintura. . “The Claustral Fons Vitae in Spain and Portugal.” Traza y Baza, 2 (1973), 7-14. . Building the Escorial. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982. Kunoth, George. “Francisco Pacheco’s Apotheosis of Hercu- les.” JWCI, 27 (1964), 335-37. Lastanosa, Vincencio Juan de. Museo de las medallas des- conocidas espanolas...publicalo Don Vincencio... Huesca: Juan Nogués, 1645. (Parts were written by Paulo de Rajas, Andrés de Ustarroz, and Jiménez de Urrea.) Leonard, Irving. “On the Mexican Booktrade in 1600: A Chapter in Cultural History.” HR, 9 (1941), 1-40. . Books of the Brave. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1949. . Romances of Chivalry in the Spanish Indies with Some Registros of Shipments of Books to the Spanish Colonies. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1933. . “Una venta de libros en México, 1576.” NRFH, 2 (1948), 174-85. Lida de Malkiel, Maria Rosa. “La abeja: historia de un mo- tivo poético.” RPh, 17, no.1 (1963), 75-86. . “Dido y su defensa en la literatura espafiola.” RFH, 4 (1942), 209-52; 313-82. . “La tradicién clasica en Espafia.” NRFH, 5 (1951), 183-223. Lleé Canal, Vicente. Nueva Roma: mitologia y humanismo en el Renacimiento sevillano. Sevilla: Diputaci6n Municipal, 1979. Lépez Baralt, Luce. “Santa Teresa de Jestis y el Oriente: El simbolo de los siete castillos del alma.” Sin Nombre, 13 (1983), 25-44. . “Simbologia musulmana en San Juan de la Cruz y Santa Teresa de Jestis.” NRFH, 30 (1981) [1983], 21-91. Lépez de Vega, Antonio. Herdclito y Demdécrito de nuestro siglo...Didlogos morales sobre la nobleza, la riqueza y las le- 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151, 152. 153. 153a. 154. 5S; 156. SV 158. Mythographies 153 tras... Madrid: Diaz de la Carrera, 1641. Lépez Torrijos, Rosa. La mitologia en la pintura espaniola del siglo XVII. Madrid: Catedra, 1984. Lucio Espinosa y Malo, Félix de. El pincel, cuyas glorias des- cribia Don Felix...Madrid: Francisco Sanz, 1618. Lynn, Caro. “Juan Lorenzo Palmireno, Spanish Humanist.” Hispania, 12 (1929), 243-58. Maldonado, B. “Arte, simbolo y emblemas en la Espafia musulmana.” Al-Qantara, 6, nos. 1-2 (1985), 397-450. March, José M. “Las imagenes del P. Jerénimo Nadal y las Meditaciones sobre los Evangelios del P. Vivaldi.” EEcl, 3 (1924), 429-31. Martir Rizo, Juan P. Poética de Aristételes. Ed. Margareta Newels. Koln: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1965. Illustrates the two pro-Lope de Vega against Torres Ramila emblems contained in the Expostulatio Spongiae: “Suo se lumine prodit” and “Odore ene Catsuo,” pl. 3-4. Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino. “La estética de los preceptistas de las artes del disefto.” In Historia de las ideas estéticas en Espana. Ed. E. Sanchez Reyes. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1952, 2:361-459. Mirabent, F. “Una interpretacién del trentismo en estética.” RIE, 12 (1945), 495-510. Moran Turina, J. Miguel and Fernando Checa Cremades. El coleccionismo en Esparia. De la cdmara de maravillas a la galeria de pinturas. Madrid: Catedra, 1985. An invaluable essay on the cultural history of collectors and collecting during the Renaissance and the Baroque periods. Moya del Baio, Francisca. El tema de Hero y Leandro en la literatura espaviola. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 1966. Miiller-Bochat, E. Der Allegorische Triumphzug. Ein Motiv Petrarcas bei Lope de Vega und Rubens. Krefeld: Scherpe Verlag, 1957. Nicolau, Miguel. Jerénimo Nadal. Obras y doctrinas espiri- tuales. Madrid: C.S.I.C., 1949. . “El Padre Jer6énimo Nadal y los Ejercicios espirituales de San Ignacio.” EEcl, 16 (1942), 99-133. Orozco Diaz, Emilio. Manierismo y barroco. Madrid: Anaya, 1970. Many useful observations about the relationship be- tween mysticism and the arts. . Mistica, plastica y barroco. Madrid: Cupsa, 1977. 154 Secondary Sources 159) . El teatro y la teatralidad del barroco (Ensayo de intro- duccion al tema). Barcelona: Planeta, 1969. 160. . “Lo visual y lo pictérico en el arte de Quevedo.” In Homenaje a Quevedo. Ed. Victor Garcia de la Concha. Academia Renacentista II. Universidad de Salamanca, 1982, pp. 417-54. 161. Orso, Steven N. “In the Presence of ‘the Planet King’: Studies in Art and Decoration at the Court of Philip IV.” Diss. Princeton University, 1978. 162. Osuna, R. “Bestiarios poéticos en el barroco espanol.” CHA, 69 (1967), 505-14. 163. ————. “Bodegones literarios en el barroco espanol.” The- saurus, 23 (1968), 206-17. 164. Pacheco, Francisco. Arte de la pintura, su antigtiedad y grandeza. (1649). Ed. D. G. Cruzada Villaamil. Madrid: Galiano, 1866. Also, ed. Francisco J. Sanchez Canton. Madrid: Instituto de Valencia de don Juan, 1956. . Libro de la descripcién de verdaderos retratos de ilustres y memorables varones (1599). Ed., introd. by Pedro M. Pinero Ramirez and Rogelio Reyes Cano. Sevilla: Diputacion Provincial, 1985. 166. Palomino de Castro y Velasco, Acisclo Antonio. El museo pic- térico y escala Optica (1715-24). Prol. Juan A. Cean Bermudez. Madrid: Aguilar, 1947. . Lives of the Eminent Spanish Painters and Sculptors. Tr. Nina Ayala Mallory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987. 168. Panofsky, Erwin. Hercules am Scheidewege. Studien der Bibliothek Warburg XVIII. Leipzig and Berlin: Teubner, 1930. 168a. Patch, Howard R. The Godess Fortuna in Medieval Literature. New York: Octagon Books, 1967. 169. Pedraza, Pilar. “Visi6n barroca de un texto del Apocalipsis.” Traza y Baza, 6 (1978), 101-10. 170. Pellicer de Ossau y Tovar, José. El fénix, su historia natural escrita en veintidos exercitaciones diatribas o capitulos... Madrid: Imprenta del Reino, 1630. 170a. Percas de Ponseti, Helena. Cervantes the Writer and Painter of Don Quijote. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1988. Explores the pictorial dimension of Don Quijote and exam- ines the interplay between the visual level and the narra- 1165: 167. ZA: 72: 73: 174. WD: 176. 77. 178. 79. 180. Mythographies 155 tive level of action and dialogue in the novel. Pérez de Moya, Juan. Philosophia secreta donde debajo de his- torias fabulosas se contiene mucha doctrina provechosa a todos estudios, con el origen de los Idolos 0 Dioses de la Gentilidad (1585). Ed. Eduardo Gémez Baquero. Los Clasicos Olvidados. Vols. 6-7. Madrid: Compania Iberoamericana, 1928. There is also a more recent edition: Barcelona: Glosa, 1977. 2 vols. Baltasar de Vitoria’s Theatro and the Philosophia secreta are the two most important mythogra- phies for the Spanish Golden Age. Pérez Guillén, Vicente. “Del barroco calderoniano a la sacralizacion rococo. Perseo y Andrémeda.” Goya, nos. 187- 88 (July-Oct. 1985), 90-96. Pigler, Andor. Barockthemen, eine Auswahl von Verzeichnissen zur Ikonographie des 17 und 18 Jahrhunderts. Budapest: Verlag der Ungarischen Akademie, 1956. 2 vols. Rpt. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiad6, 1974. 3 vols. A useful ency- clopaedia of Classical, Renaissance, and Baroque iconog- raphy; vol. 3 contains the plates for the paintings. Pineda Novo, Daniel. “Juan de Mal Lara, poeta, historiador y humanista del siglo XVI.” Archivo Hispalense, 46-47 (1967)/19-99. Porteman, Karel. “Een Emblematische Voorstelling van het mystieke leven: De Idea Vitae Teresianae (+-1686).” Ons geestelijk erf, 49 (1975), 46-60. S. Sebastian’s article on the same subject complements Prof. Porteman’s remarks on the Idea Vitae Teresianae. Price, R. M. “The Lamp and the Clock: Quevedo’s Reaction to a Commonplace.” MLN, 82 (1967), 198-209. On the clock and the candle in one of Quevedo’s sonnets. Ricard, Robert. “Saint Jean de la Croix et la ‘biiche en- flamée.’ Contribution a I’ étude d’un theme symbolique.” Les lettres romanes, 33 (1970), 73-85. ———. “Le symbolisme du Chateau interieur chez Sainte Thérése.” BH, 67 (1965), 25-41. Riesco Terrero, Angel. Introduccion a la sigilografia. Madrid: Hidalguia, 1978. A good introduction to Spanish sigillog- raphy; it contains a basic bibliography (97-104) and a useful glossary of technical terms (104-42) including those used in heraldry. Rodriguez de la Flor, Fernando. “La Compania de Jesus: 156 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. Secondary Sources imagenes y memoria, ‘Nihil vacuum neque sine signo apud Deum.’” Hiperion, 3 (1978), 62-72. . Teatro de la memoria. Siete ensayos sobre la mnemotec- nia espanola de los siglos XVI y XVII. Valladolid: Junta de Castilla y Leén, 1988. Rodriguez G. de Ceballos, A. “Aportacién a la iconografia de Ignacio de Loyola.” Goya, 102 (1971), 388-92. Rodriguez Marin, Francisco. “Felipe II y la alquimia.” BRAH, 90 (1927), 427-44. Rodriguez Monino, Antonio. Virgilio en Espafia. Ensayo biblio- grafico de las traducciones de Diego Lépez (1600-1721). Badajoz: Centro de Estudios Extremenios, 1930. Rouillé, Guillaume (Roville). Primera [segunda] parte del promptuario de las medallas de todos los mas insignes varones que ha auido desde el principio del mundo, con sus vidas contadas brevemente, traduzido agora nuouamente por Iuan Martin Cordero...Lyon, en casa de G. Rouillio, 1561. Sabat de Rivers, Georgina. “Sor Juana, Didlogo de retratos.” RIb, 48 (1982), 703-13. . “La tradicién clasica del retrato poético.” In De la cronica a la nueva narrativa mexicana. Coloquio sobre litera- tura mexicana. Eds. Merlin Forster and Julio Ortega. México: Oasis, 1986, 79-93. . “Sor Juana y su Sueno: Antecedentes cientificos de la poesia espafiola del Siglo de Oro.” CHA, 310 (1976), 186- 204. Salstead, M. Louise. “Sun Motifs in Sixteenth Century Spanish Religious Poetry.” BHS, 55 (1978), 211-30. Sanchez Cantén, Francisco Javier. Fuentes literarias para la Historia del Arte Espafiol. Madrid: C.S.I.C., Instituto Diego Velazquez, 1923-41. 5 vols. Sanchez de Viana, Pedro Tr. Anotaciones sobre el libro de las transformaciones de Ovidio en romance. Valladolid: D. Fernandez de Cérdova, 1589. Rpt. in Biblioteca Clasica, vols. 105-6, Madrid, 1910-11. Sanchez Dragé, Fernando. “Las caras de Hércules.” In Gargoris y Habidis. Una historia mdgica de Espana. 28th ed. Barcelona: Argos Vergara, 1981, 1:194-216. Sanchez Escribano, Federico. Los adagia de Erasmo en la Philosophia vulgar de Juan de Mal Lara. New York: Hispanic Institute in the United States, 1944. 194. 194a. 95. 196. NOT: 18S: 199). 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. Mythographies 157 —. Juan de Mal Lara, su vida y sus obras. New York: Hispanic Institute in the United States, 1941. Saslow, James M. Ganymede in the Renaissance: Homosexual- ity in Art and Society. New Haven and London: Yale Uni- versity Press, 1986. Traces the origin and development of the iconography of Alciato’s emblem 4: “In Deo laetan- dum.” Schevill, Rudolph. “Ovid and the Renascence in Spain.” University of California Publications in Modern Philology, 4 (1913), 1-268. A pioneer work; still useful as a point of de- parture. Sebastian, Santiago. Contrareforma y barroco: Lecturas icono- graficas. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1981. . Ed. El Fisiologo atribuido a San Epifanio seguido del Bestiario Toscano. Madrid: Ediciones Tuero, 1989. It con- tains a translation into modern Spanish of the Physiologus by Francisco Tejada Vizuete. Also a Spanish translation by Alfred Serrano and Josep Sanchis of a late medieval Catalan bestiary. The marginal notes, introduction, and iconographical index were prepared by S. Sebastian. Vid. also under 87. . Iconografia e iconologia del arte de Aragén. Zaragoza: Guara, 1980. . Introd. to Andrés de Ustarroz, Juan Francisco. Retratos de los Reyes de Aragon y otros poemas de academia. Zaragoza: Institucidn Fernando el Catélico, 1979. . Arte y humanismo. Madrid: Catedra, 1978. ——— and Luis Cortés. Simbolismo de los programas humanisticos de la Universidad de Salamanca. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 1973. ———. and Alicia Martin Caselles. El coro de la catedral de Orihuela. Lectura de su programa iconogréafico. Valencia: Edicions Alfons El Magnanim, 1986. . “Lectura iconografica de la Iglesia del Hospital de la Caridad.” Boletin de Bellas Artes, Sevilla, 8 (1980), 245-52. . “Iconografia de la vida mistica teresiana. Home- naje en el Cuarto Centenario.” BMCA, 10 (1983), 15-62. A complete iconographical study of the Idea Vitae Teresianae, 1686? (a Flemish emblem book based entirely on the life of St. Teresa de Avila) and its relationship with Carmelite mysticism. The article illustrates the picturae for all the emblems, but omits the texts. Vid. also under 175. 158 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. Palle a2, 213: 214. 215: ZIG: PAWS Secondary Sources Selig, Karl Ludwig. “Géngora and Numismatics.” MLN, 67 (1952), 47-50. . “Due temi mitologici nel Rinascimento Spagnolo.” Convivium, 24 (1956), 553-59. ——— “The Spanish Translation of Cesare Ripa’s Icono- logia.” Italica, 28 (1951), 254-56. Ripa was not translated into Spanish until the nineteenth century. We are certain, however, that it was well known in Golden Age Spain in the original Italian. . “Philostratus’ Imagines and Alciato’s Emblemata.” MLN, 72 (1957), 427-28. . “Garcilaso and the Visual Arts: Remarks on Some Aspects of Visualization.” In Interpretation und Vergleich: Fetschrift fiir Walter Pabst. Eds. Eberhard Leube and Ludwig Schrader. Berlin: Eric Schmidt Verlag, 1972, 302-9. . “Dining with Don Quixote/Dining in Don Quixote.” Iberoromania, 23 (1986), 107-10. A brief exploration on the mention and function of food in Cervantes’ novel. ——.. “Don Quixote II | 16-17: Don Quixote and the Lion.” In Homenaje a Ana Maria Barrenechea. Eds. Lia Schwartz and Isaias Lerner. Madrid: Castalia, 1984, 327-32. . “The Battle of the Sheep (Don Quijote I, xvilii).” RHM, 38 (1974-75), 64-72. ———. “Don Quijote I | 8-9 y la granada.” In De los ro- mances-villancicos a la poesia de Carlos Rodriguez. Veintidos ensayos sobre las literaturas espafiola e hispanoamericana en homenaje a Gustav Siebenmann. Eds. José M. Lopez de Abiada and A. Lopez Bernasocchi. s.].: José Esteban, 1984, 401-7. Sider, Sandra. “Horapollo.” In Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum: Medieval and Renaissance Latin Translations and Commentaries. Eds. F. Edward Cranz and P. O. Kristeller. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1984, 6:15-29. Contains a listing with com- mentary of all mss. and editions of the Hieroglyphica. . Ed. Cebes’ Tablet. New York: Renaissance Society of America, 1979. Silva y Vastegui, Maria S. de. Iconografia gética en Alava. Temas iconograficos de la escultura monumental. Vitoria: Diputacion Foral de Alava, 1987. Simon Diaz, José. El libro espafiol antiguo. Andlisis de su 218. 218a. Haste) 219a. 220. 220a. 221. 222, DDDars 223. Mythographies 159 estructura. Teatro del Siglo de Oro. Bibliografias y Catalogos. Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 1983. Soons, C. Alan. “El problema de los juicios estéticos en Calderon. El pintor de su deshonra.” RF, 76 (1964), 156-62. Swietlicki, Catherine. Spanish Christian Cabala: The Works of Luis de Leon, Santa Teresa de Jestis and San Juan de la Cruz. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1986. Tanner, Marie. “Titian: The Poesie for Philip II.” Diss. New York University, 1976. Tate, Priscilla. “Patientiae Triumphus: The Iconography of a Set of Eight Engravings.” In The Triumph of Patience. Ed. Gerald T. Schiffhorst. Orlando: University Presses of Bloniday 97/87 107-372 An studymot Maarten van Heemskerck’s Triumphs engraved by Dirck Coornhert. Taylor, Archer. Renaissance Guides to Books. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1945. . Book Catalogues: Their Varieties and Uses (1957). Rev. by William P. Barlow, Jr. New York: Frederic C. Beil, 1987. Taylor, René. “Architecture and Magic: Considerations on the Idea of the Escorial.” In Essays in the History of Architecture Presented to Rudolf Wittkower on His Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Ed. Douglas Fraser et al. 2nd. ed. Bath: Phaidon, 1969. Of special interest is appendix 1 (“The Hermetic Books of Juan de Herrera and King Philip II”) and ap- pendix 2 (“The Hermetic Content of the Escorial Library Frescoes,” illustrated). Tejerina, Belén. “Il Genealogia Deorum Gentilium in una rac- colta mitologica spagnola del XVII secolo: El Teatro de los dioses de la gentilidad de Baltasar de Vitoria.” In I] Boccaccio nelle culture e letterature nazionali. Ed. Francesco Mazzoni. Florence: Olschki, 1978, 189-98. Thamara, Francisco. Tr. Libro de Polidoro Vergilio, que trata de la invencién y principio de todas las cosas; agora nueuamente traduzido y trasladado en lengua castellana, para nuestra doctrina y ejemplo...Anvers: Martin Nucio, 1550. This is the first Spanish version of Polydore Vergil’s De inventoribus rerum. The Spanish version by Vicente Millis Godinez (Los ocho libros de Polidoro Virgilio... Medina del Campo: Lasso Vaca, 1599) is based on the text expurgated by order of Pope Gregory XIII. Tormo y Monzé, Elias. Ed. Os desenhos das antigualhas que 160 Secondary Sources vio Francisco de Ollanda, pintor portugués (1539-40). Madrid: Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, 1940. An edition of the ms. account of Holanda in Rome in the late 1530s; it con- tains his rendering of the Arch of Titus, Trajan’s Column, Nerva’s Forum, the Temple of the Sybil in Tivoli, and the Temple to Castor and Pollux in Naples among others, as well as some original allegorical drawings. 223a.Torquemada, Antonio de. Jardin de flores curiosas en que se tratan algunas materias de humanidad, philosophia, theolo- gia, y geographia... Salamanca: Juan Baptista Terranova, 1570. Ed. Agustin Gonzalez de Amezua. Madrid: Sociedad de Biblidfilos Espanoles, 1943. Also Ed. Giovanni Allegra. Madrid: Castalia, 1982. A popular miscellany of teratology and animal lore that went through numerous editions and translations during the sixteenth century. 224. Turner, Phillip A. “Some Aspects of the Ideology of Pero Mexia.” Diss. Harvard University, 1949. 225. Urmeneta, Fermin de. “Directrices teolégicas ante el arte sagrado y las teorfas de Pacheco.” RIE, 18 (1960), 237-49. 226. Vaenius, Otto and Antonio Tempesta. Historia grafica de los Siete Infantes de Lara (Antwerp, 1612). Introd. Florentino Zamora. Coleccién Joyas Bibliogrdficas III. Madrid: Gomez-Menor, 1950. 40 plates by Rubens. 227. Veldman, Ilja M. Maarten van Heemskerck and Dutch Hu- manism in the Sixteenth Century. Maarsen: Gary Schwartz, 1977. 228. Vetter, Ewald von. “Media vita.” Spanische Forschungen der Goerresgesellschaft, 16 (1960), 190-96. 229. Vindel, Francisco. Escudos y marcas de impresores y libreros en Espana durante los siglos XV a XIX (1485-1850). Barcelona: Orbis, 1942. 229a. Vinge, Louise. The Narcissus Theme in Western European Literature up to the Early Nineteenth Century. Tr. Robert Dewsnap et al. Lund: Gleerups, 1967. 230. Vitoria, Baltasar de. [Primera parte.] Theatro de los dioses de la gentilidad...Salamanca: Antonio Ramirez, 1620. Vid. also Vitoria in Appendix X. . Segunda Parte del Theatro de los dioses de la gentili- dad... Salamanca: Diego Cussio, a costa de Nicolas Martin del Castillo y Hernando de Valdenebro, 1623. The Theatro and Pérez de Moya’s Philosophia are the two most 231; Mythographies 161 important mythographies in Spanish for the Golden Age. The third part of the Theatro was written by Juan B. Aguilar. 232. Vosters, Simon A. “El intercambio entre teatro y pintura en el Siglo de Oro espanol.” Didlogos Hispdnicos de Amsterdam, 2 (1981), 15-37. 233. ———. La rendicién de Bredd en la literatura y el arte de Espana. London: Tamesis, 1973. 234. Zapella, Giuseppina. Le marche de tipografi e degli editori italiani del Cinquecento. Repertorio di figure, simboli e soggetti e dei relativi motti. Milano: Editrice Bibliografica, 1986. 2 vols. An illustrated compendium of printers’ devices in the Cinquecento. Many of these devices were copied by Spanish printers and were also used as picturae for em- blems. The book contains several sets of useful indexes. III. Overviews of Spanish Emblem Literature and Short Mentions of Spanish Emblem Writers Not Included under Studies of Individual Authors 235. Arco, Ricardo del. “Los emblemas y empresas. Horozco, Pérez de Herrera, Saavedra Fajardo, Nufiez de Cepeda.” In Historia general de las Literaturas Hispdnicas. Ed. Guillermo Diaz Plaja. Renacimiento y Barroco. Barcelona: Vergara, 1968, 2:717-19. 236. Clements, Robert J. Picta Poesis. Literary and Humanistic Theory in Renaissance Emblem Books. Temi e Testi 6. Rome: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1960. Many remarks about and examples from: Horozco y Covarrubias, Gracian, Covarrubias Orozco, Ledesma, Saavedra Fajardo, Solérzano Pereira, and Francisco de Villava. Some of this information appeared in two of Clements’ articles of great importance to Spanish emblematics. On armas y letras: “Pen and Sword in Renaissance Emblem Literature.” MLQ, 5 (1944), 131-41; and on Solérzano Pereira, Saavedra Fajardo, Juan de Horozco, and Juan de Borja: “Princes and Literature: A Theme of Renaissance Emblem Books.” MLQ, 16 (1955), 114-23. 237. Gallego, Julian. “Literatura y pintura: Los libros de emble- mas, empresas y jeroglificos.” In Visién y simbolos en la pintura espanola del Siglo de Oro. Madrid: Catedra, 1984, 162 238. 22; 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. Secondary Sources 80-115. The best short essay written on the subject. Gonzalez de Zarate, Jesus Maria. “Literatura emblematico- politica del siglo XVII espanol.” Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Valencia, 1984. A solid study of the two most important political emblem writers of the Spanish baroque, Solérzano Pereira and Saavedra Fajardo, by the author who published the first modern edition of Solorzano Pereira’s Emblemata Regio-Politica (1653) and an excellent study of Saavedra Fajardo’s Idea de un principe politico-cristiano. Ledda, Giuseppina. Contributo allo Studio della letteratura em- blematica in Spagna (1549-1613). Istituto de Letteratura Spagnola e Ispano-Americana. Universita di Pisa, 1970. Deals with the origins and development of the emblem in Spain, followed by analysis of the works of Juan de Borja, Juan de Horozco, Hernando de Soto, Sebastian de Covarrubias, and Francisco de Villava. No separate bibli- ography; bibliographical entries are contained in footnotes; some illustrations. Lloyd-Bostock, Philip. “A Study of Emblematic Theory and Practice in Spain Between 1580 and 1680.” Diss. Lincoln College, Oxford, 1979. This is the most comprehensive treatment on the subject to date and also has the distinc- tion of being a highly original and detailed piece of schol- arly work. The “Select Bibliography” at the end of the work (1-62) and “Other Primary Sources” (63-93) are useful bibliographical compendia for both primary and secondary sources on Spanish emblem literature. Maravall, José A. “La literatura de emblemas en el contexto de la sociedad barroca.” In Teatro y literatura en la sociedad barroca. Madrid: Seminarios y Ediciones, 1972, 149-88. Pedraza, Pilar. “Breves notas sobre la cultura emblematica barroca.” Saitabi (Valencia), 28 (1978), 181-92. Pfandl, Ludwig. Geschichte der Spanischen National-literatur in ihrer Bliitzeit (Freiburg, 1929). Rpt. Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1967, 536-47 and 559-62. Briefly discusses the works of Juan de Horozco, Saavedra Fajardo, Solérzano Pereira, Nunez de Cepeda, Luzén de Millares, and Pérez de Herrera as well as the art of the jeroglifico and the enigma. Praz, Mario. Studies in Seventeenth Century Imagery. Roma: Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura, 1964. A classic work on 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. Overviews of Emblem Literature 163 European emblem literature. The remarks on Ledesma (136-42) and on Gracidn’s emblematic conceptos have be- come anthological. Sanchez Pérez, Aquilino. Introd. José Manuel Blecua. La lite- ratura emblematica espanola. (Siglos XVI y XVII). Coleccién Temas 11. Madrid: Sociedad General Espafiola de Libreria, 1977. This was wholly or in part the author’s doctoral dissertation at the University of Barcelona. It dis- cusses sources and diffusion of emblems and Alciato in Spain, followed by short studies about Juan de Borja, Juan de Horozco, Hernando de Soto, Sebastian de Covarrubias, Francisco de Villava, Saavedra Fajardo, Soldrzano Pereira, Francisco de Guzman, Pedro de Bivero, Francisco Fernandez de Heredia, and Francisco Nufiez de Cepeda. It contains a conventional bibliography and some illustra- tions. Rev. Kenneth Brown. Dept. de Inglés. Facultad de Letras. Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona. Anuario (1978), 82- 83. Schilling, Michael. Imagines Mundi. Metaphorische Darstel- lungen der Welt in der Emblematik. Mikrokosmos 4. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 1979. Some isolated examples from Juan de Borja and Saavedra Fajardo. Schone, Albrecht. Emblematik und Drama in Zeitalter des Barock. Munich: C. H. Beck’sche, 1968. Some examples drawn from the empresas of Juan de Borja and Saavedra Fajardo. Sebastian, Santiago. “Origen y difusién de la emblematica en Espana e Hispanoamérica.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (1985), 2-7. A short introduction to the origin and development of the emblem in the Hispanic world. Selig, Karl Ludwig. “Notes on Alciato in Spain.” Diss. University of Texas, Austin, 1955. Prof. Selig’s dissertation is the earliest systematic treatment of the emblem in Spain. Despite its title, it deals not only with Alciato in Spain, but with Spanish emblem literature in general. Appendix 1 (129-44) has a useful short critical bibliography of Spanish emblem books. Some of the dissertation chapters were expanded and published later in the form of articles. Vid. Selig in index and in Major Sources. 164 Secondary Sources IV. Studies About Emblem Books and About Emblem Writers Included in the Primary Sources of this Bibliography A. Alciato in Spain. 250. 251. 202: 203. 254. 250: 256. 257 « 258. 259: 260. 261. Beaudoux, Geneviéve. “Alciat en Espagne.” Memoire inédit pour le Dipléme d’Etudes Superieures. Institut Hispanique de la Sorbonne, Paris, 1957. Campa, Pedro F. “Diego Lépez’s Declaracién magistral de las emblemas de Alciato: A Seventeenth Century Spanish Humanist’s View.” In Andrea Alciato and the Emblem Tradition: Essays in Honor of Virginia Woods Callahan. New York: AMS Press, 1989, 223-48. Esterlich, Juan Luis. Influencia de la lengua y la literatura italiana en la lengua y la literatura castellana. Madrid: Fontanet, 1913, 199-202. The first twentieth-century com- ments about Alciato in Spain. Garcia Iglesias, José M. El pintor de Banga. La Coruna: Fundacion Pedro Barrié de la Maza, 1984. About the deco- ration of a Galician country church based on some of Alciato’s emblems. . “Los emblemas de Alciato en la Galicia del siglo XVI.” Goya, nos. 187-88 July-Oct. 1985), 68-76. Keightley, Ronald. “Sobre Alciato en Espafia y un Hércules aragonés.” Arbor, 46 (1960), 57-66. About one of the archi- tectural decorations of the Casa Zaporta (ca. 1546) and its possible relationship to Alciato’s emblem 38: “Duodecim certamina Herculis.” Mele, E. “Il Gracian ed alcuni ‘emblemi’ dell’ Alciato.” GSLI (Torino), 79 (1922), 373-74. Selig, Karl Ludwig. “Notes on Alciato in Spain.” Diss. University of Texas, 1955. . “A Spanish Manuscript Translation of Alciato’s Emblemata.” RF, 82 (1970), 584. For details see Appendix Y. . “The Spanish Translations of Alciato’s Emblemata.” MLN, 70 (1955), 354-59. . “The Commentary of Juan de Mal Lara to Alciati’s Emblemata.” HR, 24 (1956), 26-41. . “Gracidn and Alciato’s Emblemata.” CL, 8 (1956), 283- 87. Also pub. in German. Tr. Wolgang Bergerfurth, in Studies about Emblem Books 165 Emblem und Emblematikrezeption. Vergleichende Studien Wirgungsgeschichte vom 16 bis 20 Jahrhundert. Ed. Sybille Penkert. Darmstadt: Wissenchaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978, 122-39. SA. Juan Baiios de Velasco (Vid. also under Alonso Nufiez de Castro and Francisco de Zarraga.) 262. 263. 264. SB. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. Bafios de Velasco, Juan. El Ayo, y maestro de Principes. Séneca en su vida. Madrid: Francisco Sanz, 1674. ———. El sabio en la probreza. Comentarios estoycos, y historicos a Séneca. Madrid: Francisco Sanz, 1671? Bluher, Karl Alfred. Seneca in Spanien. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Seneca-Rezeption in Spanien vom 13 bis 17 Jahrhundert . Miinchen: Francke, 1969, 259, 378-79, 385; Spanish tr., Madrid: Gredos, 1983. Juan de Borja Bravo Villasante, Carmen. “La literatura emblematica: Las Empresas Morales de Juan de Borja.” CHA (Sept. 1981), 559-77. Hoefler, Carl A. C. Don Rodrigo de Borja und seine Sohne Don Pedro Luis erster und Don Juan zweiter Herzog von Gandia aus dem Hause Borja. Vienna: Akademie’ der Wissenschaften Denschriften BD. 37, 1850. Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio. Vida del Santo Padre...Francisco de Borja. Madrid: Maria de Quinones, 1644. Sanchis y Sivera, José. Algunos documentos y cartas privadas que pertenecieron al segundo duque de Gandia don Juan de Borja. Notas para la historia de Alejandro VI. Valencia: Anales del Instituto General y Técnico de Valencia, 1919. Uriarte, José E. de y Mariano Lecina. Biblioteca de escritores de la Compania de Jestis... Madrid, 1925-30, vol 1. SC. Sebastian de Covarrubias N.B. Sebastian de Covarrubias Orozco, or Horozco (1539-1613) has often been confused with other members of his family by bibliographers, leading to intricate misconceptions as to the attribution of his works. His father, a lawyer and a writer of merit, Sebastian de Horozco (1510?-1581?), also had a younger son, Juan de Horozco y (de) Covarrubias, Arcediano de Cuéllar, one-time 166 Secondary Sources Bishop of Agrigento and later Bishop of Guadix, who kept his sur- names in the normal order. Juan de Horozco also wrote an emblem book (Vid. SF). Both brothers were admirers of Diego de Covarrubias y Leyva. Juan dedicates his emblem book to him, and Sebastian wrote some laudatory poetry for Don Diego at the beginning of the Centuria III in his Emblemas morales. Diego de Covarrubias y Leyva (1512-1577), although referred to as uncle, was a cousin to the mother of the Covarrubias brothers. The spurious avuncular connection was sustained, we presume, because the gentleman, a family protector, was an influential jurist and theologian. Don Diego, who died Bishop of Cuenca, was formerly the President of the Council of Castile and also Bishop of Segovia and Ciudad Rodrigo. 269a. Cordero de Ciria, Enrique. “El erasmismo en los Emblemas morales de Sebastian de Covarrubias.” BMCA, 27 (1987), 5- 15. Studies the belated influence of Erasmus’ Adagiorum Chiliades in Covarrubias’ emblems. 270. Cossio, José Maria de. “Una nota a los Emblemas morales de Covarrubias.” BBMP, 14 (1932), 113-15. 271. Darbord, Michel. “L’Emblematique Espagnole: Les Emblemas morales de Sebastian de Covarrubias.” In Emblémes et Devises au Temps de la Renaissance. Ed. M. T. Jones Davies. Paris: Jean Touzot, 1981, 103-6. 272. Gonzalez Palencia, Angel. “Datos biograficos del licenciado Sebastian de Covarrubias y Horozco.” BRAE, 12 (1925), 39- 72; 217-45; 376-96; 498-514. 273. ————. “Adiciones a la biografia de Covarrubias.” BRAE, 16 (1929)) Titov. 274. Le Flem, Jean-Paul. “Etude serielle des Emblémes de Sebastian de Covarrubias.” Mélanges de la Casa de Velazquez, 1976. 275. Moir, Duncan. “Lope de Vega’s Fuenteovejuna and the Emblemas morales de Sebastian de Covarrubias Orozco (with a Few Remarks on El villano en su rincon).” In Homenaje a William L. Fichter. Eds. A. D. Kossoff and José Amor y Vazquez. Madrid: Castalia, 1971, 537-46. About the possibility of the use of Covarrubias’ emblems 97, 83, 45 in Lope’s Fuenteovejuna. A few remarks on the relationship of Covarrubias’ emblem 70 and El Villano en su rincon. Studies about Emblem Books 167 276. Robins, Lorelei. “The Role of Commentary in Emblem Books.” In The European Emblem: Towards an Index Emblematicus. Ed. Peter M. Daly. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1980, 15-27. 277. Rothberg, Irving. “Covarrubias, Gracian and The Greek Anthology.” Studies in Philology (Chapel Hill), 53 (1956), 540- o2) SI. Alonso de Ledesma 278. Correa, G. “El conceptismo sagrado en los Conceptos espi- rituales de Alonso de Ledesma.” Thesaurus, 30 (1975), 49-80. 279. D’Ors, Miguel. Vida y poesia de Alonso de Ledesma. Contribucion al estudio del conceptismo espanol. Pamplona: Ediciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 1974. 280. Quintanilla, M. “Alonso de Ledesma. Datos biograficos.” ESe, 1 (1949), 526-54. 281. Selig, Karl L. “Poesias olvidadas de Alonso de Ledesma.” BH, 55 (1953), 191-99. An edition of the tercerillas attributed to Ledesma and contained in the polyglot edition of Vaenius’ Amoris Divini Emblemata (1660). 282. Smieja. F. “Ledesma y su poesia a lo divino.” ESe, 15 (1963), 323-48. 233; ihe Poetry of Alonso” de’ Ledesma, with’ Special Reference to the Rise of the Religious Concepto.” Diss. University of London, 1962. SJ. Antonio de Lorea 284. Minguez Cornelles, Victor Manuel. “Una historia biblica en emblemas.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July-Oct. 1985), 97-101. The author studies the content of David pecador, gives a com- plete list of the motifs, and illustrates twelve of the wood- cuts. SO, FE. Juan Eusebio Nieremberg 285. Alonso Cortés, Narciso. Introd. to Nieremeberg Epistolario. Clasicos Castellanos 30. 4th ed. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, HOS 7 ET 286. Didier, H. Vida y pensamiento de Juan Eusebio Nieremberg. Madrid: Fundacion Universitaria Espanola, 1976. 287. Iparraguirre, I. “Un escritor ascético olvidado: El P. Juan E. Nieremberg, 1595-1658.” EEcl, 32 (1958), 427-48. 168 Secondary Sources 288. Zepeda-Henriquez, Eduardo. Estudio prel. to Obras escogidas del R. P. Eusebio Nieremberg. BAE 103. Madrid: Atlas, 1957, xili-xli. SP. Alonso Niiiez de Castro (Vid. also under Juan Bafios de Velasco) 289. Bliiher, Karl Alfred. Seneca in Spanien, 384-85, 460. 290. Ramirez de Albelda, Diego. Por Seneca sin contradecirse en di- ficultades politicas, resoluciones morales. Zaragoza: Diego Dormer, 1653. (Refutes the 20 questiones proposed by Nunez de Castro, who acknowledges the attack in the prologue of the second edition.) SQ. Francisco Nuiiez de Cepeda 291. Garcia Mahiques, Rafael. “Las Empresas Sacras de Numez de Cepeda. Un lenguaje que configura al prelado contrarefor- mista.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July-Oct. 1985), 27-36. 292. Revilla, Federico. “La simbologia de Nufiez de Cepeda en su libro de empresas Idea del buen pastor.” BSEAA, 46 (1980), 461-74. SS. Cristébal Pérez de Herrera 293. Alonso Cortés, Narciso. “El doctor Pérez de Herrera.” In Coleccién de Estudios ofrecidos a Rafael Altamira. Madrid, 1936, 26-31. 294. Garcia del Real, Eduardo. “Crist6ébal Pérez de Herrera y la decadencia de Espafia bajo el gobierno de Los Austrias.” Las Ciencias, 14 (1949), 692-715. ST. Antonio Pérez 295. Maranon, Gregorio. Antonio Pérez. El hombre, el drama, la época. 8th ed. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1969, 2:733-43. 296. Pérez Gdmez, Antonio. Antonio Pérez, escritor y hombre de es- tado Ensayo de bibliografia razonada. Cieza de Leén: El Ayre de la Almena, 1959. SU. Alonso Remén 297. Fernandez Nieto, Manuel. Investigaciones sobre Alonso Remon, dramaturgo desconocido del siglo XVII; con dos come- dias inéditas. Madrid: Retorno Ediciones, 1944. 298. Placer, Fray Gumersindo. “Biografia del Padre Alonso Studies about Emblem Books 169 Remon, clasico espanol.” Estudios, 2 (1945), 104-42; 3 (1945), 59-90. SW. Juan de Rojas y Ausa 299. Herrero Garcia, Miguel. “El grabado al servicio de la mis- tica.” RIE, 3, 11 (1945), 341-49. Illustrations for all fifteen emblems contained in the 1679 edition of Representaciones de la verdad. 300. Sebastian, Santiago. “El simbolismo mistico.” In Contrare- forma y barroco. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1981, 76-81. SX. Diego de Saavedra Fajardo N.B. This selected list of studies related to the Empresas should be supplemented by the bibliographies of Dowling, van Praag, and Mufioz Alonso as well as by Javier Diez de Revenga’s bibliographical monograph: Saavedra Fajardo. Murcia: Academia Alfonso X el Sabio, 1977. 301. Aldana Fernandez, Salvador. “Saavedra Fajardo y el pro- grama iconografico de Eggenberg.” Traza y Baza, (1973), 61-74. 302. Baquero Goyanes, Mariano. “El tema del gran teatro del mundo en las Empresas Politicas de Saavedra Fajardo.” Monteagudo, 1 (1953), 4-10. 303. Benito y de la Llave, Enrique de. Juicio critico de las Empresas politicas de Saavedra Fajardo y exdmen de su doctrina juridica. Zaragoza: Universidad de Zaragoza, 1904. 303a. Checa Cremades, Fernando and José M. Moran Turina. “Las ideas artisticas de Diego Saavedra Fajardo.” Goya, nos. 161-62 (Mar.-June 1981), 324-31. 304. Cortinas y Murube, Felipe. Ideas juridicas de Saavedra Fajardo. Sevilla: Libreria de Izquierdo y Compa, 1907. 305. Diez de Revenga, Francisco J. Saavedra Fajardo, escritor ac- tual y otros estudios. Murcia: Academia Alfonso el Sabio, 1988. 306. Dowling, John. El pensamiento politico filosdfico de Saavedra Fajardo: Posturas del siglo XVII ante la decadencia y conser- vacién de monarquias. Murcia: Academia Alfonso el Sabio, 1957; . Diego de Saavedra Fajardo. Twayne’s Series. Boston: Twayne Publishers, 1977. A very useful selected bibliogra- 307. 170 308. 309. 310. oa hil SZ, 513% 314. Sid: 316. S17: 318. ong? 320. 821° Secondary Sources phy (145-57), as well as a specific study of the empresas (79- 113). Fernandez Carvajal, Rodrigo. “Sintesis biografica de Saavedra Fajardo y génesis de Las empresas politicas.” In SX12, xv-xxvii. Fraga Iribarne, Manuel. Don Diego Saavedra Fajardo y la diplomacia de su época. Madrid: Min. de Asuntos Exteri- ores; Murcia: Academia Alfonso el Sabio, 1955. . “Don Diego de Saavedra Fajardo desde la perspec- tiva actual.” Monteagudo (special issue), 86 (1984). Garmendia de Otaola, Antonio. “En el III centenario de las Empresas de don Diego de Saavedra Fajardo. Su con- tenido pedagogico.” RyF, 121 (1940), 318-28. Gémez Martinez, José Luis. “Reflexiones ante las Empresas de Saavedra Fajardo.” In Actas del Sexto Congreso Internacional de Hispanistas, August 1977. Eds. Alan M. Gordon, Evelyn Rugg et al. Toronto: Span. and Port. Dept., University of Toronto, 1980, 321-31. . “Los supuestos modelos de las Empresas de Saavedra Fajardo y su caracter ensayistico.” NRFE, 28, no. 2 (1979), 374-84. A longer more detailed version of the above study. Gonzalez de Zarate, Jess Maria. “Las Empresas politicas de Saavedra Fajardo: Antecedentes graficos y trascendencia artistica.” In SX12, liii-lxxx. ———. Saavedra Fajardo y la literatura emblematica. Separata de Traza y Baza 10. Valencia: Universidad lit- eraria de Valencia, s.a. Useful study on Saavedra Fajar- do’s emblems. It contains a complete iconographical index of the empresas. Guillamén Alvarez, Francisco Javier. “La Guerra de los Treinta Afios y la interpretacion critica de las Empresas.” In SW12, xxxix-1xii. Hafter, Monroe Z. “Deviousness in Saavedra Fajardo’s Idea de un principe.” RR, 49 (1958), 161-67. . “Saavedra Fajardo plagiado en El no importa de Espana de Francisco Santos.” BH, 41 (1973), 5-11. ———. “The Enlightment’s Interpretation of Saavedra Fajardo.” HR, 41 (1973), 639-53. Huarte, A. “La edicidn principe de las Empresas politicas de Saavedra Fajardo.” RABM, 32 (1933), 91-97. Maldonado de Guevara, F. “Emblematica y politica. La obra 322. 323. 324. B25. 326. 327. 328. O29: SY. 330. SZ. Bole Studies about Emblem Books 171 de Saavedra Fajardo.” In Cinco Salvaciones. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1953, 103-50. Previously published in REP, 43 (1949), 15-79. Muhleisen, Hans Otto. Die Friedensproblematik in den politis- chen Emblemen Diego de Saavedra Fajardos: ein Beitrag zur Staatsphilosophie aus der Zeit Dreissigjahrigen Krieges. Munchen: Ernst Vogel, 1982. Munoz Alonso, Alejandro. “Revision bibliografica de Saavedra Fajardo.” REP, 63 (1958), 236-45. Murillo Ferrol, Francisco. Saavedra Fajardo y la politica del barroco. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Politicos, 1957. Peil, Dietmar. “Emblematische Furstenspiegel im 17 und 18 Jahrhunderts: Saavedra--Le Moyne--Wilhem.” Friihmittel- alterliche Studien, 20 (1986), 54-92. Praag, J. A. van. “Apuntes bibliograficos sobre Saavedra Fajardo.” BRAE, 16 (1929), 552-57. Sanchez Moreno, José. “Estimacion del arte en la obra de Saavedra Fajardo.” Monteagudo, 7 (1954), 10-17. Sanchez Pérez, Aquilino. “Diego Saavedra Fajardo: Las em- presas politicas dentro de la tradiciédn de los emblemas.” Monteagudo (special isssue), 86 (1984), 55-60. Urmeneta, Fermin de. “Sobre estética Saavedriana.” RIE, 29 (1971), 59-69. Hernando de Soto Revilla, Federico. “Las Emblemas moralizadas de Hernando de Soto. Horizonte y retrato de un intelectual laico bajo los Austrias.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July-Oct. 1985), 113-19. Francisco de Villava Huerga, O. P. Alvaro. “Agapetas y alumbrados.” Angelicum, 54 (1977), 207-39. The only full-length study on the Empresas espirituales. The article discusses the innovative quality of the work as a “libro de empresas a lo divino.” TA. Carlos Bundeto O32, Landwehr, John. Romeyn de Hooghe (1645-1768) As Book Illustrator. A Bibliography. Amsterdam: Vangendt & Co., 1970. Illustrates many of the plates contained in El espejo de la muerte. 172 Secondary Sources TD. Alfonso de Ulloa 333. Arréniz, Othon. “Alfonso de Ulloa, servidor de don Juan Hurtado de Mendoza.” BH, 1-2 (1968). 334. Gallina, A. M. “Appunti per una storia della fortuna del Giovio in Spagna nel secolo XVI.” FilRo, 4, no. 2, (1957), 191-214. . “Un intermediario fra la cultura italiana e spagnola nel secolo XVI: Alfonso de Ulloa.” QIA, 19-20 (1956), 194- 209. 336. Rumeu de Armas, Antonio. Alfonso de Ulloa, introductor de la cultura espanola en Italia. Madrid: Gredos, 1973. The most complete study to date of Ulloa’s work. Useful information on Ulloa’s relations with the Ferrari press, Domenichi, and Ruscelli. B30; TH. Otto Vaenius (Theatro moral de la vida...) 337. Dethoor, Brigitte. “La literatura emblematica hispanica edi- tada por Otto Vaenius. Elenco de los poemas hispanicos en los libros emblematicos de Otto Vaenius.” Licentiaat Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, 1981. A study of the authorship of the epigrams in all the polyglot editions of Vaenius containing a Spanish text. 338. Pedraza, Pilar. “La Tabla de Cebes: Un juguete filosdéfico.” BMCA, “Homenaje a Otto Vaenius,” 14 (1983), 93-110. The only study on the Spanish versions of Cebes’ Tablet. Pedraza also lists all the extant Spanish translations of the Tabla. For medieval and Renaissance non-Spanish trans- lations and commentaries, vid. Cora E. Lutz “PS. Cebes.” In Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum... Eds. F. Cranz, V. Brown, and P. O. Kristeller. Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 1986, 6:1-14. 339. Pinheiro, S. Azulejos do Convento de Sao Francisco da Bahia. Salvador: Livraria Turista, 1951. About the decorative program in tile work based on Vaenius’ Theatro moral in the Franciscan convent of Bahia, Brazil. 340. Sebastian, Santiago. “Theatro moral de la vida humana de Otto Vaenius Lectura y significado de los emblemas.” BMCA, 14 (1983), 7-92. A full-length monograph about Vaenius’ Theatro which reproduces all of its picturae. . “La ediciédn espafiola del Theatro moral de la vida hu- mana y su influencia en las artes plasticas de Brasil y 341. 342. FA. 343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. B50) Boll’: FB. SoZ: Studies about Emblem Books 173 Portugal.” In As Relacées artisticas entre Portugal e Espanha na época dos descobrimentos. II Simposio Luso-Espanhol de Historia de Arte. Coimbra: Minerva, 1987, 381-405. About the decorative program in the convent of Sao Francisco, Bahia. Sinzig, P. “Maravilhas da religiao e da arte na igreja e no convento de Sao Francisco da Bahia.” Revista do Instituto Historico e Geografico da Bahia [Salvador] (1933), 169-219. Benito Arias Montano Barrantes, Vicente. “Bibliografia de Arias Montano.” In Homenaje a la memoria de los ilustres varones Arias Montano y Bravo Murillo...Fregenal: El Eco, 1881, 75-137. Bataillon, Marcel. “Philipe Galle et Arias Montano.” Biblio- théque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, 2 (1942), 132-60. Bell, Aubrey F. G. Benito Arias Montano. Hispanic Notes and Monographs. Hispanic Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1922. Garcia, A. “Arias Montano, numismata.” Religién y cultura (El Escorial), 5 (1929), 225-37. Gonzalez Carvajal, Tomas J. “Elogio hist6rico del doctor Benito Arias Montano.” In Memorias de la Real Academia de la Historia (Madrid), 7 (1832), 1-199. Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino. Bibl. de traductores. 1:156-90. Rekers, Bernard. “Benito Arias Montano 1527-1598. Studie over een groep spiritualistische humanisten in Spanje en de Nederlanden, op grond van hun briefwisseling.” Diss. University of Amsterdam, 1961. . Benito Arias Montano (1527-1598). Studies of the Warburg Institute 33. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1972. An expanded translation of the earlier Dutch study. The work contains the most complete bibliograhy to date of Montano’s work including the unpublished mss. Rios, Roman. “Los Monumenta Humanae Salutis.”REBi (Malaga), num. homenaje (1928), 25-54. Pedro Bivero Huttar, Charles A. “The Architecture of Holy Living and Dying in a Jesuit Emblem Book.” Unpub. paper read at Conference of Baroque Literature, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, April 1983. 174 Secondary Sources 353. Knipping, John B. Iconography of the Counter Reformation in the Netherlands. Nieuwkoop: de Graaf; Leiden: Sijthoff, 1974; 1:130)°137; 21250) 252;a7 Gs 354. Peeters-Fontainas 1:123-32, 213. (Lists works in Spanish in- cluding a translation of Caussin.) FH, TG. Juan de Solorzano Pereira 355. Ayala, Francisco Javier de. Ideas politicas de Juan de Solérzano. Sevilla: Escuela de Estudios Hispanoameri- canos, 1946. 356. Magarinos, Santiago. “La formacién intelectual de Don Juan de Solérzano Pereira.” Revista de Indias, 1 (1940), 89-106. 357. Ochoa Brun, Miguel Angel. “Estudio preliminar.” In Politica Indiana of Juan Solérzano Pereira. BAE. Madrid: Atlas, 1972, 1:1-lx. Includes a good bibliography of Sol6érzano Pereira. 358. Selig, Karl L. “Concerning Solérzano Pereira’s Emblemata regio-politica (1653) and Andrés Mendo’s Principe Perfecto.” MLN, 71 (1956), 283-87. 359. Torres Revellé, José. Ensayo biografico sobre Juan de Solérzano Pereira. Buenos Aires: Pub. del Instituto de Investigaciones Histo6ricas, 1929. PA. Amoris Divini et Humani Antipathia 360. Porteman, Karel. “Nieuwe Gegevens over de Drukgeschie- denes, de Bronnen en de auteur van de Embleembundel Amoris Divini et Humani Antipathia.” Ons geestelijk erf, 49 (1975), 193-213. The article gives new data about the printing history of Amoris Divini; it also lists all the sources for the emblem plates. PD. Otto Vaenius (Amorum emblemata, Amoris divinis, and Qvinti Horatii Flacci emblemata) 361. Becker-Cantarino, Barbara. “The Emblemata Amatoria: Implications for the Index Emblematicus.” In The European Emblem: Towards an Index Emblematicus. Ed. Peter M. Daly. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1980, 59- 82. 362. Ford, James. Ut Pictura Poesis or An Attempt to Explain in Verse the Emblemata Horatiana of Otto Vaenius. London: Pvt. ptd., 1875. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. B71: 372. O73: Studies about Emblem Books 175 Janssens, André. “De Nederlandse liefdesemblematiek van 1607 tot 1618.” Licentiaat Thesis, Louvain, 1975. Groups the emblems in Amorum Emblemata by motifs; it also con- tains a motif index and a motto index. Porteman, Karel. Inleiding tot de Nederlandse emblematalit- eratuur. Groningen: Wolters-Noordhoff, 1977. An unsur- passed study in Dutch emblem literature which answers many questions on printing history and readership. Sabbe, Maurice. “Les Emblemata Horatiana d’Otto Vaenius.” De Gulden Passer. Le Compas d’or, 13 (1935), 1-13. Schoutten, Carina. “Amorum Emblemata. Studio Othonis Vaeni Batabo Lugdunensis. Cum additionibus. Ms II 2634 de la Biblioteca Real de Bruselas.” Licentiaat Thesis, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, 1981. Vid. also under 337. Sebastian, Santiago. “Lectura critica de la Amorum em- blemata de Otto Vaenius.” BMCA, 21 (1985), 5-112. A complete study of the iconography in Vaenius’ emblem book. Illustrates all the picturae for the emblems. . “La visi6n emblematica del amor divino segun Vae- nius.” Cuadernos de arte de la Fundacion Universitaria Espanola, 2 (1985), 3-51. A study of the iconography of di- vine love in Vaenius’ Amoris divini. Illustrates all the pic- turae for the emblems. Selig, Karl L. “Poesias olvidadas de Alonso de Ledesma.” BH, 55 (1953), 191-99. An edition of Ledesma’s verse transla- tions to the epigrams contained in Vaenius’ Amoris divini. V. Emblem Literature: The Emblem and Literature Alvarez, Marisa P. “Ut Pictura Poesis: Cervantes and the Emblems.” Diss. Georgetown University (in progress). Batllori, Miguel. “Alegoria y simbolo en Baltasar Gracian.” In Umanesimo e Simbolismo. Atti del IV Congresso Internazionali de Studi Umanistici. Ed. Enrico Castelli. Roma: Bocca, 1955, 27-32. Bauer, Helga. “Exkurs I. Emblematik im Drama Calderéns.” In Der Index Pictorius Calder6ns. Hamburg: De Gruyter & Co., 1969, 189-211. Bethel, S. L. “Gracidn, Tesauro and the Nature of Meta- physical Wit.” Northern Miscellany of Literary Criticism (Manchester), 1 (1953), 19-40. 176 374. 375: 376. 377s 378. 372: 379a. 379b. 380. 381. 382. Secondary Sources Ciocchini, Héctor E. “Quevedo y la construccién de imagenes emblematicas.” RFE, 48 (1965), 393-405. Argues that Quevedo’s imagery resembles the technique used by em- blem writers, but gives no examples of specific emblems. . “Gongora y la tradicién de los emblemas.” Cuadernos del Sur (num. especial), Instituto de Humanidades. Bahia Blanca: Universidad Nacional del Sur, 1960. A classic monograph that does not deal with specific instances of Goéngora’s debt to emblem writers. There is an overview of the origins of the emblem and some attempts to accu- rately describe the genre (41-68). . “Una hipétesis de simbologia figurada en dos obras de Garcilaso.” RFE, 49 (1966), 329-34. Crawford, Wickersham J. P. “Notes on the Poetry of Don Diego Hurtado de Mendoza.” MLR, 23 (1928), 346-51. Crosby, James O. “Quevedo, The Greek Anthology and Horace.” RPh, 19 (1966), 435-49. Danker, Frederick E. “Emblematic Technique in the Auto Sacramental: Calderén’s No hay mds fortuna que Dios.” Comparative Drama, 6, no. 1 (1972), 40-50. Dixon, Victor. “Lope’s La villana de Getafe and the Myth of Phaeton; or the coche as Status-Symbol.” In What's Past is Prologue: A Collection of Essays in Honour of L. J. Woodward. Ed. Salvador Bacarisse et al. Edinburgh: Scottish Academy Press, 1984, 33-45; 157-60. . “Beatus...Nemo: El villano en su rincén, las Polianteas y la literatura de emblemas.” Cuadernos de Filologia. Litera- turas: Andlisis. (Valencia) 3, Nos. 1-2 (1981), 279-300. Egido, Aurora.”Variaciones sobre la vid y el olmo en la poesia de Quevedo: Amor constante mas alla de la muer- te.” In Homenaje a Quevedo. Ed. Victor Garcia de la Concha. Academia Renacentista II. Salamanca: Universi- dad de Salamanca, 1982, 213-32. Garofalo, Silvano. “Note Lopiane. I: Due redazione lopiane di uno stesso episodio. II: Una curioza citazione mitolog- ica.” Boletin de la Sociedad Castellonense de Cultura, 16 (1935), 41-52. On the use of Alciato’s emblem 71: “Eloquentia fortitude praestantior,” in Gatomaguia and in Guzman el bravo. Golden, Bruce. “Calderén’s Tragedies of Honor: Topoi, Emblem, and Action in the Popular Theater.” Renaissance 383. 384. BOD: 386. 387. 388. 389. Emblem Literature 177 Drama (Evanston), n.s. 3 (1970), 239-62. Specific instances of the relationship of emblems (Juan de Borja, Juan de Orozco, Sebastian de Covarrubias) to scenes in some of Calder6én’s honor plays. Halkhoree Premraj, R. K. “Lope de Vega’s El villano en su rincon: An Emblematic Play.” RomN, 4 (1972-73), 141-45. The term “emblematic” is used in this article in the sense of “symbolic.” The author argues that the play has a double significance: on one hand it alludes to the Franco-Spanish political alliance (1612-15); on the other, it is a reference to Rodrigo Calderén’s unworthy investiture as a Knight of Santiago in 1611. Harmand, R. “En lisant Lope de Vega.” RLC, 10 (1930), 471- 77. A short note (1:472) on the emblem odore ene catsvo (the scarab and the rose) against Torres Ramila. The emblem is illustrated in Newels’ edition of Pablo Martir Rizzo’s Poética de Aristoteles. Infantes de Miguel, Victor. “Calderon y la literatura jerogli- fica.” In Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre Calderon y el teatro del Siglo de Oro. Madrid: C.S.1.C., 1983, 1593-1602. A good point of departure for any future study of this kind; it includes a good bibliography on fiestas and justas poéticas where emblematic poetry is featured. . “La poesia experimental antes de la poesia experi- mental.” In Encuentro con la poesia experimental. Torrelave- ga (Santander): Euskal Bidea, 1981, 99-131. A pioneer article on anagrams, acrostics, disparates poéticos, enigmas, etc. in the Golden Age. .’La textura del poema: Disposicién grafica y volun- tad creadora.” 1616 (Madrid), 3 (1983), 82-89. Jones, Joseph R. “Hieroglyphics in La picara Justina.” In Estudios literarios de hispanistas norteamericanos dedicados a Helmut Hatzfeld con motivo de su 80 aniversario. Eds. Josep M. Sola-Solé et al. Barcelona: Hispam, 1974, 415-29. Kassier, Theodore. The Truth Disguised: Allegorical Structure and Technique in Gracian’s Criticén. London: Tamesis, 1976. Comments extensively on the emblematic structure of Gracian’s works, and proposes that in a sense many of Gracian’s works are emblem books without the picturae. 389a. Lokos, Ellen. “Deciphering the Coded Language of the Viaje del Parnaso: The Importance of Emblems.” Paper presented 178 390. 3gt, 392. 393: 394. 395: 396. 397. 398. 399. Secondary Sources to the Modern Language Association, San Francisco, Dec. 1987. (To appear in Cervantes.) Luciani, Frederick. “Emblems of Praise in a Romance by Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz.” KRQ, 34, no. 2 (1987), 213-21. About a romance by Sor Juana, written in praise of the Condesa de Galve. Sources for the poem can be found in Ripa’s Iconologia and Ovid’s Metamorphoses. Marasso, Arturo. “La Antologia griega en Espana.” Hu- manidades, 24 (1934), 11-18. Mariscal, George. “Iconografia y técnica emblematica en Calderon: La devocion de la cruz.” RCEH, 5 (1981), 229-54. It explores the symbols used in the play, and makes some as- sumptions about emblematic modes as theatrical strategy. The article does not attempt to relate certain key scenes of the auto to specific emblems. Marquez Villanueva, Francisco. “La locura emblematica en la segunda parte del Quijote.” In Cervantes and the Renaissance. Papers of the Pomona College Cervantes Symposium, Nov. 16-18, 1978. Ed. Michael D. McGaha. Easton: Juan de la Cuesta, 1980. Martins, Heitor. “La estrella de Sevilla como emblema.” Barroco, 1 (1969), 75-79. Traces the possible influence of Alciato’s emblems in Lope de Vega’s play, although it con- cedes that the similarity might be caused by a common source. McCready, Warren T. “Empresas in Lope de Vega’s Works.” HR, 25 (1957), 79-104. Still the only article on the subject. McCready lists most of the imprese that appear in Lope’s works (42 plays and 4 nondramatic works between 1589 and 1626). The majority of the imprese in Lope’s works are his own creation; only a few come from the established Renaissance repertoire. . La herdldica en las obras de Lope de Vega y sus contem- pordneos. Diss. University of Chicago, 1961. Toronto, 1962. Nicolay, C. L. “Baltasar Gracian and the Chains of Her- cules.” MLN, 20 (1905), 15-16. Pedraza, Pilar. “El silencio del principe.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July-Oct. 1985), 37-46. A study on the “silence of the ruler” seen through the pictorial and literary documentation of emblem books. Peyton, Myron. “The Retrato as a Motif and Device in Lope Emblem Literature 179 de Vega.” RomN, 4 (1962), 51-57. 400. Radowitz, J. von. Die Devisen und Motto des spdteren Mittelalters. Ein Beitrag zur Spruchpoesie. Stuttgart and Tubingen: J. G. Gotta’scher Verlag, 1850. Imprese for: St. Francisco de Borgia, 29.; St. Ignacio de Loyola, 59; Pedro III de Aragon, 149; Alfonso de Alburquerque, 172; Garcia de Toledo, 181; Condes de Villamediana, 194; Gonzalo de Cérdoba, 255; Gonzalo Pérez, 263; Duque de Alba, 277; Diego de Guzman, 278. Mottoes (Jemas) for: the Guzman family, 21; the Leyva family, 44. 401. Roig Condomina, Vicente M. “Los emblemas animalisticos de Fray Andrés Ferrer de Valdecebro.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July- Oct. 1985), 81-86. To my knowledge, the only article de- voted to Ferrer de Valdecebro’s books. Vid. Ferrer de Valdecebro in Appendix Y. 402. Rothberg, Irving. “The Greek Anthology in Spanish Poetry 1500-1700.” Diss. Pennsylvania State Univ., 1954. 403. Rothe, Arnold. “Quevedo frente al titulo literario.” In Homenaje a Quevedo. Ed. Victor Garcia de la Concha. Academia Renacentista II. Salamanca: Univ. de Sala- manca, 1982, 455-73. On emblematic frontis in Quevedo’s works. 404. Schalk, Fritz. “Gracian und das Ende des Siglo de Oro.” RF, 54 (1940), 265-83. 405. Schroder, Gerhart. Baltasar Gracidns Criticon. Eine Untersuch- ung zur Beziehung zwischen Manierismus und Moralistik. Miinchen: W. Fink, 1966, 163-210. 406. Sebastian, Santiago.”La influencia emblematica de Giovio sobre el humanista turolense Palmireno.” In El arte ara- gonés y sus relaciones con el hispanico e internacional. Actas del III Cologuio de arte aragonés. Huesca, 19-21 diciembre 1983, seccién II. Huesca, 1983, 201-13. About the influence of Giovio’s Imprese on one of Palmireno’s mss. on imprese (Alphabetum Rerum Heroicarum i quo sunt emblemata et Ieroglifica...1576) in the collection of the Ayuntamiento de Valencia. 407. Selig, Karl L. “Sulla fortuna spagnola degli Adagia di Erasmo.” Convivium, (Torino), n.s. 25 (1957), 88-91. . “Some Remarks on Gracian’s Literary Taste and Judgements.” In Homenaje a Gracian. Zaragoza: Institucion Fernando el Catédlico, 1968, 155-62. 408. 180 Secondary Sources 409. Smith, Dawn L. “Tirso’s Use of Emblems as a Technique of Representation in La mujer que manda en casa.” BCom, 37, no. 1 (1985), 71-81. 410. Smith, Hilary Dansey. “Emblems as Sermon Embellishers.” In Preaching in the Spanish Golden Age: A Study of Some Preachers in the Reign of Philip II. Oxford Modern Lan- guages and Literature Monographs. Oxford University Press, 1978, 106-10. 411. Soons, C. Alan. “Calderén dramatizes an emblem: ‘No hay cosa como callar.’” Arcadia (Berlin), 6 (1971), 72-74. 412. ———. “The emblematic technique in Las paces de los reyes.” Theater Annual (Pembroke Pines, Fl), 19 (1962), 43-45. The term “emblematic” in this article is used to mean insertion, “something thrown in,” that anticipates the outcome of the play. 413. Tanner, Roy L. “La influencia de la emblematica en el Cisne de Apolo.” CHA, 328 (1977), 75-98. The only study of its kind that describes how the structure of a poetic treatise (Car- vallo’s Cisne de Apolo) is erected and developed around an emblem (Alciato’s emblem 84: “Insignia poetarum’”). 413a. Triwedi, M.D. “The Source and Meaning of the Pelican Fable in El castigo sin venganza.” MLN, 92 (1977), 326-29. 414. Ullman, Pierre. “An Emblematic Interpretation of Sansén Carrasco’s Disguises.” In Estudios literarios de hispanistas de norteamericanos dedicados a Helmut Hatzfeld con motivo de su 80 aniversario. Eds. Josep M. Sola-Solé et al. Barcelona: Hispam, 1973, 223-38. Elucidates Carrasco’s disguises in D. Quijote by comparing them with motifs also found in some emblems of Sebastian de Covarrubias. 415. Valbuena Briones, Angel. “El emblema ‘in temerarios’ en Calderon. In Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro en homenaje a Raymond R. McCurdy. Eds. Angel Gonzalez et al. Madrid: Catedra, 1983. 416. . “La construcci6n artistica de Fortunas de Andromeda y Perseo.” In Josep Maria Sola-Solé: Homage, homenaje, homenatge. Ed. Antonio Torres Alcala. s.l.: s.a., 91-102. 417. . “El tema del laurel de Apolo en Calderén.” In Calder6n and the Baroque Tradition. Toronto: Wilfrid Lauriel University Press, 9-21. 418. Walthaus, Rina. “Elisa Dido y el contemptus mundi postri- 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. Emblem Literature 181 dentino: simbolismo y moraleja en un drama de Cristébal de Virués.” BCom, 37, no. 2, 191-208. VI. The Emblem and the Arts Alcala Flecha, R. “Fuentes emblematicas del asno cargado de reliquias de la serie Los Desastres de la Guerra de Goya.” Goya, nos. 167-68 (1982), 274-78. About Alciato’s emblem 7 (“Non tibi sed religioni’), emblem 8 (“Ficta religio”) and Goya's “Extrana devocion” (no. 66 from “Los Desastres de la guerra’). Batllori, Miguel. “Los grabados evangélicos del P. Nadal.” Revista mensual del ‘Circulo Bellas Artes’ de Palma de Mallorca, 3 (1946), 53-57. Brown, Jonathan. “On the Origins of Las Lanzas by Velaz- quez.” ZKg, 17 (1964), 240-45. Buser, Thomas. “Jerome Nadal and Early Jesuit Art in Rome.” AB, 58 (1976), 424-33. A most important article that confirms the importance of Nadal’s Evangelicae historicae as a model for early Jesuit artistic endeavors. Camacho Martinez, Rosario. La emblematica y la mistica en el Santuario de Victoria en Malaga. Cuadernos de Arte 8. Madrid: Fundacion Universitaria Espanola, 1986. Galera Andreu, Pedro A. “La palmera, arbor victoriae. Reflexiones sobre un tema emblematico.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July-Oct. 1985), 63-67. The article, which focuses on art history, complements the information in Diaz de Bustamante’s article on the palm tree. Glendinning, Nigel. “El asno cargado de reliquias en Los Desastres de la Guerra de Goya.” AEA, 35 (1962), 221-30. Conjectures that the pictorial source might be the fables of Samaniego or Ibanez de la Renteria. —. “A Solution to the Enigma of Goya’s Emphatic Ca- prices Nos. 65-80 of the Disasters of War.” Apollo, 107, no. 193 (Mar. 1978), 186-91. . “Goya and Van Veen: An Emblematic Source for Goya’s Late Drawings.” The Burlington Magazine, 129 (Aug. 1977), 568-70. Gonzalez de Zarate, Jestiis M. “Las claves emblematicas en la 182 Secondary Sources lectura del retrato barroco.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July-Oct. 1985), 53-62. Presents some emblems as direct sources of in- spiration for Spanish Baroque portraiture. . “El retrato barroco y la Emblematica: Velazquez y La leccién de equitacion del Principe Baltasar Carlos.” BMCA, 27 (1987), 27-38. On the relationship of Velazquez’s canvas and some Spanish emblems (Alciato 35, In adulare Nescien- tem; Sebastian de Covarrubias, I, 64; De Soto’s Dei manu Imperium optimum) and imprese (Saavedra Fajardo’s 38, 20, and 87) 429. Gottlieb, Carla. “An Emblematic Source for Velazquez’ Surrender of Breda.” GBA, 67 (1966), 181-84. An argument for Alciato’s emblem 39 (“Concordia”) as a source for Las lanzas. 430. Grand, Roger. “De la signification des initiales, armes, ef- figes et emblémes figurés sur les édifices civils et militaires aux XVe et XVIe siécles.” Mémoires de la Société Nationale des Antiquaires de France. 9, sér. 3, (1954), 263-77. 431. Herrero Garcia, M. “El grabado al servicio de la mistica.” RIE, 3, 11 (1945), 341-49. Extensive information and the re- duced illustrations from Rojas y Ausa’s emblem book, Representaciones de la verdad...(1679). 432. Iglesias, José Manuel. El pintor de Banga. La Coruna: Fundacion Pedro Barrié de la Maza, 1984. About the deco- rative program, based on Alciato’s emblems, executed in a rural church in Galicia by the anonymous “Maestro of Banga.” 433. Levitine, George. “Some Emblematic Sources of Goya.” JCWI, 22 (1959), 106-31. . “Goya. Les emblémes et la revanche de ]’ane portant des reliques.” GBA, 93 (Apr. 1979), 173-78. On the source of Goya’s Extrafia devocion in Los Desastres de la Guerra and Alciato’s emblem 7 (“Non tibi sed religioni’). 435. Lopez Vazquez, José Manuel B. “Goya, los gigantes y los emblemas.” Goya, 187-88 (1985), 102-12. Searches into Alciato’s, Sol6rzano Pereira’s, and Covarrubias’ emblems for the sources of Goya’s El coloso. 435a. Martinez Caviréd, B. “El Monasterio de San Clemente de Toledo: Algunos aspectos estilisticos.” AEA, 51 (Apr. 1978), 137-53. 436. Moffit, John F. “Un grabado emblematico de Goya. El Dis- parate desordenado o matrimonial.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July- 428a. 434. 437. 437 a. 437b. 437c. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. Emblem and the Arts 183 Oct. 1985), 77-80. About the relationship between Alciato’s emblem 198 (“Nupta contagioso”) and Goya’s Disparate matrimonial. . “Diego Velazquez, Andrea Alciati and the Surrender of Breda.” Artibus et historiae. no. 5, 3 (1982), 75-90. Incorporates the observations of Brown, Gottlieb, O’Gorman and others about the possible source of Velazquez’s painting in Alciato’s emblem 39 (“Concordia”). It also explores the possibility of Alciato’s emblem 168 (“In dona hostium”) as an ancillary source for the painting. Moffit’s article is the first one that carefully examines the text of a commentary of an edition of Alciato (Lopez’s Declaracién magistral) that Velazquez is likely to have read. and W. Liedtke. “Velazquez, Olivares and the Baroque Equestrian Portrait.” The Burlington Magazine, 128 (Sept. 1981), 529-37. . “Velazquez y el significado del retrato ecuestre bar- roco.” Goya, no. 202 (Jan.-Feb. 1988), 207-15. . “The Count-Duke of Olivares on Horseback: An Emblematic Equestrian Portrait by Velazquez.” Konsthis- torik Tidskrift, 55 (1986), 149-67. Nilsson, S. A. “The Ass Sequence in Los Caprichos.” Konsthistorik Tidskrift, 47 (1978), 27-38. O’Gorman, James F. “More about Velazquez and Alciati.” ZKg, 28 (1965), 225-28. Osma, G. J. de. Las divisas del rey en los pavimentos de obra de Manises del Castillo de Napoles (Afios 1446-1458). Apuntes sobre cerdmica morisca. Textos y Documentos Valencianos III. Madrid: Imp. de Fortanet, 1909. Part 3 (38-59) contains a most detailed study of some Castilian and Aragonese devices and tournament imprese. Pedraza, Pilar. “Los jeroglificos del patio de la Universidad de Salamanca y la Hypnerotomachia Poliphili.” Traza y Baza, 8 (1983), 45-47. . “La introduccién del jeroglifico renacentista en Es- pania: Los enigmas de la Universidad de Salamanca.” CHA, 394 (1983), 1-18. About the use in architectural decoration of the illustrations contained in Colonna’s Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. Rosende Valdés, Andrés A. “Caracter emblematico de las sillerias de coro gallegas.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July-Oct. 1985), 8-16. About late medieval decorative wood carvings 184 444. 445. 446. 447. 447a. 448. 449. 450. 451. Secondary Sources found in choir stalls in Galician churches. These motifs are forerunners to emblematic picturae. Rosenthal, Earl S. “The Invention of the Columnar Device of Emperor Charles V at the Court of Burgundy in Flanders in 1516.” JCWI, 36 (1973), 198-230. . “Plus ultra,’ ‘Non plus ultra’ and the Columnar Device of Emperor Charles V.” JWCI, 34 (1971), 204-28. ———. “Plus Oultre’: The Columnar Device on the Alhambra.” In Hortum Imaginum. Essays in Western Art. Eds. R. Enggass and M. Stokstad. Humanistic Studies 45. Lawrence: University of Kansas, 1974, 85-93. ———. The Palace of Charles V in Granada. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985. The section entitled “The Iconography of Rulership” (245-64) is of special interest to emblematics. Roteta, A. M. “Un grabado representativo de arquitectura emblemiatica: la puerta de Guadalajara.” Goya, nos. 181-82 (July-Oct. 1984), 26-29. Sebastian, Santiago. “El patio de la casa Zaporta.” BMCA, 1 (1980), 5-19. . “Nueva lectura de Las hilanderas. La emblematica como clave de su interpretacién.” Fragmentos (Madrid), 1 (1984), 44-51. An original interpretation. The article argues that the metaphor of the king as weaver, illustrated in Solorzano Pereira’s Emblemata regio-politica (1653) in em- blem 14 (“Vita regum quasi texentis”) is the hidden key to the meaning of Velazquez’s painting. . “La pintura emblematica de la casa del Fundador de Tunja (Colombia).” Goya, nos. 161-62 (Mar.-June 1981), 178-83. The seventeenth-century decorations of this house represent perhaps the earliest use of emblematic programs in Spanish America. . “La pintura programatica: El mensaje humanistico de la casa de Juan de Vargas o del escribano de Tunja.” In Santiago Sebastian Lopez, Teresa Gisbert de Mesa and J. de Mesa Figueroa. Summa Artis. Historia General del Arte. Arte Iberoamericano desde la Colonizacién a la Independen- cia. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1985, 28:275-86. 452. 453. 454. 454a. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. Fétes, Funerals, and Royal Entries 185 VII. Studies about Fétes, Funerals, and Royal Entries (Vid. Appendix Z for short-title list of primary sources) Abella, J. J. “Los tamulos de Carlos V en el mundo hispanico: Valladolid y Méjico.” Tesis de licenciatura, Universidad de Barcelona, 1975. Alewyn, Richard. L’Univers du Baroque. Tr. Daniéle Bohler. Hamburg: Editions Gonthier, 1959. The best short treat- ment of the nonreligious féte during the seventeenth cen- tury. Alvar, E. “Exequias y certamen poético por Magarita de Austria (Zaragoza,1612).” AFA, 26-27 (1980), 225-39. Introd. with. an edition of a ms. relating the funeral ceremonies celebrated in Zaragoza in honor of Margarita de Austria, the wife of Philip III of Spain. Andrés de Ustarroz, Juan Francisco. Certdmen poético que la Universidad de Zaragoza consagré al Arzobispo D. Pedro de Apaolaza en 1642 segun el MS. E. 41-5.943 de la Biblioteca Rodriguez Monino/Brey. Ed. Angel San Vicente, introd. Aurora Egido. Zaragoza: Institucion Fernando el Catolico, 1986. Bataillon, Marcel. “Plus Oultre: La Cour découvre le Nouveau Monde.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Ed. Jean Jacquot. Fétes et cérémonies au temps de Charles V. Paris: GNRS)1960)) 2-13-27. Bercé, Yves-Marie. Féte et Révolte. Des mentalités populaires du XVIe au XVIIIE siécles. Paris: Hachette, 1976. Bonet Correa, Antonio. “Tumulos del Emperador Carlos V.” AEA, 33 (1960), 55-66. . “El timulo de Felipe IV de Herrera Barnuevo y los retablos-baldaquinos del barroco espanol.” AEA, 34 (1961), 136. . “Aspects de la cour d’Espagne au XVII€ siécle: I’eti- quette de la chambre du roy.” BH, 74 (1972), 138-57. . “La fiesta barroca como practica del poder.” Diwan, 5-6 (1979), 53-85. . “El poeta Torre Farfan y la Fiesta de Canonizacién de San Fernando en Sevilla en 1671.” In Andalucia Monu- mental. Arquitectura del Renacimiento y el Barroco. Sevilla: Editoriales Andaluzas Unidas, 1986. Bottineau, Yves. “Architecture éphémére et barroque espa- 186 Secondary Sources gnol.” GBA (1968), 213-30. 463. Bouchery, H. F. “Des arcs triomphaux aux frontispices de livres.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Ed. Jean Jacquot. Paris: CNRS, 1956, 1:431-42. 464. Bux6, José Pascual. “Palestras literarias, arcos triunfales. (Formas de la poesia colonial). Anuario de filologia (Universidad del Zulia), s.a., 4, no. 4, 217-46. A lot of in- formation on Sigiienza y Géngora’s Triunfo Parténico, also information on the nature of certdmenes and justas poéticas in New Spain. . Arco y certdmen de la poesia mexicana colonial. Siglo XVI. Veracruz: Universidad de Veracruz, 1956. 465. Carrasco Urgoiti, Soledad. “Les fétes équestres dans Les Guerres Civiles de Grenade de Pérez de Hita.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Eds. Jean Jacquot and Elie Konigson. Paris: CNRS, 1975, 3:298-312. 466. Carreres de Calatayud, F. A. Las fiestas valencianas y su ex- presion poética, siglos XVI-XVII. Valencia: C.S.1.C., 1949. 467. Carreres y Zacarés, Salvador. Ensayo de una bibliografia de Libros de Fiestas celebradas en Valencia y su antiguo reino... Valencia: Hijo de F. Vives Mora, 1926. 468. Cervantes de Salazar, F. México en 1544 y Tuimulo Imperial. Ed., introd., and notes by E. O’Gorman. México: Porrta, 1963. 469. Chanu, Pierre. L’Espagne de Charles Quint. Paris: Société d’Edition d’Enseignement Supérieur, 1973, 1:61-76; 2: 564- 70. A lot of information about fétes and royal entries dur- ing the reign of Charles V. 470. Chartrou, Joséphe. Les entrées solennelles et triomphales a la Renaissance 1484-1551. Paris: Les Presses Universitaires de France, 1928. 471. Chastel, André. “La glorification humaniste dans les monu- ments funéraires de la Renaissance.” In Umanesimo e Scienza Politica. Atti del Congresso Internazionale di Studi Umanistici a Roma-Firenze 1949. Ed. Enrico Castelli. Milano: C. Marzoratti, 1951, 477-85. . “Le Baroque et la mort.” In Retorica e Barocco. Atti del II Congresso Internazionale di Studi Umanistici. Ed. Enrico Castelli. Roma: Fratelli Bocca, 1955, 33-46. 473. Deleito y Pifiuela, José. El rey [Felipe IV] se divierte. Recuerdos de hace tres siglos. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1955. 464a. 472. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. Fétes, Funerals, and Royal Entries 187 Egido, Aurora. “Certamenes poéticos y arte efimero en la Universidad de Zaragoza (Siglos XVI y XVII).” In Cinco es- tudios humanisticos para la Universidad de Zaragoza en su centenario IV. Zaragoza: Caja de Ahorros de la Inmacula- da, 1983, 9-78. Esteban Lorente, Juan F. “Una aportacion al arte provisional del barroco zaragozano: Los capelardentes reales.” In Francisco Abad de los Rios. A su memoria. Zaragoza: Ediciones de la Universidad de Zaragoza, 1973, 36-71. . “Mensaje simbdélico de las exequias reales realizadas en Zaragoza en la época del barroco.” Seminario de Arte Aragonés (Zaragoza), 34 (1981). Fagiolo dell’Arco, Maurizio and Silvia Carandini. L’Effimero Barocco. Strutture della festa nella Roma del ‘600. Roma: Bulzoni, 1978. 2 vols. Flecniakoska, Jean Louis. “Fétes solennelles du transfert de la statue de la Vierge de la Fuenciscla. (Ségovie, 12-22 sept. 1613).” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Eds. Jean Jacquot and Elie Konigson. Paris: CNRS, 1975, 3:485-503. Foronda y Aguilar, L. de. Estancias y viajes del Emperador Carlos V. Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1914. A daily account of the travels of Charles V during his reign with occasional descriptions of royal entries and decor. Gallego, Julian. “Simbolos y alegorias en la vida espafiola: su importancia en ceremonias y fiestas.” In Vision y simbolos de la pintura espaniola del Siglo de Oro. Madrid: Catedra, 1984, 116-50. There is a wealth of information on the emblematic content of the fiestas, funerals, and entries that I have used to compile Appendix Z. . “Aspectos emblematicos en las reales exequias es- pafiolas de la Casa de Austria.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July- Oct. 1985), 120-25. Giesey, R. E. The Royal Funeral Ceremony in Renaissance France. Travaux d’Humanisme et Renaissance 37. Geneva: Droz, 1960. Jacquot, Jean. “Panorama des fétes et cérémonies du régne [de Charles V]. Evolution des thémes et des styles.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Ed. Jean Jacquot. Fétes et cérémonies au temps de Charles V. Paris: CNRS, 1960, 2:415-91. Jones, Joseph R. “La erudicién elegante. Observations on the Emblematic Tradition in Sor Juana’s Teatro Alegérico and 188 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. Secondary Sources Sigtienza’s Teatro de virtudes poltticas.” Hispanofila, 65 (1978), 43-58. Kernodle, George R. From Art to Theater: Forms and Conventions in the Renaissance. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1944. Leonard, Irving. Don Carlos de Sigtienza y Géngora: A Mexican Savant of the Seventeenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1929. Lopez Estrada, Francisco. “La aventura frustrada: Don Quijote como caballero aventurero.” Anales Cervantinos, 3 (1953), 161-214. Some remarks on the fiestas in Cervantes’ novel. . “Fiestas y literatura en los siglos de oro: La Edad Media como asunto ‘festivo’ (El caso del Quijote).” BH, 84, nos. 3-4 (1982), 291-327. The article has a wider scope than the title reveals. It contains a useful short introduction to the fiesta genre in Spain. Marsden, C. A. “Entrées et fétes espagnoles au XVIe siécle.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Ed. Jean Jacquot. Paris: CNRS, 1960, 2:389-411. Martin, J. L. and E. Sarmiento. “Masks and Monuments of the Spanish Baroque.” Architectural Review (May 1933), 193-98. Martin Gonzalez, J. J. “En torno al tema de la muerte en el arte espanol.” BSEAA, 38 (1972), 269-72. Moreno Cuadro, Fernando. “Arquitectura efimera del siglo XVII: Algunos ejemplos caracteristicos.” Memoria de li- cenciatura, Universidad de Cordoba, 1978. . “Estructura simbolica del tumulo de Isabel de Borbén en la Capilla Real de Granada.” BSEAA, 45 (1979), 462-69. . “Humanismo y arte efimero hispalense. La Canoni- zacion de San Fernando.” Traza y Baza, 9 (1984), 36-37. . “La visién emblematica del gobernante virtuoso.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July-Oct. 1985), 17-26. On the use of emblems in praise of the virtuous ruler in Spanish seven- teenth-century funeral commemorations and royal entries. Palm, E. W. “El sincretismo emblematico de los Triunfos de la Casa del Dean en Puebla.” In El retablo barroco a la memo- ria de Francisco de la Maza. México: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, 1974, 11-18. Panofsky, Erwin. “Mors vitae testimonium. The Positive 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. Fétes, Funerals, and Royal Entries 189 Aspect of Death in Renaissance and Baroque Iconogra- phy.” In Studien zur toskanischen Kunst. Fetschrift fiir Ludwig Heinrich Heydenreich. Miinchen: Prestel, 1964, 221- 36. Paz, Octavio. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz o la trampas de la fe. 3rd. ed. México: Fondo de Cultura Ecénomica, 1983. Chapters 2 and 4 of the third part and chapter 5 of the fourth part constitute a complete study of Sor Juana’s em- blematic culture and endeavors. Pedraza, Pilar. “La cultura de la imagen en la fiesta bar- roca.” Tesis doctoral, Universidad de Valencia, 1977-78. . Barroco efimero en Valencia. Publicaciones del Archivo Municipal de Valencia. Estudios monogrdaficos 15. Valencia: Ayuntamiento de Valencia, 1982. A study of the religious féte in the city of Valencia during the Golden Age. . “Las fiestas de la nobleza valenciana en el siglo XVII: Un ejemplo caracteristico (1662).” Estudis (Valencia), 6 (1977), 101-21. . “Intervenci6n de los locos en la fiestas valencianas del siglo XVII.” In Estudios de historia de Valencia. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia, 1978, 231-45. Pizarro Gomez, Francisco Javier. “Astrologia, emblematica y arte efimero.” Goya, nos. 187-88 (July-Oct. 1985), 47-62. About the use of emblems in triumphal arches and royal entries. . “Jeroglificos y emblemas en la entrada triunfal de Felipe III en Lisboa.” Norba-Arte (Caceres), 6 (1985), 163-78. Querol Gavalda, Miguel. “Le Carnaval a Barcelone au débout du XVIIE® siécle.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Ed. Jean Jacquot. Paris: CNRS, 1956, 1:371-75. Revilla, Federico. “Un discurso simbélico renacentista en el Colegio de San Jaime y San Matias de Tortosa.” Varia de Arte. Valladolid: Universidad de Valladolid, 1987, 330-38. . “Un ejemplo caracteristico de arte efimero diecio- chesco: el cenotafio barcelonés de Maria Amalia de Sajonia.” Goya, nos. 181-82 (1984), 55-62. . “La magnificacién simbdlica del monarca en el ceno- tafio barcelonés de Carlos II.” BMCA, 18 (1984), 5-14. Rodriguez de la Flor, Fernando. “Picta poesis: un sermon en jeroglificos dedicado por Alonso de Ledesma a las fiestas de beatificacién de S. Ignacio en 1610.” Anales de Literatura 190 510. oy O12: 53. 514. Bild: 516. SL7; 518. 519. 520. Secondary Sources Espanola (Universidad de Alicante), 1 (1982), 119-33. . “El jeroglifico y su funcién dentro de la arquitectura efimera barroca. (a proposito de treinta y tres jeroglificos de Alonso de Ledesma, para las fiestas de beatificacién de San Ignacio en el Colegio de la Compafiia de Jess en Salamanca, 1610).” BMCA, 8 (1982), 84-102. Rodriguez Monino, Antonio. “Vasco Diaz Tanco témoin et chroniqueur poétique du couronnement de Charles Quint.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Ed. Jean Jacquot. Paris: CNRS, 1960, 2:183-196. Roubaud, Sylvia. “Les fétes dans les romans de chevalerie hispaniques.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Eds. Jean Jacquot and Elie Konigson. Paris: CNRS, 1975, 3:313-40. Roux, Lucette E. “La Féte du Saint Sacrement a Seville en 1594: essai de définition d’une lecture des formes.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Eds. Jean Jacquot and Elie Konigson. Paris: CNRS, 1975, 3:461-68. Sabat de Rivers, Georgina. “El Neptuno de Sor Juana: Fiesta barroca y programa politico.” University of Dayton Review, 16 (1983), no. 2, 63-73. Sebastian, Santiago. “El triunfo de la muerte.” In Contrare- forma y Barroco. Lecturas iconograficas. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1981, 93-125. Important observations on Baroque funeral monuments in Spain and Latin America. . “Imagenes de lo escatolégico.” In Arte y humanismo. Madrid: Catedra, 1978, 285-312. . “La exaltacién de Carlos V en la arquitectura mallor- quina del siglo XVI.” Mayurga (Palma), 5 (1971), 99-113. ———. “El triunfo de la muerte.” In Santiago Sebastian Lopez, Teresa Gisbert de Mesa, and J. de Mesa Figueroa. Summa Artis. Historia General del Arte. Arte Iberoamericano desde la Colonizacion a la Independencia. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1985, 28:449-53. Selig, Karl L. “Algunos aspectos de la tradicién emblematica en la literatura colonial.” In Actas del Tercer Congreso Internacional de Hispanistas. México: El Colegio de México, 1970, pp. 831-37. A commentary on the emblematic aspects of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’s Neptuno Alegorico. Shergold, Norman D. “Féte et théatre en Espagne au XVIE& siécle.” In Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Eds. Jean Jacquot and Elie Konigson. Paris: CNRS, 1975, 3: 451-59. 521% D222; B20: 524. SY da) 526; B27 e 528. 529! 530. Bole 532. 31513)5 Fétes, Funerals, and Royal Entries 191 . “Documentos sobre Cosme Lotti, escendgrafo de Felipe IV.” In Studia Iberica. Festschrift fiir Hans Flasche. Eds. Karl H. Korner and Klaus Ruhl. Bern: Francke, 1973, 589-602. Strong, Roy. Splendour at Court: Renaissance Spectacle and Illusion. London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1973. ———. Art and Power: Renaissance Festivals 1450-1630. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1984. Torre Farfan, Fernando de la. Poesias de D. Fernando de la Torre Farfan (1609-1677). Ed. Juan G. Civico de Porres. Sevilla: Tipografia de Gironés, 1915. Contains an edition of a ms. biography of Torre Farfan written by Diego Ignacio de Géngora. Valgoma y Diaz-Varela, Dalmiro de la. Entradas en Madrid de reinas de la Casa de Austria. Instituto de Estudios Madrilenos, C.S.I.C., Madrid: Artes Graficas Municipales, 1966. . Norma y ceremonia de las reinas de la Casa de Austria. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia, 1958. Vanuxem, Jacques. “Le Baroque au Piémont: Fétes, em- blémes, devises au XVIle siécle.” In Renaissance, Maniéris- me, Baroque. Actes de XIe Stage International de Tours. Paris: Vrin, 1972. . “Emblémes baroques dans I’art et dans les fétes aux temps de Louis XIV.” Kunstchronik (Nurnberg), 8 (1955), 93- 94. Varey, John E. “Processional Ceremonial of the Spanish Court in the Seventeenth Century.” In Studia Iberica. Fetschrift fiir Hans Flasche. Eds. Karl H. Korner and Klaus Ruhl. Bern: Francke, 1973, 643-52. . “Further Notes on Processional Ceremonial of the Spanish Court in the Seventeenth Century.” Iberoromania, 1 (1974), 71-79. . “Motifs artistiques dans l’entrée de de Marianne d’Autriche a Madrid en 1649.” In La féte théatrale et les sources de l’opéra. Actes de la 4e session des Journées Interna- tionales d'Etudes du Baroque. Montauban: “Baroque,” 1972. . “Calderén, Cosme Lotti, and Velazquez, and the Ma- drid Festivities of 1636-37.” Renaissance Drama, 1 (1968), 253-82. ———. “L’auditoire du Salén Dorado de 1l’Alcazar de 192 534. 530. 536. 537. 538. Secondary Sources Madrid au XVII® siécle.” In Dramaturgie et Société. Rapports entre l’oeuvre théatrale et son public aux XVI et XVII siécles. Eds. Jean Jacquot et al. Paris: CNRS, 1968, 1:77-91. Vetter, Ewald Maria von. “Der Einzug Phillipps II in Lis- sabon, 1619.” In Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Kultur geschichte Spaniens. Spanische Forschungen der Gorresgesellschaft, 19 (1962), 187-263. Vindel, Francisco. Influencia de las fiestas religiosas en el Siglo de Oro. Madrid: [Géngora], 1940. Weinitz, Franz. Des Don Diego de Aedo y Gallart Schilderung der Schlacht von Nordlingen. Strassbourg: Triibner, 1884. Yates, Frances A. “Charles Quint et l’idée de l’Empire.” Les Fétes de la Renaissance. Ed. Jean Jacquot. Paris: CNRS, 1960, 2:57-97. Also in English tr. “Charles V and the Idea of the Empire.” In Astraea: The Imperial Idea in the Sixteenth Century (1975). London: Ark, 1985, 1-28. . The Valois Tapestries. Studies of the Warburg Insti- tute. Vol 23. Leiden: J. Brill, 1959. No specific information about Spain, but nonetheless a classic study whose methodology is worth imitating for studies of this kind. X1. X2. X3. X4. X5. Appendix X Bibliographical Ghosts, Untraceable or Lost Emblem Books and Related Items Anon. ms. dated 1559 from the Munich National Library, a page of which was illustrated by Ludwig Pfandl in Introducci6n al estudio del Siglo de Oro. Madrid: Araluce, 1929, p. 243. The ms. page is titled: “Pintando motes | Los enamorados en Espafia suelen pintar motes por recreacién de sus pasiones.” The title is followed by a text that com- bines words and drawings to create some lines of poetry. Attempts made by Victor Infantes de Miguel to locate this item have been unsuccessful. Andrés de Ustarroz, Juan Francisco. “Traduccién del Dia- logo de las Empresas que escribi6 en lengua italiana Estéban Guazzo: MS. ano 1634.” An entry in a ms. list of works by Andrés de Ustarroz submitted with his applica- tion for the position of Chronicler of the Kingdom of Aragon. Gallardo 1, 191. Lost. Obviously a translation of Stefano Guazzo’s Dialoghi piacevoli, a book which ran through five Italian editions from 1586 to 1604. Aratus, Paulus. Emblemas sacras y profanas, seguidas de un discurso. Rome, 1589. Cit. in Henkel and Schone, 235. Untraceable. Barrios, Miguel de (Daniel Levi). Poetry written in pictorial hieroglyphics followed by a decipherment. In Coro de las musas dirigido...a Francisco de Mello... Brusselas: Balthazar Vivien, 1672. Peeters-Fontainas, 1, 96. According to Ticknor (Whitney, 29), after the work was published, about eighty pages were added. Some editions carry illustrated pages, one of which was reproduced by Pfand] (vid. supra Pfandl loc. cit.). Victor Infantes de Miguel has not been able to lo- cate a copy that contains the illustrated pages. Bivero, Pedro de. “Emblemata in Psalmun Miserere. Aeri in- sculpta in 8vo.” Antonio 2, 175. The only known reference 194 Appendix X X6. UE x8. x9. X10. X11. X12. XS: to this presumably lost imprint. Charles Huttar (vid. under Bivero, Studies) conjectures that this might have been a reference to the David segment, at the end of part one in Bivero’s Oratorium piarum (vid. FB1). The engravings con- tained in this section appeared for the first time in Poenitence délinée dans l’Evangelique de David (1629) in 8vo., which apparently circuated in more than one lan- guage text. Daza, Bernardino. “Las emblemas de Alciato. 1540. 4to.” Green 16. Cited by Antonio 1, 216, and refuted by Graesse 1, 62. Ticknor, who exposed this ghost, was certain of the misreading of the date: 1540 for 1549 (vid. Whitney, 7). The entry in NUC attributing copies of a 1540 edition to Princeton University Library and to the Huntington Library are incorrect; it should read 1549. ———. “Las emblemas de Alciato. En Lyon 8vo., 1542.” A bibliographical ghost exposed by Green, 21. . “Las emblemas d’Alciato. Lyons, 8vo..., 1548.” An edi- tion quoted by Bernd, for which Green (34) found no other reference. Again noted by J. A. van Praag in “Los fondos espanoles de las bibliotecas de Holanda.” Clavilefio, 5 (1954). Untraceable. Freyre, Francisco. “De Symbolis Heroum. Libros V. Multiple eruditione illustres.” Antonio 1, 427. I have not been able to locate this item. Galindo, Mateo. Librum emblematum, hieroglyphicorum, e carminum, quibus exceptus est prorex, marchio Villenae. Angelopoli [Puebla de los Angeles], 1639. Antonio 2, 116. It seems to be either a mistaken entry for Mateo de Salcedo’s book, since details of the title and place of publication co- incide (vid. Z51), or perhaps the Latin title or the Latin original. I have found no other references to this item. Lépez, Diego. Declaracién magistral sobre las emblemas de Alciato...con notas latinas por José Campos. Valencia: Herederos de Gerénimo Villagrasa, 1676. Palau 1, 6064. Selig has not seen this imprint and it is unattested by fur- ther search in bibliographies and compilations. Palmireno, Juan Lorenzo. “Annotationes in Alciatum ejusdem Palmyreni.” Ms. cit. in Latassa, Bibliotecas... 1, 457. I have not been able to locate this item. Rosell Fuenllana, Diego. Hieroglyphicos. Naples: Roncallalo, X14. KAS. X16. X17. Appendix X 195 1613, 4to. Antonio 1, 311. I have not been able to locate this item. Sanchez de la Brozas, Francisco. Commentariorum in Andrea Alciati Emblemata...Lugduni: Rovillium, 1563. Antonio, and Palau 1, 6061. An obvious misprint for 1573. Solorzano Pereira, Juan de. Emblemata centum regio politica... Madrid, 1651. A ghost occasionally cited as the editio prin- ceps (e.g., Palau 21, 318995.) The confusion, I believe, was created by copies of the 1653 editio princeps that are missing the illustrated t.p., and were mistakenly catalogued by the dateless faux-titre and preliminary documents as a 1651 edition. Tribaldos de Toledo, Luis. “Blemmata (sic volebat is pro Emblematis) CCL. cum commentaris: inedita, ut Miraeus refert.” Antonio 1, 67. Selig located the ms. in the Plantin Archives in Antwerp, and it is not an emblem ms. For de- scription of contents, vid. Karl L. Selig. “The Blemata of Luis Tribaldos de Toledo.” HR, 29 (1961), 52-53. Vitoria, Baltasar de. “Cincuenta y nueve emblemas.” Lost ms. of Vitoria, of which only fragments survive, copied by the last owner of the ms., Jacobo de Castro, in his Arbol Chronologico de la Santa Provincia de Santiago. Salamanca, 1722. Belén Tejerina has edited these fragments: “Los cin- cuenta y nueve emblemas de Baltasar de Vitoria que no se llegaron a publicar.” Cuadernos bibliograficos. 31 (1974), 253- 58. YL. ¥2) ¥ Y¥4. NS: Appendix Y Short-title List of Items Often Included in Emblem Book Bibliographies, Manuscripts, Iconologies, Symbologies, and Bestiaries of Emblematic Relevance, and Other Miscellaneous Entries Akin to Emblem Books Alciato, Andrea. ms. in Latin by Joannis Valentiae. “Scholia in Andreae Alciati emblemata” (MS. 6.658, Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional). Text only; contains comments on 71 of Alciato’s emblems. Reported by Selig, vid. entry 259, p. 359. who stated that the ms. has montage illustrations. pendix. edition that never appeared.” ! edited by its discoverer, Victoriano Punzano. “Traduccién inédita de los emblemas de Alciato.” BBMP, 58 (1982), 67- ifs: . ms. “Los emblemas de Alciato.” (ca. sixteenth cen- tury) translated into Spanish verse. Reported by Esterlich (199) as a ms. bound in “pasta holandesa” different from Daza’s translation. It contained some superimposed illustrations. Source quoted Morante, Cat. Librorum, 1, 24, . ms. Spanish sixteenth-century translation owned and reported by Esterlich (vid. entry 252, p. 199). Menéndez Pelayo knew of the ms. and advised Esterlich in 1887 to exclude it from his survey, or else to relegate it to an ap- . ms. Spanish translation (late sixteenth century, early seventeenth hand) illustrated with 211 woodcut emblems, cut out from a printed edition, pasted following the order of Mignault’s editions. The ms., owned by Selig, is report- edly different from Daza’s translation and contains brief commentaries. Selig (vid. entry 258) construes that “it is possibly a publishers’ manuscript for a proposed Spanish . ms. Spanish translation of emblems (ca. seventeenth century, after 1615) written next to the printed Latin text, in a copy of the Lyons 1573 edition (ed. by Francisco Sanchez de las Brozas). The translation was found in the Biblioteca Menéndez Pelayo, Santander, and has been nG: Y7. NG: Y8a. Y8b. ne: Y10. Appendix Y 197 . ms. commentary to the emblems by Juan Costa. “Co- mentarios de los Emblemas de Andrés Alciato.” Reported by José Sim6n Diaz in Bibliografia de la literatura hispanica. . ms. translation in Portuguese by Theotonio Cerquiera of Diego Lépez edition: Declaragao Magistral sobre os em- blemas de Andre Alciato...1695. MS 9221 Biblioteca Nacional de Lisboa, in fol. (V) 508 ff. (VII), reported in Landwehr 1, p. xvii. . ms. explanation to 100 emblems in Portuguese writ- ten in the text of the bilingual edition of Welchel (Paris 1540). Although the ms. text is written under the French text, the Portuguese explanations correspond to the Latin text. The ms. is in five different hands that range from the late sixteenth to the middle of the seventeenth century. Modern edition: J. Leite de Vasconcelos Ed. Emblemas de Alciato explicados em Portugués. Porto: Edigaéo da Renascenga Portuguesa, [1916]. -” Coleccién de 22 oraciones retéricas en latin con algunas epistolas, adagios de los antiguos, un didlogo en la misma lengua y exposicién de cinco emblemas de Alciato, a veces en espafiol...” A ms. from the seventeenth century with compositions by students from the University of Valencia, compiled by Vicente Blas Garcia. Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional. Inv. Gral. de MSS., vol. 12, 7868. Alcala de Henares, University of. Copia de las Hierogliphicas que hizo la Universidad de Alcala en la Canonizacion de Sanct Diego. (Alcala de Henares, late sixteenth century). Ms with 37 full-page illustrations. Mottoes in Latin, epi- grams in Spanish. Reported by Sandra Sider in “Emblematic Manuscripts at The Hispanic Society of America.” Emblematica, 4, no. 1 (1989), 131-32. Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan (1606-1682). Laberintos from Primus Calamus ob oculos pones Metametricam...Rome: Falconius, 1662. The 24 full-page pictorial hieroglyphics and enigmas have been edited in a facsimile edition: Laberintos. Introd. by Victor Infantes de Miguel. Madrid: Visor Libros, 1981. Cortés Valenciana, Jerénimo. Libro y tratado de los animales terrestres y volatiles, con la historia y propiedades dellos. Valencia, 1615. (Selig, “Addenda to Praz,” 600, n. 2.). 198 Appendix Y SALI Doni, Francesco (1513-1574). La Zucca del Doni en Spajol. s.l., s.a. This anonymous translation, according to Maxime Chevalier, was published a few months after the Italian original (Venice: Francesco Marcolini, 1551). The book is a collection of sayings, aphorisms, proverbs, etc. titled ci- calamenti, baie, and chiachiere. There are fifteen, in text, illustrations reminiscent of those in Ripa’s Iconologia. Facsimile edition: Introd. by Maxime Chevalier (it also con- tains the original Italian text). Barcelona: Puvil, 1981. Y12. Ferrer de Valdecebro, Fray Andrés (1620-1680). Govierno Nels: General Moral y Politico hallado en las aves mds generosas y nobles sacados de sus naturales virtudes y propiedades...al Gloriosisimo Padre y Apdéstol Valenciano San Vicente Ferrer...Madrid: Diego Diaz de la Carrera, 1668. Twenty- eight engravings of birds by Diego de Obregén, followed by commentary. The editio princeps is not Madrid: Melchor Alegre, 1669 as it appears in Sim6n-Diaz 12, 1548. Praz 335; Landwehr 1, 88. Other editions: Madrid: Melchor Alegre, 1669; Madrid: Melchor Alegre, 1670; “afiadido en esta segunda impression...el libro diez y nueve de la aves monstruosas.” The existence of the edition of 1670 has been questioned, but DNLM holds a copy (WZ 250 P385gs 1670). Also editions of Madrid: Bernardo de Villadiego a Costa de Florian Anisson, 1683; Barcelona, 1690; “anadido en esta ultima impression...,” Barcelona: Cormellas, por Tomas Loriente impressor, 1696, 18 bird plates. Ferrer de Valdecebro claims in the prologue that these bird illustra- tions with commentary are living imprese. Vid. entry 401; Roig Condomina’s article is the only study on this imprint. . Govierno General, Moral y Politico hallado en las fieras, y animales sylvestres sacado de sus naturales propiedades y virtudes con particular tabla para sermones...[a] Juan Martinez Confessor de...D. Felipe Quarto el Grande... Madrid: Diego Diaz de la Carrera, 1658. Sp 3-54.313; DLNM WZ 250 P385gf 1658. Eighteen engravings of animals, by Diego de Obregon, followed by commentary. Not in Praz or in Landwehr; Sim6n-Diaz 12, 1540. Other editions: Dedicated to Pedro Prado de Arana, Madrid: Antonio de Zafra, a costa de Maria del Ribero, 1680; Barcelona: Cormellas, por Tomas Loriente, 1696, 18 plates of animals. Ferrer de Valdecebro cites Valeriano in the prologue, and claims that Appendix Y 199 his “illustrations of animals are geroglificos that explain the beasts’ most sublime virtues.” Y14. Fontanella, Francesc. “Emblemas per Santa Rosa,” and “Empresas 0 emblemas per la festa de Sant Thomas de Vilanova en sa Canonizacio,” fols. 400-406 of MS 68, ca. end of seventeenth century. Text only. Fons Lambert Mata in La Casa de Cultura de Ripoll, Gerona. These composi- tions in Catalan are true emblems with mottoes, and writ- ten descriptions of the picturae, followed by an epigram. I would like to thank Professor Kenneth Brown for calling this item to my attention and providing me with a photo- copy of the ms. Vid. Pep Vila. “Un manuscrit de Fontanella.” In Miscel.lania Pere Bohigas. Estudis de llengua i literatura catalanes. 3 (1981), 139-59. Y15. Garau, Francisco S.J. (1640-1701). El sabio instruido de la na- NGG: NA: turaleza en quarenta mdximas politicas y morales. Ilustradas con todo genero de erudicién sacra y humana...Barcelona: Cormellas, por V. Surria, 1675. Editio princeps: text only. Sim6n-Diaz 12, 4002. Praz 346 and Landwehr 1, 311 con- fuse this book with a different imprint by the same author: EI sabio instruido de la Gracia...which was published in 1671. Other editions: Dedicated to Cristébal de Corral y Penarrieta, Madrid: Gonzalez de Reyes, a costa de Gabriel Leon, 1677; Madrid: Gonzalez de Reyes, 1679; Lisboa, 1687. ———. El Olimpo del sabio instruido de la naturaleza, y segunda parte de las maximas politicas y morales ilustradas con todo genero de erudicién sacra y humana...[a]...Fr. Alonso de Sotomayor, Arzobispo de Barcelona. Barcelona: Imprenta de Antonio y Baltasar Ferrer, 1681. 3 vols. Text only? Sim6n-Diaz 12, 4006. The Olimpo is the second part of El sabio instruido... Other editions: Together with the first part, dedicated to Gaspar de Rocafull y Rocaberti, Valencia: Jaime de Bordazar, 1690. . Tercera parte del sabio instruido de la naturaleza, con esfuerzos de la verdad en el tribunal de la razon; alegados en quarenta y dos mdaximas politicas y morales. Ilustradas con todo genero de erudicién, sacra y humana...Barcelona: Cormellas en la Imprenta de Tomas Loriente, 1700. Editio optima. 42 engravings. Garau’s works fall into the category of illustrated sententiae as part of the erudite trappings of the baroque artes praedicandi. 200 Appendix Y Y18. Gracidn, Baltasar S.J. (1601-1658). Arte de ingenio, tratado de la agudeza, en que se explican todos los modos y diferencias de concetos...por Lorenzo Gracidn... Madrid: Juan Sanchez, 1642 is the editio princeps. Agudeza y arte de ingenio...tercera im- pression...publicala Don Vincencio Juan de Lastanosa... Huesca: J. Nogués, 1649 is the editio optima. Modern edition: Introd. and notes by Evaristo Correa Calderén. Clasicos Castalia. Madrid: Castalia, 1969. 2 vols. The Agudeza is the great poetic treatise of Spanish conceptismo, and although Gracian does discuss some emblems, it is mis- leading to classify it as an emblem book. (Vid. also Selig’s articles, entries 256 and 261.) Y19. Lopez, Pedro. Misceldnea de versos latinos y castellanos, Elegias, Emblemas y Hieroglificos, divinos y humanos a varios asuntos...Malaga: Juan Serrano de Vargas, 1639. Sp R- 15.223. Text only, cit. in Simén-Diaz 12, 2822. I have not seen this item. Y20. Lorea, Antonio de. David perseguido. Tercera parte... Istoria moral y politica. Madrid: Imprenta Real, 1675 (there are 3 volumes to this work). Sp R-23225. Simén-Diaz 12, 3796. In the prologue Lorea states that this is the tenth and last volume of the David series, a continuation of the six vol- umes of Ijo de David Cristo, (only 5 vols. can be traced: Sp R23222, R23223, R23223bis, R23224, and R23224 bis.), seven of David pecador y penitente, and three of David perseguido. I have not seen these imprints. Vid. under SJ for Lorea’s emblem book. Y21. Marcuello, Francisco. Primera parte de la historia natural y moral de las aves ...Zaragoza: Juan de Lanaja y Quartanet, 1617. Salva 2, 2720 (Selig, “Addenda to Praz,” 600, n. 2). Y22. Martinez, Marcos. Third and Fourth Part of Espejo de principes y caballeros...Zaragoza: Pedro Cabarte, 1623. Praz includes it in his bibliography (329) because of a remark by Menestrier in his Philosophie de images,”Sont remplies de devises,” which must refer to heraldic escutcheons; there seem to be no imprese, pictorial or otherwise, in the Espejo. Vid. Daniel Eisenberg. Castilian Romances of Chivalry in the Sixteenth Century. London: Grant & Cutler, 1979, 64-65, as well as the introd. to his edition of part one of Espejo de principes...Clasicos Castellanos. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1975. 6 vols. Appendix Y 201 Y23. Nadal, Jerénimo S.J. (1507-1580) Evangelicae historiae imagi- Y24. nes, ex ordine evangeliorum quae toto anno in Missae sacrifi- cio recitantur in ordinem temporis vitae Christi diges- tae...Superiorum permissu. Antwerp: [Plantin] 1593. 153 full- page engravings after Bernardo Passari and Martin de Vos by Charles de Mallery, the Wierix brothers, and Jean and Adrien Collaert. Not exactly an emblem book, but an important work describing the visual steps prescribed by Ignatian meditation. Funck 366; De Backer-Sommervogel 5, 1518; Palau 10, 187146. ICN CaseW9111 .611; NjP N8050 -N12q(SAP). Other editions: under the title Adnotationes et meditationes in evangelia quae in sacrosancto missae sacrifi- cio toto anno leguntur; cum evangeliorum concordantia... Ed. Diego Jiménez. Antwerp: Martin Nucio, 1594-95. Lathrop 204, 124. CSmH 125999, NJP NE910.N3w6.1595q(SAP). Adnotationes... Editio ultima... Antwerp: Moretus, 1607. Facsimile edition: (plates only) Ed., introd. Alfonso Rodri- guez G. de Ceballos (1607). Barcelona: Albir, 1975. . An edition of the plates only: Evangelicae historia imagines, ex ordine evangeliorum... Antwerp: [Nucio] 1593 (sic) 1596. Lathrop 205, 136. ICN CaseW9111 .61; MH Typ.530.95.596; MdBP P226.N272. Facsimile edition: Bergamo: Edizioni “Monumenta Bergomensia,” 1976. Y25. Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de (1600-59). El pastor de Nochebuena... Madrid: Viuda de Francisco Martinez, 1645 is the editio princeps. Text only. The Barcelona 1644 is a spurious entry. Other editions: (with commentary by Juan Eusebio Nieremberg) Valencia: Macé, 1646; Valencia: Sparza, 1646; Brussels: Vivien, 1655; octava impression, Leén: Bernardo Gilberto, s.a.; Madrid: Pablo del Val, 1661; quinta impression, Brussels: Vivien, 1662; In Obras de...VI. Madrid: Viuda de I. de Valdés, 1668; corregido, aniadido y enmendado por su autor, Madrid: Viuda de Melchor Alegre, 1673; Valencia: Cabrera, 1680. For details, vid. Palau 12, 209631-36 and Peeters-Fontainas 2, 1030-31. The Dutch translation: De harder van de goede nacht.... Amsterdam: Boekholt, 1684, reportedly has 13 copperplates and an illustrated title page. Landwehr 4, 172; Praz 442. Y26. Palmireno, Lorenzo. Alphabetum rerum heroicarum in quo sunt emblemata et ieroglifica Hieronymi Rubelli Aquilini (sic).Pauli Jovis, Guillermi (sic) Paradinis, et Pieri Balcarii (sic) collectum 202 Appendix Y a Palmireno summo oratore in gratiam studiosis primae cla- ssis. Anno 1576. In Opuscula, fols. 141-64 v° in the collection of the Ayuntamiento de Valencia. Reported by Gallego Barnes in his book on Palmireno, vid. also entry 406: Santiago Sebastian, “La influencia emblematica de Giovio sobre el humanista turolense Palmireno.” . QPOY ATIOAAQNOZ NEIAQOY tepoyArdika. Valen- cia: Antonio Sanahuja, 1556. Palmireno’s Greek edition of Horapollo’s Hieroglyphics. A very rare imprint based perhaps on the Paris edition of 1551. Text only. Y28. Porreno, Baltasar (1565-1639). Hieroglificos de las Personas en Santidad excellentes, Santos canonicados, y contenidos en el Martirologio Romano, descendientes, o muy allegados por con- saguineidad o affinidad a la nobilissima, y augusta casa de Austria (1625). Illustrated ms. in the Hispanic Society of America. Ms. in the portrait gallery tradition with monar- chs, holy persons, and saints described by their emblematic attributes. Reported by Sandra Sider in “Emblematic Manuscripts at The Hispanic Society of America.” Emblematica, 4, no. 1 (1989), 131-32. Y29. Saporiti, Giacomo. La sombra de las heroycas hazanas...de Don Pedro Girén Duque de Osuna...Virrey, Lugarteniente y Capitan General...en este reyno de Sicilia. En la cual se leen...empresas, emblemas, hieroglyficos... Palermo, 15 de di- ciembre de 1611. Bound ms. of 56 fols. and 1 folded illus. between fols. 36 and 37. In folios 5, 12, 20, 22, 27, 30, 39, 45, 50, and 53, there are drawings of emblems illuminated in watercolors, with mottoes that are explained in the text. Olim: M.242; Madrid, Bib. Nacional Inv. Gral. de MSS., vol. 9, 2984. Y30. Tena, Luis de. Ludovicus de Tena. Expositio in Jonan prophetam; In Habacuc Prophetam. XVII C. 2 vols. Bound ms. of 595 folios. 1 full-page emblematic illustration in fo- lio 211 for the commentary on Habacuc with venatorial vi- gnettes with mottoes reminiscent of those on the life of Job in Juan de Pineda’s Commentariorum in Iob... Olim: B 27; Madrid, Bib. Nacional Inv. Gral. de MSS., vol. 1, 498. Y31. Vaenius, Otto. Amorum Emblemata. Studio Othonis Vaeni Batabo Lugduneneis cum additionibus. MS. II 2634 Royal Library of Brussels. Spanish ms. studied by Carina Schoutten in her Licentiaat thesis. Vid. entry 366 under Y27. Appendix Y 203 Vaenius’ Studies for complete citation. Y32. Waladés, Diego. Rhetorica Christiana ad concionandi, et orandi vsum ac commodata, vtrusqve facultatis exemplis svo loco in- sertis... Perugia: P. Petrutium, 1579. UkGU S.M. 1499; Sp R-2156. Praz 520. Emblematic illustrations: 9 vignettes, 16 full-page plates, one folding plate. Other editions: Perugia, 1583; Rome, 1587 (cit. in Selig “Addenda to Praz,” 601). Y33. Van Heemskerck, Maarten (1498-1574). Divi Caroli V Imp. Opt. Max. Victoriae Ex Multis Praecipvae... Antwerp: Hieronymous Cocq, 1556. Dedicated to Philip II. Not an emblem book. Twelve engravings by Dirck Coornhert, after Van Heemskerck, commemorating the triumphs of Charles V. Each plate is titled in Latin and followed by two epigrams, one in Spanish and one in French. There are four other editions, of which only the 1558 carries the Spanish quatrains. Facsimile edition: Ed. with introd. and notes by Stirling Maxwell. The Chief Victories of the Emperor Charles the Fifth, designed by Martin Heemskerk in MDLV... London and Edinburgh: Priv. prtd. for the editor, 1870. Y34. Villa Real, Hernando de. Emblema o scriptura de la justicia donde se tocan las maneras por donde El justo juizio se tuerce... Salamanca [J. de Junta] 1546. Antonio 2, 427. Uk 011451e.15. I have not seen this item; the word emblema in the title might not have anything to do with emblems. Y35. Villalva, Francisco de. Avisos de padre y rosario de nuestra senora ...Dirigido a su hijo Don Ramon de Villalba... Lérida, 1628. There are five engravings of the mysteries of the Rosary (17-21) without texts or mottoes. Not an emblem book. Other editions: Bibliophile edition (160 copies). Ed. by Ramon Areny Battle, from a copy in his collection, Lérida: Priv. prtd., 1954. MH owns an imperfect copy of Barcelona: Cormellas, 1630; “Reduzidos en breve por el mismo autor y afiadidos otros exercicios muy devotos,” Barcelona: Rafael Figueroa, 1671. According to Praz (529), this edition contains ten woodcut devices. N.B. For editions of standard European mythographies (e.g., Cartari, Ripa, Conti), Renaissance hieroglyphics (e.g., Piero Vale- riano), and foreign theoretical treatises (e.g., Kircher’s Oedipus 204 Appendix Y Aegyptiacus) that have influenced Spanish Emblemata, vid. Henkel and Schone, XXXIX-XLVI; LXXXIII-LXXXIV; LIV-LXXXII respec- tively. For Latin miscellanies and polyantheas vid. Archer Taylor, entry 220, and Karl L. Selig, entry 29. Fétes yo 18 LD. Zs ZA. 7igey ZnO. ZiT. La Bs Appendix Z Short Title Bibliography to Féte, Royal Entries, and Funeral Books of the Spanish Golden Age Containing Emblematic Material Abas y Nicolau, Gabriel Manuel. Narraciones de las fiestas en Zaragoza...a la canonizacién de Sto. Tomds de Villanueva. Zaragoza: Miguel de Luna, 1660. Jeroglificos, 420-22. Text only. Salva 1, 155; not in Praz. Aguilar, Gaspar de. Fiesta que...Valencia ha hecho por la_be- atificacion de...Luis Beltrdn. Valencia: Mey, 1205608. Not in Praz. No info. Cérdoba y Castro, Francisco. Festivos Cultos Célebres ...4...Rosa de Santa Maria Virgen de Lima en su solemne Beatificacion...Roma: Tinas, 1668. Praz 556: “devices are de- scribed without figures.” Dalmau, Joseph. Relacién de la solemnidad...en Barcelona las fiestas a la beatificacion de...Teresa de Jestis... Barcelona: Matevad, 1615. Praz 571 quotes De Backer-Sommervogel (5, 661) as having emblems on ff. 34-36. Jeroglificos anoni- mos: fols. 28r-33r; signed jeroglificos: fols. 62r-70v. NNH Fiestas; Uk 4828.b.16.; Sp 2-46.379; FrPBN H.4191. Text only. Diez de Aux, Luis. Retrato de las fiestas...a Sta. Teresa... Zaragoza: Juan de la Naja, 1615. Sp R-457. Jeroglificos and empresas. Text only. Alenda 601; not in Praz. . Compendio de las fiestas...a Sta. Teresa... Zaragoza: Juan de la Naja, 1619. No info. Not in Praz. Fomperosa, Antonio de. Dias sagrados y geniales celebrados en la canonizacion de S. Francisco de Borgia por el Colegio Imperial de la Compania de Jestis...Madrid: Francisco Nieto, 1672. Some jeroglificos by Pedro Calderon de la Barca. Text only. Huerta, Fr. Antonio de. Triunfos gloriosos...ostentosas fies- 206 ys Z, 10. Pe, ANN FL AWa. LZ 13; Z 14. Zl: Lil, Appendix Z tas...a la canonizacion...de San Pedro de Alcéntara... Madrid: Villadiego, 1670. 4 jeroglificos. Sp 3-39.078. Text only. Salva 1, 261; not in Praz. Leén Garavito, Rodrigo de. Afecto amoroso...en los geroglifi- cos...a la gran fiesta...en los desagravios de Maria Santissima. 3 jeroglificos. Text only. Madrid A. Hist. 9-17-4- 3541. Not in Praz. Lépez de Ubeda, Juan. Vergel de flores divinas...composturas apropiadas para todas las fiestas del ano... Alcala de Henares: Iniguez de Lequérica, 1582. Jeroglificos al Corpus Christi: fols. 83v-87r. Text only. Not in Praz. No info. Luque Fajardo, Francisco de. Relacién de la fiesta que se hizo...a la beatificacion...de S. Ignacio...Sevilla: Estupinan, 1610. 23 emblemas, 21 jeroglificos, portrait of St. Ignatius by Francisco de Herrera (El viejo). Text only. Sp 3-25.151. Salva 1, 275-76; Gallardo 3, 2854; Alenda 522; not in Praz. Manrique de Luxan, Fernando. Relacién de las fiestas ...en la beatificacién de ...Teresa de Jestis...Salamanca: Diego Cussio, 1615. 13 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp R-4.471; R-14.882 (incomplete). Salva 1, 201; not in Praz. Martinez de Grimaldo, Joseph. Fundacion y fiestas de la Congregacion ...del SS. Sacramento...Descripcién de los solemnes adornos que para ellas se han dispuesto... Madrid: Diaz de la Carrera, 1567. Jeroglificos anénimos: fols. 18v- 20r. Text only. Not in Praz. Martinez de la Vega, Jerénimo. Solenes y Grandiosas Fiestas que la...ciudad de Valencia hizo...a la beatificacion...de D. Tomds de Villanueva. Valencia: Felipe Mey, 1620. Engravings of emblems. Gallego 148; Alenda 692; not in Praz. Miranda de la Cotera, Joseph de. Certdmen angélico en la grande celebridad de la dedicacién del...templo...a Santo Tomas de Aquino...Madrid: Diaz de la Carrera, 1657. 9 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp R-16.925; Sevilla C. 90-3-40. Not in Praz. Monforte y Herrera, Fernando de. Relacién de las fiestas...del Colegio Imperial de la Compania de Jests...en la canonizacion de S.Ignacio... Madrid: Luis Sanchez, 1622. 15 jeroglificos. Text only. NNH BX4700 124 M74 1622; Sp R-154; Escorial 51-II-14. Salva 1, 294; Gallardo 3, 3101; Alenda 749; not in Praz. Appendix Z 207 Z17. Navarro, Lorenzo de. Vid. San José, Diego de. Z 18. Orti, Marco Antonio. Solenidad Festiva con que en...Valencia se celebro...la Canonizacion de...Santo Tomas de Villanueva. Valencia: Villagrasa, 1659. Emblematic plates dealing with the staging of the fiesta. Gallego 148; not in Praz. Z19. Paez de Valenzuela, Juan. Relacién brebe de las fiestas ...en la ciudad de Cordoba...a la beatificacién de la gloriosa Patriarcha santa Teresa de Jestis...Cdrdoba: Vda. de Andrés Barrera, 1615. 5 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp 3-39.118. Gallardo 3, 3469; not in Praz. Z 20. Plana, Pedro Joseph de la. Lustral celebridad con que las...pro- vincias concurren al aplauso de...el Principe Don Juan... Lisboa, 1694. Text in form of a play with five heart imprese representing the provinces. NNH Portugal. Salloch 299, 185; 291, 162; not in Praz. Z21. Rebullosa, Fr. Jaime. Relacién de las grandes fiestas...en esta ciudad de Barcelona...a la Canonizaci6n de San Ramon de Penafort...Barcelona: Cendrat, 1601. 6 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp 2-7.573. Salva 1, 341; not in Praz. Z22. Remon, Fr. Alonso. Las fiestas solemnes y grandiosas ...que hizo...la Merced...a su...fundador...San Pedro Nolasco... Ma- drid: Imp. del Reino, 1630. Text only. Sp 3-58.179. Gallardo 4, 3593; not in Praz. Vid. Alonso Remon. Discursos eldgicos y apologéticos...Ed. Luis Vazquez. Madrid: Revista Estudios, 1985. Z 23. Rios Hevia Cerén, Manuel de los. Fiestas que hizo la ciudad de Valladolid...en la Beatificacién de la Sta Madre Teresa de Jesus...Valladolid: Francisco Abarca de Angulo, 1615. 3 jero- glificos, 2 emblemas. Text only. Sp V-2.278; Sant. Men. Pel. R-VI-6-57. Salva 1, 353; Gallardo 4, 3629; Alenda 600; not in Praz. Z 24. Rodriguez, Iosef. Sacro, y solemne novenario...Fiestas que hizo el...convento de N. S. del Remedio...a sus dos gloriosos patriar- cas San Ivan de Mata y San Felix de Valois...Valencia: Macé, 1699. 8 jeroglificos; seven emblematic engravings. Sp 3-67.912. Salva 1, 356; Gallardo 4, 3655; not in Praz. Z 25. Ruiz, Francisco. Relacién de las fiestas que hizo el Colegio de la Compania de Jestis de Girona...en la canonizacion de su patri- arca San Ignacio...Barcelona: Matevad, 1623. 7 jeroglificos. Text only. NNH Fiestas; Sp 2-64.205; Montpellier M. 10.145. Salva 1, 378; not in Praz. 208 Appendix Z Z 26. Salazar, Alonso de. Fiestas que hizo el...Colegio de la Compania de Jestis de Salamanca...a la _ beatificacién de S.Ignacio...Salamanca: Vda. de Taberniel, 1610. 8 jeroglifi- cos, a discurso en jeroglificos by Alonso de Ledesma, and 40 Latin emblems on the life of Loyola. Text only. Sp 2-68.001; 3-22.517; Sant. Men. Pel. R-VI-6-65. Gallardo 4, 3769; Alenda 519; not in Praz. Z27. San José, Diego de. Compendio de las Solenes Fiestas que en toda Espana se hicieron...en la beatificacién de N.B.M. Teresa de Iesus...Madrid: Vda. de Alonso Martin, 1615. Frontis by Pedro Perret, portrait of St. Teresa by Wierix. De Backer- Sommervogel 6, 598; Praz 549: “in the second part, ff. 221- 231, Geroglificos by Father Lorengo de Navarro de la Compania de Jesus.” Text only. Z 28. Sigiienza y Gongora, Carlos de. Triunfo Parthénico, que en Glorias de Maria Santisima, celebré la Real Universidad de México. México: Juan de Ribera, 1683. Uk 4808.bb.32. Pinelo 859; not in Praz. Modern editions: Biblioteca mexicana de li- bros raros y curiosos. México: Xéchitl, 1945; and in Seis obras de Carlos de Sigiienza y Gongora. Ed. William G. Bryant. Introd. Irving Leonard. Caracas: Biblioteca Ayacucho, 1984. Z29. Torre Farfan, Fernando de la. Fiestas de la S. Iglesia Metropolitana y Patriarcal de Sevilla...al Nuevo Culto de...S. Fernando III...Sevilla: Vda. de Nicolas Rodriguez, 1671. A total of 20 plates of engravings, some folding, including portraits, views of the cathedral, and devices (by Matias de Arteaga, Maria Luisa Morales, and Lucas Valdés Leal) after Murillo, Valdés Leal Sr., Francisco de Herrera (El mozo), and Bernardo Simon de Pineda. DFo Na 5811 $4 T6 1671; Uk 207.e.10.; DLC; IaU; NNH Fiestas; MH; NN; Sp R-30.732; Madrid A. Hist. 5-5-5-2.222; 20-2-5-496; Santiago U. Praz 397. Modern edition: Ed. Antonio Bonet Correa. Sevilla: Fundaci6én Fondo de Cultura, 1984. . Fiestas que celebré la iglesia parrochial de Sta Maria la Blanca...Sevilla...en favor...del misterio de la Concepcion. Sevilla: Juan Gémez Blas, 1666. 1 illustration. Salva 2, 1663; not in Praz. Z31. Torre y Sebil, Francisco de la. Luzes de la Aurora...en fies- tas...de...Maria Santissima...con precepto de rezo de la Inmaculada Concepci6n...Valencia: Villagrasa, 1665. 7 Z30. Appendiz Z 209 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp 3-40.113; R-17.374; NNH Fiestas; NjP (Ex)N7710.T67.1665. Salva 1, 1454; Gallardo 4, 4055; not in Praz. Z32. ———. Reales Fiestas a la...imagen de la Virgen de los Desamparados, de la civdad de Valencia...Valencia: Villa- gyasa, 1667. 19 jeroglificos, some emblematic illustrations. Sp R-5.740. Salva 1, 1455. Not in Praz. Z 33. Vega Carpio, Lope de. Ed. Justa poética...que hizo... Madrid a S. Isidro en las fiestas de su beatificacién... Madrid: Alonso Pérez, 1620. Some jeroglificos. Text only. Not in Praz. Z 34. . Relacion de las fiestas que la insigne villa de Madrid hizo en la canonizacion...de su...patr6n San Isidro. Madrid: Vda. de Alonso Martin, 1622. 6 jeroglificos, none of them by Lope. Text only. Sp R-9.090; Escorial 29-II-18; Madrid A. Hist. 3-3-5-2.667; KAS; NNH Drama. Alenda 748; not in Praz. Entries Z35. Aedo y Gallart, Diego de. Viaje del Infante Cardenal Don Fernando de Austria...desde que salié de Madrid... hasta que entro en Bruselas...Antwerp: Joan Cnobbart, 1635. Peeters- Fontainas 1, 2; Landwehr 88; not in Praz. No info. Z 36. Asbaje y Ramirez, Juana Inés (Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz). Neptuno Alegorico...en las lucidas alegéricas ideas de un Arco Triumphal que consagro...a la feliz entrada de el...Conde de Paredes. México: Juan de Ribera, 1681. Text only. Praz 384. Emblems and imprese in the triumphal arches are de- scribed. Modern editions: Ed. Alberto G. Salceda in Obras de Sor Juana...Ed. A. Méndez Plancarte. México: Colegio de México, 1957, vol. 4; also ed. with introd. study by Manuel Toussaint. México: Universidad Nacional Auténoma de México, 1952. The best modern edition is in: Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Inundacion castdlida. Ed. Georgina Sabat de Rivers. Madrid: Castalia, 1982, 365-447. Z 37. Avila Galindo, Diego de. Atlante alegérico, politico diseno del govierno prudente de un Principe acertado. Que la muy ilustre Augusta Ciudad de los Angeles dedicé en los emblemas y poesias de la Real Portada. Puebla de los Angeles: Viuda de Juan de Borja, 1660. Not in Praz; no info. Z 38. Breue relacion de la entrada que hizo el rey...(Philip III) en 210 Appendix Z Zo; Z 40. Z 41. Z 42. Z 43. Z 44. Z 45. Valencia...Barcelona: Amello, 1599. Uk 11450.e.25. No info. Calvete de Estrella, Juan Christébal. El felicisimo viaje d’el muy alto y muy poderoso Principe D. Phelipe, Hijo del Emperador Don Carlos Quinto, desde Espafia a sus tierras de la baxa Alemana...Antwerp: Martin Nucio, 1552. One plate as an architectural key to describe the location of devices; a lot of information on the use of emblems in triumphal arches and facades. Briefly recounts the meeting of Philip II with Alciatus. UkOxU; Be VH 26.229. Peeters-Fontainas 1, 170; Landwehr 14; Salloch 252, 34; 271, 50; 405, 52; not in Praz. Modern edition: Ed., introd. Miguel Artigas. Soc. de Biblidfilos Espanoles, VII. Madrid: Bernardo Rodriguez, 1930. 2 vols. Celebrem (ad) D. Francisco de Borgia e Duce Gandiae, Cataluniae Prorege...Bituricis: loan Cristo, 1671. Praz 548: “9 plates of emblems.” Colegio de la Compania de Jess de México. Viage por Mar, i Tierra, del Virrei Don Diego Lopez Pacheco, Marqués de Villena...Fiestas a su Entrada en México... Explicacién de la Fabrica, i empresa del Sumptuoso Arco que se previno... México: Juan Ruiz, 1641. Text only. Pinelo 860; not in Praz. Modern edition: Ed. Manuel Romero de Terreros. Viaje del Marqueés de Villena. México: Imprenta Universitaria, 1947. Descripcion de la villa y sitio de Breda y entrada...de Isabel Clara Eugenia...Antwerp: Plantin, 1628. Peeters-Fontainas 1, 290; Landwehr 83. No info. Not in Praz. Entrada en publico y recibimiento de don Felipe tercero en ...Lisboa. Sevilla: Juan Serrano de Vargas, 1619. Uk 9181.g.1. Vid. Ewald Maria von Vetter’s article. Lavafia, Juan Bautista. Viaje de...Filipe III. N.S. al Reino de Portugal...Madrid: Thomas Iunti, 1622. Plates of the deco- ration of the city engraved by Juan Schorquens; folding plate depicting the arrival of Philip III by Domingo Vieira. Gallego 136; not in Praz. Mal Lara, Joan de. Recevimiento que hizo...Sevilla al.. Rey D....Philipe (Philip II)...Sevilla: Alonso Escribano, 1570. Sp R-6347; UkOxU 8°. P.35 Art.; FMU DP177 .M35 1570. An important work since Mal Lara was a commentator of Alciato, and very familiar with Ruscelli and Valeriano. Three pages of illustrations with allegorical figures of towns, imprese, and triumphal arches. Not in Praz. Modern Z 46. Z 47. Z 48. Z 49. Z 50. Zoi. Zioe: Z99: Z 54. Appendix Z 211 edition: In Obras del Maestro Juan de Mal Lara...Sevilla: Sociedad de Biblidfilos Andaluces, 1876. Mantuano, Pedro. Casamientos de Esparia y Francia y Viage del Duque de Lerma...Madrid, 1618. Gallego 137n. Not in Praz. No info. Matos de Saa, Francisco. Entrada y Triumpho que la ciudad de Lisboa hizo a Felipe Ill...Lisboa: J. Rodriguez, 1620. Gallego 136; not in Praz. No info. Oliver y Fullana, Nicolas. Aplauso festivo y celebridad regozi- jada de la Bélgica...en la alegre venida de... Maximiliano Manuel Duque de la dos Bavieras...capitén General de los Paises Baxos...Brussels: Pedro de Dobbeleer, 1692. Land- wehr 181; not in Praz. No info. Ramirez de Prado, Lorenzo. Noticia del recibimiento y en- trada...de Doria Mariana de Austria...a...Madrid. Madrid, 1650. Not in Praz. No info. Relacién embiada de Pamplona, de la entrada que hizo su magestad...(Philip IV) en aquella ciudad...Sevilla: Juan Gomez de Blas, 1646. Uk 1852.d.I. No info. Salcedo, Mateo de. Arco Triunfal: emblemas, geroglificos y poesias con que la ciudad de Puebla recibio al Marqués de Villena...Puebla de los Angeles, 1640. Antonio (2, 116) lists this item under Mateo Galindo, and dates it 1639. For de- tails on the imprint, vid. J. T. Medina. La imprenta en la Puebla de los Angeles. Santiago: Cervantes, 1908, 3-4. Praz 486; De Backer-Sommervogel 7, 459; Pinelo 859. Text only. Sanchez de Espejo, Andrés. Relacién de la entrada de... Maria de Borb6én, Princesa de Carifdn...Madrid, 1637. Gallego 138n; not in Praz. No info. Sardinha Mimoso, Juan. Relacién de la Real Tragicomedia con que los padres de la Compania de Jesus...recibieron...a Felipe II...y su entrada en este Reino... Lisboa: Jorge Rodriguez, 1620. Sp R-2260; Uk 11714.b.35. Important details for the use of emblematic materials in stage settings and tri- umphal arches. Gallego 137; Alenda 719; not in Praz. Philippe...(Philip Il). Lisboa: J. Rodriguez, 1583. No info. Gallego 136. Not in Praz. 212 Appendix Z Funeral Ceremonies Z, 55. Z 56. Zor. Z 58. 209. Z 60. Z 61. Fh Pa Z63. Z 64. Z 65. Z 66. Almela, Juan Alonso de. Las reales exeqvias...que... Murcia hizo en la muerte de...Don Philipe de Austria II...Valencia: Diego de la Torre, 1600. Text only. Salva 1, 160; not in Praz. Alvarez de Faria, Pedro. Relacién de los funerales y exequias que hizo...la Inquisicién de los Reyes del Peri... al...principe...Don Baltasar Carlos de Austria. Lima: Santas de Saldana, 1648. 7 jeroglificos. Text only. Not in Praz. Andrés de Ustarroz, Juan Francisco. Obelisco Histérico y Honorario que la Imperial ciudad de Toledo erigié...a la memoria de...don Baltasar Carlos de Austria...Zaragoza, 1646. Gallego 142n; not in Praz. No info. Benavides, Francisco de. Aparato y Pompa Funebre...en la muerte de...Emperatriz Dona Margarita de Austria... Madrid: s.i., 1673. Description of the jerogltficos in the Royal Chapel. Text only. Sp. R-Varios, 104-22. Not in Praz. Breve Relacién de las Exequtas...que la muy noble ciudad de Sevilla dedicé a su Reina...Marta Luisa de Borbon. Sevilla: Juan Francisco de Blas, 1689. Jeroglificos. Text only. Salva 1, 174. Calvete de la Estrella, Juan Crist6bal. El tumulo imperial adornado de Historias, Letreros y Epitafios en prosa y verso Latinos...Valladolid: Francisco Fernandez de Cérdova, 1559. One folded plate of the tumulo. Salva 1, 500. Cervantes de Salazar, Francisco. Tvmulo Imperial de la gran ciudad de México. México: Antonio de Espinosa, 1560. 1 folding engraved plate. Addition reported by Sandra Sider. Vid. entry 468. Enriquez, Alonso. Honras...en la muerte de Felipe III... Murcia: Luis Berés, 1622. 9 jeroglificos. Text only. No info. Exequias de Felipe IV, en México, con Estampas. México, 1666. Pinelo 863. No info. Exequias funerales...a...Dofa Isabel de Borbon...Valladolid: Antonio Vazquez de Velasco y Esparca, 1645. Some jeroglifi- cos. No info. Guzman, Juan de. Relacién de las honras...en la ciudad de Cérdoba...a la muerte de la...Reyna...Margarita de Austria... Cordoba: Vda. de Andrés Barrera, 1612. 9 jeroglificos, and some empresas anonimas; engraving of the tumulo on fol. 5r. Sp. R-11.699; R-11.699. Gallardo 3, 2453; not in Praz. Honras a la catholica...Rey D. Phelipe Quarto...Milan: Z.67. Z 68. Z 69. Z 70. Ze 7, 27/2. Zi 73: Z 74. ZOL; Z 76. Appendix Z 213 Malatesta, 1665. Praz 560. Tr. from Italian by Marco Antonio Pandolfo Malatesta. Text only. Hurtado, Luis. Breve descripcién del ttimulo que la Imperial...Toledo...erigi6..a Felipe IV...Toledo, 1666. Gallego 143n; not in Praz. No info. Justicia, Josef de la. Aparato funebre de...Zaragoza...en las exe- qvias de Isabel de Borbon. Zaragoza: Hospital Real de N.S. de Gracia, 1644. 9 Spanish emblemas and emblemas latinos, 15 geroglificos. Text only. Sp 3-66.412; NNH 252 Ib 1j. Not in Praz. La muy insigne, e muy sumptuosa pompa fonebre, hecha en las honrras, y esequias del...Emperador Carlos V...Antwerp: Plantin, 1559. 34 etchings. Sp; UkOxU. Peeters-Fontainas 2, 1069. Landwehr 29; not in Praz. Lara, Gaspar Agustin de. Obelisco fuinebre a...Pedro Calderén de la Barca...Madrid: Eugenio Rodriguez, 1684. Not in Praz. No info. Leén, Fray Martin de. Exeguias de la Reina Dona Margarita, en Lima. Lima, 1612. Pinelo 863. No info. Leén Pinelo, Diego de. Solemnidad funebre y exeqvias a la muerte de...D. Felipe IV el Grande... en la Iglesia ...de la Real Audiencia de Lima... s.l.: Juan de Quevedo, 1666. 12 jerogli- ficos. Text only. This work is of doubtful attribution. RPJCB; Sp R-27.185; Sant. Men. Pel. R-IX-2-4. Not in Praz. Libro de las honras...que hizo el Colegio de la Compania de Jestis en Madrid...a la ...Emperatriz Maria de Austria. Madrid: Luis Sanchez, 1603. Praz 564: “36 woodcuts of devices” in fols. 73v-74v. ICN; Sp 2-63.104; Santiago U. Z 74.. Salva 1, 269. Lépez de Hoyos, Juan. Historia y Relacion...y sumptuosas exe- quias de la Reina Dona Isabel de Valois... Madrid, 1659. Gallego 145n. No info. Memorias funerales, que en Reales Lvtos dedico a las honras ..de Dofia Maria Luisa de Borbén, Reyna de Espana...el Conde de Sandoval... Mallorca: Pedro Frau, 1689. Jeroglificos on pp. 56-60. Text only. Montalbo, Francisco de. Vid. SM Mosquera, Fr. Placido de. Fiestas minervales...a la inmortal memoria de...D. Alonso de Fonseca, Arzobispo de Toledo... Santiago de Compostela: Antonio Frayz, 1697. 5 jero- 214 Appendix Z Zils 2,78. Z79: Z 80. Zoe Z 82. LASS: Z 84. ZGo: Z 86. glificos. Text only. Sp 3-55.216; 2-15.270; Santiago U. Not in Praz. Oficios funerales...en la muerte de Dona Marta Ana de Austria...Madrid: Juan Garcia Infanz6n (dedicatoria dated 1696). Some jeroglificos (14-32). Text only. Sp R-Varios, 125-25. Not in Praz. Palomino de Castro y Velasco, Acisclo Antonio. Geroglificos Reales Sagrados...funerales honras de...Maria Luisa de Borbon. s.1.: 1688. 13 jeroglificos. Text only. Madrid. A. Hist. Misc. 9-3558/9. Not in Praz. Pérez de Rua, Antonio. Funeral hecho en Roma...a la memoria del Rei...D. Felipe Qvarto...Rome: Drangondelli, 1666. 3 folded sheets, one with the devices in the facade of the church, another with the jeroglificos del timulo. Madrid A. Hist. 3-5-5-4294; It. 14 K.13; UkGU S.M. 1419. Not in Praz. Pompa Funeral, Honras y Exequias...Dona Isabel de Borbon...Madrid: Diaz de la Carrera, 1645. Jeroglificos anonimos: fols. 84r-93v; Praz 568: “6 plates with 24 devices and 5 folding plates.” NNH Fiestas; RPB (microfilm); ViU; DLC; UkGU S.M. 1434; Sp R-3.035; Santiago U. Salva 1, 327, Rajas, Pedro Paulo de. Ldgrimas de Caragoga en la muerte de Felipo II de Aragon...y exequias...a su memoria ...Zaragoza: Juan de Lanaja y Quartanet, 1621. Some emblemas in Latin and Spanish. Text only. Sp 2-9.133. Salva 1, 337; not in Praz. Relacién de las honrras que su Magestad (Philip II) mando a hacer en la villa de Bruselas...por el Emperador (Charles V). s.1.:1559? Peeters-Fontainas 2, 1110; Landwehr, 31; not in Praz. No info. Relacién de las Exequias que se hicieron en Antequera, Valle de Oaxaca, al Rei D. Felipe III. a 20 de Diciembre de 1621. México?, 1623. Pinelo 860. No info. Relacién de las exequias...en la muerte de...Don Felipe qvarto...hizo la Universidad de Oviedo...Madrid: Pablo del Val, 1666. 4 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp 2-39.356. Not in Praz. Relacién de la enfermedad, muerte y entierro del rey don Felipe quarto...Sevilla: Juan Gomez de Blas, 1665. Uk 1445.f.17. No info. Relacién historiada de las exequtas funerales de Phelipo Z 87. Z 88. Z'89. 74, NY), ZN 76,19 ae ZAI: Z 94. Appendix Z 215 II...donde se trata de las virtudes esclarescidas de su Majestad...declarando las Figuras, Letras, Hierogliphicos, Empresas, y Divisas que en el Tumulo se pusieron...México, 1600. No info. Relacio6n veridica de las exequias reales que han celebrado por...Don Carlos (Charles II)...Madrid, 1700. Uk 9930.e.40. No info. Requena, Fray Martin de. Exequias del Rei Felipe III, en Guaxaca. México?, 1623. Pinelo 863. No info. Riquelme de Montalvo, Rodrigo. Las reales exequias... que...la ciudad de Murcia...a la muerte de Dofia Margarita de Austria. Orihuela: Juan Barcel6é, 1612. 14 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp R-8.933; DLC microfilm. Salva 1, 354; not in Praz. Rodriguez de Ardila, Pedro. Las honras que celebro...la ciudad de Granada en la muerte de...dofia Margarita de Austria. Granada: Bartolomé de Lorengana, 1612. Jeroglificos del tumulo: fols. 8v-14v. Text only. Sp U-11.293. Gallardo 4, 3665. Rodriguez de Monforte, Pedro. Vid. under SV. Roys, Francisco de. Pyra real, que erigi6...la Vniversidad de Salamanca...a la...memoria de...D. Phelipe IV...Salamanca: Melchor Estévez, 1666. 10 jeroglificos, some by Calderon. Text only. Sp 2-59.457; Madrid A. Hist. 16-7-8-6.746; NNH Fiestas. Salva 1, 375; Gallardo 4, 43714; not in Praz. Sanchez de Espejo, Andrés. Relacion historial de las exeqvias tumulos y pompa funeral...en honras de...Ysabel de Borbon. Granada: B. de Bolibar y F. Sanchez, 1645. “Geroglificos latinos y espanioles por los P. P. estudiantes de la Compa- fia de Jesus,” 6 other jeroglificos by various authors. Text only. NNH Fiestas; Sp 3-7.335; Madrid A. Hist. 4-27-2.480. Not in Praz. Santa Maria, Fray Luis de. Octava sagradamente cul- ta...pompa sacra...Centenario del tinico milagro del mundo San Lorenzo el Real...Madrid: Imp. Real, 1664. 1 hiero- glyphic tract about the Spanish Hapsburgs. No info. Solemnidad ftinebre y exeqvias a la mverte de...D. Felipe Qvarto... Vid. Leén Pinelo, Diego de. Teatro de la Gloria. Consagrado a...Dona Felice de Sandoval Enriquez, Duquesa de Uceda... por Don Gaspar Téllez Giron Duque de Osuna...en sus solemnes Esequias...Milan: s.i., 1671? 9 plates, devices? Sp R-19.163; Santiago U. 216 Appendix Z Cicognara, 1469. Not in Praz. Z95. Torralvo y Lara, Antonio de. Relacién de las funerales exe- quias...en la muerte de Dofia Francisca de Guzman, Marquesa del Carpio...Cérdoba: Salvador de Cea Tesa, 1643. 13 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp R Varios 43-49 and 163- 147. Not in Praz. Z96. Valcacar, Juan de. Relacién de las exequias qve se celebraron en Napoles, en la muerte...de la Reyna Margarita...siendo Virrey...(el) Conde de Lemos...dedicada a la Condesa de Lemos...Napoles: Tarquinio Longo, 1612. (Valcazar was the chaplain to the Viceroy of Naples.) 91 emblematic devices and 4 full-page illustrations. Not in Praz; unknown to Palau and Vindel. Reported by Jules Duhem in “La legende aeronautique dans les livres d’emblémes. Le recueil de Juan de Valcagar, 1612.” Bulletin du Bibliophile et du Bibliotecaire (1939), 181-92. Z97. Velasco, Antonio Lazaro de. Funesto Geroglifico, Enigma del mayor dolor, que en representaciones mudas manifesto la...ciudad de Valencia en las honras de su rey Felipe el Grande, IV...Valencia: Villagrasa, 1666. Sp 3-27.423. Not in Praz. No info. Z98. Vera Tassis y Villaroel, Juan de. Noticias de la enfermedad muerte y exequias de la...Reyna...Dona Maria Luisa de Orleans...Madrid: Francisco Sanz, 1690. Praz 527: “10 plates of emblems with four emblems on each,” engraved by Gregorio Fosman. NNH 252 MI 34v; Uk 595.m.5. Z99. Ximénez de Enciso, Diego and Joseph Estevan Porres. Relacién de la memoria funeral...a la muerte de la... Reyna D. Ysabel de Borbon...Logronio: Juan Diez de Valderrama, 1645. 5 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp R-11.418. Not in Praz. Z 100. Zamora, Antonio de. Funebre numerosa descripcion de las Re- ales Exeqvias qve a nuestro...Don Carlos II... Madrid: s.i, 1700. 33 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp R-Varios, 117-28. Not in Praz. ZAG: . De orden...los geroglificos que sirvieron en las reales exe- quias...a la Reyna Madre...Dofia Maria-Ana de Austria . Madrid: Antonio Moran, 1696. 22 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp 2-18.624; MiU PQ 6574 .Z4 C4. Not in Praz. Z 102. . Funebre numerosa descripcion de las Reales Exeqvias qve a...Carlos II...consagré...Madrid, en el convento Real de Santo Domingo. Madrid, 1700. 33 jeroglificos. Text only. Sp R-Varios 117-28. Not in Praz. Appendix Z 217 Abbreviations Alenda. Alenda y Mira de Perceval, Jenaro. Relaciones de solem- nidades y fiestas publicas de Espana. Madrid: Sucesores de Rivadeneyra, 1903. Vol.1. Cicognara. Catalogo dei libri d’arte posseduti dal Conte di Cicognara. Pisa: Nicolo Capurro, 1821. Gallego. Gallego, Julian. Visién y simbolos de la pintura espanola del Siglo de Oro. Madrid: Catedra, 1984. Landwehr. Landwehr, John. Splendid Ceremonies, State Entries and Royal Funerals in the Low Countries 1515-1791. Nieuwkoop: B. de Graaf, 1971. Pinelo. Leén Pinelo, Antonio de.” Titulo XXIV. Libros de Fiestas, y Exequias.” In Epitome de la Biblioteca Oriental...Madrid: Francisco Martinez Abad, 1738. Vol. 2, 857-64. No info. Content and extent of emblematic material has not been reviewed. Al A2 A6é A8 All A12 A15 SA SB4 SC1 SD SEI SF3 SF4 SK2 SK3 SL4 SM SN S03 SO8 Sil SQ1 SQ2 SQ4 SR1 SR3 SS1 $383 SV SX1 SX2 $X13 SX27 DFo CSmH NjP DLC NjP KyU NNH NjP CSmH NjP DFo NNH DFo DLC TSU NjP DFo IU NNH KyU KyU DFo (a) NjP KyU DLC NjP NhD NhD DFo DFo DFo CSmH Index of Copies Examined SX30 SX33 SY1 SZ SZz2 SZz10 $Zz13 TA TB ne TD2 TE TE3 TG TH2 FA3 FA6 FA7 FA8 FB1 FB3 FC2 FD1 FEI FF2 FF4 FG1 FH1 PA3 PA8 PC1 PD2 PD4 PD6 NjP NjP DLC TxU KyU DLC DIC TxDaMP NhD KyU DFo ICN PU DLC (1st) NjP RPB NN DFo, DLC DLC, KyU IU DFo DFo IU NjP NjP CSmH DFo KyU DFo ICN DFo DFo DFo DFo Alcala 1565 Alcala 1601 Alcala 1603 Alcala 1605 Alcala 1649 Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Amsterdam Antwerp 1540 PB SEZ SZz6 SZz7 $Zz14 SO5 1611 1658 1658 1664 1684 Index of Places of Publication FA4 SX18 SX19 SX23 SX29 Antwerp 1557 SE1 Antwerp 1571? FA7 Antwerp 1573 FA6 Antwerp 1575 FA1 Antwerp 1581? FA8 Antwerp 1583? FAI11 Antwerp 1589 FA2 Antwerp 1589 FA13 Antwerp 1605-09 FF6 Antwerp 1608 Antwerp 1612 Antwerp 1612 Antwerp 1615 Antwerp 1620 Antwerp 1626 Antwerp 1629 Antwerp 1634 Antwerp 1634 Antwerp 1636 PD1 FF8 PD6 PD2 FF11 PA1 PA3 FB1 FB3 PA5 Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp 1648 PA6 1655 PA7 1655 SX13 1659 SX21 1660 PD4 1670 PA8 1677-78 SX31 1678-81 SX33 1700? TA Baeza 1613 SZ Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Barcelona Brussels Brussels Brussels Brussels Brussels Brussels 1604 SZz2 1605 SZz15 1608 SZz5 1608 SZz9 1611 SZz18 1611 SZz19 1612 SZz20 1614 SZz12 1645 SO4 1681 FG1 1687 FG2 1612 SZz20 1664 FC1 1665 FC2 1669 THI 1672 TH2 1680 SB4 1682 TH3 Burgos 1606 SI2 Burgos 1659 SG Burgos 1684 SAa Cologne 1600-03 FF3 Cologne 1604-05 FF5 Cologne 1613 FF9 Cologne 1623 FF14 Frankfurt 1597 FA3 Frankfurt 1619 PC1 Frankfurt 1632 FA5 Lisbon 1563 SN Lisbon? 1587 SE6 Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid Madrid 1543 1549 1549 1549 1561 1562 1573 1625 1642 1642 1659 1661 1662 1682 1686 1687 1687 1688 1594 TE1 Al A2 TE2 TD2 TD3 A12 FD1 FE1 SLI FE2 SL3 SL4 SQ1 SR2 SQ3 SR3 SQ4 SZz1 1597-1601 FF1 1598 1599 1600 1604 1609 1610 1611 1611 1611 1612 SS1 SY1 SI $Zz3 $Zz17 SC1 SI6 $Zz10 $Zz11 SI3 1616-17 SZz21 Index of Places 221 Madrid 1617 SZz13 Madrid 1618 SS3 Madrid 1625 SI8 Madrid 1627 SU Madrid 1633 SO1 Madrid 1638 SO2 Madrid 1643 SO3 Madrid 1650 SP1 Madrid 1651 SO6 Madrid 1653 FHI1 Madrid 1661 SP2 Madrid 1664 SO7 Madrid 1666 SV Madrid 1666 SX26 Madrid 1670 SA Madrid 1674 SJ Madrid 1675 SX28 Madrid 1677 SW1 Madrid 1677 TB Madrid 1679 SW2 Madrid 1682 SD Madrid 1688 TC Mazzarino 1691 SK1 Medina del Campo 1587 SE5 México 1577 A13 México 1690 SH4 Milan 1642 SX2 Munich 1640 SX1 Najera 1615 A6 Palermo 1689 SM Paris 1620 FF12 Paris 1620 FF13 Paris? 1625 ST Paris 1631 FF15 Paris 1631 FF16 Prague 1581 SB1 Puebla 1685 SH3 Rhodanusia [Paris?] 1625 ST Rome 1655 SH1 Rome 1675 SH2 Salamanca 1657 SL2 222 Index of Places Salzburg 1694 PA10 San Pedro del Real 1608 SZz16 Segovia 1589 SF1 Segovia 1591 SF3 1575 SES 1581 SE4 1598-1602 FF2 1677 SRI 1686 SO8 Sevilla Sevilla Sevilla Sevilla Sevilla Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia 1604 1654 1655 1655 1656 1658 SZz4 Al4 A8 SX15 SX16 SX17 1658-60 TG 1660 1660 1664 Al15 SX22 SX24 Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia Valencia 1665 1670 1675 1684 1685 1689 1695 1700 SX25 A10 SX27 All SQ2 SQ6 $X30 SH6 Valladolid 1633 TF1 Valladolid 1638 TF2 Valladolid 1658 TF3 Venice 1558 TD1 Venice 1602-04 FF4 Venice 1608-09 FF7 Venice 1619 FF10 1603 SZz8 1604 SF4 1693 SK2 1693? SK3 Zaragoza Zaragoza Zaragoza Zaragoza 1540 1543 1549 1549 1549 1557 1558 1561 1562 1563 1565 Syl? 1573 1573 1575 1575 1577 1581? 1581 1581 1583 1587 1587 1589 1589 1589 1591 1594 1597 1597-01 1598 1598-02 1599 1600-03 1600 Antwerp Lyons Lyons Lyons Lyons Antwerp Venice Lyons Lyons Lisboa Alcala Antwerp Antwerp Lyons Antwerp Sevilla México Antwerp Prague Sevilla Antwerp Lisbon? Medina del Campo Antwerp Antwerp Segovia Segovia Madrid Frankfurt Madrid Madrid Sevilla Madrid Cologne Madrid Index of Dates of Publication PB TE1 Al A2 TE2 SE TD1 TD2 TD3 SN SE2 FA7 FA6 Al2 FA1 SE3 Al3 FA8 SB1 SE4 FA11 SE6 SE5 FA2 FA13 SF1 SF3 SZz1 FA3 FF1 SS1 FF2 SY1 FF3 Sil 1601 1602-04 1603 1603 1604 1604-05 1604 1604 1604 1605-09 1605 1605 1606 1608 1608 1608 1608 1608-09 1609 1610 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1611 1612 1612 1612 1612 1613 1613 1614 1615 1615 Alcala Venice Alcala Zaragoza Barcelona Cologne Madrid Valencia Zaragoza Alcala Antwerp Barcelona Burgos Antwerp Barcelona Barcelona San Pedro del Real Venice Madrid Madrid Amsterdam Barcelona Barcelona Madrid Madrid Madrid Antwerp Antwerp Barcelona Madrid Baeza Cologne Barcelona Antwerp Najera SZz6 FF4 SZz7 $Zz8 SZz2 FF5 S$Zz3 SZz4 SF4 $Zz14 FF6 $Zz15 SI2 PDI SZz5 $Zz9 SZz16 BEEZ SZz17 SC1 FA4 $Zz18 $Zz19 SI6 $Zz10 $Zz11 FF8 PD6 $Zz20 SI3 SZ FF9 S$Zz12 PD2 224 Index of Dates 1616-17 Madrid 1617 1618 1619 1619 1620 1620 1620 1623 1625 1625 1625 1626 1627 1629 1631 1631 1632 1633 1633 1634 1634 1636 1638 1638 1640 1642 1642 1642 1643 1645 1648 1649 1650 1651 1653 1654 1655 1655 1655 1655 1655 1656 1657 1658 1658 1658-60 1658 Madrid Madrid Frankfurt Venice Antwerp Paris Paris Cologne Lyons Madrid Rhodanusia [Paris?] Antwerp Madrid Antwerp Paris Paris Frankfurt Madrid Valladolid Antwerp Antwerp Antwerp Madrid Valladolid Munich Lyons Lyons Milan Madrid Barcelona Antwerp Alcala Madrid Madrid Madrid Valencia Antwerp Antwerp Rome Valencia Valencia Valencia Salamanca Amsterdam Valencia Valencia Valladolid $Zz21 $Zz13 SS3 14 Oi FF10 FF11 FRIZ FF13 FF14 FD1 SI8 ST PAI SU PA3 FF15 FF16 FA5 SO1 A eAL FB1 FB3 PA5 SO2 TF2 SX1 FE1 SL1 SX2 SO3 SO4 PA6 SO5 SP1 SO6 FHI1 Al4 PA7 SX13 SHI1 A8 SX15 SX16 SL2 SX18 SX17 TG TF3 1659 1659 1659 1659 1660 1660 1660 1661 1661 1662 1664 1664 1664 1664 1665 1665 1666 1666 1669 1670 1670 1670 1672 1674 1675 1675 1675 1677-78 1677 1677 1677 1678-81 1679 1680 1681 1682 1682 1682 1684 1684 1684 1685 1685 1686 1686 1687 1687 1687 1688 Amsterdam Antwerp Burgos Lyons Antwerp Valencia Valencia Lyons Madrid Lyons Amsterdam Brussels Madrid Valencia Brussels Valencia Madrid Madrid Brussels Antwerp Madrid Valencia Brussels Madrid Madrid Rome Valencia Antwerp Madrid Madrid Sevilla Antwerp Madrid Brussels Barcelona Brussels Lyons Madrid Amsterdam Burgos Valencia Puebla Valencia Lyons Sevilla Barcelona Lyons Lyons Lyons SX19 SX21 SG FE2 PD4 SX28 SX31 SW1 TB SRI SX33 Sw2 SB4 FG1 TH3 SQl SD SX29 SAa All SH3 SQ2 SR2 SO8 FG2 SQ3 SR3 SQ4 1688 1689 1689 1690 1691 1693 Madrid Palermo Valencia México Mazzarino Zaragoza TC SM SQ6 SH4 SK1 SkK2 1693? 1694 1695 1700 1700 Index of Dates 225 Zaragoza Salzburg Valencia Antwerp? Valencia SK3 PA10 SX30 TA SH6 Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers Angulo, Andrés de SE2 Anisson y Posuel SQ1 Anisson, Laurentii FE1 Anisson, Posuel y Rigaud SQ3-4 Baillet, Pierre FF15 Bedoya, Gregorio de TF1-3 Bellerum, P. et J. FF11 Berillo, Juan SZz10 Blas, Juan Francisco de SR1 Blavio de Colonia, Juan SN Boissat, Gabriel FE1 Boissat, Horacio SL1, SL3-4 Bonet, Juan Antonio SO3 Bonhome, Mathias A2 Bonilla, Juan de SF4 Bourgeat, Claude SL3, FE2 Boyer, Benito SE5 Brugieres y Cia., Francisco SR2 Buschius, Bartholomeus FF14 Cabrera, Juan Lorenzo SX24 Cabrera, Vicente SQ2, SX30 Calderén, Herederos de la Vda. de B. SH4 Canto, Francisco del SE5 Ciprés, Francisco SX27 Coello, Pedro SP1 Cormellas, Sebastian de $Zz2, $Zz15 Cossio, Diego de SL2 Cramoissy, S. FF12 Cuesta, Juan de la SF1, SF3, SI3, $Zz10-11, SZz17, $Zz21 Deu, Lorenzo $Zz19 Diaz de Montoya, Fernando SZ Dotil, Gerardo $Zz5, SZz9 Duart, Asencio SQ6 Duarte, Francisco A11, SQ2 Enrico, Nicolao SX1 Escrivano, Alonso SE3 Espinosa y Arteaga, Mateo de SA Fernandez, Diego SH3 Fernandez, Maria SH6, SO4-5 Fitzer FA5 Foppens, Francisco SB4, TH1-2, FC1-2 Fuente, Antonio de la SA Gallet, Jorgio TA Galleum, Ioanem PA8 Garcia de la Iglesia, Andrés SX26 Garcia Infanzén, Juan TB Garcia Morras, Domingo SO6, FH1 Garcia de la Iglesia, Andrés SX26 Garriz, Herederos de Cristébal SX16, SX22 Giolito de’ Ferraris, G. TD1 Gonzalez de Reyes, Antonio SW1-2 Gonzalez, Juan SI8 Gracian, Vda. de Juan $Zz14 Graells, Gabriel $Zz5, SZs9, SZZ12 Hidalgo, Clemente FF2 Hieratum, Antonio FF3, FF9, FF14 Imprenta del Reino SJ, SO1-2, Imprenta Real SO3, SO7, SX28, TB Ifiguez de Lequérica, Juan SY1 Jansonium, Juniorem, J. SX18-19, SX23 Jolis, Juan FG1 Keerbergium, Ioanem FF6, FF8 Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers 227 Lacavalleria, Pedro SO4 Lasso, Cristé6bal SI2 Leén, Gabriel de TB, TC Lezama, Matias de SK2 Lietard, Michel SL3, FE2 Lisaert, Philippum PD6 Lizao, Pedro de SI3 Loaysa, Gabriel de SZz17 Lobato, Andrés SE6 Lopez, Bautista $Zz3, SZz7 Lorea Amescua, Bernardo de SJ Macé, Claudio A8, A15 Margarit, Jerénimo SZz18 Martin, Alonso SI6 Martin de Hermosilla, Lucas SO8 Martinii, Davidis PD6 Mayr, Joannis PA10 Mesnier, Lorenzo SQ6 Mestre, Francisco All, SH5 Mey, Pedro Patricio SZz4 Mongaston, Juan de A6é Moreno, Francisco SK3 Moreto, Balthazar FB1, FB3, PD4 Nieto, Francisco SV Nieva y Murillo, Diego de SG Nigrin, Jorge SB1 Nogués, Bernardo SX16, SX22, TG Nucio, Martin SE1, PD2 Paltheni, Zachariae FA3 Pérez, Alonso SI6, $Zz13 Pescioni, Andrea SE4 Plantin, Christophe FA1-2, FA7- 11, FA13 Prost, Iacobi FD Puis, Mathurini du FF16 Ramirez, Lucas SI8 Regil, Mateo SX16-17, SX22, SX27 Remeus, George, SL1, SL3-4 René, Juan FF2 Ricardo, Antonio A13 Riero, Antonio de SP2 Robles, Francisco de $Zz11 Rodriguez, Alonso SF4, SZz8 Roman, Antonio TC Roman, Manuel SK2 Ré6molo, Thomas SM Roville, Guillermo A1-2, A12, TD2-3 San Vicente, Juan de SX28 Sanchez, Andrés SI1 Sanchez, Jer6énimo A10 Sanchez, Luis SC1, SS1, $S3, $Zz3, SZz13 Sanchez, Viuda de Luis SU Sanchez Crespo, Justo SZz6-7 Sanz, Francisco SD, SJ Sarzinae, Iacobi FF10 Simon, Baltasar SZz4 Simon, Juan $Zz9, SZz12, SZz19 Snyders, Michael PA1, PA3, PA5-8 Societatem Venetam FF4, FF7 Sonnium, M. FF13 Steelsium, Ioan PB Swingeny, Henrici PD1 Torre, Pedro de la SI1, SI2 Torrero, Luis SE4 Traversario, Ambrosio ST Unckel, Johan PC1 Val, Pablo de SP1-2 Vanberge, Juan SK1 Varese SH1, SH2 Varez de Castro SY1 Verdussen, Jerénimo SX13, SX21 Verdussen, Juan B. SX13, SX21, SX31, SX33 Villagrasa, Geronimo A1, A10, A15, SX15, SX17, SX25 Vives, Rafael SZz2 Wolsschatii, Gerardi PA3 Index of Artists Arteaga, Matias de, Z27 Baeza, Pedro de, SR1 Boel, C., TH2, PD1-2, PD6 Borcht, Pieter van den, FA7-8, FA11 Boslwert, Boétius a, TF3 Broeck, Crispyn van den, FA7-8, FA11 Bruyn, Abraham de, FA7-8, FA11 Clouwet, Peeter, FC1-2 Coello, Claudio, SQ1 Collin, R., SB4 Collaert, Adrien, FB3, Y23 Collaert, Jean, FB3, Y23 Coornhert, Dirck, Y33 Cordiere, Roberto, FH1 De Bry, Jean, FA3 De Bry, Theodore, FA3 Flamen, Albert, TC Fossman, Gregorio, Z98 Galle, Cornelius, PD6, TH2 Galle, Philippe, FA1, FA6 Grano, Antonio, SM Groeningue, Gerard de, FA6 Groeningue, Jan de, FA6 Heemskerck, Maarten van, Y33 Henning, Erasmus, SB1 Herrera, Francisco de (el mozo), Z27 Herrera, Francisco de (el viejo), Zid Heylery, FA11 Holbein, Hans, PB, TE1 Hooghe, Romeyn de, TA Houat, Francois, SQ1 Huys, Pieter, FA7-8, FA11 Jode, Pieter de, PD6, TH2 Mallery, Charles de, FB1, FB3, Y23 Mechelen, Jan van, FB1 Morales, Maria Luisa, Z27 Murillo, Bartolomé, Z27 Noort, Jan van, FB1 Obregén, Diego de, SA, Y12-13 Ogier, Mathieu, SQ1 Orozco, Marcos de, SA Passari, Bernardo, Y23 Perret, Pedro, Z26 Picart, J., FF15 Pontius, Paulus, TH1 Sadeler, Jean, SX1-2, FA11 Salomon, Bernard, A1-2 Schoor, Gillis van, PA1 Schorquens, Juan, Z44 Simon de Pineda, Bernardo, Z27 Snyders, Michael, PA Vase, Pierre, A1-2 Valdés Leal, Juan de, Z27 Valdés Leal, Lucas, Z27 Veen, Gertrude van, TH1 Vieira, Domingo, Z44 Villafranca, Pedro de, SA, SV Vingle, Pierre, A1-2 Vos, Martin de, Y23 Wierix, Jan, FA7-8, FA11, Y23 Wierix, Jeronimus, FA7-8, Y23 Woeriot, Pierre, PC1 Index of Dedicatees Acquaviva, Cardinal Claudio, FF1 Albret, Jeanne d', Queen of Navarre, PC1 Aragon, Enrique de, Duque de Segorve y de Cardona, SU Aragén, Los Diputados del Reino de, SK2 Arellano Manrique, Juana de, Marquesa de Aguila, TF3 Assensio, Juan, Bishop of Avila, SWw2 Austria, Albert de, Archduke, FB1, PA3 Austria, Baltasar Carlos de Principe de Asturias, SX1-2 Austria, Sor Ana Dorotea de, SJ Austria, Fernando de, Cardinal Infante, FB3 Austria, Isabel Clara Eugenia de, Infanta, FB1, PA3, PD2, PD4 Austria, Juan de, SA Austria, Mariana de, Queen Regent of Spain, TH2 Austria, Maria Teresa de, Queen of France, SL3 Azpilcueta, Martin de, A12 Bavaria, Duke of Bavaria, PA3 Borb6én, Maria Luisa de, SM Caracena, Marqués de, TH1 Castro, Pedro de, Conde de Lemos, SI2 Catalina, Sta., SZz14-15 Charles II of Spain, SD Colona, Victoria, Duquesa de Rioseco, $Zz6, SZz10 Covarrubias y Leyva, Diego de, SF1, SF4 Eeden, Auberto van den Bishop of Antwerp, SX33 Fernandez de Santa Cruz, Manuel, SR2 Fernandez Manrique de Lara, Rodrigo M., SR3 Folch de Cérdoba, Antonio, Marqués de Castelnuovo, A11 Fuenciscla, Our Lady of, SI1 Gémez de Sandoval, Francisco, Duque de.Lerma, SC1, SY1 Guillén de Moncada y Aragon, Luis, Duque de Montalto, TG Gurrea, Joseph Claudio de, SK3 Heinrich, Otho, Elector of the Palatine, FA3 Huerta del Real, Monastery of Our Lady of la, SZz2 Hurtado de Mendoza, Diego, A6é Inés, Sta., $Zz14-15 Inquisition, Supreme Council of the, SZ Jerénimo, Order of San, SM Jesus, Society of, SI3 Joux Uvatevilla, Juan Carlos de, he Lanuza, Miguel Baptista de, SP1 Laurea, Juan Bautista de, FE1 Lorena, Enrique de, SO4 Madrucci, Cardinal Carlo, FF7, FF10 Mary, Queen of Angels, SI6, $Zz11 Mellini, Sabo, Archbishop of Cesarea, TB 230 Index of Dedicatees Miraflores, Our Lady of, SG Montmorency, Duke of, Conne- table de France, TD2 Moura, Francisco de, FC1 Nuifiez de Guevara, Cardinal Fernando, FF1 Olaguer de Barcelona, Saint, FG1 Pérez de Guzman el Bueno, Alonso, SL3-4 Pefntaranda, Conde de, TH2 Philip II of Spain, SB1, SE1-2, FA1 Philip III of Spain, A6, SS1, SS3 Philip IV of Spain, SL2, FH1 Portocarrero, Luis Manuel, Archbishop of Toledo, SQ1 Pretel, Juan de Giles, SX26 Ramirez de Prado, Lorenzo, SO3 Rocaberti, Juan Tomas de, Arch- bishop of Valencia, SQ2 Roco Campofrio, Juan, Arcediano de Soria, $Zz21 Silva de Sousa Tavares, Maria de, SN Torre, Francisco de la, TD1 Uceda, Duque de, SK1 Ulloa, Francisco, TD1 Valencia, City of, A10 Vazquez de Molina, Juan, A1-2 Vicentelo y Toledo, Juan Eustaquio, SQ1 Vilers, Gerardo de, Duke of Bavaria, PA1, PA3 Zufiiga y Fonseca, Inés, TA Index of Names Publishers, Printers, Booksellers, Dedicatees, and Artists for Primary Sources, as well as Entries in Major Sources for This Bibliography are Excluded from This Index Abad de los Rios, Francisco, 475 Abas y Nicolau, Gabriel, Z1 Abella, J. J., 452 Aedo y Gallart, Diego de, 536, E35) Aguilar, Gaspar de, Z2 Aguilar, Juan B., 35 Agustin, Antonio, 36, 94, 97a Alamos de Barrientos, Baltasar, 37 Alcala Flecha, R., 419 Alcantara, San Pedro de, Z8 Alciato, Andrea, A, 250- 261; in Aragon, 255; in Galicia, 253-54, 432; and Gracian, 256, 261; and Mal Lara, 260; and Juan de Vargas. Vid. also Emblematum Liber in Subject Index Aldana Fernandez, Salvador, 301 Aldea Vaquero, Quintin, SX11 Alewyn, Richard, 453 Allegra, Giovanni, 223a Almagro, Francisco, SI5 Almela, Juan Alonso de, Z55 Alonso Cortés, Narciso, 285, 293 Alvar, Elena, 454 Alvarez, Marisa, 370 Alvarez de Faria, Pedro, Z56 Amasuno, Marcelino, A16 Andrés de Ustarroz, Juan Fran- cisco, 41, 42, 199, 454a, X2, Z57 Angulo, D., 38 Antolin, Guillermo, 1 Apaolaza, Pedro de, 454a Aranda, Juan de, 39 Aratus, Paulus, X3 Arber, A., 40 Arco y Garay, Ricardo del, 2, 41, 42,235 Areny Battle, Ram6én, Y¥35 Argote de Molina, Gonzalo, 16 Arias Montano, Benito, FA, 23, 343-51 Aristotle, 150 Armas, Frederick de, 43-44a Arroniz, Othon, 333 Artigas, Miguel, Z39 Asbaje y Ramirez, Juana de, 186- 88, 390, 484, 498, 514, 519, Z36 Asin Palacios, Miguel, 45 Austria, Fernando de, Cardinal Infante, SX1-2, Z35 Austria, Baltasar Carlos de, Prin- cipe de Asturias, Z56, Z58 Austria, Isabel Clara Eugenia de, ZA2 Austria, Juan de, 13, Z20 Austria, Margarita de, 454, Z58, Z65, Z96, Z71, Z89, Z90, Z96 Austria, Maria Ana de, Z77, Z101 Austria, Maria de, Z73 Austria, Mariana de, 531, Z49 Avila Galindo, Diego de, Z37 Ayala, Francisco J. de, 355 232 Index of Names Ayala Mallory, Nina, 167 Ayerra Redin, Marino, 87 Azcarate, José M. de, 46 Babelon, Jean, 47 Bacarisse, Salvador, 379a Balil, A., 48 Bafios de Velasco, Juan, SA, SP, SAa, 240, 262-64 Baquero Goyanes, Mariano, 302 Barghahn, Barbara von, 49-50 Barnard, Mary, 51 Barocchi, Paola, 51a Barrantes, Vicente, 343 Barrenechea, Ana Maria, 211 Barrick, Mac, 52 Barrios, Miguel de, X4 Bataillon, Marcel, 53, 344, 455 Batllori, Miguel, 371, 420 Bauer, Helga, 54, 372 Bavaria, Maximilian Duke of, Z48 Beardsley, Theodore, 55 Beaudoux, Geneviéve, 250 Becker-Cantarino, Barbara, 361 Bell, Aubrey F. G., 345 Benavides, Francisco de, Z58 Benito y de la Llave, Enrique de, 303 Benz, E., TF3n. Bercé, Yves Marie, 456 Bergman, Emile, 56 Bergstrom, Ingvar, 57 Bethel, S. L., 373 Bisi, Ana Maria, 58 Bivero, Pedro de, FB, X5, 240, 245, 352-54 Black, Hester, TF3 Blas Garcia, Vicente, Y8a Bliiher, Karl A., 264, 289 Boaistuau, Pedro, 59 Boccaccio, Giovanni, 222 Bonet Correa, Antonio: on archi- tecture, 60; on fétes, 460-61; on funeral monuments, 457- 58; on Palomino, 61; on proto- col, 459; ed. of Torre Farfan, Z29 Borb6n, Isabel de, 493, Z64, Z68, Z80, Z92, Z99 Borb6én, Maria de, Princess of Carignan, Z52 Borb6én, Maria Luisa de, Z59, Z75, Z78 Borja, Francisco de, SB2 Borja, Juan de, SB, 236, 239, 245- 46, 265-69 Borja, Rodrigo de, 266 Borja, San Francisco de, Z7, ZA0, 267 Borras, Antonio, 62 Bottineau, Yves, 462 Bouchery, H. F., 463 Bravo Villasante, Carmen, SB2, SC4, SY3, 265 Brocense, El. Vid. Sanchez de las Brozas, Francisco Brown, Jonathan, 63-65, 421 Brown, Kenneth, 245, Y14 Brown, Virginia, 338 Bryant, William G., Z28 Bundeto, Carlos, TA, 332 Buser, Thomas, 422 Bustamante, Jorge de, 66 Bux6, José Pascual, 464-64a Cabafias, Pablo, 66a Calderén de la Barca, Pedro, 372, 379, 382, 385, 416-17, 532, Z9, Z70; and the emblem, 54, 392, 411, 415; painting and theory of art in, 88-89; and Velazquez, 116-17, 218 Callahan, Virginia Woods, 251 Calvesi, Maurizio, 67 Calvete de la Estrella, Juan Crist6bal, Z39, Z60 Calvo Serraller, Francisco, 68, 73 Camacho Martinez, Rosario, 423 Cammarata, Joan, 69 Camon Aznar, J., 70-71 Campa, Pedro F., 251 Campos, Jerénimo, 72 Campos, José, A15, X11 Caramuel y Lobkowitz, Juan, Y9 Carandini, Silvia, 477 Carballo Picazo, Alfredo, 11 Carducho, Vicente, 73, 130 Carmody, Francis, 87 Carmona Fernandez, Fernando, 74 Carrasco Urgoiti, Soledad, 465 Carreres de Calatayud, F. A., 466 Carreres y Zacarés, Salvador, 467 Carrete Parrondo, Juan, 74a Carrion, Jacinto, TC Cartari, Vincenzo. Vid. note at the end of Appendix Y Carvallo, Luis Alfonso de, 3, 413 Cascales, Francisco, 4 Castelli, Enrico, 471-72 Castro, Adolfo de, SS2 Castro, Antonio, 15 Castro, Jacobo de, X17 Caussin, Nicolas, TB Cavillac, Michel, SS1-2 Cean Bermtidez, Juan A., 166 Cenete, Marqués de, 27 Cerda, Tomas A. de la, Conde de Paredes, 514, 519, Z36 Cerquiera, Theotonio, Y7 Cervantes, Miguel de: Battle of the Sheep in, 212; Sansén Carrasco's disguises in, 414 emblems in, 393, 3891, 414; fiestas in, 487-88; food in, 210; the lion in, 211; madness in, 393; the pomegranate in, 213 Cervantes de Salazar, F., 468, Z61 Cervera, Luis, 75-76 Céspedes Pablo de, 64 Chanu, Pierre, 469 Charles II, 508, Z87, Z100-102 Charles V: in the architecture of Majorca; festivities of, 483; funeral monuments of, 452, 457, 468, Z60, Z69; as a hero- ic figure, 79; and the idea of empire, 537; palace in Grana- da of, 447; and the Pillars of Hercules, 444-47; trips and entries of, 479, 536, Z39 Chartrou, Joséphe, 470 Chastel, André, 471-72 Checa, Jorge, 77 Checa Cremades, Fernando, 78- 80, 153, 303a Index of Names 233 Chertablon, M., TA Chevalier, Maxime, 5, Y11 Ciocchini, Héctor, 374-76 Civico de Porres, Juan, 524 Clemente, Claudio, FD, 240 Clements, Robert J., 236 Colonna, Francesco: and the hie- roglyphs at Salamanca, 441- 42; Hypnerotomachia, 67, 81, 126 Conti, Natale. Vid. note at the end of Appendix Y Coornhert, Dirck V., 219a Cordero de Ciria, Enrique, 269a Cérdoba y Castro, Francisco, Z3 Corral y Pefiarrieta, Cristébal de, Y15 Correa, G, 278 Correa Calderén, Evaristo, Y18 Correas, Gonzalo de, 82 Cortés, Luis, 201 Cortés Valenciana, Jerénimo, Y10 Cortinas y Murube, Felipe, 304 Cossio, José M. de, 83, 83a, 270 Costa, Juan, Y6 Coster, Adolphe, 84 Covarrubias Orozco, Sebastian de, SC, 6, 239-40, 245, 269a- 277 Covarrubias y Leyva, Diego de, 85 Cranz, F. Edward, 214, 338 Crawford, Wickersham J. P., 377 Crosby, James O., 378 Cross, Edmond, 86 Cruz, Sor Juana Inés de la. Vid. Asbaje y Ramirez, Juana de Cruz, San Juan de la, SW, 143, 177, 218a Cruzada Villaamil, Gregorio, 73, 164 Cubillas, Francisco, TC Curley, Michael, 87 Curtius, Ernst R., 88-89 Cuttler, Simon, A16 Dalmau, Joseph, Z4 Daly, Peter M., A16, 361 Danker, Frederic E., 379 234 Index of Names Darbord, Michel, 27 David, King, SJ, FA1-5, FB1, 284, Y20 Daza, Bernardino, Al-5; Al6, X6- 8 Delaforce, Angela, 90 Deleito y Pifiuela, José, 473 Delgado, Feliciano, 91 Demetz, Peter, 92 Dethoor, Brigitte, PD1, 337 Diaz de Bustamante, J. M., 93 Diaz Rengifo, Juan, 7 Diaz Tanco, Vasco, 511 Didier, H., 286 Diego de Alcala, San, Y86 Diez, Marcelo, TH3 Diez de Aux, Luis, Z5-6 Diez de Revenga, Francisco, 305 Dixon, Victor, 379a-379b Doglio, Maria Luisa, TD2 Domenichi, Ludovico, TD2-3 Doni, Francesco, Y11 D'Ors, Miguel, 279 Dowling, John, 306-7 Duhem, Jules, Z96 Durand, José, 7a Egido, Aurora, A17, 94-95, 380, 474 Eisenberg, Daniel, Y22 Elizalde, I., 96 Enggass, R., 128, 446 Enriquez, Alonso, Z62 Erasmus, 53, 193, 269a, 407 Erdman, E. George, 97 Escalona, Duque de. Vid. Lopez Pacheco, Diego de Esteban Lorente, Juan F., 475-76 Esterlich, Juan Luis, 252, Y2-3 Fagiolo dell'Arco, Maurizio, 477 Felitii de San Pedro, Benito,, FA12 Fernandez Carvajal, Rodrigo, 308 Fernandez de Heredia, Juan Francisco, SD, 245 Fernandez Nieto, Manuel, 297 Fernando, San, 461, 494, Z29 Ferrer de Valdecebro, Andrés, 401, Y12-13 Flasche, Hans, 521 Flecniakoska, Jean Louis, 478 Flores Selles, Candido, 36, 97a Fomperosa, Antonio de, Z7 Fonseca, Alonso de, Archbishop of Toledo, Z76 Fontanella, Francesc, Y14 Ford, James, 362 Foronda y Aguilar, L. de, 479 Forster, Merlin, 187 Fraga Irbarne, Manuel, SX10, 309 Fraser, Douglas, 221 Frell6n, Francisco, TE Freyre, Francisco, X9 Frier Kaufman, Lynn, 98 Fucilla, Joseph, 99-100 Galera Andreu, Pedro, 424 Galindo, Mateo, X10 Gallego, Julian, 267, 480-81 Gallego Barnes, Andrés, 101, Y26 Gallego Gallego, Antonio, 102 Gallego Morel, Antonio, 103 Gambart, Adrien, TC, 240 Garau, Francisco, Y15-17 Garcia, A., 346 Garcia de Diego, Vicente, SX9 Garcia de la Concha, Victor, 380 Garcia del Real, Eduardo, 294 Garcia Iglesias, José M., 253-54 Garcia Mahiques, Rafael, SQ9, 291 Garcia Solalinde, Antonio, 104 Garcia Soriano, Justo, 4, 15 Garmendia de Otaola, Antonio, 311 Garofalo, Silvano, 381 Gaylord, Kathleen S., 105 Gerli, Michael E., 106 Giesey, R. E., 482 Gillet, Joseph E., 107 Giolito de' Ferrari, Gabriele, TD2 Giovio, Paolo, TD, 333-36, 406, Y26 Giron, Pedro, Duque de Osuna, Y29 Gisbert de Mesa, Teresa, 451, 518 Giulian, Anthony, 108 Glendinning, Nigel, 425-27 Godoy, Pedro de, TC Golden, Bruce, 382 Gomberville, Sieur de, TH Gomez Martinez, José Luis, 312- 13 Géngora, Diego Ignacio de, 374, 524 Gonzalez, Angel, 415 Gonzalez Carvajal, Tomas, 347 Gonzalez de Zarate, Jesus M., ed. Solérzano Pereira, 238, 314-15, 428-428a Gonzalez Palencia, Angel, SX8, 272-73 Gottlieb, Carla, 429 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, 419, 425-428, 433-36, 438; and Alciato's emblems, 419, 434, 436; and emblematic sources for the colossus, 435; and Vaenius, 42 Gracian, Baltasar, 8-9; Agudeza y arte de ingenio, Y18; and Alci- ato, 256, 251, 397; and allego- resis, 389; and the Greek An- hology, 277; ideas of, 124; literary taste of, 408 Granada, Fray Luis de, 10 Grand, Roger, 430 Graziani, René J. C., 109 Green, Henry, TE3 Gregory XIII, Pope, 222a Groult, Pierre, 110 Guazzo, Stefano, X2 Guglielmi, Nilda, 87 Guillam6én Alvarez, Francisco J., 316 Guillou-Varga, S., 111 Gundersheimer, Werner, 118a Guzman, Francisca, Marquesa del Carpio, Z95 Guzman, Francisco de, SE, 245 Guzman, Juan de, Z65 Habacuc the Prophet, Y30 Haebler, Konrad, 112 Hafter, Monroe Z., 317-19 Hakeldama, Baron de, FA12 Index of Names 235 Halkhoree Premraj, R. K., 383 Hall, J. B., 113 Harmand, R., 384 Hatzfeld, Hellmut, 114, 388 Heemskerck, Martin van, 219a, 227, Y32 Heiple, Daniel L., 115 Henninger, Jr., S. K., 115a Herrera, Francisco de, 458 Herrera, Juan de, 221 Herrero Garcia, Miguel, 299, 431 Hesse, Everett W., 44, 116 Heydenreich, Ludwig H., 497 Heyns, P., FA6-6a Hillach, Ansgar, 117 Hinkle, Douglas P., 118 Hoe, Robert, FA7 Hoefler, Carl A., 266 Holanda, Francisco de, 223 Holbein, Hans, TE, 118a Hooghe, Romeyn de, 332 Horapollo, 33, 214, Y27 Hornedo, R. M. de, 119-20 Horozco y Covarrubias, Juan de SF, 235-36, 239-40, 243, 245 Huarte, A., 320 Huerga, Alvar, 331 Huerta, Antonio de, Z8 Hurtado, Luis, Z67 Hurtado Torres, Antonio, 122 Huttar, Charles, 352, X5 Iglesia, Nicolas de la, SG Iglesias, José Manuel, 432 Ignacio de Loyola, San, SH, SI3, 52, 156, Z11, Z16, Z25-26 Infantes de Miguel, Victor, 385- 87, X1, X4, Y9 Iparraguirre, I., 287 Isidro, San, Z33-34 Izquierdo, Sebastian, SH, 240 Jacquiot, Joséphe, 123 Jacquot, Jean, 483 Jansen, Helmut, 124 Janssens, André, 363 Jiménez de Enciso, Diego, Z99 Jonah the Prophet, Y30 Jones, Joseph R., 388, 484 236 Index of Names Joost-Gaugier, Christiane L., 125 Juan de la Cruz, San, SW, 143, 177, 218a Juan de Mata, San, Z24 Julia Martinez, Eduardo, SI4 Justicia, Josef de la, Z68 Kahr, Madlyn, 126 Kassier, Theodore, 389 Keightley, Ronald, 255 Kernodle, George, 485 Kinkead, Duncan, 127-28 Kircher, Athanasius, 484, 498. Vid. also note at end of Appendix Y Knipping, John B., 129, 353 Korner, Karl H., 521 Kristeller, P.O., 214 Kubler, George, 130-32 Kunoth, George, 133 Laguna, Marqués de la. Vid. Cerda, Tomas A. de la Landwehr, John, 332 Lara, Gaspar Agustin de, Z70 Lastanosa, Vincencio Juan de, 41-42; collection of, 84; library of, 31; Museo de las medallas, 134 Lavafia, Juan B., Z44 Le-Flem, Jean Paul, 274 Lecina, Mariano, 269 Ledda, Giuseppina, 239 Ledesma, Alonso de, SI, PD2, 240, 244, 278-83, 509-10, Z25 Leite de Vasconcelos, J., Y8 Lemos, Count of, Z96 Leon, Fray Luis de, 218a Leén, Fray Martin de, Z71 Leén Garavito, Rodrigo de, Z9 Leon Pinelo, Diego de, Z72 Leonard, Irving, 135-37a, 486, Z28 Lerma, Duke of, Z46, Z81 Lerner, Isaias, 211 Leube, Eberhard, 209 Levitine, George, 433-34 Lida de Malkiel, Maria Rosa, 138- 40 Liedtke, W., 437a Lima, Santa Rosa de, Z3 Lleé Cafial, Vicente, 141 Lloyd-Bostock, Philip, 240 Loeven, Ludovicus van, PA Lokos, Ellen, 389a Lépez, Diego, A6-11, A17, 251, X11, Y7 Lépez, Pedro, Y19 Lépez Baralt, Luce, 142-43 Lépez Bernasocchi, A., 213 Lépez de Abiada, José, 213 Lépez de Hoyos, Juan, 274 Lépez de Ubeda, Francisco, 388 Lépez de Ubeda, Juan, Z10 Lépez de Vega, Antonio, 144 Lépez Estrada, Francisco, 487-88 Lépez Pacheco, Diego de, Mar- qués de Villena, 484, X10, Z37, ZA1, Z51 Lépez Torrijos, Rosa, 145 Lépez Vazquez, José Manuel B., 435 Lorea, Antonio de, SJ, 284, Y20 Lorenzo el Real, San, Z93 Lotti, Cosme, 521, 532 Luciani, Frederick, 390 Lucio Espinosa y Malo, Félix de, SK, 146, 240 Luis Beltran, San, Z2 Luque Fajardo, Francisco de, Z11 Lutz, Cora E., 338 Luz6én de Millares, Alejandro, FC, 240, 243 Lynn, Caro, 147 McCrary, William C., 44 McCready, Warren T., 395-96 McCurdy, Raymond, 415 McGaha, Michael, 393 Magarifios, Santiago, 356 Mal Lara, Juan de, 13-14, 174, 193, 194, 260, Z45 Maldonado, B., 148 Maldonado de Guevara, F., 321 Maldonado y Fardo, Joseph, 12, 30 Manrique de Luxan, Fernando, Z12 Mantuano, Pedro, Z46 Marafion, Gregorio, 295 Marasso, Arturo, 391 Maravall, José A., 241 March, José M., 149 Marcuello, Francisco, Y21 Maria de los Desamparados, Santa, Z32 Maria de Fuenciscla, Santa, 478 Mariscal, George, 392 Marquez Villanueva, Francisco, 393 Marsden, C. A., 489 Martial, 108 Martin, I. L., 490 Martin Caselles, Alicia, 202 Martin Gonzalez, J. J., 491 Martinez, Marcos, Y22 Martinez Cavir6, B., 435a Martinez de Grimaldo, Joseph, Z13 Martinez de la Vega, Jerénimo, Z14 Martins, Heitor, 394 Martir Rizo, Juan P., 150 Mary, the Immaculate Concep- tion of, SG, FB1, Z30, Z32. Vid. also fétes in Subject Index Mata, San Juan de, Z24 Mateu y Sanz, Lorenzo, TG, TH3 Matos de Saa, Francisco, Z47 Maza, Francisco de la, 496 Mele, E., 256 Mello, Francisco, X4 Méndez Plancarte, A., Z36 Mendo, Andrés, SL, 240, 249 Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino, 151, 348 Menestrier, Claude, SH6n, Y22 Mesa Figueroa, J. de, 451, 518 Mexia, Pero, 15, 33, 224 Millares Carlo, Agustin, 16 Millis Godinez, Vicente, 222a Minguez Cornelles, Victor Manuel, 284 Mirabent, F., 152 Miranda de la Cotera, Joseph de, Z15 Index of Names 237 Moffit, John, 436-37c Moir, Duncan, AY, SC5, 275 Molina, Tirso de, 409 Monforte y Herrera, Fernando de, Z16 Montalbo, Francisco Antonio de, SM Montenay, Georgette de, PC Montero Vallejo, Manuel, A5 Monz6n, Francisco de, SN Moran Turina, José M., 80, 153 Morante, Marqués de, FA8 Moreno Cuadro, Fernando, 492- 95 Mosquera, Placido de, Z76 Moya del Bafio, Francisca, 153a Muhleisen, Hans Otto, 322 Miuiller-Bochat, E., 154 Munoz Alonso, Alejandro, 323 Murillo Ferrol, Francisco, 324 Nadal, Jerénimo, 91, 149, 155-56, 420, 422, Y23 Navarro, Lorenzo de, Z27 Newels, Margareta, 150 Nicolau, Miguel, 155-56 Nicolay, C. L., 397 Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio, SO, FE, 240, 267, 285-88, Y25 Nilsson, S. A, 438 Nolasco, San Pedro, SU, Z22 Norden, John, A9, SC5, TF3n. Niuifiez de Castro, Alonso, SP, SA, SAa, 240, 245, 289-90 Nuifiez de Cepeda, Francisco, SQ, 235, 240, 243, 245, 291- 92 Nuifiez de Guzman, Pedro, 12, 30 Ochoa Brun, Miguel Angel, 357 O'Gorman, E., 468 O'Gorman, James F., 439 Oliver y Fullana, Nicolas, Z48 Orgel, Stephen, TD2 Orleans, Maria Luisa de, Z98 Orozco Diaz, Emilio, 157-60 Orso, Steven N., SV161 Ortega, Julio, 187 Orti, Marco Antonio, Z18 238 Index of Names Ortiz, Lorenzo, SR, 240 Osma, G. J., 440 Osuna, R., 162-63 Ovid, 66, 104, 191, 195, 390 Pabst, Walter, 209 Pacheco, Francisco, 74a, 133, 164-65, 225 Paez de Valenzuela, Juan, Z19 Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de, Y25 Palm, E. W., 496 Palmireno, Juan Lorenzo, 17-19, 101, 147, 406, X11, Y26-27 Palomino, Antonio, 29, 32, 61, 166-67, Z38 Pandolfo Malatesta, Marco A., Z66 Panofsky, Erwin, 168, 497 Paredes, Conde de. Vid. Cerda, Tomas A. de la Patch, Howard R., 168a Paz, Octavio, 498 Pedraza, Pilar: on baroque emble- matic culture, 242; on baroque text of the Apocalipsis, 169; on Colonna's hieroglyphs, 441-42; on emblems on si- lence, 398; on fétes, 499- 502; on La Tabla de Cebes, 338; tr. of Alciato, A17; tr. of Colonna, 81 Pedro de Alcantara, San Z7 Pedro Nolasco, San, SU, Z21 Peeters-Fontainas, Jan, 354 Peil, Ditmar, 325 Pellicer de Ossau y Tovar, José, 170 Penafort, San Ramon de, Z21 Pérez, Antonio, ST, 90, 240, 295- 96 Percas de Ponseti, Helena, 170a Pérez de Herrera, Cristébal, SS, 235, 240, 243, 293-94 Pérez de Hita, Ginés, 465 Pérez de Montalban, Juan, 29 Pérez de Moya, Juan, 171 Pérez de Rua, Antonio, Z79 Pérez Gomez, Antonio, 296 Pérez Guillén, Vicente, 172 Peyton, Myron, 399 Pfandl, Ludwig, 243, X1 Philip I, SI, 109, Z45, Z53-55, Z82, Z86; and alchemy, 183; and astrology 221; and the Escorial, 132; library of, 1; Escorial,132 Philip Il, Z38, Z44, Z83; entry in- to Lisbon, 504, 534, ZA3, ZA7 Philip IV, 458, 473, 521, Z50, Z63, Z66, Z72, Z79, Z84-85, Z97; and Buen Retiro, 49, 65 Philostratus, 208 Pigler, Andor, 173 Pineda, Juan de, 20-21 Pineda, S.J., Juan de, FF, 240 Pineda Novo, Daniel, 174 Pifiero Ramirez, Pedro, 165 Pinheiro, S., 339 Pizarro Gémez, Francisco Javier, 503-4 Placer, Gumersindo, 298 Plana, Pedro Joseph de la, Z20 Porqueras Mayo, Alberto, 3 Porrefio, Baltasar, Y28 Porteman, Karel, PD1, 175, 360, 364 Praag, J. A. van, 326 Praz, Mario, 244 Price, R. M., 176 Punzano, Victoriano, Y5 Querol Gavalda, Miguel, 505 Quevedo, Francisco de, 51, 160, 176, 374, 380, 378, 403 Quintanilla, M., 280 Radowitz, J. von, 400 Rajas, Pedro Paulo de, Z81 Ramirez de Albelda, Diego, SAa, 290 Ramirez, de Prado, Lorenzo, Z49 Ramon de Penafort, San, Z20 Rebullosa, Jaime, Z21 Rekers, Bernard, 349-50 Remén, Alonso, SU, 240, 297-98, ZoD Requena, Martin de, Z88 Revilla, Federico, 292, 330, 506-8 Reyes Cano, Rogelio, 165 Ricard, Robert, 177-78 Ricci, Bartolomeo, FB3 Riesco Terrero, Angel, 179 Riggio, Luis, SM Rios, Roman, 351 Rios Hevia Cerén, Manuel de los, Z23 Ripa, Cesare, 207, 390. Vid. note at the end of Appendix Y Riquelme de Montalvo, Rodrigo, Z89 Robins, Lorelei, A16, 276 Robles, Juan de, 22 Rocafull y Rocaberti, Gaspar, Y16 Rodriguez, Iosef, Z24 Rodriguez de Ardila, Pedro, Z90 Rodriguez de la Flor, Fernando, 180-81, 509-10 Rodriguez de Monforte, Pedro, SV Rodriguez G. de Ceballos, Alfonso, 182, Y23 Rodriguez Marin, Francisco, 183 Rodriguez Mofnino, Antonio, 23, 184, 511 Roig Condomina, Vicente M., 401 Rojas y Ausa, Juan de, SW, 299-300, 431 Romaguera, Joseph, FG, 240 Romera Navarro, Miguel, 8 Romero de Terreros, Manuel, Z41 Rosa de Lima, Santa, Z3 Rosell Fuenllana, Diego, X13 Rosende Valdés, Andrés A., 443 Rosenthal, Earl S., 444-47 Roteta, A. M., 447a Rothberg, Irving, 277, 402 Rothe, Arnold, 403 Roubaud, Sylvia, 512 Rouillé (Roville), Guillaume, 185 Roux, Lucette E., 513 Roville, Guillermo, 185 Roys, Francisco de, Z90 Rubens, Peter P., 226 Ruiz, Francisco, Z25 Rumeu de Armas, Antonio, 336 Saavedra Fajardo, Diego de, SX, Index of Names 239 235, 236, 238, 240, 245, 301- 29;and Le Moyne, 325; and Francisco Santos; 318 and Wilhem, 325 Sabat de Rivers, Georgina, 186- 88, 514, Z36 Sabbe, Maurice, 365 Sajonia, Maria Amalia de, 507 Salas, Pedro de, TF, 240 Salazar, Alonso de, Z26 Salceda, Alberto G., Z36 Salcedo, Mateo de, X10, Z51 Salstead, M. Louise, 189 Salva, Pedro, SI2 Samaniego, Félix de, 425 San José, Diego de, Z27 Sancha, Justo de, SI7 Sanchez Canton, Francisco Javier, 24-27, 190 Sanchez de Espejo, Andrés, Z52, Z92 Sanchez de las Brozas,Francis- co, A12, X14, Y5 Sanchez de Viana, Pedro, 191 Sanchez Drag6, Fernando, 192 Sanchez Escribano, Federico, 193-94 Sanchez Moreno, José, 327 Sanchez Pérez, Aquilino, 245, 328 Sanchis, Josep, 197 Sanchis y Sivera, José, 268 Sandoval Enriquez, Felice, Z94 Santa Maria, Luis de, Z92 Saporiti, Giacomo, Y29 Sardinha Mimoso, Juan, Z53 Saslow, James A., 194a Schalk, Fritz, 404 Schevill, Rudolph, 195 Schiffhorst, Gerald, 219a Schilling, Michael, 246 Schone, Albrecht, 247 Schoutten, Carina, 366 Schrader, Ludwig, 209 Schroder, Gerhart, 405 Schwartz, Lia, 211 Sebastian, Santiago: ed. Alciato, A17; on baroque and Renais- sance iconography, 196, 198- 204, 248; on La Casa Zapor- 240 Index of Names ta, 448; on Charles V and ar- tecture, 517; ed. Fisidlogo, 197; on Las Hilanderas, 449; on the iconography of death, 515-16, 518; on Idea Vitae Teresianae, 204, 300; introd. Nuifiez de Cepeda, SQ5; on Palmireno and Giovio, 406, Y26; introd. Solérzano Perei- ra, FH3; on Vaenius, 340-41, 367-68; on Vargas' House, 450-51 Selig, Karl L.: 6, ¥Y21, Y18; on Alciato and Gracian, 261; on Alciato and MalLara, 260; on Alciato and Philostratus, 208; on editions and translations of Alciato, A14, 249, 257-59, X11, Y1, Y4; on emblem collections, 29-31; on emblem theory, 28, 257; on emblematic motifs in Cervantes, 210-13; on Erasmus’ Adagia, 407; on Garcilaso, 209; on Géngora and numismatics, 205; on Gracian, 408; on Sor Juana's Neptuno, 519; on Lastanosa's library, 31; on Ledesma, 281, 369; on mythology, 206; on Ripa's Iconologia, 207; on Solérzano Pereira and Mendo, 358; on Tribaldos de Toledo, X16. Vid also in Major Sources Seneca, L. A., SA, SP, SAa, 262- 64, 289-90 Serrano, Alfred, 197 Shergold, Norman D., 520-21 Sider, Sandra, 214-15, Y8b, Y28, Z61 Siebenmann, Gustav, 213 Sigiienza y Gongora, Carlos de, 484, 486, Z28 Silva y Vastegui, Maria S. de, 216 Simeoni, Gabriele, TD Sim6n-Diaz, José, 217, Y6. Sinzig, P., 342 Smieja, F., 282-83 Smith, Dawn L., 409 Smith, Hilary Dansey, 410 Snyders, Michael, PA Sol4-Solé, Josep M., 388, 416 Solérzano Pereira, Juan de, TG, FH, X15, 236, 238, 240, 243, 245, 355-59 Soons, C. Alan, 218, 411-12 Soria, Mario, A5 Soto, Hernando de, SY, 239-40, 245, 330 Soto de Rojas, Pedro, 95 Sotomayor, Alonso de, Y16 Stirling Maxwell, William, SB1, SC5, Y33 Stokstad, M., 128, 446 Strong, Roy, 522-23 Swan, Avantos, A12 Swietlicki, Catherine, 218a Tacitus, 37 Tanner, Marie, 219 Tanner, Roy, 413 Tate, Pricilla, 219a Taylor, Archer, 220-20a Taylor, René, 221 Tejada Vizuete, Francisco, FH3, 197 Tejerina, Belén, 222, X17 Téllez Girén, Gaspar, Duque de Osuna, Z94 Tempesta, Antonio, 226 Tena, Luis de, Y30 Teresa de Avila, Santa: and art of memory, 106; beatification of, ZA, Z12, Z19, Z23, Z27; and the cabala, 218a; and castles, 45, 142, 178; emblem books about, SW, 175, 204, 431; oth- er fétes for, Z5-6; and El Greco, 114; muslim symbols and, 143 Thamara, Francisco, 222a Titian, 126, 219 Tomas de Aquino, Santo, Z15 Tomas de Villanueva, Santo, Y14, Z1, Z14, Z18 Torm6 y Monz6, Elias, 223 Torquemada, Antonio de, 223a Torralvo y Lara, Antonio de, Z95 Torre, Francisco de la, TB Torre Farfan, Fernando de la, 461, 524, Z29-30 Torre y Sebil, Francisco de la, Z31-32 Torres Alcala, Antonio, 416 Torres Ramila, 150, 384 Torres Revellé, José, 359 Toussaint, Manuel, Z36 Trechsel, Gaspar, TE Trechsel, Melchior, TE Tribaldos de Toledo, Luis, X16 Triwedi, M. D., 413a Turner, Phillip A., 224 Ullman, Pierre, 414 Ulloa, Alonso de, TD, 333-36 Uriarte, José E de, 269 Urmeneta, Fermin de, 225, 329 Vaenius, Otto, TH, PD, 226, 337- 42, 361-69, Y31 Valadés, Diego, Y32 Valbuena Briones, Angel, 415-17 Valcazar, Juan de, Z96 Valdés Leal, Juan de, 127-28 Valencia, Juan de, Y1 Valentiae, Joannis, Y1 Valeriano, Piero, SK2, 6, 20 Valgoma y Diaz Varela, Dalmiro de la, 525-26 Valois, San Félix de, Z24 Vanni, G., SM Vanuxem, Jacques, 527-28 Varey, John E., 529-33 Vazquez, Luis, Z22 Veen, Otto van. Vid. Vaenius, Otto Vega, Garcilaso de la, 69, 209, 376 Vega, Garcilaso de la (el Inca), 7a Vega, Lope de, 381, 383, 384, Z33-34; and Alciato's emblem 181, 382; and emblems, 275, 379a, 379b, 394, 413a; and heraldry, 396; and imprese, 395; and portraiture, 399 Velasco, Antonio Lazaro de, Z97 Velazquez, Diego de Silva y, 532: and Index of Names 241 Alciato's emblems, 429, 437, 439; and Calderén, 116; and the Count-Duke of Olivares, 437a- 37c; and emblematic portrait- ure, 428-28a, 437a-37c; library of, 25-26; and Lopez's Decla- racién magistral, 437; and Soldr- zano Pereira's emblem 14, 449; and Surrender of Breda, 421, 429 Velazquez, Isidro, Z54 Veldman, Ilja, 227 Vera Tassis y Villaroel, Juan de, Z98 Vergil, Polydore, 222a Vetter, Ewald Maria von, 228, 534, Z43 Vidania, Vincencio de, SK3 Vigne, David de la, TA Vila, Pep, Y14 Villa Real, Fernando, Y34 Villalva, Franciso de, Y35 Villava, Francisco, SZ, 331 Villena, Marqués de. Vid. Lopez Pacheco, Diego de Vindel, Francisco, 229, 535 Vinge, Louise, 229a Virgil, 184 Virués, Crist6ébal de, 418 Vitoria, Baltasar de, 222, 230-31, X17 Vosters, Simon A., 232-33 Walthaus, Rina, 418 Weinitz, Franz, 536 Williams, Edwin B., 107 Wilson, E. M., A9 Wittkover, Rudolf, 221 Woodward, L.J., 379 Yates, Frances A., 537-38 Zamora, Antonio de, Z100-102 Zamora, Florentino, 226 Zamora, Lorenzo de, SZz Zapella, Giuseppina, 234 Zarraga, Francisco de, SAa Zepeda-Henriquez, Eduardo, 288 Index of Subjects Items Contained in Entries in Major Sources for This Bibliography are Excluded from This Index Adnotationes et meditationes in evangelia, Nadal, Y23 Affectos divinos, Hugo, TF agapetas, sect of the, SZ alba amicorum, PC alchemy, 183 allegory: and Calderén autos, 117 and figures, SB2; and Gra- cian, 398; and painting, 130; and space, 77 alumbrados, sect of the, SZ Amoris divini emblemata, Vaenius, PD2-5, 364, 368-69 Amoris divini et humani anti- pathia, Snyders and Loeven, PA., 360 Amorum emblemata, Vaenius, PD1, 361, 363-64, 366-67, 369 animal lore, 10, 87, 105, 138, 162, 197, 401, Y10, Y12-13, Y21 Annotationes in Odas, Plantin, FA7-11 antiquarianism, 36, 60, 84, 90, 97a 101, 153, 223 aphorisms. Vid. proverbs Apocalipsis, 169 apothegms. Vid. proverbs architecture, 60 ars bene vivende, FB1, 118a ars memoriae, 106, 180-81, FC; and Society.of Jesus, 180-81 ars moriendi, FB1, 118a art and literature, 47, 54, 56, 88- 89,91, 114, 116, 118, 146, 149, 154, 156-58, 160, 163, 232 art theory: 63, 68, 73, 89, 118, 146, 151-52, 157, 164, 166, 190, 218 ; of Calderén, 54, 89, 218; of Carducho, 73; of Cés- pedes, 64; of Pacheco, 164, 225; of Palomino, 166 astrology,122: and fétes, 503; and Lope de Vega, 43, 44; and Calder6én, 44a Atheneo de Grandesa, Roma- guera, FG “attingent a fine usque ad finem," SGI Avisos espirituales, Monz6n, SN avisos espirituales, SQ bestiaries, 10, 87, 105, 162, 197 books: engraving in, 102; printers’ marks in, 112, 229, 234; Re- naissance guides to, 220, 220a; structure of, 217. Vid. also under Major Sources cabala, 218a, 221 castles, mystical, 45, 105, 142, 172 catalogs, 17-19, 220-20a, vid. also under Major Sources Cebes Table, TH, 82, 215, 338 certdmenes poéticos, 454a, 464- 64a, 474, 498 Christi Iesu Vitae, Arias Mon- tano, FA6a classical tradition in Spain , 140. Vid. also mythology classical translations, 55, 66, 191 coins and medals. Vid. numis- matics Colegio de San Hermenegildo, FF2 Colegio Imperial, FD collectors and collecting, 17-19, 36, 41-42, 49, 50, 51a, 75-76, 84, 90, 134 Comment. in A. Alciati, Sanchez de las Brozas, A12 Commentariorum in Iob, Pineda, FF Conceptos Espirituales, Ledesma, SI1-5 "confregisti caput draconis in acquis babtismi," FB1 contemptus mundi, 418 cosmology, 115a costume, 62, 86 court: entertainment of, 65, 453, 473, 520, 522; etiquette of, 453, 459, 473, 482, 522-23, 525-526, 529-30, 538 crucified martyrs, FB3 Curiosa filosofta, Nieremberg, SO Danse macabre, 118a David hoc est virtutis, Arias Montano, FA1-5 David pecador y penitente, Lorea, SJ De inventoribus rerum, Polydore Vergile, 229a death, 471-72, 476, 491, 497, 515- 16, 518. Vid. also esequies Declaracion magistral...Alciato, Lépez, A6-11, 251 Descripcién de las honras a... Felipe IV, Rodriguez de Mon- forte, SV Devisas o emblemas heroicas, Simeoni, TD2-3, Index of Subjects 243 Didlogo de las empresas, Giovio, TD Dicursos eldgicos a...San Pedro Nolasco, Rem6én, SU Discurso del amparo de...pobres, Pérez de Herrera, SS1 Divino Narciso, El, Sor Juana, 86 ekphrasis. Vid. art and literature emblem: in architecture, 60, 423, 430, 432, 435a, 447-48, 518; and the arts, 419-51; and Cal- der6én, 372, 379, 382, 392, 411, 415; and Cervantes, 370, 389a, 393, 414; in church dec- oration, 253-54, 339, 341-42, 444, 518; definition of, 3, 6-7, 11, 20, 28, 34, 48; and eques- trian portraiture, 428-28a; in frontis of emblem books, SOQ, FB3, FH; and Gongora, 375; and Goya, 419, 425-27, 433, 435-36, 438; in Hapsburg monarchy, Y28; and literature, 370-418; and Tirso de Molina, 409; in Muslim Spain, 148; in mysticism, 175, 204, 423, 431; in poetics, 413; and Quevedo, 374, 380; in residential deco- ration, 255, 448, 450-51; in sermons, 410; in Spain, 235- 49; theory of, SF1, 28, 34; in triumphs, SE, 496 (vid. also entries); and Lope de Vega, 379a, 379b, 381, 383-84, 394-95, 412, 413a; and Velazquez, 421, 428-29, 437-37c, 439, 449 emblem books: and antiquarian- ism, FD; ars memoriae, FC; ars moriendi, TA, FB1; Bibli- cal, TE, FA6-14, PB; by Car- tusians, SG; church symbols in, SZz; by Cistercians, SZz; contemporary collections of (vid. in Major Sources); King David, SJ, FA1-5, FB1; devo- tional, SH, SI, SN, TF, PA, PD2-5; by Dominicans, SJ; ed- ucation of princes, SD, SL, SX, TG, FH; St. Francis of 244 Index of Subjects Sales, TC; funeral of Marfa Luisa de Borb6én, SM; funeral of Philip IV, SV; gnomes, FE; Hercules, SD; heresy, SZ; heurematology, SO; Horace's dictamina, TH, PD6-8; by Je- uits, SH, SL, SO, SQ, SR, TB, TE, FB, FD, FF; Job, FF; mar- tyrs, FB3; by Mercedarians, SU, SW; moral-didactic, SB, SC, SE, SK, SR, SS3-5, SY, FG; St. Pedro Nolasco, SU; period collections (vid. library inven- tories); profane love, PD1; protestant theology, PC; pub- lic charity, SS1-2; Seneca's dictamina, SA, SP, SAa; sym- bols, TB, SO; St. Teresa, SW Emblemas de Alciato, Las, B. Daza, A1- 5 Emblemas morales, Covarrubias Orozco, SC, 269a-71, 274-76 Emblemas morales, Horozco, SF Emblemas moralizadas, Soto, SY, 330 Emblemas regio-poltticos, Solérzano Pereira, TG, Emblemata centum regio- politica, Solérzano Pereira, FH, 358 Emblematum Liber, Alciato: bibli- ography (vid. Heckscher, Wil- liam S. in Major Sources); com- mentaries and translations, A6, A8-A12, A15; composite editions, A16-17; in Covarrubias, 6; in El culto sevillano, 22; in Didlogos familiares de la agricultura cristiana, 20; ghost editions, X6- 8, X11; and Gracian, 256-57, 261; individual emblems, 92, 99, 255, 381, 413, 415, 419, 421, 425, 428a, 434, 436-37; in Latin, A12-15; and Mal Lara, 260; manuscripts, Y1-8a; modern and facsimile editions, A3-5, A7, A9; and Philostratus' Imagines, 208; in Spanish, A1- 11 empresa. Vid. impresa Empresas espirituales y morales, Villava, SZ, 331 Empresas morales, Juan de Borja, SB, 265 Empresas poltticas. Vid Idea de un principe polttico-cristiano Empresas sacras, Nufiez de Cepeda, SQ, 291-92 Enchiridion, Epictetus, TH, 82 enigmas, SS3, SS5, FE Enigmas, Ledesma, SI6 entries, royal, 464-64a, 470, 484, 495, 498, 503; allegory in, 154; Fernando de Austria, Z35; Isabel Clara Eugenia de Aus- tria, Z42; Mariana de Austria, 531, ZA9; Maria de Borb6én, Z52; Charles V, Z39; Duque de Gandia, Z40; Duque de Lerma, Z46; Conde de Pa- redes, 514, 519, Z36; Philip I, ZA5, Z53-54; Philip III, 504, 534, Z38, Z43-44, ZA7; Mar- qués de Villena, 484, Z37, ZA1, Z51. Vid also Z35-54 ephemeral architecture, 462, 471, 475, 477, 480, 490, 492, 500, 503, 507, 510. Vid. also en- tries; esequies; fétes Epictetus, TH, 82 Epigramas a la vida de Cristo, Ledesma, SI8 epigrams, SI8, 108 Escorial, San Lorenzo del , 50, 132, Z93; description of the library of, FD, 221 esequies, 141, 471, 475-76, 481- 82, 515-16; Baltasar Carlos de Austria, Z56-57; Margarita de Austria, 454, Z58, Z65, Z71, Z89-90, Z96; Maria de Austria, Z73; Maria Ana de Austria, Z77, Z101; Isabel de Borbon, 493, Z64, Z68, Z80, Z92, Z99; Maria Luisa de Borbén, SM, Z59, Z75, Z78; Calderén, Z70; Charles II, Z87, Z100, Z102; Charles V, 452, 457, 468, Z60-61, Z69, Z82; Alonso de Fonseca, Z76; Francisca de Guzman, Z95; San Lorenzo el Real, Z95; Maria Luisa de Orleans, 462, 490, Z97; Philip I, Z55, Z81, Z86; Philip Il, Z62, Z83, Z88; Philip IV, SV, 458, 263, Z66-67, Z72, Z79, Z84- 85, Z91, Z97; royal French, 482; Maria Amalia de Sajonia, 507; Felice de Sandoval, Z94; Isabel de Valois, Z74 espejo de la muerte, El, Bundeto, TA etiquette. Vid. court, etiquette of Evangelicae historiae imagines, Nadal, Y23, 91,149, 156, 420, 422 famous men, notion of, 125 fétes, 453, 456, 460, 464-66, 477, 480, 485, 489, 498-501, 505-6, 512, 523, 527, 532, 535; 527, 532, 535; for the Blessed Sacrament, 513; in Cervantes, 487-88; for Charles V, 455, 469, 483, 511, 537, Y33; Corpus Christi, Z10; for San Félix de Valois, Z24; the Im- maculate Conception, Z30-31; for San Isidro, Z34; for Prince Don Juan, Z20; for San Juan de Mata, Z24; for Santa Maria de Fuenciscla, 478: for Santa Maria de los Desamparados, Z31; for San Pedro Nolasco, Z22; in romances of chivalry, 512; for Santa Teresa de Avila, Z5-6; and theater, 485, 520-21, 532-33; for Santo Tomas de Aquino, Z15; for the Virgin Mary, 228 fétes for the beatification of: San Ignacio de Loyola, Z11; San Isidro, Z33; San Luis Beltran, Index of Subjects 245 Z2; Santa Teresa de Avila, ZA, Z12, Z19, Z23, Z27; Santo Tomas de Villanueva, Z14 fétes for the canonization of: San Francisco de Borja, Z7; San Fernando, 461, 494, 524, Z28; San Ignacio de Loyola, Z16; San Pedro de Alcantara, Z8; San Ramon de Pefiafort, Z21 funerals. Vid esequies; monu- ments; tumulos Genealogia deorum, Boccaccio, 222 glossaries, 6, 17-19 Gnomoglyphica, Nieremberg, FE Greek Anthology, 391, 402; and Covarrubias, and Gra- cian, 277; and Horace and Quevedo 378 grostesque, 51, 218a heraldry, 440; and Lope de Vega, 395-96 herbals, 40 hieroglyphs: for the beatification of St. Ignatius, SI3, 509-10; in Calderén, 385; of Colonna, 67, 81, 126, 441-42; definition of, 6-7, 11, 20, 34, 48; in en- tries, 504; in ephemeral archi- tecture, 510; of Galindo, X10; of Horapollo, 33, 214, ¥27; in Iglesia, SG; in Ledesma, SI1, Z25; of Pedro Lopez, Y19; of Palmireno, Y28; in La Picara Justina, 388; of Porrefio, Y28; in Rojas y Ausa, SW; of Rosell Fuenllana, X13; of Valdés Leal, 63, 128; of Valeriano, 6, 20; in Zamora, SZz. Vid. also entries in Appendix Y and Z Historiarum veteris instrumenti, TE, PB Horapollo, 33, 214, Y27 Humanae Salutis Monumenta, Arias Montano, FA7-12 Humani Generis Amatori, Arias Montano, FA6 246 Index of Subjects humanism, 16-19, 36, 41-42, 53, 97a, 141, 147, 150, 193, 269a 407 iconography, 173, 196, 198, 200- 204, 216; of the Counterrefor- mation, 129; of St. Ignatius, 182; of Trent, 70-71, 152, 225 Idea de un principe polttico- cristiano, Saavedra Fajardo, SX, 301-3, 311-17, 320-22, 325-29 Idea Vitae Teresianae, 175, 204, 431 imprese (empresas): for Augustus, 4; of Juan de Borja, SB; for Charles V, 444-47, 455; defi- nition of, 6-7, 11, 28, 48, 314- 15; in frontis of emblem books, SB1, SB3, SQ, FH; fu- neral, SM, X2; of Giovio, TD, 406; of Guazzo, X2; of Jesu- its, FF3, FF8; of the late Mid- dle Ages, 400, 440; of Lorea, SJ; of Montalvo, SM; morales, SB, SJ, SR, SW, SZ; of Nujfiez de Cepeda, SQ; of Ortiz, SR; for Philip IL, 109; politicas, SX; of Rojas y Ausa, SW; of Saavedra Fajardo, SX; sa- cras, SQ; of Simeoni, TD; of Villalva, SZ. Vid. also printers’ devices instruments, 75, 84, 115, 115a, 153, 176 inventories, 49, 75-76 Jesuits: and art, 149, 422; emblem books by, SH, SL, SO, SQ, SR, TB, TF, FB, FD, FF, Y23; and entries, ZA0, ZA1, Z53; and fétes, Z7, Z11, Z16, Z25, Z26, Z27; and funerals, Z73; impresa, FF3, FF8; and Spiritual Exercises and Nadal, 156, 420; and theater, 96 Juegos de nochebuena, Ledesma, SI6-7 L’Art des emblémes, SH6n L. A. Seneca ilustrado en bla- sones, Bafios de Velasco, SA La Republica literaria, SX31, SX33 Las moradas, SW library inventories: of Argote de Molina, 16; of Arias Montano, 23; of Marqués de Cenete, 27; of Garcilaso, 7a; of Juan de Herrera, 24, 221; of Lasta- nosa, 2, 31; of Nufiez de Guzman, 12, 30; in the New World, 135-37a; of Philip II, 1, 221; in Spain, 5; of Velazquez, 25-26 magic, 122, 221 Mannerism, 118, 157; and Gracian, 405 Memoria, entendimiento y vo- luntad, Ortiz, SR1 Miroir de la bonne mort, TA mirror: of death, TA; of rulers, O25 22 miscellanies, 15, 222a, 223a, Y11 Monarquta mistica de la iglesia, Zamora, SZz monuments, funeral, 60, 471, 491, 497,515, 518. Vid. also ese- quies; tumulos moradas, Las, SW motifs, symbolic and emblematic, Apollo, 103, 109, 417; burning log, 177; candle and clock, 176; elm and vine, 92, 99, 380; chariot, 379a; claustral fons vitae, 131, 380; griffon, 58; Heraclitus and Democritus, 144; hunter and the twins, 43; mechanical instruments, 115; monarchy, 50; 447; palm tree, 93, 424; pelican, 413a; phoe- nix, 170; pomegranate, 213; Saturn, 44, 221; scarab and rose, 150, 384; seals, 179; ships, 13; silence, 398; swan, 3; trees, 97; virtuous ruler, 495; wheel of time, 113; wild men, 46, 98; world, 115a, 246 mystics, 110, 114, 142-43, 157-58, 177-78 mythographies, 35, 171, 222, 230, 231 mythological characters: Apollo, 51, 103, 109, 417; Astraea, 44a, 537; Dido, 127, 139, 418; Fortuna, 168a; Ganymede, 194a; Hercules, SD, 133, 168, 192, 255, 396-97, 444-46, 455; Hero and Leander, 83a, 153a; Icarus, 66a, 100; Narcissus, 74, 86, 229a; Perseus and Androm eda, 172, 416; Saturn 44; satyrs, 98 mythology and art, 38, 141, 145; and Garcilaso, 69; and literature, 83, 111 Neptuno alegérico, Sor Juana, 514, 519, Z36 “neque enim micuerunt frustra," SC1 Noche oscura del alma, SW “non plus ultra,"444-47 Norte de idiotas, Monzon, SN Noticias Fuinebres...Maria Luisa de Borbon, Montalbo, SM numismatics, 17-19, 36, 85, 94, 23, 134, 185, 205; and Arias Montano, 444; and Gongora, 205 Ocios morales, Lucio Espinosa y Malo, SK Oculta filosofta, Nieremberg, SO Omnia Domini A. Alciati, Cam- pos, A15 Ovide moralisé, 104 painters, lives of, 166-67 painting: and literature, 47, 56; 190, 232; and Lucio Espinosa y Malo, 146; and sculpture,79, 80, 141; and theater, 232, 485 paradoxography, 59, 72 Pharus Scientiarum, SH6n Physiologus, 19, 87 picturae. Vid. motifs, symbolic and emblematic Index of Subjects 247 "plus oultre," 446, 455 polyantheas, 29, 220, 379b portraits and portraiture, 74a, 125, 165, 186-87, 199, 399, 437a- 37c Practica de los Ejercicios espiritu- ales, Izquierdo, SH princely houses, decor for, 49-50, 65, 76, 132, 153, 161, 221, 447 Principe perfecto, Mendo, SL, 338 printers’ devices: 229, 234; Bail- let, FF15; Boissat & Remeus, SL; Bonhome, A2; Cormellas, $Zz2; Cuesta, SF1; Duarte, A11; Escrivano, SE3; Frellon, TE; Mersius, PD2; Nucio, SE1; Plantin, FB3; Rodriguez, SF4; Roville, Al, TD2; Villa- grasa, A15 protocol. Vid. court , etiquette of proverbs, SS1-2, 14, 37, 39, 52, 193, 407, Y11, Y15-17 Quinti Horatii Flacci Emblema- ta, Vaenius, PD6 readers and readership, 5, 135- 37a Representaciones de la verdad, Rojas y Ausa, SW Retrato de la Fortuna, Pérez, ST Retratos del Testamento Viejo, Holbein, TE Sacrum Oratorium, Bivero, FB1 Sacrum Sanctuarium, Bivero, FB3 seals and sigillography, 179 Séneca impugnado de Séneca, Numiez de Castro, SP Simbolos selectos y pardbolas historicas, Caussin, TB Spiegel om wel te sterven, TA Spiritual Exercises, St. Ignatius, SH still lifes, 57, 163 Stromata Sacrae Scriptura, Nie- remberg, FE Surrender of Breda, 121, 233, 248 Index of Subjects 421, 429, 437, 439, ZA2 symbols, TB; and Garcilaso, 376 teratology, 59, 223a theater and theatrics of baroque, 159 Theatro moral, Vaenius, TH Thirty Years' War, 316, 322 topoi, emblem. Vid. motifs, symbolic and emblematic Trabajos y afanes de Hércules, Fernandez de Heredia, SD Trent, Council of, and art, 70-71, 152, 225 triumphal arches, 454a, 464, 503- 4. Vid. entries Triumphus lesu Christi, Ricci, FB3 Triunfo parthénico, Z28 Triunfos morales, Guzman, SE tumulos, 452, 468, 493, Z60, Z67, Z91. Vid. also esequies Ver, Ofr, Oler, Ortiz, SR2-3 Viaje por mar y tierra del Virrey Don Diego Lépez Pacheco, ZA1 Vida simbélica de S. Francisco de Sales, Gambart, TC viris illustribus, 125 visual arts: in Garcilaso, 209; in Quevedo, 160 visual arts: in Garcilaso, 209; in Quevedo, 160 Vita regum quasi texentis, Solér- ano Pereira's emblem 14 and Las hilanderas, 449 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Campa, Pedro F. Emblemata Hispanica: an annotated bibliography of Spanish emblem literature to the year 1700 / Pedro Campa ISBN 0-8223-1031-7 1. Emblem books, Spanish—Bibliography. 2. Emblems—Spain— Bibliography. I. Title. Z1021.3.C35 1990 016.868'30208015—DC20 90-2847 CIP wii | DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY = SS a ee =. = —— EE = SSS ————— = —— = — SS = SS SS = = = = SS Se So SSS ss ———s SS SS —— = Se = == = Se —— = = <==