.«> George Washington Flowers Memorial Collection DUKE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ESTABLISHED BY THE FAMILY OF COLONEL FLOWERS A.OTS OF THE SECOND CALLED SESSIOK, 1861 AND OF THE FIRST REGULAR ANNUAL SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF ALABAMA, HELD IN THE CITY OF MONTaOMERY, COMMENCING ON THE 28TH DAY OF OCTOBER AND SECOND MONDAY IN NOVEMBER, 1861. ANDREW B. MOORE, Governor until December 2, 1861. JOHN GILL SHORTER, Governor. WM. H. CRENSHAW, Speaker of tlie House of Representatives. ROBERT M. PATTON, President of the Senate. MONTGOMERY, ALA.: MONTGOMEBY ADVKKTI.SEK BOOK AND JOB OFFICE. 1862. L^^VrS OF ALABAMA.. No. 1.] AN ACT For the relief of Tax-Payers and Collectors. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- ^^^^^^^ ^f seniaiives of the State of Alabama, in General Assembly time for making convened, That an act entitled " An Act to extend the *='""''"''°'- time for the pa3mient of taxes into the State Treasury, and for other purposes," approved February 8th, 1861, be so amended as to give until May Ist, 1862, for col- lecting and paying over the taxes for the year 1861. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That the tax collectors Ki„d of funds of this State may take in payment of taxes treasury notes of this State or of the Confederate States, and any current bank notes of the State of Alabama. Pro- vided, If in the opinion of the Governor, any of the banks of this State shall become unsafe, he may by proclamation and by notice to the tax collectors, pro- hibit the reception of the bills of any such bank. Pro- vided further. That the written assent of the securities ^/Bec^u^iuc?!"^ of the several tax collectors to the extension provided for by this act shall be obtained by the several tax col- lectors and filed with the comptroller of public accounts and approved by the comptroller, before the said exten- sion shall take eflect. Approved, Dec. 10, 1861. receivable for taxes. No. 2.] AN ACT To raise Revenue from Crops Loaned, and for r.tlKT purposes. vSrc. I. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ifouxr of Rrprc- rf the State cf A''>""" in Gen- ' "■ 'y 1?61. 4 Taxes on crops co7we7iecl, That tliG Same rate of tax as is levied and I'.auod. collected by law on moneys loaned, shall be levied and collected on crops or the proceeds thereof loaned or kept at interest. Sec. 2. J3e it further enacted, That the tax hereafter On moneys i.oar- jjggjjggg,! ^,^j collcctcd on moncy hoardcd shall be five per cent, on the amount hoarded instead of the tax di- rected to be assessed and collected by existing laws. And that under the term " money hoarded," shall be embraced as well money hoarded as all money deposited out of the State, money lent out of the State at a less rate of interest than five per cent, per annum, and all Proviso. mone}^ on hand. Provided, The provisions of this sec- tion shall not apply to money kept on hand exclusively to purchase family supplies not to exceed the amount necessar}^ for one year, but shall apply only to money purposely withheld from circulation or not employed in business. Certain loans ex- ^^^' ^- -^'^^ ^^ it further ejiactcd, That no tax shall be e«np'- assessed on loans of either produce or money to the Confederate States or to this State. Approved, Dec- 10, 18G1. No. 3.] AN ACT To provide a Fund for the Aid of Indigent Families of Volunteers absent in the Array. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of JRepre- sentatices of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That a special tax of twenty-five per cent, on Special Ins of 25 the amouut wlijch is now, or may hereafter be imposed coiiecfed.' '" ^^ on all the taxable property in this State as a general tax, to be collected by the several tax collectors in this State, at the same time, and under the same rules and regulations, and subject to the same liabilities and re- strictions now imposed by law in the collection of the annual taxes of the State, to be designated as "a fund for the aid of indigent families of absent volunteers," and such tax shall be collected for the present year by the several tax collectors upon the last assessment made in the several counties, at the same time they may collect the state and county taxes for the present year, 5 18G1. and shall continue to be imposed and collected annually during the continuance of the exif>ting war, between the Confederate States and the United States, or until altered or repealed by the General Assembly, and the said special tax shall be paid into the treasury of the State as other State taxes. Sec. 2. And he it farther enacted, Thf\t it shall be the '''■•^''?*^'^''-:''" - „ , . , •^' , , ' , ... appoint ;i dny duty ot the judge ot probate ot each couniy in this f'>rComs. cour; State, within one month after the passage of this act, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to call together the court of county commissioners for his count}^ on a day to be appointed by him, and at such special term of the court so called, it shall be the dut}' of the court, to sioners c?"'™.'^ select and appoint one discreet and trustworthy agent, in each election precinct in such county, whose duty it shall be to enquire and ascertain the number and name of each resident of such precinct, who may be absent therefrom as a volunteer in the army, when such volun- teer left, and in what company and regiment, to enquire and ascertain if such volunteer left a wife, child or chil- dren, or father or mother, or minor brothers or sisters, dependent upon him for support, and the number, sex and ages of those composing the family left by such volunteer, dcj^eiident upon him as aforesaid, and their condition and situation as to means of support, and whether such family, or any member thereof, actually needs aid and assistance from the public in the wsiy of food and clothing, and of what nature and to what extent, and for what length of time, and such agent Age hu. shall, within twenty cla_ys after his appointment, report in writing the result of his enquiries to the judge of probate of his count}', showing the name of each absent volunteer from his precinct, the number, sex and ages of any family left by him, needing the aid of the public, what means ot support tho\- had, what they actually need in the way of food and clothing, or eitlicr, and how long they will probably require such aid. Sec. 3. And he it farther enacted. That it shall be tlie J*^g^"f i*^-'"""^ duty of the judge of probate of each county as af re- sold, upon receiving the report of the several precintt agents in lais county as provided for in this act, forth- with to call a special term of the court of county com- missioners for his county, and it shall be the duty of the court at the special term so called, carefully to ex- amioG the report of the precinct agent; and to ascer- 1861. 6 tain from such reports, and such other sources of infor- mation as may be accessible to the court, Avhat number of families of absent volunteers belonging to their re- Li^t of indigent spective counties, may be in indigent circumstances and families. unablo to support themselves, and what amount it would require to furnish adequate aid in the way of provisions and clothinsf to i?uch indigent families during each year of the absence of such volunteers, and cause the names of such families to be entered upon the records of the court, with a carefully prepared estimate of the amount necessary to render each of said families adequate aid in the way of provision and clothing during each year, and such estimate in detail, shall also be entered of I record, and such court shall furnish the comptroller of ria.ie to comp- puldic accouuts witli a duly certitied copy of such record, trailer. witliiu twcut}^ days after making the same, showing the numbers of, and names of families of absent volunteers requiring aid in his count}^ and the amount thereof. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the [;,;,'i'ier?^ ^""''' 11 • n , % Appropriation? convened, 1 hat the following sums of money be, and fonsci-e^ the same are hereby, appropriated to be paid to the fol- lowing persons in the payment of claims against the State for the fiscal year ending on the 30th day of Sep- tember, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two. To the Governor of the State, four thousand dollars. To the Secretary of State, sixteen hundred dollars. To the Comptroller of Public Accounts, two thousand dollars. To the State Treasurer, eighteen hundred dollars. To the Superintendent of Education, two thousand dollars. To the Commissioner of Public Lands, twenty-five hundred dollars. To the Supreme Court Reporter, twelve hundred dollars. 1861. 10 To pay salary of clerk iu Controller's office, one thousand dollars. To the Judges of the Supreme Court, each, four thousand dollars. To the Judges of the Circuit Courts, each, two thou- sand dollars. To the Chancellors, each, two thousand dollars. To the Attorney General, four hundred and twenty- five dollars. To the Solicitors of the Judicial Circuits, each, two hundred and fifty dollars. To the Adjutants and Inspector Generals, four dollars per day for each day they shall be engaged in the actual duties of their offices, not to exceed two hundred dol- lars each. To the Quartermaster General, three hundred dollars. To the State Armorer, one hundred and fifty dollars. To the keeper of the State House, one hundred and fifty dollars. To the Private Secretaries of the Governor, each, seven hundred and fifty dollars. To the Marshal of the Supreme Court and State Librarian, one thousand dollars, to be paid quarterly, as other salaries. To the Principal Secretary of the Senate, and the Principal Clerk of the House, each, seven dollars per day for each day of the extra, and present regular session. To the Assistant Secretary of the Senate, and the Assistant and Engrossing Clerks of the House, each, six dollars per day for each day of- the extra, and present regular session. To the Clerk of the State Treasurer's office, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For the pay of such additional Clerks as may be em- ployed by the Senate and House, six dollars per day, each, for the number of days so employed. To the Draughtsman in the Public Land office, twelve hundred dollars. To the Door-Keepers of the Senate and House, five dollars per day each. To the Messengers of the House, one dollar per day, each. To the Secretary of the Senate and Principal Clerk of the House, each, for completing the journals of their respective Houses, arranging and filing away papers in 11 1861. proper order for the next session of the General As- sembly, one hundred and fifty dollars. To the Secretary of State, for copying the journals of both Houses at the extra and present session, read- ing proof sheets and superintending the printing of the same, for placing marginal notes, and preparing indexes to the laws and journals, and the distribution of the same, four hundred dollars. For contingent expenses for the office of Superin- tendent of Education, nine hundred dollars. To pay the funeral expenses of Jas. C. Spencer, three hundred and thirty-three dollars. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sum of five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces- sar}^ be and the same is hereby appropriated for the pur- chase of stationery for the General Assembly, Executive and State offices and Judges of the Supreme Court, and the Comptroller shall draw his warrant therefor, on the presentation of an original voucher, with the certificate of the Secretar}^ of State that the same is correct. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That the sum of eight hundred dollars is hereby appropriated to pay for the distribution of the laws and journals of the extra and present sessions of the General Assembly; and the Comptroller of Public Accounts shall draw his warrant on the Treasurer in favor of the several agents engaged in the distribution, upon their producing the certificate of the Secretary of State that the sums charged are ac- cording to contract, and that the services have beeu performed. » Sec. 4. And be it farther enacted, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for the several sums of monej' herein appropriated at the times payable b}^ law, on the production of proper vouchers and receipts therefor. Sec. 5. And he it further enacted, That the sum of fifty dollars is hereby appropriated to II. P. Watson, Mar- shal of the day, for expenses incurred for the Inaugura- tion of Governor Shorter, and that the Comptroller be authorized and required to draw his warrant on the Treasurer therefor. Sec. G. Be it further enacted, That tlie sum of fifty thousand dollars be, and tlie same is hereby set apart as a contingent fund, to meet extraordinary expenses 1S6I. 1-2 and contingencies, to be drawn on the warrant of the Governor. Approved, December 10, 1861. Is'o. 7.1 ^ AN ACT 't .fe ■ To snppl}' an}^ deficiency in the Treasury, wliieh ma^ be caused by an Excess of Appropriations at the present or late Extra Session of the General Assembly. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of jefidrgovernor Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ™r*treasuo'i^o'tes conveiicd, That iu ordcr to supply any excess of appro- or borrow the priations made at the late extra or present rec^alar ses- money. *- x C5 sion of the General Assembly, over and above the amount which now is or may be in the treasury'', when such appropriations have to be paid, it shall and may be lawful for the Governor, as in his discretion he may deem best, either to sell eight per cent. State bonds, having not more than ten years to run with the interest pa3'able annually or semi-annually for such funds or currency as may in his judgment answer the purposes of the State, or to raise the amount by loan at a rate of interest not to exceed eight per cent, per annum, payable annually or semi-annuall}^ or to issue treasury notes of this State Iiaving not more than three years to run, as in liis judgment may best promote the interest of this State ; or to supply such excess by resorting to all or any of the means provided in this section. Faiih and credit Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the ultimate piedgcd^'*^* payment of any State bonds issued under the authority of this act, and for the payment of any loan effected by the Governor, as herein authorized; and for the payment of any treasury notes issued for the purpose ** ^"^ herein authorized, the faith and credit of the State is hereby pledged. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Governor is AVenTunnebt hereby authorized to extend any debts owing by the iwrowe^d money State for borrowcd mone}^, by the consent of, and for such time as the parties to whom the same is due may agree, at a rate of interest not exceeding the rate at winch the money was originally borrowed, to be paid annually or semi-annually, and to issue the bonds of mmmmmmti^mltlititlltlllMikL.^ 18 1861. the State for the amount thus extended, witli coupons for the interest. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all bonds, treasury coupons and notes, coupons and loans made under this act, shall be rcceivlwrfor payable at the State Treasury, and that the coupons i'"''"*^ '^"**' after maturity, and the treasury notes issued under this act, shall be receivable in payment of taxes and all other public dues. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if any person or Penaiij- for rorg- persons shall forge or falsely alter any note issued jjy "=s ">■ »i'«'"">8- virtue of this act, or shall alter or attempt to pass any forged or altered note purporting to be a note issued in pursuance of this act, knowing such note to be forged or altered, such person or persons shall suffer the pains and penalties now affixed by law for forgery in the first degree. Sec. G. Be it farther enacted, That any treasury note to be delivered issued under authority of this act, after being signed, rer. numbered and registered as required by the act, shall, before being put into circulation, be delivered to the State Treasurer and charged in his office as so much cash and so accounted for. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the treasury notes Treasury note* issued under authority of this act, shall at the pleasure cect.^'^c'oupon''*'^ of the holder be fundable in eight per cent, coupon '^°°''°- bonds of the State, payable semi-annually in sums of five hundred and one thousand dollars; and that bonds for any treasury notes, submitted to the Comptroller in sums as herein specified, shall be issued therefor, and in lieu thereof, and all bonds so issued, and treasury notes so returned, shall be properl}'- registered, can- celled and accounted for on the books of the Comp- troller. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 8.] A^^ ACT To suspend the operation of Sections 40 and 41 of the Code. Sectton 1. Be it enacted bj/ the Senate and JIovsc of Mcjyrcsentativcs of the Stale of Alabama in General Asi'cnibly convened, That sections No. 40 and 41 of tlie Code be 1861. • 14 suspended, so far as it applies to the present called ses- sion of the General Assembly. Approved, November 9, 18G1. No. 9.] AN ACT To amend Section Q4:6 of the Code. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assemby convened, That section 646 of the Code of Alabama be, and the same is hereby amended, by inserting after the words "Circuit Judge," where they occur in said sec- tion, the words, "or Judge of Probate." -a Approved, December 3, 1861. I No. 10.] AN ACT To amend Section 672 of the Code. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 'of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That whenever upon any final settlement in Privilege of an auy Probatc Court of this State by any executor, ad- i'8lratoror^«ua?--ministrator or guardian, a decree shall be rendered by d**"*- the court against an executor, administrator or guardian for the payment of money, the party against whom the 5 decree is rendered, may, either before or after the issu- ance of execution on such decree, pay the amount there- of to the Probate Judge rendering the same, in satis- faction thereof ; and the Probate Judge receiving the Liability of Pro. samc shall be liable on his official bond for the amount bate Judge. ^^ rcccivcd, to any person or persons entitled to the same ; and if the money so received be not paid to the person or persons entitled thereto, on demand, such person or persons may sue in his or their own name on Sd7e™o7cr"° t^iG official boud of such Probate Judge, and recover judgment against all or any of the makers thereof, for the amount so received, with ten per centum damages thereon, and eight per centum interest from the time of the demand. 15 1861. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any Judge of Pro- ^^1^^,^ ^^^^^ bate who converts to his own use, or permits any other Probate Judge, person to use any moneys paid into his office by virtue of the provisions of this act, shall be liable to indict- ment, and on conviction shall forfeit his office, and be punished as if he had feloniously stolen such money. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 11.] AN ACT To amend Section 980 of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eepre- sentativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 980 of the Code of said State be, and the same is hereby amended, by adding after the "word "thereto," in the Hfth line of said section, the words "or from some other medical board in this State, or from the Medical College of Alabama." Approved, November 11, 1861. No. 12.] AN ACT To amend section 1023 of the Code in relation to Run- away Slaves. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That hereafter it shall be the duty of justices jusUcesofPeacc of the peace, before whom runaway slaves are brought, l°a°vt^s"oTe**c- instead of committing them to jail, to order and direct iiveredap. such slaves to be delivered to their owner, overseer, or agent, in all cases where the justice is satisfied that the name of the true owner is made known, and where the resident of such owner, his overseer or agent, is nearer than the county jail : Provided, That the owner, his Proviw. overseer, or agent, shall on deliveiy of the slave pay the fee, now allowed by law for arresting, and the compen- sation licreinafter provided to the taker up, or sucli other person as may have the custody of the slave, and in case of the refusal or failure of the owner, his overseer, 1861. 16 or agent, to pay such fees and compensation promptly on delivery, then it shall be the duty of the person having charge of the slave, and the justice shall so in- struct him, to carry the slave back to the office of the justice, who shall forthwith commit him to the county jail. Duty of Justice Sec. 2. A7id be it further enacted, That where runaway of commiuar** slaves are committed to jail, it shall be the duty of the justice in such cases to endorse on the back of his war- rant to the sherifl, the cost and charges for apprehend- ing and bringing to jail, and to certify the same to the owner, when delivery is made to him, but in no case to exceed the amount allowed by law. Compensation to Sec. 3. Aiid be it further enacted, That for bringing rima°vay"o^au ^ I'^uaway slave to jail, the persons performing such or delivering to scrvicc shall be entitled to the sum of ten cents a mile owner. . . , r- 1 • -1 • • in coming to, and returning from the jail, estimating the distance by the nearest route, and ferriages, and to the same compensation when the slave is carried to his „ .... .master, or overseer, and the iusticefor his service shall Fee of Justice of , ^^ i ,t r> n Peace. DC allowcd tbc sum of seventy-five cents. Penalty for false Sec. 4. And be it furthcr enacted, That any justice, endorsement, ^t^q allows and cudorses ou the warrant or certificate to the owner, larger or other fees and compensation, than is now allowed by law, and by the provisions of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be fined not less than double the ag- gregate amount endorsed, or certified, to be recovered before any magistrate for the use of the owner. Approved, December 7, 1861. Nov. 13.] AN ACT To amend Section 1580 of the Code of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- rcseniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 1580, of the Code of Alabama, be amended by striking out the words "United States," and inserting the "Confederate States." Approved, December 4, 1861. lii^tfUiiMiliilllMiiii 17 1861. No. 14.] AN ACT To amend Section 2025 of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly cmvened, That section 2025 of the Code of this State be, and the same is hereby amended, by adding to said section the following words : And where there are several minors owning an indi- p,(,y,«i<,„3„. vidual estate, in common, the probate court, on the '^°<'^''^- petition of the guardian of such minors, and on being satisfied that it would be for their interest, may author- ize the guardian to keep the estate together for their joint benefit, until the estate shall be divided, or until such other time as the court shall direct; and the guar- dian shall keep his accounts, and make his returns ac- cordingly. - Approved, December 4, 1861. No. 15.] AN ACT To amend Section 2033 of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 2033 of the Code of said State be, and the same is hereby amended, in the following respects: first, by adding after the word "Congress," in the top line of said section, on page 389, the follow- ing words ; "of the Confederate States"; and secondly-, by adding after the word "contrary," in the 8th line of said section, from the top of said page, these words : "and the judge of probate shall be satisfied, upon sat- isfactory proof being made, that it will be for the in- terest of the minor." Approved, December 7, 18C1. 1861. 18 No. 16.] • A^ ACT To amend Section 2235 of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 2235 of the Code be, and the same is hereby amended, by striking from it the words following, to-wit: "but a contract upon which it is necessary to assign a special breach cannot be united in the same complaint with a contract on which no such breach is necessary." Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 17.] AN ACT To repeal Section 2447 of the Code, so far as it applies to Blount and Marshall, and other counties therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of Uie State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That so much of section 2447 of the Code tob^'ad'verii"°i requiring property when levied on by the sherifl' to be in newspaper in advcrtiscd iu a ncwspaper, be, and the same is hereby repealed, so far as it applies to the counties of lilount, Marshall, St. Clair, DeKalb, Jackson, Morgan, Coosa, Limestone, Shelby, Henry. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the sheriffs of said tlwd.'"""""'" counties shall hereafter publish their sales by written advertisement, one at the courthouse door, and at three Proviso. other public places in said counties: Provided, That if either the plaintiff or defendant resides out of the county in which such sale shall take place, it shall be the duty of the sherift' to give five days notice of the time and place of sale to such non-resident plaintiff or defendant by mail. Approved, November 24, 1861. certain counties. How to be adver- 19 1861. Ko. 18.] AN- ACT To amend Sections 2645 and 2649 of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly .^ , , , „ convened, That subdivision 2, of section 2645 of the "insolvent" in Code of Alabama be, and the same is hereby amended, ""'■'^''"^• by adding after the word "insolvent" in the third line of said subdivision 2, the words "or dead." Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That section 2649 of said Code be, and the same is hereby amended, by add-Sed.*""* ** ing to that section the following words : "and in favor of sureties, and co-sureties, against the executors or administrators of the principal or of a surety." Approved, December 6, 1861. iTo. 19.] AN ACT To amend Section 3576 of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 3576 of the Code of Alabama be, and the same is hereby amended, by striking out the word "^tro" in the second line from the top on page 632 of said Code, and inserting the word "owe" in the place thereof, and by striking out the letter "s" in the word ^'■days'' in said line. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 20.] AN ACT To amend Section 3908 of the Code. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hmse of Rcpre- n'ntires of the State of Alabama in Goicral 'Asgtmhly ■nvcncd, Ibat it shall be the duty of the lessee of the Duty on, penitentiary, at least twenty da^s before the Ist day of December in each year, to furnish the inspectors of the penitentiary with a tabular statement such as is now 1S61- 20 required of the inspectors in section 8908 of the Code of Ahibama, in their annual report to the Governor. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted^ That in case of a refusal Penally for fail- ov failure ou thc part of said lessee to furnish such tab- •"■*• ular statements as aforesaid, he shall be deemed guilty of a misbehavior in office, and shall on conviction "^ thereof be fined in a sum not less than fifty dolkirs, to be recovered in any court having competent jurisdic- tion thereof. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 21. AE ACT To suspend the revision of the Code and the Acts relating thereto. Sec. 1. Be it ehacted hy the Senate and House of Bepre- soitatives of the /State of Alabama in General Assembly convemdy That the act to provide for the preparation of a revised code, and the act altering and amending said act and also the revision of the Code, be, and the same are hereby severally suspended, until the termination of the present war. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 22.] AN ACT Period of gus- peniion legal- ized. Proviso. Ts authorize the suspension of specie payments by the banks in Alabama, until twelve months after rati- fication of peace. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the suspension of specie payments by the chartered banks of the State of Alabama be, and the same is hereby legalized, until the period of one year after the close of the present war, and the conclu- sion of peace with the United States : Provided, it shall be the duty of said banks during the term of suspen- sion hereby authorized, to receive at par the notes of the Confederate States, commonly called Treasurv- iiiiJtiiSkldiSL ■r'^lAlrAV "21 1861. notes, for all debts due them, paj-ablc at their own counter, and the said banks arc authorized during said term in" like manner to employ said Treasury notes in paying their deposits, and in redeeming their own notes or bills respectively. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be law- R^te of intenst ful for said banks, on all notes hereafter purchased or discounted by them, to charge or retain interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum, without regard to the length of time said notes may have to run. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted. That the proviso in ,, ,, , • /• L 1 J.1 11 Proviso ofccr- the seventh section ot an act, approved the second day tain act parusuy of February, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, entitled '■'^'•*"''''* "an act to legalize the suspension of specie payments by certain banks of Alabama," be, and the same is herebj^ repealed, so far as to entitle the banks to ret3eive interest after the passage of this act on the bonds of this State taken by them under the authority of the said act of the 2d of February, 1861. w Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That it shall not be ^ot to charge lawful for any bank of this State, while in a state of ^^^^^^^f^^l,';"^, suspension, to charge exchange upon the renewal of any note or bill discounted by such bank, no matter at what point or place in this State such note or bill may be payable, and any bank wdiich may discount any bill ^^ ^^^^.^^ ;j^ or note, no matter whether payable at its counter or own notes in , 1 . T • f~.. . 1 11 • -i 1 -11 • the payment of elsewhere in this State, shall receive its own bills m dobts. payment thereof Sec. 5. And he it further enaded. That it shall not be Premium fore*, lawful for any bank of this State to charge more than chnngf limite*. one-half of one per cent, premium for an}' exchange payable at any point or place within this State. Sec. 6. And he it further enacted, That the bills of Bmsorsufi-end- the banks of this State whose suspension of specie pay- allie^orpui-ur ments is hereby legalized, shall be received in payment <'>•"• of taxes and otlici' public dues in this State, unless otherwise directed by the proclamation of the Gover- nor. *^^ Sec. 7. And he it further enacted, That the Treasury con^der.u^ notes issued by or under the authority of the govern- bou-o recpivBbi* ment of the Confederate States, shalTbe received j ,i '""n*" > • ■^* payment for taxes and all other public dues in this State: Proridcd, That the said banks shall not be en- Pr^vUo. titled to the benefit of this act, except on the condition that 'i 'ill loan totho ^''-/- -f Alabama the amount 1861. 22 of money requisite to pay the war tax, which shall be ascertained against said State in proportion to their re- spective capitals. Approved, Dec. 9, 1861. TTo. 28.] AN ACT To authorize the several Banks therein named to suspend Specie Payments. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bejorcseniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Period ofsusp™.^^'^*''^'^^^? That the Bank of Selma and the Bank of sion legalized. Montgomery may and are hereby authorized to suspend the payment of specie on their bills until the first day of June, 1862, and they shall not be liable for the de- '* faults, forfeitures and penalties declared in sections 1393 and 1894 of the Code, and the Governor may, in oertain penal- his discretion, extend the time of the suspension of said pe^Dded^fo/Tm- paj'^ments, and the penalties and forfeitures in said sec- itedtime. tious coutaincd, to the first day of the fourth week of the next session of the General Assembly ; Provided, ProTiso. That the benefit of the provisions of this act shall not be enjoyed by any bank until its stockholders shall file with the Comptroller of the State a statement in writ- ing to be signed by each of them in person, or by his or her authorized agent, of the number of shares or amount of stock owned by said stockholders; nor until Must purchase thc bank shall purchase, or shall have purchased at par state bonds. ^^.^^^^ ^Yiq State of Alabama or the Governor, an amount ot bonds of the State, issued since the first day of Jan- uary, 1861, not less than fifty thousand dollars; which purchase, if not already made or completed, must be made or completed within thirty days from the approval of this act, in order to come within the provisions of this act. Liability of each Sec. 2, Be it further enacted, That each member or stockholder, stockholder in any free bank or banking association, now organized under the free banking law of this State, shall be liable for any default or legal liability of any such bank, to an amount double the amount of his or her stock held therein, and such list of stockholders filed as required by the first section of this act, as well 23 1861. as the statement required by and made in accordance with section 1410 of the Code, shall be received as evi- dence in any court of this State, as evidence of the amount of stock owned in any such bank by the stock- holders named in said list or statement. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the holders of the Ri^jht^ of holders bills or issues of the said Bank of Selma, and the said "f ti'is of these Bank of Montgomery, shall have all the rights and be entitled to all the remedies against said banks and their stockholders, that the holders of the bills or issues of the chartered banks of the State have against said char- tered banks, and their stockholders; and any stock- holder in any of said free banks transferring his or her stock therein shall, notwithstanding said transfer, be held liable in manner and form according to the provis- ions of the second section of this act, for any and all defaults and legal liabilities of said banks occurring before the expiration of twelve months after the date of said transfer. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the Farmers' Bank p^.^^_^^^ of Alabama, a bank lately organized under the free tended to the banking law of this State, located in the city of Mont- '*^''"°'" ^'"" gomery, be, and is hereby entitled to all the privileges and immunities conferred by law upon the Bank of Montgomery, or the Bank of Selraa, provided said Farmers' Bank of Alabama, or its stockholders, shall first comply with the provisions contained in the pro- viso to the first section of this act; and all the provis- ions of this act are hereby extended and made appli- cable to the said Farmers' Bank of Alaliama; Frocided, Proviso. further, That each of said free banks mentioned in the several sections of this act, shall from the time it may take or enjoy the benefit of the provisions of this act, pay an annual tax to the State on each hundred dollars state t.ix. of its stock equal to thrice the amount of the tax that may be levied on land, which shall be in lieu of all taxes levied on its stock by the State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That during the suspen- ranuicr to lire sion of specie payments authorized by this act, any bill ^,;^y,fr'*' holder holding the bills of any one of said banks to the amount of fifty dollars or more, may, if payment of the same in specie is refused at the counter of the bank by which said bills were issued, deposit said bills in said bank, and require the cashier to give him a certificate of the amount of bills so presented, and that payment \ 1861. 24 of the same was refused, and the date of said present- ment and refusal ; and the said bank shall be liable to the Dam^cs. holder of said certificate for the amount thereof, with interest at the rate of eight per centum per annum up to the time of resumption of specie payment, according to the provisions of this act, then said bank, on the presentation of the certificate, shall be liable to the holder of such certificate for the amount thereof, with twelve per centum interest per anunm thereon from such presentation, until paid. Penalty of Cash- Sec. 6. Bc it furthcr cnactcd, That if any cashier slwiU ler for refusing, jv^^j qj. refuse to givc tlic Certificate required by the pro- visions of the 5th section of this act, he shall forfeit and pay to the. bill holder demanding such certificate, the sum of one thousand dollars. Approved, November 30, 1861. 4 No. 24.] AN ACT To further suspend Specie Payments by the Free Banks. Section 1. JBe it enacted hy the Senate and House of Hepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Period of sus- conveiied, That the suspension of specie payments by the penEJon extend- ^.^i^i-^ ^^q^ organized and established under the free banking law of the State of Alabama, be authorized and legalized, until twelve months after peace shall be ratified between the United States and Confederate Proviso. States of America; Provided, That the stockholders of any corporation which is, or may be a stockholder in said bank, shall, in consideration of the immunities of siockhoider. to this act, sigu an agreement to bo personally liable in Mgn agreenient. proportion to tlic auiouut tlicy respectively own in said corporations, in the same Avay as if they were directly and personally stockholders in such bank; and that in case of the transfer of any stock in such corporation, which is a stockholder in such bank, the person so transferring shall be liable for all the acts and doings and responsibilities of such bank which arise for and during the term of twelve months after such transfer, to the same amount they would have been had such transfer not have been made; and that such agreement 25 1861. shall be filed with the Comptroller of this State, before Buch bank shall be entitled to the privileges of this act. Approved, December 7, 1801. No. 25.] AN" ACT To prevent Corporations from becoming stockholders under the Free Banking law of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepresentativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assemhly -^^ corpomtion convened, That irom and after the passage of this act, it ^"^ ^e a stockuoi- 8hall not be lawful for any corporation to be a stock- holder in any bank hereafter to be established under the free banking law of this State ; and the Comptroller controller not to shall not countersign an}" notes for any such free bank ^^""s"'''^" hereafter to be established applying therefor, where any corporation is a stockholder therein, directly or in- directly. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That all laws and parts „ ,. , r 1 J. • 2.1 • ■ r J.1 • J. 1 J Repealing clause or laws contravening the provisions or this act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, December 10, 18G1. iS^o. 20.] AN ACT To encourage the Manufacture of Salt in the State of Alabama. Section ]. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- re«entativrs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, Tliat the Governor of this State be, and he is j^a^e tile si?! hereby authorized to cause to be leased for a term, not ^p'''"^*- exceeding ten years, any or all of the Salt Springs or Wells in this State, which belong to the State, at pub- lic or ]tnvate letting, as to him shall be deemed most advisable ; which spring or springs, or saline wells, b)h\\ be let, with such privileges of getting wood and^|'«e«o'' other appliances necessary for the manufacture of Salt, on the }>art of the lessee, from the public lands of the State, as may be agreed upon between said lessee or 1861. m lessees and the Governor, for and on belialf of the State, or as the Governor may advertise to accompany and pertain to the lease, if such lease be made to the high- est bidder at public auction. Lessee to giyc ^^^- 2- ^^ it further enacted, That the lessee shall give bond. bond to the Governor, in the penalty of five thousand dollars, conditioned that such lessee shall commence as soon as practicable, not exceeding three months from the date of such lease, the manufacture of Salt at such spring or saline well, as the case may be, and will con- tinue the manufacture thereof to the expiration of his said lease, or until the termination of the present war; and that he will not at an}^ time, within the period of ^. , ,.^ . his lease, sell Salt manufactured at such spring or well PriC6 0fs< fixed 1 o so leased, for a sum greater than seveuty-five cents per bushel, of fifty pounds, at the piece of its manufacture; or if sold at other points, then only adding the actual cost of transportation and insurance, and that he will receive in exchange for it the usual currency of the countr3\ Bonus of 10 cts. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted^ That for every bushel of perbushei. gj^j^ of fifty pouuds SO made and sold to the citizens of this State, the State agrees to pay to the lessee the sum of ten cents; the evidence of such manufacture and sale to be made to the satisfaction of the Comptroller of Public Accounts, who thereupon shall draw his vvar- Proviso. rant upon the Treasurer for the amount ; Provided, hoio- ever, That no claim for such bounty shall be allowed until it shall amount to the sum of five hundred dollars; Provided, further, That said bounty shall be forfeited if such lessee refuses to sell the same in small quantities, so as to suit the convenience and supply the wants of , ,, purchasers by the small. Provided, further, thiit siud sum. Amount of bo- *^ „ •/ i i i n i i i i i .-. nus limited. 01 tcu ccuts a bushel shall not be payable bj' the State upon a greater number of bushels than five hundred in any one year. Approved, November 11, 1861. 21 .^'- 1861. 1^0 27.] AN ACT To amend an act to encourage the Manufacture of Salt in the State of Alabama. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Hate of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the blank in section 1, of the act of mencc In two" which this is amendatory, be filled with the word two, months, so as to require the lessee to commence preparing for ^^^^ the manufacture of salt within two months from the ^/KfW date of the act under which the lease is to be obtained. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for the purpose of Governor au- t • • 1 1 i 1 ^ _ thorized to ad- mducing some responsible person or company to lease vance to lessee, the saline springs or wells in the county of Clarke, and to aid the lessee to commence the manufacture of salt at the earliest day practicable, the Governor be, aud he is hereby authorized to advance to such party or parties as may lease said springs or wells, a sum of monc}' not to exceed ten thousand dollars, to be expended by the lessee in the purchase of the materials required to com- mence operations, such as machinery, boilers and other indispensable fixtures, and to secure fidelity in the use of such advance, the Governor shall require the lessee i-es^ee to give to enter into bond with good security to faithfully comply with the provisions of this act. Sec. 3, Be it further enacted, That to reimburse the pj^^g^^j^pg^ State for such advance as may be made under this act, bushel of bounty the Governor shall be authorized and required to retain out of the bounty fund five cents per bushel, until the whole amount of the advance shall be returned to the State. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That in the event the ^.^^^.j.^,^^ ,^ ^g. war should close before all the advance i.^ returned outii'"i"'fb part or ot the bounty fund as herein provided, and the lessee oert.nin contin- should abandon his lease at anytime after the termina-^"""^^" tion of the war, in such case the Governor shall relin- quish on behalf of the State such portion of the advance to be made under this act as shall remain unrcfnnded, and the lessee shall turn over to the State, free of charge, all the improvements made upon the land of the State, including the machinery, boilers, and all other fixtures appertaining to the manufacture of salt used by said lessee. Approved, November 19, 1861. 1861. jn^^v: No. 28.] Supplemental to two several Acts, iu relation to the Manufacture of Salt. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of JRepreseyitatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly gofer^QOT^n^ieal'^ ^^'^^'^"^^^' '^^^^ the Govcrnor be, and he is hereby au- ing the salt re- thorizcd if iu his judgment he may think it for the best erva ions. interest of the State, to lease separately to different persons the two salt reservations belonging to the -State, in the county of Clarke, under the provisions of "an act to encourage the manufacture of salt in the State of Alabama," approved Nov. 11, 1861, and if in his opinion it shall be advisable to lease the two reservations to the same persons, it shall be his duty to secure the efficient working of the salt springs on each reservation, and in any case to reserve the right to any citizen of this State to manufacture salt for his own use on either of said reservations, so as to hinder the operations of the lessees. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That the said act shall to$T?5p™rbu. be further amended, so as to authorize the lessees of said salt springs to sell the salt which they may manu- facture at $1 15 per bushel of fifty pounds, instead of at seventy-five cents, to which said lessee is limited by said act. Governor to di- Sec. 3. Bc it further eimcted, That the Governor be, prfation! ^^^^'^' ^^^ ^^® ^^ hereby authorized, to divide the appropriation often thousand dollars, which was made by an act to amend an act to encourage the manufacture of salt in the State of Alabama, approved Nov. 19th, 1861, under the provisions of the same, in such proportions as he may think best, between the lessees of said two salt reservations, if he shall deem it advisable to lease the same to different persons. Approved, Dec. 7, 1861. 20 1861. Ko.29.] AN ACT To authorize the Governor to take possession of all the Salt in store, on shipboard, or held for sale in this State, for the public use, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Hepresentatii'cs of the State of Alabama m General A sscnibly convened^ That whenever in the judgment of the Grov-Qo^eroorto ernor, the public necessitv and public use require it, he '"''o p«"ession . , ' , i , . , , ", '- . r. 11 1 1 . Of all the salt for 18 hereby authorized to take possession oi all the salt m public uac. this State, which is stored, on shipboard, or held for sale, for the public use; and to make such disposition ^fo^^oi^i'^P"*'* of the same, as the public use and public necessity may ^.^ loyaiine- reqnire; and he is hereby authorized to employ all the ccssary means. means necessary to accomplish these purposes. Sec. 2. Ajid he it further enacted, That iust compcnsa- ,. „„„ 1 / 1 ■i'liii compensa- tion shall be made to the owner or any salt which shall tion to be made, be taken under the provisions of this act. If the com- pensation shall be agreed upon by the owner and the Governor, the Governor shall draw his warrant on the State Treasurer, in favor of the owner, for the amount eo agreed upon ; but if the owner and the Governor shall fail to agree on the amount of compensation, at the time the salt shall be taken, the sheriff of the county in which the salt is taken, or his deputy, shall, on the verbal request of the Governor, or of the owner, forth- with summon a jury of twelve freeholders, or house- nlonfaryin^Mr- holders, who, after being duly sworn by the sheriff, orj^j.^^^^^^^^^^"' his deputy, to assess fairly the amount of compensation pcnsaiicn. to be paid to the owner of the salt taken from him by the Governor, shall proceed to assess by their verdict, the amount of compensation so to be paid ; and for the amount so assessed, the Governor shall forthwith draw his warrant on the State Treasurer, in favor of the owner, unless he shall elect to restore the salt to the owner, which he is hereby authorized to do ; or, unless an appeal shall be taken, either by the owner, or the Grovernor, from the verdict of the jury, to the next term of the Circuit Court of the county in which the verdict is rendered; which appeal is hereby authorized i^^^^*"' ■*■ *• to be taken, either by the Governor or the owner, within five days after the rendition of the verdict, by the ap- pellant giving security for the costs of the appeal, to be approved by the sheriff, or his deputy, who shall have 1861. 30 summoued the jury; and when an appeal shali so be ^'**** taken, such sherift, or deputy, shall thereupon return the verdict appealed from to the next term of the Cir- cuit Court of his county; and the assessment of the amount of compensation shall be made de novo. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That when an appeal shall be taken by the owner, as provided by the second section of this act, if the amount of compensation as- sessed in the Circuit Court be the same as that assessed by the verdict appealed from, or less, the owner shall be Owner taxed taxcd with all the costs; and execution shall be issued tlincasesV"*''^'^" against him and his security for costs for the amount thereof; but if the amount of compensation assessed in said Circuit Court, shall be greater than that assessed by the verdict appealed from, the costs shall be taxed Costs against the against the Governor. And if the Governor shall ap- Srcases/'*"'^' P®^1 from the verdict, as provided in the second section of this act, and the amount of compensation assessed in the Circuit Court shall be less than that assessed by Owners taxed the vcrdict appealed from, the owner shall be taxed with costs. with all the costs, and execution shall be issued against him and his security for costs for the amount thereof; otherwise, the Governor shall be taxed with the costs. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That for the services sheHffTnd' ju °'^ ^f *^^^ shcrift" Or his deputy, in each case provided for rors, in the second section of this act, he shall receive five dollars, to be taxed in the bill of costs; and each juror who serves as provided by said section, shall receive one dollar, to be likewise taxed. Sec 5. And be it further enacted. That for any costs or necessary expenses incurred by the Governor under this act, he may draw his warrant on the State Treasurer, as occasion shall require. Governor to S^^- ^- -^^^ ^^ '^^ further enacted, That for the amount draw his war- of compcusation asscsscd in the Circuit Court, on ap- rantforcompen- ^ .\ t^ in i.- i i i eation assessed.^ peal, the Govcmor shall, as soon as practicable, draw his w^arrant on the State Treasurer, in favor of the owner of the salt for which the compensation is as- sessed. $150,000 appro- Sec. 7. And he it furthtv enactcd , That for the pur- pose of making compensation for any salt which shall be taken by the Governor, under the provisions of this act, and of paying any necessary expenses and costs that may be incurred by the Governor, under the same, the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so m priated. 31 1861. mach thereof as shall be necessary, is hereby appropri- ated out of any unappropriated money in the State Treasury, Sec. 8. And he it further eiiacted, That if any person Penalty for re- shall, after the approval of this act by the Governor, u,e^a°fte*"'^'°'" send or remove any salt from this State, or shall secrete any, with intent to evade the provisions of this act, he shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on convic- tion thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than one thousand dollars, and shall be imprisoned in the Peni- tentiary for a period not less than two years. Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That from and after uniawrm to eeii the approval of this act by the Governor, it shall be uu- uleK/"' °^ lawful for any person, except an agent of this State, or of the Confederate States, to send any salt out of this State, or to sell salt to any person, to be sent or carried out of this State, without the consent of the Gov- ernor. Sec. 10. And he it further enacted, That any person who shall violate any of the provisions of the eighth *°* ^* section of this act, shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction, shall be fined in any sum the jury may as- sess, not less than five hundred nor more than five thousand dollars ; and at the discretion of the jury try- ing the case, may be imprisoned in the Penitentiary for any period not exceeding five years. Approved, Nov. 0, 1861. No. 30.] AN ACT To amend the 10th section of "An act to authorize the Governor to take possession of all the Salt in store, or on shipboard, or held for sale in the State, for the public use, and for other purposes," approved Nov. 9, 1861. Secttox 1. He it enacted hy the Senate and JLmsc of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the 10th section of the above recited act, be and the same is liereby amended by striking out the word "eighth" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "ninth."" Approved, Nov. 16, 1861. 1861. 32 No. 81.] AN ACT Declaratory of the meaning of "an act, entitled an act to authorize the Governor to take possession of all the Salt in store, on shipboard, or held for sale in the State, for the public use, and for other purposes," ap- proved Nov. 9, 1861. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Itcjyresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That none of the provisions of the above recited act, was intended to apply or shall apply to any salt brought or imported into this State since the passage of said act. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 32.] AN ACT To amend an act therein named. Sectiox 1. JDe it enacted hy the Senate and House of rudUor' or'oon" ^^P'''<^sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly troiier. convcned, That section seven of "an act to authorize the Governor to take possession of all the salt in store, on shipboard, or held for sale in the State, for the public use, and for other purposes," approved Nov. 9, 1861, be so amended as that the appropriation ot one hundred and fifty thousand dollars therein made, shall be payable on the 'order of the Governor, on the Auditor of the Treasury, or Comptroller of Public Accounts, as in the case of military accounts, out of the monej's raised for the military defense of the State, under acts approved 29th January and 2d February, 1861, or any other funds in the treasur}'- not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. And he it further enacted^ That wherever in said act, the Governor is directed to draw his warrant on the Treasurer, the same be so amended as that he shall be directed to draw his order on the Auditor of the Treasury, or Comptroller of Public Accounts, and that the Auditor's or Comptroller's warrants drawn in pursuance of such orders on the treasury-, shall be pay- able out of the moneys raised for the military defense 33 1861. of the State, as aforesaid, or any other funds in the treasiny not otherwise appropriated. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 33.] AN ACT To Regulate Judicial Proceedings. Section 1. Be it enacted hythe Senate and House of Rep- rescntatwes of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That all existino- iud^raents and decrees for ^, ,, . c 111" r^• • i. /^i Lienon pri]Kr ' the payment of money, rendered by any Circuit, Chan- cery, or Probate Court of this State, or by the City Court of Mobile, or by the County Court of Montgom- ery, or by any Justice of the Peace of this State ; and all existing judgments on forfeited bonds, on which judgment, decree, or forfeited bond an execution can now be issued; and all judgments rendered by any of said courts or justices hereafter; and all judgments on bonds which shall be forfeited hereafter, shall be liens on all the property of the parties against whom such judgments and decrees have been or shall be rendered, or who are or shall be bound by any bond having the effect of a judgment, when forfeited, which is now sub- ject to levy and sale, except the crops of such parties, and such property as is consumable in its use, including every description of live stock: and no lien of any judgment, decree, or forfeited bond, shall be lost or im- paired by the death of the party bound thereby, after the approval of this act, nor by the insolvency ol his or her estate. Sec. 2. And he it further enacted, That if the defendant Dofendant msy in such judgment, decree, or forteited bond, shall tender '""'"^ '*"'^"' pa3'ment of the amount due thereon, to the creditor therein, or his attorney of record, in current bank notes, or in bonds or treasury notes of the Confederate States, or of this State, and the creditor or attorney shall refuse to receive them at their par value, the lien of such judgment, decree, or forfeited bond, and of all execu- tions thereon, shall thereby be discharged, and pre- vented. Sec. 3. And he it further enacted^ That any debtor de- be rc'inored. Ifo'.v nn esecu Hon may ba 1S61. 34 siring to remove the lien of any such judgment, decree, HA-.V a lien may oY forfeited bond, before payment of the debt, or making the tender aforesaid, may do so by procuring at least two good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the vj^ judge, chancellor, or justice in whose court the judg- ment, decree, or forfeited bond remains, to confess judgment in such court for the amount of principal, interest and costs due thereon, from such debtor; and such confessed judgment shall not be a lien, either on the propert}^ of the principal debtor, or of his sureties; nor shall any execution on such confessed judgment, or on the original judgment, be a lien on the property of any of the parties. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted^ That if any execu- tion upon any judgment, decree, or forfeited bond for stayed. ' the payment of money, shall be in the hands^f an offi- cer for collection, at the date of the approval of this act, and the plaintiff therein, or his attorney of record, will, in writing thereon, direct the officer to receive payment of the interest and costs due thereon, in cur- rent bank notes, or treasury notes of the Confederate States, or of this State, at par value, the officer shall proceed to collect such interest and costs, and shall then return the execution "stayed by operation of law, as to the principal." But if the plaintiff, or his attorney of record, will not give such direction, the officer shall return the execution to the court from which it issued, "stayed by operation of law," and no other execution shall be issued upon the same judgment, decree, or for- feited bond, until the expiration of one year from the date of the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States; and any property upon which such execution shall have been levied, shall be restored by the officer to the defendant Proviso, in execution. Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to executions issued in attachment cases, except as herein provided. Skc. 5. And he it further enacted, That no execution fsrut-l'ereXr':'' shall be issued upon any such existing judgment, de- cree, or forfeited bond, nor upon any judgment or decree which shall be rendered hereafter, without the written consent of the defendant, until after the expiration of one year from the date of the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United Escertion. gtatcs, except in attachment cases, and for the interest SS 18C1. and costs due upon such judgment, decree, or forfeited bond, and as licrein after provided, and in the following cases: If the plaintiii in any judgment, decree, or for- feited bond, or his agent, attornc}'-, or assignee, will make aiiidavit before the ofliccr whose duty it shall be to issue the execution, that the debtor in the judgment, decree, or bond, is about to remove his property out of this State ; or is about to dispose of his property fraudu- lently; or has disposed of his property fraudulently; or '^'"^ *'"*'^''' is about to dispose of his property so as to defeat the lien of the judgment, decree, or forfeited bond; and will give bond Avith at least two good sureties, to be approved by such officer, in a peualt}'' of double the debt, payable to the debtor, and conditioned as attach- ment bonds are required to be conditioned, then execu- tion may be issued on such judgment, decree, or for- feited bond, and the same proceedings shall be had thereon as if this act had not been passed. Sec. 6. And be it furtlier enacted, That execution may Kx^eution may be issued for the collection of the interest and cost duejfonungoncy*'" upon any such existing judgment, decree, or forfeited bond, as is specified in the first section of this act, or upon any bond which shall be forfeited hereafter, or upon an3\judgmen tor decree which shall be rendered hereafter, whenever the plaintifl:' therein, or his attorney of record, will, in w^riting thereon, direct the officer having the collection thereof, to receive payment of the interest and costs due, in current bank notes, or treasury notes of this State, or of the Confederate States, at their par value; and when the direction shall be so given, the proper officer shall proceed to collect the interest and costs due, accordingly. Skc. 7. And he it furtlier enacted, That if it shall be made to appear to the court, in any suit or proceeding commenced after the approval of this act, upon any con- S"'i« may be tract, express or implied, for the payment of money, '°""°"'' " that before the commencement of the suit or proceed- ing, the defendant, or defendants therein, or his or her personal representative, tendered payment of the debt in bonds or treasury notes of this State, or of the Con- federate States, or in current bank notes; or tendered payment of the interest due on the- contract, in current bank notes, or treasury notes of this State, or of the Confederate States, and that the plaintift' refused to receive them at their par value, the court shall continue 1861. 36 Sixteenth sec- tion debts. No judgment against volun- teers. the suit or proceeding, from term to term, for three terms of the court, exclusive of the term at which the suit or proceeding was commenced; and when judg- ment shall be rendered in the cause, the plaintiff shall be taxed with all the costs, and execution shall be is- sued therefor. But if the defendant shall fail to prove such tender, or that he has paid the interest due, he shall be taxed with all the costs, if the plaiutift' re- cover. Sec. 8. And he it further enacted, That no sixteenth section debt shall be put in suit before the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States, if the interest shall be paid with- in ninety days from the date of the approval of this act, and on the first day of every March thereafter, unless the trustees of the township to which it belongs, or a surety for the debt, shall require it to be done. Sec. 9. And be it fu7-ther enacted, That no judg- ment shall be rendered (except in attachment cases al- ready commenced) against any citizen or resident of this State who is, or shall be a volunteer in the actual military service of this State, or of the Confederate States, so long as he continues in such military service as a volunteer, except in favor of a surety or endorser of such volunteer, who has paid the debt since he vol- unteered. Sec. 10. And he it further enacted, That when a judg- pdncipaundtlf- ™6nt or dccrcc shall be rendered hereafter on any con- tere-st. tract for the' payment of money, it shall be the duty of the court rendering the judgment or decree, to cause the judgment entry to show the separate amounts of principal and interest for which the judgment or decree is rendered. Sec. 11. And he it further enacted, Tha" if it shall be proved in any suit upon an open account, or other un- liquidated demand not sounding in tort, that the defend- ant failed for thirty days after request, to pay, or give his note for the demand, and the plaintiff shall recover the amount which he requested the defendaiit to pay, or give his note for, the defendant shall be taxed with all the costs, and shall not be entitled to the benefit of any of the provisions of this act; and the court shall direct in the judgment entry that execution shall issue "without stay or condition." Sec. 12. And he it further enacted, That whenever in- Court entry to Suit upon open account. 37 1861. terest shall be paid, or collected, on any judgment, de- Kxecution mav cree, or forfeited bond, in conformity to the foregoing issue uponraii"- provisions of this act, and the defendant, or defendants, est! " '"■* '" in the judgment, decree, or forfeited bond, or his, her or their personal representative, shall iail to pay the interest accruing afterwards, at the expiration of twelve months from the date of the last payment of interest, the plaintiff, or plaintitts, or his, her, or their personal representative, may sue out execution on the judgment, decree, or forfeited bond, and collect the interest due, by a levy upon and sale of any of the property of the defendant, or defendants, which shall be subject to levy and sale; and may continue to do so until payment of the principal shall be coerced, in conformity to the pro- visions of this act. Provided, however, that before any Proviso. such execution for interest shall l)e levied, the plaintiff therein, or his attorney of record, shall endorse thereon that the sheriff, or other ofHcer, as the case may be, may receive in payment of such interest current bank notes, or treasury notes of this State, or of the Confed- erate States, at their par value. Sec. 13. And be it further enncted, That no property i>eed8 of hum. except such as is perishable in its nature, other than slaves, conveyed by any existing deed of trust, or mort- gage to secure the pajnnent of a debt, whether it con- tains a power of sale or not, shall, without the consent of the maker or makers thereof, be sold to pay the debts secured thereby, until after the expiration of one year from the date of the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States, exce^jt under a decree of a court of chancery, or under execution upon a judgment at law upon tliedebt secured by the conveyance; unless the trustee or mort- gagee have actual possession of the property conveyed ; and if it shall be made to appear to the court in any suit either at law or in equity, to enforce payment of the debt secured by any such conveyance, that before the commencement of the suit, the maker or makers of the conveyance, or his or their personal representative, either offered to [-ay the debt due in coin, current l)ank notes, or bonds, or treasury notes of tiie Confederate States, or of this State; or offered to pay the interest due on the debt, in coin, current bank notes or treasury notes of tini Confederate States, or of this State, and that the holder of the debt refused to accept the offer, 1861. 38 the court shall continue the cause from term to term for three terms, exclusive of the term at which the suit was commenced; and when a judgment or decree shall be rendered in the cause, the plaintiii shall be taxed with all the costs. To becontinuod Sec. 1-1. And 1)6 it furtliev enacted, That any suit now it interest IS j);u J ,. . c , \ /> i • r-i pending in any or the courts or this State, to recover propert}^ conveyed by deed of trust or mortgage, under the provisions of an act entitled an act to regulate ju- dicial proceedings, and for other purposes, approved the 8th of February, 1861, shall be continued from term to term, until the expiration of one year from the date of the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Con- federate States and the United States, if, before the ren- dition of a judgment or decree in such suit, the maker of the conveyance, or his or her personal representative shall pay, or offer to pay to the holder of the debt se- cured thereby, all the interest due on the debt, either in coin, current bank notes, or treasury notes of this State, or of the Confederate States; and shall continue thus to pay, or offer to pay, the interest due, annually, after the first payment, or offer to pay, during the pen- denc}^ of the suit; or shall tender payment of the debt and interest, in current bank notes, or bonds, or treasury notes of this State, or of the Confederate States, and the holder of the debt shall refuse to receive them. Sheriff, &c., not Sec. 15. And he it further enacted, That no sheriff, habiefor ^'*""*- (.Q^^Qj^gj.^ qj. coustablc, shall be held liable for an}^ dam- ages, over and above the principal, interest and costs due on an execution in his hands, by reason of his hav- ing failed since the first day pf April, 1861, to make the money on such execution. Sections of a ccr- ^EC. 16. And be it further enacted, That all the provis- tain act repealed io,^g ^f ,^fj ^ct entitled "An Act to Rcgulate Judicial Proceedings, and for other purposes," approved the 8th of February, 1861, except sections 1, 4, 5, 6 and 7; and the act explanatory of said act, approved the 9th of February, 1861, be, and the same are hereby repealed : Provided, hoivever, that all bonds taken in pursuance of said act, shall remain valid ; and if the conditions be not complied with, may be returned forfeited, as pro- vided by said acts, and when forfeited, executions may issue thereon, as provided by this act. Sec. 17. And be it further enacted, That all the pro- visions of the statute of limitations contained in article 39 1861. 1, of chapter xxi, part 3, title 1, of the Code of this g„gp^„^j^^ ^r State, be, and the same are hereby suspended, until the pr^^'s'ons of the . ' . ' ^ , , ,, r> ,1 1 . Oil .- statmc of limi- expiration oi twelve months irom tlie date or the rati- tations. fication of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States, both at law and in equity, so that the time elapsing during such suspension shall not hereafter be computed : Provided, however, that no Proviso. claim, right, interest, or cause of action which at the approval of this act is barred by any provision or part of any statute of limitation or non-claim shall be re- vived or made good by anything contained in this act. Sec. 18. And be it further enacted, That when a judg- nos^uiatiou ..r meut shall be rendered in any proceeding by attach- bai'ance!" "^"^ ment, and the property on which the attachment was levied shall not be sufficient to pay the debt, execution for the balance of the debt shall be governed by the rules prescribed by this act, in respect to other execu- tions : Provided, however, that any citizen of the Con- federate States who is attached as a non-resident, shall be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of this act to which other defendants are entitled. Sec. 19. And be it further enacted. That if any levy written surges- has been made under any execution, (except for taxes iJ^rHyVr"!"!!"." or debts due this State.) any defendant therein, upon '>• delivering to the officer holding such execution a written suggestion that there is some irregularity or illegality iu the execution, or in its issue, or iu the proceedings under it, shall have the right to give a bond in double the amount of the execution, with good security, to be ap])rovcd by such officer, payable to fhe plaintilf in the execution, and conditioned to pay to the plaintili" the amount of the execution, and interest and costs there- on, if the suggestion is not established as true; such bond shall operate as a supersedeas, and shall be re- turned with the execution to the court to which the execution is returnable, with an endorsement on the execution to this efiect, to wit: " Stayed by suggestion and bond under the statute." The court to which such Court tries issue return is made shall try any i^ue made up as to the truth of such suggestion ; if the suggestion is estab- lished as true, the court shall enter judgment amending the defect or defects which may be shown, at the cost of the plaintiff in execution, and dcclaiing the bond to have the force of a judgment against all the obligors therein, at the costs of the defendant in execution and 1S61. 40 his sureties. From any sueli judgment any of the par- AM-eaiuiaybe ties may appeal within six mouths, eitlierto the Circuit or Supreme Court, upon giving an appeal bond in double the amount of the execution, payable to the appellee, with sufficient security, and with condition to prosecute the appeal to effect, and to satisfy such judgment as the appellate court may render in the premises; which bond may be approved by the justice, judge, clerk or register of the court from which the appeal is taken, and shall Pirviso. operate as a supersedeas : Provided, that all the provis- ions of this section shall apply to executions or orders of sale issued in cases commenced by attachment, or in which attachments may have been or may be issued, as fully as to au execution issued in any other kind of case. Approved, December 10, 18G1. .# No. 34.] AN ACT To amend the act, approved 8th Feb. 1861, entitled " an act to regulate Judicial proceedings and for other purposes." Section 1 . J3e it enacted hy the Senate and House of Mepre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembl;/ convened^ That the above recited act shall not be so con- strued as to apply to any remedy in force prior to the passage of said act regulating proceedings in cases of forcible entry and detainers or unlawful detainers, but the remedy in such cases shall exist as if said act of the 8th February, 1861, had not passed, any law to the con- trary notwithstanding. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 35.] AN ACT To amend "an act to regulate Judicial Pisoceedings and for other purposes," approved Feb. 8th, 1861. Section 1. .7?e it enacted hy the Senate and House of Jiepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section six of an act, entitled "an act 41 ' 1861. to regulate Judicial proceedinsjs and for other pur- poses," be amended by adding^he words "or of tbe^f '°"^^™^"''- Confederate States" after the words "this State," in the third line of said section. Approved, December 10, 1861. Hlo. 36.] AN ACT To appropriate the balance of the Three Per Cent Fund now in the Treasurj^ of the State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- .^^^^^^^ app^^. sentatives of the State of Alabama in Gejieral Assembly p^'^^i;^^^^^ A\a. convened, That the three per cent iTind now on handersRaUroad. and in the treasury, amounting to five thousand eight hundred and sixty-one dollars and ninetj^-uine cents, be and the same is hereby appropriated to the Alabama and Tennessee Rivers Rail Road company on the terms and conditions hereinafter mentioned. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the appropriation , 1 1 11111 1 • 1- -i-i 1 -Appropriation hereby made shall be taken in stock in said rail road taken as stock, company in the name of the State of Alabama, in the manner and on the same terms specified in the act of the General Assembly, entitled " an act to appropriate the unappropriated part of the two per cent, fund, and a portion of the three per cent, fund," approved Febru- ary 4th, 1850, and certificates of stock shall be issued to the State of Alabama in the same manner for the amount hereby appropriated as required by said last mentioned act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That said sum hereby to be paid to the appropriated, after tbe certificate of stock shall first iuVin payment have been issued to the State of Alabama, shall in- °^ '"'"**• etantcr be paid over to the Treasurer of the State in part payment of the first interest that will be falling due from the said Alaljamu and Tennessee Rivers Rail Road on the loan heretofore made to said company un- der and by virtue of the act of the General Assembly, .^^ entitled "an act to loan and appropriate the three ^^ ^ percent, fund and its interest," approved February 18, ^ 1860. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1861. 42 No. 37.] AN ACT To make an appropriation for tlic payment of Interest on State Bonds. •"^ Sec. 1. Beit enacted hy the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly tl^l'^t^^l^^^'^ convened, Tliat an appropriation be and the same is hereby made from any moneys in tlie treasury not other- wise appropriated, of such sum as may be necessary to meet the interest on coupon bonds heretofore author- ized to be issued by the State of Alabama, payable at the State Treasury and at the Bank of Mobile, as the same becomes due and payable, and that the Comp- draw warranun troller of Public Accouuts bc aud he is hereby required state Treasurer, ^q draw his Warrant therefor on the State Treasurer in favor of such person or persons as are entitled to re- ceive the same. Approved, ISTovember 11, 1861. No. 38.] AN ACT To Suppress Monopolies. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly jsofcrsoniohuy cojivened, That no person or persons shall buy up live t'oVoJTu^escM- stock, or any commodity whatsoever, with the intent *^''^" to produce a scarcity of the same in the market, so that by reason of such scarcity he may obtain a higher price therefor. ^ , . ,. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That no persons shall Combinations , . , , . / t • c- not to do it. combine to buy up live stock, or commodities oi any kind, with intent to produce a scarcity thereof in the market, so that by reason of such scarcity they may Meaning of word obtain hii^her priccs therefor; and by the word "market" m this act is meant not only places where live stock or commodities are brought together for sale, but anywhere in town or country where such things are produced, or sold, or wanted. Judge to charge Sec. 3. Bc it further enacted, That the judges of the grandjuries. geyeral circuit courts of this State shall give this act in charge to the grand juries, who shall inquire into and 43 - , , 1861. present all violations of this act, and any person con- p^^j^^ji^ ^^i. ^j^ victed on indictment or presentment, under this act, lationbr this act. may be lined, at the discretion of the jurj', and impris- oned not exceeding one year. Sec. 4. Be it farther enacicd, This act shall be in f<>i'ce p^^j^^^^ ^^^ from the date of its passage to the end of the pending force of the act. war between the Confederate States and the United States : but the termination of the war shall not abate any prosecutions then pending:, nor shall it be a bar to ''"^■'"""A''*'" J*.^ i' . I . , i ~ . . , n a r not to abate the institution of new prosecutions for any violation ot prosecution, this act that may have been committed during the war. Approved, iSTovemberll, 1861. No. 39.] AJ^ ACT To Prohibit Buying under False Pretenses. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Repre- |°°'^^ot'"to'hc' sentatkes of the State of Alabama in General Assembly bougiiton feiso convened, That no person shall buy any articles of food '"^''"'^"'^''' or clothing, or any other property, upon the false pre- tense that he is employed or authorized to do so by the Confederate States of America, or any one of said States, or by any individual, society, partnership, or corporation, engaged in manufacturing or preparing arms, munitions, or other warlike stores, or food, clothing, or other material, for the use of the soldiers afore.'^aid, or upon the false pretense that lie is buying any of the articles or property aforesaid for the use or benefit of the Confederate States, or any of them, or for the use or benefit of the soldiers thereof, whether he pretends to have authority to do so, or not, and whether the person buying under false [tretense afore- said shall pay for the ]iioperty so bought at the time of the purchase, or shall buy the same on credit, shall make no diflerence at what price he may have obtained any of the articles or property aforesaid. Skc. 2. Be it further enacted. That grand juries ^ ^^ shall in(]uire into all violations of this act, and the act vio- shall bi- given in charge by the circuit judges, and to enable them to do so, the said grand juries shall have all the powers, and be subject to all the duties imposed by the penal code of tl ' 1861. 44 ^^_ Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That whenever any errand An aggrar at ert , in V c ■\ • t case 10 be tried juFj shall make a presentment, or tin d an indictment eony. uj-^^gj. tJiis act, and shall believe that the offense is so aggravated as to deserve imprisonment in the peniten. tiary, they shall endorse on the presentment or indict- ment "aggravated," signed by their foreman, and then the trial shall be conducted as in cases of felony, and if the defendant is found guilty the jury may find that he be imprisoned in the penitentiary not less than two nor Penalty. morc than five years, or that he pay a fine to be assessed by them at discretion, or be imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding one j^ear. If the indictment or pre- sentment is not endorsed "aggravated," then the trial other cases to be shall bc couductcd as in cases of misdemeanor. If the demeanor"™'* defendant pleads not guilty, and the verdict shall be against him, the jury may assess the fine at discretion, Penalty. or the court shall imprison the defendant not exceeding one year. If the defendant pleads guilty, the jury may assess the fine, and the court the imprisonment, as aforesaid. Act in force du- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be in -force from its passage till the end of the present war between the Confederate States and the United States, but any violation of it during the war may be prosecu- ted notwithstanding the termination of the war. ' '='«'''^«- convened, That the commissioner of public lands is hereby authorized to employ any number of clerks which he may find it necessary to assist in issuing and recording patents for lands entered or located prior to the 11th January, 1861, and to charge for each of said patents issued the sum of fifty cents, to be paid by the Fee of fifty cents i- 1 • r 1.1 i. i. T> -J J mi i. for each patent. party applying tor the patent: jrroiiaedy Ihat any per- son who has made several entries or locations for which no patents have issued shall not be required to pay onc patent for more than fifty cents for the patent of such several en- scleral entries tries or locations : and, Provided further, That if the fees so received exceed in any one year two thousand Kxeess of $2000 dollars, the excess shall be paid by the commissioner siatc'tr'^asury!*° into the treasury of this State ; and Provided, also, proviso. that all the expenses of preparing the patents shall be paid out of said fees, to be received as aforesaid : Pro- Another proTieo. vided further, no patent shall be issued, except upon the a]iplication of the part}' legall}- holding the certifi- cate of purchase and on return of such certificate. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 42.] AN ACT To compensate the receivers of public moneys at cer- tain District Land Offices in Alabama, and iu rela- tion to canceled entries. -^KC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Home of Bep- ntnflves of the State of Alabama in General Assembhj ^ ,, „ „, , „,.■' , •'. r. I ^• 1 Compensation of convened, 1 hat tlie receivers or public moneys at the ctrtain rcccucre district land offices, located at Elba, Greenville, Ilunts- ville, St. Stephens, and Tuscaloosa, shall be entitled to ■ipcnsation at the rate of five hundred doUarn per . ..urn, aud cue per centum on the receipts for public r 1861. m Proviso. lands at those offices for their services since the adop- tion of the ordinance in rehition to the waste and un- appropriated land in the State of Alabama : Provided^ That the salary of no receiver of public moneys shall exceed the amount received at his office from the sale of public lands, and the commissioner of public lands is hereby authorized and required to allow such com- pensation to said receiver : Provided, That such persons shall only be paid for the length of time during wliich they shall have actually performed duties as such re- ceiver, of which services satisfactory evidence shall be made to the commissioner of public lauds : and, Pro- vided further , that they shall receive no pay or compen- sation for any services they may hereafter render. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That in all cases where entries have been improperly made at any land ofHce in the State, of lands donated by the Congress of the United States to any railroad compan}^, and which en- tries have been canceled, the amount of money paid for the entry of such land shall be refunded back to the person paying the same, by the receivers of said land offices, out of any public monies in their hands, on ap- plication of the party entitled to the same : Provided^ The party applying has not heretofore received his money. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That said receivera cBeeVmone^MD shall also refuud to any person any amount of money bo refunded. ,i„, , i '^S i4.-i that may have been overcharged to said person on any entry heretofore made at said offixes out of an^'- public moneys in their hands on the application of the party entitled to the same. Approved, December 10. 1861. Money for en- tries ia certain cases to be re- ftudcd. Proviso. In orer.charged No. 43.] AN ACT To require the Registers and Receivers of Public Lands in this State to receive in payment for lands entered, the current notes of the banks of this State, the Treasury notes of the government of the Confede- rate States and of this State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the Slate of Alabama in General Assembly 47 1861. convened) That hereafter the Register and Receivers of the several land offices in this State shall be required to receive in payment for all public lands entered at their offices the current notes of any of the chartered or free banks of this State, and the Treasury notes of the gov- ernment of the Confederate States and of this State. Approved, November 28, 1861. ]Slo. 44.] AN" ACT In relation to the location of Bounty Land Warrants. Sec. 1. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That all warrants for military bounty land g's*"'^^""''"""" issued under any law of the United States, and which were held and owned by citizens of this State on the 11th of January, 1861, arc hereby declared to be as- signable according to such form as may be prescribed by the commissioner of public lands, so as to vest the assignee with all the rights the owner of the same had on said 11th January, 1861. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said warrants may way be located 11,11 -1 ii'i- . !• "Pon .iiiy public bo Jocatea by said owners, tneir heirs, executors, admin- lan.i subject to istrators or assigns, upon any of the public lands of the '"''''"''' '^"'''^'" State subject to private entry according to the legal subdivisions thereof, taking said land at the price at which the same is subject to private entry, and reckon- ing the warrants at one dollar and twcnt3^-live cents per acre for the number of acres therein contained, and said warrant may be located upon separate bodies of '^'*y''« '"<='i'<^** 11 • i. 1 xi 1 1 1 J.1 ,. "Pon si'pi'nitc land, or in one body, as the holder or owner thereot bodies of land. may desire : Provided, That such holder or owner of a-^''"''""' bounty land warrant shall be required to take up or enter the full amount of lands called for in his warrant when he applies to locate tlie same or give it up to be canceled for any overplus. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1861. 48 Ko. 45.] AN ACT To Lesralizc Certain Entries of Land. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Hep^ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That all entries of land which may have been ^ made within fifteen miles of any railroad in this State V- under the provisions of the 36th section of an ordinance in relation to the waste and unappropriated lands in the State of Alabama, approved March 20th, 1861, be and the same are hereby legalized and made valid. Approved, December 9, 1861. Time fixed for No. 46.] AN ACT In Eelation to Certain Public Lands in this State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in Oenral Assembly htn.tT&Cvi!viXo. convened, That the Central Railroad Company, or their to locate laads. j^ggigQees be and arc hereby required to locate, select and designate the portions of the public lands in this State granted to said companj^ by the government of the United States, within nine (9) months from the date of the approval of this act in conformity to the provis- ions of said grant, Aaer that time Sec. 2. Bc it further enacted. That from and after the from markeuo cxpiratiou of uiuc (9) mouths from the date of the ap- v=A"E'*''"'''Pi'0V''^^ of this act all lands which have been withheld irom entry and sale to enable said company to make such location and designation, and not so located, se- lected and designated, shall be subject to entry as pro- vided by the 29th section of the " Ordinance in relation to the waste and unappropriated lands in the State of Alabama." Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That all the provisions of this act shall apply to the North and South Alabama Railroad, and to the lands which have been withdrawn from the market for the benefit of said railroad. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1861. 49 JSTo. 47.] AK ACT " To make transcripts from Land-Offices evidence in Certain Cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Ren- resentativesof tlie State of Alabama in General Assemhlv convened, That transcripts of any official book, official transcripts c nffi7'-''V?"^J'/^''' ^°^.^"^^"t pertaining to any land- ImVvTarc^e^ office in this State, certiiied by the Register of such Jand-office, shall be received as prima facie evidence of the tacts contained in such transcripts so certified in all the courts of this State. thf offioo Ifoi'l^'"*' f'ri'"''^ ^' ^'^''^ "^ transcript from no transept tne office books of the department and other office ^'"""' *='=<=«' books of the United States given and obtS sinL ^^^c^e fi.^^^^^^^^ lllV ^^T^''T''fr^^'^^^''^^ of Alabama to v^\t : ^k^Hl^ ^r^ since the 11th day of January, 1861, shall be received "'^"^'■• in evidence hi any of the courts of this State durino- the continuance of the war between the United Statcl and the Confederate States, any law to the contrary not- withstanding. *' Approved, December 9, 1861. books iven Janu- No. 48.] AN ACT Fixing the time of the meeting of the General Assem- bly of the State of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enactedhythe Senate and House of Bcpre- Z"'^*''fw/^'^''y ^^"^^^'« ,.„, General Assembly convened Ihat hereafter the sessions of the General Assembly shall commence and be holdcn on the second Monday in November, in each and every vear Approved, December 9, 1861. 4 1861. go :So. 49.] AN ACT To prohibit the taking of Mileage for constructive travel between the adjournment of the Called Session and the meeting of the Hegular Session of the Gen- eral Assembly. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bcprcsentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That it shall not be lawful for any member of either the House of Representatives or Senate to charge or receive mileage for any travel between the adjourn- ' meut of this extra session and the assembling of the two Houses in regular session on the 11th day of No- vember, 1861. Nor shall any mileage be charged or received betw^een the adjournment of any called or regular session and the assembling of any regular or called session, when the interval between the two ses- sions shall not be more than four days. Approved, Nov. 6, 1861. No. 50.] AN ACT To change the time of the election of Representatives from Alabama to " States of America from Alabama to the Congress of the Confederate Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rej)resentaiwcs of the State of Alabama in General Asfiembly convened^ That the time of holding the elections for Representatives from Alabama to the Congress of the ''Confederate States of America," shall be on the first Monday in August in the year 1^63, and on the same day every second year thereafter: subject to all the rules and regulations now in force for the holding of such elections. Approved, December 10, 1861. 51 1861. No. 51.] AN ACT ' To continue the office of Commissioner and Trustee for closing any remaining unsettled business of the State Bank and Branches, and to provide for the payment of the Foreign debt of the State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That John Whiting be, and he is hereby con- Joim whiung tinned in the office of Commissioner and Trustee, ^q *'''°'''""'^''' settle any remaining business of the State Bank and Branches, and to provide for the payment of the foreign debt of the State and the interest thereon, with the , same powers heretofore conferred upon him by law: •"■ Frovidcd, he shall give bond and security, as heretofore Proviso, provided by law, for the faithful discharge of his duties : And provided further, That this act shall remain in full force until otherwise directed by the General Assembl}'. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the compen-compenBation. sation of said Commissioner shall hereafter be at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, instead of the salary now fixed by law. Approved, December 4, 1861. i^ No. 52.] AN ACT To authorize Executor.'?, Administrators and Guardians to rent land, and to amend section 1750 of the Code of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Ahdtama in General Assembly M«y rent un.i. convened, That wlienever the estate of a decea.'^ed per- son, or the estate of a per.-on under guardianship, is or shall be authorized to be kept together for any specified time, the probate court having jurisdiction of the estate may, upon the application of the executor, adniir)istra- tor or guardian, authorize him or her to rent land for the l)enofit of tlie estate: I'rovidcd, however, Tliat jtroof shall first be made in the court, that there is not enough of cleared laud belonging to the estate to cultivate, or 1881. 62 that the interest of the estate requires that land should be rented for its use. Bectioni750 Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That section 1750 of the Code of Alabama be, and the same is hereby amend- ed, by striking out of said section " on application to and an order from the court." Approved, December 5, 1861. amended. No. 53.] AK ACT To allow compensation to Executors, Administrators and Guardians, in certain cases. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of JRepresentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Commisaions on coiwencd, That from and after the i3assaa:e of this act, on the property distn- .' nn i T -i i i buted. appraised value ot all personal property distributed and on the amount of money and solvent notes distributed by executors and administrators, they shall be allowed the same commissions as upon disbursements. ou final settle- Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That upon all final set- '°*'° ■ tlements by guardians, they shall be allowed commis- sions as upon disbursements on the value of property, the amount of solvent notes, and the amount of money decreed to be paid over to the ward or to the succeed- Proviso. ing guardian ; Provided, That the judge of probate al- lowing said commissions, shall, in his sound discretion, be of opinion that the same are not unreasonable under all the circumstances, and that not more than one per cent, commissions be allowed on distribution of proper- ty' in specie, above the amount of twenty thousand dolhirs. Approved, December 7. 1861. 53 1861. No. 54.] AN ACT To authorize Executors, Administrators, Guardians and Trustees, to make loans to the Confederate States, and to purchase and receive inpayment of debts due them, bonds and treasur}^ notes of the Confederate States or of the State of Alabama, and coupons which are due on bonds of the Confederate States and of said State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Hep- resenialkes of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That executors, administrators, guardians and ^ay subscribe to trustees, may subscribe money or produce of estates 'f>«ns. committed to them, respectively, to any loan that has heretofore been called for, or that shall hereafter be called for during the war now existing b}' the Confed- erate States of America, without incurring any personal 'responsibility by so doing; and the bonds or treasury Bonds or treasu- notes whijh shall be received for such subscriptions, '"^"°'''^'^*^*^'*' shall be assets of the estates for which the subscriptions shall be made, and be accounted for as such. Sec. 2. And be it farther enacted, Thai no executor, Not uabie. administrator, guardian or trustee, shall be held per- sonally liable to the estate or cestui que trust, respec- tively, on account of any subscription of either money or produce heretofore made by him as such executor, administrat "T, guardian or trustee, to any loan that has been called for by the Confederate States ; and the bonds or treasury notes which have been or shall be received for any such subscription, shall be assets of the estate for which the subscription was made, and shall be accounted for as such. Sec. 3, And be ii further enacted, That all guardians, Mnypunhaw,. executors, administrators and trustees, may piHX'hase [';|.°j,';°y'"^;;^^':*]''' bonds of the Confederate States, or of the State of Alabama, for the estates they respectively represent, and may receive in payment of any debts due them as such, or due the estates they rcs[icctively represeiit, the treasury notes of said Confederate States and of said State ; the. bonds of said Confederate States and of tiai.w f ■ of which he is an officer, he shall be deemed guilty of Penalty for vio- . '.., oi-i- lation. misdemeanor, and on conviction thereoi, by indictment, shall be fined for each offence, not less than ten, nor more than fifty dollars. Judges to charge ^^^* ^' "^^ it further enacted, That the Circuit Judges. grand juries, are hereby required to give this act in charge to the grand juries of the different counties; and the Solicit- ors of each circuit are hereby required to summons the County Treasurer before the grand juries of their respec- tive counties, to give evidence against any one for offences against this act: Provided, that nothing con- tained in this act shall be so construed as to prevent any officer from receiving in good fiiith any county claim in payment of any debt due to him. Approved, November 11, 1861. No. 61.] AN ACT To make certain Transcripts evidence in the Courts of Justice. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of 59 1861. BepTesentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assem- bly convened, That transcripts of office books made out certain trans- and certified to by the proper officers of the United States e"P'8 evidence, government, and which would have been received in evidence in the courts of this State, before the separa- tion of Alabama from the United States, shall have the same force and effect as evidence in the courts of this State, that would have been given them had this State remained a member of the late Union ; Provided, al- waijs, that if the party against whom such transcript ^a^j^^it ,eq„ir. shall be offered shall make and file in said cause an affi-^d. davit stating that said certified transcript is false, then the same shall not be received as evidence on the cer- tificate thereof. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That any person who penalty for false knowingly and wilfull}^ swears falsely to the affidavit ^^®*"°^" aforesaid, shall be deemed guilty of perjur3\ and subject to all the penalties affixed to said offence. Approved, November 11, 1861. No. 62.] AN ACT Giving one-half of the fine to Informants in certain cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That hereafter in all convictions under indict- ments for selling, giving, or delivering vinous or spirit- uous liquors to slaves, as contained in section 3283 of the Code, one-half of the fine shall be paid to the in- formants. Approved, Dec. 10, 1861. No. 63.] AN ACT In relation to debts due Alien Enemies. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in Genercd Assembly convened, That until the Legislature shall otherwise 1S61. 60 No suit by or for P^^'^^^^^' ^^ ^^^* ®^' otliou proceeding sliall be prosecuted an aiieh enemy, to juclgmeut ill aiiy coui't of tliis State foi' aiij debt or money due to an alien enemy of the Confederate States of America, on or before the 21st day of May, 1861, or at any time since ; or to any person who has been, is, or shall be engaged in actual hostility to said Confederate States ; or who in any manner has given, is giving, or shall give aid and comfort to the enemy engaged in war with said Confederate States ; nor shall any execution -.^^^'-wj. be issued upon any existing judgment or decree of any court of this State, or upon any bond having the effect of a judgment in favor of any such alien enemy or person, or in favor of any party or person controlling Noesecutionto said judgment, decree or bond; and all executions upon any such judgment, decree or bond, now in the hands of any officer of this State for collection, shall be returned to the courts from which they were issued "stayed by operation of law." No judgment or Sec. 2. Be U further enacted, That if any suit now execution for pending in the courts of this State in favor of any such costs -1 • alien enemy or person shall be dismissed, no judgment shall be rendered, and no execution shall be issued, against the security for costs in any such suit, if a citi- zen of this State, until the Legislature shall otherwise provide. And any such suit may be dismissed on mo- miMe^''^''*^''"''tion or plea of the de-fenrJant or defendants. Provided, that this act shall not be so construed as to authorize a dismissal of any suit where one or more of the phxin- tiffs are resident loyal citizens of the Confederate States of America. Approved, Dec. 10, 1861. No. 64.] AN ACT To authorize the Courts of County Commissioners to allow gates to be erected across Public Roads in certain cases. Whereas, in some of the counties of this State tira- Preambie. bcr for fencing purposes has become scarce and difficult to obtain, and in consequence thereof many cultivators of the soil are subjected to heavy expense and incon- venience, in being compelled to keep up lane fences, 61 1861. « — ' Sec. 1. Be it therefore enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General As- eemhly convened, That the several Courts of County Power given to Commissioners in this State be, and they are hereby ^"'"''"^''"'■'• empowered to authorize gates to be erected across any public road, ijrovided, the same be done at such place Proviso, or places, and upon such terms, and under conditions and restrictions as shall produce the least possible in- iury to the public. Approved, December 8, 1861. No. 06.] AN ACT To prevent the commission of certain trespasses. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State oi Alabama in Genera' Assembly Trees on land. convened, That if any person shall cut down, deaden, girdle or destroy, or take awaj' if already cut down or fallen, any cypress, pecan, oak, pine, cedar, poplar, walnut, hickory, or cherry tree, or sapling, on land not hia own, wilfully and knowingly without the consent of the owner of the land, he shall pay to the owner of^^^^j^, such tree or sapling ten dollars for every such tree or sapling so cut down, deadened, girdled, destroyed, or taken away, and for every other tree or sapling not herein described, so cut down, deadened, girdled, destro}^- ed, or taken awa}', the sum of five dollars each, shall be paid. And the party injured may recover for such trespass, before a justice of the peace if the amount claimed be within his jurisdiction ; if not, then before the circuit court. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That if any person shall on lan.i enclosed cut down, dig up, girdle, destroy, or mutilate any fruit tree or ornamental tree, shrub, bush or plant, which is enclosed, on premises not his own, wilfully and know- ingly without the consent of the owner, the person so offending shall pay to the owner -of such fruit tree, or- penauy. namental tree, shrub, bush or plant, fifteen dollars for every such tree, shruli, bush or plant, so cut down, dug up, girdled, destroyed, or mutilated which the owner may recover before any court of competent jurisdic- tion. 1S61. 62 About water- crafla. Penalty. Action to be brought within one year. Exception. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That if any person shall without leave of the owner, sink, take away, or destroy anj^ canoe or other boat or water craft, he shall pay to the owner thereof, double the value thereof, if destroyed, or if taken away, or loosed and not returned in as good condition as when taken away or loosed ; and if loosed, sunk, or taken away, and returned in the condition aforesaid, he shall pay to the owner, the sum of twenty- five dollars, and the expense of putting it in such con- dition ; which penalties and expenses may be recovered before any court of competent juinsdiction. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That every action for the specific penalties given by this act, shall be prose- cuted within one year from the time the injury was committed and not after; and nothing herein contained, nor the recovery of any penalty hereby given, shall be a bar to any action for further damages, or to any crim- inal proceeding for any ofi'ence included in or connected with the acts for which the aforesaid penalties are im" posed. Sec. 5. And he it further enacted, That the provisions of this act shall not apply in any case where any of the acts for which the aforesaid penalties are giveUj shall be committed for military purposes. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. m.] AN ACT In relation to Appeals. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hytlie Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from any order of any Chancellor, ap- Appcal from the • . • ' . ^ , r -,''■, ^ ' i order of a oiiau- pointing a receiver, heretofore made, or hereafter made, ''^'""■- an appeal to the supreme court may be taken by any defendant in the suit, in which such order was, oV may be made, on his entering into bond, with good security, '•% in such penalty as may be prescribed by the Chancellor, or by the Register, payable to the complainant, condi- tioned, that the defendant taking the appeal, shall pay the complainant all such costs and damages, as he may sustain by the wrongful taking of the appeal, if the ap- peal is not prosecuted to eftect; which bond maybe 63 1801. approved by ^Register or Chancellor, and when so ap- proved, shall operate as a supersedeas of the order ap- pointiug the receiver, until the supreme court shall decide upon the appeal, and determine whether or not there shall be a receiver in the case ; every such appeal must be heard at the term of the supreme court to which it is taken. Approved, November 8, 1861. No. 67.] AN ACT To renew and extend the time of payment of certain State Bonds therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of liepre' seniaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convoied, That the Governor of the State of Alabama, the State Treasurer, and the Comptroller of Public Ac- state bonds maj counts be, and they are hereby authorized to issue State fendThlrs! " Bonds, to be substituted for the extension of the State Bonds heretofore issued by the State, payable in the year 1863, which bonds to be issued and substituted as aforesaid, shall be payable at any time not beyond the first day of May, 1883, renewable at the pleasure of the State. Sec. 2, Be it further enacted, That the bonds to be Made payable to issued as aforesaid, shall be made payable to the Com- er andxTuetie? missioner and Trustee to regulate the affairs of the State Bank and Branches, and shall be transferred by him to the holders of the State Bonds, due in 1863 as aforesaid, in lieu of the bonds maturing in that year, the interest thereon to be paid at such place or places, as the said Commissioner and Trustee and the holders of said bonds may agree. Sec. 3, Be it further enacted, That the said Commis- commissiouer to sioner and Trustee be, and he is hereby authorized and "8° <^^"P"°'- required, to prepare and sign the necessary coupons for the extension of said bonds due in 1868. Approved, November 11, 1861. 1S61. actums, when and how made. 64 'Ko. 68.] AN ACT To regulate election returns in this State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hij the Senate and House of Repre* santatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That when an election is held in any of the counties of this State, the returns of which are required by law to be made to the seat of Government, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of such counties within three days after the estimate of the county vote, to make a return of the same bj' mail to the proper officer at the seat of Government, and must also deposit with the judge of probate of such county, a certified copy of said return, and a certified copy of such return made by such probate judge, shall be proof of such election, in the event of the loss of the first so mailed as afore- said. Approved, December 4, 1861. Power of Pro- bate Courts. Ko. 69.] AN ACT To authorize a reference to arbitration in certain cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That in the settlement of the estates of de- ceased persons, wdieu said estates are free from debt, the probate courts of this State in which such settle- ments may be pending shall have the power and au- thority to refer all matters of controversy arising in said settlements to arbitration, if, in the opinion of said court, the interests of the parties can be best subserved thereby, and the parties or their attorneys consent thereto. Guardian of an Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any of the par- infanttownsent^^gg ji^^gj-eg^gj "in such estate shall be an infant, the guardian of such infant shall have authority to consent to the reference to arbitration, which consent shall be in writing, and when so given, it shall be binding on " said infant as fully and effectually as if said infant was of full age. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted^ That the arbitrators ■■^^ 65 1861. X. shall not exceed three in number, shall be entirely dis- Number or arbi- interested, and shall be appointed by order of the said "■'"°''''- probate court. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty Award to be of said arbitrators' to make their award in writing, and °*''''<^'°'^"''"s- within ten days after making the same they shall re- turn it to said court, and if approved by the court, it • shall be entered of record and shall be final and con- clusive upon all the parties. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if the said award i„ ^g^tain cases or any part thereof shall -be for the payment of money *".'"}'^^" effector fill 1 1 11 11 ji" a judgment. it shall, when approved and entered ot record, have the •' force and effect of a judgment at law in favor of the person to whom the money may be awarded, and execu- tion may issue thereon as in other cases. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That if said award shall if disapproved not be approved by the court, it shall be set aside, and ''y *^°"*'' ">^a'"^- the court may refer the matters again to the same or to other arbitrators. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That any of the said objections shaii parties shall within ten days after said award shall ^be*"^"''"*^' returned to the said court, file objections to the same, and if objections are filed, the court shall appoint a day not less than thirty days from the filing of such objec- tions to hear and determine the same, notice of which shall be given as now required bylaw in cases of appli- cation for final settlements of the estates of deceased persons by executors and administrators. Sec 7. Be it further enacted, That sections 2712, certain sections 2713,2715,2716, 2717, 2718, 2710, 2720 and 2723 ofM.'""'""" th^ Code of Alabama be, and the same are hereby made a part of this act. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 70.] AN ACT To revive and renew an Act therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentativea of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, the act, entitled an act to renew au act to extend the 5 1861. 66 debts due the sixteenth sections, approved February 24th, 1860, be, and the same is hereby revived and ex- tended for the term of two years from and after the first day of March, 1862. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 71.] AN ACT To authorize the Comptroller to draw his warrant on the Treasurer in favor of Tax Collectors in certain cases, and for other purposes. Sec. 1, Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ^anu7oTove?- cojivencd, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, payment. r^j^^j l^g jg j^ereby authorized, to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer, in favor of any tax collector for such an amount of the tax as may have been, or may here- after be, overpaid by said collector in the treasury of the State. To allow insoi Sec, 2. Be it further enacted, That whenever any re* turn of insolvencies properly certified and authenticated be niade within the fiscal year, and before the final settle- ments of any tax collector's account, the Comptroller of Public accounts may allow said returns. Approved, December 3, 1861. vencios. No. 72.] AN ACT To amend the law upon the subject of Town Corpo- rations. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Hepr resentatives of the State of Mdbama in General Assemlily converted, That Intendants or Mayors of town corpora- tions, incorporated under title 14, part 1, chapter 1 of the Code, or incorporated previous thereto, shall exercise the powers and authority of justices of the peace, in all matters, civil and criminal, arising within the precincts of their respective corporations. Approved, December 3, 1861. prose- er 1861. No. 73.] AN ACT To abolish a certain Rule of the Common Law. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentutives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly um^ abolish d convened, That the common law rule as recognized by the decisions of the Supreme Court of this State, that a eivil action will not lie for an iujury amountino; to a felony, until after a criminal prosecution for the offense, be, and the same is hereby abolished. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That for any injury, Action for injury either to the person or property of another, amounting "^''ji^'f^^®''^**'"' either in fact, or prima facie, to a felony, an action may cuHon. be maintained by the part}^ injured before any prosecu- tion of the oftcnder, in the same manner as if the offense were a misdemeanor or a trespass only. Approved, December &, 1861. No. 74.] AN ACT To amend Section Four of an Act entitled an Act "to exempt from sale under any Legal Process all necessary wearing apparel for the use of each family in this State," Approved Feb. 18, 1854, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of llep- resentafiues of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section four of the act entitled an acttoed. exempt from sale under any legal process all necessary wea'ring apparel for the use of each fixmily in this State, approved Feb. 18', 1854, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows: Strike out the words "the amount of fitteen dollars per month " in the fifth line of said section, and insert in lieu thereof the following: " An amount equal to one-half of such wages in no case to be less than twenty-five dollars per month." Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That hereafter it shall not be lawful for the wages or hire of any head of ^*f^?^t^"r' ■'^' a family in this State, not having property liable to levy and sale under execution, to be defeated or abated by any set-off of a money demand, acquired by the 1861. 68 person contracting to pay such wages, by assessment or transfer, unless the parties otherwise agree in writing. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1^0. 75.] AN ACT Making resistance to a City Officer a misdemeanor. » Sec. 1. Be it enacted hj the Senate and House of Eep- rcsentatives of tlie State of Alabama in Genei^al Assembly convened, That any person who knowing!}^ and wilfully opposes or resists any city officer in the legal discharge of his duties, shall, on conviction, be fined not less than ten or more than one hundred dollars, and may be im- prisoned not exceeding six months. Sec. 2. And he it further enacted, In indictments under this act, it shall be sufficient to charge that the defend- ant did knowingly and wilfully oppose or resist such officer, in the legal discharge of his duties, without specifying in what such duties consists. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 76.] AN ACT To authorize the establishnaent of Private Roads. Sec, 1. Be it enacted by the Senate arid House of Bep' rcsentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Private Roads may be established by the court of county commissioners, on the application of any person ; such roads not to exceed fifteen feet in width, and to be opened and kept in repair by the per- son on whose application they are established, without exemption on public roads. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That in establishing a regard' to'^pubi'ic private road, the same rules must be observed, and the '*°'^'^*" same proceedings had as in the case of public roads ; but no road must be opened through any person's yard, garden, orchard, stable, lot, gin-house or curtilage, without his consent ; and the applicant must pay the owner of the land over which such road passes, all dam- Same rules aa in 69 1861. ages resulting thereto from the establishment of such road, to be assessed as in the case of public roads. Approved, December 10, 1861. E"o. 77.] AN ACT To require parties to civil actions to give bond for costs in certain cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate aud House of Rep- resentatlves of the State (f Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 2359 of the Code be so amended as to authorize the presiding judge on application for change of venue in civil cases to require the applicant to give bond and security for costs whenever iu his judgment it will best secure the ends of justice to all parties concerned. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 78.] AN ACT To amend an Act entitled an Act to provide for print- ing the Reports of the Comptroller of Public Ac- counts, State Treasurer, and Inspectors of the Peni- tentiary, approved Feb. 3, 1858. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep. resentative.s of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the said act be so amended as to author- ize the printing of three thousand copies of the report of the Comptroller of Public Accounts. Approved, November 9, 1361. * 1861. 70 No. 79.] AN ACT To pay for the hire of servants for the General Assem- bly during the extra and present session. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre' sentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That the Secretary of State be allowed the sum of one hundred and forty-three dollars, to pay for- servant hire during the extra and present regular ses- sion of the General Assembly; and that the Comptrol- ler of Public Accounts is hereby authorized and required to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for the above amount in favor of the Secretary of State, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appro- priated. Approved, Dec. 9, 1861. No. 80.] AN ACT le manufacture Cards in this State. To encourage the manufacture of Cotton and Wool Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of B. nusc- Bepresentatives of the State of Adabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act there shall be a bonus paid .out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, of ten cents per pair on all cotton cards of good quality, of the fineness of No. (10) ten ; on all cotton cards No. (8) eight, of good quality, there shall be a bonus of eight cents; and on wool cards No. (6) six, of good quality, a bonus of six cents per pair; said cards to be manufactured in the State of Alabama. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That whenever the man- ofaor.'°"''^^''^' ufacturer of said cards in the State of Alabama shall make good and sufficient proof to the Governor of the number and kind of cards manufactured by him, the Governor shall draw his warrant on the Treasurer for such an amount in favor of said manufacturer as he may be entitled by the first section of this act, said 11 1861. act to continue in force for two years after the passage of this act. Approved, Dec. 4, 1861. No. 81.] AN" ACT To change the time of taking up the State Dockets. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hoiise of Hepreseniafives of the State ofAlabayna in General Assembly convened. That until the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States, the criminal dockets of all the circuit courts of this State shall be set for and taken up on the second day of the term of said courts respectively : and subpoenas and other processes shall be returnable, and cases both civil and criminal shall be set accordingly. Approved, December 5, 1861. No. 82.] AN ACT To require the Secretary of State to procure for the State Library the Acts of the Legislatures of the several Confederate States. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State cf Alabama in General Assembly convened, That hereafter it shall be the duty of the Sec- retar}' of State to transmit to the executive of each of the Confederate States, a copy of the Acts passed at each session of the General Assembly of Alabama, with a request that in return each of said States would trans- mit a copy of its Acts to the Secretary of State of Ala- bama, and when received said Acts must be placed iu the State Library. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1861. • 12 No. 83.] AN ACT To abolish the office of Auditor of the Treasury of the State created by the third section of " an act making appropriations for the Military Defense of the State," approved February 6, 1861. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Honse of JRepre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Office abolished convened, That the office of Auditor of the Treasury of con 1 lona y. ^|^^ State crcatcd by the above rec-ited act, be and the same is hereby abolished, if in the opinion of the Gov- ernor the said office is no longer necessary, and that the duties now imposed by law on that officer, be hereafter performed by the Comptroller of Public Accounts, without any increase of compensation therefor. Duties transfer- Sec. 2. Bc it further snacted, That no part of the said [er^s 085^6°"'"^°^" act making appropriations for the military defense of the State, shall be repealed by this act except so far as the change abolishing the office of Auditor of the Treasury and the transfer of the duties of the office to the office of Comptroller of Public Accounts. Additional Clerk ^^^^ ^' ^^ ^' fuvthcr cnacted, That the Governor, if in his opinion the same shall be necessary, may authorize the Comptroller of Public Accounts to employ an ad- ditional clerk at a compensation not to exceed seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum, or at that rate for the time the services of such clerk may be required and necessary for the public service. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 84.] AN ACT To transfer the unexpended balance of appropriations for the relief of the Deaf and Dumb, remaining in the hands of the State Superintendent of Education, under an act entitled "an act for the relief of the Deaf and Dumb," approved February 4th, 1858, to the ■ Alabama Institution for the Deaf and Dumb. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Honse of Mepre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the unexpended balances of appropria- *3 tions for the relief of the deaf and dumb, under the act en- titled "an act for the relief of the deaf and dumb," approved February 4th, 1858, and the several acts there- in referred to, be and the same is hereby transferred to the Alabama Institution for the deaf and dumb, to be applied for the use and benefit of said institution, as other funds belonging thereto, under the direction of its board of commissioners. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1861. No. 85.] AN ACT To exempt from Military duty all persons emploj^ed by Horace Ware in manufacturing Iron, and all other persons similarly engaged. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hij the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That all persons in the employ of Horace Exemption. Ware, iu the county of Shelby, in manufacturing iron, be and the}' are hereby exempt from military duty, so long as the existing war between the United States and the Confederate States shall continue. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of Extended to oth- this act be extended to Wright and Eice, of Lauderdale ^'■s- county, manufacturers of cannon and shell for the Con- federate Government, and that all similar manufacturers enjoy the same privileges. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That the provisions of ^""""ler extena- this act shall enure to the benefit of all persons employed in the manufactory of arms, munitions of war, cloth- ing, or materials for clothing, for the use of Alabama volunteers : Provided, That the privileges granted by this act shall not extend beyond the termination of the present war. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1861. • 14 1^0. 86.] AN ACT To relieve certaia Volunteers and Soldiers from ac- counting for Clothing. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatwes of the State of Alabama in G-eneral Assembly convened, That every soldier, volunteer, or officer, who was in the militar}- service of the State, and was trans- ferred to the service of the Confederate States, be and is hereby relieved and released from accounting for the amobnt of the clothing furnished by this State or re- ceived from this State, before such transfer occurred. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 87.] AN ACT For the relief of indigent families of volunteers in the several counties of this State. Section 1. J3e it enacted hy the Senate and House of Represe^itatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, the court of county commissioners for any county in this State, be and is hereby authorized to appropriate such portion of money now in the county treasury, or that may be derived from the county tax, as the said court may deem sufficient for the support of the indi- gent families of volunteers now engaged in the defense of our country. Approved, November 29, 1861. No. 88.] AN ACT Making an appropriation for the pay of members, offi- cers, clerks, and messengers of the General Assem- bly at the present extra session, and at the regular session thereof, commencing on the 2nd Monday of November, 1861, Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Mep- 75 1861. rese?itativ€s of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the sum of fifty thousaiid'dollars, or so much thereof as shall be necessary, be and the same is hereby appropriated for the payment of the members, officers, clerks, and messengers of the General Assem- bly at the present extra session, and at the regular ses- sion thereof, commencing on the second Monday of JS'ovcinber, 1861, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, November 8, 1861. No. 80.] AN ACT To encourage the manufacture of fire arms and muni- tions of war in this State. Section 1. JBe it enacted by the Senate and House of Hepresentafives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the sum of two hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars, out of any money in the treasury not S^" ''^^'^' otherwise appropriated, be, and the same is herebj^ ap- propriated and placed under the control of the Gov- ernor, ai^d subject to his warrant, for the purposes hereinafter specified. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if any individual or Governor to company shall hereafter propose to manufacture fire n^-'^e advances, arms. in this State, the Governor is hereb}^ authorized to advance to such individual or company such portion of said sum as he may deem advisable, and may take security for the return of said sum so advanced, or may contract with said individual or company to receive of them in lieu of said sum advanced, /re arms to be manu- factured by them, of such kind, quality and description Rond or security as he may designate and approve of; in all tascs taking '"'^c given, from such individual, or company, bond with approved securit}' for the faithful performance of their contract. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That in like manner, andFuniicr sum of under the same restrictions, the further sum of fifty Jri"aC''''''^°' thousand dollars is hercl»y appropriated to encourage the manufacture and preparation of powder, saltpetre, sulphur and lead. Approved, December 7, 1861. i I8G1. ^ T6 No. 90.] AN ACT To acQend the 14tli sectiou of an act to establish a Hos- pital for Insane persons in Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bepre- sentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Insane convicts, cojivcncd, That where any person is imprisoned in the penitentiary of this State, under a sentence of a circuit court, and is insane at the expiration of his or her term of imprisonment, it shall be the duty of the lessee to outyofiessee. ^q^q^i the Same to the Governor, whose duty it shall be to cause an examination to be made of the extent and character of such insanity ; and if upon such investiga- tion it be found that such person is a proper subject for confiuement in the hospital for insane persons, he shall deTconvi'cuo^n- oi'^^r him or her to be removed from the penitentiary sane hospital, to the liospital ; and if such person be in indigent cir- cumstances, and had no known place of residence pre- vious to his or her confinement in the penitentiary, the expenses of keeping such person shall be paid by the State. Approved, December 4, 1861. No. 91.] AN ACT To provide for paying for the Indexing of the manu- script Acts of the General Assembly. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Mepre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in, General Assembly P^y 'jiP^K." convened, that the sum of fifty-two dollars and sixty- three cents be and the same is hereby appropriated to compensate M. P. Blue for making and completing in- dexes to the original manuscript acts of the Gener Assembly, held in 1859-60, and in 1861, as required by the act of 25th January, 1858, "to provide for binding the manuscript acts of the legislature," and that the Comptroller of Public Accounts issue his warrant there- for on the State Treasurer, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That hereafter upon the 11 ■ 18G1. presentation to the. Comptroller of Public Accounts oi^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ thg certificate of the Secretary of State of the faithful after upon certi- execution of the indexing of the manuscript acts of the ryy state"* ** present or any subsequent General Assembly, the Comp- troller shall issue his warrant on the State Treasurer in the sum so certified by the Secretary of State to be due, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not other- wise appropriated. Approved, Nov. 11, 1861. No. 92.] AN ACT To repeal, in part, an ordinance to provide for the Mili- tary defence of the State of Alabama, adopted 19th January, 1861. Sec. 1. JBe it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre^ sentatives of the State of Alabama, in General Aesentbh/ Certain secHonf convened) That sections 8, 10, 13, 15 and 16 of an ordi- ''^p'''*'*^- nance "to provide for the military defence of the State of Alabama,*' adopted 19th Januar}-, 1861, be, and the Barae are hereb}^ repealed ; and all the offices created by said sections in said ordinance arc hereby abolisbed. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted. That so much of section Section ninepaf „,..,,.• < , ' . I , tially repealed. 9 ot said ordinance as authorizes and empowers the Governor of this State to appoint a surgeon-general and a paymaster-general be and the same is hereby repealed, and said offices are by this act abolished. Approved, Nov. 9, 1^61. No. 93.] AN ACT To repeal section 3 of an ordinance to authorize Colo- nels of Volunteer regiments to appoint their own Staft' Officers. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of liejj' resentatii'cs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 8 of an ordinance "to authori;5C colonels of volunteer regiments to appoint their own staff officers,'' adopted Jannmy 2'^, 1Sv tlir. rem- 1861. 78 veutiou of the people of the State of Alabama, held Montgomery, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Approved, December 9, 1861. So. 94. AN ACT To repeal an Act, entitled an Act to provide for an efii« cient Military organization of the State of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That an act entitled an act to provide for an. efficient military organization of the State of Alabama, approved February 24th, 1860, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Approved, iTovember 11, 1861. No. 95.] AN ACT 5100,000 appro- priated. . At disposal of the Governor. Proviso. Compensation from commuta- tion money. To facilitate the equipment of Volunteers and for the purchase of arms. Section 1. JBe it enacted by the Senate and Mouse of jRepresentatives of the State of Alabama in G-eneral Assembly convened, That in order to save volunteers from extortion in clothing, to aid in their prompt equipment, and to procure a proper supply of suitable arms, accoutre- ments, &c., the sum of one hundred and eighty thou- sand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropriated and placed at the disposal of the Governor, to be drawn on his warrant, and by him to be so used as in his best judgment may most efficiently and economically pro- mote the above objects, and for the expenditure of which he shall take the proper vouchers to be filed with the Comptroller of Public Accounts: Provided, however, That for any eqifipments, or any other things that may be furnished to any soldier or volunteer by the Governor under this act, the Governor shall take or shall cause to be taken the most proper and available mode to secure compensation to this State, out of the commutation money of such soldier or volunteer. Approved, December 6, 1861. 79 1861. Ko. 96.] AN ACT To prevent the practical disfranchisement of the vol- untecrs from Alabama, and of the members of the General Assembly of the State of Alabama, in the next Congressional and Presidential.election. Section 1. JBe it enacted hy the Senate and House of Hepresentatlves of the State of Alah<(nia in General Assemhbj convened, That each citizen of Alabama, who shall be To vote whether in the service .of the Confederate States, as a volunteer, suto °"' "^ ^''^ on the day of the next Presidential and Congressional election, and who on that day would be entitled to vote in such election in any county of this State, if he was actually in that county on that day, shall be entitled to vote by ballot in such election at any place where he may be on that day, whether in or out of this State ; and his vote shall be counted and have the same eifect as if it had been actuallj' given in the county in which, if he was personally present on the day of such election, he would be entitled to vote ; and at anj^ place where there may be on that day any such volunteer or volun- teers from one or more of the congressional districts of this State, any two commissioned officers who are quali- „ „ , , ^ „ ,. 1 , r> 1 t>< 1' A 1 • • -i- Polls to be open- tied electors or the State ot Alabama m the military cji by commis- service of the Confederate States, are hcreb}' authonzed *"'°'^ to open the polls on that day, between the hours of six o'clock in the forenoon and six o'clock in the afternoon, for each of such congressional districts, and to receive the ballots or votes of every such volunteer for" eleven tn p'resiucnuar electors of President and Vice President, and for one riiTrMentative"'^ representative in the Congress of the Confederate States, *" congress. and to conduct and manage the election so that no such volunteer shall vote for a representative of any other congressional district than that in which he resided at the time of volunteering; and as soon as practicable after six o'clock in the afternoon of the day of such election, the iJi^ctiom for n. ],. T .'',, ,', the managers ae orncers conducting and managing the same are hereby to returns, authorized and directed to count out the votes, ascer- tain the number of votes received for each person, and what office, and make out a statement of the same in writing, with a list of the names of the voters, and the ' county of their residence; which statement must be signed by them and sealed up and directed to the Secre- tary of State of Alabama, at Montgomery, and sent 1861. 80 either by mail or messenger, without unnecessary delay. Each county to Sec. 2. Be U further enacted, That all the other returns io'the°swrmr^y ^^ ^^^ "^^^ Cougressioual and Presidential election, in- of state. stead of being made as provided for by the existing law, shall be made by the returning officer of each county directly to the Secretary of State of this State, without any unnecessarj- d^lay. Pay for state or- Sec. 8. Bc it farther enacted, That on the 26th day of fhevot*^."""" November ne:it, or within, two davs thereafter, the Governor of this State, in the presence of the Secretary of State, Comptroller and Treasurer, or either of them, shall estimate the returns made under the preceding sections of this act, ascertain who are elected, and notify them by proclamation. Rules to gotcra gEc. 4. Be U further enacted, That all the provisions ■ of this act shall apply to and govern in any election that it may become necessary to hold in the event of a failure to elect a representative to Congress in any con- gressional district in this State, or in the event of a va- cancy occurring in any congressional district in this State within the next two years. Privilege of the Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That the members of gcnSLrimbiy t^® General Assembly of this State, shall have the right ' to vote in the county of Montgomery, for electors for President and Vice President at the next election. Managei-a to be Sec. 6. Beit fufthcr cnactcd, That the commissioned qualified. 'officei'^ who may open the polls and hold elections un- der this act shall, before they enter upon the perform- ance of such duty, take an oath to conduct such elec- •I • tion fairly and faithfully, and make returns as required ttotonaglrs!"^^ ^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ' "^"^bi^b oatli may be administered by any officer of the State in which such election may be held, authorized to administer oaths ; and .in the absence of such officer, said oath may be administered by any per- son in the army of the Confederate States from the State of Alabama, holding a commission not below a captain, inspectotsioad' Sec. 7. Be it further enacted. That the inspectors of miuister an oath elections herein provided for, shall be empowered in all cases where they may have doubts as to the legal quali- fications of a voter, to require such person to take an oath to answer such questions touching his qualifications w^orlng!"^ *'*''* ^^ may be propounded by the inspectors ; and any per- son who shall vote under the provisions of this act, not possessing the requisite qualifications, shall be subject 81 1861. to the same pains aud penalties imposed by law upon fraudulent voting within the limits of this State. Approved, October 80, 18G1. No. 97.] AN ACT To provide a Hospital for sick troops from Alabama in the army of the Potomac, and for other purposes. ^Sec. 1. Beit enacted hy the Senate and House of Hep-., resenfatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Governor be aud he is hereby author- ized and required to appoint an agent to proceed to the pjq ^^^^j ^02, respectively, in Sumter county, be, and the same are hereby abolished, and hereafter the militia of Sumter county shall form but two regiments Nos. 63 and 82. Property liable ^EC. 5. Be it furtJiev enacted. That all property held for fines. and owucd by any man subject to militia dut}^ shall be liable for all fines which may be imposed bj^ law for neglect or failure to perform the duty required of any such defaulter. Conflicting laws Sec. 6. Bc H furtJiev enacted, That all laws conflicting repealed. with the provisious of this act be, and the same are hereb}'^ repealed. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 108.] AN" ACT To legalize the proceedings of the Governor, in supply- ing the volunteers of Alabama with clothing, Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That all existing contracts and arrangements, KTistingcon- madc by thc Governor, for the purpose of supplying ^'■'"'^* '^2""^*^* the volunteers from this State, in the service of the Confederate States, with clothing, are hereby approved and legalized, and that the Governor is authorized to pues*!" '""^*"''" continue the supplies of clothing to said troops, under such contracts and arrangements, and to take such measures as he maj'- deem best to reimburse the State, out of the clothing commutation money allowed by the Governor may laws of thc Confederate States to said volunteers; and appoint agentf. ^Q. Garry into effect the purposes of this act, he may ap- 89 1861. point aud at his discretion discharge, such transporta- tion and distributing agents, or assistant quartermas- ters, as he may deem necessary, prescribe their duties, fix their compensation, and establish such regulations as to their accountability as ho may deem expedient. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That all expenditures Dpp.^rtment which have or may be made under the first section of^^^'^l^g^g'*''"^"'* this act, be charged to tlie fund appropriated to the quartermaster's department, and that all moneys re- ceived in commutation or reimbursement for clothing, be carried to the credit of said department. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1^0.109.] AN ACT To authorize the G ovcrnor to have the Capitol repaired. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alahama in General Assembly convened, That the Governor be and he is hereby au- thorized to have the necessary repairs done on the Capi- tol, and that the Comptroller be authorized to draw his warrant on the treasury in favor of Jno. Gill Shorter for the amount necessary to pay for said repair. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 110. AN ACT To authorize the Governor to employ two Secretaries. Sec. 1. Be it enacted b>/ the Senate and House of Bepre- scntatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Governor be and he is hereby au- thorized to engage the services of two competent secre- taries in his office, at the rate of seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, payable quarterl}': 7Vo- vidcd, he shall have the right to discontinue the services of one or both of said secretaries, whenever such service may be no longer needed. Approved, l^ecember9, 1861. 1861- 90 No. 111.] AN ACT To provide for Indexing the Records of Land Patents iu the office of the Secretary of State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly It^^^!^^^'"^' convened, That the Secretary of State be authorized to employ a competent person to make and complete cor- rect indexes to the volumes containing the Registry of Land Patents heretofore issued in his office. oompeneatioru ^EC. 2. Be it further enacted, That such compensation shall be allowed for making and completing those in- dexes, as may be agreed upon between the Secretary of State and the person so employed; and upon presenta- tion to the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the cer- tificate of the Secretary of State of the faithful execu- tion of the work, the Comptroller shall draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in the sura so certified to be due, to be paid out of any moneys in the State treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 112.] ^ AN ACT To amend an act entitled an act supplemental to an act to establish a hospital for insane persons in Ala- bama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That an act, entitled an act supplemental to an act to establish a hospital for insane persons in Ala- bama, be and is hereby amended, by adding at the end of the 12th section after the word Trustee, the words, " on the Comptroller who shall draw his warrant on the Treasurer of the State in fiivor of the treasurer of the hospital." Approved, November 25, 1861. 01 1861. ITo. 113.] AN ACT To divorce "William S. Thomas from his wife Rebecca Thomas. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Ilep- resenfatives of the State of Alabama in General Assemhly convened. That in pursuance of a decree of the chancery- court, for the 7th district of the Southern Chancery Division of the State of Alabama, at the February term, 1861, thereof, William S. Thomas be, and he is hereby divorced from his wife Rebecca Thomas, and that said William S. Thomas may lawfully contract with and marry any other woman. Approved, November 9, 1861. No. 114.] AN ACT To divorce Rebecca P. Bobbitt from her husband Wil- liam P. Bobbitt, and other persons therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That Rebecca P. Bobbitt be, and she is here- ^?jP."* ^- f'",''" by divorced from her husband William Bobbitt, pursu- ant to a decree of the chanceiy court of the sixth District Southern Division, made at the April term, 1860, thereof. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That William Fouchee ^f;x\\\a.m from be, and he is hereby divorced from his wife Lucy Fou- L"<"y ^'°"che«. chee, in pursuance of a decree of the chancery court of the 12th District Southern Division, made at the November term, 1860, thereof. Sec 3. Be it further enacted, That William J. Kelly 1 11*11 T 1^ !• ■/■o. lA William J. from be, ana he is hereby divorced irom his wire Sarah Ann sarah Ann Keiij Kelly, pursuant to a decree of the chancery court of the 12th District Southern Division, held at the May term, 1860, thereof. Sec. 4. Be it Jurther enacted, That Sumantha Cham- pumanth.i from bers be, and she is hereby divorced from her husband ''''*^''^*^*"^*'*" Joseph Chambers, in pursuance of a decree of the chancery court of the 12th District Southern Division, held at the May term thereof. 1861. 92 PhcEbep from ^^^' ^' ^^ ^^ fuHlier enacicd, That Pha3be P. Garden John D.'caiden. be, aiid she is hereby divorced from her husband John D. Garden, pursuant to a decree of the chancery court, 12th District Southern Division, made at the May term, 1860, thereof. Margaret F. from Sec. 6. JBc it further ciiucted, That Margaret F. Norris James R.Norris. ^q^ ^jj^j g|^g j^g j^ereby divorccd from her husband James It. jSTorris, pursuant to a decree of the chancery court of the 10th District Southern Division, made on the 14th da^^ of Januarj^, 1861, in vacation. Approved, November 30, 1861. ISTo. 115.] AN AGT To divorce Gornelius G. Latham from his wife, Mar- garet Louisa Latham. Section 1. J5e it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Gornelius G.Latham be, and he is here- b}^ divorced from his wife, Margaret Louisa Latham, in pursuance of a decree of the chancery court of the 23d district, middle division, rendered at the July term, A. D. 1860, thereof. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 116.] AN AGT Tenure of pres- ent board. New election. To amend the Gharter of the Southern Military Academy. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the charter of the Southern Military Academy be so amended that the present board of trus- tees of said academy shall hold their office until the first Monday in July, 1862, when an election for a new board of trustees shall be held by the respective stockholders or subscribers who shall have paid their subscriptions toward building said academy; and an election for a new board shall be held annually thereafter on the first 03 1861. Monday in July and every person who shall have paid . 1 . 1 • i.- •' 1 11 1 Z-il 1 A i. /> i^^ Annual election. hi3 subscription, shall be entitled to one vote for every five dollars so paid in. Sec. 2. Be.it further enacted, That the board of trus- Board to consist tecs shall consist of nine members selected from the "^ °'°^ •"«™''er» stockholders, as directed by the first section of this act, one of whom shall be president, to be chosen by the board; which said president shall have power to call a meeting of the board at any time, upon five days no- tice, and a majority of said board shall constitute a Quorum, quorum to transact business. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the present or any Military charac- future board of trustees shall have power to change the^"^™*^''* military character of said school, to that of any other kind they may deem best; and if such change be so made hj the said board, the present regulations and pro- visions of the said charter as are applicable only to a military institution, are hereby suspended so long as such change shall continue in force. Sec. 4. Be ii further enacted, That the board of trus- noard may adopt tees shall have power to adopt all such by-laws, vulcs ''''^"' ''"''"'' **=• and regulations for their own government, and for the government of said school as to them shall appear best, not in conflict with the constitution and laws of this State. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if the election pro- Election may be vided for in the first section of this act should not be |J^'>^ '''• »"<'"'" held on the day therein specified, an election may be held any time thereafter, upon a notice of ten days, given by the president of the board: Provided, that tliCproriso. term of service of no board shall expire until their suc- cessors are elected. Approved, December 9, 18G1. No. 117.] K^ ACT To amend an Act to incorporate the Indian Creek Male and Female Academv in Pike county, approved Feb- ruary 0th, 1860. Section 1 . Be it enacted hij the Senate a?id ITnuse of Rcpre- sentativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That section 2 of said act be so amended as to 1861. 94 remove the restriction against the sale of spirituous or vinous liquors in quantities of one quart and up- wards within the corporate limits of said academy. Approved, December 3. 1861. Ko. 118.] AN ACT tlquor prohlbi' Hon. Penalty. Sd becomes 8d eection. Certain act re- peale . ment, or on deposit, the notes of the banks of other wt pay om. States, but shall not pay out the same on loans, drafts or discounts. 1861. 116 Proportion of coin. Shall receive on deposit Proviso. Rule 2. The bank .shall be required to procure and always keep on hand gold and silver, in proportion of not loss than one-third of the amount of the bills it shall have in circulation, and if withdrawn, shall immedi- ately proceed to replace the deficiency. Rule 3. The bank shall be required to receive money on deposit and paj^outthe same to order free of charge, in such sums as the depositors may direct: Provided, that the bank shall not be required to pay deposits in less sums than twenty dollars, nor to receive them in less sums than one hundred dollars. Rate of interest. RuLE 4. The bank shall not take, retain or receive on its loans or discounts, interest at a greater rate than as follows : upon paper running six months or under, "six per cent, per annum;" upon paper running more than six and not exceeding nine months, seven per cent, per annum ; upon paper running inore than nine months, eight per cent, per annum : Provided, that all paper held and owned by said bank, shall, after matu- rity, bear interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum. Rule 5. Ko director shall receive an}^ emolument, but the President may receive such compensation as the stockholders shall at a general meeting assign him. Rule 6. No director shall hold his office more than three years out of four in succession, but the president may always be re-elected for the ensuing year. Rule 7. Not less than three directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, of which the president shall always be one, except in case of sick- ness or necessarj' absence ; in which case his place may be supplied by another director, whom under his hand he shall depute for that purpose; and the director so deputed may do and transact all the necessary business belonging to the office of president of said corporation, under the name of ]iresident pro tem., during the con- tinuance of the sickness or necessary absence of the president. Rule 8. All officers of the bank, the president and directors excepted, shall be required before they enter upon the duties of their office, to give bond and secu- rity, such as the board shall approve. Rule 9. Yearly or half yearly dividends shall be made of so much of the profits as shall appear to the direct- Quorum. Officers to give bond. Dirddends, 117 1861. ors proper, but no dividend shall be paid, as profits, which shall trench upon the capital of the bank. Rule 10. Once in every term of three j^eurs, the di- fuu statoment rectors shall lay before the stockholders, at a general '"^""'«"y- meeting, for their information, an exact, full and parti- cular statement ot the condition and affairs of said bank, showing the particulars of all suspended debts, and shall give all information to them required, for a proper understanding of its true condition. KuLE 11. The directors shall have power to call a General meeting general meeting of the stockholders at any time they imxy deem necessarj' and expedient, and a number of stockholders not less than thirty, who, together, shall be proprietors of five hundred shares of stock, or up- wards, may at any time call a general meeting of the stockholders relative to the institution, giving at least six weeks notice in the newspaper of the town or county in which said bank is located, of such meeting, and specitying the purpose, or purposes thereof. Rule 12. The said bank shall make to the Co mp- Annual state- tro'ler of Public Accounts a return once in every year "o",ei° ^"'"^' of its true situation, showing the amounts of its assets and liabilities, and of what they consist; also a list of stockholders ot said bank, and a list of the shares owned by each. Rule 13. The Governor of the State shall appoint, „ . . ,, . . , 1 i -i. I 11 1 .'Commissioners annually, two commissioners, wliose duty it shall be to to examine each examine the moneys, books, papers and documents of ^'^"' the said bank, and otherwise examine into its condition, and make repoi't thereon wi'.hin two months after their appointment. The bank shall furnish all infurinatiou to the said commissioners necessary for an accurate examination, and shall pay to said commissioners four dollars per day, each, not exceeding ten days each ; and the said commissioners shall each make aflidavit AffiDrein contained : Provided, The said bank shall not in any case, deal in, or purchase merchandize, produce or personal property of any kind, or real estate, except for its necessary banking houses, buildings and purposes, or by way of securing payment of the debts due to it ; nor shall it issue or cause to be made (for cir- culation as currency,) au}' notes or bills that are not payable on demand. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That the affairs of said ba)ik shall be managed by seven directors elected an- nually by the stockholders of said bank. At all elec- tions the stockholders shall elect the directors, and shall vote according to the scale and ratio of votes fol- voting. l^^^ving : each stockholder, for every share he may hold, not exceeding twenty-five, may give one vote; for every two shares above twenty-live and under fifty, one vote; for every three shares above fifty and under one hun- dred, one vote; for every five shares over one hun- dred and under one hundred and fifty, one vote; and 125 1S61. for every ten shares over one hunclrecl and iiftjj, one vote ; and after the first election, no shares shall confer a right to vote which shall not have been hold, n by the voter three calendar months previous to the election, ihe stockholders shall he entitled to vote either in person or by proxy; the shares of infants may be voted for l)y ^^^^^ their parents or guardians ; if married women, by their husbands or trustees; if corporations, by their presi- dents, and if copartners or joint owners, by either, un- less the other dissent, in which case neither shall vote ; and all powers to authorize persons to vote by proxy shall be in writing. ,» . i ^- . ... , Sec. 8. Be it ficrther enacted, That the hiv^t dection F,rst^e.«c^^^^ for directors shall be held as soon as may be after the the books of subscription shall be closed, and a sutti- cient number of shares be subsciibed. The sa^d «""/" missioners appointed to receive subscriptions shall hold said first election on such day as they mav appcnnt after o-iving thirty days notice of the time and place ot holdin- th? same ; they shall certify to the directors the names of the persons elected; shall hand over their ^^ records to them and the moneys subscribed and paid. |j^— The said board so elected shall proceed to elect a prcsi- EjecUon ofpr<>»- dei t from their own number, and the board shall con- 1^';^"^^^^^^^,^^ tinue in office until the expiration of the second Monday c boaH. in January following, and until their successors shall enter upon their duties. The subsequent election for E.ecti«n^^oMj^ directors shall be held at the banking house, on the sec- ^ ond Mondav in January in each year. The new board elected shaU be authorized to enter upon its duties on the day after, and continue until the expiration ot the ^g^ second Monday of January next thereafter, and until their successors shall organize and enter upon their du- ties The polls shall be held by three stockholders other pou*. than directors appointed bvthe board to hold the same. The vote shall be by ballot under such regulations as the ^^^^^^^^ ^^^ bank shall prescribe, but ten days notice of such elec- ^.^^ tion shall bo given in one public newspaper of t lie county in which said bank is located; and no stock- n^f holder shall vote at any time while m dehvnlt ot tliCvo,.-. payment of instalment of stock. »„.^K,i.v„f. Sec. 1». Be it further enndcd, That no person sha l)e kw«> of. a director unless he shall own one thousand dollars worth of stock in said bank, bona fide, and as his own i ^^^^' ... .*^. 126 property nor unless he shall be a resident citizen of this fetate, and is not a stockholder in any other bank duHtr ,. ^^^- ^^-^f a further enacted, That in case no'elec- uin contingency noii slionld be niadc of directors or president at the tune provided by this act, the corporation shall not be tor such cause deemed dissolved, but such election shall be held as soon after as may be on due notice. The Boardcanfl,, va. hoard shall havc pon-er to till all vacancies in the office vn/ f n .1 'l^;\di''<^«tors. Six months absence, remo- val f.om the State, transfer of stock down to a sum less ^rovo?rt1 ^';r"1 ^^^^^^ and any cause wWch shaH prexent the at endance of such officer permanently to discharge the duties, or render him incapable of so do- ing, shall vacate the seat of such president or director. 'cZll-Xl^ J^^'' 11- f' ^^Miher enacted, That the president and erofflcer. duectors of such bank shall have power to appoint a a m a'v hotfl '"'^' f ''''^•' '^''^''^ '^'^''^ and^slrvants as may be necessary, from time to time, to carry on the dklnf Vf," 'y'-'"' .1^''°P'^" ^^"^^ ^^' the faithful t n' 1 nr. u "^I'T' ^" '^'''' ^^'««''^tion, and to issue iiig hoiiscT ^ ^' ^'^ ^'''''' "^^ ^""^'^"^^ ""^ tJieir bank- stock assignable, ^^c 12. Be it further enacted, That the shares of stock in said bank shall be assignable and transfemb e ac rite.'l?'' rnlos as shall be instituted in that behaTf, by tlie b}-laws and ordinances of the bank, and transfe^ c.t"f1ir"fHn ^'^V'^r ^^^t purpose; P,.k ^ Ibatt' case of he failure of the bank within six months after any such transfer or sale of stock, the party sel inc. and the party purchasing said stock, 'shal/be e'ach fd lia^ ble tor the payment of the debts of the bank, in proDor- tion to the stock so transferred; Provided fliraerfh^t amount of 1 .'' ""i f'""''' i"'^^^'' *^^''^" one-fourth amount of the whole number of shares subscribed Anot.erp.vUo. for HI Sa^dc^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^d ass ..n e f fr power to pass by-laws to pi'event the Sec. 13. Be it further enacted, That if any person or SeMrd\o^'Pi?n""'f''P '' 1^^^^ corporate, s'liK in- debted to said bank, as maker, endorser, guarantee, or Proviso. Liability. Further proviso !•#? 1801. as drawer or acceptor of any note, bill or bond, made expressly negotiable and payable at the said bank, and shall delay payment thereof, the said bank may move nank may move for judg-rnent and award of execution against such '^"'^•'"'^""^°'' debtor in any court of record in the State where such defendant may reside, or corporation so indebted, bo located; and judgment shall be thereon rendered as may be lawful and proper; Provided, that the defend- ant in any such case shall have at least thirty days per- sonal notice of such motion before the same is made, specifying what the demand is; Provided, also, that at the time of making such motion, the bank shall pro- duce and file a certificate of the president or cashier under the seal of the bank, that the debt claimed is really and bonafdc the property of the bank ; Provided, further, that if any defendant shall appear and contest '" er proviso. the claim, the court shall require the bank to file its declaration and the defendant his pleas, and to cause issues to be joined in law or fnct, to be tried instanter, or during the term, as the court may direct, by jur}^ or by the court, as the case may be, unless on sufficient cause shown it be necessary to continue the case; and the court shall give judgment as ma}- be proper: And S'^mmarj reme- provided, f aril er, that the summary remedy thus given ciude!'** '"^^ shall not preclude any other mode of redress which may be lawful, to enforce the right of the bank. Sec. 14. Be it further enacted, That the said remedies Remedies recip- given for the collection of debts due the bank, shall be"^'*''*'" reciprocal for and against the bank; and in motions against the bank, no certificate shall be required to be filed as above set forth, and the courts of record in the county in which said bank is located, having jurisdic- tion, shall hear motions for the recovery of all debts due by said bank; and in all suits against said corpora- tion, service of process on the president or cashier, shall be sufficient to bring the defendant into court. Sec. 15. Be itfoihrr enacted, That the said bank shall rundamcnui ar- be subject to the following rules and regulations; and they arc declared to be fundamental articles in the con- Btitution of said corporation, to wit: Article 1. The bank shall not commence operations nairthetiockiM until half of the capital stock subscribed for, be actually ''"'"• paid in gold or silver, which amount shall in no case be less than one hundred thousand dollars. Art. 2. That the stockholders in said bank shall bo » . j:-s 1861. 128 Stockholders boiiiid rGspcctivcly for all the debts of the bank, in pro- hound for debts portion to their stock holden therein; and this provis- of bank. ^^^^ shall in no wise affect or fmpair the provisions of the twelfth section of this act. „, , .. . x\rt. 3. The bank sliall not be authorized to issue or circulation not , . . , . . i -n f to exceed twic- havc in circLiuition, at any one time, notes or bills oi t.c stock pai m^i^jj bank to an amount exceeding twice tlie amount of its capital stock actually paid in ; and in case of an issue greater than herein allowed, the president and directors under whose administration it may happen, shall be ideal and* dn'^ec" liable for the Same in their natural and private capaci- ^""- ties ; and actions maj- be brought against them or either of them in any court, by any creditor of said corpora- tion, and may be prosecuted to judgment, any condi- tion or agreement to the contrary notwithstanding; but the corporation shall not on account of this provision be rroviso. less liable and chargeable with said excess; Provided^ that the president and such of said directors who may have been absent or dissentins: when said excess was contracted or created, may respectively exonerate them- selves from being so liable, by forthwith giving notice of the fact of their absence or dissent, to the stockhold- ers at a general meeting, which they shall have power to call for that purpose. May receive, but ^^^^^ 1' I'l^^ bank may, at its option, receive in pny- notpayout. mcut or ou deposit, the notes of the banks of other States, but shall not pay out the same on loans, drafts or discounts. Proportion of RuLE 2. The bank shall bo required to procure and coin. always keep on hand, gold and silver, in a proportion of not less than one tliTrd of the amount of the bills it shall have in circulation ; and if withdrawn, shall im- mediately proceed to replace the deficiency. Deposit*. liuLE 6. The bank shall be required to receive money on deposit and pay out the same to order, free of charge, Proviso. in such sums as the depositors may direct: Prodded, that the bank shall not be required to pa}^ deposits in less sums than twenty dollars, nor to receive them in less sums than one hundred dollars. Rales of interest HuLE 4. The bank shall not take, retain, or receive on its loans or discounts, interest at a greater rate than as follows: Upon paper running six months or under, six per cent, per annum; upon paper running more than six and not exceeding nine months, seven per cent. per annum; upon paper running more than nine mouths, ^^ 129 1864. eight per cent, per annum; Provided, that siW paper proviso held and owned by said bank, shall, after maturity, bear interest at the rate of eight per cent, per annum. liuLE 5. No director shall receive any emolument, but the president may receive such compensation as the stockholders shall at a general meeting assign him. KuLE 6. No director shall hold his ofHce more than three years out of four in succession, but the president may al^'ays be re-elected for the ensuing year. Rule 7. Not less than three directors shall constitute Quorum a quorum for the transaction of business, of which the president shall always be one, except in case of sick- ness or necessary absence, in which case his place may be supplied by another director, whom under his hand he shall depute for that purpose; and the director so deputed may do and transact all the necessary business belonging to the office of president of said corporation, under the name of president pro tem., during the con- tinuance of the sickness or necessary absence of the president. Rule 8. All officers of the bank, the president and omocrstogire directors excepted, shall be required before they enter ^""*'- upon the duties of their office, to give bond and security such as the board shall approve. Rule 9. Yearly or half yearly dividends shall be made Dividends, of so much ofJ:he profits as shall appear to the directors propei', but no divide,nd shall be paid as profits which shall trench upon the capital of the bank. Rule 10. Once in ever}^ three years, the directors Triennial state- shall lay before the stockho1ders*at a general meeting™*"*'- for their information, an exact, full and particular state- ment of the condition and affiiirs of said bank, showing the. particulars of all suspended debts, and shall give all information to them, required for a proper under- standing of its true condition. Rule 11. The directors shajl have power to call a Gcncrui mectinr general meeting of the stockholders at any time they may deem necessary and expedient; and a number of stockhdlders not less than thirty, who together shiill be proprietors of five hundi-cd shares of stock or upward;^, may at any time call a general meeting of the stock- holders rehitivc to the institution, giving at least six jj^^t.^g „f ^u^,, weeks notiwo(iin case of 1 • " i.1 if • i.' • 1 1 ■ '"1 1 11 1 i. ""xl simple BHspen- closmg the arhiirs ot said bank, sliall apply to the case sion. of insolvency, but shall not be allowed in the case of a suspension of specie payment only by the bank, when and so long as such suspension shall be sanctioned by ♦ the General Assembly, or by the Governor of the State during the recess of the General Assemldy. But noth- ing in this act contained shall be so construed as to deprive a creditor of said bank of his risrht to suit in ' .1 . , I ,. T J Creditor may 8UC any other appropriate mode ot proceed ir.gs, or to pre- vent the General Asseml)ly from hereafter regulating by a general law, in relation to banking institutions, the mode of enforcing and satisfying the rights of creditors of said bank: Frovidcd, Any bill holder shall have the proviso, right to move in any court having jurisdiction, or before any justice of the peace in the towu or county in which the bank is located, as the case may require, for the col- lection of any bill the payment of which ina}^ be re- fused. Sec. 22. Beit farther enadcd. That notwithstandimr ^ . , . . /■ 1 , • ,• 1 • 1 1 -1 ~ Corporal" name the expiration ot the time tor winch the said corpora- in onits and for tion is created, it shall be lawful to use the corporate chanefexpire!-? name, style and capacity, for the purpose of suits and for the final liquidation and settlement of the affairs and accounts of the corporation, for the sale and dis- posi:ion of its estate, real and personal, and collection of its assets, but not for any other purpose, nor for a period exceeding two years after the expiration of said term of incorporation. Sec. 23. Beit further enacted. That the said bank^. ..„, .. Ji-ii shall issue no bill or note or a less denomination than oncd«iiar. " H one dollar. Approved, November 28, 1861. Ac: umended. 1861. . ^ 134 No. 130.]' A^ ACT In relation to the Bank of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enatted hy the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the act entitled "An Act to incorporate the JJiink of Alabama, and for other purposes," ap- proved Februar}' 13, 1860, be, and the same is hereby amended as follows, to wit: by striking out the words "live hundred. thousand dollars" wherever they occur fmedT/|5oo|- in said'act, and inserting in lieu of them, at the several "'•"f. places where the}- are so stricken out, the following words, " two hundred thousand dollars," and b}' striking out the words "one year" wherever they occur in said act, and in like manner inserting in lieu of them, the "Throe years- words "three vears:" and by strikins: out of article 1, in for ••oue year.' i^,, .•' n-i i ^ t • ^ the loth section or said act, the words, " which amount in no case shall be less than two hundred thousand dol- lars," and inserting in lieu of them the wbrds, "and T mil. .,,„, the amount of the stock subscribed for. shall \» no case 000 iM- less th:m be Icss thaii two hundred thousand dollars, nor tlie ^'''"^"" amount of gold and silver paid therein, less than one hundred thousand dollars." Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the act mentioned Must conforia lo i ,■ i • i t • <• i • i amenamentsin and reierrcd, to in the preceding section oi this act, be, and the same is hereb}' amended in all its parts, and in all respects, so as to make it conform to the amend- ments of the said act, made and eftected by the first section of this act. AnotiR-ract SiiC. 3. Be it further cnacted, That in order to carry amemw. ^,j^q cftcct the aforcsaid act, as amended by this act, the first section of an act, entitled "An Act to authorize books to be opened, at the city of Montgomery for sub- scriptions to the capital stock of the Bank of Alabama," approved February 8th, 1861, be, and the same is liere- "Two years" for bv amended, by strikins' out of it the words "one year" "one year." S .i ^i ■ ,• • i- f- ,i .1 wherever they occur, and inserting in lieu or tliem the words " two years;" and the powers granted to commis- ^' sioners by either of the aforesaid acts, are hereby granted to, and continued in, the commissioners, or a majority of them named in the said act approved February 8th, ^ 9 1861, and may be exercised by them so as to enable the Bank of Alabama to go into operation at any time be- 135 . . ISGl. fore the loth day of Febnia.iy, 1863, in accordance with its charter, as amended by this act. Approved, December 3, 1861. No. 131.] AI^ ACT To amend the Charter of the Mobile Savings Bank. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of liep- resentaiivcs of the State of Alabama in General Assenibb/ convened, Tliat the Mobile Savings Bank is hereby ?in- Mayhecomc a thorized to deposit in the custody and ])ossession of the '^•'■^^ '^*"''- State, taking receipts therefor from the Comptroller, bonds of the Confederate States of America, or of the State of Alabama, to the extent of two hundred thou- * sand dollars, in sums of not less than fifty thousand dollars at a time, to remain as a security for such bills, or notes, as the said Bank may i.-sue and put in circu- ^ lation, and thereupon the said bank shall be authorized fl^ to issue its bills, and notes, to the extent of two dollarsT«o.ioiiarsror for each and every dollar of said securities so deposited : Prondcd, that no issue under this act shall be made of proviBo. less denomination than one dollar; and, provided, fur- ther, that the Comptroller shall not countersign any notes or bills for said Savings Bank until the sum of !nn'\nno at icasi one hundred thousand dollars of such bonds, as are ",'r'!i,'lfeomp-*" above mentioned, shall have been deposited with him, "•"""■ Sec. 2. lie it furthh' enacted, That each stockholder Liability of the shall be liable, (in addition to their stock,) in his or l,er^' '''•"'"''"^• individual capacity, to an amount equal to the stock held by him, or her, for the redemption of all issues made by said Savings Bank; and the sale and transfer of stock by any stockholder of his, or her stock, shall not relieve them of their liability for the redemption of tlie issues- of said bank, until the expiration of twelve months from and after the date of such sale and trans- fer of stock. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the said bank shall ^'-'x r-"''" ''"• be entitled to receive from the Comptroller or otlierest. custodian of the said bonds so deposited, such coupons of interest on the same as may from time to time bo fully due, in the current year. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That if tlie said bank *. 1861. 136 I- pou failure to ^^^^^^ rcfusG OF fail to rcdeeni in gold, or silver, any of re.K-ctn, the pro-its issuos authorized under this act, it shall be tije duty "igs. ^^. ^j^^ Comptroller to prosecute said bank for such de- fault in the circuit court of Nfobile county, and on con- viction thereof, he shall sell the said bonds, or a sutii- cient amount of them, to cover such defalcation, at public auction, after thirty days notice by publication in one or more newspapers in Mobile, and shall apply the money received tor said sales, to the payment of said issues, and all necessary expenses, and cost, return- ing to the bank the surplus, if any, arising from said sale. Ketnedy if u.e ^^^* ^- ^^ it further enactccl, That if the proceeds of stock or bonds stoclc. Or bouds, sold under the provisions of this act, cieiit. ' shall be insufficient to pay the bills, payment of which shall not have been made on the sale of the stock as • aforesaid, then the holder of such notes or bills may sue said Savings Bank, and recover the balance due, in the same manner as any other debt that they may owe, ProviHo. and which remains unpaid : Provided, hoivever, that the holder of any note or bill, the payment of which Sue dirfctiv. has been refused, may sue said bank, directi}', without any proceeding to sell said. stock, if such holder shall Must arstnur- sec j)roper : Provided, however, .that before said Savings stale' bond^uf ^'^^^^ shall take any benefit, or privilege under the pro- I'sf- visions of this act, it shall purchase from the Governor filty thousand dollars of the bonds of this State at par, and shall be under obligations to make annual returns ^^'!Tl.?'"™* <^f its condition, and the names of its stockholders to the Governor; and shall pay the same rate of taxes to the State as is required by the existing law to be paid by the 13:ink of Selma. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 132.] AN ACT To Incorporate the East Alabama Insurance Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Mouse of Rep- resentatives of the Stale of Alabama in General Assembly concened, That Wm. 11. Chambers, E. B. Young, John Body corporate. McNab, Junius Jordau, Eli S. Shorter, Edward S. Ott, William II. Thornton and William Abney, and their 187 1861. associates, be, and they are hereby constituted a body corporate, under the name and style of " The East vVla- Name bania Insurance Company," and by that name shall be capnlile ofsuinp; and beinc; sued in all the courts of this Stale; of purchasing, holding and conveying property ^"' ''*«*=*• of jJl descriptions; of making and issuing a common seal, and generall}' of doing any act necessary to carry ^ into ettect the objects of the corporation, not inconsist- ent with the constitution and laws of this State : And the said company is also authorized to discount notes, drafts or bills of exchange, and receive deposits in trust; to borrow money ; that the capital stock of said cor- capital otocic. poration shall be one hundred thousand dollar^, with the privilege of increasing the same to three hundred thousand dollars, whenever the board of directors deem it exiiedient, divided into shares of one hundred dollars gi,are8. each, live dollars on each share to be paid at the time of subscribing, and five dollars additional on each share to be paid ninety days after the time of subscribing, whenpoid. and the remainder in such instalments as the directors ma}' appoint; the said stock shall be deemed and held ^ as personal property; and if any stockholder shall neglect I and refuse to make the payments as required, his stock Remedy against may be sold by order of the president and directors, JJo[d"l.s_"^*'°*^''' and such stockholder shall be liable for the balance due by him as stockholder, to the corporation as it becomes due, and may be sued therefor in the circuit court of Barbour county, whether he lives in said county or not. Skc. 2. Be it further enacted, That notice shall be given j,otico of opcn- for two successive weeks in a newspaper published in ing books of sub- the county of Barbour, of the time and place, when and *""'' '°°" where subscriptions will be received for stock in said comi)any. Said subscription shall be opened under the inspection and control of Wra. II. Chambers, Junius Jordan, and William Abney. The books shall be kept open for five days, and if at the end of t^iat time, more than one hundred thousand dollars have been sub- scribed, the subscriptions shall be scaled, until the amount is reduced to that sum. If less than fifty thou- sand dollars have been subscribed, the managers shall nooksopened give notice as in the first instance, and keep the books '**'*'• open lill the sum of fifty thousand dollars has been sub- scribed. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That as soon as the sum of fifty thousand dollars has been subscribed, The man- 1861. 138 Klcction of di- rectors. By ballot. President. General icsu- ^ ranoe. IJi Term of charter. Property, fund' Ac , subject to certain lax. Certain jtiiHio laws apply. agers aforesaid shall give notice for two successive weeks by advertisement in a newspaper published in the county of Barbour, calling the stockholders together for an election of five directors, the election for whom shall be held under the direction and control of the managers aforesaid. There shall be five directors, each one of wliom shall own at least twenty shares of stock, and who shall hold their oflice for one year, and until their successors are elected. The election shall be held by ballot, each stockholder being entitled to one vote for each share of the capital stock which he may hold. Stockholders may vote in all elections by proxy in writing. All subsequent elections shall be held under the direction of persons appointed by the board of di- rectors. iThe board of directors shall have power to elect one of their number president of the company and to fix his compensation, and also to pass such by-laws as may be necessar}^ for the government of the company. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the said incorpo- ration shall have power to make general insurance upon houses, gin-liouses, cotton, corn and other produce; upon lives and health of both white persons and slaves; upon live stock of every description ; upon vessels, boats, freights, money, goods, wares and merchandize, and any other species of property against loss b}^ fire, dangers of the sea, rivers or otherwise, at such rates of, premium as they may agree, and to transact all sucb matters as appertain to an insurance company. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted^ Thai this charter and all the privileges and powers herein granted, shall continue in force for the full term of thirty years from the sub- , scription of stock, and that the propert^y, funds and business transactions of- the company shall be subject to the same rate of taxation imposed by law on the property and similar business transactions of other in- surance companies, chartered by this State. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That all public laws now in force, or which may hereafter be passed prohib- iting or regulating agencies for foreign banks, or in relation to the circulation of issues of ibieign banks or companies as money, shall operate upon and apply to the corporation hereby created; and that said insurance company shall not act as the agent of any bank or other company incorporated by, or located in, another State, in carrying on the business of banking in this State. , 189 1861. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all bonds, bills, payable at office, and promissory notes, made paj'able at the office of the East Alabama Insumnce Company, shall have the same legal effect, and be subject to the same legal remedies, as if the same were made payable in or at a bank, or banks of this State. Sec. 8. J]e it further enacted, That the president or Anmiai state- secretary of said company, must, on the second Mon-")^',"*"'^*"'"'^'" day in January in each year, make out under oath, a statement of the condition of said company, showing the amount of its assets and liabilities, and shall pub- lish said statement in some newspaper of general circu- lation published in Barbour county, and upon failing to pe„aity for fail- coniply herewith, the charter of the said company shall »■•"• be and the same is herebj- forfeited. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the stockholders Liability of tue shall be liable and responsible for the amount of their ^""^ stock, and no more. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 133.] AN ACT To incorporate the Gulf City Insurance Company. W-v^'m • Sec. 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Ilep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convenjed, That there shall be established in the city of ** Mobile, a company for the purpose of transacting a gen- eral insurance business, which company shall be called and known by the name of the Gulf Cit}' Insurance Name. Company, and all such persons as shall be stockholders, and their successors, shall and may have continued suc- cession ; and shall be capable in law of suing and being I'J'^ "'"' '^esucd, sued, pleading and being impleaded, answering and be- ing answered unto, defend and being defended in all courts and places whatsoever, in all manner of actions, suits, complaints, matters* and causes whatsoever, and they and their successors may have a common seal, and may change and alter the same at pleasure; and also, they and their successors, by the name and title of the Gulf City Insurance Company, shall be in law capable Hold property, of purchasing, holding and conveying all kinds of es- tates, whether real or personal. That the capital stock % 1861. 140 Capital stock. Shares. "When paid. Proviso. Commissioners to open books. # of said companj'^ shall be one hundi'ed thoirsand dollars whenever the board of directors deem it expedient, di- vided into shares of one hundred dollars each, live dollars on each shai-e to be paid in cash at the time of subscribing, and the remainder by such installments as the directors may appoint whenever it shall be deemed expedient to call for the same : Provided, That said G(^m- pany shall not commence operations until the one- foui'th of the amount of the capital stock shall have Further proviso, becu paid in cash : Pi ovided, further, That upon increas- ing the capital stock of said company as here provided for, a propoi'tionate increase of cash payment shall be made at the time of such increase of capital stock. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That subscriptions shall be opened in the city of Mobile for the said shares un- der the superintendence of Colin J. McRae, W. F. Cleveland, Thomas B. Stallsworth, Samuel S. Webb, and William Boyles, or any three of them, which said subscription shall continue open until fifty thousand dollars be subscribed, but no share shall entitle the holder to vote at any election, unless the same shall have been \\q\^ bona' fide by him or her, at least ten days next immediately before such election. Sec. 3. Beit further enicted, That there shall be chosen five directors, who shall hold their oflice for one year, and until their successors shall be duly qualified, which dii-ectors at the time of their election, and dui'ing their continuance in ofiice, shall be holders in their own right of at least five shares, and shall be elected annu- Eiectcd annually ally after the first election, at the office of said com- pany, or at any other convenient place in the city of Mobile, and at such time of the day as the president of the company may appoint, of which election, notice shall be given in one or more papei-s, published in the city of Mobile, and said election shall be by ballot, and in person or by proxy, and each stockholder shall be entitled for eveiy five shares, to one vote, and if no election takes place on any such da}^ appointed, the president may oi'der the same from time to time until an election be effected. Manner in which ^^c. 4. Be it further enacted, That the directors of the ^hoKn^'^^"" said company in the first instance shall be chosen in the following manner, vix : as soon as fifty thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, the said Colin J. McRae, W. F. Cleveland, Thomas B. Stallsworth, Samuel S. Directors. QualiflcationB. 141 1861. "Webb and William Boyles, before namecl, shall appoint a place in the city of Mobile for the proceeding to the election of five directors, and it shall be lawful for said election to be then and there holden by the subscribing stockholders, by ballot, under the before mentioned per- sons, or any three of tliem, notice of which election to be given in one or more papers, printed in the city of Mobile, and the persons then and there chosen, shall be the first directors, and shall serve for one year and until their successors shall be qualified, that they shall meet as soon as convenient after the election and choose out of their own body a president, who shall serve until prwijcnt. another board by election be qualified. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the directors, or a By-iaws.Ae. majority of them, shall have power to make, prescribe ' • and alter such by-laws, rules and regulations as to them may appear needful and proper for the management and disposition of its stocks, property, estates and ef- fects : Provided, they shall not be repugnant to the constitution and laws of this State. » Sec. 6. Be it further enacted. That the president andGencraHngu- one director, or two directors in the absence of the presi- '■'"'*=^- dent, shall have full power and authority in behalf of the corporation, to make general insurance upon live stock, life, health, fire, nuirine, river freights, moneys, goods, wares and merchandize generally, and to fix pre- miums for the same, also to transact all such matters as appertain to an insurance company; and all policies made by them and subscribed to by the president or two directors, and countersigned by the secretary, shall be binding and obligatory upon the said corporation, in like force, as if un\ler the seal of said corporation. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That any stockholder Remedy aprain.it after subscribing, who shall neglect or refuse to pay the fjiljer!^"^*"""" amount due and unpaid on his stock, when called by the directors, shall forfeit his stock and first payment, if not paid within ihirty days after a written notice servcdf on him by the secretary of the corporation. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That said corporation is ix)aniisfund«. hereby authorized to loan its funds on any public stocks of incorporated companies, or upon the ^States, or that of the Confederate States, or to invest the same in real or personal securities, or in the purchase ot notes, do- mestic or foreign exchange, or bullion. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That the said corpora- r ■" Proriso. 1801. 142 t Rights. ti'^i'i ^^^ ^'"'d it is hereby authorized to receive in trrist, or on deposit, all funds or means that may be oitered to thera, whether on interest or otherwise, and that they have power to give acknowledgements for such deposits in such manner and form as they maj'deem convenient and necessarj- to transact such business . Frovided, Tliat no paper issued by said company shall be in the form of bank bills, or circulate as money: Provided, furiher, That nothing herein contained, shall be so construed as to authorize said company to exercise banking privi. leges. Funds devosited Sec. 10. Be U further enacted, That all funds or moneys not liable. deposited with said company, as above provided for, shall be free from liability for any loss or indebtedness, * arising or growing out of the insurance business of said corporation. Vacancies in the S^^' ^^- ^^ U furtliev euacted, That in case of vacan- board, how filled ey occurring in the board of directors of said company, it may be lawful for the remaining directors to fill such • vacancy' by electing any stockholder qualified according to the requirements of the charter. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted. That any stock in said Stock held as se- ^. ' , , ' '' • i i ^ n curity in certain corporation owucd by any person or persons indebted ''*'^' to said company, v.diether as principal or security for others, and whether said indebtedness be due or has not yet matured, shall at the option of the directors of said company, be held as security until said indebtedness is discharged, and in case of failure of payment of said indebtedness within twenty days after maturity of the same, the directors shall have power to sell said stock, or as much thereof as will satisfy said indebtedness, by advertising the same for ten days prior to sale, in any newspaper, published in the city of Mobile, and without any further notice to the owner thereof. Contracts, how ^EC. 13. Be it further enacted, That all contracts for signed. i]^Q payment of money by the said corporation, shall be signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary, stock and prop- Sec. 14. Be it furthcr enacted, That the amount of erty liable. capital stoclc, actually paid in, and property of said company, shall at all times 'be liable to the same rules of taxation as the property of individuals or like cor- porations in this State. EetabiiBh Sec. 15. Be it further enacted, That the board of di- •geociM. rectors shall have power to establish such agencies as tis 1861. they may deem expedient and for the interest of the corporation. Sec. 16. Be it further enacted, That this corporation when operations shall have the privilege to organize and commence '"''^ commence, operations, as soon as the terms of the charter are com- plied with. Sec. 17. Be it ft /rthcr enacted, That in addition to A.iditionai lia- thc liahility of said company in its corporate character, '^"'"•^" the stockholders shall be liable for the indebtedness of said company to the extent of the amount of the stock held by each in said company. Sec. 18. Be it further enacted, That this act shall Termor charier, continue and be in force for twenty years, and take etfect from the day on which it shall be approved by the Governor. Approved, December 10, 1861. ]N"o. 134.] AN ACT To incorporate the City Savings Association of Mobile. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Sc^ate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That William A. Garnett, Edward A. Shaffer, nody corporate M. G. Hudson, K. M. Gage, W. H. Minge, John II. Beardslee, James Bond, and such others as may be as- sociated with them for that purpose, and their succes- sors, be and they arc hereby created a body corporate, by the name and style of the "City Savings Associa- Name, tion," with power to sue and be sued, in all the courts of this State, of purchasing property of all and every description, to make and use a common seal, and the same to alter and renew at pleasure, and generally to do all and every act necessary to carry out the objects of the cor[toration, not inconsistent with the laws and const itutioi\ of this State. Si'c. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation, Director«. l)efi>re named, or any two or more of them, may organ- ize the association, and may appoint five directors to serve until the first Monday in January following, or until their successors are chosen and accept, and there- after on the first Monday iip January in each year, the Annual meeting, association shall hold an annual meeting and choose 1861. 144 five directors for the year ensuing. The directors shall President. clioose onc of their number president of the associa- tion and of their board, and they shall have power to prescribe rules and b^Maws regulating the business of the association, with its members and with other per- Certain powers. SOUS; tho}" shall fill vacaucics in their number; the}'^ shall have po^AJer to employ a secretary and treasurer one or both, or to combine tt)eir duties, and such other oflicers as may be needful, and shall prescribe the duties of the officers, and take such bond as may be sufficient, and such officers they may remove; they shall hold office until their successors are elected and appoint- ed ; and said president and directors shall have gen- eral supervision and control of the business of the association, and all necessarj' power for that purpose, subject to the action of the association in general meet- ing. The associution shall hold such general meetings as may be deemed necessary. In case the association should deem it advantageous, it may provide for a change of the board of directors, except the president, by two going out and the appointment of two others quarterly or semi-annuallj^ but no place shall be con- sidered vacated, until the successor is appointed and accepts. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That each member of the association shall, upon its organization, pay the sum of three hundred dollars, and thereafter the sum of ten dollars on the first of each month, which sums and such other as the association may add thereto, shall be capital stock. The association may prescribe the penalty in case of default by a member, and may secure itself against loss b}' taking, holding or applying the interest of the member to the payment of the install- ments due. The association shall prescribe the manner and terms of admission to membership, until compliance with which, no person shall be a member; also may govprti as to the withdrawal or expulsion of a member, and the interest of a member shall in such case, be sub- ject to such terms as the association may deem its own interest and safety require, and in every case, the inter- est of a member shall be subject at all times to any debt or liability to the association. In case of death of a member, the association shall not be required to make eettleraent within twelve months, and mav retain to Pubscrlptionf, liow paid. Terms of admis eion. Further powers, 146 1861. cover bad or floubtful debts, or to pay any debt or lia- bility to the association from such member. Sec. 4. Be if further enacted^ That it shall be the duty savings of mom- of the association to receive on deposit the savings and ''era, Scon de- earnings of its members, clerks, shop-keepers, and other persons, that may be offered to it, and to give ac- kn(nvledgements for such dei)0sits as may be convenient and nccessarv; to nay to said depositors interest on such „ . terms and rates, or without interest, as may be agreed on with the depositors, or as may be provided in the by-laws, in case of no agreement, and to repay the principal, after such notice as may be provided in the by-laws, and upon surrender of such receipts or ac- knowledgement: Provided, That said company shall not be compelled to receive a smaller deposit than five dolhirs, nor to pay interest until the sum of twenty dollars shall have been deposited by any one person, ^ il nor until it shall have remained for thirty days. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That to secure depositors capital stock from loss by said company, the capital stock of said and de'po'sue.''** company, and all property owned by it, shall be subject to the debts and deposits of said company. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the Rcc«»ve for cot- duty of the association to receive for collection upon '**'"°"' the usual terms, all promissory notes and bills of ex- change, made payable at its office, or at any of the banks or banking offices in the city of Mobile, and for convenience the office of the association may be known as the City Savings Association, and all notes and bills >of exchange, made payable at its office, shall be govern- ed in all things by the law merchant as established in this State. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That in order to enable 5,.jy,on,jijg the association to pay interest to depositors, and to dis-f""''«- charge the other duties imposed hereby, they are em- powered and authorized to lend its funds upon any public stock of this State, or of the Confederate States, or any State of the Confederacy, or any chartered bank or institution of this State, or upon bond and mortgage security, or upon personal security, and may purchase and sell stock of the banks and other chartered corpora- tions of this State, or foreign and domestic exchange, notes, bills of exchange, drafts, bullion, and uncurrent notes and funds, and that it may acquire, hold and sell 10 1861. 146 real estate as a corporation, and erect buildings theraon for the use of the association, not exceeding twenty thousand dollars in value, and such other real estate, and other property, as may be acquired in the way of securing its debts or claims. Sec. 8. Be, it further enacted, That the capital of said ceTd!'''''''*'''^^' association may be increased to a sum not exceeding Proviso. one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That said as- sociation are not authorized to sell or purchase stocks on time, and that the charter hereby granted, shall be Limit of charter, limited to the period of twenty years from the time said association shall be established, and the charter Must go into op- herein granted, shall be null and void unless it shall be oLe'ye'Lr!'^'*'"'^ put iu opcratiou iu one year from the passage of this act. Approved, November 11, 1861. Is^o. 135.] KE ACT To amend an act to incorporate the Southern Insurance Company of Mobile, approved February 8, 1858. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That" from and after the passage of this act, . the Southern Insurance Company of Mobile, be and it river and fire in- is licreby autliorlzcd to transact and do a general ma- surance. riiic, rivcr and tire 'nsurance business, and the presideni and directors of said company shall have full power to make marine, river, fire and general insurances, upon all insureable property, and to fix premiums for the same, on behalf of said company, according to their charter and by-laws, as hereby amended. _,. ,■ « Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted. That the election of di- lion of directors, rcctors of Said compauy, shall be held on the second Tuesday of January of each year, and if, from any cause, such election is not made on that day, it may be made on any subsequent day that may be appointed for that purpose by the president and directors, ten days notice at least being given of such election, by adver- tisement in some newspaper, published in Mobile, and the president and directors shall continue in oflice until their successors are elected. 147 1861. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That there shall be t, , ''. n \ ^• ^ r> Two animal gen- tvTo general meetings or the directors, on tlie first Mon- f^i meetings. days of Januaiy and July of each year, at which times they shall examine the accounts and property of said company, and declare such dividends out of the profits and gains of said company, as a majority of those of them present may deem proper. Approved, JSTovember O, lo61. No. 136. AN ACT To amend the charter of the Alabama Insurance Com- pany. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of Beprer ^ sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly co7wened, That the Alabama Insurance Company shall be authorized to make insurance upon the lives of ^''"*'"'"'*"*^^- mM white persons, either for life or for a shorter period, and ^Fc to fix the premium thereon. Approved, November 9, 1861. ]S 0.137.] AN ACT To revive and amend an act, entitled an act to incor- i porate the Eufaula Marincand Fire Insurance Com- pany, approved 9th February, 1861. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hj the Senate and House of Bepre- sentatlves of the State of Alahama in Genera' Assembly convejied, .That fi'om and after the passage of this act. Act revived, the act entitled an act to incorporate the Eufaula Marine and Fire Insurance Company, approved the 9th day of February, 1861, be and the same is hereby revived ; and that all the privileges and powers therein granted to said corporation, may be exercised and enjoyed by said corporation, under the restrictions as provided for by said act, except as the same are hereinafter changed ; Provided, That the subscriptions in said act provided Proviso. for, shall bo opened as in said act they are provided for, V • 1R61. 148 between the first day of January, 1862, and the first day of January, 1863. Sections 8 and 5 Sec. 2. Be U further enacted, That section 8 of said alnenXd''^' act, bc and the same is hereby amended by striking out the name of E. D. Laney as therein used, and inserting in the place thereof the name of Charles D. Laney, ana that the 5th section of said act be also amended by striking out the liaine of C. B. Laney, and inserting in lieu thereof the name of Charles D. Laney. ^ Certain i.roviso Sec. 3. Be it ftirtlier enacted, That section 13 of said repealed. ^^^^ |^g jj^,jj ^.j^g same is hereby amended, by repealing the third and last proviso in said section. • Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 138.] AN ACT To amend "An Act to incorporate the Eufaula Home Insurance Company," approved Feb. 8, 1861, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That an act, entitled an act to incorporate the Fo™cr act Eufaula Home Insurance Company, approved Feb. 8, 1861, be, and the same is hereby amended by striking out the word two, in the second section of said act, and inserting in lieu thereof the word five, so as to increase the capital stock of said company to five hundred thou- sand dollars. Numi>erof di- Sec. 2. Be U further enacted, That said act be further rectoreincreased jjY|^g,^^)c(j jjy increasing the board of directors of said company to twenty-five, instead of five as provided for by the 4th section of said act; and that five directors Quorum. shall constitutc a quorum to transact business, and that said board of directors shall have the power to fill va- cancies occurring therein, between annual elections until the next regular election. "Houses" for Sec. 3. Bc it furthcr enacted. That said act be further "horses." amended by striking out in the 6th section thereof, the word "horses," and inserting in the place thereof the word "houses." \ Perpetuation of ^EC. 4. Be it further enacted, That said act be further powers, &o. amended by perpetuating the powejs and privileges * 149 1861. granted to said company — subject to forfeiture for such causes as are no^v provided for by law. Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted^ That said act be further sections par- amended by repealing all that part of section 8 of the ''•"'"'^ ''p^'^'*'*- said act, which prohibits said company from the use of the bills and notes of foreign banks in the transaction of their business. Sec. 6. Be it farther enacted, That all the franchises certain franchi- and privileges granted "The Mechanics Aid Associa- 1^» |;'^'J^,p[,';"«- tion," and "The Eufaula Savings Association," by an act creating said associations, and " The Mechanics Aid Association, of Sehiia," be, and the same are hereby granted to the Eufaula Home Insurance Company, upon the same terms and conditions as therein granted. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That all the privileges priviiegesin sec herein granted in the 5th and 6th sections of this act, ten"i;,;',7o' other shall enure totiie benefit of the "Livingston Insurance <'o™p'»"'«^- Company," in Sumter county; Provided, that the num- ber (if directors in said company' shall be 5, one of whom shall be chosen president by the board; and provided, also, that the provisions of said 5th and 6th sections shall apply to the G-reenville Insurance Company. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 139.] AN ACT To amend the charter of the Gainesville Insurance Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That hereafter the notices for the election of Notice of eiec- ofticers, and the meetings of stockholders shall be re- ushcd. quired to be published in only one newspaper in the county of Sumter. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all paper payable at I'aie""- subject, the office of said company shall be subject to the com- mercial law, as to days of grace, transfer, protest and notice. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That said company may May reduce cap- on vote of the stockholders, reduce its capital, to one hundred thousand dollars, dividing out the surplus, 1861. 150 rateably to the stockholders, subject to the just claims of creditors and depositors. Approved, November 11, 1861. Days of grace. No. 140.] AN ACT To amend the charter of the Livingston Insurance Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentative'^ of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That all bills of exchange, promissory notes, and other evidences of debt made payable at the Liv- ingston Insurance Company, shall be entitled to daj^s of grace, and shall in all respects be governed by the \&\\ merchant. Approved, December 3, 1861. No. 141.] AN ACT To amend an Act to incorporate Woodville Insurance Company, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of Rep- resentatives oj the State of Alabama in General Assembly Former act convcncd, That thc act entitled "An Act to Incorporate amended. ^Yiq Woodvillc lusurauce Company, approved 9th of February, 1861," be, and the same is hereby amended by striking out the figures "1862," and inserting in lieu thereof the figures "1863." Provisos. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted^ That the first and third provisos in the 10th section of said act be, and the same are hereby repealed. Certain provisos Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That section 4 of "An peaTJr'"'''""' Act to amend an Act, approved 25th February, 1860, •incorporating the Opelika Insurance Company, and for other purposes," be, and the same is hereby repealed so far only as the provisos contained in said act are con- otiiers contin- corncd ; aud that the other provisos of said 4th section be, and the same are hereby continued in full force. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the time of open- ued 151 1861. ino" the books of subscription for stock in the said La Time for opening Fifyette Insurance Company be, and the same is hereby books extended, extended until the 1st day of March, 1863. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That "An Act sn^n^le- c«tainc>^^^^^^ mental to an Act to incorporate the Jacksonville insu- rance Company, now pendina; in the General Assembly, approved February 23, 1860, be, and the same is hereby repealed. . o ^ 4. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That section 3 of an act F„r^benen^^^^^^^^^ "to incorporate the Troy Insurance Company, m -t i ke ,^n;„a„y. county, be so amended as to extend the time of open- ing the books of said company for the subscription to the stock thereof, to the first day of February, 1862; and that so much of section five of said act be repealed, as inhibits said company from receiving and paying out notes of foreign banks ; and that section 1 ot said act be amended by adding the names of U. J. Jones, Joel D. Murphree and Fressly Davis. Approved,, December 9, 1861. No. 142.] AN ACT To charter the Southern Direct Trading Company. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of JRenre.^entatwes of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That A.K.Bell, Cyrus rhillips, Charles Linn, ^corporators. James Caldwell, J. D. Ilutcheson, A. F. Given, L W. Roberts and W. C. Bibb, of Alabama: Ferine Brown and Thomas P. Flemming, of Georgia, and James Vance and Thomas Power,\if Texas, their associates, successors and assigns are hereby created and made a iJo.iy corporate, body politic and corporate, by the name of the South- Name, ern "Direct Trading Company, and by that name shall be capable in law of suing and being sued, in any of the courts of this State ; to make and have a common seal, and the same to change, alter and renew at pleas- ure, and generally to do any act or establish such by-laws Rigi.t*. for the organiy^ation and regulation of said company as may be deemed necessary by the parties aforesaid, not inconsistent with the constitution of this State, or of the Confederate States, or repugnant to the stipula- 1861. 152 tions hereinafter set forth and enacted by the authority aforesaid. Capital stock. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of the Southern Direct Trading Coinpany shall be one million of dollars, (or an equal annount in our own cur- rency,) with the privilege of increasing the same to five Shares millions of dollars, to be divided into shares of one hundred dollars each, and the same to be paid in the Howandwhen mauucr followiug : Twenty dollars per share at the ''*"^" time of subscription, or at the first meeting of the stockholders, or as the parties to the first section of this act may direct, and the residue at such times as the pres- ident and directors may direct. The said stock shall be deemed and held as personal property; and if any pa^cJ/"*^"""" ^^*-^'^^^'^^^^®^ shall refuse to pay or neglect to make the payment as required, after ten days notice in a daily newspaper pu^ilished where the domicil ot the corpora- tion is located, or that of any of its agencies nearest to the residence of the stockholder, or by written notice from the secretary, his stock may be sold by order of the president and directors, and such stockholder shall be liable for the balance due by him as stockholder to the corporation, as it becomes due; and may be sued in the courts of this State for the same. Opening books. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the books of sub- scription shall be opened at any time after the passage of this act, at such place as a majority of the persons named in the first section of this act may direct; which books shall remain open until at least one hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed for. When the books are closed, it shall be the duty of the aforesaid persons, or a majority of them, to call a meeting of the stockholders by giving them ten days notice, as directed in section 2 of this act, stating the purpose, hour and place .n"ctorT'''" °^o^ meeting. This meeting of stockholders shall pro- ceed to the election of not less than nine directoi's, one- Term of office, third of whom shall be elected for one year from the second Monday in January, 1862; one-third for two years, and one-thii-d for thi-ee years; and who shall hold ofiice until their successors are elected and ready for Time of annual duty. The annual meeting of the stockholders shall be ineet.ng. ^^ ^j^^ sccoud Monday of January in each year, at which time they shall elect one-third of the directors, to serve for three years, or until their successors are elected and ready for duty. 1S3 18gt. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That each stockholder q^^^^j^^^^ in this corporation shall have one vote for every share e*c'» share, of stock he holds, and a majority of stock represented „ 111 . o, 1 1 1 1 1 Quorum. shall constitute a quorum, fetockholders may be rep- resented by proxy, and the power to vote for absent Proxy, stockholders may be constituted by any written expres- sion of the stockholder appointing a proxy to vote for him, providing no one not himself a stockholder shall be capable of acting as proxy for another. Sec. 5. Be it farther enacted, That the directors so President, elected in section 4 of this act, shall elect a president out of their own number, for a term of three years, or until his successor is elected and on dut}'. A majority of the directors shall constitute a quorum, and they fui vacancies. shall have the power to fill any vacancy that may occur in their own bod}-, and also appoint a president j)'>^o tempore, when the president is absent from their meet- iiigs; and if the president or an}' director shall bo ab- sent without leave, for five successive regular meetings of the boarvl, a majority oi the same may declare the place vacant, and proceed to fill the place, without no- tice to such absent president or director. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That the pi-esident and certain powers directors of this corporation shall have the power to ""^ '"'''"■'^" fix the places and mode of transfer of certificates of stock, as well as the payment of interest and dividends; to make and pass all such by-laws as they may deem necessary to carry this act into* effect, and to execute and authorize the execution of all such bargains and contracts as may seem to them best for the interest of the corporation. They shall also have the power to open agencies at anyplace necessarv for the transaction of business; they shall have the power and authority to appoint and remove at pleasure all oflficers and agents of said corporation, to fix their compensation, prescribe their duties, provide for the taking of bonds from them for the security' of the corporation, and for the faithful performance of their duties. Sec. 7. Be it farther enacted, That this corporation Dcaiinexchange shall have the right to receiv6, buy and sell exchange, *"' deal in money of all kinds, to borrow money on its bond, or on its own security, or others, to invest in monc}' and property; and it may loan its money or other prop- erty to any person, or on any security' which it may think proper: Provided, that the laws against usury ^'"'*' 1861. 154 InEurancc busi ness. Proviso. apply to this corporation, and that none of the rights or powers herein granted be construed into a right to make and issue any note, payable on demand, as money in this State. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall have the power to issue policies of insurance against losses by fire, or water, on all kinds of merch- andize, goods, wares, chattels, steam boats, steamers, ships and water crafts of all kinds, and take all kinds of marine risks, at pleasure, and to act as agents for foreign insurance companies: Provided a semi-annual statement be made out for this department, showing the capital invested to secure the risks so taken, or to be taken, and duly qualified by the head oflicer of this department, and sent to the State department for en- dorsement and publication. Sec. 9. Be it further enacted, That this corporation shall have the right to own and sail ships, steamers or other water crafts, from any port or ports of this State, to any port or ports of the Confederate Stat^^g, or to any of the ports of any foreign country. Sec. 10. Be it further enacted. That the domicil of this corporation shall be in the city of Montgomery in this State. Sec. 11. Be it further enacted, That all the property and assets of the corporation shall be liable for its debts, and the stock subscribed in their individual capacities, in addition to the strict liability of the company as such. Sec. 12. Be it further enacted. That this charter and all its rights, privileges and powers herein granted, shall continue in full force for thirty years, and when liqui- dated, it shall be under the president and directors, or Subject to taxa- ^ccordiug to law ; and that the property, funds and busi- ^'°°- ness transactions of the corporation shall be subject to the same taxation imposed by law on the property and similar business transactions of individuals; and that all bonds, bills, promissory notes, or other securities made payable at the ofiice of this corporation, or that .of its agencies, shall have the same legal effect and be subject to the same legal' remedies as if made payable at any bank of this State. Approved, December 10, 1861. Own and sail sliips, &c. Location. Liability. Tarm of cbart«r. 155 1861. N'o. 143.1 AIlT ACT To incorporate the Confederate States Express Company. Section- 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Hepresentatv'cs of the State of Alalnona in General Assembly convened, That' James K. Powell, B.C.Jones, Josiah incorporators. Morris, George Cowles, Henry \V. Farley, Charles P. May, Julius JS'orton and Benjamin F. Ficklin, their as- sociates, successors and assigns, be and are hereby cre- ated and declared to be a body corporate under the Body corporate, name ajid style of the Confederate States Express Com- Name, pany, and by that name may contract, and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any court of law or equity whatsoever, and may make and have, and use a common seal, to k»e changed at pleasure. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That said corporation Rules reguia- shall be authorized and empowered to make and adopt, '*'°*''''' and the same at pleasure to alter and amend, all such rules, regulations and bv-laws for the government and management of its affairs, and of those that may be therewith connected, as may be deemed necessary. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That said corporation cheracter of bu- ehall have power and authority to convey, carry and*""'^^' transport, or* have conveyed, carried and transported, goods, wares and merchandize, of all kinds, gold aid silver coin, and bank notes, and generally all such other descriptions of property and things as may be required or advisable between the cities of New Orleans, and between such intermediate and other points and places within the limits of the Confederate States, and over all such routes, and for such rates of charges, as may be deemed expedient for the best interest of said company. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That said corporation other rights, shall be further authorized and empowered to collect for commission or otherwise, and remit or otherwise make returns for notes, bills, bonds, claims and de- mands of all kinds, to employ all such officers, clerks, agents, and assistants of whatsoever kind, that may be found or thought necessar}', to purchase and hold, and the same at pleasure to in any wise convc}' or dispose of all such propert}^ real, personal and mixed, as may be found or thought necessary to its best interests, and generally to do and perform all such other acts and 1861- 156 Ter» of charter. things as may seem desirable, or as are or may be done or undertaken by other express companies, not repug- nant to tlie laws of this State, or of the Confederate States. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said corporation shall exist for thirty years, and rnay engage in business Cipitai Slock, at any time, after the sum of tifty thousand dollars shall have been subscribed to the capital stock, but not be- fore, and shall have the right, power and authority to increase at will, or from time to time as may be desired, the sum of its said capital stock; Provided, always, that its aggregate capital stock shall never exceed tive hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 6. Be it farther enacted. That the powers and roanjToth^r now privileges hereby granted shall not bn sold or trans- ferred to the Adams Express Company, or the so-called Southern Express Company, or any other company now chartered or in existence, or any other p)erson or per- sons whatsoever : Prpvidcd, however, that each stock- holder in the company created or chartered by this act, Liability. shull bc Hablc, out of his individual property, for all causes of action of every kind against said company, for an amount equal to the amount of his stock in said company. Approved, December 10, 1861. existing. I'r&Tiio. N'o. 144.] AN ACT To incorporate the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, and the appendant orders, of the State of Alabama. Incorporators. K&me. Sue and be sued. Skc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre- senfatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Richard T. Knott, Grand Commander; Sterling A. M. Wood, Deputy Grand Commander; James J3. Harrison, Grand Generalissimo, and Peleg Brown, Grand Captain General of the said Grand Com- mandery, and their successors in ottice, be, and they are hereby incorporated by "the Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, and the appendant orders of the State of Alabania," and hy that name shall have capa- city to sue and be sued, implead and be impleacledin 157 1861. any and all the courts of this State; to contract and be contracted with ; to have a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure; and its four principal oificers above named shall have perpetual succession, and may grant dis- pensations and charters to subordinate Commandcries, to be subject to and under its knightly jurisdiction ; and make, ordain and establish its constitution, statutes Righta. and regulations, not inconsistent with the constitution or laws of the State of Alabama, or of the Ccfnfederatc States; and may acquire, hold and enjoy so much real estate as may be necessary for the erection of proper buildings for carrying on and conducting its business, and in the making of such buildings may erect store- rooms and offices in the lower stories thereof, and rent out the same, and collect the rent, and hold or loan the same as it may desire, subject to the regulations here- inafter prescribed. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That the said Grand coiicct revenue. Commandery of Knights Templar, and the appendant orders, shall have power to collect its revenue and to apply the same according to the ancient customs of the order, or may loan out the same for the purpose of aid- ing in benevolent enterprises, or for the purpose of ac- cuiiuilation : Provided, that the* funds in money or provuo. choses in action shall not exceed in available assets the sum of fifty thousand dollars at any one time, and shall no^t be loaned upon usurious interest, nor shall the funds or accretions thereof be used otherwise than for the payment of the expenses of said Giand Command- ery, and for charitable purposes, and being thus set apart, the same shall not be liable to taxation. Sec. 3. Be il further eno.ded, That the three principal poay corporate, officers, to wit, the Commander, Generalissimo and Cap- tain General of each subordinate Commandtr}^ under the jurisdiction of the said General Commandery, and their successors in office, be, and the same are hereby created a body politic and corporate, so far as to enable them for each of their resriective Commandcries, to re- , , , , . ' , I.I Other righto and serve, holil and enjoy, possess and retain property both |.ower«. real and personal, not exceeding in value the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, and to sell, alien, or lease the same in any manner deemed advisable by saitl sub- ordinate Commandcries, and which said subordinate Comnnindcries shall he and are hereby incorporated in the name s.pcciiied in the charter or dispensation granted 1861, 158 by the said Grand Commandery of Euights Templar, to each of them respectively ; which said charter or dispensations, whether granted heretofore or hereafter, shall be evidence of the incorporation under this act in any court of this State, without further proof, and by such name said subordinate Coramanderies may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and do all things enjoined by the said Grand Commandery, not incon- sistent w^th the constitution or laws of the land, and within the scope and purview of the powers hereby conferred upon the said Grand Comrnandery, and the said subordinate Commanderies respectively shall re- tain their said corporate powers, so long as the said Commanderies shall continue their respective charters or dispensations, but shall cease to possess any corporate existence when the charter or dispensation shall have been revoked or taken away by tlie said Grand Com- mandery, when the charter and all the eftects of such subordinate Commanderies, as may forfeit its charter or dispensation, shall belong to the said Grand Command- eries, and each subordinate Commandery shall have the same power with respect to its assets, as are conferred by the second section of this act upon the Grand Com- manderies. other powers. Sec. 4. Be it fuvther enacted, That the said Grand Commandery and each subordinate Commandery shall have respectively power to receive by gift, grant, con- tract, devise or donation by will, subscription or other- wise, an}'^ personal or real estate, not exceeding in value the sum hereinbefore mentioned as the maximum of their assets respectively, and shall have power to sell, alien or dispose of the same, and that no such gift, grant, contract or devise, or donation by will, subscrip- tion or otherwise shall f\iil by reason of any misconcep- tion of the name of such corporation, and tnat all contracts or agreements which may have been lawfully entered into by said subordinate Commanderies hereto- fore shall be binding upon them in their several corpo- rate caj»acities under this act, and the same may be enforced by them respectively, and the property and effects owned by them being dedicated to charitable purposes only, shall be exempt from taxation. Thia act a public Sec. 5. B 6 it further enacted ^ That this act shall be '"'^' deemed and taken as a public act, and notice thereof shall be taken in all the courts of justice and elsewhere 159 1861. in this State, Jind shall be given in evidence on any trial of any issue or cause, without special pleading. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 145.] AN ACT ' To incorporate the Selma Chamber of Commerce. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives f the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Charles Lewis, C. E. Thames, J. R. John, T. W. Street, K Waller, C. B. White, J. B. Har- ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ rison, J. L. Peijkins, \Y. M. Byrd, T. N. Cunnine:ham, "*^°''p*"'* ""' T. C. Daniel, J. T. Hunter, W. A. Dunklin, 11. 11. Ware, J. C. Graham, W. J. Lvles, D. R. Purviance, J. N. McCure, W. S. Knox, M. J. A. Keith, J. E. Bres- trid<]^e, Geo. O. Baker, J. M. Lapsley, V. J. Weaver, A. F. \Vise, M. J. Williams, W. Y. Liindie, A. E. Baker, J. W. Blandon, J. D. Porter, Dent Lamur, J. W. Laps- ley, II. 11. Bender, B. J. Duncan, W. B. Haralson, W. B. lAlilton, A. T. Jones, Jno. Bobbins, F. S. Becton, W. R. Ditniars, A Boyle, E. Cason, S. F. Hobbs, R. C. Goodrich, Jno. M. Parkman, J. A. Sylvester, A. J. Goodman, G. W. Wilson, T. A. Plall, W. Johnson, N. Smitli, Merritt Burncs, A. L. Haden, R. Hagood, W. P. Brown, W. B. Gill, W. R. Bill, and their successors in otlice, be and they are hereb}' created a body corpor- ate and politic, by the name of the Selma Chamber of ^'''°*- Commerce, and by that name shall have continual suc- cession, and may contract and be contracted with, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, and purchase and'*'^^"' hold sucii property real and personal as may be needful for their lawful purposes and alien the same, the pur- poses and business of said company being hereby de- clared to be to form and maintain a chamber of com- merce in the city of Selma, in this State, do and perform all proper acts and business in relation to the regula- tion of commerce in said city, and in the adjustment of all difUculties arising in trade and business between merchants and traders in said city, and such other proper and lawful business and acta, as usually pertain to chambers of commerce in cities. Sec. 2. Be it further cnaded, That said corporation 1861. 160 Other rights. Proviso, may adopt and use, and alter at pleasure, a common seal, and may elect such officers for the transaction of business as they may deem needful and proper, and pass and repeal, or alter at pleasure all proper by-laws for the regulation and carrying on their business: Pro- vided, said b^'-laws shall not be contrary to the consti- tution and laws of this State, or of the Confederate States of America: And provided, further, the Legisla- ture reserve the right to alter or repeal this act at pleasure. Approved, December 7, 1861. Name. Rights. No. 146.] AI^ ACT « To incorporate the Chemical Manufactory. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That John Darby, W. C. Bibb, P. T. Sayre, Incorporators, and such othcr pcrsous as may be associated with them for that purpose, and their successors, are hereby cre- ated a body politic and corporate, by the name pf the " Chemical Manufactory," and by that name shall be capable of suing and being sued in all the courts of this State, of purchasing, holding and conveying property of all descriptions, to make, have and use a common seal, and the same to alter and renew at p)leasure, and generally to do any act necessar}^ to carry into effect the objects of the corporation, not inconsistent with the laws and constitution of this State or of the Confeder- ate States. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That the capital stock of this corporation shall be thirty thousand dollars, to be divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each, and the same to be paid in cash at the time of subscription. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the books of sub- StiinbooS"8cription shall be opened at any time prior to the first day of May next, at such places in the cities of Mont- gomery and Auburn, as the persons named in the first section ot this act may direct, and the same to be made public by advertisement in one of the new^spapers of Montgomery. When the sum of thirty thousand dollars shall have been subscribed, such subscribers, or a ma- Capital stock:. 161 •* 1861. jority of them, shall proceed to the election of five directors, and the said directors shall elect one of their Directors. own number president, and such president and directors shall have full power and authority to appoint and re- powers, move at pleasure all officers and agents of said corpora- tion, to fix their compensation, prescribe their duties, provide for the taking bonds from them for the security of the corporation for the faithful discharge of their duties, to fill any vacanc}' in their own body, and also to appoint a president j^fo tempore when the president is absent fi'om the meeting, and if the president or a di- rector is absent without leave for five successive regular meetings of the board, a majority of the same may de- clare his place vacant, and proceed to fill it without further notice to such absent president or director. Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That the directors of president and di- the corporation shall be elected by the stockholders, ■■ectors. and the president by the directors from their number, and when elected they shall hold their offices for one year, or until their successors are elected, and it shall be the duty of the president and directors to call an annujd meeting of the stockholders to make such elcc- Annual meeting, tion, and in all meetings of the stockholders those hold- ing a majority of the stock shall constitute a quorum, and the stock may be represented either in person of the stockholders or by pr^»xy: Provided, the same be in writing and the person so acting be a stockholder. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That said corporation Real and pcrB»«. shall have power to purchase and hold real and personal '*^*^'''='^'=- estate, and to do all other things necessary for the suc- cessful prosecution of the manufacture of chemicals. Sec. G. Be it further enacted. That said corporation Liability. shall be responsible to its creditors to the extent of its propert}^ and the stockholders to the extent of their unpaid stock. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That this charter and all Term or charter the privileges and powers herein granted, shall continue in force for the full term of ten years from the subscrip- tion of the stock. Sec. 8. Be it further enacted. That the president ofprcMdcntto said company hereby incorporated, shall and must on ^afm''en"r' the first day of January of each year, make out under oath a statement ot the condition of said company, which shall be submitted to the stockholders for their 11 1861. 162 inspection and approval, and if such statement be not satisfactory to the stockholders, they may require a new statement to be made out by a committee ap- pointed by themselves. When to go into Sec. 9. Be it fuvtlier enacted, That said company shall operation. j^g allowcd to go iuto Operation when the sum of ten thousand dollars shall be paid in. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 147.] AN ACT To incorporate the Southern Salt Manufacturing Com- "* ' pany, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That R.' Thomassy, F. M. Gilmer, Jr., A. Incorporators. Givcn, and W. II. Rives, their associates, successors and assigns be, and the same are hereby declared in- corporated and made a body corporate, under the name Name. and Style of the Southern Salt Manufacturing Com- pany, and by that name are capable of suing and being sued in any of the courts of law or equity within this State, and shall have the right to have, possess and en- joy a common seal, and the same to alter, abolish or renew at pleasure. Powers 38 to goY- ^^c. 2. And be it farther enacted by the authority afore- ernmeni. g^id. That the Said corporation shall have power to or- ganize its government and administration, through such by-laws and ordinances as it may seem best suited to the interests of the company, in the election of its ofiBi- cers,' and the general management of its affairs, and the said by-laws, regulations and ordinances, to amend from time to time : Provided, nevertheless, That the same shall be consistent with the 'constitution and legal require- rnents of this State, touching corporations, and con- sistent with the constitution of the Confederate States, and not repugnant to the provisions of this charter as hereinafter set forth and enacted. Capital stock Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the capital stock of may be increased said Corporation shall be one million dollars, with pow- er to increase the sum to five million dollars, to be di- shares. yidcd into shai'es of one hundred fJollars each. 163 1861. Sec. 4. And he it further enacted, That this company p^j^^^^ shall have power to purcliase, own, hold and possess, Buch real estate upon the rivers, waters, bays and sea, or gulf shores of this State, as may be necessary tor the . manufacture of salt, and a|so have power to construct J^ ^ such inland passage ways, canals, or other modes or jbM^ means of transportation, as shall be by it deemed ne- '^^^' cessarj' for its operations, and all such real estate and improvements to lease, re-lease, sell or otherwise con- vey at pleasure. Skc. 5. Be it further enacted, That this corporation May establish de- shall establish convenient depots and agencies, for the Jies'.*'"*''^*"' sale and distribution of salt in the principal towns and populated districts of this State. Sec. 6. And he it further enacted, That upon the sub- When it may or- scription of one hundred thousand dollars to the capi- **'"'"^' tal stock of this corporation, the same shall be organ- €|itf|||^ ' ized in accordance with the by-Laws authorized to be made for its government, due notice thereof being givjen in accordance with the laws of this State regulating corporations. Sec. 7. And he it further enacted, That this corporation Domicii. shall have power to establish its principal place of busi- ness or domicil in any city of this State. ^EC,2i^Andhe it further enacted, That this charter Term of charier shall last and continue for and during the period of thirty years, from and after the passage of this act. Sec. 9. And he it further enacted, That this corporation Accept powers is empowered to accept such powers and privileges not ^'^'»o*«'" »'»*«' contrary to the constitution and laws of this State, as ma}' be granted to it by any of the States of the Con- federate States, it being the declared object of the Legislature of Alabama, to aid in the production of salt within the Confederacy, wherever the same can be most certainly, speedily and safely produced. Approved, December 3, 18G1. No. 148.] AN ACT To incorporate Wills "Valley Coal aud Leather Company. Sec. 1 . Jie it cnacttd hy tht ^Senate and Jlotisc of Rcpre- soUativci o/ the fSt approved the 5th day of February, 1852, and the acts |.; supplemental thereto. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the words "Confederate States" be sub- "Confederatc stitutcd for thc "United States," and the word "Confed- feTstates/"^"'" eracy " be substituted for the word " Union," wherever the same may appear in said act or its supplement. Sell exchange for Sec. 2. Bc it further cnacted, That said company, in certain purpose, order to trausfcr the proceeds of sales, or funds arising from any source, from one point to another, may draw for the same and sell their exchange. In what stock' ^EC. 3. Be U fuvther enactcd, That the stock subscribed maybepaid. may be paid in notes of any of the banks of Alabama, in Confederate notes and bonds, or State bonds. Construction de- Sec. 4. Be it further eiiacted., That when ships or steam Glared. vcsscls are named in said act, it shall be so construed as to mean every class of water craft. Titles to proper- Sec. 5. Be it further cnactcd, That the title of all ^^" property real or personal, purchased by said company, shall be conveyed to "the Alabama Direct Trade and Exchange Company," and when sold, shall be conveyed by the president and secretary of said company. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 152.] AN ACT To amend the charter of the Mobile Omnibus Company. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate aud House of Bep' resentatives of the State of Alabam,a in General Assembly revai ot charter convened, That the charter of said Mobile Omnibus extended. /-^ it r->i Company, approved January 26, 1858, be so amended as to extend the corporate existence of said company, un- der the laws of the State of Alabama, for the term of thirteen years from aud after the term provided by said original charter. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That said company be, 169 1861. and it is hereby authorized, to extend its rail road j^^ ^^5,^.^^^ ^^ from its present termination to Cottage or S[)ring tended. Hill, or an}' intermediate point, either out of Dauphin street, or way, or on Government street road, as said company may see fit, and ma}'- continue its road east- ■wardly on Government street to Royal street, connect- ing said road on any street v^^est of Ann street: Pro- ProTieo. vidt'd, That in any road that may hereafter be laid down, said company shall conform its said road to the conditions required by the general act authorizing the construction of rail ways in the. city of Mobile: Pro- Further proTJso. vided, That said omnibus company shall first obtain the consent of the city authorities of Mobile to the exten- sion of said rail road. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 153.] AN ACT To amend an Act to Incorporate the Mechanics Aid Association of Mobile, approved February 24th, 1860. Skction 1. J3e it enacted hy the ISenate and House of Hepi'esentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly , . - convened, That the said Association may invest its funds ma^beinTeBtcd. in any stock issued by the authority of the Confederate States of America, or of this, or any other State of the Confederate States of America; and it shall be lawful at all times for said Association to pay its depositors, Pay out the and others dealing with it, with such funds as was ^'*°^* '^*p°*"*^- deposited by them. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That it shall not be law- /» 1 /> . , /> • 1 A • i' 1 11 .No sale without lul tor any member ot said Association to sell, or in concurrence of any other way dispose of his stock in said Association, groc'khoideM.**"' without the consent of two-thirds of the stockholders, except to the Association, or a member thereof : such „ 1 n t 1 • 11 1 • 1 Exception*. purchaser, or transterree, to have and enjoy all the rights and privileges in said Association that the vendor, ov retiring member had according to the amount of stock owned ; and no person shall be admitted a member of said Association, except by an aflirmative vote of two- thirds of the stockholders, at a regular meeting thereof; said Association may deal in stocks, bullion, uncurrcnt f,^*hange,*^' money and bills of exchange, at the customary and 1861. 110 current rates, and take and enforce mortgages on real or personal property, for any debt, or claim due or owing to said Association. Approved, JSTovember 11, 1861. N"o. 154.] AN ACT To amend an Act therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Act " entitled an Act to incorporate the Alabama Bible and Colporteur Society," approved February 8th, 1858, be, and the same is hereby so amended as to authorize the board of directors of said May transfer ai- Socicty to transfer to II. W. Watsou, W.W. Waller and •etB, 0. y^ p^ Chilton, as trustees of the Alabama Baptist State ^ Convention, and their successors, for the use of said Convention, the assets of said Society, consisting of books and other property appertaining to their deposi- provwo. tory in Selma: Provided, ahoays, that said Society retain a sufficiency of assets to pay, satisfy and discharge all outstanding debts, liabilities or engagements against it, before making such transfer; and after that is done, said board of directors is fully authorized to make such, transfer; and, provided further, that said Convention, by its trustees or agents appointed by it, shall have the authority to remove all the assets and property trans- ferred to them from Selma, and to dispose of the same as such trustees, or agents, may see tit, for the benefit of said Baptist State Convention. Approved, December 6, 1861. Ko. 155.] AN ACT To legalize certain acts of the Courts of County Com- missioners in this State, in making appropriations for equipping Volunteers, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly 171 1861. convened. That all appropriations of money which may Appropriations heretofore have been made in good faith out of the of money, &c., county treasury, or appropriated by the court of county ''^^ ^^ ' commissioners of any county in this State, by the county commissioners thereof, for supporting, clothing, arming, equipping, or fitting out any company of vol- unteers, or for finding troops in the service of this State, or of the Confederate States, for the public ser- vice in the existing war between the United States and the Confederate States, or for the aid of indigent fami- lies of such volunteers, or any county warrants issued for said purposes by any county, be, and the same is hereby legalized, except as to the tax levied by the j,^^^ ^j^^ court of county commissioners of Ilenry county, at the county. August term of said court, 1861 ; and any order or de- cree of any such court, imposing a tax for any such purpose, is also legalized. Sec. 2. A7id be it further enacted, That in all cases court to make where any such appropriation out of monej^s in any ""ecord. county treasury, shall have been made, it shall be the duty of such court to make a record of such appropria- tions, showing the amount thereof, when made, for what purpose, and to whom paid, and to record the evidence of such payment. Approved, Kovember '•♦, 1861. No. 156.] AN ACT To leg.ilize the imposition of Taxes by the Court of County Commissioners, for the equipment of Volun- teers and the support of their families. Sec. 1. £e it enacted by the Senate and Mouse of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly * convened, That any order, ordinance or other act ot tlieces.&c.,of com- Court of County Commissioners in any county of this "oTq"uii)"voiun- Statc, having for its object the equipment of volunteers ''="*''8'^"***- for the service of the State, or Confederate States, or for the support of their families, heretofore adopted or passed in good faith, be, and the same is hereby le- galized. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any proceed- ings had in the Court of County Commissioners in any 1861. 172 county of this State, prior to the passage of this act, for the equipment of volnuteers, or support of their fami- lies as aforesaid, there shall have been any want of Want of author- authority, omission or irregularity, said court shall have ity supplied. full power to impose any tax, adopt any ordinance, pass any order or decree, or take any action necessary to carry out in good faith any obligation, promise, pledge, or assurance incurred or given, or which may have been, by said court intended to be incurred or given for the purposes aforesaid. Levies of taxes to Sec. 3. Aud be U further enacted^ That any taxes here- tXlegaUz'ed. toforc Icvicd to equalize the burthen of taxation ia any of the counties of this State, is hereby legalized. Approved, November 30, 1861. ITo. 157.] AN ACT To prevent the sale of Spirituous Liquors within one mile of Mulberry Academy, in Bibb county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of tJie State of Alabama in General Assembly „. ,. ., convened. That from and after the passage of this act, Withm one mile. ' inn t c • • . no person or persons shall sell or dispose oi spirituous or intoxicating liquors within one mile of the school, or academy, known as Mulberry Academy, in the county of Bibb. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person or per- demeanw-. "^'^ SOUS offending against the provisions of the first section of this act, or in any wise giving away, selling or dis- posing of spirituous liquors of any kind, except for medicinal purposes, with intent to evade the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall ' be liable to indictment, and on conviction shall be fined not less than fifty, or more than one hundred dollars for each and ever}" such oftense; and for every conviction for oti^ending against the provisions of this act, the soli- citor's fees shall be twenty dollars. Approved, November 29, 1861. 173 1861. Ko. 158.] AN ACT 'i'o prevent tlie sale of Vinous or Spirituous Liquors within three miles of Scottville, in Bibb county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sell vinous or spirikious liquors within three miles of the town of Scottville, in Bibb county, Alabama, except for medical purposes. Approved, December 8, 1861. Ko. 159.] AN" ACT To prohibit the sale of Spirituous Liquors within two miles of Harmony Church, in Franklin county, and the Presbyterian Church, near Pleasant Site in said county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Mcpre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ Th.:it it shall not be lawful for any person or^"'*'"^ ™""' persons to sell or offer for sale any vinous or spirituous liquors within two miles of Harmony Baptist. Church, iu the county of Franklin, except for medicinal or sac- ramental purposes. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That any person or per-p^^auyforvJo- sons so offending, shall be subject to indictment, and '''*'o°- upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than filty dollars, for each and every such offence. S^(T. 3. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of Applied to ano. this act are hereby made applicable in all respects to '•»" <='""''=h' the Presbyterian Churcfi, near Pleasant Site in said couiity of Franklin. Approved, November 27, 1861. 1881. 174 ^Ko. 160.] A-n ACT To prevent the sale of Spirituous Liquors within one mile of Shorterville Church, in the county of Henry. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Blouse of Eep' resentatives of the Slate of Alabama in General Assembly Within one mile cf'^^'fiwsc?, That from and after the passage of this act, DO person or persons shall sell or dispose of any spiritu- ous or intoxicating liquors within one mile of Bhorter- ville Church, in the county of Henry. violation a miB^ Sec. 2. Be it fuvther enacted. That any person offend- temeanor. ing against the provisions of this act, or in any wise giving away, selling or disposing of spirituous liquors of any kind, except for medical or sacramental pur- poses, with intent to evade the provisions of this act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction shall be fined not leas than Hfty, nor more than one hundred dollars. Approved, December 9, 1861. Ko. 161.] AK ACT To prohibit the sale of Spirituous Liquors within two miles of Bethel Church, in Jefferson county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate, and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, no person or persona shall sell spirituous liquors or wines within two miles of Bethel Church, in Jefferson county, except for medical or sacramental purposes; and if any person or persons shall sell spirituous* liquors or wines, in violation ^f this act, such person or per- ^^enauy roi' yiD= soiis shall be subject to indictment, and on conviction shall be fined in a sum not less than tweutj^-five dollars, . or more than one hundred dollars, for each and every such offence. ttopeaibgciauBe ^^^^' ^^ ^^ H further enacted, That all laws, or parts 01 laws, contravening the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, December 9, 1861. Within 2 miles. 176 1861, No. 162.] AN ACT To regulate the sale of Spirituous Liquors in the Dan- ville district of Morgan county, Alabama Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, any person desiring to retail or sell spirituous liquors, in any quantities less than one gallon, in the election precinct in which Danville is located, in Morgan county, Alabama, before doing so, or obtaining license to do so, must iile with the judge of Probate of said county, the written consent of a majority of the voters of said elec- tion precinct; and anj' person violating the above act, shall be subject to the laws now in force, for selling in less quantities than one quart, or without license. Approved, December 9, 1861. Ko. 163.] AK ACT To prohibit the selling or offering for sale any Vinous or Spirituous Liquors, within two miles of Spring Hill Church, in the county of Perry, or of Liberty Baptist Church, in the county of Pickens. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, it Wthin 2 miles, shall not be lawful for any person or persons to sell, or offer for sale, any vinous or spirituous liquors within two miles of Spring Hill Church in the county of Perry, or of Liberty Baptint Church, in the county of Pickens, except for medicinal or sacramental purposes. Sec. 1. And be it further enacted, That any person or penalty for Tio« persons so offending, shall be subject to indictment, *''**<'°' and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than fifty dollars for each and every such offense. Approved, November 11, 1801. 1861. 176 No. 164.] AN ACT To prevent the sale of spirituous liquors within one mile of Silver ]^un Church, in Russell county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep. resentatives of the State of Alahama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, Withihcnemiie.it ^\-^r^\i ^ot be lawful for any person to sell spirituous liquors, or wines, within one mile of Silver Run Church, situated in Russell county, except for medical purposes; and if any person shall sell spirituous liquors or wines in violation of this act, such person shall be subject to indictment, and on conviction, may be fined in a sum genaUyforTio- not Icss than ouc huudrcd dollars, nor more than five hundi-ed dollars, for each and evei-y such offence. Repealing clause ^EC. 2. Bc it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws, contravening the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, December 4, 1861. Ko. 165.] AN ACT To prevent the vending of spirituous liquors within three miles of Friendship Church and Academy, in the county of St. Clair. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That from and after the passage of this act, it be, and hereby is made unlawful, for any person to vend spirituous liquors within three miles of Friendship Church and Academy, in the county of St. Clair, any law to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided, That the provisions of this act shall not apply to physicians or druggists furnishing spirituous liquors bo7ia Me for medicinal purposes. Approved, December 4, 1861. 177 1861. Ko. 166.] AN" ACT To prevent the sale of spirituous liquors within two miles of Branchville, in St. Clair county. Section 1 . Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Ahdmma iii General Assembh/ convened, That it is made the duty of the sheriff of St. Clair county, upon the petition of ten householders re- siding in the beat in which the village of Branchville, Election to be in St. Clair county, is situated, to advertise and hold '""'''■ an election at the village of Branchville, for the pur- pose of ascertaining the sense of the citizens of said beat as to the prohibition of vending spirituous liquors within two miles of the village of Branchville, at which all the qualified voters in siiid beat shall be entitled to """^ conducted, vote at said election to be conducted bj^ the sheriff and two managers and clerks by him selected after the manner of holding elections for members of the Gen- eral Assembly; of the time and place of holding said election, the sheriff shall give thirty days previous no- ^'■'y "lays' no- tice, posted at Branchville, and three other of the most public places in said beat. Sec, 2. And be it farther enacted, That the voters at ..prohibition', or said election shall write upon their tickets "prohibi-""op''oi''b»t»on" tion " or "no prohibition." If upon counting out the votes, it shall appear that there are a majority of votes for prohibition, the said managers and clerks shall cer- tifj^ and deliver the same together with one list of the scroll and tally sheet kept at said election, to the said sheriff or his deputy holding said election, as the case may be, whose duty it shall be to deliver the same within three days to the judge of probate, and it shall ^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^ not be lawful for the said judge of probate thereafter rrouate. to issue any license to any one to retail spirituous liquors in said beat within two miles of said village, nor shall it be lawful for any person to vend any spirituous liquors in any quantity, (except for medicinal purposesi^) within two miles of said village. An}' person knowingly vio- ponaity for re- lating the provisions of this law, shall be liable to in- "*''"'^' dictmcnt as a retailer without license, and subject to the same fines and penalties as such. Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, That any sheriff', Penalty ofsber- manager, or clerk, refusing to act as required by the'Jngio'acL'*^"' 12 . 1861. 178 provisions of this act, shall upon notice and proof there- of, made before the judge of the circuit court for said county, be fined in a sum not exceeding fifty dollars as the judge may see proper ; and any person voting in said election who is not a legal voter and citizen of said beat, may be indicted, and on conviction, fined fifty dollars. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 167.] AN ACT To modify an act, entitled an act, approved December 17th, 1*869, to prevent the sale of vinous or spirituous liquors in the town of Lexington, and in beat No. 2^ in Tuskaloosa county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse ofBep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the citizens of New Lexington beat num- ber 2, in Tuskaloosa county, or any one or more of them, who live within the distance of two miles of the town of New Lexington, are hereby privileged to sell spirituous liquors by the barrel, gallon, or quart, that may be manufactured by themselves in said beat : Pro- vided, That all such persons who ma}^ avail themselves of the privileges of this act, shall be subject to all the pains and penalties for violating the law now in force regulating the retailing of spirituous liquors in this State, any law, usage or custom to the contrary not- withstanding. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 168.] AN ACT To preveftt the sale of spirituous liquors within two miles of the Alabama Presbyterian Male Academy at Lower Peach Tree, Wilcox county, Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre-^ sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That it shall not be lawful for any person to sell spirituous liquors or wines at any point within two 179 1861. miles of the South Alabama Presbyterian Male Acade- my, near Lower Peach Tree, in Wilcox county, except for medical or sacramental purposes ; and if any person shall sell spirituous liquors or wines in violation of this act, such person shall be subject to indictment, and on conviction, may be fined in a sum of not less than one hundred dollars for each and every such oifence. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 169.] AK AGT To refund a certain sum of money. Whereas, on the 8th day of February, 1861, an act was approved, appropriating the sum of two hundred '''■^*"™'''®" dollars to compensate William Skinner and J. S. Clark, to be paid out of escheated estates; and whereas, on the 4th day of March, 1861, W. J. Greene, as Comp- troller of Public Accounts, did in compliance with the provisions of said act, issue his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of said Skinner and Clark for the said sum of two hundred dollars, which amount was paid thereon by the Treasurer before the fact Avas dis- covered that all escheated estates, then received into the Treasur^^ had been passed to credit of the educational fund and disposed of in its general distribution ; where- upon, the State Treasurer returned said sum of two hundred dollars into the treasury from his private means and demanded its repayment of the said W. J. Greene, which repayment was made by him, therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ^ooo appropria- convened^ That the sum of two hundred dollars be, and t<'.i to niraburse the same is hereby appropriated to the said W. J. comiuronu"!' Greene, to be paid out of the educational fund ; and that the Comptroller of Public Accounts is hcreb}' re- quired to draw his warrant therefor on the State Treasurer in favor of the said W. J. Greene. Approved, December 8, 1861. 1861. 180 No. 170.] AN ACT To exempt the Medical superintendent of the Alabama Hospital for the insane, and his assistants, from the performance of military and road service, and from serving as jurors. SECTioi«r 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alaha^na in General Assembly con:pene.d. That the medical superintendent of the Ala- bama Hospital for the insane, and his assistants, be and they are hereby exempted from the performance of any military service or duty, and from all liability to per- form any work or labor on any public road or highway and from serving as jurors in this State. Approved, November 11, 1861. No. 171.] AN ACT To require the Commissioner of Public Lands to issue a patent to Martha Carrol, of Calhoun county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That the Commissioner of Public Lands be, and he is hereby required to issue a patent to operate as a quit claim to Martha Carrol for the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of the section three, in township 14, range 6, in the county of Calhoun. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 172.] AN ACT To authorize the location of a Land Warrant, therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Dicey Dejarnett conveued, That Diccy Dejarnett, of the county of Jeffer- "' " son, or her assignee, be, and is hereby authorized to locate on any of the public lands in this State, subject authorized to lo- 181 1861. to entry land warrant No. 96,619, for one hundred and sixty acres of land, issued to the said Dicey Dejarnett by the government of the United States, on the 21st day of Januar}', 1861. ■: Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the location of ^^^^^^^^.^^^^^^ said warrant shall be governed by the same laws, rules and reguhitions governing the location of land war- rants, issued by the government of the United States prior to the 11th day of January, 1861. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 173. j AN ACT In relation to the Selma and Gulf Rail Road Company. Whereas by an act approved the 18th of February, p^^,^^^^,^^^^^.^^^ 1860, entitled an act to appropriate the three per cent. Jor"i certain fund, a loan of forty thousand dollars was made to the Selma and Gulf Rail Road Company', upon certain con- ditions in said act contained ; and whereas said Selma and Gulf Rail Road Company have complied with all the conditions required of them, in order to obtain pay- ment of the sum so loaned ; and whereas said Rail Road Company, in the present condition of the country, are willing to postpone the payment to them of said sum of monej^ until the present war is ended; and* whereas the Alabama and Mississippi Rivers Rail Road Com- pany are now activel}- engaged in building a rail road from Selma via Uniontown and Demopolis, so as to unite at Meridian with the rail road now completed to Vicksburg, on the Mississippi river, with the Mobile and Ohio Road, and with the New Orleans and Jack- eon Road ; and whereas, the Alabama and Missis- sippi Rivers Rail Road, forming a connection between the waters of the Alabama and Mississippi Rivers, with the North West, and with New Orleans, is essential to the government in the existing war, for the transporta- tion of troops, munitions of war, provisions, and the public mails: Sec. 1. Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and Home of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General As- sembly convened. That with the consent of the Selma poned.' ^'^^ and Gulf Rail Road Company, the payment to the said 1861. 182 Company of the said sum of forty thousand dollars be postponed until the end of the existing war, and the con- clusion of peace; and that upon the ratification of a treaty of peace, said Selma and Gulf Rail Road Com- To receive it af- P^^J ^^all bc entitled to demand and receive from the terthcwar. State trcasury, the 'said sum of forty thousand dollars so loaned, upon giving bond with good security, condi- tioned that said sura of forty thousand dollars shall be Condition. applied alone to the purchase of iron, and the laying of the same upon said rail road, and executing a first mortgage bond on said rail road and all its rights and fixtures to secure the repayment of said forty thousand dollars, at the expiration of five years thereafter, and the interest thereon, at the rate of six per cent, per annum. Ala. and Mis?, n. Sec. 2. Be it further euacted, That in the meantime, $4wbouu peace ^^"^^ uutll a treaty of peace shall bg concluded, the said isconciuded. guni of forty thousand dollars of the three per cent, fund be loaned to the Alabama and Mississippi Rail Road : Provided said rail road Company shall exe- cute and deliver to the Governor its bond, with the most ample and satisfactory security, conditioned for the payment of the said sum of forty thousand dollars, with six per cent, per annum thereon, into the State treasurj^, within one month after receiving notice to make such payment, according to the terms of this act; such security to be personal, by deed of trust, or by mortgage with power of sale, as the Governor may re- quire. Approved, December 5, 1861. No. 174.] AN ACT In relation to certain debts due Township 5, Range 22, in Cofiee county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the l^tate of Alabama in General Assembly^ convened^ That the Superintendent of Public Education bewuhd"rawiV° ^*^' ^^^^ ^® ^s hereby instructed to withdraw from suit,. fromsnit. and cauccl the following notes taken for the purchase of the south-west quarter of section 16, township 5,' range 22, in Cofiee county, to wit : four notes made i 183 1861. bj Elizabeth Brooks, as principal, and J. Brooks jjggg^ipjjp^ I and Robert P. Brooks as securities, each for $60 78; four notes made by Samuel Prince as principal, and Tyre Goins and John Prince as securities, each for $28 28| ; and four notes made by Alexander Wilkes as principal, and J. M. Carmichael and N". B. Peacock as securities, each for $28 28i; all of which notes are dated February 5, 1859, and are payable in one, two, three and four years from said date : Provided, lioioever, Proviso. that proof shall first be made to the satisfaction of said superintendent, that said notes were given for said quarter section, after it had previously been sold to and fully paid for by another party than the purchasers at the sale on which said notes were given. Approved, November 29, 1861. No. 175.] AN^ACT To authorize the sale of the property of Township 16, Range 17. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of liepre- sentativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That W. B. Bell, David J. Bunting and George M. Figh, or a majority of them, be, and are hereby au- thorized to sell the real estate in the city of Montgom- ery owned by township 16, and range 17 : Provided, however, that the persons above named shall hold an election by giving twenty days notice, and the citizens of said township shall determine whether said property shall be sold or not. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 176.] AN ACT To provide for the erection of a Building at Manassas, for the protection of the clothing, and'other articles, of Alabama Volunteers, in the army of the Potomac. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Ju'prcsentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly 1861. 184 oonvened, That the quarter master of any Alahama regi- ment in the army of the Potomac, who may be desig- nated by the Governor, be, and he is hereby authorized j;i5oomaybe ^xD draw on the treasurer for the sum of fifteen hundred drawn. doHars, or such less sum as may be necessary, to be used in the erection of a building at Manassas, Virginia, to shelter and protect the clothing, and other articles belonging to the volunteers from the State of Alabama in the army of the Potomac. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 177.] AN ACT To authorize the appointment of a Surgeon-in-Chief to the State Hospital for sick soldiers of Alabama in the army of the Potomac. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alahama in General Assembly convened, That on the location of the hospital, by the agent who may be appointed under an act passed at the present session of the General Assembly, entitled " An Act to provide a Hospital for sick troops from Alabama in the army of the Potomac, and for other purposes," approved 9th November, 1861, the Governor shall be authorized to appoint a surgeon-in-chief to said hospital, whose duty it shall be to take charge of the same, and who shall, if not paid by the Confederate States, receive the same pay from the State, as is al- lowed by law to surgeons in the service of the Confede- rate States. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 178.] AN ACT To provide for the sick and wounded Volunteers who may rendezvous at, or be sent to Florence. Sec. 1 . He it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the sum of iive thonsand dollars be, and 185 1861. the same is hereby appropriatocl, to be paid out of the „. .^ .,, „ , -, ^5; ^ . \ r .y '^ r^ ^ ^'^'*^ thousand military lund, under the control ot the Grovernor, to dollars appro- provide for the necessities of the sick and U'oundcd sol- ^'"'''^''' diers or volunteers who shall rendezvous at Florence, in compliance with the late requisition of General A. S. Johnson upon the Governor for twelve months vol- unteers. Skc. 2. Be it further enacted, That Dr. James T. liar- Names of per- graves, James W". Stewart, and Col. George W. Ivars- ^;^;,\^*j^^^'^'p<'^'°- iier and li. M. Patton are hereby authorized to supcrin- ments. tend the arrangements necessary to be made, and to direct and control all expenditures made under this act, and upon their certificates or the certificates of a ma- jority of them, that the sum or sums so certified to, were necessary and properly expended for the purposes of this act, the Governor shall order the same to be paid, and they shall furnish proper vouchers for said exi^enditures. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 179.] AN ACT To make Tuskaloosa and La Grange, or its vicinity, a military rendezvous, for certain purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Governor is hereby authorized to Artniery compa- supply any artillery company now being raised, or that 8"ubsf8tenco!''* may hereafter be raised in the city of Tuskaloosa or its vicinit}', with subsistence from the time the members of said company shall commence their rendezvous at Tus- kaloosa until it is mustered into the service of the Con- federate States, but the subsistence supplied under this act, shall not exceed one soldier's ration per day for each member of said oompan}^ nor shall such subsistence be supplied for a longer term than thirty days ; but such subsistence may be provided for sixty days, if in the Term. opinion of the Governor the public good would be • thereby promoted. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That the captain of any Person to furnish such company may, with the consent of the Governor, i''eratioD8. appoint a member of the company as quarter master, 1861. 186 whose duty it shall be to provide and furnish rations to said company wthout charge for his services, and who, before entering on his duties, shall give bond payable Bond required, to the State in such sura as the Governor may direct, faithfully to execute the duties of his office ; and whose accounts, duly certified by him, and audited by the Comptroller, shall be paid on the Comptroller's warrant on the Treasurer, out of any moneys not otherwise ap- propriated. Sec; 3. Be it further enacted. That the provisions of flrTlivebTnd. this act shall not be extended to any artillery company, until the captain, or some other officer or member of said company, or some one connected with or engaged in the raising of the same, shall give b*bnd and security, to be approved by the Governor, in such amount as he may direct, payable to the State, and conditioned to refund to the State any sum paid by the State for subsistence, if the said company shall not be mustered into the service of the Confederate States within sixty days from the execution of the bond, provided for in this section, the parties to the bond shall not be held liable for the amount of subsistence furnished those who have been mustered into service, as aforesaid. Enforcement of Sec. 4. Bc it further cnacted, That judgment may be the bond. j^ad against one or more of the obligors on said bond, or their personal representatives, by motion in the circuit or county court of Montgomery county, on twenty days notice ; and on the trial, a copy of the bond certified by the Secretary of the State, and the account of the amount paid under the provisions of this act for subsistence, certified by the Comptroller, shall be presumptive evi- dence; the first of the execution of the bond, and the second of the amount paid, to ^^^" ^' "^^ *'^ further enacted, That all bonds required be filed.* ^^'^ ** under the provisions of this act, shall be filed in the Extended to La- Secretary of State's office: Brovided, that the provisions Sof '"'"'^'■^' 9^ t^'^s act shall apply to the La Grange Military School, in Franklin county, or adjacent thereto. Approved, December 3; 1861. 187 1861. No. 180.] AN ACT To amend and explain an Act making Tuskaloosa and La Grange, or its vicinity, a military rendezvous, for certain purposes. Whereas the 3d section of the above recited act, is obscure and unintelligible, in the concluding clause of said 3d section ; therefore Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Hon se of Mepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assenihly convened, That all after the words "Confederate States," where they first occur, in the 3d section of the above recited act, be, and the same are hereby stricken out, and the following inserted : Provided, in case of failure tutedlnthlrd* to raise the compan}^, the members so subsisted, or any section. of them, shall attach themselves to other companies and be mustered itito the service of the Confederate States, within sixty days after the execution of the bond, pro- vided for in this section, the obligors in the bond shall not be held liable for the amount of subsistence fur- nished those who have been mustered into service, as aforesaid. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall be Act, how con- construed as if this amendment had formed a part of '^ the section of which it is explanatory, at the time of the passage and approval of the act. Approved, December 9, 1861. ' slrued. Ko. 181.] AN ACT To transfer the executorship of Robert Craig, deceased, from the probate court of Sumter county to the pro- bate court of Dallas county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That James D. Craig, who by the last will and testament ot Robert Craig, deceased, late of Sum- ter county, was appointed executor of said last will and testament, and by its provisions was exempted from May procure cer- giving bond or security upon his qualifying as such ^'^*'^*'*'P''' executor, and who has qualified as such executor in the 1861. File in Dallas. Jurisdiction transferred. Former act re- pealed. . 188 probate court of Sumter county, be and he is hereby au- thorized to procure from the said probate court of Sum- ter county, a certified copy of the said last will and testa- ment of said Robert Craig, and of all orders, entries and proceedings had in said court in reference to said estate, and to file the same in the probate court of Dal- las c6unty. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the jurisdiction of the probate court of Sumter county over the estate of the said Robert Craig, .deceased, be and the same is hereby transferred to the probate court of Dallas coun- t}', and the probate court of Dallas county is hereby invested with jurisdiction over said estate as fully as the probate court of Sumcer county was before the pas- sage of this act. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the act, entitled "an act to give the judge of probate of Dallas county, jurisdiction over the estate of Robert Craig, deceased, late of Sumter county," approved January 29th, 1861, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 182.] AN" ACT To enable Pleasant May to remove the personal proper- ty of his wards out of the county of Greene, and to rent land on which to employ it. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alahama in General Assem- bly convened, That the probate court of Greene county be, and it is hereby authorized and empowered, upon the application of Pleasant May, guardian of Syd. May, Wm. S. May, Augustus M. May, Wiley C. May, and John F. C. May, minor heirs of John May, deceased, to Order to be gran, grant him an ordcr to remove the personal property of his said wards out of the county of Greene, and in the county to which they may be removed, to rent lands on which said property may be worked for the use of said wards : Provided, That he shall continue to account as guardian with the probate court of said county for the said property, and before such order, he procure the assent in writing of the securities on his guardian bond ted. Proviso. • •• 189 1SG1. that said property maybe removed, and that such order, or removal, shall in no wa^' impair their obligation on such bond, or execute a new guardian bond with satis- factory security. Approved, December 4, 1861. 1^0. 183.] A^ ACT To change the jurisdiction of the trust estate of Fran- cis Durden. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly . convened. That the jurisdiction of the chancery court in jurisdiction the matter of the estate of Francis Durden, A. C. 13a- ^'^n^f^'-e**- ker being trustee thereof, be transferred Irom the 15th district of the Middle Chancery Division to the 40th district of the same Division. Sec. 2. Beit further enacted, That the said trustee trustee may ap- havc full power to appl}'- an}' portion of the trust funds ?•>"">. porUon for the support and use of the said cestui que trust, as he may think best under the direction of said court. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the register in certified trans- chancery of the said 15th district, be required to make ■.'■"'• f"'!- -^ '. -Ill 1 1 "re to attend to countN'', as a committee to examine the books and vouch- examine books, , ,j , , 'c ifcc, of countF ers or the county treasurer; if any person or persons, trcMurer. after being notified, should fail to attend and perform the duties assigned him or them, each defaulter shall forfeit twenty dollars to the use of the county : Provided^ the judge of the probate court shall hear all reasonable excuses, within thirty days after such default ; if no such excuse is heard, the judge of probate shall issue execu- tion against all defaulters for said forfeit, and the officer collecting the same, shall pay it over to the county I treasurer. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That any person, who co^,p„„_,5ioa may serve on such committee, shall receive two dollars per day for each day he ma}'^ be necessarily engaged in such service, to be paid out of any moneys in the coun- ty treasury not otherwise appropinated. Approved, November 30, 1861. No. 218.] • AN ACT To amend the law in relation to public roads, in the county of Marengo. Sec. 1, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre- senialives of ike State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the court of county commissioners for the county of Marengo, or the judge of probate for said point""'" '° "''" county in vacation, be and tlie same are hereby author- ized to appoint any person in said county, who consents to accept such appointment, overseer over any portion of the public roads in said county, for a term not ex- ceeding ten years, and assign to such person his or her 14 1861. 210 hands to work said road for and daring such term t .Pro-> Proviso. vided, That such appointment may be revoked by said court or judge as soon as such overseer ceases to be a resident of the precincts in whicli such road is located. Liabiiit of over- ^^^' ^* "^^ ^'^ fuvther cjiacted, That such overseer shall seer. be liable and subject to perform all of the duties now required of overseers of public roads by subdivisions 3, 4, 5 and 6, of section 1159 of the Code, and he or she shall have the same powers as are now conferred on ' overseers of public roads by sections 1162 and 1163 of the Code ; and said subdivisions 3, 4, 5 and 6 of said sec- tion 1159, and said sections 1162 and 1163, are hereby made applicable to all overseers appointed and portions of roads assigned to them, under the provisions of this act. Number of days. Sec. 3. Be it fui'tJwr euacted, That such overseer roadstobework- shall be required to work such roads with the hands aforesaid, ten days in the year, if such number of days work is necessary to keep the same in good repair. Overseer guilty ^EC. 4. Be it further enacted, That if any overseer of misdemeanor under tliis act, pcmiit a fallen tree, dead animal, or any other obstruction to travel, to remain in or across any part of the said road, for three days after notice thereof, or allows his said road to be out of repairs for more than ten days at one time, without a good excuse to be de- termined by the court, he or she shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 1182 of S^c. 5. Be it further enacted , That section 1182 of Code applicable, j^t^q Codc, is hereby made applicable to all overseers under this act. Overseers and Sec. 6. Be U further euacted, That 8U(?h overseers and hands exempt. i\^q\y hauds are hereby exempt from apportionment under the laws of this State, for and during the term of their appointment, or so long as they continue to act under the same. Section 1176 of ^^^- '^ ' Bc it fuvthev enucted, That section 1176 of the Code applicable. Codc, is hereby made applicable to all roads over which overseers are apportioned under this act. Approved, December 9, 1861, 211 ISGl. No. i^lO. AN ACT To aid in the Harbor Defences of Mobile. Section 1. Be Ht enacted by the Senate and House of .Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the sum of one hundred and fifty thou-^,, , 1 ,, 1 ii r 1 *i.')0,ooo appro- sand dollars, or so much thereot as may be necessary priated. for the purpose, be, and the same is hereby appropri- ated, out of any money in the treasur}^ of the State, to be applied to the construction of an iron clad gunboat and ram for the defence of the bay and harbor of Mobile. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That L. J. Fleming, P, commissioners. J. Pillans, Peter Hamilton and Duke W. Goodman, of Mobile, and Lieut. James D. Johnson, of the C. S. Navy, now stationed at Mobile, or his successor at that station, be, and are hereby appointed commissioners to undertake, manage and superintend the construction of said vessel; and the money hereby appropriated^ ^^ . . shall be paid out ot the said treasury on the checks, or blliauun'their drafts, of the said commissioners, or such one or more ''""■''"''*■ of them as said commissioners by their writing, ad- dressed to the Treasurer of tlie State, shall appoint and depute for that purpose ; and may be drawn for by said commissioners, by drafts or checks on the Trcasu- °'''^' *^'"*'^"" rer, from time to time, in such amount as may be needed in the purchase of materials for said gunboat and ram, pog^^^'''"' p'"' and for the payment for work and labor thereon, as the work may progress, and the contract for such work and labor may mature and become due and payable : Pro- vided, that, in the event of a vacancy in said board of commissioners by the non-acceptance, death, or resig- nation of either of said commissioners, the Governor shall have the right, and it is hereby made his dut}", to fill such vacancy. Sec. 3. Beit farther enacted. That the said com mis- commissioners sioners, or such of them as ma}'^ accept this commission, Bnce. shall, before receiving an}^ of said money, in writing signify their acceptance of this trust to the Comptroller of this State, and shall pledge their honor faithfully to apply the money so entrusted to them, and furnish Fumish voucii- vouchers therefor, to be deposited with said Comptroller, *"* in order to be used to obtain re-imbursement from the Confederate government. Sec. 4. Be tt further enadedy That said coinmissiou- 1861. 212 Shall proceed at once. May procure a vessel alreaJy built. Duty as to the construction of the ram. Must meet ap- proval of C, S. oCBcer. Discretion of the commissioners. ers, so complying with the provisions hereof, shall at once proceed to build, construct and fit out a boat to be propelled by steam, and able to carry not less than two guns of the calibre not less than sixty-eight pounds of solid shot; said boat shall also be coated with iron, to aiford protection against enemy's shot, and shall be armed with an iron prow or ram, to ena- ble it to crush in the side of any opposing vessel against which it maybe thrust; said vessel shall be constructed of such dimensions as to be ablf^ to float in water of the depth of seven feet, with the ai^mament above named. Sec. 5. Be it further enacted, That if said commission- ers be able to procure, on reasonable terras, a vessel al- ready built, capable of being converted into a ram, and armed so as to be efficient for the purpose herein pro- posed, then said commissioners arejiereby authorized to purchase such vessel and convert it into a gunboat and ram ; but in that case, said commissioners may limit the armament of said boat to one gun, of calibre not less than a 32-pound rifled cannon. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of said commissioners, in discharging the duty hereby imposed on them, to have constantly in view the fitting out and equipping of a vessel that will be efiicient as a ram, and with suitable battery for shell and shot, in all the waters of the bay of Mobile where an enemy's ves- sel can penetrate, for the purpose of either attacking fortifications or batteries, or throwing shells upon land, or for the purpose of landing troops, so as to defeat, as far as practicable, any attempt on the part of the enemy to make any lodgment in any part of the bay of Mobile; and said structure shall be so made as to meet the ap- proval of the oflicer of the Coniederate States navy \vf command of the naval defences in and about the bay of Mobile, both as to strength, buoyancy and efficient power. - , Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That said commissioners are hereby authorized to proceed in the construction and fitting out of said vessel, either by contract with ship-builders, or by hiring workmen and mechanics, and building or fitting out, under the superintendence of competent master ship carpenters, as they see fit ; but in all cases where they proceed by contract, in whole or in part, said commissioners shall require bond and sufficient security of said contractors for the faith- 213 1861. ful and speedy performance of all the stipulations entered into by them. In exercising the discretion hereby conlided to them, said commissioners shall have in view the speedy construction and fitting out of said vessel, and also the faithful and perfect construction of the said vessel, so as to be in all respects, so far as prac- ticable, fitted for riinning into and destruction of the ene- my's vessels, where she can be brought into close quar- ters, and also for destruction by heav}'- arms, where an engagement can be entered into only at a distance. Sec. 8. Be it furtlter enacted, That said commission- pared and^fiued ers are hereby directed to have said vessel prepared and fitted either at the city of Mobile, or at any point in the waters connected with the bay of Mobile, where the same can be most conveniently, safely, speedily and economically fitted out and prepared. Approved, jS'ovember 9, 1861. out. ^0. 220.] AN ACT To amend" "An Act to aid in the defenses of Mobile," approved Nov. 9, 1861. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the act approved Nov. 9th, 1861, be. and the same is so amended as to authcn-ize the Governor to Appropriation issue orders from time to time for the appropriation of p=!>,"t''<"""' of $150,000 therein made, directing the Auditor of the'""'"^'' Treasury, or Comptroller of Public Accounts, to draw his warrants on the treasury therefor, payable out of either of the funds appropriated for the military defense of the State, b}- an act, entitled "An Act making ap- propriations for the military defense of the State," approved Feb. 6, 1861 ; and that the Auditor's or Comp- troller's warrants, drawn in pursuance of such orders, shall be paid by the Treasurer out of the funds appro- priated by the said last mentioned act, anything in either of said acts to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, December 7, 1861. 1861. 214 1^0. 221.] AN ACT To amend an Act, entitled an Act for the improve- ment of the Bay and Harbor of Mobile. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the action of.the court of commigsioners of revenue for Mobile county, in making the assess- ment, under the fifth section of said act, and ' direct- ing the tax collector of Mobile county to refrain from the collection of said assessment, until ordered by said court, be, and the same are hereby approved and le- galized. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said court of commissioners of revenue be, and are hereby required to postpone the collection of the said assessment and tax until twelve montlis after the end of the war. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the suspension of said tax shall not be the cause of any forfeiture of the relinquishments, donations, authority or powers granted by the State of Alabama in said act, for the improve- ment of the bay and harbor of Mobile, but all of said forfeitures are hereby barred. Moneys, where to Sec. 4. Be it further enacted, That all moneys col- be deposited, lectcd for Said harbor fund shall be deposited in the Bank of Mobile: Provided, the said bank shall pay in- terest thereon at the rate of four per cent, per annum. Approved, IsTovember 11, 1861. Action of com- missioners' court approved. Tax postponed. Said suspension no forfeiture. «&c. Proviso. No. 222.] AN ACT To provide for the manufacture of certain arms for Mobile. Preamble. Whereas there is a threatened invasion of our State by those endeavoring to subjugate us; and whereas there is a great scarcity of arms, and the public safety requires weapons to be placed in the hands of our mili- tary, therefore Sec 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the sum of six thousand dollars be and 215 1861. is hereby appropriated out of any uuappropriated money ^^^^^^ appropna- in the treasurj^ to purchase one thousand Bowie-knife- te^. shaped pikes, and one thousand Bowie knives for the The purpose and use of the 48th regiment Alabama militia: Pmmt^ec?, Proviso '"'"^ that only so much of this appropriation shall be used as may be necessary to pay the actual cost of the manu- facture of such arms. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, }/ the Senate and House of Jiepre- aen'atives of the State of Alabama in General Assernbbj 1861. • 216 sions by remor- offlcers not to ooiiveued, That commissioned officers of the regiments, lose commis- in the citv of Mobilc, holding; commissions therein, shall not lose their commissions by removing, or hav- ing removed to any other part of the city, but shall not be eligible to an election in any beat, battalion or regi- ment, not being the beat, battalion or regiment of his residence, to wit : he shall be a resident of the beat, bat- talion or regiment he desires to be elected in. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That^whenever any of b^give^nr" "" the militia are called out under chapter xii. sections 1 and 2, they may be called on immediately, .and orders published in any one of the'city papers, or personal no- tice, shall either be sufficient notice. Approved, Novem-ber 11, 1861. How notice may No. 224.] AN ACT To protect the elective franchise in Municipal elections in the City of Mobile. Sec. 1 . He it enacted hy the Senate and House of JRej^e- sentatives of the State of Alabama in Genercd Assembly convened, That in all municipal elections by the people Registration of to bc held in the city of Mobile, the names of the elec- iiand. ^. ^ tors, bcforc being admitted to vote, shall have been registered at least ten days before the day of election. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted. That three commis- sionersto open sloucrs shall bc appointed by the judge of the cit}' court a register. ^£ Mobilc ; that they, or a majority of them, shall open a register of voters, and shall sit at the court house of Mobile county during ten days, from 9 o'clock, A. M. • till 3 o'clock, p. M., on each day, to receive applications for registry; that they shall give public notice by pub- lication in newspapers of the time when they will com- mence their sittings, and of the day when it shall end. Names to be en- Sec. 3. And bc it further cnactcd, That said commis- amination"^ "''' sioucrs shall cousider of all applications for registry, and if fully satisfied that the applicant is entitled and duly qualified in all respects to vote at the proposed election, shall enter his name in full as a voter in their register, with name, sirname and middle name, if any, with the ward of his residence, and cause the applicant to sign the same with his name or mark; and said commission- 217 1861. ers shall have p^ower to examine the applicant on oath as to his qualifications, and also all others, and to examine all evidence they may deem necessary to ascertain the truth. Sec. 4. And he it further enacted, That said com mis- Register to be sioners shall return said register ten days before the fet^^med :o day* proposed election, to the clerk of the city of Mobile for preservation, where it shall be kept for public inspec- tion ; and the said commissioners shall cause an alpha- betical list of the names of all voters admitted to vote in each of the wards respectively, and return the same with the register; and the clerk of the city shall cause such lists to be delivered to the inspectors of each ward respectively on the day of election, for their government. Sec. 5. And he it further enacted, That each elector Electors to vote shall vote in the proper ward of his residence, and the ive'wards^*^^*^'" inspectors shall admit to vote those only whose names are found on their respective lists ; and the right of the voter so registered, shall not be questioned, except that the inspectors shall be satisfied as to the identity of the voter with the name registered ; and when the vote is given, the name shall be struck ofi:' in the list. Sec. 6. And he it further, enacted, That said commis- Appointment of sioners shall be appointed at least thirty days before the '=''"«"»^^'«'>«"- proposed election ; that their sessions shall commence not less than twentj'-five days before the election ; that they shall be duly sworn faithfully to discharge the du- ties of their ofiice, and may appoint a clerk to aid them in the discharge of their duties, who shall be sworn in like manner; and the said judge of the city court shall fill all vacancies in the ofiice of commissioner. Sec. 7. And he it further enacted, That in case of the ab-'TudRe of probate ^ ., r> i 1 • 1 r? J.1 -i. 1. i • J. !o iippoinl if the sence or liiilure of the judge or the city court to appoint judge «f the city said commissioners, Ihey shall be appointed by the '^°"''"^^"'' judge of the probate court of Mobile county, and in case of his failure, then by the mayor or acting mayor of the city of Mobile ; and if from any cause the registry shall not be had in proper time, then the mayor of Mobile shall postpone the proposed election till a day ten days after the registry shall be completed, not longer, however, than sixty days, if practicable. Sec. 7. And be it further enacted. That the said commis- compensation of sioners and clerks shall be entitled to receive for their ^"■^"^",|f;^""^" services compensation at the rate of tlirce dollars each per day, while actually engaged in their duties, to be paid 1861- 218 Penalty for mai- ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^J treasury ; aud in case of malfeasance or feasance or non- non-fcasance in the discharge of the duties of their office, easance. respectively, shall be subject to indictment and to fine arid imprisonment, at the discretion of the jury trying the same, not to exceed six months imprisonment, and one thousand dollars fine ; and all persons convicted of Penalty for false . piiii- -i •• ii? swearing. swcariug lalscly before said commissioners, or betore the inspectors of election in relation to the qualifica- tion to vote, or identity of the voter, shall be guilty of IDcrjury aud punished accordingly ; and all persons caus- ing their names to be registered as lawful voters, knovs^- ing that they have not the qualifications pretended, shall be subject to all the penalties which now or may then exist, or be in force for falsely voting at elections. Mayor may post- Sec. 9. And be U further eiiacted, That in order to carry tion! "^"^^ ^'^*^' ^^^^^ law into effect at the next municipal election, if need be, the mayor of Mobile shall by proclamation postpone such election till a day to be named by him, as early as practicable, when said registry shall have been completed, and returned ten days- before such pro- posed election. Approved, December 5, 1861. No. 225.] AN ACT To suspend in part an act, entitled an act the more ef- fectually to secure rents in the city of Mobile, ap- proved 30th January, 1840. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep. resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, the more effectually to secure the collection of rents in the city of Mobile, approved January 30th, 1840, be and the same is hereby suspended, so far as to exempt from seizure and sale as much household and kitchen furniture, as is now exempt from levy and sale by the general law of the State. Approved, December 7, 1861. * 219 1861. No. 226.] AN" ACT To amend an act regulating the time for holding court in Mobile, to hear and determine cases in admiralt3\ Section 1. He it enacted by the Senate and House of Ile2)resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the fourth section of an act, entitled an act to repeal an act therein named, regulating the circuit and city courts of Mobile count}-, approved February 5th, 1858, be so amended as to read, that the first Monday in each month shall be return days for complaints filed in the city court, under section 2693 of the Code, in cases of admiralty, and the third Monday in each month shall be return days for like complaints filed in the circuit court of Mobile county, and the judges of said courts respectively, shall hold court on such days for the hearing and adjuvlication thereof, and may adjourn from day to day, if necessar3\ Approved, November 9, 1861. No. 227.] AN ACT To reduce and define the fees of notaries public, for the protest of notes, bills of exchange, or other paper, in the city of Mobile. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bej)- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the first day of December, 1861, the fees for protesting notes, bills of exchange, or *'*"'*• any other description of paper in the city of Mobile, shall be fifty (50) cents, where there is but one endorser, and seventy-five (75) cents, when there is more than, one endorser. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That all laws or parts Repealing clause of laws contravening the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, November 9, 1861. 1861. 220 Ko. 228.] AN ACT To compensate the inspectors, clerks, and returning officers of general elections held in and for the coun- ty of Mobile. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate mid House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabani,a in General Assembly convened, That the court of revenue commissioners of Mobile county, are hereby authorized and empowered to Inspectors, ci'ks, appropriate out of the county funds of- said county, pensatei^ *^°'"' sucli sum as they may think proper, just, and expedient to compensate the inspectors, clerks and returning offi- cers for their services in attending to and conducting general elections in said count}^, held by authority of law. Apply to August Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the provisions of election, 18G1. of the first scctiou of thls act apply to the general elec- tion held in August, 1861, and said commissioners are hereby empowered to make an appropriation according- Proviso. ly: Provided, That not more than five dollars per day. be allowed to any one inspector or officer at precincts within the city limits, at Whistler and Bayou Labatree, and not more three dollars per day to each inspector or officer at the other precincts in the county. Approved, November 9, 1861. Ko. 229.] AN" ACT To authorize the commissioners' court of Monroe coun- ty to divide the county into four commissioners districts. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembty convened, That the commissioners' court of Monroe coun- ij, shall have full power to divide the county of Monroe into four districts, each district to be represented by one commissioner, and the whole to be elected by the county at large. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts ot laws contravening the above, are hereby re- pealed. Approved, November 8, 1861. 221 1861. Ho, 230.] ' AN ACT Providing adequate compensation for the county com- missioners of xVIontgomery county. Sec. 1. Be if. enacted hy the Senate aiid House of Hep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, the members composing tlie court of county commis- sioners for Mouts-oraery county, shall receive as com- Three dollars per .. r. .1 • • A 1 11 1 r (lay and five ct», pensation for their services three dollars per day tor jar miie, each day's service, and five cents per mile traveled in going to and returning from court, to be taxed and paid as now provided by law. Approved, November 11, 1861. Kg. 231.] AN ACT To authori?:e James Porter to erect a gate, &c. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in Oeneral Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, James Porter be, and he is hereby authorized, to erect a gate across the road leading from the city of Mont- gomeiy to Robinson's Springs, in the county of Autau- ga, all laws and parts of laws to the contrary notwith- standing: Provided, That the said gate be erected on the boundary line between the lauds of the said Porter and Boiling Hall. Approved, December 3, 1861. No. 232.] AN ACT Requiring retailers to pay the same license that is paid iu the city of Montgomery. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alahama in General Assembly convened, That hereafter the probate judge of Mont- gomery county, shall not issue a license to any person 1861. 222 Retailed within ^^' pei'sotis to retail vinous, spirituous or malt liquors, three miles of the within three miles of the corporate limits of the city of citv to pay same -.«-. ,m i •'• ini »8 within th^ city Montgomery, until such person or persons shall have paid unto the said probate judge for such license, the same sum of money which retailers in the said city of Montgomery are now or may hereafter be required by the city authorities to pay for the privileges of retailing within said city in addition to the State tax. ipenaity for vio- ®^^- ^* ^^ ^^ further cuacted, That any person or per- iation. sons who shall retail vinous, spirituous or malt liquors, without first having obtained the licen'se as provided for in the first section of this act, shall on conviction, be fined in a sum not less than five hundred dol- lars, ($500.) Penalty for said Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That any person or per- openonsundayf^o'^S' ^^^cr haviug obtained the license as provided for in the first section of this act, who shall keep open his, her, or their place of retailing on Sunday, shall be in- dicted therefor in the circuit court of Montgomery • county, and shall on conviction be fined not less than one hundred dollars. Penalty for sell- Sec. 4. Be it further enacted^ That any person or per- iug on Sunday, gong^ liccused as provided for in the first section of this act, who shall on Sunday sell to any person or persons any spirituous or vinous liquors, shall on conviction be fined not* less than one hundred dollars. Solicitor's fees ^^^' ^' ^^ ^^ further enacted, That the solicitor's fee under this act. ou all couvictious uudcr the sBcoud and third sections of this act, shall be thirty dollars, and all convictions under the fourth section, shall be twenty-five dollars, and a conviction under one section, shall be no bar to a conviction under the other. Approved, December 8, 1861. Ko. 233.] AN ACT To repeal "an act to change the manner of appointing overseers and apportioners of roads, in the county of Russell," approved January 8, 1858. Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Mepremntatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembl'y convened, That an act, entitled " an act to change the 223 1881. matiner of appointing overseers and apportioners of roads, in the county of Russell," approved January 18, 1858, be and the same is hereby repealed. Approved, November 29, 1861. iN'o. 284.] AN ACT To allow appeals to the county superintendent of free public schools, in the county of Russell. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That hereafter in the county of Russell, any j^j ^^ aT»pcai, person dissatisfied with the action of the trustees of free public schools, in the township in which he may reside, in locating and establishing schools, shall have the right to appeal annually from the same to the county super* intendcnt. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted. That any person desiring now to proceed, so to appeal, shall within two months from the time of the establishment of such free public school or schools in his township, file with the county superintendent a written notice of the same, setting forth the ground ^ and cause of such appeal, and the county superinten- dent as aforesaid, shall thereupon fix a day not more.^^,^, , , ,„ ' 1 1 r 1 • 1 I^U'y "^ county than ten nor less than twenty days thereirom, at which euperititendent. he shall proceed to hear and determine the same accord- ing to the fixirest, most impartial and best interest of all the inhabitants of said township. The decision of said superintendent as aforesaid, shall be' final and con- clusive for the year in which it may be made. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That before the county ca,ij of notice to superintendent as aforesaid, shall proceed to hear and ^'^ semd. determine said appeal or appeals, he shall in all cases require the person appealing to serve a copy of the no- tice set forth in the second section of this act, on a majority of the trustees of the township whence the appeal arose, at least five days beforehand. Sec. ^. Be it further enacted. That the provisions of A«t g»n«r»i. this act sliall apply to all the counties of this State. Approved, December 0, 1861. 1861. 224 « No. 235.] AN ACT Exempting apportiouers and overseers of roads, iu Shelby county, from road duty. Sectio?5" 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That apportiouers and overseers of roads, in the county of shelby, who have held their office for two years consecutively, shall be entitled to a certificate of exemption from road duty for the next two years after such time is served out, any act to the contrary notwith- standing. Approred, November 11, 1861. No. 236.] AN ACT To compensate returning officers of tlie general elec^ tions, in the county of Shelby. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of JRep' resentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, the returning officers of general elections, in the county of Shelby, shall be allowed one dollar and fifty cents per day for making such returns, and five cents per mile traveling to and from the court house of said county, to be paid out of any money in tbe county treasury, not otherwise appropriated. Approved, November 11, 1861. No. 237.] AN ACT To amend section 499 of the Code of Alabama, so far as the county of Sumter is concerned. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatiues of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That instead of the compensation now allow- ed by section 499 of the Code, or by any other law, to the members of the court of county commissioners of 225 1861. Sumter county, each member of said court of countv r.- ^ „ commissioners or said county, shall be entitled to receive ^-^y and five ct? five dollars for each day's service at the regular and ''"""'*'' special terms of said court, and mileage at the rate of five cents per mile on the nearest public road going to and returning from each term of said court, to be paid as prescribed by said section 490. Approved, ^November 11, 1861. No. 238.] AN ACT To authorize Mrs. Lucy Little, of Sumter county, to erect gates across a certain public road. Sec. 1. i?c it cnaoicd by the Senate and House of Rep- resentaiwes of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Mrs. Lucy Little, of Sumter county, be, and she is hereby authorized to erect and keep one or more gates across the public road leading from Warsaw in said county, to Coopersville in Mississippi, where the sapie passes upon and across her land : Provided, that she shall keep the same at all times in good order and repair, so as to be easily opened by the public. Approved, December 10, 186 L No. 239.] AN ACT To repeal, in part, an Act for the preservation of game in the counties of Sumter and Shelby. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in^General Assemhhj convened, That so much of said act, as approved Feb- ruary 8th, 1861, as relates to the county of Shelby, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Approved, November 6, 1861. 15 1861. ITo. 240.] 226 AN ACT Purposes. To authorize the Commissioners' Court of Talladega county to levy a special tax, for purposes therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Se'mie and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly/ convened, That the commissioners' court of Talladega To levy special couutj, be, and is hereby authorized to Icvy a spccial tax for the purpose of relieving the central committee of said county of any liabilities they may have incurred in furnishing necessary outfit and equipments for vol- unteers in the Confederate arm}^ from said county; for providing for the wants of indigent families of such volunteers, over and above the amount that has come into the hands of M. H. Cruikshank, their secretary and treasurer, out of the volunteer tax resolved to be raised by a public meeting of the citizens of said county, held in April, 1861. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That M. H. Cruikshank, secretary and treasurer of said central committee, or his successor in office, be required to make an exhibjt of his receipts and- disbursements as such secretary and treasurer, to the commissioners' court of said county, in order that said commissioners' court may ascertain what still remains due from said committee, not pro- vided tor by any means in his hands as such treasurer: Provided, that no persons engaged in the actual mili- tary service of this State, or of the Confederate States, shall be liable to pay any tax levied under the provis- ions of this act. Approved, November 20, 1861. Exhibit to be Proviso. No. 241.] AN ACT To amend an Act to authorize Dennis Springer to con- struct a turnpike across Sipsie river, approved Feb- ruary 21, 1860. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That section 5 of the above recited act be 227 *. •'..Mtef; 1861. amended by striking out all after the enacting clause, and insert the following words, " That this act shall be in force for fifty years only, unless extended or re- newed" by the proper authority. Approved, November 29, 1861. Kg. 242.] AN ACT The better to secure the payment of the fees of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Walker county in State cases. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That in all State cases which may be tried in the circuit court of Walker county, if the defendant i'?s'^'»'^<'»^\''. 1111 • 1 1 r- T • 1 ^ n -x '^nere convK'tiOB shall be convicted and found insolvent, the fees and is iia.i, a-es ami costs of the clerk of said court shall be paid by thebrcountyfreasu- county treasurer out of the fine and forfeiture fund of '■'^'■• said county, if there be a balance sufficient for that pur- pose, upon the certificate of the clerk, setting forth the amount of his said fees and costs in each case, and the insolvency of the defendant; but before the clerk shall certify the insolvency of the defendant, an execution must have beefi issued and returned by the proper offi- cer, no property found. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That if at any time after ^o be refunded the said fees and costs shall be paid to the said clerk as ^^^ j.^"^™|> "^^^^ herein provided, the defendant shall pay 'the same, or any part thereof, it shall be the dut}'- of the clerk or sheriff collecting the same, to pay it over to the county treasurer, who shall place it to the fine and forfeiture fund of said county. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 243.] AN ACT To exempt Ministers of the Gospel from road duty in the county of Walker. Sbc. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bcpre- 1861. 228 sentatiiies of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, ministers of the i^-ospel shall be and are hereby exempt from road duty in the county of Walker, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, December 5,- 1861. No. 244.] AN ACT ProTiso. To authorize the Commissioners' Court of Walker county to allow and pay off certain claims against said county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the court of county commissioners, to- gether with the probate judge of Walker coiintj^, is hereby authorized to allow and pay off any and all county claims now outstanding that have been barred by non-compliance with the provisions of an act, requir- ing the presentation of claims against Walker county, approved, February 6,1858: Prow'c^ecZ, claims herein provided for, shall be presented to said court within six months from the passage of this act; otherwise they shall be forever barred ; any law, usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, December 9, 1861. Klection to be held in certain contingency. No. 245.1 AN ACT To authorize the legal voters of Walker county to elect the Assessor and Tax Collector, when vacancy occurs in said county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- seniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That hereafter when a vacancy shall occur in the office of tax-assessor and collector in Walker county, either by death or resignation, or otherwise, it shall be the duty of the sheriff of said county, immediately on receiving notice of such vacancy, to advertise an elec- 229 1861. tion by putting up written notices at each precinct in said pounty, giving at least twenty days notice of said election; and all the qualified voters in said county shall be entitled to vote in said election. Sec 2 And he it further enacted, That all laws, and nepeaiingcu. parts of laws, contravening the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 246.] AN ACT To amend Section 1056 of the Code, so flir as Walker county is concerned. Section 1. Be it enacted hj the Senate and House of Hejjresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assemhlu convened. That section 1056 of the Code of Alabama, so far as Walker county is concerned, be so amended as to require of the person proposing to take out a license for the retail of spirituous liquors in said county, to obtain the recommendation therein required from a majority of the tax-payers in the town or precinct where It IS proposed to do such retail business, instead of the number required by said section. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 247.] AN ACT To authorize the Judge of the Probate Court of Wilcox county to make advertisements in a paper published in an adjoining county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted bij the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembli/ convened, That from and after the passage of this act, It shall be lawful for the probate judge of Wilcox county, when there is no newspaper [iublished in said county, to advertise all notices pertaining to, or grow- ing out of the business in said probate "court, in any newspaper published in an adjoining county, having 1861. 230 the largest circulation in Wilcox county, without re- gard to distance. Approved, November 27, 1861. No. 248.] AN ACT To divide the County of Winston into four Commis- sioners' Districts. Section 1. Be it ejuicted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That as soon as practicable, after the first Monday in January next, the commissioners' court of Winston county shall divide said county into four com- missioners' districts, as nearly equal as may be in point of population; and at the regular elections for mem- bers of the court of county commissioners, the voters in each of said districts shall vote for a commissioner residing within their said respective districts, and none other; and in the event of a vacancy in any one or more of said districts, the same shall be filled by the votes of the, qualified electors of said district, or dis- tricts, in which said vacancy occurs. Sec. 8. And he it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws contravening the provisions of this act, be, and the same are hereby repealed. Approved, November 9, 1861. No. 249.] AN ACT To provide compensation to Col. J. W. Echols for ser- vices rendered in purchasing stores and provisions for the troops of the State. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- reseniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Governor be, and he is hereby au- «22oo tobeai- thorizcd to cause to be allowed to Col. J. W. Echols, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro- priated, the sum of twenty-two hundred dollars, in full for all services rendered by him, as the agent of the 231 1861. State, in the purchase of provisions and stores for the troops of the State, under an appointment l)y the Gov- ernor, exclusive of the actual expenses incurred and paid by said agent: Provided., hoivever, that if the said Proviso. CoL J. W. Echols is indebted to the State, or has money in his hands justl}^ due the State, to an amount equal to the said sum of twentj^-two hundred dollars, or greater, the said sum hereb}- directed to be allowed, shall not be paid, but shall be allowed to him as a set-off. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 250.] , AN ACT For the relief of sick soldiers from Alabama in the army of the Potomac. SECTiojf 1 . J3e it enacted by the Senate and House of B,epre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assendd;/ convened, That the Governor of this State be, and he is hereb)'' authorized to establish at, or in the neighbor- Medical depot to hood of Manassas Junction, in the State of Virginia, '^'^'=*'"'^»«'"='i- to be changed in location, within his discretion, a med- ical depot, to which all medicines and all supplies per- taining to the medical necessities of the army, intended for the benefit of the yick soldiers in the various regi- ^"'■•'"*^'- ments from this State, sent hy individuals, associations, or the State government, or otherwise, shall be sent, or carried, to be thence distributed to the various regi- ments, companies, or individuals to whom they may be scut or addressed, or for whom they may be intended, upon the requisition of the surgeons of regiments, or hospital stewards. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the Governor be, Governor to ap. and is hereby authorized and required, forthwith to ap- 1'"'"^ *" *K«nt. point an efficient and skillful medical man, a citizen of Alabama, to be agent for the State, in the management and control of said depot, whose duty it shall be to reside at Manassas Junction aforesaid, or in the neigh- "'»''"''*'• borhood thereof, to receive said supplies into said de- pot, take proper care of them, and distribute them faithfully and impartially', accorciing to the directions he shall receive concerning them, a| well as at tho earliest moment possible, after their reception. 1861. 232 „ , ^ , Skc.S. Beit ftirthei^ enacted, Thsit the agent ehsiWhsive Rank and pay of , , •, "^ . . i ,• • • .-i j the agent. tliG rank, and receive tlie pay ot major in the army, and that he be paid monthly, on warrant of the Comptroller issued by the Governor's direction, out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated remaining in the treasury. Approved, December 9, 1861. Conditions ne- No. 251.] AN ACT For the relief of certain volunteers. Section 1. He it enacted hy the Senate and House of JRipresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly coiwened, That if, on the trial of any person for a crimi- ceMary.""" "^ nal offcuce Committed in this State before the approval of this act, or when the case is called for trial, it shall be made to appear to the court or jury trying the case, that the accused was a man of good character before the commission of the offence, that he has served as a volunteer in the army of the Confederate States, and that he has a certificate from his commanding officer to the eftect that he has been a faithful soldier, or that he has been honorably discharged trom service, it shall be the duty of the court or jury trying the case, to consider Duty of the court ^-^qq^ focts in counectiou with the main facts of the case, and either to mitigate the fine or other punishment provided for in the case, or acquit and discharge the accused altogether, any law to the contrary notwith- ^aiTbrentoed. standing; and if the accused be only charged with an assault, assault and batter}', or affray, or with gaming, or carrying concealed weapons, the court or solicitor shall enter a nol. pros. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 252.] AN ACT For the benefit of the Soldiers' Home in the city of • Montgomery, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it macted^ the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of th^State of Alabama in General Assem hi 233 1861. convened^ That the sum often thousand dollars be, and Ten thousand the same is hereby appropriated for the benefit of the iinr8for "soi- Soldiers' Home of the city of Montgomery, a place al- '"* °™*" ready established for the purpose of receiving the sick or wounded soldiers in the service of the State or Con- federate States, and where they may be properly cared for. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That the said sum of ten under control or thousand dollars be placed under the control of the "'*^ ^°'"""^ Governor, who is hereby authorized to pa}' over the same, or any part thereof, from time to time, as he may deem best, out of any moneys in the treasury not other- wise appropriated, to the proper officer of said "Soldier's "°'' '*''"' ""'''• Home," and said officer shall furnish to the Governor the vouchers for all amounts expended under this act. Sec. 3. Be it farther enacted, That the sum of five thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropri- ,u,M*arsfortife ated to aid the Ilumane Ladies' Association at Hunts- ','"T?1''' ]f' •11- 'l^'i •• • -T n 1 ""^'^ Associa- ville, in aid of said association in providing for and i'""" at Hunts- taking care of sick and wounded soldiers, now under ^'/" the care, and hereafter to be taken in care of said asso- ciation ; and that said sum of five thousand dollars be placed under the control of the Governor, who is hereby Under control of authorized to pay over the same, or any part thereof, from time to time, as he may deem best, to the proper officer of the Humane Ladies' Association at Hunts- „ . ^ ..^ •11 -I • 1 11 1 1 1 /> • 1 /i> I' • 1 now to be paid. villc; and it shall be the duty of said officer to furnish the Governor vouchers for all sums expended under this act. Approved, November 28, 1861. No. 253.] AN ACT For the benefit of the Military Aid Society of Mobile, and for other purposes. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of. the State of Alabama in General Assemhlt/ convened, That the sum of twenty thousand dollars be, priait"!'/'''"''^' and the same is hereby appropriated, for the benefit of the Military Aid Society of Mobile, a society already established for the purpose of receiving the sick and wounded soldiers in the service of the State and of tho 1861. 234 Coufederate States, and where they may be properly cared for. Under control of Sec. 2. Be it fuvtlwr Guacted, That the said sum of the Governor. ^^^^^^^ thoiisaiul dollars be placed under the control of the Governor of the State, who is hereby authorized to pay over the same, or any part thereof, from time to time, as he may deem best, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the proper offi- cer of said Military Aid Society of Mobile ; and such officer shall furnish to the Governor the vouchers for all amounts expended under this act. Approved, JSTovember 30, 1861. No. 254.] XE ACT For the relief of the 1st Alabama cavalry regiment. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly ««...A, ,. convened. That the State of Alabama hereby loans for $20,000 loaned to ,, , ^ . , ^ i t tt /-~ii i r^ i the Colonel for thc term ot SIX mouths to Col. James H. Clauton, Col. SIX months. ^^ ^^^^ ^gt Alabama cavalry regiment of this State, the sum of twenty thousand dollars, upon such conditions and security as the Governor of the State may require, for the purpose of buying winter clothing for the said regiment. When bond giv- Sec. 2. Bc it further enacted, TlKit upon the said Col. paid!°"*^^ *° '"' James H. Clan ton, Col. as aforesaid, giving the security contemplated by the first section of this act, the Comp- troller of Public Accounts shall draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for the sum of twenty thousand dollars in favor of the said James H. Clan ton, for the benefit of the regiment as aforesaid, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Without interest o -i i j. i •!_' . • , , r • .11 baid loan to be witnout interest for six months only. Approved, December 7, 1861. 235 1861. No! 255.] AN ACT . To amend an act for the relief of the 1st Cavalry Regiment. Whereas, there is a deficiency of means now in the treasury to meet all the appropriations made at the extra and present sessions of the General Assembly; and whereas, the said deficiency has been caused by acts making appropriations, approved since the 8th day of November, 1861, all of which will not be immediately called for: Therefore, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of jRcjyrcscnia- iives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly con- vened, That an act, entitled "an act for the relief of the 1st cavalry regiment," approved December 7, 1861, Appropriation to be and the same is hereby so amended as to take prece- take precedence, dence over all acts making appropriations, approved since the said 8th da}^ of Xovcmber, 1861, and that the comptroller's warrant for the loan of twenty thousand dollars, proposed to be made thereon, shall be paid by the treasurer, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, on the said 8th day of Novem- ber, 1861, anything in the acts making appropriations, approved si nee that day, to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 256.] AN i^CT For the relief of executors, administrators, trustees, and guardians. '<^.t Sec. 1. Be if enacted by the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That from and after the passage of this act, it May hire out the 11111 ri/- !•• 1 ."lares or rent shall be lawful for executors, administrators and guar- lanjs. , dians, to hire out any slaves or to rent any lands belong- ing to the estates or wards they may represent, for cot- ton or other produce ; such hiring or renting, to be conducted cither publicly or privately, as the proper how eon.iueted. court of probate may direct^ so as to secure the best interests of such estates or wards. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted^ That no executor, ad- 1861. 236 No liability. ministrator, trustee, or guardian, shall be liable in any- way for not selling, or for not appl3'ing for an order to sell, any property of an estate, or trust property com- mitted to him, before the ratification of a treaty of peace between the Confederate States and the United States, unless the persons interested in the estate or trust property are adults and request a sale. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 257.] AN ACT For the relief of N. "W. Riddle, administrator of Z. 0. Riddle. Preamble. Administration transferred . Duty of Judge of Probate of Mo- bUe. What necessary prior to Judge of Probate of Ma- rengo taking ju- risdiction. "Whereas, Z. 0. Riddle died in Mobile county, in this State; and whereas, letters of administration were granted upon his estate by the probate court of Mobile county to N. W. Riddle, who resides in Marengo coun- ty, in this State ; and whereas, further, a portion of the estate of said Z. 0. Riddle is in the said count}^ of Ma- rengo, and the widow and children of said Z. O. Riddle are now residing iii said county of Marengo : Section 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Asseynbly convened^ That the administration and settlement of the* estate of said Z. 0. Riddle be transferred and removed from the probate court of said Mobile county to the probate court of Marengo county, and to this end, that the judge of the probate court of Mobile county, upon the application of the said N. W. Riddle and the payment of all fees due him from said administrator, make out and certify to the probate court of Marengo county, a full and complete transcript of the adminis- tration bond of said administrator, and of all the orders, returns and decrees, that have been made in relation to the said estate, as they appear among the files, or on the records of said probate court of Mobile county, which transcript shall be paid for by the said N. W. Riddle. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, That upon the filing of said transcript in the probate court of said Marengo county, and the filing of the written consent of the securities of the said N. W. Riddle on his bond as ad- 237 1801. miniatrator in said court, the cause shall be docketed in the said probate court of Marengo county, and the said court shall become invested with as full and com- plete jurisdiction over the said estate, as if letters of administration had been originally granted hy the said probate court ; and the said probate court ot Marengo county, shall make all orders, settlements, and decrees, and issue all process and execute all the provisions of the law, in the same manner and to the same extent and gftbct, as if said court had had original jurisdiction of said estate. Approved, November 6, 1861. No. 258.] AN ACT For the relief of the administrator of the estate of James B. Sherrod, deceased., *» Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Mouse of Rep- resentatives of the Hate of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That authority be and is hereby given to the court of probate of Pickens county, to grant an order slaves in Misiia- to M. L. Stansel, as administrator of the estate of *'''^'' James B. Sherrod, deceased, late of said county, to em- ploy and work any of the slaves of said estate upon the farm of said deceased, lying in the county of Noxubee, in the State of Mississippi, and to continue any of said slaves upon said farm, upon satisfactory proof made to said court that the same is to the interest of said estate. Approved, December 7, 1861. Nd.259.] an act For the relief of Oliver H. Prince, as executor of the last will and testament of Edmund Prince, deceased. "Whereas, Edmund Prince, late of the county of Tus- preamble, kaloosa, deceased, by his last will and testament, di- rected Oliver 11. Prince, as the executor of his i'aid last will, to sell his plantation in the county of Marengo at the end of the year, 18G1 j and whereas, a sale of said 1861. 238 plantation at said time, cannot be effected without manifest prejudice to the interests of the devisees of said testator, many of whom are infants : Therefore, Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Representatives Not liable for not ^^ '^^^'^ '^'^'^^^ of Alabama in General Assembhj convened, oeiung. That the said Oliver II. Prince shall not be liable to the devisees and heirs at law of the said Edmund Prince in any manner, or to any other person for not selling said plantation at the time provided for in said last will and testament. Approved, Is^ovember 27, 1861. Ko. 260.] AN ACT For the relief of E. A. Moody and others. Section 1. Be it enaeted hy the Senate and Hoxise of Mejyresentatives of the State of Alahama in General Assembly convened, That it shall be lawful for the probate court of Choctaw county, in this State, on proof that it is for the interest of the legatees of the estate of Martin Jiloody, to grant an order to R. A, Moody, the adminis- trator with the will annexed of said Martin Moody, to divide the property of said estate among the legatees thereof, as nearl}' as may be in accordance with the will of said Martin Moody in such manner as shall be most conducive to the interest of the legatees, and especially to the interest of such of them as shall be minors, whether all of the said legatees shall have arrived at the age of twenty-one years or not. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 261.1 AK ACT For the relief of the minor heirs of LeGrand Parker deceased. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assem- bly convened, That the guardian in Louisiana of the minor heirs of LeGrand Parker, deceased, be and he is 239 1861. hereby authorized to remove the property of his said wards in this State to the State of Louisiana, where said minors now reside, upon his application to the judge of probate of j\[onroe county, and upon liis com- pliance in all things with the provisions of section 2033 of the Code of Alabama. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 262.] AN ACT For the relief of Jesse AfeCoy, of the county of Cham- bers. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Home of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That Jesse McCoy, a minor of the county of Chambers, be and he is herebj' authorized to manage *i-iyn"»pagc w» '' and transact all business connected with his estate, and"^" '"*"'^"' that all contracts which he shall make after the passage of this act, shall be as legal and as of fuTl effect as though he were twenty-one years of age, and he is hereby fully authorized to settle with the guardian of his wife, and receive the property coming to hisi said wife from her guardian as tully as though he were of age. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 2G3.] AN ACT For the relief of John R. Moss. Skc. 1. Jh it cnncted hy the Senate and Ifouse of MeprC' eentat/rcs of the State of Alabama in General 'Assembly convened^ That John ]{. Moss, of iMontgomcry county, in said State, notwithstanding his minority, be and he is hereby authorized to sue and be sued, contract and be contracted with, to receive and take possession of his estate, and if necessary, give receipts and acquit- tances therefor, to purchase and convey real or pcr.Honal estate, and to do all things as lully and to all intenta 1861. 240 and purposes as effectually as though he were twenty* one years of age. Approved, December 9, 1861. Made free deal- ers. Ko. 284.] AN ACT For the relief of Mrs. Martha L. Carter, of Montgomery, and Mrs. Mary 0. Easters, of Pike county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bep- resentatives 'f the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That all the provisions of "an act for the relief of Frederica Ludecus, and other persons therein named," approved Feb. 8, 1861, be and are hereby ex- tended and made applicable to Mrs. Martha L. Carter, of Montgomery county, and Mary C. Easters, wife of Minus B. Easters, of Pike county. Approved, December 9, 1861. 265. AN ACT For the relief of Cornelia J. Wyatt. Sec 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep' resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That Cornelia J. Wyatt, the wife of William li. R. Wyatt, of Autauga county, be, and she is hereby her^own^pfoper- authorizcd to excrcisc all the powers, and discharge all *y- the duties that devolved upon her said husband as trustee under the last will and testament of his mother, Mrs. Ann S. R. Wyatt, in relation to the property given by said will to the said Cornelia J. Wyatt and her children. Clothed with the Sec. ^. And -be it further enacted,. That the said Cor- powers conferred nclia J. Wyatt be also authorized to exercise all the bymarriagec^on- powers and discharge all the duties that had devolved tract. upon her said husband as the trustee under the marriage contract made between her and her said husband of the date of the 7th day of April, 1843, in relation to the property therebv settled upon her. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That in the charac- 241 1861. ter of trustee appointed as aforesaid, the said Cornelia ^^^^ J. Wyatt shall have the right and power to deal 2;ene- sueandbe swa. rally with said trust property, and to make contracts in relation thereto, and to sue and be sued on said contract in her own name alone, as trustee aforesaid, as if she were sole and unmarried. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said Cor- Mav enforce the nelia J. Wyatt shall have the authority to enforce all h!^'^;''„l''*^ ''" contracts made by, or with her said husband as said trustee, in relation to said trust property.»and its rents, proceeds or profits by suit, in her own name alone, as trustee as aforesaid, and successor of said William R. R. Wyatt, in any court having jurisdiction of the sub- ject matter, and all orders, judgments or decrees made in any such suit, shall be as valid as if the proceed- ings were in the name of said William R. R. Wyatt. Approved, December 9, 1801. No. 2GG.] AN ACT Fev the relief of Pleasant A. Cumby, of Cherokee county, and Isaac B. Cannon, of Butler county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaticcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Pleasant A. Cumby, of Cherokee county, Mar contract and Isaac B. Cannon, of Butler county, be, an4 they are njaT'ag*- each hereby released from all the liabilities and penal- ties imposed by law on persons against whom divorces have been granted, and arc each hereby authorized to contract marriage. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 267.] AN ACT For the relief of Marion Lylcs, of Randolph county. Sec. 1, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convaicd^ That Marion Lvles, of Randolph county, be, 16 1861. 242 and he is hereby relieved from all disabilities imposed by law on persons against whom a divorce has been obtained. Approved, November 22, 1861. No. 268.] AN ACT For'the relief of James R. Norris. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That James R. Norris, of the county of Pike, be, and he is hereby relieved from the disabilities im- posed by law upon persons against whom a divorce has been obtained. Approved, November 22, 1861. 269.] AN ACT ■ For the relief of Georgia Ann Wood, late of Coving* ton, but now of Choctaw county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened *'J!lh.Q.t Georgia Ann Wood, late of Covington county, but now of ChoctaW county, be, and she is hereby relieved from all the penalties and disabilities imposed by law on persons against whom a divorce has been granted. Approved, December 9, 1861. . No. 270.] AN ACT * For the relief of William Nolen, Tax Assessor of Marion County. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly 'convened^ That the present tax-collector of Marion % 243 1861. county, be, and he is hereby authorized and required to make certain payments to William Nolcn,. tax-asses- sor of Marion county, for the years 1858 and 1850, in accordance with the provisions of an act entitled " an act to legalize and confirm certain payments by the tax-col- lector to the tax-assessors of Marion county," approved January 25th, 1860; and that the receipt of the said "William Noleu shall be a sufficient voucher on a settle- ment by the said tax-collector with the treasurer of said county, any law to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, December 9, 1861. Ko. 271.] AN" ACT For the relief of the Tax Assessor of Pickens county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Beprescntativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the commissioners' court for the county of Pickens, be, and they are hereby authorized to allow such compensation to the tax assessor for said county for any services rendered by him in regard to the as- sessment of the county taxes of said county for the 3'ear 1861, as said court may deem just and reasonable. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 272.] AN ACT For the relief of William Johnson, and other tax collectors. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That in any case where suit has been com- menced against any collector of State taxes in this State for failing to pay the taxes for the fiscal year 1860- 61, and may be now pending, or in which Judgment has been rendered, if such collector shall pay the taxes for wliich he is properly accountable or legally liable, into tlio State treasury, within sixty days from the pas- sage of this act, and shall also pay the costs of any suit 1881. 244 so pending, or in whicli judgment has been ratidercdy such tax collector shall be released from the pajnnent of interest and damages prescribed by section 2632 of the Code ; and if any tax collector rany have paid in- terest on any taxes assessed for the past fiscal year, such interest paid shall be refunded : Provided each, tax col- lector claiming the benefit of this act, shall, before be- ing entitled thereto, file with the Comptroller of Public Accounts the written assent of his securities to the delay allowed by this act; and, provided further, no suit pending against any such tax collector shall be discon- tinued until the provisions of this act are fully complied with. • Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 2T8.] „ AK ACT For the relief of Thomas B. Bowling, tax collector for the county of Washington. Sec. 1. JBe it enacted hij the Senate and House of Eepre- seniatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened,, That Thomas B. Bowling, tax collector of Washington county, shall have until the first day of March, 1862, to make final settlement of his accounts as such tax collector, with the Comptroller of Public Accounts: Provided, that he shall first obtain the writ- ten consent of the securities on his ofiicial bond for- such extension, and file the same in the ofiice of the Comptroller of Public Accounts before this act shall take eflec't. Approved, November 27, 1861. No. 274.] AN ACT To refund to Andrew J. Crawford, tax collector of Marengo county, a certain amount of money paid into the State Treasury by mistake. Sec; 1. Be it 'enacted hij the Senate and House of Rei^re' sentativcs of the State of Alabama in General Aseemhlij 245 1861. convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be authorized to issue his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of Andrew J. Crawford, tax collector of Ma- loi 25 appropri- reng-o county, for the sum of ninety-one dollars and pL>TO°ni?**^'' twcntj'-five cents, being amount paid by him into the ' treasur}-, in excess of the taxes assessed against R. R. Pickering, in the year 18G0, and paid into the State treasury, without having been collected by the collector, to be paid out of any money in the treasury, not other- w-ise appropriated. Approved, IS^ovember 8, 1861. jSTo. 275.] AN ACT For the relief of David Deshler. Sec. 1. Be it enacted b>/ the Senate and,Iiousc of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alo.bama in General Assembhj convened. That the sum of eighty-nine dollars be, and $S9 appropriated the same is hereby appropriated to reimburse David o^stltTtareT Deshler, of Franklin county, the said Deshler being overcharged with that amount in his State tax for the year 1860. Sec, 2. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller comptroller to of Public Accounts is hereby required to draw his war- ^'■"^'''"^'^■•'■'■='"' 1 o m { t t for It. rant on the btato ireasurer tor the above amount, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appro- priated. Approved. November 27, 1861. No. 276. AN ACT For the relief of James Alaherg, late Tax Collector of Calhoun county. Sec. 9. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bcpre- sentativcs of the Stale of Alabama in General Assembhj convened, That tUe Comptroller of Public Accounts be, »499 77appropri- and he is hereby required to draw his warrant on the'*"' ''"■'^*™"8e« State treasurer in favor of James Maherg, late tax col- lector of Calhoun county, for the sum of four hundred 1861- . • 246 and ninety-nine dollars and seventy-seven cents, being the amount of damages obtained against him on his of- ficial bond as a defaulting tax collector of said county. ?ii5o 68 appro foi" the year 1859, paid by said tax collector and his se- i.nated«or inter- curities, as defaulting to pay said tax according to law, and the further sum of one hundred and fifty dollars and sixty-eight cents interest that accrued thereon. Approved, December 9, 1861. I No. 277.] AIs^ ACT For the relief of B. F. Scale, of Choctaw county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller be, and he is hereby authorized and required to enter a release and full dis- rSe certain charge ou the books of his office of the amount of taxes taxes. charged against B. F. Scale, as tax collector of Choctaw county, returned in a supplemental abstract of assess- ment of lands in said county, for the year 1858, as as- sessed against the Mobile and Ohio Bail Road Company, and that he be released and discharged from the pay- ment to the State treasury of the amount of said taxes. $53 50 appropri- Sec. 2. Bc it further enacted, That the Comptroller satitnlnd"!^*-"' ^^^'^^"^ ^ Warrant on the State treasury in favor of B. F. penses. Scalc, for the sum ot fifty-five dollars and fifty cents, to compensate him for services as tax collector of Choctaw county, in 1858, and for expenses incurred by him in the legal prosecution of the duties of his said office, in advertising certain lands of the Mobile and Ohio Rail Road Company, supposed to be subject to taxation, and in defending a chancery suit in relation thereto. Approved, December 9, 1861. 247 • 186L No. 278.] AN ACT For the relief of W. P. Spinks, late tax collector of Choctaw county. Whereas, W. P. Spiuks, tax collector, of Choctaw count}' for the year 1860, bid off lands for the State, under the„provisions of section 464 of the Code, to the amount of five hundred and forty dollars and fifty-five and one-half cents, (|540 55^,) but omitted to deliver a Prcanibie. certificate of purchase to the comptroller at the time required by said section, whereby he is accountable for said sum on settlement with the comptroller, therefore, for the relief of the said W. P. Spinks, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatkcs of the Slate of Alabama in General Asfienibhj convened.^ That if the said W. P. Spinks will, within ten ^^j^,,;^ ^^ .j^^^ days from the date of the approval of this act, deliver to the conjptroller of this State a certificate of the pur- chase of the lands by the State, which were sold by him as tax collector of said Choctaw county for the year 1860, showing the amount bid to be $540 55| or any other sum, the comptroller shall receive such certificate and the said W. P. Spinks shall be released from ac-xo be released, counting for taxes due from him, as such tax collector for said year, to the extent of the amount shown by the certificate to have been bid for the lauds specified in the certificate. Approved, November 29, 1861. No. 279.] AN ACT For the relief of Levi F. Warren and others. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bep' resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assemhhj convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, compiVoiionu and he is hereby authorized and required to make a ""*^'^**"^*^*'°^ settlement with Levi F. Warren, William J. Thomp- son, Alva Ashford and George W. Gray, securities for William F. Rose, late tax collector for Lawrence coun- ty, and in such settlement to allow said securities aMusiaiiow. credit for all amounts due by insolvents on the assess- 1861. ' 248 ments of taxes in said county, as shall appear by the certificate of the court of county commissioners for the county of Lawrence; also to allow said securities a credit for any amount erroneously collected from them in any settlement made heretofore, or for any amount erroneously rendered against them by any judgment on the official bond of said collector, and collected of theni; also a credit for all commissions on any amount paid in by said securities as aforesaid, and not returned to them Proviso. as provided by this act : Provided, The said comptroller in such settlement shall deduct from the amounts so allowed, such amount as may have been necessarily ex- pended by the State in any suit against said tax col- lector and his said securities; and on such settlement the comptroller shall draw his warrant on the treasurer in favor of such securities for such sum as may be found justly due them. Approved, December 9, 1861. IS 0. 280.] AN ACT For the relijaf of Willis Farriss, sheriff of Winston county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the _ Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, Comptroller to and he is hereby required, to draw his warrant upon the State Treasurer in favor of Willis Farriss, sheriff of Winston county, for the sum now allowed by law for like services, for convejnng one Frederick F. Price to the penitentiary, and who the warden or lessee refused to take charge of, in consequence of some apparent in- formality in the certificate of the clerk of the circuit court of Winston county, directing the warden to take charge of said convict. Approved, November 27, 1861. draw his warrant The reason. 249 1861. No. 281.] AN ACT For the relief of George Field, sherift' of Greene county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby authorized, to draw his warrant on the ^^^ appropriated State Treasurer in favor of George Field, sheriff of Greene county, for the sum of eighty- four dollars to be paid out of any moneys not otherwise appropriated, for keeping State prisoners in the jail of said county during the year of 1861. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 282.] AN ACT For the relief of Richard Hudson, slierift* of Jefferson county. • Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That tlie Comptroller of Public Accounts be, aTul he is hereby authorized and required, to draw his warrant on the treasurer in favor of Richard Hudson, sheriff of Jefferson county, for the sum of forty-five '"'•'f"'"'"'"' * dollars, to compensate him forgoing at the order of the circuit court of Jefferson county, to Lebanon, in De- Kalb county, after one Henry Ellis, who was confined^, ,, ••i/'^i ^ ,j . I'i c ■ The rwiflon. m the jail or the latter county by virtue or a capias issued from tlie circuit court of the said county of Jef- ferson. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 283.] AN ACT For the relief of Washington BraketiekJ, jailor of Chambers county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep^ resentaiives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly 1861. 250 convened, That the Conjptroller of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby authorized and required, to draw his warrant on the Treasurer of the State in favor of Wash- $16 appropriated iugtou Brakeficld for'the sum of sixteen dollars, to pay the guard summoned to guard William Holmes, remov- ed from the jail of said county on account of his health. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 284.] AN ACT $296 80 appro- priated. Proviso. For the relief of John P. Howard, jailor of Butler county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby authorized and required, to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for the sura of two hun- dred' and ninety-six dollars and eighty cents, in favor of John P. Howard, jailor of Butler county: Provided, That the said Howard, before he shall be entitled to draw said sum, shall file in the office of the comptroller his affidavit or other proof, that the persons fed by him and set forth in his account are insolvent. Approved, November 28, 1861. %m 69 for 9 Love. No. 285.] AN ACT For the relief of Fielding Love, jailor of Calhoun coun- ty, and other person^ therein named. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and Souse of Bepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby required, to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of Fielding Love, jailor of Cal- houn county, for the sum of four hundred and ninety dollars and sixty cents, due him for feeding prisoners in said jail. $T6 for J. Helton Also in favop of Jamcs Helton, of Henry county, , 251 1861. the sum of seventy-five dollars, for pursuing and arrest- ing Williani Burnham, a fugitive from justice. Also in favor of Thomas J. Coen, jailor of Pickens $393 so for t.j. county, for the sum of three hundred and ninety-three ^°''"' dollars and thirty cents, for feeding prisoners in the jail of said county. Also in favor of Andrew Lawson, sheriff of Tallade- J9t 95for An- ga county, for the sum of ninety-seven dollars and ^'"'''' ^'^^'^ ninety-five cents, for bringing John W. Evans, a prison- er, from Russell county to Talladega county for trial. • Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 286.] AN ACT For the relief of W". B. Livingston, jailor of Perry county. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be ^'M^ •*? "ppi^*- • 1 • 1 T • I m £ 1 pnatcd. auihonzed to draw his warrant on the Ireasurer or the State in favor of W. B. Livingston, jailor of Perry county, for the sum of four hundred and forty-two dol- lars and forty cents, to be paid out of any money in the treasurj' not otherwise appropriated. ^ Approved, November 29, 1861. No. 287.] AN ACT For the relief of William Owens, jailor of Kandolph countyi Whereas, William Owens, jailor of Randolph coun-PreamWo. ty, has victualed William Anderson, an insolvent con- vict, from the 6th day of March, 1861, to the 6th day of September, 1861; and whereas, the fall term, 1861, of the circuit court for said county has not been holden, 80 that the said William Owens could have his account proven and certified to according to law: Sec. 1. Be it therefore enacted by the Senate and, House of Representatives of the State of Alabama in General 1861. 252 ated AssemUy convened, That the sum Of seventy-three dol- $T3 60 appropri- ]ars and sixty cents be allowed the said William Owens, , to be paid out of any money in the treasury not other- wise appropriated, and the Comptroller of Public Ac- counts is hereby authorized to draw his warrant on the treasurer for the above amount in tavor of the said William Owens. Approved, December 7, 1861. $€01 80 appro- priated.. No. 288.] AN ACT For the relief of A. Scogin, jailor of Dallas county. Sec. 1. Be it enaciedbg the Senate end House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the comptroller be, and he is hereby au- thorized and required, to draw his warrant on the treasurer in favor of A. Scogin for the sum of six hun- dred and one dollars and eighty cents, to be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, December 6, 1861. $191 60 appro priated. Ko. 289.] AN ACT For the relief William D. Walker, jailor of Marshall county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Henate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby authorized and required, to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer for the sum of one hun- dred and ninety-one dollars and sixty cents in favor of William D. Walker, jailor of Marshall county. Approved, December 9, 1861. 253. 1861. Ko.290.]- AN" ACT For the relief of Griffin White, jailor of Marion county. Sec. 1. Beit enacted by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the State of Alabama iiPOeneral Assembty convened, That the comptroller be, and he is hereby re- quired, to draw his warrant on the treasurer in favor of prtaVd."^^'^''' GritHn White for the sum of one hundred and twenty and eighty hundrcths (h)llars, to he paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, December 5, 1861. No. 291.] AN ACT For the relief of A. G. Mabry. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and H6use of Rcpre' scntatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Governor be, and is hereby ^^^t'ior-p^^^jj^j^,{,g'j, ized to issue a patent. to A. G. Mabry, of Dallas county, s"ed. for the east half of the north-west quarter of section sixteen, township twenty-one, rano^e three, west, in Sumter county; and the cast half of the north-east quar- ter of said section, with the exception of live acres thereof, reserved by the commissioners of said township for the site of a school house, upon satisfactory proof- being made that said Mabry has paid for said land, and that he is tFie owner thereof. Approved, November 2-2, 1861. . No. 292.] AN ACT For the relief of Willia;., 0. Royor and George F. Guiser, trustees of '''wwuslnp 8, Kar)ge 14, of the county of Franklin Section 1. . y the Senate and Home of Reprcsoitatives >■ - lalxntvi hi General Assembly convened, TIim* -le hundred and nine dol- »io9 zo appro- \av9 an«i twct . the same is hereby appro- '"^'*'*'^' 1861. 254 t'or tuition. Out of Educa- tional fund of 1861. priated to William 0. Royer and George F. Gruiser, in payment of the tuition of eighty-four scholars, the number ascel'taiued by the enumeration for said town- ship for the year 1860. Sec. 2. Be it fy^the,t enacted, That the Comptroller shall draw his warrant for the said sura of money on the treasury, to be paid out of the appropriation for the State educational fund for the year eighteen hundred and sixty-one. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1^0. 293.] A'E ACT For the relief of certain parties therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Bepre* sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly j>aiehts to be is- convcned, That the land commissioner be and is hereby sued by commis- authorized to issue a patent to James Hoge, of De Kalb iaX. ' ' "county for the K E. i of K W. J of S. 13, T. 9, R. 7; Jacob Otten, of Cherokee county, for the S.W. ^ of IS". W. 1 of S. 3, T. 10, R.-ll; Ezra Atteway, of Cherokee county, for S. W. i of S. W. of S. 28, T. 10, R. 11 ; James Furinage, of Cherokee county, S.W. ^ of N. "W". i of S. 11, T. 12, R. 6 ; James R. Wilsofi, of Cherokee county, for S. W. fof H. W. iof S. 3, T. 11, R. 8 Philip Archer, of Talladega county, KW. i of KW. i of S. 21, T. 13, R. 6; Benj. F. Nickols, of Talladega county, N. VV, i of S. E. i of S. 19, T. 23, R. 3 ; Samuel L. Dickson, of Cherokee county, K. W. J of N.W. ^ of S. 27,' T. 8, R. 10; Thosas W. Williamson, of Talla- dega county, S. E. i of S. E. J of S. 17, T. 21, R. 6; all lying in the Coosa land district, being subject to entry under an act of congress, approved August llthj 1848. in case of death ^^^* 2- Be it further enacted-, That, in the event of the ^oie^ga^i represent death of auy of the abovc named 'parties, that the land commissioner is hereby authorized to issue patents to the legal representatives of said parties. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts is hereby authorized to place in the treasury of the State of Alabama three hundred and Comptroller to )?ut $850 28 in the treasury. 256 1861. Afty-uitte dollars and twenty-three cents, the amount of the entrance money of the above described lands. Approved, December 9, 1861. No. 294.] AN ACT For tlie relief of the citizens of Township No. twelve and Range twenty-two, in the county of Pike and State of Alabama. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Eep- I'eseutatives of the Stale of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the commissioners of Township No. rp^ gg,, ^ certain tweU'e, and Range No. twenty-two, be, and they are {,-5[4°n *""*"' hereby authorized to advertise and sell, according to the provision of the law regulating the sale of lands in sixteenth section — that part of the sixteenth section in township No. twelve, and Range No. twenty-two, originally bought by one James Clarkston, who failed to comply with the law, in paying therefor. Approved, December 7, 1861. No. 295.] AN ACT For the relief of A. L. Montgomery, of Lawrence county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Ilepre- sentat'kcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened) That the Governor of the State be, and he is fatem to iwue, hereby authorized to issue a patent to A. L. Montgom- ery, of Lawrence county, to the north half of the north- east quarter, and the south half of the north-east quarter, in section 16, township 7, and range 8, west, in the county of Lawrence, State of Alabama, upon satisfac- tory proof being made that said land has been paid for, pro .r to be mad* and that the said Montgomery is the proper owner of the same. Approved, November 22, 1861. 188.1. 258 No. 296.] AK ACT For the relief of William H. Colemau. Section- 1. Be it enacted hythe Senate and House of Hep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That the sum of three hundred and thirt^'-iive ^335 appropria- ciollars be paid to William H. Coleman, of Sumter county, to reimburse him in the amount that he ex- pended in arresting Robert J. Allison, a fugitive from justice in Texas, on the requisition of the Governor of this State, and bringing him back to Sumter county in this State, where, he was indicted for felony; which said sum shall be paid to said Coleman out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, December 10, 1861. No. 297.] AN ACT For the relief of William Huggins, of Pike county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be fcqsappropriated authorized to draw his warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of William Huggins, of Pike county, for the sum of sixty-five dollars, for expenses in apprehending William A. Mize, charged v/ith the murder of D. J. Everett, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, December 5, 1861, No. 298.] AN ACT To compensate W. J. Matthews, and others. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep^ resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That W. J, Matthews, Hugh Caperton and Thomas Gipson shall be entitled to receive as compen- sation for their services, in bringing to justice thieves 2o7 1861. tTameStPenland, Morgan Ashbuni and John Asliburn, the sum of seventy-seven dolhirs, and that the Comp- $?7npproprintcd troller of Public Accounts bo, and lie is hereby required to draAy his warrant on the State Treasurer, in favor of \V". J. Matthews, Hugh Caperton and Thomas Gipson, for the amount speciiied in this act. Approved, December 6, 18G1. No. 299.] AjST act For the relief of John Camp, of Jefrcrson county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resenfativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assemhhj convened, That John Camp, of Jefferson county, be, and Relieved from is liereh}' relieved and exonerated from any penalty or <^criain ponaiiiea penalities heretofore incurred b}' the violation of "An act to re<]^alate the sale of spirituous liquors in the town of Elyton," approved December 16th, 1851, and of "An act amendatory of said act," approved January 25th, 1860. . Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That this act shall not be Act not i.. apply held to apply to any penalty heretofore imposed by the 1"^.,"''*'" '"^"'''" circuit court of said county upon the said John Camp, for the violation of the above mentioned acts. Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, That to entitle the Must pay aii tuo said John Camp to the relief provided by this act, lie.*^'*"' shall pay a"ll costs that may have heretofore accrued in his i)ro«ccution for the violation of said acts of 1851 and 1860. Approved, December 10, 1861. Kg. 800.] • AN ACT To relieve the citizens of Pine Level, in \ho ocwwAv of Montgomery. Si:n. ]. Be it enacted hj the Senate and House of Bep- »■' ' '■' of the State of Alabama in General Asarmhbj rc'" That the act entitled "An act to prevent tho IT 1861. i^58 retail of spirituous liquors within two miles of the Bap- Act of isos re- tist church, near Pine Level, in the county of Mont- gomery," approved January 25th, 1858, be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the inteudant pealed. Intendcnt con of Peace, stituted Justice of tlic Corporation of Line Level, in the county of Mont- gomery, be, and he is hereby constituted, ex officio, a justice of the peace, upon his giving bond and cbmply- ing in all respects with the law in relation to justicea of the peace. Approved, l!^ovember 30, 1861. No. 301.] AN ACT For the relief of insane convicts in -the Peiiitentiaryi Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly Physician to re- convencd, That the physician of the penitentiary shall P"""'' rq3ort to the Governor the names of all the insane con- victs that are now or may hereafter be imprisoned in the penitentiary, as often as such cases shall occur. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty amine and *re!'^ of the Govcmor, whcu any case of insanity is reported po""^- to him, as provided for in the first section of this act, to appoint three physicians of skill and experience, of whom the physician of the penitentiarj'- shall be one, to examine the persons reported to be insane, and report to him the result of such examination; aild if said board of physicians shall report »uch person insane, and a fit subject for the hospital for insane persons, it shall be the duty of the Governor to cause such person to be removed to the hospital for insane persons at Tuska- loosa, at the cost of the State. ^ Sec. 3. Be it further enacted. That if such inssine con' Disposition ol m- .,..,.•' . ' ini -i sane convicts, vict DC lu indigent circumstauces, lic shall be supported, while in the hospital, as now provided for by law for other indigent insane ; and if he should be restored to his proper mind before his terra of imprisonment expires, he shall, upon the order of the Governor, be returned to the penitentiary, or discharged, as to the Governor shall seem most proper. Approved, December 9, 1861. 250 1S61. Ko. 302.] AN ACT For the relief of certain slaves therein named. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives of the State, of Alabama in General Assembly ■convened. That Jack, Ellen, Nicholas, Susan, Napoleon, Names of slaves otherwise called Bonaparte, and Mary, the slaves of the estate of Albert G. Abercrombic, deceased, be, and they are hereby respectively authorized to choose mas- Authority to ters, by and with the consent of the executor of said '^'"'*"'^ "**""*• estate, so far as to enable them to remain in slavery in the State of Alabama. Sec. 2. Be it farther enacted, That should it be the Nccewnry pro- desire of the above named slaves to remain in slavery, '^'■■^'''"^'" it shall be their duty to file an application in writing in the probate court of Montgomery county, setting forth their wishes and desire in the premises; whereupon it shall be the duty of the judge of probate to examine the parties making said application, in such manner as he may deem best, as to their true wnsh and desire to remain in slavery ; and if said judge of probate is sat- isfied that the statements set forth in the application are true, it shall be the duty of said judge of probate to require of the person so selected, or chosen as master, to file his assent in writing to become the master of said slaves; and if upon the examination of the said negro slaves, the executor of said estate, and the mas- ter so chosen, the judge of probate is satisfied that the master chosen is of good moral character, and that the arrangement is satisfactory to all parties concerned, it shall be the duty of said judge of probate to approve the same, and to decree said slaves to be the slaves of the person or persons so chosen by them respectively, including their children and increase, and that thence- forth they shall be the slaves of the person so chosen by them : Provided, said slaves and their descendants shall not be sold under any legal process for the debts or liabilities of the master or mistress they may choose, or their heirs or distributees. Sec. 3. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty j,„,y„f j^j^^^f of the said judge of probate to make a record of all the rroi.ntc. proceedings in the case, and that either party shall have the right to appeal from the decision of the court, ujider the law now in force rogulating appeals from the decis- * 1861. 2G0 ions of the probate courts. The said judge of probate Fess, shall receive ten dollars for his services, and the other officers such fees as are now allowed by law to be paid by the master or mistress so chosen. •Approved, November 29, 1861. No. 303.] AN ACT To relieve certain tax pa^^ers of Mobile. Whereas, the tax collector of Mobile county, has in sundry cases collected of mercljants in Mobile county a harbor tax, under an act, entitled "an act for the im- ]'rtamb!e. provemcut of the ba^^ and harbor of Mobile," on the gross amount of their sales; and whereas, the supreme court of Alabama has since decided, that said mer- chants v^-ere not liable under said act to pay said tax. Sec. 1. Iherefore be it enacted by the Senate and House of JRepresentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly _ convened. That in all cases where the tax collector of Mo- Ccrtaui taxea to,., , -, ,, , ,, ,, be returned, Diie couuty has collccted a harbor tax, on tne gross amount of the sales of any merchant, or other person, sellinggModsor other property in Mobile, he shall return to such tax payer the amount so collected on such amount of sales, or if he has settled with tlie commissioners' court of Mobile, or deposited the same in bank to their credit, said commissioners shall return to the tax navers said tax on the amount of sales so made. Approved, December 4, 1861. No. 3U,4.J AN ACT To authorize John W. Posey and M. M. Posey to have votingprivileges in Blount county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and Rouse qf Iiep- reseniatives of the State of Alabama in Genercd Assembly eonv$ichj onvened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, and he is hereby authorized and required, to draw his Appn.phaici warrant on the State Treasurer in favor of Thomas F. ^-f^'^^'^' ^"■ Parker for the sum of two hundred and sixty-five dol- lars and fifty cents ; in favor of Benjamin B. Davis for Appropriate! ,, /. • 1 , • I i 1 11 1 \' J. II i. • t^^ 4.') for Da»i«. the sum ot eighty-eight dolhirs'and lorty-nve cents; in favor of W. B. & A. R. Bell for forty-four dollars and Appropriate, forty-two cents; in favor of Lehman & Bros, for the sum 'i^ *^ "^^ of two dollars and twenty-five cents, to be paid out of AppronriaiM »2 ,, ^ '' . .^ ■ a:, for Lchroan .t any moneys m the treasury not otherwise ajtpro- Bro. priatcd. Approved, December 9, 1861. 1861. Ai>|)ropriates 4-10. 264 Ko. 312.] AN ACT For tlie relief of John Powell, of Montgoraerj county. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate aud House of Rep- resentatives of the State of Alahaina in General Assembly convened, That the Comptroller of Public Accounts be, and is bereb}^ authorized and required, to draw his war- rant on the State Treasurer for the sam of five hundred and fourteen dollars and forty cents, in fiwor of John Powell. Approved, ]S"ovember 11, 1861. Xo. 313.] ■ a:^ act For the relief of White, Pfister & Co. Section 1. JBe it enacted hy the Senate and House of Jiejyresentatlves of the State of Alabama in General Assemble/ convened, That the comf)troller be, and he is herebj^ au- thorized and required, to draw his warrant on the treasurer in favor of White, Pfister & Co. for tlje sum of^ nine hundred and eighty-three dollars and eighteen cents, the same being; the amount of their account for stationery. Approved, December 9, 1861. Ko. 314.] AN ACT For the relief of James M. Wright, superintendent of the Glennville Alilitary Institute. Sec. 1. Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Bepre- sentatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened. That the Governor be, and he is hereby au- thorized, to issue a warrant on the Treasury of the State in favor of James M. Wright, superintendent of the Glennville INIilitarj' Institute, for the sum of ninety- one dollars and ninety cents, to be paid out of au}^ money uqw in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, December 10, 18G1. 2G5 1861. iS^o. 315.] AN ACT Making an appropriation to repay a certain loan there- in mentioned. Section "l. Jie it enacted by tlie /Senate and Jlouse of llepresetdatives of the State of Alahanui in General Atisenddy convened, That such sum as shall he sufficient to repay the loan of one hundred thousand dollars ohtained from the Central Bank of Alabama, under an act ap- proved the 25tli Januar}', 1861, and the interest accrued thereon, be, and the same is hereby appropriated to repay the loan of one hundred thousand dollars, to the said bank, together with all the interest that shall have accrued thereon at the time when such repayment shall be made, out of the taxes of 1861, wlien the same, or a sufficiency thereof for that jjurpose, shall have been received at the State treasury. Appiioved, December 3, 1861. JOINT RESOLUTIONS. JOmT RESOLUTION Providing that the Legislature, at this session, fill the vacancy in the representation of Alabama in the Provisional Congress, occasioned by the resignation of Hon. John Gill Shorter. Whereas a vacancy has occurred in the representation of this State in the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States, which may materially endanger the interests of the country, and parti- cularly of this State, so far as Congressional influence and legisla- tion'is concerned: Whereas, it will not do to leave anything to chance in a crisis so important as this; and, whereas, since we believe we possess in this respect the same power we are capable of conferring on the people, and for the purpose of saving the trouble and expense of further legislation by us and of an election by the people, which we believe they would almost unanimously deprecate; therefore, we jointly resolve, That on Saturday next, the 23d instant, the Senate and House of Representatives meet in the hall of the House, at 12 m., and proceed to the election of a representative to fill the said vacancy occasioned 'by the resignation of the Hon. John Gill Shorter of his seat in the Provisional Congress of the Confederate States. Approved, November 22, 1861. JOINT RESOLUTIONS In relation to the Fourth Regiment of Alabama Volunteers. 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Alabama convened, That whilst Alabama, in common 267 with the whole Confederacy, rejoices in the triumph of the Con- federate arms in the many battles fought for the defence of their liberties, it becomes the General Assembly of the State to place on permanent record the emotions of gratitude and pride with which Alabamians view the noble acliicvements of the 4th Ala- bama regiment on the memorable field of Manassas. . 2d, Resolved, That whilst hereby receiving the condolence of the whole State, the relations of the fallen brave who spent their heart's blood on that glorious day, must be consoled with the pleasing reflection, that to have belonged to the Alabama 4th, erects a monument of undying fame in the affections of a grateful people, and gives a patent of republican nobility to the surviving heroes of the tight. Approved, JSTovember G, 18G1. JOmT RESOLUTION In testimony of the ability, patriotism and fidelity ot Andrew B. Moore, Governor of the State of Alabama: Whereas his excellency, Andrew B. Moore, Governor of the State of Alabama, during his term of service — now about to expire — has been surroutided by extraordinary circumstances, pro- ducing unforeseen exigencies and unusual responsibilities; And, whereas, he has provided for those exigencies, and met those responsibilities, with a determination, sagacity and patriot- ism highly commendable, and deserving the thanks of the people of this State; And, whereas, the cause of Southern liberty and independence has been greatly promoted and advanced by his bold and daring action in seizing the forts, arsenals and arms witliin the State; and also by his judicious and energetic efforts to feed, clothe and arm the soldiers engaged in the defence of our rights; And whereas he has been untiring in his efforts to sustain the State in the extraordinary circumstances which followed her seces- sion from the government of the United States; therefore Be it resolved., luith (he concurrence of the Senate, That the present Governor of the State of Alabama, under the trying circumstances which have befallen his administration, has so acted as to demon- strate his devotion to his country, and the cause of Soutliern in- dependence, and has exhibited a courage and capacity adequate to 2G8 the emergencies surronnding iiim, and deserving the thanks of the State he has served with such marked fidelity. Approved, December 3, 1861. JOINT RESOLUTION'S For the relief of Jas. IT. AVitherspoon, and others. Whereas James H. Witherspoon, of Lauderdale; Thomas J. ^McClellen, of Limestone; Adolphus A. Hughes, of Franklirf; Canada Butler, of Madison, and George W. Malone, of De Kalb couut3\ members of the House of Representatives of this State, have been absent from their seats since the first instant, with leave of this House, on business of a public nature, Skc. 1. Be it therefore resoloed by the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the Slate of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That Jame^H.Witherspoon, Thomas J. McClellen, Adolphus A. Hughes, Canada Butler, and George W. Malone, members of the House of Representatives of this State, be, and they are hereby authorized to receive the same amount of compensation as if they had con- tinued in their seats until the close of the present session. Sec. 2. Be it further resolved, That S. C. Posej', of Lauderdale county, be authorized to receive the compensation authorized by these resolutions to be paid to each of the members mentioned in the foregoing resolution, and his receipts therefor shall be good vouchers for such payment. Approved, December 9, 1861. JOINT RESOLUTIONS To provide for the printing and distribution of the Military Code of Alabama, and for other purposes. 1. Be it resolved hy the Senate and House of liepresentaiivcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened^ That the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby authorized, to have three thousand copies of the Military Code of Alabama, and the several amend- ments thereto, to be printed, and that he distribute the same' to the military officers in the several counties in this State, through the probate judge of each count}', apportioning the number of copies to each county in proportion to population. 2. Ba ■it jariiier rc^ouv', i iiat nc3 di^^tributG among the members of the General Assembly of the State of Ahibama, copies of tho proceedings and debates of the State Convention, to each member one copy. Approved, December 10, 18G1. JOmr RESOLTJTIOK Authorizing the print;..;., ,. r,.\. ....... hundred ..;,,., Vet to Kcgulate Judicial .Proceedings, for distributicM- Be it resolved by the Senate and House of i^epresenfatives of the State of Alabama in General A.ssem()hj convened) -That twenty-fivG hundred copies of the act, entitled an act to reguhltc judicial pro- ceedings, be printed in separate sheets as early as practicable, for distribution, and that the Secretary of State be instructed to transrnit said copies to the several probafe judges, in proportion to the representation from each county. Apjiroved, December 10, 1861. Kcquiring tlic bccrotary of fc-latc to iuinu-!i tor di^triUulion coplee o'f the Ordinances and Constitution of the State of Alabama, with the Constitution of the Provisional Government, and of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Secretary of State be and he is hereby required to deliver to each member of the Senate und of the House of Representatives, ten cojues of the *' Ordijiances and Constitution of the State of Alabania, with the Constitution of the Provisional Government,- and of the ("'>'• f^-''- erate States of America," as now pubi^^iled. to be delivers, judges of Probate in each count '' ' pro])er officers of the State. Decemb JOIOT RESOLUTIONS To the rrovisional Congress. Whereas there is an obvious and unjust inequality between the Salaries of commissioned officers and the pay of non-commissioned officers and privates in the provisional army of the Confederate States of America) Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of JRepresen- iativcs of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That it is the sense of this General Assembly, that the pay of non-com- missioned officers and privates should be increased. Sec. 2. Be it further enacted, That the members from the State of Alabama be, and they are hereby requested to bring the sub- ject matter of these resolutions to the consideration of the Provis- ional Congress now in session in the city of Richmond, and to exert their influence in favor of the passage of a law in accordance with the principles declared in the lirst resolution. SeCs 3. Be it further enacted, That his excellency, the Governor, be, and he is hereby requested to transmit a copy of these joint resolutions to each one of the members from this State in, the Pro- visional Congress of the Confederate States^ Approved, December 10^ 1861. JOIKT RESOLUTIONS Authorizing the Governor to ascertain the value of the steamer Florida, taken for the public use, and make compensation therefor. Besolved hij the Senate and House of Bepresefitatives of the State of Alabama in General Assembly convened, That the Governor be, and he is hereby authorized to ascertain from such proofs as raify be furnished him, or from such as he may be able to obtain, the value, on the 16th of July, 1861, of the steamer Florida, one of the passenger steamers formerly of the N"ew Orleans and Mobile mail line, which on that day was taken possession of for public use, under the order of the Governor, and is n^w in the service of the navy of the Confederate States ; and upon^ascertaining such value, to pay the same to the owners of said vessel out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated : Provided, tlie sum paid shall not exceed in amount, or terms, the offer made by the own- 271 ei's to sell the same vessel to the pQblic authontiea of the Stato of Louisiana. Approved, December 10, 1861. SECRETARY OF STATE'S OFFICE, \ ^ Montgomery, Alabama, February 5, 1862. j I hereby certify, that the foregoing Acts and Joint Resolutions are correct copies, from the original rolls deposited in this office* P. n. BRITTAI^, Secretary of ^^tate, 'F THE RATES OF INTEREST IN THE SOUTHERN AND CONFEDERATE STAINES Compiled'in imrsuance of an act a.iyproved February 18, 1848. Maryland 6 per cent- Horth Carolina 6 " ." Tennessee ' 6 " " Alabama 8 " " Virginia.... 6 " " South Carolina 6 per cent* Kentucky ..6 " " Georo:ia 8 " •' Fiorjdf)...... 8- " " Arlcansas — Legal interest, 6 per cent. ; conven^ti.onal interest 10 per cent. • :; ■ Texas — Legal interest, 8 per cent.; conventioiial interest 12 per cent. 31issoxiri—l-iQ.gsX interest, 6 per cent. ; , conventional interest, 10 per cent. Idississippi—JjQg^l interest, 8 per cent. ; on lent money, 10 per cent. Louisiana — Legal interest, 5 per cent.; bank interest, 6 per ■■nt,; conve'itional interest, 10 per cent. SECRETAEY OF STATE'S OFFICE, \ Montgomery, Alabama, February 5, 18G2. / Certiiiod to be correct. P. H. BRITTAK, Sccrciaru of Sick- IISTDEX. ACADEMIES— See Corporations. ACKLIN", A. A.— Act relative to grant of administration on estate of 193 ACTIONS — See Judicial rRocEEDiNGS. ADMIRALTY— Act amending act of 1858 relative to admiralty cases in Mobile 219 ALIEN ENEMIES— Act in relation to debts due to 59 APPEALS— Act giving appeal from order of chancellor appointing receiver 62 Act giving appeal to county superintendent from action of school trustees 223 APPROPRIATIONS— For fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1862 9'^ Act to supply deficiency in treasury 12 For hire of servants for General Assembly 70 For pay of members and oflicers of General Assembly 74 For payment of interest on State bonds 42 Of balance of three per cent, fund 41 To encourage the manufacture of salt 27 To carry out the act authori//ing the seizure of salt by the Governor 29 To encourage the manufacture of fire-arms, &c 75 For indexing manuscript acts of Legislature 76 For equipment of volunteers, and purchase of arms 78 For erecting building at Manassas for army stores.. 183 For relief of First Alabama Cavalry l\egiment 284-5 For Soldiers' Home at Montgomery and Aid A'J^o- ciation at Iluntsville 282 For milikiry Aid Society at Mobile 23-1 18 274 APPROPRIATIONS— (Continued.) For sick and wounded soldiers at Florence 184 To aid in the harbor defences of Mobile 211 Act amending act last above recited 213 To provide for manufacture of arms for Mobile 214 To II. P. Watson, as marshal, (sec. 6) - 11 To M. P. Blue.. 76 To Wra. J. Greene 179 To J. W. Echols 230 To Andrew J. Crawford .'. 244 To David Deshler 245 To James Maherg... 245 To B. F. Scale 246 To Willis Farriss *. 248 To George Field.... 249 To Richard Hudson 249 To John r. Howard 250 To Fielding Love and others, (viz: James Helton, Thos. J. Coen, and Andrew Lawson) 250 To W. B. Livingston 251 To Wm. Owens^. 251 To A. Scogin 252 To William D. Walker 252 T6 Griffin White 253 To W. O.^Royer and G. F. Guiser, as trusteesof town- ship three, range fourteen, in Franklin county, 253 To Wm. IL Coleman 256 To William Iluggins 256 To W. J. Mathews, Hugh Caperton and Thos. Gipson 256 To editorsof Montgomery Advertiser 262 To W. B. & A. R. Bell & Co 262 To W. W. Jackson, R. F. Cook, and E. H. Gordy... 263 To Thos. F. Parker and others, (viz : B. B. Davis, W. B. & A. R. Bell, and Lehman & Bros 263 To John Powell 264 To White, Pfister & Co 264 To James M. Wright 264 For repair of Capitol 89 For repayment of loan by Central Bank 265 ARBITRATIOisr— Authorized in certain cases in probate court 64 ARCHER, PHILIP— Act authorizing issue of patent to 254 ARMISTED, W. W-— Declared a citizen of Clarke county 201 275 ATTEWAY, EZRA— Act authorizina; issue of patent to 254 AUDITOR OF TREASURY— Act abolisbinp; office of 72 AUTAUGA COUNTY— Act relative to appointmeut of overseers and appor- tioners of roads 207 BANKS— Act anthorizing suspension of specie pa3'ment8 by cliartcred banks 20 Act authorizing suspension of specie payments by free banks 22 Act authorizing further suspension 24 Act prohibiting corporations to become stockholders in free banks 25 Act continuing office of commissioner and trustee of State Bank and branches 51 Act establishing Western Bank of Alabama, at Tuskaloosa 108 Act establishing Planters' Bank of Alabama at Gainesville 121 Act amcndinor charter of Bank of Alabama 134 Act amending charter of Mobile Savings' Bank 135 Act incorporating City Savings Association of Mobile 143 Act incorporating Mobile Merchants' and Traders' Depository 164 Act making appropriation for payment of loan by Central Bank 265 BELL, W. B. TY-^ Act authorizing division of county into districts 198 Act authorizinoj levy of special tax 199 CALHOUN COUNTY-- Act authorizing appointment of special tax collector for 1859-60 199 CAMP, JOHN— Act for relief of 257 CANNON, ISAAC B.— Act for relief of. . 241 GARDEN, PHOEBE P. AND JOHN D.— Act di vorci n g 92 CHAMBERS, SUMANTHA AND JOSEPH— Act divorcinor.... 91 CARROL, MARTHA— Act authorizing issue of patent to 180 CARTER, MARTHA L.— Act for relief of .-... . 2i0 CHEROKEE COUNTY— ' Act authorizing levy of special tax 201 CLERKS— Act amending section 646 of Code, in relation to approval of bond of circuit clerk 14 Act to secure payment of fees of circuit clerk in Walker county 227 COOKBURN, CATHERINE— Act relating to estate of. 194 CODE OF ALABAMA— Act suspending preparation of Revised Code 20 Sections 40-41 (untinished business of General As- sembly) suspended as to called session of 1861 13 Section 499 (compensation of county commissioners) amended as to Sumter county 224 Sec. 646 (approval of bond of circuit clerk) amended 14 Section 672 (duties of probate judges) amended.,-... 14 Section796(examination of books of county treastirer) amended as to Marion county... 209 Section 980 (license to druggists) amended 15 Section 1023 (runaway slaves) amended..., ;.,.,.. 15 277 CODE OF ALABAMA— (Continued.) Section 1056 (license for retailing) amended as to Walker county " 229 Section 1580 (descent and distribution of intestates' estates) amended 10 Section 1750 (sales by executors and administrators) amended • 51 Section 2025 (keeping together minors' estates) amended... 17 Section 2033 (removal of minors' estates) amended... 17 Section 2235 (pleading) amended 18 Section 2359 (security for costs) amended G9 Section 2447 (advertisement of sales under execu- tion) repealed as to certain counties 18 Sections 2645, 2649, (summary judgments between sureties,) amended 19 Section 3283 (selling liquor to slaves) amended 59 Section 3576 (service of cop}- of indictment) amended. 19 Section 3908 (report of lessee of penitentiarv) amended. . 19 COFFEE COUXTY— Act requiring justices of the peace to perform duties of road apportioners 202 Act legalizing grant of ferrv license to John G.Cowan. 202 COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS— ^ Act authorizing printing of report ('(9 CONECUH COUNTY— Act transferring county from 2d to 7th chancery dis- trict '. 195 COOSA COUNTY— Act repealing scciion 2447 of Code 18 Act amending charter of Rockford, nnd repealing special act of Feb. 8, 1861 203 CORPORATTONS— Academies. Act ameiicling charter of Southern Military 92 "*■ Act amending charter of Indian Creek Male and Female '. 93 Act amending charter of Jasper Mnh; and Fcinnlc., 94 Banks. See that title, ante, 275. Cities and Towns. Act extending corporate limits of Auburn 94 Act amending charter of (iainesvillo 95 Act amending charter of Montgomery 96 Act amending charters of Marion and Montevallo... 90 278 CORPORATIONS- (Co^'TiNUED.) Act amending charter of Selma 97 Act amending charter of Rockford 203 Act relative to boundaries of Jasper 94 Act amending hiw relative to municipal corporations, and giving to municipal officers powers of justices of the peace 66 Insurance Companies. Act incorporating East Alabama 136 Act incorporating Gulf City 139 Act' amending charter of Southern 146 Act amending charter of Alabama 147 Act amending charter of Eufaula Marine and Fire.. 147 Act amending charter of Eufaula Home 148 Act amending charter of Gainesville 149 Act amending charter of Livingston 150 Act amending charter of Woodville, Opelika, La Fayette, Jacksonville, and Troy 150 Railroads. Act incorporating Pensacola and Mobile 99 Act amending charter of Alabama and Florida 106 Act explaining charter of Mobile and Spring Hill... 107 Act amending charter of Opelika and Talladega, 107 Act postponing loan to Selma and Gulf, in favor of Alabama and Mississippi Rivers , 181 Miscellaneous. Act incorporating Southern Direct Trading Company. 151 Act incorporating Confederate States Express Co.... 155 Act incorporating Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, and appendant orders 156 Act incorporating Selma Chamber of Commerce... 159 Act incorporating Chemical Manufactory 160 Act incorporating Southern Salt Manufacturing Co. 162 Act incorporating Wills' Valley Coal and Leather Company . . 163 Act amending charter of Mobile Wine Company 167 Act amending charter of Alabama Direct Trade and Exchange Com pany 168 Act amending charter of Mobile Omnibus Company. 168 Act amending charter of Alabama Bible and Colpor- teur Society 170 Act incorporating Mobile Merchants' and Traders' Depository 164 Act amending charter of Mechanics' Aid Association of Mobile 169 279 COUKTY CLAIMS— Act requiriug registration in De Kalb and Covington. 205 Act authorizing payment in Walker 228 Act prohibiting public officers from dcalinj? in 58 COUNTY SURVEYORS— Act reducing fees in DeKalb county 205 courts- Chancery. Act changing terms in Choctaw, Marengo and Sum- tor counties 196 Act dispensing with fall terms (18G1) in Autauga, Cliainbers, Coosa, Macon, Russell, and Tallapoosa, and in 10th district of southern division 197 Act transferring Conecuh county from 2d to 7th dis- trict in southern division 195 Act giving appeal from order appointing receiver.... 62 Act defining register's commissions on sales 57 Act authorizing register to make settlements as pro- bate Judge 56 Act transferring jurisdiction of trust estate of Fran- ces Durden, from 15th to 40th district 189 Circuit. Act changing time of taking up State dockets 71 Act providing for special terms in 10th circuit 194 Act amending act of 1858, regulating practice in ad- miralty cases in Mobile .^ 219 Prouate. Act amending section 672 of the Code, and authoriz- ing payment of decree to probate judge 14 Act amending section 2025 of the Code, and au- tiiorizing estates of minors to be kept together ... 17 Act amending section 2033 of Code, (relating to re- moval of minors' estates,) 17 Act explaining act of 1850, amending act of 1854 relative to sales of land for partition 55 Act authorizing settlement to be made by register in chancery, when probate judge is incompetent .... 5C Act to enlarge jurisdiction of probate courts, (au- thorizing extension of d(-4>ts by executors and administrators,) 50 Act authorizing reference to arVntration 04 Act authorizing executors, administrators and guard- ians to rent lands, and amending section 1750 of Code ' 51 280 COURTS— (Continued.) Act authorizinc; executors, &c., to make loans to Confederate States '. 53 Act authorizing publication by probate qourt of Wil- cox in newspapers of adjoining counties 229 Act authorizing probate court of Madison to grant administration on estate of A. A. Acklin ..... 193 Act transferring administration of liobert Craig's estate from Sumter to Dallas 187 Act transferring administration of estate of Mar- garet Burns from Tallapoosa to Chambers 190 Act transferring administration of estate of John D. Smith from Mobile to Wilcox 190 Act authorizing sale and distribution of James Ham- ilton's estate 191 Act transferring administration of John E. Berry's estate from Macon to Russell... . 192 Commissioners of Roads and Revenue. Act authorizing erection of gates across public roads. 60 Act authorizing establishment of private roads 68 Act legalizing appropriations for equipment of vol- unteers ITO Act legalizing imposition of taxes, for equipment of • volunteers and support of their families 171 Act dividing Butler county into four districts 198 Act authorizing levy of special tax in Butler county, for support of families of indigent volunteers 199 Act authorizing levy of special tax in Cherokee, for simi lar purpose 201 Act legalizing grant of ferry license to John R. Cowan, in Coffep county 202 Act relative to levy of county tax in Franklin 206 Act relative to appointment of overseers and appor- tioners in Autauga, Greene, and Sumter 207 Act regulating pa}' of commissioners in Lawrence.... 208 Act repealing act of 1858, requiring levy of special county tax in Marshall 208 Act dividing Monroe county into four districts 220 Act providing adequate compensation for commis- sioners in Montgomery 221 Act regulating compensation of commissioners in Sumter 224 Act authorizing levy of special tax in Talladega 226 Act authorizing payment of county claims in Walker, 228 Act dividing Winston county into four districts 230 281 COVINGTOJS" COUNTY— Act requiring registration of claims against 205 COWAiNT, JOHN G.— Act legalizing grant of ferry license to 202 CRAWFORi), ANDREW J.— Act refunding money to 244 CRIMINAL LAW— Act amending section 357G of Code (as to service of copy of indictment, &c.) 19 Act relieving volunteers, conditionally, from criminal p rosecutio n s 228 Act for relief of insane convicts 258 Act making resistance to city officer a misdemeanor 68 Act givingone-half of fine to informant in certain cases 59 Act prohibiting buying under false pretenses 43 Act to suppress monopolies 42 See, also, Retailixg. CUMBY, PLEASANT A.— Act for relief of 241 DALE COUNTY— Act repealing act of January 31st, 1861, increasing pay of jurors 204 DALLAS COUNTY— Act amending charter of Selma T'T DEAF AND DUMB— Act transferring balance of appropriations 72 DEJARNETT, DICEY— Act authorizing location of land warrant 180 DEKALB COUNTY— Excepted from operation of section 2447 of Code.... 18 Fees of coujit}' surveyor reduced 205 Act requiring registration of claims against 205 DESIILER, DAVlb— Act for relief of. 245 DICKSON, SAMUEL L.— Act authorizing issue of patent to 2.'.4 DIVORCES— Bobbitt, Rebecca r. from William P '•'! Cardcn, Phrrbe P. from John D 92 Chambers, Sumantha from Joseph 91 Fouchee, William from Lucy -'1 Kelly, William J. from Sarah Ann 91 Latham, Cornelius C. from Margaret L 92 Norris, Margaret F. from James R 92 Thomas, William S. and Rebecca i^l 282 DRUaGISTS— Act amending section 980 of Code, (license,) 15 Act for relief of Harwood & Pearson, and of W. J. Nickols : 261 DURDEN, FRANCIS— Act transferring jurisdiction of trust estate of 189 EASTERS, MARY C— Act for relief of. 240 ECHOLS, J. ^.— Act compensating 230 ELECTIONS— Act changing time of election for members of Con- gress 50 Act regulating returns ... . 6i Act to prevent disfranchisement of volunteers and members of General Assembly 79 Joint resolution providing for election of successor to Hon. John Gill Shorter, as member of Provisional Congress 266 Act to protect elective franchise in JVIobile 216 Act compensating officers in Mobile 220 ESCHEATS—. Act in relation to estate of Catherine Cockburn 194 ESTATES OF DECEDENTS— Act amending section 1580 of Code 16 Act amending section 1750 of Code, and authorizing executors, &c., to rent lands 51 Act regulating compensation of executors, &c 52 Act authorizing executors, &c,, to make loans to Con- federate States 53 Act authorizing executors, &c., to renew debts 56 Act for relief of executors, &c 235 Act authorizing arbitration 64 Act transferring administration of Rob't Craig's estate. 187 " " " •' MargaretBurns' " 190 " " " " John D. Smith's" 190 " " " " John R. Berry's " 192 Act authorizing sale and distribution of James'Ham- il ton ' s estate 191 Act -authorizing probate court of Madison to grant administration on estate of A. A. Acklin 193 Act in relation to escheated estate of Sarah Cockburn. 194 EXECUTIONS— Act to regulate judicial proceedings, (known as "stay-law") 33 ^83 Acts (two) to amend "stay-law" of Feb. 8, 1861 40 Act amending act of Feb. 18, 1854, exempting wear- ing apparel from le%^y and sale 67 Act amending special act of 1840, (to secure collec- tion of rents in Mobile,) and exempting certain property 218 Act exempting certain counties from operation of section 2447 of Code 18 EXECUTORS AND ADMINISTRATORS— See Estates of Decedents. FARRISS, WILLIS— Act for relief of 248 FAYETTE COUNTY— Act amending special act of Feb. 2, 1858, relative to duties of justices of the peace 205 FIELD, GEORGE— Act for relief of. 249 FORCIBLE ENTRY AND DETAINER— Actions of, exempted from operation of " stay-law" of Feb. 8, 1861 40 FOUCHEE, WILLIAM AND LUCY— Act divorcinfi: 91 FRANKLIN COUNTY— Act prohibiting retailing near certain churches 173 Act making La Grange a military rendezvous 185 Act amending and explaining said act 187 Act repealing all laws contravening section 776 of Code, (relative to levy of county tax) 206 Act repealing parts of special act of Feb. 8, 1860, regulating pay of jurors 206 FURINAGE, JAMES— Act authorizing issue of patent to 254 GAME LAWS— Act repealing act of Feb. 8, 1861, for preservation of game in Shelb}' county 225 GENERAL ASSEMBLY— Act fixing time of meeting 49 Act prohibiting constructive mileage 50 Act suspending sections 40-41 of Code, as to unfin- ished business of called session 13 Act making apjiropriations for 74 Joint resolution for rebel of Witherspoon and others. 268 GOVERNOR— Act authorizing employment of two secretaries 89 Act authorizing repair of capitol 284 GOVERNOR— (Continued.) Act authorizing seizure of salt 29 Acts (three) amending and explaining said act 81-2 Act authorizing lease of salt springs 25 Act amending said act 27 Act supplemental to said acts '. 28 Act authorizing issue of State bonds or treasury notes. 12 Joint resolutions complimentary to Hon. A. B. Moore 267 Act authorizing compensation to be made f«r steamer Florida 269 GREEiNE COUJSTTY— Act regulating appointment of road officers 207 GUARDIANS— Authorized to rent lands 51 Authorized to make loans to Confederate States.. ,. 53 Act regulating compensation 52 Act for relief of. 235 Act amending section 2025 of Code 17 Act ri mending section 2033 of Code 17 Act authorizing Pleasant May to remove property and rent lands , 188 Act authorizing Wm. H. Coleman to purchase lands for his wards 192 Act authorizing Wm. H. Rives and A. Martin to in- vest property of v^ards 19-1 HAMILTON, JAMES— Act authorizing sale and distribution of estate 191 HARWOOD, ROBERT E.— Act for relief of 261 HENRY COUNTY— Excepted from operation of section 2447 of Code... 18 Retailing near Shortersville Church prohibited 174 HELTON, JAMES— Act for relief of. 250 HOGE, JAMES— Act for relief of. 254 HOWARD, JOHN P.— Act for relief of 250 HUDSON, RICHARD— Act for relief of. 249 HUGGINS, WILLIAM— Act for relief of. 256 INCORPORATIONS— See Corporations. 886 INSANE HOSPITAL— Act amending 14tli section of act establishing 76 Act amending 12tli section of supplemental act 90 Act exempting ofHcera from military and road ser- vice, and from serving as jurors 180 Act for relief of insane convicts 258 JAOKSOX COUNTY— Excepted from operation of section 2447 of Code,... 18 JACKSON, W. W.— Act for relief of 263 JEFFERSOM COUNTY— Act repealing act of Feb. 8, 1861, changing boundary line between Shelby and Jefferson 207 Act prohibiting retailing near Bethel Churcli 174 JOINT RESOLUTIONS— Providing for election of member of Provisional Con gress 266 Complimentary to Fourth Alabama Regiment 266 Complimentary to Ex-Gov. A. B. Moore 267 For relief of certain members of General Assembly.. 268 Providing for printing and distribution of Military Code 268 Providing for pirintmg of "stay law," (2500 copies).. 269 Providing for distribution of Ordinances and Con- stitution 269 Relating to pay of soldiers in Confederate army 270 Authorizing governor to make compensation for steamer Florida 270 JUDICIAL PROCEEDINGS— Act to regulate, (known as "stay-law") 03 Joint resolutions providing for printing and distri- bution of same 269 Acts (two) amending " stay-law" of Feb. 8, 1861 40 Act amending section 2235 of Code, (assignment -li' breaches in complaint) 18 Act-making transcripts from land-ollice evidence.... 49 Act making certain transcripts evidence 58 Act in relation to debts due alien enemies "'9 Act providing for publication in certain cases t Act abolinhing rule o{ comilion law, as to merger oi civil action in felony 67 Act chatiging time of taking up State dockets 71 Act requiring security for costs on clu'mge ol venue 6H Act regulating practice in admiralty cases in Mobile 21U Act for relief of V(»luntecrs.. -^- JURORS— Act repealing special act of Jan. 31, 1861, increasing pay of jurors in Dale county > 204 Act repealing, in part, act of Feb. 6, 1860, increasing pay of jurors 206 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE— Required to act as road apportioners in Coffee county 202 Act amending special act of 1858, applicable to Fayette .' 205 Act repealing special act of 1861, applicable to Rockford 203 KIRKSEY, E. J.— Act for relief of 261 LAWRENCE COUNTY— Act regulating pay of county commissioners 208 LAWS— Act providing for indexing manuscript acts 76 Act providing for exchange with other States.... 71 Joint resolution for printing and distribution of 2500 copies of "stay-law". 269 LAWSON, ANDREW-^ Act for relief of. 250 LEHMAN & BROS.— Act for relief of..,. 263 LIMESTONE COUNTY— Excepted from operation of section 2447 of Code ^ 18 LITTLE, MRS. LUCY— Authorized to erect gates across public road,. 225 LIVINCiSTON, W. B.— Act for relief of. 251 LOVE, FIELDING— Act for relief of 250 LYLES, MARION— Act for relief of 241 MABRY, A. G.— Act for relief of.> 253 MACON COUNT y— Act extending corporate limits of Auburn 94 MADISON COUNTY-- Act repealing special road law of 1860......... 208 MAIIERG, JAMES— Act for relief of 245 MANUFACTURES— Act to encourage the manufacture of salt 25 Act amending said act. 27 287 MANUFACTURES— (Continued.) Act supplemental to said acts 28 Act to encourage manufacture of cotton and wool cards 70 Act exempting from military duty persons employed in manufacturing iron, munitions of war, &c 73 Act to encourage manufacture of fire-arms and mu- nitions of war 75 MARENGO COUNTY— Act amending law relating to public roads 209 MARION COUNTY— Act amending section 796 of Code 209 MARSHALL COUNTY— Exempted from operation of section 2447 of Code... 18 Special act of 1858, requiring levy of tax for pay- ment of jurors, repealed 208 MATTHEWS, W. X— Act for the relief of. 256 MAY, PLEAS A NT- Authorized to remove property of wards 188 McMAY, JOHN— Act for relief of. 261 MILITARY AFFAIRS— Act providing fund for aid of indigent families of absent vol u nteers 4 Act excepting counties from operation of said act... 82 Act assuming Confederate war-tax 8 Act relieving volunteers from accounting for clothing. 74 Act for relief of indigent families of volunteers 74 Act to facilitate equipment of volunteers, and for purchase of arms 78 Act exempting soldiers' property from taxation 81 Act to raise an additional volunteer force for defense, at)d to resist invasion 82 Act to raise an additional volunteer force 84 Act legalizing action of governor in supplying vol- unteers with clothing •• ••• 88 Act legalizing appropriations by county commission- ers for equipment of volunteers 170 Act legalizing imposition of taxes by county com- missioners for equipment of volunteers 17 Act providing for establishment of medical depot at Manassas • 231 Act providing for erection of hospital for sick sol- diers on Potomac ^1 MILITARY AFFAIRS- (CoNxmuED.) Act authorizing appointment of surgeon for same,.. 184 Act providing for erection of building at Manassas for clothing, &c 183 Act providing for sick and wounded soldiers at Florence , 184 Act making Tuskaloosa and La Grange, each, mili- tary rendezvous , 185 Act amending and explaining said act 187 Act authorizing levj- of special tax in Butler for sup- port of families of indigent volunteers 199 Act authorizing levj^ of special tax in Cherokee 201 Act repealing act of 1860, to provide for efficient military organization 78 Act repealing, in part, ordinance of Jan, 19', 1861, to provide for military defense of State 77 Act repealing 3d section of ordinance of Jan. 26, 1861, authorizing colonels to appoint staff' officers 77 Act amending section seven, chapter four, of Military Code 85 Act amending section nine, chapter ten, of same 85 Act amending section three, chapter four, of same... 86 Act suspending section twenty-one, chapter twelve, of same. .-. 86 Act extending time of making returns required by chapter five of same 86 Act amending section four, chapter two, and section three, chapter nine, of same.,.. 86 Act to aid in harbor defenses of Mobile 211 Act amending said act 213 Act providing for manufacture of arms for Mobile... 214 Act amending militia laws of Mobile '. 215 Act for the relief of volunteers criminally prosecuted 232 Act exempting from military duty all persons engaged in manufacture of munitions of war 78 Act encouraging manufacture of munitions of war... 75 Act for relief of First Alabama Cavalry regiment 284 Act amending said aet 285 Act for benefit of Soldiers' Home at Montgomery and Aid Association at Huntsville..... t". ........ 232 Act for benefit of Military Aid Society at Mobile.... 233 MOBILE— Act to aid in harbor defenses of 211 Act amending said act 213 Act amending act for improvement of bay and har- bor of , 214 289 MOBILE— (Continued.) Act providing for manufacture of arms for 214 Act to amend militia laws in city of. 215 Act to protect elective franchise in cit}- of 216 Act to suspend, in part, act of 1840, to secure rents more effectuall}'^ , 218 Act amending act of 1858, regulating practice in admiralty cases 219 Act reducing fees of notaries 219 Act compensating election officers 220 Act for the relief of certain tax payers 260 MONOPOLIES— Act for suppression of. 42 MONT^OE COUNTY— Act authorizing division of county into districts 220 IiIONTGOMERY— " Act amending charter of city 96 ■ Act for relief of citizens of Pine Level 257 Act regulating license for retailing 221 Act providingcompensation for county commissioners 221 MONTGOMERY, A. L.— Act for relief of. 255 MORGAN COUNTY— Excepted from operation of section 2447 of Code.... 18 Retailing in Danville district regulated 175 NICHOLS, BENJ. F.- Act for relief of, (with others) 254 NICHOLS, WM. J.— Act for relief of, (with others) 261 NOLEN, WILLIAM— Act for relief of 242 NORRIS, JAMES R.— Act for relief of. 242 NORRIS, MARGARET F. AND JAMES R.— Act divorcing 91 NOTARIES PUBLIC— Act regulating fees in Mobile 219 OTTEN, JACOB— Act for relief of, (with others) -54 ( )WENS, WILLIAM— Act for relief of 251 PARKER, LeGRAND— Act for relief of minor heirs of 238 PARKER, TIIOS. F.— Act for relief of, (with others) -G3 19 290 PEARSON & HOWAUD— Act for relief of. 26L PENITENTIARY— Act requiring lessee to furnish report to inspectors... 19 Act for relief of insane convicts 258 PERRY COUNTY— Act amending charter of Marion 96 Act prohibiting retailing near Spring Hill Church... 175 PICKENS COUNTY— Act prohibiting retailing near Liberty Baptist Church 175 Act for relief of tax assessor 243 PORTER, JAMES— Authorized to erect gate across public road 221 POSEY, JNO. W, AND M. M— Authorized to vote in Blount county..., 260 POWELL, JOHN— Act for relief of. 264 PRINCE, 0. H.— Act for relief of.. 237 PUBLIC LANDS— Act suspending ordinance relative to waste lands 44 Act providing for carrjdng into effect the fourth sec- tion of said ordinance 45 Act compensating receivers, and relative to canceled entries , 45 Act authorizing payments to be made in current bank notes and treasury notes 46 Act in relation to location of bounty land warrants 47 Act legalizing entries under 36th section of ordinance relative to waste lands 48 Act relative to lands granted to Central and North and South Alabama Railroad 48 Acts making transcripts from land-office evidence.... 49 Act providing for index to Register of patents 90 Act authorizing issue of patent to Martha Carrol 180 Act authorizing location of land warrant to Dicey DeJarnett 180 Act authorizing issue of patents to James Hoge, JacobOtten,EzraAtteway, James Furinage, James R. "Wilson, Philip Archer, Benj. F. Nickols, Sam. L. Dickson, and Thos. W. Williamson 254 PUBLICATION— Act to provide for, in certain cases., 54 Act exempting certain specified counties from opera- tion of section 2447 of Code 18 291 RELIEF— Archer, Philip, (with others) 254 Armisted, W. W 201 Atteway, Ezra, (with others) 254 Bell,W. B. & A. R 262-263 Berry, John R., administrator of. " 192 Blue, i\l. P 76 Bowling, Thos. B 244 Brakelield, Washington 249 Camp, John 257 Cannon, Isaac B 241 Carrol, Martha 180 Carter, Martha L 240 Coleman, William II 256 Cook, Richard F. (with others) 263 Cowan, John G 202 Crawford, Andrew J 244 Cumby, Pleasant A 241 Davis, Benj. B. (with others) 263 BeJarnett, Dicey 180 Deshler, David 245 Dickson, Samuel L 254 Durden, Francis 189 Eastei-s, Mary C 240 Echols, J. W 230 Editors of Montgomery Advertise?- 26l' Farris, Willis 248 Field, George 249 Furinage, James (witli others) 254 Gordy,"E. II. (with others) 263 Gipson, Tliomas (with others) 256 Ilarwood, Robert E. (and another) ^Cl Helton, James (with others) 'J",!' Hoge, James (with others) J54 Howard, John P 250 Hudson, Richard 249 Huggins, William 256 Jackson, W. W. (with others) 2ii3 Johnson, William (with other tax-collectors) 243 Kirksey, E. J 261 Lawson, Andrew (with others) 250 Lehman k, Bros, (with others) 263 Livingston, W. B 251 Love, Fielding /with others') 25iJ Lyles, Marion 241 292 RELIEF— (Continued.) Mabry, A. G 253 Maherg, James... 245 Mathews, W. J. (with others) 256 McCoy, Jesse ..'.... 239 McMay, John 261 Montgomery, A. L 255 Moody, R. A 238 Moss.VohnR 239 Mchols, W. J. (with others) 261 Fickols, B. F. (with others) 254 Kolen, William 242 l^orris, James R 242 Otten, Jacob (with others) 263 Owens, William 251 Parker, minor heirs of LeGrand 238 Parker, Thos. F. (with others) 263 Pearson k Howard 261 Posey, John W. and M. M 260 Powell, John 264 Prince, 0. H 237 Riddle, K W 236 Rose, sureties of Wm. F 247 Royer, Wm. 0. (and another, as school trustees) ..... 253 Scogin, A 2.52 Scale, B. F 246 Sherod, administrator of James B 237 Spinks, W. P 247 Walker, William D 252 Warren, Levi F. (with others) 247 White, Griffin 253 White, Pfister & Co 264 Williamson, Thos. W. (with others)....... 254 Wilson, James R. (with others) 254 Wood, Georgia Ann 242 Wright, James M 264 Wyatt. Cornelia J 240 Tax assessor of Pickens county 243 William Johnson and other tax collectors 243 Citizens of Pine Level, Montgomery county 257 Citizens of township 12, range 22, Pike county .... 255 Slaves of A. G. Abercrombie, deceased 259 First Alabama Cavalry regiment 234 Act amending said act 235 Soldiers' Home in Montgomery, and Aid Association atHimtsville 232 293 RELIEF— (Continued.) Military Aid Society of Mobile ." 233 RETAILING— Prohibited near Mulberry Academy in Bibb county 172 Prohibited near Scottville in Bibb county 173 Prohibited near Harmony and Presbyterian Churches in Franklin county 173 Prohibited near Shorterville Church in Henry county 174 Prohibited near Bethel' Church in Jefterson county 174 Regulated in Danville district, in Morgan county 175 Prohibited near Spring- Hill Church, Perry county, and Liberty Baptist Church, Pickens county 175 Prohibited near Silver Run Church, Russell county 176 Prohibited near Friendship Church and Academy, St. Clair count}* 176 Prohibited, conditionally, near Branchville, St. Clair county 177 Act modifying act of Dec. 17, 1859, prohibiting re-. tailing within certain limits in Tuskaloosa 178 Prohibited near Presbyterian Church at Lower Peiich Tree, Wilcox county 178 License regulated in Montgomery count}- 221 Section 1056 of Code amended as to Walker county 229 Act of 1858, prohibiting retailing in Pine Level, Montgomery county, repealed 257 Act amending charter of Indian Creek Academy, Pike county, by repealing prohibitory clause 93 Act amending charter of Jasper Academy, Walker county, by adding prohibitory clause '.'I RIDDLE, N. W.— Actfor relief of. 236 ROADS— Act authorizing erection of gates by county com- missioners 60 • Act authorizing establishment of private roads 68 Act authorizing erection of gates by Mrs. Lucy Little, of Sumter county 225 Act of 1860, authorizing construction of turnpike by Dennis Springer, amended 226 Act exempting ministers of Gospel from road duty in Walker 227 Act authorizing erection of gates by L. VV. Trawicke, in Butler 197 Act authorizing the erection of gates by James Porter, in Autauga 221 294 w .* . ROADS— (CONTIIs-UED.) Act requiring justices of the peace in Coflfee to per- form duties of road apportioners, and making con- stables liable to road duty 202 Actrepealingspecial road lawsin Conecuh and Monroe 203 Act relative to appointment of overseers and appor- tioners in Greene, Autauga, and Sumter 207 Act repealing special road law in Madison 208 Act amending road law in Marengo 209 Act repealing special road law of 1858 in Russell 222 Act exempting overseers and apportioners from road duty in Shelby 224 ROSE, W. F.— , Act for relief of sureties of 247 ROYER, W. 0.— Act for relief of, (with another) 253 RUSSELL COUNTY— Act prohibiting retailing near Silver Run Church.... 176 Act repealing special road law of 1858 222 Act allowing appeal to county superintendent 223 SALT— Act to encourage manufacture of , 25 Act amending said act 27 Act supplemental to said acts 28 Act authorizing Governor to seize for public use 29 Act amending 10th section of said act 31 Act amending 7th section of same 32 Act declaratory of meaning of same. 32 SCOGIN, A.— Act for relief of. 252 SEALE, B. F.— Act for relief of 246 SECRETARY OF STATE— Required to procure exchange of laws... 71 Required to have records of land patents indexed.... 90 SECURITY FOR COSTS— Act amending section 2359 of Code 69 SHELBY COUNTY— Exempted from operation of section 2447 of Code 18 Charter of Montevallo amended 96 Act repealing act of Feb. 8th, 1861, changing boun- dary line between Jefferson and Shelby 207 Act repealing special game law of Feb. 8th, 1861... 225 Act compensating election officers 224 295 SHELBY COUNTY— (Continued.) Act exempting overseers and apportioners from road duty 224 SHERIIOD, JAMES B.— Act for relief of administrator of. 237 SIXTEENTH SECTIONS— Act reviving and extending extension law of I860.... 65 Act relative to debts due township 5, range 22, in Coffee county , 182 Act authorizing sale' of property of township 16, range 17, in Montgonierv county 183 Act granting appeal from decision of trustees to county superintendent 223 Act for the relief of trustees of township 3, range 14, in Franklin county 253 Act for relief of citizens of township 12, range 22, in Pike county 255 SLAVES— Act amending section 1023 of Code (runaways) 15 , Act for the relief of A. G. Abercrombie's 250 SMITH, JOHN D.— Act authorizing removal of administration of estate 190 SPINKS, WM. P.— Act for relief of. 247 SPRINGEK, DENNIS— Authorized to construct turnpilje across Sipsie river 226 ST. CLAIK COUNTY— Excepted from operation of section 2447 of Code 18 Act prohibiting retailing near Friendship Church 176 Act prohibiting retailing near Branehville 177 STATE BONDS— Act for renewal and extension of. 63 STATE LIBRARY— Act authorizing exchange of books for 71 STAY^ LAW — See Judicial Proceedings. SUMTER COUNTY— Act amending charter of Gainesville 95 Act amending section 499 of Code (compensation of county commissioners) 224 Act relative to appointment of overseers and appor- tioners of roads 207 SURETIES— Act amending sections 2645 and 2649 of Code.. 19 TALLADEGA COUNTY— Act authorizing levy of special tax 226 296 TAXES— Act for relief of tax payers and collectors 3 Act to raise revenue from crops loaned, &c 3 Act to provide fund for aid of indigent families of volunteers '. 4 Act exempting counties from operation of said act 82 Act in relation to tax assessors and collectors 8 Act assuming Confederate war tax 8 Bills. of suspended banks and treasury notes receiva- ble in payment of, (sec. 6, 7.) , 21 Act authorizing repayment of excess paid by collector 66 Act exempting property of volunteers from taxation 81 Act legalizing imposition of taxes by county commis- sioners for equipment of volunteers, &c 171 Act authorizing levy of special tax in Butler 199 Act authorizing appointment of collector in Calhoun 199 Act authorizing levy of special tax in Cheijokee 201 Act repealing act of 1858, authorizing levy of special tax in Marshall 208 Act authorizing levy of special tax in Talladega 226 Act authorizing election of assessor and collector in Walker ., 228 Act for relief of assessor in Pickens. 243 Act for relief of collectors 243 THOMAS, WM. S. AND REBECCA— Act divorcing ^ 91 THOMPSON, JAMES H.— Guardian of minor heirs authorized to purchase lands 192 THREE PER CENT. FUND— Act appropriating balance of. 41 TRAWICKE, L. W.— Authorized to erect gates across public road 197 TRESPASS— Act to prevent commission of. 61 TRUSTEES— Act for relief of 235 TUSKALOOSA COUNTY— Act modifying special act of 1859, prohibiting retail- ing near New Lexinofton 178 Act making city of Tuskaloosa a military rendezvous 185 Act amending and explaining said act 187 WALKER COUNTY- Act amending charter of Jasper Academy, and re- pealing act of 1858 to define boundaries of J asper. . . 94 Act to secure payment of fees of circuit clerk 227 297 WALKER COUNTY— (Continued.) Act exempting ministers of the Gospel from road dutj 227 Act authorizing payment of certain county claims... 228 Act authorizing election of assessor and collector 228 Act amending section 1056 of Code, (retailin"-\ S^'O WALKER, W.D.— ^^ Act for relief of. 059 WARREN, L. F.— " " Act for relief of, (with others) 947 WATSON, H. W.— Appropriation in favor of, (sec. 5.) 9 WHITE, GRIFFIN— Act for relief of. 053 WHITE, PFISTER & CO.— Act for relief of. 034 WILCOX COUNTY— Act prohibiting retailing near Lower Peach Tree 178 Act relative to public advertisements 229 AYILLIAMSON, TIIOS. W.— Act authorizing issue of patent to (with others) 254 WILSON, JAMES R._ ^ ^ ^ Act authorizing issue of patent to 254 WINSTON COUNTY— Act dividing county into districts 930 WOOD, GEORGIA ANN— Act for relief of. 242 WRIGHT, JAMES M.— Act for relief of. , 054 WYATT, CORNELIA J.— Act for relief of. 240 298 < ^ CD CO T— 1 < ^^ n ffl I— < i72 !■/? <1 02 ^^ P5 <1 o fe !25 <^ 4 fi o 1— ( I—. .7 J fj r/; H H (H CZ2 Ci P -r; g Q |cJ5 I o ^ O ^ +1J 40 ^ O) Ol O r- C-. £ rt "^ PQ O fe ^ S bJDfl o O a> CS S ?^ rrt ^ S s^p o _^ d '■ ^ 'S? 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