DUKE UNIVERSITY DIVINITY SCHOOL LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/extractfromjournOOasbu A K -A. TRACT T O U R N A L FRANCIS A S B U R Y 3 BISHOP OF THE METHODIST-EPISCOPAL CHURCH I N AMERICA, From Auguft'7, 1771, to December 29, 177S r o o VOLUME I PHILADELPHIA: WklNTEfc BY JOSEPH CRUKSHANK, NO. 87, HIGH-STREET SOLD BY JOHN DICK1NS, NO. 182, IN KACE- 5TREET, NEAR SIXTH-STREET, SCHOOL OF RELIGION ADVERTISEMENT. WHEREAS it was fir ft in- tended that this Journal floould have been continued in the Armi- man Magazine^ and the Jale of that is Jo flow as to render its publication very irregular and pre- carious ; it is therefore thought moft advifeable to publijb this Journal fcparately, one volume at a time. But as it would be incomplete without taking in the f mall part which xvas printed in the Magazine, we hope the pur- chafers of the Magazine will net be offended at our reprinting that Jmall part in this volume ; efpe- daily as the whole which has been expofed to public view is included hi about jo pages of this volume, To the READER, TJ/'E are very fenfible of the probability of its being remarked, even by many candid and judicious per fons , that an apparent fame- nefs runs through this Journal. The objection however, may infome degree receive a reply, pojjibly it may be removed altogether, by the following confederations : I. This Journal contains thefunple exercifcs~ of the author's mind and life, in the way of a private diary ; there having been no intention for many years, of making it public : his charge, as well as labours and travels having become, lately, more extenfive, he looks upon hi mf elf as ■more refponfible than before. II. // was written in much hafle. III. To tranferibe and drefs it up with great- er elegance, would fnaterially alter its original defigns, IV. A brief hi/lory of Met hod if m in Ame- rica, may be communicated through this medi- um. V. Thofe for whom.it is chiefly intended, are plain andfimple people, who will look for nothing elaborate or refined ; but for genuine exp erience and naked truth. T II E JOURNAL O F FRANCIS ASBURY, BISHOP of the METHODIST-F.PJS- COPAL CHURCH. ON the 7th of Au.Tiifl: I^yf, the conference began at Bnjf^f in England* Before this I elf for half a year drong intimations in my mind, that I mould vifit America 1 which 1 laid before the Lord, being unwilling to do my own will, or to run before I was fent During this time my trials were very great, which the Lord, I be- lieve, permitted to prove and try mt| in order to prepare me for future ufcfulnefs. At the con- ference it was propofed that fome preachers fhould go over to the American continent. I [poke my mind, and made an oiler of myfelf. It was ac- cepted by Mr. Wijttf and others, who judged I had a call. From Briftol \ went home to ac- quaint my parents with my great undertaking, :hl opened in as gentle a manner as poffible. Though it was grievous to ficfh and blood, they oonfented to let me go. My mother is one of the tendered parents m the world: but, I believe, (he was bleiTed in the prefent inftance with divine afii (lance to part with me. 1 vifited mod of my friends in Stafford/hire^ Warwick/hire , and Glou- ccjlerfhirC) and felt much life and power among them. C 4. } them, Several of our meetings were indeed held in the fpirit and life of GOD. Many of my friends were ftruck with wonder, when they heard of my going, but none opened their mouths againft it, hoping it was of GOD. Some wifhed that their Situation would allow them to go with me. I returned to Br'tjiol in- the latter end of Au- guft, where R. W. was waiting for me, to fail in a few days for Philadelphia, When I came to Bnjlol I had not one penny of Kioney : but the Lord foon opened the hearts of friends who fup- plied me with clothes and ten pounds: thus I found by experience, that the Lord will provide for thofe who truft in him. On Wednefciay, September 2, we fet fail from a port near Brijhl ; and having a good wind foon pnft the channel. For three days I was very ill with the fea-ficknefs : and no ficknefs I ever knew was equal to it. The captain behaved well to us. On the Lord's day, September 8, Brother W. preached a fermen en deck, and all the crew gave attention. Thu.rfday 12th. I will fct down a few things that lie on my mind. Whither a m I going I To. the new world. What to do ? To gain honour ? No, it I knew my own heart. To get money ? No, I am going to live to GOD, and to bring others fo to do. In America> there has been a work of GOD : fome moving fir ft amongft the Friends, but in time it declined : likewife by the PrHbyterians, but amongft them alfo it decli- ned. The people GOD owns in England, are the Methodifts. The doctrines they preach, and th discipline they enforce, are, I beiieve, the pur- red of any people now in the world. The Lord has greatly bjeffed thefe doctrines and this difci- pline in the three kingdoms : they mull therefore be ( 5 ) .he pleating to him. If GOD does not acknow- ledge me in America, I will foon return to Eng- land. I know my views are upright now — May they never be otherwife ! On the Lord's-day, September 16, I preached on Acls xvii. 30. But GOD n tarkfothall men every where to repent. The failors behaved with decency. My heart's defire and prayer for them was and is, that they may be faved : but oh ! the deep ignorance and mfenfibility of the human heart ! The wind blowing a gale, the fhip turned up and down, and from fide to fide, in a manner ve- ry painful to one that was not accuftomed to fail- ing : but when Jefus is in the fhip all is well. O what would not one do, what would he not fufTer, to be ufeful to fouls, and to do the will of his g Mafter ! Lord, help me to give thee my heart now and for ever ! Our friends had forgotten our beds, or elfe did not know we mould want fuch things ; (o I had two blankets for mine. I found it hard to ! on little more than boards. I want faith, cou- rage, patience, meeknefs, love. When others fufFer fo much for their temporal intercity, furely I may fuffer a little for the glory of GOD, and the good of fouls. May my Lord preferve me in an upright intention ! I find I talk more than is profitable. Surely my foul is among iions. I feel my fpirit bound to the new v. and ray heart united to the people though un- known, and have great caufe to believe, th am not running before I am fent. The more troubles I meet with, the more convinced I am, 'that I am doing the will of GOD. In the courfe of my pafTage I read Sef/ws an- fwer to Rlijba Cole, on the fovereignty of GOD : A 2 and. t « ) 2nd, I think, no one that reads it deliberately,, can afterwards be a Calvinifl. On the Lord's-day, September 22, I preached td the fnip's company on John iii. 23. but, alas! they were infenfible creatures. My heart has been much pained on their account. I fpent my time ohisny in retirement, in prayer, and in reading the Appeals, Mr. Be Rentys life, part of Mr. Norris's works, Mr. Edwards on the work of GOD in New-England, the Pilgrim's Progrefs, the Bible, and Mr. IVepeys fermons. I feel a itrong dehre to be given up to GOD, body, foul, time, and talents, far more than heretofore. September 30, T preached to the (hip's compa- ny again, on thefe words, To you is the word of 'his falvation fent. I felt fome drawings of foul rds them, but faw no fruit. Yet dill I muft pro on. Whilfr. they will hear, I will preach, as l have opportunity.. My judgment is with the Lord. I mml keep in the path of duty. On the 6th of October, though it was very rough, I preached on deck to all our (hip's company, from thofe very important words in Heb. ii. 3. How nail we tfc&pe if we tit gleel fo great falvation. The Lord enabled me to fpeak plainly, and Iliad fome hopes that the intereiting truths of the gofpel did enter into their minds. I remember the words of the wife man, In the 'morning fow thy feed, and p% the evening withhold not thy hand. As to my own mind, I lo. g and pray, that I may be more fpiritual. But in this I comfort myfelf that my intention is upright, and that I have the caufe of GOD at heart. But I want to ftand complete in all the will of GOD, holy as he that hath cal- led me is holy, in all manner of ' converfation. At times I can retire and pour cut my foul to GOD, feel fome meltings of heart. My fpirit mourns t 7 ) mourns, and hungers, and thirds after entire- devotion. October 13. Though it was very windy, I fixed my back againft the mizen-mait, and preached freely on thofe well-known words, Cor. V. 20. No%u then vue are ambajjadors for Chrijl^ as though GOD did befeech you by us : ive prav you M Chrijl's Jieady be ye reconciled to GOD. I felt the power of truth on my own foul, but ilill, alas ! law no vifible fruit : but my witnefs is in heaven, that I have not fhunned to declare to them all the co infel of GOD. Many have been my trials in the courfe of this voyage, from the want of a proper bed and proper provifions, from ficknefs, and from being furrounded with men and women ignorant of GOD, and very wicked. But all this is nothing. If I cannot bear this, what have I learnt ? O I have reafon to be much afliamed of many things, which I fpeak and do before GOD vid man. Lord, pardon my manifold defects and failures in duty. October 27. This day we landed in Philadel- phia^ where we were directed to the houfe of one Mr. F. H. who kindly entertained us in the evening, and brought us to a large church, where we met with a confiderable congregation. Bro- ther P. preached. The people looked on us with pleafure, hardly knowing how to (hew their love Sufficiently, bidding us welcome with fervent af- fection, and receiving us as angels of GOD- O that we may always walk worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called ! When I came near the American more my very heart melted within me,. to think from whence I came, where I was going, and what I was going about. But:! felt my mind open to the people, and my tongue loofe t<: fpeak. ( 8 ) fpeak. I feel that GOD is here ; and find plenty of all we need. November 3. I find my mind drawn heaven- ward. The Lord hath helped me by his power, and my foul is in a paradife. May GOD Al- mighty keep me as the apple of his eye, till all the florms of life are pa ft ! Whatever I do, wherever I go, may I never fin againfl GOD, but always do thofe things that pleafe him ! Philadelphia, November 4. We held a watch- night. It began at eight o'clock. Brother P. preached, and the people attended with great feri- oufnefs. Very few left the folemn place till the conclufion. Towards the end, a plain man fpoke, who came out of the country, and his words went with great power to the fouls of the people; fo that we may fay, Who hath defpifed the day of [mall things ? not the Lord our GOD ; then why fhould felf-important man ? November 5. I was fent for to vifit two perfons who were under conviction for fin. I fpoke a word of confolation to them, and have hopes that GOD will fet their fouls at liberty. My own mind is fixed on GOD : he hath helped me, glory be to him that liveth and abideth for ever. Tuefday, November 6, I preached at Philadel- phia my laft fermon, before I fet out for New- Tork, on Rom. viii. 3 2. He that /pared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, hoiv fnall he not with him freely give us all things. This alfo was a night of powerto my own and many other fouls. November 7. I went to Burlingtan on my way to Torky and preached in the court-houfe to a large, ferious congregation. Here alfo I felt my heart much opened. In the way from thence to Tork I met with one P. V. P. who had heard jne preach at Philadelphia, After fome converfa- tion ( 9 ) lion he invited me to his houfe on Staten-IJlanct-; and as I was not engaged to be at York on any particular day, I went with him and preached in his houfe. Still I believe GOD hath fent me to this country. All I feek is to be more fpirituaf, and given up entirely to GOI>, to be all devoted to him whom I love. On the Lord's-day, in the morning, Novem- ber ii, I preached again to a large company of people, with fome enlargement of mind, at the houfe of my worthy friend Mr. P. In the after- noon preached to a ftill larger congregation •, and was invited to preach in the evening at the houfe of juftice TV, where I had a large company to hear me. Still evidence grows upon me, and I truft I am in. the order of GOD, and that there will be a willing people here. My foul has been much affecled with them. My heart and mouth are open, only I am fliil fenfible of my deep infuffi- ciency, and that moftly with regard toholinefs. Jt is true, GOD has given me fome gifts, but what are they to holinefs. It is for ho^inefs my fpirit mourns. I want to walk conftantly before GOD without reproof. On Monday, I fet out for New-York, and found R. B. there in peace but weak in body. Now I muft apply myfelf to my old work, to watch, and fight, and pray. Lord help ! Tuefday, 13. I preached at York to a large congregation on 1 Cor. ii. 2. / determined not to. know any thing among youfave jfefus Chrijl and him crucified, with fome degree of freedom in my own mind. I approved much of the fpirit of the people : they were loving and ferious : there ap- peared alfoinfome a love of difcipline. Though I was unwilling to go to York fo foon, I believe ir i$. all weil 4 and I ftill hone I am t in the order of GOD. ( io ) My friend B. is a kind, loving, worthy man, truly amiable and entertaining, and of a child-like tem- per. I purpofe to be given up to GOD more and more, day by day. But oh ! I come fhort. Wednesday 14, I preached again at Fork, My heart is truly enlarged, and I knOvv the life and power of religion is here. O how 1 wifii to fpend all my time and talents for him who fpilt his blood for me ! The LordVday 18, 1 found a day of reft to mv foul. In the morning I was much led out with a facred defire. Lord, help me again ft the mighty. I feel a regard for the people, and I think the Ame- ricans are more ready to receive the Word than the Englijh : and to fee the poor negroes fo af- fected is pleafing : to fee their fable countenances in our folemn afiemblies, and to hear them fing with chearful melody their dear Redeemer's praifc, afFecled me much, and made me ready to fay, of a truth 1 perceive GOD is no re/petler of perfons. Tuefday 20, 1 remain in York, though unfatisft- ed with our being both in town together. I have not yet the thing which I feek— a circulation of preachers to avoid partiality and popularity. However, I am fixed to the Methodifl plan, and do what I do faithfully as to GOD. I expect trouble is at hand. This I expected when I left England, and I am willing to fuffer, yea, to die fooner than betray fo good a caufe by any means, It will be a hard matter to (land againfl all oppo- fition as an iron pillar ftrong, and fteadfaft as a wall of brafs: but through Chrift itrengthening me, I can do ail tilings. Thurfday 22. At prefent I am dilTatisfied. I judge we are to be (hut up in the cities this win- ter. My brethren feem unwilling to leave the ci- ties, but I think Khali flicw them the way. I am in trouble ( « ) trouble, and more trouble is at hand, for I am de- termined to make a ftand againft all partiality. I have nothing to feek but the glory of GOD, no- thing to fear but his difpleafure. I am come over with an upright intention, and through the grace of GOD I will make it appear : and I am deter- mined that no man (hall bias me with foft words and fair fpeeches : nor will I ever fear (the Lord helping me) the face of man, or know any man after the fleih, if I beg my bread from door to door ;but whomfoeverl pleafeor difpleafe, I will be faithful to GOD, to the people, and to my own foul. Saturday, Nov. 24. I went with brother S. and brother IV. to IVeJl-Chejltr, which is about twenty miles from New-Tcrk. My friends wait- ed on the mayor for the ufe of the court-houfe, which was readily granted. On the Lord's-day morning a considerable company being gathered together, I flood up in the Lord's power ; yea, I felt the Holy One was nigh. I judged that my au- dience needed to be taught the firit principles of religion, fol fpoke from thofe words, Noiv he com- mandeth all men every where to repent. Seriouf- nefs fat on the faces of my hearers, and the pow- er of GOD came both on me and them, while I laboured to ihew them the nature and neceffity of repentance ; and the proper fubjecls and time for it. In the afternoon the congregation was i::- creafed both in number and ferioufnefs : fome of the chief men of the town — the mayor and others were prefent. I delivered my thoughts on thofe words, This ishis commandment :, that weJJ:ould believe on the name of his Son Jefus Chri/t, and love one another. I felt warmth in my foul while I fet forth the nature and necefiity of faith, and much enlargement towards my hearera. In the even- ( n ) ingl preached at one M.'s, at a place called Wefl- Farms, to many perfons, on the love of GOD. The next day I preached at Weft-Chefler again to a large company, and felt a fenfe of GOD refling on my heart, and much love to the people. Be- ing detained another day by the roughnefs of the weather, I preached another fermon on this text, Knowing therefore the terrors of the Lord, we per- fuade men. in the evening we went to the may- or's where v/e lodged that night ; and the next -day at noon fet out for Torh. The LordVday, December 2, I found a day of reft to my foul, and much liberty both in the morn- ing and evening among the^people. O that I may live to GOD and not to myfelf, and keep myfelf free from all worldly entanglements. Saturday, December 8, As Brother B. was ftill ^at New-Tork, I thought it beft to make another vi- fit to Weft-Chef er. I fpent the evening and lodg- ed at the houfe of one Dr. W. who appears tobe an underftanding man in the things of GOD. His wife is alfo of an amiable difpofition, and is touch- ed with a fenfe of her own ftate and that of her neighbours. I fpoke to her freely of the willingnefs of Chrift to fave now, but unbelief ilill prevailed. The next morning I went to the court-houfe to preach, but the noife of the children and the ill- behaviour of the unhappy, drunken keeper, caufed much confufion. In the afternoon my friend M+ informed me that the door of the court-houfe was {hut againft me. I felt myfelf at flrft a little trou- bled, but foon after a tavern-keeper gave me the offer of an upper room in his houfe, where I fpoke on th fe words, If we confefs our fins he is faith- ful and ] nfl to for give us our fins , and to cleanfe us from all unrighteoufnefs. The power of GOD was with us, and many of the vileft of thofe prefent will, \ J 3 ; will I truft remember it as long as they live. In the evening I made another vrfit to Wef-Farms^ and preached there ; and my heart was there alfo touched with the power of GOD. I lodged that night at thenoufe of one Mr. — v. After flipper I ailced the family if they would go to prayer. They looked at one another and laid, there was need enough. The next morning when I ailced a blef- fing before breakfaft, they feemed amazed. I told them, they wanted nothing but religion. The old father faid, it was not well to be too religious. The fon faid, he thought we could not be too good. I foon afterwards took my leave of them, and preached in the evening at Eajl-Chsjler to a few who feemed willing to hear, on thofe words, As for me and my houfe y ive ivill ferve the Lord. I found myfclf ilraitened and fhut up, but the Lord knoweth what he hath to do with me. Tuefday, December 10, I rode to Neiu-Rc- chelle, and was received with great kindnefs bv Mr. D — e and his family, and preached there to a few. The next day alfo I preached to a J company, and found liberty, and believe the pow- er of GOD was amonglt us. From thence I rode to Rye, where a few people were coi ! together to hear the word : and the ncx'; preached to them again. On Sunday 14, I rede back to Eaf-Chefer and preached to a lai pany, and found fome facisfaclion in fpeaking on The one thing needful. On the Lord's- day I preach- ed at Neiv-Rochc!L? in the church. My text was Alt' have finned and come Jhort of the glory of GOD. I felt an opening and was fatisfied. 1 puhiifhed myfelf to preach again in the afternoon, and thofe who had moll oppofed me before, came to hear and behaved well, in the evening I preached in the houfe of my friend Mr. D. The next day I 13 preached ( >4 ) preached again at Mr. D.'s, and on Tuefday went to R)e t where I had many to hear me, and felt fome freedom of fpirit. The next day I preached at Matrngck, to a company of people who at firft took but little notice of the worfhip of GOD, but I fruit fome of them felt the pow- er of truth in their hearts. On Thurfday I re- turned to Torhy and found my friends in peace. Lord's-day, December 22, I preached to a large company in the evening., and felt much pow-_ er. I know that GOD was with us indeed, yea, was nigh toblefs the people. On Chriftmas-day, we had a very comfortable time. On Friday the the 2 7 tli, T fet off with two of my friends for Siaten-Ifland. On the 28th, we arrived at juf- tice W?i % where we were entertained with the heft his houfe afforded. From thence I went to my old friend V. iVs, who received me with his former kindnefs, and eollec~ted a congregation for the evening, to whom I preached, but had a violent pain in my head. After fervice I went to bed, and was very ill. However, the next day, being the Lord's-day, I preached in the morning and alfo in the afternoon with fome freedom of mind. In the evening I returned and preached at juftice TF.'s. Having received an invitation to preach at the houfe of one Mr. W — d at the eaft e.nd of the Illand, I vifited that place on my re- turn to New- York, where I had a comfortable time. On Tuefday we arrived in New-York* We have been favoured here with a very folemn watch-night. Many felt the power of GOD. January 1, 1772. I find that the preachers have their friends in the cities, and care not to * leave them. There is a flrange party-fpirit. For my part I dehre to be faithful to GOD and man. ( »s ) man. On Thurfday evening, I preached my fermon, for a time, on Tbejfl v. 6. Let us not Jleep as do other \r, but let us watch and fa fiber. On Friday, brother S. and myfelf ferout for Weft-Farms^ and I preached in the evening. On the Lord's-day I preached at brother M — y's at half pad nine, in Weft-Chefter at three, and Farms at fix in the evening. A perfon in. me much kindnefs at Weft-Farms, favouring with a man and horfe all the time I was there, ac- knowledging the word came home to lus h and that he was wicked. IvJy friend //—-/, a Quaker, fa id he never was io affected. next day I went to Weft~C at had c few to hear me. On Wednefday I prea H — 1\ and felt much divine power in my - and an opening among the people, many trials in my own mind, but fee! dote > refill. I fee the traps let for my feet. Thurfday, Ipreached at ZVs, live people to hear, and zealous. On Friday I went to Mmrnc , large congregation, and felt the divine pr Many of the people alio ft it t: and funk under the word : it the hearts of the people \ but feme cont and blafphemed. I believe GOD has a do among the people in this place. L me faithful, watchful, humble, holy, an to the end. Let me foonerchoofe to die if. againft thee in thought, word, Saturday 13, Ipreached at one friend B- wherc many attended to the fcr a willingnefs to hear. On preaehed at iX's at ten in t: the afternoon, and at fix in the evening. Man'/ attended, but I fear few felt fuch ( '« ) as will induce them to leave their fins, and flee from the wrath to come. At brother H.'s, on Monday evening, the houfe would not hold the congregation : there I felt liberty and power. I hope GOD will vifit them. I have had many trials from Satan, but hitherto the Lord hath help- ed me againfl them all. I {land a miracle of mercy ! O that I may always be found faithful in doing his will. OnTuefday the 14th, I went to Rye : but the people here are infeufible. They cry " the church, the church." There are a few Prefby- terians ; but they have fullered their meeting- houfe to go to ruin, and have loft the power of religion, 11 they ever had it. I was not a wel- come meiTenger to this people. On Wednefday the 15th I preached at two in the afternoon at Mairncck with fome power, and in the evening returned, preached at Rye to a large company, and felt my Matter near. Thiirfday 1 6,1 was ta- ! en ill with a cold and chill. The next morning I rode to New-City,, but the cold pinched me much. On New-City Ijlarul a congregation was aflern- bled to receive me. I fpoke to them with fome liberty, and they wiihedme to come again. A wife old Calviniji hid, he might experience all I menti- oned and go to hell. Ifaid Satan experienced more than I mentioned, and yet is gone to hell. After preaching I rode to Mr. i>.'s though in much pain. When 1 had preached there, 1 went to bed. Du- ring the whole night I was very ill. My friends behaved very kindly, and endeavoured to prevail > upon me to (cay there, till I was reftored : but my appointment required me to let off for Eaft-Chef- ter, where I preached and rode near eight miles in the evening to New-Roehclle. On the 19th, the LordVday, I preached three times, though very ( t-7 ) very ill. Many attended and I difappointing them. Monday the 20th, I to iVs Manor, and preached there at noon, at fix in the evening at P. B.'s in R next day I rocle to Z)'s, but the day was e I. In the night I had a fore throat, dirough the help of GOD I go on, and ca ; tf : " No crofs, no fu Only let all my heart be thin Tuefday the 2 ift,I preached at my friend D.' the laft time, on Thofe things tbn received, and heard, and j an in The people feemed deeply affe&ed under tl In the morning of the 2 2d, I fet cut for t City, and preached therein muchweaknei ; of body, and in the evening went to my fi /Vs. That night I had no reft : and when I in the morning, the pain in my throat v. On the 23d, I came in a covered 1 iVs, where I took up my lodging, I vj to go any farther. I then fician, who made applications to my and palate, which were all fwelled and i exceedingly. For fix or (even days I could nei cat nor drink without great pain. The feared I lhould be ftrangled, before a difcl took place : but my GOD orde I am raifed up again, and cannot he! the kindnefs with which my fi ie as if I had been their own brother. and children attended me day and ni greateft attention. Thus, though a ftranger ftrange land, GOD has taken care of me. the Lord remember them that have r\ cd me, and grant to this family life for evei February 5, 1772. Still I fctl : B2 ( '8 ) It is near a fortnight fincel came tomy friend 5/s» Dr. W. has attended me in all my illnefs, and did all he could for me gratis. Yeiterday was the firil day of my going out. I went to IVefi- Ghejler to hear a friend preach. My kind friends o. and W. brought up a ileigh from York on Mon- day lad, but my friends at this place would not futfer me to go with them. In the courfe of my recovery, I have read much in my Bible, and Ham- mind's Notes on the New-Teitament. I have alfo met with a fpirited piece againlt predestination. ] did not expect to find fuch an advocate for gene- ral redemption in America. This day I ventured to preach at Mr. A. 2>.'s to his family, and a few other people. In the evening returned home, ;md found Mr. JD. L. the former governors fon, there ; who lives in the woods near Salem, and invited me tp his houfe. "We fpent the evening comfortably together. On Thurfday February 7, I preached as I had appointed, the man of the houfe being in a confuaiption. Though I had not many people to hear me, yet I feave reafon 1 ) hope that my fermon did good to the poor in- valid. I felt affected for my friends in this place, who had been in fome meafure moved by the word on my former vifits, but are now re- turned to their old ways and company. I found myfelf weak and unfit to preach, but believe there "Were fome who felt the word come ciofe to their hearts. May GOD help them to profit by it ! On Friday the 8th, I fet out for York in a ileigh, and my friends feemed glad to fee me. I want to be lefs concerned about anything except my own work, the falvation of fouls. At prefent I feem determined to confecrate my all to GOD; body, foul, time, and talents. On the Lord's-dav found myfelf weak, but brother ( '9 ) brother P. being ill, I preached in the morning, and found life. Stayed at home on Monday, and read in Mr. TVeJlefs Notes on the Old-Tcftament. On Monday the nth, I went to the gaol, and vifitcd a condemned criminal, and preached to him and others with foirte tender feelings of'nind, onthofe words, Joy foal I bein heaven overonefmner that rcpenteth. Tuefday the 1 2th. This day I have vifited many of my friends from houfe to houfe, and did not find much evil or much good ftirring among them. Now I retire to hold com- munion with GOD, and to feel his power In the evening my ftrength increafrd, and I preached with fome freedom. On Wednefday I walked out, but caught cold, and returned home chilled and very ill. In the evening when I went into the pulpit, my every limb (hook ; and afterwards went to bed with violent pains in my bones. The ficknefs continued for three days, and kept me at home for above a week. On Thurfday the 2oth, I gave an exhortation in public. Having a defire to vilit my friends on Statai-If.and> I fet oiTin the afternoon of the 2 ill, contrary to the pcrfuafions of my friends in York. S. S. who was tender toward me in my illnefs, and took care of me as if I had been his father, accompanied me. Juftice IF. received us and entertained us kindly: and though weak and weary, I preached at P. V. P.'s to a few perfons with much fatisfac- tion. Mr. D. invited me to preach in his houfe, to which I confented ; and Juftice IV. fent us there on the Lord's-day withfeveral of his family. I preached twice at that gentleman's houfe to a large company. Some it appeared had not heard a fermon for half a year, fuch a famine there is of the word in theie parts, and a (till greater one of the pure word. 1 returned in the evening to Juilice { feo ) Juiiice W.'$> and preached to a numerous congre- gation with comfort. Surely GOD fent me to thefe people at the firft, and I trull he will conti- nue to blefs them, and pour out his Spirit upon them, and receive them at lad to himfclf ! Feb. 23, I preached again at Jufticc JF.'s to many peo- ple, and the Lord was with me* My labours in- creafe, and my furength is renewed. Though I came here weak, yet after preaching three times I felt rrryfelf ilrong *, thanks be to GOD, who hath raifed me up from fo low a {late. On the 24th, I preached at A. W.'s, at two in the afternoon, to a large company, and had an invitation to go to the fouth part of the ifland : in the evening alfo I preached at the fame place. On the 26th, I preached at the ferry, on my way to New-Tort, to a few people, though fome came two miles on foot. After preaching I vifited a young man who ftemed to be at the point of death: he was full of unbelief, and I fear it was through his Calvin- iftic notions. Thurfday the 27th, we arrived in Fork, I found brother P. had fet off for Philadelphia in the morn- ing. In the evening I met the fociety, and felt myfelf affifted and enlarged. At night I flept with holy thoughts of GOD, and awoke with the fame, thanks be to GOD. After having preached in a large upper room, at Mr. 2V8 in Atnboy, where many came to hear, and I was much favoured in my own foul; an inn- keeper invited me to his houfe, and was kind enough to defire that I would call on him when I eauie again. Friday 27. I fet off on a rough-gaited horfe, for Burlington ; and after being much fhaken, break- failed at Spotjkuood ; fed my horfe again at Crofs- vrie&s, and then thought topufti on to Burlington 1 but ( 21 ) but the roads being bad, and myfelf and horfe weary, I lodged with a Qu_aker, on whom I called to enquire the way. He not only invited me to tarry all night, but aifo treated me with great kindnefs. The next day I rode to town ve- ry weary ; and on the Lord's-day preached in the court-houfe to many hearers. Monday 30. After riding to New-milts, in company with fome friends in a waggon, I preached in a Baptift meeting-houfe, and was kindly received. Tuefday 31. Finding the people were divided among themfelves, I preached from thefe words, This is his con */, that we Jbould believe en the?;.. ..; Ghrifl, and hve one ano- ther; and humbly hope my labour was not in vain. The fame night we came to Burlington. April 2. I came to Philadelphia, and finding brother B. and brother IV. there, was much comforted. Brother B.'s plan was, that he ihou Id go to Bojion i brother P. to Virginia; to York ; and that I ihould ilay three PL . With this I \. pleafed. Friday 4. We dined with Mr. R. who cannot keep negroes for confeience fake : and this was a topic of cur cenverfation. Saturday 5. This morning my mind was com- ue. April 7. In the evening I preached to a very large audience in the church, after preaching in the day to many poor mortals in the Bettering- houfc* April 8. Set out for Bohemia to find Mr. TV. (who had been at his own difcretion) that he might wait on Mr. B. in order to go to Tori for five months. Stopping at Mrs. JV.'s in Chejler, to ( 2* ) to feed myfelf and my horfe, I enquired about preaching rn that town, and found this to be the houfe where Mr. B. and Mr. P. put up; and that the people were pleafed with Methodtft preaching. After leaving word that I would call to preach there on my return, I fet off for Wilmington^ expe&ing to meet Mr. W. there % but we accidentally metjuft as he was turning off to Mr. 5~.'s for lodging, about four miles from the town. He feemed glad to fee me, and willing to be fubjecl; to order. The next morning Mr. TV. went on his way to Philadelphia. Having a defire to go and fee and hear how things went, I defired him to call and preach at Che/Ier ,- and I proceeded to the houfe of Mr. S. a friend of the Methodifts; and then rode on to Neweaftk } and ft opt at the houfe of brother F. a tavern-keeper, but a good man. Preached there to a few people, but met with pppofition, and found the Methodifts had dotfe no great good. The couit-houfe here is (hut againlt us ;but it isopen for dances and balls : and brother F. has loft his company by receiving us. However, we were comforted together. April io. Set out for Bohemia , where! found that fome mifchievous oppofers had thrown the people into confufion. I have had fericus thoughts of going to Balti- more ; but the diftance which is 90 miles, feems too much at prefent. April 1 j. Found an inattention to ftudy, an unfettled frame of mind, much infenfibiiity of foul, and a backwardnefs to prayer. Lord ! help me with an aclive warmth to move; and with a vigorous foul to rife. Vifited an old man who was fick, with whom I had forue converfation,. though not much ; but came ( *3 ) came away without prayer •, and was juftly blamed both by my friends and myfelf. I would have prayed with him, but two men came in, whofc countenances I did not like ; and therefore ne- glected my duty through the fear of man. I have nothing to plead to palliate myomiflion. It is true, that to introduce prayer among prayerlefs people is not an eafy matter •, yet this is no excuie for me. Lord ! forgive both my fecret and open faults ; my failings of omiffton and commiflion. help me to have refpect to all thy commandments; and to be blamelefs before thee in all things. Lord's-day II. Preached to-day at my friend H.'s, as alfo the evening before. The houfe was filled both before and after dinner. The Lord gave me great liberty and power ; and I humbly believe that fome trembled under the word. Oh, that it may not wear off! I preached from thefe words, The wicked JJjall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget GOD. After defcribing the wicked, and (hewing wherein they forget GOD; I attempted to prove the torments to be real and eternal, from the real joys and duration of heaven. Monday 12. Vifited E. T. and faw his father, who is an hundred years old, or more. He had lately loll his wife, who was younger than he ; and in her he loft his nurfe and earthly comfort. Tuefday 13, was advifed and invited to preach at Wilmington ; which I did, though there were but few to hear. Wednefday 14. R.ode to Che/ler, and preached in the court-houfe. The church-minifter and many Quakers were prefent ; but the congrega- , tion appeared to be the wildeil I had feeri in America. But I humbly hope the labour was not all in vain. In the morning I vifited, and fpoke with ( »4 ) with great freedom to, four men who were under fentence of death. Thurfday 15. I rode through a heavy rain to Philadelphia , and preached the next morning with fome freedom. Tuefday 20. My mind is quiet and ferene. I am now free from company, which is very plea- fing to me, having found that much company is both difagreeable and dangerous. Wednesday 21. Met the fociety, and found both life and liberty among the people. This ni;;ht brother TV. came in from Virginia. He gives a flaming account of the work there. Ma- ny of the people feem to be ripe for the gofpel and ready to receive us. 1 humbly hope, before long about feven preachers of us will fpread fe- ven or eight hundred miles, and preach in as many places as we are able to attend. Lord! make us humble, watchful, and ufeful to the end ©f our lives. April 23, Brother TV. fet off for New-Tori. April 24. I preached at Philadelphia with free- dom and power. April 25. Preached to the people with fome fbarpnefs. In the evening I kept the door, met the fociety, and read Mr. TVeJJeys epiflle to them. Tuefday 28. I intended to go out of town ; but ccuid not get a horfe. So I flayed for bro- ther TV. and hearo that many were offended at my fhutting them out of fbciety-meeting, as they had been greatly indulged before. But this does not trouble me. While I fta-y the rules muft be afttended \c\ and I cannot fuffer myfelf to be guided by half-hearted Method iits. An elocrly Id me very gravedy, that tk the opinion of the people was much changed, within a few- days, ( 2 5 ) days, about Methodifm : and that the Quakers and other diflenters had laxed their difcipline-j that none but the Roman-Catholics kept it ur> with ftri&nefs." But thefe things do not move me. Wednefday 20. Set out for Burlington^ where I met with brother W % and brother K. and found the people there very lively. Two perfons have obtained justification under brother IV. and a certain Dr. T /, a man of diffipation, was touched under Brother B.'s preaching lad night. I admire the kindnefs of my friends to fuch a poor worm as me. Oh ! my GOD ! rcmc them ! remember me ! Thurfday 30. I humbly hope the word bled to a large number of people who attended while I preached at the court-houfe. Set out for Philadelphia ; but about a mile from the city found that the bridge could not be crof- fed on horfeback ; f I left my horfe and walked to the feny. Brother W, took the hcvie and went to Burlington^ on his way to York. Was defired to attend the execution of the prifoners at Che/lev, and J. K. went with me. We found them penitent ; and two of the four obtained peace with GOD, and feemed very thankful. I preached with liberty to a great number of people under the gaol wall. The Sheriff was fri.. ; and very kind. J. K. preached at the gallows to a vail multitude; after which I prayed with them. The executioner pretended to tie them all up, but only tied one and let the reft fall. One of them was a young man about 15. Wc faw them all afterwards, and exhorted them to be careful. We returned to Philadelphia the fame night, and I gave an exhortation. Tuefday, May 5. Set out for Burlington again, C and ( rf ) and preached to a ferious people. But how is my foul troubled that I am not more devoted ! O my GOD ! my foul groans and longs for this. May 6. My heart was much humbled; but the Lord enabled me to preach with power in my foul. Thurfday 7. Vifited fome prifoners ; and one of them who is to be tried for his life, feemed much affceled. In the evening I preached and felt my heart much united to this people. Next morning, fet off for Philadelphia ,• and got in time enough for intercefhon ; after which I vifited a fick friend, who refted her foul on GOD ; and then I preached in the evening. Sunday 10. Preached in the morning •, attend- ed two places of worfhip in the day ; preached again at night ; and had a comfortable time in meeting the fociety. Monday 11. Was much ftirred up, and found an increafe of life in vifiting the fociety ; and then preached in the evening. Tuefday 12. Set off for the Jerfeys. My mind enjoys fweet peace and the love of GOD. It is my deiire to be entirely devoted to GOD, who opens the hearts of the people to receive me, and my heart to deliver his counfel to them. Wednefday 13. Preached at 3 o'clock on Be- hold Ifiand at the door and knock. Oh ! what a time of fatisfaction and power was this to my own foul. Went afterwards to Mr. 27s, and many friends came at 8 o'clock, when I was enabled to preach with life. Thurfday 14. Went to the new church. Sure- ly the power of GOD is amongft this people. After preaching with great aflittance, I lodged at J — c J /s, and in the morning he conducted me to Gloucejler; and thence we went by water to ( -7 ) to Philadelphia. Here I found a change. Brother P e was come, and the houfe was given up ; which pleafed me well, as it was a burden to the people. Brother P e went to Mr. JF.'s, and I went to Mr. W—rs. On Friday night I was heavily afflicted; and dear fitter W- r rook great care of me. The next morning, through the mercy of GOD, I was fomething better, and preached in the evening. Lord's-day i 7. After preaching in the morn- ing I went to fee G. H. who was near to eternity- lie had peace in his foul. — Some flight me in this place on account of my attention to disciplines and fome drop off. But my work is to pleafe GOD Tuefday 19. Went about 16 miles into the country, and preached at 11 o'clock with energy of foul. A Prefbyterian miniller, who attended my preaching this morning, accompanied me part of the way back. We converfed by the way, on the evidences of religion, the work of GOD, and fending out preachers. — This morning I arofe with more fpiritual flrength, and felt a great de- fire to do the will of GOD with all purity of in- tention, defire, and thought ; that in all thi G^:D may be glorified through Jefus C'arift., Wednesday 20. Went to Trenton, but as the court was fitting, I was obliged to preach in a fchool-houfe to but few people; and as there foldiers in the town, I could hardly procure lodg- ing. Thurfday 2r. Preached on the ether fide of the river to a fewfimple people ; and in the even- ing at Burlington, where the congregation was alio fmall on account of the fair. Friday 22. In the morning I rode home in great pain ; but after dinner went 10 miles down the river. ( 28 ) Sunday 24. We rode down to Greenwich, where I preached at 10 o'clock to near 300 people col- lected from different parts ; we then rode back to friend P — 's where we dined; and thence to Gloucejler, which made near 15 miles. I preach- ed there at three o'clock to about 200 people, and then went up the river in a boat to Philadelphia, where I preached at 7 o'clock. Monday 25. Was unwell but went to Burling- icn> and preached in the evening though very fick. Tuefday 26. Found myfelf very unwell in the morning ; but vifited a prifoner under fentence of death, and ftrove much to faften conviction 011 his heart. Through the mercy of GOD, I hope the poor man was humbled. Wednefday 27, Went to New-mills, where I preached at 4 o'clock \ and again at 10 o'clock the next morning. Friday 29. I preached under the gaol wall \ and for the benefit of the prifoner, attended him to the place of execution. When he came forth he roared like a bull in a net. He looked on eve- ry fide, and fhrieked for help ; but all in vain. O how awful ! Die he mud. I fear unprepared. J prayed with him and for him. How difficult it is (if I may ufe the term) to drench a hardened firmer with religion ! I faw him tied up ; and then ftepping on a waggon, I fpoke a word in feafon, and warned the people to flee from the wrath to come, and improve the day of their gracious vi- sitation, no more grieving the Spirit of GOD, left a day mould come in which they may cry, and GOD may refufe to hear them. We then rode home to Philadelphia, where I exhorted in the evening, and found myfelf much more drawn cut than I expected. Lord's-day ( *9 ) LordVday 31. Preached morning and evening with 4b me life j but found that offences increafed. However, I cannot help it. My way is to go ftraight forward, and aim at what is right. June I. Preached this morning at 5 o'clock;, and this day I wrote to Mr. Wijley^ and experien- ced a great degree of purity in my foul. Tuefdav 2. Rofe this morning between 4 ana 5. and was much quickened in preaching; then went to Haddonfield about noon— Satan affaulted me this day, but the Lord helped and delivered me, for his mercy and truth's fake, and granted me life in my foul. Wednefday 3. Preaching at 5 at Manta creek I v/as favoured with an opening and great power. After preaching there, about 100 people went to Mr. TVs, one and an half mile off, and there alfo I preached with life. Thurfday ^. At Greenwich I was weak in body, but had fome liberty in preaching to about 200 willing people ; but at Gloucejler^ 1 preached only to a few dead fouls, from this (hiking pafTage — 'The ivor d preached did not profit iht m, net being mixed with faith in them that heard it. I mult obferve, that in this journey I have been kept in peace, and had more freedom, life, and power, than I ever experienced in the city. Saturday 6. Sailing 4 miles up the river, I came to Philadelphia in great comfort. Lord's-day June 7. After preaching in the morning, I was at the table with Mr. S, and many felt the power of GOD, though I felt but little myfelf. We had a love-feaft to-day, and feveral could teftify that GOD was with us : fome of our Jerfey friends fpake of the power of GOD with freedom. Monday C 2 ( 3° ) Monday 8. With much difagreeable company I fet off for Trenton, where many felt the (Uvine power accompanying the word preached. Wednefday i o. After preaching on the other fide of the river, I returned to Philadelphia and preached in the evening. Thurfday n. Set off in the ftage for Brijlol, and croffed the water to fee a man fufpected of murder j but found him very ignorant of things relating to his foul ; I then returned to Philadel- phia very unwell. Friday 12. I was a little better, and rofe to preach at 5 o'clock. The Lord was with me this day at intercefhon. Saturday 13. Hitherto the Lord hath helped. Praifed be his dear name. LordVday, June 14. After preaching in the morning with fome freedom of mind, I went to St. Paul's, and afterwards fpent the afternoon in my room ; then preached and met the fociety in the evening -, but felt great drynefs, and was grieved to fee fo much conformity to the world, in the ar- ticle of drefs among our people. Tuefday 16. Set off for Burlington ; and though weak and infirm, I preached at night with liber- Wednefday 1 7. 1 bent my courfe for New-mills s but ftill groan for more life, and want to be more holy. Thurfday 18. After preaching twice at New- mills with great liberty and life, I returned to Burlington ; but was very ill that night ; and though quite unwell the next morning, yet pro- ceeded on my way to Philadelphia. Lord's-day_, June 21. Finding myfelf much recovered I preached with fome animation. Monday ( 3 1 ) Monday 22. This day my heart was in deep exercife. Tuefday 23. Walked down to Gloucefier-po'mt, and then rode to brother C.'s ; and though very weak, weary, wet, and low, while it rained very hard, I preached with fome power to many peo- ple from thefe words — As the rain csmeth down y and t he f now from heaven, and returneth not t hit her 9 but watereth the earth, and maheih it bring forth and bud, that it may give feed to the fower, and bread to the eater ; J'o jhall my word be that goeth firth out of my mouth ; itjhalt not return unto me void, but it jhall accompli/!) that which I pleafe, and itfhall profper in the thing whereto I fend it. Wednesday 24. At Greenwich, 1 met with Mr.- S. who preached and baptized feveral people that feemed deeply affecled. We then rode together, and had fome converfation on the infult which Mr. S—y had given Mr. W— y. As Mr. 5. knew that Mr. S — y had preached for Mr. IV — y % and was well acquainted with his doctrine, he was furprifed at his conduct. He faid Mr. IV — y was undoubtedly a good man, and had been ufeful to thoufands. Thurfday 25. Travelling back towards Gloucef- ter, I called at 'Squire P.'s •, and prefented him with a petition for railing £.150. to difcharge the debt on our preaching-houie at Philadelphia. He promifed both to give himfelf, and to propofe it others. Friday 26. Returned to Philadelphia, and preached at 8 with fome power. I find that Sa- tan itrives to fow difcord among us ; and this makes me defirous to leave the city. Saturday 27. Felt a great defire to live more to the glory of GOD ; and preached at night with fome life. Received 3 letter from Mr. P. re- plete ( 3* ) flete with accounts of his preaching abroad, in the church, to large congregations and the like. My heart is (till diftrefTed for want of more reli- gion. I long to be wholly given up, to feek no favour but what cometh from GOD alone. I want to breath after the Lord in every breath. Lord's-day 28. This was a day of fweet reft to my foul •, and the Lord gave me power to fpeak with fome affeclion. Monday 29. Set out for Trenton with fome loofe and trifling company in the ft age. After preaching in the evening with fome life and en- ergy ; I went the next day to preach in the field, and then returned and preached with freedom to many people in the court-houfe. July 1 ft. Went over the ferry and preached to many people ; among whom were fome fine wo- men, who behaved with airs of great indifferen- cy. Returning to Trenton 1 preached at night, and the next morning at 5, after which I fet off for Philadelphia with unprofitable company ; among whom I fat full as a man dumb ; and as one in whofe mouth there was no reproof. They appeared fo ftupidly ignorant, fceptical, deiftical, and atheiftical, that I thought if there w^eie no ether hell, I mould ftrive with all my might to fnun that. Came home late and weary \ but preached with fome comfort. I have lately been bleft with much purity of intention, and fervour of fpirit j but greatly third after living more in GOD. Saturday, July 4. Went to Burlington in order to attend the execution of one S. a murderer ; and declared to a great number of people under the gaol-wall — He healeth the broken in heart. The poor criminal appeared penitent, behaved with great folidity, and exprefled a defire to leave the world. Then ( 33 ) Then returned to Philadelphia, gave an exhor- tation that night, and found the LordVday a day of fweet peace. Monday 6. Set out for Burlington again, and fpent three days labouring among them. Many feemed much ftirred up to feek the kingdom of GOD. Thurfday 9. Returned and found fome inward liberty in Philadelphia. Saturday II. Was a day of peace and love to my foul. LordVday 12. Went through the ufual exer- cifes of the day, and enjoyed fome peace of mind. Our congregations here are fmall. They can- not bear the difcipline and doctrine : but this does not move me. Monday morning I preached with life, and long to be as an even, rifing flame of fire. Tuefday 14. Went to the jerfijs, and preach- ed at friend 2Vs to near 100 people, though in the time of harveit \ and while preaching from thefe words, Ye were fcmetimes da) hiefs, but now are ye light in the Lord ? many- fell the power of truth, when the darknefe and its properties were explained. After defcribing true religion to about 100 fouls, at J. C's, I went on Wednef- day to Greenwich, and felt much {hut up while preaching to about the fame number, on Fear not, little jloch, CSV. I then proceeded to Ghucef- ter, which is one of the dulled places 1 have ken in this country. The fame night went to Had- donjield ; and the next day preached at J. ST/s to a few attentive hearers, who feemed fome-* what affected by the truths of GOD ; efpecially one S. K. who was greatly concerned on ac- count of his pad life •, as he had been much de- voted to company and liquor. I felt afraid that; his ( 34 ) his concern would not be permanent. However, he accompanied me to the ferry. Friday 17. Returned to Philadelphia time enough for interceffion, and found it a good time both then and at the evening-preaching. Lord's-day 19. After preaching in the morn- ing, I fet off in the afternoon for Trer/ton, came thither on Monday by noon, and found life in preaching at night. Monday, July 20. Met with brother S. from Neiu-Tork, who informed me that I was to go to Tork ; which was what I did not expect ; but feel myfeif quite eafy, not being fixed in any place. He gave me an account of Mr. W'% good be- haviour ; though I fear, after all, he will fettle at Bohemia. Wcdnefday, July 22. In meeting the fmall fociety of about 19 perfons, I gave them tickets, and found it a comfortable time. They are a feri- cus people ; and there is fome profpeel of much good being done in this place. After preaching on Tuefday morning over the ferry, and in the evening at Trenton, I took leave of them on Wed- nefday morning and fet off for Philadelphia. Left Philadelphia on the Lord's-day evening after preaching on thefe words, If I come again, I will not /pare ; and on Monday met with brother B. Went thence to New-mills, where I preached on Tuefday night and Wednefday morning, and found the people there very affectionate j then returned to Burlington and found many friends from Philadelphia. We had power among us at night, and the next morning at 3 I fet off for Amboy, and on the way had fome converfation with one of Jacob B.'s difciples. We came to the (lage-houfe through much rain and bad roads, about 7 o'clock ; thence we went to Amboy, and took ( 35 ) took lodging at a tavern. Have been kept 111 peace through this journey, felt great courage in the work of GOD, and go towards York in faith — The congregation at Amboy was fmall, and they appeared to be fuch as cared but little for the gofpel ; fo that my hope of that place is but flender. On Saturday evening, I preached with fome power, to a large congregation of rich and poor, from thefe words, Even from the days of your fathers, ye have gone away from mine ordi- nances, and have not kept them : return unto me and I will return unto you. After preaching with great liberty on the Lord's-day, to many people at P. V.'s and juftice JV.'s on Staten-I/Iand ; I fet off on Monday in a boat for New-York : and ar- riving about 5 o'clock, found Mr. W. who that night had preached his farewell fermon ; and told the people that he did not expect to fee them any more. I have always dealt honeftly with him, but he has been fpoiled by gifts. He has been pretty ftricl: in the fociety, but ended all with a general love-feaft ; which I think is undoing all he lias done. However none of thefe things move me. My mind is calm, and my foul under a comfortable fenfe of GOD •, and I am determin- ed, by his grace, to keep on in the way of my duty, if it fhould be my lot to (land alone. Augufl 4. My foul felt life, and power, and renewed courage. Discovering the unfaithfulnefs of fome who firft fpoil a man and then condemn him, I intend to keep fuch at a proper diftance. In the love-feaft this evening, I found that the living could not bear the dead. Mr. W. rofe up and fpake as well as he could, againft fpeaking with levere reflections on his brother. But all this was mere talk. I know the man and his converfation. Augujl ( 3« ) Augujl 6. Felt fatisfa£tion and life in meeting the fociety laft night; and fpent this day in re- tirement. Thurfday 7. Preached in York from Phi!, i. 24, 25. To abide in the fltfij is more needful for you. And having this confidence^ I know that I fhall abide and continue with you ally for your fur- therance and joy of faith. Found liberty in my mind while addreffing the people, and am deter- mined, in the ftrength of the Lord, to aim at promoting his glory, and to feek nothing but him. Friday 8. After preaching in the morning, I found the Lord near, and had great peace at in- terceflion. It pleafes me much to fee the people diligent in attending the word : and find myfelf favoured with liberty and the power of GOD in my labours among them ; and humbly hope, that -GOD will make known his power among this people, and drive Satan from them ; and that we ihall yet fee good days in this place. Saturday 9. I found a degree of life in my foul •, and on the Lord's day had power, and light, and life, and love, in {peaking on thofe words, Ye were fometimes darknefs^ but how are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light. The con- gregations are fteady, and we look for the power of GOD both in our own fouls and among the people. O, my GOD, make bare thine arm ! After preaching in the evening of the Lord's-day, with fome opening of heave, and to a fail houfe, I met the fociety, a Ti d then fet out on Monday morning for New-Ralc'lle, and preached the fame night at friend ZX's, about 30 miles from York. Tuefday 12. IVly foul does not forget GOD; but my defire is (till towards him, and the re- memberance of his name. On Wednesday I found ni) mind fomewhat engaged; but on Thurfday ( 37 ) Thurfciay, had fomc fears of coming fliort of eternal life. A cloud relied on my mind, which was occafioned by talking and jelling ; I alfo feel at times tempted to impatience and pride of heart ; but the Lord gracioufly bleft me with life and power in preaching at night; and I after- wards found my mind fixed on GOD, and an earned longing to be always holy in heart and life. After preaching on Friday at New Rochellc, from thefe words, We ought to give the more earn eft heed to the things which we have heard ', left ct any time we JJjould let them ftip y I fet out for York on a bad horfe, and met with indifferent fare on the road ; but reached Tori on Saturday, and there received a letter from my father and friend, Mr. Mather, who informed me of the preachers' returning to England. Preached alfo this evening with fome fatisfaction, but found broken claffes, and a disordered fociety, (o that my heart was funk within me ; but it is ftill my c'.efire to commit myfelf to God. Lord's-day 17. Preached in the morning, and then went to preach at New-T:wn y about 1 2 miles dillant, in the evening. Friend S. was in company with me, and we were obliged to lodge at a tavern ; but we were more ferious than ufual, and fpent our time in ufeful converfation. As it rained we had but few people at prea; in the morning ; we then returned to York about 10 o'clock. In this journey I have found mv foul comfortable and alive to GOD, a facred nearnefs to G >D, and power to withftand tempt- ations ; though in the afternoon of the next day, I had caufe to blame myfelf for trifling conver- fation at noon. Monday 18. This has been a day of dif- trefs to my foul. I was oppofcd for meet- ly ine ( 3° ) ing the fociety, becaufe one or two claiTes met at that time; which feemed to me a very weak objection, as thofe clafles might meet at another time. Auguft 21. Preached this morning with great li/e in my foul, and felt a ftrong defire to be de- voted to GOD, and more and more engaged to promote his glory both in heart and life. O that my foul could be more intimately and fweetly • ; iited to the Lord ! In the evening I preached with power ; but have found my foul troubled within me en account of a party-fpirit which feems to prevail too much in this place. Bat the;y miift arifwer for their own conduct. My bufi- ne'fs is, through the grace pi GOD, to go ftraight forward, ailing with honefty, prudence, and caution, and then leave the event to him. Lord's-day, Augufi 24. Preached morning and evening, and had peace in my own foul, hi the evening I met the fociety and read Mr. JVAleys letter. Monday 25. Early in the morning we crofied the North-river, in order to go to Stater?- Ijlnnd. Many people attended the word ; but I know not what to make of them, for though they feem fond of hearing, yet they do not appear to be much afrefted. On Tueflay I went to Amboy> and dined with a mixed 1 6n*pany of AflerhWy- rnen, Church-men, Quakers, &c. many of them came to hear me iri fpo t, but went away very ilill. On my return I preached at Mr. IV— s to manv people ; on Thurfday returned to Tork s and preached m the everimg, with fome life. Friday my foui was kept in peace and love \ and while preach.ii- • at ni|l t, both myfeif and others felt the power of GOD in our i Saturda) 30. I preached with liberty, andean rejoice ( 39 ) rejoice in GOD my falvation, finding in increas- ing defire to live to him alone. Lord's-" iy %t. Found life both morning and evening, ami had many people : I aifo went to church, and heard Dr. 0. preach on :he divinity of Chrift. Tuefday, September 2. My h< feck the Lord ; and found feme nearnefs to him, and life in my foul : I pre; q in the even- ing with fome comfort. Wednefviay 3. Preached at 5, an i faund my foul this day fixed to do the will of GOD. Thurfday 4 Preached in die morning, and found this a bleflld day. My foul was lively, an i my heart was filled with holy thoughts of GGC, and felt a flrong and pure define to pray, and mourn and long for GOD. In the evening I preached ; r •. 1 thefe words, IVhofoever frail men, him will I conftjs beforg tfij Father who is in heaven. Friday 5. Found my foul grieved at v >" difco- very of fuch parties among the people. Who ca.i iind a faithful m?.n ? Saturday, SepU 6. Found peace in my foul, and held a meeting for the better ordering of fpiritual and temporal affairs of the fociety. In this meeting I propounded the following que] I. How often ill all there be publick preaching ? Agreed, that it fnould be on Tuefday, Thur! a, id Friday nights, befides the Lord's-day ', and exhortation on Saturday night. II. Shall we have morning preaching ? This was agreed to. III. Shall we have the Society-meetings pri- vate ? This was doubted by fome ; but I in on it, from our rules and Mr. IVtjIeys lad letter. IV. Shall we make a weekly, and qcavl collection ? Agreed. V. Can ( 4° ) V. Can any other means be devifed to leffeii the debt? The debt was £ noo; but no other means could be found to relieve it. VI. Ought we not to be more ftri£r. with dif- orderly perfons ? Very little was faid in an- fvver to this. VII. Shall we have three Rewards for the fa- tisfacfcion of the fociety ? The majority voted againft it. VIII. Are we as frugal as we can be ? It was thought we were. IX. Will the Rewards meet me once a week? Agreed. X. Do we endeavour to avoid all partiality in the things of GOD ? XI. Can we come at the balance of our ac- counts now, or foon ? It was thought we could. XII. Who will fland at the door ? Not deter- mined. XIII. Shall we meet the fociety on Sunday nights ? This was oppofed by fome. But 1 in- filled upon it's being the beft time ; and at laft it was agreed to for a feafon. XIV. Who fhall be the colleaors ? This was not determined, though debated. XV. Can the preacher meet the children ? Agreed. XVI. Can we fpread the books ? There was but little faid on this head, and it was left unde- termined. Mondavj September 7. R. S. C. W. and my- felf fet off for New-Rochelle. At night I felt myfelf unwell, and my mind under a cloud, but gave an exhortation at Mr. D.'s in the evening. Tuefday 8. This was a day of heavinefs, much trouble, fore temptation, and forrow of heart ; but in the evening I was happy in GOD, and fpake ( 4' ) [pake with power and feeling. On WedneSday my mind was warmly engaged, and I preached to many people both at three o'clock and 7. Thurfday 10. Mr. D. accompanied me as far as Kingsbridgey on my way to Thrjt^ where S. 6'. met me, and rode with me the reft of the way. I preached in the evening, and rofe to preach, next morning at c. It appears to trie tint trou- ble is at hand, but I fear nothing ; being confei- ous of having acted uprightly before them all, und having no bye-ends in view. Whoever has, mud aniwer for it. Whatever comes, I am de- termined, while here, by the grace of GOD, to proceed according to the Method! ft doctrine and discipline. Friday 11. T met the people in the morning to difeourfe with them about their temporal mat- ters, and appointed Mr. C. to take an account if the weekly and quarterly collections. two other Rewards reiufed an exact entry cf the money that is not fettled. However the pe miifi have the fame Satisfaction concerning the ether collections. Saturday morning I felt a ftrong delire to live to GOD, and act with a fmgle eye to his glory in all that I do. On Satur- day evening we had a comfortable meeting. Af- ter preaching to many people on the Lord's-day at 7, I prepared to approach the table. There was a great drawing among the people while thefe words were enforced, T/:is do in remem- brance cf mc. Lord prepare my heart. My bleeding Lord ! let my. foul feel thy melting love. Lord, make all thy people glad together in thee, that thou mayeft be glorified in and by us both now and ever. At the table I was deeply affect- ed with the fight of the poor negroes, feeing Lord. In the D 2 evening ( 42 ) evening I had a full houfe and much divine afiilt- ance, Monday 14. I had liberty and love in preach- ing at 5, and this day felt power to live to GOD. Tuefday 15. I fpent great part of my time in company, and preached with fome life to a fmall company at Bloornlrigdule. Preaching at 5 the next morning, I had many people,, and a com- fortable fenfe of GOD. Wednefday 16. I fet off for New-toivn, and found nearnefs to GOD and more conftancy of mind. Our journey was wet and troublefome 5 however there was a fmall company of people and I preached with courage, difregarding my fatigue if any good can be done. We returned to Tcrk in the night, which was very dark : but he to 7/hom the darknefs is known, conduct- ed us in fafety. Friday morning I found great peace. Lord help me to be always guarded, and iiy the very appearance of evil; fo that in thy ftrength I may every moment conquer. Saturday 19. I felt comfortable in preaching this morning at 5 o'clock. Oh my GOD ! help me this day to eye thy glory. We had a melting power this evening alfo in public exhortation. LordVday 20. In the morning we had a good time, while I fpake from the latter part of the eighty-firft pfalm ; and in the evening we had a very full houfe, and the Lord favoured me with warmth and power while I addreiTed the people from Rom. vi. 17, 18. After preaching on Mon- day morning, I went to Staten-IjlaJid* Juftice W. met me and informed me that the people were verv bufy at that time in court ; fo I went and preached to many attentive people at the ferry, llitherto the Lord hath helped. I will endeavour to praife him with my whole hearty and glorify him ( 43 ) him more and more. Tuefday I crofied the bay and preached in the evening at fork, Wednefday 23. In the morning I preached and felt a meafure of peace, and itronger confi- dence in my foul towards GOD. I am now twenty-feven years of age, and have had a religious concern on my heart about four- teen years *, though I felt fomething of GOD as early as the age of feven. Thurfday 24. I preached in the morning from Pfalm lxxxvi. 17 •, and found myfelf enlarged in the evening on the fubjeel of the good Samaritan. This day my foul has felt much love toward GOD, and my mind has been bent on doing his will. Friday 25. Attending the leclure tc-day, I heard the doctor with much fatisfaction •, and in the e- vening preaching I laid open the plague of the hu- man heart as I had felt it. It was a folemn time. This day we received tidings from Philadelphia of their doing well botli in fpiritual and temporal mat- ters. Some have been much diiTatisiied with private fociety-meetings, and collections in the clafTes. But in the midit of every trial, the Lord keeps me in peace. On Saturday morning, though it was coid, we had many people and a moving time at 5 o'clock ; and a comfortable feafon ia the evening exhortation. Lord's-day 27. Preaching this morning on building the toivcr, I had fome afli fiance ; but ex- perienced fome heavy exercifes of mind this day. In the evening I was enabled to preach with pow- er, on the awful fubjecb of judgment: attempting I. To prove that the judgment will be univer- fal. II. To defer ibe the perfoji of the Judge. III. To ( 44 ) III. To defcribe the awful events preceding and attending that period. IV. To point out the bufinefs of the day. V. To {hew the decifion andconfequences. Monday 28. Many people attended the preach- ing at 5 o'clock, and brother 5. and myfelf fet off in the forenoon for New-Rochelle. As we came unexpectedly on the people, I improved the oc- cafion by preaching on thefe words, In fuch an hour as ye think not the Son of man comet/:. Tuefday 29. At friend D. y s y I preached with fervency from Ezek. xxxiii. 4. I have been much affaulted this day with temptations. But have been kept by the power of GOD. I find a de- gree of effeminacy cleaving to me, but abhor it from my very heart. The reading of Mr. Wefleys journal has been made a bleffing to me. Wednefday 3c. I was led to fpeak very clofe- ly atP. B.'s, to a congregationinwhich were many old people ; and then returned to Mr. D.'s, where 1 preached again and enforced the duty of meefi- ing together among themfelves. October 1. I fet off for Tork ; and preached to- a fmall company at Kingsbridge on my way. This day I received a letter from my mother in- forming me ihe was weak in body, and had an earnell defire to fee me once more before ihe dies. October 3. Though I preached with liberty laft night, yet my mind was troubled to-day ; but I earnestly defire to renew my covenant with GOD. Mr. W. received a letter from Mr. Wejley, enforcing our rules and difcipline. My defire is to fet loofe to every created object. Lord's-day 4. I felt divine alliftance in preach- ing both morning and evening ; but was grieved at fociety-meeting, to fee the ileward defirous to let flrangers in. On ( 45 ) On Monday I wrote to Mr. Wejley> and com- municated the true fentiments of my mind. Tuefday 6. This was a day of peace and reft to my foul. After preaching at night with fome power, I fpoke to our fteward, whofe conduct did not altogether pleafe me — frequently avoiding to fpeak to me— ah fen ting himfelf from the meeting of the leaders — the appearance of dilTimulation — oppofing our rules — and confulting perfons who were not members of our fociety. He ap- peared to be fomewhat affected by the converfa- tion. Thurfday 8. In preaching both morning and evening, I had an opening of foul toward the people •, I met the fociety this evening, and told them plainly my mind relative to their date as a collective body. Friday 9. I met the leaders, and there were fome fharp debates. After much had been faid, I was charged with ufing Mr. N — ill, in faying, he oppofed my meeting the fociety. Mr. L — told me I had already preached the people away ; and intimated that the whole work would be de- flroyed by me. Perhaps this was becaufe I fpoke fo freely to Mr. A r — , and defired him to take care what company he kept. Saturday 10. I received a letter from Mr. JFefley, in which he required a drier, attention to difcipline; and appointed me to act as a Aidant. He alfo enjoined rhat Mr. IF. might not print any more books without his confent. I likewife received a letter from Mr. IF. informing me of the date of matters in Maryland ; and that it was appointed for me to winter there. For this I intend to prepare. Lord's-day if. Preached with power in the moruirigj and fpakc freely to a large congrega- tion ( 4* ) don in the evening. My foul is bkfc- with j and love to GOD. Monday 12. Read one of Mr. TVeJley's fer- mons to the people, and believe fome felt it re- proving them for evil-fpeaking. My mind is fe- rene and comfortable. Part of Monday was fpent in meeting claries; and on Tuefday morn- ing at 5, I had many people. My intention is to deal faithfully with all ; and it is my real opi- nion, that I am not fo fenfible of faults in any other perfon as in myfelf. Lord, help me to be faithful, and in all I do to glorify thee more than ever. Felt affiftance this evening in preaching. Wainefday, I went to New-town, but was not expected. However, we collected many people to hear the word. I then returned to Tork, and, after preaching in the morning, was engaged in fettling the claries, making up fome bands, and meeting the children. I have reafon to be thank- ful 5 though my trials have been great from ma- ny quarters, they have not moved me. Friday 16. Preached in the morning, and felt refigned to any thing, having no choice, but am willing to go to the end of the world, if I can be holy and ufeful. Lord's day iS. Preached in the morning with fome fenfibility, and then went to hear Mr. I, who delivered a profitable difcourfe en the edu- cation of children. He proved the necemty, an- tiquity, and human authority of catechiiing ; and made it evident, that in the primitive church, the bed and ableil men were appointed for this work. He gave fome account of the fchool in Alexandria ; and told the audience, that in this duty there mould be both precept and example, and fometimes fe verity. In the evening 1 was enabled to fpeak plainly to a large congregation, on ( 47 ) on Dent. XX x. 19. I call heaven and earth to record againflyou this day, that Ihavefet before you life and death, bleffing and curfing : therefore choofe life, that both thou and thy feed may live. This day we had a love-fead. Many people fpoke freely but not long. This I have obferved more here than in England, that the people fpeak fhort, and yet ve- ry full. Monday 19. Set off in the flage for Philadel- phia. The company was all pretty quiet except one young man, who frequently profaned the name of the Lord. It was my intention to re- prove him, but waiting for a proper time, I found u:i opportunity when there was only one perfon with him, and then told him how he had grieved me. He received the admonition very well ; and excufed himfelf by faying, he did not think of what he was doing. Afterwards he feemed more careful. After dining at Brunfiuick, we came to Princeton, a place I had long wilhed to fee for the fake of the pious Mr. D. late prefident of the col- lege there. Here I met Mr. B. and we both a- greed in judgment about the affairs of the fociety: and were comforted together. The next day I came to Trenton; but a drunken failorhad locked up the court-houfe, fo I was obliged to preach in a fchool-houfe, where we had a comfortable meeting*, and alfo at. 5 the next morning. Thurfday, Oetober 22. In the morning I preach- ed over the river, and in the evening at Trenton, with fome affiftancc. And many young people at- tended. Saturday 24. Leaving my horfe at Brijhl, I went to Burlington ; and on the Lord's-day my foirit was much dejected, though in preaching I felt greatly affided ; and divine truth reached the hearts of the people. Monday ( 4S ) Monday 26. After preaching at 5, I left them and preached in the evening at Philadelphia. All things confidered, the people here feemed to be quiet and in good order. On Tuefday, preached both morning and even- ing. R. S. and myfelf fet out on Wednefday for Bohemia, and on our way we found a few friends at Newcajlle that had not deferted the caufe. In this journey I called at Chefler gaol, and faw the prifoners who all feemed hardened to a man, and among them were the wretched three that I faw efcape the gallows before : two of thefe had behaved fo badly they were now in chains. Lord what is man ? And what am I without thy grace ? Keep me, keep me, holy Lord, and ne- ver let me go ! Let me die, rather than live to fin againft thee. I fpoke freely to one of them, who was a murderer. Thurfday 29. We reached Bohemia, where we found S. H — y 9 a man hearty in the caufe and of a good underftanding ; but his fpirit is two warm and eafily moved. On Friday I vifited E. and R. T. and faw their father in his hundredth year, eating, drinking, fmoking, and talking. He appeared as forgetful of eternity, as if he had been at the moil fecure diftance from its brink. I think he told me that his father lived to be an hundred and nine, and. never ufed fpeclacles. Saturday 31. Rofe early this morning, and pur- pofe, through grace, to devote this day to GOD. I have travelled fince Monday week, one hun- dred and fifty miles. Lord's-day November 1. After preaching at H.'s in the morning I intended to preach in the fchool-houfe in the afternoon ; but it would not contain half the people ; fo I flood at the door and ( 49 ) and the people without. Went to bed very un- well this evening, but rofe at 5, and, feeling bet- ter, fet off for Sufquehannah. The next mor my foul longed for GOD. I felt a cpn ►ifenfe of his love in my heart, and c?.n rejoice in I kirn as my all-fufficient portion. In the afternoon ' we rode in company to the bay fide. A few people, : who came draggling after the time at Friend G'.'s 1 felt themfelves aifetled by the power of GOD. At I friend G.'s the family was called together in the even- ing,and R. W.gave a moving exhortation. Oneper- fon feemed affected. The next morning I rofe at 5, my ufual time, and fpent one hour in folemn, fe- cret prayer* Friend G. treated me with g] kindnefs, and prefTed me to call again. 1 then went on to Rocky-run, and preached with freedom to a number of people, among whom were r Friends. For fomedajs paft, my mind has been bleit with much peace -, fo that I experience a pre- fent falvation, and hope to experience tha f which i"» eternal. Thanks be to GOD for what I feel, Glory, glory be given to my dear and gracious Saviour. Wednefday 4. This evening I had a very fo- lemn family meeting ; and fpoke feparately and pointedly to every one, both black and whit \ On Thursday morning, rifing at my ufual timej I had a comfortable fenfe of GOD upon my heart. Glory be to thee, O Lord ! After break fall, Mrs. G. her brother, and myfeli fet out for Deer- creek. We called at a Friends' meeting, and heard two men and a woman fpeak. They all fpoke to purpofe. We then proceeded to Mr. M.'s, -and unexpectedly found the people^ at 2 o'clock, waiting to hear the word. I preached with liber- ty, and the power of GOD was felt in the hearts of many, though fome of them were principal men. The man of the houfe looked vcrv earneftty E at ( 5° ) at tile while I was preaching. I then publiflied preaching at S. L 's ; where we had alfo a comfortable time. S. L himfelf was deeply af7ec~led. He had been a ranting Quaker, and a rebellious man •, but GOD hath touched his heart, and wrought a good work on him and fe- veral others nere. The next day, we proceeded to H. W.'s •, whofe brother is an exhorter, and now gone with Mr. W. to Virginia. The Lord hath done great things for thefe people, notwithftand- ing the weaknefs of the inftruments, and fome little irregularities. Men who neither feared GOD, nor regarded man, — fwearers, liars, cock- fighters, card-players, horfe-racers, drunkards, &c. are now i'o changed as to become new men ; and they are filled with the praifes of GOD. This is the Lord's work, and it is marvellous in our eyes. Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us ; but unto thy name be all the glory ! Saturday 7.^ We had a powerful meeting at H. W.'s ; feveral from Mr. M's followed me, and feemed to give good attention to the things of GOD. Here I met with N. W. an exhorter, who appears to be a ferious and fenfible man. After appointing to meet the exhorters at my return, I went to S. F.'sy and preached to many people ; then preached at a place about three miles on my way back, and came to H. TV.'s again ; where we had a very comfortable time. Lord's day 8. We had a very melting time in- deed, while I preached to about two hundred fouls from Rom. vi. 17, 18. We had alfo many people at R. W?s while I preached, with liberty in my foul, from 1 Ccr. iv. 20. The kitigdom of GOD is not in ivord^ but in power. This day I have been free from evil, happy and joyful in my GOD. At the widow B.'s there were many people, ( 5* ) people, both black and white, rich and poor, who were all exhorted to feek the Lord while he may be found. Some of the young women of this family are ferious and thoughtful. Tuefday 10. I enjoy peace and life in my foul ; and am determined, through grace, to love and feek nothing but GOD. Preached to many people, both at C. B.'s in the morning, and at /. AI.'s in the evening ; and was favoured with much free- dom. Wednefday 1 1. Many people attended preach- ing at Mr. S/s. among whom were fome Bapl'ijls who went away muttering with their decrees. The congregation was alfo large at Friend S.'s. I have read Dr. S. on the non-eternity of hell-torments. But by his arguments, we may as well prove the non-eternity of heavenly joys ; for he calls it an *iwuov life. Now if the turni* life of faints arifesfrom aprinciple of fpiritual life derived from Chrift ; then the */&>v/ov death of the wicked arifes from a principle of fpiritual death in them 5 and the one will come to an end as foon the oth \ Thurfday 12. Preached at Friend G.'s. There are fonre Bapl'ijls in this neighbourhood, who op- pofe the work under us; and perplex an our young beginners; though they let me al Then returning to Friend C.'s, the word flowed freely, while I preached to many people at 6 o'clock, from 2 Cor. v. 20. Now then we are am- baffachrs for drift, as though GOD did befeeel by us ; :j i I was much ftraightened. The fame even- ing I rode to Baltimore. Sat. 28. Preached at the Point. Lord's day 30. It was a rainy day r but I rode to the Point, and after preaching to a large con- gregation, returned to town and dined at W. Af.'s. I preached in town, both at 3, and at 6 o'clock. Monday, December 1. Rode in company with Mrs. R. H. Mrs. R. and the widow JV. to N. P.'s and preached to a large number of people. Then I rode to W. L.'s to whom I was intro- duced by Mrs, if. and had many to hear the word of truth. The ( 55 ) The next day, at Joppa, there were many peo- ple from the country, and fome from the town. Thurfday 2. Preached at J, P.'s to many peo- ple who could feel the word •, and with much power in my own foul. Then rode ^ miles into the Neck, and had a folemn, heart-affecHng time, while preaching from Rev. ii. 11. a paf- fage which, it feems, juft fuited their cafe : af- terwards returned to J. P.'s. Friday 5. After preaching, J. D. conducted me to his houfe, and treated me with great kin.ineis. Preached at his o houfe, at 3 o'clock •, and on Saturday, at M. BJs about 3 miles off. Lord's day 7. Went about 5 miles to preach in our firfl preaching-houfe. The houfe had no windows or doors : the wc thei was very cold-, (o that my heart pitied the people when I faw them fo expofed. Putting a handkerchief over my head, I preached, and after an hour's inter- miflion (the people waiting all the time in the cold) I preached again. Monday 8. J, K. and I went about 5 miles to lodge j and the next morning fet off for Bohemia,, We parted through CharleJloiviiyZnA dined at the head of Elk. We lodged at R. TVs where I fpoke clofely to the poor negroes,- who took fome notice of what was faid. Since I went from here laft, my travels have been, perhaps, as much as 3C0 miles in about fix weeks. And, glory to GOD, I have been favoured with the prefence of the Lord ; and with zeal and power in my public exercifes. Rode to B's cavern for my trunk and box of books ; and received a let- ter from Mr. P — which furpaffed every thing I ever had met with from a Methodift preacher. The Lord judge between him and me ! Then I went to a. HS% and after preaching to a few people ( 5 at feveiv o'clock. LordVday 14. Preached twice with very lit- tle intermiffion, to many people collected at a fchool-houfe hear R. T's ; and then rode to 5. H.'s, and found it a comfortable time while preaching at 6 o'clock. On Monday I rode to Neiv-caftle, and preached to a large company. My foul has lately been much bowed down. Tuefday ( 58 ) Tuefday 16. There were but few people at- tended preaching at Mr. S.'s ; and as the next day was wet, I (laid and had a family-meeting. OnThurfday I went to Mr. T.'s. My mind has been much affected lately. May the Lord fup- port and teach me ! After preaching at Mr. T.'s, I went to hear a New Light minifter, and found but little fatisfaotion. Lord's-day it. Though it rained much, yet many people attended preaching at /. i/.'s. Then I preached at a place about live miles off ; and rede thence to Newcafle, where many peo- ple attended at night. The Lord favoured me. My mind is now full of divine peace. Monday 22, I fet out for Bohemia ; and though my body was much fatigued with the ride, and my head -ached violently, yet in the evening I enforced thefe words — Be diligent ', that ye may be found of him in peace ', without fpoty and blame! efs ; and en- deavoured to (hew them, that in juftification we have peace 5 in fa notification we are without fpot ; and in perfect love we are blamelefs ; and then proceeded to (hew them wherein we mull be diligent. Tuefday 23. On my way to Sufquehannah, a. perfon came for me to vifit Mrs. T. in a dropfy. I then proceeded to J. D.'s ;. and the next day fet off for J. P.'s, to attend our quarterly meeting. Many people attended, and feveral friends came many miles. I preached from Afis- xx. 28. Take heed therefore unto purfelves 9 &C. After (hewing to whom the charge was given, I proceeded to enforce the fubjeel thus ; I. Take heed to your fpiiits. If. Take heed to your practice. III. Take- heed to your doctrine. IV. Take heed to the Sock, 1. Thofe ( S9 ) i. Thofe that are under deep conviction. 2. Thofe that are true believers. 3. Thofe that are forely tempted. 4. Thofe that are groaning for full redemp- tion. 5. Thofe that have backflidden. I then urged the motives to this duty. We afterwards proceeded to our temporal bufinefs, and confidered the following proportions. 1. "What are our collections ? We. found them fufficient to defray our expences. 2. How are the preachers Rationed ? Brother S. and brother O. in Frederick county. Brother K. brother IV. and /. R. -on the other fide of the bay; and myfelf in Baltimore. 3. Shall we be ftri£t. in our fociety-meetings, .and not admit ftrangers ? Agreed. 4. Shall we drop preaching in the day-time through the week ? Not agreed to. 5. Will the people be contented without our adminiftering the facrament ? J. K. was neuter; brother S. plead much for the ordinances ; and fo did the people, who appeared to be much biafed by him. I told them I would not agree to it at that time, and infilled on our abiding by our rules. But Mr. B. had given them their way at the quarterly meeting held here before, and I was obli- ged to connive at fome things for the fake of peace. 6. Shall we make collections weekly, to pay the preachers' board and expences ? This was not agreed to; we then enquired into the moral charac- ters of the preachers and exhorters. Only one exhorter wasfound any way doubtful, and we have greathopesof him. Brother S. received /\8. quar- terage ; brother K. and myfelf £. 6. each. Great love ( fo ) love fubfifted among us in this meeting, and we parted in peace. I then went to J. jD.'s; and onChriftmas-day attended the church, and heard parfon TV. preach a plain ufeful fermon, which contained much truth j and afterwards received the facrament. Then rode 5 miles to Bu/h> but as Mr. S. did not give public notice, few people attended and the preaching was late. The next day I rode to /?. jP.'s, where we had a large congregation, and a very comfortable meeting. On the fame dry at the houfe of H. W. N. W. s fpoke with great care? but with little depth. He may im- prove and make a ufeful preacher in time. LordVday 27. Rode to the widow B.'s and preached twice, with very little imermifiion to a great number of people. Appointing a meeting in the evening, I had an opportunity of hearing ./. R. exhort. His exhortation was coarfe and loud enough,though with fome depth. I gave him a little advice, which he feemed willing to take- Monday 28. Many people of various kinds at- tended at ^.S.'s. Preached afterwards at / MJ& in the evening, and went thence to / B — 's and met the clafs. Tuefday 29, At Mr. S.'s I found great peace of mind, and, thanks be to GOD, had power in preaching, though the people were dead and flu- pid. The next day at Mr. C.'s I had many people, and preached with freedom •, then went to G.'s, where we had great confolation. January 1, 1773. My body has been weak for fome time, but my mind has enjoyed a good de- gree of peace; .and I have a ftrong defire to be kept in the meeknefs of Jefus Chrift. My heart has been affected by reading lately, part of Sew- e! : s hiflory of the Quakers. How great was the fpirit ( 6. ) fpirit of perfection in New'EngJa?id i when fomc were imprifoned, fome bad their ears cut off, and fome were hanged ! O that our GOD would arife, and bow the nations to himfelf ! January 2. After preaching, to -feveral people at J. M.'s, a new place, I then rode back to Mr. C.'s, and preached in the evening. January 3. Rode to Baltimore and had a large congregation at the houfe of Captain P. at the Point. Many of the principal people were there ; and the Lord enabled me to fpeak with power. At night I preached in town. The houfe was well filled with people, and we have a comfortable hope the work of the Lord will revive in this place. Blefs the Lord, O ye faints ! Holinefs is is the element of my foul. My earned prayer is, that nothing contrary to holinefs may live in me. Monday 4. Rode to £. .'s. Tuefday 12. Rode to M. B.'s, but as they had no previous notice, we collected but few. How- ever, I preached, and afterwards returned to Mr. jD.'s, and preached to his family. Thurfday 13. It was late before I reached S. X.'s, and as there was much rain and fnow, the company was fmall. Young Doctor A — j- took me home with him. The young man, with his ililer and mother feemed tender, but his father ap- peared to be a (liff old man, and I did by no means like his fpirit. Friday 14. Many people attended preaching at S. F — 's. I was fhut up in fpeaking, and after- wards rode home with friend P. Saturday ,15. This morning I rofe to glorify GOD, with a determination to do his will, and that only, to be wholly ^devoted to the Lord, in fpirit, ( 6 3 ) fpirit, foul and body. Many people came to hear the word of life to-day, though it was very cold. Lord's-day 16. Preaching to-day at friend P.'s, on the barren fig-tree, I firfl (hewed that it was applicable to the Jews, and fecondly to the Pro- teftant church ; at the fame time defcribed the barren fig-tree as — one without leaves — or, one without blolToms — or, one without fruit — or, one that did not bear fo much fruit as another might bear. — I then rode to J. Z).'s, and preached to his family with a few others. On Monday but few people attended at B.'s •, and in the evening I preached at Mr. Z>.'s, but was (hut up. The next day many country-people came to hear the word at Joppa^ though but few from the town. There are about forty houfes in this town, and it (lands on a neck of land near the water ; but the people? feem to be buried in trade, fenfuality and fuper- itition. Wednefday 19. The weather being cold, there were but few at J, B.'s ; neverthelefs I preached — If Ifrael be not gathered, yet I hope to be the Lord's. Thurfday 20. After preaching with liberty at Mr. C.'s, I went to A. C.'s, and found life in preaching there. The next day, at J. M's y I preached to a ft up id company, and then rode to J. C.'s. I was favoured with liberty indifpenfing the blelTed word in the evening at J. O.'s. How pleafant and profitable it is to feel divine power in public exercifes ! Saturday I rode to Baltimore and had a large congregation. Lord's-day 23. I preached twice at the P. '.,/, and once in town. On Monday my heart felt great forrow. This day I wrote to my mother, and in the evening found great confolation. F 2 Tuefdav ( 6 4 ) Tuefday 25. My mind was wholly given up to GOD, and I have a great hope that the gofpei v/ill yet fpread in this town. On Wednesday there was a moving among the people while I preached at N. TVs ; and afterwards returning to town, preached in the evening. On Thurfday I felt pow- er and life in my foul, while preaching to a large number of people at Mr. G.'s. On Friday I preached in the Neck and at Jcppa. Saturday 29. Perceiving the great wickednefs of the people who were fvvearing and drinking in a tavern, great flruggles arofe in my mind about: preaching there ; however, I broke through every difficulty, and felt both life and power in difpen- iing the word among them. Lord's-day 30. This was a day of power and comfort. 1 rode to J. iVs, preached three times., and met the claries. Many of the people, through grace, were able to give a good account of their experience. February 1. Was favoured in preaching to a number of people at Z>. R.'s ; and my mind has been kept by the grace of GOD. Tuefday 2. Was greatly afhfled in preaching to-day, both at Swan-Creek and Mr. ZVs. The next morning I breakfafted with R. D. and found that he was very fond of Mr. L.'s works. He treated me with great kindnefs. After preach- ing and meeting the fociety at the ferry, I went to J. G.'s, a man much talked of, but what he is I know not. In principle he appeared to be a ghtaker. He was much troubled with the gout, which he told me his father had before him. He faid, his father cured himfelf of the gout by milk and moderate diet ; but threw himfelf into a dropfy. On Thurfday, after preaching at Deer- Creek, ( »5 ) Creel y I rode to B. P.'s. My prefent purpofe is to put all the people who are fit for it into bands. Friday 5. Many people attended at F.'s, and my foul was enlarged in preaching to them. I then rode back to B. P.'s, and put the people into bands as I had defigned. Saturday 6. My mind was calm and fer this morning. I preached with fome power, and I we had a comfortable meeting. IV. D. a lad a- bout 1 6 or 17 years of age, exhorted the people. He appeared to be a promifuig youth, and I gave him a licence to exhort. Lord's-day 7. Some great critics attends the preaching-houfe to-day, but I preach* and fpoke freely. Monday 8. Though the weather was very cold 3 I went to W. B.'s and enforced on a dull congre- gation, thefe awful words of our Lord, What^ it profit a man if he ft) all gain the whole world, and lofe bis own foul. I went afterwards to the widow J3.'s, and fpoke clofely to the girls, who appeared to be fomewhat ferious. Tuefday 9. After preaching to more people than ufual at A. S.'s, I went to B.'s in the even- ing, and both met the clafs and formed fome bands. I alfo gave them a copy of the proper deed for fecuring their preaching-houfe. Wednefday 10. I went to C.'s and preached. This perhaps will be the lad time, for it is a dis- orderly houfe. I then went to A. G.'s and preach- ed with fome comfort. There is room to hope that the Lord will do fome thing for the people here. Thurfday 11. The congregation was large at J. A/7s, and I preached with plainnefs, fo that the fleepy people feemed to awake. I then, went back to C.'s, and preached with fome fatisfaction ; F 3 ( 66 ). but Satan was clofe at my heels ; however, the Lord gave me power to refill: him. Friday 12. The Lord enables me to (land fail in the midft of temptations. My foul poflbfles ird and fpiritual power. Many people attend- ed preaching to-day at J. O's j 1 afterwards met the clafs, and then gave an exhortation in the evening. Lord's-day 14. Many country people came to hear the word of GOD at the Point ; fome came 12 miles before thofe of the town had left their houfes ; perhaps before fome of them had left their 1 found fome life and power in preaching both at the Point and in Baltimore. Monday 15. Role this morning with holy of GOP j and we had a good time in :c worfiiip, Weunefday 17. I preached and met thefociety; and employed Mr. M. to draw up a deed for the houfe in Gwi-powder Neck. Thurfdav *8. Preached with power, both at N. P.'s and Mr. C'.'s. Friday 19. A few people attended at Mr. M. y s: ng afterwards about 4 miles to Mr. D.'s, I preached and met the fociety ; moil of them ap- peared to be under a good work of grace. Lord's-day 21. The weather was exceffively -'■:, yet many people came to hear the word . P.'s. I rode about 6 or 7 miles to preach but never felt colder weather. ' The r froze as it run from the horfes noltnls ; and rend £ajd the water froze as it came from his eyes. However, after preaching to a few people, I returned. :.- 22. I had 16 miles to ride to preach to a few people, and 5 more to J. D.'s to get my tier. I have fullered a little by lodging in open houfes ( <5 7 ) houfes this cold weather, but this is a very fmali thing when compared to what the dear Redeemer fufiered for the falvation of precious fouls. Tuefday 23. Glory to GOD ! I had peace. Wedriefday 24. After preaching with plainnefs to a ccnfiderable number of people, I then went to J. ZX's, where many people attended, and we had a comfortable time. My old opponent Mr. E. met me here, but he did not appear fo forward as he had been. I rode thence to Rocky-run , and preached there with fatisfaclion. Mr. G'. and his wife treated me with great kindnefs. Thurfday 25. I had a good time and many people at Mr. Z.'s. Two letters came to hand to- day, one from Tbrk, and one from Philadelphia. They intreat me to return, and inform me that trouble is at hand. But I cannot fear while my heart is upright with GOD. I feek nothing but him > and fear nothing but his difpleafure. Lord's-day 28. After preaching yeflerday at S. jF.'s, I returned to friend P.'s and preached twice to-day. Then rode to Mr. D.'s, and fpent the evening comfortably. Monday March 1. Mr. D. and myfelf rode to £.'s where I fpoke with great plain nefs of fpeech. There appears to be forne reafon to doubt of rhe people in general here ; though the young wo- men feem to be deeply ferious and thoughtful. I. then went to captain 5 — *s ; but found very lit- tle fatisfaclion. The man and his wife are, I fear, too fond of their own opinions. After preaching here, I went to J3.'s again, and fpent fome time in ferious converfation ; I afterwards prayed and gave an exhortation. I then rode to M.\ and preached ; and returned to C — 's and preached there : but found the old man too much of a Quaker in principle. He objects againll prayer ( W ) prayer in. his family ; and greatly difcourages his daughter, who ftrives to live in the fear of GOD. Friday March 5. "Went to J, O.'s, where we had a melting time ; and the people feemed much affected both in the day and in the evening. Sa- tan has affaulted me very much of late : but hi- therto the Lord hath helped and delivered me. I came next to Baltunore, and had many to hear the word. Saturday 6 Went to the Point, but the peo- ple feemed very hard in their minds. In the evening at Baltimore, we had a moving, melting feafon. I humbly believe the labour was not in vain. Monday 8. Rofe this morning with a determi- nation to fight or die ; and fpent an hour in earned prayer. Lord keep me ever watchful. I was alfo much comforted by a letter which I lately re- ceived from R. 0. part of which was as follows, " I know not what it will come to. Almoft every " perfon feems to be under a religious concern. " There are about 22 perfons already joined in " fociety at Seneca. At George-town four have " been lately enabled to rejoice in GOD ; and one " at Rocky-creek. Bleffed be GOD -, who hath " not forgotten to be gracious." Tuefday 9. This was a day of fweet peace to my foul. Went to dine with one Mr. L — , and found him and his wife both ferious. Preached in the evening with power. Wednefday 10. I went to N. P — 's. It was a rainy morning ; but a time of power to thofe who were prefent. In going thence to Mr. G.'s, it was with great difficulty we croiTed the water. The next morning I fet off for Gun- powder-neck ,• but found the Great-falls very high j however, I got ( *9 ) got there about one o'clock, and found it a good time while preaching the word of GOD. Friday 12. Preached a funeral fermon at jf w JV.'s from IfaiahWn. I, 2. — The righteous perifJj- eth and no man layeth it to heart ; and merciful men are taken away, none conjtderihg that the righteous is taken away from the evil to come. He Jhall reft in peace ; they pall rejl in their beds y each one walking in his uprighincfs. This was a folcmn time in- deed. What melting and weeping appeared among the people ! There was fcarce a dry eye to be feen. O that it may not be as feed fown by the way-fide ! After preaching I rode to Mr. D.'s, and met with brother K. and brother IV. and found myfelf abundantly comforted in their com- pany. Lord's-day 14. Preached at Bohemia. There were but few people ; though it was a melting time. Rode then to S. H.\ but was much (hut up in preaching. Monday 15. Found my mind this morning, free to do the will of GOD ; and was more than ever flrengthened in prayer. But fet out for Wor- ton to-day, with my mind depreft in fuch a man- ner, as I hardly ever felt it before. In my journey my heart funk within me •> and I knew not why. Ar a certain Mr. JD.'s, at the Crofs-roads, many people, who appeared to be llrangers to the truths were waiting to hear the word. I flood at the door and declared — The time is fulfilled) the king- dom of GOD is at hand. I fpoke with great feel- ing, and exerted myfelf much, but could not get my fpirit free. Thev perfuaded me to (lay all night \ but it was as if I had been bound in chains. Tuefday 16. Went to R.'s, and found myfelf delivered from my (hackles; but Mill my fpirit is not altogether at home \ it longs for GOD. I do humbly ( 70 ) humbly and confidently hope, to live more to GOD than ever. Lord, keep me every moment. Wednefday 17. Went down to the lower church, but with fome backwardnefs of mind. However there were many people who were dill and attentive ; and I felt a melting fenfe of GOD in my own foul. Friday 18. I fpoke with power to many people at Newcastle. Went thence to Wilmington, and fpoke to a few people with great feeling. Lord's-day 20. But few attended at /. H.\, becaufe of the rain ; but I felt myfelf greatly af- fifted. Went thence, through the rain to New- port, where many people attended in the evening. They appeared to have very little fenfe of religi- ous things. Monday 21. Being a rainy day, we fet out late for Marlborough. There was, notwithftanding, a large congregation waiting. Though unwell I gave them an exhortation at night, and /. R* preached. He has been of fome ufe to the people here. Tuefday 22. My mind was ferene ; and I felt a nearnefs to GOD — a determination to live to him alone. Went to T. EJs> and felt much life while preaching to a large company there ; but was af- flicted with a violent pain in the head. Wednefday 23. Many great people attended the preaching at IV.'s ; and we had a comforta- ble time. Rode thence to S. i/.'s : many Quakers- were prefent, and it was a moving feafon — I then went about twenty miles, through wet weather and bad roads to Mr. 5T.'s. The night was very, dark, the road was through the woods, and it was late before we reached the place ; but, by the help ©f a good guide, I got there fafe at laft. "In ( 7' ) " In all my ways, thy hand I own, Thy ruling Providence I fee ; O help me (till my courfe to run, And Hill direct my paths to thee." I was fomewhat troubled to hear of Mr. W — who had printed fome of Mr. Wejleys books for the fake of gain. This will not do. It does by no means look well. Friday 25. Many young people attended among others, at Chrifeen-bridge, while I preached from Eccle. xi. o. Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth, and let thy heart cheer thee in the days of thy youth, and tualk in the ways of thy heart, and in the fight of thine eyes : but know thou, that for all thefe things GOD will bring thee into judgment. Deep ferioufnefs fat on the faces of all ; and the mouths of many gainfayers were in a great meafure Hopped. Saturday 27. Rode to Bohemia, and lodged with a Prefbyterian elder. The next day* I preached in the fchool-houfe. But thefe people who profefs religion, could fcarce be ferious dur- ing the time of preaching. Mr. B , and fome other great oppofers of our doclrine, were prefent at 5. H.'s at three o'clock : I therefore changed my purpofe, and preached from John iii. 23. And this is his commandment, that we fbould believe on the name of his fin Jefus Chrifl, and love one another ; as he gave us commandment. And I had great hope that it was well received. Monday 29. Rode twenty miles to Sufquehan- nah ; and juft got in, almofl fpent, time enough to preach at 3 o'clock. Hitherto the Lord hath helped. Praifed, for ever, be his dear and blef- fed name. Tuefday, 3©. Our quarterly meeting began. After I had preached, we proceeded to bufinefs : and ( 72 ) and in our little conference, the following que- ries were propounded, viz. i . Are there no diforderly perfons in our claf- fes ? It was thought not. 2. Does not dram-drinking too much prevail among our people ? 3. Do none contract debts without due care to pay them ? We found that this evil is much avoided among our people. 4. Are the band-meetings kept up ? 5. Is there nothing immoral in any of our preachers ? 6. "What preachers travel now, and where are they ftationed ? It was then urged that none mufl break our rules, under the penaly of being ex- cluded from our connexion. All was fettled in the moil amicable manner. Mr. S. preached a good and ufeful fermon from Joel ii. 17. Let the prieJIs, the mhiijlers of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, £5V. Many people were prefent at our love-feaft, among whom were feme Gran- gers : but all were deeply ferious, and the power of GOD was prefent indeed. Brother O. preach- ed a very alarming fermon, and brother S. gave a moving exhortation. The whole ended in great peace. And we all went, in the flrength of the Lord, to cur feveral appointments. Saturday 3. Preached at Baltimore, where we had a comfortable meeting. Lord's day 4. I de- livered a funeral difcourfe, but was much ihut up in my mind. Went thence to the Fore/}, and preached at 7 o'clock, with great comfort. Se- veial rich people attended preaching the Jalt three days, and did not feem difpleafed with the plain truths of the gcfpel. One or two perfons here feem to be groaning for full redemption. My heart is grieved that I have not been entirely de- voted ( 73 ) voted to GOD ; but have great reafon to be thankful, that I feel more and moie defire after GOD. Thurfday 8. I left Baltimore. J. K. and three exhorters being prefent, we held a watch- night at iVs and the Lord was powerfully with us. Friday 9. Preached at L.'s with power. But found it a heavy crofs, while preaching at Mr. G'.'s. Lord's day 11. Preached at Bohemia ; but the people there feemed to be but little affected. Rode thence to S. i/.'s where many people attended ; and I was enabled to fpeak with folemnity from. Deut. xxx. 19. I have fet before you life and death, C3V. Went thence to Neiv-Cajlle, but found them out of order. Then rode to Red- Clay Creel, where I preached with power. Tuefday 13. Many people came to hear the word at Mount-Pleafant. Wednefday 14. Came very weary to Philadel- phia ; but the fight of my friends greatly revived me ; and all feem to be in peace. Tuefday proved to be a day of peace to my soul; part of which I fpent in vi filing the people. The next day I was employed in writing to Eng- land ; and after preaching in the evening with power I went to reft in fweet peace, and awoke in the morning in the fame frame of fpirit. — May this day be fpent to the glory of GOD j and may my foul yet praife him more and more. On Wednefday after fpending a part of the day in vifiting, I preached in the evening from thefe words, So tue fee that they could not enter in, be- caufe of unbelief : and humbly hope it was not la- bour in vain, while unbelief, that destructive root of all other fin, was expofed to the people. G On ( 74 ) - On Thurfday there was an appointment for me to preach art Newtown. Brother S. and my- ielf crofled the Eaft-River, but it was with diffi- culty that we obtained horfes. We then attempted to proceed on our way ; but it was a fevere morn- ing, with much (now and wind. The fnow came full in our faces, fo that after riding a few miles we were loft in the dorm, and imperceptibly turn- ed our courfe back towards New-fork ; which we never discovered till we overtook fome people on the road. We then crofTed the river back to the city, where I continued till Monday. Friday, I preached at fork on thefe words, The ,L:rd is good, ajlrong hold in the day of trouble ; and fert life and power in difpenfing the word. On -Saturday I vifited the iick and gave an exhorta- tion to the people. Lord's-day 4. After preaching in the morning oh Heb. xii. 15. I went in the afternoon to church and heard Mr. E. preach a ufeful fermon ; in the evening I preached with much freedom on Ecclef. ~ ) Thurfday 15. I preached for the firft time, on this vifit, in Philadelphia, on Ruth ii. 4. Many people attended, and the Lord filled my heart with holy gladnefs. All things are in peace here. From Saturday 17 till Thurfday the 22, was fpent in the Jerfeys ; where I preached at different places, and often to large congregations. The Lord was frequently with me in mercy and powers and my heart was greatly enlarged. How I long to be more holy — to live more with GOD, and for GOD. Troubles encompafs me about, but the Lord is my helper. Before my return to Phi- ladelphia, I had the pleafure of feeing the founda- tion laid of a new preaching-houfe 35 feet by 30. Then I returned and preached on Thurfday even- ing, the Lord being with me. Friday 23. This morning my mind was in a calm and even frame — fweetly fixed on GOD as its prime objeci. But I greatly long for more grace — to receive efteem or difefteem with equal cheer- fulnefs — to be fomething or nothing, as GOD would have me to be. My heart was at liberty, while employed in fpeaking for GOD this even- ing. Tuefday 27. The Lord has gracioufly afhfted me in preaching every day 5 and my defires to be entirely devoted do ftill encreafe. But alas ! what caufe have I to mourn the want of life and zeal, both in public and private duties. Nevertheiefs, it is my determination to offer all I have to GOD. May he give me more to offer, and gracioufly ac- cept the offering made — Had much converfation with A. W. but found him unwilling to fpend all his time in travelling. However, he agreed to take a part with L K. So my intention is to fend them to the upper part of the Jerfeys, where they may labour alternatively, a fortnight at a time. G 2 Thurfday ( 77 ) Thurfday 29. Mr. S. is juft come from fond, with ftrange accounts of their ca!vinifticd:i- putes. My mind is rather low, but ferene an ritual, and determined to fellow Chriil. How greatly do I long to die to every object, which does not lead me to GOD ! Bteffed mailer. ten the time, when I lhail love thee according to the full extent of that deiire which thou given me. Saturday 31. This was a day cf delight ft:! to my foul. After preaching in the morning I fpent part of the day in vifttmg fo me fouls in trefs. In the evening preachc 1 t] words, Cut it clown, why cumbertth My mind was much enlarged, perhaps to the Luce of fome, while mewing the particular n of fuch as do but cumber the ground in the Lord's vineyard. Lord's-day, May 2. My foul was favoured, b yefterdayand this morning, with delightful and in- timate acceffes to GOD. In preaching this morn- ing from thefe words, Try the jplrits, whether the-) be of GOD, I tool; occafion to i'hew, ift. That: this is the duty of all that profefs religion ; and 2dly. That they fhould bring their experience and practice to the word of GOD, to know if they be genuine — After preaching to a large congre- gation in the evening I met the fociety, and thought it neceflaiy to deal clofely with the mem- bers. Thurfday 6. After fpending a few days in a country tour, preaching to many people at Gojhen, Marlborough and other places, with fome affift- ance ; I returned and preached in Philadelphia this evening, on the fubject of the (tony ground-hear- ers. Some perhaps were difpleafed with me. I mud declare the whole counfel of GOD, and ( 78 ) leave the event to him. This day a letter from Mr. Wefley came to hand, dated March 2d. in which he informs me, that the time of his com- ing over to America is not yet, being detained by the building of the new chapel. Lord's-day 9. My heart was much affected laft evening, while many of the people felt the power of GOD. And this day my foul was filled with fweet peace. I had alfo the pleafure of hearing Mr. T. preach with great fenfibility. Monday 10. Vifiting feveral families to day, afforded me great comfort of mind ; and in preaching this evening, with clofe application to thofe who purfue earthly more than heavenly pleafnree, my foul was filled with peace. Travelling through the Jerfeys I met with { W. B. a man who has a great regard for us, but feems to be tco much taken up with worldly cares. But fpeaking faithfully and clofely to him, 1 (hewed him the deceitfulnefs of riches, in producing a fpirit of independence towards GOD, hardnefs of heart, and pride in its various forms, while they promife us fafety and happinefs. Thurfday 13. Through much rain I returned wet and weary to Philadelphia, after having preached at feveral places in the Jerfeys , and fometimes with much freedom and power. Many people attended this evening, while I defcribed an honell and good heart, under the fimilitude of the good ground which received the feed and brought forth fruit. This was free from the hardnefs of the way-fide* from the fhallownefs of the ftony- ground, and from the obftructions of the thorny ground. The honefty of the heart appears in its conduct towards GOD, towards all mankind, and towards itfelf. As our Lord is pleafed to deno- minate fuch an heart good as well as honeft, is it G 3 not ( 79 ) not very wrong for a Chriftian to fay he has a bad heart ? Is not all that the Holy Ghoft produces, good? And fo far as thatblefled Spirit has changed the heart of a believer, is it not good? Through the unmerited grace of GOD, I have no defire to feck any thing but Him, and that which may lead me to Him. LordVday 16. In preaching this morning from Gen. xviii. 19. I ftrongly enforced the great ne- ceflity of relative duties ; and very pointedly preft the fame in meeting the fociety at night. Monday 17. All this day I was very unwell with a fore throat and violent pain in my head ; but I. K. providentially came in and fupplied my place. My indifpofition continued alio on Tuefdiy, fo that I had but little power to read or think \ but on Wednefday I found myfelf, through mercy, much better. Although my body is weal:, my foul is ftrong in the grace of GOD. May my heart, my lips, my hands, my life, my ftrength, my all, be conftantly devoted to GOD. Monday 24- Sweet peace pervaded my foul; and my whole heart defired, prayed, longed and panted to live a more fpiritual life by faith in the bleiTed Son of GOD. In the evening I preached from Ifaiah Ixii. 6. I have fet watchmen, Sec. and took occafion, firft, to fliew that the Lord calls, au- thorifes, and qualifies all faithful minifters. Se- condly, delineated their character as watchmen. Thirdly, obferved that they were to keep wa ch on the ivalls. Fourthly, the duties enjoined, they Jkall not hold their peace. Keep not filence. While opening this paflage, the Lord greatly comforted my foul — The next morning I expatiated on Can- tides i. 7. and confidered firft, the addrefs, ''I ell nte, O thou whom my /out love/h. Secondly, the rc- queft, where thoufeedejt, &c. This denotes the fin- cere f -*M cere defire of a true believer, in the time of divi- sion or perfecution, or general declenfion of true piety. Thirdly, the humble query, why fljould I be as one that turneth afule by the flocks of thy com- panions ? This indicates a fear of being t xpofed to falfe teachers, who name the name of Chriit, but deny him in experience, doctrine and practice. How fearful is a pious foul of turning afide as a forlorn, neglected creature, expofed to the malice and defigns of devils and ungodly men — Glory to GOD ! notwithstanding all the afTaults of Satan, my foul is preferved in peace, and my heart is fixed, trufting in the Lord. My chief de- fire is to be found obedient and faithful at all times, and all occafions. Thurfday 27* My text was Ifaiah xxiii. 16. He JJjall dwell on high. His place of defence Jhdll be the munition of rocks, &c. Firft, I enquired to whom this promife is made. Secondly, How he Jhdlt dwell on high. High in faith, love, and church- privileges — above the power of Satan, the world and all dangers ; fo that none of them (hall injure his foul— -T bird ly, his defence JJjall be the munition of rocks — Chrifl mail be the rock of his defence— and the love, truth, faithfulnefs, mercy and power of GOD fhall inclofe him on every fide — Fourth- ly, his bread fhall be given ^/7»— all things need- ful for life and godlinefs. Friday 28. It was a gracious feafon at inter- ceflion to-day. My foul was favoured with love and power. Monday 31. I went to Germantown, and, preached with freedom and comfort, to a iarge congregation affembled in the Dutch Prefbyterian church. I take GOD for my fufficient portion y and Chrifl is all in all to me, Tuefday, ( 8i ) Tuefday, June i. This day my foul was under gracious exercifes ; and went out in ardent de- fires after GOD. He has engrofTed all my affec- tions ; and my heart is taken up with him. Thurfday 3. To my great comfort, arrived Mr. R. Mr. S. Mr. T. and Capt. W. Mr. R. preached a good fermon on thefe words, I havefet before thee an open door, and no man can jhut it. He will not be admired as a preacher. But as a difciplinanan, he will fill his place. Lord's-day 6. After preaching both yefterday and this morning at Burlington, I went to church in order to receive the facrament. But the parfon gave us a ftrange difcourfe, full of inconfiftency and raillery. Leaving him to anfwer for his own conduct, I took no farther notice of it, but preach- ed at night from thefe words, The natural man receiveth not the things of the fpirit of GOD, &C and mewed firft, what the things of the fpirit of GOD are — Secondly, defcribed the natural man — and thirdly, (hewed how they appear to be foolifhnefs to him. And that he cannot know them, by the flrength of his natural or acquired abilities. The little fociety in Burlington appear to be in a comfortable and profperous ftate — On my way to Trenton, I met A. W. on the road. We flopped at a houfe, and in the courfe of conver- fatiou I found he was much dejecffced in his mind ; but before we parted he appeared to be fomewhat comforted. Many people attended the preaching at Trenton, though the notice was but fhort. Thurfday 10. My foul has been much aflaulted lately by fatan \ but, by the grace of GOD it is filled with divine peace. My heart thirtieth for GOD, even for the living GOD. I wrote to Mr, Wefley to-d3y, and in the evening addrefitd my difcourfe ( 32 ) difcourfe chiefly to the young people. May tliG Lord apply it to their hearts. Friday 11. Mr. R. came to Trenton. After dinner and prayer, we fet off together for Princeton., On Saturday we reached Neiv-Tork ; and our friends there having previous notice of our com- ing, kindly met us on the dock where we landed. The fight of Mr. W. with fome other concurring circumflances, affected Mr. R. fo that he appeared to be rather call down in his mind. Lord's-day 13. I preached this morning to a confiderable number of people. Mr. R. found his- fpirits raifed, and was much comforted. In the afternoon Mr. R. Capt. W. Mr. W— t and my- felf went to St. Paul's church, and received the facrament. At night, Mr. R. difpenfed the word of truth with power. It reached the hearts of many, and they appeared to be much quickened. Monday 14. Many were prefent while I preached from 2. John 4. X have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth. The. Lord favours me with great difcoveries of my de- fects and unfaithfulnefs. But, blefTed be GOI>, my foul is humbled under thefe difcoveries. My foul panteth for more of the Divine nature. When fhall I be fully conformed to his blefTed will ? I received a letter this day from that ve- nerable father in Chrift, Mr. Wejley. Wednefday 16. Captain W, fet out for Albany^ and I for New Rochelle. On Thurfday, Mr. L. preached at Mr. D.'s on thefe words To them that have obtained like precious faith with us. He fpake plainly and much to the purpofe ; though he did not (hew the neceflity of afiurance. We had fome free and friendly converfation after- wards •, in which I gave him to underftand how we hold this point : that ailurance is fufpended on ( 8 3 ) on an evangelical act of faith, b] ply the merits of Jefus Chrift for h .,-.1 of our guilt ; and that we then receive t . teftimo- ny of the Spirit, Rom. viii. 16. Lord's day 20. Satin, that malicious enemy of mankind, is frequently ftriving to break my peace. And the Lord gracioufly mows me all my invo- luntary defects ; fo that my foul is bowed down as in the dud : but Chrift is precious, and the Spirit of all grace comforts my heart — This day I preached three times at Mr. Z).\s The word reached the hearts of many, with Divine power. Our labours here have not been in vain. Many have a relifli for religious exercifes, and experi- ence ihe fpirirual benefit of frequently meeting together in the name of the Lord. My intenti- on is to form a fociety here. Monday 21. While preaching at Mr. B.'s the Lord favoured me with fweet liberty *, and there was no fmall moving amongfc the people. Seve- ral feemed willing to meet in fociety here alfo. Tuefday 22. I received an account of the cafe of S. D. She is about 16 years of age, and has been lately brought under ferious and deep con- cern for the fjlvation of her foul. A few days aftetj ihe was taken ill, and was frequently trou- bled with fits •, which, while they were on her, deprived her of her reafon. About three days after fhe was taken ill, fhe was juftified by faith, and had peace with GOD. She continued weakly in body about five weeks ; but failed, prayed, and fang, to the aftonifhment of all about her. After her recovery, me manifefted a found converfion — fhe had a fettled peace, was confcl- encioully ferious, meek and patient in all her con- duel ; and the word of GOD was precious food to her foul. Wednefday ( «4 ) Wednefday 23. After preaching with fome power on thefe words, BleJJed are they that hear the word of GOD, and keep it, I joined a few in fociety, and then fet off for New York. I called on Mr. B. in my way, who renewed his former kindnefs, and treated me with great cordiality. On my return to New Tork, I found Mr. R. had been well employed in fettling matters pertaining to the fociety. This afforded me great fatisfacli- on, and more efpecially the revival of religion which has lately taken place in this city. Saturday 26. Having preached a few times in New Tork, fince my return, I fet off for Staten- Ifland ; but the heat was fo extremely powerful, that I {topped at my old friend's J, W. and on the Lord's day, heard Mr. P. a Prejbyterian mi- niiler, preach twice. But thought he was too metaphyfical and fuperficial. In the evening I preached in Mr. W.'s yard, from Heb. v. 12, Ye have need that one teach you again which be the jirjl principles of the oracles of GOD — My mind is filled with the peace of GOD, and is drawn out in love to Him and all mankind. BlefTed be the the Lord ! Mondav 28. While preaching to-day on Ifaiah Ixii. 6. Mr. P. the minifter, made one of the con- gregation. After fervice we had fome conver- sation on religious fubjetts. He had imbibed that abfurd fcheme of Mr. B.'s, viz. that we are born again before we repent and believe. How ftrange, that any man mould fuppofe the effect is produced before the inftrumental caufes ex ill ! But, by the grace of GOD, none of thefe things (hall move me from the gofpel-plan of falvation — Glory to GOD ! He bleffes me with the graces and com- forts of his holy Spirit in my own foul — The next day Mr. P. attended preaching again. I had lent him ( «5 ) Km Mr. Fletchers fcccnd check. He approved of the latter part, though not ctf the firit. May the truth of GOD fpread here, and in every- place. Had fome fcriou* converfatio:i with Mr. D. and his wife. They both feem to have defires to be inftrucled in the ways of GOD. But the people in thefe parts appear in general, to be ignorant of their own hearts; and are in danger cfrefting in the fuperficial knowledge of Tel:: without the power. Wednefday 30. Preached at the houfe of A. W. to more people than were expected, and my foul had near and fweet accefs to GOD, being filled with that peace which pa-fleth ail undericand- ing. Thurfday, July r. Set off for mtv-Tork, and having a tedious paffage over the North-river, I fpent fome time in ferious converfation with two men in the boat, and hope it was not in vain. Then I came fafe to York, and preached from Hab.ikkuh iii. 2. O Lord y revive thy work in the midp cf the years. On Friday arrived the fottoi news of the deftruclion of Mr. WhittfieWs Or* phan-houfe. As there was no fire in the houfe, ic was fuppefed to have been fet on fire by lightnings which had been in the morning, as fome fiy, ac- companied with 2 fulphureous fme'l. It broke out in a rapid flame about 7 or 8 o'clock at night, and confumed the whole building except the wings. LordVday 4. Many people attended preaching both morning and night. In our love-feaft to-day , many were touched to the heart, and fome were greatly comforted. Lord, let it not be as the morning -dew ! On Monday, my foul was in a dcN- lightful frame — my peace flowed as a river.— I had power to refill every temptation of Satan be- H fore ( 86 ) fore it could diilurb my mind — and my heart was i'weetly drawn out in love to all men. Tuefday 6. Having reafon to fear that I had been rather too much elevated, my heart was humbled before the Lord ; and was now fixed on him as its all fufficient good. When (hall I appear before Him ? Wednefday 7. My foul is happy under a com- fortable fenfe of GOD. May his grace always enable me to devote myfelf without referve to him. — The power of GOD wasprefent while I preach- ed to-day, behind the barracks, to a number of ibldiers and others. Afterwards I met a clafs, and preached again in the evening. But my fpi- rit has been grieved by the falfe and deceitful doings of fome particular perfons. Blefled be GOD ! All are not fo ; fome are faithful. But what is the chaff to the wheat ? One under- took to reprove me, becaufe I went in at a quarter after eight, and came out at 20 minutes after nine. What reafon have I to be thankful, that this is the worft man can reprove me for. O that I had more zeal to preach the word in feafon and out of feafon ! Friday 9. After interceflion I went to fee Mr. L. — Mr. S. Mr. W. and myfelf were charged with winking at the follies of fome. We had a little debate on the fubjecl: ; and Mr. L. was pleafed to fay, " he did not know but the church- doof would be fliut againfl me j" and that " fome perfons would not fufFer matters to go on fo." He moreover told me, "the preachers'. gifts were taken away." — How dangerous it is to be addicted to pride and paffion, going from houfe to houfe, fpeaking perverfe things ! Saturday io. After preaching this evening I en- joyed a comfortable time in meeting the leaders and ( 87 ) and band-fociety. — My Heart w ith a lively fenfe of GOD's gracious prefcnce. On the Lord's-day I preached twice with great plainnefs to a large number of people ; and fet off, in company with Mr. ji towards P delpbia. Came fafe to the city on Thurfday, bur did not find fuch perfect harmony as I could wifh for. "VYednefday 14. Our general conference beg in which the following proportions we. . to. 1. The old Methodift doctrine and difcij fhall be enforced and maintained, among!! ail our focieties in America. 2. Any preacher who acts otherwife, cannot be retained amongft us as a fellow-labou. vineyard. 3. No preacher in our connexion (hall be per- mitted to adminifter the ordinances at this lime -, except Mr. S. and be under the particular direc- tion of the affiltant. 4. No perfon (hall be admitted, more than or.cz or twice, to our love-feafts or fociety-mec — without becoming a member. 5. No preacher ihall be permitted to re-; our books, without the approbation of Mr. ■ ley, and the content of his brethren. And that R. W. fhall be allowed to fell what he has, but re- print no more. 6. Every amitant is to fend an account ol work of GOD in his circuit, to the general a ant. There were fome debates amongft the preachers in this conference, relative to the ccnducl: of ; who had manifeiled a defire to abide in thee: and live like gentlemen. Threeyears out of four have been already fpent in the cities. — It was .red ( 8S ) feared that mcney had been wafted, rropropeT leaders appointed, and many of our rules broken. Friday 1 6. I fet off for Ckejler, and had a com- fortable time in preaching. Mrs. W. and two young women in her houfe, appeared to be under fume religious concern. May the Lord make bare his holy arm, and revive his glorious work \i I understand that feme diilatisfied perfons in Neiu- Torky threaten to fhut the church-door againft Mr. R. If they mould be bold enough to take tins ftep, we (hail fee what the confequence will he ; and no doubt but the Lord will bring all their evil deeds to light. O that it may be for the falvation of their precious fculs ! Lord's-day 1 8. My foul has enjoyed great peace this week, in which I have rode near ioo miles fince ray departure from Philadelphia) and; have preached often, and fometimes great fo- iemnity has relied on the congregations. On Monday, brother T. rode in company with me to Mr. S's, where I preached with fweet free-* dom to a few attentive people. — We took friendly counfd together, and our time was profitably and comfortably fpent.— On Tuefday morning my heart was Hill with the Lord, and my peace flowed as a river. Glory be given to GOD !— On Wed- nefday,. at Newkcajlle % the company was but fmall,. though great power attended the word. Perhaps- the Lord will yet vi fit this people, though at pre- fent too many of them appear to be devoted to pride, vanity and folly. — But, through abundant mercy, my heart is devoted to GOD and to his work. O that it may never depart from him ! 1 received a letter from my dear brother W->~t % Written in Ireland, with his ufuai plamnefs and honeity of heart. Thuiuday v" *9 ) Thurfday I came to R. 2Vs, when the Lord enabled me to prefs home the word on the con~- fciences of the people, many of whom had never heard us before.— Set off the next day for Suj . - hatmaby and met with I. R. who gave me an ac- count of a confiderable profpec"! of the work of GOD in Kent. In the evening we came very and weary to I. D.'s. We were kindly entertain- ed, and foon forgot our fatigue and pains. Lord's-day 25. I firft preached in this neigh- bourhood, and then rode hard to reach Deer-creek in time. Was very unwell with a violent head- ach, but after preaching to many people and meet- ing a large clafs, I felt myfelf much recovered. Thus the Lord gracioufly helpeth me ! My foul is fdled with peace, and drawn out in love to GOD and man. Monday 26. My heart is fixed, trufling in the Lord ; and fully bent, through grace, to obey his holy will. How fweet is the peace, and how great is the power with which the Lord bleffeth mc ! Part of the forenoon was fpent in fettling the clafs. Then brother W. rode with me to 5. L.'s, where I met two more claffes, and found them in a profperous way. Then rode back to H. JV.'s in great peace ; and the next day I found the clafs increafedin number^at S. F.'s. Preached alio in the evening ; and found it a comfortable time. The young women in the houfe feem determined to feek the falvation of their fouls. Wednefday 28. R. IV. fet off with me for his houfe. But before we rode far, a violent clap of thunder, which appeared to be jufl over my head, fliook every limb of my body, and frightened my horfe fo much that I found it difficult to keep my faddle. But my body and mind foon recovered H 2, the- f & } the (nock, and my foul was comforted. Thus we fee, " Dangers (land thick through all the ground,. « To pufli us to the tomb." But the Lord is the preferver of all that put their trull in him. Glory be given to GOD for- ever i Thurfday 29. Met the daft at J. P.'s, in Gun-^ poM der Neck, and found the enemy had attempted to get in amongit them ; but through their vi- gilance and the grace of GOD, he was repelled, and could gasQ no admittance. On Thurfday I intended to go to Baltimore, but was prevented by a hmenefs in one of my feet;. fo my time was fpent at J. P.'s. The Lord hath done great things fcr the people in this neigh- bourhood ; many of them are very happy in reli- gion, and feme thirfting for full falvation. On Saturday J. K. met me. I attempted to fpeak a little in public, but was afterwards very unwell, and had a troub-efome pain in my head. How- ever I was enabled to preach the next day with feme energy. Monday Auguft 2. We began our quarterly ing. After our temporal buunefs was done, I read a part of our minutes, to fee if brother 5. would conform > but he appeared to be inflexible. He would not adminiiler the ordinances under qqx direction at all. Many things were faid on the fubjecl ; and a few of the people took part with him. At the ccncJufion of our quarterly meeting, on Tuefday, we had a comfortable fea- fon, and many were refrefhed, efpecially in the 'ove-feaih — On Wednefday I fet off for Balti- 'xhore, but was taken very fick on the road *, how- ever, J purfued my way, though it was fometimes thrcujrh hard rain and heavy thunder ; and preached ( pi ) preached in Baltimore on Thurfday, in Mrs. 7?s new houfe, which (he freely lent for thatpurpofe, There appeared to be a confiderablc moving un- der the word. After preaching the next morn- ing at the Pointy I went to fee a woman, once happy in feveral refpects, but now under diitreff- ing circumflances. Her hufband was driven from her ; and fhe was left with four children for three months. Many people in general attend the preaching in Baltimore^ efpecially after we have been long enough in town for the inhabitants to receive full knowledge of our being there. And I have a great hope that the Lord will do fbme thing for the fouls in this place, though the little ibeieiy has been- rather neglected, for want of a proper perfon to lead them — I rode to Patapfuo Neckj and after preaching, reduced the clafs to fomc order. N. P. told me, he had been grieved by fome who had man if e (led too great a forward- nefs to fpeak in public. I then returned to BaU- ti??iore y and went thence to Back river- Nee I- , where I found contention in the clafs ; but, through grace, was enabled to bring them to peace and order — -Then I went to C. H.'s and fettled two clafles in that neighbourhood. While preaching there, the Lord favoured us with a lively and profitable feafon — My mind has lately been much tortui*ed with temptations ; but the Lord has ftood by and delivered me. Oh my GOD ! when will my trials end ? At death- Lord, be ever with me and fave me, or my foul mult perifti at lad. But my truft is (till in GOD, that he will ever help me to conquer a!! my foes, Preached and met the fociety, on Wednefday, at /. P — *s ; and on Thurfday fet oiT for Kent county, but was troubled with a very uncommon* pain ( ? 9*- V pain in my head. In public worfnip at Mr. G.Y a ferious negro was powerfully (truck ; and though he made but little noife, yet he trembled fo ex- ceedingly that the very houfe {hook — I then rode to Mr. H. — 's and was kindly entertained. Here we faw a little woman with neither hands nor feet ; yet (he could walk, card, fpin, few and knit. And her heart rejoiced in GOD her Savi- our — But ivhat is Jlje at this time ? Friday 13. The fpirit of holy peace reigns in my heart. Glory be given to GOD ! I received in- formation to day, of W. F. who had threatened to {lone one of our preachers, but was taken iick and died in a few days — Alfo of another perfon who had been under conviction for fin, but refilling and making it off, he left the houfe, and died in the dark, {peaking evil of the ways of GOD — Like wife of Mrs. H. who was under conviction from the Spirit of GOD, but going from the houfe and indulging a trifling fpirit, fhe foon after died — Thus it feems, when men {light the mercies of GOD, he vifits them with his judgments! The congregation to day at Mr. G — 's was very large, but they looked like fat bulls of Bajhariy though they fat pretty {till while I ■ endeavoured to prove that the fpirit, doctrine, fufferings, and practice of the holy apoflles are exemplified in the people of GOD at this time - — The Lord favoured me with freedom and pow- er, as alfo in the evening at. Mr. H — 's. On Saturday a multitude of people attended the preaching of the word, and the Lord was with us of a truth. Lord's day 15. For fome time pad, the Lord lias blefled me with abundant peace and love ; but my foul longs for all the fulnefs of GOD, as fur as it is attainable by man. O, when (hall it once ( 93 ) once be ! When fliall my foul be abforbed in pu- rity and love ! — The congregation affembled un- der a tree at Mr. G — 's, and in the time of the firft prayer, a woman fell down and laid there all the time of the fermon — The people here ap- pear to be much afiecled with prejudice again ft /. R. They will not bear with his rough addrefs. But I know not what to do with them. If fome o- ther preacher could vifit them in his ftead, perhaps the work of GOD would profper much better. But mod of the fociety appear to be under a genuine work of grace •> though a few of their cafes are doubtful. The clerk of the church defired to be prefent in the clafs-meeting j and was confidera— bly afFecled. Tuefday 1 7. After preaching to a number of people at Mr. H — 's> I was much delighted with the fimple account of the work of GOD, re- lated and experienced by T. L. who I believe is faved from indwelling fin. He was born at Thorti/bury, near Brijtol in Etigland ; and came over to America about 19. or 2.0 years ago. He was firft brought to know GOD in Gun-Powder- Neck ; and was foon after in great diftrefs for pu- rity of heart. He faid, he prayed and wept till his tears laid in fmall lakes on the floor : but was at lad fuddenly filled with fpiritual glory. He was bleiTed with wonderful communications of peace and love. He appeared to be a holy, ferious, happy man - y and artlefs without colouring ; fo that there is no room to doubt but it is a genuine work of GOD. \Vednefd2y 18. Several friends, both men and women, accompanied me to the bay j and when we came to the wjter-fide, we kneeled down and prayed, recommending each other to the grace of GOD. Thurfday ( 94 ) Thurfday 19. I felt myfelf unwell, but my heart longs to overflow with love to GOD. My refolution is, through grace, to make a total and perpetual furrender of myfelf to him, and his fervice — At D. R. J s on Friday, many people at- tended to hear the word which was difpenfed with fome power ; but my foul longs and pants for more of GOD. My heart rejoices in GOD, but I am troubled with too much freedom of temper, which may proceed from a great flow of animal fpirits, but it has the appearance of levi- ty •, I long to be fo guarded as to have a folemn, conftant fenfe of the omniprefent .GOD refting* on my mind — -Saturday 21. F. H< invited me home with him ; and I called to fee R. D. but found him too wife for me to do him much good. Rode to H. W.'s and preached with life and power from the firft Pfalm \ and afterwards met the clafs — Preached on the Lord's day at H* W,\% in the morning at five, at S. L.'s at ten, and at S. F — 's in the evening. My foul has been kept in tranquillity and peace. Tuefday 24. My heart fwells with ftrong defire to live to GOD ; and to trull conftantly in him that he may direcVmy paths. 7. /. an honeft old friend, came to hear me. Oh ! that names and parties were done away ! that chriilians were ail- but one body ! that pure love might reign alone in every heart ! Lord, haflen the happy and de- sirable period. Wednefday 25. My body was very weak, but my foul was ftrengthened and bleft with a de- lightful fenfe of GOD, while preaching to a large congregation at Mr. j9.'s : And I afterwards met the clafs — GOD is the portion of my foul j and to do his will is my. conftant defire and de- termination — 1 fpoke with two exhorters at Mr* C.'s and ( 9S ) Cs and gave them licenfe to act in that charac- ter — Friday 27. at Mr. Cs we had a comfort- able time *, and the work of GOD feems to be reviving there. Satan is (till haunting my mind, but the Lord gives me power to refill him, and keeps me in conftant peace — On Saturday, all my foul was love. No defire for any thing but GOD had place in my heart. Keep me, O Lord ! in this delightful, blefled frame — This day I met with P. E. who has fet out to preach but I am doubtful of his call. D. R. who lodged with me to night, is under great exercifes of mind, from a conviction that it is his duty to preach. He ventured to open his mind to me on the fubjecr^ after he was in bed : and fo exceedingly was he agitated, that the bed fhook under him, while he was relating the exercifes of his mind. Lord's-day. After preaching at Mr. O.'s in the morning, and at Mr. E.'s in the afternoon, I rode thence to town under heavy exercifes of mind. Surely there will be good done here, or the place mult be given up. On Monday I fpent part of my time in reading Poole's account of the downfal of Antichrifi. Lord, haften the time ! While preaching this e- vening in town, there was a gracious moving a- monglt the people. On Tuefday I rode to Mr. D.'s, where a few attended, and I truft not in vain •, then returned to town groaning in fpirit. I was in company with Br. W. and Br. S. on Wednefday, but was much diftrefled on account of fo few preachers well qualified for the work, and fc many who are forward to preach without due qualifications. My foolifh mind feit rather difpofed to murmur- ing, pride, and difcontent. Lord, pardon me, and grant me more grace. The nest day my confcience checked ( 9* ) checked me for the appearance of levity. How ferioufly (hould we confider the prefence of the Deity! and ever remember that we muft render an account of all our conduct ! Friday 3. After enjoying a comfortable fea- fon, with a few friends at Mr. H.'s, about 12 miles from Baltimore ,- I preached at 4 o'clock at Mr. A.\ in Middle-river Neck, where there is a good profpect, and lodged with M. A. whofe heart the Lord hath touched j and on Saturday re- turded to town. Lord ? s-day 5. In the morning I preached at "town, and then at the Point, where the people fecm more attentive ; and afterwards returned to town, and preached at night to a large congrega- tion. It is matter of great grief to me., to fee the inhabitants of this town fomuch devoted to pride, fpiritual idolatry, and almofl every fpeeies of fin. Lord, vifit them yet in tender mercy, to re- form and fave their fouls. — On Monday I went • to vifit W. £.in Patapjtco Neck. How isthefcene changed there ! He is no more afhamed of the truth as it is in Jefus. His wife has lately expe- rienced great agonies of foul *, and was, in a won- derful manner, delivered, being filled with the peace and love of GOD. This by the m ^rcy of COD, has produced a gracious efTe£t on Us heart. The next day he accompanied me to G. P.'s, and thence to Gunpowder Neck, where we had a com- fortable time. — Jrlitherto the Lord hath helped ! "Wednefday B. I crofied Bujlj-river, and then rode to /. D — 's : my heart was filled with peace and power : but what fore conflicts have attend- ed me ! I am weary of all that is wrong within me. Lord purify my heart, make me wholly thine, and fill me with all the fulnefs of thy lovel The next day I vifited F. H. who treated me kindly ( 57 ) kindly. We entered into a clofe conve fation on religious fubjects ; but I found be had been reading Mr. M — 's myftery of errors more than the gofpel. He has fomc good qualities. But hov/ weighty is his charge ! He has a family of not Iefs than eighty fouls under his cr.re ! They were collected in the evening to join in prayer, and receive a word of exhortation. I rod Deer-creek on Friday, and had a refrcfr.ing (^(on, as alfo at H. W — 's in the evening ar 4 u'c: The Lord is dill my friend, and fills me with peace and pure defire. Monday 13. Found it neceffary on a particu- lar occafion to go to Pipe-creek ,- and while preaching to a large number of people at R. O.V,, the power of the Lord was prefent. My mind has been much Hayed on GOD for fome I paft, and my body has felt but little weari; though on fome days I have preached four times. Came to W.L?§-, and found Mr. L. in fp rit- ual trouble, but I hope the Lord will foon deli- ver him, and give him the oil of joy for mourn* ing. Glory to GOD ! my mind is kept in fw peace, and deeply engaged in every duty. — Preached on Thurfdiy at Mr. Z.'s and there ap- peared to be fome frnall awakenings amongft the people. Thence rode to N. P.V.. He appears to be a man that fears GOD in fome degree ; tut is veryftifl'; and in fome things full of felf-wi!!. My mind was as it were in chains, while preach- ing at Mr. H.'s ; but my foul was greatly blelt while difpenfing the word to a large congregation at Mr. A.'s, in Middle-rlver-fiech. There is a profpecr. of fome good being done, by the grace of GOD, in this place — After preaching on Sa- turday with freedom and iV L is fa 61 ion, to a num- ber of people in Gun-powder-necki I was takenve- I ry ry unwell : and after a very reftlefs night, with much profufe fweating, I rofe in the morning exceedingly indifpofed, and in much weaknefs of body, went through the public duties of the day but the Lord wasgracioufly and powerfully with me, both in preaching and fociety-mecting. Monday 20. My foul was refrefhed with the love of GOD. How do I long for a mind tho- roughly refined, filled with perfect purity, and conftantly devoted to GOD! The profpecl and hope of this frequently tranfports my foul — Lord liaften the blefled period .'Let all my foul be fwal- lowed up in love ! I have lately been reading Mr TV. on the ruin and recovery of man ; he is a judicious writer in the main, and generally i\< luftrates his fubjects well ; but fome of his fen timents relative to infants, I think are very ex ceptionable. Tuefday 21. I crofTed the bay, in company with a few friends, to Kent county. After a good pafTage we reached the fhore, fat down to reft and refrefh ourfelves ; and then joined in prayer. We walked to /". R.'s, where we were informed of the 6ppofition which one of our preachers met with. But the work is the Lord's, and they that oppcfe his work, oppofe his omnipotence. On Tuefday my foul was kept in peace and reft. Af- ter preaching with fome comfort, I was feized with a quartan ague, which was attended with jnuch pain in myback and limbs. Mr. K. afked me home, and treated me with much civility and kindnefs. I now read SmaHefs defcription of the Methcdijls : and cannot wonder that his readers, who have no pe^fonal knowledge of them mould treat the Methodijls with contempt. But the day is coming, when every one will appear in his true colours ; and be conftrained to render an account ( 99 ) account of all his conduct to GOD. A high ver and heavy fweats were my companions in night; and the next morning I was too unwell to fpeak in prayer ; but I ventured to ride in a carriage as far as Mr. H.'s, in the afternoon. ^ T hurfday 23. At Mr. H.'s the Lord was with me while preaching from Afts xiv. 10. obferving hi 7. R. the odious appearance of fpeaking too freely of abfent perfons, I felt a fenfe of my own imprudence; and fa w both the propriety and ne- eeffity of retaining every fuch matter in my own breath, till an opportunity may offer of convening with the pevfon immediately concerned, face to face. Lord, pardon me in every thing that is wrong in the leaft degree ; and grant me more fortitude and evangelical wifdom for the time to come. Friday 24. My trials and cxercifes have been fomewhat peculiar. May the GOD of mercy com- municate more abundant power and love ! Though this was the day in courfe for my ague to return, I preached to a (mall, fciious congregation, with Inward power. My ague came on afterw a a fevere pain in my back. I drove off the fit by walking and running, but went robed in a high fever. ''The next morning my frame, felt weak, but my heart was iweetly refigned. Saturday 25. While preaching to a large com- pany at Mr. G.'s, we had amoving, melting time. After preaching at 9 o'clock the next morning at the fame place, I went to church, and th< minifter intended to point at me, by againft idleneis, and people who fc::^.v zw un- warrantable employment, and doing what they have nobufinefs with. But can any employment be more unwarrantable, than the charge of fouls with- out any real concern for their falvaticn ? An I bud ( * c ° ) bad as idlenefs is, it is far preferable to leading immortal fouls aftray. The world can judge, whe- he is moft like an idle man who reads a dry harangue every Lord's day, or he who toils and labours both day and night to fave the fouls of men. But thefe tilings I leave with the Lord. y people attended my preaching in the even- ing, while I took occafion from Cor. v. 20. to (hew amongil other things, the evangelical million and jife of a true ambaffador of Chriit. Monday. "We crofTed the bay, and rode to J, P.'s. My ague coming on, I went to bed in t torture ; and thought my frame could not Jong endure it. My body is greatly weakened by this difofder , and perhaps I mall be dumb for a fcafon, either for my own unfaithfulnefs, or the unfaithful- nefs of the people. May the Lord fortify my fctfl with patience ! Thurfdsy 23. Though very weak and low, the Lord favoured me with a good opportunity, life and liberty, at D, R.'s. Friday ;jj. I was exceedingly ill at Mr. D.'s; and now :•; an to think my travelling would be rrupted. This is mygreateft trouble and pain, to foriake the work of GOD. and to neelecl: the people whofe fpiritual intercil and falvation I feek with my whole foul. The next day finding my- ielf too weak to travel, 1 fent brother E. in my place; and mult content myfelf to abide here a- while, where they treat me with the greateft care kindnefs. My prefent purpofe is, if the Lord fpares and raifes me up, to be more watchful and clfcumlpecT in all my ways. O Lord, remember o mercy ; and brace up my feeble foul ! Lord's-day Oft 3. Every day I have endeavoured to ufe what little ftrength I had for GOD ; and this day I felt fomething better in my body, and quite ( ioi ) quite fercce in my mind. Rode to Bujh and preached to many people with con fiderable power. But had a violent fever at night, which held me 9 hours. It is my defire to be refigned to the will of GOD in all tilings. Sent brother IV. in my place to fuppiy the appointments. Wednefday 6. My diforder returned, and my body was in great pain for many hours. Felt fome patience, but not enough. Oh, that this af- fliction may anfwer the intended end ! My will is quite refigned to the will of GOD, fo that I cannot aik eafe in pain; but defire to be truly thankful, and leave the difpofal of all things en- tirely with him. It is undoubtedly a gracious providence, that" my lot mould be cair. in the family of J. D. dur- ing my jndifpefition to travel. I fhall never for- get the kindnefs, or difcharge the obligations I am under to Mrs. 5. D. who watched and waited up- on me day and night. GOD grant, that the fame meafure which (he has meted to me, may return upon herfelfand her children ! On Thurfday and Friday my mind was kept in peace, though I could do very little but read, The language of my heart is, Lord, thy will be done ! •My diforder has encreafed, and for feveral days my indifpofition has been fo great that I kept no ournal. My friends wept around and ex peeled my difTolution was near. But the Lord thought on both them and me, to raife me up from the bor- ders of death. Oh that my few remaining days may be fpent to his glory ! That every valuable end may be anfwered by my future life ! Wednefday 27. Mr. D. was fo kind as to con- duct me in a carriage to my friend B. P.'s at Deer-creek. On Friday 1 found myfelf much bet- ter, and my foul was kept in peace and purity. May the Lord ever keep me near to himfeif ! I 2 November ( *02 ) November 4. Our quarterly meeting came off, and I attended the private bufmefs, though in much weaknefs of body. Some of my brethren did not altogether pleafe me. My hand appears itill to be againft every man. Mr. iv*. conducted the meeting. At the clofe of the whole, I difco- 1 the affectionate attachment which fubfiRed between many of my dear friends and me. It cut me to the heart when we came to part from each other. They wept, and I wept. Efpecially brother L. and his wife. May the gracious Lord remem- ber them in mercy and love ! November 6. Was able to fit up and write to my clear friend Mr. S — y. It is but little I can do, but thanks be to GOD for any help. Heard bro- ther W. preach, and thought it my duty to blame him for fpeaking againft the knowledge of falva- tion. Was better on Thurfday, but threw myfelf into a violent fever by my own imprudence. Tucfday 9. My diibrder feems to be going off, though I mend but ilowiy. OnWednefday 1 went Ir. D.'s in a carriage, and met with Mr. R. ached there. The next day Mr. R. fee off for Philadelphia^ and left me dill poorly. Saturday, 13. Though I have not preached for a month, yet 1 ventured to attend the funeral of Pre/byteriafiy but a man who had borne a chriftian character. As they could get no preacher 1 ,'ir own profeiTion, tbe\ made application to >ie attended on this folernri occa- : and it was a very moving time. nday 15. Found myfelf much better in h, and concluded to let off on my Mailer's bufinef; as foon as I fhoukl be properly equipped. On Thurfday my heart was fixed, trufting in the I, and as my body was gathering ftrcngth, I lit out on Monday for Baltimore ; and on Friday reached ( m ) reached W. L.'s, who entertained me with the greatcit kindnefs. Here Iliad the pleafure of fee- iiiil our new church begun on Back-river Xcch. The next day he conducted me in his carriage to the Point, where I was enabled to preach with fome power. Then returned to the Neck and met with Mr. J. He heard the word of GOD with great freedom 61 miiiu -, aiiu 1 uenrve ms falie peace was broken. My fpirit was greatly refreshed by meeting brother T. at Belt-mere on Monday ; and the next day I was much affiited in preach- ing to a large number of people in town, both rich and poor. May the Lord GOD arife and fhow himfelf gracious to thefe people ! Through abundant grace, I feel nothing contrary to the purell intention •, nor the lead defire for any- thing but GOD. Elefs the Lord, O my foul ! Thurfday 25. Had occafion to go to Annapolis, and found fome defire to preach there. But per- ceiving the fpirit and practice of the people, I de- clined it. A tavern-keeper offered me the ufe of his houfe for preaching; but he was a deij}, and I did not feel free to open my mouth in his houfe. After my return to Baltimore, Mr. J. the per- fon mentioned a few days ago, came and invited me to his houfe. The next morning at breakfaft, he fhewed much freedom in conversion, and there was great appearance of a change. Monday 30. Have been able to officiate at the town and Point every day ; and the congregations rather increafe. Lord, make me humble and more abundantly ufeful ; and give me the hearts of the people that I may conduct them to thee. I feel great hopes that the GOD of mercy will interpofe, and do thefe dear people good. This day we a- greed with Mr. L. to undertake the brick-work of our new building at the Point. At night I was feized ( '=4 ) feized with a violent fever; and as many of my iriends thought it improper for me to go imme- diately into the circuit, I concluded to abide for a feafon in town. Many are under fcrr.s awaken- ings here ; and they are very kind and affection- ate to me. My heart is with the Lord. He is my all in all. Wednefday, Dec I Preached at N.PSs. & IV. L 's. At the latter place many more people attended than we could expect, confidering the conduct of A. R. who, in his preaching, had behaved more like a mad man than any thing elfe. Rode the next day to R. O.'s, where a few attended the word who underftood the things of GOD. My foul is in peace. But I wifh to bear all things with perfect patience ; and feel lefs affected by all that men may lay of me, and every act of difagreeable conduct towards me. Saturday 4. I returned to Baltimore ,- and the houfe of Mr. M. was crowded with people who attended to hear the word ; and the next day I felt great fatisfaftion, in preaching to a large num- ber of people at the Point; moil of them gave good attention, but fome were unruly. Tuefday 7. Ycfterday I was very ill all the day With a fever ; but feel fomething better to-day. GOD is the portion of my foul. He favours mc withfweet peace, and fanctifies all my afflictions. Lord, evermore keep me, and conduct me in fafety to thy bieffed prefence above ! I had a fever and kept my bed on Wednefday, and mould have thought the day had been loft, had it not been a feafon for the exercife of my patience. Preached on Friday with fome fatisfaction, though in great weaknefs of body, having been very ill in the preceding night. On Saturday my mind was ferene ; though I greatly long to have a ( ro; ) I deeper fenfe of GOD continually reding on my heart. My foul pants earneftly for clofer com- munion with the Lord ; and to die, to be cruci- fied to every other object. Lord's-day 12. While preaching at the Point, there was great folemnity very viable in the con- gregation. The power of GOD was eminently prefent, and one perfon fell under it. Such num- bers of people attended to hear the word to-day in town, that we knew not how to accommodate them; and there appeared to be more ferioufnefs than ufual amonglt them. Tuefday 14. We had a comfortable time at WZ /..'s.The next day Mr. C a churck-mimjler was pre- fent at preaching. We had fome converfation after- wards, in which we did not difagree.But poor man ! one more ignorant of the deep things of GOD, I have fcarcely met with, of his cloth. He knew brother K. and appearing to be angry with him, he abufed him for preaching in the church. Though very unwell, I rode 20 miles on Thurf- day to preach at W. JF — 's where a few of them felt the power of GOD. Mr. W\ and his wife in particular were tenderly affected. Saturday 18. Though in a high fever I rode 20 miles through the rain to Baltimore. But the Lord preferved me ; and I was able to preach to a fmall company at night. Being unwell on the 's day, I did not attempt to preach till night'. But then the people were ferious, and the power of GOD was prefent. Monday 2c. Mrs. H. introduced me to the fa- mily of Mrs. R. where they treated me with great kmunefs and care. Oh ! that plenty may not hurt, nor eafe detlroy me — Lord, help me, in all things to defire nothing but thee. Thurfdsy ( io<5 ) Thurfday 23. R. 0. informed me that the work of GOD was gaining ground in Frederick county. I preached at I. D — 's in the old town, and had a wild, (taring congregation. On Fri- day the Lord gracioufly bled me with fweet peace, and much love. My heart is greatly affected at times, for the town of Baltimore ; and 1 am al- moft ready to doubt whether it is my duty to tarry here. Yet the ferioufnefs of the people ap- pears to increafe, and a few are concerned for their falvation. Monday 27. My foul was happy in GOD* Brother W. brought good accounts from the country, where the congregations are large, and fome coming to the Lord. I have great hopes that my acquaintance with the family of Mrs. R. will be rendered a blefling to them ; and I ex- pert to fee the mother and fon bow to the crofs of Chrift. Tuefday 28. Guife's paraphrafe has lately af- forded me great delight. It is a piiy that fuch a man ever imbibed the Calviniftic principles. My foul was kept in peaceful compofure to-day ; and at night I made a religious vint, which I hope will not be labour loft. On my return home, I had great hopes that P. R. will yet become a difciple of Jcfus Chrift. I ftill pray, and long, and wait, for an out-pouring of the Blefled Spirit on this town, O that the time were come ! Lord, ha it en it for thy mercy fake ! Tuefday, January 4. 1.7,741 My body has beerv indifpofed for fome days paft ; but the grace of GOD has refted on my foul -, and I have been enabled to preach feveral times with freedom, i power, and great boldnefs, the Lord being my helper. Feeling rather better to-day, I ventured to ride in a chaife ten miles to Mr. L — 's, where we ( 107 ) we had fome agreeable, chriftian converfation. Returned the next day, and continued unwell; fometimes being confined to my bed for a day together \ yet I preached at other times to large congregations. It frequently appears as if al- mod the whole town would come together to hear the word of the Lord. Surely it will not be altogether in vain. The Lord giveth me great pa- tience, and all things richly to enjoy, with many very kind friends, who pay great attention to me in my affliction. Amongil others, Mr. S. a preacher in high Dutch, came to fee me. He ap- peared to be a good man, and I opened to him the plan of Methodifm. Friday 14. Though this was the day for the return of my diforder, yet I felt much better. A blifler under my ear has removed the pain in my head. A great fenfe of GOD retted on my heart, while meeting the clafs to-day. There is an ap- parent alteration in this family ; and I muft con- clude the Lord directed my fleps among them. Saturday 15. My body is (till weak, though on the recovery. Lord, if thou fhouldil be pleafed to raife me up, let it be to do more good ! I de- fire to live only for this ! Lord, I am thine, to ferve thee forever, with foul and body, time and talents ! O my GOD ! now all I am and have is devoted to thee ! Mercifully aflift me by thy grace, to perfevere in all well-doing. Amen. Lord's day 16. While preaching in town this evening, two young men, in the midft of the fermon, came in, and broke the order of the meeting — On Monday my heart felt an uncom- mon burden, on account of the inhabitants of this place. And fometimes I defpair of ever do- ing them much good. But a conitant fenfe of GOD reflcth on my own foul. "Wednefday ( xoS ) Wednefday 18. My mind is kept in peace though my body is weak ; fo that I have not ftrength fufficient for travelling : neverthelefs, I can read and think. O that it may be to the glo- ry of him, who, in his great wifdom, thinks pro- per to confine me ! Lord, ever draw my heart after thee ! May I fee no beauty in any other object, nor defire any thing but thee! My heart longs to be more extenfively ufeful, but is, at the fame time, filled with perfect refignation to GOD in all my affliction. Therefore, I cannot choofe for myfelf, but leave all to him. — A young man, who difturbed the congregation on the evening of laft Lord's* dav, has feen it expedient to excufe his conduct, as almofl the whole town thought him culpable. Thus doth GOD bring good out of evil, and make the fiercenefs of man turn to his praife — Mr. R. informed me by letter, that two of the preachers, Mr. B. and Mr. P. had embarked for England. Lord's-day 22. Great numbers of people at- tended while I preached on the parable of the prodigal fon. Tuefday 24. This was a day of fweet peace. I held a private conference with W. M. and captain S. who both appeared to be convinced of fin. Thurfday 26. Many people attended this even- ing, to hear an account of the rife, difcipline, and practice of the Metbodifts s on which fub- jecl: I enlarged with a warm exhortation, and had great liberty and fatisfaftion. If my labours ihould be in vain for the people, the Lord gives me a gracious reward in my own foul. Friday 27. My heart was fixed on GOD, and a great part of my time fpent in reading. I alfo met a clafs and received k\Qn probationers into the ( ™9 ) the fociety. May the Lord give them grace to (land ! Lord's-day 29. It appears that the people here have a great defire to know the truth , for Ithough it rained and froze as ic fell, ye: a great |many attended to hear. It was a very folemn time at night, while I difcourfed on the awful day of judgment. S. 0. is tenderly affected for the falvation of his foul. And IV. M. and P. R. teem to be in earned about this important matter. Glory to GOD for thefe things! Set out on Monday for our quarterly meeting, and met the preachers at brother O.'s. They all appeared to have their hearts fixed on promoting the work of GOD for the enfuing quarter ; and we confulted together with great freedom and love. On the firft day I enquired into the moral character of the local preachers, appointed them their work, and gave them written licenfes to officiate. The preachers who fpoke at this meeting, marrifeft- ed great earneilnefs and zeal for the falvation of fouls •, and many of the people were much afi ed ; all was harmony and love. Forth: quarter we had our Rations as follows : P. E. E. D. and R. O. in Frederick circuit ; brother T. and brother R. in Kent circuit ; H. W, and brother W* in Baltimore circuit ; and myiclf in Baltimore town. We appointed our next quar- terly meeting to be held in Baltimore on the ill. of May next. Much fatigued in my feeble frame by various exercifes, I returned to town, and vi- fited Mrs. M. who was afflicted in body and dif- treffed in mind. Thurfday, Feb. 3. Lafr. night, while we were all below (lairs, my bed took fire by tome un- known means, though it flood three yards from the fire-place. We happily came up in due time, K and ( »» ) and finding the room full of fmoke, we discover- ed the fire, and extinguished it. Surely there was a kind providence in this ! This day 1 wrote a letter to Mr. O. a German minifler, relative to his fettling in Baltimore town. Though the wea- ther was very difagreeable, yet many attended at night to hear the word. GOD is flill my chief object ; and my defire is to glorify and ferve him. On Saturday, Mr. S. came to confult me in re- fpect to Mr. O.'s coming to this town. Vie agreed to promote his fettling here; and laid a plan nearly fimilar to ours — to wit, that gifted perfons amongfl them, who may, at any time, bemc-'ed by the Holy Ghoft to fpeak for GOD, mould be encouraged ; and if the Synod would not agree, they were flill to perfevere in this line of duty. Lord's-day 6. We had a moving time at the Point, and after dining with Mr. S. the Ger- man minifter, many people attended at Mrs. T.'s to hear me preach ; but a company of men, who would wifh to fupport the character of gentle- men, came drunk, and attempted an interrup- tion : however P. R. once their intimate afTbci- ate in fin, had courage enough to defend the caufe of GOD : neverthelefs, I thought it ex- pedient to difmifs the congregation; and know not how this will end ; but this I know, Satan and his emillaries are greatly difpleafed. Monday 7. According to appointment, I went to Elk-ridge, and was kindly received by Mr. I. W. I fpent part of three days, labouring for the falva- tion of fouls. In this place there are many weal- thy and wicked people, deftitute of all true reli- gion. Numbers attended to hear the word, and ibme were affected. Lord, let it not be as the feed ( rii ) feed fown by the way-fide ! Returned to Balti- more on Wednefday, and the next day I advifed the widow T. to feek redrefs of a magiftrate, for the late riot made in her houfe. But they ad- vifed her to put up with it for this time. As Mr, M. offered the ufe of his houfe, I met the people there on Friday night, and found thedifturb; had not diminifhed the congregation, but increas- ed it. Thus Satan prepares a weapon to wound his own caufe. After reading to the congrega- tion, part of the plain account of the people cal- led Methodtfts ; I told them we were an united body, and as fuch would defend our own caufe ; that I had qualified myfelf according to the act of toleration, and had a legal right to preach the gofpel. Friday n. Endeavoured to raife fomethlng fubfeription, towards building a Methocliib cnu but as the whole lieth on my moulders, 1 the burden rather too heavy. However^ G iz my fanport, and my heart is with him. Tuefday 15. A lively feme of GOD re -led on my foul, while preaching to a number of a1 tive people collected at W. L's\ and in clafsat night, I found the members Wednefday 16. Returning to the Point, I received a melancholy account of a poor . cloned wretch, who itaggered into a br night, and was found dead the next morning. He was found at the door of Mr. L. and the;e reafons to fufpect he was murdered. Thus we fee the vengeance of GOD frequently overtakes impenitent finnors, even in this life. How aw- ful the thought ! that a foul in fuch a condil {liould be unexpectedly hurried to the judgment- feat of a righteous GOD ! Let every poor dm aid take the warning •, leit the next time lie bea- tifies ( »2 ) tlfieshis Immortal fpi?it,by depriving it of the pro- per ufe of its rational powers, it mould be fudden- )y driven out of the reach of divine mercy. On my return to town at night, W. Jl'f. gave me a pleafing account of the unfpeakable peace with which GOD had biefl him. But, 1st him that rnoft afluredly ftandeth, take heed left he fall. The next evening, I finimed reading the " Plain account of the people called Methcdifls ;" and then exhorted the congregation with much warmth of heart. Friday iS. While preaching at the houfe of M. his father and mother were moved by the word oi" GQD. But after lying down at night to reft, piy heart was oppreffed with inex- nrdhble feelings for the inhabitants of Baltimore. I amprefled under them as a cart full of fheaves ; and would rather be employed in the mod fervile office:-;, than preach to them, if it were not from a fenfe cf duty to GOD, and a defire to be in- ftrumenial in laving their fouls. If honour and worldly gz'm were held out as motives to this painful work, they would to me appear lighter than vanity. But Lord, thou knoweft my mo- tives and my ends ? Oh profper thou the work of my heart and my hands ! Saturday 19. This day was chiefly fpent in reading and prayer. Peace, purity, and a fpirit of warm devotion filled my heart. Glory to GOD, the author of all my bleffings. The next dav, the congregation at the Point were but lit- tle affected -, but at night the attention of the people in town was much ftruck, while I preached from Matt. iii. 7. . Monday 21. I rode 8 miles and preached at Mr. G.'s. Rode afterwards to Middle-river y and had the fatisfaclion of feeing our new houfe raifed ( "3 ) raifed and covered in. An oppofer of the truth has been lately and fuddenly fummoned, by the fmall pox, to anfwcr for his conduct at the bar of Al- mighty GOD. Rode to N. P.'s the next day, and found fome whofe hearts were tender. S. W. gave me an account of the happy departure of his brother I. IV. from this wicked and dan- gerous world. He had acted in the capacity of a ileward amongft us •, and was a ferious, faithful man. Happy foul, who, free from harms, Refts within his Saviour's arms." N. P. rode in company with me to IV. L.'s, where we fpent the evening comfortably. After preachinga few times, I returned on Thurfday to town, and was much pleated to hear of the fuc- cefs which W. M, had met with in railing a fub- fcription of more than a hundred pounds for our building. Thus doth the Lord give us fa- vour in the fight of the people. Mr. R. took up two lots of ground for the purpofe of build- ing *, and Mr. M. feemed determined to pro- fecute the work at all events. Surely the Lord hath (lirred up their minds to this pious enter; . and will blefs them therein. As my body has now gained a little ftrength, I am determined to rife early, and make the moil of my precious time- Lord's-day 27. I rofe with a folemn fenfe of GOD on my heart •, and had many to hear both in town and at the Point. On Tuefday 29, feveral went with me to /, TV.'s, where we found a large company of people collected, who appeared both ignorant and proud. "While attempting to preach to them from thefe wovdSyJIlay we know ivhat this new doftr'uu K z ( "4 ) thoufpeafajlh ? my mind was cpprefled above mea- fure; fo that both my heart and my mouth were almo(l (hut: and after 1 had done, my fpirit was greatly troubled. O my foul ! if confined jto thefo- ciecy of the wicked, what couldefl thou find but texaticn and grief ?But, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. Having frequently 16 or 20 miles to ride, and then to preach before dinner, which is often as late as four o'clock, it {hakes my conftitution, and is painful to the ficfli. But I cheerfully fubmit to thefe things for the fake of precious foul 5. What did the bleffed Jefus fuf- for me ! The r.c::t day a champion in fin, a . who had been a famous ringleader in abfurd arid diabolical fports, was deeply wounded by the Spirit of God, while, in the courfe of my fer- mon, I was defenbing the horrible torments to which thofe would be expofed in hell, who had been instruments in the hands of Satan, to train up others in fin and difobedience. He after- wards invited me home ; and we had fome feri- ous converfation. I then returned to Baltimore. Friday, March 4. I was clofely employed all. this day, and enjoyed peace in my foul. But oh ! how does my fpirit pant for more of GOD ! The next morning my mind was fomewhat dejected by the weight of my ftrong defires for more pure M\d undefined religion. In reading the works of Mr. Brandon, efpecially his meditations, my heart was greatly melted. Through grace, I feel a fixed determination, to live more than ever to the glory of GOD. On the Lord's-day I laboured for my mailer, both in the town and at the Point .t off the next morning for Gunpowder-neck^ and on Tuefday preached at the funeral of IV. P. who had waited for the confolation oflfrael, and departed in peace, triumphantly declaring, I have fought ( »s ) fcvght ile gocd fgktylbave juiifljed my cot, J have kept the faith. Here we have a lively and fteady clafs. O that they may remain fo ! The next clay maiiy people attended while I preached at the funeral of /. M. who alfo died in the Lord. My text was, Blejjed and holy is he that hath part in the firfl refurreclicn. The pow- er cf the Lord was prefent, and it was a melting time. The Spirit of GOD was prefent with us alfo at the upper ferry, while I preached to a large congregation from Pfalm c v :xvi. 3. The Lord h I'b done great things for us . 5 reef ' ive are glad. Honed, fmiple D. R has en made a great blefling to thefe people. Such is the wifdom and power of GOD, that he hath wrought marvel-* louily by this plain man. that no fiefh may glory in his pretence. Friday 1 1. On my way to /. P---'s, my horfe tired, and fell down with me on his back. But I was not in the lcaft hurt. Calling at Dr. A — 's, I met with /, R. a Quaker, who faid it gave him pain to think that 7. P. fhould go home for or- dination, and exprefled his difapprobation of our going to the Church for the ordinances, fup- pofing we might have them amongit ourfelves. But this was ail a farce. He would rather that we fliould drop them altogether. And in the courfe of converfation, he laboured to overthrow them in- tirely. But when I told him, it might appear to me as a duty to ufe them, though I mould not iuppofe that all went to hell who did not ufe them ; he afked, why we ufe them if they are not efiential to falvation ? What weal: reafoning is this ! Do they think laying them ailde is thus efTential, or wearing their clothes in fuch a fhape, or uiing (as they call it) the plain language ? Why then do they follow thefe practices? But what makes ( "« ) makes them fo contracted and bitter in their fpi- rit, as fome of them are ? There is one that knoweth. After preaching the next day at brother P — 's,. andhaving the pleafure to find that thefociety there had increafed both in number and grace, I then returned to Baltimore, and, though much fatigued,, fpoke at Baltimore in the evening. Bleffed be GOD! S. 0. feems determined to give up all for Chrift. And the little fociety in town are (till prefling on. The Lord has been the keeper of my foul in this journey ; my peace has been great, and my intention pure. Monday 14, Set out to-day, with fome agree- able company, for Mr. W— 's ; and though it rained a fmall congregation attended : but they difcovered very little fenfibility in the things of. GOD. My frame feems lately much affected by nervous diforders. But let the will of the Lord be done ! After feeling much dejection of mind, and preaching on Tuefday at the houfe of /, O. on Wednefday I vifited /. C. a very ft iff, old church-man. But as his parfon, Mr. E. difagreed with him in the doctrine of Predejlination^ he was much difpleafed with him, and willing to re- ceive us. I preached at his houfe in the day with forne freedom, and expounded at night. May the Lord apply the word to their conviction and con- Terfion ! Returned on Thurfday to Baltimore^ and was favoured with liberty and power, while preaching to a confiderable congregation at night. Saturday 19. The Lord bleffed my foul with fweet peace in the day, and with the aid of his Holy Spirit in preaching at night. My heart is with GOD. The Lord Jehovah is my ftrength, and my f ong ; He alio is become my falvation. Satan ( "7 ) Satan afTaulted me powerfully with his temp- tations on Monday; but by calling on the name of the Lord, I was delivered. How faithful and gracious is GOD! He will not naffer his people io be tempted above that they are able to bear ; but will with the temptation make a way to efcapc. Precious truth ! Sometimes we are tempted to the uttermofl of our ftrength, but never beyond it. We always (land, at leaft, on equal ground with Satan : and by faith in Chrift, we may be more than conquerors. Tuefday 22. I rode a few miles into the fore ft, and preached at Mr. E — 's. The people were much quickened; and there were great appear- ances of real good. Wednefday 23. At the houfe of JV. L. I preached a funeral ferraon on the death of his brother Jcjhua. Many of his friends and neigh- bours were prefent. It was a very folemn, awful, warning feafon. May the people retain the im- preflions they then received ; and be found pre- pared for their own departure. The next day I rode to meet Mr. W. but took cold, as the wea- ther was fevere, and found mylelf much indif- pofed. Mr. W, preached an animating difcourfe from Rev. vr. 17. There is a great probability that his coming will be made a particular blef- fing to many. Being much indifpofed on Friday, Mr. IV, preached to a large congregation. There is fome- thing very finguiar in his manner-, neverthelefs the Lord owns and blefies his labours. Though I continued very unwell the next day, I went to church, and heard Mr. C. deliver a good difcourfe on retirement and private devotion ; and after- wards I attempted to preach at the Point; but found myfelf much worfe at mv return to town. My ( ns y My indifpofit >i rly, have fo preffed rr.e do\ n for fonie time pad, tlvat I do not expect to abide long in this world of danger and trouble; neither do I defire it. But come life, or come death, let the will of the Lord be done ! After the phyficians had given over I. L and thought they could do him no more fervice, we had recourfe to that o!d-fafhioned remedy, prayer,- and had reafon to believe the Lord in mercy heard us. Thurfday 29. My illnefs has been fo fevers, that I have preached but little for fome days pall; but felt myfelf rather better to-day. As Captain TV. had appointed to preach at Mr. W— 's, and was accidentally prevented, left the people fhould be difappointed, I ventured to go in his (lead. But after preaching was taken very ill, and obli- ged to go immediately to bed. Lord's -day,. ^ pril 3. Though ftill very unwell, I attempted to preach. How difficult it is, for a man who longs for the falvation of fouls to be filent i Gratitude urges me to acknowledge the Providence of GOD, and the kindnefs of my friends. The people who have had the chief trouble with me in my late afflictions, have fliewa remarkable care, tendernefs, and concern. May the Lord reward their work and labour of love ! Wediiefday 6. My indifpolition has been fo great this week, that I have been incapable of all public exercifes. Severe chills and burning fevers have been my portion both day and night. Oh ! that I may wifely and diligently improve thefe feafonscf afHicfion ! When (hall I be all glorious within ! My foul longs for the complete image and full enjoyment of GOD. Satan too often takes the advantage of my conftitution, and be- trays me into fuch a degree of chearfuhiefs, as has ( "9 ) has, at Icail, the appearance of levity. But my prevailing and earneft defire is, to live and act as fin the immediate prefence of a holy and trlorious GOD. Lord, make me more ferious, watchful, and holy ! Ventured on Thurfday to ride in a carriage 1 2 miles to town; but was very ill mod of the night. On Saturday Capt. W. intended to have failed in the packet, but when he faw the entertainment he was to have, he returned to abide with us for a fhort feafon. In great weaknefs of body, I met the congregation this evening, without any intention to preach ; but feeing a great number of people Collected, my fpirit was moved within me, and I thought it my duty to exert what little ftrength I had, and preach to the people. But I was in- difpofed and confined all the next day. However, Capt. IV. fupplied my place. Monday i i. I was fomewhat better. But I find myfelf aflauited by Satan as well in ficknefsas in health, in weaknefs as in ftrength. Lord, help me to urge my way through all, and fill me with humble, holy love, that I may be faithful until death, and lay hold on eternal life. On Tuefday I ventured to go as far as Mr. Z..'s, and my foul was kept in peace: Though the next day, my fpi- ritual adverfary aflauited me in a foft and artful way; but the Lord delivered me. May he ever grant me grace to confide in him, and devote my body and foul intirely to his fervice. Thurfday 14. Rode back to town, and was en- abled to preach with freedom and comfort, from the cafe of Naaman the leper. My heart is much drawn out after GOD, with a determination to be more devoted to him, and more fervent in prayer. Lord's-day 17. Both yeften.iay and to-day my foul enjoyed more peace and more love. May thefe ( i*° ) thefe graces never be interrupted. A great num- ber attended at the Point, while I enforced thefe awakening words, O earth, earth, earth, hear the ivord cf the Lord. After meeting the clafs of young men, I returned and fpoke in town from Prov. xxiv. 30. Was much fatigued, but defire to be thankful to GOD, that I am gathering fome strength for duty. We have reafon to think, the fpirits of hartihorn have been ferviceable in my diforder. Monday 18. My foul was in peace, but my body weak. This day the foundation of ourhoufe in Baltimore was laid. Who could have expecled that two men, once amongfl: the chief of finners, would ever have thus engaged in fo great an un- dertaking for the caufe of the bleffod Jefus ? This is the Lord's doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. He hath touched and changed their hearts. He hath moved them to this acceptable undertak- ing ; and he will furely complete it ; and raife up a people toferve him in this place. Tuefday 19. My foul W3S in a comfortable frame •, but I did not employ all my time in fo ufeful a manner as I might have done. This was partly owing to my bodily weaknefs. But in clafs- meeting this evening, we had a happy and bleffed time indeed. Hitherto the Lord hath helped. So my labour hath not been in vain. Wednefday 20. Poor Mr. B. arrived here to- day from England. In great diftrefs he applied to me for a little money. And is it come to this! Ah ! what will be the end of thofe that forfake GOD, for wealth, a wife, or any thing e\ie I O my foul, keep thefe things always in remembrance as a perpetual caution ! And may the Lord keep me ever humble, and dead to all created good. I read ( «« ) read the rules and met the fociety in the evening ; and it was a melting, happy time. Thurfday 21. My heart was fixed on GOD, and kept in peace. I was able to walk fome dis- tance to day, and believe the Lord is about to r^- ftore me to health. May it be to ferve him, and him only! Saturday 23. Though weak in body, I have been able for a few days paft, to go through my public exercifes j and was both inftrucled and de- lighted to-day, in reading the Revelation with its comment. There we fee the rife and fpread of the Chriftian religion through the extenilve and idolatrous empire of the Romans ; the wars of the Saracens; the gradual rife and artful progrefs of Popery. What an amazing prophetic hiftory is this, of all people and nations in epitome ! How expreffive are the differently coloured horfes, and furprifing reprefentations (cei\ by St. John ! In this book extraordinary events are foretold, a, well as the proper rule of our faith and practice re- vealed. If this deep book were fully underilood, need we go any farther after knowledge ? Monday 25. The Lord favoured me yefterday with liberty in preaching to large companies both in town and Point. And this day my foul expe- rienced a fweet mixture of peace, and joy, and grief. We had a very comfortable time at the clafs in the evening. Wednefday 27. We were all quickened by the grace of GOD in clafs meeting laft night. Blefled be GOD ! Calm ferenity fills my mind ; and my body recovers a little iirength. Friday 29. What a miracle of grace ami! How unworthy, and yet how abundantly bleft ! In the midft of all temptations, both from without and fiom within, my heart truReth in the Lord. I L wa„ ( **3 ) was greatly delighted to-day, in reading Dr Guife on the reign of Chrift, which on earth will be fpiritual, and in glory perfonal and eternal. O the beauties and joys* of which I have fome profpe£t, in that celeftial world ! It feems rather flrange, that till lately I could difcover no beauties in the Revelation by St. John. But now I think it is the grand key of all myfteries, whether pure or impure •, opening to view all the revolutions,, perfections, and errors of the church from that time till the end of the world. And then it fa- vours us with a glimpfe of what (hall remain for ever. In preaching to-night from thefe words, Bodily exercife profiteth little ; but Godlinefs is pro- fitable unto all things j I took occafion to fhew, i. That bodily exercife, or what is called re- ligious aclions, cannot change a {i-nful heart, or purchafe love. 2. Wherein Godlinefs confifteth, viz. In re- pentance, faith, love to GOD and man, meek- nefs, refignation, chaftity, and the pure fpiritual worlhip of , GOD. 3. Wherein this is profitable, viz. In all.ftates, in all commerce, in the felicity of the pofTefibr, in the general benefit of others, and finally in eternal glory. My mind has been grieved by fome who have fpoken evil of minifters. But I muft-be fure.to take care of my own foul ; that is more to me than all the world, and all the men in it. And, Weffed be GOD ! he fills me with peace and purity. Lord, grant that this ,maybc my portion, increasing for ever ! Lord's-day May 1, Preached twice and met two clafles. In the morning at the Point I had fome feeling; but found myfelf rather fhut up at night in town. Monday ( «3 ) Monday 2. My foul loveth the Lord GOD. What a great and blefied portion is he for worth- Jefs man ! This evening was (pent in company with two German ministers who are very friend- ly, and intend to be prefent at our quarterly meeting to-morrow. Tuefday 3. Our quarterly meeting be^an. I preached in the morning -, and in rhe afternoon we fettled our temporal bufinefs, with great order and much love. When inquiry was made rela- tive to the conduct: of the preachers, there were fome complaints of a few, who had been nemifs m meeting the focieties, and catechiu ng the chil- dren. The next day feveral of usfpoke in public, and then we parted in peace. — Had a friendly in- tercourfe with Mr. O. and Mr. 5. the German miTii iters, refpecting the plan of church-difcipline on which they intended to proceed. They agreed to imitate our methods as nearly as poiTible. Friday 6. I preached from Matt; xii. 50; but felt my mind dejected. Not meeting with fuch fuccefs in this town as my foul ardently longs for, I rather feel a delirc to depart, and to try fome other people. But let the will of the Lord be done, My heart has been deeply affected by reading the life of Col. Gardiner. Blefied be GOD for fa many who experience the fame work of grace which we preach, and at the fame time are not of us! This is a great confirmation of the work of GOD. And' iuh fever d»elh the will of mj Fa- ther who is in heaven y of every denomination, the fame fall be my brother, and ff^r, and mother. Saturday 7. My foul longeth for GOD. My heart and my fleth cry out for him. O that I were wholly devoted to my GOD ! LordVday 3. Severa* appeared to feel fome- thang of the power which attended the word, both sit ( IM ) at the Point and in town. On Monday my foul was hi peace, and GOD was the object, of my love. Mr. C attended our clafs-meeting, andex- preiTed his approbation. The Lord was with us, -and we were greatly bleft. Mr. IV. arrived to-day from Virginia. He gave us a circumfcantial ac- count of the work of GOD in thofe parts. One houfe of worfhip is built, and another in contem- plation; two or three more preachers are gone out upon the itinerant plan: and in fome parts the congregations confiit of 2 or 3000 people. But fome evil-minded perfons have oppofed the ail of toleration, and threatened to imprifon him. May the Lord turn their hearts, znd make, them partakers of his great falvation ! Wednefday 1 1. 1 went to Mr. Z,.*s, and preach- ed to a large congregation ; then called at N. iVs, and preached a funeral fermon on the death of his lifter, who was once happy in religion. Re?- turned to town on Thurfday, and preached with freedom to an attentive audience. Friday 13. I packed up my clothes and books to be ready for my departure ; and had an agree- able converfation with Mr. CX The next day feme of my friends were fo unguarded and im- prudent, as to commend me to my face. Satan, ready for every advantage, feized the opportunity and am\ulted me with felf-pleafmg, felf-exalting ideas. But the Lord enabled me to di (cover the danger, and the fnare was broken. May he ever keep me humble, and little, and mean in my own eyes ! Lord's-day 15. About to take my leave for a feafon, I went to the Point and enlarged on thefe words, I atn afraid of you ^ tefl I have beflowed upon you labour in vain ; and trull fome felt at laft the worth and weight of divine truths. My fubjecT: at ( >*s ) tt night in town was this *, / tale you to record this |/jw, th.it 1 am -pure from the Hood of all men.' In preaching from thefe words, my mind was under tome embarrarTment. Perhaps my fooliih heart denred to end with honour : and the Lord in mercy prevented it. May I ever be contented with that honour which cometh from GOD Only. Monday 16. When the time of parting came, I felt lomc unwiilingnefs to leave my kind and valuable friends ; however, I took horfe and rode 1 6 miles to Mr. G.'s, where a large compa- ny attended to hear the word. Many were alio prefent at Mr. GVs. In examining the leaders, I found them Heady ; but refufed to give a licence to an exhorter, who had been too unwatchful. After a long prejudice Mr. /. G. invited me to his houfe, and treated me kindly. In preaching at Mr. Z?.'s, my heart was troubled within me for the dulnefs and unbelief of the people. Wednefday 18. Rode to Sufquehattrtahy and many of the leading men were prefent, with a 'large congregation. Simple D, R. has been an in ft rumen t of real and great good to the people in thefe parte. Thurfday 19. I am happy in GOD after all my labours. But when amonglt my friends, my mind inclines to a degree of cheerfulnefs bordering on levity. O for more watchfulnefs ! — a more con- ftant, (Inking fenfe of an omniprefent GOD ! Preached to-day in the market-houfe at Charlef- toivn. The congregation was ibmewhat large, and many of them very attentive. The company was large at Bohemia on Friday, and my own heart was deeply affected, and much drawn out while fpeaking from Rev. iii. 3. At Newcajlle on Sa- turday, Satan was there diverting the people by L ■% a play, ( i& > a play. However, feveral came to hear me en* force thefe words, Be not ye partakers with them. Monday 22. After preaching yefterday at Newport and Red-clay-crcek, I rode to-day to Chejler : and, though weary, fpoke from Gal. vi. 14. Here my old friends, Mr. M. and Mr. S. from Neiu-Tork, met me; and the next day we rode to Philadelphia. Hitherto the Lord hath helped. Wednefday 25. Our conference began. The overbearing fpirit of a certain perfon had excited my fears. My judgment was (lubbornly oppofed for a while, and at iaft fubmitted to. But it is my duty to bear ail- things with a meek and pa- tient fpirit. Our conference was attended with great power; and, ail things considered, with great harmony. We agreed to fend Mr. W. to land ; and all acquiefced in the future ftations. of the preachers. My lot was to go to York, My body and mind have been much fatigued du- ring the time of this conference. And if I were not deeply confeious of the truth and goodnefs of the caufe in which I am engaged, I fhould by 210 means iiay here. Lord ! what a world is ! yea, what a religious world ! O keep my heart pure, and my garments unfpotted from the .vornl ! Our conference ended on Friday with a comfortable intercefnon. Lord's-day 29. This was a day of peace, and the Lord favoured me with faith and energy whi:e preaching to the people. I vifited Mr. IV. who is going to England ; but found he had no tafte for fpiritual fubj-cls. Lord, keep me from all fuperfiuity of drei's, and from preaching emp- ty fluff to pleafe the ear, inftead of changing the heart ! Thus has he fulfilled as an hireling his day. We had a very folemn love-feaft to-* dayi ( 127 ) day ; and on Monday my friends and I fet off in the ftage for Neiu-York> where we arrived on Tuefday evening about eight o'clock. We had fome trifling company on the way, who talked much to but little purpofe. My old friends in York were glad to fee me. But I dill fear there is a root of prejudice remaining in the hearts of a few. May the Lord prepare me for all events ! that I may act and fuffer in all things like a Chriftian. Captain W. preached a good fcrmon in the evening. June lft. Considering my bodily weaknefo, and the great fatigue through which I have gone, it feems wonderful that my frame mould fupport it, and be Hill fo capable of duty. My mind is alfo kept in peace. My heart was much drawn out both toward GOD and the people, while preaching this evening from Sam. vii. 12.. But too much of the old fpirit is flill discovera- ble in my few prejudiced friends. Mr. C. net contented with his unkind and abufive letter, is flil! exerting all his unfriendly force. I feel myfelf aggrieved : but patiently commit my caufe to GOD. Therefore, their contention may fubfill amongfl themfelves. I fliall not contend with them. Thurfday 2. In the public exercife of the evening, my heart was warmed with affection for the people. And except a very fmall num- ber of diffatisfied, rcftlefs fpirits, the hearts of the people are generoufly opened towards me. My heart is dill fixed on GOD ; and determined, through grace, both to ferve him, and promote the profperity of his caufe. Friday 3. Chrilt is precious to my believing heart. Bleffed be GOD for this! it is infinitely more to me than the favour of all mankind, and the ( »« ) the poiTeflion of all the earth. The next day my foul was alfo fweetly drawn out in love to GOD ; and found great freedom and happinefs* in meeting the Leaders and the Bands. I told them that the Spirit and Providence of GOD would certainly affix! in purging the fociety 5 that the time would come, when fuch as were in- fincere and half-hearted would have no place amongft us. Lord's-day 5. Attended the old church as ufual, but clearly faw where the gofpel-miniftry was. The Spirit of grace mercifully ailifted me in the public duties of this day. . On Monday I preached with great plainnefs and power in the Meadows ; but while jpreaching on Tuefday evening, my ideas left me, though I felt myfelf Spirited in addreiTmg the people by way of ex- hortation. Wednefday 8. The fire of divine love glow- ed in my heart. My foul was in peace. My affections were pure, and withdrawn from earth- ly objects, But I fear, left felf-complacency ihould have any place in me. May the Lord keep me in the fpirit of humility, prayer, and loving zeal ! Thurfday 9. While reading a fermon of Mr. Brandon's on Quench not tfie Spirit, in company with a few friends, both they and I were much quickened. BlelTed be God ! my foul is kept in peace, and power, and love. Had great li- berty this evening in pointing out the caufes why we have not more of the fpirit of devotion — neglect or dulnefs in prayer — too much hearr- attention to the world — the want of more faith in the realities of eternity, and the promifes of GOD — not looking more earnellly to GOD, in humble er.ptclathn of receiving his grace, &c. Lord's-day ( **? ) Lord's-day 12. Both my body ami mind are weak. As Mr. R. was thought by many to be a great preacher, I went in the afternoon to hear him. He was very ftiff and ftudied in his com- pofition, and dwelt much on their favourite doc- trine of imputed righteoufnefs. He appeared to have very little liberty, except in a ihort applica- tion. With great enlargement of heart, I fpoke in the evening from thefe words, 1 If they hear not Mcfes and the prophets y neither ivill they be per- fuaded though one rofe frt?n the dead. In meeting the fociety at night, I fpoke plainly of fome who neglect their bands and claries j and informed them that we took people into our focietics, that we might help them to become entire Chriftians ; and if they wilfully neglected thofe meetings, they thereby withdrew themfelves from our care and afliilance. The next day many people at- tended the preaching at the Meadows. Tuefday 14. My heart feems wholly devoted to God, and he favours me with power over all outward and inward fin. My affections appear to be quite weaned from all terreltrial objects. Some people, if they felt as I feel at prefent, would perhaps conclude they were laved from all in- dwelling fin. O my God, fave me and keep me every moment of my life ! The next day my foul was under heavy exercifes, and much troubled by manifold temptations ; but (till,, all my care was call on the Lord. I find it hurtful to pore too much on rhyfelf. True, I fliould be daily em- ployed in the duty of felf -examination, and ft rich- ly attend both to my internal and external con- duct ; but at the fame time my foul ihould ftea- dily fix the eye of faith on the bleffed J. J fus, my mediator and advocate at the right hand of the eternal Father, Lord, caufe thy face to mine up- on ( x 3° ) on me °, and make me always joyful in thy falva- tion. Thurfday 16. My foul was more and more de- lighted in GOD. I felt myfelf uneafy to-day on account of riding out, though I was confcious it was intended for my health. Yet to fome it might have the appearance of pleafuring, and en- courage them to fsek their carnal pleafure in fuch- things-. Saturday 1 8. The Lord was my helper j and my mind was in peace. Lord's-day 19. This was a bleffed and delight- ful day to my foul. The grace of GOD was eminently with me in all my public duties. Heard Mr. E. at St. Paul's church preach from thefe words, Put on the new many which after Gcd is created in righteoufnefs and true ho/inefs. He fpoke well on man's fallen ftate, and the new creation : and brought good reafons to prove that we mull be renewed in order to dwell with GOD. But he did not infill on the neceffity of repentance and faith in order to obtain this change. m Monday 20. Mr. 5. Mr. TV. and Mr. T. bore' me company as far as Kings-bridge, on my way to Ntw-Rochelle. Was much indifpofed when 1^ reached the houfe of my friend Mr. D. never- thelefs, thought it my duty to preach to the peo- ple. The Lord is doing fomething for feverai - fouls in this place. Though they have had but very few fermons for twelve months,yet the clafs- is lively and engaged with GOD. Thurfday 23. After preaching as often as I could to many people who attended at New-Rcch- elfe, I fet off for Torh y and was met at Kings- bridge by Mr. 5. and Mr. J. But on my arrival in the city I found myfelf very unwell, and had a painful, refdefs night. Friday ( »3i ) Friday 24. Found myfelf better •, and wss much refrefhed by letters from Mr. L. and Mr. S — v in Maryland. But one of thefe letters in- formed me that Mr. S — e was very officious in ad- miniftering the ordinances. What ftrange in- fatuation attends that man ! Why will he run be- fore Providence ? Saturday 25. My fever was very high laft eve- ning, fo I took an emetic this morning. I found liberty in my own foul, and great meltings a- mongll the people, while preaching on the Lord's day. Though my diforder has a tendency to op- prefs my fpirits, yet, blefTed be GOD ! I am fa- voured with power to conquer every fpirirual foe ; and my heart is fomttimes wonderfully railed as on the wings of faith and love. Monday 27. R. S. who accompanied me a few miles into the country to-day, was very near be- ing drowned. Re went into a ftream of water to wafh his horfe and chaife, but accidentally got out of the horfe's depth, and they muft all have been unavoidably loft, had not two men fwam in and dragged them to the fhore. Thus the Lord preferveth both man and beaft. I went to bed this evening in much pain, and had an uncom- fortable night. Tuefday 28. Many of my. good friends kindly vifited me to-day ; and in the afternoon I took another emetic. My heart is fixed on GOD, as the belt of objects, but pants for more vigour and a permanent, folemn fenfe of GOD. Rofe the next morning at five, though very weak, and fpent a great part of the day in reading and wri- ting. Many people attended the public worfhip in the evening, though 1 was but juft able to give them a few words of exhortation. Seeing the people fo defirous to hear now I am unable to fay ( *p- ) fay much to fhem, Satan tempts me to murmur- ing and difcontent. May the Lord fill me with perfect refignation ! Thurfday 3c. My body was very weak and fweated exceedingly. If I am the Lord's, why am I thus ? But in his word he hath told me, If I be without chqftifement y then am la bajlard and not a/on. O that this affliction may work in me, the peaceable fruits of internal and univerfal Tighteoufnefs ! An attempt to fpeak a little in ex- hortation this evening, greatly augmented my diforder. Friday July -1. In prayer to day with J. B. 'a foldier in the 23d regiment, the Lord greatly re- frefhed and ftrengthened my foul My mind was ilrongly impreiTed with a perfuafion, that GOD, through mercy, would reitore me to health. If fo, I am determined, by his afliftance, to be more than ever intent on promoting his caufe and his glory. Gave an exhortation at night, and met the leaders : but the next day I was much indif- pofed ; neverthelefs, I fpent part of my time in reading the afflicted condition of the Walden- fes, when fo wickedly perfecuted by the Dominic- cms ; with the rife of thofe brutifh men, Lord's-day 3. Poor Mr. H. came to me in great difcrefs. He is a native of Stovubridge, where, as he fuppofes, he has a wife now living ; and he has been fo unwatchful as to fuffer his affections to (tray. May the Lord deliver him out of this dangerous fnare of Satan ! If not, he may be un- done ! I fpoke with freedom this morning from Job x. 2. and fpent part of the day in reading of the holy war which was carried on againft the JValdenfes and Albigenjes^ by the devil, the pope, and their emiflaries. Though my body is ftill weak, my foul is ftrong in the Lord, and joyful in ( 133 ) in his falvation. And at night I was able to preach with fpirit, and found myfelf happy in addreiTing a large and attentive audience. Monday 4. I fpent part of this day in vifiting a few friends, and found my heart much united to /. 5. a mufician of the 23d regiment. Was much better to night than I had been for fome time, and enjoyed a good night's reft. Tuefday 5. In reading the life of Calvin, it appeared that many in his day, had oppofed the doctrine of predeitination •, and all who oppofed it were fpoken of by him and his followers, as bad men. My fever returned this evening, and it was a painfulj reftlefs night. But the will of the Lord be done ! Though he flay me, yet will I truih him ! Found very great laflitudeof body the next day alfo *, but my foul hungered and thi riled for more of GOD. In reading Clark's life of Or I felt a ftrong defire to imitate that great and good man, as far as he went right. Thurfday 7. My diforder was much abated, and I had power to fpeak plainly and pointedly to both faints and finners. Lord's-day 10. My bodily weaknefs has been fuch, for a few days pad, as to prevent my officia- ting much in public j however, 1 ventured to preach twice to-day, but in the evening was 10 weak that I could fcarce iland in the pulpit ; but while preaching on the parable of the prodigal fon, the Lord greatly refrefhed and ftrengthened me j though I went to bed very ill at night. Sa- tan tempted me to-day, to think much of my gifts. Alas ! what poor creatures we are ; and to w dangers are we expofed ! What are all our gifts, unlefs they anfwer fome good purpofe ? IJnlefs properly improved, they neither make us holier nor happier. We have nothing but what we hav,- M received ; ( '34 ) received ; and urJefs we are humble in the poi- feilion of them, they only make us more like de- vils, 2nd more fit for Hell — How wonderfully is the language and behaviour of Mr. L. changed towards me. Before, I was every thing that was h^d. But now all is very good. This is a mif- take : my doclrine and preaching are the fame ; and fo is my manner. But fuch is the deceitful- nefs of the man. His favourite Mr. is now gone. Had I preached like an archangel it would have been to no purpofe, while I thought it my duty to oppofe him. Monday 1 1. My foul is notfo intenfely devoted to GOD as I would have it ; though my defires for more fpintuality are very llrong. Lord, when {hall my poor heart be as a rifing, aclive, holy fiame ? BlefTed be GOD I my illnefs is more moderate to-day, than it has been for fome days pad. On Wednefday, a letter from S. 0. in- formed me that the houfe in Baltimore was then ready to be inclofed. He alfo expreiTed a great defire to perfevere. May the Lord give him grace fo to do. Thurfday 14. My mind is in peace. I have now been lick near ten months ', and many days clofely confined. Yet I have preached about three hundred times, and rode near two thoufand miles in that time : though very frequently in a high fever. Here is no eafe, worldly profit, or honour. "What then, but the defire of plea fing GOD and ferving fouls, could ftimulate to fuch laborious and painful duties ? O that my labour may not be in vain ! that the Lord may give me to fee fruit of thefe weak, but earned endeavours, many days hence ! After preaching this evening with fome warmth of heart, I was very clofe and pointed in meeting the feciety. Saturday ( >35 ) Saturday 16. My heart was much taken up with GOD. Letters from my dear friends. Mr. F. and Mr. R. gave me great fatisfaftion. In meeting the band-fociety, I (hewed them the pof- fibility of ufmg all the means, and without finceri- ty and fpirituality, they might {till be deftitute of true religion. Monday 18. The Lord affifted me in yefler- day's duties ; and he is the keeper and comforter of my foul to-day. A poor unhappy young wo- man, who had abandoned herfelf to the devil and wicked men, being at the point of death, and expecting to go (hortly and render an account of herfelf to GOD, fent for me to vilither. I felt fome reluctance ; but confidering the danger her foul was in, thought it my duty to go. She was very attentive while I fpoke plainly to her, and made prayer to GOD in her behalf — Strange in- fatuation ! that men will not feriouily think of preparing for death, till it comes upon them ! If we were Cure of dying in a few hour?, mod men would think it their duty to labour for a prepara- tion : but when no man is fure of living a tew hour3, very few think feriouily about it. So docs the god of this world blind the minds of man- kind ! Thurfday 21. My heart enjoys great freedom, with much peace and love both towards GOD and man. Lord, ever keep me from all fin, and increafe the graces of thy Holy Spirit in my foul. A letter from Mr. R, brought melancholy ti» dings of A, W. Alas for that man ! He has been ufeful, but was puffed up and fo fell into the fnare of the devil. My heart pitied him ; but I fear he died a backflider. Lord's-day 24. Ended the parable of the pro- digal ion. Docs it r,ot appear from this parable, that ( i3« ) that Tome, who, comparatively fpeaking, have all iheir life-time endeavoured to pleafe GOD, and are entitled to all his purchafed, communicative bleflings, are neverthelefs not favoured with fuch rapturous fenfations of divine joy as fome others — I remember when I was a fmall boy and went to fchool, I had ferious thoughts, and a par- ticular fenfe of the being of a GOD ; and great- ly feared both an oath and a lie. At twelve years of age the Spirit of GOD drove frequently and powerfully with me : but being deprived of pro- per means and expofed to bad company, no ef- fectual impreffions were left on my mind. And, though fond of what fome call innocent diverfi- onSj I abhorred fighting and quarreling : when any thing of this fort happened, I always went home difpleafed. But I have been much grieved to think that fo many Sabbaths were idly fpent, which might have been better improved. How- ever,wicked as my companions were, and fond as I was of play, I never imbibed their vices. When between thirteen and fourteen years of age, the Lord graciouily vifited my foul again. I then found myfelf more inclined to obey ; and care- fully attended preaching in Weft-Bromwick ; fo that I heard Stillingjleety Bagnel> Ryland, Anderfon, Mansfield, and Talbott, men who preached the truth. I then began to watch over my inward and outward conduct ; and having a defire to hear the Method'ifis, I went to Wednejbury, and heard Mr. F. and Mr. /. but did not underiland them, though one of their fubjects is frefh in my memory to this day. This was the firft of my hearing the Methodijls. After that, another per- fon went with me to hear them again : the text was, The time will come when they will not endure found dotlrine. My companion was cut to the heart, ( '37 ) heart, but I was unmoved. The next year Mr. M — r came into thofe parts. I was then about fifteen ; and young as I was, the word of GOD foon made deep impreiTions on my heart, which brought me to Jefus Chnft, who graciouily juili- fied my guilty foul through faith in his precious blood : and foon {hewed me the excellency and neceflity of holinefs. About fixteen I experienced a marvellous difplay of the grace of GOD, which fome might think was full fancliiication ; and wa3 indeed very happy though in an ungodly family, At about feventeen I began to hold fome public meetings ; and between feventeen and eighteen began to exhort and preach. When about twen- ty-one I went through Stafford/hire and Gloucefter- fiire, in the place of a travelling preacher ; and the next year through Bedfird/hire, Suftex, &c. In 1769 I was appointed afliftant in Northampton- JJjire ; and the next year travelled in Wiltjhire. September 3, 1 77 1, I embarked for America, and for my own private fatisfaction, began to keep an imperfect journal. To-day Dr. O. preached a pertinent difcourfe on the ihortnefs of time. The Lord favoured me with great liberty in the evening, while preaching to a large congregation from Gen. xix. 17. And I was enabled to fpeak plainly and clofely in meeting the fociety at night. Tuefday 26. My foul is in peace. But I long to be more fpiritual — to be wholly devoted to GOD. Some circumftances make me fear that we have a few bad characters in the fociety here. Thefe are the people that injure the caufe of GOD. Like Judas they betray the Lord with a kifs. It is not eaiy to conceive how fuch characters counteract the mod faithful preach- ing. M 2. I *s« ) ing. If their conduct is not fully known to the preachers, it is fo known to many of their ac- quaintances; that Satan takes the offered advan- tage, and hardens the hearts of many againfl all the power of religion. Of all characters, that of a defi gning fniner under the fair appearance of re- ligion, is the mod: odious. O that the Lord may ftrip all fuch unfound profeflbrs, in every place, of their covering ; and fhew them to his fervants in their own proper colours, that 1/rael may be able to put away the accurfed thing from among them \ and fo increafe both in ftrength •dnd number. Wednefday 27. I rofe early this morning to fee my Chriflian brethren, the foldiers, go eff^ but was much affected at parting with thofe wor- thy men, /. S. and L B. May the Lord go with them ! Thurfday 28. The Lord {hews me the fnares of Satan, and enables me to avoid them. He favours me with the light of his countenance, and fills me with holy love. Surely we (land in jeopardy every hour! This day the thunder and lightning (truck four people dead on the fpot. Awful icene I And will man Hill venture to be carelefs and, wicked ? I made fome improve- ment on the fubjeel in the evening. Friday 29. I rofe unwell this morning, and received a melancholy account — that the daugh- ter of I. S. was beat over-board. Poor man ! He has loft both his children by going to fea. I was much bleft at interceflion to-day, but fhut up in preaching at night. My foul is determin- ed to iive more to GOD. Lord's-day 3:. We had a feeling time this morning while I preached from Pfalms 1. 13. After the various duties of the day, I met the fociety, ( »39 ) fociety, and (hewed them the utility of our eco- nomy, the advantages of union, and the fearful end of leaving our fellovvfhip. Auguft i. Some of my good friends accom- panied me as far as King's- bridge, on my way to Neiv-Roche/Ie. I vifited my little flock with feme fatisfaclion. Here are fome of the offspring of. the French Pretermits, who, on account of ttair religion, fled from Rochelle in France. And GOD has mercifully remembered them unto the third and fourth generation. I have great difcoveries of my defe&s and weaknefles. My foul is not fo fleadily and warm- ly devoted to the Lord, as it might be. Lord, help me, and fupply me with grace always. In preaching from Ephefians ii. 12, 13. I had great freedom. It feems ftrange, that fometimes after much premeditation and devotion, I cannot ex- prefs my thoughts with readinefsand perfpicuityj whereas at other times, proper fenrences of fcrip- turc and apt expreffions occur without care or much thought. Surely this is of the Lord, to convince us that it is not by power or might, but by his Spirit the work mun be done. Neverthe- lefs, it is doubtlefs our duty to give ourfelves to prayer and meditation, at the fame time depend- ing entirely on the grace of GOD, as if we had made no preparation. Rofe early the next morn- ing, but found myfelf weak both in body and mind. In this tabernacle I groan earneilly, de- filing to be clothed upon with the houfe which is from heaven. My foul longs to fly to GOD, that it may be ever with him. O happy day, that {hall call a poor exile home to his Father's houfe ! But I muii check the impetuous current of de- fire, for it is written, He that bdieveth Jhall mi make hajle. After preaching to a large auditory in ( 140 ) in the evening at P. B.'s, I reded in peace. Vft fited Mr. B. a partial friend, the next day, and had ibme ferious, weighty converfation with him. I then went to Mr. D — 's very unwell, and in trou- ble and pain fpoke from Job xxi. 15. After a very reftlefs night, I rofe the next morning much indifpofed, and was obliged to go to bed again* However, on Friday 5, I fet off for New-Tork ; and there met with W. W — /. Saturday 6. My mind is calm and comforta- ble, but grieved by the imprudence of fome, and the loofe conduct of a few others. Though much afflicted, I met the band-leaders and body-bands, and we had a fingular blefling. Lord's-day 7. We had a folemn, happy love- feaft. Though very, weak, I made out to preach in the evening with fome enlargement of heart — Brother W. has much courage in preaching. Tuefday 9. My foul was affaulted by trials cf a very fevere kind : but the Lord was my keeper. I have been reading Newton on the prophecies.. He is pretty clear in his views, and affords a good key for many paffages ; but confines himfelf too much to the literal meaning of the Revelation. Wednefday 10. My frame is much afflicted. But it is worfe to be afflicted in mind by the mif- conduct of profeffors. It grieves me much to fee the deceit of a few perfons who have crept in among!! us. It is a thoufand pities that fuch, whofe hearts are not right with GOD, mould ever thruft themfelves in amongft the people of GOD. They are too apt to make all they are connected with as a rope of fand. I clearly fee that profeffors who are rotten at heart, are a hin- drance and curfe to the reft. May the Lord throughly purge his floor ! Wednefday ( Mi ) Wednefday 10. I was very low, but met my i\ clafs and preached in the evening. There ap- peared to be but little depth of religion in the clafs. It is a great folly to take people into fo- ciety before they know what they are about. What fome people take for religion and fpiritual life, is nothing but the power of the natural paf- fions. It is true, real religion cannot exift with- out peace, and love, and joy. But then real re- ligion is real holinefs. And all fenfations with- out a itrong difpofition for holinefs, are but de~ lufive. Thurfday 1 1. My foul is in peace ; and longs to be more devoted to GOD. My heart was en- larged and happy in exhorting the people this evening. Friday 12. This was a day of trouble and de- je&ion of mind. But committing my caufe to GOD by faith and prayer, I have a hope that he will always (land by and deliver me. My foul was greatly ftraitened in public fpeaking. I re- ceived feveral letters to-day ; fome of which re- vived my fpirits ; but one from Mr. R. gave me pain. Satan makes ufe of all his cunning and tricks. But the Lord will rebuke him. My du- ty is clear — to bear all things patiently, and fi- lently commit my caufe to GOD. Even in this city there are feme reftlefs minds, who are not much difpofed to fpiritual union. Going into the pulpit this evening, I found an inflammatory letter without a name. My trials are multiplied and weighty : but glory to GOD ! he ftrengthens and comforts me by an abundant manifeftation of his love. O, how is my foul taken up with GOD ! He is all in all to me ! And if he is for me, I need not care who is againil me. Lord's- ( U% ) Lord's-day 14. Mr. P — y vifited and dinecf with the rector to day, and what the event will be, I know not. Attending at church, as ufual, I heard Dr. blow away on, This is the day that the Lord hath made. He makes a ftrange medley of his preaching ; though he delivers many good things, yet for want of fome arrangement of his ideas, all appears to be incoherency and confu- lion. The Spirit of the Lord was with me, while declaring his counfel to a large, liflening audience. O that I could bring them to the arms of Chrifl by thoufands ! Monday 15. 1 felt fome conviction for deep- ing too long ; and my mind was troubled on ac- count of a converfation which had paft between Mr. R. Mr. S. and myfelf. But the great Search- er of hearts knoweth my intentions, and to him I fubmit all future events. Mr. L. waited on Mr. P—y, and told him he appeared to be more taken up in reading Mr. Berridge's Chrijlian world unma/kedy than the bible. Mr. Berridge kept his room, in a very gloomy ftate of mind, about 5 years ago •, and now he is come forth with his fa- cetious pen to dictate to the Chriftian world. But Mr. Fletcher in his fifth check, has fully anfwered all his witty arguments. Mr. Berridge was a good man, no doubt, but unfortunately drank deep in- to the principles of Antinomianifm. Wednefday 17. My mind is free ; and my foul delighteth in GOD. He taketh fuch pofiefSon of my heart, as to keep out all defrre for created objects. In due time, I humbly hope, through Jeius Chrilt, to enter into the full fruition. O bieffcd diy, when my foul (hall be fwallowed up in GOD ! and found E. D. in diftrefs of foul. This is an agreeable family, and the children are both affectionate and obedient to their parents. I hope {he ( 147 ) fhe and the reft of them will become true Chrifti- ans, and be finally bound up in the bundle of life. I preached from 2 Tim. iv. 2. and many ftrangers were prefent. Satan is frequently affaulting me with his temptations, but the Lord enables me to difcover and refill his firft attacks. Tuefday 20. Chrift was precious. At P. B.'s I fpoke too plainly for fome who were prefent. The next evening at F. D.'s we had a heart-affeclinj; time ; and I truft it will not be forgotten by all. Thurfday 22. The Lord has graciouily vifited E. D. and turned all her mourning into joy. Her foul is happy in the love of GOD. May the Lord carry on his work of grace through this family, and neighbourhood ; turning all their hearts unto himfelf. The power of GOD was prefent in the congregation to-night, while I took my leave for a feafon from Ifa. Ixvi. 2. Friday 23. I fet off for New-Tork, and met fome of my good friends at Kingjlridge. They brought me a letter from T. R. who thought himfelf injured ; but I am determined to drop all difpures as fir as polTible. Mr. P—y is going on in Tork with his Antinomianifm unmafked. How prone is man to do what is wrong ! And what watchfulnefs and diligence are neceflary for a man to be right both in fentiment and practice ! Lord's-day 25. According to the particular requeft of lifter G. I preached her funeral fermon from Ifaiah xlix. 10. She had been brought up a Calvinift \ but when fhe found peace with GOD, fhe renounced all her Calviniftic prin- ciples, which (lie faidhad been a check to her in- riuftry in feeking the Lord. In the time of her Vaft ilhiefs, fhe manifefted a great degree of pa- tience, and cxpreffed a ftrcng define for intire pu- rity of heart. A little before her death, fhe was ; filled ( MS ) ailed with perfect love ; and fecmed to want more (Irength and language to praife GOD. However, fhe did it to the uttermoft cf her power. Monday 26. My foul is fweetly drawn out. after GOD, and fatisfied with him as afufficient portion. But Ch ! how I long to be more fpi-- ritual. " Come and poiTcfs me whole, " Nor hence again remove ; " Settle, and fix my wav'iing foul,, « With A-LL thy weight of love." Thurfday 29. W. L. gave me an account of the manner of Mr. ic.'s treating him, becaufe he would not go to Sheneflady. But my mind h> bent on loving GOD, and doing his will in all things. I have had frequent cails of late to vifit the lick. May it prove a blefling both to them and me! My heart was warm while addrefling the congregation this evening, and I hope it was* not labour loll. At 2 o'clock in the night, we were al! alarmed by a fire which burned down a hcufe in Peck-Slip. What a refemblance of the general judgment I But, if the cry of fire alarms us, how much more mall we be alarmed by the archangeL's trump ! When all the ungodly {hail have ten thoufand times more caufe to fear, than the lofs of houfes, and goods, and life ; how will they endure the cutting anguifh ? But they are after the flefh ; therefore they mind the things of- :he flefh, and them only. Lord's-day Ocl. 2. Though I have lately heard feveral preachers of fome fame. I am fully of the opinion that there is room enough for us to preach repentance, faith, and all the work of GOD on the foul of man. They ahnoit leave this field en- tirely ( X49 ) tirely our own. We had a folemn love-feaft to- day : though fome impofed on us who will not meet in clafs. Monday 3. My foul was in peace, but afTaulted by Satan. The next day Mr. P. fent for me, and requefted permiffion to preach in our houfe. I told him that as he had refufed it at firft, our people did not take it well. Wednefday 5. Irofe early this morning, and found my foul devoted to GOD. But it troubles my mind that I am not more fo. Lord, come and fave me now, with al4 thy great and glorious fsl* vation ! O, haften the time ! «• Jefu, fee my panting breaft ; " See, I pant in thee to reft ! " Gladly would I now be clean; « Cleanfe me now from every fin." Friday 7. Mr. P— v had appointed to preach in our houfe, and a very large congregation at- tended on the occafion. He fpoke on the chafl" and wheat from Matt. hi. 1 2. \ and perhaps felt himfelf under fome obligation to come as near to our doctrine as his principles would admit of ; and thereby gave tolerable fatisfaction. Saturday 8.< My heart was enlarged towards GOD. I faw a letter from Mr. iV filled with his ufual foftnefs. Poor man ! he feems blind to his own conduct. We had a very happy time in meeting the bands this evening. : LordVday 9. The Lord aflifted me in my public exercifes both morning and night •, and going to church to-day as ufual, I heard a ftranger preach \ but he was a workman that needed to be aihamed. Attended Mr. P— y, on Monday, and found him very afFeaionate. The elders of N 2 the ( '5° ) the French church wept over hirr^ with much tendernefs. Several friends, with myfelf, con- cluded him aciofs the river: then, after finging a parting hymn, he prayed very feelingly, and we took our leave of each other. I afterwards went to preach in the fewamp, where we had many people and a good time. Tuefday 11. Laft night my foul was greatly troubled for want of a clofer walk with GOD. Lord, how long (hall I mourn and pray, and not experience all that my foul longeth for ! And this clay my mind is in nearly the fame frame. Wednefday 12. The Lord blefled me with great peace. L M. brought a letter from Nfiu- Ruhelle, containing an agreeable account ci the work of GOD there. With much enlargement of heart, I preached to-night from 1 Kings xix. 11.; and hope it was made a biefling to many Y re Cent. Thurfday 13. My foul is not to intenfely fraid on GOD as it might be. O, that he would bring me nearer to hirnfelf •, and fo transform me into his divine likenef&; that there may be no iiiverfity of will 5 but that it may be my meat and drink to promote his glory from moment to moment in all I do ! I had much company in the courfe of this day. Friday 14. My heart was much devoted to GOD. But having been here now four months, preaching or exhorting every day, and .twice on the Lord's-day, be fides fo.cietV meetings ; it feems to be too much for both the people and the preacher. We have now move unity in the fo- ciety here than we have had for fome time pail- 13ut we want more of the life and power of reli- gion arnongit us. Lord's-day ( 15' ) Lord's-day 16. Yefterday Satan aflaulted me powerfully ; but the Lord was my keeper : fo that I may with great propriety adopt the language of the poet, " In all my temptations he keeps me to prove " His utmoft falvation, his fulncfs of love."' This day the Spirit of grace aflifled me in my public exercifes. Mr. S. T. once a filverfmith of this city, preached a good fermon at church \ though his voice was fo low that he could fcarce be heard. Monday 17. Many people attended preaching in the Swamp j and my foul was greatly bleiTed in the difcharge of my duty. But Oh ! my heart is bowed down within me ; and 1 feel flrongly de- termined to be more watchful and diligent in pleafing GOD. Tuefday 18. My heart was much taken up with GOD. I drank tea this afternoon with an old Moravian, who belonged to their fraternity in Fetter -lane, at the time when Mr. We/ley was fo intimate with them. Wednefday 19. Capt. TV. informed me by letter, the houfe in Baltimore was fo far finiihed that he had preached in it. With great liberty and fatisfaction, I both met clafs and preached in the evening ; and feel more encouragement to hope for the people here. Thurfday 20. Notwithstanding all my griev- ous temptations, GOD is (till the object of my faith, my hope, my love, my joy. O that he may fill me always with filial fear, and give me grace to die to all but him ! My foul abounds with fweet peace*, and an exhortation which I gave this ( '52 ) this evening, was made a blefling, I truft, to fe- veral that heard it. Friday 21. A folemn, comfortable fenfe o£ GOD retted on my mind, and he has kept me from what I hate. And though Satan made fome attempts upon my foul, yet the Lord gave me power to withitand him. The next day we had a refreshing time in band-meeting. Lord's-day 23. Dr. M. from D. preached to-day at church on fellowfhip with GOD. He fpoke well on the fubject, as far as it relates tc* the fruits and effects of the Spirit ; but was de- ficient in refpect to the witnefs, fuppofing that : fome may be in favour with GOD, and not know it. Our carnal hearts are too prone to draw deftrudtive conclufions from fuch a doc- trine as this. Dr. O. as ufual, made a mighty- clutter in the pulpit about Ncah\ ark. Our con» gregation was large, and we were not left with- out a blefling. Monday 24. I (till look to Jefus, the author and finifher of my faith, and truft in him for jfupplies of firength and confolation. But oh! when (hall my attention be fo fixed, that nothing may divert it a fmgle moment from its beloved object ! We are informed that three of our preachers are coming over from England, and. that we may look for them every day. " Tuefday 25. This morning my fpirit wreftled with principalities and powers;, but in the duty of prayer the Lord delivered me. After preach- ing at night from Matt. xxiv. 12. a man from Morr'ijloivn came to me, to enquire into my principles; and told me the Lord was bringing fouls to himfelf in his neighbourhood, and that 'more than ico were converted there. • ' Wednefday C 1*3 ) Wednefday 26. My foul is in peace, but Jlongs. to be more fpiritual. After meeting a clafs ^ and preaching in the evening, 1 found myfelf ... indifpofed with a cold and fever. The next day my diforder continued, attended with a fore throat, fo that it was with difficulty and pain I fpoke to the people, Friday 28. I do not fLuTiciently love GOD> nor live by faith in the fuburbs of heaven. This. gives me more concern than the want of health,. " Tis worfe than death, my QOD to love, " And not my GOD alone.'* I was not able to preach, and obliged to go to bed early ; but could not ileep. On Saturday, as my diforder continued, I felt a ilrong defire for more patience. Mr. J. his wife, and daugh- ter are all very ill ; brought on chiefly through fatigue. Lord's-day 30. I kept clofe houfe till even- ing. And oh ! what happinefs did my foul eiljtakerifm. Thurfday 17. All my dcfir.e was after GOD, and him alone : though my fpirit was grieved by fome involuntary thoughts which crowded in up- on me. But in the midfl of all, there was a calm and fettled peace. Friday 18. Unguarded and trifling converfa- tion has brought on a degree of Tpirituai deadnefs. But by the grace of GOD, I will roufe myfelf, and endeavour to be more watchful and fpiritual in all my ways ; and in all things pleafe him whom my foul loveth far above every other ob- je(ft. Saturday 19. I fet off with an intention to go to Tork, but at the bridge was informed that Mr. D — r had come to the city. Therefore I returned to Mr. B.'s ; and preached twice there the next day, as alfo once at Mr. D.'s : and am perfuaded that the power of GOD attended the word at both places. We have here a fmall clafs of about thirteen perfons, mofl of whom enjoy peace and confolation in Chrift Jefus. I met them on Monday, and we were greatly comfort- ed together. Thurfday 24. My heart is weaned from vi- fibie objecls ; and by grace, raifed to its beft-be- loved above. But oh ! I greatly long for more Tolid, lading union — to be inwardly adorned with all the virtues and graces of evangelical religion. We were this day informed of the death of Mr. O. ( '57 ) O. May the Lord help me to be faithful, left I fhould not live out half my days. I fet off thfc next day for Neiv~York> and met brother 5. at Kings-bridge. When we got within about ten .miles of Tork, we found that about fifteen mi- nutes before, a man had been robbed of his mo- ney and his coat from off his bach. One of the rogues purfued us, but we were too far before him. We reached our church jufl as Mr. D. began to preach. Monday 28. After taking my leave of my good friends in York the lafl evening, from Phil. i. 27. Captain W. and myfelf fet off' this morning for Amboy. We met with a perfon who came a paffenger with us from England, in the charac- ter of a gentleman, by the name of JVilfon, but now he calls himfelf Clark/on % and fince then he has called hi mfelf LavingJIon. He has been ap- prehended for palling a counterfeit bill, for which he was both impriibned and whipped. When he faw me, he knew me and I knew him : but he was in fuch perplexity that he could eat no break- faft, and went off ip the firft waggon he could meet with. To what fears and anxiety are poor finners expofed ! And if the prcfence of a mortal man can itrike fuch terror into the minds of guil- ty finners, what mult they feel when they (land, without a covering, before a heart-fearching and righteous GOD ? On Tuefday we arrived at Bur- JingtoriyVcry weary ; and were faluted with the melancholy news, that two unhappy men were to be hung on the Monday following ; one for bef- tiality, and the other for abufmg feveral young girls in a moil brutim and mocking manner. A- las, for the dignity of human nature ! The next day I vifited them; and found one of them, who was \&apjftj z little attentive ; but hs wanted to O know ( is* ) know if he might not truft for pardon after death. The other was a young man who ap- peared to be quite ftupid. Both Captain W. and I fpoke freely ami largely to them ; though there was very little room to hope fhat the courfeof this affliction I found that when my fpirit was broken, and brought to fubrnit with cheerfulnefs to the will of GOD, then the diforder- abated, and I began, to recover \, though Satan was very bufy, and like Job's impious wife, fug- : gefied to my mind, that I fhould -curfe GOD and- die ; neverthelefs, through grace, I am more than conqueror, and can give glory to GOD. - The gargle which 1 ufed firft, to fcatter, if poffible,: the inflammation, was fage tea,honey, vinegar, and muftard ^ then that which was ufed to accelerate- the gathering, was mallows with a fig cut in pieces :- and laftly, to iirengthen the part, we ufed a gar- gle of fage tea, allum, rofe leaves, and loaf fugar.- On Monday the 30th fome letters came front Baltimore^ earneilly prefiing me to go. And Mr. R. was fo kind as to vifit me; when all was- fweetnefs and love, - Wednesday February 1. I am once more able- to write,, and feel a folemn, grateful fenfe of GOD's goodnefs refling on my foul. My all of body,, foul, and time, are his due j and fhould be devoted, without the lead referve, - to his fervice and glo- ry. O, that he may give me grace fufficient ! Thurfday. I am {till getting better,, but not- able to fpeak in public y though the word of the Lord is like fire within me, and I am aim aft weary . of forbearing. The next day my mind was-tnuch- taken up with GOD, and feveral of my friends- who were fo kind as to vifit me, were melted m- couverfaticn and prayer, Saturday-, ( i«5 ) Saturday 4. My mind was filled with pure, evangelical peace. I had fome converfation with Capt. W. an Ifraelite indeed, and we both con- cluded that it was my duty to go to Baltimore. And I feel willing to go, if it is even to die there *, but, at prefent, am not permitted. I was confined to the houfe all the next day; but oh ! how painful are thefe dumb labbaths to me ! However it is my duty to fubmit to the Provi- dence of a wife GOD. Monday 6. My body is but weak, and my mind is fomewhat diftrefted, left I (hould be too much concerned about the ark of the Lord ; and wifh to take the caufe out of his hand. How frail a creature is man ! Ho*w little can he pene- trate into the defigns and works of GOD ! Tuefday 7. Mr. T — r took me in a chaife to dine with' Mr. R — //and Mr. R — a. My mind is fomewhat troubled with temptations, but ftill I have peace. I am weak in body, and want more patience and refignation to fubmit to the will of GOD, till he is pleated to reftore me. What is life ? Lord, help me to be always ready to end it here ! Wednefday 8. From the (late of my body to-day, I feel great expectation of being rcftored to health. But oh ! how my foul longeth for more fpiritual health ! This clay I wrote to Mr. R. at Baltimore, to come for me. Thurfday 9. My body continues to recover. But I difcover many weakneffes and failures in my inner man. When fhall ray foul be adorned as a bride for her bridegroom ? When fhall all within and all without be holinefs to the Lord ? Notwithstanding my illnefs, I have read Neat's Hiftory of the Puritans, confiding of four vo- lumes, in about two months. Friday ( i« ) Friday io. How great a blefling is health ! Though of late it is but feldom enjoyed by me. But through mercy my body now feels like being reftored ; and I am afraid of being, thereby too much elated. The Lord fhews me the excellen- cy of affliction, and enables me to exercife re- agnation in all conditions of life. I am now reading MvJJjeims eeclcfiaftical hifloryj but as a .writer he is too dry and fpeculaiive. Tuefday 14. My heart pants to labour for GOD — to be once more employed in building up his fpiritual houfe. O, that he may ftrength- en me, fet me to work, and greatly blefs my poor endeavours ! Preaching the glorious gof~ pel -Teems to be ny proper employment-, and when I am long detained from it, I appear to be out of my element. But hope, a biefled hope revives, that before long I (hall be of fome fer- vice in the church of Chrift. Thurfday i<5. My mind has been kept in great peace : but I am fomewhat troubled on ac- count of my defects in ufefulnefs and fpirituali- ty. May the Lord make me more ferious and more fpiritual in all my internal and external actions. And though my mind was much taken up with GOD on Friday, yet I was too free in converfation. My earned defire is, to have full power over every thought, word, and action. I now ventured to preach from Pialm exxvi. 3. The Lord hath dene great things for ns, whereof ive are glad. R, S. wrote me a letter with his ufual kindnefs; and informed me that Mr. D* concurred in fentiment relative to my ■ going to Baltimore. And it is thought by many, tha£ there will be an alteration in the affairs of our church-government. Lord's- day ( i<57 ) Lord's-day 19. Mr. R. preached his farewell fermon from Dcut. xxx. 19. He has now been, 'here ten months. Monday 20. Mo ft of this day was fpent in private devotion and reading. I am full of hum- ble expectation that the Lord will reftore me to better health and greater ufefulnefs. May my eye be fingle, aiming at nothing but the glory of 4 GOD, that my whole body may be full of light. Wednefday 23. I received a letter from Mifs G. at Antigua : in which (lie informed me, that Mr. G'. was going away ; and as there are about 300 members in fociety, (he intreats me to go and labour amongit them. And as Mr. Wejlej has given his confent, I feel inclined to go, and lake one of the young men with me. But there is one obftacle in my way — the adminiilration of the ordinances. It is pofhble to get the ordina- tion of a prefbytery ; but this would be incom- patible with Methodifm : which would be an ef- fectual bar in my way. It appears very ilrange, that after fo much affliction, my heart mould be fo languid and dull. This day Mr. R n fet off for New-Tot-h. Thurfday 24. Mr. R / and Mr. R a came to town. I preached in the evening from Rom. i. 16. I am not afiamed of the go/pel of Chnft, &C And (hewed, fifty Of what he was not afhamed- — the experience, precepts, and bleflin-gs of the gofpel — to preach it in hs purity —to fuller for it. Secondly, Why he was not afhamed of this — Becaufe it is the power of GOD to falvation from the guilt, power, and remains of fm— the power of GOD is difplayed in preaching the fimple truths of the gofpel. Thirdly, To whom it became fo-— to them that ..believe, firft the threatenings, precepts, and in- vitations < i« ) vitations ; and then in Jefus Chrift for this pre- fent falvation. Saturday 26. I packed up my clothes in or- der to depart on Monday morning for Baltimore. And while giving a few words of exhortation in the evening, we found it a folemn, feeling time We alfo had a very powerful feafon the next evening, while I preached to a full houfe on the awful fubjecl: of the rich man and Lazarus. Monday 28. My dear children in the Lord, p. R. and S. O. with feveral other kind friends, accompanied me out of town. We (lopped at Cheflei-y where I preached from thefe piercing words of our Lord, Thou knoivejl not the day of thy vifitatUn. There are but little hopes of this place at prefent. Though, if they do not fill up the meafure of their iniquity, the time to favour them may come. The Lord haflen it, before the prefent generation drops into eternity ! As it is fome time fince I have been accuftomed to labour and fatigue, my body was exceedingly weak and weary at night. Tuefday 29. Stopping at Wilmington to preach in the evening, a barber came to (have me, who once proferTed religion, and had been a foldier in the 23d regiment; but now he is a deferter both from GOD and man. On our way to Suf- quehannah the next day, we accidentally called on Mr. /. H. whofe heart was much affected while we prayed with him and his family. When we came to the ferry, we had an agreeable time, feveral joining us while wc called on the Lord by prayer in our room. Thurfday March 2. "We called at the houfe of Mr. J. D. and refted about an hour. Sifter D, has treated me with all the tendernefs of a mother towards a fon : and may he that will not forget ( «<*9 ) forget a cup of water given in his name, abun- dantly reward her ! We then purfued our jour^ hey tp Baltimore ; and my heart was greaily re- freihed at the fight of my fpiritual children and kind friends there, for whole welfare my foul had travailed both prefent and abfent. The next day I had the pleafure of feeing our new houfe, and my old friends with fome new ones added to their number. Here are all my own with in- creafe ! Lord's-day 5. Both in town and at the Point t large numbers attended to hear the word. The power of GOD was prefent i and I had an in- ward witnefs that it was the will of GOD, I fhould at that time be amongfl thofe people. N, I. is come home to GOD, and R. M. is on his way. Monday 6. My mind was peaceful and calm. The next day I fet out in a carriage for Mr. T.'s about nine miles from town, and found a large congregation, many of whom came from I fidgf. On Wednefday I returned to town, and was powerfully aflaulted by Satan. But' glory to GOD ! He is my fun and my (hie Id : he difco- vers to my mind the temptations, and keeps mc from their power. May I ever feel my obliga- tions, and delight in giving all my ftrength anil time to his fervice. Thurfday 9. My fpiritwas grieved within mc, to fee the wickednefs of mankind in this town — to fee how they oppofe the truth of GOD. The power of Satan is only checked in a (mall de- gree : but when fnall he be quite call out ? Before he will furTer his kingdom to be entirely over- thrown, he will, no doubt, do all he can in ftirr.u- Jating his trufty fervants to defend his caufe. Preaching on Friday at W, L.'s y the wealthy Mr. ' p an. { '7° ) C. R. was prefent. And who csn te*l but the Lord may reach his heart ? Saturday n. My body is fomewhat unwell; but my foul is in health and peace. Though I have fome caufe of lamentation, for being too free in converfation with my friends. Lord's-day 12. Much of the power of GOD was felt at the Point ; and a divine energy went forth amongfl the people at night in town, while I difcourfed from that awakening fcripture Ro- mans ii. 8,9, 10. But unto them that are conten- tious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteouf- iiefS) indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguijh, upon every foul of man that doeth evil, &c. Chrift was precious to my foul, r which was filled with divine peace. I faw brother S. and entered in- to a free converfation with him. His fentiments relative to Mr. R. correfponded with mine. But •all thefe matters I can fiiently commit to COD, who over-rules both in earth and heaven. Monday 13. After preaching at O. C.'s about live miles from town, in a comfortable frame of mind, I returned. The next day I parted with brother 5. and felt my mind deprefled by tempta- tions. But a holy flame glowed in my heart, while difcourfing at night on the cloud of witnef- fes. Believing that fome fouls were benefited, I commended myfelf to the divine protection, and ilept in peace. Though it rained on Thurfday evening, yet many attended while I enforced the apoftolic injunction, Let us lay afide every weight, and the fin which doth fo eafdy befet us. It is to be feared that many Chriftians do not lay afide every weight which impedes their fpiritual progrefs. If they did, they would not halt and go on as if .they were weary ; but be enabled to run, and that fwiih patience, the j ace that is let before them. Friday ( i7i ) Friday. The glory of GOD and the falvation of men were my principal objects. I went to preach at the Point, but they were training the militia, fo that the town feemed all in confu- fion. Saturday 18. Peace and pure dc fires filled my foul ; and Chrill was the object of my love. Glory be to thee, O Lord. The next day the Spirit of the Lord GOD was with me in preach- ing at the Point ; and with great pathos I was enabled to deliver the truth at night in town. Many of the audience felt the weight of GOD's word. May they yield to the facred touch, and be faved ! On Monday and Tucfday I made a fmall excurfion into the country, and laboured to bring fouls to Chrift at Mr. R.'s and Mr. TVs* It feems C. D. has not loft all the concern he felt fome time ago. I afterwards returned fafe to town in the evening-, and fpent a part of the next day in reading Taylors Treatife on Holy Living. This book was made a bleffing to me above feven years ago. I preached in the evening from i Samuel x. 6. The Spirit of the Lord will come upon thee, and thou Jhalt propkejy with them, and JJjd.'t be turned into another man. Here I took oc- cafion to (hew, I. The operations of the Spirit on the heart ©f man — to convince, convict, convert, and fane- lify. II. The effects of thefe operations. 1. A (trong inclination to fpeak for GOD. This is the duty of every Chriftian. 2. A great change — in judgment, defire, fpi- rit, temper, and practice. 1 found myfelf much indifpofed when I return- ed to my lodgings, and the difbrder of my body depreffcd my ipirits. Friday ( m ) Friday 24. I ventured to Patapficc«tieck) and had a full houfe at Captain icVs, whofe wife is brought by grace to the knowledge of GOD in Chrift Jefus. Lord's-day 26. My heart was delightfully taken up with GOD. In the time of preaching at the Point this morning, my fpirit was tender, and many of the audience were much melted. 1 aifo found myfelf greatly drawn out in preach- ing at night in town. Tuefday 27. Mr. 0, the Dutch miniller, ac- companied me to /. O.'s, where we had a blefl'ed and refreshing feafon. The next day at town, I met with brother IV. from Virginia ; who gave me a great account of the work of GOD in thofe parts — five or fix hundred fouls juftiSed by faith, and five or fix circuits formed : i'o that we have now fourteen circuits in America ; and about twenty-two preachers are required to fupply them. Thus we fee how divine Providence makes way for the word of truth, r.nd the Holy Spirit at- tends it. May it fpread in power and cover thefe lands! Brother IF. is a very lingular man, but honed in lis intentions, and fincerely engaged for the profperity of the work — I dined with Mr. O. the minifter mentioned above, and fpent the afternoon with him and Mr. S. another minifter of the fame profeffion. They both appear to be fincerely religious, and intend to make nropofais to the German fynod this year, to lay a plan for the reformation of the Dutch congregations. Friday 31. This was a day of joy and great confolation to my foul. I clearly faw the pro- priety and neceffity of devoting every faculty and every hour to GOD. Lord's-day April 2. Many people attended to hear the word, and there appeared to be much feeling ( m ) feeling amongft them. I had a defire to hear for my felf, Mr. , the Preibyterian minified. His difcourfe was quite fyitematical and amufing, but if he had ftudied to pafs by the conferences of his hearers, he could not have done it more effectually. Monday and Tuefday I fpent com- fortably, in labouring on a fhorf tour in the coun- try : and was gracioufly a (lifted on Tuefday night at town. Wednefday 5. I experienced the benefit of vifiting the fick, and found much fatisfaclion in my own foul', while fpeaking plainly to a carnal young man. The next day Satan aflaulted me with great violence, bat he found my heart fixed on GOD. Friday 7. After vifiting two fick perfons, I went to brother Z.'s, and was enabled to fpeak freely and feelingly to a large number of rich and poor aflembled there. On Saturday I returned, and found that a young man who had turned his back on the gofpel, and devoted himfelf to fin, had been fuddenly matched away by death. How awful ! Does not this appear like the ju- dicial hand of GOD? Do^s it not feem as a powerful warning to furviving finners, efpecially fuch as anfwer his character ? And yet it is to be feared, many will not hear the rod, nor regard him that appointed it. Lord's-day 9. Though my body was weak, and my mind grieved by the wickednefs of the wicked, yet I was enabled to fpeak powerfully both at the Point and town. The blefiing of the Lord attended us both at Mr. E.'s on Monday, and at O. C.'s on Tuefday. Here I met with brotherS. and found we were of one heart and of one mind. Lord, grant that all the preachers maybe thus united in fentiment and' affection ! P 2 Thurfday ( '74 ) Thurfday 13. Had fome converfation with Mrs. J. from Philadelphia. She appeared to be in diftrefs about her foul, and faid (he was con- vinced of her loft eilate the laft Lord's-day. Saturday 15. GOD is my portion, and my all-funScient good. He fills me with pure, fpi- ritua! life. My heart is melted into holy love, •and altogether devoted to my Lord. Many came to hear the word of life in the evening, and my foul was fupplied with ftrength. Lord's-day 16. The Spirit of GOD attended our endeavours both in town and Point. My heart was greatly enlarged in town efpecialiy re is a very apparent alteration in this place There is not fo much drunkennefs and neglect of the ordinances, as in former times ; and the peo- ple are much more inclined to attend the places of public worfhip. So that on the whole, I en- on a lively hope that the Lord will yet raife or hirrrfelf, a large fociety in the tov/n of Bal On Monday my frame was weak and weary, neverthekfs I had to preach once in town, and once in the country about feven miles Wedneftlay 19. Having preached at feveral places in the country, I returned to town ; and find that the Lord ailifteth me from time to time. He frequently revives both body and foul, when I am alrnoft ready to give over. Thurfday 2®. Juit before preaching at the Pointy fix., men were accidentally (hot in the mi~ litia exercife. I will not venture to aflerr, the Captain collected them for exercife becaufe it was preaching night. However, I vifited one of the wounded and prayed with him. Saturday 22. I dined with Captain R. appeared to be under fome fmall awaken- ( '75 ) in 2?. Afterwards came to town, when brother R. and I met, like Jacob and Efau ; and all was love and peace. In the evening Mr. R. preached a good fermon on John xii. 36. While ye have the light believe in the light, that ye may be the chil- dren of light. Lord's-day 23. Our congregations were large; amongft whom were Mr. G. Mr. C. and others. In the evening Mr. R. preached an alarming fermon. On Monday I vifited a Tick woman, who loon after went into eternity ; and then I went to Mr. ii.'s, where many found it beneficial to them that they were prefent to hear the word of the Lord. By particular invitation, I lodged on Tuefday night at Captain R.'s', and in the courfe of a free converfation, he told me that he was brought under his fir ft conviction at Mr. T.'s, from Prov. xxviii. 13. Saturday- 29. I have not been unafiifted in the public exercifes of this week, and now find rny foul in a peaceful frame, though not without a ferious concern for the caufe of the country. Lord, turn afide thy difpleafure, and mercifully interpofe ! Lord'-day 30. I preached three times, and the cup of my bleiling was full. What fiial] I render unto the Lord for all his benefits ? But me have alarming, military accounts from Bofton, Nevj-Tork, and Philadelphia. Surely the Lord will over-rule, and make all thefe things fubfer- vient to the fpiritual welfare of his church. On Monday I vifited the countrv, and having preach- ed at a few places, returned on Tuefday night to town ; and found the people all inflamed with a martial fpirit. Thurfday May 4. M/ foul bngs for a perfect conformity to die image and will of GOD, in all things. ( r 7 6 ) things. I defire nothing but him, and he caufeth my heart to overflow with peaceful joy. I preached at the Point this evening, but have more hope for the inhabitants of the town than for thofe of the Point. O that I could learn the holy art of doing more good for precious fouls ! It troubles me to think of being fo unprofitable. Friday 5. At the appointed time for preach- ing, we had an awful ftorm of thunder and light- ning which killed 3 horfes. However, I began in the midft of it, and fpake with liberty offpirit, and confidence in GOD. Saturday 6. I was grieved to-day that I did not feel myfelf more tteadily devoted to GOD. In the evening /. K. preached a good and profi- table fermon, but long and loud enough. Lord's-day 7. I preached twice and held a love-feaft*, but heavinefs is brought upon my mind by fome that would once (comparatively fpeaking) have plucked out their eyes, and have given them to me % y but now they flight me ! Curfed is the man that trujleth in man, and maketb fleffi his arm ; ivhofe heart departeth from the Lord ! May my heart truft in the Lord ! Monday 8. Several friends fet out in company with me to the quarterly meeting.. When we came to J. G.'s, he did not appear to be fo open and free as he was about a, year ago. Prayer is ^almoft neglected, and both his children and fer- vants are almofl: like wild, untaught Indians. Ah ! what is all the fubftance of this world, with- out the love and fear of GOD ? I proceeded the next morning to meet the preachers and ftewards. At 10 o'clock we held our love-feaft ; though my mind was under fome exercifes, fo that I fpoke but little. However, at 4 o'clock I preached from Xfaiah xli. 13. with great enlargement^ and to a large ( '77 ) : concourfe of people. But was confined in the evening to the company of men who were deftitute of religion, and full of fm and politics. My brethren and myfelf were glad to have prayer in the morning and leave them. If there were no other hell than the company of wicked men, I would fay, from fetch a hell, good Lord, deliver me ! Thurfday it, was appointed as a general faft : I preached on the occahon, and the Lord made it a folemn, heart-affecting time, fo that we did not conclude till about 3 o'clock. The next day I reached Bohemia, but as it was late fome of the congregation had departed, I therefore ex- horted thofe that were left 5 and then proceeded to Ni'iurafile. Lord's-day 14. Both laft night and this day, pe my ikirts were clear of the blood of the pie in this little town, whether they reject or accept of an offered falvation. After (lopping to h at Chefter the next day, I then went on to Philadelphia. Tuefday 16. I had fome friendly and clofe ponverfation with the preachers, m which we fpake plainly of cur experience and doctrines. wet. R — a preached in the evening. From Wed- Defday till Friday we fpent in conference with ) '.cat harmony and fvvectnefs of temper. If the Lord fparcs me, I am now about bending my courfe towards Norfolk, to preach the glad tidings of falvation to perilling finners there. Monday 22. Having preached the lafb even- ing with fome fweet enlargement, I left Philadel- phia this morning andfet off for Norfolk. Preach- ed at night to a few people in Chefler, and was conducted the next morning in a friend's chaife to ( 178 ) to Cecil court-houfe, where I embarked for Nor- folk. Monday 29. With a thankful heart I landed at Norfolk, after having been much toffed about by contrary winds in the bay. My accommoda- tions on board the veffel were alfo very indifferent, fo that it was a difagreeable and fatiguing paffage > but " In hopes of that immortal crown, " I now the crofs fuftain ; " And gladly wander up and down, " And fmile at toil and pain." Here I found about 30 perfons in fociety after their manner} but they had no regular clafs-meet- ings. However, here are a few who are willing to obferve all the rules of our fociety.. Their prefent preaching-houfe is an old mattered build- ing, which has formerly been a play-houfe. Surely the Lord will not always fufFer his honour to be trampled in the duft. No j 1 entertain a hope that we ihall have a houfe and a people in this town. My heart is filled with holy thoughts, and deeply engaged in the work of GOD. On Tuefday evening about 150 fouls attended to hear the word, and about 50 at 5 o'clock on Wednef- day morning, which, by the prefence of the Lord, was found to be a good time. I then went over to Port/mouthy and found my fpirit at liberty in preaching to a number of fouls there. Friday June 2. The Lord is pleafed to fhew me the danger which a preacher is in of being lifted up by pride, and falling into the condemna- tion of the devil. How great is the danger of this ! A confiderable degree of ballaft is highly neceffary to bear frequent and fudden puffs of ap- plaufe. Lord, fill me with genuine humility, that the ( K9 ) the urongeft gluts from Satan or the world may never move me. Saturday 3. My body is weak, but my foul is in a fweet, pacific trame. I fee the need of con- •ftant watchfulnefs and entire devotion to GOD. My heart was (laid on GOD while preaching in the evening from Pfalm Ixviii. 18. Lord's-day 4. Many feemed willing to beat both morning and evening at Norfolk ,• but in the afternoon at Portfmouth> the congregation, though large, feemed to have very little fenfibility. On Monday I found myfelf better than could be ex- pected, after preaching 3 times and meeting the fociety the day before. May the Lord brace up my feeble frame, and by his grace I am deter- mined to ufe it for his glory and the iervice of his church.. The congregation were attentive in the evening while I enlarged on the fruits of the Spirir. Tuefday 6. I went to the farthermofl part of Porifmouth parilh, through fuch a fwamp as I never faw before, and partook of a blefTing with the people, fome of whom are of a fimple heart. After having preached at Mr. F.'s in St. Bride's parifh, then at Mr. M.'s and Mr. R.'s, I returned to Portfmrjitth on Thurfday evening, and found my foul in peace. I have lately read Ma/on on felf-knowledge. This book with Franks on the fear of man, and Thomas a Kempis, are molt ex- cellent books for a Chriftian. Wednefday 14. I have continued labouring, with different degrees of encouragement, between Norfolk and Porifmouth; but have not met with that fuccefs which my foul longs for. Our friends fet a fubfeription on foot to-day, for building a houfe of worfhip, and have raifed only about /*. 34. Jiad they the fame fpirit .of .liberality which they have ( i8o ) have in Baltimore, they might eafily accomplish it. Thurfday 15. I found 13 ferious fouls in fo- ciety about 6 miles from town on the Suffolk road ; but poor brother O. is fubjecl: to great hea- vinefs through manifold temptations. The con- gregation here was but fmall j however, fome of them were much affected. I gave a clofe and pointed exhortation in the evening at Portfmouth i and there was a melting of heart amongft the people. I preached again the next day and met both the clalTes, and felt my hopes for Portfmouth begin to revive. Monday 19. Yefterday's labour of preaching 3 times, &c. was not too much for me. And this day my foul enjoys delightful communion witlr GOD. Satan aflaults; but he that is for me is ilronger than he that is againft me. met the clafles and preached. My heart and my flelh cry out for GOD. " Fulfil, fulfil my large defires, " Large as infinity ! " Give, give me all my foul requires, « All, all that is in thee." Lord's-day 23. There appeared to be many wild people in the congregation, though the grace of GOD is fuiHcient to make them tame. But the Almighty dealeth with man as with a rational creature ; therefore we may go on in our folly, like the wild afs's colt, till we drop into endlefs perdition, unlefs we yield Co the facred touch of grace, and become, workers together with GOD. Wedncfday ^6. I preached to a fmall com- pany at brother W.\ \ and before the congrega- tion was difmiiTed, an honeft Chriitian, who had been juftified about twelve months before, rofe up and fpoks a few broken words, which affected the people more than all that had been faid. What an excellent thing is fimplicity of heart ! How ready is GOD to own and blefa it ! It would be well for profeflcrs of fome (landing, to in- quire impartially if they have not loll their firft Cmphcity. Old profeffors are very apt to become wife in their own efteem, and fools in GOD's- efteem. 1 i«4 ) dleem. I have eonftant inward fevers, and drag a cumberfome body with me ; but my foul is linked to Jefus ; though I ardently wifh to feel moreferve/it love to my GOD and Saviour. Cal- ling at brother O.'s, in this little exCurfion, I found his wife exceedingly happy in the love of GOD, and I know not but (he is fanclified wholly. Friday 28. .At my return to town, I found the people in fome commotion — their trading to the Weft-Indies was prohibited. However, the little fociety feemed determined to cleave to the Lord. The next day I went down the river to Mr. E.'s, and preached (perhaps to but little pur- pofe) to a company of ignorant, carelefs peo- ple. Lord's-day 30. I was greatly afiifted in my public exercifes both in Norfolk and Port/mouth. If it were in my power, and confident with the will of GOD, every foul of them mould be brought to Chriil. But alas .' thefe are vain thoughts, for the Almighty has an infinitely greater defire for their eternal welfare. But the whole of the matter is this, they will not come to Chri/l, in the way he has appointed, that they might have life : and thus many will eternally perifh in their fins. Friday Auguft 4. I fpent the preceding part of this week preaching in the country as ufual* and with various profpe&s of fuccefs ; but came back to-day, met the clafles which appeared to be much more engaged for heaven, and preached in the evening. Saturday 5. My fpirit was a little dejecled, butblerTed with the peace of GOD. I had fome converfation with Mr. S. who faid the people ihould be kept in fociety, if they did not meet in ( I8 S ) m clafs \ and intimated that inftead of preaching the gofpel, I had been expofing their faults So this is part of what I have gained by my labour. But I let him know that our rules were intended for ufe. Monday 7. 1 received a letter from Mr. T. R. in which he informed me that himfelf, Mr. R. and Mr. D. had confulted,. and deliberately- concluded, it would be belt to return to England, But I can by no means agree to leave fuch a field forgathering fouls to Chrid, as we have in Ame- rica. It would be an eternal difhonour to the Methodiils, that we fhould all ler.ve three thou- fand fouls who defire to commit themfelves to our care ; neither is it the part of a good fhepherd to leave his flock in time of danger : therefore, I am determined, by the grace of GOD, not to leave them, let the confequence be what it may. Our friends here appeared to be diftrefTed above mea- fure, at the thoughts of being forfaken by the preachers. So I wrote my fentiraents both to Mr. T. R. and Mr. G. S. Tuefday 8. I fet out on my little country tour, and after preaching at Mr. #.'s, brother JV.'s, and a few other places, returned on Friday to Port [mouth and preached in the evening, though much indifpofed.- This week we have had fuch thunder and lightning as I never knew before. Thus by going from one climate to another, we may meet with things of which we had very little idea. Then how will it be when we change worlds inftead of climates ? And how furprifeel will impenitent finners be, when they go from earth to heH ? That GOD whofe power produces the thunder and lightning, of which the inhabi- tants of fome parts of the earth have very little conception, is undoubtedly able to produce the 0^2 unquenchable ( '86 ) unquenchable fire, of which many impenitent finners have very little belief. Lord's-day 13. My own foul was enlarged in preaching, but the people were too little affected.- On Monday I fpoke both morning and evening ; but we were intetrupted by the clamour of arms* and preparations of war. My bufinefs is, to be more intenfely devoted to GOD. Then, " The rougher our way, " The fhorter our (lay > H The tempefts that rife *' Shall glorioufly hurry our fouls to the fides."" Wednefday 16. Preaching at Mr. i/.'s, about fixteen miles from town, I met with Mr. P. from North Carolina, who invited me to go and form? a circuit in Currituck county, where they have very little preaching but what they pay for at the rate of three pounds per fermon. I accepted the invitation, and appointed the 10th of September for the time to vifit them. A letter from brother G. S. which came to hand on Friday, gave an account of about two hundred fouls brought to Chrift, within the fpace of two months. Glory to GOD for the falvation of finners ! Surely I am in a dry and barren place ! And there is but little profpecl of doing good ; though the Spi- rit of holinefs pofleiTes my own heart.' But oh f how it pants for more faith and love ! How it longs to be more ufefui in the church of Chrift ! Saturday 19. My body is weak \ but this does not concern me like the want of more grace. My heart is too cool towards GOD : I want to fee! it like a holy flame. I am alfo fometi'mes afraid that I fhall never do any more good. JLordVday { ««7 ) Lord's-day 20. I preached three times as ufual ; and heard a fermon on the dignity of hu- man nature. Vain philofophy ! Every imagina- tion of the thoughts of the heart (in an unrenewed man) is only evil continually. Then what is the dignity of depraved human nature ? Received a letter from Mr. T. R. exprefTing a change in his intention of returning to England. Rode to Mr. B. f s 9 on Tuefday, where many of the people were much afFected under preaching. Lord, wa- ter the feed fown, that fooner or later it may- bring forth fruit to thy glory \ The weather is now fo hot, that my body is greatly enfeebled, and my mind aimoil unfit for every exerciie. But I defire in patience to polTefs my foul. I went to Mr. E.'s on Saturday, but there was fo little profpecl: of doing them any good, I took my leave of them. My body was fatigued, my foul was tempted and caft down ; but in meeting the people at night in town my fpirit was refrefh- ed. LordVday 27. The Spirit of the Lord wrought powerfully in our congregations, and fome were deeply affected. On Monday 1 fet off for Mill- creck, to hold our quarterly meeting. We found it a peaceful, comfortable time. Mr. 5. difco- vered his independent principles, in objecting to our difcipline. He appears to want no preach- ers : he can do as well or better than they. But it is likely felf-fufhciency is the fpring of all this. After preaching at a few other places on the way, I returned to Portfmouth on Friday ; and on Sa- turday we had a moft remarkable ftorm : the wind was at north eaft, and blew feveral vefTels on fhore ; and among others the Mercury man- of-war. Houfes were blown down ; docks torn Up j bridges carried away; abundance of trees broken ( 188 ) broken and torn up by the roots; and feveral tracts of land overflowed with water.. What a peculiar bleffi ng is true religion !. cc Who in the Lord confide, " And feel his fprinkled blood,. « In ftorms and hurricanes abide, « Firm as the mount of GOD." A more awful fcene than this will be unfold** ed, when GOD (hall judge the world by the man Chrifl Jefus. How then will poor finners quake and tremble, when the heavens jkall pafs away with a great noife, and the elements jhali melt with fervent heat ! O that they were wife, that they un- derstood this, that they would confider their latter end ! Monday September 4. I was taken very ill with the fail fever, and being able to take but little nourilhment, was much reduced. However, I put my trull in the Lord, and committed all my concerns to him ; but was not able to keep any journal till the 25th inftant, and then felt myfelf but very little better. Tuefday 26. Brother W. died. The Lord does all things well : perhaps brother W. was in danger of being intangled in worldly bufinefs, and might thereby have injured the caufe of GOD* So he was taken away from the evil to come. Wednefday 27. My body is dill very weak, and there is too much weaknefs in my foul, which paffionately longs for more fpirituality, and more of GOD in Chrift Jefus, « Come, O my GOD, thyfelf reveal ; " Fill all this mighty void j " Thos* ( i»9 ) " Thou only canft my fpirit fill ; « Come, O my GOD, my GOD V Thurfday 28. I ventured to preach a funeral fermon at the burial of brother W. He has been a very ufeful, laborious man, and the Lord gave him many feals to his miniftry. Perhaps no one in America has been an instrument of awakening fo many fouls, as GOD has awakened by him. Friday 29. My body recovers a little health and ftrength. Lord, help me fo to ufe my ftrength for thee, as never to provoke thee, in thy difpleafure, to deprive me of either my life or my ftrength ! Wrote to Mr. T. R. informing him of brother WM death. Lord's-day October u Preached in Portf- mouthy for the firft time fince my illnefs, and the hearts of many were touched. Tuefday 3. My heart is fixed, trufting in the Lord. I fincevel/ defire to be intirely his — to fpend the.remn ,nt of my days and ftrength alto- gether for GOD. A company of marines have been alhore at Norfolk, ranfacked the printing office, and taken the printers and prefs with them. The inhabitants foon after embodied and got un- der arms. The people are alio repairing the fort* which if put in order may fink all the mips that {hall attempt to come into the harbour — But if it is thought expedient to watch and fight in de- fence of our bodies and property, how much more expedient is it to watch and fight againft fin and Satan, in defence of our fouls which are in danger of eternal damnation I But fmall dan- gers at hand have a greater effect on fallen man, than the greateft dangers which are thought to be at adiftance. But alas ! the one may be as near as the other ! Saturday ( * where I al- ways find confolation in my foul : then I return- ed to Port/mouth, and found my fpirit at liberty in preaching at night. — Well may the kingdom of heaven be compared to a net, which is call: into the fea, and gathereth all both good and bad r we had collected twenty-feven perfons in our lit- tle foeiety here, "when I firft came j but I have been obliged to reduce them to fourteen ; and this day I put out a woman for exceilive drink- ing. Here we fee the necemty and advantage of discipline. No doubt but Satan will ufe all his endeavours to thruft in fome who are unfound and infincere, fo that they, by their ungodly con- duel:, may help him to bring reproach on the fpi- ritual church of Chrift. And unlefs the difci- piine of the church is enforced, what (incere per- fon would ever join a foeiety amongic whom they faw ungodlinefs connived at ? Friday ( Ipt ) Friday 20. Having fpent federal days preach- ing in different parts of the country, I returned I to Portjmoutk, and was comforted. We have a few as faithful and happy fouls in this place, as perhaps in any part of Virginia; and unlefs di- vine juftice has determined deftruclion on thefe two towns, I hope the Lord will undertake for them, and increafe their number. Lord's-day 22. A painful fwelling in my face prevented my preaching this morning ; but it broke and gave me eafe before night, fo I ex- horted in the evening. Monday 21. As I expect to go to Brunf- wick fhortly, my heart rejoices in hopes of feeing good days, and many fouls brought to GOD, in thofe parts. True gofpel preachers may fay with the poet, " The love of Chrift our hearts conftrains, fi And ftrengthens our unweary'd hands, " We fpend our fweat, and time, and pains, " To cultivate Immanuel's lands." Preaching at Mr. i?.'s to-day, fome who had treated me with unkindnefs, were now affected and wept much at the thoughts of parting. The word went with power to the hearts of many at Mr. H.'s on Tuefday ; as it did alfo the next day at the widow L's *, where they prevailed on me to tarry all night and preach again for them on the Thurfday, which I did. Here is a profpecl; of doing good, and a preacher is acceptable j for they have no minifter in the county, except one which is occafionally hired at the extravagant rate before mentioned. I explained fomething of our difcipline and method of fupport to Mr. P. and he feemed defirous that we fhould go amongft ( 19* ) amongft them. I then went to the north-weft woods ,- and preached at the funeral of a certain Mr. M. who had defired that we fhould per- form this laft office for him. Many people were prefent, who feemed ferious, and fbnie of them were much afFe&ed. On Friday I returned to Port/mouth. Saturday 28. I feel determined, by the grace of GOD, to ufe more private prayer. And may the Lord make me more ferious, more watchful and more holy- Lord's-day 29. There was great tendernefs of heart amongft the people at Norfolk, while I enlarged on thefe words of our Lord, / will not leave you comfortlefs ; I will come unto you. It was alfo an affecting time at Port/mouth, while preach- ing from Deut. xxx. 19. Monday 30. I am now bound for Brunfwick, Some that had been difpleafed with my ftrictnefs in difcipline, were now unwilling to let me go ; but i fear they will not foon fee me again, if they fliould even fay, Blejfed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. I am deficient in many things, but my confcience beareth me witnefs that 1 have been faithful to thefe fouls, both in preaching and difcipline. After taking leave of my friends, I fet out for Brunfwick ; and having preached at Mr. B.'s in the way, lodged at Mrs. W.'s. November 1. After we had pafled Southamp- ton court-houfe,we were flopped by one who had an order from the committee, to examine ftran- gers. When we had given him an account of ourfelves, he treated us with great kindnefs, and invited us to dine with him, which we did. My body is a little fatigued, but my foul is blefled with health and vigour. Hitherto hath the Lord helped ! Thurfday ( 'S3 ) Thurfday November 2. By the good provi- dence of GOD, I entered Br. it at the houfe of Mr. M. and am in a few: miles of clear brother G. S. GOD is at this part of the country ', and my the hofy fire already. Friday 3. GOD is my reft and my portion ; my foul clelighteth in him. My heart is elevated in names of facred lire, both in private and | lie prayer. M Let others ftretch their arms like feas, {{ An,i gr. '•.)) ill ail the the , " Grant vifits of t " And 1 defrre no more." L01 tiles to 5. chapel, ami me r G'. e work of GOD. We had a good time to-day at T.sl.'s, both in preaching and clafs-mceting. My foul reiteth in the love of GOD \ and all my powers are engaged to do his will. I alfo found my foul devoted to GOD in faith and prayer, the next day. And after preach- ing at F. A.'$ t met the fociety which confided chiefly of penitents. Saturday 9. Found a few fimple fouls at Mr. jB.'s, and we were comforted together. A man came to the houfe at night, afked for me, gave a curfe, and went away. Lord's-day 1 o. Rode to friend jL.'s and preach- ed twice in their new houfe 30 feet by 24. My own heart was enlarged, and many of the people were moved and melted under the word. We have a- bout fixty perfons in fociety here. Friend L. who had been ill for fome time, departed from this vale of woe, full of faith, and love, and joy, about one o'clock on Monday morning. What a noble and delightful employment is ours, to be nurfing immortal fouls forthe realms of eternal glory. And now and then we have the inexpreifible comfort of feeing a foul depart in peace, triumphing over the power of death. Is there joy among the an- gels of GOD over one finner that repenteth ; and is there not joy among them, over one foul that has finally efcaped thefnareof the devil ? Doubt- lefs there is \ and we will participate of their joy. Lord, help me in all humility and love, in all pu- rity and faithful obedience, to devote all mv davs R 2 ( W ) :e; that I may finally join all the glorious company- of heaven, and praife thee eternally there ! Wedn.efday 13. I left my circuit and cameback to preach friend Z.'s funeral. There were many people, and a great melting among them. But I found myfelf very unwell at ni^ht, through much exercifeyand went to bed in a high fever. My mind was alio dejected and tempted, fo that I ; not had fuch a day thefe fix weeks. Lord, give me patience, that in the midft of all 1 may poiTefs my foul ! Friday 15. Was able to preach at N. M.'s, and met with brother 7. K. and his wife, who were married yefterday. Found a happy people at . Iotiday ; and was great y bleiTcdwith .cople on Tueuiay at Mr. B.'s. Wecinefday 20. I have now been 12 years a J.er, 3 years in a local capacity, and 9 years in the travelling connexion; about 4 years and 8 ths in England, and about 4 years and 4 months in Americh, Tharfday l\. By a miftake cf brother G.'s es to R. Jfi'&t arid then had to ride miles more to O.'s, and met the people at ;. Being Chriftmas-day I preached 1 Tmi. i. 15. c Ihis is a faithful faying, and t'aticrz, that Chvift Jefus came into . Ufave ftnncrs. My fpirit wa-s at liberty, ve were much blefied both in preaching and r. Hitherto the Lord hath helped fou) and body, beyond my expecla- rfuliy do and fufier all his will, and be eternally faved! W< 27. We have awful reports of vrfolk arid the Great-bridge j but I • * am ( J 99 ) am at a happy di ft a rice from them, ami my Cxtod i ciofe to Jefus Chriil. And as we know what a day may bring forth, I can fay with St. Paul, For me to live is Cbrijl, bid to die is gvin. id a warm and lively fociety of about fifty fouls ar W, F.'s, on Fhurfday; but the company was fin nl at friend S.'s on Friday. Lord's-day 2f. Being the laft day of the year, v/e held a watch-night at & 27 s chapel, begin- ning at 6 and ending at 12 o'clock. It w. profitable time, and we had much of the power of GOD. Monday-January 1, 1 776. Iain now enter- in a new year, and am of late conftantly hap- pv, feeling my heart much taken up with GOL), and hope thus to live and thus to die. Or if there fhould be any alteration, may it be for the better and not for the worfe ! This is my earned defire ftnd prayer to GOD. " My refidue of days or hours, " Thine, wholly thine fh • " And all my confecrated power: «* A facrihee to thee ; " Till Jefus in tne clouds appear " To faints on earth forgiven, " And bring the grand fabbatic year, " The jubilee of heaven." On Wednefday my foul was in a fweet bumble frame, and my heart was expanded I in preaching and meeting the clafs. I retin to O. M.'s for lodging, and the next day i preaching fpoke to about thirty lively fouls at Wednefday 1% Mr. and Mrs. J. met m friend i>.'s, and gave me a long narrative of a g work under, brother G. S* We held a watch-ni ( 200 ) and Mr. J. and I flood about two hours each. There appeared to be a great degree of divine power amongfl the people. Mr. J. accompanied me to W. P.'s, where I preached, and then pur- sued my way to Mr. P.'s in Chef erf eld, a good old faint of GOD. The Lord was with us there •, and I afterwards went on to Peter/burg ,- and was glad to fee my friends, though they were in fome trouble about the times. To the great lofs of ma- ny individuals, we are informed that Norfolk, was burnt by the Governor. Lord's- day 14. I found myfelf at liberty in preaching in the morning, and then went to hear parfon H. who preached a good fermon. He came in the evening and heard me preach on the jubilee, Lev. xxiv. 9, 10. Brother G, S. then met the clafs with great animation. Monday 15. We had many people at friend Z.'b. I have been reading Prideaux\ connexions, and my foul pofleHes peace and purity in Chrift my Redeemer. Wednefday 16. The Lord is gracioufly work- ing on the hearts of the people at F. A.'$> but the Baptifts endeavour to perfuade the people that they have never been baptized. Like ghofts they haunt us from place to place. O the policy of Sat n ! Some he urges to neglect the ordinances altogether; others he urges to mifunderftand them, or make additions to them. Chrift fpeaking of children, fays, Of fuch is the kingdom of heaven. But the practice of the Baptiils fays, They may be of the kingdom of glory, but they cannot be of the kingdom of grace. But knowing that they who feduce fouls mud anfwer for them, I fhall net break my peace about it, but leave them to GOD. I look on them as objects of pity, rather than objects of envy or contempt. The people alfb. ( ^oi ) alio appeared to be much alive, on Thurfday, at the widow A.'s. Had a bleiTing in clafs-meeting, d my heart quite given up to GOD. Friday 18. Thanks be to GOD for his unspeak- able love; my foul enjoys it in a greater and greater degree. Many people attended to hear the word to-day at the widow L.'s. The fociety confided of about fixty fouls, who appeared to be very lively and-fpiritual. Lord's-day 20, It was a powerful time while I preached from Ifaiah lxiii. 5. The day of ven- geance is in my heart, and the year of my Redeemed is come. Brother J. who was obliged to fly from Per f mouth, diftreffed by the late fire, met me here. On Monday we were all deeply affected with a fenfe of our unworthinefs at friend iVs, while ! nurfed on the barren fig-tree. Tuefday 22. My foul was happy in GOD, and tweedy engaged in prayer and reading. Several people were affected under the word at Mr. L.'s. Wednefday 23. I received a letter from Mr. T. R. informing me that he had adminiftered on prother W.'s will, and defiring me to pay atten- tion to his affairs in thefe par--, and then return to Philadelphia by the firft of March. Virginia fes me in preference to all other places where e been, but I am willing to leave it at the if Providence. We were much comforted together at R. J.'s on Thurfday ; but the the of having my mind taken up with brother JF.'s affairs giver; me fome concern. I want no tem- pera! bufinefs of any kind. Tuefday 29. The weather has been very cell, though I have attended every place in courfe ; and both the people and myfeif have been frequently d. I have been reading Burnet's hillory of his own ( 202 ) own times, and am amazed at the intrigues of courts and the treachery of men* There is reafon to fear, the fame caufe produces the fame effects at this time. For there is no probability of peace, and a great army is expected from England in the fpring. May the Lord look upon us and help us ! Monday February 5. Having attended the fe- veral appointments in the way, I came to S. T.'s y and met the preachers collected for the quarterly meeting. "With mutual affection and brotherly freedom we difcourfed on the things of GOD, and were well agreed. After Mr. J. had preach- ed, he and Mr. C. adminiftered the Lord's flipper. There was much holy warmth of fpirit in our love-feaft. On Thurfday I intended to have fet off for Philadelphia, but my horfe is lame ; fo I muft patiently fubmit to the Providence of GOD. Saturday ic. Went to 0. M.\ and had the pleafure of feeing and encouraging fome of my friends from Port/mouth. Monday 12. Rode about forty miles to Mr, jVs. I found him a man of an agreeable fpirit., and had fome fatisfaction in converfmg with him. He has agreed, if convenient, to attend our next conference. The people were much affected at White-oak chapel on Friday ; and after preaching 1 returned very weary to Mr. y.'s. All my defire is for the Lord, and more of his divine nature inr- preffed on my foul. I long to be loft and fwallowed up in GOD. " My foul and all its powers, " Thine, wholly thine (hall be ; " All, all my happy hours " I confecrate to thee : " Me to thine image now reftore, " And I (liall praife thee evermore." Saturday ( 2o 3 ) Saturday 17. Mr. J. went with me to Capt. i?.'s, and opened their new chapel with a difcourfe from thefe words, Tn all places 'where I record my name, I will come and blefs thee. I fpoke at night and we found the Lord with us. Lord's-day 18. I preached twice at Peter/burg, The laft fubjetr. was the rich man and Lazarus, which ftruck the people with great folemnity, and many feemed to feel the power of GOD. On Monday there were two Baptift preachers amongft the congregation. After the fermon was ended, they defired to fpeak with me. So we converfed about three hours on experimental, practical, and controverfial divinity ; but ended where we began. I thank the Lord, my mind was kept in peace and coolnefs. No doubt but Satan is very aclive in promoting religious controverfies. Many take a controverfial fpirit for the fpirit of religion ; while others difpute away what little religion they have. Only by pride comeih contention. The ivifdom that cometh from above is pure and peaceable. Wednefday 21. Deep ferioufnefs fat on the .minds of the people under the preaching at friend Z,.\s. And my preaching for five times together has been attended with bleffed effects. But let all the glory be given to GOD ! I am only as the pen in the hand of a writer. My foul longs for more fpirituality, and to be totally dedicated to GOD. Friday 23. I fet off for Philadelphia ; and af- ter meeting with various occurrences, heavy rains, and much fatigue, reached Leejburg onThurfday March 1 ft. On Friday my foul feemed to fix again on its centre, from which it had been mea- furably removed by a variety of difficulties, and found fweet peace with GOD. A company of lively people attended the word at T. Ah, where I met ( *°4 ) I met with brother W. W. The attention of the' audience was alfo much engaged on the Lord's| day at the court-houfe, while I difcourfed with great affection and clearnefs of ideas. I afterwards vifited a poor unhappy man imprifoned for mur- der, but found him very ignorant ; though he was brought under fome concern before we* part- ed. Left Leejhurg on Monday 4, and by the good Providence of GOD, arrived fafe at Baltimore on Thurfday; but found the people greatly alarmed by the report of a man-of-war being near. Many of the inhabitants were moving out of town. Bro- ther IV. preached in the evening. Thurfday 7. My heart mounts heavenward on wings of ftrong defire for more of GOD ; and the ;e of GOD which paffeth aii underftanding keepeth my fpirit in his knowledge and love. Here I met with brother R. and found him under fome exerciies of mind towards Mr. T. R. How- ever, the temptation was removed before we part- ed. On Friday the town was all in commotion. It was reported that the man-of-war was in the river, which excited the ferious attention of all the inhabitants ; fo that fome were moving offj while others were getting under arms. Alas for fallen man I He fears his fellow creatures whofe breath is in their noftrils, but fears not him who is able to deftroy body and foul in hell. If lire and fwcid at a fmall diftarice can fo alarm us; how will poor impenitent fmners be alarmed, when they find, by woful experience, that they mull drink the wine of the wrath of GOD, pour- ed out without mixture ? Lord's-day 10. The congregations were but fmall, fo great has the confternation been. But I know the Lord governeth :he world ; therefore thefe things mail not trouble me. I will en- deavour ( **5 ) deavour to be ready for life or death, fo that it* death mould come, my foul may joyfully quit this land of forrow, and go to reft in the embraces of the blefTed Jefus. O delightful felicity! There is no din of war ; no unfriendly perfecutors of piety 5 no enchanting world with concealed deftru&ion; no malevolent fpirit to difturb our peace •, but all is purity, peace and joy. Adapting my din. to the oceafion, I preached this evening from Ifaiah i. 19, 20. If ye be willing and obedient, ye flail .eat the goed of the land. But if ye refujl and r ye Jhall he devoured with the J word ; for the r. of the Lord hath fpohn it. Monday IX. Purfued my way as far as H. G.'s, and was treated with great kindnefs. May this family evince that all things are pohT 1: with GOD ; though their falvation mould be at- tended with as much apparent difficulty, a: paiTage of a camel through the eye of an. If they prove faithful ftewards, they will. I preached here the next day to a large congrega- tion, amongft wVm were fome of my old friends from the Forks ; and the Lord gave us a bid together. Wednefday 13. Came to J. Z).'s, and found his pious wife under hysterical complaints, full of doubts about the Hate of her foul. Vv ed the next day, at a place by the way, with warmth of affection, to a considerable number of people. Tuefday 19. Under the divine protection, I came fafe to Philadelphia, having rode about ;■: 00 miles fince I left itlaft. But heaven is my object, not earth. This fprings my mind, and make? my burden light. S « The ( 2o6 ) " The things eternal I purfue, (S A happinefs beyond the view " Of thofe that bafelypant, " For things by nature felt and feen : " Their honours, wealth, and pleafure mean, " I neither have nor want." Kere I met with Mr. T.-R. in the fpirit of love; and received a full account of what related to the unhappy Mr. D. I alfo received an affectionate letter from Mr. Wejley, and am truly forry that the venerable man ever dipped into the politics of America. My defire is to live in love and peace with all men, to do them no .harm, but all the good I can. However, it difcovers Mr. Wef.ey's confcientious attachment to the government un- der which he lived. Had he been a fubject. of America^ no doubt but he would have been as zealous an advocate of the American caufe. But fome incoufiderate perfons have taken occafion to cenfure the Metkodifls in America, on account pf Mr. Wfjlefa political fentiments. Wednefday 20. By the power of GOD my foul is kept, in the midft of all company, fweetly repofed on Jefus Chrift. My defire is with the rn oft fervent love, to devote myfelf to him, that died for me. Thurfday 21. A perfe if it be poJJible> let this cup pafs from me; tieverthclcfs y not as I ivi/l, but as thvu What mortal can form any idea of the ed Saviour's feelings at that time, when his ly Was fo great as to exprefs from his finlefs , great drops of blood and water ! Was it evei He; rd before, that any man fweat blood ? If Jefus found the pumlhment due to fin to be fo fe- yere, how will poor finners themfelves bear the eternal damnation of hell ? Lord's-day ( *©9 ) Lord's-day 7. The Lord gracioufly a Hi fled mc in my public exercifes boih morning and even And en Monday my foul was in a pure ant! ritual ft ate. Tuefday g. We had a large congregation, and my heart was greatly expanded, while I difcourfed en the cloud of r from Heb. zii. 1. The power of GOD was eminently dif- played on the minds of federal j and one in par- ticular was (truck with deep conviction. Thurfday 11. My foul was all on Itretch for GOD both yefterday and to-day. /. B. c to fee me, and appeared to be in fome diftrefs. I prayed with him more than once, and he roar- ed out for very anguifh of fpirit. Initead of be~ ing furprifed that an awakened fmner mould weep and cry aloud for mercy, we ought to be infinitely more furprifed, that an unforgiven fir.- ner mould manifeft but little or no concern. I£ a man expected to lofe ali his property, and be put to bodily torture, could he be unconcerned? But what is all this to the lois of GOD and hea- ven, and the torture of unquenchable fire ? Tru- ly, if it were not for unbelief, we {hould fee finners on every fide, weeping and roaring aloud both day and night. Saturday 13. Was defired to vi£t a prifoner under fentence of death. I found he was an Engli/bmati) had been an old foidier, and had experienced the pardoning love of GOD in L\- land about 20 years ago, under Mr. B. Thus we fee that although a foul has been bled with the favour of G'JD, yet unfaithfulnefs mav veke the Almighty, to give up fuch a perfon to work all kinds of fin with greedinefs. Then let him that jlindeth take heed left he fail. Or Lord's-day my mind was (hut up in preacl S 2 and ( 213 } and I felt the want of more faith for Philadel- phia. Monday 15. I am not without a comfortable fenfe of the favour and prefence of GOD, but labour under a laflitude of both body and mind. I went to the gaol to vifrt the prifoners again, but could not obtain admittance. Mrs. C. for- merly the wife of G. T #, attended our clais-mecting to-day, and my foul was much bieiTed amongft them. Tuefday -<5. My heart was fweetly enlarged towards God, both in my private exercifes and my public preaching. A friend from New-York informed us, that troops were railed and en- trenchments made in that city.- O Lord, we are oppreffed ; undertake for us. I received a letter from friend E. at Trenton, complaining I the focieties in that circuit had been ne- glected by the preachers. Wednefday 17. My foul loves GOD and all kind, but I cannot pleaie all men. How- ever, my conference is void of offence both to- . 1 GOD and toward man. On Thurfday we heard of a fkirmivh between the Philadelphia and the G/afgow man-of-war. What wiil he the end of thefe things ? Lord, think upon for good, and fliew. us mercy ! Preaching evening, the powers of my foul were at full ty, and I truft it was made a bieiFmg to Friday 19. Satan has been thrufting at me, but by grace 1 am (till kept; and my foul is em- ployed in holy and heavenly exercifee, with con- Rant and delightful communion with GOD. Oh ! how I long to find every power of foul and one continual facrifke to GOD ! « If ( 2*1 ) <£ If fo poor a worm as I " JMay to thy great glory live, " All my actions fanclify, " All my words and thoughts receive : " Claim me for thy fervice : claim « All I have and all I am." With great warmth of affection I went through the public cxercifes of the evening. Oi. Lord's-day my foul was given up to GOD ; it appeared to be a fearching time in. the public congregation. mday 22. I found Chrift in me the hope of glory: but felt a pleating, painful fenfation of fpiritual hunger and thiril for more of GOD. On Tuefday I rode to Burlingtir.y and on the v. ; •- my foul was filled with holy peace, and toyed in heavenly contemplations: but found to my grief that many had fo imbibed a martial it, that they had loft the fpirit of pure and bndefiled religion. I preached from Rom. xiii. ii. but found it was a dry and barren time. Ami fome who once ran well, now walk difor- derly. On Wednefday I rode to Trenton ± and found very little there but fpiritual coklnefs and deadnefs. Had very little liberty in preaching among them ; thus has the Lord humbled me amongft my people. But I hope, through grace, to favc myfelf, and at leaft fome that hear me. Thurfday 25. I rode about eleven miles, and preached to a people who were but very little moved: but at /. B.s the next day there was more fenfibiiity amongft the congregation: andj though very unwell, I found my heart warm and expanded in preaching to them. It is my pre- fent determination to be moie faithful in (peak- ing to all that fall in my way, about fpiritual and eternal ( 212 ) eternal matters. The people were verj tender at friend ^'son Saturday. And on the Lord's- day I fpoke feelingly and pointedly to about 300 fouls at the meeting-houfe. Afterwards I re- turned, through the rain, to Trenton, and was well rewarded in my own foul, while preaching to the congregation at night. I felt every word, which feemed to cut like a two-edged fword, and put me in mind of fome of my former vi- iTts. May the Lord revive his work amongft them again ; and make the time to come better than the former time ! Monday 29. Satan befet me with powerful fuggeftions, itriving to perfuade me that I fhould never conquer all my fpiritual enemies, but be overcome at laft. However, the Lord was nearj and filled my foul with peace. Bleffed Lord, be ever with me, and fuffer me not to yield to the tempter, no, not for a moment ! Tuefday 30. Went about nine miles to our quarterly meeting at Hopewell; and we had much of the power of GOD in our love-feaft, in which many declared their experience. I lec-r tured in the evening at 2. i?.'s, though very weary : but my heart is with GOD ; and I know we cannot tire or wear out in a better caufe. On Wednefday rode back to Trenton, where I preached to about a hundred fouls, and thea went about thirty miles more to W. B.'s. Thurfday May 2. Some melted under the word at Mount-Holly, though at firft they feem- ed inattentive and carelefs. The grace of GOD kept my fpirit this day in fweet ferioufnefs, with- out any mixture of fournefs. Saturday 4. At New-mills I found brother W. very bufy about his chapel, which is 36 feet by 28, with a gallery 15 feet deep. I preached in ( 2*3 ) in it from Matt. vii. 7. with fervour but not with freedom, and returned to IV. B.'s the fame night. Lord's-day 5. I preached at New-mills again, and it was a heart -affecting feafon : then return- ed to Philadelphia , but went under a heavy gloom of mind, and found my fpirit much dejected and fiiUt Up. Monday 6. My mind was in a diffipated frame to-day: and we were alarmed with a report that ililps of war were then in the river. However, I was bleffed in meeting a clafs at night. My mind was more compofed and comfortable the next day, but not fo ipiritual and heavenly as I ilcfirc it ihouiu be. " Come, Lord, from above, " The mountains remove, '• O'erturn all that hinders the courfe of thy love: " My bofom infpire, « Enkindle the fire, |« And wrap my whole foul in the flames of dcfire. M Preached at night from a text which correspond- ed with my own feelings — Theft are they which came out of tribulation y &e. Wednefday 8. My fpirit is much affaulted by Satan, but the Lord is my keeper. About ten o'clock to-day tidings arrived that there hail been a fkirmifh off CbrijVhuw, between thirteen row- galiiv.s and the Roebuck man-of-war; that after an encounter of three or four hours, the man- of-war withdrew, as it was thought, much (hat- tered. At this news the inhabitants of the city were all in commotion \ and the women efpeci- ally were greatly fhocked. Lord, what a wc is ( 214 ) is this ! Give me wifdom and patience, that I may ftand ftill and fee the falvation of GOD. Thurfday 9. My mind was free : and in meeting two claffes we had much of the folemn power of GOD. At night I preached from thefd words which are fo applicable to the circum- fiances of the people — We have no continuing ciiv here. Many people feemed to feel the weight of this divine truth, fo fuitable to their prefent con- dition. Friday 10. My foul is in fweet peace; and I only want to feel my heart continually flaming with pure love to GOD, carrying every defire and every thought towards heaven. Brother B /arrived here to-day, and we are now in- formed that fome men were killed in the gallics, and the man-of-war was much damaged. Lord's-day 12. Divine grace aflifted and comforted me in all the exercifes of the day. And although I fpoke in ftrong and plain terms at night, yet the very foldiers bore it we'll. But the next day I was feized with a fevere chill, and! was carried to my lodging very fick. I was in a heavy fweat till four o'clock the next morning, but neverthelefs fet out the next day, if poflible, to reach the conference : and came to Chejhr that night. Wednefday 15. I am dill afflicted, but not forfaken, the Lord fills me with peace and con- tioa. Attempted to reach a quarterly meet- but when I got to the place was obliged to go to bed. Though the next day, weak as I wasj I went and held a love-feaft, and afterwards preached. And the Lord gave me ftrength in my inward man. Saturday 1 8. My poor frame is much affli&ed and (battered ; but my mind is full of divine tranquillity. ( its ) tranquillity, ardently defirous to fubmit to the providence of GOD with inflexible patience. How amazing is the goodnefs of GOD ! He raifeth up the bell of friends, fuch as love for ChrifVs fake, to (hew the kindeft care for me in rny affliction. In as much as they have done it unto me, one of the lead of his fervants, they have done it unto Chrift. And may he crown their kindnefs with an eternal reward. Was ve- ry unwell all the Lord's-day, but my great defire to be at conference, induced me to make an at- tempt, on Monday, to travel. But by the time I had rode three miles, I found if I travelled, it would be at the hazard of my life : and was therefore obliged to decline it, though the disap- pointment was very great. Let it be, Lord, not as I will, but as thou wilt ! Brother IV. went to Quaker meeting, and began to fpeak ; but feme of the Friends defired him to fit down. Tuefday 22. My diforder feemed to be broken ; but I was taken with a bleeding; at the nofe. The devil ft ill bends his bow, and makes ready his arrows on the firing ; but the Lord fufTers him -not to wound me. Thurfday 24. Vifited Mrs. G. an old difci- ple of Mr. Whitefield's ; but now (he entertains the Methodijis. And on the Lord's-day I ventured to preach to a fmall company of people- Monday 28. Expecting the preachers were on their return from the conference, I appointed preaching at my lodgings, but had to preach my- ftlf, to a fmall, attentive, tender company, and felt much quickened in my own foul. At night brother R. arrived and informed me that I was appointed for Baltimore : to which I cheerfully fubmit, though it feems to be againfl my bodily health. Wednefday ( 216 ) Wednefday 29. My whole foul is devoted to GOD, and defires nothing but more of him. Brother R. and I both fpoke to the congregation collected at night, and the power of GOD was eminently prefent. On Thurfday I wrote a let- ter to Mrs. W. who has departed from GOD, and feel great hopes it may be the means of re- ftoring her. Friday 31. Though far from being in a good ftate of health, I fet off for my appointment, and reached /. D — nis at night. Lord's-day June 2. Went to the chapel, and preached after brother 5. £. and the people ap- peared to be deeply aifecled. But brother S* does not feem to enter into the Methodift plan of preaching. He ufes a few pompous, fwelling "words, which pafs for fomething great with {hort-nghted people ; but are not calculated to do them much fpiritual good. On Monday my foul enjoyed the peace of GOD ; but I am frequently r.ihamed before the Lord, for indulging too great a flow of fpirits in the company of my friends. Though I purpofe, through grace, to begin anew. Lord, fuccour me by thy mighty power ! We had a melting time amongit the people on Monday, at /. P.% Tuefday 4. Went to the widow P.'s, and af- ter I had done preaching, met a fmall clafs of about thirteen fouls who appeared to be fincere. My body is ftill very weak ; but it is my deter- mination to fpend all the little remains of my ftrength, for GOD, and the falvation of precious fouls. Wednefday 5. Some felt the word of truth at the wido^ Z?.'s, while I was mewing what it is to walk after the flefh. But there appears to be a general flatnefs among.ll the members of the clafs : ( 2'7 ) elafs : they are neither fo attentive nor fo tenner as they were two years ago. Whit a pity ! that the nearer fouls approaeh to eternity, tiie more unfit they fhould be to enter into that unchangea- ble place ! " Help me to watch and ; " And on thyfclf rely -, " AfTur'd if I my truft betray, " I fhalJ for ever i\ic ,y Satan hunts my foul continually, and attacks mff at times with the moll powerful temptations ; but he does not get any advantage, nor break my peace; but on the contrary, drives me nearer to my Almighty Protector. And I feel all my pow- ers more abundantly given up to GOD, to ferve him with all fincerity, fervency, and diligence. Thurfday 6. Was greatly blefled in meditation and prayer, on my way to Mr. H. G.'s; arid, there met with my good friend Mr. P. R. and his wife. The next day my fpirit was in b nefs through manifold temptations. I fee need of always Handing fword in hand, againft my adverfary, the devil. Our Lord difplayed both great wifdom and great mercy, when he commanded us to watch and pray ai. v. May I fhew mercy on my own foul by always at- tending to this command ! Lord's-dayo. Yefcerday I preached with fo.ne fatisfacbion at Mr. G.'s ; and rode to-day nbout twelve miles to the Fsrks, where I preached from Col. i. 28. and then met part of feveral claries. My feeble body was much fat led with the ex- ercifes of the day, but my foul was delightfully taken up with GOD. On Monday the congrega- tion at A. G.'s appeared as if tbey both under? T flood ( 213 ) ftood and felt the two-edged fword of the woid. I fee the need of having my thoughts conftantly employed on the things of GOD ; that no vacant moment maybe left for Satan to fill up. Tuefday 1 1. Rofe with a deep fenfe of GOD reding en my mind, and fet off for Mr. Z.'s, which is about twenty miles from the houfe where I lodged; but by lofmg our way, we made it about thirty miles, and did not reach the place till about two o'clock. The Lord then rewarded me for my toil, while I was preaching to a feri- cus, tender people •, and I afterwards endeavour- ed to unite the fociety, which Satan, by his dia- bolical wiles, had divided. On Wednefday the congregation at 1. O.'s were fo impenetrable, that neither promifes nor threats could move them,. Nor did the people at Mr. W.'s feem to have much more fenfibility, though I was greatly af- fected myfelf, while preaching to them from 2 Corinthians vi. 2. The Lord has bleiTed me of late with much afliftance in preaching, and with purity of heart. Thurfday 13. Both the people and myfelf were moved by the word at J. C's. My feeble frame is much fatigued with preaching twice a day ; but it mult drag on as long as it can ; for it is my meat and drink, yea, it is the life of my foul, to be labouring for the fai\*ation of mankind. I defhe nothing but GOD, and to fpend the re- mainder cf my fcrength in fuffering and labour- ing for him. "Who .that knows GOD, would be weary of fuch a mailer ! And, who that knows the worth of fouls, would be weary of driving to fave them ! Saturday 15. After preaching in the Dutch -churc' , and meeting die cJafs, I rode about five miles, through a heavy rain, and the wind was ia powerful ( 2i 9 ) powerful that it blew down trees, barns, and houfes ; fo that it was with difficulty I could urge my way through the woods ; but at length came fafe to the widow M.'s 3 and enjoyed a comforta- ble hour in preaching from Luke xiv. 18, 19. On my coming to Baltimore x I met Mr. J". R, and heard him preach. On Monday I rode to IV. R.'s, where we had a large company of peo- ple, and among the reft were two Baptift pr< ers. All this day my foul was happy in GOD. Tuefday 18. Though temptations hung upon my fpirit, yet I found myfelf greatly enlarged at Mr. E.% while enforcing thefe finking words, The end of all things is at handy be ye therefore fa- her, watching unto prayer. Returned on Wed- nefday to Baltimore, and fpent fome time with Mr. — e. There are very few with whom I can find fo much unity and freedom in converfation, as with hrim. At night the word was made a biemng to myfelf, and no- doubt to others, while I expatiated on 2 Corinthians iv. 5. I can re- joice in GOD, and caft all my care upon him. Thurfday 20. Went to N. iVs, and was fined five pounds for preaching the gofpel. But found my foul at liberty both in preaching and clafs- meeting. We then went to IV. Z.'s, and found N. L. under uncommon exercifes of mind. Saturday 22. Returned to Baltimore ; and al- though my peace is not broken, neither is any wrong temper or de&re indulged, yet I lament the want of more fpirituality. My fouh like the rifmg flame, would continually afcend to GOD. Lord's-day 23. After preaching at the Point % I met the c!afs, and then met the black people, fome of whofe unhappy mailers forbid their coming for religious inftruction. How will the Lns of oppreluon anfwer for their conduct, ( 220 ) when the great Proprietor of all fhall call them to an account ! We had a ferious audience in the evening at town. Monday 24. Spoke plainly on the nature of our fociety, and the neceffity of difcipline ; which perhaps was not very pleafing to feme who do not choofe to join. I told them we could not, would not, and durft not allow any the privileges of members, who would not come under the dif- cipline of the fociety. I defire to know no man after the fleib. My foul is in peace. Tuefdny 25. /. F. who has lately come from Virginia, gave me an agreeable account of the glorious fpreading of the work of GOD, in Vir- ginia and North Carc!i?ia. The Lord is fulfilling his promifes, and pouring out his Holy Spirit on the people — Satan is (till bufy in his attempts to ,rb, if he cannot deflroy me: but my foul and waits, and hangs on GOD ; who makes me more than conqueror over all the af« faults of the enemy. I preached to-day at the hcufe of , a man who has much talk, and but little religion. The whole congregation ap- peared to be very (tupid. Rode thence to K/§, :oin;d a Ample-hearted people. Here I met with poor M. who is keeping a fchool : which may perhaps be his lafl and beft fhift. dnefday 26. This was a general faft day ; and my heart was fixed on GOD. I preached at three o'clock at Mr. S.'s, and the power of GOD was difp'ayed among the poorer part of the congregation. /. -F. then met the clafs, like another C. 6'. Thuriday 27. This was a day of trials. Sa- tan drew my thoughts into a train of reafoning on fubjecls which were out of my reach •, for fe- rret things belong to GOD, but things which are revealed ( 221 ) |evealed belong to us and our children. 1 •: I was foaring out of the region of my duty, I became inattentive to what immediately con-- cerned me, and overfetting my chaife, broke it very much. Though blefTed be GOD, my body was preferved. May the Lord keep my foul united to himfelf, as its proper centre ! How- ever, I was greatly blefTed in fpeaking to the peo- ple -, and the power of GOD reded on the con- gregation. Friday 28. Going to my appointment, iC rained much, and I got wet, which brought on a fore throat and laid me up till July 9. For the greateft part of the time I could neither cat, drink, nor fleep, till the tumour broke. But glo- ry to GOD, I poiTeiTed my foul in patience un- .derthe whole of the afTiiclion. Though my heart complains of its own ingratitude to my gracious Lord, who not onlyfupported both foul and body- under all my trouble, but provided tender friends, who treated me with the greateft afleclion. As- a kind father dealeth with an afflicted fon, fo the Lord dealeth with me. What ihall I render un- to the Lord for all his benefits ? I will render thankfgiving and praife, and devote both body and foul to the Moil Fligh. During this afflic- tion, my abode was at Mr. G.'s. I have now come to a determination, Gcd wil- ling, to go to the warm fprings, and make a trial of them for the recovery of my health ; perhaps my ilrength may be thereby fo rcftored for future fcrvices, that upon the whole there may be no lofs of time. R. IF. IK L. and LR will fup- ply the circuit in the mean time. Thurfday July u. My body is in fome fmall • meafure reftored, and GOD himfelf is the por- tion of my foul. Wby he ever keep me from K < T 2 every ( 222 y every defire, which does not directly or indirect- ly lead to himfelf ! Saturday 13. My heart has been humbled and melted, under a fenfe of the goodnefs of GOD. This day I fet out for Baltimore on my way to the fprings ; but by the time I reached the town I felt a great difpoiition to wearinefs lit 1:1 y fhattered frame, and my foul which feemed to fympathize with the body, had notfuch a live- iy and (leady fenfe of GOD, as at fome other times ; though there was no defire after any thing elfe. 1 ventured to preach both this even^ ing and the next day ; and humbly hope the word was made a bleffing to many. Monday 15. We fet oir for the fprings. Mr. D. overtook us in the evening ; and that no op- portunity might be loft, I lectured at night in the tavern where we lodged. And both the tavern- keeper and his wife appeared to have fome thoughts about their fouls. On Tuefday we reached Frederick, and collecting as many people as we could by a fhort notice, I preached from 2 Corinthians vi. 2. and found my fpirit at liber- ty. My body complains of fo much travelling, for which it is aim oft incompetent. Bur the Spirit of the Lord is the firpport and comfort of my foul. I was thrown out of my chaife tire next day, but was providentially kept from being much hurt. When we came to Hagerflown % it feemed as if Satan was the chief ruler there. The people were very bufy in drinking, fwearing, drumming, &c. &c. My mind was disburdened and much comforted after I had delivered myfelf from Mark i. 16.: though it feemed to anfwer but little purpofe with the people. It is one thing for the preacher to do his duty, and ano- ther thing for the audience to do theirs. Thurfday ( 22 3 ) Thurfday 18. After riding forty miles to- day, we reached the fprings : and at iirft we found it difficult to obtain lodgings. But after a while I procured a good lodging with Mr. M. Here was work enough for a preacher, if he de- fired to be faithful. - My foul was happy ; and I felt myfelf totally delivered from the fear of man ; determined by the grace of GOD to dif* charge my duty. Friday 19. My foul was in peace; but the burden of the Lord relied upon me. I could not be fatisfied till I declared to the people their dan- ger and duty : which I did from Ifaiah lv. 6, 7. They all behaved with decency, though it is more than probable that fome of them had enough cf my preaching. Saturday 20. We had a meeting in the even- ing (which we intend to have every evening at Mr. G.'s and Mr. M.'s alternately) for prayer and exhortation ; at which about twenty people attended. My fpirit was grieved within me at the conduce of poor finners \ but in Jefus my Lord, I had peace. Lord's-day 21. A church irrinifter attended the public exhortation in the morning ; and in the afternoon a diflenting minifter preached from thefe excellent words, Believe in the Lord Jefus Chri/?, and thou fi alt be faved. His difcourfe was very methodical, but dry and full of academical itiffhefs. It was very unlikely to bring fouls either to faith or repentance, i preached in the evening from A els xiii. 26. But my fpirit was fo (tarred up within me, by a defire that the people who were in their houfes might hear, that by fpeaking too loud I hurt myfelf. We afterwards had a good time in our prayer-meeting. Mondaj ( 2-24 ) Monday 22. My foul enjoys fweet commu- nion with GOD; but I am obliged to exercife patience in bearing with the manners of poor, biinded, hardened hnners.. but has now grown worfe than ever. He had about forty fouls in his family, untaught as the Indians in the foreft. They feem to roll in plenty : but there is no peace, faith m-y GOD, to the -wicked. At Mr. R.'s on Wednefday, we had but few to hear. But many or few, it makes no dif- ference with me. The Lord filled me with di- vine ( *35 ) vine con folation while I was difpenfing the word of life to them. Friday 20. Returned to Baltimore, and found that a work which had coil fome thoufands of pounds, was burnt down. How eafily can divine Providence (trip us of all our earthly objects. Are not fuch occurrences loud calls from a gra- cious GOD ? Lay not up for your/elves treafures upon earthy but lay up ^ v \ yourfelves treafures in heaven. I have been much enlarged in preaching, and favoured with peculiar nearnefs to GOD at certain times, for this week pad ; but have been alfo forely tempted by the enemy, and found it required great exertions of faith and prayer, to conquer every motion. Glory to GOD, for his grace bellowed on me through Jefus Chrift ! We have now feveral exhorters railed up in different parts of the country. This evening Mr. R — a came to town. Lord's-day 22. My labour was great. I preached twice, and met the white people and the black people feparately at the Point ; and after preaching in town, met a clafs. All this I could fubmit to with cheerfulnefs ; but my fpirit was grieved for the want of more holinefs, and mors of GOD. €S O grant that nothing in my foul " May dwell, but thy pure love alone ! u O may thy love polTefs me whole ! " My joy, my treafure, and my crown ; " Strange flames far from my foul remove j « My every act, word, thought, be love." Monday 23. My foul has been much harafied by Satan ; though I found great freedom in preaching to a number of fouls at the Point. On Tuefday. { 23* > J Tuefday alio my fpiritual exercifes were great an painful ! Lord, I am opprefTed, undertake for me ! Rode to Mr. E.*s t and found the accufer of the brethren had taken advantage of the fo* ciety, by tempting them one againft another. But moft of them and the congregation feemed ; to feel the power of the word preached. Wednefday 25. Though unwell I returned iq town, preached to a la'^ and ferious congrega- tion; and endeavoured to fecure in a proper manner our little building at the Point. Hav- ing preached at N. TVs on Thurfday, I found W. L. very fick on Friday, but the fmall com. pany which was collected for worfhip, were deeply affected under the word. And, bleiTed be my all-fufficient deliverer ! my foul was in a great meafure disburdened of its temptations, and reftored to delightful accefs to GOD, efpecially in the exercife of prayer. O my GOD ! keep me always near to thee ; always humble and watchful ! Saturday 28. At Mr. G/s, I met the preach- ers, /. M. and T. F. and we had a great melting in public worfhip : my own foul alfo partook of the blelTi ng. Lord's-day 29. There were five or fix hurr* dred people at the Forks , to whom I difcourfed- on the judgments of GOD ; and (hewed who are the provoking caufe *, not religious people, ag the ignorant fay, but thofe who tranfgrefs the laws of GOD in defiance of his juftice. Thus it was with the antediluvians, with the Egyptians^ with the apoflate Ifraelites in the wildernefb, with the inhabitants of Jerufalem after the coming of Chrift, and thus it is with us. After preaching we held a love-feaft, and the power of GOD wa&prefcnt with us» Then went to Mr. G — y's an in a fpintual frame of mind, and preached from John viii. 12. He that falloiucth me /hall not ivalk it: darknejs. Lord's-day 8. My prefent practice is, to fet apart about 3 hours out of every 24, for private prayer ', but Satan labours much to interrupt me; uevcrtheiefe, my foul enjoys a fweetand peaceful nearnefs to GOD, for the moft part, in thefe du- ties. I found fome at the Point mourning for an intereft in Jefus Chrift. May the Lord whom they feek, come fuddenly into the temple of their difconfolate hearts ! Monday 9. My ideas were clear and my heart was warm, while I was treating on the regal d ;-;nity of Chrift, the nature of his government, the £ aviieges, of his fubjecls.. ( 245 ) Tucfday 10. With the fnow fall In my face, I fct out for Mr. TVs. The fie fh was reluctant for a while, but was brought to fubmir. When the mind is reeoneiled to duties and difficulties, then that which was hard becomes eafy. Thurfday 12. I was greaily aiTifted and bleff- ed in my own foul, while preaching about two hours at a watch-night at Mr. P.'s. We have main- alarming accounts of martial preparation s. But I leave the troubles of to-morrow till to- morrow comes. My defirc is to live more to GOD to-day than yetterday, and to be more ho- ly this hour than the laft. Lord's-day 15. The troubles of the timer. feemed fo to engrofs the attention of the people, that the congregation were very dull while I preached at night in Baltimore from Micah vi. 9. The Lord's voice crieth unto the city, and the man of nvifdom fjall fee thy name ; hear ye the rod, and ivho hath appointed it. It feems Mr. R n 13 going to New-Tor k. Thurfday 9. Received a narrative of the work of GOD in Virginia, written by Mr. J. to be fent to Mr. Wejhy. The Lord has been difplaying the power of his grace in a marvellous manner, through many parts of Virginia. An extract of the narrative is here fubjoined. A brief Narrative of the Revival of Religion' in Virginia. In a Letter- to a Friend, Dear Sir, Y OU was pleafed, when in Virginia; to de- Gre a Narrative of the Work of GOD in X 2 thefe ( *J« ) thefe parts. I fhall give you matter of fadT, irl a plain, artlefs drefsj relating only what I have myfelf feen and heard, and what I have received from men on whofe judgment and veracity I can fully depend. That you may have a full view of the whole,. I mail go back as far as my fir ft fettiement in this parifh. Augufl: 29, 1763, I was chofen Rector of B. in the County of D. in Virginia. Ignorance of the things of GOD, prephanenefs,. and irreligion then prevailed among ail ranks and degrees. So that I doubt if even the form of. godlinefs was t( be found, in any one family of ihis large and populous parifh. I was a ilranger to the people : my doctrines were quite new to |hern : and were neither preached nor believed by any other Clergyman, fo far as I could learn, throughout the province. My firft work was, to explain the depravity of •jur nature ; our fall in Adam, and ail the evils eenfequent thereon ; the impofiibility of being de- livered tram them by any thing which we could do, and the neceflity of a living faith, in order to our obtaining help from GOD. While I con- tinued to infill upon thefe truths, and on the ab* Faiute neceflity of being born again, no imall outcry was railed againll this way, as well as igai ft him that taught it. But by the help of GOD, I continued to witness the fame both to foiall and great. The common people, however, frequented the Church more conitantly, and in larger numbers than ufual. Some were affected at times, fo as to drop j tear. But Hill for a year or more, I perceived no laftrng effect, only a few were not altogether fo profane as before. I could difcover rart-felt convictions of fin, no deep or laft- ( 247 ) jhg impreflion of their loft eftate. Indeed I have feafon to believe that fome have been a good deal alarmed at times. But they were fhy cf fpeak- ing to me (thiirking it would be prefumption) till their convictions wore off. Bat in the year 1765, the power of GOD was more fenfi-bly felt by a few. Thefe were conftrained to apply to me, and enquire, " What they mult do to be fayed :" And now I began to preach abroad, as well as in private houfes : and to meet little companies in the evenings, and converfe freely on divine things. I believe fome were this year converted to GOD, and thence- forth the work of GOD ilowly went on. The next year I became acquainted with Mr, JII'R. Rector of a neighbouring parifh : and we joined hand in hand in the great work. He la- boured much therein ; and not in vain. A re- markable power attended his preaching, and ma- ny were truly converted to GOD x not only in his parifti, but in other parts, where he was called to labour. In the years 1770 and 1 77 1, we had a more confiderable out-pouring of the Spirit, at a place in my panlh called White-Oak. It was here firft I formed the people into a Society, that they might affift and ftrengthen each other. The good effecls of this were foon apparent. Con- victions were deep and lafting : and not only knowledge, but faith, and love, and holinefs- continually mcreafed. In the year 1772, the revival was more consi- derable, and extended itfelf in (ome places, for fifty or fixty miles round. It increafed dill more in the following year, and feveral finners were truly converted to GOD. In Spring, 1774, it was more remarkable than ever. The word preached ( -4S ) preached was attended with fucli energy, that many were pierced to the heart. Tears fell plentifully from the eyes of the hearers, and fome were conftrained to cry out. A goodly number were gathered in this year, both in my parifh and in many of the neighbouring coun- ties. I formed feveral Societies out of thofb which were convinced or converted ; and I found it a happy means of building up thofe that had believed, and preventing the reft from lofing. their convictions. In the counties of Sujftx and Brunfwick> the work from the year 1773, was chiefly carried on by the labours of the people called Methodifls. The firft of them who appeared in thefe parts was Mr. R. W. who, you know, was a plain, artlefs s . indefatigable Preacher of the gofpel : he was greatly bleiied in detecting. the hypocrite, rafing falie foundations, and ftirring believers up to prefs after a prefent faivation from the remains of fin. He came to my houfe in the month of March, in the year 1773. The next year others of his brethren came, who gathered many Soci- eties both in this neighbourhood, and in other places, as far as North-Carolina. They now be- gan to ride the Circuit, and to take care of the Societies already formed, which was rendered a. happy means both of deepening and fprcading the work of GOD. I earneftly recommended it to my Societies, to pray much for the profperity of Sion, and for a. larger out-pouring of the Spirit of GOD. They did fo ; and not in vain. We have had a time of refrelhing indeed: a revival of religion, as great as perhaps ever was known, in country places, in fo fhort a time. It began in the lat- ter end of the year 1775 : but was.moi derabie ( 249 ) Iferable in January 1776, the beginning of the brefent year. It broke out nearly at the fame time, at three places, not far from each other. Two of thefe places are in my parifh •, the other in Amelia County; which had for many years been notoiious for careleffhefs, profanenefs, and immoralities of all kinds. Gaming, {wearing, ^nmkennefs, and the like were their delight, while things facial were their fcorn and con- tempt. However, feme time laft year one of my parifh (now a local Preacher) appointed fome meetings among them, and after a while, in- duced a {mail number to join in Society. And though few, if any of them were then believers, yet this was a means of preparing the way of the Lord. As there were few converts in my parifh the lad year, I was fenilble a change of Preachers was wanting. This has often revived the work ©f GOD : and fo it did at the prefent time. Laft. December, one of the Methodift Preachers, Mr. & preached feveral times at the three places above-mentioned. He coniirmed the doctrine I had long preached : and to many of them not in vain. And while their ears were opened by novelty, GOD fet his word home upon their hearts. Many fiuncrs were powerfully convin- ced, and Mercy ! Mercy ! was their cry. In Ja- nuary, the news of convictions and converfions were common; and the people of GOD were illfpired with new life and vigour, by the happi*. nefs of others. But in a little time they were made thoroughly fenfible, that they themfelves flood in need of a deeper work in their hearts, than they had yet experienced. And while thofe were panting and groaning for pardon, thefe were intreating GOD with flrong cries and tears, to ( 250 ) to fave them from the remains ol inbred fin, to fantlify them throughout in Jpirit, foul, and body : fo to circumcife their hearts , that they might love GOD with all their hearts y and ferve him with all their ftrcngih. During this whole winter, the Spirit of the Lord was poured out in a manner we had not feen before. In almoft every affembly might be £ttn ngnal instances of divine power; more efpecially in the meetings of the Gaffes. Here* many old, (tout-hearted finners, felt the force of truth, and their eyes were opened to difcover their guilt and danger. The making among the dry. bones was increafed from week to week : nay,, fometimes ten or twelve have been deeply con- vinced of fm in one day. Some of thefe were in great diflrefs, and when they were queftioned concerning the Hate of their fouls,, were fcarce able to make any reply, but by weeping and fal- ling on their knees, before all the Oafs, and earneftly foliciting the prayers of GOD's people. And from time to time he has anfwered thefe pe- titions, fet the captives at liberty, and enabled them to praife a pardoning GOD> in the midft of his people, Numbers of old and grey-headed,. of middle-aged perfons, of youth, yea, of little children, were the fubjects of this work. Seve- ral of the latter we have feen painfully concerned, for the wickednefs of their lives, and the cor- ruption of their nature. We have inftances of this fort, from eight or nine years old. Some of thefe children are exceeding happy in the love of GOD: and they fpeak of the whole procefs of the work of GOD, of their convictions, the time when, and the manner how they obtained; deliverance, with fuch clearnefs as might con- vines ( *>' ) L^vince an Atheift, that this is nothing elfe but the ! great power of GOD. Many in thefe parts who had long neglected the means of grace, now flocked to hear, not only me, and the travelling Preachers, but alfo the Exhorters and Leaders. And the Lord (hew- ed, he is not confined to man : for whether there was preaching, or not, his power was dill fenfi- ble among the people. And at their meetings for prayer, fome have been in fuch diftrefs, that they have continued therein for five or fix hours. And it has been found that thefe prayer-meetings were fingularly ufeful in promoting the work of GOD. The out-pouring of the Spirit which began here, foon extended itfelf, more or lefs, through moft of the Circuit, which is regularly attended by the travelling Preachers, and which takes in a circumference of between four and five hun- dred miles. And the work went on with a plea- ling progrefs, till the beginning of May ; when they held a Quarterly Meeting at B.'s Chapel, in my parifh. This ftands at the lower line of the parilh, thirty miles from W.'s Chapel, at the up- per line of it, where the work began. At this /meeting, one might truly fay, the windows of heaven were opened, and the rain of Divine In- fluence poured down for more than forty days. The work now became more deep than ever, ex- tended wider, and was fwifter in its operations. Many were favingly converted to GOD, and in a very fhort time, not only in my parilh, but through feveral parts of Brunfwick, S&ffex, Prince .George, Lunenburg, Mecklenburg, and Amelia Counties. The fecond day of the Quarterly Meeting, a JLove-feaft was held. As foon as it began, the power ( 2 5 2 ) power of the X.ord came clown on the aflembly, like a rufhing, mighty wind ; and it feemed as if the whole houfe was filled with the prefence of GOD. A flame kindled and ran from heart to heart. Many were deeply convinced of fin; ma- ny mourners were filled with confolation : and many believers were fo overwhelmed with love, that they could not doubt but GOD had enabled them to love him with all their heart. When the love-feail was ended, the doors were opened. Many who had flayed without, then came in : and beholding the anguifh of fome, and the rejoicing of others, were filled with aftoniih- rnent ; and not long after, with trembling appre- henfions of their own danger. Several of them proftrating themfelves before GOD, cried aloud for mercy. And the convictions which then be- gan in many, have terminated in a happy and lad- ing change. The multitudes that attended on this occafion, returning home all alive to GOD, fpread the flame through their refpe&ive neighbourhoods, which ran from family to family. So that with- in four weeks, feveral hundreds found the peace of GOD. And fcarce any converfation was to be heard throughout the circuit, but concerning the things of GOD : either the complainings of the prifoners, groaning under the fpirit of bond- age unto fear ; or the rejoicing of thofe whom the Spirit of adoption taught to cry, " Abba, Father." The unhappy difputes between England and her Colonies, which juft before had engrofled all our converfation, feemed now inmoft companies to be forgot, while things of far greater importance lay fo near the heart. I have gone into many, and not fmall companies, wherein there did not ap- pear to be one carelefs foul ; and the far greater part ( 253 ) part feemcd perfe&ly happy ia a clear fenfe of tte love of GOD. One of the doctrines, as you know, which we particularly infift upon, is that of a prefent Salva- tion ; a Salvation not only from the guilt and power, but alfo from the root of fin : a dtanfmg nil fltbinefs of fiejh and fpirity that lue may perfecl holinefs in the fear of GOD : a going on to ■perfection ; which we fome times c'eiine, by fovtttg GOD ivith all our hearts. Several who had be- lieved were deeply feufible cf their wont of this. I have feen both men and women, who had Jonpj been happy in a fenfc of GOD's pardoning love ; ns much convicted on account of the remains of fin in their hearts, and as much diftreffed for a to- tal deliverance from them, as ever I faw any for Juflitication. Their whole cry was, " O that I now the reft might know ; " Believe and enter in ; rt Now, Saviour, now, the power bellow, " And let me ceafe from fin !" And I have been prefent, when they believed (hat GOD anfwered this prayer, and beftowed this blefiing upon them. I have converted with them feveral times fince, and have found them thorough- ly devoted to GOD. They all teftify, that they have received the gift inftantaneoufly, and by fim- ..ple faith. We have fundry witnefies of this per- fecl: love, who are above all fufpicion. I have known the men and their communication for many years, and have ever found them zealous for the caufe of GOD : men of fenfe and integrity, patterns of piety and humility ; whofe teltimony therefore may be depended on. It Y '( «S4 ) It has been frequently obferved, that there nev- er was any remarkable revival of religion, but fome degree of enthufiafm was mingled with it ; fom wild fire mixed with the facred flame. It may b doubted, whether this is not unavoidable in the nature of things. And notwithstanding all the care we have taken, this work has not been quite free from it. But it never rofe to any confidera- b!e height, neither was of long continuance. In fome meetings there have not been that decency and order obferved, which I could have wifhed, »iome of our afTemblies refembled the congrega- tion of the Jews at laying the foundation of the feeond Temple in the days of Ezra. Some wept lor grief ; others fhouted for joy, fo that it was hard, to diftinguiih one from the other. So it was here. The mourning and diitrefs was fo blende ed with the voice of joy and gladnefs, that it was hard to diftinguiih the one from the other, till the voice of Joy prevailed : the people {houting with a great {hour, fo that it might be heard afar off. To give you a fuller infight into this great work of GOD, I fubjoin an extract from two or three of my letters. To the Rev. Mr. Mft eftate, and in lefs than fifteen minutes rejoiced in GOD her Saviour. And, blcffed be GOD, many of thefe retain a fenfe of his favour. Many, who a few weeks ago were defpifers and feoffors, are new happy in the Lord. Many old Chriflians, who C- 2 5? ) who were always full of doubts and fears, no^fr walk in the light of Lis countenance. Some have a clear witnefsin themfelves, that they have given their whole hearts to GOD. O may GOD carry on his work among us, until we are all fwallowed up in love ! T. 5. Mr. S. lives two and twenty miles from me : the writer of the following letter, about thirty. o July zo, i~-6. 1UV. ON June the pth, we had a large congrega- tion. I fpoke on, No man can ferve two majlers. Several appeared to be much diitrefTed, two wo- men in particular. We ipent above an hour in prayer for them, and they arofe in peace. When we met the Clafs, we fuffered all thai defired ir, to flay. The Leader only put a queftion or two to each member, This was fcarce ended, when the fire of GOD's love was kindled. Praifes hung on the lips of many ; and feveral cried out, " What mujt lue do to be faved F" Thus it fwift- J-y went on •, every now and then one riling with faith in Jcfus. Surely this was one of the days of heaven ! Such a day I never expected to fee in time. While we were met,.one J. W. was ebferv- ed to be looking through the crack of the doer ; which being opened, he came with it, and, being unable to lland, fell on the floor quite helplefs. But in two or three hours he rofe and praifed a pardoning GOD : while one of the Clafs who had been juflihed fomc time, received a bleinng great- ly fuperior to any thing lie had known before We ( &o ) We have reafon to believe, that on this day, fifteen were enabled to believe in Jefus. Saturday, June 15. I was fpeaking to the Ciafs, and one found peace to her foul. Sunday 16, I fpoke from, This is the vi&ory that over" cometh the world, even our faith, to four or five hundred people. This was alfo a day of Pentc- coft. Convictions feized on numbers, who wreil- led with GOD till their fouls were fet at liberty* A young woman told me, " She heard that ma- ny people fell down, and (he would come to help them up." This (he faid in fcorn. She came accordingly. The power of GOD foon feized her, and me wanted helping up herfelf. But it was not long before the Spirit of grace helped her, by giving her faith in Chrift. We believe twenty fouls found peace this day. O may we fee many fuch days ! July 7. I fpoke to a large congregation. Af- terwards I was going to give out an hymn, when one was {o powerfully ftruck, that he couid not hold a joint it'll, and roared aloud for mercy. 1 immediately went to prayer; the cries of the people all the time greatly increafing. After pray- er, B. ST. lately a great oppofer, jumped up and began to praife GOD, with a countenance fo altered, that thofe who beheld him were filled with altonifhment. Our meeting continued from twelve at noon, till twelve at night ; during which, GOD railed up about fifteen more witnefies. TheThuifday following, fix of thofe who were convinced on Sunday, found peace in believing. We hear of many others converted in the neigh- bourhood, feveral of whom were ftrong oppofers : and fome hoary-headed ones, who had been ftrict • ifees from their youth up. Sunday ( 2«» ) Sunday 21. We had a large and attentive auditory, and the power of the Lord prevailed. The next day I was much tempted to doubt, whe- ther I was fent of GOD to preach or not ? I pray- ed earneftly to the Lord that he would fatisfy me,, and that he would keep all falfc fire from among us. Afterwards I preached. While I was fpeak- ing, a mother and her daughter were fo (truck with conviction, that they trembled every joint : bur before I concluded, both found peace. Glory be to GOD ! I am, &c. j.d. GOD has made examples of feveral oppofers — examples not of Jnflice, but of mercy. Some of them came to the affembly with hearts full of ran- cour againft the people of God, fo that had it been in their power, they would have dragged them away to prifon, if not to death. But unexpectedly their ilubborn hearts were bowed down, being pierced with the arrows of the Almighty. In a moment they were filled with diftrefs and anguifh, their laughter turned into mourning, and their curfing into prayer. And frequently in lefs than a week, their heavinefs has been turned into joy. Of this fort are feveral of our moil zealous and circurn- fpecfc walkers at this day. A goodly number of thefe are rich in this world ; yet they are now ;lit (o low, that they are willing to be taught , and to be the fervants of ali. A Gentleman of this parifli, in particular, had much oppofed and contradicted ; he was fully per* fuaded,, that all outward appearances, either of diftrefs or joy, were mere deceit. Cut as he was Walking to his mill, about half a mile from his. boufe. deep conviction fell udoii him. The ter^ rors ( 262 ) rors of the Lord befet him round about,, and dif- trefs and anguifh got hold upon him. When he came to the mill and found no one there, he took that opportunity of proflrating himfelf before GOD, and of pouring out his foul in his prefence. As his diftrefs was great, his cries were loud, and his prayer importunate. The Lord heard him, and fet his foul at liberty before he left the place. And the power which came upon him was (o great, that it feemed as if his whole frame were diiTblving. Upon the whole, this has been a great, a deep, a fwift, and an extenfively glorious work. Both the nature and manner of it have been nearly the fame, wherever its benign influence reached. Where the greateft work was, where the greattfl number of fouls have been convinced and con- verted to GOD, there have been the mod out- cries, tremblings, convulsions, and all forts of ex- ternal iigits. I took all the pains I could, that thefe might be kept within bounds, that our good might not be evil fpoken of. This I did, not by openly inveighing againft them in the public af- fembly ;. but by private advices to local preacherj and others, as opportunity would permit. This method had its deiired efFecl:, without putting a fword into the hands of the wicked. Wherever the contrary method has been taken, where thefe things have been publicly oppofed, when they have been fpoken againfl in promifcuous congre- gations, the efFecl h is always been this : the mea of the world have been highly gratified, and the children of GOD deeply wounded. The former have plumed themfelves, as though they were the men who kept within due bounds, and thofe that had " made fo much ado about religion," were no better than La-brained enthufiaits. I canncr but C 26 3 ) "but think this has a great tendency to hinder the work of GOD. Indeed if we thought, that GOD wrought every thing irrefiftibly, we fhould not fear this. But we know the contrary : we know, that as fome things promote, (o others hinder his work. I grant, means fhould be ufed to pre- sent all indecency ; but they fhould be ufed with great caution and tendernefs, that the cure may be effected, if poffible, without damping the work of GOD. With regard to the inward work, there has been a great variety as to the length, and depth, and circumftances of the convictions in different per- -fons ; but all in general have been at firft alarmed with a fenfe of the multitude and heinoufneis of their fins ; with an awful view of the wrath of GOD, and certain deftruCtion, if they perfifted therein. Hence they betook themfelvesto prayer, and as time permitted, to the ufe of all other means of grace ; although deeply fenfible of the xilenefs of their performances, and the total infuf- ficiency of all they could do to merit the pardon of one fin, or deferve the favour of GOD. They were next convinced of their unbelief, and that faith in Chrift is the only condition of justifica- tion. They continued thus waiting upon the Lord, till he fpoke peace to their fouls. This he ufually did in one moment, in a clear and fatis- . factory manner, fo that all their griefs and anxie- ties vanifhed away, and they were filled with joy and peace in believing. Some indeed have had their burdens removed, fo that they felt no con- demnation. And yet, they could not fay, they were forgiven. But they could not be fatisfied with this. They continued inftant in prayer, till they knew the Lamb of GOD had taken away -their fins. Mod ( 2 ) I have a great deal upon my hands at prefenf, ■Tld have little time either to write or read. alties and temptations of the lately-conv ! are fo many and various, that I am obliged I in as many places as I can : for now is the crit- ical hour. A man of zeal, though with tittle knowledge or experience, may b? an inllrument of converting fouls. But after they are converted, he will have need of much knowledge, much pru- dence and experience, to provide proper food or jphyfic for the feveral members, according to their ftate, habit, and constitution. This at prefent fcems in a great meafure to devolve upon we. And though I have been twenty years in the Lord's fervice, yet I find I am quite unequal to the taflc. However, I will do what I can ; and may the Lord blefs my endeavours ! The enemy is bufy night and day, in (o- the tares of divifion among the wheat. And in fome places he has prevailed fo far as to plunge ibme of them in the water. In other places littie feuds and animofities arife, to grieve the Preach- ers and damp the fpirits of the people. On thefe occafions, they commonly apply to mc ; and all is well, at leait for a feafon. — When I confi , -what it is to watch over fouls, and how much la- bour and pains it implies, to dif it in ny degree, I cannot but cry out with the Apoftle, Who is fujjicient for thefe things? However, upon the whole, things are in as flourifhing a condition as can reasonably be expect- ed, conhdering what great numbers, ci various capacities and ltations have been lately added to the focieties. But after ail, a great part of Virginia is (till in a very dark and deplorable condition. This pro- vince contains Gxty-two counties ; and the late Z work ( 7.66 ) work has reached only feven or eight of them. Nor has it been univerfal even in thefe, but chiefly in the Circuit, which is regularly vifited by the Preachers. In this alone very many hundreds have in a few months been added to the Lord. And fome are adding (till. May He continue to j our out his Spirit upon us, and increafe the number of the faithful every , J ay ! Our higheft gratitude is due to our gracious GOD ; for he hath done marvellous things ! In a fhort time he hath wrought a great work: and let who will fpeik againft it, it is evident beyond all contradiction, that many open and profligate finners of all forts, have been effectually and laft- ingly changed into pious, uniform Chriftians. So that every ihinking man mufh allow, that GOD hath been with us of a truth, and that his glory dive I Is in cur land. I am Your fincere friend, and brother in Chrift, D. J. Sept. 10, 1776. [To Mr. T. R.-] 'The following letter, which relates to the fame work, was written fome time after. To the Rev. Mr. Wefley. June 24, 1778. Rev. and dear Sir, YOU have the Narrative of the Rev. Mr. J. I fend this as a Supplement to it. AT ( »7 ) AT our little Conference held in Philadelphia^ May 1775, Mr. o. wis appoint* 1 Afliftant for Brunfivick Circuit in Virginia. He found there about eight hundred joined together, but in a ve- ra cortfufed manner. Many of them did not underftand the nature of meeting in Claf 3 -, and many of the ClaiTes had id Leader. lie refolv- ed to begin in good earned, and the Preachers pith him were like-minded. Their conftant torn was, as foon as preaching was over, to fpeak to all the members of the Society, one by 0;::. If the Society was large, one Preacher i part, and lie that came next, to the red. this means they learned more of our doCtrinj and difcipline in a year, than in double the time before. The fruit foon appeared: the Congre- gations fwiftly increafed, and many were pricked to the heart. Many that were a 11 Ic.l, defired to fee the nature of meeting inClafs: and while one was (peaking either to thofe that were groaning for redemption, or thofe wh ) found peace with GOD, thefe we [uently cut to the heart, and fometimes enabled on the fpot to praife a pardoning GOD. Nay, fome- four, five, cr fix found peace with COD, before the meeting was over. The work of GOD thus increasing on every fide, more Preachers were foon wanting. And GOD raiftd up feveral young men, who ling ufeful as local Preachers. After Mr. 5. had been about eight months in the circuit, Mr. J. defired his parifh might be included in it ; that all who chofe it might have the privilege of meeting in Chfs, and being members of the Society. He foon faw the falu- tary effects. Many that had but fmall defires before, began to be much alarmed, and laboured earneilly ( 268 ) earneftly after eternal life. In a little time mini- ] bers were deeply awakened, and many tailed of the pardoning love of COD. In a few months Mr. J. law more fruit of his labours, than he had done for many years. And he went on with the Preachers hand in hand, both in do£lrine and difcipline. When Mr. 5. took an account of the Socle- ties, before he came to the Conference in 1776, they contained two thoufand, fix hundred, and fixty-four perfons: to whom eighteen hundred were added in one year. Above a thoufand cf thefe had found peace with GOD: many of whom thirfted for all the mind that was in Chrift. And divers believed, GOD had cii . cifed their heart, to love him iviih all their heart) and ivitb alt their foul. This revival of religion fprend through fourteen counties in Virginia : and through Bute and Ha- lifax counties in North-Carolina. At the fame time we had a bleffed outpouring of the Spirit, in feveral counties bordering upon Maryla Our Conference was at Baltimore-Town, cu : :d of May. Here I received a letter from 7« part of which I infert. May 11, 1776* C( I praife GOD for his goodnefs in fo plenti- fully pouring out of his Spirit, on men, women, and children. I believe threefcore in and near my paviih, have believed, through grace, fince the Quarterly Meeting. Such a work I never faw with my eyes. Sometimes twelve, fomctimes fifteen find the Lord atone Clafs-meeting. I am juft returned from meeting two CiatTes. Much of the power of GOD was in each. — My dear partner is now happy in GOD her Saviour. I clap my hands exulting, and praife GOD. Blefled be ( 2o y ) te the Lord, that ever he fent you arhi your bre- feren into this part of his vineyard ! Many chil- dren, from eight to twelve 5 ears old, are now un- der (Iroii'T convictions. And fome of their, favingly converted to GOD. I was much com- forted this morning at the W.-O. f - people there are of a truly teachable fpirit : thofe particularly, who profefs to have obtained the pure love of GOD. Idren. When pouconfider, how the work ij fpreading on ei fide, you ' me from being at your Conference.'' Monday, June 24. I Iefl n compa- ny with Jt r . B. (a truly devout man, who now lefts from his labours) and cam 'g on Saturday the 29th, where I preached, r.i.out three In the afternoon, and then rode on to Mr. i^.'s, about ten miles farther. A little company waiting for me, and GOD was with us of a truth. Sunday 3c. I was comforted by the fight of my dear brother S. But I was weak in body, through riding lb far in extreme heat, and much exercifed in mind ; and did not know how I mould be able to go through the labour of the day. went to the Chapel at ten, where I had liberty of mind, and llrength of body beyond my expe tion, After preaching I met the Society, and was more relieved, both in body and mind. At four in the afternoon I preached again, from I fet be- tfbre thee an opt Imt It. I had gone through about two thirds of my difcourfe, and was bringing the words home to the prefent Now, when fuch power defcended, that hun- dreds fell to the ground, and the Koufe feemed to ftake with the pretence of GOD. The Chanel full of white and black, and many were with- out that could not get in. Look wherever we £ 2 would. ( 2yo ) would, we faw nothing but dreaming eyes, faces bathed in tears : and heard nothing but groans and ftrong cries after GOD and the Lord Jefus Chrift. My voice was drowned amidft the groans and prayers of the congregation. I then fat down in the pulpit ; and both Mr. S. and I were fo filled with the divine prefence, that we could only fay, This is none other than the houfe of GOD ! This is the gate of heaven ! Hufbands were inviting their wives to go to heaven, wives their hufbands : parents their children, and chil- dren their parents: brothers their fitters, and Afters their brothers. In fhort, thofe who were happy in GOD themfelves, were for bringing all their friends to him in their arms. This mighty i on of the Spirit continued for above an hour : in which time many were awakened, fome found peace with GOD, and others, his pure love. We attempted to fpeak or fmg again and again: but no fooner we began than our voices were drown- ed. It was with much ciimculty that we at laft perfuaded the people, as night drew on, to retire to their own homes. Tuefday, July 2. I rode with Mr. S. to Mr. J.'*; who with Mrs. J. received us with open arms. I preached the next day, not far from his houfe, to leeply attentive congregation. Many were much affected at the preaching j but far more at the meeting of the Society. Mr. J. himfelf was conilrained to praife GOD aloud, for his great love to him and to his people. Sunday 7. I preached at W.'s Chapel, about twenty miles from Mr. J.'s. I intended to preach near the houfe, under the (hade of fome large it the rain made it impracticable. The fe was greatly crowded, and four or five hun- ted Hood at the doors and windows, and liitened with ( 27' ) with unabated attention. I preached from Eze- kill's vifion of the dry bones. And there ivas a I flaking. I was obliged to flop again and again, and beg of the people to compofe them- ;. But they could not : fome on their knee:, and fome on their faces, were crying mightily to GOD all the time I was preaching. Hundred-, of negroes were among them, with the tears dreaming down their faces. The fame pc we found in meeting the Society, and many were enabled to rejoice with joy unfr. In the* cool of the evening I preached out of doors, and many found an uncommon blefTmg. Every day the enfuing week I preached to large and attentive congregations. Indeed the to o o weather was violently hot, and the fatigue of ri- ding, and preaching fo often, was great. But GOD made up all this to me, by his comfortable prcfence. Thurfday II. I preached to a large congregation at the Preaching-houfe near Mr. JVs. After preaching at feveral places on Friday .Saturday, on Sunday 14, I came to Mr. Z>.'s, re I preached and met the Society. The con- gregation was, as before, abundantly larger than the Chapel could contain. And we had almol't fuch a day as fourteen days ago : only attended with a more dec\-> and folemn work. What a work is GOD working in this corner of Mr. J.'s parifh ! It fcemed as if all the country, for nine or ten miles round, were ready to turn to GOD. In the evening I rode to Mr. ■$.% and found a whole family fearing and loving GOD. Mr. 5. a fenfible and judicious man, had been for many years a juftice of the Peace. By hearing the truth as it is in Jefus, he and his wife finl, and then all his children had attained that peace that paffeth all understanding. He obferved, " How I 2/2 ) "How amazing the change was, which had been lately wrought in the place where he lived ! That before the Methotlifts came into thefe parts, when he was called by his office to attend the Court, there was nothing but drunkennefs, curfing, fwearing, and fighting, moll of the time the Court fat: whereas now nothing is heard but prayer and praife, and convening about GOD, and the \, of GOD." Monday 15. I rode toward North-Carolina. In every place the congregations were large, and received the word with all readineis of mind. I know not that I have fpent fuch a week, fince I came- to America. I law every where fuch a fim- plicity in the people, with fuch a vehement thirft after the word of GOD, that 1 frequently preach- ed and continued in prayer, till I was hardly able to (land. Indeed there was no getting away from them, while I was able to fpeak one fentence for GOD. Sunday 2:. I preached at Roanoahe Chapel to more than double of what the Houfe would con- tain. In general, the white people were within the Chapel, and the black people without. The windows being all open, every one could hear, and hundreds felt the word of GOD. Many were bathed in tears, and others rejoicing with joy un- speakable. When the Society met, many could not refrain from praifmg GOD aloud. I preached to a large company in the afternoon, and con- cluded the day with prayer and thankfgiving. Tuefday 23. I croiTed the Roanoake River, and preached at a Chapel in North-Carolina. And I preached every day to very large and deeply at- tentive congregations: although not without much labour and pain, through the extreme heat of the weather. On ( 2/3 ) On Tuefday 30, was our Quarterly Meeting. I , fcarce ever remember fuch a feafon. No Chapel or Preaching-houfe in Virginia would have con- tained one third of the congregation. Our friends knowing this, had contrived to fhade with boughs of trees a fpace that would contain two or three thoufand perfons. Under this, wholly feveened 1 the rays of the fun, we held our general Love-feafl. It began between eight and nine on lefday morning, and continued till noon. 7 teltified that they had rtdk cf JeftiSy even the frgivenefs of fins. And many c-nabtcd to declare, that it had cUanfed them all fin. So clear, fo fuil, io llrong was their QOny, that while fome were fpeaking their ex[ erience, hundreds were in t :d others mently crying to GOD, for pardon or holi- piefs. About eight our Watch-niglu began. Mr. J. preached an excellent fermon : the reft of the Preachers exhorted and prayed with divine ener- gy, purely, for the work wrought on thefc two many will praife GOD to all eternity. T. R. Thurfday, January 2, 1777. My foul has had reflle with principalities and powers ; but by the grace cf GOD, in c\: v refilling the rer, I have come off more than conqueror ami am now in peace. I was enabled to fpeak plainly and clofely at Mr. GVs. Lord's-day 5. After preaching and meeting the fociety, I think the people were left more in earned for the faivation of their fouls, than they were before. On Monday the Lord was the por- tion and comfort cf my foul j and I enjoyed a very ( 274 ) very agreeable and happy feafon with the little flock at W. Wh. Tuefday 7. The camp-fever now rages much ; of which feveral have died. Thurfday 9. I have met with a few faithful, happy fouls, both yefterday at Sufquehannah y and to-day at E. IF.'s. My own foul lives conftant- ly as in the pretence of GOD, and enjoys much of his divine favour. His love is better than life ! " My Jefus to know, " And feel his blood flow, M Tis life everlafting, 'tis heaven below.' 7 Lord's-day 12. There was but little appear- ance of feeling while I preached in the day from John i. 14 ; but my foul was much blefled in the evening at IV. is.'s, and it was a folemn time a- mongfl the people. Monday 13. We have conftant rumours a- bout the difagreeable war which is now fpreading igh the country, but all thefe things I ftill com-mit to GOD. Matters of greater perpetuity call for the exertion of my mental powers. My foul is in a tranquil frame, but thirtieth for more of GOD. After preaching at 5. Z.'s, I met the fo- ciety, which feemed but flow in their fpirifual progrefs. Both the audience and myfelf wens much more engaged the next day at /. /Vs. . 16. A certain perfon palled great encomium?, and founded my praifeas a preacher, to my face. But this is a dangerous practice - r for it is eafier for a preacher to think too much of his gifts, than too little. St. Paul defcribing the true liraelite, faith — ivhofe praife is mtofmen^ but of GOD. Saturday ( *75 ) Saturday 18. I have heard much of many at- tending on the Lord's-days, to hear T. C. but for my part, I fee but little fruit. My heart was warmly engaged to-day at Mr. F.'s \ and as fome preachers met me in the evening, we held a watch- night at H. JV.'s. There was a great number of people, and it was a folemn, profitable time. Lord's-day 19. In preaching at N. iVs, from Zeph. i. 12. 1 was particularly led, in the clofe of the fermon, to addrefs the younger part of the congregation, in fuch a manner as greatly affected the parents who were prefent. Monday 20. It is now a time of great and fpreading fickntfs ; but in this very time, the Lord keeps me in health and fafety ; for which my heart is drawn out in grateful acknowledge- ments. There were more people than could have been expected, to hear the word at Mrs. /Vs. Tuefday 21. A meffenger from Mr. G.'s met me at the widow B.'s> informing me that Mr. R — a and Mr. G. S. were there waiting to fee me. After preaching I let out, and met my bre- thren the fame night; and found them inclined to leave America^ and embark for England. But I had before refolved not to depart from the work on any confederation. After fome confutation, it was thought bed that Mr. R. — a ihculd go to Mr. R — //, and requefl his attendance here. On Thurfday brother S. preached a very argumenta- tive and melting fermon. I intended to have gone forward on my circuit, bur was prevented by the rain. Friday 24. My heart has checked me for not being more watchful in company and converfa- ticn ; but to-day my foul was greatly drawn out after GOD. How often do we grieve the Holy Spirit, and deprive ourfelves of divine conten- tions, ( 2 7 6 ) tions, by not fteadily attending to the duties of watching and prayer. Lord, help me to be more attentive, and more faithful ! Lord's-day 28. After lecturing in Mr. G/s family, I rode to the Forks, and preached there ; then, through rain, and cold, and dirt, to meet the congregation at Mr. C.'s : and afterwards re- turned to Mr. G.'s, and lectured in the evening. And the Lord was with me, to fupport and com- fort me through all the exercifes of the day. Monday 29. My fpirit was aflaulted by Sa- tan, and felt itfelf in a heavy frame ; but in the Lord I have help. As brother G. S. is willing to take this circuit for the prefent, my intention is to move towards Annapolis and its adjacent parts. May divine Providence direct my fteps. I have had an agreeable converfation with my friend Mr. O— e. Friday 31. I was moved to fpeak in alarming terms at W. L.'s ; but am not yet fo fteadiiy and fpiritually devoted to GOD, as my foul earneftly defires to be. Probably the Lord will be pleafed to make me perfect through fufferings. But our light afficlion which is hut for a moment, is not wor- thy U be compared with that glory which Jhall be re~ sealed in us, if faithful to the grace, of GOD. " Who fuffer with our Matter here, « We fhaii before his face appear, " And by his fide fit down : *< To patient faith the prize is fure ; « And all who to the end endure " The crofs, mail wear the crown." Saturday, February 1. My foul is determined to labour Tor more of the fpirit of devotion. I found myfelf at liberty in preaching at the Pointy on ( *77 ) on Cajfing all your care upon him % for he car:: you. Lord's-day 2. The audience at the P cold and unaffected. And at town on Mor evening, they were difperfed by the alarm of fire in the time of preaching. Tuefday 4. After a feafon of temptations and fpiritual exercifes, I found my mind difburdened ; and a holy, awful nearnefs to GOD. On T: day I fet out for R.ijlerjloiun> in order to meet bro- ther G> S. and calling in at Mr. /;' r .'s, where bro- ther K. was then fpeaking, I alio fpoke a few words and found my foul refrefhed. I met with brother G. S. the next day, and faw an affecting letter from Mrs. T. of Philadelphia, in which, ter {he had given fome account of the abounding wickednefs of that city, (he informed us of the declenfion of a few religious perfens, of the fide- lity of others, of the camp-fever that was then prevailing there, and that many died thereof; fometimes 20, 30, and even 40 in a day. An aw- ful account indeed ! So it feems as if the Lord intends to bring us to our proper reflections and duties, by the fword, the peftilence, and famine. Alas ! who can ftand before the difpleafure of the Almighty ! How much better would it be, for men to pleafe GOD, and Jive in love to him and one another, that they might partake of his I ing, inftead of his curfe. Lord, grant thy people wifdom and protection in all times of danger ! Monday 10. I went to the quarterly meeting smd met with brother R — a and brother R — ;;. In our love-feaft feveral people were happy, but my mind was under a cloud and fome fevere ex- ercifes. However, I eameftly defire an increafe of patience, and communion with GOD. O my A a Lord, ( 273 ) Lord, fcatter every cloud, and caufe thy face to fhine with beams of divine love upon my foul ! Thurfday 13. Mr. R — n went to Baltimore ; and on Friday I felt a defire to be labouring for the falvation of fouls. I cannot be idle, but mufl: be occupied till my Lord (hall come. O happy day, when the weary fhallbe at reft ! Lord, halten thy work in me, and then haften thy com- ing to judgment, or by death ! Saturday 15. I have been reading fome of both Greek and Hebrew: but my foul longeth to feel more deadnefs to every thing but GOD., and an increafe of fpiritual light, life, and love. I now parted with dear brother G. S. On the Lord's-day I found freedom and waimth in preaching to a larger congregation than could have been expected, at the widow M.'s. Monday 1 7. Rode to Mrs. i^.'s ; and was griev- oufly troubled with inward temptations. Oh ! when (hall I reft with my Jefus in eternal glory ! Lord, I am oppreifed, undertake for me ! Tuefday 18. It was a cold winter's day, but I rode 23 miles to Mr. G.'s, and found one had been brought to GOD fince my departure the laft time. Several feemed to mek while 1 was difcourfing on the parable of the dry bones. Thurfday 20. The weather was exceedingly fevere, and I had 25 miles to ride ; which almoft benumbed both body and foul. But my mind was fo exercifed by the way, with various and heavy temptations, and fuch a deep fenfe of my demerit and unprofitablenefs, that 1 thought my fuffering was much lefs than my defert. Satan frequently afTaults me on every fide, and with .every fpecies of temptations. Surely it is through great tribulation we mufl enter into the kingdom of ( 279 ) of GOD. The righteous have great caufe to re- joice that a rejl remaineth for them. Saturday 22. The burden of my ardent defird was, to be more aOimilated to my fpiritual head, and to be more abundantly devoted, both day and night, to the pure and uninterrupted fervice of my GOD. " I would be thine, thou know'ft I would, " And have thee all my own ; " Thee, O my all-fufncient good, *' I want, and thee alone. ' Lord's-day 13. After riding 20 miles to /. JF'.'s, I fpok< n thcfe words, How long halt ye between two opinions ? Many of the people dis- played by the.r looks, the carelefsnefs of their hearts ; but a few from among them have been brought to Cm-iil, and fome more are coming. On Tuefday we had fevere weather, with a cold and dirty houfe ; but my foul was much blefled in my little fufferings. On "Wednefday I was kindly entertained by old Mr. M. and his wife : though a troublefome little Irilhman fecmed much inclined to altercation. But as Solomon fays, a fcft anfwer tufneth aivay wrath : fo by coolnefs and meeknefs, the ferocity of his temper was in a great degree fubdued. I have had fome doubts of late, whether I am in my proper rout to bring fouls to GOD : however, the event mult make it manifeft. Friday 28. My heart was unfettered and quite py in GOD, while publishing glad tidings to poor finners at Mr. r/.'s, from Acls xiii. 3^, 39. I had appointed the next day to enter Annapolis, but a great (how prevented me. Meeting with brother H. who was about to enter upon the circuit ( 28o ) circuit, we took feme fweet counfel together re- lative to the work of GOD ; and I gave him a plan which comprehended the greater part of the circuit, referring for myfelf Annapolis and a few places adjacent. My foul is now kept in peace and love. Lord's day, March 2. Though the weather was very cold, feveral members of the convention attended to hear the word at the widow D.'s; and I afterwards preached in the play-houfe, now converted into a church. In the beginning of the enfuing week, I was requefted to preach in the aflembly-room, but fome of the members op- pofed it ; fo I returned to the play-houfe, and found my ideas contracted while preaching to a dtijiical audience from Rom. viii. 7, 8. Lord, if thou haft called me to preach to thefe fouls, grant me divine afliftance ! But how difficult it is to declare the plain truth to ungodly and fen- fual men, in fuch a manner as not to be difmayed at their countenance ! Our fufficiency is of GOD. Wednefday 5. I had fome hope for a poor, ignorant people at Brcad-Nech y on the other fide of the Severn, My cloaths were wet through, in riding 20 miles the next day to Mr. iVs; but I received no injury. Here I met with Mr. O. and Wm. M. and my foul was blelTed with delightful communion with GOD. Lord's-day 9. Preached at Mr. JF.'s : and on Monday my heart was inflamed with divine love, and the people were much melted, while I was difcourfing at Mr. R.'s from Amos v. 6. though my foul had been bowed down by the weight of temptations 5 and by the grace of GOD, I was afhamed before him, being bafe, un- worthy, and contemptible in my own eyes. May the ( *«« ) .-ace which thus abafes me, in due time ex- alt me, and bring me to glory ! Tuefday 11. I met with a dull congregation at Mr. G.'$, and went home with Mr. T. who appeared to be the only thoughtful man among!!; them. I was much indifpofed on Wedpefday, and on my way to Annapolis x Hopped at Mr, M — >'s, where a certain Mr. R. was taken Tick 5 after I had converfed with him about his foul and the things of eternity, his conduct proved that GOD hath a witnefs for himfelf in every bread, for awaking in the night, he uttered exprcflm: groans, and called upon the name of the Lord. But alas ! when men fhould attend to the voice of divine grace which fpeaketh in filence, though frequently with great power, to every conscience, they make off" the difagreeable fenfation, and plunge into bufinefs and fenfual pleafures : and when death comes, they plunge into hell. Thus it was with the rich man mentioned by our Lord, in the parable : and thus it is with many every day — Unhappy creatures ! How rich, how ho- nourable, how eafy, hew happy once, avails them nothing there ! There they muu dwell in eternal poverty and nakednefs, expo fed to the beating ftorms of the divine difpleafure. Then how much better is it, to choofe affliction with the people of GOD, than to enjoy the pleafure of fin for a feafon ? Thurfday 13. At TV. M^C.'k many were much wrought upon by the Spirit of GOD, un- der the word : A. W. efpecially was fo deeply affected, that (he had fcarce power to contain he.rfelf — I faw a frefh proof that the life of man is quite uncertain : a tobacco houfe was blown down and killed a negro man. A a 2 My ( ^82 ) My heart was deeply engaged in prayer, es- pecially for the inhabitants of Annapolis, My confidence in GOD was fo great, that I could truit him with my body and foul, and all my little concerns. He makes me a partaker of his fpiritual kingdom, righteoufnefs, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghoft. Friday 14. My natural timidity deprefTed my mind, at the thought of preaching in Annapolis y where many people openly deny the holy fcrip- tufes, as well as the power of inward religion. But the Lord infpired me with a degree of evan- gelical courage ; and I felt a determination to ad- here to the truth, and follow Jefus Chrift, if it fhould be even to prifon or to death. Saturday 15.. Preaching in a private houfe in Annapolis, I found my fpirit at liberty in a good degree. May the GOD of Daniel ftand by me, that I may never be afhamed to preach the pure gorpel, or even afraid to fuffer for it ! Lord's-day 16. After preaching at the widow jO.'s, I rode back to Mr. H.% and was not very agreeably entertained by a company of gay, world- ly people. And as they muft either imbibe fome- rliing cf my fpirit, or I fomething of theirs, if we were long together, I thought it moft expe- dient to depart in peace as foon as it was con- venient ; and was much aflifted and comforted in preaching from Acts xvii. 30, 31. but felt myfelf weary and unwell at the clofe of the day. Monday 17. Preaching when the houfe of af- ferably was adjourned, many of them came to hear for themfelves. The Lord was with me, and I found my heart melted and expanded with love to the fouls of the people. But by imprudently ven- turing out when warmed by preaching, I have brrittght on a fere throat. OnTuefday I went to get ( *«3 ) get a fight of the poor prifoners, but could not ob- tain admittance. At Broad-Creek on Wednefday, there was a large company of wild and ignorant mortals, who after preaching were communica- ting their thoughts to each other : fome faid they did not like the doctrine *, others faid it was the truth, the very truth. Wednefday 19. I rode to Major ./cVs, who treated me with great kindnefs, and feemed defi- rous of knowing the truth: but the fpiritofthc times has engroiTed too much of his attention. Our Lord has told us that fome, •when they have heard, go forth, and are choked ivith cares, and riches, and pleasures of this life, Luke viii. 14. No doubt but this defcription comprehends avaft multitude of mankind : they do not confider religion as the one thing needful. Thurfday 2c. By the Providence of GOD, my throat was no worfe, but my mind was under fome dejection. However, we had a powerful and profitable watch-night at Mr. iVs. And on Fri- day there were many attentive people at Mr. ic.'s. Saturday 21. As fure as we draw nigh to GOD, in fincerity, he will draw nigh to us. I have given myfelf to private prayer feven times a day, and found my heart much drawn out in be- half of the preachers, the focieties, efpecially the new places, and my aged parents. And while thus exercifed, my foul has been both quickened and purified. Let the glory be given to GOD ! But alas ! after all my heart is not fo filled with generous gratitude as it fhould be ! " Eternal are thy mercies, Lord ; " Eternal truth attends thy word ; « Thy ( 28 4 ) " Thy praife fhall found from fliore to more, u Till funs fhall rife and fet no more." Lord's-day 22. My mind was delightfully fixed on GOD. A few people who in dullnefs and re- ligious flupidity exceeded all I had ever feen, came to hear me to-day. But would they fin- cerely feek after GOD, they mould find the way to heaven ; for the prophet faith, A fool J): all not err therein. Thurfday 16. I have been varioufly exercifed with the careleffnefs of the people, and the trou- bles of the times ; though my foul has had inti- mate accefs to GOD. I received a letter from brother S. intimating that according to rule, the time was drawing near for us to return, But St. Paul's rule is, that our fpiritual children mould be in our hearts, to live and die with them. 2 Cor. vii. 3. Then doubtlefs we mould be willing to fufrer affliction with them. May the Lord give me wifdom fufficient to direcl; rne in this and eve- ry intricate cafe ! Lord's-day 29. The congregation was large at Mr. D.'s, and fome of them felt the power of the word : though in the afternoon at a fchool- houfe near Annapolis, there was very little ap- pearance of fpiritual feeling. On Monday I was under fome exercife of mind in rcfpecl to the times : my brethren are inclined to leave the con- tinent, and I do not know but fomething may be propounded to me which would touch my con- science ; but my determination is to truft in GOD, and be fatisfied if the fouls cf my fellow-men are faved. A genteei woman met me to-day on the road to /. Et,% and alked me if I mould not preach in town ; but I had not the prefence of mind ( 28j ) mind to teil her I had no place there to preach in. Wednefday April 2. Having received infor- mation that ibme of my brethren had determined on their departure, I wrote to brother 5. that as long as I could itay and preach without injuring my confcience, it appeared as my duty to abide with the flock. But I mult confefs Satan has harafTed me with violent and various temptations. However, my dependance is on the Lord, that he will always enable me to do what is right in the light of GOD and man. I had about twenty-two miles to ride to-day, and to call by the way to preach : though both hungry and weary, yet my foul was much blelTed in difpenfing the word. . Thurfday 3. My foul had peace, and my bo- dy had reft : but Satan was itill at hand. We had a comfortable watch-night at Mr. /Vs. On Friday my heart was difiblved into tendernefs, while preaching at Mr. R.'s. Saturday 5. Mr. M. gave me an awful account of a man (truck inftantly dead at Deer-Creek. The very relation of his crime is enough to make a man Ihudder — he had been curfing the Holy Spirit. This is a linking proof that GOD is not an inattentive fpe&ator of the actions of men, though moil men live as if they thought he were. No : for GOD f Jail bring every work into judgment , with every ferret things whether it be goody or ivhe- ther it be evil. EccSefiaftes xii. 14. Much temp- tation has urged me to much prayer : fo that I have lately retired as often as ten or twelve times a day to call upon my GOD. When the tempter finds that his violent aflTauIts only drive us nearer to GOD, perhaps he will not be fo malicioufly officious. Monday ( 286 ) Monday 7. Satan feemed determined, if pof* fible, to diftra£t, if he could notdeftroy me — even blafphemous thoughts have been darted into my imagination. But I know where my help is to be found. Let our imaginations be ever fo hor- rid, and haunt us ever fo frequently, provided we hate them, and conftantly refill them, they are not imputed to us : but we may ftill rejoice in GOD in the midft of them all. // is enough for the fervant, to be as his Lord, who was in all points tempted /ike as we are, yet without firu Glory to GOD, he hath promifed that wejhall not he tempted above that we are able (though fome- times it may be to the extent of our ability) but will with the temptation alfo male a way to efcape> that we may be able to bear it. I Cor. x. 13. I have now read Newton on the prophecies three times over. Tuefday 8. There was a large company of wild-looking people, at Mr. GVs on the fork of Patuxent river. And there was much fuch a congregation the next day at Mr. C's. Thurfday 10. My foal was much refrefhed in fpeaking to the people at C. B.'s : and on Friday I met with Mr. H — n> and received a letter from Mr. R — ;; ; in which, after he had given me an account of the circuits and focieties, he afligned his reafons for not travelling much for about the fpace of two months pad. Lord ? s-day 13. After preaching at Mr. D.'s, I found much freedom in preaching to a large company at Annapolis : and had an invitation to go into Worcefter county. Monday 14. This was a day of reft to my fatigued frame, and of confolation to my immor- tal part. On Tuefday there was great decency in the congregstion at Annapolis ; though Satan, b 7 ( *8 7 ) by his emtffaries, had raifcd an oppofition. But IfraePs GOD is above them all. Wednefday 16. GOD was with us, and the people were happy, at Mr. Vl/.'s. On my way I called and dined with Mr. R. who gave great attention to my explanatory and pointed conver- sation on the new birth. Riding after preaching o R. P.'s, my chaife was (hot through ; but the Lord preferved my perfon. The war is now at fuch a height, that they are preffing m4»n for the fea-fervice. Thurfday 17. One of our fociety died of a diforder in the throat and lungs, with only one day's illnefs. Such is the precarious tenure of life ! But blejfed are they that die in the Lord. May I always have my loins girded about, and my light burning, waiting for the will of my Lord ! GOD has difplayed great wifdom and goodnefs in hiding future events from man ; that we may live witiiout that painful anxiety which we mould be apt to feel if we knew the hour of our death ; and that we may be always ready to meet the unknown period. Saturday 19. My foul was much blefied at R. S.'s, in preaching from the divine expoftulation, IVhy will ye die ? Mr. /. D. invited me to lodge at his houfe, and treated me with great kind- nefs. Lord's-day 20. After preaching at Mr. JV.'s, I rode about twenty miles to lodge with a friend ; but feeing a boy plowing by the road-fide, my confcience fmote me for breaking the fabbath, by riding when there was no real neceflity for it. Monday 21. My heart was comforted in the company of an old friend ; but on Tuefday Satan raged againft my foul as if he would immediately deltroy it : but my divine Protector is too ftrong for ( 28$ ) for him. The Lord vifited and bleffed my foul in the evening, while I was describing the faithful and wife fervant. Wednefday 23. I found myfelf very unwell on my going to T. Wis ; but my fpirit was at liberty in preaching. Though ftill unwell I rode twenty miles to L W.\ on Thurfday, and was blefled with a tranquil mind by the way. Satan caft feveral infernal darts - at my foul •, but I was enabled to repel them by the (hield of faith, and the power of prayer. Saturday 26. A very genteel, polite company aflembled at Annapolis ,• and though I fpoke with great plainnefs, they bore it well. Lord's-day 27. After meeting the congrega- tion at the widow ZVs, I found a large company at Annapolis, who gave good attention to me, but I fear they were not difpofed to give their hearts to GOD. My mind has been grieved at fome who call themfelves friends to religion and to the Me- thodifts. Cut a4as \ how blind and ignorant is the unchanged mind of man ! How little does he confider what will pleafe or difpbafe his Maker ! I ftill defire to have every action, word, thought, and defire, entirely devoted to GOD. Lord, haften the much v/ifhed-for hour ! f* Thou, my life, my treafure be, " My portion here below ! " Nothing would I feek but thee, " Thee only would I know." Monday 28. About two hundred carelefs- looking people came to hear the word of GOD at Pig-point : they feemed entire ftrangers to fucli a doclrine ; fo fome laughed and others wept. I rode fifty miles in going and coming to preach that ( «8 9 ) that fermon, but hope it was not altogether 1 1- bour loft. Friday May 2. At Mr. R.'s I fpokc clofely and pointedly for the laft time during this \ then rode through the rain and darknefs to W. y s> and felt my heart fweetly melted with gra- titude and thankfgiving to GOD. On Monday I went to 5. TVs, and met mv brethren at the Frederic quarterly meeting ; where we were fa- voured with the divine blelling. Wedn^fday 7. A letter came to hr.nd from Mr. J. which gave us hopes that there would be another revival in Virginia. He alfo advifed us to take no immature fteps, which might have % tendency to alter our plan. After preaching the next day at R. S.'s, T. D. invited me to his houfe. I found that he and his wife were feek- iug to he juftified by the deeds of the law; and I laboured with undifTembled freedom to convince them of their error ; but it appeared to be labour in vain. Saturday 10. At Annapolis the congregation was fmall, and fo was my power to preach. My foul has been kept in a calm and comfortable frame, but panting for more conftant fervour towards GOD. Lord's-day II. Many attended at the widow D.'s, to hear what I would fay on my departure. I fpoke from Acls xiii. 46. and many feemed much affected. The congregation was alfo large at Annapolis ; where I fpoke in plain terms to the rich and the gay, on ovir Lord's awful ac- count of the rich man and Lazarus. They be- haved well, and fome were defirous to know if I intended to come again. Monday 12. Set out for our yearly confer- *cce, and having preached at Mr. 2Ys by the B b wav ( 2 9 ) way, came fafe to Mr. G/s, and was glad to fe« the preachers who were there. We had fom< weighty conversation on different points: anc among other things, it was afked whether w( could give our confent that Mr. R. fhould bap- tize, as there appeared to be a prefent neceflity. But it was objected that this would be a breach of our difcipline ; and it was not probable that things would continue long in fuch a difordered ilate. The next day, with great harmony and joint confent, we drew a rough draught for fta- tioning the preachers the enfuing year. And on Friday we converfed on the propriety of figning certificates avouching good conduct, for fuch of the preachers as choie to go to Europe. But I could not fee the propriety of it at this time. We alfo converfed on fuch rules as might be pro- per for the regulation of the preachers who abide on the continent. And it was judged neceflary that a committee fhould be appointed to fuperin- tend the whole. And on Monday we rode to- gether to attend the conference at Deer-Creek. So greatly has the Lord increafed the number of travelling preachers within thefe few years, that we have now twenty-feven who attend the circuits, and twenty of them were prefent at this conference. Both our public and private bufi- nefs was conducted with great harmony, peace, and love. Our brethren who intend to return to Europe, have agreed to flay till the way is quite open. I preached on the charge which our Lord gave his apoftles, Behold, I fend yeu forth as J] jeep in the midfl of ivolves : be ye there- fore ivife cs ferpentSy and harmlefs as doves. Our conference ended with a love-feail and watch- night. But when the time of parting came, ma- ny wept as if they had loft their flrft-born fons. They ( 29 r ; They appeared to be in the deeped diftrefs, ttitnk- iing, as I fuppofe, they (hould not fee the faces of the Englijb preachers any more. This was inch a parting as I never faw before. Our con- ference has been a great time, a fcafon o r un- common affection. And we mud acknowledge that GOD has directed, owned, and bleiled us in the work. A certificate, as mentioned above, had been acceded to, and figned in the confer- ence. Lord's-day 25. My foul was quickened in preaching at the Bujh chapel; I lodged at X).'s; and the next day collected my wril and letters, in order to preferve them. On Ti day went to Mr. G.'s ; and on Wednefday began to read regularly Mr. JVeflefs Notes. Thurfday 29. We had a profitable meeting at Gunpowder-neck. And on Friday I returned to preach at Mr. G.'s ; where we had a fmall, but warm congregation. Saturday 31. The Spirit of grace was with me : but I long for a more active life ; to be con- ftantly employed in bringing fouls to GOD. Lord's-day June 1. The Lord enlarged my :, and opened a door of utterance, while breaching to a numerous congregation at the Forks; and there were fame among them who had for a long time been detained by prejudice from hearing us. But I could not find the fame liberty at Mr. G.'s in the latter part of the day. Tuefday 3. As the hart pantetb after the w rrooks, fo panteth my foul after GOD. My foul %irjleth for GOD, for the living GOD ; though I have been at times forely befet by temptations. But (hall I ever yield to the tempter, ana fin .it my Lord ? No: in the ftrength of Je- luo, no ! Thurfday ( 2 9 2 ) Thurfday 5. Having been ten days off and on at Mr. G.'s, I fet out to-day for /. C.'s; and preached by the way at P. f/.'s. On Friday I laid afide my wig, and began to ufe the cold bath for my health : and rode as far as Mrs. R.'s, who was a mother in Ifrael, and both a friend and mother to me. After many heavy trials my foul was comforted, but earnestly defirous of more purity and fellowship with GOD. Saturday 7. Seme feemed to feel the weight of divine truths at Rifterftown ; and on the Lord's-day my heart was melted and expanded towards the people at brother C.'s. Monday 9. I met brother G. S. at Mr. CJs, and preached on Acts xvi. 30, 31.; then called to fee a fick perfon, and returned to brother C.'s. Wednefday 1 1. I preached in town on thefe af- fecling words, Hoiv fiall I give thee up, Ephraim ? And on Thurfday entering my circuit at. Mr. P.'sj we had a heart-aiiecling feafon, and a few joined the fociety. Friday 13. We had great harmony and love in our mereafiiig fociety at i?.'s. Lord's-day 15. There was a large, attentive audience in a fchool-houfe on Ell-ridge; where I preached with unufual energy and affection on Amos iv. 1 r. and hope the time of favouring the fouls of both rich and poor is now approaching. But after fo great a bleffing, Satan, as if mov» j d with envy, attempted to wound me with his fiery darts. This was probably permitted by my gra- cious Lord, led I mould be exalted above mea- fure. Brother G. S. came to accompany me in- to Virginia, to fetch our cloathing and books. Monday 16. We fet out and rode to 5. T.*s, where we received this ftrange relation. — " A " perfon { 2 yj> ; " perfon in the form of a man came to the houfe " of another in the night ; the man of the houfe Saint's reft. In thefe books we find the marrow uf Method ifm : i. e. pure religion and found doftrine which cannot be condemned. Wednefday 2. Satan ftill manifefteth a defire. to fift me as wheat : but the Lord fupports mc, -jnd fills me with peace. A lowering cloud hangs threatening over our heads, but all my truft is in the Lord, who hath flood by and preferved me for many years •, and will ftand by me ftill. Thurfday 3.* I rode about twelve miles, and. rreached a funeral fcrmon on the death of Mr. 17. It was a very affecting time both to me and the congregation. But after I had read the rules in the focietv, I told them my doubts, and com- municated my ideas of the approaching troubles ; which produced a great melting amongft them. Saturday 5. I had fome converfation with Mr. M — v; but it was to no purpofe, for lie was ftill inflexible. Perhaps I have been too for ward in taking his part before, and now he re v^uites me for it. Lord's-day 6. There was a very ferious con gregation in the forenoon, where I enforced our Lord's aitecttonate declaration, Matt, xxiii. 37. Bu ( ^5 ) But in the latter part of the day about eleven miles diftant from the other place, the people feemcd to be ftupid and inattentive. As I have thought bacon was prejudicial to my health, I have lately abitained from it, and have experi- enced the good effects of this economy. My foul has been kept in great purity, and ardent pant- ings after more of GOD. Monday 7. In the evening D. R. and brother H, came and brought me fome account of the preachers, whom I love in the bowels of Chrift, with much affection. We fpent the next day together in love, and to edification : and on Wed-- nefday they fet out for Virginia, and I for Annapo- lis. My ipirit was fomewhat dejected by the way, with a fear that the people would rejec.1 the gofpel of Jefus Chriit, to their own deftrucHon. But thefe matters muft be left to the Lord, who iv:ll judge the ivor/d in righieoufnefs. I met a very infenfible company at Mr. C.'s, and laboured to fatten the truth on their hearts from Malachi iii. 7 •, but it appeared to be labour in vain. Thurfday 10. They received me at Mr. H.'s better than I expected j and fome were touched by the power of grace. There was an opportu- nity on Friday of fpeaking, at lead to the judg- ment of fome rich and honourable men, on rfalm iy. 6, 7. There be many that fay , luho will Jhevi us any good ? Lord, lift thou up the. light of thy coun- tenance upon us. Thou haft put gladnefs in my hearty more than in the time that their corn and their wine in- creafed. My heavinefs of fpirit was almoft remov- ed, and my foul was free and happy in GOD. Lord's-day 13. Though I fpoke clofely and plainly at Mrs. D.'s, yet the audience did not feem properly to underitand me. I had intended to preach in the commons this afternoon, but the raiu K 2 9 / rain prevented it, fo I preached to a few defiroos fouls at Mr. H.'s. But my fpirit is grieved with- in me, to fee fuch multitudes of people in thefe parts, fo forgetful of GOD and rilled with the fpirit and conversion of this world. Poor fouls ! If they were only convinced of their fiaful and loft eftate. their difpofitionandconverfation would be immediately changed. My work at prefent is very heavy — it is chiefly among unawakened people. I have devifed what I could to bring them to GOD ; and know not what new me- thod to take. May the Lord take the work into ins own hand ! Monday 14. There were forty or fifty, chiefly women, to hear the word at Annapolis : to whom I fbewed, If our go/pel be hid, it is bid to them that ere loji ; in whom the God of this luor/d hath blinded the minds of them that believe not, left the light of the glorious gofpel of Chrif, luho is the image of GOD, Jhould fine unto them. Though 1 fpoke freely, yet but few of them feemed to feel it. On Tuefday my foui was under deep exercifes. I am often purposing to purfue with greater ardour the fummit of hoiinefs, but {till come fhort ! Wednefday 16. At a place 10 miles from Annapolis, there was fomc melting cf heart under the word. I afterwards met the clafs, and then returned with my mind fixed on GOD, and fweet nearnefs of foul to him. Thurfday 17. The Spirit of the Lord was with me in preaching at Mr. P.'s ; and there was a great moving among the fociety. BlefTed be GOD for all things ! My body has been in tolerable health, and my foul frequently refrethed with the dew of heavenly grace. My medita- tions in the Hebrew bible have afforded me great pleafure. ( *97 ) pieafure. This is the book I ftudy for improve- ment. Lord's-day 20. Both at the fchool-houfe, where I called on the people to confider their ways from Haggai i. 5 •, and at Mr. i?.'s where I (lie wed them, from Ezek. xxxiii. 3 1. how many of old time heard the word of the Lord, but did it not j there was very little appearance of any thing more than attention : though I never laboured more earneftly to do good. It feems as if a judicial ilupidity in fpiritual things prevails among them. Monday 21. Heard Mr. R — n preach his hft fermon. My mind was a little dejected \ and I now felt fome defire to return to England; but was willing to commit the matter to the Lord* There was a large congregation and fome pro- ipect of good things at Mr. S.'s, where I told the people, from the authority of Jefus Chrift, Except ye repent) yejhall all lileivife perijhy Luke xiii. 3. Wednefday 23. GOD was ftiil my object and my hope. But I have lamented my backward- nefs in doing good by private converfation ; which is in a great meafure owing to the natural baih- fulnefs of my difpofition. After vifiting fome poor people to pray and talk with them on the important fubject of their falvation, I rode to C.'s at the head of South-river : but it is a mife- rable, ftupid, carelefs neighbourhood ; fo I bid it farewell. Thurfday 24. There were many gay and gid- dy-looking folks to hear the word of the Lord •> and a few of them were ferious and afrected. Poor fouls ! They are real objects of pity. Both their education and the circle of their acquaint- ance, have a tendency to make them forget their lattet ( * 9 8 ) latter end, and to bend all the ftrength of their minds to prefent objects. Friday 25. We kept our general fail as ap- pointed by conference ; and my foul was enabled to eaft all its little cares, both fpiritual and tem- poral, on him that careth for me. May the Lord direct me how to act, fo as to keep myfelf al- ways in the love of GOD ! I have lately been reading an account of Thpodofius and his fons, v/ith feveral of the ancient fathers ; which alfo communicates much information relative to the eaftern and wcftern empires for about three hun- dred years, ^o long was idolatry and Arian.ifm kept out of the church of Chrift. And while Chryfojlom wasbifhop, anArian church was burnt at Conjlan- tinrjple. But fince that time, abfolute, unconditional prcdeftination has made its way into the church, which nullifies all laws, human and divine : for if men cannot do otherwife than they de, why fhould any law inflict punifhment for their crimes r Mud quadrupeds be punifned becaufe they do not fly ? How eafi'y might men believing this doctrine afcribe their envy, malice,- and moil cruel inclinations to the effect of divine predefti- nation ; and conclude that their mod malignant difpofitions were eternally decreed ; and therefore not to be conquered but complied with, though they (houkl produce the mod pernicious and de- structive confequences in human fociety. Saturday 26. My foul was compofed, and in purfuit of more of GOD. Having read the con- queft of Rdme by Alaric, and the rending of the Weftern Empire by the Goths ; I was led to ob- ferve how part of the Revelation to St. John was then fulfilled. But much more of this is yet to COT)?. Lords-day ( 2 99 ) Lord's-day 27. After explaining the parable of the fower at Mrs. D.'s, I preached at Annapolis to a large company, fomc feiious, and fome gay and trifling, on thefe companionate words of thrift, How often would I have gathered thy chil- dren together , and ye would net. Monday 28. As the rain prevented my at- tending the appointment, I vifited the gaol, and found an unhappy mortal under fentence of death ; who was very ignorant, but Co fufcepti- ble of religious advice that he was melted into tears, and fhook like a leaf. Tuefday 29. The Lord difcovered to my view a greater depth of holinefs, and my foul thirfled for it. I met with brother H. who had been to Virginia, but having iome fcruples of confeience about taking the teft oath, was obliged to return. May the Lord direct us all how to purfue the moll wife and prudent rneafures ! The next day I preached at Maggottv, where the work of GOD goes on fuccefsfully. Thurfday 31. At Mr. iVs there were about a hundred fouls who feemed much alive to GOD. Here I appointed a quarterly meeting and love-feaft, on my return from Baltimore and Frederic, next Saturday fortnight. Friday Auguft 1. The Lord gave me fpirinual peace, but my foul was on ftretch for a greater de- gree of holinefs, and deeper communion with GOD. " I pant to feel thy fway, " And only thee t'obey : " Thee my fpirit gafps to meet ; « This my one, my ceafclefs pray'r, " Make, O make my heart thy feat ! Ci O fet up thy kingdom there !" ( 3<>° ) I have now finifhed reading fix-teen volumes of the Univerfal Hiftory. Lord's-day3. In the forenoon the poor, rich Tinners were very attentive in the fchool-houfe on Elk-ridge : and it is pojjlble the Lord may raife a people among them to fear and love him. But at Mr. R.'s in the afternoon, the congregation was very dull, though I fpoke ftrong words from the Almighty's awful declaration concerning the ungodly — Thefe Jhall go away into everlajling pu- nijhment. Monday 4. Rode thirty-feven miles to the Frederic quarterly meeting, without breaking my faft, and was under the necefiity of preaching when I arrived. The next day our meeting began with a love-feaft ; and we had a powerful, melting time. Friday 8. Having vifited my friends in Balti- morel rode to Mr. G/s, met Mr. R. and had fome agreeable converfation on the work of GOD in different parts of America, "Went the next day to the Forks where I met with brother G, S. in great harmony, and found divine afliftance in difpenf- ing the word. Monday 1 J. We fettled all our little affairs in the fpirit of love ; and brother S. partly agreed to go with me to the quarterly meeting. But alas ! though my confidence in Chrifi was not (haken, yet I felt myfelf lefs than the lead in the compa- ny, and unworthy of the favour of both GOD and man. How merciful is GOD in giving us fuch abafing views of ourfeives, which have a power- ful tendency to drive us clofer to him, and keep us always in the duft ! Tuefday 12. After I had publicly declared to the righteous, The GOD whom we ferve is able to deliver us ; we then had a folemn, comfortable love- ( 3°* ) iove-feaft: and having done our bufinefs, I re- turned to Mr. G.'s, where many people attended to receive the word of truth. And we have rea- fon to believe the work of GOD is now reviv- ing. Wednefday 13, was fpent at Mr. G.'s •, and after fome converfation I found brother 5. was not to go with me, becaufe Mr. R. did not choofe to fpend a quarter in Baltimore circuit. Indeed he has not taken a regular circuit fince we have been in America ; fo I was obliged to go into a new circuit with a young exhorter who had deferted me once before. But all contentions wound my fpirit ; fo I paflively fubmitted. Thurfday 14. My mouth was opened and my heart was enlarged at W. L.'s ; and I hope the -word was made a blefling to many fouls. Friday 15. Rode to Curtis's creek to hold % quarterly meeting there ; and the next morning we began with a love-feaft. It was a time of great power, and exceeded all we had ever feen in thefe parts. There was fomething very admira- ble in the chriftian fimplicity of the people, who fpokethe language of warm and artlefs love. Bro- ther S. preached a moving fermon on the barren Jig-tree : and many finners wept. Lord r s-day 17. The rain prevented my going to the Ridge, and brother 6\ from going to Balti- more ; fo we had a very melting time in difcourf- ing on the fubjeft of the Canaanitijb woman* And I believe, brother S, was perfuaded that he • ought to be in this circuit with me. Monday 18. This was a day of much temp- tation, but my deliverer was at hand. At C. S.'s, I found a few from the Ridge who informed me that fome attended yeflerday in the rain. Hence J conclude, many of them had a defire to be faved ; C c and ( 302 ) and that it is beft for a preacher to attend his ap- pointments, if the apparent rifk is not too great. 1 preached to the people with much affection; ma- ny felt the weight of the word ; and a young wo- man was convinced of fin. Tuefday 19. The pacific Spirit of grace had pofTefiion of my willing heart. After preaching at Mr. G.'s to a few fouls as dull as ufual, I croiTed the river in the rain ; and though I expected to feel the confequence, yet fuffered no injury. Wednefday 20. How unlike real Chriftians are fome that bear the name ! The Lord hath enabled me of late, to be faithful to the families -which have come in my way. And we mufl overcome our natural bafhfulnefs and backward- nefs, to affift the precious fouls of our fellow-men, who are on the brink of endlefs ruin, and fee it not. On Thurfday both the public congregation and the clafs were powerfully melted at Mr. C.'s. Lord's-day 24. I was much fatigued by riding twenty-five miles and preaching twice. A report -that a Britiih fleet was failing up the Che/apeak bay, has induced many people to quit Annapolis. So it feems our troubles and forrows are increaf- ing. Lord, give thy people faith and patience fufficient for their day of trial ! Monday 25. My foul confided in GOD, but was fweetly diftrefled with an ardent defire for more compleat holinefs. I have lately read Walker's fermons with much pleafure. We had an awful .ftorm this evening at nine o'clock. The thunder,lightmng>and fweeping winds, were all in great commotion. With reverence I turned my mind on the dread majefty and power of GOD, who, by the elements in which we live, contends with man. Such a fcene as this was enough to strike .the bckleft finner with terror, and make him ( 3 C 3 ) him even (hndder at a wicked thought. And hovr dare wicked men Cm at any time before a GOD fo terrible ? Is he lefs prefent at one time than another ? No, verily ! But they defire not the knowledge of GOD. Their furprize mud be great beyond all expreflion, when difemtx they fuddenly find themfelvcs, by woftd expe* rience, acquainted with nothing pertaining to their offended GOD, but his inexorable juftice and vengeful power •, of which the awful \. we now behold in the contending elements, are but a faint refemblance. Then how much better is it, to fufTer affliction with the people of GOD, than to enjoy the pleafures of fin for a feafon ? " Happy the man whofe hopes rely " On i/rael's GOD -, he made the foy, " And earth, and feas, with ail their train ° r . " His truth for ever (lands fecure ! " He fives the opprefs'd, he feeds the. poor, " And none (hall find his promile vain." Tuefday 26. T. W. informed me that they had made choice of me to preach in the G. C But I fhall do nothing that will feparate me from my brethren. I hope to live and die a Me- ttiodij}. Wednefday 27. Though it rained I rode twenty-five miles to Maggotty, but was tempted and (hut up in my mind, while endeavouring to announce, If GOD be fir us, "who can be againjl us'? But the next day my foul was happy at Mr. iVs, and I admitted four perfons into the fociety on trial. The militia were now collecting from all quarters. On the Lord's-day my foul wa3 much drawn out and bleffed in preaching on 1 John ii, 16, 17. Perhaps it will not be in rojf pov, er ( 3°4 ) power to preach much longer with a clear con- science. But if it mould be fo, my greateft con- cern would he for the people of GOD. For ma- ny of the poor finners feem deaf to all intreaties ; and I feem to be only a witnefs for GOD againfx them, that their damnation may be juft, if they will not obey the gofpel. Monday September i. The Lord refrefhed my own fpirit, while I encouraged the few faith- ful fouls who were prefent, from the words of our Lord, Fear ?iot y little flock, for it is your\Fa» ther*s good pleafure to give you the kingdom. Brother D. R. who had returned from Virginia met me to-day. Wednefday 3. My foul was watered with the peaceful influence of divine grace. But what I enjoyed was as a ftimulus urging me to groan for more. I fpent much of my time in reading La*u£s ferious call, and Baxters call to the un- . ited ; and think the latter is one of the bed pieces of human compolition in the world, to awaken the lethargic fouls of poor finners. Ivly mind was under heavy exercifes ; fo I failed, and preached with much freedom at Mr. T.'s : but it brought on a fmart fever. Though I was much indifpofed, neceflity was laid upon me to preach twice on Thurfday, which increased my fever j and with indifferent lodging and the noife of children, the night was very uncomfortable. Lord's-day 7. After being bleffed with a warm and comfortable feafon while preaching to a large company at Mr. H.'s ; I then rode to the widow P.'s, where the word went to the hearts of the people with divine energy, while I expofed to their view the polluted ftate of the natural man, and pointed out the fovereign remedy. Tuefday ( 3-5 ) Tuefday 9. My mind was (o inteniely bent c.i feeking. after more of GOD, that I devoted thrcs ho-urs to the exercife of private prayer, and found myfelf much drawn out by the .Spirit of grace, hi holy wreftling and communion with GOD. Be- ing informed that fitter S. had flept in the Lord ; ■ I' congratulated her felicity. Happy foul ! She is taken away from the evil to come, and gone to Abraham's, bofom, where the wicked ceafe from troubling, and where the weary are at reft. I have endeavoured to banifli all anxiety from my mind, and devote much of my time to prayer ; and have reaped the gracious benefit thereof in my own foul. On Wednefdav I went to Mappottv* and had a large congregation : but found that fome of our members had begun to backflide, and that the fociety flood in need of purging. Thurfday II. By particular requeft,I preach- ed a funeral fermon at the burial of Mr. W. R. There were a great many people ; and fome of i them were cut to the heart while I enforced Ecclef. ix. 10. But afterwards at Mr. iVs, my 1 mind wasfomewhat embarraiied. Friday 12. In performing the laft office for I X. S. who was a Chrijlian indeed, I declared for the comfort of true believers, The lajl enemy that Jhall be dejtroyed is death. Some attended on this occafion who had never heard a Meihodijl be- fore ; and the Lord gave me utterance and power, Monday 15. We have great commotions on every fide. But in the midft of war, the Lord keeps my foul in peace. My heart was warm in preaching at C. S.'s, though the congregation feemed dull. The two following days I had com- munion with GOD ; but not in fuch a degree as jlwilhto experience. Hong ti comprehend the length, . C.c 2 - and { 3°S ) and breadth^ and depth) and height ,• and to know the love of Chrijl which paJJ'etb knowledge^ that 1 may bi filled with all the fulnefs of GOD : to " Live the life of heaven above, " All the glorious life of love." Thurfday 18. At Mr. W.'s, I met with brother S. S. who informed me that the preachers in Vir- ginia intended to abide there a-while longer. Brother S. preached twice, and there was fome fmall moving amongfl the people. Lord's-day 21. There was nothing remarkable under the word at Mr. 2Vs; but there was a large company and fome melting of heart at Mr. TVs. Monday 22. I met with brother G. S. who informed me that my brethren Mr. R — n and Mr. R — a y had left the continent. So we are left alone. But I leave myfelf in the hands of GOD > relying on his good Providence to direct, and pro- tect us : perfuaded that nothing will befal me, but what ihall conduce to his glory and my bene- fit. There were both attention and concern in the congregation, which was pretty large, at Capt. S.'s. Lord's-day 28. Brother G, S. was unwell with an ague. At Rijlerjlown I urged the ne- ceffity of family duty, and fliewed them how they ibould train up their children in the ways of the Lord. Monday 29. My foul was ftaid upon GOD, and reiigned to his unerring wifdom. I wifh to bj fo fubjecl: to my Redeemer, as to move in con- formity to his divine will j and in all my ways t > acknowledge him as my GOD and my guide. I fpent part of my time the next day in reading 1 Mr. ( 3°7 ) Mr. Baxter 6 Gilclas Salvianus, and efteem it as a moil excellent book for a goipel preacher. Saturday October 4. I rode 30 miles to G. B. y s to meet brother P — d. My mind was fpiritually employed in reading, meditation, and communion with GOD. Lord's-day 5. The congregation at G. B.'s were dull ; but at B. GVs there was a melting. Tuefday 7. The word feemed to be made a peculiar blefling to the believers at LH.'s, and the next day at Mr. E.'s, the power of GOD was prefent, while I feelingly urged the people from Heb. iv. 1 6. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace , that ive may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. My fpirit was alfo divinely animated in preaching afterwards at R. O.'s, though I rode twenty miles between the two fer- mons. Several old profefTors felt the reviving influence of the grace of GOD : and I was in hopes they would prefs on their way with renew- ed vigour. Such is the languid difpofition of the human foul, that even pure minds require a con- itant ftimulation to keep them in the way of duty. This is one reafon why GOD permits our minds to be tempted by Satan, and our bodies to be af^ flicted with diieafes. Saturday 11. I attended and fpoke at the half- yearly meeting of the Germans. And on the Lord's-day, after preaching at Mrs. D.'s, I return- ed to the meeting of the Germans, where brother G. S. and myfelf both fpoke. Monday 13. Commotions and troubles fur- rounded me without, but the peace of GOD filled my foul within. "We feemed to be in a flrait ; but my heart trufted in the Lord. Thefe diftreiling times have lately induced many people to pay a more diligent attention to the things of GOD. ( 303 f .GOD. So I have hopes that thefe temporal troubles will prepare the way for fpiritual bleffings. Wednefday 15. Aheavy.gloominefs hung on my mind. Brother. G. 5. and I rode to Mr. H.'s ; and after I had enforced thefe words, Therefore, jrry beloved brethren, be ye fleadfaj}, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, .for •a/much as ye know, that your labour is net in vain in the Lord i then brother S. exhorted, and the hearts of the people melted under the power of the word. We like wife faw the merciful hand of GOD difplay- ed the next day, at Mr. W's, on the bank of the Patotnack. Lord's-day 19. As I was unwell, brother S. preached in the morning on, Thy kingdom come ; and there was a moving in the congregation. Ke alfo preached in the afternoon at Mr. 2?.'s, but it was a large company of flupid fouls. Monday 20. After I had preached, brother S. met the clafs *, and it was a very powerful fea- fon ; he alfo met a clafs afterwards at Mr. 5 — rs 9 and we were favoured with a fimilar blefling, This has been a day of fpiritual and peaceful ex- ercifes to my fouh At Mr. H.'s on Tuefday we were blefled with an extraordinary viiitation o£ grace. Thurfday3o» We have been detained by heavy rains at IF. S.'s, for three daysr The times ftiU wear a gloomy afpect, b-ut our truft is in the Pro-* vidence of a fuperintending GOD. We have been greatly bleiTed, and feen great difplays of the divine goodnefs, fince we have been together. And we have been made a bleffmg to each other* We now left Mr. S.'s and rode to Rocky-creek Lord's-day November 2. I cried in the morn- ing to a large congregatica at Mr. J — n% V/e ( 3^9 ) fray you in ChrijTs flead, be ye reconciled to GOD ; and in the afternoon at the Sugar-loaf Why will ye die P And my foul was enlarged and blefTed both times. I then rode to G. G.'s, which made about 20 miles in the day. Monday 3. Our quarterly meeting began, and brother S. preached on the fubject of the bar- ren Jig-tree. On Tueulay we held our love-feail at 9, and I preached at 1 2. Our brethren O — g, C. S — g, and S — d all fpoke. There were many friends from Virginia, and the congrega- tion was very large. It was a powerful, melting time, and concluded in the fpirit of love. Wednefday 5. After riding thirty-feven miles I came to Baltimore, but was very weary ; though my mind was calmly ftaid on GOD. Friday 7. Went to Mr. G.'s, and on Saturday preached on 3 John 4. I have no greater joy than to hear that my children tualk in truth. Lord's-day 9. After preaching with freedom of fpirit and fpeech at the Forks, I returned to Mr. G.'s and declared, Te are the fait of the earth, My foul has been kept by the grace of GOD ; and " Calm on :amu!t's wheels I fit." Monday 10. "We fet out for the quarterly meeting at Deer-creek. On Tuefday our love-feaft began at IO, and at half pad 2 I began the public exercifes from Heb. xiii. 17, 18. Obey them that have the rule over you, and fulmlt yourfclves : for they watch for your fouls, as they that mujl give ac- count : that they may do it with joy, and not with grief : for this is unprofitable for you. Pray for us : j'or we trujl we have a good confeience, in all things willing to live honejlly. The preachers were (la- tioned ( 3"> ) tioned without any trouble j and all was done hi harmony and love. Wednefday 12. I rede back to Mr. G.'s, in order to attend a quarterly meeting on Curtis's* creek. The Lord has lately kept my foul in tran- quil peace, not much difturbed by Satan. I now purpofed, by the grace of GOD, as often as time will permit, to read hx chapters every day in my bible. Saturday 15. Great numbers of people attend- ed at the quarterly meeting. Preaching on Acts xiv. 22. I endeavoured to imitate the apoftles — Confirming the foals of the difciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that ive mujl through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of GOD. The power of divine grace was greatly felt in the love-feaft, and all our bufinefs was well conducted. LordVday 16. Having firil preached at the widow H.'s, I rode to Baltimore and preached there. On Tuefday I was blefTed in a vifit to, Mr. G.'s. Wednefday 19. Rode to Rifle rfioivn, and found that GOD was my fufneient portion, and my exceeding great reward. I wanted nothing pertaining to this world more than I poiTefTed — neither cloathing, nor money, nor food. BlefTed. be GOD, for his parental love and tender care towards me ! " Nothing on earth I call my own : " A ftranger to the world unknown :, " I all their goods defpife ; (i I trample on their whole delight, ct And feek a country out of fight, " A country in the ikies." Fridays ( 3ii ) Friday 21. I have endeavoured to improve my time to the beft advantage in reading; and have feen. fo much beauty in holinefs, that I have thirfted and longed for more. My defire is, like Abraham, the father of the faithful, to maintain a conftant walk with GOD. Lord's-day 23. At Mr. S.'s I expofed the un- juft plea which many make againit ferving GOD, from Matt. xxv. 24. Then he which had received the o?ie talent came, and /aid. Lord, I knew thee that thou art an hard man, reaping where thou hajl not Jown, and gathering where thou hajl not JJ rawed. Thus do thoufands charge GOD foolifhly. "We cannot repent and bring forth fruits meet for re- pentance — we cannot ceafe from evil, and learn to do well — we cannot deny ourfelves, and take up our crofs — we cannot come to Chrill that we may have life. At leaft, we cannot do thefe things now ; we mufl waitGOD's time." But GOD requireth thefe things now; therefore, thofe who fay they cannot do them, pradlically .fay, he is a hard matter. At Rifterjiown in the afternoon, my heart was expanded, and my mouth was opened, while I declared, He that being often reproved hardcneth his neck, JJjallfuddenly be defxroy- ed, and that without remedy. On Monday I parted with IV. G. and S. S. Wednefday 26. I came to Mr. G.'s on my carried ihe gofpel into this neighbourhood. My heart was thankful to GOD for his providential and gracious prefervation of me. The next day I went to the ifland, and preached with fome warmth, and then returned. The two following days, we had profitable times both in preaching and clafs-meetings. Thurfday 4. Preaching and meeting the clafs at Mr. G/s, 1 found the Lord had carried on a good work in the fouls of many. Bleffed be GOD ! my foul was in a comfortable frame, and my bo- dy was the better for exercife. Lord's-day 7. Though I fpoke with feeling and warmth, yet the people were dull both at F. TVs and Mr. H.'s. But my own foul was kept in folemn nearnefs to GOD, and filled with peace and love. And I am perfuaded that my appoint- ment to this circuit is by divine Providence. Thurfday 11. Early in the morning I felt a ftrong defire for more of GOD. At Mr. W.'s my foul was much refrefhed in preaching and clafs-meeting. As the congregations are generally large, and molt of the people attentive, we have a much greater profpeft of doing good in this circuit, than in fome others. Saturday 13. I have been bleffed with faith, ,cmd hope, and love. Lord, if troubles are near, be thou nearer ftill to protect and comfort me ; fo (hall I not fear what man can do unto me ! Lord's-day 14. We had a good time in the forenoon, and I found the clafs in better condi- tion than I expected. In the afternoon the Lord blefled me with freedom and folid peace, while preaching at /. &'s on Ezek. xxxiii. 11. There is a great profpecl: of faving fouls in this neigh- bourhood, if preaching can be continued. Monday f 7 f 7 > Monday 15. There was a fimple, 1' ■• people ailemb'ed at Mr. S.'s ; and many were powerfully wrought on while I enforced the di- mne command, Seek yefirfi -fGOD> and his righteoufnefs y and all thefe things /h added unto you , Matt, vii. 33. For feme days pad, my fpirit has been rather hurried, and f< .tempted by Satan ; but wonderfully fupported by the grace of GOD. An agreeable profpeel opens to my imagination, if Providence fhould permit rne to fpend the winter in this circuit. Tuefday 16. At Mr. JF.'s I met with B. S. who once preached the gofpel, and a bleiling at- tended his labours. Thurfday was a public fail- clay, and my foul was kept in a degree of peace, but (Iruggled much for a more conllant, fervent fpirit of devotion. Having preached at Mr. G?s, I rode to T. IV ^ 's, and lectured in the evening with fatisfac- have endeavoured to redeem my time by diligent in- duftry. May the Lord keep me fteadfalt and faithful to the end, and blefs me with an abiding witnefs ( 3'5 ) witnefs that I love him with ail my heart ! The people were lively to-day at Mr. C.'s, and efpe- cially in the clafs-meeting. Lord's-day 4. The word of the Lord went to the hearts of the people with cutting power, both at Frederic in the forenoon, and at Mr. H — nt in the afternoon. But my own mind has b under exercifes from Satan. On Monday my fpirit was grieved for want of more fpiritua and more of GOD. The congregation at Mr. S — //s, was large but dull. But the people feem- ed quickened both at Mr. A.\ on Tuefday, and at Mr. H— d's on Wednefday. Thurfday 8. I enjoyed fweet communion with GOD this morning, and was enabled to reft my foul on him as my never-failing fupport. GOD was powerfully with us at Mr. S — w 9 s on Friday, and the people felt the weight of divine truths. Lord's-day 1 1. By reafon of the fnow the con- gregations were fmall, but the Lord gave us his blefling. My foul has poflefTed a holy calm ; and I have found the Lord conftantly with me, in 11 greater or lefs degree. I have juft finiflied the lait volume of JVhifton's Jjfephus, and am furprized that at the age of feventy, Mr. Wh'ijlm ihouKl fpend fo much of his time infuch a dry, chrono- logical work. How much better was Mr. Baxter employed, when he thought himfelf near to eter- nity — meditating and writing on the Saints* ever- lafting reft. Tuefday 13. A folemn, comfortable kn(e of GOD refted on my foul this morning ; and at Mr. 2Vs, there was a good congregation of poor, but ferious and defirous people. At the widow y.'s on Wednefday, there was a general melting, and fix were received into thefociety on trial. So there is fome ground to hope that this place, which haa ( 3>6 ) tppeared to be barren, will yet bring forth the fruits of righteoufnefs. Many were alfo much afrecled at Mr. V.'s : after the fervice was ended, two men in arms came up ; but they went away without making known their defign. Friday 16. I found great liberty of fpirit and fpeech at Mr. G.'s ; and there met with brother G . S. Lord's-day 18. After difcourfmg at Mr. A — «'s on the parable of the fower, I thought it proper to remove the preaching to another houfe : for his religious fentiments did not agree with Tusfday 20. My foul was kept humble and watchful: and 1 have been enabled to put my Whole truft in GOD, on all occafions. Brother ■■: fent me- fome account of the work of GOD ; and I am ftrongly perfuaded that he will . ad his own caufe, and his own people. Wednefday 21. The houfe was not fuflicient to contain the congregation at the widow TF.'o, iUid the word went with power to the hearts of ;he people. Thurfday was a very cold day, yet many, both rich and poor, attended at /. AV.s. | And the Lord enabled me to fbew them plainly, r hat lengths a man may go in the externals of religion, and be but almojl a Chriflian. Friday 23. My heart was fixed on GOD. I have lately found more fweetnefsand delight than ever before, in reading the Old Teftament. And having met with Luther's comment on the Gala- tiatis 9 ~l have begun to read that. After riding eight miles to Mr. H.'s y I found that I had 8 miles farther to ride, to preach a funeral fermon at Mr. F.'s : and the Spirit of the Lord reded upon my ioul. Then rode five miles more, in great peace and iove 3 to lodge at Mr.. M.'s. Lord's-day ( 3*1 ) LordVday 25. Many attended at Mr. R.' the forenoon, and GOD gave me power to fpeafe to their hearts. I then ; - ode ten miles farther to , the meeting-houfe, and preached to about three hundred felemn and attentive people. Tuefday 27. Both my body and mind were under a heavy gloom. Attempting to preach in £^iaker-:ifck y my mind was fluit up, and I had no power to fpeak to the people. This is very pain- ful and difagreeable ; but it ought to be borne with patience.- Phyfic is neceflfury fometimes, as well as food.- Wednefday 28. My foul had peace, and en- joyed fweet reft in GOD, after all my trials. May lever glorify him, even in the fires ! Darkprof- pects, in temporal matters, pre fen t themfeives to my view. But the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous ; and he hath promifed to be a wail of fire round about his church, and the glory in 1 mid/} of her. I preached a funeral fermon at the meeting-houfe on 1 Cor. xv. 20. But mw is Chrijl rifenfrom the dead y and become the firjl fruits \ of them that Jlept. There were many people on this folemn occafion, and my heart was enlarged towards them. Lord's-day February 2. We had agoodtir.: at Frederic in the forenoon, and I found myfelf at liberty in the afternoon at Mr. H's. My hear?: feels nothing contrary to love and purity > and the effect thereof is abundant peace, Troubles flare me in the face ; but I have confidence towards GOD, and without perplexing myfelf with anx- ious care, will leave all events to him. Monday 3. There was Corns appearance of a revival at Mr. S.'s ; and the Lord bleffed my foul with liberty, peace, and love. On Tuefday we had a love-feaft at L. he {hall be my GOD for ever. Yea, let him do with me as feemeth good in his fight, only let him not take his Holy Spirit from me, and he (hall be mine, and I will be his, in time and through eternity. Friday 13. I was under fome heavinefs of mind. But it was no wonder — three thoufand miles from home — my friends have left me — I am confidered by fome as an enemy of the coun- try — every day liable to be feized by violence, and abufed. However, all this is but a trifle to fufter for Chrilt, and the falvation of fouls. Lord, it and by me \ Lord's- day 15, My temptations were very heavy, and my ideas were greatly contracted in preaching, neither was my foul happy as at many other times. It requires great resignation, for a inaJi' ( 321 ) man to be willing to be laid afide as a broken in- ftrument. But " In all mv temptations " He keeps me to prove " His utmoft falvation, " His fulnefs of love." Monday 16. I applied myfelf to the Greek and Latin Teitament ; but this is not to me like preaching the gofpel. However, when a man cannot do what he would, he mud do what he can. Wednefday 1 8. To make the bell of my time in this partial confinement, I have attended clofely to my itudies,fpent fome time in inilrucling the chil- dren, and intend to lecture frequently in the fami- ly. This day I received information that brother IF. was call into prifon at Annapolis. Saturday 21. My fpiritual excrciles have been various. I have frequently been under powerful temptations ; but at other times my foul has been fercne and comfortable. Much of my time is fpent in lludy. And my defire is, to glorify GOD in all 1 'do \ and foe'nd all I gain in his fer- vice. Lord's-day 22. A large eongregaLion attended at E. I7.\ y while I enforced the important enqui- ry, What flail it profit a man if he gain the whole world, and lofi his own foul? A warm, af- fectionate zeal glowed in my heart, and fome of the people were afreeled. On -Monday I met with brother C — x t and fent him into the upper circuit ; intending myfelf to abide here for a fea- fon, till the ftorm is abated. Wednefday 25. Blefled be GOD ! his provi- : hath caft my lot in a quiet, agreeable fa- mily > ( 322 ) roily ; where I can make the beft improvement of my time, in fludy and devotion. Brother C — r came from below, and we had a meeting at E. Tf.'s, where fome were deeply cut to the heart by the two-edged fword of the word. Friday 27. The grace of GOD is a fufficient fupport, while I bear the reproach of men ; and am rewarded with evil, for all the good which I have done, and de fired to do for mankind. I want for no temporal convenience, and endeav- our to improve my time by devotion and ftudy ; but all this cannot give full fatisfadlion, while it is not in my power to labour more for GOD, in feeking the falvation of fouls. But I am ftrong- iy perfuaded that divine Providence will bring a- bout a change before long. Thurfday April 2. This night we had a fcene ©f trouble in the family. My friend Mr. T. W, was taken away, and his wife and family left ia great diftrefs of mind. The next day I fought the interpofition of GOD, by falling and pray* er. Saturday 4. This was a day of much divine power and love to my foul. I was left alone, and fpent part of every hour in prayer ; and Chrift was near and very precious. The next day I preached with great folemnity at E. JF.'s on 2 Cor. vi. 20 ; and on Monday found freedom ?o move. After riding about fifteen miles, I acci- dentally flopped at a houfe where a corple was going to be buried, and had an opportunity of ad- dreffing a number of immortal fouls. I then rode on through a lonefome, devious road, like Abra- ham, not knowing whither I went : but weary and unwell, I found a fhelter late at night. And there I intended to reft, till Providence fhould di- rect my way. This was fomething like the faithful faints ( 3*3 ) faints of old times, mentioned Heb. ir. They wandered about in Jfjeep-Jkins, and goat-Jhitis, being dejiitute, ajpicled, tormented : of whom the world was not worthy , they wandered in dejerts, and in mountains, and in dens and caves of the earth. Though it mud be acknowledged, their trials far exceeded. Tuefday 7. My foul was kept in peace ; and I fpent much of my time in reading the bible and the Greek teflament. Surely GOD will (land by and deliver me ! I have none otter on whom I can depend. And he knows with what inten- tion and for what purpofes, I came into this dif- tant and (Irange land : and what little I have fuf- fered for his caufe. At night a report was fpread which inclined me to think, it would be moft pru- dent for me to move the next day. Accordingly I fet out after dinner, and lay in a fwamp till a- bout fun-fet : but was then kindly taken in by a friend. My foul has been greatly humbled and bleffed under thefe difficulties : and I thought my- felf like fome of the old prophets, who were con- cealedin times of public diftrefs. Thurfday 9. I promifed GOD, that if he •would lift me up, I would be wholly his, and fpend as much time in returning thanks, as I have fpent in feeking his protection : which has been fome part of every hour. My foul has been much comforted in reading J. A Heine's letters which he wrote in prifon. I felt ftrong confidence in GOD, that he would deliver me ; being confei- ousthat I fought neither riches nor honour; and that what I fuffered was for the fake of his fpiri- tual church, and the falvation of my fellow-men. I was informed that brother J. H. was appre- hended lad Lord's-day in §hteen-Ann. May the X.ord ftrengthen and fupport him^ while he fuf- fers ( 3*4 ) fers for righteoufnefs' fake. He fhall be faithful- ly remembered by me in my addreffes to the throne of grace. This evening I was called upon to vifit a perfon in diftrefs of mind; and the Lord gave him reft for his foul. Perhaps, Pro- vidence cad my lot in this place, for the afliftance of this man. Friday 10. My heart was kept pure, and pant- ing after GOD, though I was, in fome fenfe, a prifoner, and under the neceffity of being con- cealed, rather than facrifice the peace of my con- ference, and offend my GOD. O my Lord, guide thy poor pilgrim through the rugged ways of this ungodly and dangerous world ! And if I fuffer with Chrift here, may I finally reign with him in glory ! 16 Who fuffer with our Mafter here, " We fhall before his face appear, " And by his fide fit down : " To patient faith the prize is fure ; " And all that to the end endure " The crofs, fhall wear the crown." My praclice is to keep clofe to GOD in prayer, and fpend a part of every hour, when awake, in that exercife. I have lately begun to read Mr. Wejleys Notes again ; and have always found both them and his Sermons to be made an efpecial bleHing to my foul. My exercifes are very deep and various. The Lord makes great difcoveries of my defects and fhort-comings in many points. He melts my heart into humility and tendernefs; hegracioufly draws me nearer and nearer to him- self ; and fills me with the fpirit of holy love. Saturday 1 1. GOD was my portion, and my .foul refted in him. But I was at a lofs to know what ( 3*S ) what to do : my time was ufelefs in refpe& to others; though I carefully improved it for my own fpiritual advantage, which, for fome years paft, had been in a degree neglected, on account of my great attention to the fouls of others. And I know not what to determine, whether to deliv- er myfelf into the hands of men, to embrace the ;iirft opportunity to depart, or to wait till Provi- dence ihall farther direct. The reafon of this re- tirement was as follows. From March ic, i 778, .on confcientious principles I was a non-juror, and •could not preach in the State of Maryland; and therefore withdrew to the Delaware State, where the clergy were not required to take the State- oath : though, with a clear confcience, I could have taken the oath of the Delaware State, had it •been required ; and would have done it, had I not •been prevented by a tender fear of hurting the Scrupulous confeiences of others. Saint Paul faith, When yc fin fo again/} the brethren , and wound itheir uueak confcience } ye fin againft Chrift, I Cor. viii. 1 2. LordVday 12. This was one of my dumb -and filent fabbaths ; and was fpent in falling and prayer, that the Lord may turn again my capti- vity. My foul was greatly humbled, and n )t a little comforted in waiting before GOD. I la- ment that part of the Lord's flock is carried av ay ,-captive .; but hope that thofe who remain in Zdon 9 will be hoiinefs to the Lord, and found among the living in Jerujale:n. Monday 13. I formerly* thought it would be death to me, to keep iilence from declaring the word of GOD : but now I am in a meafure con- tented, and hope to fee a day of liberty once a- gain. It appears to be the will of GOD that I fhoultf be filent for a feafon, to prepare me for E e farther ( 3*« ) farther ufefulncfs hereafter. Therefore my time (hail be employed to the beft advantage. Tuefday 14. I am not yet forfaken of all, but am happy in the family where I (lay, and my foul is fixed on GOD. 1 have a private chamber for my afylum, where I comfort myfelf in GOD, and fpend my time in prayer, meditation, and leading. The next day brother J. F. held a public meet- ing : he appeared to be a well-meaning, gord man : and who hath defpifed the day of J mall things, Thurfday 16. My foul was blefTed with peace; but I earnetlly defire to be more fpiritual in all my thoughts, words, and actions. Friday 1 7. Being Good-Friday I devoted my- felf to failing and prayer. How many fuch days have I fpent, in addreiTmg large congregations on the mournful fubjeft of our blefTed Lord's cruci- fixion ; but am now deprived of the privilege of making a public improvement of the day. I mufl lit down and weep, when I remember Zion, and the years of GOD's right hand. Oh ! how I long to fee his goings in the fancluary, as in times part ! Return, O Lord, to the many thoufands of Ifrael, and caufe us to rejoice, according to the days in which we have feen trouble ! I now uiioy a favourable opportunity of taking a circum- flantial review of my pail life. But alas ! How am I afiiamed, and covered with blufhing before GOD ! My foul is bowed in awful reverence and melting humility before the mercy-feat ! My intention has been pure, as far as I can judge ; but on account of my imperfections, if there were no Mediator, there could be no hope of mercy. But blefTed be GOD ! I can come with humble boldnefs to the throne of grace, knowing that we have an High-Prieft that can be touched with the feeling i 3-7 ) • \fceling of our infirmities ; who ^'j; in tempted like as iue are> yet without Jin. I hope to ♦ learn obedience by the things I fuffer ; and walk [more watchfully and pioufly before GOD tor the . rime to come. Saturday i8. I labour to make the beft ui my precious rime ; and hope to be better pared for future fervice on earth, or for eternal j fervice in heaven. I bear our dear, fuflfering I friends on my heart. Lord's-day 19. Another folitary fabbath. Eze- kiefs portion is mine — to be dumb for But the Lord gives me patience, and foji me under it. The family amongft whom my lot is call, ufe me with great kindneik j and ma] Iprd (hew kindnefs to them, according to ail that they have done unto me ! Monday 20, Reading the Revelation with Mr. JVeJleys notes, was made a particular bk to my foul ; but my confeience checked me fe- tferely for not reading more frequently that of the faered canon ; feeing fuch a blelling is pro- nounced on them that read and understand it. liit I intend for the future, if time and health Will permit, to read one chapter in it every day. Tuesday 2t. I purpofed in my own mind, to fpend ten minutes out of every hour, when awake, in the duty of prayer. May the Lord help me to pay all the vows which my heart hath ut- tered, and my mouth hath fpoken in the time of trouble ! Wednefday 22. I finilhed Mr. Wejlefs notes on the new Teftament, and began to read Dodd- ridge's rife and progrefs ; but am not fo decorated with holy love as the temple of GOD mould be, I am reconciled to my condition, and id fair \ p.ayer commit all events to my divine Protector, This ( 328 ) This is an excellent feafon for dreffing my Own vineyard. Thurfday 23. GOD was near, and my heart was exceedingly humbled before him. I finifhed Doddridge, anci was pleafed, inftrueled, and af- fected thereby. I think an abridgement of this book would be of great fervice to our focieties. Friday ^gan reading honefl: John Bun- yoh f s Holy War : and my foul was kept in peace,, but earnestly dtfirous of every branch and degree of perfect love. Holinefs is far preferable to the greatell wifdoffl ! Lord's-day 26. I was dill confined and obliged to keep fileuce ; but fpent much of the day in reading the Revelation with Mr. WeJIey's notes upon it. As this Revelation was given on the Lord's-day, what can be a more proper fubjecl for meditation on that day ? Devoting much of my time to the exercife of prayer, I pray frequent- ly for my dear parents and friends, as well as for myfelfv Wednefday 29. Ventured to leave my afylum ! and under the fpecial providence of GOD, came fafe to my old abode ; where I purpofe fpending thefe perilous days in retirement, devotion, and ftudy. I want for nothing but more holinefs, ?.nd wonder at the love and care of almighty GOD» towards fuch a dead dog as 1 am. My fpirit was- greatly comforted by Fialm cvi. 10. He favedthem from the hand of him that hated them : and redeemed than from the hand of the enemy. Friday May 1. The minds of the people are fo confufed, and filled with the fpirit and troubles of the times, that it does not appear to me as if GOD required me to treat with them on fpintua! and eternal fubjec-ts, till they can with fome con- fiderate calmncfs pay attention to thofe momen- tous ( 3*9 ) to'us matters. I have lately been grieV< ed by the temptations of Satan ; but civ d to die rather than live to Gn againft GO!). L ft and by me in the day of trial, and every moment fupport my feeble foul ! On Saturday alfo my mind was much harafTed by my fpiritual atlver- fary : and my (ludy and devotion were interrupt- ed, fo that I could l\o but little either for G or myfelf. Lord's-day 3. My mind was ft ran gel y twirled and tortured, not knowing what to do. It flema I know not how to flghr, nor how to fly j but I am perfuaded there will be a fpeedy chang the vvheel of Providence, either profperous cr ad- verfe. Others are now free, but I am bound. Reading at prefent no other books on the Lord's- days, I have lately read the Revelation with Mr. JVefley's notes three times through. Monday 4. JSatan hath a de&re to deftroy, or at lead to diiturb my foul. But I pray mightily to GOD againit him. Oil that he may rebuke the tempter, and make a way for my efcape ! On Wednefday my temptations were (o violent, that it feemed as if all the infernal powers were combined to attack my foul. Like Elijah when perfecuted by Jezebel, I was ready to rcqueft for myfelf that I might die. However, about noon the ltorm abated, and my foul was calm. I had felt as though I could neither pray nor read -, but the Lord Welled my troubled foul while endea- vouring to pray with brother E. IV. My temp- tations have been fuch as I never experienced be- fore in the courfe of my life. But GOD will help me, and I (hall yet praife him ! Both Friday and Saturday my fpiritual enemies were upon me, but my foul had more ftrength from the Lord. My practice is to fpend fome part of every hour E e 2 (33° ) in prayer. Lord, what is man, that thou art mind- ful of him ? and the f on of man, that thou wfttcfi him ? On Saturday brother W. came home, as in anfwer to prayer. On the Lord's-day I read the Revelation three times over, and experienced great fweetnefs in my foul, both in reading and family- exercifes. Monday 11. Mymind was deeply exercifed, riot knowing what to do. If the Lord delivers me, I (hall be bound to praife him ; if I had a thoufand hearts and tongues, and a million of years to live, all would be infufficient for paying the mighty debt of praife. Time, and language, and numbers, ail fail in point of praife and ado- ration for the unmerited mercies of a gracious GOD. " Praife ye the Lord, ye immortal choirs, M That fill the realms above ; " Praife him who form'd you of his fires* 4< And feeds you with his love." Tuefday 12. My excrcifes were dill grievous, but I am perfuaded that all thefe trials will con- tribute to the fpiritual advantage of my foul. Temptations and prayer, as one obferves, qualify a gofpel-minifter for his work. But I am ready to afk, as one of old, Lord, are there few that be faved ? May GOB vouchfafe to help and deliver his few articled people \ Wednefday 13. I met a fmall congregation* and my foul was blefled in fpeaking to the peo- ple, as it ufually is on fuch occasions. O my GOD ! when wilt thou turn again my captivity ? Surely JacobGciOl rejoice, and Ifrael (hall be glad. Thuriday 14. I dill attend to prayer, fludy, and teaching the children ; but cannot be fully fatisfied ( 33* ) fatisfied without preaching the gofpel, which ap~ pears to be my peculiar province. Though I find more relifh for the word of GOD, and great- er fweetnefs in reading it, than ever before. Friday 15. My foui W3S for the mod part in peace ; though at times my own trials and the trials of others produced ftrong agonies of mind. But ftrengthened with divine might, I am able to oppofe the tempter in his moft violent affaults, and am brought off more than conqueror. The (tudy of the holy fcriptures affords me great plea- fure. Lord, help me to dig into the gofpel-field as for hidden treafure • Saturday 16. It may be obferved that two of our preachers have been apprehended, rather than do violence to confcience \ and the men by whom they were both taken, were dangeroufly wounded within a few weeks after they had laid Lands upon them. I am now refigned to my confinement, and am perfuaded that GOD, by his providence, will (hew me when and which way to go. Lord's-day 17. As a congregation was col- lected to near the word, I ventured to preach, and found my foul much drawn out both in fpeaking to GOD and the people. Perhaps this was a token of future enlargement and ufeful- jiefs. • Monday 18. My fpirit was oppreiTed by hea- vy temptations. The preachers and people be- gan to convene for the quarterly meeting which was to begin the next day. Tuefday 19. Brother C — .v began our quar- terly meeting, and then I preached, with tender fenfibility and warm affection, a humiiiation-fer- mon on Joel ii. 16, 17, 18. Gather the people, fantVfy the congregation, cjjernble the elders, gather the ( 31* ) the children, and thofe that fuch the hreajh : let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her clofet. Let the priejls, the minifters of the Lord, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them fay, fpare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach ; that the heathen fhould rule over them : wherefore Jhould they fay among the people, where is their GOD ? Then will the Lord be jealous for his land, and pity his people. The hearts of the people were greatly melted under the word : and the power of the Lord was with us in the afternoon alio. We were quiet and undilturbed ; and I hope the word will take root in the hearts of fome who wereprefent. On Wednefday there was fo much company about me, that I could not keep in my ufuai and de- firable track of walking with GOD. Thurfday 21. My mind was fomewhat diffi- pated. A young woman, who had been awaken- ed by the inflrumentality of Captain W. but de- prived of the means of grace for about four years, and had thoughc (he could never be happy unlefs amongfl the Mcthodijls, was now brought to GOD by faith in Jefus Chrift, and found peace in her foul. Another perfon was alfo brought into deep diftrefs for an intereft in Chriit, about the fame time. Our family meet- ings are now attended with great power. Friday 22. Satan worried my mind with his temptations ; but at night we joined the two fa- milies together for worfhip, and the Spirit of the Lord was with us in power. Saturday 23. I fet this day apart for failing and prayer, efpecially in behalf of brother T. IV. My foul was comforted to hear that Mrs. P. near feventy years of age, knew by experience that me could be born again though &e was old. This week ( 333 ) Week the Lord has given me two, as the children of my bonds. Monday 2^. T. IV. went back to have his Cafe determined. He left Ins family in much dif- trefs of mind. I endeavoured to minifcer feme comfort to- them ; but in refpect to myfolf, every thing appeared to be under a cloud , fo that I Inew not as yet, what the Lord would be pleafed to do with me. I now began to read Barclay'* apology, and to make fome ftrictures. Friday 29. I fpent much of the forenoon in prayer, and read through the book of Job : but was forely tempted by the devil. My fpiritual trials have been heavier and more grievous of late, than I have ever experienced before in all the courfe of my pilgrimage. They feem to in- dicate to me, that I (hail lofe my foul, or lofe my life, or live for fome peculiar ufefulnefs in the church of ChrlfL On Saturday Mr. H — y came to fee me ; and I ventured to fet out for Mr. TF.'s: but having been fo long unaccuilomed to riding,, my body was exceedingly farigued, However, my foul was much refreshed in meeting the people there. Lords'-day 31. My body wan indifpofed; but many people came together to hear the word of GOD; and as there had been fome little disor- ders among them, I difcourfed on 2 Tim, ii, 19. Nevertbelefsy the foundation of GOD flandeth fure> having this fiat, the Lord knoweth them that are his. Af)d y kt every one that nometh the name of ChriJ} depart from iniquity. We had a profita- ble time ; and in the afternoon I went to hear Mr. C. who appeared to be a well-meaning, plough a weak man* Monday June 1. I rode about twenty miies and came home very unwell* and continued for ieverai ( 334 ) fevera! days affli&ed with a fever and boils; but my foul was peaceably (laid on the Lord, in the midft of various and heavy trials both of body and mind. Lord's-day 7. Being Whitfunday I went to the barn, weak as I was, and preached on Rom. viii. 7, 8, 9. My heart was enlarged, and the people were greatly melted and alarmed •, and many of them felt the gracious drawings of the Father. But alas ! I am as gold in the furnace ! though I muft not think it ftrange concerning the fiery trial, which is to try me, as though fome (Irange thing had happened unto me. In my pa- tience, may I pofTefs my foul : and the Lord in his own time, wiil deliver me. Surely, when this mortal mall put on immortality, then fhall there be an eternal day without a cloud, eafe without pain, and joy without any mixture of forrow ! I preached again in the afternoon, and- found great liberty in my fpirit. Peradventure,. the Lord will, in this barren place, raife up a feed to ferve him* Wednefday ic. I had both great peace and heavy trials 5 but have caufe to complain of the want of more ferioufnefs and devotion to COD. I find the more pious part of the people called Quakers, are exerting themfelves for the libera- tion of the flaves. This is a very laudable de- Ggn *, and what the Methodijls mull come to, or 1 fear, the Lord will depart from them. But there is caufe to preiume, that fome are more in- tent on promoting the freedom of their bodies, than the freedom cf their fouls ; without which they mud be thevaflals of Satan in eternal fire. Saturday 13. For a few days pad my mind has been varioufly agitated at certain times, by that reftlefs, fallen fpirif, who fo often attempts to ( 335 ) to break my peace ; but my foul has been kept by the fame omnipotent, gracious arm which has been fo frequently difplayed in my behalf. I went to R. W.% where all our fouls were under the foftening influence of divine grace in the clafs- meeting. With animation of fpirit I preached twice on the Lord's-day, to large congregations. As the gofpel of Jefus Chrifl meets with indul- gence in this free State, I entertain a hope that it will prove a general blefling to the inhabitants thereof : and that Delaware will become as the garden of the Lord, filled with plants of his own planting. Monday 15. The congregation was large at Mr. AVs, but fnewed too much appearance of fpiritual infenfibility. I have lately been furprif- ed, and felf-reproved, for not feeling the fame earned defire that the word might profit the hea- rers, after it was delivered, as I have felt before the preaching began. My foul was deeply engag- ed with the Lord, at this time, that the word might prove a permanent blefling. On Tuefday I heard Mr. T. preach a funeral fermon, which was well put together, but not calculated to reach the hearts of the people. Thurfday 18. My trials, as ufual, have been great, but the Lord has not left me comfortlefs. About this time it was currently reported, that a treaty of peace was like to take place. I thought this would have been a fingular blefling, efpecially as it would have given the gofpel a free courfe through the land. But my hope is, through grace, that I (hall be found prepared for all changes and circumftances. Lord's-day 21. I was enabled to prefs upon the confciences of the people, with great pungen- cy, the awful declaration of GOD in Amos iv. 11. / have ( 336 ) I have overthrow}! fame of you, as GOD overth'renv Sodom and Gomorrah, and ye were as a firebrand plucked out of the burning : yet have ye not retur/:- ed unto me y faith the Lord. Some felt the word preached j and at the clafs-meeting the hearts of the fociety were melted. Saturday 27. We have had fome refreshing times both in our public and fociety meetings thro' the courfe of this week ; and my own foul has fometimes been greatly drawn out in affec- tionate devotion ; but at other times forely tempt- ed by the enemy. We have had a very alarming -drought in this part of the country. Laft: Friday we faded, and prayed that the Lord might water *ihe earth : but though we had a fine (hower, it -did not feem to cover much more than the two adjacent farms. Lord's-day 28. In the forenoon I preached under an oak, on, Him that comethunto me, I will in no wife cajl out ; but the people feemed un- moved : though in the afternoon they were a lit- tle roufed by that awful threatening Pfalm ix. 17. The wicked flj all be turned into hell, and all the na~ tions that forget GOD. Yet there feems to be a judicial hardnefs of heart amongft many of the peiple. There was a large congregation at Mr. S.'s on Monday, but they aifo were under the influence of a ipiritual ftupor. My mind has hscn much agitated j and at prefent my profpecr, of fuccefs is but gloomy. Some times I have been afraid that I have done wrong in retiring from the work 5 though as far as I can judge, the glory of GOD and the profperity of his church, were my chief objects. Tuefday 30. Brother F. G. came to fee me ', and on Friday the Lord fent us a plentiful rain after the threatening drought. Saturday Saturday July 3. I lamented my want of more fpiritual life and divine animation ; neither did F find myfelffo quietly and perfectly resigned to the prefent difpenfations of Providence, as is neceiTa- ry to keep my foul in undiflurhed peace, anc4 promote my advancement in all the beauty of hoiinefs. Lord's-day 4. The Lord favoured me with great afliftance in preaching three times to-day *, and at Mr. C — y's in the forenoon we had a very folemn feafon. Tuefdny 6. It has been matter of grief to me, that I have not been more holy and heavenly in all the powers of my foul. And it will be very wonderful if my foul ihould befaved, after fo ma- ny external trials, and fuch internal ailaults from the banded powers of darknefs. Death and de- itrucl:ion feem to threaten me on every fide : but, * Thou know'ft the pains thy fervants feel \ " Thou hearft thy children's crv, " And their be ft wifhes to fulfil, " Thy grace is ever nigh." Wednefday 7. My exercifes were heavy, but I had fome liberty in preaching, and there were fome happy fouls who poiTefled the fptrit of pray- er. Friday 9. Satan fo befet me by different means, that it feemed as if I could do little elfe but endeavour to pray. Saturday 10. I rode to IF. and found that Mr. C. had taken away about half the fociety, and was gone to fet up a church for himfelf. But I met thofe who were willing to abide with us, F f and ( 33« ) and preached twice on the Lord's-day, perhaps to fome purpofe. Monday 12. Preaching in Slaughter- neck , there appeared to be fome impediment in the family ; 1 therefore removed the preaching, and found the children were openly wicked. We fhall now meet the people at Mr. S — y's, whofe family ap- pears ferious ; and I hope the work of GOD will go on in this neighbourhood. The people were all attention at R — ds's on Wednefday, but not much afFecled. On Thurfday I preached at J>—/s, and then returned to brother T. W.'s. .Saturday 17. I laid apian for myfelf to travel and preach nine days in two weeks. This was one ftep towards my former regularity in what appears to me as my duty, my element, and my delight. On the Lord's-day I met a clafs in the morning, and then preached twice-. with earneft- nefs and affection, to large, attentive, and feri- ous congregations. My fpirit was afterwards re- freshed in the company of fome of my old friends. Monday 19. My company being gone, my foul returned to its ufual exercifes ; and I was led to reflect, on the fluctuating Hate of human life — a continual circle in which the foul can find no permanent centre to fix upon ! We {hall never have perfect reft till we come to the holy moun- tain of the Lord. Tuefday 20. My foul keeps clofe to GOD in prayer, meditation, and reading. My internal exercifes are very great, and I fee no other way 'to conquer and efcape, but by refilling my ma- lignant foe. On Thurfday I went about twenty miles to preach at one T — d's in SuJJex : there were about two hundred people who appeared to be kind, and willing to receive inftruclion ; and I was enabled to fix their attention, though they were 1 ( 339 ) v/ere ignorant and wild. I then rode ten miles on my way back, to vifit I. B. who was in deep diitrefs of foul. On Saturday my mind was fweetly (laid on GOD, after riding about 50 miles fince Thurfday, feeking to bring poor wandering ibuls to the fold of Chrift. I hope to travel preacli as long as I live. Lord's- day 25. My own foul was much en- larged while enforcing Rom. x. 15, 165 thoi the hearts of the audience appeared to be pi againft the power of the word. Thus it is that the preaching of the gofpel is too often as feed fown in ftony ground : the hearers do not pre- pare their hearts by prayer and meditation, and the Almighty does not deftroy their moral agen- cy, to fave them by irrefiftible grace ; and there- fore the word which was intended to be a favour of life unto lift, proves, by their abufe of prevent- ing grace, a favour of 'death unto death. Monday 26. I am ftill in poileflion of the in- eftimable pearl \ Chrift abides in me, the hope of glory. " In the heavenly Lamb M Thrice happy I am, " And my heart doth rejoice at the found of his name." The congregation to-day at K.'s were dull and infenfible, but in the dais-meeting at oYs we had a melting time. It was currently reported, about this time, that fome of the Britim troops were fo blocked up, that there was very little probability of their efcape. And thus it is with the fallen fpirits of mankind ; having forfeited the favour and pro- tection of their offended Creator, they are envi- roned ( 340 ) roned by the invifible, malignant angels who kept not their firft eftate, dcfirous to involve the hu- man race in their own condemnation and mifery. But GOD, moved with companion towards our helplefs race, has made it pojfible that we may ffcape through the redemption that is in Jefus Chrift. But, O melancholy thought ! Men are more inclined to liften to the voice of their ene- mies, than to the voice of their divine Friend. Inftead of putting on the whole armour of GOD, •md refifung the devil that he may flee from them ; they arm themfelves againft all the warnings of their gracious Creator, and refill the motions of his Holy Spirit, till they have filled up the mea- inre of their iniquity, and have their portion ap- pointed with devils and damned fpirits. On V/ednefday my foul was deeply exercifed in feek- mg after more of the divine nature. I long to be made perfeel in love, to have all my heart wrap- ped up in Chrift Jefus, to have my converfation in heaven ; and to be completely prepared for every duty, and every fuffering that may lie be- fore me ! We had a lecture in the evening at T. W.'s, and the hearts of feme were moved and melted by the power of GOD. I begin to think it is my duty to abide for a feafon in this State $ v\nd have great hopes that the Lord will pour out his Spirit, and favour us with a revival of pure zad vital piety. Saturday Auguft I. I went into the Fork: and on the Lord's- day preached at Mr. 7?.'s, and at Mr. L. y $. The congregations were attentive and affected ; fo that although they are rude and unpo]ifhed> yet GOD is able, even of thefe un- feemly (tones, to raife up children unto Abraham* Being informed that Mrs. P. was dangeroufly ill,. I rode about twenty miles to fee her, arrived at the ( 341 ) *he houfe about nine o'clock, and found her con* fitientand happy in the Jove of GOD ; a mi- of faving grace. But the power and the glory of this, and of every other good work, belong un- to the Lord. Tuefday 4. We had a large congregation, and the prefence and power of GOD were with us, while I enforced on a funeral occafion, E< rvii. 1. Remember now thy Creator in the & thy youth, while the evil days come not y nor the draw nighy when thou (halt fay^ 1 have no pi. in them. Thurfday 6. After proclaiming the great vation at ^.'s, I rode back to vifit Mrs. P. again ; and found her fliil happy in GOD, and pa! under her affliction. Lord's-day 9. Having been informed that fame of the people were in danger of being led a fid impremons and dreams j and a weak-headed man having already drawn off a fewfimple 1 I thought it expedient to urge upon them If v-iii. 20. To the law and to the teftimony : ij /peak net according to this word, it is i . I re is ?io light in them. While in theory, experi <. and practice, we keep clofe to the written word of GOD, we are fafe. And if an angel from, heaven preach any other gofpei, faith ct. Paulj let him be accurfed. Gal, i. 8, Dreams may arife from various caufes j and even diabolical impreffions may fometimes re- femble thole made by the Spirit of GOD. And it is evident that all fuch impreilions as have a tendency to efPecl divifions, to interrupt the peace of the church, to draw us off from any re. \ duty, or to make us contented in a lukewarm and carelefs ftate, cannot come from GOD, becauio they are contrarv to the revealed dictates of the % fa I 34^ ) Holy Spirit: and the Spirit of truth cannot con- tradict itieif. Therefore ail impreihons, dreams, vifions, &c. mould be brought to the ftandard of the holy fcriptures, and if they do not perfectly correfpond therewith, they mould be rejected. Monday 10. At Mr. oVs there was an igno- rant, hardened company, who had heard much preaching, but, I fear, to bad purpofe. May the hammer of the word, in the hand of omnipotent mercy, break thefe rocks into pieces ! In the evening I returned to R. W?s\ and was under painful exercifes of foul the next day. Such views of my want of more of the divine nature, and iuch a clear difcovery of the wickeclnefs and ob- ftinacy of the people, were opened to my mind, that my fpirir was brought down to the duft be- fore the Lord, and my heart poured out itreams of humble, earned prayer. The words of the apoftle are continually verified — We miij} through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of GOD, Ads xiv. 22. Such gracious difcoveries as break up the great deep of the human heart, are pain- ful, but profitable. BlefTed be GOD-, for illu- minating, quickening, fancxifying, and fcrength- enxng ^tt.cc I Thurfday 13. A fenfe of the divine prefer ce penetrated my foul, and I was deeply humbled before the Lord ; but was at the fame time in tfhe furnace of temptations ; and by all my pray- ed efforts, could not obtain deliverance from . No doubt but it was then needful, that I IhouW be in heavineis through fuch manifold temptations. But the Lord knoweth how, and #hen, to deliver. On Friday my foul was in peace, and I feit willing to die, rather than ever yield to temptation and finagainftmy GOD, Lord's-day ( 343 ) Lord's-day 16. After preaching at Mr. Z?/s in the Fork % I enforced Acts xiii. 40, 41. at R. JL*8 ; wliere many people were aiTected, and a- bout : twelve were taken as probationers into the foeiety. On Monday at Mr. Fi*s I fpoke with fpiritual enlargement to a poor, ignorant congre- gation; and there were many perfons much af- fected on Tuefday at TVs. It feemed as if the Lord was working on their willing hearts, to pre- pare them for his church militant below, and for his church triumphant above. Though my body is feeble, and the weather is very warm, yet the Lord fupports me, and makes my labours fuccefsful. " How do thy mercies clofe me round, " For ever be thy name ador'd ! ■* I bluih in all things to abound ; * The fervant is above his Lord." Thurfday 27. After preaching at the widow y.'s, I returned to Mr. WS ; and was viilted by my old friends W. L. and IV. M. Lord's-day 30. For feveral days pad I was extremely iil, with a vomiting, &c. and was frequently delirious. It was a very heavy feafon of affliction ; but the Lord looked upon me in my trouble, and this day he granted me fome relief- Glory be given to GOD ! my fever was greatly abated. Lord's-day September 6. I am {till unable to preach the glad tidings of falvation to my fellow men. And my mind has been varioufly exercifed through the week pair. ; fometimes grieved at [pending my time to fo little purpofe \ at other times deeply engaged for more inward religion,, god for more of GOD, Lord's-day ( 344 ) Lord's-day 13. Another week has paiTed wftH- out public labour, except one prayer meeting, But my foul has enjoyed a great degree of divine peace and confolation. Efpecially on laft Thurs- day, my foul was favoured with deep commu- nion with GOD. How earneftly do I long for a more holy and a cloferwalk with God; to have every thought devoted to my bleffed Jefus. I ventured to preach to-day on Heb. xiii. 13. when mv fpint was at liberty, and the people were af- fected. Tuefday 15. This was a day of peculiar temptations. My trials were fuch as I do not re- member to have experienced before ; and for fome time it feemed as if I fcarce knew whether to fight or fly. My ufefulnefs appeared to be cut off; I faw myfelf pent up in a corner; my body in a manner worn out 5. my Englifli bre- thren gone, fo that I had no one to confult ; and every furrounding object and circumftance wore a gloomy afpecl:. Lord, muft I thus pine away,. 2nd quench the light of Ifrael ? No : though he flay me, yet will I trull him. " Though in the paths of death I tread ? . " With gioomy horrors overfpread, " My fteadfaft heart (hall fear no ill, " For thou, O Lord, art with me ftill ; " Thy friendly crook (hall give me aid, «* And guide me through the dreadful made/ Wednefday 16. My body felt better, and mf mind had reft. I could repofe myfelf in Chrift Jefus ; and felt a lively hope that through all my difficulties, the Lord will finally conduit me to eternal reft* Thurfda^ { 345 ) Thurfday 17. While riding on the road, my foul was deeply arTe&ed with a powerful, folemn fenfe of a prefent and gracious GOD. What ex- tatic fenfations muft be enjoyed in heaven, where a much deeper fenfe of the divine pretence is eternally enjoyed, without interruption or ceila- tion ! Well might St. Paul fay,. To die is gain, Here our communion with the Deity is but par- tial and very imperfect — we dwell in {hells of in- firmity ; expofed to the aflaults of wicked fpirits, and furrounded with countlefs numbers of amuf- ing, empty objecls > by which means we are in continual danger of forgetting GOD, or of being too well fatisiied without the fruition of him. I called to fee Mr. S. and his wife, who was fick, and I introduced a converfation on the be- nefit of affliction, as a proper means to excite our confi deration, and humble us for our pad fins. But (he began to fay, whom the Lord loveth he chafleneth ; and feemed inclined to prefume that fhc was in a (late of acceptance. This I did not believe, and therefore broke cfr the converfation abruptly, and went to prayer. They were both extremely affected; and efpech'ly Mrs- 8, The Lord had touched and broken her heart ; fo that her thoughts of herfelf and of the nature of reli- gion were greatly changed ; and I left her roar- ing and crying for mercy. Lord's-day 20. There was a great melting in the congregation, and a pleating profpect of a gracious work of GOD, while I attempted to de- scribe the folemn grandeur of the judgment day, and the woful end of the unregenerate, from 2 TheflT, i. 7, 8, 9, 10. Thurfday 2U). My frame has been indifpofed all this week, fo that I am ahnoil a (hanger to the enjoyment cf health for any length of time, I have ( 346 ) I have been reading the life of Mr. — : but think it quite too pompous. The praife beftowed on, him, is too much to beftow on mortal duft. What is man, that fuch flowers mould be ftrewed on his grave \ May I ever be contented with the honour which cometh from GOD only ! My foul at prelent is filled with his Holy Spirit ; I have a glorious profpecl of a boundlefs ocean of love, and immenfe degrees of holinefs, opening to my view ; and now renew my covenant with the Lord, that I may glorify him with my body and fpirit which are his. Seven times a day do I bow my knees, to utter my complaints before him, and to implore anincreafe of his grace. But af- ter all, and in the midil of all, I can feelingly fay, J am an unprofitable fervant. But though unwor- thy, utterly unworthy, I am blefTed with the fweet gales of God's love. BlefTed breezes ! how they cheer and refrefh my drooping foul ! What the Lord has for me to do, I know not ; but wait to know, and gladly to obey every diclate of his unerring pleaTure. Friday 25. My foul was ftill happy in my GOD, and lam powerfully perfuaded that I /hall yet live to be more ufefui than ever, in the church bfChrift. Saturday 26. On my way to the Fork, I was in fpirituai travail for the fouls of the people \ and there was fome melting at Mr. R.'s ; but a much more powerful moving at L.'s, while I difcourfed on 2 Cor. v. 11. Knowing therefore the terror of the Lord, we perfuade men ; but we are made mdtiifefi to GOD, and I trufl aljo, we are made man iff in your confciences* I returned to my lodging, bleffing and praifing GOD, that he had enabled me to deliver rny own foul 1 and given ( 347 ) me fome caufe to hope that my labour was not in vain. Wednefday 30. The malicious enemy of man- kind ftill haunts, and powerfully tempts me ; but my never-failing Friend makes me victorious. My foul is in conftant fearch after more of GOD, and fweetly finks deeper and deeper into the abyfs of his fulnefs. I am much employed in the fpirit and duty of prayer •, but earneflly de- fire to be more fo. My defire is, that prayer fliould mix with every thought, with every wifh, with every word, and with every action •, that all might afcend as a holy, acceptable facrifice to GOD. Thurfday October 1. My heart was much de- voted to him, who devoted himfelf to death for me. Peace and purity were my agreeable com- panions ; and I faw the indifpenfable need of per- petual watching, and looking unto Jffus, the au- thor and finijher of my faith, who for the joy which was fet before him, endured the crofs, defpifed the Jhame, and is fet down at the right hand of GOD — endured the crofs ! — defpifed the (hame ! — And fhall the difciple defire to be above his mailer ? Shall I ever fhun the crofs ? or dread the fhame ? GOD forbid ! For it is only on condition that we fuffer with him, that we fhall alfo reign with him. At T.'s to-day there was a gracious melt- ing in the congregation ; and the profpect of a good work on the hearts of many. I then rode to Mr. F.'s ; and the untaught audience felt the weight of divine truth. Mr. F. has been under religious impreflions amongft the Nicholites, but fuflers fpiritual lofs by the want of more for- titude. Friday 2. I preached a funeral fermon on Nanticoke river \ and we had a very folemn fea- fon. ( 348 ) Lord's-day 4. I was greatly affifted in my public exercife, though my body was afflicted with a fever. After preaching twice, I rode to Mr. WJs, and enjoyed confolation in my foul ; though at prefent there is but a fmall profpect of my being permitted to preach long in this land, with a clear confcience. But to defile the confcience, would be doing evil that good may come j which I look upon as a dangerous, yea, a diabolical fentiment ; and therefore can never think of indulging it. My confcience muft be kept void of offence towards GOD, as well as towards man. I am defirous to do what I -can for the falvation of the immortal fouls, which in- hdbit America ; but if Providence (hould permit men to prevent me, then I am clear ; and muft labour where the door is open. Thurfday 8. I found fome religious feelings in the congregation at G.'s; but dead, dead times at Z.'s. And I was fo unwell, as to be un- der the neceffity of fitting down to teach the peo- ple. I returned very ill, and was unable to preach on the Lord's-day. Lord's-day 18. My body has laboured under affliction all the week ; and Satan has buffeted me with heavy temptations. I have been much tempted to impatience, and to fay, (hew where- fore thou contended me? But mall the clay com- plain in the hand of the potter ? Lord, fupport me, and enable me to refill the devil, that he may flee from me ! This was a very folemn day in the great congregation, and I felt unufual power in preaching on Ac"ts xx. 27. I left the people un- der the effects of what they had heard and felt ; and then returned to Mr. W.'s. Blefs the Lord, O my foul j and all that is within me, praife his holy name ! Friday ( 349 ) Friday 23. My indifpof.ticn ftii! deavefh ro my (battered frame. But myfpirit is for the mofb part pacific and calm, though much tempted. Lord, grant me patience and refigna'ion on ail occafions; that while I am a living man, I ir.ay never complain ! Tuefday 27. My foul was impreflfed with a deeper fenfe of the prefence and purity of GOD. .And I felt determined tc be more circumfpecx and watchful in every part cf my conduct. But what are all the refolutions of man without the jgrace of GOD! And will GOD withhold his grace, without any fault in us ? By no means — He hath encouraged us to a(k, by prdmifing that we (hall receive, if we do net aft: amifs. — Lord-, help me to fulfil all my covenant-engagements, that I may have refpett to every precept of thy righteous law, and in all things do according to thy holy will. I fpent pait of this day in read- ings but a fever and pains produced a reftlcls night. Thurfday 29. I fpeke with feme animation at i-'G.'s, and moil of the congregation felt the weigh': cf divine truths. Friday 30. I put the fociety in fome order at L. y s, turning out the diforderly members •, which always are a weight and a curfe to any religious community. Saint Paul faid to the Corinthians (though alluding to only one diforderly perfon a- mong them) -Know yg not thai a little leaven leaven- -eth the whole lump f 1 Cor. v. 6. And the anger of the Lord was kindled againfl: Ifrael, for the: co- vetoufnefs of Achan, who then dwelt amongfh them. Jofh. vii. j. And who can tell how often the Lord is difpleafed with his church, for the -wickednefs of fome of its m bers ? No doubt >but this frequently checks the fpirrtual progrefs G g of ( 35° ) of the righteous; e'fpecially if ungodly members are known, and not dealt with according to the gofpel. .1 fpoke plainly and clofely to the people, and there was fome moving of the Holy Spirit a- mongtl them. But alas ! I am not yet fo devout, fpiritual, and heavenly as I ought to be. Neither do I feel that burning Jove to GOD which I want to feel. What fmall returns do I make, after my late vifitations of judgment and mercy ! I may well fay of myfelf, ah I ungrateful wretch ! May the Lord help me to be always mending ! LordVday Nov. i. After I had preached?, funeral fermon, at which the hearts of many were powerfully wrought upon, I returned to T. W.'ss making twenty miles in the whole, and lectured in the evening; and then lay me down and flept in peace. Wednefday 4. There was fome melting among the people at T.'s, and a profpecl of a work of grace. On Thurfday I felt deep workings of heart, but was much taken up with GOD in prayer. I rode to ^uanflco. and found no want of any thing there, but religion. I then returned to Suf- fex, and found my fpirit at liberty in preaching to thcfe untaught people, who behaved with feriouf- nefs and attention. Monday 9. I rode to T. W\%\ and cannot help efteeming his houfe as my temporary home ; though I meet with more fpiritual trials, than in conftant travelling. Lord, point out my way, and (hew me what thou wouldft have me to do ! Saturday. 14. I have fpent this week in read- ing and private exercifes ; and have been much indifpofed in my body. But, glory to GOD ! I have been favoured with fome accefs to his gra- cious prefcnce, and felt ftrong defires to be abafed as in ihe duft before him. LordVday ( 3?' ) Lords-clay 15. This morning I felt very un- well, but ventured to fct our for my appoint- ment twenty miles off; and found both my and mind ftrengthened far beyond my lion. Monday 16V I preached to a few poor people at W. icYs, and then returned to my temporary 'home, in a much better ftate of health than when I went out. Thus is my life at prefent che- quered ; I come home and grow fick, then go out and grow better ; and return to meet affliction again. So the Lord is pleafed to deal with me, to keep my fpirit down. — Father of mercies, let thy will be done Y I am thine, and' fubrfiit to be dealt with according to thy pleafure. Wetlnefday 18. My foul was much devoted to GOD. I fpent part of the day in vifiting the fick, and then returning I preached in the evening, with much liberty, at E. W.'s, Thursday 19. Having had much time on hands, I have endeavoured to improve it by en- riching my underflanding with religious know- ledge, and by frequent, earnefr. prayer to Almighty GOD, that he may enrich my heart with all the graces of his Holy Spirit. I have lately read through the firfl volume of ZX's paraphrafe, and am now waiting for fuiRcient health, and a pro- per opportunity, to turn out and labour in the field which is white for haryeft. But alas ! lean- not think that I grow in grace as I increafe in knowledge. Come, dear Lord, come quickly in- to my panting foul, and by thy gracious beams transform my whole foul into thy divine likenefs, that I may fhine in all the image of Chritl Jefus ! Dr. Z>.'s critical nores and improvements are excellent, inftruclive, and beautiful ; well calcu- lated for forming the minds of young preachers ; to ( 352 ) to prevent wild and unwarrantable e*poGticm^ OiCii as Tome are apt to give. Pic muft have been a man of extenfive reading and learning. Lord's-day 22. Some fouls were affe&ed while x was preaching on 1 Cor. vi. 19, 20 ; and in clafs-mectingthe members of fociety were great- 1" quickened. But it is matter of lamentation to me, that I do not glorify GCD more perfedly. On Monday I read D/s paraphrafe, and admire fiis fpmt, fenfe, and ingenuity j though I difagree- with him, in refpe& to the unconditional perfe- verance of faints. That this dod/ine has a per- nicious influence on the condua of many, is be- yond ail doubt. And a man muft live much a- bove his principle?, to be client and faithful,, under the perfuafion of fuch a ftupifying and dan- gerous fentiment. Thurfday 26. My mind has lately been much n up with GOD, and J have frequently ftrug- gJed, and wreftled, afttd pleaded for more of the J nature. * f Bid me in thy image. rife, " A faint, a creature new j True, and merciful, and wife* " And pure, and happy too. - k this thy primitive defigri, " That I fhould in thee be bled ; " Should within the arms divine, " For ever, ever reft." Friday 27. I am much delighted in reading the fecond volume of iX's paraphrafe, and am oc- cupied with various exercifes ; and my foul en- joys fweet peace- But all this is not travelling and preaching at large, for the falvation of fouls. Lord, when fhall I return to my beloved employ- ment ; ( 353 ) mefit j and be every day calling the gofpel net, to bring fouls to the expanded arms of the wil- iin;: Saviour ? LordVday 29. We had a large audience, and a very folemn rime, at JVs. I then returned and featured at E. W.*s. Thurfday December 3. Under fome ground- lefs apprehenfions, I fet out for Somerfet, My foul poured out abundant prayer by the way \ and the Lord, by his providence, conducted me iii fafety. Tuefday 8. After my little excurfion to Broad- creek, and its adjacent parts, I returned ; and notwithstanding all the foreboding apprehenfions of my mind, no perfon offered me the fmaileft infuit. "Wednefday 9. My mind was kept in a calm Serenity ; but as I did not enjoy fuch deep com- munion with GOD, as my foul was favoured with in the courfe cf the lafl week, I was much abafed in my own eyes. Though upon the whole, my obligations to praife and magnify the Lord are ve- ry great ; and may his grace preferve me from every degree cf ingratitude ! Friday 11. As brother //. is incapable of travelling, there feems to be a neccdity for my go- ing to M.'s. I have endeavoured, and do (till en- deavour to improve my time by prayer, medita- tion, and reading ; but I cannot omit any oppor- tunity of preaching, not knowing how foon my liberty or life may come to a final period. Or* Saturday, I met the children and the black people, and found fome gracious movings among them. Lord's-day 13. "With much freedom of fpirir* I preached at is. W.% on thefe words, fo applica- ble to thoufands, But they made light of it, and went their ways, one. to his farm, and another to his merchandize ; ( 354 ) merchandize : and the remnant took his fervant$> and entreated them fpiiefull^ end flew them. The word, attended by the grr.ee of GOD, wrought on the underflandings of fome, and- on the af- fections of others.- Tuefday [5. The Lord blefTed rnewhhfweet peace; though teo much company interrupted my private meditations and ftu-dy. It feemsas if I mud commit rnyfeif to divine Providence, and go forth to declare the glad tidings of falvation to the children of men ; left others mould follow my example of a partial filence^ without fuihxient €aufe. Thurfday 17. I have ended the fourth volume of Mr. Doddridge's paraphrafe. He fets the a- poftle off to the greatefl: advantage, on the two epiftles to the Corinthians. My foul has been grievoufiy exercifed by temptations to impatience and difcontent. With the greateft proprie* = Sei Ptw.l exhorted Tifnothvt to war a good tvarfar'ei A warfare indeed ! How powerful and fubtle our enemies ! And it is very remarkable, that all the' addrefTes to the (even churches of Afia> conclude; with a promife to them that overcome. Lord,' help me to Hand in the evil day, fortified with faith, meeknefs, patience, and love; that con^ quering every foe, by thy almighty aid, I may at lad eat of the tree of life which is in the midft of the paradife of GOD ! Friday 18. I am not altogether what I wHh' to be, and am- much tempted by -Satan: never- thelcfs the Lord is my portion and my fupport. My labours are (till in fome meafure circumfenb-' ed, fo that I generally preach or exhort but about three times a week. Lord, let not my weaknefs, timidity, or unfaithfulnefs, provoke thee to lay me afide as a broken inftrumenty as fit for little or no ( 355 ) *o fervice ! But for twenty months before thefe troublefome times fully came, I forefaw the pro- bability of them, and was much ftirred up to rely upon GOD, and prepare for the vvorft. There h ecu- an appointment for me to go to Kent in Delaware, and my hope ic, that the Lord will fortify and blefs me in my labours, LordVday 20. After preaching at LJs, I re- turns 1 and lectured at T. W"*$ ; and on Monday few brother W- — n, who informed me of rhc p^ofperity of the work, which far exceeds my ex- pectation. Although the labourers are driven from place to place, yet it feems the Lord will fcelp us in his own way and time. Wednefday 23* My temptations yefterday were very heavy and troublefome ; but to-day my foul overflowed with gratitude to GOD. I have lately obferved the ftrong propenfity in chil- dren to lie,. and feen how the Lord kept me from that and many other abominations, from my ear- Jv days, « In all my ways thy hand 1 own, " Thy ruling providence I fee ; " O help me {till my courfe to run, " And itill direct my paths to thee/' M ; * foul has been much quickened by reading the Memoirs of Mr. D. who was a man of great piety, and ftric~t devotion to GOD. There is fomething peculiarly animating in the lives of holy men ; for in their experience, we fee the veracity of GOD in fulfilling his gracious promifes ; and in their holy tempers and godly conduct, we fee the polTibility of complying with the precepts of the gofpel : therefore, in the perufal of fuch- tracts, we ( ^ } we feel an increafing appetite for more pure and undefiled religion. Thurfday 24. This being the day for com- memorating the Saviour's birth, I preached at £. TVSs with much inward freedom ; though the audience were not greatly moved. I have lately begun to read, for the firil time, Mr. Hervey's celebrated dialogues ; and cannot but obfervc his laboured endeavours to eftablifh the doclrine of " the imputed righteoufnefs of Chrirt." He feems to make it equal, at lea ft, to the two grand commands of our Lord. And why .not fuperfede them ? But Providence has brought forth that eminent man, Mr. John Fletcher, to manage this fubjetl: ; whofe language appears to be more natural, and lefs itudied than Mr. Her- i-ffs, and yet in no refpecl inferior : and his ar- guments are inconteflible, carrying their own conviclion with them. But of this, let the public judge. Saturday 26. I intended to fet out for my ap- pointment in Kent, but a great fnow prevented me. Tuefday 29. I have generally read of late a- bout a hundred pages a day, in Herveys Dia- logues, the lives of Gilbert, Harper, Langjlon, Brainard, &c. But alas ! how is my foul abafed. It is my deliberate opinion, that 1 do the leafl food in the church of Chrift, of any that I know, and believe "to be divinely moved to preach the gofpel. How am I difpleafed with myfelf ! Lor4 5 in mercy help, or I am undone indeed ! THE END 04F THE FIRST VOLUME.