Duke University Libraries D03212486Q Ptu, Aozf COMMUNICATION of Tin: SECRETARY OE THE TREASURY. Treasury Department, 0. S. A., ) Richmond, January 23, 1863. $ Hon. Thomas S. Loco k, Speaker of the House of Representatives, C. S. A. : Sir: In answer to the resolution of the House of Representatives, requesting the Secretary of the Treasury to report as soon as practi- cable, " the amount of treasury notes of each class and description, and also the amount of bonds of the Confederate States, bearing eight per cent, interest, and also of like bonds bearing six per cent, interest, issued, and outstanding on the 13th day of October last, and on the first day of each month thereafter, also the amount of each class of treasury notes and bonds issued during each of the said months, also at "what date the issue of treasury notes, fundable in the 8 per cent, stock ceased, and whether the new issue authorized by the act of November 13, 1SG2, shows on its face that it is fundable in a seven per cent, stock." I herewith enclose a statement from the Reg- ister of the Treasury, giving the information asked for in the first part of the resolution. The funding of treasury notes in eight per cent, stock, will by public advertisement from this Department, cease on and after the 22d day of April next. All treasury notes issued under the authority of the act of October 13, 1862, which I presume is the act intended by the resolution, show on their face that they are " fundable in stock or bonds of the Confederate States " without spe- cifying the rate of interest. It was thought best in making new plates that they should be so contrived as not to require change in case Con- gress should see fit further to reduce interest. Respectfully, C. G. MEMMINGER, Secretary of Treasury. Treasury Department, Register's Offh e, Richmond, January 23, 1SG3. Hon. C. G. Memminger, Secretary of Treasury: Sir : In compliance and with reference to resolution of the House of Representatives, passed January 16, 1 86 S, herewith returned, I have the honor to enclose statements, exhibiting ''the amounts of treasury notes of each class and description, and also the amount of bonds of the Confederate States bearing eight per cent, interest, issued and outstanding on the 13th day of October last, and on the 1st day of each month thereafter; also the amount of each class of treasury notes and bonds, issued during each of the said months." I am, very respectfully, (Signed,; RO. TYLER, Register -•f-Q rr*^> 5> Register's Office, Jan: 21, 1863, Statement exhibiting amount of stock and bonds issued under the several acts of Congress, embraced within the following periods, to wit : Act of February 28, 1861. Issued to October 13, 1862, $14,987,000 Act of May 16, 1861, {convertible.) Issued to October 13, 1862, $5,944,300 " from " " " to 31st inclusive, 122,700 " " November 1, " " 30th " 195,800 " " December 1, " " 31st " 151,500 $6,414,300 Redeemed to December 31, 1862, 237,100 Amount outstanding, $6,177,200 Act of August 19, 1861. Issued to October 13, 1862, $41,273,500 " from " " " to 31st inclusive 4,471,550 " November 1st, 1862, to 30th in- clusive, 12,427,050 ' Issued from December 1st, 1862, to 31st in- clusive, 9,413,000 Anount outstanding, $67,585,100 Act of December 24, 1861, {six per cent, convertible.) Issued to October 13, 1862, • $57,526,570 Redeemed to October 13, 1862, 6,049,400 Outstanding to October 13, 1862, $51,477,170 Issued to November 1, 1862, $61,417,570 Redeemed to November 1, 1862, 8,049,400 Outstanding to November 1, 1862, $53,368,170 Issued to December 1, 1862, $63,688,470 Redeemed, 12,516,400 Amount carried forward, $88,749,306 Amount brought forward. $S8,749.300 Outstanding to December 1, 18 $51,172,070 Issued to January 1, 1863, Redeemed to January 1, 1863, 12,516, Outstanding to January 1.1 $56,490,470 d from October IS, to H (,891,000 Issued from November I, to December 1, 1862, 2,270,900 Issued from December 1. to January 1, 1863, 5,318,400 Issued from October 13, to January 1. 1863, 11,480,300 Total outstanding, January 1, 1863, $145,239,770 RO. TYLER, Regisft i'. Note. — The discrepancy between the amount of May 16, 1861, outstanding as shown by the above statement, and the report of the Secretary of the Treasury, occurs by not including in the latter statement, $237,100 redeemed, as the records of this office do not show the actual redemption, but an advance of that amount for that purpose. In the present statement it is treated as redeemed. The difference of $1,500, six per cent. Act of December 24, 1861, has been discovered since the 1st of January, upon proving the books. The amount of this statement is correct. STATEMENT showing the amount of Treasury Notes issued under the several Acts respectively, authorizing the same, to the ISth day of Octo- ber, 1862, to the SUt of October 1862, inclusive, to the SQth of November, 1862, inclusive, and to the S\st of December, 1862, inclu- sive. Also the amount redeemed and outstanding to the above dates. To October 1. '5. 18G2. Issued. 2. 021, (Hid Redeemed. 909,60(1 00 Act of March.'.*, 1861. Interestbearing notes, (3*65) Art of May 10, 1801. Notes payable two years' after date I 17,347,955 5,958,980 00 11,389,02500 Aot of August 19, 1861. General currency ': 2*1,361,835 1,790 00 211,360,045 00 Act ef April 17, 1862. Interest bearing notes, (7.30) 60,280,000 ' 60,280,00000 Aet of April 17, 1802. Denomination of $1 and $2 3,189,000 j 3,189,000 00 Outstanding. 1.11 1,400 01) To October 31, 1862. inclusive. Act of March 9, 1801. Interest bearing notes, (3.65) Aet of May 16, 1801. Notes payable two years after date $294,199,790 6,870,320 00 287,329,470 00 2,021.000 938,400 00; 1,082.000 0(1 I 17,347.955 6,081,630 00 1 1.200. 325 00 Aet of August 19, 1861. General currency 2:; I. :;.'.:;. 885 1,166,245 00 280,188,590 00 Act of April 17. 1862. Intent bearing notes, (7.30) 70,860,000 ." 70,360,00900 Aol of April 17, 1862. Denomination of $1 aDd $2 3,933,200 3,933,200 00 To November 30. 1862. inclusive. Act of March 9, 1861. Interest bearing notes, (3.65) Act of May 10, 1861. Notes payable two years aficr date ' $328,015,990 11,185,275 00 2,021,000 '.1.01,050 Oi 116,830,715 oo 1,069,950 00 Act of August 19, 1861. General currency 273,292,555 17,347,955 6,277,430 00] 11.070,525 00 Act of April 17, 1802. Interest bearing notes, ( 7 . 3 ) j Act of April 17, 1802. Denomination of $1 and $2| 88,200,000 4,842,400 To December 31, 1802. inclusive Aot of March y.lSOl. Interest bearing notes. (3.05) Act of May 10, 1861. Notes payable two years :t t'tcr date Act of August 19,1861. General currency Aet of April 17, 1802. Interest bearing notes, (7.30) Act of April 17, 1802. Denomination of $1 and $2 Act of October 13, 1S02. General ourrenc*" Ael of October 13. 1802. Denomination of $land$2 $385,703,910 2.021,000 15,560,195 501257,732.359 50 88,200,000 00 ' 4,842,400 lit) 22.788,075 50 362,915,234 50 1,029,100 00 991,900 00 17,347,955 6,428,930 00 10,919,02500 201.882,555 120,800.000 5,573,800 2.548.000 505,200 22,735,467 50|269,1 47,087 50 120,800,000 00 5. 57.".. 800 00 2,518,0(10 00 505,200 00 $440,678,510 30,193,497 50410,485,012 50 STATEMENT of the amount of Treasury Notes issued to the 13M day of October, 18G2, from 13/// to SUtqf October, 1862, inclusive, from November \st to November SQth, 1862, inclusive, and from December 1st to 3 Is/, 1S62, inclusive. To October 18, 1863. Act of March 9. 1861. Interest notes, (3.65) j $2,021,1 Act of May 16, 1861. Notes payable two years afterdate ' 17,347,955 00 Act of August 19, 1861. General currency 211,361,835 00 Act of April I' Act of April l< 1862. 1862. Interest do'os, i 7.30) imination of $1 ai 60,280,000 mi 3J180,000 mi From October 13 to 31, inclusive. Act of August 10, 1881, General currency Act of April 17. 1862. Interest aol «, (7.30) Act of April 17. 1862. Denomination of $1 and (2 From November 1 to SO, inclusive. Act of August 10. 1861. General currency Act «f April 17, 1862. Iuterest notes, (7.30) Act of April 17. 1SG2. fcland$2 $294,105 From December 1 to 31, inclusive. Act of August 19, 1861. General ourrtney Act of April 17. L882. Interest notes, (7-30) Act of April 17. 1SG2. Denomination <>f $1 and (2 Act of October 13, 1862. General currency Act of October 13, 1SG2. Denomination of si and $2., $22,992,000 06 L0,080,000 DO 744,200 00 $33,81 6,200 00 720 00 17,J 10,000 00 ,200 I ii $57,687,920 00 $18,590,000 00 32,600,000 mi 731,400 00 2,548,000 mi ,200 00 $5-1, 974 GOO 00 tfoTK. — The ditcrepanoy between the amounts in the foregoing statement anil that fur- nished for. and embraced in tlio report of the Secretary of the Treasury, is explained in the fact that the latter was compiled before the books could be proved. The present ore may, therefore, be relied upon as correct, and is so submitted. RO. TYLER, Register of the Treasury. Trrascrv Department, Register's Oi-vioe, | January; 1863. J $* Hollinger Corp. pH8.5