^ff'-O*;^ [ House op llErRKSENTATiviis, No. 323.] HOUvSE OF REPRKSEXTATITES, January o, lo63.— Read fust and second times, made special order after existin«: special order, and ordered to I>e printed. [By Mr. Wick ham, from Committee on Military Affairs. A- BILL To be entitled An Act to provide payment lor horses killed or lost in the service of the Confederate States. 1 The Co/igress of the Confederate Sfatrs of .imerica do enact, 2 That when any mounted oHlcer or soldier of the Confederate 3 States shall have sustained damage since the 1st dav of Febru- 4 ary, 18G1. or shall hereafter sustain damage, without fault or i"> negligence on his part, liy reason of the l')?s of a horse killed 6 in battle, or wounded in battle so that he afterwards die or I)e- 7 come permanently disabled from his wounds, or br al)andon- 8 nicnt, by order of bis ofTicer, on account of his wounds, or on 9 account of inability to keep up with his command on any march, 10 and thus l«st; or by capture of a horse whilst in the discharge 11 of bis duty, or by the lo?s of his liorse hr reason of being sep- 12 aratfd from liim by order of his officer whilst in the discharge 13 of his duties either in the field or at any station; or by the kill- 14 ing of his horse by order of his regimental or brigade comman - 15 dcr to prevent the spreading of disease in his command; or by 1() the loss of a horse by excessive use or by unavoidable accident, 17 in the execution of an order from a superior officer; or by tko 2 IS loss of the usual and nece??ai7 clothing and equipments, by rca- 19 son of the loss of a horse as aforesaid, he shall be entitled, upon 20 certificate of the facts by his commanding oflicer, approved by 21 his brigade, division, corps or army commander, to receive from 22 any r.uartermaster of the Confederate State's as compensation 23 therefor, the appraised value of such horse and tlie regulation 24 value of such clothing or ecjuipments; and if from any cause such 25 horse has not been appraised previous to the time when lost, 26 compensation sliall be made therefor to an extent to be fixed by 27 two commissioned ofiicers, approved by the regimental comman- 28 der. 1 Sec. 2. When any horse is rendered permanently unfit for 2 sei vice, unt^er circumstances that entitle the owner to compen- 3 sation theiefor. it shall be turned over to some qiiartermastor, 4 and by him be sold, or otherwise disposed of, for the benefit of 5 the government.