£-5 r cs <. o7ir/ -4 STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA EXECUTIVE COUNCIL CHAMBER, JANUARY 17. 1X1)2. Rules for the Management of the Department of the Treamrg and Finance, adopted by the Governor and Executive Council. Rule I. The Chiefs of the Department of Treasury and Finance shall proceed without delaj to ascertain from the proper Officers a statement of the funds in the Treasury of the State, subject to the drafts ofthe Governor and Council, under the powers conferred on them by the Ordinance of the Convention, and the appropriations ofthe Legislature which may bo ^> subject, as well as ascertain what other sums which may come into the public Treasury that may be subject to the drafts of the Governor and Council, from any sources; also the present demands upon the Treasury . for expenditures, purchases of all descriptions, for transportation of troops, munitions of war and other supplies, and report the same to the Governor and Council. Rule 11. It shall be the duty of the Chiefs of said Department, or either of them, to require all disbursing officers in the military service of the State, and all others entrusted with public funds for army purposes, i" air, mm at such stated periods as may be fixed by them for disbursements of monej cut rust ci 1 to them, and produce proper vouchers therefor, and to report the same to the Governor and ( 'ouneil ; also tu require estimates to be submitted by such officers, with the approval of the Chief of the .Military I department, ofthe necessary expendit ares for the military services ofthe State or for the pur- poses ofpolice, tc., when the same is practicable, before the funds are advanced to them ; and when prac- ticable, such estimates shall be submitted to the Governor and Council, and such advances as are ma dr. and the a m (units thereof, shall be determined on by the Governor and Council prior to such advance. It) i.i: III. All drafts on the Treasury and the Hank- of the State, authorized to be drawn by the Gov- ernor and Council, under the Ordinance of the ( 'on vent ion. or by the Governor, for military purposes, under the Acts of the Legislature, shell be countersigned by either of the ( !hiefa of said Depart ment. I!i i.k I V. It shall be the duty <>f tltu Chiefs of said Department, or one of them, to present for -ett lenient and receive from the I 'on fed crate ( I oven in lent , such sum-- of money as may he due to 1 1 1 i -~ Slate for advances made by thisStatc, properly chargeable to the Confederate Government, and to receipt for the same, except such claims as are already ill the hands of Hon. YV. (I. DeSauSSUl'e, lately in the Department ofthe Treasury, and such as, by the laws of this State, he may be required to receipt for. All sums so received by the Chiefs of said Department, or either of them, shall be de- posited in the Stale Treasury, and reported to the Governor and Council without delay. Rule V, The Chiefs of the said Department arc authorized to make a distribution of the duties and powers ofthe Department betwixt themselves, and to establish sucli rules as thej may deem advisable for securing the proper accounting of officers and others, which shall be reported to and subject to the approval of i he Governor and Council ; but the signature and acts of either one of them shall be as valid in the said Department as if done by both. I!i i.k V 1. The chiefs of the said Department shall keep a book or I k^. showing the transactions thereof, both in the receipts and disbursements of monej . w Inch shall be exhibited to the Governor and Council at such slated meetings as they may require; and for 1 1 1 i — purpose they arc authorized to pro- cure the services of a cle k. at such rate of compensation as shall be fixed \t\ the Governor and ' 'ouneil. By order , if t he i iovernor and < 'ouneil. V. .1. MOSES, JR., Secretory. I V> ^v : 1 fc X 1 T ^ V peanut ife« P H 8.5