HOUSE OF REPIIESENTAT1V]':S, ,lamuuy !(*, 18»)5.— Laid on the tabic and ordered to be printed. [By the Ciiaiu.| MESSACa: OF THE l^KESIDEXF. i':xECUTrvE department, / Tallahassee, Dec. \Uli, 1S64. f To the Xijcakcr of the House of iLejn'esentatlvcs Confederate Siahx Congress^ Richmond^ Va. SiK — I»y dircetion of the General Assembly <>f the State of Murida, I have the honor to enclose to yon a copy of a Joint Resolution adojtted by that body at its late session. Very llespecrfully. •\0\l^ MILTON, Gov. of Florida. JOINT RESOLUTION OE CONFIDENCE IN AND THANKS TO PRESIDENT JEFFERSON DAVIS. Be it re.solved Jjij the Senate and House of Ilcprcsentatlres of the S^tate of Florida., in ircmral AxsindAy coneemd., That the con - tidcnce of the [leujde of the State of Florida, in the ability, I'urity and patriotipni of his Excellency, Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States, continues unabated, and that the aide, fearless Mild iin])artial manner in which lie has administered the Government of the Confederate States, demands, and will continue to receive, onr approbation and support. />' it fiirlJn I' i-'.^olr.d^ That a cojiy ..1' thoo i\' bi; for- waidol Ity the (iovcnntr to the President ami to the presidinir ollicei"^ of the Senate iiiid of fhi' Hon-" ol" Itcjuvseiitativcs of the Confederate C.s. AVA[. FORSYTH IJVNl'M, (7/7 /A. of /.Vy.v. .\|. proved Kov. ;;(Mh, L'564. :\im}i^ lA\\:\'n^. r.oe.ruor of Florida.' \ true coj'y from the ]i<»ll8, !;. F. XLLY,^, Secretary of St