on Oi^k Duke University Libraries (Resolution con Conf Pam #247 DTTOESTbD/ [Secret.] HOUSE OF REPRPlf^EXrATTTE^;jlin(i\*rV243&&:--0rder- ed to be printed [By Mr. Russell. 1 Resolved, That the bill to levy additional taxes for the year 2 1865, for the support of the government, be recommitted to the 3 Committee od Ways and Means, with instructions to report a bill 4 or bills to provide means to carry on the war, which, besides 5 provisions of detail and provisions to equalize other taxes with 6 those hereinafter mentioned, shaU be substantially to the foUow- 7 ing effect: 1 Section 1. All appropriations heretofore or hereafter made to 2 pay any liabilities of the government incurred bef jro the 3 day of 1865, or accruing on contrac-s heretofore made, 4 (unless a different mode of payment Ije specially provided for 5 by law or contract, ) shall be paid in treasury notes of the pre- 6 sent issue, and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby author- 7 Izcd to issue, under the direction of the President, a sufficient 8 amount of sucli treasury notes to pay all such appropriations, y any lhiĀ»giu any former law to the contrary notwithstanding. 1 SfcJC. 2. The taxes in kind for the present and each future year 2 shall bo double the ainiuuts of such taxes now imposed. 1 Sec. 3. All cotton and tobacco, nut now owned by citizens or 2 2 subjects of neutral countries, shall be purchased, borrowed or 3 impressed for the government on the following terms : to be re- 4 turned in kind of equal quantity and quality within two years 5 after the war with an addition to the quantity at the rate of 6 per cent, per annunj, or, at the option of the owner, to 7 bo paid for at the specie value in bonds of the government. 1 Sec. 4. The President shall cause to be is^sucd, in such form, 2 of such denominations, and with such authentication as he shall 3 prescribe, bills to be called revenue bills, purporting that the 4 Confederate States owe to the bearer the sums of money there- 5 in respectively specified, and the same may be issued and re-is- 6 sued in payment of appropriations other than those first above 7 mentioned; but the amount of them outstanding shall not ex- 8 ceed at any time two hundred millions of dollars. 1 Sec. 5. Whenever the tax in kind of any subject shall not ex- 2 ceed dollars, the whole thereof, and in all other 3 cases the half of the tax in kind of any subject may, at the op- 4 tion of the tax payer, be commuted by paying in revenue bills 5 or specie four-fifths of the appraised value thereof to the proper 6 tax collector within days alter such value shall have 7 been ascertained according to law ; and such value shall be 8 estimated and ascertained in revenue bills. 1 Sec. 6. Whenever a sufficient amount of revenue bills to pay 2 for one or more bales of cotton shall be presented for redemp- 3 tion, the same shall be redeemed in cotton at the rate of fifty 3 4 cents per pound. The cotton so delivered in redemption shall 5 not afterwards be liable to impressment and the same may be 6 exported without restriction, except the payment of the lawful 7 export duties. 1 Sec. 7. Treasury notes of the present issue may bo exchanged 2 at the treasury for revenue bills, at the rate of twenty dollars 3 of treasury notes for one dollar of rcvcMue bills, and, at the 4 same rate, may boused instead of revenue bills for the commu- 5 tation of taxes in kind, or for conversion into cotton, and with 6 like effect. ' 1 Sec. 8. Property impressed after the day of 2 1SG5, shall be paid for in revenue bills at the usual market prices. Pcnmalip^* pH8.5