C£ !> J Ouke University Libraries In memoriam : Conf Pam q#115 DTUIBIOIX *//£" I roin Iho "Southeni I'rosbyterian ' ol lugiisl LOtli, 1H01, i ;il n Dl e w 9 v i a m Died, in the city of .Savannah on tlie 7lh of July, Ruth Bbrrirn, wife of Hon. I'm \ku:n 0. Joxbk, Jr . Rnd daughter of tlie late Hon. John White- head, of liiiik'- count) . i leorgin. The death of this most estimable and lovely w n, has HUed matij with a sorrow which finds no adequate expression in articulate words: bul it is a sorrow nni without hope rhi sombre cloud tlial has settled over us, has upon ii- heavenward side liie brightest of "silver lining- In the earh dawn of woman] d, — surrounded by all thai could render life useful anil liappy, — H herished wife, — the faithful mother, — the affectionate sister, — the devoted friend, — the kind mistress, — ii i< indeed a misterions I'rovidence thai called her away. Hui her death in an eminent degree signalized the power of Divine grace, and the onsness ol :i Chri 'tian faith, With so much to live Ibr — » man) lies, strong and tender, to bind her i Hi — he was nevertheless able through the great grace of our God, re tii, in nil up will i a murmur, and to ir i the angel of 'l< villi in perfect pour,, reposing with child-like ifldenci upon the Infinite merit i l.,,r,| and Sai iour .lesus Christ itly enjoyed the ministral ligion In her lasl hours, con- stantly craving the soothing and sustaining ibfluet s nf prayer, arfd res- |x>nding with fervent ejaculations to the many petitions which were of Iside. The iweel resignation which filled her soul, the nil serenih which rested n| her lovelj countenai , and the words of cheerful bill humble hope to which she gave repeated utterance, afibrded nnmistakeablc evidence that the shadows of the dark valley were rapidh dispersing before tin brightness ol // ming, who is our i salvation. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/inmemoriamdiedinOOsava As her end dre« near, sin look .1 mosl tender and affectionate farewell ol 1 in- friends around her, mid left kimi messagi - for those who were ab- sent. Tin' servants of the family then assembled, and one by one sin Hi. in all good-bye, with a word of counsel to each, and an exhorta- tion i" meel her in heaven The grii ' - ,: "' ,(: "~ "' these humble depen manifested mosl clearly hon warmly attached they were to their kiml mistress, and how sincerely thoj fell and deplored her death. Mrs Jones had but jusl compl I In r twenty -fourth 3 ear Al an ear- lj age she made a profession of religion and united with the Presbyte- rian Church al Bath, Uoorgia, under the ministry of Rev l(. K. Portei She was an active conscientious, consistent Christian. Her piety was fervent and deep, and al the name tin f 1 -1 cheerful and attractive type, like tin broad,deep stream that rolls its full current steadily on, while fragrant [towers spring np along Its winding banks, and the glad sunlight - continually upon it.« sparkling waters hi her dying hours hei Mowed like a rivi r, and her righteousness as the waves of the sea! Uid thus 'liil sin- passawayl Thus did her ransomed spiril plume its upward High! and join those who had gone before, — among them her own dear little daughter, who pr ided her to the land of the blest by the of onlj five days. Tims . i 1 . i she enter upon the joys of heaven, ulbeil n desolate home, a stricken heart, a tender babe, nevermore can 1 : n the light of her presence upon earth again! But, — 1 1" \ .hi mourn when 1 1 her Btai Shines out in the glittering sk | 1 1. 1 you Weep when the raging voice nf war Ami the Btorms of conflict ■ rii.-ii v. hj do ■■ our tears run down, \nil your heart be sorelj riven, i-'in ai in the Sai iour's crown. \ nd another soul In Heaven sw vxn'aii. .fulv ■!■> IRfil. Hollinger Corp. pH 8.5