Diionasas* nM GENERAL ORDERS. | HEAD-QUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF S. C. AND GA. No 95> i Ciiarlestox, November 11, 1862. I.. The Chief of Staff superintends and directs all branches and Departments of the service, and is responsible for the thorough effi- ciency of the whole military mechanism. II.. All field and other military works in this Department will bo ordered; planned, located, and constructed, as far as practicable, only under orders from these Head-quarters, superintended by the Chief Engineer and his Assistants, except when this course shall be imprac ticable or attended with undue delay, in which cases the Commanders of Districts will be authorized to give the necessary orders to and through the senior Engineer officer on duty in their Districts, for im- mediate execution. Plans of the works th.* order. d, and the ends to be subserved by their construction, will bo promptly forwarded to theso Head-quarters. III. .All officers and employees on duty in the Engineer service in the Department, will report to, and be under the orders of the Chief Engineer, except in cases provided for in th<: foregoing paragraph. IV.. Requisitions for labor to be done by soldiers, and for supplies, may be made on the Post or District commanders by the Chief Engi- neer, when practicable, or, on occasion, by the senior officer in chargo of any work under construction, and they will be promptly obeyed, without reference to superior authority or to these Head-quarters. V. .The Chief Engineer will be expected to consult freely with tho Chief of Artillery, touching whatsoever in the construction of the works that may relate to the greater efficiency of the guns to bo mounted, and then- protection when in position. VI. .As far as * ?,Vticable, the armament f all works in the Depart- ment will be dei'>2ftned at these Head-quarters; but when this courso will involve injurious delay, District Commanders will act, after con- sultation with the senior Engineer and Artillery officers present. VII.. The Chief of Artillery will be advised, in writing, by tho Chief of Ordnance, with as little delay as practicable, of all acces- sions of armament in his Department, in order that tho former may immediately assign the same to positions. VIII.. The Chief of Artillery is ex officio Chief Inspector of all Field and Siege Batteries, and of Heavy Artillery in position in the Department. He will, also, hare command of any Light and Siege re, «.r not assigned to brigades <>r other commands. IX.. Heavy Artillery in position is not to be moved*, except when ordered through to of Artillery (or directly) by these Head- quarters. ill ohanges of position of Light Catteries (except ou field of battle) ordered by o meets commanding . ermll bo communi- oated at once, or aa practicable, to these Head-quarters, through the Chief of Artillery. XI.. Requisitions for increase of armament in Light and Heavy Cat- teries must be transmitted to these Head-quarters, through the Chief of Artillery, for examination and approval. Requisitions for equip- ments must e to the armamenl allowed. XII. .Comma, d*. is of Forts and Heavy Catteries, aa well aa Of Bat- teries of Light Artillery, are strictly enjoined to keep their supply of ammunition fully up to the number of one hundred (100) rounds allowed them per gun, except for works at all liablo to be isolated, when two hundred (200) rounds shall be provided. XIII.. Any expenditure of ammunition in action or practice will bo certified at once to the Chief of Artillery, with a statement that a re- quisition has been mado on tho Ordnance Department to supply tho deficiency. XIV.. Light and Siego Battery commanders will inspect their com- mands before guard-mounting every morning, and will be held respon- sible that their respective batteries are prepared for action. They will also make such returns to the Chiefs of Artillery and Ordnance as theso ofiicers may direct. XV.. Light Catteries will be presented for inspection with tho am- munition chests filled, and implements, spare parts, etc., attached to the carriages. The inspecting officer will particularly report any neg- lect in tho grooming of horses, carelessness of harness, or neglect of material pertaining to the battery. XVI. .Ordnance stores will be issued from Ordnance depots on requisitions approved by District commanders, ^k the following in- stances: For field or siege batteries, by comman^# of such batter- ies; for forts and entrenched works, by the commanding officers of tho same; fur regiments, battalions, independent squadrons, or unattached companies, by their respective commanding officer.-. These requisi- tion- wili be in duplicate: one id" which will bo returned to the office* makiiE in case it cannot be tilled, or only partially bo— the Ordnance officer having endorsed thereon why not filled. XVII ..Commanders of Regiments, Battalions, and unattached Companies, will be held responsible for the arming and equipping of their respective commands. Each non-commissioned officer and pri- vate must be armed with a musket or such other small arm as can be supplied by the Ordnance Department. Forty ball cartridges to be carried in the cartridge-box of the soldier, in addition to .sixty rounds per man, which shall be habitually provided as a reserve supply. XVIII. .Acting Ordnance Sergeants for llegimcnts, will be appoint- ed as directed in Paragraph V, General Orders, Xo. 24, Adjutant and Inspector-General's Office, Richmond, April 16, 1S62. XIX.. District Commanders will designate in their commands a suitable Staff officer, who will ascertain and report to the Chief of Ord- nance of the Department, on the Saturday of each week, whether each regiment, battalion, or unattached company is armed and equipped, and has the prescribed quantity of ammunition, as directed above. In the first report will be given the number and calibre of the arms in each regiment, battalion, and unattached company* XX.. District Ordnance officers, or some other suitable Staff officer, to be designated by District Commanders, will inspect all arms report- ed unserviceable by regimental or other commanders, and such as aro unfit for service they will order to be turned into the depot. These in- spectors will report to their District or other commanders, all officers and men who have neglected or permitted their men to neglect their arms. XXI.. District commanders will organize schools of instruction, one for non-commissioned officers and the other for company officers, who will be required to recite, each day, such parts of the Tactics and of the Ordnance and Koberts' Manuals as may be deemed necessary. The senior artillery officer present at the post, in the absence of any one specially designated by superior authority, will be held responsible that these schools are regularly held and conducted. XXII.. AH Ordnance and Ordnance stores taken or lost, and tho ammunition expended in action, will be reported within three days thereafter to the Chief of Ordnance of each Military District or organ- ized Brigade, who will forward a consolidated return thereof, through the Chief of Ordnance of the Department, to these Head-quarters. XXIII.. Throug^ the CniEF of Ordnance will be supplied all guns, carriages, chassis, small arms, ammunition, ordnance stores, and equipments of every description, on requisitions approved by the Chief of Artillery, or the proper commanding officer. The Chief of Ordnance will transport, mount, or dismount all guns, when called upon to do so by the proper authority. He will also collect and keep in ^^cr and convenient depots, ample supplies of ammunition for all h^H guns, light artillery, and small arms in service, or for possible cOTrtingent wants in the Department. XXIV. .The special attention of commanding officers is called to the following paragraph (VII), Special Order, No. 48, Adjutant and In- spector-General's office, Richmond, March 1, lsf.2: "Commanding generals will have tarnished to the Chief of the Bureau of ordnance, in this city (Richmond), monthly reports from the bat- teries, as to the QUmbet of iruns, their calibre, how mounted, a full list of the ammunition on hind, the exact locality of the batteries, whether for oaeemate or barbette guns, and whether the range is short or long. ill also instruct the officers in charge of the batteries to submit all requisition? fur their approval before forwarding them to the Ord- nance officer/' By Command of General BbAUBBOABD. THOMAS JORDAN, Chief o/ Staff, and A. A. G. (Official.) • Hollinger Corp. pH8.5