-4^4-3 Duke University Libraries Message of the Conf Pam #438 llllllllllllliJllilil HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Jan. 10, ISOo.— Laid on table and ordered to be printed. [By the Chair.] MESSAGE OF THE PRESIDENT. Richmond, Va., Jan. 5, 1SG5. To the House of Representatives: In response to your resolution of the ^■'itii November last, I herewith transmit communications, which furnish the inforuia- tion desired relative to the " commissioned officers attached to and employed in the different Departments and Bureaux in the city of Richmond." JEFFERSON DAVIS. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF WAR. C. S. A. War Department, Richmond, Dec. 16, 1S64. To the President: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a reso- lution of the House of Representatives adopted on the 2-5th ultiuio, as follows : " Resolved, That the President be requested to furnish this House with a list of all commissioned officers attached to and employed in the difft'rent Departments and Bureaux in the city of Richmond, showing their ages, and how many are fit for field service." In response, I respectfully refer to the annexed tabular statement, which contains the mformation desired. Respectfully, ' Your obedient servant, JAMES A. SEDDON, Secretary of War. RcLuTfi of Military Officers on duly in the various Bureaux of the War Department. N:l. NAME. RANK. Age. Fit 01- unfit for field service. A. and I. General's Office : I S. Cooper, A. and I. General, ' 66 •2 K. H. Chilton, Col. and A. I. G 49 Fit for senMce in field . ;{ C. McR;ie Selph, - Capt. and A. I. G. 25 " " 4 John Withers, Lt. Col.audA. A.G. 38 " " 5 H. L. Clay, 42 " " 6 E. A. Palfrey, 34 " " 7 S. W. Melton, 34 " " 8 J. ]i. Hoge, Major and A A. G. 39 " » 9 John W. Riely, - " " 25 " " 10 W. S. Burton, " " 44 11 <( K 1] C. M Blackford. - Captain, &c. - Temporarily detailed for duty. V> J. F. Jones, Q. M. General's Office : Captain, Temporarily detailed for duty. 1 A. R. Lawton, Brigadier General. 45 Fit for service in field. 2 W F. Alexander, - Major and Q. M. 32 " '• " \) W. B. B. Cross, - '"' " 41 " " " 4 Wui. L. Bailey, " " 56 " " " 5 R. S. Cox, ()1 COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF NAVY. Confederate States op America, Navy Department, Richmond, Dec. 3, 18G4. To u'lc President: Sir : 111 response to the following resolution, adopted by the HousH of Representatives on the 25th ultimo, and referred by you to this Department for report, — " Resolved, That the President be requested to furnish this House with a list of all commissioned officers attached to and employed in the different Departments and Bureaux in the City of Richmond, showing their ages, and how many are fit for field service," — I have the honor to transmit herewith, a list of the commissioned officers of the navy on duty in Richmond, showing their ages, duty, &c. With gi-eat respect. Your ob't servant, S. R. MALLORY, Secretary of the Navy. NAME. AGE. HOW EMPLOYED. Captain F. Forrest, 68 President of examining board. Caj)ta!n S. S. Lee, 59 Chief of office orders and detail. Commander Roht. G. Robb, 55 Commanding navy yard, Rocketts. Commander M. Mason, 55 Commanding naval rendezvous. Commander Juu. M. Brooke, - 37 Chief of office " ord. and hydrog'y." Lieutenant Jno. H. Parker, 44 Special service. Snrg:eon W. A. AV S])utswood, 6U Chief of office " medicine and surgery." Lieutenant A. M. DeBree, 37 Ordnance duty. Lieutenant Robt. D. Minor, 34 Ordnance duty. Paymaster Jno. DeBre ■, 65 Paymaster of station. Paymaster Jas A. Semple, 45 Chief of office provision and clothing. Surgeon James Cornick. 66 Naval rendezvous. Lieutenant J. Humphreys, - " 51 Office of orders and detail. Surgreon Wm. B. Sinclair, 46 On station. Surti:eon Jas. F. Harriso'i, 38 Naval hosjjital. Assistant Surgeon Jno. DeBree, 26 Naval hospital. Assistant Surgeon Jas. E. Duffel, 24 Naval hospital. Engineer Wm. P. Williamson, 55 Engineer department. Paymaster Jas. K. Harwood. - 34 Duty on station. Assistant Paymaster S. S. Nicholas, 26 Duty on station. Constructor Jno. L. Porter, 48 Office of construction. As naval officers are not called upon to perform "field service," the fitness of those em- braced in this return for sucli duty has never been determined. Eight of the twenty-one are over fifty-five years of age, and four are between forty-five and fifty-five. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF TREASURY. Treasury Department, C. S. A. Richmond, Nov. 30, 18G4. 7 o the President : " Sir: In answer to the resolution of the House of Represen- tatives of the 2-5th instant, I have the lionor to report, that there are no commissioned officers attached to and employed in this De- partment, or any of its Bureaux, in the City of Richmond. Very respectfully, G. A. TRENHOLM, Secretary of the Treasury. COMMUNICATION FROM POSTMASTER GENERAL. Confederate States of America, Post Office Department, Richmond, Nov. 29, 1864. To the President : Sir: In response to your reference of the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 25th instant, requesting the Presi- dent " to furnish this House with a list of all commissioned officers attached to and employed in the different Departments and Bu- reaux in the City of Richmond, showing their ages, and how many are fit for field service," I have the honor to report, that there are no commissioned officers attached to or employed in the Post Office De- partment, other than the Chiefs of the Contract, Appointment and Finance Bureaux, who are appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. If the resolution is intended to cover these, H. St. George Offiitt, Chiei of the Contract Bur(\nu is forty-three years of age, and would be able to perform military service in the field. B. N. Clements, Chief of the Appointment Bureau, is forty years of age, and is unfit for military service in the field. Alexander Dimitry, Chief of the Finance Bureau, is sixty years of age, and is unfit for military service in the field. With great respect. Your ob't servant, JOHN H. REAGAN, Postmaster General. COMMUNICATION FROM ATTORNEY GENERAL. CONFEDEKATE StATES OF A:\IERICA, Department of Justice, Richmond, Va., Nov. 29, 1864. To the President : Sill : In response to the resolution of the House of Repre- sentatives of the 25th instant, I have the honor to report, that there is but one commissioned officer of the army or navy attaclied to and employed in this Department. Edward Gr. Dill, Clerk in the Bureau of Public Printing, is a captain in the third Virginia regi- ment (local defience troops). He is 29 years old, and is fit for field service, but is detailed as an expert for duty in that Bureau, his ser- vices there being deemed indispensable. GEO. DAVIS, Attorney General. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF STATE. Department op State, ' Richmond, Nov. 28, 18G4. To the President : Sir : In answer to the enquiry contained in the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 2-5th instant, asking for " a list of all conmiissioned officers attached to and employed in the different Departments and Bureaux in the City of Richmond,'* I have the honor to report, that no commissioned officers of the army or navy are employed by this Department in the City of Richmond. I am, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, J. P. BENJAMIN, Secretary of State. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Duke University Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/messageofpreside19conf pH8.5